#i especially loved bcs a lot for its rich character writing
alicenpai · 8 months
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screw it rise up if breaking bad better call saul is your favourite anime ever grab the stickers here if ya like!! in my shop until oct 17🧪⚗⚖
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zhongster · 11 days
If you're still willing to write for Stardew, can we get some headcanons about... anyone, really?
Oh absolutely dearest, it was actually a burp fic that got me into stardew valley in the first place way back in 2018 (it was about Sebastian and Sam was there too i think??) but for the life of me I haven’t been able to find it again
Anyway here are some headcanons for my personal favorite character: Elliott <3
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First of all Elliott is a huge drama queen
He might actually get embarrassed and cry if he burps in front of the farmer early in their relationship
Especially because this man’s burps are NOT small
They are BELCHY every. single. time.
I truly believe he’s such a dark horse and could easily out belch Shane if you give him beer
Wine burps
If he burps and tastes the wine it’s game over he’s like “aaaand that’s enough”
I personally hc him as being from a wealthy old money southern family (that he cut contact with bc they suck) so he has one of those rich people honey-thick southern accents
So i could totally see him full on BELCHING and then bringing a hand to his chest like “oh my lord, pardon me” with that southern drawl
Despite how overdramatic and embarrassed he’d be before he and the farmer start dating/in the early days of their relationship I feel like once he got comfortable he’d pretty much just let them out (within reason) without thinking much about it
If something absolutely wet and vile and disgusting came outta him he’d just cover his mouth with both hands and stand there in shock
I feel like he spends a lot of his time at his desk writing and drinking either red wine or tea (and forgetting to eat) so he ends up with a lot of air in his stomach
He’s very prone to liquid bloating since he does forget to eat and quells his stomach with drinks
He’ll let out some really good ones right there at his desk and just continue writing
Beer really gets his stomach bloated af
He usually avoids it for that reason but on holidays he has been known to indulge
Also Elliott has a surprising amount of kink worthy lines that are actually in the game its kind of insane
One such example:
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He has a specific line where he stuffs himself during the winter feast and my brain went haywire with that one
He also definitely loves belly rubs
This is a man that likes to be pampered especially when he has a sore, bloated belly
If and when he and the farmer have children his burps have definitely woken the baby up on numerous occasions
They’re like prime for child-scaring
As in canon, he’s also very prone to hiccups
And the only way he can successfully get them to go away is to hit himself on the chest and try to force up the biggest belch possible
Sometimes he even has to swallow air to do it
I have a very specific image of him in my head letting out these monstrous burps while he fusses with his hair in the mirror
Or while he’s gathering his hair into a ponytail
He’s super casual about it too
Like I don’t think he understands how genuinely massive his burps actually are
He hears them all the time so he’s like??? Desensitized to how loud they are???
So when the farmer’s like “Jesus?!?!?” It takes him a second to be like “OH! OH THAT WAS LOUD I BEG YOUR PARDON” (again with the twang)
here’s a video reference
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1.) Elektra was created by the misogynist himself, Frank Miller, who would write female characters like garbage including her. Throughout her entire existence within a majority of Daredevil comics, Elektra has been treated as a character made to be a trophy for Matt Murdock. Daredevil writers love making her life revolve around Matt in a way that its framed as romantic when the reality of their relationship should be framed as a tragedy due to their conflicting ideals (and in my honest opinion, I think she should start hating him).
Frank Miller’s Man Without Fear completely butchers Elektra’s character by changing her character to this “crazy woman with voices in her head who loves to kill anyone and anything” completely shitting on the original backstory of her being a sheltered rich girl who was very kind and sweet until her father’s death that shattered her hopes and dreams, leading her to become vengeful and turn into an assassin who believes that all she’s good at is killing and that she can’t ever live a happy normal life.
And of course thanks to the mcu, that influenced current Daredevil writer Chip Zdarsky, who ruins her character EVEN MORE by trying to follow up on the MWF backstory AND make it align with the mcu version as well to this spy that was sent by the Hand to purposely seduce Matt just like how mcu Stick did in the show. Zdarsky writes Elektra in a way that ruins her character completely and makes her infantalize/belittle Matt by calling him naive and foolish despite in previous incarnations where she UNDERSTANDS why Matt wouldn’t follow in her footsteps and wouldn’t kill and WOULD NEVER TRY TO CONVINCE HIM OTHERWISE (and Zdarsky made her fetishize Matt’s blindness in a way in which she would never do if she was in character). Zdarsky made her stop her ways JUST FOR MATT and then writes Matt to constantly disrespect her and call her a murderer despite in previous iterations where he WOULDN’T DO THAT AND ALSO UNDERSTANDS WHY SHE’S LIKE THIS WITHOUT CHANGING HER. (Zdarsky wrote everyone OOC in his run but the most who suffered from it is def Matt and Elektra). Then Zdarsky made Elektra become Daredevil which yeah, the suit is cool, but the implications of it sucks as Daredevil is not an identity that anyone can pick up on like Spider-Man. Daredevil is explicitly an identity that Matt took up bc of the injustice his father received after his murder along with the desire to protect the victims of the justice system. Elektra is a foil to Matt so her uprising as Elektra wouldn’t align with becoming Daredevil. How he framed it was essentially on par of a woman taking up the husband’s last name but so much worse. Elektra as Daredevil doesn’t work because it completely erases her identity as Elektra and further pushes the idea that she only exists to serve as Matt’s trophy, as his pain, as his wife, as his tragedy, etc etc.
Not a single male Daredevil writer should ever LOOK at Elektra ever again until they know how to write her because she has been done so dirty and receives misogyny on EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF HER EXISTENCE. There’s only been a few times where Elektra’s been done well and a lot of them had Matt be involved very little in it and it really makes you think.
2.) Both show and fandom perperativing the sexist and racist troupe of a dragon lady: overt sexual and physical aggression, untrustworthiness, and mysteriousness. The fandom is notorious for saying Elektra is toxic, instead of recognizes she’s an abuse victim working for her abuser. More often that not, all nuance is thrown out the window
(Comics and show) Killed for Matt’s(Daredevil’s) pain/fridged
3.) Constantly mischaracterized and used as a prop for Matt Murdock/Daredevil, especially in the case of his netflix series and his ongoing comics written by Chip Zdarksy (where she is so intensely out of character she’s almost unrecognizable, and in the case of the current Daredevil run parts of her origin story have even been heavily retconned to more closely resemble her Netflix counterpart which is. Oh my fucking god its infuriating.) But it’s an issue really like half the time she shows up in any given daredevil comic (im being generous)
1.) Abbie starts out as one of the two protagonists of the show, only to get almost entirely sidelined as early as season 2, getting less and less screen time and allowed no relationships, either platonic or romantic, while the other lead Ichabod Crane has a seemingly infinite amount of them. It got bad enough that her actor wanted to leave the show, which they did by having her sacrifice her soul in the season 3 finale for the male lead to live, and then they ended the show after season 4 anyway, because guess what, it’s a bad idea to entirely sideline and eventually kill off one of your leads!
2.) She was killed by the narrative to advance her white male co-protagonist’s plotline and I’m still mad about it, Abbie deserved so much better. This is an example of racism in the narrative too and it extended to the production of the show, see news coverage:
3.) Look, I only watched the first season but they killed her off the show SHE was a co lead of!! Misogyny AND racism, all rolled into one. I remember seeing the fan reactions and I was so mad on their behalfs. They wrote her off her own show and from what I recall, gave her less and less screentime leading up to that. Truly, she deserved so much better and I will always be upset by this.
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Character design anon back! You're right, sorry for asking such a vague question lmao.
You covered braids twists and afros in your lessons so far, so how about puffs and beads? Any notes on that? I gave one of my younger biracial characters a mix of microbraids and puffs, because she's creatively inclined and spends a lot of time at home, so I thought she'd have enough time and motivation for a more time-consuming hairstyle.
On a similar note, that ask about the survivalist character was very helpful. Any other hairstyles that you would think are unrealistic if you saw them in a fantasy setting with no magic or technology to keep in mind?
I wanted one of my characters to straighten her hair to represent she was suppressing parts of herself to fit in with a society that didn't accept her as she was, but let her hair recover its natural shape when she stops trying to earn their approval and becomes more comfortable being herself. Do you think that be a respectful use of her design to represent her character arc? I got this idea from my own experiences with my hair, but I know her racial context is very different to mine and I wouldn't want to be insensitive. Straightening her hair might not be realistic for her in this setting either, but I'm worried that if she covers her hair and "grows out of it" that might send the wrong message. Any alternatives or should I write off the idea entirely?
Afro puffs and beads are always amazing. I love both. Puffs are an afro style, so that was already covered- you'd just have to do more searching for what you specifically want. Beads and ornamentation are lovely, but we also have to keep in mind that some jobs won't let you have them. So, depending on the job, maybe not permanent beads. I have these gold loc bands that I love putting in my hair for special occasions, but some folks are just fashionistas 🤷🏾‍♀️ so... We just have fun with it! Full beaded styles tend to be seen more on children, though. Like the braided styles with beads down the braid? Usually on kids, though it's always cool to see an adult with it (there's a movie where Alfre Woodard wears them and she rocks it).
Your character's style sounds cute!
With no magic? Straight hair lol. Bone straight hair on a black person in a fantasy or olden setting with no magic or means is super unrealistic to me. Bc how did it get that straight? Who did it? Using what? You're telling me it was easier to finagle together a hot comb to straighten her hair in these times than to just... Let it be an afro? Really? Is she rich with servants who'll comb it? Do they do it every night so it never frizzes up in any weather? Like I'm sure it's possible, but... 😬
I see what you're saying, and I remember a similar concept in the book Raybearer, where Tarisai's hair is always in tight braids until she begins to come to her own, and then it unleashes into a beautiful afro for the first time. So I don't think the change is a bad idea! Because ik that's what happened to me too- as I began to love myself, it meant loving my own hair, too. Starting fresh!
You may not be familiar with the Tignon laws (I think I mentioned it in the hair lessons) but that's what covering her hair reminds me of. Now, if you do it respectfully, it could fall into context like that- where her natural hair is seen as "bad", but as she learns to love herself, she defies society by loving and choosing her hair. So again, I don't think it's a bad idea! Just show your respect, especially if you're a nonblack author. Don't romanticize the oppression of it. Recognize the context, and recognize what some of your Black readers will be able to read out of it. Be sure to do your research on how to care for her hair. No point in having symbolism that sits so heavily on hair that you don't bother to actually love and care for.
That's my opinion on it, though! Hope it helps!
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rainbowpui · 10 months
I saw "svconfession" page on Tumblr and some takes about SJ just makes my blood boil
Especially this one: "People should stop writing everyone falling in love with SJ. He’s not SY, guys! SJ is an asshole and no one can stand him, but YQY. He’s an acquired taste." Like why are they trying to dictate us on what we can write or what we can't write
omg yeah ive seen so many bad takes like that
literally they are just haters its no ones fucking business what kind of fic someone else is writing or art they are making. its really pathetic to claim to stan one character but spend all your time shitting on another.
the classist implications of saying the CHILD SLAVE who is HEAVILY implied to be a CSA survivor is inherently unlovable but the rich NEET internet troll who harasses people and manipulates others for his own gain is like "super nice actually"
tbh i think sy is a wayyyyyyyy bigger asshole than sj. hes literally introduced as an internet hater. people dont want to look at the way that he treats sqh or admit that what he did with lbh was emotional manipulation and child grooming.... like he literally love bombs him and shows a clear bias to him while ignoring all his other students. a teacher bullying a student is wrong but so is a teacher being inappropriately close to a student???? theres a reason that everyone else on the sect thought he was ALREADY fucking lbh when he was a student and lmy was writing that fic, its bc their lvl of "closeness" was not at all normal. not to mention that ppl forget he didnt save lqg out of niceness. he did bc he was trapped and couldnt run (reread the novel babes everyone somehow misses this part???) and wanted to use lqg as human shield. he needs sqh to help him take care of the plant body so he doesnt... literally die... but even after OWING HIS LIFE TO SQH he STILL treats him like shit and threatens him with violence all the time... including in the extras were he supposedly had all that ""character growth"" 🙄
but just bc i feel that way doesnt mean im going to police how anyone else writes fic and has fun. they can woobify him all they want and ignore all his flaws if thats the kind of content they want to make and its not my business bc its fucking fanfic and ppl can write any kind of fic they like. but i would really appreciate it if they would stop shitting on us for OUR fave. esp given that a lot of sj stans like him because..... they are also survivors as well and can relate to him bc of that. and then get accused of supporting child abuse irl bc we dare relate to the character that is clearly shown to have gone through the worst abuse as a child of any of the characters in the novel..... like use your brain...
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colorfulyetsinful · 1 year
I wrote this on my phone again😀
You could tell with the amount of emojis I used, anyways
Tim is literally my favorite I never shut up about him and bc of that this list is so goddamn long. I honestly tried to be consistent but I was going off the top of my head
Enjoy and become apart of the Tim Drake cult😈
Tim Drake hc!!! WOAH!
Nepotism baby
He’s a rich child with inheritance and basically running two separate businesses
Nepotism at its finest✨
Since he was usually on his own (due to his parent working) he used Batman and Robin as a form of escapism
Kinda lonely
He’ll talk to himself as if he was talking to Batman and Robin
Definitely ran a Batman and/or Gotham vigilante stan account on Twitter
Toxic fan **tm**
no literally, he would argue with anyone who disagreed on him that Batman was the best hero,
especially if they were Metropolis
bc why tf do they always have to involve themselves in everything Gotham🤨
Two words: Parasocial relationship
had an unhealthy obsession with Robin!Jason,
Robin!Jason saved him ONCE (1x) and it was down hill from there
Def locked himself in his room, sobbing, screaming, pulling his hair, and throwing up when Jason died.
News: Jason Todd, son of Billionaire Bruce Wayne, pronounced death! Read more to find out.
Tim: NOO!
Vaild tho,
who wasn’t crying when Jason died?
(The joker)
He had a celebrity crush on Dick (not ship related),
no one knows about it (it’s all over his stan account that he made sure will never see the light of day),
he’s taking that secret to the grave
I say this a lot about Tim, but
Whore **tm**
have you seen his body count?!
definitely followed in Dick’s footsteps
Strange is what ppl say about him,
vaild tho,
if I had to sit next to Tim in class, I would find him strange too
Adhd coded,
why do ya think he keeps himself busy?! He literally can’t sit still
Also no insomnia,
he just suffers from chronic nightmares that keeps him from getting proper rest,
So de just decided not to sleep
“Nightmares can’t effect me if I don’t sleep”
Yeah, scarecrow has nothing on him,
poor guy’s had worse
Even after getting adopted, he never really felt part of the family,
Always feeling like he has to prove something to Bruce to stay as robin,
Which is why, when Dick had Damian be Robin, Tim felt like he had no place in the family anymore
That’s why he went a little insane
It’s cool, they’re fine now…
Speaking of insane,
Tim is like the one robin in the family I would not want to fight
Like compare to the others,
(Dick has experience form doing it for so long + mf is giggling and joking while kicking ass,
Jason is just kid with daddy issues and a gun, it’s America, been there seen it,
And Damian has both daddy and mommy issues, angain nothing really special)
Tim is just purely unhinged,
he’s got everything to prove without the care in the world what happens to him,
don’t forget his mad scientist era
What I’m trying to say is that Tim is scary and you have a better chance fighting Damian or Jason
(at least they kinda make it quick)
Ok back to silly goofy hc :D
Tim used to write Batman fanfics,
it’s true I was his screensaver
He used them all wattpad, fanfic.net, ao3, tumblr, etc
It was mostly “original character” fics, that were actually self inserts
as escapism
(He’s def taking that to the grave)
Stephanie found out about it and he was planing her “disappearance” within a rive minute timeframe
Speaking of Steph,
They cringe every time someone brings up the fact that they used to date
*hold cute picture of Steph/Tim* Awe you guys were so cute, ashamed you two broke up
Them: *gag*
He loves Steph tho, she’s his ride or die
As I mentioned in my Accent hc,
Tim knows a lot of languages bc rich kid
Him and Damian talk to each other in mandarin, mostly bc it’s a language they both know fluently
He tried to learn Arabic so Damian could feel comfortable talking to him,
(This is after the many times he’s tried to kill him, but hey what are brother’s for..?)
He couldn’t quite get the pronunciation right, and just said “fuck it we speaking mandarin”
Literally, they don’t even speak in English to each other anymore,
Like if it’s just them talk, other ppl they’ll translate or they’re talking shit
Tim and Damian actually get along,
Like it was rough at first, but living together really forces the two to get along
(Imma add more about them in a different hc)
Also Dick Grayson!!
Did I mention he had a parasocial relationship?
Yeah, Dick was not excluded from that
He knew Dick was mostly giving him the time of day bc he felt guilt about not being there enough for Jason,
But he doesn’t care
He knew what he was doing going to Dick about being Robin,
“You gotta be Robin again. Batman needs Robin”
“Idk who you are kid, but I am not wear that thing again. Plus blue is more my color. You wearing if you think it’ll help Bruce”
*Tim already at the display case* “I mean…if you insist”
Nothing else to add to that
He’s the best to take to galas (or just to deal with high society in general) having grew up with lessons on how to be a “proper young man”
Study abroad at one point,
It was in Switzerland
Has a staring problem
Literally. Imagine just minding your business in a public area and turning to see (👁️👁️) staring death at you without blinking
Don’t worry, it’s just his adhd taking over the most part of his brain
He actually hates black coffee, but it’s the only think strong enough to have him away (so he won’t get nightmares)
He watches anime,
Specifically, shonen anime and BL (boylove)
He watches anime with Damian while arguing about the main pairing not working bc the “male love interest is obviously gay”
He wrote fanfics, you think he won’t be a shipper?
Can sing,
Like really good
Jason caught him singing in his room at like 2:30 in the morning and sent a video to the group chat
*jason sent a video*
Jason: ya see this shit😀
Everyone goes crazy bc Tim sounds so nice
The thing is, Tim never hid the fact that he can sing, just never said it out load
But if you were really pay attention to him, you could have caught him lightly singing to himself any indie or viral tiktok song while he does basic tasks
Everyone now has a mission of trying to catch him in the act,
Only Alfred and Cass knew he could sing
Bart knows about his identity before he told the team,
Bc Yk future and all
So him and Tim just naturally became closer over time as Tim could rant to Bart without worrying about his identity being blown
(More about this in another hc)
Cannon that he cross dresses
I think that’s it for now…
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juneviews · 1 year
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axelle judges bl shows >  My School President
summary: Tinn has been crushing on Gun for over two years, and decides that senior year is the year he needs to make a move. For that, he becomes the school’s student body president in an effort to help Gun’s music club avoid cancellation.
where to watch: youtube
grade: 8,5/10
- this show manages to take a very basic story that honestly shouldn’t have lasted more than one episode, and develop it in an endearing, quirky and very interesting direction through its writing. the writing of the show gives so much care to the characters and their feelings, and treats them in honestly such a rare way with making tinngun experience a lot of obstacles with maturity but never break up, as well as giving all the side characters a lot more love than usual. this really took the show from what could’ve been extremely forgettable & seen 50 times before plot, to truly one of the best bls in a while!
- similarly, there’s so much care put into the show: the original soundtrack is really great and the fact that the opening credits changed every 3 episodes to indicate changes in the story & characters was SUCH a good idea! you can tell the creators of the show really put so much effort & thought into it & imo it more than paid off!
- the characters are amazing. I gotta talk about my boi tinn bc he has everything of the “perfect & boring bl love interest” which is a trope I’ve criticized where the love interest is handsome, smart, talented, rich, has everything going on for himself except for a personality, which makes half of a ship so fucking boring in bl shows, but here my boi tinn is my literal fucking fave bc we get to see so much of his point of view. we see him freak out about his crush, be shy, be awkward, etc. but we also see that his family life & the pressure put on him is real, which adds layer to his character. as for gun, he’s equally as amazing, and so much of the show allows him to explore his feelings which makes him such a relatable character. sound is also another fave of mine, he has a great character development just like win, tiw is literally an iconic friend & deffo the mvp of this show, yo got a good storyline about insecurity, and por & phat were adorable and completed the team well. I literally fell in love with this group of friends so much & they absolutely carried the show!
- the acting & chemistry, man. so as you might know already, I’m a hater LMAO. I don’t like new pairings easily at all, especially when it contains both new actors I’ve never seen before. but when I say fourth & gemini stunned me, I really mean it. first of all they have an insanely natural chemistry that really puts a lot of more experienced pairings to shame lol, and it’s the same for satang & winny who play winsound and literally stole the show for me! I swear I started by rolling my eyes at the possibility of winsound & then I got converted real quick LMAO. but apart from that, the acting is just so fucking GOOD. fourth shined the most for me, he brings a vulnerability to his character that is very impressive for his age, but gemini also did an amazing job showing the complexities of tinn. satang also impressed me greatly, this boy has amazing heart eyes & also displays a lot of vulnerability, I hope to see more of him! but honestly everyone did a great job & really sold their characters to me <3
- I feel like what makes this show special is that it doesn’t stay surface level at all. when the guys lose hot wave, another show would show them being disappointed & depressed for one episode and move on, but msp went further by having them internalize their feelings & then ultimately fight once they can’t contain it anymore. them blaming each other then crying & apologizing is honestly one of my favorite scenes of the show?? it was such a real scene that was FELT, and also a great display of friendship there. another good example is the fear of coming out & the wish to hide their relationship, as well as the homophobia experienced by tinngun in the last episode. another show would’ve likely completely skipped through that & showed tinngun accepted by all without batting an eye, but instead by showing tinn’s mother’s uneasiness around her son dating a guy, and that asshole teacher being a complete homophobic dick who thinks he’s in the right, or even those teachers who shook their heads at tinngun being cute at prom, it all felt more realistic & added layers to the show and their relationship where it’s not all sunshine & rainbows, yet they still stay strong & support each other. all of these moments really add a lot of depth & importance to the show, and also strengthen the characters & their relationships a whole lot.
- the pace is also perfect to make it a super entertaining show & I never felt bored for even one minute!
- as quirky & fun & entertaining as this show was, it is still pretty basic in most of its storylines: gun’s mom being sick, the guys losing hot wave, tinngun’s relationship leaking online... and like honestly that doesn’t take any of my enjoyment of the show away so who cares, but it does keep me from grading this show any higher. yes I literally have nothing else to put in the cons LMAO
would I rewatch it: absolutely! it joined my comfort shows list <3
I expected this show to give me sorta love sick vibes (one of my fave comfort shows), but I didn’t expect it to be a more updated version of a just as healthy couple as phunnoh, giving me a just as vibrant & enjoyable high school slice of life that I love so much. I literally fell in love with this show, man. it was entertaining, and endearing, and honestly it became an instant favorite. I couldn’t recommend it more!
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slowdripsunrise · 7 months
book review for into the drowning deep by mira grant!!! spoilers under the cut! just found out the author has a tumblr well if u find this pretty please dont look theres nothing bad in here its just not for you! reviews are for readers and you can get constructive criticism from a paid editor and not random readers doing this for free :)
ok i. literally just finished this and am writing it as i am staring at the finished checkmark on my computer lol wanted to get this out so i didnt forget. anyways ok so i super liked this book. love feels like a strong word bc i think im on too much adhd meds to really feel it like that but yeah i really really liked it.
OBViously the best part about this book were the mermaids. i came into it wanting mermaids and creepy shit in the ocean and science and thats what i got. they were creepy wnd fucked up and vicious and murderous amd beautiful and i loved them so much. especially that we got their pov! and how sometimes from their pov we would get little hints of answers about them before the scientists did. i liked that. loved the ocean imagery especially from dr toth was it heavy handed? maybe. idc i love the ocean.
this was also again. creepy as fuck not downright terrifying which surprised me bc im a huge wimp. but i was on the edge of my seat and anxious and nervous for a lot of the characters... which leads me to my next point i guess i dont really feel like i connected per say with all of the characters as much as others. like i feel connected for sure to olivia, especially when its her pov, the probable undiagnosed autism diagnosis goes crazy. and i really liked the wilsons, luis was nice, i liked dr toth. everyone else i didnt really care. which is fine i read this for cool mermaids !!
another thing i would kill for more of was the linguistics with hallie and lennox and the mermaid like i fucking LOVE that shit, and also what happened to said mermaid other than just a small bit at the end about it being bought by some rich guy. also would like to see more of the matriarch mermaid. i love the absolute ancient and archaic nature of creatures that are just fuckin so big, especially when it relates to the ocean. and also maybe i missed where her size was actually describe and im generally really bad at conceptualizing how big things are when just given like. measurements but i was picturing this thing as more colossal than anything else, which would tie into luis' research, right?? pretty sure that was his whole schtick and i wanted more of that... i do appreciate the mystery however. this book left me with questions, and not in a like this was filled with plot holes kinda way but more of a i need to know more this is probably how all those scientists felt kinda way. i like that i think. absolutely love how in these reviews im just spitballing ideas and seeing what sticks who knows tomorrow i probs wont agree with half the shit im saying but who cares. im working out my thought irl and this is what happens. on another note we had anchovies out for dinner and im not normally squeamish about them but. looking at them when reading this book did make me feel a bit weird so theres that. 4/5 stars had fun would recommend
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tidal123 · 1 year
"Demons", Gods, and In-betweens in the Series: Love and Redemption (Part 1)
There are many non-human Chinese mythical creaturesthat appeared in the tv series Love and Redemption(LnD), especially 妖怪(translated as “demons”). I find this subject extremely interesting so I'm going to try summarize them and record their first historical appearance if possible. Many of them come from an ancient book called The Classic of Mountains and Seas 山海经(the Classic). It was written sometime around 4th to 5th century BC. So it's probably one of the oldest books that survived. And it is a source of inspiration for the entire history of China for those who write the monster and strange occurrence tales. In this post I will try to include descriptions about the relevant mentions of the "demons" from the Classic and other sources, although I'm sure better translation already exist.
* The reason I said “translated as demons” and not just use “demons” directly is because they are really not the same concept. There is little to no religious meaning to 妖怪. If you have to squint, 妖怪 likely popularized because ancient Chinese believe that everything have spirit and potential to gain wisdom and transform into higher beings. So in later time like Tang to Qing dynasties there are many 妖怪 that developed from nonhuman animals or plants in such stories, sometimes even objects. But there are also naturally occurring creatures that sometimes are monsters, sometimes gods or semigods in charge of certain functions like wind, thunder, natural disasters etc. like many of those described in the ancient Classic of Mountains and Seas.
烛龙Torch Dragon 
First appearance: the Classic [山海經], 2 entries, around 4th century BC
In the Classics of Montains and Seas it is said to be a torch-bearing dragon that shines light in the night-folds darkness. It creates day and night, summer and winter by opening and closing its eyes and breathing in and out. Obviously an ancient god.
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In our show, a spirit/ghost of the torch dragon was summoned to guard the Colored-Glass Lamp in heroine’s sect Shaoyang. It is a much less powerful version of the Torch Dragon but still created a lot of trouble for our protagonists. It seems that the spirit/ghost of Torch Dragon cannot truly be killed because it can be resummoned.
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鲛人 Fish-person or merman
First appearance: the Classic [山海經‧海內南經], around 4th century BC
A non-human tribe living in the South Sea. It is basically translated to merman because they have an upper human body and a fish tail, although it has nothing to do with the western version the phrase usually refers to. Unlike their western counterparts, they are said to be tame and mild, good at producing a specific type of beautiful clothes that won’t get wet in the water, and when they cries their tears turn into pearls. In later stories they are often depicted as victims of humans’ greed and lust.
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In LnD we see one important side character that is Tingnu, who is a doctor and used to serve in the court of heaven’s realm, although in the show merpeople are categorized as demons. He was the first demon that our protagonists encountered that made them questioned their concept of right and wrong that was taught to them.
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蛊雕 Gu Eagle
First appearance: the Classic [山海經‧南山经], around 4th century BC
This is an eagle-like, water-dwelling monster with horn on its head that eat people. It is said to live on a mountain rich with minerals with no flora.
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In LnD Gu Eagle is the first major dangerous demon our protagonists encountered. It needs to be noted that unlike the merman who is a “naturally-occurring humanoid being”—born with a humanoid shape. The Gu Eagle in LnD was said to have cultivated for 500 years and was on the verge of gaining a human shape. It was quite powerful that even the elders of the Righteous Sects don’t dare face it alone and instead grouped together and prepared themselves fully. Our protagonists had no chance against it at that stage, or so they thought. 
瞿如鸟 Qu Ru Bird
First appearance: the Classic [山海经·南山经], around 4th century BC
It is said to be a bird of white head, three legs, and a human-like face. It lives on a mountain rich with gold and jade, and populated by animals such as rhinos and elephants.
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The shows’ Qu Ru Birds are very different from those described there. In the show, Quru birds appeared as a swarm of dark greenish colored birds that was able to attack humans, but don’t seem like much different than regular animals. They were controlled by a Ao Yin to drive away humans and collect certain herbs. Eventually Sifeng let them escape after Ao Yin was killed.
傲因 Ao Yin
First appearance: It is said to first appear in [山海經] but the description differs greatly from later stories. We will take later descriptions during the Jin Dynasty because they are closer to what appeared in the show: 
Au Yin is said to be a humanoid creature with very long tongue, wears shaggy clothing with many knots and has a taste for human brains. It lives in the west-wasteland and attacks lone travelers to eat their brain.
First appearance: (probably) Accounts of Strange Things [述異記]  by Zu Chongzhi 200–265 AD
This is a giant monkey-like creature that was said to abduct human females to impregnate them and then send them back home to rear the child. If they refuse it kills the woman. Obviously it is a monster. Funnily enough it seemed to have traveled to Japan in the Edo era(1603~1867)and was called kakuen locally. It was written in the Japanese encyclopedia Wakan Sansai Zue of the same time to be a type of "yamako" (玃), which is the same character as the Chinese version. 
In our show this monster appeared as a serial killer who target newly-weds due to his hatred of a female cultivator who seriously wronged him. Our protagonists chased him to his “burial site” and killed him because, well, he is a serial killer who targeted innocent people.
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spookfished · 11 months
media roundup june 2023
hey guys guess who just went "oh its the 4th of july. that means that its july" here im going to talk about things i read/watched/played last month! i didnt read as much but did finish a couple books that ive had checked out Forever. ok actually i read a lot woops
books/comics/written media:
fake dates and mooncakes by sher lee: fake dating (obv) premise between a cooking boy and a rich heir! book that made me realized im honestly just not that interested in ya romance anymore LMFAO. pretty sweet and a decent read, but landed more heavily on the expository end of uhh i guess diaspora fiction? than i really prefer. i think i picked this up bc the author got mega cancelled on tyk twitter lol??
bird by bird by anne lammott: book about how to write. i love to read about how people do stuff :3 some of the advice applies pretty universally to creative efforts i think.. made me want to write more too
john dies at the end by jason pargin: DNF. comic/horror about this loser guy who discovers stuff. sigh i tried so hard to like this book its supposed to be pretty 'mecore'...talked about this with alena a bunch but its like hm... i know the sort of casual offensiveness sort of goes in hand with being poor and white and in the midwest and i appreciate how its like that creates its own doomed narrative or whatever. but also i feel like the protagonist would call me slurs or something. also the lowgrade but pervasive orientalism is kinda offputting. probably fun for some other guy! i did enjoy the horror elements though
the goldfinch by donna tartt: literary coming of age about a boys relationship with a painting (the goldfinch). also he flops a lot and its sort of homoerotic i guess? a movie was made of it. so something to note is that ive had this book out on loan since literally december. neil kept on being like hey man just stop reading it LMFAO. thoughts cp'ed from discord:
why does the goldfinch feel like a 600 page leadup to the actual book which is 800 pages
idk at this point im kinda sick of pathetic lovelorn self obsessed semi literary men. like toku men are also sopping and pathetic but i think its more appealing when they are also kind and can be vulnerable. this guy is just annoying and kind of incel coded. like does a grand gesture to make up for the fact that he killed your dog while dogsitting
i actually did enjoy the parts post timeskip but i still think the first two thirds could have been cut or Greatly compressed or interspersed w the present or Something, yk? prose was nice though
the bodyguard by katherine center: romance novel about a woman bodyguard who lives for her job. fresh from a breakup, shes given a new undercover assignment with a handsome actor, recently withdrawn from society. will they be able to break each others' shells....? my mom recommended this to me LMFAO we kind of have different tastes in romance.. ive read a book by this author before i think her platonic scenes are very strong? i wish there had been a couple more of those. also i like how she always includes a life affirming section at the end about how important it is for us to open ourselves up to love etc etc cute but not especially memorable
kiss quotient by helen hoang: (reread) a shy, autistic econometrician decides that she needs to get better at sex, and so hires an escort. helen hoang is one of my faavorite romance authors i really enjoyed this reread although i kinda forgot that both leads say, think and do some pretty embarrassing things. but you know a little embarrassment is endearing and all that.. i still prefer her other book (the bride test) but this one is pretty good too. vivid characters 👍
sisters of dorley hall by alyson greaves: web fiction - a trans woman infiltrates a secret force-feminization program. ok im just cp'ing my thoughts from discord again but i enjoyed it a lot:
my thoughts are that the first like, third? is really really good. it like idk takes the very real trans fears of like discovery and passing and all that and fictionalizes them a bit. but like its still grounded and swag. sooo tense once The Reveal happens n things w steph are pretty normal it gets kinda meandering? which i dont really mind bc i love interpersonal drama even if i miss how tense and scary it was. but also theres only like two major plot threads going on rn and theyre both pretty slowburn. a timeskip would probably benefit tbh like the point rn is kinda like. the 7 year meteor? yeah sorry
like it used to be sort of psychological thriller? and now its sort of more character focus and also surprisingly fluffy.. im surprised that the author has said they have a complete outline bc it doesnt feel very focused atm? but also like i suppose things are snowballing a bit re: revealing the sisters to the outside world
an unauthorized fan treatise by lauren james: a fangirl trying to prove her rpf ship is real uncovers a greater conspiracy. to me if something is able to capture a specific age/vibe from the internet its automatically pretty good. however more and more people are learning how to do that so maybe i should change my standards... i was never involved in All That re: rpf or even fandoms of live action shows until kamen rider? but like i definitely knew people in hs that were sort of like this LMFAO so it felt very familiar. i appreciate the author trying to make that $$ but i dont know if it really needs an expansion/sequel.. the ending is better off with some ambiguity imo
impossible us by sarah lotz: literary romance? a man and a woman fall in love online, but encounter difficulties when they try to meet. ok im just pasting my thoughts here again (spoilers btw):
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ok that was a lot of stuff. onto movies/tv:
xo kitty: kitty goes to a school to connect with her online boyfriend, but all is not well. yall this was not good. i guess my standards shouldnt have been that high but to all the boys ive loved before was so cute!! (havent watched/read the others). but like.. the writing was bad and the main actress just wasnt very sympathetic or charming? characters waste time saying "i can explain" until time runs out for them to actually explain, additional (and nonsensical) romance plots are added for no reason, and the male lead isnt even that hot. sorry. also kitty deciding to move to korea to connect with her mom but not bothering to learn a speck of korean and insisting that everyone else speak to her in english really sucks honestly. not even my mom liked it so thats how you know its bad 👎
succession season 1: yesss succession. greg is my favorite cant wait to see him become evil. makes me stressed
shin kamen rider (hideaki anno): reboot of the first kamen rider by the guy who made evangelion. this guy kinda makes the same thing over and over but it looked sick as hell so i wasnt complaining. like stella obstinaterixatrix said, kinda more introspective or even insular to the point of kinda ignoring the usual kr theme of justice but it was still very fun :3 kinda want to watch the original now
ready player one (movie): my parents made me watch this movie. aggressively mediocre.
kamen rider revice and live and evil and demons: pretty fun if you have the disease that makes you think revice is good, but mostly made me miss revice. i think they should have gone more into the clone thing but i always think that so
kamen rider juuga vs kamen rider olteca: two-parter special for kr revice. i forgot what happened in this pretty much immediately after but karizaki was hot
roman holiday: a princess touring in rome escapes her duties for a day, and meets a dashing young reporter. classic romance!! i actually liked this so so much like it actually is very romantic and funny and like deserves the hype. didnt expect it to be in black and white even so audrey hepburn is really hot. (spoilers) more romances should have bittersweet endings though like it hit
kamen rider ryuki: a young man is inducted into a battle royale between those fighting for their deepest wishes, and decides to try and stop the rider battle once and for all. hey guys ryuki is so fucking good for those who have watched madoka magica a lot of it is very heavily based off of/inspired by ryuki! but ryuki does it better. pretty much The kamen rider has so much to say about justice and love and what it means to be a hero and sacrifice and *runs out of air and falls over* also it made me cry. if you ever try kamen rider try this one <3
EDIT OH i forgot about across the spiderverse 100/10 obviously groundbreaking in animation nice take on generational trauma and also like the nature of adaptation and being in a multimedia comics franchise and all that. really hope the sequel doesnt get crunched too bad. oh but copaganda not great 99/10
video games:
twisted wonderland: gacha game where random disney villains are bishie high schoolers instead. ill play chapter 3 sometime soon i swear. gameplay is terrible as with most gacha games but the characters are cute? i feel terrible guilt for being involved with a disney franchise. honestly pretty compelling character writing sometimes though sorry
apico: stardew-like about raising bees (in beta). sooooo cute and the devs obv care about bees a lot in real life. the gameplay loop + breeding systems are a little bit punishing right now though i really hope it gets adjusted. took over my life during finals (woops) and i got like half the bees and then burnt out. multiplayer is fun though!
legend of zelda tears of the kingdom: the next zelda game, now featuring building + vertical elements. yeah this took over my life for two months like it did for a bunch of other people i finished the main story a couple days ago! i might go back to do a couple more of the shrine puzzles, but other than that i think im done. LOVE the vertical elements and also all the little sidequests there are to do and how the world has changed since botw. dragons tears was really good and OMG PROVING GROUNDS. would be a 10/10 if zelda was the protag stop damseling her you guys cmon
paper mario origami king: newest paper mario game, which is a spinoff of the main series where theyre all paper (duh). im about halfway through this, i think? tried it out because of the dunkey video lol and also bc it was free at my library. very charming and inventive, has a really good soundtrack and really funny writing! i know the gameplay was controversial, but im enjoying it a lot (and theres a lot of room for error). might 100% it
it feels like this month i tried a lot of things that i didnt really like LMAO. also a lot of romance. im very happy about finally finishing the goldfinch! the only holdout on my libby is slaughterhouse 5 :P i did find some things that i really liked though! anyways this one feels a bit more scattered but if you got to the ending, congratulations! thanks for reading :3
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soloorganaas · 1 year
hey so i get that i’m not the audience for that last ask since i am a jegulus shipper and i also hc james as bipolar. which is. like exactly the thing you and other anon hated. but i wanted to explain a bit why i have this hc (separate from jegulus). i do get how it could feel like people are just slapping james’ name on an oc sometimes, especially when it’s done badly, but i don’t think that’s always the case. basically, i think ppl’s impulse to hc james as bipolar comes from this feeling of disbelief that anyone could be THAT happy all the time, like in line with a more traditional long standing characterisation of james. like maybe ppl like that do exist, but it seems very unlikely. when i see a character that everyone in the fandom and all the other characters just write off as being the happy one, my first thought it “well, that means they’re not looking when he breaks.” i think it can be very compelling to write james as someone who struggles with the pressure of always having to be the Happy One, even when everything’s going wrong for him, even when he’s struggling and needs help. also, james doesn’t have as much canon characterisation as sirius does, so i think there’s a lot more room for people to imagine what he might have been like in reality. also also, just because i and others hc james as bipolar doesn’t mean we don’t hc sirius as bipolar?? like the two are not mutually exclusive. idk i just thought i’d give my thoughts since my perspective seems to be so different from yours
hey!! thank you for coming and sharing this
as i said in the og ask i think its a personal thing. i can see why that other anon is annoyed, i also don’t have any problem with people writing about bipolar james. nobody (esp me) is stopping you from writing that story just bc we’re expressing some critical thoughts about it
i do appreciate you sharing this rationalisation behind it though. that’s a v interesting take and one that i hadn’t thought about before. i personally think the reason james is so happy all the time is bc he had an upbringing which affirmed for him that things always go right. he’s rich, pureblood and with parents who unconditionally love him. but i do really see where you’re coming from - that the happiness is so extreme it aligns with that lowlevel manic aspect a lot of bipolar people have all the time. i’d be intrigued as to what a crash for him would look like
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Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics)
1.) Elektra was created by the misogynist himself, Frank Miller, who would write female characters like garbage including her. Throughout her entire existence within a majority of Daredevil comics, Elektra has been treated as a character made to be a trophy for Matt Murdock. Daredevil writers love making her life revolve around Matt in a way that its framed as romantic when the reality of their relationship should be framed as a tragedy due to their conflicting ideals (and in my honest opinion, I think she should start hating him).
Frank Miller's Man Without Fear completely butchers Elektra's character by changing her character to this "crazy woman with voices in her head who loves to kill anyone and anything" completely shitting on the original backstory of her being a sheltered rich girl who was very kind and sweet until her father's death that shattered her hopes and dreams, leading her to become vengeful and turn into an assassin who believes that all she's good at is killing and that she can't ever live a happy normal life.
And of course thanks to the mcu, that influenced current Daredevil writer Chip Zdarsky, who ruins her character EVEN MORE by trying to follow up on the MWF backstory AND make it align with the mcu version as well to this spy that was sent by the Hand to purposely seduce Matt just like how mcu Stick did in the show. Zdarsky writes Elektra in a way that ruins her character completely and makes her infantalize/belittle Matt by calling him naive and foolish despite in previous incarnations where she UNDERSTANDS why Matt wouldn't follow in her footsteps and wouldn't kill and WOULD NEVER TRY TO CONVINCE HIM OTHERWISE (and Zdarsky made her fetishize Matt's blindness in a way in which she would never do if she was in character). Zdarsky made her stop her ways JUST FOR MATT and then writes Matt to constantly disrespect her and call her a murderer despite in previous iterations where he WOULDN'T DO THAT AND ALSO UNDERSTANDS WHY SHE'S LIKE THIS WITHOUT CHANGING HER. (Zdarsky wrote everyone OOC in his run but the most who suffered from it is def Matt and Elektra). Then Zdarsky made Elektra become Daredevil which yeah, the suit is cool, but the implications of it sucks as Daredevil is not an identity that anyone can pick up on like Spider-Man. Daredevil is explicitly an identity that Matt took up bc of the injustice his father received after his murder along with the desire to protect the victims of the justice system. Elektra is a foil to Matt so her uprising as Elektra wouldn't align with becoming Daredevil. How he framed it was essentially on par of a woman taking up the husband's last name but so much worse. Elektra as Daredevil doesn't work because it completely erases her identity as Elektra and further pushes the idea that she only exists to serve as Matt's trophy, as his pain, as his wife, as his tragedy, etc etc.
Not a single male Daredevil writer should ever LOOK at Elektra ever again until they know how to write her because she has been done so dirty and receives misogyny on EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF HER EXISTENCE. There's only been a few times where Elektra's been done well and a lot of them had Matt be involved very little in it and it really makes you think.
2.) Both show and fandom perperativing the sexist and racist troupe of a dragon lady: overt sexual and physical aggression, untrustworthiness, and mysteriousness. The fandom is notorious for saying Elektra is toxic, instead of recognizes she's an abuse victim working for her abuser. More often that not, all nuance is thrown out the window
(Comics and show) Killed for Matt's(Daredevil's) pain/fridged
3.) Constantly mischaracterized and used as a prop for Matt Murdock/Daredevil, especially in the case of his netflix series and his ongoing comics written by Chip Zdarksy (where she is so intensely out of character she's almost unrecognizable, and in the case of the current Daredevil run parts of her origin story have even been heavily retconned to more closely resemble her Netflix counterpart which is. Oh my fucking god its infuriating.) But it's an issue really like half the time she shows up in any given daredevil comic (im being generous)
Elektra Natchios (NMCU)
1.) This continues over to her mcu version in the netflix show where the writers decide to be extremely racist and make her the dragon lady stereotype while also following the Man Without Fear version to which many dd comics fan fucking hate. The show paints her as someone who was born evil with this Black Sky bullshit and makes her a puppet for the Hand and then kills her off just to be white man angst for Matt (comics have done this too but the netflix show takes this idea to such a degree that its horrible). Thanks to the netflix show, many fans believe that Elektra is this murderous bloodthirsty woman who is abusive to Matt and a manipulator so now Elektra faces misogyny and racism from fandom.
2.) Both show and fandom perperativing the sexist and racist troupe of a dragon lady: overt sexual and physical aggression, untrustworthiness, and mysteriousness. The fandom is notorious for saying Elektra is toxic, instead of recognizes she's an abuse victim working for her abuser. More often that not, all nuance is thrown out the window
(Comics and show) Killed for Matt's(Daredevil's) pain/fridged
(Show) brought back to life in the spin off series only to be killed again
3.) Constantly mischaracterized and used as a prop for Matt Murdock/Daredevil, especially in the case of his netflix series
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
smth abt the way both marvel and the fandom is so ableist towards bucky is so disheartening :/
it's bad enough that so much of stucky fanworks basically just deletes bucky's existence and have an oc date canon steve (which doesnt even make sense bc the characters' stories have always been so connected that doing that would wipe out so much of steve that they're giving endgame a run for its money) but then it becomes more exhausting how it's so obvious most fans who claim to love the characters would rather just replace bucky with a random abled person to project onto
it feels like fans wish canon had "conveniently" erased bucky's disabilities the way it erased steve's disabilities with the serum so it's one less "obstacle" in the way of projecting a separate character onto him
and it's not like marvel is the only ableist fandom, not by a long shot even if only counting ableism in sci-fi media, but i've had a much easier time in other fandoms celebrating disabled characters in the piece of media
but the way bucky gets treated feels like a whole other level, like everyone working on canon and fanon despises the fact that he's disabled and wishes it went away so they can have as much as a blank white slate to paint whatever they want on
This immediately made me think of a post I saw floating around that was an anon asking someone, wait, Bucky has a disability? And the blog answering with something like, dude, he's missing an arm!
It is disenheartening to see people forget large parts of characters.
Although, personally, I haven't experienced much of the OC-ification of Bucky, but that doesn't mean it isn't there--I do inhabit a very small corner of the fandom. I see a lot of works of different iterations of Bucky, but I also see the same with Steve so it doesn't strike me as anything but charming, I like watching these idiots falling in love over and over in all different universes. But, again, I'm sure there is treatment of Bucky in that way out there. So, I can't totally speak to that.
But, I think a lot of the erasure of Bucky's disabilities are due to the source material and the larger context of where the source material came from. Marvel doesn't show Bucky has having a disability or did Marvel show Steve as having disabilities, as you said. And Western society does not fucking like disabled people, it likes to pretend they don't exist (or worse, it likes to get rid of them completely). So, it makes sense that fans would be seemingly strangely unaware of Bucky's disabilities or feel uncomfortable talking about them. I understand the frustration and tiredness around fans not speaking about it or not acknowledging it. I do. But I can see why it happens, and I've tried to find fandom spaces where his character, along with Steve's character, is treated in a way I like. It's work, but I find it worth it since I can't control other people, lol.
(It also goes without saying that, yes, there are going to be some bad apples in the bunch that do use Bucky as an OC and/or purposefully disregard his disabilities. And that the fandom could certain benefit from widespread discussions about this topic.)
This reminds me, though, that I should pay more attention to disability details. Every time I read a fic with Bucky's or Steve's disabilities mentioned or expressed thoughtfully, I am reminded that I don't do much with that. There are rich details I could add, but I don't. And disabilities don't always have to be mentioned in smut, but having it from time to time, especially when I write canon stucky, would be a good thing. You have to be aware of mental and physical limits in kink, especially, so I should be better about inputting those details myself.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
I just wanted to say this to all the readers who are asking about a part 2 of the weekend.
While I, too, would LOVE a continuation bc it was finger licking good (if y'know what I mean) and the execution was AMAZING, we do need to respect kiki's choice to only release the one part of the story.
She's not giving up on the story or trying to ignore the interests of her readers. But instead, is putting out her story in the way she wants to present it and choosing to share that with her audience.
It's the same as if she painted a beautiful but somewhat heartbreaking and bittersweet portrayal of love on a canvas, and we asked her to further it to give it a happier and more soft narrative just for our enjoyment without appreciating the rich concepts already there.
She allows room for interpretation after the ending for the readers, but furthering the story wasn't part of the idea she wanted to capture.
So, let's try to remember as readers that to truly appreciate the works that writers are SHARING with us (that they do outside of both school and their jobs) means respecting their boundaries when they say they won't continue a story and not trying to peer pressure them into changing the storyline/develop it further to fit our wants bc that's not kind nor is it considerate.
That aside, the story wouldn't be very genuine in the end if she did. She can't cater to everyone, and honestly, every fic would pretty much be the same if writers did that.
Kiki has been very gracious and sweet to everyone asking about pt 2 or an ending, and I very much admire that, but we should really try not to abuse that. Y'all are such cool readers, but we can always be cooler by respecting kiki 🤘😌.
Ily u kiki 🥺. You're so cool and deserve all the hype and luv💕✨️.
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bby i love you with my entire soul and being and you mean the world to me!!
it doesn't necessarily bother me that people are asking for a part two, i appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in my writing!! means the world to me!! but with that being said, the point of this piece is to be ambiguous and up to interpretation!! this story is meant to just hang in the air, no resolution, no hopeless heartbreak.
and i agree!! i know that fanfic is escapism to everyone, me included, however, its also someone's writing yk? and topics they like to explore. i generally tend to like writing realism and angst. not that happy endings aren't realistic, however, they're not realistic in every circumstance!! especially the plot of the weekend!! my escapism is just exploring plots n characters in a way that feels authentic to the world im trying to create!!
furthermore, any movie or book or writing thats ever stuck with me has had an unideal or unexpected ending, so those just tend to be the things i like to write!!
also platform changes have kind of killed my willingness to write certain things lol. for whatever reason, the platform has been super duper agressive with labeling and shadowbanning my fics within like 2.5 seconds of posting lol, so my motivation to write is not what it used to be. not that i dont want to, just my dedication to one storyline is faltering as of now!! i do apologize!! i understand that a lot of people support my writing and i do feel some sense of beholden (idk if i used this word right rip, i just mean i feel like i owe you guys!!) to those people bc i genuinely appreciate the love sm!! all i can promise is to provide the best stories i can with what i feel motivated to write!! i have no desire to continue the weekend and never intended too!! if i did it would be v disingenuous to myself and readers!! hope you all understand!! love u dearly <3
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veraynes-blog · 1 year
hi! During the hollidays I went completely berserk on your tensimm fics and devored them. I never took the time to leave a comment because i was just always ravenous for the next chapter lol. I especialy love unspoken!! the concept of a willingly broken down and stuck tardis that still somewhat functions but isn't itself but still has all the infinite rooms,,,,argh!!! makes my brain go brrrrr i feel like its such rich ground for existencial horror Other than that, I'm absolutely in love with how you interprent tensimm, especially this..darker version of themelf the doctor can be if he lets himself get influenced, it really feels like yeah, this is what would happen to them. I also think you wrote the sexiest fanfic porn i ?? ever read???!! and ive been reading those for longer than i should Anyway I wanted to draw a big piece of fanart for you but other work got in my way. I still really wanted to show my appreciation for your writing hence this out of nowhere ask I wonder, what are your thoughts on 12 and missy? They're my fav version of them bc missy character's arc just!!!!gets to me, would love to have your thoughts :) Anyway i'll stop rambling on now, I hope you have a lovely day, I can't wait for whatever writing you have planned next
Oh wow, thank you so much??? 🥰 What a lovely message to log in to this morning!!
Ahhgh I'm so glad you enjoyed the fics! It's been my favourite fandom to (obsessively) take part in, which is probably why I'm not ready to let it go yet lol. I love your take on the broken TARDIS in Unspoken. Not something I actively considered at the time, but you're so right. They were living in a TARDIS shell, there's definitely something horrifying when you say it like that ����
✨️Love✨️ when the Doctor gets an opportunity/temptation/influence to go a bit darker! You can tell in canon that it's something just below the surface, especially in Ten, and I feel like if he'd had more exposure to the Master his story could have gone a lot differently 👀
I'm always overwhelmed people even consider drawing fanart for my fics, thank you for telling me!! 🥰
And I love Twelve and Missy so much! Our first and only semi-canon confirmation of romance between them. They're also both a close second favourite in terms of versions of the Doctor and Master, for me. I would say, though, I always thought there was an air of... tragedy? That went right through their storyline. Not just the misunderstanding at the end (which to this day I find harrowing as a narrative 😔) but even the fact that Missy was so lonely and desperate to get her friend back that she was willing to change everything about herself? And the Doctor let her?? Demanded it, actually?? I dunno, she was just trying so hard in her own psychotic way, and I think Twelve wanted it to work as well, but he had such a strict and obscure moral code by that point that it all felt a little... doomed 😕
I do love them, I promise, I'm just not as good with tragedy as a genre 😅
Thank you again for the message! 😘
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
Okay so I just stayed up till 3am reading starring role and after putting it off for a while and honestly I can’t believe I ever did that?!?! Something wrong with me fr but this fic is just 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
Okay let’s start of with our main girl!! I just want to hug her so bad. Although nothing excuses her behaviour towards Boyoung, I get why she’s the way she is especially to someone like yeosang. I hate how everyone seas as this ditzy, rich girl with no brain. But the worst has got to be her parents - her mum and me will throw hands I swear. And what’s even more heartbreaking is how you can tell she clearly misses her brother but like wtf happened? I can’t wait for the reveal for that? I can only imagine it’s drugs related but knowing her I’m sure she took it up a notch. In a time where she probably needs her brother the most he’s not there and I’m sad about it.
Okay Choi fking San, like you warned us, but honestly makes my blood boil ESPECIALLY after he had the absolute gall to come BACK to her after his failed relationship. Again nothing excuses the reader to say what she said to Boyoung but nothing excuses San to say what he did either. And his friends are so mean and for what? But now with the reveal of why Yeonsang is the way he is I’m excited to see what he does or says to her now. I just saw someone ask if San will leak her secrets after she confronted Yeosang and omg??? That will be honestly the worst thing he could ever do 💔 also when she realised that San is just some guy ™️ was actually so funny to me
I love Wooyoung and I just adore how close they became, he deserves the words and a sweet boyfriend!
Joonie is also another sweetheart, I love that he wants to progress her art work and just be her friend!!
Also not the stray kidz cameos 👀🫰🏽
Okay so now Mingi!!!!!!!!! This guy had my heart flip flopping all over the place it was unreal! Get why your pissed at her when she was mean to your bestie but then???????? Treating her like she a dumbass then being all sweet and generally making her seem like a better person and her valentines gift 😭😭😭 all for him to just spew out all that shit? Almost in tears 😔 He honestly needs to get his head out of his ass.
This fic is a rollercoaster and I really can’t wait to see what happens next and things getting revealed etc!! You’re amazing and have great day!
omggggggggg thank you so much!!!!
well yn isnt the nicest person in general😭 she's pretty mean and self-centered but that's her character so yeah she was pretty shitty to boyoung. she'll talk about seonghwa more in the next chapter and he'll have a pretty interesting arc by the end lmfao
i thought of writing a chapter from san's pov which wouldn't be really a chapter but something in the form of e-mails i guess?? but i decided against it bc my life is kind of a mess rn and i just want this story to successfully reach its end. but later on when i'm better and if i'm in the mood for it, i might post that chapter as an additional part bc i already have a good chunk of it written out...we'll see. i think it would be interesting to write from his perspective bc i know a lot of people wonder about him and it was pretty fun to write the bonus part
there will be so much of wooyoung in the next chp and it will be mostly sad but he's my baby so..
also in the last couple of chapters i've completely neglected joong but thats bc he was mostly linked to yn by mingi and professor ahn so when everything went to shit between them i kinda lost how to include joong in the story BUT i think he will also appear in the next chapter.
and mingi omggggggggggg i cant wait for him to come back, he'll be so pathetic and there's nothing i love writing more than men being pathetic and grovelling so i'm excited for that!
anyways thank you for reading once again and for this lengthy message!! have a nice day
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