#may redraw some of them idk yet
callme-adam-iguess · 7 months
Deltarune AU: Icetomb
yes I WILL redraw it. When? Idk but, like, I hope soon. Either way, it's going be a small story than ima type a lil more abt the AU :)
STORY + AU LORE/FACTS UNDER CUT (to skip to the Q/A\Facts, Scroll until you see some green text)
"Ohhon! You seem quite lonely, shall I interest you in some single shoes?" The pink Addison said, looking at the odd lightener in front of him... Oh, they have some pip-
Wait... Pipis?.... Only he made that- oh hell they're walking away!
"U-uh- wait, customer!" He yelled, urgently. "... I- well... I noticed you had that Pipis... My fri- my old friend, he well- he used to make them and well-" the lightener cut him off.
[*No. ❤Are you asking me if I could find him?]
"Well- I was hoping if I could search with you."
[*No. ❤Sure]
"Oh! Thank you! You may lead the way"
[* the Pink Addison has joined the party]
Q: What did we just read?
Q: where is Noelle?
A: you just read the start of How the Pink Addison (Pink for short now) joins your party in this AU :)
Q: why the name IceTomb for this Au?
A: I honestly wanted something similar to Snowgrave but I think Snowglobe or Smth would be better but oh well, too late to change it now.
A: instead of her going and complying with Kris all the way, she ran away a little bit before Pink's and Kris's interaction (read the story above) due to being able to tell that something seemed deeply wrong with Kris
A: does the Pink Addison have a name?
Q: not yet, I am open to suggestions however :D
Facts/lore :)
Spamton DOES have a role in this AU.
Bergly may or may not does as well.
Pink will make tea during a fight when asked, like a healing acting, however it does take time to heat up.
At one point, it gets too cold for Pink so he puts his 'hair' (idk wth it is) down for the remainder of the route
That's all :)
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dollofdeath · 2 years
art summaries for this year >w<
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template by @/Taxkha
(I / II / III is a comm i haven't posted anywhere / IV / V / VI / VII/ VIII / IX / X / XI / XII)
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template by @/sabattons
more stuff under the read more, because there's quite a few stuff i actually liked this year!
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this was a comm for kiz, but i think it came out pretty bomb. any hypsters who are into projmoon/projmoon fans into hypmic pspspsps --
actually i think this was my first ever piece this year, so it's interesting to see how much i've improved in over the past couple of months!
also i did some comms between feb and may to help raise some money for my relatives in the philippines, but i don't think i should post the ones i really like since the project isn't complete yet. but i think they came out bomb too, trust me -- (the volo art in my art summary is one of these comms lol)
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i just wanted to post these two together since they're a set LOL thank u arb for giving me flowers that aren't roses to associate with hifugen....
also here are the unblurred versions of this set lol
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this is just one of my fave hifugen headcanons KJFSDJKJKF
gentaro about hifumi: 🙄😒😑 gentaro about hifumi, when hifumi's fangirls are around: *draping himself over hifumi* excuse me ladies, do you have any business with My man?
i think i went rly hard in august. august was really a turning point for me this year too i think, so maybe my art reflected that haha, but anyhow. i really love these
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everyone and their mom has done a religious jakurai art, but i wanted to do one too... the detail i rly like is the blood on his hands. because i like to headcanon that jakurai has vitiligo on his hands. i like how i incorporated that hc in this without making it too busy lol
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THIS ONE. HELL YEAH. this is a redraw of an older art i made for thanatos' anniversary, and i thought the first one was cool but i was like "i think i have the skills to make this even better now" and I DID!!! idk, i'm glad i could capture the horror vibes more poignantly
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this one is?? i don't think i made her a full reference sheet, i realized lol but i started streaming for friends because i have a bunch of game recs and no attention span to play them WKJGJKD so i decided streaming them so i could be held accountable for them would be the best way to do it LMFAO
anyways this is my pngtuber. they have no name, but she's a shopkeeper of a mysterious antique store. originally that doll on the bookshelf was gonna my pngtuber and i came up with a bunch of lore for her, but then i realized i had another oc design i really dig and was also simpler, so i revamped that for streaming FJKSDJKF but i would like to put that doll to use somehow or another. anyways if u can pinpoint all the references on the shopkeeper and their bookshelf and even her store's very existence, i love u --
catch me on twitch on sundays and mondays for mhyk and ace attorney respectively --
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as much as possible, i try to do a vanistar anniversary art because noël is my baby boy... i'm so happy with how this year's came out!! ofc there's areas that could use work, but i like the colors and lighting c:
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I'VE BEEN MEANING TO DO AN IBERIA AU FOR JAKUDO FOR SO LONG... probably as long as the koibito AU for hifugen, but i just haven't been able to put it into words... i'm glad i could at least do a bit of this year, and i hope one day i can manage the whole concept!! also this idea's been in my head for so long that arb managed to reveal demon designs for both jakurai and doppo, sparing me the effort of designing them myself FSJKJKKJH
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this one is also a set, so i wanted to post them together hehe again this is based off a horror rpg concept me and gianna came up together back in high school that will probably never see the light of day lol this probably doesn't surprise anyone who knows us, but these characters are based on us FKJSKJH
wah... i think my artist wrapped really covers what i have to say! quantity-wise, i'm not too happy with how much i made... it can't really be helped considering how busy and tiresome it's been this year, and i really wish i could say i can do more next year, but it's likely i'll be posting less and less in the future TwT but as much as possible, i'd still like to share my work! i think this might be my time to start focusing on original stuff, but i still wanna do fandom related stuff because there's still a lot of ideas and concepts i wanna see realized!! also i just love my fandom blorbos a lot lol, so i'll find ways to do things for them >w<
quality-wise though, i think i'm pretty pleased! last year i got csp, so i was still figuring it out, but now i think i got a better hang of it! and that means my art looks more confident i think haha. of course, there's still a lot of room for improvement, but it's nice that i can look at my stuff and go "yeah i like this!" i'm excited to see where my artistic journey goes from here!!
but yeah, maybe it wasn't a plentiful year for me re: art, but i made some pretty nice stuff despite that! thank you all for the support, and here's to next year!!
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grokebaby · 2 years
Vision vs finished product
Hell's high judgements
(this is just me rambling about my initial ideas and process for their character designs)
Tw for a(n image of a) sort of veiny eyeball creature (okhula from fran bow)
Delilah - I think pretty early on, like almost from the start I decided to have her be Deirdre's sister so i already had some footing and reference to go off of for her design. Tho it's possible that at some point in the hazy beginning I hadn't thought of that yet but nonetheless my image of her was some kind of large horned demon. I may have pictured the character as more masculine, or at least not a woman initially but I think that changed really quickly bc like I said she became Deirdre's sister pretty much upon conception. Her initial idea wasn't very different from what we ended up with, my first vision was just a vague, tall, intimidating looking demon who had like their head mysteriously in the shadow and the only way you could tell where the face is was thanks to her glowing horns. Her first vision was more of an aesthetic and a vibe bc being one of twins, she was very easy to design from then on. I also pretty much immediately knew I wanted her to be heavily scarred, particularly on the face, but it took me a bit to figure out how, specifically. I think at first I thought of her missing even more eyes than she is now. Her designing had a clumsy first few steps but it wasn't difficult to settle on. What ended up being difficult was redrawing her at all lmao, I still feel like i do her disservice every other time I draw her ;-; Idk why she's so hard for me to make look decent bc she's not intended to look off-putting or anything like some of my designs intentionally are. Aside from struggling to learn to draw her, it was pretty straightforward. I would say I'm pleased w the final product if I was confident in how I draw her but as of rn I feel like the problem is more me than the design lol :')
Hart - My idea was an indistinguishable mass of eldritchean tentacles, sprinkle in some eyes and whatever extra freaky stuff and yeah. The final product ended up having alot more distinguishing features bc originally I had them be like, an actual black blob. Void with eyes. Like those black cats you only see when they open their eyes. My idea did develop a little from there and I thought of adding onto the "What is this" factor by having them sort of resemble having a legit body structure but twisted and twirled into such knots that it'd be impossible to tell where everything was actually meant to be. Like just, the most tangled uncanny mess. It had this kind of theme, an idea of being folded into itself and having multiple parts that could open and be straightened out and it'd be like this interesting thing w Hart looking a bit different when they're actually completely unfolded. Sort of like how hedgehogs are just spike balls when in defense mode, but w a Lovecraftian horror who is maddeningly dizzying to interpret. Just a weird, uncanny, what am I looking at creature, of resembling body parts that actually aren't those body parts but just placed and knotted to look like them. I'm not sure if I achieved that vibe, tbh the final product looks more like just a generic Tentacle monster with a flavor of Toothless from how to train your dragon but hey. It looks charming and expressive and I'm fine w that :]
Xerxes - He's probably the most visually different from the first idea. I actually actively challenged myself w him, particularly to diverge from the very first idea somehow and do something a little different. Only thing that stayed constant, and the thing I knew I wanted for him from the start, was One Eye. And look at that, he still only has one eye. Technically. My very first visual was this sort of weird.. This. I wasn't sure how else to describe it
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Like, that, but just very muscular lol. This sort of. Muscle eyeball demon. Kinda grotesque looking now that I think about it but it felt fitting for a hell demon or Wrath. Just a massive eye. My idea evolved slightly into like an orc or a cyclops after that but this is where I diverged to challenge myself and I thought maybe it could be some beastly looking animal, closer to a minotaur or some animal warrior you'd find in an mmorpg, stuff like that. Initially I had Xerxes be quadrupedal tho, like a feral animal, but still be sentient and demonic somehow. I wanted him to look really fierce and I designed armor and really heavy chains around his neck. I did really like the chains aesthetic but I decided instantly that I WILL NOT be drawing chains that often no sir! When I made him more centaur in body structure I still kept him like, a cyclops for a little while until I decided he could just have battle scars and just lost the other eye. I actually had him resemble a boar at first, I'm not sure when he shifted to being a bull. I could be remembering this part wrong too but I just remember trying to practice drawing a very fierce looking (herbivore) animal. I specifically wanted him to not be a predator animal ykno. I felt like a lion or something would've been too generic or predictable and I wanted some practice, and hey, I've since become pretty attached to bulls specifically. Apparently. Which is neat I think, not sure why I'm so fond of them but I sure am now. Thanks Xerxes. From then on he's mostly evolved to just look more, uh, Idk, better represented as the animal he is? I just know I was poor at drawing bovines and similar animals way back then but have since gotten notably better so I think Xerxes looks amazing these days. I didn't struggle learning to draw him nearly as much as Delilah, he was actually fairly easy bc I proceeded to draw him a fair amount once I really learned him. But like I said I've gotten practice and improved in things like drawing buff people since then so, the final product is great, even though I draw his armor way, way less lol. I'm not that great w armor and besides, I don't draw him in battle all that often..
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
I actually have seen people do those kind of redraws for other fandoms (Gravity Falls isn't one of them though) sometimes, but I guess the reason it happens for Hazbin a lot is because Hazbin and Helluva are still Indie works. Like if someone did a Marvel character redesign, it would be much easier to ignore, but with Hazbin being smaller still, and Vivzie having cancel culture done to her before, these people think their "better" redesigns will get more likes.
I wouldn't call Hazbin small. Yeah, it may not be as popular as Marvel or Disney in general, but it has over 50 million views with Addict 83 mill and the Helluva Boss eps getting millions of views in days (sometimes not even a full 24 hours). Trust me, the fandom may be quiet on Tumblr, but it is pretty dang huge on different social media like Twitter or Insta.
However, I think the cancel culture and jealousy, like what @total-mal said, is what mainly fuels the flames for these weird redraws and "fixing" the script. Like, I will agree with some criticals about the pacing being a little off at times. It feels like some things can be talked about or brought up a bit more like the fight that Loona and Blitzo had in Spring Broken. However, I also know that the next few eps might be longer and that the pacing issue in Hazbin is excusable, since pilots often are a little rusty. Though I wouldn't say it needs "fixing".
I mean, idk how you can "fix" Hazbin...when there isn't even a second ep out yet. Like, man, wow! A pilot feels incomplete and can be expanded upon??? Man, it's almost like an episode like that is simply meant for pitching a show and to get it's foot off the ground 🤔🤔🤔 (childish, i know)
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pekorosu · 4 years
just a lil “if ash lived” headcanon that i need to unload somewhere bc i've been holding it in for a long time
- set within the manga ‘verse
- takes place when ash and eiji are in their early 30s... so around the mid 1990s?
- i don’t get the weird animanga trope where older = longer hair, so they’re gonna look the same... maybe with slightly shorter hair bc they get regular haircuts now 
- (note: i've always interpreted long-haired eiji as symbolic of the fact that he couldn't move on from ash’s death)
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- ash and eiji will continue living in the states, idk if still in NYC or somewhere else. they’ll move around a lot though.
- ash will mostly remain underground as he had to fake his death after lao’s stab, but he does it in a "hiding in plain sight" kind of way. only a handful of people know he’s still alive.  
- ash spends most of his time on the computer, mostly coding, hacking, being a nerd, among other fun stuff.
- he also takes on “jobs” anonymously, and occasionally from max (who’s still into investigative journalism) when he needs info that can only be obtained through Dubious Means.
- i also like to think that ash's a bit of a hacker robin hood lol. but he isn’t doing it purely out of the goodness of his heart, as part of it is a subconscious need to atone for his “sins” and cleanse the gnawing and persistent feeling of shame that gets amplified when he’s around eiji.
- also whatever he’s up to these days would ofc still be Highly Dangerous and Illegal, but it keeps him busy and would sate the part of him that’s still hungry for adrenaline without him having to engage in stuff like active bloodshed or substance abuse. basically that’s how i imagine he’d try to cope with life the only way he knows.
- eiji continues to do photography and other part time gigs bc he does not like the idea of mooching off ash forever, and he slowly makes a name for himself.
- ash and eiji live together but they are NOT together in a romantic sense... not yet >:)
- therefore eiji will probably date other people in the meantime, which gets a little troublesome bc it's not like he can bring them home to where his secret Very Important Friend is secretly hiding.
- ash will maybe have one-night stands every now and then. or not. idk. this isn’t a very important detail.
- anyway there will be lots of clueless but mutual pining :)
- ash especially, is of the opinion that they should start living separately bc someone will eventually track him down, maybe someone who has a past or present grudge on him. combined with his current activities, it’s only a matter of time before eiji would unwittingly get dragged into his problems again.
- eiji is v adamantly against that plan bc he's sorta developed a debilitating sense of paranoia that ash might just get killed somewhere while he’s not looking. not that ash isn’t paranoid either, but his insecurities often tip the scale over to “eiji is safer away from me” than “with me”.
- basically they’re doing their whole “stay. no, leave. no, stay” dance all over again, but like, dragged out over MANY YEARS.
- you thought eiji’s letter would’ve cleared up any crossed wires? 
- like yea, there was probably a beautiful honeymoon period of about a year or two after they reunited, before their respective trauma and issues started creeping in and fucking things up again.
- esp on ash’s end, i think he’d engage in a lot of self-sabotage. and eiji is only human, he has his own limits and baggage too.
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- there will be a government conspiracy plotline but on a smaller scale compared to canon that i am unfortunately not knowledgeable enough to worldbuild on, but it will probably have something to do with cybercrime/cyberterrorism/stuff like that bc it needs to tie in with ash's hacking shenanigans.
- i've heard that sing ends up becoming some sorta political big shot in yasha? idk, i haven't read it myself, but since china’s rising status was mentioned in GoL i imagine the plot should relate to that somehow.
- therefore sing would also get to be in this story! 
- i guess this means yut-lung would come into the picture at some point as well, and it would be a good opportunity for a redemption arc but i haven’t given it much of a thought bc i’m indifferent to his character orz SORRY.
- look i can’t do plot, but i am basically envisioning a political thriller with a side of slow burn romance (wait, you mean like a rehash of canon?)
- i’m thinking max is the one who kicks off the story by bringing something fishy to ash, and they just end up uncovering more and more and MORE stuff as they keep going.
- so for like 80% of the story, ash and eiji will be separated bc ash will be busy spying or infiltrating something... and being at the center of Plot Things, while max and eiji will be more on the outside dealing with the journalist side of things. i’m fond of max-ash interactions but i’m also REALLY CURIOUS about max-eiji’s dynamic :D
- meanwhile sing will be like, half in and half out i imagine. he's versatile like that lol
- ...i did NOT mean that in a dirty way
- anyway, this will provide ash and eiji ample space to work out their issues separately, as i think living in close quarters for so many years has actually been aggravating them. ofc those issues don’t get 100% resolved by the end, but some time apart from each other to cool off and spend with other people should provide a bit of perspective.
- i want ash to make some NEW FRIENDS (!!!) that are on the same wavelength as him bc there’s only so much that he can tell eiji and i’m sure he gets rather lonely, so there will be OCs that he will meet in the middle of Plot Things.
- ash will get trapped at some point. preferably with sing so they can have a much needed heart-to-heart talk. they’ll have a lot to hash out, ranging from the events in BF, shorter’s and lao’s death, all the way to ash’s love life. 
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- btw i like the idea of eiji and sing being close drinking buddies who confide in one another but ash is kinda, justalittle, not very happy about that LOL 
- i mean, it's not like eiji can confide in ash when ash is the topic at hand, ya get me? as for sing, he’s similar to ash in the sense that they live dangerous lives, so i imagine he just finds it nice to be able to hang out with someone mundane like eiji every now and then.
- not to say that ash and sing aren’t talking to each other at all, but i think they’d have a bit of a rift between them. sing probably does feel some resentment, both at ash for killing lao AND at himself bc he knows deep down that given a choice, he would’ve saved ash over his own brother. ash can sense that tortured vibe, so eiji’s like their middle man. AND THAT’S WHY THEY NEED A HEART-TO-HEART TALK
- (SIDE NOTE: i want akira to have a role in this too. i actually have a separate headcanon that happens prior to this story... kinda like an alternate GoL? 
akira goes to the states to visit eiji, but ash is also there, yeah? akira and ash start out sorta prickly with each other bc ash is all weird and standoffish and always cooped up in his room. she probably mistook him as a jobless model mooching off eiji at first since 1) eiji and ibe have never spoken about him back in japan (cuz he’s supposed to be dead), 2) why would eiji be living with some random hot guy? unless they met during one of his photography gigs? right??? 
and then she ends up witnessing them in the middle of a tiff, which makes her not like ash even more bc HOW DARE HE YELL AT POOR OKUMURA-SAN??? UNGRATEFUL JERK!!!
but over the course of her visit, she snoops around learns a bit about their history and gathers hints as to why their r’ship is kinda strained. also ash and akira somehow end up bonding (reluctantly) over their emotional insecurities and part on a friendly rivalry to win over eiji’s affections (which eiji is completely oblivious to. also akira may have been 100% serious but ash was just jokingly playing along with her (OR WAS HE???)). anyway long story short, ash teaches akira some cool tech/IT stuff along the way so that leads to her gaining an interest in the field. 
she won’t be able to do much in this story, but a minor role would be cool :)
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 ^ a lighthearted gyoza-making scene amid all the angst)
- (SIDE NOTE #2: i ALSO want cain to feature in this, but bc canon provided very little bg info on him it’s hard for me to figure out where he’d fit. but i suppose that’s precisely why it would be great to include him, since i can just make up my own backstory! lol. for now, i think he should be connected to one of the new OCs to make him more central to the plot. or heck, he can be involved himself! ...yeah, i’m just salty about how cain was treated more like a convenient plot device compared to the other major side characters. we barely know anything about him even though he was one of ash’s most trusted allies. #caindeservedbetter2k20)
- anyway, back to the main story. ash (and his new "friends") barely escape where they’re held hostage. ash would be rusty with combat now as he’s spent the past few years doing only stealth work and being rather sedentary. 
- so there’ll be lotsa old man!ash jokes like them poking fun at him whenever he complains about his back hehe
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- when they finally emerge outside they find themselves in the middle of nowhere! they then hijack a passing pickup truck and do a roadtrip back to civilisation. ROAD TRIP FTW
- at this point, quite some time has already passed and ash even has a fuzzy beard and mane and all. he’s standing at the back of the truck with a small smile on his face and the wind blowing in his hair, thinking GONNA GO BACK AND SEE EIJI, MISS HIM LOADS, HELL YEA 
- (bonus: this song and this scene is the catalyst for this entire headcanon btw)
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(drew this about a year ago. i was trying to imitate the manga’s art style... and the ash i had in my mind was a little different. i’m too lazy to redraw, but he’s fuzzier now okay! MORE FUZZ! like an actual freakin LION!)
- meanwhile, eiji and max will get into some deep shit around this point? 
- eiji in the pic above was me imagining that the Bad Guys had tossed some damning evidence (eg. severed body part?) on the ground like “ash’s dead/ash’s in a lot of danger now so hand over all the info u have”
- and eiji and max are like. SHOOKETH
- this would be the 3rd time ash has “died” after all, and as they say... 3rd time's the charm...
- eiji almost gives in, but then max spits in their face like fuck no and then... yeah. they get beat up and taken away or something lol
- EDIT: hmm... what if the Bad Guy is someone IN the government, and he uses his power to get eiji and max arrested for aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive (ash). and then ash has to rescue them... JAILBREAK STYLE
- also it might be cool to introduce ash's mom somewhere in this story... maybe SHE'S the villain! mwahaha *drama intensifies*
- anyways they will get saved by ash and gang bc that’s just the way things go, BUT! only on the condition they already made it out at least 80% of the way bc GODDAMN IT👏LET👏EIJI👏BE👏BADASS👏FOR👏ONCE👏 
- (that is, after he overcomes the initial shock of ash possibly being dead again... again...... again............)
- there will ofc be moments of “oh my god, you’re okay” "i thought i lost you...!"
- something like this, because one can never have enough cheesy reunion scenes
- this will eventually lead to REVELATIONS (of the romantic kind, yes) 
- buuuut they will never say "i love you" directly to each other bc ash is too emotionally constipated and eiji is too japanese. it's okay, they will communicate it through heated stares 👀
- i would love for there to be a scene where they have to be separated again for Plot Reasons and ash sorta hesitantly goes all "...will you wait for me?" as a direct parallel to canon!eiji's "i'll be waiting" and it’s like,
- FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! ash has finally allowed himself to ask for this, to let himself want it! 
- but i think it'd be hilarious if eiji pops up while ash's in the middle of the final showdown and ash's like WTF I TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME and eiji's like I WAS WORRIED OKAY YOU WERE TAKING SO LONG
- idk how this is supposed to end...
- oh wait! since the plot is government-related, maybe Someone will be able to pull strings to wipe out ash’s criminal record (past and present) and give him a brand new 100% legal identity, as thanks for his efforts? or maybe ash (or sing) just does it himself somewhere along the way LOL. anyway, he’ll be able to start over with a fresh clean slate and finally work on recovery FOR REAL NOW. yes this is a happy ending AND it didn’t require him to go to japan /flips off canon
- ...i realise it’s never going to be that simple but W H A T E V E R
- (also they probably will visit japan in the future with that shiny new passport... gotta meet the in-laws and all y’know)
- who do i gotta pay to write this cheesy self-indulgent fic for me
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celiabowens · 4 years
how do you make your anime edits?
Mm, going to try to reply as clearly as possible lol!! edit: this turned out to be a long reply i’m sorry lol i tried to cover my process in general and this is what you got
I use Photoshop (CC17) and Illustrator (which is a more recent development, I’m still trying to figure out a lot about it). I use AI mainly for 3D shapes and typography, because the end up a lot less blurry than in photoshop (basically I just do the shapes and typography and then place the file in my canvas as an embedded file, which gives me a lot of freedom when it comes to resizing bits and pieces as I go).
Usually the first thing I do is pick a subject (character or infographic mainly, I’ve never edited a specific arc of a manga or an anime yet) and then find stuff. Mainly, this is what I use:
concept art. Concept art is your friend lol. It’s easy to find, it can be storyboards (especially for ghibli, they are a lot of fun to work with) or character sheets. Most of the character sheets can be found on anime wiki or with a quick search, since several studios release them. I used concept art for this totoro edit for example.
promotional art. Movie posters or official art released ahead of the season, stuff like that. A little harder to find in good quality and a bitch to clean, but it can be quite useful. For example I used promo posters on most of my KNY edits like this one. I usually cut the background out, polish it a bit and then apply filters or turn it into lineart.
anime stills. These are literally the worst to clean up and they require a lot of filters and coloring for my style of edit but I have used them before. I used stills in both edits linked above, and in this FMA one. Again, it really depends on what you want to do, but I cut out the background, try to clean up the lines as well as I can without crying and then apply filters, colorings etc. I don’t use any pre-made psd though.
manga panels. I use a lot of manga panels. Usually once I’ve picked a subject I reread/look for some chapters I remember well and choose the scans I might need. I don’t clean all of them (lol), but I save many with different angles and then see what fits my concept. Also just in case, but by cleaning I mean that I erase/remove all the speech bubbles and panel lines, other characters etc. I usually avoid panels where I’d have to redraw like the plague for my own sanity. (idk if anyone needs this but random tip: if a character’s skin in the scan is very gray I’d try to create a layer mask, fill it with 50% gray and set the blending mode to divide)
so now for the actual how (consider that it takes me forever to edit lol): I look for a lot of graphic design posters and you know, actually professional work for inspiration. I like typography (which no one on tumblr seems to like smh) and 3d design and once I’ve found a concept I’m curious to try I just try to translate it to my own aesthetic and style. This is all up to you tbh, I like to mix up smaller and bigger fonts, I use a lot of pastel colors and lineart and, recently, I’ve been into trying to mix more organic elements and 3d shapes (for example a Shinobu edit I haven’t posted yet has a lot of butterfly/3d shape elements). 
In general I suggest having a clear(-ish) idea of which aesthetic may fit the character you want to edit and then find a palette (I mostly use shades of the same color tbh, but if you want to find colorful palettes there’s plenty of online resources) and some basic concepts/quotes you want to include. And I’d always remember there’s a lot on PS besides basic functions: blending modes, filters, liquify, pixelate are all useful. 
I’m not really sure how useful this is to be honest, but if there’s a particular edit or panel you want to know more about I still have all the files, so I should be able to walk you through the process. 
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New Eyes
CW: Some internalized homophobia
Warning: This is 15 pages on Google Docs so it’s long. This is a combination of poems I’ve written over the past year or so (if my timeline is correct) about realizing and processing through some of my past crushes. It took me til version 4 to shift my perspective and not be ashamed of how I felt about these people. It’s kind of depressing to think that it took me no less than 4 years to get rid of the shame surrounding my sexuality, and even still I have my days, but in this case it makes for a nice arc that comes to accept everything by the end. In case you’re interested here’s a brief background on each person. I’m gonna go off since it’s already the length of a chapter of a book lmao.
1. She is literally the reasons for all of this. She was someone who I’ve known since middle school because we were in the “accelerated math group” together. She was always popular, but something always struck me differently about her. During our sr year of high school I sent her a message on Facebook and we had a few conversations on there. We were the only girls in our math class by this time and tbh we had more conversations online than we ever did in-person...we even sat next to each other in class omfg.
2. This one is about a friend I met in college. She was pretty, full of joy, and has a nice smile so I’m a very simple person when it comes to being attracted to people lol. I forced myself to get over it quickly and I’m thankful we still talk sometimes despite never really hanging out outside of the Christian group we were in lol.
3. Damn, this one’s about the friend referenced in “To see her smile again”. She’s literally just too perfect and the day I realized I got butterflies when she walked into the room was the day I fully realized/accepted that okay there’s more to me than being straight. I still don’t know how or why she loved me so well.
4. This one is about a friend I met in college, literally on the first day I was there. We were both in the same orientation group and were both so awkward we somehow stuck around together all 4 years lmao. Idk if she’s just awkward around me only or everyone, but by the end I could feel some kind of unspoken tension between us, especially after we went to see a play for the theatre class we took that was about Stonewall lol. A part of me wanted to say something but another part of me thought that maybe she was in a different place in the same journey of discovering her sexuality. The funniest part is that on Valentine’s Day I think a year ago we DM’ed on Instagram for 5 hours str8 (gay).
5. Aah yes, just another one of my Twitter crushes. Jk the first Twitter crush oooh! It took me like a good 6 months to fully accept said crush and like another 6 months to fully get over it. Truly I wish her all the best and all the healing.
Once upon a time, These eyes grazed the truth
They saw the surface They saw someone With so much purpose
A life with a heart Transcending barriers and A mind with the ability To achieve great things
A person so pure Hiding their true self within Yet solid and confident in Serving
It was this willingness Intelligence Freedom To get lost in music and dance Goodness Integrity That led me to believe You were one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen.
And this, Is the truth that these eyes Could see
Objectively, Honestly, Truthfully, As transparently as Any teacher Any observer Any friend Knew you to be.
Yet still, My mind seems To have forsaken me.
What I know now Is what I failed to admit then What I replay in my head Is what I am slowly learning To accept within
It brings me shame To let these emotions Finally come in
And it brings me pain, Because that's not how I want to remember How and why This was perhaps, the "best" end.
I want to remember The objective observations The person we all saw, Not just me
I want to remember Rightfully, The words you said to me
I want to remember How I tried to look inside you So deeply
And how you gracefully Eloquently Opened up to me.
All I hope Is that these memories mean At least half of what they do to you As they do to me.
Even if I Can now look in this mirror And see, Say these words to myself Breathe And let them be,
I will never forget What you meant To everyone You met.
But because I tried To look so deep Because I tried To love you as you were, As you are I ended up finding something Only these eyes now Could see.
I cannot say That I fell in love With a fantasy
Because love Is so vast and deep
But there was A new feeling inside of me An emotion I would hide Because I never wanted it to be Outside For anyone To see.
I look back at these moments That replay inside my mind From every bathroom anxious tear I cried Unknowingly Became the catalyst For this "why"
Why was I so anxious And afraid? But that won't explain Why did I even feel The way that I did?
I didn't want to I pushed it down So easily It took me almost 5 years To finally accept This story That lingered inside of me.
Once I see A heart, soul, human life To love, I jump in wholeheartedly
Because I guess That is just who I am, Who I was made to be.
But I didn't expect That I'd be here Confronting these Treacherous conflicting feelings That to the casual observer Make it seem like It was all for me, Self-motivated Self-intentioned Just to set my eyes on something I could not define At the time.
If not me If I can't believe it, I hope you know Remember And see That regardless of what I felt The words we never said Still give you more Than a thousand reasons To keep on breathing And to keep on being The beautiful person We all knew You'd grow to be.
Imagine What this heart can do Imagine What this heart can feel What these eyes Can see inside Before the mind Redraws the lines.
Imagine God's truth Willfully entering the soul Revealing more
Than I could ever know But all that I feel Is beyond words.
Imagine That what is beyond words Is not beyond shame
In fact, Shame has now met these emotions And tainted this love, The love the Lord has given To this heart of mine
This love that was pure Of good intention Is now questioned, Because of the reality, My reality, The way my mind sees
I can only perceive What these eyes gaze upon And the brain processes, filters, Through its many recognized colors
I cannot see What was not meant for me And what is Beyond me.
With these eyes, Imperfect and perhaps blind, They let me look upon a face Labeling it within me as shame Instead of grace
I used to be able to see, What I thought so innocently, Now a darkened fiend Of what was made A friend
What has now surfaced Became lies What has harbored Is judgment Internally, And nocturnal I have become
This is merely Not what I wanted to see But rather A predator where it meets its prey Onlooking the target Ready to strip Its life away
But here, This life is dignity Of the soul across the room Once the prime and primitive Instincts and defense mechanisms activate, There is no more reason, No way That words will ever be able To explain.
This Feels lost Feels lonely Like no one but me Will understand clearly That I love Deeply Wholly I dare say beautifully Whether or not these feelings Are just my feelings Or beyond Only my reality.
Because reality Is subjective Different between both you and me But somehow still We may find common ground Where the images our minds outline Overlap and see the same
It is here, where more than I Can finally understand. It is here, Where words are no longer the enemy But the potion and antidote To this shame
For this shame Has met humility Vulnerability The courage To be me
Even if The whole world will never know I know the whole world Will never understand, I still stand With my heart tall Convicted with truth Rooted in the Lord's Truth That you are so beyond and Better than beautiful It fills me With awe.
These new eyes that have seen Change unfolding Have also seen Love unraveling.
From all the sweetness And fondness Of pure untarnished memories, To what I don't know if I know How to see,
This is me Raw and untouched Naked and ashamed To have loved The friend who was Never meant For me.
Blessed was I To have found one So faithful and kind For once not out of reach But yet still Out of my league With all the riches Of intelligence to joy And of course A smile that was not For the faint of heart to see
I have loved before, For it was here I found love In the purest form First, foremost, Of friendship
It was here Where every good thing That resonated inside me Grew tenfold With this unknown blessing That I had fathomed to know Beyond blessings ever received.
Yet, Little did I know, It took courage To love this way. Selfless Never ill-intentioned I tried to be Until the end.
It was generously That she gave me And so kindly Yet humbly I tried to give back Never feeling like What I gave was enough, As she so gracefully Accepted everything Speaking to me without words It was more than enough.
There is not a single soul That I have met Who could ever be Her Anything like her, Who could also be Or will likely ever be My friend.
It was on the days We left, Where our presences departed Where I had no regrets
But it was then When I realized The sadness and grief Was yet the loss Of love, Including the Lord's Love.
It was she, Who lamentably taught me How butterflies felt Inside me All the way To fear and shame Of this very discovery
As well as The best hugs Any person may probably ever give me.
There is no one like her, And there is no one better for her Than her husband, And this I know, It is he who I know To be faithful, kind, Courageous, righteous, Steadfast and Unconditionally loving
But somehow, I ask the Holy Spirit Did you bring her Here To teach me About love, faithfulness, and joy? Did you bring her Here To show me light in the world Once more? Did you bring her here To have a friend for once, To give me courage to speak, To love a friend deeply? And did you bring her here So that I could love so deeply That I found this part of me?
I can still say To this day That I have No regrets About anything I Have written or said To this friend, The greatest gift, A catalyst For this journey, And the one who gives The best hugs With the sweetest smiles I’ll ever be blessed to receive.
Once where A new era began, A seed was planted In the mere probability of our existence
We did not find each other We stumbled upon one another In a way where awkwardness Was the main contributor To our similarities
Yet you stayed And I of course, stayed Somehow we relished In a relieving familiarity
Perhaps, It brought us together For that reason.
But what we had And what we have Has grown from a seed,
Watered, waiting We are here Where I never thought we would be: Friends now far away, Yet still able to relate
But even then What does it mean? It may not mean much of anything.
For a fleeting feeling Lines the nerves of my being Extremities tense While the rest of me at peace
For this is the only awkwardness We have known to overcome, Time and time again, —I never know Where your thoughts go
There is so much to be learned So much we will never know But in each other, We have still grown.
Maybe this is the best feeling I would never have known If I were not able To express it freely
Maybe one day Our lives not our hearts Will collide Telling the same story Of who we were always meant to be.
To Jade, A jewel of always Every color but green,
Your story is a wonderful epic, Tales of travels That never grow old
They write an unapologetic narrative Of every highest mountain top And every lowest valley
You have climbed as high Just as much as you Have fallen down and cried
And I, I so wished to see and to learn Of every broken piece to your life That you thought you needed to earn
But I, Even with good intentions Fell into a hole I could not climb
I embraced every part At the expense of my joy Only adding To my despair
But you taught me What strength and courage Could be
To say it is easy To wake up every day Without the one Who loved you most Is irreparable As much as he was irreplaceable
To say the scars it leaves behind Are mere wounds of the flesh to be tended to Would simply be a lie
But still I Fell in love with What it could look like To see you wake up every morning And choose life
For there is nothing more brave As the story you write And continue to write.
I still stand by And wish to look upon your life To see how far you've come
But at least I've passed beyond The emotions I feared would last forever
Back then I was confused Back then I was still learning And I thank you for helping me Find who I am
Even if I can never say I fell as deep for love's sake, If I ever find you Stumble upon Or see you I will find the reddest rose And gift it to you
For the honor and memory of your brother And for the honor and memory of you Because sometimes words Will never be enough To describe what will always Be blooming in you (And how you've allowed me To blossom too).
Conclusion / V1.5
Without what happened that night These essays would never have turned to poems
Without the words we never said I wouldn’t have these reasons why I write
You are still as beautiful as the day I met you And the day I left you when I accepted You will remain a memory, not a friend meant for forever Or even for a second
But still, I do not hesitate To smile and be embarrassed Knowing now all That I did not know then That brings clarity, closure, and an end.
I never loved you But I definitely liked you Enough to zone in on Every beat of your heart
Enough to make you see Who you were always made to be And how worthy you are To be you, To be everything you are.
And so here I remain, Content and at peace Knowing I am allowed To never-more be ashamed.
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hokusu · 4 years
(3/5) Soon enough we'll get to know each other even better!! I feel u bc I'm the same with my books - I'm a bibliophile :D It's a bittersweet feeling. Nobody fics? Ssshhh. Tbh I'm not that much into snk, yet I like Eren/Levi and I'll read on of your fics, I'm curious and they are a part of you! I'd absolutely love to read one of your dabihawks fics and you should post them (no pressure ofc) bc hello!! We all want to read them. I like to read almost everything, mostly adventurous stuff but I'd
Part 2 of my lovely santa messages ~
(3/5) Soon enough we'll get to know each other even better!! I feel u bc I'm the same with my books - I'm a bibliophile :D It's a bittersweet feeling. Nobody fics? Ssshhh. Tbh I'm not that much into snk, yet I like Eren/Levi and I'll read on of your fics, I'm curious and they are a part of you! I'd absolutely love to read one of your dabihawks fics and you should post them (no pressure ofc) bc hello!! We all want to read them. I like to read almost everything, mostly adventurous stuff but I'd (4/5) like to keep reading soft fics atm. When I think about it, I never had ideas pop up in my head... I'm more of a consumer, it seems :D how you connect fics with music makes sense - while reading that fic I thought of a song, so it can also work the other way around!! Dabihawks is everywhereee! may I ask which song(s) reminds you of them? Yes I paint from time to time, I mostly redraw youtube videos or pictures I like; videos are a little bit difficult, I don't like following instructions :D (5/5) I'm not talented, not at all!! I just do stuff bc I want to + it feels good. imo everything can look good, that's why: just do it, if you have fun + put effort in it, it's already awesome. Evaaaaa, don't make me blush, I'm about to scream again :D thank you, your words reassure me, so I don't put myself under too much pressure.  I appreciate your answers, always!!!  - Secret Santa
Ah!! Books, what's your favorite(s)? I love books but tbh I haven't read one properly in...years...and it's sad lmao. But at least I'm still reading fics >.> and asdfsdfs the fact that you like Eren/Levi without being too much into SNK, bless you lol. Really you don't have to read any of mines if you find they're not your cup of tea!! But if you do, well I'd love to know which ficc caught your eye and what you think! Also I totally plan to post the dabihawks, I just need to finish them first :' )
Soft fics, okay let me give you some more of my favs!
1. This (one) is probably my absolute fav modern AU dabihawks, so I HAVE to rec it! Like I finished this fic and thought about it for a whole week bcus it has that kind of effect and I literally love everything, it’s perfect. Bonus it's both *soft and adventurous*. And also it has one of the songs that remind me of them lol, bcus the title is from this (song).
2. And this (one) because it's by the same author as the fic I sent you last time and has all the cute, pining/best friend and fake pretend relationship that makes me weak. :D
3. Cough ok this (one) is really short lol you can probably read it super fast but it’s an angsty as hell canonverse rec? It's still got a soft ending though ok!! But idk if it’s too sad & isn't your thing lol. ;-; I like feels and this one somehow captures it all beautifully.
4. This (one)  --- I'm not sure if you're into texting fics, so this might be a little different ~flavor~ or even a bit ooc but I read this one recently & bcus of the manga right now, this one hit me like a ton of bricks and I just wanted to cry through even if it was supposed to be more ~casual fun~ lol. Though it has some of the *softest* lines between them that made me so happy.
Just throwing some I like, but absolutely no pressure to read any at all and... I have more if you aren’t feeling those ahaha. ^^
Now songs ok I actually started...putting together a playlist titled "hotwings" (their other ship name makes me cry laugh tbh lol). Besides the song I sent earlier, here are a few more that reminds me of them! Also I totally wonder what’s your music taste like? Bcus mines is all over the place lol, but let me know if you actually like any of these songs??
Songs: (x), these 2 bcus I love cover songs that are done well (x) + (x), and some other random ones~ (x), (x), OK i'll stop sending too much to you now ;-; ❤ ❤
Hm what does painting youtube videos mean? That sounds very cool though, if you're comfortable with in the future, I'd love love to see some of what you redraw/paint? :D And asdfsd what a mood lol, I don't like following instructions either. I actually...really dislike following tutorials. xD
Pfff I won't accept that, you're talented TO ME! And I am here for all your talents honestly!! Also that's the best though, right? Doing the things you like bcus you want to and it's fun. I'm glad you have something like that! And ahh please don't feel pressured at all! Seriously...if you ask me, I think I already have the gift ---the gift is getting you in my inbox, so have fun ok? ❤ 
Also I’m super sorry this is so long lol and I hope you aren’t stressed by how much I write D: so feel free to tell me to tone it down. ;-; Sending you love and thank you as always for talking to me. Have a lovely lovely weekend!!
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annalrk · 5 years
Who are all your TH OCs? I’ve been dying to know!
i’ve been meaning to talk about them more but i keep redrawing their referencing (i can’t get the reptoids to look right sdfghjkssdlkgjsd reptoids are hard)
i have 3 terran reptoids: cervicis, dorsi, & vastus
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2 draconian reptoids: spinalis, tibalis
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1 grey: tint
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2 (grey/human) hybrids: sepia, pallas
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1 human: deliliah edna maly (dem for short)
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and 1 nordic: zelpha
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characters may be added as needed or wanted
they kinda have a plot and story that evolved as i gave them all connections to one another and stuff but i’ll put that under a cut, i feel i took too many liberties with it all but whatever y’know
dem is part-nordic (at least ¼th) and related to zelpha (relation unknown atm), and her dna helped make sepia.
sepia actually wears a wig given to them by cervicis after they meet pallas (hence the similarities in hair) and they rarely take it off. i haven’t thought of giving sepia a th circuit or anything tbh.
zelpha adores dem, but sepia less so. dem is unbothered by this.
pallas is a hybrid being conditioned to live on earth, and is dem’s neighbor. (no one knows she’s a hybrid, but most people, esp dem, can feel there’s something off about her.)
tint is in charge of dem’s abductions. tint also has the unfortunate job of watching over sepia as well until it’s decided whether sepia lives or is recycled. (sepia, while not perfect, is very intelligent and thus useful.)
vastus and cervicis are siblings (tho they don’t know it), dorsi is cervicis’s best friend and also the daughter of vastus thus technically making her cervicis’s niece (vastus knows that’s his kid tho)
vastus runs errands for tibalis on earth. cervicis is spinalis’s servant. (dorsi’s job idk yet.)
tibalis is engaged to spinalis but he’s much more interested in cervicis. so tibalis has an ulterior motive to marrying spinalis.
vastus, spinalis, & vastus are all similar in age, with cervicis and dorsi being younger.
cervicis becomes friends with sepia at some point, and that just kicks everything off. there’s alot more to them and the story i have mapped out. i kinda left out some stuff in this rundown but a got the important stuff down here.
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art-dump-for-avery · 4 years
Hi, I'm @averyanxiousbeing, and I'm literally just putting any and all art here because I can.
WARNING: Some content may be disturbing and/or possibly triggering. Let me know if I should add any tags if necessary.
Content includes-
Fan art (Sanders Sides, FNAF, Undertale, Deltarune, MandelaCatalogue, etc-more to be added later)
Vent/personal art
AU ideas
May make a random posts about an art idea every now and then
Sketches, doodles, and practice pieces
Occasional paintings
Might also post small Sanders Sides fics here IDK yet-
Anyway -
Constructive criticism only. Feel free to request things, but I can't promise I'll actually draw them. Also feel free to submit fan art and/or redraws of any of my art and/or AUs, as well as ask questions. My Instagram is also @averyanxiousbeing so if you post any of my stuff there please tag me. I also have a Wattpad where my name is ColaCanFangirl and I post fanfics there sometimes. Aaaaand I think that's it. Enjoy!
Fic Masterpost
(Last edit - 09/06/2021)
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Happy Halloween! Have some concept art of things I’m working on.
(See, I do work on things! I just don’t usually post it all; lol)
Concept drawings for Wes’ story!- Which I should probably mention has the working name of “Monster Mash”… Not sure if copyrights will let me keep that though XP (maybe I can make it slightly similar? Like Monster Bash, or something).
Ah, outside of boring naming rules/laws, I guess I could go over some of my design processes and show off how unorganized it all is (I’ve noticed mine slightly differs from what other people do but in reality it likely isn’t that fascinating tbh). Because these are like, first or second drafts some of what I’ve worked on for the story. They’ll likely change later, as I nail down not just the overall designs, but also force them into a more cohesive style that can have actual model/reference sheets. Some are closer to done than others, like the bat creature’s design. I’m largely happy with both the style turnout and mostly just need to touch up and create the reference sheet at this point.
Then there’s the ones like the first design; the crocodile-shark-robot thing. That’s the first draft of it so far, meaning the style is looser and might be too overtly detailed at the moment. I like to make sure I won’t go mad redrawing things over and over, so it’s definitely still under the “major tweaks” phase (especially as I’m debating redoing some larger parts of it’s body’s design). It’s kind of like working through how SpongeBob drew a circle, except unironically. First, I make the super detailed version, then as I go on, I whittle it down into simpler shapes and features! I’ve done it this way for quite a while now, hilariously enough (Beta Wes is an odd, odd thing, lemme tell u. eugh).
But that’s just a couple of monster designs. There’s also working on settings and designs for characters outside of what they normally may look like.
I.E., the scraggly looking Wes. That’s him shortly after being found by his adoptive father (I can’t wait to write out that part :D). I’m trying to design him to look like he’s mistrustful, but also in need of a Lot Of Help because even half-wolf kids probably shouldn’t be living off in the wild. It’s little things I have to tweak from his normal look, like making his pupils consistently smaller and his hair more droopy. In what ways his shirt is ripped come to mind as well, because I have to keep track of that during redrawing it over and over. Plus some add-ons, like his chains he never managed to get rid of, and his little tag that denotes his designation from the labs, of course.
IDK man, just thinking about that kinda stuff gets me excited. I love character design (but also don’t because aaaaah; stay consistent style, pleeease). XP
On the other hand is backgrounds and oof, I really haven’t found my passion for those yet. It isn’t that I don’t have ideas, don’t get me wrong- it’s just bending my style to something that works as a set piece. And then realizing just how much the perspective is broken and that some things look off and pbbbbblt. Regardless, the setting image is one of many attempts to design the Wilden household! Wes and his father repurposed an old, run down house away in the woods after moving to America from Ireland, fusing it a bit with the tree that had apparently grown over it. I figured a kid with wolf mannerisms would appreciate the space and placement, and on the inside of the tree part there’s his room… Which I guess could be more identified as “a bunch of holes in the ground and wall where he’s dug out dens”.
People don’t really come out much (partially due to Wes’ werewolf form that some have managed to catch glimpses of. It’s lead many to believe there’s a wild beast roaming the woods, searching for it’s next, fleshy meal… To be fair though, they’re semi-right on that one- he’s just more likely to eat a few squirrels instead, haha). I mean, as far as the people who know Wes’ father are concerned, he’s just an odd guy who lives out in the woods and apparently owns a rare breed of dog he refuses to let others see. Something something, “it doesn’t like strangers” or whatever. He’s chill tho, so ya know; whatevs.
Though I suppose that’s starting to lean into more of the story stuff, so it’s likely a good time to leave off. Hope y’all have a spooky Halloween!~ 
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hey!! just wanted to ask if u got my submission (for quiptid) and if slightly changing panel layouts is ok (so following the same vibe/story and dialogue but like different angles/poses or whatever)? And ik u got a massive response to it and idk if I got in in time :,) so can I ask if u know when you’ll be letting everyone know what’s going on? Anyway no pressure to answer and thanks for hosting this, it’s v cool of u :)
Got your submission! 
For changing panel layouts- I’m going to say you can make little minor tweaks, but please try to stick to about the same poses/whatever as the original. We still want it recognizable- we’re redrawing, not rewriting ^^
For when people will know... weeeeeell, so here’s the thing. Original deadline for applying was the 18th, and that’s going to be the absolute deadline- i.e. asking people to do multiple pages if we don’t get enough artists by then since I don’t want it to be open for ages. That being said, I may close applications early if we hit ~190 or more before the 18th. 
Right now we’re at 158 responses- I know one is a duplicate, one may drop out, and one didn’t want to be an artist(helping out in other ways), so that’s 155-156 artists(I haven’t verified all of the responses yet tho- like I know some people put “I don’t have a tumblr” so idk how they expect me to be able to contact them but yknow), so it’s like- really weird. We got 130+ in the first 24 hours and then things came to a near halt, I was caught off guard by how much it picked up AND how it suddenly calmed down
So I can’t GUARANTEE a set time, it all depends on how quickly spots fill, but expect me to give a major update by the 18th at the LATEST
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pokemon-every-day · 5 years
What are you going to do once you’ve drawn the remaining ~300 Pokémon? Like what’s going to happen to the blog, are you going to go back to the beginning and reblog Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, etc?
Good question! I honestly hadn’t put much thought into it before now.
Most likely the blog will go on hiatus, only coming back to draw any new pokemon that are released. 
Depending on how much I miss doing this, I may also go back and redraw some pokemon. This might be just some of my favorites, the first 110 pokemon that are all drawn traditionally and don’t quite fit in with the others, and/or the several that have been purged by tumblr mistaking them for being inappropriate. 
If I do redraw any pokemon, I don’t think it’ll be daily. I have some ideas for other projects I’d like to move on to when I’m done here. Not gonna say any of those ideas yet because that could be years from now and idk if I’ll still have those ideas in mind by then lol
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twilightvolt · 5 years
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And so, another year has come to pass.....almost. ^  ^
Remember when i said i was branching away from Digimon back when i drew up Venom fanart? y’know, “I wanted to be more than what i used to be.” that being “a Digimon artist.”
2019 was basically just that. lots and lots and LOTS of fandom hopping.
If last year was me recovering from the pain and crippling anxiety of 2017, then this year was me finally getting up again, learning to stand up and live for myself rather than in fear of those i shouldn’t care about anymore. life still hasn’t been too kind to me even though, compared to last year, we’re in a better space. but i’ll get into more detail about that while i go through everything month by month on the clock.
Before we begin, if you’d like to see the previous years, here’s the links!
Might wanna grab your popcorn, my dudes. this is a long one.
January: On the Web
Coming out of 2018, things were pretty ok if i remember. i don’t remember much from this month aside from a few doodles i did like this one from when Spiderverse was the hottest thing. this was one of the last things i drew in my old style. before i decided to officially change things up in the next month.
February: Gotta Kick it Up
Pokemon Sword & Shield were announced and things were hype! oh, how things soured as the months went by. lol
But yeah, this was me taking that experimental sketchy pencil style from that Smash Bros. drawing and rolling with it all the way! it’s become my new go-to style and even though it’s still hella sketchy at times, i feel like it looks better in comparison to my old ink outlined drawings.
March: The Overdrive Dweebanoids
Oh right. my old Ben 10 phase that lasted for a millisecond in 2016 returned with a vengeance. and it was glorious. lmao
It spawned an AU that i didn’t delve into much, but if i ever get that spark for my favorite alien watch bearer, i’ll get back to it.
April: True Blue Lizard Bois
My Ben 10 streak continues and i was crankin’ out art left and right for it. i luved all the “doodle dumps” i made, but this drawing was wholesome and i picked it because of that.
To some extent, this could be a comparison between my past and my present. that being Overdrive!Ben being what, at the time, was my current obsession while Digimon!Vivi was a representation of where i used to be, back when i was starting out and entering Digimon OCTs on Deviantart.
May: Return to the Realm of Sleep ~HD ReMIX
Now THIS i feel was one of the grandest drawings i’ve done this year. hell, i even made a wallpaper out of it.
like, it was just a redraw of an old drawing from 2017. but to me, it was a way to tell me just how far i’ve come since then. and i couldn’t be happier.
This was also the month i rebooted my DA after a long time of inactivity!
....Iiiit didn’t really work much, but i’m still working on it. though i highly doubt it’s worth it considering most of the ones i used to hang with there are either people i don’t wanna associate with or people who left while i was gone. seriously, it’s a ghost town there.
June: Art Fight 2019 ~Dreams Vs. Nightmares~
Ahh, my second year of Art Fight. for this year’s event, i wanted to be a tad more grandiose. like drawing up this banner. i like being extra and stuff even if it kills my drawing hand, so yeah. lmao
Florida thunderstorms are friggin’ terrifying. idk HOW anyone can get used to that.
July: - BREAK DOWN -
Oookay, it was hard picking my favorite attack this year cuz i pretty much was satisfied with all of them. but i had to go with this attack because the artist i drew it for was someone i really admired for years and i’m just happy i could finally have an opportunity to draw them something. like, i luv how it came out, so yeah.
This was also the month i forced myself to finally do the thing and let go of the constant fear i felt towards certain people i used to hang with. while remembering 2017 will never NOT hurt, i can’t let that fear rule over me forever. i have to take control and not let it stop me from doing what i want. and that’s exactly what i did.
August: Ricky ~Sapphire, Emerald and AlphaSapphire
Oh yeah! after Art Fight ended, i returned to Pokemon randomly cuz i wanted to go back to my roots for a moment. revamping Ricky, formerly Ragna, and Yagami was something i’ve been meaning to do for awhile and it reignited a waning love for a series i started growing distant towards since Gen VII.
I used to really like Ricky’s old design even though i barely ever used him. but i guess this just shows how much more original i’ve gotten in terms of character design. ^  ^
September: Heartbeat Inferno
Now, i haven’t really talked much about what’s been going on life wise for most of this post, but trust me when i say irl, things weren’t really.....happening. like, it’s hard when you live (or rather, lived now) in a place with little job opportunity and you have NO experience whatsoever. the lack of progression must’ve hit something in me, so the week i drew this was me just....shifting moods, feeling everything at once. one day i’d be agitated as hell, the next i’d be so depressed i took a some odd hour nap and didn’t wanna get out of bed. like, for most of this year, i haven’t felt this stressed out and frustrated with myself. so this sudden crash was kind of....unwelcome.
But this drawing was a fresh change though, if i’m being honest. i’m not usually this uncaring about how clean the coloring job is, but i like it! i’d choose that other drawing i did for my friends’ birthdays, Skirmish at the Cable Club, but this one had a more personal drive behind it.
October: - PAPERMOON -
beastarsbeastarsbeASTARSBEASTARS--*COUGH COUGH AHEM* I MEAN....hai. :D
Continuing with my Pokemon shenanigans, i drew this big piece which was something i had in my head for years now, but never actually acted upon it cuz i always felt it was too big of an idea to work on. i’m happy i’ve managed to capture what i envisioned originally.
As for interests, i’m sure most of my current followers can deduce that i quickly shifted gears to Beastars as soon as the anime was released and so far, i regret nothing. it’s spawned a metric butt ton of new art from me and the way i see it, this phase ain’t stopping as long as this series continues. brace yourselves fam, i believe i’ve finally found the successor to my Digimon phase. lmao
Like, damn, i had a tough time choosing art for this month. i was stuck between this, - SMILE/WILD SIDE - and Slip Into Madness. so many good drawings i was satisfied with, y’know?
November: The Future is Now
I was SO planning on putting something else here, but then suddenly i just kinda had this urge to redraw that uggo gouache painting of Miyagi from highschool. and it turned out so good that i had to. like, really. lmao
As with the redraw of Dream Drop Digital’s key art, it was a reminder of how far i’ve come since then art wise. and i feel like i’ve accomplished so much this year because of it. ;w;
December: Winter Lights
And now we’re back to the present time. after over a year or so of living in Florida, we’ve moved once again back up north a bit. yet another clean slate, but things seem to be looking up despite the rather large bumps in the road the past week or so. lately i’ve been feeling that seasonal depression starting to set in, but i think i’ll be fine as long as i stay positive. cuz y’know, it’s not being happy all the time. it’s just knowing that things will get better someday.
One of the other reasons i drew this drawing was cuz i REALLY wanted to have something Beastars related on this clock. this series (and Legoshi in particular) really inspired me, so i had to leave a wedge open for my boi.
Looking back at the beginning of this decade (as 2020 would mark the next one), i realized that the 2010′s were basically me becoming more artsy. finding enjoyment for a new hobby that quickly became something i’m now more passionate about than video games which i didn’t think would EVER be the case.
Funny enough, it all started in the RP section of a little forum for an MMO called Wizard101. i was only in middle school at the time and, to tell you the truth, i had no idea i’d be going at it for this long. thought i’d just do it on the side but not really delve into the art world more.
But despite all the trips and falls, fandom drama or otherwise, i wouldn’t change anything if it meant i wouldn’t have the friends who’ve stuck by me in the aftermath of those times.
I may not be really succeeding in much, but it’s the small steps in life that matter most in the end. these past few months in particular was me getting fed up with feeling sorry for myself for not doing the things i was interested in in the past, getting over my regret and making plans for starting something new even though i know i’ll suck at first and not worrying so much about how others might perceive me.
And just like how life was changing for our resident grey wolf this first season, mine seems to be doing the same. and i believe this decade ended on a better note than i thought it would during the past couple years leading up to this.
Here’s to a new decade! ^  ^
~ For a future I want to believe in. ~
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lordshaxxion · 5 years
Guys holy shit i’ve been working on this referral for an hour or so and i have sO MANY MORE IDEAS than when i did this project initially what the fuck!!!!
i’m legit and honest to god so excited to draw more for this idea for once and i’m loving where it’s looking to be heading
(gonna shove this under a cut i didn’t expect to suddenly explain eVERYTHING about this project in this post holy shit i’m just so excited and this got so long sO quickly omg)
essentially this project was set by me to challenge myself in designing creatures and bosses for a game and the first time around i didn’t do so well (obviously, i mean i failed the module d u h hence the referral) but i also couldn’t get into it thoroughly either. I based the three boss designs on yarn, crystal and metal but fell supremely short on the metal design (it fucking sucked yo) so these are the crystal and yarn designs i did (and i’m still pretty proud of ngl, and no you aren’t going to see the metal one it’s literally. the single worst thing i’ve drawn known to man in terms of quality and i’ve fucking drawn asher with his nips out aight)
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Now ofc they need their own attentions and not all of the aspects of them are all that great etc. BUT. since i’m redesigning/doing more design work for this project in general i’ve taken literally one look around my room for inspiration for the yarn-based creatures i’m working on and lo and behold my room is full to the fucking brim with yarn. so that’s not hard to find inspiration right??
smash cut to me fucking taking one look at the biggest jellyfish i’ve made to date (with the usual jellyfish for fucking reference on how BIG this fucker is)
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so immediately i think “well jellyfish could make for an interesting enemy. CROCHET JELLYFISH THAT IS” and already i’ve got sketches for a hostile jellyfish that’s literally based on that giant bastard up there AND sketches for a passive jellyfish based off the three-tentacle jellyfish in the commissions post.
general idea for the hostile jellyfish is that it has the thicker curly cues like above and strands of yarn for thinner stingers etc but it can actually grab the player with the thicker tentacles and electrocute them etc (because we all know yarn can hold a fucking static charge and a half like the bitch it oft wants to be)
general idea for the passive jellyfish is that it literally is just that - passive. the three tentacles (as opposed to six) denote that it’s a passive creature, and it’s just subtle enough a difference between them that the player wouldn’t necessarily notice at first and think it’ll attack them. all it does is serve as like a bouncy platform or a drifting platform for the player to be able to get around on
sO. branching off like haywire from this i looked at the shawls i’ve got lying around and immediately was like ‘LETS CONTINUE THE DEEP SEA THEME WITH FUCKING SHAWL-RAYS’ because i am a fucking. GENIUS. so shawl flap-flaps that wrap themselves around the player to crush them to death fucking SURE and with added thread needles on the end as a stinger and such
t h e n. i was thinking about what the fuck the player character would look like and y’know what? @cappurrccino i must thank u for sharing that picrew mouse maker because otherwise i wouldn’t have thought of this because wHAT IF the player character is a fucking mouse.
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This is the first one I made just as a bit of fun but then I remembered it as i was drawing just now, went to have a look at it again and thought ‘YEAH THIS’LL WORK FOR A PROTAG FUCK YEAH ITS CUTE AND ITS NOT HUMAN’ so i went back to the picrew maker and made ANOTHER
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now THIS badass little shit looks more like the adventuring type!! since the whole premise of this project was at first to design a game based on numbers which lead to a game based on collecting things. This little guy looks like he’s gonna be collecting ALL the things and the hook and rope make it even better because then he has a means of getting around and swinging from platform to platform or hooking enemies and jumping on them to damage them etc or even getting other weapons to use - without just defaulting to ‘GIVE MOUSE NEEDLE-SWORD’, even though i am. hella fucking tempted to now. if hollow knight bapy gets a nail sword, mouse bapy gets needle sword.
I would use the first one, but i don’t want to make redrawing the little guy over and over a pain in the ass to do by having so many details on there to keep consistent. i learned that the hard way with soile’s design from my comic - by the end of that monster of a project, i fucking hated drawing her because her design was so convoluted. absolutely great for one-off pieces and stances, fucking awful for continuous redrawing in different comic panels. so yeah, not fucking doing that again.
plus this feeds into the themes for each enemy type - yarn, crystal and metal. each thing is something you could easily expect to find in some kind of house or something, and are naturally bigger than a mouse in 99% of cases, so it makes sense for a little mouse to be traversing whatever places and facing off against these things. ofc it won’t actually be set in a house, it’s in some kind of world idk the full nature of yet but still.
i still think i may overhaul the boss designs entirely and resubmit a way better version of this project because the first time around i was dealing with a lot of personal stuff at the time and lost focus on it altogether. i literally didn’t fill up half the sketchbook i got for it, that is a pretty good indicator of how badly i flubbed this. BUT. i really, really like where this is going so far!! and all in an hour or so since i sat down to start working on it!!
i apologise for just how rambly this got but holy shit i NEEDED to put this all down somewhere before i forgot anything and i needed to give my thanks to cappurrccino for unknowingly inspiring me for the main player character :D 
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hiddencarpet · 6 years
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Ferbuary and August 2018
After some thoughts i decided to show you how much i, and Nostra has changed through several months. These artworks might not be the best example for comparison, as both of them are sketches without much of shading and care; and both of them had different idea behind them; However i still wanted to show at least how much character has changed
or you know what, here’s something even older with him:
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Forl and Nostra from May 2018
Sometimes i feel like deleting all the old art, bc ghhhhhembarrassing but whatever. This artwork is still quite cute, and i like it, so i think i might actually redraw it one day, idk.
Ps. Forl is Nostra’s (and his sister’s which i didn’t show you yet) dog. She’s a good girl with capability to eat almost everything. She’ll also change a bit, but i’m not sure to what extend yet
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