Neumasc Intersex Pride Flag
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Neumasc or mascneutral: gender-neutral masculinity; masculine gender neutrality; being masc and neutrally gendered.
Intersex: an umbrella term for sex traits that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.
Words: interneumasc, ulterneumasc, ipsoneumasc, exparneumasc.
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imoga-pride · 4 years
hi! is there maybe a masterlist of masc-neutral leaning terms that one can look at perhaps? if not is there a good place to start looking?
I will list the ones I can remember:
Neutromasculine, neuvir, neutrovir/virtrois, masculitrois, mascuneutral/mascneutral, neumasc/neusarian, cenrell/dracosaris, verrneu, neutromme
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themogaidragon · 4 years
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Masculine Non-Binary Genders
Virfluid | Xoy | Boyprox
Mascuneutrality | Hemiboy | Genderfaun
Masculenby | Androx
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cubeflag · 5 years
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Enbear flag by @imoga-pride
(A non-binary bear. Bear is a gay slang used by mlm/achillean (gay/bi/queer and other m-spec men); enbears can be nonbinary people projecting an image of rugged 'nonbinary’ masculinity or mascuneutrality.)
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AMAB Neumasc Pride Flag
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AMAB/DMAB: assigned/designated male at birth.
Neumasc: gender neutral and masculine.
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Demineumasc Pride Flag
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Demineumasc (demineumasculine): being demimasculine and demineutral (hemimasculine or hemineutral and semimasculine or semineutral); partially neumasc (neutromasculine, neumasculine, neumasculine, neutramasc, neutromasc, mascneu or mascuneutral), partly something else.
Alt. words: demineutromasculine/demineutramasculine/neudemimasc, neusemimasc/neusemimasculine/neudemimasculine/demineutromasc, demineutramasc, neuhemimasc, demimascuneutral/demimascneutral, semineumasc/hemineumasc (hemimasc or semimasc and hemineutral or semineutral), semineutromasculine/semineutromasc/hemineutromasc, hemineutromasculine/hemineutramasculine/hemineutramasc/semineutramasc, semineutramasculine/semineumasculine, hemineumasculine/neuhemimasculine.
[transcript: 7 equally sized stripes colored with grey, lighter gray, teal, pear green, yellow, lighter gray, and grey. end I.D.]
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imoga-pride · 3 years
Could you try and find some labels that fit this specific description? (It's fine if not, I just need ideas)
I sorta want it to be animal related but I'm not sure how
I don't want it to be related to feminine things in any way unless it's fantasy cause I don't like being related to feminine shit most of the time
So like more masculine/gender neutral
Cervusgender: A gender encompassing neutral animal energy.
Buckgender: A gender encompassing masculine animal energy.
Now we need to know what would be called the neumasc version of those faunagenders; there doesn’t seem to be a term for experiencing femininity specifically in fanciful conditions, unless we combine: condigender, fantagender, and -fem(inine)(i-)(me). Altegender and emigender(solverigender) are applicable. Let me see if I can define that right:
Condifantafem(inine)/femicondifantagender/condifantafemme: A gender that is only felt under fantasy-related circumstances.
Altefantafem(me)/femialtefantefantagender/altefantafeminine: Someone who’s gender feels like it is feminine, but as though it’s related to fantasy in a parallel dimension, on a different plane, in a mirror universe, or just in an alternate existence, that is related to fantasy; it is a xenogender that feels feminine as though it’s in a parallel dimension, on a different plane, in a mirror universe, or just in an alternate existence, related to fantasy.
Emifeminine/femiemigender/emifemme/emifem(gender) or solverifem(gender)/solverifemme/solverifeminine/femisolverigender: to have a gender that is very loosely feminine; having a loose or weak connection to femininity or its certain qualities, but not actually being feminine.
You can always use condifem, altefem, or fantafem if you want to be more objective.
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Angineutral Pride Flag
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Angineutrality/Androgyneutrality: an androgynous neutrality; a neutral androgyny; the combination of lingender & ningender (neugender + androgyne) or a mixture of femineutrality & mascunetrality (or neutromasculinity & neutrofemininity). 
Also known as angineutrois, neutrangi & angineugender. See also: neuangi, neutrandrogyne.
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imoga-pride · 6 years
Neusarian Flag
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Neusarian/Neusorian or Solarian Neumasc (neutral + masculine): solar neuter nonbinary people; experiencing masculinity irrespective of neugender identity (masc as it exists outside of genderedness) while being neuman-aligned or neutromasculine-aligned, your experiences & understanding of your own MIN/NIN alignment (mascugender/masculigender/neutrois) are shared with or mirror those who would define themselves as mascuneutral/mascneutral.
Based on neufem (neularian) term/flag by @momma-mogai-sphinx. See also neuvir.
[Edited: 2/7/19]
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Libraneufem¹ | Libramascfem² | Libraneumasc³ [pride flags]
Libraneutrofeminine or librafemineutral: a scale where one side is agender and the other side is femineutral/femneutral or neutrofeminine/neufem; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to femineutrality(/femneutrality)/neutrofemininity(/neutrofeminity/neufemness/neufemity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being neufemme/femineutrois(/femmeneutral/femmeneutrois/femneutrois/neufemitrois/neufeminitrois);
Librafemmasc or librafemasc (librafemasline/librafemimasculine): a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascfem/femimasculine/femmasc/femasc or lideogender/lideospec; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to feminimasculinity/femimasculinity/femulinity/feminulinity(/femmaslinity/femmasculinity/femaslinity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being femuline/feminuline/femmasculine/femasculine/femasline/mascfemme/feminimasculine/femmasline;
Libraneutromasculine or libramascuneutral: a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascneutral/mascuneutral or neutromasculine/neumasc; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to mascuneutrality/neutromasculinity(/mascneutrality/neumascness) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being mascneutrois/neumasculitrois(/mascuneutrois).
These can be forms of neutragender. -Ap
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I saw the term “neuvir” floating around and I’m curious as to what it means, since I can’t seem to find any posts about it? Your Mascuneutral Pride Flag mentions neuvir but I’m not sure if you meant neuvir is adjacent or equivalent to mascuneutral or if there was a post that Tumblr deleted? Thank you for your time!
Here is the post that describes neuvir (and it’s counterpart neulier). 
Neuvir is described as “a male gender that is entirely neutral instead of masculine”.
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