#maybe it was bcs i rlly loved fiction so much but.. it's not real after all n i've always felt deeply so. that sort of unrequitedness. yeah
nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
so um, you’ve probably have been asked this many times but how do you start writing fanfic without cringing at yourself? i already feel silly for reading it. i noticed you have gained recognition outside of tumblr which i believe to be an achievement but i can’t allow myself to go through that.
i work in the finance sector at a big american firm, i can’t have my coworkers knowing i’m writing fanfic. i already get teased for watching disney animated films (which it’s not that bad) how do you deal with this? ik you’re still at college and ofc, this doesn’t mean you’re stupid but i bet you know what i mean? do you have some advice on this?
⚠️me not shutting the fuck up and getting way too personal below the cut
honestly at first i DID cringe at myself. i cringed so much that after posting my first fic in like november i dont think i posted again til january because i was writing and would just get so humiliated despite being alone and no one knowing who i was or what i was doing LOL but honestly the way i got over that was just to do it more because i truly love writing and why would i let feeling “cringe” stop me from doing something i love and that makes me happy? that would be so heartbreaking, life is hard enough, we deserve to do things we love and are passionate about without judging ourselves so harshly
as for not letting other people know well yeah i just don’t tell my friends or anyone ik in real life that i write fanfic lol, they know i love to write and they know im obsessed with spencer reid but that’s as much as i’ve told them! i know it’s a thing that maybe most people would consider “weird” but as someone who has a crushing fear of intimacy this is kinda my outlet lmfao. and it made me feel really insecure and weird at first but then i realized like… i try to be kind and caring and thoughtful, i have a lot of good qualities and the fact that i write fanfic doesn’t actually detract from any of them. it also helped for me to accept the reason why i write fanfic which is (and we’re abt to get real personal) i’m deeply afraid of intimacy of any kind and always have been so writing fiction abt the stuff i’m too scared to do isn’t a bad thing. there are a lot of people who wouldn’t understand it but they don’t have the same experiences as me and i don’t need them to understand it because i know that they never could. like they don’t understand what it’s like to so terrified of being known by another person that you obsess over the hottest guy in your school district for six months bc you want the validation of him liking you back and you do everything in your power to make him like you and then when he actually does reciprocate you immediately start icing him out to the point where he says hi at a party and you ignore him to his face cause you’re so afraid of men😂😂😂😂😂 they don’t get those vibes!!!
anyway basically you just have to remember that you’re doing it for you and it actually doesn’t mean something is WRONG with you if you enjoy writing and the safety and control that fiction offers you. it just means you’re one of billions of people living an entirely unique experience, just like anyone else, and honestly i think it makes you interesting. having hobbies and passions is rlly sexy and cool, regardless of what they are, and you deserve to do stuff you like doing. if anyone else is giving you shit abt it it’s probably because they genuinely don’t understand what it’s like to have interests and that makes me feel bad for them lol
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jellyfishfem · 2 months
its funny but also sad that i get so many anons telling me that x thing i like likes x thing i dislike, most common thing being the gender religion. from the messages i can tell they rlly expect me to have a mental breakdown about it. how do yall live like this. some ppl tell me Alex Rider, a goddamn fictional character, loves trans women or whatever. if this wasnt funny enough on its own, the author of the AR books is a JK Rowling supporter. So if we want to get really technical and read too much into things, Id say best case scenario Alex is nonchalant about the whole topic. But that doesnt matter bc Alex isnt even real. And after a while I started feeling really bad for these people who obviously wouldnt be able to handle their friends or idols or even fave, not real, characters having different views from them. Yall can keep telling me that actually jellyfish would hate me for my opinions but maybe yall could put that energy into improving yourselves.
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lyxzeun · 3 years
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only you darling, only you babe. — dark red, steve lacy
incorporated with : kaedehara kazuha, kaeya alberich, tartaglia x gn!reader (separate)
author’s note . . . the three characters i will write are random and i got them off a spin wheel 😭😭 and i will do chibi character headers from now on bc its cute / this came out longer than expected 😫
warnings : slight obsessive behavior(?), a sucky part on kaeya's portion, the pain of losing the 50/50 in tartaglia’s part
au . . . sagau!
genre : sfw, slight obsessiveness(?)
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kaedehara kazuha : acer palmatum
before he was even released, you fell in love with him
with the leaks, you became more interested in kazuha.
this pretty liyue-inazuma character caught your eyes and money <33
and now that his banner was released, you saved up primos and genesis crystals in case kazuha doesn’t come home with primos
at late night, you decided to pull for him because why not? you do want him. right?
seeing his name lit up your screen and eyes, he looks so pretty close up, the details he had were immaculate, his hair looked amazing, you adored him so much.
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : I GOT HIM LMAOAOAOA
sh3nheee : SO EASILY ??
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : IM DOING IT FOR CONSTELLATIONS <333
sh3nheee : i guess kazuha rlly likes u
“alright, another pull for constellations and i’ll be on my journey for being a kazuha main!” clicking the mouse, pulling again and again until kazuha’s constellations were aligned.
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : y’all are now talking to the OFFICIAL kazuha main 😍😻
what1fsignor4 : HELP,, KAZUHA LIKES U
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : don’t even bring up the sagau into this
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : its not real LMAOOAOAO
what1fsignor4 : WHAT IF IT IS ??
chuckling at the thought, them? knowing you? no way, their just fictional.
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : guys i need to log off! i’ll see you guys tomorrow <3
sh3nheee : go ahead y/n! we’ll see u tomorrow! take care!!
what1fsignor4 : sweet dreams!
pr3ttyli : gn y/n!! take care!
the next day, you logged in and saw that your commissions were already done.
maybe it was delayed loading back up?
you just thought it was a simple bug and that mihoyo would fix it.
when you checked your characters, everything was fine, everything stayed the way they were.
although there was one thing you remember, you were controlling beidou before you logged off, and its now kazuha?
what if your friends were right? maybe they are self aware.
you zoomed in kazuha’s face, and he seemed sad.
he started to say weird idle voicelines, such as “don’t leave me like that this time.” or “did you sleep well?” or maybe even “y/n, you know how much you matter to me, don’t leave me again, please?” funnily enough, his mouth moves when he said those lines. you thought it was fun to answer his questions, but then, he nodded as you finished talking.
you asked some of your friends online that have kazuha if they experienced this bug.
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : guys are ur kazuhas acting weird lately ?
deoi7 : no, my kazuha is fine, wby?
beiid0uning : my kazuha’s all good, why?
zu1zunm : my kazuha is just fine, what happened??
what1fsignor4 : kazuha is all fine and okay on my account, why??
k4zuh4zluvr (you) : mine has been saying rlly weird voicelines
while typing another message, it went back to genshin, but kazuha was looking at you, yes, you. through the very screen of your pc. “what the-“ your brows furrowed in confusion. you felt a bit scared. “y/n, you don’t need to be scared of me.” kazuha slightly tilts his head and smiles, “don’t worry, i’ll take very good care of you, after all, you are my lover, right?”
shit. kazuha knows your username. your friend was right, they are self aware.
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kaeya alberich : pavo ocellus
you were kinda impatient and didn’t want pull for noelle’s banner, so you decided to pull for kaeya on the standard banner.
to your surprise it was rare to get kaeya, in which you got him! he looked so handsome <3
you watched build recommendations to give your kaeya the best dmg ever!
even though he was a four star, you felt like he was a five star to you
being a kaeya main wasn’t always that easy, having his constellations were rare and you’d almost give up on him!
y/n_alb3rich (you) : i keep getting hp artifacts :((
d1kuc : LMAO
tr0ublemaker : mihoyo better fix >:( i keep getting hp artifacts too
y/n_alb3rich (you) : can’t kaeya farm his artifacts himself???
d1kuc : so true
letting your friends chat away, you stress over resin as you farmed kaeya’s artifacts for 4 times already.
“pls be crit :(“ whispering to yourself, hoping for a crit artifact. once you clicked on the artifact-
hp +55
def +78
screaming internally, you decide to nap and hope for the best.
waking up, you see your laptop was.. open?
all you know was that you closed your laptop before heading to nap, how could that happen?
heading over to your desk, you see that kaeya was the only one in your team, that can’t be right.
why though? is something wrong with your genshin?
y/n_alb3rich (you) : guys my kaeya just glitched and he’s the only one in my team help
tr0ublemaker : mine hasn’t experienced this yet ? what about it?
d1kuc : wtf that hasn’t happened to me
tr0ublemaker : it could be your laptop
sighing in confusion and worry, you go to genshin and check kaeya, you check his artifacts, and everything changed, the damage, the crit, and other were more updated and it changed, how?
in his idle animations, he said something.
“y/n, i farmed my artifacts for you, do you like it?”
"what??? no way he just said that" laughing out the fear you had while you hear him say your name. "yes way i said that. don't play games with me, love." he chuckles, looking at you, through the screen. feeling shivers down your spine-
"you don't need to be scared, i gave everything to you, even my last name, and you respond by being afraid? haha, you really are one of a kind."
his last name? how could that be? it was only a username, right?
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tartaglia : monoceros caeli
probably the most willing to do anything, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING for u hehe
so anyways, since his character trailer you thought he was kinda cool
the only thing you liked about him was his ability to change his bow to hydro blades
during his release, you started his story quest and realized he was so cool and you'd pull for him.
while saving up primogems, you saw that his banner will only last for 2 days from now on.
you rushed to make primogems and converted some to intertwined fates <33
it was your mission to make him come home, whether he likes it or not >:)
and that includes genesis crystals, and i mean if he did come home on primogems, you'd whale for his constellations.
on the top of that, you will whale for his bow just for a perfect build
you also have older friends that give you advice for builds. (they call you their baby bc your the youngest in ur friend group)
i4ajax (you) : GUYS TODAYS THE DAY
r3d_velvet.sheets : OMG GOODLUCK
r3VESTIVAL : ajax better come home to our baby or else >:(
PSY_ch0u : he better come home >:((
r3d_velvet.sheets : AJAX COME HOME TO OUR LIL BABY
heading to the wish panel, you sigh and pray that tartaglia would come home.
you press the 10x wish button till you run out of primogems. again and again and again.
now you only have genesis crystals and 1675 primogems. you click on the 10x button, closing your eyes.
seeing the gold finally spark up, you clicked till you got him.
Diluc : ★★★★★
oh. it was one of those days.
i4ajax (you) : well,, atleast i got a diluc ???
r3d_velvet.sheets : BBY NOOOO
well, it’s up to your genesis crystals then.
you clicked the ‘+’ button next to your primogems, adding an amount of 3200 primogems using your genesis crystals. using a 10x pull, you hope for tartaglia to come home—
a glint of magenta sparks, hoping it’d change to gold.
it didn’t.
‘just another one. please come home, tartaglia (*´-`)! i need you!’ you thought, simply hoping for a spark of gold to shine.
it shined gold! oh gosh! it’s the moment, he’s coming home! he has to!
Tartaglia : ★★★★★
r3d_velvet.sheets : AHHH CONGRATS BBY <33
i4ajax (you) : THANK UUUU <3333
i4ajax (you) : and yes u guys had to cancel him in order for him to come <33
PSY_ch0u : im so happy for u bby <3
heading to his character profile, you see that he does an animation where he puts his palms together and bows down,
“i’m sorry about that, i couldn’t come home easily!” he apologizes, “are you okay???” he raises his head, walking closer on the azure sparked floor, “you don’t seem to be sick, but you’re all red and stuff! are you okay?”
addressing yourself that you were fine to something or what you suppose- someone fictional, felt like a crazy fever dream.
“cutie, are you okay? you know i could take care of you, right? what’s up with you all frozen?”
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
ayo as a poc, Mare’s poc status seems very iffy in my eyes idk 😭😭
To me it feels like Victoria rlly said “yk what I feel like avoiding some controversy” *vigorously tries to call Mare a poc without giving her any ethnic features or even mentioning it at all in the 1st book*
I had to read the RQ for school so no, I didn’t miss it, I took heavy annotations on it. Mare is honestly my least favorite character because of how WHITE she’s written from a poc standpoint.
It’s this very common thing with yt writers where they darken a characters skin tone and think that’s all it means to be a person of color. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect Victoria to make insightful commentary as she IS a white woman, and since it’s fantasy and our ideas of race in this world aren’t supposed to exist. But representation isn’t just “wow she also has dark skin” it’s more the features. Mare is consistently described as having Eurocentric features.
And then white people always try to talk over us like “oh well it doesn’t matter she’s just written that-“ like shush omfg. People calling Mare Latina is hella disrespectful 💀 like what the actual fuck Latin countries don’t even exist in their world. Her last name is fucking Barrow. Her middle name is Molly. That’s so European I had a seizure. Just randomly saying “yuh girlie this character is Latina” seems fucked up.
Not directed @ you but just in general this shit sucks because it gets us further and further away from actual helpful representation in media.
I get you're upset about this. Maybe you've read too much of this type of character and you're fed up with it. I feel you. I agree Mare's skin color being barely described in canon (it got better as the books went by, but it was too little too late🎵) when the Calore boys' skin color was mentioned every two sentences was not great. I don't think Mare was described as having Eurocentric features tho... she simply wasn't described all that much 🤷‍♀️
My personal take on white writers making characters random ethnicities in fantasy/sci-fi and that not having any relevance whatsoever on the plot is that I freaking love it. I find it refreshing, a good step toward diversity in fiction as long as they don't bring up real-life stereotypes into the page 🤡. Why does the character having X skin color have to affect their journey if the plot has nothing to do with it? It's like the issue with the S&B adaptation: in their effort to be more "woke" and shoving fictional anti-Asian racism into the show, they alienated Asian viewers. I'm a brown, indigenous Latina. I like reading stories where people who I can imagine looking like me are getting the magical stone and their skin color doesn't matter. When I want to read stories where racial/gender/sexual orientation issues are central topics, I'll simply go read authors who have an actual say in the matter bc of their lived experience.
About Mare having a European name. I say this with all the love in my heart: please stop thinking of us Latines as brown-skinned, brown-eyed people with the last name Torres or Rodriguez. That's not what our demographic looks like (I do look like that tho). There have been so many immigration movements all through history, there are black ppl with European last names, there are blond-whiter-that-mayo ppl with Torres last name. We mixed around these places. I kindly invite you to watch a video on the topic (reading statistics on Wikipedia is no fun).
And finally, you won't catch me defending a white writer lady in my house, but VA only said Mare would be of latine descent after being asked about it by fans. Her reply and explanation made sense with the RQ world-building. Now it became of relevance bc of fancasts and for me personally bc I write modern AUs where Latin America is very much still around geographically speaking 🥴.
That's my personal stance on the matter, but I respect your frustration and the points you brought up about the lack of description of Mare's physical appearance.
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
*throws up hands* Okay, so I am not trying to sound negative or anything here, don't take this offensively—
If we take Nagito's character normally (think Chapter 1 and 2 and 4 to an extent), then he is more focused on getting the evidence first (note the way he taught Hajime, that's exactly his own method in investigation) and figuring out the murderer and THEN figuring out their motives to actually expose them.
Now if he's just plain annoyed, he tends to rush over and just entirely complete the case by himself (Chapter 3) but that's AFTER he gets the evidence to completely box them in. Chapter 3 is a special case since he does know who the murderer is from the beginning due to having detected despair ™.
However in the roleplay, he's likelier to go by method 1 since he's not with the murderer nor does he have fore knowledge of them.
He is more of the guy who will do the field work + manipulate others to do it for him (Kazuichi, Akane and Hajime, I am looking at you) to enable the other person (in the case of the rp, it should logically be Dazai, since the instruction was specifically "help me" and not "solve the case by yourself", so he's likelier to poke and prod at him and the evidence instead of just rambling on about what he thinks. Despite being a fundamentally honest person, he leaves a lot to be thought of by the player by completely saying the random nonsense to help Hajime) reach an epiphany by saying extremely random things to poke and prod at their thoughts by causing them to snap.
While Dazai is someone who prefers to interrogate people and say random nonsense when he's working with a partner (Kunikida hello) he is testing (I am not counting Chuuya here since their relationship is unique and he's the only one who gets Dazai to have a "Fuck this, I will show you the real boss" type of response + the fact that this *is* ADA Dazai and he's testing Nagito here) while solving the case entirely by himself and letting them handle most of the things while covertly manipulating the mastermind's actions so that they fall into his trap and let his partner catch them with him.
So, technically their partnership would work with Nagito handling the on field evidence more while letting Dazai do the talking (we will notice here that if Nagito has a choice he prefers to let others interrogate more than Dazai does) and then trying to actively poke at Dazai to get at what he's thinking while Dazai will do the same since they are both testing each other.
What is likelier to happen is that they are playing mind games with each other while trying to solve the case (+ Nagito can feel despair, hope and talent and Dazai's certainly an interesting person for him ("maybe she was just tired of the world and fell into nebulous despair which she wanted a break from" ~ what Dazai says despite having the hope to find hope while simultaneously being suicidal and having an awful lot of Talent) )
I take no offense to this bc I know I'm terrible with Nagito's character and even tho u explain to me in this much detail, idt I'll ever be able to get it right since I'm pretty much oblivious when it comes to mind games unless I'm lying my way through. Plus, I am a terrible detective when I am faced with evidence and need to dig for more. You know this * coughs in the mha rp where you are literally solving ur own plotline*.
And I'm better at having characters stay in character if I am super passionate and in love with them. In this instance, Nagito isn't rlly a favourite character of mine. And even tho he interests me, I don't have enough interest to pay attention to every single thing he says or have the ability to be able to copy how he deals with things like cases.
And this is why you write fan fiction and I don't.
Now I am hoping that YOU don't take offense to this bc it srsly looks like I'm just finding excuses for myself for a bad characterization of Nagito and I know how much u value Nagito's character and I'm srsly just botching it rn- I swear I'm trying but my brain is not 1000% registering how to act as him yet so gimme time- this is outta my comfort zone (T_T) I am sorry
I wanted to say smth else but I forgot- but srsly, I apologise for * motions to Nagito in the rp* ....this
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
hi nettle!!! I just wanted to come and say I just finished dorian on ao3 and I'm about to dive right into all of your other works during my midnight reading time!!! I rlly adored dorian and funny enough I bookmarked it when you posted the first chapter but I didn't get a chance to reading it until now bc I knew it one of those fics that I simply cry over waiting for those updates....ifykyk
anyways I just want to say I rlly love the dead poets society vibes of it and im just in love with your writing style it felt very intimate and the flow of your writing is just impeccable
I also have to say it was just rlly soft and it was nice to have a fluffy type of romance even tho they were times they werent so happy but such is life!!! although now I'm craving cuddles and someone to read to me so I guess I'm a little unhappy like them :((( it was nice to be reminded bad and good thoughts should coexist otherwise one can rlly be in a constant state of misery and that being vulnerable is terrifying but worth it!
I was wondering how did you get into writing? was it just by reading a lot?
favorite authors? are you in school? and if yes you are in school are you studying literature or English or something along that line?
I know I could have left this on ao3 but coming here gave me an excuse to roam around on tumblr which i haven't done in a while!!
-- ❤️🫂 sebs
it's strange to be back on tumblr for me, too. it's been a while, for reasons i'll probably get into when i next post a new fic (still a bit of a way off i'm afraid).
i'm really glad that you enjoyed dorian! i had so much fun writing that one, especially finding all the quotes and doing all the background reading for it. i'm very, very proud of it as a story, and it makes me happy that a lot of people seem to love it. i have a real soft spot for dark academia and coming-of-age stories, so i'm glad i got the chance to write those vibes.
i've been writing ever since i was six (so almost eighteen years now), mostly because i loved reading and because my big sister wrote stories and therefore i had to as well. i started writing fic after making friends with a few people who did, and i'm glad of it; it's a really fun way to write, and it's a lot easier than forming original characters!
my favourite authors are erin morgenstern, patrick ness, and becky chambers, all for different reasons; erin morgenstern has an incredible way with words and descriptions, patrick ness has a way of simplifying the most complex and awful of emotions, and becky chambers has one of the most tender and considerate approaches to science fiction that i've ever read. they're all wonderful.
i graduated uni almost exactly a year ago actually, and i studied biology! i'm hoping to do a phd in the next few years, maybe focused around microbiomes in agricultural ecosystems, or plant genetics with a focus on climate change resistant crops. nothing's set in stone though, so i'll see what happens in the next few years!
thank you for this ask!
love, nettle <3
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holyjareau · 3 years
imo, the show was often unilaterally focused on Piper, but only on what she could do for others (Piper the wife and Piper the mother) rather than who she was as a person. Piper's individual characterization was lost sometime around s5 as soon as she got pregnant, and being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series. I would be very interested to hear what you define as Piper's mental issues/trauma, bc as you say it doesn't get said enough
this has been in my inbox forever and i’m just getting around to it so my apologies.
but okay. so. yes. i think a lot of tv shows fall into this weird place where like. all of their characters begin with these kinda vague personalities because you’re just getting to know them. and as the show goes on, you pick up more pieces and stuff . and that’s great. that’s interesting and entertaining and it takes you on a journey and all. but often what happens is many shows fall into this pit where writers either get lazy, they change, or whatever, and the actors are tired of playing the part or whatever . and like. the characters become like. caricatures of themselves. and it just gets exhausting to watch because they’re not like. real people anymore.
Piper's individual characterization
so now for the charmed thing. so from the beginning. i have loved piper. like she’s the middle sister, overlooked, quiet, reserved, pessimistic but also realistic, gentle, thoughtful, all that. we see right away that she loves to cook .. she’s so happy her family is back together. she kept in touch with phoebe behind prue’s back. but she’s loyal to the both of them. her first idea was to have a reunion dinner when phoebe came home. she’s literally so cute n she deserves a hug. but no like. as we go on, we see that she wants to be good, she wants a stable life with no more loss, she Loves Love !! like. she wants to just be happy , open her own restaurant n just cook. she’s also so shy .. definitely panicky and anxious. and she doesn’t trust herself. she’s skeptical of everything, and she’s very thoughtful when it comes to big situations. even in the early days with leo and into season 2, she mentioned a few things about like “i’ve been thinking a lot about this...” and you can see she’s good at communicating with people. she’s also got these other dimensions to her like . she is interested in lots of cuisine types, she loves to read (and is a camus fan !!) , she drives a jeep (which i wanna know how she got bc i have questions), when she found out she was a witch her first thought was just . i need to go and see if i am still a good person . and she went to church. prue was surprised to learn that piper enjoys knitting. in the early seasons (especially mid-late season 3) we saw her with her plants and all. she’s just this natural peacekeeper. but like. we literally got a crying scene in the second episode because she was so conflicted about this. and she’s such a deep and complex character that i fell in love with so fast . and like . literally my favourite fictional character to exist . genuinely holly breathed so much life into piper . anyway . so. here’s the thing.
being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series
like. piper was who i described above. and like . i kinda think . a bit. that like . the writers . especially in s4 . were like . hmm well  . she’s just lost prue, she’s gonna be grieving . and like we need more for her. so. she’s been married to leo for the better part of a year, been with him for like . 3 years. so. let’s maybe consider giving them a kid but not just yet . just Content kinda stuff. so anyway they drop little hints in here and there starting in like . 4x07 i think? which . brain drain really paid the rent . fully just. holly did so well. but like. that ep was just. a neat way of looking into her mind and seeing the horrors of manipulation and gaslighting and everything . and of course holly knocked it out of the park. but at that point, they were kinda like . hmm . kids ? and they started toying with the idea, having piper and leo consider it, talk about it, they had paige and phoebe ask about it , all of that good stuff. as you do. made for some funny tv at some points. and like . i really, really Get It . when piper’s like . ahh the baby wouldn’t be safe around here !!!! like. Girl, Valid . your sister just died and like . you went on forever about how she was The Most Powerful One . The Strongest One . and yet she still died . so she’s like ??? am i next ?? and like obv it doesn’t make sense for her to jump on this train of like . i’m gonna have a kid !!!! so she’s really valid in her thought process there. and like. after having wyatt . i think the writers really . idk. couldn’t do waaay too much with her character anymore because i feel like . to an extent, anything she does will be scrutinized bc i’m not just . saying this . i rlly feel like sometimes piper’s the easiest to hate. like idk why but i loved her. but anyway. if she stays at home with wyatt and doesn’t wanna fight demons n all . then she’s selfish towards her sisters n she’s awful n prue wouldn’t have let her do that !!!! etc . but if she fought demons it’s like . uh sweetie you have a child . really ??? why put yourself in a situation that might have you ending up like patty 2.0 ... bc i could do a Whole post on how patty’s situation messed piper up the most. but anyway.
it’s the way i’m fully rambling so if you’re reading this . i love you . anyway okay . so . i think in a tv show you’ve gotta kinda check boxes. the best tv shows have characters you see yourself in . you relate to them. you hear them and understand their decisions and actions and thoughts. the things they do just makes sense 2 you. so like. with prue, anyone married to their job could relate to her. any oldest sibling could see themselves in her, you know ? she was hard-working, committed, logical, protective. and with phoebe, anyone who couldn’t “settle down” in their early 20s related 2 her, anyone who felt like the outcast of the family, the “screw-up” .. right. makes sense. she was so kind, caring, had-your-back kinda girl. we all love those. paige was like . the new kid, trying to fit in, creative, curious, and definitely a lifelong learner. and then there’s piper who was shy, resistant, really just wanted to be normal. and loved. and i think everyone could kinda identify with at least one of the sisters regardless of where you stood in your own family. so as the show went on, it’s like . they still want you to keep watching and keep being able to identify with them because it’s not like they’re humans with normal lives so they’ve already kinda lowkey got that going against them . so their more “human” and normal lives... we’ve gotta be able to identify with them to be able to invest time. so they had prue always working, having trouble balancing love and work, looking out for her family. we had phoebe kinda living her life, getting her career going, then kinda wanting a family. we had paige learning magic and being super interested and involved and then getting married. and we had piper who had her career pretty early on, got married, and had kids. like. i think the big thing is the marriage and kids. and when you’re a mother . the only mother really in the show, the show lowkey centres around you . like. for starters, the show usually is in the manor, and if you’re a mother, you’re very likely at home, esp with young kids. so i think that alone kinda was like . huh yeah . won’t see piper out waaay too much anymore i guess !!! but no like . there’s That. that’s kinda. the thing that really can’t change with the show . like. piper’s got kids now and a husband and very, very likely . her life will be centred around her home. which. listen she’s wanted that i think - the stability . she’s wanted that forever. and this is the form it came in. but i should stop rambling here and cut to the point .
Piper's mental issues/trauma
disclaimer: i’m not diagnosing her, i’m just speculating based off of my own experiences with mental health
so. okay. very early on. we saw that anxiety. like. yes . she was nervous about like a whole new life experience . or whatever we’re gonna call it when you figure out you’re a witch . but like she was Anxious . like. crying in the attic over being a bad person . needing phoebe to talk her down by telling her she’s such a caring person, she’s always doing things for other people . and then there’s the whole anxiety that comes with. my family’s falling apart because my sisters are fighting so i use really awkward methods of getting out of things . like using humour as a coping mechanism !!! which. gave us some iconic one-liners. but that’s beside the point . anyway. point is. early on, that anxiety was there. there’s an ep in season 1 where she’s literally entering a panic attack in her kitchen and phoebe’s using a menu to cool her down. like. Yikes! and then she’s just. her awkward self around everyone but that’s endearing and is just part of her personality . and i think a lot of the anxiety stemmed from childhood. we heard a few times about how prue and phoebe had boyfriends growing up, were always pretty and popular and all. phoebe was popular, too, just, in the other crowd. but nonetheless, piper faded into the background, doing well in math - well enough to go off and be a banker . and like. she sacrificed a lot for grams. she stayed in san francisco ... we all know the girl had the marks for stanford or something . like. though . still, i think she liked the stability of home and prob would’ve stayed . but in 3x17 she’s all !!! grams !!! the doctor said no caffeine !!! and when grams was taking the pic of them outside and she had an episode , piper was all !!!! shallow breaths !!! like. it was clear piper was the one taking her to the appointments and footing the bill. like. she literally became a banker just bc it had benefits n stuff. like. poor girl really thought . anyway that’s a whole spiral. but no. like she really sacrificed The Most for her family and everyone still thought she was selfish for wanting to move out . when like back then grams was literally ... sick ... and prue was out here moving out and phoebe was nowhere to be found . so. that . definitely would have added to her anxiety about even wanting to do anything for herself because she’ll be perceived as selfish in a heartbeat. even if it’s not Mean . it’s just. she’d never risk it. but there’s the anxiety. there are a few lil things here n there about how she gets nervous n stuff, she represses things (3x07 i think was where phoebe said piper represses her anger n just sucks it up n does whatever) . she literally cancelled her doctor’s appointment Twice . anyway. it still angers me. then in season 7 . patty and victor were like . oh she had night terrors that were so bad we took her to the doctor ! and i just ... honey . baby. she thought she caused the divorce. at 4? 5? she watched victor leave on her 5th birthday, watched a demon attack her, grams, and victor. prue said she didn’t cry at patty’s funeral and i’ll make a safe bet that piper did. and i think growing up without patty was strange for sure. prue had more memories and phoebe had none. and piper had fragments of this person everyone loved . and she was stuck between knowing her and not knowing her. and when patty was sent to her for her wedding day, (as well as in 1x17) . both times when patty hugged them . prue and phoebe hugged her, eyes closed n all. while piper was on the outside, eyes open . looking numb as all hell . and you know. i rlly think she was Giving Them That because phoebe didn’t get her and prue kinda . in a way. lost more of her . if that makes sense ?? and i just. patty really was like . they sent me to You. and 5 seconds later . piper’s like . they sent mom to Us !!! and it’s that idea of sacrifice and never having anything for yourself because she was never just . given anything for herself . everything in her life has been a sacrifice and as a mother, that’s perpetuated. she can assume that role with more of a purpose . like. people won’t really feel sorry for her now as the “forgotten” sister, they won’t try and coddle her or anything. and another thing. control. piper craved stability and control. i think while cooking was something she loved, it also gave her a lot of control . she could control her whole kitchen . even in season 8 .. maybe vaya con leos actually . leo mentioned how much piper craves control. and the control motif makes sense with her powers too. like. piper craved control so much that her powers allowed her to control things down to the atom. so there’s the whole anxiety and needing to control things to ease her anxiety and all. there’s That whole thing.
and then we get to the infamous season 5 fearless spell . ms girl really sat in the attic just writing everything on the wall and it’s the way i screenshotted it and like . zoomed in and tried deciphering it . and like . there’s words like “stop” and i think “sister” is in there a few times, so is “loss” or “lost”. when i watch it next i’ll grab a cap because it’s . disturbing. girl was so scared . literally was writing a spell to get rid of her fears . she also writes Fear . as in. capital F . and like. yeah that’s deep but i do it too like i emphasize words with a capital letter . and like holly marie combs might just have quirky n fun writing but like ... capital F . for Fear. for real . that’s . trauma !!! and she also was having panic attacks at the beginning of season 5. let’s not forget those. which ... we should’ve gotten more of an explanation for . i hope that girl is getting help bc she was Going Through It . and in season 7 when zankou reads her diary . firstly. we Knew this girl kept a diary like . for Sure . she did. and just that little excerpt of when prue died . oops. i’d pay big money to see the rest because again i just think she’s got such a complex mind and like. i’d be so interested to read that. and i think everything re: prue is just Awful for her. like . idk if this is just something quirky i noticed but obv we know prue died in may 2001 . but at the end of 4x03, when piper goes 2 paige’s work 2 bring her muffins !! soft !!! the calendar on one of the desks reads july 2001 ... and i really just. ms girl. i Know they prob just filmed the ep in july but it honestly tracks that she’d be so awfully upset about everything and just . barely able to do anything but cook . for 2 months. like. honey. baby. i wanted 2 just cuddle her bc she was so sad. and like. she tells paige she’s having “good hours” and “not so good hours” . she’s going by the Hour . by the Hour . just. need i say more . i’m so . but no like. if anything like i could see her having like . depression where she’s high-functioning and like just . walking depression i guess ?? like . not even after prue. i think in general. like . she definitely has a melancholic temperament and a type 6 enneagram (the skeptic). that’s For Sure . but i think. just. she’s always just had time to think bc she’s always alone, reading, knitting, cooking, tending to her plants, all that. and i just . think. she has issues. and i think prue knew that. of all people. and i think her knowing that . and then dying. destroyed piper. she lost the last person that was truly a constant in her life . like they shared a roof over their heads forever. and then she was just . gone . and piper was suddenly left to pick up the pieces . and become the oldest sister . and i’m So glad she didn’t fully assume her personality. i’m glad she stayed as piper . just. she’s more cynical and snarky and defensive and cold and that’s okay. she’s hurting. she’s always gonna hurt . and i think it makes her human . she’s pessimistic and sad and has a short fuse at times . but just. again. i love her to bits and i think those issues make her more relatable for me. because while many like to say she became selfish and a negative person and just . awful to be around . i’d say the opposite . i won’t sit and apologize or justify things. also i don’t think piper’s done anything wrong . i just think she’s hurt. she’s been wronged so many times. and she’s .... scared. i think she’s scared . and in season 5 “sympathy for the demon” we learn her true biggest fear is her happiness being stolen away. and like . it’s not that she’s scared she won’t be happy. she’s scared all of the good she’s got will be taken from her . and that’s . terrifying . so . i see why she’s so snarky and bitter and tired and all . she’s terrified of things being taken from her like they have been her whole life. and as i watch the show i really like to just keep that in mind as i get further and further in because yes. she did become a mother and a wife and we saw her arguing with leo a lot and their marriage falling apart and That Whole Era . we saw how it kind of took over her life but i think it happens . i think she even said at one point . i’ve been so many things to so many people, i don’t know who i am anymore . and i think it sums her up perfectly. she doesn’t know who she is because she’s someone to everyone . she’s just. nobody to herself except this scared little girl who just wants Something . Anything . to make sense . some Stability . and her babies, her husband, and her sisters . are all she has for that idea of stability to make sense in her mind. and it was an easy hole to fall into - the Mother - but i think she jumped in. because at the Very Least . nobody could take that title away from her . regardless of how hard they tried .
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sunsetold · 3 years
here are some of my thoughts about the series so far.
1. why teh again? why did they choose teh as the main pov? maybe the next ep will be ohaew's point of view but why did we see more of teh than ohaew? im not mad either, but i wanted to see more about ohaew, how he dealt with his internal problems, how was his whole internal process when transferring to another career, how he overcame his loneliness. why then? it would be much more fair and great to see teh's pov in season 1 and ohaew's in season 2. but yes, this is then my problem and the reason why i feel this way: its two shows completely.
2. why did they choose infidelity as the plot through acting? first, i do NOT support cheating and as teh himself said its something "unforgivable". second, why through something...that many of us cant deeply empathize with...like, im aint an actress! i don't understand that even if i wanted to think about it and analyze it at first, i cant ! to me that was cheating even if the backstory behind it was that teh confused reality with fiction (teh vs. akin) so WHY? genuinely asking
3. why did they screw up so many of their scenes? i rlly liked their kiss in the aquarium but the rest ? the cuddling the day before night sex? no way. teh hugging ohaew after kissing jai? not even in my nightmares. so why? i basically didn't enjoy most of their cutest scenes. and its said bcs i was so excited to see domestic guys after finally realizing they loved e/o so much. i'm upset about this.
4. so... after years they will meet again and feel in love. again. why? i'm a little tired of this plot. i would have liked to see how teh would handle the fact that to achieve his dream he has to hide his relationship (of course, if he was with ohaew at that time). i would do anything to see that!!!!!!!!!!!
5. maybe i will change my mind later, but so far, even though i loved them with all my heart, i dont want to see them end up together.
6. could it be then that the whole ipytm production was hoping that a <part> of the audience would react by not wanting to see them end up together ? but like, for real. it's a planned thing ? i'm genuinely curious about this.
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gooferdusted · 6 years
random jack hcs
writes his Gs funny (they look a little lopsided sixes)
hates the feel of chalk
steals clothes from sam dean and cas when he wants to feel close to them (when cas was dead, he wore one of his old trench coats until dena noticed ofc; when dean was Michael he stole his old band T-shirt’s to wear to sleep and worn flannels; sam gave him his old Stanford hoodie and purple dog shirt that doesn’t fit him anyone for while he’s away on long hunts. Jacks basically the ultimate hand me down sibling)
ties his shoes the longer way bc it’s easier and he never learned the fast way
despite loving Star Wars, he has never, and has no intention of seeing the prequels bc he already hates anakin so much in clone wars
copies personality traits from people he knows/fictional characters bc he’s still trying to figure out who he is
a lightweight, obviously. once he got Very drunk and had a terrible hangover after what was just a Normal Post Hunt Drinking Sesh for tfw, and now they only let him drink juice
only vaguely understands how sports work
is very tactile (which is Sort Of a problem around the winchesters at first, but they get used to it pretty quick. Jack's a hugger, and a kid, so they wont deny him affection when he needs it)
gets nervous easily when meeting new people (especially if he has ti be honest about who he is, and not act like someone else. He can play pretend, but the second it becomes real, he clams up and someone usually dean has to introduce him.
Sometimes he goes for nature walks around the bunker. Animals are weirdly attracted to him (maybe its smth to do w his grace, maybe hes just Loveable), and once a squirrel jumped up his entire leg and latched onto his shirt.
Hes the only one who ever decorates his room (he didnt rlly understand what was customary for room decorations so he tried bringing like ivy vines inside bc he thought they were pretty, and that's when Sam decided to just take him to Ikea)
After he finishes decorating his room, he decides that everyone else needs to do it too (he helps Dean put his records back up, Sam assemble a bookshelf, and Cas get an actual working TV instead of just q laptop on a stack of boxes)
pls add more, I need to hear things abt my boy after last night's episode ;____;
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byul-bit-arae · 6 years
Boyfriend Taeyong
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“When I fall in love, it will be forever.  Or I’ll never fall in love. In a restless world like this is–   Love is ended before it’s begun. And too many moonlight kisses, Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun."
*Silently slides this across the table and leaves* I'll just leave this here.
Ok but
Ok ok ok 
*Grabs tissues, blankets, desserts* gotta get real ready for this now
*Pushes up virtual glasses bc I always forget to wear mine shh we don't talk about that* boyfriend taeyong you say?
Ok jk come back ere I would die everyday for one (1) human being and that's Lee Taeyong
.. wait wat
This kid dude is literally t h e best bf you could ever have like what ????
You see all those shitty posts/texts/ads about perfect boyfriends??? Yeah just like that
Or maybe better
Way better
Taeyong would love you with A L L OF HIS HEART 
He's basically a five-year-old who only sees you, and like, nothing else.
Except for chocolate but like, nothing else
Like before you guys start dating
And that would probably be a GOOD while bc this pure lil child doesn't even know what dating is (no I'm serious have you seen that article)
Srsly tho 
Not just that but he seems to me like the type to take relationships very seriously 
Like blind dates and one night stands wouldn't be his thing, he wouldn't fancy them and just, no
He probably believes in those fictional perfect love stories
And is well aware it might take time to find the right person and is okay with waiting his whole life for it
He just secretly hopes it's soon k
And then he meets u
And wow Lee Taeyong the quiet cold-ish dude who?
When he saw you the first time he could swear he got like star struck or something
He gets all flustered at everything you do and he doesn't know why
Like you smile and he's a mess, you just sit there and he's a mess, you pout and he's a mess, you look at him and he's a M E S S ™
And he doesn't even know why bc he never felt like this towards someone
He'd probably meet you through one of the members
Yuta, your close friend, finally decided to introduce you to his 'brothers'
He calls them his brothers but then it took him like three years to introduce you guys bc he's one hell of an overprotective best friend, or mom, over you
"Hey guys I can't believe I'm doing this but this is my little cute precious best friend Y/N and no you can't talk to her"
"Um yuta pls calm down"
So the first meeting goes on great I mean the guys are all super kind and funny 
And so you start meeting them more often!!
And Taeyong--
istg this kid--
Like he sees you, and some fictional chibi monster starts gnawing at his insides
Like you noticed how he's kind of quiet around you and stuff but then yuta reassured you saying he's just a bit introverted and it'd take him time to open up
Bc tbh you actually thought he didn't really fancy your presence?? Since he looked really quiet and basically expressionless? and you'd like catch him glaring holes into your head from the corner of your eye??
So it'd take him some time to start being comfortable around you
Considering that he's an introvert; a whipped introvert to be exact
But eventually you guys will get friendlier
And that would make him know more stuff about you and wow he never thought he could like you even more but here we are ??
Also the way you take care of the dreamies just !!! Makes his heart go !!!!!!
You just find them really cute and feel the need to protect them from all evil
Also winwin, bc take notes, winwin invented cute 
And how you'd be especially close to mark 
And you'd be his fav noona too
And how you're so so kind w the older guys too
And Taeyong just-- admires you so so much
Bc he loves his friends so dearly and the fact that you love them too and take care of his beloved ones makes him so happy, he just appreciates it a lot
And legit keeps staring at you from a distance with a sweet smile as you put a scarf over jisung before he goes out or you hand winwin a new book about Korean poetry that you bought for him
And then probably Johnny passes by and lightly smacks his head to wake him from his day dreams and whispers
"Dude stop that's so creepy"
Oh btw
Everyone in the dorm knows about his crush on you
E V E R Y O N E .
Probably even their pets
This child is so bad at not getting flustered at the mere thought of you someone protecc
And the guys tease him the whole time omg
Like even the younger ones
He swears to ground them like ten times a day but ends up forgetting bc he'd be so flustered
You probably get left in the dorm alone w him
Don't ask me how yuta agreed to that ok I might be the author but evEN IDK K BYE.
And so you start chatting
Probably while cleaning the mess made by another seventeen wild horses
And you both find it funny how at first you were so so distant and awkward
And now here you are casually picking up chenle's underwear from the floor and throwing it with the laundry
And you tell him how you thought he was unfriendly at first and he laughs it off
And he tells you how he watched how you treated his brothers before opening up to you
And you're like ooOooOOoH so that's why, I thought you were glaring @ me and you actually hated me
And you're like wait what
And he's like wait what.
"Taeyong it's okay I like you too
It's actually really relieving since I thought you didn't feel the same so I was a bit gloomy"
And then he apologizes for the misunderstanding
And at that moment jeno barges in and he's like um sorry am I interrupting something
And before you say anything he's like oh shit I'm really interrupting something sorry BYEEEE
But then he opens the door again and he's like okay ONE last question hyung did you ask her out yet
And ty is like jeNO I SWEAR TO GOD
And then when jeno leaves bc he realizes he needs to run for his life or else he'll spend the night in the streets,
It's really awkward before you're like
"so uh.. how about we grab some coffee? Like a first date?"
And taeyong tries his best to muster up a good answer until the word "date" leaves your mouth and he's like 1010101010011101 error shutdown sorry.
Anyways so you go out to this cute coffee shop and that's your first awkward date full of tingling feels and chibi monsters gnawing on your insides.
You probably frequent that coffee shop a lot more often after that
Bc coffee shop dates w taeyong are just so adorable
And he's adorable
*mark silently dragging my crying whipped ass away*
Arcade dates are also your thing
Since he's a little bit too obsessed with games
He loves museums too so he'd bring you to a lot of them
Especially art museums
And you're like why should we go when I've got a whole piece of art in front of me
And he blushes and smiles
Late late night dates
Where you just walk around like fools at like three in the morning bc neither of you could sleep
And you probably grab some ice cream
Okay I'm making it sound like you'd be such an outdoor couple when you're not lmao
Okay not rlly
But my point is that you'd prefer cuddling in bed all day over any of those
Not only in bed but really everywhere
Y'all are just so cute and soft
Skinship skinship and a lot of skinship
He can't stay like ten seconds without touching you
idk like he has to grab your hand or hug you or have you hug him or juST BE IN PHYSICAL CONTACT W YOU OK LIKE HE MIGHT DIE OR SMG OK
But there are some small cute things you notice he likes
Like back hugging you when you're doing literally anything
Like you'd be cooking or washing the dishes or freaking wiping away the dust or just looking out the window and he'd waddle to you as if his skinship'o'meter is hitting a critically low level and he needs urgent recharge
He'd then slowly wrap his arms around you so so gently yet you still feel like his whole world depends on that hug
90% of the time he'd rest his chin on your shoulder
Okay not his chin but technically press his lips against your shoulder, crook of neck, neck, collarbones, hairline, the skin behind your ear, your jawline, basically anywhere he could reach
Like they aren't even kisses his lips would just ever so softly ghost around your skin and his nose would nuzzle your crooks
You're dead if you're ticklish
He also likes intertwining fingers
Like not even all fingers but two or three
He'd love link your index and ring fingers as you walk, lay around and whenever he holds your hand which is often
He love love loves when you play with his hair
Kittyong anybody?
Esp as you praise him
Or you cup his cheeks and then your hands slowly creep to his ears and then to play with the hair on the back of his head
Or simply when you're laying down as he rests on your chest
He looooves doing that
Like he doesn't even care if you're boobless he just really loves that 
Sometimes while having really deep conversations
Or when you're cheering him up if he's ever having a rough time
Like you'd gently caress his hair as you tell him all the things you love about him
If he's really really down he'd silently cry and hugs you tighter 
And then end up falling asleep to your soft soothing voice and touch
He's usually very cheerful and hyper though
You'd love spending time in the kitchen tgt
Flour fights aren't that common bc he's usually tidy but they do happen so watch out
He loves cooking for you
And LOVES when you cook for him
Like even the simplest things
You don't really have to be that good at cooking like you'd crack him an egg and he'd be as happy as if you've served him a full course meal
He'd teach you how to cook but wouldn't let you do it like tf
He says to use those skills when he's not home
Although whenever he's leaving for some time he'd stack up the fridge w food that would probably last a year
Very random kisses
Like very random listen to me
You'd be like watching TV or something and he'd suddenly turn and peck your cheek then go back to watching
And you're like ?????
And he's like nothing I just wanted to do it
And you're like ????? uwu
Man I could talk about him all day but no one can afford this 
This is already way longer than all my other boyfriend posts wsdswdsdwdswdws
He just wants to be loved okay give my boi some sarang
Just kidding give him all the sarang lmao
No really I'm serious.
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elnorasims · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by the amazing @surreysimmer and @dawsim thank u lovelies :3
im not sure who has done it and i think im kinda late on the bandwagon so if you want to do it feel free to say i tagged you xo
traits: foodie, goofball, lazy [and i included my doggo bc he is my son]
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to. i’ll put it below :]
What is your full name? abbiegaile
What is your nickname? abbie, ab, abz, fannyanne [lol dont ask pls] and my last name
Birthday? december 28th binch it’s comin soon
What is your favorite book series? oof idk maybe lord of the rings and tmi
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? maybe im too skeptical 
Who is your favorite author? idk oops
What is your favorite radio station? um idk maybe capital fm or smooth radio
What is your favorite flavor of anything? coffee yum
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? cool, amazing, ‘wow’ (also its bugging me that this font size is bigger idk how to fix it im not that tech savvy)
What is your current favorite song? i honestly couldnt choose
What is your favorite word? lol idk maybe like pipette or something
What was the last song you listened to? gold dust
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? oof i have a lot - big mouth, south park, game of thrones and outlander
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i love me some rom-coms like idk maybe 10 things i hate about you
Do you play video games? yup - maybe a little too much
What is your biggest fear? the unknown (so pretty much everything lol)
What is your best quality, in your opinion? idk maybe that im approachable?
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i over-analyse situations a lot
Do you like cats or dogs better? dogs 100 percent
What is your favorite season? either autumn or winter
Are you in a relationship? yes <3
What is something you miss from your childhood? lol this is dark and deep but not having to worry about things like i do now
Who is your best friend? my boyfriend
What is your eye color? blue
What is your hair color? it’s technically blonde n im naturally blonde but it’s gotten dark over the years so my roots are brown but i have blonde highlights and this was a complicated answer to such a simple question wow
Who is someone you love?  my family, my dog n my boyfriend
Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend
Who is someone you think about often? um
Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas tbh
What is your biggest obsession? i have way too many obsessions i look at something for more than 5 seconds and im obsessed its unhealthy
What was your favorite TV show as a child? bear in the big blue house as a little kid shout out to that fkin og show
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? boyfriend lol
Are you superstitious? boy do i 
Do you have any unusual phobias? i guess i have a phobia of bellybuttons lol
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind definitely
What is your favorite hobby? reading
What was the last book you read? the help by kathryn stockett
What was the last movie you watched? um idek i havent watched one in so long
What musical instruments do you play, if any? lol i wish
What is your favorite animal? polar bears
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i can’t choose just 5 its impossible
What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation
When and where do you feel most at peace? in my room lying down in bed reading
What makes you smile? a lot of things 
What sports do you play, if any? lol no
What is your favorite drink? caramel frappe from mcdonalds yum
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? hm idk maybe a card if that counts for my sister
Are you afraid of heights? nah
What is your biggest pet peeve? when ppl scratch the carpet with their nails lol
Have you ever been to a concert? yes
Are you vegan/vegetarian? no
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a singer
What fictional world would you like to live in? id love to live anywhere in middle-earth but most likely the shire *_*
What is something you worry about? everything
Are you scared of the dark? no
Do you like to sing? yh
Have you ever skipped school? yeah...too much
What is your favorite place on the planet? my room or tokyo
Where would you like to live? somewhere peaceful
Do you have any pets? a dog called brandy
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? a night owl def
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
Do you know how to drive? no
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds r more comfortable but i prefer headphones
Have you ever had braces? no
What is your favorite genre of music? indie chill
Who is your hero? my mom
Do you read comic books? rarely
What makes you the most angry? horrible people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
What is your favorite subject in school? psychology
Do you have any siblings? an older bro n an older sis
What was the last thing you bought? mcdonalds lmfao
How tall are you? 5′8
Can you cook? no
What are three things that you love? my fam/dog/boyfriend, cuddling up in a warm blanket on a cold night and peace
What are three things that you hate? horrible people, my anxiety and um idk
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? idk i think equal
What is your sexual orientation? i dont rlly like putting labels onto things
Where do you currently live? england
Who was the last person you texted? friend
When was the last time you cried? yesterday
Who is your favorite YouTuber? david dobrik, pewdiepie, um i also have a fkin love for like study youtubers 
Do you like to take selfies? nah
What is your favorite app? idk lol i dont rlly have one
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? ..
What is your favorite foreign accent? australian most likely
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? tokyo
What is your favorite number? 2
Can you juggle? no
Are you religious? nope
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? space but they both scare the shit out of me
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no way
Are you allergic to anything? no
Can you curl your tongue? yes
Can you wiggle your ears? no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if im wrong i admit it 
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? to just ‘do more of what makes you happy’ and that it’s ok to feel bad emotions it’s just important to control them
Are you a good liar? nah
What is your Hogwarts House? hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? yeah
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
Do you keep a journal/diary? i do if my anxiety is hella strong i like to let it all out
Do you believe in second chances? depends on context
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? probs hand it in
Do you believe that people are capable of change? depends on context
Are you ticklish? a little
Have you ever been on a plane? no
Do you have any piercings? ears
What fictional character do you wish was real? hmm idk maybe jamie fraser from outlander
Do you have any tattoos? no
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to stop caring about what other ppl think of me
Do you believe in karma? sort of
Do you wear glasses or contacts? i should bc im short sighted but i cba
Do you want children? yes but not until im a lot older
Who is the smartest person you know? my boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? um
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
What color are most of you clothes? black
Do you like adventures? yes if im not being lazy lol
Have you ever been on TV? dont think i have
How old are you? 18 
What is your favorite quote? dont have one im boring
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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wannawrite · 6 years
not my type
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸 type: bullet point
blog navigator.
University! AU 
you don’t date younger guys
but you just might ;)
thanks for requesting! this was quite difficult to write since I am a child still lol. Do note that Seongwoo is 20 in this work of fiction. ⁃ admin l
Tumblr media
disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
so,,,your love life 
not that exciting 
in fact, it is facing a drought at the moment 
reality is harsh huh? 
or maybe it is because of your high standards 
1. No younger guys 
2. Must be a nice person 
3. Someone I could foresee marrying 
but none of your blind dates left you impressed
and then there’s this kid from the music block called Ong Seongwoo 
he’s just one of the guys trying to worm his way into your ‘possible boyfriend’ list 
scarily enough, his tactics were working
we gon throw this waayyy back when y’all met 
frat parties were never your thing
in fact, f*ck linda and this stupid party, I just want to go home and sleep 
you love your roommate and all but you couldn’t help but curse her out 
after all, she had dragged you to this party thrown by one of the music department frat guys 
and left you stranded 
in a hallway with at least 3 couples passionately making out 
tonight was not your night at all 
you hated the loud, shitty music and the smell of sweat and liquor 
but linda was your ride here and there was a slim chance of hailing a cab right now 
you had no choice but to suck it up and rough it out 
Another issue
you needed to finish that essay on sustainable fashion before the 6am deadline 
gr8 job prof 
borrow a laptop from someone and do it now? 
what the hell 
which person would bring a laptop to a frat party? 
unless you can break into one of their rooms and take one??1?1?11
you almost slap yourself at the idea
dumb worried bitch energy 
sis is out of ideas and just wants to graduate be a little empathetic, folks 
you want to sit down on the floor and sink into a puddle of goo 
oh no 
there’s no way you are going to maintain this 3.9 GPA lmaoo
you move to wrestle Linda away from one of the frat guys 
but hollers and cheers stop you
a group of guys block your path as they welcome yet another friend 
but get this! the newcomer has a laptop case in his hands!! 
he appears to have just come from a lecture or meeting 
now, all you had to do was to stalk him, suck up to him and steal borrow the device 
sucking up to one of these frat boys was easy 
their brains had been bruised with bud lights so they weren’t the brightest of the bunch 
before you know it, he’s whisked away by his friends and dissolved into the crowd 
you really, genuinely, wholly, need this laptop 
They would help a fellow college student in need, right?
left with no choice, you elbow your way through  
I suppose your efforts pay off 
bc you catch him as he’s headed upstairs 
“hey!” you yell over the noise. “I-I...” 
the mystery guy only stares, quizzically 
suddenly, you’ve lost all ability to form coherent sentences 
this is embarrassing!
sis gotta calm down 
remember the real reason: laptop
“c-can i borrow your laptop real quick? I have a d-deadline tonight” 
mystery boy says nothing 
“What’s it in for me? If i lend you my laptop?”
he tries to remain serious but the corners of his mouth are tugging up
desperation is pretty much flooding your body 
you wld say f*ck it but you can’t 
“I’ll owe you a favour!” you blurt out thoughtlessly. 
*crickets chirping* 
hope is slowly beginning to fade and your brain is coming up with extension excuses 
just crumbs,,,anything
Orbits gg thru with the drought
when he goes 
he beckons for you to follow him 
“I know a better work environment than here.” 
“What’s your name? I’m y/n, it’s my third year.” 
“Woah, third year? my name’s ong seongwoo. I just got here.” 
huh, freshman 
seongwoo doesn’t say much after
he leads you to a common study area in the enormous fraternity house 
you turn away as he sets up the laptop and everything bc privacy!!!
but the number of brain cells you have left won’t allow you to remember his login details anyway 
“thanks,” you murmur bashfully 
well, this is an expected and rather awkward situation 
seongwoo plants himself in the chair a few seats away from yours 
he pulls out study materials from his backpack 
??? hello? sis, u shld be enjoying the party downstairs ???
you try to shift your fullest attention on your project 
but!! his presence alone is so loud prominent, it’s giving you a hard time keeping your eyes off😔🤧
anyway u manage to suck it up and finish paper and submit it just in time! 
a miracle 
maybe he is your angel ;)
you turn to face him and,,,seongwoo has fallen asleep!! on his books!! 
his hair is slightly tousled and his glasses rest askew on his face 
papers flap in his face but he’s too gone to care 
the poor child is tired 
💓💖💕soft hours💕💖💓: open
gently, you tap his shoulder 
“seongwoo? hey, um, your laptop,” 
he only stirs the 2nd time you call him
groggily, he covers his face and speaks into his hands 
he mumbles something about ‘dealing with it later’
you figure it would be best if you left him alone to nap 
suddenly, seongwoo grabs your arm 
at least, he reaches for it
“I need your number to claim that favour.” 
my number ????
for half a second, your heart does pitter patters 
he’s only being objective though...
and it was you who suggested it in the first place 
sighing, you punch your number into his phone 
“okay, but use it wisely and...try not to...call or text so much...”
that sounds rlly mean >:( 
“yeah i’ll keep that in mind.” 
there’s an underlying layer of...cheekiness? in seongwoo’s tone 
your brain jumps to the first conclusion it can think of 
“I don’t date younger guys, Seongwoo,” 
now, Seongwoo looks up and beams broadly 
“Bold of you to assume I’m interested,” he taunts playfully 
red sinks into your face and you defend yourself in splutters 
“I’m not interested in general! I’m prioritising my studies and everything else! It was just to make sure you know where we stand-“ 
futile, really 
“relax,” he replies. “Just saying, I could change your mind.” 
but true lol
an amused scoff leave your lips and your arms go akimbo
“I’d like to see you try, freshman.” 
*back to the present* 
You: really, Seongwoo. I don’t see why you can’t drop by the printing station yourself 
Seongwoo: you are seated RIGHT NEXT to it. Just fold the papers into aeroplanes and fly them over 
You: a 15-page research paper ?? That clearly says ‘do not bend’ 
Seongwoo: ignore it. Throw it over 
you never predicted this was where life would take you 
here you were, sat in the library, the table by the printing room 
and Seongwoo was seated a few tables away, texting you to collect his freshly printed document
just because 
You: Oh my god shut up you’ll get points deducted if your paper is the least bit crumpled 
You: i’ll just bring it over 
so,,,you did 
you brought seongwoo’s papers over to his table 
he had been watching from afar, lips pulled into a dumb smile
“thank you, senior.” 
boy had the audacity to say that in front of your salad 
just to tease him, you reply: 
“yeah, senior, just how I like my future boyfriend.” 
with that remark, the smile slips off seongwoo’s face and his jaw clenches
but he tries to play it off all cool😎🤧
you shoot the sweetest smile you can muster before skipping back to your table 
*beep beep*
I nearly put vibrate -
Seongwoo: that doesn’t count as using my favour card! 
your head shakes, but your mouth smiles 
it was no secret that seongwoo had a small! crush on you 
even if it was, everyone knew 
his whole frat and most of his seniors 
your friends and roommates 
the whole bloody campus 
this relationship started out with seongwoo following you on ig
then occasionally dropping a text and wishing you well 
he also hyped up all your pics 
and said hi whenever you bumped into each other 
it escalated to meeting up for brunch or a movie 
just...as friends, casually 
but you enjoyed his company and goofing around much more than some blind dates 
now, texting him was a regular 
going out was common 
and you haven’t even counted the number of times you guys met at social events 
sometimes, he made you feel so✨ special, precious, wanted by doing the smallest things 
like a tea on your table 
or going the extra mile to cheer you up 
most of the time at the expense of his handsome face 
he was always,,,there
you did find out about his feelings, though he never addressed them fully
it was fun!! to press his buttons as a friend 
“yeah idk abt dating someone younger. Wbu?” 
“Hmm. Senior year makes everyone 10x hotter.” 
but...you weren’t certain if that would turn into something more 
you know, you hadn’t given dating someone younger a thought 
it never crossed your mind 
maybe it was a subconscious deal breaker 
you were always quick to bring age into making deals 
old broken deals could be made new 
the concept was incredibly foreign 
my boyfriend? younger? 
Personally, you could never see that happen 
b-but seongwoo made you sO DAMN HAPPY ALL THE TIME 
there was sunshine in his smiles
and starlight in his eyes 
but is this attraction? 
Eventually, after many sleepless nights, up thinking about this, you made up your mind
If he made a move first, 
bc ur scared 
you would be hella open to dating him 
f*ck that ‘older people only’ rule 
(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡
[3.06am] seongwoo leaves a voicemail. He says, “hey, will you go on a date with me? I like you.”
[3.14am] seongwoo leaves another voicemail. “I’ll use my favour card if I have to. Just give me a chance.” 
so u jump on this bandwagon and call him asap 
it goes straight to voicemail but you don’t leave one 
you know,,,to build suspense 
all day long, that’s all you can think about 
[8.17am] seongwoo wakes up to a silent voicemail from you 
he doesn’t know what to think of it 
he dials your number with shaking hands and before you can utter a word, he rushes, “meet me at xxx cafe at 11am” 
then hangs up 
Tumblr: 101 cafe date outfit ideas
Seongwoo arrives early and orders a drink while waiting 
he also picks out a window booth to sit at 
his nerves could eat him alive if they teamed up 
what would you say to him? 
how badly did you react to his 3am confession 
getting mildly intoxicated on Daniel’s stash was a horrible idea
he spilt all his secret uwus
the bell chimes 
and all his attention is focused on you 
your eyes land on him 
a smile graces your face as you walk over 
“I like you too.” 
“Damn, you better not be messing with me right now,” seongwoo nervously chuckles. “I know I sent you th-“ 
“Oh my god! I like you!” 
For a moment, his smart mouth runs dry, surprised 
“Oh wow, what happened to your older guys only rule?”
You smack his chest in mock annoyance
“Rules are made to be broken! Let’s not talk about that.” You turn various shades of red 
Grinning like the Chesire cat, Seongwoo teases, “And that’s the beauty of it.” 
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mag200 · 6 years
@little-narnian-notes​ okay heres every taylor song that constantly makes me think of bagginshield:
the outside bc of all the time early in the quest when bilbo’s not used to all the dwarves and feels like they’re all such close friends and look after each other and he doesn’t know how to get close to any of them but there are quiet moments when he realizes that although thorin is one of them and they all look up to him, in a way he’s also on the outside bc of his duty to them
mary’s song (oh my my my) is a reshirement AU
i’m only me when i’m with you is another reshirement mood
untouchable is 100% both of them starting to feel aware of each other at all times and understanding each other without knowing how to approach the other and say “hey i’m here for you”
change is every time thorin starts to think the quest is doomed and that maybe he’s just leading his loved ones to ruin and bilbo keeps believing in him
mine bc “do you remember we were sitting there by the water? you put your arms around me for the first time” screams laketown
sparks fly makes me think of thorin working in the forges crafting a small gift for bilbo the fire and the sparks around him and “give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around”
enchanted for obvious reasons
innocent after thorin drags himself out of the gold sickness and realizes what he’s done, what he almost did
haunted because after his adventures he goes home to find it ransacked all his things being peddled off and nothing is the same as he left it and it couldn’t be because he isn’t the same and “i heard he never married”
long live “i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you”
ours “your hands are tough but they are where mine belong in”
safe & sound a lullaby of thorin’s war-torn youth and a lifetime bilbo can’t begin to understand but he listens
state of grace “i never saw you coming AND I’LL NEVER BE THE SAME” what a mood, all the fragility is killing me, “so you were never a saint and i’ve loved in shades of wrong, we learned to live with the pain, MOSAIC BROKEN HEARTS”
red because we must suffer. losing him was blue like i’d never known. missing him was dark grey, all alone. forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met. but loving him was red.
treacherous is so tentative and hopeful and just? hjghghgh bilbo leaves ALL safety & propriety & rules behind to risk everything to follow thorin across the world because “nothing safe is worth the drive and i will follow you, follow you home”
i knew you were trouble which i know is about taylor being cheated on but just the sheer fact that bilbo’s life was perfectly tidy and comfortable until thorin traipsed into his house all COME WITH ME we have to FIGHT A DRAGON and be GAY AND SAD
holy ground always makes me think of them climbing their way up the lonely mountain and when bilbo spots the giant stone dwarf that apparently no one else could see and thorin runs up to him and right there, where we stood, was holy ground
sad beautiful tragic for obvious fucking reasons
everything has changed like????? everything sure did fucking change. for bot h of them. can you imagine, either of them, ever had a clue, this was comign. no.
sweeter than fiction which always makes me think of all the people who chose not to help thorin all his life “hit the ground, only sound you heard was no” and then there’s bilbo “i’ll be one of the many saying, you made us proud”
out of the woods bc they can never catch a fucking break
this love is the AU where bilbo almost loses thorin on ravenhill but he doesn’t (actually i wrote a fic called this love came back to me lmao)
i know places i just love the imagery of them like. trying to fucking sneak around. everyone knows you guys. you’re in love. its okay. be free.
clean actually tho about thorin coming out the other side of the gold sickness and finally being free of the fear of his history
wonderland “and life was never worse and never better”
you are in love gOd the ending they deserved really. “and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, and why i’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words.” they really. they rlly lost their minds and fought the wars. bilbo rlly spent the rest of his life trying to put it into words in his book and it took him the next 60 years to be able to process all of that.
delicate is so real thorin’s reputation never has been worse and also, all his life i don’t think he’s been able to trust that anyone outside his family does like him, if they do it must be because they want something??? how wild it must seem to him that bilbo likes him for him. cares for him not as a prince not as the heir to an ancient and once rich kingdom not as a legend but as a person.
gorgeous is so fun but i like to think it’s bilbo @ thorin in rivendell like, early on before real feelings are developing, when bilbo’s still thinking that thorin’s rude and annoying but, fuck, so pretty, he hates it
king of my heart, body, and soul, oh whoa, oh. also always crying over “is this the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending?” (that line feels to me as if its from thorins pov)
dancing with our hands tied is unfortunately the death of me & about losing thorin and looking back and remembering. “i, i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us” and “swaying as the room burned down, i’d hold you as the water rushes in if i could dance with you again”
call it what you want is soooooo much. thorin’s castle crumbled overnight and he brought a knife to a gun fight but can you imagine the peace & acceptance in saying “they took the crown but it’s alright.” and then and then. in bag end when thorin comes and he wants bilbo to come with him he sings a song yearning for all he’s lost and exposes all of that to a stranger.. “you don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me?” and bilbo: “yes.”
new year’s day is the moment bilbo holds out his hand to show thorin the acorn he picked up and tells thorin all about how he wants to remember everything, “hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you.” it’s what it was like to have thorin look right through him, in the thrall of gold sickness and fearing that thorin didn’t recognize anyone at all, “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere.” it’s a year after the reclamation of erebor and thorin and fili and kili lived and bilbo stayed, “don’t read the last page, but i stay when it’s hard, or it’s wrong, or we’re making mistakes.” it’s the peace they deserve. the rest at the end of it all. “you and me forevermore.”
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
So...what ARE you feelings on bruce being a Pisces? Let alone that Cass is an Aquarius, Dick is an Aries, Jason's a Leo and Tim's a cancer?
I slowly shut my laptop and set it aside on my bed, staring ahead at nothing in particular as I reminisce on a favorite Pisces in my life. My best friend since childhood, a girl who i’ve known for well over a decade, more than half of my life really, who happens to share the exact same birthday as Fictional Character Bruce Wayne. A Pisces-cusp.
I think on the similarities I see between them, the qualities of her character that only I and a few others would know, and try to think on how others have perceived her before joining our friend group over the years. I admire her empathy, her passion for music and video games, her willingness to put all of her friends above herself. 
And then i remember how she drunk-texted our group chat last night just to tell us she loved us & that she couldn’t wait to hit up a gay bar with us when we’re all back in town.
And I cackle. Because if no one else does, I do see these qualities in Bruce Wayne’s character. Just a hair below all the so-called brooding and angst. Bruce is a water sign who’s a little emotionally stunted in that he tries to hide his feelings, but he feels oh-so-very much. He’s a Pisces trying to emulate a Scorpio and falling just short (bc lets be real, he’s got too many kids that he definitely dotes on) but yknow… it’s something that when he’s done correctly by writers, they somehow manage to fit those qualities in without even realizing, I think. Sure, he’s not a kid that I grew up with and there’s plenty of differences because my friend is, yknow, an actual person who’s more than a couple of personality traits. But damn if I don’t see similarities….
Now, as for the rest of the kids & others that I relate them to… (under the cut, tagging as “long post” for mobile users just incase tumblr wants to be a butt again) Also a warning bc some of this will sound like I’m ripping from astrology sites but honestly just narrowed things down from my own personal experience with these signs. Take all of this observation & comparison with a grain of salt, if you wish.
Cass is an aquarius, like myself. And I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t see more than a few similarities in what few scattered stories I’ve been able to read so far (or even that I might be prone to reading a bit too much into some of it bc hey, I have a fav now & I want to see myself in her, sue me). One of these days I’m probably going to sit down and really dive in, but for now, I gather what I can, listen to the meta that others have, and ofc, try to form my own opinion. 
That being said, an eccentric-ass Aquarius is really the only choice to take over the mantle from a sensitive-ass Pisces, and everyone can fite me on this. Aquarians & Pisces, my friend and I, Bruce and Cass- all on a similar wavelength, esp when they’re encouraging each other and learning to grow from one another.
Cass is an air sign that most people only see as being grounded because of the discipline David Cain instilled in her from childhood. She’s funny, wise beyond her years, and intensely dedicated to the mission at hand bc of what it means to help others as a whole. And this is fault that I see in myself and in her: she’s got plenty of empathy for those she might already be close to, and absolutely cares about humanity in a greater sense, but caring for individuals without getting to know them can be uncomfortable. She’s driven, but can be blindsided by that dedication and burn herself out easily if others don’t intervene. Also, an introverted extrovert, one who’s absolutely ready to meet with others and collaborate/team-up, but can get a little lost in her own head from time-to-time.
Now, Dick the Aries. My other best friend since childhood also shares this sign with my First Favorite Robin. And I do see more than a number of parallels between the two of them. My aries friend has a penchant for taking over projects and setting themselves in charge of the operation. But they also have the charm and ingenuity to make themselves to seem the perfect and best fit for that leadership position. They’re rebellious, a little brash in decision-making, but they’ve also mellowed out over the years in many small ways. Still on fire about what they’re most passionate about in life, and more than willing to achieve it by any means necessary, damn anyone who thinks that they won’t.
There’s a popular consensus in fanon to make dick a kind of hufflepuff who’s just there for his friends & loves hugs and is lovey all around- but Dick is driven. He cares for his friends fiercely and will help them absolutely, but he’s ready to avenge them too. He’ll punch you in the face, pirouette with the utmost amount of sass, and then make you feel bad for making him do it in the first place. He’s got that bit of deviousness that will make you second guess his intentions. But if you’re already part of his inner circle, you have nothing to fear from him. And that’s where his lovey side then has room to come out.
Moving on to Jason the leo, and I know you didn’t ask, but Im adding Stephanie to this discussion as well since she’s a leo too. A few leos that I’ve gotten to know over the years can be summed up very lovingly as this: attention whores. (again. very lovingly. i love each and every one of those bitches so damn much, this is something they’ve each used to describe themselves lmao)
Leo is the King of the Zodiac, commanding attention in the room whenever they walk in. They’ve got plenty to say, of course, and they’re excellent diplomats/socialites in many ways. Often best suited for a leadership position. They know how to read the conversation and the room and turn it best into their favor. They will dazzle you with their wit and charm, but also in their knowledge of the subject at hand. If they have an Opinion, they’ll absolutely let you know what it is, and they’re not afraid to hold back on what they perceive to be a truth. Some will have a bit more tact than others, but they’re a fire sign, after all. 
Did this just describe Jason & Steph? well maybe not to some, but I definitely see their drive to complete their own missions & joining up Bruce’s crusade as Leo qualities. Steph and Jay are willing to do what it takes and butt heads with whoever they must if it means doing what they see is right. They’re absolutely social people too (maybe Steph a bit more than Jay will be), and you can’t deny they’ve both got a certain kind of charm over the rest of the family.
Tim the cancer sign… this is… difficult actually. One of the few signs that I don’t recall having significant interaction with. (& honestly the character & Robin that I have the least personal interest in. I do want to like him but I just…??? Havent rlly found the time to put into reading up on him more)
But just going off the water sign aspect, and knowing water signs in my life… Emotions & emotional intelligence are obviously going to be at the forefront. From what I’ve gathered on Tim, he’s very well-rounded in all areas of his life, and driven to succeed at whatever he’s set his mind to. I can absolutely respect the strength his character has commanded over the years, and his popularity is absolutely earned, I think. Writers have worked hard to make sure he’s distinct from Dick & Jason before him in many ways, and I’ll have to look deeper into his character & listen to more meta on him before I’ll be comfortable to speak further on that.
To round out this discussion, I want to bring Barbara into the mix, because she’s had a fixed birthday for awhile now. And tbh she’s just as much part of the family as the rest I think (yes, I know some people get Babs fatigue bc she’s the first batgirl & gets the other girls lost in the shuffle but hey! I’ve loved her for awhile now!) She is *drum roll* a Libra!
Now, this ones a bit tricky, bc the most important Libra in my life is my mom. Buuuut, she and Babs are both cusps… on opposite ends of this zodiac sign. I admire my mother for her resolve, inventiveness, work ethic, and stability. I also loathe her tendency to micromanage projects, become overly involved in the work of others (to the point where she WILL find out whats going wrong) and how she tends to overwork herself (just this past spring has been really really difficult. I’m surprised she hasn’t worked herself into the grave with the amount of stress she puts on herself)
Now some of these qualities, I absolutely see in Babs. But I also see a bit more awareness in her character, esp when she’s grown up into her Oracle persona. She seems able to recognize what she’s doing and how she’s affecting others, and will sometimes use that to her advantage. She’s a character who’s grown into the adversity she faces & doesnt let it change her resolve for completing the mission, even if it needs to be from a new (& probably better) angle. She adapts well to change, or forces the change to adapt to her. She is a force to be reckoned with and admired.
All of this to say… at the end of the day, the stars are still just balls of gas and light that sit some billion light-years away from us. Do they really control our personalities? I mean, probably not. But there’s enough similarities in those traits to make you wonder… and it’s honestly just a Good Fun Time regardless. 
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neo-shitty · 3 years
ah yeah i suppose ur right. yeah i think quarentine has had that sort of effect on a lot of people :( sorry to hear abt ur strict parents, hopefully ur friend will be able to come back soon. small outings (even with family) are still good tho, make sure ur taking care of urself toff.
youre totally right! ah yes thats good advice (/gen) ill try and use that when im in a slump ty. any music suggestions?
lol sames. even some of the stuff abt seungmin, innie etc is a little uncomfortable, like theyre grown ass men for sure, but at the same time, theyre still young, still just over being a teenager in the grand scheme of things. (on that note, i do struggle with worrying that im infantalising them, obviously theyre adults but at the same time, theyre still young. i do treat all fictional characters as my children, but i guess its different when its real people. idk. what do you think?) yeah some stans rlly need to take a chill pill, some are rlly walking the wire between 'ah theyre attractive/that look rlly suits them' and making fucking smut fics abt minors, like... they do not see a problem with that?? yeah tbh i feel like unless theyre 18 they shouldnt be put into the spotlight, weve seen what it does to peoples mental health, but modern day kpop industry is a lot like old hollywood with a lot of popular child actors -_- hopefully the big companies will learn but i agree, its unlikely
suuuuure toff haha. ill go searching for them, but idk if ill be able to find the fluff needle in the angst haystack (jkjk) yeah, fair i groan and complain but you do write angst etc rlly well, so if its what ur comfortable with, then pls continue, it is one of your strong suits, well as you write fluff aside
ah okay good! ill continue to send you essays then
THE ALBUM YES. so ive been looking forward to it for literally months, this is actually my first skz album release as a stay (since the last on was 9 months ago) i was sitting there hitting refresh on my spotify the second 6pm kst came around. (speaking of which, how did you do the release? i couldnt decide whether to watch or listen first but i ended up on listening cos there would be more material) okay: so cheese was super cool, very skz ya know? tho i almost wish theyd made domino the title track, tho obv it was a more experimental track and would have been a bit controversial (much like whistle for bp) i looooved domino and thunderous was absolutely impeccable. all the songs were amazing but standouts were- secrets, secrets which lowkey made me tear up idk why, red lights which almost killed me (it did not have to go that hard, but it did) and OT8 WOLFGANG omgggg i wasnt sure if hyunjin was going to be included in it but i was hoping and, ya know people had said hed be in there, but the further i got in, the less i was sure and then BAM hyunjin started what had been jisung's part and i just sat there grinning for about 5 minutes. surfin was absolutely adorable and gone away almost made me cry AGAIN. star lost was so touching, almost a nod to hyunjins little star? silent cry was relatable beyond anything. SSICK was funny? for some reason I was laughing while it was playing, idk the combination of added cheering and minhos aggressiveness and the totall seriousness they sung it. but i rlly enjoyed it. sorry i love you showcased their vocals like nothing else. the view is THE BOP of 2021, absolutely going to be stuck in my head for the next decade, that hook is genius. what did you think?
also did you watch their grow up performance? with all the stays and ALL THE TEARS? ;n; i feel like this is the end of an era of skz and tbh im kinda happy but also sad. super excited for their promotions but super bummed they wont get to tour. ah well
<3 w.a. 🐺
answer under the cut bc i gave an equally long answer to this already long ask HAJSH
oh yeah, abt quarantine having an effect. my friend and i talked about this earlier actually. i didn't realize the world was moving so fast until the pandemic happened. being in quarantine gave me time to think and i got to know myself more. it's just the sole good thing i got out of the isolation lmao. and abt my strict parents, ironically i got to go out today so i got to hang out with a few of my bestfriends. i had fun but my legs are a bit sore from walking. but they're a different set of friends. i'll get to hang out with the others when my getaway driver comes home in december.
hmm music recommendations for writing? depends on the plot you're writing. care to share what story you're working on and i'll try to rake my brain for a song that might match the vibe. i listen to classical / lo-fi if i don't have song inspo for a fic because lyrics sometimes distract me.
i don't think that's infantilizing tho. for me, it has something to do with my environment and the way i was raised. maybe it's the same the other way around? like this certain age (for the ones above 18 but below 20) is thirst-able for them. idk really. it's just not for me ?n? what i do NOT condone is writing smut for minors??? like get checked : D // i agree with everything with the idols being 18+ before they debut simply because it's for the best for their well-being like. how can young idols decide that this shit is the thing they want to do for life? or at least until their contracts last. idk :// it's unfortunate that it's unlikely to happen.
WELL. i have a list so you won't have to go search for them! in class (minho), in the rain (seungmin), gladius maximus (chan) and you've read five star already. and i just realized that most, if not all, of my upcoming fics are fluffs and i'm fond of all of them :D i used to focus a lot on angst because fluff disgusted the living shit out of me. i think things changed when i wrote champagne problems and hurt myself so bad i wanted to drop angst entirely. i didn't, of course, but i allowed myself to be self-indulgent now.
for the release of the album, i was on twt and watched the vid at 12 views (if i remember correctly, i watched back door at 14 so HASJH) i’m gonna talk by track so it wont be too confusing? bc i wrote this in paragraph format and it just ???? beware im very picky with tracks even if they’re my ults. so no offense if we have opposing opinions and i’m not fond of reading lyrics so these are all music wise.
cheese - oh god i hated cheese at first listen but it grew on me easily. i was singing the yeahyeahyeahyeah bit all day today :D
thunderous - i cant say that it’s my favorite title track. it felt really dry sometimes, both mv and music wise. but at the same time, it’s not that bad. the choreography carried the song tho o.O it’s so fucking cool. but like go live, another track has my heart and it’s
ssick - was a skip on first listen too because i found the chorus underwhelming but it grew on me? not that much but i can bear listening to it.
the view - it’s something the gen public like, hence its something i dislike. im not fond of songs that are structured like this? it’s not a bad song, just not the type of song i like. but i agree that the hook is very not catchy but it would get stuck in ur head.
sorry, i love you - it’s not as sad as i expected but i actually like it??? i can’t wait to write a fic out of it (1) HAJSHAJ it’s like a 3/5 for me. it’s angsty but chill?
silent cry - i’m pissed at this song bc it hits but sometimes it doesn’t?@?#!? but it’s starting to grow on me but definitely not my fave track.
secret secret - glad i found a secret secret enthusiast because my irls thought it was a skip?$?#@$? it gives me ikon vibes and i’m a huge fan of ikon’s discog so this was a win for me T_T +
STAR LOST - gives me bigbang song vibes and now im very sad :(( in case u didnt know, i’m a hUGE yg fan and 2ne1/bigbang introduced me to kpop so when i heard this track that gave me yg feels i just <3___<3 and it’s one of my favorite tracks anw moving on,
red lights - I WANT TO SKIP THE FIRST TEN SECONDS OF RED LIGHTS EVERY TIME IT PLAYS LIKE IT MAKES ME FEEL AWKWARD KDSJFSK but fine. i’m adding this to props and mayhem’s playlist LMAO it’s more aggressive than sexc tho. more enemies to lovers o. O
surfin’ - this coming right after red lights just wasn’t the best decision arrangement wise because how did we go from ooh sexc to aigh pARTAY. felix saying sheesh T___T it’s such a fun song i want to go to the beach ;n; do you like beaches?
gone away - i have yet to read the lyrics because i’m using this as inspo for a jeongin fic jskjash it’s not the type of ballad i like but it’s so fucking sad to listen to :’ ) the pitch change caught me off guard? still does. it’ll grow on me prolly.
wolfgang - I YELLED WHEN I HEARD HYUNJIN IN WOLFGANG. i didn’t like this song until recently. it gives me the confidence boost i need to pick myself off self-esteem crashes.
and no i haven't watched that performance and i prolly wont because i’ll cry. i’m excited for the promotions too. do you think they’ll still have a repackage?? i cant fucking believe that i just finished waiting for 12am kst for skz teasers and now i have to look forward to 12am for nct 127??@?#? NOT A SINGLE DAY OF REST FOR THIS STAYZEN
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Have you seen the movie Jackie? What did you think of it?
This is about to get REAL nerdy up in here anon.  I had such a painfully obvious boner for Kennedy!history and legends for like... my last year of high school and most of freshman year of college that my mom gifted me with a first edition copy of Profiles in Courage by (but not rlly, he was too busy politicking to write a whole book) JFK for my birthday.  And like, that wasn’t even the only Kennedy-related birthday present I got that year.
I have seen it!  I think it could have been better as a story about Jackie and a Kennedy-oriented history fan (I hate myself for identifying with that) but as a movie it is a Work, imo.  And I mean that in a good way, there were bits of the movie where I was like yeah I’m watching something really intentionally artistic here and it’s pulling it off.
The thing is that while the movie is OVERALL accurate (I’ll expand on my criticisms of accuracy later lol) the history isn’t the point, aside from when it relates directly to our perception of Jackie vs. the Real Jackie, and though obviously I don’t know the woman and I wouldn’t say this movie covers her entire personality (it spans over just a few days, it can’t) it nails certain aspects of her that we don’t discuss often, imo.
Jackie is as iconic as Marilyn Monroe, exactly because she was the antithesis, or so it seemed, of Marilyn.  Marilyn was sex; Jackie was love (romantic love, maternal love, patriotic love).  Marilyn was dirty, but in a touchable way that made you want to touch her; Jackie was clean, but in a way that made you want to put her behind a pedestal and maybe never even get to know her because that might ruin the image you have in your head.  You don’t want her to be human.  You don’t want to fuck her.  You want to love her.
The thing is that just as with Marilyn, the image was really, mostly, a lie. Jackie actually had a lot in common with Marilyn--she probably wasn’t faithful to Jack, though he started it, I’m sure.  She struggled with loving a man who could never really open himself fully to her (Marilyn chased these types like craaaazy).  Hell, they both even had fertility issues (Jackie had multiple miscarriages and actually lost a two-day-old son less than a year before Jack died).  She was saddled with legacy, and like Marilyn she really couldn’t be herself.  Even their interviews, ESPECIALLY if you listen to them (as a MASSIVE DORK I really recommend listening to those, like, 18 hours of interviews with Jackie done after Jack died, which this movie definitely pulls from).  She was never as raw, imo, as she even is to the interviewer in the movie. More vulnerable than usual, maybe, but never Raw.  Like, the movie has her saw really honest shit and it’s probably what she was thinking but then she’s like--strike that from the record.  Imo, the real Jackie slipped up and struck things from the record, but she never slipped up and was as honest with a reporter as she is in the movie.
Listen, I’ve got issues with Natalie Portman, but she NAILS those aspects of Jackie Kennedy that the movie is interested in, and I don’t like her as a person but she was robbed of a second oscar tbh.  She wiped the floor with Emma Stone.  There is more nuance to a single scene of her in this movie (the one where she’s sort of drunkenly dancing about the white house, as one example) than Emma conveys in all of La La Land, case closed.
The Jackie in this movie is an inner part of Jackie that I am certain existed.  She’s constructing a legacy for Jack as soon as he dies, because he never got a chance to make that legacy for herself.  She understand the myth of this family, of her, and she’s making sure that the myth lives on because that’s all they’ll have.  He’ll never get to his second term, which some historians opine would have been much more groundbreaking than the first, as is often the case (first term presidents don’t want to offend because they’re thinking about reelection; second term presidents can lay it all out on the table).  She’s been indoctrinated into this myth of this family (and the movie never covers this, but she was apparently Joseph Kennedy Senior’s favorite daughter-in-law, and maybe he was just being a creep and thought she was hot but I think he recognized in her a similar ability to go along and play for the cameras that his wife possessed, except better--she elevated the family, the Bouvier blood was much bluer than that of the Kennedys at that time) but she’s also making it what she wants it to be, because this is her greatest act as First Lady.  As much as Jack and Joe Sr. and Bobby and Ted adored Jackie, she didn’t get along with the women of the family because I think tbh there was some intimidation going on within both sides and she never fit in, but damn, in this moment, she gets to MAKE the family.  
The movie also both embraces and shies away from Sentimental Jackie, which we so often see.  Jackie is usually either a bitch who didn’t really love her husband but is annoyed with his embarrassing infidelities and is in it for the glory, or a weepy messy who’s always on prescription drugs to dull the pain and going “Jaaaaaaack” whenever he comes home after fucking some lady.  This Jackie is ABSOLUTELY played as deeply in love with her husband, and in some ways more sure of his love for her than I think most fictionalized Jackies are, in a very period-appropriate way.  Sure, her husband has mistresses.  But he’s also a brilliant man  in her opinion, and he puts her on a pedestal and she’s the one he comes home to, she’s the First Lady, she’s the mother of his children, so...  The infidelities are painful, but not the end of the world.  There’s a line she says to a priest in possibly my favorite part of the movie where he sort of broaches another part of her pain they’ve only alluded to--the affairs.  And she fucking SNAPS, it’s one of the only times she really loses control, being like “I was the goddamn First Lady of the United States, don’t you dare pity me” and it’s GREAT.
Now.  If you’re looking for a biopic, this isn’t it.  It’s a study in grief (grief for a beloved husband, trauma over how he died which is very graphically portrayed, grief for everything that will never be) and a character study of Jackie.  The entire Kennedy story isn’t as delved into as it should have been.  And to be honest, the biggest gap here is Bobby Kennedy.  If you’re going to tell a story of Jackie Kennedy’s grief, you gotta feature more Bobby.  I mean lbr I’m fascinated with the relationship anyway, but they completely turned to each other immediately after Jack died.  Literally nobody else understood how they were feeling.  Jackie devoted her life to this man, giving up so much to make his dreams come true... and so did Bobby.  Shit, Bobby and Jackie could finish each other’s sentences, and both professionally and personally they were hugely codependent in the last years of Jack’s life.  And Bobby, like I said before, worshiped Jackie at one point in his life.  They were both into literature and poems (especially after Jack died, she got him into poetry to help him grieve) and they’d visit the graveside just them two.  Bobby’s first concern after Jack died was Jackie; he immediately took up a more paternal role with Caroline and JFK Jr.  But this wasn’t just because Jack died, they were genuinely best friends--when JFK was away on a yacht or something after Jackie’s first miscarriage, Bobby was in the hospital with her.  Whether they ever crossed that line is irrelevant; if you’re doing a good “Jackie grieves Jack” moment you have to have a good Bobby and vice versa.  This guy... has none of the literally insane grief Bobby had (people thought he was gonna lose it for real, including Jackie).  He isn’t as acquiescing to Jackie as he reportedly was irl after the shooting, and yes he did resist the massive funeral she wanted from what I’ve read, but this is played a bit less like Bobby Is Going Into Guilt-Driven Paranoia and Is Worried His Niece And Nephew Are Gonna Be Assassinated and more like... ooh, this man is trying to put Jackie down, but she’s gonna have a Feminist Moment and fight him on it.
It’s the one big weak point of the movie, ESPECIALLY SINCE HE ISN’T DOING THE ACCENT AAAAAGH THE ACCENT EMBODIES THE FAMILY LINGUISTS HAVE STUDIED IT AND IT’S SO INDIVIDUALIZED THAT NOBODY ELSE REALLY EVER HAD IT THAT’S HOW RICH AND “YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US” THEY WERE.  This is especially glaring because JFK doesn’t have an accent for his little speaking role either which could be fine bc he’s barely alive in the movie but theeeeeen Natalie is WRECKING the Jackie voice, she got it just right.  Like fuck, I know this is a Portman Project but you’d think someone would want to not phone it in and maybe get some best supporting actor noms because Bobby Kennedy is a meaty role.  Look at Barry Pepper, he was in a legit not great at all miniseries but he killed the role of Bobby and did the accent so well (and I admit Bobby’s is apparently harder to do bc his voice was also super distinct without the accent) and the awards just came rushing in.
Basically: this is a very, very good movie that should have won Natalie Portman an oscar, I think it got so much right about Jackie but it wasn’t quiiiiiite as fucking nerdy as I’d like.  Also, I say this as someone whose favorite Kennedy is very obviously RFK (he was shady AF like all of them but he had good ideas and was viciously effective when he wanted to be, tbh his assassination is one of the great “what could have beens” of American history imo).  But yeah, I think this is a really impressive, well-directed movie if not necessarily the movie I would have made about the family.   
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