#maybe i'll just post little tidbits on here while I work on it
ohmytiredheart · 4 months
It's uncanny how much the FNAF lore actually makes sense if you look at it through the eyes of TMA
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eedaeth · 1 year
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📢HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TUMBLR IT IS I-- ['oh g0d who the FUCK are you' I hear you thinkin'] *crawls out of shallow grave* I KNOW I KNOW- I dropped off the face of the Earth for a while long story, ya don't have time for allat'--
Point issss I need to stop hoarding my work and maybe kinda sorta uhhh idk- POST IT more so that's what I'm gonna doo from here on out lest god smite me down.
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So quite a while agooo I think someone posted my old Ivy design on here and well I updated her recently along with developing my other designs for the rogues in a little project I'm callin' 😵Spiral😵.
It's just gonna be my own set of designs for the Batman universe with some little tidbits of lore and all that jazz, im not a writer so I can't promise anything 💥GROUNDBREAKING💥but if ya follow me yer here for the funky fresh shapes and colours anywayy.
I'll happily talk about the designs and any other things yer interested in so don't be shy step right up, im gonna try and chit chat with yall and the DC/Rogues community more on here cause I do love ya MWAH💋
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moodymisty · 1 year
☾ 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕜𝕖 ☽
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Author's Note: An idea I had floating around in my little brain for awhile, and I did a poll to see which character people were most interested in seeing it acted out with. Hunter won, so here you go. I'll probably do more polls like that in the future if people are interested. (it's finally done sldidsfsjsfsjflsf)
The planet is unnamed, but I mostly had Takodana's very lush landscapes in mind. The lake looking something like this but with some liberties. This is something I love about Star Wars; You can just create a scene and the whole galaxy is your oyster to play with.
Summary: The water laps around your shoulders, ending just below your collarbone. It flows around your every curve, covering your skin with the soft shine of the moons. They reflect on the water's surface, every star looking like glitter sparkling in the lake. "Come on Hunter; Join me? Just for a minute?"
Relationships: Hunter/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Pre-established relationship, skinny dipping, Sex in water but also on the shore, Post Order 66, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral(female receiving), Technically voyeurism? since it's outside i guess, Porn with mild setup plot, Creampie if you squint, it’s kinda just vanilla not super kinky stuff here today; but there is some on the horizon
Word Count: 6084 (if you just want the smut, scroll down about a third)
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“So; Tech,”
Lowering the ship into the planet’s atmosphere he spares you a curious glance before turning back, still listening to what you’re going to say even if he’s no longer looking.
“Give us the details.”
Quite quickly he figures out you’re asking for some information on the planet you’re coming to, and quickly racks his brain for some interesting tidbits. You always enjoy hearing them, and learning about all these civilizations from far beyond where you’d grown up.
“It’s a small mid-rim planet, conveniently along one of the largest trade routes. It’s largest export is agricultural in nature; Fertile soil and temperate climate makes for optimal crop growth. It remained neutrally aligned for most of the war.”
Wrecker, who’s leaning forward to look out the viewport, comments on Tech’s encouraged ramble.
“That explains the forests.” Not being able to resist taking a peak you walk closer, Wrecker moving slightly to the side so you can look out as well.
He certainly wasn’t kidding; While the trees have nothing on a planet like say Kashyyyk, the forests here are still quite thick and cover a vast amount of area. Even into the mountains, though less sparse where crop fields and little towns reside. You’re not here for any signs of modern or at least living civilization, so it’s unlikely you’ll be getting to enjoy any of the local offerings.
Maybe if you and Omega teamed up you could whine until Hunter lets you all, but that’s a power play best used sparingly.
Since Wrecker abandons looking outside you decide to settle down and watch, leaning more against the viewport you see the treetops come closer and closer. Even Omega steps beside you to take a quick look. She seems more than entertained by the view of it all, while you spot something in particular that catches your interest more so than the rest.
It looks like there’s a decent sized lake hidden in all of the trees, you manage to catch a glimpse as you fly overhead. But it passes by before you have a chance to look anymore on it. Tech is landing not moments later, cutting off the engines and speaking up once more while he does.
“The forest makes for good camouflage. We should be able to find the old outpost with not too much trouble, however.”
Right; You aren’t here to sight see or have a picnic. Hopefully this abandoned base will have the gear you’re looking for, and in good working shape. Some of it would in theory be a nice upgrade for the lot of you, as well for being a good paycheck when you turn in the bulk of it for a reward. Provided it's all in working order.
Hunter, grabbing his pack off the ground calls to everyone to ready up, standing by the entrance of the ship.
“Should be an easy in and out. Let’s not make a mess of it.”
Easier said that done with this lot, and that includes yourself. The penchant of you all to get into some sort of trouble is more than a little bit common.
“And after, we get some food?” Wrecker tosses his helmet in his hands a few times, before slipping it on. You quite quickly agree with Wrecker, feeling your stomach rumble. Hunter sighs.
“And after we’ll get some food.”
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“I still have some repairs to do, so I will take first watch.”
Tech doesn’t look up from his datapad as he speaks, ushering the lot of you in the direction of the bunks. It’s late; Both the moons hanging high in the sky after a long day. Wrecker and Omega are both eager to get some rest, and Echo can’t deny he feels largely the same. Hunter is a bit more composed, and checks over the area surrounding the ship before he decides to actually lay down. Wrecker has the job of hauling the finds into the back of the ship, the closest spot you'll have to a cargo hold on a ship this small.
The area you've landed in is far away from any sort of civilization, and that fact makes Hunter just the tiniest bit more relaxed about getting some shut eye. The constant bustling of cities makes it harder for him to pick out noises of concern, while quiet places like make it easier for him to rest, but his hearing will still prick up at the sound of someone messing with the hull or some other sort of concern.
When he walks deeper into the ship he sees you sitting on a bunk, pulling off your boots.
“Tech taking the first shift?” You say, looking at at him standing in front of you.
You put both your boots down at the head of the bunk, before throwing your legs up onto it. Hunter doesn’t bother to take off most of his armor when he sleeps, and you don’t even want to think on how uncomfortable it must all feel. Though you imagine he’s become used to it.
“Yep. He’s got some repair work to do, apparently.” His eyes are soft as he looks at you, watching you lay down.
“Well, night. Tell him not to wake us all up with the power tools again.”
Hunter rolls his eyes at the reference of a previous incident as he hauls his body into his own bunk, before laying back as well. He can hear you chuckling however, before it eventually fades off into a comfortable silence.
The ship is more quiet than usual, you think. Which would be perfect for getting some shuteye if you’d been planning on it. But you have a bit of an idea, and your mind is still spinning with it.
You just need to wait a little while.
Which you do, all the way until you slowly lean up and look around, taking a peek at everyone you can see. It's been at least an hour, a quick check on your datapad confirms that suspicion. You take another, longer look around the ship.
Everyone looks asleep; Even Hunter.
Ever so slowly you slide off of your bunk, grabbing your boots and pack off the floor. You’ll slip on your boots outside, to try and be as quiet as possible.
Tech has the gangplank open at the moment, as he’s been shuffling in and out of the ship working on some repairs well into the night.
Multitasking he says; As he can keep watch, as well as work.
The power tools you'd complained about are running, and should cover the sound of you walking at least somewhat. With light footsteps you sneak outside, instantly taking a deep breath of the fresh forest air. The nighttime is significantly cooler than it had been earlier, but it’s still somewhat warm; Enough so that you don’t need any sort of extra layers. You slip on your boots and start walking.
Once you reach the treeline you take a look back, seeing the small amount of light emanating from The Marauder. This planet has multiple moons, and as such the nights along with the stars are quite bright compared to most other planets. You don’t even need a torch to see into the forest, walking through some underbrush and deeper into the forest.
At least this forest isn’t very thick; It’s relatively easy to walk the same paths the wildlife does in order to make your way through, weaving through large trees and the small shrubby underneath them all. There’s the occasional rustling as well, something jumping around in the trees or scurrying away at the sound of you walking on fallen leaves.
You can see what you want through the trees, and just stepping over a few more branches, you finally make it onto the clear area just surrounding the outer edges of the lake.
It’s even better than it had looked overhead from The Marauder.
Lily pads are scattered around the edge of the lake, their roots visible traveling downward and showing from how clear the water is. Beneath them swim unique little fishes that you have no clue their species; Only that they’re cute, colorful little things, and swim in decent sizes schools. But most of all, the way the sky reflects in the water makes it almost seem like the lake is a nebula in and of itself, each individual star sparkling in the water so still it seems like you're looking downward into a portal to the sky.
Putting your bag on the ground beside a tree, you take off your boots first and place them right beside it. Your bottoms go next, stuffing them in the back along with your underwear. Then your top, the final piece of clothing to go.
After that, you take one step forward and hesitantly dip your toe in the water, feeling the temperature. This is such a reckless, silly idea, but the temptation of it is a bit too much.
But what is even more so tempting, is that you know that you won’t be alone for very long out here.
You know Hunter is following you, or will be soon; It won't be long at all that he's awake and notices that you're gone. More than likely, he heard your footsteps the moment they hit the ramp and he's already on your tail.
He'll be here, it's just a waiting game.
Perhaps it’s not going to be totally clean, but it feels nice to have your hair wet and scrubbed away of any dirt and grime that had once been in it, as you shake your head. It will be an absolutely uncontrollable mess when you return to the Marauder and it dries, but at least it’ll be clean.
It all just feels so relaxing. The water is so peaceful not cold or hot, and the air is quiet apart from the sounds of some nocturnal wildlife. This was such a fit of the moment idea but you’re glad you decided to go through it, wiping some waterdrops off your eyelids as you wash your face.
And maybe it was a bit of a reckless idea sure, but what fit of the moment indulgence isn’t? You’ll blame the lack of a proper shower or bath in The Marauder as the reason why, even if the peaceful nature is the thing you’re enjoying most out of all of this.
But gods, is it nice to have a little bit of quiet time once and awhile. That ship can be a stuffed racket. If this is even a fraction of how Hunter feels at time, you can’t even fathom how he hasn’t just exploded at this point-
There’s a rustle in the trees, and you quickly halt everything and stare at where you think it came from. Your eyes dart around, water lapping at your collarbone.
It’s silent again, before there’s suddenly a bit more noises, and your eyes catch a small glimpse of something moving. Instantly you look to the area that shifted.
And from it- Hunter.
The moment he catches you he can’t hide the shocked expression on his face, looking down for a second and seeing where your clothes are piled just in front of his boots.
“What are you doing?!”
Hunter whisper yells, making his way slightly down the incline towards the shore and past your belongings. You watch with a mischievous smile, wading just a bit closer so you can hear him easier. The water laps a little ways above the middle of your sternum now.
“Taking a bath.” Hunter hates the way you sing that response with such a lack of caution towards what insanity you've gotten up to, watching him.
“In the middle of the night? In a forest? Tech barely realized you were gone until I told him I heard you leave! If something had happened we wouldn’t have known until it was-” You roll your eyes, interrupting him.
“Ugh, you always think of the worst possible scenario.” Raising one of your hands out of the water you gesture towards yourself, trying to beckon him in as water splashes off your palm and back where it was taken from.
“Come on in, it’s fine,” The water is nice and warm, and you push away a stray lily pad that floats close to your face. Hunter purses his lips and looks side to side, before pointing at you and then the ground.
“It is not fine. Get out.”
You fake contemplation, but for only a moment.
Hunter begins to use his more formal 'Sargent voice', attempting to try and force you out.
“I am not playing around. Get out of the water.”
“Or what?" When that doesn't work, Hunter blows air through his tight lips as he attempts not to get irritated at you.
“I am not going to play this game with you, seriously. Get out. Anyone could see you." Your toes just barely brush against the bottom of the lake, kicking up dirt and scaring away the tiny little fishes that swim somewhat close by, curious at what weird thing is in their home so late at night.
“Ohhhh, so that's why you don't want me to have fun? Cause someone might catch a peek besides you?" His hand tightens around the tree branch he's holding to keep himself steady on the edge of the lake, watching as you slowly drift backwards deeper into the lake.
The water laps around your shoulders, ending just below your collarbone. It flows around your every curve, covering your skin with the soft shine of the moons. They reflect on the water's surface, every star looking like glitter sparkling in the lake.
“Come on Hunter; Join me? Just for a minute?"
Hunter loathes to admit that, it's tempting. Even if the alarm bells in his head are ringing because technically, the ship is largely unguarded- Tech is the only one keep an eye out since he's left, and doesn't have Hunter's keep hearing to cue him in anything out here everyone else can't see.
But he's done his lookouts, perimeter checks, there's nothing around. He hasn't heard so much as a peep from anything other than wildlife.
And you look, ethereal. That's the word he'll choose, even if he knows it isn't of a magnitude to really represent how he feels. Bits of your hair stick to your face, as you just barely tread water.
“You know on my home planet, there's old stories about mystical women tempting men into the lakes." Hunter's boots slide on the dirt slightly, his free hand on his belt as he debates taking it off.
“To do what?" You shrug, and for a moment he can see more of the outline of your chest.
“Depends on who's telling the story."
Looking down he sees where your clothes are all bundled up in your pack, the small one that they'd given you not long ago. He sees the drawn '99' symbol on the front pocket, that you'd shoddily done yourself to match them. He'd left his own pack on the ship, so he reaches his hands up to unbuckle his chest plate, just laying it on the ground so he can put everything else inside of it. You perk up considerably upon the realization that he's actually going to join you, the water splashing with your jump. After you bend at the knees, sinking enough that the water comes up to just barely brush your nose as you watch him.
Slowly, piece by piece he peels his armor away, putting it right beside your own clothing.
Shoulder plates, forearm guards, belt, thigh plates; Kneepads, boots, blasters.
When he's down to only his black body glove, he glances towards you for a moment. He doesn't audibly say anything, before looking back and beginning to peel the last of his clothing away. His arms first, wrapping down to his hips where from the side, you can just barely catch the v-line leading down to his groin at the smattering of dark hair that catches the light.
“I can feel you staring."
The water bubbles and ripples when you attempt to giggle, taking a breath and pushing your legs out from underneath you, falling under the water. By the time you come back up, Hunter is already stepping into the water, up to his hips.
“It’s warm,” He says, his hand brushing across the surface. He makes his way closer to you, the water rising higher and higher.
“Did you know this was out here the whole time?” He’s close enough to you now that it would only take one decent stride to be chest to chest, smiling at him.
“I saw it overhead as we were landing. Decided to take a look when everyone else was looking the other way.” Hunter shouldn’t be surprised, but he’ll always shake his head at your mischievousness. It’s not as if he can complain now however, as at this point, he has technically joined you in it.
He dives his head underneath the water for a moment, before coming up with his hair slopping wet and sticking to his face in chunks of wavy, dark curls.
“I thought you were just trying to fetch me and bring me back?” Realizing that originally yes, that was his goal, Hunter looks away from a moment.
“I… Reconsidered.” He steps a little closer.
“It’s quiet. And we haven’t have much time alone since, everything.” Hunter is also so hilariously enthralled by the way the water shines on your skin, and how he can just barely see the outline of your chest beneath the surface.
He is right; You’ve barely had any time to think since you all became deserters, not even considering trying to have some time alone.
He takes one step closer, hearing all the leaves brushing in the trees close by and fish swimming below the surface. You’re looking up at him with that same mischievous little smile you had when he first found you here, the color of your eyes shining. You feel his hands grip your waist below the water, pulling you against him as he leans in and softly presses his lips to yours, feeling the cooled water on your skin. You move your arms to wrap around his neck, and he takes one tiny step closer so his body is almost completely melded against yours.
Gods, it feels like it’s been ages. You already feel a weight in your gut and your throat getting tight, and it's only just a kiss. You both sneak moments here and there, but to finally be able to hold each other close like this? It’s been too long. The passion you feel in your chest is increasing, and that chaste kiss is turning into one that is making your head feel lighter.
“I missed you,”
You say, listening to him let out an almost confused sounding chuckle.
“We’ve been trapped in the same ship for weeks now, how could you miss me?” You can’t help but roll your eyes a bit, still smiling as your fingers play with his damp hair. You have a pretty good feeling he’s joking with that line, judging by his soft smile and raised eyebrows.
“I missed this; We always have to be so well behaved on The Marauder.” You aren’t wrong, and it seems Hunter understands- and agrees with you. It's good to be on the same page.
“True. But they’re all back there, we have a minute to ourselves.”
You don’t need to respond to him, leaning in to steal another kiss. It’s harder; His tongue brushes against your bottom lip and you can hear him softly breathe, his hands firmly against the small of your back. They keep drifting lower and lower- and while they don’t quite touch your ass just yet, it wouldn’t take much of a movement downward for him to be able to grip tightly.
Your arms wrap tighter around his neck to pull him closer, to press your body harder against his, but he hums against your mouth before pulling back.
“Be patient; We got time.”
You might have time now yes, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t needy; You’ve lost count how many times you’ve had to take matters into your own hands, either by shoving any dirty thoughts deep to the back of your mind, or trying hopelessly to sneak a few minutes alone in the refresher.
He’s hinted before that he’s had to do the same; Especially if he hears you accidentally make a lewd noise, or catches a scent that makes his body run unbelievably hot. The idea of him doing so always sets you off, so it’s just an endless cycle.
One of his hands you can feel slowly slipping down your back, moving across to the side of your hip. You can feel the callused tips of his fingers against your skin, rough from years of wear and tear. It’s part of what makes his touch cause you to unconsciously shiver, even more so as he slowly slips his hand between the both of your bodies. Every motion is so infuriatingly slow, methodical as he moves what feels like only millimeters- intent to take his time. You hate it, more than anything as it makes your cunt ache around nothing and your blood boils, but the build up will make it all the more satisfying. Even if it also feels like torture, as his lips brush over the corner of your mouth. You move your head to just slightly to kiss him, unable to stop yourself from moaning into his mouth.
You can feel his cock gently brush against the front of your thigh, when your legs more just slightly apart to accommodate him. The moment you feel his fingers brush over your lower stomach you can’t help the way your muscles tighten just slightly, in the anticipation of him. They ever so slightly drift lower, until he slips his fingers between your folds underneath the clear water's surface.
You almost rise on the balls of your feet, feeling the way his fingers curl ever so slightly as the prod almost teasingly against your entrance.
“Gods; You smell amazing."
Even through all of the noises and smells of a forest as large and as full of life are overwhelming, Hunter can easily focus on only you; As you take over and occupy all of his senses. He can feel the way you tighten around his fingers, palm pressing down just over your clit. Even if it's dulled by the water, it would be an un-fightable temptation for him to try and not indulge in you.
As much as he would love to just figuratively tear you apart, he has time; There's no looming time limit for when his brothers will come back, or when they need to be off to the next planet.
He can, in theory, fuck you all night if the universe allows him.
You seem certainly willing, as your nails dig into his skin and leave little crescent moon shaped dents all along his shoulder blades.
The water feels so warm now; Maybe it still is from the sun shining on it throughout the day, or maybe your body is just so fucking hot that the temperature of the water is no longer affecting you.
Either way it doesn't matter, all that matters is that Hunter is touching you and will continue to do so, up until you've both made up for the amount of times he's so desperately wanted to bury his cock in you.
Where wouldn't even matter; He's just so absolutely fucking starving for it.
“Lets, let’s go back to the shore.”
He can’t disagree with you, it would be quite hard do anything more standing up, let alone in this deep of water. As fun and easy as it might look in the holofilms. The two of you quickly tread back to shore, Hunter right behind you as you open your pack once you get to it.
Thankfully you’d had the forethought to pack a blanket in your pack; Originally for drying off. But now it gets laid on the ground intended for a completely other use, not that you're complaining.
Once you lay it down and get upon it, Hunter instantly follows, hovering over your as your legs drift apart to accommodate him. He instantly feels the warm skin of your legs against his as they close around him, keeping him tightly to you.
“Hello again,” You dare to joke, feeling the way his lips curl upwards when they press against the sensitive pulse of your neck. You moan, feeling as he leaves kisses and little marks just hard enough to make your skin ache ones he leaves.
“Always joking.” He never minds it.
Lips drifting downward they brush over your collarbone, breast, going lower and lower as his hands lay on your thighs. He feels the way they almost instinctively close when the air of his breath brushes over your skin, but his gentle grip keeps them spread just enough for his liking.
He can easily see how wet you are- smell it more so- the way it shines against your outer lips even with the water droplets from the lake still sliding down your skin. He doesn’t look for long however, as his hands firmly grip your thighs and keep them spread apart.
You would’ve sworn he hadn’t had a taste of any liquid for weeks judging by the way he suddenly pressed his mouth against you, tongue lapping at your cunt like a starving man.
His tongue slips between your folds as his nose occasionally brushes against your clit, Hunter’s large hands grasping each of your thighs and keeping them pressed firmly apart. They grip rougher now that he’s in the midst of it, though you have no complaints.
He had once admitted that he oh so greatly enjoyed doing this to you, but being so close to the heat of you, the smell and the warmth and the sound of him winding you up like a coil until you snap, it can drive him near insane. He always tries to steady himself and keep it slow, but while he’s usually more than eager to take his time, after so long apart he can’t help but be a little bit rushed and desperate.
“Hunter- Holy- Slow down there a bit…”
You don’t entirely mean the sentiment, it’s more so commenting on how his hands are gripping your body so tight and keeping you so close, but he does slow down slightly. You can feel the stubble of his cheeks scratching against your skin like sandpaper, surely it’ll be a little sensitive later. They almost always are, but it's never a serious complaint.
Just something to remember this night by in the morning, so you know for sure it wasn't just the hottest fucking wet dream you've had in your entire life.
Hunter buries is face even deeper when he feels your body arching up slightly, hands grasping at the ground as your cunt soaks him. He dares to let one hand slip away from your thighs and slides two fingers into your cunt, curling inside of you and feeling the way you tighten around them. He can taste you on his lips, even more so as you cum and fill the air with all the sweet noises he loves so much, wants to hear over and over again, moaning his name to as his tongue presses against your clit. He borderline abuses it as your hips twitch, hand reaching for him in an attempt to ground yourself as your thighs shake.
Your face is already hot, eyes blown out looking at him as he pulls away from you. A string of spit follows going from your pussy to his lips, before it quickly snaps.
But gods; The taste of you, the smell right beneath his nose, it always drives him so close to the edge. He teeters right on it, his neck is tight and he finds himself holding his breath accidentally when he moves back up your body.
You brush some of his wet hair away from his forehead, feeling his cock resting against your thigh.
“Was this your plan the whole time?” His says quietly, one hand supporting himself beside your waist while the other drifts between your two bodies.
“The first part was; This is all just a bonus.” His loves that sneaky, satisfied smile you wear sometimes, but he’s always eager to wipe it off- watching as he slowly presses his cock into you and it fades, biting your lip as you struggle not to moan.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
You hope he fulfills that thinly veiled threat of punishment some day in the future.
In any other situation being out of the water still wet it might start to give you a chill, but with how fast your heart is racing it’s not a possibility, feeling Hunter’s own skin touch yours. He's always run hot, it just seem to be in his nature, and you can feel it as his body lays close. You can see the way the muscles of his shoulders tighten and flex as he bottoms out inside of you, hips pressing against the backs of your thighs. Strands of thick, wet hair hang around his face, shadowing it- but still letting you see the way his brow furrows and dark eyes dart over your face.
His thrusts start slow, building upward as his wet hair brushes against your skin. Your thighs press against his hips, one of your hands tangling in his hair. He loves to have it tugged on, tightly woven between your fingers as his bandana lays abandoned on the shoreline surely close by all of his other items. He'd never dare let it get blown away.
His tattoos almost seem even more prominent wet, though maybe it’s just the shine of the night sky on the water that’s making it seem so. They move atop his muscles as he fucks you, the ones on his arms shifting as his biceps flex. You've always loved them- the tattoos, and the way they seem to highlight parts of his body in a way that's made you catch yourself staring multiple times before.
"Kriff," Hunter pants. "You really are a damn tease."
Did it take him that long to figure that out? It had been the goal the whole time.
If there's anything you've learned from being with Hunter particularly in situations different than this where he isn't nearly as gentle, the fun is in the chase.
But neither of you are going to last very long with how pent up you are, how long it’s been; The teasing and the build up over weeks of stolen kisses and soft, subtle gestures.
You let out a gasp as his cock brushes against a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves, a breath nearly getting caught in your throat.
"Gods- Hunter I'm so-" He knows you are, he can feel it as your tight cunt wraps around him like a vice, and even if the water might mask it, Hunter can feel how wet you are, how you leak over his cock as you wrap tight around him. Your lip is caught so firmly in-between your teeth it might bleed, moaning from deep in your throat.
He swears he can almost hear his own teeth grind against each other when he cums, filling you as you grind against him for more. Just that little bit to get pushed over the edge, as you're already teetering so close it's like you're dangling on the edge of a cliff.
But it doesn't take much; All you need is his fingers pushing against your clit trying to pull it from you before your thighs press against his hips like you want to crush them, seeing white behind your closed lids. He feels you cum around him, gripping the shoddy, soaked with lake water blanket so tight as you intake a breath and hold it long enough he almost tells you to breath. Your knuckles strain, seeing stars as he dares to move his hips slowly almost milking you through it all, and listening to the way you mewl desperately for him.
Gods, you missed him. Even in the short time he was gone. Even if you don't think you could handle it, you still want to go again. Until you were even more of a mess than you are now. Hunter gently pulls his softening cock from you and groans, while you feel a pleasant, wonder ache as his cum leaks from you.
But the afterglow is nice. Hunter most of all likes how peaceful it is. Just you and him; It would take someone hours to track you both down if they really wanted to.
Just a moment to yourselves.
His lips are still grazing just over yours as he talks, and you can feel the ever so slight scratch of his stubble. Since Kamino he's sometimes had moments where he hasn't had time to regulation shave it perfect, so he gets this nice bit of scratchy stubble that makes you smile whenever it burns your skin.
“We should get back; Before anyone realizes we’re gone.”
He isn’t wrong, but it’s not to say your pleased about having to finally end this.
"I don't want to." He stares down at you, seeing your mischievous smile hiding some genuine disappointment.
"I said earlier I wasn't going to let you get away with this. And I wont." He pulls away, but not before stealing a quick kiss. "Grab your things."
Always the strict one. But of the squad known to not follow rules; So it's not as if he hates breaking them at times.
Pulling away, you begin to try and find your clothes, Hunter wringing his hair while you shake yourself off enough to put them on and they won't become completely soaked with water by proxy. Hunter is a little bit slower than you as he has to put his armor back on as well, but he’s not much so.
At least the one with the hyper developed senses is the one sneaking back in, as it makes the quiet entrance in The Marauder that much easier once you return.
No one instantly notices you, as Tech is far too distracted in the cockpit working. Wrecker is still sleeping, as is Omega, and presumably Echo is somewhere in the far back of the ship either working, or taking a breather. He often times does so since a full cycle of sleep seems to still be hard for him, which is understandable.
Neither of you are complaining; It makes it easier for the both of you to get inside with being question where you went.
But while Hunter technically had a nap earlier, you hadn’t, so you’re more than a little tuckered out after everything. Quite quickly you move to slip into your bunk after you pull off your boots, before you realize you could sneak a bit of time in Hunter's instead.
So you silently move and swap to his bunk, but before he has a chance to join you...
He hears Tech call his name, and leaves you to go see what he needs. Not before sighing at Tech's both terrible and incredible timing. A few minutes earlier for that call, and he might've realized both of you were missing.
The moment Hunter enters the cockpit and asks what he could possibly need Tech doesn’t look up at him, instead continuing to tinker while speaking.
“I didn’t know you’d woken back up; Would you perhaps give me a hand? Unfortunately I need another pair for this.”
Hunter takes a quick glance back towards you and sees you gently wave, smiling at him as you swing your feet back and forth. You can wait a few moments while he does this. Even if he'd rather you didn't have to, as he'd much rather be there than helping with whatever this mess of tangled wires and metal bits is.
Looks kind of dangerous, even by Tech standards.
Just as he begins to take a kneel in order to help Tech looks up, and Hunter’s eyes lock with his for a moment.
Tech squints behind the tempered glass of his googles.
“Why is your hair wet? Me nor Echo hear the refresher shower running.”
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Half-Life | Chapter Four
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You realized then how delicate this all still was.
Pairing: Plaga!Leon S. Kennedy/F!Chubby!Paranormal Investigator!Reader
Tags: Fluff, Mutual Pining, Angst, Sexual Tension, Masturbation, Blood, Body Horror, Animal Injury & Death
Notes: Heeeeey, guys. It's been a minute since I last posted, but here is chapter 4 (finally)! My summer has been more busy and stressful than I ever could have imagined, so I'm happy to finally be able to finish this chapter, which is the longest chapter of anything I've ever written at just over 14k words!!! I keep breaking my own personal record every time I write, it feels like lol. I also think this is some of the best writing I've ever done and I'm extremely proud of it! Not sure when chapter 5 will come out, as school is starting back up for me soon and a couple people I know irl are getting married this fall, so I'll be traveling a lot as well. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts! (And here's a little behind-the-scenes tidbit: the painting I describe at the beginning of this chapter is actually in RE4R in the grand hall!)
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You awoke before Leon, for once.
You couldn’t stop yourself from sitting up on your air mattress and looking at his curled-up form, finally allowed to take in his appearance fully without having to sneak a glance or risk embarrassing yourself and him by getting caught staring.
You had yet to see him so at peace until this moment. He was laid atop his blankets, nearly in the fetal position, one long arm tucked under his pillow while the other was slung across his exposed midriff. His appendages were retracted again and his tail was hanging off the side of the bed, twitching slightly in his slumber. His breaths were deep and even, and his messy blond hair covered his closed eyes.
Never in your life did you think a literal monster could be so damn cute—so damn attractive in ways most humans hadn’t been to you before. Even the ones you dated. You wondered what that said about you.
As you gazed at Leon, you were reminded of the day before, a lovely warmth settling over you like that of the sun spilling in from the window above.
You could feel yourself blush as you recalled him carrying you across the bridge; how he had plucked a flower just to stick it into your hair; the fact he was willing to dance with you in the dilapidated ballroom simply because you asked; the way he played into your little game as you sat upon the throne, faces so near, you could brush your nose against his if you had just moved a little bit closer.
But then he had pulled away, leaving you breathless… and confused.
You weren’t sure why he would humor you with the flirting and the lingering glances and the gentle touches just to distance himself again—why he was holding himself back.
It was maddening, and you struggled to muster the courage to ask him about it or take matters into your own hands. Because, if you were honest with yourself, you were terrified of what it would mean if you did.
Worst case scenario, he would reject you and send you away. It would sting, but you had grown accustomed to the feeling; almost expected it by now. Besides, you were going to leave anyway, weren’t you?
Best case scenario, though? He would reciprocate and then… what? What could come of this? Would you still go home and let this remain as some passionate, short-lived fling? Would you work out how to stay and leave your entire life—friends and family—behind? Or would you come and visit him when you could manage it, living some kind of half-life split between your world and his?
Every outcome you could think of seemed to hurt, and you thought maybe it would be better to keep things as they were; tense but platonic.
However, being with him was so easy. Natural as breathing (when he wasn’t stealing your breath away, that is). Sure, there had been hiccups and misunderstandings. The both of you were stubborn and set in your ways, but you put your differences to rest so quickly. 
But god, were you different. The type of different that you thought before meeting him would never work. As a human, he was handsome. Devastatingly so. Could have been a model, had he chosen another career.
And, most notably, he could have had anyone he wanted.
You had come to love your body with all its curves and marks, but you doubted he would even look your way if you had crossed paths in another life.
You knew it wasn’t fair to yourself or to him to compare who he was to who he is now, considering how much he had gone through over the years and his transformation. However, you couldn’t help but think the attention you were getting from him came from loneliness and nothing more.
If anyone else had been just as stupid and nosy as you, he probably would have acted this way towards them in your stead.
Could you so easily be replaced?
Your chest clenched painfully at the thought and you forced yourself to look away from him, eyes bouncing around the room until they landed on the painting hung on the nearby wall.
It was a beautiful depiction of the castle—how it must have looked when it was occupied by people instead of dust and crumbling stone. The colors were vibrant, and a couple in the foreground were walking away from it, arm in arm. You admired it for a long while, feeling a sense of serenity overtake your anxious mind for a moment.
And then memories of the day prior flooded it instead, how you and Leon had spent the rest of the evening making crude wooden frames for the paintings you had “borrowed” from the castle, carefully finding the best places to hang the new pieces on his once empty walls.
Leon acted like he didn’t care, letting you decide for him, but you caught him glancing at the artwork from time to time, a gentle smile on his face at the way they brightened up his home.
You knew once you left he would be lonely again. You hoped if you could make these changes for him it might be enough to keep him content, even for just a little while. And, selfishly, you felt that if you couldn’t have him, you could at least inject remnants of yourself into his life. Maybe then he’d think of you the way you knew you’d think of him until your last breath.
Everything about it was unfair.
You heard a rustle and a quiet call of your name, your gaze meeting the half-lidded one of Leon as he sat up to look at you. He let out a yawn, his impossibly wide mouth gaping open in a way you once thought to be terrifying, those razor teeth glinting in the low light of the morning sun. Now, as he blinked the sleep from his red eyes, you found it more endearing, like the maw of a cat. Precious in all its sharp edges.
“Good morning,” you told him softly, a smile playing on your lips as if you hadn’t nearly worried your teeth through them moments ago.
“Mornin’. You been up long?” he asked as he swept his hair from his face. You wished you could do it for him, but you pushed that thought deep down instead.
“Not long. Was just looking at the painting,” you replied, half-lying as you pointed at the artwork in question.
His gaze trailed up to it, a small grin alighting his bizarrely beautiful features. “It really was a great idea, bringing them back here. Makes the place a lot less depressing.”
“I have those, occasionally,” you joked, pulling yourself to your feet. “I’m gonna start breakfast if you’re interested in something other than fish.”
With a tilt of his head, he asked, “What’re you makin’?”
You smirked as you walked up to him. “You can find out for yourself if you get dressed and meet me downstairs.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, catching you off guard by leaning in close, so tall that even sitting down he was the same height as you were standing. “So demanding, bunny.”
You scoffed. “Forgive me. Please get dressed and meet me downstairs. Better?” 
“Baby steps.”
Splaying your hand against his chest, you teasingly shoved him, “Whatever. I’ll just cook without you.” 
He grabbed your wrist, clawed fingers cool against your skin, causing a shiver to run through you. “C’mon, you’re breaking my heart here.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, pulling slightly against his hold. “Then be good and do as you’re told.”
He sighed dramatically, releasing you from his grip. “Yes, ma’am.”
You grinned triumphantly, gently tapping your finger against the tip of his nose. It caused him to scrunch up his face in a way that made you laugh, and then you turned on your heels and strolled to the door.
You glanced back at him as he stood and stretched. “Bacon and eggs, by the way.”
“Now that’s something I can’t pass up.”
“Figured.” And with that, you were on your way.
You kickstarted your morning by brushing your teeth and washing your face in the sink, then quickly got dressed so you could begin working on breakfast.
Leon was swift to join you, staying out of your way as he would be little help with his claws but keeping you company regardless. You made sure to leave his eggs runny and his bacon undercooked to abide by his more primal eating habits.
Soon enough, the two of you were at the table, sitting across from each other as was becoming the norm. It all felt so… domestic.
“Got any plans I need to know about?” he inquired after emptying his plate.
You swallowed the bite you had been chewing, glancing out of the nearby window. “It’s a nice day out. Pretty warm for autumn. Would that lake trip I mentioned yesterday be out of the question?” 
“Don’t see why we can’t. And there’s lots to see. I think you’re going to have a good time.” 
“With you? Always.”
You could have sworn a faint pink rose to his face, but he was quick to stand and place his used dishes in the sink, so you couldn’t be certain.
After a quick prep for the trip, you headed down to the lake, Leon helping you get onto the boat, which rocked violently as you stepped onto it, to your dismay. He chuckled as you grappled his shoulders to steady yourself, slowly lowering onto the bench beneath you.
“Not too keen on a swim, huh?” he teased you.
“Not fully clothed, at least,” you muttered in reply.
He simply smirked at that but didn’t respond. 
Leon smoothly directed the loud motorboat to the first location you had agreed upon back at the house, which was a small cave that held a wooden shack inside. It was such a strange little place, but you liked to hear the echo of your voices bounce off the cave walls, as well as the sound of the boat gently slapping against the dock.
The headless statue with the dark stains on it—that looked an awful lot like old blood—made you uneasy, but you could see yourself camping out at a place like this.
After that, Leon said he was taking you to what he called “chicken island”, which made you laugh. 
“Can’t imagine why they’d call it that,” you mused.
“It had chickens there if you can believe it,” was his deadpan response. 
And he didn’t lie. Although the birds were no longer present, many rusted cages full of straw nests were stacked across the small area and worn feathers littered the ground. There wasn’t much to it, as he had warned, but you felt the need to at least say you had been to such a silly place.
He then took you into another cave, pulling up to a large dock with only your flashlight as a guide. You climbed up the ladder to the deck above—a place that you had passed through to get to the lake in the first place—to sit on a crate and eat your lunch.
Time was passing rather quickly while out on the water, and you worried if you spent too much time dawdling, you’d have to come back the next day and waste precious hours you could be doing other things.
The end of your visit here was coming up sooner than you’d like, after all. 
You were halfway through your sandwich, giving the room a more intense sweep, when your eyes fell upon the elevator in the corner. You had pointed it out before, but Leon wasn’t keen on using it, as the generator keeping the thing in service had long since lost fuel. 
Apparently, there had been a shooting range with moving targets on the floor below, to your bewilderment. There was also one inside the castle and another in the mines beneath it, though Leon told you it was too dangerous to trek the old shafts. 
You glanced at the counter next to the elevator and a thought came to your mind. “Hey, Leon, you said there were moving targets in the shooting range, right?”
He looked at you quizzically but nodded, mouth full of sliced ham.
You giggled at the sight, but continued your questioning, “So if they were moving, was someone controlling them?”
He swallowed thickly before answering, “Yeah... This guy I just referred to as ‘The Merchant’. He popped up all over the village while I was trying to save Ashley. Helped me a lot by selling me supplies. He was in charge of the shooting ranges around here.”
“How did he know where you’d end up in time to set up shop? And how did he avoid getting infected with the parasite?” 
Leon clicked his tongue. “Your guess is good as mine. He was… weird… but he did me a solid, so I figured it would be best not to ask questions. Even sold me some things to live on after I turned. He never came back after that.”
“Do you wish he did?” you asked, unable to stop yourself from prying. It was a bad habit, you knew, but you couldn’t help it.
You wanted to get to know Leon in every capacity, even though leaving would only hurt worse if you did. You must've been a masochist, then. 
He sighed wearily, crossing his arms. “If I’m being honest… every day I wished someone would come back. Didn’t matter who. Used to lay awake at night and think about Claire or Ashely or Ad—” he paused at that, and you were going to ask what name he was about to say when he continued, “Anyway, I used to imagine them coming to find me. Just to say hi, I guess. To see how I was doing. But they never did. Not that they should. I told Ashley not to come back for her safety, and to not tell anyone I was alive. Don’t know why I hoped she’d break her promise.”
“Well,” you started, reaching over and wrapping your fingers around his hand, “at least I’m here.”
“Yeah, and I’m glad for it, even if it's just for a week.” He was staring down at your knuckles and you wanted nothing more than to coil your arms around him, but you refrained.
You considered him for a long moment instead, all your overthinking from earlier being tossed out of your mind as you promptly made a decision, saying, “I could always come back. Make this a yearly trip or something.”
His gaze jumped up to your own, then, shock evident in his pale features. “And why would you do that?”
You let out a huff of laughter. Was he really that clueless? Well, you weren’t about to give him the full truth—that you were utterly infatuated with him—instead replying, “Because I’m your friend, aren’t I?”
“Friend,” he repeated, voice low. Was there a hint of disappointment in his tone, or did you imagine it? “Yeah, I guess at this point, you really are. But I don’t know if it would be a good idea for you to come back.”
“Why?” You felt hurt by that, but you tried to hide it behind a nonchalant attitude, attempting to sound more curious than bitter.
“We’re wasting daylight,” he said instead of answering you, standing up from his crate. “We should keep moving.”
You stood up, too, confusion and frustration circling in your head like vultures. “Fine, but this conversation isn’t over, Leon.”
“Hm,” was all he replied, already making his way to the boat before you even finished zipping up your backpack. 
The short trip to the other side of the cave was one full of awkward silence. You didn’t want to show that you were annoyed, but it was difficult to mask it while he was giving you the cold shoulder.
You realized then how delicate this all still was. A few days together was not enough time for him to fully open up to you. You were upset, but he had a stormy history—one he wasn’t keen on sharing.
Whether it was to protect himself from the vulnerability or spare you from the weight of his past, you didn’t know. But you wanted nothing more than to assure him that he meant something to you. That he could trust you.
You kept your mouth shut.
Despite the change in attitude, Leon was still quick to help you out of the boat. It was something you appreciated, given your apparent lack of sea legs.
Your concerned thoughts were replaced with a renewed sense of awe, though, as you shone your flashlight over the cave walls and rushed forward. Leon simply followed behind you while you explored the place, as he made a habit of doing since your arrival.
You found another headless statue stained in dark brown, to your disgust, but not much else resided in the labyrinthine tunnels.
You went back to the boat, and as you were about to leave the area altogether, you pointed out another small dock nearby. “What’s over there? Can we go?”
He seemed hesitant, shoulders tensing, but he eventually nodded, pulling up alongside it.
Once on solid ground, you were swift in finding a painting on the cave wall, which was a large and very old map of the lake with what looked like a whale in the center.
“What is that?” You asked Leon, the uneasy silence from just before fading as your curiosity took root in its stead.
He grimaced as if remembering something terrible. “Del Lago. Giant fish monster in the lake. I killed it, though, so don’t worry.”
“Ah, a Spanish Nessie, then,” you teased despite your horror at such a concept. “Must have been old, if this painting is anything to go by.”
“Its body sank to the bottom of the lake pretty much as soon as I downed the thing,” he said, looking up at the depiction of the creature. “It’s almost a shame, what happened to it.”
“Why, cos you killed an ancient majestic beast?”
He turned to you with a smile. “No, cos I wasted all that meat.” 
You laughed and he chuckled in response, the awkward tension from earlier finally giving way to the easygoing banter you enjoyed so much.
“C’mon, there’s more to explore,” you urged, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along.
Near the mural was a shrine with two large hands sticking up from the cave floor, a head sitting in either stone palm.
Well, that explains the headless statues, you mused.
You moved on quickly after that, the cave giving way to a forested path. You made a face as you skirted past a sacrificial altar, gripping Leon a little tighter.
After having to crawl underneath a tiny gap in a stone formation, you made it to a fork in the path, a small building to your right, and a winding trail to your left.
“What’s over there?” you asked Leon as you pointed to the trail, leaning down to wipe the dirt from your clothes. 
He seemed to freeze before responding a little too quickly, “Not much. And that cabin just leads to another dock. We should head back to the boat.”
“Oh, c’mon, we’re already here! Might as well take a peek!” you chirped, marching onto the trail. 
Leon didn’t argue, but he was tense as he followed you up to the end of the path.
You were more than a little confused by what you found there.
“Graves?” you questioned aloud as you looked upon the two crosses made crudely of sticks, names carved into the wood. They weren’t next to each other like you’d expect, but spread apart and angled toward the center of the dead-end path. “How strange. The only other ones I’ve seen were in the church cemetery.”
“Yeah, strange,” Leon muttered behind you, sounding almost… nervous? You wondered why.
You leaned down to the cross on the left, barely able to make out the name “Luis Serra Novarro” on the wood. An old lighter was on the ground beside it. You wondered if it even worked anymore with how long it looked to be sitting there. 
You then crouched before the other cross, “Major Jack Krauser” etched messily upon the surface.
“Well, his name isn’t very local-sounding,” you joked of the latter.
Leon didn’t reply, but you were too distracted by what was dug into the ground in front of the cross to comment on it. It was a large knife with an engraving of a snake on its rusted blade.
“Wow, that’s cool,” you mused, reaching out to pull it from the dirt. It felt like a waste to leave such a well-crafted weapon just sitting there.
“Stop!” Leon barked, lunging forward and yanking your hand from where it brushed against the scales.
Shocked, you pulled away and stood up, taking a step back at the snarl on his face. “Whoa, what’s wrong? The thing booby-trapped or something?”
He sighed, his expression turning weary instead of angry. “No, just… would like to respect the dead.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Respect the dead? You piled up human corpses at the entrance to the village. Not sure how that’s exactly—” You stopped mid-sentence, realization hitting you as you took in the miserable look on Leon’s face. “You… you knew these guys, didn’t you?”
He grimaced at your words but slowly nodded in response.
“Who were they?”
Leon crossed his arms over his chest tightly, as if to hug himself, before jerking his head to the grave on the left. “Luis helped me and Ashley. He actually saved me from him, too,” he said, looking at the grave to the right. “He was killed by that very knife.”
“Why bury this guy next to your friend if he murdered him?” You were flabbergasted by this whole thing, desperate to make sense of Leon’s strange actions.
He winced at that. “He was my mentor. Trained me to be an agent in the first place. Without him, I don’t think I could have survived.”
“What caused him to change?”
Leon decided to plop onto the ground, his tail whipping in agitation along the dirt. You joined him, sitting cross-legged beside his slouched figure, waiting for him to say something.
“He was betrayed by the very country he fought to protect. His whole unit was wiped out and he was badly injured, unable to fight like he used to. He ended up going MIA and joined the cult. They infected him with the Plagas, too. I had to fight him. I had to—” he stopped to take a steadying breath, “I had to kill him. With that same blade. His blade.”
“I’m so sorry, Leon,” was all you could offer him, placing your hand over his and squeezing gently. He closed his claws into a fist and squeezed back.
“I buried Luis first,” he began. “Had to go into the mines to retrieve his body, ferry it out here. Then I went to the island on the other side of the castle to find Krauser. The whole place had collapsed in on itself, but I had hoped I could get to him. Dug in the rubble for days, but… couldn’t find a body. The knife is all I had left of him, so now it’s here.”
“I see,” you said quietly, staring down at the muddled reflection of Leon’s dirt-covered leg in the rusted blade. “Why’d you place their graves so far out of the way?”
“It’s secluded. Quiet. Peaceful,” he replied, head tilting towards the sky and closing his eyes. “Figured I would bury Wolfie here, too, when he eventually dies. Just thought it would be a good place to…”
You saw him swallow back his words.
“A good place to what?”
He sighed and shook his head before looking at you, those red eyes so hauntingly melancholy, it made your heart ache. “A good place to rest.”
The two of you sat quietly in the dirt, simply holding hands and watching the breeze ripple through the foliage surrounding you.
He’s right, you thought, comforted by the shade of trees, yet still able to make out the blue of the sky above, it is a good place to rest.
You knew Leon grieved the life he once lived, so evident in the way he carried himself—the way he spoke. But this kind of loss was news to you. You never realized just how much weight he carried.
You were determined to lighten the burden in any way you could.
“Come on,” you told him, finally standing. “We have one last stop, don’t we?”
He didn’t need your help to get to his feet, but he still took your outstretched hand, giving you a small, grateful smile when he towered over you once more. “Yeah. We do.”
Before you knew it, you were back on the motorboat, heading straight to the center of the lake for your last location.
You had seen the old, half-sunk fishing vessel from the shore, but wanted to explore it last for the hell of it. You were glad you made that decision, hoping that spending more time on the calm waters might lift Leon’s spirits.
He came to a stop at the port of the large wooden boat, gracefully exiting onto the dilapidated vessel before reaching his hand out and pulling you onto the algae-slick deck with him.
“Careful,” he warned, releasing his hold on you. “The boards are pretty damaged. Wouldn’t want you to fall through.”
“Yes, sir,” you teased, but you took your time walking around, just in case. You heard him chuckle as you shuffled slowly forward, giving him a lighthearted glare in response. 
There really wasn’t much to see of the place, only able to access the front of it. 
You leaned against the railing of the bow after a brief sweep of the area, looking out onto the blue, blue water. It was beautiful, and you could see why Leon would spend hours fishing out here beyond catching a meal or two.
You glanced over your shoulder at him, finding him leaning against the front of the cockpit, his eyes already on you. You wished you knew what he was thinking when he looked at you like that. You hid your blush by turning back around.
You placed your hands on the railing, a light giggle escaping you as a thought crossed your mind.
“What’s so funny?” he questioned, and you knew he was smiling without needing to face him.
You tapped your fingers on the wood. “You ever see the movie Titanic?”
He scoffed but didn’t answer, instead stepping closer. Before you knew what was happening, he had gently tugged your arms up, holding them in the air as he leaned down to place his chin on your shoulder. Your breath was caught in your throat by the proximity, his own tickling your cheek.
“Was this what you had in mind, bunny?” he asked you, voice low and teasing in a way that made your stomach flip. You kept your arms up as he slid his hands down to rest on your waist and you wondered if you would pass out from your inability to pull oxygen into your lungs.
You needed to get yourself together, so you forced out a nervous laugh before saying, “If only we had Celine Dion playing in the background. I think we’d be dead ringers for the remake.”
Leon laughed heartily. “I can’t imagine they’d do a remake of such a nineties classic.”
You giggled, turning slightly to meet his eye. “They remake everything these days.”
“Well, I don’t think I have what it takes to play Jack, but you’re pretty enough to go on the big screen.”
That compliment made heat flood your whole body, though you didn’t want him to notice it. “What are you talking about? You’re practically Leo DiCaprio two-point-oh.”
“Mm, maybe ten years ago,” he mused, pulling away from you, to your chagrin. “C’mon, we should head back to the house.”
You pouted as you turned to face him. “But I don’t want to yet!”
“Well, there’s not much left to do out here,” he replied, as if coaxing you to follow his lead.
But that wasn’t exactly your style, now was it? 
Instead, you let your hair down from its messy bun, kicked off your shoes and socks, and yanked your shirt over your head.
Leon’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as you stripped in front of him, pulling your jeans off and leaving yourself only in your underwear. You could tell he was trying not to stare, focusing solely on your face as he choked out, “What the hell are you doing?!”
Still, you saw his gaze drop to your bare skin. You felt utterly exposed, but you weren’t ashamed.
In fact, you felt good.
You felt free.
You sat on the railing of the boat, smiling wickedly at him as you flipped your legs over the edge. “I told you if I was going to have a swim, it wouldn’t be fully clothed, didn’t I?”
Before he could say anything else, you plunged into the water.
It was so cold, you locked up for a moment, your body shocked by the sudden change in temperature. You stayed under for a few seconds, willing yourself to adjust before breaching the surface.
You wiped the water from your eyes, blinking up at Leon as he hung off the bow of the boat. It looked like he was about to dive in after you, as if he was worried you wouldn’t come back up.
His concern for you warmed you right up.
“Are you serious?” he interrogated, breathing out a sigh of disbelief. “You said it was too cold to bathe out here, but you’ll take an afternoon swim?”
“Definitely too cold for a bath,” you replied, nodding sagely. “But you should still come join me!”
“Absolutely not. You’re crazy, you know that?”
You smiled, all teeth. “What was your first clue, sweetheart?”
He scoffed. “You showing up here in the first place, probably.” 
“So…” you began, “you should learn to expect the unexpected. And jump in. I know the cold doesn’t bother you, Leon.”
He sighed, staring over at the shore for a moment before turning to face you once more. “Fine.”
You whooped in victory as he stepped back from the railing, and then bit your lip as you watched him pull off his shirt, revealing his lean, taut upper body. His legs were obscured by the boat as he tore his pants from them, but you got a good look when he leapt onto the ledge of the bow. You had to crane your neck to take in all of him, grazing your eyes up his muscled form, covered only by boxer briefs.
Before you could stare for too long, he dove into the water behind you, and you covered your eyes as it splashed up in a small wave.
He quickly rose to the surface, flipping his blond hair from his face.
“See? Not so bad,” you told him, paddling closer to where he was treading.
“Guess not.”
You were about to speak again when you felt something large slither along your leg. You yelped, pulling your body away from the sensation. “Oh my god, something just touched me!” 
Leon shrugged. “Probably just a fish.”
“No, no, it was definitely a snake!” you told him, eyes staring down as if you could see into the dark water.
“It’s possible. There’re vipers in the area, I told you that before.” He seemed to be taking joy in your distress and you glared at him angrily for it.
“Leon, if that’s true, I need out RIGHT now.”
You began to swim towards the motorboat, suddenly very over this whole situation, when something touched your leg again. You screamed as it wrapped around your ankle, pulling you under the water.
You weren’t under for very long, whatever it was almost immediately releasing you. You sputtered as you pushed your head above the surface, panicking.
But then you heard Leon laughing hysterically nearby, and the realization that he was just screwing with you hit you like a brick.
“Oh, you asshole!” you yelled, wading back over to him and shoving his chest in rage.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just had to,” he told you between laughs.
“Yeah, you will be.” With that, you splashed his face with water, feeling smug that you got him before he could use his arm as a shield.
You splashed him a few more times until he lunged toward you, grabbing your arms, “Okay, we’re even now. Happy?”
He released you and you pretended to think about it for a moment, easing closer. Your faces were mere inches apart, and you wanted nothing more than to lean forward and kiss him. You weren’t sure how the action would even work, considering his protruding fangs, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to find out. 
He seemed to edge nearer, and you wondered if he had the same idea.
But your nerves got the better of you.
Instead, you jumped up and shoved his shoulders down, dunking him completely under the water.
It was your turn to laugh as he came back up, his wet hair covering his eyes. “Now I’d say we’re even.”
He pushed the strands from his face and shook his head, chuckling. “Yeah, I deserved that.”
Before you could say something else, the sky seemed to darken suddenly. You still had a couple hours of daylight left, so you glanced up, confused. You saw that clouds had converged over the sun, looking awfully heavy.
Something splattered against your forehead, and you wiped it off, realizing it was a raindrop. Several more began to fall on and around you, and you knew it was time to head back to shore.
You and Leon quickly got dressed as the sprinkle of rain turned into a steady shower, dampening your once-dry clothes. Still, you made the time to glance at Leon’s cute butt as he leaned down to pull up his pants, and when you turned to put on your own, you could feel his eyes on you too.
Thankfully, Leon decided to head back to the cave, the rain only coming down harder as you finally entered it. Leon moored the boat, and the two of you hurried through to the quarry. 
A flash of light streaked across the sky as you reached the church, the echoing BOOM that followed it making you jump out of your skin. You must’ve looked like a wet chihuahua with how you shook, both from the sound and the cold rain seeping down to the bone.
Leon turned to face you, his expression concerned. He got close, placing his palms against your arms. “You’re freezing. C’mon, let’s get you home.”
Despite your misery, you couldn’t help but feel warmed by his words.
Let’s get you home.
He said it like it was yours, too.
He grabbed your hand, tugging you along as you rushed back to his place, knowing it was still quite a trek.
You finally made it to the house, and you doubled over as soon as you crossed the threshold, panting heavily from practically jogging the whole way. You were shivering violently, your teeth chattering as you finally caught your breath, when you felt Leon lay his hand across your back.
“Hey, you should get changed. I’ll start a fire,” he urged, eyes soft as he looked at you.
You nodded, doing as he said, wringing your drenched clothes over the tub before hanging them on the sides of it.
Feeling slightly better, you went back into the main room, seeing that Leon had pushed the dining table over and moved the couch in front of the fireplace, where a stack of logs was piled in the hearth.
He was struggling with the matches again, so you gently took them from his hands, alighting the kindling yourself. He simply nodded at you before you sat down on the couch and reached your hands towards the slowly growing flames.
“You’re soaked,” you told him. “Go change. I’ll make dinner when we warm up.”
He smiled down at you as he stood, stroking the top of your head. You never wanted him to stop. “Be right back, then.”
You were finally losing the chill as he returned, sitting down beside you, his tail draped between you on the seat.
Another loud crash of lightning made you cry out, flinching.
“Whoa, there,” he said softly. “You okay?”
You grimaced. “Yeah, I’m not… the biggest fan of storms. I like the rain when I’m cozied up inside, but thunder and lightning… I don’t know. It freaks me out.”
“So you’re afraid of heights, snakes, and storms. Anything else I should know about?” he asked lightheartedly.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not afraid of heights, just falling off a shoddy bridge, thank you very much. And snakes only scare me when they’re venomous and I think they’re slithering around my leg.”
His tail flicked up as you stared pointedly at it, the movement incredibly cute to you. He could really be just like a cat sometimes.
“I stand corrected. Just storms, then,” he teased.
The conversation flowed to other things, but looking around, you realized with sudden concern that Leon’s dog wasn’t nearby. “Hey, where’s Wolfie? Was he upstairs?”
Leon’s brows furrowed at that, standing and glancing around the room. “No… he wasn’t. He usually doesn’t stay out when it storms.” 
“Is he okay?” you questioned.
Leon crossed his arms. “I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe staying somewhere out of the rain.”
You nodded, though you worried for the poor dog’s safety.
As you promised, you made dinner—a roast, actually—and you had never seen Leon so excited by something you had cooked thus far (though he wouldn’t touch the potatoes, onions, and carrots that simmered alongside it).
As you worked on washing dishes, you saw Leon staring out of one of the windows, and you knew he was looking for Wolfie. You finished the chore, walking into the main room to stand beside him.
“He’s never been gone this long,” Leon stated with a frown.
You worried your bottom lip. “Maybe… Maybe we should go find him.”
Leon glanced at you, then, brow raised. “I’ll go find him. You should stay here.”
“No way,” you argued, already pulling on your hiking boots. “I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“You could catch a cold, and that bear is still around. Besides, you hate the thunder and lightning, and it's only getting worse.”
“Well, I’m worried about him too. I want to help.”
He sighed as you stood upright, seeing the determination in your eyes. “Fine, but dress warm.”
You nodded vigorously. “I have a raincoat and a jacket, don’t worry.” 
You quickly ran to your luggage, throwing on your hoodie, sliding the raincoat over it, and grabbing your flashlight from your backpack.
You met Leon at the door, the two of you heading out into the dark.
You kept your arm braced above your brows to block the rain from your eyes, the hoods of your jacket and coat pulled over your head still not enough to prevent the onslaught, raking your flashlight over the ground as you and Leon called Wolfie’s name.
You didn’t know how long you were in the storm, and although the clothes on your top half helped to keep you dry and warm, your legs were getting soaked through. You pushed past the discomfort, your concern for Leon’s animal companion taking precedence.
The look of worry on his face was compelling enough to keep moving forward on its own.
You were near the church again, calling out the dog’s name as loud as you could, getting desperate to find him safe, when you heard Leon gasp beside you.
“What?” you questioned.
“This way,” was all he responded, bounding through the woods at a speed you could barely keep up with.
Leon was taking you deep into the forest, and you could focus on little else but his darting form as you followed him, afraid to be left behind in the dark.
You thought you were gaining on him when you tripped over a root, cutting your knee as you fell to the ground, hard. You were quick to pick yourself back up, sprinting after him and gritting your teeth against the pain.
You lost him, though, the realization filling you with panic. You just continued running in the direction you saw him taking off, calling after him frantically.
The thunder rumbled deafeningly from above, making you cower in fright, but you knew you had to keep going. The darkness seemed to encroach upon you, the torrent of rain pelting against your whole body hard enough to hurt.
You don’t think you had ever felt this afraid.  
To your relief, you finally caught up to Leon, but it was short-lived when you took in what was ahead of you.
Leon was crouched over, and you could hear him muttering in distress. Before him was Wolfie, laying motionless on his side, four streaks of dark red seeping out of his white fur.
You rushed forward, dropping onto your injured knee, not caring how badly it stung as you assessed the animal in front of you. He was still breathing, thankfully, and letting out quiet little whimpers. The wounds looked deep as you appraised them, wondering what could have done this to him.
As if reading your mind, Leon growled, “It was that damn bear.”
You didn’t respond as he stripped his shirt off, easily ripping it into strips. They were soaked through with rain, but it was better than nothing.
“Here buddy,” Leon reassured Wolfie as he grabbed his own tail.
“What are you doing?”
Ignoring you, he gently pricked the barbed end into the dog’s side, who yelped and writhed at the feeling before near-instantly relaxing.
“Kills the pain,” is all he offered as you looked at him in shock. He then shoved the strips of cloth into your hands. “I’m gonna lift him up and I want you to wrap these around him, okay?”
He’d only ever been this serious when protecting you from that bear two days prior, and you swallowed before nodding in response.
You began to carefully slide the first strip over one of the gashes, about to tie it off, when Leon interjected, “Tight, but not too tight.”
“Got it,” you said, fingers shaking as you followed his direction for each wound. You weren’t sure if it was the cold or the nerves but you managed it well enough.
When you were done, Leon stood. Wolfie was held in his arms, the dog’s blood smearing against his bare chest. It made your stomach twist with unease.
“I have bandages in my first-aid kit,” you told him as he began the trek back to the path, trying to keep up with his long, hurried gait.
“He’s lost a lot of blood,” Leon said. “We can change the bandages, but I don’t know if he’s… I don’t know if he’ll make it.”
You couldn’t reply, tears pricking your eyes at the thought.
Leon’s voice wavered as he continued, “I know he’s old. I knew I’d lose him eventually. But not like this. Not this soon…” 
You pushed back your tears, sadness giving way to conviction. “After we replace the bandages, I’m gonna take him to the vet, okay? You’ll have to carry him to my car, but I think if we’re fast, we can do this.” 
“What if he dies on the way there?” Leon asked miserably, “I don’t want to be away from him in his last moments.”
“I know it’s a risk, but we have a real chance of saving him, Leon. You told me to trust you yesterday, right? Well, now I need you to trust me.”
He seemed so conflicted but eventually nodded, his features solemn. “Okay. I’ll trust you.”
You reached over and squeezed his arm comfortingly.
God, I hope I’m right about this.
It had been a long time since Leon felt this afraid.
He had lost everything once, and was forced to spend a decade trying to survive the hole that loss gouged out of him. Just a void sitting inside his chest, the edges slowly creeping out to devour what was left.
Wolfie had been there for him in ways humans never were. Even when he wasn’t this grotesque monstrosity, he would rather die than burden someone else with his innate brokenness, preferring to mask it with his need to help or his oftentimes cynical sense of humor.
The truth of the matter? He didn’t know who he was when he wasn’t useful to someone. When he wasn’t a protector. He had never felt so unmoored, going without this self-imposed purpose to drive him forward.
Wolfie had renewed that purpose a month after his transformation, when Leon was at his lowest. He limped up to him with a swollen leg after being bit by a viper, clearly recognizing him despite his mutated features. He had done all he could to nurse the poor dog back to health, and Wolfie hadn’t left his side since.
He sometimes wondered if it was fate that brought them together again—if he allowed himself to believe in something beyond the mundane—but he had renounced god and any other spiritual bullshit ages ago.
He looked down at the dog in his arms, no longer in pain due to his venom’s painkilling properties, but his breaths were still concerningly shallow. He wanted nothing more than to sprint full speed back to the house but worried the movement would only exacerbate Wolfie’s injuries.
He wasn’t completely sure he was okay with letting you take his dog from him—not wanting to miss any precious time he might have left—but he agreed that it was worth a shot to bring him to the vet clinic, even if he couldn’t join you.
He glanced over at you, your teeth gnawing into your bottom lip as you silently walked beside him, and was at least glad you were here with him in this nightmare. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to do this alone.
Eventually, you made it to the house, and he moved aside to let you open the door for him. You both rushed into the building, you grabbing your first-aid kit and a pair of scissors.
You were quick to find the proper bandages, and Leon just held Wolfie’s body out so you could cut off the bloodied strips of his shirt and re-wrap the wounds. Your hands were shaking, but you were careful and methodical, so he didn’t comment on it.
When you finished, you grabbed a blanket and a towel, laying them on the dining table so Leon could bundle the dog tightly inside to protect him from the rain. It was a bit of a walk to the hunting lodge, after all.
You moved away to wash your hands and find your car keys, but Leon could only stare down at your leg as you came back into the room. There were mud and grass stains, which he expected, though he was caught off guard by the knee of your jeans being torn, bright red trickling down your shin in a small but steady stream.
“What happened to your leg?” he questioned, unable to recall when you could have gotten the injury.
“Oh, it's nothing. I just tripped when I was chasing after you. Nearly lost you completely because of it, but I found you pretty fast,” you told him nonchalantly as you packed your bag.
He felt his stomach drop at your words, realizing that he hadn’t once looked back to check on you during his mad dash to find Wolfie. The thought that you were hurt and lost in the middle of the woods during a storm that scared you, and he just left you there, making bile rise to his throat.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I should have waited for you… I didn’t even know you weren’t behind me anymore…”
You shook your head, smiling at him, but the expression couldn’t hide the exhaustion in your eyes. “It’s okay, I promise. You were worried about Wolfie. I don’t blame you.”
“It’s not okay,” he seethed, his own self-hatred pooling into his chest. “I left you alone in a storm! In the dark! What if that bear was still around, huh? It could have killed you and I left you there, with nothing to defend yourself with!”
“Leon, I’m fine. Nothing happened beyond this little cut.” Your voice was calm and he wished he could hate it. Hate you for how you could talk him into or out of almost anything.
It had been mere days. He didn’t know you, and yet he trusted you implicitly. Trusted you with the life of his only companion.
And then, when he asked you to trust in him, he had sabotaged it in an instant.
He didn’t respond, knowing he might say something he’d regret, so he only watched as you quickly rolled up your pant leg to blot and disinfect the cut. He disliked seeing you in pain, witnessing the way your face screwed up as you used peroxide on the small wound—heard the hiss you made as it bubbled up on your broken skin.
You were wrapping one of the extra bandages over it when Leon looked out the window, the storm only hitting harder as the hours passed. “Maybe we should wait it out. You shouldn’t be driving in this.”
You sighed as you unrolled the leg of your jeans, walking over to stare into the dark with him. “Under normal circumstances, you couldn’t pay me to go out in this weather. But I don’t think we have time to waste, Leon.”
You both glanced over at Wolfie on the table, wrapped up and hopefully comfortable in the blanket. Leon had no choice in this if he didn’t want to lose his dog.
He was meant to protect him and now he was sending him off with someone most people would call a stranger.
Any quality of his that could be halfway useful in this situation, and he wasn’t even there when Wolfie was attacked. And now his only companion was bleeding out on his dining table and he could do nothing to stop it but put him in someone else’s care and hope he lived.  
Leon had all this strength, all these heightened senses. His entire body was deemed a weapon. And yet he couldn’t even save his dog.
What was the point of any of it, then?
And what would he have done if you weren’t there to help him? Watch Wolfie slowly die, helpless to prevent it?
Worse still, what if it was you who had been attacked?
He imagined your lifeless body lying in his arms, frightened eyes wide and staring off into nothing, drenched in blood that wouldn’t stop pouring out of you, and he could do absolutely. Fucking. Nothing.
“Come on, Leon. We have to go,” came your gentle voice, pulling him out of his dark thoughts. 
He only nodded in response, grabbing Wolfie and heading back out into the downpour, beyond the safety of his home.
The two of you trudged in silence through the village, the storm raging above your heads. He could practically sense your anxiety coming off of you in waves, but you were doing your best to remain stoic. He didn’t know if it was to calm yourself or him, but he appreciated the attempt.  
Finally, you made it to the hunter’s lodge, and you spoke up as soon as the door shut out the torrent. “I was wondering, how did you know where Wolfie was? Back there in the forest?”
“The storm dampened it, but I could hear him whimpering from the path. When I got close enough, I could smell the blood.”
“Right, super senses. Thank god for ‘em.”
He glanced at you sharply. “I’d rather have stopped him from getting hurt in the first place.”
“Hey, I know this sucks, but he’s alive and he’s going to stay that way if I have a say in it.”
He really took you in at that. Your face was wet, strands of your hair sticking to your forehead, but the fire in your eyes…
He had no way to know if things would work out the way you wanted, but your conviction—your unyielding, infectious hope—quelled the needling fear, if only for a moment. 
He might not believe in god, but angels must be real if you were standing beside him.
You made it to the car shortly after, Leon gently placing Wolfie into the backseat as you threw your bag into the passenger side and sat behind the wheel.
You turned the ignition, the vehicle roaring to life as Leon looked down at you, urging, “Please be careful. I might lose Wolfie, but I can’t lose you too.”
“I will be. I promise.” Before you closed the door, you glanced back up at him, asking, “What are you going to do while we’re gone?”
He clenched his clawed hands into fists, feeling the sharp edges dig into his skin as he grated out, “I’m going to kill that fucking bear.”
You looked shocked by his words but nodded in agreement. “Okay. Good luck.”
And with that, you closed the door.
Leon stepped back to let you drive off, knowing that the fate of his companion was out of his hands.
He exhaled harshly and turned on his heels, ready for the hunt.
Now this is what he was good for.
Shifting onto all fours, Leon was quick to shed his more human qualities for the sake of the kill, sprinting faster than he ever had on his legs alone. He focused solely on his senses to direct him through the downpour and to his prey, feeling his claws digging into the wet earth below.
As he had told you earlier, the storm dampened his abilities, but that wouldn’t stop him from reaching his objective.
In fact, it only made him more hellbent on completing it. 
It took him nearly an hour to find where the massive animal was lurking: a cave not far from where he had found Wolfie bleeding into the mud.
Despite its size, there was not much of a fight as Leon latched those deadly teeth of his around its throat and ripped. It barely had time to even register him launching at it before it was wheezing and choking on its own blood.
In this form, Leon was too proficient at killing. A part of him—deep, deep down—wanted to take his time tearing the beast limb from limb, listen to it roar and whine in agony before he finally put it out of its misery.
When its jilted movements eventually stilled, blood coating the cave floor and Leon from his mouth to the knees of his dirty pants, he stumbled back into the wall and closed his eyes tightly.
Vengeance. It was something he understood, but he didn’t see the point of it. Blood for blood’s sake never sat right with him. He only sought to kill out of necessity—to survive.
And yet, here he was, bloodlust finally fading as the bear’s large corpse laid before his weary gaze.
He could pretend all he wanted that this was an act of protection, a means to prevent further attacks in the future, but the sadistic glee he felt when his teeth sunk into warm flesh… there was nothing to excuse that.
This bear was simply living as it was born to do, even in its aggression.
Maybe Leon really was losing his humanity. Not a descent into a mindless killing machine, but a dissipation of self—fully aware of his own cruelty, but basking in it instead of rebuking it. 
He wasn’t sure which version scared him most.
He had to make this worth it, then. He had to alleviate this burning shame and break apart the guilt sitting heavy in his gut like a stone.
And so, with care, he carved up the carcass of the once dignified beast and devoured it, leaving only bones and fur in his wake.
It was the only form of reverence he could convey.
He dug a shallow hole in the mud beside the cave, laying the gory remains inside before covering it once more.
The storm had finally started to clear as he finished the task, the scent of petrichor not quite able to hide that of blood. 
Unsure of how long it would take for you to return with news of Wolfie’s condition, he rushed over to the hunter’s lodge to wait out the hours.
They passed slowly. Agonizingly. All he could do was curl in on himself and sit just inside the door of the old building, wet with rain and blood and mud. 
He once thought his initial transformation was the worst he had ever felt, that it was rock bottom. Before that, it had been what transpired in this village. And before that, it had been the disaster of Raccoon City.
He realized bitterly there was always further to fall.
He wasn’t sure why you were so adamant to befriend him like this. To help him. Was this pity? Was Leon some charity case for you? 
But then he thought of the way you smiled at him, the look on your face as he joined you in the cold water of the lake, the way you drifted to him like you were caught in his orbit and couldn’t fight the pull. 
The thought that maybe, just maybe, you felt the way he did… it was a jolt across his slumped form.
However, nothing could change what he was. His nature, it was a vicious one. And someday, you might not survive the animal that unfurled inside of him—through him.
Whatever happened after tonight, he knew one thing: his only escape was death.
He would simply wait out the end of your trip, selfishly wanting to wring out any joy he might find in your company, and if Wolfie survived the night, he would send him home with you to live out the rest of his days. He was certain you would take good care of him, provide for him better than Leon could ever hope.
But, he was reminded, Wolfie might not survive.
And it was Leon’s neglect that was to blame.
Useless, useless, useless, he repeated like a mantra in his head. 
He never imagined he’d have more to lose than he already did. More to ruin.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, the dawn breaking up the night. The sun’s warmth upon his skin did little to lighten his mood—as it burned more than soothed—but then he thought of the way your soft flesh felt against his and he nearly fell into a dream, eyes drifting shut.
He shot up suddenly at the sound of an approaching vehicle, though, his misery morphing into an all-consuming apprehension.
Was he prepared to grieve?
Your car finally pulled up near the lodge, and he rushed to the side of it, his heart palpitating as he stared into the backseat window.
He saw Wolfie laying there, breathing slow and steady.
He was alive.
Leon had never felt so relieved. 
He turned to face you as you opened the door, looking up at him with tired eyes.
Your expression turned to full-blown concern when you took in his appearance, reaching out to touch the blood staining his bare chest. “Are you okay?”
Leon placed his fingers over your hand, holding it close to him, the warmth of it more of a balm than the sun ever was. “I’m fine. It isn’t mine.” 
You sighed, eased by his words. “You found the bear, I take it?”
He nodded solemnly. “It won’t bother us anymore.” You didn’t reply and he looked back at Wolfie’s unconscious form once more. “How did everything go? Will he be alright?”
“It went great. He got stitches and a blood transfusion, and they kept him overnight for observation. Went ahead and got him a few shots when they said he was in the clear this morning. He took it all like a champ.” You dropped your hand, to Leon’s chagrin, grabbing your bag from the passenger seat. “They told me to change his bandages every few hours and monitor for any infection. Gave me antibiotics and a few days' worth of painkillers. He should be just fine.”
“What did you tell them about the injury?” he questioned, suddenly concerned by what information you might have let slip in your distress.
“Don’t worry, I told them he got attacked while I was out camping. No specifics, I promise.” A look of realization then dawned on your features, to his confusion, before you began sifting through your bag.
You then pulled out a blue collar from its depths. It jingled as you held it up to Leon, shot tags dangling behind a bone-shaped one at the front, sporting the dog’s name and what he assumed was your number. 
“Picked this up before I took him from the clinic. Hope he’ll wear it,” you said, shrugging as you stood from the car.
A flood of emotions washed over Leon, then, namely an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what you had done for him. It went deeper than the collar in your hand, deeper than even saving his dog. 
You had faced a storm for him, soaked to the bone and afraid. You suffered being lost in darkness with an injured knee, even if it was only briefly. You drove through a torrent and stayed up all night to make sure his companion would live. You witnessed him covered in blood and filth and you reached out…
You were always reaching out.
Before he could think it through, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. He felt your plush body pressed against his hard edges—heard the way you gasped in shock. You almost immediately settled into it, though, holding him in turn despite the drying grime flaking onto your clothes.
“Thank you, for everything,” he murmured, face buried into your neck, the natural smell of you drifting to his nose. It was all at once sweet and grounding.
There was so much more he wanted to say, but this would have to suffice, the words caught in his throat.
“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” you whispered, your small hands sliding across his back soothingly.
The warmth of you made him ache, made his eyes burn, never wanting to let you go.
He knew he must.
The walk back to the house was a silent one, the only sounds the rainwater dripping onto the ground and the squelching of mud underfoot, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The two of you were just exhausted and still reeling from how the night had spiraled to near tragedy. 
Leon glanced down at Wolfie’s sleeping form in his arms, so drugged up on pain meds he likely wouldn’t wake for anything. He gave the dog’s head a gentle stroke, beyond relieved that, for now, it wouldn’t be the last time. 
The three of you entered Leon’s home, deciding that you would bring Wolfie’s bed and blankets downstairs, nestling them beside the fireplace to keep him comfortable and prevent him from exerting himself more than necessary once he was up and moving again. 
Once the dog was settled in, Leon could only stand and stare, worried that if he took his eyes off of him for a moment, he might die in his absence.
“I’ll make you up a bath, Leon,” you said quietly from the kitchen, already bringing a large pot to boil on the stove. “You could really use one.”
He sighed, finally dragging his gaze from Wolfie so that he could level it on you. “Don’t worry about that. I can just clean up at the lake.”
You huffed indignantly, approaching him and taking him in—in all his filthy, monstrous glory. “No way. You need a nice hot bath, and that’s that.”
“You’re stubborn as hell, you know that?” he replied, scoffing good-naturedly. In truth, the thought of you caring for him like this made his heart beat a little faster. 
“Oh, I know,” you said with a smile, one that was so sweet, he would hold on to the sight of it for the rest of his life, “but it’s what you like about me.”
He found himself chuckling for the first time since last night, always so surprised by your ability to pull him out of his misery.
“Not the only thing,” he said lowly, fingers twitching at his sides to reach out and touch you again. 
Your cheeks flushed pink at his words, but you shook your head and laughed. “Go on, sit down for a bit while I finish what I started.”
He wanted to argue—to assist you in your task—because being waited on like this was something he had never been used to. Instead, he did as he was told, plopping down next to Wolfie on the floor and petting him to pass the time. 
He had almost fallen asleep again, unable to fight his eyes from drooping closed, when you called to him, informing him his bath was ready. He stood and stretched, yawning as he met you at the entrance of the side room. 
“Here,” you told him, a pile of his clothes, a towel, and a washcloth in your arms, “knock yourself out. Well, don’t really.” 
He took them gratefully, smiling at your ridiculous comment as he thanked you and disappeared behind the corner. 
He quickly shed what was left of his tattered clothes, dropping them haphazardly onto the floor before stepping into the tub and lowering himself in the water.
It was hot, but it didn’t burn. In fact, it was rather soothing as it lapped at his skin. The tub was almost too small for him, however, his knees peeking out of the water from having to fold his long legs.
It was cramped but not completely uncomfortable. He sunk in a little further, letting out a pleased sigh. 
This was definitely better than the lake, that was for sure. 
Before he could relax fully, he caught sight of something on the side table next to him. He turned his head and instantly regretted it.
It was a makeup mirror you had brought, and it was angled in a way he could stare directly at his own reflection.
It made him flinch.
He didn’t look away, however, gritting his teeth against the image of himself he had loathed from the moment he transformed. But not only was he faced with his monstrous visage once more, he could now see the blood and dirt caked onto his skin, exposing him for what he truly was.
Something that was meant to kill.  
He fought the urge to shatter the glass, not wanting to destroy something that belonged to you, instead leaning over and turning it away.
As he laid back in the water and began scrubbing the grime from his body with the rag you had provided for him, a barrage of thoughts overtook his tired mind, all of them relating to you. 
He couldn’t bear to look at himself, yet you rarely took your eyes off of him.
He was disgusted by his own existence and the form he was forced to live in, yet you treated him like he was normal. Like he was a person. 
He quickly finished bathing, the water starting to cool, but he was in no rush to leave, allowing himself this moment of peace and to think. 
He rested his clawed hand against his chest and could still feel where your small palm had been placed there, could still feel the way your flesh gave under his tight hold when had embraced you. The warmth that radiated from your very being.
His hand lowered mindlessly as he lingered on the image of you stripping bare to him on that boat, offering him your impish little smirk and batted lashes over twinkling eyes. 
It lowered further as he thought of your lips, wondered how they’d feel against his skin—how soft they would be.
He hissed as his hand gently wrapped around the base of his cock, almost shocked to feel it was already achingly hard.
Leon couldn’t remember the last time he had touched himself like this.
In the beginning, he worried he would hurt himself, what with the small daggers that were his new fingers. Eventually, he dared to wander—carefully, of course—and soon it was one of the few things human left of him, to have this libido to relieve. But as the years passed and his body changed, he hardly had the urge.
And now here he was, fisting his cock at the thought of you. 
He held back a groan as he slid his thumb across his slit, imagining it was your tongue instead.
He could picture your pretty eyes looking up at him as you took him into your mouth, how you’d tease him with kitten licks and the gentle scrape of your teeth until he was begging you for more, how you’d pull away just to level him with that mischievous smirk you wore so well before you’d cave and take him to the hilt.
Leon gasped as he picked up the speed of his pumping fist, lifting his hips above the cooled water, trying to avoid sloshing it onto the floor with the motion. 
He then thought of your cunt, how sweet it would taste as he laved it with his tongue—mused about what precious little sounds he could pull from those plush, kissable lips of yours. He could almost feel how your fingers would card through his hair, yank it to get him closer to where you wanted him; how he’d tease you the way you did him before finally conceding, your desperation for him almost more delicious than the very essence of you that he fed upon.
He grit his teeth as he neared the edge, fighting to hold back.
Too soon. It was too soon.
He paused his movements, taking in a slow deep breath to calm his rapidly beating heart, letting the wave of pleasure that nearly crested over him fade to a lapping tide.
His mind slipped back into his fantasy, then, needing to finish what he started before he was driven mad with desire.
He imagined you underneath him now, bodies flush together, the head of his cock sliding against you—not a taunt but a preparation for what was to come.
He wondered how tight you’d be as he pushed inside, how warm and wet and inviting, squeezing his hand as he emulated the scene from his head.
How well would you take him?
Although much of his body had changed over the years—grown—what sat beneath his belt had not. This was not a concern for him, however, having been well-endowed even for a human man of his former stature. In fact, he almost seemed more… proportionate… now.
Would he be too much?
Or would you plead for him to go harder and faster? Deeper?
Leon couldn’t stop the near growl that escaped him as he imagined the way you’d cry out into the crook of his neck, his name like a breathless prayer against his skin. He could feel you wrap your legs around him, scraping your nails across his spine hard enough to draw blood. 
He was on the precipice once more, but this time he didn’t hold back.
He thought of you looking into his eyes as you came undone beneath him, wide and full of unshed tears, overwhelmed by the euphoria coursing through you. His body shuttered at the idea of your walls tightening impossibly around him, pulsing and wet.
He managed to bite back the whine that clawed up his throat as his cock twitched, his seed spurting across his chest and stomach.
He collapsed back into the tub, his mind so gloriously blank and full of fuzzy warmth as he caught his breath.
And then the realization hit him.
He had just masturbated. To you. While you were just on the other side of the wall, without even a door to fully separate the room. 
He was flooded with remorse, then, wondering if he had managed to keep quiet enough so that you wouldn’t hear or suspect his reckless sin against you.
He stilled, listening intently to any sounds in the house, his inhuman ears able to pick out the overlapping breaths of you and Wolfie over the whistling wind outside, right there in the dining room. 
He swallowed the lump of shame that formed in his throat and roughly wiped the spend from his flesh, the harsh scrape of coarse fabric a small punishment for his transgression.
As he dried himself and changed into sleepwear, he wondered how disgusted you’d be with him if you knew just what he was thinking.
Surely, you’d never look at him the same.
He wanted to blame his exhaustion from a sleepless night, but he knew deep down this was bound to happen eventually. Your very existence was a temptation to him, after all. 
He took a steadying breath before he finally turned the corner to face you, pleasantly surprised and more than a little relieved that you were fast asleep, curled up on his couch with a blanket draped across your legs.
He smiled softly as he approached you, all worry forgotten as a swell of affection replaced it.
You looked so sweet laying there, head resting upon the pillow you must have brought from upstairs and your pressed hands, your breaths puffing out a strand of hair hanging over your mouth. Leon quietly chuckled as he tucked it behind your ear and pulled the blanket up and around your shoulders to keep you warm before standing upright once more.
He knew as he gazed upon you that regardless of whether you returned his feelings or not, his own might never leave him. He would have to make his peace with that.
He sighed, closing his eyes tightly before opening them once more, deciding that was a problem for later.
He then sat beside Wolfie, checking on him briefly before laying down right there on the floor, exhaustion overtaking any real need for comfort. Not like he hadn’t done it the first night of your arrival, anyway.
As he drifted into a deep slumber…
He couldn’t help but dream of you.
The night had been a long one.
You had sat in the emergency room of the vet clinic with Wolfie for hours, watching as they tried to keep him alive.
You would never get the image of his terrified eyes out of your head, looking to you for help or for comfort as people he didn’t know surrounded him while he couldn’t even move.
You didn’t let your tears escape until they told you he was stable, locking yourself in their bathroom across the hall and sobbing into your hands, the events of the night finally catching up to you.
He would live.
You weren’t sure you could forgive yourself if he didn’t. You wondered if Leon would have.
Oh, Leon, you thought worriedly, I hope you’re okay.
You wished you could get ahold of him somehow to let him know Wolfie was alive, aware of the fact that even if he owned a cell phone, the village had no service anyway. You were half tempted to drive out to see him and tell him the news, but you didn’t want to leave Wolfie alone for that long.
You then recalled the bear and Leon’s promise to kill it, hoping desperately it didn’t hurt him. You didn’t know what you’d do if you drove back just to find him bleeding out in the mud like he had found Wolfie, the thought piercing your heart like a bullet.
To calm yourself, you replayed the day in your head, focusing only on all the good parts.
You thought of how he opened up to you at his friends’ graves, how he held your hand as you sat in the dirt together. 
You thought of how he slipped his palms across your waist on the boat, how he spoke so lowly in your ear, how your faces got so close in the water. 
You thought of how he stroked your hair while you sat by the fireplace, the affection so freely given it was as if he couldn’t stop himself from touching you.
You thought about how concerned he was for you when you returned to the house after finding Wolfie, how he was upset you had gotten hurt and lost in the woods and blamed himself. 
And then you thought of what he said before you left for town:
“I might lose Wolfie, but I can’t lose you too.”
Those words were looping in your brain over and over.
You knew he was just concerned with your safety, that he’d probably feel guilty if something happened to you while you were trying to save his dog, but the way he said it… The way he looked at you…
“I can’t lose you.”
It was like he meant it.
Despite your anxiety, you managed to nap a bit on the bench outside of the observation room, asking the veterinarian to wake you when Wolfie came to.
In the morning, while he was still out cold, you took a brief stroll outside of the clinic, making your way into the neighboring pet shop to bide the time. 
As you passed the shelves of toys and supplies, your eyes caught on a large blue collar, realizing that it was about Wolfie’s size. You held it aloft as you considered buying it, thinking it was almost silly to put a collar on a half-feral dog.
But then you thought of the other outsiders that might appear in the village every so often. You worried they might dog-nap Wolfie for his friendliness or kill him for his intimidating appearance, deciding it may be worth the purchase, just in case.
Besides, Leon seemed drawn to the color blue, if the majority of his shirts and his preference regarding the castle’s art was anything to go by. It was oddly endearing imagining the scorpion man and his wolf-dog matching in such a way.
After buying it and getting an engraved name tag, you returned to the clinic, petting Wolfie and offering him soft words of encouragement as the vet gave him some much-needed shots.
The rain finally subsided as you made your way back to the village, your nerves still alight despite Wolfie’s improved condition. 
When you finally pulled up to the dirt road near the lodge, you were overjoyed to see Leon appear beside the car.
Your heart was in your throat, however, when got a good look at him, his face and still-shirtless torso covered in dirt and so much blood.
You couldn’t stop the instinctual need to touch him, reaching out and placing your hand against his stained chest. “Are you okay?”
He gently laid his clawed fingers across your knuckles, pressing your palm into his skin, as if your very being was a solace to him. “I’m fine. It isn’t mine.” 
Your relief at that was palpable, beyond overjoyed that he was perfectly safe. Though, the blood had to come from somewhere, and it wasn’t all Wolfie’s. “You found the bear, I take it?”
Leon’s eyes seemed to darken, but he nodded, replying, “It won’t bother us anymore.”
The answer was jarringly cryptic, and Leon seemed more upset to admit he killed the bear than you would have thought, considering how eager he was to do it before you left.
You shook away your thoughts as he asked you questions, the conversation turning to Wolfie’s health.
You then recalled your purchase at the pet store, pulling it out of your bag and waving it in front of Leon. “Picked this up before I took him from the clinic. Hope he’ll wear it.”
You stood from the car, ready to get back to the house and take a nice, long nap, when Leon wrapped his arms around you, to your utter shock. 
He held you close to him, the strength of it enough to feel your bodies meld together, but not enough to hurt you.
It took you a moment to register it all, short-circuiting at the feeling of him against you, but you eventually hugged him in return, shivering as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck and let his breath fan across your skin.
“Thank you. For everything.” His voice was tight in his throat and it made your heart ache to hear it. 
It was the least you could do, a part of you deep down blaming yourself for what happened to Wolfie, because you had kept Leon out longer than he wanted. What if Wolfie had only been in the woods waiting for the two of you to come back? Maybe if you had agreed to return to the house before the storm hit, none of this would have happened to begin with. 
Instead of saying that, you only replied, “I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
It was still the truth, as you would do anything to protect this half-man and his dog—willing to suffer more than just a nasty cut and a sleepless night if it meant they were safe.
Leon pulled away, to your despair, and grabbed Wolfie, the three of you heading back to the house.
As you set up Wolfie near the fireplace, you couldn’t help but notice the way Leon wouldn’t take his eyes off the sleeping dog, and although you understood it, he needed to wash the blood and grime from his body and get some much-needed rest.
If your night had been rough, you couldn’t imagine what his had been like.
He argued against you making him up a hot bath, but you wouldn’t hear it, telling him your decision was final. 
“You’re stubborn as hell, you know that?” he said in faux annoyance.  
You replied, smiling, “Oh, I know, but it’s what you like about me.”
“Not the only thing.” The words and the way he said them made a tingle run up your spine, but you were quick to shoo him off, taking a deep breath as you went about your task of filling the tub.
You changed quickly into your pajamas before sending Leon to his bath, flopping onto the couch with a quiet groan after fetching your pillow and a blanket from upstairs.
You thought that maybe you could sleep forever as you shifted, getting comfortable on the old piece of furniture. You wanted to wait for Leon, though, staring up at the ceiling in quiet cogitation.
Despite your fear that you were the reason Wolfie was out in the storm in the first place, you couldn’t understate your role in saving his life. Had you not been there, Leon wouldn’t have been able to do anything, and you could sense the distress that caused him at the realization.
You worried deeply about what might happen after you leave.
A stray tear escaped your eye and you battled the awful thought of one or both of them dying out here in this village, all alone, with no one to call for. 
Wolfie was old and this place was dangerous. And even if Leon ended up being fine physically, you knew his loneliness would eat him alive, especially with the inevitable loss of his dog an ever-looming threat.
You squeezed your eyes shut, wiping them to stop you from crying.
You thought about Leon’s smile instead. Thought of his voice and his laugh and the way he looked at you. Like you were normal. Like you were important.
You could still feel the way his arms wrapped around you, how safe you felt. How cherished.
You sighed deeply, turning over to stare at Wolfie, watching the slow rise and fall of his side as he breathed. You reached out your hand to him, gently stroking his head, his fur soft and warm.
You wondered as your eyes drooped shut and your mind began to fade to unconsciousness, your fingers slowly falling away from Wolfie’s form:
How could you leave them now?
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elgascreamslikehell · 8 months
So, WIP Wednesday guys!
Surprisingly enough I'm not late! Surprisingly enough I found energy to write a little more.
In general there's really not much left but now i see the details I also need (and probably one more scene I hate to write cause it's hard and I scream every time but you know your characters decide on your behalf? They decided! You'll see) and till i still have some energy??? - I have no idea where this energy came from but i think it could be @pirrusstuff sweet aura - I proceed.
‘So…’, - Eddie starts the engine after Maddie went into the building: ‘What do you have in mind?’, - Eddie himself thinks about lunch. Then picking up Chris from school. Then…  His mind is still a little foggy from the idea that he finally got a chance but hey. Buck needed him while he was blind and vulnerable. What if something changed? That's stupid and paranoid but it's kinda hard to fight. And Buck, as always, has absolutely no idea of this: ‘I… well. I think we need to go to a TJ cause I remember vividly that you have nothing in the fridge, I'm sick of frozen pizza and I want to cook something. Also I think we should go to my place to collect my clothes and some of the kitchen stuff. So we need to go there before coming home, then I'll cook, then we pick up Chris and maybe finally watch something before the shift, oh, also we need to call Carla to check if she's fine working today, I know it's in her schedule but she needs to know that she has only one person to watch over and…’ Eddie kisses him all of the sudden and no, it's impossible to get used to that. And that's the first time Buck actually sees him. His crooked smile and his eyes full of…something ‘Fuck, Evan. I love you’. Buck shivers a little and tries to speak calmly but fails drastically: ‘I… let's start from the loft because I have one emergency thing to do’ ‘And it would be?’ - Eddie has a very mischievous grin ‘You. It would be you. And If you don't want to give LA a very inappropriate show right here - let's speed up’ And Eddie just laughs.
And updated taglist (thanks, guys, love and hugs in any acceptable by you form)
@pirrusstuff @steadfastsaturnsrings @idealuk @blackberry-l @littleblackraincloudofcourse @embarrassingggggg @bestbuddie @kaseysgirl86-blog @angryangeldreamsalad @almurg @coatedpanda16 @charleyk
To be added/removed interact please with this snippet cause I take updated version from there
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it was just recently brought to my attention (s/o anon for sending me the ask) that someone has plagiarized a fic of mine, basically word for word. the author has taken down the fic after i asked, which is so appreciated but i just wanted to come on here and voice my feelings and concerns.
this is a hobby, one i thoroughly enjoy doing when i just need to relax. and while i do enjoy this, i hope that you all can also appreciate all the thought + hard work that i put into fics/edits, to include little details and tidbits we can enjoy together. and it fucking sucks to know that someone would mindlessly just copy & paste parts of my work, change a couple of words, then claim it as their own is so disheartening and discouraging. and i'm not even trying to say that my fic is the best, incomparable, what-fucking-ever, it's the mere principle that someone would do it that makes me mad. i know that this is just some website, that this is all temporary, and maybe this isn't that big of a deal. but to me it just really fucking sucks.
i love meeting people who write fanfiction and make edits, its so much fun to exchange ideas and help each other out. but to blatantly copy work is not fun. finding out someone picked apart your work to put into their own half-assed fic is not fun.
it should go without saying but i'll say it again in case you have no decorum, no shame, no fucking common sense: don't fucking copy another person's work. don't repost as your own. don't pick apart an original piece of work, cut it up, and put it in your own fic to make it sound better.
on that note:
i'm taking a break from posting on this blog.
i'll be writing behind the scenes, i'll be curating posts to put up when im ready to come back and share again. you can still catch me on my mainblog @sssainzz to chat if you want.
bye for now. x
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yuelun · 7 months
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This will one day be a much larger post (I've already started working on it) as thoughts and details settle, but I wanted to make some quick notes (who am I kidding, this won't be a short post) here so that you guys know where my thoughts are. Just as I personally also ascribe (though I do not assume people to do the same, of course!) to the theory of ZL being a Sun-King (and potential brother to) alongside King Deshret and then Remus and/or Decarabian for numerous reasons after personally researching it myself, I also am being faced with too many coincidences when it comes to Guizhong possibly being one of the three moon sisters (or at the very least, a Seelie), who I believe to be part of a 'Seven' alongside the aforementioned four Sun-kings. Which, if the returning and reinforced leaks of Guizhong's likelihood of playability is to even be roughly taken as a possibility, then there needs to be reason for it. There's a popular theory that the Moon Sisters were shades of the Primordial One alongside Istaroth, if that is true, there may be reason in there to bring her back (even for the Tsaritsa), considering I feel like a big endgame next to the arc of Khaenri'ah, is/will be a faceoff with Celestia. Any way, this is a little incoherent, but let me put down a little list of things I want to touch on, but just can't write the full post of yet. These are just my little (ha!) thoughts.
Edit: Nevermind, it got long, it's very long, but if you like your lore and you're interested in knowing how looney deep I went with this, keep on reading! I will however, be making more parts to this as I continue on and gather lore bits. I also like documenting my journey of meta, so I can see what I thought six months prior, you know? Enjoy!
The Chasm. I'll forever stay stuck on how this part of the 'Stories of Remote Antiquity' OST plays during Guizhong's death scene. Our beloved Hoyoverse doesn't do anything by coincidence, they never once have. If they wanted to do something tragic, there are other Liyue OSTs out there that will punch you in the gut equally as much if not more. But this? This is oddly intentional. Ever since, I've been trying to figure out any potential ties to it, and with the Chenyu Vale theory out and about, claiming Guizhong to be the unnamed god (female and ever kind) that the three adepti served, another tie may be created through the fact that the people from Chenyu Vale originate from the Chasm (there's numerous tidbits as to why people tie her to Chenyu; I'd suggest the video, it's easier for now!). I also think, on some level, that if she is tied to the origins of the Chasm in some way, that it was her "descension" (or 'fall') that led to its unique creation. I don't know how the dots connect, but I've identified the dots, kind of, maybe.
The insane references to the night/moon. Her color scheme, the night sky in her sleeves, and the fact that she is inherently tied to the Glaze Lilies (which are known to bloom only at night). Furthermore, if you recognize and/or adhere to the fact that the Rite of Parting does not contain ingredients that befit Rex Lapis but instead seem to very much align with her, then there's also the Noctilucous Jade (I literally just realized that it's jade) which is known to glow at night. And then there's her inventions, which are all golden and sun-like in color scheme and I think of that line of lore about the Moon Sisters: "These three luminous moons shared but one love, the stars of daybreak." Daybreak, gold, golden, light, the sun. I'm losing my mind as I'm typing this. Any way, I digress, Noctilucous Jade is found underground, in caverns and more specifically, is rather abundant in the Chasm (my dearly detested). I've accepted that I just have an affinity to characters who seem to have either a direct or indirect tie to this place. I'll never escape it, I'll become one of its victims. /breathes, let me move onto the next point.
The Glaze Lilies. Now, while we know the Goddess of Flowers isn't a Moon Sister (this'll get tied in, I promise, please try to follow me here), the fact that she is a Seelie is important enough, for the three Moon Sisters were said to have lived alongside the race of the Seelies. This might mean some shared traits. Now even Seelies are noted to have an intricate tie to the moon, and a thing that the Goddess of Flowers was known for, was that when she danced, Padisarah flowers bloomed under her feet. 'But Sae, the Glaze Lilies didn't bloom when Guizhong danced', no no, I'll get there. It was specifically when she danced, or was around them. What I'm doing is tying these flowers to her more specifically, which is further enforced by the fact that after the Goddess of Flowers died, the Padisarahs dwindled in number until they became fully extinct. The ones you see today are not the real ones, they are replications created by Rukkhadevata herself in memory of her former friend. I note this, because a similar thing has occurred to the Glaze Lilies. In the aftermath of Guizhong's death, the Glaze Lilies that once populated the Guili Plains and Dihua Marsh have dwindled into extinction, and the only reason why they are found in Liyue today in some capacity, is because of Morax' direct influence (last few lines; and yes, I'm aware this is 'unreleased canon' at present, but none in this contradicts our current lore in any way, so I bear no qualms in making even loose use of it), but this seems to also insinuate that the Glaze Lilies that we see today, are not the real ones. So in essence, when the moment of the departure/death of the Goddess of Flowers came about, a specific flower associated with her came to perish as well. Is it a concept of, if the creator (one tied so intricately to the moon) is gone, do her creations wither away much in the same way? Now to mention one final thing, is the flower that most closely resembles the Glaze Lily: the Nilotpala Lotus. Not only do they share a color palette and very similar design, they share the peculiar behavior of blooming only at night, when subjected to the light of the moon itself. Now the most important thing to note here, is that the Nilotpala Lotuses were literally created and bloomed when the Moon Sisters stepped foot into Teyvat. One could, in essence, see the two flowers as 'lunar flowers'. Listen, I've never quite liked coincidences.
Dust. Now, this is a little more of a 'loose' connection and also me slightly rambling about something else that intrigues me to the moon and back (no pun intended), but it has my mind going insane nonetheless. Also, the very end is a reach, I'm aware, we know next to nothing about the Shades. Any way, Guizhong is inherently tied to two things: dust and alchemy. And these two become even more important when combined. Now, you'll have to strap in and wait for the little 'tie-in' at the end, because this can take a little bit. Her God name is 'Haagentus', which stems from Haagenti, one of the demons from the Ars Goetia. Within demonology, Haagenti is firmly tied to alchemy and transmutation, and while I'm not going to focus too much on specifics outside of the game, it is noted that 'he makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine.' Sound fitting enough already, no? Now, outside of her name, let me hone in on some really clear alchemy references that you can find on and around her person. When you look at her design, Guizhong has numerous accessories that seem to be very closely resembling alchemy keys or symbols of some kind (this is not my area of expertise, but I will make it so if need be after this post, unless someone recognizes these symbols), primarily the 'pin' that holds the main portion of her hair back, a tattoo on her upper back, the 'petals' on her sleeves, and what has me most intrigued are the following two things: the symbols actively floating around her (and for clarity, see her cutscene, timestamped, shows them to be animated and coming from her and not the Cleansing Bell), and her anklet in a similar shape (which also seems to be a unique design in Genshin so far). Now, with alchemy established, let me hound on something that ties dust into alchemy, and what it means within Teyvat. Yes, I'm going to touch on its importance within the Art of Khemia, an advanced form of alchemy that is said to have been closely tied to Khaenri'ah (and might I note: Guizhong is noted to have numerous Ruin Guards, Khaenri'an technology, in her domain roughly 2000 years before they ever reached the surface of Teyvat's). Any way, this is where I need to touch on Albedo's character details, specifically the following:
"The universe is heaven reversed, and the earth is a dream lost to time. This is dust, the most basic form of complex life." As if to provide evidence for this claim, Albedo lifted the burnt ash of the flower that once grew atop a Dendro Slime's head. Seconds later, a Cecilia sprouted forth from the ash in his hand. "And this... is new birth."
And then from the caption in Collected Miscellany - "Albedo: Kreideprinz":
"Soil and chalk, the universe and earth, pure dust and the birth of human life... There is no mistaking it."
A little tie to the creation of life, interesting, indeed. Alright, now while it's not canon by any means, it is a popular enough theory that the Moon Sisters were three (out of four) of the Primordial One's Shades. And one of them is noted to have been in part responsible for the creation of life. Now I'm not tying this Shade into Guizhong, but I'm simply drawing the potential importance of her title of 'God of Dust' into the equation, or simply to reiterate the importance of dust within the existence of Teyvat as a whole as it stands today. And what it might mean if she was indeed, a Moon Sister (to tie into this, the 'Sun-Kings' are also firmly tied to the creation of life; I believe most of this 'generation' of gods would be). Anyway, continuing!
Now, there is a reference (which I do have to note is a legend and nothing more, but we'll take it to heart) that tells me that it's certain that at least two Moon Sisters are 'confirmed' dead, by account of there being only one moon left in Teyvat's sky, instead of three. The legend notes that two 'shattered into dust' (hello, dust) and subsequently disappeared which seems to be indicative of their death, and one secluded herself within the Lunar Palace and was never seen again. Now the tale of legends recounts that the moon we still see is tied to the corpse of a Moon Sister, but how has that one endured when the other two have not? There are no remains of the other two, why not? Unless the third Moon Sister didn't actually die, or 'fully' die. Bear with me, this is where it gets very hypothetical, but it makes enough sense in my head, I'm mostly just having issues putting all of this into proper words. The reference given above is from Moonpiercer, an Aranara weapon. These little green friends had seen the Moon Sisters descend into Teyvat multiple times (we know this, due to the much earlier referenced blooming of the Nilotpala Lotuses), and at one point no longer saw them come down. Whatever 'calamity' occurred during which the Moon Sisters were said to have died, the Aranara reference that they died, and noted the way in which they perished, but unless this information was given to them by the envoys between Teyvat and Celestia, the Seelies, this would have consisted of pure speculation and assumption. After all, everything returns to dust, even deities such as the Moon Sisters. What if that's exactly what happened with the third Moon Sister? What if her death never occurred, or, what if the death was more symbolical in a sense of, she strayed from that level of divinity, what if she fell from the Lunar Palace and landed in... the Chasm? The place that is said to have been created by a large impact to its region, and later on also was the location of the fall of the Solar Chariot?
In essence, yes, I'm making the argument that Haagentus might just be this specific Moon Sister. 'But Sae, she's dead now, isn't she?' Yes, but look at the condition that she's in upon her death: she is encased in stone, fully petrified (and who is the only one we know to wield such power?), and even the dust that abandoned her, is encased overhead (again, a power we see Zhongli wield during the final cutscene in Perilous Trail without barely lifting a finger). What if the only reason that the final moon has not gone out and dark over Teyvat, is because her remains have been tied to the lands by Zhongli himself, who if you ascribe to the theory of Sun-King Zhongli, has even more reason to not let her go?
/munches on a cookie as a little reward for myself for managing to finish all of this semi-coherently, and gives you a cookie for having gotten through all of this.
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
As it turns out, I should never say "never" because despite what I claimed earlier, I still have one more "Hansel and Gretel" post to make! This one I wanted to make for a long time but simply forgot about, and so I'll make it now to conclude my long series of "Hansel and Gretel" posts. (I also do think it is time to make a new masterpost soon)
And in this post, I want to talk about Neil Gaiman's Hansel and Gretel.
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"What?" you ask. "Neil Gaiman did a Hansel and Gretel story? When? Where?". And indeed, many people seem to have overlooked it, but the author of pieces such as "Coraline", "The Graveyard Book", "Sandman", "Stardust" and many more has done an illustrated book for children retelling the story of Hansel and Grtel - with accompanying illustrations by Lorenzo Mattoti. Illustrations that do set the tone for the story, since they are black and white illustrations in the style of shadow-puppets, presenting small, featureless characters in vast, enormous, dark landscapes.
It was released all the way back in 2014 (October or November if I recall well?)
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Given this book as made for children, and not much talked about, it is a bit hard to get, and is not placed on the same shelves as Gaiman's other adult and teenage-oriented works. I personally only could have an experience of the story by listened to "read-through" and audio versions of the book, unable to get any physical copy - but maybe it is just because live in France? I don't know.
But of course I cannot ignore what Neil friggn' Gaiman would have done with "Hansel and Gretel". Neil Gaiman is famous for his fairytale-inspired works, but to my knowledge most of what he did was either fairytale-fantasy (Coraline, Stardust), either dark, mature and twisted retellngs of fairytales (Snow, Glass, Apples ; The Sleeper and the Spindle). I think it was the first time Neil Gaiman did a straight retelling of a fairytale, directly aimed at children.
Which is fascinating because I read something about it in a book recently. Remember when I told you about this book about fairytale villains - a book which disappointed me because it wasn't a character study and more of a general look at the publication and "sanitization" of fairytales today. Well this book still contained fascinating parts and tidbits - and one of them was an explanation that, the rewrite of a classic fairytale for children was one of those "initiation rites" or "obligatory steps" in a writer's career. The writing - not the invention, but the rewrite - of a famous fairytale is one of the most common "exercice of style" a writer can perform. Because they are forced to keep the basic story, the main plotline, the core tale, and can't change it too much... But they have to shine by the little details. The tone of the story, the way they fill some plotholes, or how they smooth or erase certain details, or certain traits they give to the characters. Little details, little changes, but that reflect how well they handle a story or what message they want to carry through the tale.
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And what are those small changes Gaiman brings to the tale? I won't copy-paste the whole story here of course, but be warned of spoilers as I will break down the little things Gaiman added or changed compared with the original tale.
The opening of the tale pecises that it was uring the time of the reader/listenr's "grandmothers", or perhaps in the time of their grandmothers' grandfathers. All in all, it was back when "we all lived at the edge of the great forest".
There is an explicit mention that Gretel is the oldest sister, Hansel the youngest, and they are two years apart. Gretel used to be called Greta, and her birthname is Margaret ; while Hansel's birthname was "Hans", which his parents turned to Hansel because "they could not make it shorter".
Neil Gaiman depicts a specific family life for the children. Hansel and Gretel did not go to school, because school was far away from the forest near which they lived, and it needed money - too much money for the humble life of a woodcutter. However their father "taught them the way of the woods", while their mother taught them skills such as sewing, cooking and cleaning. Hansel and Gretel's parents were not the best in the world - their mother was bitter and sharp-tongued, and their father was a sullen man always eager to be away from his little house. But the children were happy as long as they could play in the forest, climb on trees, swim in nearby trees - and have enough food. The narration details the different foods and meals the family could afford during the "better days", when their father was paid well for his wood. Regular meals involved cabbages, fresh bread, eggs, things of the sort - and when they had more money, their father bought meat from the butcher, or a live animal that they killed and ate themselves. But even then, there was still some beast to capture in the woods - some rabbits to catch or ducks to find. The narrator insists "There was always food". [Oh yes, forgot to mention - no stepmother here, Gaiman reused the original story involving only the children's mother]
The reason for the family's bad situation is explicitly referred to as a war followed by a famine. It began when soldiers arrived and stole the cabbages, the chickens and the ducks - they were men motivated by a mixture of anger, hunger, boredom and fear. The local farmers were either taken and forced to be new soldiers, or killed by other soldiers - their fields either burned by the war, or left to rot since nobody could tend to them. Hansel and Gretel's own house was located far away from the war, and their father never knew why the soldiers went fighting or who they were fighting - all they knew that was there was the war, and the soldiers were fighting. But the household felt the effect of the war as the butcher lacked meat to sell, the baker didn't have any more flour to bake, and the family could only have scarse and bad or stale food.
The dialogue where the mother convinces her husband to abandon the children relies on emotion vs logic. The mother acts purely and entirely out of logic - and even claims it herself. She says that it is better for two people to die than four ; she explains that if the father doesn't eat and deprive himself for his children, he won't be able to cut the wood/earn money and they'll all die of starvation ; she also adds that it isn't about killing the children, but about losing them in the woods. Maybe some kind stranger will help them and care for them! she says - only for the father to reply in anger "Maybe a bear will devour them!". But despite's the father emotional refusal, the mother still ends up convincing him somehow. (There is also the mention that Hansel was listening to the conversation because he was so hungry he couldn't sleep - though he said nothing and refused to complain, given he knew how difficult the situation was)
The clue that makes Hansel understand his father accepted their mother's idea is because one morning he claims he will take the children into the woods and teach them how to cut the wood - something which is unusual since before their father always refused to let them accompany him to work, saying the woods were too dangerous for children.
The father here asks the children to sit down in a grove of birch trees and wait for him: he creates a small fire for them to sit by, and even offers them his lunch, promising to return for them. Hansel knows he won't - but Gretel stays convinced that they must wait and that their father is merely "delayed", until finally she has to admit he won't come back. (Hopefully Hansel had prepared the pebbles)
When the children return to their house, their father (who has been noted to have a crimson face and teary eyes, as if he had been crying and drinking) is so happy he offers them two syrup-covered cherries. This is no random decision, as they are kept in a jar in the house - a jar which once was full but now is almost empty. And as the children slowly savor their cherries, their mother, pale and with pinched leeps, looks hungrily at the four leftover cherries in the jar...
The next attempt at losing the children (and this second one is the successful one) happens a few weeks after the first. This time Hansel is caught unprepared, as their father announces he takes them in the woods one morning, right now, on the spot, without Hansel having heard anything the night before. This is why he must use one of the two freshly-baked loaves of bread their mother baked them for the morning.
There is an insistance on how deep and far their father takes them, compared to the first time. They pass by creepy trees that look like "scraping and scratching hands", then their father helps them cross a river, showing them where to go and where it's too deep ; they reach a deeper part of the forest where the enormous twisted trees as like "giants frozen in time", and there is the poetic line of the thorns and brambles of the forest constantly gripping the clothes of the kids, as if to try to keep them here and prevent them from going further.
The second time they are abandoned, it is Gretel who is the first to admit and recognize their father won't be coming back - showing that she learned from her first experience.
When the children discover the birds (wood pigeons) eating the bread, while Hansel says nothing, Gretel takes pity upon them, commenting that even the animals of the forest are hungry.
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It is not a bird that attracts the children to the house - but the sweet and warm smell of gingerbread, that Hansel catches first, and then Gretel. A smell of honey cakes, and ginger, and spices, that makes their stomach hurt and makes them run with hunger towards the source of the scent.
The house of the witch is described as smaller than the one of Hansel and Gretel, and made of fresh gingerbread. It is decorated with green and red candies of hard-sugar, and the window panes are also clear sugar.
Like in the first-edition version of the Grimm tale (which obviously seems to be Gaman's main source), the witch does have a creepy little rhyme as she comes out of the house "Who nibbles my house? Is it a mouse?" she says with a gentle and amused voice), and the children do not answer, speechless (but their mouth too full). However, as the narrator points out, they are relieved after a moment of scare, to see that it is "no ogre or monster" that comes out of te house, but a "kindly-faced old woman with dim eyes", hobbling around and using a cane/stick to walk.
The inside of the house is described as having just a single room, with a "huge brick oven" on one end. The other main furniture of the house is a table, though later the text also mentions two little beds prepared for Hansel and Gretel (but that are quickly removed after their first night), and the witch's own bed.
The meal the old woman first offers the children is made of candied fruits, cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits, and all sorts of other delicious treats - but as the children note, there is absolutely no meat. When asked about it, the old woman has a long explanation which is FILLED with creepy foreshadowing. The woman says that she has grown too old and too short-sighted to be hunting animals in the forest. That now, all she can do is "lay her bait" in the forest and hope it catches something - and she complains that even if she does manage to capture something, the creature will be too scrawny and need a good fattening up. "But now that you are here, perhaps now there will be meat once again".
The deep sleep the children fall into after their first meal at the woman's house is explicitly caused by drugs that the old woman placed in their food. Now, the VERY interesting thing in Neil Gaiman's retelling is that nowhere the word "witch" appears in the story. It is clear that the old woman has magic - but she is never called anything else than "the old woman", leaving her true nature more ambiguous. The only "reveal" the narrator tells us after confirming that the children were drugged into sleep, is that the old woman was much stronger than she let them believed - as she had a horrible, "sinewy" strength to her.
Hansel is locked up in a cage with rusty metal bars, inside a stable behind the house - with nothing in it but straw and a "few ancient, well-chewed bones". Every day she serves him lots of food, "cakes, potatoes, candied fruits, puddings, gruels, crumbles" and many more dishes. She also stays by his side until he finishes everything - and carefully listens to make sure he eats every dish until there is nothing, poking him with her stick if he ever complains about being too full or unable to eat. Gretel, meanwhile, finds herself chained to the table and unable to leave the house - in fact she doesn't see her brother until the end of te tale, staying alone with no contact with him for a very long time. The old woman forces Gretel to clean the house and cook for her, and if she doesn't do her chores quick enough, the old one beats her and insults her.
Neil Gaiman adds a fascinating detail to the way the old woman treats Gretel. When she is in a good mood, she promises to care for Gretel, and to protect her as she will grow into a woman. She also promises to teach her all her secrets, three of which are explicitely named: to call the birds down from the trees (implying she might have sent the wood pigeons devour their food, though it is a subtext monly) ; to ensnare travellers (the scent of the gingerbread house was described in ways implying it was much more powerful than regular gingerbread scent should be) ; and to make sure anyone that comes to the cottage never leaves. But, as the narrator points out, an hour or so after each of these promises, the old one would be back to scolding Gretel and telling her she was a good for nothing. Gretel in turn barely speaks to the old woman, merely saying one word or two, to the point the old woman starts to believe she might be a "half-wit".
One month or so after first being imprisoned, the old woman decides to eat Hansel because she has been running out of patience - but she still doesn't want to eat Gretel apparently. In fact she has this horrible line, "We will roast your brother, but do not be sad: I'll give you the bones to chew, little one." And when, after playing dumb, Gretel pushes the old woman into the oven, there is another great line: "The girl had learned more from the woman than she thought."
After burning the old woman, Gretel steals her keys from under the woman's pillow and sets herself and her brother free, and they hug in the sunshine... But Neil Gaiman insists on the fear and slight trauma the two kids went through. Gretel doesn't just push the old woman and lock the door - she holds the door tight, she listens until the horrible screams of the woman die out, and still then she fears of letting go of the door, fearing the hag would somehow come back from the fire and crawl out of the oven. And when she sets Hansel free, she is puzzled and she marvels at two things 1) at how her little brother turned into a "plump young man" (after all she hasn't seen him for a whole month, during which he was force-fed fattening witch-food) and 2) at how he mysteriously holds a little bone in his hand, as if his whole life depended on it (the reader knows why Hansel clings on to this bone ; Gretel does not).
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The children still make sure the old woman is truly dead: they return to the house (now filled with the smell of burned human flesh), and once the oven cooled down they open it to see the charcoaled, blackened husk of their tormentor... And a little iron key that, as they discover, opens a chest beneath the old woman's bed. Said best contains all the treasures she took from the many travellers that came to her house: gloves, hats, rings set with rubies and diamonds, gold coins and silver coins, chains of gold and of silver, pearl necklaces, clothes of satin and silk... The children quickly replace their old rags with new clothes from the chest, put all the jewels, gems and coins they can in a big bag, and leave the house.
Since Neil Gaiman based his retelling on the first-edition version of the tale, there is no duck to help the children cross the stream. They simply come across the same river they had encountered at the beginning of the tale, and use what their father had taught them then, so as to cross in the most shallow area of the water. They then return to the part of the forest they are the more familiar with - the one where they played and climbed on trees. And fnally they return home...
They do not dare get too close to their home, but they still call out to their parents. Their father answers, overwhelmed with joy, confessing he couldn't sleep or find peace ever since he abandoned them, and that he searched for them every day. The children ask where their mother is - explaining they brought enough riches for her to eat whatever she wants, go wherever she wants, and never fear hunger again. Their father silently gestures at the grave he dug for her. Here the narrator offers several reasons why their mother died: maybe she died of hunger? Maybe something "ate her from the inside". Maybe she died of anger? Maybe she died because of the loss of her children? But ultimately, as the narrator concludes, we will never know.
After doing the traditional conclusion about how the family never lacked anything again, always had food on their table, and solved most of their problems with the newfound wealth, the story goes on for a few more paragraphs. It explains that Hansel and Gretel each ended up marrying happily (though the story does not mention who they married), and that there was so much food at their wedding feasts that the guests "had their belts burst, and fat dripping from their chins". The fairytale concludes with: "And the pale moon looked kindly upon them all."
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sholangagaga · 1 year
Why do you think Monty hates Freddy so much?
I feel like there's a few reasons, but canon confirms at least one or two of them in the form of little tidbits of information. I'll go into detail under the cut.
(Still going to advise of Ruin Spoilers, even though it's been a couple weeks. I will eventually stop warning of spoilers though!)
This is something that I've been thinking about for a while, honestly. Now that my views of Monty have changed a bit, so too have my ideas of his motivations.
Since I don't believe Monty hated or shattered Bonnie, that erases a big causation of his rage that we see and hear of in the game. However, since there isn't much proof to say that Monty hated Bonnie, there is a lot of proof to say that Monty hated Freddy.
And he hated Freddy a lot.
My biggest problem was trying to figure out why he hated Freddy so much. Some people who probably attribute this hate to how popular Freddy is and used that to compound the idea that Monty was a vicious and jealous and wanted to get rid of everyone in his way.
However, when it came to Monty craving the spotlight and wanting to get rid of everyone who got in the way of that, why didn't he ever show the same disdain to Chica and Roxy? They were more popular than him too, and wouldn't it be easier to soak up all the fame by just simply getting rid of ALL of them so he was the lone one on the stage? And, if they weren't included in his jealousy, why was it only Freddy? Was Monty sexist, maybe seeing the girls as lesser in general? You would think he'd hate Roxy the most, since she's so narcissistic and stand-offish and would have clashed with Monty the most. Freddy, by all accounts, was a sweetheart. He probably would have done anything Monty said out of blind trust to his friends.
So, why hate him so much?
I think Monty's hatred of Freddy stemmed from something deeper. Monty is portrayed in these theories and scenarios as someone who craves the spotlight, who'd do anything for the spotlight but. . .we know that to be false
Monty's beginnings in Gator Golf implies he was just a humble strummer in his bayou. He wasn't built or programmed to be a star. He wasn't even made for the band, he only took over because Bonnie went missing.
And, a dufflebag notice debunks this as well. In Monty Mischief, you learn of an odd behavior the Gator tends to get up to.
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
Now, a couple things to note; the very first word you see is "errant". Now errant has a few definitions, so I'll post a summary of them here from Merriam-Webster
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Errant; to behave wrongly
Monty, according to the technicians, is behaving incorrectly. He's SUPPOSED to be at the main stage, but he just blows it off to muck around in his attraction. Is that the behavior of someone who wants fame all to himself?
To me, I think maybe Monty doesn't care about the stardom anymore. He had his fill after Bonnie disappeared and now that he knows what the fame is actually like behind the scenes, he's tired of it. He wants to go back to his attraction, to have fun and no longer have any of these responsibilities.
Which brings me to the first theory/reason of Monty's hatred for Freddy.
Theory A: Monty is tired of the stardom and misses his simple days, and perhaps blames Freddy for that.
Monty seems to not care about the spotlight anymore. He wanders around his attraction and goes to the catwalks where the kids and games are. He destroys his greenroom and everything around him, like he's throwing a tantrum.
Freddy is so popular he's always doing shows and as such, is always inadvertently forcing Monty to have to be present for the shows (he's the bassist! They're pretty important! If you lose the bass in a band, the songs lose their underlying tune and edge! Respect your bassists!) and Monty was simply resented Freddy for it.
Theory B: Monty hates how popular Freddy is and wants him out of the way.
This is the main theory that I see everyone leaning towards. We get a bunch of evidence for this too, such as one of the endings of the OG SB
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Freddy leaves, Monty takes over as the leader and becomes the new face of Fazbear Entertainment. Probably a happy ending for everyone involved, I'd say. You could even say that his ditching main performances is purely because he doesn't want to be a bassist, he wants to be the star of the show. If he can't hog all of the attention, then what point is there for him to even bother showing up?
Monty's rage could be chalked up to him hating how much everyone loves Freddy, and maybe he wants that all to himself. (Though this theory pokes holes in the Monty-Killed-Bonnie theory, cause why target BONNIE if FREDDY is the leader? Especially since becoming bassist probably wasn't enough for him)
You even see it in Ruin when the ride gets to the final point and you see glammed Monty standing alone before a beheaded Freddy statue
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And finally, the third theory
Theory C: Monty hates Freddy because of his relationship with Bonnie.
If we go by my prior theories of Monty not being the cause of Bonnie's disappearance/death and Monty's admiration for him, then his hate of Freddy becomes way more focalized on one single thing.
Bonnie and Freddy were THE duo. The rabbit and the bear, always together. They had matching earrings, Freddy gave Bonnie a signed poster of how they'd be together forever, Freddy's grief of Bonnie no longer being around; it was obvious they were close.
And what if Monty was jealous of that?
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In this shot, Freddy is blacked out. Completely erased from the band. Chica and Roxy are still lit up, but we don't actually know how Monty felt about them, if he cared for them at all. But Bonnie is there, looking at Monty. Monty is holding a bass/banjo, and his motif eventually adopts the same stars as Bonnie (especially the glasses and bass, which were probably given to Monty directly)
What if Monty wanted to replace FREDDY, and therefore have the fame (and Bonnie's attention) all to himself? Maybe Monty thought that if he took Freddy's place, Bonnie would look at him like he hung the stars. There's no way Monty could have known that that wouldn't ever happen, because the rabbit and the bear is the dynamic duo. If Freddy disappeared, Bonnie would grief and mourn him. And fate was cruel to instead take away Bonnie, leaving Monty with a spot on the band, but not the spot he wanted.
So he wears the shades and plays the bass, but grows tired of it. What point is there to perform if He isn't there to see it? Why help out Freddy, who was his rival in everything, when he could just sabotage shows and goof off? Why please people who look at him like he's just a replacement, like a murderer who got rid of Bonnie just to squander the chance he was given?
By the time Gregory appears, Monty is just a shadow of his former self and what he wanted to be.
Monty hates Freddy, maybe for one of the reasons I mentioned, maybe for none of them, or maybe for a little bit of everything. We'll probably never know, cause the truth of it all died with Monty.
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dinoplantsghost · 3 months
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Dino || she/her || idk man im just here
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This blog will be turning into an archive for tidbits I have for a Tom Riddle fanfiction I am writing called Play with Fire on Wattpad
This may include:
chapter updates
character sheets
info dumps
songs lists
I am going to be completely real when I say I genuinely have no idea how to navigate Tumblr but I am so fucking passionate about this project that it is quite literally all I can think about at the moment.
If you happen to find my work through this blog, then cool! Hi! I hope I can inspire some people to write through this project that I have been working on for a little over a year or so now, and I have only started to kick things into gear this month (June 2024).
I do want to post chapters here, but as I said, I don't know how to navigate on this platform so that might take a while. For now, this blog will serve as a placeholder for additional content of this project. Maybe I'll drop oneshots or scenes that didn't quite make the cut, but we'll see :)
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dividers (Blue Pack ed.): @ioveartfilm
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dragons-and-magic · 4 months
Okay, here it goes!
James and Nia for Humanised, Dragon, and Monster!❤️🧡
James and Thomas for Dragon!❤️💙
Gordon and Edward in Humanised!💙🩵
(For this ask game) Awesome!
WOAH. That's a lot! I hope I can come up with that much stuff!🤣 No problem though! I think I'll do three headcanons/dynamics per au. That way it's not too overwhelming for me. Hope that's okay.😅
Long post below the cut. You have been warned. Lol.
James and Nia Headcanons/Dynamics
(Humanized AU: Engines but as hoomans.)
1: I like to think Nia works as a Zoo Keeper at the Sodor Zoo. So she has access to all kinds of animals. Including bugs. And James definitely doesn't bugs. However that doesn't stop Nia from trying to show him them. Or whatever potentially creepy crawly critters the zoo has. Meaning on occasion you'll see James run off screaming while Nia is laughing her head off and holding a giant tarantula or something.
2: James is a fashion designer in the human au, so maybe Nia shows him some fashion trends from Kenya or something? And that inspires him to make a line of clothing based off of them? That might be cool.
3: This one really applies to any au. But I thought I'd add it anyway. I could be just me, but Nia seem to enjoy a little playful pranking. And so does James. I feel like there could be some really good potential for funny stuff right there.👀 Maybe they team up on something? And they bring along Thomas too? That would be a funny fanfic right there. Lol.
(Monster Engine AU: Engines, but Beasty! :D)
Honestly @ohjeeztrains would probably be better at this, but I'll give it my all!
1: As monster engines, Nia would probably be leopard inspired. And I could see James vaguely resembling a lion. I should draw this actually. I've never tried my hand at monster engines.👀 On a side note, I like to think Nia was a feral monster engine someone found in Africa. And maybe Sir Topham Hat brought her over to see if she'd like it there on Sodor.
2: Uh, let's see. How about Nia liking to sleep in trees like a leopard? That would be funny. And James is trying to figure out way on earth she would do that, until she invites him up to try it. Sir Topham Hat then had to call the rescue team for a very frightened red monster engine stuck in a tree.🤣
3: This one doesn't have James in it, but I thought it would be funny. Nia sees zebras at the zoo.🦓🦓🦓Pro: They remind her of home. Con: She likes to chase zebras for fun. Cue her poor crew getting jostled about as she gleefully gallops after said zebras. Lol.
(Dragon AU: Engines, but dragons. My au!)
This one I can probably handle! Quick note to anyone reading. I ship James and Nia in my AU, so that's why these will probably seem a bit shippy. Anyways, on with the headcanons!
1: Nia is a tropical wyvern and used to warm weather. When she moves to Sodor, it so flipping cold. Luckily, James is a Phoenix Wyvern/Dragon and is very warm. And he's also very fluffy. So you'll on occasion, see her hiding under his wing, enjoying the toasty warm heat.
2: James loves mangos in this au. And Africa definitely has Mangos. And since James is the one to go on the adventure in this version of BWBA, I'm sure Nia showed him a mango orchard. They had a lot of mangos before the farmer almost saw them and they had to skedaddle.🥭🥭🥭🥭
3: On the BWBA adventure, they ran into a lot of scary situations. And James has terrible survival skills. Nia had to save him a lot. From all kinds of stuff. Snakes, ravines, his own incompetence.🤣
4: Bonus tidbit. James had rarely seen any tropical wyverns before. Even though he's half one. So after meeting Nia, he learned a few things about himself he didn't even know he had. Like being able to climb trees and walls with the hooks on his wings. And the fact he has a venomous bite. (That last one is based loosely off of real wyvern legends!)
And that's it for them! Next up;
James and Thomas Headcanons/Dynamics
(Dragon AU: Engines, but dragons. My au!)
1: Thomas like to play wrestle. And his two favorite people to do this with is Percy and James. Although, sometimes, the wrestling spawns from James and Thomas being frickin fed up with each other and then they really get rowdy.😂
2: When they get older, James is usually Thomas's partner on missions to bring fleeing dragons back to Sodor. They're surprisingly a good team.
3: James was initially jealous of Thomas over him being next in line for the Dragon Clan's patriarchy. That eventually worked itself out though. And they are actually quite close now. Most people don't realize though, with all their banter.
Gordon and Edward headcanons/dynamics
(Humanized AU: Engines but as hoomans.)
Oof. This is gonna be tough. I've always struggled with the human AUs. Unfortunately, I think the only one I have is this one.
1: Out of everyone, they are the best cooks in the entire family. But Gordon is better at fancy cuisine and Edward will makes the best traditional British food you'll every have in your life.👨‍🍳
I wish I was better at human au headcanons. The problem is most of my headcanons fit into literally anything and not a specific au.😅
Well, I hope like these! Thanks for the ask!
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cuppajj · 2 years
I do have a lot of quastions about the mech pilot au but these are the ones I'm most curious about:
- how do titans work - do cityspeakers work double time or is something else involved?
- in that vein, what is the Lost Light like? assuming it's part of the mech pilot au similar to your sentient ll au
- do you have any crumbs of mech pilot au mythos/historical records/urban legends to share? I do love me some in-universe lore tidbits
I wrote a little about titans in the greater lore post, so for convenience I'll put what I had here before answering:
Titans are directly spawned from Primus, and the only case of a fully sentient mecha. Curiously though, they can create artificial human bodies to masquerade as an ordinary mech pilot. Some are the size of entire cities, though others are only the size of massive starships. Long ago, the city titans served as as vessels tasked to form colonies on other planets, while the starship titans were talked to chart the edges of the known universe. However, some have remained on Cybertron, and their artificial human consciousnesses walk among ordinary society. Their speakers are real humans who attain cybernetic attachments to help them last longer with their titan, but they are still mortal and die after thousands of years.
On that note:
Speakers are normal humans who receive cybernetic enhancements that extend their lifespan, so they can serve their respective titan the same way they do in the normal universe. They're still mortal however, and are rotated once every ~10,000 years. Being a speaker is a lifelong commitment, and much of their time is devoted to being with their respective titan. It's kinda similar to going to live in a monastery, what with the potential isolation and commitment, but speakers still get more free time than that.
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okay so I’m kinda in contention with if I actually want LL to be sentient here, my brain really wants them to be canonically sentient in the main au (esp because the events of MTMTE don’t really happen here) but at the same time, I don’t want to go inserting sentient LL into everything since they’re technically an au in themself! I know mech pilot is my own au but still 😂 that being said I def wrote some parts of the lore post with LL in mind so maybe, anyway: Sentient!LL would be a titan who spends most of their time using their artificial human form (titans don’t turn into humans, they’re more like puppets they control remotely with their own consciousness). Pyxis, their first and only speaker, died eons ago, and they haven’t had another since. Light would be friends with the staff at the academy/organization that trains mech pilots and sends them on missions, especially the uppers (Ultra Magnus in particular). He also hangs out with Rodimus, though their dynamic isn’t the same as it is in the normal SLLAU. Light is still parental in nature to him, but they’re more of an aunt/uncle or family friend figure who isn’t always there but brightens everyone’s day when they are. LL the titan is the same size as their normal counterpart I’d say, which in human proportions is a lot bigger. They were likely meant to serve as an arkship, but they might’ve been a little late to the party.
Still working on the lore bits but for some small bits I’ve been thinking about: humans (cybertronians) have colonies on other planets outside the main set of planets, and there are ancient ruins scattered throughout the galaxy rumored to be built by the knights of cybertron (Rodimus is interested in this). I said these to you in dms but just to reiterate here for everyone else: The best of the best pilots have been to Unicron (The primes and their closest allies), and they’re actually tracking his movement, and there’s a routine visit to it to keep the tracker up to date. The guiding hand was like the first five pilots (with rung in possession of the first forged from Primus’s core), while the 13 were the first 13 to traverse the stars. This could change though so nothing guaranteed!
The quintessons might’ve been Quintus Prime’s fault, splitting from everyone and deciding to do funky life making magic on a desolate planet isn’t going to end well if you mess up
The organization that hires and trains mech pilots is an offshoot of a special organization that has been guarding the planet since before the era of Optimus. Postwar, most of this org consists of Autobots with Optimus himself at the helm.
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lgbtlunaverse · 11 months
wip tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @woobifiedvillain @frodo-of-the-nine-fingers and @tavina-writes
... ALL of them?
i mean i guess i could just forcus on ones i've recenly worked on but that's BORING let's brave the depths! Also, you guys have a wip folder? I have 3 folders organized for different fandoms that countain maybe 30% of my actual wips, the rest I just rawdog in the "recently opened" page of google drive. a good number of these don't even HAVE titles
honorable mention to my very much finished and NOT wip fic "red string wrapped aorund your throat" which has never actually been titled that in docs. the document is titled "package deal but in a bad way" which sums up nieyao quite nicely.
in no particular order: here are the actual wips. i'll number the ones with no title to differentiate them.
In another life
untitled document (number 1)
krknhn au
togachako spidergirl au
triple cultivation au
untitles document (number 2)
the cyberpunk au & where else to go <- (i'm grouping these together becuase they're the same fic just different documents.)
3zun reverse au domestic tidbit
untitled document (number 3)
polycule from hell
there's an engagement ring in my apartment right now
nie parents prelude
chapter 3 warped rail fic
untitled document (number 4) & togachako timeskip au exerpt <- (these are just the same fic again)
an unauthorised fan treatise on the nature of the relationship betweem jin guangyao and lan xichen
character motivations and analyses chapter 3 warped rail fic
warped rail fic layout (outline) <- i'm not sure if the previous 2 count as wips because they're like. supplementary documents?? but just to show you how much chapter 3 fucking haunts me. this isn't even the last doc specifically pertaining to that chapter.
patho fic clara
short story fuyumi
untitles document (number 5)
Siren au
an interesting team (kurodai)
ushiiwaoi royalty au
iwaoi fantasy au <- this one's just a prequel to the previous one. and also finished?? has been for 2 years? maybe i should post it
born with everything snippets
loveless in grace
ushiiwaoi childhood friends au
bnha fic ideas
what would you trade the pain for & nielan side tangent <- (same fic)
untitled document (number 6)
untitled document (number 7)
helpless (kiyoyachi) perspective
ushioi college fic (chapter 3)
the secret behind these doors
ushiiwaoi soulmate
born with everything snippets <- (look it's warped rail fic again i'm not even gonna bother to group these)
dabitwice prequel fic & dabihawkstwice fantasy au
our flag means death fic
deltarune au
arcane fic
family doesn't end in blood
ushisaku single parent au
living up to the name
fuyumi pov extra (chapter 3) <- (IT'S MY NEMESIS AGAIN)
kenhina valentine's day
atsukage wip
ushisakuatsu thread
MA chapter 8 & the nakano meiko arc <- (these are both from montem ascendes. every single Ma chapter has its own doc i am not listing the posted ones)
all seijoh and stz captains are gay, it's the law
wlw bang kiyoyui au
songxuexiao pathologic au
maybe all first loves are like this
i'll wait for you,
So in doing this i've found out that A SIGNIFCANT number of my unpublished haikyuu wips do not in fact contain themselves in my google drive folder but on the notes app. On my old phone. That doesn't work anymore. :) If you wanna ask about any of these, feel free to do so while I let myself be consumed by the void.
I am NOT tagging as many people as I have wips. absolutely not. have you seen that list? i'm not sure I even have 51 writer mutuals. i'm tagging 5 people: @layzeal @clementinecoastline @transhawks @jecook @aphrodaisyacs
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coconi · 2 years
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
(forwarding optional)
Aaaaaaa thank you, friend! 💖 This is gonna get messy and lengthy just fyi.
Let's see... I think my two favorite standalone fics to date (that are completed and posted at least) are Treading Water and Fugacious. Both happen to be pieces I wrote for fan events, so maybe those bring something special out of me?
I've talked many times about Treading Water. It's near and dear to my heart because of how many things about it felt experimental — the imagery/water metaphor, my own take on Aryll, using NPCs more, the getting to know someone through traces and impressions (which was the prompt!). It was fun to just follow Revali along from scene to scene as his pride thawed little by little, and everything fell into place so neatly it was almost scary 😅 I remember liveblogging as the word count increased because I simply couldn't believe it! It's still my longest work to date, and while to many 14k is nothing, to me it still is a huge accomplishment. That Aryll lives in my head rent-free with a story of her own, I love her so much.
Now Fugacious... I'll admit, when I saw that my giftee for the Revalink Secret Santa was @ghirahimbo I was a little scared. Steph is a phenomenal fanfic writer, one of the best I've encountered across fandoms, and she single-handedly got me into the ship (and into writing again!), so I wanted to write something to thank her for that. I'd been dying to explore Satori Mountain and its Lord so I figured going with something I truly wanted to write was my best bet! But I didn't really have a plan so I picked the route for the roadtrip and traveled it in-game, taking notes on landmarks and fun tidbits I could use. The problem was I found too many interesting things, so I had to axe a good chunk of them 😭 (RIP to the scene I had planned in Rutile Lake with Link swimming and splashing Revali to tease him). All in all it was a very fun fic to write.
Now, since the ask specifies edits as well and I'm a proud video editor, I'm gonna talk about my favorite MMV! I think we can all agree my best is Mirrors (with Rising Tide as a valiant second best), but today I wanna talk about Crossed Threads.
This fucking video is a testament to my perseverance and love for my wife. It took me four years to complete. Four years. I almost dropped the project it was too much work — I was getting frustrated, my editing skills had morphed and I didn't have the energy to redo old parts, Sony Vegas gave me the middle finger constantly, and there was so much masking. But I pushed through. I told myself over and over it doesn't have to be perfect, just get it done. And I did and I'm fucking proud of it 💪
Here's Tara's reaction at the time since this was a gift for her:
[20:44] Tara: YOU VILLAIN
I was also glad to give some food to the kyomami crew, since this ship is so criminally underrated. So many people thought I used doujinshi when most of the material used here (save for two images) is 100% canonical!!!!! Gah!!! Go read Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story y'all, it's so fucking good!!!! I love these girls to death!!!!!!
Ahem... anyway. That's all.
If you read all this, you're a real one. Here's a cookie 🍪
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faebriel · 1 year
i feel like i've been a bit all over the shop in the last few months so here is a quick post about what's happening writing wise
last few months and also the foreseeable future (Well...till november maybe) are kind of dominated by a lot of RL things!! namely balancing fulltime work + writing a research paper + heavy duty volunteering taking up 80% of my time and then a combination of like, life admin and also keeping my IRL relationships intact taking up another 18%. so writing has been a bit slow
final post on and you caused it is coming soonish but i don't have a particular date on it... it's very much a wrap-up chapter for the scrapbook, so the writing shouldn't take too long. just have to find time to work on the chapter art and then and you caused it is done!
i don't know if anyone presumed this but rousseau's man in the state of nature is still very much ongoing!! i had a few challenge fics to juggle (one of them has now been revealed! hehe) which was a bit of a slow-down but don't worry i'm still very obsessed with it. the next chapter is a beefy thing that i'm not sure if i'll have to split in the end so it might be a little while coming still, but yeah ^-^
as for future things: well unfortunately i really do have to prioritise the research paper lol but i'd love to be more active just hanging around on tumblr with aus and things like we've done for the last few weeks here! especially if people are impatient with rousseau's man lmao i'm always happy to have a chat about tidbits and things that don't necessarily fit in the story proper over here. it might be nice to get a oneshot or two out but we'll see. when rousseau's man chapter 5 comes out it will no doubt be just as stupidly beefy as the previous ones so that will give u lots to chew on too. ok signing off thanks xoxo
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Hey, Wondering if you are planning to finish Child Bride?? I love this story and re-read it multiple times. Thanks, Sky
Oh, boy, okay, so... I haven't made any posts about it or done anything to the stories but Child Bride is maybe, sort of, technically... going to be archived. It's not being abandoned though, but I'm sure that will be of little consequence to all the people who love the story.
To clarify, I mean that I am finished with Child Bride and am unlikely to ever update it again. I'll most likely change the title to be "Child Bride [Archived]" and then label it as complete with an author's note at the end to explain. The reason I don't consider this abandoning the story is that I'm actually maybe, sort of, technically... rewriting it?
For those of you who don't know, I started this story so many years ago. And while I was very happy with it for a long time, it's been a while since I could even look at it without being upset about a lot of different things. Part of that was community expectations. People kept asking when something would happen or something else would change when I never intended to do those things in the first place? And so I felt compelled to please so many people asking for the same things and it just radically changed the direction of the story in ways I didn't like. I felt upset when I worked on it. I didn't like where it was going.
Now, so much time has passed that the story is of what I consider to be a lower quality (in comparison to my current writing style). That always upsets me -- one of the issues I have with "As It Should Be" is this same problem. I also just, would have done so many things differently in this story if I were to write it now? Like, there are so many glaring issues with it that I just... to fix them, I'd have to start from scratch. And it's honestly a really appealing idea to me.
So, I have in fact started a re-write of Child Bride that is already so much better than its predecessor. It involves ritual magic, a better laid-out idea of pure-blood dynamics, and some other changes that I'm really excited about. It has a new name, new art. And I might do some AU one-shot spin-offs of it -- sort of like "What If" scenarios. What if Older Sirius had gone back in time with her? What if Hermione had married Remus instead? What if she hadn't gone back in time at all? There are just so many possibilities and I'd like to play with them in a bunch of different ways.
That being said. The re-write is also only ten pages, so I'm unlikely to post it any time soon.
I know how much people love Child Bride. I have no intention of deleting it at any point, but in my opinion, that story can't go anywhere from where it is. I do have a good fifteen to thirty pages that haven't been posted yet. So one day, once the re-write is posted, I'll probably put that up on tumblr (the re-write is still using some things from the OG version, so I don't want to post spoilers!).
Anyway, I'm sure this is not news anyone wanted to get today and I'm very sorry! If it makes everyone feel better, maybe I'll post a tidbit from the re-write on here?
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