#maybe I’m making this sound too profound. it’s more of a feeling than anything
lovelesslittleloser · 9 months
Sometimes, when I listen to a particularly good song, I can envision a scene and the emotions brought with it, and it makes me sad that my art and animation skills aren’t good enough yet to depict it to others the way I see it
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
The Assembly sees a cast of thirty-five interviewers who are autistic, neurodivergent or learning disabled, question an A-list celebrity for one extraordinary TV interview.
In this half-hour special, it's multi-award-winning actor and director, Michael Sheen, who is to face the grilling of a lifetime from the unique collective. No subject is out of bounds, no question is off the table.
On subjects as diverse as ex-girlfriends and on-screen kisses, to the OBE he gave back or his favourite motorway, how will the Good Omens star fare as The Assembly bring their unique approach to the celebrity interview?
The Assembly cast is a diverse cast ranging in age from eighteen to seventy-seven, amongst the group are musicians, artists, writers and students. Each will take their own approach in their attempt to get to the truth of Michael Sheen like nobody before has- whether that’s finding out his favourite sandwich filling or how he felt when his daughter was born.
The format is an adaptation of French show Les Rencontres Du Papotin, which saw the likes of Emmanuel Macron and Camille Cotin (Call My Agent) face the neurodivergent journalists of the Papotin. Gone was the flattery of the usual celeb fare – in its place, a mix of mischievous prodding, leftfield quizzing and profound exchanges. The superstars left completely off guard: actors asked about a driving ban or the death of a parent, the President asked if it’s really the behaviour of a role model to marry one’s teacher.
The show comes from Michelle Singer and Stu Richards' Rockerdale Studios, creators of mischievous content which seeks to put disabled agency at its heart. Stu is also known for co-creating and writing the BBC Three comedy, Jerk, and Rockerdale are most known for Channel 4’s Mission: Accessible.
Rockerdale Studios has worked closely with the BBC’s Creative Diversity Team, to ensure every element of the series works for and with autistic and neurodivergent voices.
The Assembly is a half-hour special to celebrate Autism Acceptance Week. Expect profound revelation, glorious chaos, and a lot of laughs.
The Assembly airs Friday 5 April, 10:40pm on BBC One and iPlayer
Interview with Michael Sheen
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What made you say yes to being a part of The Assembly?
I said yes to being a part of The Assembly because it was just such an extraordinary and interesting idea. Then reading about the original French series, it just sounded so extraordinary, different and potentially a very revealing way to approach the tried and tested interview process, but obviously it is a lot more than just being an interview. The interview part of it is just one aspect of the project and I think there is still a lot of confusion, ignorance and fear around people with any kind of difference. I think being able to be involved in a project like this could maybe break down some of those barriers.
How is this different from any other TV show you’ve been a part of?
It’s very much unfiltered and that’s really exciting and quite nerve wracking for that reason! So much on TV is sort of smoothed out and filtered and made safe and this, certainly in the making of it, felt very not that! All the better and more refreshing for it too. I know a lot of work is put into the research and preparation for a show like this, but in terms of the actual questions being asked and the experience that you have in all being together when you’re filming, it feels very unpredictable in a really good way and really lead by the people taking part, which is terrific.
How did you feel going into filming?
Well I didn’t really have anything to go on, so I was excited. Sometimes when I’m going to be interviewed, I know what the interview is going to be about, I have a vague idea of the questions that will come up, I know the sort of things that I need to get across about what I’m there to talk about. But with this, I really had no idea what I was going to be asked, so I had to be prepared for everything and anything, there was a kind of freedom in that I suppose. Because of the unfiltered nature of what was going to happen and not being able to anticipate what might be asked, it was a little nerve wracking yes, but I was mainly just very excited!
Did your experience differ from what you were expecting and if so how?
Well I didn’t know what to expect really, so it’s not that it wasn’t what I was expecting because you can’t expect anything! There's no way you can expect anything because you just don’t know what’s going to happen, and because it is so unfiltered and unpredictable in terms of what might happen, where things might go, how people might be feeling on the day. For all the difficult questions that got asked at times, it just felt very loving and joyful and that everyone was very happy and excited to be there even though people were nervous or had anxiety at different times. There was a genuine feeling of community and I felt very welcomed into that community and ready to play so to speak, and you have to be ready to play. I felt very safe and looked after and it was just really, very funny as well – there was lots of laughter and wonderful things that people asked, responded to and performed, I mean I wasn’t expecting all of that, that was just wonderful! So many moments that I’ll never forget.
How does this compare to any other interview you’ve experienced?
It’s so unfiltered! The closest thing I can say is The One Show, where you go on to talk about one thing and then they ask you about everything else that’s going on on the show, so you get a question about your favourite bus route, then they ask you about otters! There’s an extraordinary pinball effect of questions and that’s the closest I could describe, but The Assembly is that x100. It really is extraordinary and that’s very unlike any other interview I’ve done really, usually everything is meant to follow on logically and have a kind of smoothness and polish to it, and this is just really raw and unfiltered and uncensored and I love that, I thought that was wonderful.
What can viewers expect from the show?
I imagine it will be very funny and I think quite moving. I was quite moved at times by seeing how much people had to struggle to overcome certain things they were dealing with in order to ask questions at times. That was uplifting. I think it will be different, it will be thought provoking I hope, and challenging in certain ways; challenging certain kinds of myths and stereotypes I think and ultimately just really entertaining and fun and joyful. I can’t really remember what I said, so I don’t know what people will learn about me... but it’s not about me, it’s about that fantastic group of people, but I certainly got a huge amount out of it too and I hope an audience will as well.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Congrats on the four hundred followers. When this open can I get one for Mercy by Shawn Mendes and Fem reader with Lloyd. Thank you
Loved the vibes for this one!! :D
Word count: 1.1k
Ninjago - Mercy (Lloyd) (400 follower event)
The sunset’s angry hues were giving in to the calmer shades of night on the horizon, the sun’s fervent flames being doused in the blue ocean that seemed to stretch on into infinity. You blinked slowly, giving your eyes a rest from the intense view.
Keeping your eyes closed for a second, you listened to the waves crashing on the rocks below. From up high on the cliffside it was a soft hiss, but you knew that down there it was a deafening roar of water.
“Hear that?” You smiled, opening your eyes to glance at the blonde boy sitting beside you.
“Yeah,” he said, his gaze dropping from the horizon to his feet extended out in front of him. He was clearly thinking about something deep. Not wanting to disturb him again, you just turned back to the sunset.
Your fingers brushed through the grass, appreciating the coolness that was settling in as the light faded.
You didn’t notice, but as you moved your hands they brushed gently against Lloyd’s balled fists, which contracted even tighter at your touch.
Lloyd’s lips were pressed into a firm line. Here you were, languid and lethargic as a cloud beside him, while he was tighter than petrified wood. He always got like this when he was this close to you; his entire body would tense up, and he’d send frequent shy glances in your direction. He could never decide if he was grateful for the way you never seemed to take notice.
There were a lot of things you didn’t notice. The way he’d stare at you when you talked, the longing glances he’d send when you were across the room, the way his voice changed ever so subtly when he was talking about you… you were aloof, indifferent to it all.
And worse were the things you did, again, without notice. You’d grab his hand, pull him close, hug him, tell him how handsome he was, how brave, how kind. You’d tell him how important he was to you. You’d tell him he was your favorite.
It wasn’t that you seemed insincere; no, you were more genuine than anyone Lloyd had ever met. But that was part of the problem. How could you be so real, yet not feel something more profound around him, like he did around you?
He forced his clenched jaw to relax. It’s not like you did this on purpose, he reminded himself. Maybe it’s just me getting too attached, he lamented.
And then you said it.
“This is the type of sunset you’ve gotta share with someone special.”
And then you did it.
You smiled. The way your lips curved told him that there could be nothing more real, more special than what was between you two. But what was that?
“I can’t do this anymore, Y/n!”
You blinked, your smile dropping. For a moment Lloyd was sad to see it go, but he shook his head in frustration and the feeling was gone.
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but… can’t you see what you do to me?”
“What do I do to you?” You looked concerned.
“You—!” Lloyd gesticulated vaguely, not quite sure what he was doing himself. He threw his hands up with a sigh, giving up on his hands and trying words again.
“When I’m around you, my heart beats so fast. Your smile makes me feel like I’m rocketing up into the sky. Your voice is my favorite sound. Sometimes I just sit there wishing you’d tell me to do something, anything, so that I can feel like I’m doing something for you, too. Because you’re always the highlight of my day. The days I don’t see you are almost unbearable.”
He ran a hand through his hair, bringing his knees to his chest and keeping his gaze directed downwards.
“I just… I’m like your puppet. You’ve got this grasp on me. I’d do anything for you. I’d sacrifice my life for you; I’d do it twice!”
You were just watching him, eyes wide, lips parted in a shocked expression. You wanted to speak, but there were no words.
“And the worst of it is… you don’t even know that you do this to me.” His voice dropped to a miserable whisper as he said: “You don’t even feel the same.”
“Lloyd,” you said at last. It didn’t come out pitifully. Nor did it come out angrily. It was a command for his attention, and you got it straight away. You felt a strange pang of guilt as his pained eyes snapped over to you; was this really the effect you had on him?
You almost reached to hold his hands as you spoke, but you decided that this was a bad idea. Instead you just balled your fists and put them at your sides as you turned to face him.
“Lloyd… I’m able to be so affectionate towards you because that’s really how I feel. Affectionate, I mean. I… I love you! With my whole heart! I get this thrill whenever I’m able to give you a compliment or hold your hand—that’s why I do it. I guess I just never considered that you might feel the same. I’m so sorry, that must’ve been torture for you.”
“For me? What about you? You didn’t think I felt the same,” Lloyd blinked, eyebrows coming together in puzzlement.
You looked away bashfully. “Yeah, it hurt whenever you looked away all embarrassed or laughed awkwardly at me. But… I guess I misinterpreted it?”
A smile gradually curved Lloyd’s lips, and laughter began to bubble from his mouth. It became more and more intense, and you felt compelled to laugh, too.
“Are we both idiots?” Lloyd managed, wiping a tear from his eye.
“Idiots in pain. And for no reason, apparently.”
Your mouths both closed at last, the laughter leaving grins on both your lips. You stared at each other with looks of relief, of admiration, and for the first time you finally saw the affection you had for each other reflected in the others’ eyes.
And suddenly your lips were connected, and your hand was on top of Lloyd’s. His free hand held the back of your head gently, fingers subtly shifting as he felt your hair.
When you pulled apart, your foreheads came to rest against each other. You were both looking down at your hands; your thumb brushing Lloyd’s knuckles, Lloyd’s fist finally having relaxed.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“You have no idea how good it is to hear that.”
You giggled. “I could say the exact same thing.”
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Thank you so much for taking part in our event!! And thanks for reading, take care loves <33
(divider by saradika)
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thelonelyarchon · 26 days
004 - rejected
Note: written text up ahead after divider
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ONCE you turned the knob of the door that leads you to the living room, you half-expected to deal with the questions your other friends had for you. Locking yourself in the bathroom for five hours is not normal per se, but it was much needed for your sanity.
You’re surprised by the lack of your other friends’ presence. To give you and Kaveh some space to reconcile, they’ve stealthily hidden themselves behind a large china cabinet. You noticed them either way. If Kaveh noticed their presence too, he didn’t make it obvious that he did.
Kaveh stood in the middle of the room with a tight-lipped expression and guilty eyes that one would think he did something more horrible than just sending out a letter that wasn’t supposed to be sent. You narrowed your eyes at him. He winces.
Proud as you were, you knew Kaveh didn’t do anything wrong. He had only followed the instruction you have given him in the first place. Maybe your stubbornness looked for excuses to rationalize your own fault so Kaveh who had done the unthinkable got your rage.
When you see his guilty state, you sighed and walked towards.
“Ten minutes. Let’s talk this out.” You said in a weak voice.
Kaveh looked like a wilted flower. At the sound of your voice, he perks up just fine. He had been blaming himself for being reckless. As anyone who knew him would comment on that particular trait. He didn’t want you to hate him for this.
“Hey, I’m sorry, [name.]” He starts. You shake your head.
“What do you mean? I should be the one saying sorry. Between the two of us, it was my fault.”
“I mailed the letter.”
“I told you to mail them, though. You didn’t know which one is which so it was my fault,” you walked closer to him. “For that… I’m sorry. Don’t work yourself up too much.”
In an attempt to console him of the guilt he has, you pat his shoulder and give him a smile. He hesitantly smiled back.
“Also, if you think I’m mad because you were the one who sent the letter, you’re wrong. I’m mad at myself.” You laugh.
“So, this is settled now? Are we friends again?” Kaveh asked.
“It depends on the contents of that letter.” You used your lips to point at the letter on his hand, hanging at his side. He looks at it and raises it.
“It’s from Alhaitham.”
“I know.”
“You may not like the contents.”
“I know.”
“You still want to read it?” He confirms for the third time. You grab it from his hand and nods. Kaveh sucks in a sharp breath and waits.
You opened the letter and scanned the contents of the letter. The more you read the letter, the more your vision began to blur and the whirlwind of emotions began to suffocate you. You feel your heart breaking with each line coming from Alhaitham. You already expected this kind of reply. But it still hurt deep inside. To stop you from reading it, Kaveh covers your vision of the letter with his hand.
“That’s enough,” he said softly.
“I guess we’re not friends anymore, Kaveh.” You laugh jokingly through streams of tears. “I need a moment.”
“S-sure.” He watches you as you walk towards the other end of your dorm. You weakly throw Alhaitham’s letter away before sitting out on the small hanging balcony. Out of curiosity, Kaveh walked towards the bin and reads your letter. He notices the original letter he sent to Alhaitham.
Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you in good health. To begin with, I did not expect to receive such a letter on such short notice. I have read the contents of your letter thoroughly, and I have contemplated what to write back to you in correspondence.
I must admit I am flustered by your words of praises, Ms. [Name]. However, I would like to apologize for being a bearer of bad news.
Though I appreciate your enthusiasm and 'profound love for me,' I regret to inform you that I cannot return those feelings.
My feelings are reserved only for the one who makes my heart beat with fervor. I’m afraid someone already has the right to those feelings.
Enclosed with this reply is your letter. It may be best for me to return it to you. If we ever pass by each other or whether or not you approach me some other time, I shall treat you as though I know nothing so we may start anew.
I hope I didn’t ruin this day any further for you. For all that it’s worth, happy valentine’s day. Have a nice day.
Kaveh sighs and reaches the letter on the trash bin. He didn’t know what to do with it but something in him is saying that this will be needed someday. Maybe he’ll keep it safe until then. Maybe [Name] will need it someday.
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TAGLIST: @makimakimi @yura-4life
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b4b3tte · 10 months
Hey, dear. Would you write something about Ken being in love with a curvy girl with low self-esteem? My idea sounds like she's in love with him too, but doesn't show it cause is afraid of rejection. So he would try to kinda "convince" her that he is really interested.
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — here is Ken confessing his love for the human girl he fell for
Contains of — Insecurities, bad mental health thoughts, confession, etc
Pairing — Gosling!Ken x Female Reader
note — UGH I LOVE when you guys request stuff, it makes me so happy thank you for the request I love it, it’s very unique than my other ones!! I hope you enjoy this and you and your body is gorgeous no matter what <3
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Ken had always been captivated by You, a curvy girl with a heart of gold. The radiant smile could light up a room, but he noticed something more profound beneath your cheerful exterior - a hidden layer of self-doubt that you carried like a heavy burden.
You as well, had secretly admired Ken from afar. His warm personality and the way he made everyone around him feel valued had won your heart, but fear held you back from revealing your true feelings. You couldn’t bear the thought of rejection, so you kept your emotions locked away.
It wasn’t something you did intentionally but something that just came naturally, you always feared of rejection and not being good enough for people, and knowing someone like ken
someone that’s handsome,charming, funny and bright, that made you question your worth and morals more than normal
You always heard of people talking about how Ken is head over heels for you but obviously you never took them seriously because why would you?
People are cruel these days and would do anything to make someone’s day bad, plus you simply thought you were worthy enough to be liked by someone especially someone like Ken
You couldn’t help these thoughts, so you just let them overpower you and become oblivious to kens flirting. Ken really adored you and wanted to impress you ten times more than he “ impressed “ Barbie,
it’s always “ hey y/n watch what I can do “ , “ y/n look at what I made “ , “ hey y/n want to go to the movies later tonight? “
Ken tried all of those things but he never managed to get a reaction out of you, he was genuinely wondering what was he doing wrong, he even started doubting himself but he finally decided he was gonna take this into his own hands
One gloomy afternoon, Ken decided it was time to make a move. He invited you to your favorite coffee shop, where you guys often shared stories and laughs. As you guys sipped their lattes, he mustered the courage to speak his truth.
“Y/n,” Ken began, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. I’ve admired you for a long time, not just for your beauty, but for the incredible person you are. I feel like you being here has brightened my life, you make me feel respected you put me first and I never thought that would happen. “
Your heart races at the shocking words ken just spoke, you really couldn’t believe he was saying those words to you, as you looked into his eyes, realizing that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did.
Ken continued, “i know we have some things we don’t like of ourselves but I hope you know that I’m really interested in you, for who you are “
Ken always was confident but when it came to you he always choked up and got noticeably flustered, when it came to the part of speaking about your body he definitely hesitated but it just had to come out
“ Your curves are a part of what makes you uniquely beautiful, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
You really wanted to tear up at kens heartfelt words you never had someone feel this way about you, hell you didn’t even feel like this about yourself, so to have someone to say this to you made you genuinely happy.You had never felt so cherished, so accepted for who you truly were.
Over time, Ken’s unwavering support and love helped you gain confidence in yourself . you began to see yourself through his eyes, not as someone with low self-esteem, but as a woman worthy of love and admiration.
Your love story blossomed, built on a foundation of trust, acceptance, and the courage to reveal your guys true feelings. Together, you two proved that love could conquer even the deepest insecurities, and you guys embraced your journey towards self-discovery and mutual adoration
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I Hope you guys enjoyed this, sorry for the rusty grammar and such, I wrote this during class lmao but I hope it’s still good!! Love you guys!! Please request more stuff❤️
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izzytown · 1 year
okay so i had a request to redo my “the fellowship reacts to starbucks” post but with the company (and since this is my niche now, i’m here to provide!)
the premise is mostly the same as the other post, just my silly little headcanons on what the characters would drink at starbucks. i now present to you “the company reacts to starbucks coffee” (part 1/2)
i adore the hobbit, but even though I’ve read the book (and watched the films) a fair number of times, i’m much more well-versed with LOTR characters than i am with those from the hobbit, so bear with me.
note: will not be including gandalf as i’ve already included him in the fellowship’s post - pop over there if you’re curious!
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thorin: the grumpy-ass prince himself need not trifle with complicated orders when going to the bux. in fact, i propose he only goes if he’s DRAGGED by his arms and legs by fili and kili during babysitting duty—he gets a dark roast pourover, regardless of what roast is brewed, just because he “respects coffee craft.” you will find him rolling his eyes whenever a frap is ordered, silently mumbling about how his local coffee shop under the lonely mountain is WAY better.
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fili: the quieter, more thoughtful sibling, fili is hit or miss on caffeine. if he’s looking for something pretty caffeinated with flavor, i think he goes for an iced brown sugar, toffee nut latte. not too sweet, but very flavorful (just like his personality). if he ain’t feeling a lot of caffeine, he probably gets an iced black tea to have something to sip on while supervising kili's shenanigans. also, he gets a cheese danish as a little snack, it’s canon-
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kili: this man is on crack. he’s a kid in a candy store when he walks into starbucks- first off, he gets a birthday cake pop EVERY time without fail (much to thorin’s bank account’s dismay). he’s okay with caffeine, but the taste of coffee is a little much for him, so he cycles through a strawberry açaí lemonade, a vanilla bean frap, a chocolate cookie crumble frap, or an iced chai with cold foam and caramel drizzle. just gallons of pure sugar in a 16oz “coffee” for this guy!
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oin: now i know very little about oin, but what I do know is that he seems like he doesn’t give two shits about anyone (respectfully). to me, that sounds like someone who drinks an insane amount of espresso and could care less how long it takes to pull 8 shots. therefore, I propose he drinks a 6-8 shot espresso over ice in a venti cup, with a light splash of cream. the pedro pascal special!
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gloin: dark roast is the only acceptable roast of coffee in gloin’s household, how else would gimli acquire his profound appreciation for coffee? gloin tends to go for heavier, powerful drinks, contrasting gimli’s love of a good 'ol cappuccino. gloin’s go-to if there’s no dark roast available is probably a hot black americano with a couple packets of raw sugar, keeping it classic while wanting a drink that packs a punch.
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ori: this is the sweetest dwarf you ever did see, and i think his drinks reflect that. not only does he give the vibe of someone who doesn’t drink anything too caffeinated, but he also seems like he has drinks for every season. he’s happy to have a nice chai latte in the autumn, a decaf peppermint white mocha for winter, a peach tranquility tea with two honey packets during the spring, and probably a passion tea lemonade (sweetened with liquid cane) during the summer.
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dori: he so slays. dori seems like a mom friend to me, rolling his eyes and being a responsible part of the company, so i’m gonna make the executive decision and say he probably gets a typical “mom” drink, which to me is an iced mocha (or black and white mocha) w/ no whip. or maybe a honey citrus mint tea if he’s feeling sick, trying to cut back on sugar (as if it’s any better for you Lmao)
part 2 is available here
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ducktracy · 1 year
for the art asks: 3, 4, 11, 21 :)
3. Least favorite things to draw?
THIS IS GENUINELY HARD… “i don’t have one” is such a cheater answer! but as i’ve drawn more and more and gotten more out of my comfort zone, i find i don’t really dread drawing anything as much? being a professional artist is kind of nice because regardless of how you feel about what you’re drawing (not talking like morally objectionable stuff of course), you still GOTTA DRAW IT! which actually sounds horrible now that i put it that way BUT I MEAN IT IN A GOOD WAY LOL. like, i can groan and gripe about something, but at the end of the day there’s an end product that needs to be achieved and grumbling to myself isn’t gonna do me any favors.
i used to not like drawing cars, which i know is a pretty shared experience, but having gotten used to drawing cars for work or personal art i don’t mind as much anymore, and actually enjoy the challenge! i’m always looking to challenge myself, and i think that mindset has helped me a lot. i always tell my supervisors that i’ll draw anything they put in front of me LOL
4. Favorite things to draw?
TOO MANY TO LIST… so predictable of me to say this but Daffy and/or Porky are definitely up there regardless HAHA. it is very true though! they’re very forgiving to me. i can get into their minds well, and they’ve known me and my pencil enough to know what to do. we have a good relationship!! they’re always two characters i can draw with ease and feel good drawing. i will never run out of inspiration with them.
like any artist, i have a lot of Personal Artistic Philosophies, and one of my biggest is that i view my art as a conversation. i try to get into the heads of the characters i draw. at the same time, i feel like a director—telling them where to stand, what to pose, what to emote, no, this isn’t working, i need a little more from you, good, good, maybe try it like this, etc. it’s something i’ve embraced tenfold as of late, seeing as my job relies on this whole principle—getting into the minds of the characters and making them act believably, endearingly, and innocently funny. i really just like getting to draw any sort of character that i can build that “”relationship”” with, so to speak. it’s especially nice with my favorite characters or characters who are receptive to me back, so like Daffy or Porky or SpongeBob and so on.
on a LESS philosophical note though, i DO love painting as well. i really enjoy every part of the art process (and i’m not just saying that!), but i find coloring and painting and rendering particularly zen. it’s rewarding to watch the fruits of my labor come together and materialize! likewise, there’s less stress, because painting and coloring can be more ambiguous—i’m not doing thumbnails or rough layers of how i’m gonna color something, not struggling to figure out the construction or perspective of color. it’s a nice leisurely change of pace and is something i find relaxing… which is good and rare considering i’m firing on all cylinders otherwise! my mind is always going 37466372mph and so it’s nice to have something to ground it.
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever received on your work?
THIS I DO HAVE A MORE STRAIGHTFORWARD ANSWER TO HAHA.. i’m so fortunate enough to have been told many, many kind things from friends, coworkers, supervisors, followers and strangers alike. i make a point to internalize every compliment i get—acts of kindness are something i take very seriously and i’m very, very sentimental. i’ve been told many great things over the years and i am sincerely lucky for all of them.
one of the most profound, though, was Bob Clampett’s daughter, Ruth, commenting this on my tribute to The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (and yes i’m posting the screenshot because i still can’t believe it!!)
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i’ve been lucky to have been told MANY nice things.. but i don’t think a single comment has ever made me bawl like a baby more than that one LOL. i still get emotional thinking about it! it reminded me of how eternally lucky i am to be doing what i am.
21. Weirdest thing you’ve ever drawn?
THERE’S QUITE A VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM.. i have “i was on deviantArt when i was 11” syndrome so that spawned a lot of. interesting things. i truly could not narrow it down.. but i immediately thought of this one so. i don’t know what it means or who this is either
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thanks for the asks!!
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Trajectory - Raising Hell [Osborn]
Part 4: 9 Year Ago, Late Spring
"Why are you coming to pick me up?"
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Juvie Guard: You’re free to go.
Osborn: Got it.
Ye Chuan: Osborn! Here! Here!
Osborn: ……Ye Chuan?
Ye Chuan: What’s with that face? You don’t recognise me anymore?
Osborn: Why are you here?
Ye Chuan: To pick you up, of course!
Ye Chuan: Don’t just stand there. Hand over your load, I'll help you lug it. Why are you only wearing one piece when it’s so chilly outside?
Ye Chuan: Here, put this on, don’t catch a cold.
Osborn: No need, I am fine.
Ye Chuan: Just pass them to me, I said. You've never been this polite to me before.
Ye Chuan: Let me take a good look at you. You’ve grown taller, and your hair is even longer now. But why are you losing so much weight?
Ye Chuan: I heard some news about the juvie on TV. They claim that the youths there weren’t feed and were even beaten up.  Are you hurt?
Osborn: No.
Ye Chuan: I’m still worried. Let me see.
Osborn: There’s really none, they couldn’t beat me up.
Ye Chuan: You little brat.
Ye Chuan: It's early; let's treat ourselves to a great meal. At the southern end of the city, there is a brand-new lamb place. I bet you’ll like it.
Ye Chuan: Your hair needs trimming too. It’s covering your eyes. I'll take you shopping for new clothes and shoes in a few days……
Ye Chuan: Why are you not saying anything? Wow, you've learned how to act profound, you little brat.
Osborn: You kept talking, I don’t know what more to say.
Ye Chuan: Not wrong, too.
Ye Chuan & Osborn: You—
Ye Chuan: You first.
Osborn: Why do you come to pick me up?
Ye Chuan: Haven’t you asked that once?
Ye Chuan: I bought a new computer at home; didn't you always want one? You need to tell me how to use it. I've always wanted to give that, uh, poker and minesweeper a go.
Osborn: You have no idea how to play minesweeper?
Ye Chuan: Who says I don't know how to play? I have played it many times on our neighbour Old Wang's computer. It keeps exploding after a few clicks, so strange.
Osborn: That’s because you’re noob.
Ye Chuan: Little brat, that’s because you didn’t teach me, and make me embarrassed in front of Old Wang.
Ye Chuan: It’s set then.
Osborn: What did you wanna say to me?
Ye Chuan: I’m sorry, little brat.
Osborn: Why are you apologising?
Ye Chuan: I've wronged you in the past. Forced you to apologise to them without knowing the full story.
Ye Chuan: I did it with the best intentions, hoping it would set you on the right track. I was… I was failing as a father.
Osborn: ……
Ye Chuan: You— You do not mind if I use the word "father," right?
Osborn: It won't stop you from using it, even if I mind, right?
Ye Chuan: Sounds right.
Osborn: But don’t mention it anymore.
Ye Chuan: That’s fair. Seeing as how it's uncomfortable for both of us every time I use that word, I suppose it's best if I just start treating you like a brother.
Ye Chuan: Before I came here, I was scared that you won’t come with me.
Ye Chuan: But now I’m relieved.
Ye Chuan: Did you know? The girl you helped ended up transferring to a different school. She came to say goodbye in person, and she asked me to pass along her appreciation.
Ye Chuan: I was thinking at that moment, how am I blessed with such a great so— brother.
Ye Chuan: A lot of people are talking about empathy these days. You know, I was just thinking that if I were in your position, I doubt I'd be able to do any better than you.
Osborn: Now you know.
Ye Chuan: Can you show any humility, you spoiled brat?
Ye Chuan: I know it might be too late, but I still want to you to know that I never doubted you.  
Osborn: Then why did you force me to apologise?
Ye Chuan: Maybe because I’m selfish.
Ye Chuan: I selfishly thought that maybe things might be settled with an apology and you wouldn't have to go through the hardship of juvie. I never thought about how you feel.
Ye Chuan: It also didn't cross my mind that if I helped you back then, maybe we could blow this thing up, and they won't be able to do their evil deeds anymore.
Ye Chuan: For that, I still need to learn from you.
Osborn: Getting there. You talk so much; I am not used to it.
Ye Chuan: Tired of walking? Should’ve just called for a cab.
Osborn: It’s fine, not that far.
Osborn: Did you also walk here?
Ye Chuan: I’ve been here since last night. I was wrong about your release time, I thought it was last night.
Osborn: So, you didn’t sleep?
Ye Chuan: Sleep? I can’t sleep thinking about fetching you home today.
Osborn: Aren’t you embarrassed? I was in juvie. Aren’t people usually embarrassed if that happens?
Ye Chuan: What nonsense!
Osborn: Take it easy!
Ye Chuan: Good thing you feel the pain! Why should I feel embarrassed? Every word I've said so far seems like a waste of time.
Ye Chuan: We’re almost home. I've got a new blanket for you. You should be able to sleep well in it.
Osborn: Aren't we going to the lamb place in the city's south?
Ye Chuan: Not today, let’s eat at home today.
Osborn: Why are you being so cheap?
Ye Chuan: What do you mean, cheap? I forgot that I had warmed up some chicken soup on the stove. This memory of mine... Surely, certainly, without a doubt, we will go to the lamb place tomorrow…...
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
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The Whisperer: Part 4 (Wally Clark Fic)
A/N: so the slashes will be what the spirits are writing in the note and the little squiggles are Morrigan’s responses. Also each ghost that asked a question had their own paragraph to make the reading easier. Much love ❤️
“See cherry pop I told you she would be back.” Oh good lord they’re all here. Fantastic they must have followed Dawn to my locker and not being idiots they put two and two together that this was my personal space that they could invade. Dawn did look a bit sheepish so I’m guessing they did more than follow her, I have a feeling she implied they should come with her.
“Dawn. Is there a specific reason that the ghosties are surround long my locker?” I knew I sounded like an exasperated parent talking to their child but it was literally only 7:30 in the morning…on a Monday. Which meant I had five days that I had to make it through without having a major migraine. For the most part the other spirits had left me alone, Dawn talked to everyone so the simple fact that she seemed so interested in me was nothing of major concern to them.
“Cherry pop here says you stared right at her when you first came into school, and that you tried to ignore her. We can’t even indirectly tell interact with the students, Dawn thought it was maybe just her so she tried talking to a few but nothing happened.” Rhonda shrugged and for the first time I’m guessing in forever she threw the lollipop that she was abusing with her tongue in the trash and turned back to me. “So why want to know why you’re the only one who can, and Dawn here has some kind of profound since of loyalty to you so I’m sure it you did tell her and told her not to tell us she wouldn’t.” Lovely it was like having my own little ghost puppy. It could be worse. It could be Rhonda, is there a place you can surrender spirits that you don’t want? Connor’s words echoed in the back of my mind and I quickly pushed that thought away as fast as it had surfaced.
I opened my locker and shoved my homework from the weekend and lunchbox in before grabbing periods 1-3 supplies and cramming them in my bookbag. “Look I’ve already told you I guess I’m just fucking special I don’t know okay. All I know is for some reason you can see and talk to me and I can see and talk to you. I can even hold your hand and stuff too just like I would a human.”
“So you can have sex with a ghost.” Everyone’s head turned to stare at Jock and he very quickly looked away. “I WAS JUST STATING WHAT WE WERE ALL THINKING!” we all cringed and I’m fairly certain I lost hearing in the ear closest to his air horn style mouth.
“Jesus Christ man you don’t have to yell we’re not on mars. Also I don’t know because I haven’t tried but in theory yes I probably could.” I started walking towards first period, why the hell were they still walking with me? “Guys I get you’re lonely and you’re excited about this but we can’t talk in the classroom like we can my locker. People are definitely going to notice a girl talking to herself in a quiet classroom as opposed to the fucking chaos in the hallway.” Dawn just shrugged and walked on in, of course she was probably content staring at the lights or something and wouldn’t try to carry on a conversation.
“What about notes? We could sit in the class and write notes on a piece of paper back and forth.” That was the first time puppy had said anything and it wasn’t a bad idea, and he just like Dawn was far too adorable to say no to.
“That’s not a bad idea, however I am going to be late if we don’t get in the door in the next thirty seconds so.” Jock and puppy shoved each other trying to get through the door first while Rhonda hung back unsure if she was invited to this little come to Jesus meeting as well. “That includes you too little demon.” She smiled and I offered a small one back before walking in behind her.
I pulled a piece of notebook paper out and Rhonda was the first one to grab it and start scribbling something else on it. /can you see all spirits or just ones at the schools you’ve been to?/ fair enough question I suppose. ~I can see all spirits I just try to ignore them, this school has the most spirits I’ve ever seen~ Both Charly and Wally read over Rhonda’s shoulder and Charly pulled the pencil and paper away quickly exclaiming that it was HIS turn to ask a question.
/Does your family know you can talk to spirits? Do they talk to spirits? If they don’t do they ask you to talk for them?/ Well ouch Charly you didn’t have to accidentally hit me where it hurts, but the way he looked so excited about it I couldn’t give him a crude answer. ~All of my family knows, only my oldest brother and sister believe me though. Everyone else thinks I’m crazy. Obviously because I said everyone thinks I’m crazy no one else can talk to them. My brother will sometimes ask me if someone we know that is dead is around but that’s about it.~ Charly read it and seem satisfied, maybe he was trying to see if he would be able to somehow let his family know he was still around without asking me to tell them which would in fact make me sound crazy.
/Why can no one else in your family see or talk to spirits? I feel like that would be a genetic thing./ Damn it Wally I was expecting you to be the least observant of the group not the one who picked up on that. ~Genetic flaw I guess, I know I’m pretty great but we all have to have flaws no matter how great people think we are.~ He smiled at that one and Rhonda rolled her eyes before crumpling the paper up and tossing it in the trash.
“3 points!” I wasn’t expecting Wally’s sudden outburst and leapt about 5 feet out of my chair and had everyone staring at me like I had seen a ghost. Which I guess technically I had. “Oh shit sorry Mori I didn’t mean to startle you.” He came over and rubbed my hand and ignored the weird tingle that traveled up my spine when he did.
“yeah yeah just go haunt the halls or something guys I gotta learn. I know you all don’t because you’re dead and you’ve heard these lessons a hundred times but I have not.” Wally and Charly both stuck their tongues out at me before leaving the class with Rhonda once again trailing behind.
“So are we just going to pretend that Wally comforting you didn’t give you goosebumps?” I scowled at her as she smirked and laughed before standing up before going to follow the boys. “I’m sure that’s what you’ll be thinking about in the shower tonight.”
Fucking. Cunt. Waffle.
But she was absolutely right and I am now absolutely fucked all because a pretty football ghost asked if ghosts could have sex with humans and he gave me the bare minimum of skin to skin contact.
Well fuck me.
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Review: KØASH’s newest addictive pop offering ‘Somebody’ interweaves a poignant commentary on modern dating with catchy beats
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Rising pop singer KØASH has been dancing through the music scene since only last year, bearing just two singles (and an acoustic variant of one) but championing a sound that’s masterful for his freshness on the scene. With a bubbly sound shining through everything he does, KØASH knows how to mix thoughtful lyricism into tunes you’ll need to listen to while on your feet dancing along. His newest offering ‘Somebody’ is no exception either, if anything the most profound and catchy tune yet from this up-coming sure-to-be-star.
Cascading into ‘Somebody’ with a short burst of synth that’s cut short in seconds, KØASH immediately sets the tone to be vibrant and positively upbeat with a little atmospheric edge. Swiftly stumbling into the first verse with a speeding beat and intermittent clapping effects, ‘Somebody’ is a song that keeps the soundscape minimal but still divinely addictive, keeping you tapping along to every beat and awaiting the next high. Things only get more colourful once the chorus hits, filled with momentary hooks that soar with the addition of a shining synth backing and some new fresh beats to complement the already dominant originals placed front-and-centre. As his vocals prance atop the vivid palette of sound, KØASH’s lines drip with a charismatic flair whilst he soars through a higher range with unparalleled ease. Slightly tinged with vocal effects, there’s an added atmospheric edge to ‘Somebody’ that makes it all the more enchanting too. Blending contemporary pop with the timeless sounds of the 80s, KØASH is an artist not just looking to create the next greatest hit but to also do it with his own original flair, combining stylings in a way that makes ‘Somebody’ utterly unique to that of current mainstream releases.
Though in sound KØASH is here for a good time, his lyrical message is one layered with a lot more realism, finding himself struggling in the loneliness of being single. Through the desire to avoid spending any time alone, he finds himself seeking momentary pleasure in whoever he can find to reciprocate it, stringing people along to gain a fleeting sense of self-worth: ‘you said why’d you only call me, when you’re feeling kinda lonely? ‘cause I think it makes me happy.’ Clearly self-aware, lines like ‘I’m a little broken, maybe it’s my way of coping’ show that KØASH is aware of the state he’s become, but with modern dating seeming to encourage short-term flings and situationships without commitment he finds himself yearning to be held even if it’s just for one night only. The entire narrative is incredibly human, as KØASH makes mistakes and prioritises momentary pleasure above longterm love, seeking fulfilment from strangers rather than dealing with his own issues of identity and valuing himself: ‘I’m sick and tired of being on my own, I need somebody.’ It’s almost as though ‘Somebody’ promotes against the very thing it’s pleading for, subconsciously bearing a message of learning to love yourself before clinging to the crutch of needing someone else to leave you feeling you’re worth something. It’s danceable and yet deeply real, interweaving layers of commentary on dating, being flawed, trying to find comfort in your own company and building some self-love along the way.
Check out ‘Tangled’ for yourself here to unpack the weight of KØASH’s narrative amidst a sound that’ll easily have you moving and singing along in no time.
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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mezzo-mezzo-man · 1 year
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It's Christmas Eve, and I'm much more drunk than an eighteen year old should be. The tab for this post has been open for a few days, going almost wholly ignored. Maybe if anyone has taken the time to read my past posts they expect me to be profound or organized or put meaning into this shitty little blog but that's not what this is going to be.
I miss her. There's no more raw a statement than that. Sure we dated in middle school and periodically kissed, but the depth of anything physical was nothing compared to the monolith of our friendship. She was my deepest companion with whom I had no parallel rapport. Being a teen, a whirlwind of platonic and romantic feelings cycloned within, making comprehensive statements about our feelings for one another uniquely difficult, but what mattered was the bond.
The bond wherein we knew each others' families intimately. Where I would pick up breakfast for us and she'd show me films I would have otherwise never heard of. Hayden was vulnerable and strong, soft and fierce. She gave me the first dress I had ever tried on, and I left lipstick silhouettes on her porcelain white cheeks.
Once a year we would dress nice and share Crème brûlée on my birthday. Through multiple girlfriends and ephemeral loves our relationship survived. We'd watch the sun rise behind the skin of one another, and focus on the texture of our soul's companion.
I speak in the past tense of course, not because she's dead but because our relationship is. It seemed for a week or two like I was the only one trying. I got back with a mutually despised ex, but surely nothing one of us did could ever undo what two had built. I stopped texting to see what would happen, and slowly... nothing. Six months later I asked what the deal was, and you said I was an asshole. Reasonable. I was. Junior year gave me a drug problem. And a sociopathic tendencies problem. That being said, if anyone could have brought me away from it, it was you.
I know it sounds from this post like the significance of this friendship is one sided, but I remember her words. I remember her telling me every secret she's ever had, and how I meant more than material possession or the fear of death ever could. Our word was law, and if I was told to cut the shit, my antics would have been erased from history. But no word ever came, just silence. And that's what sucked the most. The static on my end. When I asked what the deal was you said you were sorry, but I don't forgive you. I won't forgive you.
You could have been vile and I still would have loved you. If we're taking into account the mutually hated ex, it's basically a guarantee. But nothing for eight months. Hate indicates care, indifference is the opposite of everything we've ever had.
I overdosed without you there.
I told somebody I loved them and never meant it.
You seemed from afar like nothing changed. I of course, figured my own shit out. Everything's... fine. I have scholarships, and got accepted to university, and have new friends, and new vices but my world will never be the same without you. We're too close to graduating now to mend things, at least I think so. I'm too invested in too many different people now to care so deeply, so naively about the likes of you once more. I feel like we both could have been so very different given the past year together. But you're non confrontational, and I'm vindictive and petty. I really thought how much I cared about you could make me care about everyone and everything again after Julie's death. I thought wrong.
I accept my current state of vanity, and false care I promise to have for those who so genuinely care about me. I accept my pedestal as this small pond's big fish, and being an effigy to Dionysus. I do not accept your apology. But most of all I don't accept ever forgetting you. No matter how hard I try Hayden. My heart misses yours greatly. The pastoral landscapes of my youth will never not contain a small piece of you.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
209 of 2023
Created by bobbideanweekend
What do you consider to be the most profound of emotions?
I don’t know, anger? Sadness? Joy? Anything can be deep.
What time did you actually get up this morning?
8:00 because it’s my medication time.
Describe your favorite thing to wear:
All my hoodies and all my trousers, can’t choose.
What's your plans for tomorrow?
I have to go to work, then to my physiotherapist.
What was the last thing you ate?
A cookie.
Banana flavoured milk.
What's your favorite genre of music?
Metal, particularly djent and sludge, and hip hop. Also electronic music, particularly EBM and futurepop.
Are you looking forward to summer?
Very much so.
Why or why not?
Long days, warm weather, the beach, more energy, maybe vacation.
Look to your left; what's the first thing you notice?
A blanket.
What sounds do you currently hear, if any?
Threre’s an episode of Friends in TV.
What was/is your favorite subject in school?
How do you react when people prank call you?
Nobody does it.
What brand of deodorant do you wear?
Axe lol.
What is the next upcoming holiday?
Are you listening to any music? If so, what?
What music software do you use? (itunes, Windows Media, etc.)
What's your least favorite chore around your house?
Cleaning the floors.
Are you currently single, taken, or crushing?
I’m married.
What would you prefer to be doing now?
What's something you really feel strongly about?
Human rights.
When's the last time somebody let you down?
Years ago.
When do you think the last time you let somebody else down?
Years ago, I hope.
Do you feel any regrets?
No, it’s pointless to dwell in the past.
Describe your ideal Saturday:
Grocery shopping and going out with friends at the evening.
Do you believe that love isn't right for everyone?
I brelieve there are more kinds of love than just romantic.
When's the last time you took a walk?
Today to work, if that counts.
Is the weather nice where you are now?
It’s cloudy and pretty cold.
If you could travel to any one place in the world, where would you go?
Finland, I always wanted to visit.
Would you ever willingly give up all your material possessions?
I don’t think so.
Are you a religious person?
Not at all.
Or, would you just consider yourself spiritual?
I don’t think I do.
Was this past winter long where you live?
There’s still winter lol, it’s February. We had snow in December, for maybe 30 minutes and that’s all for the whole winter. Most of the time it was pretty warm.
What's the most annoying song on the radio these days?
That Dance Monkey shit.
What's your favorite television program?
Old British sitcoms.
Your least favorite?
Majority of TV.
Do you think you've ever really been in love?
Well, I loved many people and still I do. Some I love more than others, or differently than others. But is any of this romantic? I don’t think so. Even my feelings for my husband are rather alterous; they’re not fully romantic, but definitely deeper than just platonic.
If so, was it as wonderful as everyone makes it out to be?
I just said. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a fully romantic love.
When was the last time you cried out of happiness?
I don’t cry.
When was the last time you cried out of unhappiness?
Look above.
What's your favorite time of the year?
Summer and Christmas time.
Which do you prefer, comfy shoes or dressy shoes?
Either boots or sport shoes, nothing else.
Describe a beautiful day for you:
Going to work, doing well there, coming back home, going to physiotherapy, my husband going home. Otherwise, travelling.
What's the most annoying ringtone you've ever heard?
I don’t pay attention to such things.
What are you going to do after this survey?
Maybe another one.
Have you ever pulled a prank that went too far?
I don’t think so. All my pranks are safe.
Would you consider yourself a day person or a night person?
Definitely a day person.
What's your most prized possession? Why?
My laptop, I think.
Is there anything you should be doing right now? If so, what?
Might be cleaning a bit, but I’m waiting for food.
Do you like your natural hair?
No, I find the colour boring.
If not, how would you rather it be?
Blonde so I can dye it any colour.
Who is the most beautiful person you know?
Nielsje, both inside and out. Then my husband. In aesthetic sense, my *celebrity crush* :D
If you could only love one person, would you choose yourself?
Do you have any strange interests?
If looking for weird radio signals and promoting Belgian culture counts as strange, then yes.
How do you want to spend tonight?
Relaxing with my husband.
If you had to preform in a talent show, what would your act be?
Do you prefer movies or live theatre?
Do you have any piercing? If so, where?
Yeah, I have eight. Left eyebrow, snakebites, and five in my ears.
Any tattoos? If so, where and of what?
Two, on both my forearms. Left one is a design with lines and triangles, right one is a red ionising radiation warning symbol.
What time is it?
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
Vanny from Five nights at freddys
There are a few songs I associate with Vanny.
For the most part it’s the musical style I headcanon that she prefers- girly pop, think Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, maybe Taylor Swift, Marina. Not a lot of these song associations are that profound, more just how I imagine she’d enjoy music.
But there are a few that are deeper than that.
One part in Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land reminds me of her in particular. “Recognize that I could be the eye, the eye of the storm. / I am not my body, not my mind or my brain / not my thoughts or feelings, I am not my DNA.” The idea of not being all of these things that fundamentally make one themself but rather something else entirely calls to mind the Vanny persona, especially how I see it- it’s not a separate consciousness, or anything but a mask. But it serves as a wall to distance her from her crimes, so that in her eyes, she is not truly the killer.
But the song I associate with her most in meaning is COWARD 2 COWARD by Ada Rook.
Now the lyrics to this can be hard to decipher, so I’m gonna write out the ones that remind me of Vanny especially.
“Picture your obsession / so familiar that it feels like possession / what’s real, what’s fake, what’s right / doesn’t matter once the first strike hits!” Comes to mind immediately, as Vanny spirals into madness under Glitchtrap’s influence, obsessed with this AI and what it can do to her until she loses her sense of right and wrong, and even begins to slip away from reality until all that matters is her goal.
“I will become whatever you make of me / idol or target, anything in between” describes her relationship with Glitchtrap, as does most of the chorus. She’s serving as a reluctant but ultimately obedient servant, a vessel for his atrocities, and a perfect mold to make into his successor, his victim, whatever he may do with her.
“I’m not better than you / I am a coward too / someday you’ll wish you knew- I’m human too.” I don’t know how to explain this one, but Vanny is a character I’ve always associated with cowardice, unimportance, and a lack of worth. Which is to say, this is how I imagine she sees herself. An unimportant coward worth little to nothing. She certainly wants to be more, and this is part of Glitchtrap’s allure- he can make her part of something important. But hiding behind a mask, she may feel worth more, but she certainly knows she’s hiding. She’s a coward.
“You and I both want to be good desperately / I know that you’re scared of being nobody / I can’t read the hesitation in your face / but you won’t hesitate at all to clear your name!” sounds like she’s being spoken to (possible since this part is sung in a different tone of voice indicating a different narrator). If I had to guess who would be speaking to her, it would be Glitchtrap. This sequence shows off perfectly how he manipulates her.
With the next lyrics- “guilt means nothing in reality / can we be forgiven? / what does forgiveness mean? / how many have you killed? / do you even know? We will eat your dreams” We return to Vanny, seeming to be contemplating Glitchtrap’s words and her uncertainty. Eventually she will decide this is worth the cost.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
Brother May I {V} (Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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WARNINGS: DUB-CON, loss of virginity, stepbrother!Rafe, jealous!Rafe, toxic relationship, underage drinking, drug use, corruption, minor side of JJ x reader
➥ banner by @maysdigitalarts​ | divider by @firefly-graphics
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➥ series masterlist​
summary: Sarah was the sister he resented, Wheezie was the sister he adored, but even after years in the Cameron household, you still didn’t know how Rafe felt about you.
“We need to talk.”
The house was quiet, all other occupants currently out save for you two. You stood in the doorway of his room, a rarity because you were sure you’d never even been in his room before. Rafe was at his desk, and you watched as he tilted his head, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye at your words. You conveniently ignored the powdery substance on the surface, averting your gaze.
“What are we doing?” you asked when he didn’t speak.
Again, he said nothing, but he did pause in his movements to face you, and you forced yourself to hold his gaze.
“I’ve asked you that before…” your eyes found the floor interesting all of a sudden. “…and you didn’t really say anything. So I guess I’m asking again.”
You lifted your gaze.
“…because whatever this is has to stop at some point, don’t you think? I mean-.”
“Is that what you want?”
Rafe’s tone was even, but his eyes were anything but. There was that challenging look within them, like he was daring you to say ‘yes’. You didn’t, but you did decide to be honest.
“I want to live my life, Rafe.”
“You are-.”
“Girls my age are meeting college boys and kissing 3 guys in the same week and getting boyfriends.”
His jaw clenched at that.
“Instead I’m sneaking around with you and for what? We both know this can’t go beyond whatever this is, and…it shouldn’t even be anything. This shouldn’t be happening,” you told him.
You knew that by now, you were trying to remind yourself of that more so than him. Rafe wouldn’t look at you, eyes lingering on the coke before him, and you watched the way he twiddled his fingers.
“I want you…”
You took a deep breath.
“…and you want me too. Isn’t that enough?”
You didn’t know how to even begin to respond to that, and you looked way with parted lips, a sigh escaping you. You found yourself rolling your eyes, and Rafe huffed.
“W-what? You wanna be my girlfriend or something?”
“I can’t. That’s the point I’m making to you. We can’t be that…and so it makes me ask myself ‘what are we doing’?”
“What does it matter?”
He sounded frustrated…maybe even confused, and you frowned. His eyes met yours, and you held his blue gaze.
“You’re mine. That’s all that matters,” was his profound answer, and you scoffed.
You weren’t going to deny that you enjoyed sneaking around with Rafe. You told yourself that this had to stop, that it was wrong on so many levels, but the truth was that Rafe made you feel the best you’d ever felt. His almost suffocating need for you made you feel desirable. While you hadn’t had much say in how this started, that certainly wasn’t the case when he was sneaking into your room almost every night. At this point, it was no longer just his desire for you.
It was also your desire for him.
You found yourself looking at him when his back was turned. You took in his broad shoulders and sun kissed skin. You would stare at his hair and thinking about how it felt between your fingers. Whenever his mouth was spitting out biting and hurtful words at Sarah or Rose, you sometimes wanted to just kiss him if only to get him to shut up. Somewhere along the way, you’d stopped caring about the fact that what you were doing was literally illegal and more about how it felt to be in his arms.
Despite his behavior towards you all these years and just his personality in general, you’d never hated him. You had never even disliked him. In fact, you’d found yourself sympathizing with him sometimes, seeing the way he so desperately wanted Ward’s approval, so it shouldn’t have surprised you to feel this way once he got his hands on you. You supposed that you’d always had a soft spot for Rafe. If only you’d known that he’d had something of a soft spot for you too.
It was clear that your response shocked him, and you shook your head.
“This obviously can’t go on forever and…there’s too much at risk anyway.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before,” Rafe scoffed, eyes focused on his coke once again.
You could tell that he wasn’t taking you seriously, and instead of arguing with him, you simply turned and left.
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“Rafe isn’t gonna come dragging you home again, is he? If you need me to shoot him, just say the word,” JJ joked, bumping his shoulder against yours.
You lightly chuckled at that, shaking your head.
“No, I… Well, I hope not,” you quietly said.
You hadn’t touched Rafe in over a week, closer to 2, and you didn’t need to be an empath to know how he felt about that. Dinners were spent avoiding his heated gaze, and at night, you pretended not to hear him jiggling your doorknob. You knew that a locked door wouldn’t keep him away if he was determined enough, but you were relieved to know that some small part of him wasn’t a complete asshole who didn’t respect your wishes.
It seemed that he was understanding how serious you were.
Truthfully, you felt a little guilty about sitting here on a log next to JJ. Kie, Pope, and John B. were on the other side of the fire, and even though you and JJ were hardly like that anymore, you still felt bad. Considering your complicated relationship with Rafe, you imagined how you’d feel if you saw him so comfortable with someone he had a history with.
“He’s crazy, that guy,” JJ threw out.
To your surprise, you felt yourself shaking your head.
“I know he can be so…horrible sometimes, but he’s just protective.”
“Of you? Let Kie tell it, he wouldn’t save Sarah if she was drowning.”
You rolled your eyes. You knew more than anyone about the resentment he felt towards Sarah, but you didn’t believe that to be true.
“He would,” you argued.
“Yeah, I doubt it,” JJ scoffed. “Since when have you two become BFFs anyway?”
“We’re not,” you softly said.
It sounded almost sad to your ears.
“I just don’t think he’s completely evil. Or at least…I’d like to hope not,” you told JJ.
The blond took a sip of his beer, smiling at you.
“You’re a lot more hopeful than I am because I think he’s Satan’s spawn.”
You couldn’t hold in your laugh at that, and JJ joined you. You hadn’t intended to stay too much longer on The Cut, but hours had passed before you realized it. It was easy to lose yourself around them, and you couldn’t deny how you felt able to breathe better away from Rafe. However, you wondered how much longer that feeling would last as you made your way home at almost 3 in the morning. The house was quiet when you slipped inside, but that didn’t last for long.
“Where were you?”
Light flooded the room, but you were met with the last person you expected to see.
Your eyes were wide as you stared at Ward, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at you. You opened and closed your mouth, at a loss for words. As it turns out, you didn’t need them anyway because Ward wasted no time before chewing you out. You stood there and took it all, pressing your lips together as he raved on about irresponsibility and dangerous activities and lies.
You swallowed and glanced away, wondering if you should just tune him out until this was over when his next words had you looking up.
“…and to think if Rafe hadn’t woken me up-.”
“What?” you breathed, a stab of betrayal going through you. “Rafe…?”
“He was the one who noticed your room was empty, and you know what else he told me? That this isn’t the first time.”
Ward threw his hands up in frustration, and you swallowed down your anger. As Ward continued, movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention, and you looked up just in time to meet Rafe’s eyes as he stood at the top of the stairs. He was shirtless, sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he leaned his elbows on the balcony railing. His gaze was cold and angry, but more than anything, it was vindictive.
You swallowed down a scoff, thinking to yourself that this was the Rafe you’d never been on the receiving end of. For some reason, you never thought he’d treat you this way too, and a cold chill passed through you as you realized that Rafe was punishing you for denying him access to you.
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You pressed your feet into the sand, ignoring the music and loud chatter and ocean waves that surrounded you. The air was cool against your skin with the sea breeze, and any other night, you would’ve found the ocean waves soothing. The sand between your toes would’ve been soothing. Hell, even the drink in your hand would’ve been soothing, but this was the last place you wanted to be, and it was purely because you were here against your will.
After Rafe had snitched on you, a bitch move if you’d ever seen one, Ward had loudly proclaimed his lack of trust in you. Even worse, he’d admitted that he’d been surprised but impressed nonetheless by Rafe’s responsible actions. You had rolled your eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t fall out of your head. If only Ward knew that Rafe hadn’t done it to be a good brother, but in fact the opposite. If only he knew Rafe had finally told on you because you weren’t messing around with him anymore.
And now…because of Rafe’s uncharacteristically sensible behavior, he was supposed to keep an eye on you. You’d almost laughed when Ward told you, tempted to tell him that Rafe would love to keep a lot more than his eyes on you if he could. That was how you found yourself here on a Saturday night. The sky was littered with stars, but it wasn’t late enough that Ward or Rose would start calling, but you knew that was the least of Ward’s concerns.
He was just happy that you weren’t hanging around any Pogues.
You felt Rafe’s presence before you heard him, and you barely spared him a glance as he offered you a drink.
“You’re not locked up in the house. You should be grateful,” he said, getting a rise out of you.
You rounded on him with a sneer. He looked unbothered, simply raising an eyebrow at you as he took a sip from his cup. There was just a smidge of white powder beneath his nose.
“You told on me because I won’t let you touch me anymore? What the hell, Rafe-?”
“You were hanging around those Pogues again-!”
“We both know it was about more than that,” you hissed. “I’m not going to apologize because I don’t want to continue with something that we both know isn’t going to lead anywhere.”
His nostrils flared, and he looked away, licking his lips. You were thankful that the two of you were far enough away on the beach that you couldn’t be heard. In fact, there was such a distance between you and the rest of the party, you doubted that any of them could even make out who you were.
There was that frustrated look again, and you finally snatched your drink from him. Rafe heavily exhaled, running his hand through his hair.
“We want each other. Why can’t that be enough?”
“Because that’s stupid! You know…”
You sighed.
“If I was with JJ…” you ignored the way his expression hardened. “…We could be dancing together right now. We could hold hands and go on dates, and he could kiss me in front of everyone. Not just in my room when everyone is asleep, and my door is locked.”
Rafe looked down, hand tightening around his cup.
“What do you want me to say? Huh?”
“I don’t want you to say anything! I just want you to understand that this-.”
“This what?”
He threw his cup to the ground, grabbing your arms and shaking you. His brows were drawn together, and his lips trembled, a desperation in his eyes that made your heart sink.
“I want you. I’ve wanted you since before I even realized I did.”
His words shocked you, and you stared at him in wonder.
“What…? What do you want from me?” he quietly asked, desperate to make things go back to how they were.
You fought to get out of his hold.
“Nothing! I don’t want anything from you-.”
“That’s a lie and we both know it.”
You clenched your jaw, glaring at him.
“If you don’t want anything else you want me on top of you every night.”
You pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek.
“…and you want someone you can control.”
Rafe shook his head, lashes fluttering as he stepped back.
“That’s not true-.”
“It is. You like the power you have over me and what you can make me do with just on touch-.”
“It is not like that,” he said, stepping closer again and reaching for you.
You slapped his hand away, shaking your own head.
“Isn’t it?”
Rafe huffed, resting his hands on his waist as he shook his head at you. His scowl deepened, and your heart lurched at the look he was giving you.
“Is all of this for him?”
“Rafe,” you sighed, fed up with this same journey you always found yourself on.
“Is it?” he pressed, chest brushing yours now. “Is this your poor attempt to-?”
“To what? To fuck JJ, are you kidding me?”
“That’s who you ran to the other night, is it not? You got yourself some experience so now you can confidently suck him off and-.”
You threw your drink in his face, using his momentary shock to push past him. Your steps were faster than his, and you meshed yourself in within the crowd before he could catch up to you. Anger bloomed in your chest at his words, tears threatening to spill over at the accusation that you would use him just for JJ. Your newfound relationship with Rafe was making you forget how much of a jerk he could be.
You spent the rest of the party avoiding him, forcing strained smiles and even more strained conversations with people you didn’t even like. Not only that, but it was hard to keep focus. Your body wanted Rafe, and your heart wanted Rafe, and even parts of your mind wanted Rafe, but the sensible part of you wanted him to stay far away. He had the worst habit of clouding your judgement, especially when he was touching you.
Drink after drink made the night easier to deal with, but unfortunately, it did nothing to wipe your memory of your conversation with him. Why couldn’t he understand where you were coming from? You didn’t even know if you wanted to be his girlfriend, but if you did, you couldn’t. It wasn’t some metaphor or the dramatic ramblings of a drunk girl. You two literally didn’t have a future together, and you didn’t want to waste your youth sneaking around with Rafe when you could be out making memories with some guy you could actually introduce to the family.
It was barely past 11 when you were stumbling home. You didn’t know where Rafe was, and you didn’t care. After the first couple of drinks, you were feeling a little better, but you didn’t feel a lot better until Kelce had offered you some coke off of his key. You didn’t know what you had been thinking when you said yes.
You didn’t feel an ounce of relief when your house came into view, and you wondered if Ward was waiting up to see if you and Rafe came home together. The lights weren’t on, save for the one in Wheezie’s room, and you were just about to breathe a sigh of relief when headlights lit your path. Rafe was driving like a maniac as he pulled into the yard, and despite how concerned you should’ve been, you only rolled your eyes.
Your back was still to him as you heard his door slam shut, and you ignored him as he called your name.
“Will you shut up? Are you trying to wake the household?”
“Do you know how dangerous it is to walk home this late? Especially drunk?”
He forcibly pulled you to a stop, and his blown pupils told you that he’d probably sniffed more coke than you. You didn’t doubt that, and you struggled to pull yourself free.
“You sound worried,” you sarcastically said.
Rafe pressed his lips together.
“Or were you just worried that I was going to run off and screw JJ?”
His jaw ticked, and he said nothing as you brushed past him. You both were silent as you walked inside, and the equally quiet house only made the sound of your heartbeat that much louder. Rafe’s steps were soft behind you, but they were just loud enough for you to know that he was there, staring you down as he followed you into the hallway. You turned to the side, arms crossed over your chest as you cut your eyes at him.
“Well?” you prodded, nodding towards his door at the other end.
Rafe dragged his eyes over you, a mocking smirk on his lips.
“You first,” he whispered.
You took a deep breath, fighting the urge to loudly sigh. You had way too much alcohol and just a smidge too much coke in your system to deal with the hurricane that was Rafe Cameron, right now.
“I. Said…” he neared you, looking down his nose at you with a look you knew all too well. “…you first.”
Your nostrils flared, and you blinked back tears.
“I put an end to this for a reason. Just…go, Rafe. Go to your room so we can both go to sleep.”
He moved closer, pointing over your shoulder as he leaned in, nose brushing yours.
“I suggest you open your door…unless you want to wake mom and dad,” he whispered.
There was a wry smile on his face, and he shrugged at you.
That was apparently the last straw for him.
Rafe pressed a hand to your mouth, forcing you back as his other hand landed on your door handle. Your eyes were wide, and your hands were pushing against him as he backed you up, making you stumble inside. The door shut behind him with a soft click, and his hand was immediately replaced by his lips. You turned your head away, digging your nails into his arms. One of his hands grasped the back of your neck, pulling your head back and making you look at him. There was a frown on Rafe’s face, and his lips trembled as he struggled to voice his thoughts.
“I want you,” he brokenly whispered, a single tear escaping. “Isn’t that enough?”
You both were intoxicated and high, and you’d only seen that unhinged look in his eyes a handful of times.
“W-w-what do you want from me, huh? What do you want me to say?”
You swallowed, and his other hand rested on the side of your face. He released a breath.
“You want me to say you’re my girlfriend? Because you are,” he tearfully whispered.
Your heart fluttered at that, and your lips parted.
“I thought that would’ve been obvious…”
His hand on your cheek slid to wrap around the front of your neck, and you reached up.
“I-I like falling sleep next to you, and when I wake up, I can only think about falling sleep with you later that night.”
He stepped forward, forcing you back, and you dug your heels into the carpet.
“You can’t just… You can’t just think this is over because you said so. You’re not the only one in this relationship,” he said through clenched teeth. “…and I will get my say.”
He squeezed tighter before pushing you back. You fell onto your bed in a heap, and you struggled to bite your tongue as Rafe pulled at the shirt and skirt you were wearing. You hit at him, and Rafe hissed, catching your wrists in his hands. He was on top of you, pressing you down into the mattress as his nose touched yours. Your breathing was heavy, and it harmonized with Rafe’s as he drank you in, expression softening ever so slightly.
“You’re my mine, damnit,” he forced out. “You’re my girlfriend, and…and I don’t want this to end.”
He held your gaze, and you swallowed at the desperation and hunger you saw there. You could both feel and see him getting closer, and you didn’t protest when his lips gently met yours. You sharply inhaled, breathing him in, and Rafe groaned into your mouth.
You were a mess of limbs as you pulled at each other’s clothes, the articles fluttering to the floor like feathers. Rafe’s lips brushed over your bare shoulder, and your fingers danced over his back. Your eyes rolled when he pressed open kisses to your neck, legs wrapping around him to hold him close. You could feel him pressed against you, and you shuddered. You saw what was happening, saw the train heading your way, and you felt powerless to stop it.
“Mine, mine, mine,” Rafe chanted into your skin as his fingers descended to play with you.
You quietly mewled into the air, chest arching and nails digging in as he brushed his fingers over you and twisted them inside of you. His free hand twisted itself into the root of your hair, holding you in place as he forced blood to rise to the surface of your skin, tongue soothing the bruises. You sighed when he pulled his hand away from you, immediately swallowing as you felt the head of him pressing into you. You could feel his hand sliding over your mouth, and you realized why when he slid into you with one thrust.
Your gasp was muffled, but he heard it loud and clear, a gasp of his own escaping as you dragged your nails down his back. His lips grazed your ear before pressing to your neck, frame holding you down while you adjusted to him.
“You’re okay,” he whispered
Despite the way your core stung, unfamiliar with the stretch, you knew that you were indeed okay. You lifted your hips a bit, and Rafe took the hint, removing his hand and slowly rocking within you. It was gentle at first, Rafe’s body hovering over your own as he pushed into you, lips meeting yours again and again. It was hard to keep your eyes open, but you wanted to. You liked watching the concentration on his face, the determination that would crack here and there as a jolt of pleasure took over. You wanted to keep your eyes on the way his eyes rolled, and his lips parted and the way his hair hung into his face.
Somewhere along the way, his hand found your throat, gentle but firm enough to make your heart skip a beat. He pressed his lips to your cheek, snapping his hips against yours, the actions a little more forceful now. Your teeth were clenched so hard it was a wonder they didn’t break, and your back arched upwards with every drive of his hips, cock sliding into your walls. You’d never felt so full before, the pressure between your legs so strange but so addicting.
“Fuck,” you both heard and felt him murmur into your skin.
Your hands slid over his own dewy skin, legs tightening around him. The room was so quiet save for the sounds of your soft labored breathing. The risk that was just a few doors down had you both swallowing down just about every noise you wanted to make. It was unfortunate really because you wanted Rafe to hear how good he was making you feel, and that was what you told him. He kissed you, lowly chuckling into your mouth.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I can feel how good I’m making you feel.”
As if to prove his point, he thrust into you in a way that had you clenching around him. You could feel his hand dragging down your frame before curling over the underside of your thigh. He forced it back, allowing him to drive himself deeper into you, and you threw your head back, mouth falling open in a silent scream. His other hand was still on your throat, and he slid his thumb along the expanse of your neck, hips repeatedly pressing against yours.
You could both feel and hear how wet you were, and you would’ve been embarrassed if you could’ve found it in yourself to care. Rafe’s forehead was pressed to yours, and your eyes locked onto his. The blue of them was dark with hunger, a hunger to see you fall apart underneath him. You could feel your stomach clenching as it had many times before, but this was different. This was intense in a way that had a soft moan escaping trembling lips, and Rafe’s hand found your face again, letting your neck go.
He slid 2 fingers past your lips, and you immediately closed your mouth on them. He shakily exhaled, eyes glinting at the sight, face contorting in a way that told you he loved that.
“You have to be quiet…”
You clenched around him again, and he looked down to where the two of you connected.
“…we don’t wanna wake anyone up. You don’t want them to see you like this, do you?”
You shook your head, eyes rolling as he curved his hips into yours.
“…stuffed with my cock and sucking on my fingers like a slut.”
You pressed your hand to his lower back, toes curling. He lifted his head, staring into your eyes before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“But you’re not a slut, and I’d kill anyone who says you are.”
Your stomach was twisted into knots.
“…but you know what you are though?”
He stared at you, and you stared at him, the rest of the world falling away as he slid into you.
“Mine. You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
You came around him, teeth pressing into his fingers, and Rafe only hissed, silencing himself by pressing his own teeth into your shoulder. You could feel him spilling into you, the mess you both were making with every push of his cock into your welcoming walls. You threaded your fingers into his hair, out of breath and out of energy, and Rafe completely wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as he refused to move.
He continued to hold you and you him as he fell onto his side, lips brushing over your forehead as you curled against him. Your fingers danced along his arm, and you told yourself that the issues that still remained between you two would still be there in the morning.
tags: @xoxabs88xox​ @harryspet​ @readermia​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @nickyl316h​ @captainchrisstan​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @coconutqueen21​ @hurricanerin​ @trinittyy​ @hyoyeoniie​ @mandiiblanche​ @doozywoozy​ @melli0112​   @zombiexbody​ @holl2712​ @kvzctam​ @mansaaay​ @lipstickstainedred​ @thanatosfic​ @avengers-goddess​ @ameliaalvarez06​ @kaelibaby​ @totallynotkaibiased​​ @hanniebee33​
975 notes · View notes
forever-rogue · 3 years
Douse the Lights
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A/N: I have no excuse for this, except I love one (1) Din Djarin and he deserves this and so do we. Enjoy! A little Happy New Year gift from me to you! As always, comments and feedback are welcomed! xx
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only) - oral (m and f receiving), unprotected PiV, choking, degradation, creampie...filth. This is just filth. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Then stop kriffing staring at me.”
“I wasn’t even looking in your direction.”
“You,” with a sharp turn of your head you saw that he wasn’t even near you. Nope. Not at all. 
Kriff. Awkward.
“Lothcat got your tongue, Princess?” you’d never seen his face, but Maker, you just knew there was a wicked smirk on it.
“Just mind your own business,” stowing away your clean blasters with a huff, you prayed with all your might that he couldn’t see the flush of warmth on your face or hear the crack in your voice. You hated him. Everything about him.
At least you wanted to; you would have given anything in the galaxy to. It would make constantly being around the Mandalorian that you called your employer a lot easier. 
Maybe if you kept repeating it yourself, you would manifest it to become true. That you could hate that annoying, half-witted, tin can. 
“Thought that’s what I was doing,” there was the most minute inkling of amusement in his voice as he came over, lithe and silent - ever the hunter. He was at your side in an instant, the warmth of his body contrasting sharply with the cool metal of the beskar as he sent shivers up and down your spine. Along with the low pooling of heat and desire settling in your belly, but you were going to ignore that for now.
Almost as if he knew the effect he had on you, he made it a point to brush a gloved hand over yours as he nudged you to the side to inspect some of the weapons he’d tasked you with cleaning. You had to be quick in order to shut your mouth and keep a small whimper from escaping your lips. 
How long had it been since someone last touched you? Maker, it had been….dank farrik. It had been way too long. A simple hand brush - there wasn’t even skin to skin contact - and you felt like a lothcat in heat. You really needed to get...some company and have your frustrations taken out or surely you would explode. There was no way you were to give Mando the satisfaction of knowing the type of hold he seemed to possess over you. 
Perhaps once you were out of this more than awkward conversation you could slip out for a few hours and seek some pleasure. The little one had just gone down for a nap a short bit ago, and he was likely to be out for some time. Surely he wouldn’t have a problem for a few hours. Then you could -
“These are still dirty,” was his voice always that rough and low? He had to be doing it on purpose, surely. Before you could contemplate it too much, he took one of the blasters and shoved it back into your hands. Not rough or gentle, but with enough firmness to remind that he was in charge. You looked it over and raised your eyebrows as you inspected it yourself - it was polished to an almost pristine shine, “clean them again. All of them.”
“What the fuck, Mando,” you scoffed with indignation as you rolled your eyes at him, shoving the blaster right into of the black T of his visor. You waved it almost as if to prove your point, “this is clean. I dare you to find a cleaner blaster in this Maker forsaken galaxy.”
He was quick to your grab your wrist, his grip was firm as he kept your hand from moving. You didn’t normally argue with your stoic and mysterious employer, but this was apparently new and uncharted territory. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but there was a shift between the two of you, something had changed. The tension in the air was palpable, so thick you could cut it with the dullest of knives as you stared back at him. 
“Clean it again,” it was a growl that went straight to your cunt as you subconsciously clenched your thighs at the sound. Either this was a one time deal that you would commit to memory or you were going to make it a point to annoy him more often. As he stared you down, he slowly let go of your wrist and pointed at the discarded cleaning rag, “and make sure its actually clean this time.”
“You are the worst,” you tried to retain the little bit of composure that you had remaining as you swiped the blaster back.
“And you are a brat,” brat. Brat. Brat. Brat. Of all the words available in all of the galaxy, he had to choose that one. This was absolutely on purpose. The Mandalorian never did anything without careful planning and calculating the risks. The same could be said with his words; this was all carefully and deliberately chosen. He cocked his head to the side, almost as if trying to gauge your reaction, “but here we are. Get them clean.”
“Or what?” it was a mere pathetic squeak as found yourself almost unable to meet his face.
“Just get it done.”
Without another word he strode away, as silent and dangerous as he was when he first came in. If you were stronger, if you weren’t a weak little fool, you would have looked away and focused on your work. 
But no. Not today.
Instead you watched him go, staring shamelessly at his imposing figure as he moved to disappear back into the cockpit to do whatever it was that he did. 
Was his ass always that nice? Were those thighs always so strong and sturdy? Was he always so damn broad and wide? 
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” you hissed at yourself as you picked the rag back up and slammed yourself back down on the bench in order to re-clean all the weapons that you had just done. He wanted clean weapons? You’d give him the cleanest blasters he’d ever seen. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Almost an hour had crept by when you’d finished your second round of cleaning. At this point you honestly didn’t care if the Mandalorian deemed the job satisfactory or not. The longer you had ruminated on his words, the more frustrated you became. 
Each word, each touch seemed burned into your mind as you let your imagination take over. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about him before. There had been a number of sleepless nights when you imagined it had been his hand between your thighs, his fingers running through your slick folds before they slipped inside of you. On nights when you really couldn't help yourself, you even imagined it was his cock, how he would feel buried to the hilt inside of you. You wondered what he would be like, but something - this day in particular - told that he was big. And he would get the job done.
But it wasn’t going to happen. 
Nope. No. Nah. You were just his sidekick little employee that most definitely was not going to act on any impulsive or rash decisions. You might have been a lot of things, including a huge fool in that moment, but you weren’t that stupid. You didn’t need to create some unnecessary strain in your relationship with the stoic warrior or even worse, lose your job and home and be left stranded in a forgotten corner of the galaxy. 
Even as you tried to rationalize all the ways in which acting on your impulses was a horrible idea, the frustration and the throbbing between your legs didn't wane. You were getting so desperate and pathetically needy that you sat on the edge of your small bench just at the angle so you could get a little bit of friction on your clit. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
As you rocked back and forth, trying to keep the little mewls and whines from slipping past your lips, you realized you couldn't do this.
You couldn't risk getting caught by the Mandalorian. Oh yes, everything's fine, just getting myself off. Don't worry, I'm super horny because of you. Yeah of course I'd love your cock.
Yeah. Cool, cool, cool. This would never happen. 
Just when you before you reached your breaking point and had your hands halfway to your soaked core, you stopped. 
"Kriff," you sighed to yourself as you pulled your hand back out and stood up. What the actual fuck had gotten into you? A few commanding words you were completely losing your control. Either you were desperate for a release from something other than your own hand or you craved the mysterious Mandalorian. 
Hastily stashing the impeccably clean blasters back into the weapons cache, you discarded the rag as you quickly came up with a plan. 
Tiptoeing quietly back to where the little one was sleeping, you sneaked a peek and saw that he was still fast asleep. He wouldn't even notice you were gone - that's what you tried to convince yourself as you delicately touched his soft ears and button nose. 
You weren't sure if you were speaking of the Mandalorian or the baby. At this point you really didn't care. 
You glanced back at the ladder towards the cockpit, watching almost as if you expected him to come down and catch you sneaking out. Hells, technically he'd know as soon as you left the ship. You scrawled a quick note telling him that you needed a cleaner or something, in your haste you couldn't even remember what you put, and would need to go to the market.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was totally plausible, you insisted to calm your own nerves as you slipped on your boots and a cloak before making your final decision to leave. Attempting to be as quiet and subtle as possible, you slowly made your way off the Crest and started scurrying towards the nearby desolate town of Mos Eisley. In reality you looked more like a scrap rat scurrying away from the light than a woman heading into town to find something. 
Mos Eisley wasn’t exactly known for its sparkling reputation, and you were sure you could get exactly what you wanted quickly enough. In and out, you thought to yourself as a flush rose in your check, well precisely that. For at least you were hoping. 
But the Mandalorian, a seasoned hunter with a reputation for a reason, and didn’t miss a single trick. He was aware of what you were doing before you even left the cargo hold. If he was this frustrated and turned on you by you, his cock hard and straining against the confines of his pants, he was sure you must have been in the same position. 
Oh, but he had been close to breaking, just like you. How easy it would have been to seal the hatch to the cockpit and relieve himself of the desire and ache. But no - just like you he had limits and wasn’t about to give in and stroke his hard cock while you were within earshot. No matter times he had imagined it - fucking your mouth or burying himself deep between your luscious heat before pounding you into oblivion, he wasn’t going to give in this easily. 
He wasn’t a virgin by any means, but with your little backtalk and the way you had looked at him with those wide doe eyes and pretty pouted lips sure had him feeling like one. The thought of burying himself inside you, to watch as you bounced on his cock with your tits in his face was enough to make up his mind. 
One time couldn’t hurt, right? People had casual encounters all the time.Why should this one be any different? If you were willing of course, although judging by how your pupils had dilated with each word from his mouth, had little doubt you felt the same way; but consent of course was key. 
And tomorrow? You’d be back to being the same way you had always been.
Hopefully. Maybe. Probably.
This was a bad idea, and the small, sensible part remaining in his brain told him so. But he was too far in, too deep and lost in his own desires to stop himself. 
He was watched as you ran away, deciding to wait until you were halfway to Mos Eisley before going after you. He’d take the kid to Pelli, sure she’d more than happy to watch him for the night. The rest? That was to be all consumed by you. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The old cantina was dirty, dingy, and smelly. There was no doubt in your mind it must have been at least a decade since it was cleaned, and yet it still remained a hot spot; granted not for those of politer society, but enough to get the job down.  You pushed that to the back of your mind as you clambered through the crowd and to the bar, sitting down next to a handsome Zabrak you had spied when you’d walked in. You’d never been with one his kind before, but you’d heard rumors of them, especially when it came to their prowess behind closed doors, and something within you was piqued. 
He must have sensed something was up - as soon as you sat down, he motioned for the bartender to come back and bring the two of you a new round. 
“You’re new here,” he said gruffly, a dangerous edge to his voice, sharp like a knife as he took one of the luminescent drinks and shoved the other towards you.
Before you could even move to grab your drink or utter so much as a word in response, a hand darted and quickly grabbed your wrist, the grip biting and firm. 
“She’s mine,” the words washed over you before you could even turn to look at the Mandalorian. His chest was rising and falling heavy as his visor was trained on your would be companion for the night. A shudder ran up your spine as he pulled you off the stool, the two men glaring at each wordlessly. 
He pulled you behind him, storming out of the cantina as the crowds parted at the sight of the gleaming silver beskar. They knew better than to stand in the way of the Mandalorian. You felt like a child being scolded as he refused to acknowledge you, keeping his gaze trained straight as you struggled to keep up with his long strides. 
“What the hell, Mando?” your question was an indignant shout as your voice climbed an octave. His grip didn’t waver for a moment as he grunted in his response. Oh, he was mad. Yup. Definitely. You had fucked up. 
Any thought of talking back or prodding him further were estopped as you could see him fuming as he dragged your ass back to the Crest. 
This was it, you realized. This was the end where he would fire you and send you packing. Of all the places in the galaxy to be stranded, Tatooine was not one of your top destinations. No one to blame but yourself, you reckoned. 
Instead you hung your head as he refused to look back, making quick work of opening the cargo hold and shoving you inside. There was something about his touch that was rough, almost sending you falling to your ass, but there was still an odd gentleness.
You stared back at the blank visor in challenge, attempting to figure out what was going on. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he stared back at you. Neither of you were about to get a good read on each other. 
“Did you really think it was a good idea to just walk away without saying anything?” his voice was dangerously low as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at you. You opened and closed your mouth a few times as you tried to come up with either a smart response or an excuse but instead of anything coherent, it was a mixture of the two. Great. Now he's going to think you were an idiot on top of everything else. 
“I didn’t...just um...doesn’t matter what you...I needed something from the market?” you swallowed the lump on your throat as you dropped your gaze to the floor. He sighed for a moment - heavily - as you’d come to know was his penchant to do. 
“You needed something from the market?” it wasn’t a question so much as an accusation.
“What was it?”
“C-cleaner,” you lied. Somehow it sounded better than saying yeah, I really just wanted a quick fuck because you have me feeling some type of way. 
“There's a new cleaner right in the cabinet,” he said as you internally groaned. He was right - there was a brand new gleaming bottle on the top shelf. He’d gotten some last week, “or did you conveniently forget that?”
“Umm,” you couldn’t get anything else out as he took a step closer and left minimal distance between your bodies. He reached up and put a hand under your chin, turning your face up to meet his, “uh huh.”
“Uh huh, honey,” his voice warmed you up from inside out as you gave him an innocent look. If he hadn’t known what he was doing earlier, he certainly did now. And he was going to milk every second of it, to push this as far as it would go. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, a subconscious gesture, but not unnoticed by the Mandalorian. His hand slipped from your chin and jaw and slid until he was gently holding your throat. His grip was light, and he was barely squeezing, but Maker, you wished he was, “is that really what you were going to do?”
“Y-yeah,” how much longer were you going to keep up this little facade? You had no clue. But the feel of his hand around your airway, pushing slightly, ever so slightly, had your mind positively reeling.
“Then why did you go to that filthy old cantina?” he leaned closer, his helmet mere inches from your face as you closed your eyes, the blood rushing to your ears as you the heat pooled in your belly, “why were you talking to Zabrak? Did you really think he was going to fuck you? To make you feel good?”
“Mhmm,” you managed to murmur after a few beats of silence as you realized what was happening. This was new, uncharted territory - for the both of you - and if you went any further, there would be no going back. And you - fuck it. Your eyes snapped open as you turned to look into the visor, right where his eyes would be, “needed someone to do it, since you never would.” 
And there it was - finally out in the open and hanging thickly between the two of you. All you could ever was a small huff from under the helmet and you were positive he was smirking like a victorious predator.
“Is that what you want, honey?” he asked and you nodded. Give and take and then...it all broke, “get on your knees. Now.”
And you wasted no time sinking onto the cool metal floor, now level with his cock, where you could see the hardness straining against his rough fabric. Shaky fingers worked to hastily pop the button and pull the zipper, but just before you could get to what you wanted, Din roughly grabbed jaw, turning your face up to his, “you take what I give. Yeah?”
“Yes,” you promised, feeling yourself grow wetter and wetter with each word. But then, with another gentle tap to your chin, he seemed almost...gentle, “Mando?”
“If you don’t want this, just say stop,” he waited for you to nod as you a sense of warmth fluttered over you at his desire for consent, “I will not be gentle, I will not-”
“Give it to me then,” you beamed at him before turning back to his cock and pulling out of his underwear. You almost moaned at the sight of his cock, hard and leaking already; and just as your little fantasies had led you to believe, he was more than adequate. 
Spitting into your palm, you took him in your hand, pumping him a few times before licking the head, just small light licks, just enough to tease. Licking a stripe up his shaft, you played with his balls for a moment, earning what you were sure was a small groan from under the helmet. Making it a point to draw it out, you shouldn’t have been surprised when his hand went to the back of your head as he pushed you onto his cock. 
A sound of surprise was muffled by his cock as you took all of him into your mouth, doing your best not to gag as he hit the back of your throat and your nose brushed against the soft curls of hair at his base. Your hands slid up his thighs and found purchase on his hips as he began to fuck your mouth. He started slowly at first, almost as if he was afraid to give too much. When you grew accustomed to him, making it a point to hollow your cheeks and suck him as best as you could, he picked up the pace. And it was brutal in all the best ways, spit was starting to run down your chin along with a few tears that had spilled over, but if nothing else, it worked to spur him on. 
“Look at you,” he grunted between thrusts as he took in the sight in front of him, “take me so well. Knew your big mouth had to be good for something. Always wanted to fuck that pretty face.”
You hummed in delight as you raked your nails over the exposed slivers of his skin on his hips, golden and delicious and you wanted it all. His thrusts slowly become more erratic and sloppy as he twitched in your mouth. His hand dropped from the back of your head as you took over and put a hand back on his shaft as you worked to finish him off. 
Soon enough he did, followed by an almost primal growl as he came, his hot, thick, cum coating your mouth and you eagerly swallowed all that he offered, which unsurprisingly, was a lot. As his breathing slowed down and he slowly came down from the rush of his high, you pulled back from him, looking up at him with innocent eyes and a wicked smile. You cleaned him off, but just as you went to wipe at your mouth, his gloved hand was faster and he collected the spit and cum that had spilled out and pushed it back into your mouth with two fingers. You grabbed his wrist and made a show of sucking his fingers clean, tasting him along with the worn leather of his gloves. 
“Good girl,” he praised before hoisting you to your feet, “strip.”
“What about you?” you turned your head to the side, but he shook his head in response. He paused for a moment, almost as if he was having second thoughts, but just quickly, he whipped off his gloves and tossed them onto the floor before putting a hand on your cheek and stroking it tenderly. You swallowed thickly before nodding and working to pull off your clothes. 
First was your shirt, tugging slowly over your chest and tossed down to join the gloves. Your arm went to your back as you tugged off your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders as an almost nervous breath escaped your lips. 
“Keep going,” he commanded, eyes trained slowly on you as he drank in the sight of you. You undid your own zipper and pulled your pants and panties down in one fluid motion before kicking them off along with your boots and socks. You’d never felt more vulnerable or exposed in that moment, wanting to cover up but also relishing in the fact that you seemed to have rendered the Mandalorian speechless. He looked you up down, not bothering to hide the fact as he looked at your form, glancing at your soft mound before your breasts and then landing back on your face.
Beckoning for you to come closer with a simple crook of his fingers, you did so, standing directly in front of him. His hand flitted from your cheek and down your body before resting at the apex of your thighs. You gasped lightly in surprise as he dragged his fingers through your soaked folds, coating them in your copious arousal, before chuckling darkly. A hand immediately went to his shoulder as you steadied yourself and tried not to completely lose it at the simple touch, “all of this for me, honey?”
“Mhmm,” you admitted as he gently rubbed over your clit, teasingly in the slowest, most tantalizing way possible. Before you could stop yourself you blurted out, “always think about you. Always get so wet.”
He made a small, noncommittal sound as he pulled his fingers away from your wetness and brought them to your lips. He tapped your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, sucked his fingers clean from your own arousal, “I’ve thought about fucking you too. That mouth, that pussy. You’re such a brat, but you drive me crazy.”
“I like when you get mad,” you said as he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, “‘s sexy.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice deeper and lower than ever before, and you felt your knees start to buckle at the sheer sex it exuded, He brought his large, warm hands to your tits, touching over your pebbled nipples as you bit back a moan. While you wished it his mouth on them instead, this touch was just as well, as he massaged them, trying to get a good feel of them and seeing what drew out those sweet mewls from you. But before you could enjoy it too much, one hand gripped your waist like a vice and the other went between your legs. He ran his thick fingers through your folds, before slowly inserting one into your wet heat. You moaned as he slowly inserted another and then a third, stuffing you full and already having you seeing stars in no time, “make yourself cum.”
“What?” your eyes snapped open as he stilled his actions, “you’re joking, right?”
“Nope,” he popped the p loudly as he lightly teased your clit, eyes boring into yours, “you act like a brat and you want to cum? You have to work for it.”
“You can’t be serious,” you groaned as he moved to pull his hand away, as if to show you just how serious he was. This time, you caught his wrist and held him in place. He chuckled lightly in triumph as one of your hands returned to his shoulder for balance and the other went to play with your sensitive bundle of nerves. He held completely still, a practiced and patient man, as he made you work for it. He wasn’t kidding by any means when he said he would not be gentle. 
He remained quiet, watching your pretty face shift through a range of expressions as you worked to reach your own high. He was glad for the helmet, for if you had been watching him, you’d have seen the tinge of pink rising in his cheeks as the sight of you fucking yourself on his fingers. He’d envisioned this many times, no doubt about that, but he’d never thought it would become a reality. Maker, you were gorgeous as you thrust onto his hand using him for your own pleasure a string of gentle filth spilled from your lips as you rubbed slow circles onto your clit.
“Mandooo,” it was soft as you felt that familiar blinding haze start to take over you, and your toes involuntarily curled and your cunt started to clench around his fingers. Your eyes fluttered closed in pleasure as your vision turned blurry and that familiar warmth started to spread all over your limbs. He felt his cock twitch from where he had tucked himself back in after you’d pleasured him. Before you could finish though, something different met your ears.
“Din,” he said as bit your lip in order to keep from crying out completely, “my name is Din.”
And there it was. Completely unexpected and out of the blue. It wasn’t just a name - no it was so much more than it. It was a sign of trust, of closeness, of the fact that whatever this little situation was, it was neither the first or only time something like this would happen. No, your story with Mando may have come to an abrupt end, but your relationship with Din was just beginning.
It was almost as his name, uttered softly and almost unsurely, was exactly what you needed to push you over the edge as you came around his fingers. A soft moan left your lips along with the sweetest sound he was sure he’d ever heard, “Din.”
A merciful man when he chose to be, he took over for you and worked you through your orgasm as you almost collapsed into his arms, “there you are pretty girl. You did so well, fucking yourself on my fingers.”
“Not enough,” you rested your against the soft cowl of his neck as he pulled his hand from you, but not before slapping your ass a few times, almost as if testing to see how far he could push you. You made a few sounds of delight at the sting, only spurring him on as he slapped and then gently needed the ample flesh of your backside, “please, need you to fuck me.”
“Is that what you need, pretty girl?” he purred in your ear as he pulled back and grabbed your face in his hands, taking in the already blissed out expression on your features, “you want me to fuck you? Think you’re ready for my cock?”
“Yes,” you were practically ready to beg at this point, “I’ve been wanting it for so long.”
At your words, he almost dragged you to the small bed that was reserved for you in the corner and motioned for you to sit. You watched with eager eyes as he scrambled for the waistband of his pants and hastily pulled them down and kicked them off, letting them join your discarded clothes. He practically ripped off the rest of the beskar until he was bared in front of you, save for the helmet. His cock was already painfully hard again, standing at attention and leaking fat drops of precum.
“Can I trust you?” he asked as you nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. You’d never questioned the fact that you’d never seen his face or that he apparently just never showed it to anyone. You respected him and his decisions, and you’d never dare to push the envelope or destroy his trust. 
“Always,” you promised as he walked over to the wall and hit the switch for lights, cloaking the room in darkness. You sucked in a breath before you heard him shuffling about and the beskar helmet clanged against the metal floor. He stood in front of you, you could feel his breathing as he touched your cheek before wrapping a hand around your throat.
“Hands and knees,” he instructed with a delicious rasp, made even better by the lack of filtering from the vocoder of his helmet, “now.”
The singular word was enough to send a fresh rush of arousal through your veins, as you laid on your belly on the small cot before positioning yourself so your ass was in the air. He shuffled behind you, his large hands grazing over the soft flesh of your ass. He spread your cheeks apart before dragging a thick finger through your soaked folds. A small sound of pleasure rippled through your throat as you clutched onto the thin, scratchy blanket of the bed, “please.”
“Quiet,” it was harsh and biting as  the palm of his hand slapped your ass, the sting delicious and leaving you wanting more, “you like that, don’t you? You like being spanked, pretty girl.”
“Only by y-y-you,” before you could say anything, he slapped your ass a few more times before kneading the soft flesh to make sure the sting wasn’t too painful. 
Mando - no, Din - shifted his weight and you could feel him line himself up at your entrance. He ran the tip of his cock through your folds. A moan escaped your lips - and his - as he slowly pushed into you, giving you a brief moment to adjust to his considerable size. The stretch was amazing, the slight burn quickly turned into pleasure and you felt full, so completely full. He groaned as he bottomed out, already feeling pussy dumb by the way your velvet walls hugged him, “this - kriff - this pussy is perfect. Just like it was made for me.”
“Din,” you buried your face in your pillow as he pulled out, slowly, before thrusting sharply back into you. He was not lying when he said that he would not be gentle. His large, warm hands went to your hips as he held them in a bruising grip. You were sure you’d bear his marks for days. 
He set a bruising pace, thrusting into you with no mercy as he slammed his hips into yours. There was nothing gentle or intimate about, no - this was months and months of pent up frustration and desire coming out all at once. Din was not a talkative man, but as he fucked you into oblivion, he was whispering strings of filth and praise into your ears. All you could do was lie there as he pounded into you, so lost in your own pleasure as you became a whining mess under him.
Before he came, his arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you flush against his chest. One large hand went to play with your breasts as the other went to your clit as he rubbed and circled at the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your mouth hung open in a blissful haze as he kept going, pressing kisses into the soft skin of your skin and shoulder, alternating between nipping and sucking and making sure to leave plenty of marks so everyone knew you were his. 
“Look at you, pretty girl,” he grunted in your ear, “taking my cock so well. You love this don’t you? Getting used like this.”
“Mhmm,” you bit your lip as he kept going, kept abusing your spent pussy as he started to stutter in his thrusts, “‘m so close, please, wanna come.”
“You’re going to come on my cock,” he commanded as you nodded, “and I’m going to fill you up and make sure you know who you belong to.”
“I’m yours,” you insisted as you felt your walls clench around him and his cock start to twitch, “only yours.”
“Good girl,” he praised as he turned your head to place a rough kiss on your lips. It was the sheer act of the moment and feel of his stubble that sent you over the edge and cumming all over him. You were like jello in his arms as he held you up, giving you a few more thrusts before spilling inside and coating your walls with his cum, “ahh - fuck - so fucking good. Maker, you feel like no other. Perfect pussy - just for me.”
He held you tightly against his body as he caught his breath, the two of you breathing in sync. You thought he might pull away immediately, but instead, he pressed more kisses, chaste compared to your previous actions, down your back as he slowly lowered you onto the bed. You couldn’t even form words as you laid there, cockdumb and already feeling his arousal along with your own dripping onto your thigh. 
“You did good,” he praised gently before reaching between your legs and scooping up some of his cum that had started dripping out. You whimpered at the touch, still sensitive, and listened as he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them clean, “but I’m not done with you yet.”
Din gently flipped you onto your back so you were lying face up and exposed to him. He sat between your legs and slowly spread them apart, admiring his handy work. He leaned back before climbing off the small and getting on his knees, pulling you towards his face. Just as you had gotten on your knees for him, he kneeled only for you. 
“Din,” you sighed contentedly as he kissed along your inner thighs, working his way back to your dripping heat. He nuzzled his nose against you, taking a moment to take it all in, “already so much."
"Come on, honey," his voice was like liquid gold as he reached up and touched your breasts, cupping them easily in his large hands, "you've got another one in you. I know you do. Aren't you a good girl?"
"Mhmm," you arched into his touch as he rolled your nipples between his fingers. How this infuriating man got you to become a pile of mush in his hands you'd never know, but you definitely weren't going to question it. He leaned up and kissed your hips before burying his face between your legs, "I'm your good girl."
And with those words, he licked a long stripe up your soaked folds, still soaked from your combined juices. His nose, which you presumed was aquiline in nature, nudged your clit as he ate you like a starving man. You were the shining prize, glimmering in the distance, and he was the wrecked man crossing the desert to get to you.
This time you didn't even bother to hold back as you mewled and cried, tears of pleasure and overstimulation welling up at the corners of your eyes and sliding down your cheeks. Din hummed in content as he licked and suckled at you, making sure to focus on your clit as you came completely undone.
Reaching down, you carded a hand through his locks - curls - as you pressed his face against your aching core. You could practically feel him smirking against you as he slipped a few fingers inside to join his ministrations. Expertly curling his thick fingers, he quickly found the sweet spot that made your toes curls and you see stars.
"Almost there," he grinned as he gave you a moment of reprieve before diving right back in, "I can feel that perfect cunt squeezing around me. Taste so good, pretty girl."
"D-Din," his name falling from your tongue was like pure magic as he became transfixed by how it sounded. Your mouth dropped open in a small O as your legs shook around him. He pulled his fingers from you as he held down your hips in order to keep you from squirming away from him, "feelssogood - makerohstars - Dindindin."
"Come all over my face, pretty girl," his tongue darted into you for a few moments before he gave your clit a harsh suckle. That was all it took before you came again, screwing your eyes shut as he worked your through your orgasm, lapping up every bit of your juices, refusing to waste even a drop, "there you are - taste so fucking good. Perfect."
He was relentless until he was sure you were completely done and a practical ragdoll on the bed. Slowly, he pulled back from you, trailing light kisses up your body, stopping when he got your face. Almost as if he was able to see even in the almost complete darkness, he wiped away your remaining tears. He hesitated for a moment for leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You sighed softly as you rolled onto your side and scooted closer to the wall, making room for him. 
It was a big thing you were doing, boundaries had been crossed and blurred and any rules you'd previously had were thrown out the window. Neither of you were sure what came next.
But you did know that you didn't want him to leave - not yet anyway.
"Din?" you asked softly as he pulled the blanket over your spent body; he was surprisingly gentle for a man that had just sent you to heaven and hell and back. 
"Yes, pretty girl?" 
"Will you stay?" your voice was small as you prepared yourself for defeat and for him to leave.
"Yes," he whispered softly as he slid in under the blanket and next to you, "I'd like that."
"Me too," you admitted as he shifted and pulled you in his arms so you could lay your head on his chest, listening to the steady thump thump of his heart, "Din?"
"I'm in charge next time," you smirked lightly as you kissed his soft skin. He inhaled sharply but you could tell he was into it. The man might have just been in charge, but you had a feeling he might like being told what to do as well - and you were going to find out, "I want to ride you."
"Kriff," he groaned under his breath, "You're going to be the death of me, little brat."
"I'll make it worth your while," you promised with a small yawn, "I'll have you crying in no time - begging me for mercy."
“You’re going to be a good boy for me, right?” it was your turn to put your hand on his throat and give it a gentle, but firm squeeze as he stiffened at the feeling, “I know you’re a good boy, Din.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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9tzuyu · 3 years
ticket for one
prompt: accidentally taking someone’s seat at the movie theater
note: i am not at all afraid of horror, i loveeeee horror movies. but i had to work with my imagination. gonna try and push myself more to write :). hope you guys enjoy. thank u moli for proofreading.
🏷 : @wandaromanova @c-is-writing @nermalina
. . .
it wasn’t often that natasha was able to go out and enjoy a life of her own. she was needed almost 24/7 at her job. natasha wasn’t one to complain, but even the most skilled and profound agents couldn’t avoid exhaustion.
she needed a break. and per natasha’s request, she asked for a few weeks off several months prior.
a touch of normalcy greeted natasha as soon as she arrived at her destination. it was a small, forgotten town just a few states over, but it was one that functioned perfectly fine on its own. she felt lighter being away from new york, like she could finally breathe on her own.
the maryland wind kept natasha’s lips dry and chapped while loose red hair brushed against her face. her hands were shoved deep in the pockets of her jacket in an attempt to stay warm. she felt small.
“for such a well-trained spy, you sure know how to forget the basic necessities,” she mumbled to herself.
natasha didn’t have anything in particular planned for the day. she would probably stop by the store and pick up a few essentials, maybe go to the park and sit for a while. it was only a three-block walk, not far at all compared to the hikes she’s had to do for missions.
on her way there a brightly lit cinema caught the russian’s eye. she stopped in her tracks. natasha couldn’t remember the last time she went to the theaters. a vague memory of her and yelena dragging melina into the theater flashed across natasha’s mind.
her eyes followed the dimly lit board to see the 80s version of house on sorority row was playing. she bit her lip, finally giving in when she was greeted with the smell of freshly made popcorn. natasha was just in time too, the trailers for other movies would still be playing.
and even though natasha had a comfortable amount of confidence, she couldn’t lie to herself, it did feel pretty awkward asking for one singular ticket.
human nature, she supposed.
she was quick to select a seat on the digital screen, picking the farthest one away from the screen on the outside corner of the aisle.
however, when natasha made her way into the theater, she frowned. someone else was already sitting in her selected seat. it was a dumb thing to be annoyed by, she knew that, but she needed to sit there. natasha wasn’t one to shy away from confrontation either.
so the redhead made her way in front of your line of view.
“uhm can i help you?”
natasha hated that you looked so adorable as you stared at her.
“you’re in my seat.”
“o-oh, i’m sorry.” you blushed shyly, squirming your way out of her seat and down a few spots. there was a gap of 4 chairs between the two of you. she watched as you embarrassingly made yourself comfortable in your newly selected location.
you’d never been more thankful for a nearly empty theater in your life. lucky for you, the movie began to play.
but fifteen minutes later you found yourself staring at the redhead. she looked half tense, her fingers tapped on the armrest. then you noticed her choice of clothing – a grey sweatshirt with perfectly fitted sweatpants, but not the kind you’d wear around your house. your eyes traveled to her face, and oh my god you’d never seen a woman more beautiful than her.
“i know you didn’t pay to stare at me the entire time now did you?” her tone of voice was lighthearted, so you knew she wasn’t being rude.
and once again, you’d embarrassed yourself in front of the woman.
“i didn’t pay at all actually,” you stammered. “sorry for…. staring.” she nodded her head and averted her eyes back to the screen. you followed suit, this time promising yourself not to make any more awkward mistakes.
you completely missed the grin natasha had on her face. she found it kind of funny that you’d snuck in, but she couldn’t really blame you. movie tickets weren’t always worth the cost.
throughout the movie natasha could see you shift uncomfortably out of the corner of her eye, sometimes cringing at bloody scenes. she giggled before moving to sit next to you.
“sneak into the wrong movie?” her voice startled you causing your hand to fall over your chest. your eyes snapped down to her lips, only to be met with a smirk. “hi.” you whispered softly. natasha almost instantly caught on to the fact that you didn’t recognize her.
she didn’t want to sound arrogant or anything, but she’s an avenger. who didn’t know about the group of six? nonetheless, the russian relaxed a little more knowing you wouldn’t bombard her with questions.
“do you need to hold my hand?” her teasing nature and the fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous completely wrecked your brain. the mystery woman raised her eyebrow in question, clearly still waiting on your answer.
“i don’t even know your name.”
you nodded, “well, natasha, i’m y/n. and yes- yes, i’d like to hold your hand.” she flipped the armrest up so you could be more comfortable before clasping her hand in yours. you felt warm in contrast to her cold fingertips and you took note of the softness of her skin.
neither one of you knew exactly what you were doing, but you both surprised yourselves by enjoying the other’s company.
a third of the way through the movie natasha looked down to see you unknowingly leaning into her side. it was cute.
“first you’re in my seat, now you’re cuddling into my arm. are we on a date, y/n?”
when you realized how close you were to the complete stranger of a woman, you pushed yourself away. apologies began to spill out but natasha was quick to cut you off by cupping her hand over your mouth.
“do you plan on sneaking into any other movies today?” you shook your head, confused as to why natasha was asking you this question. “do you have any plans after this?” once again you shook your head.
you were just about to ask her why she was questioning you when she cut you off.
“then let me take you out on a date.”
natasha hid her nervousness – because honestly, what the hell was she even thinking? asking a stranger to go out on a date with her?
she licked her lips, “would you like to go out- on a date with me?”
you broke out into a smile, squeezing her hand for reassurance. “yes, i would love that.”
who knew such a simple mistake could result in a pretty woman taking you out on a date?
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