#maybe i will delete this later
coffinsister · 5 months
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Source - ⚰️
The original link I got was to a rule 34 screenie this is to the og artist's twitter
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akpaley · 29 days
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A colleague has asked me to draw them a frog too, so it's the sandhill frog again because he's the best one.
Things are returning to baseline, I'll be sticking with physical media for a little bit since it's less hand strain.
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am1vf · 1 year
I gotta say something. As someone who often complains about nonsensical equipment in fantasy settings or anachronisms in history settings, Willow did better without any pretense of historical accuracy than many allegedly realistic fantasy settings.
Even the fanciest of magical equipment looks more reasonable than it needed to be. Sure, I can nitpick a few things here and there I'd do differently (Elora, please, I know sorcerers have to be extra but pick up your scarf thingy from the mud) but nothing beyond what could reasonably be a personal choice for the user or the craftsman. Everything looks usable and aesthetically interesting, without replicating a specific time period. I'm usually in the realism side of these conversations and, from a point of usability, Willow seems pretty realistic to me as far as fantasy goes.
Laguage too. It's fun and lighthearted, just as the show itself tries to be. It makes both the attempts of solemn grandiloquence from Boorman or Willow stand out more, the flow of the dialog to feel natural and the jokes to land better. Even the modern attitudes of the characters fit better because of it. For me it never felt out of place because it defined its place, it sets modern speech as the baseline and uses anything else to stand out.
So, why do I keep seeing complains about the speech or the credits music not being medieval enough? And why "medieval" specifically? What about this show made you think the middle ages was anywhere near the goal? Surely it wasn't the modern swords or completely fantastical fashion with all kinds of inspiration. Even in a historical fantasy you can inject some anachronistic elements, see Brittannia, but there's no possible anachronism in Willow because it it's not referencing one period or culture. Y'all are making me argue against historical referents in fantasy. I feel weird.
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powerfem · 2 years
It’s me, I am the problem
When I stopped starving myself, I realized I was so hungry. Not just for food, but for life, for love, for acceptance. For everything. As much as I had wanted to kill myself, as much as sometimes I still wanted to, what I wanted more than anything is to be free from being myself. I guess I was the thing that I hated the most for not letting me live, a constant set of mistakes. I wanted to live, but not as myself. How can I move past that? It feels like somehow, I want to justify why I exist in the first place, I must be perfect to make up for the fact that it is me.
I still have some days when I can’t look in the mirror. I don’t remember the last time I stepped on the scale, nor I want to do so. I’m better off this way. Even if I know I’m at least average or even pretty. I wish that didn’t matter. I’ve come so far.
Where did all this self this self-hate came from?
I don’t know. But I’m so tired. As far as I have come, I can’t seem to get out yet. I don’t hate myself anymore, I think, but I haven’t yet accepted myself either.
I forget that most people have never felt hated themselves as deeply as me. That they had their normal teenage years, unlike me. It feels like they were all on a different planet. I can’t even remember most things. Even if I had very good moments that I treasure, I spent most of the time trying to get to the next day.
I’m doing much better now, but I still suffer the consequences of my childhood and teenage years. I as a very independent kid, but also sensitive, and I got bullied. Throw family stuff and personal tragedies on the mix and you’ve got a fucked-up teen. Socially I’ve never been the star of the show, but I always manage a group of friends. After my depression I started with a huge disadvantage at college. Then covid came. I have done very good and worked hard to develop as an adult. I’m always going to be different from most people, but it doesn’t really matter, we have all got our things.
Right now, what I need is to finally have myself on my side.
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I want more indian lesbian movies or series like I have seen some m/m representation but give me f/f representation please. Queer females in india don't have valid media to feel comfortable being themselves, they doubt they worry they think "its just a phase" because they themselves don't have clear point of view regarding sexuality in the first place. I as a bi women in her early 20s am still figuring out myself but there is no proper representation for us. Like yes there are western female based queer shows even some asian gls but no proper indian female queer based show like Ik there were few movies here or there but they don't do any justice. I know india is still far away from being open about sexuality and accepting people who are of different sexuality then theirs but I for a fact know their are many queer females like myself who would love to feel a little bit more secure about who they are and how they should feel.
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🧡Thank you for reading🧡
Prepare for me to get mushy up in here.
Look, I write alone.
The writing itself, is a solitary thing. My alone time. My escape. (I’m not saying I would never collaborate though omg 👀)
But, the posting of it? That’s a bit different. It’s about sharing. About community. About -inevitably- exposing a little bit of yourself, in a way, even through fictional scenarios which may not resemble much at all about our real-life truth.
There are two fics I posted, where sharing has made me feel less alone, in wildly different ways, and I wanted to say a little bit about that.
The first, I’m being a little bit flippant. I now know I’m not alone in wishing I magically had a dick so I could engage in some polyamorous gender bent kinky roleplay type scenario with two fictional middle-aged blorbos. 🙈🤣 (Who knew anyone else would be into that?!)
The second? Well… that fic was almost written as a personal bit of therapy. To get something out of my head and onto the paper and be done with it. I wasn’t sure if anyone would read it, and I didn’t necessarily expect anyone to relate to it.
Look. I’ll level with you. I’m categorically not saying I was previously kept up at night wondering if a randomly generated Luna-brain Frankiago fantasy was something anyone else would be into. 😂
But in the latter case? Honestly? I had wondered. Things like - are these feelings valid? Will anyone ever understand?
Maybe they will, I’d thought. Maybe if I can find the right words? I had tried that IRL for a long time. Then I tried it in a story. And, hey. Guess what? Some people finally understood. Knowing that some people had related to the fragments of myself I was weaving into this fictionalisation? Honestly? That was kind of a big deal.
“Hey!” I thought. “I’m not alone!”
We all tell our stories all the time, beyond fiction. In life, we all try to find the right words, don’t we? All want to be understood, right, on some level? Seen?
I promise. You are not alone.
Even if people around you right now aren’t hearing you, one day you will share your story -whatever it is- to the right people, and you will be understood. You will feel validated.
Thank you for being my right people.
For sharing part of yourself back with me.
That’s what “commenting” is, right? Sharing? I really genuinely treasure that. This form of us sharing how we feel. Of saying we feel the same things, sometimes. Not in the same way. Not exactly the same, of course. But when we scream and keysmash and gif and type there’s something there. Something that resonates in terms of our shared human experiences. Of desire, longing, love, fears, hopes, challenges, a seeking out of comfort, of catharsis, healing. All of this and so much more. Of course, it’s not always about agreement. It’s wonderful that everyone sees things from such a unique perspective. But sometimes, it is about something in common. Finding a way of saying, I want this too! This scares me too! I have felt like this before too! This makes me happy (or horny) too! I also want to be ravaged by the blorbo! I enjoy this idea too! That’s how I see him too! I am also curious about this! I also can’t stop thinking about this! I’m just a a excited as you are!
Finding a community.
So… Thank you, when I choose to engage in what can feel like an incredibly vulnerable pursuit at times -writing-, for being vulnerable and so generous back. For allowing me a peek into who you are. How you feel things. What makes you smile and cry and yearn and makes you feel afraid. For the times we’ve found out sometimes we agree about those things. For letting me learn the ways we might be different and the same and mostly probably both at once.
On this occasion, thank you for letting me know you had felt something I had felt.
You certainly don’t owe your comments or your time to me or anyone (supporting writers is wonderful, both truths can coexist etc. etc.). I know they stem from your kindness and generosity alone as you take time and energy out of your day. I know you have your own reasons with engaging or not engaging with particular fics, all of which are valid. But, anyone who comments is aware they are giving, right? A boost to an author, a little lightning bolt of happiness, a shot of pure joy into the bloodstream. And sometimes, even more than that. Sometimes those comments might be appreciated in ways far beyond what you might expect or even in ways you may never know.
Today I wanted you to know.
On this occasion in particular, it seemed worth saying that not only are your comments and feedback a source of immense joy in general - and I have unwaning gratitude for each one - but they are even more than that for me.
We’re not.
We’re not alone.
Sometimes a community looks like pocket friends who happen to thirst after the same DILFs.
Some would say it’s not that deep.
Yeah, and?
It’s actually wonderful thing imho.
For reading, yes. Absolutely. But not only for that.
Thank you also, because when I have shared things over the years, some of you have chosen to share something of yourself back. Sometimes, that’s a part of yourself, which let’s a part of me know it’s going to be okay.
I might not know what city you live in or what your face looks like but I know something about your kindness and your heart 🧡
I know that some of us, sometimes, feel the same things. Not in exactly the same ways, no. But enough to be understood by one another. To be seen.
I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to tell you about everything that means to me.
So. It actually is that deep, I would argue.
There are plenty of people who try to devalue fandom and writing about middle-aged blorbos on the internet. As something trivial. But often, we’re not exclusively telling their stories. Sometimes we are, for sure -often maybe- and I think that’s wonderful in and of itself and I will come for anyone who says otherwise. But sometimes, the story we’re telling is -wait for it-our own. Maybe not wholly and not all at once. Maybe in tiny, very well-concealed fragments. Maybe not true to life, no. But true at its heart. True in terms of the feelings and dreams and fears… and all of that human shit.
We’re dealing with big human themes in a seemingly small way here, aren’t we? In these stories? But… isn’t that the only way they exist? From one heart and brain to another. Aren’t stories one of the most human ways of sharing and understanding we’ve ever known?
We’re always transmitting our stories.
Sometimes, maybe, a blur between the two.
Always trying to find the right words.
And sometimes, yeah, it’s about pure escapism or The Horn or whatever. But sometimes? Sometimes when we write we’re trying to be seen a bit too. Sometimes when we read we’re maybe trying to find our own story looking back at us.
On occasion, wherever and whatever you’re reading, I hope you see yourself.
I hope that causes you to know.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
You’re not alone.
It will all be okay.
So. Thank you for reading. Yes, absolutely. But not only for that.
Thank you for everything.
It means so very much to me.
More than you can know.
But today, I wanted you to know.
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ayaraki · 1 year
Maybe I am alone with this but I am slowly feeling tired of the Genshin leaks. I mean gameplay leak for the character who currently is in the beta and banner “predictions” are fine. However I don’t see the point of leaking future characters that feel so far away when nothing is set in stone. Everything can be changed anyways. Besides their looks we know nothing about them and that’s why I feel like many are setting themselves up for disappointment.
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boyduroy · 1 year
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playlistbaby · 1 year
ppl on this site used to be so unhinged about noah reid and tbh i miss it. people were posting gifsets of score: a hockey musical and webweaving about which songs from songs from a broken chair had lesbian undertones... now  everyone in the noah reid tag has 30 year old swiftie vibes (no offense)
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starkspi · 4 months
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snuffysbox · 3 months
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something tells me I have a preference for how to draw characters...
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 2 months
"you know I'd do anything for you."
"I mean it," the yakuza boss persists, leaning forward as the two of you sit in the comfort of your shared matrimonial bed, 4 months of marriage with yet no arguments to be seen (to the surprise of everyone around you: maids, friends, your mother, and you). kento has been all the accommodating in this transition. even when he knew half your heart did not want to settle in like this, in this world.
"you don't have to say that," you hope the softness in your voice can lessen the weight of your words, "we don't have to do this... thing,"
"does my desire to put myself at your will make you uncomfortable?"
"i-it's not that-"
"then will you allow me?" he asks, "not as my wife, but as you," the way he says your name makes your heart skip a beat, your throat contracts as he leaves you with a question you were not expecting.
"I don't know what you're asking of me." you almost flinch when he sighs, fearing you've made this entirely worse, but at your question, your husband takes your hands in his.
"allow me to join you for brunch," you know exactly what he means by this. every saturday, you liked to eat outside the porch. with a book in hand or a pen, you used these objects as a means of comfort.
you now realize he was trying to be the same.
"okay," you breathe, sighing shakily as you nod. "do you... want to start tomorrow?" he nods.
"I'd like that, thank you."
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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Put a lotta effort into a side most people don't even see
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linipik · 3 months
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Tumblr 2024's BOOP, as predicted by my kitten her entire life
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retrobr · 1 month
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Idk what this is and I apologize that it looks kinda shitty 💀
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