#manual guide status
ftm-helps · 2 years
helpfamilytreemaker.com-What is the Companion Guide Status for Family Tree Maker 2019
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holymaccaronii · 7 months
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Hello Yes Man / fallout community it’s my pleasure to announce that HE IS (almost) DONE!!!! The design came out all fine, plus I found a way to make his face switchable! I’ll be working on the manual and instructions now, I’ll try my best to give out tips and instructions on how to glue everything together.
On another note, the faces were based off the Yes Man Statue from Bethesda Gear Store. I might as well add a few more of my own designs + the faces from the other securitron characters.
EDIT: THE PAPERCRAFT GUIDE IS OUT!!! I’d also appreciate a few answers on the poll from my newest post , thank you!!
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phantomcodes · 1 month
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“Such groups suffer from a syndrome I call empowerment to the midline. We dedicate ourselves to empowering individuals, right up until the moment when someone actually begins to exercise power — defined simply as the ability to get what they want done. At that point, it’s as if they’ve stepped over an invisible line that separates the oppressed from the oppressors. Suddenly this person we’ve worked so hard to help find a voice becomes the person everyone wants to speak out against.
I also call this pattern empowerment to complain. We focus our nurturing and attention on anyone who takes the position of victim and complains about leadership. Anyone who takes action or sets direction is suspect. Unfortunately, this sort of empowerment is not very empowering. Nobody gets what they want, and often little or nothing gets done.
True empowerment implies action. Complaining is not enough. Taking action means taking responsibility — suggesting, offering solutions and doing the work to implement them. But in a group suffering from the empowerment to the midline syndrome, there’s no zone of action, no autonomy, no scope for creativity. The group may have done away with the inequalities of leaders and followers, of some people being the stars and others relegated to mere extras. But they’ve done so by preventing anyone from having the power to act.
Here are some of unspoken assumptions behind the empowerment to the midline syndrome in progressive and collaborative groups.
1. People who have extraordinary skills, experience, levels of commitment or other resources or who take on big responsibilities — call them leaders — are always suspect. They are fair game for attack. The result is that no one feels truly safe in the group. There is no trust. No one is able to train, to mentor or pass on skills.
2. Leaders should never receive extra benefits, perks or rewards beyond the joy of the work itself, or they are exploiting others. In collaborative groups, we are often reacting against a larger system of hierarchy, in which higher levels of responsibility confer marks of status and collateral powers. We don’t want to reproduce that sort of inequality. But we do want to allow people to earn fair rewards for their labors, marks of appreciation and respect. If a group continually sees its most experienced people drifting away or burning out, it may be a warning sign that this pattern is in force.
3. We must always sacrifice the needs, benefits and rewards of insiders to the needs of outsiders. Empowerment means always siding with the perceived victim or underdog. The group functions on power-under — people get their way by taking the position of victim. They gain social power, not by taking on responsibility, but by complaining about those who do. The complainers are not truly empowered to act, and those who do take action are undermined.
4. We refuse to acknowledge that people might have different levels of skill, experience, talent, commitment or responsibility, because to do so might affirm a hierarchy. The group is unable to make use of its members’ skills and talents. We can’t mentor and critique each other, we can’t assess what skills and forms of responsibility are needed or are operative in a group and we can’t set standards or hold one another accountable for meeting them.”]
starhawk, from the empowerment manual: a guide for collaborative groups, 2011
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
if anyone's curious what my ranking of pjo adaptations (counting anything that isn't the first series) are:
) Musical.
) TKC and MCGA.
) Demigod Files, Demigod Diaries (including Son of Magic), Percy's Guide to Greek Gods & Greek Heroes. Also CHB: Classified and Camp Jupiter: Confidential (both ghostwritten by Stephanie True Peters)
) The old Rick Riordan site where you had the interactive maps and stuff. Also the old teaching guides.
) Heroes of Olympus
) I will count CHB: Austin. my beloved.
) PJO Ultimate Guide and TKC Survival Guide (Ghostwritten by Mary-Jane Knight). Guide To The Norse Worlds and Magician's Manual (both Stephanie True Peters) i will also put here. Also let's put Singer of Apollo here.
) That one youtube series everybody watched at some point of the cosplayers. you know the one. the specific one where they had the scene of Rachel doing the statue thing. The thumbnail was Rachel and Percy next to a fountain. I can't find it anymore but it lives rent-free in my brain.
) Graphic novels & the french books tied.
) ....the Mad Libs. Tied with Demigods and Monsters, the activity booklets, and the coloring books.
) Demigods of Olympus (Choose your own adventure ebook)
) Trials of Apollo
) TOA & MCGA youtube advertisement videos tied with the Lightning Thief movie video game
) Show & Movies tied
) Read Riordan articles, Chalice of the Gods trilogy, Un Natale Mezzosangue, and Nachos After The War tied
) The Sun And The Star
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wearesorcerer · 2 years
This could potentially be big. Screenshots from someone in a Facebook group providing his professionally-affected opinion:
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Basically, if any of this is true, you could expect Paizo et al to sue WotC/Hasbro. I would love to see that happen, personally, but it all depends on how likely any of the above actually is to work. Like, if 5.5/6e turns out to be as crappy as 4e was, this will just be WotC shooting itself in the foot again (though probably not enough to kill it). So far, I've only heard good things mechanically and bad things for the playerbase, but they have all been vague suggestions with no concrete details.
A Concrete Example
The Hypertext d20 SRD was constructed under 3.5 as exactly what its name suggests: a self-interlinked reference document for everything in the system. Prior to its existence, the SRD was a collection of (possibly rich) text documents without page numbers or other means of easy reference. The Hypertext SRD included all OGL material from print sources it could find, so includes ~85% of the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Epic Level Handbook, Arcana Unearthed, and some bits from Deities & Demigods. It has other useful tools, like an encounter calculator and spell search. For the longest time, it was the only thing like it. Other sites (DnD Tools, Forgotten Realms Helps) eventually sprang up with more content; DnD Tools has been taken down numerous times for violating the OGL, while Realms Helps has stayed under the radar for some reason.
At some point, the d20srd webmaster updated it to include Pathfinder (seemingly all, but arranged by book like how Paizo's PRD was, which is deeply unhelpful) and some 5e (limited entirely to the core three books). This was long after d20pfsrd launched; that site is modeled off of the 3.5 d20srd site in organization and is amazeballs.
Since this webmaster has published 5e material on this site and since the new OGL possibly interprets that as accepting its terms, if this new OGL were legal, he could be sued to take down his entire site (or at least the perennially helpful portions) because it is no longer valid. (Per the screenshots, this is only half hypothetical: I know WotC did do this when 4e came out to fanpages that had 3.5 and 4e material because they didn't want competition from their own product.) This would leave only unauthorized (DnD Tools) or status unclear (Forgotten Realms Helps) archives. We've already lost reams of 3.5 material because WotC deleted its 3rd ed. archives (they used to publish stuff online regularly).
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oxymorayuri · 11 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷 – 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡𝘩 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝟷𝟶𝟶𝟶 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 | 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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Story: The princess of Tanata (Long Fic)
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters
Info for the first Chapter:
I'm definitelyyy not a submarine professional. ^^'
If something isn’t right... Please be nice and ignore it? XD
I have no idea about submarines and disaster management under water and pls don´t mind the physics :D
AAAAND before I forget; You don’t need to read the first Chapter.
It’s not necessary for the story but I still like it.
Spoiler: none
Warnings: none
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 1852
Have fun, kiss kiss ♡
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷 – 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡𝘩 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝟷𝟶𝟶𝟶 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 
The Polar Tang was in critical condition. The whole crew was running back and forth trying to fix leaks, only to have to plug another one in a new place.
"Bepo, we have to surface. Otherwise, the Polar Tang will tear to shreds, the pressure is too high!" Hakugan spoke as he hurriedly flipped all the switches to equalize the pressure in the submarine.
"Yes, sir!" the Mink salutes, turning directly to check the various screens.
With his sonar radar, Bepo indicates the direction to guide Hakugan through the eternally wide and dark void.
"Pressure stabilizes, how many meters to the surface?" – "840 meters to the surface" Bepo reads from his display.
"Not good." Hakugan hangs his head. All indicator lights come on, illuminating the control room in a bright red. Bepo's ears twitch at the serious tone. He turns away from his display and swings hysterically back and forth in his chair. His button eyes gaze tensely back and forth between all the lights. The sweat collects on his forehead...
It's hard to breathe.
Ikkaku rushes in, sees the bear desperately searching for a workaround in the manual, while Hakugan sets up the autopilot of the ship.
"Ikkaku! Status Update," Hakugan demands. Completely in a trance at the desperate sight of her comrades, Ikkaku gets back to herself. It is serious, and with this seriousness Ikkaku explains the overall condition of the submarine.
"Two rooms are completely flooded. Franky from the Strawhat's is already working on an idea to divert the water. Pumping is not possible because the automatic system is still defective. The captain is almost finished with Luffy's operation. Until then, he gave instructions that we shouldn't ascend too quickly so that the operation doesn't go wrong. All repairs have been successfully completed, but we are slowly running out of materials to repair further damage." Ikkaku gasps. One hand on her side, all the hustle and bustle is driving her crazy! The damage is routine, but at this depth it's frightening. One mistake and the Polar Tang will fall apart, and all will be crushed by the pressure of the water.
"If this continues, the Polar Tang will be crumpled up like a piece of paper." She adds. Silence from the two. Bepo is visibly frightened. Hakugan still has his back to her as he checks all the parameters on another screen. Bepo looks Ikkaku in the eye, if it wasn't so loud because of all the alarm signals, he might be able to cope with the situation better, but the booming noises drive him crazy. He sinks to the ground and covers his ears. He wishes Law was with them.
Ikkaku jumps to him, she tries to distract him by holding her hand on his fluffy cheek, ginving him a small smile. It's not certain what awaits them on the surface of the water, but that's exactly why they need their navigator. Hakugan has turned away from his indicator lights and is looking in Ikkaku's direction.
"We have to prepare for an emergency ascent." With clenched fists, he runs out of the room. Ikkaku didn't know what to do now.
How safe is that?
She couldn't tell what was going on in Hakugan's head. All she knows is that he's very serious. Her gaze went back to the frightened Bepo, gently stroking his head.
"Hakugan is right. I’m sorry, it scares me, but it's the only way." Confused, she looks into the Mink's eyes. He was so terrified, he couldn't even move properly until recently. The manual still in his paws. Ikkaku's hand went to the book, which the bear gave her swallowing.
"I don't understand." She murmured as she swept her eyes over the lines Bepo must have read. "What chance do we have of surviving this?" – "I don't know" Bepo is at a loss.
Ikkaku gets up, only to start swaying again as the Polar Tang maneuvers through rock-like underwater structures. She looks at the on-board computer. The Polar Tang is equipped with the best computers to get through this hell. In desperation, she runs through several scenarios, which all lead to total destruction. Hakugan must have known this result and yet he went to prepare everything. Desperately, she sinks to the ground.
"How do you come up with the idea of suggesting such an insane maneuver when the computer only spits out negative results????" – "I'm not convinced of this plan myself. We're too deep down. Rooms above the ballast tanks are flooded. We don't have a good balance for such a quick ascent. The Submarine could break in the middle like a dry stick!!!" Bepo takes a deep breath, he’s near tears but he won’t give up. He has the strength to get up again and walks forward to grab Ikkaku by the shoulder.
"If I ask you to trust us," his eyes flash under the red alarm lights, lightly filled with tears, "would you trust us?". Still a little beside him, Ikkaku holds on to Bepo's arm and falls into his arms. That's all Bepo needs as an answer.
With renewed courage from the trust of one of his comrades, Bepo was able to regain his composure and be the navigator the crew needs now, but he still needs someone to make these upcoming decisions. Bepo slightly pushes Ikkaku away so he can look her in the face.
"Please go to the captain and explain the situation to him and find Hakugan and then tell me what he's up to." he pressed the manual into Ikkaku's hand and turned to the control panel. Questioningly, Ikkaku looked at the manual in her hands and again at Bepo, who in the meantime turned off the autopilot to prepare certain settings for the emergency ascent. Clutching the manual tightly, Ikkaku runs through the swaying submarine. No matter how hard she slams into the cold walls of the Polar Tang, her goal is clear.
She needs to report to the captain as soon as possible about what the plan is.
"I understand." Law says as he takes off his latex gloves. Without further comment, he leaves Ikkaku standing and turns back to his team, who assisted him in Luffy's operation.
"Take him to the infirmary with the other Straw Hats. Two of you should stay with them in case the condition of the submarine deteriorates." The captain is unfazed by this situation. He trusts in his helmsman and navigator. Before he leaves the room, he looks over his shoulder. Cool gray eyes, tired from the long and tricky operation, look into Ikkaku's eyes.
"Ikkaku," he says. Ikkaku flinches, totally lost in all the bad thoughts, because it's not certain what will happen to the crew from here on.
"Go to Hakugan and help him. I'm going to Bepo to talk through a few scenarios. I ask for a status update every 5 minutes and if there is anything worth mentioning; report immediately." Ikkaku can't do more than nod. Law leaves the room while the crew members connect the straw hat to life support and get ready for transport. Back to the point, Ikkaku decides not to waste time with doubts.
There's no time for that now.
It's time to act.
In the meantime, Hakugan has sought advice from the Strawhat Pirate Franky. Franky was in his element and highly focused, both ignoring the back and forth of the crew around them. No shrill alarm signal or steam that suddenly flows from burst tubes can distract those two.
Suddenly, Franky has an idea. A broad smile settles on his face.
"I've got a SUUUUPER idea!" said Franky. Just then, Ikkaku slides around the corner and slams into the cyborg. Somewhat puzzled, Franky turns to Ikkaku. Hakugan looks past Franky, because he couldn't see who was slamming into him. Ikkaku didn't know which painful spot to rub first. She fell headfirst into Franky's metal body and then onto her butt. Grumbling, she touched her forehead and jumped! She stood upright. No time! No time for pain! Is all she could think of.
"Hakugan! The captain is on his way to Bepo, who has deactivated the autopilot and is preparing for the emergency ascent. What are things like here?" It just gushed out of Ikkaku. Hakugan and Franky look at each other, and then at Ikkaku.
"We only have one chance, so everything has to be in the best circumstances." Hakugan explains and looks at Franky, "Franky just wanted to explain how we empty the flooded rooms, but then you came." Blushing, Ikkaku apologizes to the two of them and holds her arms behind her back.
"Okay. The best thing we can do is discuss this directly with Tra and hear what he has to say about it." Franky says. Ikkaku hurriedly reaches into her pocket and pulls out a Den Den Mushi. "Here!" she says curtly. She is glad that she came at the right moment.
"Very good...." Franky stares at Ikkaku, who is still holding up the transponder snail. She thought Franky would take the snail from her, but the cyborg wouldn't take it. Confused, she smiles at him and before she could say anything, Hakugan took the little snail and dialled the captain's number. In Ikkaku's face you could see how the gears in her head were moving, and now she realized that Franky didn't know what the captain's number was. In addition, she wondered if he could handle the snail with his hands.
The snail's datcha brought Ikkaku out of her thoughts, and the mood was as serious as ever.
"Ikkaku, what's new," Law said in a calm voice "Captain, this is Hakugan," he paused for a moment as he looked at Franky again; "Franky from the Straw Hats is with us and he has an idea." Silence on the other end, Law waits until the conversation continues.
"Hey Tra, I think I have an idea how we can drain the water in the flooded rooms." Franky's gaze wanders to the ship's blueprints, which he and Hakugan have studied. "According to the blueprints, all the rooms are connected to the air shafts, right?" – "Right. Bepo has closed the air shafts of the flooded rooms so that no more rooms can be flooded" – "right. According to Hakugan, these shafts can also be opened and closed individually, right?" Law thinks for a moment before speaking. He understands what the cyborg is up to. "I understand what you're thinking. Opening the shafts individually is no problem. Bepo and I can do that here from the control room, but the flooded rooms are on the upper floors, so if the water flows down too fast from above, it will cause the submarine to lose its balance." Law stops as if he's thought of something, a small smile spreads across his lips as he enters another scenario into the computer. It's insane and requires good timing what Law envisions. He waits for the computer to calculate everything. It's 51% possible to get through this. "More than enough," Law smiles. A smile that seems slightly crazy. Maybe he enjoys the thrill.
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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u10como · 7 months
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"Perils of High Society"
Brooke and Mark were dating for a year now. They met when they were both still college students working at McDonald's and immediately came to like each other. Mark never liked to talk about his family, so Brooke never pushed him too much, until one day he confessed: Mark was actually Marcus Bancroft-Agnelli, the heir to large hotel empire, who decided to handle his own life during studies, not relying on his family fortune. When asked about why he doesn't want Brooke to meet his parents He explained: His family has an odd tradition: All women in the Bancroft-Agnelli family had their arms amputated when they hit puberty, to signify their status of perfect trophy wives: Their bare armless shoulders proudly displaying the fact they never have to resort to manual labour - and never will. "Pretty terrible, right?" said Mark "Actually, " said Brooke, "It's kinda hot, you know?" "A what?" "Can you imagine me without arms? I mean, wouldn't i look really elegant? And if that's what it takes to meet your parents..." "Baby, you don't need to do that, i don't need you to be part of my family, in fact, i don't really want to be part of them myself..." "I know, but... i kinda want to, you know? I don't think i would be very much of a 'trophy wife' anyway, as that sounds a little posh and lazy and i would prefer to learn how to use my feet rather than just stand around being pretty, but i could do without my arms i guess..."
Two months later, Mark and Brooke came to attend a party at one of Bancroft-Agnelli five star hotels. Brooke, still feeling a little clumsy, but proud of her armless shoulders, was overwhelmed by everything around her. Being born in rural area just outside the city, she wasn't used to being anywhere this fancy and nothing Mark told her could prepare her for the reality. Entering the hotel's ballroom, they were aproached by two women: One young, dressed in grey uniform with white gloves, the other about fifty years old, with aura of authority and perceived superiority, dressed in white and gold, the dress showing her perfectly smooth armless shoulders.
"Mom, this is my fiancée, Brooke Miller. Brooke, meet my mother, Beatrice Bancroft-Agnelli" "Pleased to meet you, dear. I see my son finally came to senses and found himself a woman befitting of a proper Bancroft-Agnelli man." said Beatrice to Mark's annoyed eyeroll. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am" said Brooke, twitching her right shoulder in an instinct to accompany the greeting with a handshake." Looking at Brooke's gesture with a mix of surprise and disgust, Beatrice replied: "Oh dear, but look at you, you hold your body like an arm person!" "Mom..." Hissed Mark. "And those scars! Oh my goodness, did a butcher do that to you? I could have refered you to our family surgeon in France, his handiwork is ex-qui-site, you know? He would never leave ugly scars like these behind." "MOM.." said Mark, now significantly louder. "And that make-up, dear oh dear... I would fire that maid who did that to you, such a shoddy job..." "Ahem... Actually," replied Brooke before Mark could interject again, "I did that myself - i mean, it's not perfect, but applying make-up with a foot is harder than i thought..." "You did what?" said Beatrice with overly dramatic expression, her eyebrows so high up they could pop out of her forehead any second. "Oh my lord, sweetheart, you aren't some common working class cripple or..." "MOM! That's enough! Come on, Brooke, we're leaving!" Yelled Mark to his mother's astonishment and put his arm around Brooke's shoulders in a protective gesture, guiding her swiftly away towards the elevator. "I'm sorry, did i say something wrong?" asked Brooke with surprised expression and hint of tears in her eyes. "Not you sweetheart." replied Mark, visibly angry, but keeping his voice down not to upset Brooke even more. "She did!"
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hirocimacruiser · 2 months
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Tommykaira Tuned Legacy M20tb.
The challenge from GT to racing sports, the fastest wagon
Tommy Kaira's pedigree on the wagon. TUNED LEGACY M20tb, the flag bearer of the wagon era
A high level of perfection that can only be achieved by Tommy Kaira's complete car, which pursues total balance. Thorough pursuit of the well-established BOXER-4. The 297 horsepower produced by its reliability and high level of perfection gives it the edge of a sports car, and even though it is a wagon, it is enough to stimulate the true sports car mindset.
The torquey power that rises smoothly from the low rotation range brings you a world of endless possibilities.
It makes wagonists forget about the body and truly invites them into the world of sports cars.
The suspension tune is also the traditional Tommy Kaira tune, and its biggest appeal is the unique flavor that pursues the fun of sports driving while taking advantage of the appeal of 4WD.
The M20tb will demonstrate its true worth in all environments and conditions, including winding roads, highways, and if you're looking for a full-fledged circuit.That's the true joy of driving with the M20tb.
Powerful form
The front bumper spoiler, rear bumper spoiler, and roof end spoiler are Tommy Kaira Aero originals, and 17-inch wheels and tires are standard on the suspension. Completely tuned car, Tommykaira's status is modeled. It can be said that it is an object that harmonizes with any world in which wagonists drive.
Max Output: 297ps/6600rpm
Max Torque: 35.3kgm/5800rpm (GT-8:5MT)
Max Output: 278ps/6600rpm
Max Torque: 33.3kgm/5800rpm (GT-8: AT)
Max Output: 270ps/6400rpm
Max Torque: 32.8kgm/5300rpm(GT: 5MT.AT)
BODY Length: 1680mm Width: 1695mm Height: 1490mm Wheelbase: 2630mm Tread: Front 1470mm Rear 1460mm.
BOXER MASTER-4, DOHC 4cam 16Valve Twin Turbo with Multi-cup Intercooler Bore x Stroke: 92.0mm×75.0mm Piston Displacement: 1994cc
LAYOUT 4Wheels Drive 5-Speed Manual/E-4AT
Brakes: 2Piston Type Caliper+Ventilated Disk
Wheels: 7.0Jx17(Front & Rear)
Tire: 215/45ZR (Front & Rear)
Suspension: Strength Sports Spring
Steering: Rack&Pinion
A comfortable design that lets you enjoy sports driving.
It features a shift knob made of aluminum, a 20-meter console that stands out in Tommy Kaira red, and an original meter made of three-dimensional carbon.
The 297 hp power effortlessly guides the driver into the experience zone from the moment the car starts. Easy-to-handle engine characteristics are the hallmark of Tommykans.
●Front view
The originally designed spoiler with large openings above and below the bumper line maximizes cooling effectiveness. Together with the large integrated sub-light, it creates an impressive front view.
●Rear view
The fiberglass sports stabilizer and spoiler create a dynamic range that improves stability through downforce at high speeds.
●Fender decal/side decal
Flowing Tommykara, the confidence of a tuned car.
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yuriisclumsy · 1 month
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The Witch of the Purple Rose
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𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗅𝗒. 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2212
Authors note: Long chapter. Do you guys want to know where Amalia went? I could give you a hint... Also, from all the times I've called Venti Barbie-toes, I can't even write Barbatos correctly. I go 'Barbetoes'. yrtfuagwda. PS. if you ever wonder how I do the background, I go in-game and take a screenshot in the location I want for the plot. So, you can visualize the story better (like how I do inside my head!).
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The howls of a dragon in pain echo through the streets of Mondstadt.
Stormterror – the dragon that has been terrorizing the citizens it used to protect – was defeated by the blond traveler who sores above in the sky after the fight with the dragon. The dragon flees high into the sky, leaving the city with damaged buildings to be repaired; and just in time for me to finish my meal.
“Ah…” I placed the cup down and relaxed against the hard seat, “that was delicious!”
Looking around, the area was left with debris from the tornados and dragons wrath. I guide my head upwards to see Sirius gliding down to the City Square, where the Statue of Barbatos is.
…I need to make sure they're okay. Getting up and leaving the mora for the meal with an extra tip, I headed toward the Cathedral.
I ran past the folks leaving their homes to assess the damages to their residencies; some are in shambles. Skipping the flight of stairs to reach the top faster almost made me fall, but I luckily managed to catch myself. Reaching my destination, I see Amber’s worried face as she sees Sirius’s descent.
“Amber–!” I managed to say her full name before the damned ringing in my ears rendered me unable to speak anymore.
This is getting repetitive…
Sirius lands on the ground as Amber, and Paimon’s appearance from her pocket dimension, surround him asking if he wasn't injured. He reassured them he was fine with that smile of his.
Loud clapping came behind him making them turn.
“Well, look at that. You’ve actually got the power to go up against the dragon…” a tall and fine man with dark complexions said, impressed.
“Are you a new ally… or a new storm?” his eyes—eye—pierced through the soul of the young boy.
Hmm, he looks familiar. Where have I seen that eyepatch?
Having my body back to myself, I made my way to the group.
“Sirius, Paimon, Amber! Are you guys alright?” I asked once I was close enough.
“[Name]! Where have you been?!” Paimon checked her up and down.
“I was eating,” I stated.
“Eat!? At a time like this!? Not even Paimon can stomach food during a disaster!”
“Stormterror…is attacking Mondstadt itself!” Amber was worried. If the dragon were to come back, they don’t know if they can defeat him again. “Kaeya, you came at the right time. We must…”
“Ah-ah, ap. Slow down there, Outrider. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?”
“Oh… Sorry. I got frantic,” she turned to me, “as I explained to Paimon and the Traveler, this is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain.”
The…Traveler? Did Amber forget Sirius’s name?
“This is [Name], she is the Traveler’s and Paimon’s other travel partner.”
“I see. Are you also looking for someone, or are you simply traveling with them?” I felt like an interrogation was going to begin. Are all the Knights like this? Is it in their manual?
“Paimon can tell you! You see, [Name] here lost all her memories, and she’s traveling with us to recover them.”
“I see… I welcome you to Mondstadt too. Even if it’s strange for someone to lose all their memories…”
Is he calling me a liar? I glared at him.
“Haha, relax! I won’t press you for more,” he put up a nice face.
“First and foremost, on behalf of the Knight of Favonius, I would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now,” he thanked Sirius.
“You’re welcome! So…uh… Where’s the reward?”
Seriously? How shameless can you be?
“Y–you can’t just ask to be rewarded for something you willingly did!” Paimon scolded him.
“Ahh… How about a traditional delicacy, is Sticky Honey Roast okay with you?” Kaeya suggested the reward.
“Ouuu, Paimon likes the sound of that!”
“You know that reward isn’t for you, right?” I said to her, and her eyes widened.
“UH? But I did do something!”
“Like what? Float?” I smirked once I saw her stammering.
“Well I, you know…I…I did something…! Like…Oh! I was emotional support!” She gave me the answer with a puffed chest.
I rolled my eyes. And she was the one criticizing me for eating in a storm.
“Now you two, let’s stop fighting. There’ll be enough food for an entire pack of hungry wolves by the end of this. But now is not the right time. The Acting Grand Master of the Knights if Favonius is also very interested in meeting you, and formally invites you both to our headquarters.”
“So, we’re going to meet a big-shot already? Paimon is excited!”
“When did she say she wanted to meet them, Kaeya?” Amber asked.
“As soon as possible,” he responded.
“Then let’s go. We can’t possibly keep her waiting.”
Meeting with the Acting Grand Master? I can skip that, right? I don’t think she would want to meet a girl who’s lost her memories. I thought as I was dragged by Amber, saying the handbook of the Knight of Favonius has strict rules on not being tardy.
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“Is this the Knights of Favonius Headquarters? It’s so big! Paimon never thought she’d get the chance to enter it.”
“Yup!” Amber answered her. “It’s not often that we invite non-knights in.!”
“Then it is a privilege to be welcomed by two astounding knights,” I said with a smile.
“Please, no need for modesty. We are just doing our duty as knights,” Kaeya spoke and gave us a big smile.
If I had to describe him, it would be as a peacock. Such flattery, and a pretty face? I can already see women falling head-over-heels for prince charming over here.
Walking up the main entrance, two guards stand on either side of the doors, keeping guard. The knights, seeing one of their captains, open the door for us.
They are accommodating, even after they’ve just been attacked. +10 points for hospitality.
My good impressions didn’t last long. For what I saw when we crossed those doors was horrific: Knights running around frantically, some citizens complaining, with peppers flying around.
-50 points.
This whole building was a mess. Have they considered hiring a maid? They could really use one.
“We apologies for this unruly sight,” Kaeya sighed just looking at the scene, “This has become the regular ever since Stormterror was spotted a few weeks ago…”
“This is awful… Paimon can’t even imagine how you can all sleep!” She said out of pity.
I think some don’t sleep, Paimon… I thought after I saw a few knights on post bobbing their heads, trying to stay awake. They look like zombies!
“Ah!” Simultaneously, we turned our heads to the noise. A knight had fallen with all the peppers he was holding scattered on the floor.
“Are you okay?! Sorry guys, this is where I leave you,” Amber ran over to help without waiting for a response.
“Yeah…Paimon can tell now why you need our help now.”
“Haha, didn't Amber tell you it was bad?”
“Amber did… Just, not how bad it was,” Sirius commented.
This is a sorry sight to see… I should help them.
“Hey guys, you three should go,” I said to them.
“Are you sure you don’t want in?” Sirius asked.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“If you say so. Well then, Traveler, Paimon. Let’s head to the Acting Grad Master’s office.” They left to adhere to the invitation.
They keep calling him Traveler. Is his name really that difficult to remember?
I placed my attention back to Amber, who had just finished placing the last piece of loose paper in the knight's hand. She turned to me, as she caught me staring.
“[Name]? Why are you still here? Weren’t you supposed to meet with Master Jean?
“I felt like I'll be more useful out here than in there. Besides, I can’t fight, nor do I know anything about this place, so I'll be a total nuisance. Don’t have memories, remember?”
“Ahh, Sorry, if I offended you! I know it must have been very hard, losing all your memories.”
“Haha…no worries. You get used to it.”
Especially if you never lost them to begin with.
“So, what can I do to help?” I asked, ready for whatever chore to be thrown at me.
“Excuse me?” I let out, dumbfounded. “What do you mean, ‘nothing’? I’m sure there is something I can help with.”
“Sorry. What I meant to say, there is nothing you can help with because you are a guess of the knights. It would be highly improper of us to give you something to do! And according to the Knight’s Handbook: ‘When welcoming a guest, one should do everything in their power to not make the guest not do anything.’”
So, I’m basically being called useless in fancy fonts.
“Right…” she panicked a little at my response and thought of something I could do.
“Do, uhh… Do you like reading? We have a library that you could use,” she said pointing at a door I presume to be the entrance to the library. “The librarian isn’t there right now, so you won’t be able to check out a book. B-but! You can certainly read to your heart's content while in there!”
“Hmm, you’re lucky I do enjoy reading,” I said to her, making her wipe a visible sweat from her forehead.
“Great! Let me guide you in.”
We managed to open the library’s door after Dodging multiple knights. She asked if I had something in mind I wanted to read. I asked her if there were any history books in their arsenal. I need to learn the history of this world to pretend I got some memories back. It would be believable if I just didn’t recover them, no questions asked. But, just to be safe.
 Amber reassured me there were plenty of books on history. 
Why wouldn’t there be? This is basically their government. Can we pretend I never said that?
She left me in the section for history downstairs, and told me to knock myself out. There were many things that the knights needed her help with.
I was instructed to leave the books I finished reading at the front desk on the floor above.
Now, I was completely alone in the library.
I wonder how many people would come here when there wasn’t a threat of a dragon. I thought while looking at the columns of books. I need to find one about ancient powers.
“Let’s see… ‘Mondstadt’s Religious History’, no. ‘The Three Clans of Mondstadt’, ‘Old Mondstadt’…‘History of Teyvat’, bingo,” I quickly took it out. I looked around and found a table I could sit on to read.
I skimmed through the first few pages, finding it uninteresting. Until I read a chapter titled: ‘The Archon War’.
The chapter fascinated me. Apparently, there was an era of wars waged between gods, back thousands of years ago for unknown reasons. Talk about power struggles.
Scholars believe it began over the right for seven divine seats. Although the beginning of the war hasn’t been discovered yet, it’s known to have ended five-hundred years ago, when the cataclysm happened.
There were 7 gods remaining after the whole thing ended; the god of freedom, Barbatos; the god of contracts, Morax, or Rex Lapis; the god of eternity, the Shogun of Inazuma, Baal; the current god of knowledge, Lesser Lord Kusanali, or Buer; the god of justice, Furina; the god of war, Murata; and lastly, the god of love, the Tsaritsa; all coinciding with seven nations, which they have dominion over.
They all have demon names… Are they perhaps… I shake the thought of. Don’t need to play detective. I don’t need to know more than necessary. Remember [Name], you are a girl who lost her memories. Play the part!
“Dear me. You look like you don’t like what you’ve read,” a voice said from beside me.
“Ah! No, that’s not it. I just haven't read this part befor—” my throat closed.
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(Trying out new brushes. Still haven't found my art style yet).
That face… I have seen this face..! It can’t be… But how..?! No… no, it can’t be…
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In a place not far from the city…
“Paimon wonders how [Name] is doing… Do you think she ate something weird and has a stomach ache, and doesn’t want to tell us?!”
“I don’t think she’s the type of person to eat weird foods…” Sirius commented and looked to the sky.
But…I do have the feeling she is keeping something from us… I’m sure she’ll tell us eventually.
“You two! Hurry up! We have a few more rooms to check out before I mark this Temple as completed!” Amber yelled from across the room.
They went to Amber. They had been in the temple since morning dew, yet haven’t finished exploring the whole place.
“Just how big is this temple!? It’s been hours! And Paimon is hungry!” She stopped the air. Paimon has been doing nothing but complaining, and her monologues were getting a bit frustrating.
“Don’t worry, Paimon. We need to check three more rooms before we head back,” Amber said as she took out the map of the temple.
“B-but, Paimon has not eaten since breakfast!” She sulked as her stomach growled.
“How about this, I’ll take you to Good Hunters to get a Sweet Madam if you can power through these rooms!”
“Really?!” Paimon’s eyes sparkled.
Amber nodded.
“Then what are we waiting for?” she flew into the next room, “the faster we finish, the faster Paimon will get food!”
Sirius and Amber looked at each other and giggled, running after Paimon.
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @udretlnea, @taurus-caeli, @humongousoperatorhairdoopera, @aesir1, @creationmage, @savedpostsnotmain, @melanistium, @dontlookatmepreetyplease. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for The Divine City: Story. Back to The Divine City: Story Master-List.
Go to Arcs, a related series.
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gatheredfates · 3 months
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Hello everyone! 🐋 It's Friday here, just before the Live Letter, so I thought I'd whip out a small Compendium update before it gets crazy!
There's not that much this week but, with Dawntrail, so close, I'm not worried — I'm sure I'll be swamped with people coming back very soon. With that in mind, however, as of today (06/14), the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Pride Backlighting Tutorial — Do you want to see your characters awash in the colours of Pride? Maybe you just want some cool backlighting behind them? @whitherwanderer has put together a guide for you!
We're a Tumblr Community now! For people unfamiliar with the concept of Communities, I encourage you to check out the tumblr post by staff made about them here. However, copy/pasting what I have written in the Compendium, the Community functions as so:
SEAFLOOR (A FFXIV Community) is a Tumblr community whose duel-purpose focuses on my projects — the Compendium, question drives and screenshot events — whilst also reblogging member created works, resources (including events, commissions and looking for content/roleplay/free company posts), affirmations and other xiv-related content. If you are interested in supporting my projects without the social aspect of a Discord, I highly encourage you to join the Community. Everything hosted on the Discord will be cross-posted there; you will not miss out on anything. As Communities are still in beta, members need to be manually invited. If you would like to join, please like the tumblr post here. Once Communities are out of beta, I will remove this section to better reflect its true public status.
I'm hoping the Community will function as a member-curated dash, resource hub and visual diary for my projects and member created works. There are no hard feelings if you want to leave the Discord and only join the Community. Please do what makes you comfortable!
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Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here or send me an ask with the relevant information!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🦈
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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sseniita · 11 months
hero; never learned how to drive
“Ever thought about retirement?”
“We don’t get that luxury.”
Hero glanced at the expensive car she was sitting in. Spotless and shiny. She noticed Villain’s silver watch, also seemingly expensive. 
“What luxuries can I have? I’ve never even driven a car.” 
Villain noticed the undertone. 
“I inherited this car from my father. It’s sentimental.”
“You hated your dad.” she sneered. Villain chuckled. 
Hero continued staring out the window. She felt annoyed at the frost growing on the window for a second until she realised she wouldn’t be able to see anything in the pitch black darkness anyway. She imagined the mountains that must’ve been there and flying past them, then she imagined how it must feel to want to fly and not be able to. She smiled. 
“You think…” she hesitated. “if I lost my powers they’d fire me?” 
“Mm. They’d probably keep you. Like a mascot of sorts. Maybe build a statue.” He said, nonchalantly. “Maybe in front of city hall,” he added. Enticingly. 
“I’d like a statue. Maybe in solid gold.” 
“You’d be lucky to get bronze if you lose a leg or something.” 
“What if I died?” 
Villain stood quiet. Hero waited for an answer. The motor was making a funny noise. 
“What do you mean what if?”
“Well. I’d like to retire.” Hero decided. Rather quickly. 
Villain’s mood was something tricky to read. Over the years Hero had become fluent in deciphering it, but she always imagined it wasn’t her becoming fluent- rather it was him speaking her language. Regardless, both options suggested some sort of intimacy Hero and Villain quietly shared and one that Hero held pride in.
Hero decided she was feeling particularly lucky tonight. “Ya! You could come too! I was thinking we could start with a European museum trip for me. Maybe visit Japan for you. We’ll end up on the beach somewhere in Cuba-”
“Cut that out.” he interrupted. Hero noticed the slight stressful swerve of the car, but kept the lightness to her tone.
 “Don’t like my plan?” 
“I don’t like this game.” 
“What game?” 
“This one. You. Playing with the idea that you and I won't forever be what we are.” 
“And what am I?” 
“A hero.” 
“I hope not at 50.”
“You won’t make it to 50. Maybe at around 38 you’ll have a battle and die bravely and honourably in an impressive way as you save the planet-” 
“-then will I get my statue?” 
They continued quietly down the road. The sound of the car getting increasingly more present, Villain’ knuckles, getting progressively more white on the steering wheel. Finally, once they turned on the main road and the streetlights reappeared, they stopped. Villain got out of the car. He opened the passenger seat and signalled Hero to get out. She did. 
“You know I can fly, right? Deserting me here won’t do any-” Villain offered her the car keys. 
“You drive.” 
Before Hero could argue her body betrayed her and she already had a huge smile plastered on her face and the car keys in her hand. She should have caught onto the driving manual really quick, she was always a quick learner. But she couldn’t help but love the feeling of Villain’s hand on hers as he guided her through the gears five times over. Villain was uncharacteristically patient tonight.  
These were the pair’s favourite type of night. Of course, they’d both enjoyed drunken escapades, scheming all-nighters, and undercover missions, but rare occasions of dreadfully boring mundane activities were the best. It gave Hero a chance to play a normal woman- in this case: a normal woman learning to drive. And it gave the Villain a chance to catch a glimpse of how it could have been if they had met under different circumstances. 
The night ended, as per instructions of the Villain, by crashing the car into a ditch and the long walk back to town, side by side.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Im curious about what is cannon and fannon in the AC fandom. Ive read many different origins for the scar Desmond has, but most people go with Bill being the one to give it to him. Is this because its cannon from a little known source(similiar to the fact that Altaïr can swim, as seen in the 3ds games, but most people make him unable to swim despite the fact) or is it widely accepted fannon? What about Masyaf castle? Ive read some fics about it being an Abstergo facility with the Templars having opened the Library, while others write it is just been left to time. And ofc cant forget Eagle Vision. Is it a unique ability to Altaïr only? Did his father have it too? Did every novice have to master it before becoming an assassin?
There could be others, but these are the facts that im mostly curious about. Thank you for answering. ^^
So I’m gonna break this into sections so I don’t have to think about scene transition or whatever rambling equivalent that has.
Altaïr Can Swim
We all accept that he can’t swim because that’s funny. However, if we take into consideration how Altaïr can swim as seen in his ‘sequel’, this is pretty much the complete opposite of “Altaïr has never been hit” status that he has in the fandom. They both causes desyncing so if we believe in “Altaïr has never been hit” then it’s not that Altaïr can’t swim, it’s that “Altaïr never slipped or fell into the waters” which actually points more to Altaïr being a badass. But we decided that Altaïr not being able to swim is a much funnier idea and went to town with it XD
Bill Being The Reason Desmond Has His Scar
Okay, so ngl, I also liked to write that Bill is the reason Desmond has a scar, either directly or indirectly (I mostly go for indirectly with another kid being the reason why he has a scar but Bill was there ‘supervising’), mostly because I like the plot point that getting the scar is the thing that finally snaps Desmond and got him to leave the Farm ‘randomly’.
Anyway, the canon/fanon blur a lot in this one as there are enough people that believe Bill made the scar as seen by this post.
My thoughts on that is pretty much summarized in the tags I left in that one:
#wait it's official? #or did we as a fandom just collectively saw how bill treated desmond and went #ah yes he's why desmond has that scar #seriously i hc it and it makes sense narratively for bill to be the reason why desmond has a scar #whether from training or by accident #but i don't remember it being even implied in any games #especially in ac rev where it could have easily been added in
To add to that, I’m talking about AC Revelations specifically because of Desmond’s rant in an early scene where he finally shouts at Bill for being a bad father. That was the perfect time to just drop that bombshell of Bill being the reason why Desmond has his scar but we didn’t get that. That’s the main reason why I don’t think it’s canon that Bill is the reason why Desmond got his scar but there’s 3 more scenes in AC Revelations where he could have talked about it, all of them from Desmond’s memories scenes.
I also talked about how I couldn’t find any evidence of Bill being the reason that Desmond got his scar in this post.
But the summary is I tried looking for any information about it in the books, pamphlet, manuals and references I had (I say ‘had’ because I had to leave them back in my old home after I moved due to space constraints TTATT), only focusing on any mentions of Desmond and Bill
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition Art Book (p40-41)
Assassin's Creed The Complete Visual History (p290 -292) - p291 has the line "... Desmond's father, William, adds an element of family drama..." calling it family drama sounds like an understatement considering how Bill and Desmond act around each other
Assassin's Creed The Essential Guide (p14, 66, 161, 218-219, 236, 238, 240) - this book is so weird. P218 says that Bill and Gavin shared the mentor role after the Great Purge, p237 says that only Bill took the mentor role (but didn't call himself the mentor) after the Great Purge
Assassin's Creed Atlas (p159, 165)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (White Version) (p18, 158-183)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (White Version - JP ver) (p18, 158-183)
Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia (Black Version - JP ver) (p17, 113-127) - The Black Version is an older version, only going as far as AC Revelations + The Fall comics, The White Version has up to 3 + Liberation
No mentions at all about Desmond's relationship with Bill in the following:
That short game manual that's inside the game disc for AC1-AC3 (JP ver)
Assassin's Creed Reference Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed Perfect Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed 2 Reference Guide (JP)
Assassin's Creed Archive Book (JP)
In conclusion:
The most I got can be summarized from Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia, p182
"... driven, intelligent but emotionally distant father of Desmond Miles..." " ... technically minded man, fully devoted to the Assassins and their cause, whose passion for politics outweighs his responsibility to his family. While William's wife has always been able to deal with this emotional distance, young Desmond could not. Eventually he grew to feel that his father was more of a drill sergeant than a parent and fled the compound, despite his parents' repeated warnings to never leave."
If Bill did directly or indirectly cause Desmond's scar, I could not find it in the official books I have or even on Desmond's or Bill's AC Wiki page.
Unless someone can point out where it officially states that Bill caused Desmond's scar, I believe the whole "Bill is the reason for Desmond's scar" is AC fandom's own Mandela Effect. Most probably something that started as a headcanon (and for a very good reason) and is commonly used by fanfic writers (including me) which has evolved as a Word of Dante that we, as a collective, have mistaken as a Word of God.
Masyaf’s Current Situation
There’s no official note of the current situation of Masyaf in the modern days and I think Ubisoft would probably not do anything about it narrative-wise… I’d honestly be surprised if they did anything about it if they make an AC1 Remake. Now, it’s a bit nebulous if the Templars did manage to get the library but it should be noted that the last time we see Altaïr’s Apple, Ezio let it stay in the library and the ACR novel gave us:
“The bookshop was used as an outpost for the Assassins, and Ezio stored the Masyaf Keys in the chamber where he had found the first key, underneath the bookshop.”
If the Templars got into the bookshop then they’ll find all the keys and would have everything they needed to get into the library.
The Apple would find itself in the hands of Queen Elizabeth I and Mahatma Gandhi before falling into Templar hands.
As far as I can see, Queen Elizabeth I isn’t a Templar so it’s highly possible that the British Empire did their usual ‘finders keepers’ thing and this wasn’t a nefarious Templar plan. So either Ezio got the Apple out of Masyaf and hid it somewhere else that would later be found by someone (maybe John Dee?) or Ezio… just left it in Masyaf?
I wanna give Ezio the benefit of the doubts and believe that he knew leaving it in Masyaf would be such a bad idea so the Apple was most probably transferred somewhere else.
Which means that Masyaf was completely abandoned by the end of Ezio’s era which Ezio would have believed be something that Altaïr wanted to happen.
I realized now I’m rambling further and further away from the actual topic for this section.
In conclusion: we have no idea if Masyaf is abandoned or occupied by the Templars in modern day. I will also add if it’s occupied by Templars, it might be a secret ‘base’ or it’s affiliated with a non-Abstergo Entertainment section of Abstergo because, as far as I can see, Abstergo Entertainment’s headquarters are based on existing Ubisoft headquarters (ex: Black Flag’s Abstergo Entertainment is in Montreal = Ubisoft Montreal)
Personally, I think that Abstergo would take over Masyaf castle either officially or unofficially as a way to show the Brotherhood how they hold one of the most important locations in their history. That’s the kind of power play the current Inner Sanctum would do.
(It would be funny in a ‘that’s fucked up’ kind of way if Masyaf is an Abstergo secret facility that does experimental work with captured Assassins as guinea pigs which they have done in the Philadelphia facility (Fall comics) and Madrid (AC Movie))
Eagle Vision
It was actually never explicitly stated who had Eagle Vision and who hadn’t but it’s noted that humans, in general, have the capability to unlock Eagle Vision although there are humans who has an easier time unlocking it.
AC1 noted that the Levantine Assassins knew about Altaïr’s Eagle Vision but there’s no evidence to suggest that they have it as well. Most of the time, they just tell Altaïr to use his vision without saying if they have it as well or not.
(it’s just personal preference to write that 12th century Assassins, both in Masyaf and Alamut, would have some form of Eagle Vision to show how much the Brotherhood had ‘fallen’ in the modern day. Canon actually points that only a small number of people can access Eagle Vision)
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I’ve been putting this off for a while and I need to discuss Taweret! Let’s go! 
So who is Taweret. (Disclaimer: I am not an expert on Egyptology or mythology in relation, I’ve only done a little research). 
Taweret is a goddess that gained increasing power and placement throughout Ancient history. 
She is described as having the head of a Hippopotamus, arms/paws of a lion, and tail and legs of a crocodile. 
That is one strong and fierce combination. They looked around Egypt and went, “What is the scariest things we have out here?” 
So what is her place? Fertility and Rejuvenation (Goddess of pure water from the nile). Okay, They loved that shit back then. Makes sense. 
Oh, and Protector of Women and Children. 
It was common to find pictures of her around the homes of new born babies and young children. She was painted on their cups and plates, had little statues placed near their cribs. 
She was fierce and terrifying. She was meant to protect the children from illness and ill intent. She was motherly and protective. She kept harm from them and the family. It was believed that if you raised a hand to your child or wife, you would face Taweret. 
So what DOES happen in the afterlife? Where does Taweret fall into play? 
When you died, you came before a series of judges who would ask you questions. (Book of the Dead was an instruction manual filled with how you were supposed to answer these questions, as well as spells to help keep you true). 
Once you answered the questions your heart was weighed against the feather of Ma’at. If your scales did not balance, you were fed to Ammit. If your scales are balanced, you would be welcomed to the afterlife by Osiris. 
In the afterlife, you were given a plot of land to do with as you wished and expected to maintain it. It was filled with abundance and everything you could need to be happy and good of heart (including worship of the gods). It was supposed to reflect the world that they had left behind (hence taking all your things with you in death that brought you joy in life). 
So what place did Taweret have in the afterlife? 
Taweret held the role of funerary deity. She was in charge of rebirth and passing into the afterlife. She became the center of homes in the New Kingdom, becoming related to life-giving regeneration, rebirth, and purifying. 
At times, she was seen as the opposite of Ammit, who was the devourer of the impure soul and path to darkness. Taweret was nourishment and aid to those in need. 
So in the Moon Knight show, the ways of the old world have fallen into the past and current gods/goddesses just kinda watch and don’t do anything. MANY of the old gods/goddesses are imprisoned for not following the rules one way or another. Others are banished (Khonshu). 
It’s easy to believe that with important gods being banished/imprisoned, their duties had to be filled by others. It’s easy to think that the one that was supposed to be on the boat got themselves imprisoned and the next closest thing was tossed into the job with a little guide book. 
She has a guide book with a speech and rules. She doesn’t really seem to be familiar with her role or how to carry it out. Or perhaps, she isn’t familiar with D.I.D situations. A soul arrives and she expects one and is met with two. Do the rules still apply? Does she still do the same thing? Will she blow them up when she tries to remove their hearts or are they going to be fine? 
Marc does not understand Egyptian Mythology. At all. This boy be skating by with “Egypt for dummies” folded up in his back pocket with the first page highlighted and then he figured he’d get around to reading the rest later.  
As Avatar to Khonshu, he’s tossed into an afterlife not meant for him and an afterlife he does not understand. 
What is more, Marc is so estranged from his own culture and religion that he is in spiritual distress. He knows what is supposed to happen. What he was told and taught to happen. 
And here he is faced with a situation he doesn’t understand in the slightest. This further highlights how lost Marc is. He is so hurt and broken up inside that he believes that he isn’t even worthy of his own Jewishness. 
He killed people. He did terrible things. He was beaten and blamed for the death of his brother. He was taught to hate his life and himself. He tried to take his own life most likely more than once. He wasn’t even worthy of death as Khonshu kept bringing him back. 
This brings us to Steven. Emotional protector and Spiritual protector. Steven not only understands what death means in relation to his Judaism, but he knows Egyptology. He KNOWS the gods and goddesses. He knows the book of the dead forward and backwards. He’s probably read it in three different languages. 
So when Taweret shows up, how does Steven explain who she is to Marc? 
“This is Taweret, goddess of women and children!” 
That’s an interesting breakdown for all that Taweret does. Especially with all that Steven knows she does. And she is kind and gentle with them. She gives them chances, tries to welcome them, even fights for them. She even reaches out to Layla on their behalf. 
One has to wonder if she learned their story and, though she did not understand it, she felt for them. A child that needed help and protection and did not receive it. 
Is it possible that out of all the gods, one that was most fitting for them was sent to be their guide on the boat? 
Is it possible that Steven, the protector, was the one that somehow chose the one to greet and ultimately judge them? 
If Ammit was a representation of their mother, then is it not fitting that Taweret, the one of purity and rebirth and protection, would be the one to meet them? 
Now as others have pointed out, this is not where they are supposed to be. There is no representation of ‘heaven’ meant for them and the notion of Steven being left behind healing Marc is a pretty bad one. 
With Jeremy Slater writing, it was a rough go of what happened. However, I choose to see where Diab, who is NOT Christian (as far as I am aware please correct me if I am mistaken) took us visually. He isn’t Jewish either, but he is Egyptian and telling an Egyptian story. 
At this point, they are dead and they are trapped in an afterlife that isn’t theirs and doesn’t make sense to them culturally. Marc my sweet idiot man takes ‘Field of reeds’ literally. 
Much like Vallhalla’s field of wheat, it is a large quiet peaceful afterlife filled with joy, celebration, and life. Even on the ancestral plane with Black Panther, it is a beautiful place but there is MORE there. So much more. 
Marc just finds himself in an empty field. Just a big ‘ol field full of nothing. Because he does not understand where he is! 
“Okay, I’m supposed to go somewhere peaceful in a field.” And it’s beautiful, and it is peaceful, but it’s very literal. 
And Taweret is just like, alright. I saw your life and it was full of rage and violence and hate and pain. This must be what you want I guess? Isn’t it nice? It’s pretty quiet and alone here. You must have wanted to be alone because of the whole D.I.D thing I guess? 
She doesn’t really understand what’s going on either. This isn’t really it, but this is the first time she’s really come across this situation. 
Taweret: Your heart is full. Your journey is over.
Marc: It's so... quiet.
Taweret: The peace you've always wanted but never had. You're manifesting it. No danger. No loneliness or hurt.
Marc: What about Steven?
Taweret: He's gone, Marc. The Duat has him. Please enjoy your peace.
Marc: We need to go back for him.
Taweret: It doesn't work like that. Leave here, and you can't return. Anyway, you don't need him anymore, Marc.
Marc: So I get to go on to eternal peace, and he just... stays lost in the sand forever? No, I'm not good with that.
It isn’t full. We can see it. He’s clutching it and it looks empty. And Marc knows this is not it. There is no Hell in his belief. He just sees Steven as being trapped somewhere he isn’t supposed to be. It’s Marc’s nature to help people. And Steven helped him. Steven protected him. 
So yeah, it’s been covered before. He leaves. There are whole metas out there (Love you @fdelopera ) about this part and I recommend you go look up the Jewish perspective because it’s beautiful. 
But I want to focus again on Taweret. 
Marc goes back, the heart glows pure and true and full with Steven there to help fill it, and Osiris opens the gate back. 
But she isn’t done. 
One of the rituals of funerary rites is to replace the heart with a golden scarab with a spell written across it that helps to guide the soul while they are being judged. It helps keep them true and pure. Keeps them a good person. 
Taweret sends a Scarab to save them and fight along them. A protector of women and children to shield them. 
So why was Taweret on the boat? Do you think Steven had anything to do with it? Do you think Marc subconsciously knew what he needed as a child? Someone to save them? Do you think she just so happened to have gotten the job as a toss up and then saw two small boys in need of help? 
She could have just judged them right then and there and tossed them off. She didn’t have to give them time. 
Do you think she knew the whole time that Marc needed to make that choice to go back? That he would always have made that choice? That it was Steven that needed to know that Marc would come back for him? That Steven needed to find his own purpose as the protector? 
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kidcapes · 11 months
Shin Megami Tensei's Canon Ending
Happy 31st birthday to Shin Megami Tensei (10/30)!
To celebrate, I made a video called "Shin Megami Tensei's Canon Ending" investigating the events between SMT1 and 2 and discussing the evidence for the popular fan-theory that the Neutral route is the canon ending to the original Shin Megami Tensei.
For the video, I had a short Q&A interview with ATLUS contractor  Nobuyuki Shioda, who's worked on several MegaTen books since 1992 to see his opinion on the topic. If you're interested, I'll be posting that discussion below.
I'd recommend watching the video before coming to any conclusion based on the following information. The interview was premised around me just going over all of the evidence that points to Neutral being the canon route before asking his opinion on the topic, so there's no mention of any counter-evidence in this discussion. This will also feature minor spoilers for SMT1, 2, and Raidou 1. ——————————————————————————————————
I’m not familiar with the Japanese fanbase, but the Western fanbase generally considers the Neutral route to be the only SMT1 ending that could lead directly to SMT2. 
This idea is largely based on story events introduced by SMT2. Its manual talks about how between the events of SMT1 and before the Messians gained power, Tokyo was a free society where both Messians and Gaeans were welcome. 
In SMT2 Game Boy Advance's Visionary Items, the character Madam's butler talks about having a master who was opposed to the Center and helped build Valhalla. This is assumed to be referring to the Hero, SMT1’s protagonist. In the original game, he has a statue dedicated to him in the Valhalla Colosseum and Madam is shown to work with Cerberus, the Hero's pet demon. 
Later, in "Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army" in the Akarana Corridor, there is a spirit in the year 203X who says, “Thank goodness for the unification. My wife was a Messiah [Messian], y’know. We owe a lot to that schoolboy with the gadget on his arm, who defeated all the gods and demons.” This mention of God and the devil may be referring to Law and Chaos. 
Finally, there is an English guide for Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne titled “Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Official Strategy Guide” that contains a detailed history of the series which says: “It [SMT2] presumes a world where the original game’s protagonist took a Neutral alignment and founded a utopian society whose citizens were free to follow whatever beliefs they chose.” However, when I went to check the Japanese version of this guide, this entire section of the book was missing.
This is all of the evidence I can think of that points towards a possible “true” Neutral ending for SMT1 into SMT2.
——What’s your initial opinion of the idea that Neutral has to be the route that the SMT1 Hero chose which led to SMT2?
“Since Neutral is presented in a way that can be easily perceived as a so-called ‘true ending,’ it is probably only ‘theoretically possible’ that the sequel is an extension of it.”
——Do you think this evidence points towards the Neutral route making the most sense?
“As mentioned above, it is likely that regardless of whether or not the story of SMT1 ends 'in the extreme', it would have stabilized in a way that would lead to SMT2, even if the outcome appeared to be different at the end of SMT1. Likely, whether or not it ‘makes sense’ is a low priority.”
——If you agree with the previous question, why do you personally think the staff would've chosen this?
“I believe that each staff member has different views. However, I suppose they might consider it ‘undesirable’ to announce it in an official statement.”
——In MegaTen Maniacs, what did the writer mean by “royal road” [王道] in this passage: 
“If the existence that created the world is lost, the survival of that world would undoubtedly be called into question, but it can be said that daring to do so and opening up the future with one's own hands is the “royal road” to take in the story. However, the route structure of ‘MegaTen,’ which branches off into ‘Law,’ ‘Neutral,’ and ‘Chaos,’ is a severe constraint that prevents the story from being summed up in terms of the “royal road” alone. For example, although the ideal model of the Neutral route may end up on the “royal road,” an ending that is biased toward Law or Chaos would be unacceptable from the player's perspective unless a ‘different ideal’ can be presented.”  
How is Neutral similar to this “royal road”?
“The term ‘royal road’ is used as a general pattern of storytelling in ‘other (non-MegaTen)’ RPGs. I think that the form of story that the creators wanted to write is close to ‘royal road’ as the ‘ideal model’ of what should be presented.”
——If Neutral can be viewed as the ideal route, can we assume that the SMT1 Hero chose it?
“Although it is an imaginative story, and not everyone will agree with it, being unbiased is a kind of virtue, and even Buddhism respects it by calling it the ‘Middle Way,’* which I understand is appropriate for a protagonist.”
——In MegaTen Maniacs, you mentioned that you could not comment on what ending the Hero chose in SMT1. Did you have a specific reason for saying this?
“‘MegaTen Maniacs’ is an official book, but it can be said that in Japan it is difficult to appreciate this kind of content in a text. This is especially true for such a young culture as video games. I also think that ATLUS did not have enough time to examine this writing (mainly due to the lateness of my manuscript), given the limited time available for publication. In that sense, these texts are my texts that I wrote. They may be officially approved considerations, but they are not identical to what the production staff had in mind.
To answer your question, I could say that 'it was better without it,' but since the book was a publication of material that allows players to understand that such points were considered in the production process, I believe they would have deeper gaming experience if they were to play the game again with that understanding.”
——In Ayakashi Monthly Special Final Issue, a comment on the Nocturne draft mentions that SMT2 is a parallel world to SMT1. It is sometimes said that if... or Devil Summoner and Persona are parallel worlds to SMT1. Is this a similar scenario to those games? 
However, I can also see this statement metaphorically referencing ATLUS staff explaining about how SMT2's setting was purposefully meant to be vaguely set after SMT1. 
What is your opinion on the idea that SMT2 is in a parallel world of SMT1?
“This one had a generous editing period, and Atlus also took the time to check the text on top of the content checks by ‘Famitsu,’ which was also editing the book.
From the viewpoint of game development, describing it as 'parallel' means that it can be influenced by the actions of the player. This is what the use of 'parallel' means in this text, and is separate from a parallel in the narrative itself. The expression 'SMT2 is a parallel world to SMT1' has been used in promotional materials since the release of SMT2 on the SNES, and I also use it in my articles, but I think it means that SMT2 can accommodate any state of personal swing** [or outcome chosen] by a SMT1 player.”
——If we assume that it's specifically the Neutral ending of SMT1 that actually led to SMT2 based on the previous statements, do you think that this retroactively makes Neutral the "true" ending for SMT1?
“Close to it, I would say. Not completely, perhaps. I think it is something that has never existed in the history of Japanese game software.”
——What opinion concerning SMT1's "true" ending do you see the most among the Japanese fanbase?
“I think the majority of Japanese players see a 'True End' as a 'longer (in a sense) and more compelling ('favorable') ending' than the other endings. In that sense, I think SMT1's Neutral route meets the criteria. It is also, even if not consciously, the 'Middle Way'. I think that many players who enjoy MegatTen like to think about the significance of such works, but I don't think that there are many who exchange and examine their opinions (each Megaten fan may have their own unique interpretation).”
——Just to clarify, do you have any opinion on how a canon route for SMT1 may relate to those specific quotes from SMT2 or Raidou 1?
“Raidou 1 is cleverly made, but I don't think it's anything more than one part of the multiverse, as it was retroactively added to the initial conception of the narrative framework. 
SMT2 is also a story that was considered from the beginning to some extent, but changes occurred during its production, so fundamentally, there is no perfect continuity. 
It can be said that there is no such thing.”
* The Middle Way is a Buddhist concept that preaches moderation in everything as the key to enlightenment. This is referenced in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse by Stephen. **  The word used here is 振れ幅, which means imprecision or variance, so when he says “personal variables” he’s essentially referring to someone's headcanon or fan-theory.
Original Text
——What’s your initial opinion of the idea that Neutral has to be the route that the SMT1 Hero chose which led to SMT2?
「 Neutralはいわゆる「真のエンディング」と捉えやすい形で提示されているため、続編がその延長線上にあるというのは、「理論的に可能」ということに過ぎないのではないでしょうか。」
——Do you think this evidence points towards the Neutral route making the most sense?
「 前述したように、SMT1の物語は「極論すれば」どう終わったとしても、SMT1の終わりの時点では異なるエンディングに見えても、SMT2に繋がる形に落ち着いていた、とも考えられます。恐らく、「理にかなっている」かどうかは価値観の順列としては低いのではないのでしょうか。」
——If you agree with the previous question, why do you personally think the staff would've chosen this?
——In MegaTen Maniacs, what did the writer mean by “royal road” [王道] in this passage: 
“If the existence that created the world is lost, the survival of that world would undoubtedly be called into question, but it can be said that daring to do so and opening up the future with one's own hands is the “royal road” to take in the story. However, the route structure of ‘MegaTen,’ which branches off into ‘Law,’ ‘Neutral,’ and ‘Chaos,’ is a severe constraint that prevents the story from being summed up in terms of the “royal road” alone. For example, although the ideal model of the Neutral route may end up on the “royal road,” an ending that is biased toward Law or Chaos would be unacceptable from the player's perspective unless a ‘different ideal’ can be presented.”  
How is Neutral similar to this “royal road”?
「王道という言葉は、一般的な「他の(メガテン以外の)」RPGにおける物語のパターンという意味で使っています。制作者たちの書きたかった物語の形が、提示すべき「理想形」として「王道」に近いのだと思っています。 」
——If Neutral can be viewed as the ideal route, can we assume that the SMT1 Hero chose it?
「 イメージ的な話で誰にでもそれが好ましいというわけではあせんが、偏りがないことは一種の美徳ではあり、仏教でも中道と呼んで尊重するところがあり、主人公としてふさわしいと理解できます。」
——In MegaTen Maniacs, you mentioned that you could not comment on what ending the Hero chose in SMT1. Did you have a specific reason for saying this?
——In Ayakashi Monthly Special Final Issue, a comment on the Nocturne draft mentions that SMT2 is a parallel world to SMT1. It is sometimes said that if... or Devil Summoner and Persona are parallel worlds to SMT1. Is this a similar scenario to those games? 
However, I can also see this statement metaphorically referencing ATLUS staff explaining about how SMT2's setting was purposefully meant to be vaguely set after SMT1. 
What is your opinion on the idea that SMT2 is in a parallel world of SMT1?
「 こちらの方が編集期間には余裕があって、テキストについても編集をしている「ファミ通」の内容チェックの上で、アトラスさんも時間をかけてチェックをされています。
——If we assume that it's specifically the Neutral ending of SMT1 that actually led to SMT2 based on the previous statements, do you think that this retroactively makes Neutral the "true" ending for SMT1?
「 それに近い、とは言えるでしょう。完全に、ではないかもしれません。たぶん、日本のゲームソフトの歴史の上にはなかったものだと思います。」
——What opinion concerning SMT1's "true" ending do you see the most among the Japanese fanbase?
「日本人のプレイヤーの大半は、『トゥルーエンド』は他のエンドよりも「(ある意味)長く、説得力のある(好ましい)エンディング」といった考え方と理解していると思います。そういう意味で真IのNEUTRALは条件に合致していると思います。意識してはいなかったとしても、「中道」であることもです。メガテンを好むフレイヤ―はそういった作品の意味性について考えることが好きな方も多いと思いますが、意見を交換したり考察したりする人は少ないと思います(メガテンのファンは、それぞれ独自の解釈をしているかもしれませんね)。 」
——Just to clarify, do you have any opinion on how a canon route for SMT1 may relate to those specific quotes from SMT2 or Raidou 1?
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its-my-whump · 5 months
Medwhump May- Day 9 Alt 15
Broken bones
Tw: absolutely no medical accuracy, sorry, seizing, cpr, being ventilated
Part 9 (all others here)
Her o2 stats were rapidly decreasing, while her heart was picking up speed much too fast. It almost was, like she had long surpassed trachycadia and her heart seemed to be trying to compete against a starting jet.
"Hold on, hunny!" The doctor almost barked at his seizing patient pushing the syringe in her port. His big hand held her trembling left arm down, so that her skin turned white, where his fingers digged into her flesh. He pushed the plunger down all the way.
A short, but big male nurse had already pulled the nasal cannula from under her nose and just took a hold of the valve bag another nurse was handing over.
The machines were screaming, her heartbeat overturning itself. But her upper chest was hardly moving by itself anymore. The doctor had his stethoscop in his ears, right after he let go of her arm. His big handprint still clearly visible on her shaking body.
The mask of the vavle bag was put over her mouth and nose and the male nurse squeezed, but her ribs wouldn't really expand. "Fuck!"
The chest piece of the stethoscop was moved around, but the doctor's expression just confirmed her decreasing state. He frownd and ordered his staff to keep epinephrine standing by and get the defi ready. "We need to intubate now and get me an OR ready stat!" He barked. A small blond nurse turned on her heels and ran out to organise the operation room.
He pulled the stethoscope out of his ears and put it back around his neck.
Everybody was tensely staring at the violently shaking body for a brief moment, hoping that the diazepam would stop her from seizing, while the grey haired nurse handed her male colleague the laryngoscope.
The fast drumming of her head, hands and heals on the metaltable noticeably slowed, while the short man was already pushing the et tube down her throat.
The screaming sounds of the equipment were filling the room for another few seconds, then she just feel still.
The hectic jumbling zigzag on the heartmonitor fell to a horizontal line.
All staff jumped into gear without an obvious command. The male nurse had started to squeeze the ambu bag, now attached to the et tube in her windpipe. But her ribs wouldn't move upwards.
A tall young nurse straightened her arms and interlocked her fingers. The bruised landmark on the lifeless woman's sternum guided her hands, which she instantly pressed down into her chest. Even though, the blond nurse was tall, she needed to lean forward quiet a bit to summon the needed force and strength to manually pump the unmoving heart by caving the young lady's ribs in.
The grey haired nurse, that was there, when the lady started seizing, was already pushing epinephrine into the IV line in her left arm.
Ribs being bend in, hands and feet were pushed up against gravity, as her shoulders left the table by every forceful push. Not even half through the round of compressions, a rib shifted again and audibly broke under the tall woman's hands. She huffed astonished, but kept going, as if nothing had happened.
The young man to the patients right, was squeezing the vavle bag every few seconds, but her chest hardly expanded. Her o2 stats not climbing from that devastation low number.
The tall nurse finished her round of compressions and pulled her hands away. She was already out of breath, desperately looking at the monitor, before the doc even could demand a status check.
Nothing. The flateline stayed. "Epinephrine followed by anthrophine." The voice of the man in charge echoed through the room.
He looked at the tall nurse and the short man right after. "Change!"
The man handed her the ambu bag, so she could take it and continue to bag the young woman from the other side of the bed, while he was just about to lay his interlocked fingers on her sternum. Dark bruises in the middle of her chest from her last resuscitation were already there, new red ones had started to form at the edges of at least a few cracked ribs.
The male nurse was smaller then his tall colleague, but his arms were strong and the lifeless lady's ribcage started to carve in harshly.
Another rib just broke, but he kept going.
Until he reached the full 30 compressions, the sound of cracking or breaking ribs repeated itself a few times.
"Status?" The doctor yelled, when the nurse had finished, his strong hands stayed on her lifeless upper body. He could already feel her chest shaking under his hands, before someone even spoke up. "We got a shockable rhythm!"
"Lets roll!" The doc barked and with a more soothing, but still loud tone, he added. "You're not dying today, hunny!"
My masterlist
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