#man remember when i used to make gifs? i fell off /j
monarchisms · 2 years
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thanks for the request, anon! ♡ 【☢️】
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sapphic-lovegood · 3 years
Favorite Crime 1/3
Rafe Cameron x (Fem)Reader, JJ Maybank x (Fem)Reader
Y/N was once Rafe Cameron's world, but when he chose drugs over her. She picks up the pieces of her broken heart and JJ puts them together again.
Warnings: Toxic relationship, drug abuse, abuse, manipulation, cursing, breakup, sexual themes.
A/N: this is kind of a mix of fanon and canon Rafe, definitely more romanticized than he should be but only for the purpose of this story. This also isn’t time line accurate, I shifted some stuff around so the plot flowed better, don’t come for me.
Word Count: 2122
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(Not my gif)
Rafe and Y/N met out of pure coincidence. Y/N worked on the golf course and Rafe was there one day with friends and he fell in love at first sight.
She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Immediately charming her with his smile, and his confidence. Resulting in what was going to be one dinner.
Y/N knew who Rafe was, she wasn't dumb. But something about that wolfish smile drew her in. He took her out to dinner and it was perfect. She wasn't used to how he treated her.
Like she was a queen. Y/N was relatively shy. But she was kind and had a good heart. Rafe made her feel seen. Like she was a queen. He made her love herself.
Until he didn't. A few months after they became official, and Kildare was buzzing with the news of the Eldest Cameron's new girlfriend, things changed. Rafe changed.
He was secretive and shifty. He didn't tell her things anymore. He snapped at her more often and then he'd cry and apologize. Y/N was worried beyond belief.
Too many nights he'd come crawling in her window after the sun went down. He'd hold her in his lap and cry into her neck.
"It's all a fucking mess." He cried. She gently ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his head.
"It's gonna be okay...whatever is going on will pass." She tried to console. He cursed softly and tightened his arms around her.
Around this time, Y/N started to confide in Sarah. Who had recently started dating John B. Once the pogues had accepted her as one of them, Sarah asked if Y/N could hang out one day after a rough fight with Rafe that the whole Cameron house had heard due to Rafe's unhinged anger issues.
They of course welcomed the new member with open arms. JJ remembered how his eyes nearly popped out of his skull and his cheeks flushed a shade of red no one had seen before. She was fucking perfect. Every inch of her.
She wasn't even wearing anything special. A ratty old hoodie with doodles and cigarettes burns in it. And shorts, her bag and longboard in hand. Her hair was wild and curly, the only thing keeping it out of her face was her sunglasses pushed back on her head.
"Hi! It's real nice to meet you all." She said sweetly. JJ's heart melted as she shook his hand. He got a chance to look at the dozens of handmade brackets on her wrists.
"I'm JJ, nice bracelets." He said. She smiled and undid one.
"Here!" She said, gently tying it around his wrist. He couldn't even answer, too in awe of her immediate kindness to the whole group.
She was a kook. Supposed to be. She didn't look like a kook. They went out on the HMS Pogue for the afternoon. Sarah and Y/N had brought beer and white claws and JJ and Kie provided top shelf weed.
Y/N wasn't a drinker, but man if she didn't enjoy a good joint now and then.
JJ swore it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen watching her roll a J herself. She shrugged her hoodie off and revealed her crocheted bikini top.
"Oh my god! That's so pretty!" Kie said, climbing over and gently touching her strap.
"Thank you- I make them. I'll make you one!" Y/N said. They welcomed Y/N in immediately. She talked to John B about fishing and to Pope about books and JJ could've listened to her talk about anything, all day.
She talked to him about surfing and how she wanted to go on adventures and see the world. She was really perfect.
Then JJ saw the bracelet on her write. A little R charm on it and his head started to spin. No. There's no way.
"What's the R stand for?" JJ asked softly, fingers brushing the bracelet.
"Oh, Rafe." She said, smiling softly. His eyes nearly left his head.
"You with Rafe Cameron?" He asked, catching everyone's attention. Her cheeks flushed brightly and she nodded shyly.
"Yeah, we've been dating for almost a year." She said, sipping her drink. Sarah smiled at Y/N sadly.
"We're actually in a really big fight right now." She whispered, Sarah's arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"No shit?" JJ murmured. Y/N shrugged and smiled sadly.
"Everyone has their baggage. Rafe's always been there for me, and I wanna be there for him. But he pushes people away." Y/N said softly. Sarah hugged her tightly and kissed her head.
"He can be an asshole. I praise you for staying with him." Sarah said. Y/N rolled her eyes and giggled softly.
"He's not that bad. He's sweet and he's always been there for me." She said. Sarah smiled. Y/N really saw something in Rafe no one else did.
Sarah and Kie came over after a bit. Once Y/N was sitting alone again.
"Am I crazy or was there a lil something going on between you and JJ." Kie teased. Y/N flushed and smiled shyly.
"N-No no- we were just talking. H-He was just trying to make me feel included." She said. Sarah smirked at Kiara and nudged her.
"No- he's definitely sweet on ya." Kie said. Y/N giggled and smacked her arm.
"Leave him alone. He was being sweet." Y/N defended. It was cute. They instantly clicked. She just felt comfortable around him.
At the end of the day, Y/N had dove new friends. And before Sarah and her left, JJ pulled her back and put his number in her phone.
"Let's hang out again." He said, a sly smirk on his face.
"Of course!" She said happily. He kissed her cheek and she ran off to Sarah's car.
"Drop me at the boys place, I need to talk to Rafe." Y/N said. Sarah nodded and dropped her off.
Topper let her in and she went down the hall to his room. She knocked softly and the door opened.
"H-Hey...can we talk?" She whispered. He nodded and gently took her hand.
"Yeah- of course." He whispered. She followed him inside and closed his door.
"I'm so fucking sorry about this morning. I- I was hungover and Ward and I were fighting last night. And I took my anger out on you- I know you don't deserve that, I don't deserve you." Rafe said. Y/N was stunned. He always apologized but not like this.
She wrapped her arms around his middle tightly. His chin resting on her head.
"Don't say that- you know I love you so much." She whispered. He gently brushed his finger through her hair and buried his head into her neck.
"I love you- more than I have ever loved anything. I don't know what I'd do without you." He murmured, angry tears filling his eyes.
His fathers words replaying in his head.
Worthless. Fuck up. Deadbeat.
"It's okay, Rafe. M'not going anywhere." She whispered, kissing his cheek. She leaned back, holding his face.
She kissed his cheeks and his nose and then his lips gently.
"I love you, and I'm always here for you." She whispered. He leaned down, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.
"I love you, missed you today." He said softly. She smiled and set her bag down on the bed.
"I missed you too, I was hanging out with Sarah and her friends." She said. His jaw clenched and he rolled his eyes.
"Those fucking pogues?" He asked.
"Hey! Don't be mean, they were really nice." She said, shrugging her hoodie off so she could change out of her wet swimsuit.
"What'd you do?" He asked.
"Went out on John B's boat and we swam for a bit. Kie was really nice." She said. Rafe didn't like them by any means. But if Y/N liked them, he wasn't gonna say anything to discourage her from making friends.
"That's good, baby. Glad you had a good day." He said, watching as she pulled on a pair of spare leggings she kept at his house and one of his sweatshirts. She climbed onto the bed next to him and nuzzled into his side.
"I'm exhausted." She murmured, her arms wrapping around his middle.
"Yeah, long day, huh?" He said softly. She nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Why'd you get into it with, Ward?" She asked softly, gently holding his cheek.
"Oh you know...the usual. I'm a fuck up and I'm gonna kill myself with the drugs." He said. Her heart clenched and she picked at her bottom lip.
"Well...the drugs are something I'd like to talk about." She whispered. He groaned, rolling so he was leaning over her.
"Not you too." He grumbled. She held his face and pouted.
"Rafe...you know that I don't ever judge you. But the coke is getting out of hand and you know it." She said, holding his chin gently.
"I know, baby. I'm getting my shit together- I swear. I'm getting it tight. For Wheezie, for you, for my dad." He said.
"Fuck your dad...you're smart and sweet and he doesn't appreciate all you do for him." She whispered. He smirked and kissed her softly. She really did see something in him. She knew he was good. She thought he was good.
She stayed that night, wanting to make up for the time apart while they were fighting.
In the morning they made breakfast together and the boys teased the two. Teasing Rafe that he was whipped. He didn't care. Because he loved her. And she made him a better person.
She started to hang out with Sarah and the pogues more often. Much to Rafe's dismay. He hated that she was around them. She hated that she was around JJ, and John B and Pope. His girl.
He'd never voice his fears because he didn't wanna sound insecure or needy. But fuck, if he did t full with rage every time she left to meet them at the docs.
Rafe had been at Barry's before going back to the apartment. When he came home, he was high off his ass. And being high made him paranoid as it was.
Y/N got home from swimming with Kie and Sarah. An oversized flannel thrown over her swim suit.
"Hi, baby! How was your day?" She greeted sweetly. He looked up and his eyes darkened.
"My day? It was fine...guess it would've been better if I hadn't have seen JJ all fucking over you." He growled. She stopped, her heart skipping a beat.
"R-Rafe, we weren't doing anything. H-He helped me out of the water and into the boat." She said, her back against the wall. He slammed his hands against the table and marched over.
She flinched as his fists hit the wall on either side of her head.
"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yelled. Tears filled her eyes and she shoved him away from her.
"D-Do not talk to me that way! I-I didn't fucking flirt with JJ- I didn't cheat on you! So get a fucking grip!" She screamed, her body shaking with fear.
He'd never looked so angry in his life. She was terrified.
His jaw clenched and he punched the wall, his fist going directly through. She jumped, a small shriek leaving her.
"I saw you!" He yelled. She cried and pushed her hair out of her eyes.
"You saw me with my friends! You saw my friend helping me! I-I don't get the fucking complex you have about JJ but he's my fucking friend! So get your shit sorted, Rafe." She said. He grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall.
She looked up at him and her heart stopped. His pupils were wider than she'd ever seen them. Barely able to see the pretty blue of his irises that she'd fallen in live with. It wasn't Rafe looking back at her. It was something else.
"Y-You're high- y-you are fucking high, Rafe!" She cried, shoving him away from her.
"Y-You said- you said y-you were gonna stop a-and be better!" She yelled.
"It doesn't fucking matter! Why do you care?" He yelled. She jumped and pushed him back as he got in her face.
"Because I don't want you to fucking die!" She screamed.
"I-I don't want JJ- I just want you. W-Why can't you see that?" She cried, grabbing her bag and leaving. She hopped on her bike and started pedaling. Anywhere. She didn't care.
She called Sarah in tears. Needing someone.
"We're all at the Chateau. Come here."
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petite-ely · 4 years
Afraid // JJ Maybank
Six - Too much to risk
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem routledge! reader
Warnings: Mention gun, being shot at, swearing, slight mention of death, maybe some mistakes oopsie, tell me if I missed something
Description: A small improvised visits by Petekin leads to a hectic afternoon in the marsh.
A/n : Hellooo guys, gals and pals, this is quite a long part. I really wanted to finish the first episode. also I really don’t know how to had a little read mor thing I don’t know how. Sorry! hope you like it!
Previously next
Afraid masterlist
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gif by @robinsbuckly
Song recommendation
It was now far later in the morning, meaning the sun had fully risen and it was a much more reasonable hour to be up at. JJ had left a while ago and John B was still peacefully sleeping (and loudly snoring). Y/n hadn’t been able to go to sleep after her talk with the blond boy and she was now sitting on the couch reading her book (actually reading this time). So, when she heard the front door open, she didn’t bother looking up, assuming it was one of her friends. Who else would just come in like that anyway?
"Hey, there’s coffee made in the kitchen if you want any,” she said, still not pulling her gaze of off her book.
“That’s kind of you to offer, but I’ve already had two cups this morning, I don’t think it would be reasonable for me to have more.” Y/n’s book fell to the ground.  
“Sheriff Peterkin, I’m so sorry. I-I thought you were someone else-” she got up from her seat, “-do you, do you need anything, water or uh-”
“You don’t have to bother sweetheart, I’m not planning on staying that long. I just want to talk for a bit,” answered the adult.
“Okay,” she took a pause to swallow. “I’ll go get John B.”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll go get him myself.” Y/n nodded, watching as she disappeared into the hallway leading to her brother’s room.  
She started pacing around the living room, ferociously biting the nails on her left hand. It wasn’t every day a cop showed up in your house. She had absolutely no idea why Peterkin would want to talk. Actually, she had about 25 different ideas, starting with the fact her uncle hadn’t been on the island for about 3 months. And the party last night, what if she knew about the gun? Would JJ be in trouble? Whatever it was, it wasn’t good, that she was certain of it.
The conversation went on for much longer than expected. Basically, Peterkin knew about their uncle being awol and she offered to help get  dcs off of their back for a while if they helped her in return. She had also mentioned that it wouldn’t be good if they had seen a shipwreck, which of course they denied despite that being actually true. Y/n didn’t fully understand what Peterkin meant. But she knew that it meant there was something valuable in that boat. And Jonh B knew it too. Yet, he was afraid, which was understandable, considering everything. They were pretty much guaranteed to be put in foster care if they got caught. Not good at all.
“You know what? I'm calling it off,” announced John B.
Y/n raised her head from her sketchbook, dropping her pencil on the low table in front of her to listen to what her brother had to say. She had been drawing silently while the other pogues, all sitting in different ridiculous positions across the backyard, talked and did their own things. She was only half listening to what they were saying, sketching messily the outline of the château. It wasn't very good, but it was calming to do. When she heard the seriousness in her brother’s tone, she closed her sketchbook, otherwise she’d be too distracted.
“Peterkin told us that if we stayed out of the marsh, she’d help with dcs.” The girl grimaced remembering the woman’s words.  
“And you believed her?” “Yes, JJ I believed her.”
“You really think that she’d help us?” asked y/n. “It’s been more than 6 months, bird. If she really wanted to help, she would have helped earlier, no?”  
“Yeah, she’s a cop, an actual cop. And you think she’s telling the truth?” added JJ.
“Look,” John B glanced at y/n. “All we gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days and she’ll help us.”
“I know, I was there.” Kiara snickered softly at her friend’s words. “But I don’t know, I feel like we’re getting tricked or something. What if she’s like trying to lure us out of there-” she gestured to the water behind them, “-because there’s something she doesn’t want us to see, uh? What if it’s about dad?”  
J.B rubbed the back of his neck before turning his body slightly to face the ocean. “Look,” he addressed his sister. “I get that you’re curious and you want to know what’s down there, but I'm only trying to do what’s best for us. And I think it would be better if we listened to Peterkin. I’m just trying to keep you safe, to protect you, bug.” His voice softened as he finished his sentence.
“And it didn’t help that JJ was shooting a gun last night!” Y/n raised her eyebrows at Pope, her face clearly showing intrigue. She wondered where this conversation would lead, a fight between the two boys most likely. Her gaze shifted to JJ who seemed annoyed at the Routledge boy’s words.
“You know what, I should’ve let Topper drown your ass.” John B laughed. “Topper was gonna drown me?” “Sure looked like it.”
“Boys can you plea-” Y/n tried to stop the small bickers, miserably failing as her brother interrupted her. “Funny.” A loud sigh escaped the girl’s lips and Kiara beside her pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Have you looked in a mirror?” “Tell me some more. Come on.” “They always win don’t they, man?”
“Kooks versus pogues. They always, always win!” You could hear the frustration dripping from his voice. Which was understandable. He had a point, kooks always won, it was time for a change.
“Goddamn!” “Look, it’s okay!” Kie tried to reassure him. “No, it’s not okay!”
“He’s right,” agreed y/n. “They always win, or find a way to avoid the consequences.”
“Exactly, they don’t want us to go down into the marsh, that means there's something valuable down there and you know it.” He said to John B. “I know you do.”
“And I understand why you wouldn’t want to go,” he pointed to Pope. “You’re the golden boy, you got way too much to risk. And you,” he turned to Kiara. “I mean you’re already rich as fuck anyway.” Okay, that was an exaggeration.
“Why would you bother.”
“But us, you, me and y/n, we’ve got nothing to lose!” His eyes glowed with something y/n hadn’t seen in him in a long time. Hope. It made her sad to think about how JJ really had nothing in his life besides the pogues. But if he was hopeful, then maybe, maybe...
“We really don’t.” “Yes, we do have something to lose.”
“If something goes wrong and dcs comes in, y/n and I would be brought to the mainland in foster care. That means placed with families who probably only care about the check that comes in every month and her and I getting separated from one another and from you guys.”
Y/n thought about what her brother had just said. He had a point, if things went wrong, they could lose everything. Each other mainly and the pogues. It was the worst-case scenario. But if they didn’t get caught, it would make their life so much better. Was it worth all the risk though? That was the question.
“Do you understand what that means? How horrible it would be?” The girl got up from her seat and went to stand next to her brother. “I do,” she said. “I understand, bird.”
“I know that you’re scared and so am I.  It’s a pretty big risk. If we get caught, we’re fucked, but listen to what JJ has to say. I think that it might be worth the risk. And if we do get caught-,” she put her hand on his shoulder and turned him around so that he faced her, “we’ll find a way to find each other again. We’re Routledges, we always find a way to solve our problems, don’t we?” Her hand squeezed his shoulder softly. “We’re gonna be alright, bird.”
A small smile drew itself on John B’s lips. “So, what’s the plan,” he said to JJ.
“You got the key to Cameron’s big boat, right?” “No,” J. B’s face scrunched in disagreement.
“There’s scuba gear. We borrow that and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon and that’s what’s gonna save you, man,” exclaimed JJ. “You don’t see rich kids going into foster care, do you?”
Y/n breathed out loudly. She was scared as hell. This was going to be pretty tricky, but she knew something was down there. And if it wasn’t money or something like that, then it was something related to her dad’s disappearance. She could feel it deep into her soul.
“This is empty, you took empty tanks,” announced Kiara to the group as she furrowed through the bag of oxygen tanks.
Y/n put her head in her hands. Their plan had seemed so perfect and now they didn’t have the one thing they needed for it to work.
“Okay this one’s a quarter full. It’s enough for one of us.” “Love it when a plan comes together.”
“Does anybody know how to dive?” asked the brunette but only to be answered by a chorus of shrugs and denying nods. “Anybody?”
“It’s kind of a kook sport,” JJ looked at her.
“I, … I read about it,” tried Pope.  
“Great, Pope read about it, now someone’s gonna die,” exclaimed Kie dramatically.
“Look.” JJ’s gaze circled the group of friends.  “You put the thing in your mouth and you breathe. How hard can it be?”  
“I don’t think it’s that simple,” confessed y/n.
“Yeah,” agreed Pope. “If you come up too fast, Nitrogen gets in your blood and you get the bends.”
The girl’s eyes widened. She remembered a book she had read a while ago where one of the characters had the decompression sickness (and how tragic their death was).  
“Bends like bend over?” JJ joked as he bent his body in a way to stick his butt up in the air. Typical JJ joke, weird and somehow always a bit sexual. Y/n slapped his arm as a way to tell him off.  
“JJ, the bends is deadly,” she had a stern expression, “it kills you.” “Oh, right.”
“I can- I can dive,” announced J.B. “Yeah, you can dive I’m cool with that.” “Since when can you dive?”  
“No, you can’t dive,” scoffed his sister. “I’ll do it, it’s fine.” “What? The hell?”
“Let’s do some calculations real quick.” Pope pulled out a pen and started writing some numbers. Y/n got up from her seat and went to stand beside him. “So, that boat’s about 30 feet down.” “okay.” “So, it’ll take about 25 minutes at most at that depth.” “Twenty-five.” “Which means you need to make your safety stop at about... 10 feet. Alright? For two minutes.” “Ten feet, two minutes got it.”
They all watched as Kiara jumped straight into the water, her shirt already removed. “Uh, what was that all about?” “I don’t know, but I liked it, a lot.” y/n nudged her brother on the shoulder to get him to stop staring. He cleared his throat.
“Uh, so.” “All righty.”
She sat down on the edge of the boat, waiting for her friend to resurface from underwater. “Yeah. Uh, when you- when you’re down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and you twist and pull, okay,” explained JJ. “Stick it in, twist and pull.”
“You okay?” asked y/n, while the boys kept on rambling. “Needed a swim?” Kiara rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face.  
“Hey!” she called to guys, John b more specifically. “I tied my t-shirt to the anchor about ten feet down. It’s where you need to do your safety stop.”
The Routledge girl admired her friend in the water. Her body moving gracefully as she swam back towards the boat. She seemed so, at ease. It used to be that way for her too, but now, even looking into the darkest part of the water gave her a feeling of vertigo. She wondered if she could still swim as good as she used to. It had been almost a year since the last time she had dove right into the marsh. It felt so far away. If only she was braver.
She hadn’t realised she had completely zoned out until she heard JJ speak. “Zen. Think Zen, you know.” She joined the group on the other side of the hms, her brother already suited for his dive.
“Hey, if we get caught out here in the marsh we’re basically screwed, so,” reminded Pope, “better get a move on.” “Copy that.”
Kiara got up and planted a small kiss on J. B’s cheek. Y/n looked at the two boys next to her with a confused expression. They both shrugged in answer, clearly just as confused as she was. “Diver down?” “Diver down.” She watched as his figure disappeared slowly into the water.
“All right.” “See ya, dude.”
She went to sit next to Kie. “I only love him as a brother,” she mocked her friend. “Yeah right, my ass.”  
“It’s just a small kiss y/n/n, it doesn’t mean anything. I still mean what I said yesterday. It’s just that,” she took a pause, her eyes squinting at the sun, “I’m just worried for him, you know he’s going through a lot and then there’s the shipwreck and all.”
“Uh huh, I totally get what you mean,” ironized y/n. “Shut up,” Kie nudged her with her elbow. “No, but seriously-” started the girl before being interrupted by the sound of a police siren behind her.
“Shit, guys.” “Guys, that’s the police.”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no, that is not good. Not good at all.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” “Yep that’s the police.” “Just act fricking normal.”
Anxiety bubbled at the pit of y/n’s stomach. Hopefully he wouldn’t recognize her, otherwise she was dead. So dead. She sat down beside Kiara in a somewhat natural position, her legs crossed to keep them from bouncing.
The police boat parked itself beside the hms. Officer Shoupe behind the wheel. “Evenin’ officers,” greeted Pope. “Evening.”
“How you kids doin’ ,” asked Shoupe. “You know the marsh is closed.”
“No.” “No.” “No, wow.” “I didn’t know that.” They all feigned ignorance, hoping to fool the two adults. “Why- why is it closed?” questioned Pope, adjusting his cap nervously.
“Well, we’re conducting a search out here,” informed the man. “Boat went down.” “Oh.” “Oh, no.”
“Seen’ anything?” asked the deputy.
“No.” “No, boats. No.” Y/n’s fingers tapped rhythmically on the boat, trying to keep herself from looking at her brother in the water.
“Where’s your friend you always hang with?” The pace of the rhythm fastened. “He here?” She opened her mouth, trying to think of a good excuse for the missing presence of her brother, but nothing came out.
“He’s working,” lied Kie. All of their heads nodded softly.
“I’m gonna check your little boat out,” announced Shoupe before hopping on the hms. “Yeah.” “Yeah, hop aboard.” The rhythm stopped, y/n’s nails digging into her palms.
He picked up a safety jacket. “You got another one of these?” “Yeah, yeah.”
“Of course, it’s uh, it’s in the hold,” JJ pointed to where the girls were seated. They both got up quickly. “Show him,” instructed Kie. Y/n’s joints were turning white.
“Okay.” JJ opened the hold and pulled out one of the jackets. “Yeah, here we go.” “All right.” The latch closed loudly. Shoupe’s gaze inspected the teens suspiciously. The tension could be cut with a knife.
He climbed on the flat part of the boat. “Be careful.” “Be careful out there, you don’t want to slip.”
He put his sunglasses on, staring at the exact place where John B and the ship were. The pogues exchanged worried glances. Hopefully, he wouldn’t see anything. He stood on the very edge of the boat, his figure towering over the water of the marsh.
“All right,” he finally turned around. Y/n breathed again. “All right.” “All right.”
“Beautiful day, innit?” “Sure is.”
“You let us know if you see anything on your way out,” he ordered as he started the engine. “Will do, will do.”
“We’ll be gone soon, sir.” “Yes, you will,” finally said the man before he vogued away.
Once he was far enough, the group hurried to the side of the boat, all worried about their friend. He’d been under for quite a long time now, there was no way he had any air left.
“He’s definitely out of air,” declared Pope.
At that exact moment, John B surged out of the water. Y/n felt relief take over her body. She felt her whole body unclench and let go of the grip her nails had in her hand.
“There he is!” Exclaimed JJ. “Oh god, Jesus Christ.”
“God damn it, Bird. I’m so glad you’re okay,” spoke y/n.
“Don’t scare us like that!” All of the pogues exclaimed, all so happy that their friend was all right.
“How’d it go down there?” wondered JJ. “Uh,” John b groaned and his sister hurried to the side of the boat to help him get in.
“Did you find anything?”
“Did I find anything?” He repeated throwing a large duffel bag onto the boat.
“Yeah there we go, that’s my boy!” JJ exclaimed excitedly.
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked as he coughed rather loudly. “Yeah, I’m good, but I ran out of air.” Her eyebrows scrunched together on her forehead. God, they were so lucky, what if J.B had ran out of air earlier? Or what if Shoupe had figured out what they were doing? Things could have gotten so bad.
But they didn’t, the girl reminded herself.
“You scared the shit out of me,” confessed Kiara, though it sounded more like a reproach.
“Yeah, same for me,” replied y/n. “Need a hand?” she stuck her hand out at him which he gladly took. The contact of the water with the cuts her nails had made in her hands burned, but she clenched her jaw and ignored the pain. She didn’t want to bother anyone.
“Yeah, the cops were up here but uh, took care of ‘em,” informed Pope.
“My bad.” “You’re all good.” “Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother.”
“Hey guys?” Kiara’s voice was tinted with worry. “Guys, bogey, two o-clock.”
“What?” They all turned in the direction she was referring to. In the distance they noticed a strange looking boat heading towards them.
“Do you recognize that boat?”
“I’ve never seen it.” Kie put her hand above her eyes to hide herself from the sun. “What are they doing back here? The marsh is closed.”
“Honestly, they could ask us the same thing,” pointed y/n.
“Well, I think it would be better if we didn’t stick around and find out,” said JJ.
“JJ, get the bowline.” “Yeah.”
“Should we wait on ‘em?” asked Pope.
“Uh, I don’t think that would be a great idea,” responded y/n. The boat was coming in very fast and the people driving it looked angry and dangerous. It was much safer to just leave. “Go get the stern, go!” Hurried John B.
The blonde pulled the rope as fast as he possibly could. “Guys, don’t wait for me. Go,” he said. Y/n inspected the unknown boat in the distance, nothing about it seemed familiar. Who could these people be? And what did they want from them? “Let’s go.”
She kept her eyes glued to it as the motor started. “I have a really bad feeling about this,” she confessed, turning her head to John B. behind the wheel. “Yeah, I don’t like this either,” agreed Pope.
“Are they coming for us?” asked JJ. “Sure looks like it.”  
“Maybe they’re fishing?” proposed Pope. Y/n’s gaze paused on the two men. They were intimidating, to say the least. And their eyes, both had looks filled with something threatening. It wasn’t anger or hatred, no, it was the eyes of people who would do anything to get what they wanted and that was scary.
“Go, go, go, go!” “Go into the marsh.” “Let’s go!”
“I’m going. Act natural,” stated John B as he directed the hms towards the nearest channel.  
The white boat sped up, the motor roaring loudly. “Hey guys, they’re following us,” announced y/n. “Oh, this can’t be good.” “Shit”
“Dude, you gotta go faster!” “I’m going!” “Gun it!”
The sound of a gun shooting in the air echoed in the silence of the marsh. The pogues all went down instinctively. “Holy shit, guys!” “Oh my fucking god, what the fuck!”
JJ grabbed the back of y/n’s shirt with his hand, bringing her closer to him. “John b get down!” almost hissed the girl. Another shot fired, y/n clung onto JJ.
“Oh my god, we’re gonna die!” yelled Pope. A third shot fired. Y/n’s eyes caught the net at the back of the boat and an idea sparked in her head. She looked at Kiara, who clearly had thought of the same thing.
“Pope, move,” ordered the brunette as her friend stood to go grab the green net. Another shot flew into the air beside her, the bullet barely missing her.  
“Get down, y/n!” shouted her brother desperately. She headed towards the back of the boat and threw the net into the water. It slid down the current and got caught right into the motor of the men’s boat, making the engine come to a halt abruptly. It clanged loudly and the two men shouted in anger. A sigh of relief left the girl’s lips. Her plan had worked.
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” hurried Pope. A last gunshot was heard but the hms was too far away to be reached.
“Oh my god!” “Whew!” The pogues all cheered and laughed at their small victory. They were all so glad to be away from these men and all in one piece. Kiara pulled y/n into a hug.
“Y/n, don’t you ever do something like that again. You fucking scared the crap out of me,” said John B as they approached the dock of the château. “I can’t promise anything. Who knows when someone else will shoot at us?”
They all hurried themselves onto the dock, excited to know the content of the bag. “What do you guys think it is?” “Maybe it’s like jewelry? Would be a weird place to keep it but who knows?” “Gotta be money, right?”  
“That or a couple of keys with street value to the low- to mid-mils!” JJ’s eyes glistened with excitement. Y/n smiled softly.
“Can we please just open the bag?” burst Pope. The group all started at him.
“Wow Pope,” y/n giggled. “That was a rare outburst of emotions.”
“You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag. We almost died over this.”
John B. pulled out a smaller bag which contained a metal canister. Every pair of eyes was fixed onto it as he pried it open and revealed a compass. Y/n kneeled next to her brother not believing what she was seeing. They exchanged a look, neither of them saying anything. They both knew what that object was and what it meant to their father, but what the hell was it doing there?
“Oh, wow. Yup, that’s about right.” Pope was clearly disappointed by their findings. “Good job, everybody. We found a compass.” Y/n raised a trembling hand to the compass, carefully taking it into her own hands to examine it. Was this really what she thought it was? How could it be? It didn’t make any sense.
JJ removed his hat in frustration. “Dude, what? It’s not worth anything.”
A small smile creeped on Jonh b’s face, his eyes still not looking away from the compass. “This was,” he started.
“This was our father’s,” completed y/n.
 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @poguestyle17 @im-a-stranger-thing @lasnaro @thoughtsofthestars @briandaflores19 @lunaposey @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc @kitty084 @coloradogirl07 @ponyboys-sunsets @chaoticbisous @p0gue420 @sloaneemily @babygal-babygal
Tell me if you wanna be added or removed!
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plaidbooks · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Sonny Carisi
Karen asked when I was doing the SFW with Sonny, and I’m stuck on a fic, so I guess the answer is now. I haven’t decided if I’m doing the other two or not yet, I guess it depends if people want it?
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner​ @mrsrafaelbarba​ @detective-giggles​
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(gif by @minidodds)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sonny is super affectionate—he needs to be touching you at all times. In public, it’s an arm around your shoulders or waist, a hand on your lower back or arm, his hand clutching yours. In private, he has you pulled against him, his fingertips trailing over you absentmindedly. He also loves cooking for you—it’s his love language. He knows your favorite dishes by heart and will make them on days you feel like crap, without you asking.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Sonny bonded over drinks in a bar. The hockey game was on, and you were both rooting for Islanders, creating an instant bond between you two. Sonny is the best of best friends; he’s there for advice, to listen, to take your mind off things for a while. Even if he’s stuck at work (unless he’s actively in the field being shot at, or in front of a jury), he’ll text you, or take a break to listen to you vent if you need it. Also, growing up with all girls means he understands the intricacies of the things you may need, especially during that time of the month.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sonny is the best at cuddling! Those limbs were made to wrap around you, holding you close to him. He’s fond of cuddling on the couch while watching bad reality TV or sports. If it’s too hot or you’re both expecting to get up (for food or drinks), then he’ll pull you close to his side, sitting with you comfortably. If it’s a lazy night in, then he’ll lay with you on the couch, tugging you against his long body, kissing you/your skin every now and again.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes. Sonny wants a family—as soon as he finds the one, he’s full in; marriage, children, a house. He also loves cooking, but hates cleaning. He’ll clean his knives and the expensive pans he owns, but the rest can wait until morning. As for other cleaning, he likes vacuuming because he can dance like a goofball while doing it, but he hates doing laundry—folding clothes hurts his back.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
In person. Sonny’s not one to do it over phone/text. It hurts him as much as you, but he’ll sit with you and explain why it’s happening, every single detail. He’ll offer to still be friends (as long as it’s an amicable breakup), and he’s still a comfort to talk to after a breakup, even if it’s awkward at first.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sonny has a set of questions that he goes through within the beginning stages of a relationship. Man’s looking for a wife and he doesn’t want to waste his time; if you don’t fall into his category of wife material, he’ll move on. But, if you pass all the tests, then he’s quick to move in/have you move in with him. He’s busy and at work often, so it takes him a little, but he’s proposing within a year of living together. Marriage takes a little longer, but Ma Carisi is texting him every day asking when it is.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sonny is the sweetest bean. He’s gentle, but knows how to be a little tougher if that’s what the situation calls for (thank you detective work). Every now and again, very rarely, he’ll say something really stupid, and you’ll give him a glare before he’s apologizing emphatically.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sonny is a hugger! He’ll hug you every time he meets up with you, even if you’ve only been out of the room for a couple minutes. He’s also fond of hugging you from behind, his lanky body folding against your back. He envelops you with those long limbs, pulling you close and rocking with you slightly.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
If you pass all his tests, then Sonny says it pretty quickly. Once he says it that first time, though, he’ll never stop saying it; whispering “I love you,” into the night, saying a quick “love ya!” before rushing out the door to work, “god, I love you,” he chuckles, shaking his head as you surprise him at work with food.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sonny’s not the jealous type; he trusts you completely. Though, because of his time as detective, he does have a general distrust of guys, especially at bars. So, while he’s not jealous, he is protective. If he sees someone staring at you, he’ll put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him while glaring at the offender.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Most of the time, Sonny’s kisses are sloppy—he’s normally grinning or laughing, especially when he gets to kiss you! It makes him so giddy and excited. But for kisses where he’s serious/turned on already, then it’s more passionate, desperate, his tongue moving with yours. He likes to kiss you all over your face—any part of it. You make the cutest little giggle when he does. And he likes when you kiss his neck or chest—your lips are so soft against him and it makes his heart flutter.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Uncle Sonny is the coolest uncle in existence! He watches the shows/movies/games with the kids and knows all their meme references. He’ll play Mario Kart (surprisingly well), talk about Pokemon, set up obstacle courses and forts to have nerf gun wars with them. He never runs out of energy until the kids are in bed (and then he crashes hard) and he gets to let his inner child out.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On days that Sonny works, he’s up early to shower. Sometimes he makes it there right after waking up, sometimes you have lazy morning sex first. He owns an automatic coffee maker that was essential, and he has pre-made breakfast that he’ll pop in the microwave. Though, sometimes he doesn’t have time to eat. If you’re awake, too, he’ll spend the morning talking to you before dashing out the door. If you’re not up, he’s near-silent in the apartment, making sure not to wake you.
On days where Sonny’s off, he makes sure to stay in bed, cuddling with you. Sometimes, you’ll spend all day in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom or for food/drinks. Other times, he’ll drag himself sleepily out of bed, then make a huge breakfast, spending the morning talking and catching up with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Late nights in the office, he’ll come home and curl against you on the couch. If neither of you have eaten yet, then give him an hour to decompress and he’ll make dinner…or you can convince him to order takeout. Otherwise, it’s leftovers that you’ll reheat for him, catching up on the day.
Days off, Sonny spends rememorizing you—not just your body, but your mind, too, and why he fell in love with you. He’ll stay up all night chatting with you, if that’s what you want. Otherwise, he’ll take you to bed, spending half the night caressing you with his hands and mouth.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
His personal life—his family and early years—he’ll talk about freely. It’s only when you get to his life as a cop/detective, and then lawyer, that he’s hesitant. Sonny doesn’t want to scare you with the gruesome details of past cases, whether they were resolved or not—they still keep him up at night; he doesn’t need to do that to you, too. And he never really does talk about details of cases; he’ll give you the broad strokes, but that’s about it. He also won’t tell you about the traumatic things (the car crash, the gun in his face) unless you were there for them, and even then, he’ll try and brush it off as nothing.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
For the most part, Sonny has infinite patience. But there’s a couple things that set him off, or if you happen to catch him on a bad day, his patience will be thin. He’s quicker to anger since becoming an ADA, but that’s only because he’s still a fish fighting against the stream. And even then, it’s only while in the thick of it—most days are fine. But a few cases have got him so worked up, he’ll be in a bad mood when he comes home. It’s nothing that cuddling and soft words can’t fix, though.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Sonny’s mind works in weird ways—he’s forgotten your birthstone (though he knows your birthday!), but he’ll remember the coffee you ordered on your first date. He knows a good deal about you, and he remembers the important things (allergies, birthdays, anniversaries), but he’ll forget things like when he went to the store and you asked him to grab a gallon of milk. It’s a hit or miss on what he remembers.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you both kissed. Sonny was nervous; he wanted to wait until the third date, like a good little Catholic boy, but you were putting the moves on him and he couldn’t stop himself. He made sure to ask you first, and you gave your consent. The moment his lips touched yours, his life changed forever—he knew in that moment that he loved you, with all his heart. As much of a cliché as it is, when you kissed, there were fireworks, and he was so excited, he forgot to continue kissing you. You leaned back, eyebrow raised, but he hadn’t moved, his eyes closed, a dreamy smile on his face. When he came to and realized what had happened, he apologized, and you chuckled before kissing him again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Sometimes, Sonny goes all out for dates. Other times, he takes you for a simple walk through the park, fingers interlaced. Anniversaries, however, he goes above and beyond, making sure to take your breath away every time. He likes giving you gifts, and they are thoughtful. He can somehow always sense when you’ve had a bad day, and a coffee and cannoli will appear on your desk, with a heart on a sticky note. Dinner is what he puts a lot of effort into, even if he brushes it off, and he makes an effort to talk to you at least once a day, catching up on your day.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sonny makes a mess of the bathroom counter—half empty cologne bottles, gel tubs, combs and brushes everywhere. He takes up more space than you, trying to make sure he’s presentable in court. You’ve tried to clean up/rearrange, but he’ll destroy it by the next morning. He also has a bad habit of stacking dishes in the sink (except his expensive ones), claiming to wash them tomorrow, but tomorrow never seems to come.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
On work days, Sonny is very concerned about looking good for the courts. He’s slowly collecting dress shirts and ties, making sure he has plenty of gel for his hair, and having a different cologne for every day of the week.
On days he’s off, Sonny cannot force himself to care about his looks. He’ll still gel his hair out of habit—and to keep the strands out of his eyes—but even that’s only if he’s going out. If he’s staying inside, then he won’t even do that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
As soon as you’re living together, you’re a part of him. Sonny needs someone to hold and love, and vice versa; he needs some cuddles and a listening ear every now and again. After moving in, it’s very unlikely he’d break up with you—you complete him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sonny’s ticklish on his hips/stomach. One day, he came home from work upset, trying to bury himself in work on the coffee table. It was a Friday, and the trial wasn’t until Monday, so you told him to relax. But he couldn’t just relax, he had arguments to prepare. So, you forced him to his feet, telling him that he had to have one dance with you, and then he could stress about work. He was still grumbling as you swayed together in the living room, even though he was fighting a smile. So, you tickled him until he was breathless from laughter, tears in his eyes. He relaxed after that, talking to you about his shitty day. And after unloading all of that, his mind was clearer, and he was able to make his arguments in the trial easier.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Sonny doesn’t like drunks—he’ll have a crazy night with you every now and again, or have a beer with dinner, but he’s not interested in taking care of you multiple times a week; if he needs to be an adult, so do you. He also doesn’t like partners who are clingy—physically clingy is fine (man must be touching you, remember), but emotionally? Nah, especially because he’ll have some early mornings and late nights at work and won’t be home for most of the day. If you can’t handle that, then it’s not going to work out.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sonny has mild insomnia. He takes medication for it, but when the cases are bad, he’ll have trouble sleeping, even after a night of making love to you (though that can help). Sometimes, he’ll lay awake until the wee hours of the morning, listening to your soft breathing, finally drifting off only to be awoken a few hours later by his alarm.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
NSFW alphabet Eren Jaeger edition
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Author note : would you believe me if I told you I literally dreamt about it ? I’m not kidding I’ve got the whole thing on my mind I couldn’t not write this down. Well I hope you’ll enjoy it. I’ve got inspire by couple headcanon I read but I couldn’t remember which one my apologies. 
I do not own that gif credit to the owner
Warning : NSFW below / gender neutral 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He is not the best when it came to aftercare but he’s not the worst. It’s just he gives everything during your session to please you, to love you properly that he just felt so tired after that. So basically he will just lay down and have you on his chest, his hand on your hair stroking it while falling asleep. But if he was a particularly rough session or if he felt like you need some proper aftercare be sure he’ll do everything for your comfort : clean you by running you a bath if you’re not too sore (otherwise he’ll will clean you while you’re on the bed), massaging some spot he might hurt like your hips or your back, even changing the sheets if you two were particularly dirty. 
On a rare occasion, when both of you have time and if Eren felt particularly needy he might make a bath for both you so he could have you back against his chest his arm around you while he would kiss your neck or your shoulder. It’s something he’ll grown to love so that will become an habit of him. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
First of all he is absolutely in love with you meaning he doesn’t care about your physics he loves you for who you are. Buuut he is obsessed by your eyes and lips there something about how powerful they are and how good they fell when they are in him. He craves for any mark of affection and he is sucker for your hand, just the way they feel on his cheek when you kiss him or desperate they are on his when he fucks you the right way. 
But if you want to be dirty, there something about your chest that never stop to amazed him. He just can’t help but stare at them : he is chest man. 
When it came to him, he kinda proud of his abs and basically his whole chest. Like I said he is chest man so if he is amazed by how good your chest look, he is also concerned by the way his chest look : he always smirk when he catches you looking at his abs, his arms lusting for his body. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Normally Eren isn’t messy at all, he was taught  to be clean no matter what circumstances (no wonder why Levi likes the way Eren clean). So when it came to sex he tries his best to not make a mess. But it’s kinda difficult you know ? Cause he really loves to cum on your body it’s definetely a huge turn on for him : if he saw your chest covered by his cum damn he’s done for another round with you. He just loves the way he could mark you as his even if he’ll clean you after you won’t be able to erase that picture. 
You’re wondering why he never comes into you ? 
That’s simple because he was afraid to ask you, no matter how long your relationship is established there still things who is he still ashamed to ask. But one day, you two were more intimate than usual : he got you sat on his lap riding his cock, your hands on his shoulder for support while he was holding you by your hips whispering how much he loves how he couldn’t have enough of you. With a quick move he got you on your back, your legs around his waist as he was moving deeply in you. There were nothing rough on his move just pure love and adoration for you. Your breath were erratic has his hit all the good spot, then he started to speed up his pace feeling that both of you were close to your climax. And with a last powerful thrust he filled you, as you were overwhelmed by your own orgasm. He couldn’t describe how good he felt and you couldn’t either. 
Right after this he apologized for culling inside of you which you told him that it was absolutely fine besides you enjoyed it. Now no matter when, everytime you walked by his side he got that smug on his face knowing there something who came from him into you. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves keeping your underwear after having sex with you, he’ll try to catch it before you could notice. Then he’ll help to dress again taking advantage of the fact you were probably too sore to even noticed you weren’t wearing your underwear anymore. Then, when he’ll be alone with Jean he might let poke out your underwear just enough so Jean would catch him : The smug on Eren’s face is indefinable he just enjoys letting him know that he actually has a significant other and he is more a man than him. Also the sight of Jean became a whole blush mess because he understand why Eren had your underwear in his pocket is priceless. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No matter how old he was when you started your relationship, expect him to be a baby virgin. During his whole life he was only focused on killing titans besides he never expected to meet someone and being in relationship. 
But he’s not that obvious when it came to sex, his father was a doctor so yeah he taught him a things or two about human body : when he was 8 years old he learned how to make baby and it definetly disgust him I mean what the point of putting something who is supposed to be for peeing in something who is supposed to do the same things ? That day he told his mum he will never make baby which makes her laugh so hard. Of course he doesn’t know how powerful hormones can be. Basically he knows the basics where to put his cock and what to do to not hurt you : he is absolutely unaware how important foreplay is, at first he thought kissing you was enough to turn you on (well it is but you know that’s not all about it ???). 
So you’ll have to talk a lot about it with him so he won’t do mistake he might regret. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
At first he was absolutely fine with you under him, missionary was definetly his thing. In fact even if he doesn’t have experienced in sex, Eren is pretty dominant in bed. So having you under him, your legs around his waist as you giving yourself to him : that’s so beautiful and yet so powerful. 
With time, he’ll try more position as he is very open about it ( he doesn’t see what he should  be ashamed about being curious sex is just another subject ???), he loves when you ride him the sight of you blessing with pure ecstasy definetly became a kink for him, he is sucker for doggy style cause not only did you trust him enough to let him have his thing but it also felt absolutely good. When he felt especially needy or romantic, he will take you on his lap as you ride him while hugging you. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Find something eren isn’t serious about. You got it, like I said, sex is another subject that interest him so he is not afraid to ask something or just try new thing. And like any subject he is into, he is very serious so don’t expect him to crack some joke or anything in addition he will feel offended if you try to mock him or anything : this is something intimate and very important, he is about to show you how much he loves you so be serious. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Did you see that poor baby goatee and mustache he got back in Mahr days ? He isn’t very hairy and he shaved a lot cause he loved being smooth he finds it more convenient and clean. When it came to you well, he is not very demanding but he expect you to no bother him with your hair. 
He is not a fan of hairs that could be a turn off if you didn’t take care of it, but he won’t ever force you to shave or anything just asking you to take care of it so it won’t bother him while he takes care of you. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
At this times, you could guess what I’m about to answer. He is VERY intimate with you, sex is another way for him to show you how much he loves you and since he is not very good with his words it’s a good way to counterbalance that. Eren is known to be a passionate person : When he has sex with you he does passionately.  
Expect him to cover your body with kiss and deep touch, he’ll whispers into your ear praising you telling you how much he loves you. Slightly just enough for you to feel, he will bite your earlobe and your neck expect some hickeys at the end of your session. He will caress every part of your body kissing each part of your skin at this time you might even come about how good he is when he touch you. He wants you to be pleased like the queen you are to him. Eren is passionate you’re one of his passion and he wants you to know that. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
During a long time he never touched himself, not because he didn’t want to but because he didn’t know what to do : unfortunately his dad was gone before he has time to teach him this (Grisha only taught him how to make a baby he wanted to talk about masturbation when Eren would be a teenager). He only learns about it cause one day he saw one of his camarad touching himself on the bedroom, it was short but he saw how to do it. And during the night when was alone on the bathroom he tried. 
It felt good and his released help him going through his stress, so basically he used to do it to destress. He stopped it when you two became intimate cause he didn’t see the point of keep going. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He might have a daddy kink and a pregnancy kink but won’t admit it.  He is a Dom in bed, he counterbalance the lack of control he has on his own life, on the bed with you (which you were absolutely fine with that since he knows how to please you). In addition he always wanted to have a family on his own, the sight of you and especially your belly full of baby of him : +100 ego boost for eren. In addition he might have a voyeurism kink (Go to W ;)) 
That’s something quite « dark » for him so he might never talk about it 
But that’s not all about it, he got a praise kink just told him how good he make you feel and he’ll reward you. He has lack of confidence so it’s good for his pride. He might be into overstimulation too cause the sight of your body shaking from pleasure is a most for him. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Your room is definetly his favorite place but considering how busy you two were, most or the time much to his dismay you couldn’t have sex in your place. 
Time to time he enjoys having you in storeroom, back against a wall, trying to shut your moan as he fucks you deeply. One day he tried to sleep with you on a wood during a day-off but he wasn’t satisfied cause he has to be quick so you won’t be caught. 
Basically any place with a wall, a table would be fine with him but a bed it’s definetly a most. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Again no matter how old he was when you two got intimate, he became addict to it. He is kinda sensitive and the feeling he got while he was into you was incredible and nothing could compare. But, Eren being the man he is, he could be kinda obvious when it came to something who isn’t titan’s related. So sometimes when you were excited and wanted to got released from him, the boy might not see it. 
So to have him in a mood is pretty simple, there are so much things he loves about you especially your body. If you want to be subtle you could play with the button of your shirt while looking at him, or bitting your lip while looking at him. If he doesn’t get what you need or if he wants to tease you by not giving you what you want. Well you’ll have to confront him, took his arm into yours and make sur to squeeze it against your chest while whispering into his ears how much you crave for him, bit very gently his earlobe then beg for him and one minute later you find yourself against a wall while he kissed you. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is definetly against everything who involves pain, your life was already painful and hard without bringing it into bed (he won’t be against spanking you though) so forget anything like blood play, hard BDSM, anything involving humiliation. 
Threesome is a big no a HUGE NO you are his and only his what would you bring someone ??? Don’t ever ask him, seriously he will think he is not good enough for you. You don’t want to make him sad right ?
Basically everything Involving lack of movement (like tie someone) isn’t really his thing since he used to be tied a lot of time. But if you bring it safely, explain him and took your time he might tie you up against the head of the bed but it’ll take even more time for you to convince him to let you tied him up : most of the time it triggered bad memories so it kills the mood. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Give him head and he will be the luckiest man of the world, seriously he was a bit reluctant at first cause he didn’t expect something like that to happen. But when you started to kiss his length his doubt was quickly forgotten. He loves receiving more than giving but that doesn’t mean he won’t give you a special treatment. This is a part of why he loves your lips, around him sucking him like the good lover you are. 
little trick : give him a deep throat while playing with his balls and the whole neighbors will know your name. 
He is very good with his tongue and he got better and better with times, the feel of you against his mouth shaking, moaning, begging for him is a huge turn on for him. If he managed to make you cum hard on his mouth he might cum himself cause it was incredible. If you think he was good with his tongue, he is even better at giving head with his fingers. 
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually his pace his deep and kinda fast, he is so lost in the moment and the sound of your moan is everything he needs to purchase his own release. He wants you to feel him just as much as he enjoys feeling your wall around him. 
On a rare occasion, when he is romantic he would be very slow but always deep into you just enjoying the pleasure in addition it gives him all the time he wants to love you and praise you. On the contrary when he feels jealous, he tends to be pretty rough : he will ravage you in bed just to make sure everyone in the world will know who you belong to
No matter which pace he will have, you always felt overwhelmed by pleasure. He is great lover despite his lack of experience he is fastest learner.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He is not into quickie, sex is supposed to be an intimate moment for both of you so you could express your feeling and enjoying each other in a physical aspect. But quickie ? He couldn’t praise you properly what the point ? 
He quickly change his mind when you give him head on storeroom during a training session, after coming from your sweet lips he turn you around back face into him and he would got you around him. After that he started to enjoy this and will initiate it when he’ll have a boner and he couldn’t take it away. But that doesn’t change his opinion : sex in bed Is way better 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Earlier I said that you two have sex in woods one day that give you an idea right ? Like I said Eren is very open when it came to sex so he is always into trying new thing in bed (as long as it’s not bringing someone else). He loves the chill of the fact he could be surprised while he is having his way on you. 
One day you were cleaning one of the basement’s room, it was hot so you took your shirt over so you were on a tank top and Eren might have a boner seeing you bending over to catch some dust while wearing your tight pant. One moment later you felt his hand on your ass squeeze it gently while his second hand was on your hips. And before you could even realized he got you on the table, him on you looking at you with nothing but pure love and lust. 
that being said he will never try something you are not into it. And he will never put you into situation that you make you uncomfortable. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Being a soldier for him to work a lot on his body to be as hardy as possible and he willing to use it on you. That being said your first couple of time weren’t as long as he wanted to due to his lack of experiment. He was literally overwhelmed by pleasure. But with times he learned to not end too quickly and he started to last like twenty minute easily without count foreplay. And he can go for two maybe three rounds if he is not too exhausted. 
He never get enough of you and sometimes you have to tell him stop cause you were far too sensitive too keep going. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not really into toys he doesn’t see the point of uses it since he is more than enough to satisfy you. But you own toys he would oblige and use it on you and maybe will he let you use it on him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
At first he wasn’t much a tease and when he does it that was by accident because he took too much time kissing your body. It wasn’t his intention. But in getting older Eren learned to enjoy teasing you, part of it because he loves hearing you beg for him it makes him feel so important for you. Like he’s the only one who knows how to please you. 
Man bun Eren is teaser and he is not afraid to make you crazy about him just to hear you beg for him.  
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Despite his Dom personality, Eren is a moaning mess : everything felt just too good for him and he couldn’t control himself but moan with you. In addition hearing you moaning his name make him moan. He is loud and he is even louder when you give him head. That’s probably the curses of being passionate you couldn’t control yourself.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He definetly has a voyeurism kink, he never knows about it until one day it was late, everyone was supposed to sleep now. At least that what Eren thought when he came into your room after a week of not being able to touch you. He took this opportunity to cherish you just the way you deserve it. 
But while you were on four and him was behind you giving you his best thrust as he was getting closer to his climax he could swore he saw someone looking by the crack of the door. The thought of someone watching him as he was pleasing you was enough to got him into his own climax but he tried his best to not come. You didn’t know why he does that but you felt it him getting harder on you, one his hand was spanking you just the way you like it while his other hand was on your neck, putting you more in the mattress. His pace was animalistic, you didn’t know where it came from but you sure enjoy it. Eren on the other hand, motivate by the thought of someone watching you, did everything to last as long as possible until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
At the end he never knows if someone did actually watch him but he sure enjoy the thought. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I don’t know if it’s because of his titan DNA but he is sure huge not that monstrous but enough to make you salivate at the thought of him inside of you. He is probably 8,6 inch (length) for 1,5 inch (width). 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Maybe it’s his hormone maybe it’s just him but he has a huge sex drive and much to his dismay he couldn’t satisfy it as much as he wants to. He just couldn’t get enough of you, it seems like no matter what you did he’ll find it attractive. He is really into you : kicking Jean’s ass ? Boner. Bending over to catch something ? Boner. Pressing your chest against his ? Boner. You have a huge effect on him. 
Most of the time he can control his sex drive and cool himself before he got a boner but sometimes no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t prevent his boner so he’ll take into the closest storeroom for you to take care of his « problem ». 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how many rounds you two got, if you got three rounds eren will just lay down on the bed and put you on his chest before falling asleep (not before giving you a quick good night kiss) if he was reasonable he would take time to run you a bath, clean you if you need to or just lay down with you on the bed holding you close and start a talk about anything. You know just to have more time with you. 
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Between Two Agents (1/2)
Title: Between Two Agents (1/2)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader x Marcus Pike
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,226
Warnings: Racy thoughts, suggestive flirting, no smut yet
Tags: @funandfangirlingcollide
Author Notes: This was all based on a sinful prompt I sent to @agent-whiskeys-sweetheart​ for her follower milestone sin night. I feel like I had to build this lead up to the smut because of course I can’t just go straight for the smut (I wish I had that super power.) Anyway! here is the first part of this idea that I put out into the world. The second part will be pretty much filthy smut (I mean it’s Javi, c’mon) so be warned. Please let me know what you think so far, feedback is always appreciated.
Gif Credit: Pinterest
Part 2
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Your feet were pounding on the pavement as you made a mad dash down the street to the J. Edgar Hoover Building. You had woken up late due to a power outage in your apartment complex that had managed to reset your alarm on your phone and your digital alarm clock. Fortunately you had managed to catch the very next subway to Federal Triangle Station which wasn’t that far from the Hoover building. Unfortunately you had gotten dressed hurriedly and you were pretty sure your buttons were mismatched on your blouse under your blazer and you had grabbed the nearest skirt in your closet which happened to be the one that didn’t quite fit right ever since a month ago. You had obviously gained some weight due to your boyfriend’s new cooking skills he was testing on you.
         Just as you made it to the main doors to the building you slowed to a halt to catch your breath before you went into work, with a quick glance at your wrist watch you saw you were only fifteen minutes late thankfully. Hopefully your boss was in a good mood this morning, you weren’t able to get a read on her when you had called her to tell you’d be running late and why you were. Just as you moved towards the front doors you crashed into someone, the person you crashed into wrapped their arms around your waist and held you close to them so that you wouldn’t fall on your ass.
         Relief flashed through you and you looked up to offer your savior a grateful thank you. But when you looked up at the man holding you close to him you felt your throat dry out like a desert in a drought and your brain started playing loud static in between your ears. He was gorgeous. He had dark chestnut hair that looked like it hadn’t been trimmed in lord knew how long as it curled around his ears and fell almost in his eyes. His dark chocolate eyes were piercing and had a harsh undertone to them. His nose stood out on his face in a way that made you want to nuzzle your own against it. There was a scraggly looking mustache on his face and the starting of a five o’clock shadow on the underside of his chin. The man had a deep tan to his weathered skin that looked like he’d been out in the sun for far too long but it looked good on him. He was wearing a black short sleeved button up shirt and the top button was undone giving you a peak at the skin under the hollow of his throat. His neck looked sturdy and strong and oddly that turned you on? When your eyes darted up to his face once again you saw him leering at you with a knowing smirk directed down at you, busted.
         Gulping slightly you let the man hold you as you began to take a step back from him. Your hands must’ve come up to brace against his chest because they were pressed there against what felt like his pecks and you felt a blush bloom on your cheeks. You had been caught checking this man out and almost feeling him up.
         “I should start charging you for looking huh, mi amor?” he asked conspiratorially and you felt your blush engulf your entire body instantly.
         “I’m so sorry.” You said sheepishly as you stepped farther away from him instantly missing the feeling of his hands on you. “I’m running late and wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m so sorry.” You said easily in explanation.
         “It’s nothing to be sorry about I do love feeling the body of a beautiful woman pressed up against me this early in the morning.” The man said with a smirk as his eyes danced around your face. Your mind raced with images of laying naked in bed with this man pressed against you breathing heavily into your ear. You shivered slightly and watched as the man’s pupils dilated as he watched your reaction to his words.
         What the hell was wrong with you?! You had a boyfriend, a very loving one at that. But maybe it was that talk the two of you had a few nights ago. The one about your fantasies. The one where you told your boyfriend that you’d always been curious about threesomes. And now you were thinking about this man and your boyfriend pressed to each side of you letting their hands travel up and you’re your body. Their lips pressing different kisses into your skin. Shaking your head you smiled brightly at him letting the professional persona fall over you easily.
         “Again I’m sorry for running into you, but I need to get to work. Thanks for catching me though.” You said good-naturedly and watched as the man smiled at you.
         “Anytime mi amor.” He responded easily and you moved around him to walk into the building and go through security.
         As the elevator dinged you walked into your department of the FBI and immediately saw your boyfriend Marcus leaning against the front desk of your department. When he heard the ding of the elevator he turned and you watched as his eyes raked over you in relief. Moving away from the front desk he walked over to you with a bright smile that slowly creeped across his lips and lit up his face. His hands came up to cup the outside of your elbows and he leaned in giving you a quick to your temple.
         “Morning sweetheart. Mary told me what happened, you okay?” he greeted you and looked into your eyes a little worriedly. You smiled at him and reached up to lightly trace a finger down the side of his face. He was always worrying about you, and it made you feel so loved to know and see his concern for your well being.
         “Better now that I got to see you.” You said affectionately and watched as another bright happy smile grew across his face at your words. You grinned as you watched his eyes crinkle at the edges and he stepped closer to you. “But yes I’m okay, just had a run in with someone at the entrance to the building.”
         “A run in?” Marcus asked softly and you chuckled amused at yourself and what had happened this morning.
         “Oh yeah, literally ran into some guy downstairs. He actually caught me before I fell on my ass.” You said sheepishly as you chuckled at yourself. Marcus smirked down at you as he swung an arm over your shoulders and began walking you over to your office.
         “You’re such an adorable clutz.” He said warmly to you as he pressed another kiss your temple before walking into your office with you. You moved over to your desk and dropped your messenger bag next to your chair and looked over at Marcus as he stood across the desk from you. “What is it sweetheart?” he asked softly slightly concerned, you wondered if you should share with him the thoughts that you had this morning about the man you ran into.
         “You remember that talk we had a few nights ago?” you asked as you moved over to your office door and shutting it. Marcus turned to watch you and raised an eyebrow at your movements before his eyes darkened as he realized what talk you were asking about.
         “You mean the talk where we shared our fantasies?” he asked, probably wanting to make sure he was on the same page as you. You nodded your head at him and walked back over to your desk and picked up your messenger bag and began to pulling out your case files and laptop setting them on your desk. “What about it sweetheart?” Marcus asked as he stepped closer to your desk making you look up at him.
         “Well, when I ran into that guy this morning all I could think about was the three of us together.” You admitted wondering if Marcus would be upset with you. You cringed slightly as the silence stretched between the two of you, you began to panic suddenly wondering if you had just overstepped and ruined everything.
         “Hey, look at me.” Marcus said softly and your eyes darted up to him and saw that he was smirking softly at you. “There’s my pretty girl.” He said in an almost whisper. His words made your gut clench with arousal remembering what fantasies he had shared with you that night and you felt your body begin to heat up. Marcus had confessed to you that he was always curious about threesomes as well but he had said that he would rather it be with someone that the two of you wouldn’t ever see again. That it would be a one-time thing just to curb his curiosity. “We’ll find the right person to fulfill that fantasy of ours sweetheart, I promise. Do you know who the guy was?” he said reassuringly to you.
         “No, I didn’t see a badge or I.D. on him. And I didn’t catch his name. He was probably just someone walking past the building.” You said shrugging. “He actually reminded me of you a little bit. He was almost like a darker version of you.” You explain smiling widely at him.
         “A darker version huh? What’s the matter am I too soft for you?” he asked teasingly as he smirked at you. You adamantly shook your head as you watched him slowly walk around your desk towards you with a challenging look in his eye that made arousal flush through your body again.
         “Not at all. He gave off a hardened vibe. Where you’re sweet and warm he’d be cold and bitter. Two side of the same coin.” You explained as you felt your breaths coming out in pants as Marcus moved even closer to you trapping you against your desk.
         “Is that what you want? Two opposites in bed with you giving you the best of both worlds?” Marcus crooned to you seductively and you felt yourself melting softly into his embrace as his arms came to cage you in.
         “Hmmm, could you imagine?” you asked softly as your eyelids dropped to half-mast. “Me in between you and him begging for you take me anyway you wanted.” You hummed up at him as your hands played with the bright red tie he had chosen this morning. Tugging on his tie you dragged him closer to you and pressed a soft kiss to his lips and he grunted against your mouth. “Your hands and his all over my body as I begged and pleaded with you to do something.” You whispered against his lips not moving away when you broke the kiss.
         “Damnit sweetheart.” Marcus hissed as one of his hands came up to grip your hip. He pressed closer to you and you felt his hard on pressing into your hip and you gasped softly. “I’m gonna be stuck in a briefing almost all day working with DEA on a case we’re assigned to with that image in my head and this sexy little look you got going on.” He groaned softly as he flicked one of your buttons on your shirt. Looking down you saw that you had in fact buttoned your shirt wrong and grimaced softly. You instantly felt bad for working him up and you slid your hand down his chest towards his belt.
         “I could always help you real quick.” You said softly in repentance. Marcus gripped your wrist tightly and shook his head.
         “No time pretty girl, the briefing starts in ten minutes. I’m pretty sure the DEA agents are waiting on me.” Marcus said reluctantly as he stepped back. You watched as he tried to control himself. You were surprised when he looked up and then cupped the back of your head before he descended on your mouth with a heated kiss that made you whimper softly against him and melt in his arms. “Think about what I’m going to do you later tonight sweetheart when I finally get you alone. And fix your shirt.” He whispered seductively to you and you gasped. With a smirk Marcus kissed your cheek and then walked out of your office quickly. You panted softly and quickly turned from your office door as you unbuttoned and buttoned your shirt correctly.
           “Alright so I think now would be a good time to break for a bit and get a breather.” Said the lead FBI agent on the case. Marcus nodded his head eagerly wanting to get away from the conference room that they had all holed up in for the last few hours. He pushed back from the table and pulled his phone from his pocket. He smiled when he saw that he had a few text messages from you. As he read the text messages he stood from his chair and walked out of the conference room over to the small break room on this floor. He turned to lean his back against the counter next to the fridge not paying attention to any of the other agents that walked in.
         “Hey Pike” came the voice of one of the FBI agents he was working with and he looked up easily with a small smile on his face.
         “Yeah?” he asked curiously.
         “Stop sexting your woman, we’re all gonna order from the chinese place do you wanna order lunch?” he asked and Marcus smirked softly at him before telling him what he wanted for lunch.
         “So sexting huh?” came an amused voice next to him and Marcus looked over to his left to see DEA Agent Peña leaning against the countertop much like him but sipping from a mug of coffee he had made. Marcus scoffed softly and shook his head.
         “They’re just jealous.” Marcus said shrugging his shoulders before he looked back down at his phone. He grinned softly as he saw you had sent him a selfie of yourself with a text that read Thinking about you.
         “Well they have good reason to be jealous if that’s your woman.” Agent Peña said easily as he nodded his head to Marcus’ phone. Marcus smirked softly and nodded his head as he showed the other agent your picture. “Wait, that’s your woman?” Agent Peña asked suddenly and Marcus instantly noticed the stiff stature the other agent held as he stared at your picture.
         “You know her?” Marcus asked curiously as he began to figure out how the DEA agent could possibly know you. Was he your mystery man? Marcus surveyed the other man and could see the similarities that you had spoken about before. And suddenly Marcus was hit by how fortuitous this would be if he played his cards right.
         “I ran into her this morning.” Agent Peña explained as he nodded at your picture. “You’re a lucky man.”
         “Oh you have no idea.” Marcus said nodding his head. “What would you say if I offered you an opportunity to be lucky as well?” Marcus asked lowly and the DEA agent looked over at him sharply with a heated look.
           You’re sitting in your office finishing up your case file packet with all of your research before quitting time when your phone buzzes next to you on the desk. Looking over to it you see Marcus’ contact image lighting up your screen making you smile. Quickly picking up your phone you swipe over the screen and press it to your ear.
         “Hey babe!” you said cheerily as you answered the call.
         “Hey sweetheart, you getting ready to head out?” Marcus asks warmly and you laugh softly amazed that this man knows you well after only a few months of dating.
         “Yeah just finishing up my last case file.” You said easily as you start organizing all the papers you needed to include in the file.
         “Good, hey listen I’m going to meet you at your apartment after work alright.” He said warmly and you grinned widely.
         “Ok, is everything alright? The DEA are keeping you a little later?” you asked teasingly. Marcus’ chuckle came over the line and you felt your insides melting at the sound.
         “Something like that.” He said easily before you heard him pause. You furrowed your eyebrows and were about to speak up when Marcus beat you to it. “I want you to do something for me once you get home okay?” he said in low gravelly tone and suddenly heat flushed your whole body. You knew that whatever he asked of you you’d do it when he used that tone but now your curiosity was peaked. “Wanna try something new tonight if you’re up for it.” He said lowly and you panted out a breath.
         “Yeah. Yes. What did you have in mind?” you panted out softly. Marcus chuckled softly into your ear and you felt your insides melting even further. At this point it’d take you forever just to get home because you’d be a melted puddle on the floor all thanks to this man of yours.
         “Remember that black set I bought you a few weekends ago?” he asked lowly and you could only imagine him sitting in a conference room hunched over the table trying to talk to you just softly enough that the others wouldn’t hear him.
         “Mmhmm.” You hummed softly knowing exactly which set he was talking about. It was a pretty black lace bra and panty set that had pretty floral designs in the lace that looked great on your skin. Marcus had bought it for you on a whim as he saw it in a small local lingerie boutique. And you had yet to show it off for him.
         “I want you to put that on when you get home and blindfold yourself and wait for me in the bed.” He said so lowly that it almost sounded like he was growling out the words over the phone. You shivered as you imagined what you were in for tonight. “Alright pretty girl?” he asked lowly and goosebumps erupted across your skin.
         “Yes sir.” You whispered into the phone with baited breath. You knew those two words were what the FBI agent was looking for and you were rewarded with a low groan in your ear.
         “That’s my good girl.” He crooned to you and you shivered again. “I gotta go but I’ll be home within the hour okay?”
         “Yes sir.” You answered and then hung up the phone. Suddenly you needed to get home. You quickly packed your things away and rushed out of the office. You had things to do before Marcus came over.
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sebspocketsquare · 4 years
Quarantine 8
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (online)
A/N: Heya guys! Here’s part 8. I hope you like it ;)
Warnings: Flirting, language, breaking quarantine, nerves, feels, fluff, some sad talk, talk of the freight car incident, one single, solitary KISS(I did use a gif from endings, beginnings in here too, at the very bottom.)
Unsteady digits wrap around the door handle, while the other set unlatches your locks. 
The door swings open fast enough to startle J into a standing position, nearly falling over with his back to you.
The first thing you notice is his height, his strong, wide shoulders… and then the way his clothing sticks to his form. He was drenched, as you had feared.
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He turns halfway, taking a peek at you through his peripheral vision, as if he can’t believe you just opened the door. Like he can’t believe you’re now standing before him, no barrier between you.
“I-I can’t just let you sit out here.” You try to say, but it comes out a breathless whisper.
That’s when he finally turns to face you, eyes softening and lips curving up when he’s able to really take you in. “Clair.”
The name comes out in a sigh, at the same time that you both move forward for an embrace.
But you stop, just as fast.
The rule.
No contact.
He drops his hands in fists at his side, as do you, and sighs in defeat.
Your next words seem to brighten him up again.
“Do you.. Want to come inside..?”
His eyes land on yours and he looks unsure.
You can read the unspoken question in his gaze, ‘what about the quarantine?’.
“My couch is pretty big. We can stay separated, I promise. No touching.” You hold your hands up in mock surrender, and he smiles for the second time that night before he nods.
“I’d love to.”
It’s strange, watching him enter your apartment.
It was a scenario that you’d imagined many, many times, but never like this.
He kicks his shoes off by your shoe rack and you can hear his socks make a wet slosh against the wooden floors.
He releases a nervous laugh as a slight pink tinge surfaces on his cheeks. “I uh.. I guess I’m a little wet. Could I.. Do you have a towel I could borrow?”
Nodding, you quickly scurry off to your bathroom closet, returning with two fluffy towels for him to use. He’s already shedding his coat, letting it hang from the back of one of your dining room chairs. There are little puddles of water scattered on the floor from every move he’s made, and you can’t help but giggle a little.
He releases a chuckle of his own at the sound, “Are you laughin’ at me, doll?”
“Maybe just a bit.. Here.” You hand him the towels, close enough now to see that even his jeans are colored dark blue from their over moisturization, and a small frown takes over your face.
“What’s the matter, Clair?” He wonders, seeing the crease in your brow.
“You should, um..” You pause, realizing the implications of what you were so ready to ask of him just seconds ago.
He raises his eyebrows, as if to ask, ‘what?’.
Warmth creeps up your neck as the next words come out of your mouth. “You really should let me wash and dry your clothes for you.. once the power comes back on, of course.. You’re going to get sick.”
“Are you..” He clears his throat as a smirk appears on his lips. “You want me to get undressed? On our second date? Clair..” He cocks his eyebrow playfully, and his teasing officially breaks the ice between the two of you, causing you both to erupt into laughter.
Once the sound dies down, you repeat yourself. “I mean it. Get undressed. I have a spare blanket you can bundle up in for now.” You nod to the blanket resting on the back of your couch, and he nods in return. “Yes ma’am.”
You move into the living room and light a few candles, placing his thermos on the coffee table right next to the remote. Trying not to let yourself get too distracted by the fact that J is undressing in the middle of your living room, you light a few more candles while you wait.
He speaks your name once he’s finished, and you turn to find him standing in his boxers with a long sleeved shirt still on. His pants, socks and hoodie are hanging from his fingers and the blanket you mentioned is clutched in his other hand.
“Where’s the washer? I don’t want you to have to do my laundry.”
You lick your lips, picking up one of the candles and cocking your head in a request to follow you through the apartment, and he does, but keeps a distance as he walks behind you.
When you reach the laundry room, you stand in the far corner, watching him toss the clothes into the machine.
“You know.. I.. I meant the shirt, too. That’s one of the things that’s the most wet.”
His hands are still in the machine, and you can see the muscles tense in his back. 
You know he’s uncomfortable with you seeing his arm, the scars and the prosthetic. 
The way the cloth of his shirt clings to his skin makes it look like everything is completely normal to you, but you remember how terrified he was to even tell you about it in the first place.
“I.. I can’t.”
You sigh, wishing you could reach out and place a comforting hand on his shoulder. “If it’s about.. Your arm.. It’s okay, J. I’m not going to judge you.. I told you it wouldn’t bother me.”
It’s his turn to sigh, and he lets his head hang low. “It.. It’s more than that..”
A few moments of silence hang in the air between you, and that's when you decide it’s best to give him a bit of space. “Look.. I’ll go wait in the living room so you can have some privacy, okay? I just.. You should really get your shirt dry too. I’m just worried about you.”
You don’t leave time for him to say anything before you set your candle on the dryer beside him and head back through the dark apartment.
It takes twenty minutes before he joins you.
You’re staring into the candle that rests on the coffee table, so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t hear him come up behind you. When he takes a seat on the opposite end of the couch, you jump and let out a small gasp. “Oh! Fuck, I-I didn’t even hear you come back.”
In the light from the candle, you can see him smile nervously as he adjusts his sitting position. He’s got one of the towels you loaned him wrapped around his shoulders like a vice, and you swear you see a metallic glimmer on his arm before he has the chance to pull your blanket around himself.
“Better?” You ask once he’s settled, staring at the candle you had been watching moments before. 
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A silence forms between you.
It’s not necessarily uncomfortable, but you can tell he’s trying to figure out how to tell you something. Whatever it was he couldn’t bring himself to say in the laundry room.
“Clair?” He murmurs. You look up at him in return.
“I.. I need to tell you something.”
“Okay..” Unsure of what he could have to say, you adjust so you’re sitting cross legged, facing him with your hands in your lap.
A sigh leaves his lips, and you can see the inner war he’s waging written on his face.
“I knew I’d have to tell you eventually, I.. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon.. Definitely not today. I hope that when I tell you.. You don’t think differently of me.”
He can’t even make eye contact with you at this point, and your heart drops to your stomach.
“What is it, J?”
“Do you remember… it was a fair few years ago, but.. There was a man who set off a bomb at the UN in Vienna? Killed several people, including the king of a foreign country..?”
You try to think back. The story sounds familiar, but you can’t recall all the details of the event.
“Vaguely.. Wasn’t there a suspect in custody, but it ended up not being him at all? Someone impersonated him?”
J nods, “The suspect was.. Well, they called him The Winter Soldier..”
“Oh! That’s right! James something.. And it was actually some crazy guy who also impersonated a psychiatrist he had murdered. I remember now..”
You wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t at first.
“J.. What does any of that have to do with you?”
He inhales shakily. You can tell he’s trying not to cry.
“In 1944, I was on a mission with my best friend Steve. We were dropping in on this train, trying to get a hold of… someone.. someone bad.” 
He stops, and you start doing the math in your head.. That was 76 years ago, so why is he talking like he was actually there?
“I lost my footing and.. Steve, he tried to save me, but.. I fell from the freight car and down the mountain. I thought I was dead. When I woke up on an operating table, face to face with a man who had used me for his ridiculous experiments when I had been captured before, I.. I wished I had died.”
He pauses to sniffle, and that’s when you realize he’s crying.
This is real to him.
“He said he was helping me. That amputation was my only option.. I-I didn’t realize he was making me into a weapon.. Or that the process had started before I even stepped foot on or off that train.”
He adjusts, and the blanket he kept so tightly wrapped around him falls a bit, revealing a gleaming plate in his left shoulder. You make the decision not to point it out, to let him finish his story, no matter where it leads.
“I spent the next several years.. Brainwashed. They made me do things that I never would have done. Over and over and over again.” The next breath he takes in is more of a gasp than anything. It breaks your heart.
“When the UN was bombed.. I was done with all of that. I wasn’t that person anymore. I wasn’t a puppet.. A monster.. I’ve spent my time since then trying to become a better man, and I.. I’d like to think that I am. I don't do those things anymore, I.. I just help people.”
He finally looks up to see your reaction, eyes shining with fresh tears.
“So you.. You’re.. Him.”
You release a long breath you didn't realize you’d been holding in.
“So then.. The reason you got weird when I mentioned Sam looking like Captain America.. It’s because..”
“He’s Captain America, yes. You were right.”
Running a hand through your hair, you try to collect your thoughts, “Wow.”
He’s waiting for you to say something, anything, but you remain silent, mind racing.
“Clair?” He finally pulls your attention back to the present moment.
His eyes meet yours and he looks concerned. “Are you.. Are you okay?”
“It’s just…”
You let out a shuddering breath before speaking.
“There’s an Avenger sitting on my couch and Captain fucking America installed my security system..”
The noise that leaves J’s mouth is somewhere between a laugh and a sob, and he’s got a confused look on his face. “This is not how I expected you to react. Are you in shock?”
“No, it’s just… Well, wait, how did you expect me to react?” You start to explain yourself, but decide to question him instead.
He sighs, and you notice his eyes start to glisten even in the dim room. “Well, I..” 
When he pauses, you instinctively lean forward a fraction of an inch, just wanting to wrap him in your arms.
“I certainly didn’t expect you to stick around, that’s for sure.. This has been my biggest fear about all of this..”
“So.. you thought you’d tell me the truth about who you really are and I’d what? ….run away?” Your voice is soft, an undertone of sadness evident. “J, I.. I got to know the real you, even if I didn’t know who you were. Don’t you see that? We had no choice but to rely on an emotional connection for all those months that we talked, and we still managed to find ourselves here, I.. I guess what I’m trying to say is.. you’re still the same person, to me. It doesn’t change anything about what we’ve been through together, doesn’t change how intensely I feel about—“ 
You suddenly stop, realizing what you almost let slip.
He catches it, the corner of his lip rising to a small smile. 
“How intensely you feel about what, doll?” He murmurs, so softly that you might not have caught it if you weren’t only a few feet away from him.
“How.. How intensely I feel about.. you.”
Once the confession finally leaves your lips, he’s grinning from ear to ear.
It falters for just a moment, “So.. you’re not afraid of me, then?”
“Absolutely not.”
You both spend the next hour and a half talking about his past. 
He lets you ask as many questions as you’d like, and tries to answer them as best as he can. 
He tells you about what life was like as a kid with Steve Rogers, his best friend. He also tells you the grief of losing him just a few years ago.
Since then, Sam has become his closest friend, and someone he can share his loss with as well. 
You were finding yourself thankful that they had each other. 
He goes into more detail of his life as the Soldier, tells you about Hydra and Dr. Zola, the man that gave him the weapon he’s still shielding from your sight.
When you’re finally satisfied with your pestering, you lay your head against the back of the couch, staring at him. He mirrors your actions. 
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours, Doll?” He wonders after a few minutes.
You smile bashfully, eyes darting to the arm that he’s kept concealed up until this moment. “Well, um.. I was just wondering if since.. since I know about it now if..”
“You want to see it?”
He sounds shocked, and his expression shows that too. Eyes a little wider, jaw a bit slack.
“I mean-No! Not if you’re not comfortable with it, I was just.. curious.” Embarrassed, you try to back out of it. You feel stupid for even asking.
He exhales a small laugh as he sits up straight. “I.. I guess it won’t hurt to show you now.”
He slowly allows the blanket to fall from his shoulders, revealing the navy and golden masterpiece that was his arm and the angry scarring that he’d been so concerned about you seeing. 
Your first reaction is to gasp, but not out of disgust. 
It's his beauty.
Unable to control yourself, you move closer across the couch, until you’re kneeling less than six inches away. Your hand reaches out to touch him, just on the forearm. 
The metal is cool and smooth beneath your touch and has your hand skitters upwards towards his bicep, the plates whir and shift quietly.
Before your fingers can graze the plates of his shoulder, his free hand wraps around your wrist to stop you.
Your name comes out in a whisper and you look up to meet his eyes. They’re glowing, even in the dark, and you can’t look away from him. 
“I thought.. I thought we agreed..” he stops, licking his lips, “No touching.”
Heat surges through your body as you realize what you’ve done, completely invading his personal space.
You start to lean back, but his grip on your wrist merely tightens, pulling you forward until you’re straddling his lap, hands resting on his bare chest,
“J..” the initial comes out as more of a whimper when he brings his hand to cup your jaw, running his thumb across your skin. He touches you as if you’re made of porcelain, delicate and fleeting. 
“So beautiful..” you can feel his words as an exhale across the bridge of your nose, and suddenly you’re wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into the tightest hug you’ve ever given.
He returns it just the same.
A sigh of relief leaves you, with a few tears following. You hold him even tighter in that moment, and he grips onto you as if he’s afraid you’ll slip away if he doesn’t. 
“Oh, fuck.. you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He strokes the back of your head, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he inhales deeply. It’s like he’s trying to memorize how he feels in your presence; how he feels wrapped up in you.
“I think I have a bit of an idea.” Your voice is trembling, and you press a quick, barely there kiss to the top of his head.
He hesitantly pulls back, just to rest his forehead against yours. Noses brushing together, you both smile when your eyes meet again.
“Hi there.” Your words are quiet, as if you were afraid if you talked too loud, this moment would shatter somehow. 
He merely hums and nuzzles his nose against yours once more.
“I.. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinkin’ about kissing you right now, Clair..”
The thought of such an action has your toes curling and your stomach flipping. “Are you?”
He nods, making eye contact with your mouth. “Could I…?”
You bite the inside of your cheek. Of course you want him to.. but you have to tease him a little bit first.
“I just have one question, first..”
He hums, waiting for you to ask.
“Exactly how old are you, again?”
You can’t help but giggle once the words are out, and he responds with a playful growl.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be, is it?” His smile is enormous at this point, and it grows a little softer when he cradles your face. His thumb gently pulls at your lower lip, eyes meet yours, and then his mouth follows suit.
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TAGS: (I wasnt sure who to tag, so if you dont want to be, I’m sorry!! Just trying to get this out there. ALSO if you wanna be tagged INBOX ME! I tend to miss people in the tags :(  ).  @mindingmyownbusiness​​ @plumfondler​​  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety​​ @loricameback​​ @tinaferraldo​​ @geminimoonbeamx​​  @preserumsteverogers​​ @moderapoppins​​ @lowkeysebby​​ @buckyshattergirl​​  @jayattemptstoruletheworld​​    @the-observant-fangirl​​ @moondancewrites​​ @moonbeambucky​​ @trinityjadec​​  @stevieang​​  @bionic-buckyb​​ @eyecandybarnes​​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​​ @promarvelfangirl​​ @ballyhoobarnes​​ @bucky-plums-barnes​​ @cate-lynne​​ @witchymarvelspacecase​​ @imaginingbucky​​ @theimpossibleg1rl​ @babygurl8840 @wonderlandmind4 @buckysthing​​ @formulafun​​ @curvybihufflepuff​​ @fanficsformarvelkillme​​  @shadyskit​​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @reading–mermaid @fuckmestan​​ @siliverin​​ @verygraphicink​​ @sallyp-53 @thatsbucknasty​​ @steadyphantomcat​​ @booktease21 @kiki5283 @lostinspace33 @drayshadow​​ @theperditioncrasher​​ @mmyepic​​ @feelmyroarrrr@alien-beans @heartsaved​​ @sideeffectsofyou​​ @dreamingofonceuponatime​​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​​ @bluerorjhan​​ @tarynsnotokay​​ @jamdropx35 @turquoisekokiri​​ @pinknerdpanda​​​ @starkrobb​​ @marvelgirl7​ @unscriptedtimetraveler​​ @fangeekkk​​ @wonderlandmind4​ @pinkisokay​​ @mrsdaamneron​​ @rynabarnesrogers​​ @wish-i-had-something-better​ @stanning-seb-stan​​ @oilersgirl35​ @vaisabu​​ @paranoid-borderline-insane​ @bonkywobble​​ @vikki-rogue​​ @witchymegg​​ @a--1--1--3​ @margetastic33​ @stuffandstuff-stuff​​ @broken-hearted-barnes​​ @elementec​​ @thummbelina​​ @booktease21​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @haileystudy @fanfictiontime​ @afterlaughter27​ @aveatquevale- @cap-just-said-language​ @wastedavenger​ @joseyrw​ @ordinaryweirowithintentions​
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Jungkook's One-Shot
Topic: His ex comes back to your lives when you two married and tries to get him back by creating problems inbetween you two...
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: Smut (Dirty talks/games)
Rating: 18+ along with angst and drama
The following first few chapters would be though fluff and a little smut...
Part 2/Chapter 2
Steps could be heard from upstairs as Jungkook left the shower and made his way down... His wet messy bangs fell down till his eyes as his muscular body covered in the comfortable PJ's appeared from the staircase and made their way to you... You were so much into those beautiful orbs that you didn't realise when the gap between the two of you had decreased to null...
He called your name sweetly but you were too much into the beautiful work of art that his voice never reached your ears... He waved his hands infront of your eyes but still no movement from your side... He smirked finally knowing what had happened to you and with one swift movement his hand went around your waist just to grab your body tightly and press it against himself... Your chest and entire front side pressed tightly against his... But what brought you back to senses was when your nipples underneath the shirt rubbed against his nipples...
The movement send shivers down your body.... And you quickly responded to the touch with a muffled moan... the moan was suppose to be loud but you muffled it... You still hadn't forgotten about the secret guests at home afterall... "Am I that handsome that someone can't resist herself for falling for my beauty!?" he asked more like a challenge... This handsome bunny of yours could be competitive and challenging over anything... Like literally anything... Just yesterday he got challenging over who can drink the most banana milk and in the end it was Jungkook ofcourse who won...
"You know dear, Daddy really wants to fuck his baby right away... But you're on your periods so I just can't... I wish so badly if I could just rip of those PJ's and slid my cock into that tight pussy of yours but it seems to be on a bloodfall :(" he said... Gosh! This man got you wet in seconds... But it was unusual for him to talk dirty when you were on your periods cause he didn't wanted you to be turned on during such a time and then couldn't help yourself... Though you weren't for real... "Leave for today, but I really wanted to fuck you hard, atleast on our wedding anniversary just like every year but it seems like this year I have to jerk myself off and help the growing problem... "....
Someone please stop this man!! If you had put your finger in your vaginal folds by this time, then for sure you could be easily able to hear the wet erotic sounds loud and clear judging by the wetness there... His lips then suddenly attacked your neck making you moan and throw your head backwards as your body leaned in his tight embrace......... "J-Jungkook... W-what a-are u d-doing...?" you managed to speak in the worn out state of yours... "Mmmmm! I'm just showing my love to my wifey! Can't I?" he asked yet sucking at a weak spot on your neck... Where he knew it drove you crazy... A couple of more moans left your mouth until you finally remembered that the other boys weren't far from you two... Just like the floor underneath... And thus you half-heartedly pushed him away from yourself...
"Horny Bun! I said na, that I'm on my periods, then why are u teasing me!? Huh!?" You asked... "Y/N... I'm really turned on baby! I can't fuck you so atleast let me kiss you and keep u close..." ... "Jungkook that's not like u! You never do any such thing to turn me on during periods! Cause you don't want me to suffer by not being able to get rid of a new problem when I already have this stupid problem of blood and cramps!?" you asked not being able to accept the fact that it was your same bunny boy doing such thing... No reply from the other side... Then suddenly he grabbed you be your thighs and picked you up before throwing you on his shoulder and taking u somewhere... You screamed in shock from his sudden move and then worriedly asked where he was taking you cause the expression u saw on his face before lifting you up was like when he was mad at something...
He took u to your bathroom and let u down while u asked rather confused that why he did he brought u here and like that? He then finally spoke up... "Y/N! You know I hate lies!! And if u didn't wanted to have sex with me or u don't like me touching u like that any longer, so you could have just told me that! I must have been hurt but atleast you must have said the truth to me!! Instead you opted for lying about periods to keep me away!?!!" he said as his eyes started to get teary and the hurt clearly shown by his voice... You took sometime to process what he said and spoke up...
"Who told you that I'm lying about my periods!?"... He gave a sarcastic laugh and said, "You still care how I got to know that instead of explanaing yourself!? Anyways... I checked the number of tampons and pads and they were exactly equal to the number last time left... If you were on your periods, atleast one pad or tampon must have been used but no! Not even a single one missing!".. "You seriously count the number 😑 Jungkook" you asked in disbelief... " Yes I do! But that doesn't matters any longer... You don't like my touch... Have u found someone else... Better than me.... If yes... Then don't worry just tell me... And I'll make sure not to come between the two of you..." he said in a low tone as a tear strolled down his cheek... Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Where is this hell going too!!??? You though to yourself.... Fuck Y/N! You really mess up the things!!
You were really hyped up seeing where this shit was going as you looked at your wristwatch... Just 20mins more... And it's 12:00... Till then u have to keep yourself from telling the truth but also keep him engaged in something.... You finally spoke up, "My fluffy Bunny 🐰! Don't cry *wipes away his tears, cups both his cheeks and lifting his head up, makes his pouty self look her in the eyes* It's not like what you're thinking... I love u and only u! There isn't anybody on this earth who is better than u! You are the best, the most perfect one for me!! And for that lie... Well... I fell down today in the morning and hurt my back....*another lie* I didn't wanted to worry u by telling you about the accident and thus lied... But seems like I needa tell u now seeing the situation..."
His face lowered down again and his baby sniffs were all that was heard in the room... He turned into a 3yrs old kid sobbing his heart out 😭 seeing whom u too felt bad... He then moved closer and wrapped his arms around u as his face buried in the crook of your neck where he sniffed and let out muffled sobbing... You lightly swayed your palm on his back in a to and fro motion while your other hand moved along his neck to his hair massaging there... You two stood there for about 10mins in absolute silence after which Jungkook slowly detached himself from u and looking into your eyes... Spoke up, "My lovely bunny girl!!! Sorry for accusing u for cheating 😔😞😓...
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GIF's owned by me 😁❤️
I'm really sorry! I would never ever blame u again for anything!! I am sorry... I don't know what happened to me... I just thought like I was loosing u and that made me so scared and angry that this happened...." And he peppered your face with thousand sweet pecks.... You then tip toed and kissed his forehead... The soft feeling of your wet, plumb lips on his forehead gave him a feeling of contend and relaxation and the ache in his head just vanished away!! He changed back to your smiling happy bunny!! You checked the time... Just 7 more mins and it's 12:00!!
"Wifey! You hurt your back 😞... So come let's go to our room and let me massage your back and apply some antiseptic lotion! ☺️" he said... Aww! He's always so caring!! "Bun! Just wait... You lifted me up like that and my back hurts a bit... I need some rest... Just let me stand here for a while and I'll be better and then we may go..." *another lie 😐* "Sorry 😓😔😞 Hmm... We can wait as long as u want"... And after it was exactly 1min left to be 12:00 you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulling his face towards yours, you attached your lips with his, as you roughly kissed the "Jungshooked" boy though he kissed u back more roughly than u did.... And for the next 1 min it passed in a blissful moment until it was interrupted exactly at 12:00 by six dopes!
To be continued in the next chapter... I know I promised to make it a smutty truth/dare chapter but then I got this angst or I must say more of fluff scene in mind... So truth/dare skipped for next chapter... But I promise, next chapter will definitely have the truth/dare game! ☺️😁 DO NOT COPY MY WORK! OR REPOST IT ANYWHERE!
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breanime · 4 years
Chris Zapata-Cute Alphabet
I can’t be stopped! This is for Manny’s character from the underrated hot mess movie “Undrafted”!
*gif not mine*
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Affection : What are those little things they do to show you that they love you?
 Chris is all about physicality; he’s always touching you, holding you, pressing soft kisses to your head and the back of your hand. He also sends you texts throughout the day, just little messages that let you know he’s thinking about you. You especially love it when he sends you texts while he’s in a game. “You look so pretty in the sun, baby” “Did you see Murray trip over home? That’s how I fell for you”
 Birthday : What do they do to celebrate your birthday? What is the thing you need to do to make them happy on their birthday? Are they good at giving gifts?
 He takes you wherever you want to go—movies, dinner, his place—wherever. He’ll even wear a suit and tie if the occasion calls for it. Chris makes sure your birthday is the best day for you, doing whatever he can to make it special for you. He’s not the best at gift giving, but he’s really good at surprising you with special, loving dates and showering you with attention.
For his birthday, Chris wants one thing: you. He wants to have 24 uninterrupted hours of you-time. Anything extra you do for him is just a bonus.
 Cuddles : Do they like to cuddle? Big spoon? Little spoon?
 Oh, he LOVES to cuddle! He loves being the big spoon or having you on his lap with your head buried in his neck as he kisses on you, his arms keeping you close. He also likes falling asleep with his head on your lap. After a bad game or a rough day, he’ll be the little spoon; he likes when you rub his back or kiss him when he’s being the little spoon…he’s so cute.
 Dating : What are they like on their first date? And those after that?
 He was nervous, but he tried to play it cool. He made a lot of jokes and did that low chuckle thing he does, and after he dropped you off at your place, he did a little dance outside of his car…which you saw and never let him forget. After that, he’s much more in the open about his feelings, and he’s more relaxed on your dates.
 Evolution : How fast does your relationship evolves? Weeks, months, years?
 Pretty fast: once Chris realizes that he has feelings for you, he’s 100% dedicated. He had his share of flings, but he knew you were different, and he was determined to keep you. The longest part of your relationship were the weeks before he asked you out, he spent days hyping himself up, talking to himself in the mirror and doing roleplaying with a reluctant Maz and in all-too into it Vinny. After that, Chris pretty much lets things run their course. He falls in love with you fast, and he’s not at all concerned with slowing himself down. He trusts his feelings for you, and he knows that you’re the one he wants—so he goes with it.
 Flirting : Do they flirt a lot?
 Chris speaks three languages: English, Spanish, and flirting. He was a big flirt before you started dating, and he continues to flirt with you once you’re dating. Chris is going to flirt with you until he’s on his death bed…and maybe even after that.
 Generosity : When they’re with you, is it about you or about them?
You. Chris wants to make you as happy as you make him, and he’ll do anything to make you happy. He’ll spare nothing—not time, not money, nothing if it means it’ll make you feel loved and appreciated. It’s not that he’s rich or that he has it like that, but Chris does what he can to provide for you in all ways.
 Honey : Do they use pet names? What’s their favourite for you and for themselves?
 Once you start dating, your name is “baby”. That’s it. It’s law. Chris is calling you all the pet names, shamelessly. He’s so sweet, it makes his teammates sick sometimes. He’s particularly fond of calling you “baby”, “sweetheart”, “mi Tesoro” or “mi amor”.
He likes when you call him “baby”; he loves being your baby. He also likes when you call him “Zap”, oddly enough.
 Isolation : How do they react when they are away from you?
He whines. He blows your phone up with texts and sends you lovely dovey memes, and sometimes he’ll even Facetime you several times a day. Chris will try to distract himself when he can, but even the guys know that it’ll only be a matter of time before he’ll be sighing heavily. “I miss my baby…” He pouts a bit—okay, a lot. He pouts a lot.
 Jealousy : Are they jealous? How do they react if you are jealous?
 Chris doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets possessive. You’re his, and he has no problem making that known to anyone who needs a reminder. He doesn’t bother making a show of his status as your man, he’ll straight up ask the other guy what he’s looking at. “She’s taken, homie, move along.” He also isn’t afraid to throw hands if he needs to
When you get jealous, Chris tries not to let you see how cute he thinks it is. He loves how angry you get because of other girls staring or flirting with him, and he can’t help but chuckle as he throws an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheeks. “It’s all good, baby, c’mon, let’s go…”
 Kisses : Lots of them? Peppering ones? Languid ones?… What about your first kiss?
 ALL of them. Chris kisses you every time he sees you, and he likes dropping kisses to your forehead, or the back of your hand, or your shoulders… He just loves kissing you. The slow kisses are the best, you can feel his smirk against your lips, and he gives that low chuckle when his tongue slips into your mouth, making your knees weak. While he kisses you, Chris is also touching you—sometimes it’s a soft caress of your face, others it’s his hand on your ass… you never know what you’re gonna get with him.
He was nervous when he first kissed you, so he was especially gentle. He held you close, one hand on your waist and the other on the back of your neck and looked into your eyes as he leaned down. When his lips touched yours, you couldn’t help but swoon a little bit with how soft they were. He smiled the whole time.
 Light up : What do they do to make you feel better after a rough day? How can you lighten their mood?
He sits with you and listens, his arm around you, as you talk about what bothered you. Once you’ve gotten it all out, he picks you up and plucks you on his lap. “You wanna know some of the things I love about you, sweetheart?” And then he’ll start listing things, making you forget everything as he tells you all the things he adores about you… it’s a long list.
When he’s in a mood, you provide him with lots of hugs and kisses. If he lost a game, you baby him a bit and let him lay all over you until he feels better. He also responds well to food, so you cook something for him, and that usually helps him lighten up.
 Mommy : How do they react to parenthood?
Chris is so excited—he’s nervous, of course, to be a father, but he’s so happy to be starting a family with you. As soon as you tell him you’re pregnant, he’s buying baby clothes and furniture and forbidding you from doing strenuous activities (sex, he decides, does not count as “strenuous”). He reads all kinds of parenting books and follows like 15 different Mommy blogs online. He’s going to be a doting father—and yes, he’s planning on having more children with you.
 Nurse : How do they take care of you when you’re sick? How do they behave when they are sick?
Chris hovers a lot. He knows you need to rest, but he doesn’t want to be away from you, so he hovers. He gets everything, probably spending too much, but he doesn’t want to be out and about too much, so he stocks up. He 100% is still kissing on you, and he 100% is getting sick with you.
When he’s sick, Chris wants your attention and he wants you near. He wants to be cuddled up with you, wants your lips on his, and wants to sleep with you in his arms… you’re definitely getting sick, but you can’t say no to him.
 Objects : Are there any object, song, place that have a particular meaning for them or for the two of you as a couple?
The dugout is where he first sees you, you’re in the crowd, and as soon as his eyes land on you, Chris is breathless. The stands are where he first spoke to you and first made you laugh, so that’s an important place to him, too. “Birthday Sex” by Jeremih is the first song the two of you danced together too, and every time he hears it, Chris gets… excited thinking about you. And his red hat, his D-Backs hat, you wear it every now and again, and it’s like his two favorite things are fused together, and it makes Chris crazy.
 Partners : Are they looking for flings, one-night stands, partners to be with until their last breath? What makes them fall for you?
Chris wasn’t looking for anything when you came into his life, but from the moment he saw you, he knew you were special. It was love at first sight for him—which he didn’t even know existed. Usually, Chris would describe himself as a permanent bachelor, but with you… he was hooked from the get. Your beauty caught his eye at first, but it was your laugh, your sense of humor, your values, your personality that made him fall for you. You’re something special, and he knows it, so Chris is ready and willing to do anything for you.
 Quarrels : How is it to have a fight with them? What do they do to make you forgive them? What do you need to do to make them forgive you?
 Chris is a yeller in most arguments, but he tries not to yell at you. He finds it disrespectful. So he gets quiet, giving you the silent treatment until he calms down. But he makes sure to never go to sleep angry with you—he always works to resolve things the best he can before you both go to bed.
When you’re mad at him, Chris gives you your space, even though he wants nothing more than to be with you. Once you’ve calmed down, he makes sure to do all the things you like, and he’s quick to bring you flowers or candy. Plus he always makes it up to you in other ways, too… (wink wink)
All you have to do to get Chris to forgive you is sit on his lap. He can’t remember why he was upset when you’re touching him, and he will happily let you kiss up on him to make things up to him.
 Rings : How do they propose? The wedding? The honeymoon?
 He proposes in private, after a romantic dinner. He gets you a humble, but beautiful ring, and when he gets down on one knee, there’s nothing but love in his dark eyes.
The wedding is big—his parents pay for everything, and you and Chris are basically just there to say “I do”, which is fine with both of you. He makes sure you get the perfect dress, perfect location, perfect cake—it’s a perfect day overall.
Wooh… Chris takes you to a beautiful resort in Mexico, and your room is right on the beach. He holds you in his arms as the sun comes up, and he makes sure to show you just how much he adores you, and how happy he is that you’re his wife.
 Secrets : Do they keep secrets from you and how do they react when they learn that you’ve been hiding something from them?
Chris tells you everything, so when he finds out you’ve been keeping a secret from him, he’s hurt. He doesn’t speak to you for a few days, but he does text you “I love you” every morning and night. It takes him a while to see things from your perspective, but even when he does, he’s still a little hurt by it. Eventually, he forgives you, but it does take some time, and he makes you promise not to keep anything from him again.
 Tease : Do they like to tease you? How much humour is there in your relationship?
Chris’ middle name is “tease”. He’s a grade-A tease; knowing just how to make you squirm with a simple smirk or a soft touch or a whisper. He makes you laugh a lot, there’s a lot of humor in your relationship, and there always had been.
 U-turns : What can transform your relationship in a good or bad way (what makes them confess their feelings or scares them off)?
Chris isn’t sure if your family will like him, so when he first meets them, he’s more nervous than you’d ever seen him. But once he meets them, and sees how quickly they accept him, he relaxes.
As far as confessing his feelings, Chris is pretty open about all of that, so that, at least, comes to him easily.
 Voicing : How hard is it for them to talk about their feelings? How do they tell you that they love you for the first time?
Chris finds it very easy to voice his feelings, and he tries to encourage you to feel the same way. He’s very open with you, and that openness makes it easier for you to be open with him.
He tells you he loves you for the first time after a date. He’s holding you, smiling down at you and feeling his heart flip in his chest when he says “I love you”, and he means it with every part of him. He isn’t concerned with you saying it back—he wants you to, of course, but he just can’t keep his feelings contained; he has to tell you. And when you smile and say those three words back, he can’t keep his hands off of you.
 Waking up : What is it like to wake up by their side?
 Chris is a cuddler, so when you wake up, you’re always in his arms. Sometimes he smiles in his sleep, which is adorable, and he kisses you when he’s half-asleep. Once he’s up, he’s up, so Chris is usually the one to wake you up with lots of kisses and whispers.
“Time to get up, beautiful…”
 Yielding : What do you have to do to convince them to do what you want?
Not much. All you really have to do is kiss him or hug him, and Chris is down to do whatever you want. But if you really want to get him to do something, a fiery kiss is enough to get him going.
 Zoo : Could they have a pet with you? What kind of pet?
Chris is a dog person, he wants to have a big, boisterous dog to play with and protect you when he’s not there. He wouldn’t mind other pets, but the dog would be like his baby, he’d spoil it almost as much as he spoils you.
Why am I like this?! Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think!
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart  @lexxierave @crushed-pink-petals @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @nich0lasmatthews  @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel
148 notes · View notes
maria-scribbles · 4 years
glitter + crimson (let’s start a riot)//part four
summary: carmen actually steps foot inside her own house after discovering her daughter isn’t the only teenager living there. the hurricane hurtling toward the island matches the tempest in sailor’s heart as she finally gets some long-overdue words off her chest that her mom isn’t very happy to hear and two friends inch closer and closer to crossing that metaphorical line.
word count: 6.6k+ (oops, i did it again 😅)
ship: jj maybank x oc (sailor flynn)
warnings n stuff: mentions of abuse/neglect, gambling addiction, child abandonment, being kicked out of home, fluff, swearing, underage drinking, flirting, having shitty dads, mentions of weed, star wars, and sailor’s unhealthy addiction to nutella, mention and direct quote of the percy jackson and the olympians series (again), subtle nod to new girl (i love seeing how many references i can make lmao)
a/n: first off, i just want to thank each and every one of you for your likes, reblogs, and especially your wonderful comments! they mean to world to me, seriously ❤ now, here comes the dramaaaaa! we get to dive into sailor’s complicated, turbulent relationship with her mother (sailor, like john b, has a very big, very real fear of being abandoned by people she loves because of her dad) before heading toward the canon timeline of the show. the quote about the sea near the beginning is from jaques cousteau, legendary french naval officer, marine explorer and filmmaker who co-created the aqua-lung and paved the way for modern scuba diving. he also pioneered marine conservation and discovered the wreck of the hmhs britannic, sister ship of the rms titanic! so overall, he was a pretty cool dude and i feel that he’d be a personal hero to ocean-loving sailor (maybe even kiara as well, considering her love of the environment/conservation).
unbetaed as usual so all mistakes are my b.
gif credit to @toesure (who has the most beautiful gifs, ngl)
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part four: high tide
The sun’s just peeking its rays over the horizon, painting the deep blue sky the softest shades of pink and orange. Calm, steady waves lap against the shore and over Sailor’s bare feet as she stands alone on an empty and desolate beach, the only signs of life coming from the seagulls squawking overhead. The air is thick and sticky with early morning humidity, the type that makes it hard to breathe and frizzes the hell out of her wavy hair, and she can already feel moisture starting to collect on her skin.
Why’s she here again? She can’t remember a reason and come to think of it, she can’t remember exactly how she got here, either. Did she drive? She turns her back to the ocean and its entrancing pull to look for her truck but finds the surf shop is the only thing she can see clearly, the world surrounding it blurred in an incomprehensible mess of color; the sight should’ve caused anxiety to take root in her chest but somehow she finds herself unbothered, relaxed. Somehow, she feels at home.
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
Sailor’s head snaps to the left at the sound of a painfully familiar voice. A tall, redheaded man now stands in what was only a few seconds ago an empty space, smiling out over the water with the brilliant colors of the sky reflecting in his green eyes.
Ryan doesn’t seem to hear the incredulous tone in her voice or even the fact that she spoke at all as he turns to face her and asks a question of his own, “It’s true, don’t you think?”
Of course she does. The sea has had her under its captivating, magnetic spell ever since she first laid eyes on it when she was a toddler, a baby, even. Her parents always said she wanted to spend every waking moment at the beach, combing the sand for shells and staring out at the water, imagining what new discoveries were waiting for her in its depths. Her mouth moves on it’s own as she replies, “You know I do.”
It’s not what she wants to say at all. She wants so badly to yell at him, let out her frustrations and hurt and pain ‘how dare you leave us’ ‘what did I do wrong’ ‘why haven’t you come back yet’ but finds that she can’t form the words. It’s like she’s watching a video, or maybe reliving a memory -oh. It feels like a memory because it is one, she recognizes with a start, of the week before he took off and abandoned them for the very first time, leaving behind a gaping, bleeding wound that neither Sailor nor her mother ever managed to properly stitch back together.
Ryan’s smile widens. “Always got your eyes on the horizon, Starfish. Just like your old man.”
Her heart clenches at the old, familiar nickname that she hasn’t heard in years, like she’s looking at a favorite pair of childhood shoes or an old t-shirt from a family vacation long past and realizing she doesn’t fit in them anymore, that she’s moved on, and surprisingly, it doesn’t sting as much as she thought it would.
“Come on,” Her father says and when he reaches out to her, Sailor finds herself reaching back with a much smaller, eight-year old sized hand that’s swallowed by Ryan’s larger, calloused palm. “Think you can go fifteen feet today?”
“Fifteen? I’m gonna go twenty!” She declares confidently in her most grown-up voice, giggling when her dad beams and hoists her little body up into his arms, the stubble on his face tickling her skin as he plants a kiss on her cheek.
“That’s my girl.”
He runs into the surf, tossing a laughing Sailor into the ocean when it’s waist deep before they wade out, further and further until the sandy floor drops away from their feet and they’re left treading water.
“Ready, Starfish?”
The sun breaks over the horizon and casts its golden light on the pair, turning their hair an identical shade of fiery red just as they dive below. She has to work harder to keep up with her father’s longer strokes but she does it and reaches the bottom the same time he does; he smiles widely and reaches out to quickly cup her cheek, pride shining clearly in his eyes and she beams back before turning away to scan the floor for any worthy shells. Finding a knobbed whelk a few feet away, she swims over to grab it before pushing off toward the surface, Ryan following close behind. The sun becomes brighter and brighter the closer she gets and just when her head breaks through the waves-
Sailor wakes.
The early morning sun shines across her eyes through the curtains as she stares up at the surfboard above her bed, the very shelf were the whelk from that day still sits, proudly displayed with her other finds. Yawning, she runs her hands over her face and blinks away the last threads of sleep still clinging to her lashes, along with the memory of her dream. Moments like that with her father were rare. Ryan was a blast to be around when he was happy doing something he wanted to do, like diving for shells, hitting up the bowling alley for a few games, or taking his old, beat up boat out into the marsh to fish for hours on end (never something mundane as doing the dishes or folding the laundry, no, those were children’s jobs and being an only kid, those responsibilities fell to Sailor.). Moments like that were when she felt that -naively, foolishly- her dad was actually proud of her, that he wasn’t horribly inconvenienced by her having the audacity to be his daughter, to be born, that maybe he loved her as much as she loved him.
Cold from a sudden shiver that runs through her body, she rolls onto her side to seek out the best human space heater she knows but her arm only finds empty sheets lacking warmth, her hand reaching for someone who’s no longer there. She frowns and sits up, fingers automatically running through her sleep mussed waves in a semi-futile attempt to fix them into something less resembling a bird’s nest. A quick check of the phone she doesn’t remember plugging in to charge reveals its just before 7 in the morning and her confusion over her missing bedmate only grows; JJ’s rarely ever conscious before 9 AM at the absolute earliest and almost never by his own volition unless surfing’s involved. Even Binx is gone from his usual spot at the end of the bed, leaving her truly alone in the tiny room.
On the floor alongside his boots, the backpack she never noticed him having yesterday is still where he dropped it with its zipper open wide, while his phone rests next to hers on the bedside table and Sailor feels an almost embarrassing wave of relief wash over her knowing he’s still here, that he didn’t just up and disappear in the middle of the night, that he stayed (of all the times he’s come to her before, only once did he leave before dawn and, after she’d frantically tracked him down at John B’s place, tears in her eyes and streaming down her face at the thought of him returning to the lion’s den that he called home, he held her close and promised to never do it again.). She pulls herself out of bed and crosses the room to pull on a random hoodie from the closet before pocketing her phone and padding into the hall, the wooden floor cool under her bare feet.
A demanding meow comes from the kitchen followed immediately by a vexed, “Binx, my dude. For the last time, you can’t have this.” JJ’s bright laugh echoes throughout the room when Binx meows again, this one more insistent than the last and the redhead smiles, quietly shuffling forward to lean against the wall. He doesn’t notice, instead holding a finger to his lips as he shushes the cat sitting on the counter beside him, then turns back to whatever he’s doing. “Be quiet, dumbass! You don’t wanna wake your mom up, do you?”
“I don’t know, sounds to me like he might need my help.”
He startles at her teasing voice, nearly dropping the butter knife in his hand as she steps forward and scoops Binx into her arms, pressing a kiss to his fuzzy cheek. “Is mean old J not feeding you, Binxy? That just won’t do!”
He rolls his eyes but the grin tugging the corners of his mouth upward betrays his amusement as he says sarcastically, “Yeah, I’m the bad guy for not giving the brat Nutella. Great.”
With a laugh, Sailor gives the cat another loving scratch behind the ears before gently setting him on the floor and hoisting herself onto the counter beside JJ, her legs swinging back and forth and lightly brushing against his side. “So...you’re up early.” She says, watching him scrape the last bit of Nutella out of the jar and smear it on some toast, another piece already made on the plate at his elbow.
“Yeah, I woke up and couldn’t go back to bed.” He shrugs, tossing the knife in the sink and the empty container into the trash; her stomach does a little flip when he brings his hand to his mouth and licks away the chocolate left behind on his thumb, then continues, “Sorry if I woke you up. I tried to be quiet but that shithead over there wouldn’t shut up.”
He nods his chin in the direction of a lounging Binx, stretched out on the back of the couch in the sun and she shakes her head. “Don’t worry, you didn’t. I-” She shrugs, too, and meets his blue-eyed gaze. “I guess I couldn’t sleep, either.”
“Bad dream?” JJ asks, holding the plate of toast out to her and she takes a piece with a grateful smile as she replies, “I’d call it more of a bittersweet memory.”
They both fall into a comfortable silence while they eat until he suddenly asks another question around a mouthful of breakfast, “About your dad?”
Sailor freezes mid-chew, her father’s green eyes flicking away from her best friend’s face toward the floor as she swallows thickly, her free hand anxiously clenching the fabric of her shorts. After a long, pregnant pause in which they finish their food and he puts the dirty plate in the sink, she finally says softly, “I’m sorry.”
She apologizes again, staring down at the floor and swinging her legs back and forth, her bare feet hitting the cabinet with dull thuds.
“For what?” His brow furrows in confusion while he takes a step forward to stand between her legs, one hand reaching to hook a finger under her chin and lift her head so he can look her in the eye, the other resting on her knee. “Seriously, help me out here ‘cause I’m confused as fuck.”
“Because I feel guilty, okay?” She starts, eyelids briefly closing as she takes a deep breath before snapping open again and continuing before he can interrupt, “Here I am, getting upset over a stupid dream I had about my gambling addict dad that ditched me when your dad does that,” -she points to his bruised ribs- “and this,” -her palm rests on his cheek, thumb skimming over his scabbed lip- “and God, I just-”
“Whoa, hold up there, Sail.” JJ cuts her off, his free hand joining the other in cupping her face, “Just because your dad never hit you doesn’t mean you don’t have something to be pissed about. He abandoned you, stole your mom’s money, and made you feel like shit! You have a right to be mad as fuck about it.”
“But nothing! We’re not having a fucking competition about who has the shittiest dad,” -He smirks devilishly, brushing a wayward red curl off her forehead- “because they both suck major dick. End of story.”
In spite of herself, Sailor snickers as she winds her arms around his neck and pulls him close, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder while his own arms slide around her waist. “We should start a club.” She jokes lightly and feels his snort of laughter against her ear in response.
“‘Shitty Dad Society,’” He declares proudly, “I call being president.”
“Well, I’m your VP! Binx’s our secretary- shit, I’ll be treasurer, too ‘cause I don’t trust you with any type of financial situation at all.”
He laughs again, hand tightening its grip on her waist and she smiles into his neck as he says, “That’s fair. We should make shirts.”
They settle into another comfortable silence after that, both more than happy to relax in the other’s arms and just be. It’s one of her favorite things about..whatever they are, the ease, the contentment, the familiarity felt when they’re together are sentiments she never, ever wants to lose and a thought, an exciting, dangerous thought pops into her head: what if he never has to leave?
“Come live with me.”
Oh, fuck, she just said that out loud, didn’t she? Brain, enter panic mode. The redhead abruptly pulls out of his embrace and buries her already blushing face into shaking hands, closing her eyes tight for good measure, stammering between her fingers, “Nothing, nothing! I said nothing!”
“Pretty sure you said something,” His hands encircle her wrists and gently pull them down to her lap. “And it wasn’t ‘nothing.’”
She stares down at their entwined fingers resting on her thighs, the backs of his hands deliriously warm against her exposed skin and grounding her to this (scary, exciting, vulnerable) moment, and blurts out in a rush, “I said, come live here. With me.”
JJ doesn’t speak, but the way his hands almost imperceptibly tighten their hold on hers -she would’ve missed it if she hadn’t already been looking- compels her to raise her head and meet his eyes; the indescribable depth of the ocean is behind his gaze, as well as the barest hint of pure, brazen hope, and it says everything his mouth won’t.
“Remember yesterday, when you said you don’t know how much more you can take?” She asks. At his tight nod, she weaves her fingers even more intricately with his and admits softly, “Well, I’m not sure how much more I can take, either.”
Sailor’s eyes sweep over the cuts on his face with all the gentleness of a lover, his lip first, followed by the one on his cheekbone before meeting his again. “I can’t...I can’t see you hurt like this anymore.”
Blue stares into green for an insurmountable stretch of time, long enough that she starts to think that she should’ve just kept her big mouth shut, until he finally whispers, “Seriously?”
“J, I’ve never been more serious about something in my entire life. I can’t let him do this to you anymore.” She finishes with a shrug, “My mom’s never here, anyway. It’d be, uh, really nice to not be alone all the time ‘cause as much as I love him, Binx doesn’t count.”
His eyes become stormy at that casual admission of loneliness for just a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment before brightening into their natural blue, the same color of the sky on a clear day as he says simply, “Okay.”
“Seriously?” It’s her turn to ask it now and the smile that breaks over her face when he nods is one of unabashed relief; without thinking, she leans closer and presses her forehead to his. “Good.”
He smiles, too, and briefly lets his eyes fall shut at the contact as he jokes, “Just so you know, Flynn, I’m probably not gonna be the best roommate.”
“Please,” She giggles, freeing one of her hands to playfully push at his shoulder, “I live with the most spoiled, demanding cat in the world. I think I can handle you, Maybank.”
The teasing smirk on his face makes her heart beat a little faster. “We’ll see about that.”
Sailor decides to pretend she didn’t hear his loaded comment (she’s not quite ready to open up that particular can of worms just yet), instead pulling her phone from her hoodie pocket to check the time. “Alright, here’s the deal: in one,” -she glances at the time again because holy shit does she have the short-term memory of a fucking chimp- “two hours, we’re going shopping and, hey, don’t give me that look!” She laughs at the pained expression that crosses his face, “If you’re gonna live here, get ready to put in the work.”
JJ offers her a lazy salute with his free hand and she rolls her eyes, trying her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as he says coyly (again, damn him!), “Yes, ma’am.”
“Until then, though,” The redhead continues, hopping off the counter to grab his hand and starts pulling him toward the hall to her room, “We have a book to read and you have some Greek to mispronounce.”
“Fuck, you’re bossy.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it.”
It goes like this: for nearly three weeks, life for the pair is pretty damn good. The summer days pass the same as they had been, either spent lazing around with the rest of the pogues or working their variety of jobs -Sailor at the ice cream parlor, along with her weekly shell dives and the beginner surf classes she teaches for The Sandbar, JJ at the country club and doing whatever odd jobs he can find around the island- as June slowly bleeds into July. They find themselves doing everything together: shopping, cooking dinner, sharing her tiny room, and it’s so painfully domestic, so natural and so right that it hurts to wrap her head around it.
If their friends notice, none of them comment on it, even though she sees the looks sent their way whenever they both hop out of Sailor’s truck together (most are curtesy of eagle-eyed Kiara, but Pope and even the ever oblivious John B raise their eyebrows a few times). At night they continue to read through the Percy Jackson series, taking turns reading aloud each evening and for a short, blissful time, they let go of the burdens weighing heavy on their shoulders. For a while, everything is close to perfect.
Typically, predictably, it doesn’t last and when shit finally hits the fan, it happens in epic fashion because nothing is ever easy when they’re involved.
It happens a few days after the Fourth of July. It’s late-afternoon, Hurricane Agatha brewing off the coast causing the clouds to streak faster through the sky and, with the rest of their friends working or otherwise occupied, the two teenagers decide to spend a day lounging at home, getting in a few more chapters of The Battle of the Labyrinth and drinking the beer left over from a night of partying at John B’s house.
“’Jumping out a window five hundred feet above ground is not usually my idea of fun,’“ Sailor reads as she relaxes on the couch, book in one hand and can of PBR in the other, the wind blowing in through the open window ruffling her hair, “‘Especially when I’m wearing bronze wings and flapping my arms like a duck.’“
“I’ll drink to that,” JJ says, briefly lifting his head from her lap to chug the rest of his beer before settling back down, feet propped up on the couch’s arm. They’re both a little buzzed, having lost count of how many drinks they’ve downed but she’s had enough to make her start giggling at his comment as she struggles to keep reading while Binx, fed up with the noise, jumps down from his spot behind her and slinks down the hall to find some peace and quiet.
“Damn you, stop it!” She laughs harder as he pulls a ridiculous face at her pronunciation of Daedalus, then shoots her an impish grin and she responds by ‘accidentally’ dropping the paperback on his face. Both are so caught up in hysterics that they don’t notice the sound of a car pulling into the driveway or a key unlocking the front door.
The girl freezes at her name, green eyes widening at the sharp tone of her mother’s voice. Slowly, she turns her head to look over her shoulder where she stands, arms crossed, and she’s so shocked Carmen’s actually looking her in the eye that nothing comes out of her open mouth but an oh so eloquent “huh?”
“What the hell is going on here?” The older woman demands, moving around the couch before either teenager can react, and her eyes narrow when she catches sight of JJ’s head on her daughter’s thigh and the empty beer cans on the end table. “Are you two drunk? Get up, now.”
He hastily does as she asks, eyes downcast to the floor and shaking hands clenched at his sides; ignoring her mother’s glare, Sailor deliberately reaches over and rests one palm on top of his as she says tightly, “Nice to see you home for once, I’m surprised you remembered where it is.”
It’s a low blow and she knows it but she can’t find it in her fuzzy, alcohol-numbed brain to care when Carmen reels back like she’s been slapped before she seems to compose herself, mouth pressing into a thin line. “Sailor Giselle, don’t you dare talk to your mother like that!”
The redhead feels something inside her snap and she glares up at the only parent she has left, all but spitting her next words, “Then start acting like my mother! This is the first time I’ve seen you here in four months!”
“I had to come home after Rachel told me you were shacking up with some boy! Do you have any idea-”
“Rachel?!” Sailor explodes at the mention of their obnoxiously invasive old biddy of a neighbor whose sole mission in life is knowing everyone’s business, “God, that hag just can’t keep her nose out of anything can she?”
Carmen crosses her arms once again and glowers at her daughter. “You know how hard it is for me to be in here, Sailor. I asked her to keep an eye on you for me and I’m glad I did.”
The teenager stares at her in disbelief before barking a loud, humorless laugh. “Let me get this straight: you asked our neighbor to spy on me so you didn’t have to come home...so you didn’t have to actually put in some effort?” Carmen opens her mouth to defend herself but before any words can come out, Sailor continues, throwing her free hand in the air, “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“This is my house!” Her mother thunders, not noticing the way the silent blond boy flinches at her yell and how her daughter tightens her grip on his hand. “This is my house and I can do whatever I damn well please, including having someone look out for you when I can’t.”
“When you won’t, you mean.” She scoffs, shaking her head in thinly-veiled disgust, “I’m doing just fine on my own, no thanks to you, Mom.”
“Does ‘doing just fine’ mean living alone with this kid?” Carmen spits and when she glances at JJ like he’s gum on the bottom of her shoe, Sailor’s finally had enough and takes a step toward the older woman with a furious glare.
“Will you just let that go? God! He’s my best friend and he needed somewhere to stay, that’s it!”
“I don’t care.” Turning to JJ, she demands coldly, “Go pack your shit and get out.”
“No.” Green eyes hardening into chips of emerald, the redhead grabs his other hand as he goes to leave the room and steps in front of him protectively. “He’s not going anywhere.”
Carmen pinches the bridge of her nose, her voice low as she threatens, “I swear to God, Sailor, either he leaves or I’ll make him leave.”
When she feels his whole body go rigid behind her, she knows her mom’s won this particular battle and before she can even turn to face him he’s disappeared down the hall to her room without a word. Sailor whirls to face her like the wind outside, red hair flying over her shoulder like a whip as she seethes, “How dare you.”
The older woman sighs like she’s the one hurting and crosses to the window before closing it with a firm hand. “Drop it, I’m done arguing.”
“I care about him, Mom, you can’t just kick him out!”
“I said drop it! I don’t give a shit how you feel about him, I’m not having your homeless boyfriend mooching-”
“Jesus Christ -his dad beats the shit out of him!”
The words ring out like a bell, loud and clear and impossible to ignore. Carmen freezes in the middle of picking up a discarded can, tan skin turning pale as she stares, mouth slightly agape, at her daughter; the girl stares back unflinching, and despite her heart’s rapid staccato in her chest, her next words cut like a knife.
“He’s not homeless, okay? But his dad hits him, all the damn time. You’re not gonna stand by and let that happen, are you?”
Her mother’s eyes soften -for a fleeting moment, she looks like her old, caring self again- before they harden to steel, the open expression on her face slamming closed with all the force of a screen door in a hurricane.
“I’m sorry -really, I am- but that’s not my problem.”
Sailor flinches at the icy edge in her voice and looks down at the floor, jaw clenched tight as she tries to blink away the sudden burning behind her eyes. “I...I don’t know you anymore. My mother would never say that.”
She hears Carmen heave another deep sigh as her footsteps slowly head toward the front entry, “You and I have a lot to talk about when I get back from work, Sailor.” She says, followed by the snatching of keys and the door handle turning. “And that boy had better be gone when I do.”
The redhead looks up from her feet, watching the door slam behind her mother’s retreating form before hastily making her way down the hall to her room and like that morning, the wave of relief that she feels when she sees JJ still sitting on her bed, realizing he’s still here, is downright embarrassing but she’s well past the point of caring. In a flash, Sailor’s in his arms, face pressed against his neck as she cries, “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.”
“Sail, you’ve gotta stop apologizing for things you can’t control.” He whispers when she eventually falls silent and she can’t stop the rough laughter bubbling in her chest, even as her whole world feels like it’s falling apart around her.
His own laugh is short and low in her ear, and then he’s pulling her closer as his hand draws soothing circles on her back. She lets herself relax for a brief moment, eyelids fluttering closed at his touch, before she takes a deep breath and pulls back to look him in the eye, hands carelessly wiping away the tears on her cheeks, “Help me pack.”
“When she kicked you out, she kicked me out, too.” She says matter-of-factly at JJ’s confused look while she abruptly kneels, pulling her old suitcase from under the bed and heaving it up onto the mattress.
“Okay, so she didn’t actually kick me out but she might as well have!” The redhead strides to her closet and starts picking out her favorite clothes, tossing them haphazardly onto the bed as she fumes, “God, I even told her about your dad -I’m sorry, shit I did it again- and she said she didn’t care! Not to mention she had our neighbor spy-”
“Sail!” She’s so caught up in her rant that she doesn’t notice when JJ moves to stand beside her, and only when he puts his hands on her shoulders does she stop short, a Kildare County High School sweatshirt dangling from her fingers; she can feel him watching her and when she flicks her gaze up to meet his, she’s not at all prepared for the tempest of emotions -admiration, pride, empathy, something else she can’t name- all crashing like the surf behind his eyes.
Blue. Oh so blue. It’s been her favorite color ever since she knew what colors were and she thinks her favorite shade has to be the one she finds in his eyes: bright, clear, and ever easy to drown in if she’s not careful.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He says it in such a casual way that it’s impossible to think it’s not as intentional as the fingers that slowly tuck a stray curl behind her ear and the thumb that brushes along her flushed cheek.
She just shakes her head with a tiny, bashful smile and her words are an echo of a quiet, rainy night all those weeks ago, “I’m just doing what feels right.”
They fall into an easy rhythm after that, one that helps them both sober up as they fill her suitcase to the brim with everything Sailor thinks she’ll need for a long stay, wherever she ends up. The Chateau makes the most sense of course, but with the DCS breathing down John B’s neck recently, she’s not sure how viable of an option that is but there’s one thing she knows for sure: there’s no way in hell she’s coming back here any time soon. It hurts to leave her shell collection behind -for a brief, dark moment she toys with the idea of tearing the shelf down and smashing them all until they’re turned to dust but she pushes that thought away- so she takes her favorite, the lightning whelk that reminds her of JJ and that day on the beach, and gently tucks it away in her backpack to ease the sting, as a promise to one day return for the rest.
“Jackpot!” JJ exclaims and she looks up to find him on the floor by her chair, pulling up the loose wood board that hides her secret stash of booze and money and reaching in to snag a nearly full bottle of Jack Daniels, holding it above his head with a triumphant smile.
“Shit, I forgot that was even in there,” She replies as she kneels beside him and snatches the whiskey from his hand before he can take a swig, slipping it into her backpack, “Not yet.”
“Oh, come on,” He laughs when she rolls her eyes at his pout and reaches into the dark space to pull out an old plastic lunchbox, along with a small flask that gets thrown in her bag without a second glance. “Boooo.”
“Patience,” She teases, opening the cracked lid to take all of the cash inside and stuffs it into the ziploc bag that doubles as a purse (“it’s cheap and waterproof, what more do I need?” was her argument when Kiara asked her why she didn’t have an actual handbag), which she then stuffs in her backpack. “We can get drunk after we get out of here.”
“You had me at ‘drunk,’“ He slides the floorboard back into place after Sailor tosses the empty lunchbox inside and then stands, pulling her up alongside him with his hand in hers, the other reaching out to grab the handle of her suitcase. “Ready when you are.”
The redhead takes one last look around her room, from the assortment of shells and pictures on one wall to her poster of Bethany Hamilton on the other and everything in between -her sanctuary for the longest time- before turning away from the familiar comfort of the old to face the enticing uncertainty of the new. “Let’s go.”
After a quick stop in the bathroom to grab her shampoo, conditioner, and toothbrush -no way in hell is she gonna share any of those with the boys- then the kitchen to grab some food for Binx and the cat himself from the back of the couch (surprisingly, he doesn’t put up much of a fight), they head outside and throw her suitcase and their backpacks in the bed of the truck along with her surfboard.
“John B’s probably gonna be pissed about the cat,” JJ says, leaning against the passenger door with his arms crossed, smirking as she gives him a flat look and unceremoniously dumps Binx onto the bench seat through the driver’s side window.
“Well, John B’s just gonna -stay, Binxy!- have to get used to it. I’m not leaving him behind.”
Across the street, Rachel perches on her porch as she watches the two teenagers with her beady little eyes and Sailor, feeling particularly defiant, grins wickedly. “J, watch this.” Waving to the woman to catch her attention she calls over the wind, “Hey, Rachel!” before slowly extending both middle fingers toward her, one at a time. “That one’s for my mom and this one’s for you, you nosy bitch!”
He instantly joins in and both hold their hands high, cackling with laughter, until the old crone scowls and slithers back into her house like the snake she is. “Good riddance,” the redhead says, opening the truck’s door and sliding behind the wheel, “Let’s blow this joint.”
“Joint?” JJ asks, climbing into the passenger seat and slamming the door behind him, Binx instantly curling up on his lap, “Did you say joint?”
“You and weed, I swear...” She laughs and goes to start the engine before she realizes she’s grasping at an empty ignition and lets her head fall against the steering wheel with a thunk, “Son of a bitch, I forgot my keys. I’ll be right back.”
Going back inside isn’t as hard as Sailor thought it would be, but leaving is a whole other ball game. She snatches her keys from the bathroom sink where she left them and heads back toward the front door; she’s just passing by their family portrait when it hits her: this is it, the last time in who knows how long she’ll be here. It’s now or never. She thinks of it as a weight on her shoulders, one that’s been dragging her down for far too long, like Atlas holding up the sky, but unlike him, she’s going to break the chains and set herself free.
In one final, sudden burst of years of anger and hurt and frustration, she rips the picture from the hook and smashes it to the floor, sending pieces of glass and wood skittering down the hall before striding from the house and all its memories without a backwards glance, slamming the door behind her with a resolute bang.
Surprisingly, John B doesn’t give a shit about the cat when they show up at the Chateau but he does give a shit about Sailor and her well-being after they give him a quick rundown of the afternoon’s happenings.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Sail?” He asks as he and JJ carry her bags into the house and deposit them in the spare room, the redhead trailing behind with Binx in her arms.
“That’s the age old question, bro,” She deflects with a shrug, taking a seat on the bed and setting the cat down beside her; he instantly takes off to explore his new home as she continues, “Who actually knows if they’re okay? What’s okay to one person can be completely different to another-”
“Sailor, seriously.”
She glances back and forth between the two boys -two sweet, caring boys- watching her with twin looks of understanding and relents. “Look, I’m still kind of...processing everything, alright? I’m not exactly sure what I’m feeling and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take for me to find out but I promise you,” She says softly, looking them both in the eye, “I’ll let you know if I’m not okay. Deal?”
JJ shoots her an enthusiastic thumbs up while John B opts for a simple nod and she grins before pulling the bottle of Jack Daniels from her backpack with a flourish. “Good. Now, I think we could all use a drink.”
The trio (and Binx, house thoroughly explored) bums around the living room while the afternoon slowly turns to evening, the wind outside getting worse with each passing hour the storm moves closer, passing the bottle back and forth until none of them are anywhere close to sober. What started as a game of truth or dare quickly dissolves into straight up truth as they get remarkably philosophical about what animal they’d want to be (an eagle for John B, a wolf for JJ, and to absolutely no one’s surprise, a dolphin for Sailor) and then have a deep, animated discussion about the best Star Wars movie and why it’s The Empire Strikes Back. Later, when the whiskey’s down to a few sips left and their collective demons have retreated to the very back of their minds, JJ drunkenly suggests playing strip poker and both Sailor and John B have to remind him that none of them a.) know how to play poker or b.) even own a deck of cards.
“Damn it!” The sly grin falls from his face when he realizes they’re right and he dejectedly sinks back into the couch, head coming to rest on the redhead’s shoulder. “I wanna see you take your clothes off, Flynn.”
She laughs loudly and grabs the bottle from his hand before taking a big sip and passing it to John B. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that, Maybank.” Whiskey, she found out few months ago, hits her hard: her filter? Gone. Blushing? Aside from the flush in her cheeks from the alcohol, gone. Self-consciousness? As long gone as her father. She’ll flirt her heart out without giving a single shit and it’s both a blessing and a curse, as well as an endless source of secondhand embarrassment in the morning.
“That’s okay, you know I like a challenge.” He declares with a wink, cracking up when she plants her hand directly on his face and pushes him off her shoulder as John B snorts and downs the last of the liquor without either of them noticing.
“Jesus, get a room,” He uses the empty bottle to point down the hall, then sets it on the side table with a hollow thunk as he leans back and stretches his arms above his head. “There’s one right there.”
Sailor gives him a swift kick in the shin with her bare foot for that, plus the shit-eating grin on his face. The trio lounges around for a little while longer, relaxing in a whiskey-induced haze; the redhead finds herself nodding off every so often, slipping back further and further until her head finds a place to rest on JJ’s lap and her legs end up on John B’s. The feel of fingers running through her hair is so feather light that she can barely keep her eyes open and before she knows it, she’s down for the count.
When she wakes some indefinite amount of time later the room is dark, the only light coming from the moon shining through the windows and John B’s gone from his spot by her feet, Binx curled up in a ball on the cushion instead. JJ’s dead asleep, hand stalled in her curls and the sight of his head tipped back against the couch with his mouth slightly open is so damn endearing that she can’t help but smile, even as she reaches a hand up to gently shake his shoulder.
“J, wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” He groans, free hand sluggishly pushing her arm away. Sailor sits up and swivels to face him before shaking him again, giggling quietly at the way his head lolls from side to side.
“Come on, the bed’s way comfier than this.”
Sleepy blue eyes open to give her a heavy look that screams both gratification and longing and so much hope as he quips, “You just want me in your bed again, don’t you?”
She reverently rolls her eyes but reaches to grab his hands anyway and pulls him to his feet, both swaying in place before they find their balance. “And if I do?”
The corner of his mouth rises in a small, adorable smile as his fingers entwine with hers. “I’d say that’s right where I want to be.”
“Well, you’re in luck ‘cause that’s where I want you to be, too.” Still a little bit tipsy, her words are honest, sincere, and as she leads him down the hall, she realizes that old saying is true: drunk words are sober thoughts. After three weeks sharing a home, a room, a bed, she just doesn’t think she can sleep without him anymore and that belief doesn’t quite scare her as much as she thought it would.
Lying wrapped up in his arms in the dark, Sailor finds herself dreaming of a future -as much of a future an impoverished, quasi-homeless, not-quite alright, not-quite-seventeen year old can dream of- with the damaged boy that holds oceans in his eyes.
A few miles away, Carmen Flynn sits on her daughter’s bed with a broken picture frame in her hands as she cries, all alone in an empty house with no idea how to make things okay again.
let me know what you think! also, fun fact: sailor compares her short-term memory to a chimp because studies have shown that chimpanzees are the absolute worst at remembering things, not goldfish as we previously thought (they can remember things for at least five months, compared to chimps who, despite their similarities to humans, forget things in about twenty seconds). sailor, being a zoology nerd, would definitely find that fascinating and make it her mission to educate the masses that goldfish aren’t that stupid jj finds it both adorable and kind of hot
taglist ❤: @sinkbeneathwaves​ @jiaraendgame​ @hmsjiara​ @obxsummer​ @maysbanks​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @sunflowerbecca​ @obxlife​ @obx-adventures​ @sexualparkour​ @coltonparayyko​ @miawantsapuppy​ @jjmaybanky​ @ethereallust​
48 notes · View notes
laketaj24 · 5 years
 ֍Author’s Note: This is a oneshot compiled of about five requests lol There are likely going to be some typos because I am kind of tipsy! Taglist and Requests are currently open! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy! (gif by me)
֍Pairing: Reader x Tommy
֍Warnings: Smut. Language
Peaky Blinder Masterlist
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The party had started. People gathered down below and they talk of the economic failure in America had rung true to be the topic of choice. This party was important for you, firstly it was your birthday. Tommy promised you the world years ago and though you had to battle an entire army to get there, you were safe and sound. Secondly it was the welcoming of Michael and your daughter Persephone back to England. It hadn’t been done proper. Tommy did not trust Michael any farther than he could throw him at the minute.
“Is he coming?” Persephone ran her finger through the springy blonde coils of her hair and smiled. “Mother?”
“He will come dear.” You gave her a small smile and turned to the entrance. There stood Oswald Mosely. He appeared dumbfounded but this home was not the proper home he had normally experienced. His eyes found you and you noticed he started to make his way over to you. “This man is incorrigible, mind yourself.” You said talking through your teeth.
She rolled her eyes. She never was attracted to the Men of England, perhaps it was the reason she had brought a friend back from home. “Mother.”
“I know.” You laughed.
Oswald cleared his throat. There was a former relationship between the two of you, one late night while young you’d fucked. And now you’d regretted he even remembered your face. “Delightful to see you here, Mrs. Shelby. Is your husband not around?”
“He’s upstairs. I was headed to get him actually, Sir Mosely.”
“Ah, please. I would like to speak with him before the festivities start.”
“Oh,” he paused as his finger grazed your arm. “Happy Birthday to you Mrs. Shelby.”
You rolled your eyes purely out of habit and ascended up the steps that lead to your bedroom. There was no light inside other than the flicker of a candle enar Tommy’s desk. He sat with the letter angled in the flame. His face stonewalled and eyes on the incandescent flame in front of him. “Tommy.”
“Y/N.” He said. “Close the door behind you.”
“What are you doing in here? The people are waiting.”
“They can wait a while longer.” He cleared his throat. “My guess is that you already know what was in the letter?”
You did not know but die to the lack of a smile on his face you gathered it was surely a letter of marriage proposal from the gentleman Persephone had been attached to. “I do not.”
“Your daughter.”
“Our.” You corrected.
“She wants to marry that fucking American. That bloody imbecile that runs around with Michael. Michael is trouble. I don’t want her around him or people in the likes of him.” His voice roared throughout your bedroom. There was no doubt in your mind everyone had heard it. “I won’t have it.”
“Thomas. You and I were never meant to be married. Your father and Polly all but forbid it and we are fine. Our Seph is a good woman.”
“She’s a child and it’s not her I’m worried about.”
“She’s eighteen. Remember we had her at the same age that she wants to get married. She’s fine.”
“No.” He cleared his throat as he stood from the table. “I don’t approve.”
“Then she’ll run off with him, have our grandkids and we will never see them. Is that what you want?”
“I could kill him.” Tommy smirked. He seemed to playful but the look of anger that dwelled within his eyes was certain.
“No, you are better than that.” You laughed. You made your way over to him and placed your hand on his cheek. “Now, prove that you are and get out there and be the host that you are known to be.”
“What about your birthday?” He whispered. “What do you want?”
“I have everything my heart desires.” You grabbed his hand and placed your lips on his knuckles. “Let us…”
Tommy gently pushed you against his desk and stood between your legs. His hand traveled up the jeweled dress to the bare skin of your thigh. “I know what I want to give you.” Tommy grinned. He brushed his nose along the line of your neck and took in your scent.
“What is that?”
“Another child.” He whispered. “Hmmm?”
“No.” you laughed. “That’d be crazy Tommy.”
“I think it would be a perfect present.” He gripped your thigh and leaned closer to you. His heavy weight sheathed your body. “What do you say?”
You oddly enough could not tell if he was being playful or truthful but you didn’t stop his intentions. The rough pads of his fingertips moved farther up your leg. He gathered your dress at the line of yout stomach and you pushed those suspenders down.
“I didn’t hear an answer.”
“I am not young like I was before Tommy.” His hands came down on your legs slid down the hill between your thighs.
“I don’t care about your age…” You quickly unbuttoned his pants and gripped the girth of cock. You started at the hilt and tugged down to his tip. He groaned as you worked your magic on him. He liked you to pull him firmly before you swiped your finger over his precum. The deep rumble in his chest made you wet. He sighed and pushed you flat back on the desk and pushed your legs apart. They draped over the desk and he tugged your ass to the end of the desk and slammed into you. There was no foreplay or warning, it really wasn’t needed. You were drenched for him already. “Don’t you want another?” He grinned as he pulled all the way out of you and then back in a second.
He held your legs up to his chest. You are sated with him. You savored the moment as you glanced in his ice blue eyes. You and Tommy had gone through more than you wanted to admit, trials and heartaches and even now… when he was somewhat intolerable you could not think to imagine a life without him. You closed your eyes as his thick cock filled you.
“One more?” He laughed. Your chest rose and fell as your body shuddered with euphoria.
“One.” You gasped. The pleasure overtook you. Your toes tingled and fingers fell numb.
“I want to watch me drip out of you.” He smiled. His playful tone was a relief. He leaned down and kissed you before he started fucking into you at an insane pace. You wrapped your legs around him and he was impossibly deeper. And then he stopped for a moment only to slow thrust back into you. And you felt his cum, warm inside of you as he pulled out and the white droplet hit the wooden floor.
Tommy looked down. “We’ll need to do that again.” He chuckled.
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Minutes passed of heavy breathing and scattered kissing before you two were dressed. Tommy seemed happy, you would take it. You adjusted the dress and the subtle jewels that garnished your neck . ”You are to be on your best behavior tonight? Is this understood Mr. Shelby?”
Mrs. Shelby.” You seen the smile on his face in the flickers of the flame on his desk. “I make no promises.” He buttoned his cufflink. “But I will try, for you and you only.”
“Thank you.” You laughed and adjusted his hair. “And later today, we can work on those children you are so fond of, okay?”
The door opened and you two were down the steps, hand in hand. “About time.” Persephone giggled wrapped in the arms of her new boyfriend. You felt Tommy stiffen and watched as his eyes widened. “Mother, father… you have met Bentley?”
Tommy cleared his throat. “Unfortunately.” You pinched his arm and Tommy sighed. “How are you Bentley?”
“We are well sir.” Bentley smiled. “Have you read my letter?”
“As much as I could stomach.” He answered.
“We did,” you talked over him. “And we are approve.” You overstepped him and Tommy glared at you. “Don’t we?” He said nothing in return, just a menacing glare with raised eyebrows and a streak of shock. “It’s the best birthday present a wife and mother could dream of, thank you Bentley. We are to entertain Mr. Mosely… Tommy.”
“Certainly, then we will talk.. Bentley.” He said through clenched teeth.
Oswald awaited you as if he was owed a visit from you the entire night. You didn’t particularly have much for him. You hated his haughtiness and his policies, the little that you had heard of them. “The woman of the hour and the host,” he looked at his watch. “Past time is it not?”
“Apologies, we were… planning.” Tommy bit his lip. “How are you enjoying the party, Sir Mosely?”
“They are well.” He paused. “I was informed by your aunt I can have any woman here…” He paused. “I’d like her.” His finger landed on Persephone. “You can send her to my room, spouse or not… I doubt she will say no to me.”
Perhaps that had been the last hope for peace at these events for the night. Tommy stepped closer and Sir Mosely went into the wall behind him. The pictures fell, the clatter disrupted the entire event. “Get the fuck out.” He growled.
“I beg your pardon?”
As you expected John, Arthur and Finn surrounded you and him. Their hands placed on the hilt of the gun. “You need help there Tommy boy?” Arthur whispered.
“Yes, kindly escort Oswald out… his invitation has been rescinded. Mrs. Shelby, it’s your birthday… we are dancing.”
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●●●Taglist: @taytayize123​  @honestsycrets @supernaturalvikingwhore @dvndelionn @queenmissfit​ @cltex84​ @didiiscool11​ @therealcalicali​ @readsalot73​@allaboardthereadingrailroad​ @vikingsbifrost​ @rhys108​ @savismith​ @tephi101​ @khiraeth​ @queenbeeta​ @danceyreagan​ @geekandbooknerd​ @feyrearcheron44​ @sparklemichele​ @tiredxsurvivor​ @tiff-valerie​ @ainatirb-j​ @areubeingserved​ @brujademente​ @igotshinee​
299 notes · View notes
prettyinpunk85 · 5 years
Amor Prohibido (part 4)
Amor Prohibido (4/?)
Pairing: Angel Reyes X Reader
Word Count: I don’t know. Who gives a shit.
Warnings: Language. Violence. Talk of sex.
Tags: @dearsamcrobae, @celestemaquilladora​
Not my gif.
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Sitting on top of a picnic table outside of Teller-Morrow, she takes a long drag of her smoke starring ahead. Thinking about him.
Opie sits next to her and puts an arm around her shoulders, “Hey sister girl, what’s up? You look pensive.” She half laughs shrugging, “Just thinking about how shitty and unfair life can be.” He lights his cigarette taking a drag and nods exhaling, “Very true. Life’s a bitch. Care to elaborate?” She looks down thinking and half smiles shaking her head, “Nah... No thanks. I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone about what’s been going on with me. Everyone is against it. So I have to keep it all to myself. It’s been fucking hard and lonely, Op.” He turns his head and looks at her, “Dude, you’re like my sister. I’ve known you since we were kids. We grew up together. Why couldn’t you talk to me, baby girl?” She takes a drag of her cigarette, “Because your loyalty is with the club.” He nods, “I know, I get it. But it’s also not healthy for you to keep things in. And it’s not very fair for you to go through whatever it is that’s going on alone.” She shrugs, “Life is a bitch, remember? Nothing much we can do about it.” He puts the smoke out, “Talk to me.”
She stares down at the ground, “I’m sure you know about me and the Mayan... Angel..” He nods, “I do..” She brushes her hair back, “Opie, I like him. I really fucking do. I think about him non-stop and I can’t help it. He makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel. I can admit it now.” She wipes her eyes and looks at Opie sad, “And he played me. I’m such an idiot. I fell for it. And now I feel so fucking heartbroken. It hurts. A lot.” He watches her face, “Y/N, what do you mean that he played you?” She sniffs, “So one night we had like this drunken one night stand or whatever. I woke up, freaked out and left the next morning while he was sleeping. Then a couple of nights ago he gave me a ride home. We hung out, we had what I thought was a great time. We had a couple of beers and then had sex again. I wake up the next day and he’s gone. Just like that. Just like what I did. He ghosted me. He won’t even talk to me at all. Won’t text me back or call me back. He got what he wanted. He wanted to be the one in control. The one that left.”
Opie swallows hard looking down feeling guilty, “That’s harsh. That’s some hardcore bullshit, sister.” She gets up wiping her eyes and half smiles feeling stupid, “It’s whatever. I’ll get over it. Can you please do me a favor?” He nods, “Anything, hun.” She wipes her face, “I don’t feel well, I’m going to go home. Can you please tell Gemma and Jax?” He stands up and hugs her, “I will, no worries. You don’t deserve any of this. None of it is your fault. It’ll get better though, I promise. Give it some time, time heals. The heart can’t help what it wants.” She nods and gives him a sad smile with teary eyes, “Bye, Op.” she turns around walking to her car and leaves.
Opie walks into the shop looking at Jax, “Come here, J. We gotta talk.” Jax wipes his greasy hands on a rag and walks away with Opie. They walk towards the side of the building where there is no one else there. Jax looks at Op worried, “What is it, man? Everything okay?” Opie sighs, “I feel fucking horrible. I just talked to Y/N and I couldn’t tell her the truth, Jax. She’ll hate us.” Jax shakes his head, “It’s fine. It’ll pass, give her time and she’ll move on and forget about him.” Opie looks at Jax confused, “And what makes you think that, man? You act like she’s done this a lot. Never has something like this happened to her. Never has she ever given any of us trouble. Quite the opposite actually. She’s always been there for us.” Jax scoffs, “Op, since when are you so gung-ho about this?! You like this dude?!” Opie looks at him serious, “You really actually think that’s how it is with me? Open your eyes, man. Do I like that dude? Not really. Could she do way better? Yeah. You haven’t seen her though. She’s so broken up about this. I’ve never seen her like this before. It’s real, man. It’s true. And I feel like such an asshole failure for not being there for her. She’s pretty much alone in this and it doesn’t seem like you or many others care.”
Jax shrugs starring ahead, “Im doing this to protect her. Look, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s been done. We had the meeting with Alvarez and Bishop already. They agreed that they would make him stay away. It’s done.” Opie looks at him clenching his jaw, “Then fucking undo it, Jax.” Opie walks away leaving, feeling guilty and pissed off.
A week later.
Gemma looks around confused and keeps knocking on the front door of Y/N’s house. Nothing. She searches in her purse and finally finds a spare key. She unlocks the front door and slowly walks in. She goes to the kitchen setting a bag full of groceries down on the table, along with her purse. Gemma looks around wondering if she should maybe grab her gun out of her purse because she’s feeling uneasy. “Y/N?” She hears a mumbling coming from Y/N’s room. She opens the door and she’s laying in bed. Gemma sits on her bed looking at her. “I haven’t heard from you in days. You’ve been avoiding all of our calls. We’ve tried to give you some space. You haven’t been to work. This ain’t like you.” She shrugs looking at Gemma and laughs a bit. Gemma raises and eyebrow, “Oh my God. You’re hammered. Get up and undress. Now.” Gemma gets up and goes and starts the shower. She scoffs, “Gemma. I’m not getting up. I’m a grown person. If I want to be hammered and wallow in my own sadness at home, I can.” Gemma rolls her eyes, “Get in the shower.” Y/N gets up mad mumbling incoherently. She walks over to the bathroom sliding her panties off and takes her tshirt off over her head getting into the shower.
Gemma leans back on the wall crossing her arms, “Sweetie, what’s going on?” Y/N stands under the water letting it run down her body and starts crying. Gemma sighs, “C’mon, girl. I’m here.” She keeps crying, “I’m just heartbroken and it’s so ridiculous.” Gemma half laughs, “No. It’s just life. You’re stronger than this though. I raised you to be strong.” Y/N brushes her wet hair back, “Jax doesn’t let me have a love life. He needs to get over it. He can do whatever he wants, but I can’t. I mean, Gemma look. You just made a grown ass woman get in the shower.” Gemma starts to clean around the bathroom and bedroom. “I’m gonna go make you some coffee, sweetie.”
Y/N gets out of the shower putting on some clean jogger pants and a v-neck tshirt. She goes over to the table and sits down with her forehead on her palm starring down at the mug of coffee. She listens to Gemma starting the washer after stripping Y/N’s sheets and comforter off of her bed. Gemma comes back and sits down across from Y/N watching her, “You need to stand up to Jax more. Show him where the line is and that he can’t cross it. You’re letting him. You know he’s stubborn.” She takes a drink of the coffee and sets the mug down looking at Gemma, “No one is ever going to want to be with me because of all this crazy shit. No one is going to want to be a part of it. Angel got beat up because of Jax. He opened his eyes, saw all this crazy and ran away. Ghosted me. And I don’t blame him. If I saw all of this from the other side, I’d run too.” Gemma exhales thinking, “Honey, it’s all crazy. This guy, his life is probably crazy too. It’s the biker life. It’s the MC life. You should know that. He should know that. Crazy comes with all of this. You have to decide if this is really what you want. And if this guy never talks to you again, his loss. You’re amazing.”
She gets up, kisses Y/N’s head and puts the groceries that she brought over away. “Thanks, Gemma. You’re just saying that though because you’re biased. Because you know me and raised me.” Gemma laughs, “Sweetie, no. I’m serious. You deserve the best. If this guy or any other guy can’t see it, fuck them. And like I said, you need to show, not just talk. You need to show Jackson where the lines are and when not to cross. He’s my son, I love him. He’s great, but I know how he can get.”
Y/N finishes her coffee and nods, “You’re right, Gemma. Thank you.” Gemma smiles at her gently holding Y/N’s chin, “Anytime, baby girl. You’re going to be okay.” She nods, “I feel better now, thank you. For everything, always.” She gets up and hugs Gemma tight and they say goodbye. She stands by the living room window watching Gemma leave and she sighs rubbing her aching head.
Coco talks to EZ as they both stare at Angel who’s sitting up at the bar, “He’s barely said a word lately.” EZ nods taking a drink of his beer, “Marcus has an understanding with Jax Teller.” Coco looks over at EZ confused, “About that chick?” EZ looks at Coco and slowly nods, “Yeah, Bish told Angel to stay away from her. Or really... Ordered him. What could he do? Angel is in the club, you can’t fight shit like that.” Coco takes a drink of beer and nods, “It’s a part of the life. It’s for the best anyway... Probably..” EZ shrugs, “Why though? What if they do really like each other and make each other happy? I mean, it’s Angel. What woman is going to willingly tolerate him for long? It’s slim pickings for his ass.” EZ jokes half smiling at the thought and looks over at his brother.
Angel stares down at his drink thinking about that almost perfect morning. They had spent the night at her house laughing and having some drinks. Talking about life, she was so easy to talk to. Even having the best sex he’s ever had, but more than that. Connecting. He woke up that morning smiling, watching her sleep when his phone vibrated. It was a text from Bishop.
“Meeting. Now.”
He gently got up, got dressed quietly and left. He wasn’t trying to ditch her. He wasn’t trying to sneak out like she had that first morning that they were together. All he wanted was to stay with her. The club called though. Little did he know that he was leaving her there for good. The meeting was for him. The meeting was him being told that there was a deal with SAMCRO where he stayed away from Y/N and never talked to her again.
He quickly wipes his eyes and finishes his drink. He just left her there. She probably thought that he had used her and abandoned her. To get back at her. It’s exactly what it looked liked and he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t explain things to her or beg her for forgiveness. He couldn’t talk to her or see her at all, ever again. If she for some reason came around, he was not even to look at her.
A guy walks by drunk and laughing with his friends, accidentally pushing Angel into the bar. The guy laughs and looks at Angel, “I’m so sorry about that, man.” Angel gets up looking at him pissed, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!”
Coco points, “Hey boy-scout, you best go get your carnal.” EZ gets up knowing what’s about to happen, “C’mon, Coco. This is about to get fucked up. Angel ain’t right.” The guy looks at Angel confused, “Look, dude. I said that I was sorry. I don’t want any problems.” Angel shakes his head and yells, “You wanna come for me?! C’mon! I’m right here!” Angel punches him hard and the guy falls down to the ground. Angel then gets on top of the guy punching him over and over. EZ and Coco pull him off and EZ looks at Angel serious, “Enough! We gotta go. Now.”
A month later.
Opie smiles at Y/N sitting on the couch next to her, “C’mon. Let’s go to my friend’s BBQ. It’ll do you good. You’ll get out of the house, get some fresh air, eat some grub and have a beer or two. Maybe even talk to other humans?” She smiles and chuckles a bit getting up, “Okay, then. I’ll go get dressed. I’m only doing this because you’re asking me to.” He nods smiling satisfied, “Great! Lyla will meet us there.” She smiles nodding, “Perfect” She goes to her room not really wanting to go to this bbq, but she doesn’t want to say no to Opie. She takes a quick shower and gets dressed. She goes back out to the living room grabbing her purse, “I’m ready. Thanks for waiting.” He gets up, “Let’s hit the road, Jack!”
Lyla smiles at Y/N while making the kids plates, “I’m really glad you got out of the house and came.” Y/N smiles nodding, “I’m also glad that I came. I haven’t been out of my house in a while. The sun feels great.” Y/N finishes the little bit of food that she put on her plate, “Hey, Lyla I’m going to go inside and find a bathroom.”
She walks inside the house and uses the bathroom. She washes her hands thinking, wishing that she was at home in bed. Alone from the world. The little that she ate churning a bit in her stomach. She dries her hands and looks at herself in the mirror and sighs. She walks out of the bathroom walking down the hall looking at all the pictures that are hanging on the walls. She stops and stares at a picture, thinking to herself. This family looks happy. The man and the woman in the picture look like they are in love... They have kids... The kids look happy. She half smiles not feeling at all like she could have a life like that.
Opie watches her from the other end of the hallway, “Hey girl... You okay?” She looks over at him a little startled, “Hey, I’m okay Opes.” She goes to walk passed him and he steps in the way, “We can leave if you want. Um, I could take you home. You don’t look too thrilled about being here.” She looks up at him confused, “Uh... I’m fine... I didn’t say anything. At least I got out of the house. That’s a big step for me.” He smiles nervously and nods, “This is a nice house, right?” She furrows her eyebrows, “Opie, what’s going on?” He shakes his head trying to block her path, “Nah. I’m just making sure you’re cool. Like you said, this is a pretty big step.” She pushes her way passed him feeling really confused, “Dude, you’re being kinda weird.” She looks out of the living room window seeing Angel out in the front lawn of the house talking to some guys, including EZ.
She looks at Opie confused, “What the fuck is he doing here?!” Opie sighs rubbing his head, “Look, I’m sorry. I saw him get here while you were in the bathroom. I didn’t want you to see him. This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have made you come.” She exhales thinking and before Opie can grab her she heads out of the front door and to the front yard. “No wait, come back! Don’t go out there!” Opie follows her.
EZ looks up and his smile fades, “Oh shit.” Angel looks at him confused and then looks over to see what EZ is looking at, “Fuck.” EZ and the other guys back away as Y/N rushes over to Angel. “So you thought that shit was funny?! Just using me and then ghosting me?! Like you do all this other girls!” Angel looks down and over to the side. “Ha! Okay. Big tough man can’t even face me. So what then, you can’t even look at me. You fuck em, leave em and then you can’t deal with them! No consequences for Angel Reyes.” She stands there starring up at him breathing heavy. Angel shrugs still looking away. Still not looking at her. “Thank you, Angel. Sorry that I was an idiot that thought that you liked me.” She gets choked up and starts to cry. “I fell for it. Hook, line and sinker. Jokes on me, asshole.” Opie gently grabs her arm, “Come on, hun. I’ll take you home.” He walks to his truck with Y/N trying to console her. Angel turns around to start to head towards her and EZ steps in front of him, blocking his way. EZ looks at Angel with a serious look and shakes his head. Angel quickly wipes his eyes furious and gets on his bike leaving.
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New Beginnings (Part 9~ Last Part)
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*Not My Gif*
~New Beginnings Master~
Post Date: 1-2-20
Paring: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 2K
~Series Master~
It was the middle of the night when you tugged on your denim jacket, walking down the streets of New York with crisp air making your cheeks blush. A buzzing in your pocket caught your attention as you pulled out your phone, smiling at the goofy picture of Peter that popped up.
You swiped to answer the call and put your phone to your ear. “Hey Pete.”
“Hey. Where are you?” You looked around knowing Peter wouldn’t approve of this as you focused back on the phone.
“Um, I’m spending the night at MJ’s.” You lied as Peter sighed into the phone. “Peter? What’s wrong?”
“J. Jonah Jameson keeps calling about an interview.” You stopped walking, the grip on your phone tightened and your jaw locked momentarily.
“That man needs to get a life.” Peter agreed with you before you started moving again. “After my dad died, he kept trying to get me to let him have an interview about taking over Stark industries. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and made up his own story about me freaking out on him.”
On the other line, Peter nodded his head. “I remember that story, Ned showed it to me.”
“I just wish he’d leave you alone after everything. I mean, first he tells the world you’re Spider-Man and then he tries to get the first interview. It’s awful.” Your phone beeped in your ear, letting you know it was time to hurry up your conversation. “Hey Peter, MJ and I are gonna watch a movie. Talk later?”
“Yeah. And Y/N?” You hummed back a yeah as you listened to Peter take a deep breath, undoubtedly smiling. “I love you.”
You joined his smile, your cheeks hurting from the stretch as you whispered back. “I love you too.”
You hung up first, checking your texts before movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention.
“I think we need to talk.” You said into the darkness as you put your phone in your pocket and crossed your arms. There was nothing but silence in the air as two figures stepped out of the alleyway, now barely lit by the flickering of the streetlamps next to you.
“Let’s talk.”
 You took a deep breath, peaking through the curtain at the reporters talking to camera men or getting their things sorted out. It was your first press conference since your dad and you were one who called it. Peter stood next to you, looking over your shoulder as you turned around.
“Peter, I don’t know if I can do this. This is my dad’s thing, not mine.” You shook your head, letting your eyes close as Peter wrapped his arms around you.
“Hey, you’ll be alright! You’ll be alright. I’ll be right back here watching and you’ll do great.” He tried to comfort you, but you just grabbed his hand.
“You’re going out there with me.” He just stared at you, tipping his head to his side as you grinned.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Trust me?” Peter hesitated as he glanced to the crowd again but when his eyes fell on you again he nodded, trusting you with everything. “Ok, then let’s go.” You took one last shaky breath before pushing the curtain away, feeling the lights of cameras capturing yours and Peters actions. Peters eyes were locked on you, too scared to look anywhere but at you as you stepped up to the podium. You found Pepper and Morgan sitting in the front row as they gave you a thumbs up, making you relax slightly. The crowd quieted down, microphones and cameras preparing to catch every single word.
“I would like to address the rumors surrounding Quentin Beck and Spider-Man’s identity. The videos are fake. The voice recording you heard were made prior to the attack in London. Quentin Beck’s attack. He used the alias Mysterio to deceive me as well as our countries top protectors.” You began as Peter’s eyes widened. You knew lying was risky but you need to make things better.
“Quentin Beck is no one but an old Stark Industries employee fired prior to Mr. Parker’s internship. We believe that Beck was taking revenge on my father’s legacy by attempting to unmask Spider-Man. We believe that he had chosen Mr. Parker based on his new position in my fathers- my company“, whispers and camera flashes spurred across the crowd as you looked to Pepper and Morgan, both beaming at you, “-and his position in my life.” Without much thinking you grabbed onto Peter’s hand, receiving a squeeze from him as he stepped closer. You looked up to him, a smile turning up both your lips before looking back down at your paper and ignoring the bright flashing.
“Mr. Parker on the other hand is no one but a normal high schooler just trying to make it.” You took a steady breath before looking up into the sky, sighing with relief at what you saw. “And as I’m sure everyone can attest, cannot possibly be in two places at once. One of which is by my side and the other is flying above you all right now.”
Everyone gasped, turning towards the flying figure in the sun as they squinted their eyes, trying to get the best photo of Spider-Man. When Spider-Man landed right next to you, you gave him a high five, cameras flashing like crazy as Peter stood next to you freaking out.
“Thank you, no questions.” You spoke into the microphone as the final pictures of the three of you were taken and Spider-Man flew off in the sky once again and Peter and you made your exit off stage.
“That was amazing!” Peter beamed as you both walked down the stairs. As soon as your foot hit the last step, Peter grabbed you by the waist and spun you in the air. You let out a swarm of giggles as you grabbed onto his shoulders, enjoying the love display. Peter put you down and his hand trailed up to your chin, pulling it up for you to look at him. “You’re amazing.” He whispered as you blushed but chose not to hide it and risk losing the sight of Peter’s eyes.
“I try.” You joked before he swept you into a kiss. Happy and the rest of the remaining avengers all filed into the room, a few of them aweing at the sight while Sam started mocking you, Bucky joining in until you glared at them. “Grow up guys.” You told them, sticking your tongue out.
“Alright, Alright.” Sam said putting his hands in the air. “But seriously Y/N, you did good.”
“You were amazing girl.” Wanda pulled you into a bone crushing hug as you laughed, hugging her back. The team all agreed with each other that you had done good, sending away any of the nerves you had about the media believing.
Your phone buzzed as you held up a finger to them all, pulling it out and opening up the news. “Peter. Look.” You clicked on the newest link, one written by J. Jonah Jameson himself with a picture of Peter and Spider-Man up top.
“That was fast.” His voice wavered as you whispered into your ear. You nodded as your eyes darted across the headline.
Spider-Man identity confirmed not Midtown Student, Peter Parker
“We did it.” You mumbled in disbelief as you scrolled through the article. Peter read over your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist and every time he read something relieving, he pulled you closer and buried his nose in your hair.
“No Y/N. You did it.” He corrected as you smiled, looking into his chocolate brown eyes over your shoulder. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips as you smiled into it, only pulling away when you heard your name being shouted.
Morgan came running into the room, Pepper following closely behind as you swung Morgan into your arms.
“You were so good!” Morgan cooed as she wrapped her arms around your neck to hug you. You hugged your little sister, feeling Peter’s hand on your back when you picked her up and held her in your arms.
“Thanks Mo. I’m glad you liked it.” Pressing a quick kiss to her forehead she turned to Peter, her mouth dropping open.
“Peter! How were you in two places at once?!” Morgan asked as the room quieted down. Realization crossing everyone’s faces, even your boyfriends, as you smirked.
Bucky just took a step forward, turning towards the team before looking at the two teenagers in front of him, one who look almost as lost as he did and who with a satisfied smirk on her lips. “Yeah Spidey, how were you in two places?” Peter just raised his brow before crossing his arms and looking at you.
You shrugged, licking your lips. “Well…”
You couldn’t help but laugh at yourself and the scene in front of you.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You can change back now.” You told them as Fury’s head dropped in a smirk. Maria just looked at him, eyes wide as you came closer.
“He told me you’d figure it out.” Fury said as you shrugged, pulling your arms closer to your body.
“You’re not the best actors in the world.” You watched as the faces you knew to be Nick and Maria changed to reveal the faces of a pair of Skrulls, Talos and Soren. Smiling you stretched your hand to them. “I’m Y/N. Nice to... officially meet you.”
“So, how did you figure it out?” Soren asked you after shaking your hand, eying you up and down.
“Maria always answers my calls. And Fury would’ve had my ass for storming out of the base the way I did after meeting Mysterio. Figuring you guys were, well you guys, that took some work.” Soren and Talos shared impressed looks. Both a little embarrassed of their mistakes but you let them know they were still pretty good actors, just not for you.
“So why did you call us here Y/N?” Talos asked as he changed back into Fury in case someone saw a pair of aliens on the streets of Queens.
“I need a favor.”
“I just reminded Talos that it was his fault your identity was revealed and he agreed to help out.”
No one knew what to say. You figured this all out by yourself.
You did that.
You looked around at the shocked faces, everyone’s jaw dropped open as they stared at you. “You’re amazing.” Peter said as you turned to him, grabbing his hand.
“You already said that.” He just shook his head, telling you he didn’t care as he pulled you in for another kiss. You let out a giggle before pulling away and looking at your family.
“Your dad would’ve been proud of you.” Pepper told you, squeezing your outstretched hand. Your head dropped only slightly but you know she was right.
“Thank you, Pep.”
Happy asked the question on everyone’s mind. “So, now what?”
You hadn’t really thought about that. What was next for you? You took over your father’s company from Pepper, you got the guy you’d been in love with for years, you convinced the world Spider-Man was someone else, you figured out that S.H.I.E.L.D’s most trusted people weren’t themselves. But what now?
You looked down at your hands, fidgeting with your blouse as you cleared your throat. “I think- I think, if you all don’t mind, I think I want to un-retire.” You heard Peter’s faint gasp behind you as you turned to look at him with a small smile. “Turns out the world wasn’t done needing heroes.” Happy chuckled, sending you a wink.
“We’d love to have you back Y/N.” The team agreed, everyone coming in for a hug and when it was done Peter grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the group.
“Wanna go for a ride?” Peter whispered as you turned towards everyone, each of them engaged in their own conversation as you nodded. The two of you snuck away, heading out to the roof as Peter slipped on his Spider suit. “Ready?” he asked as you wrapped your arms around his neck before your legs made their way around his waist. He held you closer to him, pulling up his mask to give you a quick kiss.
You rested your head on his shoulder, looking out into the city as you smiled. “Ready.”
And the two of you were off.
A/N: It’s over! It feels weird ending this series, when I started I honestly had no idea where I wanted to go with this, so to have this ending it’s truly luck. I hope you guys like my ending with this and aren’t mad at it!
Please tell me what you thought of this series!
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Peter: @laic2299 @danielabetancourth @darktwistydiamond @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @missmulti
Marvel: @hahaboop @laic2299
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btswishes · 5 years
BTS Reactions: Them falling in love with you again after waking up from surgery with temporary amnesia caused by the medicine.
A/N: That vid was super cute!!!
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “  hii, I watched a video of a men that was with amnesia and fell in love for his wife still in the hospital and it was sooooo cute af and I thought if you could make a reaction of the boys falling in love for their gf after an amnesia??? thank youu💖  “
 You kept holding his hand trying to clam him down, after his voice was getting louder and more hyper after each minute. Finally his face turned towards you. He said as loud as ever “Nice to meet you!But do you know who I am madam!?” he swung his arm in the most ungraceful was possible. You shook his hand and smiled. Before anything could leave your lips he yelled
   “MR WORLDWIDE HANDSOME AT YOUR SERVICE!” you giggled “I know, I have been dating you for 4 years now stupid.” Jin stopped talking and his eyebrows shot up to the sky “Me? You been dating me for like...” he tried to count to four on his wobbly fingers, showing you 5 of them. You gently reached out and tucked in his thumb “4 baby, not yet 5.” “Oh wow,wowwwww, you pretty, like wowww.Do they call you worldwide gorgeous? CUS THEY SHOULDDD!”he was becoming too loud so the nurses decided to give him some medicine.That didn’t stop him from swinging his arms around the place” Hey hey nurseeeeeee nurseeeee! Bring me some of your finesttttt water for my LOVELY GIRLFRIEND here!”
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Min Yoongi/Suga/Agust D:
 Yoongi was one special patient, he wasn’t loud, he didn’t yell, he just kept looking in one spot on the wall and sitting there like he was figuring out the meaning of life.
  You leaned towards him and your head popped in front of him. “You ok honey?” After his eyes were focused on you, you sat back down and waited for him to say something. Low key you wanted it to be funny, so when he snapped out of it you could tell Yoongi.So far nothing was happening. 
 All of a sudden he turned onto his side and leaned his head onto his body, flashing you a smirk. “So, you come here often?” you wanted to burst out laughing, but tried to act serious to see how far he was going to take this “I am here with my boyfriend.” “Oh really?Ditch that bitch and come hang out with a real man sweetie.” you placed your hands onto your lips whispering “Yoongi!”he shouldn’t be cussing at a hospital, yet you were kinda hiding your smile behind your palms too. “I will tell you a little secret,come closer.”so you did “I am one of the rappers in BTS. Min Yoongi.”you sat back down looking as amazed as you could act “Oh really? But I can’t ditch my boyfriend because that is you.Want me to ditch BTS’s rapper?” he pointed at himself and you nodded. A couple of minutes silence followed before he smirked “You know, I told you your boyfriend is the coolest dude sweetie.”
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Jung Hoseok/J-hope: 
 Hoseok was laughing so much when they brought him in the recovery room with you. The moment he saw you sitting there, he stopped laughing and waved shyly. You waved back and he started giggling and hiding under his covers. From time to time he would peek from under them and hide again. “Miss...?”he asked shyly “Yes?” “By chance are you single?” “No, I am not.” “Oh....” all of a sudden he let go of the blanket and looked down a bit sad. He wasn’t moving or reacting, so you thought it was from the medicine. A couple of minutes later you heard sniffing and low and behold he was crying.
  Worried you jumped off your chair and pulled out some tissues “Why are you crying? Are you feeling ok?” he sniffed “It hurts.” this made you very worried, but before you were about to call the nurse, he pointed towards his heart. “It hurts here.” “Why does it hurt there Hobbi?” “Cus, cus *snif snif* you are sooo pretty and and I wanted to take you out, but you have a boyfriend and you dont like me.” cupping his cheeks, you kissed his cute nose “Honey, angel you are my boyfriend. No one else is as important to me as you are. I don’t like you, I love you.” “Really?” you nodded. Lets just say he told everyone that walked in ,that you are his gf, one very proud baby over here.
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Kim Namjoon/RM: 
Jooni was one hilarious mess. He was saying so many random facts, that most of the people could swear he was some kind of professor or teacher. He was looking all over the place, telling anyone and everyone stuff they probably didn’t want to know about, but with the medicine he took before the surgery it was understandable. “Nams, honey don’t be so loud people can hear you outside.” he looked at you and pulled out his glasses, placing them gently onto his face.
  “You are quite correct my lady.” “Thank you.” you were surprised he listened to you so fast “Where are my manners. My name is Kim Namjoon, rapper of the well known group of musicians BTS.I am sure that you might have heard of us at some point with your, might I say, very lovely ears.” you were shocked by that sentence “Honey are you ok?” “Judging by the matching rings and the lovely names you are calling me, we are a couple. So tell me my love how does wine and a nice restaurant sound to you? Just the two of us ,enjoying your beauty?” he was trying to act like a detective and gentleman at the same time “Is there anything I can say that will stop you from doing that?” ”Not at all. I now shall proceed to explain the details of our meeting.” which he did.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin was one of a kind when things like this happened. You were waiting to film him, but he took longer than expected and sadly your battery died, so you had to pull out a power bank. The doors soon opened and the nurses brought in your boyfriend, as drugged out from the medicine as he can be. You tried to turn your phone on but it wasn’t working. “Hey nurse nurse!” he called out and the woman stepped back in again “I think I am in the wrong room. I don’t know this girl.” for a moment your heart felt heavy “Jimin! How could you say that!” “Miss, you are sooo pretty I am sure that if I knew you I would have already asked you to date me.” 
 Your eyes were the widest they have ever been. The shock, followed you laughing out so loud that you made the boy jump “It’s true, but you already asked me out 4 years ago and I said yes.” “So, if I asked you to marry me...would you still say yes?” “PARK JIMIN! I don’t want talk like that when you are still high from your surgery!” “I went to surgery ?” he started poking his leg “Oh wow I don’t feel anything.” the nurse told you to just let him poke his knee, better than having him talking about such stuff right now.
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Kim Taehyung/V: 
Taehyung was awfully flirty with you. He couldn’t speak much since the doctor was still  in the room. But this guy was winking at you, flashing smiles and random smirks. You found it extremely funny. Each time you giggled under your nose, it fueled him to continue with his childish teasing. 
 The doctor walked out and you decided to break the silence ”Anything you want to tell me? Or you going to continue winking.” “Oh sorry about that. You were too pretty to look away. I wasn’t winking actually, I was trying to take a mental picture of you to remember, but I don’t think it will do your beauty justice.” he looked towards you and closed both his eyes making a clicking sound “There now I have at least 20 pics of you. Under what folder do you want me to put them? I have 6 names in my head, you chose one you like.” “Let’s hear them.” “ Would, You, Go, Out, With, Me.” “I have a better name Already, Am.” he looked shocked at you, that face didn’t change till the medicine weared off. The boy couldn’t believe that he was dating someone so pretty.
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 When the nurse left Jungkook with you he was so shocked. His mouth was wide open and his finger slowly lifting off the bed pointing at you. You were a bit surprised but waiting to see what gold he has in store for you. 
 Youtube made you believe that everyone coming out of surgery says stupid things. 1 minute passed than 2, 3, 5 he wasn’t saying a word. “Um...everything ok with you?” “You are an angel?!” this would have made you spill your drink on the wall, floor anywhere if you had one .
 “What?!” “Yeah....you are so pretty.....such a pretty angel.” “Jungkook I am flattered, but I am not an angel honey.” “Oh..” he looked a bit disappointing ,yet calmed down. It wasn’t even a second before he swung his head back towards you “I know what you are doing.” he smirked “You are not supposed to tell any human that you are here. Don’t worry I will keep it a secret. So...how did you get in here?” you pointed at the door, answering him completely normally.  “Oh cool cool. So how does this all work? Does heaven send the most beautiful angels to Earth?” he was jumping a lot so you were worried about his IV 
 “Honey, don’t move so much you just had surgery.” “Surgery ?Oh I know! You must be my guardian angel. Waaaa so pretty.” “No, babe I am your girlfriend.” you tucked him in, since Jungkook was obviously slowly falling asleep “No wayyyyy. I am dating a pretty angel...such as.....yourself.....no,,,way....” he was out cold in a matter of seconds. Hands down you could bet that all the boys would kill to see a vid of Kookie like this. 
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sorry for this gif XD XD scroll down for the better one
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358 notes · View notes
taexual · 6 years
Say It Louder / Johnny x Reader (SMUT)
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Johnny makes sure this isn’t just another house party for either of you as you and him create some long-lasting memories for yourselves, and for the other guests, too.
pairing: Johnny Seo x Reader
warnings: SMUT aka jealous dom!johnny going off  y’all this is the filthy and uprotected so WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT
words: 5.8k
disclaimer: i don’t own the gif, let me know if it belongs to you so i can give proper credit
ANON REQUEST: Hey there, it’s me, ya girl, here to request my Johnny (Jongdae) Dream Smut 😏😏
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It wasn’t exactly a house party but there were far too many people here for you to consider this to be a simple night in. Not to mention, a fairly large number of drinks was involved and nearly every person here was wasted and either laughing pointlessly, or making out with someone. But that’s just another Friday night with your friends.
You were already fairly drunk when you sat down on the armrest of the couch, Jaehyun seated on the cushion next to you. You had lost your balance before and nearly fell off, so, making sure that didn’t happen again, he had his arm draped across your thighs. You didn’t even realize his hands were on you as you laughed at the slightly suggestive comment he’d just made. You leaned in to hit his shoulder, almost falling on top of him in your drunken haze, and Jaehyun was suddenly laughing, too.
Meanwhile, Johnny was watching you.
He was across the room from you, a plastic cup full of beer in his hand. He lost count how many of those he’s finished while watching you and Jaehyun. Johnny’s eyes followed your hands as you flailed them around while explaining something to the younger boy, accidentally spilling some contents of your drink all over yourself and him. Both of you were laughing again.
Johnny felt his fist tighten around the cup. You haven’t glanced at him once. You were laughing and joking around with Jaehyun the whole night instead.
Johnny knew you two were close. You’ve been friends with Jaehyun before you started to date Johnny and it never bothered either of them, but now, as beer poured out of Johnny’s cup and all over his hand, he understood he wasn’t just bothered by how close to him you were.
He was pissed off.
Tossing the drink aside, – and not noticing the way it poured out of the cup and seeped into the carpet, – Johnny got up from his seat and made his way towards you. He was surprised how he managed to pass the crowds of people so easily but he figured they must have scattered because of the stern expression on his face. He looked like he’d killed a man before.
What angered him even more was that you didn’t even notice him when he reached you.
Johnny stopped right in front of the couch but you and Jaehyun both had your eyes closed, laughing for the fiftieth time that night, too occupied with each other to be aware of your surroundings.
“Oh!” Jaehyun suddenly spoke, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “Johnny!”
You turned your head at the sound of your boyfriend’s name and finally, your eyes met, immediately sending a hot wave throughout your body.
“Can I talk to you?” Johnny asked you then. Jaehyun, sensing the dangerous undertones in his voice, removed his hands from you, nearly knocking you off the couch in the process.
You recovered your balance fairly quickly – the look in Johnny’s eyes had really sobered you up – and stood up.
“I’ll be right back,” you said to Jaehyun, but really, you weren’t sure if you’d be. Johnny has stolen you away from a party a handful of times before. You knew you rarely ever came back.
“Don’t count on it,” Johnny added, giving Jaehyun a look – that left the younger boy blinking in confusion – and guiding you out of the lounge room where the party was in full swing.
The hallway outside was a little emptier, almost entirely occupied by couples who were too drunk to find rooms and instead settled on sloppily making out on the few sofas that were there.
“So,” Johnny said, as soon as you entered the hallway, stopping right by the staircase. “Having fun, weren’t you?”
“Well, of course,” you said, choosing not to pay attention to his passive-aggressive tone. “We’re at a party.”
Perhaps you’ve underestimated just how stormy and dark his eyes looked or you wouldn’t have replied in such a light tone.
Johnny took a predatory step closer to you and you instinctively moved back, colliding with the wall behind you. The entrance into the lounge was on your left, so you could hear the party very well, and yet all you listened to was Johnny’s heavy breathing as he stopped less than a foot away from you.
“We are,” he said, his voice low. “And, if I remember correctly, we came together.”
“Right,” you said. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying you’re getting around here quite well without me,” he continued. “Jaehyun’s keeping you company, right? What a guy, that one.”
You frowned. “Johnny—”
“No need to check up on your boyfriend,” he kept on talking, closing the distance between you by leaning in closer until you felt the back of your head hit the wall, too. “Tell me something. Do you enjoy making me watch other guys touch you?”
“I—no,” you replied, feeling his scent overcome your senses. The smell of his cologne was still prominent but there were layers of alcohol on him, too. It was irresistible. “He wasn’t touching me. We were just talking.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked, his breathy voice sending shivers down your spine. “Just talking. With his hands on you. Is that the kind of talking you enjoy, hmm?”
“You’re misunderstanding the—” you tried to say, turning your face away from him, so you could get a grip on yourself and actually decipher the running thoughts in your mind. His close proximity – and the things it did to your body – really distracted you.
But Johnny wanted it to be this way. He wanted you to lose yourself in him as his hand found your chin, tilting it towards him in a rough motion that made you part your lips in a gasp as a new, anticipating fire ignited in your stomach.
“Don’t look away from me,” he commanded and you swore your throat went dry.
You couldn’t understand why his strict, angry voice had this much of an effect on you but it did. And Johnny could see it in your eyes.
“Johnny,” you said but your voice lacked warning and you noticed a grin spread across his face.
“Talking to other guys when you know I’m watching,” he said, his hand slowly making its way down your jawline and towards the nape of your neck. If he hadn’t felt your skin shiver before, he had to feel it now. “Ignoring me the whole night. What are you trying to achieve here?”
“Nothing,” you replied quietly, still trying to explain yourself even if you knew Johnny wasn’t hearing you. “I was just talking to him.”
“Oh, is that so?” he moved his head back as his thumb slid across your throat. The whimper that left your lips at the feeling of his hand on your neck sent electric shocks to his hips and he felt his own lips part at the sight of your eyes slowly darkening, his intentions finally coming across. “Have you forgotten which one of us is your boyfriend?”
He had a firm grip on your neck now, not too rough to cut off your air supply, but just strong enough so you’d feel his control over you. When you didn’t reply, however, his grip tightened just slightly, but that was enough for your back to arch and your hips to come in contact with his as a small, quiet moan passed your lips.
Johnny pulled away as soon as your core brushed against his hardening length, not removing his hand from your neck.
“Ah, I see how it is,” a smirk was on his lips now. “You actually like this, don’t you? My dirty little girl loves having my hand around her neck.”
You had no time to say anything because Johnny’s whole body was suddenly pushing you into the wall and all of your thoughts turned into an incomprehensible mess as soon as the pleasurable feeling of his hand around your neck mixed with the desire his fully clothed hips ignited by pushing into you harder. God, he could really make you see stars without even bothering to take either of your clothes off.
“You look so beautiful like this,” Johnny whispered, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the side of your neck as opposed to the rough grip he had around your throat. His free hand toyed with the waistband of your jeans until it finally slid to the zipper, not rushing to undo it just yet. “Completely at my will, responding to all of my touches. I love it.”
“J-Johnny,” you tried to say but your words came out as a breath. His touch had you struggling to breathe already but his hand on your throat just amplified the feeling and you swore you were starting to forget that the two of you were in a hallway, surrounded by people. “Please. But n-not here.”
“Not here?” Johnny repeated, understanding your choked out words as his hand undid the button of your jeans. “Oh, you don’t want anyone to see? But you were fine with me watching Jaehyun flirt with you just a minute ago. I think he needs to hear you.”
“Johhny,” you exhaled, seemingly forgetting every other word aside from his name when his hand slipped into your jeans. His light touch felt too good and your back arched into him again but Johnny pushed you back into the wall with his thigh. “I-I want—the p-people might see—”
“Let them,” he said, gently brushing his fingers against your clothed sex, feeling its wetness and spreading it around until you closed your eyes, sighing as deep as his grip on your throat allowed you to. “It’s only fair for everyone to see whom you really came here with.”
You had no arguments left in you as soon as he gently moved your panties to a side to have easier access to your core. You hadn’t really wanted him to stop anyway – hence why you weren’t pushing him away and screaming at him – but now you felt like you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to as he brushed his index finger against your folds.
“You better show everyone who’s making you feel this way,” Johnny’s husky voice was right by your ear as he leaned in closer to you, pressing a kiss to your jawline, right above his fingers that remained on your throat.
He brushed teasing stripes over your folds with his finger before you felt his thumb begin to rub circles on your clit. The sudden motion made you gasp throatily and grab the wrist of Johnny’s right hand – the one on your neck – for support.
“My dirty girl, allowing me to fuck her with my fingers right here, where anyone can see,” he whispered, enjoying the way you were squirming from the smallest movement of his digits. “Does that feel good?”
His body, leaning against you, covered you from any onlookers so no one should have noticed what the two of you were getting up to but your mind was still buzzing with the excitement of doing this in such an open place. Johnny had never kept the two of you bound to the bedroom but this was the first time he was touching you like this in public.
“Y-yes. Please,” you found yourself whimpering throatily, unsure what you were asking him. “J-Johnny.”
“What was that? I didn’t hear you,” he teased, his thumb moving relatively quickly, toying with a bundle of nerves on your clit. “You’re going to have to be louder for me, baby girl.”
Although he was making you feel good and although a part of you truly enjoyed the danger of the open space, you were also unable to allow yourself to fully open your mouth, not just because it was hard to be loud with Johnny’s hand on your throat but also because you were slightly terrified of what would happen if someone did catch the two of you here.
When Johnny noticed that you weren’t replying and the only sounds passing your lips were heavy breaths, though, he used one of his fingers to enter you, no longer wishing to tease you, but immediately settling for a fast pace. He just needed to hear you as he loosened his grip on your throat and moved his fingers in and out of you.
And that’s when he finally heard you as your eyes widened at the blissful way his fingers were moving inside of you. “Oh! F-fuck, Johnny!”
If people were listening to you, they chose not to show it, because, at this point, you were sure anyone in close proximity had to hear your desperate moans as Johnny entered another finger, circling it around and rubbing your walls in just the right way.
“Good girl,” Johnny praised, enjoying your sounds of pleasure. “Letting my fingers make you feel good right here in front of everyone at this party. You just want to get caught, don’t you?”
You had to admit to yourself – even if your mind was clouded by the haze that the movement of Johnny’s fingers had put you in – that you didn’t really care anymore. He was making you feel far too good for you to register anything that was happening around you and, deep inside, you knew Johnny would never allow the two of you to get caught having sex. He was willing to let others hear you, but never see you. That was for his eyes only.
The adrenaline, however, strengthened the approaching wave of pleasure as you felt a knot form in your stomach and thrust your hips into his hand, wordlessly asking him to go harder.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” Johnny purred, his voice lacking the previous aggression but sounding just as controlling as before. “Feels good, hmm?”
“Oh, f-fuck, Johnny, please—”
You gasped loudly when he suddenly pulled his hand away from you and out of your jeans. Whimpering at the loss of contact – and nearly pushing him off of you after you felt your orgasm recede into the distance again – you gave him a questionable look.
“Oh, baby, if you could see yourself right now,” Johnny said softly, his hand still on your neck although you barely felt it there. He leaned in to press a sloppy kiss on your lips, the first one tonight before continuing, “you’re so desperate to come. So desperate for me to get you off. I love seeing you like this,” he kissed you again, the feeling of his tongue against yours sending new sparks to your core. “I’m going to give you what you want, baby girl. But I’ll make you beg for it first.”
With that, he was already pulling you away from the wall. His hand left your neck and you found yourself coughing, uncomfortable at the sudden coldness that settled on your skin. Before you could properly zip your jeans up, Johnny was dragging you up the stairs, to the second floor of the house.
You didn’t have the courage to look at the other guests in case they were watching you, and Johnny didn’t give you a chance to look at anything other than the steps in front of you anyway, with the speed that he was taking you upstairs. Clearly, he wanted you as much as you wanted him, but he was absolutely not going to make it easy for you tonight.
Luckily, the first door Johnny opened, turned out to be an empty bedroom. He pulled you inside, locking the door with one hand while he held you with the other.
“No audience this time, baby,” he told you, his eyes burning with lust. “It’s just you and me now.”
In merely a second, his mouth was on yours. His kisses were the furthest thing from gentle as he blindly located the bed and pushed you on it, waiting until you crawled towards the headrest. He wasted a few precious seconds admiring how flushed your face looked before climbing on top of you and kissing you again.
There was no time for any kind of prolonged foreplay this time as Johnny slid your jeans down without removing his lips from yours. Your tongues disappeared in each other’s mouths as your hands roamed each other’s bodies, not trying to make any of this romantic because it wasn’t supposed to be. It was raw and so fucking hot.
As soon as he tossed your jeans off, his hands were on your shirt. You bit his lip – an accident, really – and, growling at your ministration, Johnny ended up nearly ripping your blouse off of you, not caring where it landed in the room. He needed to see you with as little clothing as possible and as soon as possible.
“Johnny,” you whispered, not certain if you were warning him to be more careful with your clothes, or urging him to go even faster.
“I’m here, baby,” he pulled away from you, unable to resist watching your body for a good minute as he fumbled with his belt and the zipper of his jeans. “Now, I’m going to need you to do something for me.”
You perked up right away. The obedient side of you was awfully big today.
Pulling his jeans down his legs, Johnny bit his lip at the feeling of his cock no longer restrained by the tight material. Then, he placed another kiss on your lips and flipped you around so that you were straddling him. Carefully lifting himself up on his elbows, he leaned his head against the headrest. You moved in to kiss him again, but he pulled away just a second later, giving you a sneaky smile.
“I need you to show me I’m the only one who’ll ever get to see your pretty lips wrapped tightly around me,” he spoke, every single word sending all of your cells into overdrive. “There will never be anyone else to have you like this, will there, baby?”
You were too busy pushing his shirt off his head to answer him and Johnny didn’t like that. Sitting up until you two were chest-to-chest, he grabbed your face with both of his hands.
“Did you hear me, baby?” he questioned, the roughness of his actions nearly making your head spin with desire. You managed a nod, and Johnny licked his lips. “Do you want me?”
“Yes,” your response was immediate. “S-so much.”
Your breathy voice seemed to make him even harder and he let go of your face, leaning his head back against the headboard. “Then show me.”
You were more than happy to remove his boxers, taking your time pulling them down his thighs to repay him for stealing your orgasm from you before. You didn’t want to tease him too much, though. You were far too eager to touch him and Johnny wasn’t going to allow you to drag this out for too long. You could see the way he was clenching all of his muscles as his eyes followed your every move.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he encouraged as you shifted your body into a more comfortable position before leaning down towards him.
Gently, you wrapped your hand around his length, teasing the head of his cock to spread the pre-cum – and trying to ignore the breathy sigh that passed Johnny’s lips immediately after he felt your touch – before finally pressing your lips to it. You kissed the head, going down his length with light, butterfly kisses that had him bucking his hips up into your hand.
“I’m going to need you to quit it with the teasing, sweetheart,” he warned and you took that as encouragement to finally put him in your mouth.
His breath hitched as soon as he felt your lips around his cock, your tongue pressed flat as you licked down his length. Not wanting to leave a spot untouched, you wrapped your hand around the rest of his cock, stroking it a few times, using your own saliva as lubrication to make the movement of your hand smoother.
“Oh, that’s good, baby,” Johnny grunted and your grip on him tightened just a little. “So good.”
You removed your lips from him with a loud pop, squeezing and stroking his length for a few seconds, just so see his reaction. Just as Johnny was opening his mouth – perhaps, ready to praise you again – you wrapped your lips around his cock again, making him exhale loudly instead.
“That’s r-right,” he tried to speak but it was difficult for him to get his thoughts together as you bobbed your head, swirling your tongue around his sensitive head and stroking him where your mouth couldn’t reach. “Such a good girl for me. I f-fucking love your mouth.”
Never having been one to use this much extensive dirty language, Johnny managed to turn you on even more, although you were sure it wasn’t possible to feel hotter than you did when you felt his hand in your hair, pushing you down into him. You felt yourself choke on his length as it hit the back of your throat but the guttural moans leaving Johnny’s lips prompted you to keep going.
With your tongue playing around his cock, one of your hands slid down to his balls. As soon as you took them in your hand, fondling and squeezing gently, Johnny threw his head back, the headboard hitting the wall loudly.
“Fuck, baby,” his words came out in a huff. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to—oh, shit.”
Your teeth had grazed his tip – just barely – but the odd, painful sensation made Johnny’s grip on your hair tighten as he pushed you down onto his cock harder. Trying not to gag you, he inhaled through his teeth, listening to your soft sighs – and lack of objections as you sucked on him obediently – and taking control of your movement as he pushed you down and bucked his hips up into your mouth.
The dominant action made you moan softly but this noise was drowned out by the sound of his cock hitting the back of your throat each time he raised his hips, fucking your mouth. Johnny groaned loudly every time you pursed your lips, taking him so well, and you’ve never heard him make sounds like that before but it was music to your ears.
Suddenly, his hand left your head – which was a clear indication that he wanted you to stop moving – but you kept teasing your tongue up and down his length.
“Baby—ah, fuck—stop, s-stop,” he pleaded for just a second, not wanting to come just yet.
Johnny ended up having to gently lift your head until his cock popped out of your mouth because you weren’t going to stop. Unlike him, you were actually anticipating his release. He thought he’d prevent it by removing your mouth from his length, but the second your eyes met his after you licked your lips, his taste still lingering in your mouth, he swore he almost came right then and there.
“Fuck. The things you do to me…” he exhaled sharply, pulling you closer and connecting your lips in a messy kiss. His hands were still on your face, but they moved down your neck and shoulders as soon as his tongue brushed against yours. “Come here, baby. Get on top of me. I’m not coming unless I’m inside of you.”
Sighing just at his words, you threw one leg over his lap, sitting down so his cock was pressed against your clothed center. Your underwear was the only thing stopping you from feeling Johnny’s skin against yours but he was quick to fix that as he deepened the kiss and undid the clasp of your bra.
Sliding the straps down your arms, he threw the useless material off of you and brought his hands to caress your chest. He felt you sigh into the kiss at the feeling and, squeezing your breasts a little harder, brought his thumbs over your nipples.
“Hmm,” he hummed after you had to break the kiss to breathe after he pinched your nipples, rubbing soothing circles around them to ease the stinging pain. “You look so good, sweetheart. So fucking good. Are you ready for me?”
“Yes,” you sighed as one of Johnny’s hands continued to toy with your left nipple and his other hand slid down to your ass, squeezing it and, consequently, bringing your hips into his hardened length, making both of you moan in surprise. “Johnny, please.”
“Please what, baby girl?” he asked, breathing heavily as he lifted you in order to help you slide your panties off. This new position allowed him to bring his mouth to your breasts and he didn’t miss his chance to press a few, lingering kisses on them.
“Ah, f-fuck,” you mewled in delight as his tongue played with your nipple while his hand toyed with your other breast, attempting to give them both equal attention. “Fuck me, Johnny. Please.”
“Oh,” he smiled, pulling away for a moment. “I intend to. I just need to hear how much you want it.”
As his mouth sucked and nibbled on your breast, you grabbed onto his shoulders, involuntarily grinding your hips into his hardened length, “so much. I-I want you s-so much.”
He wasn’t entirely pleased with your answer – or with the movement of your hips – and you felt his teeth dig into the sensitive skin of your chest.
“Shit,” you hissed as his mouth formed an O-shaped mark right above your nipple. He brought his tongue over it to relieve some of the stinging pain. “J-Johnny.”
“I’m not convinced, baby,” he told you, licking his lips as he slid his hands down your back – leaving goosebumps in their wake – until he was firmly gripping your ass. “I need you to be loud and clear for me, yeah? Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck m—ah,” you gasped when you felt him squeeze your ass before bringing it over his length, your folds immediately enveloping the side of his cock. “Fuck me.”
“I said loud.”
“Fuck, Johnny!” you were losing patience as you felt his length rub your clit each time Johnny brought your body closer to his. “For fuck’s sake, f-fuck me. Please!”
“That’s it, baby,” a small chuckle left his lips as he lifted your hips up, aligning himself with your entrance. Just as his tip brushed against your core, you closed your eyes. Johnny’s free hand brought your head down, making you open your eyes again in surprise. “I want you to look at me. Understand?”
Nodding – as you were unable to say anything – you gave him permission to slip his cock inside of you. Looking at him as he stretched you out was an almost impossible task, but Johnny’s intense gaze kept your eyes locked on his.
“So tight,” he grunted quietly, listening to every sigh that left your lips as both of you waited until you adjusted to his length. “I fit inside of you so well, baby girl. You were fucking made for me.”
While he spoke, one of his hands returned to your neck and he allowed his eyes to drift lower, watching the way your chest rose and fell with every breath. You watched him watch you, unable to think of a situation more intimate than this. And then, Johnny’s hand wrapped around your throat again and you felt yourself inhale sharply.
His eyes returned to yours. “This is what you like, isn’t it?”
He had shifted his body slightly, causing his cock to move inside of you and you closed your eyes instead of answering him, making Johnny tighten his grip on your neck.
“Answer me,” he told you, his other hand gently massaging your lower back. “Do you like having my hand around your neck and my cock inside of you, baby?”
“Yes, fuck,” you tried to speak as loudly as his hand on your neck allowed you to and then moved your hips forwards, feeling him twitch inside of you. “Let m-me ride you. Please.”
Johnny couldn’t help but smirk at the sound of your weak, raspy voice – and, frankly, being so still inside of you was starting to kill him, too. “Ride me, baby girl. As hard as you want.”
As soon as he said it, you lifted your hips off of him, feeling his cock slide out of you, before lowering yourself back down on him. Your movements were slow – almost teasing, really – but each time you slammed back onto him, you felt him rub against your walls and hit the deepest parts inside of you.
“Fuck,” you breathed heavily, lifting your hips again as the lack of oxygen added more pleasure to the already blissful sensation of Johnny’s length entering you deeper and deeper each time you lowered yourself on him.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he rasped, the hand he had on your lower back grabbing your hips tighter. “You can go harder, yeah?”
You weren’t sure if you could. You couldn’t control yourself properly when his hand was pressing into your throat and his cock was slowly tearing you apart.
“I-I—” you started to say as you ground your hips into his. You never finished your sentence but you didn’t need to. He understood exactly what you were trying to say.
He stilled your hips with his free hand and lowered himself into the mattress – the sudden movement causing you to press your hands into his chest – before thrusting his hips upwards over and over again, not giving you a chance to get used to the sudden fast pace.
“Oh my God,” you groaned breathlessly, one of your hands grabbing his wrist, as you held onto his chest with your other hand for balance. “Johnny, f-fuck—”
“Don’t hold back,” he encouraged, the headboard of the bed hitting the wall each time his hips slammed up into yours. He released your neck, wanting to hear more of your voice and needing to hold your hips in place as he fucked into you. “Scream louder, baby girl. Let everyone know who’s the only one who can make you feel this way. Tell them who’s fucking you this good.”
“Oh, fu—” your moan turned into a loud gasp as Johnny flipped you around, no longer content with the previous position. Having you underneath him allowed him to pull out of you almost entirely before slamming back into you so hard, he heard you squeal.
His hands were on either side of you, supporting his weight above you as he thrust his hips in and out of you at an almost brutal pace. His cock wasn’t just stretching you out, it was now arched in the perfect way to reach the spots inside of you that made you cry out in pleasure with each of his thrusts.
“Johnny!” you were loud, but you had no time to think about who could hear you as you felt your walls clench each time his length hit your sweet spot. “Fuck, Johnny! Oh my—fuck!”
The sounds you were making and the warmth of your walls all around him were making Johnny realize that he wasn’t going to last long as he groaned, leaning in closer. He may have moved his hands away from your neck but that didn’t mean he was going to make it any easier for you to breathe. As he continued to slam his hips into yours, you felt his lips on your jawline, kissing the skin there and then bringing his teeth down your neck.
“Be a good girl and keep screaming for me,” he growled into your ear, “while I mark you to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
“Fuck,” you cried out in response, feeling his mouth attack your neck. The fast pace of his hips thrusting into you and the way he sucked on the sweet spot on your neck was making you dizzy. “Johhny, please, I’m so—”
Knowing how your body worked, – you were even tighter around him now, – Johnny didn’t need your warning to know you were close, too. He sucked on your skin harsher, bringing his hand to one of your breasts to tease your overly-sensitive nipple while his hips – prompted by your almost pulsating core –  slammed into you relentlessly.
“A-ah, fuck!” words got stuck in your throat when you felt the knot form in your stomach. The multiple different sensations Johnny was making you feel at once were slowly getting the best of you. “I’m going to come, Johnny! P-Please!”
“Relax, baby girl,” his voice was pure lust as he brought his tongue over the marks he’s made on your neck, turning your moans into loud hisses. “You’re so beautiful. Relax and come for me, come on.”
“I-I’m—” you started quietly but ended up screaming out his name instead, as he lifted himself up from you just slightly and the angle of his cock changed, allowing him to hit your sweet spot two, three, four times in a row.
You were coming before you knew it, allowing the blissful wave to wash over you as Johnny groaned at the feeling of you squirming under him, bucking your hips up into his to prolong the pleasurable feeling. His name was the only sound on your lips and – as he brought his hands to touch you wherever he could – he felt himself near his edge as well.
“Good girl,” he encouraged breathlessly, holding you down into the bed as you thrashed around, struggling to breathe as your orgasm took over your body. “So f-fucking beautiful. You’re so—oh, fucking shit.”
You had opened your eyes to look at him, the most beautiful moan slipping past your lips as the last bits of your orgasm faded from your mouth, and he felt himself let go. Grunting loudly, he slammed his hips into you harshly, stilling inside as he felt his orgasm approach. His eyes squeezed shut as he growled, thrusting himself into you again shakily.
Releasing his load inside of you with a loud groan, he stayed still for another few seconds – recovering his breath – and then felt you shudder after he pulled out of you, the cold air hitting your core immediately.
Both of your chests were rising and falling rapidly as Johnny leaned down to kiss you, his tired breath mixing with yours.
“I love you so much,” he whispered, lying down next to you and throwing an arm over you as he was unable to stop himself from touching you. “You’re always so good to me.”
You smiled tiredly. “I love you.”
He placed another lazy kiss to your lips, not bothering about the messy way your mouths moved against each other.
“Mm,” you hummed, trying to pull away from the liplock. “S-should we go back to the party?”
“What party?”
Johnny looked genuinely confused, so you nodded your head towards the door. “The one downstairs.”
“Absolutely not,” he replied then. “Our party is right here.”
You smiled at this, allowing him to kiss you again as you started to realize that making out lazily while both of you tried to regain your energy after sex might have been your favorite part of this whole night. Scratch that, it might have been your favorite part of your whole life.
There was a huge contrast between the controlling way Johnny had held you before and his soft, lingering touches as he kissed you with the highest form of affection imaginable now. You loved both sides of him equally and felt your stomach twist in anticipation of getting to experience this again and again.
And then, a loud knock startled you both awake from this fantasy.
“Johnny, you fucking asshole, are you done yet?!” someone behind the door yelled. They didn’t sound angry, though. If anything, they sounded slightly amused. “The whole fucking house can hear you!”
You gasped quietly but Johnny didn’t look phased by this at all.
“Get used to it!” he called out, a promising grin on his lips. “We’re just getting started.”
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x13 (300th) Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giu)
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
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“Dad’s on a hunting trip- 
[shuts laptop]
Giu: It’s already a no from me
uuugh ok [opens laptop]
“-and he hasn’t been home in a few days “
Zee: That’s when I fell in love
Kat : I fell in love at “easy tiger”
Nat: He looks like a demon
Giu: he does
sign under the register: your baby daddy sitting in jail? Sell your gold and get bail. 
S: we are looking for the good stuff.
me searching for men
Kat : I need that wad of money, And the man attached to it
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Giu: SAM
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Zee : So done
Nat: Dean's done
Kat : That was so Jared lol
D.”No you didn’t”
Kat: Oh shit Dean. All sexy business
Giu: They not happy
Kat : FIRE
[pauses video] TUMMY! [presses play again]
Zee : Turn his back to dean?
Nat&Kat: They always talk too much
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Nat: he stole my line
Nat: don't put that in
Giu: I’m gonna put that in
Nat: no
The smoke coming out the gun tho. I love that gun.
Zee : Put that down dean
Giu: Dean don’t touch things
In what goddamn dystopian fantasy a theater in 2019 show Beetlejuice? because I wanna live there.
Giu: I want that jacket. Doesn’t it look like the family business jacket?
Zee : I want that car,with everything in it
Giu: ...AND ON IT
Nat: I want that man
Giu: lol it’s like the Winchesters are some sort of the mean girls of town. 
The Campbell brothers are scary. They have two shotguns and a strange silver blade. 
I hear the tall one hair's insured for $. 
I hear the other one has a tinder account. His favorite music can be heard from miles before coming into town.
One time, they met god. And he stayed at their house. One time, they killed Hitler. It was awesome.
-” The Campbell brothers “  [sobs]
D:”Make it double”
Oh look the Family Business stuff again
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S:” John Wayne Gacy cigar box” 
uh that’s not good. 
“Jack and Cass are out with Jules and her crew. When they’re back they can help us cataloging “ [already excited] 
D:” aWeSoME”
- “Where did they even came from? them or their weird sidekick with the trench coat” 
I love how before the boy Eliot talked about hearing stuff from the trunk of the car and I did not even bat an eye, because.....yeah...probably happened more than once.
Giu&Kat: Dumb bambi look
- Max:” It doesn’t mean they kidnapped bigfoot or whatever “
that could have happened too .
How did I miss all this gay vibes between the girls before?
Giu: anyway that is unrealistic, those girls would be drooling after those two.
Nat: Nah, they're too old for them
me at myself editing the commentary: they lesbian, bitch .
Nat: Max is trouble, isn't she
Kat: Don’t touch my baby’s car teen bitch
Zee : Why is sam so hot here?
- D;” No,no, no, no”
Zee : Oh the bitch did
-S *thinks of the kids*
D: “Swear to God if anything happens to that car-” *thinks murder*
Giu: Meanwhile dean is having panic attacks
Nat&Giu&Kat: I don't wanna die. lol
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Kat: Stop Omg
Nat: We should stop
Zee : Look at those puppy eyes
- “So you want me to give you an underage girl’s address?” 
Nat: hahahahahahhahahahahaha i like that woman
D:”Marta, how’s that grandson of yours?”
“if you could help us out I would, I would really appreciate it”
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Zee : I’d melt
Nat: I mean...helloooooo
Giu: There goes her values
Nat: I would tell him everything and more
Zee : Giuls the hand gif. Please and thank you
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- you want my address too?
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Kat: He’s putting the moves
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Kat: Their lips are extra pink
-Yeah but like...I would have melt with Sam too honestly.
SKIP DAY!  aaaah the memories, we had skip days once a month.
Giu: OH NO
Zee : They dumb
Giu: i wouldn’t touch that creepy fuck teddy bears
Giu: can I slap some sense in those bitches
Nat: Baby, please tell me you're not hurt
D: “ FBI everybody out” 
me : ....arrest me.
Giu: Sam: no fuck clown
Kat: Serial killer clown
Nat: Sammy, I think you need to get away
Kat: Best and worst thing ever
- D:” ‘Cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns” 
eh same .
Zee : look how happy he is
D:” Sam....today”
D: “....Hey! “
Nat: Dean Bean
Kat: Adorable bean
Zee: We’re damn good at why we do
Nat: They're going all dad on them
Kat: It’s hot
- S:” You sure don’t wanna call Mom here? or Cass?”
 D:” No because if it works , great, if not, why get their hopes up?”
Zee : Hello
Kat: SHIT SHIT. SHIT Kicking their asses lol
Giu: My eyes are sweating
Nat: I got Negan vibes lol
? : “Don’t you move” 
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Zee : That’s another Daddy
J: “What in the hell”
J: “Sammy, aren’t you supposed to be in Palo Alto?”
Nat: Palo Alto. Oh god.
Giu: Good god [sobs]
J: “What happened to you?”  when did you stretch like that
Nat: It's 2003
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Kat: It’s very difficult
J:”You saved the world?”
Zee : More than once
Giu: We died....more than once
Zee : Look at that precious face
D:”I think he’d be real happy to know you are finally here”
- Glad they mentioned Henry, I miss him.
S:” We are legacies because of you”
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J.” I just wish that I had been there to see it”
Nat: Awww the look on Sammy
Nat: It fucking breaks my heart alright
D:”Non of this would have happened without you”
J:” It’s good, it’s fine. I went out taking out yellow eyes. That was the point. Get the thing that killed Mom”
Giu: im not ready for what.’s coming
Zee : Me neither
Kat: So much sobbing
Nat: What are you talking about. I'm not ready for the whole damn episode
Zee : Brace yourselves
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- J [desperately softly]:” ...Mary?”
Nat: Oh god NO
Zee : Oh fuck you
Nat: THE BOYS...lol
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D:” I’m freaking out”
No Dean, I’m freaking out. And I already know, looking at Sam face, what’s coming.
Nat: "I wanted this man"
D:” I wanted this since I was 4 years old”
Zee: One family dinner
Nat: NO DEAN BEAN PLEASE Sammy is right
Kat: He is but it hurts. So much
oH....Sammy and Daddy time. Can I skip?
Look at John fucking face!! he’s already so proud.
S:” Dean and I tried to make that once” [nervous laughter]
[John’s face falls] 
Zee : Here come regrets
J:”i...I remember “
Sam’s like...”you do?”
J: “ I screwed up with you a lot, didn’t I?”
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The noise and expression and breathing Jared choose to made here is worth more than any words
S:” no, that’s okay”
J:”No, it’s not”
[me bathing into the holy light of jesus] yeeeees thank you 
Sam looks so uncomfortable.
J: “You didn’t have a problem talking about it before you left” 
ooooh John is trying so hard tho.
S: “..Dad...” [pauses like he can’t believe he can say that again]
me hitting myself : stop doing this to yourself bitch.
S: “ yeah...you know what? you did some messed up things”
S: “When I think about you....and I think about you a lot..[voice cracks]”
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S:”I think about you on the floor of that hospital. And I think about how I never got to say goodbye”
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Giu: fuck NOPE I’M OUT
Kat: *drags you back*
Giu: *fights it*
Zee: I’ll tie you down bitch just watch
Kat: I can’t i can’t I can’t
J: “Sam....[touches him]”
S: [gets almost scared when John touches him]
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and now a change of camera so you can see more hurt
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Kat: I’ll tie you down
Zee: Can this fucking music just stop
Giu: CAN SOMEONE JUST GIVE ME MERCY? it’s 8:40am it’s too early for this
Giu: ahahahaahahhahahahaahah imma have a heart attack
Giu: Im forgetting english and spelling
J: “Son...I am so sorry”
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Zee: That’s enough
Nat: what's english i'll start to groan in german soon
Zee: I’ll swear in Greek
Giu: I’m already gesturing in italian anyway
S:”Want some company?”
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Nat: I get the booze you get the food, I want that bumper sticker
Nat: Why doesn't he remember?What the fuck is happening
Giu: The surnaaaame
Zee : Blue steel
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Never forget
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Giu: GOD BLESS KALE (Misha wrote that)
hot take: that’s Misha’s turtle neck
D:”No, no , it gets worse”
TEDTalk!Sam is an empty shell. I hate it.
Giu: Lotta beheadings
Zee : Can Jared stop being hotter in this ep?
D:”Well, I’m cool but you are  ugh”
Giu: I saw enough doctor who to know what is Sam talking about.
S:” If all is different, then what else changed”
Giu: OH.
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Zee : Oh no
Nat: Zach is also ugh
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Z:”Earth ...where you are always stepping in something”
I mean, he’s not wrong
Zee: Constantine
Nat&Zee: I don't understand that reference
Zee : Control yourself woman
D:”How are we gonna tell Dad?”
S: “How are we gonna tell Mom”
Nat: Why are the teens everywhere are they running out of extras? I can be an extra.... for love scenes
Zee : I can be a fly in the wall
Z:”I need to know who’s been messing with time?” like...I mess with time, that’s my thing, who’s stealing my job
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Z:”This town is always been a little muddy for us”
Z:” he...murders you all”
Kat: Ugh I want to stab Zach in the face
oh jfc Cass is a fucking murder machine,kinda like the apocalypse world NO 
Nat: Zach, just shut the fuck up, will ya
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Zee: I’m an angel of the lord AAAAAAHHHHHH
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Zee: THE ONLY LOGICAL OUTCOME.  Babe how dare you ?
D:”Cass? “
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C: who’s this bright soul , oh no he’s hot.
D:”Cass, you know us”
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C: “I don’t know you”
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Nat: Ow...a stab in the heart
Giu: NO
Kat : Breaking my heart
- Oh look you can pin point the exact moment HIS heart breaks.
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D:” Cass, don’t”
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Giu: No , it’s where i live.
- The satisfaction of seeing Sam kill Zach. Sam enjoying it.
Nat: Cas, come on!
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- I love that Sam is holding the blade to cut and not stab.
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ok ok...honestly I’m enjoying this ok? in the sense that I missed seeing Castiel so strong and powerful , and this is as it should be. He’s an angel , a soldier, with eons of wars behind, he was a captain ffs, the Winchester, they can be as strong as you want but they are human. Even Zach was stronger than them, he was just stupid to fall for Sam trick.
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Giu: please don’t kill Cass, please don’t kill Cass.
Kat: Dudes the bloopers from this scene will be epic
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D:”Cass, Cass, stop it”
....bitch HE HESITATED , Cass hesitated , he just kept Dean there when he could have just snaps his neck with a bit of pressure.
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Zee : Sammy to the rescue
Us: We want Bamf Castiel back!
Writers: OK
Zee: Who needs a heart?
oh look, those plates have the same decorations as the cups we saw in older eps. WHY DO I KNOW THAT. 
Nat: me vs. your mom that's not even a choice
Zee : Mary is showing emotion
Nat: I know who i would chose
yeah ok...I would choose this John tho, not the one we started in 2005 .
Zee : Me too
Kat: I almost don’t hate her. She’s hurting so bad. But everything else would be fucked
M:” Sam I can’t”
me too Mary, me too.
Nat: that's the thing. she's hurting more about her husband than her boys
Kat: I said almost
-J:” I never meant for this”
Kat: No son
J: “My fight. It was supposed to end with me. With Yellow eyes”
J:” But now you- you are a grown man and I’m incredibly proud of you”
Zee : Look how proud
Kat: He’s waited so long to hear hat
J:” I guess that I hoped, eventually,you would...get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family.”
Zee&Giu : I have a family
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Nat&Kat: WE EAT
Nat: A man after my taste
Zee : Too much silence
Kat: #awkward
Nat: #sad
Giu: #The last supper
Zee : Stahp
J:” We can be grateful for this time we have together.”
Kat:  #AMEN
Nat: sounds like AYE MEN
Kat: Fucking Bob Seger
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S: “It doesn’t feel right to have all of this and have to throw it away and I know we have to.” S:” He just goes back to...to..being Dad”
-Oh honey 
Giu: Sam is panicking
Nat: Who would save the world tho
S:” I think it would be nice”
D:” yeah? I used to think that too.”
D:”For the longest time I blamed Dad. I mean I blamed Mom too,you know. I was angry”
D: “Why don’t send him further back , and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world?
oh...OH Dean is woke
D:” But there’s the problem. Who does that makes us? Would we be better off? Maybe. But I’ve got to be honest. I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is.”
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D:”I’m good with who I am,and I’m good with who you are”
Zee : Does anybody else experiencing chest pain??
Nat: What's a chest. I can't feel anything below my mouth
Giu: what s a mouth
Kat: #too old for this shit
D:”Cause our life, they are ours”
M: “I hate this”
Zee&Kat: My girl
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J:”I miss you so damn much”
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Nat: #make it stop
Nat: fuck this
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Zee : Fuck this flips table
-What a soft hug omg I can’t. Why is John so soft , whyyyyyy.
-Dean’s eyes are dead , he’s trying to be emotionless and I can’t deal with it.
Also Sam keeps throwing glances at Dean and it breaks me.
John looking at his sons is PAAAAIN.
J:” You two. You take care of each other”
S: “We always do”
Can I say that I expected some “Yes Sir” here and there and I’m so glad that there were none? Like...yes they grow up and they are their own men and I’m so damn glad. I would have hated if I heard them saying that.
Dean said that so softly I can’t
Nat: OMG
Zee : I’m gonna faint
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This ....Jared you fucking broke me here, you just ...can’t go and act like this and expect me to still be breathing .
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Goddammit Dean still looks like he doesn’t wan’t to break but ...I can see it, your lips are shaking damn you Jensen.
Oh no here comes the hug of pain.
J:”I love you both so much”
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why is Sam crying so much this season , JARED !
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I’m so sick of seeing tears ok? And seeing John so emotional??? NAAAAAH FUCK THAT, I saw those tears falling . FUCK U
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Zee : Can they all fuck the fuck off???
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Giu: dean your face
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Dean looked like a little scared kid there and he just broke me once again.
Kat: Yeah but that one look. Fuck
ok Now....I wanted to make this gif so badly because it haunted me. This....This is when Sam break the pearl. The sound looks like it hit Dean like a bullet or something and I just ....look at him it looks like he wants to scream, his lips seems like they are spelling a soundless ‘NO’ or he just let go, because he wasn’t breathing until the sound ....I need a minute, I’m gonna throw up my breakfast. 
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Bye John , I’ll miss you fiercely
aaaaand Dean looks like he’s dead again.
Nat: HEY GIULS Lebanon walk.
Nat I’m dead what do you want me to do? Call me if there is a ghost walk of Lebanon-
Nat&Kat&Giu: CAS
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Sam looks relieved
Nat: Look at that phone
Nat&Zee&Kat: One hell of a dream
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Kat: So much plagiarism
Zee : This music NEEDS to stop
Zee : Can we have a “fuck” count ?
Nat: aWWWW...jACK
Giu: Jack honey dont
Zee: March 7???
Nat: Yeah no
Writers: heya! we are gonna give you some sweet stuff for the 300th, y’all gonna hate it so much.
after credits brainstorm
Nat: SO GET THIS Did John remember? Did John know that the boys are happy and he spends the last of his days thinking about how he could get rid of Michael? Giu: What what . Oh fuck I sure hope so Nat: He saw that the boys were happy, that Mary came back. That's all he wanted . That's why it wasn't hard for him to let go and make the deal. Zee: I soooooo don’t need this rn Giu: im on board. Because he said that he had the strangest dream right? So since their life are fucked up anyway , what hurt could it make to look that shit up? Nat: He will remember but it's more like a vivid dream and he will do anything to fight for them so that's why it wasn't hard for him at all to save Dean, even though he can't defeat YED. Because he knows that his boys will save the world.  And still live. with an angel and lucifer's child.
.I have no word , and no answer of how I’m feeling right now.
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie    @mariekoukie6661    @dragontamerm     @closetspngirl  @rainflowermoon   @mattiecat     @bunnybaby121115 @aliaitee2  @jacks-word-of-the-day   @4evamc    @dammitsammy   @legendary-destiel @winchesterprincessbride  @destielhoneybee  @castiellover20 
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