#maybe most people can overhear you over the music but to me it's just a bunch of white noise
celepeace · 1 year
Service workers and nurses deserve a million times more respect than they're given and deserve better conditions and pay but also service workers and nurses be nicer to disabled people challenge
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onmyyan · 4 months
👋 You mentioned that Marcos killed the earliest out of his brothers and is the best at it, and even that he's gotten paid for it before. If you're still taking requests I'd love to see Marcos in a "falling for the mark" situation where someone hires him to "handle" the reader but during the research process he falls in love with her (or he can fall in love at first sight or even after their first conversation, whatever works best) and ends up killing the person who hired him instead
Loooove your OCs, especially the Delmonts! Super excited for whatever you drop next!
Marcos felt his fingers twitching in his coat pocket as he entered the building, making a b-line for the mahogany bar full of patrons he couldn't help but grin to himself, this was his favorite part after all.
Sure he was good at the killing bit and sure he was talented at it, man oh man did his skills shine when it came to the parts before that, the stalking, the studying, he relishes the feeling of getting to know his target, and today that target was you, a pretty little bartender who'd been unfortunate enough to serve Marcos client, Tito, see Tito liked to get hammered and run his mouth, turns out he said some things to you, his bartender, that really shouldn't have left his mouth and now to cover his own ass, he'd hired Marcos.
You were a classic case in his eyes, in the wrong place at the wrong time, overhearing something you shouldn't have, put you in the line of sight of a bad man like Marcos.
He came on a particularly busy day intentionally, wanting to see you in your natural state amid the chaos of rush hour, and he noticed a few things immediately, you were very attentive to your patrons, probably how you ended up in this mess he thought to himself, it showed a level of care not many people had in their jobs, the second thing he noticed was your laugh, it carried over the music and the chatter and the yells from customers, and he felt a twinge of guilt, the idea of never hearing that laugh again, of depriving the world from it, didn't sit well with him.
He shifts in his seat uncomfortable, lost in his subconscious he doesn't realize he'd walked up to the bar, sneakily taking his place amongst the crowd, he let his eyes drift to you from your Doc Martin's to the old jeans you had on, then up past your wonderfully sculpted ass, and finally settling on your face, this is when he knew he was really fucked.
You filled glass after glass never stopping, your motion fluid and smooth, he could watch you work forever, and he did. So long in fact the bar had closed, "you know I've never had someone take this long to decide what to drink." You joke making your way towards him, most of the lingering patrons were slowly, drunkenly, heading for the door, leaving Marcos and you alone. In theory this was the perfect time, he could finish the job and pour himself a drink before anyone noticed your body.
But he didn't.
Instead he smiled, his ringed fingers knocking into the wood of the bar, "Maybe I'm shy."
"A pretty boy like you? No way." Your response was quick, like your mind, your warm (e/c) eyes held him there where he sat, unable to lift a finger to do his job. "You probably say that to all your customers, but I know I'm the prettiest." He leaned into his chair, red eyes never leaving your gaze, "Well no matter how true that is, it's closing time gorgeous, order something now or hit the bricks." You leaned on your hand , nails drumming along to the music playing from the speakers above you.
"what takes the longest to make?"
"are you trying to screw with me?"
"No! I just don't know how else to stall long enough to get your number." He folds his fingers together, resting his chin on his hands, the pose makes you laugh, you shake your head ripping a piece of napkin, you jot down a number and slide it to him with two pretty fingers. "Here, now get out."
And he did, with a grin so wide it showed off all his teeth, he couldn't recall the last time someone had lit a fire under him the way you did, the piece of napkin seemed to burn a hole in his pocket, all he wanted to do was call you and really lay on the charm he knew he had, but first, he had a visit to make to his friend Tito. He whistles the song that was playing as he left the bar and thumbs the knife in his pocket, someone would be dying tonight, but it wasn't you.
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lenaariewrld · 4 months
C.05 — the concert thing (w)
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ON THE AIR — childe x reader smau
| SYNOPSIS;; Teyvat University’s popular radio personality, Y/n L/n, has only one gripe with her life. Her classmate, neighbour, and all-around nuisance in her life, Tartaglia. Their rivalry extends just past academics and, to her horror, into her work. He becomes the music director and co-host for her radio show, working alongside her most nights and forcing himself even deeper into her life. But is he really trying to just be friends, or is there an ulterior motive to his actions?
| WC: 2.6k
previous! ~ masterlist ! ~ next!
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You and Ganyu stand on the sidewalk as Cyno parks his car and pays for the spot –estimating the amount of time the three of you will be there– while the both of you lean against each other casually. You had snatched one of Cyno’s jackets before leaving the house and now used it to cover you and Ganyu, your arms snaked around her shoulders and your chin on her hair. The air outside was slightly chilly with the wind, but still warm from the summer heat. At least it wasn’t balmy and humid anymore. For that, you were grateful. The pleasant moments ends when Cyno joins the two of you, looping one of his arms each with you and leading the way to the bar.
A small line was already forming when the three of you walked closer, full of excited young adults ready to have a memorable night or anxiously waiting to see Childe and his band perform. You recognize a few of the people in the line, waving to classmates or to people who greet you with an excitable call of your name. This bar was pretty popular for university students, so you aren’t surprised that people who also know about your show are here. You’re just surprised about the overlap between yours and Childe’s audience. As Cyno skirts his way to the front, you overhear a couple conversations. You don’t resist the urge to roll your eyes when you hear a couple girls whispering about him and how attractive they find him.
It was annoying, but you knew the man had charm. That you couldn’t necessarily deny.
It just didn’t work on you.
With a flash of Cyno’s student ID and the newspaper’s lanyard he wore, all three of you get accepted into the bar. Immediately, you and Ganyu beeline it to find an empty table far enough away from the stage to avoid anyone from that group recognizing your presence. Cyno goes to get drinks, meanwhile. The first thing you noticed upon setting your bag down and tucking your friend’s jacket over your legs was the atmosphere. The bar was crowded, expected for a Friday night. 
The lights are dimmed enough to add a sense of intimacy between people’s conversations and to provide contrast to the bright stage lights that have been set up on the far end of the bar, directly opposite from the bar where some very worn-looking bartenders dash left and right to make a million drinks. You pity them, hoping they get tipped well enough to deal with this particular chaos.
A couple minutes pass before Cyno returns, three drinks delicately balanced in his hands. A virgin drink for Ganyu, and two colorful (and probably very boozy) cocktails for the two of you. You clink your glass with him. “So, what all do you need for this paper?” You ask, willing to help where you can since you had nothing better to do. Even if you were dragged here.
“A couple pictures of the performance, some comments from the band members, and maybe a video to replay while I’m writing later so I don’t leave out any details.” The white-haired man tells you, counting off on his fingers. You sip from the little bendy straw in your glass, humming thoughtfully. “I was hoping I could catch Thoma afterwards and get something from him since he’s the only one I know–”
“And can tolerate?” You finish with a cheeky grin. Cyno nods, a smile pulling at his lips as well. You chuckle and lean your elbows on the table. “Me and Ganyu can record the set if you want to focus on everything else,” You offer.
Ganyu reaches over and gently takes the strawberry set on the rim of your glass. “We have a pretty good spot to watch, so if we record it, you definitely won’t miss anything,” She adds, matter-of-factly before eating the red fruit. You nod along, sliding the toothpick of fruits from Cyno’s drink her way as well.
“Thanks, guys,” He smiles, appreciative of your combined efforts to make this night go as quickly as possible. He turns his head as the lights on stage brighten. “They’re starting. I’m gonna go find a good vantage spot,” With that, your friend dismisses himself and disappears in the crowd as Childe and his bandmates shuffle onto stage. They’re loud and over the top, but they draw everyone in as they find their spots and introduce themselves. Admittedly, they even draw your attention in.
“Thank you all for coming to see us! And for those who didn’t, but may be interested; we are Vapriize,” Childe says into the mic, his hands adjusting his grip on the bass in his hands. The lead singer, a short little blue-haired guy named Scara, clears his throat and begins speaking next but you stopped paying attention by that point. Soon enough, they start to play and the music fills the bar.
You listen as Ganyu sets up her phone and begins recording, making sure to hold it high enough to see the entire stage of people’s heads. Oddly enough, as you listen, you find yourself enjoying the songs as the set progresses. It’s not the typical kind of grungy “I fuck girls and I know I’m hot” kind of music you expected.
Though it is a pop-rock type of instrumental, the lyrics imply a heavy heartbreak, with the lead singer passionately pleading whoever the song is about to give any crumb of attention, even if its just listening to the song, rather than leaving point blank. It was a raw desperation you knew well, something that resonated in your chest. The next couple songs are similar, lamenting how though the past relationship is over, the lead singer still finds pieces of her in every aspect of his life. Or about how apparent he’s made her effect on him and now without her absence it’s like he’s transparent. It sits uncomfortably in your gut, the way you relate to the songs, making your stomach sink further to your feet.
You down your drink and dismiss yourself to get another one, tapping Ganyu’s shoulder to alert her you’ll be right back. More music plays. You find yourself humming along once you sit down again, your well-manicured nails tapping on your cocktail glass, your chin propped on your hand, and your body swaying slightly to the music. At some point, Ganyu finds your hand and laces your fingers together, keeping the both of you grounded through the haze of the bar. During a quiet moment, she leans over to check on you.
“Are you enjoying this even a little bit?” She asks, raising her brows just slightly, a tiny wrinkle in between them. You smile and reach out to smooth it away.
“Maybe a little bit, but it’s hard not to be with you guys around,” You admit with a shrug. Cyno briefly shows up to your table once the set ends nearly an hour later, dropping off his camera and notepad.
“Gotta piss,” Is his only explanation before he darts off to the bathrooms. You laugh. Reaching over, you slide his possessions closer to you, taking care not to spill anything on the paper of your friend’s notepad. You glance over what he’s written so far, but you’re stumped by the chaos of his notes and the jumbled lines on the paper. It looks like nonsense, but you know Cyno’s process is one that works. You’ve read his completed works in the newspaper everytime a new issue comes out.
You tense as an all-too-familiar voice greets you. “Well, I didn’t expect to see you here… and dressed so pretty.” Childe slides into the third unoccupied seat at the little table, his chin propping onto his hand in a mirror of your position. You frown, crossing your arms instead. “Is it for me?” He continues, cocking his head to the side and raises his brow, his eyes darting over you. You make a gagging noise and dramatically turn away to cover your mouth.
“No it’s not. It’s for myself,” Your voice is cold as you speak to him, your glare biting. You refuse to break eye contact or back down. You were never one to be intimidated, and much less one to be so easily swooned by cheap words and bad pick-up lines. It helped when you also despised the person they came from. And you hate Childe. You hate his stupid smug face, and his perfectly tousled hair with the little blonde streak in the front. You hate the mischievous glint in his deep blue eyes, or the creases at the corners when he smiles. And you hate the way his voice purrs your name, slipping from his tongue like honey while he sidles ever so closer to your body.
“Mm, why are you here, Y/n?” He asks, watching the way you chug your second drink of the night, avoiding any chance to continue the conversation. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?” His voice is teasing, irritatingly so, but it’s also… softer. You notice his eyes darting around your face, some look in his eyes that for once isn’t mischief or malice. But one you definitely can’t place. You also notice he’s not looking over the rest of your body anymore, caring less about the revealing cut of your dress than the way your expression morphs.
He noticed you frowned less deeply when you were tipsy, your cheeks flushed all pink and your eyes blinking slowly. You looked more like an angry cat than anything. You looked… cute.
When you clear your throat, you notice Childe seem to break out of whatever trance he was in, his shoulders squaring a little more. “My friend needs to be here for his newspaper and I’m offering moral support.”
“Newspaper? Are they writing something about us?~” He hums.
“It’s not like it’s by choice. Your band is about as interesting to see as a flea circus,” You retort, chuckling into your cocktail as you take another dangerous gulp. The liquor burns your throat but it soothes the urge to gag whenever Tartaglia so much as opens his mouth.
“We’re plenty interesting,” Childe pretends to pout dramatically, tilting his head to the side like a wounded puppy. You’d find it charming how easily he could switch if it weren’t for the fact he used this ability to get on every single one of your nerves. “I saw you enjoying yourself for a few of our songs, even you little boytoy was bopping around,” He casts a glance around the bar.
“He’s not my boytoy,” You scoff, “Just because I have a friend who’s a guy doesn’t mean either of us wants to sleep together. Some of us are capable of viewing women as people, unlike you,” You spit the words as you turn your head away, hoping and praying Cyno finds you again so you can shoo Childe off for good.
“I can see plenty of women as people. Just not demons like you,” He laughs as if sharing a funny joke.
“Shut up, you ass,” You huff, moving to get up. Your cocktail no longer does the trick of helping you forget who you’re talking to or why it was so irritating to be around him. Childe moves to grab your wrist.
“Hey, hey, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings–”
“You have no effect on my feelings, Tartaglia,” You spit, teeth bared. “Let me go. I’m tired of talking to an un-empathetic loser,”
“You don’t have to be a bitch, you were the one who made the first joke,” Childe retorts, but he does as you say and lets go of your wrist, but now you were getting annoyed, your hands on your hips as you scoff yet again. His audacity was really something to behold.
“You’re the asshole who tried to force a conversation with me, don’t act like a saint,”
“I’m being friendly, Y/n,” He defends. You throw your hands up, exasperated at the excuse he doesn’t entirely seem to believe either. He’s stood up just like you are at this point, the both of you sizing each other up despite the fact that he easily clears you in height and strength.
“You’re being a fuckboy,” You seethe through gritted teeth, your eyes narrowed. Ganyu grabs bother bag and Cyno’s stuff from the chairs, urging you to evacuate the situation though you don’t entirely hear her, too focused on the annoying ginger right in front of you.
“Fuck you, Y/n,”
“Fuck you, too,” You declare, snatching your things off the table and taking Ganyu’s hand. “Let’s go,” You tell her and storm off without another word to the man. You’re still fuming as every second passes, carving your way through the crowd of people and towards the exit. You can find Cyno later, or even send him a text about where you are. For now, you just needed to get out of there.
You hated that you were worked up. But even worse, you hated that you felt a pang of disappointment in your chest, the conversation between you and Tartaglia having felt pretty naturally before you both exploded. God, that fact alone only made you more angry.
As soon as the fresh night air hits your face, you slow down and turn to Ganyu. “I’m sorry for… that,” You tell her, guilt evident on your face. She squeezes your hand.
“It’s not your fault, he came out of nowhere,” She assures, the both of you walking down the sidewalk to a less populated spot right outside the bar. You lean against the gritty brick and dig around in your purse for your lighter and pack, handing Ganyu your phone so she can text Cyno about where the two of you are.
After retrieving and lighting your cigarette, you place everything neatly back in your bag, inhaling deeply through the stick of nicotine. You manage to get a few drags in before the door to the bar bursts open, Cyno emerging with a tall, relaxed blonde following behind him. You recognize Thoma from the couple of time you had visited the newspaper staff a couple years ago, back when you had been trying out different things for your major. He looked better now. Well-built, more sure of himself. He waves to you and Ganyu as the two men approach, forming a loose group circle.
“How are you? What happened?” Cyno asked, eyeing the cigarette between your pointer and middle finger. You hold it out for him to take, letting him take a drag while you explained how Childe had come up to you and Ganyu and the conversation that had happened. “Dick,” Cyno mutters around the cig, blowing the smoke away from any of your faces before handing it back to you. “Sorry, I know he’s sorta your friend,” He then apologises to Thoma.
“Oh, I know he can be an ass, though,” Thoma waves his hand dismissively, chuckling as he shoves his hands in his pockets. You chuckle, giving him a nod of respect.
You, Cyno, and Ganyu all catch up with Thoma as you relax again and finish your little vice. The conversation remains light-hearted and easy, none of you daring to breach any uncomfortable topics while the night was so nice and peaceful. The buzzing of bugs in your ears and the fuzzy feeling of the nicotine and liquor in your system helping to calm you down. By the time you all call it a night, you feel less shitty.
“Goodnight, take care of yourself,” You say as you hug Thoma, squeezing him tight. He hugs you back, echoing a similar sentiment before you both part. The others give their own goodbyes and your two groups split off. Cyno leads you and Ganyu back to his car, taking back his things from the blue-haired woman with a grateful hum before climbing in and driving you all home.
You’re not sure what to make of this night but one thing is certain. You definitely, certainly, without a doubt, hate Childe. And co-hosting with him was going to be hell.
A/Ns: we getting into it!! i looooove writing banter (and getting to see the enemies are maybe-not-so-enemy's)!! as always, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated in any form, and don't forget to get rest and take care of yourself <33
TAGLIST: @popiizpops
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
one of my olba mcs is so taylor swift-coded it’s unreal and it was a total accident despite me a fan, but it’s been in my brain for a while. and it’s even better that that mc was for baxter. and then i got to thinking… like how would he be with a mc who’s Basically taylor swift (assuming miss swift doesn’t exist in the ol universe)? like teen singer icon turned global superstar who plays the guitar and piano, writes and sings almost solely about love and her love life, and even wrote a few songs about them.
personally, i think baxter would Not Have A Good Time (tm), since he left in step 3 and did his best to forget about mc. and now mc’s breakup songs (one which was Definitely written about him) are plastered on the radio and their love songs are being played at weddings and their face is all over the news and social media, he can’t escape them LMAO!
and you know mc would show up to jude and scott’s wedding and sing some of their songs (acoustically) cause if you have a global superstar at your wedding, it’d be a little foolish not to have them sing (also cause they probably wrote a cute lil song for jude and scott and wanted to perform it). and i can just imagine mc making The Most Intense eye contact ever with baxter as they’re singing a small set of their popular songs (love songs and break up songs included) LMAO
but what do you think? it’s been rattling around in my brain for a long time and i like Have to talk to someone about it LMAO!!!
Honestly, I don't think I'm the right person to ask for this, I really don't ever imagine any of my MCs anything like this ... PYSCH. I have actually thought about this a lot because it's very fun, so hop in, OP, we're going for a ride!
-- So the way I picture it is that MC has always been good with music, always written songs and played some instruments and sang. After they graduate high school, they decide they don't want to go to college, they want to pursue a career in music and they're making some steps to get there when Baxter shows up.
-- They let MC play at the country club sometimes because the family has been members there so long, but also MC is just really good too. Cove always comes along to see MC perform, and so do Miranda, Terry and Derek when they can. This is how Baxter first sees MC sing and he is MOVED.
-- Since MC is Taylor coded, they can pop out songs like nobody's business, so by the time Baxter sees them perform they already have a cute little early romance song about him. Depending on how bold MC is, they could play it, or not! But it exists.
-- So sort of as the relationship gets more intense, MC starts getting more opportunities to go professional. I like to imagine that Baxter takes MC to LA to meet with a record label, because even though he's not a city boy he's well traveled, and he would just handle himself well in that kind of situation I think. Also, road trip!
-- And yeah, then Baxter leaves, and he's like "out of sight, out of mind," but not so fast mister man. It may take a couple of years for MC to get the amount of mainstream success that makes them a household name, but they get there and yeah, he is having a Very Bad Time indeed.
-- This is not an original thought, but "Cruel Summer" is about Baxter so.
-- He does his best to avoid it. He won't listen to the radio, he won't look at magazine covers. But eventually MC just gets to be unavoidable, and that's no fun.
-- Like to the point where he's just overhearing people gossip about MC at work, can he not get a moment's peace?
-- No.
-- He does his best, but hearing some songs and some facts about MC's life is just going to happen. Maybe he's watching a movie and one of their songs is on the soundtrack, something like that. It's hard because he still thinks they have the loveliest voice, and it would be so easy to just do a deep dive on all their songs and throw a big pity party, but he tries not to.
-- At one particularly low point he'll give in though. He'll just lay on his couch listening to the latest album with a bottle of whine, so deep in his feelings.
-- He will never ever ever talk about it though. No one knows he knows MC or about his secret pain.
-- They just think he's a hater, which is fine by him.
-- Baxter is a professional though, so if someone wants one of their songs to be their first dance song at their wedding, then that is perfectly fine. He can cry in the parking lot after.
-- After MC's presence gets to be so much, he might sneak a peek at a magazine, just out of curiosity, not because he still has any feelings, definitely not. If it's about someone breaking their heart, he'll be miffed about it but then realize he has no right because he also broke their heart and cue a downward spiral. But if it's about them being happy in a new relationship, he'll be sad that it's not him, so a downward spiral is happening either way.
-- If he really wants to hate himself, he'll google them. He's not brave enough to go for social media though.
-- When he meets back up with them for Jude and Scott's wedding, he'll try to ignore them, but when they force him to talk he'll act like he has no idea that they're a Big Deal.
-- And THEN if MC performs at the wedding, oof. He'll avoid it at all cost because while he's the planner, he also just cannot deal. They'd do a love song during the reception and what a coincidence, that's when Baxter has to do something outside for just a quick moment.
-- Ok, but then they get back together and MC is all in, and the fans are going rabid over Baxter. He's so pretty! He'd a wedding planner, how romantic! Is he just with MC for their money? Let's hope they don't find out that they actually dated for the first time five years ago, because then fans would be on the hunt for clues that old songs are about him. Baxter would be a little scared, but he can handle it!
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50shadesofjayden · 2 years
Gareth Emerson Headcanons pt 2: Electric Boogaloo
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These are once again written with the mindset of Gareth being 18+, not that there's any NSFW ones this time. With that being said, please if you are a minor, keep scrolling. I'm also sorry for the title but I couldn't not include that.
TW: Swearing, slight talk about homophobia in the 1980s and talk about political ideologies - nothing to bash them, just what political alignment I think Gareth would have. If you see any others I've missed, let me know and I'll add them.
There’s a good chance he’d have an alternative partner. He’s very intensely into the things he likes, so I can’t see him being interested in people who don’t have similar interests. Which is why I think his partner’s style would be alternative. Specifically, punk, if I can toss my two cents in. Regardless of gender or lack of gender, they’d have that big dyed and teased hair, a safety pin through their ear, maybe some facial piercings, the whole nine yards. They’d both love plaid. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t go feral seeing them in a mosh pit at a concert. He’d think it’s one of the hottest things he’s seen them do. He’d be amazed by your ability to walk in platform boots without breaking or spraining an ankle. And maybe a little turned on by it. I could also see him being with someone who isn’t all-out alternative. I don’t think the look has to be there for him. As long as you have similar morals and interests, he’d be down.
In a similar field, I don’t think he’s straight. He doesn’t have a label for his sexuality. Pretty men, handsome women and adorable non-binaries are all good with him. There’s a good chance that Eddie could have been his sexual awakening for men. Still, there’s also a good chance that it could be someone from Mötley Crüe, Lemmy Kilmister, K.K. Downing, or another band member in a band he likes. He thought he admired them for their music - until he had a wet dream or fantasy about them. He didn’t tell people about it right away; he’d know Hawkins isn’t the safest place to be out. When he feels comfortable telling people, he’d tell hellfire at a DND session. Everybody would accept him, even if they did not understand it. He’d tell his mom and siblings last (in case they don’t accept him), who automatically give him hugs and assure him that this doesn’t change their opinion of him in the slightest.
He’s a Scorpio. I know, I know, we don’t know his birthday. But it just makes sense. He’s got the resting bitch face down, he’s got the aggression that’s kinda really hot, and he has this passion to him that you tend to see in water signs. I am going based on other Gareth fics and head cannons for this, but he does seem very private to everyone except the people he trusts. You would not be able to tell if he likes someone until they’re brought into the friend group. It takes a bit to win him over, even after someone new is brought in. He knows what he wants and will eventually get it, which he is sure of every time. The scene that makes me think this the most is the scene when Jason is stepping on his hand. Gareth was adamant about not giving Eddie up. Mostly because he didn’t know where he was, but he could have told Jason places to look. They’re close friends, if not best friends. He’d have a good idea where Eddie was, not just that Dustin was looking for him and might have found Eddie. He only gave the Dustin part up when it became obvious that Jason wouldn’t stop until he had information and he assaulted him. It just gives me Scorpio vibes.
He and Eddie fucking gossip together. It’s like that stereotype of two teenage girls type of gossip. It is sometimes about music, but more often, it’s about what Eddie overhears when dealing. Eddie learns so much gossip from the different cliques as he deals to people in all of the cliques, and they just don’t care what’s said around him. He always reports back to Gareth and Gareth alone. None of the other Hellfire members are interested in his gossip. Eddie being Eddie lets himself into Gareth’s house as he’s babysitting his sisters to inform him of the latest gossip. “Gareth, you’ll never believe what Amanda was talking about with Stacy.” “What?” “Madison hooked up with Ryan at Tina’s party.” “NO!” “Yes!” “But she’s dating Christian.” “Oh, I’m very aware.” “Lunch is going to be interesting on Monday.” “That it will be Gareth the Great. That it will be.”
Can we talk about the dynamic of the older hellfire boys for a second: specifically their music tastes. They’re all obviously music lovers, music lovers of a ton of genres at that. But they all seem to have a bit of a different genre they fit into. Eddie is obviously our metalhead. It was harder to find in the 80s, but I think he’d also love international metal music. He’d be so excited to see Ramstein; it would give him many ideas for Corroded Coffin. Many of them are about fire, but he’d have a lot of ideas nonetheless. Jeff, I thoroughly believe, is more of a rock guy. I think he gets it from his parents. He’d have those cool, slightly younger, maybe teenage parent’s archetype. But Gareth, I fully believe he’s a punk lover. He loves the music, but he also aligns with the core ideologies of punks - like being very anti-establishment, vocal about the mistreatment of minorities, ACAB, anti-war, fuck Reagan, big on equal rights for all, etc. I don’t think he would be overly vocal about it, but he’d argue about it in class with other students and would make his beliefs known. Their music tastes would combine to make Corroded Coffin a genre-hopping metal band.
He’d throw hands for his partner if needed. Is he good at fighting? Honestly 50/50, but he does his best when it comes to his partner. I’ve mentioned him being overprotective before, and I think it comes from either being an only child to a single mom or the only brother to sisters. I think he has this ideology or mindset that even if you are perfectly able to stand up for yourself, it’s his job. It’s not in a toxic masculinity way, more of an I protect the people I love.
He’s not the best in school. He is smart, but I agree with the fandom that he has ADHD and has a hard time focusing on specific things for a prolonged time. He’d be great in a woodworking or shop class; he’d get to use his hands and brain and doesn’t technically have to follow a specific set of rules - even if he should. He’d make you tons of gifts, though. Like a really nice birdhouse, a floating picture frame, if you wear jewelry - a really nice jewelry box. This also makes me think he may go into carpentry for work or keep it as a hobby after Corroded Coffin takes off. I think he’d branch out and begin making guitars for people. He just loves working with his hands.
He is a short king. Apparently, Gwydion is 5’ 8, so he isn’t super short but isn’t the tallest, either. I love the video a fan posted of them carrying Gwydion at a con (also a huge thank you to said person if they ever see this). Gareth, with a taller partner, is an adorable thing. He’d fully take advantage of having a taller partner, piggyback rides, can you get this for me, how’s the weather up there etc. Totally uses your height to check out your boobs if you’ve got them and are comfortable with that. Puts up a fuss when you rest your arm on his shoulders. He actually does like it, but he also likes to tease and playfully harass you. He is the definition of the shorter you are, the closer you are to hell.
The first holiday season, you’re together Gareth bought you a heated blanket. Hawkins is freezing in the winter, and sometimes a regular heating pad doesn’t do the trick. He’d never used a heating pad before you got together, but he’d soon find out how much you use and love yours. So why wouldn’t he get you a heated blanket? It turns into him also loving the blanket. It’s used a little bit too much if you are being honest, at least when you look at your energy bill. It’s used for cuddling while watching movies while sleeping, and he’s even asked you to bring it when going to friends’ houses for movie nights. It really was the best gift.
He’d be extremely loyal once he let anybody into his life. His partner would be no different, or anybody he likes. The only difference is he might be a little bit clingy, but not in an annoying way. He still knows how to give you distance and thoroughly enjoys his space and time. Still, he does prefer to be around his partner and touch them when they’re around one another. He would be the one to throw hands for his partner; in fact, he has. He’s very forward without pushing. He enjoys walking you to class regardless of whether you have the class together or are walking with friends. It’s not that he gets in between you and your friends. It’s more that he’d walk on the outside of your group, and your friends would be on the other side of you. If you have a class with him and your friends, he will sit at the inside or the outside desk, let you sit in the middle and your friend on the other side. He will try to distract you. Usually, by drawing on your hand or by attempting to play footsie. If you’re not dating and unsure, he will still be there for you regardless, no matter what, even if you get another partner.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
Hello, this is my first ask on tumblr (tho i've been lurking for a while) and I want to ask for a romantic and platonic Obey Me matchup!
I'm outwardly quite quiet and reserved and stone faced when around strangers, but when i get more comfortable I get loud and animated (and I have trouble controlling my volume generally). I'm an optimistic and energetic personality who often jokes around but doesn't really understand if other people make not-so-obvious jokes or sacastic remarks that fly over my head. I love immersing myself into fantasy worlds and writing about these same worlds, and I have been a cosplayer for abooout I think six years now?? And as you might guess from that, I love anime.
I'm currently studying sewing to become a custom tailor (so basically making tailored clothes from scratch) and I'd love to make clothes for any of the brothers! I love all kind of crafts, games and tinkering I can do with my hands. I also LOVE music and singing, since its easy to get lost in, and it expresses and identifies my feelings and emotions in more easy terms since I have trouble doing that myself. I can also play bass and a little bit of guitar.
Thank you already, hope you have a great day! 💕
A/N: Thank you so much for your ask! I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to get this out to you, but I think this Flu is finally making is way out (I can finally breathe again xD)! For this, the romantic headcanon will be first and the platonic will be second!
P.S. I was also a lurker on this sight before doing ANYTHING. I've had this account for almost 6 years and have only been doing actual posts for maybe the past couple months xD
Now, onto the matchups! Our romantic runnerups would include the following, Mammon and Asmo!
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I match you with........
• This shy dweeb overhears you talking about a rather popular series from the human realm one day when the everyone was at the table for dinner and the next thing you know, Mammon is shoved from your side and Levi has taken his place and is ADAMANT on figuring out everything there is to know on this series.
• So, he had been watching you for a little while now. Not simply because of the pact you managed to get him into. There was something he coukdnt quite placed his finger on. You were so stone faced around basically everyone but as soon as you were in the company of him or one of his brothers, it was a completely different story.
• We all know that this boy is a shut in in every sense of the word (reminds me of another certain Otaku boy), so this means that you've most likely made the first step, romantically wise. He already put in quite the effort the first time he officially spoke to you on his own accord at the table..... in front of everyone. He'd rather not relive that. Perhaps his favorite snacks and a TSL marathon to help ease into all of this before the big confession.
• Speaking of confession, this man is a fumbling mess as soon as those words come from you and Levi swears he is fifty shades of red right now. You can't just come in like that with a sneak attack with a crucial HP hit when he's vulnerable like that! Now stop laughing and give him cuddles.
• The man is low key touch starved, given we see how he holes himself up on his room all of the time and has rather limited interactions with basically anyone and everyone. He will be a stuttering and red mess for the first little while before he's finally used to it. And once he's used to it? Oh boy, you better be prepared. He wants all of your attention with him and only him. Now, this is also stemming from his envy. After all, he is the avatar of envy and this is something that he feels on a daily basis, at varying levels. It's not like he can fully help it, but this is also something you understand, which he is eternally grateful for.
• Cosplay! We have seen him cosplay as Ruri-Chan and this means that you can both cosplay together! The fact that you can even make your own outfits is something at astounds him every time he sees it. You can bet he will spoil you and buy you more supplies when needed. And you can also bet that he will have a whole list of people he wants to see you cosplay as, and maybe take pictures as well, but only if it's okay with you!
• Make. Him. Something! You make him something and now it is his new prized possession! Carrying it around with him, wearing it all the time, your scent calms him and its even better because you took the time to make something for him BY HAND. He's a happy boi in love.
• Seeing you singing and how immersed you get into music and your own world is something that has him watching you with stars in his eyes. No matter what it is that you do, he could just watch and listen to you for hours on end (in a non creepy way), any maybe he will ask you to sing something soft for him to sleep too........ (this man is a simp).
• Overall, even his brothers can see the literal match made in..... Devildom. The both of you are beyond happy with one another and are supportive of everything that each of you do. You're his Henry. And you always will be.
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I match you with........
• Long story short, this man is your ride or die pal. Besties, pals, partners in crime, the whole nine yards. Usually when the born of you are around one another, there tends to be chaos. Especially given the personalities between the two of you? Poor Luci is at his wits end.
• While he may not be dating you (he really is happy for Levi. Little bro finally has someone xD), he is your first and he will let everyone know that! You two are thicker than thieves and have been since day one. All those words of his were just for show, he couldn't risk the great Mammon looking weak for anybody!
• If you thought Levi spoiled you, prepare for more of it! Also, it's a part of his Greed, so a lot of this he also can't help. But he just keeps buying and buying and buying you more things. More than you may know what to do with. It's a habit at this point.
• He rather enjoys listening you play guitar. After a long and tiring day, if he actually does any work, then he comes over to your room, and you both casually chill, him scrolling on his DDD and you strumming away. He has fallen asleep many times like this (you have many photos, much to his dismay).
• He loves if you make him something! He may be a little greedy and ask for more, because who can say no to their best friend?! And he also likes to flaunt it xD
• Overall, the two of you are quite the dynamic duo within the HoL. Chaos follows the both of you around, Luci is pulling his hair, Levi finds it a bit amusing even if just slightly (a lot) jealous of how often Mammom hangs around you, and then Satan and Belphie laughing at poor Luci's braincells fading away each second he sees the two of you.
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riverstardis · 2 years
the last call:
i’m ready to cry
it’s cool how it’s actually the 8 year anniversary of this episode today
little abs🥺🥺🥺
iain’s back for the funeral
zoe sent some flowers
ethan in his hospital bed watching the video someone put online of the explosion going “they stood there filming this while his body was still in the people carrier. who would do that?” and cal going “you know you need to read a book or watch a box set or something”
lofty bringing ethan a pack of blueberries and cal goes “they’ve got mould on them” and he goes “or penicillin as i prefer to call it” sjskkddk i love lofty
“a man’s caught his penis in his zip” “and good morning to you too, lily”
lofty’s also brought funeral clothes from ethan’s flat
fletch sending beer
jamie’s back for the funeral too!
they couldn’t see his body because there was nothing to see😭
the way that woman with ocd goes to put her bin out… unfortunately i can relate
it’s not like i don’t know that this is honey’s first episode but it still surprises me every time
the man that was sleeping in the bin has been dumped
ethan getting changed into his suit and sneaking out
my question is why does he decide to try and sneak out through the ed like surely he could’ve gone out a different exit??
ash overhearing robyn and jamie talking about how they wished in could’ve been anyone else to die in the crash and how if only jeff had been selfish just for once :(
ethan tries to hide behind a magazine in the shop thus leading to his first interaction with honey. and that doesn’t lead to anything good does it
ig cal’s noticed that ethan’s gone because he finds lofty and asks him whether it was a black suit in the bag he got ethan and he goes “did you not notice the huge dressing under his pyjama top?” “strangely i wasn’t looking at your brother’s chest” “he’s had a thoracotomy you moron!”
dixie gone to the bin dump place to try and avoid the funeral and iain goes after her
the music😢😢😢
little abs by the coffin😭😭😭😭
dixie feeling like she didn’t belong at the funeral because everyone knew the arrangement she had with jeff so she felt she couldn’t “play grieving widow” :((
ethan and connie walk in together does that mean connie drove ethan there?
and ethan knocking a flower arrangement over when it’s completely quiet and connie whispering “you’re such a liability” sjdkfkfk
but then charlie asks connie what the hell ethan’s doing there because he knows he hasn’t been discharged yet and connie just shakes her head so maybe she didn’t bring him??? idk
urghhh looking at the bin guy makes me feel horrible. actually all the scenes with the bins do.
“you and jeff you had one of the most rock solid relationships i’ve ever come across. you’ve got every right to brag about that”
dixie arriving at the funeral just in time to say something
“most of you know what the deal was with me and jeff. and for those of you that don’t, let’s just say it wasn’t a long engagement. it wasn’t what you’d call a conventional marriage but it had a lot of the same components there was very little romance, there were frequent arguments, and there was love. he was my soulmate, my confidante, the clown that made me laugh and want to kill.”
“you sacrificed your life saving someone else’s and in my heart of hearts i always knew it was gonna be that way” ohhh and the camera goes to ash and to ethan💔💔
the radio bit gets me every time😭😭😭😭😭
ohh little abs still lying by the coffin😭😭
tess going “oh you look terrible!” when she sees ethan and he asks for a lift back with her
connie has to drive to dorset because grace has been expelled from school
ash trying to speak to dixie but she avoids him :(
cal standing round worrying about ethan when he arrives back. he tries to sort out an ecg while lily realises he hasn’t eaten anything since the mouldy blackberries and goes to get him a sandwich🥺
“when you said ‘i can’t let anything happen to you’ i didn’t think you meant it quite so literally” “i never said that. when did i say that?” “‘you’re my safety net, you’re all i’ve got’” “right, you were conscious. well, as you know, people say all sorts of gibberish when they’re stressed” oh cal it’s too late he knows you actually care about him now
lily brings the sandwich to ethan’s side room and asks what happened to the ecg and ethan’s like “i think he went off the idea when someone mentioned the pub” sounds about right😭😭
i’m guessing ethan escaping the hospital and going to the funeral got him more time in there because at the start lofty says he was meant to be discharged that afternoon but then he’s still there in the next episode so a week later? unless that’s not actually what lofty says at the start i can’t properly tell without subtitles tbh
dixie and tamzin talking😢😢 i really love how even tamzin acknowledges that what dixie had with jeff was a lot deeper than what she had with him and i love that dixie acknowledges that what tamzin had with jeff was completely different than what she had with him and gives her his jacket. basically i love how they weren’t pitted against each other.
and that’s tamzin gone
honey: “weird vibe in here” robyn: “it’s a wake”
aand that’s iain back
little abs🥺🥺🥺 this dog’s a really good actor lol
“to jeff. our hero.” 💔
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that-utsukushii-life · 5 months
This is going here bc I feel like I'm channeling either Rook or Vil right now. Maybe both.
I am not a hateful person, but if there's one type of person that gets to me, it's the pretentious mid-level 'expert'. The ones who have enough experience in a field that they can navigate it fairly successfully, but are quick to put others down without considering logistics.
For example, at a con I went to a few years ago, there was an interactive panel on ukiyo-e that you had to pay a $10 material fee to attend, and had a cap of 50 people. Having some experience with block printing, of course I want to see what this is about.
Ultimately, it's less about ukiyo-e and more of letting everyone move from table to table, experimenting with block printing ink and pre-made linoleum stamps on rice paper. A little disappointing, as I would have at least liked to talk some process or see some examples of ukiyo-e, but I see red when I overhear two girls calling it a waste of time and ink.
It's a $10, 1-hour panel. With a 50-person cap and no pre-requisite experience in printmaking. Did you think you were going to be handed a piece of wood to hand-carve your own block? I teach 8-12 year olds block printing with Styrofoam plates and it still takes at least 2 hours for at most 20 kids to go through the whole process.
The point of the panel is to expose people to the process. To let them experiment with something that's expensive to dip your toes into. The girls acknowledged block printing ink isn't cheap. But printmaking is a form of art that makes you approach your process so differently, and it's a shame more people don't get to try it.
The beauty of that panel isn't in the product, it's in sharing knowledge. It's sparking creativity and joy. It's carrying on a craft a little longer.
Or tonight, at my community college where we were putting on final dress for our musical, and had a few high schoolers come see the show. Spoiler: I'm not very actively involved in theatre-I was brought in bc they needed someone to press the button that does the sound and projection cues.
Was the run perfect? No. We have 2 mics that we can't get to stay functional no matter what we do. A sign fell down. There were other various bugs.
But as the high schoolers were leaving, I hear them giggling amongst themselves. 'That was-' They see me and shut up. When they think they're out of hearing range, they continue giggling: 'that was bad.'
Let me put some things in perspective. Our stage is small. Our total theater budget is probably less than what they have for their musical, and we put on 4 shows over the academic year. They had maybe 6 weeks to put this together. We currently have 1.5 dressers, plus our 2 stage hands. Tech crew is 3 people, and 2 of them are students. Cast is maybe 15 people, from the school and local community.
But they shouldn't have to know that to judge the play. They just shouldn't be pretentious about it. It's just not beautiful.
You don't have to like the panel or the play, but you have to give it credit for the work behind it. The passion, the love, the experience and long nights-those are what make them beautiful.
If you can't see it for that, what you admire and make isn't utsukushii- its only kirei. That's all it can be.
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jayreviews · 1 year
Silence is so loud I love it
Hey it’s JayJayJay!
Sony’s new headphones are literally one of the things keeping me alive right now. I’m talking about the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones.
So the headphones that I had before the new ones were the cheap ones you buy at literally any store. They were also very small on my ears and I had to wear my glasses a certain way to not get hurt because oh my god did it hurt like hell when I forgot to adjust my glasses. Also my piercings. I had to take the bottoms ones off every time i use them.
(don’t get me wrong, this isn’t me complaining. Those headphones very cheap and lasted me two years before the sound started glitching. Like cutting s song in the middle and continue after a few seconds, the battery was very weak compared to how it started at first)
Just your normal wireless headphones you know? But as someone who lives with a lot of people and many kids but is used to have at least some quiet around the house, this just wasn’t doing it for me. So I wanted noise canceling headphones.
At first someone recommended the Bose Wireless Headphones and when I saw the price I laughed so hard the employee had to come ask me if I was okay. Needless to say, I embarrassed myself in front of an entourage and never went back to that store again.
Then I went and searched for other headphones that were less expensive and still have the same things I wanted. I did look at earphones but it wasn’t the same.
And then my brilliant mind remembered for the first time in a while that Sony released new headphones. The WH-1000XM5.
So I went to the Sony store and looked at its price, then almost collapsed.
(Look, I said lower your expectations of me from the first post okay?)
But I didn’t want to give up just yet so I stayed and searched.
Then I found them.
There they were, on display, gorgeous black color, perfect price, and after I tried them on, they had the most amazing sound ever: bird sounds.
I’m kidding. The guy selling it was demonstrating it to me and he won this round. So I bought it. The ones I bought were almost 330$. Not sure if that was the exact number.
When I went home I unpacked them (and oh my god I love unpacking things, especially new devices. It’s a thing I have don’t judge) and immediately tried them on.
I turned them on and silence. Literal silence. I loved it. The music was really good, when I put on a movie the sound couldn’t be better. The battery life lasts a week, maybe more, but if you’re like me who uses it everyday, it’ll last for like five days, maybe more? I haven’t had their battery run out. Still good.
The soft padding of its speakers and the size of them didn’t require me to adjust my glasses in a certain way or take my piercing out. It was very comfortable and it didn’t hurt. Plus the padding for your head was very soft.
What I also love about it is that the charger is type C so I can just use my tablet’s charger to charge it. Wow I don’t even recognize the word ‘charger’ anymore.
The forward, back, pause/play, lower and turn up the volume are all touch so no actual buttons. Another feature I found was that if you put your palm over the right speaker, the noise canceling mode will temporarily stop and you will be able to hear whatever’s going on outside. Just to be clear, it’s still muffled but you could still hear.
So the main reason I bought those headphones was for quiet at home and I didn’t want people overhearing what I was listening to, or bother anyone with the loud noise. From outside people’s perspective, the sound they could hear from the maximum sound was minimal so that helped to not annoy anyone.
(I’m not sure what that last sentence was please tell me you got what I meant to say)
And I had a flight in a few days which made it perfect to try them on the plane. So I did.
I generally hate planes and anything to do with flying, but I especially hate the noises the plane makes. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about it, I’d still get on the thing, I’m just sharing a few things I dislike about a certain topic.
So I put the headphones on and turned them on. And if I wasn’t in love with them before, I definitely didn’t want to jump out a window anymore.
(did that rhyme? I feel like it kinda rhymed)
The noise canceling was its literal definition. I could barely hear people talking, but I’d still pay attention if they called out to me. However, the noises the plane makes literally disappeared. I couldn’t hear the engine, the wheels lifting, the nauseating sound the plane makes when it leaves the ground.
I had them on for the whole flight (which is nothing really, it was only two hours don’t yell at me okay??) and it made the flight easier on me.
Fun fact which I’m not sure if I mentioned this before: I’m a college student. And I live with a big family. And that family has kids raging from toddlers to teenagers. I have to have complete silence to be able to study and concentrate on my notes. You see where I’m going with this?
I don’t doubt the headphones won’t help with the noise decrease but I do repeat my notes out loud to hear them and memorize them so I’m not sure how that will go. And I’m pretty curious about the sound of my paper being thrown back and forth.
(Another fun not really fun but is funny to me fact: I have cried many times over my notes, I have a few ones containing tear marks.)
When I start classes I will share that experience.
So do I recommend the WH-1000XM4 headphones? Most definitely.
What was the difference between the WH-1000XM4 and the WH-1000XM5? After I asked, apparently the M5 have a better mic for gamers and/or employees who talk on the phone most of the time, but since I didn’t care for that I bought the M4. The latter still have a good enough mic to send an voice note on, but I haven’t called someone with it on.
Is it worth the money? Coming from someone who has problems with money (not poor but I have actual problems with money like come fight me) I say this is definitely worth it.
Until next time.
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idiacide · 3 years
Not sure if you only do one character but like what about Idia with an S/O who’s kinda the opposite of him in a lot of ways. Popular, extroverted, a social butterfly, but they’re still a massive gamer and anime nerd like him they just hide that part of themselves from their classmates.
If you need more characters may I also get the same scenario with Riddle and Azul?
I'll do all three cause I like this prompt, basic outline of the personality that the s/o has will be right at the top
Idia Shroud: (personality: Popular, extroverted, a social butterfly, but still a massive nerd in secret)
It took him a LONG time to warm up to you. Idia's one of those guys who kind of assumes that outgoing people are generally a little more airheaded. He may consider himself pretty beneath most people's notice, but to be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to get the music of Moirai on the Edge-
So when you comment on some merch he owns or he overhears you referencing some game you're both into, it kind of knocks him for a loop. It may even accidentally knock on some insecurities. If you can be popular AND a freak then what's his excuse? He really is good for nothing, he should just go into his room and die-
Once the dramatics are over and he gets past it, he really does enjoy having someone who catches his references. Finding out you were keeping this part of yourself on the downlow helps soothe his stung pride a little and he finds he actually kind of enjoys the idea of it being something private. Its kind of like a secret between just the two of you. It may even bring out that rare smug side, as he teases you with the idea of letting everyone know you're just as big a gross nerd as he is (don't worry, he would never. probably).
Once you start dating he's got a lot less hang-ups in general about how you are. He doesn't really understand where you get the social stamina, and trying to get him to go anywhere with you is a huge pain in the ass. Social butterfly or not, your boyfriend will always be firmly in the cocoon. Still, as long as you're home at the end of the night he's there with a sly offer of your favorite show and some really trash snacks in order to unwind.
"You're trying to corrupt me. You're trying to tempt me to stay inside more."
"...Is it working?
Maybe the rest of them get to see you bubbly, but he's the one with the secret codes to what's underneath, and that's something he doesn't take lightly
Azul Ashengrotto: (personality: Naive, trusting, and honest, but still ultimately driven and a little bit insecure)
Pretty much everything about you set off Azul's "Easy Mark" alarms and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't try to take advantage of that. More than once. You just made it easy, you know? With that open face and that trusting heart, every move you make can be seen coming a mile away, and you'll never catch so much as a hint about what he's been up to.
Still, there's something kind of compelling about it. The fact that you can get thrown off your path time and time again and still work so relentlessly to get to your goals. He knows you deal with the same kind of self-doubt that he does, sees it on your face as clear as day. But you don't let it stop you from doing what needs to be done, and unlike him don't feel the need to cover it in layers of affect and polish. While you may not enjoy it...you're not afraid of being insecure, and that's terrifying and awe-inspiring all at once.
As your relationship develops into actual dating, Azul is very protective of you. People will try to exploit your honest nature (he of all people should know). Someone should be around to draw firmly cut boundaries, since you're not going to do it for yourself. At the same time, you make him a bit better. He may not be winning any Boy Scout of the Month awards but your presence is a firm reminder that he doesn't have to hold everyone at arm's length, and that sometimes it's best to just tell the truth even if it risks failure.
You two have the potential to become a well-oiled machine of a relationship, both able to push each other to succeed while comforting the various hurts that are dealt by your own minds. There's some irony at play here, with him being hopeless devoted to the sucker he couldn't wait to con at the beginning of the year. But he can't really find it in himself to regret a second of it.
Riddle Rosehearts: (personality: laid-back, sloppy in appearance and manners, but still a brilliant honors student)
You drive him fucking insane the first few months. He was so ready to right you off as just another drone, one of those students content to skate on the school's prestige instead of actually taking the time to MAKE something of themselves. Your uniform was in constant disarray, you seemed to arrive to every class missing something, and your mode of address was completely lacking in terms of formality. Had you been in Heartslabyul he would have had you collared, but given you weren't he was resigned to just watching you implode.
And then your name kept appearing next to his when they posted the top test results. Every time the teacher calls on you you somehow have a ready answer. When paired up for class projects you may not always get your work in as neat and timely a manner as he would prefer but the quality is always unassailable. He swears you're cheating and sticks close your side for a while to see if you sneak off to Mostro's Lounge or employ some similarly underhanded techniques. The more time he spends with you, though, the more he's forced to confront the fact that you actually are, in fact, just that naturally bright.
Its aggravating. Much more so is the fact that with all the extra time he's spent with you trying to figure out what your secret is, he's forced to confront the fact that you...are not unpleasant to be around. For as much as your manners make him cringe, you're a kindhearted person. Despite your achievements you're not vain, or embittered by the success of others. You remind him a lot of Chenya, but there's something gentler about your temperament that puts him at ease despite himself.
Your relationship is unconventional, to say the least. Ask nearly anyone, including Riddle himself, and none of them are quite sure how you managed to rivals to lovers this guy without even being aware of the rivals part.
No matter how much he might find himself drawn to you, Riddle will never change that core of himself. He still sighs over the state of your uniform, still scolds you for procrastinating and still feels the beginnings of a migraine whenever you address an instructor with a cheerful "hey dude". Ultimately, though, his reprimands are now coming from a place of concern. He really believes you have an incredible amount of potential, and he wants to help you show it to other people. He shouldn't be the only one who knows exactly how impressive you are.
Likewise, you prove a balancing force for him, helping level him out a little more. Rules will always be important to Riddle, and so will decorum. But its helpful to have someone in his life who makes him feel like its ok to have off days. Even Riddle can't always be perfect, and for as loath as he will be to admit it...its a little exciting to have someone who can celebrate that imperfection alongside him.
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doppopoppo · 3 years
|| Uramichi Daily Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: minor sexual harassment ||
|| Uramichi • Shy|F!Reader ||
With the music blaring, more than what he was used to, Uramichi got a headache. He didn't even want to come here. He would much prefer their usual restaurant to drink. But Usahara being the annoying fool he is, dragged everyone to some club he frequents. Something about wanting to see the cute bartender. He should’ve just gone home.
Uramichi looked around the table. Utano was beyond drunk and complaining about her boyfriend. Iketeru was up on stage singing. He was drunk but still sounded good. Kumatani was busy trying to get Iketeru down from the stage. Usahara hitting on the bartender. The annoyed and exhausted man was busy smoking his cigarette, hoping he could go home soon.
“Look at those girls.” Uramichi heard Utano speak up, “oogling over Iketeru like that. Just cuz he’s got a nice voice and looks doesn’t mean shit!” He watched her complain and drop her head on the table. Probably crying.
Just as she said, he could see girls of all ages fawning over Iketeru. Some were even cooing at Kumatani, touched by his big brotherly gestures at Iketeru. Just how drunk was everyone tonight? He’ll get Usahara for this later. At least they’re having fun, well, most of them. Uramichi felt pity for Utano, but there was nothing he could do. So, he just gave a simple pat on her head to calm her down as she cried her soul out.
“Um, excuse me.” He heard a soft, meek voice near him.
Uramichi paid no mind. It was probably some conversation he was overhearing. Utano complained to him and wanted to know why her boyfriend still hasn't asked her to marry him. She’s been dropping hints. He felt awkward as he had no answer to it, considering he wasn’t close to either of them. He sighed, he’ll probably leave soon. But he feels bad leaving his friends drunk inside a club.
Uramichi felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a young girl, perhaps no older than 25. She looked to be very shy, a faint blush apparent on her <skin color> cheeks. She wasn’t looking at him either but at her fingers, which she was twiddling. “Um, hi there.” Her blush intensified.
It was the same voice as earlier. So, it belonged to her and it was directed at him. He wasn’t interested in getting with some girl he had just met in the club. “Listen, I’m not a cordial man. Nor am I interested.” He quickly rejected the girl. Plus, she deserves someone better than him anyways. He’s in his 30s already, she’s got time to find someone better or improve herself; unlike him.
“There ya are cutie!” He heard a gruff voice coming towards his table.
Utano had long passed out and his friends were still busy doing what they already were. Why is everyone so social in this club?
He can hear the girl mumbling and, was she shaking?
“Where’d ya go? I turn around an ya gone.” The man came up to the trembling girl.
She clung onto the hem of her dress. “I was looking for a friend.” He could hear the fear in her voice. “I couldn’t find them.” She whispered and turned away from Uramichi.
“‘s okay pretty lady. You’ve got me to keep you company tonight and the bed warm.” His hand slipped up to her waist. A sly and gross smile displayed on his face.
Uramichi saw the young girl flinch. He’s not sure if it’s the drinks rushing through his body, but he quickly got up. “You should lay your grimy hands off people who don’t want it on them.” He glared at the gruff man. “Especially not my girlfriend.” Uramichi wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the man.
A gasp left the girl's mouth when she heard him. She stumbled back and felt his toned chest on her back. Despite smelling like cigarettes and alcohol, he was warm.
Uramichi now understood the situation. She wasn’t trying to hit on him or take him back to her place, vice versa. She was trying to protect herself from some man making inappropriate advancements on her. He didn’t like men like that one bit. The girl in his arms didn’t deserve this, no one did.
He could feel her trembling under his arm, so he pulled her closer. He slightly moved Utano to the side and had the girl sit next to his seat.
“Hey listen! She was the one asking for it!” The man defended his actions. “Dancing on the dance floor and swaying her hips.” He licked his lips.
Uramichi was disgusted.
“She was simply enjoying herself. In no sense was she asking for you, or anyone, to come talk to her.” He glared at the man. “She has me to come back to.” Uramichi smirked.
This was extremely out of character for him, but he couldn’t stand by and let someone get harassed. Not when she came to his table for help as well. The stranger, no longer interested, cursed him out. He knew he’d have no chances of winning in a fight against Uramichi. All those muscles weren’t just for show. He walked away, leaving the tree of them at the table.
“Thank you.” He heard her say behind him.
He was grateful she was unharmed. He gave her a fresh glass of water to cool down from the recent event.
“My name's Y/N.” She put her hand out to shake his. “Mines Uramichi.” He replied.
“Sorry to have bothered you and your girlfriend. You didn’t have to do that.” The girl was afraid to look up at him.
She’s right. He didn’t have to, “but it was the right thing to do. I’m glad you’re safe.” He shook her hands. ‘They’re soft.’ He thought to himself. Especially against his own rough palm. “Also,” he pointed to the passed out Utano, “not my girlfriend. Just a coworker. Out with coworkers after clocking out.” He explained and sat down next to her. She seems to have calmed down.
She made an ‘Ah’ face and apologized for the misunderstanding. She looked at him properly for the first time, ‘He’s handsome.’ she thought to herself. Right as she was about to excuse herself, Uramichi spoke up, “you’re free to stay with us at the table until you leave.” He proposed, “for safety measures.” She took him up on his offer and thanked him for his generosity. He reminded her of an older brother figure.
Usahara came back to their table, confused, yet happy, to see the unfamiliar, pretty girl. Right after him, Iketeru and Kumatani joined their table. They all had questioning looks. Uramichi explained what had happened and the girl kept saying thank you.
Kumatani scolded her for coming to a club alone late at night. Iketeru sang random tunes to lighten up the mood. Usahara attempted to flirt with her but Uramichi glared at him each time. Utano’s still passed out. From what he’s noted, she’s shy but gets along with others with ease. Maybe he’ll hang around a bit longer. It’ll be rude of him to not walk his “girlfriend” back home.
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Author’s Note:
This came out better in my head, I swear! As a manga reader, I like to think Uramichi actually considers his coworkers his friends 🥺 Thank you for the requests so far! I see y’all thirsty for a specific person at the moment aye 👀 they should be up by the end of the week, be on the look out!
Also I wanted to thank you all for the support you have shown me so far 💜 it means a lot and truly does motivate me to continue writing. Feel free to DM me if you want someone to talk about the anime with XD
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graymoon2-archive · 3 years
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cómo te atreves
amor y odio chapter 1
a quackity × reader series
series masterlist
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summary- you overhear some things you don’t appreciate… now you want revenge
notes- yeahhhh boys hit 300 earlier than expected sooo early release!
warnings- swearing, insults (called fat but out of context dw ^-^ i can write that out if it bothers someone) yelling (maybe), ask to tag
series playlist (start from beginning! taking suggestions :] )
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you never especially liked quackity.
he was one of your brother's best friends. you liked most of his friends, sure, but something about quackity just… bothered you. he was loud, and he yelled a lot, and spoke unnecessarily fast and barely translatable spanish if scared. he became a nuisance rather quickly.
but that wasn’t reason enough to hate him.
what you heard today, that was enough.
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quackity and karl were over, waiting on sapnap. they were going somewhere for food, you thought. you didn’t particularly care.
you were in your room playing music. a spanish song you liked came on
“con floress” you sang along, dancing around your room. after the song finished you sat down, scrolling through tiktok. you got bored of that fast.
you headed to the kitchen for a snack, and heard quackity’s voice drifting down the hall. “
“… said ‘y/n is kinda fat but i’d still date them’ like what..”
you didn’t catch the rest before running back to your room and slamming the door. you slid down the door, head in your hands. of course it was quackity. you thought he was weird, but you never pegged him for an asshole.
“what the fuck” you breathed.
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quackity liked you. he would never admit how much, but it was a lot more than sapnap thought. karl, however, wasn’t fooled.
quackity heard a familiar tune from your room.
“that’s nuestra cancion- are they into spanish music?” he mused. karl could tell by the small sparkle in his eyes and the idiotic smile on his face just how much he liked you.
“quackity, you are so whipped” karl said with a giggle.
“what? no- no i’m not. i just think they’re cool.” he attempts to cover.
“yeah, right” karl smirks, “so you didn’t almost punch jared for hitting on them”
“i- what? no i didn’t! i was pissed because he said ‘y/n is kinda fat but i’d still date them’ like what kind of fucking asshole says tha-“
he’s cut off by the harsh slam of your door ringing through the hallway
“merida” he swears, getting up.
“i’m going to check on them” he says to karl, hopping up. his mouth is dry from nervousness.
“fuck” he swears.
“you good?” karl asks, concerned for quackity.
“yeah, i just-“ he trails off, shifting his feet.
“are you scared to talk to them?”
“no! not at all!” he says, walking down the hall to prove he isn’t scared. karl shakes his head, smiling slightly at his dumbass friend.
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you heard a tentative knock on the door. small vibrations ran down your back from the wood.
“who is it?” you ask, voice catching in your throat on the first syllable.
“it’s quackity” he says, low voice vibrating against the door.
“fuck off” you reply
“a-are you okay? can i-“ he stumbles, seemingly worried.
“fuck. off.” you say forcefully.
“i uh- okay” he concedes, shuffling down the hall. you hear concerned voices, before hearing more approaching footsteps. you sigh, resting your forehead on your knees. another knock, quieter this time.
“y/n? its karl. are you okay? d’you wanna talk?”
you sigh. karl means well, but you’re tired of people today.
“i’d like to be alone right now karl” you replied, taking deep breaths.
“oh- okay. call me if you need, okay?” he replies, concern laced through his voice.
“okay” you say simply.
you hear his retreating footsteps, and more concerned whispers.
your phone dings.
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are you mad at me?
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you drop your phone and crawl into bed.
how do i get rid of quackity? you ponder, trying to sleep.
of course. best way to get him to fuck off is by dating someone else, and why not his rival? you grin for the first time this hour. climbing out of bed, you grab your phone off the ground where it lay. you dial your best friend.
“em? hey! i have some hot tea to spill. but first, do you have purpled’s snap?”
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taglist- open! send an ask!
series taglist- @romeo-the-edge-lord @sushisoot @beeissdead @laughydaphne @notdaninotfound @theblueblub @aestherielleee @moon-loves-bees @addictionofsober @axeofwars
main taglist- @allywritesforfun @pixviepie @cr3scentm0on
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todoshotoroki · 3 years
𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘨, 𝘊𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘵
Warnings: smut, begging, fingering, orgasm denial, sub f bodied reader x Levi Ackerman.〤 Minors DNI
Word count: 1k
 Beggars can't be choosers.
   Levi taught you that. You didn't exactly consider yourself someone to beg, in the world that you and your fellow soldiers lived in, begging didn't really make a difference for many things anyway. Although when you and your friends had been assigned to the Levi squad, your captain made sure that begging became a constant in your life. At times you wondered why, until you finally realized, Levi just loved seeing you need him as much as he would never admit that he needed you.
   His room was dark, the only light coming from the moon and a dimly lit lantern on the bedside table next to his perfectly made bed. Though, he fully expected and planned for the sheets to be on the floor by the time your night together was over. 
   “I'm not going to touch you unless you beg” Levi was still fully clothed, leaning onto the mattress from the foot of the bed where you lay completely naked besides your panties in front of him. He made sure to remind you that tonight, you weren't allowed to touch him. He wanted you to focus on only what he could do to you, to solidify it into your brain and engrave it into your body that he was the only one that could make you feel that way.
   Maybe it was to boost his own ego, or maybe it was him overcompensating for his own insecurities of you being able to find someone better than him. He decided not to dwell on it too long, he already knew the answer. 
   “B-but captain, what if there's still people awake? They’ll hear-” Your words were cut short with a small gasp as his fingers pulled back on your panty line, only to let go and snap it against your skin. “It's almost like that's the whole point, cadet”  He retorted quietly, his gaze traveling up and down your body. 
   “Levi.. Please, please don't make me beg” Your voice was filled with shame at the thought of others overhearing your moans and desperation. It wasn't that you were ashamed to be with him, but you two were definitely not the most PDA exclusive couple out there. “Tch, that's the wrong type of begging, brat” 
   Levi sighed, and slowly let his hand drift to the cover of your panties, which were already wet from his feathery touches. “Common Y/n, you know how badly I want to hear it” His voice was just above a whisper, and he refused to look you in the eyes. Your glare peered up at him in surprise for a few moments, because this was one of the first times you'd ever heard his version of begging for you. 
   It was hard to think for too long when his fingers ghosted along your clit, gently pressing down on your panties from above. “Levi please” His free hand traveled to your ankle, hiking your leg over his shoulder. Instinctively, you wrapped the other one around his waist to pull him closer. He allowed you, but you were met with a stern gaze, and much to your distaste, he pulled his hand away from your clothed clit.
   Instead, he brought his flat palm down to smack across the thigh you had wrapped around his waist. Your back arched into the bed with a slightly pained gasp. “I said no touching” He hissed in a darker tone, his eyes hidden behind his dark locks of hair as he gently rubbed over the quickly forming hand print. “Now beg. Unless you want me to leave you here” He pulled his soothing hand away from your leg as if to prove his point. 
   “No! Levi, Levi please just, touch me already, do anything you want to me, please” Your whispered voice shook with need, and your lover let his hand trail higher up your thigh. Once again, his fingers drifted between your legs, this time slipping past your panty line. 
   “That's it” He praised quietly, his fingers slipping between your folds and instantly finding your clit. He slowly pushed his index finger down to your wet pussy, just barely slipping inside of you only to gather enough of your wetness and slip back out to smear it across your clit. “Keep talking, or else I'll stop”  Gently, lazily, he began to turn his finger in small circles. 
   “No, don't stop! Please keep touching me, i love it when you touch me” You let your head fall back into the mattress, your jaw falling slack at the same time as a small moan slipped past your lips. Every sound you made was like music to his ears. “Ooooh, fuck Levi, please.. More” He couldn't resist your pleas, so he began to quicken his movements, his middle finger travelling down to slip inside your sopping cunt.
   “Like that, honey?” He leaned forward to hide his blush in your hair as he propped himself above you with his free arm, his hot breath falling against your neck as he peppered kisses along your jawline. “Yes, yes like that, thank you Levi, fuck”  Your hair was freshly washed, silky clean, your scent could drown him for days. God you smelled so good.
   “Yeah, your welcome darling” He sped up his movements, and he smiled into your neck as he felt your hips grinding against his hand. “Are you close already? I can tell” He taunted, speeding up his movements. He propped himself up on his free hand, leaning over to look at your facial expressions as your head leaned back into the mattress.
   “‘M close, ‘m so gonna cum, Leviii, fuck, I'm gon-” Your eyes widened in surprise as you felt as if everything came crashing down, and not in the way you had hoped. The high you were so close to reaching was pulled from you within seconds, along with Levi’s fingers. Your eyes met his steely grey ones in shock, and horror. “You can finish if you beg” he whispered.
   “W-why did you- i was about to-”
   “You want to cum, cadet?” You nodded quickly, desperately. “Then beg” 
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ♡
© all copy rights reserved, do not claim, copy, or repost
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you’re jealous | monsta x ot7 reactions
maybe some smut ;)
shownu | son hyunwoo
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shownu has been going on variety shows to promote the group’s latest comeback and the female hosts and guests always comment on his looks
it doesn’t bother you usually, you know he’s handsome and love when he gets all flustered from the attention, but you don’t like how the hosts feel up his arms and ogle him when he performs a part of the choreo
they continue to dote on him and jealousy crawls up your throat and takes over your body as you wait for shownu to come home
he comes home earlier than usual and you would be happy if the images of women touching up his arms weren’t flashing in your mind, clouding your vision
he greets you with a kiss to the cheek and your arms are crossed and you’re pouting, still quiet
only when he’s setting down his stuff does he ask what’s wrong giving you time to look away from his sweaty chiseled chest and focus on your anger
“i saw the show today.” a beat of silence
“oh? was it fun?” he was almost done now as he grew closer to you
“it would’ve been if those women weren’t touching you up...” shownu found it adorable when you were jealous so he couldn’t help but put his arms around your waist and pull your back to his chest, resting his head on your shoulders. you could feel his muscles against you, was he not wearing a shirt any more? it didn’t matter you were angry
“i told them to stop but they cut that out of the show...” your anger subsided, of course he did. you turned in his arms then, properly looking him in the eyes for the first time today.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous,” he kissed your nose and you blushed, for a second he thought he outta make you jealous more often but he couldn’t bare even trying to give anyone that kind of attention when he had you. “let me make it up to you,” he started kissing your lips then, his hands roaming down your body as the found your ass and lifted you up, instinctively your legs went around his waist
he was sweaty so u offered to shower with him to save water of course, he thanked you for that with his actions...
wonho | shin hoseok
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wonho was performing WITH YOU and you couldn’t help but feel jealous as the beautiful female dancer moved in synch with him and his hands traced her body
you rarely got jealous, he did that enough for both of you, but you couldn’t help it when fans were saying how good they looked together and of course they didn’t know he was already taken
the tweets, instagram posts, even tiktoks of them together consumed you and you finally came to your breaking point when wonho came home from the music show
“enough hoseok i can’t take it any more!”
“what’s wrong?” he had never seen you so upset, a mix of frustration and sadness adorned your face
“you and your dancer, everywhere i look online i just see you two together and i know it’s not real but when everyone’s telling you they would be good together i-“
“baby they don’t know what’s real and what’s for the performance, at the end of the day i came home to you and love you, i don’t even have her number on my phone much less have her saved as my lock screen like i do you,” wonho grinned and you felt the anxiety leave your body slowly. he always knew how to calm me down and when he realized you weren’t as mad he opened his arms for a hug which you fell into with a small pout still on your face
“can i make it up to my baby?” you didn’t know what he had in mind and you certainly didn’t expect being handcuffed to your bed frame screaming his name as he ate you out until you came...three times
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kihyun wasn’t naturally flirty, just too kind to know he could be perceived as flirty so when a girl trips in front of him and he helps her up like the gentlemen he is she gets the wrong idea and starts flirting with him...in front of you
you let it go on as he obliviously responds to her intrusive questions, you were grateful she didn’t recognize him with his mask and beanie on but you still felt your possessiveness rearing it’s ugly head
“we need to get going honey,” you cut in, having had enough of this girl just when she’s about to ask YOUR boyfriend for his number and she stutters and apologizes, you just mutter an okay as you grab kihyun’s hand and walk away
kihyun laughs as he catches up to you
“aww someone got jealous.”
“not jealous just annoyed, how could you not tell she was flirting?” you frowned at him and he smirked, oh no he’s gonna tease the hell out of you now
“i can only tell when you flirt with me, but what if i was flirting with her? would you get mad? and if i fucked her?” he whispered the last part, since you were still very much in public.
“kihyun,” you groaned as his hold on your hand tightened. you knew where this was going, knew exactly what this tone in his voice would lead to. but honestly you didn’t care, not when you were just as territorial as him and wanted to feel like his in the most physical way.
“would you beg for me back?” kihyun, pulled you flush against him and whispered into your ear and you couldn’t help but hold onto his shoulder for strength, he knew what he did to you.
“you know i would.”
“you look so pretty when you beg, maybe i’ll go get her number.” you were whining at this point, still very much in public, he drove you crazy.
“fuck me please kihyun.” and that’s all it took before you were rushing to the nearest bathroom like a bunch of horny teenagers, and kihyun was making you cry and scream his name.
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being an mc on a music show meant he interacted with lots of idols and you always anticipated the influx of delusional fans assuming he’s dating any girl idol he has any interaction with but one day is different from the others
he’s doing his usual mc duties but this kpop idol is staring at him intensely, even as going as far as telling him he’s handsome
she’s much older but it doesn’t stop the influx of tweets and comments
minhyuk is handsome you know that, anyone with eyesight can see that so when he comes home you can’t help but be grumpy
you can’t be mad at him you know that but your feelings are your feelings
he knows as soon as he’s home what’s making you grumpy
“babe i can’t help it!”
“ i know it’s just-why are you so handsome??? cover your face or something argh” you’re not really angry at him and he knows that as he kisses your face until the pout drops from your lips and he kisses you
you’re still feeling annoyed so you make it a point to show minhyuk just how much he is yours as you are his, making him scream your name all night long
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like kihyun he doesn’t realize people assume he’s flirting when he’s kind just because he’s handsome
you’re out with him in vacation in greece and hyungwon is helping these japanese tourists with directions because he overhears them being confused about the hotel names, they assume he’s flirting with them since they don’t see you standing, waiting for him under the shade of the store front
hyungwon politely declines their offer to join him back at their hotel and you unfortunately hear the entire conversation, not once did he mention you
you scoff and walk off as he walks back to you, his eyebrows raising in shock
“woah what’s wrong?” he catches up to you with ease, damn his long legs.
“why don’t you go ask your new friends since i don’t exist?” you glare at him and he smirks, the handsome fucker smirks
“jealous babe?”
“why would i be, not like i’m your girlfriend or anything.” you grumble and he laughs at how you’re the angriest he’s seen you in a while. the last time you were this angry it was at netizens for attacking him over some dumb thing.
“i didn’t tell them because they could have recognized me and that wouldn’t have been good for anyone,” that made a lot of sense, maybe you had reacted too strongly. you might just be angry about other people flirting with what’s yours more than anything.
“you’re hot when you’re angry though, maybe i should do that more often.” you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes even more at him, you pulled him into the side alley, pushing him against the building side.
“you won’t.” you shut up with a kiss and he was smirking into your kiss, his hands roaming down your body and you had to pull away and remind yourself you were not in your hotel room. after that you both stumbled and practically ran back to your hotel.
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jooheon is pretty well known for his unabashed displays of aegyo and so when he goes on a variety show it’s not surprising he’s asked to do it
unfortunately this show is hosted by a female idol and her reaction sends netizens into delusional theories that the two are surely dating
you’re so upset by the rumors and allegations that you start to believe them so when jooheon sees you two days after the rumors started you’re crying at your place
he’s so worried he pulls you to him automatically and asks repeatedly what happened and what’s wrong, not even thinking for a second it could be related to the rumors
finally you manage to stop crying and get out, “it’s okay if you love her too if she makes you happier i’ll understand.”
“what the hell are you talking about?” jooheon is so dumbfounded by your statement he stops soothing you and this makes you go back to crying
“you and that kpop idol on the variety show it’s all over the internet.”
“you idiot i would never date much less love anyone other than you.” you just stop crying at look at him through your tears, which you furiously wipe away again and see the sincerity on his face.
“yes oh i can’t believe you even believed them.” jooheon scoffs and gets off the bed you were both sat on, and then out of nowhere he picks you up and takes you to the bathroom
“we’re taking a bath so my baby can feel better,” the relaxing bath turns to a little more when he can’t but show how much he missed you the past couple days and just how much he loves you more than anyone else
I.M | im changkyun
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people expected changkyun to be the bad bitch in your relationship, he had sharp features, a deep voice, piercings, and an amazing body but everyone who knew you both knew you were the one who would slice a bitch
especially if a random girl is trying to dance on your man in the one nightclub everyone knows he’s taken in, this nightclub had cut some kind of nondisclosure deal with the idols and their companies but clearly this girl was new, however, that didn’t mean you would hold back
changkyun winced as she started to dance on him and backed away, but she was persistent as she turned around and tried again, he waved his hand in front of her, clearly disinterested
you didn’t want to step in but as you monitored the situation where you danced with jooheon you could tell changkyun was struggling to remain polite
but you didn’t have a reputation to maintain and you certainly weren’t as calm and collected as your boyfriend
in a couple seconds you were wedging yourself between her and your boyfriend
“i’d back away sweetie,” you painted on your best fake smile and changkyun let out a sigh of relief.
“who are you?” her voice and tone was unpleasant, it was all too unpleasant especially when you were trying your best not to break her
“i’m his girlfriend,”
“let’s let him pick,” she shoved you away and stepped closer to changkyun, and that’s when you know you’re about to end up at the police station...again
changkyun stops you by grabbing your waist and hauling you over his shoulder as you’re lunging for her hair
shownu appears out of nowhere and asks the girl to kindly fuck off in the way shownu just knows how to do
when you’re outside and the driver has pulled up to the club, changkyun sets you down, he looks partially amused but mostly concerned
he knows you hate it when other people flirt with him just like he has to stop himself from breaking the jaw of any guy who dances on you at the club
he pushes the hair out of your face and looks at you fondly, you just nod at him to let him know you’re okay, too lost in his eyes to find words at the moment
and then the driver is opening the door for you and you both shuffle into the very back row of the minivan
changkyun presses a kiss to your temple, and you lean into his side
“you’re so fucking sexy when you get like that, i know i shouldn’t encourage it but fuck,” changkyun whispers into your hair and you shiver as his deep voice sends chills through you, you let your hand travel from its place on his lap to where the leather of his pants is becoming strained
“don’t.” he hisses and you aren’t in the obedient mood as you look him straight in the eyes and continue your torture
you estimate you have about thirty mins to go to get home, the privacy screen between the driver and the back of the car won’t muffle all the sound of you both but you can at least remind changkyun who he belongs to
so when you’re done making him suffer in his leather pants, you unzip them and he’s hissing and grabbing your hand
“fuck babe,” you just smirk at him and then spit in your hand. changkyun groans and throws his head back against the headrest, soon enough you’re leaning down and taking him into your mouth and he’s whining your name in between strings of curses. you manage to finish him off before you even get home.
changkyun gets back at you and you’re sure the entire apartment complex knows his name now
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Sweet little darling~
Fandom: House of Wax (2005)
Pairing: Bo Sinclair X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, domestic abuse (abusive relationship; not Bo) Kind of out-of-character Bo, depends on how you headcanon him for liking someone! Also not proofread yet.
Words: 2.55k 
Summary: Kindness can get you killed, but it can also get you out of a sticky situation.
Part Two!
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To anybody that saw their relationship, it was evident that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Perhaps it once had been, but it no longer was, and for good reason.
“You fucking bitch!” The scream echoed throughout the building, one body looming over a small, cowering young woman.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, doing her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.  “Please don’t hurt m-“ her pleas were cut short as a tight hand grasped her arm and tugged her onto her feet, a harsh slap hitting her cheek shortly afterwards.
“Please don’t hurt me,” he cruelly laughed, mimicking her frightened and desperate tone. “How pathetic.”
“I’m sorry,”
With one final laugh, her boyfriend tossed her to the ground.
Laughter filled the truck the group of friends were currently seated in, music blaring through the speakers of a radio one of them had brought but their drunk selves were unable to remember who.
Four of the friends engaged in conversation about anything their clouded minds could think of, whilst the final friend lay against the side of the car, desperately avoiding the demanding gaze her boyfriend was giving her and had been giving her the entire night.
It was clear what he wanted.
Eyes fixated on the green of the grass beneath her, Y/N noticed an approaching truck. Choosing not to say anything, she silently waited for somebody else to notice the vehicle.
“Guys,” Lucy, a close friend of Y/N’s boyfriends, called. “Who is that?”
By now the headlights of the truck were focused on the gang who were circled around the campfire, narrowly avoiding Y/N’s figure.
“James, do something?” Y/N winced as she watched another of the girls grasp onto her boyfriends muscular arm, her blonde hair rubbing against his bare chest.
“Can we help you?” He yelled over the sound of the roaring engine, their music having been paused the second they had notice the driver. “Look dude, this isn’t funny. Just fuck off!”
James’s final sentence was one that made his girlfriend cringe, body remembering the way he had hurt her the night before using that exact same tone; it almost made her cry.
Deciding to stop him before this escalated any further, Y/N made her way towards James before placing a hand on his chest to signal him to back down. This seemed to only anger him further, something that was clear by the way his hands balled into fists. Nobody noticed, except one other person.
“Leave it,” she whispered into his ear, hand dropping from his body to hopefully ease his anger.
James’s hand reach out to her, grabbing his own with a bruising force and tugging her into him as he leaned down to her ear, ignoring the whistles from his friends who assumed he was saying something sexual.
“Just you wait till I get you alone,” James snarled in her ear, unaware of the way an unknown man glared at him before driving away.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” James spat, smashing his hand against the cars hood. “It’s busted, the fan belt is fucked.”
His anger seemed to put everybody on edge as they all fell into an uncomfortable silence, something that was uncommon for them.
“You needed a new one anyway,” Y/N mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Don’t you fucking start,” while his words were directed towards his girlfriend, the others assumed it was aimed at the car in sarcasm; ignorance is bliss after all.
“I can help y’all.” A seemingly kind voice yelled from behind them, having heard the entire conversation. “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear ya. There’s a town not to far from here. A guy, Bo, runs a gas stop, I’m sure he’d have some.”
Before James could rudely decline this man, Y/N decided to respond. “Do you know how to get there?”
“I’ll drive ya! Truck can only fit two of you though,”
“That’d be great!” She gave the unnamed man a gentle smile, one which he gladly returned. “When are you ready?”
“Now is good,”
She simply nodded, rushing towards the car without giving James a chance to say anything, only leaving him time to follow her, but not before a “fuck sake,” left his lips.
“Thank you so much, Lester!” She grinned once again as she hopped from his truck.
“It was no bother, pleasure to meet you Y/N,” he smiled back at her, ruffling her hair slightly before realising the angered look on James’s face. “And you of course,” he nodded awkwardly whilst his hand dropped back to his side. “You two take care now,” and with those words, he drove away.
“Fucking slutting yourself out to weird men, typical,” James spat as he tugged Y/N’s hand so that she was following him into the town, ignoring how she almost tripped in the process.
“I’m sorry, I was just being nice. He was helping us!” She all but yelled, silently praying for him to loosen his grip so that she doesn’t have to use all of her concealer hiding, yet another, mark from him.
“Sure he was. He didn’t just want to get into your pants or anything, huh?”
Ignoring his hurtful words, Y/N began to look around the town.
It was quiet, too quiet. But when she began to think, it was Sunday and there was a Church up ahead at the end of the road which would make more sense, especially considering how early in the morning it was.
“There’s the garage,” James said, dropping her hand to instead point at the small garage not far from them. “Let’s go,”
Y/N followed him, quickly striding to keep up with his large legs.
“There’s nobody here,” she sighed, watching as James just barged his way into the unoccupied garage. “You can’t just go in there! That’s rude.”
“Do I give a fuck? Wait out there for all I care,”
So she chose to do just that.
“Oh, hi!” A tall man in a suit gave Y/N a bright grin, accidentally startling her slightly. “You need something?”
“O-oh, hi! Uhm, my boyfriend is in there, I’m sorry I told him not too, he needs a fan belt? I have no idea what one of them is but I-“
The man chuckled, smiling once again as he put his arm around her waist to guide her inside. “Don’t worry, darling. I got ya,” his words were somewhat calming, as though he was offering to protect her from James, despite not knowing what was going on, or perhaps he did.
“You finally grew a p-“James’s words fell short as he turned to see a man, who was significantly taller than him, stood beside his girlfriend. “Hello?”
“Hi, names Bo,” Bo’s tone was a lot blunter than the charming one he had been using previously. “You need something?” He repeated his previous words, instead this time to James and less kind. “You are in my garage after all.”
Despite knowing that Bo could easily subdue him, James chose to get angry anyway. “You got a problem with me? Don’t leave it unlocked if you don’t want people coming in,”
“James leave it,” Y/N gently pushed herself between Bo and James as James began to try get into his face. “Just ask him for what you need and let’s go.”
“Fine, we need a fan belt. Fifteen inch.”
“I might be able to do that, but you’ve already had a look so let me know what I’ve got,” Bo smirked at the angered expression on the mans face at his words.
So maybe he did have a problem with James, a problem neither of the couple knew of.
“Not a fifteen,”
“Then they’re back at the house,”
“The house? Why would they be there?”
“Deliveries are delivered there, easier for everyone really.”
Y/N watched as the two men interacted, Bo incredibly calm whilst James was boiling with anger. Part of her was scared of how he would react, his threat about ‘waiting till they’re alone’ floating around in her mind, yet some strange part of her felt safe knowing that Bo was there. Perhaps it was the fact that he could fight him with ease, or maybe that James would, most likely, never harm her in front of another person.
“Let’s just go,” She pleaded, desperation swimming in her Y/E/C orbs.
“No, I’ll stay, you go.” James seemed pleased with this idea, smirking at the way his girlfriends body tensed; he enjoyed the fear he caused her.
“That’s fine with me,” Bo chimed in, offering Y/N a smile. “That fine with you?”
“Yeah, yeah that’s fine.”
“Let me just lock up,” Bo said, leading the visitors out into the street, much to James’s dismay, before locking up. “Let’s go then.” He gave James one last sarcastic smile before leading Y/N away from him.
“Do you live with anyone here?”
Y/N and Bo had been talking for a while now, having chosen to take a slow walk instead. He was nice, to her anyway. She felt as though he understood her, despite not knowing a thing about her.
“Nah, I live with my brother,” Came his response, winking at the girl as he ran a hand through his dark hair, enjoying the way she blushed under his gaze.
She knew it was wrong, finding him both attractive and sweet. But he was both of those, and James was neither, not to her at least. Maybe it was because he was the first person to be this kind to her in a long time, or maybe it was the feeling of safety she felt around him, but she was enjoying his company more than anyone else’s.
“Oh, that must be fun!”
Bo chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I suppose so,”
The pair walked up to Bo’s home, guilt filling the girl’s chest each time she let Bo’s hand brush against her own. She simply enjoyed the sparks flying throughout her body, forgetting about the pain she would receive later as a punishment.
“We’re here,” Bo’s words pulled Y/N from her thoughts, almost tripping over a rock as she came back to reality. “Easy there,” Bo shook his head whilst smiling as he caught her, sneakily pulling her body into his own without her realising it was not an accident.
“Thank you,” she blushed, unknowingly allowing herself to melt into his touch, feeling the need to savour every kind and gentle touch she was getting from a stranger.
“No problem, darling,” he smirked, once again enjoying the way she blushed at the nickname he had given her.
Hand still around her waist, Bo guided her into his home.
“Take a seat, I need to get out of this horrible suit.” His words caused a giggle to leave Y/N’s lips, her head nodding as she took a seat on the faded leather couch, watching Bo leave the room to go change.
“Sorry to keep ya waiting, Darl.” Bo’s voice startled Y/N, her body jolting in a way that made Bo feel slightly guilty, something that he rarely felt. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s okay. It was my fault,” she offered him a weak smile, twiddling with the hem of her short-sleeved t-shirt when he seated himself beside her.
“That looks painful,” his hands cautiously reached out to gently take her hand, fingers lightly running across a hand-shaped bruise that had began to form. “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that,” Bo’s spare hand reached up to her face, hand cupping one cheek which made her flinch, Bo frowning at the action.
Bo had no idea why she was apolgoising to him. It had been him that touched her, but it all made sense in his head.
“Does he hit you?”
Her lack of response was enough for him to understand to full situation.
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be, darling.” He sighed, hand moving from her cheek to her neck to pull her head towards his lips, planting a soft kiss on it, something that made her almost cry along with his sweet words.
“Thank you,” her own arms wrapped around his torso, grateful to be given affection without it feeling forced.
“You took your time,” James spat as Y/N walked towards him, Bo having quickly headed to the gas station for something that she couldn’t remember the name of. “Were you shagging him or something?”
“N-no,” the nervousness in her voice was something that caused Y/N to cringe, knowing that he wouldn’t believe her.
“Oh, you were.” James’s hands balled into fists as he stalked towards her, ready to attack.
“No, I had to get changed,” Bo’s deep voice startled both of them, James’s fists unclenching immediately.
“Sorry, man. Can’t be too careful with girls like these, can you?” He laughed, trying to play off his previous words as a joke.
“Can’t be too careful with men like yourself either, can you?” Bo’s words seemed innocent, despite having a deeper meaning.
“What?” James snapped. “You told him about us?” He yelled as he turned to face Y/N whose breathing was becoming laboured in fear. “You little bitch!”
As James began to march towards his girlfriend, a tight hand grabbed his fist, spinning him to face the holder only to not be able to see because of a hard punch hitting him in the jaw. The only thing he could hear was a gasp from Y/N and the ringing in his ears as he dropped to the ground.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Bo sniggered. “You can hit a woman but the second a man touches you, you’re out cold. Pathetic,”
Y/N stood frozen to the spot, unsure of how to react.
She hadn’t expected Bo to attack him. In fact, she hadn’t expected him to do anything at all to him or about her situation. Those who knew didn’t care, so why would a stranger?
“You fucking dick!” James screamed, climbing back onto his feet to throw a punch at Bo, one that he barely reacted to.
“Leave him alone!” Y/N yelled, darting between James and Bo, shoving James away from him to the best of her ability.
“You fucking whore. I should’ve known this is what would’ve happened. Actually, I guess I already did.” His words were fast, but his fist moved towards her faster.
Bo was quicker however, grabbing the man’s fist and twisting it behind his back before kicking his legs from beneath him, effectively knocking him to the ground again.
“Vincent!” Bo yelled. “Got one for ya,” both Y/N and James were confused at his words, fear filling them both as a masked man came running out into the street, knife in hand.
Bo took Y/N’s hand, pushing her behind his hand so that she couldn’t see the horror that Vincent was committing to her boyfriend in full glory.
“Y-you killed him…” Her words were quiet, watching from one eye as the man, who she assumed to be Vincent, tugged away the lifeless body. “Are you going to kill me too?”
“You’re safe here, Y/N.” Bo’s words were quiet, praying nobody else heard his true self speaking. “I’ll take care of you. Nobody will ever hurt you again, my sweet little darling.”  
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wackybuddiemewbs · 3 years
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Buddie Moodboard - Enchanted AU
Another AU that lives in my head rent-free and has no intention to ever pay taxes. Anyway. I just dig exasperated Eddie and overly enthusiastic Buck, crucify me! Also, they make for perfect Disney princes, both of them! That's a science fact!
Eddie Diaz honestly just tries to make the new life in L.A. work ever since he moved away from El Paso. He wants a fresh start for his son and for himself, but managing as a single dad, working as a firefighter in a new city, it is quite the challenge. Though Christopher is worth it, that's out of question. Eddie just hopes that he can live up to what his son deserves.
Being a firefighter, he got used to the unexpected happening on every call. He has seen some things he'd rather unsee, honestly. Yet, nothing prepared him for the strangest encounter of his life thus far: In the middle of the streets, a guy dressed in what looks like a cosplay costume, is freaking out over the cars nearly running him over. Eddie gets the man out of immediate danger.
The stranger introduces himself as Buck, as he hates to be called Evan, and wants to know desperately what strange country he must be in, if it has horse carriages entirely without horses!
So yeah, hospital it is.
Yet, all scans come back clear. Buck is perfectly healthy. He is just convinced that he comes from a parallel universe that sounds more like a Disney movie than anything else. The fact that Christopher loves Disney is not at all helping the matter, as Eddie's son instantly dotes on Buck and wants to take him home.
Eventually, Eddie agrees to host Buck until his head cleared, and he can figure out where he is actually from. Eddie hopes that he can track down his sister Maddie, whom Buck is very worried about.
"I left her at our cottage in the woods to talk to the new lord of the province, but I promised to return by dawn. It was a pinky promise, which mean a lot where I come from, you must know."
Buck apparently hoped to find both his sister's and his own "happily ever after" by leaving the cottage in favor of taking up service to the new lord. His dream is to serve the people, to protect lives. And as a loyal member of the lord's guard, he'd hoped to find his happily ever after, alongside his sister.
But the lord acted strangely towards him, seemingly not at all interested in Buck's request but far more in his past and upbringing. Buck wanted to leave, dissatisfied with the new lord, but then he was pushed down a well in the gardens of the palace and found himself in the middle of the square where Eddie saved him from the cars "most gallantly".
While Eddie knows that magic doesn't exist, he has no doubt that Buck is telling the truth. Maybe he is messed-up in his head after all, but Buck is not a bad person. Eddie has to realize that quickly as Buck takes upon running the household the very next day, charming even the toughest cookies into a smile, and starting musical numbers at random.
And honestly? Eddie has to admit that it's nice, to finally have someone to rely on. To have someone who is there, no questions asked. Someone who is so very committed, even to a stranger and his son.
In the grand country of Andalasia, meanwhile, Maddie is worried sick about her brother. He didn't return for days. Thus, she sets out to the palace on her own to see about him. She overhears a conversation between the new lord of the province and his men.
Apparently, they got rid of the former lord to seize power over Andalasia. Upon her brother's request to join the royal guard, the new lord looked into the matter. As it turns out, the two are next in line to the throne. To secure his claim to the castle and the portal inside it, the lord sought to kill the two.
"But the bastard somehow found a way to use the portal, not knowing that this is what it is!"
The lord of the province seeks to expand his powers to another dominion Maddie never heard of. He exploits the riches of the castle and the magic of Andalasia to bring it to this other world to gain more and more influence in a world otherwise devoid of all magic.
"That’s the trouble with the fairy tale world. Here, we can’t win – because the bad never wins. But we can gather spoils and take them to the world where we most certainly can win."
Determined to get her brother back and uncover the lord's evil machinations, Maddie dives through the portal in the well, too. After all, they promised to keep each other safe.
At another place in Los Angeles, Eddie is just as determined to help Buck reunite with his sister. Though he still has no clue where to look. Buck can tell him all about her looks and how lovely her singing voice is, but without a last name or a working address, they are not getting anywhere. Though Christopher seems oddly enthusiastic about the unexpected roommate currently staying at their house.
While Buck is worried sick about his sister, he must admit that this strange place has many charms to it. Above all, Eddie and Christopher are pure delight, a kind of warmth he's only ever felt with his sister. A feeling of belonging. A feeling of being needed.
But ever since Eddie took him to the fire station one day, Buck has been enchanted by this purpose, too: Being a firefighter. Oh, how wonderful it would be, if only they had something of the sort in Andalasia. But there, most fires are blown out by the most favorable winds.
Maddie, meanwhile, ends up running into a man who calls himself Chimney or Chim. A most charming character, she finds. Desperate to find her brother, she dares to trust this stranger offering her a helping hand. Though sadly, he doesn't seem to know Evan, or anyone who comes from Andalasia. What a pity!
Unknown to all of them, the lord of the province has returned to Los Angeles, determined to find both heirs to the throne and... get rid of them like he did with the lord before them. Sometimes, all it takes is a bite from an apple, after all.
Unaware of the evil machinations, Buck and Eddie wrestle with their growing feelings for one another. Both thought they had a very clear idea of what they wanted in life, what was supposed to be their happily after. But now that they met, it seems to have shifted.
A ball hosted for all firefighters of L.A. may first feel like a distraction from those dilemmas, but with the night drawing near, Eddie and Buck have to realize that the ball may actually be more of a magnifying glass.
Elsewhere, Maddie is reluctant to accompany Chimney to the ball, but she agrees to meet his friends. Maybe they can help her find her brother.
"After all, we save lives for a living."
And so, a ball, as it so often is in the fairy tales, may prove to be the turning point in a story that may or may not get a happy ending...
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