#marvin valentin
synthvnews · 1 year
New ANRI Arcane demo song "Eyes Closed" by Anh Duy and Marvin Valentin is now out, with lyrics delivered in both English and Vietnamese!
Music: Anh Duy and Marvin Valentin
Mixing & Mastering Engineer: Anh Duy
Lyrics: Anh Duy
Voice Tuning: dnf
Talkloid: Anh Duy
Music Video and Animation: Akem
Illustrator: K, Hieihirai
ANRI designs: 7Mora
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Oh, without anyone, anyone at all to stand and fight
Without comparison, how can I recall 
Whats wrong and right?
Wrong + Right - CircusP × Marvin Valentin ft Yuezheng Ling
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marvinthecrow · 7 months
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Remember to take out your enemies, your lovers or both!
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alvivaarts · 4 months
I tried looking through your mermaid au tag for RE first to see if anyone already asked this question, but I hope I didn't miss it and aren't just being silly when I ask this.
How do the mermaids handle haircuts?
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Totally not a silly question at all! In fact, it's a great one!
Hair cutting is a pretty big part of mer-culture for multiple reasons, and one of those is as a sign of growing up. A second of the many is as a grooming practice between family members and mates! Often they use whatever sharp rocks they can find- or whatever is convenient in the moment. it's not necessarily pretty, keeping hair short is pretty important to most mers, and Leon and Jill take hair cutting as an opportunity to just spend time together. When they were little, Jill was very excited to get her hair cut short. Leon... less so. He had a mop and Marvin cut his hair fairly early! Nevertheless, they both keep it short now, and they really enjoy reminiscing.
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catboymoses · 7 months
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Evan Pappas and Roger Bart as Marvin and Whizzer, Falsettos 1991
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dailyrannells · 2 years
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rerarepairmonth · 7 months
Resident Evil Rarepair Month - May 2024
Hello and welcome to the Resident Evil Rarepair Month event!
This event is a month long, spanning the entirety of the month of May 2024, and will be devoted to any and all forms of content celebrating the Rarepair ships of Resident Evil!
Content can include but not limited to fanfiction, fanart, moodboards, edits, music videos and playlists.
Week 1 - Sick Fic/Caretaking + Weapons/Sparring + Vacations - May 1st to May 6th
Week 2 - Trapped Together + Role Reversal + Infection Scare - May 7th to May 12th
Week 3 - Sharing Food + First Dates + International Travel - May 13th to May 18th
Week 4 - Handcuffs/Restraints + Coffee Shops + Family - May 19th to May 24th
Week 5 - Animals + College AU + Self Destruct Systems + Free Space - May 25th to May 31st
The rules for entries are as follows:
-Must be 18+ to participate, as we will be accepting NSFW entries (make sure to tag appropriately for content warnings)
-A rarepair must have 250 or less fics on ao3 to be considered acceptable.
-For this event we are excluding any Canon Character x Reader submissions.
-We will, however, accept Canon Character x OC submissions.
-All content is acceptable, please be courteous of other people's submissions and do not leave hate or discourse in the comments and tags. This is a celebration of rarepairs and encouraging more content for rarepairs in the fandom. If you don't like something someone made, just keep scrolling.
-When submitting your content, make sure to tag us @rerarepairmonth
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noxgold · 3 months
The Pride of S.T.A.R.S.
Raccoon City has declared that it was holding its first ever Pride Parade, and a group of friends decide to go together. Chris/Albert, minor Claire/Jill & Rita/Forest - Rated T. AO3 link
Chris resisted the urge to squirm in place as Claire carefully brushed the make-up over his cheeks, leaving stripes of purple behind as she went. It was the last finishing touch before she was done, and he had to admit, he was antsy to get going. Raccoon City had declared that it was holding its first ever Pride Parade, and it hadn't taken Jill long to convince them to go together. 
“All done!” Claire's cheerful chirp had him grinning back, careful not to smudge the flag she had etched across each cheekbone in glittery eyeshadow. His little sister was dressed down due to the June heat in dark blue jean shorts, a purple tank top bedazzled with a pink glittery heart, and her hair tied back in a messy bun with a bisexual flag bandanna keeping any stray wisps back off her face. 
Gesturing for Chris to go check himself out in the hallway mirror, Claire ducked past to grab her bag and put on her shoes by the door. The sight of worn black jeans and his grey FREE BEAR HUGS shirt was familiar, along with the rainbow beaded necklace. But what caught and held his eyes were the differing flags on each cheek. On his left cheek soared the six stripes of the rainbow flag, as bright and joyous as any real rainbow. But what really held him was his right cheekbone, four defiant bands of black, grey, white, and purple shimmering in the hallway light. 
That was him. His flags, the confirmation that he belonged, that there was more than just him that felt this way. As he stood there, caught by the mirror, Claire quietly approached him, hand slipped into his to offer a gentle squeeze. “Are you ready to go?”
Casting one long lingering look at his reflection, Chris nodded, still holding his sister’s hand in his. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s get this show on the road.” 
Raccoon Street was a riot of noise and colour, voices singing and chanting as the parade slowly marched on. They had managed to find a parking spot a few streets over, and were now hovering near the corner of Filbert Street across from the zoo as they waited for the rest of the group to arrive. 
Peering over the heads of the crowd, Chris squinted through the sunlight for any sign of his friends as he tapped his fingers against his jeans. The parade was going to start in less than 20 minutes but the place was already swarmed, and he had already given out more hugs than he could count. Apparently, free bear hugs were a siren song none could ignore. 
“Hey, Claire Cakes! Over here!”
Head turning at the familiar sound of Jill’s voice calling to his sister, laughter spilled out at the sight of Jill elbowing her way through the crowd, Rebecca tagging closely behind. Both of them had somehow managed to find a stand selling slushies and hotdogs, with Jill dual-wielding the food in each hand. 
Jill had somehow managed to scrounge up a lesbian flag temporary tattoo for her bicep and a tank top reading Rock Paper Scissors in shades of pink, orange, and red, which Chris didn’t quite get but judging from Jill’s smirk, he very much didn’t want to ask. Behind her, Rebecca was decked out in a short blue dress decorated in bright pink and yellow flowers, along with a matching sun hat with a little pansexual flag sticking out of it.
Rebecca's smile was glowing as she ducked around Jill, glitter sprinkled across her cheekbones like freckles. “Free Bear Hugs? Don't mind if I do.” Passing her neon pink slushie off to Claire, it only took a simple raise of her arms for Chris to sweep her up into a hug. Rebecca’s laugh was like the ringing of bells in his ears, her hands clutching his shoulders as he gave in to the urge to pick her up and squish her in his arms. Offering her one last squeeze before gently dropping her back down on her feet, Chris’ answering grin was wide enough to make his cheeks ache.
As soon as Rebecca was clear, Jill was bounding forwards, handing her hotdogs off to Claire with a “Oh, me next! Hold this for me, babe,” before launching herself forwards into Chris’ arms. The force had him moving with the momentum, using it to whip Jill around in a dizzying spin as she cackled madly in his arms. 
He wasn’t sure which of them were more dizzy when he finally set her down, Jill stumbling for a moment before turning back to Claire to retrieve her food. Only to find his sister with her cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk’s, and one of the hotdogs with a significant bite missing from it. “My hotdog! Treason! Betrayal!” 
Claire’s eyes sparkled with laughter as she ducked away from the swatting hands of Jill, furiously chewing through her pilfered snack. “You're not meant to keep eating it! Claire!”
“You would think by now, she would know better than to hand food to a Redfield and expect to get it back.”
The quietly amused voice from behind him had Chris jumping, spinning on his heel away from the sight of Jill chasing around her gleeful girlfriend. “Captain!”
His captain was dressed in his ever present sunglasses, having donned casual slacks and a button up shirt for the event, the only concession to the heat were the sleeves rolled up to his biceps. The only sign that Albert even knew he was at a pride festival were the woven cuffs wrapped around each wrist. The one on his right side was laced in the same shade of blue yellow and pink as Rebecca's dress, while one on his right boasted shades of black, grey, white, and two differing hues of green, the aromantic to Chris’ asexual.
The responding glance was gently chiding, a pale hand gesturing out at the people clustering around them. “I'm not on duty today, Christopher.”
“Albert.” The man’s name was sweet as honey on his lips, a litany of unspoken confessions. There had always been respect and admiration between them, but recently something soft and tender had nestled behind Chris’ ribs. A feeling unnamed and unsure of its welcome. He had never felt this way before for anyone, and struggled to explain exactly the hows and the whys. Only that being around Albert made him happy. 
He had never found the courage to confront it, to express to Albert his interest, unsure that they would even be compatible romantically or sexually. Sex had never been an interest of his, even during puberty when he figured out that he only thought about other men when the topic came up. He never understood the attraction or the way his peers had spoken about the things they wanted to do with each other. Whenever he thought about touch, it always came back to the idea of snuggling on the couch and exchanging kisses, nothing more. Chris only ever wanted the romance of a partner, but now it was clear that Albert didn’t. Was there even a chance?
But if he never tried, there was no chance at all. 
Jill’s whoop of victory washed over him as she paraded past, Claire swept up in her arms and still holding on to that last hotdog for dear life. At some point Marvin, Rita, and Forest had finally joined them, a gay flag wrapped around Marvin’s shoulders like a cape. Rita’s short hair had been coloured in shades of blue, pink, and purple to match her skirt, while Forest stood nearby in support of his girlfriend as they laughed at the sight. 
All the sights and sounds sweeping around him like a summer storm, yet all Chris could focus on was Albert. Rebecca was calling for them as the parade was starting, and he should say something, yet his brain wouldn’t work, and his mouth couldn’t move, and,
Albert’s lips were warm against his, soft yet firm. A hand cupping his cheek to hold him still, thumb brushing against the purple streaks as Albert slightly pulled away with a quirk of his smile. “I can hear your brain overheating, Chris.”
His poor aforementioned brain seemed to finally get with the program, churning out enough words for them to get tangled on his tongue in the confusion. “You- I-?.” 
Albert’s chuckle made his breath catch, offering one last stroke of his cheek before finally stepping back. “You’re not as discreet as you thought you were. I’ve been interested in you for awhile but you seemed oblivious to my attention. So I decided to go with a more overt plan of attack.”
Chris mentally scrambled through his memories, hunting for any signs that he could have missed that Albert was actually interested in him that way. “Really?”
“Really. Now, I believe we should catch up with our friends and prevent poor Marvin from being swarmed. And afterwards, you and I can return to my place and discuss how this could work in depth. Okay?”
Right, yeah. They can do that. Have a responsible discussion like adults about wants and boundaries. But for now, all Chris had to do was accept Albert’s hand and follow him once more into the breach. “Yes, Captain.”
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A lil late but drew this real quick, Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!!
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sinnabum45 · 11 months
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Repost from Insta~ If the zombie apocalypse never happened AU! I just wanna see Leon actually meeting everyone. And for everyone to not suffer unimaginable horrors for the rest of their lives 😭 Although shit still happens in this AU (since they are officers/STARS), I'd rather draw the happier moments 😬💦
I bet Rebecca would be super excited to help the Rookie cuz she's not the rookie anymore. Big sis vibes fr 🥺 Jill and Chris would have the "older kids at school who are friendly with underclassmen" vibe- they definitely tease the rookies all the time. (Chris is the one yelling at the rookies in the 2nd image LOL)
Also, Rebecca might have a little crush 😳 Leon figures it out eventually and tries to help her. Emphasis on "tries". Then he develops a crush, too. Rebecca then returns the favor (and Jill)
Idk too much about the other RPD officers/STARS members atm, so-- 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ This was just a fun thing to draw, but I do love seeing other fanfics/fanart about this type of AU. I wanna draw for this AU again sometime 🙌
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dailyenglishvoca · 1 year
Today’s song is Wrong + Right by CircusP and Marvin Valentin featuring the Vocaloid Yuezheng Ling
Happy birthday Ling!
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astagsart · 2 years
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Love or whatever
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marvinthecrow · 1 year
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What if we were crows on a cawffeee date?
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alvivaarts · 5 months
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A snippet of the Resident Mers AU or Mermay: Marvin and the littles! (Leon and Jill!) (Side side note, I can't believe I didn't post this here earlier?) The interesting part about most trichesapiens is that they tend to be drawn towards adopting lone pups! It takes a village, after all. Marvin found both Jill and Leon soon after their home waters started to become too dangerous, and he raised them both even after he found a larger pod to join for safety- all the way until Jill was old enough to go off and start her own pod (which of course meant Leon had to go with her).
The three of them are still very close and get to see each other yearly during migrations!
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gaydavidtennant · 2 years
happy valentines day to them btw. if you even care
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On the docket for Halloween/Fall: some Resident Evil with Vamp!Leon/Were!Krauser, mad scientist Serennedy and the RPD doing Trick or Treat with Chreon.
Also CoD with GhostSoap.
Also modern mortician Wei Wuxian.
Wish me luck.
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