#maybe on the plane to puerto rico...
vampacidic · 2 years
enstars 4 the fandom post :3c
squishing you like a kitten. ok
blorbo—REI SAKUMA . i don't ever shut up about him he's sooooo important to me. my littlest guy ever
scrunkly—kaoru hakaze i need to infantalize her. i hope she gets killed
scrimblo bimblo—adonis 😡 he def has his fans but im Picky abou t them.... he's so silly to me everyone always forgets he's silly. he's not just serious HES JUST SOME GUY!!
glup shitto—the people don't know this but im actually a big souma enjoyer... i use 'obscure' as in he doesn't have a lot of interactions w undead outside of adonis but i love the little guy. he's silly
poor little meow meow—rei sakuma but i need him to be more problematic tbh. i need her to idfk doxx someone. shu also goes here btw
horse plinko—shu itsuki i hope she gets morphed into a horrible monster body horror style. i need her to hate herself
eeby deeby—REI SAKUMA sent to superhell for 'I'm a huge fan of yours after all, Kaoru-kun. No matter when, no matter where; I want you to remain full of that human-like brilliance, to always be showering your surroundings in a love that a beast could never hold. If only I'd been born with the air of a dreamlike garden of flowers like you.' crimes. wataru and eichi also get this one but i'm less impassioned about them
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alilarew23 · 8 months
no need to force feeling/thinking
your desired state is just…you…not feeling like you’re lacking something or desperately trying to get or fix something. you’re fulfilled, yeah, but fulfillment doesn’t have to feel any type of way, and likely won’t—after some time, and maybe even immediately—feel any type of way. it can just be normal, natural—and should be! like when you go on vacation and you get off the plane and you’re acclimating to your destination and at first you’re like, oh, shit, this a vibe! there are palm trees! coconuts! look at the waaaaves! but then within like an hour it’s back to just being a place and you’re still yourself there and it’s lunchtime and you simply need to eat a sandwich. same thing with your imagination. it might feel rapturous for a hot sec being in puerto rico, but then you’re just there, and that’s it. and you know how when you’re on vacation you’re not thinking, “i love being on vacation” 24/7? you’re just aware of being there? you’re just yourself, there? same thing with your imagination, which is why i always lovingly remind you there’s no need to think about jack shit round the clock unless you really feel like it. you can just kick it knowing, yeah, you’re there, you have it, you are it, no biggie. your god self/subconscious mind/imagination knows what’s good and will take care of the materialization.
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gardenerian · 6 months
tag game wednesday saturday (whoops!) 🙃 tagged by some darlings @sxltburn @7x10mickey @heymacy @crossmydna @guinguin1984 @metalheadmickey @jrooc @darlingian @heymrspatel @rereadanon @deedala @creepkinginc ILYYY
name: mel!
age: ageless
first pet? a hamster named squeaky
first word? cookie 🍪
first celebrity crush? both hannah and paul from s club 7 😇 and i was right for that
first irl crush? pretty sure it was john patrick (read with french accent bc his parents were french and that's how they said it... so i did too)
first kiss? omg i was 16 and it was after the production of the wizard of oz i was in aksldhf i opened my eyes and he was already skipping away 😆 i thought it was so dreamy lmao
first car? honda civic babey
first apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? my first dorm at college where i lived with the two most horrible people imaginable... it was The Worst time aksjfd i transferred asap lol
first time on a plane? hmm 7 years old? to visit family in puerto rico
first cellphone? i was 13 and i spent hours learning t9 word
first concert? HAH it was usher confessions tour
first foreign country you visited? ireland, to no one's surprise
first sport you ever played? swimming and/or tennis i think
first career aspiration? teacher, maybe? i was just really into the dry erase markers, not gonna lie
and finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow": oh hmm. probably this set? or this one idk aklsjfh
i am mega late so not tagging this time but please accept a smooch and a treat of your choice 🥰
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anyfight · 3 months
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NAME: Bernardo Vasquez SPECIES: Human ORIENTATION: Heterosexual GENDER: male BIRTH DATE: August 1st, 1931
Dark sad eyes, a mountain of a man. His hands are clenched and formed to fists. Formed to fight. His eyes are deep, his eyes are sad. He has seen too much.
face claim:  David Alvarez
FAMILY: Hector (father/deceased) ; Sofia ( mother/deceased) Maria (sister)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   Anita  Núñez  ( girlfriend)
CHILDREN:  Verse dependent
He is a juxtaposition. He can be gentle and kind but quickly snap and become authoritative and abrasive. He’s always scared, but hides it behind a bravado of confidence. His fear makes him try to seek control in any fashion, this is a strength as much as it is a weakness.
His mother died of Tuberculosis when Bernardo was twelve, leaving Bernardo to be an immediate provider for his family and leaving Maria to care for their father, who suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease. She was his primary caretaker with noted progression of the disease following a UTI and fracture hip from a fall in the night when Maria was 17. He died in the hospital from infection. Bernardo was not in Puerto Rico when this happened and learned about his death from a telegram.
Bernardo moved his family from the country to San Juan when he was sixteen and Maria was eight since he could not take care of their home and work farm life without proper help. The extended family had already begun to move and the opportunity San Juan offered in the form of industrial work was still high despite the recent end of the war. The only problem was that everyone was moving in order to find defense or industrial work. 
Bernardo's got some schooling, though he dropped out when they moved to San Juan. He found school very difficult considering that during the 1930s and 1940s Puerto Rican public schools were mandatorily taught in English per government regulations. Maria stayed home and did not attend any kind of schooling. Bernardo does not find out that she is a functional illiterate until they live together in San Juan Hill. He's very upset that she can't read any Spanish at all.
 while Maria buried their father, sold the house, and took care of his will all by herself, Bernardo was mailed the documents he needed to sign.  She asked for 50$ to get to St. Croix where she had applied for a job upon her father’s passing. Bernardo instead bought her a plane ticket to America to come live with him. He was very terrified that she would not be able to support herself, and was in denial that she had been functioning and living on her own all that time.
Bernardo's relationship with his sister is questionable at best. While they have a great love and care for one another, they don't really function well together. Maria was in charge of the home and Bernardo the finances, she was essentially his life partner while in Puerto Rico. They both became adults way too quickly. Their own father basically became their dependent child because of his Alzheimer's. Bernardo did put most of that onto Maria and in turn she kind of took care of him as well. He found America all the harder because he didn't have her with him. Because of this many of his worse habits resurface once they are reunited because they don't know how to function as normal siblings. He's very defensive and territorial about his sister.
Bernardo has always wanted to be a boxer. He wants to get good enough to fight internationally and maybe go to the Olympics since that's one of not the only place Puerto Rico is seen as a sovereign autonomous nation.
He loves the Wizard of Oz. He saw the movie in theaters with both of his parents and remembers it as the most special day because going into the city for a theater was a day trip. He has the book and has had Anita restitch it back together more times than he can count. She's offered to get him a new copy but he refuses to part with the one that he has. Dorothy dressed in red white and blue on a noble quest to go home is a very personal story to him.
Speaking of Anita, Bernardo did love her at first sight and one of the first things he said to her was asking her to marry him. This was after months of just awkwardly staring and pining after her. She laughed in his face, but made him promise to take her out on a date the next day. The rest is history. They do clash on the marriage front and this is most because of the lack of women’s rights during the time and Anita’s want to be in control of her own self as well as continue to work. While Bernardo is supportive of her dream,he also has it in his head that once they are married she can stop doing all that work and will settle down further once they have kids. He thinks this with the best intentions as he wants things easy for her, he doesn’t think beyond the projected image of women in the era: to be in the home. She was the one to convince him to move in together  and to be somewhat satisfied with cohabitation. He’s not satisfied, he’s not happy about it, but he loves her and wants her in his life as his wife.
He also neglected to tell Maria about Anita entirely. He told Anita about Maria of course, but since she was out of sight, out of mind, he didn’t really say much beyond that she was his family. So meeting Anita was a shock. Finding out they were ‘living in sin’ was a shock and it triggered a huge fight between them. He certainly doesn’t have her Catholic Conscious.  He’s definitely spiritual, but not religious like she is. Maria being in New York changed the environment between him and Anita  as Maria did not like her in the slightest. He worked very hard to get them to like each other, which made it worse. He got mad, and left them alone in the apartment for a weekend. When he came back, they were good friends. Both had been very worried about him.
On Chino (x)
On the Sharks (x)
MUN’S NOTE: The mun does not speak Spanish as a first language and may need to rely on a translation app from time to time as their knowledge of how to write/speak it is limited. correction is encouraged but please be kind.
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
You already did the stupid thing, didn’t you? / Peterpatterlina
“You already did the stupid thing, didn’t you?” Julie asked as she walked into the living room.
Reggie and Luke looked up from the laptop and smiled at her.
“Yep,” Reggie said closing the lid with a decisive click. “It’s done and there’s nothing you can do about it but enjoy it.”
“Mi corazones, we talked about this.” She crossed her arms and glared at them both looking way too adorable in their matching Star Wars pajama bottoms. “We don’t have the money to spend on a vacation right now. I realize the band is doing better but we’re all still working full time jobs and we were saving to buy a new van to replace that old clunker Luke bought right after we graduated high school.”
Luke scoffed, “Sky will see us through another year Jules. We need a vacation now.”
She rolled her eyes. “No one needs a vacation.”
Julie watched them warily as they turned to each other and then back to her. They stood in freaky unison coming around the coffee table to her and each taking a hand pulling her crossed arms away from her body reluctantly.
“Sweetie,” Reggie said as they both pulled her gently toward the sofa. “We’ve been working so hard we deserve this.”
“You deserve this Jules,” Luke said as they sat her down between them on the sofa.
“But we can’t af…”
Reggie stopped her with a finger on her lips. “Please hear us out.”
“You can yell at us after you’ve seen the plan.” Luke kissed her on the temple.
Reggie pulled his finger off her lips but held it up silently asking her to stay quiet before continuing. “But I really think you’re going to be as excited as we are once you see what we have planned.”
Julie took a deep breath and nodded trying to keep an open mind as Luke reached for the laptop on the coffee table and handed it to Reggie who opened it up to the itinerary they’d mapped out for their trip.
They talked for nearly ten minutes. Going back and forth between the two of them explaining how much everything cost and how much they had saved on booking this trip with the help of family and friends.
She couldn’t help the smile that started to bloom on her face as they talked about emailing her cousins in Puerto Rico to get the lowest rates possible on a nice beach front hotel and the outings they’d scheduled completely free of charge through those very same relatives and their friends all without her help at all. She knew for a fact some of those cousins didn’t speak a word of English.
She had tears in her eyes when they finally turned away from the computer to see her reaction.
“Oh darlin we didn’t mean to make you cry.” Reggie put the laptop on the coffee table and hugged her into his side tucking her head up under his chin. “We can’t cancel the plane tickets but maybe we can sell them if you’re really this upset.”
She shook her head as the tears escaped down her cheeks. “I’m not sad.” She reached for Luke’s hand as she snuggled into Reggie. “I can’t believe you guys did all this.” She shook her head again as Luke reached over and wiped her tears. “Contacting my family and setting it all up. I couldn’t have planned this better myself.”
“And that’s why we wanted to do this for you boss.” Luke smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “You do almost all the planning and scheduling for us and the band you deserve a break.”
She sniffed and tilted her head up to kiss Reggie on the jaw. “Thank you.” Then she pulled Luke’s hand up to her lips and kissed his knuckles. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Reggie kissed the side of her head. “Sometimes what seems like a stupid and reckless thing on paper is exactly what you need to do.”
She grinned and looked at Luke who was grinning back at her. He looked over her head at Reggie, “Like asking you to join us Reg?”
She felt him chuckle against her back. “I was thinking trying to make it in the music business.” He reached around her and took Luke’s other hand pulling him forward until he took the hint and wrapped his arms around both her and Reggie.
“Asking me to join you was far from stupid.” She felt him lean over and kiss Luke on the side of his head. “I was always a sure thing.”
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swishymermaid · 1 year
A Midsummer Nightmare
On February 21st of 2023, I submitted my application to get my passport for a study abroad trip that I had been accepted into from school. I was very excited as studying abroad has always been a dream of mine, so I double-checked and made sure that I had everything and had done the application correctly.
When the trip had first been in the works, I thought that I had control over what I could and could not do. Make my passport application early and have it expedited, that way I wouldn’t have to worry about it in the long run when the departure date got closer. But as time went on, I realized that I had no control over any of that. I was stuck at the mercy of the Passport agency in hopes that I could still go on this trip. After hours of phone calls and talking to people I was making no headway on my passport application. I had no clue where it could have been. I kept checking my online status and on some days it would tell me it was "Unavailable" and then the next day it was in progress. So I had decided enough was enough and that I would give them a call. The first day, I was up on hold for almost hours, and when someone finally picked up I was only told they couldn't do anything and that I should call back 2 weeks before I traveled. That was my repeated cycle of never-ending calls and being told nothing other than that they couldn't help me.
 Finally, after some time I was able to get some information about why my passport was taking so long. I was told that it was because of my birth certificate being from Puerto Rico. From that point, everything went down spiraling honestly. The first person I talked to had become slightly aggressive to my questions as to why my birth certificate was the problem. She had begun asking me why I didn’t have a passport in the first place, especially if I was living in the US already. My confusion as to why I would have needed one only seemed to agitate her more before she transferred me to someone else. The next couple of people I had talked with all had assumed that I should have had my passport already since I was born in Puerto Rico and that was the general talk everyone kept giving me.
After some time I decided to email the office of Congressman Cicilline who did manage to help me. I was finally able to get more information about what my situation was and what my future looked like with my passport. Sadly, it didn't look too good so I was left here in Providence as all my friends and classmates boarded their plane to the UK. Even the following days after, I kept calling to see what the progress looked like and I was told that they didn't even know where my birth certificate was, let alone what my application status was. When I tried to ask for a way to contact the agency I was told I could mail them a letter if I felt like it but there was no guarantee that they would get back to me.
After all of this, I started seeing articles about Puerto Rican families being stopped for not having a passport at airports. 
“Spirit Airlines told a Puerto Rican mother to provide her toddler's passport, but when she couldn’t, she says an airline agent & a supervisor refused to allow her & her family to fly from California to the island of Puerto Rico.”
Those were the articles that kept popping up on my phone. And I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I was wrong. Perhaps there was a new law change or just maybe I was mistaken about certain rules. I kept trying to come up with reasons and excuses as to why this could have happened to me, to begin with, or if there was a way to fix any of it. So I did the only most logical thing that I could have thought to do next,  I decided to go back to Puerto Rico, as a bit of petty spite since I didn’t need a passport to go back home. I went back to Puerto Rico, initially to get another birth certificate in order to replace the one that the Passport agency said they had never received. But while there I did end up taking my time and seeing my family, seeing the island that I had left behind so many years ago. Though I may not have been able to study with my friends in England, I was able to reconnect and explore another place for a short while.
But not all stories have a sad or bad ending. I was fine at the end of the day because I knew that I had people by my side who were fighting for me no matter what. For them, I am truly thankful. Especially to Mr. Roger Suchite who put in his time to help me and another peer with our passports.
Good Evening Mr. Suchite,
I wanted to thank you again so much for the time and work that you have put into helping me with my passport situation. Sadly, I was not able to go on the trip with my classmates, but I was able to go back home to Puerto Rico, which wasn't the worse thing ever. I wanted to inform you that last night I received a small package and behold! My passport had arrived. Though late, it was a nice surprise to see. Seeing it in person has truly made me realize the amount of time and effort that was put into getting this passport, and you were such a big help in that department. Everyone else I had managed to talk with merely pushed my situation to the side and kept telling me there was nothing that they could do. Having you go that extra mile and finding out what you could, truly made me feel heard and happy.
So I wanted to once again sincerely thank you. Without your help, I don't think I would have ever actually received this passport and perhaps would have had to restart a new application. 
I couldn't have gotten this without your help. 
Thank you and sincerely,
Chantel Figueroa Torres
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anitravelz · 1 year
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Flying to Boston
I made it to Boston last night. Thought I would post something about my travel day. Growing up I never got to go anywhere. I grew up in rural Minnesota surrounded by corn and soybean fields. I always dreamed of getting on a plane and going someplace, anyplace. It's only been the last couple of years that I've been able to do this. I love the travel experience, I love airports, planes and flying. I know there are some people, people I've taken trips with even that hate those parts of traveling and just want to get to the final destination. I find the getting there the best part. More so than all the activities at the destination. I still love exploring the places I go and love learning about the destinations, but the getting there is the best part.
Yesterday was my birthday and so I decided to use some of my Delta Skymiles points to upgrade to First Class. I also went to the Skymiles lounge and had a very classy experience. I typically am the type of person to travel as cheaply as I can so I can travel more, but decided on the more luxurious trip this time. Using points that is. I'm not rich enough to actually travel like that. I typically stay in hostels and fly on budget airlines. Once in a while it's nice to spoil yourself.
On the flight to Boston I sat next to a woman who seemed very nervous. It was her first time traveling solo. She asked me if I've every traveled solo and when I answered that I had she asked me if I had any tips on solo travel. Of course my ADHD brain had a million things to say but I couldn't get many of them out. I do have tips about solo travel and could talk about it for hours, it's one of the few things that isn't a hyperfiction that I can be obsessed with. All I could answer with was to just not be afraid to go out and do stuff by yourself. Maybe buy tickets to an event so you have a hard time for someplace to be. We spoke quite a bit on the way to Boston. I did listen to some music on the plane and managed to write 5 pages in my travel journal.
So, my travel journal. I started it during my trip to Puerto Rico and have been updating it ever since. It's one of my favorite activities while traveling. I feel that it helps to put things into perspective. Not just about my travels but about life. I feel centered when I do it. I tried a general journal for a awhile, one that I added to every day but it didn't have the same effect. I guess I just need to be away from my normal life for writing to bring me some clarity.
Let me know if you have any questions about my trip or travel in general.
Safe Travels everyone. 😊
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lab1rynth · 1 year
Maybe who knows? (Oh also I’m goin to Puerto Rico tomorrow just for fun so m not gonna be able to talk because of the plane)
Oki doki!! I'll miss you <3
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fratboykate · 1 year
So I was reading that many shows are still in production with bare bone scripts, no writer support and absent showrunners. Is that even possible!? I thought that by the time production came around all scripts were fully done and that showrunners had to be present at filming to ensure that there are no conflicts or breaks in storylines.
yeah, i dont know where you heard that but no show goes into production with "bare bones" scripts. whatever is shooting now (that we havent shut down yet) already had all their scripts locked.
showrunners CAN be on set and they do make trips to set, but they're no there all the time. hardly ever is a showrunner present throughout the entire production. and it's getting more and more rare. they have too much shit going on to be on set permanently. BUT writers from the staff being on set to cover the episodes they wrote was a norm until maybe 5-10 years ago. the studios and streamers have taken that away too because they refuse to pay the writers for those weeks of work and also, lodge/feed them while they're there. so it is VERY COMMON these days (i would almost say the norm now) for shows to shoot with no writers on set. it's one of the things we're fighting to get back.
having a writer on set saves shows money in the long run and simply makes them better but they still refuse to do it because it saves them literal cents in the grand scheme of things. it's all to not pay our weekly rate, air fare, hotel, and per diem money. what some writers do these days is they just pay their own way to set. they buy their own plane tickets, book their hotels, and feed themselves. and obviously they're not getting paid to be there to do the work they're going to be doing but they still want to see their episode being shot/get to hang out with the cast. so that's another expense the writers have taken on (if they want to).
the studio/streamer wouldn't pay for any of the writers of the last show i worked on to be on set. it was shooting in puerto rico. every other writer paid their way to puerto rico to be on set. i was the only one not on set because i said "FUCK THAT!". im not spending my already scarce pennies so these two multibillion dollar company can get two weeks of free work out of me. so i didn't see anything about my episode until it aired lol. i watched it with the rest of the world. that wouldn't have happened even 10 years ago.
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thelastvipxr · 2 years
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Apart from Mallory, and one other older lady who had the room at the end of the row, The Red Jasper Inn was completely derelict. Just the way she liked it. She sat thoughtfully with the phone in her hand on the floor by the end of the bed, she had just hung up.
It was a small mercy that Bebe Shaw, a child of about four years of age, was already accustomed to her fathers frequent absences. As such she thought nothing of it when the nanny told her that her father’s business trip had delayed him. The staff told Bebe a few days, but Mallory told them that it would be at least a fortnight.
To Bill’s (small) credit he had surrounded his daughter with a trustworthy household staff. Not anywhere near as dangerous as his agents, that would pose too great a threat. But they were loyal. And so, life at the Villa Quattro, a beautiful hacienda about forty miles out from the centre of Celina, Texas, went on as normal.
That was all Mallory could think to do for the moment. It was a safe bet that her uncle, Budd, would have little interest in caring for his niece. He scarcely cared for himself. So maybe it would buy just enough time.
Her fingers dialed a completely novel number and she held the phone between her ear and shoulder while she went through her bag.
“Hey Milo.”
“Hey, how’s the motel?”
“Well I haven't seen a cockroach in at least an hour. Did you track the signal I gave you?”
“I sure did.”
She could tell he was smiling.
“It’s bad news I’m afraid. Looks like the plane went down just off the coast of Puerto Rico. You know what’s weird though?”
“Go on.”
“No one saw it. Not a single report or one social media hit.”
Mallory grinned. “They know what they’re doing, and they know someone is behind them.” Her brow fell. “But nothing else?”
“Nope. The thing is a ghost after that.”
She sighed and pulled the strip of tape that held Go go Yubari’s fingerprint out of the bag, letting the light shine through it. The light caught it beautifully. Bill had always been obsessed with the people who worked for him, down to their very biology. And lord, could he hold a grudge. It clicked in her head and the smile grew on her face.
“Bill had a poison for everyone. He made no secret of it. It was a brag for him. I’d bet you any money the toxin in that tea was DNA tailored.”
“So, if the people who took O-ren mean to cure her, and if they’re smart...They’ll need a DNA sequencer and synthesizer to do it.”
“But you don't know what country they’re in.”
The laptop illuminated as she opened it and began typing, pulling up a map.
“I don't need to. Especially with London gone there aren't that many centers with both those pieces of equipment, even when you factor in Europe.”
“That’s still a needle in a haystack!”
Mallory looked at the fingerprint where she had set it down on her laptop case.
“You’re right, but we have a magnet. As long as I keep my eyes open, as soon as the genome of O-ren Ishii passes through one of those machines...I’ll know where she is.”
In this reading: @annalis-e--shadowofpanem @a-shadow-in-scarlet-ink @ofcarnvge
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! Gossip Girl here! ❤️ I'm actually doing pretty goodish right now! Me and My friends on Campus actually ended up getting really really really lucky hurricane wise where we were! Even though it basically ran right over us, we were on the Eastern Coast of Florida right when Ian went from like a Category three into a tropical storm again (and then did you see right after it got back on the ocean it build up into a hurricane again!) ! That alone was a part of a miracle really for me too because it meant that even though my college canceled classes they didn't force us to evacuate either. If they had I probably wouldn't have had anywhere to go (where I would have felt safe in) that was out of the path since they waited until they day before it hit Florida to tell us we could go (which made everyone mad). So in the end I basically ended up staying in more dorm for almost all of the week with my suitemate and friends snaking on the food we had in our cabinets! It really ended up being constant rain and very very windy and the power did go out for a bit. And then my campus also got very lucky, even though we had one of the highest rain amounts, we didn't have major flooding all over because of we aren't right on the beach and a little higher up! There was one parking lot at the bottom of a hill though that got completely flooded and I saw pictures of people actually swimming in it after Ian had kinda left! And we have some planes on campus that were like tied to the tarmac with chains and on one plane a few of the chains actually broke and the plane ended up getting turned around by Ian! But yeah! Over all I actually got very very luck with how it ended up for me! I saw the news and like social media all the videos of what it did to the west coast and like Sanible Island😭😭 I know a good number of friends who have family in the areas that got hit bad😭 I'm also just very much keeping them in my prayers! Cuba and Puerto Rico to!😔 Cuba got hit by Ian right before Florida did and the Puerto Rico got hit by another one pretty hard only like a week or so before 😖 Plus I saw the other day they there is already a 80% chance depression/storm/hurricane forming in almost the exact spot Ian did with in like 5 days! 
But other than that I'm doing pretty well! I already did start classes again this Monday and have basically had a test every day of the week to make up for what was missed🥲 And I did try writing and got maybe a paragraph or two more done but then there ended up being like two of my others friends in the room and more in the room next door and they were all in here and kept getting both distracted and nervous about writing in front of them! 😂Plus I didn't want my phone do die while the power was out and I wanted to save the life in the portable charger I had just in case. And since all my teachers are trying to catch on on what was missed I feel like I have more work this week! But tomorrow is my like one day where I have a longer break and I may try to force myself to write then to self motivate😅! Even if it's not one of my current stories I may try do do sometime for one of the head cannons ideas I have that are shorter and don't require as much grammar checking😅😂
I'll totally have to look at that App too! I don't mind too much not being able to use photos. I guess I can just put spaces in the spots where I want them to go and put them in when I go to post! I see if I can get it! (Also I'm interested in what "Drunk Tommy" means 🤫😂) 
Re-blogging is pretty cool! Sometimes I'm scared to reblog my own stuff on my own b/c again anxiety and there's a little voice in my head that tells me it's just repeating what's been seen so don't bother. But I know that it's stupid because I've seen others reblog their own stuff (especially time zone re blogs) before even if it's not to respond to someone else and no one seems to mind at all! I probably should do it more but I'm also kinda scared if I do it someone will be like why do you keep re blogging your old stuff and rarely post new or what not. But idk? I think I need to write more before I can re blog what I write😂 I'm also probably a moron too because I really didn't understand what reblogging  was when I first got on, and even now I'm still not use to it. I only got on here like a year or two ago and didn't realise that it did more than just liking. So if there was a story I really really liked and wanted to say something, I would end up just commenting on it instead of re blogging. Then I learned to reblog is better but I'm still not too use to it, especially when my anxiety about interacting gets the better of me:( but I am trying to do it more (when I am active) because like you said I like seeing how people interact and get excited over the ideas! When I'm to nervous to interact by reblogging though I do try and like send an anon comment though and let them know I liked it that way, which probably isn't as "good" but still! (Kinda like how we started this😂) 
Ok I just realized how long this is getting so I'm gonna send this part and then I'll write the next part and send that so it's not like a super super long thing😂 See you soon!
Xoxo Gossip Girl
Hey GG!! finally my answer and sorry for the time it took me, but better late than ever, and it’s good  to have a couple of things to talk about... I hope you are doing great, and that school’s going good too, you must be close to test dates or something by now.
I know its been a while since the hurricane, but I’m glad to hear everything went well and you and your friends were safe. :) I know what you mean, it must be pretty scary to have to evacuate, sometimes those natural disasters take away everything. Oh no! I wouldn’t know what to do in that kind of situation, and everything around must be very chaotic. Really? Just a day before? That’s a terrible organization, no wonder everybody got mad, I mean apart from the scary times and they do that??? pff -.-
But it’s a good thing that you were with your friends, some good company during the storm days and to pass time, how did you cope with that? It must have been frustrated to know that uni had some flooding, but thankfully it wasn’t a big damage. Oh wow the plane “swimming” around must’ve been shocking!! So even though Ian was a storm, it was heavy *shocked* I saw some news to, families lost everything, there were small boats trying to find survivors, people crying over the destruction, I mean working all of heir lives and then watching everything destroyed :( What? I didn’t know Cuba and Puerto Rico were damaged to, they didn’t cover a lot of that on the news :/ but I hope things are getting better for everybody now that’s been some time, I will keep them in my prayers as well! ❤ Hurricane times are now gone luckily, it’s been quite a year huh? In Mexico city had an earthquake on the very same day that a previous one happened, they were actually doing a simulacrum and it happened at even the same time of the day (statistically it’s almost impossible, yet it happened).
Let me know how is school going now, and best of luck with homework/tests for you, don’t forget to take some rest from time to time, I know students have lots of pressure. Haha so you don’t like to write with noise around huh? Right? The distractions ugh are so frustrating haha I hope later you found some time on your own to do some writing, it’s been the best therapy for me *hearts* oh they don’t that you write!!!! And then they start asking questions, the same happens to me haha and it’s so hard to keep lying about it well yes in that case the battery was more important to see the news and stay in touch... ohh tell me did you write later on your day off?? I’ve tried to keep up with some stories and I have a couple of new Tommy one shots under my sleeve that I try to post one part of each per week. We’ve been sending some gifs around, I find that inspiration hits a lot from a gif. Oh please share some of those ideas! I’m curious now haha have to confess a secret, I’ve been reading some Alfie stories written by amazing people here and I’m starting to like those a lot.
Good thing there are a lot of options to use, depending of what you need :) ohh that drunk Tommy story is this one haha I just had to write it as the general idea of the story. Oww babes no, don’t be scared, just do it! ;) you see, sometimes you need to be your own cheerleader first, so it’s fine to re-blog your own work. Yeah I sometimes read a story that was just posted, and reblog later or the next day, thinking someone  who didn’t saw the original post will be able to see it. Sharing is caring right? But also reblogging something is a nice way to find new stories ;) otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find some amazing stories around (hoping to see some of your somewhere down he road) oh don’t worry I’m a moron too, because I used to reply to rb in the comments box, then I understood the power of rb :) really? So you’ve been around for a while! I’m about to turn 1 year old lol I remember clearly because my first post was a Tommy/Charlie Xmas photo super cute. I feel the same I was so shy at first but here I am reblogging smut 24/7haha and non smut stories as well... but don’t be shy, everybody is so kind and caring here, I am surprised by the amount of love online, in comparison to what I get irl, anyway whatever way you choose to interact is more than alright, I’d say :) and it makes me so so happy to see you around GG.
Al right, so I only have one message in my drafts, i will try to answer that one tomorrow, in the mean time I hope you’re doing just fine and your weekend is going good, I’m about to catch a Xmas movie
 And do some writing too :)
Have you seen the new version of GG? I didn’t see all the first series but I think I will stick to that one...
Alright, have a good night GG xoxo
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thesege · 2 years
The Compass to/from Wisconsin
Day: -8 to arrive in Wisconsin
Chapter: Dreaming Beyond this Walls
These walls have already tired me, I wonder if that's how a caged eagle feels because if so I have the strength to free myself; this cage is created by my thoughts and feelings, I expected someone to tell me the words, it was logical with everything that had happened and seen, that was what gave me the strength and ambition to take the opportunity offered, the project that would change my environment to a place that no matter how much I investigate, it is still unknown, I have no family, friends nor acquaintances, it sounds terrifying and at the same time exciting.
it’s been a long time since I’ve been on my own in a unknown place, the last time was 2018 in Austin and DC, only this time it will be more to the north for a wider time or maybe just maybe permanent. What are my objectives? Better quality of live on my own, house, financial freedom all that people called the American dream. Even tho I was born in one of its territories things ain’t going so well in the Free Associated State, there’s always a political problem, there’s no scape listening to politics and corruption non one day. How much do I know about Wisconsin? the first time I heard of it was in one of my favorites sitcoms That 70s show, I know dairy is one of its biggest economy and beer in Milwaukee.
I already made my list of places I want to visit even the cities and states nearby, such things, like restaurants, recreational parks, monuments, etc. The cities I want to visit Inside Wisconsin Milwaukee I think it will be the first place I will be when I arrive on plane, from where I will live to Chicago, Illinois is 3 hours in car for sure I wanna taste the deep dish pizza it is a tiny dream I have. Other cities are Detroit, Michigan the epicenter of cars and the Coney Dog, St. Lois, Illinois know for Mississippi River, food like the Toasted Ravioli, Indianapolis, Indiana know for racing and heard a lot of Dowtown Indianapolis, Des Moines, Iowa heard sort of history see the State Capitol, I want to walk across its state park Loess Hills take pictures in the Sculpture Garden.  I may pass by cities and county inside this states it all depends on my travel if it’s by car, train, or airplane I will take a selfie each place it’s known for.
I’ll be leaving Puerto Rico on October 8 my first stop will be Miami, Florida to see my mother and sister until October 13 that’s where I’ll be leaving to Wisconsin, surely I’ll do my road-trip but first I have to organize how I’m going to live in Sheboygan.
Let’s see what life is made of with no one nearby!
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consolecadet · 6 years
for dinner some of us went to a mexican restaurant
I had one (1) mojito which I ordered with “very little rum” and became quite dizzy and a little loud
me and Cody and Katlyn went to the beach during the blue hour and waded around in the ocean until the sky was completely dark. the water was the perfect temperature and I really want to go back tomorrow night and swim in it. if my shoots tomorrow wrap up soon enough maybe I’ll be able to walk there and watch the sun go down
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sexmap · 3 years
travel’s — jack harlow
imagine traveling with jack and your guys toddler and jack gets aggravated when your toddler doesn’t sit still
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you guys were traveling back to la after a long week of being in puerto rico, visiting your family. you were tired of being in la and needed a break, so you asked jack and he agreed.
of course he was upset because you had brought it up last minute and he had made plans, but he cancelled them all and went just to make you happy. it was also a good chance for your son, travis, to meet his family that’s not in la, and also he barely had nothing to do there. so you called up your family in puerto rico, and set it all up.
now you guys were in the airport, at four o’ clock in the morning. travis was wide awake for some reason, having taken a nap for 5 hours the day before and it was annoying jack very much. while you were saying goodbye to your parents who drove you to the airport, jack was dealing with your guys son, who was running around singing the intro to pj mask’s.
“boy if you don’t get yo ass back here right now.” you heard jack yell at your son, who was running towards nowhere. people around you guys turned to look at him like he was a weirdo, but he could care less. you turned your head and looked at jack who was struggling with the bags and suitcases while watching over him. you have your parents one last goodbye and a kiss on the cheek and watched them go.
then after you got travis under control and into the airport, you went through tsa, which was pretty easy with travis, he listened throughout that all but only because you were actually paying attention. if he was alone with jack, he would be giving him a hard time.
you guys were now waiting at the gate, for the plane that was coming in about an hour. you were going to dunkin donuts to get some coffee for you and jack, and while you were doing that, jack was dealing with the crazy toddler.
“travis please sit. i’m really trynna be nice with you right now.” jack was leaning on his arm, halfway to the point of falling asleep, while travis was climbing on the seats acting as if he was spiderman.
“daddy watch!” travis jumped off a seat onto another and jack just mumbled a ‘mhm’. he couldn’t care less that people were looking at him as if he was a bad parent, he was tired and it’s what kids do. have they never seen a child act like that.
well yeah maybe not at 4:30 in the morning, but you get my point.
travis was now digging through his bag looking for his apple juice, while jack was waiting for you to come back and deal with him. travis had started to drink his juice, but halfway through he heard an announcement over the speaker that of course startled both jack and him, and travis wound up spilling his juice on jack. almost the whole thing.
jack grabbed his arm softly and whispered in his ear, “travis y/l/n harlow, if you don’t sit yo ass down right now, when we get home you gonna be grounded.” travis looked really sorry, but now he realized that his dad was being serious. so he sat down and listened. his bottom lip out, trying to give his dad the best puppy eyes.
“boy stop trynna convince me.” travis just looked away and waited for you to come back now.
when you came back, both the boys were sitting quietly, doing nothing.
“what’s got him all quiet?” you handed jack his drink and he just shook his head and sipped it. “as long as he’s quiet right?”
should i do more imagines like this? also gimme feedback this is my first fic.
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fic title: Don't Break my Heart Like Everyone Else
Brettsey (maybe Matt to Sylvie)
I'd write this as a season 7 canon divergence after 7x10 but let's say the Chaplain and Brett aren't dating yet.
Matt and Kelly are at the loft watching some Hockey game. Kelly is clearly distracted because he and Stella just broke up so he's in a broody, somewhat pissy mood, grunting in reply to anything Matt says. Suddenly, Kelly's phone rings and it's Stella. He frowns when he picks up because instead of hearing Stella's voice, it's Sylvie's.
She's saying something about a bar and how miserable Stella was because of the break up. She's clearly had few drinks and in the background, Stella is heard cursing her and not so politely asking for her phone back. Before the call disconnects, Sylvie lets slip where they are and Kelly doesn't think twice about going to see Stella. Matt decides to tag along because what else was he going to do at 10 PM on a Friday night?
They find the ladies at a club. Sylvie is jumping up and down, giddy with excitement when she sees them. Stella clearly has had a few rounds of tequila. Foster looks like she barely drank anything at all as she eyes the men, telling Kelly that maybe he should drive Stella home, handing him Stella's purse. Kelly takes the hint and in the blink of an eye, he's guiding Stella towards the exit.
"You ladies need a ride?"
"I'm good," Foster says as she knocks back her drink, "there was this cute red head I was flirting with."
She leaves Matt and Sylvie to go find the red head and Matt offers Sylvie a ride back to the apartment she shares with Otis and Joe. She says yes because Foster was supposed to be her ride but she seemed to have lost the paramedic to the dance floor.
On the ride home, Sylvie just keeps talking. It's like all her thoughts have been unleashed thanks to all the free gin and tonics she kept getting from the cute guy behind the bar.
Matt listens as she laments about her sorry love life, about how she thought it would finally work out with Antonio but it didn't, how she's been trying to flirt rather unsuccessfully with the new Chaplain but he was just clueless. All she wanted was what her parents had. Was that so hard to find in a city as big as Chicago? Where were all the single men?
Matt feels himself start to open up to Sylvie. He's not sure what makes him do it but he just does - how he thinks maybe he's cursed. He lost Hallie in a fire right when they were on the cusp of trying to work things out again. Gabby packed her bags for Puerto Rico after one argument but on hindsight, that was probably a long time coming. They had been unhappy for a long time. The last time he felt something, his apartment burned down and Naomi hopped on a plane to Switzerland never to be heard from again. Maybe he was meant to be alone. Maybe love wasn't for him.
He feels Sylvie pat his shoulder in comfort. She gazes intently at him but before she can open her mouth, they arrive at her place. She thanks him for the ride by leaning in to kiss his cheek. Sober Sylvie would never have done it but slightly tipsy Sylvie was way braver. As she does this, Matt turns so her lips land on his lips instead if his cheek. There's shock at first as they both stiffen. She hears Matt mutter a quick sorry but Sylvie throws caution to the wind and pulls him back in. Again, Sober Sylvie would never do this but she'll just blame it on the alcohol. She slides out of his truck a few minutes later.
The next morning, she goes to visit him at the loft to apologize for almost jumping him in his truck. It was truly un-ladylike of her and since waking up with a pounding headache, she finally got a dose of clarity. When he opens the door, he grins at her then at the box of pastries she brought over, opening the door wider and telling her how he just brewed some coffee.
They end up talking more and it's the first of many days and nights that they spend together. Sylvie would swing by the loft with pizza and beer on nights when they didn't feel like going to Molly's and Kelly wasn't around. Matt would get roped into game nights at Sylvie's. Cruz always claimed they cheated because they always won somehow no matter what they were playing. It's purely platonic but Kelly starts to tease Matt about it whenever he grins like an idiot when Sylvie texts. He's sure it's Sylvie because Matt only acted that way when it had anything to do with the blonde paramedic.
It's months later when Matt first feels it, that little flutter in between his ribcage, whenever he sees Sylvie and he's done denying that he's crossed over from wanting to be her friend to maybe wanting something more. She's walking towards him at Molly's and he hands her the drink he already got for her. She smiles gratefully at him before letting it slip that Foster tried to set her up on a date, which she didn't even know was a date since it was a group thing. Evidently the guy did and she wondered why he kept trying to talk to her while they were trying hard to get out of the escape room.
She's nervous when she relays the story to Matt because it's becoming abundantly clearer lately that she doesn't want to date just anyone. She wanted the one - that one person who she could build a life with, not some guy who only wanted to date her because they thought she was cute. She didn't want to have to kiss a bunch of frogs to find a prince. She hears him chuckle and she blushes when she realizes she said the last sentence out loud.
"Just kissing guys in their trucks then?"
She looks up to find him staring at her with this look in his eyes and maybe, she wasn't the only one who's been feeling it.
"Just one guy," she replies, grinning.
He grins back before leaning in and whispering, "don't break my heart."
She nods in understanding recalling that night in the cab of his truck, "I won't break yours if you don't break mine."
She holds up her pinkie and Matt lets out a snort. She raises an eyebrow at him in challenge so he sighs dramatically and loops his pinkie around hers making a promise.
Matt thinks it's the beginning of something good, great even, maybe the forever kind.
Sylvie thinks it's not a fairytale but something better, more real. Fairytales were overrated anyway.
She slips her hand in his, asking him to pay the tab so they could get out of there.
Mouch and Herrmann watch as they walk out of the bar, glancing at each other mouthing I told you so.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
What Ifs–Zac Efron
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Zac's POV
I looked up, my face burning when I saw Y/N walking with her eyes focused on her iPad. Her hair was tossed over one shoulder as she chewed on her bottom lip.
She looked up, our eyes instantly falling on each other. She smiled as she walked over to me, tucking her iPad under her arm.
"Hey, Zac," she greeted as she walked up to me. "I'm glad I caught you before you went back to the hotel."
"Yeah," I said, trying to hide the shakiness. "What can I do for you?"
I'd like to take you to dinner, I thought. And maybe more. . .
"Well, the jet leaves tomorrow morning at 10," she started to explain our travel planes. "The latest they need you at the airport is 9:30 so you can sleep in a little, but try not to sleep too late. I feel like I should give you a wake-up call."
"Only if you come into the room, banging pots and pans together," I tried to say teasingly. I smiled victoriously when I made her laugh.
"Is that what it takes to wake up the Zac Efron?" She teased back.
"I'm a heavy sleeper," I shrugged.
"Anyway," she chuckled, "I'll have a car waiting for you outside the hotel at 9. The flight is supposed to be about 5 hours. It's a little longer than our previous flights, but I have a bag of games if you get restless."
She sent me a teasing wink before going through the rest of my schedule. I met Y/N during my first meeting with Netflix about the show. Netflix hired her to be my assistant while we traveled. The more I talked to her, the more I realized she was too good to just be an assistant.
"Why are you working for Netflix?" I blurted out without thinking. "I mean. . . You have all the certifications, training, and experience to be a travel agent, and yet you work for Netflix, planning our trips. Why aren't you working for some big travel agency?"
I held my breath, expecting her to be offended but she laughed.
"It's simple," she shrugged. "I could plan the vacation of a lifetime for a family, or I can help you plan adventures for you and your viewers."
"I didn't think about it like that," I said under my breath. She sent me a smile, about to say something but was cut off.
"Y/N?" We turned around to see Darin waving her over.
"I'll see you later?" She asked as she slowly started to walk away.
"Yeah," I stuttered. "Definitely."
                         * * * * *
"Tell me something," Dylan laughed as he sat on the desk. "How long have you had a high-school crush on your assistant?"
I froze with my pair of pants still in my hand. I cleared my throat before putting my pants in my suitcase and grabbing a shirt.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, clearing my throat.
"Come on," my brother scoffed. "It's so obvious."
"It is not," I defended myself. I cleared my throat again when I saw the knowing look on his face.
"Everyone knows, man," he sighed.
"Everyone?" I stuttered.
"Well, not everyone," he smirked. "Y/N is completely clueless to you being in love with her."
"I'm not. . ."
"Zac," he sighed. "I know what you're doing."
"What am I doing?"
"You're forcing yourself not to fall for Y/N."
"What?" I scoffed. "I'm not. . ."
"You are," he cut me off. "Ever since you got your life back on track, since you decided to step away from Hollywood, you haven't been allowing yourself to be happy. You're self-sabotaging, Zac."
"What do you mean?" I asked, barely audible.
"You know that being with Y/N could make you incredibly happy," he explained, "but you refuse to break down your walls for her."
I took a shaky breath, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned my elbows on my knees.
"What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same?"
"What if she does and you never find out?"
I looked down at my hands, nervously rubbing them together. I took a shaky breath before looking back up at my brother.
"I can't," I stuttered.
"Zac," he started but I cut him off.
"I can't drag her into this," I said, standing up and wiping my hands on my pants. "I'm a mess and she doesn't deserve a guy who will only drag her down."
                         * * * * *
The next morning, I walked into the hotel lobby to see Dylan talking to Y/N. I bit my lip, holding in a smile when she laughed at something my brother said. A wave of jealousy washed over me as Y/N reached forward and touched his arm as she laughed. She playfully pushed him before shaking her head.
I watched as she excused herself and walked away from my brother with a smile still on her face. As she went to check with the guy behind the desk, I walked over to Dylan.
"Hey," I said, trying to hide my jealousy. "What were you and Y/N talking about?"
"You were jealous," Dylan laughed. He cleared his throat when he saw the way I was looking at him. "Come on," he sighed.
"What?" I stuttered.
"Y/N and I were talking about horrible hotels we've stayed in, but you thought we were flirting," he said in a knowing tone. "Zac, a guy isn't jealous when a girl talks to another guy unless he has feelings for her. The idea of Y/N being with another guy obviously bothers you."
"Maybe," I said under my breath.
"Then do something about it!" He sighed. "You care about Y/N. So tell her before some other guy comes around and notices how amazing she is."
"But what if. . ."
"Enough with the 'what ifs', Zac," Dylan cut me off. "Those are the two most damning words in the English language. When put together, those two words have the ability to stop you in your tracks, force you back into a whole, and make you lose the one person who could make you happy."
I glanced over at Y/N, nervously chewing my bottom lip. "You really think I should ask her out?" I mumbled.
"Ask her out before Steve does."
"Wait, what?" I asked, stopping him from walking away. "Steve, the camera guy likes Y/N?"
"Yeah," he laughed. "Almost as much as you do. He's had a thing for her since we hired him after Mark left."
Dylan smirked and nodded towards Y/N. My heart sank into my stomach when I saw Steve walking over to Y/N and start talking to her.
"Dude," Dylan said, clearing his throat. "Just go get her."
I left my brother and walked over to Y/N and Steve, interrupting their conversation.
"Hey," Y/N said, turning away from Steve and towards me. "You ready to go?"
"I am," I nodded. "Thanks to you."
"I know," Steve chuckled. "I don't know where we would be without her."
"We'd probably be stuck in LAX."
My comment made Y/N laugh. I hid my victorious smirk as Steve excused himself and helped organize the luggage.
"So," Y/N said, slightly clearing her throat. "Are you excited to go to Puerto Rico?"
"I am," I chuckled. "I'm kinda surprised you got Chef José Andrés to agree to do our show."
"It actually wasn't that hard to get him to agree," she shrugged. "I just told him what message you were trying to portray and what you'd already done in the previous cities. He loved it and jumped at the chance to be a part of it."
"Wow," I said under my breath. "That's. . . Amazing."
"That's my job," she joked. "Oh! I think I might be able to get permission for you to milk a goat and try some ceviche."
"What's ceviche?"
"It's a seafood dish with diced cubes of raw fish marinated in either a lemon or lime juice mixture," she explained. "The reaction of the citrus juices cure the fish protein and causes it to become. . . What?"
She cut herself off when she saw the look on my face. She nervously bit her bottom lip, her cheeks turning red.
"Nothing," I chuckled. "Sorry. I just. . . I love how excited you get about this kinda stuff."
"Oh," she said under her breath.
"I love how passionate you get about work," I continued. "I mean, you could be working for a big travel agency. I know you said you like this better, but you could be doing a lot more and you choose to plan my galavanting around the world."
"I like planning your galavanting," she giggled.
"And I like you."
My eyes widened when I blurted that out. Y/N's eyes slowly widened as my words registered.
"You. . . You what?" She asked under her breath. I sighed, deciding not to hold back anymore.
"I like you," I confessed. "I like you a lot, Y/N. Ever since you started working with us, I find myself wanting nothing more than to spend time with you. The experiences I've had have been incredible, but I find myself still wanting to see you at the end of the day. I know it's not exactly professional for us to start dating, and I'm not assuming that you'd be willing to go out with me, but I couldn't handle thinking 'what if' anymore."
Y/N reached up and covered my mouth with her hand, cutting me off. She smiled up at me as she slowly moved her hand away from my mouth.
"If you stopped nervously rambling, I could tell you that I like you too," she said, her voice soft.
"You. . . You do?"
"I like you a lot, Zac," she chuckled, her cheeks turning pink. "Ever since I started working with you, I find myself wanting nothing more than to spend time with you."
It was my turn to cut her off as I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me. She gasped as I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She didn't hesitate before kissing me back.
As our lips moved in sync, I tightened my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I felt her smile as she slid her hands up my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck.
We pulled apart when we heard someone yelling that the airport shuttle was outside. We looked into each other's eyes, not saying anything as we smiled at each other.
"Do you think, when we get to Puerto Rico, I can take you out to dinner?" I asked under my breath.
"As long as we don't have to catch, gut, and kill our dinner," she teased, "I'm down."
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