beah388love · 1 month
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So soft…
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: your thighs are buckys weakness
Warnings: cuddling,kissing,fluff!!! (Please tell me if I missed any?!!!)
You were sat on the sofa watching tv and that's when you heard the door open.
"Bucky!" You giggled as he ran into the livingroom not bothering to take off his boots, jumping onto the sofa next to you making you squeal.
"C'mere bun" he murmured grinning ear to ear, yanking the blanket off of you and laying on top of you, putting all his weight on you, you could barely breathe.
"Buck- hun- i can't breathe" you exhaled as you tried to push him off your ribcage but he wouldn't budge.
"M'issed you" he muttered into your neck.
"I missed you too but I need to breathe buck" you huffed as you laid back down giving up on moving him.
But then he got up and you sucked in a breath and sighed in relief.
He instead placed both hands on your thighs and spread em apart, settling his head on your abdomen then laying back down, he had one hand holding your hip and and the other on your thigh stroking his hand up and down on it.
He tried to stay awake but once you started playing with his fluffy hair he knocked out almost instantly.
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happy74827 · 4 months
Making Up For Lost Time
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[Steve Rogers x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: After the loss against Thanos, you and Steve realize the value of time {GIF Credits: @captslock}.
WC: 753
Category: Slight Angst, Lime/Spice
I’ve been busy catching up on my inbox, so take this very short blurb about cherishing special moments (+ nomad Steve 🤭)
Steve was on you in a second. He pushed you against the wall with such force you had no doubt it would leave bruises. His mouth found yours, and he kissed you as if his life depended on it. And technically, it did.
A month ago, Thanos had succeeded in obtaining the infinity stones. Now, the entire world was divided in half, and everyone was scrambling to find their missing half. You and Steve were no exception.
When Steve showed up at your small apartment, he didn’t wait for you to let him in. He just started banging on the door, screaming your name, desperate for you to be okay.
When you didn’t respond because you were still at the store getting groceries, he broke the door down and stormed in, fearing the worst. His consciousness was slightly tamed by the fact there wasn’t any dust around, but it didn't completely stop him from freaking out as you were still nowhere to be found.
It wasn't until he was about to tear the whole house apart that you walked in the door. You were confused and startled when you came upon your broken door and a frantic Steve running through the house, searching for you.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, and it only started to slow down when Steve caught sight of you and rushed to your side. He threw your groceries on the floor and pulled you into his arms. He didn't speak a word, no matter how much you begged and pleaded with him to explain what was happening. He just held you in his strong arms and relaxed as he felt your heart beating against his chest.
Now, you both were clinging to each other, afraid the other half would suddenly disintegrate. You were straddling his hips as he pinned you against the wall. His hands were all over your body, and his mouth was sucking and biting at the sensitive skin of your neck.
The loss made you realize how much time you wasted not being with him. Every moment you’ve spent was figuring out how to keep the Avengers together. Every night you could have spent tangled in each other's limbs, you spent going over old battle plans and making new ones. Every morning you could have spent waking up next to each other, you spent training for a fight you never thought would come.
Every second you wasted not telling him how much he meant to you, every second you could have spent showing him, you wanted back because the harsh reality of it all was you didn’t know how much time you had left.
So you took what little time you had left and put everything you felt for him into a single kiss. The way his mouth felt against yours made you feel alive. You couldn’t stop your hands from running over his body, trying to memorize the curves and the muscles and every line that made up the man before you. The scars that littered his body were like brail under your fingertips, and the memories of the fights that caused them flooded your brain.
Your breathing grew heavy and ragged as his hands slipped under your shirt, his nails scratching lightly against your skin. When his fingers ran along the band of your bra, you let out a sigh. Your head fell back, hitting the wall, and as you looked up at the ceiling, you couldn’t get the appreciation that the two of you were here and whole out of your head.
Others weren’t so lucky, and that fact ate at your heart. But you didn't want to think about that right now. You wanted to focus on Steve. You wanted to focus on the way his hands felt as they traveled over your body or the way his mouth felt as it moved back up to your lips, his tongue pushing against yours.
And so, as Steve took you there against the wall, his lips making you see stars and his hands touching you everywhere, you both silently vowed never to waste a single moment again.
Call it selfish; call it whatever you want, but you were grateful that the universe showed you how important he was and that it gave you a chance to make it right because had it not, he could’ve been the pile of ash, and you would have had to live the rest of your life regretting every single moment you missed with him.
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 4 months
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Short Series !
Female Asgardian reader (now avenger) X TVA Loki
Chapter 1: Avengers I need your help (done)
Chapter 2: Interrogations and proclamations (done)
Chapter 3: Even Asgardians have myths (done)
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: -
Chapter 6: -
Surprise !!!!
Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9 Chapter 10:
Warnings: Alot of angst <3, somebody kissed but im not saying who, mentions of blood, injury,
Summary: After your Lokis death and have moved on and joined the Avengers. After the aftermath of Endgame you and the other remaining Avengers all seek shelter in the new Avengers Warehouse Pepper Potts bought as a temporary replacement while the Avengers mansion is being renovated. What happened after a very tired mission. Well, you're speechless, to say the least.
a/n: I added a few more chapters because you know dreams lmao so enjoy this one !! Tell me if yall want smut soon. CuZ ye im feeling a smut scene some time soon.
You walked around the Avengers warehouse and got to the medic bay. The push the doors open, "How are her vitals."
"Well for one thin they don't make any sense."
"Ive been trying to heal her but, I can't get a signature on the dark magic... I need your magic to track it." Wanda says as her hands float above the blonde girl.
"She really does look like Loki its scary.... Like put a blonde wig make her shorter and put some eyelashes boom you got blondie here."
You rolled your eyes as your eyes traveled towards Ivars dark matter dagger. A strong dark force gutted your stomach, you could feel the evil from a mile away. You saw the veins around the stab wound as they turned black and spreaded around her stomach.
The only thing that could kill an Asgardian God. With its rusted blade and messily bandanged handle. Just as the myths say, the dagger was made for Odin the allfather but Ivar and his dagger were defetead and casted away before he could use it on him.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe to cast a simple healing spell.
"Alright, enchantments are more than just casting especially when your doing a healing spell." Loki circled around you. You closed your book as you groaned, bored of slow paced lessons set by the prince.
"A healing spell I think we can do something more challenging than that Loki."
Loki stopped in his steps as he brought out his dagger and striked your leg.
"LOKI... AARGH.... YOU MISBIGOTTEN SON OF A LEPPERS GOAT. YOU DAFT ARSE" YOU SCREAMED AT HIM. He chuckled and tipped your chin to look at him with the bloodied dagger.
"Careful, if we go on legal terms thats treason against the prince and queen..." He grinned. "On more serious terms you need to learn how to cast the spell on yourself, this way casting it on others will come naturally."
You tried to hold the cut on your thigh, blood was seeping out continously as you winced when you tried to move your leg. "How am I to focus when im bleeding to death." the words gritting through your teeth.
"Close your eyes and breathe..." Loki sat behind you whispering to your ear. He placed his hands on yours and led them to your wound. "The spell only works when your calm." You took a deep breath and out as your shaky hand lay above your wound. "Feel the energy from your body, allow it to flow through your to your hands down to your wound."
You did as he said. Your enchantments extended to the wound as the blood started to lessen but the wound didn't close. "Now the difficult part. Closing the wound, you can't just imagine it to close, you know the spell."
You said aloud through your teeth holding in your pain. "Rense helbrede såret." Nothing happened, the blood lessen but the wound was still wide open. You were confused and irritated to say the least.
Loki nudged his nose towards the crook of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "A spells power is through its whisper, to be a true master you must not only say it but think it."
Relaxing your hands as Loki slithered his to your shoulders, you casted in a whisper focusing on the spell imagining the wound closing and the energy flowing towards your wound. "Rense helbrede såret." your eyes glew orange as your enchantment casted on your leg closed the wound slowly from one end to the other. The stinging pain you felt a few seconds ago was gone. There was no mark no scar where there was once blood and torn muscle. You laughed aloud and jumped up from your seat cheering.
"I- I did it no way, I just casted a healing spell on my first try... Loki you are magnificent." You turned to the man who raised an eye brow. The unimpressed look which gutted you stomach and stopped yur cheering as you felt shameful.
"Are you proud of such a small spell I mastered long before I was 16 years old." You blushed in shame as you brough your head down. Looking away from him, you could still feel him walk closer to you. "Charms are not something you can play aroudn on the side either you take it seriously and master it or I never teach you again. Do you wish to be great or nothing...."
He was now merely inches from your as he pinched your chin and brought him to look towards him, "So tell me little girl..." At this point you could feel your heart about to jump out your heart at any moment.
"Great or nothing." he whispered
"Great..." you mumbled.
"Perfect." he leaned down as he placed your lips on yours.
You snap back to reality.
"Perfect, I have the signature of the spell.... You can take the spear out whenever your ready Y/N..." Wanda smiled.
You blanked out as you saw the wound still corrupted but not as bloodied as it was before.
"Careful, won't asgardians burn or disintegrate when you touch the handle or something." Peter stopped your hand.
"It is merely a myth Peter." You held his. "It'll sting slightly but I'll be fine."
"Wow even asgardians have myths. It's like inception a myth in a myth." Ant man said chewing on his chips in the corner of the med bay on a spare bed.
You hold the dagger and it burned your hand the moment you wrapped your hand around it. You winced and pulled back your hand and shook off the heat. Everyone had their eyes on you as you tried again. You wrapped your fingers around the handle, the burning sensation started as you focused on absorbing the heat but it didn't work.
"Teya, your hand it's turning the same colour as the wound." Sam pointed out
Your hand was corrupted. You casted a healing spell on your hand as you held the dagger handle tighter ignoring the warnings from your teamates.
Only one of asgardian strength can pull out the dagger. But anyone who lays in the hand on the dagger, will meet death.
It was a phrase, a warning actually, you remembered like the back of your hand from your favourite tale.
You pulled the dagger out with some force as the wound on the body closed. You dropped the dagger on the ground as you did too.
You were on your knees as your hand turned black and you wrapped your other hand on it trying to heal it. The room felt like it was a million degrees as you felt the darkness travel through your veins.
"Y/N whats going on..." Sam said kneeling down beside you. "FRIDAY RADIO STRANGE FOR AN SOS."
"Yelena, get Thor, Parker make sure Barnes does not know about this make sure they stay with Loki."
"Don't tell James." You whispered to Sam
"Not a chance princess."
"Wanda hows the wound." You looked up in pain.
"Closing in. But old Asgardian magic is complicated, I need time to find a way for it to not spread."
"Sam, I'm fine." you groaned through the pain still trying to cast the healing spell on your arm.
"Ya say that to your black hand. And..... woah." Sam started to let your hand go when your hand to elbow was turning black
"I'm here..." Stephen walked through a portal.
"Her eyes." Sam said concerened as there was no white left in your eyes just pitch black.
You forced yourself to stand up. Your shaking right hand corrupted as you projected your powers towards the dagger on the ground. Focusing the dark energy to leave your body. You groaned as you saw Stephen observe the situation and walk towards your arm.
"Keep focusing project any corrupted magic into the dagger."
Strange got to position and casted a cleansing spell on you. Helping to slip the dark energy off you. You felt your powers slipping away from you as the dark matter did.
When you felt no more corrupted magic you stopped as there was no more magic to give. Your knees felt weak and you tried to walk towards the closest bed but crumble and fell like a new born baby giraffe.
"I got you gurl." Sam caught you before you hit the ground.
"That was very stupid of you..." Strange said as he walked towards the sword glowing red and black. He formed a shield around it as it levitated towards you. "Here this won't get your hand burnt."
"Y/N, your hand. It.... it, that looks like a raisin." Thor winced.
"Thank you Thor, for that obvious comment." your groaned standing up, carrying the bubble with the dagger with your undwounded hand you walked towards the blonde girl. Who seemed to be breathing better as her vitals improved. You took a deep breathe to feel her aura and her health. Which was improving slowly, slower than it must, you looked up towards the body 2 beds down. "Strange what can be evaluated of this mans vitals..."
Strange walked over to the white haired man and hovered over him. Levitating his file to his hands and read through it. "This man is, hm...."
"Check the jacket , TVA ever heard of anything like it." Sam said tossing the jacket towards Strange. Strange looked at the jacket spread wide open hovering infront of him. "Yes the TVA, yes...... I- I actually never heard of them is this made up?"
"Well there goes our backup." Sam groaned plopping himself back on the bed.
"Well there isn't anything we can do. I'll take the dagger back to my room and we'll recon with Loki tomorow... Everyone eat, the food is here get some sleep, meet up first thing tomorow morning 7 am." You said walking out the medbay. "Friday keep an eye on our guest... update us if anything."
"Yes boss." the loud speaker said before the doors closed.
"A bit random but shes can be very attractive when she gets all demanding and stern." Yelena smirked.
You placed the sphere down on your tv table plopping down on your bed. You winced as your injured hand grazed against the sheets, clenching it with your other hand forcing down another healing spell, nothing, the redness seemed to fade away for a moment but it still looked bad.
There came a sudden knock on the door. "Y/N??" "Go away strange..."
"Actually." Thor opened the door and gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Thor... Hows-
"Your hand, does it hurt- is it corrupted- how are you do you feel well?" Thor rushed over to your side and sat down on your bed. "Let me see maybe I can be of an assistance.'
"If I remembered correctly you failed enchantment and healing lessons set by your own mother." you pulled your hand away.
"I have improved..." Thor said crossing his arms.
"Of course you have." You stood up and walked to your closet to change into something more comfortable.
"I'm sorry..."
"I can't go through this again."
"No one is forcing you to be on this assingment. You may return to new asgard and take a break."
"You should be as well."
"Thor the team needs atleast 1 person who knows Loki."
"What if they didn't." Thor said plainly. You turned towards him confused, but you knew where he was getting to. " What if but for one moment we were selfish , what if we were not heroes, mere asgardians who simply needs to be born, live, then die."
"You were right..." Thor sobbed, tears forming around his eyes. "It's just like Ragnarok all over again." He stared at the ground.
You walk towards Thor and lifted his chin up. "What can I say to the brother who has been my strength for centuries ..." You sighed "I know with Asgard gone, our duties blur with the destinies we thought we could have lived. For once... I really have nothing to say."
"He looks so much like him." Thor laid his head against your stomach. "I couldn't bear myself to get to know him."
You sighed and stroked his hair back. "You need not talk to him unless absolutely necesarry."
"Falling inlove with him... Loving my brother seems to be the one thing I cannot prevent myself from doing." Thor choked out. "Even though I know the outcome I can't help a part of myself to hope."
"Lets eat... you always feel better after we eat. We shouldn't think about this right now." You brought Thor up. As he leaned forward and embraced you.
"I miss him."
"Me too."
"It's been hard..."
"I know." You sniffled as you stopped the moment and stared out your window. You looked up to him. "Shall we join the others for dinner? "
"We shall." he smiled down as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
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scottxlogan · 2 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Steve Rogers Characters: Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Misunderstandings, revenge to romance, From Sex to Love, Past Loki/Tony Stark, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Danger, Trapped, Feelings Realization, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Drama, Implied/Referenced Sex Summary: Steve and Loki find themselves trapped together after Loki's decided it is time to put Earth behind him. After making a bold play for Steve's affection and facing rejection, Loki is convinced leaving is the only way to make things right, but with this one last mission Loki finds himself closer to Steve and experiencing an emotional upheaval in his lover's arms.
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scopophobia-polaris · 7 months
let's ignore this movie... together (image of mob from mob psycho 100 extending hand)
forreal sorry I didn't answer that 1 anon i just do NOT wanna talk about a movie I don't really care for the idea of
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st-just · 2 years
So the obvious answer is 'everyone involved in the conversation is 16' but there's this sense I get of, like, media representation discourse where people act like they only started making movies/books/games/etc that weren't a sea of straight white dudes (with occasional helpless ingenue sexy lamp/femme fatale and/or blatant racist caricatures) in, like, 2010, and any exceptions are heroic examples of outsider art or w/e.
Which is, like, kind of true for queer representation specifically. But, like, you can say that black people are underrepresented in major films without making it sound like the Lethal Weapon series or Blade or w/e were unappreciated works of the avant garde. Will Smith did pretty okay!
(Yes I'm perfectly aware how utterly useless complaining about people on the internet being histrionic and overbroad with their arguments is. But it's my blog and I'm allowed to seethe a bit).
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e-102 · 1 year
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that fluoride stare
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isorottatime · 2 years
i fucking hate the mcu i hope it dies i’m not kidding
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beah388love · 29 days
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No more pain?
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: daddy!Bucky Barnes x Little!reader
Summary: you have healing powers…
Warnings: cut,glass,smashed glass,shouting,arguing,crying,bleeding,blood,swearing,bad language,ddlg dynamics!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
It was like every morning, Bucky would wake you up and bring you down to the kitchen as you both waited for your breakfast to be ready.
Today was toast!
Bucky held you on the side of the counter and befriend the toast popped up he reminded you “loud noise!” Bucky said and you covered your ears as you saw the toast pop up making him grin.
But as Bucky went to grab the toast he burnt himself on the metal part, he jumped back, yanking his hand to his other “Ah!” He hissed making you panic.
“Baba?” You asked worried and he quickly calmed himself down.
“Don’t worry baby..just a little burn” he said giving you a kiss before grabbing the toast but you didn’t listen.
When he picked you up again, you grabbed his hand touching his burn, healing it in seconds.
“Don’t-” Bucky was cut off when he felt the stinging burn go and it instead went to your finger.
You tried to hide the pain you felt and smushed your face into buckys neck.
“Doll show me your finger” Bucky said sternly.
And you shook your head making him give you a ‘don’t make me repeat myself’ look.
You pointed your finger out that was now had a red tint to it, that stung like hell.
“Doll we spoke about this…you can’t use your power to protect daddy..it hurts you more than it hurts me baby” Bucky explained to you again and you nodded sadly.
“No more pain?” You asked him and he sighed.
“Yes no more pain but now you have pain” he huffed in annoyance at how you didn’t understand.
“I’m sorry daddy..I just- wanna help” you murmured and he sighed.
“I know baby..I know, but daddy can heal himself Kay?” He said and you nodded
“Right let’s have our breakfast baby” he said picking you up off the side again.
A couple days after, Bucky had an important meeting so stevie was looking after you.
“Alright Steve, everything’s in her bag..I’ll be back by six, be a good girl for stevie!” Bucky said giving you a kiss before leaving.
“So…what’d you wanna do?” Steve asked you and you thought for a moment.
“Hide an seek?” You asked and he nodded.
“Alright, Who’s hiding?” He asked you and you smiled “me!”
After awhile you got hungry and quit… “I quit…M’hungry” you piped up as you walked out of your hiding spot, Steve was taking forever to find you.
He was actually worried you had ran off somewhere.
“Oh! Okay what do you wanna eat missy?” He asked you and you couldn’t decide.
“M’ not sure” you said and he thought for a moment.
“Hmm, what about some nuggies?” Steve asked you and face visibly brightened and you shook your head profusely.
“Yes please!”
You stood by Steve as you waited for your food, Steve got your food out onto a plate and grabbed a glass for your water but he accidentally dropped it, watching it smash on the floor with a loud bang.
“Shi-“ he cut himself off remembering you was next to him but then he remembered your next to him!
“Stay still!” He panicked and you listened to him.
He carefully picked you up and placed you onto the side.
You whimpered when you saw blood on your arm but then realised it was from Steve’s arm.
“Steve?” You asked but he was too focused on cleaning up the mess.
“Steve!” You said louder catching his attention.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you worried until you pointed at his arm.
“Uh..right hang on…” Stevie mumbled as he grabbed a towel to clean up the blood now and the blood he got on you.
You felt bad for Stevie seeing him in pain and he was worrying about you still.
You hesitantly reached out to his cut and touched it, the cut now slowly vanishing, Steve looked down at his arm when he no longer felt pain.
And then he looked at you.
The fresh wound and blood pouring out from your arm.
“N-no more pain?” You asked and he looked at you worried.
“Y/n!” He yelled, pinching the wrinkle between his brows.
“Oh god..” he panicked himself thinking about how buck will never let him babysit you again.
You jumped at him yelling at you and you began crying as you ran away from him into his bedroom.
“Y/n!” He said running after you opening the door to his room but once he found you, you was in a tiny gap in the wall of his closet that only someone your size could fit into.
“Y/n..c’mon out please, I’ve gotta help your arm” he said but you didn’t even look at him, you sobbed into your knees.
“Oh god” he slapped himself in the face with his palm as he left the room grabbing his phone.
As he called Sam, he cleaned up all the glass on the floor and the trail of blood.
“Hey Sam?”
“Yeah Cap?”
“I uh- I have a problem…just be here as fast as you can” Steve rushed out hanging up before same could answer.
He looked at the time and he still had three hours till buck got back.
For the next half hour he sat next to his closet trying to bribe you to come out.
“Sweetie please come out..you’re bleeding a lot…” Steve said worriedly when he saw the amount of blood on your arms “Pleas-“ Steve got cut off by a knock at the door.
You was still sobbing.
“Sam? Oh thank god” Steve sighed in relief as he shut the door.
“So? What the emergency?” Sam asked jokingly but when he saw Steve’s face he stopped joking.
“So uh- I’m babysitting y/n and..to cut it short she cut herself and is now hiding in my closet wall and I can’t get her out” Steve rushed out.
“Oookay what the fuck?” Sam asked confused as Steve lead him to you.
“I don’t know what to do” Steve said and Sam knelt down next to the corner of the closet.
“Hey kiddo? Dya wanna come out? It looks a little cramped in there?” Sam asked and you turned around a little and shook your head through wet eyelashes.
“You can go on a fly with me?” Sam asked Excitedly but you shook your head crying again.
“Oh god” Steve panicked when he saw Bucky was ringing.
“Sam what do I do?”
“Uh- i don’t know! But you’ve gotta get her out soon she’s bleeding!” Sam whisper shouting.
“Hey buck!” Steve said and Bucky relaxed.
“The meeting ended early so I’m on my way back now, so? How’s my girl?” Bucky asked excitedly and Steve’s heart dropped.
“Steve?” Bucky asked in an angry tone.
“Yeah? No she’s fine! She’s uh- just asleep so-“ Steve was cut off by buck.
“Don’t lie to me, she never sleeps at this time”
“Steve?” Bucky asked, you could hear him speeding though the phone.
“I’ll be there in ten and she better be okay” Bucky said before hanging up.
“we’re dead” Steve said chucking the phone in his bed.
“We? What do you mean we?” Sam said holding his hands up.
Steve and Sam started quarrelling making you sob even harder.
“Shut up! You’re making her more upset!” Sam said whacking Steve on the back of the head.
And that’s when they heard a knock at the door.
“Shit” they both said in union as they rushed to the door.
“Buuuck heyyy” Sam smiled before running out of the house “hey!” Steve yelled and then shut up when he looked at Bucky.
“Whys sam here?! Why’d you lie that’s he’s not here?! Where’s y/n?!” Bucky rushed out worriedly.
“Uh- calm down…” Steve was cut off by your sobs and Bucky pushed past him.
“Doll?” He asked worriedly when he saw you in the wall of Steve’s closet.
And covered in blood.
“Daddy?” You said through sobs and he nodded with his arms open.
“C’mere baby” he said softly, but he was still worried and furious at Steve.
Who was at the door, rubbing the back of his neck in panic.
You slowly crawled out of the gap of wall, your arm was hurting and bleeding profusely.
You was sobbing as Bucky picked you up onto his hip, again pushing past Steve.
“Why’d she covered in blood?!” Bucky asked angrily.
“I cut myself on glass and she touched it” Steve said “so then..i yelled because I was worried so then…she ran into that gap in my wall and hasn’t came out all day until you showed up.” Steve rushed out, out of breath at the end. And Bucky looked at him shocked.
“She what?”
Bucky didn’t say anything he just took you to the bathroom and cleaned your now blood-drenched arm. That was still bleeding a lot.
He put a big plaster on it and gave it a huge kiss before placing you in his hips again.
“I told you not to use your powers!” Bucky said sternly to you and you looked at your feet sadly.
“Stevie was in pain…” you mumbled and Bucky sighed.
“I know baby but Stevie can handle the pain, you can’t.” Bucky said and you nodded into his neck
“I’m sorry sweetie I didn’t mean to yell at you…” Stevie said standing at the door of the bathroom.
You gave him a sad smile before Bucky gave you your paci.
“I forgive you Stevie, you jus scary…thas all, wove you” you said giving him a paci kiss.
“Steve, I’m sorry I got mad at you, if you had just told me what happened I would’ve understood” Bucky said and Steve raised his eyebrow at him.
“Yeah I probably wouldn’t…” Bucky said making them both laugh.
“See Stevie no more pain” you said pointing to stevies arm making Bucky sigh.
“Doll, listen to me Kay?” Bucky asks and you nodded
“Yes. Stevie has no more pain but now you do.” Bucky said pointing to your now injured arm.
“Yes but daddy-“
“I know, ‘Stevie has no pain’ but now you do and the only reason Stevie got pain was because he was being reckless” Bucky said making Steve roll his eyes.
“So if Stevie has pain, that’s his pain and if you have pain it’s your pain. Same goes for daddy” Bucky explained and you nodded.
“My pain” you said as you held your arm.
“Well yes..now it is” Bucky huffed
“New rule kay? No more taking other peoples pain?” He asked and you nodded.
“Good girl”’
“Alright it’s getting late, we’re gonna go now, thanks for having her Steve” Bucky said as you held you arms out for him to hug you which he did.
“Say bye Stevie”
“Bye stevie” you smiled behind your paci, blowing a kiss with it making Steve laugh.
When Bucky closes the door, he gave you a kiss on the head.
“Uncle Sam said we go flying!” You said “oh really?”
“Uh huh”
“now daddy’s got another call to make baby” he said as he grabbed his phone calling ‘bird brain’
“So…why’s my baby girl injured and talking about going on a fly with you?!”
“Ah shit…”
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happy74827 · 2 years
Elastic Heart
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[Thor Odinson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: After months of solitude from each other, the god of thunder had finally returned to you. And as much as you were relieved to see him, he wasn’t the same god you’ve come to know
WC: 1,152
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff
This poor bean has been through so much in these late phases that I just want to give him all the hugs in the world. He deserves so much better. That being said, I hope you enjoy this little snippet of our lightning ball of joy and feel free to reblog and drop a few comments. I’d love to hear your feedback!
His arms cradled yours promptly, keeping your wobbly self-stable as he looked down at you with adoration.
He was back… Thor Odinson was back.
When you first heard the sound of the Bifröst, you thought your newlywed neighbors were killing each other. I mean you hadn’t heard from him in weeks, let alone months, so it was understandable to reach that conclusion. I mean, why of all Mondays would he choose this one to come back? To come back to you?
But he did, and you didn’t see him enter either. He just… appeared behind you with a closed-lip smile.
He also didn’t make his presence known. Like, at all. He was waiting patiently for you to turn around with your favorite and precious mug he’d stolen from your cabinet, to give to you. It was a thoughtful action as you were brewing your morning coffee, but man did it scare the living hell out of you.
You usually weren’t ashamed when you screamed like a vulture meeting face to face with the god as it happened so many times before. It mostly ended in laughter since Thor had always joined in on the screaming, thinking it was an inside joke.
But this time, nothing. He didn’t budge or even let out a chuckle. He was mute which immediately told you something was wrong.
He was expressionless and pessimistic. The smile he held was forced, and it was painfully obvious. Even his eyes which were always ocean-strong and had something enchanting to them were dark and inanimate.
Your name fell from his lips in a sigh as if he were relieved. A tired smile climbed onto his face as he cupped your jaw, the forced smile still apparent. “I apologize for the scare. It’s a bad habit, I know. I should have announced myself.”
You look up at him, sympathetically, scanning his appearance to find the problem. The emotion that was on display was guilt. His eyes told the story, stating that something tragic had happened — which knowing him, was something far out of his control. He always seemed to feel responsible for the “Midgardians” and carry the blame no matter his involvement in the incidents. It was a trait that you so desperately hated as it would tear him apart at the seams.
If you dropped and shattered a glass? It was his fault, he should’ve caught it.
A natural disaster flooded an entire city? His fault, he should’ve had it under control.
If the news reported a fatal tragedy of which he had no knowledge? His fault, he should’ve known about it and stopped it.
But this… this was unusual. The guilt on his face seemed bigger, more involved than shattered glass. It was something horrid, something beastly. You were sure of it.
“I figured you were busy saving the world, but Thor,” You breathed, “It has been months since you last dropped by, and you hadn’t said anything when you left. I-I was worried.”
“I know, I know.” He uttered, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I’m just glad you’re safe, Little Dove.”
“Safe? What are you—“ That’s when you noticed that he was different, physically. You were so blinded by the difference in his mood, that you didn’t even notice that his signature feature was gone.
“Your hair… it’s short.”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“You’re not holding your hammer thing?”
“No, I’m not.”
You squinted, “And wait, is your eye…”
“Brown? Yes, unfortunately.” He answered solemnly, “A lot has happened, so much I’m afraid I can’t go into detail.”
You nodded, taking that as a sign to stop bombarding him with questions. It was clearly upsetting him, and it wasn’t much information anyway. With a hum you graciously took the mug from his hands, placing it gingerly on your countertop, before wrapping your arms around him.
Normally when you hugged Thor he’d pick you up and squeeze you like a beanbag until you couldn’t breathe. However, you didn’t mind it as it was a nice back-cracking experience. He always seemed to know the exact spot where the knot was.
With this hug, he barely moved an inch, just hovering his arms over your waist as if he was scared to touch you. Scared to hurt you. You had to hold back your tears, nudging your face into the withered hoodie he was wearing — which you weren’t about to question either — so he wouldn’t catch on about how upset he’d made you.
You never expected the day to come when Thor was this broken and shattered. Seeing him like this made you want to cradle him like a baby.
“Thor?“ You whispered into him, not daring to meet his eyes.
His body tensed at the possibility of another question. He lowered his head down onto yours, doing nothing but humming in response. His arms had just barely touched the cotton shirt you were wearing, but despite the hesitation, you could tell he needed it.
“It’s going to be okay.” You told him, squeezing his waist to let him know you were still hanging on. “I’m right here, and I will always be right here. Whatever this is, we’ll get you through it together. You’ve gone through hard times before, and you’ll get through them again, I know you will.”
You smiled when you felt him wrap his arms tighter around you — not as tight as his usual hugs, but one that was all around gentle. His body eased into yours as his head hovered down to your neck, feeling the scruff of his beard scratching your skin as he left small delicate kisses on your cheek. The kisses of gratitude and appreciation.
He didn’t say anything and he didn’t have to. From knowing him, you’ve come to the realization that Thor wasn’t a man who used words. He loved to chat about his old war adventures and misdemeanors, but when it came to emotions he was tongue-tied. When you confronted him about it, he told you he had always felt as if he were bombarding people with his problems, opting to suffer in silence instead of causing irritation to those around.
Of course, you had told him that you cared deeply about his feelings and emotions, but he still kept it bottled up inside — only spouting short and shallow responses when prompted.
And so you resorted to hugs and pop tarts. Sometimes he’d soften, telling you what he was concerned about if he wanted your input, but the majority of the time was him smiling in silence. The feeling of having someone there for him was enough.
You felt his tears hit your exposed shoulder as he held on to you firmly. You didn’t bat an eye, moving your palm to rub the small of his back. It was good that you hadn’t started your coffee, as it would have had to become an iced coffee. But even then, you wouldn’t have cared.
Thor came first. Your god always came first.
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teddyniffler · 2 months
Marvel fics
Here in the Marvel tag, you'll discover a collection of shorter fanfictions, typically one shots or short stories. I mostly write stories for Bucky Barnes as Marvel refuses to give that man the love he deserves.
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No trust.
During his stay at the Avengers’ Compound, Bucky is tormented by a nightmare. This leads the other Avengers to mistakenly think that the Winter Soldier persona has resurfaced. Caught in a web of confusion, Bucky ends up in a confrontation with his fellow Avengers.
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Dont leave me
Sharon tips off Sam and Bucky about the Power Broker's location, but it's a setup. Following an explosion, Bucky is severely injured and in Sam's arms. Despite SWORD's medical assistance, Bucky's condition looks bad. Thinking it's their last moment together, Sam opens up about previously unspoken things to Bucky. While Sam thinks he's speaking to an unresponsive Bucky, Bucky is actually asleep, hearing every word Sam says.
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catgirlforeskin · 2 years
With the massive backlash 343 Industries has gotten for the last 10 years of Halo, the pendulum has started to swing the other way, with people saying “oh, you just hate that 343 did something new,” but I think the real issue is the opposite, that Halo 4, 5 and Infinite have largely clung to the most marketable identifiers for the series and then routinely tried draping them over whatever mechanical or narrative trends were popular
While we’ll likely never know how much of this was 343’s decision or forced on them by Microsoft, it’s a shame because Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach were already sizable departures from the existing series, and Reach had set a perfect template for future games to build off of. I wish we had gotten to see that instead of the Marvelfication of Halo
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emryses · 4 months
not the marvelfication of joseph quinn :/
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quarkcore · 10 months
the whole "does x film have a post credit scene" is honestly such a blatant and tragic example of the marvelfication of cinema like it hurts me. yes I'm being dramatic and in addition pretentious. but at the same time i don't think it's good that we've all gotten so used to seeing what is functionally a teaser for the next film in a seemingly neverending franchise that we now actively expect it as part of our cinema experience. yknow?
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bastillia · 1 year
The Mandalorian writing is SO bad this season…I’m sorry if that’s harsh but what’s going on??? It feels like I’m reading those 2012 Avengers tower fan fictions, if you know what I mean. And the dialogue! So mechanic and unnatural.
Not harsh at all, you're completely right and you should say it. It feels awful, it's somehow 90% exposition and fluff, with characters just saying words for the audience's benefit. Because god forbid we put any effort into thinking about what these characters might actually say in the situations that they're in. It feels totally flat, and any characterization that has been built up in season 1 and (kinda) season 2 just seems to have gone out the window. Now the mandoverse characters are all just mouthpieces for expository dialogue, and maybe a Star Wars Saying here and there to keep your attention. And the other 10% of the writing, which might actually hold some substance with a little effort, still feels like trite, one-size-fits-all dialogue that does nothing to deepen the characters or present any kind of stakes. The heroes say Hero Things because they're heroes, the villains say Villain Things because they're villains. I mean it leaves me wanting to bang my head against the wall because I could literally watch any marvel show or whatever and get the same shit. But that's just the thing, isn't it?
I've been noticing the marvelfication of star wars over the past few years and i resent it SO fucking deeply but I think Andor restored a glimmer of hope for me that star wars might start bringing some fresh and competent creators to the table. I'm still holding onto that hope because ultimately I adore this universe and its characters, and I just want to see them written with care and truth to who they are. I've given up on that happening with the mandoverse characters going forward. I'm starting to accept that i'm just going to have to grit my teeth and let this part of the story be told at me by jon favreau through some very expensive actors' mouths. But maybe, hopefully, going forward, we will see a few more creative and character-driven approaches to star wars. Tony Gilroy please save us
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h0munculus-heart · 6 months
Doctor who thoughts
The theme song WE ARE SO BACK. The title animation is also gorgeous. Not sure I like the marvelfication at the start tho (whoniverse???).
LOVE Tenant and Tate back on our screens. They own every scene they are in together. Picked me up from 2008 and dropped me right back again to pick up where we left off. love that tenant’s doctor is a little different this time. The writing is mostly comically sharp and very RTD (we have a news report!!!). Much improved.
The meep is a cool villain and Miriam killed as the voice. Where did the doctor find that wig though???
Not sure I liked the op sonic screwdriver (projections?) new tardis is very cool (that last scene was magical!!).
I would have liked more screen time with Rose at the beginning to get to know her character a little better. Some of the lines were a little clumsy and some of the pacing was a little OH WE’RE right in now we’re doing this. That said I think RTD has a plan for the overarching plot which I am excited for!
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