#marvo :]
almostlookedhuman · 4 months
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marvolord · 1 year
“Can you tilt your face to the right? Just a little bit.”
Dean had to be careful not to drop his pencil. His palms were sweaty, no matter how hard he tried to calm himself.
„Like this?“ Cas asked. He lay on Dean’s bed, only dressed in thin cotton trousers.
The dim light hit Castiel’s skin in just the right way. It accentuated his facial features and gave depth to his muscles that were visible, now that the angel had rid himself of his shirt.
Dean took a deep breath and let his hand guide the pencil across the paper, let the pencil glide over the already sketched out lines until he found a rhythm.
Cas had found his old sketch book as they packed. Dean had never shown his work to anyone. He wasn’t an artist or anything like that. Drawing was just another way to release stress. At least it used to be.
And never had he been asked to draw someone. The people he drew were usually strangers, or his family based on memory.
When Cas had turned the pages to a drawing of himself, trenchcoat and all, standing in a field of grass next to a windmill, he had paused as his lips parted. He had looked at Dean then, and his gaze was so gentle that Dean didn’t know what to do with himself.
„Would you draw me now?“ Cas had asked. His voice was soft, almost unsure if he was allowed to break their silence.
„Of course.“
So Dean had asked him to make himself comfortable on the bed as he himself sat down in the chair at the desk.
That wasn’t exactly what he had planned for the evening, but he couldn’t deny that it excited him. It was the first time that his model was right in front of him and unmoving.
Cas lay perfectly still, his eyes the only movement Dean noticed. Cas observed him from his spot on the mattress. They didn’t speak unless it was about a change in position. The sound of the pencil on paper filled the room and after a while, managed to calm Dean’s nerves.
He didn’t know how long it took until he was satisfied with his work, but based on the pain in his neck, it took a while.
Dean licked his lips.
Cas began to move again. He sat up in bed and made space as Dean went over to him.
He carefully took the drawing from Dean’s hands, and the gentle expression found its way back onto his face.
Cas‘ fingers lightly brushed over the lines as he looked at it.
„Thank you, Dean.“
Dean let out a nervous laugh.
„Nothing to thank me for.“ Dean’s voice was quiet. He looked at Cas, let his gaze wander over his face and down to his chest. It was a nice chest.
When he looked up again, Cas smiled at him. It reached his eyes and let them appear bluer.
„Didn’t you just spend hours looking at me?“ Cas tilted his head, and Dean knew the question was in good humour.
„Do you want me to stop?“
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ask-ss · 17 days
clover after her death and possession of hopscotch: a little girl possessing a male animatronic? How queer, i must I find out more POST HASTE!
Nick after dying and possessing Marvo: guess I’m a girl now.
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retrofit-nightmare · 30 days
Michael: *goes into the scooping room on night 5 of fnaf SL*
Marvo (Nick): no stop dude literally like seriously fuck
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cobalt-axolotl · 6 months
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marvo redesign
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ask-xanthophobia · 2 months
Adrian: I am like the only girl with a ghost that looks like a rabbit plushie,for a boyfriend
Marvo (Nick) : Marvo is a hare Adrian! Besides my other form is ten times scarier than this.
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leftforthestars · 6 months
Just noticed you changed your pfp! I love the colours :) 🩷
thank you !!! my previous icon didnt look good with my blog re-theme and i was honestly kinda sad to change it but the new icon of kevin parker does look a lot better with the theme !!!!!!
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gianttankeh · 1 year
Travis Johns / Marlo De Lara / Ali Robertson / Dead Labour Process at Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh: 29/5/23.
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Give Monday the slap it deserves with a quadruple-headed bill of real OUT sounds by a visiting artist, a new resident artist, a long-serving local artist and a freshly reanimated artist in a university building that none of them have ever played at before. You can find out more about this show and make a donation for tickets here.
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marvellousstawler · 1 year
Dumb decision: part two too early.
Part one isn't even off the ground, like, it has barely five chapters drafted, with no art and no music, and they need to be redone because I've just changed the magic system. So why am I brainstorming part two here? Well partly because this is just how I tend to work. I like to think way too far ahead so that it's real easy to retrofit continuity into my work. And because when I get an idea it never actually stops expanding.
The change in the magic system has made it so that it's actually pretty rare and unfeasible for people to use magic for combat; it is firstly very rare for people's magic ability to progress past the most basic stages, because the ruling power wants to maintain an explicit monopoly over all magic, so forcibly employs and stunts all people who show a strong magic potential. It's secondly a system where producing any kind of precise strike is difficult; you can influence the tide or change the shape of a rock, but you'll find it much harder to bend something in a way it won't naturally go; you won't find any water whips or air scooters among most combat-oriented mages.
Part one of TDD will establish the rarity and usual fate of magic users, as well as the protagonist's struggle to endure being literally crushed under the weight of her own magic power (which with the new system makes a whole lot more sense as to how it literally physically crushes her). Part two will begin after a time skip, where she will now have a handle on her powers, but will be reeling from the events of he previous part, and fretting about the temporary and fragile peace achieved by the previous conclusion. She will have established a school explicitly designed to teach people how to use their magic for combat, and will now, as a near tyrannical teacher obsessed with preparing as many people as she can to face the impending threat, become and redistribute the very same crushing pressure she will have been previously forced to endure.
As such, all this gets me thinking of her students; what kind of person would go to a school that teaches combat magic, with an established magic system which normally isn't used for combat at all. Probably people who are either very obsessed with fighting (for whatever reason) or very obsessed with magic (to whatever end). One need only look at any shounen or shounen-adjacent property for a cornucopia of archetypes to fit both of those categories. My mind goes to Fire Emblem first but that's just where it has been lately.
Hm, I have some time now and no one is reading this...let's suggest some ideas for archetypal students. - Reclusive library girl studying eldritch forces who actually has social skills and a desire to make friends (main girl). Like seriously. I was a library girl. We're not all extremely introverted. - Muscly pirate boy built like a fridge and has excellent water magic abilities but all he wants to do is fly (changing elements is possible but not advisable under the new system). Everyone's like "don't you have freedom at sea?" and he's like "not if you spend every day moving a ship and wrestling sea monsters, all I do is work." - Water magic guy wants to use his magic to influence the muscles in his own body and is so obsessed with self improvement that he ignores his teacher and ends up turning himself into a slimy red puddle. - girl just wants to fight people. She just wants to fight people. It's how she communicates with and understands people. She wants to make lightning happen. It's bittersweet because it reminds our teacher of HER teacher, and what could have been if she weren't busy keeping a dragon trapped inside a moon. More ideas will come when I think of more creative uses for the magic system. It's not about generating ideas it's about choosing the best from the ideas which generate automatically.
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jedivoodoochile · 2 months
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“Marvo the Magician and Tito" art by Maurice Gutwirth; appearance in Lightning Comics. (1942)
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plasmatic-stank · 2 months
listened to the chemical brothers album "push the button" a few hours ago. it was an experience.
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lezet · 6 months
V.A.-"Ninth Quarterly Report Of Argali Records Netlabel: Gravity Vectors" is out on ARGALI RECORDS (USA)!
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V.A.-"Ninth Quarterly Report Of Argali Records Netlabel: Gravity Vectors" is out on ARGALI RECORDS (USA)! The "Ninth Quarterly Report Of Argali Records Netlabel: Gravity Vectors" compilation has now arrived in your orbit. Featuring tracks from Chingle Hall, John Lithium, nd dentico, Marvo Servo, el_masmore, Toucan Wind, SUCCULENT SUCCUBUS, Puppy Bordiga, Humanfobia, Twilight Transmissions, MINITELROSE, Cousin Silas, WHALTHISNEY, Corium, Mean Flow, Lezet, Wilfried Hanrath, Jaime Munarriz, Ron Shayler, Jo Bled, James Hoehl, Bleepeater, Business 80, On Button, Morpheus Project, World Of Truckdrivers, Terbeschikkingstelling, Stevie Zeven, Coppergear, Skulls That Have Sex, Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Deborah Fialkiewicz, and {AN} EeL. Thirty-three mind-bending, thought-provoking, and sense stimulating auditory journeys through the outer bounds of sound. Dedicated to Richard Serra. Music For Spaces And Places. https://argalirecordsnetlabel.bandcamp.com/album/ninth-quarterly-report-of-argali-records-netlabel-gravity-vectors
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marvolord · 2 years
Maybe Dream had made a mistake. A mistake that could have easily been avoided.
He rarely gave in to urges anymore. Too often they had led him down a path of chaos and disappointment. But as the saying goes: curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Which was why he found himself now carried in the arms of Hob Gadling, gentle fingers stroking through his pitch-black fur.
And Dream allowed himself to give in and lean the head of his cat body into the warm palm, that was now only more encouraged to pet him.
A soft laugh left Hob's lips.
"You have really nice fur, little friend. Must have been a bit cold out here though, hmm?"
It didn't take them long to reach Hob's apartment.
The shift in temperature was instantly noticeable for Hob, who audibly sighed and leaned his head back against the door as soon as he closed it.
"Much better here, don't you think?" Hob looked at him as if he expected an answer, as humans tended to do with their pets. Dream just looked at him, head slightly tilted, and that seemed to count as a satisfying answer.
Hob gently placed Dream onto the floor and started to take his shoes and coat off.
Dream patiently waited next to him and was rewarded with a soft scratch behind his ear.
"I should have some tuna for you, just give me a second."
Hob padded into his kitchen and soon Dream could hear the sound of porcelain and cutlery clanking as Hob searched for a spoon and a small bowl.
Dream had followed Hob and jumped onto the kitchen counter.
He had no interest in eating in his current form, it always left him far too animalistic once he shifted back into his human appearance.
Hob offered him another smile as he proudly set the bowl infront of him.
"It's all for you!"
And really, how could Dream resist that smile.
He sniffed at it, the scent of pure tuna almost overwhelming...but good.
"Should I try some first?" The words barely left Hob's mouth before he took a spoonful of tuna and made a show of how he ate it and how good it tasted.
His efforts really were endearing.
Dream straightened a bit before he leaned down and took a few licks. Just a few.
Hob put a bowl of water onto the counter as well and seemed content to lean against it, while he watched Dream, who took a much needed sip.
"I didn't have a pet in a while."
And that was the first time that Dream noticed he had made a mistake. A grave one.
Part 2 , Part 3
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ask-ss · 17 days
Marvo (Nick): uncle Jun why did you try to lobotomize Jeremy?
RWQFSFASXC (Jun): I have no clue what you are talking about.
Marvo: THE BITE OF 87!
RWQFSFASXC: Oh, right, the bite. The bite of 87. The bite specifically performed by me in the year 1987, 1987's bite. (long pause)... That bite?
Marvo exasperated: Y E S !
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retrofit-nightmare · 2 months
The final few moments before Mike got scooped
Mike: What am I supposed to do?
Marvo (Nick): If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Mike: I’m an atheist.
Marvo (Nick): Then just get ready to die I guess.
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cobalt-axolotl · 7 months
marvo: you can make this with anything that you have in the kitchen springtrap: wait a minute did you say anything? marvo: ANYTHING! springtrap: anything? marvo: yes anything! springtrap: anything? marvo: anything! springtrap: anything- marvo: i'll get you and it'll look like a bloody accident! marvo: anything. springtrap: well wont that taste bad? marvo: your not just wrong, your stupid! springtrap: now wait just a minute! marvo: and your ugly. just like your mom. springtrap: did you just call my mother ugly? marvo: shut up. i mean it. i will end you! marvo: accidently chops off part of his ear* susie: marvo. your ear. marvo: what about it? marvo: OH I SEE! i've chopped it off. marvo: well thats instresting because. marvo: SON OF A BI*BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
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