#maybe the first couple things I complete won't be that good -- bc I have really high standards for myself
notnights · 4 months
i legit love the idea of jax leaving anonymous gifts for gangle, and enjoying being on stage w/her bcs he's actually challenged and active enough to a point where he isn't feeling boredom or dread. also, there's a certain escapism in taking on the role of a character.
hmm, other ribbun scenarios? i can imagine gangle infodumping to zooble abt smth she used to watch, and jax feeling irritated by her rambling at first, but soon becoming accustomed to it and enjoying hearing her voice and opinions. perhaps he even remembers some of the shows she talks about. maybe he chimes in absentmindedly from his hiding spot and zoob n gangle are both like "u were here this whole time ??"
or what about caine using his ringmaster authority to make sure that jax is kind to gangle for a day? and now he has to do whatever gangle asks, and he's not allowed to break her mask. i wonder what she would do with that opportunity? dress him up in silly outfits? get him to pose in different ways for art references? like a mannequin doll.
i love seeing dynamics like these in moments where they have to work together for a common goal, as well. like, they get paired up together in an event and the reward is like. new crayon colours and a can of silly string/sticky hand/centipede or smth. i imagine a lot of yelling and fighting and cartoon violence shenanigans, but maybe, mayhaps, a "good job! we crushed em!" every here and there when things go well.
i also think jax trying to drag gangle away from a teaparty (hosted by ragatha ofc, no jaxes allowed) so that he can have an accomplice in ruining said teaparty for everyone would be fun. he wants to cause some chaos with his favourite victim
anyway hope u like these misc thoughts. idk im new to their dynamic :3c
1). Yeah it's a good thought! For a moment he can be someone else, someone who cares or someone who is open about being in the company of others.
2). I like to think sometimes Jax enjoys Gangle talking... but that's also why he doesn't like it. Doesn't like that something as simple as Gangle going on about something she likes makes him happy. Doesn't know why yet. Too close, too sentimental maybe. Feelings he's not ready for. So then he breaks her mask to shut her up. :(
3). I really want to imagine Jax and Gangle can get along in that way a bully and his lackey does. Bully picks on his lackey too but sometimes they get up to nonsense together and laugh at others together. Comedy!Gangle liking funny things too, which can range from something as silly as giving one ice cube to someone who asked for a couple, to seeing people get physically hurt (to the extent it happens in the DC anyways).
She won't go as far as Jax, when the going gets tough she'd start feeling guilty before Jax does, but up until then she's laughing and fooling around at Ragatha stepping on and getting slammed in the face by a misplaced rake.
Rare moments where they get along because Gangle is acting more willingly in Jax's interests. Idk if this idea has any merit with what we've seen so far. We still have no reference for Comedy!Gangle, and Jax atm really doesn't have any respect for her as an actual friend, at least when she's Tragedy!Gangle. I can only really imagine him getting along with Comedy!Gangle if she really is completely different though, and again we don't know if she is yet.
So it's an idea I haven't worked too much with despite how much I want it. I want them to be silly together. They both ave forever smiles in that aspect.
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(concept for the next chapter-promo for the zooblecaine fic)
Anyways, with that said yeah something that gets them working with mutual goals is a good way to get that kind of interaction going. Awful together in a different way. Awful at each other vs Awful together at others lol.
4). Yeah I like the idea he'll drag her to help him with things too. Much to her dismay but she goes along with it, she doesn't really have a choice poor girl. Drags her around like a wet rag until he gets bored of dragging her because, what a drag!
"Wants to cause some chaos with his favorite victim," is such a good line also. I hate Jax, love to see him be awful. My poor girl Gangle deserves better.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
Gonna ask this RIGHT this time lets GOOO
I’m a bit of a nut when it comes to pyromaniac and explosion obsessed characters, just going absolutely manic with numerous explosions going off around them type of stuff
Can I maybe ask for a reader like that with Time? Just an absolutely tired man who loves seeing them happy, but by god please put the gunpowder down for five minutes
Thank you, and once again bc you deserve it, congratulations :>
thank you again for all the congratulations 🥹💖💖 I swear everyone on here is so sweet. 💖 for this one I hope you don't mind I went with a calmer moment for that type of reader where they're sitting by the fire making explosives relaxing, I hope you like it!!!🔥✨✨
“[name], what are you making over there? Please don’t tell me it’s more explosives…”
“Look you don’t have to mutter under your breath like that.”
“You didn’t answer my question [name].”
“I thought you didn’t want me to tell you.”
The old man seems to be looking his age for once, granted I'm one of the main reasons he's been pushed to his limits like this. Really though, it's in my nature I can't just hold myself back. He should know this with how clear it is that I'm not the most civil when things like this are involved.
"Please stop making explosives from your own world, at least use normal bombs."
"'Normal bombs' don't have the same effect though Time... Look it's not like I'm making the dangerous ones."
Maybe I should stop doing stuff like this, it seems Time really is more stressed than he ever was before I arrived. The chain are taking care of me here, I shouldn't be adding to their stress, well time’s stress more than anything. It’s hard not to feel at least a little guilty about acting like this when he sounds so exhausted. Planting himself down next to me with a sigh, it really feels like I’m about to be given a lecture about my personal safety. It takes a moment to remove my current project away from the heat and to make sure that it’s stable, meaning I can leave it unattended for a while. Better to be over-cautious than the reason Hyrule needs to tire himself out or drain their already low supplies. Nothing would make me feel worse than that after a lecture.
“Just be careful dear, I love you more than anything so I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re not going to lecture me?”
“No, I love seeing how happy you are. Even if I wish I was the one making you happy rather than the explosives.”
That was unexpected? I swear if Wild was the one in my place he’d have been trapped here for hours while Time went on about his safety, but for me just a simple admission and a blush? Time’s blushing!? Because of me?? How long will it take him to realise how I’m looking at him like he’s both amazing and acting utterly unlike the Time I know? Barely a second it seems.
“Don’t let me sitting here distract you [name].”
“RIGHT. Yes alright. Um… would you like me to show you some really cool things you can do with fire? There are some safer things in my world that are beautiful.”
“Do you have it recorded on your ‘phone’?”
Rolling my eyes at him with a genuine laugh while reaching for a couple of containers within my bag, he seems a bit scared of what I’m about to pull out of my bag. Like he’s expecting another outburst like the first fight I got into, It's a good thing Hyrule can treat burns. 
“They’re different metal oxides, they change the colours of the fire. And no I’m not going to set the forest alight again not at the moment anyway.”
“[name] I love you but please.”
“...Fine. I promise I won't set the forest alight at all. Now can I show you what these do?”
I didn’t even let him answer this time, preferring to just toss some of the copper chloride powder into the fire waiting for his response to the apple-green flames. He looks stunning with how they reflect off of his armour, and how they highlight his face. Which colours would light him up the most beautifully I wonder, red, green, pink, cutting the colours completely and having him silhouetted by an explosion perhaps? 
“Do you keep things related to all of this on you at all times?”
“Why would you ever assume otherwise?”
“Please hold back from burning entire woods from now on.”
“...I’ll try.”
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
I just remembered a @mctvsh post about Jen and she mentioned the Hardman dynasty. And to be honest, it make me remember that I gave Alicia a big family from her mother side and most of them are military! I only write a bit with Nicolás and Camila, just once with Elías...but her mother side of the family is big and almost everyone is or was a soldier.
So! Maybe I won't write a lot with these characters, but I want to introduce some of them. It'll start from the elder one alive to the younger ones (except kids for now).
Taglist (bc of yes): @stuffireadandenjoy @snootlestheangel @alypink @tapioca-milktea1978 @islandtarochips
@mutantthedark @mctvsh @hookhearted @midnight193 @catterdraws
Martínez Family (Colombia 🇨🇴)
1st Gen:
Julio Armando Martínez Rincón
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The elder member of the family, right now he's near of 85 years old. He is a veteran of the Korean War, sent to South Korea as part of the 5100 soldiers part of the Colombia Batallion transported on the frigate Almirante Padilla. During the war he participated on the Battle of Old Baldy as part of the three companies defending the line of the 7th division, earning the nickname of "trench demon" after their victory along with all the colombian survivors.
After that, three years later and while he was a Lieutenant, he was part of the first Lanceros course, becoming the first in the family to wear the badge. (There's only four people who wear it in the family, a minusculous part considering how big really the family is)
He married Rosa Elvira Guzmán Villanueva, a woman he met after he came back to Colombia and continued his career, and had four kids. They're a lovey-dovey couple that love to have all the family reunited in his house, or at least their kids and grandchildren.
Julio has ALWAYS been good to read people, mostly his family, since the beginning. That's how he kinda "predicted" if they would be soldiers as well, he did it with his four children and all his grandchildren, and hopes he can "guess" with his great-grandchildren. And even if some of them weren't keen towards the military, he gave all of them the same advice: "do what you want and feel you need to do, do it one, two or three times if it's needed. Don't give up without a fight, our family NEVER gives up without trying and failing, and only then we only step back to get prepared and find another way."
...His children blame him for the legendary stubborness that his grandchildren have. And well, yes, specially Alicia and Elías are just as stubborn as him.
2nd Gen:
Gabriel Martínez Guzmán
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The oldest child of Julio and Rosa, basically a clone of his father (they joke about him having his mother hair, that it's the only thing stopping people of thinking that the trench demons are inmortal) and he's near 67 (who know how he looks so young). He is part of the Colombian Army as Brigadier General, and has lived through the most horrid years of the colombiam history, leading with guerrillas, narcos and paramilitary.
Since the first time he commanded any team, he has tried to complete the mission as perfect as possible and to keep all the soldiers alive as possible too. Gabriel is the second Lancero in the family, earning it during the early 80's and he keeps it always in his formal uniform near the badge for the 2016 peace treaty.
He has seen how his siblings flew away from the country one by one, but he helped them every single time even if it hurted. And he loves his nephews and nieces as much as his own kids, who also love their cousins. Also, he tells his stories about his non-classified missions to his nephews and nieces when they were younger, and Andrea smacked him because of it.
"They are KIDS, Gabriel! Don't tell them that!" she said to him
Isabel Martínez Guzmán
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The second born and first daugther, she was more like her mother than like her father and she's 62. She was part of the Colombian Navy during ten years before retiring, going to Switzerland to marry the professor Dorian Müller. Now they're living in Bern, near the university where Dorian works.
She was strict with Elías and August during their childhood, but also gave them some freedom to explore, sighing with a smile when she learned they would join the Swiss Army. Even after all those years, Isabel still love going to sail and loves going to the beaches or anything related to the water. And also...she nags Elías when he does stupid shit outside of duty, but he always just smile and shrug.
José Martínez Guzmán
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The third sibling, was part of the Colombian Air Force during two decades, he's 61 and another clone of his father. He made his career with aeronautic communications, so after his retiring he started to work as the director of comms for an airline. He's the only one without children, and is the one who messes the most with his nephews and nieces (and the reason why all of the 3rd Gen have quick and sarcastic answers for almost everything).
Currently he's dividing his time between Los Angeles and London, but prefers to stay on the UK because of it's convenience. Sometimes he goes to his parents house, he's the one who goes more after Gabriel and Juan David.
Andrea Martínez Guzmán
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The younger sister and the only non-military between the four siblings, she has her mother's personality and his father looks...more or less, also she's 60 right now. Andrea was the first one to leave the country when she started her company, which now is really big btw, and during some years she stayed in San Antonio, Texas working on her own. Years later she met Jackson Marchant, who everyone calls Jack since he prefers to be called that way, and they started dating some months after meeting.
Time passed and they fell even more in love, with Jack proposing to her after some years, and asking if she wanted kids. Also, there was a moment when Jack asked her if she preferred to be a stay-home mom...he almost was thrown out because of it, but when he laughed and explained it was a joke, Andrea just rolled her eyes and murmured something.
They had Nicolás, Alicia and Camila with some years apart one and the other, and they love the three of them with everything they have. She just laughed when she noticed they had the stubborness of her familiy, but taught them to be open minded and receptive, mostly because some of her uncles used to be really narrow minded and basically cut themselves from the people who loved them just because they couldn't hear other opinions.
She's proud of the three of them, always telling everyone who wants to hear how good her babies are. Of course she doesn't tells a lot about Alicia's job, for her security, nor gives a lot of details of Nicolás' trials, also for his security. It makes people think that Camila is her favorite, but no, she truly doesn't have any favorite.
(Jack does, but is only in the sense that just one of his kids has his eyes, nothing else. He really loves the three of them equally)
3rd Gen: (Main Story)
August Müller Martínez
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He is the eldest between all the cousins, being 45 years old, and has a baby face, which only confirms that the rest of them are so tired and screwed. He also is military, but isn't part of the Special Forces, he's an administrative officer. When people ask him why he didn't continued until becoming an special forces operator, he just says that he doesn't have the kind of habilities to do so.
And that's right in some sense, he has seen how his younger brother and younger cousins are, and he's admired of how they can react and move so quickly when they are training. At first, when he learned about Elías and Alicia becoming special forces, he was envious...but he has already come to peace with the fact that he's made to other things. He has a more relaxed personality, and even if he is stubborn, he isn't THAT stubborn.
But someting is sure to say, he can be scary when he fucking wants to be. Once the family learnt about Alicia's capture, he was this near to pack Elías into a plane himself to make him go and look for Alicia. And no, he had nothing to do with the grandpa almost going out of retirement (that's a lie but let's pretend he didn't tell him anything).
Nicolás Marchant Martínez
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(I wanted him to look like a lawyer, but for some reason I think he looks like some kind of tv seller ;-;) (Also I love giving him heterocromia, I think he looks good)
Second older, and the eldest of the Marchant siblings, he's 42. He isn't a soldier and he has nothing to do with the military, instead he's a lawyer specialized on international cases. Nicolás is patient, really patient, and kind with people outside of court, but inside the court room...this man is fucking scary (he took that from his father hehe).
At first he was working on an enormous law firm in Austin and he had big cases by the time Alicia contacted him to help her Corporal, but after some years he was offered a job in La Haya. From there he has had a rocketed path, and now leads with some important and delicate cases, and also he's well respected by his co-workers. And now he just focus on his job, but isn't closed to a boyfriend, isn't really convinced he'll have one either (Camila and Juan David are looking for a good candidate for him :3).
He usually keeps the peace during the family reunions in granny's house, because leaving José, Elías, Alicia and Juan David together in the same place is a time bomb. He's (supposedly) the voice of reason when his family start to talk about unhinged shit, but in reality he just gave them the legal lagoons to not be acussed nor found.
Elías Müller Martínez
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THIS is the family's little shit!
Alright, he's 36 and just a month older than Alicia, but always pisses her off because of it and has being kicked for that. He's the younger brother and is a bit...clingy to his older brother when he's out of duty. When he's together with all the cousins, his only mission is pissing them off, and has succeded once.
He even has pissed Nicolás, and that time he was chased by two feral Marchant sisters and a furious Juan David while Nicolás gave them sticks to have their way with him...and August didn't do anything to help or stop them (he had to climb a fucking pine to not die, but Alicia followed him and smacked him in the head almost restarting his brain). Anyway, leaving alone that he's an expert in making people furious, he is a soldier as well as most of his family, part of the 10th reconnaissance detachment of the Swiss Special Forces.
He's the third Lancero, wearing the badge just a group before Alicia did, and he's also a hand-to-hand combat specialist. He commands his own team as well, and they work mostly with scorting VIP's to safe places, but also they have their infiltration and rescue missions. And even if he bothers Alicia a lot, he really apreciates his cousin and he was FURIOUS when he learnt about her being MIA. (And this man is a giant as well, it was like looking a demon in a human body)
Alicia Marchant Martínez
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(I never get the scars right ;-; but imagine she has them all over her mouth and nose)
We all know Alicia, but let's talk a bit more about her! She's 36 and is younger than Elías for a month, and hates that he reminds her that. She look just like her grandpa, even he says that if she was a man, they could've been twins (speak of powerful genes, huh?). When she's with her siblings they fight a bit because of Camila taking her sister's things without permission or Alicia stealing Camila's food, while Nicolás stop them to kill each other, and when she's with all the cousins...oh dear, what a chaos.
Speaking of her military career, as I told before, she's a hand-to-hand combat specialist as well, and has trained with Elías everytime they find eachother in grandma's house. It makes them the nost dangerous duos inside the family, because they move and think like they were one, they supply for the other weakness. And she's the fourth Lancero, the first woman in the family to have it (but won't be the last one), also has done a short course in the rain forest (why? Because she wanted to, there's no other reason).
She's a way more calm than Elías, but he ignites her bad temper when they are together, and they end up fighting. And yes, she's stubborn, A LOT, that's why she is a Captain right now (and it stresses Luke and Jackson all the time, meanwhile Edward just laughs in the background).
Juan David Martínez Mejía
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He's the second youngest of the cousins, but the oldest child of Gabriel and he's 32. Juan David has the worst temper of all family when he's off duty, he's snarky, sarcastic and get's pissed easily. He passes most of his time on his grandparents house, and he's the spoiled one, but still being disciplined.
He's part of the Colombian Army just like his father, and just started his path into the special forces when he was 30. Right now he's part of the DIVFE, detachment ALFA, and he's getting prepared for start the Lanceros course to become the fifth one. He trains all time and is pretty confident in his abilities, but he prefers not to get cocky about it.
When he's with his cousins, he nags Elías a lot and passes most of his time with Camila, while his siblings cling onto Nicolás. He admires his father and grandpa, even his cousins,but that last part he will never admit it.
Camila Marchant Martínez
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The 3rd Gen baby even if there are younger cousins, but for some reason she's the baby. Camila is 30 years old and the younger Marchant sibling, also is Jack's favorite because, in his own words, "Cami is the only one who took part of my genes! She has my eyes and my hair...that doesn't mean she doesn't look a lot like you, but it's nice to finally have a kid that decided to look a bit like me!" (Alicia and Nicolás shared a look and laughed after that, it was grandpa's genes fault). And even if she looks so innocent, she's a lil' demon as well, she was the agressive and biter kid during kindergarden.
She isn't military, she's a conflict journalist who has being assigned to many war zones and tense zones to report them. As far as her family knows, she has been sent to Western Sahara (Alicia almost had a heart attack when she heard that), Sudán, Nicaragua, Afghanistan during the war, the Korean Border and Myanmar. In despite her inmature attitude on her daily basis, she is really professional and serious during work, and also really brave when it comes to be under attack during a report.
When she's at home, she just let's herself go and become more or less like a kid, except when Elías starts with his shit. And she's in her way to win a Pulitzer Prize, she has been asking help to his siblings to get some non-confidential details.
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blush-and-books · 3 months
okay okay whats ur dream episode of suits ??
ahhh ok so i've been really thinking about this and i still don't really have a good answer but here goes :)) sorry this took so long i have been cooking on it for the past couple of days!!💞
there's a couple of episode types i would really like to see. first of all, one of my favorite shows of all time (and the reason I started this blog like ten years ago) had an episode in their third season that put it's main couple (when they were in a will they/won't they point of their relationship) in an isolated situation and basically the entire 45 minutes was them going through various hurdles and discovering things about their relationship along the way.
my donnaharvey nonsense braincell would fucking LOVE an episode like this. like some kind of plotline where harvey has some kind of conference to attend for the firm and they obviously get two invitations but since the firm is always in shambles, they can't afford to send more than one senior/named partner away, and so they let donna go with harvey instead and she has to feed him the names of everyone they meet that hes supposed to already know. even tho in the show they're professional partners, i feel like we never explicitly see little donna and harvey work adventures like we see for him and mike. obviously harvey and mike have these adventures bc the show is about them but anyways
or an episode where there's a brutal case or smth and it's just an episode of him and donna in his office together for hours. idk where mike is - helping louis, maybe, or dealing with a case of his own, or the case that harvey is working on is just too delicate or high risk for him to want mike involved. so it's just him and donna. maybe marcus calls at some point, or donna's dad. they listen to gordon's records and talk about their families and their futures etc etc. i would love for this to feel like an expansion of when his office got moved to that lower floor and donna just had to sit across from him at his desk to do her work bc there wasn't an intercom.
OR, WAIT, the episode is about harvey's annual heart checkup and they call him back to run more tests after an inconclusive initial exam, and he needs to have someone drive him/pick him up, and of course donna finds out this is happening and just kind of invited herself along to wait with him for the results of the tests because she knows this annual appointment is like brutal for him every year. the whole episode he aggressively tells her to go away and she stays the whole time. yaps her ass off. but when the nurse comes out with the results of the tests he has to grab donna's hand. and regardless of the outcome he starts to cry the second that they get into the car. donna holds his hand and leans her head on his shoulder while he lets it out. they go up to his place for a drink afterwards, maybe they listen to some music, or watch a movie. while all of this is happening, mike is on a very silly case adventure with louis and jessica is enlisting rachel's help with a case that could come with some bad press for the firm, and they need to avoid that as much as possible. i thought rachel and jessica were a really great pair and i wanted more of them!!!!!
similarly i would love for something bad to happen to donna (affectionate) that just derails harvey completely and he spends the episode with her in the hospital while everyone else is dealing with like insane levels of bullshit from daniel hardman or someone and harvey has a big trial when donna is supposed to get a surgery and she tells him to go but he takes one step into the courtroom and had a panic attack bc they didn't get to do the can opener ritual and hes convinced he's cooked so he runs back to the hospital after haphazardly throwing everything onto mike at the last minute.
uuuh ALSO a holiday episode. CHAOTIC HOLIDAY EPISODE PLEASE. the firm is not decorated and nobody has the holiday spirit except, like, rachel, and probably donna too. harvey and mike are emo about the holidays due to family trauma and louis is getting everyone Hanukkah gifts. there's probably a firm party that's planned by rachel and louis to get everyone into the holiday spirit. harvey contemplates going to marcus's, and impulsively invites donna to come with him after mike makes some plot important speech at the firm party about he finally feels like he has a family to celebrate the holidays with again after his grandmother died, and how he doesn't ever want to take the time he has with his loved ones for granted. there's some joke about donna already buying her own gift from harvey bc he never knows what to get her.
in general i really like the idea of a bottle episode and would love an episode that takes place like, entirely in the file room, and we just see snippets of conversations or arguments or illicit meetups that happen in the file room over the course of one day. i feel like that format would be very cool.
this was a terrible answer to your question bc honestly i just think about what i would like to see between donna and harvey and that's not a good way to go about it but oh well!! thank you so much for this ask i love getting to write obnoxious long winded answers 💖💖💖🥹
also would love an episode where jessica meets a badass lawyer who just got brought in as a name partner at a competitor firm but the badass lawyer is a very beautiful and intimidating woman possibly played by lucy liu and they fall in love. yup!!
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
Idk if you still perceived them as a toxic relationship, I'm the one who thinks that the most healthy thing in a relationship is communication so I really doubt ksoo get enlisted bc he wants to and not telling anyone about it, I mean exo is a thing, his relationship with jongin is other, maybe he didn't tell the other members but Ji is something else in his life plus his dad just died almost a year ago. I kinda understand your point and your theory about ji's depression cus his disease is a fact told by him, but speculate everything is all about ksoo fault its fck toxic. Depression is not something you experienced from one day to another and can be caused by so many accumulated reasons that took years and years to understand and ksoo must know that tho do u think he's that cruel and go to the army without a reason knowing Ji could be really sad about it? Kai must know that before anyone else so he could have time for processing and plans to do tgt but is normal still be fck sad after ksoo left and having therapy is a completely smart thing to do, that doesn't mean they had a huge fight
First of all, all what I said is not my perception, not my opinion, it's what I've been told from everyone: from K-EXOL, to our sources to the insiders who know SM staff or worked in SM and from Exo themselves told about this issue. And guess what? They know better than you. They're closer to him than you would ever be.
Sorry if it can't fit your narratives and feed up your fantasies.
Kadi just like any other couple aren't perfect they have their ups and downs and they certainly have their own flaws. Calling a relationship toxic just by one argument is wrong of you. This is not wonderland I think you should go seek medical help if you think like this.
You're the one calling them Toxic for not having a communication not me!
Ask your parents, I don't think they've never fought in a relationship of 2 decades at least.
I don't know if I'm allowed to share this info, but fuck it, I hate when dumb people who think they know their faves start calling us liars.
Kadi in 2022 in March exactly, they were on a massive fight and had a break again and they even went to Couple Counseling and the old Fans of this Tumblr from the Instagram group know this already. I've seen kadi's name on their Couple Counselor's Chart with their names and IDs, it was a bad thing from that Counselling company as they sold the Info to Sasaengs easily, K-ExoL, when they saw Ji and Ksoo going there frequently alone separately were curious why were they attending couple counseling sessions? Do they have issues with each other or with someone else they know ? And hence they followed them dug into the subject and discovered this and unfortunately the info was leaked. Remember when Ksoo went to Hawaii alone? Well it was during that period of time they were on a break.
Couples fight dear. It's normal ! And most of the couple fights occur because of LACK OF COMMUNICATION.
So yeah ! Expecting a couple in a relationship of 14 years won't have any miscommunication or a fight is so dumb of you. We don't live in Wonderland ! This is life! Have you ever been in a relationship have you watched BLs and Couples movies haven't you seen couples hurting each other and crying and breaking up despite being in love??
, t
So same for Kadi, they can hurt each other, misunderstand each other, Do things to each other, TAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH E/O! Take decisions in a moment of anger ! It's normal it happens and this is what Ksoo did and unfortunately it's true and it was a no-going-back issue becos that's with the government it's military application. He himself regretted it later because he missed many good Movie offers and opportunities at that time, even his managers and SM's production team told him he messed up he acted in a moment of anger at that time, and going on hiatus due to military in the Epitome of his career is a very bad move and he was told that by Veterans and his friends in the industry and he admitted it to movie producers and Management teams in SM, and.it was a famous discussed subject. No idol wants to go on military hiatus when they're on the epitome of their career, but instead until they settle things down first then they go. Because Many idols and actors get a little forgotten and may lose their popularity after military due to the hiatus and some DON'T! which is why you see Baekhyun and all idols always anxious telling their fans "Please don't forget us! Promise you'll be here when I'm back! It won't take a longtime! I'll be back before you know it!" " think of me all the time when I'm absent" and Baekhyun was smart enough and was the very first idol to have filmed Content for his fans to be outed every month it was so smart fans didn't even get to forget him.
So moral of the story: Kadi aren't perfect. And you should know Honey that YOU DON'T KNOW KSOO !! The idea you have on him is not 100% what he really is like! Y'all tend to glorify and shape idols in a perfect mold and put them on a pedestal as Sacred people who don't sin or Do wrong. Honey 😂 your Ksoo Oops isn't a Saint! He makes mistakes!! Remember you're just a fan! You don't know him personally to keep saying he can't do such things and that it's not his character 🤣 blah blah blah who are you? His mother?
Listen I'm just really tired of explaining everything to dumb people here. I don't care anymore, I say the info I have which I didn't create myself, I just report what I've been told and confirmed with Evidence, believe what you want if you don't wanna believe, leave it and leave.
Don't come up here and force your opinion on me, because we're not here discussing opinions, I'm giving you an info most of the time "A FACT" means something that actually happened and was proven to me, so I'm not here discussing it with you wether it happened or not and what you think about it, I don't care what you think , the thing happened years ago and that's on Period. I'm not gonna go back in time to discuss with you how it should have happened.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi guys I'm back to begging you for fic recs bc I am desperate once again:)))
Do you happen to know any fics centered around things thay we know/theorise about season 2? I tried looking for myself but I cannot find much and I was wondering if maybe you can help me
Potential spoilers for series two! If you are trying to avoid anything to do with series two of Good Omens you are best scrolling swiftly past this post!
You have been warned.
Here are a couple of fics with Maggie and Nina, a few with Muriel, and one about an angel with memory loss...
Unlikely bebop by Nyariewen (G)
Maggie and Nina discuss about something strange in the neighborhood: Mr Fell new music choices.
She asks how my husband is by angelZfell (G)
“Maggie asks how my husband is,” he laughed. Aziraphale spun around, completely ignoring the books he was rearranging on the shelf. “Pardon me?”
OR: really short story about them realizing how they act like a married couple.
barging into bookshops while holding plants by sunglass56 (NR)
i heard the clip released at the season 2 panel today and KNEW i had to write a fic around it
basically my imagining of how that scene would look plus extra super gay and sappy
A Million Colors In Between by CaspianTheGeek (T)
Crowley's always known why he Fell, but he was careful to never share that information with Aziraphale. That is until Muriel comes to visit, and the truth comes out.
5 things Muriel doesn't understand about earth (+1 she does) by agent_p_94 (G)
Muriel stares at the teacup.
"A human police officer would accept a cup of tea to drink," Aziraphale had said. Drink. She knows about drinking. “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh of the water I shall give him shall never thirst,” and so forth. Only, Muriel was always given to believe that sort of drinking was purely metaphorical, and the sort to which Aziraphale refers seems decidedly corporeal.
Muriel has a lot to learn about earth, with and without Aziraphale's help.
A Stranger Among Us by charliebradcherry (T)
"Ridiculous? Ridiculous?" Crowley released a low guttural sound after his words and his hands itched to grab the angel by the lapels of his jacket. Luckily he still possessed enough bodily control to not shake the shit out of him right then and there. "I've watched your bookshop burn to a crisp once and I've felt the fear of losing you twice. You discorporated because a fucking human stepped foot inside your property without your consent and you call me ridiculous. You can think of me as overprotective right now, but I can't promise I won't lose my shit when I hear you say it."
Aziraphale's eyes traced the lines of the floorboard gaps beneath his feet. It was a nice way to distract himself from the depressing voice cracks that Crowley emitted without the intention to.
"We both wanted peace, and what'd ya know? We won't have that for at least the first few years! But if you keep treating life like everyone's an 'angel' at heart, I'll be stuck with a lifetime of worrying myself sick that you'll trust the wrong people and get killed in the process. I'd rather chug holy water. You understand?"
(Based on the new clip)
Hello, hello, hello, what's going on here, then? by HolRose (G)
Aziraphale is in the middle of entertaining a strange angel in his bookshop who has come incognito disguised (very badly) as a police officer, when Crowley appears. After making a few pointed comments and asking a question, the demon asks Aziraphale for ‘a word in private, angel’. This is what happened during that private conversation.
The end of the world by probably_publius (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale were able to stop The End of the World, but didn't see what would come afterwards. Aziraphale has lost his memory, and Crowley doesn't know if it's Heaven or Hell or something else entirely. All he can do is try and help Aziraphale regain an idea of who he is by telling him stories from their past together.
I had a dream where I was watching season 2 and wrote this.
- Mod D
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One personal gripe I have with TLT was that Annabeth mentioned that monsters often posed as doctors to medicate Demigods and dull their battle reflexes.
Cuz like as much as I love the series for being my first exposure to ADHD/dyslexia/neurodivergent representation. And the fact that it was about positive representation and solidarity in that.
Demonizing medication is,,,,,
So anyway canon is a suggestion and I'm going to ramble about my neurodivergent demigods thoughts (mainly focusing on ADHD because that's what I personally have)
My mini retcon is that Annabeth was misinformed and distrusting of adults because of her past
And like. Annabeth grew up at camp which is full of other neurodivergent kids that get it and accomodate her. It doesn't make her learning disabilities less disabling at times, but it likely meant that existing unmedicated didn't impact her nearly as badly as Percy or any of the other kids that weren't year rounders. So I think her views on the matter would be more detached as a result. She was also really young and I like to think she learns better in the future (maybe when she starts college bc the self directness of tertiary education hell is how I got diagnosed lol)
I wouldn't be surprised that monsters might try and disguise themselves as doctors, since if they're looking for demigods, that would be one way to find them. But I'm taking the "most doctors are monsters to try and medicate the half bloods" lore and throwing it out the window actually.
If anything I think it'd be better if it was more like. A representation of the doctors that won't listen to their patients, or the ones that maybe leave it *all* to the meds to help the kid or placate parents because believe me for a lot of people, me included, just meds are not enough.
I'm not completely sure how I'd go about it? Maybe they're trying to be doctors but because they're actually monsters they're not actually doing a good job??? Something about the importance of finding a good doctor??? But anyway that's the gist
Medication is not a cure all and it won't turn you into a zombie unless your dosage is wrong or the specific type of medication isn't for you. It's is so important to still have it as an option even if they're not for everyone and not demonize something that can genuinely help (even if the side effects can suck at times rip)
And like jokes on you my ADHD makes my thoughts jump so quickly that even if I notice the little things I will simply be on the next thing before I process. What battle reflexes? At least with meds I can focus on the things I notice djfjfjfjf
Anyway now that that's been covered onto the other ramblings!
Correct me if I'm wrong but I vaguely remember Percy talking about how his willpower crumbles at caffeine and how ironically soft drinks calmed him down (it's not ironic Percy it is simply how ADHD be sometimes)
So like
Even if the campers aren't medicated I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them self medicate with caffeine anyway like a lot of irl ppl do. (I've tried to self medicate with coffee a couple of times before I got diagnosed tho it always just made me sleepy)
I'd like to think that the Romans do actually have really good adhd healthcare bc as much as they're about battle and honing your skills they also have a whole ass city where you don't have to worry about monsters. Part of the reason ADHD is disabling is the environment, and in the books it's also what makes them good and necessary for a battle scenario. But these guys aren't battling! They're living peacefully in the city! So like I think they can afford to "dull one's senses" a bit.
This also extends to good healthcare in general. They're a society of largely neurodivergent people, which often come with other co-morbidities so it would make sense for them to expand to accommodate those too. Not to mention they're warriors, likely resulting in a good number of physically disabled residents. So it makes sense for them to cover all of that and have accessible infrastructure.
As far as I'm aware there was no confirmation whether legacies were neurodivergent and they make up a good chunk of New Rome. But!!! Since a lot of neurodivergencies (especially the focus of the books ADHD and dyslexia) are hereditary I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah lmao
Anyway new worldbuilding challenge let the Apollo (both Roman and Greek) kids work together with the Hecate/Trivia kids to make an ADHD med equivalent without as many of the irl drawbacks or smt I would kill to be able to focus without the cost of hunger be gone and meds crash superhell
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tacomedli · 2 days
rant abt writing and stuff
i love my book. i love the story i've created, the characters, the vision of it in my head, everything.
but my worldbuilding and plot and such have all changed so MUCH since i started writing it. i'm ok with that, since i have a better idea now of what i want the story to look like, and one day i'll probably go back and change a lot of things to make the cringey, confusing beginning flow a lot better.
here's the problem though:
i'm sharing this story with some irl friends as i write it. so they have to deal with this really shitty first draft that has me figuring things out as i go and changing the setting and time period and whether there's magical elements or not. because it was a modern time period at first! and now it's some weird dystopian steampunk something or other with a fashion style that i see very clearly in my head but i don't even know what year it's from! i see this world so well in my head but i don't know how to describe it in a way that i feel they'll understand! especially since it's changed throughout the story!
i really made this hard for myself. in some ways i wish i could go back now and get rid of some of the things that are bothering me and causing story problems, but that's also really intimidating to think about.
i know if i go back now i'll get all bogged down in the details, and i don't know if i can fully fix everything properly yet when i still don't know what i want the ending to be.
and i'm excited for where i am in the story. i've been on the cusp of these REALLY exciting plot points for so long, and now i'm finally, FINALLY starting to reach them! this is where the good stuff really starts! this is where i can start adding the scenes i wrote ahead of time months and months and even a year ago!
and i know the ones that care will stick with it, and honestly they're following along pretty well. i'm just ashamed at how much it feels like a jumbled mess. i feel like my stress is causing my writing quality to go way down, because the only way i can get myself to actually write is to say "it's okay, let the writing be shitty now, you can always go back and edit it later"
which is technically good advice in general for me, but lately i haven't been going back and editing it before i show it to my friends, so i just feel really bad. normally i love editing but with how jumbled my chapters have been lately (writing scenes out of order and trying to piece them back together, lines of dialogue i like too much and refuse to delete despite them causing problems, not knowing wtf im doing with this plot, etc) it's a nightmare just to think about, so i just. don't.
maybe i should slow down my update schedule. but i'm worried i'll be letting them down, even if only 1-2 reliably read it and leave comments anymore. i'm afraid that if i write completely at my own pace, i won't write at all. and besides, i NEED those few comments to keep me going. to remind me that someone else is actually interested in this book.
so i keep writing this way. "it's a mess right now, they're reading it as a mess right now, but one day, when it's finished, you'll go back and rewrite what you need too."
which is, like, fine. it doens't bother me TOO much, i think venting abt it helps a lot, but i really want to print a couple copies when this is done, but i dont wanna print the shitty version, i wanna print the fixed version. and im worried that i won't actually fix it bc i have at LEAST two other unrelated books that i've promised myself for literal years that i would finish/rewrite, and i think about those almost as much as this one, ie daily
so idk what will happen. i guess i'll cross that bridge when i come to it. anyway i hope i have the energy to edit this current chapter before i update bc my self imposed deadline is coming up very soon and this one's another mess lmao
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
What's you opinion on the colby and mlp drama? I see some fans are mad at him for "breaking her heart", cause the poor girl was waiting around for 8 years in the hopes of him finally making her his girlfriend and he has the audacity to date another girl. For all we know they're never been in a committed relationship.Her fans should be encouraging her to finally getting over him and move on.
i've gotten an ask about this before, a week or so back. i was against commenting on it just bc i don't want to give mlp the time of day. but as things have slowly played out, via her and her fans… i don't really feel the need to stay silent on it.
there's a lot i'm probably gonna say, so this will most likely be a very long post lol
and to those of you that hate-read the shit i post - especially since you like mlp so much - i ask you kindly to read completely thru. i know that's a lot, but please consider doing it, especially before you send in an ask calling me a "dick rider" for colby just bc i don't immediately say he's a slut and a douchebag for breaking her heart :)
i'm gonna give the briefest of rundowns for those that don't know.
first off, if you want to know how i feel about mlp, here is an ask i answered a while ago detailing most (if not all) of the shit she has done over the years.
secondly tbh, i never understood her relationship with colby. sure, they were always weirdly flirty, seemingly in a will-they-won't-they type of thing. but her livestreams have painted an ENTIRELY different picture. one that paints her as a bit…. unhinged, imo. he doesn't look great either, but i'll get into it.
now, what has been happening recently: i pop in occasionally to her streams but for the most part i steer clear bc she annoys me too much. i have friends that tell me everything, plus you guys. but i have witnessed some stuff with my own two eyes. when she first started streaming, she was NONSTOP talking about colby. answered any and all questions about him, how they were super close, talked about adventure buddies, said all the good poems in her book are about him, even saying she was gonna have him on at some point soon. and she was gonna have him in videos soon as well.
as you have pointed out, anon, her fans are mad that he "broke her heart" but how that became "reality", so to speak, stems from this: her sister asked her what she was doing for nye, and mlp said she had no plans bc "no one asked her yet" to do anything. fast forward to after colby's bday, aka around the time the pics of him and m leaked, and suddenly mlp is not streaming.
the stream she did a couple days after colby's bday is a new level of crazy i haven't seen from her bc she just aired it ALL out. and even if she didn't do that, her fans with their big ass mouths on twitter, insta, and tiktok, have been doing it for her.
she explained to her chat that she just went thru a breakup, basically. that it was an eight/nine year long situationship that was on and off again…. interestingly, her and colby have been friends since 2015. which would be…. eight/nine years.
very clearly, she is talking about colby, without saying his name.
now, there was someone in chat that said something about situationships, someone else asked what a situationship is, and the person replied with "a sexual relationship but with no commitment" or something vaguely like that. mlp immediately said "oh that's not what i had."
………so, you're telling me that whatever went on between the two of them….. wasn't sexual…. at all??? maybe i don't understand what a situationship is then, bc i was under the impression that the SEX PART was kinda the whole point. otherwise…. you just kinda have a friendship. an emotional situationship is just not a thing lol
even tho she kept telling her chat "i can't talk about this", she just kept going. she said that la changes ppl, that she thought they were on the same page for years and then all of sudden things took a turn. she thought she knew him well bc she was so close to him for so long. she can't talk about it publicly bc it's "too obvious" and she has to stay offline bc it's all on social media (which really just… seals the deal that it's about colby lol). she said she cried in his face and he said nothing. she also, verbatim, said "it's like one week you're their everything and then the next they want to go party and be with crazy girls and i'm not crazy" which…. cmon girl. you might as well have said m's name atp.
now, with all of this out of the way… how do i personally feel about this, since my opinion is so valid lol jk
for years, mlp has made it her mission to plant the seeds thru out the fandom that her and colby were secretly dating behind the scenes. that they had something going on but "oh guys, i can't talk about it ;)", playing coy and never outright shutting down the rumors. i have literal ss from her fan accounts saying "you guys don't know the truth. of course colby would never tell the full story" and shit like that. these are fans that fully were in GROUP CHATS with her for years, listening to her every word. so it's very clear to me she was telling them directly what was going on.
or at least the good parts - that her and colby were a thing.
but colby CONSISTENTLY has said time and time again that he is single, that he is not looking for a gf, that he hasn't had one since 2016, that he hasn't met someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he has said all of that to us for YEARS. now, unless bts he was saying to mlp "oh baby, you know i'm just lying to the fans" that is the ONLY WAY he would be completely in the wrong here. regardless, colby has been seen publicly with girls so. many. times. mlp has been called out for liking edits making fun of said girls! she's also been rumored to be his guard dog, to loom over him, that he needs to "keep his bitch on a lease" - and the ppl who said this were the girls that were fucking with him. so she isn't in the dark that he is with other ppl.
and again, a situationship is NONCOMMITTAL. that means they aren't dedicated to each other. she herself has been with other guys, she admitted that. so why is it colby is the asshole here?
her fans are claiming that he flaked on her, that he chose m over her….. babes, that's not how this works. first off, again - noncommittal. these are the terms and conditions they BOTH agreed to. they have been playing this cat and mouse game since like 2016. nothing about their relationship has changed since then, let's be honest here. secondly, she literally said out loud "no one has asked me" aka COLBY DIDN'T MAKE PLANS WITH HER. so, he can't flake on someone he didn't make plans with. and this is no shade to mlp - but she doesn't drink, she doesn't party. colby for years has always been a partier. what exactly was he supposed to do with her on nye???? i'm not saying that to be mean. i say this as someone who is a wallflower, a stick in the mud, a prude, a straight-edge, ect ect. i haven't partied since i was in my early 20s. i get the lifestyle she has. i'm just saying realistically, of course he's not gonna want to hang out with her on one of the biggest nights to party.
now, all of this is not to say that she is the only one that did wrong in this situationship. colby should have said something long before now. but he liked that she emotionally supported him, he liked he could rely on her for his emotional needs to be fulfilled. he should have realized how deeply into him she was. he should have cut the chord long before things got to what they are today. but to bring it back to mlp, since this is about her mostly - she is 30. THIRTY. she has been playing this game since her early 20s. she knew what she signed up for. they haven't even had sex. with all that deep emotional bond shit they had going on - they never got intimate in that way. and clearly, she never had a problem with it. until now.
i think for the entirety of their relationship, mlp knew at the drop of a hat colby would come running to her - and vice versa. i think this is the ONE TIME he chose someone else over her. that, tied with the fact that she was making all these promises of him being in her content - videos, her documentary, streams - she NEEDED colby to say yes to all of this. and maybe he said yes, but then changed his mind. maybe he said he was too busy, and when she found out what he was busy with (hanging out with m on nye), it finally clicked that he was not into her like she was into him. even tho as a fan that has been obvious for years now.
and while i don't like mlp, i don't wish her harm. i don't wish her to be heart broken or sad. i know exactly what she is going thru. all of my dating experience has been unrequited love. i get it. trust me. however, you can't play innocent and naive. you knew what colby was doing all this time. and sure, he's a dick for not stopping this sooner. but you clearly knew what was up - YOU COULD HAVE LEFT. you had years, eight years in fact, to leave at any point. but you accepted what you could get, and you milked it for all it was worth. not to mention, but how did you expect him to want to be with you when you are in gcs with his minor fans talking about him constantly??? that man likes to keep things private, and you were basically shouting it from the rooftops.
not only that, but you played the fun game of shitting on any girl he was friends with or hooking up with. and only apologized when you got called out for it. and then tried to play the whole "i'm all for women supporting women" bs. let's be real honest, cards on the table - you only support women when you deem them as nonthreatening. the moment a woman is competition to you, especially in regards to getting attention from colby, you shit on them. bc you're scared. you're scared he will choose them over you.
also this doesn't even take into the fact that why would you want him to date you at this point when he has made it clear he doesn't like you like that? you want him to lie and pretend to be into you?
all of this being said, while i do have some sympathy for her, i also really don't. and the reason for it is bc she LIES. she egregiously lies, and has done it multiple times in her live streams (and obviously for years now).
here's two main ones, off the top of my head: one, she said she doesn't who corey scherer is…… besides the fact that apparently she has been in colby's life since basically corey was there, i find it hard to believe she doesn't know who he is. one reason is bc she used to go over to the old trap house. she 100% met him. and you know why i know this? reason number two, SHE IS IN THE BACKGROUND OF ONE OF COREY'S VIDEOS. she is there, sitting next colby. watching corey do something goofy for his vlog. why she would lie about this, idk.
two, and this is a bit of a weird one, she said she doesn't like zoos. she said bc she's vegan, zoos make her upset and cry and that she wants animals to be free or whatever. okay, hey, that's valid. and you might be like "how is this a lie?" well, back in september, when snc were in hot topic. she went with colby to said store. you know what they did after that (maybe even before)? THEY WENT TO A ZOO. i got the video clips of her giggling with colby over a capybara. the last time she seemingly hung out with him publicly was THEM GOING TO A ZOO. when she answered this question on stream, i was confused. bc she literally was just at a zoo with colby. so why lie??
she doesn't even benefit from lying about this shit. so what is the point?
and the reason why a lot of this deeply pisses me off is bc of how two faced these fans of hers (and colby's) are. in chat, she will have ppl kissing her ass, saying colby is a shitty guy. he's emo trash, he's a douche, they want beat the shit out of him from breaking her heart. he's a slut, and they even trash m. all that. but then, weirdly, on twitter and on xplrclub these same exact fans are begging, PLEADING, for colby to give them a crumb of attention. making edits of him, buying the merch, tagging him relentlessly. so… which is it? is he a dickhead, or is he this swell guy you want to have say your name in chat? pick a fucking lane.
okay. i'm done now :) lol
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aintitfierce · 2 months
Tumblr media
NAME -- masha
PRONOUNS -- she/her, but they/them or it/its could be nice. i won't kick up a fuss to he/him, either, but it does give me a brief pause
PREFERRED COMMS -- lies down probably IMs here, unfortunately. i have 'not getting out of this chair-itis' rip also my computer (not the laptop) is like 15 years old and dying a slow death so i can't open more than a single tab and maybe my pictures folder without everything slowing to the speed of molasses on a cold day
HOWEVER, i have gotten over myself a little bit and i do have an active discord now. so i've been thinking about moving some stuff there
NAME OF MUSE -- vanya, but he prefers pretty vanya or anything similarly Fawning. he has a noticeable, unexplained fondness for being referred to as the nondescript 'creature' as well
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- my first experience with RP was in the gaiaonline forums as a teenager lmAO. i used to scrounge around in the forums for any literary magical school-based RPs. then i kinda fell away from it once i left the site. i didn't pick it back up again until after i'd been on tumblr for a few months in 2013-2014 or so, stumbled into the kung fu panda fandom and made a friend who got me into RPing canon characters through skype ghfhiieo then i opened up an ask blog in june 2014 which very quickly morphed into just a RP blog instead and the rest is history
BEST EXPERIENCES -- back on gaia i joined a roleplay which was taking place in some school for people with super powers (i was in a lot of those as u might have guessed, they were my favorites lmao). me and one other person were the only ones awake and active at one point and it was just a rapid fire interaction between our muses for a couple pages, after which we laughed at The Shenanigans bc we were pretty sure our two characters had just become the comic relief of the entire thread and wondered how the other players were going to react when they inevitably came back
honestly i just remember it being a ton of fun. that style of RP is so incredibly foreign to me now, but nostalgic
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- i had to take a long time to think about this, and i think the number one thing that gets to me is infomodding. i very much prefer having a running tally of what our muses each know about each other and more importantly what they Don't. i wrote with someone once who would occasionally consider what they knew about my muse to be fair game for their muse to know as well, without any reasoning for how they'd know this information or when they found it out
additionally, the only other thing i can think of that does get to me pretty badly is related to pacing. like i mention below, i like interactions that feel relatively real and natural, and sometimes that means letting the conversation unfold on its own and allowing awkward silences and lulls to play out to their conclusions. it drives me a little crazy when i'm just getting comfortable in a conversational thread but my writing partner is instead evidently feeling Bored with the small talk, so they inject some drama or some other bombshell to Liven It Up and get the action rolling orz usually has killed the thread for me in the past
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- out of these three probably angst, but i rarely RP it bc i don't feel that i'm very good at it. also idk how Seriously people could pretty vanya angst lmao
i've done so little actual RPing with him (my own fault, tbh) that i don't really know what my preference is with him yet. him being captured by big jack bc there were rumors about him being Powerful And Rare has probably been one of my favorite interactions so far. i admittedly do enjoy writing more antagonistic interactions more than i do friendlier ones
PLOT OR MEMES -- my Natural State is that of a pantser, to be completely honest, but there's a special place in my heart for plotted threads. i do enjoy laying out the basics and then letting it go with a check-in every now and again when one of us is running out juice or Unsure about anything
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- either or. i'm no good at one-liners, and i struggle with novella length (condensing my partner's response into something i can reply to while being careful to keep the story Moving takes a lot of brainpower for me). i do however love replies and threads and partners, perhaps, who are okay with letting some parts of the conversation Drop and potentially come back into play later. i like that sense of continuity, where it feels like a real or natural interaction two people might have with lulls in the conversation and callbacks
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- at this point i have no clue wheezes
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- lord i hope not lmao
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silvyavan · 1 year
I finally fucken read the scanlations of the chapter and imma be real with yall, Tabata fumbled this immensely.
Allow me to explain.
All things considered, Jack's "death"* feels incredibly bland, not just how it's handled but also how it affects his character and the overall theme Black Clover has.
*(Tabata has a trend of coping out deaths, so I'm hoping this is a red herring to sort of divert our attention from probably the fact that Yuno's spell won't hold on forever, so we're, ironically, on a race against time. This also may be a sort of Fuegoleon situation, considering we haven't seen the Earth Spirit/Gnome yet, so considering Jack's blade magic is a sort of "final" earth form (earth>> ore>> metal>> weapon>> blade) but maybe that's just me on copium. We Shall See)
With his character, the death feels kinda bland and showy. Tabata's main good ability in writing characters is by putting a different spin on them or flipping the tropes. In Jack's case, he's supposedly the bloodthirsty battle maniac trope, with his complicated and restrictive home life actually being a reason for his carefree battle attitude. The PROBLEM here is that Tabata put too little time in his development/roster, not really enough of his own thoughts, and the last slash ends up being less of a "I choose how I will die, and I'll die swinging" and more of "all I can think about is slashing and that's what I'll do dying", which completely fucks up the whole character.
Jack is, as we know it, the ONLY Clover born commoner captain. Everyone else is either nobility or immigrants with ridiculous magic (Yami may have been technically considered nobility but his foreign status is more important to his character, we have so little info on Dorothy's life I'm not even gonna speculate). By all sense and means, Jack was likely the only captain who even accepted commoners and peasants with average skills. One could argue he was probably the first commoner captain, considering Zara was the first peasant magic knight, only about 20+ years ago.
This, coupled with Jack's very vague character writing, shows that Tabata didn't really know HOW to write him in an interesting/meaningful way. So he essentially kills him off because he doesn't know what to do with him.
This falls back into how the death itself is contradictory to the themes BC has. The theme Black Clover has, by essence, is that "peasants/those weren't born lucky or talented can strive to reach great, if not greater, heights as those above them using hard work and determination" as well as "the class system affects everything, and by being inherently bigoted, it infects every other system in regards to it". The problem here is with Tabata's writing falling into "tell not show" categories (whether its because of page limits, editor influence or other things), by trying to show both themes at the same time, he ends up punishing the underdogs MORE than those who are inherently privileged (nobles with lots of mana), if not actively rewarding them.
This could be attributed to either how much time Tabata spends on other characters vs those he ignores or how very few of the cast with ACTIVE roles in the story belong to the middle/lower class.
For example, Yuno's abilities and powerups in Spade arc and this current one FEEL like asspulls, mostly because despite being one of the main trio, we're not given a lot of time to SEE how he gets it/develops it. If we had previously seen a montage of him training to develop his skills in the 3 day period before the raids and the 3 days before Lucius comes knocking or even the 1.5 YEAR TIMESKIP, a LOT of the complaints about it being an asspull would be null because we'd actually see the work being put into it.
The opposite can be said for Jack. Jack falls into essentially the same category as Asta and Magna - people of lower classes that have to work harder than those above them to reach the same heights, but by putting more effort into it, the underdog status triumphs over the naturally gifted.
This could be seen all the way back in Spade arc, with Jack developing skills mid battle to face off/stall Dante, then being the one to silently kill him off to not sour the victory Magna got. Its GOOD that it was Jack who assisted in the kill because he was of the lower class like Magna and Zora and Asta. In addition, keeping silent about it doesn't sour the victory either because Jack likely knows the feeling of having hard earned kills being stolen.
Even the contribution against Lucifero is, even if minor, still valued because he's not the only one who got beat up, ALL of the captains got smacked up to show the threat Lucifero was.
The problem in character writing falls in this recent chapter, with Jack being the first fatality.
One could say that Lucius is being inherently bigoted in his own way - he's born of a noble lineage, all of the paladins are of nobility as well and its implied that the legless angels, who were described as "rebels" were actually peasants. Its a good choice, considering that Lucius is supposed to be the almost last antagonist, so he essentially HAS to show that he's a bit of a racist to uphold the themes of the story. He's both the Puritan and Calvinist wave in Christianity, while also claiming that those born with less mana are inherently more weak and should be erased and "rebuilt" to have the same amount of magic as everyone.
The problem in it is that not only does it undermine a lot of the peasants/commoners who actively got merit through hard work, it's also giving eugenics and the Christian idea that you "deserve" flaws that you were born with/can't control and thus further pushing classist/racist ideology. Lucius is still commiting genocide against the lower class and still is falling into the idea that "once everyone has the same amount of large mana, there will be no wars :)", indirectly blaming the lower class for disparities done by the upper class.
However, with his attack on Clover by fighting against those struggling to still live, would clash with the peasant/commoner ideology that no amount of effort gone into bettering yourself is wasted. All effort to become better is still valuable and Clover Kingdom fighting against the sentries/paladins/Lucius would SHOW that.
The problem is that Jack dying is not helping the idea or the narrative. Even the final slash only so much as leaves a massive canyon in the ground and kills off maybe 2 or 3 sentries, while Morgan is "miraculously" still without a scratch. Its equal parts infuriating and makes Jack's death feel for naught. Even the final regret of not being able to slash Yami only makes him fall more into a 2 dimensional character trope. It ends up with Tabata actively punishing the underdogs and trying to get rid of the characters who he's SUPPOSED to be able to write, as per the story.
Unless the final massive slash somehow does something to either turn the tides/bring Asta home/hell, even just getting him a spirit/demon contract, it falls flat for the narrative and doesn't progress his character.
So far there's no ACTIVE show that Jack is completely dead and done for outside of a forth of his grimoire already disappearing, so maybe there's still some last minute death save for him. I hope, because otherwise, Justice 4 Jack.
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avelera · 2 years
ive been enjoying giving sanctuary so much, but i cant help but wonder, will you go back to write more of "come live with me and be my love" once its done? i dont want to seem like im asking like "whens the new chapter!!!" bc i rly dont mean it that way i just really love the expansive queerness & am patiently hoping for more, if you're still willing
Yes yes yes! I fully intend to and indeed, after this arc of Giving Sanctuary is complete I'm pretty sure I'll be DYING to get back to a bit of low-stakes Regency romcom fun! CLWM and even This Rough Magic are in NO WAY abandoned. It's just that neither of those have even a final CHAPTER NUMBER yet whereas with Giving Sanctuary we are like... 1.2 arcs (6-8 chapters??) and maybe a couple standalone one-shots away from the completion of that story and I'm not gonna lie, that really lit a fire under me when I can see the finish line.
The good news is, in the course of writing Giving Sanctuary I really feel like I grew as an author especially when it comes to writing ARCS, like, mini-arcs, instead of one gigantic plot. That skill is going to be soooo valuable going back to Come Live With Me, which, people might have noticed, is still at like Day 3 out of 365 because I kept having new ideas for the next scene and the next that would come right after it, and obviously that's just not sustainable for 365 days! So I think being able to take that experience from making discrete, self-contained but nevertheless building arcs like Naxos and the Endless Family Dinner and say things like "This is the Big Event of Month 2, this is the Big Event of Month 3, and we're going to skip forward between those events" will be a HUGE help in getting some forward momentum there.
THOUGH, I don't regret how methodically CLWM has gone through this first week, since naturally, that's where all the NEW experiences are, like Dream working in the shop, or Hob being introduced to Dreaming sex lol, those are new experiences I wouldn't want to just skip over, but now that they're established, I can say things like "And then they worked in the shop for a week, had a ton of crazy Dreaming sex, and now here we are a month later when The Next Big Thing happened", for example, and you all won't feel cheated like "Wait, I would have wanted to see those things the first time!" lol (I mean, I'm sure people would but at a certain point, these two would reach something of a routine).
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Since she's on my summer exchange refs, figured I should actually make a post about how things play out for Ody--specifically relating to Chance--post-class story. (This wound up. uh. long than planned at just over 1k. heh)
As I've mentioned, their relationship starts with her visiting him after the end of the Agent story. She sneaks into Coruscant, visits him in rehab. She smuggles in that drink he offered bc she doesn't want to wait until he's out and they talk. There’s a lot to talk about, starting with him apologizing for using her control word even though he knew it was wrong. (Being afraid to die explains but doesn’t excuse) She forgives him-more easily than he thinks she should-bc it’s the nature of spy business and Kothe wasn’t wrong about her being a plant. She maybe teases him a little about being too soft for spy work. He takes it in stride("Maybe I am. Might wind up a moot point." with how extensive his injuries were, there's low odds he'll go back to field work for a long time, if at all).
At the end of a few very frank conversations, they acknowledge there’s definitely an attraction between them still, and agree to see where things go. She told him about the Star Cabal, some of what she’s been through, being a double agent for Kothe, and promises to check in when she can. She is supposed to be maintaining cover in Sith Intelligence, so it’s not like she can pop over to Coruscant whenever she feels like it. They trade real names. She knew his from tracking down where he was for rehab, but Chance tells her before that clicks he's still on a lot of meds and Ody reciprocates. She was planning to tell him anyway so he didn't have to keep calling her Legate. (He is the only one who calls her Des or Dessa instead of Ody as a nickname)
She finds a way to actually visit after finishing on Yavin 4. While there's a very small part of her that couldn't help wondering if he was a Revanite through the Rishi portion, she always shushed it. That's her paranoia talking, Kothe and Watcher X rubbed off on her etc etc. She finally shuts it up for good when she finds the complete list of Revanite agents and his name's not on it(SEE!!)
She doesn’t give him all the details, just enough to convey what they were up against before changing the subject to ask about him. How’s his recovery going, will he be shifting career focus, made any friends in rehab? Chance accepts the redirect since she clearly doesn’t feel like talking about it anymore. (He’s coming along, still limps and probably always will, but at least he can walk. It does look like he’ll be switching to desk duty, probably as an analyst but maybe a handler. Not sure how he feels about the latter option.) They get a few days together before she has to leave so her people don’t get suspicious. There's a small boring period where they think about each other, she maybe hacks a couple systems to check up on him, and they make a habit of finding ways to contact each other with short messages that won't get either of them in trouble. Things are too tense with renewed hostilities for her to actually visit Coruscant again for a while.
After Ziost she comes back and she’s a wreck. Chance is semi-out of rehab at this point; it’s like monitored independent living. Doctors on site and biometric tracking but they largely leave you alone unless you call or the biometrics alert them to an emergency, so they have a bit more privacy. He’s immediately just “What’s wrong?!” and she tries to hold it together at the beginning, but by the time she gets to watching Vitiate consume the entire planet her hands are shaking and her voice cracks and Chance is pulling her in for a hug. It turns into their first kiss. Ody stays for awhile. Intelligence isn’t tracking her currently, Lana trusts that she knows what she’s doing(and she’s infiltrated the Republic before, she has three separate excuses prepared if anyone questions). She takes some time for her, for them, to really solidify the relationship. Her family is from Ziost, even if they've since relocated to Dromund Kaas, so she's really rattled and in a mood to prioritize personal stuff. Focus on the "little details" that matter. She spends a week or two there, and barely does any "work". Sometime in there also comes sex as part of that focus on being alive and both of them want it(they double check) and Chance is healed enough it’s not going to cause problems for him.
It's shortly before she has to leave that Chance brings up the possibility of just... walking away. Not from her hunt for Vitiate; he knows he can't talk her out of that. But from their respective intelligence agencies. Set up their own freelance investigative service, or walk away from that line of work entirely and do something different. It's very, very tempting, especially with her feeling on the Empire now, but she says no. The resources of Sith intelligence/Darth Marr are too vital in this hunt, she can't give that up o matter how big a problem she has with them. (Plus there's this new mysterious army that's started hitting both Republic and Imperial targets to worry about...) Chance says he figured but had to try, Ody promises she'll be safe, she'll visit again as she's saying goodbye.
They get one more visit between Ziost and the Wild Space Expedition, and it's not a long one. A day, at most. Stolen time in the middle of chaos. Then she has to leave for the Wild Space Expedition and that's the last time they see each other.
Ody comes out of carbonite five years later and, at some point after all the running and fighting and almost dying, finds out Chance was killed while she was MIA, sometime year 3 or 4. I'm still deciding whether it's the Sith or Eternal Empire that's responsible, bc either is a whole lot of juicy angst. Either it's one more thing the Empire she swore to uphold took from her, or it'll make her interactions with Arcann really interesting and I'm not sure which would be more Fun. 😈
So she's trying to process the grief of that, wondering if things would be different if she'd agreed to his "Let's just go" suggestion since he was KIA, while also standing against the Eternal Empire and trying to get Valkorion TF OUT OF HER HEAD. Not a fun time for her.
This is already longer than planned for it to be, so. Basically. Healing process from KotET through EoO, then she's gonna flirt with the cute space pirate Mandalorian and hopefully that'll end better.😊😉
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caelumangeli · 8 months
Just as things started getting easier after the cluster fuck that was the end of last year for me, and finally getting a new car after my car broke down, new car got stolen, and I basically had to teach myself manual on the temp car I was driving.
I spent 7 hours today waiting to get my cat in with the vet because he has an issue with his eye that could be trauma that needs to heal. Or it could be a tumor.
I don't have the money to make an appointment with a normal vet because I work commission and people don't want to spend money in winter around the holidays so I took him to an urgent care in a non profit organization that I used to get my other cat spayed for $150(plus a chip and shots and stuff) compared to $800 it would cost everywhere else.
They are walk in exclusive and only allow so many patients in a day so once it's full thats it. Went 7:30am to be there when they open to make sure I'd get in because when you get there doesn't matter, it's determined by severity of each pet to make sure those who have more immediate needs are taken care of, and understandably an eye issue like he had isn't high priority. But it wasn't until 2:30, when they close at 3pm that I went and asked if they'd still have time to take in my cat and check on him bc I know they close soon, and I was being extremely patient despite crying in my car for hours while my cat cried because he was both in a cage and in a car which he hates for hours, because it'd non profit snd the fact it would only cost me maybe $150-$200 was my only option.
I guess they completely overlooked him. So they didn't realize that I had still been waiting with him to be seen after 6.5 hours.
But they waived the exam fee and had given me a bunch of different medications for him to make sure he'd be good and comfortable and didn't charge me for that either because of the situation. They want me to bring him back next week, and assured me this won't happen again, so they can followup and confirm what's going on.
I want to say his eye isn't as red as it was on Tuesday when I noticed it, but I csnt say for sure. They said it was a good sign I'd thst is the case, so I just need to keep an eye on him.
He's already like 11 years old, and I've had him since he was so small he fit in 1 of my hands. He's my grumpy little baby and he's grumpy at everyone but he adores me and would let me do anything to him. He complains if I smother him with love frequently but whenever I don't he starts coming up and getting really affectionate and needy on me and everything because he does like it. He's just a sensitive lil boy and most people don't respect or care for what he likes or not enough for him to actually like them like he does me and my roommate. She's like the only one that's properly respected what I say and he shows that he likes or doesn't like, or how to tell if hes fine being held if/by the noise he makes when you pick him initially.
He's /my/ first pet and my first cat and my brother used to say I stole his kitten he found, even though he had a cat already, and it was established if we got another cat, they would be my cat. It took a couple of years because we were young, but he full heartedly admits Ezekiel has most certainly always been my cat, and he was just jealous because he wanted a kitten.
My other cat, Pudge, is even his daughter.
I've just been so worried about if this could mean something else is wrong with him I couldn't just wait to see how it goes I don't know how quickly some of these medical issues escalate but I know some of them can be quickly.
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diamondcitydarlin · 1 year
far be it from me to interrupt the unnecessary character hate train some folks in this fandom insist on having but I have to say, what seemed a little unnecessary but still somewhat understandable from a separate POV in season 1 just doesn't make any sense now- that is, of course, a time-honored fandom pasttime of trying to force a character into the role of villain against the actual narrative. it's nothing new ofc I've seen it happen in just about every fandom I've been in and I've learned that there usually isn't a point in trying to debate with people that have made up their minds this way and with the way I've tagged this I'm probably just preaching to the choir but like...it seems to me this whole season is ALL about being flawed, the ways in which every character in the cast (beloved or otherwise) has flaws and issues that have hurt others, but most significant, the ways in which a person can grow and learn and mend and still deserve to be loved despite everything. this isn't really a story where you can pick out the 'good ones' with completely clean moral slates from those you've decided are irredeemable unless you're choosing to ignore the actual themes being presented (which like, fine, but that's a choice of interpretation that goes directly against what's actually there). Everyone has been victim of someone else. Everyone at this point has inflicted some kind of hurt on someone else. Stede hurt Ed, Ed hurt Stede, Ed hurts Izzy, Izzy hurt Ed, Ed hurt Lucius, Lucius hurt Black Pete and so on and so on and so on. There's really no one here who is just a completely blameless uwu victim and that's actually a good thing because most of us just fucking aren't either, as much as we may want to believe that or think of ourselves as morally superior to others bc of fictional characters we like or don't or whatever, as much as we may be caught up in our own victimhood (which I absolutely get I've found myself there many times too) we're all flawed, we've all hurt people, there's no getting through life without doing it at some point. it's not really about having or trying to manufacture the image of a clean moral slate, it's about learning and growing and trying to do better the next day and accepting those flaws with a gentle grace. the sooner some of yall wrap your minds around that truth the better off you're going to be, and maybe a good start is learning from these flawed, imperfect, sometimes hurtful characters that we've grown to love because we see ourselves in their actions.
some poignant takeaways from the last couple of eps I think are 1) when Fang suggests to Ed he should try sitting with himself for a bit instead of trying to talk through and shallowly justify everything. I think everyone can benefit from doing this, as so often we think of things from an external perspective rather than internal. It can be hard to introspect rather than blame the world or others and construct little superficial rituals that make us feel momentarily superior (like, idk, deciding one character in a show is the 'bad guy' and anyone who likes him is bad but not you you're not bad bc you don't like him so you must be a better person even though this involves you picking fights and harassing people trying to enjoy themselves, idk, just a random example). It's so much harder to ask yourself why you feel a certain way in the first place, to ask yourself if it's possible that you see aspects of yourself in a character you despise that you're not willing to face within, things about yourself you've buried deep and pretend don't exist at the cost of being 'morally superior'. It's possible, isn't it? Would it hurt to be still for a moment and think about that? I mean, maybe it would, quite possibly it would hurt a lot at first, but I think it's worth it in the end, far more than the effort to put up a morally superior front that no one even has.
the other one that I think the people I'm actually addressing won't appreciate because of who it involves- when Izzy gives Lucius the carved shark and explains that not moving on is worse than doing what is necessary to actually move on. Not necessarily advocating for lying to oneself (tho if I were a more reckless person I might say this can be a genuine bandaid tactic when you're in survival mode and just need to get to the next day, I get that too) but I do think there's a good point here about learning to let go of the things that only gnaw away at us inside. holding on to anger and spite can feel like a form of justice in the short term, but over time it only corrodes the host. at some point, at some time, to truly heal we have to figure out how to let go of certain things, if only so it won't poison us further. Lucius threw Ed overboard the same way he did to him, but ultimately it didn't help, did it? What changed was seeing the way his obsession with his hatred hurt the man he loved, what changed was introspection.
So, idk, really good show, very educational and emotionally aware and I think some of us could benefit from paying more attention to what's actually there than what we want to believe. Idk, it's a thought.
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hellertears · 2 years
uhh hi. i started drawing again recently and ive been trying to make good art of characters specifically, but i feel like it's... cheating? if i use photographic reference and trace it. ok a lot of people say it's not,but i just wanted to ask your personal open here, bc hey, you draw cool stuff, and your anatomy in drawings is very good. so yeah, should i try to not trace? or maybe only post things i didn't trace? and do you have like... any tips, maybe. a word of wisdom or two. (either way, thanks for reading, love your works)
hello!! thank you so much for liking my art, i appreciate it a lot!!❤️
oh boy i know the topic of tracing is very touchy in the art community and when i first started making art i was too stuck up on the whole cheating thing you mentioned so i completely discarded it. these last couple years though i have to admit that i warmed up to this method and i have to say it really really helps!
tracing poses has actually helped me a lot to get more familiar with anatomy and build muscle memory with how things should be so i 100% suggest it!! of course, practicing with just looking at the references on the side is also absolutely great but you'll notice yourself that your hand will work with much more comfort once you've spent a good chunk of time studying poses and anatomy, tracing, and just doing freehand sketches to make yourself feel more familiar with everything!
and as for the posting part, it's completely fine to post whatever you create as long as it's not traced art of other artists of course!
it all comes down to one key-word that everyone is sick of hearing tho and that's to *practice*!!! it won't go to waste i guarantee it!!
good luck with everything you do anon, i hope this will help you <3
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