#maybe the pain will leave when i next sleep. idk
robinsnest2111 · 5 months
okay another 2 hours of sleep and I feel less insane and my body has calmed down with the pain and nausea 👍
time to get some things done now
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#i am genuinely obsessed with im/ogens homecoming in the last ep it was so delightfully awkward and painful#everything from the fact that she didnt hide her identity and just glared at the townsfolk#and the way she spoke to her father!!! ohhh obsessed with it#and her 'daddy you couldve warned me' 'i havent asked anything of you in a long time' 'i never want you to be afraid of me' OUGHHGHG. cries#lau/ra ba/iley how do you expect me to just live my life after this#rly into the whole thing with her dad not showing her physical affection woahhh#and then theres lau/dna and fea/rne la/udna always holding her hand sleeping next to her fe/arne obsessively touching her arm#(to cast guidance obv. cute little pretext to touch ur lady friend. im onto u f/earne)#idk just!! the way bh arent afraid of her or repulsed and dont feel the need to distance themselves from her#also the way rel/vin was so bitter abt lil/iana leaving him fdhdjhfj tragic but i laughed#i mean its so sad but ?? there Has to be smth abt the fact that she never told him abt her powers right. lol#i also loooove the parallel of: parent sees danger; needs answers (li/liana; ollie) but then with the call/oways its: the couple goes#together; leaves the child behind- and with the te/mults its: the husband refuses(?) to follow- stays home with the daughter#idk its just. smthing abt the fey fam sticking together and lil/iana going alone#wheres the 3rd couple who takes the kid with them lmao#or maybe li/liana just left:( with her new gf i guess if ot/ohan was so hot and sexy and was into astrology and shit woah. fair thats gay#also rel/vin not even acknowledging laudna wow?? so like does he know why imogen snapped and murdered a bunch of ppl or.#does he think it was on a whim lol. i need mORE LOREEE#also him getting so defensive when fe/arne asked for lil/ianas belongings lmao fair fair#i liked that he did the im/ogen thing that she does where she takes a while to formulate a response#and they like rethink each and every word. and they hesitate so much and then their response is so short Yes thats so good. thank u matthew#when u could tell he wanted to say something but he couldnt figure out how or if he should and he just. gave her a pat on the shoulder. yea#ugh terrible SO GOOD#big fan!!#love it when characters cry at just the mention of their hometown thats how u Know its gonna hit#huge#huge big fan#my post
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beardedjoel · 7 months
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smother - part ii: resistance
dark!joel x f!reader
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | kofi
summary: joel knows how to break you just right, to get you feeling helpless enough to accept what he believes you need. somewhere deep inside of you, you think you might like it. 10.9k words (sorry) chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI! noncon, nonconsensual touching, dubcon - reader eventually enthusiastically consents but the syndrome is stockholming so its dubcon, reader is a virgin, big juicy age gap (reader is 19, joel is 55) masturbation (m), nipple play/groping, manipulation, joel def has a corruption kink, joel gets a bit violent in this chapter, y'all get a lot of touching and (kissing), if these darker tags aren't your cup of tea please keep scrolling! a/n: okay i'm even more nervous about this chapter than the first, idk how it got so long but i really hope its tense and enticing for you all! i love writing dark joel, this has been such a thrill so far tbh! get buckled in for heavy duty smut next chapter too ✌️
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Light spills in around the thick, heavy curtains, drawn tightly shut. Just a glowing sliver on the edges and underneath, telling you it’s at least well into the morning, that you’ve been asleep for longer than you’d expected to. Your brain is a scrambled, hazy mess from the way you’d finally been able to pass out, still encumbered by Joel’s grasp holding you down. After a while his heaviness had a calming effect, the opposite of what you’d ever thought would happen when he first came into your bed last night. But now, he was nowhere to be found, the other side of your bed cold and empty, such a stark difference that you start to wonder if maybe you’d imagined it, dreamed it all last night. 
You get up to let some light from the day in, your eyes burning as they adjust and you see that it looks to be late afternoon already. How many hours had you been out for? 
Recollections of the night before flood your brain - Joel’s warmth pressed so close to you, his hard body molding softly into yours like he knew how to keep you safe, take care of you, just like he’d said. Yet there’s still an unease surrounding the thoughts, that he’d made the decision for you, came into your bed and lied. It sends a shiver up your spine, half thrill and half fear as you contemplate what you should do next. Maybe plotting a way to Jackson is the right move, but something about Joel was keeping you here, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on yet. It was more of a feeling, something indescribable that came over you when thinking about him. 
Could he really save you, like he said? Or was he just a sick old man with a fantasy? One he’d fulfill before tossing you out just as easily as he’d taken you in.
You sigh heavily and sit on the edge of the bed for a few moments, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You finally decide you have to leave this bedroom sometime and face Joel again to see if those same confusing feelings from last night persist, or even to clear the air between you two. You freshen up a bit with a toothbrush and homemade toothpaste that Joel had left out for you before fixing your hair to an acceptable enough level. You creep out of the bedroom, soft and quiet movements with socks padding your feet as you listen to hear what Joel is up to downstairs. No sounds of cookware or silverware clinking on plates, no rustling on the pages of a book, no distant sound of him chopping wood outside again. Until you do hear something. 
A sound almost in between a whimper and a groan, and it’s right there, the door diagonally down the hall from yours. You freeze, brows knit together as you wait to try to hear it again. The next time you hear it, it’s more urgent, more gruff, a loud exhale. Was it a pained sound? You couldn’t quite tell as you walked closer, noticing the light spilling from a crack in Joel’s door out into the dim, windowless hallway. 
One peek through the opening in his door has your eyes widening. A gasp sticks itself in your throat but you clap your hand over your mouth when you take in the sight before you. Shit…
All your eyes immediately focus on is Joel’s cock, heavy and thick, hanging out of his pants in a tight grasp in his hand. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed, practically in perfect view through this open sliver in the doorway. His eyes are closed, lost in the moment as he grunts a little bit more. You avert your eyes almost immediately, standing frozen with your cheeks burning. You’re not completely unaware, and you do have an idea of what he’s doing. You can’t help but flick your eyes back to him as another strained exhale leaves his lips, your eyes drifting down to where he’s sliding his hand in quick jerks. His cock is pink and slick as he runs his hand along it, and you start to tune into the lewd, sloppy sounds that it's all making as flesh hits flesh over and over again. You squirm in place, feeling your knees go a bit weak before you finally notice it. 
Your underwear. 
It feels like something screeches to a halt inside of you, everything moving in slower motion for a few seconds as this information sinks in. Joel’s face, turning more red and eyes rolling back as he pumps his cock with your underwear from yesterday in his other hand, a fist tightly wrapped around the material. You shudder, but find the little zing traveling further to a spot right between your legs, making you clench your thighs together tighter.
It’s all so… so… a feeling you can’t quite explain that starts to make your skin hot, and a scene you don’t know if you want to stop watching. You are just curious after all, you lie to yourself in those few seconds of continued peeking on Joel’s private moment.
You sense a difference in his movements, flashing your sight up to his face where his eyes are open now, gaze locked on yours, heavy lidded as a smile plays on his lips. He doesn’t stop, though, like you thought he would, and it practically steals the breath from your lungs. 
“Oh… sh- sorry,” you blurt out, panicky and quiet before you can think about it, covering your eyes with your palm and hastily pulling the door shut. 
Joel can’t stop smiling, a wry, devilish thing as he continues in fast, long strokes on his cock. You knowing exactly what he’s doing in here is only urging him on even more, the look in your eyes as he’d caught your stare on his glistening, ruddy cock making him harder. 
His smile grows when he realizes you haven’t stopped enjoying the show, not at all, despite your appearances of shutting the door behind you. What he realizes you don’t know, is that he can see the shadow of your feet underneath the door, tiny, anxious movements that catch the light and cast shadows. 
If you want to listen, he’s surely not going to disappoint you, another little groan slipping past his lips and he tightens his grip and speeds up, picturing you in his mind. He can practically see it now, one of your perfect little hands clasped over your mouth outside his door, trying not to make a peep, your body rigid as you lean closer to listen. Those perfect little hands that should never have to lift a finger, should always be taken care of. A pulse of pleasure wracks his body at the thought of him being the one to do that for you. 
“Fuck,” he whispers hoarsely. “Fuuuuck…”
A few more swift tugs on his length and he’s stuffing your underwear right at the head of his cock, thrusting once and cumming hard into the fabric with a loud moan, the only thing on his mind the mental image of you in nothing but these. 
He’s not too weak to admit he’s already completely addicted to you. Your pretty face, the way you’d finally given him those few little smiles yesterday. How you fit so wonderfully in his arms last night once you’d decided that you needed him. Joel knows he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you as his, to make sure you understand just what you need, how you need him. He sighs as he leans back a moment, then stares down at your underwear, his creamy release staining it now looking like one of the most beautiful sights. To paint you with it himself would nearly kill him, send him into a point of no turning back. No, there’s no doubt now that he’s addicted to this… And god help anyone who tries to take it from him, even you.
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The moment you hear Joel’s longer, drawn out groan you scurry away, light as can be on your feet and tiptoe down the stairs in a hurry. The mortification you’d feel if he opened the door to you standing there listening in is more than you can bear. You wish you hadn't been curious, hadn’t wanted to stop and stare just to watch just a bit longer. It wasn’t your fault that you felt completely embarrassingly lost when it came to… sex, but you know it was wrong to invade Joel’s privacy like that. He had left the door cracked, hadn’t he, though? Your brain devours the information, barely able to latch onto that train of thought before the next one comes barreling in. 
You pace back and forth in the kitchen, hands wrung anxiously over and over again in front of you. You gaze at the staircase practically every millisecond, waiting for Joel to come down, wondering if he will. You two have to confront this, right? He knows what you saw, and you certainly know what you saw, the image burned into your mind now. All the details seem hazy in your panic, but all you can think about is your underwear in his hands, and how your current pair feel damp now against your own will. You’d felt this before - attraction and arousal - but not like this. You had been so close to everything this time, not just hearing stories or thinking about kissing a boy you thought was good looking. This was a full fledged man, pleasuring himself right in the next room to you. It makes you break out in a sweat, your body hot and breathing shallow as the floorboards creak under your rushing movements. 
You sigh and continue pacing for another moment before trying to make yourself busy by putting on the kettle, maybe to make some tea, something to calm your frayed nerves. If Joel didn’t wind up kicking you straight back out into the wilderness after that debacle, you’d be surprised. Maybe you should think about kicking yourself out to avoid any of this awkwardness. You make a split second decision to grab your things and go, your first steps out of the kitchen interrupted by heavy footfall upstairs, lazily making its way down to you.
You stand frozen, your plan quickly forgotten when you see Joel, moving with confidence, his steps nonchalant and unhurried as he approaches with a satisfied look on his face. Not angry, not embarrassed, just a casual, almost smug look plastered on his features. You look at a spot past him before dipping your eyes to the floor, your face already heated and flushed. He’s wearing jeans again but this time with a plain, moss green henley shirt rolled halfway up his forearms. Another shirt showing off his strong, muscular form, and it’s killing you inside, especially now that you’ve seen just that much more of him. 
“Sit,” he says plainly, finishing his walk to the kitchen table where he pulls out a chair, settling himself down. When you dare to glance in his direction, he’s giving you a look that sends a shudder up your spine, already knowing he’s about to ask much less nicely if you don’t heed his words. Your shaky hand pulls out a chair, perching yourself on the edge, hands holding on to one another for dear life in your lap. You feel like a child about to be scolded for doing something naughty, and you suppose in many ways that’s exactly what’s happening right now. 
“J-“ you start, with Joel cutting you off before you can even get a syllable out. 
“You enjoy listenin’ to that little show? Gettin’ a little peek?” Joel asks smoothly, a hint of irritation but also gratification in his tone. He leans forward onto the table with his forearms pressed against the wood. 
“N-no I didn’t… I mean I didn’t see much. I didn’t hear… I swear. I’m really sorry, that just made things so… uncomfortable…” you ramble on, feeling like a bumbling idiot as you’re sure your body is about to catch fire. 
“Did it?” Joel asks, eyebrow lifted in casual questioning. It makes you stop, your lips sitting parted with words you can’t express, clouded by confusion. 
“Well… didn’t it? I’m - I don’t know what’s… normal… That didn’t feel…” Your eyes search his face wildly, and you know he can see you, trembling like a fawn stood in the clearing of a forest just before it bolts. 
Joel sighs out a long exhale. “Seems like you enjoyed it, standin’ outside my door.” He states it as a fact, not a guess, and your stomach twists as it sinks. How he knows is beyond you, and you can only sit in your shame now, eyes fixed downwards on the table. You’ve never found knots in wood so interesting before as you stay transfixed by the glossy surface.
“Nothin’ to be ashamed of. Just curious, weren’t ya?” he says, his voice rumbling softly. His hand inches towards you across the table and you finally get the nerve to look up at his eyes. They’ve gone gentler, full of understanding. You’re sure your expression gives everything away, your shock, your intrigue at what you’d witnessed. “Weren’t you?” he asks again, and you finally give him a little nod.
His lips twitch upwards in a wry grin just as the kettle starts to whistle, the sound ramping up rapidly into the silent room. You both stare at each other for a few moments, still processing your answer to him. The screeching reaches a fever pitch, making your skin start to crawl, so you push your chair out in a hurry to grab it off the stove. Joel’s hand shoots out, his large hand snatching your thigh, fingers wrapping around and digging into the flesh through your sweatpants. You halt, your ass plopping right back into the chair as Joel stares at you through narrowed eyes.
“I’ve got it,” he says sternly. He waits a moment longer, making sure you’re fully seated and about to heed his words before standing up. The kettle is at a deafening scream, but Joel seems in no hurry, sauntering over to the stove. You breathe out a sigh of relief as the sound tapers off, Joel setting the kettle to the side while he busies himself with reaching up to some open shelving along the wall where you see several jars full of different types of tea leaves. He’s silent, moving slowly, as if to make you sweat it out, and you admit that his plan is working. You don’t know the last time you felt such an odd, burning fear inside of you. Different than facing infected, than being so hungry without knowing where your next meal is coming from. It’s primal, deep down inside of you, meek little claws in a vice grip at the core of you, a burning that travels downward repeatedly, right between your legs. You notice you’ve started trembling without even realizing it.
He brings a steaming mug over, setting it on the table in front of you. It smells mainly of chamomile, maybe some lavender - you see Joel read your mind on wanting something for your nerves. Instead of retaking his seat across from you, he walks around the table, doing a slow, deliberate lap. His feet, although shoe-less, make an impact along the floor, and you feel like each one sounds like a drum along with the way your heart is beating in your ears. He circles back and pauses behind your chair, sliding his forearm across your chest, tucking it close to your neck.
You really were trapped now. Not just by your own mental doing, unable to make yourself leave at the first sign of trouble with this man for god knows what reason, but truly, physically ensnared by his embrace. His arm wraps tighter across the top of your chest, his hand squeezing on the shoulder where it snakes around.
“Tell me…” he leans closer, lips coming to your ear, a hint of a smirk in his tone although you can’t see his face now. “That the first cock you ever seen? Or just the first time you seen one like mine?” 
Your head swims, unsure of how to answer. He has you trapped with this question, either answer damning to you. You sputter and scoff out a chuckle, shaking your head. 
“No, you say? Which one, honey, c’mon it’s a simple question.” His arm tightens, fingers digging in along your shoulder. “No judgement here, just a curious man, thas’ all.” He says the words as if he’s expectant of a certain answer for you, following a hunch and looking to confirm it for himself. He knows, he knows, he knows. He knows you so effortlessly, reads your mind like it’s the simplest thing in the world. You worry he sees right through you right down to your debased thoughts, the ones where you give in to him and these foreign feelings you want to chase.
You shake your head again. “I haven’t…” Your cheeks burn with the confession, hoping he won’t make you actually say the words. You struggle uncomfortably in his grip, his scent invading your senses now as well, mint and leftover coffee from this morning and your stomach burns so hot you think you might be sick now. He responds with a tighter grasp, his arm starting to press a bit on your windpipe.
Joel blows out a breath, the sound nearly grating next to your ear. “Never seen a cock before till today? Till you saw mine the way you did? That so, darlin’?” He sounds amazed, excitement creeping into his voice. 
You swallow hard, fighting back tears, but you nod for him. “Y-yes…” you admit with a shaky voice, willing yourself not to cry again in front of Joel. 
“Oh, hey, hey, that’s okay. Must be an awful lot to see it jus’ like that, no context for any of it…” he murmurs, his voice oozing a sick sympathy as you sense his excitement building. “Shouldn’t have had to see it as a surprise. If it were up to me, darlin’, I’d have made sure it was perfect. Y’would’ve been amazed by the things a cock like mine can do for ya.”
He tuts quietly, his lips grazing along the shell of your ear. You squirm a little, your breathing picking up as you strain against him. You remember how much you’d liked his lips right under your ear last night, how badly you’d wanted to hate it, but here you were yet again, enjoying it. 
“Now I’m gonna ask you somethin’, honey, and I want you to be honest with me, mkay?” Joel says. Your options feel limited so you motion with a nod for him to go on, his arm digging into your throat further when your head bobs down.
“Be honest, now, remember.” He squeezes your shoulder hard. “How old are ya, honey?” His lips graze your ear again and your legs tense, thighs pressing together. You nearly have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop the little moan that wants to slip out of you. 
You chew your lip, telling him the truth before you can even think about it too hard. “I’m nineteen.” You don’t know why you tell him the truth, why you give him any part of you, but you do. 
“Hmm,” he murmurs in a low little groan. His fingers brush along your shoulder, across your chest a bit, loosening his tight grip. “Thank you for tellin’ me the truth, sweetheart. I appreciate that.”
“H-how old are you?” you ask in return, getting a haughty chuckle from Joel. 
“Older’n you,” he says simply, a little growl caught in the back of his throat as his nose buries itself in your hair, taking in a deep breath.  
“B-but I told you…” you whimper a little as he tightens his hold again, leaning further to press his head into your shoulder and neck. 
“Why d’ya wanna know? Wonderin’ why an old man like me is gettin’ your panties wet?” he asks, amused at your expense, knocking you down just one more peg. 
You blink hard and feel yourself flushing again, warmth radiating throughout your body all the way down to your fingertips. You’re angry that he seems to know every damn thing about you, and you feel like you know nothing about what he’s thinking. “I don’t understand… any of it. Why -“
“It’s all natural, sweetheart. Happens when you find yourself likin’ what I’m doin’,” Joel tells you, voice starting to sweeten like honey. His hand strokes your hair, smoothing the sides. 
“I know…” you bite back, only to feel Joel move his forearm closer to your neck. Your breath hitches. “I just mean… I - I want to know how old you are.”
“You persistent little thing…” He smirks again, looking impressed by you. “I’m in my fifties, that’s all y’need to know.” He pauses for a brief second, not wasting a second to keep contact with your skin, his calloused fingertips stroking along the hollow of your neck. They trickle down, gentle and fluid as water as he ghosts along your chest and over your stomach. You shudder and try to keep your eyes open, succumbing to the pleasure of it all - nobody has ever touched you like this, taken their time to feel you out and seem interested in every part of you. It’s a slow, tortuous movement while his arms reach down over you, thick muscles on display, until his fingertips brush along your waistband. They trace back and forth along the crimped edges of the band, tied tightly. He plays with the strings, a clear contemplation to untie them any second. It makes you start to tremble even more, the way you feel powerless and know you couldn’t stop him even if you wanted to.
Joel abruptly stops, pulling his arms back before he starts to walk around the chair, standing in front of you now. He doesn’t crouch to your height, standing tall and proud as he towers over where you sit. His fingers reach forward slowly and gently, thumb and forefinger taking your chin delicately, holding it like something he might break. You can finally see his expression, look into his eyes, and they’re a dark abyss full of mystery and that hungry look he’d flashed at you a few times yesterday. 
“Get the sense you’re feelin’ a bit scared right now, hm?” he suddenly asks.
You swallow and then nod for him, eyes barely blinking as you try to keep track of every single movement he makes. His grip on your chin flashes tighter for just a moment before he lets it go, leaving a little red mark in his wake.
“Good girl.”
Your stomach turns as you realize he wants this, wants your fear to permeate the room so he can devour it, to know that he has this hold on you. Joel leans forward, one hand planted on the table next to you, the other coming down to rest on your thigh. He’s tender in his touch, letting his hand soothingly find its way up your leg.
Joel’s eyes bore into you, trying to capture your attention and hold it, but you can barely summon the courage to look into those dark pools, worried they’ll draw you in forever. Instead, you squeeze your eyes shut, focusing on your shaky inhales and exhales as Joel’s hand rubs your thigh.
“Don’t you like it, sweetheart? Feels good to be touched here, doesn’t it?” You don’t answer him, eyes squeezed shut even tighter, a quiver starting on your lips. You try to ignore the way your body responds to the touch, skin blazing right where he’s touching and that pooling of heat starting between your legs.
“Now c’mon, open your eyes f’me. I want to take care of you, honey. Jus’ like we agreed to last night. You need me to take care of everythin’ for ya, never make you have to worry or lift a pretty little finger again. I can show you everything.” Joel pauses, waiting to see if you’ll heed his command. His hand wraps a little tighter around your thigh, fingers squeezing.
“I said… look at me. Open your eyes. Nothin’ to be afraid of.” His voice has a shake to it from trying to keep it even amongst his building frustration, his desire to have you under his thumb already. You finally brave it, your eyes opening slowly to find a softer smile playing on Joel’s lips as his face comes into focus, just a few inches from yours now.
“I want you all to myself… d’you understand what I’m sayin’?”
You nod. His smile grows, much more foreboding now.
“That’s a good girl,” he says, fingers squeezing your thigh again, brushing his thumb along the inner part, sending a set of sparks hurtling up your spine. “And you’ll stay? Won’t try to get away from me, will you?” he asks, a wicked raise of his eyebrow telling you there’s only one correct answer here.
Your face falls a little bit. “Wh- what would you do if did?” you dare to ask.
He laughs, a mirthless chuckle before he can even stop himself. “Oh, honey, what’re you gonna do? Where’ll you go? You wouldn’t get barely ten steps outside this door ‘fore I got to ya.” His eyes pierce yours before studying your face for a few moments, challenging you. “Best that you don’t even try, yeah?”
You don’t reply, hoping that the fear in your eyes and trembling lips are answer enough for him.
“Come and sit w’me, how about that? I’ve got a few more questions for you.” Joel offers you his hand and you pause, eyes fixed on his tan, rough skin - hands that have worked hard for an entire lifetime. He takes the initiative to grasp your hand instead, giving you a quick tug that has you standing up to start following him. He completely dwarfs you in every way, his hand practically enveloping your entire fist as he pulls you along towards the couch.
You don’t know what otherworldly urge possesses you so suddenly, but you glance over towards the door, then back at Joel before you muster up everything you have and shove him square in the back, yanking your captured hand back in the process. He stumbles forward, your hand slipping from his and you quickly gain your balance and bolt. You reach the front door, fumbling with the lock and knob as you hear Joel grunt loudly behind you. 
“Don’t you understand? There’s nowhere to go, sweetheart,” he calls after you angrily. You don’t dare turn around as you fling the door open with a strength you didn’t even know you possessed, feet moving of their own accord as you sprint down the stairs and towards the oncoming woods. You can hear Joel’s huffs behind you, both of your shoe-less feet pounding on the frozen earth. It hurts, the cold ground combined with all types of brush and wood littering the forest floor that are now jabbing into your feet with every step. This was stupid, this was a mistake, you’re going to die out here if he doesn’t do it first.
“God… damn… it…” you hear Joel pant behind you, knowing he’s close, that it’s almost over now. You’re weak and frail still, much too slow to outrun a towering powerhouse like Joel. He was right - there’s no fighting it, no escape from here unless he allows it. Maybe it won’t be so bad… maybe you do enjoy the way he speaks to you, the way he’s been touching you… maybe it’ll all be just what you’ve needed. You’ve always wanted more than what you had, wishing for someone to care just a little more, to have a family again.
You lose yourself to an almost transcendent train of thought, letting it wash over you. As if the universe was trying to tell you the right decision, you feel your foot collide with something sharp and you stumble, a sure way to get you back into Joel’s arms. He catches you as you go down, upper arm squeezed into his grasp as his other wraps around and yanks you by the front of your collar, tearing your shirt all the way down to the middle of your chest as he tugs. You’re pulled into his chest with a hard thud before you both go down with the momentum of it all, his body landing on top of yours on the hard, frozen earth.
“God damn it, girl, what the hell you think you’re doin’, huh?” Joel huffs out, arms pinning you down by the wrists as he breathes heavily right in your face. You grunt and struggle, squirming against the ground, but it only serves to help Joel push you into the frosty dirt even harder, his own grunts slipping out of his lips. 
“Like it when you struggle…” he says closer to your ear, leaning down. His lips turn into a chilling leer as he bares his teeth down at you. “But too bad we can't play a little longer, you’ll freeze out here. Get up,” he demands, pulling back and then fluidly plucking your body up off the ground as he stands. He hooks one of his arms through yours and begins drags you, your feet scrambling to keep up with how quickly he’s moving. 
You’d barely gotten far, just like he said you would - it’s only a short distance back to the cabin where he slams you against the wall, clutching one hand around your throat, not hard enough to put much pressure, just to show you he could, if he really wanted to. His body crowds closer as your back presses against the hard, unrelenting wooden logs adorning the outer frame of the cabin. The chill of the air settles in and you shiver, feet throbbing and chest prickling with goosebumps from the frozen air entering your lungs in large heaves. 
“Told ya, girl. You don’t need to go anywhere. All y’need is right here. I can do anythin’ I want with ya, can’t I?” He spits his words out angrily, eyes blazing. His head is cocked, looking down on you with scornful, yet hopeful eyes. His gaze travels to your chest, the way your shirt is torn to almost reveal everything there, eyes flickering hotly on the sight. Both of you stand with huffing breaths, chests heaving and letting out little cloudy puffs of air as your exhales hit the air. 
You nod, whimpering as his grip gets slightly tighter around your throat when you don’t answer right away. Your entire body trembles against him, afraid you’ll collapse any second as your knees buckle. His entire frame is pressed against you, keeping you upright, the warmth of him the only thing keeping you grounded and afloat right now.
“Thas’ right, it’s just me ‘n you out here. I’ll take real good care of ya, never let anyone hurt ya again. Ever.” A hand snakes around to your hair, smoothing it as he pulls your head off the wall, tracing his palm down as he pets you. “Now c’mon.” He yanks your entire body by the waist, holding you close as he hauls you back inside, pulling the door shut behind you two and locking it.
Joel brings you to his original destination before you’d run - the couch - and sits back, pulling you down with him, maneuvering you to settle on his lap so that you’re straddling him. His hands wrap around your back in a possessive, tight hold. You squirm a little bit, the feeling of him enveloping you like this making you hot, a sheen of sweat breaking out over your entire body.
“S-stop…” you mumble as you continue to struggle, his hands only seeming to get stronger the more effort you put in. You start to shove and push at his chest and one of his arms comes from around your back to catch your wrists in one fell swoop, pinning them against his chest. 
“Better knock that shit off quick,” he commands, grunting as he continues to hold your squirming body. “You got me offerin’ you everything I know you want, and all I ask is you do what I want, sweet girl. Be here w’me.” His tone is somehow cruel and hard but soft and caring at once, like he really believes that he needs to act this way to care for you right now.
“N-no, you’re hurting me,” you cry out. “You said you wouldn’t let anyone hurt me…” You think that maybe your reasoning will have any kind of effect on him, and he only smiles softly. It disarms you a little, your struggle starting to die out as you look at the hidden anger behind the smile, the desire to let out the hidden beast within him. 
“Let’s get one thing clear,” he says, letting go of your wrists to grip your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, squishing them together. Your hands fall limply to your sides, skin burning on your cheeks where he’s pressing in harder. “Only I can make you feel pain. Nobody else. Nobody’s gonna hurt you when I’m around. And I’m the only one who can make y’feel good too, understand? But if you’re not gonna be a good girl ‘n pull this shit, I can’t help what I’ve gotta do to get you back to bein’ good, hm?” His eyes track across your face, awaiting a response. 
You shake your head in small movements, squeezing your eyes shut and squirming one final time to try to slide off his lap. He sees your desperate eyes and his blood rushes a little hotter through him, tugging you harshly to situate you back perfectly centered on his lap.
“Please…” you whimper quietly, unsure of what you’re asking for now. To be let go? To be held tighter? For someone to just make it all okay?
Joel drops your cheeks from his tight grip and looks at you a little more sympathetically. “Okay, okay, c’mon, no more strugglin’ sweet girl. I’ve got you. Not gonna hurt ya. I just wanna help ya.” 
He leans forward and his lips find your neck, peppering wet, urgent kisses from just underneath your chin all the way down to your collarbone. It’s all too much, the emotions bubbling up as the adrenaline leaves your body. You shake a little, feeling the now all too familiar sting of tears behind your eyes that quickly manifest as tears that roll down your cheeks. Joel must sense a heave in your chest as you try to hold back your sob because he pulls his lips off of you and looks up to see your eyes shining as tears start to fall at a more rapid pace. 
“Shh, shh,” he coos. Both of his arms wrap around your back and pull you in so that your chest is flush with his. Your head drops instinctively to his body and you find yourself wrapping your arms tightly around his neck before burying your face in his chest. 
“Oh, c’mere, sweetheart. Let it all out… shh…” Joel says quietly, his palms splayed along your back, rubbing up and down in a soothing pattern. You finally break completely, finally let yourself sob. Your entire body is wracked with shaking heaves of breath each time you start another wave of tears. You bury yourself deeper into Joel’s chest, your face burning red hot with embarrassment, but unable to stop nonetheless. He’s warm and soft against you, the comforting fabric of his shirt soaking up the tears you pour out. 
Joel continues his soothing ministrations, his hands uncharacteristically kind and sweet, holding the back of your head against him now, like he’s encouraging this, even, this release of emotion from you. It makes you sob even harder to realize the only person you have in this world to comfort you is a man you met yesterday, one who hasn’t shown you a consistent side to himself since then. You don’t know how long you cry for, the last two weeks of pure desperation and the flood of emotions since meeting Joel have all collided into this one meltdown, Joel’s chest taking the brunt of it as you continue sobbing.
“Oh, that’s it, there we go…” he hums calmly, his chin resting on the top of your head as he keeps stroking along your back. You finally start to let up, choking back little sobs as they climb their way up your throat. 
“Jus’ breathe… there ya go, honey. Take some deep breaths for me now, okay?” Joel says calmly, continuing to chant little encouragements in your ear. You turn your face to lay the side of your cheek along Joel’s chest for a moment, a few remaining hiccups shaking your body as you sniffle. Your entire face feels puffy, like everything is two sizes too big for you now, cheeks wet and sticky as your tears start to dry. You slowly lift your head up and Joel quickly catches your face between his hands, thumbs going to work wiping your tears.
“Beautiful…” he murmurs as his eyes scan your flushed, glowing face. His lips turn into a gentle, small smile while he continues to wipe down your cheeks for a moment longer. “Now don’t that feel better?” Joel looks at you with concern now, his head tilting as his fingers continue to stroke along your face. You look so broken and fragile right now - the thought exciting him, sending a twitch beneath his jeans that he doesn't even have the mind to be ashamed of. You're close... so close to being his.
“I g-guess…” you murmur, unable to say if it really does feel much better. You feel lighter now, unburdened of the pent up emotions that had been weighing you down the last few weeks, but you still had to grapple with the fact that you were here now, with a dangerous man who seemed intent on keeping you here no matter what.
“Listen, darlin’...” Joel starts, a heavy sigh escaping him. “You’re too sweet for this world, you deserve to be protected… That’s all I’m tryin’ to say here, to do here. You wanna know what I thought when I first saw ya?”
Your eyes widen in curiosity, letting him go on.
“Thought that the universe sent me a gift. One look at ya and I knew you had to be all mine. Like y’were made for me, I swear it…” he gushes before his eyes go more serious. “I can show you how good it all feels, sweetheart, d’you understand?”
You shake your head slowly. “S-show me how good what feels?” you ask tentatively.
Joel leans forward, his lips brushing along your jawline then ghosting to that sensitive spot under your ear. His breath tickles you in just the right way and you shudder, hating that he seems to have pinpointed your weakness.
“Show you… just how good it feels… to submit to me.” His lips press onto your neck gently, his tongue poking out to taste the salt of your skin. “Show you what your place is here.” He sucks a little harder on your neck, eliciting a tiny sound from the back of your throat. “I’ll give you everything, you’ll see. I can see you want it, sweet girl. I can see how badly you need it.” His hips thrust upwards into yours on his last words, grinding against you slightly. Your eyes flutter shut when his lips kiss your neck again, rough but gentle, as Joel always seems to be. You squirm, your body and mind still mixing signals with each other, unsure if you’re fleeing or giving in. 
You consider his words heavily, the weight of them pressing down on your chest, nearly choking you. It makes your entire body tingle, the way he’d said the word submit, not even fully understanding all of what that would entail. But he’s right, you do need someone, you need something in your life that won’t fail you or run or disappear. You’re desperate for it at this point, needing it like you need air and water. You’ve seen nothing but loss and sadness and lived with a desperation to just be loved and cared for in the deepest ways. 
Maybe it was fate, like he said. Maybe you were meant to stumble into that clearing just at the right time, just when you so fiercely needed everything he’s offering to you. 
He pulls back and stares into your eyes, trying to read the look behind them, trying to gauge how you’ll respond as you sit silently. You feel tears building on the rims of your eyes again, quickly wiping them away before they can fall. 
“Let me show you, hm? How I’ll take care of you.” He thumbs your chin as he stares at you, a look of wonder in his eyes. “We need to get some more food in you, darlin’. Barely ate a thing yesterday.” His bargains immediately begin to work as you notice your stomach rumbling and empty again as if on cue. You nod slightly and he gives you a half smile.
“That’s a good girl,” he coos. “Now hold on tight.” Before you can question him further on why, he’s lifting you up off the couch, and your arms scramble to fling around his neck so you don’t fall backwards. Your legs wrap around his middle for extra support as he carries you to the kitchen table, settling you down on top of it now, legs dangling off the side as he lets go of his grip under your thighs. You find yourself reluctant to untangle your arms and legs from his warm, safe body, but he begins to pull away, heading for the fridge. You watch him with a frown as he bends down, shuffling a bit in the fridge before pulling out an item wrapped in a thin cloth. He opens a breadbox on the counter and reaches in, tearing off a chunk of bread before plating it and unwrapping the block, revealing some type of cheese.
“Sheeps cheese from Jackson. And some bread I made. Should tide y’over till dinner time, don’t you think?” he asks, bringing the plate over. He nudges your legs apart with his knee, a silent command that you follow mindlessly before he steps in between your thighs. One hand brushes along your thigh as he gets closer to you, eyes pasted right onto yours. His near glare is nearly too much to keep focused on as he grabs the piece of bread and brings it up to your lips. You pause, gaze faltering as you scan his face, a little stunned.
“Y’need some food, darlin’. Now eat.” Another command, another test to see how pliant you are, how willing you are to accept the entire package he offered you. You crane your neck forward enough to bite down on the piece, tearing some off as he holds it for you, never breaking eye contact with him. His eyes quickly flash back to a satisfied, pleasant look from the darkness that had threatened them moments ago.
“Good girl.” The words burrow in a little more, your thighs tightening against his, sending Joel gazing down with a smirk pulling at his lips. “Another,” he says quietly, holding the bread up to your lips again. You don’t falter this time, taking a quick bite and chewing as Joel smiles down at you, letting his thumb brush across your lips.
“You’re bein’ so good f’me now, what happened?” he says smugly, picking up the cheese and feeding you again. Each time he does it, you take the food more eagerly, Joel stepping closer until he’s pressed against the table, his hips as close as they can be to the apex of your thighs. You can sense the excitement radiating off of him now, the pure satisfaction that you’re not putting up a fight, accepting the care he’s pouring out onto you.
“Now you see how I can take care of you, darlin’? That’s just a small thing, honey, makin’ sure you get fed. Now tell me how much you appreciate it, hm?”
You feel your cheeks warming up at the blatant coaxing from Joel, the way the heat of his body presses so close to you now as his finger lingers on your lip after the last scrap of bread goes in.
“T-thank you, Joel,” you say, quiet and mousy as you avert your eyes downward.
“Oh, such a good girl.” He pets the top of your head down the side, stroking a gentle, long path down to your shoulder. “Feel better now that we got you full?”
You nod, swallowing hard. “Y-yes, thank you.” Mousy. Quiet. The way Joel seems to like, the way that you can’t help but be when he questions you like this, when his eyes search your depths so intensely. Your heart clenches at just how quickly he’s already worked his way in, has you saying just what you know he wants to hear. 
“Not bad for an old man baking bread, huh?” he asks, winking as he caresses your cheek. You tilt your head down, failing to conceal your little smile in time as a breathy chuckle makes its way out of you. You can sense the lightness fill Joel and the entire room as he notices, cocking his head and leaning closer to you.
“That a smile I see, darlin’? You think it’s funny to call me an old man?”
You shake your head, pulling your lips tight to suppress your smile. “N-no, you’re n-not…” 
“Oh, too sweet, ain’t you.” He wraps his arms around your middle, drawing you close again. “Y’know, you’re so pretty when you smile. This old man’d like to see more of that, y’know.”
Your smile falls quickly as discomfort settles in again at the way he’d cracked through your façade just now.  “Why haven’t you just… hurt me yet? Or done what you want with me and tossed me out?” you ask suddenly, blurting the words out before you can think twice about the possible consequences. 
Joel clicks his tongue and lets his lips part slightly, showing his surprise - a rare moment from such a guarded man. 
“That what you think this is?” he asks quietly, forebodingly. The pure control in his voice is a skill that you can tell he’s exercised many times. “Just want to squeeze the life outta you and toss your body out for the damn animals? Or fuck you senseless then turn you to the cold? You really think that little of me after I fed you, clothed you, helped you?”
He doesn’t sound quite angry, but something deeper that takes a minute for you to register - you’ve hurt him. Wounded his ego, made a dent in this brick wall of a man. A power you suddenly wish you didn't have over him.
“I don’t… I don’t know…” you admit. “You scare me.”
He leans forward, his dark irises going icy as he captures your rapt attention with this one single glance. 
“I should,” he spits out with a twitch of his lip. “But only if you give yourself reason to, yeah? I never want to hurt you, sweetness, never.” He goes softer, brushing a finger along your cheek, sending you trembling with a quivering lip. “Jus’ want you to be here w’me, lettin’ me take good care of you, and you do the same f’me. Somethin’ so beautiful here, you ‘n I…”
You sigh heavily, your body slumping in defeat. You’re exhausted, your nerves frayed and mind overstimulated from all of the inconsistencies, the back and forth with him. If what he says is true, if he wants to treat you kindly, give you all he’s promised, you know what he expects in response. You can feel it in the undertone of every word he says, every tiny movement when he touches you. He wants you to belong to him, to have you sucked so completely into his world there’s no going back. To have you fear him and look in wonder at him and worship at his feet and let him touch you and feel you and be completely yours and you be completely his. Your head spins, a dizzy sickness overtaking you at how utterly lost you feel right now. How badly you crave it and are equally repulsed by it. 
You dip your head down, eyes on your lap as you let the wave of churning fear wash over you.
“Eyes up, darlin’,” Joel reminds you, fingers tracing on your thigh to get your attention. 
“I… believe you,” you say, turning your gaze to him again. It’s not an answer yet, not a yes or no or anything at all. A fact.
“I know you do,” he says, a serious expression curling into a smile. “Only say what I mean. Are we clear, then?”
Joel’s face inches closer to yours, leaving just a few inches between you, now. “Y-yes,” you mutter, rapidly scanning over his eyes to try to read anything there but the inky darkness that seems to permeate above all else.
“Good,” he says proudly. “Now gimme a smile, darlin’. Need to see you lookin’ happier ‘round here.”
You pull your lips into a tight smile that seems to suffice for Joel as he carries on, moving until his lips hover just above yours. You notice yourself starting to tremble a little bit, shoulders tightening up, and Joel holds you close as his brows come together.
“You ever kiss a man like me, darlin’?” he whispers, licking his lips.
Your lips part, words failing you for a moment as you contemplate him. Your throat is suddenly dry and itchy as you glance down at Joel’s lips. “N-no…” You shake your head. “I haven’t… haven’t been with… anyone…”
Joel stills completely for what feels like minutes, his lips twisted to the side in a wry smile now. “You sayin’ you’re a virgin?” he asks bluntly, his hands naturally tightening their grip on your back, fingers digging in as they slide a little lower towards your waist.
Your face burns first, then your entire body is set aflame as embarrassment sets in. You know you shouldn’t be embarrassed, but you can sense Joel’s experience, almost having some strange need to impress him with your own, coming up empty. Your eyes look down, staring at the middle of his shirt before you nod once, blinking away a quick sting of tears at your sudden humiliation. 
“Christ,” Joel bites back all the things he wants to say for a moment and tuts as he notices your glassy eyes, scraping his fingers along your back. He tightens his hold on your waist and tugs you even closer so that your hips are flush with his. He moves his lips right next to your ear, making you shudder as they brush close enough to touch for a moment. “Had a feelin’. You have no idea… how turned on that makes me, sweet girl.”
Joel’s crude words have you gasping a little, a breath caught in your throat as you stutter out a sound to try to answer him. His lips press on your neck again, kissing a little more fervently down to your collarbone and then he pulls back, one hand going to your face to cup your cheek. 
“Such an innocent little thing… so sweet…” he murmurs. “‘S okay to touch me, y’know.” Your hands tingle with anticipation as he says that, but you don’t know how to move them, where to move them to, or if you want to touch him.
“I - I don’t…” You shake your head, and Joel captures one of your hands in his, holding it gently and rubbing his fingers along yours. 
“I got ya, I’ll show y’everythin’ you need to know, how’s that sound?” he says, gazing down at you intently, waiting with baited breath to hear your response. 
“You mean…” you ask, cheeks flushing as you’re unable to finish your sentence. Joel places your hand on his chest, spreading your fingers out to splay across the space between his pecs. He nods softly and you wiggle your fingers a little, feeling the planes of his chest, hard but warm underneath your palm. He glances down to where your hand explores a little more, running your fingers gently over to the right side of his pecs, then the left, and smirks. 
“I mean all of it, you sweet little thing. You don’t know how good y’could feel, do you?” Joel breathes a little heavier, his expression losing a bit of its controlled façade, that vague look of craving revealing itself in his eyes again. “I could give you so much… oh, you pretty thing, you need it.” He shakes his head in disbelief of everything he’s learned about you. “Untouched… so innocent…” he says more quietly, his hands finding their way back to your waist, thumbs hooking under the waistband at the back of your pants.
“I’m n-not sure… I-I don’t know -” you stutter as you feel his thumbs touch bare skin before one of his hands trails under your shirt, moving upwards. Your eyes blink a little slower, a flutter of your lashes as his calloused pads scrape along your skin, leaving a blazing trail that tingles all the way to the base of your spine. It pools quickly there, your core starting to heat up as his hand travels higher, the other playing at the hem of your shirt, starting to lift it. Your breath hitches, eyes going wider as your shirt moves, but you don’t squirm, don’t try to stop him.
“Y’do know. I can see you want it, sweetheart, look at how you respond to me…” He breathes in and out a little shakily. “Respond to a man takin’ good care of you…”
“W-what are you doing?” you ask, feeling your back almost halfway exposed to the air.
“Think you know what I’m doin,” Joel huffs a stony hearted chuckle. “Just wanna see how pretty y’are, take a peek, thas’ all.”
You shrink back a little, eyebrows pulled close together, shaking your head in small movements. “I’m scared…” you whimper finally, showing Joel the fear that’s been building deep inside of you. You don’t know how to want this, when to know your body is telling you it’s okay. You’ve somehow lost complete trust in any of your instincts, unsure of where along the way that happened. 
“I know, I know,” he purrs, still pulling your shirt higher. His lips dart down to your stomach, where your bare skin is starting to show, kissing sloppily along all the fresh skin he hasn’t seen yet. He starts speaking against your body, kissing in between his words. “Nothin’ to be scared of when you got me though, y’understand? You let me take care of you, and you’ll never worry a day in your life. Be my good girl, my everything. Just gotta trust me.” His nails dig into your back, a sweet, welcome pain, bringing you to the present. It’s too easy to lose yourself to his lips, his touch, his words. Your hand stays steadily placed on his chest, barely daring to move now.
You stare with your mouth open, and at your silence Joel drags his mouth up your chest and to your neck before looking at you expectantly.
“I don’t… know…” you murmur, less convincingly than the other times, an observation that Joel doesn’t fail to notice. He gathers the fabric of your shirt and tugs on the front hem of your shirt, pulling it taut along your back, drawing you closer to him as his lips sit merely an inch from yours.
“Think y’do know,” he says, greedy hands under the front of your shirt now, pulling the hem up. “I’ll be so gentle, honey…” He pulls your shirt up further and you drop your hand from his chest, allowing him the freedom of movement he needs to finish the job. 
“Okay…” you whisper, unsure if the two syllables even resonate far enough to reach Joel’s ears. You start to feel your legs trembling as you see his face registering your one word, the only thing he’d needed to hear. 
“Good girl,” he breathes out, exuding pure elation. “Oh, I’m gonna make you so happy, darlin’, gonna give y’everythin’.” He practically snarls as his hands get back to work on your shirt, lifting each of your arms to tug them through the sleeves, then tossing your shirt aside after it's over your head.
A growl tumbles out of his throat when he takes in your breasts, and you hunch your shoulders up a little more, your arm flying up to cover your chest now that it's exposed. Joel’s hand grabs your wrist, strongly wrapped around it as he tugs it away.
“Don’t have to hide ‘em from me, nothin’ to hide from me now,” he snaps, tossing your arm back to your side. His hands reach up to tease at the swell of your breasts, and you sit half in shock, letting his fingers send tingles across your skin as he explores your chest. He runs errant fingers down along the curves as he stares downwards. Your breath catches when he rubs his thumbs over your pebbled nipples, you back arching towards him as you gasp. 
“So soft ‘n pretty…” He grins, continuing to watch the way his hands work along your skin, a little more rough as he gropes your tits, rolling your nipples just to observe your reaction. The little pinch sends waves of arousal through your body, pooling deep inside of you, making you feel your underwear get damp again. You’re already panting, the sensations he’s bringing out in you so strong that you can hardly contain the little noises slipping out of you as he continues touching your chest.
“I - I’m…” you pant. “Joel…”
He pauses for just a moment, leaning closer and brushing his lips across your cheek. “Know you’re feelin’ good, aren’t ya?”
You nod dumbly, completely awestruck as he pinches your nipples again, sending your back arching and hips pressing into his. It’s maddening and confusing all in one, the way he’s able to work your body like this and make you feel a hot burning starting to blaze across your skin. 
“Pretty girl never had her tits touched, has she?”
You shake your head urgently, a breathy moan pulled out of your throat as he pinches and tugs a little harder on the hard buds. “P-please… stop… it’s too…” you whine, scrunching your face, unsure if you actually want him to stop. You feel wild, feral almost, the strangest sensation pulling at your insides as he tugs one more time.
Joel smirks in satisfaction, going back to caressing you more lightly, giving you some relief. One hand travels down to rest on your hip, the other up to your face to cradle your cheek in his palm. 
“You’re fun to play with, jus’ like I thought you’d be…” Joel muses as he touches your face. “You’re bein’ so good f’me, too, honey. Lettin’ me see you ‘n touch you.” He looks at you almost curiously now, like he’s studying you. 
“Think you deserve a little reward for bein’ so good for me, finally seein’ some sense.” He pauses, watching your face morph into a soft, intrigued look. “How’s that sound, hm?” he asks, pinching your cheek. 
You tilt your head at him. “A reward? Wh-“
“Exactly. If you act like a good girl, gotta reward ya for it.” Your heart beats a little faster as you take in his words, your thighs clamped as his voice comes out low and teasing. “C’mere, sweetheart,” he says, wrapping his fingers around your cheek and pulling you closer as he leans in. “You deserve to feel good, do you realize that? You’ve been denyin’ yourself somethin’ so good, but turns out it was so that I could show ya.”
“I - Joel - I don’t know…” you blurt out, your stomach twisting. The fact you can barely say anything but those same three words over and over is starting to frustrate you. 
“Don’t go gettin’ shy on me now,” Joel replies, his hand now cradling the back of your head. “You’ll enjoy this.”
He leans forward again, completely closing the gap between the two of you as he presses his lips to yours. It’s soft at first, testing you, and you blink once in surprise, not able to force yourself to press your lips back into his at first. But your body naturally starts to melt into him a little, his hand stroking against the back of your head calming you into submission. Your hands twitch forward, gently touching the bottom hem of his shirt and holding onto it just slightly. The feel of the fabric grounds you as you feel your lips press back into Joel’s, sending a wave of heat over your body. Your cheeks burn and your skin prickles as he groans quietly and pushes his lips a little more aggressively against yours before pulling back slightly. 
He looks down at you with a smirk. His hand digs into your waist a little harder, the possession he’s feeling clearly evident. 
“Tastes sweet, darlin’,” he says quietly before leaning back in, kissing you again. Your hand tugs a little harder on the bottom of his shirt and you feel yourself cracking under the pressure, like you’re about to burst into a million little parts like a piece of dropped china.  
His mouth opens and invites you to do the same, so you follow his lead. You’re frustrated, unsure of yourself, not understanding the way your body just moves with his, mirroring his motions. 
Maybe this is how it’s supposed to be. Maybe your first kiss is supposed to feel just like this. Maybe you’re supposed to be afraid and unsure and terrified yet intrigued in a way you can’t ignore. You wouldn’t know any different, after all, and your body already yearns for Joel to keep going, to press his lips harder onto yours, to feel his warm, soft lips all over you. You don’t even quite understand where the thoughts come from, it’s like your body is telling you without your mind having to get involved. 
You open your mouth the tiniest bit, allowing Joel to kiss you deeper. He pulls back just enough to suck a little on your bottom lip and you whimper and your brows scrunch. How… how could it feel so good?
As if to send you asking that question a hundred more times, one of his hands skates his fingers up your spine and you shudder, falling apart just as his tongue swipes across your bottom lip. You nearly gasp but find your own tongue hesitantly brushing against his. He hums quietly in satisfaction, continuing the motions of his tongue with small variations - darting into your mouth, licking your lip. 
You feel your entire being aching and warm now with the way Joel is pressed as close as he can, hips flush with yours. You want to move your own hips, to push them further and further, your body urging you on again without telling you quite what it’s doing. 
You yank your head back, completely breathless. Joel’s hand scrambles to the back of your head, holding it in place as he devours your lips again, not letting up just yet. 
“Wasn’t done w’you yet…” he mumbles before kissing you again, his tongue and lips more aggressive now as his hand slides to the back of your neck, gripping tightly. When he’s had his fill he tucks his head back enough to get a read on your expression, smirking. He sees the wonder in your eyes, the confusion, the struggle, but he welcomes it all, now. He knows he has you - his prize, his to keep, his to take. He can practically feel the ache of want oozing out of your pores now as you sit trembling slightly on the table, your soul and tits bared to him, equally enticing. A perfect paradox, he thinks.
You look so perfect - like a pure, innocent angel sent just for him. He knows you can be exactly what he’s looking for - someone to call his own, to protect and guide and keep close to him. His perfect girl.
He buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent and musk like it’s the last time he’ll ever get a chance to before his lips rumble against you. 
“Lemme take you upstairs, show you how to be mine," he offers, in a way that's not an offer at all, but an instruction, a test.
He’s quiet and seductive with his words, a low, gravelly lilt to his voice that makes your head swim. You’re hazy, a practically drunk feeling coming over you now. You’d tried alcohol once, and you remember feeling a bit like this - cloudy and out of control of your own body. 
Before you can stop yourself, body buzzing and lips puffy and parted in need, you nod for him.
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
leveling the playing field IX
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summary: with nowhere else to go after getting caught cheating to help lucy gray, you both make some desperately stupid decisions.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). implications and mentions of abuse, so read with caution!! also a little bit of swearing but that's neither here nor there
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a/n: here we are!! 'season' two!! thanks so much for reading it and I'm SO so glad lots of people seem to love it :) if you do, please reblog it or leave your thoughts in the replies or in my inbox! i love hearing from you and talking about it so don't be a stranger !
without further adieu,, enter buzzcut coryo <3
next part
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Coriolanus's stomach twisted as he could hear your screams from the hall, even though by then he was all the way on the other side of the school. He thought that was unsettling, only for them to abruptly stop just before he left. The silence that followed was so much worse. He didn't get any sleep, sitting on the roof in Grandma'ams rose garden with Tigris all night, wondering if you were dead.
He was just sick about it, even as he left the following morning, so early that the sun was yet to rise. It was a long, painful ride, and he spent the entire thing certain that you were dead. It was his fault, he had only wanted you to come with him, so he wouldn't be alone, but now he truly is alone and he won't even have you to write to back home. Regardless, he would try.
Rather than sit with the idea that it might even be pointless for him to live another day, especially with this unflattering haircut and a uniform that challenged the discomfort of the academy one, he decided to write to you on a paper he had found bunched between the train seats to ease his mind.
I hope you're reading this. I hope this gets back to you at home and finds you safe and sound, and you're sitting over your desk with a textbook open getting ready for university in the fall. That's not what's happening though, is it? You're probably dead. I probably killed you. If you are reading this in your room, or your library, or over my shoulder as I write this because you are only alive in what's left of your spirit, I hope you know that I am sorry. I did it because I wanted you with me, because in the moment I was so sure you'd be better off with me in the districts than you would be at home with your father. I think I was wrong. But I still miss you. You meant more to me than I ever told you. I guess, more than I ever told myself either until these last few weeks.
I think I heard them kill you after I left you with the Dean. If they did, boy, did you go out fighting. I always knew you would. I can't stop writing in case I never get to speak to you again. But again, maybe you're not dead, right?
Please tell me you're not dead.
Always yours, your Coryo
He smoothes out the wrinkled sheet as he writes, hand shaking through most of it. He doesn't know if he should even bother sending it, or if he should just fold it up and throw it out the window in hopes that the message will find its way to your ghost. No, he has to send it. Otherwise he'll definitely never know, at least not for twenty years, and he couldn't bear that.
The wind hits the trees into the windows of the train as it rolls along the tracks, demanding that the branches be heard against the glass. It reminds him of you. Then again, what doesn't these days? Maybe it was just you letting him know you had read his letter, and that you forgive him. That would give him a semblance of peace for the rest of the ride.
When you woke up, it was impossible to tell what time it was. You only knew that it was dark, and your bedroom door was locked from the outside when you got up and carefully tried to open it only to be blocked by the mechanism.
"I have half the mind to agree with you on the Avox thing." You hear your dad sigh, his voice echoing from his study just down the hall. Your eyes widen and you try the knob again. Yep, still locked. "But we could always send her to Nine or Ten as a nurse. She's not staying here, that's certain."
"I don't want to push your decision, here, but she was saying she would tell everyone. She knows more than we thought, more details." Highbottom was here too, great.
"No, that's impossible. What did she say?"
"She knows we're selling, likely that you're storing it all here somewhere, and she knows it's enough to be treason. I don't know what else she knows, but it's risky business ever letting her out of that room again. The procedure might be our best option, here." You've heard enough, quickly making for your window instead. It's locked as well, but draping your old uniform over the lever gives you enough freedom to crush it with a particularly heavy, hardcover textbook without making much noise.
You change quickly, grabbing a few essentials that you could fit into your book bag, then climb out the window and slide down the back porch column before making as quiet of an escape as possible. Adrenaline carried you a few blocks away, but now, you were unsure what to do. You couldn't return, and you couldn't be seen, and you had a tragic shortage of friends at the moment. You find your feet carrying you toward the building you know Coriolanus lives in.
You're not particularly excited to see him, but with no other options, you're sure you can find it in yourself to be forgiving just this once. You could go to Sejanus's family home, but it's not far enough away, and you're not sure what his father would say. He'd probably call your dad in a second and it would all be for naught- you couldn't risk it. So, Coryo's it was.
You enter the building, walking straight for the elevator. He was in the penthouse, so you just have to hit the very top button and figure it out from there. You've never been to his home before, but he's talked about it plenty. Enough that you could find your way there, at least.
You groan when you quickly realize the elevator doesn't work, looking over at the stairs. It's a tall building, so you've got a long way to go. You wonder how he does this every day as you climb up set after set of stairs, taking note of how the walls are basically crumbling around you.
You knew he didn't have money, that he couldn't eat, but you didn't think he lived like this. No wonder he was so thin, and no wonder he still had any muscle left on his body. It was these damn stairs. That couldn't be it though, that wouldn't explain how his shoulders just seemed to go on for miles- maybe he had some kind of workout routine you never knew about.
You're drawn from your thoughts when you reach the top of the last staircase, hesitating to open the industrial looking door in front of you. Just beyond that was the front door to the Snow penthouse, and now that you're here, you're not sure what to do. Do you knock? You don't even know what time it is.
You sit by the door, deciding to think it over for a bit. It doesn't take you long to fall asleep leaning up against the wall where it meets the dusty floor.
Waking up, you're met with a gasp. "Y/N?" You blink open your eyes, seeing Tigris crouched in front of you, forehead creased with worry. "Are you okay? What are you doing here?"
"Tigris, hello." You mumble, gathering yourself to stand up as she helps you. "I, uh, I didn't know where to go, so..."
"Okay, okay. Come in for a second." She nods, holding your shoulder as she guides you back into the apartment. You squint at the sunrise through the large bay windows, she must have been on her way to work. "Can I get you anything? Some tea? You must be freezing..." She says, immediately shuffling into the kitchen.
"No, no. It's fine. Thank you, though." You insist, trying not to stare at the state the apartment has fallen into.
"Okay, well, please, take a seat. Tell me what's going on."
You nod slightly and move to sit down at their dining table where she joins you, reaching out for your hand which you gratefully take. "Did Coriolanus leave already?" You ask and she nods, giving you a sad smile.
"I must admit, I'm relieved to see you." She says, taking you by surprise. "Coryo thought you were dead. He was just so torn up about it, he said it was his fault but he wouldn't tell me why. I was expecting to see your passing in the papers this morning."
"Well, my days are numbered." You sigh, looking out the window again. The view was stunning. Maybe you would prefer a penthouse to your own large, empty feeling home. "My father and Dean Highbottom were discussing turning me into an Avox as a pity punishment, and I don't doubt that my father would rather bury me than have that on his name. I didn't stick around to hear their decision."
Tigris listens intently, squeezing your cold hands between her own. "And now, I don't know what to do. I had nowhere to go, I'm so sorry to intrude-"
"No, my goodness, please. You are always welcome here." She assured you. "But... what will you do?"
"I have to leave." You nod to yourself. "I have to leave and I can't come back, can I?"
"One day I'm sure it will be safe for you to return." She says, notably trying to put a positive spin on it. "I'll tell you what-" She stands quickly, going over to a hall closet and pulling out a large fur coat. "Take this, it can hide you and keep you warm. Take the next train to Twelve, that's where Coryo went." She places the coat in your lap. "He'll be ecstatic to have you and see that you're well."
You nod, standing up and pulling it on in a hurry. It was a beautiful coat, you could tell it was real fur. This must have belonged to one of their mothers. "Thank you, Tigris."
"There's another train headed there in about twenty minutes, if you rush you can make it. I had to check the schedule last night for him. Don't buy a ticket, just climb in a transport car from the opposite side, not the platform." She instructs you hurriedly,
You dig in your bag as you both head for the door, pulling out a handful of money and rifling through it to give some to her. You'll need some, but she will too.
"Here, Tigris. Take this." You say as she holds the door for you, and she instantly is shaking her head.
"No, no. I couldn't." She smiles awkwardly, waving a hand at you. "You'll need it more than I do, Coryo will be sending us cheques."
You smile at her understandingly, holding it out to her again. "If not for your help, then for this lovely jacket. Please take it. I insist."
Tigris sighs, taking it from your hand before pulling you into a hug which you gladly return. "Tell him we love him, okay?"
"He knows," You say, chin resting on her shoulder. "But I will."
It was dark again when your train reached its final stop, and you were curled up under the coat trying to sleep. You scramble to get up, having to bolt from the train before anyone came to unload the car.
Unfortunately, you didn't get the privilege of having a place to stay when you arrived, so once you're out of sight of the train, the best you can do is wander.
You don't have to wander long before you hear music. You didn't realize people were happy here, so the sounds of laughter and shouting and dancing coming from inside what looked to be an abandoned building made you tilt your head at the idea. Maybe you would just sit outside, around the side of the building where you won't be seen and you can listen.
You don't even get the chance to sit before you hear the singing start. It's Lucy Gray. You mentally scold yourself for not thinking of her sooner as you stand again quickly, finding yourself quite lightheaded. You must be hungry. Maybe there will be some food inside, or maybe you can find talk to Lucy Gray and maybe she'll let you stay with her. Just until you get yourself situated here.
Clutching your new coat tightly around yourself you walk in after attempting to dust off and salvage your clothes. Your favourite skirt and shoes took quite a beating throughout the day, and you're disappointed, to say the least. Hopefully Lucy Gray has a washing machine, but you doubt it. Did these people even know what a washing machine is? By the look of everyone in the room, the answer was a definite no.
Sure enough, Lucy Gray was on stage, singing her heart out. You had never seen her smile so wide, of course, and the kids surrounding her onstage were just as talented as she was at all their instruments. You've never seen live music like this before, only classical or opera where everyone sat quietly and listened until the end. This environment was entirely new to you.
Not wanting to interrupt, you wait until Lucy Gray steps offstage and her spot is replaced with a little blonde girl who couldn't have been older than ten.
"Give it up for the amazing Lucy Gray Baird!" The girl shouts into the mic, gesturing to your friend before more music started to play. "She'll be back, she's just taking a little break, but until then, you lot are stuck listenin' to me."
This is your chance. You push through the crowd and step into the hall you saw Lucy Gray go down. "Lucy Gray?" You call out hopefully, watching your step as to not roll a heel. In hindsight, these shoes were not ideal for the journey you took, but your options were limited by a time crunch.
"Lucy Gray?" You ask again, turning a corner and peeling into a large open room. It's a few moments before your eyes land on her, and she turns to face you having heard you walk in.
"Oh my days, I thought I recognized that voice!" She smiles, opening her arms and running up to you. "Y/N, my word, what are you doin' here?" Her excitement fades quickly into concern as she drops her arms from around you.
"Long story..." You chuckle nervously, pulling at your coat again as she nods for you to continue. "We got caught, for the compact. And the snakes, somehow. Coriolanus put our handkerchiefs that you used in the tank so they wouldn't attack you, I guess. I didn't know. Then they pulled us out of class the next day, he told them it was me, so then I put up a fight and they sedated me. When I woke up I was at home and they were talking about having my tongue cut out and turning me into one of those servants but I'm sure my dad would rather have me dead. So," You sigh, trying to summarize it as quickly as possible. "I ran."
Lucy Gray shook her head, mouth agape in shock at all the information she just took in. "Okay, wait... So they were going to kill you?"
You nod.
"But that teacher of yours seemed so nice."
"Yeah, he gave me some money and escorted me into the train himself."
You scoff, shaking your head. "He's never liked either of us, but that's only because I have dirt on him. I don't know what Coryo did."
"Well," Lucy Gray sighs, rubbing your shoulders gently. "I'm glad you're here. That you're safe."
"You too." You smile. "Can I just say, too, we were so proud of you. We were so lucky to be your mentors."
"I count myself the lucky one." She grins. "Let's move on, shall we? On the up and up."
"Yes, sounds lovely." You grin at her.
"Can I get you some water? Liquor? What do you need?" She asks, turning at that and going over to a bench in the middle that had a few water bottles.
"I would love some water." You breathe out, joining her and sitting down as she hands one to you.
"Lucy Gray, could I ask you for a really big favour?" You say after taking your first sip.
"Please." She nods.
"Can I stay with you?"
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Thoughts in thoughts
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May contain: Dubcon, age gap, dark! Characters, Stepcest, somnophilia + reminder that I am the least likely to be a furry
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ eddie drugging you with an aphrodisiac ♡♡♡ after being rejected so many times by mean! Bimbo! Reader hes had enough and decides to drug you, unfortunately he uses a little too much and you're barely awake, withering in pain You need to cum so badly but dont worry eddie is there to help <3<3
♡ hopper cumming in/ on your food/drinks <3 hes got you sat in his office eating a donut covered in his seed or drinking a milkshake that's extra thick <3<3<3 you're so addicted to the taste of him that you can help but crave him in your mouth!!! Anything you eat or pop until your mouth is usually coated with his cum and you wouldnt have it any other way <3<3<3
♡ dragon! Billy dressing you up in pretty shiny jewellery <3<3
♡ nun reader x demon/incubus! Eddie 👁👁
♡ robin fingering you under the counter as you talk to Steve, shes stood right next to you chatting away as if she isnt knuckles deep in your gummy walls !!!! Hes trying to vent to you about his awful date but you're too busy cumming to care
♡ thinking of eddie x cryptid!(?) Reader who is so curious about human norms and stands outside his trailer every night making strange noises and moving things around. He tries to understand you and talk to you maybe even help you but you freeze and runaway :((( he soon starts sitting outside his trailer waiting for you to come back, you stand near the tree line watching him holding eye contact and barely blinking, You look human but the way you act tells him that theres something off about you maybe you're not all mentally there? Each night you get closer to him and eddie starts leaving food a couple of feet infront of him hoping you get close enough so he can ask you something. When you're close enough to the plate you crouch down keeping your eyes on him as you bring the food to your mouth, you're almost animal like. Once eddie sees that you respond well to the food he brings the plate closer to him until you're sitting next to him and hes having an entire one sided conversations with you. He somehow gets you to come inside the trailer and in his room where you're immediately interested in the lamps and strange sticky magazines. He offers the shower to you after he notices your dirt covered feet but you stare blankly at him and he soon realises that he needs to bathe you himself if he wants you clean. It was no easy task however, you were more interested in dragging him into the shower with you than actually getting clean, by the end Eddie was naked and his clothes were soaked and thrown on the floor but you were clean so his job was done. He proceeded to keep you locked in his room and occasionally let you wonder around the trailer park but ONLY at night you've already gave poor old lady edith a heart attack when she caught you staring at her through her windows </3</3  as much as eddie tries to train you to behave you refuse >:(( you were born to make nests in his bed, stare into nothing and freak him out, watch him sleep, kneed his pillow, it's in your DNA how dare he deny you of your instincts >:000 idk I just think they'd be a neat couple <3 breeding kink is through the roof though jesus
♡ dog hybrid! Steve humping your foot like the degenerate he is <3 or humping anything that fits between his thighs you can leave him alone because he cant be trusted :(( he cums on everything and anything that smells like you
♡ rockstar! eddie takes his favourite groupie on tour with him!! Hes so pussy whipped and he doesnt care for any other girl as long as he has you <3
♡ rockstar! Billy, rockstar! Eddie and rockstar! Steve stuffing their prettiest groupie until shes dumb and only saying their names <3 three holes and three cocks match made in heaven
♡ hopper only eats cookies that are made with his wife's breastmilk (or pregnant wife) !!! >:(( no one else is allowed the cookies she bakes for him they are HIS and he will not share (the baby gets some too but he eats most of them because an entire batch of cookies cannot go to a singular baby plus you produce so much they would just go to waste ♡♡), sometimes he takes the baby and sits then on his chest then splits a cookie for the baby to knaw on and him to munch on, its usually when you're in the shower so you dont scold him for eating before dinner
♡ imagine the kids playing dnd at your house, they leave the stuff at yours and you have no other choice but to bring them back to Mike's, mrs wheeler let's you in and tells you to put then on the table (mike can get them later) unfortunately you drop one of the figures under the couch :(( you bend over to get it but it's all the way under so you have to get down on your knees and look, it's all the way at the back and karen has the beautiful view of your back arched and panties showing. When you finally get it and notice her watching she quickly rushes over to you "pulling down" your skirt and "fixing" your clothes it's not her fault her fingers slipped inside you nor is it her fault that you have her tits in your mouth and are grinding away at her pussy
♡ hopper let's you sit on his fingers for as long as you want <3 your almost always stuffed with his thick rough fingers he doesnt mind at all he licks up all the juice that dribbles down his hand then makes you lick the stains you left on his pants
♡ "ghostface billy!, Ghostface! Steve, randy!/ghostface! Eddie" NO ghostface! Nancy + ghostface! Robin <3 they walk in on bimbo! Reader stuffed with her fingers which dont reach the right spots too absorbed in your own world to care, they were originally going to kill you but seeing your teary eyes as you try to squeeze an orgasm out of yourself makes them feel bad :(( while you're struggling to cum robin does some snooping in the drawers closest to her conveniently it's your underwear draw and she finds your cute pink glittery dildo !! She waves it at nancy who stalks over you, holding your body down and a hand over mouth you squeal and try your best to kick her off but it's no use as you feel a second pair of hands spread your now clenched thighs. You dont expect the feeling of your forgotten toy to enter your cunt nor do you expect to hear female voices come out of the masked figures, there are hands all over you and you cant stop jerking your hips. You cum harder than you ever have and you're not sure when one orgasm ends and another one begins </3 you dont come to school the next day your legs too sore and body covered in marks, when you do however nancy wheeler and robin Buckley are oddly interested in talking too you especially when you dont say anything about the two women in masks that fucked you dumb <3
♡ vampire eddie has a vile of your blood and you have a vile of his cum <3
♡ stepbrother eddie who sneaks into your room at night just so he can wake you up with his cock, he doesnt care that you're tired or if you have cheer practice or a test shut up and be his fleshlight
♡ hehehe perv! jonathan definitely has picture of you in a jar that he cums into 👁👁 hes gonna give it to you one day <3 let's just hope he doesnt leave it on his radiator
♡ eddie fucks you to the beat and rhythm of his playlists
♡ dog hybrid! Billy, eddie, steve x dog hybrid! Reader !!!!! Billy's big mean and scary, Eddie's too dramatic for your little brain and steve always makes you feel dumber than you are (he doesnt mean too tho) you always stay away from them especially when they fight but you cant help but gravitate towards them when your heat starts, the problem is all of them want you to have their pups and you can barely walk or move once you heat dies down
♡ I'm a slut for an all boys boarding school x reader !!!!!! Basketball captain! Billy/ swim coach! Billy who likes feeling you up in your swimsuit/ gym clothes, photography student! Jonathan who takes pictures of you in your dorm, delinquent! eddie who you meet in detention and teaches you how to hide under the bleachers so you can both get high and he can get touchy, "bestfriend" steve who shows you around and is basically your babysitter but also comes into your room at night to sleep in your bed, cooking club! Argyle who enters your heart through your stomach, teacher! hopper who always makes you stay behind class and spank you for your skirt being too short, head boy! 001/henry who is always pointing out how every boy wants to rip your clothes off and have their way with you, art teacher! Murray who wants you to pose nude for him but dont worry it's all professional and he definitely wont be showing hopper, orrr counsellor! Murray who listens to all your dirty fantasies and how you're sooo upset that you cant make yourself cum, gym teacher! Dmitri/Enzo who makes you stay behind to watch your tits bounce as you run, teacher! Phil Callahan who gets so flustered when you bend over infront of him idk guys
♡ I'm also a slut for all girls boarding school <3 head girl! Nancy who is constantly "adjusting" your skirt, roommate! Robin who is always feeling your boobs and claiming it's a girl thing, cheerleader! Chrissy who helps you shower after cheer practice, teacher! joyce who rewards you in the best way, teacher! Karen who likes teasing you by running a ruler up your thigh then spanking your pussy. Teacher! Joyce and karen who talk about you in the staff room, eden who is assigned your project partner and cant help but sitting thigh to thigh with you (there needs to be more women in stranger things my pussy cant take this >:( !!)
♡ not to mention boarding school x innocent reader I'm going to kick you in the shins make out with me now
♡ Dustin would absolutely send a succubus Steve's way, by accident, hed find a flyer "get your own succubus" thinking this is a DnD related thing he signs Steve's name thinking he needs an adults signature. you gave steve a heart attack when you showed up in his bed he now has to deal with a dumb succubus who thinks hes her mate and also scold dustin for signing documents without reading them fully. Dustin doesn't know what the problem is, it's not like he got his succubus figurine steve is probably just getting spam mail
♡ stepbrother! billy who always flexes his muscles around you and lifts heavy things to prove how strong he is only to realise that you dont care so he makes a show of moaning your name as he jerks off because that will obviously make you notice him
♡ camp counsellor! Billy who sneaks into your cabin after you push him into the lake infront of everybody, he'll put you in your place dont worry he'll show you how hes supposed to be treated
♡ biker! billy and eddie <3 want them to fuck me on their bikes NOW !!! They're in different gangs and hate eachother but are civil when your pussy is involved <3<3<3<3<3 maybe you're already being fucked by one of them (probably eddie), outside bent over the motorcycle that's now shaking with his thrusts, billy stalks over and starts chatting away with eddie as if you're not struggling to hold yourself up. Eddie plays along feeling you clench up as you get ignored, Billy pulls out his cock as if its nothing refusing to stop the light banter between them and stuffs your throat with it. You're being held up by Eddie's hands as they start pummeling your achey body, you're practically blacking out at every thrust they dont care though. After they finish they dont just discard you, when you come into the dingy bar they hang out at they cant help but sit next to you in your booth and slip their fingers into you, the rest of the members think that they have problems with you little do they know billy and eddie are just whores
♡ thinking about how 001/vecnas claws make cuts and bruises along your hips <3 i do NOT care that he is a scary monster I want him to make me cry
♡ #1 believer that phil Callahan cries after sex, his cock is so twitchy and sensitive he cant help but cry after you make him feel so good
♡ Hank Miller had an audio for this but he deleted it from reddit and it's now on patreon so I cant listen to it </3 :((( (could also be read as billy) eddie steals cars for a living, stealing them for whoever pays highest. The newest sports car model? That vintage Cadillac? He'll get it for you. Hes great at his job, the best in the business that is until someone starts taking cars before the customer gets to finish the sentence. Hes pissed, more than pissed actually, some asshole is stealing his deals. He catches you in the act one night, he chases after you leading him to a warehouse filled with expensive cars, some cars that he hadnt even confirmed payment for, he hunts you down, finding you hiding in one of the cars near the exit. He forces you back into the space you occupied before you could even run, a gun pointing to your head demanding to know what the fuck you think youre doing- hes shocked to know that a girl is cockblocking his pay. Hes threatening you, telling you to back off before you get hurt, hes got your arm in a twist forcing you to spill how you're beating him in this game. He gets angrier as you explain that you bugged his phone, listening in on every conversation he has, there was practically steam pouring out of his ears as he spews insults at you. During his rant you grab the gun that hes throwing around loosely, flipping him over and aiming the gun towards him, he stutters out apologies and asking if you could possibly work this out. You dont have the mind to care not when you're sitting in his lap with his hips jerking up as he tries to escape the weapon in you hands. You're not sure how you ended up like this but you're bouncing on his cock, gun still in hand as you tell him how pathetic he is, how he let a GIRL over throw him. He doesnt take lightly to this snatching the gun from you hands pointing it under your chin threatening to keep going, his hips thrust up into you when you struggle to move, he soon decides that he couldnt care less about the gun and throws it to the side, grabbing your hips before throwing you back on his cock, your hands grabbing anything you can possibly find to stable yourself from the abuse your cunt is facing. You end up being partners in crime, living together and owning a cat called marmalade <3
♡ prison boyfriend! Eddie/billy <3<3<3<3 phone sex, and nudes sent via letters !!! After every visit you give him a kiss goodbye where he takes the opportunity to grope you from under your skirt, the prison guard doesnt know if he should separate you or let you go at it, the show is nice but it's not professional, the handcuffs around his wrists dont allow him from going any further but hes pleased with the juices you left behind, sucking them off his fingers as hes escorted back to his cell
♡ prison chief! Hopper rewarding prisoner! Reader after shes been on her best behaviour <3
♡ ABO 👁👁 not a furry but I love the thought of going into heat and having a big strong alpha fuck me dumb !!!
♡ rockstar! Dilf! Eddie fucks the babysitter!!! He cant get enough of your pussy especially not when his bitch of a wife is not putting out for him but instead other men, he loves how wet and warm you are for him, how you take whatever he gives you, how you dont accept the extra money he gives you, how you treat his toddler daughter and baby son so well and how you would be the perfect mommy for them. Hes already caught his daughter calling you mommy before, you're here more than his wife so it's only natural
♡ king! Steve wants a hier none of the princess will do instead he wants the little maid who works in the kitchens
♡ beauty and the beast au with hopper !!! Hes a big strong beast and he cant help but pin you down as you're running away from him, forcing his thick cock into your tight little pussy.
♡ the original perv Jonathan would 100% fuck his stepsister while she sleeps, hed try to be so so sooo gentle as to not wake you, letting you stay ignorant to the assault hes about to put you through, but once hes inside you he cant help but get overwhelmed by how good you feel. He covers your mouth when you wake up, encasing your body with his to stop you struggling, his thrusts dont stop as you squeal and kick. Hes like a dog, panting in your ear as his hips refuse to stop, muttering apologies as he cums inside you
♡ argyle holds your hand when you lazily grind on him, hes giggling and making jokes as his swollen head bumps against your clit making you jump.
♡ robin thinks you're so pretty, youre a church girl dressed in frilly socks, mary Jane's, flowy dresses and ribbons. She feels disgusting for how she feels about you she knows that you would think shes disgusting, that the thought of kissing another girl was disgusting. She struggles to be around you, hoping this childish crush would leave her body but it seems to grow stronger as you get persistent about becoming her friend, you invited her over for a sleepover (at first she thought this was going to be something else when you mentioned your parents not being home but soon shook the thought out of her head) you didnt let her sleep on the floor somehow convincing her to lay on the bed. You peer down at her as she lies on her back awkwardly complimenting the room you sleep in, she barely has time to react when you lean down and place your lips on hers shes so shocked that she doesnt even kiss back, when you pull away you look terrified and start spewing out apologise before running to the bathroom and locking the door. Robin tries to convince you to come out but you're crying and feel disgusted, you thought she liked girls and you've ruined a perfectly good friendship, she tells you that she was going to kiss back but she just didnt expect to be kissed by her crush, you make your way out of the bathroom shyly hiding behind the door as she eases you out like a scared animal. Robin makes sure you're better by making love to you, shes soft, tender and sweet as she assures you that you're not disgusting <3<3
♡ priest! Eddie who makes you confess all the bad things you've done while he stokes his cock, you touched yourself to the thought of boys? Girls too? He has no other choice but to make you repent for your sins by sucking his cock
♡ period sex with vampire! eddie he loves watching his cum dribble out of you mixing with your blood. His ketchup and mayonnaise packet all in one <3
♡ 001 getting angry after his punishment and taking it out on his favourite nurse, forcing you against the nereast surface and Making you take his cock
♡ I used to have such a big crush on the bowers gang from IT I have no idea what was wrong with me anyway that's not important, the thought of eddie, billy, Steve, Johnathan bullying their favourite girl into being their girlfriend <3<3<3 they're so protective and possessive of you and guard you like dogs. Constantly around you shielding you from anyone's eyes
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winterrrnight · 2 months
babe I just had the best idea for a rafe concept it pains me
Okay so imagine like reader is at work (somewhere idk where) and she just gets so overwhelmed but her and rafes relationship is still new so she doesn't call him because she doesn't wanna bother him....😭
I'm probably not the first person to think of this but it ON MY MINDDDD
literally dropped everything to write this!!!! this reader is way too me coded and I cannot :’) thank you so so much for the req vee 🥹💗 you asked for a concept… I wrote a fic…. :D I hope you like this vee <3
down for you
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: rafe wants you to be able to rely on him for anything and everything.
WARNINGS: the reader is a preschool teacher and quite self dependent; lots of fluff; cute nicknames; lovesick rafe (my fav fr); minimal swearing
EDITH SPEAKS: this request speaks volumes to me 🥹 this is way too me coded, and I just had to write it, I hope you all like this! the ending is maybe a bit abrupt tho :( please like and reblog if you liked reading <3 feedback is always appreciated 🍹
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I should leave, I haven't yet, but when you smile, I just forget
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You can swear this day can't get any worse. You’ve been on your feet basically the entire day, always rushing from your students here to there. You love the little kiddos with your entire heart, but today, for some reason, they are being an extra pain in the ass. They aren’t as cooperative as you’d prefer; you don’t know what’s gotten into them, they are like little energy packets constantly running around.
Due to some teacher duties you aren’t even able to sit down for your lunch break, taking away the only 15 minutes you have to yourself. And it just gets progressively worse when you finally leave the school to go back to your place and your car has a slashed tire, and today had to be the day when you don’t have a spare tire in your trunk.
It’s been over 6 hours since you left your house this morning, and it’s just Tuesday, but it’s feeling like the longest, most excruciating week ever. You’re now leaning against your car door, letting out a deep exhale as you lean your head back, feeling a headache creep into your brain and pulse harshly. You’re tired, hungry, absolutely exhausted… and all you want are the warm hugs of your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend.
Rafe is quite a new addition in your life, both of you being together for a mere month. He’s been so loving to you, always protective and just genuinely taking great care of you.
You pull out your phone and find his contact, but before you can dial him, your thumb hovers over his name in sudden realization – he’s always at work at this time.
You begin to contemplate your initial decision of asking him to come here to help you out, and then ultimately decide against it, realizing he’s probably very busy at work, and would only be heavily distracted if you call him.
So, just like how you always do it, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It’s nearing 6 pm when you finally get to reach your place. You had to make calls to get yourself a mechanic to get your car fixed, who took his sweet sweet time to come to you. You’re now completely exhausted, wanting nothing more than just to plop on your bed and sleep till your heart desires. You can hear your stomach grumble since you never had the chance to eat the lunch you missed out on, but you make it a problem for later, deciding to just take a nap first.
As you drive into your driveway, you recognise Rafe’s black Range Rover already parked, with him standing next to it, leaning back against the hood of his car as he’s looking intently at his phone. As he catches the sound of your car driving, he instantly looks up, watching your car enter the driveway.
Before you can properly park and get out, Rafe rushes to you, opening the door for you.
“Oh my god where have you been?” He asks you, his voice laced with concern. “I tried calling you and texting you, you always come back home by late afternoon,”
You step out of the car and Rafe shuts the door, a hand quickly landing at the small of your back as you both walk to the porch of your house. He can see you’re really tired; droopy eyes, heavy steps, deep sighs; he knows something happened.
“Yeah my phone died,” you mutter as you unlock the main door of your house, both of you stepping inside. “I just… today was kind of a heavy day, nothing much honestly,” you shrug as you toss your keys in the dish and remove your coat and shoes.
“What happened?” Rafe asks, still really concerned for you as he watches you take off your cost and hang it on the coat rack. As you’re done, you face him with a small smile on your face.
“Nothing much, really,” you say softly, gently cupping his cheek with a hand and tenderly caressing his skin. “Don’t worry, yeah?” You mumble, taking your hand off his cheek as you make your way to the kitchen.
Rafe stays on your heels, following you and monitoring every single move of yours – your padding till the fridge, opening it, getting a bottle of water, unscrewing it and drinking from it.
“You look so exhausted, I can see it in your eyes,” he comments. “Your hair is all messy, your clothes are dirty; it’s clearly not nothing. Come on, tell me, what happened,”
His voice is stern, but not in an angry way; but in an apprehensive way. He moves his hand to your face, gently brushing your hair as he fixes some of the unruly strands.
As you finish drinking your water; drinking almost all of it in one go, you keep your bottle aside and let out a sigh, turning to look at him. “It was just one of those… heavy days, but it’s over now yeah? I’m now home,” you say softly.
“But just tell me what happened,” Rafe’s voice now drops to a whisper as he moves closer to you, continuing to weave his fingers through your hair.
You close your eyes for a moment, delving into the relaxing feeling of Rafe’s fingers softly combing through your hair, but also realizing he’s going to keep pressing for you to tell him what happened.
“The kids were a bit uncooperative today,” you say with a soft chuckle. “And then we have this event coming up at school, so I was busy for my entire lunch break preparing for it. And then my car had a flat tire and I didn’t have a spare so I had to get a mechanic, which took most of the time. But besides that, nothing much happened,” you say with a small shrug.
“Besides all that?” Rafe mutters incredulously. “That’s already a lot, baby, why didn’t you call me when you found out about your flat tire? I would’ve come; or sent someone to get you, we would’ve had lunch in my office, and I would have had someone take care of the tire and bring your car back too.” There’s a small frown on his face and he now holds your face in both his hands, gently skimming your cheeks with his thumbs.
You look up in his soft, baby blue eyes. “I did think of calling you but-”
“But I thought…” you take a deep breath, your eye contact with him faltering. “you’ll be busy, and I didn’t want to be a burden to you, really, I was able to get it all fixed just fine,”
You can hear Rafe tsk; his tongue clicking against his teeth as he softly shakes his head. “I’m never busy for you okay? My work does not ever get more importance than you, okay? It never does, and it never will, especially when you’re in trouble and need help,”
He gently grips your chin and tips your head back just a bit, making you look at him. His eyes are softened, the blue even more warmer than usual.
“I know you prefer to do things on your own,” he whispers, “but you have to realise that you really don’t need to do each thing on your own, especially now that I’m around. I won’t mind, really, and besides, I would love to show everyone off at work that I am the boyfriend of the most beautiful person on this damn planet yeah?”
You can’t help but chuckle softly at his words as you keep looking in his eyes.
“So, promise me, next time you need any sorts of help, want me to do something for you, or just want me to be there, you don’t think twice about calling me up okay?” He says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He can see the reluctancy in your eyes, but you eventually give in and nod.
“Okay, promise,” you murmur, smiling as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He gladly hugs you back, snuggling his face in your neck as he gently rubs your back.
“So…” you speak up, and he hums back in response, both of you still hugging.
“I’ll take up on that offer right now. I’ll go and shower, and you make something for me to eat yeah?”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom @b1mb0slvt
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reysdriver · 10 months
Can I ask a Steve Harrington x shy!reader where she has a locket that represents him (like the initial SH) and she always wears it but under her shirt so that no one can see? One day, Steve comes home to find her asleep, he smiles and leans to kiss her but then finds out her little secret. Just fluff:)
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steve finds a sweet surprise when sneaking into your bedroom to see you — steve x gn!reader fluff
warnings: none:)
words: 1.1k
a/n: this was supposed to be a little tiny blurb idk what happened lmao but I hope you like it!
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Steve was supposed to be there at 11 o’clock sharp. 
He had promised you that as soon as the arcade closed and all the boys were dropped off at home, he’d be sneaking up into your room without a sound. ‘Like a ninja’ were his exact words; and maybe it was your fault for assuming ninjas were punctual. 
You had given him a little grace period, maybe twenty minutes where he could come and you wouldn’t be upset with him. An hour after that ended, you decided you weren’t even going to wait anymore. If Steve was willing to wait that long to see you, he could wait even longer. 
You decided to change into a pair of pyjamas instead of staying in your normal clothes all night and then get ready for bed. After turning out your lights and closing your curtains, you tucked yourself in and quickly fell asleep. 
Unluckily, Steve had arrived just a few minutes after you dozed off. He cursed himself quietly when he saw your curtains drawn—already knowing you’d be pissed at him for being late—then tumbled over your windowsill since he was using one hand to palm away the hanging fabric. As he was climbing, he noticed you were asleep and was shocked that you stayed in your state despite the thud he made when he hit the ground. He was thankful you didn’t wake, though; he didn’t want your morning grumpiness on top of your anger at him for not showing up on time. 
When he walked towards your bed, a smile graced his face at the closer sight of your peaceful figure. He wondered what you were dreaming about, and of course he hoped it was him. 
Steve crouched down to plant a kiss on your forehead before pausing and contemplating what he should do. He pondered staying, but he didn’t want to be the kind of creep who sneaks into girls’ beds when they’re sleeping—even if you were dating. Then he thought about sleeping on the floor, but he didn’t want to deal with back pain when he’s already on his feet all day. So, he decided that he’d write a nice note, promise to take you out for a make-up date tomorrow night, then leave the same way he came. 
He sauntered over to the desk across from your bed so he could borrow a pen and piece of paper, then carefully avoided picking the stationery he remembered you calling ‘the expensive stuff’. Personally, he doesn’t understand why anyone would buy writing supplies when they were always just laying around somewhere, but he didn’t judge you. 
Steve started the note out by addressing it and drawing no less than five hearts around your name. Then he got straight to the apology. He wasn’t sure how much he should say, so he just told himself that he’d explain, apologise, and promise to make it up to you until his hand started cramping—and he did just that. He signed his name at the bottom of the page, then capped your pen and thought about where to put it. 
His first thought was to leave it on your pillow, but then he got worried about you smudging it in your sleep and not reading what he wrote, so he went with his next thought of your nightstand. He would leave it by your alarm clock, leave, then you would find it in the morning and all would be okay. But a shiny object on the night table caught his attention and delayed his plan. 
You always wore a gold locket, but you never showed the inside to anyone. All your friends had tried to guess, saying everything from a magazine cutout of Rob Lowe to a single brown m&m, but you never revealed it. 
And now here that necklace was, right in front of Steve, and he couldn’t resist looking. As worried as he was that you’d be mad at him for peeking, he told himself that you’d never find out and it was only a tiny peek. So, he placed the note on the nightstand, and swapped it for the necklace. 
As tough as the decision was on whether he should look or leave it alone, the locket itself was actually quite easy to open. And once he saw the picture, his heart swelled at least two sizes and he wished he had looked before now.
It was a tiny black and white picture of him that was cut out from the school newspaper. He remembers the exact photo, too. It was his last meet with the Hawkins High swim team, and he had tried harder than ever to win. After finishing the half mile distance a second before the rival school, he was completely exhausted.
Your boyfriend came out of the water, and barely got to sit down for a minute before some skinny sophomore had come up wanting to take a picture of him and the rest of the team for the school paper. He had initially told the kid the buzz off, but you had reminded him how hard he worked, and that this might be the last time he ever gets to be in the newspaper, and he reluctantly got up to pose with the rest of his peers. 
He smiled quickly, then went back to the bench to sit with you, grumbling about how he probably looks like he’s about to pass out in the photo. You laughed, but assured him that you saw his smile and he actually looked like a million bucks. 
He tried arguing, but you fed his ego by reminding him a million times of how pretty he always looks and that the picture was no exception. A few days later, the paper came out and you pointed it out as soon as you saw it. 
“See?” You said with a sigh. “The hottest Hawkins High swim champ ever. I’m gonna keep this forever, it’s such a good picture of you.”
Steve didn’t know you actually kept it for this long. He honestly assumed you threw it out the next day, and he certainly didn’t expect you to keep it after graduation. He stroked the edge of the locket with his thumb and wondered when you put the picture in the locket and just how often you looked at it.
The smile on his face wasn’t going anywhere at this point, and it likely wouldn’t leave until he fell asleep. 
He closed the locket and put it back right where he found it, then leaned down to push the hair from your face and kissed your cheek. He whispered a ‘goodnight, sleep tight, baby’ and walked across the room to crawl out through your window. 
Steve wouldn’t tell you about what he saw tonight, but he was sure he’d never stop thinking about it. 
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jinkicake · 1 year
No matter how far you run, he’ll always catch you. 
Yandere!Diluc, Dottore, Zhongli x Reader
A/N: Hello, my friends..... I was not able to write ANYTHING this week and then I thought about yandere!diluc for .2 seconds and pulled this out of thin air.... if i take a turn toward yandere after this, this is my apology.
!! YANDERE IS ITS OWN WARNING !! ((maybe ooc! idk))
WC - 2,355
Diluc R. 
“I have a present for you,” Kaeya softly coos behind his drink at the Angel’s Share. Diluc, with the heavy bags positioned below his eyes, glares at his brother. He doesn’t have time for this, not when you are missing from his sight. “it is worth your time to come with me, Master Diluc.” 
And that’s how it happened, the two of them walking through the Whispering Woods as Diluc’s heavy hand rests on his claymore at all times. Kaeya continues to walk confidently in front of him, a sort of air surrounds him that tells the redhead he’s more than thoroughly pleased with his own actions. 
“I heard you lost something recently,” Kaeya starts and the hand on Diluc’s red weapon grows more secure. 
“Kaeya.” Diluc snaps at his brother, warning him to stop at once. 
“See, if I ever lose something, I always have my name on it so everyone knows who to return it to.” The cavalry captain comes to a complete stop before boldly pointing in a direction of a campfire. “You should try it. Perhaps then this situation will not repeat itself.”
Diluc watches warily as Kaeya begins to walk back to the gates but, at the promise of you, he trudges on through the forest. He follows the light between the branches and nearly stiffens when he comes across your figure. Your eyes widen in shock but no noise comes out due to the tape plastered across your lips. The closer Diluc gets, the further you try to press yourself back into the tree that you’re tied to. 
“Beloved, how could this have happened?” At once he drops to his knees and unties the rope around your waist, not yet ripping the material tying your wrists and ankles together. Diluc touches you with a gentle hand, a soft touch as he continues to look you over. He’s been so worried about you since you managed to escape the Winery. 
For nights, he searched every inch of Mondstadt and did not sleep a single wink. How could the cavalry captain have found you when your husband couldn’t? He’ll have to confront his brother about this.
Someone must have hidden you. 
But, Diluc doesn’t have the time to worry about that now when you’re right in front of him again. 
“The outside world is cruel, isn’t it?” He takes note of the way you are shivering before taking off his own jacket to cover your upper body. The bruises against your skin caused by the rope make him sigh. “Let’s go home.”
You thrash against his touch as he effortlessly picks you up, carrying you in his arms. It pains him to see your eyes so full of worry, don’t you understand that he’s here to help you?
“It’s been quiet the last few days without you,” Diluc starts and you tightly swallow in an effort to avoid this conversation. Instantly your eyes close shut. “oh, you must be tired.” 
“We will continue this when we get back home.”
The next time you open your eyes, it is because of the sound of water running. You’re still in Diluc’s arms, supported by his strong build, but now he is focused on the water instead of you. The tape on your mouth is gone, the ropes are long gone, and so are your clothes. 
“This will help you sleep better tonight,” Diluc murmurs into your neck as he slowly lowers you into the bathtub.
“I missed you,” Diluc confesses and the raw vulnerability in his eyes makes you flinch. You choose to focus on the water instead of his genuine kindness. “so much. Not a moment went by where I did not think of you.”
“If there is something that I did to make you leave, you must let me know. A judgment of error can be erased, I can make this life better for you. Let me,” As his hands grab your own, squeezing them beneath his rough skin, you merely blink. “(Y/N).” 
He never calls you by your name in private, it’s always a sweet pet name. 
“I want to go outside.” Your voice is raw, it’s the first time you’ve spoken in hours. Diluc looks pained by this request as his eyes cascade to the ground in shame. 
“I cannot allow that of you. You must understand how cruel it is out there-”
“Just within the lawn of the winery, I won’t go any further than that.” You plead and turn to face the man entirely. Diluc is stunned by your passion and still looks unconvinced, even as you lift your hand to cup his cheeks. 
Instantly, he leans into your touch. 
“Once you get used to that land, you’ll ask for more.” He murmurs, more so to himself. “I apologize, my dear, it pains me to deny you of anything but, no.” Diluc stands from where he was kneeling beside the tub to grab a towel hanging on the wall. “When you want to go outside, you will go with me.”
“And you will never leave this house without me again.”
“Zandik,” You weakly murmur as your vision starts to focus. The hue of light blue forms into his wavy hair and the ensemble of colors morphs into his Harbinger uniform. All at once, you manage to see the true picture in front of you. “get away from me!” You scramble to sit up but aren’t able to move. The fatigue now in your arms is heavy, so heavy. Under your weight, you buckle and fall back against the plush hospital bed. 
“I’m known as The Doctor now,” He grins and leans forward enough that the tip of his mask pokes your nose. “aren’t you curious as to why you are here?” The closer he gets, the more you start to freak out. You thrash against the restraints that are pinning you down to the hospital bed but, you’re not able to get anywhere.
“Leave me alone,” Using all your strength, you lift up your exhausted leg and kick it in his general direction. Dottore doesn’t have to move and doesn’t even flinch as he wraps his gloved hand around your ankle. Roughly, he keeps your foot pinned to his chest. Breathing is becoming harder and speaking is almost now impossible to do. It’s a miracle that your slurred, tired words are still enough to use for communication. “Don’t touch me-”
“I will do as I please.” His cold attitude nips at you but, you’re far too out of it to care. You should be worried about his clenched jaw and tight grip. Instead, all you can think about is sleep. 
You can’t fall asleep in his presence. 
“This must be a nightmare,” It’s the only explanation for all of this. You haven’t seen the ex-student, your ex-boyfriend, in years and there’s no way he would be back in Sumeru without you knowing. The Akademiya would be fools to let him back into the city. 
“You still think of me?” He leans closer to you and you stubbornly turn your head to the side so that you don’t have to look at him. “Dream of me?” His hand lowers your leg to the sheets before running up your calf, lightly cupping the muscle as his thumb rubs soft strokes into your skin.
“Stop.” You know that you can’t keep your eyes open for much longer, with each passing moment your blinks are getting heavier and longer. There’s a hopeful part of you that pleads with the Lesser Lord Kusanali that this will all be over once you wake up again. “You’re not supposed to be here,”
He watches you with interest, with a certain fascination that he used to harbor for you all those years ago. Pathetic mask on his face or not, you can still read him like an open book. It makes you feel sick. 
“Where should I be then?” His fingers move up to the back of your knee, gently resting against your skin as he rubs gentle circles. You take a deep breath before looking over at him, eyes half-lidded and your body ready to give out entirely. 
“As far away from me as possible.” You knew that this was going to anger him, deeply frustrate him. Dottore reacts just as you thought he would as his gloved fingers dig painfully into your leg. In a pitiful attempt, you try to squirm away from him but, you can’t move a single inch. Nothing has changed from before. 
“You still have a mouth on you, hm?” He sneers and the rasp in his voice makes your temples ache. Whenever he speaks, he reminds you of a dark melody. You can’t get tired of it no matter how many times you hear the soothing sound. 
“Please leave me alone,” One more time, you try to beg him again. You fool yourself into thinking that maybe, for once, he can give you up. Your breathing is getting slower and you know that by now, you’re out of words. 
“Don’t act so foolish.” His scowl makes you whimper and you finally give up on trying to stay awake. Your eyes flutter shut with the intention of remaining that way for some period of time. It’s a shame that you can still hear him talk, you can still hear his cold words that destroy your entire resolve and crush your world. “You know that for as long as I breathe, I will keep coming back for you.” 
“You thought you could run from me?” Where he stands tall before you, Zhongli looks wrongfully disappointed. His amber eyes are dull with judgment, brows furrowed in irritation at the thought of being separated from you. “Part from me?” His thick arms are crossed over his chest, muscles bulging against the dark material of his sleeves. “What you have committed is a breach of our contract, a crime against the natures of this world.” 
Your lips part open to speak, to defend yourself but, you’re silenced by the pointed look in his eyes. From where you kneel before him on the cold ground of this mountaintop, you’ve never felt smaller. 
“Due to your unlawful actions, a serious crime awaits you.” Zhongli looks you over, glances over you with his hardened eyes before beginning to walk past you. 
You can’t let him walk away like this, you feel completely and utterly useless. 
“I’ll do it again,” You quietly spit and Zhongli is close enough to hear it, just barely another stride in. His eyes widen with a certain anger he’s not sure he’s felt in years before he tightly grips your shoulder. 
No, something like this can never happen again.
“Are you threatening me?” He asks slowly, calmly but you can hear the shake that swallows each word. You can’t bring yourself to nod or shake your head as he stands behind you, fingers pressing into your collarbone. “Perhaps, I have been too kind with you.” 
That’s all the warning you get before he roughly pulls you to your feet by your bicep, you’re dragged behind him by his tight grip. No matter how hard you resist and try to dig your feet into the ground, lower yourself to the rocks, your perseverance is no match for Zhongli’s strength. 
“If I must, I will hold you over the cliff side until you willingly submit to me.” The cruel words are matched by his actions as he holds you over the path. All that stands between you and the faraway ground is a single hand. Zhongli ignores your desperate attempt to get back onto land, in fact, his grip slightly loosens the more that you move. 
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” You cannot take your eyes off the ground, the yellow grass and clear streams seem so peaceful, so calming. Calming if not for your heart nearly failing in your chest. “I won’t run away anymore, I promise!”’
“You promise to go back to the house and never leave it unless I tell you to?” He watches how your expression falters, how you lie through your teeth with an obedient nod. “I don’t believe you.” For a moment, he lets go of you entirely. For a moment, you’re nothing against the harsh confines of gravity. Nothing stands between you and the ground hundreds of meters below. 
But, then, Zhongli grabs your flailing hand. He lifts you up high enough that you’re above the mountain top that he stands on but, your feet aren’t touching the ground. Even with a struggle, your feet can not touch the ground. 
“I give you second chances because I love you.” The tears in your eyes blind you from the raw emotion in his own amber hues and to the frustrated sneer on his face. “Why do you put yourself in such dangerous positions? I cannot trust you to be on your own, you understand, don’t you?” 
Slowly, Zhongli lowers you back to the ground. The feeling in your legs is gone from being tossed around like a doll and you immediately slump against him, gripping his chest to stand upright. Your beloved supports you with a strong hand around your waist. 
As he tilts his head, lowering his face to your ear, you squeeze your eyes together tightly. 
“(Y/N), try to run away from me again and I will let you fall further next time.” The mere mention of his torture makes your knees buckle and his touch only grows tighter. “But, do not worry. Your husband will always catch you.” 
You find it odd how Zhongli refers to himself as your husband, as something that concerns only the mortal man. But, then, you feel his ring pressing into your spine. Even as an immortal, he takes this marriage much more seriously than you do. You can’t possibly understand it. 
His raw emotion, his deep feelings, you’ll never understand the true extent of them. Zhongli has waited for ages to feel like this, to feel so satisfied with his tasks. He’ll never let you go.
“I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”
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greg-montgomery · 11 months
hiya!! this is my first time doing a request or anything like that buttt i wanted to ask if you could do one where the team is put up in a hotel for the night, everyone is sent to their own separate rooms but hotch called them in to his room bc he had some last minute thoughts about the case, right before they all go to sleep and y/n shows up in a cute sleep set and everyone is like oh but don’t say anything. they talk about the case for a bit and slowly everyone heads off one by one leaving aaron and y/n but plot twist she’s been quiet bc she snoozed off in the seat in the corner. aaron wakes her up and she apologizes, they start talking a little and she realizes how tired he looks and she idk gives him a massage on the shoulders, it can have innuendos in there but i mostly want her to take care of him, maybe they fall asleep together or something fluff it up plss 🫶🏽
hii!! <333 you're so sweet for sending to me your first request!! i'm sorry it took me a thousand years lmfao i really really hope you like it!!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
With your eyes shut and both of your fists rubbing your eyelids softly as if they could take all the tiredness away, you weren’t able to see the looks your current outfit had earned you.
It wasn’t your usual attire for when discussing an unsub’s profile, but Hotch was the one to blame. You were getting ready for bed when JJ knocked on your door and announced that your boss wanted all of you urgently in his room. If he wasn’t your absolute soft spot, you’d be very pissed off about it.
Aaron seemed to have some new ideas about the case, and since the man apparently never slept, he thought all the rest of you would have the same energy as him. And maybe he wasn’t that far off for the others; but you were extremely tired, running only on three hours of sleep.  So you just chose the comfiest looking spot on the couch of Hotch’s room and snuggled with two of the pillows you found there, simply observing the conversation that was taking place and only jumping in for a comment or two. It was already an achievement for you managing to stay awake for an extra hour.
Or so you thought.
“Y/N…” a gentle voice whispered your name. “Y/N…”
The hand on your shoulder shaking you, just as gently, suggested that said voice was trying to wake you up. But you were so comfortable and so sleepy you chose to ignore it. The whispers were lulling you back to sleep anyway.
Before you managed to drift off completely again, the hand moved to cup your face. A thumb was rubbing your cheek as the voice talked to you again. “You’ll hurt your neck.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly blinked, finding the figure of a man sitting next to you. “Hotch?”
“Hi,” he chuckled. “I thought you’d never wake up.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” you rushed to apologize. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”
“That’s alright.” He smiled at you.
Aaron was right about the neck thing, you could already feel the pain growing and you used your hand to massage it as you switched to a more appropriate sitting position on your boss’ couch.
“I tried to warn you,” he said, lifting his brows. “I wake up sore from every single jet nap.”
“Yeah, I noticed you couldn’t even turn your head when talking to us the other day,” you giggled.
“Don’t make fun of the elderly,” he scolded you. “I’m actually suffering from the pain."
“I’m sorry.”
You were still laughing so Hotch didn’t look entirely convinced by your apology. “Yeah, I can see how much.”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you repeated more seriously this time. There was a short pause before you spoke again. “You know…I have a friend that’s a physiotherapist and she’s taught me how to relieve neck pain. I could give you a massage. Maybe it’ll make you feel better.”
He looked surprised by your offer and you worried you overstepped.
“It’ll be my official apology,” you added.
You saw him letting out a heavy sigh and got yourself prepared for rejection, but instead Aaron nodded, “Sure, why not?”
“Nice!” you clapped twice, hoping you didn’t seem overly excited at the thought of touching him that intimately.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fixated on his large body and broad shoulders. So placing your palms on his toned muscles had your heart racing to the point you were scared he could hear your heartbeat.
Aaron’s heavy breaths when you started massaging his neck sent sparks all over your body. You wondered if he sounded like that during other moments in his life and you had to shake your head to send all the inappropriate thoughts away. Still it was next to impossible not to drool over him; touching him and watching him so up-close.
“Is that nice?” you asked.
“You have to be careful of how your posture is when you’re sleeping though. You warned me about it, but won’t do the same for yourself.”
“Maybe we can remind each other,” he suggested.
“Well that sounds like a good idea, but sadly we’re not always together when we’re sleeping.”
“Sadly, huh?”
Your hands froze on his shoulders and you could feel them shaking as Hotch started laughing.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you said, covering your face embarrassed.
“I know,” he reassured you with a small laugh. He reached out behind him for your hands as his head fell slightly back to make eye contact with you. You were still covering your face, so he grabbed your wrists gently and moved them down. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“No, I’m embarrassed.”
He used his grip on your hands to drag you next to him so he could look at you properly. It didn’t need much effort on his side to make you take a seat by his side. “Why are you embarrassed?”
“Because you’re Hotch.”
“And it’s self-explanatory. You either get it or you don’t.”
“I see.”
You sat next to each other in silence for a bit. Embarrassed or not, you didn’t want to go. This side of Hotch was very rare to be seen, and you felt grateful you got to witness him like this for once. You weren’t ready for it to end.
“Should I go?” you asked hesitantly.
“Do you wanna go?”
It took you a few seconds to reply, trying to make up your answer. You chose to be honest. “Not really.”
“Then stay.”
“I might fall asleep on your couch again,” you warned him.
“Hmm…there are worse things that could happen to me I think,” he said holding back a grin, and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against his chest.
You couldn’t agree more.
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boyfhee · 1 year
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synopsis · mornings with you are riki's favourite ( 0.88k )
genre · established relationship, saur much fluff
notes · for my lovely @homelycat bff thank you for tolerating me & also enabling the inner hee stan ☝️☹️ u r so sweet i love u thank you for blessing enhablr with your fics i swear if you're missing on ten's works you are missing out on everything !!! go read her works or idk sleep with one eye open :/
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riki loves to watch you sleep.
it's nothing new. you've been living together for a little over a year now, his mornings begin with you sleeping by his side most of the time, but riki doesn't look like he has moved on from the way you look when you're sleeping.
he thinks you look funny— ugly, maybe not ugly, but definitely funny. you look like such a mess, make weird faces, leave trails of incoherent words that wake him up in the middle of the night. your limbs are all over the bed and most of the time, they're above him, as if he's your bed or something. you never wake up the way you go to sleep, always ending up on his side of the bed, pushing him to the edge while wrapping your arms around him as if you're holding him from falling down, like you're not the reason why he's in that position in the first place. you end up taking the whole comforter and it got to the point where riki suggested using two different comforters for the sake of both of you, but it didn't help either, since you would leave yours and slide into his every single night.
but he doesn't complain, not at all. he doesn't mind if you steal his comforter and he has to sleep without one every night. it's fine if he falls down from bed once a few days, or if he wakes up with neck or back pain thanks to your habit of having your hands and legs all over him. riki doesn't have any complaints because he thinks it's a blessing to wake up every night and look at your beautiful face.
he thinks you're the prettiest while sleeping because you don't seem to care about the way you have to present yourself to people, even if it's just him and you in the room. you smile while sleeping, or frown, make some sort of angry face, etcetera etcetera; riki thinks it's adorable, because those are the moments when he realises he's in love with you.  
"you could've woken me up," and sometimes, he's too busy falling in love with you, he doesn't realise you've woken up already.
"thought i'd let you sleep a little more," he speaks just above the comforting silence enveloping the two of you, trying to maintain the decorum, matching the intensity of his voice with yours while caressing your cheeks. "you're making me want to sleep again,"
"well, y—" he slips in next to you, making you shift involuntarily to make space for him. his hands are a little cold, sending bits of shivers down your spine as he wraps them around your waist, letting his fingertips trace random patterns on the bare skin under your sweatshirt. "i'd love to sleep more but, we need to make breakfast,"
"what's so good about breakfast at seven on a winter morning?" he whispers against the crook of your neck.
you chortle at the contact, "maybe that it can help me with my hunger?"
"if we sleep, we won't be hungry anymore," riki pulls back, allowing his eyes to admire your face while you take your time presuming the words behind his love sick eyes. "can i tell you something?"
"go on,"
"i think i'm in love with you,"
your lips curl into a smile, "you tell me that every day," or more so, multiple times, every day. it's more of a reminder so that you don't forget he loves you, and that he loves you more than anything else in this world, as if you're ever going to forget it.
"no i mean, i'm in love with you right now, at the moment, while we're lying next to each other; like, i'm falling in love with you right now and—" a pause, as if he's trying to build up suspense or create the atmosphere. it's simply a riki thing to do, he wants everything about you to be special. "— and, i don't think i can ever stop falling in love with you,"
it's magical how every single word that falls off his lips manages to flutter your heart. his smile never fails to fluster you even though you've been dating for three years now. riki has you going crazy and also keeps you sane. it's difficult, but you're somewhere in between. he has you head over heels for himself, making you fall for him every morning that you wake up. he's keeping you afloat but is also the reason why you're drowning. he is like a pool of contradictions in your life and you can't help it because every part of him makes you feel alive.
that is the effect riki has on you. so, you cup his cheeks, hoping that you have the same, if not more, effect on him as well. "i don't think i can ever stop falling in love with you either,"
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summary: you know he’s in a relationship. you know that this is wrong. but somehow, you just can’t seem to stay away from billy loomis.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: angst, cheating, billy isn’t a great guy lol, reader is insecure, suggestive content, swearing, fem!reader
a/n: yes this is (admittedly a little loosely) based off of the taylor song… I never claimed I was 100% original!! idk what this is tbh but I haven’t posted in a while so <3
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
He’s barely opened the door before his hand grabs yours, pulling you out of the rain and into his warm embrace. He doesn’t even complain about your sodden state, lips crashing into yours as he clumsily backs you against the wall.
“I’m glad you made it, baby.” Billy murmurs in between kisses, voice low with lust. “Fuck, I couldn’t wait any longer. See what you do to me?”
God, it makes it so much easier when he talks to you like that. When he talks like he breathes just for you, like you’d hung the stars and moon. It’s easier to pretend that way. 
It doesn’t take long. One moment, your legs are wrapped around Billy’s strong frame and the next, you’re laying beneath him on his bed, sighing as he works on your neck. The marks he leaves are purposeful, and they’ll no doubt be a pain to cover up tomorrow. You tell Billy exactly that, making sure to inject just the right amount of that teasing tone you know drives him crazy into your voice. 
“Good,” he says lowly, “Lets people know you’re spoken for. Can’t have anyone touching what’s mine.” He grinds down as if to emphasise his point, hips meeting yours in a way that sends a jolt of electric thrill through your bones. 
At least, you think that’s what it’s from; maybe it’s all simply down to his choice of words - mine. He knew what that did to you - what visceral effect it must have on you. Knew how much it meant to you to be wanted and desired and cherished by somebody like Billy Loomis. It was all you’d ever wanted. 
“Except I’m not.” Your voice barely comes out above a whisper. Billy comes to a halt, his lips moving from your collarbone as his brown eyes meet yours. He looks confused and vulnerable in a way that makes you sorry for even bringing it up, but you can’t ignore it. Not now. Not today. 
“You are. You know that you are. You mean everything to me, just-"
“Just not as much as Sidney, right?” Her name tastes like ash in your mouth. It always came back to Sidney Prescott - sweet, smart, stunning, Sidney. The girl who barely knew you yet always made an effort to smile at you in the hallway and compliment your outfits. The girl whose boyfriend you were sleeping with behind her back. 
From the moment he’d flashed you that charming smirk of his, you knew you were a goner for Billy Loomis. And you’d tried to fight it, you really had. He was bad news, all of your friends thought so, and most importantly, he had a girlfriend. Everybody knew him and Sidney were serious. And you were better than that, sleeping with a taken man. 
Except, as it turns out, you weren’t. Not really, anyway. He didn’t even have to try to get you in bed with him, but after the first time, you’d felt so goddamn guilty that you swore it would never happen again. 
Your resolve lasted an entire week. Billy was like a drug, alluring in every possible way and so entirely addictive. You couldn’t stay away from him even if you tried. And although the guilt never entirely disappeared, it sure as hell became easier to ignore when Billy whispered sweet nothings into your ear and made you feel like you’d had everything you’d been missing your entire life. 
“Sidney?” Billy laughs, a sound almost as beautiful as he is. “Sidney means nothing to me. I’m going to blow her off, and then we can really be together, do it right.”
As awful as it is, the thought of that seems completely compelling. You want to be Billy’s, utterly and solely, more than anything on this earth. Besides, anything would be better than passing him in the hallway and pretending you don’t know every fraction of him so completely intimately.  Pretending like he’s not the first and last thing you think of each day. Pretending that you don’t solely wear the single perfume that he complimented once.
So intimately that you know that, at this moment in time, you can’t believe a single word that flows from his mouth - no matter how desperately you want them to be true. 
“Billy,” you sigh, turning your head away from his pleading gaze. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” he replies rather impatiently. “You know it’s-"
“Complicated,” you finish miserably. “I just don’t get why it has to be!”
“Look, I can’t talk about this right now. Can’t we just…” 
He trails off, and his lips catch yours in a passionate kiss. It’s too easy to sink into it, to sit back and just let Billy take the lead and give you just what you want. It’s damn near impossible to pull back, but by some miracle, you manage to do so. 
“I’m just saying,” you protest. “If you can’t stand Sidney, if she’s truly as bad as you say she is, why can’t you just end things with her?” The sheer frustration that laces your tone is evident even to you. “I don’t know if I can keep doing this Billy, it’s driving me insane, I-"
“What, so you’re mad at me now?” Billy scoffs, tone completely accusatory. “Because you knew what you were getting into - you’re hardly innocent here, alright! I didn’t trick you into sleeping with me - last I checked, you're perfectly fine with our arrangement when it means you get to be the one under me! So why d’you even care, huh - in fact, why don’t you do us both a favour and keep the fuck out of my business?”
You reel back as if you’ve been slapped. Not because of what was said - you both know the words to be true, however deep down that is - but because of how much they hurt. You knew you were a horrible person, but you hoped that Billy saw you as more than that - you needed him to see you as more than that. And by the way he usually acted in your company when it was just the two of you, you thought that he did. When you were alone, he worshipped you. Fuck, the boy looked at you as if he was completely and utterly in awe of your mere presence. And he’d definitely never snapped at you like this. 
It’s one thing hating yourself for what you’re doing, but it’s another having the one person you love so deeply confirm all the ugly parts of your personality that you work so hard to keep hidden from the world. 
He can evidently read the hurt written all over your face, and Billy’s once irritated gaze softens. “Shit,” he breathes, and you can’t tell if he genuinely sounds remorseful or if you’re naively hearing what you want to believe. 
It’s easier to go with the latter option. 
You make a move to stand, but you feel a strong arm pulling you back down onto the bed below. “I’m so sorry,” Billy apologises, pushing a stray hair behind your ear. “I’m being an ass, I know that. I didn’t mean to take it out on you, baby.” With your arm still in his tight grasp, it would be difficult to stand up without outright pushing him away from you. But with each hushed word Billy speaks, you find yourself wanting to stay more and more. After all, he was right. You were already guilty, and your dignity was clearly long gone. What would be the use in leaving? It’s not like you could fall any further from grace. 
Your eyes flutter closed as Billy kisses all along your jaw, mumbling apologies under his breath as he does so. “I’ll fix everything, I swear. You’ve just gotta trust me,” he vows before his lips suddenly move beside your ear. His breath is hot as he murmurs, “you do trust me, right doll?” A small, pathetic whimper escapes from the back of your throat, and you find yourself nodding before you even decide to move. 
“That’s my girl.” The honey-sweet tone of his voice is enough to make you crumble, and your fingers desperately start to make work of undoing his belt. It doesn’t take long, what with your hands working practically on autopilot. Billy takes the hint, and he eagerly pulls your shirt over your head with ease, strong fingers unclasping your bra once he’s finished. 
You’re making a complete fool of yourself, a bitter voice whispers at the edge of your mind. He’s spelled it out for you, and yet you’re still here, letting him undress you like this. How pitiful. 
It’s not incorrect. Billy Loomis had undoubtedly made a mess of you. Ruined you. Before all of this - and God, how long ago that seemed now - you were good. You were headstrong and assertive, and you’d never been one to let people walk all over you. That girl was a far cry from the person you were now, and she’d undeniably despise the idiotic fool you’d become.  
You wouldn’t exactly blame her, either. You know that when you get home, you won’t even be able to face your own reflection. You never can. 
But you also know damn well that when Billy undoubtedly comes running back to you, because he does, every single time without fail, you’ll blindly follow him right back into his arms - and right back into his bed. 
It’s awful. You know that, no matter how much parts of you try to pretend otherwise. There’s no sugarcoating it, no justification for your actions that aren’t completely shallow and selfish. You just have to hope that one day, you’ll snap out of it. If Billy doesn’t choose you - accept you fully like the way you accepted him long ago - you like to think that one day, you’ll have the self-respect to leave and tell Sidney the truth. Hope she’d accept your shitty excuse of an apology. But as you lay here in this room right now, back arched and Billy in between your legs, you know that day won’t be any time soon.
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Two Peas In A Pod
—A blessing... or a calamity in disguise?
Fandom: Blue Lock
Pairing: Nagi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Crack, Humor, Horror
Format: Short fic
Warnings: Breast feeding, Jealousy, Probably ooc!Nagi
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: Idk I just thought this would fit him lol. Might remind you of boss baby.
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There are moments in life which can never be forgotten. Long awaited moments that leave a sweet velvety taste in your mouth and get engraved on your memory,
Moments like this.
Nagi is in hospital, standing next to the delivery room with his infant in his arms. He's wearing the most genuine smile he could ever wear, staring at his baby boy's angelic face. The baby has the tiniest hands ever that would get lost in his if he were to hold them, and the cutest chubby feet ever. He could just eat them right away.
"Wow Nagi, he looks just like you!" Reo says, smiling at the sight while snapping a picture. "You two are like two peas in the pod, except that his hair isn't long enough to be as messy as yours"
"I know. I did hope he'd take after y/n, but he's still cute"
Your husband looks so grown up like this with a baby in his hands. That's what makes Reo to snap another picture, this time in full frame of both Nagi and the baby. His smile is as soft as when he watched him saying his vow to you, and he can't help but to feel happy for his best friend.
"I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee and call Isagi and others. They've been waiting for the news"
Nagi's gaze doesn't leave the baby's face to follow Reo's footsteps walking away. He persistently stares at the baby's closed eyelids, wondering if they're hazel colored like his, or have the color of your eyes. Maybe it's a mixture of both, he thinks, if it's possible. He doesn't have to wait for long to find out though, because suddenly, the baby's eyelids start shuddering and in less than a second, they're wide open, displaying the warm chocolate brown color of his eye balls.
Every inch of his figure resembles his father. Even the look in his eyes is curious, just like Nagi's is right now.
"Welcome home, little thing. We're gonna have so much fun together, me and you"
"I don't think that's gonna happen"
Nagi doesn't know whether he should believe his ears, or his eyes. A talking baby? That's a miracle! Babies don't start talking until they're two years old, but this one in his arms was definitely the one talking a little while before, since his intense stare is piercing through Nagi's heart.
I must have very strong genes.
"What do you mean, that's not gonna happen?"
"Oh sorry, I guess I wasn't being clear on the matter" The baby speaks in a semi-grown up voice. "I meant that, you won't be having much fun from now on"
"How come?"
The baby's innocent expression is all gone. Now there's a straight yet devilish look on his face which Nagi doesn't find charming. "I thought you would already figure out that much, but I guess I was wrong. Heh...what a pain"
"Stop giving me that shit and tell me already"
"You don't care much for sharing; do you, my dear father?"
Nagi doesn't like where this is going. He feels an unwelcoming sense of threat in his heart.
"So what? Are you saying you're gonna steal y/n from me?"
The grin on the baby's face isn't casual. All of a sudden, Nagi doesn't find a single thing resembling him. The baby looks more like... Light Yagami from death note, the blond version.
"...I'm saying that I already have"
This can't be happening.
"Tough luck. You'll never be able to split us off. Y/n's love for me is boundless. I'm her one and only"
"You were her one and only" His gums are visible through his demonic smirk. "Now that I'm here, you won't get a quarter of the attention you used to receive. From now on, I'll be the one who sleeps in her arms at— well all the time. She'll always be near me, looking after me since I'm just a fragile little thing. The time she used to spend alone with you is gonna be limited to less than ten minutes, and your share of affection will also be mine. Even if you two do get the time to be alone with each other, she'll be too exhausted to even look at your face. She wouldn't miss it, since she gets to be with me all the time"
The world comes crashing down on the white haired man. Through his storming mind, he can see himself curled up under the strangely ice cold blanket while staring at you frustratingly, asking you to get in the bed with him already. But standing on the other side of the room, it feels like you're a thousand miles away, voice barely making its way to his hear yet so destructively striking him, saying you have to put the baby to sleep first. Even after doing that, you're so tired that you pass out on the bed before Nagi can even lay a finger on you.
"Not only that, I'm gonna take away all the other things you enjoy as well"
Another illusion appears before his eyes, only this time he's sitting on the couch, and you're standing in front of him, wearing a somewhat annoyed expression.
"I'm sorry Sei, but we can't afford to buy more video games anymore. We have to start saving up for Light's college"
No.... that can't be real. He can't give up on his video games for a serial killer's his child's future. That's absurd. You're not expecting him to do that, are you? You know how video games are important to him.
"Just you wait my stupid father, I will take everything you cherish in your life, and it starts from this very moment, with your most loved one"
His most... loved one?
Just as he's about to ask the little demon about his intention, the door to the room opens and a nurse comes out. "Alright! It's the baby's lunch time"
No. Not that.
"His lunch time? You mean, y/n's gonna feed her...?"
Nagi's voice is shivery, like he didn't know about how the babies drink milk. The nurse is a little taken aback by that, but still keeps her smile on.
"Yes sir, he needs to be fed right now, so if I may..." She reaches out to take the baby from his embrace, but fails when Nagi steps back.
"You... can't do that. I mean, this baby looks like he should drink formula milk instead of breast milk. It'll be better for him"
"The hell are you talking about, Nagi? Let the nurse take him to y/n" Reo suddenly appears next to him, giving him a questioning look.
"No— You don't understand— I—"
"What's up with you man? Here, ma'am; take the little thing to his mommy"
Nagi feels all the misery existing in the world raining on him as he watches the nurse take the infant to you. Reo looks away when you pull up your hospital gown to reveal the enchanting sight of your breast that are bigger than usual and are full of milk, all ready to be devoured in the baby devil's throat. This is it. The beginning of his torment, the sight of his most comforting treasure being possessed by another person, shattering his heart into a zillion pieces.
The baby squeezes your right nipple with his hand, letting out a small whine.
"Stop it... No..."
You softly caress his cheek and baby talk him to enjoy his meal.
Why can't all of you people see his devilish smirk?
The baby looks at him from the corner of his eyes. He's taking his most special thing, his stress balls, his warm pillows he snuggles his face into at nights, his soft squishies he plays with whenever he's bored, his delicious jello balls he sucks on to help him go to sleep...
"No... No... No..."
You hold your left boob and snuggle him closer to help him drink, and he helps himself out, by brutally taking it into his mouth.
It happens.
Then Nagi wakes up from his sleep.
Through his blurry vision, he recognizes his room in the middle of the night, and of course, your kind hand on his shoulder.
"Sei? Are you ok sweetheart?"
Nagi keeps panting. He hurriedly looks around the room to see any sign of the baby, but thankfully, he finds nothing. He can't ignore the cute bump of your belly under your oversized T-shirt though.
"If the baby looks like me we'll give it away"
"Excuse me??!"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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lixxpix · 4 months
happiness looks good on you- lee felix
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summary: you love felix, but he doesn't love you back.
warnings: sad ending, angst!
author's notes: hi everyone<3 this is my first fic, kinda wrote this at like 3am on a whim instead of sleeping but like😭 idk why i made this so sad (is this a sign im depressed or something) but hope u enjoy!! please to comment ur user if u want to be tagged in this or my future posts<3
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"happiness looks good on you."
raging storms and unshed tears.
"happiness looks good on you."
heartbreak and rainy days.
"hurry up lix, we're going to be late," you complained, brow furrowed as you stuck your bottom lip out in a pout.
"if you really want to go to school that early just walk there yourself." felix taunted, knowing you were scared to walk alone. he was your long-term best friend, inseparable since kindergarten 'til today.
the two of you argued and bickered on the way to school, throwing insults at each other. by the time the both of you had gotten to school, you were both given a scolding and told to sit down. you glared at him as you were being scolded while he just snickered.
the audacity of this man, honestly . 
by the time class had finished, you had cooled down, just like felix knew you would. otherwise, he could just stick out his bottom lip while you huffed and pretended to be mad. 
"y/n!" he gasped, clutching at your arm, "areum just looked at me!"
he squealed, like a little kid at the toy shop, over his long time crush.
if only you looked at me in that way.
because i do.
"nah, she probably was just looking at someone else." you lied through your teeth, feeling your heart sink.
"hey, stop being mean!! she clearly looked at me," he pouted.
you sighed.
i've loved you for years and you've never noticed.
"well just confess to her already then."
it was painful watching your own crush and best friend fall for someone else, someone that wasn't you. 
you wished, rather selfishly, that areum would reject him. then you could be the shoulder he would cry on. not her. but honestly, you couldn't bring yourself to hate her. what was to hate? she was pretty, got good marks, and was friendly and easygoing. not to say you yourself weren't pretty, but you just weren't as pretty and hardworking as her. 
and you weren't the one he wanted. 
maybe the pain would end if they just ended up together and you were out of the picture. it was obvious she liked him too. 
"you really think i should? but what if i get rejected..."
you're so blind but i still love you.
"yes, how many times do i have to say this, she likes you. it's obvious." you rolled your eyes.
"should i just confess tomorrow? better late than never..." he trailed off, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth.
gods you look so cute when you do that.
"yeah. get her some flowers and write her a note."
why were you breaking your own heart? you didn't know why. maybe you just wanted to end your own heartbreak. 
"good luck with that, anyways i need to go to s house for a project." you actually didn't, but you would do anything to just escape from this.
"why~~are you really just going to leave me alone to plan my big confession by myself," he whined.
"sorry lix, but you'll figure it out." ruffling his hair, you walked out the classroom.
you did, in fact, go home. then sat on your bed and cried until you couldn't  physically squeeze any more tears out of you.  so this was what heartbreak felt like. you had known him since the both of you were ten. you had have multiple crushes here and there, but they were just passing, fleeting moments, nothing of importance. until him.
you didn't know when you had first started to like him. maybe it was that time in the library where he was helping the librarian stack books. maybe it was that time in the rain where he danced in it for hours. 
maybe it was one summer day where your world just exploded in colours. 
and now it felt like it was fading back to grey.
the next day, felix came bouncing up to you.
"i got her peonies, do you think she'll like it? i told her to meet me in the garden."
"yeah, she'll definitely like it. i would've too... " you muttered the last part all to yourself, turning away and blinking rapidly as tears threatened to prick your eyes. you offered him a smile of encouragement. 
"good luck."
when lunch came, you watched as the nervous australian carried the peonies and went to the garden.
then you watched as they walked in ten minutes later, smiling bashfully and holding hands like schoolchildren in love. 
because they were.
you went home, not even bothering to call in sick. you just grabbed your bag and went home. you would deal with the consequences later. 
your heart hurt.
you were numb.
you were hollow.
you were crying.
you hated everything.
the next few days were spent at home. you called in sick. felix texted you countless times but you ignored him.
where r u?
she accepted!!!
im so happy>.<
read at 2:03 a.m.
yeah, right. good for you. but what about me?
can u please respond...
im worried...
what happened???
why didn't you come to school today??
read at 3:46 p.m.
you turned off your phone then turned over and cried again. you hated this. why did you have to fall for him in the first place?
finally, after four days of missed calls, texts, and school, you had to go back. its not like you had a choice anyways. you missed your parents. they lived overseas though, so you lived alone. but you really couldn't continue living like this for the rest of your life, even if you wanted to.
"y/nie!!!" felix exclaimed, running up to you. "why didn't you respond to my texts? are you okay? it's unlike you..."
"im sorry lix, i was just under the weather. im ok." you offered him a tight lipped smile. "congrats by the way." you closed your locker door and rushed off before he could ask you anything more.
"huh? thats unlike her... why is she acting so weird lately?" 
and so you avoided him, as much as you could. you kept your conversations short and brief, not talking to him as much as possible, and even switching seats to sit far away from him. you watched his hurt face the day he walked in and saw you sitting somewhere else, but then cheering up as areum sat next to him. you watched as he laughed and held hands, ate tteokbokki and ramen with her in the cafeteria. that should've been me.
but honestly, it did nothing to fill the felix-sized hole in your heart.
you drifted apart. he barely texted you now, barely said hi to you, barely even saw you in the hallways anymore. 
then exams were finished, and graduation started to roll around. 
you watched as they attended prom and twirled around on the dance floor giggling.
you watched as they broke up on the doorstep of his dorms, watching as felix's face fell when she dumped him for another guy.
you didn't have the heart to tell him i told you so.
so you busied yourself in your exams, earning a scholarship to your dream university. felix tried reaching out to you several times to rekindle your old friendship, but you would always politely decline, preferring to be detached instead of going through more heartbreak.
you still loved him, but the once burning passion had now been reduced to a soft flicker every now and then, sparking ever so slightly whenever you saw him in the corridors. your own felix-shaped hole in your heart hadn't decreased over the years, but your heart became bigger, expanding so that other people could fit in it. the hole would always be there, but at least there was space for healing.
you turned around in the backseat of your friends' car to see the campus you had once called home fading away into the distance and felix along with it.
goodbye, the wind whispered.
"happiness looks good on you, lix. i hope you make the best of it."
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goldenfigtree · 9 months
Worst Day Ever
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Summary: You have the worst day ever and Leon comforts you
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: fluff
A/N: An idea I wrote instead of sleeping. Been noticing some headcanons saying Leon isn’t good with his words. Which I can somewhat see since he’s very much a man of very few words. But when he does say something he is very well spoken. And you see in RE4R and Infinite Darkness that he’s more than willing to comfort and encourage those around him. That one scene with Ashley was so sweet, I could talk about that one scene for hours like CMON HES A SWEETYPEA. So this is just a personal headcanon I wanted to write out. Also I couldn’t find any cutesy couple cuddling pictures, they all looked like something from 2013 and I hated them so just enjoy this picture of these cats cuddling idk. Okay rant over, hope you enjoy!
It was just one of those days where it felt like everything was against you. To start off the day, you woke up to red blood spotting your favorite pajama pants. Then, had to muscle through driving to work with the intense stabbing feeling in your uterus. And even better, you had to deal with an unsatisfied customer. An irrational, unsatisfied customer at that. It took everything within you not to find something to chuck at their head. Luckily the workday came to the end, however life decided to remind you that the day itself was yet to be over. Once you got home to prepare dinner, the one major ingredient you needed to make it was not in the pantry. Starving, exhausted, and still in pain. A groan that sounded similar to the growling of a bear escaped you. Your hands began sliding down against the skin of your face harshly. You didn’t even know it was possible to feel this much rage all at once. Hot tears began to leak from your eyelids as you leaned against the island counter in the kitchen, trying to breathe in for four seconds and out. A tip you happened to find online on your lunch break. However, your thoughts flicked and swished around in your mind like a flame as you did this calming exercise,
Inhale. 1 2 3 4
I hate it. I hate it all.
Exhale. 1 2 3 4
I hate myself for being this angry.
Inhale. 1 2 3 4
I hate him for not being here.
Exhale. 1 2 3 4
I hate his job.
Blinking open your eyes you still feel this ball of fire set in your chest. Sitting upon your chest, it burned like heartburn as your thoughts wondered to your boyfriend. Your boyfriend who knew exactly how to calm you on days like this. Your boyfriend who worked so well with under pressure situations given his work. Your boyfriend who was off saving the world when you needed saving right now. You hated it. You hated sharing him with the world.
A partner isn’t for sharing, that’s literally the whole point of it isn’t it?
With a sharp exhale, your anger begins to simmer from the sudden sadness that began to drench it, taking over. Tears still streaming down your face, you give up on dinner and leave the mess for when you were feeling up to it. Walking over to the bed, you effortlessly lean over and let yourself fall on the mattress, face met with the plush material, your feet dangling off the edge. The sniffling now transcending to soft, quiet sobs. This was quite possibly the worst day ever. Maybe it was the hormones talking but you didn’t care, it felt like the worst day ever therefore it was the worst day ever. Eventually, your crying tires you out enough to rest your eyes. By the time you opened them it was already night. Slowly propping yourself up, you drowsily look around and swore you were dreaming when a familiar silhouette was laying next to you, a small smile on his lips,
“Hey” he says quietly. He didn’t know how much your presence alone meant to you especially on a day like this. Your bottom lip began to tremble and your eyes leaked tears down your face, which alarmed Leon greatly. Sitting up he creases his eyebrows and grabs your hand to guide you closer to him,
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, his blue eyes fixated on your face. You say nothing, laying beside him, you hide your face into his chest and sniffle. All that was wrong about this day came rushing through your mind by him asking that question alone. The tears pooled into the fabric of his navy blue t shirt. The sight of you so upset was beginning to upset him. He hated seeing you cry. Wrapping his arms around you, he feels you hold him tighter. Placing a long, meaningful peck on your forehead, he then rests his head atop your head.
“Bad day?” he presses. You only nod into his shirt, hiccuping now, making your body jolt slightly. He sighs, pulling slightly away to look at your red-rimmed eyes, “Do you want to talk about it now or later?” He asks carefully.
“Later” you whisper, scrunching your nose with a sniffle. Leon purses his lips, his mind racing with ideas of how to cheer you up.
“Anything I can do?” He can’t help but ask. He’s so used to having solutions for things, it was taking him a while to realize that sometimes solutions aren’t as comforting as validation. With a sputtering chuckle you tuck your face into the crook of his neck,
“Just be here, please”
“I’m right here, always” closing his eyes, he pulls you closer and tighter into his embrace, his thumbs caressing your back and shoulder. You missed his scent, his warmth, his voice. Him being there right now was the perfect antidote for this hellish day. This time, with warmth surrounding you, you drift off to sleep almost immediately, peacefully.
Once you had woken up, you noticed that those strong arms that held you before were absent.
Was it all a dream?
The clatter of dishes in the far distance told you otherwise. Unless, given your luck, you were being robbed in broad daylight. Stretching your limbs and cracking your back, as you often did every morning, you head to the kitchen where you find Leon is cleaning up the mess of last nights -supposed to be- dinner. Being a secret agent, he sensed your presence immediately and turned his head to the side to look at you as he placed the ingredients in the pantry,
“You’re awake” with your hand on your chest, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
“You’re real” he chuckles and closes the pantry door and turns to face you,
“Feeling better?”
“Now that you’re here” you say genuinely, scratching your bed head while walking toward him.
“Miss me?” You let out a tired noise as you wrap your arms around him,
“More than you know” you croak, resting your chin on his chest as you looked up at him, “Miss me?”
“Like crazy” he says swaying the both of you, his hands clasped together on your back, “ready to talk now?”
You grimace and suddenly the lines along the fabric of his shirt looked very interesting. Clearing his throat he teasingly raises an eyebrow, pointing a finger up to his eyes,
“My eyes are up here” he retorts making your snort and roll your eyes,
“Whatever” you scoff, pulling away with a smirk along your lips as you walk off to start brewing your morning coffee.
“No witty remark?” He acknowledges, his once cheesy proud smile now a frown as his eyebrows crease in concern,
“Still upset?” he watches your shoulders lift and drop as you sigh and glance back at him,
“I just want to forget yesterday” you mutter. Looking over you notice Leon leaning against the counter next to you to get in your vision,
“You don’t have to tough it out for me, you know” he says, his voice suddenly much softer, “I can take it”
You couldn’t deny that sweet and comforting softness in his voice. Much less the puppy-eyed look he was giving you.
“I know, I’ll tell you in a minute. Let me just get my dose of caffeine in” you assure,
“Yes ma’am” he replies, his tone much more satisfied and proud. Once you made yours and his cup of coffee, the two of you sat at your coffee table, the sun now hung high in the sky. You start from the morning to the night, explaining every infuriating detail about yesterday. But as you explained it to him you started to feel almost irrational for getting so upset over it all and chuckled afterward,
“This all must seem so small compared to what you have to deal with. I’m sorry” Squeezing your hand, he immediately shakes his head,
“Don’t be sorry. Just because I deal with extreme situations doesn’t make yours less important” he calmly explains, “I’m the one who’s sorry, I wish I could have gotten here sooner”
Intertwining your fingers, you shake your head, a content smile on your lips,
“Don’t be, you came just in time” returning your smile he squeezes your hand again,
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kabie-whump · 3 months
Those Febuwhump posts, part 1.5
aka this goes between day 17 and day 27
Content: stitches, needles, field medicine no painkillers, blood, bondage, very slight reference to non-con, defiant whumpee, idk what kind of whumper this is lmao
"If this is some kind of trap I really am going to kill you."
Whumper kneels in front of Whumpee, deftly undoing the miles of blood-slick chain that keep them bound to their chair.
"Just do me a favor and keep being completely helpless for a little while, alright?"
Whumpee nods listlessly. The blood loss has really gotten to them. They're pale and trembling and their breathing is shallow and erratic.
Chains fall to the concrete floor with a loud clanging sound, leaving Whumpee unbound and shivering in their underwear.
Then Whumper stands and unbuckles their belt, and Whumpee's eyes go wide with fear. They jerk one leg away as if they're about to bolt, then seem to force themslves to stay put.
"What are you- oh!" Whumper shakes their head with a scoff, realizing what Whumpee must have thought they were going to do. "Don't flatter yourself, kid. I'm not that kind of evil."
They move in close, Whumpee's terrified eyes trained on every movement, and hold the belt up to their lips. "It's for you to bite."
Whumpee keeps staring at them, their mouth firmly shut.
"Unless you want to risk losing your tongue."
"Fine," Whumpee hisses. "But not cause you told me to." They open their mouth, allowing the belt to be placed between their teeth.
Whumper sighs. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
They find their kit and retrieve the necessary items: antiseptic, gloves, needle, thread. The painkiller bottle is empty. Oh well.
"Alright. Let me see."
Whumper puts on gloves and examines the wound: a gash on Whumpee's side that is definitely bigger and deeper than they'd intended it to be when they made it. Maybe if Whumpee had just held still like they'd been told to...
Whumpee whimpers as Whumper applies the antiseptic, their whole body jerking away from the sting. Whumper bites back a string of frusterated threats. Words aren't going to be enough to keep them still in the face of physical pain.
Then they start with the stitches. The first pull of the thread has Whumpee gasping and writhing in the chair, their hands frantically going to push Whumper away. Whumper just sighs and puts the needle down in favor of crudely tying Whumpee's hands to the armrests of the chair, something they should've done from the start.
Maybe Whumper had noticed how red and raw Whumpee's wrists already looked and had wanted to give them a break. Is there something wrong with that?
The rest of the stitches go much smoother for Whumper without Whumpee trying to intervene. Whumpee clearly hates them though. Their head is tilted back on the backrest of the chair, tears streaming down their temples and helpless muffled whines of "stop stop stop" escaping through the belt.
Whumper ignores them, tying off the stitches with practiced ease. "Done," they say, discarding their bloodied gloves. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Whumpee spits out the belt. "Fuck you."
"You pronounced 'thank you' wrong."
~~~ <Prev | Next> ~~~
@unicornbeck @the-art-of-trepetnoi @altvaggie @whumped-by-glitter
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luveline · 2 years
Omg idk if you’ll still take this for shy fri but maybe for the next? Anyway I loved the reader wanting to sleep with James but was to shy to ask, could you write that but with Sirius? NO PRESSURE write what you want 💞💞
ty for ur request!!!! shy!reader asking sirius if she can spend the night ♡ shy!fem!reader | 1.2k words
Sirius yawns behind his hand and looks away from you. 
"Are you tired?" you ask worriedly. 
"What? No way, I'm just stretching." 
You squint at him. 
"Seriously, baby. Not tired." He stands up, dots a kiss over your forehead, and makes for the kitchen. 
You watch his back and smile to yourself. You and Sirius have been taking things slowly for your sake, and though you sometimes worry he might be getting a little bored, he's proved time and time again that he doesn't mind waiting for you to be ready. Which includes your going home at the end of the night.
But Sirius makes you feel like you're ready for anything. This Sirius, slow with a creeping fatigue and hair rumpled and scraped into a low bun away from his face, has especially lowered any inhibitions you have about sleep overs. He looks so pretty you don't want to leave.
You have to take a step back and marvel at how you ended up with somebody that handsome. So cool. And so amazingly understanding. 
He sits back down. A box of chocolates rattles in his grip. "Look what I found," he says, grinning. He loves seashell chocolates. 
You bring your hand up to his face as he peels away the plastic. He slows but doesn't stop, so you stroke your fingers over his scratchy stubble and turn his face to yours gently. Before you can wuss out, you kiss him soundly. 
He smiles into it. 
You've done worse than kiss, although you've yet to end up in his bed, and still he acts like this is some irreplaceable pleasure. When he pulls away his eyes are creased with affection, and the smallest hint of amusement plays on his lips, the start of a smirk. 
"I'm not sharing," he jokes. 
You steal your hand back and drop your head against his shoulder. "Loser." 
"Sorry?" he asks, shocked. Faux outrage has his voice pitching up high. 
"You heard me." 
You reach for a chocolate and he doesn't stop you, though he does ask, "Why did I ever think you were nice?"  
You laugh and the sweetness of the chocolate has your jaw twinging. You recoil away from him, giggling through the small pain. Sirius watches your suffering with a great lot of humour. 
"Don't make me laugh," you plead. 
"But you look so pretty when you do." 
You glare at him. If he's trying to make you feel embarrassed (he is), it's definitely working. 
You stop glaring in favour of a giddy smile. He's lovely. You can't imagine being any happier than this, laughing and eating sweets with someone who loves you.
Sirius yawns again.
He slams his hand over his mouth. 
"You're tired," you say. You hide your disappointment, say it matter of fact. 
"No, I'm not. If I'm tired then you'll go home, and I'll have to miss you, so no." 
"What a terrible ailment that would be," you murmur.
Sirius holds one of your favourites in front of your mouth and doesn't move until you take it. As you chew, you look at him through the corner of your eye and think it over. Sirius won't ask you to stay the night. He's too worried about pressuring you into something you're not ready for, though you know he never could.
Which means, if you want to stay, you'll have to ask. And you do want to stay. 
He's desperately cute like this. The fat under his eyes has swollen and he's blinking more than usual, dark lashes fluttering in efforts to stay fully present. His skin is more pale than usual in the dim lighting.
He really needs to sleep. 
You really need to ask. 
You open your mouth and promptly close it, teeth audibly clicking. Sirius looks up in time to catch your wince. 
"What?" he asks, perplexed. 
You don't know how to ask. You don't know how to ask, and you're not sure if you should.
Maybe he doesn't ask you to stay because he doesn't want to. 
No. What had he said only minutes ago? You'll go home, and I'll have to miss you. 
"You're thinking very loudly," he says. 
You take the chocolates from his lap and put them on the coffee table to avoid tipping them in your next action. "What am I thinking?" you ask, turning to him completely, your knee digging into his thigh as you take the hem of his t-shirt into your hand.
Like he's on auto-pilot, Sirius pulls your thigh over one of his legs to help you get comfortable. His touch makes you more nervous than you had been. He has this way of disarming you through the smallest of actions. 
"What are you thinking? You're thinking, if my handsome boyfriend keeps eating chocolate at this rate, he won't be my handsome boyfriend much longer." 
You shake your head. "I would never think that." 
"I know." 
You twist your finger into his shirt. He pushes his hands, palm-flat and hot over the slopes of your thighs. Slow, sweeping strokes. 
You try to picture the girl you'd been when you first met him in your place in his lap. She would've had a heart attack. Your next question would've killed her. 
"Siri," you begin. 
"Oh, you want something," he says, more to himself than you. 
You nod agreeably. "Could I sleep here tonight?" 
This throws him for a loop. Not for long, but his surprise is clear. His excitement is clearer. He lights up.
"You want to stay?" 
"Just to-" 
"Of course," he says quickly. "You wanna sleep here?" 
You meet his eyes, relieved. "Yes, please." 
His hands jump from they're resting place on your thighs to around your waist. He pulls you toward him and you go without a fight, sinking into the warmth of his embrace with a happy little sigh that he obviously adores; his arms tighten around you.
"Why do you say please like that? You know it messes me up." 
"I'm polite." 
"You're a lot more than that," he says. 
You'd roll your eyes if they weren't already closed. You tuck your face into his neck instead, lips skipping over his skin when you murmur, "You're so cheesy." 
"You'd feel the same, in my position." 
"I do feel the same." 
He starts to rub your back. It's heaven on Earth. If his hugs alone are this sweet his bedtime cuddling might undo you for good. 
"When I asked if I could sleep here," you whisper, "I kind of meant in bed." 
"Really? You don't want to sleep on the sofa with me?" 
You pull back and stroke his cheek with the back of your hand. It might not be so bad- 
"Alright, I can see you're considering it." He encourages you out of his lap and you both stand. His regained height over you is maddening. "Let's go find you something to sleep in."
You've followed him all of one step when he adds, "Or you can sleep nude, if you like." 
You're rightfully scandalised. Sirius grabs your hand and laughs all the way to the bedroom, dragging you flushed and flustered behind him.
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