#may the gay nerds win
star-dust-shark · 3 months
pjo incorrect quotes as things me and people I know have said on crack
Jason: these grapes are funky
Leo: these grapes are fucky
Leo: *drops sandwich, cries*
Nico: I will never forget the fact that Piper and I where sitting together with headphones on and she looked up only to see me playing air guitar and head banging to whats my age again
Solangelo: *kith*
Will: *walking away with a dorky grin*
Will: *almost gets hit by car*
Will: *gets home and screams into pillow for twenty minutes, then picks up diary and writes like five pages about Nico, then texts him for like an hour and a half and afterwards draydreams about him*
Will: hmm I think I might like Nico
Leo: imagine having sex and someone moans like a hentai girl lol
Percy: *moans* KyAAaaaAAHHHhhhhhh
Reyna: bro apologized like Colleen Ballinger
Reyna: like fuck off I hope you die
Percy: tOxiC GosSiP tRaiN
Jason: not a groomer
Leo: *hair flip* just a loser
Piper: Im horny- I mean horngry- I mean- *cries*
Nico: mentally I am a fifty year old man
Will: yeah totally not obvious mister motley crue
Leo: jason
Leo: I have something to tell you
Jason: yeah?
Leo: Im gay
Jason: WHAT
Annabeth: my wrist hurts
Percy: emooooooooooo
Annabeth: I literally sprained it wtf
Hazel: no you cant commit mass genocide Nico
Nico: its pride month this is homophobic
Reyna: okay how about we play the quiet game
Reyna: whoever wins gets my two dollars
Reyna: three, two, one, ghost town
Leo: *face red, fists clenched, rocking back and forth*
Everyone: *concerned looks*
Piper: your moms hot
Jason: lol what she ugly asf
Will: im concerned with your eating habits, Nico
Will: its very serious Im kinda scared
Nico: womp womp
Jason: would you suck my dick if-
Percy: yes
Jason: if there was poison in it and I would die if you didnt
Leo: ive learnt something interesting
Leo: my arm skin one day may be cut off and turned into a penis
Leo: therefore...
Leo: *bumps arm into Jason*
Jason: WHAT
*talking on tumblr*
Hazel: wyd
Frank: jus on tumblr and talking to you
Hazel: lol nerd imagine
Hazel: *bats eyelashes* what does gyat mean
Frank: uhh It means generous young amazing t-
Rachel: Im so single
Will: skill issue? L ratio? no rizz? no game? no bitches?
Percy: I havent taken my meds
Annabeth: oh no good gods
Percy: so that means
Percy: I will either try to kill myself orrrrr
Percy: like violently fuck someone
Jason: I volunteer
Jason: I volunteer as tribute
Nico: hey girl *winks* r u a racoon
Nico: bc Im trash
Nico: *bursts into tears*
Annabeth: *walks into bathroom, sees spider*
Annabeth: *yelps* oh
Annabeth: hello mister spider
Annabeth: youre not so bad
Spider: *moves*
Jason: *hits knee* oh fuck- my knee-
Leo: okay
Jason: *scared* ur gonna fuck my knee????
Thalia: I am now a tree a tree I am a tree is me
Nico: im actually kinda insecure about my knees weirdly enough
Will: aww bb :(
Will: well I think you uh
Will: ...have beautiful knees???
Nico: *jokingly* I can read your mind
Will: oh no
Will: oh shit
Will: thats not good
Nico: it cant be that bad
Nico: are these thoughts about me, per chance?
Will: WHAAAAT NOOO *hangs up*
Leo: daddy hands, twig nerd bod
Leo: im confused why can girls call their friends girlfriends but whenever I call Jason my boytoy twink malewife manwhore someone gets pissed
Hazel: yeah, this guys really annoying me
Frank: ugh im gonna fist him
Hazel: ...
Frank: what
Frank: like beat him up?
Percy: my friend thinks youre cute
Annabeth: what? who?
Percy: me
Percy: Im the friend
Percy: I think ur cute
Nico: so weird when someone comforts you
Nico: like why
Nico: just lemme be a moody emo brooding sad angsty depressed boy for a bit
Leo: *in toad voice* BItCH i SaiD wHaT i sAiD iD rAthEr bE FaMoUs InsTeAd iD LeT aLL Of ThAt GeT To MY heAd I DonT cArE ILL pAinT tHe ToWn ReD
Nico: *crafting with scissors*
Percy: *walks in*
Percy: what are you doing
Nico: ...crafting?
Percy: oh okay I thought you where cutting yourself
Leo: *glares*
Frank: *glares back*
Frank and Leo: *glaring at eachother*
Leo: omg I just felt sparks
*sees gay porn*
Will: thats it im homophobic
Nico: so I wrote this song
Nico: *adjusts mic, positions guitar*
Nico: *deep breath*
Nico: *strums single chord* my whole family died
Nico: thank you, thank you
Nico: just realized the only physical contact Ive had in like a whole month was Leo dabbing me up
Jason: straights ask why theres no straight pride month but like
Jason: isnt there a toyota month or smth
Jason: id say that works
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greeneldritchfurby · 4 months
yknow what... Here's a list of Hatchetfield Rarepairs that I think are neat!
Some l've thought up, some may already exist.. Either way I think about them constantly, and I need to share my brainrot.
23oz Chai - Paul 23 / Ted Spankoffski
- workplace crush but, plot twist, one of them is a clone
- Ted confesses, and Paul 23, even though he's unsure if the real Paul would go along with it, accepts anyway.
- everyone in the office reacts to it in shock, and they are convinced it is an elaborate prank. (Its not)
Cat Sweater - Charlotte / Melissa (Charlissa)
- Melissa supports Charlotte through her rocky marriage. Sapphic feelings ensue!
- They bond over their love of cats!
- Crazy cat lady and her sopping wet cat gf!
Dirty Boy - Mark Chasity / Boy Jerry
- Two repressed religious men grappling with internalized homophobia!
- A lot of gay denial and religious guilt in this one!
- Also, Jerry's nature rubs off on Mark a little. Maybe they go a little off the walls together!
Donnapiro - Donna Daggit/ Detective Shapiro
- They start out disliking each other, Shapiro not liking how Hatchetfield News reports crime and Donna despising Shapiro for getting in the way of their journalism
- Slowly, their competition becomes incredibly homoerotic.
- Enemies to lovers, reporter x detective yuri. Solving crimes and being sapphic!
Fast But Pricey - Barry Swift / Frank Pricely (Priceswift)
- I have little justification for this one but.. ldk, I think they would be fun together.
- Frank is just really lonely, let him have a gay lover.
- Their relationships moves fast. (Barry is in a hurry! And Frank is so alone he doesn't mind.)
Latte Bottay - Zoey Chambers / Emmdroid (Zoemdroid)
- They bond over a dislike of the real Emma!
- Zoey is surprisingly chill with the robot thing.
- This also works pretty well with 23ozChai. Paul 23 gets his work crush, Emmdroid gets her work crush, its a win win! bonus wlw mlm solidarity!
Nibblinda - Nibbly / Linda
- Linda treats Nibbly to fine meats and sweets. In return, Nibbly eats her dad and protects her. Overall, a pretty sweet deal!
- Perhaps, they get a little blood on their hands.
- Linda chews people out (figuratively), and Nibbly bites them (literally)
Plastic Cars - Gerald Monroe / Tom Houston
- Hear me out.. Divorced dads realize they are gay... for each other.
- Tim gets a new dad, instead of a new mom.
- Again, I must stress.. middle aged men in love!
Sheiloway - Sheila Young / Miss Holloway
- This is ooc as fuck but the enemies to lovers calls to me.
- They both get someone to confide to about the struggles of lord shenanigans and near immortality
- wlw witches!
Showstoppers - Henry Hidgens / Pokey
- Theater nerds who will murder at the drop of a hat.
- I mean, Pokey did include Show Stopping Number in Inevitable, so that's a little gay.
- They are both just.. really gay tbh.
Spoiled Cat - Linda Monroe / Charlotte Sweetly (Charlinda)
- I think pairing a mean rich lady with a sweet, but this close to losing it, lady is very fun.
- Tbh, I just think the day Charlotte dates a woman is the day her entire world changes.
- Also, I think Charlotte should be allowed to be a little mean for once. Linda would help her be more assertive.
Tentacle Bastard - Wiggly / Ted Spankoffski
- Wiggly steals his brother's toy, and gets more than he bargained for!
- Wiggly tries to scare Ted with his big scary octopus form. It does not have the intended effect!
- Wiggly keeps trying to terrify Ted, but jokes on him Ted is into that, and that flusters him. However, Ted's unabashed bastard confidence has an unexpected side effect: Wiggly catches feelings
Webworship - Webby / Karen Chasity
- Karen finds a new god(dess) to "worship"!
- Unsatisfied wife summons a goddess for some company, and the goddess doesn't mind!
- A little bit of religious guilt in this one, as Karen goes against her beliefs by beginning to "worship" a new god, but its still mostly wholesome!
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Drunken Shenanigans
May 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - this is Thai BL living its best life. Wait, who is Kong? Another ex? Ah just a Boy from the Past. (HI BIG, I love you, when you gunna lead a BL?) Chot & Pat’s friendship is giving me LIFE! It is the best thing in BL right now. Also this show is defining slow burn. Jeng & Pat both primping for their date? Come on! I am so glad I get to start my week with these boys. Also I would like to see the BL (within this BL) staring Up & Rice. They are VERY pretty together.
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I end my week with this one and it’s almost as good as starting with Step. The brothers relationship is pitch perfect younger to middle. P’Pat is serving up yacht rock visuals. (I’m not mad about it. Reminds me of Tay in DBK.) I do like them as a couple I just mistrust Pat’s constancy and motives. Although I am beginning to wonder if his motivation might feel suss because it’s pure lust (and we see that so rarely in a BL we innately mistrust it). Meanwhile, I like that Tai has a younger guy interested in him and with whom he has chemistry too. And it’s the one his brother likes. This is messy gay in a good way. 
Our Skyy 2 (Boss & Babe) eps 11-12 - I was drunk for this one, so I thought it was mostly just foolish. While Book seemed to be having a bumper of a time with his role as Lord of Misrule I fast forwarded through a lot of it. It did make me laugh with some of the wordplay, but the fact that they involved an entire office (non-consenting) in their kink rollplay was a bit weird for me. 6/10 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - The subs are truly bonkers (including a few captions that seem the be the subbers notes to themselves). There are 2 lead couples: 1 is an LTR with an overworked doctor & his recently fired husband and the other is an E2L jock+nerd with high school students (way more my thing). It’s actually pretty good for a pulp, the acting is decent and the pacing on point. I’m not mad at it especially now Dome has shown up. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10? - I’m doing a trash watch! I was drunk, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, but the first 1/4 of a JittiRain BL never is. 
Past-senger (Weds Gaga) ep 12fin - thank fuck that ended but also: WTF is with that ending? Guess that’s a massive prospective age gap relationship. I’m… unsettled. (And age gap doesn’t bother me.) Anygay, anydaddy that’s the lingering flavor from this BL: unsettling. You know I tend to judge on endings... full review below. 
The Promise (Weds YT & WeTV) ep 10fin - did’t air to YT this week
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - I love this show. I know everything that’s gonna happen and I’m still riveted. Sweetly awkward confession. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 3-4 of 8 - I’m enjoying the complexity of this one. It’s like a combo of Shoulder and 8th but somehow easier-going than either. Not totally my cup of tea, in a way because of that complexity, but also I faintly mistrust its BL-ness. Also: That was one of the most painful confession scenes ever. Ouch. (Meanwhile, have I mentioned recently I hate icky’s interface? Well I do. Also iQIYI is now officially icky henceforth!)  
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 7-8fin - The asshole ex was perfectly cast but I felt a touch let down by this ending - it didn’t have the strength of its convictions. Full review below. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - I like the Taiwanese boss, he knows what’s up. Cool dude. Arranged a sleepover and everything. Also... we win when there is experimental kissing but odds are Japan is faking us out. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - is it me or did this not drop? If it did I missed it. 
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It’s Airing But ...
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) 10 eps - I bounced at ep 4. Someone will tell me if I should bother with the rest after it ends.
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 6-7 of 10 - Terminal illness for the sunshine. I bounced at ep 6. DNF. Ends next week, someone tell me if it’s as bad as I thought it was gonna be. 
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) ep 1 of ? - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*) also I’m really not inclined to hunt. 
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Ended this week
Past-senger - Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) & Copper (My Engineer) star in a time slip story of a 90s kid who travels to 2022. The central premise was solid and the actors gave it their best but the show was bloated with unnecessary awkward side couples and the ending went from confusing to unsettling to plain old (and I do mean OLD) not good. 4/10 NOT RECOMMENDED, FATALLY FLAWED
Love Mate - Launched very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic if arrogant younger seme with no respect for boundaries. Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable since fear of love makes it about the couple rather than one person’s self-acceptance journey. However, because the denouement in Love Mate was driven by a late in the run faen fatal and not the central relationship, the conclusion felt forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so if falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL AKA solid high standard and eminently watchable. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
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In Case You Missed It
Both the Egoist (Japanese movie) and Tie The Knot (Pinoy series) got picked up for international release. Tie is coming to Prime. Not yet sure who bagged Egoist but at least it has distribution. These both seem more “messy arse gay” than BL but I have been waiting for them. About Us but Not About Us (2022 Pinoy movie) is also coming to Prime. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
6/2 Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - Andre, a film maker from the Philippines, works in LA. He finds a Korean-American roommate, Joshua,  who helps him navigate the challenges and uncertainties of living in America. The two develop a bond, but then it’s time for Andre to go home. It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I won’t watch this. 
6/3 Let’s Eat Together AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai (Japan movie) - Japanese cinema release means no inter distribution. Looks cozy: daily lives of college students and roommates who enjoy meals together, and a v codependent, adaptation of yaoi Let’s Eat Together Aki and Haru. I’ll keep an eye open for it but assume we can’t get it for now. 
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June 2023 Line Up
6/7 Love Tractor (Korea iQIYI) 8 eps - announced in 2022 from WATCHA (Semantic Error) I've been WAITING for this one. About a stressed-out law student who family obligations force into the countryside where a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his hunky young farmer neighbour. Will this be an extended version of Strongberry’s Some More? Or Korea’s take on Restart After Come Back Home? I'm chuffed. Country boy meets city boy is a very underused romance trope in BL.
6/9 Boys Love Omegaverse AKA The Boys Love sequel no one asked for (Japan movie) - everyone jockeyed to release the first ABO but it looks like Japan will take it. They do like to do all things BL FIRST. This seems to just be borrowing the branding of Boys Love, showing little resemblance to either original, since it's about 4 men in an idol group. (But could go very dark with that title. Boys Love is technically the first and one of the darkest BLs ever made.) Movie+Japan = no inter distribution. 
6/15 Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan ????) 8 eps - Based on a yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Japan does Our Dating Sim? Cool. Of course no idea where to watch it. Oh Japan, must you? 
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it will air... nothing except that it exists.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai ????) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a cute uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rk's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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This bit made me bark laugh. The more Thai BL I watch the more I get the word play jokes the funnier they are. Language is so cool. 
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Dear Boss & Babe your ForceBook is showing. 
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Yes! One of my favorite dishes too! Nam Khao! Try it some time, you will not regret it. (Step by Step) 
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These too are gonna break us. (Star Struck) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? P1Harmoney’s Peacemaker  
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ainyan · 2 months
Smash or Pass: Kal'istae Miurani (OC)
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Quick Facts:
Height: 4'7" / 139.7 cm
Age: 34 (as of Dawntrail)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual / Demiromantic
Pronouns: She/Her
Strong: She may be smol but she be fierce. She will fite you and win every time. Get pinned, nerd.
Loyal: Once given, her loyalty can only be shaken by you alone.
Intelligent: Her dream is to earn her Archon's mark, and she's capable of it.
Crafty: She can make just about anything if you need it, and she's not opposed to putting her skills to... good use.
Connected: She knows just about everyone.
Disorganized: Okay, she knows where everything is, but good luck ever figuring it out yourself.
Married: There is that little matter of being married to Thancred, but that shouldn't stop you from wanting!
Wandering Feet: She's always off in some gods-forsaken corner of the world - or not on the world at all!
Kal'istae loves to travel. She loves to explore. She loves to find new things and learn new facts. Her second-greatest pleasure in life is uncovering and solving the mysteries no one else even knew existed.
Kal'istae is adventurous in so many ways. Beneath that sweet exterior is a woman who enjoys thrills - in bed as well as out of it! She's got some hidden depths few have ever plumbed, and there are few things she won't at least try once.
Her signature scent is lavender and starflowers with a hint of rich, fresh-churned earth and sage smoke.
She's purple. What more reason do you need?
Tagged by: @sylaurin
Tagging: @asteriasfallingstarsandtears, @paintedscales, @sasslett (get double teamed <3), @otherworldseekers, and anyone else interested!
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accirax · 3 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 12
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on another episode of "making myself sad about Grett," we learn that Grett has learned to interpret any general statement as an attack on her appearance/person. fuck you, Yul. and also Grett's family.
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so true Connor
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heheheh, i called that it would be to/at alternate Gabby >:)
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oh nice, Connor is one of those cool CEOs that takes pay cuts in order to give his employees higher wages--
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why are you running like that you fucking nerd (/aff). i don't even have to specify who because it's just that apparently bizarre.
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totally makes sense that Alec is fine with Riya "winning immunity" because she'll just give it back to him. he's got his head in the game as always.
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i always love to see the villains scheming, but this may actually make more sense for Riya than her current real plan. Alec has been proving time and time again that he's good at, like... everything. everyone should be really worried about him winning if he makes it to the end. i don't know if Riya could beat Ally either (because i don't know what the challenge will be), but she should be thinking about taking Alec out before the endgame. although, she does have to worry about taking him out in a way that won't leave a grudge, given that Alec has proven that he won't root for a former ally just to be petty.
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Usain Bolt is now canon to the DCU. no, not that one.
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wow, Gabby really is Tumblr Girl! (/j)
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at first i thought Alec might have been buttering Connor up in this scene in the hopes that Connor would simply give him the immunity if Connor won it. it's true that Connor probably would have given it to one of the heroes, though, just for strategy reasons. still, this is not helping any hopes Alec has of rekindling a friendship with Connor.
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i do NOT trust food made by Marcus and Nina.
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just admit that you're besties, you tsundere fool.
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i'm not trying to argue that Derek is the greatest dude on the planet or anything, but, notably, i feel like this is one of the only times we've seen him look genuinely sad.
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this is a funny speech conclusion from the millionaire guy.
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i guess??? this is the reason???? why they were targeting Gabby?????? i'm still confused, honestly. can we take this as a soft confirmation that Tom and Aiden never believed in that idol Gabby lied about having?
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you do not understand how worried i was for the sake of my power rankings at this moment.
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yay, we finally get to learn what the updated tiebreaker policy is! looks like it will be going to a head-to-head challenge instead of doing a Survivor-style revote -> rocks. Still can't believe that we had a tiebreaker and Yul didn't lose it, though.
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KING BEHAVIOR!! god, i wish the DC winner was determined by jury vote. Alec has absolutely played the game most deserving of winning thus far. then again, if there was a jury vote at the end, people probably would have started gunning to take him out already. so, maybe i should be grateful.
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i'm glad that these two have made up, both because Gabby needs and deserves more friends than just Ellie in her life, and because it shows how Gabby has grown as a person. instead of just wanting to get revenge on those who have personally wronged her, she wants to use her passionate heart to target those who are making others' lives miserable.
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about time!
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"if i can't spend time with my gay crush, you can't either!"
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i still don't think i've actually processed that Tom won't be in the next episode. like, damn. it was a good choice, though. if they were going to send a hero home, i'm much happier to see one part of the love triangle get axed than have Ally randomly go out.
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i assumed something like this would happen, but i was not expecting them to actually visibly kiss. yay for the... krisrek shippers? if they exist?
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poor guy :/
another episode that i'm pleased with! ... but how the hell did Yul not go home?! it's got to happen next week, right? like, i know that Alec is a genius or whatever, but it's not like the entire season can go his way. the villains will have to fracture someday. until then, though, uh, #villainsweep. still rooting for Alec, even if i think Jake will win. see you next week!
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alastair-1205 · 2 months
Episode 18 reactions
Oh my fucking god he fucking dead
Damn he’s like fucked up fucked up
I do kinda love how Geo’s just been around with the ninja tho. That’s been nice
Lloyd: fucking in a coma Me: haha gay ppl
Valid tho
Stfu Z 
Arin is gonna stab someone calling it now
Wyld is shocked at the audacity of this bitch lmao
Yea taking her powers was smart lmao good fro you Robie
Damn deja vu lol. She must hate being dragged away like that again
She’s got a crush and Arin has suspisions. I still don’t think it’s him tho
I respect her mindset tbh like fuck yea prove ur man inst evil
That wasn’t what ur parents meant Arin. Arin no-
LMAO I FUCKING LOVE WYLDFYRE. Seeing her and Arin interact is so fun 
Sora v Frack!
They’ve gotta have more than 4 elements by now stop lying to me show 
Hey she remembered Jordy’s name!!
Badass fight is badass
Oh Ras is gonna murder a teenager
You good Sora??
I love himmmmmm he just wanted to learnnnnn
Jordy knows she’ll be able to solve it that’s so cool yes I love that
Ha the 5 don’t know math L
They like each other this is fucking precious
Ooh that was a cool transition
Maybe it was Bleckt. Or Ras. He’s still a viable option for me.
What game is this?? I wanna play it lol
This is adorable I like them together 
He’s so sneaky! The sneakiest!
They don’t tolerate each others bullshit I love it
Damn. You know what yea fair enough that tracks 
Rip Lloyd. Hi Geo. Theme of this episode
Props to Arin for putting his anger aside for the mission 
I think destiny keeps kicking him out so he can talk to the dragons tbh
They could have given him bandages at least to show it 
If I had a nickel for every time Lloyd woke up like this 
But damn those stakes are upped now
That man is not doing good-
LMAO COLE I love him so much
Killer jellyfish?
Lowkey that’s her fucking dad 
God he can never catch a break. Let Lloyd rest 2024 christ 
He’s fought worse odds. I believe
I take it back. Don’t let Lloyd rest. Cuz now Sora’s gotta get her ass beat 
I love Robie’s delivery here lol. But yea Lloyd must look like hell warmed over 
Lloyd would have won. I believe 
Oh I really don’t trust someone else having Lloyds powers tbh 
Like that feels like a really bad idea 
2/2 on biology saving the day 
Speaking of are Kai and Bonzel ok??
Also Cole has a cool outfit 
This is totally cheating but I’m ok with that 
MotM music is my favorite in the whole show man it goes so hard every time 
We got Wu before Pixal :(
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write-like-wright · 1 year
not a request but a thought I've been plagued with and need to put out there. Tall emo boyfriend Simon and short gamer girlfie. and they're BOTH chaotic switches
okay so this is 100% not what you had in mind sending this in but may i present to you one of my favourite ace attorney crack pairings because they absolutely fit this description
drumroll please
simon x maya
like i'm pretty sure they never even officially met but once my twisted mind learned they were the same age it got to work babes. like just think about the possibilities
he's been convicted of murder and maya's on the verge of being convicted of murder at literally all times
samurai shit. just samurai shit. maya lets him see her rare holographic steel samurai trading cards and he almost pisses himself because he's a freaking nerd under all the eyeliner
disaster younger siblings to disastrous (gay) ladies
both owe phoenix their lives. would also relentlessly bully phoenix because he's a loser normie (affectionate). disaster younger siblings energy.
simon would absolutely go feral for the idea of being a gallant samurai protecting the head of the fey clan. like mall ninja protecting m'lady *tips fedora* fantasies.
getting mcdonalds delivered and watching steel samurai is the pinnacle of class and romance for them
maya would definitely be a sims or a stardew valley kinda girlie and simon's like lmaooo that's so lame those aren't real games *secretly spends his nights making goth sims and has put 300 hours into his farm*. she owns his ass in literally any game they play together tho like she is in it to win it.
their colour schemes clash in the worst way and i can't ever imagine them being dressed for the same event
he calls her fey-dono and she calls him babygirl
they accidentally give each other (real) matching katanas at the WAA office christmas party and phoenix looks on in terror at the monster he's created (he probably introduced them) when they unsheathe them and proceed to have an overly intense impromptu sword fight
also i feel like they'd have like the tackiest apartment in the universe that's like part a crypt and part weeb merch
this is canonically their height difference do with that info what you will
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abunnsburrow · 2 years
I come to you, Ninjago Fandom, to say one thing and one thing only.
...Jay should win the Ninjago Sexyman Tournament.
Jay, canonically, gets so many bitches. This pathetic loser of a man somehow managed to become the host of a TV show just by making the dumbest puns known to mankind.
Jay could probably get any of the ninja(excluding Lloyd) to date him. You have seen how gay he is with all of them, the way he seduces them. The way he manages to somehow lure them in despite being a wet sock in the form of a person.
Jay managed to form the League of Jay, essentially a cult to his name without even trying. There is no doubt in my mind that he has managed to make people question both their sexuality and their gender identity. He does this with no effort on his part, only purely through existing and being a rockstar nerd.
Merely through standing there he attracted the Munce Queen who lives in a culture where only the strongest and best of the Munce gain higher status.
He even managed to get Nya.
Jay, canonically, has the power of a sexyman. He is the most pathetic loser to ever exist and yet he gets all the bitches
...That is all. Have a good day and may the best Sexyman win.
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Ao3 is the stupidest site to target, ever. Apparently the hackers may be Russian trying to "sow discord in the west" or whatever but really? Sure there is a lot of panic in online circles but it's not like popular people or the government cares. It's not going to get a lot of press.
But Ao3 is run and backed by people who love it. They care deeply for the site. The site is run and used by gay nerds who have no other hobbies or anything else to do. They are literally targeting the entire online fandom community. The hackers will never win.
They should just target Twitrer instead. The staff don't give a shit about it and it will go down like a lead balloon.
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Okay I'd better get started on Nova Artino propaganda because while she probably won't be able to beat Jude, she is better than Jude
Reasons to vote Nova
She was raised by a literal gang of loser supervillains in an old subway. Like what a beautiful beautiful backstory. Who doesn't want a whole gaggle of murderous surrogate aunt's and uncles (plus one blood related murderous uncle ofc)
She doesn't need sleep. A character trait of all time, if I'm being honest. We all wish we were on her level! A watchful wife with lots of free time.
Both a flowers enjoyer and a weaponry enjoyer. Get you a girl who can do both.
She has wasian swag and a lot of it.
She is a triple crosser. Yeah, Jude does a lot of crossing. But Nova? She had a double crossing game, and she stuck to it until the end where she no longer stuck to it! Mad respect both for sticking with it and finally making the triple cross. And she triple crosser for LOVE. So like. Yeah.
Not afraid to yell at authority figures and make them look like clowns. Even when they're her future inlaws. Even when she is a double agent. She's still gonna yell at them for being wrong. As she should.
Supports gay people. Even when she's trying to assassinate them she had her little moment of "i don't mind that they're gay though" like a chapter before. Fanonically bisexual but who isn't these days.
Supports gay people. Even when she's trying to assassinate them she had her little moment of "i don't mind that they're gay though" like a chapter before. Fanonically bisexual but who isn't these days we STAY winning.
Did I mention she triple crossed for love? She also got herself caught for love. Wife material right there.
Went to prison. Gaslit her way back out. Was so mad at them for sending her to prison. Even though she was kinda very guilty tbh.
Nerd. Such a nerd. She may have magical superpowers but she is a woman of science. Invents shit. Buff nerd though, she can and does fight. Will fuck you up and then dazzle you with her impressive vocabulary.
There's so much I could say about her. She is a morally gray girlboss and a queen. She is so cool and she kicks ass even with superpowers that don't exactly lend themselves to ass kicking. She has been tested and proven herself to be the sort of wife who would betray her spouse but would change her mind and save them anyways in the end. She kills a reasonable number of people. Who wouldn't want a wife like that
🧍‍♂️ <- I'm going to use this emoji for propaganda asks
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
News that may interest you: asexual podcast duo The Ace Couple just released part 1 (of 2) of their AMC IWTV breakdown! I really like these podcasters’ style of media discussion in general—it’s detailed and analytic but also consistently funny and conversational—and I highly recommend this episode. Still just as excited for your written overview of asexuality in VC, whenever that happens :)
Oh wow, this is so cool! Thank you for sharing!
I listened to the episode and it really was a great critique of ways the show erased the asexuality, and I think it was also a really nice overview of the allosexual attitude I see in fandom a lot. Oddly enough, coming from a more casual/mainstream perspective and not like a DEEP FANDOM NERD IN THE TUMBLR TRENCHES perspective ahaha. Like they brought up reviews from gay men about how good the changes were and it kinda brushed upon some of the bullshit I’ve had to navigate by discussing this topic on Tumblr for years.
Something I think they summed up really well was the concept that the show changed the vampires from “broadly queer” to “explicitly gay” and that really nails it on the head I think.
At some point I do want to write some more posts about this, especially if I can reread the books this year I want to take time to like share and discuss some of the passages that are explicitly ace to me and build my case for the ace read. I’m guilty of bringing it up when it gets framed as an argument against acephobia and I apologize!!!!!!! We deserve to talk about this without having to disclaim that we deserve to be here or having to use it as a counter argument to acephobic garbage. Unfortunately, fandom has a great track record for leaving me ignorant comments or sending anons every time the topic comes up so I feel like I’m always defending it and not just enjoying it and giving it its own space. Sorry!!!!!!!
So to do that some more LMAO. (Sorry!)
I’ve said before like, I really do understand that the mainstream maybe needs the visual clues to understand the romance, but personally one of my huge complaints about the show is that there wasn’t actually a whole lot of intimacy and romance between them. Like, we see them fuck, but there’s barely any warmth between them. I went the whole season not really understanding what Louis saw in him. And I was confused what the show was trying to say, because while I understand that we can also see this as “Louis is not being truthful about their relationship” (aided by the one cute moment being Claudia’s POV and not from Louis himself), Daniel’s remark that Louis was describing Lestat as his soulmate really threw me. Like, I wasn’t getting that from the story they were showing us at all.
So like, could they have shown romance and intimacy without sex? Of course. They chose not to. I appreciate and understand that it’s a win to show gay sex on mainstream TV, but I personally found it underwhelming as a choice for this particular story/series. The main thesis here is ROMANCE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SEX. YOU CAN SHOW ROMANCE IN WAYS THAT ARE NOT SEX.
I don’t buy the pushback about asexuality somehow sanitizing the romance; in fact, that’s a fucking ignorant thing to say. I’ve had more than one person try to level me with this argument and I’m just not buying it. And as much as I think the mainstream is like centuries away from understand/accepting asexuality, it’s such a fucking problem even within the queer community.
✨Asexuals are queer. The characters are not less queer if they are asexual.✨
This talking point always tells me that someone either doesn’t believe aces belong in the queer community, or it tells me that the person just has an extremely fundamental misunderstanding of what asexuality is and isn’t.
But it’s the same way the heteros read IWTV and didn’t realize it was queer; I often think that allos in fandom do the same by missing the ace read.
And like, I’ve said this 100 times. It’s murky enough that I don’t think it’s worth arguing to death; I understand there is a bit of wiggle room. But that also means that shutting DOWN ace reads is ignorant as hell and frankly it’s pretty fuckin rude.
Something the podcast brought up that I don’t think I’ve given enough credit to is the idea that like Anne Rice’s writing is so SENSUOUS like, we can all agree that her vampires get turned and suddenly EVERYTHING is so heightened, like, they wanna touch velvet and cry at music and stare at buttons. DON’T WE THINK THEY’D BE CRAZY ABOUT SEX TOO? IF THEY WERE ALLO?????????? Hmm. Especially coming from an erotica writer like if she wanted them to fuck they would've fucked. (((Insert side essay about guilt/pleasure/Catholicism/etc don't @ me I don't got time today)))
Dgkjas sigh anyway
I’d really like to talk soon about the symbolism of drinking blood equating to sex and how because it’s not literal, IT IS NOT LITERAL. And how that’s no different from ace people finding ways around intimacy that are also not literally sex. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately haha but again I don’t want to like, waste another ace post by wrapping it in discourse. We can have those conversations without having to defend our existence LOL. PUT A PIN IN THIS, REMIND ME TO BRING IT UP AT A LATER DATE AWAY FROM THE HATERS.  
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patorosa · 2 years
Uh, so yeah,
I think this one is longer than the other sorry xd
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These are the (not definitive) redesigns that I made for my fnafhs remake. Why these guys and not the main five? I like them more, and I have a better idea of what I want to change specifically as a band and for the individual characters, I'm just gonna talk about what their Dela was in the og series, my personal issues with each character and what I want to change about them.
The band
This is just about what their role was in the story when the band "The toys" (I will call them TT) were introduced.
As I mentioned before, the characters were introduced to attract fans to the series, when TT were presented, they were initially introduced to be rivals of the main cast (mc), they were implied to be more skilled, confident and to be friends since they were young, a pretty good way to show what the mc needed to work on to win the competition. Though, after that their role changed a bit, and the story stopped focusing on them as a group, since the main competition was often left behind, and showed different aspects of their personalities.
In my version they will also be rivals to the mc. They are, however, friend because of casualty, they never expected to be together as a group, but we're not complaining. Think of the study group from Community.
Meg (or mangle)
Apparently her full name is meglody tf
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The bad bitch, the emo, the icon. After her song released you could see tons and tons of recolor of her sprites online. She is the lider of TT, the vocalist, in the first image you can see her og design with the character chart, her s2 design and my redesign on bottom left.
She is one of the characters with most development, since she was shown to have various relationships with other people outside her band (though she hated most people) but she isn't shown to have any kind of development, a real shame.
For her redesign, she has crutches, not as a Tragic Backstory ™ but because I think that the series doesn't really explore that eye thing that she has (is she blind, is it a glass eye, is it a normal eye? Who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯), and also this was kinda inspired on the animatronic. Can someone help me to portray disability correctly?
Personality wise, she is someone likes it when she is control of her things, though, she tends to go to the bossy side. She is prideful on who she is, and won't let anyone hurt her or her friends, who are precious to her. Her strong personality may not be of everyones taste, but she doesn't want to appear to everyone. She's been under a lot of stress lately, and that has resulted in burst of anger towards anyone who crosses her when she is not in her best mood, lest just hope this doesn't affect her closer relationships.
When she and her friends heard about the band competition they decided that they would participate, she is the main singer bc the others say she has the prettiest voice of them (their words).
Bon (toy Bonnie)
Not to be confused with Usagi bon who was also inspired by toy Bonnie
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My personal favorite, he is the character with most development in my opinion, and part of the most (in)famous yaoi shota ai ships in the series, guitarist in his band and apparently a confident personality. Again in the image is his 1s and 2s looks, plus my redesign. In my design he looks darker bcs I drew him from memory.
Ever since his introduction, the fandom has shipped him with Bonnie, leading to the shota ai story, that is mostly based on bon crushing hard on Bonnie and going on his journey from "wtf dude I'm not gay" to "well I might be gay" that never actually ends in them being a couple but rather a lot of baiting from the creators and like two or three subplots that go nowhere (the fiancee, the homophobic dad, bullying the nerd). Anyway, even with all that he does show some growth on standing up for what he cares about and whatever, also, the ship got like two unrelated miniseries of 6 chapters each.
If you look closely (pls don't), it's clear that my design is closer to the 1s version, just with a sweater instead of that weird sleeve thing. I don't really like the 2s design bcs of a bigger problem with his character. I kept him a guitarist bcs is one of his main characteristic besides the homosexuality.
Now, my main focus on the rewrite of this character is around the treatment that he got with the ship material, since his only purpose was to make a romantic subplot, his original confident personality is changed to "UwU I'm not gay UnU" which I hate btw. So in my version he is going to be over the top confident, especially with his guitar skills, which makes him insufferable to other people to be around at times. In the yaoi department he is still going to be interested in Bonnie, so don't worry bout that.
He was the first to try and convince his friends to join the band competition, as a way to show off his skills beyond his performances at the park that he goes everyday after school. Huh, I wonder why he always gets home so late...
Joy (toy chica)
I forgot about her for a minute :P, there's no yellow font to match her :(
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You know how in animes shen there's a rival team there's always a cute waifu who is just for fanservice? Well she's that waifu, and the fanservice goes around her being shippable, instead of the other kind of fanfiction. She's the pure, cute girl who is kind to everyone, no matter what (thinking of it, I don't remember her being angry). She also sings in the band (I think) and is constantly supporting other characters in their personal growth, while showing almost nothing herself. Uhh, what else? She sings kpop. The images are in the same order as the other two.
As you may have noticed, Joy has almost no role or personality in the story, she could've been replaced with a sign most of the time, and has little relationships with other characters (we barely know her role in the band).
I tried to add some ruffles and fancy accessories to her school outfit, more in the cutesy side, she would dress in lolita style, and adapt her style to the school regulations. Since she doesn't have much going on in her og designs.
I tried giving her a twist to her personality, so that she appears all kind and cute when you first meet her, but starts acting condescending at times, and other times straight up insulting you with her little :3 face. Though she claims that it's out of her control and tries to stop doing it, people around her are very careful in her presence, maybe to the point of straight up excluding her. Not her friends of course, since they may be the only ones that invite her to do things together.
A band competition sounded like a lot of work to joy, especially when she didn't know how to play an instrument of her own, but her friends insisted that they could teach her to play the bass, she just needed to get the hang of it
Toddy (toy Freddy)
Hated for crimes she didn't do 😔
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For some weird reason she wasn't introduced with the rest of TT, making an appearance later in the series as (I'm not joking) Bon's fiancee, since then she was hated and put aside by everyone. Due to her brief appearances, she only has been used to make silly little jokes, forgetting the whole engagement, she plays the triangle for a joke, and also doesn't have character development. The world has been so unfair to her 😞✊.
Isn't it weird that the purposefully hateable character is dark skinned? Anyway, she is shown to be vain, arrogant, and in need for constant attention, with almost no positive qualities whatsoever. She's also shipped with a random character, no that you need to care because is part of the joke :).
I had always thought that dark skin characters in fnafhs had an ashy look to them, that's why I made her skin more vibrant, it may look redish, but that's bcs I used the orange background and it doesn't look as intense in there. Her outfit is accompanied with a lot of accessories, just to show off and shine. She is fancy and she will let you know it.
Her personality would be more down to earth than the others, she is more open about other people and tries to reason if conflict arrives, but if she considers it necessary, she will not doubt to completely cut ties with anyone, though it often leaves the confused.
Lately she haven't been hanging around the others as much as before, and refuses to participate in the competition, or to explain why.
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gleekto · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022: Chemistry Sucks (5/?)
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he’d rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he’s not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don’t have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Day 1, Day 2,Day 3, Day 4
Chemistry Sucks (Day 5: Oval)
Kurt has to admit that Blaine knows his music. And man, he can perform. Kurt spends an illicit minute silently outside the Glee room before their practice session, watching Blaine sing their duet to himself in the oval-shaped mirror Mr. Schue put on the wall. He'd say it was for practicing expressions but Kurt is sure the guy just loves to look at his own image.
They get the chance to rehearse together in the glee room exactly one time before the regionals competition, which Blaine says is in true Mr. Schue style. Blaine even makes up some story that the New Directions hadn't chosen their setlist before they were on the way to Nationals last year. Kurt knows that can't possibly be true but he gets the point.
"Seriously. That's why I always have to be in top shape, ready to go. You get literally no warning in this Glee club."
"Well you did come in second in Nationals," Kurt emphasizes the Nationals part - McKinley somehow has a very good Glee club.
"Yeah. And it's not good enough. We've gotta win the whole thing this year." Kurt rolls his eyes because second place in nationals is not exactly weak. "It's my last year."
"And you want to win."
"Yeah. And-" Blaine stops.
"And what?"
Blaine waves his hand dismissively. "It will help me get into NYADA. That's all."
"You want to go to NYADA?"
Blaine nods. "Yeah. And if I get a scholarship, my parents may even let me go. You probably want to go to Harvard or Yale or something. And study chemistry." Blaine says it like it's some sort of oozing disease.
"NYU actually. And no, chemistry sucks. Liberal Arts. Why wouldn't your parents let you go? It's like the best school for dramatic arts in the country."
"They say that they think it's not practical. But honestly, I think they just think it's too gay." Blaine shakes his head, irritated, and Kurt finally sees a hint of a real person underneath all that attitude.
"It probably is?" Kurt smiles a knowing smile.
Blaine smiles back and crosses his arms, leaning against the blackboard. "One can only hope." Kurt takes the moment and wonders if they just made progress. "I didn't peg you for an artsy type."
"I'm in the Glee club."
"Yeah but I thought it was just to boost your extra-curriculars. Don't you like live in the library?"
"These days I prefer coffee shops, actually," Kurt glares. "And given how little you know about me, maybe you shouldn't peg me at all." Blaine looks up at his ceiling, rolls his eyes and laughs out loud. "And yes, I get the innuendo. I am actually not that innocent, oh leading man."
Blaine raises his arms in defense. "You said it, not me."
"You thought it." Kurt shakes his head but he's smiling. "We better practice if we're gonna win this thing."
"I thought second place was good enough."
"Maybe for you. I want to win," Kurt says without a hint of humour and he sees Blaine's eyebrows rise and cheeks flush while his eyes sparkle. It feels like a victory.
"So let's practice."
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
i get kin assigned characters constantly
“you remind me of crowley goodomens”
“you’re sooo like eddie strangerthings”
“has anyone ever told you that you remind them of jon magnusarchives?”
“you look like dream sandmancomics haha”
“southpark goth kid”
fuckin etc etc with anyone who’s a gay edgelord loser.
you wanna know who i REALLY relate to??
—zuul / vince clortho ghostbusters - evil demon dog muppet thing that’s really horny for sigourney weaver. breathes like it also has POTS and lives in a fridge sometimes. fucks around and finds out. inconvenienced? turns to stone.
—lego batman - loser but funny and deadpan enough for it to be passable. miserable and likes objectively bad music. fuckin bats. lives in the dark and is nocturnal. will adopt some random sad kid that crosses my path as my own and take them to sketchy places because hey, we’re here for a good fucking time kid.
—luke skywalker - gay hillbilly who befriends insane old people. too much like his father. just wants to drive around in his shitty little car and move out. pretty girl says something and he just goes okay that’s my purpose now. will steal shit if necessary. gets bored and overthrows the empire. will make deals at a bar with some rando criminal and suddenly whoops ride or die bestie
—samwise gamgee - so meow meow. so dyke. so hopelessly devoted. loves plants and some light drinking. holds serious fucking grudges. thinks the weird pretty little brunette is hot, snoops on him a little, suddenly is taking the ring to mordor because he knows too much. yeah sounds about right. not to get into his actual character or anything but DAMN that shit gets too real sometimes.
—daria mtvdaria - bitch with one friend. music nerd and total asshole, but in an autistic way. everyone around her either thinks she’s weird or almost admires her ability to just be so indifferent to social norms. parents push her in the wrong direction in an attempt to better her.
list to be continued.
now let me give some counter arguments.
—crowley goodomens - i may be a sunglasses indoors, all black wearing queer, who presents as any and all genders whenever, is kinda evil but in a campy disney villain way, raises bitchy kids, is very attached to their car, drives too fast, is a queen / velvet underground superfan, fucking WHATEVER. my polar opposite oldest best friend i was in love with hates my fucking guts. so SUCK IT. i WIN. and also i’m temporarily banned (self imposed, no one controls me but ME) from the velvet underground and queen because that shit gets too real when you’re gay and heartbroken. don’t fucking look at me right now man i can’t do this shit
—eddie strangerthings - really?? the cult of vecna??? temple of elemental evil is where it’s AT. he may have kiddos like me but he doesn’t LOVE THEM LIKE ME. i simply cannot see him taking sweet sweet lucas sinclair (who has done nothing wrong ever. in his entire life.) to waffle house. i do also have a rivalry with the basketball captain and therefore the whole team, but they only tried to hunt me down once and i intimidated them by chugging condiments. i play bass like a REAL sexy metalhead. and megadeth is better than metallica i don’t fucking CARE what you think. my battle jacket is way more kickass and i would love the smack the shit out of him for making dungeons and dragons “ohh!! that’s the stranger things game!!! the eddie game!!!!” and also people assume i’m talking about him when i bring up EVH. no. NO.
—jon magnusarchives - yeah okay maybe. skeptical asshole who’s that way to cope. you can’t explain it? i sure can. there’s something wrong with you. i’d at least like to think that i’m less of a dick and more sympathetic than him. also georgie is SO my type i would NOT be able to live with her as a fugitive like it’s nothing. rough exterior, cat loving and book nerd interior. but at least i’d be a hunt avatar. put fear into people the way i’ve felt it. the eye is kinda lame unless you’re an avatar and can just know shit. and when i find an author i like i immediately eat up everything they’ve ever written i don’t fucking care i love seeing common themes. also i would never talk shit about poetry it’s so fun
—dream sandmancomics - this one is mostly based on appearance and i haven’t finished the comics so like idk man but i feel like i’m better than him. just because.
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Hello from the other side
Didn't wanna clog up my description so I guess after fucking around for two months or so in this lovable shithole of a website it's time I posted an intro of some sorts?
I promise I'm a decent person on my WordPress blogs: the writing one, which is 4.5 years old and counting *puffs out chest proudly* and the art and photography one, which I created recently. Both of these are places where I post my original stuff, and I'd very much appreciate you taking a look at them.
Here? Well, we all know what we're here for. Here I reblog stuff relating to my 3000 hobbies and fandoms and hyperfixations, shitpost randomly and occasionally come up with original quotes or jokes. My MBTI says I'm INTP, which, fyi, is also Sherlock's personality type.
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The story behind my username is- do you remember that episode of Doctor Who, when Eleven's regeneration is drawing near, and he says to a bunch of kids on another planet something along the lines of "Cool is not cool. Let's do the Drunk Giraffe!" and proceeds to do this dorky little dance? Yeah, well, from then on, 'drunk giraffe' for me became the kind of geeky, unabashedly weird, fangirly, tumblr-cool nerds that I'd always thought I'd fit right in with.
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As for multidimensional, it comes partially from the actual love of my life Castiel. I see so much of myself in him and so much of him in me, and his whole journey, his arc; I guess that’s why I love him so much. It also comes from all the self-contradictory thoughts and feelings and traits stuffed inside me so yeah.
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That’s about it, I guess. Not gonna write any more of a friggin’ character sketch for myself, nope. You could dm me, start a convo, we might become friends, and you’ll automatically get to know me. On that note, do not hesitate for a nanosecond if you’d like to talk, because it seems like all you queer nerds are holed up here and I can’t find any of you irl :(( 
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chaoticforever · 4 years
Ghost In Your Heart Part 3 | Peter Parker x Male! Reader
A/N: This was requested and I did add a few things to your request. Wasn't planning on doing a third part, but a lot of you liked it, so why not? And I hope everyone likes this part!
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"Wait, so you're telling me that this device can access anything at all?" You questioned, looking up at Peter for confirmation. 
Three weeks have passed since you've been revived. 
Peter has been teaching you about modern world technology, and basically the new world in general. From the style of clothing everyone is wearing down to the new slang that kids say today. 
He did ask Ned for help, but he fainted when he saw that you were alive. 
Peter nodded and took the phone out of your hand, "Yes, you can access so many things on a phone! Call, text, and have access to the internet in general." 
You 'oohed' and Peter thought that you looked so cute like that. 
Suddenly, the phone starts ringing, meaning that someone was calling but you didn't know that and knocked the phone right out of Peter's hand. It landed on the bed and grabbed the lamp off Peter's table. You were about to hit it repeatedly, but Peter stopped you. 
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He asked, taking the lamp out of your hand as he let out a laugh while you looked terrified. 
"The phone's gonna explode!" You covered your head with your hands when the ringing stopped, and when you didn't feel anything, you looked up to see Peter laughing at you. 
"Hey, that's not funny!" You pouted, hitting Peter in the shoulder softly. 
Peter continued to laugh, but his laughter died down pretty soon, "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to react like that. Is using a phone really that hard?" 
"Yes, it is!" You replied, "In the 90s, we didn't have cell phones like this. We had pagers, and they would make a beeping sound when we got a message." 
"Like the ones the doctors have?" 
"Just like them," You sighed, "Something tells me that I won't be getting the hang of this stuff any time soon." 
Peter walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your neck from behind, "Hey, everything will be okay. I'm here with you, and will help you all the time. You will get this." He tried to reassure you. 
"But what if I can't?" You shot back quietly, "This is a completely different world for me. Everything is so different and I-" You let out another sigh, "I just don't think that I have what it takes to be in this life, even though I am happy to be here with you." You reassured him once you saw the expression he had on his face. 
Peter could understand where you were coming from. You basically jumped over 20 years in time and this was your new future. He could understand, but deep down hoped that you didn't regret at being given a second chance to be with him. 
He really wanted you to stay, but he also wanted you to want the same thing, too.
Another two weeks flew by and you actually managed to understand how to play video games. Somehow, you managed to beat Peter in almost every game the two of you played, and Peter loved seeing the way your eye would light up in happiness when you would win. 
Eventually, you were enrolled into Midtown High. 
The school was... different than you remembered. 
There weren't any Jocks or cheerleaders here. It was more like every person was smart. Peter told you that everyone is a nerd in this school and that made sense now. The work was harder than you remembered, but nothing you couldn't get. 
Ned actually warmed up to you after seeing that you were completely harmless and still would occasionally flinch whenever you got too close to him.
MJ, a friend of Peter's introduced herself to you, and you could tell that the two of you are going to get along really well with the way her personality was. 
On another hand, Peter had been so patient with you this entire time. 
He didn't rush you when you were learning everything about the new world, or got angry with you at any point. He was nice about it, and understanding. The friendly neighborhood Spiderman definitely had your heart, and you needed to figure out a way to thank him. 
And being the genius you are, you did. 
Once nightfall came and Peter finished patrolling, he climbed into his window and surprise was clearly on his face. 
You were dressed really nice. 
Very casual in a dark blue dressy shirt with black ripped jeans that clung to your ass perfectly, and you had a beautiful smile on his face. 
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked softly. 
He wondered where you were going. Were you meeting with your parents? Or with a friend? Peter had to fight back the slightly jealous part at the thought of you going out, looking nice with a friend. 
"We are going somewhere." You corrected, "To thank you for everything you did for me. Learning about modern technology and basically the new world in general. And I think I'm ready to hold your hand down the street along with going on a date and stuff like that." 
Peter's eyes widened. 
He knew how much you have been putting off going out as a couple which was once again understandable. You were born at a time where homophobia was extremely high, and you could have gotten killed for it. 
When he did ask, you always made an excuse as to why you couldn't go out because you were terrified and remembered what happened to the last guy who was outed as gay all those years ago. 
But, this wasn't the 90s anymore. 
A new time and new period where there is still homophobia out in the world, but isn't as bad as it was back then, and there are many supporters for LGBTQ+ out in the world today. 
"A-Are you sure, Y/N. You don't have to-" 
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his. He jumped slightly, but kissed you back after a few seconds. 
You broke the kiss and smiled at him. 
"I'm sure," You stated confidently, "Now, change out of that suit, Spiderboy." 
"It's Spiderman!" He whined, but did as you said and changed into something causal like you. 
You walked out of his room, heading towards the door the same time as Aunt May who squealed at the sight of you two holding hands. 
"Omg, you guys are the cutest couple ever! Couple goals!" May gushed and Peter blushed. 
"Aunt May, c'mon!" Peter blushed scarlet red which only made you laugh. 
She ran over to your both and threw her arms around both of you, "Peter, I'm so happy that you are going on a date with someone so handsome! And Y/N, take care of my nephew, okay?" 
"Understood." You nodded firmly, and she let go of you both and headed back to her room. 
"I'm so sorry for her." Peter said, clearly embarrassed by what just happened.
You waved Peter off, "Don't be, I like her. Kinda reminds me of my own aunt." 
You walked out of the apartment and stopped outside of Peter's apartment door. 
"Peter..." You started, and he gave you a questioning look, "We've known each other for a little over 2 months now and you told me a month ago that you might be in love with me. Do you still feel that way?" 
Oh shit. Peter hoped that he didn't make you uncomfortable now. He hoped you wouldn't remember that, but it appears you have. 
In all honesty, Peter loved you. 
Even though it's been over 2 months, he was in love with you. Never felt this way about someone before. 
He gave a nod of his head, "Yes, I said that and still do feel that way, Y/N and I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but-" 
You put your finger against Peter's lips, "Shh, you talk too much. I like you and have a feeling that I'm starting to fall in love with you. And I'm glad you feel the same." 
Peter smiled and walked with you hand in hand out of the apartment. 
This world as you now know it was different and scary, but with Peter, your loveable superhero boyfriend by your side, you felt like everything would be okay. 
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