#maybe two of my friends might never have gotten together if i hadn't been born.
anxietykicksmyass · 1 year
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Protect Him
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Request; Yes or No
Wanda is apparently 28 in WandaVision so Imma keep her age 28-32 while (Y/N) is 19-24.
Also disclaimer: She might be ooc but that's probs cause I only remember edgy Wanda lmao. I also haven't seen a Marvel movie in like a year.
Wanda felt a soft breeze blow by, strands of her red hair swaying along. She watched with a gentle gaze as people walked or jogged. The park always had people around but it wasn't overly crowded. She could hear the sound of cars behind her, occasionally honking. Wanda felt empty. Vision was gone. Right when they had began their life together in Europe. Wanda felt her eyes burn with unshed tears. She inhaled sharply, quickly wiping away any tears when someone sat beside her.
"Coffee?" Wanda blinked, turning her head as she sniffled softly. Her gaze locked onto the coffee cup, reaching out and gently taking it. She looked at the young man, sitting beside her, lips parting.
"You seem down." He shrugged lightly, looking forward, watching the lake water sparkle from the sunlight hitting it. Wanda noticed the name written on the cup. '(Y/N)'.
"Wanda, right?" (Y/N) looked at her, head tilting. Wanda nodded slowly, eyeing the young man next to her. Her guard was up.
"I've never met a superhero before." (Y/N) said, looking back at the lake.
"I wouldn't call myself a hero." Wanda mumbled, leaning back against the bench. Her finger gently tapped against the cup, wondering if it was drugged or poisoned. She could always use her powers but she didn't want to be seen by other civilians.
"Why not? Saving people makes you a hero by default. Even if some of the Avengers are terrorists, mass murderers, and automatically can't be trusted cause they work for the government." (Y/N) shrugged lightly, chuckling softly. Wanda let a small smile slip, looking forward.
"Sorry for your losses." (Y/N) added, licking his lips and softly sighing. Wanda hummed gently, shoulders relaxing. She finally raised the cup to her lips, taking a sip. The coffee had gotten a bit cold but Wanda didn't mind.
"What brings you here?" (Y/N) asked gently, taking a sip from his coffee as well. Wanda inhaled deeply, eyes shutting briefly.
"I come here to think, I suppose." Wanda answered, unsure with her response. (Y/N) seemed to notice but didn't comment.
"The park is a good place for that. If you don't mind honking and barking." He chuckled softly, shifting slightly to face her. Wanda's gaze dropped to the ground. (Y/N) watched her saddened expression.
"Wanna talk about it?" (Y/N) asked, tilting his head. "We don't have to but.. You can talk and I'll listen."
"I.." Wanda began, glancing at him. She shifted to face him as well, placing her cup down infront of her. The bench was sturdy enough that the coffee wouldn't tip over.
"I miss Vision a lot.. He understood me. He cared for me. He and Natasha were friends of mine and.. They didn't even get a statue or a big memorial like Tony did. They were just as important as him. I'm angry and hurt and.. I lost the love of my life. I watched him die twice and I couldn't save him.." Wanda let out a soft whimper, letting her tears fall freely as her heart ached.
"I should've been more aware.. Maybe.. Maybe if I had done something or- or been quicker, he would still be here. I should've protected him." Wanda sniffled, sobs escaping her as she covered her face with her hands and cried. (Y/N) reached out, gently touching her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. (Y/N) placed the coffee cup between them elsewhere, scooting closer and giving her a proper hug. She was clearly still grieving and in need of comfort.
"You don't have to be alone in this, Wanda. You don't have to hold everything in until you can't anymore." (Y/N) whispered softly, gently rubbing her back. She sympathized with her. Being a hero had its pros but it had its cons as well. Being a hero meant knowing your family was always in constant danger of being targeted. He could only imagine what it must've been like to watch someone he cared about die twice.
"There's something I do when I'm overwhelmed.. Probably isn't good to do it here but if you want, I can take you somewhere you can." (Y/N) said, pulling back and gently wiping the tears away from her soft skin. Wanda sniffled, brows slightly furrowing. She swallowed, giving a small nod. If anything were to happen, she had the upperhand with her powers. They stood up, throwing away their cold coffees and walking away. The dogs that passed by put Wanda at ease as they went over to a car. Wanda hesitantly got in, buckling in. (Y/N) did the same, driving out of the parking space.
"Are you from Edinburgh?" Wanda asked softly, turning her head to look at him. She hadn't noticed a scottish accent from him but didn't want to assume. (Y/N) licked his lips, chuckling softly as he shook his head.
"You're asking if I was born here, the answer's no. I'm from New York City. I decided to become a.. Nomad after you and your hero friends destroyed the city for like the twelfth time but I decided to calm down and chill for a year or two." (Y/N) explained, giving her a small smile. Wanda hummed, understanding why'd he want to leave. She left for a good reason. To get away from the chaos and guilt. The only person she kept in contact with was Clint. They were each other's rocks. They both knew how it felt to watch someone they loved die. Wanda noticed they were heading away from the city.
"I promise I'm not kidnapping you. We can get donuts after this." (Y/N) said, noticing some uneasiness. (Y/N) pulled into a trail, parking and motioning out. He got out of the car, followed by Wanda. (Y/N) walked forward until there was a clearing and a field. Wanda smiled softly, looking over the field. Everything felt calming. The sound of the birds and wind russling leaves relaxed her.
"I like to go to the middle of the field and just scream. I found this place when I first came here. It's pretty nice to let everything out without hurting anyone." (Y/N) told her, giving her a small nudge. Wanda slowly walked towards the middle, feeling the grass gently prickle her fingers. She stood in the middle and inhaled, eyes closing. She let out a scream, her powers unknowingly making an energy wave. Luckily, it wasn't a big one but it didn't cause some birds to flee in a panic. The grass around her flattened, her hands glowing a bright red. (Y/N) was glad he hadn't gone with her to the middle. Once she couldn't scream anymore, Wanda gently panted, eyes opening as she scanned her surrondings. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Wanda felt lighter. She heard laughing, turning her head as (Y/N) walked towards her.
"That was incredible to watch. Feel any better?" (Y/N) asked, giving her a smile. Wanda nodded, watching him. She felt like she could finally breathe. Her gaze softened as she looked (Y/N) over. Wanda didn't want to lose him either. She was beginning to get attached.
"I'm willingly to share my secret screaming spot." (Y/N) said, giggling softly after. Wanda smiled, cheeks gently flushing as she chuckled and nodded.
"Thank you." She breathed out. Maybe, she could finally have someone who she could protect and keep safe, no matter the cost.
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Homeward Bound (NSFW)
This is a small snipit from my damimaps oneshot. This was based on a prompt wish list from @gumbloodygirl I really like, there were like eight other prompts that I might take a gander at later down the road but this stood out to me.
This one was where Maps and Damian venture back to Gotham with a little surprise for the fam, after a whole year of raising their child away from home.
So a big thank you @gumbloodygirl for the prompt.
Warning: it has smut obviously, so read at your own risk.
Here's the link if you want to read the rest of it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32561929
Happy Reading!!!!
Maps felt uncomfortable.
Very uncomfortable.
She breathed laboriously shifting awkwardly in her bed, groaning as she did, her eyes slowly fluttered open to be faced with her ceiling. She blinked away the sleep in her eyes, reaching up to rub leisurely at them. Maps wanted to spread out her aching body but found that she couldn't, what she first had noticed was that she felt somewhat pleasantly warm. The second was a substantial weight laying on her bare chest.
Ah, now she remembers, Maps thought fondly.
She sighed contently as she reached down to run her thin fingers through his soft hair, she heard a soft moan from the man on top of her as he snuggled up closer to her, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. Maps placed a soft kiss on his head before she looked over at her clock and read two-thirty in the morning.
The soft glow of the moonlight casting through her window was the only source of light she had, permitting her to turn her attention back to Damian, studying the defined lines and contours of his face to her heart's content. His head rested comfy buried between her breasts, as one of his legs was tucked snugly in between both of hers; so she's entirely and utterly wrapped up in his warmth.
Enwrapped in him.
She couldn't help but chuckle lightly at how cute he looked sleeping on her like this. She ran her thumb across his swollen lips reviving their last-night activities that lead up to this cherished minute. They had basically planned to have a late pizza date night, by starting the evening off with watching a whole marathon of shark week together. Not even ten minutes into the first episode did they venture off into something else... now laid a half-empty box of cheese pizza on their nightstand and a still paused shark week on their tv.
Maps contemplated reaching over for the remote to shut the tv off, but feard waking Damian up in the process. So she settled for leaving it on, they could continue it later on if they had time.
Especially since Damian had promised they'd finish the episode after they were done with their lovemaking, but he had immediately fallen asleep after a few rounds of them tumbling unitedly between sheets with sweet nothings and desperate kisses.
Although, Maps couldn't find it in herself to be upset or even annoyed at their plans being ruined. Moments like this were somewhat of a rare occurrence in their day-to-day life, however, it's not so much due to work or patroling that's been necessarily keeping them busy.
So this was a welcoming atmosphere; or the calm before the storm.
Maps let out a weary sigh.
She knew the conversation she was going to have with him wasn't going to be an easy one, but it was something she needed to address. She can't keep putting this on hold anymore, it wasn't healthy and they both knew it is the right choice for the three of them, for everyone.
She gazed in thought up at the ceiling, pondering on how to go about telling him.
Maybe she could get Dick to convince him? Or Alfred? They always knew what to say to get Damian to compromise.
Maps slowly maneuver her hand from his hair and down his back, her fingers rippled over the many scars and burns he's obtained over the years. She sighed again, as she gets to thinking about the new chapter in their life.
Leaving their new home in Arlington for Gotham.
It was a big step, an overwhelming, terrifying, and nerve-racking step, all at a cost for various reasons.
The main one relates to the boy who is at the moment using her as a body pillow; namely the life he left behind to start a new one with her to be exact. It had happened about a year ago, when she had discovered she was pregnant with Damian's child.
It had been the happiest moment of their lives, knowing that there was a life growing inside of her. It was at that realization that they decided to move, to find a place that wasn't surrounded by its own corruption, a place with new beginnings, a place where they can just leave everything behind and start anew.
They had found that place here in Arlington, yes, of course, it had its pros and cons but it was nice and it was theirs.
But unfortunately, they had moved before their son Isaac was born.
So the family had never gotten the chance to meet him. Their little bundle of joy; the light of their life. And that was something Maps wasn't too thrilled with, no she was absolutely not having any of it.
No matter what happened in their past, or what Gotham consisted of, the bats were Isaac's family too and they have every right to see their nephew and be a family with him.
Damian was just going to have to accept that.
She didn't care if she had to move back to Gotham by herself. Isaac was going to meet the people she now calls her family. Although she will admit, she couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about what the future holds for them, all of them really.
Moving back to Gotham could mean chaos and trouble, but dammit' it was still her home, she grew up there with all her friends, and had even found the love of her life in that godforsaken city.
Gotham may be an eternal damnation, but she had so many treasured memories there. Even if it was a shared agreement between the two of them to leave the city, it hadn't made the move any easier.
And it's not like she wants to leave without her husband... but he can be so selfish and stubborn at times. Maps chewed on the inside of her lip anxiously, or maybe she was the one being selfish?
She glanced down at Damian's sleeping form, so peacefully, completely unaware of the war going on in her head.
"Stop thinking already," he mumbles into her chest.
Or maybe not.
"Damian, did I wake you?" Maps asked, watching him shift lightly.
"You're pinching me," Damian grumbles shifting again and away from her hand.
She looked over and found herself pinching at one of his prominent scars, something she had picked up a year into their marriage, it was a small habit she did when she was thinking hard about something. She smoothed her hand down his back then up to his hair again, pressing another gentle kiss to his head.
"Sorry, I can't help it." Maps whispered, pressing another kiss to his forehead. Damian settled back into her as he sighed into her bosom. Maps felt his hot breath spread up to her neck, she slightly shivered as heat spread throughout her body.
"What's wrong?" he asked, voice sleep-laden and spent.
Maps pause for a moment, now is a good of a time as any to tell him. Better rip the band-aid off now before she chickens out.
She breathes in then out to calm her racing heart, her chest heaved with effort. She let the silence settle in to collect herself some more before answering him.
She breathed then said, "I want to move back to Gotham," she quietly declares into the silent air, hoping her rapid beating heart would just calm down already. Damian stays silent for a moment or two, laying completely still, listening to the beats of her heart.
Maps bit her lip hard as her nerves rush up in her stomach and then into her chest, she was always making declarations like this in the worst times.
Maybe she should have waited until he was fully rested... but then he'd have more energy to argue back with her if she did.
Her hand stills in his hair as she franticly tries to backtrack her statement, but stopped in her mid-panic attack as she felt him move to sit up, now he's staring down at her with a serious look coating his eyes.
He doesn't look mad... but he doesn't look too happy either.
"Why?" he asked the question simply as if he was trying to understand, voice taught and probing. Maps reached her hands up to wrap one around his neck and the other to stroke his cheek gazing up at him with warm pleading eyes.
She smiled as he leaned into her touch, "I want your family to meet our son, I want him to have a life with the people we love Damian, I want them to share these precious moments we have with Isaac with everyone else, that's why." Maps replied back in a soft tone to let him know that she was genuine about what she stated, showing her concern for their son's future.
Damian frowned gently, his gaze intensified.
After a moment of quietness, he uttered, "No," with a sharp tone removing her hand from his face. "And that's final, go back to sleep."
"What?" Maps exclaimed hurt and confused, she knew Damian wasn't going to agree so easily but to reject her proposal without so much as a reason why made her angry. And Maps wasn't one to back down so easily, she hastily sat up glaring at him, and shouted.
"Why not? This will be good for him, for us, why can't you see that?" She threw her hands up as the covers slid down to their waist, the two unmoved by the sudden chill of the room hitting their naked bodies.
Damian straightens back his shoulders to appear taller as he glared down at her with equal fervor.
He crossed his arms against his broad chest, "We had both agreed that we will raise our son somewhere that wasn't Gotham, somewhere far away from the caps and cowls and now after building a stationary life here, you want to go back?" Damian shouted back as his eyes glowed a familiar shade of green, Maps wasn't discouraged by it.
"Yes," Maps replied plain and simple, folding her arms across her chest as well. The two stared down at each other, daring the other to back down, but neither was budging.
"No," he repeated again with more power to his voice, Maps rolled her eyes.
"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't?" she snapped back.
"It's dangerous," he replied.
She scoffed, "Everywhere is dangerous Damian," she spat back rolling her head animatedly, flattening her hands to her hips as if challenging him to continue.
His glare hardened, "Because I said so," he hissed.
"That's not a good reason," she shouted back.
Damian growled, feeling agitated by the minute. He wasn't fully awake to be having this conversation with her, he'll need to turn the tables in his favor. With that idea in mind, an idea pops into his head.
Damian leans in and presses a soft peck to her lips, surprising her for a millisecond before he leaned in further to give her an open-mouth kiss. Maps gasped as she backs away in shock, Damian places his hand on her shoulders gently pushing her down back into the mattress.
Maps had to blink a few times because this was not what she had expected from him.
Maps indistinctly tried to stifle a small groan, as he was now vigorously sucking on her neck, ugh he was being such a complete moron, her stupidly cute moron. Oh God, she loves this man so much, but she's all but ready to punch him in his stupid face.
"D-Damian," Maps shrikes as Damian rubs his thumb against her left nipple.
"Shh, you'll wake Isaac," he muttered into her neck, repositioning himself so he's fully situated between her legs again, which she subconsciously made room for him to do so.
He lies his full body weight on top of her's so the hard planes of his chest was pressed against her soft plump bust.
"I doubt that," she whispered, unsure at the moment, glancing at the door connected to their bedroom that was hosting their child's nursery.
"Anyways we were talking about- ah!" Maps gasped out loud, observing Damian move to bite at her nipple.
"I said no already, will you just drop it," he said kissing the gap between her breast, Maps whined. He pressed his kisses down the valley of her breast, to her navel, all the way down to her pelvic.
He sat upon his knees and forced her legs apart, staring at her wet pussy hungrily, she watched him bow his head between her thighs and gasped as his nose met her hot skin.
Maps clawed at the blankets closing her eyes tight before dropping her head onto her pillow, "H-hey would you sto-mph," his warm breath warned her a second before he brushed his lips against her cunt, spreading her folds with his tongue, he dragged his hot tongue slowly along her clit and teased her.
Humming as his tongue slid in and out of her, running his large hands up and down her quivering legs.
She pulled desperately, trying to pull away, feeling herself become undone by his skillful lips by the second, he grabbed her hips and held her in place keeping her trapped.
She tensed as his tongue flicked over her clit again causing her to jerk upwards, "Ah, Damian!" Maps whispered breathlessly.
He ignored her pleases, pushing a thick finger inside of her, adding another in after hearing a sharp gasp leave her lips. Moving them in and out in time with his mouth, his motions intensified hearing a long sluty moan echo in his ears, he smirked.
"A-at least give it a-ah chance, a month and oh! mph... if you don't like it we could always just m-move back." Maps pleaded, hoping he'd stop distracting her long enough so she could think properly.
But at last, she wasn't going to get such a request any time soon, as Damian moved from her cunt, back up to her neck, then finally her lips. Placing random kisses on her nose, cheek, and forehead still pumping his fingers in and out of her at a vigorous pace.
He was playing a dirty game here.
"Damian-mph" Maps was silenced by his lips connecting with hers grazing a path along her bottom lip with his warm tongue and nips gently with his teeth. Causing her to open her mouth for him so he could deepen the kiss.
Without thinking, Maps wraps her arms around Damian's neck pulling him in closer as their tounges intertwine in a fight for dominance.
Damian won.
Getting lost in the sensation that is Damian, he pulls his fingers free from her throbbing walls causing a short whine from her into their embrace, naturally, he starts grinding into her, creating delicious friction between the two, drawing a deep moan from them both.
Maps couldn't help but grind back into him as their bodies moved like waves together, creating a smooth rhythm. He reached down to knead at her hips and one of her breasts, rolling his index finger and thumb over her right nipple giving it some much-needed attention.
"Damian please," Maps whined breathlessly, Damian couldn't help but smile.
"Please what?" he said teasingly, knowing he now has the upper hand.
"I- you... this- ah! this isn't fair," Maps half-cries and half-moans out loud as he enters her.
"This is fair love," he whispers into her ear as he starts to move in and out of her in slow motions and the occasional roll of his hips, dragging out his thrusts. Causing slight grating against her clit, generating yet another familiar vulgar moan to escape her lips, prompting Damian to moan as well.
Damian sighed heated and sharp in her ear finding her little groans the most enraptured noise to ever grace his ears.
Damian moved his hands down to grip her hips as he thrusts up into her hard. And for a while, the only sound that filled their room was their bodies slapping against each other and scattered breathy moans from the both of them.
"N-no, I-" Maps slides her hands up his chest for leverage as he speeds up his pace, she just couldn't get a single word out for every time she did he'd bottom her out completely stealing her breath away, forgetting what she had wanted to say in the first place.
Damit, she wasn't going out like this.
Maps frowned and leaned up to bit his shoulder, prompting Damian jerk in pain. She quickly shoved him off pushing him to the side so his back was now laying flat on their mattress.
She wastes no time shifting their positions so she was now straddling him, placing both her hands flat on his chest, she looked down at him with dark determined eyes.
"Listen here you idiot," Maps snapped, watching Damian's eyes widen with shock and if she wasn't mistaken... a bit of pride too. "We're doing this whether you like it or not, I already bought the tickets so you can either stay here and sulk while I and your son leave or you can come with us and be a family." Maps huffed angrily, as Damian silently, begrudgingly, contemplated his options.
He sighed closing his eyes, "Fine, but only for a month," he brooded looking like a pouty child.
Maps squealed excitedly leaning down to shower him in kisses and thank you's.
"I promise you won't regret this and this way Isaac can see his uncles and grandpa and-" Damian reached up behind her head smashing her lips against his, he pulled back with a smug smirk.
"Why don't we continue where we left off before you go on your little amusing rant," he suggested placing his hands where her thighs and ass meet.
Maps nodded with a giggle, as Damian began moving her up and down while simultaneously thrusting up into her, picking up his pace where he had left off.
Leaving nothing but soft moans amidst the couple, echoing all throughout the night.
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indianamoonshine · 3 years
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Strawberry | Chapter 12 | Flames
Summary: Will joins the family dinner. The night can hide many things.
Rating: (+18) for…situations.
A/N: I'm SO SORRY for the long hiatus. Please accept this peace offering (jealous!Din) as a token of my gratitude.
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag @lumimon47 @dodgerandevans @hallway5 @dancingwiththeplanets @steeevienicks @orneryscandallousandevil @ficthots @gaiusfrakkinbaltar @reginagina-blog1 @loveme-tenderly @lastphoenixrising @rattlemyb0nes @rebellou @alljusthumans @gaiuswrites @lovecatsnotpeople
The symposium of a midwestern dinner sounds a lot like Bach's work.
Difficult notes with high to reach places and then very low caverns just a moment later. The cicadas in the background are a nice touch; it's something Tchaikovsky might have wished he could capture. Silverware - old enough to be considered vintage now - clank against the porcelain dinner plates. Charlotte lets out her fae-like laughter and Rhea listens intently, eyes gazing dreamily upon Tommy as he carries on conversation. The house is full tonight.
You suppose it was out of the kindness of your father's heart to invite Will to this dinner. Everyone within a two mile radius usually came to these spur-of-the-moment things. Will was an old family friend and his father supplied yours with fresh goat's milk and chicken eggs, so it wasn't all that strange he came along. Still, it made the meal a bit more difficult to swallow. Quite literally.
Din is sitting directly across from you. You think it might have been intentional because Will chose to plop his happy ass right beside you, grinning that lopsided smile and charming his way out of the discomfort with a joke. You play the part by laughing when he tries to outwit everyone in the room or by asking him how the farm manages these days. Will isn't a cocky person by nature, but something about the rigidness of his composure when Din asks for the green beans makes you all too suspicious.
It doesn't make any sense. Will broke things off with you. If he were to be jealous, it wouldn't be for anything but pride and show. A year ago it would've bothered you that Will was cajoling the room for the sake of his vanity, but now it was just embarrassing for everyone involved.
"Din, do you remember the summer of '90?" your father asks across the table, clearly involved in another conversation that pertains to this anecdote.
The man across you hums and shakes his head with a reluctant grin. "I try not to," he fibs, cutting at his steak.
Your father chuckles. "I was nineteen and Din was..." he pauses. "Jeez, Din. How old were ya?"
"Ah, right! Rhea hadn't been born yet but Scarlett was pregnant with her by the end of the summer. That was our last free year, wasn't it? Well, mine anyway." You dad points his fork in Rhea's direction, a bit of steak dangling from its end. "And then you came along."
Rhea scoffs. "Well, geez. My bad for existing."
There's no darkness in either of their words so the exchange makes everyone at the table chuckle in good humor. Your father and Din go back and forth about the irresponsible and, well, illegal things that had been done that summer. Underage drinking. Trespassing. And somehow Din always got away with it.
"He never got us caught. Ever. I still don't know how you did it." Your father says to his friend, eyes wrinkling with a genuine smile. "Damn good thing too considering how much pot we smoked. It's a good thing my girls didn't get that rebellious streak."
A witty response is formed upon your lips but only until Will cuts you off.
"I don't know about that," he pipes in.
You're taken aback, quite literally tossing your head to gauge his interjection. "What?"
An indifferent silence hushes the dinner party. Your sisters chew their food carefully, eyes glued upon the scene before them like it was one of their soap operas. Your father awaits an explanation with a rather scandalized look upon his face, but Will's father - Clarence - doesn't seem at all fazed by any probability of illegal activity.
Will rolls his chin to serve you an exasperated look. "Oh, come on. We're adults now; we can come clean." He drenches his steak in more A1 sauce before revealing: "Your daughter was the one to egg the sheriff's house."
The entire room initially goes as silent as a graveyard before everyone chokes on a snort and begins to roar with laughter. Clarence slaps your father on the back as the two of them snicker like a pair of hyenas.
"Will!" you growl. "You said you'd take that to your deathbed!"
The pain in the ass beside you howls with laughter, holding his stomach, and having to pause from drinking his beer. "Daffi, it's fine. They can't do anything about it now."
"That's not the point!" you scowl.
Din is grinning from ear to ear, obviously amused by your humiliation. It was a childish thing to do but the sheriff was a dick in the worst way and you wanted him to know it. That was a hot summer - record breaking, actually - and by the time he'd woken, the egg had dried upon his lawn and across the face of his home. Ole' Sheriff Winslow scoured the town for weeks before finally abandoning his quest altogether.
"You got something to say, Mister Djarin?" you inquire playfully, scolding him with a fire in your eyes.
Din clears his throat and furrows his brows. "No, no. I wouldn't dare."
The two of you exchange a glance that was far too intimate for this dining room. His eyes softened upon meeting yours and his smirk was silly, drunk on something other than the beer in his hand. If it weren't for dear Will's additional reminiscence, you might've fallen under the spell lingering in the space between you.
"Yeah, that was a great summer. We had our first kiss that year, remember?"
You blink, all thoughts of Din's mouth upon yours fizzling away like steam. Instead, it is replaced with the frayed-edged memory of Will's rusted pick-up parked in the darkest corner of the local McDonalds. It was hardly a first kiss worth mentioning if it hadn't been for how good he was at it and how bad you were. Still: what the fuck?
You wanted to say just that but refrained from doing so. Instead you say, "Lots of awkward fumbling if I recall." It comes out sharp - petty. If he wanted to behave like a child, you could do it too.
Din's trying so desperately hard not to glare at Will. You can see it in the deliberate chug of his beer.
“What. The. Hell.”
“I know.”
“Wait,” Charlotte holds up a hand, expression dumbstruck. “I’m not done.”
You roll your eyes and scrub at a particularly stubborn dish, waiting for her dramatics to be over.
“…was that?” she finishes.
Rather anti-climactic.
“It’s Will,” you tell her, voice bored but teetering on the edge of fury. “It’s fucking Will. What do you expect?”
Charlotte shakes her head, eyes bulging with disbelief as she blinks over and over again as though trying to compute. She takes a dish from you, sopping wet, and begins to dry it with a rag. You know Charlotte is eager to gossip because she never - never - offers to help clean after supper.
Everyone else is carrying on from the awkward conversation by sitting at the bonfire and making pudgy-pies. It’s the kind of snack one eats when they need to forget about anything other than the impending weight gain. You watch from the window as Rhea slathers Nutella upon a piece of white bread and then some cut strawberries. Honestly, you could really go for one, but the idea of being anywhere near Will makes your skin crawl.
“Did he say anything to you? Before dinner? Or after? Like…why would he say something like that?” Charlotte carefully stacks the delicate plates atop each other. They clank against one another noisily.
Like cymbals within the symphony.
“Nope,” you tell her. “Not a word. I have no idea what’s gotten into him.”
Charlotte goes silent, rubbing at the plates until they’re dry as a bone, and then whispers, “He obviously knows.”
You square your jaw, glancing around to make sure no one is in the vicinity, and then let out a great sigh. “Yeah, I’m sure he does. I was all over Din at the bar.”
Your dear sister brightens at the mention of the night prior. She stops her drying and places her hands upon your shoulders so that you may look her in the eyes. You see mahogany. Deep. Rich. Full of life and excitement. In her eyes, it is proof that she’s a good spirit and in good health. (And…well, maybe a little tipsy, but that’s besides the point.)
“I like him. For you.” Is what she confesses. She places her hands upon your cheeks and squishes them together. You protest, taking her wrists and wrestling her, but giggling all the while. “I mean it. I think he adores you. And so do I.”
You nod in her grasp. “Okay, okay! I know, yes. I know!” you chuckle, breathless from the lack of air supply. She still has you in a chokehold. “Can you please let me go now?!”
Charlotte releases you from her trap and you gasp a throat-full of air, belly aching from laughter. The two of you embrace one another in a hug, attempting to lift the other, and then falling upon the linoleum - sore with serenity.
There is something stirring in Din.
It is a fire that has just been fanned from embers he sought to snuff out. But they hadn’t perished, despite how hard he had tried. The coals burned. He burned.
For you.
At the bar, Din ignored Will to the best of his ability; sort of like how one ignores an irritating bumblebee. Leave him be, Din had chanted. He’s harmless. After all, Din had years stacked against Will. How was it possible to be so insecure by this kid?
Because that’s essentially what he is, right? He’s so goddamned young; he looks as though he’s never taken a hit in his life. He’s too pretty, too put together. He’s firm skin and tight abs. And Din, well…
Din was not.
Din was old. He was well past forty years of age now, playing house with a woman over twenty years his senior. No matter how well he managed to keep the façade so believable, it would one day end in disaster - embarrassment. Heartache. And defeat. He can’t bear the thought.
It wasn’t like him. He’s never given a shit about anyone’s perception of him before, nevertheless mulled over the ex of a romantic interest. Not to say that Din’s ever felt the way he did with you; no one has even come close. Xian was his longest “situationship” and when it inevitably burst into flames, he didn’t bat an eye. (He wonders if that makes him a terrible person.) If his toxicity with Xian was worth anything, it was just a testament of his endurance.
But you. The world fucking blurs when you’re near.
So when Will - cocky as Din once was - utters unsolicited bullshit, it takes every ounce of dignity he has left to remain silent.
We had our first kiss that year, remember?
There is a primal urge to reach across the table and wring the smug expression from Will’s face, to grab you with an unfamiliar hunger, carry you across the acre, and toss you onto his bed and just…
No. That was brutish. He wasn’t like that. He couldn’t allow himself to feel possessive over you because you couldn’t be owned. He knew that. But that fire licked at his inner conscious until he had to excuse himself from dinner altogether.
The darkest parts of him pace during the bonfire, though he manages to sit still and interpret Will’s behavior. His youth glows betwixt the crazed flames, an ombré of red and orange dancing across everyone’s skin. Din watches, he listens, he notes every little thing like hunters do. Because for some reason - some ungodly, twisted reason - Din felt as though Will were a bounty now. It’s the only way he could feel superior.
“Daffodil!” Will calls out suddenly. “Get over here!”
The hinges in Din’s jaw pop as he clenches his teeth, grinding them so forcefully he thinks Rhea - who sits beside him - might hear. When you arrive from the house (he guessed you were cleaning up, just as you always do), he notes the skimpy length of your cotton shorts and…
Wait. Is that his shirt?
It is. It’s the very same shirt Din offered you after the rain debacle after the bar. It was one of his favorites despite how plain it was; just a grey t-shirt that fit snugly on him but dwarfed you entirely. It skimmed the top of your knees and pressed against the swell of your chest. That something within him growled once more.
“Come sit,” Will instructs, patting at his lap.
You hesitate. “I…”
Will chuckles, urging you with waggling fingers. “We’ve been like this since we were kids, Daffi. Come on.”
There’s a pathetic attempt to steady himself as Din watches you perch upon Will’s lap.
You’re wearing his shirt. You’re wearing his shirt. You’re wearing his shirt. You’re wearing his shirt…
The group chats a while longer, exchanging stories Din’s never heard, but none of it matters. You’re on another man’s lap. And despite Mark’s very obvious presence, he wants so badly to grip your wrist and run.
“I’ve seen you before,” Will says suddenly. He points a finger in Din’s direction, eyes a little hooded from drink. “Weren’t you at the bar a couple of nights ago?”
Those who partook in the rendezvous go silent. Rhea freezes and Charlotte blanches, looking towards their dear sister who’s pale in the face now. Mark, in his sheer oblivion, raises a brow. Din’s been in every intense situation imaginable, but something about now makes his gut churn.
He could loose you. Right now.
He’s about to lie, to make up some bullshit excuse about having ‘one of those faces’, but Rhea pipes in.
Her voice is strong and firm when she says, “What the hell are you talking about? He wasn’t there.”
Effortless. Shoulders sag, the tension subsiding thanks to Rhea’s impeccable skill.
“Strange. Swore I saw you with…” he shakes his head and shrugs. “Never mind.”
An artificial laugh - so sickly sweet that it’s almost impossible to digest - escapes your lips. “You must’ve drank too much. It wouldn’t be the first time.”
His kiss takes you by surprise.
You’re walking back to the house after the men have soiled the fire and everyone’s said their good nights when he just does it.
It’s covertly enough, but it’s shocking. A massive hand encircles your wrist and pulls you behind the shed out back, pressing you against the mossy wood and stealing the breath from your lungs. It’s the biggest risk the two of you have taken. For God’s sake, your father is just now walking inside the main house and Din’s mouth is attached to the hollow of your neck.
You’re dizzy, gripping his shoulders so tightly that the fabric of his shirt warps beneath your fingers. “Din,” you breathe out. He kisses you speechless again and you break for air. “Din, what’s the matter?”
He curses under his breath. It’s sharp. Fuck. It’s not angry, per say, but it is damaged. You weave your fingers through his hair as he settles his breathing, concentrating on the strings of your shorts that he fiddles with.
“I…” He sighs, pressing his nose against your cheek. His breath is warm and you shiver. “He touched you.”
He sounds ashamed. Embarrassed. You can’t imagine how difficult it must be to vocalize your self-doubt as someone who relishes in secrecy. He had a wall built around him and it was made of iron.
“Not like you,” you whisper shyly.
You had some walls of your own. He was tearing them down like that of Jericho.
There’s softness in the air. The two of you are silent, eyes closed, and mouths inches apart. Exchanging of breath. It’s an ancient form of intimacy.
You trust him. You trust him with your life.
His hand feels natural in your own as you lift it to your breast. The trembling of his fingers is almost endearing; the man was far older than you and he still shook at the mere touch of a woman.
“No one can touch me like you.” Your hands glide south, pressing underneath the fabric covering the raw parts of you, until you stop at the band of your panties. “No one can.”
It’s all he needs to hear.
Soon after, he kisses you fiercely, but not without nodding in agreement. And that very hand, which grazes so deliciously at your belly, finally dips.
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eryiss · 4 years
Chapter Five -  The Cut
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Summary: Freed and Laxus live incredibly different lives. Freed is a corporate lawyer in the capital city, and Laxus works as a handyman in a countryside hotel. Despite their differences, their lives collide when Freed inherits a house in Laxus’ village, and hires him to make the derelict building liveable. But the closer they get, the more they seem to offer each other. [Fraxus Multi-Chapter]
This was written as my admission for Fraxus Day 2020, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. Hope you enjoy it. Also, this chapter has mentions of bullying and descriptions of blood,
You can read this under the cut, on Fanfiction, or on Archive of Our Own. You can find the chapter masterpost here.
Chapter Five – The Cut
Melancholy wasn't the word. It wasn't.
Freed wasn't the type of person to get melancholy, he had never been governed by his emotions at all. He didn't look back on things fondly, nor did he feel a sense of sadness when parts of his life were over. Yes, of course things did make him emotional, but he was by no means the type of person to feel sad because something was over. Life moved on quickly, and so must he. It was the rational way to live his life.
It was a mantra he found himself repeating over and over again, as he walked through the house.
The nearly finished house.
The place was by no means a model home, but it worked as it needed to. Windows had been fixed, plumbing and electricals repaired, and structure reinforced. Walls were still stripped with remnants of old-fashioned wallpaper sticking to it, and the floorboards were bare, but it was a house again. It needed love, attention, and upgrading for anyone to actually want it. But it was liveable. Exactly what Freed had wanted. So, following the logic he lived his life by, he should want to sell the place instantly and get back to Era and work on his next case. It was the next logical step, and exactly what he should be doing.
Of course, he wasn't. Because despite it being in contrast with how he'd always lived, Freed felt an odd sense of reluctance to leave. He found himself more than once hovering over the call button on Gildarts' phone number, only to return his phone to his pocket with a muttered complaint of annoyance at himself.
It was pathetic really.
He tried to rationalise it, give his feeling a pragmatic explanation. He said it was because the house was an achievement for him. Something he had done with his hands. A practical achievement that stood out to him because most of his notable work was with the mind. And why would he want to leave something like that? It was a monument to what he could do when he put his mind to it, and he was proud.
But that was a lie, he knew that. The real reason he didn't want to sell the house was because it was the only thing tying him to Magnolia. And he wasn't ready to leave it yet.
Yes, of course he didn't need to own a house to visit the town. He had gained a solid friendship with Laxus, and had gained acquaintances with Laxus' own friends, and so he could justify visiting them from time to time. But the issue lay in that he didn't really want to come back from time to time. He'd gotten used to visiting for the weekends, and he didn't want to stop.
And he couldn't do that now. Not without everyone in the gossiping village knowing why he returned. Because they would, they'd see through it like glass, and Freed wasn't able to deal with that.
He wasn't good at being embarrassed. Never had been.
There were few situations in his life where he had actually been embarrassed, something that happened by design. There had been a few unfortunate instances in his teenage years that find themselves replaying in his head on random nights. So he had made a conscious effort to avoid any situation where embarrassment might occur. It was working well, all in all, and yet this village had this effect on him that made him question the choices that had kept him sane so far.
Freed shook his head. He wasn't getting melancholy, and he certainly wasn't getting self-reflective.
It did nobody any good.
He took a small sponge and slowly wiped down the table in Albion House's kitchen. It had been there when Freed had inherited it, and after Laxus had sanded it down and polished it, it was as workable as the rest of the house. Tonight was the first time the table was going to be used for its actual purpose. He and Laxus were going to have a meal together.
That didn't help the situation.
Because, clearly there was something more. Magnolia was a nice town, and the people in it were good to Freed, but nobody got that sentimental over a collection of buildings. People did, unfortunately, get sentimental about other people.
And annoyingly, Laxus was a good person. He was snarky, and had a bite to him, and he could challenge Freed without blinking. But he was also kind, and helpful, and when he was teaching Freed how to wire a socket or plumb in a toilet, he was patient and made sure to keep the mood light; particularly when Freed was on the edge of smashing the porcelain bastard with the wrench. He was a good man, and seemed to know how to handle Freed in whatever situation he was in.
Also, he was beautiful. Freed had withheld that admission for a while, but since they would likely part ways soon he wanted to be honest. Broad shoulders, a thin waist, striking blonde hair and bright eyes. Evergreen had been right; he was an Adonis.
It didn't help he had a rustic charm that attracted Freed more than it should.
Perhaps it was for the best that they wouldn't see much of each other. Freed wasn't the romantic type, he had more important things to do. And his attraction was born out of proximity. Laxus was an attractive man, but he was just a man. In one years' time, Freed would have forgotten about him, and his life would be normal again.
And hopefully those occasional dreams would pass too. Be them the disgustingly sweet, or the more… intense ones.
"Hey," A voice snapped Freed out of his thoughts. "I think it's clean."
Freed frowned, then looked down to the table he was cleaning. One particular part of the table in particular was shining more than others. Freed's hackles rose slightly at the teasing tone in Laxus' words, but he scolded himself in his head. Laxus hadn't known what he was thinking about, all he'd seen was Freed washing a table for far too long.
"Out of interest," Freed said, cautiously. "How long have you been here?"
"Fifteen minutes," Laxus grinned, raising the two pots of Chinese food. "Food might be cold."
"Fifteen minutes!" Freed exclaimed, almost horrified.
"It was like half a minute, moron," Laxus smirked, walking to the table, and placing their take-out on the table. "What were you thinkin' about that hard?"
"A case," Freed lied. He didn't have an active case at the moment, but he was probably going to be helping with one soon. When he went back to the city. Permanently. "It's nothing too troubling, really. It's actually quite an easy case really, but our client is high profile, and they might use our services again should they need it. So we need to be litigious and cordial."
"Can't imagine you enjoy being cordial," Laxus smirked. "Probably out of practice."
"And for that, I don't think I'll pay for my half of this," Freed said, reaching over and taking the pot of food from Laxus' hand.
"Kinda proving my point there, ain't ya?"
Freed smiled a little as he brought the chopsticks to his lips. They were having a meal together as a sort of goodbye evening – not helping with Freed's refusal to be melancholy about the situation. Because not only did it force him to confront the fact he's leaving, he has to do so with the man who's making it a lot harder to do so. Worse still, Laxus had looked so damn charming with a tediously honest smile when he'd suggested they eat together. It had sent a little jolt through Freed.
Bastard. Maybe he was doing it on purpose.
"I saw Cana while I was waiting for the food," Laxus spoke again, garnering Freed's attention again. "She mentioned that her dad's looking forward to seeing what we've done with the place, apparently he's been excited about it."
"Is he interested in buying it?" Freed asked, frowning.
"He's your estate agent, Freed," Laxus said in a deadpan voice, though he was clearly fighting a smile. "You should know that. It worries me that you don't know that."
"Gildarts is Cana's father?" Freed frowned further. "They have different surnames?"
"Fuck, sometimes I forget you ain't from here," Laxus laughed loudly, leaning back in his chair and grinning. "There's a hell of a lot you don't know, isn't there? Well, guess the best place to start is with Gildarts, ain't it. Or I guess a more accurate name is Gildarts, Man-Whore Extraordinaire."
And thus, Laxus began to tell the rumours and stories about what Gildarts was like when he was younger – he really did seem to earn the title Laxus had given him – before trailing off to the other stories about Magnolia. He spoke about his hometown with a level of enthusiasm that Freed enjoyed watching, and found himself getting enveloped in the worlds that Laxus was describing. Though he might not be quite as eloquent as Freed was, he certainly made up for it with boisterous laughter and an odd amount of glee at exposing his friends embarrassing stories.
It was almost enough to distract Freed from what Laxus had said. 'I forget you ain't from here.' It was a little sentence, probably a throwaway thought to Laxus, but it made Freed feel oddly comforted. As if he had been accepted into this little community.
A ridiculous idea, really.
He blinked to stop that train of thought, and focused on the story about Elfman. Apparently he had been dragged into some comic book convention by his sisters and had been forced to dress as a monster from a book series. He apparently hated every moment of it, and Laxus had spent the years following showing the pictures of him in the costume at every opportunity he could. To prove his point, Laxus had pulled out his phone and showed Freed.
It was a better costume that Freed expected. But it revealed far too much for the shy, younger version of Elfman that Laxus had described.
Freed did find himself distracted by Laxus, thankfully. But it wasn't quite enough, because as he listened, he absently lowered his left hand under the table and started to swirl his finger against the palm of his hand. Perhaps he wouldn't have noticed the return of his nervous tick, had it not been for the raised scar that he grazed lightly.
It was new, and when he touched it and thought back to its origin, any lie about not being melancholic was shattered.
"Shit. Fuck. Fuck."
Freed hissed, pain splitting from his left hand up into his arm. He stepped back slightly, eyes flickering to the large gash that he'd just given himself, along with the thick blood that was fighting to get from it. It was a nasty looking cut, and Freed found himself unable to look away from it.
Laxus, who had been crouching down and pushing new floorboards into place, glanced towards Freed with a slight grin. The expression fell when he saw blood drip onto the floor, and he stood up quickly and walked to Freed's side. He took Freed's injured hand in his own, and let out a small hiss of sympathy as he saw the cut. Ridiculously, Freed couldn't help but note that Laxus was holding his hand for the first time.
"That's pretty nasty," Laxus commented.
"Is it," Freed muttered. "I thought it was a papercut."
"Good, if you can be a dick then it ain't that bad," Laxus smiled. "Come on, we need to wash it."
Not removing his hand from Freed's wrist, he dragged the lawyer from the cottage's sitting room and into the kitchen. Freed didn't fight it, instead focusing on catching the droplets of blood rather than letting them land on the carpet and stain it. It was a good enough distraction from both the stinging pain that was running through him, and the presence of Laxus being so close.
It wasn't a distraction from the embarrassment of the situation. Because after being successful at almost every task Laxus had given him, he cut himself sawing off the edge of a floorboard. Out of all the tools he's used, he was bested by a sawblade.
"This ain't gonna hurt a bit," Laxus promised as he opened the faucet and dragged Freed's hand under the stream of water.
Laxus Dreyar was a lying bag of shit.
"Mother fucking crap-whore!" Freed practically yelled. There was a moment of silence, Freed almost panting with pain, and Laxus biting his lip. A second later, a loud, unabashed, raucous laughter filled the room. Laxus actually doubled over he was laughing so much, resting his hands on his thighs while Freed glared at him from the sink. "I'm glad you're enjoying this so much."
"I'm sorry," Laxus grinned, something almost akin to a giggle slipping out. "I really am."
"No you're not."
"I'm not," Laxus agreed. "It was fucking funny, man. I ain't ever seen ya acting like that. Just caught me off guard," He glanced up, met Freed's glare, and burst into laughter again. "I'll get a bandage. I'm sorry."
"Thank you," Freed muttered. "And try not to fall, impale yourself on a spike and die. That would be awful."
"Don't worry. Only an idiot could get hurt in this place," Laxus laughed again, and if Freed had something in reach, he would have thrown it at the bastard's head.
When Laxus returned to the kitchen, he was holding the first aid kit that he had insisted they keep in the house; no doubt when the humour of Freed's injury and subsequent cussing died down, Laxus would gloat about how right he was with demanding the first aid kit. He carefully guided Freed's hand out from under the stream of water, and patted it dry softly with a towel. Freed winced a little at the pressure on his cut, but didn't say anything.
Slowly, with careful and practiced movements, Laxus wrapped the bandage around his hand. He managed to avoid trapping any of his fingers. Though the white fabric did get stained slightly, it seemed to trap the blood from pouring out too badly. The pain was subsiding slightly now, too.
It allowed him to appreciate how gentle Laxus was being. He wasn't used to thinking of Laxus being gentle.
"How do you know how to do this?" Freed asked, sitting at the kitchen table.
"I used to have to do it all the time," Laxus sighed a little as he spoke, removing his hands from the bandage and inspecting his handywork. He looked up to Freed, who was frowning at him slightly. "I had a lot going on when I was a teenager, got into a lot of fights. Well, that's how I saw it. Turns out I was kind of a bully."
Freed frowned deeper. "You were?"
"Yeah. Didn't think I was, at the time, but I went to therapy for a while and she called me out on it," Laxus shrugged. "But yeah, a couple times a month I'd fight some kid. Had a superiority complex or some shit, wanted everyone to worship me and do what I want. Cringey teenager shit and a lot of aggression, bad mix. Eventually, when the guys started to fight back, I needed to learn some basic first aid."
When Laxus looked up, Freed had an expression of curiosity on his face. It clearly wasn't what Laxus had expected.
"Was it the therapy that made you stop, then?" Freed asked, and Laxus seemed blind sighted for a moment.
"Er, no. Not exactly," Laxus shook his head. "There were two kids that pissed me off more than most, don't know why. So when things were getting bad, I kinda… targeted them more than anyone else. Natsu and Gajeel, you might have met them at some point. Fireman and mechanic. But they got pissed at me for taking things too far, jumped me, beat the shit out of me, then went to the principal and told him all the shit I've done. Got suspended, thought about myself, and started meetin' with Porlyusica; she's my therapist. She basically listed all the shit I've done and made me be better."
Freed took a moment to think through what he'd just heard. It was the best thing to do, he'd found out. Sometimes people let out their biggest, darkest secrets to him – the curse of being a lawyer – and your first thoughts on the matter were often unhelpful. So he took some time, and eventually asked the question that seemed most prudent.
"Your principal suspended you without evidence?" Freed asked.
"Oh he had plenty of evidence," Laxus laughed. "Hard to get shit past the guy when he's your grandfather."
"Makarov?" Freed frowned.
"Yeah, used to be in charge of the school. Only retired because the school board forced him to," Laxus grinned. "He started working at the hotel because he found retirement boring," Laxus smiled for a moment at the memory of his grandfather's sudden proclamation he was buying the hotel, before looking back to Freed, smile drooping slightly. "I just admitted to beating up kids and being a bully, why doesn't that bother you?"
"Some of my clients intentionally lower their workers' wages to increase their own paycheque, and then laugh about it," Freed shrugged. But Laxus nudged him, sensing there was more. "Nobody was there best in high school, I certainly wasn't."
"You were a bully too huh?" Laxus laughed, joking.
"Well, not exactly, but I wasn't the most kind," Freed leant back in his chair. "I was the smartest person there and wanted people to know it. I would start discussions on test results just so I could make sure everyone knew I'd gotten one hundred percent. And there was one boy, he wasn't the smartest, who sat beside me in most classes. Alphabetised seating plans and all. I could be rather… patronising to him. I think I had a crush on him, in retrospect. It was probably a twisted way of trying to deal with it."
"You don't seem like that now," Laxus commented. "Other than when you're joking, but I know that ain't serious. What changed?"
"Evergreen and Bickslow essentially told me that if I didn't get over myself, they'd stop being my friends," Freed smiled. "Other than them, I only had my parents. I couldn't lose them."
They sat in silence, Freed thinking back to the person he was in high school, Laxus perhaps doing the same thing. It was an odd feeling, sitting with someone who somewhat understood what it was like being ashamed of the person you used to be, but knowing you've grown past them. Most people, if they did feel like that, didn't talk about it. It was nice to know that, in Laxus, he had someone he could relate to.
It was also nice to know that he had just come out to Laxus and the blonde hadn't so much as blinked.
"I would have kicked your ass if we went to school together," Laxus declared, smirking.
"You would have tried," Freed corrected, allowing the mood to be lifted. "But, as a child I was also an award-winning fencer. I would have stabbed you before you could hurt me."
"Hard to stab someone when you've been knocked out," Laxus grinned cockily, making a fist. This had the unfortunate side effect of making his bicep flex, and therefore Freed had to avert his gaze.
They chuckled together, enjoying their joke that wasn't particularly funny. It was relaxing to be around with Laxus, and Freed felt as though he could be honest with him in a way that he couldn't be with others. Perhaps that was because he was the first person Freed had gotten to know deeply since his time in school. But that didn't matter, really. Because the important thing was that he enjoyed Laxus.
"Come on," Laxus spoke again. "I don't trust my bandage work. Let's go to the doctors, make sure you ain't gonna get infected or some shit."
And stupidly, Freed's heart fluttered at that.
"You really are distracted, ain't ya?"
Freed looked up from his hand, which he had placed on the table and was fiddling with, and towards Laxus. The blonde had an expression unknown to Freed, something between being amused and contemplative. Freed frowned.
"I suppose I am," Freed agreed. "I'm sorry. You wanted to do this and I'm being terrible company. What were you saying?"
"It ain't important," Laxus gave a half shrug. "You wanna tell me what's bothering you?"
"As I said, I've got an upcoming case that could be very good for my company," Freed quickly lied, because the truth was now completely untellable. "It's getting to me a little, but it's not as bad as you might think. I just need to rationalise everything."
"Right. So when I texted Evergreen a second ago and she said you don't have anything planned at work, she was lying?" Laxus crossed his arms, and Freed's eyes narrowed.
"You and Evergreen talk?"
"You can bullshit me all you want, but I'm gonna be able to see through it," Laxus said, ignoring Freed's question. "And you don't have to tell me what's actually bothering you, because if it ain't my business then it ain't my business."
Freed wanted to snipe at him. Ask him why, if he believed his words, was he still talking?
"I'm just gonna say this," Laxus continued. "Nothing has to be done if you don't want it to be."
And, in a way, there was the reality that Freed had been hiding from. Because, as much as he didn't want to leave Magnolia behind, he also didn't want to let himself think he could stay. The hard line he had always drawn with the house was that, once it was functional and sellable, he would sell it and get back to his normal life. Not only was it a goal for him to achieve, but it had also turned into a rule he had to follow.
Because his fondness for both the town and Laxus had been gradual, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Freed. He told himself he had to leave the place behind at some point, and doing that once the house was sold was a way of holding himself accountable. Once the building work had been completed, there was nothing else for him to do in Magnolia.
But that was a lie.
And the only person keeping him true to the rule was himself.
"I always said that I would sell it once everything was fixed," Freed stated, voice flickering into the lawyer tone he denied having.
"Then say something else," Laxus retorted, as if Freed could do that. "Look, I don't know what your life is like when you're in the city. But I know you seem to like being here. So why don't you just keep coming?"
"I-" Freed paused. He needed to think. "My real life is in the city. I can't-"
"Who says that your real life is just in the city? You've been coming here every weekend for months now, it's as much a part of your life as anything," Laxus stated, and his smile made Freed's resolve crumble slightly.
"I told myself that once the house-"
"This isn't about the house" Laxus insisted. "This is about you, fucking idiot. I think being here makes you happy. And if something makes you happy, why stop because of some bullshit rule you set yourself? That ain't smart."
Freed thought, for a moment.
It was almost nauseating to hear Laxus speaking like this, and Freed couldn't explain why. Well, perhaps he could, but the explanation wasn't something he was willing to entertain. Because the only real reason Laxus would be so insistent on Freed returning to Magnolia as he had been doing was because he wanted to keep seeing Freed. He wanted Freed to stop coming as much as Freed wanted to.
But Freed couldn't allow himself to accept that. Because if he did, he'd start wondering why. And then maybe he'd trick himself into thinking that his silly crush was reciprocated. He couldn't.
"There is… more work I could do," Freed spoke without thinking.
"I guess there is," Laxus nodded. "So you're sticking around? For the house"
"For the house."
It wasn't for the house. They both knew it.
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hyukmark · 6 years
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↳ A Reader X Mark swimmer!au series in which Johnny’s little sister Y/N finally moves back to Korea after graduating high school in Chicago. A written/social media fusion au!!  ↲
A/N sorry that it's been a while I've been so busy with school and homework and sis,,, I'm exhausted
It had been around three months since Jaemin and Jeno had come out to you all, a week later they had told the whole swimming club, the girls included, that they were in fact dating. It was cute how welcoming everyone was to it, in fact Yuta had made a bet with everyone that they were together and ended up rich at the end of the day.
You and Kyungmi were best friends still, you and Hyosonn had also become closer and even Hyunjae made conversation with you. Jaehwa still was off though she put up with you more and both Eunjung and Chunhei seemed to be tolerating you too.
You had become closer with the dream team plus you, Mark and Lucas were practically inseparable now. You'd spend most of your days either at their houses or your own, being wrapped up in a quilt and surrounded by snacks as you'd sit and watch films together. You were mainly all together, the ten of you, including Kyungmi, just snuggled up either on the bed or on the floor and talking about life or how your days had gone.
"Y/N, when are you coming to our college?" Lucas had asked you once, you and Mark were sitting side by side whilst Lucas had taken up his bed with his long body.
You tutted, "Lucas I've already told you that they haven't accepted me yet! They're looking for a reference and don't really want to contact my old school in Chicago so it's taking even longer."
Mark glanced at you and smiled at your pout, "just turn up with us. They'd never know, you'd fit right in."
"Maybe..." You had trailed off, remembering what both your parents had told you.
You heard the bed shift under Lucas' weight as he flopped his head down next to yours, "a penny for your thoughts?"
You and Mark both burst out laughing, Lucas' serious tone entertaining the both of you more than it should have. "Dude!" Mark laughed, reaching over you and pulling him off of the bed with a thump, "that was so cringe."
"Ow!" He yelled, rubbing his head which he bumped on the way down, "hey Y/N looked troubled I only wanted to know why!"
"Idiots," you mumbled happily, this trio was the only thing which made you feel like you were still a kid, "it's just my parents, they don't want me going to this college just because two of my friends go there."
"But this college is like-- the best in Seoul?" Mark quizzed and he wasn't wrong, it was a super good school and you'd have wanted to go there even if you didn't know these two.
"I know, they want me to make a presentation of why I want to go there and they said if I mentioned any of you two then it's an immediate no," you flung your head back onto the bed, the stress of college was hitting you and you hadn't even gone to a single class yet.
"It's fine Y/N," Mark had whispered from beside you, "we can always help you make it, who else is better than two college students themselves?"
And that was when you first noticed your feelings for Mark Lee, that was about a month ago and he had kept to his word. He let you borrow his laptop and came round to give you quotes or photos he had taken around school. Lucas tried to help too but a majority of the time he ended up falling asleep in your bed, leaving both you and Mark to do the presentation yourselves.
Now though you were getting ready to go out to town with Mark and Lucas once again, Johnny was getting slightly suspicious of why you hung out so much but you knew secretly he was just being jealous.
"Y/N!" You heard him shout mid doing your hair, you hummed loudly in response, "where does mum keep the cereal?"
"I don't know Johnny, leave me alone I need to get ready!" You yelled back, you had gotten dressed and done minimal makeup but your hair took time and you didn't want to ruin it.
He knocked on your door, something he does to see if he's able to come in. You sighed but let him in anyway, "why are you going out again?"
You rolled your eyes, here we go again, "Johnny it's called having friends, you might not understand that concept but when you have them- you go out together."
"Ouch," he huffed, sitting on the edge of your bed, "but I mean, you never hang out with me anymore sis."
"Johnny," you finished the final touches on your hair then turned to face him, "I love you okay? You're always going to be the number one man in my life."
He looked at you skeptical, "What about dad?"
"Fine, maybe dad's a little bit more above you...you're a very close second though!" He smiled, opening his arms wide for you.
"Just stop growing up, okay Y/N?" You giggled, slapping his chest lightly.
"I'll see what I can do Johnny."
The sound of your doorbell ringing made the both of you jump, you quickly jumped out of Johnny's arms and ran to the door.
"Very close second, sure Y/N," Johnny muttered under his breath as he trailed after you.
"Y/N!" Lucas screamed pulling you into a hug, "you ready to get your shop on? You haven't eaten today right? We want to go to all those small snack bars and try something from each one!"
"Back it up buddy," Johnny deadpanned, coming up behind you.
Lucas quickly let go and hid behind Mark, everyone knew that Mark and the dream team were the only ones Johnny could tolerate being around you, Lucas would've been too if he hadn't been caught flirting with you by Johnny.
"Hey hyung, we will meet you at the club later alright?" Mark said, doing his usual hand shake with your brother.
"That's fine Mark, see you guys," Johnny hugged you one more time, "have fun Y/N, not too much fun though."
"Yh yh, see you oppa."
You closed the door behind you, giving the two boys in front of you a bright smile, "so who's driving today?"
Lucas gave Mark a light shove from behind him signalling that Mark would be your driver for today. The three of you walked down the few flights of stairs, saying anything random that came to mind and laughing about it like it was the funniest thing in the world.
You had gone to multiple shops already, not one of you had bought anything yet but you didn't need to, you were having enough fun chasing Lucas around the different aisles with Mark worrying behind you about being kicked out.
"I'm hungry," Lucas said out of nowhere, eying up the rows of restaurants and fast food chains.
"When aren't you?" Mark smirked, earning a punch in the arm from the taller boy.
"I'm quite hungry too," you mumbled as your stomach rumbled quietly, "should we go to that noodle bar?"
The boys followed your finger and nodded. You three walked over to the place, Lucas opened the door and immediately burst out laughing, "Jisung! LeLe! Kyungmi!" He cried, walking in further so both you and Mark could come in.
"What are you guys doing here?" Jisung groaned, Kyungmi and Chenle were sitting together opposite him. Kyungmi waved, telling you to bring a chair next to her.
Mark too a seat next to Jisung, you sat inbetween Kyungmi and Jisung and Lucas inbetween Chenle and Mark.
"How come you didn't invite anyone else?" Mark questioned, slurping up some of his noodles.
"Same reason you three didn't," Chenle teased.
"You know if you were born in 99 then you'd be able to come on our excursions too," you joked, taking a sip from your drink.
"And if you were apart of maknae line then you'd be invited with us too eonnie," Kyungmi poked you causing you to laugh at her cuteness, "What have you guys done today anyway?"
"Nearly got kicked out of a store thanks to these two idiots," Mark sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Mark getting kicked out of somewhere? That's unheard of," Jisung laughed.
"I know right? But I'm full, when you're all finished you wanna head to the club?" Lucas asked with a raised eyebrow, "I wanna race Y/N again."
"You're on pretty boy," you smirked, you weren't going to lose this time. With an extra three months training on your belt you were sure you could beat him now.
"On your marks," Chenle started, you slid your goggles down and made sure your hat was on tight.
"Get set," you readied up, smirking one last time at Lucas then concentrating completely on the water around you.
You set off with a backwards stroke. You blocked out everyone's yells and ignored the splashing of water that came your way as Lucas powerfully attacked the water. You blocked him out completely, it was just you and the water.
Not wanting to lose this time you tried to be even more in tune and to have a rhythm to your strokes. You were practically glaring at the ceiling as you sped down your lane.
You quickly flipped, using your legs to boost off of the back wall and transfered into a front crawl. This was your strong suit.
You quickly edited your rhythm in your mind, remembering to take an ample amount of air when you looked up from the water. Instead of the ceiling being the target of your vicious glare it was now the floor of the pool, and occasionally Lucas if you looked up in his direction.
Before long you hit the finish, flinging your head back out of the water you took the time to catch your breath before tuning in on everyone shouting at you.
"I can't believe I lost..." You heard Lucas pant beside you, his hand running through his hair. Wait, had you won?
"Eonnie! You stormed ahead of Lucas, that was so cool!" Kyungmi yelled as she ran across to you, almost slipping into the pool herself but Chenle steadied her from behind.
"I- I won?" You were dazed, of course you had wanted to win but you never expected that you would.
"Yes dumb dumb, did you not notice?" Chenle laughed, offering his hand to you to lift you out the water, "Lucas was so far behind you!"
"Is anyone gonna help me out?" Lucas grumbled, watching as Jisung also came to grab your other hand.
"I gotchu bro," Mark chuckled, lifting his friend out of the water, "you still raced well, I think that's your fastest time yet."
"Thanks man," he was back to his normal self now, the compliment making him less grumpy, "guess it's one to one now Y/N."
You shrugged, "we should have a decider one time, don't get hurt if I beat you again though."
Kyungmi made a series of 'ooh' noises and Chenle joined her, both finding fun in teasing the older boy.
"I think this loss means you should buy us food hyung," Jisung offered, also taking the time to bully him.
Mark doubled over laughing at Jisung's cheekiness, "he's got you there," he cackled, slapping his friends arm.
Lucas ran his hand through his hair again, his attention focused on you, "fine but you're all limited, Y/N though, you can have whatever you want babe."
"Ewwww Lucas is trying to flirt," Kyungmi scowled in disgust, standing in front of you protectively.
You glanced warily at Mark who had suddenly stopped laughing, "he always does Kyungmi, never learns even after I do this."
Lucas looked at you confused, "do what?"
You slapped the top of his head making him fall back at the sudden pain, "do that!" You howled, the smile returned to Mark's face and the younger ones started crying out of laughter.
"Now...last one to the cafe has to split the bill!" Jisung yelled, dashing towards the doors with everyone else following close behind him.
It seemed like everytime you were going to eat together, it always ended like this. You weren't going to complain though, you enjoyed it.
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