#marsha lineham
funeral · 1 year
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The relationship between emotion dysregulation and borderline behavior patterns, according to the biosocial theory.
Marsha M. Linehan, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
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As a thing to add to the psych ward discussion: I was reading a book (Building A Life Worth Living by Marsha Lineham, the creator of DBT) where she said that there's no real evidence that psychiatric wards, by large, do Anything to improve someone's mental health. Psych wards have no provable benefit for people, they are largely just holding cells for "difficult" patients that end up traumatising people.
I haven't read that book, but I'll have to see if I can find it cause I've always been interested in Marsha Linehams work. And her conclusion according psych wards doesn't exactly surprise me
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
I kinda just accepted what ppl like to say about DBT on here cus sure, if a crazy made it i guess it might be fine.
No actually. Its worse! Im kneecaping everyone who said its better than CBT. its like lets take all the bad bits about CBT and also make therapists act like blatant bullies. This shit is horrific. I hope Marsha Lineham suffers great violence.
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bunnyreading · 2 years
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Favourite Nonfiction Books of 2022
I did my fiction books so here's my nonfiction books:
🧠 Building A Life Worth Living by Marsha M. Lineham. It was a fascinating book to read about the creation of DBT, especially from someone who had started life so troubled. It's nice to read mental health stuff from the point of view of someone who understands how agonising mental illness is, and has empathy for their patients.
🦻 Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language by Nora Ellen Groce. Very interesting about the phenomenon of Martha's Vineyards high deaf population, and this example of an accessible community that allows Deaf people to participate properly. It was a really interesting book to read as a deaf person.
♀️♂️ Female Husbands by Jen Manion. A cool history about queer things. I liked learning about the shared history of lesbians and trans masc people, and it was cool to read a queer historian talking about historic people who may have considered themselves queer.
🌹All The Young Men by Ruth Coker-Burks. A very moving memoir about a woman who took it upon herself to care for people who everyone else had given up on. Ruth Coker-Burks is a wonderful ally and I wish more people knew about her.
🏳️‍⚧️The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye. It was a difficult book to get through, but really important. Condensed into this book Faye has deconstructed all of the transphobic buzz, and it's a really important book if you want to arm yourself with fact against bigotry
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autisticplants · 2 months
its time to go to the source (search for books written by Marsha M Lineham herself)
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khonsu00 · 1 year
Reading “Building a Life Worth Living,” the memoir of the lady who invented DBT, Marsha Lineham. It’s so revealing of what living with DBT and other disorders is like and how you’re the only person who can save yourself in the long run by preparing yourself with tools and outlooks that make your life a more positive experience, especially by treating yourself with the kindness you deserve that you look for in others. But reading her life, certain parts are so relevant to what’s happened in my life and it makes it hard to read long passages of it, but it’s divided into a lot of little segments that hop around her story which makes it more bearable.
I’m reprogramming my brain as I read and become more and more invested in this girl who seemingly for no reason broke down and dove into a life of self harm and depression. Her memory is so fucked, especially from the EST she received in the hospital, which definitely contributed to her trauma. She describes “flashbulb memories” with barely any detail, and being unable to find where the silverware was in her own home, and unable to recognize members of her community whom she’d known for years.
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sensostimmer · 2 years
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Question: Does anyone have experience with this workbook so far?
I’m thinking of buying it someday as I’m neurodivergent but it’s price is driving me away as the amount of pages in the workbook are quite little. € 24,85 for only 79 pages is something that makes me feel like I’m being ripped off to be fair, but I don’t want to sound mean...
It looks really good but the price to page ratio is just making me very unsure. I also found out it has spelling mistakes so,,, idk. Calling Marsha Linehan “Marsha Lineham” is kinda funny but also like WHOOPS.
For those that didn’t know this book existed: I found it on amazon! If you don’t have worries about money feel free to buy this book and tell us about it bc I really want to know what it’s truly like. 
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I have BPD, HPD, NPD, DPD, PPD, Obessive love Disorder, rejection sensitive dysphoria, and a phobia of NOT being in a releationship and show all signs for stockholm syndrome for exes. i harass ex friends or exes if they leave me...even the Abusive or Toxic ones. I want this fixed. i can't get a tharpist but i want to work on this. to be better. Any tips...? i need advice
Hello there,
I’m sorry that you’re going through so much without any support. I’m really proud of you for reaching out for ways to support yourself.
Depending on where you live, you may be able to access some free therapy. In some countries, this can be accessed by seeing your doctor and letting them know that you need help with mental health, and they can make a referral. If you’re not sure, I feel like it’s worth asking them if it’s a possibility in your country. It’s a lot that you’re going through right now. You can also do a quick google search for “your country” + “free therapy” and see if some more information appears. We’ve also got this page on Getting Help, just in case these are avenues you haven’t looked at yet.
Another way you can access some support is by using a Helpline or Webchat Service. Some of these services are manned by volunteers who are there to give a listening ear, and some guidance. Others are manned by actual mental health professionals who can give you a quick over-the-phone/internet assessment, tools to cope with what you’re experiencing and advice on what to do from here. In Australia, Suicide Callback Service is one such type.
I also want to guide you to a page I wrote a few years back, on DBT Skills. DBT stands for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and is the main type of therapy used for BPD (in fact, it was made for BPD specifically). On the page I’ve linked, I talk about the main tools used within the therapy. These tools helped my BPD so much, I can’t even describe. So even if you can’t access therapy, reading through and practicing one skill a week could be a huge help. There are also workbooks by Marsha Lineham to go along with the DBT program, which you can buy online. I feel like they would be very helpful for someone looking to try the therapy without a therapist to guide them.
As for having a phobia of not being in relationships, this is something that can be quite common, especially if you grew up in a dysfunctional home, or where love wasn’t modelled to you well. I watch a social worker on YouTube called Patrick Teahan. He has some really great videos that can help to figure out the “why” of some of your actions in relationships, and then goes on to give journal prompts to help you think of the “how” you might move forward. I highly recommend his channel.
I want you to know that you have worth, all on your own. You don’t need a relationship to give that to you. It can be so hard when all the thoughts tell you otherwise, but believe me, you are worthy as you. One last suggestion I want to make is a self-esteem/journal app that I use called Finch. It’s a cute little virtual pet game crossed with a really helpful mental health app. It helps me to figure out what is triggering me, and what is holding me back, as well as helps me to build up confidence and happiness. I hope it can help you too. As with the rest of suggestions above. Good luck, and know we’re always here.
Sending positive thoughts your way, Alexandria.
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colourmehappyyy · 3 years
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But how would you feel if every emotion of yours was intensely strong and monstrous, so much so that it made you feel sick? I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) some time back. According to the recent book 'BUILDING A LIFE WORTH LIVING - A MEMOIR - MARSHA M. LINEHAM- DEVELOPER OF DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY' that I have been reading Marsha describes BPD as "A notoriously challenging condition to deal with where the criteria for BPD include extreme emotional swings, explosive anger, impulsive and self-destructive behaviour and relationships, fear of abandonment, and self-loathing, among many other things." I was initially diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety and for some reason it wasn't news to me. However, almost from the years of late adolescence, I had been noticing myself undergoing serious behavioural, emotional and psychological issues most of which would end up in ugly scenes and were always overwhelming and beyond my control. However, the 'what is happening to me' and 'what is going on with me' phase of absolute perplexity didn't really last for very long due to my inclination towards Psychology and Behavioural Sciences since I was a young girl. It has almost been a year since my sessions with psychologists, psychiatrists and medication began, keeping medication on the more permanent track. But to no avail. A number of psychiatrists tried several medications both alone and in combination. However, for some strange reason the clutches of BPD seemed to get stronger with every day. After quite a long time, I have decided to quit medication and get better through therapy. Here, I do not intend to prove that medication doesn't work towards betterment. It didn't show positive results in my case, however, it does create wonders in other people's lives. All of it, basically is a consistent effort towards the method of hit and trial, and then proceeding towards the method that suits you best. The journey towards self acceptance and betterment is going to be a long and a rough one and everyone going through tremendous ravaging trouble with the mind and other psychological problems know in all certainty that it doesn't come easy and it isn't going to come any soon. But imagine waking up to a day with the purpose to live and lead a life worth living, imagine waking up to a day when the gut wrenching feeling is gone or perhaps, you have learned how to deal with it and battle it out. I am hoping that morning paves a way towards my life someday too.
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bae-science · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pacific Rim (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb Characters: Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb, Karla Gottlieb, Vanessa Gottlieb, Precursors (Pacific Rim) Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Post-Movie: Pacific Rim (2013), Not Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Compliant, Fix-It, Emotional Manipulation, Healthy Relationships, Dissociation, healthy communication! emotional availability!, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Fix-It, hermann says rip to not talking about your trauma newton and i will be different, literal looney tunes vibes here Summary:
Hermann wets his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, taking this in for the briefest of moments, before his notoriously whip-sharp (and for good reason) mind collects this data, sorts it, and comes to the conclusion of an ingenious plan.
Newton is not yet lost. Hermann is still his partner. And not only have the Precursors drastically counted their chickens before they’ve hatched, they made one, fatal, supremely arrogant flaw: they’ve revealed that to Hermann.
Or, the Precursors bank on Hermann's emotional repression just a little too hard, and face the (extremely well-researched and therapeutic) consequences.
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 4 years
A Study in Involuntary Cross-Species Relations, by Dr. Hermann Gottlieb: or, how how Marsha M. Lineham saved the multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WRZ8CH
by Macremae
Hermann wets his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, taking this in for the briefest of moments, before his notoriously whip-sharp (and for good reason) mind collects this data, sorts it, and comes to the conclusion of an ingenious plan.
  Newton is not yet lost. Hermann is still his partner. And not only have the Precursors drastically counted their chickens before they’ve hatched, they made one, fatal, supremely arrogant flaw: they’ve revealed that to Hermann.
  Or, the Precursors bank on Hermann's emotional repression just a little too hard, and face the (extremely well-researched and therapeutic) consequences.
Words: 6935, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb, Karla Gottlieb, Vanessa Gottlieb, Precursors (Pacific Rim)
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Post-Movie: Pacific Rim (2013), Not Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Compliant, Fix-It, Emotional Manipulation, Healthy Relationships, Dissociation, healthy communication! emotional availability!, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Fix-It, hermann says rip to not talking about your trauma newton and i will be different, literal looney tunes vibes here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WRZ8CH
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tsundozer · 2 years
Marsha Lineham once said that borderline is like having third degree burns over 90% of the body. With all due respect to the most important woman in dialectical therapy, I can’t say that I agree.
sometimes, borderline is like rediscovering Everest. You are soaring to impossible heights, your fits of mania become beating wings taking you to peaks that you are certain no man has ever seen. each new elation simply has to be better, truer, than the last.
sometimes borderline is like a retrograde amnesia. each emotional experience is the first, the best, the strangest, the newest emotion that you’ve ever had. or sometimes it’s dementia, floating by in an empty fugue until you’re swept up in an agony from a decade ago when a song by an artist you don’t even like streams on your Spotify just a fraction too long before you manage to hit skip.
It can be like discovering muse, an outpouring of inspiration and creativity in a bold and beautiful and perfect world. Or it’s ennui, abruptly sapping away the inspiration you held as the colors wash away.
But it is never being a burn victim. Each touch is not agony. I am not some pitiable creature that mewls at each attempt at applying the salve. I am not ugly. I am not frightening to look at. I am not charred and hard and my empathy for others is far from a deadened nerve.
There are days when I feel everything is hopeless. There are days when I feel like things couldn’t be better. The world paints itself checkerboard white and I skip across to be dubbed king and then do the same in reverse.
Borderline is many things. I, am many things.
But I do not shy away from being held,
And I don’t believe that loving others, experiencing others, connecting with others, necessitates pain.
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pinkopalina · 2 years
oh yeah I gottq read marsha linehams memoir so that it can burn me alive but I can rise like the phoenix after
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bunnyreading · 2 years
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Marsha Lineham is the developer of DBT - if you have complex mental health needs, you probably know about DBT. It's a skills based therapy that's meant to help you learn to manage your life, build distress tolerance, and learn how to change the emotions that can be incredibly difficult to deal with.
Lineham first decided she was going to do this work after she found herself a patient in a psychiatric hospital for two years, having been labelled one of the worst patients in the unit.
To read someone who has experienced a lot of similar distress that you have go through with dedication to get herself out of Hell, as she puts it, is emotional. She has so much compassion when she describes things her clients may experience - she acknowledges the deep distress people are in. It's very sad that it's a rarity to see someone in psychiatric care actually discuss the pain mentally ill people feel.
She also shared a lot of really good information and tips which as someone on the waiting list for DBT, I was really glad for.
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lild3m0nnn-bpd · 3 years
✨Day One of Working Through My DBT Workbook✨
To start off, I do not support everything said or promoted in this workbook. I want to work through it, and talk about the things that I agree with and find helpful, but also the things that I think can be very hurtful and harmful to the community, or that honestly just don’t make sense to me. This is going to be a rather long series so buckle up and enjoy the ride! The quotes and text from the workbook itself will be in this font. My own opinion will be in a different font, at the end of the passage.
As I was told, this is a workbook that is only given out in "official therapy groups". I doubt that that is true and I'm sure you can find the book online somewhere if it sound like something you'd be interested in. I won't be posting every single passage from this book, as some of them are simply pages to fill out questions. I will be using the more informative pages.
General Skills: Orientation to Analyzing Behavior: General Handouts - General Handout 1
Goals of Skills Training
General Goal
To learn how to change your own behaviors emotions and thoughts that are linked to problems in living and are causing misery and distress.
Specific Goals
Behaviors to Decrease:
Mindlessness; emptiness, being out of touch with self and others, judgementalness.
Interpersonal conflict and stress; loneliness.
Absence of flexibility; difficulty with change.
Up and down extreme emotions; mood dependent behavior; difficulty in regulating emotions.
Impulsive behaviors; acting without thinking; difficulties accepting reality as is; willfulness; addiction.
Skill to Increase
Mindfulness skills.
Interpersonal effectiveness skills.
Emotional regulation skills.
Distress tolerance skills.
At this point, the book asks you to come up with 3 of your own behaviors you wish to decrease, and 3 skills to increase. Please do this activity for yourself if you want to.
So this just seems to be an overview of what the book's overall goals are. These seem to be very long term goals, and I think it's important for people to understand that a lot of the time, this style of therapy is paired with medication. For certain people, it's hard to expect people to accomplish some of these things. For instance, I don't feel like addiction is something you can simply change. Most of the time, therapy or medication, or even a combination is needed. SO, while I don't see these as negative long term goals, I don't think people should be under the misinterpretation that simply working through this workbook without any extra help, is the only way to obtain these goals. Please get extra help if you need it. I myself am on multiple medications, seeing a psychiatrist, in the process of finding a therapist, and was given this book in a 3 week partial hospitalization program, after a 3-day hold. So, coming from a place of knowing that this isn't the bible for mental health, I just want to work through it and document my journey and maybe help people find some resources along the way. I'm going to try to post an activity or section out of the book at least once a day.
Sources: DBT Skills Training: Handouts and Worksheets by Marsha M. Lineham, 2nd Edition; pg. 9
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sweetjaegerlove · 4 years
by Macremae
Hermann wets his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, taking this in for the briefest of moments, before his notoriously whip-sharp (and for good reason) mind collects this data, sorts it, and comes to the conclusion of an ingenious plan.
  Newton is not yet lost. Hermann is still his partner. And not only have the Precursors drastically counted their chickens before they’ve hatched, they made one, fatal, supremely arrogant flaw: they’ve revealed that to Hermann.
  Or, the Precursors bank on Hermann's emotional repression just a little too hard, and face the (extremely well-researched and therapeutic) consequences.
Words: 6935, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newton Geiszler, Hermann Gottlieb, Karla Gottlieb, Vanessa Gottlieb, Precursors (Pacific Rim)
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Post-Movie: Pacific Rim (2013), Not Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Compliant, Fix-It, Emotional Manipulation, Healthy Relationships, Dissociation, healthy communication! emotional availability!, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Fix-It, hermann says rip to not talking about your trauma newton and i will be different, literal looney tunes vibes here
pacific rim March 29, 2020 at 06:00PM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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