#maribat mad hatter
peterxwade24 · 2 years
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I tagged 22 of my posts in 2022
#maribat - 7 posts
#mlb x dc - 7 posts
#ml x dc - 4 posts
#dc x mlb - 4 posts
#sfirs - 3 posts
#safety found in red sleeves - 3 posts
#ml crossover - 3 posts
#mlb crossover - 3 posts
#jason todd - 3 posts
#marinettexroy - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#the place was packed full specifically as a fuck you to bruce
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello everyone who's been waiting for me to post chapter 10 of Safety Found in Red Sleeves.
I have an announcement, chapter 10 should be out either late tonight (August 30th) or early tomorrow (August 31st) so keep an eye out for it.
Best wishes, the dumbass who forgot they were in the middle of writing a chapter and dipped for way too long.
4 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Hey guys. How're you doing? I just had a really quick social experiment I wanted to do.
Raise your hand if you found out the Queen died through the internet/radio/other media outlet and or second/third-hand from someone else who found out that way. Keep your hand raised if your internal response was "oof" or Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" while your external response was "oh no".
5 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Okay, so we all know in the canon verse Freddy gets Gregory, I had a thought the other day. What if it was a multiverse? What if each 'verse was different like in one it started with Chica, Roxy, and Monty but as the years go by Roxy and Monty get replaced by Bonnie and Freddy? What if Roxy, Foxy, and Bonnie were the first ones and Roxy is the only OG remaining and she's the one with the malfunction? What if her "Gregory" is a little girl with big hair and an even bigger heart? What if she's just scared and not hiding from Vanessa? What if, in a different verse, it was Monty and his "Gregory" was a shy little girl who got separated from her big sister (Officer Vanessa) and she doesn't want to get got by Vanny?
6 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 10
I know it's been literally fourteen months since chapter nine but I promise this is a big chapter (compared to like chapters one and two (this is like 2687 words)).
Anywho, I hope you enjoy the chapter and enjoy the return to Gotham.
Jerome looked at his nephew and nieces and frowned. “How long has she been in the city? Has anyone else seen her? Has her father?”
Jason shrugged, adjusting Damian in his lap as he tried to figure out how to phrase it. “She’s been sighted in Pam’s garden, Oswald’s lounge, and with Jon and Ed. I’m not sure the exact time she’s been in the city but a couple of days, probably. I’m hoping he hasn’t.”
Damian returned his attention to his dad’s face and pouted. “What’s so bad about her father?”
Jerome looked at Damian and thought for a moment. “Has your dad told you about the Mad Hatter?”
Damian shook his head and frowned, “I don’t think so.”
Jerome took in the information and looked at the other three people at the table with him. “Okay, so, you know how your mom doesn’t always do things that are nice? Or, how about her Ma?” Jerome nodded toward Cass and waited for Damian to turn to look at her. “You know how she doesn’t always do nice things, or how she’s mean to people?” Jerome watched as Damian nodded, not understanding the relevance. “Well, your Aunt Thana’s father is really mean. He hurts people. Like the guy who hurt your dad, he hurts people like that.”
“Okay, Kutlat Saghira, you know how some people hunt animals for food and other people hunt animals for sport?” Damian brightened and nodded, drawing a small smile from Jason, “he’s like the people who hunt animals for sport.”
Damian scrunched up his nose in disgust. “I’ll get rid of him so Auntie Tea can come home.”
Jason bustled around the kitchen as Damian watched Blue’s Clues in the living room. He didn’t know what to do with the information he’d received at the meeting with Jerome. He certainly never would have guessed that his son would threaten to kill someone.
Tim perched on the counter watching his older brother. “What’re you doing?”
“Thinking. ‘ve always thought best when I was in the kitchen with Alfred.” Jason huffed and pulled out everything he would need to make yorkshire pudding. “Do you want to help make the puddings?”
Tim slid off the counter and nodded. “What do I need to do?”
Jason and Tim listened to Elton John’s discography while they worked side by side making two batches of Yorkshire pudding batter. Jason smiled at his little brother as he copied him, stirring together and adding ingredients in sync. Jason nodded and pulled his spoon from the bowl, gently tapping it on the side to remove the excess batter, before putting the spoon down and turning to Tim.
“Now, the secret to these puddings is you chill the batter before you preheat the oven. So, we’re just going to stash these in the refrigerator for the next half an hour to an hour.” Jason led the way to the fridge, holding the door open so Tim could get his in before Jason’s bowl joined it. “I’m Still Standing” played throughout the apartment, causing Stephanie to groan.
“Why’re we listening to the most boring music ever?”
“If you don’t like it, you can watch Blue’s Clues with Damian.” Jason was surprised that Duke was the one who responded. “Elton John is a gift.”
Tim snickered at Jason’s side and shook his head.
Kate Kane looked at her cousin’s children and sighed. “Why are none of you at home?”
Jason rolled his eyes as he continued to push Damian on the swing while his siblings were spread out around the park. “The B-Man said some not very nice things about certain individuals of whom I care very deeply and I walked out. Most of them were at the press conference when B said those things, three of them felt personally attacked by what he said.”
“So, Bruce is just like the rest of the family, got it.” Kate turned and leaned against the leg of the swing set. “So, homophobia? That the thing?”
“No, uh, being the child of a rogue. Which rules out Dami, Cass and Steph, and, uh, this girl I used to know.”
“Okay, cool. So, when do I get to see the new pad?” Kate smiled at Jason and wondered how things got to this point in their relationship because when they met he couldn’t stand her.
“Uh, I’m having a family night tonight, Alfred’ll be there as well as Lina.” Jason smiled as Damian pouted. “I know bud. I know. I’ll keep pushing. I’m sorry I stopped.”
“Do you mind if I bring a friend?” Kate asked while looking around the park for all of the other Bat Kids “also, where’s Barbara?”
See the full post
12 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Safety Found in Red Sleeves Shorts
Her Little Glowstick
This is a short about Thana and Duke (featuring Uncle Ozzy because he just kind of snuck his way in there). I hope you enjoy this.
Enjoy ~
Thana was being followed, which wasn’t unusual in a city like Gotham, but the person doing the following seemed too small to be on his own. She led him through a series of back alleys and tunnels which would lead them to one of her hidey-holes. She knew that he would be able to fit through all of the tight spaces, unlike Jay-Jay.
She glanced over her shoulder and recognized the bright safety yellow hoodie he wore. “Hello, Little Glowstick. What’re you doing out so late?” She refocused on the ground in front of her and slowed down to let him catch up.
“Could ask you the same thing.” He reached out and grabbed the hem of her hoodie. “‘Sides, it’s not like anyone’ll miss me. Ma and Pa are running errands and none of the rest of the adults’re really all that keen on havin’ me ‘round.”
“Well, you can stay with me for a while. I don’t mind.”
Thana draped a red hoodie over top of Duke’s ridiculously bright hoodie and ushered him into the Iceberg Lounge. “Uncle Ozzy!”
“Oh, my little Chick. You get bigger every day, maybe someday you’ll be as big as me.” Oswald smiled at Thana and glanced behind her at the boy whose hand seemed to have a vice-like grip on her hoodie. “And you must be this new boy she’s been spotted with. Oswald Cobblepot, most people call me Oswald.”
“Duke, uh, Duke Thomas. She calls me Little Glowstick.”
“Uncle Ozzy, play nice. Where’re Pere and Gale?” Thana searched every face she could see for her uncle's righthand women.
“They’re out right now, on a liquor run. Should be back soon. Why don’t I take you both on back to the VIP area?”
Thana seemed to brighten at the idea. “Is Aunt Lina back from her trip?”
“Selina is in fact. She’s back there with Edward and Jonathan now.”
“C’mon Little Glowstick.” Thana reached back, grabbed Duke’s hand, and started pulling him back to the VIP area. “You’ve gotta meet Aunt Lina, Uncle Jon, and Uncle Ed.”
Oswald chuckled as Thana dragged the boy through the club, bobbing and weaving around the patrons. He knew he’d do anything for his niece, even if all he could do was provide a safe place for her to retreat to when she needs to get away from things.
Duke dropped in on Thana often, nearly every day for weeks. The duo was seen in the Iceberg Lounge every few days, occasionally they were at Pam’s garden, but mostly they were just seen around the city. They grew close and most nights would find Duke tucked against Thana’s side as she whispered old stories to him.
His favorites were always the ones about her and Jason, and how their meeting wasn’t the best.
Duke burst through the doors of the Iceberg Lounge, one of Thana’s red sweaters pulled over the top of his obnoxiously bright yellow hoodie, and fell into Oswald’s arms. “She’s gone.” Duke’s voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears.
“Who’s gone?” Oswald whispered and he stroked Duke’s back. “Peri, Gale, can you watch over this lot while I go to my office?” He received a single nod and turned away from the masses.
Duke buried his face in Oswald’s chest and sobbed his heart out. The last month had been hard on him, first losing his parents to the Joker and his Joker Gas, and now this. He felt like his whole world was crashing down around him.
“Hey, Kingfisher,” Oswald knelt down to Duke’s level and wiped his tears away, “can you tell me what’s wrong? Who’s gone?”
The tears returned and he crumbled to his knees. “Thana, she’s, they, the fuzz, they, she’s gone. The fuzz got her.”
Oswald held Duke close, promising that he’d look after Thana’s Little Glowstick in her absence. “Hey, Kingfisher, calm down. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. I’ll still let you in here in your yellow.”
Duke grinned a little at that. “Thought red was the only colour you let kids in wearing.”
“You’re not kids, you’re Kingfisher, you’re my Chick’s chick.” Oswald brushed away the tears on Duke’s cheeks and offered him a smile. “That makes you my nephew, and family is always welcome in my club.”
See the full post
20 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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marauderundercover · 3 years
A Guide to Love and Coffee in the City of Crime: Ch. 6
Just Like Fire
Marinette laughs at Tim’s joke as she takes another sip of her coffee. Maybe she should listen to Kaalki more often. Sure, they were a little too obsessed with fame (and soap operas), but they always meant well. And they were right now, too. Had it been nerve wracking in the half hour leading up to the date? Yes. But was it, so far, the best date she’d ever been on? Also yes. Not that she had a lot of dates to compare it to. There was that short amount of time that she dated Luka, plus her date with Nathaniel while he was an akuma.
“Wait, he did what?” Marinette asks, eyes wide. Tim grins.
“He brought an elephant into the manor. And he actually managed to hide it in the ballroom with Dick’s help. I’m pretty sure the only reason Bruce caught on as quickly as he did was because Jon showed up and yelled ‘there’s an elephant in your house’.” Tim says, laughing. Marinette snorts.
“That kid can’t keep a secret to save his life.” She says, prepared to launch into the story of the time he told her each and every present she would be receiving for Christmas- when the large windows near their table shatter. Eyes wide, Marinette grabs Tim’s arm and yanks him back, both of them wide eyed at the glass covering the floor of the shop.
“You’re hurt.” He says, reaching up to her face. Marinette winces as he pulls a small piece of glass out of her face.
“What the hell is going on?” She asks, clenching her fists. The windows had shattered, but no one had burst in. Tim frowns.
“I have no i-” He starts to say, cutting himself off as his phone starts ringing. He answers it, frowning. “Hello?” He says. Marinette watches as his face falls into a frown. Before he can say anything else though, a group of men with guns rush into the cafe. Marinette’s eyes widen and she steps closer to Tim, almost standing in front of him. He was famous in Gotham. And she didn’t really understand it, but she knew from conversations with Conner that the Waynes were often targeted during attacks. Well not this time. Not if she could help it. But the group had guns. And they were coming straight for her and Tim.
“C’mon then. Let’s go and no one has to get hurt.” One of the men grunts out, aiming his gun right at her. Marinette lets out a shaky breath and glances at Tim. He looks panicked, but nods. Apparently they were going along with the hostage situation. As she’s yanked forward harshly, a bruise surely forming on her wrist, a thought pops into her head. Conner is gonna be pissed.
Conner takes a deep breath before unlocking his cousin’s apartment and walking in. He goes about putting away the few groceries he had picked up and setting out the takeout for her to eat now. He frowns when she doesn’t immediately run into the room. She’d always been an extremely light sleeper. So he decides to listen for her, panic shooting to his chest when he doesn’t hear her breathing or her heart beat in the apartment. Running to her room, he throws the door open. Nothing. The bed hadn’t even been unmade. But there were pieces of clothing thrown everywhere. He blinks in confusion. Where could she have gone? Why wasn’t she sleeping? His eyes narrow as he realizes she probably went to get coffee. But why wouldn’t she just wear- his eyes widen. That backstabbing little shit. Pulling out his phone, Conner quickly pulls up Tim’s contact and hits the call button. He has to resist the urge to completely smash the phone before he even answers.
“Hello?” Tim says. Conner huffs.
“I’m assuming Marinette is with you? Getting coffee? You do realize that she hasn’t slept in days, right? You two cannot enable each other like this. You both need to do a better job of taking care of yourselves, Tim. Don’t make me get Dick. You’re my friend and I trust you, but if you’re going to date her or whatever, then I really need you guys to look out for each other. And I’m not putting all of this on you but-”
“C’mon then. Let’s go and no one has to get hurt.” An unfamiliar voice says. Conner immediately freezes.
“Tim, please tell me you’re watching a movie.” Conner says quietly. The silence on the other end is deafening. And then he hears a pained hiss from his baby cousin.
“Drop the phone Wayne, or the little bitch gets it.” The same voice says. Conner hears the telltale sounds of the phone hitting the ground and people walking away, their footsteps giving an unfamiliar crunch. Cursing under his breath, he hangs up the phone and calls Dick. Time to save the disaster duo.
Marinette did not watch the sunrise this morning and think ‘today’s the day I’ll ask Tim out, and get kidnapped and held for ransom’, but sometimes days don’t go like you plan. Instead, she was tied to a chair (as was Tim, except he’d been knocked out on the drive over) in an abandoned warehouse. Honestly, why were there so many abandoned warehouses? Sitting quietly, she watches as the men with guns continue to patrol around the room. They weren’t the brains of the operation, clearly. So who was? Who was behind it? And how did they know to target her and Tim? Had Tim been followed? Or had someone snapped a picture of them while they were distracted? She forgot, sometimes, about the obsession most people had with the Wayne family. It wasn’t exactly a big topic at school, since the only Wayne still attending GA was Damian. Sure, he was a genius and Bruce’s biological son, but the students knew not to mess with him. Which included talking about him. But now in this situation, she’s suddenly hit with the reminder that there are people who hate Tim’s dad (for what reason, she’ll never know. He literally donated so much money to charity), and who are willing to do anything to make the man upset. Or to get some fast cash from him. Though, from the research she’d done on Gotham, she was pretty sure the villains had a low success rate of actually getting said money before Batman shows up. Just as she’s starting to think that maybe these guys really kidnapped them with no greater plan, a man walks in. Marinette blinks in surprise at his waist coat and top hat. This wasn’t a villain she knew.
“Oh, what a delightful child.” The man says, grinning widely. Marinette’s eyes widen slightly. He was staring right at her.
“We also got the Drake Wayne boy, boss.” One of the men with guns says. The man waves him away, shaking his head.
“No need, no need. Not when we have found an Alice.” He says. Alice. Top hat. Marinette silently curses. Mad Hatter. Of course. She should’ve guessed by his stupid hat. Though it wasn’t nearly as bad as the Riddler’s green, question mark covered suit.
“I’m not Alice.” Marinette says quietly. He frowns.
“Of course you are. You just need some tea.” He says. He snaps his fingers and one of the men goes away, she guesses to get tea. She glances at Tim, relieved by the subtle rise and fall of his chest. “Oh Alice, you can’t be distracted by such a boy.” He tuts, narrowing his eyes. Marinette shakes her head.
“I- no- I’m not- I won’t be distracted by him. Especially if you just let him go.” She says. If he was going to be focused on her, might as well get Tim out of there safely. The man raises an eyebrow.
“Let him go where? He’d spoil our fun, Alice.” He says. Marinette opens her mouth to argue, but quickly shuts it when she sees the goon return with tea.
“Here you go boss.” The man says, passing the cup to Mad Hatter. The man walks over and offers it to her. She shakes her head.
“What’s the matter, my dear, don’t you care for tea?” He asks. She glances at Tim and the man huffs. He leans forward and grabs onto her jaw, forcing her mouth open.
“Stop!” She screams, struggling against him. Her mouth explodes in pain as the hot tea is poured into her mouth. He crams her mouth shut, the vibrations echoing across her skull. She tries not to swallow the tea, breathing through her nose instead. Mad Hatter’s eyes narrow as he nods for one of his goons to help. The man smirks, pinching her nose. Marinette begins to panic, desperate for air.
“Just drink your tea.” Mad Hatter says softly. Tears welling up in her eyes, Marinette swallows the tea. For a moment, everything seems fine. And then she starts to get tired and the colors and figures around her melt together. The last thing she sees before she blacks out is a hat being lifted up and onto her head.
Conner was beyond pissed.
“You can’t go out there, Kon. You have to stay here.” Dick says again, trying to move past him. Conner glares at his oldest friend.
“Like hell, Dick. She’s my baby sister, you realize that, right? If we were in Metropolis and Damian was in danger, you’d go out in costume, wouldn’t you?” He asks, arms crossed. Dick pinches the bridge of his nose.
“It’s not my call, Kon. B said you have to stay here. You guys can’t just show up in Gotham all the time just because Marinette is here.” He says. Conner’s eyes narrow.
“And why not? Why does he get to make that decision?” Conner asks. Dick huffs.
“Look, can we have this conversation after my brother and your sister are safe?” He asks. Conner grits his teeth, but nods. He watches as Dick, the last of the Bats in the cave, drives off on his bike. Deciding to just accept the consequences that would no doubt occur, Conner pulls out his phone.
“Hey Conner. You still with Mari?” Clark asks. Conner winces. “Conner?”
“She left. I went to get food for her ‘cause she wasn’t sleeping, but that’s not important because she was kidnapped. I think I’ve narrowed down her location to a warehouse near the pier.” He says.
“Do you need backup?” He asks, and Conner’s pretty sure he can hear the wind as the man flies towards Gotham.
“Batman said I’m not allowed to go to her in costume.” Conner hisses. Clark lets out a low sound, obviously frustrated.
“Fine. But I’ll be there. Be prepared to meet us at the hospital in case she needs medical attention.” Clark says before unceremoniously hanging up. Conner yells, punching the cave wall, leaving a huge hole. Not that he gives a shit. He stalks out of the cave, his emotions a flurry of anger and worry.
Story tag list (open): @timari-month-event
Permanent tag list (open): @stainedglassm  @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @toodaloo-kangaroo
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purple-goo-writes · 4 years
Off with Your Head
So.... I had an idea and needed to write it.
Mad Hatter grinned sadistically from the large screen hovering above the trapped heroes. The light being the only thing elluminating the dark funhouse. A speaker crackled somewhere in the dark as Mad Hatter spoke, "Well well well, seems I managed to trap myself a few birdies. Here I was hoping to trap the Bat. Oh well, this just means I get to test out my latest toy."
The mad man chuckled darkly as he reclined back in his seat while watching the tense heroes on his screen, "Normally I would send my dear Alice to take care of you. But she is currently unavailable...it's so hard to find a good Alice these days."
Nightwing and Red Robin tensed as they heard the clicking of heels in the dark. "Somethings moving behind the mirrors," Nightwing frowned clutching his escrima sticks tightly as he whispered, "The mirrors are blocking the thermals, I can't get a good read on them."
"And our communicators are being jammed," Red Robin growled softly, now back to back with his eldest brother.
"Tsk tsk tsk, such manners," Mad Hatter huffed while taking a sip of his tea, "Seems my darling will just have to beat them into you. Won't you, my dear Red Queen."
"Affirmative," came a soft almost mechanical reply before something whipped through the air breaking the mirror closest to Red, causing the Robins to jump back barely avoid-
Was that a Yo-Yo!
"The Fuck!?!" The young detective swore as he and his brother ducked again as the weaponized toy wheezed through the air above their heads.
Out of the darkness stepped a young woman, close to Red Robin's height. She was dressed in what looked to be a red and black armored unitard and black kitten heels.The red of the unitard had black spots while the black were the obvious armored pieces: a black breast plate, shin guards, gloves, wrist guards, shoulder and elbow pads. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ballerina bun by a long red ribbon and she wore a red and black domino mask. The only jewelry she wore was a pair of red earrings and a black chocker with a bright red jewel heart.
"Isn't that-" Nightwing began before yelping as he back flipped to dodge the yo-yo as it was thrown with deadly accuracy. "The missing Parisian Superhero?" Red Robin finished with a grimace, "Yep."
"Well Fuck."
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
Ok! I need help y’all. I’m working on a future chapter of a moment in time, and I need opinions on villains
I am choosing between several for this and need some help. I came to Maribat through miraculous, and am still familiarizing myself with the villains in the DC world. SO who is the best pick, for Marinettes first encounter with a Gotham villain?
Mad Hatter
Baby Doll
Killer moth (100% bc of the name match with Hawkmoth)
Calendar Man/Calendar Girl
Anarky (more of a neutral presentation. More anti hero less villain)
Gentleman Ghost
I am currently in the middle of buckets of research, so I would appreciate all input!!
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astranne · 4 years
Hey there! This is a part of @multifandomscribette​ works and linked to a bigger masterlist. I already made one for her, but when I tried to update the post, I couldn’t because I already linked too much. So I seperated the whole masterlist into many ones.
★ 〈《 ⅰ. MIRACULOUS X DC 》〉  ★
Castle of Knights & Magic
# chateau des chevaliers et magie
Catwoman/Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Mad Hatter/Baby Doll
Girls Night Out
Calendar Girl/Lex Luthor
Deadshot/Talia al Ghul
Zatanna and The Magical Goddess Of Crime Alley
The Devil And The Goddess Of Crime Alley
The Angel Of Gotham Goes To The City Of Angels
Hufflepuff The Puffin
Killer Croc/Red Hood
How Tim & Mari meet
Relationship Reveal!
Fashion Show Disaster
Iceberg Lounge
Ask (Iceberg Lounge)
Sweep Me Off My Feet, Craddle Me In Your Arms
Dick’s Thoughts On Tim Dating Mari
Potential Breack Up Moments
John Constantine Doesn’t Know What To Think About The Goddess In Gotham
Mari & Mar’i
Cat’s Meow
Meet Snowball
The Wedding Of The Millennium
Side Affects Of Being A Ladybug
Adrien & Lila
Luka & Kagami
Alya & Nino
Chloe & Alix
# dame chanceuse conture
# from the ground up au
# marianne fu
ⅰ. This Is How We Survive
ⅰⅰ. We Fight Side By Side
ⅰⅰⅰ. We Value One Another
ⅳ. We Lift One Another Up
ⅴ. We heal Each Other
ⅵ. We Become A Family
ⅶ. We Adapted And Adopted
ⅷ. We Become A Family
ⅸ. We Present A United Front
Continuation on AO3
# the forgotten city au
⋆ ‹ « GOTHAM FOR TWO » › ⋆
ⅰ. Prologue
ⅰⅰ.Chapter One
ⅰⅰⅰ.Chapter Two
ⅳ. Chapter Three
ⅴ. Chapter Four
ⅵ. Chapter Five
ⅶ. Chapter Six
ⅷ. Chapter Seven
ⅸ. Chapter Eight
ⅹ. Chapter Nine
Continuation on AO3  
# gothamfortwo
⋆ ‹ « GREY!MARI » › ⋆
ⅰ. A Day In The Life Of MDC
ⅰⅰ. Clientele Expansion
ⅰⅰⅰ. Anticipated & Appriecated
# morally grey marinette
# grey!mari
⋆ ‹ « HEADCANONS » › ⋆
Damian’s Miraculous
Marinette’s Bucketlist Is Strange #1
Marinette’s Bucketlist Is Strange #2
Dickinette In A Nutshell
Jason Is Defensive
Like Ten???
Demon Tamer
Marinette Is A Wee Bit Feral
Damians Needs Supervision
Endangered Species
Dick Is Cheesy
Dick Is A Troll
I am Darkness! I’m The Night!
Tim Is Not Okay
Sleep Schedules
Oh Sh*t
Training Gone Wrong
Suspicious Silence
# maribat
# maribat au
# dickinette
# jasonette
# timinette
# daminette
# batfam
ⅰ. Strategic & Magical
ⅰⅰ. Happy Happenings
# kaldur x marinette
ⅰ. Goddess!Marinette
ⅰⅰ. The Inexplicable Disappearaance Of Damian Al Ghul
ASK: Meeting, Dating & Proposing!
# observed unbalance au
⋆ ‹ « SUPER SON AU » › ⋆
ⅰ. Save The Super Son
ⅰⅰ.Familial Love Concurs All
ⅰⅰⅰ.Super Child & Super Mom
ⅳ. An Abbreviated List Of Things Said In Regards To The Justice League By Marinette Dupain-Cheng
ⅴ. Non-Super Mentor
ⅵ. Our Lady’s Protector
ⅶ. My Mama Taught Me Better Than That
ⅷ. Triumvirate
ⅸ. Son & Brother
ⅹ. Mother’s Love
ⅹⅰ. Thruth Hurts
ASK: Superson In New York
ASK: Button Baby
ASK: Protector
ASK: First Meeting
ASK: After Life
# super son au
⋆ ‹ « THE BIRD’S DANCE AU » › ⋆
ⅰ. The Ladybird Flys Again!
ⅰⅰ. Together We Fly Again!
ⅰⅰⅰ. Ask
ⅳ. Conversation Overhead
# the birds dance
⋆ ‹ « ZILI ALQATAH AU » › ⋆
ⅰ. Paris’ Zili Alqatah
ⅰⅰ. Zili Alqatah’s Family
ⅰⅰⅰ. Zili Alqatah’s Vacation
ⅰⅴ. Zili Alqatah’s Reunion
ⅴ. Zili Alqatah’s Mother
ⅵ. Zili Alqatah’s Past
ⅶ. Zili Alqatah’s Night Out
EXTRA: Light In The Darkness
Continuation on AO3  
# zili alqatah au
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sayuricorner · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug x Batman: Arkham’s princess AU
Headcanons part 1
Warning:  This AU content salt don’t like don’t read and English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
(This AU is inspired from the Arkham Knight’s comic version origin story)
An AU in which Bridgette Cheng, who is Marinette’s aunt in this AU, is Arkham’s warden after the former one was fired and arrested for illegals and atrocious practices on patiens from the asylum.
She completly changed Arkham’s organisation and methods leading to actual good results in the patients’s mental health. And since she treat them as actual humans beings and care for their health and show she truly want to help them, she gain a great respect from the rogues. Break-outs even became less frequent.
Sabine, who in this AU is Bridgette’s sister, before meeting and marring Tom got a caregiver formation and when she came to the States to visit her sister she often help her at the asylum with the same amount of care and human respect to the patients. She keep doing it even after her marriage with Tom and even while she was pregnant.
But one day, on one of Sabine’s visits, a massive breakout burst out at Arkham with a bunch of doctors, nurses and caregivers trapped in the crossfire, including a heavely pregnant Sabine. And to make it worse, the high amoung of stress and panic made her water broke.
A panicked Bridgette ,along with a bunch of guards, desperately search for Sabine fearing the worst only to find herself in front of an unbeleivable scene: here in a corner of the cafeteria was Sabine surronded by the most dangerous patients of Arkham such as Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Mad Hatter even Joker, just to name a few, protecting her from the other inmates and helping her to give birth to her baby.
Finally, after an intervention from Batman and the police, the break-out is defused and Sabine and her baby girl were send to the hospital. After the doctors were sure she and the baby were okay, Tom came to see her and their newly born daughter, who they named Marinette.
After being released from the hospital, Sabine go back to Paris with her new family, since then she don’t come to Gotham as often as she do before since she had to help her husband at the bakery and raised Marinette.
One day, she found out about Marinette suffering bad bullying because of Lila’s lies and that she was Ladybug.
Seeing how miserable her daughter was and afraid for her safety, she decide to send her to Bridgette at Gotham for a time.
During her stay Marinette will meet the batfam and the rogues, the latters will got a big chock when they will realize that pixie pop french girl is the very same baby who they helped to be born fifteen years ago.
And one thing was sure: when they will learn all she’s been through a certain liar and a certain butterfly villain better watch their back because no one mess with their little princess.
-Maribat pairing
-Total class salt or only part salt
-Adrien salt or Adrien sugar
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timetravelersdoctor · 5 years
Maribat au : villains little bug. Bit 1
I'm thinking of making one shots for this one. I won't be shipping marinette with any of the bat boys because I haven't decided which one works better with her. Also not really salty.
In this au lila was successful in getting marinette expelled and it stayed that way adrien made no deal. And their not 13-14 they're 16-17 (I aged them up because I thought it would make more sense to whole heartedly believe a 16-17 year old than a 13-14 still going through normal hormone stuff)
Adrien also hurt marinette in the worst way possible. He found out that she liked him and he rejected her in front of the school.
However even the turmoil the expelling and rejection caused somehow wasn't enough to akumatize anyone.
Since alya couldn't prove it wasn't marinette she starts to think it was her. After all marinette doesn't like lila and lila's a cool girl so it would make sense that marinette to do something like that.
Marinette's parents are disappointed in her until she finally explains that Lila is a liar and has been targeting her. Her parents apologize and decide paris isn't for marinette
Marinette all though not wanting to leave paris to hawkmoth after a talk with tikki she goes to the Guardian and explains.
Fu tells her that she doesn't need to stay in paris just come when the akuma is defeated and hands her the horse miraculous.
Fu states that he will be getting permanent heros to make up for the fact that she's gone. He gives marinette the choice of who those heros should be.
Marinette wants to choose alya but she knows that alya wouldn't be professional and just be playing around like chat so she decides against it.
She chooses Luka and Kagami for the snake and dragon she changes to ladybug and goes to give them the miraculous.
She explains that she's being sent away for the protection of the ladybug miraculous but that she'll be there when they defated the akuma.
They promise to keep it a secret. They train with what little time the have left with ladybug.
Afterwords when marinette goes back home and packs her parents tell her she's going to Gotham to live with an old family friend.(I don't know who the friend should be any ideas?)
When marinette gets there the family friend tells her that Gotham is a dangorus place but her parents had no where else to send her.
So they (the friend) tell her all about the villains of gotham and how to avoid them. She agrees to try to avoid them.
.... It doesn't work on her 3rd week there she's stopped by the riddler and answers the riddles correctly. The riddler becomes happy that someone other than the bat is smart enough to know the answers
On her 5th week she bumps into the scarecrow, who sprays her with fear gas. Instead of screaming however she looks at him calmly and states that she's already lived through her worst fear.
While he is stunned by her reaction she runs away. He promises himself that he would find out what happened to her.
6th week she meets Oswald. While he doesn't do anything to her, she rants about his sense of style she then go's on to tell him everything she would do to make him look nice while following his theme.
He decides to take her up on the offer after she realises what she had done.
She meets the gotham sirens by accident while she was walking back to the place she lives. They heard of her from the other three and they talked to her. They decide that she is a cinnamon roll that needs to be protected.
She meets jervis while getting tea (she has no idea he's the mad hatter) and after chatting for a bit she recommends a calming tea that ends up working for him. He feels that he owes her.
She somehow hasn't met the bat fam yet. But When she does she kinda rips into them about the justice league avoiding/ ignoring Paris.
They have no idea what she's talking about. Turns out that someone had neglected to tell anyone about paris thinking it was a prank.
The reason the bat fam meets marinette is because she gets kidnapped by the joker and the other bat rogues get their attention to tell them.
They rescue her. She bonds with the bat fam when they meet again after a while. After she tells them off.
That's all i'm going to put on this one but I will be making another one. I just need some time to think it out.
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg3
Third Part of the masterlist. (Updated: Dec 2, 2019)
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @kittyanonymity A Ladybug in Gotham  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 A Little Bird Told Me [Timari] Pt1 ~ ML X DC Crossover AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @krispydefendorpolice The Demon’s Bride CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 TDB Drabbles Meeting The Batfam ~ The Miraculous Awaken(1 ~ 2)
by @ladylucina28 Gotham Nine Nine [Timari] (collab w/ a-marlene-s) Background ~ Ranks ~ Mari’s Thoughts CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3
by @ladysblackcat Escape To The Circus Mari VS Rayby @legendaryhumanskeletonkid Moving On Pt1 New Life, New Start Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 
by @let-me-perish We’ve Got Some Dreams Alternate Beginning AU Pt1&2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @loveswifi Everything Is Nothing Without Her ~ I Only Have Eyes For You ~ Lips Are Chapped And Faded ~ Sweet Lullaby How To Survive As Daughter Of Deadpool Masterlist ~ OG Idea ~ HC1 ~ HC2 ~ HC3 ~ HC4 ~ HC5 ~ HC6 ~ HC7 ~ HC8 ~ HC9 ~ HC10 CH1 Making Do (With What Gives Us) Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 No More Second Chances Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Rising From The Ashes  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @magic-miraculous All The Time We’ve Got CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~
by @maribat-2k20 A Blind Meeting [Brucinette] CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 BatBug Kid(s?) [Brucinette] Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @maribat-archive A World That Is New, That Is Free Bug And Bird Of Prey Damian VS Adrien:Sword Fight Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms AU (Pt1 ~ Pt2) Royalty AU Running Home to You Umbrella at Your Side You’re My Flashlight (Soulmate AU) Of Fun, Of Love Pt1 ~ Pt2 Sincerely (Penpal AU) Marinette ~ Damian ~ Us(Against the World)
by @maxdark158 Angel of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Demon of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Daminette Soulmate AU Short Drabble:Sparring
by @mindfulmagics Daminette Betrothed AU History Repeats Lila Knows Best If I Could  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Keeping You Warm  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~Pt2~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17
by @minilittlebatbrat The Adventures of MariMaps CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5
by @miraculous-mangoes I See Your Name Everyday  ~  AO3 Not That Much  ~  AO3 More Than Survive  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @miraculous786 A Miniature Meeting With Multimouse Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Gotham’s Own Ladybug Masterlist ~ Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6
by @mmemiraculous Piggyback AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mochinek0 Bonus 1: Alya’s Realization ~ Bonus 2 Fairy VS Angel Maribat Halloween! Normal Shout Out To My Ex Songfic Sweetheart Ice Cream Second Chance Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @monkeebratz Adult Mari Maribat AU Marionette (Harley Quinn 2.0) Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Initial Idea ~ How It Happened ~ Addition by iggy-of-fans ~ Reply to iggy’s Addition ~ Summer Begins ~ Summer Part 2 ~ Super Meet ~ Scarecrow Interlude Gotham Seamstress Marinette Initial Idea ~ Uncle Ozzy ~ Gotham City Sirens ~ Wayne Gala ~ After The Party - Bruce ~ After The Party - Marinette ~  Clash of Heroes and Villains ~ Finding Marinette Smol Damian Maribat AU Idea ~ The Couffains ~ Ra’s Al Ghul ~ After Ra’s Al Ghul
by @moonlightstar64 Healing Pain Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 
by @multifandom-imagines-things Random Fic Random NaNoWriMo Daminette Fic
by @multifandomscribette Adaptability ~ Best Business Trip Ever [TimxAdrien] ~ Bring Him Back From The Brink - The Parisian Branch Of The Family Tree ~ Damian “Helping” Marinette’s Class ~ In A Flash Of Light ~ It Started With Coffee [Timari] ~ Our Dreams Transport Us To Where We Wish To Be [Timari] ~ Seeing Red [Roynette] ~ Sisterhood ~ Soul Stealer ~ Strategic And Magical [Kaldurnette] ~ The Wedding Of The Millenium [Timari] ~ The Twins ~ Trip To YJL HQ ~ Words [Jasonette] Dame Chanceuse Conture AU [Timari] Masterpost ~ Gotham Sirens ~ Riddler/Penguin ~ Two-Face/Scarecrow ~ Mad Hatter/Baby Doll ~ Girls Night Out ~ Calendar Girl/Lex Luthor ~ Deadshot/Talia Al Ghul ~ Zatanna ~ The Devil and The Goddess of Crime Alley ~ The Angel Of Gotham Goes To The City Of Angels ~ Hufflepuff And Puffin! ~ Killer Croc/Red Hood ~  John Constantine Doesn’t Know What To Think of The Goddess In Gotham  The World Needs The Goddess But It Fears Her ~ Sanctuary  Extended Family AU  First Impressions ~ Family Reunion ~ Family Medical History  Gotham For Two Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 Zili Alqatah AU   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7  Light In The Darkness  The Forgotten City AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 
by @musicfeedsmysoul12 Bio Dad!Bruce ~ Bio Mom!Selina  Breakdance AU ~ Little Red And Big Red Halloween   Second Chance Brucinette AU  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Kitten Mari Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~
by @mysnis * African Adventure  Childhood Promises  Heroine Fashonista Rock N Roll Super Fashion To Perform With Our Minds And Hearts 2 (Dancer AU cont.) The Fashionable Heroes Clumsy Series Bruises ~ Wounds ~ Muscle Strains ~ Dislocations ~ Concussions   Lost Friends Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  True Love Karaoke CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12  We Stan A Friend Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  500 Followers Celebration 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 
by @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog Damian’s Sister Don’t Forget To Breath Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mystery-5-5 Daminette/Uncle Jagged Idea
by @never-neverland​ Sapphire and Moonlight CH1 ~
by @noirdots An Angel in Red  ~  AO3 Anything For You Blood And Tears ~  AO3 Flying Ladybugs and Birds at Disney World Made With Love  ~  AO3  Marie And Her Nutcracker Prince  Sick Day  ~  AO3 Slow Dancing In The Dark Thanksgiving With The Wayne’s Changes (Pt1 ) Finding You  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @normal-piece-of-shit Promises [Jasonette] Revelations [Timari] Twists And Turns A Couple Of Spies Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Babynette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Of Life and Heroes CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ Timinette Shenanigans Pt1 ~ Pt2  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D6 
by @pan-cakez A Strange Meeting
by @particularlygeeky Cataclysm  ~  AO3 Little Ladybird  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @persephonescat Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons  ~  AO3 Masterpost ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~  
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist] 
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Marientte Meeting Uncle Victor Zsasz
Heads up, from my maribat bio! Dad Strange AU.
One sidenote, in this Gina is from the side of the Gotham Falcone crime family that didnt leave for america. They were also mafia, just, vanished one day. Zsasz is smart enough to do his research and puts a few things together, realizes his goddaughter is even more interesting and calls her the surviving falcone despite no blood relationship with her and Gina.
Marinette was little when a bald man walked over to her wide a wide grin like Jerome’s, not Jerimah’s.
“So you’re the littlest surviving Falcone?”
Marinette screwed her face up in confusion. She didnt know any falcone.
“Your nonna on Papa’s side claimed you.”
Marinette nodded at that. Nonna was from Italy like her Nonno, and they both fought stronzos (idiots) and they ran away together when her family was ‘too much’. They traveled for a long before settling in Paris when Nonna was going to have Papa.
“That’s ‘cause she’s my Nonna and im her fatina.”
Zsasz nodded sagely before lifting little Marinette up.
“And you seem to be freinds with a lot of people in Arkham.”
“That’s cause Father works there an’ the clin-ik.”
Zsasz nodded, looking at the area he found her in. Rooftops in the narrows. He’d already finished his job for the day, and its not like he’d see the last Falcone for a while if he didnt take advantage now.
“Im guessing you were helping on of your friends get home?” (Penguin)
“He had to see his husband but its his friend’s day, so he had to go back but he’s no good at stealth.”
Zsasz hummed, kneeling down now. “I think its time i teach you a few things about handling the bad people in arkham.”
Marinette screwed up her face again. “Like the hat guy? I really dont like him.” Marientte shuffled back at that. “Jerome was put in his room when he stabbed him for trying to get too close to me when he didnt listen the first time.”
Zsasz almost twitched at that, adding the mad hatter to his list of future kills.
“Well, an easy way to get people to listen is to show them that while you can take them down, youre choosing not to. Sometimes when someone is causing a lot of problems, i pay them a visit when they arent there, make myself something and if someone ruins the surprise, i put them to sleep. When they come home they know what i can do, and that what i dont do is by choice.”
Marinette nodded thoughtfully. “So a conditional threat with proof?”
Zsasz grinned at her, grabbing the girl to carry. “Very good.”
Marinette leaned against him as he carried her. She was getting tired.
“Arkham or Clinic?”
“What time is it?”
“Past you bedtime id imagine.”
Marinette hummed.
“Arkham please uncle Victor.”
Zsasz paused. “You already know my name?”
Marinette lazily nodded against him. “On the list the officer that hates uncle ozzy gave me of people to look out for.”
“Are you going to tell him you saw me?”
Marinette frowned at that. “He didnt ask me to tell me, so why would i?”
Zsasz smiled at that. “Good. He’s a mean officer that doesnt get that people like me keep the city from falling in on itself.”
“You hurt people that hurt the... the wall people.”
“Wall people, thats a new one.” Zsasz had a feeling the professor had something to do with that.
“Father says people see walls or doors. Walls are stops and doors are maybes and possibilies. Wall people make the stops and keeps the door people like daddy from hurting people when they dont remember better.” Marinette frowned for a moment. “I think i’m a door person like Father but Maman wants me to be wall person since door people are dangerous...You’re a wall fixer. Can i be one too? Theyre not forgetful and i want to be like that.”
Zsasz grinned. “I like you. Maybe ill keep you.”
“Maman’ll come back then.” Marinette shuffled closer to Zsasz then, like she was settling in for a nap. “She doesnt like gotham, says it has too much bad in it.”
“Your mom sounds very smart.”
“She is. She’s a too many walls person though.”
“She wants me to stay away from science-y things and says im not ah, ah loud?” She frowned at the word. “Allowed.” She nodded, glad she found her word. “to help people with brain things or make machines and stuff.”
Zsasz puased as he carried her. “That’s not fair.”
Marinette shrugged against him “Maman said death’s job is to be fair, life’s is to test you. Tests dont have to be fair or easy. That’s why she left gotham i think. But i like tests so its okay.”
Zsasz was.. worried about that but he’d give his concerns to the professor later. For now, he had a small goddaughter that needed to go home, and had a training regime to plot for her. Probably would tlak to Jerome since he seems to be her bodygaurd now.
Hope you enjoyed Zsasz meeting baby Marinette. Will get to training sometime soon and more au parts Sometime soon.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
A Guide to Love and Coffee in the City of Crime: Ch. 7
Are You Satisfied
Tim groans, blinking as he takes in his surroundings. Attempting to stretch, his eyes widen when he realizes he’s tied up. Memories flood back in rapid succession, and he inhales sharply. Glancing around the room in an attempt to figure out what’s happening, he frowns. Where were the guys with guns? He wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but he was almost positive they didn’t work for Joker, Riddler, or Scarecrow. His bet was on either Penguin or Mad Hatter.
“Marinette.” He says softly. She must be behind him, right? That’s why he couldn’t see her? Trying not to let his panic overwhelm him, he manages to turn his chair around, bit by bit. Once he’s turned enough to see his previous blind spots, his heart drops to his stomach.
“Marinette!” He yells, hoping she’ll yell back from somewhere. Where was she? What the hell happened? He yanks on the rope tying his hands back, trying desperately to get out of his restraints. Just as he’s about to get the rope off of his wrists, the door flies open.
“What happened?” Jason asks, storming into the room, guns ready. Tim grits his teeth as Dick and Damian drop from the ceiling, Bruce not far behind.
“Considering the fact I woke up two minutes ago, I don’t have any freaking clue.” He huffs out, still fighting against the rope.
“Tim, calm down.” Dick says softly. Tim ignores him. “Tim! You’re going to hurt yourself, knock it off.” Dick chastises him, moving behind him to untie him. Tim’s shoulders slump.
“Men with guns shattered the windows at the coffee shop and then took me and Mari. They knocked me out, so I’m not even sure who took us.” He says, rubbing his raw wrists once Dick lets the rope fall.
“It’s not your fault.” Dick says quietly. Tim scowls. It was totally his fault.
“Nightwing, contact the cave. See if he can listen for her to narrow down her location.” Bruce says. Tim frowns.
“You convinced Kon to stay away when Marinette was in danger?” He asks. Bruce nods.
“Of course I did.” He says. Tim shakes his head.
“You might as well call Clark. He’s definitely on his way to Gotham, if he’s not already here.” Tim says, standing. He wasn’t sure why B thought it would work to keep the Kents out of this. If there was one thing he knew after spending time with Marinette, it was that all of the Kents were extremely protective of her. Even Jon, despite being younger than Marinette, was protective of her. The odds of the entire Superfamily showing up in Gotham today was definitely much higher than Bruce thought.
Clark Kent was pissed. His niece, his only niece, had been kidnapped in Gotham. And Bruce wasn’t the one to call him and notify him of it. Despite the fact that Bruce had ensured Clark that he would keep an eye on her and make sure she was staying safe. That’s all Clark had asked. He thought it wasn’t too hard of a request, since they were friends and he was certain (despite his objections) that his niece was falling for Tim. But apparently, Bruce was more of an idiot than he thought. His ringing phone yanks him from his thoughts as he continues his flight towards Marinette.
“Hello?” He says, not bothering to check the caller ID.
“Clark?” Bruce says in his Batman voice. Clark narrows his eyes.
“Have you finally decided to let me know that my niece is missing?” He asks harshly. Bruce sighs.
“I was going to notify you once we had her safe.” He says. Clark scoffs.
“Did you forget that I am just as capable of helping her as you are?” Clark asks.
“Did you forget Gotham is not your city?” Bruce asks. Clark scowls.
“I don’t give a damn if it’s my city or if it isn’t, Bruce. What I care about is my family. And right now, I’m her best chance of getting saved. If you want to bring in the Mad Hatter, head to the abandoned theater on 8th street, but I’m taking care of Mari.” Clark says firmly, hanging up the phone as he flies faster. Knowing Jon, he’d also be on the way. He was definitely listening for him to give her location. Hopefully, Conner was ready to show up at the hospital for her. He and Jon would have to wait at least an hour to see her, since they were technically still in Metropolis. He’d face the repercussions with Bruce later. It’s not like the man wouldn’t have the same reaction if one of his kids were stuck in a villain attack in Metropolis. And Clark would actually alert him, and let him help. Instead of being an asshole and trying to brush over the situation. Hovering right outside of one of the broken windows, Clark peers in, stomach rolling at the sight. There were several kids sitting around a table, cups of tea on the table in front of them. They were all dressed in dirty costumes. They were all pale with hollow cheeks. All except for the girl at the head of the table. The one who, along with tea, had a top hat on her head. The blue dress she had on was obviously too big for her. As was the unnaturally wide smile stretched across her face as she clapped.
“What did he do to her?” Jon asks, eyes wide in horror. Clark frowns. Marinette was the only one of the hostages with a hat on, so apparently, Mad Hatter hadn’t been confident in his ability to control her with tea only. But the fact that he’d decided she was his new Alice? That was concerning.
“Mind control.” He says simply. Jon winces.
“I kinda hate the Bats’ villains.” He says. Clark nods in agreement. He hated even more that Marinette was stuck in Gotham for the next year. If only there was a way to get all of the rogues out of the city while she was there, he’d definitely sleep a little easier. Taking in a deep breath, Clark gets ready to save his niece.
Alice adored Wonderland. There was no place that she’d rather be, than at the Mad Hatter’s house for a cup of tea. Her friends were all there with laughter and songs to share. It was wonderfully perfect, and perfectly wonderful.
“Alice my dear, you want to stay here in Wonderland, don’t you?” Hatter asks, filling her cup again. She blinks. “Alice, you want to stay, don’t you?” He asks, pushing the cup towards her. Alice furrows her eyebrows, but nods slowly. What a strange question.
“Of course I want to stay. It’s my unbirthday!” She says. Hatter grins.
“Excellent answer my dear. Time to fight for that right.” He says. Alice frowns.
“But fight who?” She asks. The March Hare, the Dormouse, Cheshire- they all wanted to stay at the party too. She glances around again, eyes widening when she sees the card soldiers. Immediately understanding, she charges forward, ready to defend her friends.
“Ma’am stop! Your family is worried about you.” One of the cards says, blocking her hits. Alice frowns.
“My family is here, with the Hatter.” She says. The card frowns.
“Marinette, please, I don’t want to fight you.” The other card says.
“Who’s Marinette?” She asks, shaking her head. “Just go back to the Queen of Hearts, please. I don’t want to fight you.” Just as she thinks the cards might give up, she hears a crash. Looking around wildly, trying to figure out where the crash could come from (they were outside for heaven’s sake, and the Tweedles had been relatively calm), she sees it. The Jabberwocky. Alice’s eyes grow wide and she scrambles back, immediately moving so that she can stand between the beast and her friends. The Jabberwocky lets out a loud shriek (though briefly she thinks she can hear words within the shriek), pausing before charging towards Hatter. Immediately, Alice moves to stand between the monster and her friend.
“Help me, Alice!” Hatter says. Alice nods, wishing she had some type of weapon to try and cut the beast down. The chatter from the cards and the shrieks (why were there words within the shrieks) start to overwhelm her. Suddenly, she misses a coming swipe from the beast. A pressure is ripped from the top of her head and she blinks, swaying slightly as she tries to understand what’s happening. What was clear seconds ago, was now muddy. Colors swirled together as she struggled to put pieces together. Alice. M. Alice. Mari. Alice. Marinette. Al-. Marinette. Dropping to her knees, she grabs onto her dress, frowning. This wasn’t her dress. With shaking hands, she reaches up, sighing in relief when she feels both her glasses and earrings still on. The commotion of a fight going on around her makes her scoot backwards so that she could hide underneath the table. She’d be no good in a fight right now, she was still trying (desperately) to piece together everything that had happened. Memories of ‘Wonderland’ wash over her, but she knows they aren’t real. And she hates that she can’t figure out how to fit them into her memories, and what actually happened. Why was she here? Who had she- Marinette’s eyes widen as one thing stands out in her memory. She had been with Tim. Peeking out from under the table at the others seated at it, she frowns when she doesn’t see Tim. Where was he? Glancing around the room, she raises an eyebrow. Batman was holding Superman back from punching the Mad Hatter (who already looked worse for wear), Superboy (the younger one), Robin, and Red Hood were dealing with the goons. She yelps when someone touches her shoulder. Immediately, she scoots back away from it, relaxing slightly when she sees it’s just Nightwing.
“Hey, it’s okay, kid. Can you stand?” He asks softly. She nods, crawling out from under the table and standing. She winces at the sight of the other hostages seated around the table. They looked awful. “Focus on me kiddo, okay? We’ve got medics coming for them. Do you know who I am?” He asks. She nods.
“Nightwing.” Marinette says. He grins.
“Good. Now, do you know where you are?” He asks. She frowns, glancing around.
“Not- not really. I’m hoping we’re still in Gotham.” She admits. He chuckles.
“Yeah, sorry. I just meant what city. Do you know your name?” He asks.
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Are there any other hostages here?” She asks. He shakes his head.
“None that we found.” He says, and Marinette feels the color drain from her face. “What’s wrong?” He asks.
“I was on a date when the attack happened.” She says. “His name’s Tim Drake, we have to find him. He- I’m pretty sure he was okay before the Hatter put the hat on me.” She says, clenching her fists to keep them from shaking. She’d never forgive herself if something had happened to Tim. If she wasn’t strong enough to save him.
“Tim Drake is safe. He was found at an abandoned warehouse across town. Worried for you, but no serious injuries.” Nightwing says. Marinette’s shoulders slump in relief. He was okay.
“Good.” She breathes out. Before she can ask any other questions, she’s lifted up into a hug. Squeaking in surprise, Marinette gently pats Superboy’s head.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He says, hugging her tightly. Marinette quirks an eyebrow, but hugs the boy back.
“Thank you?” She says. He drops her suddenly and takes a big step back, eyes wide.
“Sorry.” He says. Marinette smiles softly. She’d had times where she’d reacted in a similar way with akuma victims, even if she didn’t know them. Sometimes it was just relieving to know that they were okay, and you were okay, and that the day had been saved.
“It’s fine, don’t sweat it.” She says gently before glancing over at Superman. “Not that I’m not thankful, but why are you here? I didn’t think the Supers dealt with Gotham villains.” Superman frowns.
“Oh, um, we were called in by a concerned citizen.” He says. Marinette raises an eyebrow.
“Really? Who?” She asks.
“Conner Kent.” Superman says. Marinette’s eyes bug out of her head.
“My cousin? He- oh my god, he’s gonna kill me!” She groans, dropping her head into her hands. She glances up. “I am so sorry he called you.” She apologizes. Superman shakes his head.
“Nonsense, ma’am. I’ve done several interviews with your aunt and uncle. I will always show up if someone they care about needs to be saved.” He says, sending a glare to Batman. Marinette decides to unpack that later.
“Well, thank you. I should probably head home-” She starts to say, but Batman interrupts.
“Actually, Miss Dupain-Cheng, you will need to go to the hospital. Just as a precaution after the mind control.” He says. Marinette frowns, but agrees to go. Anything to get out of the glaring match that Superman was apparently trying to restart with Batman.
After a long weekend of babying from her cousins and uncle (thank god for Lois finally pulling them back to Metropolis with her), Marinette was back at school. She liked Gotham Academy. It was far different than any school she’d attended in France. Sure, there was definitely a hierarchy here that she didn’t really fit into, but at least she knew that it was there. There were no surprises when it came to where she fit at Gotham Academy. She appreciated that.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng to the counselor’s officer. Marinette Dupain-Cheng to the counselor’s office.” The monotone of Mr. Mack (the secretary in the main office) drones over the intercom. Everyone in the lunchroom who knows who she is immediately looks at her. She feels her face heat up as she grabs her bag and slings it over her shoulder. Could Ms. Miller not wait until her study hall or her work study classes? Did she have to need her right now when everyone would be talking about it? Hurrying out of the cafeteria, Marinette makes her way to Ms. Miller’s office. Knocking twice on the door, she waits.
“Come on in!” The cheerful voice on the other side calls. Marinette frowns. That was unusual. Gently pushing the door open, Marinette blinks in shock at the sight. “Come on in, Marinette, come take a seat.” Ms. Miller says, gesturing to the seat next to the other occupied seat. The one that had Bruce Wayne.
“Am I in trouble?” Marinette asks. Could Bruce Wayne have her deported for getting his son stuck in an attack? Would he? Had he? Ms. Miller laughs.
“Of course not, dear. Now come, sit.” She says. Marinette nods, slowly sinking into the seat. She sits stiffly, confused at the kind smile on Bruce’s face.
“How are you doing, Miss Dupain-Cheng?” He asks.
“Uh, fine?” She says. She hadn’t really had the chance to talk to Tim (what with her family being crazy, and how she was certain he’d want nothing to do with her now), and she really hoped that that wasn’t what this was about.
“Mr. Wayne is here because of your selected interests for your work study classes. You’ve mentioned to me that you want to own your own fashion business one day, correct?” Ms. Miller asks. Marinette nods.
“That’s amazing, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Very ambitious.” Bruce says. Marinette purses her lips.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wayne, but I’m not sure I understand the point of this meeting.” She says softly. Bruce laughs, and Marinette tries to ignore the pointed looks her counselor was giving her. She knew that Bruce Wayne was important, but why was he here? Talking to her about her classes?
“I apologize, Miss Dupain-Cheng. You see, Wayne Enterprises often does outreach programs with schools in the area, and we also try to involve the company with work study programs. Since you are interested in managing your own business, I believe it would be beneficial for you to do your work study hours at Wayne Enterprises. You could either eat lunch here and then come to the office, or you could leave after your last class before lunch and have lunch at Wayne Enterprises. Our cafeteria is of the highest quality.” He explains. Marinette blinks in surprise.
“Wait, really?” She asks, excitement thrumming through her. This was the opposite of getting her kicked out of school and sent back to Paris. This was an AMAZING opportunity! Bruce nods.
“Of course. There is a PA position open in my office. You would be working alongside my secretary and myself to see the inner workings of a business at the CEO level.” He says. Marinette’s eyes widen.
“Oh my- this is- this is amazing!” She squeals. Bruce chuckles.
“I take it that’s a yes, then?” He asks. She nods.
“Yes, yes, of course!” She says.
“Excellent. I will leave the paperwork with you to fill out today, and we’ll get you started at the office tomorrow.” Bruce says. Marinette grins, standing to shake his hand as he stands to leave.
“Thank you so much, sir.” She says. He nods, shaking her hand before leaving. This was going to be awesome.
Bruce glances down at his ringing cell phone, smirking as he answers. He doesn’t even have the chance to answer before Clark is yelling at him.
“You can’t just give her a job at WE to make up for everything, Bruce!” Clark yells. Bruce snorts.
“Shouldn’t you be more supportive? She seems excited.” He says. Clark groans.
“You’re only doing this because you want her to date Tim.” He complains.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Bruce lies. Clark huffs.
“You do realize that doing this makes me automatically win the bet, right? Because you are totally cheating.” Clark complains. Bruce smirks.
“I think you’ll find that this was actually part of the larger bet. Lois was involved, too.” He says. He stays on the line long enough to hear Clark’s betrayed gasp, before he hangs up. So what if this was a little nudge to push Tim and Marinette back in the right direction? The two obviously liked each other. Sometimes a little bit of divine intervention was needed.
Kaalki shivers. Tikki glances at them worriedly.
“What’s wrong?” They ask. Kaalki frowns.
“Somewhere out there, someone is trying to take command of my ship.”
Story tag list (open): @timari-month-event
Permanent tag list (open): @stainedglassm  @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @toodaloo-kangaroo
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
An Awkward Reveal
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WxS7XC
by Miraculous_786
Who can blame Edward Nygma for being protective over his adopted daughter?
The very daughter who was dating Damian Wayne right under his nose.
It was only a matter of time until Marinette's dad and uncles found out, along with her boyfriend's family.
Now they want to meet her in person, much to the annoyance of the Riddler's overprotective instincts.
Words: 906, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Miraculous Ladybug, Maribat & Adribat: Asks and Prompts
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, DCU, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Damian Wayne, Edward Nygma, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Tim Drake, Jason Todd
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Rogues Gallery (Batman)
Additional Tags: Edward Nygma is the Riddler, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WxS7XC
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sayuricorner · 4 years
ML x Batman: Arkham’s princess AU headcanons part 2
rPart 1      Part 3
Welcome to the part 2 of headcanons of Arkham’s princess AU!
This part will focus on Marinette as a hero between Paris and Gotham.
Most of those details are about Marinette as a hero in general so like this you can either having Marinette having another miraculous either having Marinette as Ladybug if you want.
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing
General headcanons:
-When Marinette learn she will be send to Gotham to live with her aunt Bridgette she was at first very worried! How will she able to protect Paris from Hawkmoth if she is in the States?
-After talking with Master Fu about the situation they fund solutions to the problems: 1)Fu give kaalki to Marinette so she can come from Gotham to Paris when an Akuma attack. Marinette give a miraculous to Luka, Kagami and Chloe(with who Marinette become friend after a whole year of the both of them ignoring each other, it was a long and difficult transistion, especially with Lila and the class constent bullying).
-In Gotham Marinette will do some hero stuff and give an helping hand to the batfam.
-If Marinette had the cat miraculous Selina, when she found out, will had one objective: Take her under her wing more than ever.
-For a time the Rogues don’t know about Marinette being a hero, they found out when a villain(ex: Blackmask or Cluemaster) who wasn’t aware Marinette was untouchable kidnapped her thinking she would make a perfect hostage and when Batman and the Rogues cames to her rescue, the villain was about to kill her and Marinette to save herself transformed, having no other choice, and knocked out the villain, to everyone’s schock.
-Marinette made them promised to not tell anyone she is a hero and also made her godparents promised they will not try to track down Hawkmoth because the last thing Paris need is akumatised Gotham’s Rogues, but in their mind they are determined to make Hawkmoth pay when the ocasion show up.
Headcanons Bonus:(Thank to @itskarmalone for the “Red princess” idea! ^^)
-Marinette being the most protected girl in Gotham by both Rogues and Batfam is know as the “Red princess” since she is the connection between both side.
-The Mad Hatter was the first one to call her by that title.
-Mad Hatter also call Bridgette the “White Queen” since she is Arkham’s warden and lead the asylum in a strict but fair way.
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