#male nokken
alexisyoko · 1 year
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🌿🪷 Ya boy presents you : the Näcken from Bramble (I also want to cosplay him). Stay tuned! Please visit me on DeviantArt, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest!
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nina-renmen · 1 month
Bloodied Love
Yandere Homelander x supe reader pt.1
Summary: He never expected to have a soulmate. His mark was never there, so what happens once it appears where you touched him? A girl like you, not even human. You fed off of his kind, but that dosn’t deter him from the horrors he has planned. You deprived him of your love, and now he won’t let go of you…even if he has to kill you.
Warnings: This is a Yandere fic so there will be blood, gore, ect. There will be nsfw themes and scenes in here as well as drugging and other things. Reader is not a human but she’s a water and air spirit called a Nokken. Reader has a hatred for humans
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A mysterious dark figure has yet again saved the city once more. Could this be a new hero on the rise? Stay tuned for more-“ 
A [skin color] hand pressed the big red button on the dainty remote. Though her strength was controlled she almost crushed it. “Looks like someone’s getting famous.” Y/n looked away from the black screen and towards her friend. Her milky white eyes began shifting back into their natural [eye color] shade. “I guess.” Y/n mumbled. Her sharp claws slowly retracting. Almost like bear claws. “Dosn’t really matter when we have hero’s killing innocent civilians.” Y/n stated, standing up she towered over her friend, “You know Ivan…I’m not even sure if this hero thing is what I want.” 
The shorter male who at the time was drinking a glass of wine had choked on the bitter substance. His black soulmate mark seemed to jump as he shifted quickly. The dark red liquid running down his chin as he scrambled to wipe it away. “What?! How come?” Ivan asked, his honey brown eyes widened. “It’s not because of that accident right?! Because if that’s it you should know that it’s not knew-“ 
“Thats the problem…I-“ Y/n paused as her radio began to go off. Signaling an attack. Ivan tilted his head towards the door as he looked down at y/n’s outfit. “You’re still in your suit. Best get going.” He said in a fatherly tone. Y/n smile but scoffed in order to cover it up. She walked out the front door. Her body taking her towards the site immediately.
She could still feel his blood on her. The blood of her comrades she worked with, the blood of Ivan. The gaze of his blood still lingered in his mouth. There was nothing left, only his half eaten head that lie in the ground. A horrified expression laid on his dead face. She didn’t feel that urge anymore. That burning sensation that told her to eat, eat, eat. 
She knew she didn’t want to. He gave her no choice!! He was out for her blood! He was out for her abilities! She was just big game to him. A long cat and mouse game that she was oblivious to playing. A bounty on her head! He only wanted the money, he was like all the other rotten humans in this world! All the dirty, disgusting, vermin-
A single drop was able to knock her from her thoughts. And then the camera flashing began as she stood at the foot of the plane. American press were taking pictures of her. Fans screamed her name, but y/n’s smile had not reached her eyes. For she held no pleasure in standing before these people. Her mother country, Brazil had sent their number one hero to help America. A oncoming agreement came from the two countries and a treaty was made. America gives them resources and money and they gave up…..her. But that did not mean she would abandon her past. Even if she were to live here for a few years before going back home. 
“[Hero Name]! How does it feel to be on American soil?!” One of the interviewers asked, shoving their mics in her face. They don’t really care, they wanted the money. They all only wanted money. 
Y/n’s eyes trailed down to meet the woman’s eyes. A flash of nervousness appeared within her irises. Her green eyes meeting y/n’s milky white ones. Y/n tilted her head to the side, examining if she even wanted to speak with the woman. “It feels just like home.” Y/n finally spoke up, flashing a polite smile towards the smaller woman. She stood at a tall height of 5’8, her form taller than most women she knew, and yet smaller than most men. 
“[hero name]! Can you describe your powers of being a Nokken?!” Another reporter questioned. Y/n’s hand twitched but no one batted an eye. They probably didn’t even notice. “A magician never reveals her tricks.” Y/n said in a happy tone. That same eye catching smile was forever carved in her face. And yet again her eyes did not match. But of course no human cared. Humans were easily deceived, they were easily eaten- 
‘Dont think like that.’ Y/n thought to herself. And almost immediately the attention was finally directed off of her. “It’s homelander!” A random person states the obvious. Y/n attempted to slink away but a strong arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Thank you for the love! But I wanted to welcome in the new hero everyone’s been raving about!” The blue eyed man exclaimed. Y/n made no attempt to look up at him, for she knew that if she did she might as well be provoked to hit him. And she doubted that would do anything. “Smile.” Homelander whispered but the muscles in y/n’s face remained locked in. A neutral expression on her face as she made eye contact with reporters. She wouldn’t be a fraud like the man above her was. 
“Thank you for the warm welcome but I best be going homelander. Maybe we’ll cross paths again.” Y/n says loud enough for the reporters to hear as y/n smiles and begins to be escorted out of the airport.
The cool air hit her. Rain drops fell from the sky, turning her once [skin color] skin into a sickly grey. Her hair turning into an inky black color. She was not only a water based supe but an air one as well. The combination brought on many fans and onlookers that wished to be her. Or dispise her. 
“You left in a hurry.” That same familiar voice echoed throughout the empty streets. People were off the roads due to the storm. Y/n looked over her shoulder, this time her milky white eyes meeting his bright blue ones. “Was I supposed to linger?” Y/n questioned, turning her body towards him. She stood tall, her form didn’t look weak. 
“Not necessarily, just….unusual.” He replied. “Usually supes stick around to talk to the number one hero in the world.” 
“In America.” Y/n replied, slightly cutting him off. 
“Pardon?” He questioned. The smile on his face was fake. It didn’t reach his eyes, it looked like a mask. A horrible one at that. 
“You are the number one hero in America. Who’s to say the world when you haven’t even stepped out of it before?” Y/n questioned. Homelander gave y/n an annoyed look. “Anyway Mr retriever, I best get going.”
”Mr retriever?” Homelands questioned, he took off one of his gloves in order to get the water out of it. 
“You look like one.” Y/n spoke as she patted his arm whilst walking past him. Homelandee furrowed his eyebrows. Who does this girl think she is? He’s number one- 
The blonde haired male could feel a burning sensation on his forearm. He glanced down, not thinking it’d be anything only for his eyes go linger the name, y/n l/n was imbedded into his arm. His eyebrows furrowed, whose name was this? As realization began to sink in that this was his soulmates name…where ever she was he’d find her.
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pigeon-wishes · 9 months
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A nokken is a male water spirit who plays enchanted songs on a violin to lure in people in order to drown them.
I adore these types of mythical creatures and so it only feels right to draw my interpretation of one!
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talesofmiddonmira · 4 months
Can you tell us more about the Nokken yet? They just seem so interesting :)
Yeah of course!
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His name is Morro, and he's a warlock. He lives with the other warlocks: Frowin and Nirine (and their dog, Omen).
A little context for the Nokken as a species: A Nokken is basically a male water/forest fae, the females are called Nixies. They become independent and capable from a very young age, typically leaving their mother to fend for themselves at around 3 or 4. They will use their unique magic to shapeshift/disguise themselves as common elves and find populated settlements to grow up in, learning languages and musical instruments. Once they reach maturity they return to the forests and live in or near bodies of water, using their learned skills to lure prey. They will eat nearly anything they can get their hands on- including others of their own kind.
So, Morro here goes through some character development as you might imagine. He discovers that he has a calling for more advanced magical practice during his upbringing, so when he crosses paths with the warlocks later in life they befriend him and offer to teach him more.
Fun facts about him:
He was almost eaten by his own father
He plays the fiddle
He sleeps in a bathtub in the warlock's home
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I want Mags to meet a nøkken during his wanderings one day and they just have a full out music contest, Mags with voice and the nokken with his fiddle. And then Mags builds a house by the lake and they become music buddies and hang out every day.
From what I researched, Nøkken are Scandinavian male water spirits that tend to inhabit fresh water like ponds and rivers. They’re kinda like sirens but they don’t sing, instead they play enchanted songs on their violins that lure women and children to their deaths. In some versions though, they’re not evil and don’t attract people on purpose…people are just drawn to the beauty of their music. Sometimes he’ll even give fiddle lessons if you’re willing to pay his price.
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elmer-kasprzak · 1 year
mythos au. the delanceys in this au are actually twins (marie is still older by like... three minutes), and they are both fae! specifically the scottish fae and they are super duper cool. they both live in the human world rather than with the fae. marie was a part of the seelie court, considered the kind and fair court. oscar was a part of the unseelie court, considered the tricksters and troublemakers. both courts have the tendencies that you would expect from fae, however the courts do matter when it comes to values and behaviors. oscar was banished from the fae world for reasons he refuses to talk about. marie left willingly, following her brother in his banishment.
elmer is a selkie! also specifically scottish, unsure why there are so many scottish guys in this au. selkies are typically female water spirits that have the ability to change into a seal using a seal skin that they shed every time they change between forms. this version of selkies are different than mythology, as some aspects have been changed. elmer is in college and swims for his school! his major is undeclared.
romeo is the coolest fr! he is a nykr (also named nokken (with the slashed o), nykur, naekki, etc), a scandinavian water spirit similar to the siren. typically male, these spirits are depicted as less violent than sirens in other mythology. they are shown to play the violin and lure women and children to the water. in some stories, they down their victims, in others, they are simply entertainment for humans. romeo's father was also a nykr, while his mother was human. he is a music major, and elmer's roommate.
davey is a human. there's not... much else about this. he's also in college with the group, although i'm not sure what he majors in yet. he's the lest developed character so far (aside from the very obviously unmentioned characters in this post), but expect more content from this au soon.
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lxnelysxul · 10 months
New bbys!
Name(s): Hyeon and Jae
Age: N/A
Species: Nokken
Fc(s): Hyunjin and Felix
Bio: Born in the waters of Jeju Island, both brothers live within the forests by a lake of their birthplace. Hyeon being the oldest and seemingly charming male, when feeling territorial or protective of his brother, he'll do whatever he can to keep his space or his brother safe. Please him and he'll let you go, if not then...too bad. Jae is the youngest and just as charming as his brother. The youngest is also known to being mischievous when it comes to being out and about, finding ways to keep their home safe or keeping them away from his brother.
He's Hyeon's 'sunshine' if you will. What they both find amusing is the fact that people are surprised by the sound of his voice despite having a young appearance.
Jae is the baby and Hyeon's only source of interaction despite their kind being solitary. Hyeon raised him since he was little after their parents disappeared via a possible death and so the elder nokken refuses to trust anyone. So either be afraid or don't when given the side eye.
They both now live at a lake house, content with their way of life; Hyeon doing art and dance while Jae does dance and singing. Occasionally Hyeon joins him too and they find ways to make money off of that.
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Edel - M Nokken x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board, with a thank you to @handy-dandy-monster-candy​ for helping edit the photos! Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: NSFW/Lemon; mentions of moving home, selkie friend, light flirting, gifted flowers, bakery treats, slight angst, flirting with fae, kissing, receiving oral, penetrative sex (+ mention of protection), with a fluffy ending
Wordcount: 4302
Faebruary Summary: of your new neighbour and struggling to befriend him
Masterlist // Faebruary Masterlist
No more than twice before moving in had you met your soon-to-be neighbour. On both occasions – the first a tour of the cosy, ground floor apartment, and the second on the day of finalising the lease - he greeted you with the gentlest of handshakes, warmed by a tenderness born of restrained strength. He owned the building and lived in the flat across from yours, apparently for years now.
“Call me Edel. It’s my pleasure,” he’d said the first morning, with a tilted smile and a soft, almost musical accent. His voice distracted you the entirety of the tour so much so that the flat itself barely made an impression. Instead, you remembered Edel and the soft waves of long, dark hair, how the sunlight caught his cheekbones when passing large, bay windows. “You’ll love it here. I promise.”
Had you moved in for the neighbour with a crooked smile and his unimposing nature, a month from dragging indoors the last of your belongings, you would have been sorely disappointed. Even your first meeting left you wanting more; whether that came in a passing smile when crossing in the hall or more, you weren’t yet sure. With less than a couple of feet from his home to yours, you still couldn’t find it in you to initiate that new relationship, and now it felt like you had waited too long.
You didn’t need to wait any longer.
Moving entwined with an independence you had lacked. Now closer to work, closer to friends and with enough distance from home you really felt free, settling into a new routine preoccupied you for a month. That, and decorating with warmer shades of paint and softer cushions, so that now, curled beneath small window lights, you saw him.
The farthest end of your shared garden faded into outgrown woods, sheltering a lake so far only seen in the advertised photos of the property. Not a cloud marred the pale light cast over Edel’s bare back, shadowed by the hair loose against his shoulder blades. He left the back entrance of the building barefoot, never looking from the tree line before fading into it.
He hadn’t returned when you retreated to bed, no matter how slow you walked, peeking back and hoping for another glimpse. With a fresh coffee in hand the next morning, a blur drifted by, the slender form of your neighbour emerging from the woods. In this light, warmer and clearer for your prying, a slight sheen glistened over his bare body, curls where his hair before rested straighter. Steam no longer rose from your mug when you finally looked away, but it was harder to force Edel from your mind.
Retaining the picture of the slight hue beneath falling water led you into your favourite bakery hours later. Favourite not only because your best friend owned it, but now for its proximity to your home, too. This infatuation thrived in the space of a month alone, then being for the soft touch of his palm to yours a, his quiet laugh at your persistent questioning the flat before he answered each with enduring patience. It was more than that, now, and when your close friend found you in her doorway, the dappled pelt draped around her shoulders reconciled with your neighbour’s night passed in a lake, and his melodic way of speaking.
Isla’s loose braids of pepper hair rested along her coat, flyaway strands wisping around her dimpled cheeks when she grinned. Since your moving, where before you would only see one another on occasion, you would pass with a wave, either beckoned by her or entering with some time for catching up, just to make up for the distance no longer between you.
Though, not today, and without a word of pleasantry you said, “I think my neighbour is fae.”
“You mean Edel?” With Isla so close and her recommendation an incentive to renting the flat, her knowledge of the area was invaluable, even in muffling a laugh behind a cough. Her lips still curled when she continued, “he’s a nokken. Didn’t you know?”
She asked like your drawn eyebrows and frown hadn’t been answer enough. “Like fae? Water fae?”
“Distantly fae.” As Isla reached for your favourite treats, the light caught her pelt. “You seem to attract us.”
Her teasing warmed through you as she handed you the warmed bag. She refused payment, though didn’t turn you from the tip jar on the promise of seeing her tomorrow. 
This hadn’t changed anything. You loved your home and living with a nokken hadn’t – wouldn’t, change that.
Knowing what he was, tonight you crept nearer the windows at the faint creaking of doors opening in the hall. The same silhouette left and without the marring confusion or worry for him leaving so late, you tiptoed closer. On a darker night, the moonlight illuminated his muscles tensing with each step further from where a human would choose to rest.
Halfway gone, he faltered, a misstep bringing pale light to cast from his chest to his low hips. Hair darker than the shadows clinging to him tangled about his slender frame when his head tilted. With the slight wind fluttering his hair, it would frame his sharp features beautifully tied back, but then his eyes reflecting white light pinned you. Only then had you the sense to duck.
That shame clung to you long after retreating from your lounge. Maybe he hadn’t seen you, rather only the curtain swaying as you fled, but he had sensed you all the same, turned right to where the the netting tucked back for you to follow him down to the trees. If not for the signed lease, the mortification nearly had you packing your things.
Even as temptation tickled you with a shadow passing your window, you smothered it. Where you curled into the counter, kettle boiling, was far from view had he ever been able to see into your home; he couldn't through net curtains, but reminding yourself came with the sting of shame from last night.
Hiding from him worked until gentle raps came at your door. If he had come now to question your staring, to challenge your urge to watch him walk deeper like he belonged in the night, no defence would rise to your lips.
Edel braced himself on your doorframe. He'd just returned from the lake: hair curling now, the loose trousers cloying to his thighs. That little defence you had ready - an apology, really, drowned beneath the breath fleeing you at his fingers brushing your cheek.
“Come with me."
What little knowledge of fae you now cherished alarmed you, but not so much you didn't move from him. "To the water?"
"Wouldn't you like to?" Lake water followed the muscle of his chest, ending at the darker hairs of his abdomen. Edel's smile burned when you found him looking down to you. "Is that not why you watch me?"
"Call it curiosity," you said, though your breath trembled. He had seen you.
His warm hand fell from your cheek. "Tomorrow, then?"
With a noncommittal, "maybe," and a shared smile, Edel left you to collapse back against your closed door.
No invitation called you to the lake, but a water lily laid outside your door reminded you of the nokken across the hall. The cheaper rent - now, you knew, from fear of living with a creature like him, one related to fae - blessed you not only with a blossoming friendship, but fresh flowers brightening your home with his returns.
Each night on his path to the woods, Edel would pause. Sometimes that was all, just a second's hesitation, but other nights, he would turn and find you half-hidden. Those nights you treasured for the slight tipping of his head to the trees in an extended invite.
You never accepted, and he never stopped offering.
It wasn't so much the fear of entering unfamiliar waters with a nokken hindering you but that you would embarrass yourself. The bright lilies started your day warm, and to follow him would cross a line you weren't ready for; but one you so badly wanted to cross.
The soon familiar routine and its floral scent hadn’t seemed anything more than pleasantries, until a night you replaced the water for the flowers after waving Edel down the garden. Out of love for Isla when she waived a cost, you returned a tip, but you hadn’t offered anything for the flowers nor the smiles from your neighbour. Your friend would never claim a debt against you and while, you doubted Edel would, hoped he wouldn’t, the accumulation following weeks living on his property could amount to any kind of debt, if he chose to claim it.
What better way to appease fae, than with gifts in return?
"Fae like sweet things," Isla told you that afternoon. Sugar coated her fingertips from a long day, a slight dusting along her coat tucked at the back counter, never far from her. She gestured back to the shelves of recipes lining the old bakery.
That wasn’t all that you wanted, though. Isla waited while you fidgeted, seeking the right words. Of course fae liked sweet things, but you wanted Edel to like them, too. Not solely for their purpose in repaying a debt but for who gifted them.
"Bake him something sweet and the effort is gift enough. Try this."
Your friend scowled at the note tucked into her tip jar on handing over a recipe, but waved you out with a smile. The honey-sweetened scent lingered in your home with the flowers after meticulous effort, wafting with you into the hall.
Edel’s breath formed your name, your bodies brushing from his step taken out of his door. On time, too, and the flowery perfume rose from him, stronger and somehow sweeter. His gentle hands rose to your arms, thumbs rubbing slow circles. He was all that stopped you from trembling.
Through a warm accent, he asked, "have you come to join me?"
"Another night, maybe."
"Maybe," he echoed. His eyes fell to where you lifted a warm box. "Those smell lovely."
"They're for you. For the flowers."
"For the flowers," he whispered. The gentle embrace broke like he planned to accept your gift, but instead he brought a foot of distance between you. "You do not owe me anything. If the flowers created such an impression, I am sorry."
The forced tilt to his lips came and went before you could explain, and you stood in the hall long after the backdoor swung open and shut again.
He hadn't returned the next morning. No flower graced your doorstep but when you were just stepping indoors from work, the blur passed your window earlier than each night before, and your stomach dropped.
The tentative friendship fractured further come morning, at a time your absence was known. No flowers came when you left, but the backdoor closed as you turned down the hall. Your distraction allowed him time to leave without your seeing.
So when you finished a painfully long week of waiting and hoping to cross paths, you waited some more. You would go to the water as he had always hoped but going at a time when he was there hadn't been harder. He went to avoid you and by chance after waking late in the night unsettled, finding a glimmer of moonlight disturbed by your neighbour fading banished all remnants of sleep.
In all your nights of peeking through curtains, Edel had never shivered. It was cold. It was windy and dark and you had never been so far down the garden, spurred into the trees by the persisting ache in your chest. It eased when you neared the lake, but replaced with dread as you knelt on a small, wooden platform jutting over the bank.
The water was unforgivingly dark. An unholy screech tore from you when something skimmed your hand hovering against the surface. Edel rose faster from the water to steady you than you could comprehend, cold hands gripping you by your ribs before you toppled forward.
His thumbs stroked in slow circles as you forced yourself to calm down. "You deserved that."
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your heart a weight in your throat. "I miss the flowers."
"Oh?" His head tilted, bringing long hair to cling to his chest in slight waves. "The flowers and their debt?"
Each word hit like a crack to your ribs. "I'm sorry."
When his hold left, it felt like more of a rejection than his avoidance, until he sighed. "It's late."
"It wasn't just repayment. It was a gift, too." He hadn't looked up again. "I promise I've not be waiting, either."
Edel breathed a laugh. "How did you know to come now?"
"I saw you leaving."
His lips rose as you seemed to lie, but before you could remedy it, his palms flattened to the deck. He rose on the strength of his arms alone until water lapped at his hips. It was when he continued to lift himself that the absence of any clothing had you staggering back.
Old wood groaned beneath you but it was quieter than when you said, "I can walk back alone."
At first unsure, his fingertips brushed yours. You hadn't looked back - he was standing, dripping, bare, but curled your hand with his until you muffled your surprise at the touch of webbed skin, as timid a touch as his following whisper.
"You don't have to."
The walk would have been silent, had you not asked to suppress the rising fluttering in your chest, "why aren’t you cold?"
"Are you cold?"
Edel squeezed his hand to yours. "Then dress warmer tomorrow. Goodnight."
Tomorrow came so soon, with a soft tap to your door all it took before you were smiling up to find him leaning close. No lily, but he reached out to take your hand again.
"Before we go," he murmured, and you rested against the closed door, angled back below him. "Do you know how long this apartment was left empty? Before you?"
His face fell when you shook your head. "I knew it was empty for some time, but…"
"Two years. Over twenty-six months." His touch softened when he released your hand, revealing the thin webbing tickling you. Edel's lips twitched when you traced along it with your fingertip. "Do you know why?"
You hadn't the heart to say it, only nodding.
"Those lilies were gifts," he began and stared at your hands sliding together. "I may be folk, but I have no malicious intent in luring you to the lake. I only ever sing in the shower or beneath the water. If I ever-"
"Never," you said. Irrespective of whatever threat he thought of he posed, you didn't care.
"I'd love your company."
When you tugged on his hand, he fell in step. "I'd love yours, too." 
Late in the evening, Edel would meet you in the hall. Until you shivered or tired, you would spend the time on the deck while he floated in the water. The lilies returned after he ventured back to the lake, but without fail, he walked you back the short way to your door. His touch would pull on your hand until falling with a smile always soft on parting.
What little progress made found its way back to Isla when she urged you in, with instructions to offer him the same treats he before refused; not as a gift like they had been, but something you wanted to give him. You promised to meet him later, after you had warmed the honeyed puddings, even holding your ground when his frown tugged at your heart before leaving. Carrying them down to him was worth it, if only for the rising nerves in your chest - the good kind.
The scent teased him from the water. Edel extended a hand to draw you closer before his bright eyes widened. "Not in trade?" 
"Not in trade,” you nodded. “I promise."
"While I do believe you," he murmured, and your throat tightened as he lifted himself to your height. "If this is not in trade, give me something more."
His breath fluttered against your face. Your fingers curled against the edge of the platform. "Like?"
"One kiss." Edel's hand stroked from your crossed leg up, rising to your waist. "If you would like to. As a gift."
The wood might have splintered beneath your hands when you lifted your chin. Water dripped from his hair, cold to your face but the heat of him, his hand tight against your hip, lit a fire in your stomach.
It lasted no more than a passing second before water rose back to his chest. Edel grinned from the lake, his lips fleeting against your knuckles still locked tight to hold yourself from following him in.
He no longer left bare down to the garden since your accompanying him, though the night you first saw him, he hadn’t been either. Whether he dressed anticipating your stare choked you, but freed you to turn once to your door. Edel stilled at the kiss his cheek and you were inside before he could fully utter your name aloud.
His cheek tasted of the sugar form your honey treats.
Another week, you would have celebrated the weekend, but nothing helped pass the time until it was late enough his door opened. Edel hadn't closed it again before you were there, breaths fast and smiling up.
"I'm coming."
"Good," he breathed, before lowering himself to steal a light kiss. His hand tugged on yours. "Now?"
Though this had been why you were restless all day, having him soften, both hands rising to your cheeks to lift you closer, nearly made you faint. He whispered your name and kissed you so gently, you tiptoed and sought him again.
This time, he lingered. With your foreheads together, he ran his hands along your arms. "I've never kissed someone into stupor before."
"Don't tease," you gasped. He was still sweet on your lips and he carried that same floral scent you loved, clouding your thoughts.
"Was I not clear?" He kissed you again but lifted himself so you could see the warmth to his pale cheeks. "It's you I want, not just company."
"You want me?" Edel hummed, his touch tracing up your arms again. "Prove it."
He gasped and as he stared after you, inching backwards over the threshold, it felt like too much of an overstep. Then it passed and he followed you, the door closed and locked behind him.
His lips rose crooked. "Go on, then."
The apartment mirrored yours in layout and later, by his side, you would marvel at the softer hues in his decorating, more greens and greys, but you were running beyond the lounge, past large windows to an open bedroom door.
His arms came around you and aided in slipping free your clothes, until his bare chest warmed your back. "I'm to prove I want you, yes?" The heat of his palm stroked down your stomach. "Is that right?"
"Yes," you gasped, trembling already at his hand slipping lower.
"Kneel on the bed for me," he whispered to your throat and you were helpless, only hesitating at the end. Edel circled the bed and when he turned, your stomach fluttered at him tying his long hair up. His chin tipped in an unmistakable invitation. "Come here, beautiful."
His hands on your thighs lifted you closer when you gasped, astride his chest and swallowing hard. He kissed your inner thigh, undeterred by your small whine.
"Wouldn't this be better if I laid down?"
His tongue ran over his lips. "Please."
"If you need to stop," you whispered, though the strain of withholding yourself from bringing his flushed lips to where you ached most nearly overcame you. “Edel?”
"If I need air, I will tap your thigh. I won't, though," he teased, and guided you to kneel around his head, so grateful his hair had already been knotted back. "Come here…"
You lowered yourself evidently not fast enough, as Edel let free a groan and drew in a slow breath. The headboard trembled with your clutching it tight, knuckles aching like last night on the lake's platform.
One, slight touch of his hot tongue to your slit had you gasping, forgoing any inhibitions and rolling down against him. Edel made as many sounds of contentment and circled his thumbs into your thighs, parting your folds for him to lift his face higher.
"Do you… do you need me to-"
Edel's groan came when his lips softened against your clit, gentle at first before he focused there, mindful of how you clenched and what made you whine, then what made you gasp. The flattening of his down dragged, coaxing your cries louder. He drew on the coil burning in your navel with each stroke of his hot tongue, down until he curled it against your aching centre and tasted you around him.
One hand fell low, tugging at his hair to keep him close. Every flick of the muscle prolonged the tingling running down your spine, down to your toes curled on the sheets.
Soft palms gripped your thighs in aiding you back once your moans eased to harsher breaths. Edel settled you over his lap, but your body already so sensitive against him made you tingle again. He faced you with a glistening smile, one tended to by his tongue before you chased after his moan.
"Is that proof enough?"
Your forehead rested to his, breathing deep. "Proof?"
"Proof of how much I want you." He laid kisses along your throat and when you thumbed the waist of his trousers, his eyelids fell low with a hummed moan. "Say no."
His cheeks were flushed, hair curling at his temples from your body around him, so unlike the weight to his dark stare. "I'd like to prove my want with you sitting like this-" he rolled his hips up against you, and both of you shared a moan. "Is that what you'd like?"
Edel relinquished himself to you. Only in trousers, you caught yourself moaning just from reaching to stroke his length. He stretched from the bed for protection as you inched closer again. The tint of blue to his body tempted you closer, wanting nothing more than to already have him.
Edel kissed the heat falling from your cheeks down to your throat as you undressed him. The tint to his body captivated you, down to the blue hue to his dark head. He stretched back from the bed for protection, though trembled with the pad of your thumb tracing up the veins running along his length.
That shared thought brought his hands to your hips, your body lifting above him. His cock pressed to you, slick and aching, and you clenched around him when taking him deep. That sensitivity hadn't faded and dizzied you, adjusting still when he kissed you.
"I was right. My pleasure," he said, before his body moved against you, his cock dragging along your fluttering walls.
My pleasure, he'd greeted you on your first meeting, but you disagreed. Every arch of his body brought him deeper, and every kiss enticed another whimper until you were trembling so soon around him again.
"So beautiful," he whispered. His hand cradled your face, thumb running along your parted lips as he peppered touches along the column of your throat. "Everything I've ever wished for."
He gasped with you as you tightened your legs around his hips, clinging to him at the returning pressure in your abdomen. The lake could wait. You wanted to spend forever in his arms, letting your head fall back so his tongue could trace down to your collarbones.
Edel grunted from your hand unravelling his hair, only to draw his lips to yours as his thumb graced your flushed clit. One firm stroke and you cried loud, your rhythm faltering as your orgasm overcame you. He continued to rub your nerves, an arm banded tight around you until he moaned your name and stiffened.
Until your breaths eased, you clutched each other close. The gentleness in his care as you rested by his side was no different than any other time, tucking an arm beneath your crown as you lazed in his hold.
You woke alone.
The bedsheets were cold, tousled and bathed in the same moonlight he had left you for. No light came from his lounge as you left in his trousers and your shirt.
The night wasn't so cold, but quiet. Each step nearing the lake matched your racing heart, and it rose to a crescendo finding him waiting in the water, reaching out to hold you when you undressed. Even if the night hadn't been cold, the water was, so you curled tighter to his chest.
"You left."
He waded deeper, kissing your temple. "I'd have been by your side before you truly woke."
"I'm awake now."
Edel breathed quietly against your hair. "I wanted you to feel free to go."
"Is that what you want?" If not for the water strengthening his embrace, you would have turned away. "For me to leave?"
His lips curled down, though he looked beyond you. "I'd rather now than later."
"Was I not clear?" Edel's shoulders softened from beneath his jaw. "It's you I want, until you want me gone."
Where his lips had been hours before, he kissed your throat, soft against your flitting pulse. It was promise enough as he cradled you to him, holding you all the way back to his bed, and neither of you planned on leaving soon.
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aggravatetheaxe · 2 years
some thoughts about my huldufolk au for dethklok...
overall, i think it'd be fun if they were still a band, in some kind of world where these creatures can be in a band. monster universe or something! but also fun to think about in a more historical context
pickles the draugr
i was thinking specifically he'd be a sea-dwelling draugr... classically they guard their barrows but there are some recorded mentions of sea draugr, and he would totally be a mariner if he were a norseman. always wandering etc.
in norse custom where you were buried and how you were buried was INCREDIBLY important so a burial at sea is like... so incomplete, which fits his lifestyle. and revenants/draugar are typically Like That because they have unfinished business or because they were really angry people, which fits. also the sea draugar look grosser than the land draugar, which is fun.
i can just see him with his braids falling out and bound up by salt, and that's why he's balding and has dreads. and he's constantly spewing sea water and of course drinking because, norse. and i can just imagine someone gliding over the ocean and all of a sudden this grody, barnacle covered corpse claws his way up onto deck and won't leave until you appease him with alcohol and gambling
troll nathan
LOOK UP john bauer trolls (there are some here but honestly just google john bauer trolls)! he'd basically just look like himself but with curly ears and some different proportions, but he's huge with a curtain of long black hair. trolls also tend to be solitary, preferring to live alone or in small families. imagine oscar and rose as trolls!!
they also sometimes have the ability to shapeshift, and i think it'd be cool if he could shapeshift into some kind of water creature, maybe a shark? also, trolls were said to be able to smell the blood of christians, which... lol
trolls turn to stone in direct sunlight, too, so he'd have to avoid it - which would lead to many hijinks, i'm sure
nokken skwisgaar
nokken skwisgaar is pretty straightforward ... nokken are lovely water spirits (mainly in lakes and river) who use enchanting violin playing (or guitar in this case?) to lure good christian women to their deaths (or maybe just to kiss them)
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i see no difference. love is love 👍
dwarf murderface
murderface as a dwarf makes me happy bcause dvergar are stout and notoriously grumpy, which is just him, but they're also expert craftsman, especially when it comes to martial weapons, which !!!
I have always envisioned them with flat or smashed noses and metal skin, which i think aligns with murderface well!
in norse myth, they evolved from maggots that writhed on ymir's dead flesh, which i think kind of reflects how murderface thinks of himself :(
huldra/ulda toki
i realize these are usually female spirits, but i just think it fits toki so well, so let's just Trans his Gender, shall we? i also discussed him maybe being a seal-woman or a pesta sort of being, angel of death style, but i think i like huldra toki most of all! (ulda is what the sami call them)
they are beautiful women (or men in toki's case) with long hair, cow tails (or fox tails in swedish folklore), and hollow backs like tree trunks. the hollow back in particular reminded me of toki because his back is so mutilated from abuse
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they are also known for playing harps, so another string instrument! and toki is a guitarist, so that fits!
essentially, in myth, their "pure" beauty and innocence is seen as "seductive" but they often guide the people they lure into the forest to their demises, and not always on purpose. when angered, they're known to be brutal, vindictive, and terribly strong. when respected, they offer help and advice. all very toki!!!
in sami folklore, a human and an ulda can make ulda children; in norwegian tales, there are also male huldra, but unlike the women, they are ugly. so either of toki's parents could have been huldra/ulda. to mirror the abuse toki suffered in this AU, he might have been trapped in the world of humans, unable to go to the forest, for an extended period. maybe that's when his back began to rot?
some further undeveloped ideas. these are less scandinavian and more broadly norse because i got caught up in my special interest djkhsfdfgd:
charles is human. could be a priest or monk of odin, or some other kind of agent of him. probably a sorcerer. i could see him as a christian priest or monk who gets swept up in things and converts - and the interesting thing about that is that, with him being the deadman in canon, odin has domain over death, and odin killed himself to gain magical knowledge - which is exactly what charles did!!!!
MMA would probably be a raider... since he and his brother were raised to be killers, it would make sense. a viking, warlord, BIG christian-killer. possibly with some jotunn blood - i could see him being related in some way to surtr, the fire giant that helps bring about ragnarok
magnus is human. i can see him being a sorcerer, maybe a necromancer? we know magnus has a hard time letting things go ... he keeps beating a dead horse and living in the past, which is basically what necromancy is. that magic is definitely looked down upon; hel would not be happy. (the problem is, in norse culture, if you're a sorcerer you're automatically a fruit. i mean he IS a fruit, it's just funny.) i'm envisioning him stepping off MMAs boat evilly, totally thinking he's the brains of the operation...
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also side note on that: magnus has one eye, odin sacrificed an eye for wisdom ... parallels. maybe magnus was a human who was permitted to hang out with the huldufolk for whatever reason (and be in their band lmao), but there was a falling out with nathan? and when nathan took his eye, magnus gained his magic but lost his friends?
i need to think of stuff for the others (kinda wanted to make abigail a valkyrie idk...) but!! these are my thoughts so far.
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tenthgrove · 2 years
Hulker gelato is a transmasc king and we love that for him
We do!
When I made the au (inspired by @dicksoutformtl's ask) I honest to god thought hulders could be male but apparently they're traditionally an entirely female species.
Now poor Gelato is basically playing on hard mode because on top of the normal shit hulders have to do to hide their backs he's also got to navigate passing. I like to think he would have found some magical method of changing his body, so now his main problem is explaining himself to other hulders.
Funny thought, but what if Gelato had a lifelong hatred of Nokken because he was jealous of the fact they could shapeshift so easily? Lol, imagine being a hulder and discovering the new husband you were planning on killing after marriage is not only a) not a human but b) the one fucking creature you hated in particular.
Man just spends the first 6 months of this marriage he now can't leave sulking next to a lake.
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kiame-sama · 4 years
So ever since you suggested it the Monster version of the bunny story has been stuck in my head. So do you think you could do something with that during this October even if it is a headcanon? It's been stuck in my head ever since you suggested it off handedly. Also it can be whatever you want I would put the dice Emoji but I don't feel like looking for it.
Okay, quick summary of Bunny + Monster idea; Yandere!Chrollo=Drider Yandere!Illumi=Naga Yandere!Hisoka=Harpy Reader=Bunny-Girl (like a Neko, but a bunny Neko) Kind of like a Monster Musume world.
- Odds are, your misadventures began with the feeling of being hunted while you walked home, making your flight instincts kick in. Ducking into a nearby abandoned building was a bad idea, however, as you almost immediately became entangled in golden spider silk. Naturally, you struggle your little bunny heart out and just wind up more entangled before going into a state of shock, as it is rather easy to scare the living daylights out of a bunny.
- Chrollo is going to be the first to attempt to interact with you as you are stuck in his web, but that small attempt will be cut short by an irritated Hisoka who claimed you were his since he had been hunting you for a while. Illumi is next to show up and inform the two that he has been hunting you for days, so you are technically his prey.
- It goes from just prey to a mate as the three become obsessed and rather yandere for you, only hesitantly agreeing to share you. Suddenly you are this very small bunny in a very big world with three very deadly mates who have no intention of leaving or letting you leave them. You also get a rather intense introduction to the Phantom Troupe and the Zoldyck’s, so there will be little resting for your poor bunny heart.
- You are a prey animal surrounded by predators, it will take a while for you to become adjusted and accustomed to the omni-present feeling of being watched/hunted.
- Illumi has a habit of winding his coils around you and holding you still while you both sleep, he will unconsciously tighten these coils so do ensure to tell him if he starts squeezing you too tightly. He is a naga, so part snake, but he has both the constrictor and venom behaviors where typical snakes are either one or the other. Mild dose of his poison is paralytic and he enjoys using it on you whenever it is his turn. He will also wind his tail into a nest made of his coils for you to ensure you remain safe. (Your little heart almost stopped when you met his parents, terrified out of your mind and all instincts telling you to run as fast as possible away. Kikyo finds it adorable.)
- Hisoka has fairly typical bird behavioral patterns. He will construct a nest to make himself comfortable (This can be with blankets, clothes, or even twigs depending on what he has available to him). He is a Harpy, so part bird of prey and wings where his arms/hands would be, with sharp as hell talons on his bird feet. He has a habit of laying on top of you and spreading his wings to cover the both of you like a built in blanket, especially if he has constructed a nest for the two of you to sleep in. Luckily, birds of prey tend to not interact with others all that often, so you don’t have to worry about any unfortunate meetings with equally terrifying family/friends (other than Illumi and Chrollo, of course).
- Chrollo is very similar, yet also very different from his spider counterpart instincts. He is a Drider, so a centaur with a spider body instead of a horse. Typically, only the females eat their mates, so you have little to worry about from him in terms of safety. He is *Extra* so of course his spider silk is gold and nen-infused instead of the typical silk spiders spin (Male and female driders can make webs). He is venomous as well, but small doses of his venom act like an aphrodisiac so he often uses that for your mutual benefit. He will spin webs to sleep in wherever he goes, so be prepared to be cocooned on said web when you two finally wind up sleeping. The Troupe fear and respect Chrollo, so don’t worry about danger from them, but a good portion of them are also predators so that might upset your prey instincts. (Phinks=Naga, Uvogin=Werewolf, Shizuku=Banshee, Machi= Fairy, Feitan=Vampire, Franklin=Elemental, Shalnark=siren, Nobunaga=Nokken , Pakunoda=Kelpie , Kortopi=Poltergeist, Bonolenov=Shade).
- You are bun-bun. Never forget this. Loud noises are no fun for you, thunder-storms are horrific, primary response to anything is to run like hell, easily go into shock, your ears display your mood so you have a tough time hiding it. You have the innate prey sense of when a predator is watching you or is nearby, so you will often thump your foot on the ground (Bunny code for ‘DANGER’ to alert others) when you are around either of the three or their family/friends. Your kind can live alone, but it is easier for you to be with at least one other creature to allow you any time to relax. Bunnies are VERY good at multiplying, so do take proper and extensive precautions.
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Darksiders vs Nokken
*Nokken-water spirit in Scandinavian mitology. He was shapeshifting as a young hansome male who play beautyfull music to drown people in lake.* Sorry for long absence but I make something special for halloween.
War: Red horsemen seeing Nokken will be at first hostile to him. He didn’t know what and who Nokken is but he didn’t kill Nokken as soon as it isn’t a danger. . When it comes to Nokken’s music he is neutral. Oppenly he never liked music but deep inside he like it.
Death: He know what Nokken is and what he can do. Until Nokken is in water playing his music Death let him life.
Fury: She didn’t know Nokken but she like his music. She never dmt it but she like listening his playing.
Strife: He is facinated by Nokken even when he didn’t now that he is a supernatural being. Nokken’s musi is too slow for him. If someone tol him what Nokken is he probably be more fascinated.
Azrael: He probably be amazed by beauty of music playing by Nokken on his violin. If he know about Nokken in human culture his fascnated probably be bigger. For sure he be visiting the lake  more often.
Lilith: She probably be flitrting with Nokken and listening to his songs with fascination.
Hunter: He know about Nokken and be as far at lake as it is possible.  
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lilbat · 5 years
🌊Nøkk in Nordic Folklore🐎
There’s a dozen reasons why I’m excited about Frozen II but Scandinavian folkore is definitely the biggest! There’s been a couple different confusing posts on what nøkk’s actually are so I thought I would clear it up a little bit.♡
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The nøkk/nix/nokken/nekker/nøkke is a shapeshifting water spirit mentioned throughout Germanic and Scandinavian mythology and folklore, who often appear in the form of other animals - typically horses. While the tales share many similarities, I am going to focus specifically on the Scandinavian nøkk(näcken or näkki). There are many different names and stories of water spirits in Scandinavian folklore, so a few others will be brought up in reference and comparison! **Please note, most folklore is often based on oral traditions and tales so references will only go back so far.**
The Scandinavian nøkk are told to be male water spirits who play enchanting songs on the violin, often times luring women and children(sometimes men) to drown in lakes or streams. He is also a known shapeshifter, usually changing into a horse or man in order to lure his victims to him. 
However, not all of them are necessarily malevolent; a heafty portion of stories indicate at the very least that nøkk were entirely harmless to their audience. Stories also exist where the Fossegrim(water spirit, “Grim”) have agreed to live with a human who had fallen in love with him, but many of these stories ended with the nøkk returning to his home, usually a nearby waterfall or brook. Fossegrim, much like nøkk, are described as an exceptionally talented fiddler: the sounds of earth, wind and water are said to play over his fiddle strings. They can be bribed into teaching the skill. The Swedish Strömkarlen(Fossegrim) is said to have eleven variations! The eleventh one being reserved for the night spirits because when it is played, "tables and benches, cup and can, gray-beards and grandmothers, blind and lame, even babes in the cradle will begin to dance”. The stories go, that he is willing to teach his skills in exchange for a food offering made on a Thorsday evening and in private. You could bring him either; “a white he-goat thrown with head turned away into a waterfall that flows northwards,” :or smoked mutton(fenalår) stolen from the neighbor's storage(or your local Walmart lol) four Thorsdays in a row. But if there is not enough meat on the bone, he will only teach you how to tune the fiddle. If the offering is satisfactory, he will take the your right hand and draw your fingers along the strings until they all bleed, after which you will be able to play so well that "the trees shall dance and torrents in their fall stand still".
There isn’t a set description to how the nøkk looks, due to one of his primary attributes being shapeshifting. Perhaps he does not have any true shape! He could show himself as a man playing the violin in brooks or waterfalls(though in modern times he is often imaged as fair and naked, in folklore he was more frequently described as wearing elegant clothing) but he could also appear to be treasure, various floating objects, or as an animal—most commonly in the form of a "brook horse". The modern Scandinavian names(nixe/nikker/nøkke/etc) are derived from Old Norse nykr, meaning "river horse". Thus, it is likely that the figure and tales of the brook horse preceded the personification of the nøkk(and it’s derivatives) as the "man in the rapids". 
For some fun bonus info: the nøkk were also known as an omen for drowning accidents. He would scream at a spot of his choosing in a lake or river, in a way that was reminiscent of a goose, and on that spot, a death would later take place. He was also said to cause drownings, but swimmers could protect themselves against such a fate by throwing a bit of steel into the water. In Scandinavia, water lilies are called "nix roses"(näckrosor/nøkkeroser). A tale from the forest of Tiveden goes; that a father promised his daughter to a nøkk who had offered the father great hauls of fish in a time of need; she refused and stabbed herself to death, staining the water lilies red from that time on. The nøkk are also mentioned semi-frequently in folklore inspired stories of the 19th century including; a poem by E.J. Stagnelius, “Brother Fabian’s Manuscript” by Sebastian Evans, and more!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Future Monster Suggestions
I asked for your suggestions for ‘new’ monsters that I’ve not written, and you didn’t disappoint! I’m not going to take any more suggestions for now because I THINK THAT’S ENOUGH TO BE GOING ON WITH! *screeches with excitement*
We’ve got:
Bugs/insects other than driders
Nekomata - catlike shifter-monster/yokai from Asian mythology
Tikbalang - long-limbed, horse-headed, forest monster from the Philippines
Ghosts & poltergeists (and ghosts of monsters: fluffy translucent drider ghost )
Finfolk from Orkney lore (yes! A cheer for the UK mythology!)
Mewtwo pokemon
Banshee (done already but only on Patreon I think)
owl demon             
Fallout and Destiny style monsters
kraken mermaid 
golem (please note that I will not use the word ‘golem’ because I’m not Jewish and feel that it’s disrespectful, so I’ll use another term for a sculpture brought to life, maybe ‘atronach’ from TES).
aqrabuamelu (scorpion ‘drider’) (I did a drawing of one but Tumblr has vanished it from my search)
Harpy (I have Merilla, my female harpy, but I want to do a male one too)
Unrelated to monsters, I’ve also had a request for more mlm and more wlw content. :)
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ex0skeletal-undead · 5 years
Anonymous requested a Hulder/Huldra or Nøkken theme! I decided the nokken art I found fit better with the theme of my blog than the huldur stuff, so that’s the theme I’m going with today.
The nokken are shapeshifting water spirits in Germanic folklore, often appearing as a man, dragon, mermaid, or horse depending on the country. They are known by many names including neck, nicor, nix, nixie, nixy, nokken, nixe, nikker, nekker, nøkke, nøkken, näck, näkki, and näkk.
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They are best known in Scandinavian folklore, so I’ll focus on that for the background, but you can read the folklore from other countries here.
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The Scandinavian näcken, näkki, nøkk were male water spirits who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women and children to drown in lakes or streams. However, not all of these spirits were necessarily malevolent; many stories indicate at the very least that nøkker were entirely harmless to their audience and attracted not only women and children, but men as well with their sweet songs.
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Though often imagined as fair and naked today, in folklore he was more frequently described as wearing elegant clothing, but also could appear to be treasure or various floating objects, or an animal—most commonly in the form of a brook horse.
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The nøkk was also an omen for drowning accidents. He would scream at a particular spot in a lake or river, and on that spot, a fatality would later take place. He was also said to cause drownings, but swimmers could protect themselves against such a fate by throwing a bit of steel into the water.
(Art by Arthur Rackham, Nils Blommér, Ernst Josephson, and Theodor Kittelsen)
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germanicseidr · 5 years
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The Neck
The Necks are water spirits that are known in every Germanic culture and cultures that share roots with the proto-indo Europeans. You might have encountered a few of them in the game Witcher 3. The name itself comes from the Proto-Germanic Nikwus which was in turn derived from the proto-indo European Neig, it means to wash. The Dutch call these spirits Nikkers. Dutch slavers started to use this term to describe black people, nikkers.
Their appearance differ in each culture but all have the same purpose, to lure people to their deaths. Here are a few of their forms:
Scandinavian: The näcken were specific male water spirits who lured women and children to lakes and streams where they drowned. They played beautiful songs to attract people but not all were malevolent. You could defeat such a spirit by calling out their name. They are also seen as an omen. If you spot one, a drowning will occur in the near future.
German: The Nixe were beings who lured people towards water to drown them. The males can take on many different shapes and females have a fish tail. They can however also shapeshift into human beings who can walk on land. You can recognize them by their wet clothing. Just like their Scandinavian counterpart, not all Nixe are evil.
Dutch: The Nikker or Nekker in the Netherlands is described as a tall shapeshifting black water demon who lives in shallow waters like swamps, ditches and wells. They often drag children into the water who play too close to the edge but they prey on adults as well. The Nikkers lured adults by imitating a child in desperate need. They also have a hook with which they can grab their victims in order to suck out their blood.
England: A similar being is known in England as the Grindylow, you might recognize this one from Harry Potter. Grindylows are known to grab children with their long arms and drown them when they are too close to the waters edge.
Greek: The Sirens were creatures who looked like birds with women's heads and scaly feet. They played music and lured nearby sailors towards them with their beautiful voices. Their intent was to shipwreck the boats who followed the singing sirens.
These water spirits are still quite popular until this very day. A new form has appeared since the age of the great discoverers, the Mermaid. Mermaids lure sailors with their beautiful looks and voices to their deaths. They have lately been popularized in Disney films and there is a depiction of them in the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean film where they lure men to their deaths as well. The Disney variant however is not that malevolent. If you look at all these cultures, it is clear that this water spirit was brought to Europe and India by the Yamnaya people 4000 years ago.  
Here is a list of their names in different languages:
English: Neck/Nixie or Nokken Dutch: Nikker/Nekker German: Nixe Danish: Nøkke Swedish: Näck Norwegian: Nøkken Finnish: Näkki Proto-Germanic: Nikwis Sanskrit: Nenekti Greek: Nizo Irish: Nigh Old High German: Nihhus Icelandic: Nykur
Artist drawing: Sara Otterstätter
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