#mara shush already
maranull · 6 months
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i miss her
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talktonytome · 21 days
For @meibhin who requested bucktommy first christmas together, hope you like this take!
“So, what Christmas traditions did you have growing up?” Evan asks him. He’s already typing in the notes app of his phone and Tommy shakes his head fondly. It’s their first Christmas together and Evan’s determined to make it perfect. 
Tommy doesn’t tell him that as long as they get to be together, it will be perfect for him. He thinks back to the Christmases of his childhood, bouncing back and forth between his parents, getting stuck at the airport the one time and it being oddly happy, because at least there was no yelling and a nice family who got stuck in the storm adopted him for the night and gifted him an airplane book from the airport bookstore. 
He blows out a breath through his nose. “Holidays weren’t exactly… happy occasions growing up.” He shrugs trying to play it off, but Evan gives him a look that says he understands. There’s no pity or “I’m sorry”, just love and understanding. 
“Do you have any happy Christmas memories? What about your extended family, there must be something right?” 
Tommy thinks for a minute and is transported to holidays at his nonna’s. He hardly spent actual Christmas Day there, but his mom would take him for epifania. They’d get there the day before, along with all the cousins and everyone would find presents the next morning. He can still feel the warmth from those days and smell the aroma from his nonna’s kitchen, from her special sauce that she spent all day making. 
“Well, not Christmas, exactly,” he finally says. “But, we would go over to nonna’s for The Feast of Epiphany on January 6th- you know when the three wise men visited Jesus?”
Evan nods, waiting for him to continue, mouthing the words feast of epiphany as he taps on his phone.
“We’d get there the day before and the adults would prepare for La Befana. It’s this sort of folklore tradition of a benevolent witch, basically, who flies around January 5th and leaves presents and sweets for us to find the next day.” Tommy laughs, “I don’t wanna brag, but I usually got the best candy.” 
“Of course you did,” Evan grins. Who could look at that cute face and not give you the best? That sounds fun, by the way.” 
Tommy shrugs. “It was. After my parents divorced, we went over less and less and my extended family doesn’t live around here so I’m not sure if my cousins still do it for their children.”
Evan perks up with a wide smile on his face. He knows he’s not a golden retriever but god, sometimes he does these little things and it makes Tommy feel unbearably fond.
“Why don’t we do that for the kids here? Denny, Chris, Mara, Jee? We could get May and Harry to help, if they feel like they’re too old for it.” He claps his hands excitedly. “Oh! We can throw a sleepover, make s’mores and hot chocolate, watch movies..” He trails off, looking hesitantly at Tommy. “Sorry, I kinda got carried away, I mean we don’t have to— 
Tommy shushes him with the soft press of a finger to his lips. “I love it, baby. Let’s do it.”
Evan’s smile is bright and lovely as he leans into kiss him between his finger. “Yeah?”
“Heck yeah. We need to maintain our status as favorite uncles, after all,” Tommy grins. 
Evan’s Christmas playlist plays softly in the background, as Tommy thinks about this and many holidays to come with their family, the food and joy and maybe even the smells of his own tomato sauce permeating their home. He can’t wait. 
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
I think the date at the park is so cute! Gabby and Lara have teamed up against Krow. They both believe that he is sketchy. This is how I imagined it.
“Again?” Lara asked exasperated. “Yes. I really like him! He’s really sweet and talented!” Mara said. Her twin sighed. “Mara, he's got to be the sketchiest guy I've ever met,” Lara said. “Ooh! You're right! I can confirm that when he sketches, it still looks so good!” Mara said. “I'm not talking about art, dimwit!” Lara said. “You should listen to me and Gabrielle. Sweetie, he's a weirdo. I mean WHY is he always calling you Dove?” Lara asked. “Because they're cute and I'm cute!” Mara said. Lara rolled her eyes. “We're here,” she said. She stopped the car. “Thanks, sis. I'll call you!” Mara said as she got out of the car. “Bye Mara!” Her sister yelled. “Remember no kissing, or hugging, and stay six feet apart!” Lara screeched. Mara cringed Everyone was staring. “And absolutely no se-” Mara cut Lara off. “Shush, I'm 23 and I know how to behave!” she said. She was blushing in embarrassment. Lara snorted then she drove away. Mara met up with Krow. “Hi!” she said giving him a shy smile. 
On the drive to the cafe, Lara called Gabby. “Hey gabs, guess what? She actually did it. She is on a date with that weird guy!” Lara said “What? Why?” Gabby asked. “She wouldn't listen. She thinks he's sweet and so talented.” Lara said. “Oh, my God,” Gabby said. “You want to know what really ticks me off?” That she invited him over. He's going to be at our house.” Lara said. “Again,” she added, delighted with Gabby's frustrated noises. When she got to the cafe, Lara and Gabby sat in a booth in the back. They needed privacy to discuss how dumb Mara’s actions were. “And when she brought him over I was pissed! They were on the couch cuddling! Ew.” Lara said. “I am done with this s***. If I had proof he was sketchy she would believe me.” Gabby said. Gabby and Laura continued to trash-talk Krow. When they ran out of steam, they started talking about fashion. Gabby was working on something new. “Gabs, I should bring that mannequin over for you. It would be perfect!” Lara said. 
 Mara was having a great time! Once the awkwardness of her sister's outburst went away, she and Krow’s picnic went a lot better. He was like a dream! The food was good. They got up to stretch their legs and Mara made sure to grab his hand. I'm breaking the rules already. She thought. Krow brought Mara to a peaceful spot with lots of birds. They had fun feeding them. Krow was also telling her about them. “Krow, you know a lot! Have you ever been pooped on?” Mara asked giggling. “Hehe, no I h-have not,” he said. When their date was over Mara and Krow were saying bye. “Oh and before you leave, give me your number!” Mara said. She and Krow exchanged numbers. As he was handing her phone back their fingers touched. Mara blushed. She wanted to find another reason to hold his hand. This was the second date but she already felt like he could be the one. Mara was a firm believer in finding the one, her love for life. She wanted a relationship like both her mom's. Ever since she had seen Krow around at the coffee shop, they have talked a lot and she found him really funny and charming.
Lara's car drove up. She beeped and rolled the window down. “That doesn't look like six feet, Mara!” she yelled. Mara and Krow were standing really close to each other and they had yet to let go of each other's hand. Lara gave Krow a disgusted glare. “You know Mara, you really shouldn't date down. It's not a good look for you. You deserve better. Plus you chose the sketchiest guy I have ever seen! He looks like he came from the back alley of a bar!” Lara yelled. Mara gasped. She and Krow were both offended. “Lara! You're my sister, you have to be nice. That's disrespectful!” Mara said, disapprovingly. “That's just what I'm going for!” Lara said. “Now get your ass in the car!” she yelled. Mara turned to Krow. “Bye Krow! I'll text you.” Mara said. Then she hugged him, knowing it would piss her sister off. It was the most contact they had all day besides holding hands. She would rather NOT recall the time today when she accidentally fell on him and just lay there because she liked being close to him. Or the fact that the only reason she got off was because she didn't want to sit on top of him too long. Mara left with Lara. As the car drove off, she thought she saw a green glow coming from Krow’s direction. What was that? She wondered.
Eeeeeee I love this! The difference between Lara and Mara, Lara and Gabby being sassy bitches together, the sweetness of Krow and Mara's date. All so cute!
Krow would certainly try his best to be polite and get along well with Lara. He doesn't necessarily WANT to infringe on Dove's family if he can help it.
Gabby sympathizes with Lara though. u_u
Krow would love to take Mara out to one of his favorite bird watching spot in the forest!
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mor-and-more · 1 year
I finally got to doing the sage quests with Arisu, and
She has already adopted Loifa as a baby brother
And will absolutely do anything to protect him
Which I guess is only to be expected given he's a fellow bun, he's so much younger than her, and also he's been through so much already that Arisu wants to do anything possible and impossible to protect him from further harm
And that means Loifa gets THREE older bunny sisters all of a sudden, because the SISTORS will not let Arisu have all the fun of having a new younger sibling for herself
ESPECIALLY her younger sister! Who would be overjoyed from not being the youngest in the family anymore
And as the three white rabbit sisters are Rava, they would be so interested to hear about how Loifa, the one Veena they know, spent his childhood and how it was to train to be one of their guardians
...also inevitable Momoshiro's siblingly dunking on him for being a shortie and a baby, using her newly found position of an Older Sister
Given that Momo is the disaster bunny whose healer abilities were discovered mostly due to the fact she couldn't sit still for a fucken moment as a child, and kept injuring herself and figured out how to heal just to hide that fact and avoid scolding
And both Marimara and Arisu were sure she'd have turned out a boy because, 1) on the shorter side, 2) beat up half the kids and intimidated the rest with the presence alone, 3) knew from experience just how long to fall from most branches in the town, 4) had the reputation of the Daring Impolite Youth.. and then she joked that she matured into a girl just so that she could stay with the sisters xjjacjjsj
And Loifa is the shy bun who needs company more than anything, and also a healer
It can only end up with Momo becoming fiercely protective of the BABY. And well, teasing him sometimes, just for the fun of it. And just hang out around him, enthusiastically offering to get whatever thing he mentions to be needing, no matter how dangerous the acquisition process
She would definitely react to all reminders from Loifa that he's enhanced and so can handle it all on his own, with, "but hey, nobody's hurt by a little help here and there, and also SHUSH CHILD" fjjsjxjajkx
Momoshiro's siblingly love language is bringing them whatever is needed, and if nothing needed is specified, she simply goes for "this seemed useful" and "that reminded me of you!"
Meanwhile Marimara, being the responsible and reasonable eldest sibling, would gradually include the whole Sage quests gang in her sphere of influence. She'd take over the responsibility of reminding Mahaud and Ancel to not overexert themselves, and offer to show Lalah around, as a more experienced traveller in these parts. Her Older Sibling Joke Of Choice towards Loifa would be that she's thrilled to have a brother, for a change. She'd also just hang out with them all whenever she's in Idyllshire or passing by
She would be overjoyed to hear all the stories Mahaud and Ancel have of Loifa being baby (that is, needing companionship and support), much to his embarrassment. But at least Mara would just aww, glance at him adoringly and give him little headpats. Contrasted with Momo's teasing, that would be a huge improvement
But also Mara would be the one to at some moment pull him aside and ask if he realises the side effects to Viera longevity, being that they almost certainly will outlive their friends of other heritages. And given how young Loifa is, he can be looking forward to living for at least two centuries more, never looking a day older than now. And that would probably be the moment of reveal of why these bunny ladies treat him as a child... Being that they are like 80 y.o. even in case of the youngest, Momo
Tbh Loifa most definitely knows about other buns living so long, but he unlikely has thought about this being applied to himself, with him being sick and said to die within months before he was taken for "treatment". But as it worked, sorta, he's now looking at the same prospects as any other bun. Probably. Who the fuck knows how enhancement works out in the scenario of "the body is sturdier, but also it takes toll on the bodily aether, but also the latter effect is mitigated by Loifa having muscmaloi tolerance due to being treated with it in traditional remedies". I guess it all comes down to the regular Viera life expectancy of "will outlive your great-grandchildren"
Anyways cjjsjcjsjc Arisu, being the Sunshine Bun and the middle sibling, would definitely join Mara in just adoring the New Baby Brother. And she would definitely lightly tell Momo off for teasing him and trying to make him as embarrassed as she could. But also she'd be the one, who, given couple years, would simply cease paying attention to him being so much younger. It's possible that she'd just forget (those 2 braincells of hers only hold onto so much info...), but also she just never thinks it that important. Ye Loifa is the Youngest Sibling now and she will PROTECC and come with all the power of the Flood of Light onto whoever attempts to hurt him. But also to her the siblings are her closest friends and confidants, and she's the one who pulled Loifa and Co through in the Sage quests! They battled together! Not always on the same side but still! She absolutely adores Loifa, yes, but also in a way looks up to him, much to his bewilderment. She definitely offered to help Loifa finding the ways to curb the side effects of enhancements, with her ever growing list of connections and going to the Great Gubal Library as if it's not abandoned and settled in by monsters, and definitely took the Sage quests gang to the Library after finding in its index some books that sounded promising. She probably even picks up the alchemist's trade solely so that she could try and create some sort of tincture to balance the aether in Mahaud and Ancel while they are looking for a more permanent solution
Arisu definitely also enjoys exchanging the tales of adventures and wanderings with them on quiet Idyllshire evenings. And often excitedly offers to take the Newly Found Sibling And Friends with her across the world. As Stormblood is looming, my first thought is her taking them to Kugane (Loifa and Ancel agree there that it's a pity you can't just leash Lalah after she lags behind the fourth time, scribbling notes in her notebook), and to the Steppe (a Xaela guy tries to start shit with Loifa, gets a warning of I'm A Healer But.., doesn't stop, gets thrown over the shoulder with much precaution to not cause bodily harm, Loifa has no further problems with anyone in the Steppe). Given how many of her friends are bound by duty and can't just up and fuck off to Far East for some weeks, that's definitely something she'd do with the gang of friends who are not as set in place (and definitely need to take breaks in the cure research! And she will remind them to take breaks! And take them to picturesque locations for the breaks!!)
Hnggggh No Thoughts Only Bnuy In My Head....
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maraariana01 · 4 years
Green from AvA 🤝 Henry Stickmin
just wanna fortnite dance in peace leave them alone
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bubblyani · 2 years
(Kendall Roy x Reader)
A Kendall Roy (Succession) One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.6k+
Author’s Note: I would like to thank this gif for inspiring me to write this One Shot. Simply kissing Kendall, a little moment worth indulging over. Talk about being whipped, eh? Enjoy y’all!
My previous Ken One Shot “Anything & Everything” can add a bit of depth and meaning to this fic even if these are both one shots. My Kendall Roy Masterlist
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It was what your heart rejoiced for, when you kissed him. The manner in which every second was savored, brushing one’s nose against his. Drinking in the atmosphere of eventuality, before lips finally unite. Tasting his kisses at the slowest of speed.
It was the lingering, that deemed it all so worthwhile.
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That was what you were. Processing your need, you waited outside the building after ringing the bell, shrugging one’s shoulders acknowledging the Spring chill.
You took a gander at your surroundings. The spring bloom of the trees nearby served to be the most apt morning greeting, amidst the concrete jungle that was New York city.Returning to your thirst. You thirsted for rejuvenation. The scent of a roasting brew crossed your. mind, causing your mouth to water all the sudden. However, given where you stood, looking up at the majestic building before you, it was a different kind of rejuvenation you longed for. A pair of lips that belonged to a man whose beating heart you’d protect with all your life. It had been too long. Yet, today you would not be so fortunate. You knew.
Yet, there you were anyways, standing up straight as you heard the door open at last.
“Where on earth…did you get that Eggs Benedict recipe, and can I… steal it?”
You made your playful query at Carla, one of the Roy House Staff. As expected, she was surprised:
“You came all this way to tell me that?” She said, to which you shook your head.
“Nope” you said, “I also wanted to give you …this” as you handed her a rather big box, wrapped with a ribbon. Gasp left Carla’s lips when she opened it:
"Max Mara?” She exclaimed, taking out a cream – colored Cashmere shawl. “Your favorite, I presume?” “No. No! You shouldn’t have-” “Carla!” you said, “Your birthday is coming up this weekend” “But-” “Besides…” you said, “I really wanted to Thank you” you said, smiling, “You were always really nice to me coming over here” you said, brushing off some strands of hair off your face, “So this is nothing”
“Says the woman who can’t stop making Mr. Roy smile” the middle aged woman replied. The mere mention of him, was responsible for your bright smile, “Speaking of…did Kendall leave already?”
Carla’s mischievous smile was the best inaudible answer you could look forward to.
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“Isn’t he in there-” You shushed Carla inaudibly, “He’s here” mouthing to her, you turned. To look back at him once more.
Kendall Roy, your boyfriend. Oh! The mere thought lead to involuntary smiles. Keeping your smile intact, you found him sitting on his bed leaning against the headboard, engrossed in his phone. The sight of him never failed to refresh your being, and warm your heart. Every single time. And it had been countless. What could you say? You were poetic.
Closing the white colored door behind, you could not help be amused as to how he still had not noticed your presence in the room. The phone was indeed a huge distraction, along with ATN News playing in the background in the TV. Not to mention the moaning, groaning of New York traffic outside, filtering through the glass windows.
You slipped off your shoes,  he did not bat an eyelid. Suppressing a chuckle, a playful urge grew within. You had never played a prank on him before. So why not today? Tip toeing towards the bed, you shifted your balance to crawl into bed. “Fuck!” Until the creak of the mattress made him look up. Still his shocked expression was all worth it. You chuckled. “Morning…” His shock morphed to relief and joy seeing you, “Hey…” he sighed, “When did you get here?” “Just now. Carla let me in” you said, getting into bed to sit cross legged. Kendall sat up: “I thought you have a busy day today with E-zee P-zee and the guys”
“Yep” You sighed, hunching before sitting up straight, “I was just on my way” you sighed again, “Oh gosh! It’s gonna be one long day of trying not pulling my hair whenever E-zee goes off key every…fuckin… line” shaking your head, you continued “You know-I tried so hard to make sure it was a melody he can actually sing in his fucking mundane range but-like! I can’t get myself to auto tune everything he sings. I have a reputation. My label has a reputation to maint-What?”
You intruded yourself by the sight of Kendall’s warm chuckles. Looking down, you chuckled back: “Sorry. I’m ranting”
“No! No… its okay. Fuck! It’s just that-” He paused, pointing at you “You’re so cool. You’re the fucking shiz, babe” “Really?”
“Fuck yeah!” You chuckled, “NOW you’re being a kiss-ass. Anyways…” you said, slapping your thighs “I’m really glad I could see you. Before I…” you sighed, “….head to the battlefield. This-” you paused. “What?” “This…” you said, pointing at his outift, “…oddly looks really nice” Donning one of his university t-shirt with his black work pants, the air he carried could also be another definition of “Smart-casual”. “Really? You think so?” He said, looking down at himself. You nodded, “Uh huh…very homely”
In all honesty, it was more than nice. Extremely attractive could be the phrase to cut it. Your eyes savored the manner in which his toned arms were positioned, how the soft material of the t-shirt rested on his torso. Why something so simple managing to intoxicate you in the morning?
“Uh…anyways…” snapping oneself out of the trance, you said, “What about you? Strategizing from home?” As you took a glance at the news. “Uh yeah…” “For the Shareholders Meeting?” “Uh huh” he said, looking back at his phone, “Trying to whip up something like a speech, so exchanging some pointers wi-” Kendall paused, “What… are …you doing?”
His query seemed justified, especially when you found yourself straddling him on the bed. Taking the phone from his now loose grip, you smiled:
“Oh…thought I’d enjoy the view from here-Ah! Much better” confidence mixed with a hint of playful, you settled yourself over his hips. Raising his eyebrow,  Kendall smiled, quite amused.
“Oh really? And why is that?” He asked. You swore his low, warm hum of a query resonated in you, to the point of awakening you, right between your thighs. “Cause I’m on a mission” “Pray tell…” Unable to contain oneself by the eye contact you maintained, you finally snickered:
“Nah man! I just really wanted to kiss you” “Oh? Really?” “No” “Wait what-” Laughing even louder, you cupped his face, “I’m kidding. But yes, I do wanna kiss you though” you said,  as mutual laughter drowned the sounds of the tv. 
“So uh…” Kendall’s low hum was back, “you’re gonna do the thing?” You raised your eyebrows in turn, “What thing?” “You know…the thing you do before…” he purred. In a flash, your eyes grew wide with surprise. “Wait, you noticed that?” “Of course” he said, his eyes growing soft leaning towards you, “It’s nice” he breathed. Lust induced, yet pure at heart, his words concealed a dire need he longed for.
Exhaling deep yet quiet, your finger tips grew light on his face as you pressed your forehead against his. Ever since you both revealed feelings to one another, the kisses exchanged between you two were too many to count. Who knew how observant he was, enough to notice your every move. When you lingered. Kendall Roy fell in love with you, but also with what made you, you. Your artistry,  your romanticism. The manner in which romanticizing the smallest act seemed involuntary for you. The manner in which you lingered.
And so you proceeded.
Thus you knew his attention had always remained unchanged, as you closed off the distance between you two. Inhaling the atmosphere and his musk, brushing your nose against his felt just as soft as landing one’s head on a soft pillow. Butterflies flying with frenzy inside caused the magnetic energy between you both to flourish. For a few seconds, you indulged as always, the fact that he was yours, and you were his, before hungry lips surrender to each other. First with dignity, only to lose it over time.
“I want you” his lazy drawls woke you from the intoxication that was his kiss. “I thought you were strategizing” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Later” he breathed, pressing his torso against your own, “What about your recording?” “Mmmm…For once, they can wait for a bit” you hummed, “Besides, why do I have to be the only one to show up on time?” “Oho! Bad girl…” evil chuckle left Kendall’s lips, which you responded with your own. “Only for you…” you whispered against his ear, “..and cause you noticed” Before snatching his lips with your own with heated passion and speed. And like a choreography, hands knew where to reach, what to touch. For instance,  you rejoiced when he grabbed you by the hair, only to pull it back and kiss you hard, kiss you deep. And how the rejoicing continued with much gusto as bodies began to collide in the form of rolls and thrusts.
Sunlight courtesy of the spring morning filtered through the windows, providing the room with great atmosphere and ambience when you found yourself be seduced by him. The manner in which he always did. Clothes slipping out with ease and speed, never took long for the lovers to feel the softness of the crisp white sheets. And more importantly. To reunite which was long-awaited.
And even today, you confirmed as always, making Love to Kendall Roy, it was an experience.
But so was kissing him. And the lingering beforehand.
Oh, the lingering, certainly made it all worthwhile.
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My Kendall Roy Masterlist
Tagged: @tammykelly​ @loveandthings11​ Lemme know if you wanna get tagged.
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paulsonsratched · 2 years
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Will you be my Queen?
Part 1: Mara
TW: cursing, mention of sexual assault, just misery
"I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial.We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end."
- Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca
Slowly I dragged my body through the gates of kingdom Richmond. My limps hurt, my head was exploding and I was starving. Literally. But how did I expect to feel after weeks of traveling, barely carried by nothing but my feet. I haven't had any food these past weeks except of what the dark forest I wandered through gave me. In case I never had food.
"Sluts don't deserve food."
they would tell me. But why did it make me the slut when he was the one touching me?
Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the people all around me staring at my death-like demeanour. She told me later that it was that exact moment, when I crossed the big bridge leading into the castle, she first got caught up on me. I'm still wondering to this day how she even took a glimpse at me. I was dirty, I was barely anything more than skin and bones and my eyes lost their sparkle. They lost it long ago. But I guess that's what true love is isn't it?
As I kept my head down, wandering through the busy crowd of the forecourt of the castle, I felt my feet slowly but surely losing all the power left in them. I dragged my body some steps more till my final limit was reached and I sunk on the floor just now realizing I had an audience all along that was now erupted in gasps and small screams. "Get some water." "Help her!" "Someone get her off the ground."
My eyes closed for a brief moment before I felt a hand touching my arm. I flinched slightly. I didn't like being touched. My head shot into the strangers direction and I was greeted by a rather friendly and warm face. "Let's get you off the dirty ground lovely."
The woman pulled me up not letting go off me the second I stood. To my luck because I definitely would have fallen. I don't even think I was completely conscious at that point.
"My name is Mara. Don't worry you're safe now."
Mara guided me in some direction. I didn't know where we were going. I also didn't know how long it took. I as well didn't care when she lifted my dress off me and put me in a wooden bathtub, scrubbing off all the dirt of my body. What I did hear was the gasp coming from her mouth when she reached my back.
"Sluts deserve punishment."
I felt how her hands got more gentle, slowly taking off as much dirt as possible from the big stripes that I wore as an accessory on my back. She didn't have to be that careful. I didn't feel pain anymore.
You know? That feeling when you already felt way too much each and every day. A real rollercoaster of madness, sadness and the small glimpses of hope just to be disappointed at the end again. The only rollercoaster that made you numb.
I was numb. I didn't feel. If anything I was even happy about the wips. They erupted tears in my eyes. They made me human.
I did not feel self conscious about my appearance with Mara. Something about her radiated an incredible warmth. Comfort. She was in her 60s but had no trouble carrying me out of the tub. She laid be down into something warm and comfortable. A bed probably. But not the  kind of bed I was used to. It was soft. Feathers. Since when do workers have feather beds?
„It's gonna be okay lovely."
She said, followed by gentle rubs to my arm and shushes whenever I seemed a bit uneasy.
Lovely. That was my nickname from that very moment.
That was the first time I met Mara. Today I know she saved my life. More than ones.
Mara is responsible for everything I have right now. She was the start of my new life.
After some days of bed rest passed Mara entered my chamber with a small knock. The room they gave me was already more than I ever could have wished for. It wasn't big but god lord that feather bed was heavenly.
The older woman entered the room with a smile which I immediately reciprocated. Mara has one of those smiles that reached her eyes. It was genuine.
The sparkle in her eyes was accompanied by soft wrinkles. It suited her.
"Ready to see your new home?" she asked me. Oh and how ready I was. There wasn't a day I didn't annoyed the hell out of her to show me around.
After the first night she explained that she took me into the castle. The basement where the kitchen is. She said queen Wilhemina herself offered me a part as a maid. All my worries would be gone. I've got food every day, a room and a job.
In just some weeks I got all I ever wanted, just because I tried. I was lucky.
I nodded furiously which made her smile.
I jumped out of the bed and followed her around.
We first went outside into the big rose garden. She said it's one of countess Cordelia's favourite places. She would spend hours just walking around and enjoying the nature. Cordelia was the kind and gentle one of the three.
Next we wandered through the big halls of the castle. To my left and right were plenty of rooms. Some for the Queen's and Countesses personal butlers and maids, some were bathrooms bigger than I ever could have imagined and bathroom, one of them was Wilhemina's office. When we passed by the hallway I saw three of the rooms had big golden bows around them. Mara picked up on my staring quick and informed me that these rooms belonged to Wilhemina, Billie and Cordelia.
When we reached the end of the hallway Mara opened two gigantic doors. She had to put her entire weight against them to make them move at all. When they opened they uncovered a big room with multiple meter long tables. Mara explained to me that this was Countess Billie's favourite place in the castle. In this hall the biggest feasts were held. Billie was the social butterfly of the three.
When we made our way back to the basement Mara showed me around my new work place. The kitchen. She introduced me to everyone and then I started my first shift. The room was filled with laughter some of them even started singing and dancing.
So that's what's life supposed to feel like.
After a while I lost my first shy demeanor and joined everyone in dancing. I spun around myself while balancing a bunch of apples in my arms till...BAHM. I crashed into someone.
I quickly picked up all the apples that fell onto the floor while mumbling a thousands of apologies. When I raised my head again I realized everyone was bowing. I looked infront of me facing the most beautiful woman I ever saw. Mara pinched me slightly. My sign to bow as well. I let my head sink and bowed.
"Your Grace." Mara said respectfully.
„Rise up."
Everyone straightened up and immediately started their work again. But not me. Infront of me I saw the deepest and darkest brown eyes I ever got see. They were almost black. As deep as the ocean and at least exactly as mysterious. It took me one second to understand: That was Queen Wilhemina. The thoughtful one.
tag list: @rwoolfe (just text me to be added)
A/n: Hey there! That's the first part. I promise there will be more of Cordelia, Wilhemina and Billie in the next chapter. Just getting into it slowly. I decided to do something different with this one. I posted a detailed explanation of where I’m going with this on my Wattpad (same name) in case you’re interested. Victorian Style.
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alj4890 · 3 years
I got an ask we know Riley gets kidnapped by Anton but what if Anton was in love with her and he didn’t wanna kill her but makes her his. What if Olivia killed Claudus for shooting drake.
I love the way you think, Nonny! I actually would have eaten this up with a spoon if that had happened in canon. To be honest, I really liked Justin in book 2. If he had been a new love interest, I would have done a play through just to see what happens if Riley chose him 🤦🏻 Of course then we find out he is behind all the bombings and such so...oops, LOL. When I first saw your request, I made an aesthetic with just Justin/Anton and Riley in mind. I completely forgot to add a definite OTP of mine, Drake and Olivia, to it. Smh. The story though will definitely include them along with Riley and Justin. I am so tempted to turn this into a series 🙊
@gkittylove99 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @iufilms
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True Intentions
It had happened when he had not been paying attention. It shouldn't have happened at all. He had one goal. One mission. Nothing had ever come to mean more to him than that. Nothing. No one.
Until Riley.
He knew he shouldn't have spent so much time with her. He shouldn't have helped Maxwell in picking the right dresses for her. He shouldn't have stuck around to see her come out of dressing rooms, an excited smile upon her face, as she twirled around for them to give their opinions.
It had taken all his will power to keep from telling her what he truly thought. Riley's beauty was simply stunning, not because of her outer loveliness, but more that he saw her inner beauty shining through each trial she faced. Her strength amazed him. Her wit brought a smile to his face. Her kindness touched his heart.
It made him begin to long for things he shouldn't. They shouldn't be a part of any dream or plan he had.
And yet...she was beginning to crop up in his thoughts. In his dreams.
In his plans.
He winced as he tried to get comfortable.
His plans hadn't exactly gone as he had hoped. In fact, he should have talked to his men and explained that Riley was not to be a target.
Thank God for Drake. If he hadn't jumped in front of her, she would have been taken from me.
His lips twisted in another painful grimace.
"Are you in pain?"
Justin looked up and tried to smile. "Just a little."
His nurse shook her head. "I told you to buzz before it got too bad." She gently checked his wound.
"I don't want to be a bother." He mumbled.
"You aren't." She patted his hand. "You aren't any trouble at all." Her nose wrinkled. "We had a few nobles cause unnecessary problems when the attack happened."
She rolled her eyes. "Some were knocked down during the chaos and demanded they be admitted."
He chuckled softly. "Sounds like something they would do."
"It's a shame that good people like you were seriously hurt while those spoiled nobles try and take all the attention." She readjusted his covers after administering some more pain medication in his IV. "I don't know why King Liam is so hellbent on bringing them back to court."
"What do you mean?" Justin tried to fight the effects of the pain medicine. "What's he doing?"
"He and Lady Riley are going on some type of tour to some of the major houses to personally invite them to their wedding."
His brow furrowed.
A unity tour. That would work on these small minded individuals. It was a smart move. The public were already Team Riam. Once the royal couple convinced the most powerful houses to come to their wedding, all the other minor lords and ladies would follow suit.
"Well played, Liam." Justin's eyes drooped closed. "Well played."
He couldn't believe that they not only convinced Madeleine's entire family, but also somehow got all of Portavira on their side.
"What's the plan?" Claudius asked.
"We need something big to remind everyone that we aren't a one trick pony." Justin told him.
He looked out the window. Leaves were beginning to change with the first hints of autumn in the air.
A hint of a smile appeared as a plan began to form.
"It would be a shame if Cordonia's apple orchard had a bad year, wouldn't it?" He eyed his second in command.
Claudius chuckled. "It really would."
Justin watched as every channel showed the devastation of the orchard near Applewood. He couldn't help but smile over Riley making the people love her even more for her righteous anger. Her promises to bring those responsible to justice along with making the orchard bigger than before made him nearly burst with pride.
She had grown into her role more so than he had ever imagined. Gone was the timid young waitress from New York who uttered no comment when reporters surrounded her. She was a confident woman now who could think on her feet.
Justin thought she was more attractive than the first time he had seen her floundering in front of the cameras, in desperate need of a hero. It hadn't been a bother to rush to her side then and put his arm around her. Her wide eyes had lifted to his and he had nearly melted from her beauty.
He still couldn't believe that she forgave Liam for choosing another over her. Granted Madeleine impressed him with how she could manipulate reporters into spinning a story to her advantage, but Riley was so many things that the cold countess was not. She deserved better than what she got.
And he planned on giving it to her.
A week after the orchard burning, he turned to see the one rarely far from his thoughts.
"Justin!" Riley rushed over to engulf him in a hug.
"How's my favorite media darling?" He asked.
She leaned back and gave him that smile that was brighter than flash bulbs. "Much better now that I know you're recovering." She playfully glanced about before whispering, "Save me from Madeleine!"
He laughed as he hugged her once more. "I don't know. I've seen her work and can't find fault with it."
Riley pouted. She linked her arm with his as they walked down the hospital hallway. "I prefer your guidance to hers." Her nose wrinkled. "It's weird being told how to act by Liam's former fiancée. I know there wasn't anything between them, but still."
Justin patted her hand. "Tell you what. If Madeleine is unable to do her job or you decide to fire her, then I will gladly step back into my old position." He dug around in his pocket for the earpiece she had used during Liam's engagement tour.
Her smile reappeared. "Old faithful."
"I'm always Just-in-time." He teased.
It had been too close. He hadn't expected Riley to go anywhere near Constantine. And there she was, by Liam's side, graciously accepting some necklace from the old man who had destroyed her initial happily ever after.
His heart had nearly stopped as he watched rubble fall around them. Riley had frozen in fear over Liam's safety. It was a nightmare come to life as pieces of the wall and ceiling began to collapse.
At least one good thing had come from this: one king was dead.
It sadly wasn't the king he needed to die.
Justin began to plan how he would comfort Riley once Liam was gone. He wouldn't have to tell her it was he, himself, who orchestrated his death. But he would make certain to enjoy the benefits of it.
His eyes narrowed over another slight problem he had.
He was going to have to kill his own wife too.
It had been almost too easy. Madeleine was already in need of a distraction after hearing Liam gush over how excited he was to marry Riley in a few weeks. Once she requested a fruity cocktail, he knew then that the poison could go undetected taste wise.
The bartender left to go replenish the champagne. Madeleine's irritation over having to wait on a refill was drawing attention.
"Here." He grinned at her. "Allow me to make you another."
Her eyes widened. "Aren't you that press secretary that helped Riley?"
"I am." He began to mix a strong cocktail for her while adding the poison, all right under her nose. "And I must say you are the best I've ever seen."
Madeleine's irritation disappeared over the compliment. "I am, aren't I?"
"Riley's lucky to have someone so knowledgeable in ways of both the court and public like you." He added.
"Yes, she is." Madeleine muttered. "I'll do anything for my country, even if it is a thankless job."
"You should be recognized for your sacrifice." Justin handed her the deadly drink.
"Yes, I should." She took a gulp.
"How is it?" He asked.
"It's the only good thing here." A tipsy grin appeared on her face when she saw Riley. She grasped Justin's hand and pulled him in her wake. "Let's go say, hi."
"Boooooo!" Madeleine giggled when Riley turned around. "It's the ghosts of press secretary past and present."
"The what now?" Riley lips trembled with suppressed laughter as she looked up at Justin for clarification.
"I'm the ghost of press secretary past." He winked at her.
"OoooOooo!" Madeleine swayed where she stood.
"Whoa, there." Riley tried to steady her. "You okay?"
"She's had a little too much." Justin mimed drinking.
"It's a party!" Madeleine slurred. "It's in the worst place ever but it's a party and I'm going to...going to..."
"Enjoy it?" Riley offered.
"Extractly!" Madeleine's brow wrinkled over that not being the right word. "Expactly?"
"Exactly." Justin corrected.
The crowd quieted around them when Olivia took the stage to offer a final toast of the evening to Liam and Riley's wedding.
"Woo!" Madeleine cheered.
Riley and Justin tried to shush her.
Her giddy smile fell as her rosy cheeks drained of color. "Somefing's not..."
"Madeleine?" Riley lost her grip on her when she swayed violently to the right. "What's--"
Madeleine hit a table, causing the plates to clatter and the vase of blood red roses to fall over.
"I hate this place." She collapsed on the floor.
"Madeleine!" Riley dropped to her knees and tried to bring her to. "Liam! Mara! Come quick!"
Justin stepped back as the two came to see what was wrong. He watched as Olivia made her way through the crowd to find out what the all the fuss was about.
"What's wrong with her?" Riley asked.
"She's been poisoned." Mara whispered.
Justin loved seeing the delighted surprise once more on Riley's face when he said he would take over Madeleine's duties for the rest of the tour. It would have been a perfect moment if Liam had not been standing there. He was ashamed to think of his nearly giving himself away when he panicked at the sight of Olivia walking in behind him.
He wished Lucretia would quit trying to push Olivia into going into the family vault. She had a sick sense of humor in wanting her niece to discover she was already married. For some reason, she did not approve of the way her niece depended on her friends for support.
Justin knew the power friends could have. Had he not been trained by his own parents' friends, he wouldn't be the worthy man next in line to the throne. His comradery with his own men inspired their loyalty and willingness to die to make him king.
He needed to distance himself from Lucretia the moment they got out of Lythikos.
She was supposed to come alone! Why did she bring Riley? I can't kill her. I need her. I deserve to have a choice in the one I want ruling by my side. The people already adore her, much more so than they admire Olivia. I was supposed to become free of this marriage. Once she and Liam are dead, I'll be able to be king and have--
"Justin?" Riley's eyes were clouded with confusion as she looked first at a picture of him dressed in a royal uniform. "What is this?"
"I'm sorry, Riley." His voice cracked on her name.
Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out a revolver.
Lucretia cackled with glee as she told her niece the truth about her marriage.
Justin stood there silently as the woman he loved shook her head in denial.
She's so incredibly sweet to doubt a friend could be the bad guy. I hate that I can't pull her away from all this and simply explain why I should be the ruler of Cordonia. I deserve it. I worked for it. My entire life was made for me to take the crown. She would be able to understand that. Look how far she's come in her own life. Who could imagine a waitress from some dive bar in America would come to be the next queen of a small European nation?
"Do it already!" Lucretia hissed. "Shoot her!"
He couldn't do it. Even as he held the gun steady, pointed directly at the woman he loved's heart, he couldn't shoot Riley.
"Get away from her!" Liam ordered.
Justin spun around to see the king and guards filling up the narrow passageway.
"I thought you said this was secure." Justin snapped at Lucretia.
"It was." She held her hands up in surrender.
Justin watched as she stepped forward, pretending to stumble.
His eyes widened as once again his love was trapped within a collapsing room.
He managed to see her safely end up in Liam's arms before escaping through a hidden passage.
He left Lucretia to the guards. She had served her purpose and was sadly of no use to him any longer. Now he could plan what he truly wanted to happen.
Liam and Riley's wedding day...
"I don't care who you kill. Olivia and Riley are to be taken alive." Justin told the small team of men he was sending in. "If you have to wound them to get them here, make certain Riley's is non life threatening.
He ignored the questioning look Claudius sent his way.
"Bring them both to our stronghold." His eyes narrowed. "Do not fail me."
Later that night...
"Good work." Justin straightened his jacket. He wanted to look his best when he saw Riley again.
Claudius smirked at him. "Just think of all the men we would still have if you had let me go alone."
Justin chuckled. "True, but at least we are free of our weakest links." He smoothed his hair back. "Now take me to our guests."
"I know the real Justin is somewhere in there." Riley leaned as far forward as her bindings allowed. "You helped me gain the love of the people. You know that if you kill me, the people will not readily accept you as king."
He couldn't help but smile. "I know and that is why I don't intend to hurt you."
"Then why kidnap us?" Olivia demanded.
He turned toward her. "If I'm to be king, then I have to take the necessary steps to claim the throne." He motioned for Claudius to come in.
"You're the one who shot Drake!" Olivia shouted, struggling against the ropes biting into her tender skin. "You'll regret that."
"And you tried to kill me!" Riley added, narrowing her eyes.
"That was a mistake." Justin quickly said. "You were never to be harmed."
"Then why all the attempts?" She asked. "Why do you persist in--"
"You weren't supposed to be here, Riley." He knelt down in front of her. "You should have stayed in New York until the time was right"
Her eyebrows drew together. "What are you talking about.
Justin asked Claudius to remain with Olivia while he took Riley somewhere private.
"If you think for one second that I will remain with this man while you take her away go do only God knows what," Olivia's chair creaked at her straining to break free, "then you don't know what a Nevarkis is truly made of!"
Justine rolled his eyes over her rant as he untied Riley from her chair. He kept her ankles and wrists bound together. He swept her into his arms and carried her out.
Olivia's shouts were silenced by the sound of a hard slap.
Riley struggled in Justin's arms. "What did he do to her? OLIVIA?!" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Justin, please don't--"
"Nothing's happened to her." He took her into a surprisingly clean, yet drab, sitting room.
Riley was dropped on a chaise lounge. She eyed the door then Justin.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He repeated. He gently cupped her cheek, fingers brushing along her jaw line. "I love you too much to ever harm you."
Riley stilled. She looked up at him. "You what?"
He knelt before her. "I'm in love with you. It didn't hit me until you told me you had accepted Liam's proposal on the train. I didn't plan it, but I refuse to hide my feelings any longer." He smiled at her. "You've proven yourself as the rightful Queen of Cordonia. Once Liam and Olivia are dead, you and I can rule this country as we see fit. We'll--"
Riley shook her head. "Justin," she believed he was deranged and knew she had to handle this carefully, "I'm flattered. Really I am. I mean, we both know I would never have gotten this far without you."
His smile grew at her realizing she owed him for her meteoric rise within the court.
"But if you kill Liam and Olivia, the people will not feel any love or loyalty for you." She tilted her head as she studied him. "Surely you see the problem with this plan."
"People respect power." He explained. "They respect someone who fights for what is rightfully his. Since my birth, I have been meant for something greater. My parents, Olivia's family, even my soldiers realized that I alone am worthy to rule over this country." He focused once more upon her. "And I've seen that you are the one to do so by my side."
Riley shook her head. "Justin, I am honored," her voice cracked on that lie, "to have your love but I can't accept it." Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm in love with Liam."
"Riley, he didn't choose you." Justin argued. "He left you on your own to fight against nobles, the press, even his own father. You deserve so much more than being an afterthought."
Tears slipped down her cheeks once more. "That wasn't what he did. He was trying to protect me. And I--"
He leaned down and kissed her.
She froze at the touch, refusing to participate.
"Once Liam's gone, you will see the truth." Justin promised.
"I won't." Her eyes narrowed. "As long as I live, I'll hate you with everything within me for taking him from me."
"You don't have it in you." He shook his head in amusement. "You've forgiven everyone. Olivia, Penelope, Madeleine, even Constantine. You never hold a grudge."
"You'll be my first." Riley vowed. "Liam is the love of my life. If you ruin my chance to finally be with him, I will never forgive you. As long as there is breath in my body, I will find a way to destroy you."
"You are amazing." He murmured, knowing she was speaking from her heart. He couldn't wait for that devotion to be for himself.
The two turned to see Claudius in the doorway. "Liam should be here any moment."
Justin nodded and told him he would meet him and the rest of the men downstairs.
He lifted Riley in his arms and placed her back in the cell with Olivia.
His wife had the bruised imprint of Claudius's hand on her alabaster cheek. Blood had dried on her bottom lip. No tears had fallen from the force of the hit. Her left eye was bloodshot as she glared up at him.
"Liv?" Riley choked out. "Are you--"
"I'm fine." Her harsh answer echoed in the chamber. "It will take more than some two bit thug to hurt me." Her eyes did a quick scan to make certain Riley wasn't hurt.
"If you will excuse me, I have to go prepare for Liam's last night on earth." He retied Riley to her chair.
She threw her head back with all her might to connect with his face.
His glasses broke from the force of her strike. Blood poured out his nose as he stumbled away from her.
"Don't ever," his voice dropped to a hiss, "do that again, my love." He gripped her chin and jerked her face up toward his. "You will learn how to behave soon enough."
He slammed the cell door and left them alone.
"Did he hurt you?" Olivia whispered.
"No." Riley bit her bottom lip. "Not yet."
"Where is my wife?" Liam demanded.
Justin couldn't help but be impressed. The young king was standing before him, completely outnumbered, yet didn't show the slightest flicker of fear.
He asked the one question that he himself would have asked if Riley was taken from him.
"She is well." Justin replied. "Which is something I can't promise about your own well being."
"I want to see her." Liam bit out. "Now!"
Justin's chuckle was interrupted by a hastily whispered message from Claudius. His head jerked around to search the dim hallway as if doing so would reveal the missing prisoners.
How had they escaped?
"You don't get to make demands here." He snapped at Liam.
"Let Riley and Olivia go." Liam ordered. "And I will take their place." His eyes narrowed. "I know it is a temporary one."
Justin couldn't help but smile. The man was indeed brave to trade his life for Riley and Olivia's.
"No!" Riley screamed out from the stairs.
Chaos broke out as she led the charge to attack the Sons of the Earth. Justin watched as she ran over to protect Liam's back.
The couple were doing their utmost to protect the other from harm.
Their friends were taking his well trained soldiers out one by one. It was embarrassing to see how pitiful his men fought.
Olivia moved into his line of sight. Fury blazed across her delicate features.
"I'm impressed." He told her, unsheathing his sword. "I should have searched you myself."
"Trust me." Olivia circled him. "It will be the last mistake you'll ever make!"
She lunged at him. He easily parried her attack. "I think you've forgotten that it was your parents who gave me the same training you had."
"I think you talk too much!" She twirled about, bringing her daggers up to stop his sword from meeting her shoulder. He grunted from her heel piercing his leg as she pushed off to break his hold.
They continued to try and deliver punishing blows to the other. She was desperate to kill the man who was after her friends and country. He was anxious to be free of their marriage.
He noticed from the corner of his eye Claudius and Drake fighting. His second in command stunned the commoner with an uppercut to his jaw, causing Drake to stumble back into a wall.
Olivia heard the scuffle and followed Justin's line of sight. Her face paled at Claudius moving towards Drake to end him once and for all.
With a flick of her wrists she not only slashed Justin but threw her other dagger at Claudius. It struck true along the side of his neck, cutting into his jugular. He let out a garbled scream as he fell to the floor.
Justin hissed at the deep gash she had made along his ribcage.
Seeing that it was a lost battle, he hopped the banister and began to rush upstairs. He would have to go into hiding once more before orchestrating another attack.
"This ends now!" Riley yelled out at him.
He spun around to see both her and Liam rushing toward him. He raised his sword, determined to put an end to the man who stood between him and the throne. He hesitated when Riley jumped in front of her husband.
"You're not taking him from me!" She raised her battle ax. "Every time you try, I will stop you."
Does Liam know how lucky he is? She waited on him to choose her. Twice! And now she stands here, ready to defend him to the death. How could any man not fall in love with Riley?
His refusal to fight her was his downfall. He was pushed over the banister by the royal couple. While his breath was knocked out, Maxwell and Hana bound his hands together behind his back.
He looked about at his fallen and captured comrades. His attention was drawn toward Olivia and Drake. The pair were covered in blood and bruises, yet they were leaning against each other. Drake had his arm around her while softly speaking. Whatever was said caused Olivia to press even closer to his side. Her arms slipped around his waist. Her eyes were closed tight as she allowed him to hold her.
Justin had suspected something more between the pair. It looked like his coup for the throne had accomplished something for them.
Bastien and the rest of the King's Guards rushed in. After talking to the king and new queen, he collected Justin and hauled him outside.
On the way, Justin met Riley's eyes.
There were so many things he wanted to explain to her. He believed she would have been on board with his plans for the kingdom. Once he had killed Liam and Olivia, he would be the benevolent king the country needed. Gone would be the purpose for pompous nobles. He would have established a council of Cordonia's citizens from all walks of life to advise him. People would be rewarded and honored for their service instead of simply being born to the right parents.
And she would have been his queen, guiding and protecting all she deemed worthy.
"Riley, I..."
"You will never ever hurt those I love again." She hissed.
"Take him away." Liam ordered, keeping his arms locked around his wife. "He will be dealt with in the morning."
Justin knew then that it was pointless to try and explain. She would never give him a chance after all that had occurred.
For the first time in his life, he realized that his intentions didn't matter to the one he loved most.
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girl8890 · 3 years
Penpals | Chapter 10
Idol!Kim Tae-hyung / V x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You weren’t big on social media. Hell, you didn’t even care much for trends. So when you get a notification one day on instagram from a person claiming to be a global sensation, you can’t believe it. Months later, you still can’t believe your penpals with BTS’s good boy - Kim Taehyung himself.
Warnings: Mentions of past toxic relationships and sexual assault.
Notes: The events that are in this story can definitely happen in real life, BUT this is just a fanfiction and I don’t think these events will actually happen/are occurring. Anything in italics are texts messages.
BTS ML | Index | CH 11
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
When Ky finally gets to your house, she doesn't even knock on the door. She bursts in like a fireman about to put out a fire, and her eyes move back and forth, trying to find you.
You haven't moved from your spot on the ground since she called you. Your tears have dried, but now you're just staring at a random crack in your flooring in a daze.
Ky picks you up slowly and leans you against the back of the couch. You feel so drained from crying so much that when you look at Ky, it's like you're seeing through her. Looking at her, but not actually looking at her.
"Y/n, what the fuck happened?" You hear the concern in Ky's voice, and by the look on her face, it's obvious she's pissed. Pissed for unknown reasons, to her.
You swallow even though your throat is dry and relay everything step-by-step of what happened with Mara. When you get to the part about Kwang, Ky's jaw drops.
"No fucking way! That bitch did not!"
"Oh, she fucking did. And she had the audacity to say Kwang 'changed.' I don't know what's up with her. It's like she completely forgot everything he did to me!"
At some point, while relaying what happened with Mara, your sadness melted away and reverted back to anger. Making you clench your fists and your voice go up a notch.
"And telling him about Taehyung? Is she insane?! What if he tries to do something?"
"I mean..."
You stop there. You honestly forgot about Mara saying she told Kwang about Taehyung. Obviously, you mentioned it, since Ky knows, but you were so engrossed with anger it slipped your mind.
You're supposed to be taking a break from each other. Not talking except for the usual good morning and good night texts to still have your fill of each other. All so you can figure out if you are ready to meet the idol that's been in your DMs and message boxes for the last two months.
But now Mara may have just changed this plan because of the possibility of Kwang doing something you’re afraid of. 
"What if Kwang is only with Mara to get back at me?"
Ky raises a curious eyebrow at your accusation.
"I mean, I guess that could be a possibility. But do you think Kwang would really go that far?"
You re-think everything he's done to you thus far. The sexual assault when you broke up with him, the cheating out of spite, cyberbullying you, the nonstop texting just to remind you every day he hates you. All this ended a couple months ago, but now you realize how convenient that was when he started dating Mara, so...
"Yes. And now that he knows about Taehyung and me, I don't know what he'll do."
"Welp, it seems like you’re going to have to have a rather awkward conversation with Taehyung."
You groan in defeat.
"Fuck. I guess I am."
You pull out your phone and adjust your hair in the screen mirror. Wanting to at least look like you didn't just cry for a good twenty minutes. You hear Ky snort, and you look at her with a stink eye.
"Seriously? Your worrying about what you look like right now?"
"Oh, shush."
You open up his contacts and text him, asking him if he's able to FaceTime right now. You wait for the message to say read and watch as the 'typing' bubble pops up, indicating Taehyung is in the middle of texting you back.
V ♥︎ (9:30am): Damn angel! You miss me already? It's only been two hours 😂
V ♥︎ (9:30am): Not that I'm complaining though 😘
Even while you were just put in one of the worst situations you could be in, at the moment, V still finds a way for you to smile through it. Granted, he has no idea what's going on. However, it still sobers your weeping heart a little, knowing you'll always have a person like Taehyung in your life that can give you this type of reaction.
You (9:31am): OMG shh! Lol... But seriously, can you FT? It's kinda important.
V ♥︎ (9:30am): I'll call you in 5
With that, you wait for his call to come through. Staring at your phone and waiting for the screen to show he's calling. Less than 3 minutes later, he FaceTimes you, and you answer the second the screen pops up.
"Damn, angel. Not only did you miss me so much that you couldn't wait the week, but you answered the call in record time!? I feel so flattered."
You roll your eyes and shake your head at him. You're supposed to be talking to him about a complex and important situation, but of course, Taehyung has to find a way to lighten your mood.
Not that you're complaining.
"Tae, this is important. Stop making me all blushy," You say while one of your hands holds your rosy cheek.
"I can't help it! I love making you all flustered."
You were about to say how rude he was, not actually meaning it but wanting to have a little banter like you always do with Taehyung. But then someone starts screaming next to you with a voice of a mouse.
You slowly turn to face Ky, completely forgetting she was even here when your mind was pinpointed on calling Taehyung. You are now regretting never having the balls to bring up the conversation about other people knowing about him and you.
"You guys… ARE SO ADORABLE!"
"Um… Y/n?" You look back to Taehyung. "Is someone with you?"
Luckily, you realize Taehyung isn't mad. Quite the opposite actually. He's looking around you, wherever he can see on FaceTime, trying to find this mystery person.
"Yeah… this is Ky, my best friend." You point the camera at Ky, and the second she sees his face, her jaw drops. "Ky, this is Taehyung. Do you really need me to explain who he is?"
Taehyung laughs, either at your words or Ky's reaction and Ky is still stunned in her spot. Not believing that she's looking face-to-face with one of her favorite idols of all time.
When you point the camera back at yourself, you clear your throat when you see Ky still hasn't closed her mouth.
"Sweetheart, you'll catch flies."
Ky shakes her head and whispers a subtle, "Wow." Still stunned in her spot. "It's not that I didn't believe you, especially after the selfie and magazine incident, but Jesus Y/n… you’re dating a fucking BTS member!"
Taehyung smirks at you when Ky says 'dating,' and you roll your eyes, but don't correct her this time.
"As much as I'm glad you believe me, Ky - Tae, I just want to say I'm sorry. We never exactly talked about who can know about us and all that stuff. Even though I've been meaning to for a while," You mumble your last sentence.
"Angel, it's okay," Taehyung chuckles out. "I'm fine with people knowing as long as you trust them. I trust your judgment and know you won't do anything stupid."
And you mentally smack yourself for what you are about to say now. Taehyung just admitted to trusting your judgment, but one of your best friends - ex-best friend - stabbed you in the back with this piece of information. Making you feel utterly stupid. 
"W-well Tae… the thing is…."
You look everywhere but at the phone. Not wanting to see Taehyung's reaction when you tell him what happened.
"What's wrong?"
"I-" You swallow the lump in your throat. "Mara was with Ky and me when I found out about you, and I kinda just found out something about her today…."
You feel your vision blur a little, feeling tears start to form in your eyes from the loss of your friend.
"Y/n… are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." But your tears contradict your words. Ky pulls by your waist closer to her. Trying to give you comfort while you cry for the second time today. You wipe the tears as soon as they fall, but Taehyung doesn't miss them.
Taehyung watches you wide-eyed, and his smile is now completely gone. Replaced with a frown and not liking watching you cry.
"It doesn't seem like your fine, Y/n. What happened?"
Ky whispers in your ear, "Do you want me to tell him?" But you shake your head. You're a big girl, and you've let Kwang stop you from saying and doing a lot of things in the past. One thing you'll never let him have power over you is telling the truth and telling it to Taehyung right now.
"Mara told Kwang about us, and now me and h-her… She and I aren't friends anymore. I thought I should tell you because you know about Kwang… and I don't know what he'll do about this information."
You watch Taehyung's eyes go wide, and you're hoping he's not mad at you for doing literally the opposite of what he just said. You trusted Mara as much as you trusted Ky, before today at least. You never expected this to happen, and you're preying on the inside right now that it doesn't ruin everything you just built with Taehyung.
"Why would she tell him?" You hear Taehyung's voice get more profound, and for the first time, you don't like the sound of it.
"Apparently, they've been dating for three months behind my back. It's like Mara completely forgot everything he's done… and now he knows about us, and I’m kinda scared about what exactly he will do about it."
Your voice breaks as you speak. Hating your own words and how true they are. You look away from the camera in shame. Even more afraid now to know Taehyung's reaction.
Out of everything that's happened, you feel like this can be his excuse to leave you. His career is too important to have someone like you, an average girl and her stupid problems, mess it up. Even if nothing has happened yet, it's now a possibility that something will.
"Y/n, look at me." You do. "I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you over something like this. It's just… you told me about Kwang. Fucking hate the bastard, by the way, but this is… this is serious. I can't have the public knowing about us. Definitely not yet, anyway."
You nod your head in understanding. Feeling tears form in your eyes for new reasons now.
"I understand. And I u-understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore-"
"Absolutely not!" You jump at his outburst. "Y/n, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that we just need to be more careful. I know we're on a break if that's even still happening, but I still want to meet you and have you in my life. I don't think you realize just how important you are to my life now," Taehyung chuckles when he finished speaking, but it's a sober one. Like there was nothing funny about what he said, but he can't even believe how valid his words are.
And you can't believe them either. It's crazy how in sync you and Taehyung are with the way you feel for each other. How both of you never have to worry about betrayal or using the other for advantages.
Yes, you felt at one point that Taehyung was using you like Kwang did in the past. But that was because Mara got in your head. And Taehyung thought at one point he couldn't trust you, but that's because he's an idol and has been dealt a lousy hand in the past. It was also when you first started talking all those months ago.
Now, in the present, you look at Taehyung and know… You know you can trust each other. You know you both are in this for the long run. You know this isn't just something to pass the time or even a relationship that stays with no label.
This relationship is going to be something one day. That the second you meet, it will be something more without question. That the second you look into each other's eyes in person for the first time, you'll both know.
You'll both know you love each other until the bitter end… and you think you’re feeling that love right now. Falling for Taehyung slowly all this time, but you know now.
You’re in love with Kim Taehyung, and you don't want to be without him anymore.
"I want to meet you… in person."
CH 11
Ending Notes: That’s right bitches! They’re finally going to meet each other in the next chapter! OMG I’m so excited! I’m the one writing it, and I’m excited XD
Sorry it took such a long time, but I did say it was a slow burn. I just took the slow burn tag to the extended limits lmaoooo
There will still be drama, and all that good stuff in future chapters, but we finally got to the point in their relationship to meet. And reader loves Taehyung now! How fucking cute!
But does Taehyung feel the same….? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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“I think I might be pregnant.”
Immediately after uttering those words Talia smiled more widely than ever, and she began to laugh upon seeing Bruce’s jaw dropping.
“Oh, wow!” she said as his husband ran towards her and spun her around, got her down and kissed her lightly on the lips.
“I suppose that means you’re happy about the news?” she asked sarcastically. Bruce simply nodded as kissed her again.
"It's cold," Talia commented as she gritted her teeth. Bruce nodded as she pressed his hand.
Leslie kept dragging the transducer probe through her stomach.
"Oh!" She said suddenly.
"Oh?" Bruce said, worried. "Is there something wrong?"
The doctor pushed her glasses up and smiled kindly at the couple.
"The machine detected two heartbeats." She announced.
"T-two...heartbeats." The man managed to get out. Talia simply gasped.
Leslie pointed at the screen. "One is here here and the other one is here."
Bruce was about to say something when Talia suddenly hugged him for dear life. He could hear her sobbing. He clumsily patted her back and smiled. Twins. They were going to have twins.
Talia laughed as small colourful papers were thrown onto her and her friends laughed.
Everyone was there: Shado and her one year old daughter Emiko; Jade and her three year old, Lian; Sandra and her six year old Cassandra; her friend Selina and her sister Nyssa.
The woman being celebrated caressed her seven month baby bump. She felt loved.
She was guided to a chair and sat down, the rest of the afternoon they spent it opening gifts, drinking non alcoholic beverages and talking about the future members of the family.
"It 's a girl!" The doctor announced after a while.
Talia sighed in relief, as half the job was already done. A nurse kindly put a wet cloth on her forehead as she told her to continue breathing. Meanwhile Bruce was standing in front of her, next to Doctor Thompkins, his eyes wallowed with tears.
"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Leslie asked, the man nodded.
Talia smiled slightly as sweat and tears fell down her face. She was incredibly uncomfortable but hearing her daughter's cry, the sign that she was healthy, made it all worth it.
The mother and father looked at each other with love in their eyes. The nurse handed Bruce the baby and he looked down at her.
"Hello, it's so nice to meet you." He said to the wailing baby.
Talia suddenly felt a huge contraction, she gritted her teeth, gripped into the canvas of the mattress and groaned in pain.
The other nurse took the baby from Bruce and put her into the incubator, the man went over to his wife and held her hand.
"It's almost over," he said softly. "We'll go home soon with our children."
Talia nodded as she yelled. Trying to do her best to keep pushing. She pressed so hard on Bruce's hand that she felt a little it of work blood coming out.
Suddenly they could hear another baby's cry.
"Congratulations," Doctor Thompkins said as she cradled another baby onto her arms. "it 's a boy."
Talia laughed a little, between tears "Now we have one of each."
"Damian," Talia said, looking at the baby boy he held in her arms.
"I like it," Bruce said as he cradled the baby girl. "Athanasia, like your grandmother."
The woman nodded. She shushed Damian and booped his cute little button up nose.
Meanwhile Bruce was standing up while spinning softly and practically dancing while holding his daughter. The baby suddenly started crying, her brother soon followed.
"They must be hungry." Talia said. She stretched out the hospital gown from her neck and got the baby boy to drink the milk.
"It feels weird, good, but weird." She commented.
"You think you can do double shifts?" Bruce asked as Athanasia continued to cry. Talia nodded.
The man slowly handed the baby girl to his wife and she held her with one hand, now both babies were eating happily. The woman smiled at both of them. So did Bruce.
The man stood on the corner of the room as his family in law gathered around the hospital bed his wife was in and the incubators his children were in.
"How are you feeling? "Nyssa asked as she sat next to her.
"I'm tired." She sighed. "Never again."
"Never?" Bruce smiled cheekily.
"Oh oh." Dusan chimed in as she held her own two year daughter, Mara in his arms.
"Oh don't start." Talia warned, although she wasn't as intimidating as she usually was.
Meanwhile her father was looking at the babies in the incubator. He seemed to slightly curl his lips upwards, Bruce was just left to assume that was his version of a smile.
"Master Bruce?"
Bruce looked up from her kids and into Alfred's blue-gray eyes. Up to that point he was sitting on the couch from under the hospital room window while looking intently at the incubator. All the while Talia slept on the bed.
The man walked through the room and went over to say next to him, he was carrying a tray of coffee and passed one of the cups to Bruce.
"You're a grandfather now." The younger man said as if the other wasn't aware of that.
"Not a grandfather, pops, makes me sound younger." Alfred said. Bruce laughed.
“Home sweet home.” Bruce finally said as he advanced through the door while holding Damian with one hand. Talia followed quickly behind him while cuddling Athanasia close to her chest.
They went inside of their appartement and immediately the feeling of how tired they actually were dawned on them.
They went through the umbral of the bedroom door of the babies, they accommodated both children on the cradle together and wrapped them both with a pink and blue blanket
The couple wrapped tehmesleves around each other and looked fondly at their kids.
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elocinnicole · 3 years
A New Year’s Kiss
Summary: Daveed plans to propose to Reader on her favorite holiday as he prepares the night before the proposal he thinks back through memories of their three-year relationship.
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Black!Reader
AN: I’m giving the sisters names since the Reader comes from a big family.
Series Masterlist
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It was a cold night in New York City, you sat in the living room of your new three-bedroom apartment sipping on a cup of hot ginger tea. Daniel crawled all over the place, loving the ample amount of space he had to chase the new family dog, Rocky, a Beagle puppy. Daniel’s laughter made you smile widely; you loved the life you and Daveed built for yourselves. The new apartment was coming along nicely, you finally unpacked the last of the boxes, thus ending the living out of a box phase. You decorated the walls with pictures of family and friends, there’s even a wall dedicated to the tv shows, movies, plays, and musicals the two of you have been in. Even though you truly think that it was Daveed’s way to brag about your accomplishments every time someone came over to visit, despite the many times he denied it. The sound of the front door opening alerted Daniel that Daveed was home, he crawled to the front of the apartment, screaming at the top of his lungs. Daveed scooped Daniel and kissed the top of his head where his curly dark brown hair was starting to grow.
“Hey, little man! Where’s Mommy?” Daniel pointed toward the living room. Daveed walked over and plopped down next to you. You shared a quick kiss before Daniel slid himself out of Daveed’s lap to keep playing with Rocky.
“How was your day?” Daveed asked he wrapped an arm around you to pull you close to him.
“It was fine, just like the first day of rehearsals.” After being in The Lion King for about three months, you landed the lead role in a new musical called WET PAINT. “We start previews at the end of February. How was it with Anthony?”
“It was great, babe. We got the song done Rafa’s gonna send in his verse tomorrow.”
“That—” Then there were several loud knocks at the door
“You expecting company?”
“Remember my mom and sisters are coming up for New Years,” You hopped off the couch and greeted your family at the door, they were staying at a hotel not far from your apartment and you planned for them to come over and visit since your sisters haven’t seen Daniel since he was born.
“Hey Mom,” You pulled your mom in for a hug
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Come in guys,” Your mom and three sisters walked into your apartment,
“Where’s my grandson?” Your mom wondered loudly
“Nana!” Just like that Daniel made his way over to your mom who swooped down to pick him up.
“Hi, Nana’s baby, Y/N, I love the new place.” Your mom said as everyone followed you into the kitchen.
“Thanks, we needed more space, with Daniel getting bigger and having a dog.”
“Is there any other reason why you and Daveed needed more space?” Your oldest sister, Fatima, playfully suggested
“Um, girl no, Daniel isn’t even one yet. I’m just getting back to my pre-baby body. Oh, by the way, can you re-dip my braids tonight?”
“I was gonna offer but I didn’t want to be rude,” Fatima teased
“Shut up, rude ass.”
“So,” your older sister, Mara started “have you thought about having another baby?”
“I mean, yeah but not anytime soon.”
“What about marriage?” Your other sister, Kalani, added
“It’s been discussed, we both know we’re in this for the long haul.”
“Wedding bells may be in your near future,” Mara teased
“Can we wait a minute, we just moved, Daniel’s about to turn one, I just went back to work, I need some more time.”
“Girl, you waited three years, how much longer?” Fatima reasoned
“Why are you guys interrogating me?” You asked overwhelmed knowing that Daveed was well within earshot.
“Alright, alright, we’ll leave you alone, come on and let me fix your hair.”
Your sisters and mom ended up staying well past dinner and you didn’t mind it one minute. After graduating from Howard University, you moved to New York and didn’t look back. The last time you saw your sisters, in person, was at your baby shower and that was a year ago. After eating the crab cakes your Mom made and about three glasses of Merlot, you currently playing Black Card Revoked with your sisters, one of your favorite games, India Aire playing in the background.
“Okay, so this is majority rules, ‘You know it’s about to be a fight when you hear someone say? A. We need to talk… B. I just find it funny how… C. So what you not gonna do… or D. Didn’t I tell you…’” Fatima read
“C!” You said confidently, “That’s how all my fights started in high school.
“Naw I gotta go with D,” Mara shouted “D is one of them sneak attacks from behind.”
“Like that time, you grabbed that girl’s hair,” Kalani reminisced
“Yeah, she was bothering Y/N, and I was the only one in high school with her and I was not gonna let some bitch mess with my sister.”
“And that’s on period,” Fatima said
“Pooh!” Kalani added, making the sisters laugh
Daveed noticed your mom in the kitchen washing the dishes and saw it as the perfect opportunity.
“Hey, Daveed, sorry about the wedding talk with my daughters. I promise I didn’t say anything to them.” Your mom said in hushed tones
“It’s okay, I just wanted to show you a picture of the ring,” Daveed pulled out his phone and showed your mother the engagement ring. Shortly after you had Daniel, Daveed came to your mother and asked for her blessing, of course, she agreed and helped him find the perfect ring and the way he should propose. Knowing you were a private person he was going to give you a gift after midnight when everyone left your place, a photo album and on the last page, he was going to pop the question.
“It’s beautiful Daveed, where is it?”
“I keep it on me at all times,” Daveed pulled the engagement box out of his pocket.
“Is that what I think it is?” Fatima gushed
“Shush, get over here girl.” Your mother urged “Where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in the living room, so you’re gonna propose?”
“Yeah,” Daveed said quietly “tomorrow.”
“Aw, I’m so happy for you two, how are you gonna propose?”
“With a photo album,” Daveed replied a small smile on his face
“Oooohhhh, I can’t wait,” Fatima said clapping her hands together
“Fatima it’s your turn and you about to get skipped!” You shouted from the living room
“Girl, skip me I’m winning anyway,” Fatima said walking back over
Daveed sat in the living room long after you had fallen asleep and your mom and sisters went back to their hotel. He was going over the photo album to make sure that everything was perfect for tomorrow. The first picture he came across was from the opening night party of the First National Tour of Hamilton, which is where the two of you met. After consuming many drinks from the open bar the two of you snapped a very drunk selfie. Daveed had kissed your cheek and you were laughing.
March 2017
After you spilled your wine on Daveed, it seemed the two of you were attached at the hip. Between the bar and the dance floor, Daveed was not far from you and you didn’t mind at all. There was a lavish balcony looking over San Francisco, you and Daveed were laughing at a high school story you were telling him.
“So, the girlfriend started hitting the boyfriend mind you, we’re all in line for the Haunted Mansion ride and it got so bad that we were told to get out of line, so I never got to ride the Haunted Mansion. Long story short, my first and only trip to Disneyland before all of this was pretty bad.”
“Well, that just means we have to go back.”
“Daveed, we can’t just drive to Disneyland and I don’t know you like that.”
“We can fly, that’s not a problem.”
“Did you forget that I’m on a tour right now?”
“Ain’t y’all here until August.”
“Well, I still don’t know you.”
“You can get to know me.”
“What if I don’t want to?” You challenged
“I can get us Fast Passes.”
“Oh, so you got it like that?” You teased flirtatiously
“Yeah, uh, I got some connections,” Daveed smirked
“Alright, let’s go.”
“It’s a date,” Daveed smiled
“It’s a date.”
The next picture was a picture Jasmine took of them at an award show, that night you said I love you to each other for the first time.
June 2018
You and Daveed had attended your first red carpet event of the award season that evening. It was also the first time you were at an exclusive event as a couple. The paparazzi went crazy all of them wanting to snap pictures of Daveed and his new girlfriend. It was all overwhelming to you. Of course, you have been on a red carpet before but not for an award show. While it was exciting it was also draining. Unfortunately, you had to leave that night to go back to New York you had a show the next day, what made it worse, was that Daveed had to stay in LA for an interview about Blindspotting. Now at the airport, you hugged your boyfriend tightly not wanting to let go.
“You gonna miss your flight,” He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“I don’t care,” You said, tiredness evident in your voice.
“It’s only two days, go make that money,” Daveed said trying to lift your spirits. Daveed cupped your face and kissed you on the lips.
“I love you,” He said tenderly, you looked at him wide-eyed. He mentally slapped himself for saying that out loud. He scanned your face for any sign that you would say it back. When he didn’t he pulled away from you, suddenly.
“Sorry, for saying that, uh—-”
“I um, I hope you have a safe flight. Call me when you land.” Daveed said quickly, wanting to end the already awkward moment. He turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm and pulled him in for another kiss.
“You didn’t let me say it back, dork.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips “I love you too,” Daveed smiled widely and kissed you once more.
“Can you say it again?” You playfully rolled your eyes
“I love you too.” Daveed leaned in to kiss you but you put up your hand to stop him
“I’m gonna miss my flight, messing with you. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
January 2019
“Happy New Year!!” You smiled while you kissed Daveed. The two of you were hosting a New Year’s Eve party for your friends at Daveed’s New York apartment. This was the first big event the two of you hosted. Well, it was mainly you, Daveed just let you do your thing. You pulled away from the kiss and raised an eyebrow, you know that there was something was on his mind.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You should move in with me.”
“Huh? How much have you had to drink?” You asked but you were just as tipsy after taking quite a few shots out the Grammy.
“Not as much as you.” You lightly slapped his chest you examined his face to make sure he wasn’t playing a joke
“You serious?”
“Aw, so I’m gonna have more than a drawer.” Daveed playfully rolled his eyes
“You can have a whole dresser,” You gave a peck on the cheek, smiling widely.
“I love you,”
“Love you too.”
The next day, Daveed did his best to keep his cool which was easy because your sisters, Mom, Jasmine, Kim, Rafael, Barbara, and Dountes were all at your place for New Year's Eve and served as the perfect distraction. Anthony was in Times Square performing on the Main Stage and would be the last act before the ball dropped so you decided to host a party.
You caught Daveed staring, smirking you walked over to him. You were wearing a brown bodycon dress and matching heels. Feeling the effects of the alcohol had you feeling more confident. You sensually wrapped your arms around Daveed making sure to caress his muscles.
“We have some time before midnight,” you suggested Daveed smirked and kissed your forehead.
“With your Mom here?” Daveed asked with raised eyebrows.
“I can be quiet,”
“After everyone’s gone. So we don’t have to worry about being quiet.” You pouted which made Daveed snicker.
“It’s shot o’clock!” Your sister Mara called from the kitchen
“Oh, so we doing body shots?” Rafael suggested eying your sister.
“Body shots?” Fatima questioned
“I’m down,” Mara responded giving Rafael the same look.
“No one is down for anything, this is not some frat party.”
“How much you wanna bet, Rafa’s gonna—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, I don’t need the visual.”
Midnight came and went and Daveed’s nervousness was at an all-time high. He watched as your guests left one by one. Neither of you were surprised when Mara and Rafa slipped away shortly after the ball dropped. Surprisingly, Daniel stayed up until the ball dropped, but went to sleep shortly after.
“I’m about to go change so we can start cleaning up.”
“Hold on, I wanna give you something first,” Daveed said you sighed heavily.
“Babe, can you give it to me after I change? I wanna get out my shoes.”
“It’s not gonna take long. I promise, go in the living room.”
You sleepily walked back to the living room and plopped down on the sofa, whatever Daveed had up his sleeve better be worth it. Daveed returned with a purple photo album in hand and handed it to you.
“What’s this?”
“Just some pictures, something I put together.” You smiled, tears threatening to fall.
“Aw, you’re so sweet, thank you so much, baby.”You kissed his cheek before looking through the album and reacting to the pictures. It was so crazy to see the timeline of your relationship, who would’ve thought that back in 2017 you would be where the two of you are now.
You flipped through the album until you got to the last page. It was an empty page and dated for today. Confused you turned to look at Daveed only to find him already on bended knee with a ring box in hand. You covered your face as the tears started falling. Daveed gently removed your hands from your face. You saw that he was holding back tears as well.
“When you purposely split your wine on me—”
“Oh my gosh, Daveed!”
“I knew you were something special the first time I laid my eyes on you. Baby, you are the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of it with you. I kept going over what I was gonna say or how I wanted to do this. I wanted it to be perfect because you deserve nothing but perfection. I love you so much. Will you marry me?” You were full-on crying at this point. The album already made you emotional but, the both of you had discussed marriage but still, this proposal is everything you’ve could‘ve dreamed of.
“Yes, yes of course.” Daveed slid the ring onto your ring finger and you pulled him in for a kiss. This is always how you imagine your engagement would be, just you and your fiancé.
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LOVE your writing. Apparently according to the latest panel, Madam Razz can now experience time linearly after Adora broke the sword. Maybe an Adora/Razz reunion along with her introducing her to Catra?
((she might be linear again but she still has to be confused af after 1000 years of flittering in and out of time lol))
“An old lady lives out here? Seriously? How?”
“The woods like her.” Adora shrugged. “Just... don’t be too weirded out, okay?”
“Making me feel reeeeeeeeal confident here, Adora.”
Adora nudged Catra, smiling, and took her hand. “She’s a little old lady with a broom. It’s fine.”
They stepped out into a clearing. Adora smiled when she saw a small hut, and called, “Razz? You here?”
No answer. Catra wandered further into the clearing, looking around. “Razz...?”
A broom slapped against the back of Catra’s head. She yelped, jumping away. “What the hell?!”
She assumed it was Razz who stepped out of the bushes, broom held like a weapon. She lightened up slightly when she saw her guests. “Oh, Adora! And you brought Catra as well!”
“Uh... do I know you?”
Adora jogged over to Catra, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Razz kind of... experiences time different than we do.”
“Oh, no, that’s all fixed!” Razz announced happily. “But things still get confused sometime in this old mind. We haven’t met yet, have we dearie?”
“No... No I don’t think we have.”
Razz tilted her head. “Oh, your hair is short. The war just ended, didn’t it?” She smiled warmly. “Mara would be so proud of you, Adora.”
Adora blushed, ducking her head and smiling. “Everyone else sure is,” Catra said, elbowing Adora.
“Shush,” Adora mumbled, rubbing the back of her head.
“What? You literally saved the universe. You can at least milk it a little.”
“Didn’t you help?”
“Hell no, don’t put that on me.”
Razz chuckled. They already bickered like the old married couple they would eventually.
“Oh I can’t wait to meet your children. They call me Grannie Razz, you know!”
Adora’s and Catra’s minds stalled at the same moment before they stuttered, “Our what?!”
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psychosistr · 3 years
Green-Eyed Monsters- Chapter 5
Summary: Dominic finally gets the chance to deal with the women who’ve been irritating him all evening, though one of them still manages to get the better of him and his partner.
Notes: Very slight trigger warning in this one for a scene involving someone being knocked out by a poisoned needle and Emelia trying to follow through on her plan, but nothing as bad as the last chapter.
-First Chapter-
Following his partner and the heiress had been trickier than Dominic expected. He had to stay close enough to see which turns they took while staying downwind of the vulpine vixen to avoid detection. Then there was the matter of the guards patrolling the halls- they were always absent from whatever hall the pair found themselves in, but the loon noticed they were quick to return to one of the other halls nearby within thirty seconds of the two passing, leaving their uninvited follower to quickly follow in their footsteps and duck behind some ridiculously unnecessarily lavish piece of hall furniture. (Seriously, who needs THAT many tables and counters set up just to hold a single vase of the same arrangement of flowers per surface? The aesthetic is nice, but it’s so wasteful and repetitive- at least change up the flowers or something!) Eventually, though, the two entered a room with an extremely ornate door that left no question as to whom it belonged to.
Slipping behind them before the heavy door could swing shut all the way, Dominic used his dark feathers and clothing to help him blend in with the few shadows surrounding the entryway of the grand master bedroom. Honestly, it felt more like he was in an upscale condo with how big the room was: The room had two levels with a small staircase leading up to a large balcony area dedicated to holding the largest bed the loon had EVER seen- it had to be an Alaskan-king, it was even bigger than the California-king in Steelbeak’s room- with a circular shape, ornate golden base and headboard, silken sheets under a dark red comforter, and a sheer black curtain-style canopy suspended from the ceiling above it. The lower level was split. Half of it served as a lounge area with several expensive pieces of leather furniture, hand-carved wooden tables, a small bar with two seats in front of it, and even a large fireplace with a TV mounted above it. The other half seemed to be an office space of some kind with a large desk, locked filing cabinet, and computer all set up near the ornate windows that provided a view of the city in the distance. There were a couple of closed doors that Dominic assumed to be the bathroom and/or closets, but he had little time to contemplate it as the foxy femme led his partner up the staircase towards the gigantic bed.
Steelbeak gave an impressed whistle as he willingly followed his hostess’s lead, leaning heavily on the railing to keep his balance as he swayed with each step. “Real’ swanky digs ya got here. Ever think ‘bou-” Whatever he’d been about to say turned into a squawk as he was shoved face-first into the thick red comforter. It took the metal-mouthed fowl a moment to roll over and look back up at the perpetrator, the act of doing so apparently leaving him dizzy and disoriented. “Woah…you don’t waste time, do ya..?”
Emelia smirked down at the now prone rooster below her as she climbed on top of him, one hand on his chest to help her keep her balance (and partially pin him in place) while the other slid sensually down her body to keep his attention. “What can I say? I’ve never been one for patience~” As the hand on the fowl’s chest slid lower, the one on the vulpine’s own body reached for something under the edge of the blankets. “Now…let’s stop playing games and cut to the chase~” Furry fingers found their mark- a dagger with a bejeweled hilt that had been tucked away in wait for the pair’s arrival.
Just as she began to grip the decorative base, however, the barrel of a silencer-equipped pistol was pressed against the back of the rich woman’s head. “Don’t even think about it.”
“!!” Green eyes widening in panicked realization, Emelia turned her head just enough to see the rather agitated man standing behind her. The look of barely-restrained rage made it clear that he would NOT hesitate to pull the trigger if she so much as breathed the wrong way. “You-?!”
“Took ya long enough, stripes.” Steelbeak took the opportunity to lazily push the stunned woman off of his lap and sit up, going slow enough that his partner could keep his gun trained on her. “An’ here I thought you’d changed your mind an’ decided t’ leave without me~” While his voice still showed signs of intoxication, it was nowhere near the apparent act he’d been putting on up to that point.
“What?!” Temporarily forgetting about the weapon still threatening her life, the confused billionaire’s head whipped around to stare at the lighter bird incredulously. “HOW?! I gave you enough to drug a rhinoceros! How are you still-?!”
“Don’t take it personal, doll. I’m sure that little ‘trick’ o’ yours works just fine on the guys that’re too busy droolin’ over ya t’ see straight before their first drink.” Steelbeak stood up from the bed, still swaying slightly in place but not fighting gravity as he had been less than a minute ago. “Unfortunately for you-” He gave the foxy lady a cocky smirk as he leaned over and plucked her earrings from her ears. “-my standards are a bit higher.” The end of the rooster’s explanation(/insult) was accompanied by a wink sent in the shorter man’s direction.
Despite the scowl on his face, Dominic felt his cheeks heat up slightly at the gesture. Darn those gray eyes- they made it really hard to stay mad at him.
Reminding himself that now was neither the time nor place to think about forgiving his partner for his words downstairs, the loon rolled his red eyes and shook his head. “If you’re done making a fool of yourself, we should be leaving.” Turning his attention back to the one still on the bed, Dominic’s expression hardened as he pressed the barrel of his gun more forcefully against the mammal’s head. “There’s just one loose end to tie up before we go…”
“Actually, would you mind letting me borrow her first?” An annoyingly familiar voice chimed in from behind the loon. “I need her passwords~”
Already knowing- and dreading- who would be there, Dominic looked back at the new addition to the conversation with a glare that spoke volumes of how badly he wanted to pull the trigger on BOTH women and be done with them for good. “When did you get here?” The venom in his voice was even deadlier than the look in his eyes.
“About two seconds after you did~” Showing no signs of fear whatsoever at the short-fused sharpshooter’s tone of voice, Maravilla just smiled calmly from her spot seated on the railing at the top of the staircase. “I wanted to help make sure our dear chief officer stayed in one piece, but it seems you have the situation under control. Good job~”
Dominic seriously contemplated shooting the jaybird for her patronizing tone alone, but held back- albeit just barely. “I am more than capable of seeing to my partner’s safety on my own.”
Steelbeak muttered something in response that sounded frustrated, but the loon didn’t have a chance to question him on it as Maravilla hopped off of the railing and sauntered over to the other birds. “I can see that, and I’m quite impressed~” Showing absolutely no fear (was this woman afraid of anything??), the lady in red lifted up the longer portion of her dress just enough to reveal a knife tucked securely into a garter belt. “Now, darling-” Once the black-handled needle-point dagger was removed from its sheath, one purple hand grabbed the heiress by the base of her long locks and guided her towards the stairs- the knife staying close to her throat in a clear warning not to scream or try to run. “-let’s have a little talk…just you, me, and all of those sweet little files on your hard drive~”
Frustrated, but clearly not in the mood to die tonight, Emelia allowed herself to be dragged to her desk downstairs and provided the smaller woman with the necessary numbers and letters whenever different boxes popped up on the computer screen.
Domino glared down at the women below with a scowl, arms folded as he leaned on them against the railing overlooking the rest of the room. “I could set both of them on fire from here…that would be effective…” He muttered, mostly to himself.
“Nah, not worth it.” The taller fowl joined his partner, hands pressed against the railing for support to keep himself steady. “Mara might be hard t’ get along with, but she’s good at what she does an’ we need all the inside-help we can get ‘gainst those losers at SHUSH.” He shook his head with a quiet chuckle. “’sides, I don’t wanna deal with her boss- Vi’s less of a headache than that guy…and less likely t’ try stealin’ my job.”
“Hmh.” The sound was one of acknowledgement, but not necessarily agreeing. Dominic wasn’t ready to be civil with his partner quite yet. “Did your plan include a way out of here without getting caught by the guards?”
The answer he received was a calm shrug. “Figured we’d just jump out the window.” An off-white thumb gestured towards the windows along the right side of the room. “Pretty sure we’re near the car.” A thought seemed to occur to him and he reached into his pocket, retrieving something and holding it out before dropping it in the loon’s unarmed hand. “Here.”
Looking into his hand, Dominic saw the rooster’s keys had been deposited in his palm. “Really? You expect me to drive that gaudy monstrosity?” Despite his annoyed tone, the darker bird was aware of how big of a deal this was. Steelbeak never let ANYONE else drive his car- he barely even allowed anyone to SIT in it unless he was sure they wouldn’t track in anything that might stain his “baby”.
“She ain’t gaudy, she’s classy.” Steelbeak corrected with a roll of his eyes. “And yeah, I’m lettin’ you drive my baby- but just this once.” Before the shorter man could show his (sarcastic) appreciation for the other’s “generosity”, he continued in a quiet but serious tone. “I’m good ‘nough t’ walk an’ stand up for a few minutes, but not enough t’ drive…you’ll have t’ do it this time.”
“……” That drug must have been something to make Steelbeak admit to even THAT much of his current state. If he was really that bad off, then Dominic knew it would be best to save the rest of their “discussion” for later. For now, he’d rather get his partner to one of FOWL’s doctors to make sure there wouldn’t be any long-term side effects (he doubted anyone was expected to survive after receiving the proper dosage, let alone the amount Steelbeak had ingested). “..Fine. I’ll drive your tacky little toy this time. But no complaining when you have to readjust the seat and mirrors later.”
That managed to bring the smallest of grins to the rooster's beak. “Deal……but you ain’t touchin’ my radio.” And that earned a slight quirking of the loon’s mouth, as well.
“Awww, are the lovebirds done fighting?” An infuriating voice called up to them from below. When the deadly duo looked down at the other agent still occupying the room with them, they saw Maravilla removing a flash drive from the computer before tucking it away safely into her garter belt. “Good, because it’s time to go- I’m pretty sure our esteemed hostess here tried to trip a silent alarm while she was logging in.” The purplish jay gestured to the currently unconscious fox now lying sprawled out across her work desk, a small needle sticking up from the back of her exposed neck. “Luckily, I already got what I needed~” Making her way up the stairs to her fellow FOWL agents, the lady in red seated herself right between the two on the railing they were leaning against. “So, do you two have an escape plan?”
Steelbeak gestured once again to the large windows beside them. “Figured we’d take the express route.”
Maravilla giggled gleefully and placed one small purple hand over Steelbeak’s much larger off-white one. “A man after my own heart~”
Dominic glared down at the offending appendage, barely resisting the urge to smack it away from his partner- or better yet, break those pretty purple phalanges permanently. Instead, he chose to poignantly nudge the woman’s hand away with the tip of his gun, hoping that would get his point across. “If time is of the essence, then we should leave. Now.”
Clearly aware of the darker bird’s growing ire, the double agent gave him a playful smirk and made direct eye contact with him while giving his partner’s hand one last squeeze. “I suppose you have a point~” Rather than slide down from the railing and walk to the window on the floor like anyone else would, Maravilla opted instead to swing her legs up onto the railing and walk to the window that way, her closed hands held out on either side of her to help with her balance. “It’s been fun, boys~ We’ll have to do it again sometime~” Still perched precariously on the railing of the balcony, the jaybird kneeled down enough to unlatch the window before standing upright and looking back at the duo- at Dominic, in particular- with a smirk. “Oh, before I go, would you mind doing me a favor and shooting at me a few times?”
“Gladly.” Dominic needed no further prompting or explanation, he just raised his pistol and aimed it right at the woman’s head.
Steelbeak seemed to find the whole thing amusing, shaking his head with a chuckle. “Gotta get your ‘danger fix’ in before ya go, Mara?”
The colorful avian giggled, bringing one of her closed hands up to her beak. “Ah, you know me too well, Steely~” Then, the look in her eyes changed from playful to devious. “Really, though, I just thought it’d be more…believable. After all, it’s not like you’d just let me get away with this, right?” In lieu of an explanation, the double-agent’s hand opened to reveal a very familiar earring with a very unique green diamond in the center.
“!!” Standing up straighter with a surprised squawk, Steelbeak looked down at the hand he’d had the earrings in- the same hand that Maravilla had been touching moments ago- and discovered that he now held only ONE of the priceless gemstone-adorned trinkets in his palm. “How the h-?!”
Maravilla winked at the baffled rooster coyly. “Nothing personal, Steely- but it would look bad if I was in the room with a couple of FOWL agents and didn’t at least TRY to stop them from getting what they wanted, right?”
Having had more than enough of the duplicitous diva’s tricks, Dominic wasted no time in finally pulling the trigger on his silenced pistol. “Why, you-!!”
“Thanks, tough guy! That’s just what I needed!” Maravilla merely laughed at the blood-thirsty look in the loon’s eyes as she made a leap for the window. The pane of glass flew open without breaking, allowing the purplish jay to swan-dive from the bedroom and out into the cool night air like a professional diver.
Luckily for her, the reckless avian’s companion was waiting right below the window the moment she jumped out. “Mari!” Lining herself up with her fellow agent, Xaviera managed to catch the free-falling woman by bracing one of her long legs against the wall and extending her arm to make sure she caught Maravilla���s head and torso properly. “Oof!” The impact left her a little shaken, but the fact that she was still standing after catching the other woman was a testament to the vulture’s strength. “Are you-?” Before she could finish her question, the gunshots still ringing from above caught her attention. “!!” Adjusting her grip so that Maravilla could grab onto her neck and shoulders while Xaviera’s arm looped around beneath her legs, the taller woman took off in a sprint towards the surrounding forest (she was certainly grateful she chose to wear her sandals for this mission).
Once the two were far enough away, Maravilla looked up at the lighter avian with a playful smile. “See? I told you I’d save a dance for you~”
Slowing to a walk once she was sure they weren’t being chased, Xaviera sighed and shook her head. “That wasn’t exactly the kind of dance I was hoping for..”
“Aw, you didn’t like it?” Putting on a clearly fake pout, one of the femme fatale’s fingers started tracing patterns on the other woman’s neck. “Well, then..” The colorful digit made its way up to the vulture’s head, teasingly twining a lock of the other’s long hair around her finger tip. “I’ll just have to give you a better one later…after all, I hate leaving a lady unsatisfied~”
A brilliant red that could have rivaled the shorter bird’s dress quickly blossomed across the one armed woman’s face and part of her neck. “I-! Bu-wha-no! I mean, yes, but-! Not like that-! I just-! I didn’t-!” Trying to salvage what remained of her dignity (though at this point she doubted there was much of it left), Xaviera cleared her throat and quickly shook her head. “You-You should be more careful next time. What you did was very dangerous and broke several SHUSH protocols.”
The shorter woman’s pout returned with a vengeance. “Are you going to report me to big-bad-Gryzlikoff?”
Xaviera seriously considered it for a moment- Maravilla’s actions went so far against protocol that she’d likely get written up for her misconduct…………but, looking into the jaybird’s pleading eyes, the vulture’s resolve crumbled. Darn those pretty eyes.. “N…No. Not this time…just, please promise me you’ll be more careful next time, okay..?”
And, like magic, the pout vanished and was replaced with a beaming smile. “Aww…see? This is why you’re my favorite, mi cielo~” Tilting her head up, Maravilla planted a kiss on the corner of her protector’s beak. The resulting chirp and visible lipstick mark brought the shorter woman great amusement, prompting her to leave a matching one on the other side before easily slipping out of her stunned companion’s grip. “Come along, darling, we have to get back before they send Jasper to look for us~”
Xaviera was too stunned to move for a moment, her eyes following the other woman’s movements as she walked away while her own feet remained firmly rooted to the ground. Bringing her fingertips up to touch the spot on her beak that she could swear still felt warm from the kiss (or possibly from her own incredibly flushed face), the vulture’s thoughts from earlier rang in her head once more: That woman was going to give her a heart attack one of these days.
But, she mentally amended, it might be worth it.
<--Previous Chapter Next Chapter-->
End Notes: Well, that’s the dangerous spy stuff out of the way and the last we’ll see of the SHUSH ladies for now. Next chapter is short before the final chapter, sorry ^.^”
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Chapter 14
“¿Que pasa, jefe?” Florès asked as he came into the main room, making his way to Serizawa and a woman he had never seen before. “The doctor finally gave me the clear to work at least an hour a day, Russellita is the only person who’s visited me since you, and I’m debating whether or not I’m actually dead and in hell. How are you doing? Any progress on your... dilemma?”
“I’m arranging something with Vivienne, you don’t have to worry yourself about it.” Serizawa started, putting a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “You keeping an eye on the Russell’s daughter is very appreciated, I’m glad to see you’re recovering so well, and your hell wouldn’t have computers in it.”
“Alright.” Florès turned toward the other woman, extending his hand. “Hi. I’m J.C. Florès, computer scientist and developer-slash-creator of the ORCA.”
“Dr. Ling Chen.” She answered back, shaking his hand with a smile. “Scientist-in-chief of the mythology department. I suppose they brought you in after Godzilla’s awakening? I went to gather notes on who they all could be shortly after that.”
“... who’s Godzilla?”
“... Right- the now deceased Japanese Sea Titan.”
“Oh no, it took the Mara Titan blowing a gasket to- wait. He’s dead!?”
“... Yes.” Serizawa confirmed, turning his head to the ground. “Despite my protests, the military ended up using an experimental bomb and dropped it on Ghidorah- the Antartica Titans, they share a name- while they were fighting Godzilla. They... they ended up surviving.”
“There’s a summary on every known Titan in an email I’ve sent everyone, with more details on the ones currently awake.” Chen explained to Florès. who nodded numbly as he took a deep breath.
He then turned toward the soldiers at the back of the room. The two he started advancing toward actually flinched back as the roboticist stared at them. “Alright. Which one of you pedenjos from the military thought it would be a good idea to drop an experimental bomb made to kill a small, living ecosystem near a fishing town-!?”
“The Russells were right.” Chen muttered as she watched the younger man tear into the two fguards, who were trying to calm him down as other came to try and restrain him. “His attitude is completely unlike everyone else’s there. He knows he’s dealing with living gods, he just doesn’t care. Do you think it might become a problem?”
Serizawa hummed, turning back toward Florès. The younger man had climbed an unoccupied desk, and was now throwing office supplies at the guard who came too close. “Sir, please calm down-”
“He’ll have to learn how to steady himself eventually. And to learn how to make the difference between Monarch security guards and the U.S. military. For now, his teeth might be just what we need.”
“Uh, Serizawa?” The head scientist turned toward one of his employees, who was manning the map. “We’ve sighted another Titan, in direction of Skull Island."
Mothra groaned, remembering why everyone avoided the Skull. She had been attacked no less than 6 times since she’s gotten here last time, got intertwined in three different traps, one of her wings almost got ripped, she was currently tied up in a net of vines, and she hadn’t even found any of the monkeys.
At least, it was proof enough that Ghidorah wasn’t there.
She snapped to attention as she heard some rustling. She narrowed her eyes as she saw a pair of red eyes look at her from the darkness of the foliage. “Show yourself.” She ordered. She was expecting another Incomplete one, or maybe even a monkey, but what appeared instead caught her off-guard.
“Hello, dear sister.” Battra greeted, twirling a blade fashioned from one of his former incarnation’s horn in his hand. Mothra frowned as she saw the black face paint. “It’s been a while.”
“Battra. Back on the path of war already?”
“Depends how much of Terra’s will the humans have violated this time.” He answered back, before flying up and grabbing one of the lianas. His expression softened. “Do you need help?”
Mothra nodded, her brother gently untangling her limbs from the vines, freeing her little by little as he cast the occasional concerned look. She smiled. “Thank you.”
Battra averted her eyes from her, focusing on his task. “Who else has woken up?”
“Oh! Godzilla, Rodan, and Anguirus. I haven’t found any of the monkeys, but chances are they’re awake too.”
“Great.” He groaned. “The trio of idiots is up and about. Just what I needed to hear when I wake up.”
“Oh, shush.” Mothra snarked back, using one of her freed arms to tap Battra on the head. “The only reason you don’t like Goji is because you don’t think he’s good enough for me.”
“You deserve only the best, and a brute who solves all of his problems with incredible violence isn’t it.”
“Oh, because you’re any better!?”
“... not my point.” He caught her hand as he untangled the last vine, the two starting to fly off into the skies. “And what about Ghidorah?”
Oh. Oh no. “So... you saw them on the Tapestry?”
“... Amongst other things. Rodan is currently keeping them locked away on his nest, by the way.” Battra tsk-ed. “Reckless idiot.”
“You don’t get it. It will buy us time to prepare properly for them.” Mothra tried to reassure him. “Godzilla is currently on the way there, I’m sure he can-”
“No, you don’t get it! Something... something terrible happened.” Battra took a deep, shaky breath. Mothra frowned. That was unlike him... “Come with me to Styx’s temple. I’ll explain everything here.”
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loverdrew · 5 years
My Everything II
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You’ve always been passive, to yourself, and a little bit naive, but what unfolds when he comes in and turns your whole world upside down?
Everything I
The Next Day...
“Hey Kyle.” I said casually as I walked into his office. 
“Hey Y/N. Thanks for coming to visit me!” He stands up quickly and gives me a side hug. “How are you settling in? Sorry I couldn’t help you move in, the office gets crazy around here the first week of school.”
“Uhm, alright. Been to most of my classes and I like the professors and students, but there’s this one damn kid that I can’t stand.” I began daydreaming once again about probably the hottest guy I’ve ever seen who makes my blood boil to thousands of degrees. 
“Shawn Mendes?”
“Uh yea, how’d you know?” 
“I get complaints about him almost weekly. Not the most liked kid in this school. And that speaks volumes when you’re 1 out of 35,000 students being talked about.” He slightly chuckles, moving back in his chair.
“He just comes in and acts so pretentious, cocky, entitled. I just have a real disliking for people who don’t have any drive to do better in their lives and college is the place to do that.” I could feel myself getting red, but I just kept telling myself what I have been since I got here: that nobody will dull my shine.
“You got all that after one day with him?” He asked with a slight chuckle.
“Well I have a few classes with him and I’ve been told numerous things from people who know him personally. Remember, I’m good at knowing who people really are.” I smile proudly.
“One of my favorite traits about you kid.” I made a face of great confidence, laughing after, hearing a door behind me open to see a taller boy with light brown curly hair, dark eyes and an inviting soft smile. 
“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Richards, I can come back in like 15 minutes?” He smiled down at me and then looked back up at my stepdad.
“No worries, this is my stepdaughter Y/N. Y/N do you mind if we continue this later?” I nodded understandingly and got up out of the chair. Kyle is a business major advisor to about 350 kids so it wasn’t so uncommon that students always needed him. 
“Take your time, nice meeting you...?”
“Joshua, but just Josh is fine with me.” He had a very enticing smile that seemed so genuine like he was actually delighted to meet me. And he also had a small laugh every time he smiled which made him even seem more adorable. I blushed and dipped my head, heading towards the door.
“Well, nice meeting you Josh. I’ll see you around! Bye Kyle I’ll catch up with you later!
A few hours later...
I was unpacking my bag getting out my Math notebook, ready to take notes in the 4th row. It was close enough for the teacher to see me but not close enough so I get called on for questions. I was writing the date in the top right corner when I felt a presence to my left. 
“Oh hey Josh! You have math 111 too?” He plopped down next to me with that damn smile again.
“Yea, your dad recommended this professor too, says he’s the best. It’ll help me a lot when my actually business classes come into play. And I like that it’s in the afternoon, I’m able to get out of class when the weather is at its best.”
“Me too! Morning classes can be draining but with this one I feel even more energized and awake to actually learn.” We both nodded with bright eyes, but my eyes opened wide and my smile ran down to a thin line when I looked in the row next to us. Mr. Mendes lazily walking in with an obvious purple mark on his neck that I could tell he was proudly showing off. I scuffed and shuffled in my seat.
“Everything alright?” He follows my gaze and sees Shawn, realization hitting his face. Damn, does everybody know about this kid?
“Just, that guy gives me bad vibes. Practically dangling in my face that Kyle is my stepdad because his dad is the dean. Thinking that he knows me or something.”
“It’s only the second day and he’s already made an enemy out of you? He’s worse than I’ve heard.” He shook his head in disgust.
“Like, I didn’t even do anything to him. I keep to myself, I don’t get why he already has it out for me.”
“Well, now he’s not the only kid who has an ‘in’ with the school admin.” Josh said pointing out the obvious. “But don’t worry, at least in here, he won’t say anything to you.”
“Why is that?”
“Let’s just say Shawn keeps his distance from me. We’ve had a bit of trouble with each other in the past, he doesn’t go anywhere that I am if I have anything to say about it.” He rubbed my knee softly his with hand, reassuring me that I’d be alright. Then our professor walked in, already going over new material for a quiz next week.
After class Josh had to run to his next class but since I was done for the day I decided to grab a coffee and go over some notes from bio and math since I knew those would be the two subjects I’d need the most studying on. In the library, I found a somewhat secluded place and sat down and began writing in my notebooks when the devil himself decided to sit in the chair next to me. I groaned, but kept my nose in my books.
“So what is that now? 3 classes together? Guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” He smirked.
“Let’s get one thing straight Shawn. I don’t care that you know who my stepdad is, I don’t care that you know tiny details about me, I don’t care that we have more than half of the same classes together, what I care about is my classes. I don’t have time for games that’ll distract me and I certainly don’t have time for your annoying pathetic presence in my life. So grow up, get a life, and stop terrorizing a freshman.” My eyes were daggers to his. My tone stinging with every word I said to him, and I could see it on his face. That Mr. Shawn Mendes had never had someone, let alone a female freshman stand up to him. Females were probably all over him but I’m big on someone’s character; I don’t care about pretty he is. He held his tongue in, most likely holding in a bunch of nasty words I wouldn’t be able to repeat, nonetheless handle, but he simply nodded his head turning away from me.
He angrily grabbed his jacket with a tight fist and swung it off the table, his backpack dangling from his shoulder and just walked away. All the heat I had in my body evaporated once he was out of sight. I felt like crying with all of the anger and emotion leaving my body, but I sat up straight getting back into the groove of math equations I had to solve.
I got home a few hours later when the sun was just setting, seeing Mara and Logan sitting on her bed, all dolled up smiling. 
“Oh, both of you look fancy, what’s the occasion?” I questioned, throwing my backpack on my bed.
“A party at Logan’s friends house, and you’re so invited!” 
“What? Who?- I don’t have outfits for parties, I just got done with studying, I’m - wow - so exhausted,” I fake yawned but Mara just rolled her eyes. 
“You’re borrowing something from me then and we won’t be back too late, it’s just a nice kickback with some people our age and maybe a sip or two of beer it’ll be fine! It’s your time to meet some people.” She begged, already rummaging through her clothes to find something my style.
“I did already meet a friend. Joshua, he’s in my math class! Curly hair, nice smile, good kid! So I don’t have to go.” I tried to be as convincing as possible that I didn’t need to meet a bunch of drunk college kids.
“Joshua Bassett? We’ve known him since high school! He’ll be there too! Really good guy, and he’s singleeeeee.” She sang, shimmy-ing and throwing me a black thigh length dress. I huffed and went inside our walk in closet to change. If Josh is there, then everything should go okay, right?
8 pm
We arrived at the party to see colored lights illuminating the dim house and loud music coming out of every open window and door. Mara and Logan swiftly entered and said hi to what seemed like everyone. So this is what it feels like to go to school with people you know. I didn’t know that feeling ever. Every school I’ve attended was somewhere different, so I was’t used to the same face. They landed in the kitchen getting 3 beers, one for each of us and popping them open with a cheers.
“See Y/N? Not scary at all, it’s not like some crazy rager with cups everywhere and people having sex on the couch. Just a cool kickback.” Mara told me while taking a sip of her drink. “Oh, look who comes this way.” She winked and cocked her head to behind me, seeing Josh high-fiving and bro-hugging all the guys at the door. His eyes caught mine and relaxed, smiling and not breaking the contact. I blushed and turned back around to Mara, giving her a face to make her stop embarrassing me. 
“Hey what’s up Y/N! You know these 2 love birds?” He gave me a quick side hug, his hand gripping my hip and staying just a little too long, enough for my skin to get goosebumps, but I didn’t mind it one bit.
“I live with her this year, been good so far.” I joked.
“Yea, until you’re running out screaming because of the crazy sex these two have.” Everyone laughed at him.
“Hey! Those are meant to be kept secret!” She shushed while laughing loudly.
“Tell your boyfriend to keep it to himself then!” 
Mara playfully smacked Logan, he laughed and shrugged, “Don’t act like you don’t tell your girlfriends either!” He pulled her in lovingly and kissed her temple. Oh what it must feel like to be in love like that. To be able to act like best friends, but know in your hearts you love each other more than that. I had never felt that way, so safe, so loved, so wanted. No guy had ever wanted me like that, I was just the girl you pass by in the halls or sit behind in class. After my dads death my mom was devastated that someone she loved so much was taken from her, and that pain was something I didn’t want to experience. And with the horror breakup stories I’ve heard, I thought love was suppose to break your heart. 
Josh pulled me out of my thoughts and gave me a look asking if I wanted to get away from the crazy noise. I nodded and told them we’d be back, as we headed to the backyard where there was a pool to sit at and just talk and watch the water. We both took off our shoes and dunked our feet, feeling relaxed. I breathed in a big breath, enjoying the fresh air and stars in the sky.
“I didn’t know you and Mara lived together, she’s been a good friend of mine since high school.” Josh said, once the awkwardness started to kick in.
“Yea, she told me before we came here because I mentioned meeting you in class.”
“Oh so you’re already talking about me huh?” I shoved him and laughed, rubbing my arms up and down.
“You look really pretty, but you seem cold do you want my jacket?” Before I could even tell him no (even though I really did) he was already shrugging off his jacket and swooning it over my shoulders. His face fell in front of mine smiling, and I pulled the jacket closer to my body. 
“So Y/N, tell me about yourself. For some reason to me you seem so interesting. I mean from what I know you’re smart, you’re pretty, you’re driven. All of the things I wish I could be. Oh- but not pretty, I mean...” I laughed loudly at his award sentence, but it was adorable that he was trying. 
“Well, I’m from a town 2 hours from here so home is further away. I miss it but, I needed to get away. My favorite actor is Heath Ledger, may his beautiful soul rest in peace.” Josh smiled, agreeing that Heath Ledger was one of his favorites too. “I love old school RnB music, my mom played it all the time growing up in my house and still does today. My favorite season is winter, I have a younger brother Mikey who is my favorite boy in the world, and I hope one day to leave a mark in this world. That’s my main goal. For people to remember me, for something good I did.” I looked off into the distance, reminiscing on my reoccurring dreams of changing the world for the better. Josh’s gaze followed mine, getting lost in my daydream.
“You seem like the perfect person to do that.” I looked back at him, getting choked up, and wiped myself of my thoughts.
“Well, tell me about you Joshua, what is inside that curly haired head of yours?”
“I’m one out of 3 children, the youngest. I have 2 older sisters who make fun of me from time to time but they’re the ones I miss the most right now. My parents aren’t together anymore, my dad takes care of us while my mom lives 3 states away. It’s been really hard adjusting to college without her.”
“Oh, Josh I’m really sorry. I’m sure she’s sad she can’t be here to witness an important moment like this.” I said sincerely, him getting lost in his own thoughts now, staring down at the water. 
“It’s been tough not gonna lie, she’s hasn’t really called much and I miss her but sometimes certain people just aren’t meant to be in your life, much less be parents.” He said kind of harshly. I rubbed his arm, giving him an empathetic smile.
“And seeing as Mr. Richards is your stepdad I’m assuming your parents are also...?”
“Uh my dad died when I was a baby. My mom was devastated, loved my dad with her whole heart. But then Kyle came in and I don’t know, made her feel whole again I guess. And gave her Mikey which only made her even more happy.” I smiled at the faint memory of my mom and Kyle finally bringing Mikey home from the hospital.
“I’m so sorry, but I’m extremely happy for your family, new additions can be a good thing!”
“Yea but that kind of pain my mom felt, I don’t ever want to feel that. Heartbreak is the one thing I try to avoid at all costs. All love does is hurt you in the end.”
“That’s a bleak way to look at the world.”
“Well that’s what happens when the world is mean to you. It wakes you up, makes you face reality.” I pulled my legs into my chest and laid my chin on my knees.
“Well, what if someone was willing to try and change that reality, turn it into a better one?” Josh asked shyly, not giving me eye contact anymore.
“I’d like to see them try.” I turned to him, giving him a smile, and he returned one. 
The next thing we hear is two guys yelling at the top of their lungs coming into the backyard. One big blonde guy was facing us, with another tall brunette guy that looked all too familiar with his back to us. The blonde was telling him to get out, that all he does is cause trouble, and something about making out with his girlfriend; yikes. All of a sudden the blonde threw a punch that landed on the his face, making him face to his knees, blood already dripping from his mouth. Then dragged his body in the pool and threw him into the freezing water. He wasn’t resurfacing fast enough and I got paranoid, looking at the guy in pure shock.
“My god, Shawn.” I threw off Josh’s jacket, getting ready to go in since nobody else was going to. For some reason my body went into fight mode, and only was focused on saving him.
“Y/N what are you doing! It’s freezing!”
“Look if you want to help me tell Mara and Logan to find a first aid kit and an empty bathroom. Go!” He didn’t want to fight with me since it was a life threatening situation, so he grabbed his jacket and ran inside the party. I began going down the steps into the freezing water, getting Mara’s dress all wet but that was the least of my concerns. I dunked my whole body into the water, bringing him to the surface, he was somewhat conscious beginning to open his eyes, people already crowding around the pool to see the damage. I hung his arm over mine and carried him soaking wet into the house and up the steps. I heard people’s whispers and confusion as to why anyone would save him, but I simply ignored because I was not about to have someone literally die on me. 
We made it to the bathroom upstairs with the first aid kit Mara found, and I sat him down on the toilet. He was barely hanging on and kept falling to the side. 
“Shawn, work with me okay. Please stay awake.” I shook his head. His eyes were still slightly shut but he was at least making sounds, groans coming from his mouth.
“I’m going to clean up your lip and get you some water to sober you up. Mara! Get me some water please!” She yelled ‘on it!’ from the hallway, and I was left to use some rubbing alcohol on his cut to clean and stop the bleeding. I began drawing out his plush pink lips in my head, running my mind around them. Droplets of water still falling from them, my mind going crazy at the simple sight. Shawn’s eyes began opening slowly, finding me of all people tending to his wound.
“Why are you doing this?” He asked groggily.
“We may be different but that doesn’t mean I won’t help you. You weren’t surfacing when he threw you in, and I got worried.”
“So you care?” He asked genuinely surprised, sitting up a little more.
“Don’t bug me Shawn. And stop talking.” I was still wiping the alcohol on the cut. It started swelling and already turning red, soon it’d be purple. Shawn sat still, but his eyes kept darting to every crevice of my face to my only dimple, to the furrowed look of concentration of my brows. It’s almost like he was mapping me out, and I tried to not let it affect me once again. No guy had ever paid so much attention to me in so little time. I felt a heat rise between us when he stopped at my lips, covered in shiny lip gloss. I would’ve never know he would’ve wanted to know what they taste and feel like against his own, never in his life had he ever imagined that. I stopped wiping, and cleared my throat looking down at the ground.
“You’re all done.” I whispered, feeling my head go a little dizzy. I looked back up for a second to see his forehead lean in a centimeter when I heard Josh’s voice coming up the stairs.
“I’ve got the water!” I stood up so fast, blinking my eyes a few times then turning to Josh and grabbed the water. Shawn rubbed his face and shook his curls to get some water out. 
“Thank you.” He took the cup with a simple stare, no emotion whatsoever, and walked beside me, giving Josh a nod before heading down and out of the house. I sighed, my shoulders falling, wondering what the hell was happening to me. Josh pulled me out of my daze rubbing my shoulder.
“C’mon let’s get you home.”
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@fallinallincurls​ @the-diabolic​ @spideylovin​ @shawn-youth​
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benny-chanda · 3 years
The Seven Almost-Exes
sex mention tw, cheating tw, blackmail tw, biphobia mention tw, homophobia mention tw
As soon as Bishan graduated, his father managed to secure him a job and an apartment. He even drove Bishan to his new place, then closed the door quickly, drove off, and didn’t contact his son till a year later on the 4th of July.
The apartment had nothing but a kitchen and a bathroom, and Bishan didn’t have enough money saved to buy a mattress.
First night he slept on the floor.
During his first shift he asked if he could get a small advance on his pay check.
Second night he slept on the floor.
Between his second night and his twentieth - when he finally got a mattress - Bishan often found himself in luck with one night stands.
Nothing serious, just a good night's sleep.
Despite his first love story with Emilia ending in shambles, Bishan still believed he could have something real. Katheryn was gorgeous, she loved to come to the bar to dance, she loved to dance with every bartender, among which Bishan.
She would have him take her home, ask him to talk Spanish to her. She called upon him whenever she needed him, at the most inconvenient of times. But he always had fun around her, they would go to dinner parties, the cinema, she would take him shopping. He could fall asleep with her in his arms and never have thought the better of it. 
That was of course until he found out that she was doing a whole lot of illegal stuff. Once he found out though, he knew how to take advantage. Soon he had a flatscreen tv in his house, a new fridge and microwave, a closet for all of his stuff, the best mattress that was on sale, and a small couch. When he wanted a book or new clothes or anything else his materialistic heart could desire, he would simply ask her. And because she knew he knew, she would give it to him. 
Then some day she disappeared. 
Bishan to this day doesn’t know what happened to her, he just knows she never loved him. 
When Bishan befriended Paul it had been over their mutual love for soccer. Most people in their direct vicinity only loved sports like Football - something that had completely confused Bishan at first, because the Spanish word for soccer is futbol - or Basketball. 
He would invite him over to watch the game, they would discuss it while Bishan was cleaning or serving at work, and sometimes they would fall into other topics of conversation. 
One thing led to another and before either of them realised it, they spent half the week at each other’s places. 
And before Bishan knew it, he was in love. 
To him, the relationship was exclusive, to jealous Paul, it was supposed to be, but while he had no trouble cheating and sleeping with other men, his fear was that Bishan would do something to hurt him instead. 
One night when they were tangled up together he posed the question. “Are you only into men?” 
Bishan had said, just as casually because he didn’t even think to ask why that was so important to Paul: “No, I don’t really care much. Guess that makes me bisexual or something.” 
The next morning he had woken up alone in his apartment, and every time he saw Paul, the man acted as if Bishan meant nothing to him. 
After Paul Bishan had been afraid to be open about liking men and women. He flirted with anyone who came at the bar, but he drew the line when it was men trying to get him to go home with them. He tried to not be into them, figured it was easier if he just solely dated women, if he only looked for those soft curves and clean faces. 
Then there was Randy. 
Randy who had long blonde curly hair, an angelic face, who danced as if the world wasn’t watching, and who always ordered drinks with a laugh on his face. 
Randy who was trying his best to not be gay. 
There was something about the both of them trying to not be something that was hard to ignore that drew Bishan to him, and Randy to Bishan. They kissed in secret, in the back of the store when nobody was watching. 
Bishan helped - or at least tried to help - Randy accept this part of him, called him pretty boy, say the sweetest things as he began to think that things between the two of them turned into a more serious direction. 
When Randy’s parents kicked him out of the house after he told them he was gay, he moved in with Bishan. It was almost too perfect.
Maybe that should’ve told Bishan something was wrong. But he was enjoying everything too much to question it. 
The first time he discovered Randy in his bed with another man, he had forgiven him, despite the buried emotions that resurfaced. The second time he gave Randy an ultimatum: either they were exclusive or Randy would have to find somewhere else to stay. 
Randy promised him that they were together, that it wouldn’t happen again. 
And it didn’t for at least a month. Until while putting out the trash, Bishan found Randy making out with somebody in the dark alleyway. He left Randy’s stuff out at the front door and had the locks changed, no matter how often the handsome young man begged Bishan to take him back, Bishan stood his ground. 
It took him a while to get back into the game, the idea of not being enough for one person to love, the idea that every time he thought he loved somebody, they never loved him back. It was also around that time that he met his ex from high school. It was easier to just be alone, to ignore the butterflies in his stomach and the great feeling of really connecting to someone. 
Along came Mara. 
Mara was the most gorgeous person he had ever seen, her curly black hair hung over her shoulders and she had a particular way of brushing it out of her face. Bishan fell into her arms whenever she said his name, so warmly. 
He did everything for her. 
He felt alive when he was with her, she matched his grins and when she heard of the things he did to blackmail people who came into the bar it drew a laugh from her lips. But never once did she admit to playing him. 
When one night she came in with another man, Bishan had been confused. She shushed him when he had asked what was happening. But he realised quickly enough. 
She told him eventually that she had been unsure about her fiance, she was scared of him hurting her. She didn’t seem to notice how much that was hurting Bishan. She was happy now, she wanted to be with the man she was supposed to marry, he would find someone, she was sure. And she kissed him for a last time before disappearing out of his life. 
Lila wasn’t supposed to be more than just a friend. They met each other trying to blackmail the same shady guy, and from then on for the first time since forever: Bishan had a partner in crime. But not really crime, because it wasn’t really illegal what they were doing, or so the both of them agreed.
Eventually they did get into a more serious relationship, she was about a decade, maybe more, older than him. First she lived in her car, then she ended up living on his couch, eventually upgrading to next to him on the bed. 
Bishan felt understood, while Lila didn’t talk about her past much, she did allow Bishan to lighten his heart. Things he had never really talked about before, she gladly listened to. 
Bishan found that he was planning his future with her, which was a strange sensation, something he had never done before, at least not as serious as now. 
Then one day Lila came to the bar, told Bishan that she had to go back to her husband and four kids, and left. 
She also stole his tv. 
Sandra, his co-worker, found him lonely and sad before their shifts started. She was supposed to be a rebound, but Bishan felt like he needed her, so he would constantly call upon her company, and Sandra enjoyed his attention. 
For months she worked him, spent many moments together, was there for him whenever he needed someone. Bishan trusted her, even though she was also the one giving him the nickname Bis. He trusted her because she never seemed to judge, she shrugged when he did, she laughed when he laughed. They could grin at each other during shifts and already know what the other was thinking. 
They were friends and lovers. 
But Bishan should’ve never told her about what he did in his free time. 
One day he was called into the office, where his boss told him that Sandra had come to him and told him about Bishan’s business. He was fired right on the spot, and when he got home, all his stuff was gone. 
All Sandra had left him was a sleeping bag and some food in the fridge.
That was a few weeks before the Virus rapidly spread through the area. 
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