#maybe I should check out pandora
thetabbybadger · 1 month
I wish you could veto certain ads on Spotify, like whatever I’m not gonna buy premium but half my ads are very bothersome >:/
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arachine · 1 year
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♡ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و 。・* . . . their firsts .ᐟ
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ᥫ᭡ featuring :: neteyam, lo’ak and kiri sully
ᥫ᭡ includes :: their first kisses & times !!
ᥫ᭡ genre :: mature
ᥫ᭡ general tags :: sexual content (nothing explicit), fluff
ᥫ᭡ content warnings :: characters are aged up, dry humor
ᥫ᭡ note :: depending on the attention this receives, i may or may not make a part two with spider, tsireya, and a’onung >_<
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♯ first…kiss with neteyam .ᐟ
+ neteyam’s got that older brother charm. a real gentleman, through and through—which isn’t the least bit surprising because he’s neytiri’s son, after all. and given this, he just…naturally excels at most things, even kissing. when it happens, it’s kind of almost unreal, sort of like a fairytale. he’s just so…good at it, doesn’t rush you, or force his tongue down your throat, or do anything that would even slightly make you uncomfortable. 
no, he’s slow—methodical. takes his time with you because he wants to taste you, and commit it to memory. i’d like to think he even makes you laugh before he goes in, because he’s just like that, you know? like, yeah, he’s got neytiri’s whole face but he’s still his daddy’s son—he’s got the smugness and attitude to prove it. 
♯ first…time with neteyam .ᐟ
+ god, i don’t even know where to begin. every fiber of my being believes that he’d make it the most comfortable, painless experience ever. usually, most people dread their firsts—simply because their partners didn’t: 1) prep them properly, 2) make sure that they finished, or 3) provide aftercare—but neteyam? yeah, he’s going above and beyond, and checking off every single one! you being in pain and miserable was simply never an option.
as previously mentioned, i’d like to think he’d try and calm your nerves by making you laugh. just a few jokes here and there, just to get your mind off of the initial stretch of his fingers working you. 
— “who’s the prettiest girl on pandora?” he teases, leaving zephyr-light kisses all over your face. you think he’s so corny, but giggle anyway, shoving lightly at his chest. 
“stop it!” but he’s relentless, still peppering your face with kisses, still prodding your slit. you’re so distracted by his attempts to calm your nerves, that you don’t even notice his finger is all the way in. not until he pulls it out and praises you for opening up for him.  
— “see, look at you,” a gentle hand rises to caress your cheek, “so pretty.” 
♯ first…kiss with lo'ak .ᐟ
+ the concept of patience is entirely foreign to him. patience and him are like oil and water. they just don’t mix. he’s a here, now, and fast type of guy, always has been. and when the moment arises between you two, he’s the first to initiate it—however, it’s no fairytale moment. it’s toothy, wet, and inexperienced. 
i’d like to think it’s you who has to take the initiative when it comes to kissing. and through this, he begins to get a sense of the things you like: how slow he should go, how much tongue, where he should hold you, and how he should move his lips. eventually, he gains enough confidence to kiss you the way he’s been wanting to kiss you—which is hard, and rough, and passionate—just a lot less toothy and wet. 
♯ first…time with lo'ak .ᐟ
+  it’s all baby steps and hand holding with him in this department too. this is the one instance in which i don’t think he’d charge into. i think after kissing you for the first time, he’d use some of that knowledge to decipher how he’d go about it. at first, he’s like incredibly scared to touch you, just hovering over you like a sheet of paper, scared that if he uses just the slightest amount of strength, you’ll break or something. 
— “does that hurt?” / “can you feel that?” / “maybe if we try it this way…” / “am i in?” 
the sentiment is cute, thoughtful even. because don’t get me wrong, a man that takes the time to ask you how he should touch you, where he should touch you, and how you’re feeling during sex is amazing. bravo to any guy who does it (it’s the bare minimum), but lo’ak does it to the point where you’re questioning if he’s scared of pussy. overall, i think this is something you’ll have to take the initiative for too.
— “lo’ak if you don’t touch me right now, i swear to god i’m going to kill you and then myself.” 
♯ first…kiss with kiri .ᐟ
+ my sweet girl. my bestest girl. i just know it’d be so fucking cute. like actually, the type of kiss where your leg slowly springs up (i.e. the princess diaries). yeah, it’d be that good. girls just do everything better anyway, and it’s kiri, so the expectations were already high (duh). the thing about kiri is, when she kisses, she really commits to the kiss. she doesn’t do half-assed, because kissing is like dessert. 
it’s supposed to be (especially first kisses) sweet, and airy, and dizzying—and it is! the amalgamation of her tender touches, and the little giggles in between, and the teasing ‘run and follow’ your lips do…are all things that add to the experience. a kiss with kiri will literally have you on speed dial with uhaul, trust and believe!
♯ first…time with kiri .ᐟ
+ like neteyam, she’d be so attentive. just making sure you’re comfortable, reassuring you, whispering words of encouragement, and checking in on you mentally. she knows that sex can be exhausting (both physically and mentally), so i’d like to think she’d spend extra time on foreplay and aftercare than she would during the actual act itself—not that she had to spend much time on you anyway, because getting you to finish wasn’t something she considered to be much of a feat. 
also, kiri is a princess, she’s literally the first born daughter. she may often appear to have a tough exterior, but…it’s just a front. dote on her and shower her with the same affections she showered you with, treat her like a little doll and watch her crumble underneath your fingertips from the smallest of praises. 
— “such a sweet girl, staying open for me.” / “could watch you do that all day.” / “nobody touches me the way you do.” 
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© arachine 2023
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calliopesdiary · 16 days
hola!! would you be able to write a one shot with your first date with remus? maybe you’re both a little shy and nervous and just trying so hard to impress one another and there’s a lot of blushing and cute moments :)
hii! ofc, lovely! (screaming cause i got my first request 🥳🥳)
Check Yes, Juliet
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synopsis: when Marlene sets two polar opposites up to go on a date
contents: fem!reader, reader likes bows, badboy!remus, just cute adorable idiots in love (:, mentioned dorlene!, readers favorite color is red
warnings: none!
a/n: this fic is inspired by the song “Check Yes, Juliet” by We The Kings! thanks for requesting!
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“MARLS… ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?” you ask from your position in front of your mirror, carefully tying red ribbon into your hair.
“of course it is, y/n. he’ll love you! besides, opposites attract!” Marlene assured you, carefully applying red lipstick to her plush lips.
“i was a little… hesitant when Pandora insisted I go on a date with Dorcas, y’know, cause we were so different. but look at us— we’re about to hit our eight months!”
you nodded silently, checking yourself out in the mirror before finishing your eyeliner.
once Marlene had gotten picked up from your shared flat, you laced up your shoes and got your things together.
and that’s when you heard the knock.
the special knock.
the knock you had been waiting three days for.
your hand nervously gripped the doorknob and twisted it open.
you didn’t mean to say “hi” in unison, now what do you say? crap he was supposed to say hi first and then—
“you look gorgeous.”
you got broken out of your thoughts, your eyes hitting his with an awkward gaze.
he chuckled, “who else would i be talking to?”
“o-oh, right, o-of course.” you blushed out of embarrassment.
you could cue some crickets here, you could tell he was nervous, you’ve never seen the resident bad boy so nervous.
“these are for you.”
he held out a bouquet of luscious roses, red, your favorite color.
“w-wow… Remus… these are beautiful…”
“just like you.” his cheeks lit up in a rosy shade, almost as if a painter had graced him with his paintbrush.
he’d definitely rehearsed that.
you let out a soft giggle, before stepping out the front door and walking with him to his car.
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you guys ended up going to this adorable vintage diner near his house, you felt like you could talk to him for hours, except you were so nervous.
he even paid for the food, he paid! (even though the guy should totally pay on first days but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️)
“don’t worry, darlin’, i’ll pay”
“Remus i was gonna pay—“
“shh, keep sipping on your slushy” you blushed, you needed to get this blushing problem under control.
“so, do you have any hobbies?”
sweet of him to ask, but you felt as if you were a bit basic.
“oh, i play electric guitar so.. i guess that’s my hobby, what about you?”
you smiled, god he already loved your smile, it was so sweet, especially since your tongue was red from the cherry slushy you had been sipping on.
“you play guitar? sick!— i mean— cool.. i play bass.”
“bass? i’ve always wanted to play bass!— i mean— that’s super cool, maybe we can play together sometime?” you were quick to get flustered by your own words.
damn, you were being bold.
“i’d like that.”
he tossed some stones into the river underneath the bridge you guys had found, your legs dangling gently off the edge as you sipped on your slushy.
“do you read at all?” you asked, reading being one of your most favorite things.
“i do— actually.”
“i know it seems unlikely, but yeah, i do.”
“well.. what are your favorites?”
“it’s hard to choose, but i’ve always liked the classics— you know, like.. Romeo and Juliet.”
“Remus, you can’t seriously expect me to believe that you, the coolest guy in town, reads Romeo and Juliet.” he let out a chuckle.
“it’s true.” he shrugged, flashing his signature grin at you.
“do… you have a favorite?”
and just like that you both had spent quite a few hours just sitting on that bridge and talking, you never thought it could really get better than that.
“i know we already talked about hobbies, but have you got any more?”
“i mean— i skateboard, ”
“you skateboard?! damn, i’m really trying to make myself sound cool here but you aren’t helping.” you teased, nudging his shoulder.
“oh come on, it’s skateboarding, it’s not that cool…” Remus itched his neck sheepishly.
“i’m sure there has to be something cool about you.” he teased, his big hand ruffling your hair.
“i don’t know what that could possibly be.” you shrugged.
“well… you wear these beautiful bows everytime i see you walking down the street, and you told me that you like to stay up all night and play video games.” he remembered everything..
“that’s not cool, that’s being a loser.”
“you are about the farthest thing from a loser, y/n.”
you froze a bit, that was so… sweet.
“t-thanks.” you blushed, again. (no surprise)
“i’ll have to teach you how to skate, though.”
“i’d love that.”
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the drive back to your apartment was nothing short of a dream, music blasting, turns out you both had similar music taste.
“billy joel has to be a gift from the heavens.” you remarked loudly, your hair blowing in the breeze, the top down on his convertible.
“i can play uptown girl on guitar!” he responded, a wide smile on his face.
“yeah!” the excitement in his voice made you blush almost the same color as your slushy.
“that’s so cool!”
he smiled wider, looking over to you, your pretty face lit up with street lights.
“i write poetry.” you confessed, you’ve definitely come out of your shell.
“you need to show me, sometime.” he pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex.
“i… had a great time with you today.” you were so smiley.
“i had a great time with you, too.”
as the gentleman Remus John Lupin was, he walked you to your door.
“i guess this is goodbye.” he sighed lightly, not really wanting his night to end with you.
“thanks for.. everything—“
before you could even finish speaking, his lips were on yours.
your brain imploded, your eyes fluttering shut into the soft kiss Remus had just blessed you with.
your lips tasted of cherry and lip gloss, but he really didn’t mind. his nimble hands crept to your waist as your hands fell to his shoulders. just before he pulled away.
“i’ll see you around, Juliet.”
you smiled at the given nickname, blushing at the suddenness of that kiss still.
“bye, Romeo.”
he chuckled, before quickly walking down the hallway.
Marlene was right, opposites attract.
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
becoming jake sully's mate
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
warnings: nothing but fluff and longing from both sides
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you had already been a botanist and biologist and had a slowly developed friendship with mo’at there when jake first arrived. you had a hand in creating grace’s school and had sadly watched it fail after the incident with mo’at’s daughter sylwanin. you felt awful about it and always resented the rda for ruining something that could’ve been good for both the sky people and the na’vi. thankfully, you and mo’at still retained a respectful relationship, although now it was a lot more strained since you, like the rda that killed her daughter, were human.
when coming back from another plant research journey, you meet jake right after grace was done snapping at him and stalking off to talk to the higher ups about him replacing tom sully. knowing how grace can be, you offered a more pleasant and warmer welcome as you had no issue with the other sully brother.
“i wouldn’t let what she says get to you. somewhere in that icicle heart in her there’s a heater. i managed to only crack it just a bit.” you joked.
“jake sully, this is dr. y/n l/n. one of our best biologists here.”
jake nodded toward her and offered you his hand which you shook it happily. he gestured toward your hair, “i like the hair color. very bright.”
you had nearly forgotten your terrible dye job which unfortunately turned it into a fiery orange. you remembered grace laughing at you for hours when she first saw it. “yeah, i keep forgetting to shave it all off.”
“don’t. i think it’ pretty cool.” jake grinned.
you smiled back, “thanks, sully. welcome to pandora. hope you enjoy your stay.”
“i think i will.” he gave you a charming smirk in return.
it was one of those moments you realized you had a crush on him.
and it was way too fast for your liking. it was stupid how fast you had fallen for his boyish charm, his sarcastic nature especially around grace.
you didn’t have anyone really. your parents were dead, you had no siblings. all you had was grace and mo’at, who only reluctantly kept you around despite her dislike for humans. and now jake could be added to that.
he was a lot more outgoing then you were while you always kept to yourself most of the time, studying plants. that was your safe haven.
one day you found yourself at the avatar compound having a discussion with grace about some of the trees you had been studying that day when jake comes barreling through the compound, in his new avatar form.
jake had spotted you first and grinned, “hey, cheetos! check this out!” he was jumping around in his new body excitedly. “crazy isn’t it?”
despite you wanting to grin back, you couldn’t help but raise your brow, “cheetos? wait do you mean—that’s not gonna be a new thing sully—”
“already is, cheetos.” grace smirked playfully, standing over you in her avatar body. “s’not as good as carrots! colonel came up with that one.”
“fuck him.” you roll your eyes while jake continued to laugh. you tried hiding your face as it grew warm. it’s a good thing your face was dark enough for people not to notice the blushing.
when jake got lost in the jungle and met the omaticaya clan, surprisingly enough you were one of the first people he told.
“what you did was reckless, skxawng. but somehow your ass is lucky, i don’t know how, but i’m impressed.” you sighed sitting at the table as he rolled up next to it.
jake looked at you with furrowed brows, “skxawng? that’s what the female na’vi called me. the one i met.”
you cringed, “ah right, sorry, i’m too used to the language here, sometimes it slips out.”
“no, no, it’s fine. maybe you can teach me.”
you try not to smile, “maybe.”
“at least tell me what that word means.”
“uh, i don’t think you want to know.”
jake narrowed his eyes playfully but let it go for now, “next time you should bring your avatar and come out with me.”
you tried ignoring the fluttering in your chest. a delusional part of you thought he really wanted to spend time with you. while the other more rational and professional part of you knew it was probably so she could help him understand the species more.
“maybe another time. i can’t get too distracted.”
you neve realized then how closely jake always watched you. when you weren’t looking or even when you were having a simple conversation. somehow you always missed the certain fondness and affection. and he certainly wasn’t good at hiding it. “nothin’ wrong with distractions.”
again, you smiled stupidly, “just find me some plants while you’re out there.”
jake nodded instantly, “will do.”
you ignored the fluttering again. because the next time you met up again, your mind would be clear when you learned that he was going to be the colonel’s spy and gain information from the people. grace was on board with it of course, always trying to search for the diplomatic way. but you hated every bit of it.
this was the first time jake had ever seen you mad and it especially startled him when it was directed at him. he was so used to your smile, your lighthearted and soft spoken personality. he never expected a woman to get so angry at him so fast. new record.
“tell me what other way there is to get out of this peacefully! i’m all ears, y/n!”
“how about not forcing them to give us their resources! this isn’t our world! we don’t have a fucking right to any of it!”
“we’re trying to maintain the peace here, y/n.” grace added. “if we don’t do this, then you know what the rda is going to do.”
“and you think lying to them will make it any better?!” you fumed hotly.
“not if they don’t find out.” jake reasoned.
now you were beyond angry. so angry you couldn’t even get anymore words out without wanting to scream even more at the both of them.
“you know what, do what you want. i want no part of it.” you hissed before storming out of the room.
it hurt because you loved the na’vi people. it hurt because jake was going to be in on it and possibly cause harm to them. it jut because you actually thought…
no. why else was he here? why else did he take his brother’s place? at the end of the day he was just like the rest of them.
it had been a week since jake had seen you and started becoming one of the people. jake had decided then that he didn’t like you being mad at him and he would do whatever he could to have you smile at him again.
so when he had time to sneak away from the training, in his avatar body, he found your lab deep within the forest. he had gotten a flower that he was sure you would like and brought it to you at your lab.
you were shocked to see him to say the least. but still pissed at him.
“i don’t want you to be angry.” he’d say while looking down at you. there was a heavy look across his face that you couldn’t interpret. but at the time you didn’t care much for it.
you took the flower, “a flower won’t fix it, jake.”
“what can i do to fix it, y/n? just tell me and i’ll do it.”
you didn’t understand why he was persistent, or why he even cared about what you thought at all.
“you know what i want, jake.”
another look crossed his face. “and what if i can’t give it to you? i want this to end just as peacefully as you want it to.”
“i don’t want this at all!” you snapped. “this isn’t right and you know it, jake!”
“i can convince them to relocate!”
“why should they be forced to move from their home because of an outsider’s greed?”
jake of course didn’t have an answer for that. he knew you were right, he knew they wouldn’t peacefully relocate. he just wanted to hold on, find a way. for them. for you. he wanted to make this right. he wanted...
he wanted so many things he couldn’t have right now.
instead, he invites you to his ceremony.
“i want you to be there. please.”
you, despite how stubborn you wanted to be, ended up going. the flower he gave you was still clutched in your hand as you watched him become one of the people. but you studied the culture long enough to know what it meant. you knew long enough it meant that after this he would be able to choose a mate if he wanted to or not, depended on his so-called mission he was given by the colonel.
but your question was answered when you saw him go off with neytiri.
you knew he had made a choice.
when the rda attacked the forest, jake was panicked. for the omaticaya people and for you. he couldn’t find you anywhere. jake wouldn’t know what to do if something had happened to you in all of this mess. and things got even worse when he revealed to the clan that he had known about the attack and they had him tied up next to grace. more destruction came. the hometree was destroyed and he still has yet to find you.
then he got pulled out of his avatar and arrested for treason. for the short time in the cell, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, worrying about you. you were still out there while they were here. you could be gone by now and he wouldn’t even know.
you had been in your lab when the attack on pandora happened. you rushed out of your small lab to take in all of the damage with tearful eyes. you had never hated the rda so much until then. seeing the na’vi die, seeing the nature being destroyed by missiles. it made your heart burn.
mo’at had found you and brought you back to the tree of souls with all the other surviving omaticaya people. you, of course were worried for jake, especially when you hadn’t seen him among the surviving people. you even asked neytiri where he was but she wouldn’t say, clearly too angered at the mere mention of his name. you put together that they must’ve found out about jake. and as much as you wanted to say “i told you so” whenever you saw him, you were still worried that he wouldn’t show up.
it wasn’t until jake had rode in on toruk did you feel immense relief and awe when you saw him. and because of the toruk he had rode on, the people knew he was now the toruk makto, and he had gained their trust once more.
but when he reveals that grace is hurt and that he needed their help, the relief was gone and instead replaced with more worry for your friend.
jake had come straight toward you after, asking if you were okay.
but instead you were rambling.
“what happened to grace? how bad is it?”
“y/n, are you okay?”
“is she dying? you wouldn’t be asking for help if it wasn’t bad, jake, how bad is it?!”
“y/n!” his larger hands cupped your face gently, making you focus on him. he was breathless, you realized. eyes staring at her desperately. “are you okay?”
shocked by this, all you did was respond quietly. “yes, i’m fine.”
mo’at attempted to transfer grace’s spirit to her avatar body permanently, but it was too late. you grieved quietly as jake gave his speech to the people about fighting back against the sky people. days go by and jake recruits many more tribes to join the fight. he had come back when you were back at the tree of souls, hoping to talk to grace’s spirit if she was listening.
he stood close at your side. the height difference between you two was ghastly but you had grown used to the na’vi towering over you. although it was different when it was jake.
“will you fight?” he asked you.
“of course.” you said without hesitation.
jake frowns, “do you have an avatar?”
“will you use it?”
“then how can you say you will fight?”
you frown back at him, “it’s my decision, sully. i rather die as a human rather than someone i’m not meant to be.”
“but i do not want you to die.” he hissed, grasping your shoulders. the intense look had fallen on him once more. and this time it overwhelmed you. “if you will fight, fine. but promise me you won’t die, l/n. please.”
you didn’t make any promises but you said you would try. you knew that wasn’t enough for him and he knew he couldn’t stop you from defending the na’vi. because that was what you had always done from the beginning. and you weren’t going to stop now.
you didn’t see jake after that. instead you were alone. after stealing a ship, you had taken down at least two of the rda’s machines before your ship had been hit. right before you crashed, you used your gun to bring one final blow to the colonel’s, making his fall as well.
unfortunately, you were badly injured. and it didn’t look too good, especially when you crawled your way out of the ship and rested against the tree in your final moments. you never imagined dying alone and in the middle of a war. your parents were already long dead, you had no siblings, no children, no lover. regret couldn’t even describe what you felt in that moment.
mo’at had found you before you passed out. she held your face gently and whispered something in her language.
and she said something you never thought you’d ever hear.
“i see you, y/n.” she whispered to you quietly.
the chaos around you had gone silent when she had said those words to you. those familiar words that was only used between their people. and here she was, saying it to you like a mother would a daughter.
“your death will not be in vein.”
you shake your head weakly, “i don’t want to die yet.” but it seemed the world was only darkening as you spoke. it’s as if the more you talked the more energy you wasted. “j-just tell jake…”
“ssh, little one.” mo’at gently patted your head. “rest. he will be okay.”
that’s what you hoped. that’s what you wished.
and before you knew it, darkness enveloped you.
technically, you hadn’t expected to wake up. you hadn’t expected to good as new or have blue skin when you did.
and you certainly didn’t expect to see your dead human body next to you.
mo’at stood next you, saying you were now apart of the na’vi. after risking your life to save her people, she believed you deserved a second chance.
she had pulled you away to the celebration for winning the war. it wa strange being in a whole new body but you were glad. you were happy.
there was just one thing you wanted.
“where’s jake?”
mo’at raised her brows, “jakesully? he should be back soon from meeting.”
so you stayed next to mo’at for most of the day, learning the basics of what to expect now that you were na’vi.
jake had returned later that night and found your body at the tree of souls. he saw the blood, the loss of color in your face. you had been dead for a while. but under the tree of souls?
“y/n!” he called.
he went searching for you. it wasn’t until he reached the camp where the celebration was did he finally see you. the new you.
both your eyes locked. jake came to you first and pulled you in a tight and long hug.
“i told you not to die, skxawng.”
you grinned into his shoulder, ”ah, so you know what that means now.”
he frowned at you though the amused glint in his eyes wasn’t missed. “y/n.”
“next time i’ll pinky promise.”
knowing he couldn’t stay mad at you, he just pulls you into another hug. this one lasting longer than the other. he just couldn’t find himself letting you go any time soon.
a bit of time goes by. you train to officially become one of the people. then you arrived at your ceremony. you officially become a part of the na’vi.
after the ceremony, you go and ride off with jake and his new banshee to a private spot for just the two of you and have a lighthearted chat about how you both were excited for your new lives.
then the topic of mates comes up.
“have you chosen one?” you ask despite already knowing the answer.
jake nods, “yes.”
of course.
you try not to frown as you looked away and said halfheartedly, “it might take awhile to choose mine. tsu’tey doesn’t seem too bad. he could make a good mate just as neytiri is for you.”
suddenly his strong grip wrapped around your arm and pulled you closer to him, surprising you.
“i never said i wanted neytiri.” then he smirked amusingly, “nor did i say who it was.”
you pouted, “you’re being mean.”
he nestled his nose into your shoulder as he mumbled against your skin, “i’m still wondering if she would accept me.”
it could be too good to be true. you wanted to believe it.
almost as if jake read your mind, he cupped your face with his larger hands and pulled her face closer to his.
“will you have me? as yours?”
without hesitation you nod, “yes. i will have you if you choose to have me.”
he smiled then, “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
then your lips touched. then your heart melted. then your skin was no longer cold.
he was yours. and you were his.
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alexawynters · 6 months
Scarlet Whispers pt 5
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Gif not mine
A/N: I.... as always, don't know how I feel about this chapter. Anything involving the 'horror' theme is... not my forte.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Trigger warnings (let me know if I forgot to tag anything): Mentions of past child abuse, ongoing adult child abuse, stalking, horror, dubcon, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gaslighting, angst, smut. There will be bits of fluff tho.
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-4 here
You weren’t quite sure what woke you up later that evening, only that you found yourself staring at the opposite wall, and unable to go back to sleep. It didn’t happen often since coming to live with Wanda, but in the past, a nice warm cup of tea would help put you back to sleep, so you decided that would be your best bet.
As you quietly got out of bed, being careful not to disturb the witch, a light caught the corner of your eye: Wanda's phone. It was connected to the charger and blinking with a new notification. You couldn't help but feel curious. Shortly after arriving here, Wanda had informed you that due to her magic, there was almost no network connectivity available, whether cellular or wifi. None of your gaming devices or cellphone had any network connectivity, so you had to rely on Wanda to update anything for you whenever she left your home. Because of this, you tried not to bother her too much. After all, you didn't really need the most up-to-date patches since you couldn't play online with anyone anyway.
You were confused about why her cellphone had a new notification if none of your devices had network connectivity. You assumed she would have checked her notifications since the last time she went out, which was at least a week ago. Personally, you couldn't stand having any of those little banner notifications and always cleared them as soon as they appeared, even if it was just by swiping them away from the notifications bar without actually reading them. So, the sudden appearance of a new notification on her phone puzzled you. There shouldn’t be any service for it to have come in recently. At least, not if you trusted what Wanda had been telling you...
A heavy, gnawing sensation settled in the pit of your stomach, creating a sense of unease. Undoubtedly, it was a breach of trust. Surely Wanda, of all people, didn't deserve for you to go snooping through her phone. She had always been kind, helpful, and loving towards you. Yet, despite her unwavering support, at the first sign of something that didn't quite add up, you found yourself doubting her. Why didn't you simply ask her instead?
But.. was it the first time? You were having flashbacks to all those moments of deja vu.
Haltingly, you took slow, hesitating steps towards Wanda’s nightstand where her phone lay. You didn’t understand this feeling of dread within you. You wanted to attribute it to your general mistrust of the human race as a whole, but your gut was telling you this was something more. You were in danger, you just didn’t know how or exactly where, but it had to do with the witch who's been sleeping next to you.
Shaky hands picked up her phone, and with your thumb, you pressed the power button to turn on the screen. Unsure of exactly what you would find, and the notification was innocuous enough - a news article regarding some superhero. What caught your attention was the date - it was listed almost ten months since you and Wanda had left your parents’ house. To your knowledge, it’s only been a month or so.
This couldn’t be right. Ten months? No. That wasn’t possible. Did time flow differently here maybe? You wanted so badly to give Wanda the benefit of the doubt, but now that you had opened Pandora’s box, you had to keep going. Hoping you wouldn’t accidentally awaken the witch, you held the phone in front of her face, and it unlocked recognizing her biometrics.
You should probably go to the bathroom to view this without risking waking Wanda up, but your feet refuse to move. Instead, you remained standing there, opening article after article, all of which displayed the same date. Curiosity led you to check the calendar app for today's date, and you had to stifle a gasp as it confirmed what the articles had stated. While you thought it had only been a month or so, Wanda had kept you here for ten months, employing fantasies and electronics to prevent you from questioning her.
Your grip on the phone waivered as you began recalling those moments of déjà vu. As you concentrated and tried to break through the fog of those memories, clarity emerged. You had asked for freedom. Wanda had yelled at you. You had yelled back. Then, Wanda had used her magic to make you fall asleep and erase your memories, essentially starting over and preventing you from realizing how much time was actually passing. How many times had that happened?
Wanda was not keeping you here to help you; she was your captor. The need to escape fought violently against your desire to stay with the woman you had come to adore, even if she had kidnapped and lied to you.
You place the phone back quietly, trying to make your way out of the room as silently as possible. It dawns on you that you should probably pack a bag or something. You have no idea where you are exactly, but if you don't leave now, there's a chance you may never escape.
Quietly, you escape the confines of the house, and head out of the grounds. You aren’t sure exactly where you are going, but you know you have to keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach civilization. Previously during your numerous strolls across the grounds, you had noticed a vague perimeter, but never had the witch allowed you to go too far. Now you were intent on heading beyond the boundaries she had set, and you were in the dark on what you would find.
Speaking of the dark, even though the moon and stars were visible on this clear night, you had forgotten to grab a flashlight. Or rather, you had elected not to bother looking for one in your hurry to flee. Consequently, the darkness felt more overwhelming than you were accustomed to. You stumbled multiple times, each instance you were praying that you wouldn't accidentally sprain or break something. You weren't sure what was worse - the possibility of facing Wanda's wrath if she should catch you, or dying from the elements if you were to injure yourself and be unable to continue.
As you approached the tree line that marked the boundary Wanda had set, you paused. This was the farthest you had ever been. In truth, you had never even been this close before. Whenever you got within about ten paces, the witch would always give you a gentle warning. Curiosity tickled your thoughts as to what would happen next. Not all of Wanda's magic was mere illusion; she had the power to alter reality itself. What would occur when you crossed the tree line? Would you plunge off the side of Mount Wundagore to a grisly demise, or would you simply step into the woods as they appeared to be?
Either option had to be better to take the risk than to remain a prisoner in what you once believed to be the safety of your own home. Summoning your courage, you stepped into the forest and were surprised to find solid ground. As you continued, each step affirmed that this transformation by Wanda was real - the mountain had truly become a beautiful countryside. Perhaps there was a chance to escape after all. Without hesitation, you ventured further into the forest, hoping to reach civilization on the other side or find a safe hiding spot within before Wanda woke up.
Unknown to you, Wanda had set up protective barriers to alert her if you ever ventured too far. True to form, the moment you stepped beyond the tree line into the woods, her eyes snapped open, blazing with anger. You were leaving. Despite everything she had done for you. Despite the bond you two shared. The witch swiftly leapt out of bed, conjuring a portal not far behind you, determined to catch up with you. Did you really think you could escape her? You would dare? She would teach you. You belonged to her, and she was growing weary of this back-and-forth game you were playing.
As you fled through the forest, it grew denser, blocking out the moonlight. Initially, it seemed easy enough to navigate, but as you continued, the underbrush became thick, causing you to trip every few feet. The seemingly safe forest now loomed around you ominously, your paranoia starting to take over as you heard the skittering of various creatures around you. Logically, you knew they were probably just as startled as you, given how loudly you were thundering through their home. Still, that didn't stop you from feeling eyes on you the further you went, and you began to question if this had been a good idea after all. Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back, and you came to the uncomfortable realization that you didn't even know which direction home was.
A branch snapped somewhere to your left, causing you to turn your head so fast that you wouldn't be surprised if you woke up tomorrow with a crick in your neck. That is, if you managed to survive tonight. You froze in place, your heart pounding in your chest, your breathing loud in your ears as you strained to hear the source of the noise.
It was extremely unsettling for you to realize that the entire forest had suddenly fallen into complete and utter silence. No birds, no animals, nothing at all...
A leaf crunched. This time closer.
Fear seized your heart and you willed yourself to do something. Anything. Run. Hide. Just, something.
Suddenly, you became aware of a low growling sound approaching, and it became clear you were in serious trouble. Why hadn't you stayed inside the house? There must have been a logical explanation for the date change, and Wanda had always been kind to you. Maybe you were just remembering those arguments incorrectly. Now for your misplaced distrust, you were facing imminent death at the hands of something that likely had sharp teeth. Gods, how you despised sharp teeth.
A snarl to your left startled you, freezing you in place as your eyes frantically scanned the forest for whatever had made the noise. You could vaguely make out the silhouette of a creature on all fours not far from you, and your blood felt like it had frozen in your veins. Why hadn't you just gone back to bed next to Wanda?
As you witnessed the shape hurtling towards you from the darkness, a red streak intercepted it, accompanied by the yelp of an injured animal. You blinked and observed a fatally wounded wolf on the ground nearby. Your gaze followed the trajectory from which the red streak had come, revealing Wanda in her pajamas, her hands outstretched with red magic flowing through them, rushing towards you.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" Her voice was tinged with alarm. One hand extinguished her magic to gently hold your arm, while the other remained prepared for any possible threats. With a caring eye, she inspected you for any serious injuries, but found none. Satisfied that you were relatively unscathed, she finally registered your shocked face as you remained silent.
“Y/N what’s wrong? Why are you out here? Talk to me, please?” Wanda extinguished the remaining magic and took your hand, her ire at you dissipating at the fear of you having just been in danger that wasn’t from her.
“I- I had a nightmare. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just had to run.” You figured that would be believable enough - your night terrors sometimes had you fleeing for your life, you just usually accidentally woke up Wanda in the process before you could get too far. This would be the first time you would have made it out of the bed without waking her up.
Your gaze drifted back to the deceased wolf on the forest floor, and you couldn’t seem to shake the state of shock you were in. Wanda didn’t think anything more of your explanation, your night terrors happened often enough, and you didn't seem to be fleeing from her. It was the only thing that made sense to her. After all, everything had been okay earlier, there was nothing to indicate you were unhappy or would try to leave her.
Relieved that you were unharmed, and not attempting to escape, the witch focused on trying to calm you, as she could see telltale signs of you beginning to disassociate. Gently, she placed a hand to your cheek, tilting your face until you were making eye contact with her. “Don’t look at it, dorogoya, it’s okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Let’s go home, okay?”
In that moment, all you wanted was for Wanda to handle all your thinking. Anything else required too much effort, and honestly, you were too exhausted for anything else. You nodded and leaned into her touch, allowing your eyes to flutter shut as you embraced the sense of security she provided. Your hand reached up to cover hers on your cheek, interlocking your fingers with hers.
You heard more than saw the portal she summoned to take you both home, and blindly followed her through it back into your room. Hands still interlinked; she led you into the adjoining bathroom. At this point you had mentally checked out, completely overwhelmed by the night’s events. Under normal circumstances you would be mortified that Wanda was about to see you naked in this state - filthy, covered in scratches from your stumble through the woods, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. It didn’t help that you had entered a non-verbal state.
Wanda made it easier for you. Although this wasn't how she had imagined the first time she would see you naked, her main concern was to clean your wounds and ensure your comfort so you could fall back asleep. Tenderly, she assisted you in undressing, her eyes never lingering or straying where they shouldn't. She only took quick glances to assess any damage. You were grateful for her magic, which meant you didn't have to wait for the water to heat up to the perfect temperature.
She didn't bother undressing herself, but simply helped you into the shower under the falling water and followed in after. First, she helped wet your hair and then lathered it with shampoo before rinsing. The sensation of her blunt nails against your scalp was so soothing that you almost fell asleep. Then, Wanda took the washcloth, lathered it with soap, and started gently washing your body, beginning with your face. As gently as possible, the red head cleansed your wounds and removed the blood and dirt from your skin.
After deeming you sufficiently cleaned, Wanda turned off the water and began toweling you off, wrapping you up in a towel. She then discarded her own waterlogged clothing and began drying herself. While you stood there, feeling useless, Wanda grabbed pajamas for both of you and helped you put them on. After, she then put on her own pajamas before leading you back to bed.
“Do you want to talk about it, Y/N/N?”
You shook your head and climbed into bed after Wanda. Instead of the usual routine where she held you from behind as the big spoon, you surprised her by snuggling into her arms, facing her, and resting your head in the crook of her neck. Although you still had questions about the cell service on her phone and the months you were supposedly missing, Wanda has been kind to you, and she just saved your life. Those questions can be addressed another day. Finally feeling safe again, you allowed your exhaustion to consume you.
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avatarloverfrfr · 4 months
Don’t Forget About Me.
Summary: Ever since Jake Sully had joined the Avatar program and successfully integrated with the Omatikaya, Graces demeanour toward you has changed.
Warnings: angst; Grace being a total loser.
Dr. Grace Augustine x Scientist!Reader
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You had always known that Grace Augustine was not one to care about “sky people”, preferring to be surrounded by the beauty Pandora had to offer and around the Omatikaya, longing for acceptance.
So when you were assigned to be under her wing in the Avatar Program, along with Norm and Jake Sully, you couldn’t help but admire the scientists passion and determination to understand the Na’vi. Which in turn pushed you to strive for acceptance from the Dr.
However, everything changed when Jake Sully, the “warrior of the jar-head clan” was accepted into the Omatikaya clan. Earning his place in the clan and into the good books of Grace. From that moment on, Graces demeanour toward you shifted, a palpable difference that cut your core.
Despite your best efforts to prove yourself to Grace, you always found yourself being overlooked and dismissed in favour of Jake. You had poured your heart out into your studies of Pandora, but all efforts fell on deaf ears.
Each day brought a new wave of disappointment as you watched as Grace lavish attention and praise on Jake, while your own achievements went unnoticed and unacknowledged.
“Grace! I think Norm and I found something, you might wanna come check it out—“ You say excitedly, maybe this would get her attention.
Your words were met with a blank stare from Grace. You were useless now, just one extra person using up the limited supply of oxygen.
The sense of rejection weighed heavily on you, a constant reminder of your inadequacy in the eyes of the person you looked up to the most.
As the riff widened, your desperation for Graces approval only grew stronger but everything you did was never enough, never as good as Jake. The marine who had been accepted by the clan.
Feeling alone and overlooked, you struggled to find your place in a world that once seemed so full of promises, now tainted by the harsh reality of rejection.
should this be a series?🚶 or nahhhh, cmon y’all speak to me!😭
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mopeyy · 5 months
Kia ora,
Huge Eetu fan, I'm sad there's not more content out there.
Long after I finished the quest I can't help but check back in and worry post Zomey's passing.
Could I request maybe letting him fly on the back of your ikran sometime, because he misses the sky?
Devastated you can't let him do this in the game 😭
Grieving Skies
Avatar frontiers of pandora
Eetu x Na'vi! Reader
I love this request!! I hope you like it😊
Beneath the shadow of the Hallelujah Mountains, you stood beside Eetu, whose eyes once sparkled with life, now dimmed by the feeling of grief. His silence after Zomey's passing hasn't gone unnoticed. You often found him staring at the sky, his eyes full of longing. Prior to her passing he would tell you stories of how they soared through the skies together. Over time it became clear that flying was not just a pastime for Eetu, but a cherished ritual that bound his soul to Zomey's. It was their shared passion, a symbol of their unbreakable bond.
As you stood beside him now all you could see was a shell of the man you knew. "Eetu," You whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder, your voice barely a ripple in the wind. "The skies still sing of you and Zomey, you should not have to give up flying." He shook his head, "I could never bond with another ikran, it...it would not be the same." He shut his eyes tight at the memory of his ikran.
"I know, that is why I am asking you to fly with me. You can ride again."
He opened his eyes and turned to face you, question written all over his face.
"You would really do that?"
You nodded, "Of course I would, I cannot see you like this anymore. I want you to do what you love Eetu."
His ears flickered, listening to your words. You could see the conflict within him, the yearning to take to the skies wrestling with the sorrow of his heart.
You stepped closer, your own heart heavy with empathy. "Eetu, the bond you shared with Zomey was unique, irreplaceable. But she wouldn't have wanted you to be grounded by grief. Let her spirit lift you up once more, through the clouds and over these mountains." Your words hung in the air, a gentle plea for his healing.
He let a smile pass onto his face, " Your right, I do miss the sky. It makes me feel closer to her. I will fly with you." His voice, though still tinged with sadness, carried a newfound determination.
The next day, you prepared your ikran for the journey. Eetu approached, his steps hesitant but resolute. "I am ready," he declared, his voice steadier than it had been in months. Together, you climbed onto the ikran, hearts pounding in unison with the beat of her powerful wings.
Your ikran took off and launched you into the sky. The view was beautiful, you felt as though you could see all of pandora beneath you. You felt Eetu smile behind you, his laughter lost in the wind.
You smiled too, happy to see him this way, the smile on his face from doing what he loved, and the light you thought he had lost was shining in his eyes.
The flight continued, each beat of the ikran's wings taking you deeper into pandora. By the time you landed, something had shifted within him. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Today, I flew with Zomey's spirit beside me, and I felt her joy. I will fly again, not just for her, but for myself."
He pulled you into a hug, a gesture that conveyed more than words ever could. In that hug, there was an understanding that while the pain of loss might never fully disappear, the skies would always be there to offer solace and a connection to what was cherished and lost.
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dangerkittenclaws · 5 months
plight of pandora pt2
johnny x simon x reader
word count: 2k!
warnings: hospital setting, barely there violence, brain injury, memory loss, swearing, fluffy ending, eventual poly smut - MDNI +18
a/n: woohoo, chapter 2! sorry for the long wait - i have little time that i get to myself these days, but i promise they'll keep coming!
In the helicopter, the medic was inserting an IV into your arm.
“-az? Where’s Gaz?” you slur a bit.
“He’s right behind you.” Price reassures you.
“I’m here. You’re doing so good, Panda.” You feel Gaz put a hand on your hip. You try to look over to him.
“I…’m sorry ‘bou the mission.”
Price answers for him, “It’s done and over with, don’t worry about that now Sergeant.”
“You heard the Captain.” Gaz smiles at you softly, ending all arguments from you.
Kyle is your buddy. You had met and gotten close to him first when you joined the 141. He had introduced you to everyone on base, accompanied you to trainings and sat next you in the mess hall until you were comfortable and had found your place. You learned quickly how to banter back and forth with him and the rest of the guys. Now you were ruthless and smart with your retorts, the worst of all of them.
You squeeze your eyes closed as the helicopter hits a bit of turbulence. It's the one thing you weren’t exactly fond of, flying. Your head pounds again. You can feel the blood in your brain pulsating from the beat of your heart. If the guys hadn’t reassured you, you would have thought your skull was exposed. Gaz’ hand squeezes over your hip again. You’re sure he was frowning without having to look.
“I’m going to give you some morphine, okay?” the medic says to you. “It might make her a bit sleepy but nothing too strong for now until we touch down.”
You weakly nod in appreciation.
You can feel a small flash of cold run through your arm from the saline flushes he uses. Its almost enough to make you shiver.
You realize there should be two more bodies in the helicopter. Your eyes shoot open to look down at your feet. There they are. Johnny and… that other man.
Johnny is watching you like a hawk, eyes full of shadowed panic. 
He reaches out to you, “20 more minutes, lass, it’ll be over.” He knows you hate flying, more so probably in a prone position.
You try to focus on the other man as if he was going to disappear. He’s looking down at his clasped hands that are resting in between his knees. He looks like someone important. He looks sad. Because of me?
Your eyes start to feel heavy again but it feels different. It's not on your brains accord this time.
You glance at Price, asking silent permission to close them. You still don’t remember the man sitting at your feet. You don’t remember the mission. You barely remember your expertise. You’re scared that if you let yourself close your eyes you won’t remember anything.
You wake up to a barely lit room. It's easy on your head. Two black shadows are sitting next to you.
You instantly panic. They were surely the enemy waiting for you to wake up, waiting to interrogate you.
Your heart can’t help but speed up and it's heard clearly on the monitor next to you. You’re giving yourself away!
Your brain doesn't respond to your berating, only panicking more.
Oh fuck, one of them is moving slowly.
You hold your breath, maybe they’ll think you're still asleep and spare you.
They come closer to touch your wrist.
Your fist reacts before your brain can comprehend it.
“The fuck?” It says. The other figure jerks.
“Huh? Panda, it’s okay. It’s okay. Simmer down lass. It’s just us.” This one gets up fast.
The light blinds you. This is where they torture you, you’re sure. 
You feel a warm hand on your face as well as tears. Again?
You open your eyes, scared to know the truth.
It’s Johnny…and the man. He’s holding his chin over his balaclava. Shit, did you really hit the guy?
You wonder if they ever separate. Are they.. together?
Wait. Aren't you together with Johnny? You think hard about it. Maybe?
“Bonnie, you alright?”
“She checked me and you’re asking how she feels?” The man says laughing. At least he isn't angry.
“I.. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Tears wet your face. The man walks back over to you. You feel guilty when he doesn’t touch you.
“I know, baby. It’s okay. I thought you were having a nightmare.”
“No.. I mean, yes, kind of?” You weren’t dreaming but it wasn’t real.
“Looks like someone is awake. Nice to meet you, Pandora. I’m Doctor Halverson, sounds like you’re a little confused,” A tall gentleman walks in taking careful control of the room.
You nod, surveying him as best as you can.
“Your brain CT scan shows that your head caught your fall pretty good, here, you’ve concussed and ended with a brain injury.” He points to the black and gray image on the computer screen he’s pulled up. 
“Brain injury?” Johnny starts up.
“These things can be tricky with what you remember and what you don’t - but usually you will regain everything within the next few months. I’m going to send in a neurologist to have him go over some things to do and look out for. In the meantime, your wounds seem to be on the right track, your team did an excellent job.” 
Simon's face falters, but quickly resumes his usual schooled expression. He glances at Johnny for reassurance.
“Will I… remember everything? I’ll be better?”
“Normally yes, we’ll put you on some medication to help cognitive function first, see how you do with that before we start anything else.” 
You incline in agreement, trying to wrap the neurons in your brain around a situation that’s floating away.
Soon, you’re being taken carefully back to the condo the three of you share near the base. Johnny, Simon, and you.
It makes you nervous even though you know that the old you was comfortable here, living with two men. You had learned when you were in the hospital that indeed, you all were in a relationship. You weren’t opposed to the idea, they were after all, very attractive men. Simon, you learned, told you that they would take everything slow and make you comfortable as possible, to take it a day at a time.
“How about ordering in for a movie night, lass?” Johnny suggests, setting his and your bag down by the door as he toes his shoes off.
“Sure.” you say. It’s not really a wholehearted response. You’re tired of thinking and you want the decisions made for you.
Like he knows, Simon comes over and gently puts his hands atop your shoulders and starts to move them in a magical way that makes you slump into him slightly. You can hear the smile in his voice, “Sit down, love, you just try to relax for now.”
You nod again and sit down on the couch, sitting in the middle, not knowing that it was your favorite spot and had been molded to your frame over time.
“How about that little Indian place down the road? They have your favorite - butter chicken.” You glance back at him, brows drawn. 
The confusion comes first, you don’t remember that. You don’t remember your first time having that delicious dish with the two of them on your third date. 
Anger now heats up in your belly. Your glance turns into a cold glare, and again before you can properly breathe, you’re standing up, going into what you hope is the bathroom and slamming the door. Was he not in the room when the doctor uttered the words brain and injury? 
Your anger simmers as you look up to yourself in the mirror. The moment your eyes reflect back, they fill with tears. Defeat replaces anger quickly within you. Your mind swirls with flashes of moments you assume were once important and meaningful. 
“Panda, I’m sorry, please, I didn’t realize,” Johnny pleads behind the door. You can hear Simon whispering to him, telling him to give you space. You send a silent thank you to him and shut your eyes.
Breathing out, you turn the shower handle over and start to strip. You at least remember how to do basic tasks. Just don’t ask me to name parts of a gun or how the three of us met.
Your shower is as nearly as hot as it would go, turning you pink as you scrub your skin as if underneath the layers would be some sort of recollection. Your tears had long washed away, but the bitterness you felt lingered on your tongue. You realized you still had a bandage covering your abdomen. It wasn’t big, but the bruising around it was a hideous shade of purple.
The water finally turned frigid and goosebumps appeared on your skin. You took a deep breath and let it out, trying to breathe out the last few days of stress along with it. Opening the shower curtain, you see clean sweatpants, a tanktop and panties folded neatly on the counter. You grab a towel from the hook and dry off well before peeling off the wet bandage and replacing it with a new one from the box that was set behind your clothes. Eagerly, you put on the comfortable items. The sweatpants were a size too big, you noticed, just like you liked them.
You open the door to smell the warm, spicy aroma coming from past the living room. You inhale, trying to savor it, hoping it gets locked away in an active brain cell for later.
“There she is. Make yourself a plate, baby.” Simon looks to you from the couch, the two of them already half-way through with their own. Johnny looks down to his plate and back up to you, giving you a sweet, shy smile. You return it with a small upturn of your lips, granting him forgiveness even though you know it was really your own doing and hope he understands.
You’re grateful for the chance that Simon gives you to do things yourself. You nonchalantly pile your plate high with rice, rich and saucy chicken, and warm naan and make your way to the middle of the couch. 
You arrange yourself to sit cross-legged as Johnny turns on House, MD. You do remember that. It’s your favorite TV show. It’s just engaging enough to watch intently but you’d seen it plenty of times to let it play as background noise if need be. You give him a big genuine smile this time, “I do remember this, though, Johnny… thank you.” 
You feel less like a stranger tonight as you get settled in between the two of them and start to eat. Hours pass into the night with light conversation; some added blankets and a few episodes later, the three of you cuddle into each other like any other night. You lay on Johnny’s chest with your feet over Simon’s lap. The darkness behind your eyes gets heavier by the minute as does the fear in your heart. You start to anxiously rub your feet together until Simon puts his hand over them.
A few minutes pass by as you fidget until you give up your words.
“What if.. What if I don’t remember it all? What if I don’t remember you or my job or-” you whisper, breaths coming quickly now. Johnny instantly sits up a bit bringing you along with him. “Bonnie, it’s not going to come in an instant. I know you want it to. I know you’re scared but you heard the doctor. It’s going to be a minute and we’re going to be here with you every step of the way.” Your breath hitches at his first words, anxiety running through you. His hand rubs your back up and down in an effort to get your breathing calmer.
“Johnny’s right love. It’s not going to hit you like a mack truck one day. It’ll be bits and pieces until the puzzle is back together. I promise, my Panda.” Simon lifts your chin up to look you in the eye, and wipes away tears that had escaped. You fall in love with his lips again as he speaks to you, you remember them from the night he stitched you up. 
You acquiesce and Johnny lays you back down on top of him. Your eyes start to close again and you reach out to grab his forearm and bring it to your chest. You are far too tired to remember, but you had always slept with your hands around his arm, snug against your chest. 
Taglist: @glossysoap, @bookobsessedram, @ohworm-writes
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marymary-diva17 · 10 months
soulmates by Eywa
Jake x avatar reader x neytiri
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Never in your wild life did you ever think you will be falling in love with two people, that meant so much to you that was until life on Pandora had changed your whole perspective. As time was growing your had started forming a great relationship with neytiri and Jake, it a beautiful relationship that kept on growing over time. Soon some feeling that you never had before soon came into play for you.These feeling will soon start changing everything in your life, and your were praying to eywa for some guidance.
Y/n" ......"As you were sitting in the laboratory thinking to yourself about the feeling your have for your two best friends, and these feeling were growing.
norm " hey you are still here I thought you will be out with Jake and neytiri right now"
y/n " I was thinking about something and lost track of time"
Norm " you know they will never know your feelings of you keep on hiding them"
y/n " I know but im scared this will ruin my relationship with them, and the clan wants them together as they make a very powerful couple"
norm " I say you should not pay attention to them the more your act like this then you might lose your chance with either one of them"
y/n " then what if they don't love me back"
norm " you will never know if you don't try"
y/n " thank you norm well I'm off I will see you later"
Norm " good luck" you had nodded your head before you walked toward the capsule and soon got inside, as the transfer soon set in and you woke up.
y/n " well time to get the day started" you soon got up from your hammock bed, and soon left tent for the avatar bodies and head towards the village.
????? " you are being a child this won't work and you will make work even harder for us"
???? " oh come one neytiri give me a chance I know my plan will work perfectly" you had heard the voice of Jake and neytiri talking you and watched from far away. They make such a perfect couple with each other, there was no denying that maybe eywa made them a perfect pair.
Neytiri " no Jake it won't work and you will make use waste the day fixing your mess"
Jake " oh come on tiri I know you understand me it will be fun and it will give us time together"
neytiri " no you fool ... y/n you are here finally" neytiri had spotted your a smile growing on her face when she saw you standing there, she soon made her way over to you.
y/n " hello neytiri"
neytiri " good you are finally here now help me convincesthat idea of him using human weapon, and adding some navi style is stupid"
y/n " oh well I don't have that much to say about the matter"
Jake " oh come on y/n you are our best friend and most important person so what do you say"
y/n " well I think Jake idea is not that bad It seems good as we can use both human stye and omatacayia style as well"
Jake " told you she will always agree with him that my girl" Jake soon hugged you whole sticking his tongue out at neytiri.
Neytiri " please don't encourage this behavior ma y/n please" neytiri soon puled you away from Jake hissing at hime and soon place a hand on your check, making you smile.
Jake " hey why don't you come with us flying there are some other stuff we need to do, but we are going flying on our ikrans"
Y/n " are you sure I can find some work around here I don't want to be a bothersome to you both"
neytiri " ma y/n you are never a bothersome and it will be good to have you with us, we love doing work with you and it will give us time away from here" you soon smiled at the pair and nodded your head Jake and neytiri were happy to see that you agree to come with them. Soon the tiro had left village together having a good time, but it seemed like you were keeping your distance from the two.
neytiri " y/n have you ever decided on become fully navi like Jake, my mother has been wondering about it as you have proven yourself and become one of us" the group had arrived back at the village after getting work done, Jake and neytiri had were in conversation about the handling of the clan and future relationships between humans and navi.
y/n " I don't know yet tiri I feel like I still want to be humans as there much need work, that needs to be done for the omatacayia and humans ... we all need to rebuild and right now making me navi should be pushed off for later"
Jake " don't speak like that who was the won who helped me learn more when I was formerly human ... it was you, grace, and norm but you said up late at night to help me over and over again"
y/n " you are right Jake but for now we should care for our people navi and humans, and maybe when the time right I will become navi and live a new life"
Jake " I can accept that" Jake soon kissed your forehead he soon stepped away smiling at you.
neytiri " well we are out of water"
y/n " here give me your water pouches and I will go get more for the group"
neytiri " why don't we come with you it will be good and maybe we can go for a swim as well"
y/n " no I will go you two need to make up your minds on this matter anyways, now given me them" neytiri knew there was no more fighting and soon toss her over to you, and you caught it and soon enough Jake had tossed his and you caught it. You had grabbed your pouch before leaving, giving the pair some time alone together. maybe those feelings of sadness were false and you were feeling happiness being with Jake and neytiri. Norm was right she couldn't spend all her life in fear anymore she was going to tell them how she felt.
Jake " Do you think this relationship will work out"
Neytiri " Jake you most have faith in the great mother and yourself, I will speak with my mother later tonight and see what she has to say"
Jake " good as no longer want to keep my feelings hidden anymore I want to show this relationship and live my life with this relationship, and bond forever"
neytiri " we will but we most wait for the right time we cant rush into become mates without taking the most needed steps"
Jake " we can if we want it won't be that bad"
neytiri " no we speak with my mother and see what she has to say then we act, you understand"
Jake " yes I understand ma neytiri"
neytiri " thank you ma Jake" after hearing this conversation you felt like your heart was breaking you know you were a fool, you were never meant to be with them. You are going to be happy for them as they had found each other, after collect yourself for a while you soon showed yourself again.
Y/n " hey I'm back sorry it took we a while"
Jake " it okay and if you most know we met half way in our conversation"
neytiri " meaning we don't have a complete solution yet"
y/n " oh well it good you all meet half way maybe you can some with a complete solution later" neytiri and Jake were looking at each other they seemed to be having a silent conversation.
Y/n " are you two okay"
Jake " oh yes are are fine we were wondering if you mind having dinner with us tonight"
Neytiri " it will be good and you don't have to worry about cooking at the human home, you cane come with us and maybe talk a bit longer"
Y/n " sure"
Neytiri " good let head back now my mother will be wonder where we had gone off to" soon you were taken to the village where everyone seem happy to see you, norm was already there speaking with mo'at and tsutey. Dinner that night for you was good and bad as you were happy to be with your friends but bad as you felt your heartbroken, seeing how close Jake and neytiri were. Later that night you saw mo'at take Jake and neytiri away as they were having a private conversation.
y/n " hey norm I will be heading back there are some stuff I need to attend to on base"
norm " sure I will be later on are you okay"
y/n " I just need some rest and time to think"you were halfway home when you felt someone grab your shoulder you soon turned around and saw it was Neytiri. she was not alone as Jake was behind her they were both looking at you.
neytiri " y/n we need to take you somewhere and speak with you"
y/n " why can't you tell me here"
Jake " it because we need to tell you somewhere else just please come with us"
y/n " okay I will come with you two" neytiri and Jake soon guided you towards the spirt trees, many thought were rushing threw your head.
neytiri " there a reason we brought you here tonight out all nights"
y/n " okay so tell me what you both need to tell me"
Jake " I and Neytiri have planed to become mated pair"
y/n " that wonderful but what the problem"
neytiri " we are missing someone else that eywa have given to us, and that someone is you y/n you are our third mate eywa had blessed us to be together"
Jake " we are like soulmates ... listen I know this might sound like are are crazy or liars but we both love you more then a friend and we wan to be with you forever"
neytiri " eywa knows we will be perfect pair together but she also know we will be nothing without you as well, we need you by our side as you have been there for us in our hard time"
y/n " I had overheard your conversation earlier today I thought you two were mated pair already or planing to become one, I was going to give up my feelings I had for you two to make sure you both are happy" jake and neytiri looked at with after hearing her confession of her true feelings.
neytiri " then be with us tonight and for the rest of our lives"
Jake " we promise to be there for you"
y/n " what of the people"
neytiri " they will understand in time but if they don't they will keep that to themselves we love you and want to be with you so what do you say"
y/n " yes I want to be with you both and I will be there for you two as well" all three of you smiled at each other that night you had become mates with Jake and neytiri under the eyes of eywa. When you were with them you felt safe and happy and when they were with you they felt the same as well. falling in love with your best friends was not that bad after all, as it seems like you and them even the great mother knew you three are meant for each other. Even soulmates by the world of eywa you went with anything as you were happy to be with the ones you love and care for so much.
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Last night shift before the first play test of the Therapy Game.
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They are so excited ^^' I'm glad Saiwa is his old self again. It's so hard for me to see him suffer. They are so cute! ^^'
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Jack noticed that Ji Ho is sad and exhausted: "Let's take a break, hm?"
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And as soon as he said it, Ji Ho ran out. It still hurts that Vlad rejected him. Saiwa: "What happened?"
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And so Jack explained that the idea was to get physical with Vlad so Ji Ho can gain access to his buried feelings. And that Vlad rejected him... Saiwa: "Vlad!" Vlad: "But - how was I supposed to know? I didn't attend your therapy session and no one told me. He tried to kiss me out of the blue and you know I can't resist him and then we'd go to far and ..."
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"I just can't treat Ji Ho like this. He only should do such things with someone he loves. Not to cast bond magic and not to find his feelings. There is no need to do this anyway. Because there is another way - and we are just working on it -> this game."
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Saiwa sighed: "Uhm right... I should probably go and look after him then... By the way: Is it ok for you to stay here for so long? How are Jeb and Kiyoshi doing? If you need to check on them, just leave." Vlad: "Uhm - no, it's actually fine. I can stay and finish the game with you." Saiwa sensed there is something foul: "What?" Vlad: "Ehm... actually they now live together at Jeb's apartment and care for each other..." Oh oh. (Jeb and Kiyoshi knew each other long before we met them. And Saiwa and Jack had always been jealous. Jeb had even joined Kiyoshi in the tree to take a part of the burden off of him while no one else of them knew where he was...) Jack regained his composure before Saiwa: "It's all my fault! I go and run!" Saiwa: "How is this your ... ohhh"
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(That's Saiwa and Jack's way to deal with things ^^' Jack doesn't care to be Saiwa's scapegoat to hunt down. He knows it's the only way for Saiwa to let his frustration out and he's glad to help haha And Jack too needs a good run right now after this revelation...) Saiwa: "Ok. You look after Ji Ho then, Vlad."
Vlad: "Ehm, ok..."
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And then they ran.
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Vlad instead went to look after Ji Ho... How embarrassing - again. Will it never end? Vlad doesn't even know if it's a good idea to dig out Ji Ho's feelings. It kept him sane for all these years burying them deep deep down. Do the others even consider that it's not possible to just dig out the feelings of love? Ji Ho would have to open Pandora's Box and all his surpressed feelings would hit him - all at once.
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Vlad: "Forgive me."
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Did you notice that it rained again? And did you know that mermaids can change the weather? And that it only rained when Ji Ho was sad? And when the sun came out the other day, it was when Ji Ho was happy that Vlad was there and Vlad was happy to see Ji Ho happy?
'If I kiss you like this And if you whisper like that It was lost long ago, but it's all coming back to me If you want me like this And if you need me like that It was dead long ago, but it's all coming back to me It's so hard to resist, and it's all coming back to me I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now But it's all coming back'
Pandora's Box - It's all coming Back to me now (You might know this song from Celine Dion, but this is the original, written by Jim Steinman (who also wrote songs for Meatloaf)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
Vlad being overly theatrical ^^'
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And maybe they kissed because Vlad is unable to resist Ji Ho :3
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whatsthethinking · 10 months
Beauty and the Beast (2)
Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
All Jake wants is a chance to prove that he’s good enough.
↦ Word count: 3.5k
↦ Warning: Nothing that I caught but let me know if there is,, ooc Tsu'tey
↦ Note: Bold italics = speaking Na’vi. 
↦ Part 2 of ?
[Part 1] ⟡ [Part 3]
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The move from Hell’s Gate to Site 26 was as hectic as Jake expected. Especially with Grace watching his every move. As Norm and Trudy were loading the rotorcraft and Grace had her back turned, Jake was pulled to the side by Quaritch who asked, demanded, that Jake continue to keep giving updates on the Na’vi along with hinting that he will be watching any vlogs he records. Jake halfheartedly agreed as he felt eyes lingering on him.
“So, where we going?” Jake questioned, removing his bag.
“There’s a mobile link up at Site 26, way up in the mountains,” Grace replied, not looking up from whatever was on the desk.
“The Hallelujah Mountains?” Norm’s voice cut through the air, laced with curiosity and wonder.
“That’s right.”
“Seriously? Are you serious?”
Yeah,” Grace confirmed.
Jake looked at Norm, confusion on his face as he waited for an explanation.
“The legendary mountains of Pandora?” Jake continued to look blankly which seemed to upset Norm further. “Useless. Maybe you should stay here.” With that, Norm walked off with Jace close behind, rolling his eyes.
The skies of Pandora were clear, with barely any clouds. Looking down, Jake was fascinated by how the landscape changed. From the grey grounds and smoke fumes surrounding Hell’s Gate to the luscious green forests. Seeing the change, an unusual feeling settled in his chest, one that he would liken to guilt. The guilt of what he became a part of.
Suddenly, Trudy jerked the aircraft to the side slightly. Grace looked out of the side. The wind tousled her hair. She nodded her head toward a group of purple flying creatures passing by. “The Na’vi call them Fkio, it’s rare to see them flying this far from the wetlands. They must be migrating.”
Norm looked ecstatic hearing this information, Trudy did too. Jake hummed in interest as he looked out beside him.
“We’re getting close,” Grace announced.
“Yeah,” Trudy agreed, with a chuckle, “look at my instruments.”
Suddenly, it was as though all the clouds appeared at once. Trudy announced that the aircraft had to fly blind which caused the look of excitement to vanish from Norm’s face as it paled. As Trudy broke through the clouds, the sun hit Jake’s face and he was presented with a sight he doubted he would have thought of on a good day.
“Oh, my, god,” Norm managed to articulate as Trudy flew between two enormous mountains. Trudy had made a comment that went unnoticed as everyone drank in the sight.
“If you behave, I’m sure y/n will give you a tour.” Jake scoffed at Norm’s mumbling, shaking his head and continued to watch the mountains as they passed by.
As Jake got out of the aircraft and into his wheelchair. He paused to take a look around. The sheer scale of everything around him was breathtaking yet intimidating. There was no feeling like it.
Being exposed to Pandora without his avatar was a daunting experience for Jake. He felt exposed, vulnerable. As much as he was enjoying the sites, Jake was glad to be getting inside.  
“Catch up, Jake.” Trudy shouted ahead of him, “You have an important date!”. Jake’s lip quirked up at the side as he slowly rolled himself forward. The terrain proved to not be that wheelchair friendly but with a lot of upper body strength, Jake managed to get himself into the lab and was greeted to the site of Grace marching around checking all the equipment. 
“Your beds over there, put your stuff down and come eat,” Grace instructed, not giving him a second look.
Jake followed her orders and threw his bag onto an empty bed and rolled his way in between Grace and Trudy. The group sat and ate in silence, listening to nature just outside of the window. A complete change to sitting in Hell’s Gate, listening to the mines drilling away, the consistent scratching of the speakers overhead.
“So…” Jake started, dragging out the vowel, “How do I get y/n to like me?” Jake spooned what he thinks is soup into his mouth, and when he didn’t get a response, he looked up to see Grace, Norm and Trudy looking at him with unrecognisable expressions, “What?”
“Why do you wanna know that?” Norm questioned, his voice having a certain edge to it.
“I don’t wanna piss her off and get dropped again.” Jake shrugged, “I could use all the help I can get.”
“I’m not telling you how to butter her up.” Grace started, “You need to get her to like her on your own.”
“One little hint won’t hurt though, will it?”
Grace sighed and put down her spoon, her face growing serious. Jake was sure he was about to be scolded again. “Just act like you want to be there, listen to her. The rest will come naturally. Y/n’s a good girl, she’ll make sure you’ll learn something.” Grace paused to look at her watch, “Right, you’ve got 20 minutes until you need to be in your avatar. Finish eating.”
Jake nodded and focused on eating, taking in Grace’s advice.
Y/n sat patiently at the base of Home Tree waiting for Jake to wake up, she had gone to check on his avatar body not too long ago but she got no response. For the first time in a long time, y/n felt nervous. She had felt it during the night which kept her awake and the feeling had carried over into the next day.
Y/n felt as though she was suddenly under pressure to make sure Jake learnt enough so that he could be accepted by her people. She felt like not only was she doing this for Jake but for Grace too.
Y/n sighed, crouching beside the skull of Toruk, she wasn't sure how long she had been waiting but boredom was starting to set in. She watched the different clan members go about their day, some asking if she would play with them which she softly declined stating that she was busy, “You don’t look very busy.”
“Not right now, but I will be.”
“Please y/n.” The children pleaded in unison, y/n was about to agree since she wasn’t sure when Jake would turn up but she was stopped by the sound of someone stumbling down the stairs to her right.
“Hi. Sorry, I'm late.” Jake apologised, coming to y/n’s side, “it won’t happen again.”
Standing up gracefully, y/n nodded, dismissing his apology, “No need to worry. Shall we go?”
“But y/n.” One of the children voiced, standing between her and Jake. Y/n reassured them that they could all play together when she got back and with some convincing the children agreed.
As they left Home Tree, Jake caught Neytiri’s eye and looked down sheepishly, feeling the disapproval of him rolling off of her in waves. 
Y/n and Jake walked in silence, side by side. Jake noticed that wherever they were heading was becoming less and less populated. 
“Where are we heading?” Jake asked nervously, “Shouldn’t we be heading to where all the training is done?”
“We will get there,” y/n started, brushing away a large leaf that was in their path, “but we should get to know each other first, shouldn’t we?”
“Uh, yeah. We should.” Jake agreed awkwardly.
It was silent before y/n started telling Jake what she enjoyed, “there is so much to, so many people to meet. I love the forest, it is home but there is so much to explore.”, the passion was evident in y/n’s voice as she explained this to Jake. It was clear that y/n had a thirst for life, something Jake was yet to feel.
“What do you like to do?”
This stumped Jake, what did he like to do? If he really thought about it, he didn’t really like anything. He wasn’t good at anything. So in response, all Jake could do was shrug.
“What does that mean?” Y/n voice was laced with curiosity as she mimicked his action, “You must like to do something? You work with ma sa’nok, so you must like flowers?”
“Ma who?” Jake questioned but was met with a shrug from y/n, a small smile on her face. “But no. I don’t really like flowers.” Jake admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh… So why are you here? Working with people who like flowers if you don’t?”
Jake hesitated before he answered, “My brother died? And they needed someone to take his place and since we’re identical twins, I was their first option.”
“What is a idenical twin?”
“Identical,” Jake corrected, “it is when two children are born at the same time.”
“Hm, we don’t have that here. Do you have that a lot on Earth?”
“I think so. My dad was a twin and so was his dad. I guess if I ever have kids, they might be twins too.”
“Would you like that? To have children? Twins?”
“I think so, I don’t think I’d be the best dad though. What about you? Do you want kids?”
“I would like to travel more before I find my mate and have children. I would like to show my children this world…” Jake watched as a smile danced onto y/n’s face which made him smile also, but he wondered why he was discussing the idea of having children with a stranger from another planet but it felt right.
“So, what has Neytiri taught you?” Y/n questioned.
“Shooting and climbing? Both I’m bad at.” Jake admitted with a chuckle. “I also tried riding a direhorse but I landed face-first in the mud every time.”
Y/n looked to the ground and watched Jake’s feet as he spoke, she noticed that he slightly dragged his feet. So she stopped, allowing him to walk ahead slightly. Once Jake noticed, he turned around, an eyebrow raised, “are we stopping?”
“No, no. I am just watching. I think we should work on pon.”
“Pon? I don’t know what you mean?”
“This,” y/n stretched her arms out and took a few steps forward until they were an arm’s length away from one another, “like this.”
“You walk as though you’ve only just gotten your legs. I hear you before I see you.”
“You’re partially correct,” Jake mumbled. 
Jake stood awkwardly as y/n circled him. She stood behind him and put one of her hands on his shoulder and one on his lower back, “stand straighter and when you walk, do not drag your feet, it is noisy.” Jake took in the correction and the two set off again. 
For the next hour or so, the pair spent just walking directionless. Y/n would often correct his posture and point out different plants or animals they came across. It was refreshing. Jake found it comforting that they hadn’t started with anything extreme and that if he asked to take a break, y/n would stop without any questions. 
Jake became lost in thought, thinking about what he was going to tell Quaritch when he demanded an update and hadn’t noticed that y/n was no longer by his side until he reached a body of water surrounded by twisted vines and branches. Jake spun on the spot but could not see y/n anywhere. A part of him felt concerned, had something happened and he didn’t notice? Another part of him knew that if something did happen, y/n would be able to defend herself. But overall, Jake was lost. Had y/n abandoned him? Did he do something wrong?
As Jake was about to leave, and retrace his steps, he heard rustling behind him.
“Come on Jake, catch up!”
Jake watched as y/n emerged on the other side of the lake, a smile decorating her face.
“Across this?” Jake pointed to the narrow tree trunk beside him, it stretched the whole way across but did not look like it would be strong enough to support his weight.
“Yes, come on!”
Jake hesitated, but stepped up to it, walking across. He held his arms out to the sides for balance but kept his eyes down, making sure he didn't fall off the edge.
“Eyes up!”
Jake followed the instruction but as soon as he did, he lost his footing and toppled off of the side, straight into the water. As he resurfaced, wiping his eyes, he could hear the sound of laughter. He looked up to see y/n covering her mouth. Jake chuckled standing to his full height, the water settling just below his waist. Jake slowly waded through the water to the shore where y/n was still laughing quietly.
“Where did you go?” He questioned, brushing away the wet hair falling into his face. “How did you get over here so fast?”
“I’m sorry, Jake.” y/n began with a giggle, “You were doing so well with your walking, I didn't want to interrupt. And I walked. Up there.” Y/n pointed above their heads where a large winding tree trunk stretched across. “I was watching you, I won’t let anything eat you before your lessons are over.” 
“How lovely of you,” Jake responded sarcastically, y/n nodded along, ignoring his comment. Jake wondered if she even knew what sarcasm was.
“Shall we try again?” Y/n asked enthusiastically, reaching forward to brush wet leaves and grass off Jake’s arm. “I won’t leave you this time.”
“What happened to just walking?” Jake’s hand followed the path that y/n’s had taken, “that was more than walking.”
“We can do more walking later, I want to see more of your, uh, balance. You will need it later.” 
So Jake tried again, he walked along the tree, hands out to his side, and once again as soon as he looked ahead and not down at his feet. He landed in the water with y/n laughing above him.
Norm shuffled around at his new desk, trying to push down the ever-growing feeling of envy that would bubble to the surface every time he thought about Jake being taught the ways of the Omatikaya. To him, it wasn’t fair. Norm had spent years upon years studying and learning about the Na’vi and put everything on hold to come all the way to Pandora but it was Jake who was given the experience. Norm knew that Jake didn’t come to Pandora for research and science and yet he is the one getting the best benefits.
Lost in his jealous thoughts, Norm had knocked a stack of Grace’s notebooks to the floor. He quickly dropped down and began to gather them before Grace came back inside to see the mess he had caused. As he reached for the final spiral notebook, a handmade envelope fell out. Norm stared at it before picking it up cautiously. He turned it over to read ‘y/n’s Iknimaya, first try ✓, June 13th, 2144’. Now he was curious.
Standing to his full height and quickly looking over his shoulder to check if anyone was approaching when he spotted Grace speaking animatedly with Trudy, he took his chance and opened the envelope. Sitting neatly inside was a card that held 4 photographs, all showcasing y/n different other Na’vi from the clan. 
The first and second photos showed y/n standing with who Norm assumed was Tsu’tey and another girl he did not recognise. He turned it over and saw Grace’s writing in the middle, ‘y/n, Tsu’tey, Sylwanin :)”
The third photograph was of y/n and an older Na’vi man, comparing the faces, Norm assumes that this was y/n’s father. The proud look on his face helped him conclude this. 
The last photograph showed y/n and Grace in her avatar. Y/n was on Grace’s back with a large smile on her face, Grace had one to match. There was a certain look on Grace’s face, it matched the man in the previous photo. 
“What are you doing?” Norm was started by the voice behind him and almost dropped the envelope again.
“Nothing, nothing.” Norm cleared his throat, placing the envelope on the desk, “it fell and uh.”
Grace nodded, walking forward and putting the gifted shell in the corner. She then picked up the envelope, took out the card and opened it for Norm to see. 
“Thank for beliving in my.” Written somewhat messily in pencil. 
“Y/n made me this card the day after she passed her iknimaya, she was so happy when she tamed her ikran, she couldn't wait to take to the sky and explore. She was so young, one of the youngest.”
“Wow, did you watch?”
“I did, she begged me to be there. But I would've gone regardless.”
“What was it like? To watch?”
“It was,” Grace paused as she thought back to the rite of passage, “I was worried for her, scared even. She had worked so hard towards it, preparing almost every waking moment but she was so young. Just about to turn 12. But watching her complete it, tame her ikran and fly for the first time without her father, it was breathtaking to see.” The fondness in Grace’s voice was easily detected. “I’m so proud of her.”
Norm couldn’t hold his tongue, looking over in the direction of Jake’s linkpod, “will Jake get to do his iknimaya?”
“With y/n as his teacher, I’m sure she will consider preparing him for it.”
“Oh.” Norm’s shoulders deflated at the thought of Jake gaining another experience from his time on Pandora, Grace must’ve seen his face fall because she placed a gentle arm, “Don’t feel too discouraged at this, Jake’s a fool and somehow got lucky. I’m sure your time will come.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. Y/n will most likely come here soon, you can ask her to show you around.”
“Really?” Norm’s face seemed to brighten.
“Y/n is a sweet girl and she loves to make friends so I’m sure she would be happy to.”
Norm opened his mouth to ask a question about Grace’s relationship with the Na’vi but he didn't think it would be appropriate just yet since they did not know each other very well. Instead, he nodded with a smile before going back to organising his desk. 
After a long afternoon of walking and falling into the water, Jake and y/n had moved to y/n testing his balance while running, well jogging. Jake had found this much harder, tripping over his feet any time the terrain changed which y/n may’ve tried to hide her laugher at.
Overall, Jake would say that this had been the best day he’s had in the Pandora forest this far but of course, good things must come to an end.
“We can meet tomorrow? Get you running higher off of the ground?” 
“Ugh. So much fitness.” Jake joked, bringing  a smile to y/n’s face, “My feet hurt.”
“Stop whining, you sound like a baby.” Y/n poked Jake’s arm as they went their separate ways.
“See you tomorrow, y/n.”
“Bye bye, Jake.” And with that, y/n was gone, disappearing into the crowd. Jake manoeuvred his way around the edges, being stopped by a clan elder as they placed a wrapped leaf package into his hand, assuming its food.
Jake made his way back to his hammock, sitting on the branch overhead and ate the food in the leaf, not questioning what it was.
“Jake Sully,” Neytiri appeared almost out of nowhere, “y/n came back in a good mood, you did not disappoint her.”
“I’m glad, y/n’s great,” Jake commented.
Neytiri did not say anything in reply, she just nodded and walked away. Shrugging his shoulders, Jake finished his food and settled into the hammock and closed his eyes.
“How was your day with Jake Sully?” Tsu’tey asked as he sat beside y/n, facing the fire.
“It was good, I like him. He is good company.”
“You like him?” Tsu’tey scoffed, “Of course you would.”
“Do not be this way, Tsu’tey. It is not a good look for you.” Y/n joked, elbowing him softly, “He has shown me today that he has some willingness to learn, he deserves a chance.”
“Hmm, if you say so.”
“I do say so.”
Tsu’tey huffed, taking some food off of y/n’s food but y/n returned the favour, taking the whole leaf from Tsu’tey and walking off.
“Y/n!” Tsu’tey jogged after her, “Come back! Skxawng!”
“No! You’re a thief!”
“Me?! You stole my food!”
“You stole mine first!”
The pair continued to argue until they got to y/n’s family tent. Y/n walked in and Tsu’tey stormed in behind her.
“Sit down, dear cousin of mine.”
Tsu’tey sat down opposite y/n, snatching his food back. 
“Be nicer to him, for me.”
Tsu’tey stopped chewing and looked at y/n who was staring at him.
Jake sighed as he settled into his bed, getting himself comfortable.
“How was it today?” 
Jake opened his eyes slightly to see Norm standing in the doorway.
“Good.” Jake closed his eyes again but didn’t hear Norm leave so he opened his eyes again, “Did you want something?”
“Don’t mess this up, for Grace.”
Jake looked at Norm blankly before rolling onto his side, “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on it.”
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Pon - balance
Iknimaya -  treacherous but fundamental rite of passage in which a young Na'vi hunter must select, capture, and successfully bond with one of the ikran who nest in the Hallelujah Mountains.
Taglist: @dorck26 @tangles711
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theunfortunateplace · 5 months
Say you love me (Neteyam X OC!Na’vi) Chapter 18
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Pairing (Neteyam X Original Metkayina Female Character)
Synopsis: follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle. Disclaimer: All characters in this fic have been aged up for the convenience of storytelling and to match the aging system up with both Pandora and Earth
OC Luaewe-22 Neteyam-23 Kiri-23 Lo'ak-21 Ao'nung-23 Tsireya-21
Warnings: Smut, Thigh fucking, P in V, Marking, Heavy impreg talk, Breeding kink, Creampie (let me know if I missed anything else)
I awoke bright and early along with the Sully family. 'Teyam and I said goodbye to my mother with her of course not sparing me the kisses. Even Neteyam got smothered in some. This trip was originally supposed to be us two but it quickly turned into a family trip. Was Neteyam happy about that? Nope. Not one bit but he eventually got over it. I on the other hand was excited regardless I never traveled that far before.
Travels like that were only meant for the traders of the clan. “Are you sure you packed everything?” I heard Reya ask as we approached the others by the ikran. “Of course I did! I even packed extra for you.” Lo’ak answered back while giving his ikran a pet. She was tagging along too her mother insisted it was the right thing to do and Lo’ak didn’t want to leave her alone. 
“Why do I have the feeling they will be bickering the whole travel?” Neteyam whispered in my ear as we approached his ikran. I chuckled and looked up at him. “ because it’s highly likely that it’s going to happen, but I’m sure if you fly fast enough we won’t hear it.” I winked at him causing him to smirk at me. He leaned down and kissed my lips. 
I felt his hand caress my face as he deepened it. “Ma teyam did you drink the tea this morning?” I asked in between kisses. He pulled apart resting his forehead on mine. “Yeah…I did…maybe we should have made this trip sooner.” He said in a worried tone. 
I tossed the items my mom requested for me to bring on his ikran and cupped his face. “You'll be fine… if you feel like you need to take a break do it. Don’t push yourself harder than you need to.” He nodded his head placing one last kiss on my lips.
“OK, love birds, are you guys done sucking face so we can fly out?” I heard Jake call out as he finished loading everything up. I heard Neteyam groan pulling away fully reaching to secure the sack I placed on top. 
I chuckled and quickly placed my hand on his. gesturing for him to check if the saddle and everything else were secured. I looked over at Kiri as she talked with Spider who sat in front of her. I still have yet to have a proper conversation with him… every time I try to it’s like he avoids me as if I were ill.  I shook my head turning back to the ikran that was staring me down. I gave him a pat on the head only for him to blow air through his nose at me nudging while against my hand. “ you ready for the ride big guy?” His face changed making me raise a brow confused by his reaction, but he quickly licked a long strip on my cheek. I groaned and patted his head. 
“Yup-yup, I love you too.” I walked off wiping all the slobber away and shook my head that dude needs to work on expressing his feelings in another way. I climbed on top and sat towards the front in my normal spot. I can’t believe I would be going to the forest…. Let alone meeting his grandmother. I felt his eyes lingering from behind me causing me to look and sure enough he was. 
We didn’t have much time and every second we spent here the less time we had to make it there before his rut. “OK, is everyone ready?” I asked shaking the worriedness from my voice. I gestured to 'Teyam to get on and he followed. “All set!” Jake called out. Before I could even reply back I felt 'Teyam wrap his arm around me tightly inching closer to me. “You know the drill hold on tight.” I gripped the leather strap and he took flight. 
I gasped feeling the wind rush past my face as the ikran screeched out. No matter how many times I fly with him it never gets old. 
Jake took his position leading us in the front while Neteyam followed closely behind. Ever so often I could hear their voices communicating their next move or to ask questions. The technology was all new to me. Neteyam didn’t wear the device often but I guess since we are going to the forest it’s necessary.
I wonder if they use it because you can’t hear anyone when flying and it’s not like us, the Metkayina, where we have sign language….
My mind was filled with so many questions. Sure I’ve wondered how different clans lived their life but it just dawned upon me that the Omaticaya use many forms of human technology… 
My mind was like this for hours new thoughts popped in. Questioning many different things it wasn’t until I felt a drastic shift in our direction that I realized we were making our first stop. 
He landed the ikran and got off. Holding a hand out to assist me, I smiled and thanked him with a kiss causing him to smirk. 
“Gosh, I have to pee!” I hear Reya say as she practically runs off somewhere. I chuckled and looked over to Kiri and Spider. I locked eyes with Spider and I saw nothing but fear in his eyes. Even though I was waving and smiling at the pair. I bit my lip and turned back to Neteyam who was looking at me with a confused face. 
“What's wrong?” He asked I shook my head reaching for the snack bag and pulling out some dried fish. “It's nothing.” I looked up and smiled at him only for him to caress my cheek. He leaned down moving closer to my lips, when I suddenly I heard a crunch. I opened my eyes to find this man chewing on my damn fish. 
“You little-“ he abruptly kissed my lips and started running away. “ I’m gonna get you once we get to the forest, you fish thief!” I yelled out. I huffed and ate the remains fish in my hand and walked over to Lo’ak who was stretching his legs out. 
“How was the ride so far?” I asked he scoffed and smirked. “ I’m sure you can guess what it was like Luaewe.” I chuckled and shook my head. 
“Well, it’s almost eclipse she will go to sleep soon, and the crankiness will wear off.” He smiled slightly and looked away for a short moment. “ I don’t suppose you have something that will help with nausea?” I smiled and patted his shoulder. 
“And who would I be if I wasn’t prepared for everyone? Come I’ll give you a couple of things to give her.” He let out a sigh of relief and quickly walked over with me. 
I undid the knot on the satchel that held all my medicine and took out some candy I made. “These should help.” He raised a brow. “You sure, because it just looks like candy to me.” 
I chuckled. “It is candy, I made it. I figured we wouldn’t have time to sit and brew tea and all that extra stuff…well you guys might but Neteyam and I don’t.” 
He hummed.” You know that’s a really smart idea. I never seen something like this.” I smiled and thanked him. He looked off again and scratched the back of his head causing me to raise my brow. 
Is there something else wrong? Why is he acting like this? Normally he’s cracking jokes or goofing around or something. “OK, what's going on? This.” I moved my hands in a circular motion. “ is making me worried.” 
“ I- shit…. You know this is really awkward to talk about especially considering you’re my brother's mate and now my sister...” I huffed and placed my hands on my hips.  What the hell is he trying to say? And why is it so hard? “Lo'ak?” He looked at me directly. “ Just say it.”
I chuckled, causing him to smile. “How did you know you were in love… what did it feel like?” I blinked slowly, completely stunned by the question. 
“Wow ok, I wasn’t expecting that um…. Well ha….At first, I was extremely conflicted due to some stuff that happened in my past… I don’t think there was a specific incident that made me love him, it was really everything combined. Like sure when you like someone you feel a pull or whatever but every second I wasn’t with him felt emptiness… when he held me even at the most awkward times.” I chuckled and looked off into the distance. “ It's like this warmth engulfed me and I’m not talking about body heat. I could literally feel his love. I don’t know, it's hard to explain but when you know you know.” 
I looked back at him only to find him in a transfixed state. As if he were thinking really hard. It wasn’t until Reya called out to him that he snapped out of it. We don’t have deep conversations together but I could tell he was going through something.
I felt arms wrap around me from the back and I smiled leaning into his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead and hummed. “ Where did you run off to fish stealer?” He looked down and chuckled. 
“ I had to handle some business before we headed back out.” I raised a brow in confusion. I mean if he had to use the bathroom he could of ju- ooooooooh. I turned around and he tilted his head. 
“ Why didn’t you ask? I would've helped.” I said lowly. He smiled and gently grazed his thumb against my cheek. “Ma orae if I did that I definitely would have not been able to hold back and would have pushed myself into an early rut.” I pouted but accepted his words. That’s the last thing either of us want. “You're right.....well, did you at least get the satisfaction you needed?” He laughed out and gently ran his hands up and down my back only for him to firmly grasp my ass making me gasp out in shock. “‘'Teyam, your family is right there!” I whispered, yelled, looking around quickly to make sure no one was watching 
He lowered his face to my ear and playfully nipped it.“Shh, it's not like they would notice.” Of course they would you’re literally gripping my ass in broad daylight gosh I hope Tuk isn’t looking over here!
“It was enough, but I would have preferred that tight little pussy you have.” I playfully swatted his arm causing him to chuckle moving his head away. “You can be touchy all you want but you better keep that mouth in check!” I pointed my finger at him and furrowed my brows. 
“OK, I’ll keep it in check. Wouldn’t want to accidentally turn you on, or we would be stuck here for days and I probably would end up with a broken arm again.” 
Too late for that ‘'Teyam, and I’m sure he can tell because that damn smirk on his face is staying put. He leaned down kissing my lips. I felt his hands starting to grope my ass as he tried to deepen the kiss. I pulled away quickly and pushed his chest away. He looked at me as if I had betrayed him but quickly came back to his senses. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He pulled back fully and let out a frustrated sigh. 
I shook my head and gave his arm a squeeze. “It's okay, that’s why I’m here to keep you in check.” I said trying to lighten the mood, he let out a soft chuckle and nodded his head. “We should head back out. I’m not sure if everyone else is ready but we gotta go.” He said while looking around. 
He pressed his fingers on the device and spoke. “Me and Luaewe are gonna head out first.”  I watched as Jake popped his head up from whatever he was doing. “OK, we will meet at the third stop.” 
I reached back into the back and took out another piece of dried fish. I was just standing there watching them both communicate but I had no clue what they were saying. I felt Neteyam’s hand graze my lower back. 
I turn away from the bag making sure to close it and look up while taking a bite of the fish. He chuckled and leaned down. I instinctively moved away having a feeling he would take another bite from me but he held me in place and kissed my forehead.
“Come on, my pretty girl it’s time to go.” Heat suddenly rose to my face causing me to look away. But I quickly grabbed the saddle and hopped up. He positioned himself behind me swiftly connecting his kuru. He wrapped his arm around my midsection and before I knew it we were off in the air again. 
I have no clue when the next stop will be maybe hours from now well into Eclipse. I bit my lip feeling him reposition himself behind me as we leveled out in the air. Gosh, this was going to be a difficult ride. I mean I knew it was but shit his fucking dick is pressed up against my ass and it’s taking everything in me not to reach back and grab it. 
But the last thing I want is for us to crash into the ocean……this is gonna be a long trip. 
“OK, we will camp here for tonight leave out early morning and meet up with everyone at the third stop.” I hum as he helps me back off the ikran. 
“How many more stops till we get there?” He walked over to the bags and took some off. “maybe two more, it all depends on the weather really.” 
I smile and fold my hands together. That’s awesome we’ll I’m sure the weather won-“ the sound of thunder crashed interrupting me. “Well shit.” He chuckled as I looked up to see if there were any rain clouds. 
I quickly walked over to him and took some of the bags. “Will those be alright in the rain I’m not sure how your material holds up?” We moved under a tree and set everything down. “Yeah, it's made out of leather and we waterproofed it…. It would be ideal if we found a cave if it’s going to rain but we will have to make do with this tree.” He said fiddling with something in the bags. I tried to help but he told me to just sit so I did. 
If I knew one thing about Neteyam it’s that if he tells you he’s got it and doesn’t need help he doesn’t. Well until you hear cursing or a loud noise. I watched as he strung up the material that would keep us dry.  
I shook my head subtly walking back over to him and went into the bag taking out the blanket we would sleep on. I heard his playful scoff from behind me and I smiled. He should have known I wouldn’t stay put. I jolted up feeling a sudden wetness on my back. “Looks like we landed just in time.” He said while quietly moving the other bags under the material. I hummed and sat down watching the rain hit the sand. “ I should have known not to jinx the weather.” I lightly chuckle as I feel him pull me closer and wrap his arms around my waist. 
“It's fine, at least we get to enjoy the rain together…. You know I just realized this is the first time since mating  we will sleep alone.” I smiled and rested my head against his chest. 
“You're right… it’s weird not having Tuk trying to infiltrate our cuddle time or my mom waking us up.” I shook my head. I’ll never forget the day when Neteyam and I were about to have our afternoon nap. Anyone walking by would think we were about to have sex with how intense we kiss before we sleep. 
But that didn’t matter to Tuk. She ran into our area and jumped on us complaining how it was unfair we didn’t spend time with her as much as we do with each other. 
“Mhm, we are finally alone. Maybe when we get back our marui will be finished hopefully not though. It’s my duty- well back in my clan once mated the male or one who initiated creates the hammock or   marui as you guys call it.” 
I raised a brow confused do they not sleep in marui’s like us. “ wait so how do you guys sleep?” 
“ in hammocks. There are individual ones, then ones for couples, and lastly the family ones but after moving to the mountains because of the war… we had to set up tents you can still sleep in the hammocks inside or sleep on the floor…. It’s kinda complicated you’ll see when we get there.” I hummed and moved forward reaching for some fruit. 
“ I’m excited especially since you guys really talk up the forest.” He chuckled while placing a kiss on top of my head. 
“ because it deserves to be talked up!” He held his hand out and I placed some of the fruit in his hand willingly. “ you think Sa'nok will make some porridge for me?” He let out a laugh and I looked up with a serious face. “ I’m serious! You said it was better so now that I’ll be there I can’t leave without tasting it!”
“You'll get your porridge don’t worry… and the other delicious foods,” I closed my eyes and hummed. That’s another thing I had no clue about. The types of food they ate… 
I felt his face dip against my neck lightly nipping at my skin. “Why do you have to smell so good ma Orae?” He grunted against me. I bit my lip feeling his dick press against my back. “ I don’t know why this time around is so hard for me but shit!” I felt him squeeze my hips trying to lift me up but continued to restrain himself. 
“Let me help you-“ I said trying to turn around he lowly hissed warning me to stay put. “Luaewe, you know we can’t.” He strained. 
“But it’s hurting you! I can’t stand seeing you this way, 'Teyam. You don’t have to put it in. I can jerk you off or you can put it in between my legs.”  
He nipped my neck again as his hand slid around to the front forcefully cupping my pussy. My breath shuddered at his fingers grazing my clothed clit.
He let out a deep chuckle against the back of my neck but cursed as I touched his thigh. I was still wet from earlier. It’s probably what’s driving him to behave like this. Gosh, I feel so bad! And the fact that I can’t even help. “My hand isn’t even fully touching your pussy and I can feel how wet it is.” 
He playfully tapped against my clit causing me to jolt back in surprise. “What I would do to be inside you right now… feeling that tight hole squeeze me as I fill you up with my cum.”  I let out a whimper as he continued to speak in my ear. 
Fuck I don’t remember him talking this dirty before. I let a moan slip from my mouth and I could feel him smirk against me. “But this will have to do. Lay down for me sweetie.” He patted my thighs letting me know what he decided and I followed his instructions. 
I laid down on my side with my thighs pressed together looking back waiting for him to move closer to me. He looked at my ass hungrily grabbing it with his hand. Even with hands as big as his some of it flowed out between his fingers. 
He chuckled lowly moving his hands up my hips speedily undoing my tweng. His chest pressed up against my back causing me to lean into him. He dipped his face back into the crevice of my neck and let out a deep growl. “You smell so good.” His fingers found their way to my folds massaging my entrance. I let out an airy moan reaching back to hold his forearm. “So wet for me. Fuck I just want to be in you!” 
You and me both! “Please?” I let go of his arm reaching back further for his cock that was pressed between my ass. “ I don’t want your fingers. Put it between my legs ''Teyam.” I gave up trying not to sound desperate right now. I wanted my mate and I couldn’t even have him the way I wanted.
He moaned as I gripped the base of his cock as I lifted my leg up slightly. “mmmm.” I bit back my moan as I rolled my hips back into him. Setting him in place nestled snugly between my folds.  He forcefully grabbed my face detaching his lips from my now abused neck and latching them onto my lips. 
He started moving slowly at first. Almost antagonizingly slow. Even in his horny pre-rut filled brain he still had it in him to torture me. But that all came to an end very quickly. His hand caressed my body spending extra time on my breast. When suddenly he sped up out of nowhere causing me to jolt forward with the increase in stimulation. 
“ ssshit!” I moaned out while gripping his arm once again as he pulled me back holding me still. “I’m not even in you and you’re running?” He scoffed “How is my mate supposed to tend to me when she can’t even take my cock rubbing up against their tight little pussy huh?”
He lowered his hand to my clit rubbing it ferociously. I gasped, feeling an orgasm fast approaching but he switched up the pace on purpose. “Please please please please please-“ I choked out begging for him to make me cum but he refused. He pulled his hand away gripping my breast again. 
“Fuck, I love these! And your fucking ass. I wonder how big they’ll get when you swell with my child.”  It’s just his pre-rut talking. It’s just his pre-rut talking. I chanted to myself trying to rationalize his words. He leaned down kissing me once again quickly deepening it. “Please let me cum.” I begged against his lips. 
He smirked moving to my ear. “You wanna cum? Yet my cock isn’t in you? You think I’ll let you do that?” I whined getting frustrated with this game! “All you have to do is-“
“Just fuck me already damn it!”  I shouted out fed up with all this teasing and non fucking. Maybe I’m out of my mind maybe I’m just fucking horny but if he cheats me out of another orgasm I will lose it! 
I felt him smirk pulling back slightly and slowly pushing into me. “Yes yes yes yes!” I chanted as the swell of his cock stretched me. His lustful moans filled my ears as he settled deeply into me. I gasped, feeling our Kuru’s connection. I didn’t even feel him touch mine. 
He moved slowly trying not to hurt me but he could tell I was fine and quickly picked up pace. The sounds of our skin hitting and the sound of my squelching pussy overpowered the downpour that was upon us. Thank Eywa we were alone or else this would be an embarrassing thing to happen with everyone there.  Though his speed picked up his strokes were deep and with the curve of his cock it almost felt like it was intentional. 
“T- 'Teyam, you're too deep!”  His hand went back to my breast rolling my nipple in between his fingertips. I moaned out arching my back from the new stimulation. He chuckled sinisterly knowing exactly what he was doing. 
“You're mine.” He nipped my ear with his teeth “If your breasts are this sensitive now just imagine what they’d feel like full of milk.” His stroke grew deeper, more aggressive. I cried out feeling him grow larger. How is that even possible? “Fuck ‘'Teyam please you’re too-“ 
He growled tightening his hold on me refusing to let go. “ I’m gonna fucking breed you! I’m gonna get you pregnant muntxate.” My pussy clenched vigorously around him causing him to chuckle. “You like that huh? You like when I say I’m gonna get you pregnant hm?” 
His hand moved to my belly causing me to gasp. “ I’m gonna love watching you waddle around the village parading that round belly. Having it be a physical example of what I did to you.”  He said while caressing my belly as if a bump were already there 
He bit down onto my shoulder pushing me right over the edge. He held me tight as a scream of pure pleasure ripped through my throat. My body convulsed from how intense the orgasm hit me. But despite how forceful it was he continued to rut into me as his knot began to swell. I couldn't help but get turned on even more. Knowing the risk of us already performing tsaheylu. If he were to knot me, I would for sure get pregnant.  
He bit down harder as his cock twitched inside of me spurting his hot cum against my cervix. I can only imagine what it feels like to be stuffed with his knot. 
I reached placing my hand on his thigh and rubbing it as he came down from his high. His soft lips peppered my neck with kisses causing me to smile. “Fuck.” He breathed out, “I- I'm sorry, my love…… I got carried away shit.” I shook my head while attempting to look back. 
“It's okay, you're alright right?” 
“Mhm,” he said lowly while dipping his face in my neck still trying to calm his breathing.  I reached back brushing the braids out of his face. “Then everything is fine and you feel relieved no?” He nodded his head and I smiled. 
“Then there’s no need to worry ‘'Teyam.”I tried to pull away to fully check out his arm but instead, he tightened his hold around my waist. I chuckled while tapping his hand. 
“Alright big guy, let me go I need to properly check your arm.” He groaned and I couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his antics.  But my laughter was quickly replaced by a shudder of my breath as he pulled out of me causing the cum to rush out of me. 
“Gosh!” It felt almost erotic feeling the warmth of his seed run out of me and onto my inner thigh. I looked back to see his glistening cock slowly relax and knot fully deflate. I sat up with him following suit and reached for his arm. 
Unlike Ronal, I wouldn’t be able to tell the healing status when most of it had healed already but I can’t tell if it’s broken. I felt around for anything out of place and listened to him for any small sounds to slip from him. But there was nothing everything was fine. I looked up and smiled while letting his arm down, “Nothing is broken.” I said softly 
He reached up to caress my face and pulled me in for a kiss. “Thank you.” I giggled against his lips and patted his thigh. 
“It’s my duty.” I squealed as he pulled me into his lap and laid down. “ ‘Teyam! We have to wash up.” I whined only for him to shush me. 
I let out a groan and laid my head on his chest accepting defeat. His cum is gonna get all crusty! “You're gonna be the one scrubbing your cum off of me!” Laughter erupted from his chest 
He cupped my ass while sitting back up. Good because I didn’t want to deal with that in the morning. “You just won’t let me enjoy my muntxate huh?” He said while standing up still holding onto me. 
“You must want a crusted-up muntxate then if you thought I would just let you let me lay there! Skin as smooth as mine takes care!” He shook his head playfully and scoffed. 
 I felt him playfully tap my ass, “alright, let's make it quick then”. He looked out from under the material keeping us dry and hummed. “It looks like the rain slowed down but we should still make it quick. 
“Are you gonna put me down?” I asked while tilting my head he smirked. “No, this is payment for not letting me lay down with you.” I groaned playfully but I enjoyed it when he carried me. To him, I practically weighed nothing. I leaned that quickly from how many times he scooped me up and placed me in his lap. 
I smiled and shook my head as I pushed my face into his neck. “Nga yawne lu oer“ 
“ I love you too,” he says.  I tried to shove my face deeper and he chuckled. The rest of the night was spent with us bathing and playing around in the water longer than we should have but we eventually got out and went back to ‘camp’ as Neteyam called it. 
I was cuddled up against his warm chest with his arms wrapped around me. I listened to his heartbeat while the sounds of light rainfall could be heard in the back. I gasped while closing my eyes feeling the connection of our kurus. 
His hand grazed my back as he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Sleep Ma Oare, I’m not going anywhere.”  He said in a low tired voice. I continued to listen as the sound of his heart beating turned into a trance….
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Mansk(recom) Characterisation
I have Mansk brainrot <3 here's my interpretation of him and some random things I want to point out. Some of it is canon :)
I will totally be adding more things to this as time goes by.
(This is a clusterfuck of thoughts, no order sorry. It's a mess. This has absolutely no structure)
MANSK HAS AN AMERICAN EAGLE TATTOO ACROSS HIS CHEST (I think that's what it is, I'll make a separate post about it with sketches)
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Just like the eagle Quaritch has except its wings are spread above his (massive, sexy) pecs.
(I saw some art and maybe it's not an eagle but a three headed angel of death)💀
Here is a random picture I found of the back of Mansk's head. <3
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love him sm
The look of DISGUST he has when handling Tsireya (gorgeous queen).
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(ew it's wet, quickly tie it down)
She's wet from the ocean and his hands must have gotten wet and he's all grossed out from the 'fish-lipped alien' and has to touch it.
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Deffo thoroughly wanted to wash and disinfect his hands after.
The man HATES nature. I mean he despises it, on Earth too (whatever was left of it). That's why he is wearing the opposite of Walker's outfits. He's covered, head to toe. Expect for, well head. But everything else can't come in direct contact with nature on Pandora because to him it's scary and gross.
He hates native Na'vi too but once he becomes a recom, it dies down a little. Now, his hate for them is divided between blue forest Na'vi and the water Na'vi.
He still thinks of himself as human rather than Na'vi. I'm saying, when the man woke up from recom, he needed to be alone for the rest of the day while the others were discussing the mission. He just left the room and locked himself in his room, sitting in silence. He didn't want to look at himself in the mirror because it was too much. He just died and now he was back in the form of his enemy. The enemy terrified him because that's how he died in the first place.
While Lyle's first thought would be to pull down his pants and check out (yk) , Mansk would refuse to remove his clothes because he was worried he would lose it if he genuinely saw himself properly for the first time. I'm saying if the man saw all of himself in the first few days he would be so lost in himself and overwhelmed he would break down and cry. He seems like this intimidating tall man who has it all figured out but I'm telling you HE IS A SENSITIVE SOFTIE AND TAKES EVERYTHING TO HEART. He would avoid reflections, keep his head down and prefer not to directly look at his teammates because they were blue too. (Blue Na'vi racist kinda, but with PTSD)
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He is quiet. Not shy quiet, just observing quiet. When he does speak he uses the least amount of words to express himself. Mansk is clever and when he says things they have been thought through by him. He never speaks before thinking. He's confident but doesn't express it. Basically the opposite of Lyle.
He likes wearing his shades because 1. they look dope 2. he isn't happy about being in a Na'vi body so he wants to seem as human as possible. Adding to that, his tail freaks him out. He wishes it weren't there. Sometimes he forgets it's a part of him now and it scares the shit out of him. His new body has him feeling really down because he knows that he can never return to Earth like this.
Grillmaster 100% without a doubt. I love that this fandom just decided that. It fits so well. Can't cook things like pasta or make soup. He can grill and fry shit. That's his thing. For properly baking something he will need luck on his side but it might work.
Another random thing. This man NEVER gets sick. I'm saying he's immune to it all. You're sick? Have the flu? Covid? It never gets him. He's safe with the immune system of a god.
He gets a sore jaw from constantly biting down and clenching it due to stress (just like me fr fr)
Adding to that, he almost always looks like he is in deep thought. He looks almost scary because he seems so intimidating. It's rare when he smiles.
(Quoting Taylor Swift: Yeah, you got a smile that can light up this whole town) :0
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He is the type of person that lays in bed for hours before falling asleep. Maybe because of some fucked up shit he has seen that stays in his head. He also refused to sleep on his back in his new body because of his tail and braid.
If there would be a skiing holiday, THIS MAN SNOWBOARDS. Quaritch would be the dad with skis and a large backpack.
He is super precious and soft. Will never want any of his teammate to know but if he finds someone he likes, he will be silently obsessed. Not in a creepy way, but he can't stop thinking about them. He doesn't fall for people easily but when he does HE FALLS HARD.
Mansk is self conscious so if he likes someone he will never act on it and never tell anyone. At night when he is alone, he would be going over all the reasons of why it wouldn't work out and why his crush doesn't like him or can't like him.
All he wants is to be cuddled, taken care of and kissed to sleep. Honestly, that's it. He wants to give everything he can to the person he cares about but will need constant reminders that they actually like him back and that he isn't just imagining it. If the person is gone for a few days, his bad thoughts will return and when they come back he will be distant and ask things like 'Sorry, I'm bothering you aren't I? You probably have lots to do.'
Leading to his fam, he joined the military because his dad did and so did his grandpa etc. It's a bloodline thing and because of that, he's never been loved properly and always treated as a soldier in making. He needs to be drowned in love.
SUPER NERVOUS around his crush. Sweating palms, stuttering, all that shit. He's down bad.
Here is him freaking out that they are under attack and yelling "NA'VI" in his super masculine deep ass husky voice✨️
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gorgeous fuckin precious bean
- if ANYONE compliments ANYTHING on him he will never forget it and always think back to that moment
Example : "Hey Mansk, nice shoes/shirt/shades/tattoo's"
NSFW: if the person he likes is wearing an apron with barely anything on or nothing underneath = huge turn on, instant boner, Mansk will become putty in your hands
random: (lyle listens to taylor swift (shake it off while working out))
have a nice day :)
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
hihi maybe a fic where reader is just an absolute menace and badass like her mother neytiri!! everyone in the clan is prob trying to become mates with her but she doesnt like it at all
summary: [y/n] sully was independent, strong, scary, clearly the daughter of neytiri. but, her impeccable game constantly reminds everyone who her father was.
a/n: two in one day ?? what ?? crazy. anyway, hopefully you enjoy. she’s kinda a cutie in this, like okay yes go boss. also i cannot stop making random original characters that are not at all canon to atwow, but you know what, it is what it is. feedback, reblogs, and reqs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @wxnderingthoughts @ellielovesrobinarellano ( check out my tag guide !! )
warnings: [y/n] being a boss, sully siblings are so cute and supportive, some annoying boy attitude, guys being kinda creepy and obsessive, [y/n]’s undeniable and accidental rizz, non-consensual touch ( like a touch on the arm, but still aggravating )
2.5k words
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GIF by world-of-pandora
if there was one thing about [y/n] sully, it was that she was her mother’s daughter. any na’vi that knew the two of them could tell you this. from her skills on the battlefield to her independence, it was clear to all that neytiri had raised her eldest daughter in a way that she had no need to depend on anyone other than herself, as every young female should.
as a result, [y/n] sully stood among some of the strongest warriors in her age group. there was a good amount of na’vi—a solid six—her age that provided hope for the future. when it came their time to protect the clan, jake and neytiri lived in a little bit more peace knowing that the omaticaya would be safe in their hands
it was one of those days, with the core six, in which [y/n] spent her afternoon scouting. they’d split into two groups a few minutes prior, deciding to cover ground much quicker while separated.
“hey, [y/n]!” ole’ey called from behind, her friend’s voice becoming apparent directly in [y/n]’s ear thanks to the intercom necklaces they wore ( although, they were only allowed to wear them while on patrol. )
“hm?” [y/n] hummed, her peripheral vision picking up an image of ole’ey, a smirk resting on her face.
“has kllalu asked you out yet?”
on the other side of her, [y/n] heard her other friend, meyio, guffaw, losing his mind over the situation. “kllalu?” he screamed, not even bothering to go through comms because of how loud he was.
immediately, [y/n] dropped her face into her hands. “are you kidding?”
“so, i’m going to take that as a no.”
the sully daughter collapsed on her ikran, laying stomach down as she leaned the top-half of her weight against the creature’s neck. “i hate my life.”
“oh, please!” meyio teased. “you just have an impeccable amount of game. it’s natural!”
“it comes from your father’s side,” ole’ey added, not missing a beat, sending meyio once again as he screamed in laughter.
[y/n] cringed, hitting her forehead against her ikran. “that is disgusting. do not ever say that again. like, ever.”
“it’s just the plain truth!”
the three of them, [y/n], meyio, and ole’ey, were, if anything, an iconic trio. ever since [y/n] started training with other children around the clan, the three immediately drifted towards each other. after five long years later, neytiri and jake were practically their second pair of parents.
as a result of their friendship, all three of them improved their skills together, spending their time sparring with each other. they still often reminded each other of the day that meyio said something offensive—probably having to do with the other two being girls—and as a result, ole’ey and [y/n] absolutely annihilated him the next day at training. it even got the point in which the two young girls were reprimanded by jake ( although, neytiri was absolutely losing it when he came home and told his mate the story. )
but, no matter how often the two girls practiced their fighting skills by beating up meyio, they were all the best of friends. so, that meant immense teasing.
“i do not care what the plain truth is—you do not say that about somebody’s father to his daughter.” [y/n] was exasperated. not only did she have to deal with yet another male trying to convince her that they were ‘made for each other,’ but now she couldn’t get the thought of her father’s charm out of her head.
“okay, moving on from the epitome of hot dads,” meyio interrupted, causing a cry of anguish to leave [y/n]’s throat as she slammed her head against her ikran again, “what do you think kllalu is gonna say?”
as [y/n] attempted to ignore her friends, the fake deep voice of ole’ey kept her more than engaged in the moment. “‘oh, [y/n]. you’re like, as pretty as the stars or whatever. but, you know what’d be prettier? our future kids.’”
“ew!” she groaned, her hands going to her temples as to keep herself from jumping off of her ikran and strangling her friends.
“oh, that’s good,” meyio complimented, to which ole’ey sent a mock bow. “how about… ‘[y/n], i visited the spirit tree last night. i think, now i could be wrong, but… i think i saw us. together.’”
“now that’s just foul.” [y/n] argued. “using eywa’s visions as a way to bag me? he wouldn’t.”
meyio raised his hands defensively. “if you say so… but, i wouldn’t put it past him.”
“you two are unbelievable. this is like, my worst nightmare, and you’re making a joke out of it! some friends you are,” she grumbled.
“i’m sorry, [y/n],” ole’ey trailed, the smile in her voice apparent. “it’s not that we’re laughing about you having a problem.”
“yeah!” meyio added. “we’re laughing about this being the eight-hundreth time having the same exact problem.”
[y/n] groaned. “i know.” she shook her head, gazing at the forest below them. “why do they all keep trying. i have rejected every single one of them—why do they think that they’re different?”
meyio whistled at that. “what can i say, men love a good chase.”
she rolled her eyes. “i am not a chase, i am… i don’t even know! but i am definitely not a chase.”
“yes, you are not a chase because you don’t let them chase. i have never seen you give any one of them a chance!” ole’ey laughed. she wasn’t scrutinizing, and [y/n] knew that, she was just stating the truth. and still, it was a hard truth to swallow.
[y/n] had never been an easy friend. she grew up as the daughter of the toruk makto, and that meant that not only did her parents expect a lot from her, but so did everyone else in the clan. those were the words that motivated her to become such an amazing warrior—that, and the fact that she always wished to be like her mother.
she never really questioned it ever since her young mind decided who she was going to be. no, because she set a goal, and she would do whatever it took to accomplish that goal. and now, she’d finally reached it. who is she to become now?
she’d never learned to make friends—to even be friendly—she only wound up with meyio and ole’ey because she was lucky. she was, in all honesty, terrified of finding even a potential mate, because that meant she had to acknowledge that she was moving on into the future without even the slightest plan. all she wanted to do, for once in her life, was to enjoy living as a teenage na’vi.
later that afternoon, [y/n], meyio, and ole’ey sat in the clearing, alongside all four of the other sully siblings. after their morning of patrol, the trio was considerably tired, but that did not stop meyio and [y/n] from tackling each other.
all around the pair circled the rest of the kids, egging on the fight. it was, of course, a simple spar, and was something that they considered very normal in their routine.
“meyio, i swear to eywa if you lose, i am going to murder you!” lo’ak yelled from the sidelines, a threat that was motivated after he and ole’ey made bets on who would win.
“just keep doing what you’re doing, bud,” ole’ey added with a smirk, causing kiri to burst into laughter.
tuk was sat atop neteyam’s shoulders, allowing for a better view of their scrap. “meyio is kind of bad,” she mumbled, a comment that had her oldest brother wheezing for breath.
[y/n] was, by far, dominating. as she always did. at that point, after knowing her for five years, meyio had only a thirty-two percent win rate, so he was never shocked when the fight ended with him crying, “mercy!”
this fight, however, went a little different.
because as [y/n] triumphantly sat on his back, her hands pushing his face down into the mud as she teased, “you did this to yourself!” all of her confidence flew down the drain the moment she saw a familiar male in the distance.
immediately, the girl stopped, and with the lack of pressure against his neck, meyio flipped her over. [y/n] sputtered for breath, her lungs heaving after the wind was knocked out of her.
“hah!” meyio triumphed, only stopping when he noticed the look on her face. “[y/n]?”
“oh, come one!” lo’ak groaned. “meyio, finish the fight so i don’t lose any more money on you than i already have!”
when meyio ignored lo’ak’s comment, everyone grew curious. each other them took a step forward, peeking at the expression on [y/n]’s face.
based on her wide eyes that stared in the distance, kiri decided to follow her gaze. when she caught sight of kllalu, she bust into laughter. “are you scared of little-old kllalu? the one who we used to call ‘stick?’”
ole’ey sputtered a laugh. “why’d you call him ‘stick’”
“he stabbed himself with a stick and wouldn’t stop crying.”
the girl gasped. “oh my eywa, i remember that!”
meanwhile, meyio mumbled, “that is the dumbest nickname.”
ignoring the teasing comments, neteyam took tuk off of his shoulders, placing her on the ground before he walked closer to his sister. “what’d kllalu do?”
“nothing!” she cried. “that’s the problem!”
lo’ak looked unimpressed at her answer. “now, what is that supposed to mean? we are not mind readers, despite norm’s book of theories.”
“uh correction,” kiri pointed out. “norm’s theory is that the plants were mind readers.”
“guys!” tuk whined. “[y/n]’s upset.”
“right!” meyio called, a smirk pulling onto his face. “she’s upset because kllalu is planning to ask her out.”
both sully boys groaned at that information. “another one?” lo’ak asked, exasperated.
[y/n] lifted herself off of the ground, attempting to brush off as much dirt as she could. “i’m as unhappy about it as you are! this is like, the millionth rejection i’ve ever had to do!”
“will they ever catch on?” neteyam groaned, holding his head in his hands.
“that’s what i’m wondering!” [y/n] cried, staring up at the sky with an unamused look on her face.
“i’m telling you,” meyio yelled. “they love the chase.”
all at once, every single sully sibling responded with, “there is no chase!”
silence followed soon after, leaving meyio blinking absentmindedly at them. “okay,” he said, smacking his lips. “noted!”
“au,” [y/n] cried, shaking her head. “he is nearly here.”
“okay,” tuk yelled. “everyone be quiet and stare at him so we scare him away.” her idea had everyone but [y/n] shouting words of agreement.
immediately, [y/n] shook her head. “no—no!” she sighed. “look, i need to do this myself. just… act normal. i don’t know! i’m just gonna say what finally needs to be said.”
“and what is that?” kiri asked, eyebrows raised.
but, before she could answer, kllalu stepped into a radius that was far too close to answer without him hearing. so, as the remind them of their job, [y/n] sent one last look at the group of kids. quiet.
“[y/n]!” the boy greeted, a smirk placed on his lips. immediately, all six of the kids behind [y/n] were set off with annoyance.
she nodded her head. “kllalu.” [y/n]’s tone was dry, already setting the mood for an awkward conversation.
“how are you?” he attempted, stopping in front of her.
“i am doing great.”
he nodded slowly. “nice!” this was an extremely painful experience for everyone that was watching.
when she left the conversation hanging, kllalu cleared his throat. “so,” he continued slowly. “i was wondering if i could speak with you?”
she cocked her head ever-so-slightly. “you are speaking now, no?”
“uh,” he swallowed. “i was thinking, like… alone?”
immediately she shook her head. “i’d rather not leave my siblings.” she blinked. “and ole’ey and meyio.” behind her, the six of them waved cheerfully, leaving kllalu dumbstruck. “whatever you must say, you are fully capable of saying in front of them.”
“right!” he nodded. “yeah, no, i totally get it.” kllalu looked at the ground, stretching his arm to scratch the back of his neck. silence returned.
“you were going to say something, kllalu?”
he nodded. “uh, yeah.” her patience was thinning by the second. “i was just, uh, thinking. because, um, last night i visited the spirit tree—”
“no, kllalu.” ( behind [y/n], meyio was silently pointing and laughing at ole’ey since he guessed correctly. )
he blinked. “no? you don’t even know what i was going to say.”
she stared at him with a look. really? “i am not dumb.”
“but, why? i mean, i know you’ve rejected every single guy who has attempted, but why? why all of them?” he shook his head in disbelief. “how do you know i am not the right one?” as soon as kllalu’s hand grabbed her bicep, the entire group of six behind them burst.
“what do you think you’re doing?” neteyam growled, pushing himself off of the ground.
lo’ak was quick behind him. “she said no, dumbass.”
“do you need help understanding?” kiri took a step towards them.
with a huff, [y/n] held a hand up to her siblings and friends. once they’d frozen in place, she then grabbed his wrist tightly, ripping it off of her. “are you daft?”
“i will repeat it to you in words that your small brain can understand, and if you could do me a wonderful favor and tell every male that wants to ask me out, i would greatly appreciate it.” she stepped towards him, teeth bared. “i am in no need of a male’s help, nor his love. i am not a challenge, i am not a game to see whether or not you will be the one to convince me, i am not something to chase. you and all the other dumb males will stop asking me, because it is becoming offensive.” she bit her bottom lip, a mocking smile appearing on her lips. “i have made it this far independently. i will not let that go by having a male choose me as his mate. when the time comes, i will choose. do you understand?”
he nodded.
she raised her eyebrows. “do you understand?”
“good.” she stepped back, feeling the safety of her friends and family. “now, please go away. you have ruined a perfectly fine afternoon.”
as they watched him stumble away, [y/n] felt not only her own pride swell in her heart, but the pride of her friends and siblings. sure, they knew [y/n] sully was strong, scary, all the good stuff, but it was always refreshing to watch it come out.
it always reminded them of why the adults of the clan were not at all worried for the omaticayans future. there was nothing to worry about when warriors like [y/n] existed.
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star-lovex · 1 year
Headcanon [Jake Sully as your cuple]
Jake sully x human!reader
Work translated into English with help
Spanish version uploaded
↣ He will be extremely delicate with you, not only because of the difference in size, but also because if something happens to you, he will end up terribly guilty and worried. ↣ He could spend hours and hours with you anywhere, be it sitting in nature, eating or at the moment where you are on his hammock to sleep. ↣ He will steal kisses from you every two by three (when you have the mask they will be kisses on the neck, hands, back or any sensitive part), he loves to express himself through kisses, caresses, hugs or simple touches together with a look that does not need words to be understand. ↣ He will take you in his ikran to fly through the sky so you can enjoy the wind and the beautiful view that Pandora offers. And he? Appreciating the emotion that he conveys and your arms wrapped around his waist to support you. He plummets several times so that you hold on tighter to him and feel your touch more. ↣ He flirts with you whenever he can, to see your reactions and enjoy your body language. ↣ He does not have a favorite sleeping position, any position is valid, spoon (being him; the big spoon), you on top of his chest, fetal position hugged or maybe spread out. ↣ He will be watching you all the time, he hardly trusts anyone to protect you, so he is not calm until you are in your base or in his arms. ↣ Normally before going anywhere he checks that your oxygen is full and your mask is well on with spare parts in case something goes wrong and of course while he checks you he caresses your face, back, etc. ↣ At the base that has the oxygen of the earth, you can enjoy your whole face without the mask and there if you stole kisses all the time on the lips, cheeks and take your cheeks in his big hands, sometimes to annoy you he crushes or bites them. ↣ If you don't get somewhere, don't worry, he will take your waist and push you up or he will simply reach it for you, but he prefers the first option to be able to touch your body and feel your warmth. ↣ He is not a jealous person, but he has little confidence in the men around you, which is why, when he can secretly mark territory with his arm around your shoulders or waist, and sometimes gently grabs your waist, leaning towards him to kiss you on the cheek, crown or on the lips (In this case it is because she really hates that man). ↣ Since he helps you to vent, you can do it too, nothing more than maybe you should push him a little so that he opens up and I'll tell you what bothers or worries him. ↣ When he sees you worried or tense, he takes your hand and strokes his thumb over your knuckles. ↣ When you are afraid, he hugs you and he tells you that he will protect you from all evil along with a "I love you" ↣ He respects your opinions so if you say he is not a no. ↣ Regarding intimidation, it will be all with your permission, when both of you are ready. ↣ Regarding the offspring, it will be something that will sit down to talk to you to get your opinion, his is obvious, he would love to have children with you, whether adopted or biological, he would simply be happy sharing a life with a large family being your lover. ↣ Despite the fact that he is already a Na'vi and you are a human, that does not matter to him, the most likely thing is that they will talk about it, he will ask for your opinion, he will support you in whatever you choose, because if you want become like he did, he will try to make you achieve it to see you happy
Author's note:
I also wanted to thank you for supporting the previous fic, do you want a second part or do I do another one with some other theme? If you have any idea, do not hesitate to comment on it and if I can, I will write another one based on that or request an order
I will make several headcanons of Jake (because I will make one depending on the situation, if you are a human or a Na'vi, or if you met him when he was human, etc) and because he is my favorite 💕
You already know that I love to know his opinion, so do not hesitate to express yourself
Thank you for reading!
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pxndorasdream · 1 year
Experiment 101 — Part 2
AgedUp! Neteyam x Fem!Human! Reader
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Words: 5.5K
Warnings: Mention of kidnapping, mention of blood (Pls tell me if I’m missing something)
Summary: The three newcomers are interrogated by the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya and they make a great discovery. The youngest Sully boy made friends with the new humans in the base, but his older brother doesn’t seem very happy with their presence.
Notes: Hiii, i’m sorry this took so long, I didn’t have inspiration to write and this took me like a month to get it done, i’m so sorry. But now it’s here! I hope the fandom is not completely dead cause I still love avatar sm. keep in mind english is not my first lenguaje so it could have some mistakes
3rd Person POV / Proofread ig
Masterlist (i still don’t know how to do that, pls help💀)
“Who are they?” Norm asked the warriors that just arrived at the base, looking carefully at the three sky people he had never seen.
One of them shrugged. “Olo'eyktan told us to bring them here” He answered. “He said something about you and Max checking them and then he will question them”
“Okay, leave them there, please” The Na’vi warriors did what Norm said, laying Y/N, Cameron and Thomas on three stretchers inside of some kind of check room. “They don’t have an oxygen mask, are you sure they’re alive?”
“Positive, Olo’eyktan and his sons made sure it was that way”
“Okay, thank you” The human thanked and the warriors made their way out. “Max!” He called.
“What happened?” He answered peeking through the door.
“Jake says we have to check on these three” He informed, gaining a confused look from Max.
“And who are they?” Max asked looking carefully at the humans.
Norm shrugged. “They don’t know either, so I guess we’ll find out when Jake questions them”
“Fine, let’s get it done.”
Both scientists started to check on the three youngest ones, they had just a few scratches. But what concerned the adults was that their lungs were about to collapse. New oxygen masks were placed on them trying to keep them stable till they wake up.
“It seems they breathed Pandora’s air for a little too long, that why their lungs are collapsing” Max informed. “They need to stay in oxygen for a few more hours, in the meantime, we should do some blood test on them”
“Yeah, I’m on it”
On the other hand, Jake Sully and his sons arrived to their family hut. “What were you thinking? What if it was some kind of tramp from the sky people?”
“Dad, I’m sorry, we were just curious, no need to be so paranoid” The youngest said, immediately regretting it.
Jake raise a brow in Lo’ak’s direction. “Are you for real?”
Neteyam stepped in before the situation escalated. “I’m sorry sir, we will not be doing that ever again”
“I hope so, boy”
“Ma’ Jake, what is happening?” Neytiri’s voice was heard by the three Sully men. “What did you do this time?” She asked looking directly at Lo’ak.
“Your sons found some sky people left behind by the RDA” Jake explained. “We brought them to our base”
“What? Why? Why didn’t you kill them right away?” She asked her mate. “You know better than that”
“They are young, maybe the same age as our children”
“The sky people left them behind for some reason” She said. “They were sent to attack us!”
“Mom, if you let me, I don’t necessarily think they were ‘left behind’, I think they escaped the sky people’s base” The youngest son replied, trying to defend the three young humans, for some strange reason. Maybe they reminded him a little bit of his friend Spider.
“Why would they even want to escape the sky people? They are their own race”
Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, they are with Norm and Max right now, they’re unconscious, so they’re not a threat for now” He said. “Now, you two tell me what exactly did you heard from those humans”
Neteyam and Lo’ak shared a look, the oldest starting to tell what they’ve heard. “We already told you must of it, but they said they lived a shitty life and would probably die in a shitty way”
Lo’ak nodded. “They were kidnapped by the RDA, and they used them as lab rats, that’s all”
Jake pressed his lips. “Fine, I better get going to question them, the faster the better”
“Can we go?” Lo’ak asked. Neteyam didn’t show any emotion, but he wanted to go.
“No” Neytiri said. “There’s no way you go back there”
“Mom, we’ve been there many times, this will not change anything” Lo’ak tried to convince his mother.
“The other times you’ve been there, there weren’t some strange sky people”
“Please mom, we’re curious, they could breath Pandora’s air for much longer than usual, there must be something off, right?”
Neytiri moved her gaze from her youngest to her mate. Jake only nodded, quietly telling her that it was okay with him. “Fine, you can go” The brothers smiled. “But…” The smiled disappeared. “You will stay by your father’s side at all time, am I clear?”
“Yes mom”
“Fine, get out of here”
“Sooo, who do you think they are?” Lo’ak asked his older brother. “And what is their business here?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe their just lab rats as they said”
“Boys, keep up” They heard Jake talking to them. “We’ll get our answers once I talk to them, which will be in a few moments, so stop wondering about and walk faster!”
“Alright, alright” The youngest said.
Back in the lab, Y/N opened her eyes and stood up rapidly. The last she remembered was the RDA people being attacked by the Na’vi and then them not being able to breath along with the strongest pain she’d ever felt in her entire life.
“Hey, hey, hey, try to stay calm, we need you to stay calm” A unknown man told her. “You are safe now, but we need you to stay calm for us to explain what happened”
“Who are you? Where am I? Where are the others?” She asked switching her gaze every few seconds to every corner of the room she was in.
“My name is Norm and I’m a scientist” Y/N face started to drop. Not again, she thought to herself. Norm noticed it. “Don’t worry, we’re not with the RDA, you’re free”
“Alright, alright” She sound like she was trying to calm herself more than talking to Norm. “Where are the others?”
“The blonde guy is in the room next to us, the other one is still getting checked by other scientists” Norm explained.
“And Madison?” Y/N asked.
Norm looked at her confused. “There wasn’t a Madison with you”
“Uh? What do you mean? She’s a curly headed one, a few years older than me”
The man shrugged. “I’m sorry kid, but there were just the three of you, no one else” Y/N only nodded, trying to process the information. “What’s your name? It would really help to know the names of you three”
“Oh, yeah, I’m Y/N, the brunette guy is Thomas and the blonde one is Cameron”
“Alright then…” Norm was interrupted by some Na’vi on the door.
“Are they awake?” Jake asked. Norm stood up and walked towards the door.
“They are, let me get the others and you can start the questioning”
Jake gaze meet Y/N’s. “Okay then”
Soon enough, Cameron and Thomas enter the room, followed by Norm, Max and Jake Sully and his sons, who insisted in joining them.
“Oh god, now were going to get killed by the Na’vi people” Cameron started to talk when he saw the three tall blue figures towering them. “Why are we always at the verge of dying? That is kinda strange, don’t you think?” He asked Y/N who looked at him confused. “Anyways, it was nice to meet you guys, you really made the experience of being kidnapped a little fun”
“I don’t think being kidnapped is a funny experience” Y/N answered him, both of them totally forgetting there were witnesses to their conversation.
“Oh my god Cam, why do you have to talk so much in situations like these?” Thomas said angrily. “And you should stop answering him, you know how he gets, Y/N”
The scientists looked at them with a smile, those three young people were quite funny. Jake fought a smile from appearing, and Neteyam and Lo’ak were confused.
“We’re not going to kill you” Lo’ak finally spoke, breaking the discussion the humans were having.
“Not yet, at least” Neteyam added, gaining a look from his father.
“What are your names?” The oldest Sully asked. “I know he’s Cam” He pointed at the blonde human.
“Cameron, actually” He corrected. “But I guess you can call me Cam, I don’t care” He shrugged, making Y/N and Thomas roll their eyes.
“I’m Thomas” The brunette one said in a calm voice.
“My name’s Y/N”
“I’m Jake Sully, and I guess you already know Norm and Max” They nodded. “Okay, let’s get it done” The gazes of the three humans were now on the two younger Na’vi, Jake noticed this. “Oh yeah, these are my sons, Neteyam and Lo’ak” The two boys only nodded at them. “We’re not going to hurt you, we just want to ask you a few questions”
“We’ve heard of you” Y/N said to Jake. “Jake Sully, the one who betrayed his own race” The man made a face hearing the nickname humans gave him, but he regretted nothing. “I think what you did was brave” Y/N shrugged.
“Yeah, I would have done the same just to get away of those RDA bitches” Cameron said, gaining a laugh from Jake, Norm and Max.
“I know, they can be such dickheads, but I did it for a few more reasons” The oldest said thinking about his beautiful mate. “Anyway, let’s start, shall we?” They nodded. “How old are you?”
“21” The two boys said.
“19” Y/N answered.
“Alright, and how long have you been here?”
Cameron let a small smile out. “I don’t know, I guess just for a few hours, how long has been since we escaped the RDA?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Here on Pandora, not here with them, dumbass” Her gaze returned to Jake. “We’ve been here for like two and a half years, sir” She answered.
Jake noticed that neither did Cameron nor Thomas were taking the questioning seriously, so he asked if they can stay only with the girl.
“I’m sorry about them” She apologized once her friends were out of the room. “Thomas is a bit suspicious around everyone, and Cameron never takes things seriously”
“It’s okay, kid, don’t worry” Jake assured her. “But now, I need you to answer me everything I ask, ok?” She nodded. The scientists went outside too, only Norm and Max staying on the room with the Sully men and Y/N. “Now, why did the RDA kidnapped you?”
“They said it was because we had no one back on Earth, that no one would missed us or even noticed we are gone…” She started talking, feeling a wave of sadness through her body. “They were right, though, we have no one, so that’s why we are here, they never told us what we were going to do in Pandora, but we eventually found out”
“And what is that?” He asked.
“Being lab rats” She answered without hesitation. “They used us so they could test some serum, but they were never successful, every three days they came and injected some weird looking liquid, sometimes was painless, but sometimes it was so painful we eventually passed out”
Jake pursed his lips. How can some humans be such monsters, even with their own kind? “And do you know what that serum was supposed to do?”
Y/N nodded. “They told us just before your warriors attacked them” She confessed. “It’s supposed to make humans able to breathe Pandora’s air, no more oxygen masks ever again, but as I told you, the serum never worked until now, but I guess it didn’t work the way it was supposed to because we lost our breaths just a few minutes after”
“You’re correct. The serum didn’t worked well, you three arrived here with both lungs collapsed and unconscious, we work hard to stabilize you, but you’re okay for now” Norm mentioned.
“Both lungs collapsed?” Lo’ak asked. “That sounds dangerous”
“Because it is. It basically means the air escapes your lungs and fill the space between them and your chest wall, making even harder to breathe” Max explained the young Na’vi.
“So what now?” Y/N asked.
“Did you hear something else from the RDA people?” Neteyam asked, making his dad look his way.
Y/N shook her head no. “We were locked in cells for days, we only were able to exit them when they did their tests, we only talked to each other” She answered.
“So you think they will continue their tests without you?” The oldest Sully asked, looking at her with attention.
Y/N shrugged. “I mean, they still have Madison, she was with us every time a new serum was created, so I guess they’ll continue testing on her”
Jake pursed his lips. “So they’ll still have some advantage on us, if the sky people can breathe Pandora’s air, it will eliminate one of their weakest spots” It seemed that he was thinking about his next steps. “Okay, thank you very much, Y/N, now get some rest and let my friends here help you and your friends” He pointed to Max and Norm, who sent the girl a small smile.
Jake stood up and walk towards the door, Neteyam and Lo’ak following him. “It was nice to meet you” The youngest said to her just before crossing the door.
Neteyam only gave her a small nod and walked away.
“Well, that was something” She said making the two scientists laugh.
“I don’t know what you heard about Jake back in the RDA base, but he’s a good man” Norm said.
“I can tell already”
“For now, you should rest a few more days and try to get yourself better, and then we will try and figure things out, alright?” Max asked, Y/N nodded. “Alright then, see you later, Cam and Thomas will be here in just a few minutes”
“Dudeeee, what did they ask you?” Cameron entered the room. “Are they going to kill us?”
Y/N nodded. “Yes, they will just wait till we get better and experiment some new things on us, and then they’ll get rid of us” She joked, Cameron face instantly deforming into a sad expression. “I’m kidding, oh my god”
“You’ve got me worried for a second”
“So, what did they actually wanted?” Thomas asked.
“They wanted to know what was our business with the RDA” She said. “They were nice, they told me we should rest for a few more days and then they will tell us what’s our destiny”
Thomas nodded. “I just wish they won’t throw us back to the RDA base, I would rather be left alone in the forest than put a foot in that base again”
“Yeah, same”
What they didn’t knew, was that the Sully men and the two scientists were listening to their conversation. “What do you think they did to them?” Max asked. “They seemed really scared to go back”
“I don’t know, but knowing the RDA system, those poor kids are traumatized for life” Jake replied, making his sons wonder what was the RDA capable of and what happened to those three humans.
A few days passed and Y/N was feeling way better, one of the Na’vis came to visit them daily.
“Sooo, what was Earth like?” The Na’vi boy asked. “My dad has always said it was a dying world, but he hasn’t been there in a while, maybe you can tell me more about it?”
Y/N gave him a small smile. “It may sound crazy, but I don’t remember very much of it. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago but it seems like everything I knew back there just erased from my memory, I barely remember my life then” She confessed. “Maybe Cam or Thomas can tell you more about it”
“More about what?” Cameron entered the room. “Oh, what’s up, Lo’ak?” He said towards the young Na’vi.
“More about Earth” Lo’ak answered. He was always curious about his dad and his human part unlike his older brother, who didn’t want to know anything about the sky people, Neteyam only closeness to the human world was learning English and being friends with Spider, and lately, coming once in a while to the lab and talk with Norm and Max.
“Oh” Cam said. “Actually, I don’t remember much of it, it’s kinda weird”
“You don’t remember either?” Y/N asked him, he denied. “It is weird”
“What is weird?” This time it was Thomas who entered the room. “Lo’ak, how have you been?”
“All good, thanks” He answered.
“Lo’ak asked us to tell him more about Earth, maybe you could elaborate more than us” Cam said to Thomas. “Maybe you remember better than us”
Thomas smile dropped. “Actually…”
Lo’ak raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me that you don’t remember, aren’t you?” He said jokingly.
“Uhm, I do not remember much, actually” Thomas shrugged.
Lo’ak eyed up and down the three humans in front of him. “There is definitely something weird about that” He said. “How is it possible the three of you forgot almost everything that happened to you before getting kidnapped by the RDA?”
“Who forgot almost everything?” A fifth voice entered the room. It was Norm.
“It seems these three don’t remember a thing about Earth” Lo’ak spoke with a grin.
“It’s understandable. For what I know, it wasn’t a happy life you had back then, right?” The oldest one looked at them. “Maybe you suppressed some memories to protect yourselves”
Y/N nodded. “It’s not like that, Norm, at least speaking for myself, I do not remember a single thing” She said. “I mean, yeah, I know I didn’t have a perfect life and my parents weren’t the greatest, but I only know that because the RDA scientists kept saying that to me”
“What about you two?” He asked Cam and Thomas. “What do you remember?”
Cam looked at Thomas, noticing he wasn’t going to start speaking, so he did. “Same here, just the things Ardmore told us, that my mother died and I stayed with my father who wasn’t exactly father of the year”
“They told me my entire family died on a car crash and I was stuck in an orphanage” Thomas added.
“But you don’t remember anything at all?” Norm asked. “Anything besides what the RDA told you?” They shook their heads no. “Stay here, I’m going to order some tests to try and find out what they really did to you”
Norm left the room under the gazes of the three youngest humans and the Sully boy. “Aaand… we’re back again with the tests”
“Don’t worry guys, there no way Norm and Max can hurt you, trust me” Lo’ak finally spoke after being witness of the humans’ conversation. “I have to go, my dad said he wanted me home before eclipse or he will take my free time away and make me do some Olo’eyktan son shit” He stood up towering over Y/N.
“But you are the Olo’eyktan son” Y/N smiled at the Na’vi.
“Yeah, I’m aware of that, but that kind of task are always given to Neteyam, and let me tell you, they aren’t that fun, so I better run, I hope you can get your answers” He said while exiting the room. “Byeeee!”
“That guy is very chill, I wouldn’t have thought a native could be that nice” Cam said after a few minutes Lo’ak left.
“Yeah, well, that’s because Ardmore and her little soldiers always talked shit about the Na’vi” Y/N responded. “I don’t know how she can talk that bad about them but then go and make more and more avatars”
“I guess the RDA could really use the strength of the Na’vi combined with the training that human soldiers have” Thomas added.
The blonde one smiled mockingly. “Oh, and wait until their ‘final surprise’ wakes up”
“I forgot about that, they were always bragging about how the natives were done once the ‘final surprise’ woke up, what do you think it is?” Thomas asked genuinely concerned.
“I don’t think it is a ‘what’, I think it is more of a ‘who’” Y/N added. “I once heard them talking about that, but they kept saying that it was a ‘he’, so it’s a person”
“In that case, who do you think it is?”
Back on the village, Lo’ak arrived just in time. He found his older brother entering the hut as well. “What you’ve been up to, baby bro?” Neteyam asked, leaving his hunting gear on a corner.
Lo’ak shrugged. “Not much, I went to the lab”
“It seems you’re getting closer with the newcomers” The oldest said.
“I mean, why not? They are around our age, and Spider is there too sometimes”
“Boys, come help me serve dinner” Neytiri’s voice was heard all over the hut. The youngest Sully boys obeyed.
A few minutes later, the Sully family was eating dinner and telling each other about their days. “What did you do today, son?” Jake asked Lo’ak.
“I went to visit Norm and the newcomers” By the face Neytiri made, they all knew she wasn’t really happy with her youngest boy going there. “I learned something quite… interesting”
“What is it!?” Tuk asked excitingly.
Lo’ak let out a small chuckle. “It not exciting, Tuk Tuk, I’m sorry to disappoint” The youngest of the family made a pout. “I have some new information about what the RDA did to them”
“What is it?” This time was Kiri asking.
“I don’t know how, and I don’t know if it’s confirmed, but it seems they erased their memories” He let about. “The three of them don’t remember a single thing about Earth, only the things the RDA people told them, it was like they forgot all about themselves except for their names”
“That’s messed up!” Kiri said.
“It is, my girl, but that is just a taste of what the RDA is capable of” Jake told her with a soothing voice. “How do you know that, Lo’ak?”
“I asked them to tell me more about Earth…” Neytiri and Neteyam gazed at him, he only shrugged. “But they couldn’t remember a single thing”
“Is Norm informed about this?” The oldest Sully asked.
Lo’ak nodded. “Yeah, he overheard the conversation and said he was going to order some tests to find what really happened to them”
“I’m sure they’re thrilled to have some more tests” Kiri said sarcastically.
“Yeah, you bet” Lo’ak added.
“Hmm, I’m going to speak with Norm about this” Jake ended the conversation. “I need to get some things from the lab and since you just came back from there, it’s Neteyam’s turn to go” Jake instructed looking at his two sons.
Neteyam didn’t want to go. He didn’t like the lab very much, he preferred staying at the village and letting his brother go with the humans and avatars, but he couldn’t do anything. It was a direct order from his father and Neteyam knew better than disobey Jake.
“What do you want me to bring, father?” He asked trying to not show his annoyance.
“Just go, Norm knows what to do” He said. “Just don’t take too long, okay?” The youngest nodded and left the hut.
Neteyam walked for what seemed to him a long time, but he managed to arrive just in time before every human decided to go to bed.
“Hey Max” He greeted the scientist.
“Oh Neteyam! I didn’t expect to see you here, it is always your brother the one who is always around” Max greeted back with a smile. “What brings you here?” He asked.
“My dad send me to get some things” The Na’vi answered.
“Alright, what things?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, he told me to ask Norm and he would know what to do” He looked round the place to find Norm, but was unsuccessful. “Have you seen him?”
Max nodded. “Yeah, he’s at the back, last door to your left”
“Alright, thank you Max” He said goodbye and started walking the way the scientist told him.
“How much more do you need, Norm?” Neteyam heard a voice while approaching the door. “Because I feel like this is a lot” He knocked, getting a “come in” in response.
He saw Norm writing some things in a computer. “Just a little bit more, Y/N” Norm responded to the girl sitting behind him.
Neteyam’s gaze shifted to the feminine voice. He saw one of the humans he and his brother brought to the clan. The girl, to be more specific. She was laying down in a hospital bed with a strange tube attached to her arm. A red liquid was coming out of her and straight to a plastic-looking bag. It was obviously blood. “I read the average amount of blood a human can lost is 500 mililiters… that looks way more than 500 mililiters”
“A human can lose a lot more blood, that number it’s just the average amount of blood that can be drawn before starting feeling a bit dizzy” He said while rolling his eyes. “Oh Neteyam, what brings you here?” Norm asked once he saw the Na’vi.
“My dad sent me to get something” He answered. “He told me you would know”
“Oh yeah, I remember now” Norm looked around trying to find something. “It’s not here, let me go get it” The scientist started walking towards the door, the male Na’vi following him.
“Don’t leave me here, Norm! I can bleed out!” Y/N said trying to get the needle out of her arm.
“Stop it Y/N, you’re not going to bleed out…” He looked around once again. “I’m not going to take a lot of time” He told her. “Neteyam, can you do me a favor while I go get what your father asked for?” Neteyam didn’t know what to say so he just nodded. “Please stay with Y/N and keep an eye on her… if you hear a sound coming from the machine, it means she can take the needle out”
Staying with the human? I don’t think so, Neteyam thought. “I could go look for it if you tell me where it is and you could stay with her” He suggested but Norm denied.
“You will not be able to reach it, please stay with her, I won’t take long” Norm said and exited the room.
“Wait Norm!” Y/N started saying but couldn’t finish her sentence as the scientist was far enough. She eyed the Na’vi up and down a couple of times, feeling a bit uncomfortable with his presence. “Sooo… you’re Lo’ak’s brother, right?”
Neteyam only nodded, watching the red liquid coming out of her body. He mentally questioned why was the reason this human girl had to get that amount of blood drawn out of her.
Y/N looked away, feeling more uncomfortable with the lack of response from the boy.
The machine emitted a sound, meaning the treatment was done. “I think you can get the needle out” He said harshly towards her. His accent making a little difficult to understand him.
“Yeah, I know, I heard Norm” She responded with the same tone the Na’vi gave her. Y/N took the needle out and instantly pressed a cotton pad right were the sharpened object was. She got up the bed and walked towards the door, wanting to finally get out and go to her own room, but once she opened the door she lost balance, stumbling a little.
Neteyam, who was right next to the door, managed to catch her before she fell right on the floor. “Oh, hm, thanks” Y/N said looking up to connect her gaze with the Na’vi.
“It’s ok, you’re a little clumsy, I see” He mocked watching the girl exit the room, but he didn’t noticed Y/N heard him.
“I’m not clumsy, blue guy” She said a little offended. “It’s just…” She couldn’t finish her sentence when her vision went cloudy and the dizziness took over her, losing balance once again. She sat on the floor waiting for the dizziness to finally disappear while the Na’vi watched her with curiosity.
“Are you okay?” He asked, towering over the girl. He was already much taller than her when she was standing, and now that she was sitting on the floor and the Na’vi still standing, she felt like an insect.
“Do I look okay?” She asked sarcastically making Neteyam smile. “Just… give me a minute and I’ll leave”
The boy towering her shrugged. “I don’t care if you leave or not, you live here anyway”
“Here, tell your father…” Norm finally arrived with some boxes on his hands. “Why are you there?” He asked when he noticed Y/N on the floor.
“I feel so dizzy, I can’t stand up without losing balance” She said. “I told you that was too much blood, Norm”
Norm rolled his eyes. “Who’s the scientist here, kid?”
“Yeah, whatever… please help me?”
Norm looked at Neteyam. “Here you have, take these to your father and tell him we’ll have more by next week”
“Thanks Norm” Neteyam thanked the human and started walking towards the exit.
“It was nice to see you around here, Neteyam” The scientist said with a small smile. He saw the boy grow up and not being able to watch him more often now was kinda sad.
“Same here, Norm” He looked back before exiting the base. “See you later, little clumsy human” He winked at Y/N and disappeared within the forest.
“Did he just call you…” Norm began to ask but Y/N interrupted him.
“Yes he did, and you will never tell anyone he called me that, okay?” She threatened.
Norm let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, whatever you say, little clumsy human, let’s get you to your room so you can have something to eat and regain strength”
A few more days had passed and Jake Sully accompanied by his two sons were entering the lab once again.
Lo’ak went instantly in search of Spider, Cam, Thomas and Y/N, while Neteyam stayed with his father.
“Norm, Max” He greeted the scientists. Neteyam did the same by gesturing ‘I see you’.
“Jake, Neteyam, what brings you here?” Max asked.
Jake began to walk around the table the two scientists were working. “Lo’ak wanted to see Spider so I took the chance to come get more supplies” The oldest answered. “What are you doing?” He asked watching all the blood samples and scientific instruments they were using.
“We recently took some blood samples from the new kids and we found a lot of things” Max explained.
“What kind of things?” Jake asked. “They seem important”
“The technology the RDA is using to create this syndrome in which humans can breathe Pandora’s air is very advanced, we fear they’ve working on some other things”
“Like what?” Neteyam asked.
“We still don’t know, that’s why we have to keep testing it” Norm replied.
Jake saw all the things on the table. “By doing what exactly?”
“We need to keep testing with these kids, now, I know they won’t be happy with this information, but we could gain a huge advantage on the humans, Jake.”
“So now what? They are going back to being just lab rats?” Neteyam asked kinda annoyed. He listened to the whole story the three humans told, as well as Max and Norm, and they still want to keep testing shit on them?
“It sounds bad when you say it like that, but it is necessary for the sake of the clan, we can learn what the RDA are up to and prepare ourselves if something happens and also we could outsmart them, we just need the cooperation of those three kids.”
“I’ll talk to them” Jake said.
Neteyam looked at his father in awe. Was he really gonna let that happen? Even when he knew the trauma that comes with being held captive by the RDA?
On the other hand, back in the RDA base, General Ardmore was absolutely horrified. “What do you mean by ‘We lost them’?” She asked some of the scientists.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but they are probably dead by now, the girl who couldn’t run away showed us that the serum was not ready yet, they probably collapsed a few seconds after they escaped” The man explained to her.
“You better pray to God they are already rotting, because if they somehow ended in Jake Sully’s hands, we’re screwed.” Her eyes wandered around the place until they met Madison, the poor girl who could escape. “Question her, I don’t mind what methods you use, but I need to make sure those three are really dead and I’m pretty sure she has some answers.”
The soldiers grabbed Madison by her arms and guided her to a questioning room. It was quiet at first, but her screams suddenly started to become more and more loud. Let’s just pray she didn’t see anything, cause if she did, the three humans back in the Na’vi reserve are in so much danger.
Tags: @myh3artttt @heart-an0n
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