#man these shows were even better and blew away all my expectations
alicenpai · 8 months
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screw it rise up if breaking bad better call saul is your favourite anime ever grab the stickers here if ya like!! in my shop until oct 17🧪⚗⚖
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wonwoosstuff · 3 months
wonwoo x f.reader; just them having a sexy time as a couple (established relationship); 18+
“Hm, you like that don’t you, sweetheart?” you whispered seductively in your boyfriend’s ear, gently cupping his face with your hands.
The two of you do not even remember how you’ve gotten to this point. Somehow you’re suddenly sitting on Wonwoo’s lap straddling him on your soft couch.
Tonight was one of those nights where Wonwoo planed on taking things slow. The mood of the living room— with having no lights on besides the couch lamp that illuminated the two of you— took the romantic atmosphere to another level.
Simultaneously the opened window blew a soft but cooling night breeze into the room causing you to shiver. The slow make out session was interrupted by your complaint:
“Wonu~can we please close the window? It’s really cold in here.”
A brief moment of silence. You looked at him with confusion.
“Let’s get you warmed up then.” He answered unhinged. Yet, these simple words created a mess of butterflies in your stomach.
Your boyfriend swiftly grabbed your waist and laid you softly down on the couch facing you contemporaneously. You drooled over the way he took off his shirt rapidly, then taking off his glasses to exempt you from getting hurt. The sight of a shirtless, well-built and shoulder-rich Wonwoo made your jaw slightly drop. Something about his movements were just so— breathtaking and sexy— even if these are considered normal in society.
You quickly looked away from him not expecting him to grab your jaw to make you face him directly.
“I want you to focus on me, love.” His fox-like gaze pierced through you. Wonwoo made sure that your eyes were not leaving his. Keeping eye contact during sexual intercourse was his one and only priority.
“Ugh, I can’t do this. You’re j-just so—“
“So?” He raised his eyebrow curiously.
“So intimidating and sexy” the last part of your sentence was mumbled however your boyfriend still heard it. Wonwoo’s reaction to your little confession was a smile followed by a deep chuckle. “Cute” was the last comment that he left on your shameless confession before connecting your lips with his.
The man continued to kiss you passionately as he put his arms steadily next to your head to support his weight. Wonwoo practically caged you into his trap. Nobody would even think that you were lying under him— that’s how wide his shoulders reached.
He began making his way slowly to your chest pulling your Tshirt up to reveal a better view of your breasts. To be more frank, all you had on were panties. Walking around with a bra was in fact very uncomfortable.
“I can’t believe you’re all mine, love.” He admired while pecking your cleavage.
“Are you not going to take my shirt off?” You asked while looking up your boyfriend.
Wonwoo left a smooch on your belly button and answered: “Later, babe, later.”
You nodded and were curious about his upcoming plans. The first part of the plan was massaging your boobs. He was utterly skilled with his fingers due to his gaming abilities. So he used them as nipple torture.
Your boyfriend had your legs laying on his shoulders for the past 30 minutes. He didn’t show any mercy and pounded into your arousal senseless. To support yourself you found your way to his hands intertwining your fingers with his fingers.
Your fucked out and flushing face turned him on making him go harder on you. Keeping up with Wonwoo’s pace was difficult, almost impossible.
He had one hell of stamina.
Wonwoo hasn’t really been moaning much — unlike you— instead he preferred to keep his calm and bite his lips to focus on hitting your g-spot perfectly.
“Ugh—W-Wonwoo— I can’t do this anymore, p-please spare me.” You could barely speak to him.
All you could see was a blurry silhouette of your boyfriend— that’s how good he made you feel.
“Oh yes, princess, you can.” He implied with his deep voice while also letting go of your hands.
“You look so hot like this.” A comment he wanted to share hours ago. Now he finally said it.
Wonwoo pulled you closer by your ankles to get deeper access to your g-spot — and it worked.
“Does this make you feel good, darling?”
“Mhm, y-yes!” you replied while moaning helplessly.
Wonwoo pecking your ankles while smirking at you was your last straw. He knew it turned you on.
He knew all of your weaknesses.
However your biggest weakness was your boyfriend getting to close to you and your ear.
And today seemed like your lucky day. He still was focused on thrusting harshly into you but leaned forward to meet your gaze directly. This resulted into you looking away quickly to not meet your boyfriend’s seductive gaze.
“Will you focus on your man, hm? Trust me, you don’t want me to turn this into a punishment.” He said while grabbing your jaw once again.
You began to hold onto his shoulders since his thrusting became sloppier. Still, it was hard to keep the eye contact.
“Are you warm enough, love?” He asked softly making you smile.
©️ wonwoosstuff do not copy or translate!
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
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you called * cl16
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you called, so he came.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: none.
notes: well, now i'm in the mood to write this bc i just found out my ex-boyfriend now has a girlfriend so i aM PULLING THIS OUT FROM THE DEEPEST PART OF MY SADNESS AND GUT
(i quit drinking) // (to forget you) // (you called)
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charles wasn't actually going to come. when you called him, you were slurring and stumbling over your words about how you wanted to see him. he told you it wasn't a great idea until you started full-out sobbing on the phone about how much you missed him.
it was then shortly cut to max scolding you in the background. something about how he already told you not to call charles, but you still did. then max took the phone from you and told him off sternly that he better not show up.
yet, here you are in the passenger seat of his car, buckling your seatbelt on.
carmen was more than shocked to see him at max's front door, but max blew his head off when he walked by and caught a glimpse of him.
but you managed to convince him to let you go, promising the man that you would send him a text message when you got back to your hotel.
"thank you for coming," you say barely above a whisper. your eyes are set on straight the car parked in front of his.
he sees your thumbs fumbling with one another. "of course," he answers, "you called."
you turn your head to the window, completely away from him. being in this car only brought back so many memories. you're a lot more sober than you were about 20 minutes ago, after you'd puked in the toilet after a quick sob.
being in this car gave you flashbacks to when you'd be driving around on the way to parties or the bar with the grid boys. it was in this car that he'd driven you around monte-carlo for your first date, ending up by the bay into a private yacht for dinner.
“but why?” you turn back to him, your doe eyes piercing into his. they’re slightly red from the crying, your makeup has been taken off (courtesy of max after you cried and puked), and your lips swollen. “why did you come?”
charles can’t find it in himself to start driving. he turns his head, avoiding your gaze. “i wanted to come see you.” and very softly, he adds, “i missed you.”
you freeze. you were expecting numerous types of responses but him admitting that he missed you was not one of them.
“what?” there's an expression on your face that he cannot fathom at all.
"i said i missed you," he says slower. though, with most of your relationship spent in the presence of alcohol, he knows pretty well that you're not even drunk anymore. you're just using it as an excuse,.
you stare at him, mouth gaping wordlessly at him. you scoff audibly and click your tongue. "you miss me?" you shriek, eyebrows furrowing at his confession. “you miss me? are you fucking serious right now, charles?”
“yeah?” he raises an eyebrow, genuinely not knowing how to respond to you.
"charles, we broke up." there's a sadness in your eye that made his chest ache. he knows very well that you did, in fact, break up.
"why are you saying that like it was a one-sided thing? you also agreed it's better off we just part ways." charles' growing frustration is very evident on his face, and it's still clear to you. "i didn't break up with you."
you still know when he's slowly getting irritated, or which expressions told you what's on his mind.
"because i saw you!" you throw your head back, running your hands through your hair as you tug on them roughly. "i watched you distance yourself from me, charles! the way you withdrew in the last couple of days we spent together, and apart. you called lesser, you stopped inviting me to your parties with friends, and you couldn't even look me in the eye anymore."
charles had no idea that this was what went through your mind. to him, he stopped inviting you to parties because he valued the fact that you hated waking up in the morning with a hangover. you had mentioned that it made getting up so much harder.
he started calling you lesser when you were apart because he was just simply busy. but, he did send you messages that he thought were enough to reassure you of the state of your fresh relationship.
not being able to look you in the eye had a simple explanation - he's fallen in love with you and has been afraid to admit it. after you spent a week apart busy with different projects and workload, he had picked you up from the airport for a race weekend and he felt it in his chest. he was just afraid to say it out loud for the fear that you would be too overwhelmed.
"that's not true." charles shakes his head. he turns his body away from you, looking ahead.
"then what's the truth?" you probe, lifting your shoulders to edge him for an answer. there is no way that you spent your days sulking over a man who missed you but never reached out.
but who are you to speak? you didn't either.
charles opens his mouth but quickly closes it. he shakes his head again. he contemplates the risk of saying it to you. you'd called him drunk, not expecting him to even pick up; it should be his turn to risk his feelings and possible embarrassment.
"i got scared," he says slowly, turning his head to look at you, "because i realised i love you. but i was just so scared to tell you. don't ask me why. i wanted to have you without the alcohol, that's why i didn't ask you out anymore."
"you can't just lie your way out of this, charles!" you scold with the roll of your eyes.
he rolls his eyes, finally starting up the car for a drive. "i'm going to drive you home now."
"yeah, maybe you should." you fold your arms over your chest and turn your head towards the window. your hotel isn't far, but it's quite a drive.
charles didn't even have the time to turn some music on, so you had sat in his car together in silence. the sound of the engine is the only thing that occupies the deafening stillness in the air.
you'd spent days locking yourself away, the thoughts of charles hopping on to someone else eating hours of your day away, taking up most of your breath as you'd sit on the floor crying with your cat in your arms.
to the point your mother had to remind you that charles is just a boy.
"do you mean it?" you break the silence as he turns into the lobby of the hotel. your eyes are glued to the window still with tears filling it to the brim.
you hear him sigh then shift in his seat. "of course, i do. i spent every waking moment of the past 6 weeks thinking of you and missing you. i hated every second i spent without you," he rambles. he takes a deep breath as the car comes to a slow stop. "i should have called you. i'm sorry."
you press your lips together. you turn to face him, but his stare is right ahead as he chews on the inside of his cheek. "i didn't think you liked me without the alcohol. i'm not as fun without it."
charles turns quickly to face you, instinctively grabbing your hands into his. "don't even say that," he pouts his lips out, "you are an even better person without it. please don't say that."
you close your eyes, knowing you might regret the decision in the morning. you open them and meet his blue eyes, a small smile stretching your lips.
what's the worst that could happen? if he meant his words, everything should be alright.
"do you want to have some coffee upstairs?"
you see relief wash over his face. with a deep breath, he exhales, his body melts into his car seat. he leans his head on his headrest. "as long as you promise me there's no alcohol."
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sourpatchys · 8 months
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•Pretty Boy•
You weren't sure when and you weren't sure how— but you were definitely falling for the blue eyed archer.
You'd been with the group since the beginning, doing your best to survive with them, but completely unsure on how to interact with them.
Even before, you weren't much of a people person, always enjoying your alone time just a little too much.
But somehow, you're alone time wasn't so lonely anymore— and you couldn't say you minded.
You started taking watch with Daryl as a way to get away from the chaos in the prison. One person was better than several— that's what you told yourself.
But now— looking over and seeing his unkept hair flutter just a bit in the wind— you weren't so sure.
It was cold, the hot Georgia heat plummeted at night, the humidity storing itself away for a few hours, waiting for its chance to strike once more.
He was wearing a god awful poncho, and you'd told him as such when you'd sat down together an hour prior.
"I'm not lookin' to win a fashion show anytime soon."
You couldn't even argue. But the absurdity of it all did make you laugh just a little.
The silence you had between you was comfortable, no one was talking because neither of you needed too— completely content.
It was somewhat of a routine at this point.
You'd crack a joke about what he was wearing, maybe about how long his hair was getting, (it was curling out by his ears making him look like a fox) or he'd do the same to you— and then you'd just sit, and watch.
Sometimes you'd fall asleep, the cool air and the breeze reminding you of your old box fan that never had a days rest.
When that happened you somehow always woke up back in your cell.
You never brought it up, Daryl didn't seem to want to talk about it, and you didn't want your curiosity to stop it from happening.
It was like a fun little adventure, a piece of the old world you got to keep with you. Why would you ever want it to stop?
A particularly cold gust of wind blew into you, and while it wasn't as harsh as the cold from last winter, it still made you shiver.
You almost didn't hear him, his voice was so soft.
"Yeah, I guess I should've brought my own ugly poncho."
He scoffed at you, a faint line of a smile on the corner of his lips.
You had expected that to be it, a little light hearted banter to keep the mood up.
But Daryl apparently had other ideas.
He sat up straight, pulling off his crossbow— shaking out of the poncho in question.
Within seconds he had it draped around your shoulders, a content look on his face that told you he felt like he'd done a wonderful service.
"Ya can have this one for now."
Reaching your hands up, you wrapped the fabric closer into your body— the faint smell of, what could only be described as *Daryl* wasping into your nostrils.
You supposed it wasn't your least favorite smell.
"Thank you."
He hummed, turning away from you again— pulling his bow into his lap.
You stared at him, without the extra layer you could see him fully. The build up of grime on his arms, the rise and fall of his chest.
It was as if you were seeing him for the first time.
It was a stupid notion to make, you'd  seen him plenty, hell— you'd known the man for probably over a year at this point.
But something about seeing him in the night sky had you unable to turn away.
He's beautiful
"What er' you lookin at." He griped, glancing your way with something not far off from irritation.
It definitely wasn't a question. But you answered anyways.
He leaned back on his hands, turning his head towards you, staring you in the eyes. Like he was looking for something.
It was a question this time— and it took you a moment to process. His voice was soft, much softer than you'd ever heard it before.
His walls weren't up right now.
"Because I think you're pretty."
You saw a look of— bewilderment? Crossed his face. A look that said— "what the fuck are you talking about".
It honestly made you giggle.
"I ain't pretty."
That got a real laugh out of you. Which seemed to only confuse him more.
"I think you are." You said, in between soft chuckles.
Scoffing he turned away, but you could see the wheels in his head turning, trying to figure out what to say next— or if he should say anything at all.
Seeing Daryl Dixon speechless was something you'd pride yourself on for years to come— you were sure of it.
You were feeling quite brave tonight— and maybe a bit mischievous. So you leaned into his space, placing one of your hands on his shoulders to keep your balance as you shuffled to your knees to face him.
"I can prove it"
He tensed under your touch, as if you were made of fire and he was afraid to get burnt.
He didn't say anything, just looking at you— that same wonderstruck look in his eyes. His walls still hadn't been build back up— he was allowing himself to be vulnerable.
Just for you it seemed.
Bringing your other hand to his cheek, you felt him flinch slightly.
Suddenly he knew what you were about to do.
And suddenly he realized— he didn't want to stop you.
Leaning down, you bright your lips to his. They were chapped— but they still had an underlying softness you hadn't expected.
It was just a peck, and you were satisfied with how it went down, leaning back on your heels to look at him.
"See—" you started, a slight chuckle already forming.
He looked at you, the last bit of his walls breaking down entirely at the look in your eyes.
"I only kiss pretty boys."
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sophiasharp · 10 months
Man I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that in the wildly accepted fanon, the ghouls were like. Creatures pulled out of a primitive society full of bloodshed and danger. These guys were just chilling in hell, fighting for their lives every day like you do, and now they’re on Earth, expected to figure out Earth manners and technology and how the fuck anything works. I’ve been thinking about it, though. Let me walk you through my thoughts
- Bull in a China shop
- Big man has gotten very good at controlling his strength over the years. That control was NOT there at first.
- Bumped into fucking everything too. Dude’s used to being in the wide open abyss the quintessence ghouls occupy. Suddenly having to learn special awareness was. A hurdle of his.
- He broke a lot of tables. And chairs. And plates. Mugs. One Sibling’s arm. He got there eventually but Omega had to walk him through how fragile everything on Earth is compared to their ghoulish strength.
- Part of his habit of jumping up and down also comes from how different Earth is to his home environment. You mean you can go up and then you’ll come down again? Automatically? What a concept! Gravity is so much fun!
- Still gets some sense of novelty out of electric lighting. Being able to just. Make the dark go away? Whenever? Amazing.
- He keeps a night light on in his room. The last person to make fun of him for it mysteriously ended up with 3rd degree burns.
- Skittish little fucker
- Kinda like that one video of those weird crabs reacting to the diver
- Dew, poking at a toaster: Friend? Friend? Friend? Big noise! Scared! Scared! Scared! Scared! … Friend? Friend?
- Fucking LOVED blankets and coats and jackets and robes and honestly just anything that will keep him warm. He was used to the cold, sure, but if he had a choice between that and being cuddled under 5 different comforters, possibly with another ghoul for extra body heat? It wasn’t even a competition.
- Still had to often be reminded to wear clothes. “We’re in a hellish commune, does anyone really care about one ghoul being naked?” “It’s not so much the nakedness as much as the being out and about without your uniform.”
- Warm food blew his Fucking mind. Coming from the frigid arctic, whatever warmth you’d get from your food’s internal temperature was short lived. Microwaves? Ovens? Tea Kettles? Marvelous. Truly a gift from the Dark One
- Got REALLY into cooking. Dude is a wizard in the kitchen. Watched so many kitchen shows once he figured out how TV’s worked and started replicating the really fancy meals they were creating on screen with whatever he could find around the Abbey and what the kitchen staff were willing to give him. Now, whenever there’s a big occasion, he’s the one asked to oversee the food.
- weirdly calm and placid about everything despite not knowing how literally anything worked.
- Just casually curious about everything. Was always asking questions. Not in an annoying way, but just politely inquisitive.
- There was like a 50/50 chance he was actually listening to you at any given point in time. I mean, there are so many new sights, sounds, smells to experience! Can’t expect him to be 100% there when there’s still so much new splendor all around!
- If ever he was confronted with something new but no one was around to explain what it was, he would instead try to just. Figure it out on his own using his best judgement.
- This is how he once ended up straight up eating someone’s phone. This was very early on, mind you, but it was so smooth and shiny! And the precious metals inside were so tasty! He knows better now, of course. But there are some days where he’s tempted to give his ministry-issued smartphone a nibble…
- Figured out his love of gardening pretty damn fast considering that’s what he was originally summoned for. However, aside from tending to Primo’s garden, he found himself still going out to tend to the plants even in his free time. It’s calming to him, reminds him of home. When things get overwhelming, the plants are there to let him channel his worry into something producing.
- His first personal plant was a small pot of rosemary. He kept it in the window of his room and took *such* good care of it. It’s still there to this day, nestled among the other plants he’s accumulated of the years.
- he is so excited about everything!!!!
- He has to be touching all the new things all the time! What does it do? How is it made?? Can he eat it??? A lot of things that were small enough went straight into his mouth. Copia needed to keep a spray bottle on him at all times to make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
- Of course, when he was around the other ghouls, he played it cool. Have to make a good impression on his new (and hopefully permanent) packmates after all. He reeeaaaally didn’t want get sent back to the pit so getting in good with the rest of the band was TOP priority!
- In fact that need to be liked was bordering on unhealthy and sort of sabotaged himself a bit. Acting all suave and cocksure when the entire rest of the band was on high alert does that.
- Most of the ghouls regarded him with a hefty amount of distrust at first- being the first summon of the new boss came with a LOT of baggage -but Cumulus saw straight through him. He was just a silly little guy! She became his first real friend amongst the pack.
- The two became menaces together, exploring the abbey and messing with shit they probably shouldn’t have. Primo’s garden was a favorite of theirs, much to Mountain’s chagrin.
- Was just SOOOO fascinated by this new body he’s been put in. Unlike most the other ghouls, he didn’t have a physical body he inhabited back in hell, only being given one when he was summoned to the surface. Flesh! If feels funny! What does this thing down here do-
- was honestly kinda scared at first, what with the whole mood of the pack being out of wack.
- Apparently their new boss might have killed someone? That’s the guy that summoned them? Uh oh!
- Stayed glued to Cirrus in the beginning. Being summoned together meant having a strong built-in bond with each other, always having access to what the other is feeling. Being together offered a much-needed sense of comfort to Cumulus. Getting to spend time with a really pretty girl wasn’t bad either.
- Swiss was the one to bring her out of her shell, imbuing her with confidence through his own fake bravado. They came to rely on each other in that sense. When Cumulus was scared to do the things she wanted, Swiss would convince her of her capability. When Swiss was anxious and felt like a fraud, Cumulus would remind him of his sincerity.
- Was very curious about how her magic worked on the surface versus how it did in the pit. Back home, she was used to having to beat against the constant winds of the first layer of hell. Now that she’s on Earth, her powers are much more powerful than she ever expected them to be!
- LOVED textiles. She surrounded herself in all things soft and fluffy. Her bedroom (and most nights Cirrus’s as well) is just so Fucking cozy. Blankets and pillows everywhere. Her stuffed animal collection is unmatched. Will cry if even one of them ends up on the floor.
- Dew was the one to help her start her collection. To this day they are each other’s #1 cuddle buddies.
- Stone cold badass front to hide how nervous she was.
- VERY protective of Cumulus in the beginning. She could feel how scared she was and felt the need to step up and protect the both of them from any threat this new environment may have… even if the perceived threat is a bit stupid.
- She once kicked in the washing machine cause it made a sound once it was done and it startled her. Not her proudest moment.
- Was almost OVERPROTECTIVE of Cumulus at first, even, doing even the simplest of tasks for her to prevent risk of injury. That was until she watched her kick a sibling straight in the nuts for making snide remarks about Cirrus in front of her. Cirrus had never fallen in love faster.
- Took a LONG while to warm up to the others. Constantly felt like she had something to prove, like she needed to show that she wouldn’t buckle under pressure. Everyone (but Cumulus) was a threat.
- Adores weather on Earth and how it isn’t just WIND 24/7. She loves all the different shapes of the clouds, how dark they get with moisture, the gentle snowfall or the needle-like rain. Really puts her at peace to be out on a rainy day
- S C A R E D
- Everything is new and bright and cold and heavy and loud and- and- and-
- Yeah he barely left his room for a week, didn’t talk to anyone for anything. Not shy, necessarily, but just freaked the fuck OUT. They were starting to think he was nonverbal cause man refused to use his voice. In his defense, talking outside the water feels very different when you’re used to your vocal cords wiggling in water all your life.
- In my brain the first time he did speak was to Copia after he did his lil oopsie with the rest of the pack. It’s like a day later and Copia’s tryna plan how he’s gonna make it up to the ghouls when rain cornered him in a dark hallway, made direct eye contact, and in the softest voice went “I wouldn’t go near the lake if I were you. It’s hard to hear screaming underwater.” He then left a completely stunned and freaked tf out Copia standing alone in the hall like it never happened.
- He kinda regrets letting his first words on Earth be a threat now but the rest of the pack is flattered, although they do still sometimes tease him for it.
- Really started coming out of his shell when Dew made dinner for him. Dew was in the same shoes as him once and, although his relationship with the new water ghoul was complicated, he still felt obligated to help his new packmate adjust to life on Earth.
- Bro went through the trouble of showing Rain what every little thing in the kitchen did so he wouldn’t be scared to make his own food anymore, all while making him some grade A gourmet dining. Dew didn’t know it at the time but that’s when the heart-eyes started.
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strangemaleswaps · 6 months
Strange Cop Dad Swap
I made my way to the kitchen, expecting some good alcohol since Brittney was rich. Holy shit! There was a huge variety of everything! Now THIS is what I expected at a college party! Who fucking cared if I wasn't even in college yet, or old enough to drink? This shit is crazy!
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"What would you like my good sir?" asked some random guy at the table. I didn't think he was an actual bartender, since he was wearing normal clothes. Probably just some weirdo.
"Oh I dunn-" I didn't even finish my sentence when he put something into a shaker and poured it into a red plastic cup. He then handed it to me. Well, I guess if I'm at a college party, I gotta act like a college party guy. I chugged it all down in a second. Suddenly my throat burned like hell.
"Fuck man, one step at a time! Save the chugging for cheap beer. These drinks are classier." He poured me another. "This time baby steps my man."
I was kinda mad, but accepted the drink anyway. I walked back into the living room where people were on the dance floor. I saw my buddy Trent dancing with yet another random girl he just met. I swear that dude solely exists to break hearts.
"Hey! Garrett! Did you get the drinks?
"I got one. If you want one, go get it yourself."
"Ah fuck you! But seriously though aren't you scared your dad's gonna show up? I mean he IS a cop around here."
"Probably not. I'm sure there's lots of parties going on right now. What are the chances that he'd come to this one?” I noticed someone started talking to Brittney. It must've been bad because she widened her eyes and turned the music off. With the new silence in the room, we could hear the blaring police sirens outside.
"Shit who called the cops?" Someone said. The door opened and none other than my stupid dad appeared. His ugly bald head reflected the multicolored lights and he looked around at everyone, while I tried to hide myself behind the crowd. Beside him was the sheriff, Marty. My dad may have been good friends with Marty but he didn’t have to bring the fucking sheriff for something as simple as this.
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"Allright allright, party's over. Nobody's getting arrested as long as you cooperate." Everyone started walking out the door and I was exposed. My dad widened his eyes when he noticed me.
"Garrett?! What the fuck are you doing? You know better than that!" He just HAD to start the lecture NOW out of all times, embarrassing me in front of everyone.
"What? I can't come to a party now?"
"Don't try excuses on me! I saw that cup in your hand. What? You expect me to believe that's water? Get in the car. Everybody else move it!” We both started walking outside while Marty stayed to lead the others.
Inside the police car, we were silent for a while until he blew up on me once again.
"I can't believe you were fucking underage drinking! Do you have any idea how irresponsible you are?! You're in your senior year of high school. Do you really think that’s going to be a good habit when you go to college?! You're grounded until graduation. I don't care how harsh that sounds. Graduation you hear?” I knew that nothing I said would change anything so I kept my mouth shut the rest of the car ride. 
Back at home, we said nothing to each other as I walked up to my room and slammed the door. About an hour went by and I heard a knock, followed by my dad coming in.
"Go away."
"I just wanted to say that I overreacted a bit back there. It made me so angry seeing the type of person you might’ve ended up as." He was fumbling with his wedding ring. I don't know why he keeps it on anyway. I never knew my mom, and it's clear my dad is divorced so why does he wear a damn wedding ring? He needs to find a girlfriend or something!
“You have no idea how stressful it is! Why can’t I go to some little party just to unwind?”
“I was young once too! I just don’t want you to go down a bad path. You have so much more to learn. This isn’t a good habit to form when you go to college.” It was then that I blew up on him.
“Hey at least I am going to college! Unlike a certain dumbass cop…” His eyes widened and I saw nothing but pure anger on his face,
"I was going to shorten your grounding sentence, but after that attitude not anymore!" He then slammed the door once again.
Trent texted me a bit later, asking if I was going to be able to go to Brittney’s homecoming party. Shit! I forgot about that! There was no way I was going to miss it so we devised a plan for me to sneak out.
The night arrived and I had my plan all set. Trent was going to call the cops on some other party to lure my dad away. When he leaves, Trent will come and pick me up and it's party time! I was in my room pretending to be bored, when right on schedule, my dad came in.
"I got another dumbass party to shut down so stay here, and don't even think about leaving this room. You're still grounded." He had a serious look in his eye.
"Sure sure. I'll be good," I said sarcastically. I looked out the window and as soon as his car was out of sight, I texted Trent. Within minutes he arrived. I quickly got dressed and he picked me up.
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"Dude, you're either the bravest guy ever, or the stupidest."
"Hey, I won't stay too long. Just enough to see what it's like really. And then I'll be back in my room before he comes home."
The house was easily twice as packed as the last party, it was incredible. Brittney came down the stairs and approached me with a confused look on her face.
"Hey, wait I thought you were grounded or something. Aren't you afraid your dad is gonna come back? He better not."
"Nah, relax. He's doing some other stupid police work. I won't stay too long anyway."
"Allright, if you say so."
I went to the kitchen, like last time, to find an even bigger variety of drinks! Nobody else was in there so I thought I'd experiment myself this time. I picked up the shaker and started pouring drinks, even though I didn't know what the hell they were. But I didn't care! I'm just glad I was able to sneak away from my dad. I tried the drink and…well it was actually awful. Oh well. I headed to the dance floor and started showing off my moves. I could hear everyone cheering me on until I felt a bit faint. The last thing I remembered was falling over and a couple people looking at me concerned.
When I opened my eyes, I was outside in the dark. What happened? Was I that drunk and they kicked me out? I felt pretty normal though. I walked back up to the door. When I closed it, a draft flew in, which was especially cold on my head for some reason. I let out a deep breath and when I turned around, everyone was staring at me. But it wasn't the type of confused stare I expected; it was a terrified stare. The music stopped and it felt like they were staring into my soul.
"Uh, I'm ok now.” My voice sounded really weird. There was an awkward silence until someone shouted in the back.
"Well party's over…AGAIN!" As everyone started walking out, I noticed Brittney was yelling at someone on the floor.
"Nah, fuck you Garrett. You're not allowed here again. Get up!" Weird coincidence that there was a guy with the same name as me on the dance floor too. As the crowd cleared, I felt a chill down my back as I found “Garrett” looked exactly like me! He seemed to be unconscious. When I approached him and Brittney, she looked up at me…which was weird because we were the same height. Did she get shorter or something?
"Oh uh, he didn't get beat up or anything bad. Just had a few drinks I guess." She spoke so compliantly, unlike the normal way she gives me attitude with every sentence. I noticed the guy on the floor was wearing my clothes too. He didn't just look like me, he WAS me! Was he a clone or something? What's going on? A breeze came through the still-opened door and hit my head again. Why is it so cold up there? I touched the back of my head, and felt a smooth spot. What the fuck? I searched around for my hair…for ANY hair! But all I could find was a smooth bald head. It couldn't be…I looked down at myself and found I was wearing a police officer's uniform, complete with the badge and full utility belt. Brittney stared at me, concerned.
"Is uh everything all right, officer?" No no! Don't call me that!
"I uh, can I use your bathroom?"
"Uh yeah, it's up the stairs and to the left."
As I made my way up and through the hallway, I stared down at my hands, noticing eerily similar things - a wedding ring and a watch that looked exactly like the one my dad wore. I opened the bathroom door and quickly locked it. I gazed into the mirror to find my fears had come true. I turned into my dad!
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I grabbed my cheeks and tried pinching them, to make sure it wasn't all a prank and I was just wearing a mask, but nope. I could feel it all. It was real. Fuck! I saw how smooth and shiny my head was; I knew he shaved his head every morning, but I didn't realize how smooth doing that actually made it. It's like a fuckin bowling ball. I hate this! I had long hair before and now it's just all gone! It was freezing up there! I hated cops, so it was really uncomfortable wearing an officer's uniform too.
"Hey are you ok in there?" It was Brittney. I faked a flush and washed my hands.
"Is Garrett still asleep?" It felt weird referring to myself in the 3rd person.
"Yeah he won't wake up."
"I'll just carry him to the car."
Brittany walked to the kitchen, probably to clean up the alcohol before I saw the amount of it. When I got to the living room, I found Marty standing there. He looked up when he approached me and pointed at me. 
“Hey you! What do you think you’re doing?” Shit. Does he know?! 
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“I’m sorry I-” He turned his fake frown into a smile.
“Don’t be. Sometimes we just can’t let anything else come before our duty. Even me.” He leaned over to kiss me. What?! What’s going on? “I guess we’ll have to reschedule that date to some other time.”
A date? Does this mean the whole time, my dad was gay? And for Marty? Was the whole wedding ring thing a facade? Marty actually had one too so maybe they both did it to prevent a scandal within the police department or something? I snapped back to reality when I noticed Marty was still waiting for an answer.
“Uh yeah, sure. Of course!”
“Good! Let me know!” He rubbed my bald head. It was then that I started getting hard …my dad's cock was getting hard. Marty wasn’t my type though! But suddenly the thought of him was making me feel good. Is this because I'm in my dad's body or because he's flirting with me? 
I picked up..myself..off the dance floor and put him over my shoulder. I walked over to my dad's police car, and reached into my pocket for the keys to open it. I placed…myself inside, buckled him in, took my phone out of his pocket, and sat down in the driver's seat. I always hated my dad and hated cops in general but it felt pretty awesome actually sitting in the driver's seat of a police car. Like one of those movies where they have to steal one to save the world or something. The flashing lights were still on, but luckily I knew how to turn them off. I pressed the button and began driving home.
When I got home, I picked up my body once again, and carried him. It didn't really occur to me earlier, but if I'm in my dad's body, does this mean he's in my body? Fuck, I can't stand the thought of my dad going around embarrassing me in front of everyone! But he still hadn't woken up yet. What if whatever magical spell made us swap was keeping him asleep? But if he does wake up I need somewhere to put him at least. I walked upstairs and towards his room, and placed him on his own bed. I guess that'll do. I went over to my own room and plopped onto my bed, the pillow feeling extra comfy touching my bare head. I rubbed it again, actually kinda enjoying how it felt. Even though the body belongs to my dad, I'm still borrowing it right now. So I guess I have the freedom to touch myself anywhere. Not that I would want to go…down there. That's my dad's cock, gross! But I'm gonna need to jerk off eventually; I'm already feeling kinda horny now…but why? The thought of Marty crossed my mind and I suddenly was imagining him naked. Shit, not this again. He kinda was cute though, in like a lame cop kinda way. Man, I honestly wanna fuck him now.
At this point my cock was getting so stiff that I could barely take it. I started stripping, taking the heavy utility belt off first. Each garment came off until I was just in my dad's boxers.
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I can't believe I was about to do this. I felt around my new dad bod, then peeled the underwear down to see my dad's cock. It was actually pretty big, maybe like 10 inches or so! So nasty…but I had to focus on the thought of Marty to stay hard. I took the underwear off so I was fully nude, laid down on my bed and started jerking it. I imagined Marty cornering me against the wall, kissing me until he grabbed my cock. He then got down on his knees and started sucking it until…I was pulled out of my fantasy and came. The white load shot all over my bed, much further than I could ever do in my body! After the climax wore off, I realized how gross it was that my dad's cum was all over my bed. But it felt so good! Actually, I have no clue how long I'm gonna be like this, or how long my dad is going to stay asleep so I could definitely take over his life for a bit. I'm not grounded anymore! Even better, I guess I'm a cop now so I have power and authority! I took my dad's phone - I mean MY phone - and called up Marty.
"Hey Marty, I have an idea…”
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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writeforfandoms · 10 months
State of My Head 3
Find the series masterlist
Here we are folks! The final chapter! There will be a bonus scene soonish, so keep an eye out for that. But this is the last actual chapter, with the promised happy ending. 
Warnings: Canon typical violence, blood, injury, death of a minor character, swearing, shifter behavior, cat behavior, Gaz finally realizes he was an idiot.
Word count: 4.7k
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You still hated the helicopter rides. Even though they were necessary. But you still huddled into your seat, holding tight to the grips. At least Gaz and Soap had stopped teasing you, most of the time. 
This op was a little less straightforward. They didn’t have as much intel on this location, which was why Price was sending you in first. There were supposed to be weapons, but there was no clear intel on how many weapons or exactly which kind.
That was part of your job. To find the weapons and report back. 
The heli landed and you hopped out, taking a moment to look around. You’d been dropped off away from the objective - there was a bit of a hike to the buildings. Apparently this was normal for them. 
You were just looking forward to shifting so you could run ahead. 
Price motioned for you to follow him, which you did. By now, this was routine. You weren’t combat trained, so you stayed in the middle of the group. This time, Gaz covered your back. 
Price halted in a good cover spot, and you immediately shifted. 
“Straight back here,” Price reminded you as you crawled out of your clothes, though he didn’t need to and you both knew it. By now, it was just habit.
You meowed softly at him and lifted one paw, tapping his boot twice. And then you trotted off towards your destination. 
The set of three warehouses were a bit removed from the road, big parking lots nearly empty. They had that dilapidated look about them, run down and tagged with spraypaint. They were set outside of town, far enough away that you doubted anyone would be able to hear things going on here. Good for the people of the town, at least. The route from Price’s chosen spot to the parking lots was covered in vegetation, trees growing tall and wild, bushes providing plenty of cover spots. A series of hills rose behind the warehouse, providing further cover. 
It wasn’t a bad location for a secret weapons cache, really. Unremarkable. Isolated enough to operate without suspicion, but still with easy access to a major road. Not bad at all. 
The chain link fencing around the area was new. Still easy enough to squeeze under. Sometimes you were glad you weren’t any bigger. 
The lack of outside lights worked in your favor, allowing you to get close. You paused outside to listen. 
Definite movement inside. Footsteps. Murmuring. The click of a lighter. A side door opened several feet from your hiding spot, letting out a guard, and you held very still.
“Think they’re gonna show?” The guard had an accent, sounded Russian to your ears.
“Boss thinks they will.” A second guard stepped out of the building, lighting a cigarette. This one sounded American. 
“What makes him so sure?” The Russian didn’t sound disbelieving, just bored. 
“Eh, who knows?” The American blew out smoke, rolling his shoulders. “Not like I’m the boss’s right hand man.”
The two both laughed at that, and you tensed. There was something wrong here, very wrong. Who were they expecting? 
A radio crackled on the Russian’s hip. “Got movement from the northwest,” someone reported in, muffled but audible. Also American. Northwest. You froze, not quite sure which direction you’d come from. 
“Guess the boss is right.” The American grinned, teeth very white in the darkness. “We better finish up if we wanna get in on the fun.”
“Assuming the snipers don’t get the bastards first,” the Russian agreed. “But who knows? They are supposed to be very good.”
“It’s the same assholes that blew up the cache two weeks ago. They’re good.” The American sounded almost eager, thirsty for bloodshed in a way that made all your fur stand on end. He put out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe, free hand reaching over to smack his companion in the shoulder. “C’mon, man, hurry up.” 
You’d heard enough. You remembered the cache two weeks ago - Soap had come back exhilarated and smelling of smoke. 
They were expecting your guys. Somehow, they knew. 
This was a trap.
You bolted, running as fast as you could, no longer quite so worried about stealth. 
But you did pause outside the fence, because they’d mentioned snipers. Okay. Think like Ghost. Where would you set up if you were a sniper? 
A quick look found at least four spots you could check. After you warned the team. 
It took a lot less time to get back to them, since you were less concerned about stealth and more concerned about speed. Consequently, when you arrived in front of Price, you were panting. Shifting took only a moment, leaving you crouched in front of them. 
“They know,” you gasped, not giving them time to ask you questions. “Expecting you. Snipers, guards.” You waved back at the building.
Price’s eyes narrowed. “You sure?”
You nodded rapidly. “Heard two of them talking.” You swallowed against your dry throat, ignoring the chill of the night air against your skin. 
Price blew out a slow breath, gaze flitting between you and the buildings in the distance. The other three all stood still and silent, waiting on his orders. 
“Right. No use walkin’ in to a trap. Get back to exfil.” 
There was a ripple through the group, the tension of a thwarted op paired with the knowledge that they’d been given bad intel. You, at least, couldn’t think for a moment of anything other than the fact that if you hadn’t gone first, they’d have walked blindly into that trap.
You swallowed, glancing between them. Gaz was already reaching for your clothes, Soap and Ghost on alert. Price was not going to like what you did next. 
So you just wouldn’t give him a chance to yell at you.
“Meet you back there,” you said, and shifted. You were gone again before any of them could try to grab you, and you knew they couldn’t risk shouting after you. 
You ran ahead of them and veered off course. It was dark, but your eyesight was better in the dark than any human’s, especially shifted. So you saw the movement of a sniper, likely scanning for your guys. 
You launched yourself at the sniper, yowling. You were no bigger than the average housecat, but you had surprise on your side, and claws. He yelped as your claws dug into his shoulders and arms around his tac vest. A gunshot briefly deafened you, but rather than run off, you lunged for his hand, biting down as hard as you could. He dropped the rifle, swearing, trying to shake you off. 
You let go of him and ran again. You doubted he’d go after you, and you were too small a target to shoot at with any accuracy. Especially as you zigzagged away.
So you went on, following the sounds of a radio and check in calls. Your ears flickered, pinpointing the source of the noise, before you crept up. 
This one was a woman, tense and alert, scanning for enemies. Your tail flicked back and forth as you debated your approach. You could get to her hands first, incapacitate her. But you’d have to move fast, both to catch up with your guys and to not get shot. 
Her radio crackled again and she turned towards the sniper you’d already attacked. 
You leapt at her hands, scratching and biting. You thought it would work.
It sort of did.
She yelled and swore and swung away from you. But she didn’t drop the gun. 
Instead she swung it at the same time you jumped for her.
Pain burst in your side, sharp and sudden. You tumbled out of the air, landing on your feet and howling. For a moment you wondered if you’d be able to move, if you’d even be able to make it back to exfil–
“Fucking animal,” the woman spat, and aimed the rifle at you. You scrambled for cover, the shot so loud it hurt your ears. Warmth slid down into your left ear, muffling your hearing. Another shot and your back right leg buckled under a line of searing heat. 
A third shot. For a moment you expected to feel pain, to keel over. 
Instead the sniper went down, blood and brain matter sprayed across the ground behind her.
One of your guys must have shot her. Which meant they were still here.
Running was immediately out of the question. Your ribs shifted, and that crunching feeling should probably be very concerning. Your injured leg didn’t want to hold your weight. 
Leaving you to limp along on three legs, woozy, struggling a bit to breathe. There was no way this was going to end well for you. 
A soft call of your name had you jerk, swaying a little on your feet, before you looked up at Gaz. He hissed out a soft curse, scooping you into his arms. You did your best to not make pained sounds, and failed. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” he demanded, holding you securely even as he ran back to join the others. “You could have been killed!” 
“You’re explaining that later,” Price growled, ushering Gaz into the heli before him. “Damned foolish.” 
You managed a weak meow, shaking your head, trying to unblock your ear. Blood spattered across Gaz’s front and the seat, but you could hear better at least. 
“Fuck,” Gaz breathed, buckling in quickly. “Cap, should we–?” 
“I don’t know.” Price sat next to him, also buckled in. A moment later the heli was lifting up, the faint lighting inside allowing you to see the captain’s jaw clench tight. “Not a damn vet.” 
The motors were so much louder as a cat, and you pinned your ears back, still sensitive from the gunshots. And then meowed pitifully at the sharp pain from your left ear. 
Price called your name, and you jerked your gaze to him. Your jaws had parted so you could pant, trying to get more air. 
“Shift back,” Price demanded, firm tone mostly masking his concern. “We can’t help you like this.”
You thought about that for a moment. Shifting was going to suck. Your ribs were almost definitely broken, and would not magically be fixed. Not to mention the sheer strain of shifting that much - coupled with the blood you’d already lost, there was a good chance you wouldn’t be able to stay conscious.
Then again, if you didn’t shift, there was no vet on staff. And it was a lot easier to bleed out as a cat than as a human. 
So you shifted, immediately gasping in pain at the jostling on your ribs, tears springing to your eyes.
“Easy, love,” Gaz soothed, shifting his grip on you to keep you securely against his chest. “What hurts?”
“Ribs,” you gritted out, shutting your eyes. “Ear. Thigh.” Your heartbeat pounded in your head and at your throat, far too fast. It was getting hard to focus. 
“Thigh is still bleeding,” Soap pointed out from across the way, frowning. 
“Yeah, spotted that,” Gaz gritted out. One big hand pressed a cloth down onto the seeping wound on your thigh, hard. You whined, hands scrambling for something to help anchor you. The heli jolted, not a lot, but enough to make you bite your tongue to hold back a shriek. 
It was too much - the burning in your ribs, the ache in your thigh, the pounding of your pulse. Your eyelids fluttered - you knew you should stay conscious. 
But it hurt, and it was hard, and you were less inclined to fight as the adrenaline left you. Shivering hurt, but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“Hey, hey, don’t you dare fall asleep on me.” Gaz sounded more panicked than angry. Someone wrapped a blanket around you, and you blinked slowly. 
Price nodded once to you, though he didn’t speak, since he was on the phone with someone else. Of course he was on your left - you couldn’t hear him quite right, things still muffled on that side. 
Trying to focus was way too much effort anyway. You just wanted to sleep. 
Vaguely, you could hear Gaz behind you, chanting, “No no no–” But it was too much to keep your eyes open, to ask him what was wrong.
Your eyes closed as everything faded. 
Soft, rhythmic beeping drew you out of sleep. Opening your eyes was a monumental task, one you accomplished in increments until you could see the boring white ceiling above you. 
Didn’t look like your room, though.
You felt like you should be freaked out about that, but you felt too weighted down to get freaked out about anything. You blinked slowly, trying to remember what happened. 
The soft breathing in the room finally registered, and you blinked again and lifted your head. 
Gaz was asleep next to you, head pillowed on his arms at the edge of your bed. That looked uncomfortable. No way he should sleep like that.
But parting your lips to try to call to him just made you cough, your throat dry and scratchy as sandpaper. Coughing jostled your ribs, pain flaring bright and sudden, clearing the last of the cobwebs from your brain. With the side effect of tears leaking from your eyes as you tried to calm down. 
Big, warm hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs smoothing over your skin. “Easy, love, easy does it,” Gaz murmured, gaze flitting over you, as if he could do anything to help. “Best thing to do is to breathe normally, yeah?” 
You stuttered through the first few breaths, slowly calming down until you were relaxed again, Gaz still leaning over you. You blinked slowly up at him, lifting one shaky hand to cover his. 
“What happened?” You barely got the words out as a whisper, but you managed. 
“Water first.” Gaz released you with one hand, slowly, as if he was reluctant, and pushed a button to lever the bed more upright. He held the water for you, making it easy for you to just drink through the straw. 
You slow-blinked at him again when he set the water aside. That was better. Not great, but better. You tapped the back of his hand gently. 
“Right.” Gaz blew out a slow breath, gaze darting from you to the side table to the machines next to you. “You’re in a hospital, Price is wrangling the doctor. You remember getting shot, yeah?” 
“Thigh,” you agreed. 
“And the tip of your ear.” His fingers strayed, brushing against the left side of your head, which did feel thick and muffled. Huh. 
“Damn.” You huffed. “Gonna look like I got caught in a spay and release program.” 
His snort was surprised and a tiny bit wet. “That’s what you’re worried about?” 
“Still got my pride,” you mumbled, tipping your head a little to nuzzle into his palm. 
“Yeah, well.” Gaz cleared his throat. “You… almost didn’t make it, love.”
You blinked at him, feeling incredibly slow. “How?” 
“Not sure.” Gaz scrubbed his free hand over his face. “Guess you lost more blood than we thought, or something. But you were struggling by the time we got you here.” He swallowed hard, looking haunted. 
“Too many shifts,” you muttered, trying to grab him with your free hand, and then glowering at the tug and pinch of the IV there. “Must’ve drained me more than I thought.” 
“Have you been hurting yourself to help us?” Gaz sounded a little appalled, his gaze somehow more frantic as he looked you over.
You shook your head a little. “Doesn’t hurt,” you reassured him. “Normally not a problem. Just… takes energy.” You hummed softly, nestling your cheek further into the warmth of his hand, nose near his wrist. He smelled much better than the hospital room. 
Gaz huffed softly, shoulders relaxing again. “You’ve got stitches in your leg,” he murmured. “And a few broken ribs.”
“Called that one.” You fought to keep your eyes open. You didn’t want to go back to sleep, didn’t want to lose the warmth of his gaze, the feel of his skin on yours. Didn’t want to go back to the distance he held you at. 
“It’s okay if you wanna sleep more,” he murmured, leaning in closer. “You need to heal.” 
“Don’t wanna sleep.” You nuzzled into his palm again even as your eyes closed against your will. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Gaz murmured, low and solemn, like a promise. “Just rest, love.” 
As stubborn as you wanted to be, you obeyed, his scent soothing you back to sleep. 
He was still there when you woke next, as was Price. This time, you felt less groggy, but definitely still not normal. 
“We will have a conversation about that stunt,” Price said as soon as your gaze focused on him. “When you’re not stuck in bed.”
“Joy,” you drawled, though you relaxed a little at the knowledge that you weren’t about to be reamed. Not yet, anyway. 
“Another few days here and you should be fine to come back to base.” Price tipped his head, watching you carefully. 
“‘Kay.” You grimaced as you tried to breathe deeper, the ache in your ribs reminding you why that was not a good idea. 
“That’ll take a while,” Gaz murmured sympathetically. “Ribs are the worst.”
“Be easier as a cat.” But you just made a face, displeased with the prospect of months of recovery. 
“After the stitches come out,” Price interrupted, giving you a stern look. “Not before.”
“I know.” You couldn’t help but pout a little. 
Price snorted. “Get some rest,” he ordered, taking a single step forward to pat the top of your feet. He shot a look at Gaz that you couldn’t decipher before he turned and left.
Leaving you with Gaz again. 
“How’re you doing?” Gaz shifted closer to you, his knees knocking into the side of the bed. 
“Okay,” you said slowly, watching him. Now that you were less out of it, the sudden closeness and concern were… odd. You knew it was him, you knew his scent anywhere. Even in your sleep. Had he hit his head at some point? No, Price wouldn’t let him get away with not getting that treated. 
“What?” Gaz blinked at you, gently curling his hand over your free hand. 
“You’re… different.” You stopped yourself from saying more. Kinder. Softer. More like you remembered from the beginning, when you’d decided he was your person. 
He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing, and looked down at your linked hands. “Yeah,” he agreed softly. “I, uh. I’m sorry. Been a real ass.” He rubbed the back of his neck, managing to look up at you from under his lashes. 
You slow-blinked at him again, resisting the urge to headbutt him. For multiple reasons. Not least of which because it would hurt to move. “Coulda been worse.”
“You’re not supposed to excuse my shitty behavior.” Gaz frowned disapprovingly. 
You shrugged and then hissed as your ribs reminded you that yes they were still broken. “It didn’t change anything.” 
Gaz looked at you like you were a little crazy. “What do you mean?” 
“Well.” You licked your lips and swallowed. Your turn to be nervous. “I wouldn’t have… I mean, I still… Hm.” You pursed your lips. Damn humans for being so insistent on words. Any cat would have known by now! 
“You still… what?” Gaz leaned closer, eyes focused on you. 
Soap saved you from having to explain, waltzing into your room with water and pudding. “Price mentioned ye were finally up! How ye feel, hen?” 
“Alive,” you grumbled, tilting your head to look at him. “You brought food?”
“Just some pudding.” He offered it up and even opened it for you. Because he was a good friend. 
“When are these bandages coming off?” you asked in a grumble, already annoyed at the reduced hearing in your left ear. 
Soap shrugged. “Couple more days. Leg will take longer.” He tipped his head. “Why?”
“Wanna see how bad it looks.” You grimaced. You were a cat, after all. You had some vanity. 
“Badass, more like.” Soap reached over to touch you, paused, and redirected his hand to very gently pat the top of your head instead. 
“Not made of glass.” You looked down at your lap, scowling a little.
“Hen. Broken ribs suck. Ah ken.” Soap crouched so he could catch your gaze. “Ye’ll hurt for months. No need to go lookin’ for more hurt.”
You blew out a breath and then winced. Okay. Right. “Good point,” you admitted. 
Soap grinned. “Has this dafty even tried t’ keep ye entertained?” 
You blinked at Soap. “Uh. Define entertained.”
“Means no.” Soap reached over you to swat Gaz’s shoulder. You half-expected them to devolve into tussling - you’d seen it happen before. But they didn’t, this time. Instead Soap snagged another chair, pulling it up to your bedside with a flourish. “Right! Have I told ye ‘bout my sisters?” 
The days passed slowly, but they passed. The hospital was boring. But you did rest, because you were forced to. Gaz was there every time you woke up, even in the middle of the night. Trying to get him to go had earned you the most pathetic puppy eyes you’d ever seen, and you were a bit ashamed of how quickly you caved to him. 
Which was part of the whole problem, really. He was still your person, even if you weren’t his. 
Gaz was the one who helped you from the bed to a wheelchair to make it out of the hospital. Gaz was the one who sat in the backseat with you, helping brace you and talking you through the pain of every bump in the road. Gaz was the one who brought you back to your room, who sat with you and insisted you boss him around telling him what you needed. 
Honestly, it was baffling. Completely baffling. It still felt a bit like he’d been replaced with a pod person, or something. (Except your nose would’ve picked that up.) 
The bandages around your head finally came off, and you examined the rough half-circle taken out of the top of your ear, completely silent, while Gaz hovered over your shoulder. 
“It’s not bad,” you grumbled at last. “Still looks like I got caught by a spay and release program.” 
“Have you ever?” Gaz held your gaze in the mirror.
“No one ever caught me,” you said with a haughty sniff, lifting your chin. “Until you. All. You all.” 
Gaz drew in a deep breath, his hands settling very carefully on your shoulders. “We never finished our conversation.”
“Which one?” You didn’t quite have to feign ignorance - you’d fallen asleep talking to him more than once, recently. 
“About what a shit I was.” He paused. “And why you’re so eager to sweep it under the rug.”
“Oh. That.” You swallowed, gaze skittering away from him. 
“Yeah, that.” He shifted closer to you. 
You hummed a soft note, not quite sure how to get out of this conversation, not sure if you should. Then you sighed softly. “For the record. You are an idiot.” You clenched your jaw and then released it. “If you were anyone else, I’d hold that against you for a long time.”
“What about Price and Ghost?” 
“Trust me, I’ll be reminding them that they hated me and use it to my advantage.” You smirked. “Cats have long memories when we want.” 
“So why aren’t you holding it against me?” 
And therein lay the problem. You fidgeted, making a face. “Alright. So. There is one major way we differ from, say, house cats.”
“Okay…?” Gaz looked bewildered but rolled with the apparent change of topic. 
“We choose one mate for life. Usually the female chooses. ‘S why Mama’s the matriarch.” 
Gaz blinked and then his eyes blew wide as he breathed out your name. 
“I made my choice three days into my stay here.” You forced yourself to hold still, to hold his gaze. 
“You… But… Even when I…?” He looked… a little devastated, a little hopeful. Pained, definitely.
“Yes.” You shrugged carefully. “The whole damn time.” 
Somehow, you weren’t quite sure how, Gaz managed to move around you, getting to your front and kissing you, soft and sweet. His fingers trembled against your cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry,” he breathed, moving back just enough so he could speak. “I’m such a damn fool. You nearly died and I–” His breathing hitched. 
“Easy,” you murmured, lifting one hand to cover his. “I’m okay.” You paused. “Well. I will be okay.” 
“Made me realize what an idiot I’d been,” he continued, pressing his forehead to yours. “Made me realize I love you.” 
Your breath caught, your eyes going wide. “You… do?” 
“I do.” He huffed, breath warm against your lips. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” 
“Already forgiven.” You smiled slowly, carefully nuzzling his cheek. “Told you. Can’t hold a grudge against my person.” 
Gaz smiled. "Feel like I should scold you for being so forgiving about this, but it works to my advantage." 
You chuckled and then winced. Right. Ribs. "I'll be happy when those stitches come out," you grumbled, glowering down at your leg. 
"Just a few more days," Gaz soothed. "Are they bothering you? Itching?"
"No. I just want to shift." You made a face. 
"You don't like being stuck, do you?"
You swallowed hard, because that was… a little too accurate. "Right." 
Gaz kissed you again soft and slow and sweet. "I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing, you'll give me a complex." But you smiled, leaning in very carefully to nuzzle his cheek. "Just don't do it again. My forgiveness has its limits."
"Promise I won't." He kissed you again, apparently unable to help himself. 
Not that you were complaining. 
Your only real complaint was that anything more was out of the question. For the moment. 
Gaz held your hand as the stitches were removed. The on-base medic gave you some advice (that you didn't actually pay attention to) before leaving. 
You waited until the door was shut to shift. It hurt. It hurt more than you expected, left you panting softly. 
But you were once again on four paws. Much better. 
"You alright?" Gaz crouched down to be on your level, concern clear in his eyes. 
You chirped and licked the tip of his nose, smug. This felt much better. 
He chuckled quietly. "Can I pick you up?" 
You chirped again, walking carefully closer to him. Walking hurt, but not as badly as when you were human. 
It took a little figuring out, but Gaz picked you up and cradled you against his chest, one arm securely under your paws. You started purring immediately, rubbing your cheek against his chest. 
The only times he put you down the rest of the day were when he absolutely had to.
Best of all? He went back to hand feeding you, grinning through the teasing from Soap. 
You purred the entire meal. 
Finally, he headed back towards your room for the night. "You ready for bed?" He asked softly. 
You mrrped at him and tapped his hand. He blinked down at you. You looked very carefully down the hall, towards his room. 
"You… want to stay with me?" 
You chirped an affirmative. 
"Well… alright. Just for tonight." He continued down to his room, setting you gently on the bed. 
You gave him privacy to change for bed, padding up to his pillow to lay down next to it. Curling up was a no-go, so you laid carefully on your uninjured side. 
Gaz settled down with you, kissing the top of your head. "Sleep well, love."
You closed your eyes, purring gently. There was no way you were just staying in here tonight. If you had your way, you'd never go back to your room. 
You could be very persuasive when you wanted.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hidden Desire; Chapter One
Summary: Jamil x gn! Reader Kalim comes to you with a question that changes everything.
A/N:the poll wasn't even finished, but Jammy blew the other options out of the water, so I just decided to finish it 😂
Prologue Two Three Four Five Six
You were working on homework in the library when Kalim plopped into the seat next to you, followed closely by Jamil.
"Hey Y/N!" He said, "How would you feel about being Jamil's friend?"
Before you could respond, Jamil's eyes widened and he hissed out "Kalim?!?!" Before hiding his face in his hood in embarrassment.
"What?" Kalim asked, genuinely confused. "You asked me to help get Y/N to be your friend?"
Jamil's jaw dropped, and he seemed to be rendered speechless.
Kalim turned to you with an empathetic smile.
"Jamil was worried you wouldn't want to be his friend because of what happened over break. So he asked me to help."
"Oh, Jamil," you said with a giggle. "Of course I'll be your friend!"
"Sevens," you heard emerge from under Jamil's hood.
"See! I told you you just have to ask!" Kalim said, before turning back to you. "Y/N, Jamil has been having trouble with his animal linguistics homework. Could he join your study group this weekend?"
"This is my nightmare!"
Normally, your study group was made up of Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and the previous overblotters. Not that the overblotters needed to be in your study group. They just seemed to enjoy hanging out with you.
But today, every single person, aside from Jamil, had something come up. 
"Just, be careful," Epel had texted you when you told him. "I don't wanna see my best friend get hurt."
"I very much doubt that's going to happen, but thanks for the concern," you'd assured him in your response.
"I hope I'm not….late," Jamil said, looking confused around the clearly empty kitchen table at Ramshackle. "I thought this was a study group."
"Yeah, but everyone had something come up."
Jamil pulled out his phone, before sighing heavily.
"Oh Kalim."
He showed you his phone, featuring Kalim's most recent message to him.
I'm throwing a last minute get together so you can have alone time with Y/N. Have fun! Tell me all about it when you get back.
"I apologize for him, it's just when I expressed interest in being your friend, he got very excited. I really should have known better."
"I mean it's expected of him," you laughed. "But if you want we can just hang out and forget studying."
He raised an eyebrow at you.
"Are you serious? You're really going to humor him?"
"Absolutely! I kind of want to be your friend too."
Jamil turned away, and started fiddling with his ponytail.
"Alright, what did you have in mind then?"
"Epel and Deuce like to take me here, sometimes," you said as you walked along the beach with Jamil. "Apparently, yelling at the ocean helps them get rid of their pent up aggression. But I just think it's neat. Especially as the sun is going down, and all the people leave for the day."
Jamil said nothing as he walked beside you. But that was alright. You knew he was a man of few words.
"I know you're trying your best. I know what happened with the overblot wasn't entirely your fault. It's very clear something else is going on in the school. But that's okay. I want to help however I can."
You hadn't realized that Jamil had stopped walking. You turned to look at him, and noticed him staring at you with agony in his eyes.
You found yourself distracted by how beautiful he looked in the dying light of day. Despite the pain in his gaze, he still held an aura of suave confidence, and longing, that made him irresistible. 
"Y/N…" he whispered, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Yes?" You whispered back, frightened and excited about whatever this moment was. 
"I lied."
He stared down at the ground, breathing heavily, "The truth is…I don't want to be your friend."
"Oh." Well, that hurt. 
He turned his eyes back up to you, his expression set.
"I don't want to be your friend…because I want to mean more to you." 
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @leonia0 @mizucika @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @kurenix @starshiningsirius @pikeru565
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pix3lplays · 4 months
I'd kill for more shitty sampo content 😞
Looking at this ask like…did I send this to myself so I could talk more about horrible Sampo…?
But anyways thanks for sending in this ask haha I’m happy to indulge in more terrible Sampo-
Cw! From completely terrible boyfriend to completely terrible husband, emotional manipulation
-Bad husband Sampo-
This guy…
Yeah. He knew he blew it with you when he left AGAIN, but unfortunately for him he needed a place to stay and…you were definitely the most convenient.
He needs Some way to convince you to let him stick around for a bit.
And, well…
He knows you well enough. He knows what will work on you if he bats his pretty eyelashes and plays his cards right.
Of course when he showed up at your house at first you looked…irritated, annoyed, angry even…and he had a good feeling if he didn’t act soon you were gonna finally report him to the Silvermane guards.
“Hear me out-” he says as you begin to close the door. This idiot sticks his foot in the door so you can’t close it all the way.
“What do you WANT, Koski?” you demand, trying to sound mad but obviously in more pain than anything.
“Oh c’mon, don’t be so cold…you know it’s just Sampo for you~”
You glare at him and he smiles like nothing is wrong at all.
“Just one more dinner, babe…gimme one more chance…”
You know better. You KNOW better. Sampo doesn’t deserve one more chance. Who knows at this point how many ‘one more chance’s you’ve given him.
He can see you battling with yourself.
“Is that a yes?”
“Seriously…why would you come back now…?”
“Something wrong with me just wanting to see my favorite person?”
For some reason you can’t help but crack a smile. You hated him, right? Why were you smiling at him right now…?
“I’ll get dressed…” you sigh, and he waits for you politely outside, and when you join him outside he lets out a low whistle like he was oh so impressed with you in your outfit.
“Stop it,” you say, blushing just a bit. He’s just so…yeah.
Of course this would happen. Really you should’ve seen it coming.
Sampo, on his knee, proposing to you right in the middle of a crowded restaurant…
You should just walk away. Should just pay for your dinner and ditch him, tell him no…SOMETHING…
But instead…
Sampo was your fiancé now.
He wanted to get married and he wanted to get married FAST.
At this point…you just want him to stay. You’ll do whatever he wants.
You get married, he’s your husband, and now this man has wriggled his way back into your house.
Now he’s your husband, but does he treat you any better?
Of course not.
He’s still the same old Sampo.
The type who disappears for days, and when he does show up again he’s always got some sort of terrible excuse as to WHY he was gone for so long.
Of course you don’t believe him but…he’s your husband. You love him. Somehow you just…manage to make it work.
You can overlook him dragging you into his life of crime. Overlook him disappearing for long periods of time. Overlook all the blatant emotional manipulation he tries on you so you don’t divorce him.
One day this man is going to end up in jail, or dead, and honestly you don’t know which one you’re expecting more.
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So I just finished Good Omens recently and I have a couple things to say and my family and friends are so done with my rants about different movies and TV shows.
1: Holy shit that was a good show! I honestly didn't expect much from the show but holy shit it blew me away with how good it was. It was comedic and I found myself laughing so much and it was so beautifully written the characters are just top tier amazing and wow what I'd give to just continuously rewatch it as if it's my first time watching it.
2: I watched supernatural and I thought wow never gonna find another show like this. One that brings me joy and sadness then I found this fucking wonderful amazing show! AND it made me even more sad like what the fuck how do I keep coming across shows that cause me so much fucking pain. Also can we talk about the parallels between the two shows. Oh look two characters working together to stop the end of the world one a demon and one's an angel, counting Dean a demon solely for this post plus demon Dean did exist, both are oh so obviously in love with each other but neither will admit it, most of the angels are dicks and we all hate metatron, there's a demon named Crowley and many more. I mean look at the similarities between Dean and Crowley. Both are in love with their angel best friend, both are absolutely in love with their car, love classic rock, both are some sassy bitches, both don't want to show their emotions but are big softies, and are both the better looking person in the couple (in my opinion). Then look at the similarities between Aziraphale and Crowley. Both are angels in trench coats who are in love with their best friend, they are manipulated, complicated, traumatized, beautiful angels, both have trouble understanding (some) human expressions, and both struggle with their loyalty to heaven. Also, is it just me or does the first like 10 seconds of End Titles- the one that got left in the car from Good Omens kinda sound like it could be a beginning to a Supernatural opening credits or is it just me?
3: My God David Tennant is FINE like I've seen his face sometimes haven't really seen him in much and was like ok yeah he's attractive and moved on. But then I saw him in this and I'm like wow now I get what everyone's talking about. Like just ahhh this man is fucking attractive! I'm honestly ashamed of myself for taking so long to realize.
4: So TikTok in all its wonderfulness blessed/cursed me with a bunch of Good Omens content the day after I finished watching good Omens. Including a looooooooot of people cosplaying as Crowley. And may I just say the people who cosplay him are fine as fuck! I mean it's really hard to dress up as Crowley and not look attractive I mean Crowley is a style icon. But holy shit the people are so fucking good looking like I just can't. My sexuality does a nose dive off the empire state building when looking at them. I was talking to a friend about it and she said it's a case of wanting to be with them or be them and I disagree. I want to be with them all. Just holy shit you want to look good dress like Crowley you'll look fantastic.
5: The effect this show has had on my life is insane. I have been obsessed with listening to Queen since I finished the show. Which I'm not complaining about at all they were my favorite and still are my favorite band before I even watched the show. I have barely listened to something that wasn't Queen or songs from the show since I binge watched the show. I'm listening to another one bites the dust while typing this. Once again not complaining. Also, did anyone else want to dye their hair like Crowley's when they finished the show? Cause I do. I have been blonde my whole life and never wanted to change it and now I want it red. And I need to know if I'm alone in this or not to determine how alarmed I should be.
6: They had no right making the relationship of Crowley and Aziraphale they way they did. First they made them friends who obviously were in love with each other but hid it then they give us them acting basically as a married couple being so fucking adorable and me just wanting the type of love they have for them to give us that ending of season two! I'm not gonna lie if my dad wasn't up and calmed me down I either would've spontaneously combusted from my literally shaking anger or went on a spree. Not sure what type of spree but a spree of some kind.
7: How all of you wonderful people didn't riot or harm Neil Gaiman is beyond me. First when season 1 ended y'all had to wait 2 years to even get a green light that there was gonna be a season 2 and then another 2 for it to finally come out. And then for the season final of season 2 to happen where then you had to wait even longer for season 3 to be greenlight is just you all have a greater will power than me. I'm coming into this with two seasons and a third confirmed so a round of applause to y'all. And now I completely understand why I kept hearing people say they hated Neil Gaiman and stuff like that.
And finally on a somewhat unrelated note I'm planning to watch Doctor who since I'm about to finish another show where can I find it and what order do I watch it in? I've heard many different answers on the order.
Thanks everyone for coming to my rant y'all are wonderful and everyone have a wonderful day!<3
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sweetflanfiction · 10 months
Second Chances - Part 7
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Universe: Read Dead Redemption 2
Pairing: Arthur x reader
Disclaimers and Warnings: If you want me to tag you on the chapters let me know! Also leave a comment with your thoughts :D Not finished, not proofread. English isn't my 1st language. All I know about 1899 is from google, so inacuracies will be plenty. The reader is on the older side, and identifies as a female. Header Gif by @miyku
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
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Arthur grabbed the brush for the horse looking at the woman walking away, followed by the pup, Mac. He let his gaze linger for a moment watching her play with the dog.
They were not keeping him here, there were no shackles, nothing held him down, there seemed to be no second intentions towards him. Both were honest: You work and stay, or you go.
He walked over to the horse, stroking the soft fur, and started on his task of brushing him.
“Darling?” He whispered under his breath. A humourless chuckle escaped him and the horse whined. “Yeah, I don’t like that one either, friend. But if I name you, you're mine and if you're mine you gotta behave. Do what I tell you and all that. ‘Cause I can get you better, I can make you stronger, but you gotta trust me alright?”
The horse snorted, raising his front hooves and kicking the dirt. The cowboy took it as a yes.
“Alright boy. Let's see. When we was at St. Dennis, I read a newspaper article about this young feller who was doing magic tricks, escaping handcuffs and all sorts of contraptions. How 'bout I name you after him, since you’re so keen on escaping huh? It’s much better than ‘Darling’ I tell you that much.” 
The horse blew air through his nose and moved his head gently while the moved through his fur.
“Alright then, boy. I name you Houdini. How about that?”
Arthur chuckled at the horse and brushed him. Thinking of St. Dennis made him think of the Brants' conversation. He had tried to keep relaxed when the word ‘job’ came up. Trying not to show his inquisitiveness. It placed some shadow of doubt on this whole ‘good and trusting’ issue. However, until this point they had done nothing to make him distrust them so he would wait.
“My dear daughter told me you was gonna be responsible for this gentleman’s well being.” Arthur looked towards the main stable door and found Albert standing there, leaning into the frame. His figure was imposing. Broad shoulders, sturdy forearms, the build of a man who did some heavy lifting around the farm. And yet, the feeling Arthur got from being around him was far from overbearing.
“Yes, sir. If that’s alright with you, I think I can help.” Arthur nodded and continued brushing the horse.
“Oh it’s fine with me. The less I have to deal with him the better. You know how many sleepless nights I’ve had because of him?"
The man walked closer, moving his hand slowly to pat the horse's nose. Arthur was expecting Houdini to buck or become stressed, but he kept still, even though the older man seemed to be angry at the beast. 
"Ain't that right boy? You gave me some frights didn't you?" Albert lowered his gaze gently to the animal and Arthur softened his gaze.
This was just a father worried that one of his own was sick and he couldn't help him. His words were not angry or hateful. Just like Dutch did at some point in his life. Arthur looked down, trying to get rid of the thoughts that threatened to burst through. It still hurt. The betrayal. The irrefutable evidence that his own father figure tossed him aside.
"I'll do my best to keep him happy and healthy." Arthur nodded.
"Good. And for the love of all that is holy in this world ... Change his god damned name...Who names a stallion Darling…And then shoots him…kids these days, swear to God."
"I will, sir."
"And don't call me sir. You ain't in the military. Albert is fine." "Now come on. I smell sausages and eggs in the kitchen. It ain't much, but it's filling." 
Arthur thought about Pearson's stew and how everyone complained about the taste. Even though he had done it at some point, everyone was thankful for the man who kept them fed. But the truth was, at some point, his stew started to tasted all the same. This was not because of the cook's lack of talent, but because the ingredients were, in fact, the same.
The smell coming from the house was different, from his memories' stew. He smelled of eggs cooked in grease and sausages. He closed his eyes for a moment, sniffing. Arthur's mouth watered, people would have thought he was heading for a feast.
The man sat down at the kitchen table while you served them a mix of eggs and sausage, before sitting down yourself. As they both exhaled a content sound, you smiled.
"I reckon I deserve an award for doing the most today." You said in an attempt to sound like a spoiled lady, looking at your father who just gave you a mocking annoyed face.
"I shall reward you with an afternoon of stocking the hay and milking the cows." Albert said, holding his fork up like a king's scepter as you groaned, rolling your eyes.
"Fine…I guess that'll do." 
Arthur kept his eyes on the plate, only peeking at the pair as they bickered. It was innocent, lighthearted fun and he missed that. The last days at camp, this type of discussion would probably have led to someone getting a punch to the nose or even shot. But there were times when this was common among the gang.
Something snapped in front of his eyes and he saw your smirking face looking at him, your fingers in front of his face. 
"I also believe Mr. Callahan should be awarded."
"I say the bed he sleeps in is reward enough." Albert said, raising an eyebrow. Once again, his tone was light and non-judgemental.
"It is. Just give me some eggs and a mattress and it'll be enough." Arthur nodded, still uncomfortable with joking around with them.
"Here I am thinking we could allow him a bath…" you got up from your seat and grabbed the plates, as his head jerked upwards at the mention of a bath. "I guess eating and sleeping is enough for the man."
"Judging by the way his neck snapped up when you mentioned a bath I'd say otherwise." Albert joked and helped with the dishes.
"Fine." You looked back at him, your eyes sparkling with mischief and your lips smiling. "I guess if it's not too troubling for you, good sir, you can take a bath."
"It ain't no trouble at all." Arthur grabbed his plate and walked to the dishwater bucket. "I...Well, I'm just grateful that you keep giving me things and asking for nothing."
"You're working for your keep. Taking care of land ain't easy. If we want to keep living the way we do, we have to put our backs into it." Albert nodded and the girl hummed.
Arthur thought back at how those words, said by someone else, say Dutch, would have sounded dishonest. Although, it may have been because the work he referenced was dishonest. 
"Oh! What did Doc Brant say about the job?" 
His eyes looked up and he felt his muscles tense. That single word had such an impact on him that he didn't even know he was holding his breath until Albert spoke again.
"Cattle convoy." The older man said, but Arthur didn't blink.
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@photo1030 :: @sylum :: @marislittlereadingcorner :: @rratman ::@clevergirl74
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astrok1dz · 2 years
What is up, it's angpyel.
I'm wondering if you could do a Rise! Raph x reader where the brothers find out about their relationship and they are Pissed! Do what you will with it.
Stealer - Rise!Raph x Reader
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Warnings: none
Summary: The last thing the brothers expected was for another hero to show up at the scene, even less fight the villain before they could, how rude. But of them didn’t seem to really mind this incident!
While you didn’t exactly do everything legally, you did recognise the amount of villains and overall troublemakers roaming around in New York. You honestly considered yourself to be quite the opposite, going out at night to fight crime.
Little did you know, you would be a troublemaker for someone too.
The first time they saw you it was about three weeks ago. The Foot Clan had been in the newspaper, so that’s who they were going for.
The four siblings stood on the rooftop of a building, ready to fight.
“Alright, we can’t mess this up, got it? If we want to be real heroes, we gotta make this work, ‘kay guys?”
“A-okay hermano! Oh I sooooo got all my one-liners ready!”
“Donnie, got eyes on him?”
“Sure do.”
They jumped from building to building, closer to the one the soldier stood on, silently preparing to attack. A creak ripped through the night, right above them.
“Uh… you guys heard that?”
They all nodded and looked up. Right above them, you crouched on a balcony with perfect balance.
“Man, not a stealer!”
A “stealer”. Man, nothing was worse than those. Technically they couldn’t attack them, since as far as they knew they were innocent citizens too, but it was just nerve-wracking to have someone edge you like that- to steal your case, the ass you were about to kick.
“Oh hoho no. This is so not happening. Raph, do something!”
But contrary to most of the times, Raphael stood there dumbfounded staring at your silhouette. You operated quietly and slyly, with a better stance than any of them. Not too focused, as you caught him staring. You winked at him, just a tease. While it wasn’t your goal, a part of you did enjoy being the center of attention, the main character, even if it meant ripping cases from other heroes’ hands.
You couldn’t help but think how, for the first time, someone looked more adoring than annoyed by your mischief. And God, that red-masked mutant did look adorable with that shine in his eyes. As you jumped from the balcony onto the villain, he was oblivious to his brothers bickering.
“Raph they’re on it! We gotta move!” - Leo dragged him along.
“Hey! That’s our villain-to-bust!” - Mike whisper-shouted at you.
You simply shrugged and, stepped right off the balcony and on Raph’s shell, jumping off of it onto the villain and delivering a kick to the side of their head, quickly knocking them out. The awe on their faces was beyond satisfying. Rubbing it on their faces would only make this victory more delightful.
You crouched next to the Foot Soldier and snapped a quick selfie, making a peace sign. Next up you blew a kiss, looking at Raph, playfully, and disappeared onto the night again.
“This is unbelievable… we can’t just let them run away…”
“Guys, for the first time ever I agree with Donnie, that’s so not fair!”
But Raph placed his hands over them before they could move.
“We can’t waste time chasing them. It’s a one time thing. We’ll get ‘em next time.”
“Yeah! There will be no next time!”
Oh they were so, SO, wrong.
As they headed back home, Raphael couldn’t help but replay those images in his head, and touch the spot you stepped on on his shell, blushing slightly, way too intrigued.
As much as he knew his brothers would be mad to see you again, he couldn’t help but wishing for it.
tysm for the request! should i make a part two?
feel free to request!
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prismatoxic · 2 months
Thoughts upon finishing dungeon meshi? I didn't expect to fall in love with this series and about to reread it all over again cause I know there's tons of details I missed on the first time around
many thoughts... head full...
i was spoiled for a lot of the stuff in the end because that's what happens when you jump headlong into a fandom without finishing the media, but there were some things that took me by surprise, which i was grateful for. i was shielding my partner from spoilers the whole time as well, because they actively upset him and i didn't want any of the stuff i knew to ruin the reveal for him. outside of one thing (laios becoming king), he actually avoided it all!
but, like, on the whole? fuck, man. there aren't many medias i hold in such high regard.
i loved every single character in the entire story. yes, even the ones who sucked; they sucked in compelling and well-written ways. i fell hard for kabru and mithrun, and love them so much, which surprised me. like, i could write essays about kabru, i fucking love the guy. don't let the chilaios posting fool you. but i also fucking adore namari and shuro, who seemed so insignificant in the very beginning. i loved every break we got to see them, or the canaries, or kabru's party.
and our main cast... izutsumi exceeded expectations in every possible way and i can't get enough of her. senshi's backstory was heartbreaking and added a depth to him i hadn't anticipated at all. falin, despite being fridged for the majority of the story, was such an important part of it all that she permeates every inch of the tale, and her survival by the end is an emotionally momentous occasion--and she's so incredible in the moments we get to spend with her!! marcille is so richly complex and amazing to watch, whether she's struggling or dominating the scene, and her love for those close to her is beautiful; we all know she loves falin, but the depths of her affection for the others, especially laios, was amazing.
and, like, you know how i feel about chilchuck and laios. but i will say laios's arc by the end of the manga blew me the fuck away. the things he had to sacrifice to save those he loved... the way he was revealed to hate humanity, yet we know he's always kind? that the people he loves most are humans? the way he did, in the end, accept his role as king, to guide and protect people?
laios doesn't get fixed by the narrative. much like falin, he merely changes, and whether it's for the better or not isn't always clear. but his friends love him, and he's respected, even though the oddities that have been pointed out about him the entire time have gone nowhere. and i think that's fucking incredible.
ryoko kui is a master at showing and not telling. from the small actions characters perform that are never brought up in the text to the things you can trace back through the story as having always been implied, the story remains deep and compelling all the way through, building an entire world and the lives of its characters up as it goes. there was not an inch of this work that wasn't given thought and care.
i loved dungeon meshi from start to finish. nothing i've been into in the past long, long while has been so consistently well done. i'm excited to see what trigger does with it, and what else ryoko kui might do post-canon, and perhaps most of all, where the fandom takes it. it's been such a blast to engage with and i'm so glad i gave it a chance.
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k1ssmeinmydreams · 30 days
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Word Count: 1k+
Rating: G
Pairing: Dann/y Tanne/r x Catie
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Catie tapped her fingers against the bulky cash register and fished into her pocket for a piece of cherry cola bubblegum. She popped it into her mouth and slowly began chewing as she scanned her eyes around the grocery store, squinting as they adjusted to the fluorescents.
Suddenly, she saw a large crowd enter and instantly recognized them when one of the three children with bright blonde hair spoke up.
It was The Tanners. Apparently, before Catie even started, they were ‘known around the market’, so to speak. Danny and Pam Tanner, who had three little girls.
She knew they had had their first child kinda early on, at least in her opinion. But she also knew life happened so she didn’t judge them for it.
And, unfortunately, she had found out from a co-worker a few months back that Pam had passed away. It had broken her heart in a way she hadn’t expected, since to her, or at least she initially thought, they were just regular customers. She figured it was because she knew what it was like to be without a mother in this big, crazy world, and she didn’t wish it on anybody.
Before she could ruminate on her sad thoughts, her co-worker and best friend Jo walked up.
“The Tanners are here.” She giggled.
“I noticed.” Catie chewed and blew a bubble. She smiled as it popped against her full bottom lip.
“Check out the hottie with a body who’s with them...” Jo looked over, her eyelids low, and smiled. Catie looked towards the same direction and noticed two new faces to the clan.
“The guy with the mullet?” Catie asked, a bit perplexed someone who seemed like the typical wannabe bad boy had caught Jo’s eye.
Jo laughed and rolled her brown eyes. “No, the guy with the loud and fun shirt, silly.”
Catie looked again and took in the aforementioned shirt. She nodded and mouthed ‘oh’. That made more sense. Jo had always liked men with ‘unique’ senses of style.
“Well, I better get back to stocking aisle five, I’m supposedly in the bathroom.” Jo waved goodbye and winked, shooting a quick peace sign before she went off to complete her tasks. Catie chuckled and waved back.
About thirty minutes later the men and girls walked towards the checkout lines. Danny was talking to the mullet haired guy, seemingly chuckling at something the latter had said.
Catie smoothed out her apron and fidgeted with her large, plastic earrings to make sure they were proper and in place. It was usually about a 50/50 toss up as to whether or not the Tanners chose to check out at her specific station. But she had to look ‘presentable’ nonetheless.
She noticed Danny briefly glance at her and quickly beamed her best version of a ‘how-may-I-help-you?’ smile. Her hands instinctively reached to her honey brown updo, making sure there were no bobby pins poking out.
Stephanie, the middle daughter, followed her father’s suit and smiled at Catie. When they met eyes she lit up and shouted “Catie!”
She came running up as fast as her tiny legs would take her. Danny gave a half-hearted disapproving look as she got to the conveyor belt. The mullet guy laughed and the other man simply shook his head and grinned, like he was used to it.
“Well hello!” Catie greeted the little girl. Stephanie rocked back and forth on her heels and smiled “Guess what?” she asked. Catie looked over as the family joined them.
“What?” Catie raised her eyebrows playfully and grinned. She placed her head in her hands to show the girl she was all ears. “My family got bigger.” Stephanie half whispered. Catie raised her brows a bit higher, a tad confused.
Danny laughed nervously and put his hand behind his head “My brother in law and my best-friend-turned-symbolic-brother moved in.” He chuckled. “I was getting to that!” Stephanie chimed in.
“Hi, I’m Joey.” The blonde haired man extended his hand, which was adorned with a brightly colored Casio watch. Catie clasped her hand around his and gently shook, her large plastic bangles clattering.
The mullet man turned away from briefly playing with Michelle, the baby, to wave at Catie. “I’m Jesse.” he grinned widely. Catie waved back.
“And I’m DJ and he’s Danny, can we PLEASE get a move on people?” DJ, the oldest daughter, spoke up suddenly. Danny looked over and furrowed his brows, looking slightly taken aback. “Grandma’s gonna be here sooner than we know it and we’ve gotta clean the house.” she raised her eyebrows back.
Catie laughed at the blunt, matter of fact statement and started ringing up the groceries.
“How’s the crew been?” Catie asked Danny, ringing up a hefty amount of toiletries and cereal.
“Oh, you know...” he chuckled and mildly shrugged.
Catie smiled and chuckled back. “I certainly feel you on that.” She focused back on the groceries, noticing a few more hair products than usual. “Big event coming up for the girls?” She asked him, looking at the bulk size bottle of hairspray on the belt.
“That’s my stuff.” Jesse turned to face them, dawning a pair of the sunglasses from a display near the counter. Catie simply nodded, briefly smiling at Michelle.
“How about you?” Danny asked her, his brown eyes twinkling under the lights.
She avoided his earnest gaze briefly, not wanting to give him an honest answer about how her life had been lately. She looked back up and gave her best smile.
“Oh...” she punched in some numbers “You know.” She giggled halfheartedly and tapped her fingers against the counter.
Danny smiled and turned to start putting his bags in the cart.
After paying and making sure everyone was accounted for, Danny turned to her.
“Well, we’ll see you next time.” He gave a small wave. Catie smiled “Have a good day Mr. Tanner.”
“You too, Catie.” Danny turned to leave but then briefly paused his stride “Before we leave one more thing.” he said, his back to her. He turned his head and grinned widely “You don’t have to use all the corporate formalities with me, just call me ‘Danny’.”
Catie fumbled with her bracelets and touched her earrings again. “Right...” she looked down briefly at the checkered floor. “Okay. See you later, Danny.” she replied, looking up and lifting her hand to gingerly wave.
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Taglist: @gideongrovel-reblogs | @deadlock | @megas-x-l-r
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writing-by-mimi · 2 years
Nine Demons and A Baby
     Fandom: Obey Me
     Pairing: Diavolo x F!MC
     Chapter: 3 Of ?
     Summary:  Demonus may just bring your dreams to life.
      Adult content. Read at your own risk. Not beta read.
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     "I also have another question for you guys." You smiled as you sat on the couch eating cookies with Beel. The initial freak outs were over, and now the men were determined to show you how happy they were, since they had upset you earlier. "I...well, you guys are my family. As such... I was wondering if you would stand on my side. In the wedding." You asked shyly.
    "Hell ya we will. Ya didn't even have ta ask about that." Mammon smiled as he continued your shoulder massage.
    "I-i have to be in front of everyone?" Levi asked giving ypu puppy dog eyes, pleading for a way out as he continued to rub your feet.
    "Yes, but it won't be for too long. To sweeten the pot, I'll bribe you." You smiled. "I'm gonna be a princess."
     "Okay, we have a spa appointment at four. I went to the absolute limit, you are getting everything done." Asmo chimed excitedly.
    "Do we even have time for that?" Your mouth full of cookies.
    "True... do want a full bikini wax? We could save time and just get a cute little strip done or something."
      Coughing, you almost choked on your cookie. "Can we stop talking about my downstairs." You blushed. "I've heard my vagina talked about more today than my whole life, it's not even noon."
     "Prude." Asmo sighed as Beel fed you another cookie.
     "I expected nothing less from my M. O. H.." You smirked swallowing your cookie. "Sassy bitch. I love you." You blew him a kiss.
    The squeal that left the Avatar of Lust was ear piercing. "Do you mean it? Seriously Mc, this is no joke!"
      "Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust, the second most handsome man I know, would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor?" You bowed from your sitting position.
      Hands grasping the side of your face, Asmo placed a quick kiss on your hairline. "What are the colors?!"
     "No idea." You smiled as he paled in horror.
      "What do you mean, no idea?"
      "Exactly that. Barbatos requested that you and me stop by the castle later to pick up ye old royal spending card. He also wants to talk to you about what to buy and not to buy."
     "Oh, he would." He sighed. "Either way, I'm buying you the sluttiest panties in the realm." He hummed as he continued his business on his phone.
     "I'll text Diavolo and see what colors he wants. Last I knew he was being punished by Barbatos and Lucifer by having to do the ritual to wake his dad all by himself. Which I'm nervous as hell about... what if he hates me and forbids the whole thing?"
     "We couldn't tell you. He was sleeping before we got here." Mammon shrugged. "Besides, he'd have to be an idiot not ta love ya."
     "Mammon..." you sat up and turned around on the couch to face him. "In the human world, the bride is walked down the isle by her father... seeing as how that isn't an option... would you walk me down the isle and give me away?" A soft smile on your face as you watched him, face full of surprise.
     "Ya want me ta do it?" Confusion in his voice. "Why not Lucifer or Satan. Ya know..someone more...reputable." He shrugged looking away.
     "You've been watching over me since day one." Your voice was soft. "You're my first guy, Mammoney. I wouldn't be as far as I am today if it wasn't for you. Besides, I don't care about reputation. You know that."
    "Well ya should. Yer gonna be a Princess." He quipped crossing his arms.
    "I don't think there is a better man, angel or demon for the job. Even now, you're putting me first... so please, if not for yourself, then for me." You gave him the look. Big sad eyes and a pout.
    "Hey, hey, hey! None a that." He growled. "Ya sure yer hearts set on me doin' this?"
    "Yes. One hundred and ten percent!" You smiled eagerly.
    "Alright then, fine. But I warned ya." He pointed at you.
    You began to crawl over the couch to hug Mammon, but he grabbed you first. "Yo! Your all knocked up and shit. You can't be crawling all over the furniture like that!"
     Hugging him tightly, you let out a hum as you continued to squeeze. "I'll make sure you even get some wedding accessories, paid for by me. We can buy hella expensive ones and you can hawk everything but one later."
     "That's my girl." Mammon laughed as he made sure you sat down on the couch carefully.
     "What do I get to do?" Beel asked as he set another cookie against your lips.
    Opening wide for the cookie, you took your time chewing. "I've got it!" You smiled to him. "Two things. The first being to make sure me and baby royal eat. Today and the next day are gonna be crazy for me. So I need you to remind me to eat. It's bad for the baby if I don't. Second, keep track of Belphie, although you already do that, it's super important now. I can't lose him." You smiled to Beel. "Hear that little royal baby. Uncle Beel is gonna make sure you get nutrients no matter what." You poked your belly.
     "You know you may not have conceived quite yet. While the process is happening, it does take time." Satan informed you.
     "That's why I'm talking to it. I don't know exactly when I'll know for sure they are there...but they are going to be there. The sigil is making sure for me. It's literally just a ticking time bomb." You looked down to you stomach. "Pretty sure Dia has a breeding kink, so it's definitely gonna happen." Your eyes went wide. You had said the quiet part outloud.
    "Oh, that gives me so many ideas." Asmodeus shuddered. "In the back of Majolish they have a section that is V.I.P., I've always wanted to take you, but now it's a must."
     "Thats...that's way more info then I ever wanted to know." Belphie couldn't hide his disgust.
     "A man of culture." Leviathan whispered to himself as he turned pink.
     "Old wives tales say you can determine the gender of the baby by position and time of day." Satan acknowledged, looking up from his phone. "Where you on top, or bottom?"
    "Which part?" You blushed. "I mean, ew! No! I'm not gonna tell you guys this!"
     "I bet the prince is hung as fuck. That hard on in those slacks. That sexy bitch is packin' some major cock." Asmodeus sighed.
    "Stop thinking about his cock!" Your voice now an octave higher.
     "Ah. A jealous lover Mc. You and Leviathan can bond a lot now." Satan smirked.
     "Don't stress her out, it's bad for our niece or nephew." Leviathan blushed. "Though come to my room whenever and we can make voodoo dolls of anyone who gets too close." He added matter of factly.
     "That's really sweet Levi." You smiled to him. "Oh! After I have the little royal, can you introduce Henry 2.0 to my baby? That way he can have another friend." Levi and his goldfish had an odd relationship, but it was normal, considering he was such a shut in. A fish can't completely spurn you or anything...
     The third borns face lit up. "Of course! That way when they are old enough to swim, they can swim with Henry and I!" It was adorable how excited he was.
      "Are you guys busy today?"
      "We can clear or schedules, what's up?" Belphie told you.
     "Well, when I go back with Asmo, would you guys come too? I get the royal credit card and I have to buy clothes, but I also need a wedding dress... in the human realm, the brides maids usually try to match the bride. Since you guys are standing on my side, you guys are my bride maids. So I was thinking we could get that accomplished before my four o'clock appointment with Asmo." You looked to them quickly. "Only if you want to though!"
    "Isn't that the side that wears dresses?" Beel asked with a raised eye brow.
    "Yes, but since your guys, you can wear the suits."
     "I'd wear a dress if it ment I got to see Lucifer in a dress." Belphie snickered.
     "There is something really freeing about how the balls can hang more...openly." Asmodeus emphasized.
     "Tuxes will work fine." You smiled as you stood. "I'll go change so we can leave."
     Barbatos had briefed Asmodeus, the Avatar looking glum on his return. "I can still get the slutty panties, but I can't take you to the back of Majolish or Barbatos will nark me out to Solomon. Then I'll be in for it, and not in any kind of fun way." He sighed. "On the plus side, he told me Diavolo would like red, black and gold. He can't have his phone in the area of the ritual, cuz it'll fuck shit up apparently. Also, he sends his love, Princess." He winked. "Here is this." He handed you the card. It didn't even have a name or numbers. Just a gold card, rigid in nature. It didn't even have a magnetic strip. "Barb said you can slide it anyway, it'll accept anywhere. If it doesn't, to call him ASAP because he's gonna rip them apart for denying a royal card. Plus, you need to text him that the card is in your possession and no longer in my hot little hands." The Avatar gave a hum, as if trying to remember if there was anything else. "Barb is picking up Diavolo's tux, getting his fancy pants and everything for the ceremony when they make you princess, and, you have to get two dresses today. Wedding dress is what fits your fancy if you agree to the color scheme. The other one we HAVE to text Barb about. He'll flip his lid if it doesn't match prince charmings fancy outfit."
      "Anything else on that laundry list?" Belphie sighed.
      Mammon was in awe. "The MEGA GOLDIE." He whispered.
      "Oh, that reminds me, Mammon, Barb said its a treason charge for you if you take Mcs card without permission and spend even a single penny, But, you may touch it once."
      "I don't wanna watch Mammon cum his pants." Levi grumbled.
      "Ok, Mams, if you don't steal from the castle ever, in your whole life... I'll let you have ten minutes alone with Mega Goldie. No questions asked, you just can't spend anything. I'll even let you swipe the card today for every purchase I make." You smirked as you waved the card in front of his face, watching his eyes follow it.
     "No stealing from the castle ever again... and when your out with me, I get to swipe it. Any and everytime. Fifteen minutes alone, no questions asked and I won't spend a penny unless ya tell me too."
    "On my life." It was the most serious you had ever seen him.
    "Deal. When would you like your fifteen minutes?"
    "Tonight, after Mega Goldie has been naughty little whore and spent millions of Grimm."
     "That's weird as shit, but not unexpected..." you sighed.
     "Don't kink shame me, miss, I love being bred while being called princess." Mammon scoffed.
     "Vanilla." Asmodeus sighed, bored. "Can we go do the fun stuff now?"
     Tuxedo shopping had been easy. Asmo picked the classic black suit, and Beel had found a red and gold tie, with matching pocket squares. Red undershirts and gold vest under the coat had been found by Satan. They even had Lucifers measurements to give to them and set up for delivery to the castle at nine in the morning tomorrow.
      "That was... unexpectedly easy."
      "You didn't pick me as your Maid of Honor for nothing Sweetie." He gave a wink. "Next agenda, Mc needs her Princess gown made. She needs measurements, Barb already sent instructions." Asmodeus was looking at his phone. "That's so sweet, he's having them make one especially for you now. It also saves us time so we can make your four o'clock." He put his phone back into his bag.
      The dress makers were a small, frail looking older couple. They were adorable. You could see how much they loved each other. You wondered how you and Diavolo would look when you were both older, but that would be a while. Dia was already over eighty thousand...and still looked so handsome.
     They had taken your measurements and gotten input from you about what type of style you would like. Over all it went smooth as could be. Barbatos had already instructed which fabrics and patterns and such, so it left you with the easy part. You were thankful for that.
      Your wedding dress on the other hand was more of a struggle.
      It was almost overwhelming. The sheer amount of fabrics, different patterns...you weren't even sure what style of dress would be best suited.
      "Guys, I'm kind of freaking out. What if I mess this up? The whole frigging kingdom is gonna know because Miphistolese is going to be there reporting on the whole thing. Like...what if I make an ugly dress? I don't want to embarrass Diavolo..."
     "You actually think Asmodeus would let you walk out of here with a creation that's anything other than perfect?" Belphie laughed.
      "What is an aspect of the dress you would like the most? We can work around that." Satan sat down next to you as he opened up one of the many books with dresses.
      "I want to show my pact marks." A gentle smile on your lips.
      "Smart. It shows power and strength with the kingdom."
       "That too, I guess. I was thinking more along the lines that I am really proud of them, and you guys. In an odd way, you and your brothers are kind of a package deal with me." Small laugh leaving you as you bumped shoulders with a now blushing Satan.
      "Then we just go backless, unless you would want more cover?" Levi flipped through another book until he found the part containing backless dresses and sat it on top of the one Satan opened.
      "I was gonna ask if backless was too slutty, but then again, I am in literal Hell. So completely backless it is."
    "How's it gonna attach? Some ladies have a bow, others have the big long dangly bits." Beel asked as he continued to eat the bag of chips Asmodeus had pulled from his bag.
     "You could have a simple clasp, so there isn't anything to obstruct your back view if your interested." Belphie turned the book he was looking at to face you. "Plus with the clasp, we could do something, like the royal seal."
     "I am so proud of you." The Avatar of Lust placed a sloppy kiss on Belphegors cheek. "You're so adorable!"
      Belphies face held disgust, but his eyes gave him away. It was sweet, watching the brothers interact like this.
      "Ok, so with the back and neck how it is, we need to figure out the chest and how to attach said clasp." Satan muttered.
     "What about like this?" Mammon showed you a picture in a magazine. The model sporting a dress that the front was held by the sides, the front top a flat cut line to reveal cleavage, with the right measurements you could definitely make your bust look bigger...
     "We can hide how the straps adjust on the inside, right?" Levi asked the elderly man. He nodded and went back to looking through his fabric catalog.
     His wife came back out of the back and instructed him to follow her. They returned a few minutes later with a three foot long spool. Simple white cotton on top wound tightly.
     Satan moved the books so they could place the roll down. The elderly man snapping the bands easily he removed the cotton.
    You were mesmerized.
     "This spool was reserved for the late Queen. She had a ball gown made with part of the fabric. We've not had the heart to use it since. That prince may seem cheery and pay very well, but there is a sadness deep in that boy." The older woman lamented. "I think it only just it see the light if day again for a happy occasion."
     Fine black lace, inlaid with delicate gold strands that would catch the light when moved. It made the lace sparkle in the shop lights while the part not moving as much still looked black as night.
     "I never will forget the dress I used this on. Our business was about to go under when my husband fell ill. The king must have taken pity on me, he paid ten times the value of what I was asking. The dress was for the night they announced she was with child. She was absolutely radiant." The woman reminisced fondly. "Also very kind. She came by the shop because she was so impressed with the dress. We've been in the castle employee ever since. Seeing as how the prince never needed dresses, we were surprised when he paid a handsome sum a few years ago."
     You couldn't help the blush on your face.
      The older gentleman rattled off the measurements. An exact fit for yours. Even describing down to the last detail how it was hemmed. "You made my dress." It was a whisper. "I'd never worn anything that fancy in my life. I felt like a real life princess when I changed at the party. Dia gave it as part of his gift to me for my birthday. We celebrated it with his that night." Standing, you made your way to the elderly woman and gave her a soft hug. "Thank you. You made me feel so special that night. I'll never be able to tell you how much it means that you made it for me."
      The older man let out a loud laugh. "I think it made him happier than you."
     "What makes you say that?" Satan asked, curious as to the man's answer.
     "That boy didn't look lonely looking at that dress. We've been in this business for years. When someone else sees the completed work, you can tell a lot about them. He even came in personally to get it. It's not everyday royalty comes and inspects the work at the shop. So I knew it was important to him then and there." He pointed at you, a gleeful smile mixed with mischief on his face. "Considering I'm making a wedding dress as quickly as I am, he must have finally gotten the balls to tell ya himself." He nodded.
     "The prince isn't allowed to come get this dress. Human tradition dictates he doesn't see it until she is walking down the isle." The woman reminded her husband. "Barbatos instructed me if he were to come in, to send him away immediately."
     "That's definitely Barb." Asmo sighed. "Fun sucker."
     "Although it is a shame. My best work will be torn to shreds by the nights end, but it's to be expected during the coupling ceremony." The man blushed.
     "What's that?" You turned to the blonde.
     "Were you not told what your wedding was going to entail?" Belphie snickered.
     "W-well...no. we didn't get that far. Barb came in, then he called Lucifer. Then he did the eyes at me. Then I got sent to you guys. There wasn't really time."
     "Cuz ya spent that time fucking." Asmo giggled as you turned red.
     "It's tradition for royal weddings. Yer not gonna like it and ya can't get outta it." Mammons blush taking over his whole face and neck.
     "Okay, now I'm nervous again. What the hell is the coupling?"
    "Sex is more important for demons than humans. To make sure a bride is not faking things for a gain of power, they are given an elixir. Essentially you won't be able to lie. Every reaction will be genuine. Diavolo already doesn't lie, but I imagine he'll be a good sport and take his elixir anyway." Satan sat back in his chair. "After the wedding ceremony, you consummate the marriage. The only thing giving you any privacy is the curtains on the bed..." a heavy flush now taking his face over as he cleared his throat. "And that's only to ensure the princess or queen would not be exposed to the attendees. It's a right reserved for the Prince or king..." He cleared his throat again. "Diavolo will be judged if he can... pleasure you... in a satisfactory manner. With the elixir you can't fake it."
     All you could do was blink.
     "It's to ensure actual attraction and prove that they are both sexually bound to one another. The emotional bond is the wedding ceremony. It being done in a human way doesn't really matter. So I imagine Diavolo opted for that, so he could actually give you a wedding."
     "Probably as apology for not telling you this part." The seventh born mumbled.
     "So... everyone is gonna hear?" Your voice was shaky.
     "Yes, and you'll hear them. Lots of times its for the man to absolutely rail the hell outta the woman. Some demons even take the chance to get their rocks off."
     "Oh EW!" You cringed. "You mean dirty old men are gonna jerk off to me and Dia?! I'm gonna be too nervous. It's gonna look terrible on Dia!!" You put your head between your legs as you crouched down. "How do I look at anyone after that?"
      "Like you own their asses. Cuz after that, we feast. Then you become princess." Mammon rubbed your back.
     Shooting your head up, you cringed again. "You have to close your ears! You guys can't hear me have sex!"
     "If it helps, I'm going to be cheering for Diavolo to absolutely ruin you, honey." Asmo patted your head.
     "No!" You whined.
     "The louder he makes you scream and moan the better. It's a testament to his virility. It also says that the louder the princess or queen is, the better ruler he will be. So Diavolo is gonna give it to you like never before." Asmodeus sighed dreamily. "And most of the dirty old men will be listening to you, dear."
     "Not helping!" You whined again as you stood up wrapping your arms around yourself. "I can't believe everyone is gonna hear me have sex!"
      "If it helps, Demonus is on tap for everyone and the kingdom has a rager for the next 7 days. So most likely most people will forget." Levi kneeled next to you.
     "How? You're gonna hear me sound like a fucking hentai video!" Anger in your voice as you huffed.
     "You love Lord Diavolo, right?" Satan's eyes boring into yours.
      "I've...I've never been in love, but everything I've ever read or seen... it feels like it is. I'd do anything for him. I even told him he had an out. That we could pretend that it never happened and he said no."
      "So what's having great sex with you new husband? It ain't shit compared to what ya were willin' to do for 'em. This is cake walk. You'd do a lot worse for 'em, right?" Mammon smirked.
     "Ya. I think I would." You gave a small worried laugh.
      "Then ya got it locked down. Don't worry about it. Just do yer best to enjoy the moment."
      "Beside, public sex might be a new kink, and I implore you to try all kinds of nasty shit with prince charming. I want every detail."
Asmo bit his lip.
     "You can do it. Put those hentai videos to shame!" Leviathan held out his hand for a high-five. You weakly tapped his hand.
     "You can't say a word about it after. Not even a peep!" You pointed to Asmodeus.
     "I promise nothing, but your missing the point. It will be fine. The sex with him has been good, right?"
      It had been amazing. You weren't gonna tell them that though. You settled for nodding your head.
     "Then don't worry. Just enjoy it." He shrugged.
     "Also, don't get mad at the comments after." Beel crumpled his empty chip bag and put it in his pocket. "They'll probably say some stuff you won't like, just ignore it. It doesn't matter what they think." His confident smile brought a smile to you.
      "If you wanted...you could punish Diavolo for not telling you." A sly grin on Belphegors face. "Human weddings, they spend the night before apart, right? So we dress you in those slutty panties Asmo is gonna get, and you show him what he's missing. He'll never not tell you stuff like that again. Simple really."
     "That's fucking devious! I love it!" Asmo giggled. "Tell him he can't cum either. That he has to save every drop for the coupling, then just leave his ass alone at the castle!"
    "He'll see you tomorrow anyway at some point, but it will probably be with his father. Of course, you could meet him tonight and not see him tomorrow. So that won't help him either.  He won't have time to ravish you." Satan smirked. "We can dangle you like candy in front of him, because it was pretty negligent of him not to tell you. He could have atleast texted you about it."
     "Hey, all the outfit is missing is the red? Why don't you do blood red under the lace?" Beel was staring at the lace.
     "Majolish has shoes. We grab you two outfits. Two pairs of slutty panties, one for the wedding and one to drive him mad tonight. Then we hit your four o'clock and get you dressed." Asmo smirked as he pulled put his phone. "This works perfect. Lord Diavolo should be done at six. Dinner at seven, you, Barb, the king, and all of us Avatars. Then you bait Diavolo into a hard on  for the ages and leave with us."
     You mulled it over for a moment. Red would look fantastic under the lace, and being dangled in front of Dia when it was so obvious he had a breeding kink... salaciously telling him not to cum while you got him riled up and just left... "Yes to the red Beel. It's a great idea. Belphegors plan is solid. I like it." You smiled happily as you gave Belphie a hug.
      Finding two outfits had been cake walk with Asmodeus and the brothers. Said Avatar even got his fantasy when Levi went to grab a dress you might like and another woman tried to take it from him. Satan had stomped over and growled at her, ripping it from her hands while being careful to not damage the dress.
     "Not near bloody enough, but that one...whew!" He fanned himself.
     Satan had explained Levi found it and that he was just trying to help. If the shop keeper saw, they didn't say anything.
     Shoes were a bit harder but went relatively easy with six men standing in line bringing you pair after pair.
     The waxing on the other hand...
      Asmodeus had scheduled a full body wax. The only thing left on you were your perfectly shaped eyebrows, thanks to the beautician, and the hair on your head. You couldn't blame them for laughing as you screamed during the bikini wax. You'd laugh if it hadn't been you being waxed.
      Your hair was treated, even Asmodeus hadn't managed to get it this soft and shiny. Your skin was buffed and lotioned and potioned... these people had made you a whole meal to be dangled infront of Diavolo.
     The outfit you would wear for the rest of the day and dinner was simple, but it held an air of regal standing. A dress that wrapped around you and was secured by the tie that rested in a bow on your hip. It was a great find. Your breast looked amazing in the bra Asmo picked, the matching panties snug against your bare skin. All you would have to do is undo the bow and you could show Diavolo how the garter belt you wore connected to your stockings. Fine lace straps connecting to your bra. It was tame compared to the lingerie that would be under your wedding dress...
     The boys even got their eyebrows waxed under a dare from you after they had laughed about how sore you were. Over all, it had been a wonderful day.
     You just hoped dinner and meeting your futures husband's father went well.
     Arriving at the castle it was 6:15 which left you forty-five minutes until dinner started. Barbatos and Lucifer had greeted you at the door. Demon forms on full display.
     Lucifer had taken his brothers aside as Barbatos lead you back to Diavolo's chambers.
     "The young master is in the bath. He will be done shortly. He has awoken the King successfully and fully explained his plans."
    "How'd that go over?" You wrung your hands together.
     "He wishes to meet you before he comments."
     "What if I fuck this up? I still don't even know which fork goes to what. What if he thinks I'm not good enough for his son?"
     "Why would you not be good enough, Mc?" Barbatos tipped his head back to look at you while continuing his path.
     "Because I'm me." You snorted. "A commoner not even from this realm. Little baby royal could disrupt his bloodline, which could really piss him off." You let go of your hands. "What if just simply loving Diavolo isn't enough for him. He could probably find a woman better than me in five minutes." You shrugged. "What if all he sees is a disappointment of a being and forbids the wedding?" Your voice was small. "I don't think my heart could survive that. How would I tell little baby royal that it will never know it's father because it's grandpa hates me? Or worse yet..." you couldn't bring yourself to say the words. The thought of the King demanding you be rid of the child created in a drunken error made your blood run cold. "I know I'm just thinking of the worst stuff, but I can't help it. I just want to reflect well on Diavolo. On his father and the kingdom. He's so sweet that he wouldn't care, but he should, it's his father." You weren't sure when you stopped walking. "What if my love isn't enough?"
     "Simple things as what to use at dinner and how to act can be taught. Anyone can learn and act as they should. Character however can not. You either have it, or you do not. Do you believe yourself to have good character?"
     "Maybe. I mean, so far from what I can tell, you guys like me. So that has to speak to something, right?"
    "True. Do you believe yourself capable of standing by Diavolos side and ruling one day?" The butler asked.
     "Someday. With you, Lucifer and Dia by my side, I feel like I could do anything." You shyly admitted. "I know I can learn more about the Devildom, that'll be expected and that's fine. I'm just... I'm worried about failing a whole fucking realm if it were just me. How Dia does it everyday...I still don't understand. The amount of pressure as prince filling in for a sleeping king... it's great practice for when the time comes, but he's been raised for it. I'm atleast sixty thousand years behind. So unless you know a spell to cram sixty thousand years of learning how to run a country into my noggin, I'm starting at square one. My only advantage being the people around me that I can lean on and learn from."
      "Princesses and Queens deal more with the public image, not so much the heavy mechanical parts of what makes a kingdom tick. They are said to be the heart of kingdoms, leaving the men to do the more...technical work, as they should for their wives. Would being around the people of the Devildom bother you?"
     "It doesn't bother me. Seven of my best friends are demons. I'm worried I'll bother them. My approval rating at R.A.D. was only forty percent. Which, while not bad, considering everything... it definitely isn't great. Especially if you applied it statistically across the kingdom. My numbers just plummet then. Older demons who are set in their ways will always exist. I know that. Trying to change a whole kingdoms mind on humans... statistically, it'll never be one hundred percent. But if I could just get fifty, fuck, even forty percent kingdom wide, I'd consider that a win for the ages." You laughed, but your heart wasn't truly in it. "I know it'll be work, that doesn't bother me. I just don't want the kingdom to think unfairly of Diavolo. I know he's a grown demon, can take care of himself. You helped raise him, so I know he can manage. I just... I worry about him. I have for a while, and after this morning I always will. I don't think that'll change. I just hope I worry a little bit less as time goes on, but I don't see that happening either." 
      Letting out a deep breath, you took another one to try and calm yourself. "Barb... I have a question, but I can't even ask it of you." You shook your head as both of your hands rested on your stomach. "Dia asked you not to use your abilities...my question... I can't even ask it of you because of what it would mean, the position it would put you in. Even asking it outloud...it probably breaks a law." You did your best to hold back tears. "If he... if the king orders the baby to be," you took a breath, "disposed of," You couldn't finish your question. It was unfair to ask him something like this. You shook your head quickly. "I'll figure it out. It's not right to ask you. I'll figure out." You assured yourself. "I won't let anything happen to Diavolos baby. I won't." A few tears rolled down your cheek as you bit your lip. "He was so happy, I won't fail him." Your hands slowly rubbed your stomach. "Just...nevermind." you offered your biggest smile. You couldn't put him in that position. To go against the kings word and help you escape if the king should want your child murdered. Could you even run and hide from the demon King? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even brought it up to you."
      Eyes focused in the butlers eyes, you bit your lip. Saying it outloud to him, it could get him in such trouble. "I can't. I can't do that to you."
     "Then ask, for the child."
      Closing your eyes, you took another deep breath. "If the king wants our child dead, would you help me? Just...stop time, even if just for a minute? I'll figure out the rest, somehow. I know even asking you to go against his orders is probably some sort of treason. I'm sorry." A soft sob left your lips as you shook your head. "I have to do whatever it takes for this kid. If this is the path that I have to take. I'll do it. I just... I don't know if I'm strong enough to do it alone against someone as powerful as the Demon King alone." You wiped your eyes. "Just, never mind. This conversation never happened. I'll figure it out." You nodded as you smiled to the butler. "I'll find a way if I need too." Wiping your face, you shook your hands and did your best to calm yourself. "I'm sorry."
      The rest of the walk to Diavolo's chambers had been silent. Barbatos hadn't given you an answer. Perhaps he thought it obvious, or perhaps he wanted no part in a treasonous plot to disobey the king. "Thank you." You told him as you stopped outside of Diavolo's door. "I'll see you at dinner." You offered a soft smile as you entered, leaving the butler in the hall.
     Entering Diavolos chambers you were greeted to Diavolo laughing as he put on his cuff links, Barbatos behind him, inspecting his suit jacket.
     You froze in place.
     "Mc, are you alright?" Diavolo quickly walked over to you, one hand on your hip, the other brushing the side of your face.
    "Have you been here the whole time?" Your eyes finding the butler. Whoever had walked you here was not Barbatos as the butler confirmed he had been here. Helping Diavolo ready for dinner.
     "That son of a bitch!" Diavolo growled, moving past you to fling open his door. "Father!" His voice full of a rage you had never heard from him before.
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