#masky x oc
carlarosenakilah · 9 months
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He just murdered someone and he needs comfort
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miss-atena · 1 year
Hello brother, it is I, the tallest mfer in the planet earth.
I wanted to request a Tim Wright x oc (you already know who) where its just teeth rotting fluff, bc u know... i love him and theres not enough content of him. Only if its okay with u of course!!
-ur best bud
Ah yes... Jupiter my beloved and behated. Stop asking for this on anon, Cris i know it's u. Also YOU ARE NOT TALL AT ALL STOP GASLIGHTING MY FOLLOWERS!!!
aham, anyway
Jupiter Volkomenn x Tim Wright (fluff)
Jupi is known to be caring for most of the pastas, but when it comes to his relationship with Tim, it is up by 1000%
Tim teases him a lot about "how he could be a great husband".
As a reply, Jupi picks him up bridal style (tall mf) and makes Tim blush like crazy.
On the occasion they both have a day off of killing, which is very rare, Tim follows Jupi like a lost puppy.
He can't help it, it's that or his cigarettes to make him calm the fuck down from his anxiety
While Tim does paperwork in his room, Jupi hugs him from behind, trying to irritate him with little jokes and commentaries.
At the end of the day, if one is stressed, they will cuddle. Even if Jupi is taller than Tim, if he is feeling down Tim will try to be the big spoon.
They are only really lovey dover when alone. And will go on dates on the woods, because they aren't alone in the manor.
Hope you like it! I'm still getting used to writing OCs lmao
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authormeat · 10 months
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Quite The Party
They are there for business they promise
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eyygee · 1 year
I summoned them out of their graves.
(Rook is my creepypasta OC)
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raythekiller · 1 year
I’m happy to be apart of the family!! I’ve chosen 🫧anon btw, because who doesn’t like bubbles :)
my little request is the creeps or proxies and how they’d be helpful during that lovely time of month, because me and my cramps need some comfort while I crave 🤯. Of course you’re welcome to add our favorite boy, lane.
again, please to join this community of anons!!
🗒 ❛ Reader On Their Period ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: sry it took a while to answer this one ive got over 40 asks in my inbox-
pronouns used: none, gn! afab! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
This piece of shit jerk will most likely be grossed out by it, like he doesn't come home covered in someone else's aids infested blood on a daily basis. "But it's different!-" yeah yeah, sure thing, Jeffrey. Will at most throw you a heat pack, but from a distance, he doesn't want to get cooties or whatever it is that you have.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Again, he died when he was about twelve, I doubt his parents gave him the talk™ before he hit the shits. After you explain it to him, he's mortified. Will actually act like you're dying. If you show any signs at all of being in pain he'll rush you over to EJ whether you like it or not, but when you're fine he just tries to help distract you with videogames.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He's used to it because of Lyra, so he knows what to do. Steals any product you might need, like snacks, tampons and pain killers and gives you lots of cuddles. Also gives you a warm blanket and rubs your stomach whenever your cramps get a bit much. Deadass treats you like royalty.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Come on guys, he's a doctor, he knows his shit. If you're in pain he'll make you a medicine cocktail that will get rid of issues you didn't even know you had. Though he's not the most physically affectionate - you'll have to ask if you're needy and want attention. If you do manage to cuddle him, it actually helps with the cramps because of how warm he is.
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Assuming you're dating, he's actually a lot more gentle with you during this time of the month, knowing you can get a bit moody. Makes sure you always have enough tampons and pain killers. Might even give you a massage if you ask nicely. Feels bad about seeing you in pain, so he might take you to EJ as well if it's a bit much.
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Did you know orgasms help with period cramps? It's true. That is his first suggestion when you complain about being in pain and you're not totally sure whether he's kidding or not (he's not). Overall, like Toby, also steals any supplies you might need and cuddles you if you need some attention, finding you cute when you're needy like this.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
They take care of all your chores so you can just lay down and relax. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, they've got it all covered, you just lay there and look pretty. Cooks you your favorite food and puts on your favorite movie for you to watch while you both cuddle under the covers. Hates seeing you in pain, so they rub your stomach as well to try and help you feel a bit better.
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cherrytreegrove · 8 days
My Creepypasta Headcanons
These might get me some hare but idc, y’all have your own opinions and these are mine. Luv y’all <3
I also headcanon that it hurts when Jeff smiles because of his cut smile, so he doesn’t smile often. (And laughing hurts like hell)
Slender is a father figure (fight me). He cares enough to feed them and makes sure their hygiene is good, and gives them their own rooms. When it comes to conflict between pastas, he kinda couldn’t give two shits, as long as no one is killing each other and shit is getting done
Lazari, Sally, and lifeless Lucy get along. They have little tea parties together, they also talk shit, and play dress up together.
Slender has a file system, with color, and no one knows what the colors mean.
Sully is kinda just a demon that lives in Liu’s body.
EJ isn’t allowed to cook (he once tried to feed everyone organs) not that some of them don’t eat organs, just that some of them would like actual food.
BEN can control whether he’s a transparent ghost or a physical being
The Mansion is an actual mansion, it isn’t in perfect condition but enough to live in (they do live in the underworld) it’s clean enough.
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The mansion has a movie marathon every Friday. Weather it’s horror movies, comedies, etc
Everyone’s rooms are kinda just doors to a pocket dimension.
When BEN gets pissy, he turns off/ glitches all electronics in the mansion.
Jane has attempted to kill Jeff multiple times, but they’re immortal, so now she just does it to annoy him.
Slender has a chore chart, it consists of cleaning the living room, kitchen, picking up smiles poop, cleaning grinny’s litter box, doing laundry, etc (they all take turns)
Toby isn’t the ‘MASKY!! WAFFLES!!’ of the fandom, he’s (again like Jeff) tired. He’s kinda annoyed by the hyperactive pastas; LJ
The slender brothers visit for holidays (Offender doesn’t exist to me)
Everyone has a human disguise, to find their victims.
Yes, there is a war between Zalgo’s minions and the Slender-Alliance
Angel cuts everyone hair (except Jeff, no one touches his hair)
Riku wakes everyone up, picks up their clothes, and clean after everyone (even though Slender has told her she doesn’t have to)
Angel and Hope are everyone’s sugar mamas.
Hope has the biggest closet.
No one can keep secrets from Zuri, she’s too smart.
Kyoka’s Aromatic & Acesexual
Luna, Jane, Masky, and Hoodie are everyone’s bodyguards.
Everyone has a curtain partner for group missions.
The Angel gang don’t live in the slender mansion, they live in the old Russian castle
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Kyoka doesn’t belong to Angel, she’s slender’s proxy.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 days
Mentors and Their Shadows | Part 1
Proxies X GN!Reader
[Warnings: Nothing, really]
[AN: It's... a very general fic. I wanted to write about proxy society, all that kind of jazz. Will be a part 2. Wallace, Ruth and Nyein are mine. 1.8K words]
Reblogs are appreciated!
“Go entertain yourself,” Wallace hums. His voice is low and much too tired. His glassy eyes stare over the scene as you anxiously fidget beside him. He adjusts his coat slightly and looks down at you. There, you see a ghost of a smile on his lips. 
You take in the atmosphere. Loud, raucous, but surprisingly not as destructive as Theo had told you it might be. The scent of proxies fills the air alongside blood, alcohol, and some lysol in a vain attempt to keep the place clean as per the Operator’s orders. The lights here are yellowed and dimmed, some bulbs are red. In your peripheral vision, you can see your group’s independent slinking off much like the overgrown cat they are, accompanied by your group’s right hand, Theo. The blue eyed man sends a barely reassuring grin your way before pushing against some other group’s poor runt telling them to watch themself. To the left of you stands Ruth, your group’s middle child. She’s at your side, a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
You gulp slightly when you feel Wallace and Ruth’s eyes on you. “What?” You ask. 
“Stop over thinking it,” Ruth says to you. She sets her eyes on the crowd, seemingly looking for someone dear to her. Proxies aren’t supposed to have connections to anyone other than the Operator, but if relationships costuming as human keep them sane, he has yet to hammer them with a ban. 
Wallace stretches a bit and nods in agreement. He knows it’s your first time in one of these places. Well, first might be an exaggeration, but he knows you’re a bit of a velcro runt. Why wouldn’t you be? The Operator stole you unfairly, and here you are, attached to your group’s hip. Your group leader, he wants you to be comfortable navigating this space by yourself in case you’re ever separated. Why not now? It’s a perfect time as ever. He knows he’s right there in case you need him, Ruth is always watching, Theo as well and Nyein can sniff out trouble from a mile away. This safe zone is particularly safe, and not too uptight. Mirror Mountain has always been loved by independents and proxies alike. 
Slowly, you nod. “Okay.”
Ruth smiles and pats your back, “nice, you got this.” She shimmies away from you to find that proxy dear to her and taps at her temple reminding you much like an older sister might of head-talk, a proxy’s unique bond with their group should anything go south. 
You turn your head to the side to see Wallace off as well only to find he’s disappeared in the crowd. Though, if you focus hard enough, you can hear his worn laughter as he talks to an eyeless cannibal with a Polish accent about where he’s been all these weeks. You’re aware of some of the local legends in the Operator’s society. He runs around with favorites, but names like the ones you’re sharing space with tonight are all well known and beloved. 
Fate would have it that, after a few minutes of awkwardly moving around various proxies that have been in the game longer than you, that you would find a seat at the table of the Operator’s most beloved group. Perhaps ‘beloved’ isn’t the right word, but they’re definitely favored. 
Masky, otherwise known as Tim Wright, is surrounded by cigarette smoke. Mirror Mountain is one of the only proxy spaces that allows him to smoke as much as he does, or rather, it’s one of the only safe zones where his right hand doesn’t complain to him to stop. His right hand is Hoodie, or Brian Thomas, and their middle children are Toby, and Kate the Chaser. They have no runt ever since Kate broke free from her runt status, and are not accompanied by any independents except for the few that pair up with them on operations as per the Operator’s orders. 
So, here you sit across from the two men, a leader and his right hand, once again awkwardly messing with the hem of your shirt and scared to even look them in the eye. Wallace isn’t usually insane about adhering to proxy social norms, but respecting leaders and their right hands is of utmost importance to him as a leader himself. 
“We’ve seen you around before,” Masky says as he puffs out smoke from his cigarette. “We’re actually due for working with you soon,” he muses as he casts a look to Hoodie, who nods to confirm the statement. He leans back in his chair to show his comfort and as he does so, studies you closely. You’re nervous, but not incapable. Just anxious to be around him and Hoodie. It makes him chuckle softly. “You remind me of someone,” he says in passing. 
Hoodie rolls his eyes in response. “He means you’re an anxious little shit,” he says point blank. His eyes twinkle with mischief, mostly to let you know he’s playing before he too adjusts his posture to show his comfort around you. When you pull a small face, Hoodie snorts a laugh. You remind him so much of Kate when he’d pull her leg too. 
They ask about you despite knowing so much already. Who are you? Where did you come from? What has the hazing process been like for you so far? It’s quite pleasant, honestly. You haven’t been afforded a real conversation in quite some time, so having it with a group that isn’t yours is a nice surprise. You’re able to voice so many thoughts in your head and not have to risk your group breathing down your neck about it despite generally liking your group. You tell them about your experiences working, but there’s a surprising lack of being enmeshed in the Operator’s society. 
“This is my first time in a place like this,” you say. “I mean, I guess, not a first but I haven’t been in these places long enough to know what to… do. Etiquette?” You attempt to explain. You’re much more relaxed as you share their company now. You stretch just a little bit, a nonverbal sign of comfort and clear your throat. 
“Did you want anything to drink?” He asks as a formality, wanting to sew good tidings between his group and yours even though you, as a runt, are subject to abuse from nearly every proxy ranking above you. However, Hoodie believes that groups he’s due to work with should have slightly better, more preferable treatment as opposed to those he’s barely made acquaintanceship with. So, you get treated a bit nicer even if you’re just a runt in his eyes. 
“Just water, please.” 
Hoodie nods once more, and then whistles. When a lowly independent walks by, he greets them politely and asks for a glass of water. You raise your brows in surprise, never really having seen other proxies treat independents like they’re equals outside of your group - and even your Theo treats them awfully. 
“We work a lot with independents,” Masky covers to satiate your budding curiosity. “I’m sure you heard of Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned,” he trails off, listing off well known friends, “Hood, Toby, Kate and I have never been fans of being dicks for the sake of status,” he shrugs to end his statement. Masky shares a small glance with his right hand, and a million thoughts rush through their shared stream of consciousness. Masky leans forward and smiles at the independent who briefly cuts in to place the glass of water down on the table before he slides it over to you and urges you to take a sip. “You don’t have a mentor, do you?” He inquires, very curious on the subject of you appropriately merging into proxy society. The dark haired man had already assumed appropriately that you didn’t, but he just wanted to hear it directly from you. 
“Ruth’s mentioned wanting me to find one, she says that Ny doesn’t count,” you tell them. You slide your index finger over the rim of the glass and feel the cool, smooth texture under your touch. The warmth of body heat in the room seems to die down as you raise the glass to your lips and start to drink some of the water. You feel calmed having some, more prepared to talk to proxies that are being surprisingly gentle to you. “But I never really see any independents outside of when we’re… here,” you finish with a soft chuckle. How are you meant to get experience if none is provided? 
Hoodie clears his throat and looks around, “where’s your leader?”
You cock your head to the side but ask inside your head. In your mind’s eye, you can visualize your voice as a wave of light. It bounces, and takes on the color of your soul. It’s odd that proxies even have souls, in your opinion. 
‘Where are you?’
‘Near the back drinking some beer with EJ. Why?’
‘Hoodie is asking.’
‘What? Stay right there.’
You blink a few times to break out of the trance head talk often puts new proxies in and turn your attention back to the men sitting in front of you. Hanging off to the side of them with a keen eye is Toby himself. He’s got a stupid little red cup of redbull vodka but he’s invested in whatever the hell is going on between his leader, right hand and you even as he sips his drink. It’s odd how in tune you are with your own group. You can feel Wallace’s footsteps like the beating of your own heart. He doesn’t sound upset, more so annoyed that he knows why the two of them are asking. 
Slinking up from behind you is Wallace. His eyes still carry that glazed, dead look but he’s subtly stewing at the insinuation Hoodie and Masky have thrown his way. “What do you need?” His voice is clipped, like he’d rather be drinking instead of holding an audience with them. 
“You’re embarrassing,” Masky says in response. “You’ve had this one for… 6 months already? Not even let them find a mentor?” He challenges. 
It’s just like proxies to start a fight over something so minor. 
You lean forward to hear more and more of the conversation, feeling Wallace’s hand grip on your shoulder as he defends not forcing you to find a mentor sooner, and Masky’s biting responses that question Wallace’s ability as a group leader. You lean further and further before feeling yourself gripped back when Wallace lunges, and Masky and Hoodie laugh. 
You gasp softly as gloved hands grip you from the back of your neck like a dog might it’s puppy and shove you away from the budding fight. “Eh, you don’t wanna see that,” Toby’s low voice chuckles. “Come on, I’ll solve the independent bit with you.” He gives you a toothy grin, you can see his teeth pressed together from the open cheek he has, while he guides you towards a different part of the bar. 
You glance over your shoulder to hear the commotion caused by your group leader, now your right hand, and Toby's.
"It's really nothing special," Toby quips.
You look forward and then up at him. "Independents?"
"Yeah, some of the best are here tonight."
He smiles.
And you do too.
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hatemekindsirr · 1 year
MASKY(TIM J, WRIGHT) IS NOT A CREEPYPASTA AND NEITHER IS HOODIE(Brian Thomas); let me explain. Tim Wright is something from marble hornets that was contacted in 2009. marble hornets is A mini series that conforms into a analog horror/Slasher genre concept.
The operator is NOT slender man. It was concepts from the idea of Slenderman and turn it into something else. Slenderman is a being that can very much do anything at it once and has the urge to kill everything and everyone. The operator drives the people around it to kill each other, and mostly only appears on cameras it seems.
 and I’m really tired of scrolling through my feed trying to get a Tim Wright x Reader without being how he is a creepy-pasta. And too all that don’t know Plus, if you put the cheesecake joke into your fanfics; it was a fat joke made by Redditor’s in 2012 with marble hornets had a sudden burst of popularity.
And me personally as a person who loves marble hornets and loves Tim wright And Brain Thomas, I am very much sure that I am not the only one that’s a little pissed off by this. if you like Tim wright and you like Brian Thomas please watch the series and understand that most the concepts you’ve heard has probably either been wrong or misconception.
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nathantheauthor · 1 month
"𝙃𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙, 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙖𝙢. 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚."
Toby by Madame Macabre.
Y'all were desperate for him, he won by a massive majority vote... So I present my take on Ticci Toby, as well as some of his relationships and what he's doing now, and fair warning, it's HEFTY. I do have to lay out a couple things before we actually get into his rewrite, because they are important for his character in the long run, especially to understand his story and themes.
The first of these articles that I have to lay out first is the concept and existence of Ripper Inc, as that is where he is currently aligned. The concept of Ripper Inc is the closest thing to the Creepypasta Family you will get in this universe, I found family and sort of reformation program for serial killers and monsters, pointing their homicidal tendencies and destructive capabilities towards those more deserving. Jack Revver (oc), the living skeleton behind it, has also turned it into a safe haven and protection for those hunted by or once influenced by cosmic entities such as Slenderman, Zalgo or even The Rake and HABIT. it's essentially giving characters that would have been better people under any other circumstance that chance to be better. Pastas who hunt pastas in a way. It also makes them celebrities, but I'm not going to get into that aspect as I'll see the faction itself for its own blog post.
The other main thing we need to get out of the way is that this variant of Toby was very much made out of spite for what the fandom did to him, and has also since become spite towards his creator. This doesn't mean his original origin is very much intact, but there are several changes that neither would have expected or planned out, in fact I don't even call him "Ticci Toby" at all, he's just... Toby. And I'll get into that and why later on in this post. But I present a more faithful reimagining of Toby Rogers.
Now! Let's actually get into it, and I want to start with something that does affect his design a little bit, and that is his equipment!
My Toby comes strapped with dual holsters and two sheathes, as well as two ammo belts wrapped around him. The reason for this being while he's still sports his iconic hatchets that reside within the dual sheets, the holsters and the ammo belts contains flare gun and a sig sauer P365, as well as their ammo.
Kind of the reason for the guns is because I always felt it a little bit weird that proxies mostly were given only melee weapons, especially in a world where any house you can break into you can just get shot. So, of course, Toby adapted and got the Sig Sauer, the flare gun was something he picked up afterwards, which out of universe is a reference to the burning of his house, but in universe it is a tool for hunts and just... Yeah, he won't hesitate to shoot somebody with it. Does he prefer melee? Yes, but he knows he's always going to be able to get close.
I've kind of made Toby into the asshole with a heart of gold archetype, he's a tsundere. Toby is rude, brutally honest, snarky and has sassy, but somewhat dry sense of humor. He's prone to depressive episodes, he's an overall conflicted person, one that's not even sure that he deserves redemption. I'm writing him that's how I see the natural progression of the original Kastaway Toby as a person.
I should also note that Toby does in fact have a small list of powers, as these are the baseline abilities I gave every single proxy. Toby has Captain America levels of strength, speed, agility and durability, as well as a healing factor that allows him to heal from minor wounds in a matter of 10 minutes and substantial damage in a couple hours.
One of the key distinctions between him and a lot of variants is the fact that when we first see him he's already been a proxy for years, he's in his mid 20s now, hell, he was already legally an adult by the time he was proxified, he was 19 during the events TICCI TOBY. I wanted to be more accurate to his source material for his age, as he's constantly getting shoved into the younger brother type role among a lot proxy interpretations, but he's not THAT young, he's at least a grumpy middle child.
Toby by the time we meet him is not a good person, but he can't be described as truly evil either, he's a victim of the world's darker side, from the cruelty of children to manipulators, a lot of his life was decided for him. But that doesn't excuse the things he's done, cuz ultimately, doing the things he's done are still, maybe out of necessity, but that doesn't make it any better.
Toby absolutely hates being referred to as Ticci Toby, the reason for this comes from the fact that this has been a name used throughout his life growing up to demean and mock his tourettes, to break him down, it's a nickname synonymous with bullying. This is something I've always kind of disliked the fandom form, using the story title as his code name instead of giving him a new one, so for this rewrite... During his team as a proxy, well, they call him "Matchbook". A permanent reminder the scorching fire he left his old home in, and a nod to the end result of a lot of his missions. However, nowadays he merely goes by "Toby", wanting to distance himself from his past and start anew.
Now, I'm sure this is what you're waiting for, the actual meat of his character, how I've completely restructured and rewritten his years as a proxy and what comes after. And we'll close out the thread with a lot of his relationships with those around him.
Toby's early time is a proxy was very much constant work, hit jobs, information scrubbing, stalking, and even stealing from police stations. A mind controlled pawn willing to do any odd job, he had nothing but orders left. It wouldn't be until after the first month that he would be brought to the "mansion", a dilapidated manner on the outside, but the interior was absolutely pristine, and it seemed to stretch on forever. In fact, it did, but other oddities were present as well, such as a door quite literally growing a name plate for him, or the living doll and undead nurse running around. Not that he could really feel anything towards it all other than cold and difference, that was the blessing of this situation, it was no longer just the physical pain that he didn't feel, but matters of the heart either for a time.
Of course emotional numbness didn't stay forever, and some of those around him began to become like family, a clawed entrance guard, a stoic tunnel dweller, a crimson artist, a fallen cop and even a missing soldier, they were the first things he's had to emotional connections since he vanished that night. He finally and fully settled into his life, knowing there was no way back for him and nor did his slender sickness riddled mind want to go back, he was a proxy to the end, a puppet on strings dancing to the static beat.
And it would be that way for the majority of his time as a proxy, mission after mission, and time spent with the few proxies he had gotten close to. Eventually it culminated into what would be his final day as a proxy for a long while. Thinking that Toby's ties had been completely broken, and that his missing memories we're finally and fully lost. During the final year as a proxy Toby was given a single mission, to hunt down and kill a woman who'd been close to figuring out his identity, an ultimately he did track her, and with pistol drawn... He found himself unable to fire, because what stood before him was his mother and everything came flooding back.
It was after this moment that Toby went on the run, taking his mother with him, and for months they were constantly moving, trying to throw off any of their would be hunters. A miracle fell into they're laps, as he saw her for the first time, Jane Phoenix. With the two of them brought before the skeleton, Jack Revver, their days of being hunted was over, as well Toby did not have the context for it at the time, deals were pulled to guarantee his safety.
The trio together, Toby Rogers, Jack Revver and Jane Phoenix, formed the organization known as Ripper Inc, Hired guns that handle contracts that I wanted Dead or alive, jobs that are usually considered suicide missions. It was because of a public incident regarding them that the world found out about the existence of monsters, but the veil of secrecy around the paranormal and supernatural have been truly shattered.
And this was his life for a while, he became a celebrity, he was free from the reign of the Slender Man, and most importantly, he'd found family and saved his mother. But nothing good lasts, and ultimately, in the same year, there would come again that shattered him once more. Didn't always been a hot shot, for all the months you've known her, but he never expected her to chase down Jeffrey Forester by herself, and there were three things that happened that night. Jane with ultimately be slain by the very man who made her what she is, a grieving Revver would be cited carrying her body through the streets in a vain attempt to get her help... And Toby returned to the proxies, he sought emotional numbness once more. How could he not? She was 19, she was the very age that he started at. A twisted mirror of sorts.
So yeah, that's all like pre-story open, that's all set before 2017. So this is where we first meet him, this is where we first pick up. In September of 2017, Jack Revver tracked him down once more, pulling him out alongside Heather Marshall, and with the choice to take one more. See unbeknownst to Toby, a truce had been formed, an agreement reached for reasons that only a couple years later he would find out.
There was a new found family, made of three familiar faces and a new one, he he hadn't ever met Bethany (Nina) before, but it heard about what Forester did to her family once they reach the offices, he felt... A sort of responsibility. Years have passed since then, and we're currently in the year of 2025. He has found a new family fully, been able to spend time with his mother, befriended other people like him, and even been on talk shows. Toby's.... Living a future he could have never seen. Often times he's still not even sure if it's deserved, he's killed countless, burned and destroyed homes and lives, but he's basically living the high life now.
He's in a high position the boot, as a founding member and one of the highest ranking members of Ripper Inc, and he almost gets the feeling, he's going to be the next head. Revver always told him of bright future, and often times Toby gets the impression that Revver is talking like he's going to die.
So, yeah, that's kind of where we are and where we leave him for now, so let's get into character relationships and dive into what his relationships were with his fellow proxies and the Ripper Inc family.
Proxy relationships:
Slenderman is probably one of the people he hates the most, if not his most hated. He is his a manipulator and abuser, the creature that's quite possibly the one who orchestrated his entire life to be as miserable as it has been. His freedom from the creatures control is something he's never going to give up again.
One of his most iconic dynamics, we'll dive into how he feels about Masky. He hates him. Toby and Tim often fight, Toby often pointing out the hypocrisy and arrogance in Tim's words, and Tim is often quick to point out Toby's lack of teamwork and rude attitude. Toby considers Tim to be a self-righteous and self-serving bastard. He hopes they never cross paths in a professional line of work again.
Hoodie is also rather hated Toby, and a good portion of this is due to the fact that hoodie does not care about people, he's begun to only focus on the mission. His indifference frustrates and worries Toby, making it so he'd deny in mission that he has to work with him.
His dynamic with Kate is probably one of the most healthy he has amongst the proxies, having formed a sort of sibling dynamic over the years. And even now, they're rather close, meeting up at the tunnels Kate spends most of her time every now and then. She's often one of the people Toby invites to the Christmas parties and ALWAYS shows up for his birthdays.
Toby and Own Allastar happy weather unique dynamic, much like Kate, he feels a sibling role, however he was the first to encourage Toby to pursue his hobbies outside of the missions, that a weapon wasn't the only thing he had to be. He was probably one of the most true friends Toby had ever had, and still is. The Red Artist's artistic depiction of Toby hangs within his bedroom.
Toby has very mixed feelings about Cody, this boy was made to replace him, he had been indoctrinated during Toby's months away. Ultimately, he believes X-Virus to be a good kid deep down, but can't bring himself to look the boy in the eye. He can't stand looking at his reflection, it makes him sick to his stomach.
His dynamic with Nightmare Ally is certainly a strange one, well they aren't on negative terms, he wouldn't consider them friends either, even if she still does occasionally help him, it's more of work acquaintances. And Toby is rather thankful she's one of the ones that often shows up as aid thanks to the truce.
His relationship with Ashlie is. . . Unique. They were briefly an item, he can safely say he's dated the boss's daughter. Although, the relationship died due to the lack of expression and communication on her side.
His relationship with Gregory Blaine is probably one of his most important, he was the small injections of morality back into Toby throughout his years as a proxy. Archive was, and is an essential part of Toby's foundations for the present. The former cop wasn't like the rest of the proxies, is frog's vacation wasn't made out of a choice to save the woman he loved. . . Toby respects that, maybe even envies it.
Probably the most surprising one, was Eric Watson, a former soldier who served in the Middle East after events of 9/11. Wildcard as they called him, was the very man that taught Toby how to shoot. The friendship they've shared is one Toby never could have predicted, and in recent years. . . He's lost contact, he's unsure where he went.
Tooru Jirou is someone Toby has VERY conflicted feelings towards, they get along well, and he does feel sympathy for her situation. . . But at the same time you can't exactly deny but it's all her own fault, play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Adrenaline is definitely living with her stupid prize, whether she wants to or not. Regardless, they do often work closely together, she's even convinced him to appear on her streams.
Ripper Inc relationships:
Jack Revver is sort of the father Toby never had, a source of guidance and often the first to help him pick himself back up. Revver has shown Toby levels of kindness he's rarely seen outside select people, an unmatched sense of generosity and patience towards him. They'd start Ripper Inc together with Jane Phoenix, and it's made the two's bond unbreakable.
Toby's friendship with Jane Phoenix was like that of siblings, they bickered and fought, but deep down they always cared for the other. He still feels a sense of responsibility for what happened to her, despite knowing it wasn't his fault.
Bethany Gent (Nina Hopkins) is another he has found himself quite close with, as if using his sense of guilt and responsibility over what happened to Jane as a building block to protect Nina despite everything. She's a victim, just like him, and just like Jane was. Nina is one of the few people that can get him to go out shopping, acting as a sort of little sister dragging her older brother around. He'll never admit that it's kinda fun, he'd rather die first.
He's known Heather since their days as proxies, she'd served as a secondary motherly figure, somebody he could always depend on, one of the few cornerstones. Even now, he's still close with her, often going on missions together. Their bond has become inseparable. Rouge is one of his closest friends.
Liu Woods is, well, they get along alright, but he can't exactly really tell how he actually feels about the man, they haven't exactly going out of their way to befriend each other. Their relationship is strictly professional.
Nurse Ann used to greatly scare Toby, her methods we're far from humane or rational, but nowadays, he's doing quite close to the undead nurse, Annabelle Mia being his most trusted medical professional. They bonded over a shared distaste for Tim.
Jane and Mary Richardson have quickly become some of his closest friends, the two serving as elder sisters to him, with Mary often checking up on his mother for him while he's on a mission, and Jane serving as his personal trainer in hand to and combat. He's forever grateful to have met the married couple, they've had a positive impact on his life.
Eyeless Jack. . . Frankly scares him, such an unpredictable individual and one he could never spot unless he made his presence known. Sure, he'd trust EJ with field medical work, but just how literally talked and how hard it was to tell he was there in the first place. . . It just rather makes Toby uncomfortable.
His relationship with Korbyn JumpingEagle is one with a lot bumps, as initially she didn't truly understand his personality and who he was, and instead would opt to nag him and hit him with her trademark sass. Of course, overtime is they've become friends, given a couple near death experiences, it tends to bond people. They both pulled a better understanding of each other nowadays, even occasionally joking with each other.
Sally Williams and Lazari Swan are like the annoying youngest siblings to him, much like corbin, they were under the protection of Revver... And he's often found himself begrudgingly joining their tea parties or playing pretend with them. He for some reason just can't bring himself to be as mean as usual with them.
His relationship with scarecrow can best be summoned up as enemies to friends, they did try to kill each other in their first encounter. Once the circumstances had changed, they bonded rather quickly over there shared trauma with cosmic horrors, he with Slender, and her with Zalgo. They work rather well on the battlefield together as well.
Zero frankly weirds him out, the tulpa's bizarre antics almost never make sense to him and he's begun to learn not to question it. They get along all right, but he can't help getting the feeling that somebody's always crying for help when he looks at her.
Sadako is probably one of the weirdest dynamics he's had, I mean, there's not really much proper planning you can do around a media ghost who can now just travel anywhere she wants to the internet. They are in fact friends, but it does tend to lead to awkward moments and comedic situations half the times she appears. But alas, there's nothing to do, if she's the information relay.
Samantha Revver has shown that much like her husband, she quickly took on a parental role, and even became quick friends with his actual mother. The vampire has been nothing but kind to him, even going as far as to teach him how to cough to help him be even further self-sufficient.
Jana Revver has shown as well, that kindness. She's playfully picked on and teeth toby, but at the end of the day they act like siblings, she acts like an elder sister and almost reminds him of. . . Lyra. The entire Revver family has been like a second family to him. He wouldn't trade their bond for anything.
Jeffrey Hodek is somebody that Toby can't help but pay, before joining up with the group he was just a washed up and retired killer I wanted to live a normal life, but of course, as Toby knows well. . . Normal isn't an option for people anymore. They've got a rather friendly relationship, but ultimately they don't talk too much. Hodek is much more likely to hide up in his room and rewatch shows and movies the 80s and 90s.
Clockwork is... Natalie Oulette is an individual that greatly concerns him with her behavior, and yet... He finds himself strangely wrong to her, and ultimately they have gotten together. More than once. They're dysfunctional, sure, but they're actively working to find a way to make it work. If any song would describe their dynamic, it'd Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay.
Wow, this took so much longer than I thought it would but welcome to the end of the Toby information! Hope ya like this ramble!
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carlarosenakilah · 1 year
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Mollie drank too much...
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stampsthemeow · 1 month
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They kiss
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mavis-luvsu · 9 months
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If I’m completely honest there is not NEARLY enough content about Alex, it’s a crime!!!
I’ve read like all of the good content on here and I’ve started looking at Ao3 and I think I’m just really bad at using it? Or there’s like no content for him there either (any tips for Ao3 navigating would be greatly appreciated)
And not to mention I’ve seen all of the edits of him!! 😭😭
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Guys!!!! So I'm doing this thing where I'm drawing different crp characters getting kisses n being held n shit and
I already have an idea for EJ (hes already got a sketch!!) And LJ (I aim to lay his out tonight, or tomorrow!!) But I have a pose/layout idea for a third one
Idk who to do it for
I wanna draw y/n grabbing at the front of someones shirt/coat and do lil kissy marks all over the persons face
But idk!!
Poll time!!
Ex. Of what I'm talking ab, with EJS wip!!
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Idk I love stuff like this, gimme the disembodied hands!!!!!!!
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volkskaa · 4 months
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I think this is really funny actually.
Oc is Kodi, canon is Masky from Marble Hornets. Dont cyberbully me. Thanks.
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^^^ Original image ^^^
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beelaboola · 5 months
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completed a commission! idk how i feel abt it haha
ive never rly drawn tim without his mask bfore so likeee
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venviouz · 2 years
Creepypasta oc — ⊗utlaw
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You can do random hcs or stuff, you can also ask abt her if you wanna. Flood my asks cuz im bored asf
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