#max mayfield the queen of hearts
givehimthemedicine · 2 years
❤️ Max is El's heart ❤️
Let's talk about El, Max, Mike, Vecna, and hearts.
For all the talk of Mike being the heart, do you wanna explain to me why there's a literal heartbeat sound effect used in Vol2, and it doesn't involve Mike whatsoever?
We hear it prominently when El finds Max tranced out in the void, takes hold of her hand, and commences piggybacking. And later when El spins the coke bottle and goes looking for Max in the void. (video down below because I can only put one per post)
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The second one's like, ok sure, naturally El would have a specific interest in Max's heartbeat at this point, she restarted it herself. But why do we hear a huge heartbeat noise in the first clip, before it's relevant?
Which of their hearts is this supposed to be?
Is it El's heartbeat, like to illustrate that she's concentrating really hard? I'm not sold on that, because there was no heartbeat noise the other times she piggybacked.
Is it Max's heartbeat? Like, El literally feeling her pulse? If so, they passed on the most obvious applications for it (the heart-restarting scene, and the hospital scene where her heart is definitely beating again - El is touching her both times. In the coke bottle clip she isn't).
I think it's both. Like, their hearts syncing up when El is channeling her. If you listen really close in the coke bottle clip, this time the heartbeat is paired with a faint beeping - Max's heart monitor. It's an elmax heartbeat, both of them together.
That'd be a bit cheesy, these two are bffs and all, but why would they have some random special cardiac bond?
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El and Max's hearts both stopped. Because of Vecna. On the same day.
When El uncovered her repressed memory of getting Vecna'd, it was so traumatic that she went into cardiac arrest.
It was that night that Max also suffered such trauma from getting Vecna'd that her heart stopped.
Narratively, Max had to die a death that El could fix (I don't think you can telekinesis your way out of exploded eyeballs). El evidently took a minute to combine realizations that Max was dead because of a stopped heart, and that that was something she could do something about. She remembered this happening to herself literally just hours ago, and that it involved not just mechanical intervention but love.
The elmax memory montage is not pure sentiment to pass the time while she does whatever hocus pocus with her hand - it actually plays a role (or at least El thinks it does).
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Where else do we hear heart noises in V2?
El uncovers her full 001 showdown memory in which she's about to be killed, but then remembers um her own birth, where we hear baby El crying, the beeping of her mom's heart monitor in the delivery room, and her mom saying "Jane, I love you."
Love gives young El the power to "no u" 001 and yeet him through the wall, but the trauma sends present El into cardiac arrest and the lab folks fish her out of NINA and put her on the table and shock her heart back on. And now we hear El's heart monitor as well as a couple isolated heartbeats as she comes back to consciousness, crying a little bit, still thinking about the memory of her mom loving her.
In the void clip, we hear the heartbeat after El says "it's okay, I'm coming" and Max might be crying a little bit? Not sure if that's crying or just trance-distress noises idk but I'm trying to find a pattern here. In the coke clip, El is crying and there's both heartbeat and heart monitor beeping. And she's obviously thinking about how she loves Max in both scenes.
El got her heartbeat (love) from her mom and then gave it to Max.
Here's everything: (you might need earphones or good speakers, my phone misses the heartbeat completely)
This is a picture of familial and platonic love
the importance of which I think has been key to Max and especially El in 4, and which I think and hope will be the conclusion to El's arc, as she realizes romantic love isn't the end-all. Romantic love plays no role in El's heartbeat thing.
Interestingly, Max's Vecna escape does include romantic love, because that lesson isn't hers to learn. She already knows romantic and platonic are both important - besides including clips of the whole party, Lucas and El hold roughly neck-and-neck importance in her memories. Equivalent memories for El would have been of the party in general but especially Mike and Max, and... no, not at all. 100% Max.
During the monologue there's only one flashback (the party finding El in the woods), but it seems more likely Mike's memory because he brought it up. Anyway, what he says in reference to it is a lie, so even if that is her memory, she feels no love from it - in fact, when she's staked everything on those words, finally hearing them and knowing they're a lie has to hurt more than not being told in the first place.
So for El that's a win for platonic, a win for familial, and a fail for romantic. I don't think their point here is "platonic/familial rules and romantic drools" but rather that milkvan is not a specimen of true love.
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Run to the light
Some very similar imagery of Max and El's visions as they escape Vecna.
Where is El headed? To the delivery room, being born, where she takes her first breath and starts crying, and there's someone there who loves her.
Where is Max headed? To the graveyard, deciding she doesn't wanna die after all, where she takes her first breath and starts crying, and there are people there who love her. Also, at moments, that hole is shaped sorta like a heart
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Mike is the heart, but not for El
Will thinks Mike being the heart is a universal thing, when really it just applies to him, which is why this doesn't work for El. (I made the ultimate sacrifice and watched the monologue to make sure there was no heartbeat. if you're reading this you owe me a dollar)
If anybody is "the heart" for El it's Max, which is why she gets the power to fight only when she quits looking for love in Mike's speech where there is none, and looks over at Max where there is. Like how Max gets her breakthrough power predominantly from an El memory. ❤️
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Speaking of hearts and old memories,
Can we talk about this moment real quick before we go?
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Why did they have El say "your heart" here? because A) nowhere in that scene did anybody use the word heart and B) nobody has ever said "heart" to or in front of El in a non literal context and I would've been iffy about her being familiar with this use of it. It's almost like they really just wanted the word heart in there?
Anyway, El's only concern at the time is Mike, but you gotta love the visual hint that she has Max in the back of her mind.
So what happened in that scene El is referring to?
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If El knows Mike was talking to Max that day at the cabin, it means she heard that entire conversation. In addition to Mike blurting out that he loved her, she also heard Max sticking up for her and caring about her having her own identity and agency and independence.
You know, the same topics that held a lot of emphasis in the memories El had of Max while she was restarting her heart?
There's more to life than stupid boys! (The fact is, she's not yours.)
Not Hopper. Not Mike. You. (She's her own person,)
Holy shit, this is insane. Is this really gonna work? (fully capable)
Which one? (of making her own decisions.)
Against the rules? We make our own rules. (I did not make her. It was her idea.)
El didn't just restart Max's heart to a "good times El had with Max" montage - it was a "reasons El loves Max" montage.
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alex-is-arting · 10 months
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
Prom Queen (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Requested by @katamcauley
Summary: Eddie and the Reader have been secretly together since Jason forced them into "Seven Minutes in Heaven" as a prank, but now, as Eddie watches Jason and his goons flirt with you, he finds himself not caring who knows you're his.
Warnings: Bullying, Cursing, Spicy Kissing, Sexual Themes, Drug Use (Weed), Mentions of Blood, Sexual Harassment (Nothing Graphic), and Violence (Series Typical).
(I will get a "Read More" cut on this ASAP. I am slowly knocking out requests! Thanks for your patience. Requests are OPEN. Send an ask or comment below to be added to the tag list. I've been thinking of doing full on Seven Minutes/Truth or Dare/Spin the Bottle hcs, so let me know if that's something you want)
"Jason, stop!" You groaned, trying to keep your feet planted, but the muscley blonde and his laughing friends were easily able to move you.
"Nah, babe. If you like trailer trash so much why don't you spend seven minutes in heaven with it?"
You knew you should've stayed out of it.
But you'd heard his stupid voice all the way from where you were sitting with the cheer squad, that afternoon. And god, it was Max Mayfield, of all people. Jason had been friends with her brother. They were on the same basketball team the year before, and it seemed he was keeping Billy's traditions alive. Patrick yanked her backpack from her arm and rifled through it as Jason grabbed her headphones.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She spat as they dumped her bag, papers flying every which way.
"Nothing personal." Jason said coolly, putting on her headphones and studying her Walkman. "We just have to be safe with you trailer park kids. You know how they are. One moment you think everything's fine..." He pulled the tape from the Walkman, tossing it haphazardly to the ground. "And the next? Well they're starting riots and cults! Bringing weapons to school! Stealing from classrooms! Other students, even!" He gave her a sticky sweet smile, "We wouldn't want that." 
Max rolled her eyes at his implication, groaning as he crushed the cassette beneath his heel. Patrick tossed her bag to the side, tucking anything he'd found of interest into the pockets of his varsity jacket.
"Just doing our routine checks, freak."
You stood as soon as they were gone, running to help her with her things. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?"
"No." She groaned, picking at the pieces of her mangled cassette. She cursed under her breath.
"Shit, what happened?"
You looked up to find a  brown eyed boy staring back at you, his shaggy dark curls sticking every which way.
"Jason." Max muttered under her breath.
He cursed under his breath and dropped his bag, helping you gather the papers. He paused when he saw Max scooping up the pieces of the crushed cassette.
He sighed, "Who's our casualty?"
Max's head hung a little, running her thumb over a piece of the long tape, pitifully, "Kate Bush."
He gave a sad smile before sitting up and puffing out his chest. He pulled off the bandana he had tied around his forehead, holding it to his heart. "Long live the honorable Kate Bush. Our fallen soldier."
Max fought a smile at his dramatic speech, and he laughed, giving her shoulder a playful shove when he caught her grinning. "Go on, then. Give her a proper burial."
You tapped the papers on the ground to stack them evenly in your hands as Max ran off to toss the broken tape. You stood, and the brown eyed boy passed you Max's backpack with a bright smile. You couldn't help but smile back, blushing a little.
"You'll have to excuse me, Princess. Don't meet Hawkins royalty often." You giggled, rolling your eyes. He held a hand out to you, "I'm Eddie."
You took the handshake, laughing softly at the formality. "Y/N."
"Oh, I know who you are." He's got mischief in his eyes as he looks at you.
You quirked a brow, "Yeah?"
"Oh hell yeah. Everyone knows you, Prom Queen." You blushed at his nickname. "Didn't expect you to be such a sweetheart, though."
You shuffled your feet at bit, eyes scanning the floor shyly. "Why not?"
"It's just the crowd you hang around is all." He reassured. "Didn't peg you as one to be saving lost sheep."
A friend called your name from the cheer table, and you heard giggles and whispers. They were hard to make out, but the word "freak" was unmistakable. You shot them a dirty look, your expression melting into sympathy as you turned back to Eddie.
He rolled his eyes, shrugging, and gave you a knowing smile. "I'll see you around, L/N."
You watched him walk away, giving Max her bag and mussing her hair before jogging over to Hellfire.
Jason, obviously, had found out about the interaction.
He held your face, now, as he patronized you. "My girl wants to be friends with the freaks, huh? Fine by me, baby. I'll let you get real acquainted with one another."
You groaned, rolling your eyes "Christ, Jason. I'm not your girl. Leave me the hell alone."
You thrashed your arms and kicked, but it was no use. Jason shoved the door open and threw you inside, slamming it again.
You landed on your ass in Jason's bedroom, staring up at a bewildered Eddie Munson.
"Jesus, are you ok?" He knelt beside you, giving you his arm to help you up.
Your legs were shakey, but in an odd way, the sight of him relaxed you a little. "W-What are you doing here?"
He clutched his chest. "What, you assume I wasn't invited? I'm wounded, Princess."
You rolled your eyes as he sat with you on the bed.
"I thought I was dealing for the party." He sighed. "But then when I got here they shoved me in here and locked the door." He laughed humorously, "I gotta say, I can't tell you how fucking relieved I am to see you. Thought they were gonna beat the shit out of me and hide my body or something. "
You sighed, "Well hopefully Seven Minutes in Heaven beats that."
He crawled further up onto the mattress, crossing his legs lazily and propping his arms behind his head. "You know, I always thought Jason hated me, but now, he's going around locking me in rooms with pretty girls. I guess he's warming up to me." You snorted, his friendliness relaxing you, and your eyes fell to the floor shyly. He stared at you warmly, "I suppose he's more using me as the punishment this time though, huh? Spend some time with the freak and if you make it out alive, you can sit at the popular table?"
Your heart sank. He seemed so exasperatedly resigned to it all. As if it were just another Tuesday.
"I don't think it's a punishment." You countered his deprecating words, crossing your arms.
He gave a lazy smile, chewing on his necklace passively, "No?"
You shook your head with a smile, peering at him over your shoulder.
"He really is a meathead, you know." You tested the waters carefully, holding his gaze. "He locks me in a room with a pretty boy and expects me to be upset about it? Ridiculous."
Eddie froze, a shit eating grin tugging at his pretty lips. "You're flirting with me."
You smirked, blushing. "You started it."
"Maybe," He crawled closer, sitting behind you on the bed with your body turned to face him, "But you liked it enough to keep it going." 
The air was thick with tension now. He was close enough for you to see the faint spattering of freckles on his nose. A tiny scar at his temple. "How much time do we have left?"
He grinned, "Why do you ask? You got somewhere to be?"
"I'd just rather not have Jason Carver walk in on me jumping your bones."
"Oh, is that what you're gonna do?" He chuckled when you blushed, a hand coming up to hold your chin. "I've gotta disagree with you there. I think that's an ideal senario, really." 
You laughed so sweetly he couldn't help but grin.
"You didn't have anything to drink, did you?" His voice is soft, nose nudged against yours. It felt like electricity in your veins as his lips teasingly grazed your own. You shook your head no. "Good."
When he kissed you it was like liquid warmth spreading through you. He tasted sweet and tart, like he'd been eating Jolly Ranchers before you happened to dropped in, and he smelled like green apples and good weed. His curls tickled your cheeks ever so slightly as you let his hands slide over your neck to cradle your face against his. You moaned softly, your tongue grazing his, and he cursed against you. He was needy and messy, nipping and sucking at your lips when you laced your fingers in his hair and tugged gently. He made a delicious sound at that, reaching blindly for your thighs and pulling you up into his lap. He held you, his hands drifting beneath your shirt to rub your back. You whined his name breathlessly.
"Fuck, Hey..." He hummed against you , your breath was shakey when he as he pulls back to look at you. He was gorgeous...all kiss bitten and smiley.
"Now, as eager as I am for you to jump my bones, tiger..." He pecked your lips again,  chastely, as if he couldn't help it. "I think you 'ought to let me take you home first."
You frowned, "Home?"
He grinned, giving your thighs a little pat with one last kiss, signaling for you to stand. You did, though relucatantly, and Eddie wandered over to the window.
"Like you said..." He smiled at you, easily pulling up on the frame and opening the window. "Meathead."
It had been Eddie's idea to keep it a secret. If it had been up to you, you would have been making out with him in the halls like every other god forsaken couple at Hawkins High.
You'd wanted to sit with him at lunch. Watch Hellfire do their thing. Go see his band play. And while this made Eddie's heart sprout little wings and fly around in his chest, he knew better.
"You...God, you have no idea how much I want that." He whined, burying his face in your neck. You were laid out on his bed with him, sharing a joint as you rambled.
He pressed kisses to the crook of your neck and you squirmed when they tickled, grinning at him, "Then let me come, stupid." You mussed his curls playfully and he gave a croaky laugh.
"You know you I can't do that, Prom Queen."
You rolled your eyes, blowing smoke up towards the roof of the trailer. "Why not?"
"Babe." He held your chin as you looked up at him, "He heard a rumor that you had a single conversation with me and he shoved you on your ass and locked you in a room with a stranger." You frowned, knowing deep down he was right. "God, you have know idea how much I want to show you off. Kiss you whenever I want. Especially when you're walking around in that little cheer skirt. Like, holy fuck, are you trying to kill me?"
You laughed, rolling your eyes.
"But I'm not going to let those assholes make your life hell because of me. Trust me. I'm not worth it."
"Fuck off." You whined at his self-deprecating words. "You're worth everything."
He smiled, crooning down to graze your lips, "Everything huh?"
"More than everything. Everything and then even more on top of that. Have you ever seen Carrie?"
He nodded, looking amused, and laid the burnt end of the joint in an ashtray.
"That's the kind of shit I'd put up with for you."
He laughed loudly, "Aw babe...I can't believe you'd become a blood thirsty telekinetic monster for me." He clutches his heart in faux sentiment.
"Any day, Munson."
His arms wrapped around your waist and he sighed, rolling onto his back so you were laying atop him. "Well as much as I appreciate the offer..." he combed his fingers through your hair, and you nearly purred. "I'm not letting anyone give my Prom Queen a pig's blood bath."
Mike had been rambling about El for nearly fourty five minutes, now. He'd just gotten a new letter from her and he was over the moon, relaying to the group all of her stories about Jonathan and Will and Rink-o-Mania, Lucas and Dustin interjecting every so often to gush over Suzie and Max. Eddie was trying to listen. He really was. But his eyes kept getting lost in the thick rule book he'd propped up in front of his throne. He sighed softly, picking up one of his tiny silver figures to toy with it while the boys talked.
"Are we gonna play?" He finally groaned, his leg swung over the arm of his throne lazily. "You guys have been rambling like idiots in love for a half hour."
"Aw, are you jealous, Munson?" Mike teased with faux sympathy. "Don't worry, buddy. You'll find someone someday."
"Nah man." Eddie smirked, picking at his fingernails. "I'm off the market. Don't get me wrong, you guys are cute and all. I've just heard so much about these Señoritas that I think I know them better than you do at this point."
Lucas paused, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. "What do you mean you're off the market?"
"Don't worry Sinclair. There's plenty of me to go around." He spread his arms goofily, grinning.
Dustin looked unimpressed, "You expect us to believe you've got a girl?"
"Not a girl, Henderson. A woman."
Mike rolled his eyes, "He's lying."
Eddie scoffed, "Come on, man. You're allowed to to have a girlfriend that's just casually a superhero, but the moment I have a girlfriend at all? That's when you call bullshit?"
"Who is she?"
Lucas countered, crossing his arms.
Eddie paused, debating if he should tell them. "Y/N L/N."
The table groaned, sending Eddie into a fit of laughter.
"Come off it, Eds."
"Whatever man."
Eddie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms behind his head, "When have I ever lied to you guys huh? I don't have to prove myself to you little assholes."
Lucas shook his head. "A girlfriend is one thing, Eddie. A cheerleader girlfriend? That's another. But Y/N L/N? Dude...that's something else entirely."
You gasped, throwing your elbows and struggling when someone came up behind you and wrapped their arms around your waist in the empty hallway. Your hallpass fluttered to the ground. "Get your hands off of me, assho-"
Their arms loosened, "Oh come on, angel, I know I'm no Prince Charming, but I thought you liked me better than that."
You froze, immediately turning and throwing your arms around the curly haired, brown eyed boy in front of you. "Eds..."
He held your waist with one arm, rubbing your back with the other. "Hey, I've got you. I didn't mean to scare you, baby. Is something going on?" His brow furrowed with concern, cradling your face.
 You buried your face in his chest, voice muffled. "I'm sorry." You fought to catch your breath, hands shaking with adrenaline. "Jason and some other idiots from the basketball team. They always flirt, but they've been...touchy, today." You swallowed thickly. "They've been following me around like dogs."
"Hold up, touchy? They put their hands on you?" Anger flashed in his eyes as he looked you over, protectively. "They've pulled shit like that? Running up and grabbing you?"
"They've only held me like that once," You croak. "Normally they just push me back up against the lockers."
Eddie's face hardened, his jaw clenching. His lip trembled, and you could tell he was hiding rage just beneath the surface. He nodded, pulling you close to hug you against his chest. He kissed your forehead. "If this happens again, you tell me. You come tell me right away, ok? You did the right thing. If they put hands on you like that again I want you to do exactly what you did just a minute ago. Just swing your arms and kick like hell alright?"
You nodded, looking up and him, and he pecked your lips, mussing your hair. "I'm not gonna let them touch you again, ok?"
Again, you nodded, and hugged him tightly, enjoying the familiar smell and feel of him again before you heard a door open down the hall, and you jumped apart.
"What's wrong, Eds? Things getting rocky with the ole imaginary girlfriend?" Mike sat his tray down beside Eddie, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Jason Carver's table. The more he thought about it, the more anger he felt.
Sure, Jason had always had some sort of sick fascination with you, but if this was happening to you, it was happening to other girls too.
Eddie's stomach churned.
His gaze immediately turned to you when he saw you walking back to the cheer table with your lunch, sitting beside Chrissy Cunningham.
He felt a little twinge of relief, seeing you snug in between two of your friends at the table. He took a few bites of his food, trying to pay attention to what his friends were debating about this time.
His muscles tightened when he saw you stand from the table, presumably, to throw away your trash and return your lunch tray. Jason stood with his tray as well, closely followed by two of his goons. Eddie's jaw clenched, and he quickly turned to watch the scene more closely.
"What's he riled up about, this time?" Gareth muttered. The other boys laughed, taking teasing jabs, but Eddie didn't process a word of it at this point.
He watched Jason like a hawk as the blonde muttered something to his friends, pointing over at you. Eddie shot up from the lunch table.
You'd just put your tray down when you felt someone come up behind you, grabbing your waist. You gasped, feeling Patricks hot breath on your neck. "Why don't we go find a spot under the bleachers and you can show my friends and I what you wear under that pretty uniform?"
You struggled, just like Eddie told you, but Patrick shoved you foward into Andy's chest.
Eddie sprinted across the room, elbowing through the crowds as panic bubbled in his stomach. "Hey!"
You took a step back, but Andy's hands were already grabbing your hips. You shoved your fists against his chest. "Aw, Don't be like that. It won't do any good. I like it when girls play hard to g-"
A fist found Andy's jaw, and he fell backwards, pulling you down with him. Eddie gathered you quickly from the floor up into his arms, his eyes looking you up and down for any sign that they'd hurt you. "You okay?"
You nodded, tears in your eyes, and Eddie held you close, letting you cling to his chest as Andy stood up again, looking pissed.
"What the hell is wrong with you, you freak?" He spat, nose starting to bleed.
"What's wrong with me? You're the one feeling up my girlfriend in the middle of the goddamn lunch room!"
The room seemed to freeze, laughter breaking out slowly across the tables. Hellfire was on its feet, every single member watching with their jaw dropped.
"Girlfriend..." Jason scoffed, wandering over. "You really are nuts aren't you?"
Eddie swallowed thickly. You could feel him trembling. "I'm going to tell you this one time, Carver. So, you better get it through your thick fucking skull."
The room went quiet again. Jason crossed his arms over his chest, looking amused.
"If I see you lay a goddamn finger on another girl in this school, I will personally beat in every pearly little tooth in your fucking mouth."
There was a long silence. You'd never heard Eddie's voice so dark.
"You understand me?" His breathing was heavy with anger.
Jason rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Jesus, Y/N. Tell this freak you're not his. I think he's been playing pretend a little too much with his boyfriends. It seems to have gotten to his head."
There was a long silence. Eddie wasn't sure what you would do. In a way, he would understand if you did tell him to fuck off. The whole damn school was watching, now.
Trembling, you took Eddie's chin, turning him to look at you. His eyelashes fluttered, giving you silent permission, and you pulled him down into a sweet, comforting, long overdue  kiss.
The silence dissipated into shocked murmurs, and Jason watched in horrified confusion as Eddie pecked your lips one last time before turning to look at him.
"Like I said...Hands off."
He slid his arm around your waist, squeezing your hand comfortingly as he walked you over to the Hellfire table. The boys were silent, staring at the two of you like you had three heads.
"Boys, I'd like you to meet Lady L/N...Newest member of the Hellfire Club."
Dustin stared, jaw still slack with amazement. "Eddie..."
Eddie's brow raised expectantly.
"That was...so fucking metal, dude."
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hellcheer-heaven · 1 year
“Leaked script” of what actually happened: Season 4, Episode 2.
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We see the sign for FOREST HILLS TRAILER PARK. Various shots of the residents’ homes are shown.
Jump cut to Max waking up in a cold sweat, catching her breath after a nightmare. Clutching her heart as she takes in her surroundings, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She hears the dog barking outside and she begrudgingly gets up.
Max sighs as she grabs a bowl of leftovers for the dog. Kate Bush’s Running Up That Hill plays from her headphones. She heads for the door.
Max opens the door, but stops midway when she sees the door to the Munson trailer open. She keeps herself hidden and waits.
Chrissy steps out, plants her feet on the ground, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Eddie is close behind.
Chrissy. How are you feeling?
I feel… I feel really good, Eddie. Thank you again for helping me last night.
Hey no worries. And um… my castle gates are always open if you need anything.
Chrissy gives Eddie a smile before they walk over to his van. She puts her hand on his shoulder.
Listen, can I call you later? I mean, if you’re not too busy. I don’t want to bother you on your spring break.
Eddie can’t believe what he’s hearing, but he plays it cool.
No. I mean yes! No I- Shit. Yes. Yes, you can call me later. No I’m not busy, I… I have no plans today. This whole week actually.
Thanks Eddie. I’m sorry about waking you up so early, but my mom is gonna freak if she finds out anything.
Hey, hey it’s okay. I mean, I get it. Queen of Hawkins High found “dead” at Forest Hills. Suspected killer Eddie Munson on the loose.
Eddie please don’t say that.
Kidding, just a joke. Sorry, I’m a little morbid.
Max continues to watch from the door. Jump cut to Max POV, Eddie and Chrissy continue to talk. Chrissy smiles at him before they head over to the passenger side. Eddie goes to the driver side, still smiling as he opens his door.
Eddie starts the car and Pat Benatar’s Shadows of the Night plays on the radio.
I love this song! It’s my favorite! Can we listen to it, please?
Cut to Eddie’s van exiting the trailer park and driving on the main road back to Hawkins. The song continues to play.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Let's make it easier for everyone :))
☆ = angst || ♡ = smut
Wednesday (series)
Wednesday Addams
I'll sit with you in the dark Didn't you want this, Cara Mia? (Part 1 || Part 2) Failed relationship + epilogue ☆ Mine (Part 1 || Part 2) Friends? (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4)
Enid Sinclair
This isn't about wolfing out, is it? The moon is beautiful, isn't it?
Amber Freeman
Because I love you ♡ Falling for her (Part 1) Madly in love We all go a little mad sometimes Too far ☆ Act 5 ♡
Tara Carpenter
Falling for her (Part 1 || Part 2) I'll die with you (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7) ☆♡ One last time ☆ Alone with you You have to let me go ☆ The one for you Until the end ☆ Savior ☆ Admiring from afar ☆ In another life (Tara's version) Two's company, three's a crowd (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3) ♡☆
Sam Carpenter
Jealous ♡ All I ever wanted ♡ In another life (Sam's version) Two's company, three's a crowd (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3) ♡☆
Emma Myers
Hold your breath My favorite ☆ The queen of hearts All yours The ocean I love her so much (Part 2) ☆ Scared to lose you
Jenna Ortega
I love her so much... (Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 2 [au]) ☆ Mrs Ortega ☆
Warrior Nun
Ava Silva
When I’m gone ☆ I'll hold your hand Not friends
Stranger Things
Max Mayfield
Every part of you (Part 1 || Part 2) ☆ Close your eyes and trust me
Robin Buckley
[nothing yet]
Nancy Wheeler
[nothing yet]
Fear Street
Ziggy Berman
[nothing yet]
Cindy Berman
[nothing yet]
Ginny & Georgia
Maxine Baker
[nothing yet]
Abby Littman
[nothing yet]
Georgia Miller
[nothing yet]
Natasha Romanoff
[nothing yet]
Wanda Maximoff
[nothing yet]
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Stranger Things series WIP
Hello Followers!
Please take time out of your day to read this WIP I have had on the back burner for some time. It will be series but I haven’t decided what the endgame pairing will be. READ AND LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE!
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The Mayfield’s trailer was buzzing with low talking points; everyone was taking turns and not, trying to figure out their next step in solving the Vecna problem. Eddie sat on the couch, bewildered and quiet, trying to wrap his head around the last 28 hours of his life. Dustin gave him an encouraging smile, but nothing could ease Eddie’s nerves – any of their nerves.
“Mike’s phone line has been busy for hours…”
“I guess we can’t count on them,” Steve sighed, hands on his hips. “So, what do we do?”
“We figure this out on our own.” Nancy was firm in her suggestion, and everyone agreed, Vecna needed to be stopped and one way or another, they were going to figure it out. Eddie leaned back, knee bouncing with anticipation as a plan began to form. He started to relax when a sharp knock came from the front door, and everyone froze.
“Who the hell is that!”  Robin whispered to Max, who shrugged. Dustin grinned and told everyone to relax.
“Have you lost your shit, Henderson?”
Ignoring Steve, Dustin walked over to the front door and turned to smile at his friends. “I made a call the day we found out this shit was tied into the Upside-Down. I knew we were going to need back up and who better than the Demogorgon Queen herself?”
Steve’s expression relaxed and he grinned. “Last time we talked she was four states away at college.”
Dustin shrugged, swinging the door open. Eddie moved to the edge of his seat, neck craning to see who this mystery woman was and when you walked in – dark jeans, heavy boots and an annoyed look on your face, Eddie was smitten. Your face relaxed and softened a thousand times over when you saw Max, and you quickly embraced her. Eddie was surprised to see the feisty redhead cling to your body, and he couldn’t pry his eyes away as you kissed her briefly on the forehead, petting her hair before moving toward Steve. His eyes followed as you stood in front of Harrington and immediately touched his neck, examining his scars and hugging him tightly. You kissed him on the cheek before turning to Robin and embracing her. You greeted Nancy with a respected nod afterwards, and fist pumped Lucas and Dustin. When you turned to the couch and smiled in Eddie’s direction his heart rattled until you greeted Erica with a friendly and sarcastic remark – to which she gave you a “it’s about time you showed up” response. Finally, your gaze came to Eddie’s, and he felt like he needed to vomit.
“You look like shit.”
Steve chuckled. “Nice.”
You winced and gave Eddie a smile. “Sorry – is this better; welcome to the shit show!”
Eddie broke into a smile, and everyone laughed, the tension lifting as you held up the backpack you came in with. Opening it, you discarded all the items onto the coffee table and Eddie jumped back when several handguns landed in front of him. Erica whistled and you warned her not to touch.
“These are for the grown-ups.”
“I don’t see any here,” Erica remarked, and you smiled at her.
“This is backup,” you looked over to Nancy. “We’re going to need shot guns and more bullets, I took this from the stash at my parent’s house. I’m mostly cleaned out from last time…”
“Last time?”
Eddie’s voice croaked a little and you looked at him. “The mall fire, the Russians…Steve finally kicking ass…” The look of confusion on Eddie’s face had you glaring over to Dustin. “Did you tell him nothing?”
Dustin glared at you. “Right, because I had so much time to sit him down and explain everything to him – all he needed to know was the basics, and we sort of told him that…”
Your eyes went to the newcomer, and it was clear he knew jack shit. Sighing, you stood straight and asked if he knew how to use a gun. “Yeah, I’ve shot a few times with my uncle.”
Your acceptance rattled Eddie in a way he wasn’t sure was good or bad, but he said nothing as Nancy came over to the coffee table to examine the goods. The two of you started talking about the weapons and Eddie got up, moving to the kitchen for something to drink. Max pointed out where the cups where and he thanked her, pouring himself some tap water. He leaned against the counter and watched as your demeanor changed near Robin and Steve. The three of you were clearly close and when Steve made you laugh, Eddie felt a lump in his throat. Then he felt like an idiot, because didn’t even know you – like at all. It was clear you had attended Hawkins High but for some reason, he just couldn’t place you.
“I’m glad I called her…” Dustin appeared at Eddie’s side and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “She’s a complete badass – she’s taken down so many Demogorgon’s.”
“How do you know her?”
“She had been one of Nancy’s best friends, was always at the Wheelers. She was always really cool to us, Lucas total had to the hots for her,” Dustin laughed and Eddie just looked at him. The young boy stopped and shrugged. “Anyways. She got mixed up in all this shit way back when Will disappeared.”
“That Byers kid?”
Dustin nodded and Eddie listened as he explained the whole situation; how you ended up in the mix via Nancy and Steve. “I don’t know the details, dude, but apparently Steve and her had a thing after Nancy dumped him.”
Eddie’s eyes flickered over to Steve and you; he noticed the way Steve was staring at you as you spoke and the way you kept touching his arm. “So, they were a thing, huh?  Nancy Wheeler wasn’t too happy about that, was she?”
“Who cares, we have bigger stuff to worry about.”
Dustin left Eddie in the kitchen, and he stood there alone for a few minutes until Steve called him over – there was a new plan in action, and it involved needing a vehicle big enough for the entire group. Eddie’s eyes lit up. “I know where we can get our dream ride, but I’m going to need something to cover my face.”
“You’re not that ugly,” you assured him, Steve snickered at your side and Eddie grinned at your teasing tone. You held your hands up as an apology, but Max speaks up.
“I think I have something…”
The RV rattled a bit as Steve drove in the direction of the general store, you sat shot gun and the two of you were playing catch up – as if the two of you hadn’t had weekly phone calls. He asked why you came back. He didn’t like your answer when you tell him you had to. That everyone had been through enough and it was time to stop it all for good. That Steve and you had been through enough, and you just wanted the two of you to live regular lives.
“You were happy at school; Dustin shouldn’t have called you.”
“He was trying to help,” you shrugged, staring out the window. You were studying for exams when your off-campus roommate called from the living room that there was someone named Dustin on the line. Which was strange because he never called – it was usually Max or Steve, but everyone did have your number. When you picked up and he rattled off the situation, your heart dropped, and this aching feeling washed over you. The truth was that you hadn’t wanted to come back to Hawkins and almost declined Dustin’s begs for help, but how could you do that? They were your friends and Steve – you had to come back for him.
Your eyes danced over to Steve, his expression laxed and concentrated on the road. He looked good, sans the large scar on his neck. Even on the phone, he sounded optimistic about his life, and it made you happy to know he was doing alright. Your casually looked over your shoulder to Nancy, who was staring down at a newspaper and your stomach turned.
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Ginger characters are cat people.
Peter shaw? Cat guy. Motherfucker has 27 cats and 8 additional ones that aren’t his but somehow live at his place. (His first cat is named zooma. Idk but i just wanted to inform everyone of that fact)
Lily evans? Cat. Girl.
Albert da silva? Now if that man isnt a cat person idk what he is!
Grace augustine??? If she was a villain she’d turn in her chair and guess what would be in her lab? A fucking cat. She loves cats. She took a cat to pandora i have now decided. And even in cannon i just know that she would have if she could have.
Nina zenik? Queen fucking lives for cats and i will hit u and sell u to a salvor if you disagree.
Even fucking strawberry shortcake is a cat person and u can’t convince me otherwise
Hinata???? Loves cats. Fuck u
Natasha romanov? is the most cat person ive ever seen! She’ll bee all like bad bitch and tough but u hand her a cat and she wilk get worse than a fucking third grader IM TELLING U
Fundy? I mean come on he’s literally a fox! Ofc he loves cats! And so does sally!
Max motherfucking mayfield? She used to hate cats then she accidentally rescued one and it wouldn’t stop following her after that and thats when she started KINDA liking them but within three days the cat had her whole heart and was the only reason for her to keep living
Peter. Pan. ? Hates dogs that’s for sure
The little screaming kid from the beginning of newsies? Nah that guy has begged his dad for two cats SO much that he actually got them and against all odds he actually cared for them.
Neil j?? Biggest cat lover!
Annaliese from half bad a d o r e s cats?!!!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 months
Master List- 95
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We won't run forever - Beth Dutton x Male Reader
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You are stuck in my heart - Eleven Hopper x Male Reader
Sundown - El x Male Reader x Max Mayfield
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Silence is not golden - Male Reader x "Timeless" Toni Storm
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The moonlight - Garfield Logan x Male Reader
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Don't take me now - Male Reader x Queen Maeve
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What the moon brings tonight - Chris Evans x FTM Reader (Smut)
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Thinking about the plans we made last night- Barry Allen x Male Reader
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I still don't understand about love - Olivia Rodrigo x Male Reader.
Stare into the endless sky - Olivia Rodrigo x Male Reader
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
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nancy wheeler - bubble gum bitch: Oh, dear diary, I met a boy / He made my doll heart light up with joy / Oh, dear diary, we fell apart / Welcome to the life of Electra Heart
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will byers - state of dreaming: All I really want is to be wonderful / People in this town they, they can be so cruel / I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep / If I could sell my sorry soul, I would have it all
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max mayfield - teen idle: Yeah, I wish I'd been a / Wish I'd been a teen, teen idle / Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title / Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible / Feeling super, super (Super!) suicidal / The wasted years, the wasted youth / The pretty lies, the ugly truth / And the day has come where I have died / Only to find I've come alive / Come alive, I've come alive
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el hopper - valley of the dolls: Born with a void / Hard to destroy with love or hope / Built with a heart, broken from the start / And now I die slow / In the valley of the dolls, we sleep / Got a hole inside of me / Living with identities / That do not belong to me / In my life, I got this far / Now I’m ready for the last hoorah / Dying like a shooting star
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max mayfield - hypocrates: You’re my last bone of contention / That could break at any mention / You’re the last wall that will stand tall / Till the end of the world / I know you only want to own me / And that’s the kind of love you show me / You tell me one thing and do another / Keep all your secrets undercover / Who are you to tell me, tell me / Who to, to be, to be? / Yeah you played the martyr for so long / That you can’t do anything wrong
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el hopper - fear and loathing: Now I see, I see it for the first time / There is no crime in being kind / Not everyone is out to screw you over / Maybe, yeah just maybe, they just want to get to know you
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nancy wheeler - sex yeah: If history could set you free / (From who you were supposed to be) / If sex in our society / (Didn't tell a girl who she would be) / ‘Cause all my life I've tried to fight what history has given me, me
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el hopper - buy the stars: Oh, we don't own our heavens now / We only own our hell / And if you don't know that by now / Then you don't know me that well / All my life I've been so lonely / All in the name of being holy / And still, you'd like to think you know me / You keep buyin' stars / And you could buy up all of the stars / But it wouldn't change who you are / You're still living life in the dark / It's just who you are
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robin & steve - lonely hearts club: I feel like if I’m too kind / Then you will only change your mind / Take advantage of my heart / And I’ll go back into the dark / Love will never be forever / Feelings are just like the weather / January to December / Do you wanna be a member? / Lonely hearts club / Do you want to be with somebody like me?
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
Summary: using herself as bait in order to protect Max, Chrissy is dropped at the Creel's residence with Dustin and Eddie as her guardians. Unfortunately, someone tips off Jason after spotting Dustin outside the murder house.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Genre: angst w/ happy ending
Eddissy: @chaoticlovingdreamer @acvross-the-universe @queenofstarsanddarkness
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @comfort-reads
Warnings: language, violence, guns, blood
A/N: props to my best friend for giving me ideas to write a believable fight scene between Eddie and Jason, because this one was complicated af. Also say thanks to Grace Van Dien for putting out there which songs would have saved Chrissy from Vecna, we love you queen. Enjoy babes <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I gulped, my legs wobbling once my white Reebok sneakers landed on the sidewalk by the Creel's house. This was crazy. Was I really doing it?
With each step I took towards the entrance, I became more and more dazed; the Brigitte Bardot's cassette that Steve Harrington had struggled so much to find faintly played through Eddie's headphones, though it was currently being muffled by the stammering of my heart.
What was I thinking? I wasn't brave —not braver than Max Mayfield, at least. But Max was a kid.
I felt a finger gently tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my negative train of thought that threatened to go downhill.
I spun my head to my right, switching the attention from the ominous stained glass to a concerned Eddie, pointing at his ear as to tell me to remove the portable music player.
With a sigh, I did what Eddie requested and took off the headphones, letting them hang from my neck.
"You okay?" Eddie questioned in a whisper.
He wasn't a fan of the plan. Specially, not of the part in which I ventured into the lion's den to act as bait. He didn't particularly like the idea of Dustin being there either, but groups of three were made, and at the end of the day, the Creel's house was the safest.
If you didn't have me on account, of course.
"As okay as I can be right now." I limited myself to reply, tugging on the sleeves of my newly acquired leather bomber in order to stop my fingers from fidgeting.
"Hey," the tall boy reached for my hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. "We're not letting him get to you again, right Henderson?"
We both turned to the freshman, who enthusiastically nodded. "The moment it gets remotely bad," he raised his right hand, showing me the big radio cassette player we had grabbed from Eddie's trailer. "We're calling in Brigitte... Bardot, or whatever her name is."
Dustin's words made the corner of my lip twist up in an endeared smile, which Eddie turned into a relieved breathy laugh the moment he spoke again.
"You can bet they'll hear her all the way from Indianapolis." He joked, bumping my shoulder with his. "We're not taking any chances here."
"Promise?" It was almost inaudible, but Eddie caught it.
"Promise." He assured me, intertwining his fingers with mine, automatically diminishing my anxiety.
Something about Eddie's presence made me feel unbelievably safe —which was actually hilarious if we considered that, just a week earlier, the idea of meeting him alone in the woods made me uneasy at the very least.
My two assigned protectors awaited in silence for me to be ready and give them the cue to enter the abandoned house.
"Screw it," I let go of Eddie's hand and, after doing a couple of little jumps on the spot, I put back on the headphones and grabbed the door knob. "Let's do this."
I was trying not to pace, to sit still by Chrissy's side as she stayed crosslegged in that dusty attic, holding her hand like she had asked me to. My knuckles had turned white and my palms sweaty from complying.
Her eyes were rolled back while her petite frame slightly convulsed on the spot, making her ponytail and bangs wave as if there was a breeze of fresh air coming from somewhere. The little notepad rested open over the wooden box before us, her last scribble on display for me.
'Thank you ♡'
Thank you. I still couldn't understand why she had trusted me to keep her body safe in the abandoned house while her mind battled with Vecna, trying to slip away from his grasp.
And even though I didn't understand, I would carry out every wish and need she had, because, fuck, she deserved every good thing in our fucked up world.
Every. Good. Thing.
There was a rage, a frustration, tightening like barbed wire around heart after listening in silence to all the bad thoughts she spilled to trick Vecna into taking her; all those horrible things about herself that she, to some extent, believed to be true.
I was ready to tell her the truth once she woke up; how she was beautiful —inside and out—; how she was the farthest thing from a horrible daughter for not listening to her mother; how she was capable and brave, so brave, and a good person.
I was ready to tell her that she didn't have to fulfill anyone's expectations but hers, that she didn't have to change her body to fit into anything, that Jason was the problem for not listening to her and not the other way around.
But to tell her all those things, first she had to fucking wake up, and she had to fucking wake up soon or else...
"C'mon..." I muttered through gritted teeth in the lowest tone possible, unable to refrain myself from emitting any kind of sound.
Stay with her.
Stay with her.
"Fuck." I halfheartedly let go of Chrissy's hand to peek through the boarded up broken window. "C'mon, Dustin." I pulled the flashlight from my back pocket and pointed it to the playground's direction.
On-off. On-off. On-off.
I looked over my shoulder to check Chrissy's state; it hadn't changed, but something inside of me was telling me we needed to rush.
"C'mon, Henderson." I turned back to the window, sharpening my eyes in order to try and see in the dark.
On-off. On-off. On-off.
"What the fuck." I took a step back from the window. Dustin wasn't there, he wasn't in the playground. God, we didn't need more problems.
Staring at Chrissy's vulnerable, entranced state, I debated between trying the communication through light again or going out to check why wasn't Dustin responding.
It was just as I turned to turn on the flashlight again that the front door, three stories down, was slammed open, loud enough for me to hear the hit.
My heart missed a beat at the freshman's distressed scream, following by fast, loud steps up the stairs that quickly came to a halt.
Forgetting about my task of remaining silent, my immediate response was to yell back, "DUSTIN?!"
Something was wrong. Something was so wrong.
"Motherfucking..." I muttered, as scared and stressed as I would ever be, running to grab the Brigitte Bardot cassette from my walkman. "Son of a bitch. Fucking... Christ." With shaky hands, I sprinted back to the window, under which the radio cassette player had been set, and threw it in before attempting to make my way downstairs.
I could barely get past Chrissy before my pace died down.
"Holy shit..."
Just when I thought I couldn't be more distraught, I was met with Jason fucking Carver climbing the attic stairs, left arm holding Dustin against his chest while his right hand held a gun up to the kid's head.
Great, just fucking great.
"Fuck me." I instinctively raised my hands in surrender, eyes ping-ponging between Dustin and Jason, whose deranged glare wasted no time in scan the place and therefore finding Chrissy in a matter of seconds.
"You fucking freak!" Jason shouted, taking slow steps forward and therefore making me step back at the same speed. "I knew you had her." I saw his bloodshot eyes stare at what I figured was Chrissy's back, but didn't dare to look at her.
"Dustin, you okay, man?" I chose to ask, as laid-back and possible, my attention focused on the scared freshman forced to walk in front of the jock.
Dustin's quick nod made Jason's focus snap back to us, pressing the barrel against the kid's temple, which made my whole body stop functioning and Dustin's lids be screwed shut.
"He won't be okay if you don't back off."
"Back off!"
I had no option but comply, trying not to stumble while I mantained the six feet distance between us, only stopping after Jason reached Chrissy.
"Chris?" He crouched, manhandling Dustin with an iron grip to check the cheerleader's state. "What did you do to her?!" He yelled, standing up and turning his head to me so fast that it might as well have given him whiplash.
"Listen, let the kid go, alright?" I nearly begged, seeing Dustin's eyes welling up with tears he refused to spill.
"I'll let him go when you let her go!" The loading of the gun dramatically echoing in the eerily silent attic nearly put me under cardiac arrest.
When my body unknowingly tried to move forward to reach the curly haired boy, Jason yanked him back, a string of curses falling from my lips as he did so.
"Henderson, shut up." I ordered with widened eyes. Thank God the blond boy wasn't trigger-happy. "Jason, you don't understand—'
"I do." He growled. "The only reason why I didn't shoot you on sight is because I understand, you satanic freak."
"Dude, I'm catholic." I replied with unnerving levity.
"Eddie! remember your first campaign with us?" Dustin's words were a quick, nervous gibberish. "The Gnolls that attacked the party." Luckily, Jason had decided to try to decipher whatever the kid was saying instead of shutting him up for good. "Gareth's idea. Brains over brawn."
Oh boy, this was gonna suck for me.
"What's he talking about?!" Jason urged me to explain, the loose strand of hair hanging over his forehead trembling. "What does that mean?!"
I shrugged, giving my head a slow shake. "I have no idea, man."
"Cut the bullshit. Here's what's gonna happen." He drew a loud breath, jaw clenching as he tried to put himself together. "You're gonna wake her up." Without blinking, he tilted his head to Dustin. "Or I'm gonna kill him."
God, my heart was jackhammering to the point it made me dizzy. Why did it have to be me handling this situation? Killing off a couple of nightmarish bats would have been much easier than dealing with a delusional, unhinged jock with a gun who also happened to hate my guts.
This was on me for volunteering to be Chrissy's protector. What was I thinking? I wasn't brave.
Fuck it. Bravery or not, I wasn't going to let Jason hurt Dustin or get to Chrissy.
Brains over brawn, Eddie. Time to roll the dice and hope for it to score a high number.
"I'm sure Chrissy would looove to know you murdered a fourteen year old in her name." I commented, risking adding a sarcastic undertone to my words.
"Wake her up, you fucking psycho!"
"Psycho?" I scoffed, looking down at the basketball player. "That's rich from the guy pointing a gun at a kid." I tried to bring in a watered down version of my usual histrionic demeanor, hoping to bewilder Jason enough for him to forget about Dustin. "Maybe I should wake her up. Let her see you like this. She would hate you." I dragged the last two words in a slow tone, trying not to startle the blond senior while simultaneously riling him up.
"You don't know what you're talking about!" He seethed, though there was a tinge of fear showing in his irises. "You don't know Chris!"
"And you do?" I huffed, eyes squinted at him. "You don't even know what she was going through." My reproach was genuine, flashes of Chrissy's tortured, miserable state coming to my mind accompanied by the echoing of her dark confession to Vecna.
"If she was going through anything, she'd tell me!" His grip on Dustin loosened, and so did the need to press the pistol against his head, since he was now motioning at the girl with it. "She trusts me more than anything!"
"That so?" I dared to take a step forward. "Then why was she in my trailer and not in your house?" The guy was now vibrating with rage, and God would I be enjoying it if it was not for the imminent danger threatening all of our lives. "You know what I think?" I taunted in a low voice. "I think you've never listened to her."
"Shut up, Munson."
"You never even cared about what she had to say, did you? And why would you, Jason?" My voice, which was previously a mocking whisper, began to gradually raise. "She was there to sit still and look pretty, wasn't she?"
"SHUT UP!" He finally tossed Dustin to the ground, nearly making him bump into Chrissy, and menacingly cocked the gun at me.
"She's a trophy for you, right? Something to show around." I egged on, trying to convince myself that he would not shoot, when we all knew quite well what he was capable of. "The Head Cheerleader and the Basketball Captain. What a fucking cliche."
"I love her more than anything."
"Really? Because it looks like you just wanted an excuse to come after me with a loaded gun, pretty boy."
"I'm going to kill you, Munson." He declared, knuckles white from the tight grip on the butt of the gun. Fuck, if the bullet didn't stop my heart, the fear would.
"All talk no action. I guess that's why Chris swapped you for the freak, huh."
I knew the nickname would strike that final nerve, so I braced myself and tried not to falter when I heard the bullet being shot.
Though it never came; Dustin had pushed the gun away, forcing Jason to shoot the roof and earning the kid a well packed punch.
Letting out a warcry to hype myself up, I leaped forward, tackling the shorter senior and sending us both to fall on the creaky planks on the attic's floor.
Using the initial shock and the fact the the gun had slipped from Jason's grasp as my only advantages, I propped myself upright on my knees and threw a blow down full force, making it crash into the blond's cheekbone with a strength I didn't know I had, leaving a cut on it from my chunky ring and the jock momentarily stunned.
I clutched my fist with a hiss, feeling my own stinging pain from the hit on my knuckles.
My head instinctively snapped at Dustin, and I was first met with the cause of the terrified scream; Chrissy beginning to raise from the floor.
"THE CASSETTE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.. "DUSTIN, THE C—"
Jason's knuckles hastily colliding with my jaw marked the end of what I knew to be my strike of luck.
My reflexes were clearly not as good as an athlete's, so in my dazed state, I could do close nothing to dodge a second blow, way more calculated than the previous one.
After trying to shake Jason off me and attempting to unsuccessfully land a couple of hits of my own, I opted to shield myself.
I barely registered the melodic, ironically lighthearted voice of Brigitte Bardot being blasted through my radio cassette player; thankfully, it took Jason so aback that he halted his vicious attack on me.
"STOP THIS!" His hysterical threat came out muffled by the blood thumping in my ears. Through swollen, blurry eyes, I saw how Jason scurried away in Dustin's direction.
No way.
Drawing strength from the adrenaline, I managed to kick the jock in the guts before he could get up. I pushed myself off the wooden floor, making it squeak under my weight before charging at Jason once more with a loud cry.
I knew it was a losing game, and Jason confirmed it the moment he not only deviated my fist to crash on the planks, but also switched our positions; with a crazed glare, he held me in place by taking a fistful of my blood stained shirt to push me against one of the posts supporting the damned attic's structure.
I didn't hear the thump behind Jason.
"Stop running, Chrissy." The devil-like voice was calm; he was taking his time to chase me through the beautiful playground he had recently turned into a goreish nightmare. "It's time."
I stopped running by the swings; my chest heaved and tears blurred my eyes once more. He was right, it was time.
That was my last genuinely happy memory. There was no point in trying to get away anymore, and that broke me.
"Chrissy." I let out a shriek at the closeness of his voice. Frozen in place by the horror I felt, I could only widen my eyes, my legs dangerously shaking while he circled me until we stood face to face. "Stay very still." He ordered, raising his clawed hand until it hovered over my head. "It'll be alright."
It'll be alright.
The words Eddie had scribbled on his notepad moments ago while we waited alone for Phase Two came to my mind, accompanied by his soft half smile as a saving grace.
I didn't know if that would count as a happy memory, but I had to try. Pushing out of my thoughts the fact that Vecna was inches away from me, I shut my eyes and visualized that instant as vividly as I could, tears spilling from my closed lids.
Moi je joue à joue contre joue
Je veux jouer à joue contre vous
Mais vous, le voulez-vous?
"You think a song will save you, Chrissy?" He mocked me, tilting his head to the side. "Nothing will s..."
I had no time to think before the ground split beneath me while everything dissolved into dusty smoke, including Vecna.
I caught a mere glimpse of it before falling into a seemingly never ending darkness that made my stomach sink and knocked the air straight out of my lungs.
And then... Thud!
My feet hit the ground without a warning, cheerleader instincts kicking in and making me react on time so I wouldn't break my ankles.
It took a while for my senses to register anything aside from my hyperventilation, the undusted old wood beneath me and the deafening singing of Brigitte Bardot.
"Chrissy!" Two trembling hands grabbed my forearms and forced me to meet a curl framed face.
"Dustin?" The kid was on the verge of tears, visibly torn between leaving my side or making sure I was alright.
And then every violent sound silenced by the cassette started to come to me; the tussling, the grunts, the hits, Jason's raging screams.
The gun lying at arm's reach on my left.
"You think I don't know why you chose Chrissy?!" He yelled, fisting my shirt; had I not being so battered, I would have worried about him tearing the cheap fabric. "You think I don't see how you look at her?! YOU FUCKING FREAK?!" His voice cracked while he shoved my head against the post, triggering a worn out wince from me. Shit, I was so gonna have a serious concussion after this. "YOU'VE" Punch. "ALWAYS." Punch. "WANTED HER!"
I didn't even flinch at the shot, but Jason did. His hands instinctively went up to somehow cover his head, but someone else was faster on the attack, shattering a vase against my attacker's temple and successfully freeing me from his iron grip.
Dustin's shoe flashed in front my eyes to kick Jason's semiconscious body off of me before hooking his arms around mines, dragging me away from the jock.
It was only after my perspective of the room had changed that I saw Chrissy struggling to stand up, the gun held firmly by both of her hands.
Like a rabid animal, Jason was soon clambering scarily fast towards me and Dustin, making us both scream as if that would somehow stop him.
"Get off them." Chrissy's stern, tired voice was barely audible over the song, but it was enough to make Jason change his mind about resuming the fight.
"Chris— Chris, it's me, babe." It was scary, how gentle he turned once he realized Chrissy was out of the trance. He wasn't in much of a hurry to rescue her from us now that she was aiming the pistol at him.
"What did you do?" She questioned in a grieving mumble, glassy blue eyes stealing a worried glance at my form.
"Baby, put down the gun." He ordered, getting up from the floor in an attempt to make his way to Chrissy. "I don't know what this freak did to you but we'll make it right."
"Don't get any closer." She warned the basketball team captain, taking a step back in order to rest against one of the wooden posts.
"Babe, I know you're scared—"
Determination and anger twisted Chrissy's face before she tilted the barrel down ever so slightly, shooting right in front of Jason's feet.
"I SAID DON'T GET ANY CLOSER!" Dustin's hold of me loosened, most likely due to feeling more protected now that Jason seemed to be listening to Chrissy. "Dustin? Can you get Eddie to the stairs?"
"I— I can try." The kid was able to sit me up but, despite putting in his best effort, I couldn't even stand up before we stumbled back to the floor. "Fuck."
Chrissy seemed to ponder her options, brows furrowed in concentration.
"Turn around and walk to that corner." She ordered Jason, momentarily cocking the gun at the farthest place from the attic's entrance.
The boy's bewildered eyes landed on us, then the corner, then Chrissy again, switching back and forth between the end of the gun and her cold gaze. "Chris, c'mon." He chuckled, trying not to let the nerves slip. "You're not gonna shoot me."
"I don't want to shoot you." She corrected him, jaw clenched and eyes squinted as if she was battling with her soft self and her own fears to make the following statement. "But I will if you touch Eddie again. So," Jason gulped, now more convinced by his girlfriend's words. "You're going to turn around, and walk to that corner."
Unable to react different due to the shock of the situation, Jason did nothing but obey, walking past us livid with widened eyes and hands up.
"Stay there." Chrissy's stern voice faltered while she put the gun down and rushed to us, her strong demeanor crumbling into pieces once she kneeled in front of me. "God..."
"Bad, huh?" I questioned, trying to lighting the mood but obtaining the opposite.
"It's going to be okay, Eddie." she didn't sound very convincing, but what was remaining intact of my body melted when she took off her scrunchie and carefully put my hair back in a bun. "It's... God, okay. That's a lot of blood."
"Great." I hissed, clenching my fists when Chrissy used her fingertips to move my bangs out of the way.
"Dustin, you have water?" By the way Chrissy's were automatically casted down, I figured the freshman, who kept me sat upright, had responded negatively. "We're... We're gonna get you to a hospital, okay? C'mon."
She moved to my side, draping my left arm over her shoulders and linking her fingers with mines before prompting Dustin to do the same.
With extra support, a little pride and a lot of pain, I was able to start walking.
"Waitwaitwait," I stopped them at the stairs, earning a worried look from both. "Can't go to a hospital, they'll call the police."
"Eddie, I don't know if you noticed but" Dustin motioned dramatically at my upper body with his free hand. "This is bad. Dying beats jail."
"Do I... look like I'm dying?" Chrissy's overenthusiastic 'no!' overlapped with Dustin's deadpanning 'yeah'. "I mean, it does hurt like a bitch."
"Listen, we'll get you to a hospital." Chrissy began, taking a step forward for us to follow her lead. "I'll— I'll stay with you, okay?"
I vehemently denied, feeling instant regret when that simple movement made me prone to lose balance and fall down the old stairs. "What about Vecna?"
"I think the plan worked." Chrissy shrugged, locking her eyes with mine. Now up close, I could appreciate how bloodshot they were. "The song... It wouldn't have worked."
My breath hitched, my left hand tightening around hers as if that would stop her from disappearing again.
It wouldn't have worked.
"It's okay, Eddie. He's gone." I hope. She didn't say it, but both Dustin and I could hear that thought. "Wait here, guys." She asked in a soft whisper once we reached the bottom of the stairs. So different from the harsh tone she had used with Jason minutes ago.
Speaking of which— Chrissy run upstairs, her ruined, soiled skirt shimming gracefully as she did so.
She was down in no time, wiggling Jason's car keys in one hand while the other held the gun limply against her thigh.
"I got ourselves a ride." She stated, sporting a smile way too warm bright for the situation. God, I loved her smile. "I gotta warn you, I'm not the best driver." She commented, throwing my arm over her shoulders once more.
"Well, look at it this way, we're driving to a hospital anyway." Dustin pointed out, making Chrissy laugh, her eyes squinting as she shook her head and casted it down.
Following her movements, my eyes inevitably fell on the stuffed pocket of the jacket Nancy bought her at War Zone, which until that moment had been empty. The two notepads we had used to communicate before baiting Vecna peeked from it.
When she looked back up at me and noticed what had caught my attention, she gifted me a small, timid smile.
"Happy memories." She simply said, only loud enough for me to hear. "I need those."
Happy memories.
My heart made a flip, and I felt like a middle school kid all over again.
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Songs I Think Stranger Things Characters Would Listen To (The Party + Erica: Edition)
Note: For these lists, I tried to include songs that we haven't really seen in canon for the characters. We know that Max likes "Running Up That Hill", we know Mike likes "Small Town Boy", and we know Will likes "Boys Don't Cry". I love those songs and they are included in these playlists but I'm more interested in using music as a way to expand on and flesh out these characters.
I have also linked to Spotify playlists for each character. If you agree or disagree with any of my picks, please let me know!
Will Byers
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Will has inherited a lot of his music taste from Jonathan but it's evolved in a way that's distinctly his own. Unlike his brother, Will's music tends to be more pop-focused. He likes new wave, post-punk, and moody songs that he can listen to while he paints. I think Will really pays attention to the lyrics of the music he listens to and it serves as a kind of therapy for him.
In Between Days by The Cure
Elegia by New Order
Mad World by Tears For Fears
Lost in the Supermarket by The Clash
It's A Sin by Pet Shop Boys
Major Tom (Coming Home) by Peter Schilling
Without You by David Bowie
This Charming Man by The Smiths
Mike Wheeler
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Mike is always trying to appear slightly cooler than he is. He likes classic rock in a very Eric Forman way (if that makes any sense). By the time he joins Hellfire Club, he's trying to emulate Eddie's style and music taste because he just thinks Eddie's that cool. At his core, Mike enjoys sappy songs about love, life, and heartbreak because he's a dork who likes to jam out in his room.
Never Surrender by Corey Hart
Dream On by Aerosmith
Suburbia by Pet Shop Boys
Punishment For Love by Bronski Beat
Hold Me Now by Thompson Twins
Hells Bells by AC/DC
Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams
Eighteen by Alice Cooper
El "Jane" Hopper
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El is just finding her own music taste. She’s only been shown music by her friends or Hopper so she picks and chooses what she likes. Mostly that’s a lot of pop music and ballads. She also watches a lot of MTV so her taste tends to skew pretty mainstream. When Max teaches her how to put together mixtapes her’s tend to be pretty upbeat or dramatic depending on her mood. While she’s contemplating her relationship with Mike she listens to a lot of gaudy break-up ballads. 
Hey Mickey by Toni Basil
She Bop by Cyndi Lauper
The Promise by When In Rome
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Talk Talk by Talk Talk
Could've Been by Tiffany
Destination Unkown by Missing Persons
Two of Hearts by Stacey Q
Max Mayfield
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Max’s music taste is kind of hard to pinpoint. It’s really a grab bag of pop, rock, experimental, and softer punk. The only way I can describe it is like “spunky”. There are also moments when the music she listens to becomes more introspective and brooding. In “Runaway Max” she mentions liking The Go-Go’s and The Beach Boys. 
Dreaming by Blondie 
We Got The Beat by The Go-Go’s 
Kids In America by Kim Wilde 
The Girl U Want by DEVO
Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes 
Hounds of Love by Kate Bush 
California Dreamin by The Beach Boys 
White Wedding - Pt.1 by Billy Idol 
Dustin Henderson
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Dustin is the nerdiest of nerdiest teenage boys (we wore a "Weird Al" t-shirt on his first day of high school I mean come on). He thinks that "Weird Al" is a genius for his use of parody and critique of pop culture (which, he's not wrong). He's always liked metal but it's only become more prominent for him since hanging out with Eddie so much. Being in Hellfire though has caused him to be more stealthy about his love for novelty records and one-hit wonders. He makes mixtapes full of love songs and saves up his money to send them to Suzie in Utah.
She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby 
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen 
The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats 
Weird Science by Oingo Boingo 
I’m Gonna Be by The Proclaimers 
As The World Falls Down by David Bowie 
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley 
I Lost On Jeopardy by “Weird Al” Yankovic
Lucas Sinclair
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Lucas’ music taste is pretty diverse. He likes rock music but not as hard as Mike and Dustin’s taste. I imagine he’s picked up a lot of soul and r&b music from his parents, specifically his mom. In “Lucas On The Line” Lucas is introduced to Run-D.M.C. and really takes a shine to it so I imagine he’d be listening to some rap and hip hop. My qualifications for my picks were “would Lucas sing this infront of his bedroom mirror while using a hairbrush as a microphone?”. 
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen 
Walk This Way by Run-D.M.C. 
Dirty Diana by Micheal Jackson
Juke Box Hero by Foreigner 
Easy Lover by Philip Bailey & Phil Collins 
Everything She Wants by Wham!
You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine by Lou Rawls 
Never Too Much by Luther Vandross
Erica Sinclair
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Erica is eleven so she tends to gravitate towards music that's popular or that she hears on the radio. Pop and R&B make up most of her cassette collection. The music she likes tends to be very upbeat and kick-ass (these songs are all bangers so she has amazing taste). Like Lucas, she also does dorky lipsyncing in her bedroom but unlike him, she's never been caught.
Head to Toe by Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam 
I Feel For You by Chaka Khan 
What Have You Done For Me Lately by Janet Jackson 
Got to Be Real by Cheryl Lynn 
Let’s Hear It For the Boy by Denise Williams
Rhythm of The Night by DeBarge 
Cool It Now by New Edition 
Swept Away by Diana Ross 
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dont-leafmealone · 6 months
Tysm for the tag @juniperhillpatient!
10 Characters 10 Fandoms (roughly) 10 Tags
Jet (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - y'all already knew he was gonna be on here, I am unable to resist the allure of a tragic anti-hero. He's a single mom. He's a war criminal. He's always chewing a stupid piece of wheat and Y'know what? He makes it work.
Lucy Gray Baird (The Hunger Games/Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes) - my bestie my girlie <3 I love a gal who's the main character in a murder ballad and knows it. Broke President Snow's heart. Fashion icon. The Appalachian rep we all deserve <3
Anathema Device (Good Omens) - I love witch characters and Anathema is possibly the coolest one. Environmentalist queen. Unfortunately tied to the most Boring dude in the history of literature and television but what are you gonna do. Wears wool dresses! Rides a bike! Is nice to kids!
James Norrington (Pirates of the Carribbean) - I was obsessed with this character for a while. I named a Minecraft villager after him. I cried when the Minecraft villager died. All things considered I like Will and Elizabeth slightly more but they're two people so James is the tiebreaker <3
Aunt Zelda Heap (Septimus Heap) - This is a lady who eats cabbage and nothing else. Who has a cat who is a duck (or vice versa). She wears a giant quilted dress and lives in a swamp and brews magical potions and I want her life so bad.
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things) - MAX! my sweetie pie max <3 I love her so much. She's such a brat, she reminds me a lot of my little sister who I don't always get along with but love a whole lot. She's very cool, first person to introduce El to the concept of autonomy which we love her for, AND she gets to date Lucas (who's really Goals as a partner, if I could I would count him here too).
Blue Sargent (The Raven Cycle) - I don't know how to articulate how I feel about Blue exactly, like. her whole backstory is amazing (being raised in a house full of lady psychics while NOT being psychic herself but having Other abilities) and then she just gets looped into the weirdest plot possible and just hangs with it like a pro. Lot of respect <3 also every outfit she wears in the books seems like exactly something I'd wear.
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - God, I love this kid so much. The narration of those books is peak, Rick Riordan put so much PERSONALITY into Percy and he's just. Such a cute kid. He loves his mom and wants nothing more than for her to be safe. He's quippy and very funny and he knows it. He's genuinely scary at times. Amazing character.
Ravi Singh (A Good Girl's Guide To Murder) - honestly such a good sport, if some girl turned up at my door and started grilling me about the murders my brother supposedly committed I would NOT handle it that well. He's a sweet and caring guy, a good boyfriend, funny, and also helps solve murders. Very cool 👍
Grace Chasity (Starkid's Hatchetverse) - A literal bible-thumping puriteen in a way that's genuinely so funny. Manslaughter? A-ok. Dismembering a body? Sure. Terrorizing summer camp with an axe? Why not! Carrying someone's books before marriage? Showering naked?? Smoking weed??? You're literal satan! She's so funny and I would genuinely hate her irl but as a character she's amazing (and Angela Giarratana KILLS her performance it's amazing).
i tag: @prodogg @peony-pearl @futuristicrenaisancebeliever @feruchemical @clearancecreedwatersurvival @haboat @juhanis-litterbox @im-smart-i-swear @takingback-thepenguin
And anyone else who wants to participate! (And if I tagged you don't feel pressured I just tagged everyone I could remember -)
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Every fictional/celerity crush I've ever had in my lifetime that I remember.
Gray Fullbuster-Fairy Tale
Ezra Scarlet-Fairy Tale
Sasuke Uchiha-Naruto
Kiba Inuzuka-Naruto
Gil-Bubble Guppies
Bunnymund-Rise of the guardians
Jack Frost-Rise of the guardians
Cedric Diggory-Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley-Harry Potter
Harry Potter-Harry Potter
Hermione Granger-Harry Potter
Robert Pattison
Louis Partridge
Noah Schnapp
Steve Harrington-Stranger Things
Nick Austin
Jaden Hossler
Fred Weasley-Harry Potter
Tom Riddle-Harry Potter
Luna Lovegood-Harry Potter
Remus Lupin-Harry Potter
Scott McCall-Teen Wolf
Mike Wheeler-Stranger Things
Eddie Munson-Stranger Things
Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
Max Mayfield-Stranger Things
Robin Buckley-Stranger Things
Ben Barnes
Andrew Garfield
Alex Turner
Dylan O'Brien
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
blue female bird from Rio
Draco Malfoy-Harry Potter
Robecca Steam-Monster High
Joyce Byers-Stranger Things
Leonardo Dicaprio
Juliet-1996 Romeo+Juliet
Adrian Pucey-Harry Potter
Taylor Swift
Harry Styles
Adrian Greensmith
Kevin Schlieb-Metal Lords
Isis Hainsworth
Dolly Parton
Shelby Eatenton Latcherie- Steel Magnolias
Gilbert Blythe-Anne With an E
Diana Berry- Anne With an E
Mary Lacroix-Anne With an E
Momona Tamada
Malia Baker
Nick Wilde-Zootopia
Judy Hopps-Zootopia
Jennifer Aniston
Rory Gilmore-Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore-Gilmore Girls
Logan Huntzberger-Gilmore Girls
Tristian Dugray-Gilmore Girls
Michel Gerard-Gilmore Girls
Edmund Pevensie-Narnia Prince Caspian-Dawn Treader
Lucy Pevensie-Narnia Dawn Treader
Prince Caspian-Narnia
Adam Banks-Mighty Ducks
Charlie Conway-Mighty Ducks
Luis Mendoza-Mighty Ducks
Jesse Hall-Mighty Ducks
Averman-Mighty Ducks
Ken Wu-Mighty Ducks
Connie Moreau-Mighty Ducks
Guy Germaine-Mighty Ducks
Julie "the cat"-Mighty Ducks
Russ Tyler-Mighty Ducks
Conrad Fisher-The Summer I Turned Pretty
Kevin Copeland-White Chicks
Tiffany-Boo! A medea Halloween
Fluttershy-Equestria Girls
Applejack-Equestria Girls
Rarity-Equestria Girls
Jade West-Victorious
Beck Oliver-Victorious
Andre Harris-Victorious
Matt Bennet
Victor Frankenstein-Frankenweenie
Elsa Van Helsing-Frankenweenie
Victor Van Dort-Corpse Bride
Emily the Corpse Bride-Corpse Bride
Joe Farrier-Dumbo 2019
Matt Sturniolo
Theodore Lawrence-Both Little Woman
Meg March-Both Little Woman
Yeah Yeah-Sandlot
Beth Harmon-Queen's Gambit
Jolene-Queen's Gambit
Benny Watts-Queen's Gambit
Sherlock Holmes-Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes-Enola Holmes
Edith-Enola Holmes
Karen Smith-Mean Girls
Mitch Rapp-American Assassin
Chrissy Cunningham-Stranger Things
Dean Thomas-Harry Potter
Belle-Beauty and the Beast
Tiana-Princess and the Frog
Flynn Rider-Tangled
Jane Porter-Tarzan
Jessica Rabbit-Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Allison Argent-Teen Wolf
Lydia Martin-Teen Wolf
Isaac Lahey-Teen Wolf
Kira Yukimura-Teen Wolf
Theo Raeken-Teen Wolf
Peter Hale-Teen Wolf
Deucalion-Teen Wolf
Cora Hale-Teen Wolf
Jimmy Borrelli-Chicago Fire
Sylvie Brett-Chicago Fire
Prince Naveen-Princess and the Frog
Prince Phillip-Sleeping Beauty
Milo James Thatch-Atlantis:The lost Empire
Jim Hawkins-Treasure Planet
Wilbur Robinson-Meet the Robinsons
Franny Robison-Meet the Robinsons
Sarah Sanderson-Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison-Hocus Pocus
Allison-Hocus Pocus
Thackery Bink-Hocus Pocus
Gwen-Total Drama Island
LaShana-Total Drama Island
Bridgette-Total Drama Island
Duncan-Total Drama Island
Izzy-Total Drama Island
Lindsay-Total Drama Island
Dark Heart-Care Bears 2
Nicholas-The Care Bears Movie
Violet Baudelair-A series of unfortunate events
Klaus Baudelair-A series of unfortunate events
Alexa- Alexa and Katie
Katie-Alexa and Katie
Niccolo Govender Rossi-Baby
Chiara Altieri-Baby
Susan Wilson-Tick Tick Boom
Eduardo Saverin-The Social Network
Ashlynn Ella-Ever After High
Briar Beauty-Ever After High
Lizzie Hearts-Ever After High
Duchess Swan-Ever After High
Dexter Charming-Ever After High
Artemis Hidalgo-Through my Window
Apolo Hidalgo-Through my Window
Kate Dibiasky-Don't look up
Yule-Don't look up
Sherman-Peabody and Sherman
Hiccup-How to train your dragon
Astrid-How to train your dragon
Nick Nelson-Heart Stopper
Elle Argent-Heart Stopper
Sam Sparks-Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Mr. Bruner-Edge of seventeen
Krista-Edge of seventeen
George Cooper-Young Sheldon
Princess Amber-Sofia The first
Prince James-Sofia the first
Queen Miranda-Sofia the first
Jake Sully-Avatar
Rose Dawson-Titanic
Jack Dawson-Titanic
Jim Carroll-Basket Ball Diaries
Ellen Dryver-Dumplin
Hector Zeroni-Holes
Hiro Hamada-Big hero 6
Honey Lemon-Big Hero 6
Ferb-Phineas and Ferb
Vanessa Doofinshnirt-Phineas and Ferb
Violet Parr-The Incredibles
Elastagirl-The Incredibles
Will Turner-Pirates of the Caribbean
Captain Hook-Once upon a time
Percy Jackson-Percy Jackson
Grover-Percy Jackson
The Darkling-Shadow and Bone the BOOK version
Neil Perry-Dead Poets Society
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sta7z · 2 years
“Me Too” Will Byers and Adopted Sibling! Reader 
:・゚✧:・゚ Warnings :・゚✧:・゚ ✩࿐80’s era homophobia ✩࿐Coming Out ✩࿐Slight Angst? ✩࿐Angela existing ✩࿐ Cursing ✩࿐ Slight Y/N x Max ✩࿐Byler Byler BYLER
You weren’t exactly one of the Byers, but after the many supernatural incidents in Hawkins left you without a father Joyce took care of you. You missed Hawkins, California was nice and all but you missed Mike, Nancy, Dustin, Lucas. And most of all you missed Max. Ever since that day you, Max, and El, all went to the mall and dumped your boyfriends you felt something. Something… wrong.
·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. At School ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·.
“HEY QUEER!” One of Angela’s cronies shouted at you whilst you slammed your locker shut. Will was standing beside you, he was thought it was aimed at him, and honestly I thought so too. Back in Hawkins that’s all everyone would call will, that and that horrid word. One, you realized, Joyce and Jonathan never said. ”Fuck Off, Yknow you probably wished you were Queer. David Bowie, Queen, both way hotter than you. Honestly, I hope you slip on your fucking face.” You retorted. You always dressed rather boyishly. You didn’t really think it was a problem. But apparently that blonde bimbo did. You huffed and walked into your next class. You noticed a girl brushing up against Will. he seemed pretty uncomfortable so you stood in the middle of the two and started a fake conversation with Will to save him.
·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. At Night ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·.
You decided to go and check on Will, he usually leaves his door locked but not this time. You creep in and notice he’s drawing something… “Mike” you whispered under your breath, making Will jump up. “Oh-Oh! Y/N! Hey! I didn’t- I didn’t notice you there.” He was practically hyperventilating at this point, absolutely panicking to put up his art supplies in time. “Hey, I’m sorry for not knocking, I-I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything.” You said heading for the door. “Wait.” You stopped in your tracks and turned around. He gestured for you to sit next to him on his bed and he gently held the drawing in both hands. “Mike is the heart,” he explains pointing at the drawing. “He’s always been the one to hold the team together. The most important part.” You stayed silent, you couldn’t help but see this pain in Will’s eyes. One you were far too familiar with. “Mike… he… He always said his life began the day he met El. But… my life started the day I met him.” He teared up “He never judged me for anything. He always let me be me. I-“ He paused turning and crying. You gently patted his back. “No no I get it. It’s like… that person in your life that makes you feel truly alive no matter what. The person that’s always there for you.” He wiped his tears and looked at you. “Really? What’s his name?” You held your breath and let out a sigh. “It’s… Max, Max Mayfield. I get it Will.” You hugged him for what felt like forever. Will was your brother. Your best friend. He always had been. “I’m. Yknow.” Will said flailing his arms. “Me too Will. Me too.” You said, understanding. “You know, this one time Mike told me he has every single one of your drawings. It was recently too, in one of his letters.” Will perked up, excitement and love in his eyes “Really?? Where’s the letter? Let me see!” You chuckled and pulled it out. “Has max been writing you letters or calling at all?” You shrugged, Max was usually busy. And anyways why would she. She has Lucas. “Well,” Will said standing up “Tomorrow is my birthday and Mike and Max are coming over. Maybe we can all play a round of D&D to make up for lost time!” You perked up absolutely obsessed with the idea. “Who’s gonna be in our party??? We haven’t exactly made that many friends here…” ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. He Knows ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to play.” Jonathan came into the room, your Big Brother. It’s surprising he’s not stoned out of his mind tonight. The two of you though, we’re dumbstruck. You hadn’t realized you left the door open. “Don’t worry I was the only one who heard,” Jonathan came over and hugged the both of you, you felt tears stream down your face. He didn’t let go. “Listen, I’ve told Will this a thousand times and I’ll tell you both until you get it through your thick skulls. But I’m your brother, there’s nothing either of you could do or say or be that would make me stop loving you. I’m here for you.”
I got lazy, should I finish?
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meerinsel · 2 years
Love on Wheels |Oneshot Lumax|
Fandom: Stranger Things
Couple: Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield
Words: 1283
theme: fluffy
Summary: Max is a wheelchair user and Lucas is a skateboarder, he takes a tumble close to her and uses the wheelchair as a premise for a pick-up.
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Lucas comes moving down Main Street with AirPods on listening to “Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. The wind caresses his skin, which acquires light copper nuances as it crosses bands of sunlight. His presence is noticed by everyone, not only for the sound of skateboard wheels crackling on the uneven pavement, but mainly for his magnetic energy. He's the kind of guy who can make any girl melt with just one look, his perfect smile and his personally sculpted by God body. Owner of stunning beauty and an adventurous spirit, he notices everyone's eyes on him, greeting back those who greet him and makes a point of stopping and helping every elderly woman who needs to cross the street.
Maxine passes by that street for the hundredth time since she moved to Hawkins. Today she decided to have coffee with her mother at a local diner. As Ms. Mayfield takes her wheelchair out of the trunk and sets it up for her daughter to sit in, the two talk about what they're going to order, but then suddenly, the conversation goes from "food" to “Nothing good has happened since the accident”. And Max can't stand to listen to his mother's whimpers about her new physical condition anymore, her own fears and pain have no space and only her mother’s frustrations matters.
—I just wanted everything to be different. May a magical solution fall from the sky for us! - the mother laments while trying to put the back of the chair sit in the correct position and Max starts to feel her eyes getting heavy. —You're not trying to walk!
—Mom, I work hard every day! I do everything I can, but it's impossible! - the red-haired girl wanted to cry, out of hate, out of fear, out of sadness and mainly out of guilt
—Nothing is impossible if you believe it! - the mother responds with a smile and Max is sure that she has gone crazy for good.
Walking along the same street he's spent his entire life, Lucas skateboards around obstacles whose positions his brain has memorized so perfectly that he could make the course with his eyes closed. But for the first time in years, something catches his eye more than the dangers of the street: a mysterious red-haired girl sitting on four wheels.
Everything happens in a split second, Mrs Mayfield goes to the restaurant to ask for help to take her daughter inside, Max settles in the wheelchair, Lucas forgets that there is a hole a foot from the tree stump that quickly locks the front wheel of the skateboard, functioning as a catapult, and launching the boy to the ground at Max's feet, a caring the hell out of her.
—Oh my! Are you okay? - she asks feeling her heart beat like crazy from adrenaline.
Lucas feels humiliated, people look his way, some whisper, his first instinct is to try to reduce the shame as much as possible, leaving as soon as he feels his legs again. Two green eyes adorned by porcelain skin, making her look like a human doll, stop Lucas' plans and he forgets what he was going to do. When he notices the wheelchair he decides to do the most sensational thing he could do: use it as a pretext for a pick-up.
—Oh sorry, I thought it was a queen sitting on her throne, and that's why I had to bow - he answers as his forehead starts to bleed, he manages to get up on his own slowly, the pain of the fall was strong
Max thinks he's gone crazy.
—Boy, you're not well. - she claims genuinely concerned for the well being of the very attractive stranger who fell from the sky
Lucas finally manages to sit on the floor and a cocky grin forms on his, swelling and turning slightly purple, lips
—You might as well give that chair a rest and sit on my lap. - He pats his outstretched thigh and continues to smile, his typical smile that wins over all the girls he wants.
Max is sure he's gone mad.
No one had ever used her wheelchair for a pick-up before. For the first time since the accident that had landed her sitting there, she felt normal, just a girl talking to a boy who's flirting, not talking about why she's in a wheelchair. Max thinks about laughing, but her instinct to always hope they'll treat the chair like something out of this world makes the smile fade.
—Look, I think you hit your head hard and… - he interrupts her.
—No, actually it was the castle guard who hit me - the man doesn't stop, he would be able to throw a joke every two seconds just to make her laugh, this time she doesn't hold back and laughs
Max studies the boy's face in front of her in disbelief that he's actually using her disability as leverage for a pick-up. This has never happened before, her brain short circuits and she doesn't know how to proceed from there, as the handsome stranger destroyed a barrier of hers using a sledgehammer, just like the Berlin wall.
—...I'm not from any castle - she was so off-kilter that she said anything, just to fill the silence.
—No? But look at you there, all princessy sitting on a throne - he smiles with his hit eye closed, swelling, it's sure to be a very ugly mark
Max continues smiling finding him very strange.
—Good princess, I need to go. - he takes her hand with his and kisses the girl's fingers, without breaking eye contact, his lips are soft and the kiss gives him a sting of pain —It was a pleasure to meet you, your majesty
Max blushes violently and her heart is one step away from exploding. She can't answer. How could? There is no known answer for what just happened!
Lucas walks with confident and somewhat arrogant steps, afraid of falling off the skateboard again, he preferred to walk, turning his back on the girl. Mrs Mayfield comes back from the diner and Max realizes she won't get another chance to talk to the stranger if not now.
—Wait! - she screams a little desperate
Lucas smiles touching the tip of his tongue to his palate thinking “I knew it!” and he slowly turns around with an amused look at the girl. To her face, which surely bears the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen in his life.
—Yes, Your Majesty? - he asks in a tone that can't be told if it's ironic or genuine, but either way it makes Max shiver
—What is your name? - she asks relieved that he's back and her voice returns to its usual tone.
—It's Lucas. And you? - he answers and then asks genuinely interested
—It's Max, nickname for Maxine Mayfield - she says and he closes his eyes for a moment, as if the name is a pleasant tune, but then your whole imp makes a line using it.
—No. - he responds with a smile.
Max frowns, Lucas takes a few lazy steps towards the girl, always keeping his eyes on hers. They weren't intimidated, neither of them, there was something comforting in the vastness of green meeting the brown earth tone, for both of them.
—Why 'no'? - she is slightly annoyed, but soon remembers that the boy is kind of weird and says insane things
—Princess suits you better - he says simply and her heart melts. —Well Princess, I have to go. See you around.
And that's how Maxine Matfield gave her heart to Lucas Sinclair without even realizing what she was doing.
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'carry on again', preview of an upcoming eddie munson series/possible one shot
eddie munson x reader, former steve harrington x reader - lots of pining and unrequited love.
would love some feedback and where you might want this story to go! Having trouble thinking of finally pairing and battling my need to have steve get the girl at the end.
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The Mayfield’s trailer was buzzing with low talking points; everyone was taking turns and not, trying to figure out their next step in solving the Vecna problem. Eddie sat on the couch, bewildered and quiet, trying to wrap his head around the last 28 hours of his life. Dustin gave him an encouraging smile, but nothing could ease Eddie’s nerves – any of their nerves.
“Mike’s phone line has been busy for hours…”
“I guess we can’t count on them,” Steve sighed, hands on his hips. “So, what do we do?”
“We figure this out on our own.” Nancy was firm in her suggestion, and everyone agreed, Vecna needed to be stopped and one way or another, they were going to figure it out. Eddie leaned back, knee bouncing with anticipation as a plan began to form. He started to relax when a sharp knock came from the front door, and everyone froze.
“Who the hell is that!”  Robin whispered to Max, who shrugged. Dustin grinned and told everyone to relax.
“Have you lost your shit, Henderson?”
Ignoring Steve, Dustin walked over to the front door and turned to smile at his friends. “I made a call the day we found out this shit was tied into the Upside-Down. I knew we were going to need back up and who better than the Demogorgon Queen herself?”
Steve’s expression relaxed and he grinned. “Last time we talked she was four states away at college.”
Dustin shrugged, swinging the door open. Eddie moved to the edge of his seat, neck craning to see who this mystery woman was and when you walked in – dark jeans, heavy boots and an annoyed look on your face, Eddie was smitten. Your face relaxed and softened a thousand times over when you saw Max, and you quickly embraced her. Eddie was surprised to see the feisty redhead cling to your body, and he couldn’t pry his eyes away as you kissed her briefly on the forehead, petting her hair before moving toward Steve. His eyes followed as you stood in front of Harrington and immediately touched his neck, examining his scars and hugging him tightly. You kissed him on the cheek before turning to Robin and embracing her. You greeted Nancy with a respected nod afterwards, and fist pumped Lucas and Dustin. When you turned to the couch and smiled in Eddie’s direction his heart rattled until you greeted Erica with a friendly and sarcastic remark – to which she gave you a “it’s about time you showed up” response. Finally, your gaze came to Eddie’s, and he felt like he needed to vomit.
“You look like shit.”
Steve chuckled. “Nice.”
You winced and gave Eddie a smile. “Sorry – is this better; welcome to the shit show!”
Eddie broke into a smile, and everyone laughed, the tension lifting as you held up the backpack you came in with. Opening it, you discarded all the items onto the coffee table and Eddie jumped back when several handguns landed in front of him. Erica whistled and you warned her not to touch.
“These are for the grown-ups.”
“I don’t see any here,” Erica remarked, and you smiled at her.
“This is backup,” you looked over to Nancy. “We’re going to need shot guns and more bullets, I took this from the stash at my parent’s house. I’m mostly cleaned out from last time…”
“Last time?”
Eddie’s voice croaked a little and you looked at him. “The mall fire, the Russians…Steve finally kicking ass…” The look of confusion on Eddie’s face had you glaring over to Dustin. “Did you tell him nothing?”
Dustin glared at you. “Right, because I had so much time to sit him down and explain everything to him – all he needed to know was the basics, and we sort of told him that…”
Your eyes went to the newcomer, and it was clear he knew jackshit. Sighing, you stood straight and asked if he knew how to use a gun. “Yeah, I’ve shot a few times with my uncle.”
Your acceptance rattled Eddie in a way he wasn’t sure was good or bad, but he said nothing as Nancy came over to the coffee table to examine the goods. The two of you started talking about the weapons and Eddie got up, moving to the kitchen for something to drink. Max pointed out where the cups where and he thanked her, pouring himself some tap water. He leaned against the counter and watched as your demeanor changed near Robin and Steve. The three of you were clearly close and when Steve made you laugh, Eddie felt a lump in his throat. Then he felt like an idiot, because didn’t even know you – like at all. It was clear you had attended Hawkins High but for some reason, he just couldn’t place you.
“I’m glad I called her…” Dustin appeared at Eddie’s side and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “She’s a complete badass – she’s taken down so many Demo-monsters.”
“How do you know her?”
“She had been one of Nancy’s best friends, was always at the Wheelers. She was always really cool to us, Lucas total had to the hots for her." Dustin laughed and Eddie just looked at him. The young boy stopped and shrugged. “Anyways. She got mixed up in all this shit way back when Will disappeared.”
“That Byers kid?”
Dustin nodded and Eddie listened as he explained the whole situation; how you ended up in the mix via Nancy and Steve. “I don’t know the details, dude, but apparently Steve and her had a thing after Nancy dumped him.”
Eddie’s eyes flickered over to Steve and you; he noticed the way Steve was staring at you as you spoke and the way you kept touching his arm. “So, they were a thing, huh?  Nancy Wheeler wasn’t too happy about that, was she?”
“Who cares, we have bigger stuff to worry about.”
Dustin left Eddie in the kitchen, and he stood there alone for a few minutes until Steve called him over – there was a new plan in action, and it involved needing a vehicle big enough for the entire group. Eddie’s eyes lit up. “I know where we can get our dream ride, but I’m going to need something to cover my face.”
“You’re not that ugly,” you assured him, Steve snickered at your side and Eddie grinned at your teasing tone. You held your hands up as an apology, but Max speaks up.
“I think I have something…”
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