#malia rate
ineedmorefanfics2 · 2 years
can i please get prompt number 8 with derek hale?
thankyou so much 🫶🏼 #followercelebration
Heads up! This fanfic was edited after posting!
8. “I want to go home to my wife.”
Warnings: Angst, Blood (Happy Ending)
A/N: So this was SUPPOSED to be done a couple of days ago, but I didn’t like it and I redid it like 7 times lol. Also Derek is based off of season 6 Derek if that makes sense? Anyways, thank you so much for the request and I really do hope you like it!
Derek hissed, stumbling over his own two feet as he trudged up the path to Scott McCall’s front door.
The bullet wound in his chest was leaking yellow smoke, and every movement felt like agony.
“Scott!” He called, throat raspy. “Scott!?”
Derek’s breathing became heavy, the wound hot and throbbing. He could feel the wolfsbane flowing through his veins, like gasoline that had been lit aflame.
His head swam and his vision blurred, his brain a scramble. His mind had been on autopilot since he came to on the cold forest floor. He had woken up covered in blood, with scorching pain enveloping his body and no recollection of what happened. Adrenaline forced him to stumble his way to the closest friend for help, nose catching the closest scent.
Derek’s thoughts drifted to you, eyebrows furrowing in worry. Where are you? Were you with him when he was shot? Are you safe and sound at home? He shivered at the thought of you being hurt, or worse.
He needs to find you, he needs to make sure you’re okay.
Derek turns to leave but looses his footing, losing his balance as he practically falls into Scott’s front door, a loud bang echoing throughout the dark neighborhood as his body collided with the white painted mahogany.
The door opened, Derek slumping inside as Melissa let out a startled shriek. “Derek!?”
She bent over, a gasp leaving her. “Scott! Scott get down here!” She grabbed the lapels of Derek’s jacket, doing her best to drag him inside as footsteps pounded down the stairs.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Scott asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“He’s hurt, help me get him on the couch.” Melissa spoke, grabbing ahold of Derek’s arms.
Scott ran over, grabbing ahold of his legs as the two lifted him onto the couch.
“Derek? Derek can you hear me?” Melissa asked, shaking him gently.
Derek blinked, wincing in pain and grasping his head. “Y/N?”.
“No Derek, it’s Melissa and Scott. Can you hear me? I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”
Derek shook his head, sweat soaking his brow as he frowned. He sniffed the air, searching for any sign of you. His mind was consumed with the thought of you, unaware of his surroundings. “Where’s Y/N? Where’s my wife?”
Scott looked at his mother before turning towards Derek. “Derek, I don’t know.”
Derek tried sitting up, crying out in pain as he moved. “Where am I? I have to…” He trailed off.
“He’s disoriented.” Melissa noted. “Something is definitely wrong.”
“I want to… I want to go home to my wife.” Derek demanded. “I need to go home to my wife.” He tried to get up but Melissa was quick to push him down.
“Derek you’re not going anywhere until we figure out what’s wrong. I don’t think you understand what you’re saying right now. Do you know where you are? Can you understand me?”
Derek let out a growl, trying to push her away to no avail. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, but before he knew it his eyes were closing and he passed out.
“Derek!?” Melissa yelled frantically, fingers finding his pulse point. “He’s got a pulse but it’s slowing.”
“He’s bleeding.” Scott pointed, gesturing to the blood barely visible from behind Derek’s leather jacket.
“Scott, go grab the first aid kit.” Scott ran off as Melissa gently pulled Derek’s jacket off. Without the black leather in the way, she could see the large blood stain spreading through his white t-shirt.
Scott handed her the first aid kit and she was quick to grab a pair of scissors, cutting Derek’s shirt and peeling it away from his skin.
She gasped at the yellow oozing wound. “Please tell me you know why it’s doing that.” She turned towards Scott who nodded his head.
“It’s yellow wolfsbane, we have to burn it out.”
“There’s a small torch in the junk draw.” She pointed and Scott was quick to grab it.
“I’m going to need you to hold him down.” She warned.
Scott nodded, grabbing ahold of Derek’s shoulders. “Ready.” He spoke.
“Here we go.” Melissa turned on the torch, taking a deep breath before holding it above Derek’s wound.
Derek woke with a start, his face morphing as he let out a pained roar that practically shook the house. He knocked Scott away from him, squirming as he tried to get away from the hot flame.
“Hold him!” Melissa yelled. Scott pushed Derek down once more using all of his strength, preventing the older wolf from thrashing as Melissa continued to burn the wolfsbane.
Derek slumped as Melissa finally pulled away, eyes blinking sluggishly as he panted.
He took a minute to get his bearings before letting Scott help him sit up.
“What happened?” Scott asked.
Derek’s mind cleared as the pain faded, his healing abilities kicking in now that his wound was free of poison. Memories flooded him and he took a minute to adjust before he spoke. “Hunters happened.” Derek responded. “I need to find Y/N,” He groaned as he stood. “I need to find her now.”
“Slow down.” Melissa chastised. “You almost died less than two minutes ago, you’re not fit to be going anywhere in the condition you’re in.”
“I need to find her, you don’t understand.”
“Why don’t you explain what happened?” Scott suggested. “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”
Derek sighed, glancing at the front door before he nodded. “Y/N and I were looking for a rogue omega near the high school when a group of hunters showed up.” He paused, scowling at the ground. “They blinded sided us. I didn’t smell them, I didn’t hear them, nothing. It’s like they came out of nowhere.”
“I didn’t know what was happening until they shot me.” He winced. “I told Y/N to run but she didn’t listen.” Derek paused, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to remember.
“She grabbed onto me and was practically dragging me with her. I remember falling and somebody was screaming and then I blacked out. When I came to I guess I came here.” Derek finished.
“I’ll call the pack. We’ll find her Derek.” Scott assured, putting his hand on Derek’s shoulder for comfort.
“No need to.” A voice spoke, causing the three to look up. You stood at the front door, Malia and Stiles behind you.
“Y/N.” Derek sighed. You were covered in dirt and blood, t-shirt ripped and leaves tangled in your hair.
“You’re okay.” You cried, making your way to him, hands wrapping around his shoulders as you squeezed him.
He squeezed you back just as tight, ignoring the slight pain in his chest as he gave you a soft kiss on the forehead. “I was so worried about you.”
“Me? You were the one bleeding out. I left you for two seconds and you were gone. I thought…” You trailed off, breath trembling slightly.
“I’m okay.” He assured. “We’re both okay.”
You nodded, giving him one last squeeze before gently pulling away.
“What happened out there? How’d you get away?” Derek asked, hand going to your cheek as he looked you over once more.
“It wasn’t easy. Those hunters were unlike any we’ve been against before. They were smart, covered their scents and their tracks. Barely made a noise either. It was thanks to them I got out of there alive.” You said, gesturing to Malia and Stiles. “If they hadn’t come to back me up I don’t think I would’ve made it.”
“Where are they now?” Scott asked.
“Down at the station. I called my dad and he brought some back up. Cops came just in time to see those assholes shoot at us. A bunch of adults shooting at high school kids? Yeah, they’re not getting out of jail anytime soon.” Stiles said smugly.
“We had just started to track down Derek when we heard his yell. We came over right away.” Malia added.
“Are you okay?” Melissa asked, eyes falling to the bullet holes in your shirt.
You smiled softly at her worried expression, lifting your shirt up. “All healed. They only had one wolfsbane bullet, which I assume was for the omega. They were stupid to use it on Derek.” You practically growled before taking a calming breath. “Thank you by the way, if you and Scott hadn’t been there to save him I…I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Of course, I’m a nurse it’s my job. Not to mention you’re both like family. It’s the least I could do.” Melissa nodded, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“Definitely not the first time Scott’s saved my ass from a wolfsbane bullet. Remember?” Derek asked, nudging Scott who let out a laugh at the memory.
Stiles let out a gag. “Oh god, don’t remind me. I still can’t get over that bone saw. I can’t believe you wanted me to cut off your arm.” He shuddered.
“I don’t even want to to know.” Melissa sighed.
“I’d like to know.” Malia spoke, causing the group to laugh.
“Did you end up finding the omega?” Melissa asked once everyone settled.
You and Derek shook your heads. “Didn’t have time to. We’ll start a new search tomorrow. I think it’d be better if we got some rest first, especially you.” You stated, nudging Derek in his side.
“We’ll come with you.” Scott said. “So hopefully next time you won’t show up dying at my door at two in the morning.”
“Yeah, I’d like to avoid that.” Derek nodded.
“Why don’t you all stay here tonight?” Melissa voiced. “It’ll make me feel a lot better.”
“I call Scott’s bed!” Stiles cried, racing up the stairs with a protesting Scott at his heels.
“I want the floor!” Malia yelled, chasing after the two.
Melissa laughed at their antics before turning towards you and Derek. “The couch is a pullout, blankets and extra pillows are in the draw underneath the tv. Eat anything you’d like, I have to go grocery shopping anyways.”
You hugged her gently. “Thank you, Mrs. McCall.”
“Please, call me Melissa. And seriously, anytime.” She smiled, bidding goodnight before she made her way up to her room.
Derek grabbed the blankets and pillows while you pulled out the couch. Scott came back down with a change of clothes for both you and Derek, courtesy of him and his mom.
It wasn’t long before the two of you were settling into bed, Derek’s head on your chest with his arm around your waist and your fingers combing through his hair.
“I meant it you know.” You spoke, voice barely a whisper. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, Derek.”
He lifted his head, eyes meeting yours. “You will never lose me.” He grabbed your hand, thumb brushing over the two rings that sat on your ring finger. “For better or worse, in sickness and in health. I am with you forever.”
“Is that what I signed up for?” You teased, letting out a soft laugh as Derek rolled his eyes with a grumble.
You smiled softly at him, heart beating loudly in your chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replied, the arm around your waist tightening ever so slightly.
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betwecouldmakesome · 1 year
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Moodboard: malia tate
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scilessweetheart · 2 years
teen wolf characters at sec schools
scott mccall: auburn university
stiles stilinski: university of kentucky
lydia martin: university of alabama
allison argent: university of georgia
derek hale: texas a&m
liam dunbar: university of south carolina
malia tate: university of tennessee
kira yukimura: louisiana state university
isaac lahey: university of mississippi
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zegrasdrysdale · 6 months
[ best christmas ever ] q. hughes
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day eight of malia’s christmas fic marathon
pairing : Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) gives fiancé Quinn what could be considered the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten
warning(s) : pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage
author’s note : i think this could be considered a blurb w how short it is tbh but here’s this cute lil thing :)
Her hands shake as Quinn unwraps the present that is going to change his entire life. Keeping this a secret for nearly two weeks has been killing her so the fact that her fiancé is seconds away from finding out is exciting and terrifying at the same time.
It's the last present that is being unwrapped this morning while it's just the two of them in their Vancouver apartment. (Y/N) made sure it was the last present unwrapped by taking it out of the closet after all the gifts under the tree from friends and family were opened.
Quinn tosses the ripped up wrapping paper into the trash bag on the ground between them before he opens the box.
Inside is a little Canucks jersey with Quinn's number and 'C'. Quinn is clearly very confused by the tiny jersey so she says, "Turn it around, Quinn."
Laughter is evident in her voice but she doesn't know if it's because of Quinn's confusion or because she's nervous.
She watches his eyes widen when he sees the back of the jersey. In place of Hughes on the back of the jersey is the word "daddy". Quinn looks over at (Y/N) with those wide eyes. "You better not be lying to me, (Y/N)," he says so seriously.
"Eight weeks," she tells him as she rests a hand on the very tiny bump that is under the large t-shirt she's wearing. "I found out three weeks ago and went to make sure everything was okay two weeks ago. When I was told that everything with this baby was perfect, I got the jersey made."
After they lost their last little one over the summer very early on, she didn't want to get Quinn's hopes up again so she went and got every single test done that she could before she told him. The last thing she wanted was to tell him then lose another baby. It nearly broke her in June, and almost broke them.
She couldn't do that again. Not this time.
"You kept this from me for three weeks?" Quinn asks. His voice is soft so he isn't mad. She stays quiet and nods. "Is everything okay?"
(Y/N) slowly nods, still hesitant. "Baby H is growing and developing at the rate they're supposed to be this time," she assures him. "I'm healthy. Baby is healthy. I just needed to be sure before I told you this time. I know how much you want to be a dad and I didn't want to get your hopes up then my body let you down for the second time."
Tears that she didn't know formed in her eyes spill onto her cheeks. She does her best to wipe them away quickly, but he notices them.
Quinn puts the jersey back in the box and moves close to her. He pulls her into a tight hug and she buries her face into his shoulder.
"Your body just wasn't ready last time," Quinn softly tells her as he runs his fingers through her hair. "I love you. I'm so excited to be here with you for the rest of your pregnancy. You're already an amazing mom."
She lets out a silent sob into Quinn's shoulder before she pulls back. "You're not mad I didn't tell you when I found out?" she questions.
"Absolutely not," he assures her with a smile on his lips. She can see that he's genuine when he says that. "I'm happy to know now. I can't wait to go to every appointment with you now. I can't wait to see our baby when you have an ultrasound done. I can't wait to tell all our friends and family and my teammates. I can't wait to meet Baby H. (Y/N), I'm so excited."
His happiness quickly erases any anxiety she felt before he opened that box. She can tell how excited he is about the next chapter in their lives. "Glad I didn't ruin your Christmas by telling you," she jokes.
"Are you kidding?" Quinn says. "This is probably the best Christmas ever. We're going to have a baby. This is the best present I think I have ever gotten on Christmas. Knowing we're going to start the family we have always wanted together is the best present."
A smile finally forms on (Y/N)'s lips. "We're going to have a baby," she softly echoes. Quinn nods and matches her smile.
She launches herself at him, finally sharing the happiness that Quinn is feeling. He falls onto his back onto the carpeted floor and catches her in his arms. He laughs and wraps his arms around her waist. He stares up at his fiancée. "We get to finally be parents," he tells her. "Our rainbow baby."
"Our rainbow baby."
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kitchenisking · 1 month
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Day 3
The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving - (Rating: T, Words: 8,881, sterek)
Stiles meets his first Hale when he's seven, and the most important Stilinski-Hale twenty years later.
In which Derek's family meets the love of his life years before he does, but Derek still gets the better end of the bargain.
As You Lay Dying by FelOllie - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 9,360, sterek)
Seven excruciatingly long days since Mexico: Take Two, and Stiles still couldn't get the sound of Derek's breath rattling wetly in his lungs out of his head. He heard it in his sleep, over the the pounding rain and the sound of Malia breathing softly beside him. He heard it when he was wide awake, over the din of crowded hallways and classrooms, cutting through the noise of the last lacrosse game of the season and the bustle of the locker room.
One hundred and sixty-eight hours, give or take, and Stiles had yet to wipe the sight of a bloodied and dying Derek from behind his eyelids. He saw it with every blink and sometimes even when his eyes were open and each time it made his chest feel like it was caving in.
Soulsick by theroguesgambit - (Rating: T, Words: 3,476, sterek)
Derek loathes this idiot of a soulmate, whoever they are. For not coming to Stiles’ call, for being too useless do just to this one simple thing, for failing Stiles, proving how utterly unworthy they are before they’ve ever met him. -- Stiles is cursed with a disease that will eventually destroy his soul unless his soulmate helps strengthen it. The pack performs a ritual to call his soulmate to his side. But days pass and no one appears... 
Maybe they're already here?
Making love is how we'll pray by lanalua - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,742, sterek)
Stiles and Derek perform a ritual in the woods.
In a Moment of Vulnerability by cloudsarefluffy - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 87,097, sterek)
While in New York City to visit his aspiring and success-hungry friend Scott, who left for an internship he fought for over several years ago, Stiles runs into an alpha with a devilish reputation and a dark, tantalizing look that precedes him. Couple that with horny loneliness and failed suppressants, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a one-night stand that will set the bar forever.
But what if forever isn’t something that the one person you’ve given yourself to wants? What if a forever is somehow growing inside of you after a few months pass and a planned heat is missed? What if you don’t know what to do and there’s only so much chocolate that can soothe an aching heart before you feel like you've got morning sickness all over again?
This is a story about how Stiles loses his virginity alongside himself, and somehow, he manages to find something he never thought he’d ever have along the way.
Looking forward by Smowkie - (Rating: T, Words: 6,953, sterek)
Derek’s cabin was small. Tiny, even. He liked it, sometimes he missed having a big house, like the one he had grown up in, but the cabin was good, comfortable, and he, well, it was somewhere to hide, somewhere no one would find him. Somewhere no one would bother him.
He was happy, though, sort of. Happier than in a long time, he had a comfortable little home, lots of land he could run on—and he did, shifted to his full wolf form and ran for hours, it was wonderful—and his life wasn’t bad at all.
Then one day, the 21st of December on his second year living there, Stiles came to visit.
Written for the prompt cuddles in a power outage.
I Want You to be Happy by lvmehtme - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13,851, sterek)
Stiles' dad has finally founds someone and the way he looks at her like she hung the moon and the joy in his every smile after all these years is worth everything that she does to him in the dead of night when no one's looking.
I'm giving everyone a fair warning right now, there's statutory rape and psychological trauma in this fic. It ends happy, but it does get graphic. Please proceed with care.
loyalty. courage. integrity. by redhoodedwolf - (Rating: G, Words: 707, sterek)
“Derek what the fuck!”
“Hard first day?” Derek guessed. He pushed himself forward and extended a hand towards Stiles. “You can vent, I have time to listen.”
Little Kid Crush by orphan_account - (Rating: T, Words: 5,052, sterek)
“What’s your name?” Derek asks, wiping the last of the tears off the kid’s face with his sleeve.
“’tiles,” the kid mumbles, and Derek frowns, wondering if he heard correctly.
“Tiles?” Derek repeats.
“Stiles,” the kid repeats, pouting at Derek slightly, defiant even though his eyes are still puffy and red and his cheeks tear-stained.
Witches Wrath by alikatastic - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,063, sterek)
Derek is cursed by witches giving him a hard problem. Nothing works, not cold showers, not his hand. He goes to Stiles for help, and the great friend he is Stiles won't turn him away.
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sterekbigbang · 3 months
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cheer up, babe (20,173) by @dyke-yoonji (graveltotempo) Art by @springlockedspectre For @sterekbigbang 2023-2024, Round 6 Rated: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski; Allison Argent & Lydia Martin & Erica Reyes & Stiles Stilinski & Kira Yukimura; Vernon Boyd & Derek Hale & Isaac Lahey & Erica Reyes & Malia Tate & Kira Yukimura Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Danny Māhealani, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Pining, Cheerleaders, Cheerleader Stiles Stilinski, Basketball Player Derek Hale, Pining Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski in a Skirt, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Talia Hale Lives, Stiles Stilinski is a Little Shit, Stiles Stilinski is a Tease, Stiles is hot, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, Explicit Language Implied Sexual Content
Summary: He was the basketball captain. And he was a cheerleader. Can I make it any more clear? OR: Derek Hale thought he had his crush on Stiles Stilinski under control. And then Stiles decided to show up to school in a skirt.
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sterekeverlasting · 6 months
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you and i remain the same
fic by @evanesdust and @sterekbros, featuring art by @1jet2unknown for the Sterek Everlasting Winter Edition
You can read the magazine online here and can download the PDF file to read here.
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin Additional Tags: Fix-It of Sorts, Mpreg, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Idiots in Love, Past Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate, Past Braeden/Derek Hale, Past Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents, Top/Bottom Versatile Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Stiles rolled over onto his side and reached out to turn off the lamp on his nightstand, leaving the room in darkness as he settled back in bed. “Promise me I won’t see you in two days…” Derek didn’t answer for a while, and when he did, he spoke quietly—almost a whisper. “I can’t do that. You know I can’t do that.” Stiles took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wiping at his face and closing his eyes. “I’ll see you in two days then, Derek.” If Derek was going to get himself killed, Stiles promised himself he’d be there to try and stop it. Whatever it took. “Be ready.” “Stiles…” The way Derek said his name was almost pained. “Please be careful. I— Just be careful, okay?” “You know me,” Stiles replied, unsure what else he could say. *** aka what really happened after the raid and how they lived happily ever after.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
YOUR HAZE. void stiles
about. bodies upon bodies surrounding a tree trunk, the nogistune sitting in the center of the stump, and she suddenly finds solace in those familiar amber eyes
includes. DARK CONTENT 18+ fem!vampire!reader, told in 3rd person, heavy manipulation, oral (fem receiving), 'sweet' void tehe, void is a munch
wc: 2.0k
→ kinktober masterlist
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She smells his scent before anything else. 
A soft musk mixed with a gourmand, unique to Stiles and Stiles only. She can’t smell his emotions, not in the way that Scott or Malia can. Her sense of smell has yet to reach that point, and none of them are even aware if it could reach that point. But she knows by the almost sickly-sweet scent of sweat that densely covers his pleasant aroma that he’s nervous, maybe anxious about something. 
The thought increases her speed as she attempts to get closer to him, pushing through the thick trees.  
Then comes the rot mixed with rainwater. A scent unique to Void. It makes her nose wrinkle, the mix entirely too strong, abusing her senses as her eyes begin to water the closer she gets, a slowness to her approach now. 
She’s on guard at this point, understanding that if he’s so out in the open like this, it’s because he wanted her to find him. She doesn’t bother stepping around the branches, perhaps trying to convince herself that she’s not fearful of the spirit that has possessed her boyfriend. 
Yet she’s cautious, even before she smells the blood. 
It hits her nose a little too late, right when she turns to enter the clearing and she sees the bodies laying around the tree stump. Dozens of them, scattered around the base of the stump, most of them dead but her attentive ears, definitely her better sense, pick up on a few slow heartbeats. 
He sits in the center, legs crossed like her and Stiles would sit as kids, before she was like this and before he was like this. He looks pleased with himself, a slight smile on his lips as he watches her wandering eyes. 
When they land on him, narrowed and angry, Void pretends to be unhappy. She knows he’s enjoying this. 
His head tilts, he pouts. “Why so upset? This is all for you.” His arms spread out wide and he grins, like he’s presenting a desired present to her. 
And maybe it is, deep down inside she feels her insides churn with excitement. She’s never had a feast presented in front of her like this before, instead spending her years desperately trying to tether herself to control and strict moderation for the sake of everyone around her. 
With Stiles, it was easier to do that. He was her anchor, keeping her sane and from digging her sharpened pearly whites into his freckled neck, even when he bit his nails until she got a whiff of how tantalizing his blood was. 
But Stiles was gone, and he had been for weeks now. Each day, she felt herself slipping more and more, slowly giving more and more into temptation until she ended up here: Considering the offering laid before her. 
She wants to fight it, she tries to fight, insults and self brags about how much stronger she is than him, how she absolutely refuses to give into temptation and that is what true strength is. 
Her nails, newly filed as she picked up nail care as another distraction from the way she craved something she couldn’t have, dig into her palm as she speaks. Her breathing increases with each word, chest rising and falling rapidly, usually slow heart rate picking up just enough to remind her of when she was human. 
She thinks she has it under control. She does have it under control. 
But she still finds herself at her knees before what looks like Stiles, but she has to consistently remind herself that this isn’t Stiles. 
Stiles wouldn’t look so proud as she digs her fangs into the first neck, veins bursting from the puncturing of her teeth, sweet and almost tangy blood meeting her lips. It’s her first drink from the source since her turning, and it’s fucking delicious. It makes her head spin. It makes her want more. 
Her moan is muffled, but still loud enough for both of them to hear it. It’s oddly sensual, a sexual tone to it, heavily present mostly in the way the sound lifts up at the end. 
Her eyebrows push together as she cringes at herself for a second, then she inhales, pulling more blood into her mouth, and nothing else matters except the red liquid that slides down her through. 
“There you go,” Stiles coos from above her, the stiff sound of clothing against wood as he stands. 
But this isn’t Stiles. 
She has to remind herself of that when Void comes to join her. Because Stiles wouldn’t get on his knees beside her, push her hair to the side, and gently kiss her own neck as she drains another body. 
His nose brushes against her skin as he speaks. “You feel how warm it is? Better than those cold blood bags they give you, isn’t it? This is what I can give you.” The words are growled into her trapezius, his teeth scraping the thin layer of skin through each syllable. 
Her eyes close, she melts into the combined warmth of Stiles and the blood entering her mouth. But this isn’t Stiles. She tries to shake herself awake, she tries to pull from him, repeating the words in her head even as she gulps down pints of life force. 
He senses her hesitation, his hand cupping the side of her neck as his lips brush her earlobe. “He won’t know about this,” he tells her. She takes a breath, considers. 
Stiles wouldn’t do this.  
But Stiles would wrap his arm around her in the way that Void does. Stiles would bring her lips to his with a soft touch of her cheek, and he would kiss her like he’s devouring her. 
She blames it on the new amount of energy coursing through her body. She blames her willingness to give into Void’s kisses and touches on the different blood mixing in her system, a second body in her grasp before she even realizes it, the addition giving her a rush she’s never felt in her life. 
If it weren’t for the bodies she’d already consumed, and the ones she has left, she wouldn’t have let Void lay her back on the stump and spread her legs. 
It’s what she tells herself, trying to comfort the guilt and agony on her own. But she can’t comfort it on her own, she needs Stiles. Or Scott. Or Lydia. But they’re not here. They’re away in their homes, trying to come up with another solution to bring their best friend back, while she lets the shell of him pull her pants off and push her shirt up. 
They’re contriving yet another plan that might be the one to finally end it all while she takes the wrist in front of her face, sucking at the two holes already created, jagged from a puncture that isn’t her own teeth. The uneven circular shape makes it harder for her to get a steady pull from the veins. She has to concentrate to even get the first amount out, but concentrating is difficult whenever Void starts to suck on her clit. 
She doesn’t remember her pants coming off, nor her panties. She tries looking for them, hoping to find the dark denim in the night, but her vision is blurred. It’s like she’s drunk, a sensation she hasn’t felt since before her turning. 
Void inserting two fingers into her cunt doesn’t help her vision. The intrusion is welcomed, her walls used to the feeling of the long digits. Her gummy walls swallow in the familiarity, and instead of rejecting the unaccustomed aspects of the action, she takes it. 
The foreign way his fingers curl reminds her of the stark contrasts between the two entities, previously viewed in a light that made her nauseous as an intense sweep of emotions almost knocked her off of her feet. 
Void adds a third finger. It’s unexpected, a little disjointed, but it’s a pleasant shock. A wanted surprise. It feels good, and she hates to admit it. 
She turns back to the arm in front of her. 
Her teeth are sunken in, her lips pressed to the warm skin, and as Void digs his fingers deeper inside of her, a deep groan comes from within her. Her stained canines tear through the skin, creating two long slits that allow blood to freely gush out of them. 
It’s messy, both the way Void brings her to her peak and the way the blood flows out around her mouth. 
His lips, now added into the already complicated equation, slip and slide along her most sensitive parts, a precision that makes her wonder if he’d picked this action up from Stiles, but a lack of accuracy that makes her feel as if he’s doing this for his own pleasure. She can’t help but briefly think about how much joy Stiles gets from this action, how he always loses himself when his head is between her legs. It’s something they have in common, something that puts Void a little closer to Stiles. And although it shouldn’t, it comforts her. It tells her that her boyfriend is somewhere in there, and she briefly deludes herself into thinking that this is him. 
She starts to let herself go. 
Void licks and sucks like a man starved, like she’s the best tasting thing he’d ever had in all of his many years. His hands dig into the plush of her hips and thighs, holding her open to his torture. His tongue flicks her clit, a speed to it that’s clearly inhuman. Her back arches, moans increasing in volume and pitch, and Void takes it in stride. He adjusts her legs over his shoulders and then slides his mouth down, Stiles’ perky nose bumping into her clit as Void inserts the heated muscle into her. The combination with his fingers makes her drop the limp wrist, blood spilling onto her clothing. 
The heat from Void’s mouth is easily comparable to the heat of the blood that slides from her own lips, flowing down her chin and neck, staining the previously pristine white tee she wears. It’s one Stiles had gifted her, incredibly simple in nature but the quality is why she desired it. A tiny white tank top, with a small silk bow in the center, and lace lining the straps that fall off her shoulders. 
As she looks down at Void, taking in how dark his eyes are, she notices just how ruined the top is, completely beyond repair and she’ll have to throw it out. Just the simple thought clears her head, a sob wracking through her, her body convulsing and curling with her chest up to the sky. It’s just then that Void knocks her over the edge, orgasm pushing through her frame intensely. Her hands find the hair she loves so much and her legs close around his head. 
He lets her do what she wants, and this singular act of kindness dulls her brain. She gets dizzy, letting the last bit of resistance slip from her mind and body, her muscles relaxing as she comes down. She blinks lazily at him, eyebrows furrowing as his veins tinge black for a second, but the color is gone just as quick. 
He kisses her inner thigh, his smile sweet before it twists into something much more sinister and dark. 
“You belong to me,” he tells her, the words sounding pretty coming from his slickened pink lips. She’s out of it, too much blood in her system, orgasm dumbing her down, so she nods, allowing another wrist to be positioned in front of her, this one still live, pulse still thumping. 
She distantly hears cries for help, pleas to let them go, but she doesn’t focus on that. Instead looking into the amber eyes that she trusts more than her own as she bares her teeth once more, and lets them sink into the skin. 
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We're What?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153 by IgotNolifeHelp000 “So, the Hales are moving back because the eldest son is my mate, and he’s apparently really desperate to be around me and his mom wants to set us up, and while all of that is going on, I will get powers and people from the supernatural world are going to train me, meanwhile the council are having a close eye on me to see if I am in fact the chosen one?”   “More or less,” His dad said. “Great, what about take-out for lunch, I’m starving” Words: 2569, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Alan Deaton, Melissa McCall, Laura Hale Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin/Malia Tate Additional Tags: sterek, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, The Hale Family Lives (Teen Wolf), Rich Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Magical Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, POV Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Banshee Lydia Martin, Malia Tate is a Hale, Cora Hale & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Cora Hale is a Little Shit, Cora Hale Ships It, Matchmaker Cora Hale, Stiles Stilinski & Kira Yukimura Friendship, Good Peter Hale, Pack Alpha Talia Hale, Awesome Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski Knows About Werewolves (Teen Wolf), Pack Dynamics, Rules, Visions, Prophecy, Hurt/Comfort, Car Accidents, Hospitals, Fights, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Slow Burn, Soul Bond, Running Away, Holidays, Fluff and Smut, Awkward Flirting, Drinking, Drugs, Partying, Sorry?, good luck, I Don't Even Know read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153
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stilesandscripts · 25 days
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I couldn’t help myself, I had to continue the story. 
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit
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Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Original Male Character(s), Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Derek Hale, Original Argent Character(s) (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Melissa McCall, Theo Raeken, Peter Hale, Jordan Parrish Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gay, Gay Sex, Gay Male Character, Gay Character, Season/Series 06, Falling In Love, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe - Soulmates Series: Part 4 of Teen Wolf: The Alternate Path Summary:
Andrew Argent finds himself imprisoned within his own body, a vessel now commanded by the ancient deity Tēolōtl, the "Divinity of the Void." Once a revered cosmic architect, Tēolōtl was betrayed and sealed away, awakening centuries later to find himself bound within a human form—weak, limited, but burning with a desire for vengeance and cosmic rebirth. Andrew's consciousness lingers in the shadowy recesses of his own mind. Caught in a battle he cannot physically fight, Andrew must navigate the fragmented memories and shifting realities of his own existence. With each fleeting moment of control, he uncovers the profound connections that tie him to his past life, especially to Stiles, whose presence remains a beacon of hope and love across the boundaries of reality. As the stakes grow ever higher, Scott McCall’s pack must reunite to face this formidable foe. Can they save Andrew and stop Tēolōtl’s cataclysmic plans, or will they be forced to watch as their world is torn apart? Join them on a journey where the past and the present collide, and where the echoes of the fallen whisper secrets that could change their future forever.
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outcastpack · 7 months
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Turns out I don't want new, I want you
In which Liam realises he needed to stop lying to himself and everyone around him, and make a decision. To take a risk and fight or settle for safe.
No matter what choice he made, someone was going to be hurt in some way tonight.
What's this. Another fic in a few days. Yes it is!
Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Hayden Romero/Tracy Stewart, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar/Original Male Character(s), Mentioned Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Past Theo Raeken/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Isaac Lahey, Tracy Stewart, Hayden Romero, Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Josh Diaz (Teen Wolf), Mentioned Kira Yukimura - Character
Additional Tags: Liam Dunbar Loves Theo Raeken, Theo Raeken Loves Liam Dunbar, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Bisexual Theo Raeken, Protective Tracy Stewart, Parent Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar feels a lot of things, Wedding Rings, Feelings Realization, Pining Liam Dunbar.
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Sterek Fic Rec - January 2023. I am hurting, team. I was one of the few that fully watched the movie and I can say, it hurt so much. You’ll find a lot of fix-it fics making an appearance below and over the next months because I need them. 
here is the repeated image of the lover destroyed by elisela (1/1 | 7K | Teen)
Stiles doesn’t go home right away.
The urge is there—when he answers the phone to Lydia’s shaking voice, when he gets the text from his dad, when he stares out at the sun glowing soft peach and golden over the buildings in D.C. and he thinks about Derek never seeing another sunrise. It’s there weeks later when he gets a check from the Estate of Derek Hale, when he crumples it up and throws it in the trash, when he fishes it out an hour later and tries to salvage it by weighing it down with a book from the Hale vault.
It’s there, it’s there, it’s there.
Stiles doesn’t listen to it.
Because Stiles isn’t going back to Beacon Hills to say goodbye.
A Big Surprise by novemberhush (1/1 | 1K | General)
If you go down to the woods today you’re sure of a big surprise...
Scott and Malia McCall’s youngest daughter is having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic-themed birthday party, but that’s not all the pack will have to celebrate today because Stiles and Derek have some exciting news to share with everyone.
A Divine Move by alikatastic (1/1 | 2K | Not rated)
After Derek died, Peter was the one to let Stiles know. Stiles rushed to Beacon Hills to attend Derek's funeral and take care of Eli. When Peter takes Stiles to the Nemeton to show Stiles what happened, they make a discovery. Derek was trapped in the nemeton. All they had to do was pull him out.
Is That a Gun In Your Pocket Or...That's a Gun In Your Pocket by Elpie (Horribibble) (2/2 | 8K | Explicit)
Derek Hale is the best boyfriend. He's sweet. He's funny. He recites Pablo Neruda completely unprovoked. He also happens to be in the murder business. But hey, nobody's perfect.
A romantic comedy with guns and roses. (Well, maybe not the roses.)
Last Lovesong of a Dying Lemon by wldnst | podfict by knight_tracer (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
Stiles' Jeep keeps breaking down. Derek is a mechanic.
Safe by Hedwig221b (1/1 | 976 | Not rated)
“Where is he?” Stiles rumbled, glancing at each member of the pack in front of him, before settling his incinerating gaze on one person he once considered a brother. “Tell me, Scott, where is my husband?”
Best Laid Plans by justonemoremiracle (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
As it turned out, spending months away from Beacon Hills —and thus, the pack— had completely screwed up his ability to come up with good, sensible plans. “… You’re asking me to be your fake boyfriend.” As a sidenote, Stiles had to give it to Derek. His ability to sound completely unimpressed, even over the phone, was stellar.
Cold as Ice by Gia279 | podfict by misswhimsy (1/1 | 10K | Teen)
A man stood in front of Derek, three feet away. He had blood on his mouth, throat, and left arm. He blinked at Derek but he looked more dazed than afraid. He grinned, baring bloodied teeth, held up two fingers, and rasped, “Hey,” in a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used in weeks, before collapsing straight down in a dead faint.
Solitary Animals by Mollyamory (Molly) (1/1 | 13K | Teen)
In which the Alpha pack wants to take something important away from the Hale pack, and there's only one sure way to keep Stiles safe. Negotiations of a personal nature ensue.
Teen Wolf Movie: Post Credits Scene by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (1/1 | 1K | General)
No post credits scene at the end of the Teen Wolf movie, you say? Maybe you just missed it...
princecharmingwinks special mention (The first fic that helped me breathe again after watching it. I didn’t really realise how long I was holding my breath until I read this <3)
like lightning to the abyss by evcndiaz (1/1 | 3K | Mature)
All that to say, he's asleep when he feels it. Asleep with his head pressed against his dining room table, drooling onto a stack of bills when the world (his world) suddenly falls out of orbit. It's different this time, though. Whatever fine-tuned sense he's got locked into Derek Hale doesn't just stumble this time, doesn't just hiccup like he's in pain. It goes quiet, there one minute, snuffed out the next.
Stiles is out the door before his phone even rings.
Or; Stiles brings Derek back to life. Because of course he does
Thank you Sterek fandom family, you are all helping me through this. Soon we will be able to consider the movie a distant memory that was just a bad dream. Until then, let’s stick together hey? Big hugs everyone!
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stereknation · 18 days
follow the code by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“I had that,” Stiles informed him, still on his ass on the hard ground.
“I could see that,” Derek said. He was still wolfed out, eyes glowing red, staring down at Stiles like he didn’t know what to make of him.
When Derek took a step forward, hand outstretched to help him up, Stiles raised his crossbow and fired. Derek leapt back a step, looking down at himself, then turned when he heard a thump, the second Omega in the area flat on its face with an arrow in its head.
Turning back to Stiles slowly, Derek frowned down at him. “You saved me.”
“I saved myself,” Stiles insisted, getting to his feet on his own.
(SNYE - January 8th - Enemies to Friends to Lovers)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Main Character(s): Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Additional Character(s): Gerard argent, Kate argent, Chris argent, Allison argent, Malia Tate, Scott McCall, Melissa McCall
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Tags: Vengeful Stiles, Alpha Derek, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Hurt Stiles, Hurt Derek, Hunter Stiles Stilinski , Manipulation , Asshole Gerard Argent, Abusive Gerard Argent, Manipulative Gerard Argent, Angst with a Happy Ending, Derek Hale is Stiles Stilinski's Anchor, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Sharing a Bed, Beta Scott, The Hale Pack - Freeform, Dead Sheriff Stilinski, Getting Together, Roommates, Warning: Gerard Argent, Don’t copy to another site
Word Count: 26,010
Chapters: 1/1
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
I’m looking for a fic where Derek gets de-aged and stiles ends up looking after him. Stiles is being ignored by the pack. After a while he dies and becomes a vampire. It’s sterek btw.
Hi anon! Anon says it's this one.
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One Stupid Mistake that Changes Everything by Kikileduc
(13/13 I 60,447 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Shortly after the events of season 3b, everyone is recovering. Stiles feels guilty over the loss of Allison and Aiden. Scott can't look at his friend. Lydia isn't talking to him. Isaac, Ethan, Malia, and Kira are all dealing in their own way. Derek took off again.
Fast forward to two months later, things are much the same for Stiles, except his father insisted he get checked out again as the nogitsune had tampered with his son's tests...
The results aren't good.
Stiles returns to school to find the pack hovering around a de-aged and cluesless Derek and suddenly finds himself on the outside of the pack's happenings.
To top it all off his new doctor is a little— weird, to say the least.
Can Stiles figure out what happened to Derek and help reverse it while dealing with his own personal issues? How will the pack feel when they need the spastic teen, only to find him missing? And, what is really going on in Beacon Hills? Can they come together and solve the mystery in time???
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momentofmemory · 3 months
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the predatory instinct
Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3664 Relationships: Peter Hale & Scott McCall | Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura | Liam Dunbar & Scott McCall | Lydia Martin & Scott McCall | Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski | Scott McCall & Malia Tate Relevant Tags: Post-Episode: s04e12 Smoke & Mirrors | Scott McCall Has Berserker Trauma | Angst | Canon Compliant | Scott McCall Needs a Hug | Okay But What If: We Traced All the Lines from s4 to s5
“You’re looking worse for the wear,” Peter drawls, dropping into the chair across from Scott. “One too many dreams about failing to rescue kittens from trees?” (or: five times scott tries not to lie, + one time he doesn't have to)
Read on Ao3
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storyofmychoices · 7 months
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Thanksgiving's Little Miracle: Happy Birthday, Malia!
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) with Malia Lahela Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~500 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings, all the fluff
Tagging: Thanksgiving: @choicesnovchallenge ; @choicesholidays "I'm thankful for you" ; @choicesficwriterscreations ;
Synopsis: Olivia and Bryce welcome their baby girl, Malia.
This absolutely precious and heartwarming art is by the lovely, ArtbyAinna. Not me setting every alarm and notification possible to make sure I got a November slot just for this moment! 😌💛
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The open curtains invited the November sunlight into the room, its golden rays casting a gentle warmth despite the cool Boston temperature outside. Soft, hushed whispers of nurses' footsteps and distant murmurs from the hallway occasionally drifted in, creating a familiar symphony for the parents.
Bryce and Olivia rested nestled in her hospital bed, enraptured by their newborn daughter, Malia. 
"Look," Olivia whispered, her voice infused with wonder, "she's opening her eyes."
Bryce leaned closer, his heart swelling with affection as her eyes fluttered shut once more. "She's got your eyes," he remarked softly.
"And your nose," Olivia added, a gentle chuckle dancing in her voice. Her eyes welled as she marveled at their beautiful daughter, unable to take her gaze off of her. She had spent months patiently waiting for this moment, wondering what she would look like, what she would sound like, and what her personality would be. Now, she was here. All those long months of waiting were worth every second because they brought her to this moment.
Malia lay nestled, her chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm, soothed by the comforting murmur of her parents' voices.
"She's so small," Bryce admired, his voice tinged with awe. His fingers brushed over her tiny hands that wrapped around him in response
"But she's ours." 
Malia let out a soft whimper, prompting Olivia to soothe her with a gentle sway. Bryce readjusted her blankets, tucking her safely back into its embrace.
"I'm thankful for our little miracle," she murmured, planting a soft kiss on Malia's forehead. "For her health, her warmth, and the love we will share with her."
Bryce's hand found Olivia's, intertwining their fingers. "I'm thankful for you. For your strength, your love, and for bringing our beautiful girl into this world." 
His arm wrapped around his wife, his lips pressing a lingering kiss on the top of her head. He shook his head slightly to the sides in disbelief, not sure how he could have ever gotten so lucky. He stole a glance at his little girl, his eyes filled with tears. There was so much he'd share with her, a world of possibilities to give her. But for now, she had everything she could need, and so did he.
As they savored this intimate moment with Malia, their phones buzzed softly with messages on the table by the window. 
"I can't wait for her to meet everyone," Olivia whispered, cradling their daughter as she leaned into his embrace. 
Bryce nodded, pride gleaming in his eyes as he held the two halves of his world in his arms. "Me too," he whispered and pressed another kiss on the crown of her head. "But not yet. Let's just stay here a while longer."
Her lips curved into a serene smile. "That sounds perfect," she murmured softly, content to let the moment linger for as long as they could.
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Thank you so much for reading and supporting! I hope you enjoyed both the art and the drabble. I absolutely adore this couple and Malia is going to be the most amazing (fictional) person some day. I can't wait to learn more about her! 💖💖💖💖 [Learn more about Malia]
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