#mamma mia 600
masatos-wig · 2 years
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okay u kno wat neural cloud is good actually, all the dorm chibis except ur avatar sleep like a murder victim
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yellowkitkieran · 11 months
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What the Heart Wants (Complete):
Kieran is your best friend’s older brother. Your best friend’s fit older brother that you definitely haven’t had a crush on for years. Not at all.
Part 1 (2.1k), Part 2 (3.1k), Part 3 (2.2k), Part 4 (3.7k), Part 5 (3.2k), Part 6 (3.3k), Part 7 (2.4k)
Little Blue (900) 🌶 Written by anonymous
NSFW! As Mason Mount’s younger sister, fraternizing with men of rival teams is forbidden. It should be against your morals. So why does it feel so good?
The One You Least Expect (1.6k) 💔 Written by anonymous
Kieran’s plans of spending forever with you are shattered.
Two Minutes (1.5k)
Kieran isn’t very good with words, which leads to you thinking he doesn’t care, which he very much does.
Brand Me (600) 💔
You are the one woman Kieran has ever loved, and when you leave it scars him forever.
Here To Stay (1.2k)
Kieran leaves celtic, and you, behind in Glasgow. When he gets homesick, you turn up at his door in London with a surprise.
Support System (2.1k)
You play for Arsenal women's, and Kieran becomes your support when you tear your ACL.
Slow Down (1.8k)
Kieran has been stressed lately, so you take it upon yourself to help him relax.
Rumors (2.2k) 💔
Kieran doesn’t tell you about his set-in-stone transfer to Newcastle and you can no longer trust him.
Accents (1.1k)
You clue Kieran in on the simple things he does that drive you wild.
The Hardest Goodbye (2.0k)
Kieran is transferring away from London, and he worries that you'll be left behind at Arsenal.
Coffee Gopher (2.3k)
You catch Kieran’s eye on a photo shoot while you’re interning at Arsenal.
Settle The Nerves (2.7k)
Kieran is nervous about bringing you around the lads for the first time.
In My Plans (2.6k) 🌶
NSFW! Kieran tries to break things off when he gets news of his transfer, but you refuse to let him.
Christening (2.3k) 🌶
NSFW! Kieran insists on breaking in the new house in Spain.
Pull Through (2.3k)
You help keep Kieran's spirits up when he gets injured in Spain.
Stream (1.4k) 🌶
NSFW! Kieran is recruited for a PGA 2k23 stream, but you make the most of his distraction.
Lazy Mornings (1.0k)
You and Kieran enjoy a lazy morning in bed with his pup.
Meet the Family (3.3k)
Kieran is nervous about meeting your family for the first time.
Boyfriend (1.3k) 💔
You and Kieran are on different pages regarding your situationship, which leaves both of you broken hearted.
Home (1.7k)
Kieran surprises you by coming home early from his loan spell in Spain.
No Scotland, No Party (1.9k)
Kieran helps you pack for Germany and helps fight your insecurities at the same time.
Birdie and Fox (3.2k)
You spill your guts to Kieran on his birthday.
Winner Takes it All (2.2k)
Inspired by the song of the same name. Kieran makes a poor decision that winds up ruining things between you two. (Part of the mamma mia song series)
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bestbuddybobby · 11 months
Tagged by @randomnon911stuff
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10
(I have been making yearly playlists of my favorite songs since 2017. I put them all together in one big playlist (it has like 600 songs in it) so this is gonna be very random ✨)
James Blunt - Monsters
Selena Gomez - Lose You To Love Me
Jessie J - Queen
Bob Carlisle - Butterfly Kisses
Ben Platt - Grow As We Go
RuPaul - Read U Wrote U
Kurt Hugo Schneider - Play That Song
The Fray - How To Save A Life
Lily James - Mamma Mia
Beyoncé - Cuff it
your top 15 favorite tv shows can say a lot about your personality (list your top 15 shows)
Criminal Minds
Private Practice
Grace and Frankie
The Last Of Us
Greys Anatomy
Law and Order: SVU
Gilmore Girls
New Girl
How to get away with murder
Brooklyn nine-nine
How I met your mother
Modern family
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Hello, congrats on 600 followers sweetie!!!🥳🥳
🎤Mamma mia!: Tell me you characteristic (your personality, your body, you hobby and etc.) and I’ll tell with who I ship you, please specify the fandom
Physically I'm short, I have black straight hair, my skin is a little pale and I have freckles on my cheeks. My personality I'm introvert I'm more of a listener and overthinker person. Also I'm shy until I feel confident with people, but with closest friends I can be talkactive.
Hobbies: I enjoy listening to music my favourite genres are pop and rock.
Plus I love reading books, my favorite genres are romantic or horror and for sure fics.
I really like going to the cinema with friends. I play basketball this one is my favourite activity.
Fandom: Maraurders
Thank you 🤍🤍
Author's note: Thank you so much love, sorry I just finished my math homework, hope this make sense. Hope you like it.
p.s. the bonus nearly made me cry while I was writing it.
Requests are open I  Ask  I  My masterlist  I  Join the Taglist |. Celebration
Love, you and… Regulus are a match made in heaven.
He like you is a somewhat introverted personbut you love spending time with each other.
You love to spend time alone in silence, each thinking for your own business, without uttering a word, and you love this about each other.
Being able to spend hours in each other's arms and that would be worth a thousand words.
Or spend hours and hours talking about the things you like.
He loves your voice would listen to you for hours, and he loves how your eyes light up when you talk about something you like.
As unthinkable as it is Regulus loves rock, especially 80s rock, such as for example Tears for Fears (a/n: and who doesn't love them ;)) or Pink Floid, which besides having great songs also have very deep lyrics, which he loves.
If you like playing basketball, he loves playing Quidditch, so you share a huge passion for the sport and often play several different sports together.
Another hobby you share is definitely reading.
You spend a lot of time reading horror together in his room, on his bed, while cuddling all the time. He says he does it to keep you safe, when in reality he is just really scared.
He often leaves you annotated copies of your favorite romantic books, with little notes with love phrases in them, with little dedications.
His mother never let him go to the movies (our poor boy, he deserves better), so you took him for the first time and he absolutely loved it, he looked like a kid in a candy store.
In short, the couple everyone wants to be :)
Sirius is delighted with your relationship, because he sees the smiles and looks his brother throws at you from afar, and he knows that he is finally happy after years and years of abuse, and even if it is not part of his happiness he is extremely happy for him.
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la-scigghiu · 2 years
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E qui ci troviamo di fronte ad un piatto tipico del Salento, involtini di trippa con le patate. Un piatto semplice dei contadini di un tempo. Questa è la versione più semplice che si cuciva in casa di mia mamma.
Ingredienti x 4 persone
1 kg Trippa
600 gr di patate
100 gr mortadella
200 gr pomodoro pelato
20 pomodorini
100 g Pecorino sardo (in un pezzo unico)
2 cipolle
olio extra vergine di oliva
1 costa sedano
1 carota
q.b. Pepe nero in grani
q.b. Sale
Procuratevi della trippa già pulita e preferibilmente in un unico pezzo. Tagliatela in rettangoli di misura giusta per essere avvolti a contenere del ripieno. In ogni rettangolo inserire mezza fetta di mortadella (fatevela tagliare molto sottile quando la comprate), della cipolla affettata sottilmente, un pezzo di pecorino, qualche fogliolina di prezzemolo ed un pó di pomodorino tritato. Chiudete gli involtini e fermateli o con dello spago da cucina o, in alternativa, con degli stecchini.
La tradizione vuole che si cucinino nella pentola di terracotta lentamente, ma potete usarne qualsiasi altra. Ponete tutti involtini nella pentola sopra di essi condite con una cipolla a pezzi, il restante prezzemolo, una costa di sedano, una carota tagliata a metà, pomodoro pelato, un giro di olio, sale e qualche grano di pepe. A questo punto copriteli di acqua e fate cuocere a fuoco lento per circa un'ora. Quando pungendoli con la forchetta vi sembreranno teneri aggiungete le patate tagliate a tocchetti grossi. Finite di cuocere controllando che non si asciughino troppo.
Servite caldo con del pane tostato e del buon vino rosso. 😋
La scigghiu 🦋
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vaginosibatterica · 2 years
Dopo dieci mesi e molti litigi, il conto in banca di mia nonna è stato finalmente chiuso ed i suoi figli (mio padre, i miei zii) hanno potuto ricevere la loro quota di eredità: si sono accapigliati (mia zia ha bloccato persino il mio numero!) per 600 euro a testa.
Mio padre ha diviso i centoni tra di noi, tenendo fuori dalla divisione mia mamma.
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Posted a Mamma Mia inspired drabble that I wrote in like 20 minutes and was beyond tired. Ran it through Grammarly but I honestly don’t know if it’s good or not, I think the plot is decent for a 600 word drabble but whether or not it makes sense 🤷‍♀️
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occhidibimbo · 2 years
Stavo cercando idee per il laboratorio di cucina che farò con i bambini iscritti ai laboratori creativi della mia Cooperativa. Volevo fare qualcosa di sfizioso e diverso dal solito e splulciando qua e là mi sono imbattuta in una ricetta di Giallo Zafferano e Pianeta Mamma: il sushi dolce, una ricetta davvero interessante! L'idea di vedere i bambini alle prese con uramaki e nigiri m'incuriosiva molto. Come potete capire sono un' amante del sushi :) Ingredienti per 6 persone Per il riso Riso vialone nano 200 gr Latte fresco intero 600 ml Zucchero semolato 90 gr Limoni la scorza di mezzo Arance la scorza di mezza Vaniglia 1 bacca Sale 1 pizzico Per il ripieno l'interno degli uramaki e guarnizione dei nigiri Frutta di stagione Nocciole granella 30 gr Pistacchi granella 30 gr Liquirizia 4 rotelle A differenza della ricetta originale che prevedeva, mango, fragole e melone, ho preferito, dato che siamo nella stagione invernale, utilizzare per lo più frutta di stagione, più reperibile, succosa ed economica. Preparazione Per cominciare si inizia dal risolatte: scaldate il latte in una casseruola a fuoco medio con i semi di una bacca di vaniglia, la scorza di mezza arancia e quella di mezzo limone. Versate all'interno anche lo zucchero semolato e il sale. Mescolate per far amalgamare tutti i sapori e sciogliere lo zucchero. Portate il latte quasi a bollore, poi aggiungete il riso e cuocete sempre a fuoco dolce mescolando di tanto in tanto. Lasciate sul fuoco per 30 minuti e se dovesse asciugarsi troppo aggiungete altro latte caldo. Alla fine della preparazione il risolatte dovrà avere una consistenza piuttosto cremosa. Quando il riso sarà cotto, eliminate le scorze degli agrumi con una pinza da cucina e trasferitelo in una teglia rettangolare per farlo raffreddare completamente. Intanto i vostri bimbi potranno dedicarsi alla frutta, so che il fatto di consegnargli un coltello in mano è una cosa che vi spaventa parecchio, ma se gli date fiducia ed un coltello adatto a loro vedrete che faranno un buon lavoro; questo c'è lo confermano anche le scuole montessoriane, nelle quali i bambini maneggiano quotidianamente coltelli per cibarsi da soli. Ora potete comporre il vostro sushi dolce: per ricreare gli uramaki, con un cucchiaio stendete un po' di risolatte su un tappetino di bambù, rivestito con della pellicola (se non avete il tappetino, basterà il solo foglio di pellicola). Ricordate sempre di bagnarvi le mani prima di preparare il sushi così sarà più facile maneggiare il riso ed evitare che si attacchi. Pressate con le dita al centro per creare un piccolo solco, dove potrete posizionare i bastoncini di frutta che avete preparato. Arrotolate il bambù, per richiudere il rotolo su se stesso, facendo una leggera pressione per far prendere la forma. Quindi srotolate il bambù e avrete ottenuto il rotolo di uramaki. Bagnate la lama di un coltello con poca acqua e dividete l'uramaki a metà. Passate metà uramaki nella granella di nocciole e l'altra metà in quella di pistacchio; quindi tagliate ciascun rotolo in 3- 4 parti. Se il vostro bambino fosse allergico alla nocciola o al pistacchio potete lasciare l'uramaki bianco, sarà buono comunque! Per ricreare i nigiri, invece, prendete una piccola porzione di risolatte alla volta e mettetelo nel palmo della mano per creare una piccola polpettina ovale leggermente appiattita. Poggiateci sopra una fettina di frutta e il gioco è fatto! Vi auguro una buona merenda! Fatemi sapere :)
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Dad!Tony
This is my submission for @ironmandeficiency‘s writing challenge for their 600 follower celebration!! I hope y’all enjoy it.
Summary: Tony ponders over the lost time. Based on Slipping Through My Fingers by Abba and Mamma Mia the film! 
Warnings: some mild cursing, some angst, hopefully, a happy ending or at least a hopeful one.
Word Count: 1.6k. (including lyrics)
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Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness And I have to sit down for a while
"Hey dad," you call out to the older man standing hunched over the workbench in his lab. The man doesn't look up at first, deciding to hum in acknowledgment as he continues to tinker on some project before him. From what you can tell, he's bullshitting it as there are no visible blueprints nor any plans on a screen. Just his hands and his imagination running rampant. "Peter and I are going out after school," you continue, shifting from one leg to the other. The statement comes out just like that, a statement, rather than the usual question you're used to asking. "No need to wait up for me tonight."
Tony finally takes the time to look up, noticing your attire. A little black dress that, personally, seems too small for his liking. Matching black boots, hair in its natural style, and he can tell that you've worked on your makeup as well. However, he doesn't comment on it. You're 19, you don't have to abide by his rules. Not like he had any, to begin with, but now more than ever, he really does not have a say. Nonetheless, a knot tightens over his throat, leaving him to a simple nod. Otherwise, his voice or his words might betray him.
"Sure thing, kid," Tony manages, shooting you a smirk in an attempt to hide the fact that deep down, things are hitting him like a truck. "Just be careful, okay?"
"Got it, Iron Fart," you call out, saluting the man with a wave and heading out. You left too early to hear him mumble a very quiet 'I love you.'
For the longest, Tony was so overwhelmed by this fear of running out of time that he seemed to neglect aspects of his life by worrying about running out of time. It seems quite ironic; wasting time by worrying about running out of it. It seems like something any genius could point out and fix easily. Tony felt like an idiot in this regard. But when you're constantly risking your life, when the lives of those around you are also on the line, it's hard not to worry. People can be taken as quickly as they come.
With that thought, Tony has to take a seat. His legs feel like they could give out on him at any moment. Maybe it's from the lack of sleep, the lack of a proper meal or the sudden bombshell unknowingly dropped on him. That of his kid, his child, his own flesh and blood growing up.
The feeling that I'm losing her forever And without really entering her world I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter That funny little girl
Slipping through my fingers all the time I try to capture every minute The feeling in it Slipping through my fingers all the time Do I really see what's in her mind Each time I think I'm close to knowing She keeps on growing
Tony feels his chest become heavy as his lips tremble only slightly. His eyes gloss over and, God, he feels like a fool. But the slight gap in his relationship with you is a design of his own making. You were so small when he had to don the Iron Suit. Such a young kid, and he didn't even know how to properly take care of himself when you came around. It was so sudden, at least to him. But he knew that was no excuse, so he took care of you as best he good. To say the least, your family personified the 'it takes a village' saying. Nonetheless, you were young when he became a superhero. His fear stemmed from Afghanistan, and it evolved from there. Especially knowing he had his precious child at home, awaiting his arrival every time he was in danger.
Being a superhero made Tony busy, so he missed out on some of your childhood, and most of your adolescence. Even well into your adulthood, he remains busy. It's not something he's proud of, but here he is. He only has himself to blame for not immersing himself into you. For not being there as a father should. For being so distant. He's not a bad dad, and even you could attest to that. He's a great dad, especially compared to Howard. But he just never knew how to be there in so many ways. Sure, he was physically there, and he was there for you mentally, as well as for big accomplishments. But he wasn't there for any of your first days of school, he wasn't there for the day that you managed to beat up your bully, he wasn't there when you had a dream he died and you needed to hug him and tell him you loved him. He wasn't there when you got with Peter, nor was he there for you to tell him about the dogs you've seen over the years. Sure, he was there, but he wasn't always there. Even if it was the small things.
So when Tony was there, he cherished it. Even now, as he looks back on it. The sound of your laughter, as he's put it before, is like music to him. It's the definition of all that is good, it's the light in a dark room. Even if you always say it sounds horrible, your laugh is his lifeline, his purpose, his love. He beams at every laugh he shares with you, a smile so real and so genuine and so goddamn bright it puts the sun to shame.
It also seems that every time he thinks he's close to some new revelation with you, things change. Faster than he can comprehend. One day, he's thinking about how you wanted a pony for your birthday and suddenly, you don't like ponies. Every time he thinks he's close, you run ten miles forward, and he's left running marathons to figure you out. Then right as his fingertips just graze you, and he thinks you're on the same page, you grow again. He's right back where he started.
Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table Barely awake, I let precious time go by Then when she's gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling And a sense of guilt I can't deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures The places I had planned for us to go (Slipping through my fingers all the time) Well, some of that we did but most we didn't And why, I just don't know
He reminisces on the 'late night breakfasts', as you'd call them, that you both shared. They were rare, but they were some of his fondest moments. He'd be on the verge of sleep and you were just on the brink as well. Both of you awake for different reasons. Either way, those were some of his fondest moments, if he's being honest. However, now that she's not here, it tends to him. He feels guilt.
Guilty because he wasn't there for all the in-betweens. Guilty because he never told you just how much he loves you enough. Guilty because he let all that time slip through his fingers. All the time he could have spent enjoying you. Sure, he spent time with you. He made time for you. Especially in recent years, the two of you making up for all that lost time. But even that doesn't feel like enough. Yeah, he made up all the lost moments, most of the planned adventures, and even new ones. He made it up as much as he could, but he still felt like he was missing something. Missing something grand, something bigger than just time. He missed you.
"Tony?" Pepper calls out from out of nowhere. At least that's what it felt like to Tony. Slowly, he came back to, looking up at his wife with a far-gone look. A distant glance. "You should come to eat."
Tony takes a look at the woman in front of him, really looks her in the eyes, and she does the same. She sees all the pent up pain and she's quick to walk over to the man she loves and wraps her arms around the man. Tony rests his head on Pepper's stomach, holding her so close to him.
"Is it about Y/N?"
Tony nods, feeling Pepper's hand tangled in his hair. He leans into her touch, enjoying it far too much to want to let go of her. But she does have that kind of effect on him.
"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture," Tony mumbles into the woman's stomach. Pepper sighs softly, feeling where he's coming from. "And save it from the funny tricks of time. She's grown so quick and I never got to stop to admire her in her might. She's a great woman and I hate that I've missed so much, Pep," Tony continues. He lets out a long and drawn-out breath. "It just feels like she's constantly slipping through my fingers."
"Tony," Pepper softly speaks, looking down at her husband. Her voice is soothing to him and he feels the vibrations as she speaks. "You can only move forward. She loves you, instead of focusing on what you missed out, try making more memories in the future. That time managed to slip, and you can acknowledge that you messed up there. But all you can do is continue to be there for her and assume a more active role now."
Tony nods, his hand moving to Pepper's belly.
"I promise you Morgan H. Stark," Tony speaks to Pepper's tiny belly. "I won't make the same mistakes this time. I'll fix the lost time with Y/N and I'll make sure to be there for you. It's what you both deserve."
Send in feedback, requests, and asks!!
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His Dancing Queen
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: a couple swear words, that’s all though.
for @ironmandeficiency ‘s abba writing challange, I used Dancing Queen by ABBA for inspiration. Huge huge huge thank you to her for the advice and inspiration! This is my first fic ever, so I’m open to constructive criticism!
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- gif is from gify
The street lights that glide through the blinds remind you of the time, 6:30 pm.
It’s a Friday night, and you just finished your paper work for the week. Being Tony’s secretary, this is surely a miracle.
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go,
It had been a long, hard week. Fury was on your case about sorting out the press around Tony’s latest slip of the mouth, and you really need to loosen up.
Where they play the right music
Getting in the swing,
“Hey y/n, done for the night?”
Gosh he was pretty. Every time you lay eyes on James Buchanan Barnes, he only seems to get prettier. Leaning in the doorway with a slightly too small black shirt and his hair pulled back from his face, it was times like these you were reminded of the crush you had on the man.
You come to look for a king.
Anybody could be that guy,
Struck with an idea, you figure nothing ventured, nothing gained.
“Yeah... say buck, would you be interested in going dancing with me?”
You smile a nervous smile. You and Buck had been pals around the workplace, but had yet to hang out outside of your regular 9 - 5. And gosh isn’t he just beautiful, with his cold grey eyes, soft chestnut hair, plump pink lips speaking only to you.
Oh shit.
He’s speaking to you.
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music,
Everything is fine,
“Yeah, yeah why not. Sam mentioned a lil’ place downtown, great for a ball.” You are surprised he agreed to be honest, but god damn if you weren’t looking forward to dancing with a handsome, kind man like himself.
“Alright, I’ll just get changed and we can head off.”
You're in the mood for a dance.
And when you get the chance,
In the parking garage, a loud exclamation from your date startles you.
“You have a motorbike?!” His eyes wide and grin on his mouth.
“Well yeah. If I’m riding, I’m riding in style. I do get paid to be Tony’s babysitter you know.” You say with moderate attitude.
He chuckles low with a disbelieving shake of his head.
“Hop on Sargent,” You wink.
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet,
Damn this felt good. Wind on your skin, road flying beneath you, and Bucky Barnes with his, may you say, very muscular arms wrapped around you. His warmth against your back is welcome, and sorely missed when you dismount.
Only seventeen
Dancing queen,
The nightclub has a warm coloured exterior, with orange light illuminating the streets and upbeat music spilling out the door. You couldn’t remember the last time you went dancing.
“Ready doll?”
“Fuck yes.”
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah!
You grab his hand in an act of courage, and you feel him squeeze back with the same excitement.
You can dance,
You can jive,
Walking in to the bar, you feel the beat of the music thrum through you. An old classic, and one that you can definitely dance to.
Having the time of your life,
You pull Bucky on to the floor, hands locked and matching grins. You close your eyes and you let go. You let yourself feel happy, let your body move to the rhythm.
Ooh, see that girl,
Watch that scene,
Opening your eyes you see Bucky watching you. But, he’s not dancing? He must not have heard this song. Or... any disco music you realise. “Come here!” You laugh, “I’ll show you.”
Dig in the dancing queen
You pull out a couple old moves like the sprinkler to make him laugh, even he knows those are old school. Step one complete. Next you pull him closer, your hands loose on his shoulders as you move your hips to the music
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on..
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone,
His hands are on your hips and his eyes are locked on yours. You lead him through, swaying and twisting away from him only to pull him back in, singing as loudly as your eardrums will let you.
Looking out for another
Anyone will do
In this moment, there is no one else. No other dancers, no DJ, no waiters. Just James, and you. You, being a dick head and laughing your ass off, and James following with equal vigour.
You're in the mood for a dance.
And when you get the chance,
God the look in his eyes as you come back in close, his hands a little lower on your back and lip between his teeth, you could just melt
You are the dancing queen,
Young and sweet,
You are lost, lost to the world and those within it as James Buchanan Barnes sways and moves with you to the beat of the tambourine
You can dance,
You can jive,
Having the time of your life
And as the song starts to come to a close
Ooh, see that girl,
And you are panting and much too close,
Watch that scene,
He leans in and places his lips to yours, sweet and soft, and the first of many.
Dig in the dancing queen!
And he will always call you,
Dig in the dancing queen!
His dancing queen.
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kabuwu · 4 years
you mfs are really tryna boost my ego here huh
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breannacasey · 4 years
I managed to pull myself from writing in time to watch a movie. Be proud of me, I usually manage my time too poorly for that.
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evecoffins · 6 years
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There’s an island, Kalokairi. People used to think if you sailed on from there you’d fall off the edge of the world. That sounds like the place for me.
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sensationalsrecord · 6 years
180527 fancafe update
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To SF9, Fantasy
For being together throughout this 600 days For staying together for all these countless days Our members, and also Fantasy Thank you so very much. I’m looking forward for our future. I’m lacking a lot but I’ll return your support with my hard work. I love you ♡
From. Youngbin
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To everyone that loves us
It’s been 600 days since we were born as SF9. The fact that these nine people gathered together and are able to make so many beautiful memories is making me very happy. I hope I can share all this happiness I feel with all of you, Fantasy. I’m always thankful to you. ^_^
Fantasy’s Taeyang
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To our Fantasy, as much as I’m thankful, I’m always feeling sorry towards you. To think that it’s been 600 days since we debuted. Time really flies. And inside that time, there has been a lot of memories made. I think the biggest reason why we’re working so hard is because of you. Because of your endless support, I was able to keep going strong. I know that 600 days is not a short time, but please stay with us for a long long time more.
Thank you Fantasy! ♡ (Rowoon)
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To. Our people
Congratulations on our 600 days of becoming SF9~! Thinking about the past really, the time passes so quickly! So many memories! To our fantasy who have been beside us, crying, laughing and always supporting us, thank you so much I love y’all always! Let’s continue like this happily!
Kkyu~♡ (Zuho)
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To. The reason why SF9 is here today~ ^_^
Fantasy, it’s been 600 days since we started spending time together 😮 Wow ~ There are so many things that happened throughout these 600 days, and I’m looking forward for more things we’re going to share in the future >ㄴ< ♡
Please take care of us in the future too (bows) ❤_❤ (Chani)
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My lovely Fantasy, this is Inseong!
It’s been 600 days since SF9 debuted, time really flies by so fast. I’m really thinking all of this is possible because of Fantasy. I’ll work hard to make sure there’s only happy things happening from now on.
I love you! ♡ 🐰
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Everyone to me…
I am very happy!! That’s why I am not eating banana and I’m writing this letter!! Let’s be happy and go on together in the future!
Everyone let’s be together!
🌞 (smiles) (Dawon)
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To. My Fantasy
Hello everyone~!!! It’s been 600 days since we debuted, I can’t believe it hehehe Thank you so much for staying with us all this time I always feel like you are here next to us all the time. Thank you for always cheering and supporting us!! Let’s go for 600 years, Fantasy ♡
FANTASY = ♡ (Jaeyoon)
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Hello everyone
It’s 600 days kekeke Time flies really fast. It’s like the KTX hehehe Thank you for staying with us all this time~ I don’t have anything to give, but I’ll work harder and repay your love with amazing performances!!
+ when brought together, the titles of the messages form the sentence ‘thank you for being with us for 600 days’
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fy-juho · 6 years
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zuho’s fancafe update
to. our people
congratulations for sf9′s 600 days anniversary~!
when i look back, time really flies by so fast but we also made so many memories together~!
thank you for staying and supporting us, sharing laughs and tears together. i love you.
let’s stay together always and have a good time together~! ♡
© sf9nation
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acey-wacey · 2 years
FRICK FRICK I'MSO SHY OF NOT BEING ON ANON SORRY UM UM CONGRATS FOR YOUR 600 FOLLOWERS absolutely deserved literally found your acc a few days ago and im Obsessed With Your Fics sooooo taking this change to request perhaps ..... Rook hunt with I hear a symphony by Cody Fry? please
feel free to ignore this and thank you for your fics in general <3
Hi!! I'm so glad you're here!
Pairing - Rook Hunt x Reader
Song - I Hear A Symphony / Cody Fry
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry
Evermore - Dan Stevens
Cardigan - Taylor Swift
we fell in love in october - girl in red
Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor
Chanson de Delphine - Les Demoiselles de Rochefort
Our Last Summer - Mamma Mia
~I used to hear a simple song~
You can barely remember what your life was like before Rook Hunt. It must have been boring because all your memories of it seem black and white.
That all changed when Rook came into your life.
~that was until you came along~
With him, all you saw was color: the rich orange and pink sunsets he took you to see, the pitch black skies you would stargaze under, the vivid green eyes that were the last thing you saw before he kissed you.
Everything became music for you.
You heard jazz in the squawking of crows and strings in the morning breeze. Every ticking second was a new note, every new day another melody.
~now in it's place is something new~
He pulled you along with him, never slowing down. His cryptic spontaneity was what drew you to him in the first place. He was a wild deer, faster than the speed of light, and you loved nothing more than the chase.
He never liked people to know him. He didn't want to leave himself exposed to the traps he knew hunters would set, but you didn't need a traps. You listened to him, willing to hear the song he kept hidden beneath the noise, and slowly, he let you in.
~i hear it when I look at you~
If you had told him before that he would love you, he would have laughed. He never saw himself as one to adore as much as one to be adored. It came too fast for him, quicker than the release of an arrow. Before he knew it, he was appreciating much more than your beauty. You hadn't just capture his heart but his entire being, his melody.
And perhaps you'd like to harmonize.
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