#masha writes
soupnoodle · 1 year
went to tretyakov gallery yesterday. my main purpose was buying a card holder with alexander blok. definitely not beautiful big paintings
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salamander-spark · 1 month
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Day 2 - Movie night/Mama
It's Cabin seven's movie night, and they completely forgot to plan what they were going to watch.
Luckily, Vee's nerdy friend Sam notices a box filled with VHS tapes underneath the couch, and goes to investigate. The box has Camila's name on it, and when it gets opened...
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AO3 link
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hecateisalesbian · 10 months
made this in like an hour
Lilith doesn’t like writing on walls doors
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chrzannekk · 4 months
so, max x sasha is canon in the future ! masha shippers ARISE
this flips all my masha hcs unside down because sasha wouldnt be popular or preppy , just... sad and alone. she probably lost her friendship with tabii and erin I'm assuming , so maybe max comes around and tries to help her after he sees her behaviour and thinks of his past self. also they hold hands.
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lunar-jewels · 4 months
I've updated my Vee fic with a new chapter!
1400 words with an illustration ^-^ Check it out!
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How would kid Philip interact with Masha?
My friend @talisman975 said this, and it is so true and perfect!
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I also think Masha would remind Kid Philip of Evelyn.
And since Masha seems to be good with kids, maybe they've always wanted to have a sibling and see Philip as a little brother almost.
I can also see the two standing up for the other against bullies who try to make fun of them or their interests.
Kid Philip also probably had to learn that Masha is a "they" and not a "she".
They enjoy skulls and scary stories / movies together, I think.
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branmuffins22 · 1 month
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Veek/Vee Week 2024, Day 5! The concept for this one came to me about a week ago, but I only started putting prose on page around 10 hours ago, as of the creation of this post. The prompts for this one are "Masha" and "AU", as it's a Masha-centric AU (canon-divergence).
The premise is thus: A few weeks before the end of camp (somewhen between Enchanting Grom Fright and Agony of a Witch on the Demon Realm side of things), Masha falls into a wild portal to the Demon Realm. Vee, in her panicked (and fruitless) desperation to pull them back, loses her grip on her "Luz" disguise. All of this happens in plain view of several campers and counselors.
This fic is pretty much just the establishment of that premise, and the most immediate consequences thereof, in a short oneshot.
I plan to explore the AU more in the future, but since the bulk of it is really more about Masha & Luz, I stuck with just the beginning for Vee Week. Plus, I wouldn't have had time to write much more of it anyways. This was late enough as-is, and I already rushed the pacing quite a bit.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 8 months
i love having out of context notes in my writing journal of dumb dialog i thought was funny. i really should use this for something but WHERE.
willow: "you're supposed to help the customers. not insult them"
amity: "what would you rather me do then? make out with them?"
*magically spawns luz*
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acearcane · 8 months
@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day Two: Long Walks
So I'm a few days behind... oops. Anywho, take a Veesha fic!
Here's a brief excerpt!
Vee bolted for the door, tripping over her feet for the few seconds that it took her to remember how to be a human. There were too many limbs on this body; she could never quite understand it. But there wasn’t time for that now. If Hunter got to the door ahead of her… Vee gulped. Forget an embarrassing dad. An embarrassing older brother was ten times worse, especially one with terrible social skills. She skidded sideways into the front hall and nearly crashed into Hunter as he made his way towards the door. She tried to duck around his arm and get ahead of him, but Hunter neatly knocked her feet out from underneath her and sent her tumbling to the floor. “Hunter, don’t you dare!” Vee threatened, pushing herself to her hands and knees. He turned around just long enough to grin at her wickedly before throwing the front door open. An icy breeze whistled through the open doorway, ruffling Vee’s hair and causing goosebumps to erupt across her flesh. Masha stood waiting on the front porch, their dark hair poking out from underneath their cap and a puffy jacket zipped all the way up to their chin. “Hey, Hunter,” they greeted him, looking completely unimpressed. “What are your intentions with my sister?” Hunter growled, crossing his arms. He could’ve been threatening, what with his towering height and the jagged scars criss-crossing his face, but the image was completely destroyed by his Cosmic Frontier themed jammie pants. Masha snorted, shaking their head in exasperation. Leaning around Hunter, they waved at Vee and called, “You ready to go, Häschen?” Häschen. Bunny. One of Masha’s many nicknames for their girlfriend. And so, despite the guilty ache in the pit of Vee’s stomach, she couldn’t help but smile. “Let me get my shoes on,” she told them, picking herself up off of the floor. Hunter leaned back against the wall, looking extremely disappointed, and Vee patted his arm cheerfully as she passed.
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slightecho · 8 months
Ashes, Chapter 31 is a little late!! But it’s here!!
Halloween, pt. 1
This Chapter: It's Halloween for the Hexsquad, it's a canon event, we cannot interfere.
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abluechickenugget · 1 year
I've noticed there's a lack of vee and masha content on tumblr so here's a bunch for all the veesha addicts of tumblr
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Stepping Stones: Chapter 9
Vee walks into school on her first morning the same way she returned to the Isles: with Camila’s hand in one of hers and Luz’s in the other, the three of them shoulder-to-shoulder as they trudge through the snow to the enormous green doors.
“It looks bigger up close,” Vee whispers, and Luz squeezes her hand. 
“Make yourself taller,” she suggests, and Vee laughs a little, stretching out the legs of her human form until she’s as tall as Camila. It does make it less scary when Camila opens the door.
There’s a man waiting for them on the other side— taller than Vee and Camila both, with dark skin and bushy gray hair— and Vee quickly shrinks back to Luz’s height, praying he didn’t notice anything. It doesn’t seem like he did; he smiles when his eyes land on Vee, and he offers her his hand.
“You must be Vee. I’m Principal Hal. Welcome to Gravesfield High.”
Slowly, tentatively, Vee lets go of Luz’s hand to shake his. “Thanks.”
“We’ve enrolled you in all the same classes as Luz to make your transition easier. As long as there are no… disruptions, I think you’ll enjoy your time here.”
Principal Hal rubs a faint scar on his chin. Vee casts Luz a questioning look, and she mouths, tell you later.
Realizing the principal is waiting for an answer, Vee thanks him again, and he nods. “We’ve moved things around to give you a locker next to your sister’s, to make your adjustment easier. She can show you there so that you can put your things away before first bell, and then you two can head to your first class.”
Luz beams at the word sister, and even though Vee has had two sisters all her life, the word feels magical to her too. Sister meaning Luz. It’s sort of incredible.
“Thanks,” she says a third time. She feels a bit foolish repeating herself, but it seems to be what the principal wants to hear, because he gives her a nod. 
“Good to see you, Mrs. Noceda,” he adds to Camila, and disappears into a room marked Principal’s Office.
Camila turns to Vee, placing her hands on her shoulders. “I’ll have my phone on all day. Don’t hesitate to call if you need me, okay?”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” Camila pulls her in for a hug, kissing her head. “I love you. I’m so proud of you.”
Vee leans into the embrace, holding her tightly for a long moment. “I love you too, Mom.”
Even after two months, the word, more powerful even than sister, fills her with sparks of warmth. It took a few weeks after the adoption papers were finalized for her to stop stammering over it, and even though it comes out smoothly now, it still fills her with awe. That awe makes her brave enough to step back, squeezing Camila’s hands and giving her a smile.
She smiles back, then embraces Luz and heads for the door. “See you after school,” she calls, waving at them both.
They wave back, and then Luz turns to Vee. “All right, follow my lead. The crowds in these hallways can be dangerous, so you have to navigate carefully.”
“Got it,” Vee says, matching her solemn tone. Luz links her arm through Vee’s, leading her through a sea of kids, all of them laughing and shrieking, the sheer number of voices making Vee want to slam her hands over her ears. Thankfully, Luz leads them to a hallway that’s far less packed than some of the others, and she only has to nudge one person aside to get to her locker. 
She nods at the one beside it, the only cubicle without a lock already hanging from it. “That must be yours.”
She pulls her own locker open at the same time Vee does, and Vee’s stomach sinks a little as she glances between the two. Luz’s locker is crammed with books and crafts, photos and drawings, and Vee’s is an empty wall of gray.
Luz follows her gaze and smiles, reaching into her backpack. “I asked Willow to make copies of these in case you wanted to put them up,” she says, handing Vee an envelope, “and then I added a few more.”
They’re photos from Willow’s scrapbook: Vee, Luz, Willow, and Amity squinting at the TV during a late-night movie; Vee tickling a sleeping Willow’s forehead with a leaf as Luz and Amity muffle their laughter; Vee and Camila making empanadas; Vee making bunny ears over Luz’s head as Amity kisses her cheek and Hunter, Willow, and Gus beam at the camera; the whole group of them clinging to a raft, their faces ranging from excitement to terror; Vee, Willow, Gus, and Amity grinning in front of the map at the Gravesfield Historical Society. Below those are a few more recent pictures: Vee, Luz, and Hunter clutching gaming consoles and yelling incoherently; Vee and the gang from Cabin 7 sitting on the Nocedas’ porch and laughing at something on Masha’s phone; Vee arm-in-arm with her basilisk siblings on the day they all decided to try human form. Just looking at all those images, all the people she can now call family, makes the corners of Vee’s mouth turn up, and by the time she’s taped them all to the door and walls of her locker, she’s beaming.
“Looking good!” Luz says approvingly. “I can draw you some stuff later, if you want to—”
The bell cuts her off with an earsplitting ring. They exchange a look of horror and slam their lockers shut simultaneously, shoving their locks closed and running for the main hallway. It’s empty— they must have missed the warning bell entirely.
“It’s okay!” Luz gasps. “It’s not far!”
She sprints to the end of the hall with Vee on her heels, the two of them stopping in front of a door on the left. Luz pauses, glancing back at Vee.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Luz nods and pulls the door open and Vee follows her inside the room. And now there are twenty human children and a full human adult, all staring at her with unblinking eyes, and she’s positive she has just made an enormous mistake. 
The adult— the teacher, he must be— recovers first. “Everyone,” he says, “this is Vee Noceda. She’s new to our class this semester.”
A wave of whispers like the hissing of a nest of snakes rises up from the assembled students. Vee swallows hard, nearly choking on her own dry tongue, and only Luz’s hand in hers keeps her from fleeing the scene. 
The teacher looks at her with pitying eyes. “Would you like to say anything more to introduce yourself?”
The only justification Vee can come up with for what she says is that the introduction played well with Camila. Camila’s face had warmed, and she’d spoken with a laugh in her voice, and that’s the reaction Vee wants from these kids— so she opens her mouth and says, “hello, fellow humans. Skin’s sure weird.”
The whispers die within a split second.
“There’s two of them,” a blonde girl in the front groans, and the class dissolves into laughter. Vee isn’t sure whether she should feel relieved or even worse, but at least they’re not looking at her like she’s as much of an outsider. 
One laugh in particular, more dry and knowing, gets her attention, and she follows it to find Masha cackling to themself in a desk at the back of the room. There’s two of them, Vee repeats in her head, and gives a snort of laughter of her own. If only that girl knew. 
The two desks next to Masha are empty, so Vee takes a seat in the one beside them, and Luz comes to sit on her other side. She glances at the teacher for approval, and he gives her a nod.
“All right,” he says, blissfully taking the focus off of her. “Before we get into the course outline, I’m going to give you all a test to see how much you remember.” The class groans, and he holds up a hand. “It’s nothing new, all stuff you learned last year, and multiple choice. You’ll survive.”
He starts passing out booklets and scantrons, and Vee’s heart rate picks up. She’s spent every spare moment of the last two months studying Human Realm curriculum— but while she was fascinated by the literature and history, math always tripped her up. There’s just so much of it, and so many ways of doing it, and there was no way to cram all that into her head. She studied what Luz said she’d need to know for grade ten and barely managed that much— how is she supposed to know everything these kids learned in grade nine?
The teacher lays the papers on her desk, and she flips through the booklet, nausea rising. This is it. They’ll wonder why she doesn’t remember any of this, and discover she’s an imposter, and put her in a zoo, or—
Tap. Taptaptap.
The sound is quiet, but it interrupts Vee’s spiral nonetheless. She glances at the desk to her right to see Masha, their eyes trained on their booklet, one manicured black nail tapping against their desk.
Tap. Taptaptap.
And suddenly Vee’s mind isn’t in the classroom but back in Cabin 7, lying on her bunk above Masha’s in the darkness after lights-out, tapping messages back and forth on the walls. It took exactly one week of camp lectures for Masha to decide they were dead boring, and another week of everyone in Cabin 7 gathering around their phone under a blanket and memorizing the dots and dashes on the screen to become fluent in a language they could converse in without any of the speakers getting them in trouble. Vee hasn’t used it in months, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgotten. 
Tap. Taptaptap.
Dash. Dot, dot, dot.
Vee fills in the circle and taps out t-h-a-n-k-s. She glances over at Masha to find a smile on their lips.
They tap out the next answer, and Vee fills it in. It only takes half the class, but the teacher spends the other half droning on about everything they’re going to be learning, so she doesn’t get to actually talk with Masha until the bell rings and they can disappear into the stream of students heading for their next classes.
“Call me crazy,” Luz says, once they’re out of the teacher’s earshot, “but were you two talking using morse code?”
“I know, I know, cheating is wrong,” Masha says, waving a hand, “but I felt like these were special circumstances.”
“Are you kidding? That’s so cool!”
“Thanks,” Vee adds, glancing at Masha. “I really owe you one.”
“Why yes, you do, and I know exactly what I want.”
“Wait— no—“
“Come on, Vee! You have to show me at some point!”
Luz glances between them. “Show you what?”
Masha lowers their voice. “Her true form.”
“She hasn’t shown you yet?”
“She has shown you? Do you have any pictures?”
“Okay, okay!” Vee cries, throwing up her hands. “If you come over after school, I’ll show you.”
“Finally!” Masha bounces up and down, clapping their hands gleefully. “Okay, I should really get to Bio, but I’ll see you at lunch. Luz can show you where we eat.”
They press a kiss to Vee’s cheek and darts for the stairs. A wave of heat floods her face, and she trips, almost plowing into a line of students before Luz grabs the back of her shirt and pulls her into a blessedly empty bathroom. Vee catches her eye, expecting to see the excitement dancing in her stomach reflected in her face, but instead, Luz’s expression is carefully gentle. It calms the flush in Vee’s cheeks, leadens her limbs, and she leans against a wall.
“I know, I know. I should have shown them a while ago.”
“Vee, they clearly like you, and they really don’t seem like the type to be weirded out by much.”
“I know. It’s just… when you grow up surrounded either by people who are like you or afraid of you, when every teacher in every school teaches every kid that you’re a monster, when you can count every member of your kind on one hand because the rest were all hunted down— part of you always expects that you’ll make people afraid. I know Masha’s probably not like that, but there are so many other voices in my head, and they’re all louder than mine.”
Luz wraps her arms around Vee, leaning her head on hers. “That’s really tough, Vee. I know there’s nothing I can say to make it better, but for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing the right thing.” She steps back, squeezing Vee’s hands. “The only way to quiet those other voices down is to let other people talk back to them. Masha will. I know it.”
Camila drives them all home after school, but when they get to the house, Luz convinces her to go get pizza for dinner. She rolls down the window of the passenger seat just to give Vee an exaggerated wink as she and Masha get out of the back, and Vee shoves her head back into the car with the palm of her hand. The car drives away, and she unlocks the house with shaking hands. 
She follows Masha into the entryway. Closes the door behind her. What now? Does she offer them food first, or try to give some kind of disclaimer or—
If you don’t do it now, a voice in her head warns, sounding suspiciously like Luz, you never will.
And she changes. Just like that. 
Ta-da, she opens her mouth to say, or here I am, or I’m ready, but nothing comes out, and so Masha turns around and sees her without any warning, her mouth open with an explanation that’s never going to come. 
They don’t scream. That’s something.
But Vee can’t bear to see their expression shift, and her eyes dart to the floor, her heart slamming against her chest.
“Hey, Vee.”
Masha sounds casual, but they sounded casual when that slime-covered rat waddled into Cabin 7 in the middle of the night. Brace yourself, Vee—
“Do you want to go out with me?”
Surprise makes her nearly snap her neck with how fast she looks up. She expects them to be laughing, but their expression is bright, if a little nervous.
“I mean, like, on a date.”
“No, no, I got that part. But— why?”
“Vee, you’re cool! In any form, you’re cool! I couldn’t care less what you look like. I like you because you’re you. Because you get flustered talking to people but will pick up spiders with your bare hands, because you’re so happy when you learn things it can make me enjoy learning about taxes, because you have enough power to drain the magic out of an evil emperor but have never once threatened someone who didn’t deserve it. That’s what I care about. And if you want me to care about you as my friend— great. We can just be that. But I feel, like, a lot for you, and I want you to know that, too.”
Vee’s chest is tight again, but for the first time all day, she’s not terrified— she’s so happy she feels like she could burst just by inhaling. She’s grinning so hard her face hurts, and yes, part of her wonders if Masha is creeped out by that expression on a basilisk’s face. But they’re beaming too, and Luz is right; that doubtful voice gets quieter and quieter under the onslaught of their attention.
“I’d like that,” Vee says quietly. “I really would.” Glancing over to the clock at the end of the hall, she adds, “we’ve got like an hour until dinner, and I’m sure Luz will stall our mom until then. We could go now, on a walk or something? I know that’s not the most romantic, but—“
“Anything with you will be romantic.” Masha nudges her, and Vee flushes, burying her head in her hands as Masha laughs.
“Is this okay?” They ask, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Vee wraps an arm around their waist, beaming into their shoulder. “It’s perfect.”
She returns to her human form, Masha’s hold on her easy no matter what shape she takes. Her hands are steady, this time, as she opens the door, and as they walk out hand-in-hand into the winter sun, she can’t recall why she was ever so afraid. 
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salamander-spark · 1 month
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My first fanfic! I'm proud of it even if it's a little rushed. I barely managed to get it out within the day. Tomorrow's prompt might just be a drawing.
Day 1:
Hug/Cabin 7/Shapeshifter
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Fic below:
TW: very brief depiction of a panic attack, description of nightmare.
It had been a month since Vee's mom and sister came back from the boiling isles.
The stress Vee felt the few days it took for the return was immeasurable. A worry for her family took root in the back of her mind, it made sleep nearly impossible, and gave her nightmares.
Waiting for months, no contact, no words, no way of knowing if they are alive. No magic. She'd be found out, spreding herself too thin with Camila and Luz's responsibilities, inevitably slipping up. People from the town gazing upon her demonic form. The eyes of Belos's monsterous form looming behind everyone. her family, Luz's friends all dead they couldn't stop him THEY COULDN'T COME HOME THEY WERE DEAD HE KILLED THE —
In the present, Vee shook her head to dispel the images her imagination made. She remembers the dreams vividly, still occasionally seeing them in her sleep.
The week following their return, she found the pamphet Masha handed her. Blushing (But NOT because she remembers making a fool of herself in front of them), she decided it was time to take up their offer. 
And it turned out AMAZING, Masha's gradoise flair really fitting the tour guide gig. It was just like back at Cabin seven when They waxed poeticly about the many pagen dieties and what they did. 
Vee kept up with Masha's narration, interjecting questions when she thought of them, keeping the conversation flowing. Vee told Masha about herself, and Masha shared stories about their friends. An aching Vee didn’t realize she had in her heart began to fade talking to her friend after so long, but only slightly.
Masha didn't know that she knew them. For all they knew, they were talking to a complete stranger. The person they talked to couldn't possibly be the shy, anxious girl they shared a cabin with. She couldn't be the friend they helped bring out of her shell, who looked at all things mundane with innocent wonder. She wasn't Luz Noceda.
The insecurity persisted, became even bigger after Masha invited Vee to hang out with their friends. Diego, the tall, relaxed boy who let his hair fall onto his face and probably had a million zits on his forhead. Samantha; or rather Sam, who had a love for video games and anime, and rambled about them to the captivated audience of her friends. 
Neither of them knew her as Vee either. It was awkward, but managable, getting to know them a second time. She noticed that they were each more comfortable in conversation than when they were back at camp. They were all less reluctant to share the information about themselves that took them weeks to share at camp. Vee supposed she was also more confident, staying in a cabin with each other must have been to thank for that.
She didn't know how long she could keep lying to them, for her own sanity.
"Say," Masha began, "What about those kids you were hanging out with? They're your other friends, right?" 
Vee, lying belly down looked up from the Cosmic frontier book she was reading. "Huh? She got so invested in the plot it took her brain a while to process Masha's question. 
"Y'know, at the historical society, right before Halloween," Masha clarified. "You guys asked me about that rebus remember? That one kid was going on like, 'Grahh chop off my ear' or something," Masha giggled. 
Oh. Luz's friends. Vee knew the witches also considered her part of the group, but it was easier thinking of them as her sister's friend group.
Wait... They didn't have a proper cover story! Vee was terrible at lying on the fly, but she needed to start talking now!
"O- OH YEAH, that was Gus. H-hes pretty fun. Then theres uhhh, Amity with the pink hair, Willow had glasses, and... oh yeah Hunter too but he was at our home that day." Vee needed to stall so she could come up with something.
"Is he The Blond cosmic frontier fan?" Masha asked, which confused Vee.
"When did you see him? I don't remember him going to your job after we left."
"No, I actually saw them at the haunted hayride! oh, I guess I only told you two-" Masha points two fingers at Sam and Diego respectively "-about that since you weren't hanging out with us back then. Whoops~"
Suddenly, Diego piped up. "Wait, you said 'Our' Home. So they like, live at your place or something"  
"Uhhhh well... you see." Think of something Vee, just spit it out. "Foreign excange students?" she thought out loud. "-From out of state not another country!" she amended in a panic.
"O–kay?" Sam raised her eyebrow "I've never seen them at school before, and you know I watch people like a hawk." It was true, back at camp, Sam compiled a list of the campers from other cabins activities in order to know who to watch out for. 
It wasn't a skill she thought would be used agsinst her.
"Well, There are other schools in the area you know? I think they went to, yknow..." She didn't know the names of any other high schools. "...Not Gravesfield high?" She finished with a shrug. And also, they went back to their own rea-" DONT SAY REALM "TOWN like, right after Halloween, so yeah, that's why you've never seen 'em" She finished with a shrug and a manic chuckle.
How did she keep this up for thee months straight? She must've lost her touch. Then again, she considered not having to lie as a good thing.
"Sure, I'll accept that." Sam relented.
"Hold up, am I missing something, or does that like. Not make sense." Diego once again came in with his terribly timed questions. "Cause like, you said they lived in your house, why wouldn't they go to the same school?" How is he so perceptive!? It must be because he doesn't devote much energy into responding so he can listen better.
Masha put a hand on her shoulder "Hey, sorry about him Vee, if theres something you don't want to tell us, you don't have to." assured Masha. "We didn't mean to push so far." Masha turns toward the offender, "Diego." They enunciate.
Vee didn't her most of what Masha said. Where Masha tried to reassure her, Vee only heard an accusation. 'something you don't want to tell us' sounded more like 'You're hiding something, aren't you Vee.' And what did that last part mean? Could they tell she was panicking? WHY DID THEY SOUND ANGRY?
They'reGoingToForce AnswersOutOfmeNobodyTrustsMe-
Everything turned blurry, she was hyper aware of all the sounds of the room closing in on her. Her heartbeat was in her ears, everyones voices blended into a cocophony She needed to get away She's clammy and very sweaty-
It's queit, what changed, is there still danger?
She heard breathing, not her own, someone elses, not her own, and it makes her realize how quick she's breathing. She tries to slow down, matching the pace of the other person. 
When she finally steadied herself (it felt like several minutes but also less than one) She opened her eyes (They were closed?) and sees Masha sitting on her knees on the bed in front of her (She doesn't remember getting into this corner). They continued to demonstrate the breathing exercise, which they also did with their hands.
Vee thinks she remembers something like this happening at camp, but isn't sure right now. Masha gestured their hands out wide, clearly asking if it was okay if they could give a hug. 
You don't deserve one, her brain tells her. No, she shakes her hehead.
Masha sits with her, and they both breath. Such a simple act, filled with so much understanding. You doesn't deserve Masha. 
She's now aware enough to know how mean she's being to herself. She spots her other friends sitting in the middle of the room, Dego on the floor while Samantha sits in the desk chair. She gives a meek wave and they wave back without keeping eye contact. They look ashamed, Masha must've given them a talking to.
"Hi guys, sorry you had to see that," she knew she shouldn't be apologizing, but this whole situation never would've happened if she was truthful from the beginning. 
"No Vee, this wasn't your fault." Says Masha
Sam adds in "We're sorry. Diego said he should've realised before he asked that. And I'm sorry for getting so uptight about answers." Sam makes eye contact at the end, though it almost looks like she's scrutinizing Vee's face-
-She spins to look at the mirror and sees a splotchy mess of skin on her face. One could confuse it for vitiligo -a skin condition she learned some humans have- if not for the fact her face was previously a single solid shade of brown. 
Her hair is now completely blue, and a bit shorter, exposing her ears in their full glory. They must've been flapping like crazy during her panic attack.
Her sclera was blue, and took on the glossy sheen of an amphibious creature. 
None of those are human traits.
Her head snaps back towards Masha, cringing while waiting for a reaction.
"So..." They began. "I um. I like your ears?" They clerly want to say more, but refrains to be polite. "Once again, I don't wanna force you to answer. I've just got a lotta theories in my noggin right now and I would like to know the truth. But again, no pressure. Whetever the truth is, I'll try not to react badly." They finished by putting their hands up and smiling. 
Both looked at their friends who nodded. "Hey I'm cool with you being a shape-changing spirit, or some cryptid, or whatever you are. Again, I'm sorry." Sam smiles.
Diego nods and says "Ditto, what she said."
"And if you're not ready right now, we trust you. We just want you to be comfortable with us. You can talk later
Now was the time to come clean to her friends. It wasn't because she was backed into a corner. They let her keep her secrets if she really needed too.
Her eyes tear up, and the tears wetted her cheek. They trust her.
Hopefully they stayed true to their words. Here goes nothing.
"Um, Let me tell you about a place called the Boiling Isles"
She shapeshifts into her true skin for the first time in their presence.
Sam fellbackwards off her chair while Diego simply said "woah." After squeaking in a high pitch, Masha just stared, taking in the details of her true for  from her tail to her hair.
She could’ve eased the group in better, could've given them a better idea of what to expect. But flowery speeches were Luz’s deal, and Vee wanted to rip off the bandaid.
She hoped they  would share Mom and Luz's opinions on how non-threatening she looked. Masha looked far from disgusted at least, but she had no idea what was on Diego's mind.
Sam lifted her chair to defend herself, before realizing how it looked and set it down. Vee only now remembered Sam has a fear of snakes, Ophidiophobia if she's correct. 
She considered apologizing, but decided against it, given this whole thing was mostly Sam's fault. She could be petty, she deserves it. She's definitely getting around to it later though.
they let her explain herself in full, with no interruptions. She told them about the titan, demon and witches. She wasn't quite ready to tell them how she was born, but she told them she pretended to be Luz for the summer.
Everyone's eyes grew wide at the admission, and it looked like they had something to say. Then they looked in her eyes and she gave a look that said she never wanted to hurt them.
She didn't expect them to start joking around so quickly after several earth shattering revelations, but she could tell that they wanted to lighten the mood before discussing them.
They were also being super frustrating about the cute comments.
“I'm not cute. Luz calls everything cute, like. Possums, for one.” She scrunches her face, “and she didn't even bat an eye at a bunch of talking rats!” 
“Your face looks like a cat,” says Diego, his mouth curved in an uncharacteristicly mischievous grin. “But like, a bald cat that fell in a can of green paint.” He teases. 
"Hey, you up for that hug yet, Vee?" Masha smiled that pretty gap toothed smile, and Vee felt her resolve shatter. 
"Y'know what? yeah. I could use one." Vee agreed.
"Want to make it four?" They asked, to which Vee nodded.
Vee tightly hugged Masha, and they embraced. With Vees hace in the crook of their neck, she wrapped her tail around Diego who had moved behind her. "Sweet" he simply remarked.
Masha looked at where Sam sat crisscrosed, hand hovering over Vee's tail hesitsntly. "Hey, you know she's not slimy, right?" Masha indignantly asked. "She's also warmer than I expected, she barely even feels like a snake. More like what I imagine a dragon would be like." Masha blinked "Can you turn into a dragon?" Masha almost shouted.
Vee shrugged, Sam insisted "But do I have to?"
"Yeah, get over here dummy!" Vee wrapps the end of her tail around Sam's midsection. Vee thinks she looks a bit pale.
"Geez it must be 'everybody bully Sam hour' today! Really, I'm still sorry," Sam defends. 
"You were a jerk, you owe me something expensive!"
Diego and Masha laughed at Sams expression, Vee leans deeper into Masha's hug. 
"You okay Vee-Vee?" masha softly asks.
"Yeah," Vee looks around at her friends. getting an idea.
"Cabin seven!"
"HOO HAA HAA!" chorused four voices
"I love you guys." whispered the shapeshifter amongst her closest friends.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Masha/Vee (The Owl House), Vee & Cabin 7 Characters: Vee (The Owl House), Masha (The Owl House), Vee's Friends (The Owl House) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, theyre words, Reality check, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, First Meetings, Implied Relationships, pansexual disaster Vee Noceda, this tag doesnt yet excist and its a crime, oblivious vee, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Masha is in this story obviously cus theyre great, Nonbinary Character, roof talks, Cabin 7, Is that enough tags?, Additional tags to be added if needed, POV Third Person, or poVee, Self Confidence Issues Summary:
Vee opened her mouth to protest, when Masha continued,
"No, you can't be Luz," they mused. There was no fear or confusion in their tone, only a quiet curiosity. Vee felt like a small, cornered animal, being stalked and circled by a slitherbeast- completely paralysed, unable to tear her eyes from Masha, who seemed to be completely chill about all of this. "Because I've met Luz, and she didn't get the words right," they nodded to their right arm. Vee followed the nod, and stared at the wrist in quiet disbelief. Masha had stopped covering their wrist, unveiling the still smouldering phrase.
Vee's disguise would've been perfect, were it not for the strange words that appeared on her wrist. What do they mean, who is this person called Masha who makes Vee feel weird around them, and why are they so interested in her?
A soulmarks veesha story because there werent any yet and i needed to solve that.
this is my second favorite thing ive ever written i love it so much
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chrzannekk · 4 months
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we as a society need more camp camp yuri
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I literally love your fanfic so much I made a printed copy for myself.
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Since the Stranger Things and TOH brain rot took over my brain during NaNoWriMo (and a really rough time for me and my family) it means THE LITERAL WORLD to me that you dug it THAT MUCH.
(Maybe I need my own copy now.)
A billion thanks!
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