#marielle hawke
escalusia · 2 years
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Mariel, Lucille and Dinara <3
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danielnelsen · 1 year
oh no i never realised 'hard in hightown: chapter ???' was based on whoever gets left in the fade because stroud and loghain's entries are so nondescript, but reading the ones for hawke is gonna make me cryyy
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cakevaljean · 7 days
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While I’m here freaking out about dav maybe I should introduce my canon dragon age ocs (to no one) using one of my favorite picrews of all time
1)Marielle Surana- DW arcane warrior, lightning mage. Was romancing Alistair and had to publicly break-up with him at the landsmeet
2)Hanna Hawke- archer, diplomatic Andersmancer
3)Rhea Lavellan- was cursed by the “white-haired Solasmancer” stereotype and she’s fine with it. DW assassin rogue
I haven’t been on tumblr web for years so I’m not sure if I still have my ocs page up, but these three are my mains and I love talking about them
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sailoryooons · 1 year
With the new Yoongi photos, I see a lot of people bringing up Scarface references and linking it to the Tony Montana song, which honestly I love. As a Cuban-American and a giant history nerd, I feel like babbling about why Yoongi selecting Tony Montana as a representation of his music is so perfect.
Hali being a fucking long-winded nerd under the cut
For those that aren’t familiar with Tony Montana, who inspired Yoongi’s track Tony Montana, he’s a fictional character in Howard Hawk’s movie Scarface. Tony Montana is a Cuban who, along with thousands of other Cubans, came to Florida by way of the Mariel Boatlift in 1980.
Let’s talk about the historical aspect of this first cause I think everyone should actually know the cultural significance of the Mariel Boatlift. 
The movie starts with the Mariel Boatlift event in 1980. It was basically a mass immigration all at once of Cubans to the United States when Cuba’s president at the time, Fidel Castro, agreed to release the thousands of Cubans who were trying to escape Cuba and its violent communist dictatorship. The US (Carter administration at the time) agreed to take Cubans under asylum - until they realized that a majority of the Cubans Fidel released were only the members of society the Cuban government considered ‘undesirable’. So people who had been in jail for years - and very specifically anyone who identified as queer - were sent to the US where they ended up stuck in immigration camps in absolute CHAOS. 
In the movie, Tony is one of the Cubans released who was a “criminal” (we could discuss for hours what actually constituted a criminal via the Cuban government but that’s not the point). The point is, that because of this realization, the media and the Americans freaked the fuck out when this happened and there was a HUGE wave of hate, backlash, and fear against the Cubans who were now plopped in Miami with nothing to do and nowhere to go. There was a HUGE pushback to get them out of the US and there was a lot of villainization of Cuban people for just existing. 
Thus - the growth of the cartel industry. Miami in particular was built on the back of Cubans and Cuban-Americans and I will die on this hill, and the cocaine boom in the 80s/90s is largely responsible for Miami becoming so funded the way that it was. Through the beginning of the movie, Tony is jumping through hoops as a low-level drug runner, but he’s viewed through the lens of a hero from the audience: does good by his family, has a great relationship with his best friend, is kind of making the best with what he has and wants so much more. We can liken this to how Yoongi views his own story: someone who is just trying to make a life for himself, someone who loves his members and his fans and family, someone who is passionate about what he does and is fighting for his legitimacy. Yoongi is the Tony Montana, being hated and shamed by Western media and even K-Media and struggling with enemies all around him.
The drug trade in Miami at its beginning was predominantly run by elite white men. In the 70s/80s/90s cocaine was a “white man's drug” as it was largely expensive - the majority of it was coming from South America. Tony essentially climbs the ladder through a white man’s game and trade, and ends up top. He slaughters his way there, killing whoever is in his way, and the entire time he does it, the viewer loves his story because he’s so proud and his brutality is from pride and want for power because he comes from nothing. 
This is literally Agust D. It’s Yoongi fighting his way to be who he is, to establish himself. His entire first two albums are consumed with anger and saying fuck the industry because he, like Tony, is good at what he does and even though others do not want him there, he doesn’t care. He will do whatever he wants to get to the top.
And both Tony and Yoongi get to the top, but once there, the enemies are even worse. The people who hate you are tenfold, you’re paranoid, you want more because you realize it isn’t enough, and you feel like you have people trying to fucking snipe you and tear you down every second. Your friends aren’t your friends anymore because you don’t know who is trying to bring you down, but despite all that, you’re the king because you did it. Which is Yoongi’s going in feel like Tony Montana.
Also, it’s not lost on me that using a character not native to the United States who started from nothing and climbed their way to the top with enemies everywhere is the fucking genius of it. Yoongi, a Korean rapper, has dealt with people thinking his music is a joke, not taking him seriously, and having so many haters - especially in the Western music industry predominantly controlled by white media (we can dissect this bullshit too)- likens himself to Tony because of the insane pride, the willingness to do anything, and the way you have so many people out for you when you fucking get there.
There is also a great comparison to draw between the two when you consider that Americans largely hated Cubans when they first came to Florida and it was all: they’re going to take our jobs, they are criminals, they don’t belong here. 
When you look at kpop and the BTS experience in general, it’s the same fucking thing. The Western media does not want BTS here - doesn’t get it. Thinks that kpop and BTS specifically are there to take jobs, that they don’t belong here. And then BTS did it anyway. 
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk idk I could talk about this so much longer and there are more things I want to include but this is just a summary on why Yoongi x Tony Montana is such a vibe.
also fun fact about hali's dad - he went out on his fishing boat to help rescue Cubans from Cuba and brought them back during the Mariel Boatlift lmfao
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Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 11
Summary: No human has ever avoided Asmodeus's charm. Except for you.
Pairing: Asmodeus x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drama, angst
Warnings: Suggestive content, vomit.
“You want to be charmed by Asmo?”
You nodded tentatively, bracing yourself for Levi to react the same way Mammon and Satan had.
Since Lucifer had an assignment from Lord Diavolo that night, you and the brothers forewent family time in favor of your own activities. Levi invited you to spend the evening rewatching TSL with him, something he’d been desperate to do since the infamous TSL quiz and forming a pact with you. He wanted to give you the full superfan experience, promising he’d point out any interesting facts as the two of you watched. Naturally, Beel tagged along for the snacks.
“Oh…” said Levi, he could feel the sting of jealousy already welling up inside him. “Can I ask why?”
You took a breath, ready to plead your case.
“Asmo’s been bullying MC,” Beel said between bites of cookie, “We think he will warm up to MC if he gets a chance to use his charm on them.”
You nodded, pleasantly surprised that Beel had summarized your task so efficiently. There was no need to talk about making pacts or earning Lucifer’s respect or Belphie. You gave Beel a warm smile which he returned.
“It is weird that his charm doesn't work on you,” Levi said. He still wouldn't look your way. “I don’t know how a worthless otaku like me could help, though.”
“Stop that!” You said.
Levi and Beel’s eyes both snapped to you.
“I don't like it when you talk about yourself like that, Levi. You’re not worthless, you’re my friend.”
A light blush rose on Levi’s face. “O-oh.”
“The Lord of Shadow always came through for Henry, and vice versa.” You said, “I’m not asking for you to solve my problem for me, I just need your assistance.”
You watched him hopefully, Levi was thinking this through intently. The room would have been silent if not for the bubbles from Henry 2.0’s tank, the TSL dvd menu, and Beel’s chewing.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” He said finally.
“Yay!” You threw your arms around Levi to his sputtering protests.
It was very late when you emerged from Levi’s room bleary-eyed and wrapped in a Ruri-Chan throw. Beel was right behind you, still munching on popcorn. You knew you were going to pass out as soon as your head hit the pillow.
You heard giggling at the end of the hall as one of the bedroom doors opened. Two figures were exiting, neither of them were wearing much of anything. A third figure lingered at the door, clad in a purple satin robe. Asmodeus.
“Take the back stairs and escape through the garden.” Asmo said to the demon and the witch, his favorite combination.
“But Azzy can’t we stay the night? I’ll be quiet as a mouse, I promise. Isn’t that right, Sallos?” The witch whined, not making a good show of how quiet she could be.
“I know you can, my dear, but Lucifer has been watching me like a hawk these past few weeks.” Asmo caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. She leaned into him, closing her eyes, “I don't know what I’d do if he discovered either of you in my room. You know what happened to Leah.”
“Yes I know, I–” she caught sight of you. “Oh! Is this RAD’s new human exchange student?” It seemed news of you had gone beyond the RAD student body. It was to be expected, you thought, living humans other than witches and sorcerers didn’t usually get a chance to spend time in the Devildom.
A strange expression crossed Asmo’s face, he quickly schooled it to a look of indifference. “Yes this is our little pet human, MC.”
“Aren’t you just the most adorable?” She looked you up and down.
You gave a polite smile despite Asmo's barb. The two, minus Asmo, had already moved on to appraising Beel who was completely oblivious.
“We should invite him to play next time,” You thought you heard her whisper.
The clock chimed the hour, it was very late indeed.
“Come on, Marielle, we should get going.” Said the demon named Sallos.
“Goodnight, my lovelies,” Asmo waved them away, guiding them to the back staircase. “And goodnight Beel, MC.” He called over his shoulder. Once again his expression was unreadable.
Asmo shut his bedroom door behind him a little too hard. He leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. You and Beel were leaving Levi’s room together so late at night. You in your cute little hoodie and your cute little sleep shorts. What were the three of you doing in there? His mind wandered to something dirty.
But Levi wouldn't do something like that. It had been too long, the poor guy was probably out of practice after years holing himself up in his room. Asmo made a note to give his older brother some tips and a little encouragement. Maybe push a succubus in his direction and see what happens.
No, you and Beel were probably watching some dumb anime with Levi. Nothing more. That… actually made him feel better for some reason. Why?
Asmo decided to file all of that away for later. It was time for a quick shower and some much-needed beauty rest.
The next morning, as you were on your way to the dining room, you heard someone say your name.
“Hey, MC,” it was Levi poking his head out the kitchen door. “Come here for a second.”
Levi was in charge of breakfast that morning, although most of it had been purchased from a cafe or gifted by Barbatos since most of the kitchen was still out of order.
The wall between your room and the kitchen had been repaired which meant you could finally sleep in your own bed, but the kitchen was still very much under renovation. Plastic sheets hung from the ceiling in front of the oven, which had been a major part of the carnage, and half the cabinets along the walls were missing, and there was an empty space where the fridge used to be. The huge crack in the countertop had been repaired in the Japanese Kintsugi style as suggested by Satan, who had been reading about the beautiful repair method. The gold vein running through the stone was to serve as a reminder for Beelzebub of what he had done.
“I was racking my brain all last night,” he said. “N-not that I was thinking about you or anything, I just w-anted to find some way to help since you’re my Pl-player Two.”
“Thanks for the support, Player One,” you smiled. “What did you come up with?”
“This,” Levi produced a small crystal vial from his jacket pocket. The vial held a bright pink liquid that sparkled in the light.
“What is it?” You asked.
Levi looked almost giddy as he began to explain, “It's a replica love potion from I Accidentally Used A Love Potion On My Class President But It’s Ok Because Now She Can Help Prevent My Family’s Failing Ramen Shop From Closing With Her Business Acumen.”
“It's a replica from an anime?” You wanted to let him down gently. Levi looked so happy to help, but you weren't sure how a vanity item was going to help you. Surely it was just colored water and glitter.
“In the Devildom, our replicas usually work like the real thing.” He said.
You stared at him, not sure why you were surprised by this, so many things about the Devildom were over the top compared to the Human World, “So that replica tommy gun from Mafia Demon 666 that you had just lying on your desk works?”
“Yeah!” He said excitedly.
“And you let me toss it around last night while we were watching TSL, like it was just a toy?” You had wondered why the gun had been so heavy but you'd figured it was just a good-quality replica.
“It wasn't loaded,” said Levi, “At least I don't think it was… A-anyway this,” he brandished the vial again, “Should help you. It’s a mild love potion.”
“Ok…” You eyed the potion skeptically. “How does it work?”
Levi pulled the tea tray closer to the two of you, on it were seven mismatched tea cups and saucers, the few survivors of Beel’s rampage. He selected a chipped, lavender teacup with gold accents, dripping three drops of the potion into it. “You mix the potion with your tea. It takes about thirty minutes to kick in but after that, once you make full eye contact with Asmo, you’ll fall in love instantly.”
That did sound promising. Provided it worked as expected.
“How do I know this potion won’t accidentally make me fall for someone else, like Mammon?”
“Ew, I won’t allow that,” Levi gave an involuntary shiver. “Thankfully there’s a little trick to the love potion. You have to spell your name and the name of your target in the air over the cup before drinking it. That’s actually how Shota messes up the spell in the anime. He was supposed to write his crush’s name but he mixes up the characters and writes “Misaki”, which is the name of the–”
You cut him off, knowing he’d begin describing the first episode to you shot-for-shot if you let him keep going, “So I just have to spell my name and then Asmo’s name over the cup for this to work?”
“Yeah, and once the thirty minutes is up you’ll fall for him at first sight,” Levi repeated. “Actually, the potion works on both you and your target so Asmo will feel drawn to you as well, but he probably won't notice. He feels that way about pretty much everyone.”
You leaned on the counter, giving it a lot of thought. This was the first real lead you’d had. It couldn't hurt to try it out, what was the worst that could happen?
“Ok I’ll try it.”
“Great!” Levi seemed so happy that you'd agreed to his plan. “The potion’s magic should be small enough that Lucifer won’t notice it, just be careful.”
“Right.” You hadn’t thought about that. But considering your overarching plan, especially at such an early stage of execution, it was probably best Lucifer didn’t know.
“If he ever found out I gave the human exchange student a love potion, he’d kill me.”
You helped Levi set the table for breakfast, making sure the lavender teacup was placed at your normal spot at the end of the table. Once everyone arrived at the dining room, breakfast began.
You poured the tea into your cup, watching the hot pink potion swirl and dissolve in the amber liquid.
You looked up, making eye contact with Levi who urged you on with a nod. There hadn't been time to tell the others of your plan. Right now it was just between you and Levi. You figured they’d know you’d done something if you suddenly became a “Love Zombie” as Beel had said before. Levi could fill them in on the details later.
Here goes nothing.
You began by spelling your name in the air over the cup as if you were painting on an invisible canvas, the tea sparkled just slightly as you finished the last letter. Next was Asmo’s.
“MC, what are you doing?” Lucifer asked.
“I was just… I was–” Your eyes darted back to Levi.
You forgot the S! He mouthed, swirling his spoon in the air in an “S” shape.
Lucifer caught the movement, “It’s both of you, isn’t it?” He looked between you and Levi, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“We were– we were practicing Human World sign language,” you blurted.
Levi caught on quickly, “Y-yeah, it's for a new VR dating sim I got.”
“One of the romanceable characters is deaf and you can raise your intimacy bar if you use sign language.” You said, pasting on your most innocent smile.
“Ah ha…” said Lucifer.
Satan joined the conversation, intrigued. “That’s an interesting game mechanic. Which sign language are you learning?”
You said, “French!”
At the same time Levi shouted “Japanese!”
By now the whole table was staring at the two of you.
“The character is half French and half Japanese.” You spoke slowly, piecing your little lie together.
“Yeah, so each of us are learning a different type of sign language so it will hopefully cross over when we play…” Levi shrugged at the end of his sentence.
Lucifer and Satan gave nearly identical nods, totally buying the deception.
“Hm,” said Satan. “Well I’ve got books on both of those sign languages so let me know if you’d like to borrow one.”
You beamed at him, “How kind of you, Satan. I just might take you up on that.”
You quickly wrote the letter S over your cup as the table resumed normal conversation.
The tea gave off a faint pink glow, you supposed that meant the spell was finished. All you had to do now was drink it.
You downed the entire cup in one go, which was not the best idea considering it was hot tea. The warm liquid nearly burned your throat going down, you could feel it in your chest. The tea didn't taste any different but the texture was almost fizzy. You poured yourself a second cup, this time adding a dollop of Devilbee honey.
Your gaze wandered over to Asmo. He was talking passionately about a new skin treatment Goetia was offering, Lucifer was listening politely.
You wondered what falling for Asmo would feel like. You weren't sure you’d ever been in love before. And since you’d be under the influence of a love potion would it be that different? Would he be able to tell? All of this ran through your mind for the rest of breakfast up until you slipped on your shoes to walk out the door.
“MC, darling, you’re bookbag strap is slipping,” Asmo slid the strap back up your shoulder, his touch lingering much longer than necessary. Hot and cold as always.
Your time was up.
“Thank you,” You breathed. You found yourself gazing up into his golden eyes. Your stomach did a flip-flop. And then another.
A small smile gracing his perfectly shaped lips, “Anytime, my dear.”
And then you felt your stomach lurch.
Your eyes widened, a shaky breath escaped your lips.
“I, uh, I forgot something in my room!” You managed to say, taking off before anyone could say anything. Asmo stood there, staring at where you had been.
Levi turned on his heel toward the door, “W-well we should get going. Don't want to miss the first class of the day.” He made to lead the others to RAD, even giving a salute as he marched on ahead.
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. Between you running off and Levi’s uncharacteristic enthusiasm for school, he didn't know where to begin. “Mammon, make sure MC doesn't miss first period.”
“On it,” said Mammon, he ran after you.
Your bedroom door was cracked open so he let himself in. You were nowhere to be seen.
He was answered by the most awful retching sound coming from your private bathroom.
His eyes widened “MC, are you alright?”
“I’m– I’m ok,” You panted. More retching followed.
“That don’t sound like ok,” He pressed his forehead to the door. “Anything I can do?”
“Not at the moment,” Your stomach churned again, causing you to moan in pain. “This is so embarrassing, can you please go away?”
“No can do, human, I’m in charge a’ you, remember?” He reached into his backpack. “I got a bottle a’ water out here with your name on it once you’re done spillin’ your guts.”
Mammon waited at the bathroom door as you threw up everything you’d eaten for breakfast. A good fifteen minutes passed before your stomach was totally empty.
“Say, is this that mornin’ sickness humans get sometimes?” He asked. “Satan was tellin’ me about it.”
You gave a weak laugh, slumping against the toilet. “There are multiple reasons why that wouldn't be possible, Mammon.”
“Are ya sure, ‘cause–”
“It’s not morning sickness.” You stared into the toilet bowl which was filled with hot pink glittering vomit.
Cross-posted on AO3
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writernopal · 11 months
OC Name Meaning Tag
Tagged by @sam-glade here! Thank you so much!
We'll do this for the main cast of AASOAF! Generally speaking, coming up with names falls into one of three categories: slapping my keyboard to see what comes out, adapting some kind of existing name to fit the lore/language of the story, or misspelling the one I picked and then just sticking with the misspelled version LOL. Very rarely do I choose something intentionally or with a lot of meaning.
Tagging (gently): @liv-is @lorenfinch @outpost51 @writingmaidenwarrior and @writinglittlebeasts
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Mariel Elodie Frère
Mariel: “star of the sea/drop of the sea/bitter/beloved”
Believe it or not, this was not intentional. She gave me M-vibes and I also didn’t have very many names at the time that started with the letter M so I googled “female names that start with m” and I really liked this one. However as AASOAF took shape, she started to fit her name very aptly, because in a lot of ways she’s Axtapor’s guiding light. She’s also described as plain and unassuming and has quite a tragic story so I think she fits the meaning of this name pretty well.
Elodie: “foreign riches”
Intentional. In the original telling, Mariel doesn’t have a middle name. Axtapor gives her one because he thinks it’s weird that she doesn’t have one (all lizards have middle names) and this is the one he chooses for her. His reasoning behind it is that she is his treasure, they are also not the same race/species hence the foreign part. In the canon version, I decided to give her this middle name from the get-go.
Frère: “brother/friar/monk”
Half and half. I wanted a French-sounding last name (to keep consistent with the Narenese language) and I liked this one because it has an accent haha. Its also fitting for her because she is quite religious and is part of a religious group.
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Axtapor Rehteus Oxlo
Axtapor: derivative of ‘astor’ meaning hawk
Here is one example of a real-world name I adapted to fit the lore of the story. I chose this name because in the story Axtapor is a talented hunter and outdoorsman. Hawks are also native to the deserts which is where he comes from.
Rehteus: modified version of the word ‘righteous’
This one was chosen intentionally. I have a lore post on lizard names (find it here!) and in there, it describes the middle name is the first/given name of the paternal grandfather (for men) so I had to choose something that fit the person his grandfather was (who is characterized secondarily by him and his grandmother in AASOAF 2) but also be somewhat fitting for Axtapor. He isn’t a hero type, but many of his actions are noble/righteous, especially where it concerns Mariel.
Oxlo: derivative of the name ‘Oslo’
No reasoning here. I just liked it lol.
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Fay Anara
Fay: “fairy”
Intentionally oxymoronic. Fay has probably the most tragic backstory of all of my characters so I wanted her to have a name that contrasted her past. Wilkes (her love interest/husband) argues that her name is fitting for her because he knows her soft side and believes she is more than her past and her present attitude which is outwardly devilish/opportunistic/quick to anger.
Anara: “pomegranate flower/wanderer”
Intentional. She doesn’t have a last name, but acquires this one when she takes on the Quartermaster’s title under Captain Odell (previous captain of the Mirage). For context, he took to using the name Anara with all of his Quartermasters because he cycled through them so quickly. She kept the name for the sake of anonymity in the beginning and later on for the clout after she killed Odell. Pomegranate flowers also symbolize sanctity, fertility, and abundance, something that has a lot of double meanings and is pretty spoiler-y for her so I won’t explain it.
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Wilkes Evos Sikthax-Seymour
Wilkes: “resolute protector”
Unintentionally fitting. I’ve always liked the sound of this name so when I created a male OC (he was my first) I slapped it on him and went on my merry way haha. As his character started to take shape, I looked up what it meant and had a mind-blown moment when I realized it was perfect for him. He always comes to Fay’s defense and in the original telling of AASOAF she refers to him as her shield many times.
Evos: derivative of ‘evo’ meaning latter part of the day/late afternoon until nightfall/evening of one’s life
I can’t delve into this one so much because spoilers but it's absolutely fitting for him and totally intentional.
Sikthax: made up/no derivative
Wanted a cool sounding name that started with an S because it felt right and this is what I came up with haha.
Seymour: “Saint-Maur” region in France
No meaning here, I just picked it because it sounded cool. Also, Wilkes only had a first and last name in the original telling of AASOAF and ‘Wilkes Seymour’ is just a very pirate-y sounding name.
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vhenad4hl · 2 years
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The daughter of Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell, Margaret Hawke has lived in many places throughout Ferelden. Her father was a mage who’s gifts were passed onto both Margaret and Bethany, Malcolm’s youngest daughter. In 9:20, the family settled on the outskirts of Lothering. After Malcolm’s death in 9:27, Margaret became responsible for the welfare of her mother and siblings.
When the Fifth Blight began, the Hawke’s fled to Kirkwall. Six years after arriving to Kirkwall, Margaret kills the Arishok, and is dubbed the Champion of Kirkwall. Three years later, Margaret sides with the mages during their rebellion, and put herself between the mages and templars. By defying Meridith and the Templar order, Hawke became a beacon for the mage rebellion.
After Kirkwall’s chantry is exploded, Hawke flees Kirkwall and her whereabouts are unknown.
art by @deeplord
[ alethea ] [ dinaya ] [ ghilana ] [ willas ] [ mariel ] [ lucia ]
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treesandwords · 1 year
OC name meanings for SOTSK
I saw @blind-the-winds do this and they had it as an open tag so I thought I'd contribute! I love name meanings so letsa go:
The Dalions
Jamos: Altered form of "James" which is Hebrew for "Supplanter"
Katrine: Altered form of "Katherine", meaning 'pure', and is Greek in origin
Laedir: Made up. Though I think it means 'leather' in Dutch with a different spelling so....
Quinnton: Latin, meaning 'the fifth'
Bronwyn: Welsh, meaning 'white breasted' (I've heard this was meant to imply 'pure hearted' ?), also 'white raven'
Gevin: A mix of "Kevin" and "Gavin" - Kevin is an anglicized Irish name meaning 'handsome', and Gavin is most commonly thought to be Celtic in origin, meaning 'white hawk' *
Ciaran: Irish, meaning 'little dark one' (referencing colouring/hair colour)
Jerod: Alternate spelling of "Jared", a Hebrew name meaning 'descent'
Cassian: Latin, 'empty' or 'hollow'
Nurei: Initially made up, I think I stole it from some online story about fairies I read in like 2009 and spelled it differently. HOWEVER upon researching, I found out that "Nura" and "Nureh" are real names of Arabic origin, meaning 'light'
Esme: Old French for 'esteemed'
The inlaws/ others
Jessylle: Reworking of "Giselle", a Norman French play on a Germanic word meaning 'pledge'
Jena: From "Jennifer", a Cornish version of the Welsh "Guinevere/Gwynhwyfar", meaning 'white' or 'white wave'
Brenna: Celtic, 'little raven'
Gwyn: See above ^^
Nysel: All I can find is that "Nysell" is a surname, but idk what it means
Neroli: Italian, referring to orange blossom scent (fun fact, I stole the idea of naming a character this from a girl at my high school who had the name Neroli *shrugs*) **
Taigen: Reworking of "Teagan", Irish meaning 'poet' or 'philosopher'
Mariel: Danish, 'star of the sea' (did not know this was a real name until I googled it, I thought I was just spelling "Muriel" with a different vowel)
*no, I didn't name both the twins after white birds on purpose, it just Turned Out That Way and honestly I'm a little insane about it
**I definitely did not go through my yearbooks to find kids I didn't even talk to who had cool names and make a list of them to Use
There are way way too many characters in my book but I'm gonna leave it there...
Tagging: @kaatiba @kingsinking @writerfae and also gonna leave it open to anybody!
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
Now that I’m on my (xx)-teenth replay of DA2, I’ve been having thoughts on Marian Hawke’s relationships.
Varric (Rival): They’re not exactly friends. Oh, Varric tried, but Marian’s extremely antagonistic and selfish attitude made it pretty hard to stick up for her in a lot of situations. He doesn’t like how her instinct is always to fight first; like seriously, the woman has no sense of tact. Sure, there are times he finds her fun to have around (mostly when she’s threatening someone he doesn’t particularly like), but on the whole, they don’t get along. Doesn’t stop him from basing characters on her, though, and that’s Marian’s main gripe with him. The thinly-veiled “Marielle” character from Hard in Hightown is absolutely nothing like her; she’s more like what Varric wishes she was like (though Marian is more upset at how Varric portrayed the characters based off of Carver and Sebastian). Don’t get her started on “The Tale of the Champion”, she absolutely despises it. She never gave Varric permission to write down her life story, much less sell it so OTHER people can read about her, and the fucker made a lot of shit up because she barely had him around enough for him to know what really happened. After the book comes out, she refuses to even speak to Varric. The only thing that manages to break this is when Varric writes to her about Corypheus, but even then, she prefers not to speak to him at all when she’s at Skyhold. To Varric’s credit, he gets it. He finally leaves her alone.
Anders (Rival): She’s immediately on edge around Anders since the first thing he wants her to do is fight Templars and break a mage out of the Circle. And, you know, he's also technically an abomination. Marian, someone who looks out for herself and her family, doesn’t give too much of a shit about the plight of mages (or rather, she’d just prefer to not think about it), so naturally Anders finds her frustrating, especially since she herself IS a mage. They’ve gotten into a lot of arguments over the years, mostly started by Anders pestering her; Marian is content to ignore him whenever possible. She also hates his whole “you were luckier than most mages” thing he keeps telling her. She knows she was, but he doesn’t know her life, and even if things were better, they still weren’t good. The one point of credit she does give him is that he offers free healing to the downtrodden — Marian acknowledges he’s better than her in that regard (she’s a healer, and a better one than him, but she’d absolutely charge money for her services). However, after the events of "Dissent", she can't stand him anymore and sends him away.
Merrill (Rival): Honestly, Marian found her a bit annoying at first, and Merrill’s use of blood magic didn’t help improve her opinion of her. But for the most part, Merrill’s sort of a neutral presence to have around, and Marian gets used to her over time. For her part, Merrill finds Marian fascinating but equally aggravating. Since in my headcanon, Merrill becomes close friends with Sebastian, she can’t really understand why he likes Marian as much as he does, but she acknowledges that they both seem good for each other. Also, because Marian softens up towards Act 3, she makes more of an effort to befriend Merrill, due to her being Sebastian’s best friend. She takes a more active role in looking out for her — they’re still by the game’s logic “rivals”, because there was no way Marian trusted that whole eluvian thing so she didn’t give Merrill the tool she needed to fix it, but they have a lot of conversations afterwards that sort of mend that rift.
Fenris (Friend): He’s actually Marian’s best friend. They’re both brooding, aggressive assholes. He’s the only person who doesn’t give her shit for her attitude and even encourages her at times, so she finds him easier to talk to. Fenris likes having her around, too, since she never gets on his case about his feelings towards magic unlike some OTHER mages he knows. Soon enough, Marian is confiding in him, and he in her. He’s the first person she tells about her growing crush on Sebastian (though he knows her well enough by that point that he already guessed she had a Thing for him). They can communicate pretty much exclusively through grunts and eye contact, to the confusion of most people around them.
Isabela (Rival): They got along well enough, at first. Isabela thought Marian was a riot, though like Varric, she though she could use more tact. Marian thought Isabela was fine, she just wished she would stop flirting with her. Then the Tome of Koslun thing was revealed and Marian was PISSED. She hates that Isabela lied to all of them for years, she hates that she was stupid enough to steal a religious relic from the fucking Qunari, she hates that she was inadvertently protecting the reason the Qunari were stuck in Kirkwall for so long. Marian absolutely despises the Qunari and hated dealing with them (though ironically she earned the Arishok’s respect), so she ended up blaming Isabela for that, too. So it was kind of a shock that Marian didn’t let the Arishok take Isabela when she returned with the Tome. She was tempted to, but she didn’t want to give the Arishok anything else. They never really recover from the incident. She also doesn’t help Isabela get her new ship (I’m not letting a goddamn slaver walk away just so you can have a new ship, seriously.)
Aveline (Rival): Honestly, they don’t interact much, because I think it’s weird that the captain of the guard would go traipsing around old dwarven ruins and the sewers with Marian and her gang of rabble-rousers. They have more a professional type relationship, with Aveline calling in Marian if she needs something done that the guard can’t normally handle on their own. Marian doesn’t care because she gets paid. She helps Aveline with Donnic, though, because at the time she was asked, she was still dealing with her apparently “hopeless” crush on a certain chantry brother. So she figures, shit, someone in this shithole city deserves to be happy, even if it’s Aveline. She’s (rightfully) furious with Aveline after the whole “All That Remains” incident, but I think she doesn’t take it as personally because they’re not friends. She does start charging more for her services afterwards, and I think Aveline feels guilty enough that she doesn’t protest that.
Sebastian (Friend): I think I’ve gone on enough about Marian and Sebastian that I don’t really need to elaborate on how they feel about each other. I will say, that due to Sebastian’s influence, Marian becomes much more “diplomatic” (though not completely. She’s still a bitch at heart ❤️). She lets herself be vulnerable and remorseful, in large part thanks to his counsel. Maybe enough so that she tries to repair some of her bad relationships (like Merrill, and I think she tries to smooth things over with her mother and later uncle Gamlen, too). On his end, I think Marian’s influence makes Sebastian bolder and more assured. I like the idea of these two polar opposites finding each other and helping each other heal, even taking on some of the other’s traits (though ultimately remaining themselves at their core).
(Bonus) Tallis: Marian hates Tallis. You can’t say shit like “I think you’d be happy under the Qun” to a mage (you know, they people whose mouths they sew shut) and expect her to just be chill with you afterwards. Plus, you know, she misled Marian about the Heart, got her captured, and still had the audacity to ask for her help without explaining what was really going on.
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llpodcast · 1 year
(Literary License Podcast)
Scarface (1932)
Scarface (also known as Scarface: The Shame of the Nation and The Shame of a Nation) is a 1932 American pre-Code gangster film directed by Howard Hawks and produced by Hawks and Howard Hughes. The screenplay, by Ben Hecht, is based loosely on the 1929 novel by Armitage Trail which was inspired by Al Capone. The film stars Paul Muni as Italian immigrant gangster Antonio "Tony" Camonte, a gangster who violently rises through the Chicago gangland, with a supporting cast that includes George Raft and Boris Karloff. Camonte's rise to power dovetails with his relentless pursuit of his boss's mistress while his own sister pursues his best hitman. In an overt tie to the life of Capone, one scene depicts a version of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre.  After Hughes purchased the rights to Trail's novel, Hughes quickly selected Hawks to direct and Hecht to write the film's screenplay. Beginning in January 1931, Hecht wrote the script over an eleven-day period. Scarface was produced before the introduction of the Production Code in 1934, which enforced regulations on film content. However, the Hays Code, a more lenient precursor, called for major alterations, including a prologue condemning gangsters, an alternate ending to more clearly reprehend Camonte, and the alternative title The Shame of a Nation. The censors believed the film glorified violence and crime. These changes delayed the film by a year, though some showings retained the original ending. Modern showings of the film have the original ending, though some DVD releases also include the alternate ending as a feature; these versions maintain the changes Hughes and Hawks were required to make for approval by the Hays Office. No completely unaltered version is known to exist.
Scarface (1983)
 Scarface is a 1983 American crime drama film directed by Brian De Palma and written by Oliver Stone. Loosely based on the 1929 novel of the same name and serving as a loose remake of the 1932 film, it tells the story of Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino), who arrives penniless in Miami during the Mariel boatlift and becomes a powerful and extremely homicidal drug lord. The film co-stars Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and Robert Loggia. De Palma dedicated this version of Scarface to the writers of the original film, Howard Hawks and Ben Hecht.  Pacino became interested in a remake of the 1932 version after seeing it, and he and producer Martin Bregman began to develop it. Sidney Lumet was initially hired to direct the film but was replaced by De Palma, who hired Stone to write the script. Filming took place from November 1982 to May 1983, in Los Angeles and Miami. The film's soundtrack was composed by Giorgio Moroder. Scarface premiered in New York City on December 1, 1983, and was released on December 9, 1983, by Universal Pictures. The film grossed $45 million at the domestic box office and $66 million worldwide. Initial critical reception was negative due to its excessive violence, profanity, and graphic drug usage. Some Cuban expatriates in Miami objected to the film's portrayal of Cubans as criminals
 Opening Credits; Introduction (.37); Background History (31.40); Scarface (1932) Film Trailer (34.25); The Original (37.00); Let's Rate (1:18.47); Amazing Design Advertisement (1:23.06);  Introducing a Remake (1:24.18); Scarface (1983)  Film Trailer (1:26.21); The Remake (1:29.35); How Many Stars (2:32.14); End Credits (2:49.03); Closing Credits (2:50.36)
 Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – copyright 2021. All rights reserved
 Closing Credits:  Gangsta Paradise by Coolio featuring LV.  Taken from the album Gangsta Paradise, I am LV.  Copyright 1995 Tommy Boy/Warner Brothers/MCA Records
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.  Used with Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hey hey! Not sure if this is still a thing, but if you have a bit of time, maybe a six sentence sweet thing for our favorite Kirkwall powerful couple? Have a good weekend :D
The morning had been quiet so far, Skyhold’s isolation a far cry from the bickering, bartering, and blood curdling screams that filled Kirkwall’s streets even in the wee hours; it was the kind of calm that settled over you like an eiderdown blanket, heavy and warm, comfortable and soft, and so, while she knew there were a million things to do (and not very much time at all in which to do them), Hawke simply rolled over and nestled her chin against Varric’s shoulder the way she had a million times before.
“I have an admission to make,” she said in a sleepy murmur, her lips barely tracing the skin of his neck, “I finally gave in and read Hard in Hightown.”
At first, his only response was a low, groggy chuckle of his own. Then, his arm curling around her such that he could tangle his fingers in her hair, “Ah, so the woman who nearly got herself disemboweled by the Arishok deigns to talk about my bestselling novel in the same tone of voice prisoners use when having their fingernails removed one by one - be still my heart.”
“It’s the strangest thing - ” she continued, the only sign she’d actually heard him the curling of her lips, the way she reached up and tweaked one of the rings in his ear, “ - if I didn’t know better, I’d think the author was...well...in love with that shifty Marielle character of his...the one with the jewel-tone eyes.”
“And the laugh like Chantry bells,” he snickered, his hand moving from her hair to the curve of her neck, tipping her head up towards his, “Can’t forget the laugh, Hawke...Maker knows I can’t, anyway.”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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caliberbook · 2 months
PART 1 VINCENT Chapter 1 (Part 3)
            How lonely that must be, Marielle thought as her mind moved to Sasha, another radiant, as such people were called. Marielle always thought that Sasha, whose agent name was Sova, was one of the more attractive men at Valorant. The Russian man was tall and fair, with long, flowing golden locks and one striking blue eye. The other had been lost in an accident and replaced with a mechanical blue orb, but that didn’t make him any less attractive.  Marielle shivered a little just thinking about him, which made her giggle—Sasha loved the cold. He was proud, but on the softer side, and highly trusted. He was one of the few Valorant members reliable enough to watch detainees at any given moment if someone else couldn’t take a shift. All of Sasha’s abilities were based on radianite technology, and most of the agents believed that many of them lay in his fake eye, which gave him hawk-like vision.                 Marielle was brought out of her memories when her cellphone rang a second time. She turned the water in her tub off and rushed to her cell, her hand complete again.                 She answered, trying for a less shocked tone this time. “Sabine?”                 “We need you to come in.” Sabine’s icy, masked voice came through the other end.                 “I was on my way anyway,” she replied anxiously. Silence. “What’s going on?”                 “Just come in.” Sabine sounded exasperated. “Jamie’ll be waiting for you at the front with the dossier.”                 Marielle drummed her bottom lip, waiting. “Sabine, what’s this about?” Silence. “Is this about… him?” Click.  Sighing, she went back to the bathroom and got into the steamy tub, scrubbing off the perfume and left-over makeup from her failed date, then quickly washing her hip-length black hair.                 She didn’t take the hang up too personally. There were several reasons Sabine’s agent name was Viper, and her cold demeanor definitely played into it. Not that Marielle could blame her. She’d always been cold, but the events of five years ago had ruined her ability to have a friendly or empathetic thought. She was all spite, bitterness, and anger.                 “Him…” That was one way of referring to what had happened at Valorant headquarters over the last week. It all centered on the mysterious “him.”                 At an event that Marielle had not been part of the Saturday before, a mysterious stranger had shown up, aimed and fired a gun at Liam, and then disappeared, reappearing in a different part of the room. Then, according to the accounts of those who had been there, this same gentleman had proceeded to pull his weapon into his arm, where it had vanished in a flurry of color into what looked like a golden tribal tattoo that had appeared on his face, neck, and arms.                 This gentleman hadn’t said a word to anyone since, and was being kept—guarded, really—at Valorant headquarters until further notice. No one except those on guard duty had seen him. He was a big mystery to all. Liam had told her very little, except that they might eventually want her expertise.                 Liam was in charge of everyone at Valorant headquarters. He was forty-six, red-headed, blue-eyed, and big—much bigger than she was, anyway. This thought process always made her chuckle, since she was only five foot two and didn’t weigh a whole lot. What she lacked in height and size, she made up for in bravery, or at least that’s what everyone at Valorant said. In training, she always rushed in, attacking without fear.  ------------ WANT MORE?! https://www.caliberbook.com/
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year
Gilda (1946) de Charles Vidor avec Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready, Joseph Calleia, Steven Geray et Joe Sawyer
Le Port de l'angoisse (To Have and Have Not) (1944) de Howard Hawks avec Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan, Dolores Moran, Hoagy Carmichael et Sheldon Leonard
Le Lion et le Vent (The Wind and the Lion) (1975) de John Milius avec Sean Connery, Candice Bergen, Brian Keith, John Huston, Geoffrey Lewis, Steve Kanaly et Vladek Sheybal
Indiana Jones et le Temple maudit (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) (1984) de Steven Spielberg avec Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Jonathan Ke Quan, Amrish Puri et Roshan Seth
Mon crime (2023) de François Ozon avec Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Rebecca Marder, Isabelle Huppert, Dany Boon, Fabrice Luchini, André Dussollier et Félix Lefebvre
À notre regrettable époux (1988) de Serge Korber avec Jacqueline Maillan, Alida Valli, Jacques Dufilho, Pierre Tornade, Jean-Pierre Aumont et Hubert Deschamps
The Fabelmans (2022) de Steven Spielberg avec Gabriel LaBelle, Mateo Zoryon Francis-DeFord, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Keeley Karsten, Julia Butters et Judd Hirsch
Les Caprices de Marie (1970) de Philippe de Broca avec Marthe Keller, Philippe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Valentina Cortese, Henri Crémieux, Fernand Gravey, Bert Convy, Colin Drake et François Périer
Le Quai des brumes (1938) de Marcel Carné avec Jean Gabin, Michèle Morgan, Michel Simon, Pierre Brasseur, Édouard Delmont, Aimos et Robert Le Vigan
Le Veau gras (1939) de Serge de Poligny avec François Périer, Elvire Popesco, Armand Bernard, André Lefaur, Gabrielle Fontan, Robert Le Vigan, Marcelle Praince et Raymond Cordy
Top Gear Saison 16, 12
Surfin' USA - L'Albanie en Rolls-Royce - 1200 km en un plein - Trois camions d'enfer - La fiesta dans tous ses états - Moteur nature - Vietnam Special - Construire l'impossible - En route pour la Côte d'Azur !
Friends Saison 6
Celui qui avait une jolie colocataire - Celui qui avait les dents blanches - Celui qui s'était drogué - Celui qui souhaitait la bonne année - Celui qui avait le derrière entre deux chaises - Celui qui inventait des histoires - Celui qui sortait avec la sœur - Celui qui ne pouvait pas pleurer - Ce qui aurait pu se passer : 1re partie - Ce qui aurait pu se passer : 2e partie - Celui qui avait l'Unagi - Celui qui sortait avec une étudiante - Celui qui avait des problèmes de frigo - Celui qui avait une audition - Celui qui rencontrait le père - Celui qui se la jouait grave - Celui qui achetait la bague
L'agence tous risques Saison 2, 3
Pièces détachées - Nouvelle cuisine - Opération finale - Les cloches de Sainte-Marie - Souvenirs - Au feu ! - Promenade dans les bois - Vacances au bord du lac - Au-delà de la rivière : 1re partie - Au-delà de la rivière : 2e partie - Vacances en Floride - La dernière séance - Double foyer - Echec aux affreux - Voie de garage - Collection - Extorsions - Le nouveau shérif - Le champion - Belle évasion - Les braconniers
Columbo Saison 4, 7, 1
Entre le crépuscule et l'aube - Des sourires et des armes - Poids mort
La Pause Biodiv : Mission pollinis'Actions
La vache ! - Espèce de larve ! - Vive la belle étoile ! - Pile 30 minutes ! - Je végétalise - Sous les pavés, la plante !
Méli Mélo : Démêlons les fils de l'eau
De source sûre ! - Un léger penchant - L'étroite moustiquaire - Culture et Captages - Les sceptique de la fosse ! - Le changement c'est maintenant - Le goût des eaux - Eau propre eau sale ! - Papy lingette ! - Bzz ! - Au prix que ça coûte ! - Sors de ton lit ! - Vive l'herbe libre ! - Allais, allez ! - Des tout petits cachets ! - Tartare de sédiments !
Coffre à Catch
#105 - Un hall of famer à la ECW ! (avec Vinny Brun) - #106 - Hardy Boyz et Poêle à frire ! - #107 : Une nouvelle ceinture pour une nouvelle ère ! - #108 : Mark Henry présente la barre de faire !
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 6
Mort en eau trouble - Le Parcours du combattant - Une touche de sang - La Maison de Satan - Les oiseaux de proie
Meurtres au paradis Saison 12
L'éclipse - Les Survivalistes - Plage à vendre
Affaires sensibles
Gianni Agnelli, le dernier roi d’Italie - François Cevert : dernière course contre la mort - Netflix, l'histoire mouvementée derrière l'écran - L'histoire mouvementée de Metallica - Mars 2002 : massacre au Conseil municipal de Nanterre
Détective Conan Tome 5 de Gōshō Aoyama
Pourquoi ne faisons-nous rien pendant que la maison brûle ? de Claude Bourguignon et Lydia Bourguignon
Une vie de malade ! de Nadim Aswissri
Les Trois Mousquetaires, tome I d'Alexandre Dumas
0 notes
sxsw2013gg · 1 year
All the bands I saw at SXSW this year:
1 Drakulas - Hotel Vegas Patio
2 TVOD - Hotel Vegas inside
3 DANA - Hotel Vegas Patio
4 Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - Hotel Vegas Patio
5 Kiwi Jr. (again) - Lazarus Brewing Co.
6 Golden Dregs - Lazarus Brewing Co.
7 Sego - Zilker Brewing Co.
8 Night Cap - Low Down Lounge
9 Floodlights - Valhalla
10 Free Range - Seven Grand
11 Personal Trainer - Esther’s Follies
1 Dean Forever - Lucille
2 River Boy - Lucille
3 MANE - Lucille
4 Ashli - Lucille
5 Civic - Lucille
6 Tulliah - Lucille
7 Annie Hamilton - Lucille
8 Nat Vazer - Lucille
9 Ron Gallo - Clive Bar
10 Rock Eupora - Lamberts
11 Molly Martin - Lamberts
12 Future Crib - Lamberts
13 The Minks - Lamberts
14 Indigo de Souza - Half Step
15 Husbands - Chess Club
1 Y La Bamba - Empire Garage
2 Bartees Strange - Empire Garage
3 Kiwi Jr. - Empire Control Room
4 Protomartyr - Empire Garage
5 Cheekface - Empire Control Room
6 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires - Side Bar
7 Margaritas Podridas - Chess Club
8 Snooper - Chess Club
9 Jobber - Latchkey
10 Friko - Seven Grand
11 The Trials of Cato - The Creek and the Cave
12 Say Zuzu - Antone’s
13 Bonny Doon - Antone’s
14 The Scratch - The Velveeta Room
15 Silverbacks - The Velveeta Room
1 Hans Pucket - 13th Floor
2 Be Your Own Pet - Mohawk Outdoor
3 Girl Scout - Mohawk Indoor
4 SOAK - Cedar Street Courtyard
5 Dead Gowns - Velveeta Room
6 The Garrys - Swan Dive Patio
7 Skye Wallace - Swan Dive
8 Mariel Buckley - Swan Dive Patio
9 Death Valley Girls - Lucille
10 Sabrina Ellis - Valhalla
11 Sports Team - The Creek and the Cave
1 Sea Lemon - Side Bar
2 Pat G - JNL BBQ
3 Timothy Eerie - JNL BBQ
4 Enjoyable Listens - JNL BBQ
5 Cherym - JNL BBQ
6 The Ophelias - Central Presbyterian Church
7 Katie Malco - Central Presbyterian Church
8 Le Ren - Central Presbyterian Church
9 Bartees Strange - The Belmont
10 Foyer Red - Vaquero Taquero
11 Hamish Hawk - 13th Floor
12 Voka Gentle - 13th Floor
13 English Teacher - Seven Grand
1 Gen and the Degenerates - Cedar Street Courtyard
2 Panic Shack - Cedar Street Courtyard
3 Puppy Angst - 13th Floor
4 Foamboy - 13th Floor
0 notes
tinygoddxss · 2 years
welcome to tinygoddxss!! this is an original character blog featuring MARIELLE DUBOIS, an OC that has been in development across a few blogs and on discord for around 5 years!
Mari began as Hawke from dragon age, has been the protagonist and an OC in fallout and elder scrolls, and has settled into an OC with several primary verses.
tracking #tinygoddxss ! standard rpc rules apply. any questions, send me a message or ask!
DNI coming soon.
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melongumi · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
hey meet The Whole Gang so far
ignore the inquisitors’ tapestry elements; they mostly aren’t set yet. Bellis, for instance, will in fact be rescuing the Templars. And romancing Josie. This is why he was created.
I haven’t decided about Clara yet. Probably mages. She’ll be doing the cullen romance, but. She is a mage and is not comfortable with the templars as an organization. That’s how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
anyway dig Andrea Cousland’s name. Andrea like anderfels? Good Grey Warden name? Andrea like Andraste? Superlative Queen of Ferelden name? 
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