#nokken x reader
pawmental · 2 years
Trust me I’m working really hard and writing as much as I can in a day while also making sure it’s written well. I can’t wait to start writing on tumblr and show people my stories🥰 (I’m working really hard on the vampire story and want to make it a ongoing story for a bit)
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nina-renmen · 1 month
Bloodied Love
Yandere Homelander x supe reader pt.1
Summary: He never expected to have a soulmate. His mark was never there, so what happens once it appears where you touched him? A girl like you, not even human. You fed off of his kind, but that dosn’t deter him from the horrors he has planned. You deprived him of your love, and now he won’t let go of you…even if he has to kill you.
Warnings: This is a Yandere fic so there will be blood, gore, ect. There will be nsfw themes and scenes in here as well as drugging and other things. Reader is not a human but she’s a water and air spirit called a Nokken. Reader has a hatred for humans
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A mysterious dark figure has yet again saved the city once more. Could this be a new hero on the rise? Stay tuned for more-“ 
A [skin color] hand pressed the big red button on the dainty remote. Though her strength was controlled she almost crushed it. “Looks like someone’s getting famous.” Y/n looked away from the black screen and towards her friend. Her milky white eyes began shifting back into their natural [eye color] shade. “I guess.” Y/n mumbled. Her sharp claws slowly retracting. Almost like bear claws. “Dosn’t really matter when we have hero’s killing innocent civilians.” Y/n stated, standing up she towered over her friend, “You know Ivan…I’m not even sure if this hero thing is what I want.” 
The shorter male who at the time was drinking a glass of wine had choked on the bitter substance. His black soulmate mark seemed to jump as he shifted quickly. The dark red liquid running down his chin as he scrambled to wipe it away. “What?! How come?” Ivan asked, his honey brown eyes widened. “It’s not because of that accident right?! Because if that’s it you should know that it’s not knew-“ 
“Thats the problem…I-“ Y/n paused as her radio began to go off. Signaling an attack. Ivan tilted his head towards the door as he looked down at y/n’s outfit. “You’re still in your suit. Best get going.” He said in a fatherly tone. Y/n smile but scoffed in order to cover it up. She walked out the front door. Her body taking her towards the site immediately.
She could still feel his blood on her. The blood of her comrades she worked with, the blood of Ivan. The gaze of his blood still lingered in his mouth. There was nothing left, only his half eaten head that lie in the ground. A horrified expression laid on his dead face. She didn’t feel that urge anymore. That burning sensation that told her to eat, eat, eat. 
She knew she didn’t want to. He gave her no choice!! He was out for her blood! He was out for her abilities! She was just big game to him. A long cat and mouse game that she was oblivious to playing. A bounty on her head! He only wanted the money, he was like all the other rotten humans in this world! All the dirty, disgusting, vermin-
A single drop was able to knock her from her thoughts. And then the camera flashing began as she stood at the foot of the plane. American press were taking pictures of her. Fans screamed her name, but y/n’s smile had not reached her eyes. For she held no pleasure in standing before these people. Her mother country, Brazil had sent their number one hero to help America. A oncoming agreement came from the two countries and a treaty was made. America gives them resources and money and they gave up…..her. But that did not mean she would abandon her past. Even if she were to live here for a few years before going back home. 
“[Hero Name]! How does it feel to be on American soil?!” One of the interviewers asked, shoving their mics in her face. They don’t really care, they wanted the money. They all only wanted money. 
Y/n’s eyes trailed down to meet the woman’s eyes. A flash of nervousness appeared within her irises. Her green eyes meeting y/n’s milky white ones. Y/n tilted her head to the side, examining if she even wanted to speak with the woman. “It feels just like home.” Y/n finally spoke up, flashing a polite smile towards the smaller woman. She stood at a tall height of 5’8, her form taller than most women she knew, and yet smaller than most men. 
“[hero name]! Can you describe your powers of being a Nokken?!” Another reporter questioned. Y/n’s hand twitched but no one batted an eye. They probably didn’t even notice. “A magician never reveals her tricks.” Y/n said in a happy tone. That same eye catching smile was forever carved in her face. And yet again her eyes did not match. But of course no human cared. Humans were easily deceived, they were easily eaten- 
‘Dont think like that.’ Y/n thought to herself. And almost immediately the attention was finally directed off of her. “It’s homelander!” A random person states the obvious. Y/n attempted to slink away but a strong arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Thank you for the love! But I wanted to welcome in the new hero everyone’s been raving about!” The blue eyed man exclaimed. Y/n made no attempt to look up at him, for she knew that if she did she might as well be provoked to hit him. And she doubted that would do anything. “Smile.” Homelander whispered but the muscles in y/n’s face remained locked in. A neutral expression on her face as she made eye contact with reporters. She wouldn’t be a fraud like the man above her was. 
“Thank you for the warm welcome but I best be going homelander. Maybe we’ll cross paths again.” Y/n says loud enough for the reporters to hear as y/n smiles and begins to be escorted out of the airport.
The cool air hit her. Rain drops fell from the sky, turning her once [skin color] skin into a sickly grey. Her hair turning into an inky black color. She was not only a water based supe but an air one as well. The combination brought on many fans and onlookers that wished to be her. Or dispise her. 
“You left in a hurry.” That same familiar voice echoed throughout the empty streets. People were off the roads due to the storm. Y/n looked over her shoulder, this time her milky white eyes meeting his bright blue ones. “Was I supposed to linger?” Y/n questioned, turning her body towards him. She stood tall, her form didn’t look weak. 
“Not necessarily, just….unusual.” He replied. “Usually supes stick around to talk to the number one hero in the world.” 
“In America.” Y/n replied, slightly cutting him off. 
“Pardon?” He questioned. The smile on his face was fake. It didn’t reach his eyes, it looked like a mask. A horrible one at that. 
“You are the number one hero in America. Who’s to say the world when you haven’t even stepped out of it before?” Y/n questioned. Homelander gave y/n an annoyed look. “Anyway Mr retriever, I best get going.”
”Mr retriever?” Homelands questioned, he took off one of his gloves in order to get the water out of it. 
“You look like one.” Y/n spoke as she patted his arm whilst walking past him. Homelandee furrowed his eyebrows. Who does this girl think she is? He’s number one- 
The blonde haired male could feel a burning sensation on his forearm. He glanced down, not thinking it’d be anything only for his eyes go linger the name, y/n l/n was imbedded into his arm. His eyebrows furrowed, whose name was this? As realization began to sink in that this was his soulmates name…where ever she was he’d find her.
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after-witch · 2 years
The Weight of Water [Yandere Nokken x Reader]
The Weight of Water [Yandere Nokken x Reader]
Synopsis: You’re lost in the woods, when you sense something familiar. You follow it--you’re already lost, after all. What harm could it do?
For Horrorfest request:  Nokken (folklore creature) + Hydrophobia
Word count: 1713
notes: possessive/yandere-ish themes, reader being ill-prepared to go camping and exhibiting terrible horrible forest skills, don’t be like reader!!
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The branch that takes you down was hidden under leaves and brush, but it did its job well enough--sending you flying forward, knees skinning against rocks, hands splaying and aching with scratches before you’re even cognizant enough to push yourself off the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
You hate camping. You hate the woods. You hate these woods, in particular, because they are too dense and dark and confusing. That’s how you got lost in them in the first place.
You were trying to walk back to the car to get your extra phone charger, and the directions your friends gave were simple enough. In theory.
But you never made it to the car, and now you can’t even find your way back. You can’t even call them to ask for help because--well. That’s why you needed the phone charger in the first place.
And although it’s daytime, the woods are still dim, too thick with trees to let much sunlight through.
And now you’re sprawled out on the ground, palms and knees aching with the sting of scrapes, leg sore. You sit up, wiping mud onto your pants, and press some tentative weight down on it.
It hurts, but not much. It’s not broken. Hopefully.
“Shit.. Shit shit shit, fuck--” you take a breath. “And fuck.”
Slowly, carefully, you get off the ground. Your leg is sore, but you don’t think it’s strained or twisted. Thankfully. That would make your terrible problem even worse. But as you take a few more tentative steps, you get a whiff of something strange. No, not strange.
Something familiar.
You’re not sure what it is yet. Something from childhood, maybe. Something at the edge of your mind, teasing, fluttering.
You take a step to the right, and the scent gets stronger. Just a little.
You shouldn’t follow it, but… what can it hurt? You’re already lost. You’ll just turn around once you find out what it is.
As you walk forward, the pain in your leg begins to fade, which makes you feel a little better. At least you’re not lost in the woods with a bum ankle. You keep a better eye out now for branches and hazards--no need to push your luck twice.
The smell, as it grows, isn’t exactly unpleasant. It’s not sewage or rot, but there’s something stagnant about it. Stagnant and yes, familiar, you’ve encountered it before. Intimately. It’s filled your lungs and nose and--
The trees clear, just a little, and right in your field of vision is a small lake backed by a solid wall covered in creeping ivy and moss. The lake was just a bit too big to be called a pond. The water is somewhat murky (you wouldn’t dare drink from it) but the sight of it, the smell, the way the dim light reflects off the water…
It all comes rushing back.
When you were little, you almost drowned in one of these small, murky lakes.
Since then, you’ve avoided them--not that you usually had much chance to encounter small bodies of water, given your dislike of camping in general. Still, that subconscious avoidance was there. You never walked down to the lake when you went to the park with friends. You felt your body clench in fear every time you drove around curves of one of many local lakes. You never went swimming in them, of course.
And now, here it was, and here you were. And like deja vu for some lost childhood game that hits you in the middle of the workday, it covers you in those familiar feelings from long ago. The cold fear as you realized you were caught on something below the surface.
The tug of something wet--seaweed, or whatever amounts to seaweed in a lake--on your ankle. The sting of the water in your nose. The weight of it as you were dragged down again and again, as it filled your lungs. The complete blank of thoughts--you weren’t thinking about dying,  you weren’t pleading for help, you were simply drowning and that was that.
You shiver, despite the moderate weather. You don’t want to be by this lake, with its tinged waters, its floating lily-pads, its secrets.
You’re about to turn away, unsatisfied and a little thrown-off by the unpleasant discovery, when a sound catches your ear.
It’s soft. A thrumming, a hum. An animal, maybe, or a bird of some kind? But no, it’s too long for that, too constant.
It sounds like a violin.
In the middle of the woods?
That cold fear--and you’ve felt it, before--makes your bowels clench. Was someone in the woods with you?
And then you scoff at yourself. Of course there were other people in the woods. It was open for campsites, even if you’d clearly lost yours. There were probably dozens of people camping this weekend. You’d clearly come close to someone else’s camp, and they were a musician. What better place to play than the open woods, with no neighbors to bang in your door and complain?
It’s a good thing, actually. Because you can just follow the sound of the violin to this other camp, and ask them for help. Win-win. If they can’t help you find your way to your own camp, you could at least contact one of your friends.
(Your mind flits--you can’t remember anyone’s phone numbers. You hear your mom’s voice in the back of your head: ‘I told you! Keep an address book and memorize some of the numbers! You’ll regret it one day.’ Long gone were the days of memorizing your BFFs phone number so you could call them immediately after school. But! You can remember your Facebook password, so you could message one of your friend’s on Facebook Messenger. Take that, mom.)
Buoyed by the sound, you take a step, straining your ears to see what direction it’s coming from. Left or right or forward or backward or…
The sound is louder. But it’s curious. Weird.
The music was coming from the direction of the lake.
Maybe there was a path beyond the solid rock, a way around? You begin to walk around the perimeter, steering well clear of the edge. With lakes like these, you never knew how solid the ground around them was. You definitely didn’t want to fall into some dim lake, alone, in the woods.
Yet as you walk, one thing becomes clearer and clearer. You aren’t getting closer to the music or some hidden campground, because the music isn’t coming from behind the lake or somewhere deeper in the forest. The music is deeper, mired... murky.
The music coming from underneath the water.
The thought comes strong and clear, as if it’s not coming from your own head but someone else’s lips. And maybe it did.
Your legs freeze. You want to leave. You want to go back the way you came, away from the water, away from the semi-stagnant smell, away from the very sound of the lake, away from the dim music that is coming from an impossible place.
It doesn’t matter if you’re still lost in the woods, as long as you’re away from here.
But you can’t. You can’t run. You can’t even walk.
You can’t move your legs. Why can’t you move your legs?
And in the instant terrible fear overtakes you, the music gets louder, closer, and it becomes harder to think about the terror that you’re feeling. You hear a sound from the lake, dripping or splashing, the soft trickle of movement. The music gets closer, and as it gets closer, you feel your heart begin to calm.
It’s beautiful music. Warm and inviting. Crystal clear. Not like the water at all, is it?
Your body begins to sway of its own accord. You could dance to this music, and that would be all right. Then you wouldn’t be afraid. You wouldn’t even mind if it got closer now… but it can’t move any further, you realize, somehow.
But you can. You can move now.
The music is like a hand, gentle and firm, interlocking with your fingers and pulling you closer.
Don’t you want to go closer?
You do. You want the music to take away your fears, to make this all seem okay. Your feet drag just a little, some part of you still aware enough to resist, but they move all the same.
Closer and closer to the water, where lily pads have waded almost to the shoreline of the lake. There was no breeze, but they came anyway, seemingly of their own accord.
One lily pad rises off the water, and you realize they are not simply lily pads at all. They’re attached to something. Someone?
A green man, green and blue skin that has a slight sheen to it, like the water itself. His hair is black and long, with a lily pad tucked into it, like a young girl might tuck a daisy behind her ear. He is handsome, even though he isn’t. He wears no clothing, and you can almost see the entirety of his naked chest.
In his hands is a violin--the music--but it’s silent now, and in the moments of silence you gather your wits.
He wants you. For ill or good or something undetermined.  But he wants you forever and if you don’t run…
He smiles at you, as these thoughts come, as the horror crosses your features once more. His lips are dark and his smile is darker. Before any conscious decision can be made on your part,  he takes up his violin again. The feeling that grasps you now is no gentle guidance, but a firm grip. Like something slimy wrapped around your ankle, pulling you down.
You have to go to him. It’s inevitable. You were meant to be lost in these woods, and to walk into this lake, and then…
Your heart begins to thump wildly inside your chest, and there, there again is that familiar sensation. No clear thoughts. No pleading. No cries for help. Simply the blank reality that becomes surer and surer as you step towards the edge of the lake, as you take step upon step into the cool water, as you feel his dripping arms wrap around you.
You were drowning, and that was that.
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Mothmom's Current Monster/Cryptid/Creature Masterlist (As of 01.21.24)
HC = Headcanons (most asks)
OS = One Shots, Ficlets, Drabbles (stand-alone pieces longer than bullets)
CS = Longform & Chapter Stories
CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure (parts where Reader, s/o, makes different actions to appeal to different, separate characters)
Matchups = Character Matchups for Different Fandoms (readers get paired with a character based on their personality)
Hot! = Adult/NSFW Content
😈🧚 Monsters/Cryptids/Aliens/Creatures (Exophilia) 👾👽
HC: Yandere!Nokken x Female!Reader
HC: How would one go about getting Mothman’s attention?
HC: Female!Reader & Meeting/First Date w/ a Merman
HC: General (Non-Media Specific) Vampire x Reader Headcanons
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Edel - M Nokken x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board, with a thank you to @handy-dandy-monster-candy​ for helping edit the photos! Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: NSFW/Lemon; mentions of moving home, selkie friend, light flirting, gifted flowers, bakery treats, slight angst, flirting with fae, kissing, receiving oral, penetrative sex (+ mention of protection), with a fluffy ending
Wordcount: 4302
Faebruary Summary: of your new neighbour and struggling to befriend him
Masterlist // Faebruary Masterlist
No more than twice before moving in had you met your soon-to-be neighbour. On both occasions – the first a tour of the cosy, ground floor apartment, and the second on the day of finalising the lease - he greeted you with the gentlest of handshakes, warmed by a tenderness born of restrained strength. He owned the building and lived in the flat across from yours, apparently for years now.
“Call me Edel. It’s my pleasure,” he’d said the first morning, with a tilted smile and a soft, almost musical accent. His voice distracted you the entirety of the tour so much so that the flat itself barely made an impression. Instead, you remembered Edel and the soft waves of long, dark hair, how the sunlight caught his cheekbones when passing large, bay windows. “You’ll love it here. I promise.”
Had you moved in for the neighbour with a crooked smile and his unimposing nature, a month from dragging indoors the last of your belongings, you would have been sorely disappointed. Even your first meeting left you wanting more; whether that came in a passing smile when crossing in the hall or more, you weren’t yet sure. With less than a couple of feet from his home to yours, you still couldn’t find it in you to initiate that new relationship, and now it felt like you had waited too long.
You didn’t need to wait any longer.
Moving entwined with an independence you had lacked. Now closer to work, closer to friends and with enough distance from home you really felt free, settling into a new routine preoccupied you for a month. That, and decorating with warmer shades of paint and softer cushions, so that now, curled beneath small window lights, you saw him.
The farthest end of your shared garden faded into outgrown woods, sheltering a lake so far only seen in the advertised photos of the property. Not a cloud marred the pale light cast over Edel’s bare back, shadowed by the hair loose against his shoulder blades. He left the back entrance of the building barefoot, never looking from the tree line before fading into it.
He hadn’t returned when you retreated to bed, no matter how slow you walked, peeking back and hoping for another glimpse. With a fresh coffee in hand the next morning, a blur drifted by, the slender form of your neighbour emerging from the woods. In this light, warmer and clearer for your prying, a slight sheen glistened over his bare body, curls where his hair before rested straighter. Steam no longer rose from your mug when you finally looked away, but it was harder to force Edel from your mind.
Retaining the picture of the slight hue beneath falling water led you into your favourite bakery hours later. Favourite not only because your best friend owned it, but now for its proximity to your home, too. This infatuation thrived in the space of a month alone, then being for the soft touch of his palm to yours a, his quiet laugh at your persistent questioning the flat before he answered each with enduring patience. It was more than that, now, and when your close friend found you in her doorway, the dappled pelt draped around her shoulders reconciled with your neighbour’s night passed in a lake, and his melodic way of speaking.
Isla’s loose braids of pepper hair rested along her coat, flyaway strands wisping around her dimpled cheeks when she grinned. Since your moving, where before you would only see one another on occasion, you would pass with a wave, either beckoned by her or entering with some time for catching up, just to make up for the distance no longer between you.
Though, not today, and without a word of pleasantry you said, “I think my neighbour is fae.”
“You mean Edel?” With Isla so close and her recommendation an incentive to renting the flat, her knowledge of the area was invaluable, even in muffling a laugh behind a cough. Her lips still curled when she continued, “he’s a nokken. Didn’t you know?”
She asked like your drawn eyebrows and frown hadn’t been answer enough. “Like fae? Water fae?”
“Distantly fae.” As Isla reached for your favourite treats, the light caught her pelt. “You seem to attract us.”
Her teasing warmed through you as she handed you the warmed bag. She refused payment, though didn’t turn you from the tip jar on the promise of seeing her tomorrow. 
This hadn’t changed anything. You loved your home and living with a nokken hadn’t – wouldn’t, change that.
Knowing what he was, tonight you crept nearer the windows at the faint creaking of doors opening in the hall. The same silhouette left and without the marring confusion or worry for him leaving so late, you tiptoed closer. On a darker night, the moonlight illuminated his muscles tensing with each step further from where a human would choose to rest.
Halfway gone, he faltered, a misstep bringing pale light to cast from his chest to his low hips. Hair darker than the shadows clinging to him tangled about his slender frame when his head tilted. With the slight wind fluttering his hair, it would frame his sharp features beautifully tied back, but then his eyes reflecting white light pinned you. Only then had you the sense to duck.
That shame clung to you long after retreating from your lounge. Maybe he hadn’t seen you, rather only the curtain swaying as you fled, but he had sensed you all the same, turned right to where the the netting tucked back for you to follow him down to the trees. If not for the signed lease, the mortification nearly had you packing your things.
Even as temptation tickled you with a shadow passing your window, you smothered it. Where you curled into the counter, kettle boiling, was far from view had he ever been able to see into your home; he couldn't through net curtains, but reminding yourself came with the sting of shame from last night.
Hiding from him worked until gentle raps came at your door. If he had come now to question your staring, to challenge your urge to watch him walk deeper like he belonged in the night, no defence would rise to your lips.
Edel braced himself on your doorframe. He'd just returned from the lake: hair curling now, the loose trousers cloying to his thighs. That little defence you had ready - an apology, really, drowned beneath the breath fleeing you at his fingers brushing your cheek.
“Come with me."
What little knowledge of fae you now cherished alarmed you, but not so much you didn't move from him. "To the water?"
"Wouldn't you like to?" Lake water followed the muscle of his chest, ending at the darker hairs of his abdomen. Edel's smile burned when you found him looking down to you. "Is that not why you watch me?"
"Call it curiosity," you said, though your breath trembled. He had seen you.
His warm hand fell from your cheek. "Tomorrow, then?"
With a noncommittal, "maybe," and a shared smile, Edel left you to collapse back against your closed door.
No invitation called you to the lake, but a water lily laid outside your door reminded you of the nokken across the hall. The cheaper rent - now, you knew, from fear of living with a creature like him, one related to fae - blessed you not only with a blossoming friendship, but fresh flowers brightening your home with his returns.
Each night on his path to the woods, Edel would pause. Sometimes that was all, just a second's hesitation, but other nights, he would turn and find you half-hidden. Those nights you treasured for the slight tipping of his head to the trees in an extended invite.
You never accepted, and he never stopped offering.
It wasn't so much the fear of entering unfamiliar waters with a nokken hindering you but that you would embarrass yourself. The bright lilies started your day warm, and to follow him would cross a line you weren't ready for; but one you so badly wanted to cross.
The soon familiar routine and its floral scent hadn’t seemed anything more than pleasantries, until a night you replaced the water for the flowers after waving Edel down the garden. Out of love for Isla when she waived a cost, you returned a tip, but you hadn’t offered anything for the flowers nor the smiles from your neighbour. Your friend would never claim a debt against you and while, you doubted Edel would, hoped he wouldn’t, the accumulation following weeks living on his property could amount to any kind of debt, if he chose to claim it.
What better way to appease fae, than with gifts in return?
"Fae like sweet things," Isla told you that afternoon. Sugar coated her fingertips from a long day, a slight dusting along her coat tucked at the back counter, never far from her. She gestured back to the shelves of recipes lining the old bakery.
That wasn’t all that you wanted, though. Isla waited while you fidgeted, seeking the right words. Of course fae liked sweet things, but you wanted Edel to like them, too. Not solely for their purpose in repaying a debt but for who gifted them.
"Bake him something sweet and the effort is gift enough. Try this."
Your friend scowled at the note tucked into her tip jar on handing over a recipe, but waved you out with a smile. The honey-sweetened scent lingered in your home with the flowers after meticulous effort, wafting with you into the hall.
Edel’s breath formed your name, your bodies brushing from his step taken out of his door. On time, too, and the flowery perfume rose from him, stronger and somehow sweeter. His gentle hands rose to your arms, thumbs rubbing slow circles. He was all that stopped you from trembling.
Through a warm accent, he asked, "have you come to join me?"
"Another night, maybe."
"Maybe," he echoed. His eyes fell to where you lifted a warm box. "Those smell lovely."
"They're for you. For the flowers."
"For the flowers," he whispered. The gentle embrace broke like he planned to accept your gift, but instead he brought a foot of distance between you. "You do not owe me anything. If the flowers created such an impression, I am sorry."
The forced tilt to his lips came and went before you could explain, and you stood in the hall long after the backdoor swung open and shut again.
He hadn't returned the next morning. No flower graced your doorstep but when you were just stepping indoors from work, the blur passed your window earlier than each night before, and your stomach dropped.
The tentative friendship fractured further come morning, at a time your absence was known. No flowers came when you left, but the backdoor closed as you turned down the hall. Your distraction allowed him time to leave without your seeing.
So when you finished a painfully long week of waiting and hoping to cross paths, you waited some more. You would go to the water as he had always hoped but going at a time when he was there hadn't been harder. He went to avoid you and by chance after waking late in the night unsettled, finding a glimmer of moonlight disturbed by your neighbour fading banished all remnants of sleep.
In all your nights of peeking through curtains, Edel had never shivered. It was cold. It was windy and dark and you had never been so far down the garden, spurred into the trees by the persisting ache in your chest. It eased when you neared the lake, but replaced with dread as you knelt on a small, wooden platform jutting over the bank.
The water was unforgivingly dark. An unholy screech tore from you when something skimmed your hand hovering against the surface. Edel rose faster from the water to steady you than you could comprehend, cold hands gripping you by your ribs before you toppled forward.
His thumbs stroked in slow circles as you forced yourself to calm down. "You deserved that."
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your heart a weight in your throat. "I miss the flowers."
"Oh?" His head tilted, bringing long hair to cling to his chest in slight waves. "The flowers and their debt?"
Each word hit like a crack to your ribs. "I'm sorry."
When his hold left, it felt like more of a rejection than his avoidance, until he sighed. "It's late."
"It wasn't just repayment. It was a gift, too." He hadn't looked up again. "I promise I've not be waiting, either."
Edel breathed a laugh. "How did you know to come now?"
"I saw you leaving."
His lips rose as you seemed to lie, but before you could remedy it, his palms flattened to the deck. He rose on the strength of his arms alone until water lapped at his hips. It was when he continued to lift himself that the absence of any clothing had you staggering back.
Old wood groaned beneath you but it was quieter than when you said, "I can walk back alone."
At first unsure, his fingertips brushed yours. You hadn't looked back - he was standing, dripping, bare, but curled your hand with his until you muffled your surprise at the touch of webbed skin, as timid a touch as his following whisper.
"You don't have to."
The walk would have been silent, had you not asked to suppress the rising fluttering in your chest, "why aren’t you cold?"
"Are you cold?"
Edel squeezed his hand to yours. "Then dress warmer tomorrow. Goodnight."
Tomorrow came so soon, with a soft tap to your door all it took before you were smiling up to find him leaning close. No lily, but he reached out to take your hand again.
"Before we go," he murmured, and you rested against the closed door, angled back below him. "Do you know how long this apartment was left empty? Before you?"
His face fell when you shook your head. "I knew it was empty for some time, but…"
"Two years. Over twenty-six months." His touch softened when he released your hand, revealing the thin webbing tickling you. Edel's lips twitched when you traced along it with your fingertip. "Do you know why?"
You hadn't the heart to say it, only nodding.
"Those lilies were gifts," he began and stared at your hands sliding together. "I may be folk, but I have no malicious intent in luring you to the lake. I only ever sing in the shower or beneath the water. If I ever-"
"Never," you said. Irrespective of whatever threat he thought of he posed, you didn't care.
"I'd love your company."
When you tugged on his hand, he fell in step. "I'd love yours, too." 
Late in the evening, Edel would meet you in the hall. Until you shivered or tired, you would spend the time on the deck while he floated in the water. The lilies returned after he ventured back to the lake, but without fail, he walked you back the short way to your door. His touch would pull on your hand until falling with a smile always soft on parting.
What little progress made found its way back to Isla when she urged you in, with instructions to offer him the same treats he before refused; not as a gift like they had been, but something you wanted to give him. You promised to meet him later, after you had warmed the honeyed puddings, even holding your ground when his frown tugged at your heart before leaving. Carrying them down to him was worth it, if only for the rising nerves in your chest - the good kind.
The scent teased him from the water. Edel extended a hand to draw you closer before his bright eyes widened. "Not in trade?" 
"Not in trade,” you nodded. “I promise."
"While I do believe you," he murmured, and your throat tightened as he lifted himself to your height. "If this is not in trade, give me something more."
His breath fluttered against your face. Your fingers curled against the edge of the platform. "Like?"
"One kiss." Edel's hand stroked from your crossed leg up, rising to your waist. "If you would like to. As a gift."
The wood might have splintered beneath your hands when you lifted your chin. Water dripped from his hair, cold to your face but the heat of him, his hand tight against your hip, lit a fire in your stomach.
It lasted no more than a passing second before water rose back to his chest. Edel grinned from the lake, his lips fleeting against your knuckles still locked tight to hold yourself from following him in.
He no longer left bare down to the garden since your accompanying him, though the night you first saw him, he hadn’t been either. Whether he dressed anticipating your stare choked you, but freed you to turn once to your door. Edel stilled at the kiss his cheek and you were inside before he could fully utter your name aloud.
His cheek tasted of the sugar form your honey treats.
Another week, you would have celebrated the weekend, but nothing helped pass the time until it was late enough his door opened. Edel hadn't closed it again before you were there, breaths fast and smiling up.
"I'm coming."
"Good," he breathed, before lowering himself to steal a light kiss. His hand tugged on yours. "Now?"
Though this had been why you were restless all day, having him soften, both hands rising to your cheeks to lift you closer, nearly made you faint. He whispered your name and kissed you so gently, you tiptoed and sought him again.
This time, he lingered. With your foreheads together, he ran his hands along your arms. "I've never kissed someone into stupor before."
"Don't tease," you gasped. He was still sweet on your lips and he carried that same floral scent you loved, clouding your thoughts.
"Was I not clear?" He kissed you again but lifted himself so you could see the warmth to his pale cheeks. "It's you I want, not just company."
"You want me?" Edel hummed, his touch tracing up your arms again. "Prove it."
He gasped and as he stared after you, inching backwards over the threshold, it felt like too much of an overstep. Then it passed and he followed you, the door closed and locked behind him.
His lips rose crooked. "Go on, then."
The apartment mirrored yours in layout and later, by his side, you would marvel at the softer hues in his decorating, more greens and greys, but you were running beyond the lounge, past large windows to an open bedroom door.
His arms came around you and aided in slipping free your clothes, until his bare chest warmed your back. "I'm to prove I want you, yes?" The heat of his palm stroked down your stomach. "Is that right?"
"Yes," you gasped, trembling already at his hand slipping lower.
"Kneel on the bed for me," he whispered to your throat and you were helpless, only hesitating at the end. Edel circled the bed and when he turned, your stomach fluttered at him tying his long hair up. His chin tipped in an unmistakable invitation. "Come here, beautiful."
His hands on your thighs lifted you closer when you gasped, astride his chest and swallowing hard. He kissed your inner thigh, undeterred by your small whine.
"Wouldn't this be better if I laid down?"
His tongue ran over his lips. "Please."
"If you need to stop," you whispered, though the strain of withholding yourself from bringing his flushed lips to where you ached most nearly overcame you. “Edel?”
"If I need air, I will tap your thigh. I won't, though," he teased, and guided you to kneel around his head, so grateful his hair had already been knotted back. "Come here…"
You lowered yourself evidently not fast enough, as Edel let free a groan and drew in a slow breath. The headboard trembled with your clutching it tight, knuckles aching like last night on the lake's platform.
One, slight touch of his hot tongue to your slit had you gasping, forgoing any inhibitions and rolling down against him. Edel made as many sounds of contentment and circled his thumbs into your thighs, parting your folds for him to lift his face higher.
"Do you… do you need me to-"
Edel's groan came when his lips softened against your clit, gentle at first before he focused there, mindful of how you clenched and what made you whine, then what made you gasp. The flattening of his down dragged, coaxing your cries louder. He drew on the coil burning in your navel with each stroke of his hot tongue, down until he curled it against your aching centre and tasted you around him.
One hand fell low, tugging at his hair to keep him close. Every flick of the muscle prolonged the tingling running down your spine, down to your toes curled on the sheets.
Soft palms gripped your thighs in aiding you back once your moans eased to harsher breaths. Edel settled you over his lap, but your body already so sensitive against him made you tingle again. He faced you with a glistening smile, one tended to by his tongue before you chased after his moan.
"Is that proof enough?"
Your forehead rested to his, breathing deep. "Proof?"
"Proof of how much I want you." He laid kisses along your throat and when you thumbed the waist of his trousers, his eyelids fell low with a hummed moan. "Say no."
His cheeks were flushed, hair curling at his temples from your body around him, so unlike the weight to his dark stare. "I'd like to prove my want with you sitting like this-" he rolled his hips up against you, and both of you shared a moan. "Is that what you'd like?"
Edel relinquished himself to you. Only in trousers, you caught yourself moaning just from reaching to stroke his length. He stretched from the bed for protection as you inched closer again. The tint of blue to his body tempted you closer, wanting nothing more than to already have him.
Edel kissed the heat falling from your cheeks down to your throat as you undressed him. The tint to his body captivated you, down to the blue hue to his dark head. He stretched back from the bed for protection, though trembled with the pad of your thumb tracing up the veins running along his length.
That shared thought brought his hands to your hips, your body lifting above him. His cock pressed to you, slick and aching, and you clenched around him when taking him deep. That sensitivity hadn't faded and dizzied you, adjusting still when he kissed you.
"I was right. My pleasure," he said, before his body moved against you, his cock dragging along your fluttering walls.
My pleasure, he'd greeted you on your first meeting, but you disagreed. Every arch of his body brought him deeper, and every kiss enticed another whimper until you were trembling so soon around him again.
"So beautiful," he whispered. His hand cradled your face, thumb running along your parted lips as he peppered touches along the column of your throat. "Everything I've ever wished for."
He gasped with you as you tightened your legs around his hips, clinging to him at the returning pressure in your abdomen. The lake could wait. You wanted to spend forever in his arms, letting your head fall back so his tongue could trace down to your collarbones.
Edel grunted from your hand unravelling his hair, only to draw his lips to yours as his thumb graced your flushed clit. One firm stroke and you cried loud, your rhythm faltering as your orgasm overcame you. He continued to rub your nerves, an arm banded tight around you until he moaned your name and stiffened.
Until your breaths eased, you clutched each other close. The gentleness in his care as you rested by his side was no different than any other time, tucking an arm beneath your crown as you lazed in his hold.
You woke alone.
The bedsheets were cold, tousled and bathed in the same moonlight he had left you for. No light came from his lounge as you left in his trousers and your shirt.
The night wasn't so cold, but quiet. Each step nearing the lake matched your racing heart, and it rose to a crescendo finding him waiting in the water, reaching out to hold you when you undressed. Even if the night hadn't been cold, the water was, so you curled tighter to his chest.
"You left."
He waded deeper, kissing your temple. "I'd have been by your side before you truly woke."
"I'm awake now."
Edel breathed quietly against your hair. "I wanted you to feel free to go."
"Is that what you want?" If not for the water strengthening his embrace, you would have turned away. "For me to leave?"
His lips curled down, though he looked beyond you. "I'd rather now than later."
"Was I not clear?" Edel's shoulders softened from beneath his jaw. "It's you I want, until you want me gone."
Where his lips had been hours before, he kissed your throat, soft against your flitting pulse. It was promise enough as he cradled you to him, holding you all the way back to his bed, and neither of you planned on leaving soon.
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
Hazel (OC) x Eirik (Nokken) Headcanons
(Last preview because my general WIP list is ever growing 🙃)
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What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
This mostly applies to Eirik as he’ll be more present among the land than his sea domain
Who kisses the hardest?
It’s almost a tie between both. The reals question is, who kisses the longest? (Cough, Hazel)
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Eirik’s clan feels naturally concerned because Hazel is a human (and they’re immortal folklore creatures so that’s a whole other case), while Hazel’s family initially thought she had a secret bf she never wanted to introduce 😅
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Both. Hazel sings more traditional lullabies she knows in French. Eirik has a whole cavalcade of lullabies that he’s known over the centuries.
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wickednerdery · 4 years
"Youre trembling' + Grim
...This might be a sweet one...
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Your heart still pounds, trying to beat its way out of your chest, as you lay back, huffing, covered in sweat. If he touches you again now, you might pass out. It’ll be worth it, but you suspect he’ll feel guilty.
Grim watches carefully, taking deep breaths of pleasant calm. “You’re trembling...” He notes with concern. “Are you all right?”
“More than,” you smile out. You don’t speak again until you’re certain you’ve the ability to do so properly, then you smile wider. “Your people don’t have this reaction to amazing sex?”
“No, we mostly just flop around.” It a clear joke, one that makes you both laugh.
“Of the many things you do in bed, flop around is not one of them.”
His hand reaches out, brushes your arm, and you shiver with a smiled moan. “Amazing sex, eh?”
You laugh all the more, roll onto your side to face him. “Yes, sir. Amazing...” You shift closer. “Mind-blowing.” Kiss him softly, then deeply to run tongue across his sharply pointed teeth. “Life-altering...”
“You flatter me.” The fossegrim laughs, pulling you on top of him. “Too much.”
Feigning insult, you try parroting his accent. “Not I, I only speak the truth!” Then lean to press body against his. “But you know what they say about flattery...”
“No...” His smirk indicates otherwise as he shifts to allow himself to sink into your depths again. “What do they say?”
Another tremble takes your words, leaves you with just a moan, as the being takes hold of your hips and slowly moves you over him.
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((Ultimately, sweet, but naughty...good combo, I think, for Grim. Never can’t be sweet after all - unless un-pierced, lol!! Not gonna lie, I laughed myself at the “flop around” line a bit too much, LOL!! Always such a delight writing Grim though, so thank you for prompting him, @holykryptonitekitten !! ^_^))
Wanna Prompt for Wicked Wednesday? Go here!!
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lumberingleviathan · 5 years
Nokken x Reader
“A Nokken or a vampire! I know Nokken are a bit obscure so i'm equally as happy with a vampire! This is some info I had already typed up, is this okay? --> I’m 5’3, chubby with curves and African American. I wear glasses, have thick, natural curly hair and brown eyes. I prefer palazzo pants, maxi skirts and flowy blouses to hide my shape as I’m not confident about it.I’m eccentric yet introverted, energetic yet socially anxious and I’m clumsier than a baby deer. I love old romance; the poetry, the emotions, no hookup culture. My hobbies are listening to music, cooking and gardening!”
Thank you so much @kawaiijellyfishgarden for your ko-fi donation! Monster Mates are still open for the rest of the day. If you’re looking for a more personalized or steamy story feel free to donate to my ko-fi the more you donate the more you get!
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You were beyond thrilled at the request to house sit for a friend when they explained the small cottage with a stream that ran through the property. Worried as they were about the heat wave, and the modest garden they kept not being able to sustain itself otherwise. For you it seemed like a paradise, time away from the busier pressures of life, and secluded enough to calm your spirit. Of course that was before you’d broken almost three pots trying to balance them all from the car, to the backyard.
The sun washed against the rich dark of your skin, warming you even through the billowy layers you wore. Kneeling down to pick up the large terra cotta pieces with a click of your tongue. If it was the worst thing to happen, the weekend would still be one of the best you’d ever had. Of course just as the thought drifted through your mind, your thumb caught at the edge of a broken piece.
Blood dripping down in slow, heavy beads where the ground all but swallows it. Quick, and thirsty, causing you to leave the mess behind favoring getting a bandage for it instead. Standing within the small cottage with nothing but the faucet running, your thumb beneath the water, you swear you hear the bubbling of the stream just past the property.
How even softer still you swear you hear music, a line violin with warbling notes that ache at your heart. How they draw so slow, and sweet, somber to the ears. Yet when you reach to turn the water off, the music fades. There’s nothing but the stream, and the woods come alive with birds, and the insects calling out against the blister of the sun.
The pots forgotten, and your mind still swimming with thoughts of fairy tales you head out to find the garden your friend had tasked you with. Not that it’s hard to spot, where a large willow tree rests, its branches dipping into the very stream it stands beside. Though stream isn’t quite the word you’d use seeing it for yourself. How it reminds more of a slow moving river for how wide across, but clearer than anything the closer you get. The garden seems less of a concern now as you toe that much closer to the water. How the tree beside you towers at a great height.
Water splashes up at your ankles, and your curls bounce slightly as you spring back. Not remembering stepping into the water, yet now standing calf deep within it. Your shoes left on bank side, and what seems seconds, or minutes missing from your memory.
That’s when you see him, drawing up, standing tall at the halfway point across. His hair is shimmering silver, and his skin is that of a grayish blue that seems to glow. Silver like scales seem to adorn parts of him, catching at the sun, throwing light across the water as if fireflies follow him. Yet it’s barely noon, and no matter how you blink, he does not disappear. No trick of the light, but a water spirit. One who’s smile comes syrup sweet, and just as slow when the curtain or hair parts to show the rest of his face.
Pupils dilating, flashing a silver sort of color at his Irish before the colors eaten away by black. “You heard my song then?” When he moves towards you, the water seems to part. Rippling out, and around him, yet he draws closer still. You, you feel rooted, a bubbling sort of energy beneath your skin, but unable to leave, or move out of his view. Find yourself wanting his attention, “You gave me a sacrifice.” His words drawl, and it’s then you feel his hand taking yours. Bringing your thumb to his mouth, pinching gently until blood wells.
Sealing his lips against it he all but purrs a noise of contentment. “Such a sweet gift you’ve given, little one.” And it’s then you realize he must be near six feet, if not more for how his shoulders curve, and his spine bends to be closer to your face. His laughter reminds you of the music from before, soft, and sad when his fingers touch at the rim of your glasses gently, almost curious. “Would you not stay with me awhile? I grow lonely here, and you- you are sweeter than anything-“ his face draws nearer, and again you can hear the violin as it plays seemingly from within the water around you both.
His kiss is cool, as his fingers drift along the column of your neck. Before smoothing against the light billowing fabric. Pressing in to feel the curves of you almost greedily. His steps draw him back, and you can’t help but to follow. Water rising, weighing down your skirt, making it cling to your thighs before pitching around in the water as it hits your waist. He leans back enough to watch where the red fabric of your skirt seems to dance in the water around you both. How his own shape always seems to shimmer, and shift, like this is only one form of many.
At times you swear you see the green of moss climbing like ivy where his veins ought to be. “You’d stay with me? I’d give you years beyond knowing, young one. You, and I could live beneath the stars until one by one they blink themselves out, and even longer still.” This he says even as his long fingers draw up the inside of your thigh. Curve against the seam of you, the other cradling your face, his breath misting your lips. “The things I might show you, all for the taste of you one more time.” And here he smiles, presses up, and against you until a gentle gasp flutters free of your lungs.
The water soothes, and yet spurs you, and your smile is a wide thing when you nod. Only he pauses, “I rush, you’ll be here, for awhile yet, yes?” How you can only nod, dizzy, the way his fingers never stop the slow torturous draw against you. Like brewing heat between your thighs, while his face dips to press a kiss to your throat.
“Then I’ll take my time, I’ll convince you. Go then, return to your earth, and soil, I will come for you again at dusk. I’ll show you the truth of me.” When he draws away he takes his fingers into his mouth. Relishing the taste that lingers there, “Quick now, sweet one, the current can be a dangerous thing.” And just like that you watch as he seems to turn into a silver flecked steed. Only instead of drawing out, he sinks further into the water.
Leaving you shivering in the water, desire lit in your bones, and breathless as you watch the spot he stood. Music, in the distance that matches the wild beat of your heart.
Dusk can’t come soon enough.
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trashforthecryptids · 5 years
Nokken Part 1
(this is self indulgent so dont judge me lmao, also im going to be putting ages in here but you can change them to whatever age you want it to be if it doesnt fit you or you just want it to be different lol)
Legends of creatures lurking in dark waters waiting to lure people to their deaths were common to hear where you lived growing up, especially living in a town that on one side had a beach directly leading to the ocean and on the other side had a marsh like area within a forest, some old paths that no one takes because theyre unstable or just overgrown to the point where theyre no longer walkable. As a child, hearing about the Nokken made you avoid that forest at all costs, hearing about Sirens made you nervous of leaving the main coast of the beach for quieter areas. No matter what people said “oh theyre just legends, nothing will happen to you” for many years you wouldnt believe them, you were adamant that these creatures existed.
By the time you had reached 16 you realised how stupid it was to be scared of legends and started taking main trails in the forest, wondering secluded areas of the beach, nothing happened and you were sure nothing ever would.
Not long after you had turned 19 you decided it was time to take an older trail, specifically one of the overgrown ones, you took two sticks with you to move the nettles out of your way as you went through, eventually you could no longer hear civilisation, only the birds and the winds blowing the trees causing a few thinner trees to creak a bit. You had left early in the morning and judging by the temperature now it had to be at least midday. The sound of rustling in the undergrowth soon caught your attention, though it was just a fox looking for something to hunt, it looked at you for a few moments before walking away.
After about an hour more of walking you found yourself standing on a very old and nearly completely covered cobblestone path, most of the stones worn down and cracked, either side of the path were loads of wild flowers growing, undisturbed and completely healthy, some of the best looking flowers you had ever seen... and then theres the decaying deer in a patch of snapdragons, well its better nutrients than chemicals at least. The ground in this area also isnt as marsh like, if anything its like normal ground.
Walking a bith further in the flowers become more sparce again, the ground mainly covered in moss, once again in more a marsh like area, using the sticks you make sure the ground is safe to step on as you carry on through until you reach an area, an area with extremely murky water and all the legends come flooding back to you, but you stick it out, but within two minutes or so of sticking around you find yourself entranced by a beautiful humming, for a while youre unable to find the source of it but when you do youre enticed to go towards it. A beautiful man, long dark hair, moss and water weeds stuck to it, a feminine but simultaneously masculine body, eyes a mossy green, skin tinted slightly blue in several places, half of his body submerged in the water as he looks at you, continuing to hum. Against your better judgement you start to move towards him, when he tilts his head to the side a bit and smiles an almost hauntingly beautiful smile you notice his ears, long pointed ears, at this point youre almost certain that youre dreaming, after all, this couldnt be real could it? A creature this beautiful could never exist in reality.
You soon snapped out of it when your shoe was penetrated by a particularly spikey stick coming out of the ground and then the fear set in as you realised just what this creature was and what it would do to you if you got closer, so you turned and you ran, as fast as you could, trying to ignore the terrifying wailing that the creature was making until, you could no longer hear it, but you could hear the birds again, you saw a rabbit hopping through the flowers, you were on the other side of the path, you noted, as you spotted the decaying deer, so you carried on, by nightfall you had reached the main trail and had exited the forest and gotten home. Limping was all you could do now that the adreneline had worn off.
As soon as you got in the door you cleaned the wound on your foot, it wasnt a large wound but it was deep, you put a bandage around it and decided that you would sleep for now and if the wound wasnt better by the end of the week or got worse, that was when you would go to the doctors. As you lay on your bed the creatures face flashes through your memory, you can see the pure hunger in its expression now, but also, a hint of desparation is there too, and then you start to recall the rest of it, sure its body was quite built for a feminine looking one but also, its ribs were visible to a dangerous amount. Somewhere through your remembrance of the creature your heart starts to ache with pity, so, you make a mental note to take it some food and just hope that it doesnt decide to eat you instead.
(Ok so, I'll probably post the other parts of these either once a week or once a day even though I am writing them in bulk lol)
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Vampire Sweet Pea x witch reader headcanons
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A/n: Don't have the original request but it was for vampire Sweet Pea attempting to feed on witch reader and falling for him
· vampire Sweet Pea has no problem seducing a stranger in order to feed on them
· it doesn't matter who they are, human blood is human blood
· but he made a mistake the night he tried to feed on you
· he seduced you at the bar
· he thought it was thanks to his vampire powers but really you just thought he was hot
· you were in the alley behind the bar making out when you felt something sharp against your neck
· "slow down there big boy i can't have any marks when i go to work tomorrow" 
· "don't worry, when I'm done with you you won't even remember tonight happening" 
· before you could say anything back sharp teeth were sinking into your neck
· Sweet Pea only got a taste of your blood but something was off 
· then suddenly he was flying into the opposite wall of the alley
· "hell no vamp, this was not what my consent was for" 
· "you're a fucking witch! No wonder your blood tasted foul" 
· "wow that's one way to get into a guys pants, does insulting people usually work for you?" 
· it's a few weeks later when you see each other at the bar again
· "i think we got off on the wrong foot" 
· "you can say that again fangs" 
· "actually Fangs is my best friend and he's a Nokken" 
· "of course he is" 
· "let me buy you a drink and we can really get to each other" 
· you guys spent hours talking 
· he was excited for all his supernatural pals to meet a witch
· and when Sweet Pea found out he didn't actually mesmer you and you were genuinely into him that night he was a goner
· by the end of the night you had him falling for you 
· and after a couple dates you officially had a vampire boyfriend 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Guardian of creatures; AU! Queen x oc female x reader Chap. 11
*Author’s note*
Well this got done within a night shift of writing lol but now we discover the TRUE mythology of the Wizards in this story. I also hope you all enjoy the face cast I’ve picked out for you all, I know some of you are gonna FLIP OUT!! So enjoy this chapter folks and until the next update :)
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Chapter 11,
The Truth
*3rd Person POV*
Serafina and Balthazar walked side by side along the desert as the rain continued to softly pour down on top of them.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you were—the Balthazar when you first met us?”
“I don’t usually give out that information freely.” He answered using the Egyptian’s actual voice.  It was more softer compared to his original voice but it still held a commanding tone to it.
“Also this body……this clearly isn’t your human body. Are you possessing this poor man?”
“He volunteered it freely all those centuries ago when I went to find you and John. Plus I have to keep my true self hidden. As I’m sure you remember that the Sorcerer Supreme can sense every living creature on Earth. And ghosts give out the strongest power force known to our realm. If Grindelwald saw me freely moving about in the world, all hell would break loose.”
“That is true.” She muttered.
“We’ve arrived.” Balthazar soon said as he stopped. Serafina stopped beside him and the two of them stood on top of a semi-high (around 3-4ft) rock wall which stood over more desert.
“You woke me up in the middle of the night just to bring me out further into the desert?” Serafina sassed at the great Wizard.  He softly chuckled and said with a sigh.
“Oh you even have his sarcastic nature.”
“Whose sarcastic nature?”
“Close your eyes dear one.” Serafina closed her eyes before feeling 2 fingers press against each side of her temples and soon Balthazar’s real voice spoke in her head.
‘Over a thousand years ago the world of Sorcerers was a very different place. Instead of one Wizard ruling over all others, all of us lived and helped serve under the 3 great apprentices of Merlin.’
“This was the story we were taught on our first day of school. The history of Wizards.”
‘Indeed. While each wizard and witch lived in their own countries, all Sorcerers were considered equals and called a special sacred place known as the Garden of Merlin, home. Now—open your eyes.’ Serafina opened her eyes and she was greeted with an amazing sight.
Nothing but pure green surrounded her, the sky was just shining it’s dawning colors of pink and blue as the sun continued to rise higher into the sky.  She stood up on a hill and saw wildflowers growing as far as she could see in all various colors and types, trees so big she’d swore they’d brush against the clouds in the sky.
“Did we just time travel?” she turned and saw Balthazar as his true self.  He now stood roughly about John’s height, maybe a couple inches taller.  His ghostly eyes stared at Serafina as he told her.
“There’s too much to see and so little time. Try not to ask too many questions.” With that he walked deeper into the forest.  Serafina ran behind him and when she caught up to him, she looked around the forest.  
Listening to the frogs and birds bring the forest to life, squirrels scampering around the tree branches and deer along with other forest creatures doing whatever it was they do.
“This is where your family was born. Behold.” Balthazar pushed back a shrub and soon they saw a group of wizards all talking amongst one another, children playing games with either one another or with their parents.
“But won’t you disrupt the time stream by being here?”
“No. Because this is just a vision. No one can see nor hear us.” Serafina looked out watching everyone all happy and smiling at one another. Nothing like she had seen before with sorcerers of different nationalities and skin colors truly living like brothers and sisters.
“Hang on you said this is where my story began? That’s not true at all. My family didn’t come around till after the fall of the 3 apprentices.”
“Not true.” He immediately said to her.  She looked at him confused. “You see that little girl over there? Who does she remind you of?” he pointed towards a young girl with long brown hair and blue eyes.
Playing alongside her was a Hispanic man with brown hair, warm brown eyes and a mustache over his upper lip while at his jaw a stubble of a beard was forming.  He wore an elegant golden wizard robe and watched with pride and a warm smile as he saw this young girl practicing her magic.
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“She…..she almost looks like me.”
“That’s because she is your ancestor. Wanda Arya Black. And that man she’s with is my brother Archimedes.” Serafina’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
“Archi—Archimedes?! As in Archimedes the Wise?! That Archimedes?” she turned to Balthazar.
“Yes is there an echo in here?” wow he was definitely John’s ancestor.  He cleared his throat and said, “He was the only one out of the three of us to take on an apprentice. As the first muggle-born witch she showed prose and potential, so Archimedes took her in as his ward as well as her teacher.”
“But there was never an apprentice in the legend. Balthazar no offense but I’ve been taught your story throughout my entire life. Why did you bring me here?”
“Because you don’t know our story. Come with me.” He walked away leaving Serafina to stare at her ancestorial grandmother as well as the 3rd great apprentice of Merlin.  As she watched the two of them walk away, Serafina turned and followed in the direction Balthazar went.
Day soon turned to night as they kept walking to another part of the garden.  As they stopped, they spotted 3 figures sitting at a clearing looking up at the moon and the stares in the night sky.  Serafina obviously recognized the two men because she was standing right next to him now.
The two men were Archimedes and Balthazar (back when he was alive).  A woman was also with them.  She wore a long, short-sleeved black dress and had long wavy brown hair.  She was around their age and she was sitting upon a rock beside inbetween the two men.
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“It’s you guys. And that woman, is that—”
“Shh! Pay attention now.” Balthazar told her.  They turned back towards the three young apprentices and soon they heard Archimedes speak up.
“I know that I was chosen to be his wisdom and destined to teach future young ones of our ways but I—don’t think I’m ready just yet.”
“There’s no way we could ever feel ready for this. I mean how do you think I feel about being the next Sorcerer Supreme?” asked Balthazar.
“Some help you are.” Archimedes scoffed out a laugh.
“I’m not finished!” Balthazar stated.
“I think what cheekbones is trying to say is, is that we’ll be fine. Merlin has never steered us wrong before my brothers. We are all ready for this. And we’ll always have each other for when things get hard, right?” Morgana said as she got off the rock and placed her hands on each of her brother’s shoulders.
“Right.” Balthazar agreed with a strong nod.
“Right.” Archimedes however had a slight hesitant tone to his voice but the smile on his face fooled the other two.  Morgana let out a yawn and Balthazar said.
“I think we’ll go ahead and retire for the evening.”
“Goodnight. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Archimedes said. As Balthazar and Morgana flew off, together (Balthazar using his magic to fly while Morgana summoned her broom).
“Cheekbones? Really Morgana?” Balthazar asked offensively.
“C’mon Balthazar, you’ve got to admit you have sharper cheekbones than even our Master.” Morgana teased back.  The two of them continued to banter with each other till they were out of sight.
Archimedes softly chuckled and shook his head before growing solemn again and looked back up at the moon.
“You see…….at the time I didn’t realize that while Archimedes was ready to take his place as the Wisdom of Merlin, he wasn’t happy.” Balthazar explained to Serafina.
“You guys have the most famous story in all of Wizard lore, what was it that could make him happy?”
“A friend of yours.” They turned back around and after a little while a female voice spoke up.
“Are they gone master?”
“They’re gone.” He said.  Soon coming out of the shrubs was Wanda.  She was older, now the same age as Serafina and she could see for herself that she looked almost identical to her ancestral grandmother.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep him away much longer.” She suddenly shrieked as someone lifted her up and spun her around.
“Well then don’t make me stay away so long next time!” Soon coming into the light of the full moon was none other than Roger Taylor himself.
Serafina couldn’t believe it!  She knew Roger had been around since the creation of the seas but he actually was there before the fall of the 3 apprentices of Merlin? He knew Archimedes the wise personally as well as her ancestral grandmother?! Was that why he seemed to flirt with her cause she reminded him of Wanda? And why didn’t he ever mention it before?
“How can I survive without my favorite witch and wizard?” Roger said as he nuzzled into Wanda’s neck affectionately.
“We’re sorry my friend, we just don’t……don’t want Morgana and Balthazar to—” Archimedes said as he pulled Roger away from his apprentice and gave the Nokken a brotherly embrace.  Roger separated from Archimedes and looked at him confused.
“You—you mean to tell me that Roger. My Roger knew Archimedes as well as my infinite great grandmother!? So what were he and Wanda friends like we are? Or—”
“Archimedes and Wanda both cared for their brother and sister wizards. But the beings they both could be truly happy with, were the Magical creatures.” Balthazar explained to Serafina.
“I just don’t understand why you won’t tell them you don’t want to do this anymore? What will you do tomorrow when Merlin crowns you the Wise?” Roger asked.
“I’ll go through with it. It’s been destined that I become his Wisdom after he passes on so—I will.”
“And then what you’ll forget about all the creatures we’ve helped? Forget about me?” Wanda said.
“No! That will never happen! Querida you know I’ll always love you.” Archimedes said as he cupped Wanda’s cheeks in his hand, stroking her cheekbones with his thumbs.
“Right. You say you love her, but you don’t want your fellow wizards to know what you both have been building! Sure we get it!” Roger huffed as he took Wanda back into his arms.
“This duty was chosen for me at birth what else am I supposed to do?! I don’t have a choice Roger.”
“You weren’t born to serve a purpose. You were born to live your life. You always have a choice.” Roger said.
“He’s right Master. Think of what we’ve worked so hard to build. Do you really want that to go down in flames? I don’t have the power to convince the Wizard council to keep what we’re trying to do secure. I need you. They need you.” Archimedes brushed a strand of Wanda’s hair out of her face and placed a hand onto Roger’s shoulder.
“Come on. This way now.” Balthazar guided Serafina away from the three of them and the two of them walked to another part of the garden.
The sun slowly started to rise but already in Serafina’s mind, dozens of questions were buzzing around her head.  She soon saw Balthazar stop beside a tree and she ran up to catch up to him.
“Where is he?!” Morgana’s voice snapped.  “Sorcerers from across the world are out there waiting for our coronation!”
“We’ve searched everywhere. But no one’s seen him ma’am.” Said a young blonde wizard.
“Well look again! He could’ve been captured or-or killed!” Morgana snapped.
“Lady Morgana! Lady Morgana!” soon a young witch with ginger hair came running up.  She had freckles decorated all over her face and bright green eyes. “I have news about Lord Archimedes.”
“Thank Paracelsus. Where is he?”
“He and his apprentice Wanda left with a creature known as a Nokken. He said to tell you that he and Wanda are safe and not to worry.”
“Left with a Nokken? For what?”
“It seems that he—” she went quiet.  She cleared her throat and continued hesitantly. “He said he had a greater calling. Than staying here, ma’am.” At hearing this, Morgana went silent.  Slowly her face contorted to anger as she sneered softly.
“You said a Nokken right? They’re like sirens yes? It tricked them both and then kidnapped them.”
“No. My Lord Arch—”
“I AM MORGANA LE FEY! MERLIN’S CHOSEN LAWKEEPER!! I DECIDE WHAT’S TRUE!! Where did it take them!?” she snapped with pure rage at the young witch.
“He—they didn’t say.” She said fearfully.
“No matter. I’ll find them one way or another.” Morgana growled lowly.
Balthazar sighed heavily with solemn.  He then turned to Serafina and warned her.
“This next scene won’t be pretty.” He walked ahead.  As Serafina passed over the tree, she was greeted with a gruesome sight.  Hundreds upon thousands of sea creature corpses lay across the land.
From mermaids, to sirens, Nokks to Kelpies.  Every sea creature known to mankind could be seen. Their bodies pale and their eyes soulless with death.
“Morgana declared war between us and the sea creatures. Accusing Roger of seducing both Archimedes and his apprentice and demanding retribution. It resulted in a massacre on a scale never seen before in Wizard history until two other occasions.” Balthazar explained as he and Serafina slowly walked over the corpses of the poor sea creatures.
“Me and Freddie.” Balthazar nodded solemnly.  They arrived at seemed to be the end of the garden. “Heartbroken at his apprentices fall into darkness; with his final breath, Merlin arranged the meeting between the four of them to meet at the sacred, neutral ground known to all creatures.” Balthazar once again pushed the shrubs away and Serafina soon saw Roger, Wanda, Archimedes, and Morgana standing in a landscape that she knew all too well.
“It’s—my home.” She whispered in awe as well as shock.
“I’ve come as Merlin decreed. Now give them back, and all of this can be over.” Morgana took a step when Roger, who was now in his full Nokken form guarding Archimedes and Wanda, snarled as his gills flared angrily.
“Stay back! They came here to talk! That’s all!”
“Please sister stop this. I can’t give you what you want.” Archimedes pleaded.
“That’s not true. You’re our brother!” Morgana tried to reason with him.
“Yes. You and Balthazar have been my brother and sister. You both will always be my brother and sister. But our journey together has come to an end.”
“You’re—abandoning us? For what purpose? What purpose is greater than being with your own family?” Archimedes swallowed his tears and said as he looked directly at Morgana.
“The protection and safe security of all Magical creatures. So please, let them live in peace.”
“There is no peace without you Archimedes! You belong with your own kind. With Sorcerers. With us.” Morgana pleaded.  Archimedes turned his head and refused to look Morgana in the eye.  She took another step before looking towards Wanda now.  “Wanda, you know this is the way. Please child come with me.” Roger’s claws dug deeper into the ground as his fangs grew longer.
“I said….STAY BACK!!” then like the animal he truly was, he launched himself at Morgana, pinning her down and snarled down at her.
Morgana’s gagging echoed in the night as Roger began to choke her to death before he felt ready to deliver the final blow.  He wasn’t just doing this for his Sorcerer friends but he also lost all his best friends and family to this witch.
She cause in a complete genocide against the sea and now he was going to have his revenge.
“Roger stop it what are you doing!?” Wanda exclaimed.
“SHE’S A MONSTER WANDA!! She’ll keep hunting you both. Just like she hunted my people! I. Have. To end this!” Morgana continued to choke as she tried to get Roger off of her but he was too strong for her.
“Roger please listen to me! I know she’s slaughtered your people but—” Archimedes started off.  “If you kill her now, you will be no better than she was. We—we can’t bear to see you……”
“Please Roger let Lady Morgana go! For us.” Wanda pleaded as tears formed in her eyes.  Roger looked at his friends with helpless eyes but when he looked down at Morgana, his eye grew hard and filled with hatred.
But he knew they were right.  If he killed the high witch now, he’d not only have to go into hiding but he’d also be consumed by revenge.  Soon enough what would stop him from killed all other sorcerers? Including Wanda and Archimedes who have shown him nothing but kindness and love. Something his kind never truly understood, until he met them.  He turned back towards them and said softly.
“Only for you both.” He released Morgana and crawled over towards them.  Morgana let out a series of coughs as she slowly raised herself off the ground. Archimedes pressed his forehead against Roger’s and whispered.
“Thank you my friend.” Roger then turned to Wanda who immediately hugged him and kissed his blue/grey scale cheek.  “Sister Morgana I—”
“SANGUINE MALICE!!” Morgana cried out.  Wanda pushed Roger away and took the spell head on. She stumbled backwards as she clenched her stomach with one arm and held her hand to her mouth.  Wanda grunted and groaned before she suddenly vomited out blood.
Serafina watched with horror as she was experiencing déjà vu. For that spell was the very same spell that was used on her by John’s own mother.
“WANDA!!” Both Roger and Archimedes exclaimed fearfully. Roger quickly phased back into his human disguise and caught Wanda as she collapsed and proceeded to keep coughing and vomiting out blood.  Her eyes dripping out bloody tears as they slowly went red.  Her coughs and gagging now pierced the air.
Archimedes joined alongside Roger and took the young witch’s face in between his hands.
“She-she wasn’t the target. It was for the Nokk. But if a witch is willing to die for a monster, then she’s no different!”
“No. No, no, Wanda. Wanda, Wanda hey, hey, hey querida por favor. Por favor, stay with us. Stay with me.” Wanda slowly lifted her bloody hand towards Archimedes’ face and tried to speak, but all that came out were haunting gurgles.  “Shhh, shhh, shhh. Save your strength my darling girl. Shhhh, shhh.”
“Please Wanda just hold on. Archimedes will heal you just hang on we’ll get you help. Just please hold on for us. I love you so much my soulmate.” Roger pleaded as he stroked through her hair.
Slowly her head became limp as her gurgling ceased and her arm fell to the ground, leaving a bloody sweep across Archimedes’ right cheek.
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No!” Roger pleaded and begged but it was too late.  Wanda Arya Black was gone.  “NOOOOO!!!!” Roger roared out in heartbroken agony and wept over her corpse. Archimedes too couldn’t hold his tears back as he pressed his forehead to Wanda’s and his tears fell upon her face.
When Roger slowly turned his head towards Morgana, his blood boiled with more rage than ever.
“You’ve killed one of your own!” He went to charge towards Morgana but a hand stopped him from moving any further.  Roger looked down and saw that Archimedes had stopped him. Before he could snap, Roger’s anger suddenly turned to fear as he sensed a sudden spike of power rising within Archimedes.
The wizard slowly stood up and Morgana stared at her brother in fear.
“Archimedes?” she softly spoke his name.  Suddenly she felt something beginning to choke her.  She dropped her wand as her hands went up to neck, trying to feel what it was that was choking her but she felt nothing but her own skin.  The sky grew dark, the wind softly picked up and even the moon went dark.  It was then Archimedes spoke in a low, haunting chant.
By the Guardian of all creatures
I give my voice to the Seers.
Soon even the moon itself grew black till it practically seemed to have disappeared completely.  Archimedes began to glow a bright white color as his lower half changed and morphed into a long snake-like tail.  
It soon came towards Morgana as it now revealed that a tail was now choking her.  Coils also formed around Wanda’s body protectively while Roger fell to the ground and submitted in fear, for he knew just what was coming.  
Suddenly from Archimedes’ lips not only did he speak but a thousand other voices both male and female came out of him.
“FOR YOUR CRIMES ON THESE SACRED GROUNDS, YOUR SOUL WILL KNOW NO PEACE! NOT FOR YOU OR YOUR DESCENDANTS!!” Soon Archimedes’ upper-half grew and grew till he stood well over the trees themselves.
His eyes now glowed pure gold with a white slit as the voices continued to speak through Archimedes.
Morgana had never in her life felt such fear surge through her body.  Her brother had surrendered his very being to the most powerful and dangerous creatures known to the supernatural world.  The eyes closed and with a bright light, all three of them disappeared, leaving her cowering on the ground as the wind blew her hair around her face.
Her expression frozen in pure terror.
From the bushes Balthazar looked down solemnly while Serafina was just in shock.
“None of this—was taught to us at school.”
“That’s because Morgana obliviated the entire Wizard community of what really happened that night, told her own version of the tale. And from there she made Morgana’s law, the execution and hunting of all magical creatures, out of her hate and fear. Years after I became Sorcerer Supreme, and saw for myself what happened that night thanks to the help of Freddie Mercury himself, I exposed her for the coward she really was. But when you obliviate an entire community, there is only so much you can do to rewrite certain parts of history without dire consequences. And her laws and teachings would soon make their way to my bloodline and the massacre of the Naga soon commence.”
Soon the forest changed to the very day the Naga genocide happened with Thomas Riddle Deacon was Sorcerer Supreme.  All of the Nagas surrounded them before the vision went black as Balthazar choked out sadly.
“I did my best to warn him, but—it wasn’t enough.” Soon the two of them were back in the real world.  Balthazar in his vessel’s body, a broken expression on his face as his head lowered in sorrow.  “Archimedes has been missing since that night and Morgana’s law continues to be enforced. That’s why at the end of every Sorcerer Supreme reign they plan, target and exterminate every living creature.”
“You mean Archimedes—is alive?” Balthazar nodded sadly. “This whole time?! So why hasn’t he been protecting these creatures?”
“He renounced his claim to it. So their only hope is for the next chosen one to take the mantel. That’s why Freddie also chose you along with John.”
“You are Wanda’s descendant. You are destined to be the next Guardian of Creatures. If you don’t, the cycle will only continue. Archimedes will stay hidden, Morgana’s law will remain, and Sorcerers will continue to kill till only they are the supreme beings. That’s why we want you to help us end it.”
“I’m—sorry Balthazar. That’s too much even for me.” Serafina sat down along the wall and said as she held her legs to her chest. “I’m not a Guardian or a descendant of anyone connected to the 3 apprentices, I’m just……me.”
“You can believe in that and forget what I’ve told you or can continue to help fix a broken world. Your choice.”
For years she had been following in what Freddie has foreseen her and John to do but never did she imagine that she’d have to also lead all Magical creatures into peace.  Not to mention that she now suddenly got a whiplash of the fact that her family line was connected to the 3 apprentices of Merlin through apprenticeship.
But she had come too far now.  If she fled now then all this work would have been for nothing. She’d be abandoning her family yet again and that was something she couldn’t do.  Not when she finally started to rebuild it once again with the return of her adopted sons.
“Okay. What do you need us to do now?”
“Find Archimedes. He’s in his Motherland of what is now known as Chile. He has got to crown a Guardian of Creatures.”
“But Chile has one of the most powerful magical barriers. We wouldn’t even know where to start looking once we got there.”
“He’ll come to you dear one. He’ll trust his apprentice’s bloodline. But uhh… Archimedes won’t train you if you bring forth my descendant let alone know that you’re married to him. Best if you go find him alone.”
“You want me too—abandon my family?”
“You’re not abandoning them. Your destiny lies on a different path than theirs right now. You and Archimedes both need this.”
“I don’t know if I can do this on my own.” Balthazar placed his vessel’s hand on Serafina’s shoulder and both the vessel and Balthazar’s real voice spoke to her.
“When the time comes, I know you will do the right thing.” Their voices echoed in her head.
Back at camp Serafina’s eyes suddenly shot open and she panted heavily as a cold sweat stuck to her entire body.
“Melda?” John’s voice groaned beside her.  She looked down and rested her hand against John’s temple and used her magic to put him back to sleep.
“I’m alright my love. Go back to sleep.” He cleared his throat tiredly before letting out a moan and immediately fell right asleep. Serafina stared outside of the tent and thought to herself, ‘A descendant of Archimedes’ apprentice.’
She turned her night dress into traveling clothes and looked down at her husband and sons one last time.
“I’ll be back my loves. Please don’t worry.” She sent three red auras of magic into the minds of her boys who all smiled in their sleep and let out tired moans.
Serafina got out of the tent and she got on top of her horse and proceeded to race off into the desert.
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exxo-potato · 5 years
Do you think you could do some fluffy headcanons for a Nokken x Chubby!s/o? :3
Nøkken (Water Sprite) x Chubby Reader  HCs (SFW)
One of his favorite pastimes is playing beautiful music for you. His voice is clear as a bell, and you are the subject of most of his songs. He can’t help it when his muse is so awe-inspiring!
 He doesn’t quite understand why humans insist on swimming with clothing on. He’ll probably ask about it, but he won’t pressure you to take them off. 
He’s very playful and will often make up games as the two of you swim together. If you’re a confident swimmer, he will mess with you by nipping at your feet and sneaking up on you.
When you’re out of the water, he likes to play with your hair, no matter what the two of you are actually doing. He frequently encourages you to braid his own.
He will curse anyone who maligns you or causes you pain, for any reason–just say the word. When he’s in the lake, he’s powerful enough to cause misfortune to those who are not present. Although, you will have to set the limitations on what the curse can do to a person, because fairy curses are especially nasty.
He’s a highly intuitive creature and rarely needs to ask how you feel, even when you try to hide it. If you’re self-conscious, he makes sure to remind you how much he loves you–moreso than he already does.
He often makes gifts out of things he finds in the lake that remind him of you. Sometimes, he repurposes them into enchanted pendants for you to wear so that you are protected from magical harm, and so that you never feel truly alone. 
He hopes to build you a lake cottage so that you two can live together.
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Yandere headcanons for a nokken x female reader?
Ask: Yandere headcanons for a nokken x female reader?
A/N: Nokken’s are perfect for ‘yandere’ because the myth is they legit lure you to your watery death with their hypnotic music playing. So yeah, major trigger warnings here. [P.S.One or more exophilia posts then I’ll be back to finishing up those Castlevania asks in my askbox.)
TW!: Yandere, Death Mention (you get the drill) 
The first time you heard their sweet song, you were instantly hooked. Nothing you had ever heard could compare to the lovely music they would perform.
You heard the call from some distance off, but because a distant part of you recalled the stories, you stayed away. You weren’t about to fall for a trap, and a watery death didn’t sound like a pleasant end to you.
Still, at the moments your heart yearned the most; you’d hear that ethereal melody and your yearning would grow stronger. How they knew when you were feeling most vulnerable you didn’t know. You wanted to find out. You needed to find out. You needed to go and…
No! No! No! You’d tell yourself over and over again. You weren’t going to fall for it. You wouldn’t be taken advantage of. Still, chances were an encounter was inevitable. So if you were to meet this trickster spirit, you needed to be prepared.
So you studied. You read up on water spirits and the tactics they used. You bought countless earbuds and noise-canceling headphones in an attempt to block out their misleading siren song. You ended up finding one combination that worked best. The headphones were expensive, but they remarkably achieved what the box promised: no outside noise could penetrate them. It goes without saying, it never hurt to be safe rather than sorry, so you kept a pair of those rubber earplugs in as well.
You knew these kinds of creatures, Nokkens, some folklore called them, mainly called after mothers and children. And while you absolutely weren’t a mom, or even mom-like in any regard, you supposed you were still very much a child. Although a legal adult, your heart was young and wanted more than what awaited you. College, a job, marriage… none of that seemed to command your attention. Not the way art did; not the way travel did, not the way music did. You wanted to experience life, not just go through the motions of it. Deep down you were longing for something more… something deeper… something beautiful.
His song was it. It had to be it. But it couldn’t be, you mustn’t seek and record it, or try and capture him. It was dangerous, the books said. Nokkens, just as any spirits could be tricked if you played your cards right; but what those cards were, you had no idea.
You were not a young maiden with a farm plow, nor did you possess the strength to hold the reigns of even the fiercest of stallions. You were nothing but you. Was it enough? Would it ever be enough?
Your resolve had begun to crumble. You were missing a piece of yourself. That song manifested it. You felt deep down, if you were to listen to the charming song in its entirety, you’d become whole somehow. You’d be free. You wanted to, no, you needed to hear it.
So you set out.
He had known you would come eventually. Others had trespassed upon his form in the meantime, but it was nothing a menacing hiss and splash couldn’t take care of. He didn’t desire them the way he wanted you. He had never felt as strongly in his attraction to anyone. In all the years he had guarded this spring, in all the seasons he had sent his song out into the fresh spring air, never once had he come across a creature as beautiful and enchanting as you.
And oh, he could just sense it: the way you needed more, the way you were searching the same as he. You were both looking for meaning, for validation, and he recognized his, in you.
His beautiful, silly, little human. How naive and open-hearted you were, even at your age. At first sight, he feared your age would make you exempt from his seductive powers of persuasion, but thankfully your immaturity left you vulnerable. He liked that even more.
Sure he had fun luring those who challenged his existence or outright denied it even. But the most candied fruit was the often ripest; a bite of the fruit which offered itself up presently and willingly was almost sickeningly sweet.
He knew his call was working when the mail carrier visited your house more and more frequently. It was some distance from his spring, but it was nothing a handful of his helpful fairies couldn’t fix. They were endlessly fascinated by the packaging you’d receive. He’d permitted them to ramble on about what was it again? Oh yes, bubble wrap and tissue paper and the like. What mattered was you were gearing up. You were going to approach and confront him; it was only a matter of time until he saw your sweet features again. Only a short while until he could do more than just see your body.
He knew that once you'd come within range, you wouldn’t be able to resist. His song was extremely passionate, overwhelmingly so, for a mere mortal. But he was a trickster after all, and playing games was in his nature. So why not play a little bit with you? He saw no harm in it. One particular talent he was rather fond of using was his ability to change up the intensity of his allure. And so, that’s what he did.
As you tried more and more expensive and higher-grade devices, as relayed to him by his loyal fairies, he lessened the strength of his prowess. He wanted you confident enough to make your move sooner than later. He had grown tired of waiting. He wanted, no needed, you soon.
He desired for you to be only and fully his. Sure, it wasn’t going to be the easiest adjustment for you, but he knew you’d manage it well enough. You weren’t like the others. They had given up too quickly, so easily. They drowned with such dread, so unaccepting of their fate. Too often their refusal disenchanted him. But not you. Not this time. This time, he was certain. You would be his, willingly. You idolized him, craved him even. You needed him - it mattered little that you weren't aware of it yet.
It would be overwhelming for a moment; all deaths were. He knew his lover would struggle. But it couldn’t be lessened, he was afraid; tradition was tradition after all. Oh but the rebirth, the rebirth would be so worth the pain, so worth the lonely millennia he had to wait. You could withstand it. He knew you could. You were so much stronger than the others had been combined. You wouldn’t rise as another disappointing corpse, oh no. Your spirit would rise as his one and only; his one true love.
He knew you would come investigating any day now. Sooner than later, his bride would walk herself down their aisle, into their watery tomb.
He could scarcely wait.
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wickednerdery · 4 years
Random 16. “I understand the whole sleep talking thing but what I don’t understand is the princess dragon dream and why I’m in it.” Grim/ Reader
Awww...I loves me some Grim! ^_^
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You dangle legs in the water, kicking without splashing. “I understand the whole sleep talking thing, but what I don’t understand is the princess, dragon, dream and why I’m in it.”
Grim smiles as he rests head on crossed arms beside you. “Neither do I, but I imagine it’s something to do with my kind. With the way we also devour pretty maidens.”
“You weren’t the one saving me?” You tease a touch, already aware of his truest, basest, nature. “What were you doing then?”
“I’m not sure you truly wish to know...” He smiles tensely.
Smirk spreads across your lips. “Come on.... You can’t scare me, Grim, I’ve seen you in heat.”
The fossegrim chuckles, pushes off towards the middle of the lake. “Very well, my lady...” He settles with only head above water. “After snatching you from your tower -”
“A tower? How Rapunzel of me.”
“Yes, well...you don’t last long there. I bring you to my cave.”
“Is it under water?”
“No, but it is by it.” Grim indulges you, your teasing interruptions. “And I take you there and I breed you there.”
Lips curl up in smirk. “Oh, so this was a sexy dream...no wonder you were muttering my name.”
He only chuckles as he slips under the surface. At first you can still see him, the glow of his eyes breaking up in the ripples, but then they leave too. 
“Grim?” You ask after another moment, growing confused, then worried. “Grim?” You lean over slightly, looking for him. Then something leaps out, grabs your wrist and yanks you into the water as you scream. The water fills nose, ears, disorients until you pop back up. “You asshole!” You yell and laugh at the same time, splashing the being in the face.
“Apologies,” Grim laughs. “I could not resist.”
“You’re lucky I like you, you big, aquatic, jerk.”
“...And then I devour you.” He references the dream.
You smirk, thinking of another devouring. “You should, you owe me.”
He joins in your laugh.
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((This is less villainous and more just naughty and cute, but since Grim rarely does even that - when not feral lol - I’ll take it, hahaha!! And, if not clear, devour/devour = eat/oral sex, LOL!! Anyway I hope you like this one, @holykryptonitekitten, and thanks for the prompt!!))
Want to prompt a drabble for Antagonist August? Go here!!
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Exophilia Masterlist
Introducing Me // Requests //  My Commissions - CLOSED
Updated: 31/10/2021 - Bucky Barnes ghost AU
Story count: 22
My Ko-Fi
Monster Matches - CLOSED// Monster Match Masterlist
Tropemas Masterlist
Faebruary Masterlist
Mini Kinktober Commissions - Info
Leigh // F Succubus x GN Human (Reader) // NSFW
Idella // F Demon x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Lars // M Dullahan x M Human (Reader) // NSFW
Torben // M Fae x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Gwynna // F Firbolg x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Galan // M Gargoyle x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Bucky Barnes // M Ghost x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober Challenge
Ollie // M Gnoll x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Vardelk // M Goblin x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Danon //  M Hellhound x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Cathair // M Kelpie x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Roan // M Kitsune x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Brae // M Mer x M Human (Reader) // NSFW
Neo // M Minotaur x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Kaan // M Naga x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Edel // M Nokken x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Raynar // M Orc x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Eladan // M Orc x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Bellamy // GN Cursed x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Enan // M Selkie x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Trine // F Tiefling x GN Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Cane // M Werewolf x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Faebruary Masterlist
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This will be updated as I publish the stories (and to help me keep track). Unfortunately, I’m a tad behind for faebruary despite my excitement for it. This masterlist has little summaries of the stories, and the link to my main masterlist too. Hope you love them! <3
Main Masterlist
Kelpie - 11th February
M Kelpie (Cathair) x F Human (Reader)
Of the kelpie distancing himself from you and your persistence
“You are too comfortable around me.”
Nokken - 28th February
M Nokken (Edel) x F Human (Reader)
Of your new neighbour and struggling to befriend him
“Was I not clear? It is you I want.”
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