#matt thurman
nofatclips · 2 years
Ed Gein's Dreamhouse, a Cyanide & Happiness short
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tygerland · 2 years
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Promo art for The House That Jack Built (2018).
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cinematokgraph · 2 months
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illustraction · 2 months
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KILL BILL VOL.1 & 2 (2003-2004) - AMP: ALTERNATIVE MOVIE POSTERS (Part 4/10)
Tarantino's movies were heaven sent for designers who reimagined many of his iconic scenes thru fantastic AMP / limited edition prints.
Two of them, ie the 2 volumes of KILL BILL spawned so many great new Alternative posters as you can see above (Click on each image for details).
Director: Quentin Tarantino Actors: Uma Thurman, David Carradine
ALL OUR AMP / Limited edition prints ARE HERE
If you like this entry, check the other 9 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archives
All our NEW POSTERS are here All our ON SALE posters are here
The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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vampirecorleone · 2 years
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365 Movies Challenge #200; The House That Jack Built (2018) dir. Lars Von Trier: “ Some people claim that the atrocities we commit in our fiction are those inner desires which we cannot commit in our controlled civilization, so they're expressed instead through our art. I don't agree. I believe Heaven and Hell are one and the same. The soul belongs to Heaven and the body to Hell. “
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gotham-at-nightfall · 7 months
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X-Force #46
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laserpinksteam · 6 months
Film after film: Beautiful Girls (dir. Ted Demme, 1996)
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Thurman is surprisingly the best part of this heavily misogynistic film about sad-sack straight men chasing, for no apparent reason, the attention and affection of various women, some of whom (Sorvino, Plimpton, both good) fall for it. It has a pleasantly slow pace and it's long, but weirdly affective despite all the gender-politics-related bullshit. Hutton is an interesting anti-star, whose best role is still "Ordinary People": whenever I see him, I think he's still resting from this early acting gig. Dillon and Rappaport, predictably, play assholes. Arquette is very hot.
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cinemacentral666 · 10 months
The House That Jack Built (2018)
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Movie #1,082 • Ranking Lars von Trier #10
For the sake of changing shit up, I decided to watch the Lars von Trier filmography out of order. I formulated the order somewhat randomly, keeping the trilogies intact but otherwise jumping from era to era. Having completed his most recent work, 2018's The House That Jack Built, I can definitively say that this was a terrible idea.
[Ed. Note: In fact, it was such a bad idea that I quickly reverted to a mostly chronological viewing schedule.]
For starters, similarly to Peter Greenaway's later work, the director specifically references his own earlier work in this, inserting actual clips of films I've yet to see in the middle of the chaos. This is self-indulgence in its purest form and I am here for it, but damn if I could do it over again.
That being said, just as the enigmatic UK post-punk combo The Fall were famously described by DJ John Peel, I already feel you could ascribe the saying "always different, always the same" to Mr. Sunshine Lars von Trier as well. There are seemingly no parallels to his earlier work–aside from his devotion to utterly bleak and unending human pain — until, that is, you start seeing them everywhere: the handheld camerawork, his stark and repetitive use of non-diegetic pop music, period pieces that somehow feel like they don't belong to any timeframe, and so on and so on...
The House That Jack Built is actually the third major motion picture to have that title, The House That Jack Built. The first, a short silent drama film from England in the year 1900 clocking in at 54 seconds long, and the second, an 8-minute Canadian animated movie, are both direct adaptations of the nursery rhyme "This Is the House That Jack Built." The House That Jack Built (2018), if you can believe it, is not.
This is a 2.5-hour film about a serial killer played by Matt Dylan recounting his crimes to Roman poet Virgil as he descends the layers of hell. It's absurd by design but what's even more audacious are the sheer amount of themes LVT attempts to hit on here. Art, life, gender, death, just to name a few. Every pathway isn't a winner, but damn I kind of loved this for the effort alone. For as barebones as Dogma 95 attempted to be, the bulk of his career has been full-on maximalism. I've yet to feel bored watching any of his films.
From the opening of the New York Times feature piece, "Is Lars von Trier Trolling Us?"...
Near the end of my interview with Lars von Trier, I asked if he was trolling women in his latest, “The House That Jack Built.” He said he didn’t know what trolling meant, so I explained, even as I wondered if he was feigning ignorance and actually trolling me.
As if you couldn't take a man who looks like this at face value?!
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This question is certainly related to the thread in The House That Jack Built about how only men are the ones who are born guilty. And it is 100% a troll move. The troll is that he's baiting people into wanting to think that this is also, somehow, an idealization of that sentiment. But I don't know how you could watch this and actually think that men are innocent? Matt Dylan is LITERALLY a serial killer. I never felt a shred of sympathy towards him. That some ideas are offensive does not mean that you need feel offended by their existence.
On some level, I might agree with you that Trier is a master pilot… who can't land the plane. I think he excels in the ultra longform because he needs the room to try. There are so many big ideas at play and so many different styles, risks and tactics that there's nearly no chance of it all coming together. The beauty, in my eyes, is in the attempt. And if his films are filled with hate, it seems like a self-hate, for having the audience soldier on in the face of all these miserable thoughts and compulsions which he's brought to life. I can kinda relate. Life is confusing and weird and full of sadness. That checks out.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’ll be counting down all of Lars Von Trier’s movies right here at @cinemacentral666 every Thursday through September 2023
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b0nebr0thel · 2 years
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Not finished yet but i like it so far :)
mixed media on canvas
based on The House That Jack Built- 2018
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spearclosetcomics · 2 years
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X-Men #38 (2013) Seth Peck Paul Azaceta
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By: Matt Dathan
Published: Sep 29, 2023
Holding a view that does not subscribe to critical race theory is a protected characteristic under equality laws, a judge has ruled in what is believed to be a legal first in the UK.
Sean Corby, an employee of the government’s workplace conciliation service Acas, took the organisation to an employment tribunal after bosses ordered him to remove comments that he posted on social media that were critical of Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Corby had written that critical race theory, an ideology that believes racism is entrenched in society and which is at the heart of the BLM movement, is divisive because it portrays white people as racist.
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[ Corby argued that Martin Luther King’s methods of confronting racism in society were better than those of Black Lives Matter ]
He argued that a better approach to addressing racism in society was to follow the approach of Martin Luther King, who said we should aspire to a day when people would be judged by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.
Corby made the comments on Yammer, a workplace social media platform.
Some of Corby’s colleagues complained to Acas’ management that the comments were offensive and brought a grievance case against him. They claimed that he was “using the Yammer platform to promote racist ideas” and suggested he could be member of a far-right group. They also said they would not feel safe to be “in contact with him” and questioned his right to be employed by Acas.
Acas dismissed their complaints, but instructed Corby to remove the posts on the grounds that employees had found them offensive.
Corby has taken Acas to an employment tribunal, claiming he had been unlawfully discriminated against and his views were protected under the Equalities Act in the same way as his colleagues’ views on critical race theory. Religion or belief are among nine protected characteristics under the Equalities Act.
The Free Speech Union, which has supported Corby in his case against Acas, said his colleagues had wrongly tried to silence him.
Acas defended its decision to instruct him to remove his social media posts, arguing that what he was posting were only opinions, rather than beliefs and were subsequently not protected under the Equalities Act.
Employment Judge Kirsty Ayre, presiding over the case in Leeds in a three-day hearing earlier this month, ruled in Corby’s favour on the basis that he had given his beliefs careful consideration and much thought.
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[ Corby said his beliefs on race are rooted in the ideas of Howard Thurman, above, and “others who railed against segregation and separatism” ]
As a result, she said his comments opposing Black Lives Matter and critical race theory fall under the “religion or belief” section of the Equalities Act. The ruling paves the way for the tribunal to consider in April whether Corby was unlawfully discriminated against by Acas.
It is believed to be the first time a judge has ruled that holding a contrary view to critical race theory is a protected characteristic under equality laws.
“Colleagues who’d never met me and knew nothing about me or my life targeted me and called me a racist. This caused me a great deal of distress,” Corby said.
“My beliefs on race are rooted in the ideas of Howard Thurman and others who railed against segregation and separatism, as well as in my personal experience. I grew up with black people, was immersed in their culture and dedicated my life to music and education. I have also experienced bigotry from white and black people in various forms and on many occasions. It is reprehensible of anyone to seek to divide us along lines of colour or to try and bully anti-racists like me into silence.
“I’m delighted we have made a stand and taken a step to embedding a in the workplace a more conciliatory and harmonious approach to dealing with issues around race.”
Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said the case was “a significant victory for the cause of freedom of speech” in the UK.
He added: “Sean’s belief that we should judge people on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin is eminently sensible and shared by most people, save for a handful of far-right and far-left activists. His employer should not have taken seriously the vexatious complaints of Sean’s colleagues, who claimed that his quoting Martin Luther King made them feel ‘unsafe’.”
An Acas spokesman said: “We take pride in having a diverse workforce and have noted the tribunal’s decision on one aspect of this case that is set to conclude next year. We value Acas staff having a voice and our regular staff surveys continue to show that Acas is an inclusive organisation.”
[ Via: https://archive.md/WCowc ]
Here's a diagram:
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Separation of church and state.
"cAnCeL cULtUrE dOeSnT eXiSt!!"
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eminsunnytoons123 · 2 months
The teppums Show gang characters!
Part 9, 10, 11 And 12!
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Heres now the other four parts i made a week ago =^_^= And also this week i sorta changed when im excited to not Type in overly big letters And I have changed not to invade anyone's privacy, And i have became more polite but i still hope the blue haired auntie/bestie of mine And the other three friends of mine will unblock me And forgive me. =^///^= ♥️
Now some info about them:
Gem the Genie - gem the Genie is Mad monty's teppum counterpart, he is an arrogant, sarcastic, sorta rude, ignorant Genie in the teppums Show gang and Mayhem pirates gang, he is 27 years old like Mad Monty And he is bisexual. He is good friends with glemsom Sebastian And tough Draco, And he describes himself as: "the great Genie of all eternity", And he is from Arabia. He sometimes has friendly rivalry with Mad Monty And his gang. His headcanon voice actor is Orn Arnason, And his voice claim is Genie from lazytown.
Tough Draco - tough Draco is bad polly's teppum counterpart, he is an tough, rude, rough, mean pirate Monkey in the teppums Show gang and the mayhem pirates gang, he is 24 years old like bad Polly And he is pansexual. He makes an friendly rivalry with bad Polly And his gang, And he is best friends with gem the Genie And glemsom Sebastian. His headcanon voice actor is Roger Craig Smith, And his voice claim is Sonic the hedgehog from Sonic boom.
Glemsom Sebastian - glemsom Sebastian is clueless morgan's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, forgetful, confused, sorta naive but sweet sloth Guy in the teppums Show gang and the mayhem pirates gang, he is 27 years old like clueless Morgan And he is bisexual. He is just as naive as clueless Morgan, And Sebastian is from denmark And "glemsom" in his name Means "forgetful". He makes a friendly rivalry with clueless Morgan And his gang. His headcanon voice actor is Matt Hill, And his voice claim is Ed from Ed, Edd And Eddy.
Alfred - alfred is waldorf's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, heckling, sarcastic And sorta arrogant old Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 59 years old like waldorf And he is bisexual, he is dating Chester. He likes to heckle And make fun of the teppums when they do their acts And Show, but he gets along with waldorf very well. His headcanon voice actor is Peter browgardt, And his voice claim is uncle grandpa from uncle grandpa.
Chester - Chester is statler's teppum counterpart, he is an sorta rude, arrogant, sarcastic And ignorant old Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 60 years old like statler And he is bisexual, he is dating Alfred. He likes to make fun of the teppums when theyre doing their Show And acts, And he gets along with statler very well. His headcanon voice actor is Arthur Anderson, And his voice claim is the Modern voice of eustace Bagge from courage the cowardly dog.
Diana the mermaid - Diana the mermaid is Camilla chicken's teppum counterpart, she is an sweet, friendly, sarcastic, kind-hearted And polite mermaid Lady in the teppums Show gang, she is 24 years old like camilla And she is pansexual, she is dating Hector the brilliant. She is the only teppum that uses wheelchair because she has an mermaid tail And cant walk out the water without her wheelchair, And she does her cool wheelchair tricks, but Hector sometimes gets scared and worried when she does that. Her headcanon voice actress is Laura Bailey, And her voice claim is Lagoona Blue from Monster high.
Victoria the fennec Fox - Victoria the fennec Fox is yolanda the rat's teppum counterpart, she is an sarcastic, arrogant but an friendly, caring And kind fennec Fox Lady in the teppums Show gang, she is 19 years old like yolanda And she is bisexual And polyamourous, she is dating litvik the King cobra And quade the fennec Fox. She likes doing her makeup, baking cookies And cakes, jewelry... And her favorite colors are maroon, hot Pink And Purple. Her headcanon voice actress is Niccole Thurman, And her voice claim is squiddly diddly from jellystone!.
Sindy the verdin Bird - sindy the verdin Bird is Gloria estefan's teppum counterpart, she is an sweet, cute, friendly And playful verdin Bird in the teppums Show gang, she is probably 5 years old like Gloria estefan. She is one of madame camela's lovable And playful pets, sindy is from the dessert And she has an cute squeaky voice. Her headcanon voice actress is Tara strong, And her voice claim is Bubbles from the original powerpuff girls.
Raphael abadie - Raphael abadie is Lew Zealand's teppum counterpart, he is an sassy, friendly, geeky, polite Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 26 years old like Lew Zealand And he is bisexual, he is dating insane Axel. He has his seahorse frisbees, And he is from Brooklyn And has an thick Brooklyn accent, sometimes others think he is from France due to a berret hat on his head. His headcanon voice actor is Kyle Rideout, And his voice claim is Vinnie from littlest pet shop.
Federico agosti - Federico agosti is Marvin suggs' teppum counterpart, he is an sassy, flirty, friendly And sarcastic Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 28 years old like Marvin and he is bisexual. He has his murfies-murries, And they do the instrumental for him while he sings, but he sometimes gently taps them And thats their sign to start making the instrumental, And the murfies-murries have a squeaky accent like roly-pollies from sillyville And their gender is Unknown but they look like girls. He is from Italia And he has an thick italian accent, his headcanon voice actor is Tim whitnall, And his voice claim is Mr carburettor from roary the racing car.
Rodan the Diamond Giant - rodan the Diamond Giant is sweetums' teppum counterpart, he is an tough, sassy, sarcastic, arrogant And sorta scamming Giant in the teppums Show gang, he is 32 years old like sweetums And he is bisexual, he has a crush on Sir Matthew Rosa. He LOVES Diamonds And any Shiny Crystals like rubies, peridots, pearls... Etc. And even tho he looks scary, he IS actually a very sweet Monster. His headcanon voice actor is Kevin Micheal Richardson, And his voice claim is shredder from the 2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
Master Vincent - Master Vincent is uncle deadly's teppum counterpart, he is an spooky, sassy And sarcastic but also an sweet, peaceful And friendly komodo dragon Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 56 years old like uncle deadly And he is pansexual. He likes peace And peaceful things, but he also likes anything spooky And paranormal, And he sometimes scares others And calls himself "the dragon of the teppums Show". He is even madame camela's best friend And professionalist in wardrobe. His headcanon voice actor is David Graham, And his voice claim is grandpa pig from peppa pig.
French hash slinger - french hash slinger is swedish chef's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, kind, polite, sorta clumsy hash slinger in the teppums Show gang, he is 35 years old like swedish chef And he is bisexual. He makes delicious french meals And dishes. He has his eyes closed but he sometimes Opens them when he is surprised, shocked or scared. His headcanon voice actor is Peter O'Toole, And his voice claim is Anton Ego from ratatouille.
Daniil the dall sheep - Daniil the dall sheep is constantine's teppum counterpart, he is an rude, tough, arrogant, ignorant And evil dall sheep Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 25 years old like Constantine And he is bisexual, he is dating Catherine the camel. He disguises as timrek by taking off his dall sheep Horns And putting it on timrek's head, he nearly looks like timrek but he has black gloves, black earring, black eyelids And timrek's clothes but with more darker colors. He is from russia And gets along with Constantine very well And gets ideas from him. His headcanon voice actor is Bryan Cranston, And his voice claim is Vitaly from madagascar 3: escape from Europe.
Henrietta sunflowera - Henrietta sunflowera is Mildred huxetetter's teppum counterpart, she is an sarcastic, mature, polite, arrogant Lady in the teppums Show gang, she is 52 years old like Mildred And she is bisexual, she is dating Harry the janitor. She likes gossiping And drinking tea with The ladies And woman her age, i can say older women. And she Sounds like a man just like how madame camela And stephany sound like men. Her headcanon voice actor is Bob Peterson, And her voice claim is roz from Monsters inc.
I'll make new parts tommorow =^///^=
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezecirno @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @princessmishka22 @xxkurosakutisaxx
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zeawesomebirdie · 7 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @unmaskedcardinal !!! These are always fun <33
1. Three ships: Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson, Matt Dillon/Chester Proudfoot, and Hawkeye Pierce/Radar O'Reilly
2. First ever ship: honestly it's been so long I don't remember. The first ship I ever knew to label as a ship was Prussia/Canada (Hetalia) though!
3. Last song: Peace Train by Yusuf/Cat Stevens
4. Last film: The Dark Knight! And it was amazing!!
5. Currently reading: The Bardo Thodol by Padma Sambhava as translated by Robert A.F. Thurman and The Legend of Holly Claus by Brittney Ryan
6. Currently watching: Batman: The Animated Series and Gunsmoke! Still waiting on the library to get season 5 of Gunsmoke for me though
7. Currently consuming: fancy french yogurt that comes in a jar
8. Currently craving: chocolate chip cookies but without the chocolate chips
No pressure tags! @moinsbienquekaworu @steine-druff @killdear4 @aeriedwelling @astrophilic-soul @the-curious-croissant @gingersnappish @fairytypingg and anyone else who wants to do this!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
Gilmore Girls OCs ( L-Z )
( A-C ) ( D-K )
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Name: Lena LaCosta
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Rachel Zegler
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Name: Levi Bloom
Story: You’re In The Band
Face claim: Owen Patrick Joyner
Love Interest: probable Matt King & Tommy Gilmore
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Name: Lexi Danes
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Lily James
Love Interest: Preston Gilmore
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Name: Lia Belleville
Story: Found Tonight
Face claim: Ciara Bravo
Love Interest: possible Jess Mariano
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Name: Lili Gilmore
Story: Guts
Face claim: Sophia Bush
Love Interest: Tristan Dugray; endgame TBD
Lili Gilmore was just like her sister.  That’s what she’d been told since she was old enough to understand that her mother didn’t mean it as a compliment.  No, to Emily Gilmore there were few insults more biting than comparing her two daughters.  Rebellious, bored, and too clever for her own good, Lili Gilmore was everything that a Hartford heiress shouldn’t be.  Rebellious, bored, clever, and, now, expelled from Chilton.  With no other private school willing to take her, and not quite desperate enough to send her to boarding school, Emily and Richard only have one choice for what to do with their younger problem child – exactly what Lorelai did when she was Lili’s age, in fact.  Send her to Stars Hollow. Lili isn’t particularly bothered by going to public school, she’d never cared for her academics either way.  Aside from less time to spend with her boyfriend, Lili is sure that a small town public school can’t be worse than the suffocating halls of Chilton.  Only there’s no escaping the Gilmore name, and in this particular small town, every single person she meets knows her effortlessly charming older sister and picture perfect niece.  And every single person is watching to see how she measures up.
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Name: Livi Ruiz
Story: You’re In The Band
Face claim: Madison Reyes
Love Interest: Esme Gerard
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Name: Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Story: Hey December
Face claim: Mackenzie Foy
Family is complicated; such is the fate of the Lorelai Gilmores, and Lorrie is no different.  She knows that her parents’ relationship has always been complicated — it was complicated before she was born, it was complicated when she was born, and it has been complicated for her entire life.  She knows that her mom has never had an easy relationship with her parents, and her dad’s parents both died before she was born. Her mom is an only child; her dad’s sister managed to join a vegetable cult.  She has two older half-sisters and an older cousin who’s more of a brother, an entire town who helped raise her, parents who always try to put their daughter first, and has never questioned her place in the world. Family is complicated, but Lorrie Gilmore-Danes has never doubted her family’s love for her.  But when she’s fourteen, her grandpa dies and her family is sent into a tailspin.  And for the first time, Lorrie finds herself not knowing where she belongs.
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Name: Lottie Donahue-Callisto
Story: Delicate / New Romantics / Coming Of Age
Face claim: Uma Thurman 
Love Interest: Luke Danes
Troy Donahue-Calliso had a plan.  A good plan, at that.  A plan that involved graduating from Chilton at the top of his class, then going to Yale to study political science and international affairs, then going to Yale law, then becoming a lawyer, then senator, and then the youngest President in history.  He liked his plan, it was a good plan.  It left room for the occasional stress relieving hookups with his friends, it accounted for the disdain that he would forever face in Hartford – for his sexuality, for the colour of his skin, for his parents’ divorce, for his father not being from Hartford.  It was the perfect, foolproof plan.  He never planned for the Gilmores.
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Name: Lucas Gilmore
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Timothee Chalamet
Love Interest: Natalie Lister & Brandon Webster
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Name: Lucía Davila
Story: Bubblegum Bitch
Face claim: Ester Exposito
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Name: Marley Tinsdale
Story: For Forever
Face claim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Jess or Logan
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Name: Matt King
Story: You’re In The Band
Face claim: Charlie Gillespie
Love Interest: probable Tommy Gilmore & Levi Bloom
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Name: Megan Capello
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Natalie Lister
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Kathryn Newton
Love Interest: Brandon Webster & Lucas Gilmore
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Name: Nellie McCrae
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Willa Holland
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Name: Paige Huntzberger
Story: In Omnia Paratus
Face claim: Annasophia Robb
Love Interest: Finn & Colin McRae
In omnia paratus. Ready for anything. As the youngest Huntzberger and a future Life-And-Death Brigadier, Paige Huntzberger had always lived by those words. She believed in living life to the fullest, enjoying every moment, and not worrying about the future. But when she starts at Yale, with Logan, Finn, and Colin to guide her into the next stage of her life, Paige finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew about the world.
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Name: Preston Gilmore
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Matt Bomer
Love Interest: Lexi Danes
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Name: Sage Hall
Story: Thank You For The Music
Face claim: Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Jess Mariano or Dave Rygalski
Music was everything to Sage Hall, it always had been. Not only was her dad a musician, but she herself was something of a prodigy.  Playing ten instruments, writing her own songs, and performing at every town event since she was five, all Sage had ever wanted was to be known for her own merits and not as The Troubadour’s daughter.  It seemed hopeless, and Sage was close to resigning herself to only ever being known for her father, when she accidentally crashed into Luke’s newly arrived nephew — a cute troublemaker who only knew her as “that music girl.”
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Name: Sam Gleason
Story: Town That Raised Me
Face claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Baby number thirteen, and thirteen years younger than the next youngest sibling, calling Sam Gleason’s birth unexpected would be an understatement.  But despite her mom being too checked out to raise another child, and her father having left years ago, Sam was still happy.  Kirk, the youngest of her older brothers, had raised her for most of her life, and everyone in Stars Hollow was happy to help out. Life in Stars Hollow was never boring, but when Rory Gilmore leaves Stars Hollow High to go to prep school in Hartford, Sam finds her town, and her life, changing in ways she had never expected.
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Name: Sara “Bijou” Topaz
Story: All That Jazz
Face claim: Hayden Panettiere
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
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Name: Sienna Elliot
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Michelle Trachtenberg
Love Interest: past Jess Mariano, Logan Huntzberger
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Name: Skye Bloom
Story: You’re In The Band
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love Interest: Lane Kim
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Name: Sophie Dugray
Story: Tarnished Gold
Face claim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger & Rory Gilmore
Hartford girls should be seen, not heard; pretty, never vain; smart, not a show off; and they should always be compliant with whatever plans their parents made. As the Dugray heiress, Sophie knew this better than anyone. Still, it didn’t stop her from partying until sunrise, flirting with Logan Huntzberger, or even from maintaining a 4.0GPA. But she knew better than to aspire to be anything more than a dinner party hostess running the DAR. Then Rory Gilmore comes to Chilton, a whirlwind of literary references and small town optimism, and for the first time in her life, Sophie finds herself imagining life beyond Hartford Society.
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Name: Tommy Gilmore
Story: You’re In The Band
Face claim: Jeremy Shada
Love Interest: probable Matt King & Levi Bloom
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Name: Troy Donahue-Callisto
Story: Delicate
Face claim: Taylor Zakhar Perez
Love Interest: Harry Bechtel & @the-witching-ash's Richie Gilmore
Troy Donahue-Calliso had a plan.  A good plan, at that.  A plan that involved graduating from Chilton at the top of his class, then going to Yale to study political science and international affairs, then going to Yale law, then becoming a lawyer, then senator, and then the youngest President in history.  He liked his plan, it was a good plan.  It left room for the occasional stress relieving hookups with his friends, it accounted for the disdain that he would forever face in Hartford – for his sexuality, for the colour of his skin, for his parents’ divorce, for his father not being from Hartford.  It was the perfect, foolproof plan.  He never planned for the Gilmores.
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Name: Troy Donahue-Callisto
Story: New Romantics / Coming Of Age
Face claim: Taylor Zakhar Perez
Love Interest: Harry Bechtel
Troy Donahue-Calliso had a plan.  A good plan, at that.  A plan that involved graduating from Chilton at the top of his class, then going to Yale to study political science and international affairs, then going to Yale law, then becoming a lawyer, then senator, and then the youngest President in history.  He liked his plan, it was a good plan.  It left room for the occasional stress relieving hookups with his friends, it accounted for the disdain that he would forever face in Hartford – for his sexuality, for the colour of his skin, for his parents’ divorce, for his father not being from Hartford.  It was the perfect, foolproof plan.  He never planned for the Gilmores.
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Name: Vicki St James
Story: Delicate
Face claim: Ellie Bamber
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger or Dave Rygalski
Troy Donahue-Calliso had a plan.  A good plan, at that.  A plan that involved graduating from Chilton at the top of his class, then going to Yale to study political science and international affairs, then going to Yale law, then becoming a lawyer, then senator, and then the youngest President in history.  He liked his plan, it was a good plan.  It left room for the occasional stress relieving hookups with his friends, it accounted for the disdain that he would forever face in Hartford – for his sexuality, for the colour of his skin, for his parents’ divorce, for his father not being from Hartford.  It was the perfect, foolproof plan.  He never planned for the Gilmores.
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Name: Vicki St James
Story: Coming Of Age / New Romantics
Face claim: Ellie Bamber
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger or Dave Rygalski
Victoria Bechtel.  Josephine St James.  Vicki, Tori, Josie.  Josephine Victoria Bechtel-St James often joked that she had a new name for every new city that she moved to – only, it wasn’t entirely a joke.  Having moved more than twenty times in sixteen years, she was no stranger to starting over, to reinventing herself.  Her own mother had only been in her life long enough to choose her middle name, while her brother’s mother had divorced their father after finding out that he’d had a child with another woman.  Ever since, it had only been the three of them.  In ever city, in every fresh start, they had been there to tether her, to make sure that she would never lose herself in her endless reinventions.  But this time it’s different.  This time, they won’t be there.  This time, Harry is staying in England, in boarding school, and their dad is moving to San Francisco. This time, Vicki alone is moving to Stars Hollow, Connecticut, to live with the mother she’s never known.
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Name: Viviana Lozano
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Zion Moreno
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Name: Willow Dell
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Willow Dell was nice.  That was the first word that anyone would use to describe her.  She was nice, sweet, friendly, involved, polite.  Bored. Willow Dell was bored.  Her life had been the same for as long as she could remember.  She’d been in the same dance classes since she was three, not for any love of the art but because her godmother taught them; she’d been second to Rory Gilmore in every class since she was five; her now-paid jobs were the same favours she’d been doing around town since she was eight; the only signs that time was passing at all were the marks of her height on the kitchen doorframe and the new cats her mom was always bringing home. Rory Gilmore changing schools is the first time anything in Willow’s life has ever been different, though she’s disappointed to find that it didn’t change things nearly as much as she’d hoped.  She still went to dance classes, she still had the same jobs, she was just the first in her class.  But when Luke’s nephew moves to town, Willow knows that change is in the air.   Willow Dell is nice.  Nice girls offer to show moody new boys around town. Nice girls don’t fall in love with boys like Jess Mariano.
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lovelybishop · 1 year
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
toni real shit the poison ivy + robin / uma thurman+chris odonnel kiss in batman and robin (1997) was my bi panic awakening
and cillian murphy as the scarecrow in batman begins made me realize my type is dark hair and light eyes with a bit of crazy for flavoring 😔
wait though cuz i never thought myself as bi, even though i had a gf in middle school and ate pussy like it was dinner in college. never really had an awakening, it just was. just stayed bi ignorant the whole time.
i hated batman begins. whatever the fuck christopher nolan was on when he directed that was not it.
fight me on it, the best movie is dark knight rises.
on that dark hair light eyes note, my first ever crush like that was actually matt bomer from white collar. he was so ridiculously my type, like attitude wise. a charismatic, sleazy, oil slick gentleman who's fucking ridiculously selfish and dresses only in suits??? i was a simpppp.
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