#thank you EVERYONE for the asks i’ll hit them ASAP!
ducktracy · 2 years
for the art asks: 3, 4, 11, 21 :)
3. Least favorite things to draw?
THIS IS GENUINELY HARD… “i don’t have one” is such a cheater answer! but as i’ve drawn more and more and gotten more out of my comfort zone, i find i don’t really dread drawing anything as much? being a professional artist is kind of nice because regardless of how you feel about what you’re drawing (not talking like morally objectionable stuff of course), you still GOTTA DRAW IT! which actually sounds horrible now that i put it that way BUT I MEAN IT IN A GOOD WAY LOL. like, i can groan and gripe about something, but at the end of the day there’s an end product that needs to be achieved and grumbling to myself isn’t gonna do me any favors.
i used to not like drawing cars, which i know is a pretty shared experience, but having gotten used to drawing cars for work or personal art i don’t mind as much anymore, and actually enjoy the challenge! i’m always looking to challenge myself, and i think that mindset has helped me a lot. i always tell my supervisors that i’ll draw anything they put in front of me LOL
4. Favorite things to draw?
TOO MANY TO LIST… so predictable of me to say this but Daffy and/or Porky are definitely up there regardless HAHA. it is very true though! they’re very forgiving to me. i can get into their minds well, and they’ve known me and my pencil enough to know what to do. we have a good relationship!! they’re always two characters i can draw with ease and feel good drawing. i will never run out of inspiration with them.
like any artist, i have a lot of Personal Artistic Philosophies, and one of my biggest is that i view my art as a conversation. i try to get into the heads of the characters i draw. at the same time, i feel like a director—telling them where to stand, what to pose, what to emote, no, this isn’t working, i need a little more from you, good, good, maybe try it like this, etc. it’s something i’ve embraced tenfold as of late, seeing as my job relies on this whole principle—getting into the minds of the characters and making them act believably, endearingly, and innocently funny. i really just like getting to draw any sort of character that i can build that “”relationship”” with, so to speak. it’s especially nice with my favorite characters or characters who are receptive to me back, so like Daffy or Porky or SpongeBob and so on.
on a LESS philosophical note though, i DO love painting as well. i really enjoy every part of the art process (and i’m not just saying that!), but i find coloring and painting and rendering particularly zen. it’s rewarding to watch the fruits of my labor come together and materialize! likewise, there’s less stress, because painting and coloring can be more ambiguous—i’m not doing thumbnails or rough layers of how i’m gonna color something, not struggling to figure out the construction or perspective of color. it’s a nice leisurely change of pace and is something i find relaxing… which is good and rare considering i’m firing on all cylinders otherwise! my mind is always going 37466372mph and so it’s nice to have something to ground it.
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever received on your work?
THIS I DO HAVE A MORE STRAIGHTFORWARD ANSWER TO HAHA.. i’m so fortunate enough to have been told many, many kind things from friends, coworkers, supervisors, followers and strangers alike. i make a point to internalize every compliment i get—acts of kindness are something i take very seriously and i’m very, very sentimental. i’ve been told many great things over the years and i am sincerely lucky for all of them.
one of the most profound, though, was Bob Clampett’s daughter, Ruth, commenting this on my tribute to The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (and yes i’m posting the screenshot because i still can’t believe it!!)
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i’ve been lucky to have been told MANY nice things.. but i don’t think a single comment has ever made me bawl like a baby more than that one LOL. i still get emotional thinking about it! it reminded me of how eternally lucky i am to be doing what i am.
21. Weirdest thing you’ve ever drawn?
THERE’S QUITE A VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM.. i have “i was on deviantArt when i was 11” syndrome so that spawned a lot of. interesting things. i truly could not narrow it down.. but i immediately thought of this one so. i don’t know what it means or who this is either
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thanks for the asks!!
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roboenthuser · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some fluffy relationship headcanons of Billy Kid with a shy GN reader please?
YEAHH! I gotcha anon, thanks for the request🫂
(ZZZ) Billy kid x shy GN! Reader
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‼️This is going purely off the few character trailers and gameplay clips there are for Billy so I may not get everything right!‼️
•Billy would love to show off to a shy s/o any chance he gets! He thinks it makes him look cooler to you (he ends up forgetting to reload and jumps into fights without ammo, or misses all his shots because he’s too busy looking at you LMAO)
•LOVES to show you off (much to your dismay) in more of a “Look at my s/o! Aren’t they so pretty/handsome!” Way. Definitely tries to build up your confidence a bit but he won’t force it
•Date nights with him would probably consist mostly of cuddling up on the couch/bed, binging shows (mostly starlight knight) at each others homes or going to eat in a secluded part of the city.
•Billy is DEFINITELY going to struggle picking up on behavioral cues from you, he may not be able to tell straight away when something’s wrong so communication is extremely important for him! You’d have to speak up about any issues you have with him or he’s gonna be clueless until it hits him in the face.
•As for physical affection, he LOVES holding you/having some sort of physical contact with you most of the time. Whether it’s a hug, hand holding, cuddling, as long as he’s close to you he’s content. He’s a bit down about his lack of lips in a relationship which means he can’t really kiss you, but alternatively he’ll (gently) touch the lower part of his faceplate/visor to your skin in his own little form of kissing<3
•If you’re not comfortable with PDA that’s okay!!! He respects that, but every once in a while he’ll lightly brush his hand against yours when no one’s looking
•THE TEASING!! He will tease you a bit for your shyness (playfully ofc) if he ever goes too far with his teasing he’s quick to apologize and bring you your favorite snacks/drink :)
•Most likely introduces you to Nicole and Anby, although he probably doesn’t want you too involved in his line of work he would like it if his two best friends met his s/o, he’d be especially happy if you ended up befriending them!
•If you ask nicely he’ll let you borrow his jacket, only for a little while though 💔
•I feel like nicknames would be a big thing for him too, Both for you and himself! His names for you would be cutie, handsome/beautiful, sweetheart, and baby, whereas for himself he would refer to himself as your “Starlight knight”
•Tries to be a gentleman (fails)
Pulling your chair out for you? Whoops he pulled it too far and you fell on the floor.
Need help carrying something? He fumbles and drops it.
He tries!! Doesn’t always succeed but he definitely tries his best!
•Overall a great partner with a shy s/o, he’s definitely not perfect but he’ll learn! You’ll have to help him out but he gets the hang of how to adapt to your shyness eventually❤️
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RAHH!! Hope that was alright for a first HC post, once again thanks for the request anon! Reminder to everyone my request listing and rules are still open, I’ll try to get to everyone’s requests asap! Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!🫶
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emmkitt · 7 months
me:im never gonna post ever agajn… also me:erm hi guys
OK SO!! as a thank you to you all for being aweoske silly goobers/pos i made some freebie object designs just for yall!!! be sure to read the rest of the post so u know all the rules n stuff
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including a cut so hopefully the text doesnt take up ur entire screen HHDHD, rules and info are below the cut so hit read more if ur interested in entering!!
SO, im gonna be raffling thes guys off! sorry theres a bit of reading, but dont worry!! you gots plenty of time to read it all :3!!
-you MUST have a Toyhouse account! this is how i keep track of designs, and by keeping the character on toyhouse i’ll be able to make sure the design isnt stolen. That being said, if you dont currently have a toyhouse account you can still enter!! if you win, i’ll give you a code so you can make an account! (it takes like 2 seconds its ez peasy i promise lmao). I have plenty of codes so don’t feel like you cant participate if you dont have an account hdhd
-PLEASE only enter using one account. I know tumblr is funky and you can like make a morbillion different sideblogs, im relying on the honor system here… I don’t wanna make a rule like ‘if your oldest post isnt older than a week, you cannot enter’ cause i know sometimes people just. dont post. lmao. and that wouldnt be fair to them. I want everyone to have an equal chance, don’t ruin it for everyone else by entering multiple times……please… i beg of thee…
-I don’t really have a strict design ownership terms of service. basically just dont use my designs to spread hate that’s all i ask. idc if you resell or trade or change up the design or whatever just. just dont be a jerk about it. (also spare my poor fragile heart and dont just enter to win the design and resell it…. i want these to hopefully go to people who actually plan to use the design. I understand sometimes you just cant get attached and that’s fine, but if your sole intention is to resell….. yer gonna make poor lil ol me cry…)
-You’ll automatically be entered for each design, however you will only be able to win a maximum of one. If there’s any in the group that you for sure think you will not want/use, just let me know in your reblog! I wont be upset about that!
-Since there’s only four, I won’t be able to give everyone who enters a design :[, if you think you’ll get upset if you don’t win please don’t enter.
-if you have any questions at all just leave a comment and i’ll try to get back to you asap :]!
to enter::
all ya gotta do is reblog! maybe include a random fun fact, or your favorite object show character, or a recommendation for a movie to watch, or literally ANYTHING, entertain me with your rambles!!!! (not required though of course) (also you will totally not bribe me with floory rambles/fun facts I WILL NOT GIVE IN!!!!/silly)
Please please be sure to only reblog once! It’ll make it easier for me to sort through everything!!
no other requirements! u dont gotta like this or comment or be following me just reblogging is all ya gotta do!!
The raffle ends and i will choose winners on March 2nd at 4:00 CST (my timezone yay!!) (it may end a bit later if i end up forgetting … hopefully i wont)
if you will need a toyhouse code if you win you can include that in your reblog just so I’m aware ahead of time!! it will not impact your chances to win… im literally drowning in codes.. take them.. plea…s
I THINK THATS IT??? sorry its a long post but if yall can make it through 40,000 words of gay fanfic you can make it through my 200 word ramble/SILLY
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rosetheex-editor · 11 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from a table, the camera getting a view of a window. A woman with red hair is looking out of it as waves hit the beach, another woman can be heard yawning in the background.]
?: Ugh… my head…
[Voice identified: Ness.]
?: Pfft, lightweight. Couldn’t imagine.
[Voice identified: Eden.]
[Eden shrieks in disgust at Ness’ words, making it clear that it did not happen.]
Ed: EW NO. WHAT THE FUCK, ABSOLUTELY NOT. There’s two fucking beds in this room, idiot!
[Ness' 'Uhhhhh' is extended for almost a minute before stopping.]
Ne: Eden?
Ed: What.
[Ness takes a pause, before flinging her arms out beside her in confusion.]
[Eden looks out at the water, then back to Ness.]
Ed: The Royal at Atlantis, or, at least… that’s what Ophelia said.
Ne: That’s… Not in New York is it?
[Eden sighs.]
Ed: The fuck do you think, dipshit? Come look out the window.
[Ness gets up and walks to the window. Staring at the landscape in front of them.]
Ed: Looks like it, yep.
Ne: Oh my fuckin' god I… How did I let you idiot's convince me into this shit… ESPECIALLY YOU!
Ed: You asked to be included, you dolt! You said ‘I’ve never had a girls night before, can I tag along?’ And you fucking tagged along! Now you’re in the Bahamas!
[Eden leans against the wall, staring at Ness. A small grin on her face.]
Ed: Yeah, we did exactly that. But, it was never specified where we would be partying. I’m surprised you don’t remember any of that.
Ne: Ugh… Might as well I don't know. What do people do at the bahamas?
Ed: Hell if I know, I think everyone just… sits around. So.
Ne: Well fuck that, I'm swimming! I uh… Shit. These are the only clothes I have…
[As soon as Ness finishes speaking, someone comes tumbling in through the door, making it into frame.]
?: Ohmigodhiguys!
[Voice identified: Ophelia.]
Ne: OH SHIT! You scared me… Uh hi?
O: Last night was so fun, OMG. I heard something about clothes? And only having one outfit?
Ed: Have you been waiting outside of the room until you heard that.
Ne: Uh… Yeah I was gonna go swimming while I'm here… But Yeah.
[Ophelia digs around in her pockets, and pulls out something shiny, and rectangular. They toss it over to Ness.]
O: Go wild, girl.
Ne: Wha- What is this? Um.
O: Company card! Go and buy yourself some stuff, Ness.
Ne: Y'all aren't… Trying to get me to join showfall or PR right?
Ed: God no, why would I want to work with you?
O: Be nice! But no, we aren’t. We just want to treat you to something nice!
Ne: Uh ok… Oh did I give you those letter's? From my stalker?
O: Not yet, no. I think you were too busy singing ‘Copacabana’ on the table to remember.
Ne: Oh um… Well
[Ness digs around her pockets, casually pulling out 4 pieces of paper. And slowly handing them to Ophelia.]
O: Thank you, I’ll look into this ASAP!
Ne: And I'll keep my end… Anything PR needs, as much as it will pain me. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone currently staying in that apartment. I'll do it.
O: Glad you’ve decided to keep that part! It would have ended a little worse if you’d decided to take that part out.
O: Kidding!
Ne: Ha… Ha yeah I'm gonna go now thanks for this!
[Ness runs out of the room leaving her phone on accident.]
Ed: Why the fuck did you just let her run off with the damn company card?
O: For funsies!
[Eden smacks her palm into her face.]
Ed: God, I hate you.
O: Yeahhh.
[Ness runs back.]
[Ness grabs it and leaves again, accidentally hitting a button ending the transcript.]
[End transcript.]
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
Hello! Could I ask for a twst matchup please? I'm Nord, and I go by she/her.
For personality, I've been told I'm a little mischievous but sweet and calming to be around. I'm definitely more on the introverted side but can come off as extroverted due to my friendly nature. Generally, I have a lot of patience and don't tend to get angry unless it's on the behalf of others. I worry for those around me more than myself and nag when I grow concerned ^^; Some of my other traits include being competitive, curious, stubborn and detail-oriented. overall, I have a lot of emotions but do my best to express them in a way that's not a nuisance for anybody. I just want to enjoy the little things in life!
I write short stories, play video games, watch anime (especially horror and comedy), bake and take walks in the nature in my free time. I also love dogs, and tea. I’m currently studying english and geography! Reciting poetry and quotes help me sleep.
As for love languages, I love giving gifts (especially self-made trinkets like jewellery and I will spoil my partner with them), acts of service and quality time. I'm clumsy with words of affirmation but also a bit of an accidental flirt because I like complimenting people??
Thank you so much, take your time and have a good day <33
Hello there my beloved! So sorry it took so long to get this out, but I have your request in my hands no, you’ll be okay…
I match you with…
Riddle Rosehearts!
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So, hear me out. Riddle isn’t so bad, we all know this. It’s just his mom who’s kind of a sucker for so much control it’s damaging (homie here can relate 😭 saddest of enbies). But I swear, I know what I’m doing. This is full of tragedy, but a hopeful ending for the couple you guys make.
With how extroverted you initially came off to him, Riddle thought you were a massive rule breaker. If that’s not one thing he despises intensely, the world must be ending otherwise. He only saw how angry you got at him for collaring Ace, shouting every word you could possibly throw at his noggin to clarify how dumb he is for following all the rules to a T. After his Overblot, he gets to really meet you and appreciate who you are as you finally let your walls come down.
Instead of anger, he sees the endless amount of worry you put into everyone, which is no easy feat since there’s quite a few of them you eventually friend along the way. He’s even accidentally figured out when you start showing massive red flags for burning out severely, but unfortunately he doesn’t quite realize what burnout is and allows it to get to the point where you finally break (I’ll make that bit into its own bullet point, don’t worry-). When Riddle tries hanging out with you for the first time, he really sees how quiet you are. It even gets to the point he forgot you were there until ADeuce decided to start a competition over something completely dumb and dragged you into the mix. He saved you, don’t worry. Someone’s gotta have a tight grip on these boys
After that accident occurred, Riddle couldn’t help but notice how often you suppressed your own feelings in favor of the others around you, no matter how much you didn’t agree with it. He had to think about how to approach that whole separate issue without coming off arrogant because he knows you’re just trying to enjoy the moment, but you’re too caught up in worrying about everyone else you forget to enjoy it too. He doesn’t get a chance to talk about this with you before your burnout hits you full force, but he did manage to snag a conversation between Trey and Cater about it so he wasn’t totally off the rails (and he was right according to that duo, you needed help ASAP!)
Eventually, your burnout hits. And when I say hard, I mean even Rook Hunt, notorious for finding anything to be prey, couldn’t find you on his first sweep of the entire campus grounds. On top of that, Idia, despite having cameras in the weirdest and oddest of spots, couldn’t see you from his cameras. Being worried would be an understatement for Riddle, he’s trying to not completely panic while you’re missing. It’s when he finally decides to search his rose maze that he finds you curled up into a ball on the ground next to a pavilion crying your eyes out. He sits there and tries to figure out how to comfort you (let’s be honest, this boy is more emotionally constipated than you homie), but he eventually settles on stories from when he was younger and was still allowed to speak Trey and Chenya. He eventually stops because his mother finds out and no longer wishes to upset you further (though we both know what happened that fateful day). He honestly thanks you for your deed from so long ago, apologizing that he should have done it sooner than begging apologies with you back then. Riddle offers you a hand and you inevitably take it, he’s guiding your back to his dorm while texting the group chat with the other House Wardens that you’re okay, but you definitely need space for now and a serious talk with everyone is long overdue
Loves that you’re already choosing to study in your free time as you should when you try to become a productive member of society, but is also (not so) secretly curious of your other hobbies. I’d like to think he’s just completely baffled at the concept of anime, but likes that it’s not just some cartoons his mother initially made him believe they were. On top of that, baking? You’ve made a perfectionist become less perfection and more creation in the kitchen baking together, though the others mustn’t see him in such a lovesick state of mind (a bit late since they saw it a long time ago, but this isn’t new for anyone)
When you start gifting him homemade jewelry out of nowhere, he thinks it’s a ploy to get him to do something for you, you’ll have to explain you like making these sorts of gifts for him. Once he understands it, he will now proudly wear and show off his jewelry that you’ve made any time and chance he gets. Riddle’s even got certain sets of jewelry he wears for special occasions now with how much he’s hoarded and made certain that no one made off with his precious jewels you so graciously gifted him
Finds himself completely flustered out of nowhere when you first accidentally compliment him, has to ask you to clarify that you actually meant it. When you’re outright confused at first then turned embarrassing shades of red, he gets the hint. More so when you cover your face with your hands and whine your apologies. It’s awkward the rest of the day between you two unless Cater does something about it, though in all honestly, he’s probably the one to make jokes at your expenses instead of doing the emotional breakdown for the two of you, especially if you’re in a relationship. He’s trying to get you guys to sort your problems out without his magnificent help after all
All in all, Riddle’s so appreciative of this relationship you guys built together. He’s working on finding himself through some of your interests that aren’t necessarily beneficial all the time (if he hasn’t found a loophole in everything at some point I’ll be surprised). He just feels so free with you, but he still gets to keep the things that help him stay grounded like some of the many rules he used to live by. While he’s managing his anger, he’s also being the best partner you could manage with all the quality time being his favorite love language. He just so enamored by you and your captivating charms, why would he resist someone who really loves him?
And the follow ups are:
Epel Felmier
That’s all folks! Until next time!
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ravagedarkness · 2 years
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 9: Something Brewing
I hate to admit it, but if felt good to give Spider-Man a break for the day. I still listened to the scanners, but Shadowcat and Frictor were very active and held things down. It was a pretty good feeling, knowing there were others willing to help out in this city – ones I could work with without there having to be an Avengers level threat to deal with. So, with that in mind, after my nap, I did different things around my apartment. I did some quick chores such as throwing out the trash and cleaning up around the place. I took time to iron the clothes I decided to wear for the interview and put together my portfolio. After that, I went over my notes and exercises for class. With the exception of me sewing the holes and tears in my suit, I didn’t do anything Spider-Man related.
Monday rolled around. Nothing too unusual happened. I went to class then I went to Peter Pan to see MJ and Ned. Betty, Kitty, and Craig swung by not too long after. The latter two knew they didn’t need to be there, but they stopped by anyway just to check out the spot. As we all sat at the counter, talking amongst ourselves about different things from Craig’s new haircut to the upcoming dance, I thought to myself that this was the first time in a long while that I enjoyed a Monday.
The next morning, I woke up to my phone vibrating. Groaning, I sat up before I reached over for and grabbed the device. After unplugging it from the charger, I checked the name on the screen.
Craig Pierre, Jr.
I raised my eyebrows before I accepted the call and put the phone to my ear.
“Hello?” I said.
“Yo!” Craig greeted. “Did I wake you?”
“...Yeah.” I cleared by throat after I realized how raspy it sounded.
“My bad, man. I would have called you a little later, but Scott wants you to swing by ASAP. He wanted to discuss our little group project and get you up to speed on what everyone else been working on.”
It took me a good ten seconds for me to realize he was talking in code. “…I’ll bring my notebook.”
Thirty minutes later, I was at their apartment. After Craig opened the door for me and greeted me, I took a moment to take off my shoes. I was then ushered towards the kitchen table, where Scott and Kitty were already seated. There was a large spread of breakfast food – waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, fruit, a carton of orange juice on ice, and more. It was the kind of breakfast spread you’d see in movies featuring the typical nuclear family.
It always boggled my mind whenever the father would be on his way to work, and he’d just grab an apple.
“Grab some food,” Scott said as I took a seat at the table.
I nodded as I picked up my plate and used my fork to gather a bit of everything on my plate. After that, Craig said a quick prayer and everyone began to eat.
“Thanks for the food,” I said to them.
“You’re welcome,” Scott said. “I figured it’d be best to discuss things over food, especially this early in the morning.”
“And especially with what we gathered,” Kitty added.
“Is it something major?” I asked, looking at them in worry.
“Something major is brewing from what we can tell,” Scott replied. He set down his fork and leaned back in his seat. “I was able to see my friend with the dart that hit you. After some analysis, he found that the contents within the dart were a rather dangerous cocktail of chemicals – basically, it was mixture of active ingredients found in pesticides and chemicals used in animal sedation. While I’m sorry you got hit by it, it was better you than a civilian or even Craig and Kitty.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”
“Because they’d most likely be dead if they were hit.”
“To that end, I don’t think the aim was to kill you,” Scott concluded. He then looked towards Craig.
“Yeah, funny thing happened after I got my hair cut in Harlem,” Craig began. “I talked to a few people. One of them told me to follow The Stock Market. I thought homie was just brushing me off. But I watched the markets on Monday. Turns out, there was a lot of stock in Hammer Industries being bought. And from what I can gather from Twitter, there’s a rumor of there being a huge announcement coming soon.”
“You think they’re connected to what happened on Saturday?” I inquired.
“It may be a stretch, but the dude I got this info from is usually solid, so I’m going to say yes.” Craig then scoffed. “It doesn’t explain everything, but it would explain what Kitty told us last night.”
“Yeah, about that,” Kitty chimed in. “I couldn’t find a police report. Apparently, all of the men were let go without consequence. I was able to hack the NYPD database. From what I can gather, these men were let go due to the robbery being a government exercise.”
I quickly stood up. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“That was my same reaction, standing and all,” Craig commented. I looked at him briefly, then back at Kitty.
“Yeah, a lot of the NYPD weren’t too thrilled,” Kitty continued. She took a sip of her orange juice. “But as it is, I’m going to ask that you keep your head even more on a swivel when you go out on patrol. I know we will.”
I sat down, scoffing as I shook my head. “Spider-Man can’t catch a break,” I deadpanned.
“On a lighter note, you and Ned doing anything on Saturday?” Craig asked.
“I got nothing. But I don’t know about Ned. Why?”
“I was wondering if y’all are free to go outfit shopping… for the Valentine’s Day dance.”
Kitty quickly looked at Craig. “You’re going?!” she exclaimed.
“…Yes. DJ Veras apparently got hired to do the dance. And since I’m her runner, that means I gotta be there, too. So… if I’m going to go, I best dress the part, right?” He didn’t sound the least bit excited. Kitty, for her part, couldn’t hold her excitement. So, she stood up, phased through the table, and wrapped Craig in a huge hug.
“I’m so excited!” Kitty exclaimed as she rocked Craig back and forth. “I can actually go now!”
Craig grimaced. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He looked up at Kitty. “You could have gone without me.”
“So you can stay home with Scott while y’all talk about the single life? I can’t let you suffer that alone.”
“…First of all, I’m still here,” Scott reminded her, causing her to let go of Craig and give him a sheepish look. “Second of all – and I mean this respectfully – your dating life has been just as dry as ours.” Craig visibly cringed. I drew my lips into my mouth.
Kitty took in a breath and nodded. “…I walked right into that one.”
“Face first,” Craig added.
“Oh shut up!”
We continued to eat breakfast. After we were done, I left with Scott to school. The day proceeded as normal. I swung by Peter Pan, I hung out for a bit with MJ and Ned then went home. I spent some time studying and chatting with the other American Idiots before I went on patrol. I even ran into Shadowcat and Frictor before we helped put an end to a gas station robbery. All in all, it was nothing out of the ordinary.
And then Wednesday came around.
Wednesday morning, I was in the Daily Bugle’s building. I was dressed in my interview clothes – a simple black and white suit with a red and blue tie. I was seated outside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office, waiting patiently. I had my portfolio with me, along with my camera, which I kept in its carrying bag. Both of them were in the seat to my left. I knew he was having a heated discussion with somebody. It took me all of my willpower not to listen. I wasn’t an eavesdropper. But enhanced senses made it hard not to take everything in. I could even hear someone in the office take a sip of some kind of liquid.
Speaking of liquid.
I looked up to see Betty, who held out a cup of coffee for me. I nodded as I took the cup. I then moved the camera bag and the portfolio off of the seat next to me so she could sit.
“Thanks,” I said graciously.
“Anytime,” Betty replied as she sat next to me. “I’m sorry it’s taking a while. Jonah is in there with Robbie.”
“Officially, he’s the editor-in-chief here at The Daily Bugle.” She then leaned towards me and whispered. “But between you and me, I believe his main job is keeping J. Jonah Jameson from going too far off the deep end – a morality chain of sorts, as a certain website would call it.”
“Heh, if what I saw so far is Jonah in check then I’d hate to see him off his leash, so to speak.” I took a sip of the coffee. I tried hard not to grimace, but apparently not hard enough for Betty not to notice. She chuckled. “Sorry. It’s… not my usual brew.”
“No need to apologize. It’s drugstore coffee. It’ll keep you awake, but that’s about all it has going for it.” She then smirked. “Of course, it probably doesn’t help that it’s me serving you and not your favorite barista.”
I face felt warm. I looked down at the cup of coffee for a moment. I then looked at Betty. “Do you think MJ likes me?” It was an earnest question. I legitimately wanted to know if MJ still had any semblance of feelings towards me she had before the spell. I wasn’t quite sure she did. Or maybe I was just too unconfident to really see for myself. But I was on Step Three of my list, and I needed to make sure that going to Step Four would be worth it.
Spider-Man, ladies and gentlemen – brave enough to take on bank robbers, gangs, and extraterrestrial beings, but too much of a loser to have confidence in his ability to read a girl’s feelings. Isn’t duality fun?
Betty scoffed. “Like you as a friend, or a potential significant other?” she asked. “Either way, that would be a yes.” She looked forward at the door to Jameson’s office. “She doesn’t let a lot of people get close. And when she does, it’s usually because a person makes quite the effort. But you? You’re different. She only knew you over a few weeks, but you have her attention. She talks quite a bit about you at school, and she curbed a lot of guys trying to ask her out to the dance since she asked you out to it. Plus, she doesn’t smile much around people she only sees as an acquaintance, let alone go and check to see if they’re okay because they got the feeling something was up with them.” She looked back at me. “You like her, don’t you?”
“I do,” I admitted. Well, I can’t say admitted. I didn’t just like MJ. I loved her to death, and I’d love her until my dying days, I was sure.
“Show her a good time at the dance,” Betty suggested. “…And… maybe just hang out with her without the rest of us American Idiots.”
“…Maybe I– ”
I didn’t get a chance to finish my statement. The door to Jonah’s office suddenly opened. Angrily waltzing out of the office was a black man with salt and pepper hair. He looked none too pleased as Jonah walked after him.
“I’m telling you, Robbie, this is going to bring great things to both The Daily Bugle and this city!” Jonah yelled. The man who I assumed to be Robbie stopped in his tracks and quickly turned towards Jonah, pointing a finger at him.
“No, this whole thing will blow up in our faces!” Robbie yelled back. “And when it does, I’ll have to help you pick up the pieces, as per usual! Just do me a favor and keep me out of this bullshit until then!” Robbie turned and was about ready to walk away until his eyes and landed on me and Betty. “Betty, who is he? And is he here for an appointment with me?”
“This is Peter Parker,” Betty said. I stood up and brought my hand out for him to shake. “He’s here to interview for the photographer job.”
“Pleased to meet you, sir,” I greeted.
Robbie took my hand and gave it a shake. “Just Robbie will do,” he replied. He let go of my hand. “Do yourself a favor and go home before you end up a regular part of this circus like I am.”
“Hey!” Jonah exclaimed. Robbie ignored him as he addressed Betty.
“I’m taking the rest of the day off. Any assignment from me that you get done, just leave it on my desk.”
“Yes sir,” Betty replied.
Robbie nodded before he walked towards the elevator. “I’m sick of this shit!” he muttered underneath his breath, though, with my hearing, it was clear as day.
The room remained quiet for a bit as Jonah took in a deep breath to calm himself. He then suddenly looked at me. “You, you’re a photographer?” he demanded.
“Yes sir,” I replied. “Would you like to see my portfolio?”
“I don’t have time for that. I got places to be and things to prepare for. So here’s the deal. Hammer Industries is holding a press conference tonight at The Downtown Conference Center at eight o’clock. I want you there at six. I’ll pay you 24 bucks an hour in straight cash. You take good enough pictures, and I’ll hire you on as part of the staff here. Deal?”
I was given pause. Hammer Industries was having a press conference. I remembered the talk I had with Scott, Kitty, and Craig on Monday morning. Could this be the answer to who or what could have been targeting me? Well, there was only one way to find out.
“…Y-yes.” I cleared my throat. “Yes sir.”
“Good. Betty, make sure his credentials are set for tonight.”
“Will do,” Betty replied. Jonah nodded before he walked away. After he was gone, she turned towards Peter. “You didn’t have anything planned for tonight, did you?”
“Just studying,” I said. “But I stay up pretty late anyway, so I can delay it by a few hours.”
“Okay. Well, come with me.”
About thirty minutes later, I stepped out of the building. I had my press badge in my camera bag. I checked my watch, making sure I had time to get to school early. I did. After that, I pulled out my cellphone dialed Scott’s number. After a few rings, he picked up.
“Hello Pete,” Scott greeted.
“Hey Scott,” I replied. “…Um… I need to talk to you.”
“Is everything okay? You’re not feeling any complications, are you?”
“No. I just had some new information for my part of the group project and I wanted to know if I can run it by you.”
“…I see. Where are you now?”
“I’m outside where The Daily Bugle is located.”
“Stay there. I’ll pick you up.”
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HI I don’t know if your request are open so I figured I would send one anyway and then if they were closed you could just ignore it lol
BUT I had this idea and it’s been in my head for days and I don’t feel like writing it myself soooooo
Do you think you can do a one-shot or, yk, whatever you’re comfortable with, for a Legolas x Reader where the reader is kinda like Jaskier? Like they’re dramatic af, are a bard, and isn’t an elf but has somehow just been alive and in peak condition for way longer then they should’ve been? Like Legolas and Reader don’t really get along at first when they met because Reader was traveling with Thorin and Company and stuff and even after he figured out they weren’t bad he was still like “my GOD are they annoying.”
And then Gandalf seeks them out after the fellowship is formed they’re actually super useful bc they know like 10 languages, have traveled almost everywhere, and is actually very good with a sword. Gandalf brings the fellowship to a seemingly random tavern and Legolas just stops bc he recognizes them immediately and is just like “oh my god, PLEASE NOT THEM FU—“
But yk after that they like fall in love and shiz 🙄
SORRY THIS IS LIKE SO SPECIFIC OR UR NOT TAKING REQUEST it’s just I love ur writing, no other lotr blogs I’ve found are taking request, and also you seem to like Jaskier so I figured u might enjoy this a little ?? 😭😭
Sing Me A River (Legolas x Bard! Reader)
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Author’s Note: HELLOOOO, FELLOW DEAR HEART! My requests technically are always open, it’s just a matter of if I ever get around to them lmao. Naturally, I get a lot of requests. Even more naturally, someone requests something and throws the word ‘Jaskier’ in there I’m writing this baby ASAP. Now, this thing grew legs of its own so you’ll probably have to request a part two in the asks so I can get that to you. I just really wanted to put something out tonight, so boom, two-parter. Maybe three. Hey, let’s just see where it goes. Now, believe me when I say I tried to find a gif that wasn’t Jaskier, but apparently if you type in ‘medieval bard lute gif’ into Google images Jaskier is the golden child of the hour. Anywhooooo hope this is what you were going for! I’ll get onto part two soon — you just gotta put it in the asks!
Warnings: Crude jokes made by reader all for the sake of the guts and glory of an epic banger of a song. Mentions adult content. (Bards will be bards).
Synopsis: Like all relevant characters of Middle-earth back in the day, you joined the Company on their Go-Fund-Me campaign to reclaim Erebor. You were a nobody bard back then but the success of your relations with kings and stories of defeating dragons made you a big hit. Speaking of hit, you and Legolas don’t get on. You made one too many hits about him that painted his royal family in a bad light. Oops. Now, Sauron is back and the Fellowship may just need your help. It’s mostly just Gandalf vouching for you, though. Oh, and fangirl Boromir ofc. They find you singing a frankly defamatory song about Legolas in a lively tavern at the height of your fame (you’re essentially One Direction circa 2012 big in Middle-earth in this fic). Tension brews as you’re ultimately asked to join a second Go-Fund-Me campaign.
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The evening was late in hour but early of chores, as Gandalf and Elrond poured themselves over maps of Middle-earth. Various members of the newly-formed Fellowship hung about the open-aired room, pondering each other with curious glances.
Everyone shifted uncomfortably, wondering who’d prove to be the best travel mate for the next few months. It was as if no one knew what to do with their hands or feet, as they stood about awkwardly.
What was there to talk about, anyway? Economic investments and the rising housing crisis in the wake of the upcoming war? With so many races in the room, it was hard to navigate cultural customs, let alone figure out who was of what social standing based on clothing alone. A prince certainly had no place discussing such mutual matters with a gardener, nor a Captain of Gondor with a ranger.
No, it was best everyone waited until Gandalf and Elrond announced a travel route.
“This would steer you best from the path of both Isengard and its scouts,” Elrond concluded, pointing and dragging one finger down the tattered map.
“That’ll bring us into long-overrun townships,” Gandalf pointed out. “Middle-earth is no longer the safely presumptuous-centric land it used to be. People from all over Arda have now flocked for its resources and previously-thought safety.”
“Secrecy is best bought when surrounded by languages that cannot understand you nor you them,” Elrond countered, raising a brow and looking up at the wizard.
Gandalf raised a hand and scratched at his wiry beard. “No… But perhaps we could benefit from an additional team member for the passage? One who knows, say, ten languages across the seas and land underfoot?”
Elrond’s face quickly fell into disapproval. He moved back from the map as if standing too close to it would conjure up the bard’s presence alone, for said bard certainly dwelled somewhere within it, if the local posters unceremoniously plastered on historical podiums in Rivendell detailing the latest show were proof enough alone.
Legolas noticed this behaviour and kicked himself off the wall. He’d had run-ins with bards before – or, one, at least, and one was certainly enough. He quit twirling a knife in his hands, a gift from his father for his begetday long ago, and paid close attention.
“Ten languages would most certainly aid you, but…” the usually reserved lord made a face of cringe, “must you really bring along your friend? Do you even know where they are?”
Gandalf suddenly looked bashful. He reached into his satchel and removed a flyer. It had your pouty face on it and colourful words detailing where your next show was and the date. “I meant to visit them for one of their shows, before getting side-tracked…”
Elrond tried to not judge his friend, as he glanced up from your poster and back to Gandalf. He raised his brows and sighed, resigning himself to the idea. You had certainly grown in fame over the last few decades since your efforts in fighting the dragon fueled your reputation and songs, and certainly the fame had added to your already eccentric ego.
“Very well, if that is your will, I will support it… Just, don’t invite them back for a concert, please; my sons are still recovering from the last one, as is my winery.”
Gandalf nodded at the lord and smiled. “Nonsense, our bard is of the utmost integrity. I have nothing but faith.”
Legolas looked between the lord and wizard, quirking a brow. He tried to view the poster before it was placed back inside the satchel, but alas Gandalf unknowingly blocked his view.
But then, the prince suddenly recalled you in full detail from the fight against the dragon, and your time spent in the Mirkwood dungeons. You were clearly mortal, and that was many years ago.
Satisfied with the thought, Legolas nodded to himself in reassurance. There was no way you were still alive and kicking. With any luck, you were fast asleep in a chair somewhere, millions of leagues away.
Oh, you were in a chair alright. Except standing on top of it, one foot on the backrest and one on the seat. You certainly weren’t asleep, either, nor was your performance lulling anyone into such a slumber. There would be no lullabies here tonight, good sir.
Instead, on top of the chair, you belted out lyrics to the song you wrote about your time captured in Mirkwood with the Company, using the foot on the backrest to push the chair downwards, where you dramatically landed on the floor and kept on playing around the lively tavern with your lute.
Folks of all nationalities and origins joined in, for how could they not? You knew how to play the song in over ten different languages and were finally onto the Common Speech version. Everyone sung along as you made your way around the floor, illuminated in a thousand different arrays of golden candlelight.
You alluded to the Mirkwood Elves being absolute idiots, to put it lightly. It was only unfortunate that the Fellowship, led by Gandalf, walked in the moment you made a crude innuendo about Legolas’ hair being nearly as pasty as the spider’s webs surrounding his forested home. Something about incest, too.
It wasn’t very nice, but what could you say? You hated the pretentious white-haired family and they you. Perhaps composing a ballad with the dwarves about the elves’ wine-stained teeth in the dungeons planted the seed of distaste in the first place, but alas.
Gimli clapped his hands merrily and tapped his foot. “Oh-ho-ho! ‘Tis a CLASSIC back home! I’ve been meaning to meet the bard from my father’s tales for many years now! What an honourable night. Let us drink to it!”
Pippin nodded faster than light at Gimli and then Merry, speaking before racing off with his cousin and dwarven friend to the bar.
“Aye! We’ve heard this one, too! Even all the way out in the Shire!” Pippin looked up at Legolas, who’d just walked in with Aragorn right behind him. “Funny, I didn’t know there were other white-haired elves such as yourself and your father in Mirkwood, your highness. What are the chances of that!”
Just then, you sung of Legolas by title and name, confirming every crude lyric to be indeed about him towards the end of the song. Something mean about his father, too.
Pippin’s mouth parted and his brows shot up in surprise. He quickly shrugged it off, though – looking up at the elf casually before joining Merry and Gimli by the bar. “Oh, they are singing about you! That makes more sense!”
Legolas furrowed his own brows, looking away from the departing hobbit and across the tavern right as you came to the finale of the song, earning rapturous applause. And then, his eyes grew wide.
Gandalf looked bashful as he stood with Boromir. The captain was grinning at your performance – whistling as you took a dramatic bow as the cheers carried on. Frodo and Sam looked between each other but shared a silent nod, and afterwards, they joined the rest at the bar.
Seething, the prince snapped his gaze up at Gandalf. “THEM? Are you SERIOUS? How could you possibly not tell me?! They are the most arrogant, dim-witted, crude, annoying—”
“Now, now, Legolas,” Gandalf cut in, placing a hand on the swiftly rising elf’s shoulders. “Y/n and yourself may have an… adverse history, but that whole Mirkwood incident was put to rest years ago. If I recall, you both parted ways amicably at the end of the battle. There may have even been a smile, too, if I recall very well!”
“Overjoyed to be rid, as I remember it,” Legolas rolled his eyes, landing them in your direction. You took a sip of ale and felt a gaze, or, glare, lingering in your direction. When you locked eyes with the angry ones of the prince, you widened them for only a moment, before narrowing them and smirking mischievously.
Oh, he didn’t like that.
Hoisting your sloshing ale out to the side, you widened both arms. You were stood atop a tavern table, now pointing in the prince’s direction.
“Oh, my stars! Do my eyes deceive me?” Your naturally loud voice caught the attention of the tavern again, who all no doubt were hoping for an encore. “Ladies and gentleman, if it isn’t the star of the hour! Well, besides me, of course – but no, I should share the limelight; it’s the muse of my song, Legolas of the Woodland Realm!”
Everyone all looked in his direction. Many laughed loudly, some whistled appreciatively, and others who believed the lyrics muttered behind cupped hands to conceal their words and grins.
Aragorn shifted uncomfortably. It wasn’t good to bring this much attention to themselves, especially given the circumstances. One look from Aragorn sent up at Gandalf voiced his concern. The wizard nodded back and drew you over with a beckoning hand.
You finished off the rest of your ale and encouraged other bards to pick up the music again. Once the sound of flutes and lutes filled the air, you made your way through the crowd, placing your hand over your heart and responding earnestly to every compliment as you walked past.
"Y/n! I saw you play when I was a child!"
"My niece is a HUGE fan!"
"Do you sing at weddings?!"
And soon enough, you were in front of the trio.
“Gandalf the Grey,” you grinned up, slinging your lute across your back.
He responded warmly, throwing your bard title in as he did so. “You’ve exceeded your previous standing upon the pedestal of fame. Apparently, this song has been heard all over the land.”
At the mention of the song, you turned to Legolas. “Ahh, has it now? Judging by the star-struck expression upon your oddly fine-tuned visage, I’m guessing this is your first time?”
Legolas narrowed his eyes and kept them locked on yours. “First and last time.”
Without missing a beat, you replied, “Aw, buddy. Don’t worry. Being a two-thousand-year-old virgin isn’t that weird. Don’t count yourself out just yet.”
His face dropped. “Wha—No! That’s not at all what I—”
“I must say, dear bard,” Boromir cut in, firmly shaking your hand. “My little brother and I have seen you perform in Gondor before, and we are both great admirers of your work. Might I please trouble you for a signature made out to ‘Faramir’? I might not get this opportunity again.”
You shrugged it off coolly. “Yeah, sure! Always happy to meet a fan!”
Legolas stared in horror at the interaction for a moment. “What is happening right now..?”
Aragorn placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped in. “Y/n, I’m afraid we have not only come for review of your work tonight.”
At that, he looked up at Gandalf urgingly. The wizard sighed and nodded. “Indeed not. Might there be somewhere more private we can talk?”
Briefly looking up from the signature you were writing on a handkerchief, you nodded your head from side to side in thought and pursed your lips, speaking as you wrote. “I’ve got a room here. I’m not sure we’ll all fit, but I suppose we can figure something out."
You sent a wink Legolas’ way, whose face was still frozen somewhere between contemplation, shock, and horror.
“You should be dead,” he decided upon moments later.
Feigning alarm, you looked over your shoulder. “Why? The song really that bad? You hired the world’s worst assassin to take me out and they couldn’t even finish the job?”
Learning how to dance with your words again, Legolas replied straight to the point. “You look the same as you did all those years ago. You’re mortal. You should be dead, or very, very elderly, at the least.”
You blinked back at him. “Was there a question in there somewhere, or…?”
Noticing all the attention you were drawing, Gandalf and Aragorn decided to usher this meeting along elsewhere.
“Ah, Y/n,” Gandalf slid in, smiling tensely as he noticed Legolas’ fingers curl backwards, as if instinctively reaching for his bow. “Perhaps we should continue this upstairs? We have much to discuss, as mentioned before.”
You raked your eyes over the prince’s face for a further few seconds. He all but glared back. You dropped your eyes to his hands, noticing the way they curled the same as the wizard did. Smirking, you looked back up into the prince’s eyes – locking them there as you responded to Gandalf.
“Great idea.”
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scumbagg · 3 years
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
A/N: I purely wrote this as Bell instead of Y/N since I can’t bring myself to write Y/N fics 😂 
I recently finished MW2 and needed some Ghost food to heal my broken heart after the traumatic betrayal I witnessed. Also maybe a bit of DadPrice! giving a lecture. Here goes nothing..
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Fem Bell
Word count: 3252
Warnings: smut, injury (gunshot), blood, swearing.
“Eyes up, scouts patrolling up ahead.”
Price’s voice in your earpiece came through at the exact moment the two men appeared in your line of vision 40 metres in front of you.
“Dropped him.”
Aiming your sniper, the guard trailing slightly behind fell to the ground before you’d even had time to place your finger on the trigger. Taking aim at the other man’s head, your rifle made almost no sound as you took him out a second later.
“Nice shot. Move up.”
“Thanks.” You whispered back. You turned back for a moment to the place you knew Price was laying hidden almost 90 metres behind you.
“Move, Bell. We won’t have much time before more patrols come along and find those bodies.” Soap’s whispered voice now, also in your earpiece - but you knew he was somewhere to the right of you hidden in the long grass. You crawled quietly through the grass. You heard the brush whispering slightly either side of you as the bodies of Soap and Ghost moved up to flank with you.
“Hold up, two more tangoes patrolling the fence line.” Price murmured a moment later. “Take ‘em out, or let ‘em move on. Your call Bell”
“No stragglers.” You whispered back. You heard the pops from Ghost’s and Soap’s suppressed guns as they took out the two guards ahead.
“Good call.” Price confirmed. “Can’t see anymore inbound. You’re in the clear. House up ahead is empty. We’ll regroup inside.”
Standing up, you scanned the area out of precaution for more enemies. Satisfied, you nodded to the other two men to move up. The three of you passed the fence line and had almost made it to the back door of the house when it happened.
You heard it before you felt it. The sound of a pistol being fired in your direction had you spinning to face the direction it came from, when suddenly you felt white hot pain erupt in your left shoulder. Dropping to the ground, the sound was over almost as quickly as it started, but your eyesight went black as you squeezed your eyes shut in pain and gripped your shoulder as blood poured through your fingers.
“Bell!” The scream came from within your earpiece at the same time Ghost shouted your name, making your ear throb in pain. You hardly noticed with the burning coming from your shoulder, but you still flinched.
“What the fuck was that?!” You gritted through your teeth.
“One of the guards back there wasn’t as dead as we thought. He fucking is now. Don’t worry darlin’, you’re gonna be alright.” Ghost pried your hand away from your shoulder and replace them with his own. “Soap, get me the medi-kit from your pack, quick!”
“Darlin’?!” Soap laughed as he handed Ghost the pack. Frowning, he looked down at the two of you.
“He’s taking the piss.. it’s an inside joke.. had to be there.” You said through gritted teeth, glaring into Ghost’s glasses. Ghost said nothing as he worked on stopping the bleeding, but the minimal supplies in the kit weren’t doing much.
“Fuck!” Ghost said in a panicked voice. You were starting to feel drowsy, and the sight of all the blood was making you queasy. You could feel your head starting to spin, threatening to send you into unconsciousness.
“Ghost, she’s gonna be fine. Look, the bullet went straight through.” Soap said calmly, pointing at the bullet lodged in the brick in the wall just behind where you’d been standing. “It’s a clean wound, it’ll just need stitches.”
“Fine. We’ve gotta get her back ASAP. I’ll take her, you and Price grab the intel.”
“No, I’ll take her.” Price came into view, rifle slung over his back. “You’re the one that’s better with technology, you’ll get the intel quicker from the computer. Someone’s bound to have heard those gunshots, we’re sure to have company soon. C’mon Bell.” Price hoisted you up under your uninjured arm, replacing Ghost’s hands with one of his. Stumbling, you gripped Price’s arm for support. Looking over at Ghost, you noticed his eyes tighten behind his sunglasses, but he nodded in assent.
“Let’s get moving,” Price commanded, nodding at the other two. “Soap, Ghost, I’ll send for another chopper to pick you up. See you boys at home.”
  Fourteen stitches and a bandaged shoulder later, the infirmary staff finally let you leave. Pushing open the exit door to the outside, you found Price leaning against a jeep waiting for you.
“What are you still doing here?” You asked suspiciously.
“Thought I’d give you a ride home. It’s a bit of a far walk and I assumed you’d be too hopped up on pain killers to drive yourself.” He replied, opening the passenger door courteously.
“Oh… thanks.” You said, taken aback by the display of kindness. It’s not that Captain Price was unkind; he’d just never shown any outward kindness outside of the field. You were surprised that he’d thought to even come back for you.
The two of you drove in silence for a few moments, before the question you were burning to ask broke its way out of your control.
“Did the other two make it back okay?” You tried to sound casual, but your insides were turning with worry.
“Yeah, they got back about an hour ago, no issues.” Price answered, concentrating on the road.
“And the intel?”
‘Acquired.” Price gruffed.
“Hmm, very good.” You stared straight ahead, watching the sun settle in the west. This was the first time in a non-formal environment you’d ever spent a moment alone with the Captain, and you weren’t sure how to make small talk with him. You sat in silence as Price drove you through the city. You wondered how he knew where you lived when it occurred to you that being a member of his team, he’d know where everyone lived. Not that you spent much time in your own house these nights. You thought back to a few nights ago...
The sound of Price clearing his throat awkwardly pulled you out of your reverie. Looking over at him, you watched as he shifted in his seat and waited for him to speak.
“What is it?”
Price sighed. “Look, I really don’t want to have this conversation. But I’ve told him the same thing I’m telling you now. This is one of the best task forces I’ve ever worked with, and I don’t want anything fucking that up. Understood?”
You felt your calm composure slip through the cracks as your eyes widened in panic. You glanced over to see him still staring straight ahead, his mouth set in a hard line.
“Wait, you know about-”
“Of course I fucking know.” Price snapped, watching you out of the corner of his eyes. Shit, so maybe he did know where you actually slept after all. “I know everything that goes on in my team. Look,” he said calmly. “I don’t give a fuck what you get up to in your spare time. It’s like I told him, I’m not going to report it. It’s not been an issue yet. Just don’t let it affect you on the job.”
“I haven’t! I’ve been so careful about trying to keep it professional while we’re on a mission!” Your heart raced at the fact you had been caught out.
“I know you have, Bell. But that man is head over heels for you, in case you hadn’t realised. I’m concerned he’ll let his feelings for you get in the way of the job. Look at today – he’s the best man on our team for tech, and he was willing to throw the whole job, just out of pure panic for you.” Price sighed again. “I’m not sending either of you away. I just needed to remind you of the main reason we are here. If you two can’t handle that, I’ll be forced to find someone to take your place on the team.”
“Does anyone else know?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t think so, but if Simon continues on the way he was today, I doubt it’ll be long until Soap catches on.” Price grimaced, then looked over at you. “Darlin’,” he grinned.
“Ughhh,” you groaned as Price pulled up outside what you now realised wasn’t your house. “I can’t believe he let that slip out.” You unbuckled your seatbelt, careful not to move too much that it pulled at your stitches. Opening your door, you looked back at Price. “Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it.”
Price smiled and nodded in response. “Don’t be too harsh on him about today,” he said, looking over your shoulder as you heard the front door open behind you. You closed the door and waved as the jeep drove away.
  All your anxiety from the conversation with Price suddenly turned to irritation as you turned to face the man in the doorway. You stormed towards him, your uninjured shoulder hitting his lower abdomen as you barged your way past him into the hallway.
“Bell-” he began.
“Get out of my way, Simon. I need a fucking shower.” You snapped irritably.
“Here, let me help-”
“Bell!” Simon pleaded.
“What the fuck was that today?!” You snarled. “You might as well just fucking announce to the whole place that we’re together!” You began climbing the stairs towards the bathroom, but stopped halfway there. Staying angry wasn’t one of your strong suits, and seeing him standing pleadingly in the hallway washed away your irritation. “Look,” you sighed heavily, coming back down the stairs so you were eye level with him. “I just had the lecture of a lifetime from Price. I can’t lose what we have here Simon, and he warned if we couldn’t keep it professional out there, then one of us would be replaced.” You stepped towards him, reaching for him in both apology and forgiveness. You placed a hand on his masked jaw, your thumb stroking along his hard cheekbone.
“I’m sorry for today,” he said apologetically, leaning his cheek into your hand. “Seeing you injured and in pain, all that blood… I panicked.”
“It’s okay,” you soothed. Smiling up at him, you smacked his arm playfully. “You’re silly, you know that right. Even I knew it wasn’t bad, and you’ve seen way more injuries than I have. I can’t imagine how you would’ve been if Soap hadn’t been there to pull your head in.”
Simon wrapped his arm around your head, resting his hand at the base of your skull and pulled you in for a hug. You lifted your other arm to place it around his waist and winced. It didn’t go unnoticed.
“How are you feeling anyway, darlin’?” He stepped back to survey you.
“Rubbish. These pain killers are doing their job, but I feel disgusting. I really do need a shower.” You looked over your shoulder towards the bathroom. “I uh... might need a hand actually,” you said awkwardly, wondering how you were going to manage without getting your stitches wet. Surprisingly, this was your first major injury, given your line of work.
“C’mon,” he said, pulling you towards the bathroom.
 Simon turned on the shower and helped you undress, helping remove your shoes, pants and underwear, aware of your fresh wound as he carefully pulled the shirt from your arms and over your head. His eyes filled with remorse as they fell on your injured shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, darlin’,” he whispered. “That guy that shot you… that’s the one I took down. I didn’t know he wasn’t dead.” He looked away sadly.
“Hey,” you grabbed his chin gently and turned his head so he was looking you squarely in the eyes. “It’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself, no one else does. I’m fine.”
“But what if it had been worse? What if that bullet had landed here?” Simon touched your forehead. “Or here,” he said, touching the base of your throat. “What if-”
“Don’t think about it,” you said firmly, pulling his hand from your neck. “Simon, I said I’m fine.” Still holding his hand, you pulled it up to your lips. “There is one thing I am annoyed about, though,” you smirked as you kissed his fingers.
Simon looked at you quizzically. “Why am I the only one naked right now? Surely you’re not gonna shower in your clothes.” You stepped inside the shower, letting the water run over your head, careful to avoid letting it hit your left shoulder.
Simon’s eyes squinted, and you knew he was smirking behind his mask as he removed the rest of his gear and dumped it on the ground next to yours. As always, his mask was the very last thing he removed. No matter how comfortable Simon was with you, and no matter how many times you’d seen him without it, there were certain insecurities that were too deeply ingrained. The last piece of Ghost removed, and only Simon stood in front of you.
Simon stepped in the large shower with you. Grabbing a face washer and pouring body wash on it, he gently helped scrub off the dried blood that had made its way down your torso. He shampooed, conditioned and brushed your hair, knowing you couldn’t lift your arm to wash any dried blood that had knotted in there. Once you were clean, you grabbed the other face wash and carefully, with your good arm, moved it across his chest and abdomen. He watched as you gently made circles on his large shoulders and down his muscular arms.
You wrapped your good arm around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “Don’t be too long,” you smiled as you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel.
Walking to the dresser, you pulled out some clothes and attempted to get dressed but you couldn’t pull the shirt over your head. You sighed, and sat on the bed resignedly, still in your towel. You heard the shower stop running, and Simon stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Here,” you beckoned, reaching for him. Simon came to stand in front of you, standing in between your legs. You leaned forward and kissed his stomach, feeling the warm skin beneath your lips raise with goose bumps. You tugged on his arm, pulling him down towards the ground. He knelt, still between your legs, and leaned forward to bury his face in your neck. Almost a whole foot of height difference between the two of you, yet you were the only person who could bring Simon Riley to his knees.
Your good arm snaked its way around his broad back, tracing his spine, down to his hips to the edge of the towel. You heard Simon’s breath quicken, still lightly kissing your neck, when your fingers made their way around to the front of his towel and tugged it loose, letting it fall to the floor.
You lightly brushed your fingers down his stomach and over his navel, until you reached the base of his shaft. You felt Simon’s breath hitch as you gripped it in both hands.
“Bell..” he groaned.
He brought his mouth round to yours, kissing you deeply. His mouth trailed back along your jaw to your ear. “Why am I the only one that’s naked?” You felt his smirk against your cheek as he repeated your line back to you.
“Maybe you should fix that,” you whispered back.
Simon wasted no time in removing your towel and throwing it across the other side of the room. You laid back on the bed as he trailed kisses down your chest, taking a nipple in his mouth and thumbing circles around the other. Your hands threaded themselves through his thick hair as you massaged his head. Simon’s hands followed his head as he made his way down your stomach and down your navel, his hands gliding over your hips and massaging up and down your thighs.
You threw your head back and moaned in pleasure as he buried his face between your legs, his mouth sucking and licking at your clit. You gasped as you felt one of Simon’s fingers enter you, then two, and he slowly picked up a rhythm as his mouth and fingers worked in synch. You could feel your walls begin to tighten as you got closer to your orgasm.
“Stop,” you gasped. Simon looked up quickly.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked worriedly.
“Not at all,” you tugged at his arm so he pulled himself so he was hovered above you. “I need you in me right now,” you purred as you pulled his head down, his lips crashing to meet yours.
You reached down and grabbed his length firmly, stroking it. Simon’s eyes glazed over with lust as he moved his head back to your neck. Guiding him, you positioned him at your entrance.
“You sure?” he asked huskily. You knew he was teasing. He knew exactly what you wanted.
“Yes,” you breathed.
You both groaned with pleasure as he entered you, filling and stretching you out. Simon set a slow pace at first, until he was sure you had adjusted to him, then quickened the pace. His hands moved to your waist as he slammed into you, holding you in place so you didn’t move around too much. He pulled your legs over his shoulders and you gripped his forearms, lost in pleasure.
Simon leaned forward and your legs dropped to his waist. He took one of your breasts in his mouth. You moaned in ecstasy as he hit the sweet spot inside of you.
“Simon.. I think I’m gonna-” you gasped.
Still inside of you, Simon pulled you on top of him as he rolled onto his back. “Not yet, you’re not.”
“Owwwww!” You winced as the action pulled tightly at your left shoulder.
“Fuck! Sorry! You okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Yeah,” you moaned as you picked up the pace again. You brought your legs either side of his waist and pulled his hands to your breasts as you lowered yourself onto him, taking him completely. Now in control, you could feel every movement and every angle as you took him deep inside you.
Simon gripped your breasts firmly as he felt your walls begin to tighten. “C’mon, darlin’,” he groaned. “I’m not far off, myself.”
“I’m gonna come,” you whined. You rocked your hips back and forth and threw your head back as your walls clenched around him. You rode your orgasm out, and heard Simon groan as his own orgasm erupted into you. You fell on top of him, exhausted and satisfied.
Simon gently rolled you off him and onto the bed as he got up to get some water. Your eyes followed him, appreciating his finely sculpted body as he walked to the sink in the ensuite, grabbing a glass off the nightstand and filling it with water. He met your eyes as he walked back to the bed.
“What?” He asked bashfully as he handed you the water, aware of his nakedness.
“You’re beautiful,” you smiled drowsily, taking the glass.
Simon chuckled. “Are you sure you’re okay? They must be some strong drugs they gave you.”
“Hmmm... never better” you sighed as you handed the water back to him. Despite what you said, sleep was already pulling you under.
Simon leaned in and kissed your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
562 notes · View notes
flightless-rising · 3 years
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Made a new Flight Rising iceberg and also wrote an explanation.. man, this took way longer than it should have.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy :D
Iceberg explanation
( If there are any mistakes please let me know and I’ll edit this asap. Also, English isn't my first language so please forgive me for any grammatical errors)
EDIT 28/06: Added some new info! Thanks to everyone who tagged and responded with new stuff to add, I really appreciate it!
The Sky
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Back in the day, whenever you bought or sold something on the auction house a message would show up in your inbox confirming the transaction. These messages were sent by one of the dragon couriers: Pearl, Spitfire or Edgar.
On January 2016, a strange glitch occurred that replaced the images and names of couriers with the ones of a female fae named “Naomi”.
It goes deeper than that, though: if you looked up her name in the user search menu, a clan would pop up with over 15 million dragons.
It was quickly discovered that all exalted dragons had somehow become part of her clan. Naomi herself apparently didn’t exist, and clicking on her page redirected to an error page. This was later fixed and the original Naomi page can be now visited.
What exactly caused this glitch is still a mystery and today Naomi is still a well-known piece of Flight Rising history.
Missing Tidelord
In the official lore, the deity of the water flight disappeared in early 2018, as described in the short story “Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow”.
In the follow up story (Mixed Elements) posted in April of the next year it is confirmed that the Tidelord is still missing, but alive. This coincides with the fact that the Tidelord account hasn’t made any forum posts aside from festival announcements.
Emperors are a type of unobtainable dragon that are formed when several Imperial corpses are left in close proximity to each other, which then fuse forming a multi-headed chimera.
Emperors are described in the lore as having an animal-like behavior and destroying everything in sight. They are extremely difficult to kill, which is the reason why in-universe Imperials have such strange burial rites.
An emperor named Luminax is first described in the Raising a Family short story, and their sprite can be seen walking around on the world map.
The Surface
Old color wheel
Originally, there were only 67 available colors for dragons. On June 8th 2016, 110 more colors were added, meaning that currently there are a total of 177 colors available.
When making a custom progenitor dragon, it is only possible to choose among the 67 original colors because it would be otherwise unfair for those who made their account before the new colors were added.
Imperial breed scrolls
Imperial breed change scrolls are one of, if not the most, rare type of item on the site. They were given only to those who pledged 30 dollars or more on the original Flight Rising kickstarter.
At the time, this was the only way of obtaining an Imperial dragon, which meant that the breed as a whole was pretty valuable. Now that Imperials are abundant this is no longer the case, but First generation Imperials are still extremely sought and probably the most expensive type of dragon on the site.
There were also other items that were only given to Kickstarted backers, namely Skycats, Bonefiend, Golden Idol and Cogfrog familiars, and those are also pretty much impossible to obtain.
Baldwin breed change
When Baldwin was introduced in 2015 he was originally a Pearlcatcher. On September 14th of 2016 however his site art started to gradually change, until his transformation was completed five days later.
In-universe, Baldwin started to change after a lightning strike hit his cauldron during an experiment, which made him slowly mutate into the breed we now know as Bogsneaks.
Trans Fiona
When Fiona was added as a trading post dragon people speculated that she was trans, because the female pose for Skydancers only displays two antennae, while the male one has four.
Since Fiona has four antennae in her site art, many wondered whether it was an oversight or actually intended. Aequorin later confirmed in a forum thread that Fiona is indeed trans.
Speaking of rare items, the Boolean familiar was only given to a handful of Flight rising beta testers and as such is extremely rare and valuable.
Plaguebringer coli team
On the Plaguebringer’s page she is listed as being part of a coliseum team.
As of now we have no clue as to why this is, and even more strangely she is the only deity that does this.
Boston & Hope
This story is a bit complicated. I’ve scoured the forums in search of info but it seems like there are still some pieces missing. I’ll try my best to explain anyway.
So, for a long while the Lightweaver was the only deity that had other dragons aside from herself in her lair: these dragons were a Spiral named Boston and a Tundra named Hope. Strangely, they were both Earth dragons and apparently have been there since the beginning (?). When asked why (this happened back when deities would interact on the forums) the Lightweaver responded that they were having a dinner party together.
In August 2014 during a pretty heated dominance battle between Shadow and Light Boston and Hope disappeared from the Lightweaver’s lair.
The Shadowbinder now had them, and both their elements were alsochanged to Shadow. The two deities acknowledged this and changed their broadcast messages accordingly.
If I had to guess this was some kind of inside joke that the admins had, although some people got angry that the Shadowbinder now had both Hope and Boston. Some time later(?) Boston was returned to the Lightweaver and for some reason his element was changed to wind.
I don’t have any more info on the matter but if some of you do I would appreciate it if you tell me.
Shallow Waters
On June 8th 2018 eye type variants were introduced. This update was pretty controversial for a bunch of reasons, and the topic is still discussed today. The majority of people(?) seemed to be upset by the fact the “best” eye types (primarily goat, primal and multi-gaze) could only be displayed on dragons that were born with them, and the fact that every dragon born prior to the update couldn’t have these eye types at all displeased a lot of users.
Another problem was the fact that most of the non-special eye types (i.e the only ones that could be applied to already existing dragons using a vial of Scattersight) were not clearly visible on the grand majority of adult dragons.
A smaller(?) complaint was that two of the primal eye types, Shadow and Plague, were seen as kind of disturbing by some people.
Three years later staff attempted to fix this issue by adding Eye type vials for every available eye type. This resulted in a market crash for special eye typed dragons, as now these eye types could be applied to any dragon. The value of Scattersights also tanked, and the people bought them and hadn’t used them yet lost money as now they were infinitely less useful.
EDIT 28/06: Goat isn’t actually obtainable via breeding, faceted is. Bad mistake on my part.
Also, Scattersights were given away freely by Galore on Flight Rising’s fifth anniversary in 2018 and could not be bought afterwards. I admit that I thought people could be able to buy Scattersights due to how upset people were that the value went down, but whatever.
Courier Breed
The courier dragons (Edgar, Spitfire, and Pearl) are part of an exclusive dragon breed that is currently unobtainable. Even though their eye color still reflects the flight they were born in, in-universe they are considered to be “neutral” and they are granted free access to all domains. This raises the question as to which deity created them, as every other dragon breed (Bogsneaks being the only exception) has been created by one of The Eleven.
According to the site’s terms of service, no one is allowed to have more than one account. This is pretty standard for pet sites, as having multiple accounts grants unfair advantages and can mess up the site economy. This doesn’t completely stop people for having more than one account, and the practice as a whole is called “Multiaccounting” or “having multis”.
Some people only do this to have multiple clans or reboot their account without deleting their old one. They mostly do no harm but it is reasonable that the site wouldn’t allow this because of how easy it is exploit.
The real harm of multis comes from a practice called “funneling” which is when someone creates multiple accounts only for the purpose of giving items to their main account. This practice violates the game’s rules and can result in a ban. Funneling is not limited to multiaccounting though, and having an account only to feed another is against the site’s rules whether or not the account in question belongs to another person or not.
Some people fear of being banned for multiaccounting even if they haven’t done so, especially if they share a computer with other people.
“he purble” is probably among the most famous Flight Rising memes.
In 2016(?) a rant was submitted to the original Dramarising blog by a very angry user that wanted to buy an XXX Purple Ridgeback back when triples were pretty expensive, but got beat by someone else.
I’m not going to copy paste it here because in my opinion it’s one of the funniest Flight Rising related posts ever and I don’t want to spoil the experience of reading it for the first time. You can find it pretty easily by searching it up.
Tert Picking
This is something that refaced recently, even though I’ve seen people talking about this for a while. Some people vividly remember being able to pick their custom progenitor’s tertiary color, even though the developers have made it clear that such thing would be impossible. This is without a doubt just one of those weird situations where a lot of people somehow remember the same thing wrong.
Still, it’s fascinating just how many people claim to remember doing picking their tert.
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Swiftwings were a dragon breed that was scrapped in development. The design was rejected because it didn’t fit the 2 arms 2 legs 2 wings format that every dragon design had to follow before the introduction of ancient breeds.
The reason for this rule is that otherwise it would mess up apparel placement. Although the concept was scrapped, echoes of the design were scattered throughout the site: for example, the empty dragon slots that were present prior to 2019 had the silhouette of a Swiftwings dragon. They are also mentioned in the April Fool’s update of 2018.
“Real” Lore dragons
Most people don’t know that some of the dragons featured on the lore stories are actually real, and you can visit their pages. This is the case for Tetra, Cracklinne, Velya, Liefa, Garote and Mirth, which are currently chilling in Aequorin’s lair.
All of the other dragons in the developers’ lairs are not canon and are used to test bugs and features on the site.
The Middle ground
True deity names
When the site first started the deities used to have actual names instead of titles. Some of these names were based off of the site founders’s usernames on other sites.
The names are the following:
Amogayvhi - Gladekeeper Xhaztol - Arcanist Rhenik - Tidelord Akiri - Flamecaller Thrage - Stormcatcher Undel - Shadowbinder Jhortanas - Plaguebringer Ghurab - Windsinger Artaios - Earthshaker Rhiow – Lightweaver
As you can tell, Xhaztol, Akiri, Thrage and Undel are the usernames of some of the admins of the site, and the flight they are a part of corresponds with the previous name of their deity.
No leg coatls
On January 16, 2015 an iconic thread was posted in the flight rising discussion forum, which displayed a photoshopped image of a coatl with its legs removed. Quickly the thread devolved into a general photoshop thread were people took official site art of dragons and modified it.
The thread was eventually locked due to spam and quote pyramids, but spiritual successors of the original “phoatlshop” thread still exist today.
Dress slot unlocking
A thing that a surprising amount of people don’t know is the fact that when buy an additional apparel slot, the slot opens for every dragon in your lair and not just the one you bought it on.
This is something I also discovered very recently and it’s kind of funny that so many people that have been on the site for very long don’t know this.
Clanbound scatterscrolls
I think the wiki explains it best, so I’ll just copy paste this here:
“Tri-Color Scatterscrolls suffered from an issue where they would only scatter a random range from colors 1-47 (white through sunshine) rather than 1-67 (white through rose). They have been fixed and are now functioning correctly with a random range within the 67 color set. The affected timeframe was from August 15th, 2013 until September 22nd, 2013. The admins allowed users who were unsatisfied with their bugged Tri-Color Scatterscrolls to receive the same amount of them back in the form of Clanbound Scatterscrolls to try scattering their own dragons again with the full color range.”
Beta Mirrors
Ever wondered why they’re called Mirrors?
According to Undel, the main artist of Flight Rising, mirrors originally were supposed to have every part of their body “mirrored”, meaning they had two sets of eyes, two pairs of wings, two tails, and so on.
This design ended up being too cluttered and looked weird shrunken down. The name was kept the same, even though the only mirrored part of the design are the eyes.
Dragons are evil
If you read the “Beastclans on the rise” lore bit, the dragons come across as… very evil, stealing territory from the beastclans when they have been living on Sornieth way longer than the dragons have and killing them for loot.
Furthermore, in the Bounty of the Elements lore bit the Beastclan rebellion guided by Talona is seen by the dragons as unreasonable and wrong even when in canon Beastclans are framed as the innocent party.
The Depths
Scroll of Divorce
In the alpha stage dragons were supposed to be monogamous and could only breed with the dragon they were “paired” with. To break their bond you had to use an item called “Scroll of Divorce” which even featured broken marriage rings in the art.
If I had to guess, this item and the concept as a whole were scrapped because the idea of dragons having “weddings” and needing to divorce before breeding with another dragon felt kind of weird, especially in a game targeted towards teens.
First Festival
The first Holiday festival in Flight rising history was the 2013 Brightshine Jubilee. The items that were available for this festival only are incredibly rare, particularily the Light Sprite which is one of the most valuable items on the site. Apart from that and the fact that the skincent contest only had 6 winners, not much is notable about it.
Offsite drama
Flight Rising has had its fair share of drama both on and off site, but due to the fact that it’s against the site’s rule to discuss user drama on the forums most of the notable drama happened off site (mainly tumblr).
Egg rot
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Egg rot was a very early mechanic that was pretty quickly removed from the site. If you forgot to incubate your eggs, they would “rot” and no longer hatch.
It’s the reason why in the nesting grounds the text reads “Eggs healthy” and also the reason why on the stats section of the Account settings it says “Eggs discarded”. The mechanic was removed because it heavily punished casual players and the frequent downtimes of the site meant that even if someone logged in every day they could still have their eggs die.
Also, the images of egg rot look extremely cursed.
From what I could gather, Pablo is a dragon which became somewhat popular after user “Desmondtiny” wrote a very long and detailed backstory of them being the Arcanist’s lost boyfriend.
I’m pretty sure it gues deeper than that but I couldn’t find any further information. As usual, if you know something more let me know.
Latest News
On November 12, 2014, a glitch(?) occurred that let anyone post in the Announcements thread. Anything that was posted went directly to the front page, which resulted in quite a bit of chaos.
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This was fixed only half an hour later, but the screenshots people have from that time are extremely funny.
On the 2014 Flameforger’s festival announcement Undel accidentally misspelled “Flameforger” as “Lameforger”, which prompted the official account of the Flamecaller to respond aggressively. Lameforger is still jokingly used by users, even after the typo was fixed.
Festival of one (1)
On the first day of the 2014 Greenskeeper Gathering a glitch occurred which switched the site banner for the Starfall celebration banner instead of the Greenskeeper one.
It didn’t end there, in the coliseum Magical shards dropped instead of Bladed Flatleaves, even though skin chests dropped as normal(?).
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The weirdest thing about it all was Joxar’s Space inventory, which didn’t display any items at all and had glitched dialogue.
The event was nicknamed by the fanbase “Festival of 1” and even the deity’s official accounts acknowledged the incident.
Vape Juice
As far as I know the original forum thread as been lost, but the vape juice fiasco will always remain cemented in Flight Rising History.
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A company called Vape Daugz was making vape juice with Flight Rising dragons plastered on their packaging, completely violating the site’s policy.
The company’s site still exists, and browsing through their products I found that the products that previously had Flight Rising dragons on them still exist, but now feature completely different packaging.
I have no idea whether they changed the packaging spontaneously or staff did something about it.
I think there’s a potentially interesting story buried down there, but we’ll likely never the truth behind the Flight Rising vape juice.
The Abyss
There’s been some speculation over the years as to whether or not humans are canon in the Flight Rising universe. Some people believe that the “Mages” of the second age in the official lore are actually humans, but we can’t be sure because they are depicted with long robes that cover their whole bodies.
The idea of humans existing in canon has spawned a couple of memes, most infamously Thomas.
Plague healers
Again, I think the wiki explains this one better:
“According to Aequorin, Plague healers are an interesting bunch because rather than administer treatments that counter illness, they use a mixture of magic and contagion that stress the affected dragon further, allowing them to reach a stronger, healed, and resistant state faster than other elements. Plague healers will treat physical injuries with sutures, bandages, and braces, but they won't clean the wounds or apply ointments."
As described in the original thread, Akitla was a dragon that user “qunii” saw on the front page, but noticed that she wasn’t accompanied by the username of the person owning them.
After clicking on her, an error page loaded. It was discovered that putting her color combination or ID in the search bar would result in an error page. This was later fixed, and both Akitla and her mate were now displayed as being exalted to the Arcanist. T
here are some theories as to what happened to the Akitla’s user, some think that she belonged to a deleted account, others that it was the result of an incomplete account creation.
As with a lot of things on this iceberg, it will likely remain a mystery forever.
Arcane sprite book
“what is the arcane sprite reading??” is probably one of the oldest still active threads on the forums.
On September 25, 2013 user “Kaadashi” started a joke thread were they wondered what exactly is the arcane sprite reading, and playfully suggested that it could be erotic fanfiction. People went crazy of course, and started to wonder what kind of juicy secrets were hidden within the pages of that book.
I don’t want to say too much because I really don’t want to spoil the experience of reading through this very cursed tread.
Sunshine is one of the most… interesting lairs on the site, and certainly one of the most well-known.
They(?) have a lair (almost) completely full of triple basic sunshine dragons, most of which are Tundras. So far they have collected about 320 triple hundred Sunshine dragons, almost all of which are also named “Sunshine”. They’re not all the same, some of them have apparel, some of them are gened and some have unique art and descriptions.
They’re dedicated and I respect that.
EDIT 28/06: Apparently some people seem to think that the sunshine-dedicated lair is based on a meme concerning the announcement of the color wheel expansion, which became so discussed that the itself site broke. The two things are unrelated however, as the Sunshine lair has been around for much longer.
The announcement of the color wheel expansion was cryptic, with only a few post showing off differently colored coatls and then 3 pages of reserved posts, with no explanation whatsoever.
Simple Farmer
Another very famous thread is the “I am but a simple farmer” thread started by user “someKindOfGenius”. It’s not really about anything specific, it’s just a rather silly thread were people photoshop flight rising dragons onto various crops.
Still, this thread is iconic so I had to include it.
Dragon Deaths
Way back in 2014 former flight rising programmer Thrage revealed on a forum thread that way back before the beta, dragons could actually starve to death if left unfed.
Obviously they had to remove this mechanic because it would have been extremely harsh to casual players and make people frustrated with the game.
User “manojalpa” became fairly well-known for the extremely dark lore they(?) had written for their Clan, it was so dark in fact that every single one of their dragon’s bios had to moved to their tumblr where they couldn’t be easily seen by the site’s mainly underage usebase.
Their lore centered around their progen dragon, a tundra named Zalvador, which behaved and had the same powers as a flight rising user: buying dragons off of the action house, having “breeding projects”, exalting dragons, etc.
These things seem pretty normal when done by a player, but when taking them as actual real things that happen in universe… yeah, it was way too morbid for the site.
The Pit
Black linen neck wraps
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For some weird reason, the apparel piece “Black linen neck wrap” when put on a male pose Coatl wraps around the dragon’s throat instead of it’s neck. It’s kind of subtle and hard to see, but if you compare it with the female pose the difference is clear. This is probably just an art error, although it’s weird that it hasn’t been fixed yet, since linen wraps are a very old piece of apparel.
Another weird thing about linen wraps in general is that the wing wraps just sort of… go through the membrane? This is not possible. These dragons are in pain.
Icewarden ears
Another very remarkably popular thread is the Icewarden ears thread.
In 2014 user “Llanai” simply makes note of the fact that the Icewarden has teeny tiny ears.
As we have come to expect from these threads, it quickly devolved into nonsense.
Forbidden Snapper lore
Snappers used to have a way different lore section that was changed because it deemed too similar to the lore of another petsite.
This is what the original section read:
"Snapper dragons do not sleep, but exist in a constant state of reverie. They receive and catalogue all experiences and stories told within their dreams. This persistent state of awakened dreaming awards them the longest memory of any dragon species. They are living encyclopedias, and any dragon who is seeking difficult-to-obtain information will have the most luck unearthing it from a Snapper clan - provided they have the patience for it. If you want two dozen quick answers, talk to a spiral. If you want a fully developed answer, camp out around a Snapper. These dreamers move at their own pace, which varies from dragon to dragon. For some, the awakened dream can prove to be more interesting than their surroundings. This leads to a focus upon the dream, and the waking world as filtered background noise. Interacting with these sleepwalkers can be a trying and repetitive task. Other Snappers may be fairly lucid, with a focus upon their surroundings and the constant hum of the dream pushed aside."
Bee movie script
I’ve seen this story around the forums a few times but I’ve never been able to learn the details.
From what I’ve heard someone copy pasted the entire bee movie script into their clan bio in a drop down text format, which completely broke the page for anyone who visited it. This was fixed, apparently, although I have no clue as to who this user is.
EDIT 28/06: Zeus
Zeus is an XXX gold g1 permababy imperial that used to belong to user "happywing".
Their account is now locked because Zeus was created with the use of a duplication glitch on an imperial breed change scroll, which is obviously not allowed (although I've heard some people say that the dragon was hacked in altogether). Before the account was locked, people speculated that Zeus was the most valuable dragon on the site, because an XXX g1 imperial is impossibly rare.
Wegg shaming
On July 2017 user “Dreamnorn” made a thread were they(?) claimed to have a dream where everything was the same except people used the term “wegged” when two dragons would lay only one egg in a nest.
Ex. Aw man! I’ve been wegged again! = Aw man! I bred two dragons and they only had one egg!
The dream ended up being prophetic, as the term catched on and people started to use it unironically.
The practice of “Wegg shaming” I think refers to the trend of people posting pictures of the dragons that “wegged” them in order to “shame” them.
Plague nest skull
The site art of the plague nest features an unique dragon skull that doesn’t match with any currently existing dragon breed or creature: It appears to have two sets of eyes, like a mirror, but also long and curled horns.
It’s probably just for decoration and it likely doesn’t have any significance whatsoever, but personally I believe it would be pretty cool if when they eventually release plague ancient it at least somewhat resembled this skull.
EDIT 28/06: On second thought, the skull doesn’t seem to have two pairs of eyes, It just has the generic shape of a carnivore.
Rock bottom
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…this is CAPTAINPLANET. Somehow, user “Decres”' managed to overlay a Fae skin on top of a Tundra, creating this horrifyingly fascinating abomination.
I have no idea how she did this, and she seems pretty adamant to tell.
EDIT 28/06: People have pointed out that this skin overlay glitch was actually somewhat common (although I still haven't found another dragon like CAPTAINPLANET). What you had to do was breed change a dragon while attaching a skin to them in another tab.
This glitch has been patched and such thing is no longer possible.
Lair 46264
A cursed lair.
I’ve seen a lot of people, both on forums and on Tumblr, sharing dreams they had about Flight Rising.
A lot of people dream of just being on the site, while occasionally weird things happen.
I’ve read of people who dreamed the distribution of a new breed, buying an exclusive item, a new Fiona feat or Swipp trade, or just browsing the forums.
The most common type of Flight rising-associated dream I’ve seen however is being caught multiaccounting and having their account banned.
I’m no psychoanalyst, but I think it’s pretty clear that these nightmares stem from the paranoia of being banned from their beloved petsite instead of showing any actual intention of doing the “crime” in question.
Anyways, I think it’s fascinating how so many people dream about this site, and it reminds me of the dreams people claimed to have about Mario 64 where completely new levels were added or a scary monster appeared.
Dragon Slime
Dragon Slime was an infamous thread which was supposed to be start off point for an ARG.
It was deleted because it was considered too “spammy” and also because ARGs are banned from the forums. The thread has been lost, unfortunately.
EDIT 28/06: Thanks to @randompurple-fr for providing screenshots of the dragon slime tutorial! You can find them here
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Cucumber is the only dragon ever to have been exalted with a skin, which is something that should not be possible. This raises some questions as to what exactly did the person that exalted them do to achieve this, but we have no way of knowing who Cucumber belonged to.
EDIT 28/06: Actually, we do know who used to Cucumber belonged to! Its owner was Osiem: an official flight rising artist. I couldn’t find the thread where they(?) acknowledged the glitch though, if someone has it please let me know!
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo - the best mcc team
this is an extra to the great adventures series
the moment you found out ranboo got into mcc you instantly ran into the room you were sharing pulling him into a hug you were honestly so proud of him and he was going to be with tubbo
unfortunately, you weren’t going to be in mcc this month but that didn’t stop you from being over the moon for your friend. when it was finally time for mcc you wished your friend good luck and apologised for not being able to watch his pov as you weren’t about to break the tradition of watching Tommy after all he was your first and biggest supporter. 3 hours later the event ended and everyone who was watching ranboos pov heard you faintly screaming at Tommy over discord whilst tubbo sat laughing and ranboo was concerned, he heard from Tommy that you would often yell at him however he didn’t believe that he was being honest
“FUCK YOU TOMMY STOP LAUGHING YOU HIT ME IN TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE ON PURPOSE THEN LAUGHED ABOUT ME NOT BEING IN…..fine when I get in I’m requesting to be on Scott's team…I’m still mad at you but you did great I'm so proud of you congrats Tommy I’ll see you soon goodbye”
at the start of the next month, you received a message from Scott
Scott: so I have a few things to tell you 1 - how would you feel about becoming head twitch mod it’s only fair you’ve been my mod for a while and 2 - welcome to mcc make sure to fill in the form asap!
y/n: 1 - of course I’d love to be head twitch mod and 2 - heh??
not long later you received a form at the same time as your friends, you decided not to tell anyone and somehow you managed to keep it a secret, Scott agreed to lie to the others about whos team they’re on as he knew how excited everyone was going to be. today was the day your big secret would be released, you Tommy tubbo and ranboo were sat outside when the notification went out announcing the team honestly you’ll never forget the look on their faces when they realised
MCChampionship_ tweeted: 👑announcing team green guardians 👑
@tommyinnit @tubbolive @ranboosaysstuff @y/n
Watch them in MCC on Saturday, August 28th at 8 pm BST!
“congrats y/n”
ranboo didn’t say anything he just tackled you into a hug like you did last month when you found he was in mcc. Tommy and tubbo were still processing what they just read
“Scott fucking lied to me”
“aye I told him to”
“what the fuck”
from then the four of you would constantly stream with each other on the mcc training server, you were a strong team when you weren’t yelling at each other.
time flew by soon enough it was the 28th of August. Tommy genuinely couldn’t believe it his best friend was in mcc and on a team with him and he genuinely believed you all had a decent chance in winning as you were a strong team. Tommy invited you over to stream mcc he claimed it was because there would be three people trying to stream in the same room, in reality, it was because he wanted to see your reaction and be there for your first mcc.
Tommy let you stream from his room he had spent the previous night getting advice from tubbo on how he managed to set up so he could stream with ranboo in the same room.
“you ready y/n”
“of course I’ve been watching and learning from the best”
you and Tommy set up and joined the discord call and the mcc server, it was finally time. similarly to ranboo this was something you had wanted to do since Tommy told you all about it on your way home from school one day. 30 minutes later it was time for the games to begin and this is where the chaos began.
“you know what I hope it’s build mart”
“what the fuck y/n”
“fuck you I’m good at build mart- oh you’re joking it’s fucking parkour tag”
this is when you realised that two screaming teenagers in the same room both trying to stream the event wasn’t the best idea, you and Tommy would constantly scream at poor ranboo who was just trying to hunt the other team
“really y/n?! I thought I’d let them win this round”
unsurprisingly your team was doing great you had won 7/8 rounds but there was still one more round, determined to be the one to get dream you decided to be the hunter
“y/n don’t worry if you can’t get them we’re doing well”
“not putting pressure on me at all thank you boys”
being close friends with technoblade gave you an advantage you didn’t expect due to the fact he helped to “train” you for your first mcc which ended up being the reason you were able to catch them all and then helped the others avoid being caught
“tubbo he's to your left TUBBO I SAID HES TO YOUR LEFT WHY ARE YOU GOING LEFT TOMMY RUN RUN RUN RUN ranboo you’re doing great”
you had just successfully won the round against dream sapnap George and quackity and you would never let dream live this down
“do you guys think dream will let me be in one of his manhunts now”
“fuck you tubbo you’re just mad you couldn’t catch all the runners in yellow yaks. you couldn’t catch jack manifold”
so far everything was going well you were currently in 4th place and your team had high hopes. you all felt the need to confirm to your chats that you’re all not actually mad at each other and not to worry about everything.
the next game was survival games ranboo wasn’t ready for this due to the last mcc where he died pretty early on, it started well you all stuck together as a team until the game was nearly over and you got distracted by a chest and ran away from the others whilst they were fighting another team this ended up being a happy accident in disguise you got the notification that Tommy tubbo and ranboo were killed fighting another team
“oh fuck”
tubbo could practically hear your smile as you explained to them that you ran off and was currently under a tree watching the others fight, you used the fact they died in the game to your advantage they would tell you if anyone was coming to attack you whilst you ran around collecting loot avoiding the others shooting arrows
to everyone’s surprise, it worked due to the border being smaller so there was less room to run soon it was you vs punz at this point you were determined to win
“you’re doing so well y/n”
some may call it beginners luck but you ended up winning the fight against punz
the next game was hole in the wall and long story short you sucked, ranboo on the other hand did not. it didn’t take long for you to fall every single round. this helped the others though as you were able to yell which side the wall was coming from
“fuck this stupid game the wall hates me”
“y/n you're supposed to jump through the gaps“
“you know what no I’m going to get on a sapnap alt stream by glitching through”
this didn’t work you died again
“well fuck there I go I guess you’ve got this though guys Tommy you’re doing decent”
“I'm doing great thank you- oh I died FUCK YOU FOR DISTRACTING ME”
“blah blah blah GO TUBBO AND RANBOO”
you couldn’t believe it ranboo was one of the final people remaining, unfortunately, ranboo jumped too late resulting in him falling but nonetheless you were proud of him
“unlucky boo you all did great”
the next game was battle box the four of you had been practising this a lot so there was a lot of pressure to do well especially since you were now in the top 3 on the leaderboard, the strategies you made from practicing paid off you managed to win the majority of the rounds, however, there was a lot of screaming and arguing during the last round
“he’s been stealing mine too y/n”
tubbo was honestly playing well during this game and you were amazed
unfortunately, the arguing resulted in you losing the round as you were all focusing on arguing which meant you missed the other team rushing to wool
“unlucky boys”
“7 wins out of 9 rounds honestly isn’t that bad we should still be third we just need to stay strong with the rest of the games”
during the break before the last four games, the four of you sat making plans for the next few round
“I want to get to the other side last I think that will be our strength”
there was still a rather long break left so you did what anyone else would do run around the server and yell this was a huge mistake as it messed with the soundproofing resulting in tommys mic picking you up and vice versa
“so I guess we’re streaming like this now”
“well since you asked so nicely tubso…no”
tubbo ended up doing the same to the soundproofing in the room he was in with ranboo were in meaning all four of you were now having a scuffed stream as you ran out of time to fix it because before you knew it, it was time to play sky battle
“right we should go left”
“tubbo will get iron Tommy will make the bridge and y/n will do…something”
you did the same thing techno did in the pride mcc and hid occasionally breaking blocks from underneath people so they would fall the others were doing well the game was a mixture of you all encouraging each other and you all cursing each other out whilst ranboo ignored you all and spoke to his chat
“chat I know you can hear double everyone if I could fix it I would but tubbo y/n and Tommy are being too stubborn to fix everything and we don’t have time”
“making people fall to their death can we talk about our feelings now because this is stressful as hell”
you all did decently you weren’t amazing at this game but that was expected it was something you all weren’t the biggest fan of but somehow you were all still in third place and that was something you weren’t expecting especially for your first mcc
it was now time for sands of time you all needed to do well
“bruh I wanted build mart what the fuck is this”
“we’re not going to win this game boys”
and tubbo would be corrected that that statement, you ended up having a visual glitch making it difficult, Tommy would constantly get trapped in a dungeon like last time things weren’t loading for ranboo you had no idea what tubbo was doing and quite frankly you didn’t want to find out unless it was going to be good news and considering all you could hear was tubbo yelling anything that came to mind you could guess it wasn’t going well. you tried to rage quit a couple of times only to be yelled at by the others every time you disconnected from the server
“you’re doing well y/n stay calm we’re going to be fine”
“no, they’re spawning one in for me”
“could them maybe I don’t know speed up the process”
yeah you ended up losing that game and got knocked down the 4th good news is it was only by a couple hundred points
next up was ace race
“do yous reckon Scott's tested this map”
“aren’t you his head twitch mod”
“you’re right I'll message him and find out”
luckily you all managed to do pretty well, Tommy was off to a great start you tubbo and ranboo weren’t far behind you all agreed to follow each other rather than the crowd which paid off as when everyone else went the wrong way rather than following you all managed to go the right way thanks to ranboo yelling he thinks that he knows where to go and thankfully he was correct which put Tommy first tubbo second ranboo third and you fourth, you all ended up lapping people on your final lap and honestly, none of you guessed this would happen but you weren’t exactly complaining. a few moments later you all crossed the finishing line and were the first team to finish giving you the bonus points you needed to push you to second place
“did you know since I first got into mcc I would put y/ns name down for who I wanted to play with”
a few seconds later you showed up on Tommy's face cam as you ran over to him giving him a hug
“you’re doing great y/n we might get into dodgebolt”
“dude we’re winning this shit”
soon enough it was time for the last game (unless you got into dodgebolt) and luckily it was to get to the other side
“we've got this we have actually got this we’re going to get to dodgebolt”
you stuck with Tommy for almost every round mainly because speed bridging wasn’t for you. you were all doing great you were the first team to finish for multiple rounds however you were also the last team to finish for a few rounds
“boys I'm not sure if we’ll get through”
“We all had fun”
“if we get into dodgebolt we’re going to be against dream”
“will you two quit fighting we’re about to find out the final scores.”
“oh my god”
“what the fuck”
“ranboo and y/n are about to play dodgebolt”
you all did it you successfully kept 2nd place somehow now all you had to do was win dodgebolt against dream George sapnap and quackity. safe to say you and ranboo were nervous as fuck and rightfully so as you all lost the first game
“let’s be serious we need to focus now”
you all won the next round
it was now the third round Tommy and tubbo were now out it was you and ranboo against dream and sapnap
“bruh were fucked ranboo”
ranboo took aim and somehow hit sapnap whilst you took a moment to type a message in chat
y/n: it’s my first mcc how do you feel knowing you’re about to lose
it was now your turn to take aim and Tommy yelling in the background wasn’t helping you and the yelling made you shoot before you were ready luckily ranboo picked up an arrow and was able to hit dream, it was now 1 vs 2 if you won this round you would all be the champions and that’s exactly what happened you all quit yelling at each other hell you muted the discord call so you could focus all you could hear was Tommy next to you occasionally supporting you
“come on y/n final round. you’re about to win your first mcc I’m so proud of you”
“you’re doing amazing Tommy thank you for everything now let’s win this thing”
and just like that, it was over Tommy took the final shot and hit sapnap
you all unmuted the four of you yelling
this time Tommy ran over to you pulling you into a hug he was genuinely so proud of you and the others
“you did it y/n you won your first mcc that’s amazing”
“I couldn’t have done it without you or the others I love you all”
after talking to the other teams and ending stream
you and Tommy stayed on call with tubbo and ranboo
“you two need to make your way back here”
“me and y/n could probably catch a train if we’re very quick”
you nodded and quickly grabbed everything you needed thankfully your good luck hadn’t come to an end yet as you and Tommy were able to catch one of the last trains, Tommy had an arm around you as he noticed you were getting tired after all you did just go through the stress of your first mcc to over 170k viewers you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder a few hours passed and you were at the last stop Tommy lightly tapped your shoulder
“hey y/n were here tubbo and ranboo are waiting for us over there…let’s go celebrate this win shall we”
an: do not publish my work :)
@emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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Arms and Hands
*soulmate AU; each other’s scars show up on both bodies
Pairing: Bucky x mechanic!Stark!Reader
Warnings: fluff, Tony being overprotective, small bit of angst with the whole parent thing
Summary: you are Stark’s younger sister who is an expert mechanic so when Bucky’s arm is malfunctioning and Tony can’t fix it and it would take to long to get it to the Wakandans, Tony goes to the best mechanic there is, you. But what happens when you meet someone unexpected…….
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“Look Manchurian Candidate, I can’t fix it, I don’t know what to tell you,” Tony complains after Bucky’s arm malfunctions for the 8th time in the last 3 hours. “Is there anyone that can?” Steve asks, concerned for his friends well being and his own need to not be hit in the face again. “There is only one person who I think could help, but we aren’t doing that.” Tony responds, making his boundaries, none of the Avengers knew you existed and he wasn’t about to change that. “Please Stark,” Bucky pleads, his arm malfunctioning again, this time knocking over Tony’s tool box, “see it’s really bad!” Tony sighs, “finneeeees, but I expect a thank you gift or something. FRIDAY, call the Avengers to the living room ASAP.” “Of course Mr. Stark, right away.” “Let’s go Captain Sparkles, you too Mr. Stares a lot.” Tony motioned them to the living room, the super soldiers were slightly confused, why couldn’t they just go right away, what did the team need to know?
Once the team had gathered Tony started off, “As you know, Barnes has some arm problems and there is only one person who can possibly fix it, someone as smart, as I. My sister,” everyone but Nat gasps, Nat knew all along, she is a spy after all. “Yes I have a younger sister, she hates the spotlight so she lives in a small town as their mechanic but works on her own projects as well, if anyone can fix it, it’s her. So Barnes, Rogers, pack your bags, we are visiting Cape Elizabeth in Maine!” Tony dismisses everyone and the three going head to pack their bags.
1 hour long flight later, they had landed in a grassy patch near your garage/shop/house, it was a 3 in 1. Tony and the super soldiers walked up to the shop entrance and you heard the door’s bell ring, notifying you someone was in to see you. “Welcome to Y/N’s garage, how can I- oh, hey Tones, what’s up?” You say, loosing your ‘customer service’ voice when you realize it’s your brother. “We kinda need your help, Tin Man over here has the metal arm you know,” you nod, following the conversation, “well it’s been acting up and I can’t fix it so I figured you might be able to….” “Yeah, I’ll see what I can do,” you motion for the guys to follow you to your shop were your tools are so you can take a look.
After sitting Bucky down, checking it out and dodging the malfunctioning appendage a few times, you came to a conclusion. “Yeah, I see the problem, surprised you couldn’t find it Tones!” “Well, can you fix it,” Steve asked. “Yeah I can, it’s gonna take a few hours, but I can.” You continue, “if you guys want to head to town and look around or something you can, no reason for you two to be here,” you shrug and tell your brother and Steve. “Trying to get rid of me?” Tony jokingly asks faking being hurt, “maybe I am, maybe I know you would just get in the way,” you tease back. “Alright, alright bye, call me when you get done,” Tony surrenders and with that he and Steve head out, you toss Tony your car keys and yell, “don’t scratch the paint!” He waves you off and drives off.
“Alright let’s get started shall we?” You rhetorically ask, taking off your flannel leaving you in just your tank top. Bucky sits there staring at your scars. “What? Oh, umm, yeah, soulmate scars I suppose, if they make you uncomfortable I can put the flannel back on, I just-“ you start rambling but Bucky cuts you off, “no no, it’s fine, it’s just they, kinda match my scars and, yeah.” “Wait, do you also have a scar on your right ankle?” You ask trying to figure out if he really is your soulmate. “Yeah I do, never knew where it came from. About an inch long?” He responded. “Yeah, I kinda cut my ankle accidentally, while fixing up a Harley motorcycle, it was one from 1942, still my prized possession,” you say reminiscing. “Cool,” Bucky says smirking, “well, I guess we are soulmates huh?” “Looks like it” you say, a smile creeping on your face. “How about you fix your my arm and then I’ll take you out on a date, doll.” You agreed and got started on the arm.
The next few hours were filled with both of you sharing stories and facts about yourself and basically getting to know the other person, both of you also shared some funny stories about Tony. You were almost done when you shared a story with Howard in it and Bucky looked down nervous, what if you didn’t want to be with him, and have him as your soulmate after you learned what he did to your parents. You saw the change in expression, “Buck, I know what the winter soldier did, but that wasn’t you, and unlike my stupid brother, I don’t blame you in the slightest, I blame Hydra.” You game him a small, reassuring smile, and he gave you one back, “thank you doll.” With that you continued working on his arm, after a few more minutes you stepped back and exclaimed that you were done! Bucky tried it out by taking your hand and spinning you around like you were dancing, you giggled as he said “well, I think it works, thanks doll.” You called Tony and he said they’d be here in about 10 minutes.
“Doll, what are we going to do?””what?” You questioned, what did he mean what are you going to do? “Well, I mean, I’m headed back to New York and you live here and so…” “Well that’s an easy solution!” You happily cheered, now it was Bucky’s turn to be confused, “I technically own part of the Avenger’s Tower and I have my co owner of the shop here’, he’s on vacation right now, but he can take over here and I can come live in New York!” “You would do that for me?” Bucky questioned, no one, except for maybe Steve, had ever cared about him this much. “Of course I would,” you said giving Bucky a hug. “It might take me a week or so to get down there, packing, paperwork and whatnot but I’ll be there.” Bucky was so happy, he had thought his soulmate had died, or was like 100 years old but here she was, and god she was gorgeous. It was at this moment that Tony and Steve walked in while you and Bucky were cuddling waiting for them to get back.
“What the Fuck! Get off my sister Barnes!” Tony was screaming, his voice filled with anger. You went and slapped him to get him to shut up, “Tony calm the hell down, he’s my soulmate you idiot.” “Yeah I’m aware, you think I didn’t put two and two together, I knew since I met him.” You were now the angry one, he knew about your soulmate this whole time but kept it from you! “You knew this whole time and didn’t tell me?” You were speaking at a normal level but your voice was full of irritation. “He’s not good enough for you, he killed our parents for god’s sake!” Tony tried to reason but that just made your blood boil more. “You and I both know that it wasn’t him, it. was. Hydra.” You seethed “fine, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Tony said realizing his mistake. “I’m assuming I should clear out your room in the tower?” He questioned, already figuring out your plan, “yeah, I’ll be down in a week or two, after I finish up my current project probably.” You responded, glad your brother had come to his senses.
A week later you moved into the tower and got to know the rest of the team. When you pulled up both super soldiers heard your bike’s motor and rushed out at the familiar noise. They saw your bike and it was a similar one to Steve’s back in the war, they begged you to let them drive it, to Tony’s surprise you did, you had never let him drive it.
You became best friends with Nat and Wanda, it was nice to have some women friends you could relate to. You and Bucky were as he said ‘going steady.’ He called you his doll and his best girl and no matter how many times he did you would blush, every, single, time. You loved him and he loved you. You were glad you had found your soulmate. Even Tony eventually came around.
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emiewritesthings · 3 years
doctor, doctor - jay halstead
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jay halstead x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n takes it into her own hands to look after a sick jay 
a/n: i’m not gonna lie i think this is one of my fav things i’ve ever written, i would really appreciate some feedback and p.s the beginning of it is based on that scene from brooklyn 99 :)
“okay, it’s 10 o’clock, meaning halstead is officially an hour late to work,” y/n announced as she appeared from the break room with a mug of poorly made coffee. looking around, she had immediately distracted everyone in the room with her playful smile. “okay let’s do this, theories!” she encouraged, taking a sip with excitement, but immediately regretting it as s he spat it back in the mug and abandoned it on adam’s desk as she leant against it.
“uh, he forgot to set his alarm?” antonio suggested, willing to play along with the little game that y/n had created. however clearly his answer didn’t suffice as y/n scrunched up her nose and shook her head in disappointment.
“you are a detective in a unit that just last week rescued 5 people kidnapped and used as chess pieces in a human sized version of the game and the best you could come up with is he forgot to set his alarm? pfft, disappointing, dawson. who’s willing to take this seriously?” she scoffed, brushing his idea off with a simple roll of the eyes as the group laughed at her ridiculousness. 
“maybe he has been murdered by a gang looking for revenge.” adam piped up, earning a sudden and rather forceful slap on the back as y/n cheered. her eyes looking over at antonio as she gestured towards the less experienced detective.
“yes, that’s what i’m talking about. bit dark, ruzek, but better than dawson’s,” y/n hummed, adam clearly pleased with the praise he had received by the pretty detective. “any one else wanna shot?” she offered it out into the room, suddenly the sound of rolling wheels on the chair had everyone turn to face al who was munching on a ham sandwich.
“he walked into the middle of a drug ring, slept with the kingpins daughter and is now having limbs removed, one by the hour.” suddenly an eery silence fell in the bullpen as al suddenly disappeared back to his desk and everyone was left with an image that she was sure was burned on the inside of everyones mind.
“uh, okay, someone might want to arrange a psych check for olinsky asap,” y/n mumbled, pointing in the direction where he had once been and looking around as if checking that she hadn’t been the only one to hear al’s suggestion. “anyways, all of you are wrong. clearly he has joined a motorbike gang and now makes his money on the road striking off names on the government’s hit list.” 
just as the room erupted into discussion about how idiotic this conversation was, as well as their ideas, the sound of footsteps caught y/n’s attention as she arrived at her desk. however as he reached the floor, the reason for his absence was clear.
“woah, you look like death.” adam chuckled, it immediately being silenced as jay sent a deadly glare his way. with his skin paler than normal with undertones of green, a layer of sweat draped over his forehead. jay flashed as smile at y/n as he passed, reaching his desk and collapsing on his chair with a wince. 
as everyone went back to what they were doing, y/n found herself straying her eyes away from her computer screen for longer and longer periods of time until she found herself by his side with a sickly sweet grin, pun intended. 
“i don’t wanna hear it, y/l/n.” jay mumbled, massaging his temples with his fingers hoping it would somehow sooth his pounding skull. whilst usually he had every minute of his day just to hear the woman chat away about whatever crossed her mind, he had found himself in quite the state since last night, leaving him restless and irritable.
“believe it or not, i just wanted to make sure you were alright,” y/n’s entire demeanour crumbled as she melted at the soft features of his face that came with being so vulnerable. but from the look in jay’s eyes, it was clear he didn’t 100% believe her excuse. “and to ask what the hell you think you are doing here? you are sick jay, you need to rest.” 
it was very rare that jay found himself ill. in the years that y/n had been working by the man’s side, she could count on one hand the times she had seen him with so much as a cough. in fact she had called him captain immune system for a period of time when she realised he was pretty much indestructible. y/n couldn’t deny the concern bubbling in her gut seeing him so weak.
“i’m fine,” with her eyes slitted in a look that practically shouted ‘bullshit’, jay continued. “i promise, it’s just a little cold. nothing serious, i think i’ll survive.” he joked dryly, finding it incredibly hard to look away from y/n for her eyes were filled with a warmth that he knew was an expression usually saved for those she cared deeply about. 
“yeah well, you need to take care of yourself, jay, i’m being serious. chicago can cope if you just have one day off, get your energy back.” 
y/n was reminded of the times she had the exact same words spoken to her by the exact person that didn’t seem to want to take them onboard. every time she had so much as a sniffle he would be straight over with some soup that his mother used to swear by and the name of a box set that he would put on for the two of them to watch as he sat stroking her hair in order to try and convince her body to rest. neither of them had anyone else to take care of them, so had taken it upon themselves to be that person for the other. 
“now, i’m gonna go tell voight that i’m taking you home before you infect this whole office.” before he could object, she had already ran (not literally but jay was impressed by her speed walking) to her boss’ office. knocking on the door, with a sweet smile and a sea of words running off her tongue so quickly that voight had to agree just to shut her up, y/n returned by his side. “come on, germ face, your carriage awaits.” 
“you know i love it when you talk dirty to me, y/l/n.” winking at her, y/n giggled as she supported him back down the stairs and out of the station. the two chatted away, y/n explaining how she thought al was secretly a sociopath and jay filing her in on the newest instalment of his apartment block drama until they pulled up in front of jay’s apartment building. 
as they walked through the door, jay’s arm resting around y/n’s shoulders as he struggled to find strength, they managed to reach the sofa before y/n’s body gave up. both of them letting out large breathes before looking at each other and falling into laughter. 
“you hungry, i could try making your mom’s soup?” y/n asked, as she pushed herself up to look down at the man. her hair falling down around her face and tickling jay’s skin. “i’m sure it won’t be as good as her’s but i’m willing to give it a try.” 
the way she was sat with the large window gleaming light behind her, y/n almost looked like an angel. her eyes and smile were wide, with her beauty wrapping its hands around jay’s neck squeezing until his head felt light and he nearly reached up to touch her porcelain skin. but jay had noticed the sensation way before he was blocked up with a cold.
“yeah, uh, that sounds nice.” jay agreed with a minimal amount of sass, but y/n didn’t seem to notice as she moved off the cushions and towards the kitchen. she had pretty much memorised the recipe when jay had finally given it to her on her birthday after offering to pay for it multiple times. whizzing around the kitchen, she was too busy to notice the tired eyes admiring her from afar. 
jay wished his mom was alive to see the woman that she would have loved. all the times he had brought girls back to his family when he was younger didn’t add up to an ounce of the beauty and power that y/n held in her middle finger. the way she bit back at his wit, but also had the ability to spot when he was upset from the other side of the city. she was everything her mother wanted in a daughter in law, everything she wanted for her little boy. 
“okay, give me your honest opinion. i can take it i promise.” y/n sudden appeared with a tray that held a large bowl of the semi-thick orange liquid, a glass of water and a couple pills. approaching jay, she carefully helped him up from where he laid and placed it onto his lap. “actually that was a complete lie, do not tell me the truth. i may just cry.” 
“why thank you, nurse y/l/n.” he teased.
“it’s doctor actually.” she quipped back.
jay chuckled lowly, as he grabbed the spoon and took a large spoonful to his mouth. feeling the slight sting of his tongue at the heat, it was only when the flavours hit that he was suddenly transported to an earlier time in his life. a simpler time. only this time there was y/n by his side. 
“the verdict?” she prompted, taking a seat besides him, pulling her knees up to her chest. 
“not sure whether i want to tell you, don’t think you’ll fit in this room if your ego grows any bigger.” y/n grinned as she leaned over to press a kiss against his shoulder. jay closed his eyes at the contact, feeling the ache in his body freeze for a moment as it registered the tingling sensation. “all jokes aside, it really is good.” 
“i’m glad, your mother was a smart woman.” she nodded, leaning forward to turn tv on. jay continued to spoon the soup into his mouth, as y/n chose a show that they both had started together and had refused to watch another minute without the other. y/n leaned back making herself comfortable, having already texted voight telling him that she would most likely need the entire day off, and getting the go ahead, she had no plans other than being by jay’s side for the next however many hours. 
it was sometime in the early evening and the tv continued to emit light, but neither jay nor y/n was paying any attention to the drama. jay, with his head on y/n lap, was leaning into her touch as her short, thin fingers ran through the dark strands that sprouted from his scalp. his body wrapped in a blanket that y/n had grabbed from his room, he felt completely at peace. 
“you know what, i think you are more bearable when you are at death’s door.” y/n joked quietly, as the forest green eyes were exposed back to her own. jay groaned in annoyance, realising that there was no sweet y/n without the sharped tongue y/n. a trait he adored, but at his own expense. 
“and to think i was starting to think you had gone soft on me, y/l/n.” he hummed, wishing he could forever have her giggle on repeat wherever he went, for the sound made goosebumps run down his neck and down his arms, like some kind of magic that only y/n possessed. 
“as much as i love you, i can’t risk my bad ass reputation for you.” 
although jay was sure it was just part of her banter, the moment the ‘i love you’ fell off her tongue, he found himself wide awake, unable to push past the feeling in his gut as it looped over again and again in his mind. y/n could see the conflict in his face, as he glanced up at her with something she had never noticed before. 
“you mean it?” he asked. 
“mean what?” confused, her fingers fell from his hair, making jay regret ever opening his mouth.
“do you really, you know, love me?” he knew he had committed too far to try and retreat. maybe he could blame it on the fact he couldn’t think straight, although she was like a lie detector that wouldn’t let such a bogus excuse pass. y/n blinked down at him, watching as he sat up to look at her with a hunger that needed to be addressed. swallowing the lump in her throat, y/n nodded.
“of course, you are one of my best friends, jay.” it was true, but it wasn’t the full truth, both of them knew that.
“i didn’t realise we had started lying to one another,” jay’s eyes were soft, as he reached to place his hand against her cheek, smiling as she slowly leaned into it. closing her eyes, she tried to find what direction she was looking for, but didn’t dare take the first step. without even thinking, jay jutted forward and captured her lips before they could form a single syllable. 
gently, but passionately, jay and y/n moved their lips against the others. the feeling was ever-growing as the kiss deepened and deepened until they had no choice to pull back, deprived of their ability to breath. as jay’s eyes came back into view, y/n, for the first time in her life, had lost the ability to form a sentence. 
“we just...” she began but it ran off quickly. jay chuckled.
“we did.”
the two sat in silence, examining the other one’s face until y/n found herself moving forward until she was sat in his lap, legs wrapped around his waist as she pressed her lips against his. just like before their bodies and minds were set ablaze with desire and what had remained unspoken for what felt like forever. jay had nearly completely forgotten about the illness that had put him in the care of the woman that he craved more than anything else the world had to offer. 
as their lips parted ways, suddenly the air had thinned and everything felt... normal. jay’s lips were unable to break out of the large grin mould that y/n had put them in, which was soon mirrored by the young woman. a small giggle escaping her lips.
“if i get whatever it is you have, i expect the exact same treatment.” 
“only for you, doctor y/l/n.”
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Momma is a badass?
Fandom: DC Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Batmom!reader (in the background) Word count: 1.4k Summary: Your Children don’t know about a big part of your past, but when the situation calls for it, they find out, one way or anotherm Requested by a hydrated Anon: since the request are kinda open. Can i request something where batmom was a former suicide squad member, now dating batman and the batkids dont know? Maybe they are in a dangerous fight against someone and the suicide squad helps them? only if this is okay for you. No pressure or something. Stay hydrated love
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Your children knew that you were a great fighter, one that could hold herself against Bruce easily, and they knew that you had been a vigilante long before you had met their father and fallen into the more domestic role of a part-time event-organizer and a full-time momma at day and a crime fighter at night. Sometimes they had tried to ask you and Bruce about what you had done for the most of your early adulthood, but they never found out anything about what happened between your 18th and 25th birthday. A few of them - mostly Tim, Steph and Damian - had thought about finding out the old-fashioned way, but everytime they seriously considered it they remembered that not once since you had taken them in as your children have you breached their privacy without a very, very good reason. So they quickly started to forget about it again and face their own problems. What none of your children had expected was that that blank on your resume was going to be filled on what was supposed to be an easy mission in Gotham’s Docks. You and Bruce were the ones who went, Tim on the Comms, only to find that three of the most dangerous and violent - but in themselves alone relatively small - crime families had “bonded” together to defeat the one thing that kept them from ‘rising to their true size’: Your family. The two of you were good, years of beating and defeating big baddies have shown so much, but not even the two of you were good enough to defeat the small army that was attacking you now. Under the hail of bullets that were raining down on you, a few of them hitting your body armour, but luckily not you, you barely managed to dive for cover behind a metal pillar. Looking over you were relieved to find Bruce behind cover too, seemingly not hurt. He nodded at you, most likely having the same thoughts about you, before talking to you and Tim over the Comms. “Red, we need everyone here asap, this is at least a code blue situation.” “Code blue? I thought this was just a quick in-and-out,” Tim asked surprised. “Just do it, no time to explain,” Bruce grunted as he threw a Batarang at a particularly bold individual that tried to break his cover, disarming him quickly and knocking him unconscious. “I contacted everyone, Nightwing and Red Hood are on their way, ETA is at least ten minute. Robin is preparing and will be there in five. Oracle is going to take over the Comms as soon as she’s online from her homebase and then I’ll hurry over with Black Bat. The others will try to come, but are indispensable at the moment,” Tim informed you and you could hear the almost inhumane quick tapping of his keyboard in the background. Before you had the chance to answer you noticed the small circular object rolling towards you and just almost managed to kick it away and shield yourself with your cape. “We don’t have enough time to wait for all of them!” you shouted over the sound of another explosion and when you looked over at Bruce you almost saw the internal conversation, “They’re on a mission not far from here, they could be here in five minutes.” “Who are you talking about?” Tim asked, but you and your husband just ignored him. “Do it!” Bruce said after he had to dive for a new cover when the pillar he was standing behind got damaged by another granate. Not waiting another second you pulled out a small button that was protected by a glass hood. You clicked the glass hood off and pushed the button, a little relief flooding you when you saw the blinking light below it implicate that the signal was received. Now you just had to survive long enough for your help to arrive. Tim and Cassandra, closely followed by Damian, arrived shortly after, but even with the five of you, you weren’t remotely able to do more than hold yourself against the seemingly never ending attack that got worse with every minute. When you heard the flapping of a chopper somewhere above you, you could have wept with joy, but soon got pulled back into reality when a bigger explosion rang through your ears and debris from the newly bombed open roof missed you by literal inches. After making sure neither your husband, not your children were hurt badly, you looked up to find that the chopper was not the one you had hoped for when you were looking directly into the barrel of a bomb launcher. The thought of retreating filled your mind, but before you could suggest, you saw the opposing chopper blow up in a haze of fire before a very familiar crazy laugh filled your ears - even if it was still half a mile or so away. More explosions rang through the enemy lines and the shift in power was immediately feelable. You had just won the upper hand. Five ropes were lowered around you and soon after you found yourself surrounded by your former team - or rather one version of it, the suicide squad never really being one to keep stagnate. “Did ‘ya miss us sugar?” Harley crackled as she fell around your neck, hugging you with one arm while the other was occupied with shooting an enemy that had been charging at the six of you. “You wouldn’t believe how much,” you smiled and - after quickly greeting the rest of the team - got back to fighting. Dick and Jason joined the fight shortly before the end - before your win - and were surprised by the people who were fighting in such a harmony with their mother that it looked like they had been fighting with you for years, but with the fight still going on they had little time to care about it too much. The twelve of you together had an easy time fighting against the gangs and it only took a few minutes more before you left unconscious, dead (the suicide squad had no no-killing rule after all) and tied up gang members for the police to lock up. The squad's chopper had been severely damaged during the fight so the five went with you to a second-emergency base on the outskirts of Gotham to wait for Waller to send them a pick-up, leaving you with a bit of time to catch up with your old mates. While you were laughing and talking to Harley, Rick, Floyd, Digger and Tatsu like you were old friends who haven’t seen each other in a while, Bruce standing a few feet behind you - keeping up his grim persona, but not stopping you from interacting with the (mostly) villains - your children were at the other side of the room completely dumbfounded at the way their mother was acting.
“Remember that time Waller almost blew up your head because you thought it was a good idea to play pranks in the base?” you asked laughing, the others joining you. “Yeah, well, how was I supposed to know she’d react to a bit of water like that,” Dagger shrugged, but smiled at the memory. “Can’t believe it’s been so long already since I left, it feels like yesterday I almost cut your eyes out,” you smiled - you much like Katana not having been there as a criminal, but rather as a guard yourself. “Hey, if you want back, we’d gladly take you in, I still think Waller considered planting a bomb in your head just so that you would come back and bring some order back,” Rick shrugged, but you just shook your head. “Thank you, but no thank you, I have a life here now. Also I don’t think Hubby would like that too much,” you giggled a little and blew a kiss at Bruce, who responded only with a stern nod in an interaction that your children would have usually found hilarious if they weren’t so occupied with staring. “Ya’know sugah, Ah love attention, Ah really do, but even Ah get uncomfortable if dah little batlings keep on starin’ like tha’,” Harley nudged your shoulder and nodded into the direction of your children. “Oh, don’t mind my little ones, they just didn’t know about my time at the suicide squad,” you shrugged, well aware that you were going to have a lot to explain later on.
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cno-inbminor · 3 years
idek sighs -- heed the warnings
domestic bliss + soft to hard dom!akaashi with a senpai kink, dirty talk, praising, some degradation, dumbification/mind break, fingering, unprotected sex, slight size kink if you squint, creampie.
unedited. ~1.7k. i love akaashi, what’s new
akaashi has a crazy schedule sometimes, especially when new seasons are coming around and everyone's absolutely scrambling. it's full of headaches he knew were coming but didn't really want, lots of keeping up with artists and making sure they're still motivated and passionate -- sometimes, he's worried that you'll forget how much he loves you, how his motivation to get his work done asap is so he can come home to you and pass out in your arms, how he might not be showing you all the love and affection in the world but,,
more often than not, he can come home at a reasonable time. you might be cooped up in bed or hunched over your desk, but there's always either takeout or leftovers wrapped up for him in the microwave. he gets to eat while you chat with him across the table with a cup of tea or lemon water, never failing to wrap an arm around your waist when you stand to put his dishes in the sink and tilting his head up as far as he can to lay a thankful peck on your cheek. but most of all, he gets to shower with you.
showers are comfort zones for minds like his, able to tune in to the constant beating of water against the tiles. there's no rush for him to get anywhere (unless he's at forseeable danger of falling asleep and cracking his head open), and more importantly, you're there with him. you two get to stand as close as possible under the shower stream so the stream hits you both (he angles the shower head a little bit more in your direction though). often times, he wraps his limbs around your waist and basks in the feeling of your skin against his, warmth and steam clouding the bathroom. akaashi can take his sweet time laying gentle kisses and nips along your shoulder and neck or staring affectionately into your eyes, no need to ever say anything. adoration, gratitude, disbelief, domestic bliss, all melded together into shining blue orbs. other times, he cradles your neck with his pretty hands and languidly kisses you, sometimes pressing with more force as he focuses on just how soft your lips are, how sensual the glide is and burns his nerves, how lucky he is to give his heart to an angel like you.
he loves you so very, very dearly.
sometimes he misses your soft moans and mewls right in his ear, how misty and hazy your vision and head seems to get in the shower. he was a setter, he was the beacon of control, and loves knowing that his nimble fingers can unravel you as much or as little as he wants, as fast or as painstakingly slow as he demands. there are days when he's too tired to stand under the water stream and sits in the tub instead, pulling you against his chest. the body contact and warmth is needed in the first few minutes when the tiles are still cold and prickling against your skin, but that gives him time to tease and relish in how 100% of your body is so sensitive, just for him. it fires him up like nothing else, and he frequently has to hold back from slipping his fingers inside you and pressing incessantly against the spot that drives you wild.
it's never a surprise to you when these days happen because akaashi always has your vibrator handy, a cute little turquoise g-spot kind -- he is a service dom through and through and his pleasure is mainly derived from pulling you apart and having you tightly clutching his thighs and neck. he starts slow, soft nips into your skin, hands ghosting over your breasts and nipples. you feel the curve of his smirk as they react and harden quickly from his touches, occasionally shivering when a stray water bullet lands harshly on the tip of nerves. "so good for me, love you, princess," he murmurs into your ear and your breath hitches when he rubs slow, gentle circles of your clit. it's just enough to turn your brain into mush, but not enough to be completely satisfied because you want more, always more with this man until you're drunk on nothing but his fingers and tongue and cock.
the swirling in the pit of his stomach growls dangerously because he wants so badly to hear those pleas fall off your tongue, begging and demanding for pleasure that can only be given to you by him and other allowable aids. "be good, use your words for me, mmk? be good for senpai, i know you can, and i'll reward you. don't you want my cock inside you, princess? i know how much you like to be stretched out for me, showing what a good little cock slut you are--"
"keiji, please!" you half sob, half whimper, your hips bucking as he slips two fingers inside you, instantly curling them so he can batter them against your g-spot. the grip of his free arm around your waist is tight and keeps you in place, victim to the toe-curling pleasure your boyfriend never fails to give. "pleasepleaseplease, wan' more, n-need more, please--"
"taught you so well, haven't i?" he groans into your neck, cock painfully hard from how your words wind him up. "all for me, right? hmm?"
"yes, senpai, all for you, promise!" you cry. a small scream echoes through the bathroom as keiji fits a 3rd finger in and you feel that slight, addicting burn, immediately thinking about how good you wanna be for 'kaashi. it's not long before you're creaming and cumming around those appendages, mind going positively blank as you arch your back and twitch as he draws your orgasm out. his praises send you faster down the path of overstimulation, torn between wanting to stop and staying for more. you always end up choosing the latter because how could you say no to senpai?
the whines that leave your body almost has him cum right then and there when he removes his fingers, leaving you dizzy and blissfully aware of how empty you feel at the moment. without inhibitions, you push yourself up and start grasping around for his cock, desperate to be filled once again. akaashi knows what you're going for, helping to readjust so you're both comfortable but hands gripping your waist before you can sink down onto him. "did you forget your manners? what do you ask senpai?"
" 'm sorry senpai," you sniffle and wrack your brains. "c-can i please have your cock inside me, please senpai? wan' it so bad, keiji, so so bad--"
akaashi loosens up lets you slide halfway down his shaft, leaning you back so you're helpless against him. it's enough to have you babble about how big he is, your hand mindlessly laying on top of your abdomen in dazed approximation of how deep he might be. when he feels your gummy walls clench around him, he can't help but thrust the rest of his length inside you, bottoming out and cursing into your shoulder. "fuck, such a good cock slut, taking me so well. senpai's so proud of you, doing so good for me pretty girl, love being inside you--"
"need you to fuck me, s-senpai -- hnng --"
" 'm not fucking you right if you're still talking, hmm? can't have that, now can we?"
it doesn't take much for you to go completely limp, surrendered to his thrusts and battering of your pussy, reaching most of the sensitive spots deep inside that have you shaking and mewling. your pants and nonsensical, broken phrases of how much you love his cock fuel the possessive monster in his gut. his eyes roll back as he relishes in how tight, warm, and soaked you are, eyes catching a glimpse of the ring of cream around the base of his length. he shakily reaches for the vibrator lying innocently on the edge of the tub, thanking waterproof technology as he holds the power button down to turn it on. his thrusts slow down a bit so he can accurately find your clit, and when you squeal into your fist, he pushes down more and falls back into his usual pace.
he counts down in his head, basking in how your walls close down more and more and more until you cum again, upper torso lifting and tensing up in the snap of the coil before collapsing again with the scream of his name in his ear. he holds you down with a large palm on your abdomen, your body fighting against it as you twitch and shake from overstimulation. "love it when you cum on my cock, such a good little fuck toy -- gonna let senpai cum inside you? fill you up? you want it, no?"
"p-please, your cum, wan' it please, wan' your cum so bad," you manage to plead, a shred of clarity miraculously gracing you. a few strokes later and a bite into your shoulder, akaashi spills everything he has. you're so lovely to take it all, and even after he slips out, he knows you're subconsciously doing your best to keep it all inside you. that doesn't stop the tendrils of satisfaction from wrapping around his heart as some cum managers to escape you, allowing the water to wash it down the drain.
aftercare consists of cleaning you up until the hot water runs out, soft and thorough as you come back to him with a bleary smile and lazy kisses. praises and compliments never stop until you're giggling from his cheesiness and you do your best to soap and wash his hair. he does his best to help you out of the bathtub and get you a towel to dry off, hurriedly working on his own body to get back to you. akaashi doesn't move more than 3 feet away from you if he can help it.
and when you're both cuddled in bed, facing each other and hands clasped together, akaashi thinks he has it all because most importantly...
he has you.
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Hi! How are you doing? ^^ ☆
Just wanted to know if you could make a headcanon about how would it be like after an argument with Armin? Please
Tysm for reading me, I love your work ♡♡♡
You're so sweet and nice ♡ of course I'd love to do one and tbh we must be on the same wavelength because i was just thinking about that yesterday!!!
I really liked your idea so imma do both a scenario and a headcanon! Hope you don't mind?
After an argument with Armin
{ Armin x reader | tw: hurt/comfort, self-image issues | angst with happy ending | modern }
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{ "Moonlit View" byOscar Kleineh 1846 - 1919 }
Being with Armin had its many, many perks, one being that he's really empathetic and understanding, he doesn't assume things without evidence and knows misunderstandings happen.
When facing problems or disagreements, he thinks of a solution, not argue. He rather you work together against the problem than against each other.
Whenever you were in a bad mood he'd assume the best and think of what might have caused it instead of taking it personally, he knows you still love him, he knows you're just stressed. Maybe comfort could help? Maybe a lovely cuddly evening? Or maybe you need some space?
He's just really good at reading people's emotions and handling these situations, thanks to his efforts you both successfully managed to avoid any kind of arguments or fights most couples go through.
Which is why it was a shocking surprise to everyone when Eren got a call from Armin late at night, asking if he can stay over because you two just had, what he described as, the biggest fight.
Eren almost didn't believe him at first, he thought Armin was playing a prank on him. But then he heard the quivering in his voice and the hiccup that followed. Armin was crying, things were serious.
The last thing he said to you while putting his coat on was "I'm sorry, I'm weak, you and I know that."
Him saying that, in that tone, with those tearful eyes, made you want to get up and yell at him that no he isn't. He shouldn't just say that about himself like it's a fact and not just the results of years of self-doubt.
You wanted to hug him, to pull him closer till all those awful thoughts leave his head, till he sees at himself like how you see him, incredibly brave and determined.
But you didn't, you stayed there on the couch as he put his shoes on. His eyes pleading for you to say something, anything. To tell him to stay, to come sit near you. He even looked at you one last time before opening the door.
As you stared at him in silence, the realisation that you don't even remember what you were fighting about hit you, you can't, how could you? The minute the door closed behind him is when you realised how real the situation is.
How quiet the house is.
Has it always been this cold?
And just how much worried you are about him.
It hasn't been a full minute and you're missing him already.
It's 4am
It's hours since he left, how much exactly? You can't even remember.
Still haven't moved from the couch, you're not sure what you're feeling, you've been going through different emotions each hour.
Guilt, sadness, regret, anger, denial, pessimism, you name it.
It doesn't matter, none of that really matters to you right now. It's Armin who you've been worried about for a while that matter.
You know for a fact Eren and Mikasa aren't the most emotionally open people, you know Armin is already struggling with letting out his emotions without feeling needless guilt or shame.
You know he needs someone right now, he needs a shoulder to cry on and a reassuring voice. You've been both these things for him since even before you got together.
Just like he has been these things for you too. You need that someone just as much now. You didn't even know it's possible to feel this lonely.
Is he also thinking about you? Is he sleeping soundly on Eren’s couch? Or is that one stain from last week's party bothering him?
...is he just as miserable as you are right now? Probably not, you think. He's far stronger than he gives himself credit for, you know that better than everyone else.
Your thought process gets interrupted by a buzz from your phone, a text. Your eyes light up, you pull the blanket you dragged from the bed tighter around you, it's Armin.
[ hey ] it said, [is it okay if i call you?]
You reply back, he starts typing again, you stare at those three dots like your life depends on them.
[Okay, give me a minute please ]
You pull the phone closer to you, it's brightness contratsing against the dark living room. Some minutes pass...nothing, you feel your heartbeat rising. Phone still clutched in your hands.
It rings, it doesn't get past the second ring before you've pressed the accept button. You can hear the wind on the other side, alongside the distant sound of passing cars. Your heart only slows down after hearing the fimilar and oh so lovely sound of soft breathing
Suddenly the world doesnt seem so dim anymore.
"Sorry, it took more time than i thought, Eren keeps his keys in really weird places...I hope i didn't make you worry"
Oh If only he knew..
Dozens of possible replies run through your mind.
I missed you, did you miss me too?
Please come back, I hate feeling this lonely.
How does it feel to take my heart and run away?
Was your voice always this captivating or am i just high on sleep-deprevation?
I miss your kisses, i wish i could feel your lips against mine. Could you kiss me through the phone?
...in the end, you settle for "It's okay" you say, "It's alright."
"That's good...hey listen." You listen, "I'm not going to skirt around the subject, i called because" he takes a deep breath, "i want to apologise for how i acted, for what i said, both to you and myself."
Hearing him admit to his faults and own up to his mistakes, fills you with courage to do the same. You apologise, you mention how you've been thinking about him, you leave out the embarrassing parts.
You tell him you love him, and miss him.
You're met with silence. So you call out his name.
"Wait..you're not mad at me?" He says.
What? Mad? You?
"No." You say. "Why would you think that?"
You hear a chuckle that evolves into a laugh, it's contagious.
"Fuck...oh god I'm...im so stupid, i left because I thought you were mad and didn't bother you more by making you look at me." Even he seems to realise just how ridiculous that concept is.
It's 5am now, you're both laughing over the phone. The world is good again.
You ask if he's mad at you.
He instantly replies with a no.
"I could never be mad at you..." he says, "I love you so much it hurts. I love you like I've never loved anyone else before that it terrfies me, I'm scared one day I'll wake up and you won't be beside me anymore, you've made me love myself in ways i never though i would, you made me believe in myself because you believed in me."
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{ Headcanons }
After an argument, Armin tries giving both of you space to calm down.
It doesn't last long because he will approach you after and talk about his emotions and explains why he did the things he did. He will also apologise for the things he did wrong like yelling or saying something hurtful.
If you give him the okay, he will instantly hug you. Physical touch is a great comfort for him so don't expect him letting you go anytime soon.
He will hold your face gently, tell you how much he missed you despite it being only hours.
Doesn't even care about the argument anymore or attempt to bring it up, he just wants to make up asap.
You're both gonna have a heartfelt conversation and actually process your emotions together. As a result you two come out stronger and closer after each argument.
He doesn't hold grudges, so he won't ever act passive aggressive after an argument. if he's got a problem he will tell you.
Just 100% honestly and transparency with this golden boy.
Will want to spend more time together post argument, he will really love it if you watch something together or you let him read you something.
Give him love and affaction, he loves you deeply it's actually rare these days.
When you go to sleep on those nights, he will hold you tighter and stroke your back.
He doesn't hold grudges yet he still remembers each fight you had and instead of it being a sour memory, he thinks of it as a learning block. Just a step towards understanding each other more.
Pamper him more after an argument and he will feel so loved, hearts in his eyes as you brush his morning hair.
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