#man my heroes sure do keep looking rather villainous huh
thekeatoncadet · 2 years
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Faye's other childhood friend, Elias! (Or Eli, or Els to Faye and Wes)
They don't have to look that Creature, they simply choose to
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 7
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This was really the Best thing to happen to Waller, She already hates Superman as it is and has been trying to find a reason for Exterminatie him all season, So to have with Kara show up and Destroy the city last week, this was literally the perfect opportunity for her to label Superman and his kind as threats, and get to finally carry out her plan; but by initiating this H.D.C. program thing She isn't really making herself look all that good either, having giant mechanized robots Patrol the city and labeling it as "Protection" Isn't actually protection, and is giving off more of a Fear rather than Safety vibe, also are we Not going to talk about how she literally "silenced" that guy for trying to Expose her, like she really wants people to believe that Superman is a problem and is willing to go through Disturbung lengths to keep it that way, She really is effing crazy no matter what adaptation she's in
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Alight Jimmy olsen is Officily the Best character in this series, not only did he literally just waste his entire Bank account in order to Save his best friend, without hesitation mind you, but he also was able to completely talk lois out of trying to Kill kara, which in my opinion would have ended horribly for her, also the fact that lois was even able to think like that, felt like she was sounding more like her Father; Also *Gasps* what's this, Livewire and Heatwave are a THING!? ^w^
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I find it so funny that after traveling the multiverse and nearly almost dying to another version of themselves, they just act like nothing happen and casually decide to have brunch in the park with Jimmy afterwards like what do you think Jimmy's reaction was to that, probably something along the lines of "wow, must've been some hell of a Honeymoon huh" 😅
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Livewire: "if something goes wrong, we switch to plan B" Lois: "And what's plan B?"
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I totally love the Take on Livewire for this series, while people Normally compare her to be Basically like Superman's version of Electro, she really feels me more like his version of Shocker in my opinion, for example instead of her using her powers to Simply cause chaos and Destroy superman, she instead uses them to Rob banks and take on odd jobs for people, kinda like how shocker does in both the Spiderman series and games, not mention her feelings towards super heroes is more align with Shocker view of Spiderman, where as Electro is unstable and Just Wants to Kill Spider man, Livewire is completely the opposite when it comes to facing Superman, and would prefer avoiding him in general, similar to how shocker is about spider man, while They don't necessarily HATE their Hero, they just find them really Annoying to deal with, she isn't a Super Villain in this Show, just more of a Petty thief, also her motivation is completely 1 to 1 with Shockers, with both of their main goal being to simply gain wealth and live a comfortable life; Also can we all agree that her powers in this show are really Freaking cool, Not only can she generate and summon lighting at will, but she can also create a force field, turn herself into freaking electricity, and give herself the ability to effing Fly, like she's seriously OP, and she chooses to rob banks
Ok Is it me or is lois completely dense because WHAAAT!? What'd you mean you were afraid that he would leave you, I mean sure I get that you have abandonment issues considering the relationship between you and your father, but c'mon the guy has literaly been right by your side since Episode 1 and was afraid that YOU would leave HIM instead when you found out who he was, Saying that the reason you broke up with him was because you got scared and thought he wasn't gonna Love you back is Freaking understatement because if you don't call him literally complimenting you every chance he gets Day in day out, treating you the way he does and how he was even ready to Stand up to your dad when he was treating you like a little kid again Love, then idk what is to you, *sigh* but I'm glad she realized her mistake is ready to get back with him after this is done
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Also ladies and gentlemen we have our New Power couple, and They're so cute Omg!! >_<
Ok I'm officially dub this Ship as "WaveWire" fight me
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I really don't enjoy the rivalry between Lex and Slade, like I get that he's still young and therefore isn't the Slade we all know from the comics, but c'mon he shouldn't really come off as more of like a dick in this Series, like I hate how smug he is and how he is always trying to please waller every chance he gets, like you're telling me that that this the Guy who took defeated the Teen titans, was the main Villain for ARROW, and was truly a force to be reckoned with!? Like this Isn't Deathstroke he should be more badass instead of always trying play the rules, he needs to be more Cool and shouldn't really care about Waller at all, he shouldn't feel like some lap dog who is desperate for attention, I see what they're doing by having Luthor slowly being his replacement, but in my opinion it's just Not how I usually View this character, as much as i love to give this series praise, Slade is the only thing I really don't like about it
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JIMMY x KARA!!! ^_^ I hope we get to see these 2 together by the end of this season, Now that Jimmy is in the mix I feel like we'll be more or less seeing the relationship unfold between Jimmy and Kara Next episode, maybe even get to see an Argument between lois and Kara
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Apart of me kinda wonders if These shots are ment to represent the viewers seeing the perspective of Kara from Jimmy and lois, with the last episode being from Jimmy's perspective, seeing a girl who is misunderstood and mistreated by her father, Someone who is just looking for their place in the world, unaware that they're being manipulated by a Machine Who just want's to use her as a weapon, while in this episode we get to see her from the perspective of lois, Seeing the person who kidnapped her boyfriend and tried to conquer the planet, I hope this really is the case because if so that's freaking Genius, I can't wait to see what they have in store for us Next episode (also I'm sorry but without the Cape, Kara's suit just looks boring to me, the cape really brang it together balancing out All the black with the red)
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
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“Pizza Time” (Hobie Brown & Gn!Reader)
| You, Hobie, and crew get called out to deal with a canon disturbance.
| SFW, canon typical action, team fic™️, my attempts at humor, one original spider variant, -gn!reader
| H/n=Hero name (Pic source: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) movie)
| 2k+ words
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The sounds of an argument bounce off the walls of the hall leading to the transport station and Miguel’s office - if you wanted to call a floating platform and boundless walls of unfeeling shifting metal an “office” that was.
Hobie walks in, hands in his pockets and gait steady, already heaving a sigh.
“Level one! You’re sending us - me! - on a mission for a goddamn level one disturbance?”
A platform above you, thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of his nose, Miguel groans. The sound borders on growl but you don’t buck an inch.
Hobie would totally be admiring the show of grit right now if he didn’t have something waaaaay better to do, but alas he does so he needed you to shush sooner rather than later.
“Are you crazy? I can do so much better than respond to some villain of the week!”
“Ay, dios mío, I can assure you I’m perfectly sane-”
“Huh,” Hobie scoffs. He’d sure like to hold a microscope up to that claim.
He swings his guitar ‘round to his front and leans against the wall otherwise silently, doing nothing but waving when Miguel’s sharp eyes snap to him. He does want to laugh at the way just his presence is causing the ever present crease in their - not their as in ‘his’ but their as in ‘everyone else’s’ - leader’s forehead but that’s something he’d have done last week and he rather liked his inconsistencies to stay just that; messing with Miguel was more fun that way.
So today he keeps mum. To an extent. Just feeling the way the headquarters’ walls hum with power against his back and watching with lidded eyes as you bark up Miguel’s tree.
Miguel averts his attention back to you and you’re clearly still giving him a nasty look if his eye roll means anything.
“You’re going. That’s not me asking, this isn’t up for debate. You want to work so bad, here you go.”
“Work? This is a glorified playdate at best-”
Alright. Time to cut and run. Hobie pushes off the wall, walking over to tug you back with the pads off his fingers. Grabbing onto skintight spandex isn’t some easy task so he sticks to you instead.
You stumble away with an irritated huff but Hobie talks over the barrage you’re likely about to release.
“Oi, cut the argy bargy! Don’t we got somethin’ to do?
Miguel turns with a nearly slackened expression - look at that he almost did something that wasn’t a scowl! - but gestures towards Hobie regardless.
When you do the same, turning to him like he’s gone and betrayed your whole bloodline, Hobie shrugs your gaze off and lets go of you. For the time being he needs you to be sated enough that he can get from under the security cameras he knows are up his knickers and nipping at his balls right now.
“For once we agree,” Miguel intones.
In response Hobie flips him off and right on cue that scowl makes its reappearance.
“Just go,” the man sighs.
Nearly in tandem you and Hobie give Miguel mock salutes. Hobie can tell you’re rolling your eyes under the mask but opts not to comment as Pavitr finally enters the room.
Miguel’s tense voice follows you all into the bright energy field that makes up the dimensional portal when you guys finally mobilize.
“Your mission parameters will be on your watches when you get there. H/n and Hobie you’ll be taking point. The Spider of the universe you’re being sent to is already on standby.” He heaves a sigh and you can just hear the way he’s attempting to rub out the halos in his vision. “And please try not to destroy another national monument.”
“No promises!”
The way Hobie’s words ring out into the spacious room is capped off by your raucous laughter as you both walk through the portal.
A blinding light flashes and then you’re traveling through a technicolor cavern, shot forward to your chosen destination by an invisible and unwavering current.
In almost no time at all you meet the timid air of Earth-159, the home of the self proclaimed:
You breathe in cool damp air, taking a moment to ground yourself in the feel of yet another alternate New York before twisting around to confront your partner.
“Since when are you such a follower?”
You grumble the words with a no doubt demur turn of your lips and Hobie shrugs, shaking the stability back into his legs.
“Nah I ain’t never been that, don’t go puttin’ words in my mouth. It just so ‘appens that ‘is usual utilitarian act matched up with my plans for today, is all.”
“You? Plotting? What a surprise,” you chuckle and flip around - walking backwards - so you can watch him as y’all walk out on the other side of the portal. “I want in.”
He side eyes you, “You plan on keeping that big mouth shut anytime soon then? No usin’ what I tell you as ammunition against Miguel, and all that.”
Still walking backwards you chuckle lowly and press your lips together. Your pinched fingers come up to pantomime a zipper closing across the seam of your lips, you make a show of breaking then showing off the invisible zipper key, and finally toss the imaginary zipper away.
“Alright then,” he hums. “Keep your schedule open for tomorrow and I’ll spill.”
“Great.” You shove your hand in your pocket as you and him both catch up to a buzzing in place Pavitr.
He turns to you, shiney hair bouncing almost sadly to the left.
“Shouldn’t Maid be here already? What’s taking her so long?”
Before either of you can answer Pavitr the telltale thwip of a web-shooter meets y’all’s ears from a short distance and then a flash of red and yellow head to toe spandex catches everyone’s eye.
Spider-Maid lands in front of you all - after a series of well timed flips - with her hands on her hips. She flips springy curls over her shoulder.
“I swear I would’ve been here sooner, but there was a minor incident with Dr. Conners and she was shedding everywhere!” She lands in front of you three, hands flailing every which way. “Like, I’m talking huge slabs. And everything was slimy-!”
“Spider-Maid,” you cut her off and she goes stock still, head ducking.
Before you can reassure her yourself Hobie’s already laughing her apology off. He walks over, swinging an arm over her shoulder.
“Ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for, Mad Maid! Things goin’ as good as they sound?”
“Oh yeah!” She laughs and when Hobie shakes his hand out and holds his fist out for her to dap him up she happily fist pumps him. “Everything’s great! You know? Despite the dimensional disturbance in my world apparently. Do you guys have eyes on that by the way?”
You shrug, “Honestly? I was hoping you did. You know Miguel prefers the ‘throw the baby in the deep end and let them figure it out’ method of learning.”
“Yeahhhh,” she nods. “Swim or die sounds about his speed.”
“Oh it is definitely his speed,” Pav says.
The sigh you let out comes from your bones. Pavitr is barely out of his superhero teething phase and he’s already picked up on how much of a hardass Miguel is, and Maid isn’t too far behind him either.
God the Spider Society was a mess.
A rush of people running from behind a pizzeria halts any further conversation. You all tense in unison, a cluster of fine tuned spiders ready to jump headfirst into danger. Hobie and you glance at one another.
A series of head tilts and hidden eyebrow raises commences before Hobie finally sighs and clears his throat.
“Alright, here’s how we’ll do things! I’ll go check whatever that was out and the rest of you look for any more signs of the disturbance, yeh?”
“Form a parameter and then scour it,” you add and he nods his agreement.
Everyone else then acknowledges the plan and y’all break up with you officially on spider-sitting duty by yourself.
For the first couple minutes things go smoothly enough. There’s no sign of the disturbance but there’s no more screaming people either, and Hobie seems pretty nonplussed - if a little humorous - at what it is he finds.
Barely enough time passes for you to start giving the two Spiders with you secondary instructions on what to look for when tracking someone before Hobie’s voice cuts through the calm.
“Ow! Shit!”
From the roof beside the one you're on Pav stops in his tracks and Maid - sticking to the side of the same building - slips. She clips her chin a little bit you’re too preoccupied to address it. Or catch the sigh of relief she lets out at that.
Your brows furrow beneath your mask and you eventually turn away from the now tense teens, glancing at the building Hobie disappeared behind.
“Hobie? Status?”
“There’s these fuckin - Ow!’” He yelps, still over coms. “Pudgy horned animal…things round the corner - shit! - and they are not as cute as I first thought!”
“Shit,” you grunt.
Maid waves to get your attention, crawling over the edge of your roof and running up to you.
“Can I?”
Maid and you turn to give each other a look. You shrug at her.
The brunette spider makes a jerky motion towards where Hobie’s run off to. From behind your mask you raise a brow and she catches on surprisingly fast for someone who isn’t used to hanging around other capes 24-7. For instance you can also tell that her eyes are saucer wide behind her mask.
“Do you think I should…go?”
“Somebody should!” Hobie yells, bordering on shrill even with his low timbre, and you start shoving at the girl to leave.
“I- yeah I think you should go. You’ll do fine. Me and Spider-man #2 over here can handle the main anomaly on our own.”
“Hey! Why am I number two?”
A call of Pav’s, Maid’s, and then your moniker comes from your wayward member, and Maid raises a hand to shoot off a web.
“Are you-?”
“We got this,” Pav cuts in. His tone is nearly melodic and you chuckle. “We’ll just split up like that old cartoon from the 70’s!”
Maid nods, leaving you two alone in just a few swings.
You turn to Pavitr as you both jump down to the street for a new vantage point. “You talking about Scooby-Doo?”
“What?” He laughs with a shake of his head. “Oh no I was talking about the Groovy Detective Crew-”
A high pitched scream ends that line of conversation. Instantly you and Pavitr are back to back, fighting stances coming naturally to you both.
“Guys! What was that?”
Your eyes track over the low roofs of the buildings surrounding the square you’re in, heart hammering in your chest.
“Yeah, that was definitely Hobie! I’ve got eyes on him now and there's something holding onto him, but I got it!”
Hobie starts yelling again, clearly being jerked around if the way his voice is cutting in and out means what you think it does.
“Bloody ‘ell it’s got my fuckin’ arm!”
Then Maid’s voice is added to the mix.
“Oh that’s just- that’s freaking disgusting.”
The question is on the tip of your tongue when you catch a glimpse of something not quite right banking the opposite corner from your teammates.
“Wait Pav.”
You point out a pair of little black boots rounding a corner, the disturbance cackling as it goes, and you and Pav are in pursuit seconds later.
“Hey guys! I think we found the main anomaly, we’re going after it now!”
The moment you and Pavitr swing past the corner you're met with the…thing? It’s already squaring up to you, that much is clear, its feet firmly planted as it stares you down from the other end of the street.
You scowl, planting your own feet even as your mind stalls.
Problem is you can’t really make sense of what you’re seeing. Subconsciously your head tilts as well, and beside you Pavitr makes a small incensed noise. There’s a lot of red but you can’t be sure if it’s blood or…or sauce(?), and there's just an absurd amount of glinting toppings stuck to the thing.
Hobie’s voice cracks through your stupor.
“H/n! You lot find the issue yet? What is it?”
“Well it’s- uh…is a-” your head tilts the other way, mouth going agape with your scowl. “Um…”
“Well spit it out already!” Over the line Hobie grunts, breathing out a curse as something presumably hits him. Maid’s higher grunt of impact follows.
Honestly there’s no good way to describe what you're looking at. You’re not even entirely convinced it isn’t a hallucination.
“It’s- it’s a…pizza?”
“Pizza? What the bloody fuck are you going on about? Pav, help me out here mate.”
Problem is Pavitr’s still just as confused as you. The boy’s so perplexed that it’s like he hasn’t even heard Hobie by the time he next speaks.
“Is that…sanitary?” Pavitr questions.
Yeah, you're kind of wondering that too. Regardless of that though - you shake your head - you still had a job to do.
Clearing your throat you straighten, projecting your voice a good couple of feet beyond you. “Who are you?”
The thing, all wet plops of itself falling to the floor and wafting garlicky scent, looks up at Pav and you slowly. You can’t tell if the two sharp points at what appears to be the top of it, even covered in a lion’s mane of fur, would be considered its shoulders or not.
It gives a hearty chuckle.
“After today - when you Spiders’ heads are skewered on the tip of my mighty spear - I’ll be the most dangerous of them all.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
Let’s say Gwen was on another mission or something and that’s why she’s not in this. Idk, I just didn’t want to write a whole bunch of characters. I’ll introduce Gwen later. I’m not very confident in everyone’s portrayal here either but I’m giving it a try so bare with me.
Also, funnily enough, I decided to name Earth-159's Spider-Woman Spider-Maid because Earth-159 in DC comics is an alt universe where Lois Lane was sent from the dying planet of Earth to Krypton (in the reverse of Clark) where she then becomes that worlds version of Superman, Supermaid. Apparently.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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empressofthesunwriter · 3 months
One Punch Girl! 02
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Inspired by One Punch Man!
In a world full of Quirks, you were born quirkless.
However, this doesn’t stop you from defeating villains left and right with just One Punch, all while you just want to eat junk food and watch anime.
What a drag.
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Hello, my loves!
So I counted the votes and most of you want a Harem so that we will get a Harem!
I hope you are still satisfied with it even if you voted for only one person, I will try to give anyone the spotlight ^^
I know it's a short chapter, but this just shows how Reader-CHan interacts with her class, before the Sports Festival where it will get interesting ^^
So please forgive me!
Now on with the story!
Chapter 2: Your new daily life, hurray!
Bored you stared at the twenty teenagers before you.
They seemed to be a mix of surprised and curious seeing you on the side of your teacher.
What was his name again?
"Okay listen up, kids.", began Aichacha. "I get you are surprised, but we have a new student here. She joined us at the recommendation of the principal. So try to not be annoying and just accept it."
Aikoko then took out a yellow sleeping bag and got inside.
"You can surely present yourself to the class."
With that, he falls asleep.
Still bored you just blinked.
Huh, Aicaramba, doesn't only look like a hobo but was also lazy.
Yeah, you felt him.
You also would rather lay in your warm bed and sleep than be back in school.
While you were at the facility you have totally forgotten what a drag school was.
Why did you agree again to do all this?
Whatever, you stared back at your classmates.
Some seemed to get shy under your intense look, like a cute boy with green hair which reminded you of broccoli, others stared back in the challenge, like the hot spiked-haired blond who seemed to have anger issues, and others seemed indifferent like the sexy boy with half white and half red hair.
Again you checked all your classmates.
Besides a few, like the little perv with lilac balls as hair who stared shamelessly at your breasts, all were extremely attractive.
What was this?
A host club?
You should keep your eyes open for a vase, not that you broke it and had then a debt over 5000000 Yen.
"I'm [Full Name] and I'm your new classmate, yeah.", you introduced yourself simply.
You could see sweatdrops everywhere and could practically hear how all thought: That's it?
"Can I sit down now?"
"Whatever kid.", waved you Aidumpsterfire away.
So you took the only free sit, which was on the last row.
Awesome, so no one would notice if you fell asleep!
You made yourself comfortable in your seat, only listening to half of how Aicucaracha said something about a Sports Festival.
Uurgh, boring.
You closed your eyes and fell asleep.
You don't know how long you slept, only how someone was shaking you awake.
Still half asleep you sat up and wiped the drool away from your mouth.
"Are you finally awake?", asked a girl amused.
What a second...
"Did aliens invade?", you wonder aloud.
The pink-skinned, horned, blackeyed girl just laughed at you.
"That's not the first time someone thought I was an alien.", she mussed. "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido, you probably want to know it's lunchtime."
Wow, you slept for like four hours.
But what did this Mina say?
"Lunchtime!", something like excitement was in your voice. "Thanks, cutie! I'm starving!"
You gave her a cheek kiss, stupified she blinked at you and turned red as you formally raced to the cafeteria.
Food, food, food!
Your tray nearly exploded under all the delicious dishes you put on it.
Now you need to find a place to eat.
Ah, there was a seat free beside a boy with gravity-defining indigo hair.
He bored poked at his ramen.
Without a word, you sat down and began to eat.
Mmh, so tasty!
Lunchrush was not without a reason your favourite hero!
"Hey, what does one of the Hero Course want here?", asked you the boy, staring at you like you were a cockroach.
Wow, rude!
You were way sexier than an insect.
You gulped down your food to answer: "Dude, I was just searching for a seat. Don't get your panties in a twist."
Indigo Boy stared at you with his pretty purple eyes.
You stared back.
Strangely you felt a tickled in your brain, if this made sense.
Mentally you gave this sensation a bitch-slap.
Funny enough Indigo Boy fell from his seat.
You chewed the food in your mouth and gulped it down before you leaned down to him.
"Are you okay?"
Pretty Purple Eyes stared in fright at you.
"What the?! How did you?! What are you?!"
"Last time I checked a girl."
The boy stood up and grabbed his things.
Before you could count to ten you heard how he mumbled how all in the hero course were freaks and he was gone.
Again, huh?
Well, whatever, if he wanted to be weird, not your problem.
Besides you could check out his nice ass, while he walked away.
So you just eat your lunch in peace.
It was now afternoon, which meant Hero Basic Training.
This was the only thing that got you a bit excited.
You wanted to see, how long your classmates could stand up to you before you finished them off with One Punch.
In the facility, you learned over the years to regulate your strength so, that you could also just knock out your opponents with One Punch.
No more accidentally killing like this.
Yeah, another dead kid at your hands wouldn't be good.
Anyway, the class led The All Might, which was cool.
Principal Nezu said you were stronger than him, the strongest hero of Japan, you wished you could arm wrestle with him to see if it was true.
Today in Hero Basic Training you would do an obstacle race.
Some Villains liked to booby trap their hideout, this training should sharpen your senses and give you a sense of danger.
Aww, so no fighting.
What a bummer.
You were bored again.
You played with your cool leather jacket which was part of your Hero Outfit, while in a group of four people, your classmate entered the obstacle race.
That's when a cute brunette girl in a skin-tight suit walked up to you.
"Hi, we hadn't had the chance to talk, I'm Ochaco Uraraka, welcome to our class."
You nodded in greeting.
"How are you liking the U.A. so far?"
"It's okay."
"Isn't it cool having All Might as a teacher?"
"I suppose."
"I like your Hero Outfit, really hot."
"You don't talk much, huh?"
You shrugged your shoulders.
Ochaco giggled cutely.
Then it was her turn to do the obstacle race.
Mmh, you felt a bit sad.
Ochaco was a happy-go-lucky person, all had seemed brighter with her around you.
After nearly the end of the hour, it was your turn with the obstacle race.
No one knew what had happened, they just saw you getting ready to race and then a loud wush!
In not even two seconds you finished it, and the obstacle race behind you was completely destroyed.
"Young [Last Name], this was incredible, but try to regulate your Quirk the next time please.", told you a shocked All Might.
Ah, yes you and the principal said your inhuman strength was a Quirk.
People wouldn't believe that what you did was all only muscle strength.
You bowed in apologising to All Might and promised to be more careful next time.
"Shit that was hot.", you heard a hot guy with spiked red hair whisper shout.
All the girls nodded in agreement.
Feeling playful send them all a wink, which earned you flustered giggles, even from the boy!
Mah, maybe it wouldn't be so bad in class 1A.
The school day was finally over and you wanted to go home!
Well, what you wanted was the people who blocked the door of your classroom, not their problem.
You pouted and had to listen to how Indigo Guy from Lunch, declared war on your class.
Okay, you should have listened more to what this Sports Festival was about.
The angry blond dude, Katsuki was his name, made the situation worse for your classmates, but he made a way free.
So you followed after him.
Let's get out of here!
When you were home you realized something important.
Since you had slept so much, you didn't take notes for your homework.
What a drag!
So I didn't describe the hero outfit because you all can decide how you look, just that we all wear a cool leather jacket cause we are badass :D
Hope you liked this little chapter and next up the Sports Festival.
Oh boy, that will be a ride!
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firey-passion · 22 days
Deal Making (Part/Chapter 1)
Shigaraki ran through the woods as fast as he could, each muscle that goes into such a thing pounding away with pain scattering across his body. He was so damn careful, he was sure that he wouldn't get caught at the supply run for some food with sustenance but things just had to go down hill! First there were three different hero groups patrolling the area, then he found that one of them had the current number one hero, and finally he got spotted by said number one hero and chased into the woods. Good news was that it was pretty easy to spot where he was due to the fire and he was clearly gaining some space between the two. Apparently being a six foot tall giant did not give way for being partially nimble, which was what was needed more in the woods. Once far enough away Shigaraki ducked behind a tree to hide, doing his best to slow his breath down to not give his position away. Endeavor eventually caught up but wasn't able to see him. 
“Where the hell did he go?!” He nearly shouted, fire burning brighter than it was before in his rage. 
“Relax Endeavor, it's not like he could get that far away.” Hawks pointed out. 
Shigaraki was mentally glad that he tried to fly through the woods instead of running since his wingspan slowed him down a bit, he was also glad that Mirko stayed behind to see if there were any other villains around. There likely wasn't but if they were they weren't a part of the LOV so it didn't matter to him. He finally took in his surroundings a bit more and noticed something a bit odd. In front of him was a black book with a red triangle man on it. 
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Shigaraki reached out and picked up the book and looked more clearly at it. It wasn't really anything of note, other than the fact that it appeared to just have been abandoned in the woods. He sat there waiting for about half an hour before Endeavor and Hawks decided that Shigaraki had double backed and was back at the store so they ran back. He waited another few minutes before leaving his hiding place and taking a different route to get back to the League's hideout, deciding to bring the book with him. It may not be very useful exactly but it would be interesting at the very least. At least this run wasn't a total bust, he got enough supplies to last them for a few days and he got an interesting book. 
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When he got back to the league he set the supplies that he was able to get his hands on at the table that they got their hands on from someone throwing it out. The table had stains, scratches, and a leg that had been broken (they used a few bricks to keep the table up). Shigaraki went back to staring at the book a bit trying to figure out why someone would try and get rid of it. 
“Hey Shigs! Glad you're back, whatcha got?” Toga asked, coming into the room and taking a seat on the plush chair they'd gotten alongside the table. It had a few holes and tears in it, with it also missing a leg that they worked through with a random book none of them read. 
“I got some canned food and microwavables, plus some fruits and vegetables we'll have to eat quickly to make sure they don't go bad. I unfortunately wasn't able to get my hands on much, got chased by the number one hero and his buddy.” Shigaraki explained, not looking up from his examination. 
“A-huh, and what's up with the book?” Dabi asked, leaning over his shoulder and looking at the odd book. 
“Unsure, I found it in the woods. It looked like it was just abandoned there.” Shigaraki explained, nudging Dabi away from him. 
“Oooooo, mysterious!” Toga exclaimed with a giggle, seeming to be rather excited about the potential from the strange book. 
Dabi let out a laugh and backed up a bit, “Pretty weird that you decided to grab a random book you found, for all you know it was there for a reason.”
“Yeah, and a good chunk of our furniture was probably thrown away for a reason and yet we're still using it.” Shigaraki replied with an eye roll. 
Dabi let out another laugh and he jumped onto the couch and started lounging, which was another item they grabbed on trash day. It was absolutely covered in stains and holes that had fluff sticking out of it. Shigaraki couldn't help but think about how he was proving his point. 
“Are you sure it was a good idea to take the book though? I mean, you got no context on why it was left in the woods instead of just thrown away.” Spinner pointed out, feeling a bit nervous about the risk that was potentially brought into the hideout. 
“Oh don't be such a worry wart Spinner! I'm sure that it'll be fine, it's not like he answered the question of some lady with a face mask on!” Toga said with a giggle. 
“If you say so…” Spinner said awkwardly, clearly not fully believing it. 
Shigaraki decided to head into his ‘room’ with the book in order to take a close look, he'd rather not be annoyed by the league while trying to understand things. His room was less of an actual room and more like a box. He had a bed in the corner that was absolutely covered in stains from being thrown out and was worn-out through years of use from the previous owners, a desk that was a patchwork of different types of wood that he used to keep his electrics (laptop and Nintendo devices), and a pin board on the wall that he used to keep all the information he found important in order. He had two piles of clothes off to the side of his room, one full of clothes he needed to get clean and the other were good to be worn for longer. He took off his jacket and tossed it into his “can still be worn” pile and toed off his shoes and socks, he took a seat on his bed and opened the book to see what was in its pages. 
He got hit with the ramblings from someone named “Stanford Pines”, he went on about how he believed some guy named “Bill” was dead, how he had checked his brothers mind and some statue to see if he could possibly come back, how he had gotten rid of all momentums of him (including all one dollar bills), how he he had found this book and tried to get rid of it but it kept coming back, how the book had some odd properties (such as changing itself based off the reader), and pleading to not read the book and to not trust it's contents. Shigaraki thought for a moment, if this was true then this could be a rather big risk with unknown reward. He decided to continue on just to see what would happen, finding a page about ‘summoning Bill Cipher’. He thought a little bit more about what he should do before going for it; he opted not to put his name in the book though. He put his hand on the right page, took a deep breath, and said “time to get weird”, and turned the page. 
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He didn't know what he expected, but what he found was definitely odd. The words weren't coming into view properly, some sentences started and ended abruptly, everything seemed to be trying to put itself together in a way that would be interesting but it didn't know what to do; he silently wondered if wearing the gloves messed with the book. He decided that he was just tired and that's why things weren't looking right so he set the book to the side, keeping it open so as to not have to reopen it in the morning, and went to sleep. 
Shigaraki “awoke” to a black void with some transparent blue objects floating about, he could tell rather easily that he wasn't really awake because he wasn't in pain like he normally was. He looked around the area to try and understand what was happening and saw a rather stylish yellow triangle with a few cracks in his body. He didn't seem to exactly seem to be paying attention, more so mumbling to himself. 
“What is with this guy, why is his mind so damn jumbled, I can't believe out of everyone who found my book it had to be someone whose thoughts are moving so fast.” The triangle mumbled to himself. 
“Uh, hello? Where the hell am I?” Shigaraki questioned, already mentally prepared for a fight. 
The triangle seemed to have snapped out of whatever angry thoughts he was dealing with and quickly seemed to pipe up to give some sort of speech or something. 
“Why hello there! I'm Bill Cipher, great to meet you Shigaraki! As for where you are, you're in the dreamscape, in other words my playground!” The triangle man exclaimed, seeming to intentionally making himself over the top. 
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“Huh, so you're the guy that he was trying to warn me about.” Shigaraki said dismissively. The mention of “he” caused Bill to immediately scowl. 
“Yeah, yeah. That would be me. Clearly it didn't work if you summoned me!” Bill continued, trying to push past the warnings that were given. 
“I suppose not. So, what's your deal?” Shigaraki questioned. 
“Well whatever do you mean?” Bill asked, trying to play dumb. 
“What, do you, want? I know that no one’s that upbeat when meeting you unless they want something, so what is it?” Shigaraki pushed, not willing to sit through the pleasantries that commonly came with social interaction. 
“Well it's simple really! I want to regain my physical form and bring some fun to your boring world!” Bill explained, clearly holding some details back. 
“And by “fun” you mean “chaos”.” Shigaraki pointed out nonchalantly. 
“Well aren't you a smart one, yes that would be the case. But it won't be that big of a deal! You'll be fine in all the mayhem as long as you help me out! You'll be on top of the world, ruler of everything, be the one in control!” Bill exclaimed, clearly trying to tempt him into some type of deal. 
“I don't really want any of that, it's not like I would know what to do with myself anyway.” Shigaraki replied, getting Bill to clearly panic a bit. 
“Well that's fine as I can give you anything! Fame, money, knowledge, power, absolutely anything!” Bill continued to try and tempt, which Shigaraki found amusing. 
“Well I don't want fame, I absolutely hate people so people acting as though they know me would piss me off. Money would be useful but it's not like I can buy things normally, difficult to forget this face after all, plus I could always just do what I do already which is steal. I’m already tired all the damn time so having more knowledge would just be more exhausting. And when it comes to power, anything you could offer me I could gain on my own with enough time.” Shigaraki replied with a smirk, he was enjoying making this guy sweat a bit. 
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“Then what do you want?!” Bill questioned angrily, clearly getting pissed about how his normal tempting tactics weren't working. He was quite literally turning red with. 
Shigaraki thought for a few minutes. He never really thought about what he wants, like at all. His destiny was set in stone after all, what he wanted never really mattered. But his teammates? Their destinies were flexible, they could still do so much when it comes to their “carries” in villainy. So while he didn't want anything, he was certain that his team would want more out of this than he ever has. It clicked in his mind what he “wanted” out of a deal with Bill. 
“How about this? If you can play nice and be a team player when it comes to my team then I'll help you regain that physical form of yours, with the caveat of you fulfilling your end first of course.” Shigaraki explained. 
“Deal!” Bill exclaimed, seeming to not think to ask follow up questions, and extending a hand engulfed in blue flames for a hand shake. Shigaraki thought for a second. 
“Sorry, I don't really do handshakes, personal hang ups, will this work?” He asked as he offered his pinkie in the same manner one would for a pinkie promise, it was a little embarrassing to have to do something so childish but with him handshakes could be deadly. 
“Yep, yep! That'll work!” Bill exclaimed, taking Shigaraki's pinkie finger to seal the deal. 
“Fantastic.” Shigaraki said with a grin, happy to see things going his way for once in life. 
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“So who are your teammates anyway?” Bill finally asked, clearly not prepared for the answer. 
“Well there's Spinner, who is my favorite. Hurt him and I will find a way to kill you a second time. That may sound like a joke but it isn't, I will actually kill you. Then there's Dabi, he’s an absolute prick. As long as you know how to stand your ground in a verbal sparring match things will work out just fine. There's Kurogiri, my other favorite. Can't imagine what you can do to piss him off. There's also Mr. Compress, a rather respectable fellow. Only downside is that he'll steal your stuff just to prove that he can, personally I let him get away with it because it annoys Toga. Speaking of Toga, she's rather insane and obsessive. She'll stab you just for some blood but she's good enough at what she does that she won't hit an artery, though that doesn't really hurt as much as her emotionally dissecting you. And finally there's Twice, the embodiment of being incapable of making up his mind. He's incredibly confusing to be around but once you figure him out he's actually rather pleasant to be around.” Shigaraki explained, counting up on his fingers as he explained each league member. Meanwhile Bill just stared off, as if it's just now setting in how difficult this will be. 
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“Okay, okay. I can work with this! I've dealt with much weirder and much more fucked up!” Bill said, Shigaraki was pretty sure that he was half lying to himself. 
“Whatever you say pal.” Shigaraki said with a smirk, which Bill did his best to ignore. “Now, as for how the league can really interact with you, hm…you can communicate through that book of yours right?” He asked. 
“Of course I can! It's what allows me to really make a deal with someone!” Bill answered. 
“Well that could be used as the primary form of communication, but that does lead into an issue of getting attention to talk. Hm…” Shigaraki said, trying to think this through. 
“I mean, I could always possess your body to talk to them!” Bill suggested. 
“Oh, well that makes things a bit easier. Alright, I'll allow you to possess me from time to time in order to talk to them in a more typical manner.” Shigaraki stated. 
“Alright! Well, it appears as though you're about to wake up, you'll be seeing you again rather soon, Shigaraki!” Bill exclaimed, trying to let the situation at hand roll off of him. 
Shigaraki actually woke up this time and looked around. He rubbed his head and let out a yawn. He started wondering if it was all a dream until he looked over at the book, which now had the sentence, “Great doing business with you!” with a drawing of a triangle next to it. He grinned at seeing, now knowing that it was all real. 
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‘Well, things have certainly gotten a lot more interesting.’ Shigaraki thought as he got up, putting on his jacket and shoes, grabbing the book, and heading into the league's makeshift living room. 
“Good morning Tomura Shigaraki, how did you sleep?” Kurogiri asked politely. 
“Great actually! Much better than I have in years. Gonna need you to collect the others for a team meeting, got some stuff to talk about.” Shigaraki answered, setting the open book down on the table. 
“This early in the morning? That's a bit unusual of you.” Kurogiri questioned, already heading off to do as asked. 
“Eh, what can I say? You can discover some rather fascinating things through dreams.” Shigaraki said with a grin. 
It only took a few minutes for the league to assemble in the living room. Shigaraki sat in the middle of the couch, Spinner was to his right, Dabi was to his left, Mr. Compress was sitting in the plush chair, Kurogiri was standing to the side of the couch, Twice was sitting besides Dabi, and Toga was sitting on the arm of the couch. 
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“So, what's this meeting about?” Dabi questioned, doing his best to seem like he didn't give a shit. 
“Well, as most of you know I found this book abandoned in the woods yesterday,” Shigaraki started while gesturing towards the book, “and I found something incredibly interesting about this book. It is apparently hosting a deal making being known as Bill. So, I set things up in such a way that we basically have a new teammate, with us having a deal that if he acts as a team player then I'll help him regain his physical form. He'll primarily be communicating through the book, but I have made the offer that he'll be able to possess my body sometimes to make communication easier.” He continued to explain. 
“Wooooah! Well isn't this an incredible turn of events, we have a new friend!” Toga exclaimed with a laugh, clearly rather happy about the possibilities here. 
“You sure you didn't just eat some of Spinner's gummies by accident? Seems a lot more likely than what you're talking about.” Dabi joked, not taking this seriously. 
“First, I don't keep those lying around so unless he was digging in my room he wouldn't even be able to find them let alone have some. Second, Weed doesn't cause hallucinations, prick.” Spinner pointed out exasperatedly. 
“Plus, if you don't believe me, check out the book.” Shigaraki suggested. 
With that the book changed a bit with the words, “Hey flesh bags, Bill Cipher here! Everything he said is true!” with a few triangle drawings also appearing. 
“Holy shit-” Dabi started, clearly startled by the book changing. 
“It was true! This'll be so incredible! Demon, burn the book!” Twice exclaimed, the startling revelation leaving his thoughts scattered more than usual. 
“Do not burn the book, I'm pretty sure it'll just come back.” Shigaraki said calmly. 
“Well okay, we now have…a possessed book as a teammate?” Spinner couldn't help but question. 
“Eh, more like a demonic triangle that's currently possessing a book.” Shigaraki explained. 
“Well, okay. Guess this is what we're dealing with now…” Spinner said, clearly unsure on how to feel about the situation at hand. 
“Well at least we got one more teammate to assist in our goals, even if it's a little out of the realm of normal.” Mr. Compress stated, trying to make things make sense in his head. 
“Plus a new friend!” Toga exclaimed happily. 
“Are you sure that this decision will end well Tomura Shigaraki? Last I checked, deals with demons do not normally end well.” Kurogiri questioned. 
“It'll be fine, don't worry! I've got this all figured out.” Shigaraki answered, he wasn't completely telling the truth but close enough. 
“If you insist.” Kurogiri nodded. 
“Hey, I'm right here you know! Quite rude to be talking about me as though I'm not here!” Bill said through the book. 
“Right, right! Sorry about that! So, do you already know who we are or should we introduce ourselves?” Toga offered. 
“Yep, already know who each of you are! Kurogiri, Spinner, Toga, Dabi, Twice, Mr. Compress! Benefit of being an all seeing entity!” Bill explained, showing a ‘photo’ of each of them next to their name. 
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“Wooooooah! You can see everything?” Toga asked, clearly fascinated by this detail. 
“Of course! It's a rather incredible thing if you ask me!” Bill explained. 
“Ohohohohohoho! Well ain't that an interesting power!” Toga exclaimed excitedly. 
“Okay, okay. Glad that you're able to adapt to this situation so well.” Dabi said with an eye roll. 
“Oh come Dabi. Let's be real, we'll all warm up to this eventually. After all, we warmed up to you.” Mr. Compress cracked, getting an annoyed huffed in response. 
“Yeah, guess that's accurate.” Dabi muttered angrily. 
Shigaraki let out a sigh and relaxed a bit. He was rather happy with how things were turning out so far. All Bill has to do is play nice and they'll be getting along just fine, then he just has to figure out how to get Bill that physical form. Though he did know very well that it takes a while for the league to truly warm up to anyone, even if Toga was excited about all this and Mr. Compress was being polite. He didn't know how long it was going to take, but hopefully it will be in his lifetime. 
(Author's Note: Hello people, I hope you enjoyed this fic! This has been the first time that I've tried to combine my art with my writing, I hope that it turned out well! For the sake of full transparency, I will say that for the characters I use Gacha Life 2 as a base while I draw the backgrounds by hand. It's mostly that anatomy is my least favorite part of drawing, so I prefer to take short cuts when it comes to drawing them lol. Anyway, if you like my writing, you can check out my AO3 account, I may post this there as well not sure yet. You'll primarily find Spinaraki fics there as it's my main OTP, but you'll find some stuff where that's more of a side thing. I have a ton of WIP that I'm sure I'll get through (someday) so maybe keep your eye out for that!)
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cutiepisenpai · 2 years
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Day 11. Hair Pulling/Blindfolds - Aizawa (Gorgon)
Gorgon!Reader x Aizawa
Warnings: Smut of course, implied previous rape, vaginal penetration, creampie.
A/N: Sorry this isn't proof read. I'm sleep deprived and just hoping for the best.
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 "I commend your bravery, Eraserhead. Not many would you make the choice that you did. Although I do hope you have no plans in subduing me, they won't work. Many have tried and they all end up the same way." You say gesturing to the statues surrounding the two of you as you lead him deeper into the cave.
"You're not a villain, just a monster you could have killed so many so easily, but your deal didn't sound like the worst that could happen."
"A monster….huh. so many people use that word without truly knowing what it means. Most people fear me from simply not understanding. I’m not a monster by choice.” You are nearing your destination. “I was once a beautiful maiden with soft skin and bright eyes.  Back when I was full of hope… and now I’m covered in scales, serpents for hair, eyes that I must keep covered or turn those I see into stone. All of which is out of my control, and yet I’m the monster.”
Aizawa follows you into the room with cave walls covered in jewels, fancy furniture, pelts strewn about. It wasn’t what he could have expected, he thought the lair of a gorgon would be scarier not the lap of luxury. He takes a seat on one of the plush sofas.
“So what happens now?” 
“Now.. nothing really I brought you here as a companion it can be quite lonely and way too quiet surrounded by statues.”
“You threatened my students and dragged me here because you need a friend.”
“Your students attacked me first. It was self defense. I don't hurt children. And I gave you an ultimatum and you chose yourself to be my captive. I didn’t have to do that. I could have removed my blindfold and turned your and all of your students into stone. You should be thanking me for being so nice.”
He rolls his eyes at your statement figuring the first chance that he gets he will just subdue you and leave. He looks over to your lounging form and is surprised to see you removing the blindfold from your eyes. 
“No need to tense up, I'm not going to open them. Just tired of having this on my face.”
“You said you weren’t always like this, how exactly did you become this?” He asks. 
You are tempted to crack an eye open and look at him but even a peek at him will be a beautiful sculpture the next second. And so far you have enjoyed his company, you are sure he has some grand plan for capturing you and escaping but you know it won’t change anything. 
“I was once a beautiful maiden in service to the goddess Athena. One day in the temple I was approached by the god Neptune. He was a man who does not take no for an answer. And for that I was cursed to be this horrid monster.” 
“I’m sorry that happened to you, it is terrible.”
“Terrible things happen to people every day Mr. Eraserhead. You’re a hero, I'm sure you’ve come across all kinds of disgusting people.” He had gotten up to move closer to you sitting beside you. “You should be careful if I open my eyes even a smidge and you’re a goner. 
You aren’t sure what he is doing had the poor bastard just taken pity on you and hearing how you ended up this way. Although you did seek out a companion he was far too close in your opinion. 
“If you open your eyes, you’ll be all alone again.” He says, grazing his fingers across your face.
It has been a long time since you felt the touch of another person, even when there were other Gorgon around it wasn’t like you all were the touchy type. Although strange it isn’t unwelcome he touch is oddly gentle like someone handling a fine piece of glass. The snakes that are normally disciplined and in a rather sleep-like state, although they have been your only companion for such a long time, you can’t say you care for them. But they react to his touch normally they would hiss and snap at any person who attempts to be near you. They brush themselves against the hand that touches your face seemingly enjoying his presence. 
“They are very affectionate.” He says, stroking back against the serpents. 
“It’s unusual.”
“Oh so they just like me. Do they reflect your true feelings? Is there a specific reason you requested I join you.”
“My first impression of you was wrong.” 
You don’t know what he meant by that. He moved again, getting impossibly closer, you can feel his breath on your face.
“Why are you so close?”
“Does this bother you? Should I move?”
“That isn’t an answer.”
“That isn’t an answer either.” 
You start to open your eyes instinctively and he is quick to cover them with a hand. 
“Okay, I’ll stop.” is all he says, removing his hand from your eyes and scooting back on the couch to give you space.
You grab the blindfold wrapping it back over your eyes. You look in his direction, and even though you can’t see you’ve trained yourself for years to be aware of your surroundings even without your sight. His hand moves to grasp yours.
“You are not a monster.”
“I know.” 
He moves close again holding either side of your face with both hands a shiver wafts over your body and the snakes on your head start to move about excitedly. You are tired of whatever game he is playing and you put your hands over his shoulders. You are surprised to feel soft long hair, in a moment of jealousy grab a bunch of his hair and yank on it pulling his head back.  You expected him to be angry, you expected him to yell, to pull away from you but he did none of that. He surprisingly lets out a deep moan, the sound sending a wave of pleasure throughout your body. 
“I used to have hair like this.” You give it another small tug. “Long, soft, I bet it is beautiful as well.” 
You are thoroughly enjoying the sounds emanating from him. You had climbed into his lap and started kissing. In contrast to his rough hands his lips are surprisingly soft. It is hard to focus on the kiss as his hands roam over your body. You aren’t sure what has come over you, why you desire him so intensely and so quickly. Before long you are both nearly undressed. He would regularly check in to make sure that you were still okay. It was sweet and endearing. You are back on top of him and you can feel his hard cock pressing against you. You roll your hips teasing him and he lifts your hips to position you above his hard cock before you lower yourself down.
You raise yourself up before lowering yourself down, setting a steady pace. You wish you could see him, face flushed, covered in the sheen of sweet. He mouths against your breast sucking on a nipple. You love the feeling of control,determining how deep he penetrates you with each roll of your hips. Although your eyes are covered you close them anyway just to focus on every sensation. You leave marks on his skin biting into the flesh of his shoulder. You are nearing your own release and hope he is as well. 
Your hands are in his hair again grabbing at the root and pulling back hard on his locks, “Are you ready to cum?” You ask in a husky voice.
He doesn’t answer with words, he snaps his hips up to yours and a needy whine leaves your lips. He holds onto your hips thrusting himself into you deeper. You groan and moan as your orgasm builds, threatening to tip over the edge. With a few more well aimed thrust and you are clenching around him a high pitched moans escapes your lips, his pace quickens fucking you through your orgasm. He finally decides to give you a chance to breathe. Stopping his movement but your body continues to shake, appendages going numb from the experience. You stay intertwined holding onto each other.  
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Far out, man! An hour of Hirogaru Sky! ...yeah, I... I did it this early, haha. Oops, teehee~!
Anyways, episode 3? Babby shenanigans? And episode 4! Already asking about the future!
Spoilers, I guess...
-An ultra doting papa, huh?
-Ah, milf!
-What a wonderful week you're having, Mashiro!
-Anyways, Baby Time.
-Poor thing really misses her parents.
-Vidya chat!
-"Who the fuck are you?"
-Descendant of Skyland!
-Yoyo! The scholar!
-Rather convnenient.
-Shiny rocks!
-Shiny energy rocks!
-We have those too, but uh... well, they're a bit more dangerous. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be used though, I can tell you that much.
-That ain't no hill, Granny Goodness!
-Out we go.
-Off we goooooo!
-That means you're a third generation.
-Look at them fly~!
-Keep 'em safe and keep 'em friendly~!
-You almost started tripping balls there, Sora-chan.
-...aaaaand you scared the baby.
-Ah, no, she's hungry, okay. ...I'm not very good with kids, you see.
-B r e a d
-Cloud bread!
-Would go fantastic with some Skyloft-style pumpkin soup.
-The pen is glowing! Let's get treasure-huntin'!
-Ellee-chan destroyed a national monument. Her reparations will take years to prepare.
-Oh my God, she's gonna punch the rock.
-Skyland Shinken!
-Not what we were looking for, but holy shit.
-Big shiny.
-Kabapyon! ...ain't no-bunny who looks as much a rabbit as he does.
-A real lucky break!
-Undergu Energy!
-Oh, he can corrupt plants too, I see.
-"Hide, my lady! It's Hero Time!"
-God, what a gorgeous transformation.
-Time to whip some ass.
-Comfort the baby. Protect the baby.
-Sky's really proving herself against this Celesteela.
-Yeah you know, kick missiles.
-"You fool! Hurry up and go for the finisher!"
-"You got it, dude!"
-I wonder how much Skyland Shinken factors into Sora's fighting style.
-Poisonous Mushrooms~!
-Kabaton-tonight is gonna be hell for whatever janitor they have down there.
-Let's go home~!
-Good morning, king and queen!
-Hydrogen baby misses her parents.
-...or perhaps Ozone Baby would be more appropriate?
-Yeah I'm gonna call her Ozone Baby.
-Just like your pops, Mashiro-chan.
-Oh, Grandma Yoyo's super important.
-You're quite good at drawing, Sora-chan.
-"Duty calls... and so does my love for my chosen liege!"
-Hello, Precious. Signing us off today, eh?
-I wonder how much your price on Cameo is?
-Not gonna comment on the next episode, preview let's just hop into it.
-Damn Sora, you've been training all night?
-Journey of a thousand mils
-Holy shit, she learned her hiragana table in like a week.
-Five letters a day, little by little!
-...I have to wonder how close Skyland script is to hiragana.
-"You're fine just the way you are, you know? Be sure to... eat that red-pickled ginger."
-Breakfast time~!
-CGI Hummer!
-Oh hello! You must be that babe I've been hearing so much about.
-I love that nickname, I'm gonna use that.
-Neighborino! And off she fled.
-Hijiri Ageha! She's just a small town girl! Living in a lonely world!
-Take an Ellee for your secret hiding.
-B i r d
-"Fate's working its gears once more."
-Passionate about helping the youth of today. Respect that.
-Youuu don't know.
-When I grow up, I'm gonna smoke Fortnite and play weed all day. ...is what I probably would do if I could even do either of those things.
-An ancient trap.
-Truffle hunter.
-Honestly that was very clever of you Kabaton, very clever thinking.
-Purple Bebop is lightyears ahead of you!
-Mushroom time!
-Hot damn! Kicks!
-Too big for school.
-Not to big to spread spores though~!
-Ozone Baby detects your hidden resolve.
-"Give up, losers! I've got your Cure and her means of fighting!"
-Oh GOD why do they have to make noise
-Fly high!
-It's Cure Time.
-"Why the side character!?"
-Kabaton's honestly a pretty great villain for a show like this.
-He's not smart in a traditional sense, but the way he uses the Ranborgs so far has been effective.
-"SHADDUP! ...anyways, Mashiron, remember my backstory."
-That teenage angst set right in.
-"Kindness! An unbeatable power!"
-It's Hero Time!
-Sky Mirage! Tone connect! Hirogaru Change! Prism!
-Absolutely fabulous.
-That is some drip you've got there, sweetheart.
-Cure Prism!
-There's that "leap too far" beat!
-Oh, projectiles too! You're fulla surprises, huh lassie?
-It's Hero Time! Part 2!
-It's a good thing these transformations are so gorgeous.
-No interfering! The lady grants her favor!
-Hirogaru... Sky Punch!
-Hope we get to see Prism's finisher soon.
-Oh, okay! Hirogaru... Prism Shot!
-Mashiron's all tired!
-"You're good enough to be my friend, aren't you?"
-Cure Prism! Alright!
-Alright, what's next episode?
-Ah yep, Sora trying to do all the work. A pretty standard early episode plot for any cartoon, sooooo-
-Guess we'll wait till next time~!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hmm can you do a licorice cookie x reader human au? Idk if this is an au but basically their humans and not cookiesbut maybe reader works at library and Licorice comes often but strictly so that he could see reader? Basically reader being oblivious to licorices obvious crush on them, sorry if this is not specific enough!!
"Hello, where can I find your most sinister--I-I mean most informative books on necromancy?"
As you were all done shelving the books, you turned around to meet the eyes of your customer.
You never knew what to expect when people entered the library, often coming from distant lands with their royal outfits and crazy hairstyles. From knights to bandits to actual werewolves...everyday was a surprise.
This man in particular might as well be the grim reaper, wearing a robe that looked hastily-sewn together and a skull necklace. His licorice-black hair fell over half his face, showing only one golden eye.
Intimidating for sure, but you simply smiled. "I don't know off the top of my head, but I can show you where our horror fantasy section is."
"That'll do." He grinned, not at all sounding as menacing as he did previously.
"I should let you know, though, that we have a policy against bringing large weapons in here." You politely explained, pointing out the bone scythe he was holding and a nearby sign. "We just don't want any books or displays falling over."
"Awh.." Grim Reaper Man pouted. "Guess one of my minions can hang onto it outside. Schwarzwälder!!"
Then he bolted away very suddenly, leaving you standing there alone. But you just waited for him to return, now scythe-less.
"I feel less evil without it.." He sulked a bit, though when he heard you chuckle he tensed up, feeling his chest fluttering.
'What was that? What happened just now..?'
"Even evil knows when to follow the rules. Now lemme show you where-"
"I'm sorry?"
"That's my name...n-not that I would tell you my real name anytime soon." He sneered, trying once more to keep his image up.
"Oh, that's a cool name." You chuckled once more as you both walked to the horror section. "I'm [y/n]."
'Th-They think my name is...cool????' Once again, Legion got that funny feeling in his chest.
A feeling that wasn't good nor bad, but simply foreign.
'Are they cursing me?? No, no..they're just being nice. It's their job, stupid.' While distracted by his own confusing thoughts, he didn't realize you both arrived and you were currently searching for a book similar to what he asked for.
Finally you found one and handed it to him. "Well you're in luck. This is only the first volume but.....Legion?"
"H-Huh?! Oh..right. Thanks." He took the book from you, looking at the title. "Ah yes..this shall serve me well. Is there a chance you'll get other volumes?"
"I'll look at our database, but until then you can check back over the next few days in case anyone returns them. I'm here all week so if you need any more help don't be shy."
"Shy? Me? Hah! I would never shy away from an opportunity for more power....o-or rather knowledge of how I can replicate this power, of course..."
God, why was he getting so tongue-tied over nothing?
The moment he turned to leave, he felt his face growing warm as he stared down at the book. Though when he overheard you helping another visitor he glanced over his shoulder, seeing Hero was asking you about some chemistry mumbo jumbo.
He scoffed, but then wondered why he instinctively scoffed.
Was he...catching feelings for someone he just met? Who was only doing their job and may not actually be this kind at home?
Legion knew he shouldn't let his emotions go astray. Not when he's trying to win the Dark Enchantress' favor. She comes before all else...
Or so he convinced himself until now.
After checking out the book, he exited the library with a huff, much to Brute's confusion "What wrong, master?" He handed the scythe back to him."
"...you seem interrrested in-" Bat-Cat began.
No. He wasn't going to let any silly emotions or thoughts about you get in the way of his quest.
All he'll return to the library to do is research and find the books he needed. Nothing more.
As it turns out, you were the only reason Legion kept coming back to the library. He found himself wanting to spend more time with you.
If you were on break or not immediately available, he would browse around until Bat-Cat spotted you or used his echolocation to pinpoint your footsteps.
Yeah..that's a little creepy to anyone who knew, but being creepy was the dark sorcerer's specialty!
Despite denying it again and again, his two main minions weren't that dumb. They knew their master had a crush on you and came up with several plans to push him to confess, while still maintaining his villainous image. Perhaps you could be his evil sidekick!
The only problem?
You were oblivious to all their efforts.
It never occurred to you how flustered Legion got when he asked you to help him find something..only for you to jokingly remind him he asked you the same question just yesterday.
Even when Bat-Cat and Brute encouraged him to partake in the "ritual of exchanging phone numbers" and hang out at a nearby café, you just saw it as him wanting to be close friends. Nothing more.
But he, on the other hand, saw you as someone who could fill that gap in his cold and almost-empty heart. Unlike the enchantress he often complained about in his journals, you paid attention to him when nobody else did.
Not to mention...you were actually sweet to him even outside of work, once you got to know him better and learn why he turned to dark magic. Of course he fibbed some of his "tragic backstory" simply because he wasn't ready to tell you the truth.
All the while he fell for you more and more.
Part of him was scared that he's setting himself up for heartbreak. He was already alone enough and didn't know much about love. Heck, he refused to even ask others who were more knowledgeable about this because of his pride.
He wasn't sure if you realized yet...or if you even saw him that way, too.
Until then, though, he'll keep trying.
For once, he wanted this plan to work.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
the lov beach episode hori's too scared to give us
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: League of Villains/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: uhh idk actually, dabi's kinda horny ig, i don't usually include this as a warning but swearing (there's quite a bit of it), feminine pronouns Summary: this is just 1860 words of me shutting my eyes, plugging my ears and ignoring the current state of the manga (: (beach episode type beat) ~~~
Pulling the large sun hat tighter on her head, (Y/n) looks over as her leader strolls up to the van Spinner had stolen earlier in the day. She quirks a brow at the man, putting a gentle hand over his handheld and pushing it down when he doesn’t notice her, “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Tomura huffs and steps back, narrowed eyes focusing on his black jeans and hoodie, “What’s it to you?”
“You’re wearing a hoodie in this heat, first of all, and also - it says ‘12 year old in gaming mode’, you’re asking to get bullied.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles as he tries to find an insult for the woman before resigning himself to mumble out a, “you look like you raided a college chick’s closet” while returning to his game.
“I think she looks great!” Twice piped up from inside the large van before yelling once again, “Absolutely hideous!”
Dabi nodded slightly from his window seat, pulling the strings of his hood so as few inches of his face as possible were showing, “I agree with him.”
“Which part?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, shooting the man a glare.
“Dickface,” she hissed, reaching up to swat at Dabi’s arm through the rolled down window before turning to climb into the van, “A dickface who is also wearing a black hoodie in this heat. You two are actual nutjobs.”
“Van’s got AC,” Dabi shrugged off her concerns, still not even looking her way as she settled into the seat between him and Twice, “Didn’t know you cared so much, doll. Pretty sweet of you.”
“If you pass out from a heat stroke, I’m not the one taking you to the hospital,” she leaned over into the midrow seats of the van to glare at Tomura as he sat down, “That goes for you, too.”
“I’m not the one with a fire Quirk.”
“Just get Himiko some blood and she’ll take ‘em in all disguised! Let them die!” Twice pitched in with his own ideas, earning a shoulder pat from the woman.
“Good ideas, big guy, I like them.”
“Rude ass,” Dabi kicks at (Y/n)’s leg.
“I’m your boss, if you let me die you’re fucked.”
“Nobody’s dying on this trip, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Spinner already appeared exasperated with the group and he’d barely been in the car for a second.
Compress got into the passenger seat as Spinner buckled into the driver’s side, he looked around before noticing an absence, “Where’s Toga?”
Suddenly, the door to Tomura’s seat is lugged open with a force, an overly excited blond teenager jumping over her boss and into the open seat beside him.
“You could’ve just gotten in on the other side,” Tomura clenches a fist to keep himself from slapping Himiko’s arm and causing a deathly accident.
“I didn’t know which side you were sitting on, so I just guessed!” Himiko giggles as Spinner starts the car.
“Asshole,” Tomura shakes his head, “This trip is pointless.”
“Kurogiri wants us to bond and stop fighting all the time,” Compress cuts in, “That’s why I’m in charge.”
“We’re adults- " (Y/n) interrupts herself, “Dabi, roll up the window, we’re pulling out of the safe zone.”
Dabi merely keeps his eyes closed behind his sunglasses and presses his head back against the neck rest of his seat.
“Roll up the window.”
“God, these winds are fuckin’ noisy, huh?”
“I hear ya, man!” Twice shouts before shaking his head, “Dabi, be nice to (Y/n). She’s your elder.”
“By a fucking year! Man, fuck you, Dabi,” the woman reaches over and presses the button to roll up the window herself, “Motion sickness or not, you don’t get to be a douche.”
“It’s actually exactly what it means, doll. Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“Stop calling me doll.”
“Ugh,” he grins at his own upcoming remark, “the princess makes a harsh demand.”
“I’m this close,” she pats his chest to make sure he opens his eyes before holding her index finger and thumb nearly pinched together in front of his face, “to beating your ass.”
“Here,” he reaches up and takes her fingers and clenches them together, “now you have to. As soon as we get to the beach, you have to fight me or else you’re a coward and a liar.”
(Y/n) grits her teeth and snaps her eyes shut, “I’m gonna lose it,” she leans into Twice’s side and looks up at him, smiling at the slightest hint of a concerned look behind his mask, “How’ve you been, big guy?”
“Perfectly fine!” he shakes his head before whispering, “I didn’t piss before we left and now I regret it.”
“Aw, want Spinner to pull over?”
“I think he’ll crash the car if I ask.”
“He’d be killing himself too, so I don’t think he’d be too cool with that.”
Twice quiets down as he notices the woman’s eyes beginning to flutter shut with drowsiness. Then, a sense of guilt beats at him as he sees the serene expression crossing his friend’s face. So calm and sweet - he truly adored his friend, and he wanted to do right by her. So, leaning down, he murmurs, “Sorry for calling you old.”
(Y/n)’s eyes dart open and immediately find Twice, she raises a brow at the man and shakes her head as her eyes slowly begin closing again, “I… it’s fine, dude, don’t worry about it.”
Dabi, as usual, is quick to jump into a conversation that was never his, “Old lady tempers, gotta be careful around them.”
“I swear to fucking God, Dabi!”
“What? What do you swear?”
“Shut the hell up!” Spinner snapped at children in the back seat, “You’re distracting me, loud asses.”
“Dabi started it!”
“I’m ending it!”
“Stop yelling,” Tomura commanded the group, carefully stuffing his handheld into his large front hoodie pocket and resting his head back, “I’m going to sleep and if I get woken up, I’ll kill you all.”
None of them believed him - not at all - but out of an odd respect for their leader’s need for rest, they stayed relatively silent as he slept. Murmurs and whispers being the loudest volume of their voices as Tomura snoozed in the van.
Eventually, Spinner came to the reserved spot on the beach that Kurogiri definitely didn’t hire people to kill civilians over. Himiko leaned over and gently shook Tomura awake as Compress popped the trunk to the van. (Y/n) shifted toward Dabi to ensure he was also awake and starting to feel less queasy before getting out of the middle seat so he and Twice could exit.
“Alright, there’s changing rooms…” Compress trailed off, looking around before sighing, “Nowhere in sight.”
“I’m already fine,” (Y/n) waved off, grabbing towels and an umbrella from Spinner, “You guys can take turns changing in the van while I set shit up.”
“I call first!” Himiko cheered, excitedly bouncing back into the van as the men all walked off to provide the teenager the privacy and distance she needed.
(Y/n) did as she’d said and began laying down towels and propping up parasols in the sand to provide shade. As more and more of her friends collected themselves along the beach, she spotted her almighty leader once again making a fashion mistake.
Bright, neon green and orange striped swim trunks hung over his hips and he didn’t avoid the woman’s stare. She purses her lips, “Who the hell goes clothes shopping for you? They shouldn’t be making executive decisions like this.”
Tomura shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?! Shigaraki, you have to be fucking with me.”
“I’m not,” he sits down on a towel under the parasol’s shade and returns to his gaming, “It’s probably Kurogiri but it isn’t like I ask him.”
“Holy shit. You’re an actual man-child.”
“Oh no, what gave me away?” he sarcastically whines, rolling his eyes at her.
“You being shameless about it is slightly worse…”
“(Y/n)!” Himiko cheerily calls, “Come join me in volleyball!”
“Is Twice playing?”
The blond looks over to the man in question and nods in approval.
“Are Quirks allowed?”
Another nod.
(Y/n) pats Compress’ shoulder, “I’ll let you take this game.”
Dabi comes up from behind while Spinner serves the ball on the beach, he’s removed his hoodie and now only rests in loose shorts that come to his knees and a white shirt. He scratches the back of his head in an uncharacteristically unnerved manner, “Not swimmin’?”
He earns a small shrug in response from the woman, “I’m not all too committed to the idea. At least not now.”
Nodding slowly, Dabi sits down at the edge of the towel unoccupied by Tomura and begins pulling at the fraying threads.
Sighing to herself, (Y/n) is slightly ashamed at how easily her heart softens upon noticing how uncomfortable Dabi seems. He doesn’t usually show as much skin as he is - which isn’t much - and he doesn’t usually throw himself into events where he’d be forced to interact with the others. He feels naked on the beach and he’d rather be dead than continue to suffer this embarrassment. And so, a body comes down onto the towel with his.
“Want company, misery?”
“Baking to death in the sun couldn’t get worse, even if it’s with you,” Dabi leaned back to rest against the woman’s legs.
“Wow,” (Y/n) fauxly gasped, sarcasm ripe in her words, “You being sweet? I never thought I’d never see the day.”
“Right? Thought I’d be dead by now,” his head tips back even more to lay it’s full weight on her legs, “You’re comfortable to rest on, old lady.”
“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
“You still owe him an ass-beating from the car ride,” Tomura jumped in, a snarky smile on his lips as he spoke.
“I’m starting to think you won’t actually beat my ass,” Dabi grins smugly, “Like me too much.”
“I would destroy you in a fight, Dabi.”
“Hm, well, until you stop being a pussy and actually fight me, doesn’t sound like that’s the truth.”
“I swear to- " (Y/n) loudly huffs and cuts herself off before groaning, Dabi- "
“I’m no God,” Dabi paused to wink like the cheap bastard he is, “Unless you want me to be.”
Before the woman can respond, there’s a “heads up!” shouted by Himiko and a volleyball is hurtling towards the arguing duo. Tomura immediately leans over, not quite paying attention and sticks a hand out to block the ball, accidentally decaying it in the process. The leader comes to a stand and tosses up his hands, “What the shit, Toga?”
“Man,” the teenager whined, stomping her foot in the sand, “you destroyed the ball.”
“You almost destroyed (Y/n)’s face!” Tomura's voice quiets and softens to avoid upsetting the young girl over a mistake, “There’s probably another ball in the trunk.”
“I said ‘heads up’,” Himiko rolled her eyes, sending Twice off to find the spare volleyball in question.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, “Oh, so all better, then?”
“No! That’s not how that works, Toga!”
Dabi snickered at the back-and-forth before giving a mock dreamy sigh, “Ahh, the sound of Kurogiri’s bonding plan working perfectly.”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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Ok but like what if hawks got his sweet little intern pregnant on accident? Would he make her abort it? Would he make her keep it and try to wife her up? Or is he just gonna play it off like “oh? Y/n’s pregnant? Huh, wonder who the father is” and ditch her?
original post | part three
I mean my gut tells me he’d take responsibility at least to some degree. He loves freedom too much to try to get married I feel; but given his history, I think he’d at least take responsibility in making sure you two are taken care of financially. He’d come have play dates with his kid and make sure no villains bother you (probably not watch the kid overnight much tbh).
You’ll tell him that you’re pregnant with his child (you’re sure since he’s the only one you’ve been sleeping with, the first and only one to ever been inside you, even if it wasn’t all that serious (at least from his end)). He’ll tell you that you can do whatever you want with the kid in terms of keeping it, refusing to believe the child is his, or rather he doesn’t care if it’s his or not. He doesn’t have time for a child, he craves keeping independence as much as possible.
If anyone asks, he’ll say those words, “Oh, (Name)’s pregnant? Huh, wonder who the father is,” and you’ll finally get the hint that he doesn’t want anything to do with you after hoping he’d change his mind. He knows you won’t tell anyone though. You wouldn’t dare try to slander Japan’s number 2 hero when the world is at a place it needs him the most. His sweet little bird wouldn't want to get him in trouble, now would you? So, you’ll keep your mouth shut and quietly disappear for him, right?
Hawks goes years without worrying about it. He doesn’t think much about his old intern. He hired a new one who’s doing well, a boy this time. What kind of hero would he be if he made the same mistake twice.
Speaking of Twice, let’s say around this time he’s investigating the league of villains. Dabi already knows all about who he is, about his spying, about this sweet little girl he has a few towns over. One he abandoned, no different from the awful father known as Endeavor that Hawks idolized growing up. How when he finished killing Hawks, he was going to go for her next and tell her all about the demise of her supposed hero of a father.
Endeavor telling Hawks that he saw Hawks’ old intern a few weeks back and that she had a child, clearly hinting at something. Hawks laughs it off of course. “Isn’t that what usually happens when someone gets pregnant? It’d be stranger if she didn’t have one.”
Endeavor adds, “Judging by the kid’s age she probably had the child pretty young. Young girls tend to idolize their heroes.”
Hawks also agrees. “Yeah. They sure do, don’t they?”
Endeavor grunting, Hawks should have a relationship with his child before it’s too late, and they start to hate him (next thing Hawks knows, they’ll be slurping soba at him in disdain).
Hawks sighs. "Your age must be catching up with you because I have no idea what you're talking about."
Hawks thinks Endeavor is the last person to scold him about that. All he did is abandon the kid, it’s not like he did something abusive. At worst, it’s neglect. The kid was probably fine. Plenty of kids turn out fine without their father. Hawks thinks he probably would’ve been better off without his own abusive father, and besides you were probably married by now.
After that conversation/almost dying, Hawks can’t help but wonder if only briefly how the two of you are doing. He’ll inwardly scold himself for letting a villain and a man with a family worthy of a television drama make him question himself. He valued himself, his freedoms, his joy, and creating an easygoing life much more than anything else to worry about something like that.
Eventually, Hawks decides to put his spy skills to use in finding you if only to satiate the nagging feeling inside of him telling him to at least see how things are going with you—you know just to make sure you’re not homeless or something.
Turns out, you didn’t move that far away, only a little bit out the main part of the city. Hawks sees you at the park with your daughter and knows right away that she’s his alright. She has a cute little pair of golden-brown gossamer wings coming in. They flutter behind her as she runs around the playground.
He’s so distracted that he barely missed you catching him from the corner of your eye. He’d blame his large wings for making him stick out like a sore thumb, but he knows you’ve always been good at picking him out no matter where he hid.
You hold your lips tight, eyes narrowed. Oh, you’re mad, so mad, but he doesn’t think that you could resist him enough to tell him off. You always had such a cute crush on him back when you were his intern.
Hawks lets out a casual “Hi, (Name), how’s it going?”
You didn't answer, staring at him in silence. It's broken by your little girl running up to you, grasping onto your hand. And oh her little flappy wings are so much more precious up close. He takes this time to note that you aren’t wearing any ring as your daughter begs for you to swing her.
She finally notices him. “Mama, who’s this?” she asks, and the soft pitches of her voice are so musical to his sensitive ears.
"I'm," he starts then he loses his voice as she looks at him. She looks so strikingly like him. Hawks can see all of himself there: the wings, the wavy, wild hair, those little dark triangles in the corners of her eyes, giving a sharp bird-like appearance to them.
Then, he is brought back to reality by you speaking, so much colder than he's ever heard from you in his life, “No one, absolutely no one.”
He's stunned for a few seconds before his lips curve into a lazy smile.
“Ouch, that’s kind of hurtful,” he says. He had said it jokingly, staying well hidden behind that jovial mask of his as you squeezed your daughter’s hand tighter. He even had himself fooled into thinking that what you said hadn’t bothered him because he never had any intention other than sating his curiosity.
Yet he couldn’t deny the tug in his heart when you walk away from him and he sees the miniature version of himself looking back.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 3 years
Welcome To The Family (6/???)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / here
Yandere EraserMic household x reader
Fun fact- Tadao was a sudden decision I made up on the spot after chapter 3 and wasn’t expecting to really make him a character other than a mentioned person with a mold/fungus quirk. I did though, and already love him as an OC more than I should. Oops. 
It might be a long while before the next chapter. I think I may have drained myself a bit from focusing on this story so much. 
Warnings- swearing, slight coercion I think? Not really sure but better safe than sorry. 
I promise the darker stuff is coming soon. 
I wake up to someone calling me. Hitoshi? Why is he calling me at… 9 in the morning? Come on dude, I want to sleep more for dinner tonight. My fault for hanging out with Tadao a bit later last night than usual. He’s started walking with me to our apartment for the past few days. I wonder why we haven’t hung out until now. Meanwhile, Ryo and I seemed to drift apart. They refuse to even look at me now when I saw them last night. 
Ugh, might as well answer it. “Hey, Hitoshi. You need something?” I tiredly slur from just waking up. 
“Sorry for waking you…” Apologized the familiar voice of Eri. Wait, Eri? Why does she have Hitoshi’s phone? The wonder why she has his phone wakes me up a bit more. 
“Oh, hey, Eri. Is something wrong?” A slight panic enters me in the possibility something bad could have happened to one of the guys. “Wait, is everyone okay?” 
“We’re good. Just wanted to talk a bit with you before tonight.” Pipes up the familiar voice of Hitoshi in the background. 
Relief floods me. “That’s good. What about?” 
“Our dads!” Eri cheerfully informs. 
My eyes narrow in confusion. “What about them?” 
“What do you think of them?” Hitoshi asks. Huh? Why does this need to be talked about now? Maybe because more likely than not the two adults are asleep, and won’t hear the conversation? 
I’m too tired to be filtered right now, so whatever comes to mind is whatever is going to be said. “They’re… An interesting two, to say the least. Hizashi seems like someone I can rely on to cheer me up pretty easily if I’m ever down, and after that day Shouta was sick, I realize Shouta’s secretly a lot more caring than he lets on. Still wouldn’t want to pi- anger him.” Ugh, it’s too early. I nearly just swore with Eri there! Well, saying “piss him off” wouldn’t have been that bad, but she needs to keep that innocence at least for a while yet. 
Hitoshi laughs, probably catching on with what I almost said. “Seen it first-hand with his class. Can’t say I recommend it either.”
“What about looks?” Eri suddenly asks, catching me off-guard. What do their looks have to do with anything? They’re also a married couple, so whatever I think is invalid anyways. 
“Well, had this weird thought of wondering what Hizashi would look like with his hair fully down when we went to the festival, but that’s really not something that I need to tell him. It’s something I probably shouldn’t be wondering in the first place.”
“What’s the problem in wondering that? It’s just hair.” 
“Says the one who always looks like he stuck his head out a car window and hair decided to stay that way.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” 
I go back onto the topic. “Otherwise, I’m not really sure what to talk about with them. It’s their choices of what they wear. Though it IS pretty funny imagining Hizashi forcing Shouta to wear something he normally wouldn’t.”
“It’s happened more than once before.” 
I tiredly let out a laugh. “I believe it.”  
“Daddy made him wear a dress!” 
An almost inhuman sound comes out of me at the thought of Shouta deeply frowning with a strapless hot pink dress forced onto him, and the only reason he does it is Hizashi would probably keep pestering him otherwise. 
“Maybe sometime we could get him to do it again with you here. It’s quite a thing to see.” 
“Oh, really? How did he not kill you for laughing?”
“He almost did,” he replies jokingly. 
“If he tries to attack me when I’m there, you’re taking the blow.” I joke back. 
He goes silent for a moment. “He wouldn’t dare. If he did, he’d have an angry little girl scolding him.”
“What? You know I’m right.” 
“Anyway, want to tell them what you’ll wear?”
“No! It’s a surprise!”
“Right back at you two,” I inform the slightly bickering duo.
We both hung up after a bit more of talking about tonight. I could swear there was someone talking in the background for a second, but I brushed it off as the T.V. Eri was probably watching something earlier and forgot to lower the volume. 
After playing on my computer for a while since it’s close to my bed, I decided to just get up and get ready. There are not many fancy things I have, so it’s quite limited on what to wear. Hopefully, they don’t mind if it’s a bit more casual than fancy. There’s plenty of time to shop for something, but I’m honestly too lazy to go anywhere. Just something of my favorite color and slightly more fancy than my daily clothes should work. 
I have to dig much deeper into my closet to find said clothing from not wearing it too often. 
One of my favorite color is grabbed. Nope, that’s not it. 
I move a few more. Wait, there it is! I move a few more pieces of clothing and grab it, pulling it out. Hopefully, it still fits. Welp, time to try. I take off my pajamas. 
Like a glove. Perfect! 
Just to make sure there are no new forgotten holes or something, I look at myself in my body mirror. Huh, I actually look pretty good in this! I might have to wear it more often. Something feels like it’s missing though. Maybe a ring or something would help? 
I look over to the select few rings I have, including the forgotten one Ryo gave me. My heart slightly twinges at remembering they gave it as a best friends type of ring years ago. A ring with real blue topaz fitting my middle finger. 
Might as well wear it. I slip it on and decide to leave my room, though they won’t be here for a while yet. Maybe Tadao will be around. 
My body instinctively starts looking around for the familiar- oh, not again. Does he LIKE sleeping on the floor in the hall or something? I walk up to his sleeping form. I gently nudge him to move with my foot. 
He groans, and curls his head deeper onto his arm, also bringing his legs up so he’s a ball. “Come on dude, I know your quirk is related to mold and all, but you’re not supposed to BECOME it.” 
“I am one with the floor… I shall be the floor…” He mumbles, probably sleep talking.  
I nudge him harder, making him open his eyes to look up at me. “Heyyy Y/N. What time is it?” He sluggishly asks. 
I check my phone. “Already half-past noon.” 
That got his attention. Both of his eyes snapped open as he shot to sit up. He grabs his rather cracked phone and looks at it. There are a few messages on the screen without him unlocking it. They’re impossible to read as he seems frantic after looking at them. “Already!? Man, I gotta get ready! I’ll be late for work!” 
I don’t even get the chance to ask him anything since he gets to his feet and sprints off past my door, probably to his. 
Glancing at Ryo’s door, the thought of checking on them arises. No, they’re deciding on acting out like this. Crawling to them could only continue this childish way again at some point. Ugh, what to do now though? It will be boring to just sit around for the next few hours. The park could be good for a few hours. 
The villains around though? Nah. Welp, more computer time.
Familiar brown hair in the corner of my eye catches my attention before returning to my door. It’s the woman that glared at me with Hizashi at the studio. What’s she doing around here? Never saw her around before, and she doesn’t exactly strike me as the type to like parties. Funny if she’s attracted to Hizashi like he told me. 
She keeps her glare on me as she… Knocks on Ryo’s door? Oh hell no. There’s no way Ryo is hanging out with someone like that. I’m proven wrong though as Ryo opens the door and pulls them in without looking at me. 
I- What? What’s going on lately?
Also, okay, what the ever-loving fuck Ryo!? 
Calm down, give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the woman hasn’t told Ryo anything about my work, and maybe it can just be a sudden meeting they did at one point, and it’s an opposites attract type of friendship. After all, I haven’t really been around. They were bound to try to find someone else to hang out with I suppose. Should this be a concern to bring up with Hizashi and Shouta though? 
I stand there still staring at Ryo’s door and blink confusedly. They couldn’t have found anyone better to hang out with? Even a villain would have been better than her in my opinion. Sure, more trouble from me being around two- basically three- heroes could arise, but I’d be willing to keep that kind of secret for them. But this? This gives me a bad feeling.
What if she’s the reason Ryo is acting so odd? 
Next Sunday will be the day to get some answers from them. If they will talk to me, that is. 
Time seems to slip by while being on my computer. My phone notifies me of a text message. I look at it to see it’s from Hizashi. 
“Hitoshi’s coming in to get ya! We’re waiting!” My eyes widen noticing it’s already past six at night. 
I try to text him ASAP to not let Hitoshi come in. They won’t be happy with my living place. “That will be fine, call him off. I’ll be out shortly.” 
“Too late! Sorry!” 
I sigh. He doesn’t even know which one mine is! I put my computer away and quickly left. Looking left and right, there’s familiar purple hair far down on the right. Obviously, it’s Hitoshi. He is staring with great disgust at the peeling walls and ripped-up flooring.  Oh boy, it’s probably a disaster with what is about to happen in the vehicle now. 
The hallway is rather dimly lit now, making it slightly hard to see, but it’s easy to tell he’s wearing a suit matching his eye color. I’m feeling pretty underdressed now. 
“Hey, Hitoshi. You could have waited outside. Uh… You probably should have no offense.” 
He glares at a piece of wall that falls off onto the floor. “How do you live in this?” 
I shrug. “Eh, you get used to it,” I noticed his frustrated expression. He’s about to ask me why I don’t move or something since I clearly could with my pay. “And before you say anything, I rather like it here. It’s where a lot of my closest friends are.”   
His eyes narrow at me. “You could still visit instead of living here.” 
Someone jumps upstairs, making the place shake, and a piece of the ceiling on this level chips off and falls next to the wall piece on the floor. 
“That’s new,” I comment. It’s true, the ceiling has never fallen before. Makes me wonder when this whole building is going to collapse. Bit worried for my friends here now.
Hitoshi looks at me like I just told him the world is going to end tomorrow. 
I start walking to the exit, having Hitoshi follow behind me too closely for my taste. Makes sense if he’s doing it for my protection, but he obviously doesn’t know these people as I do. He almost could be felt against my back. “You mind standing back a bit? You’re rather close.”
He does, but just barely. 
It doesn't take long for us to get to the vehicle. Just like before, I get in the center and hug Eri. The slight light in the car makes it hard to see her dress, but I'm pretty sure it's a bright silverish blue. The light wasn't on long enough to notice the two up front. 
They do seem to notice Hitoshi in a slightly on edge type of way. For the moment the light was on. 
"What's wrong, little hypno-man?" 
"Their apartment is not fitting to live in."
"What?" Hizashi's tone almost drastically changes. I'm glad I can't see them right now. I focus on the scenery past Hitoshi to try ignoring the growing unease of him whistleblowing to them. 
"It's falling apart. A part of the wall fell to the floor. The inside is much worse than the outside." 
"Why are you still living there? You can easily move with the money we give you." Shouta pipes up. 
"Because I like living there. It's a walking distance from your place, and all my friends are there."
"You could visit them some other time if you moved. We'd pay a bus for you if needed." 
"Exactly! Or I could drive ya to our place! It wouldn't be a problem, and it would give me a little somethin' to do while the grump wakes up in the morning!" 
I don't feel comfortable at the thought of having to rely on them like that. They're already so busy themselves, it really wouldn't be fair to them despite what they say. 
“Uh… no. Thanks for the offer, but my place is good for now.”
The air is rather tense, telling me that they want to push more on the subject, but decide not to for now. 
I decided to bring up what happened earlier.  “Remember that bad woman from before?”
“You mean Chiyo?” Shouta spits her name with such hate, someone would think he’d murder her if he could. Hizashi must have told him about our meeting in his studio. Wait, Isn’t that a first name?
As if reading my mind, Hizashi answers for Shouta. “She doesn’t deserve the respect of last name. What about her?” 
“I discovered today she might be hanging out with one of my closest friends that doesn’t seem to be too happy with me lately. Isn’t it a bit of a concern she might tell them that I babysit for you guys?” 
“That’s confidential information. Like it was said to you before you started, you can’t tell anyone our identities. They can get into serious trouble if they do, and they signed a contract accepting they wouldn’t.” Shouta replies. 
“That’s good to know.” I say, sounding relieved. They could be told how Ryo thinks they’re bad parents for me babysitting so often, but that’s something that probably doesn’t need to be brought up. Especially if she can’t tell Ryo about it. 
Hizashi pulls up and parks in front of the restaurant we must be dining in. wait- fuck, I’ve heard of this place. It’s one of the most expensive restaurants around here! We exit and enter the restaurant. The first thing I noticed was how well-dressed the two men were. Shouta was wearing a navy blue suit, white undershirt, and a light brown tie. Oddly, he’s also wearing glasses. When did he need glasses? 
Hizashi was wearing a cream-colored suit with a dark grey undershirt and a tie matching his eye color. Looking at the four of them and the others around, I am… severely underdressed. Doesn’t feel much better with everyone that stares at me from their tables for a moment. 
Wait- Hizashi’s. Hair. Is. Fully. Down. I whip my head towards Hitoshi and glare in betrayal. 
He notices with a smirk, and puts his hands in front of himself in mock-defense. “Don’t look at me. He was there then, just didn’t speak.” 
My eyes narrow. “So it really WASN’T the T.V.” Seriously though!? That’s so embarrassing! He must have heard everything! 
Him and Hizashi chuckle at me, making me feel worse.
A woman comes up from the counter. “Please tell me the name of your reservation.” 
“The Aizawa’s.” Um… I’m not exactly a part of this family? Well, it does make sense though I guess just to do a last name. Hizashi smirks at Shouta while he glares in return. 
“Right this way please.” She starts to lead the five of us to a table farther in the back. The enormous chandeliers overhead from the really tall ceiling are slightly intimidating if I’m to be honest. Each crystal is taller than Hizashi from the top of his hair in his hero costume to his feet. 
The white and gold walls of the place give a surprisingly calming type of effect. It’s rather cool in here as well. Probably to help combat the ones who wear layers of clothes to be more fancy or something.  
“You couldn’t have chosen anything else?” Shouta hisses quietly enough for the woman not to hear, but I’m close enough that I can. I’m right between them from behind while Hitoshi and Eri are behind me. I can swear Hitoshi keeps trying to nudge me forward closer to them. 
“Aw, don’t worry ‘bout it babe! Besides, you and I both know you’re known much less than me! This way they won’t know us!” He leans even closer to Shouta. “And don’t deny it, you know you like the thought of me bein’ called an Aizawa~” 
I can see red start to cover the side of Shouta’s face even though he tries his best to hide and prevent it. Ha! Now he’s the one to be embarrassed! 
I let out a chuckle, making Hizashi turn and give me a toothy grin. 
We get to a table with booth seats. The color of them is surprisingly similar to Eri’s dress. 
I go to sit with Hitoshi and Eri, but like before, Hizashi grabs my wrist and has me sit between him and Shouta. Why do you keep doing this to me dude!? Shouta is on my right by the wall with Hizashi on my left by the opening. 
Eri is sitting by the wall with Hitoshi by the opening in front of us. I didn’t notice before, but her dress has some candy apple red jewels the shape of diamonds, adorning the dress even more than it already was. Must be new since it’s never been seen by me before.  
… I don’t like the closeness of the two men beside me again. Saying it is uncomfortable is an understatement. A difference than before is the heat of their thighs radiating through their pants onto mine. 
The woman hands us menus. “Someone will be here to take your orders shortly.” 
I try to brush them off while looking at the menu. 
“Hey Y/N, are ya datin’ anyone?” 
“Maybe.” They don’t need to know I’m not. 
“That’s a yes or no question.” Shouta states with slight annoyance. He must have forgotten I told him I’m not the day he was sick.  
“They better not be a villain. We’d hate to have to do something to you and them. Better be honest, you’re not looking the best right now.” Hitoshi accuses. 
What the heck Hitoshi!? You’re just going to turn on me like this!? Why I ought to come over there and smack the back of your head myself! 
My saving grace as the waiter comes- Tadao!? This is where he works!? He comes up to our table with a notepad in front of him. "Hello, I’m Ito, and I’ll be your waiter for tonight. What can I get you started with?” 
“Tadao, you work here?” 
His head snaps up from the notepad, and looks at me. “Oh hey, Y/N!” His face becomes a smirk. “What happened to calling me glowstick?” 
“Well, you’re not really glowing right now in this light, are you?”
“Ha, you got me there.” 
The three men look between us with some look I don’t really understand. 
“Ya know each other?” 
“You could say we’re close.” Tadao informs. They grow rather deep frowns at the news.
He clears his throat and brings his notepad up. “What drinks could I start you guys with?” We each tell him our drinks and he writes them down. “All right, drinks coming right up!” He leaves to go get them. 
“He’s one of the reasons I don’t move out of my apartment. Especially now. We’ve become really close recently.” 
“You should stay away from him. He seems like bad news.” Hitoshi informs. 
??? huh? “Why, do you know he has a villain record or something?” 
“He could be using you. Stay away from him or we might have to make sure he doesn’t do anything.” 
Okay, THAT pisses me off. “First of all, you guys can’t tell me who I can and can’t hang out with outside of babysitting hours. Second of all, I’d really appreciate it if you guys could be less judging of him, because he has never done anything even slightly villainous whenever we met.” My slightly edged tone makes them back off the topic. I wanted to add third of all being he walks with me at night to our apartment place, but that seems like a bad idea if their reaction is this so far. 
It grows awkwardly silent between us all for a moment. Maybe I should have kept the others to myself too, but damn it, they need to have more respect for my decisions they were never a part of, and have no need to be a part of. 
Tadao comes with our drinks. He places them down, and Hizashi immediately takes a big drink of his.
“Here you guys go, and one drink for one special person.” He jokingly winks at me. 
I roll my eyes in response. “Sometimes I truly wonder if I hate you.” I tease.
He rolls his eyes in return. “Admit it, you know you love me.”
Hizashi chokes on his drink. I don’t help him from still being a bit upset. He should be fine anyways after a bit. 
He does, and is able to manage keeping his quirk down as well. 
“Do I?” I question teasingly. 
The three men glare at him. Sheesh, what’s their problem? 
He seems rather uncomfortable by it and leaves in a rush immediately after taking our orders. After I almost had a heart attack from the beyond insane prices, of course. Even the cheapest thing is over half the money I’m given a day for babysitting. 
I’m getting pretty upset with these guys right now. Starting to wonder if they got hit with some odd quirk again or something. 
That calms me down a bit since it would kind of make sense that’s why they’re acting odd. How long will it last though? Better not be long. I don’t know if I can handle them like this without losing my mind. 
“Hey, Y/N. We have something for you,” Hitoshi pipes up, and nods towards Hizashi. 
“Right!” He reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a… necklace? It has my favorite type of jewel in it, encased behind and around the edges with what looks like real gold. A different shine is on it, like something is covering the gold to prevent it from easily being destroyed by weather or wear. The shape is in a rather large teardrop. It looks custom-made as well. Never seen anything even close to what this looks like before. 
“It’s a gift!” Eri cheerfully chimes in.
“That she helped us pick for you.” Shouta informs. 
Please don’t tell me it’s authentic. It looks real though. I can’t even begin to imagine the price of what it must have cost to create it if it is real. “I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this! It feels too much like I’m just using you guys if I do!” 
The three of them frown. Even Eri seems a bit disappointed. 
Eri asking me my favorite jewel kind of makes sense now, but why would they want to give this to me? 
“C’mon, let’s put it on ya!” He hands it over to Hitoshi and stands up, pulling me to stand up with him. Hitoshi stands as well. 
“Did you guys not hear me? I- I can’t accept it!” 
Hizashi shakes his head. “Don’t be so worried, dear little lovesong! We want you to have it! Ya can’t just say no, we spent too much for it to go to waste now!” 
Hitoshi goes behind me with the necklace and is able to put it on while I’m still rather reluctant to accept such a gift.
Eri’s eyes almost seem to sparkle when the clasp gets shut on it. “You look amazing!”  
I freeze in my tracks to notice everyone is staring at us yet again. This time with slightly different reactions. A couple of them seem to be with envy, making me want to shrivel up and hide in a hole, and others seem to be appreciative I have something more expensive than my clothes now or something.  
At least Shouta seems to give me mercy by pulling me back down in the booth and glaring at them all in such a way that they all stop staring. I’m feeling a bit like a ragdoll at this point. 
Hitoshi joins him, making sure they truly stop. The glare combined of those two could probably curdle the blood of All Might himself. 
The restaurant seems to grow quiet between all of us. 
I decide to escape by using the bathroom. Hizashi didn’t have time to sit back down before it was necessary. “Stay here, it won’t take me long.” They still seem reluctant to let me go alone. 
Getting to the bathrooms, I didn’t have to go, just wanted to get out of the stares and whispers for a little bit. Despite the men’s glares, of course there was still going to be gossip of someone in here who looks so out of place. 
“Hey, Y/N, be careful around them, alright? They’re pretty strange.” Pipes up the familiar voice of Tadao behind me. 
I play dumb. He probably shouldn’t know I know they must have been hit with some kind of quirk. “How do you know? They could just be being cautious since their children are with.”
“I admit, I did watch you a bit at the festival. More so the men you were with when they came. Something about them isn’t... “ He seems to be struggling with figuring out how to explain it. “It’s wrong. I just can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Again, just be careful, alright?” 
I just nod and enter the bathroom. 
A bit after cooling off, I go back to the dinner table, them all still waiting and chatting about school. Well, Shouta being nearly silent as usual. Hizashi quickly stands up to let me sit between them again. Ugh, I really don’t want to. 
Yet I do, just to be kind. The least I can do is sit through this since they went through the effort of such a gift, even though to me it seems highly unnecessary. 
Tadao comes with our food not much later with a secret frown on his face. He’s smiling, but I’ve learned him well enough by now it’s worry he has instead of a cheerful personality. It slightly drops to reveal his true emotions when he notices the guys glaring at him yet again. He doesn’t say a word, just drops all of the food off and leaves. 
This feels like a really ruined dinner, even though this food is incredibly good. The atmosphere has definitely become shit. I seem to be the only one to notice. Hizashi looks over towards me and gives me another grin, not giving much comfort. What’s worse is every time I stop for a moment and rest my hand on my lap, Shouta seems to try to grab it. It led me to just keeping the utensil for my dinner in my hand. 
I’ll have to apologize to Tadao for their behavior tomorrow. Easier said than done since I still can’t exactly tell him who they are. Cursed contract. 
@dabi-s-whore, @angelicblackwolf, @fuegy-fuegy   
Double fun fact- Did you know slapping someone’s back if they’re choking is actually worse than letting them try to get it out themselves, especially if it’s food? The food can actually get lodged deeper in their throat at the impact. Huh, First Aid is quite interesting.
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Question, if worm man is hels zed then would helsknight at some point recognize him? I’m pretty sure they would either:
A) have a odd run-in with each other
B) helsknight threatens to tell the server and they become rivals
OOOOOOH BOY i got inspired :D
Helsaph hops out of the portal at the Yes Wings Club and approaches the building. Part of him regrets declining Impulse’s invitation to show him around but Helsaph thinks it’s a good test. The only person he’s likely to meet here is Wels, and Wels likely doesn’t know Zedaph well enough to be able to differentiate between Zedaph and Helsaph.
Speaking of Wels…
“Oh, hello, Zedaph,” Wels says casually, a bit-too-friendly smile on his face, as he exits the Yes Wings Club.
Helsaph keeps his guard up but manages a friendly, if nervous, smile back. “Hi, Wels. How are you?”
“Pretty good. Haven’t seen you around in a while, Zedaph.”
“I’ve been… busy. Good busy though.”
Wels nods. “That’s good to hear, Zedaph.”
A shiver runs down Helsaph’s spine. “Why do you keep saying my name like that?”
“IS it your name, though?”
Helsaph freezes, panic briefly flickering across his face. “...what do you mean?”
Wels’s smile turns into a triumphant grin. “I knew it. You can’t hide from me; I know you too well.”
“I don’t understand what you mean,” says Helsaph, avoiding eye contact. “Excuse me.”
He starts to leave.
“I wouldn’t walk away from me if I were you, Helsaph.”
Helsaph stops dead, his heart skipping a beat. He slowly turns back to face the person who clearly isn’t Welsknight.
“Got your attention now, have I?” the person chuckles. “Frankly, I’m a little hurt that you didn’t recognise me straight away. Or maybe you did and you hoped I wouldn’t recognise you.”
Helsaph does recognise him now. In fact, he can hardly believe he ever thought this person was Wels. “What are you doing here, Helsknight?”
“Just out for a walk.” Helsknight shrugs casually. “Is that a crime?”
“I mean on this server,” responds Helsaph. “Last I heard, you were banished back to Helscraft in Season 7.”
“Oh you heard about that? Good news travels far and wide, doesn’t it?”
Helsaph narrows his eyes. “Helsknight, stop playing around with me. Just tell me what you want.”
“I want to know why you’re running around the server pretending to be Zedaph when you know full well the real Zedaph is back home in his base.” Helsknight’s eyes gleam. “Are you up to something evil?”
“No, I live here now,” Helsaph says. “Wait, what do you mean the real- Have you been spying on us?!”
Helsaph is not encouraged by the grin on Helsknight’s face.
“Maybe,” he responds. “Maybe not. Point is, I know a lot. Including the fact that you’re not supposed to be on this server.”
“That’s not a point, that’s just an ominous statement.” Helsaph frowns. “Are you threatening me?”
Helsknight nods. “Yup. I’d really like you to realise right now that I could go over to Xisuma and tell him a LOT of interesting things.”
Helsaph’s breath catches in his throat.
Immediately, Helsknight grins triumphantly. “Uh huh, that’s what I was waiting for. The flicker of panic on your face. That’s how I knew it was you and not the real Zedaph. I know you too well, Helsaph.”
“Helsknight…” Helsaph stares at Helsknight in fear. “Why would you want to ruin this for me? I’m finally in a place that makes me happy after years and years of-.”
“Because helsmits aren’t supposed to be happy!” Helsknight bursts out suddenly. “You think I’M happy?! I’m stuck here on this server trying to kill my counterpart so I can escape Helscraft forever! Constantly having to look over my shoulder and hide! Trying to gather resources in a world that rebels against my every move! Why should YOU-” He jabs his finger at Helsaph. “-get to be happy and I don’t?!”
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Helsknight,��� Helsaph says pleadingly. “Befriend your counterpart. Wels is a loving and understanding person; he’ll take you in the way Zedaph took me in.”
Helsknight stares at him in disbelief. “You’ve got to be joking. You think I’m gonna crawl to him after all this time of trying to kill him and beg to be forgiven?! And even if he does, then what? I’d be stuck in the same position as you! Still forced to hide, not allowed to do anything, stuck under the thumb of my idiot counterpart.”
“He can-.”
But Helsknight sharply waves his hand, stopping Helsaph. “NO. My goal is to kill Welsknight so I can absorb his lifeforce and get the hell away from everyone here. THAT is the goal of a helsmit.” His upper lip curls in disgust. “Not to run around dressed like an idiot trying to fight imaginary crime.”
Helsaph takes an involuntary step back. “Y-You know about that…?”
“Of course!” snaps Helsknight. “You make me sick, Helsaph. I’d rather die than suffer that indignity.”
“Well, it- it was a little awkward at first but I grew to really enjoy it,” Helsaph explains. “It sure beat returning to Helscraft, that’s for sure.”
“You pathetic little-!” Helsknight breaks off with a sneer. “You’re not fit to be called a helsmit! I’m not existing here on this server knowing you’re out there being HAPPY.”
He turns and starts to walk away but Helsaph, before he can stop himself, jumps into his path. “I won’t let you do this to me, Helsknight,” he says, forcing his voice to stay steady.
“Get out of my way,” growls Helsknight.
Helsaph shakes his head. “No. I’ve suffered too hard and for too long for this to just let you take it all away from me.”
“Well then, the only way to save it is to kill me.”
For a moment, Helsaph thinks he heard Helsknight wrong. “Wh-What?”
“Kill me,” repeats Helsknight firmly.
“W-Will you respawn?”
Helsknight rolls hie eys. “Of course not, idiot. You know the rules: if a helsmit dies outside of Helscraft, they die forever.”
“Then why are you telling me to kill you?!” yelps Helsaph.
“Because that’s the only way to save your precious new life.” Helsknight takes a step closer to Helsaph. “Do you want it that badly that you’d murder another helsmit to keep it?”
Helsaph doesn’t respond.
Helsknight snorts. “Thought not.”
With that, he moves past Helsaph and keeps walking away.
Making a quick decision, Helsaph draws his sword and lunges to attack Helsknight, but he makes the mistake of letting out a yell as he does. Helsknight spins round and meets the blow with his own sword.
Helsaph is not a good fighter, so having lost the element of surprise, Helsknight is able to easily disarm him and knock him to the ground. As Helsaph tries to get up, he feels the point of Helsknight’s sword touching his neck, causing him to freeze.
“You never were a good fighter, Helsaph,” laughs Helsknight tauntingly. “You, Impulstor, Foxtrot. None of you could ever beat me even when you all came at me at once. You nev-.”
With a sudden burst of strength, Helsaph tackles Helsknight to the ground and snatches his sword off him, holding it threateningly out with both hands.
Helsknight laughs again as he sits up. “Wow. Genuinely, wow. I’m impressed.”
“Don’t ever bring up Impulstor and Foxtrot again,” Helsaph growls. “Ever.”
“Or what?” Helsknight says challengingly.
Good question, Helsaph thinks to himself.
ALoud, he says, “I don’t WANT to kill you, Helsknight. But you’ve no idea what I’ve gone through the last few decades. How much I’ve suffered to get here. I’m not going back to that.”
“Hm.” Helsknight raises an eyebrow as he regards Helsaph as if seeing him in a new light. “You know what? This could be interesting. You’re running around playing hero, huh? A hero needs a villain.”
“I’ve already got one.”
“Evil Xisuma?” snorts Helsknight. “Don’t make me laugh. They’re nothing but a pest.”
“Don’t you-!” starts Helsaph furiously.
But Helsknight again interrupts him. “So here’s what’s gonna happen. You and I are gonna fight a bit. I’m gonna cause some mischief around the server. If you can defeat me in a fight and get me locked up fair and square, I won’t tell Xisuma about you.”
Helsaph narrows his eyes. “I don’t trust you one bit.”
“Nor should you,” responds Helsknight.
After a moment, Helsaph says, “What if I just go tell Xisuma about me right now? I’m sure he’ll be receptive when he finds out how well I’m doing here.”
Helsknight barks a laugh. “HA! The man who banned his own sibling from the server?”
Helsaph stares at Helsknight with a frown. “What?”
“Evil Xisuma didn’t tell you that, huh?” Helsknight seers. “Well I hate to break it to you but if a man can banish his own sibling to the void for decades and decades, I don’t think he’ll be very happy to learn that an ACTUAL helsmit is living here and has in fact been part of Hermitcraft before. That might get your little buddy Zedaph into trouble, huh?”
Helsaph scowls and says nothing. He hadn’t considered the trouble his counterpart would get into if he’s discovered.
Helsknight rises to his feet and stretches. “Touched a nerve there, I think. I’ll see you around, Helsaph.”
Helsaph lets Helsknight take his sword back and glares down at the ground. “I hate you.”
“Good,” responds Helsknight. “You think I want to be liked?”
“Maybe it’d do you some good,” Helsaph mutters, folding his arms, “to have someone actually think you’re worth something.”
A pause.
Then Helsaph cries out as he feels something sharp slice a cut in his arm. His free hand flying to cover the area, he spins round to find Helsknight standing disturbingly close, the tip of his sword blade glistening with drops of blood.
“I’d watch what I say if I were you,” he says warningly, lifting the sword close to Helsaph’s face. “My patience only extends so far.”
Clutching his arm, Helsaph takes off running back down the path and into the nether portal he came from. He sprints through the nether tunnels back towards Zedaph’s base, his heart hammering in his chest. There are no thoughts in his mind as to how he’s going to explain his injury to Zedaph.
All he wants is to get as far away from Helsknight as possible.
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vigilantetendencies · 3 years
Hero with cat powers and a villain who loves cats.
“You have a tail,” he squeaked, eyes so wide that they might have popped out of his head. Bengal stepped backward, glaring.
He was still wearing boxers, but they didn’t exactly have enough room for him to tuck the tail away like his hero suit did.
“Yeah, cat powers. I have cat things. I think we’ve been through this- Don’t come closer!” Bengal pulled out the claws again, stopping Volt as he stepped forward.
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Volt and Bengal weren't strangers; Bengal had been a new hire at the hero agency when Volt first began to terrorize the town and thus the two had been pitted against each other from the get go. 
They'd battled multiple times, Bengal more often than not failing due to his clumsiness. Volt adored him, however. He adored the quips, Bengal's snarky attitude, and his body was rather nice to look at. Bengal's hero suit was bland and tight, leaving little to Volt's imagination as he threw him and zapped him. How many times had he invited Bengal over now to try and cop a feel? 
Invited was perhaps the wrong word- How many times had he tried to force Bengal to come to his lair? And now...He couldn't believe his eyes; There he was, Bengal! The hero!! In his lair!!! What a moment! And Volt was not going to let it go to waste.
"How does it feel to be the very first hero to see my place?" Volt asked, rising from his throne and gesturing grandly.
All he could see with Bengal's annoying helmet being on was his mouth, pulled down into frown.
"Shitty," Bengal responded dully, standing before the throne with his hands bound behind his back. "Can I go home now?"
"Before you've seen the break room and the had martinis in the hot tub? No way!" Bengal stiffened.
"Hot tub?"
"Yeah!" Volt strode up to Bengal and paced around him, cape flowing behind him. He liked to be able to take his time and really inspect Bengal; He really had no idea what his powers were or, honestly, what use he was to the agency at all. That and...maybe he liked to look at his butt.
Just a little.
"No. No way, I'm not having martinis with you and I'm not going in your hot tub." Volt was surprised when Bengal was suddenly free of his binds, narrowly avoiding a punch to his face.
"C'mon, Bengal!" He shot electricity at the hero who dodged and climbed up one of the walls with ease.
"Nope," he called down, climbing until he got to a landing area up above. Volt huffed, not liking his answer, and threw a ball of electricity into part of the landing. Bengal yelped as the floor gave out beneath him and he fell face first onto the ground next to Volt, groaning.
Volt took a moment to mourn the broken balcony, but it would be easy enough to fix. Losing his favorite hero was not his favorite option.
"Your name is Bengal. Shouldn't you like...land on your feet or something?" He asked, squatting down next to the hero and poking his helmet. He ignored Bengal gasping for air (the force of his fall knocking it out of him) in favor of rolling him onto his back. "Why would the agency give you that name if you're this clumsy?"
Bengal swallowed and cleared his throat.
"Yeah, I don't know. You're right," he agreed, trying to get to his feet. He got as far as his knees before Volt knocked him backward harshly. The helmet clanged against the floor, jarring slightly and cracking from the earlier impact.
"Here, kitty, kitty~" Volt whispered suddenly, making Bengal look his way- and then his helmet was torn off.
"Oh my god!" Volt held the helmet up as if it were a trophy, looking down at Bengal with a large grin. He could see his face, a nice tan tone to his skin, his hair- black and brown and the strangest patterns in the curly mess.
But what really got him was the ears.
Two large cat ears were standing at attention on his head, green eyes wide and revealing slitted pupils as he began to panic.
"What are you doing!? You are crossing a line-!!" He screeched, scrambling to grab the helmet back. Volt jammed his hand against Bengal's forehead, shoving him back down while his ears flattened.
"You dirty little liar, I knew it!" Bengal withdrew his hand for a moment, fingertips exposed out of the tops of his gloves. Claws protruded from them suddenly, making Volt giddy. "The fingerless gloves make so much more sense now! They were a choice, but at least they were a functional choice!" He didn't register the implication before the claws slashed at him, four scratches on his arm and suit torn. He dropped the helmet in his pain and Bengal shoved him off, rolling over and scrambling to grab the helmet.
He succeeded, though a foot came down on his wrist and pressed into it painfully.
"It's about time!" Volt huffed, cradling his bleeding arm as he looked at the henchman who was pinning Bengal with their foot.
"Apologies, sir."
"Send gauze to my room and take Fluffy to the holding cell."
"You are dead," Bengal promised, glaring at Volt as he walked past them and picked up the helmet. Volt only smirked back at him, waggling his fingers and exiting the room.
"No, I'm the proud new owner of a sweet little kitty cat," Volt corrected gleefully. "And he better behave if he knows what's good for him."
Bengal looked up from his spot on the floor, baring his teeth as the henchmen slapped cuffs on him and picked him up by the back of his hero suit to drag him off.
Bengal escaped, without his helmet, and went straight home with to pout in the bathroom mirror. It was embarrassing being...this. The agency wanted to capitalize on his feline parts but he hated them- His hero suit was designed to hide every part of him that resembled a cat because he asked for it to be that way. If Volt started telling others then what would happen? Calls of, “Here kitty, kitty,” and quips like, “cat got your tongue?” would never end.
He solemnly sent the agency a request for a new helmet along with the information that his face had been revealed before he climbed into the overly plush bed in his room, curling up and closing his eyes.
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The next time he saw Volt he was ready to knock the daylights out of him, still stumbling with nearly every punch.
“So it’s just the ears, huh?” Volt slammed Bengal down, snickering as he watched his slightly feline friend adjust his helmet quickly.
“You’re such an ass hole,” Bengal told him, trying to get to his feet before Volt kicked him in the side.
“I’ll take that as… a no,” Volt decided, watching as Bengal rolled from the force of the impact and hit the tire of a car. He dug into the pocket of his suit, trying to hide something from Bengal as he stood up. He lunged at him, yanking off the helmet and cupping his hand over his face.
Bengal struggled harshly, claws coming out as he grabbed at Volt’s hands and arms, scratching and scratching and scratching and- Something was in Volt’s hand and-...
Bengal slumped in Volt’s arms, eyes half lidded as his tongue lapped against the inside of Volt’s hand.
“Holy shit it worked,” Volt whispered in amazement, beaming as he lowered Bengal to the ground. He was so docile! So...not trying to kill Volt. And as mentioned once before, Volt did not waste opportunities. He gently tangled his fingers into the man’s soft hair, scratching at the base of his ear experimentally and, sure enough, Bengal pressed the side of his head to Volt’s hand.
Then, like something scared him, he perked up and smacked at Volt’s hand, falling onto the ground in an attempt to get away from his touch.
“What is wrong with you!?” He yelled, face redder than last time. He looked at his arms and saw that some of the catnip bits had fallen there and, without hesitation, began to lick them off.
“I reallllllllly like cats,” Volt informed him, looking like a child on Christmas. “I don’t even care about the bomb anymore, the detonation code is 1337, I just-” Volt reached for Bengal’s ears again which only made him hiss and back away, realizing that he was licking himself in front of his nemesis- And anyone could see them here! They weren’t exactly hidden.
“I don’t like you, okay!?” Bengal got to his feet, wobbling a little. “So stop bothering me!”
Bengal grabbed up his helmet and sprinted off, climbing over garbage cans and cars to escape Volt.
“Gauze, sir?” Someone asked over his headset. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think he’d let you down so harshly-”
“Are you kidding? All cats are like that. You just gotta reel them in.” Volt stood and tucked the pouch of catnip back into his suit. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, gauze would be nice.”
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There was no fighting today.
He had gotten himself all ready to go, hero suit and new helmet (with locking buckles) on, when he got the message from the agency.
[Bengal, we need to review your employment with us. For the time being you are on suspension. You will be paid for your time, imagine it like a vacation!]
He glared at his phone. A vacation? A vacation that was going to end in his termination, probably.
He threw the helmet onto his bed and moped about the message until he felt about as numb to it as he could feel. He was so distracted being angry at the agency that he didn’t notice the shape outside his window, stripping the tight top of the suit off and stretching before he started peeling off the bottom.
The window opened and he whipped around, hissing at it and letting go of the pants of the suit to use his claws.
“Whoa! Hey, easy!” It was Volt.
Of course.
He slid inside and stood near the window.
“Where have you been!? I didn’t ask to fight Echo, do you know how hard it is to fight a guy who sees, like, everything!?”
“He’s blind,” Bengal deadpanned, and Volt gestured wildly.
“DO YOU SEE WHY THAT’S AN ISSUE FOR ME!? No one told me and-” He huffed.
“Sorry that I was the perfect disappointment,” Bengal muttered, turning around and stripping off the rest of the suit. “The agency is reviewing my employment. Probably because I keep losing to you. So you better get used to Echo, Kuso, and Jumper.”
Volt didn’t respond and Bengal thought for a brief moment that he had crawled back out the window. He turned around and found Volt looking somehow happier than he had over the last few fights.
“You have a tail,” he squeaked, eyes so wide that they might have popped out of his head. Bengal stepped backward, glaring.
He was still wearing boxers, but they didn’t exactly have enough room for him to tuck the tail away like his hero suit did.
“Yeah, cat powers. I have cat things. I think we’ve been through this- Don’t come closer!” Bengal pulled out the claws again, stopping Volt as he stepped forward.
“Can I touch it!?”
“No! No you can’t touch it! Get out of-” Bengal watched Volt dig into the same pocket as last time and hissed loudly. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
Volt grinned and ran at Bengal, ignoring his hisses and screeches while he chased him out of the room and through his apartment.
“Hereeee kitty, kitty!” He chased him to the balcony, watching as Bengal climbed up on it and balanced without issue. “Your tail! That’s why you’re such a grade A klutz!” Volt smacked himself on the head. “Duh! Man, I can’t believe I didn’t think about that!”
“Why do you care!?” Bengal looked honestly upset, and that immediately put Volt off. He lowered his hands.
“What do you-”
“Are you going to go and tell all of the other villains? ‘Just bring catnip and he’ll be distracted long enough for you to kill him,’ or grab my tail and pull and it’ll really fucking hurt-”
“Why would I tell anyone any of that?” Volt raised a brow. “The only thing people talk about is how off balance you are, you know.” Bengal seemed to calm down, crouching on the railing.
“Just..leave,” He muttered, and Volt gestured for Bengal to come down, showing that his hands were free of catnip.
“Walk me out?”
“Fine,” Bengal huffed, slipping off of the railing and walking back to the bedroom. There was a moment where he truly believed that Volt was trying to give him time alone- And then he yanked backwards, Volt sitting on his bed and pulling him into his lap.
“You son of a-” Volt grinned at him as he began to scratch just above Bengal's tail. He held back a delighted squeal as Bengal leaned into him and purred.
"I’m going to kill you," Bengal mumbled into his neck, kneading his fingers into his shoulders.
"You have to keep your job, first.” Volt ran his hand up Bengal’s tail, feeling him shudder. “Or you could come have martinis in my hot tub, the invitation’s still open.” A pause. “Am I just not inviting you right?” He leaned closer to the ears on Bengals head, watching them twitch in irritation. “Pspspsps?”
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Thank you so much for reading! Find more heroes, villains, sidekicks, civilians, and reporters here on my masterlist!
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magpie-scribbles · 4 years
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Ahhh I’m bit late but here is my part of the BNHarem ~*Collab*~
Title: Call Me
Pairing: F!reader X Maijima Higari (Power Loader)
Rating: E
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: Smut, sex work, older man younger woman 
Higari sighs, his metal tipped fingers tapping on his work table 11pm, 11 pm and he still had so much to do. Normally he relished having work to do, rather being a busy bee than not, but lately the stress had been catching up to him. The academic year was in full swing, and with more villain activity than usual he was beginning to wear...A lot of his projects (pet projects) were starting to fall behind because frankly he was too stressed and found himself getting upset with himself when he made mistakes or miscalculations, which seemed to be happening a lot in his overall raised tension.
Realizing he wasn't going to make any progress aside from going in circles. He slumps, plunking down onto the stool next him, thumping his head against the metal of the workbench and just...sitting there allowing himself to cool off...or perhaps it was wallow…
Bzzzzz bzzzzzzz he feels it as much as he hears it as an incoming text reverberates through his skull. He tilts his head, just enough to glare at his cellphone on the far end of the workbench; he could ignore it, he could...but he doesn't. With a groan he sits up leaning over to swipe the phone up to see the notification.
"Heeeyyyyy, how you doing???" She follows up with a few heart emoji.
To someone on the outside looking in it might seem like she’s flirting, or that they had something going on. But he and Nemuri had been good friends for so long that he doubts he could ever see her as anything but.
"Fine" He types out simply, not in the mood for banter, he hopes she's not putting together a last minute bar hop.
"That rough huh?" 
The texts come in rapid succession. He sighs.
"I'm fine" He repeats; though it's nice to have someone that worries about you from time to time.
It takes her a moment to respond, he can see the little typing indicator, bounce along the bottom off his screen and then stop and then start again.
"Did you call her yet?? 👀👀👀" Her response finally comes and he groans.
He had a feeling she was going to bring this up sooner or later.
"No I haven't called her yet" He replies, grumbling to himself as he hits send harder than he needs to.
"You should, she could really help you relax 😌" He can practically hear he voice through the illuminated text on his screen, goading him.
He can feel his face heat up, he wasn't a prude...this was just...he wasn't a prude!
"Kayama" now beginning to wish he never picked up the phone.
"It's not just about sex Maijima, where's your head??😏😏😏" now she was just being cruel, he shakes his phone in his gripe blowing out a puff of air, wishing he could berate her.
"In all seriousness tho, she can help you out, it's her job, she's really nice!" She adds.
He sighs, deflating a bit, mulling over the idea for a while...he thinks he still has the card Nemuri gave him. 
Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans he pulls out a crinkled card, oh, yeah he had definitely washed these pants a few times. Luckily the card had been printed on heavy sleek looking cardstock. And even with the edges slightly worn and the the paper somewhat crinkled, no expenses were obviously spared as the elegant type face remained readable even after a few trips through the wash...which was good for him because if it hadn't then he'd have to ask Nemuri for the details and that's something he would not want to live through. 
He sighs, looking from the card to his phone, weighing his options...he was very stressed and Nemuri said it didn't have to be about sex...not that he didn't like that! ...Damnit…
Suckling on his teeth he slowly punches in the number printed in embossed gold.
You settle down into the pillows and blankets of your freshly laundered bed, wondering if you even want to try and read the next chapter in your book that sat on your nightstand. The sheets were still warm from the dryer and damn, it was tempting to just nestle in and go straight to bed.
Your brow furrows, the sudden sound brings you out of your very important and very difficult decision. For a moment the sound eludes you as you listen for it again.
Oh fuck that was your phone, your head whips to the nightstand again; the illuminated screen blocked by the book you had just been considering as the device vibrates beneath it.
You grumble, you know it could be a client but most of them had the decency to not call this late…well most of them did. 
Grabbing your phone you gaze down to the screen, cocking your head when you see a string of numbers you've never seen before, hmmm.
Reclining back into the comfort of your pillow pile you answer.
"Hello this is L/N F/N speaking." You say, all business; not one to ever come off as unprofessional even if it was a spam call.
There was a long pause; you almost repeat yourself when you hear someone clear their throat.
"Miss L/N, this is Maijima Higari....uhhh, Kayama Nemuri said I should contact you." His voice is soft baritone with a bit of gravel to it, he seems very uncertain, but you know who he is right away.
To be honest you had been quite curious about him since Nemuri had told you about her fellow hero and coworker.
You worked a lot with heroes, some high profile ones too, but you've never had a client that was also a support specialist, or as Nemuri had put it, a keen inventor. You were intrigued.
"Ah Mr. Maijima, Kayama mentioned you-" you begin.
"She did?" He interrupts and you can hear him shifting away from the phone "motherfucker"  you hear the breathy hiss, and you have to keep yourself under control because you did not want your first conversation with the man you had been interested in hearing from, to be you laughing at him.
He must have realized you can hear him because there's more scrambling on the other end of the line.
"Sorry 'bout that...Nemuri...likes to talk." He sighs.
You chuckle warmly; she had mentioned he was somewhat proud and what she called "aggressively" shy.
"She definitely can be quite the gossip." You reply and you hear him groan. "Though I assure you, it's all good things Mr. Maijima."
"Somehow that doesn't put me at ease at all…" he huffs, and you can't help but let out a small laugh.
There is a pause again, and you decide to gently encourage him.
"So what can I do for you Mr. Maijima?" You ask gently.
There's shifting on the other end of the line again and then a small cough.
"I've...I've been stressed lately, like...more than usual and Kayama said that you might be able to help with that." You can tell he's a bit uncertain on how to ask for your services.
"Of course, I'd be more than happy to help, just tell me what you need and I'll set up an appointment. " You recline further into your pillows.
"Uh well...fuck I've never done this before…" he sighs.
"That's perfectly alright." You reply, waiting for him to continue.
"...I-I don't know?" He says finally and you smile, you like when they're honest; not trying to show-off.
"Of course, we can figure everything out along the way." You hum and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Alright, yeah." 
"How about I put you in for this Friday at 8pm, I'll make sure that we have the whole night free to get you settled." You make a mental note to put that in your planner (not that you could forget, you were surprisingly eager to meet him.)
"Today's Wednesday." He says in reply.
"So you mean in two days? The Friday in two days?" You suppress a chuckle; definitely needed to relieve some stress.
"If that's an issue I'd be happy to-"
"NO!...No it's fine, just surprised is all." His voice trails off and he clears his throat. "Sooooo so how do I do this?"
You pause for a moment considering. There are a few luxury hotels and venues you've preferred to use in the past...but...you decide to throw caution to the wind.
"Let me give you my address." You reply, a very rare option you give to only your most trusted clients; but he was good friends with Nemuri and you trusted her judgement whole heartedly.
"Oh!...are you sure you're okay with that? I understand if you don't want to do that, safety and all, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" You smile, he was already quite the charmer even if he didn't know it yet.
"No need to worry, I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't want to." 
"Okay, if you're okay with it." He replies warily and you smile to yourself.
"I'll send you a follow up text with my address and a reminder of the time; is this an okay number to send that to?"
"Oh yeah, sure."
"Perfect, well Mr. Maijima, I'll let you go and I'll send you my info."
"Yeah, sure...uh thanks for this Miss L/N." He replies.
"It's my pleasure." You reply.
He gives you a quick goodbye and then the line goes quiet; chuckling to yourself you scoot down further into your blankets and quickly add Maijima Higari to your schedule. Before opening Maijima's number and adding it to your contact list.
Nemuri definitely seems to have good taste in friends (well you're one of them.) He has certainly caught your attention...in a good way.
Higari groans, while body deflating as his muscles relax somewhat...that was one of the most nerve-racking calls he'd ever made.
God he probably sounded like an idiot. 
Huffing, he looks back at his phone and opens up his chat with Nemuri.
"I called her" he writes before getting up from his workbench with a groan, back popping as he stretches.
His phone buzzes a moment later.
“Maijime it’s like 11:30 at night!” Nemuri’s text reads; he pales and looks at the time on his phone. 
Fuck....now he felt like an ass. He goes to respond, not even sure if he should defend himself or brush it off when another text comes in from a new number. Cocking his head he swipes it open.
“Hello Mr. Maijime, it was a pleasure speaking with you tonight, I have you all booked for Friday at 8pm and I look forward to spending time with you.” he swallows thickly, reading over the message a few more times, taking note of the little hearts on the end.
“This is her job, this is her job, she’s just being nice…”  he mentally berates himself.
Reading over the message one more time he responds.
“Thank you Miss L/N.” he pauses and then adds “Sorry ‘bout calling you so late, lost track of the time.” he hits send before he can chicken out, and shoves his phone in his front pocket; out of sight out of mind 
It’s only a few seconds before he hears the buzz of his phone again and he scrabbles to get it, not even sure why he put it away in the first place.
“Nothing to worry about sweetie, I’ll see you Friday.”
Higari decides he needs a very cold shower and then promptly after needs to put himself to bed...he’d deal with Nemuri tomorrow.
You decide against the silk robe after some debate, donning luxurious Egyptian cotton instead. You'd rather not scare him off or look too presumptuous, after all he might be satisfied with your other talents, though Nemuri had said he could do with a good Fuck. You had of course laughed at her crassness, but you couldn't help but feel a spark of warmth in your belly, it surprised you, it had been awhile since you had, let alone for a potential client. 
You needed to be professional.
Giving yourself a once over in the mirror you found your attire agreeable. Your robe was a little longer than the ones you usually wore for your clients, coming to brush against your knees. But it was your favorite, plush and warm and while a bit promiscuous it was also classic. 
Your hair and makeup was in place and you gazed down to your phone
You hadn't received and cancelation call or text so at this point all you could do was wait.
Padding through your apartment on your way to the lounge you make a few quick mental notes.
Did you have both red and white wine as well as a few stiffer drinks just in case ready? Check.
Bottled water on ice as well and had you tea kettle ready with an assortment of teas just in case? Check and check
A few hors d'oeuvres, nothing too over the top? Check.
You come to settle on your favorite chaise as you finish your little check off; yes you believe you had everything ready…
Your intercom pings, and you quickly get to your feet and shuffle over, pressing the talk button.
"Miss L/N, there is a Mr. Maijima here to see you." The doorman's voice responds.
"Yes of course please have him come up." 
"Of course ma'am."
To be honest no matter how long you had done this you could never quite figure out what to do with yourself while you wanted for a client to come up to meet you. Nothing ever seemed natural or smooth... it irked you. You wondered what other consorts did, maybe you should ask a few of your colleagues next time you go out for drinks-
There's a firm knock on your door, jarring you out of your thoughts. 
Giving yourself a quick once over you, smooth down your robe and slap on a warm smile before opening the door.
"Mr. Maijima, I'm so glad you came." You move out of the way, opening the door further to allow him in.
"Uh thanks, yeah me too." He lets out a nervous laugh as he shuffles inside. 
He was quite charming. Nemuri had shown you pictures but pictures can never do enough justice to some people. 
He was dressed in a bomber jacket, dark pull over and well worn jeans and boots. He looked comfortable, the perfect amount of dressed down; he looked like himself, not trying to put on airs like some of your clients. 
"Let me take your jacket while you get your shoes." You say warmly and he gingerly shrugs out of the fabric.
"Thanks." He replies as he leans down to untie his boots.
"Nice place you have here." He replies as he looks around from his lowered position. 
"Oh thank you!" You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear as you look around your place fondly. "The main foyer is a bit much though." You add with a chuckle thinking to the decadence of the building's main entrance.
"Was pretty swanky." He replies nearly finished with his second boot.
"I assure you I'm much more down to earth." You reply and he perks up at that, you eye him curiously.
"Hehe, earth." He laughs and it takes you a moment to remember he's the Excavation hero and you let out a laugh, surprised by his humor.
"I wouldn’t have guessed you'd also be a man with a good taste in jokes." You reply and extend you hand out to him as he tucks his boots away. You have always been a fan of so-called bad jokes.
He seems to like that and puffs up with a smile, slipping his large hand into yours. Oh it was warm and rough; Nemuri did say he was good with his hands. 
"How about we settle in." You say nodding your head towards the lounge.
He nods and swallows thickly, still visibly unsure, but obviously not willing to back down.
You smile at him and gently lead him out of the entryway. 
As you lead him further into your apartment you had taken note that while he was untying his boots he could have very easily looked up your robe, but instead all of his attention was on you, his sharp grey eyes peeking out from a thick fringe of fiery hair. He was watching and listening to you not ogling you, it made your heart warm.
Yes, you had decided that he was certainly a catch.
You lead him into the lounge motioning for him to sit anywhere and he takes his place in one of the plush armchairs across from you chaise. You wish he would have opted for a closer seat but you want him to be comfortable first and foremost.
"Can I get you anything? Wine? Something stronger? Water, tea?" You ask.
"Uh water's fine right now, thanks." He replies and you crack open one of the water bottles and pour it into a crystal tumbler.
You hand it to him and leave the water bottle close to him on the coffee table.
"Thank you L/N." He replies and takes a sip.
"Please call me F/N." You say as you settle on your chaise, he pauses for a moment, mouth full before swallowing
"F/N…" he parrots, voice surprisingly gravelly despite the water he just drank.
You smile and nod your head.
He fiddles with the empty glass in his hands before looking up at you with genuineness; your heart flutters and you’re once again surprised by your feelings.
"Call me Higari."
Higari slowly begins to relax as you talk, his posture loosening and his voice becoming less tense and formal. When he finally laughs fully at one of your jokes, you feel warmth wash over you in a pleasant wave of contentment. 
Despite his obvious relaxation you can’t help but notice he shifts every so often, adjusting his back or subtly rolling his neck. Small ques that make you realize that he wasn't only mentally stressed but physically as well. 
"Higari." You catch his attention as he excitedly tells you about a project he's working on. "Sorry to interrupt but is your back bothering you?" You ask softy and he blinks at you in surprise.
"Oh sorry, that noticeable?" He chuckles. "'S probably from hunching over a workbench all day." He's trying to wave it off, not make you worry.
"Would you mind if I used my quirk on you?" You ask gently, not wanting him to feel pressured. 
"Uuhhh, you haven't already?" He looks a bit confused and you can't help but let out a hearty laugh.
"Of course not, I would never use my quirk without your permission." You smile and you watch as his cheeks turn ruddy with blush. "Might I ask what you thought my quirk was doing all this time?"
He leans back a bit huffing softly to himself, trying to control his embarrassment. 
"Make me relax I guess?" He mutters under his breath and you smile fondly, happy that he truly was relaxed around you.
"You’re sweet, while my quirk does help people relax, I wasn't using it on you." You reply sitting up and gently patting the space next to you on the chaise. " could I show you, I'll stop if you don't feel comfortable."
He observes you for a moment, mulling over the idea or trying to pump himself up you're not exactly sure; but then he slowly gets to his feet and walks over to you.
"Never done this before…" he says softly as he looks down at you, trying hard to be open and honest.
It's one of the sweetest things you've ever had happen with a client and you gently take his hands and pull him down to sit next to you.
"That's perfectly alright, whatever you are comfortable with, whatever you want Higari." You say gently and give his hands a reassuring squeeze.
He looks down, his hands are so large in yours; turning them over in his he brushes the metal tips of his thumbs against your palms reverently, and you swoon a little bit. 
"Show me you quirk." 
You feel pride well in your chest.
"I would love to." You smile before adjusting a bit. "Lay down on your stomach, there should be enough room for you to lay down fully." 
He complies, seemingly throwing caution to the wind, but you can see the tremble in his arms as he lowers himself to the plush cushion of the chaise.
"I'm going to sit on your thighs is that alright?" You question.
It takes him a moment to respond and when he does it's a breathy "yes" and you're glad he's facing away from you so he doesn't catch the shiver that runs up your spine at the tone of his voice.
Slowly you crawl up his body, careful to let him feel every move, to let him know your position until you are sitting comfortably on his muscled thighs, your legs tucked on either side of him. He lets out a shaky sigh as you reach out and run your hands from his shoulder blades down to the small of his back.
"My quirk works best with skin to skin contact, you are certainly welcome to leave your shirt on or remove it." You begin your typical overview of your quirk when he moves beneath you suddenly, almost setting you off balance as he reaches behind his head. Fisting the fabric at his back and rucking it up over his head, fluffing up his hair as he does before letting the article of clothing crumple to the floor.
You're too surprised to move from his sudden boldness as he settles back down, neatly crossing his arms beneath his chin. 
After a few moments you manage to pull yourself together and you slowly, gently lay your hands back on his now bare shoulder blades and oh! Beneath your palms he is trembling; now you desperately wanted to sooth his frayed nerves.
"My quirk allows me to admit frequency through my skin, that I can channel into vibrations." You tell him gently as you smooth down his back again, slowly activating your quirk.
He tenses for a moment and then begins to relax into your touch.
"It can help muscle relaxation and promote blood flow." You continue as you knead a knot along his lat. 
"It ah- sounds like your quirk is definitely a benefit." His voice is breathy, almost sighing as he falls further into your touch.
"I like to think so too." You say fondly, you were really starting to enjoy his company and his kindness. "You were talking about one of your inventions earlier when I interrupted, I would very much like to hear more about it." And it was the honest to God truth.
He hums in contentment and from his position on his folded arms you can see a genuine smile grace his lips.
He quickly eases back into his explanation and his ideas as you allow you quirk to sink into his skin while you massage his tense muscles. Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours, even if you didn't quite understand some of it; it was fascinating and his passion and enthusiasm was a pleasant warmth that enveloped you.
Slowly his muscles begin to ease up under your ministrations and his voice begins to get more husky and more lax. You’re not exactly sure when he stopped talking but you suddenly notice the silence and the absence of his pleasant voice.
"F/N?" You blink, gazing up from you hands, to find Higari staring lazily up at you through the fringe of his hair. His stare is hypnotizing
"Yes?" Your voice is breathier than you would have liked.
For a moment he doesn't say anything and then he shifts, starting to roll on his side and you gingerly move to sit beside him, you barely have anytime to take in his sudden change when his large hand comes up, fingers brushing against your jaw tentatively.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks softly and you definitely swoon, you hand coming up to press his touch closer.
"I would like that very much." You hum, your blood singing at the thought of his lips on yours.
Slowly he rises up and you can feel him moving against you and as he does you feel his lower half brush against your hip and the strangest combination of pride and desire fills your chest as you feel the hardness straining against his jeans.
Everything seems to still for a brief moment and then his nose brushes against yours and you suck in a shaking breath as his lips press against yours.
It's like firecrackers, zipping along you skin, you feel your toes curl and you lean into him. He groans against you and slings his arm around your shoulders pressing you to him, your chest flush with his bare one. 
You sigh against him and he takes a moment to adjust, tilting his head, teeth clacking against yours as he slots himself against you.
You feel as though you are made of feathers, your whole body alight as you kiss him back feverishly. It's been awhile since you felt this and you can't get enough.
Letting out a small whine you smooth your hands down his ribs bringing them around to rest on his lower stomach; you feel the muscles jump against your fingertips and then he trembles against you letting out a wonderfully gravelly moan that reverberates in his chest. 
Then he's slowly pulling you back with him, laying back down against the chaise, tugging you on top of him. He pauses moving away to catch his breath, a hand coming up to smooth over your hair. Your breath hitches as you take him in; he's beautiful… his cheeks stained with blush, his grey eyes gazing up at you half lidded and hazy, pupils blown so wide the irises are halos of near silver.
"Can we…? Is this okay?" He asks hesitantly and you have to stop yourself from squealing in delight.
"It's more than okay Higari, I would love to." And you mean every word of it. 
He groans, lips parting to wet them before he cups your face in his hands and pulls you back down into a fiery kiss.
It's almost feral the way you move against each other, palming and smoothing down every inch of skin that you can. He slowly pushes your robe from your shoulders, the belt the only thing keeping it from coming free completely, and he lets out a strangled sound when he realizes you're wearing nothing underneath.
You quickly grab one of his hands and press his large palm to your breast and he quakes beneath you as he begins to knead the soft flesh. You instantly melt into him, moaning and moving against him in your excitement, his metal tipped thumb coming to press against your pebbled nipple. 
He's wonderful beneath you, shedding his shyness as his lips move from yours, coming to place open mouthed kisses against your jaw and neck. 
Your hands continue to roam across the wonderfully compact muscles of his torso, fingers pausing to flick at his nipples before moving to dig into his sides before sliding down to rest on his belt buckle.
You pull away and he lets out a whine as you sit up, gazing down at him, watching as his chest heaves. You wet your lips, thumbing his buckle to get his attention and his gaze darts down to where your hands rest, just above the straining tent in his jeans. Slowly his gaze drags up your body and then…
"Please…" It's breathy and needy, and you can help but let out a small moan as you nod and get to work.
You quickly divest him of both his pants, boxers and socks, leaving him wonderfully naked and needy beneath you, and oh is he a sight to see. 
Taut muscles tensing against soft skin, a smattering of coppery hair on his chest that tapers down his belly to a thatch of curly short hairs framing his perfectly sized cock that now lays dribbling against his stomach.
"Oh Higari, you’re beautiful." You purr, running your hands down his chest.
"Got nothing on you…" he grunts arching into your touch, practically begging you to go lower.
"Such a charmer." You reply with your finger sliding teasingly over his weeping head.
He arches, pale column of his throat on display for you as he lets out a moan.
"Y-you're perfect." He husks and you feel your chest swell with pride.
You pull back for a moment, much to his displeasure, but that quickly changes as he realizes you're removing your robe.
You quickly take the condom out of your pocket before discarding the clothing to the floor in a heap. Laying the rubber next to your calf for easy access. 
Straightening up you perch on his upper thighs and then slowly move your hips.
"Can you feel me Higari?" You hush knowing full well you’re dripping all over him. "Can you feel how wet I am?"
He lets out a needy moan and his hands come to clamp down on your hips as he rolls his hip, cock thrusting up into the cool air of your apartment. 
"Please, please, F/N...please." His words are soft and airy and you absolutely live for them as you roll your hips again, hand smoothing down his aching length.
"Anything you want love." You hush him and grab the condom, he's already so far gone he doesn't even perk up at the sound of the foil tearing.
You need him to pay attention. Tapping his hip bone he slowly comes to focus on you.
"Watch me Higari." You say and you slowly roll the condom onto his straining length.
You want to absolutely pamper him as he makes small little hiccups as you smooth the rubber down him before gently grabbing his base, moving up onto your knees hovering just over him.
"Watch me Higari…" you repeat and he's enraptured as you slowly sink down onto him, bottoming out on him completely in one go.
"Ha-ah!" He arches hands pushing you impossibly closer as he thrusts up into you though there is no more room left to fill.
Oh he's perfect, filling you to the brim, stretching you deliciously as he becomes an unabashed mess beneath you.
You try to move, but his grip is bruising, abdominal muscles tensing as he tries to keep himself in control.
"Higari." You sooth and he looks up at you, lips parted and eyes holding so much adoration it nearly knocks you over.
He lets up his hold after a moment and you lean forward, placing your hands and his chest to steady yourself. You give him an affectionate stare before you rise up, keeping just the tip of him inside before swiftly curling your hips and spearing yourself on his length.
He practically howls and throws his head back, and oh you want to see more of this, want to see him come undone.
You begin a rhythmic deep pace, making sure to swallow him whole on each downward roll of your hips. Higari is already a mess beneath you, now completely out of his shell on full display. In the back of your mind you briefly think he could have been a porn star if he put his mind to it.
He pushes you out of your thoughts as he grips your hips once more and tries to aid you in your movement, you can't help bit smile.
"Relax Higari, this is about you, I'll take care of everything…" you breath and he swallows thickly.
"Wanna help." He slurs "ha! You're so good, soso good." 
"Next time." You're even a bit surprised by how sure there will be a next time and Higari seems to take note of that as well as you watch his gaze unfocus and refocus.
You continue your pace, though your thighs begin to ache, it's too delicious to even think about slowing down; the way your positioned has your clit rubbing against his pubic bone with each roll of your hips.
You can tell he's getting close, the way he trembles and the way he tries to jerk up ever so often out of sync with you. His gaze catches you and for a moment you feel like your drowning. It's then you feel the pad of his thumb press against your clit; you gasp and look down to watch his metal tipped finger swirl around your delicate bundle of nerves, cock disappearing lewdly inside of you with each roll of your hips.
"Gonna, cum, wan' you to cum with me." He husks, bringing your attention back to him and suddenly you're on the cusp, the precipice. 
"Oh, yes, yes...Higari." your head lolls as you allow him to help, his hips thrusting up to meet yours.
And then he's curling, body tensing as he lets out a breathless moan, mouth slack and eyes fluttering closed as he starts to cum. 
That's what pushes you over the edge, his debauched display. And as you tumble over the edge, stars bursting behind your eyes, and toes curling you briefly wished you could feel him pumping you full.
It takes you a moment to come down from your brief jaunt in paradise, sagging against him, panting. You feel his grip on your hip loosen and he brings his other hand to your thigh, thumb coming to sooth over your skin.
You sit in silence as he softens inside of you and you know you should get up and tidy up a bit, but you're basking in the afterglow and you can't find it in you to care that much.
Higari lets out a pleased sigh and he looks completely and utterly satiated and relaxed; it warms your heart.
The next words that come out of your mouth surprise you.
"Stay the night." You whisper almost shyly and it quickly catches his attention.
He cocks his head observing for a moment.
"Do most of your clients stay? I don't want to intrude."  
You honestly are afraid to answer because the answer is no, they don't, and you suddenly feel so raw and exposed it almost scares you.
He must pick up on your nervousness because he gently cups the side of your jaw, brushing some of your sweat damp hair away from your face.
"I'd love to." He says and you feel your heart soar as you nuzzle into his touch.
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Smile Like Crazy (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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YES!! I love Shinsou! I’ve started reading the manga from where season four ends and I’m only a few chapters in, but I already love this quiet loner boy so much! He definitely deserves tickles! Enjoy! ^^
“So, what made you want to transfer into the hero course?” Denki asked Shinsou one afternoon. They’d run into each other on their way to their separate dorms, and after talking for a little bit had settled on a patch of grass to continue their conversation. For all his talk about not wanting to make friends, the new kid seemed willing to hang out when invited to. “I mean, don’t get me wrong! You’re really cool and you’ve definitely got what it takes to keep up with the rest of us. I just know that you started out in support. So what made you change your mind?”
Shinsou was silent for a bit, contemplating. Denki waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts. One thing he was learning about the quiet student from 1-C was that if he didn’t answer right away, it didn’t mean he hadn’t heard you. It just meant he was figuring out how best to reply.
“Truthfully, it’s more like I changed my mind about being in support.” Shinsou’s voice was low and soft. “I’ve wanted to be a hero my whole life. It’s just that people always saw my quirk as a threat, not a gift. Many have told me I have a villain’s quirk.”
Denki sat up, appalled on his friend’s behalf. “Dude, seriously? What the heck?”
“I joined the support class because I let them convince me they were right.” Shinsou frowned. “But the more the League of Villains acts up, the more I want to prove to everyone that I’m not one of them. I never have been and never will be. I want to join the hero course because it’s what I wanted to do in the first place.”
There was silence for a brief moment. Then Denki nudged Shinsou. “Good choice, man. I knew you were cool for a reason. That’s a great origin story.”
Shinsou’s lips tugged upward in the hint of a smile. “Origin story, huh?”
“Sure! All heroes have one. You included.”
Denki smoothly transitioned into his next question. “Do you have friends in the support class? What do they think of your wanting to transfer?”
The hint of a smile was gone. “No.”
“Wait…you don’t have any friends? At all? What about outside of school?”
“Not really.”
“And you don’t want to make any now? Why not?”
Shinsou looked away. “I’ve never needed them before.”
“Everyone needs friends. Even cool loner guys like you.” Denki nudged him again. “Looks to me like you’re making friends whether you want to or not, though, right? I mean, look at us hanging out right now.”
“I wasn’t trying to make friends,” Shinsou admitted, “but I’m not going to actively stop myself from it if it happens naturally. I wouldn’t mind friends. I’m just no good at getting people to want to be around me.”
“Well, you’re doing perfectly fine with me!”
“Midoriya seems insistent to become my friend as well. Everyone else appears content to leave me be until I’m officially in their league.”
Denki shook his head. “Nah, man, they just want to give you space. You said right off the bat you didn’t want to be friends with anyone, and you spend a lot of time alone. They just don’t want to force themselves on you, that’s all. But hey! You start hanging out with us all more, and soon you’ll get the complete Class 1-A initiation. It’ll be awesome!”
“Class 1-A initiation?” Shinsou glanced at him. “You have that? When has anyone else tried to join your class?”
“Maybe initiation wasn’t the right word.” Denki hummed thoughtfully. “Welcome package? Friendship sealer?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m not entirely sure myself.” The electric hero laughed. “But you’ll fit right in, trust me.”
“If you say so.”
Again, Denki transitioned smoothly. “So what kind of stuff do you like to do?”
Shinsou seemed caught off-guard. “Like, in my free time?”
“Of course.”
“Um.” The purple-haired boy hesitated. “I don’t know. I read a lot.”
“Because you spend a lot of time alone?”
Shinsou glanced away and shrugged.
Denki nudged him again. “Come on, dude! What’s something you really love? Something that makes you smile like crazy?”
Suddenly Shinsou seemed flustered. “I…don’t know. Why do you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“You keep pushing me.”
“It’s a friendly push.” Denki did it again. “See? Like, ‘hey, I’m here for you,’ or ‘hey, I like hanging out with you.’ So out with it! There’s got to be something you’re passionate about.”
“I’m passionate about becoming a hero.”
Kaminari leaned forward. “What if we could find a way to get you some field work? Like the kind of stuff we do for class?” That got a reaction. Shinsou’s eyes lit up, though his expression didn’t change. Denki pointed at him. “Aha! There we go! We really should find a way to make that happen for you.”
“That would be awesome,” Shinsou admitted quietly, glancing away again.
Kaminari couldn’t help himself. He poked his friend’s side while he wasn’t looking, grinning when Shinsou jumped and whirled to face him head-on for the first time. “Uh-oh.”
“What?” Shinsou sounded nervous. “What was that for?”
“Are you ticklish at all, Shinsou?”
Dead silence.
Shinsou blinked, glancing at Denki’s hands, then back up at him. “I…um…”
“It’s a simple question.”
Denki reached forward and barely managed to scribble along Shinsou’s side before the taller boy was scrambling back, his eyes wide but – astonishingly to Denki – with a nervous smile on his face. He also noticed the usually quiet kid wasn’t trying to run while he had the chance. Something leapt in his chest.
“All right, then, next question.” Kaminari started to crawl forward. “Do you like being tickled?”
Shinsou’s face went hot pink. “K-Kaminari, h-hold on a s-second…”
“It’s a simple question.” Denki was practically looming over him now, and still Shinsou wasn’t moving away.
“W-Where is this coming from?” He sputtered.
“It’s habit at this point.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s kind of a thing in our class.” Denki reached down and pinched his side, grinning at the single giggle he got in response.
“A thing? What…?” Shinsou giggled again, curling up when Kaminari kept at it this time. “Whahahahahat kind of thihihihing?”
“You know! A thing!” Denki replied just to mess with him, using both hands to scribble along his sides and stomach. “Like, we tickle each other a lot? Because we’re friends and we like making each other laugh? That kind of thing.”
“Ahahahahahall of you?”
“Most of us, yeah. And just think – if you start hanging out with us more you can be involved in all of the tickle fighting we do! Sound fun?”
“I…I dohohohohohon’t knohow…”
Denki moved up to his ribs, smirking when Shinsou yelped and started giggling more frantically. “Yeah, you do.”
“Kahahahaminari!” Shinsou squeaked, grinning uncontrollably. He squirmed but didn’t really try to push the electric hero away. “Wahahahahahait!”
“You do like being tickled, don’t you?” Denki teased, going a little harder. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t question my brilliance. Just accept it.” Kaminari then straddled his new friend and moved up to his underarms. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
“Gah! N-Nohohohohohoho, wahahahahahait!” Shinsou dissolved into hysterical giggles. He pushed weakly at Kami’s hands, squirming and blushing but smiling unabashedly all the while. “Wait, Kahahahahahaminari!”
“Wait for what, exactly? Are you planning to tell me your spot? That would be a nice change of pace.”
Denki laughed. “You know, your spot.” He moved even further up, trying Shinsou’s neck and ears, pleasantly surprised when the purple-haired boy squealed and scrunched up his shoulders. “The spot that makes you really, really laugh. The spot that tickles so bad you almost can’t stand it. You’ve got to have one.”
Shinsou finally reached up to pull Denki’s hands away from his neck, still giggling breathlessly. “This is…this is all happening so fast. I wasn’t prepared for this.”
Kaminari smiled, but took the opportunity to check in. “Is this okay? I got a little excited when you reacted so well, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay,” Shinsou confirmed, seeming actually shy rather than just quiet for the first time. “I don’t mind. It’s just…I haven’t been tickled in years. I was kind of thinking I never would be again.”
“Think again, my friend!” Kaminari hooked his fingers into Shinsou’s hips. “You’re hanging with the Class 1-A tickle monsters now!”
“ACK!! NO!! NONONONO KAHAHAHAHAMINARI NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Shinsou shrieked, tossing his head back with unrestrained laughter. It was, Denki had to admit, the best thing he’d ever heard in his life. Well, right after Bakugou’s laughter, anyway.
“Ooh, is this your spot?” Denki kneaded his thumbs into the hipbones, laughing along with his friend. “Seems like it to me! You share a death spot with Midoriya. That’s awesome!”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP, PLEASE, KAHAHAHAHAMINARI!!” Shinsou writhed helplessly on the ground, his laughter completely genuine and uncontrollable. He tried to pry Denki’s hands from his hips, but being unable to do so only made it tickle more. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!”
Kaminari laughed again. “You even sound like him when you’re tickled here!”
For several moments, it seemed Shinsou was lost to his own hysterics, laughter spilling out of him in loud, frantic, mirthful waves. He dug his heels into the ground and tried to stifle himself out of habit, but found that Denki would relentlessly drill harder into his worst spot every time he tried, leaving him no choice but to be open about how much fun he was having.
Denki grinned widely at his friend. It was rewarding to help him loosen up and laugh like this. He hummed. “I wonder how you’d like my tickle-shocks?”
For a split second the intense sensations vanished, leaving Shinsou to process what Kami had said only seconds after the fact, when he felt fingers grazing his bare skin. “T-Tihihickle wha-AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!” Suddenly the ticklish feeling was back, only far more intense than it had been the first time, and Shinsou very nearly lost his mind laughing so hard. “STOPSTOPSTOP PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAVE MEHEHERCY!! KAMINARIHIHIHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEE!!!”
Denki laughed so hard at Shinsou’s reaction to his tickle-shocks that he had to stop just so he wouldn’t fall over and crush him on the ground. He rolled off of his friend and lay beside him in the grass, giggling words out as best he could. “T-Thahahahaht was the behehehest thing I’ve ehehehever heard, Shinsou!”
Shinsou, for his part, lay panting for breath, still giggling himself. “Thahaht was…the worst thihihihing…I’ve ever enduhuhured…in my life!” He turned his head to Denki, who was already beaming at him. “What was that?”
“My tickle-shocks!” Denki explained proudly, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on an elbow. “I tried it out on Kirishima once a while ago, and it worked so well I just started doing it to other people when I got into tickle fights. It’s an unbeatable attack! Nobody can ever stand it for more than a few seconds.”
Shinsou laughed – on his own this time – and then let out a huge sigh, glancing up at the clouds. “You know, when you asked me what I really liked – what made me smile like crazy – I was afraid to tell you it was this. Tickling.” He smiled. “But if the rest of you all are doing it, why not be part of it? Right?”
“Exactly!” Kaminari smiled back, feeling a warmth in his chest at this unexpected bonding with a new friend. “And don’t worry about the rest of the class. Plenty of us enjoy it to some degree or another. You’ll be in great company.”
Shinsou grinned at him, and Denki couldn’t help but think how refreshing it was to see such a genuinely happy reaction from someone who was usually so quiet and stoic. “I can’t wait.”
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