#maybe... cedric recipes????
bettathanyou · 9 months
Cedric with an S/O whose love-language is food/cooking for him???
Enjoy ❣️🐟
Cedric The Sorcerer And S/O With Cooking Love Language!
Cedric and food have a... Complicated Relationship
I have a damn good hunch that man is autistic, so texture/sensory issues, lack of hunger cues, and just Not Wanting To Eat because he's doing something he thinks is too important is a prevalent issue
Of course, you couldn't just NOT do something about it. You loved to cook! You love most of all to cook FOR people
So you ask him about food during your long talks together. Cedric mentions a few basic things he likes, like turkey, stew, potatoes etc but he keeps it irritatingly vague
You try to ask Sofia and even the royal cooks about cedrics favorite meals
All you gleaned from Sofia was his love of sweets and the royal cooks were clueless
Back to square one!
So with your limited knowledge, you decide to start off by surprising him with breakfast. Using Sofias information, you make him really fluffy pancakes with a dusting of powdered sugar! (Think Japanese style)
To keep things suited to his liking, you put all extras on the side; maple syrup, cut up strawberries (you made them heart shaped) blueberries, melted chocolate, and whipped cream. With some orange juice to wash it all down!
Can't forget some edible flower garnish!
You walked to his door, knocking with your foot (your hands were too full lol)
Cedric thought it was someone else, and he was cranky at first about being disturbed so early in the morning. He opens his door with a scowl, brows knitted in the way you know meant annoyance
But when his eyes rest on you, carrying a huge platter of fresh food and drink, he had to do a double take
Just. Cedric with wide eyes, his jaw about to hit the floor, tripping over his words like. "Wh- what's all th-this for, then...?"
You just give him a big cheeky grin and reply, "For my favorite person <3"
Cedric ushered you into his tower, asking you what the occasion was for, and you could tell he was anxious and worried- so you give him a kiss on the cheek, and tell Cedric that you just wanted to do something nice, and make sure he was fed! You know how busy he can get, so you wanted the sorcerer to start his day with the most important meal of the day
Cedric doesn't know whether to thank you, kiss you, or cry
He kinda does all three 😭
After thanking you profusely, he insisted you share the food with him. He said that you made enough for TWO small armies and he won't be able to eat everything
You try to insist that it was made for *him*, but in the middle of your argument your stomach started growling
Cedric gives you a shit eating grin that screams "I win" and you just sit down with a huff and a (fake) pout
You both enjoy breakfast together, and Cedric literally doesn't shut up about how good everything is
He noticed the heart strawberries and you swear it was the softest smile you've ever seen
He finished his plate and it made your entire day
From that day on, you asked Cedric if you can make him a meal once or twice a week- just to get him accustomed to it
You grow to learn more about food he enjoys, from breakfast to lunch to dinner
Cedric really enjoys sweets for breakfast
A light lunch, because the last time you made something heavy the man slipped into a food coma for three hours
And dinner is your favorite time to cook for him, because you can show off your cooking skills and eat it with Cedric together and make it SUPER romantic
Most of all though, you just love making sure Cedric is fed and taking care of himself. The man is a workaholic to a fault, and you both know it! Which is why he always says thank you and make sure you know how much this means to him
Speaking of, Cedric would try to return the favor in little ways- giving you magic flowers that never wilt, a magic show after a meal, small little animal wind up toys he cobbles together in his spare time (can u guess what his love language is? Lol)
Since he is a picky eater, it's been trial and error to figure out what he likes and doesn't- lots of veggies are a no no, and you respect it and don't push the issue. But the veggies he does like, you use as much as you can! After a while, I could see Cedric trying to branch out a little bit and getting slightly more comfortable with food he previously disliked because you make it taste good (you want to believe he can taste the love)
You try to stick within his comfort zone for food, but sometimes you'll bring something for him to try to gauge where you can cook him new food
Regardless, Cedric adores the effort and care you put into making him food! He offers to even cook for you sometimes! (He conjures it lmao)
Which leads to him talking about food magic! It's quite interesting stuff
But no matter what, Cedric always feels smitten every time he has the pleasure of eating whatever you make for him
Seeing an empty plate from Cedric will always be the highest compliment to you :)
Alright, that's about all I got! I honestly want to expand on this more, maybe make some Cedric inspired recipes???? Would y'all be into that????
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
HAPPY PRIDE!! 🌈🏳️‍🌈 Could we get some Quinn and Snape SIAT content? Or dealers choice. Thanks!!
Quinn attends Hogwarts for the potions program.
Zir parents are aurors and are hesitant to send zir to a school that can’t keep a defense professor for more than a year. They consider sending zir to a school in South America that zir grandmother had attended that produces some of the best curse breakers in the world, but that’s not what Quinn wants.
Ze doesn’t care if the defense program is shit. It’s not like zir mother can’t teach zir anything she really wants zir to know. Ze loves potions and ze’s going to be a potions master and ze wants every advantage there is for zir to have.
Which means ze has to attend Hogwarts. Ze has to learn potions from Severus Snape.
Quinn has heard about all the things he supposedly did during the war from zir parents. At length. Ze doesn’t even care if all of it’s true – war criminal or not, Snape is the best potions master currently teaching and not swallowed up and hidden away by some sort of high paying lab, which is where most of them disappear to.
Slytherin? ze asks the sorting hat hopefully.
The hat cackles at zir. Ambition for knowledge? You know quite well where you belong.
I don’t like being forced into boxes, ze grumbles.
The hat almost sounds warm when it says, Then don’t be.
Snape is a deeply unpleasant professor.
He’s also brilliant and Quinn has never let the threat of something blowing up in zir face stop zir from pursuing zir goal.
Ze steps takes one step into the classroom during his office hours and Snape doesn’t even look up from grading to say, “Get out.”
“You can’t kick me out yet when I haven’t even said anything yet!” ze protests.
Snape still doesn’t look up. “You have the highest grade in your year, even if you have melted two cauldrons. You don’t need to be here.”
“It’s not like anyone else is going to show up,” ze says. Snape has office hours because he’s required to, but kids have to be really desperate to show up to them. Ze has been reliably informed that Tonks in Hufflepuff is zir only possible competition for Snape’s time. It should be a good thing.
Snape sighs. Quinn counts it a victory. He stabs his wand at the blackboard and familiar writing appears across it. “Make this. Don’t melt the cauldron.”
Ze frowns. “This can’t be right. Um, I think some of the steps are missing.”
“If you can’t do it,” he says blandly, “then leave.”
Oh, it is on.
“Snape is the worst and he hates me,” Cedric says pitifully. “Please help me with the potions essay.”
Well, he did say please.
“He’s not that bad,” Quinn says, which isn’t what ze intended to say.
Cedric frowns and Quinn changes the subject before he can ask.
Snape hasn’t gotten nicer. But he doesn’t try and kick Quinn out of office hours and he doesn’t yell at zir when ze fucks up the potion or use it as an excuse to stop zir from coming. Ze’s set off three minor and two not so minor explosions in the potions classroom by now and real damage and injury have only been avoided by Snape moving really fast for someone who doesn’t look like he’s paying attention to what Quinn is doing. But he doesn’t get mad. He just vanishes the potion and tells zir to do it again.
Which probably looks really mean to everyone else. But if he’s trying to get Quinn to give up, then – then ze thinks he’d be doing it differently. So maybe making zir make potions with only half the recipe is him trying to help.
Or maybe Quinn is experiencing Stockholm Syndrome. Whatever.
“Severus,” ze says at his next office hours, “what am I supposed to be learning? Am I doing it right? I’m sorry I keep blowing things up.”
That’s what finally gets him to lift his head from his desk. “What did you just call me, Quinn Silva?”
Ze doesn’t have a title that ze likes using, so professors just use zir first or last name on its own. Except when Sna – Severus gets pissy, he seems to need more syllables, and then zir first and last names gets busted out. Ze’s never telling him zir middle name.
“I know this is as close as you get to being nice so we’re friends now,” ze answers. “Please tell me what I’m supposed to be doing.”
“You’re eleven,” he says, which is pointless because Quinn never said ze wasn’t. “No.”
“If you need time to adjust, that’s fine,” ze says. “Why do you have me making potions from guess work? It’s not like I won’t have access to recipes later.”
Severus sighs, going back to grading. This definitely counts as a victory. “Do you want to have the ability to replicate the work of others? Or do you want to be capable of creating work that others are unable to replicate?”
“The second one,” ze answers, zir pulse jumping just at the idea of it.
“Then get comfortable with things blowing up in your face,” he says, “and get to work.”
Quinn grins.
Severus is awesome, actually.
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keenie-bopper · 5 months
*The phone of the Sugar Buzzed club rings and when Keenie replies, she can hear a very familiar voice.*
Hello miss Keenie?
This is doctor Burnett.
I would like to order a dessert to deliver to my clinic in Wrath.
Do you happen to make lemon bars? If yes, I'd like a dozen of them.
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"Dr. Burnett! What a pleasant surprise! Thank you for choosing Club Sugar Buzzed!"
As Keenie greets the vet over the phone, she reaches for the club's recipe book. Flipping through it's pages, she looks for Bee's lemon bar recipe. "Let's see here... A baker's dozen to the Wrath Ring comes to... 28 Souls! Will that be all?"
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After Keenie takes the rest of the order information she starts prepping and mixing the ingredients. As the confections sat in the oven to bake, her eyes wander to the stack of masquerade invitations her boss left at the club to hand out to patrons. Cedric wasn't much of a party animal, but perhaps a formal ball was different? She grabs an invitation and drops it into her delivery bag. The doctor works so hard and it must be lonely out there, maybe he would enjoy a night of fancy festivities.
(Part 1)
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jmdbjk · 1 year
This is literally my brain when it starts overanalyzing:
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Anyone else like that? My brain won't stop thinking about Jikook in February-March. It has decided to go into overdrive on the Jikook chronology of those two months and the only way to appease it is to obsessively obsess.
Let's review: back when Cedric Murac of Calvin Klein posted on his Instagram story that he was on his way to Seoul on January 29, we all got excited, and then what?... crickets.... Then we had the audacity to be angry at Calvin Klein for using Army for clout hahahahahaha. We didn't know!! Who turned out to be the clowns? We were skeptical up until the first images dropped of Kookie's bare abs.
We have no idea exactly when the CK ads were photographed but the one big clue we have is JK's hair. Jungkook emerged from deep hibernation at the beginning of February. His hair was long, long on Feb. 3 and a week later on Feb. 11, he had bangs and it had a lot of waves in it when he was working out at Coach Tommy's gym. Much like the way his hair looks in the CK photos.
We saw JK on Feb. 27 and his hair was long in the back.
Not relevant but, in a way, also relevant: on February 28, Jungkook deletes his Instagram account. We are shooketh. At that moment I thought for sure there will be no ambassadorships for him, the whole point of having a large social media following is to harness those followers and turn them into cash money.
Ok back to the task at hand: We saw both Jimin and Jungkook on March 3 and JK's hair still looked long in the back. By March 14, JK had cut some of the length off the back.
My brain also wondering: when did JK's visit to Jimin's rehearsal happen? between Feb. 3 and March 13 when Jimin left Seoul to go to NYC to tape the Jimmy Fallon show? Or that week AFTER when he was rehearsing for the Korean television music shows? That would have been the week of March 20-27? The car live where he told JK it was ok that he didn't come to one of the pre-recordings was on March 28.
[Regardless, that's a quick turnaround for a Bangtan Bomb.]
My brain on a tangent: what is JK doing there at work to begin with? During this Bangtan Bomb he was already decked out in a CK ball cap and CK denims and not dressed for a workout or rehearsal. Who knows, maybe he was there for his own meetings, fittings, reviewing photos, or other activity. Yelling at my brain to FOCUS on the topics already being discussed!
March 15, Jungkook posts his ramen recipe on Weverse and he and Jimin proceed to have a back and forth convo with Jimin who says he needs to head to JK's house when he gets back to Korea.
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March 19, Jimin returns to Seoul from New York after his Tonight Show filming and his feature video for Vogue magazine.
Mar. 23 at 3:06 a.m. Jungkook wants a midnight tuna/chicken goulash snack.
The next night, Mar. 24 at 12:58 a.m., Jimin does a Weverse live in the car on the way home following Music Bank taping.
On Mar. 26 at 9:39 p.m., Jimin does another live in the car following MCountdown taping.
On Mar. 27 at 2:53 a.m., Jungkook sits down with us to watch Suchwita with Jimin, a Jimin MV, a fan-made Jimin compilation video and more Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.
The Calvin Klein campaign dropped on March 28 at 6:30 a.m. after being teased 24 hours prior. That would have been 8:30 p.m. KST.
Mar. 28 Jimin starts a live at 6:00 p.m. in the car (heading east by the way... my brain geez) after Inkigayo recording and Jungkook jumps in the comments. He had seen Jungkook's Calvin Klein teaser images by then.
Confused yet?
Me? I'm a visual person so I had to do this to see how it all played out:
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On April 3 at 3:30 a.m., Jimin comes on live to receive our love over his history making #1 BBHot100 achievement.
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Jimin is still working. He is not sitting at home. There is something in the works, we just don't know what yet.
Jungkook is probably about to be on his way home because we suspect Hobi's induction day is this week [sobs]. Time rolls on and waits for no one.
I hope you were entertained. We still don't know when that Calvin Klein photoshoot was or when JK visited Jimin's rehearsal, but now you have a visual calendar where you can see the possibilities.
You're welcome. [finally slams that door in my brain.]
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meepthemeeping · 9 months
Quotes from my fanfic!
{Lambert winced, "This stuff tastes like shit." The strawberry-flavored lube was more like assorted chemicals. Aiden stifled a laugh, "Habibi, it's not candy."
"I can tell," Lambert gagged, attempting to scrape the remnants off his tongue."}
{Coën smiled gently, "I found this book in Oxenfurt, a catalog of traditional recipes throughout ancient history."
Aiden's eyes widened, and he took the book, saying, "Holy shit, thanks, Coen." His excitement twitched, resisting the urge to open the book immediately.
Lambert refrained from commenting on finally reading the books Coën gave him.}
{Eskel huffed, "I can't believe they killed Cassius in the last book. That's going to put a lot of wrenches in the plot."
"Cassius dies?!" Coën accidentally said a bit too loudly.
"Oh shit, my bad. I thought you got the last book."
"It's okay, I just didn't finish the book yet." Coën did his best to hide his disappointment.
"Text me when you do; we can talk about it," Eskel said with an apologetic expression. Lambert thought, 'Will those fuckers just kiss already?'}
{Axel and Cedric invited them to their wedding. It was a fun night, aside from the fact that Aiden and Lambert's hotel room was right beside theirs. Turns out Axel is the top in this situation.}
{Guxart stared at them [Aiden and Lambert], "So when am I going to get a grandkid?"
Aiden huffed, looking annoyed already.
Lambert snorted, "Sorry, Mr. Treugger. We've been trying a lot, but it seems Aiden just won't get pregnant. Maybe we'll have to try again tonight." Guxart's face scrunched in disgust, and Aiden lost it, laughing wildly.}
{Lambert huffed, "Gods…" He stared down at him. Aiden said, readjusting on the blanket behind him, "What's wrong, Lambert?"
Lambert slurred, "You're so pretty it's annoying."
The taller man giggled, "Shut up, ya fucking sappy," covering his face with his hands.}
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
🧬- hello and congrats on your 300 milestone!! could you please do a george weasley headcanon where he’s dating a hufflepuff girl and doesn’t realize when she gets jealous of another girl who has a crush on him (cause we know how clueless he is lol) but then she tries to kiss him so george apologises to his girlfriend and fluff ensues :) sorry if that’s a lot but thank you for writing!
- george my friend
- has idiodic tendancies
- ya feel?
- so he would love a puff
- telling u full adoration
- so him and angelina johnson are quite good friends
- i mean same year
- similar friends
- both of the gryffindor quidditch team
- lots of similarities
- and you tried not to let it get to you
- but she embodied almost everything he wanted
- i mean you had to envy her a little
- i mean you weren’t a quidditch player
- you tried to do pranks but you just weren’t as good as him
- he thought u were amazing
- no matter what you did
- he was bestotted with you
- if u weren’t dating it would’ve been absolutely creepy
- bur you thought maybe you weren’t enough
- you still tried for him
- and he greatly appreciated it
- but did he see the pouty looks and death glares thrown towards him when he was talking to angelina? NO
- so one day ur in the hufflepuff common room and ur sniffing bc ur like
- what if he wants her?
- what if he finds her more attractive?
- what if he’s just pretending me?
- george would never
- but overthinking sometimes
- and so hufflepuffs gotta stick together
- and cedric sees you so he asks you what’s wrong
- and you confide in him
- probably more than you shouldve
- but you did
- so cedric and the twins are acquaintances
- he’s only a year older and they both play quidditch
- so in herbology when you were helping sprout
- he kinda asks if him and angelina are going out
- and george is beyond flabbergasted
- i mean didnt everyone know he loved you?
- how he felt for you?
- i mean you kissed all the time in the great hall
- held hands in corridors
- you basically lived in his dorm
- you were basically all mighty merlin to him
- hufflepuff godess
- apple in his eye
- sun to his moon
- so why would people think he’s dating angelina
- he denied it ofc
- right away
- no hesitation
- i mean angelinas beautiful but you’re his girl
- he couldn’t see her like that
- did angelina have a crush on him
- i mean they sat together sometimes
- conversed during quidditch
- i mean she laughed at his jokes maybe a bit to much
- or she touched him sometimes when they spoke
- did you notice this?
- was he flirting by accident?
- was he doing something he didn’t even realize?
- so after herbology he’s hanging out with you but you need to help mcgonagall so he goes and walks through the halls finding the next victims of his prank
- and angelinas there
- so naturally he striked up a conversation
- with a friend
- forgetting all about his herbology thoughts
- then she leans in but he’s like
- so he backs away and says
- i thought you knew i was dating y/n?
- he goes on apologizing to angelina but he’s in love with you, and that’s never changing
- so then he sprints to the hufflepuff common room, your dorm, transfiguration and you couldn’t be found
- he goes to the library and you’re reading
- and he tells you immediately what happened
- he would never want to lie to you
- and he told you exactly what happened
- and how he had no idea she liked him that way
- and you say “i’ve noticed for a few weeks, i was jealous”
- he was SHOCKED
- i mean nobody has ever been jealous over him before
- so he’s shocked
- then he absolutely showers your face in kisses
- mind u in the middle of the library
- so he drags everyone you to his dorm
- bribes of all of his dorm mates out
- not without a few winks or wolf whistles of course
- and he sits you on his bed
- his head buried in your chest
- tells you absolutely everything he loves about you
- the way you do your hair every morning
- how you crack your knuckles literally every 20 minutes
- and he kisses you a lot
- and he keeps apologizing because he was so oblivious
- and he makes it up to you
- with butterbeer
- honey dukes
- cookies made with molly’s recipe in the kitchen
- because he loves you
taglist: @dear-luna @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
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cedric-stories · 4 years
Wassailia Cookies (Cedric x Reader)
Word Count: 2,800
Warnings: Very suggestive (what’s new? Lol), no sex but strongly implied, language, fluffy.
Plot: You’re gonna need to read it to find out 😉
Author’s note: hope there’s no errors. Sorry it took me so long to post again.  Have been busy for the past few days packing for vacation. I’m happy to say there is a ‘by the ocean’ fic in the works, lol. Happy Holidays y’all!!
(and yes, the suggestive content is suggestive but there is no sex. Tbh, I’m a little scared about writing my first smut so I keep holding off. Eventually though, lol. I’ll mark where it gets weird with a 😊 and where it ends.)
Wassailia Cookies
Reader pronouns: She/her
“Love, can you please get the door?” you called outside the tower.
You waited outside with two heavy, brown boxes crowding your view.
           “It’s open.” He said, not sure that you could see.
           Once you got inside, you placed them down on the nearest wooden table.
Your chest was heaving up and down, “Oh man, those were heavy.”
           “What on earth are they?”
You smiled, trying to catch your breath. “Ingredients to bake Wassailia cookies.”
           Cedric cocked his head. “Bake cookies?”
“Um, yeah,” you wondered what he didn’t understand. “I thought we could make some sugar ones together. If you want to?”
           He still had a puzzled look on his face.
“Alright, that would be fun, but why not just conjure some?”
           Your perplexed expression turned to utter shock.
“What fun is that? It’s a tradition to make cookies by hand during the holidays.” You explained with your ‘you should know this’ tone. “Didn’t you do this with your family?”
           Cedric shook his head. “I never have. Growing up, mother always just conjured some, if we had any at all.”
“So,” you began, “did you guys have any family traditions for the holidays?”
           “Well…no I guess not. My father was always” his expression sadden, “to busy to do things like that.”
           You felt bad for him. Here the love of your life has never had any traditions over the holidays. You had just presumed he did. Not knowing what to say, you just stood in front of him.
           “Well, why don’t we just make some traditions of our own?” you said, trying to cheer him up.
           Cedric’s eyes met yours and gained back the familiar twinkle.
“Alright! Do you still want to bake?”
           You grinned. “I’d love to!”
You picked up a box and Cedric picked up the other. The two of you started into the kitchen and set the stuff down on the counter.
Cedric put a hand on your back, and you shifted into him.
“Now, you must me patient with me, love. I am not much of a baker.”
           You giggled. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
           After standing there for a minute, you began taking ingredients out. You asked him to grab a few bowls and you brought out the mixer. You rummaged through a few papers and picked one out.
           “Here, this is the recipe, if you want to get the wet ingredients out of the fridge and start putting them together that would be great.” You said, still looking into the box.
           “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
           When you finally finished getting things organized you walked over to the mixer to find the beginnings of the dough already made.
           “Oh, wow. Thanks, honey.” You were surprised by how fast he had gotten things combined.
           A few minutes later, you put the dry in with the wet and began mixing it.
“It says not to overmix, so I think we better stop it, don’t you?” Cedric asked. You hadn’t even noticed it was on the verge of overmixing.
           “Right!” you blurted out, running over to the mixer, and shutting it off. “Thank you.”
Cedric replied with a ‘uh huh’.
           You put the dirty bowls and spoons into the soapy dish water and started to clean up when you saw Cedric steal a piece of dough from the bowl.
           “Cedric! Don’t eat that! You’ll get poisoned!” You exclaimed, stomping over to scold him.
           “No, I won’t.” He said, rolling his eyes.
“Yes, you will.” You snapped, snatching the bowl away from him and wrapping the dough into two separate balls.
           “You’re just that worried about me, huh?” Cedric asked with a smug look on his face.      
           “Well, maybe so.” You said, walking over to your boyfriend.
Cedric was leaned up against the counter when you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed against him. You looked up and gave him a small kiss on the lips.
           “You do know how much I love you, right?” You questioned, looking at his shimmering, cognac eyes.
           Cedric’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
“I think so.”
           After sharing another gentle kiss, Cedric and you walked into the living room and sat down.
You had your head on his shoulder and began thinking.
“You want some hot chocolate?”
           “Yes, I’d like some.”  
You got a tea pot and poured some warm water from the sink into it. The
Water dripped down slowly from the nozzle as it filled. The soft even sound of the liquid hitting the metal surface made your shoulders relax and put your ambiance at ease. You reached up, grabbed the glass handle, and pivoted your hand to shut off the water. Placing the pot down, you walked over to the blackened stove and flipped a burner on. The flame flickered and crackled as it rose above the center of the burner. A small line of smoke twisted as it floated up into the air. You placed the pot onto the burner carefully and opened the cupboard to the left to find the hot chocolate mixture.
           While the packets you had bought from the store were fine, you always liked to add extra bits of chocolate to make the drink more potent. You got out the bags and a gold-wrapped bar of chocolate and set them aside. Next, you walked past the stove to the right and reached up to open the other dark, woodened cabinets. You found two glass mugs that were almost teacup shaped and added the packets to them.
           Unfolding the golden wrapping from the chocolate, you dropped two squares into each mug, making sure they were about equal amounts. When you were done, you slowly wrapped up the chocolate again and put it back.
           You began hearings a small, steaming sound from the pot. Then, a loud whistling came screaming out from the spout. You grabbed the teapot and started pouring the boiling water into the cups. Steam rose up and the water splashed, conforming to the shape of the mugs. After you had poured enough water in till it was about an inch from the top, you set the pot down and grabbed a spoon. You dipped the spoon down into the hot liquid. While you were stirring, you heard footsteps from behind.
           The steps got closer until they were right behind you. The next thing you noticed were two arms gently wrapping around your waist. As you continued, the warm body pressed you up against the counter from behind.
           Kissing the top of your head, Cedric began to speak.
“This is nice, isn’t it?”
           “Yes, there is no place I’d rather be.” You replied, stiffening your back, and curling into him.
“Are you almost done? It’s boring without you.” He said, brushing his hand across your stomach, causing your middle to twitch.
           The spoon had moved onto the other cup and you were just about done. You tried scooching up to grab some marshmallows from the cupboard, but Cedric pushed against you harder to try to keep you in place.
           “Honey,” you giggled, “I need to get the marshmallows.”
“No, you don’t,” he denied, nuzzling his nose into your hair, “stay here, who likes marshmallows anyway?”
           You immediately stopped fighting.
“You don’t like marshmallows?” You asked, once again in shock of something he said.
           “No, do you?”
“Oh course!” you cried. “How can you not?”
           “Too sticky for me.”
“Cedric, you can’t have Wassailia spirit without marshmallows!” You said jokingly. You were giving full expressions with every word you said, but since you were stuck facing the cupboards between the counter and your boyfriend, it looked like you were talking to two cups of hot chocolate and a wall.
           “Well, I think I will manage.” He laughed, letting you free to grab your beloved, squishy, white clumps of god know what.
           After grabbing the package, you put a few into your mug and left them on the counter. Walking back to the living room, Cedric grabbed a book and sat down on the couch. You followed and plopped down. Snuggling next to him, you began to think about your relationship the past year.
The two of you had been together for 9 months now and it was beautiful.
You could not believe he asked you out that day. He was all you had waited for, and believe me, the first time you looked into those brown eyes was like the first time you had ever felt alive. It was almost like you were suffocating for years, and then suddenly, when he looked at you, you were able to breathe. Now, a few months later, you were sitting next to him, watching him read a book.
You couldn’t believe you were here, with him. Your whole life, the two of you had been separated by dimensions* and now he was yours. You looked down his body and noticed the wrinkles in the dark robe he was wearing. You observed the crinkles of his gloves as he licked a finger and flicked a page of his book to the other side. You laid down across his lap and felt the warmth radiate off his body. Yes, this was truly happiness.
You looked up at your boyfriend as he kept reading. You began tracing your finger along his jaw and kissed up his chest. You wrapped your arm around his waist, curled your legs up next to him, and nuzzled his stomach.
“Excuse me, what in the world are you doing down there?” Cedric asked, lifting his hands so he could see you.
You gave a little smile up at him.
“Nothing, just begging for your attention.”
           😊“Oh really? And why are you doing that?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I love you.” You began, sliding your hand up his shoulders. “I think you’re handsome, and kind, and sweet, and beautiful,” you paused, “and I’d really appreciate it if you’d kiss me.”
           Cedric’s lips curled up and he leaned over and quickly set his book down on the side table. You wrapped your legs around his waist, guided your arms around his neck, and leaned up into him.
           Settling down onto his lap carefully, you noticed how turned on he was. You tried to hold back a sigh and looked up at him; his face was beginning to turn red.
           “Well, I didn’t know you were enjoying this so much.” You tease, slightly bucking your hips.
Cedric let out a small whimper.
           “Yes, but I-I didn’t expect you to get close enough to notice.” He answered, shifting his gaze to the side.
           You began running your hands through his thick, raven black hair and smiled. You knew you had him. Kissing his cheek, you traced a figure around his ear.
           “God, have I ever told you how lucky I am?” You asked, your lips still inches from his. “First, I get a job as a nurse in the castle, then I get to go out with the guy of my dreams. Next thing I know, I’m sitting on his lap waiting for Wassailia cookies.”
           Cedric gave another noise in response and tried kissing you, but you shifted away from him and gave a grin.
           “I never believed in my wildest dreams that I’d end up with you. You’re my everything, my world, and I wouldn’t change any part of it. My life is complete with you, Cedric.” You began kissing down his cheek to his neck. “I’d do anything for you.”
“Anything?” He asked with a flirty look.
           You smiled.
           Cedric chuckled. “I love you so much, Y/N. I can’t believe you feel that way about me. You truly are the best thing that’s ever happened.” He said, pressing his forehead to yours.
           Your expression softened even more, and your heart began to melt. In the mists of this, you still noticed he was hard. Cedric was not like most and his emotions were very connected to his desires, and you knew that. You also knew he was probably dying to kiss you but was holding back to continue the moment. While you could’ve given in and kissed him, you decided to play a little game and see what he’d do.
           He moved your face towards his and leaned in to kiss you. You tried pulling back again to tease but he didn’t let you.
           “Oh no you don’t, I’m not falling for that again.” He said, recalling an older event (not today).
           Instead of kissing you though, he just looked into your eyes. The moment lasted a little longer than you had expected, and you began getting impatient.
“Oh, Cedric,” You sighed, shifting in slowly. “Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
           He blushed once again and smiled. You could tell he was trying hard to hold back, in case you were truly just trying to be sweet.
           You traced along his jaw again and brushed your fingers lightly along his neck, running your hands down his chest. Moving your arms back up around his shoulders, you adjusted slightly and then began a slow bucking motion across his lap.
           That was the breaking point for him. You felt his hands firmly grasp the sides of your face and his lips crashed into yours and he began bucking back up against you. You let out a sharp breath and moaned as things began heating up. His hips hit harder and harder the longer you went on. You felt your legs begin to shake. As much as making out was fun, it wasn’t giving you enough.
           “Cedric!” you almost shouted in between kisses. “Please, please just fuck me!”
           The next thing you knew, he was on top of you, pawing at your shirt.
“Can I?” he asked for consent.
           “Oh god, YES! Please, just hurry up!” You gasped, struggling to untie his robe. 😊
Awhile later, you fixed your clothes and hair, and made your way back to the kitchen with your boyfriend attached to your side. You opened the fridge to check on the dough.
           “I think it’s done.” You said softly, wiping sweat from your forehead with a napkin.
You grabbed the two round discs and set them on the counter. After, you wandered over to get some flour and sprinkled it down along the surface. Unwrapping the plastic, you placed the dough down and started rolling it out.
           You had the side of your body pressed against Cedric as you continued. Every time you’d fix the sheet of cookie dough, he would kiss your cheek. You loved this so much.
           Once the dough was in a thin layer, you grabbed a cutout and flowered it.
“If you wanna start cutting out shapes you can.”
           Cedric nodded and grabbed a star shape.
Within a few minutes, the two of you were done and had cut out both entire sheets. Cedric seemed to particularly like the snowman shaped cutout.
           Cedric opened the oven carefully and set the timer for 14 minutes.
Cedric heard the oven go off and opened the door.
He took out his wand and gave it a light flick. The silver sheet came slowly out of the oven and floated its way over to the counter. Smiling, you got out a spatula and gently began lifting each cookie off the pan. They bent to the spatula as you scooted the thin end under. After each cookie was securely balanced, you would slowly move to the other counter and flatten the edge to it. Then, you’d begin to lift the cookie in a slight angle to slide them onto the surface. You repeated this motion until the very last cookie.
           You looked at the star shaped, tan, sugary treat and, instead of placing it with the rest, you cut it in half. You grabbed a piece and handed it to Cedric.
           “Here, try some handmade cookies.”
He took it from you and took a bite. He seemed to like it.
           “Good?” you asked.
“Very good.” He answered, piling the rest of it in his mouth.
           You decided to give him your half and started making some royal icing. You colored it red, yellow, green, white, and black.
           “Alright, I got some bags out and made icing, now we just have to decorate!”
           Cedric grabbed a chair and sat down next to the table. You sat down on his lap and grabbed a cookie.
           The two of you began frosting the cookies (stealing a bit of icing in between) and decorated them. You liked doing small designs with the icing while cedric just liked to flood the whole thing. After a few hours, you had finished the two dozen cookies and set them onto a few plates.
           “Thank you, Cedric.” You kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, y/n, for letting us share this experience together. There marks the first year of traditions for me. Now, how about we take a few of those cookies and go sit by the fire?”
“That sounds great!”
           You headed out with a plate full of cookies to the fire and smiled looking at the Wassailia tree proudly standing in the corner with ornaments and tinsel.
“Merry Wassailia, Cedric.”
           “Merry Wassailia, Love.”
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Life After
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: You both dream of a life after the war...
Y/J is your job in the wizarding world
A/N: Takes place during OOTP
Cedric snapped his book shut when he heard the door to his dorm open.  You entered, hand cradled to your chest, wrapped in a cloth stained crimson.  Tears stained your face and you were sniffling, and Cedric frowned as he got up.  “C’mere honey,” he said, taking your good hand in his, leading you to sit on his bed with him.  He reached over to his nightstand, taking the bowl he’d prepared earlier.
“Let me see your hand, Y/N.”  Cedirc gently unwrapped your hand, baring the words I will not correct the headmistress carved into your skin in red, angry cuts.  “Oh baby,” he sighed, setting the bowl before you. “Put your hand in here, darling, it’ll sting for a moment, but it will help.”  “Alright,” you said, sniffling again, fresh tears falling.  You placed the wounded fesh into the bowl, wincing at the pain.  But as Cedric had promised, the sting soon morphed into a cool sensation, easing the pain and soothing your skin.
“T-thanks,” you said, wiping your eyes with your other hand.  “Thank Hermione,” he said, moving to sit closer to you, putting an arm around your shoulders.  “She gave the recipe to everyone in the DA.  Well, before we got shut down.”  Cedric flexed his hand, the scar that read I will not form secret societies showing.  A sob left your mouth and Cedric held you closer, pressing kisses to your forehead.  “I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Ced,” you admitted.  “He’s back, we all know it, so why won’t they admit it?  Everything can get back to normal faster if they do.”
Cedric shook his head, taking your unhurt hand in his.  “I don’t know, Y/N, I don’t know.  But they’ll have to come clean and tell the public eventually.  They can’t cover it up forever.”  “There’s going to be a war, isn’t there?” you asked, looking up at Cedric.  His grey eyes were stormy, and he nodded solemnly.  “I don’t see how there won’t be.  But we’ll be alright, Y/N, we’ll get through this.”  You sniffled again, and Cedric tipped your face up, swiping your tears away with his thumb.  “Don’t cry, honey.  I’ve got you, you’re alright.”  You nodded, burying your face in his chest, slopping the liquid in the bowl slightly.
“Here, let’s get your hand bandaged, then we’ll snuggle, alright?”  Another nod.  Cedric gently lifted your hand from the bowl, patting it dry with a towel.  He then wrapped it in bandages, securing them with a sticking charm, vanishing the bowl and liquid from the bed.  You then crawled into his lap, resting your head against his chest, Cedric wrapping his arms tight around you.
“Tell me something happy,” you said, voice strained from holding back more tears.  “What are our lives gonna be like after-” you choked back another sob.  “After the war.”  Cedric laughed softly, kissing the crown of your head.  “Well, I have it all planned out,” he said, rubbing your arm soothingly.  “You do?”  “I do.  After we finish Hogwarts, we’ll move into a nice house somewhere.  Wherever you want, as long as it has a yard.”  “For our crups?” you interjected eagerly, and Cedric laughed.  “Of course, love.  We’ll have crups, as many as you want.  But if they pee on the carpet, they’re sleeping outside.”
“Noooo!” you laughed, playfully smacking his chest.  Cedric laughed too, kissing your forehead.  “Oh alright, they won’t sleep outside.  Let’s see, what else?  Ah, you’ll have a job as the most successful, most talented Y/J in history, and I’ll be… well, I don’t know what I’ll be, but it’ll be something cool.”  “International quidditch player?” you suggested, but to your surprise, Cedric shook his head.  “No, not a quidditch player, I’d be away from you too much.  Anyway, it wouldn’t matter how late I’d work, I’d always be sure to be home by 6 to spend time with you.
“I’ll probably ask you to marry me after we’re graduated, and I think you’d want to get married pretty soon after that.  Am I right?”  You nodded, cuddling closer to Cedric’s chest.  “Yeah.”  You were blushing deeply, and Cedric tipped your chin up to kiss you, cupping your cheek sweetly.  “I thought so.  I’ll take you somewhere nice on our honeymoon: Hawaii, maybe.  Ooh, or the Bahamas.  I’ll spoil you rotten, that much I know for certain.  And not just on the honeymoon, for the rest of our lives.  You’ll never want for anything, my love, I promise.”
Tears were streaming down your face, but these ones were those of happiness.  You longed for the future Cedric was painting before your eyes, but you knew you would have to survive the difficult times ahead of you before that future could be a possibility.  Cedric noticed the slight shaking of your shoulders, and he held you closer.  “Oh Y/N, please don’t cry.  Did I say something?  I’m sorry, darling, I-”  “You said everything right,” you cut him off.  “I just...know we’ll have to fight before we get to that future.  And I want that future with you, Ced, more than anything.”
He captured your lips with his, wiping your tears away once more.  “I want it too, Y/N.  And we’ll get it.  We’re gonna have to fight, yeah, but it’ll be worth it.  Just imagine when we have that little house and our dozen crups.  That’s what gets me through the day, gets me through hearing the Ministry deny that Voldemort is back.  We will get through this, Y/N, I promise.”  You nodded, resting your head back on his shoulder.
“I love you, Cedric,” you whispered, and he squeezed you tight against him.  “I love you too, Y/N.  Let’s get you changed and to bed, yeah?”  Cedric helped you out of your uniform and into one of his quidditch jumpers, lying back on his bed, pulling you into his arms, holding you close.  “We’ll get through this, Y/N,” he whispered as you fell asleep.  And as you did, the thought of the little house, your crups, and the man you loved filled your head.
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rons-wheezely · 4 years
Honey Boy || Cedric
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Genre: Fluff!!! Expect your teeth to rot :)
[muggle!reader] [cedric x reader]
Summary: Traditional muggle baking is a favorite past time of yours, although many students are prejudiced against it. A certain boy always liked your baking though, and that’s the only thing that matters. “I had a friend of mine teach me, but I doubt it’s as good as yours.” “It’s absolutely stunning.”
A/N: I’m combining the two requests because sweets + fluff = a recipe for a good Cedric fic lol also I’m so sorry that this fic took me forever!! Once I started writing, it never really stopped so it ended up being kind of long, I hope that is okay!
When you first came to the Wizarding Academy, it was like a dream come true. In the following weeks, however, it proved to be a little bit less than that. “What are you wearing?”
You stare blankly at a fellow student. “My robes, of course. Why?”
“No, I meant the things on your hands.”
“Oh,” you look at your hands. You’re wearing oven mitts, the ones your parents bought you to take to the academy. You often borrowed the Hogwarts kitchen after hours, so to see you like this is no surprise. Every once in awhile, however, some curious student or the other will waltz by and scrutinize you. “These are oven mitts. It’s a muggle thing.”
The students nods slowly, still trying to understand the reasoning behind it. After a while, the student leaves, mumbling to themselves about “why not use the wand?” but you didn’t pay any mind to it, most kids leave the same response anyways.
You finished up cleaning the countertop area, this time with your wand, reciting an incantation one of the many house elves taught you. They had their own magic, but since you were so keen on using the kitchen, it became a staple rule to clean up after yourself. It swirled around and swept up all of the mixing bowls into the air, letting them dance themselves all the way into the sink. The stainless steel sink bubbled with warm water and soap, busying itself with scrubbing each dish that comes its way. 
You smiled happily to yourself. Someone cleared their throat behind you, and you froze. Everything stop mid-production, like a pause button. Paranoia ate away at you, wondering who it could be this time. Perhaps it was a professor, with a scowl on their face and yelling to the heavens. Or perhaps it was another student, a silent stare creeping on the back of your neck.
You turned around, scared out of your wits, only to be met with a disarming smile and yellow accented robes. “I thought you’d be here.” Cedric Diggory smiled at you, and the anxiety melted away with it.
“Really? How come?”
“Tori said just as much,” he walked closer, looking around the room in wonder. Slowly, you resumed the cleaning process, watching how his eyes lit up at the scenery. “I was going to ask if you wanted to study, but,” he chuckles,” it seems like I’ve come at a bad time?”
The oven beeped, catching the attention of the both of you. You rushed over frantically, throwing the oven mitts back over your fingertips. “Actually–”
You open an oven left somewhere in the far corner, letting the delicious scent of baked goodies fill the empty room. At once, Diggory was enraptured in consuming aroma that drifted by. “You came right on time,” you said as you gently take the tray out.
He eyes the tray curiously, watching you fan them to cool down quicker. You only wanted it to cool down faster so that he could have a bite, but just seeing you dramatically fan the goodies brought a smile on his face. “–I wouldn’t say right on time, it’s probably more like a few minutes early, but if you’d like I have–”
“Of course, y/n.” He looks at you,” I’d be more than happy to try them.”
It’s not until hours roll by and an empty tray of goodies gone did you realize how late it became. You sat upright and stiff, a shocking revelation dawning on you. “We never studied.”
“Oh y/n,” Cedric’s nose nose scrunched up as he tried desperately to hid his smile. He failed miserably, letting his lips curl up in delight. “It’s a bit late now, isn’t it?”
“It’s no use, I suppose...” You tapped on your chin as you thought of a solution. “Maybe we can study together tomorrow? The exam isn’t until Friday, right?”
“I’d like that.”
That night you lay awake, the comfy sheets tangled between your legs. You can’t sleep, and thoughts drifted in and out of your head restlessly. As far as you knew, Cedric was a pureblood. But he never judged you, not once, about anything muggle related. It’s kind of liberating; to feel so welcomed in Cedric’s presence. 
Your body grew too warm for the bed, tossing and turning as you did so. Your cheeks were hot to the touch, embarrassment leaking out of your pores. It was only a fleeting thought, but then it lingered and then oh, how it wouldn’t go away. Cedric is kind hearted, so much so, that it had touched the very depths of your heart. The little inkling thought that made your breath catch in your throat was the fact that maybe, just a little bit, it would be nice to love a boy like him. 
A couple of days later, you found a new recipe that reminded you of Cedric. You busied yourself in the kitchen, letting the joy of baking for another fill you to the brim. After a battle of wits against the mixing machine, there was finally a moment to pause. The sweet scent of chocolate muffins consumed you and left an itch to share the funny butterflies in your stomach. Fresh out of the oven, you wrap one of the muffins up. You neatly tuck the sweet treats into your bag and flurry down the hallway.
If you want him to try it at its peak performance, you need to deliver it while the muffins are still warm. The hallway doesn’t have many students, but you spot your friends, Fred and George.
“Hey Fred,” you smile, half out of breath. “–and George too.” 
They smirk when they see you, already lining up a flurry of tricks to play. The Weasley on the left spoke up saying,”What’s the hurry?”
“Yeah, what’s the rush?” The twin on the right said.
“Would you happen to know where,” you pause. Breathing seemed to take its time coming to you. “..where Diggory might be?”
A unified “ooohhh,” sung out from their mouths. Regretfully, you could see it in their eyes that they knew. You liked the boy, didn’t you? With a whistle, George says,” Last I checked it was the Quidditch field.”
You murmur a small thanks and rush off towards the fields. Your footsteps thundered down the corridors, an aching feeling settling in your toes. Baking is one thing, but running across campus? No thanks. And the butterflies. There were so many of them fluttering around, sputtering things that warmed up your cheeks. You wonder how so many butterflies could fit into one stomach, but you digress.
When you reach the fields, Cedric was coming out of one of the tents. Your eyes meet, and his smile practically sweeps you off of the ground. “Hey,” he says as he walks up to you.
Cedric pat his face with a towel, a sheen of shiny sweat rubbing away with the soft fabric.
Immediately you can feel the heat rush from your body to your face. The comfort of his presence juxtaposing your uncomfortable stance was very foreign, but it helped to ease your nerves. “I... I made you some muffins. It’s good luck for the upcoming game, you see.”
His eyes widen just a bit, watching as you frantically pull out the muffin from your satchel. You reach out to hand it to him. Thankfully, it’s still fresh and warm, and the tingling feeling is hot on your fingertips. A gentle,”Thank you,” reaches you ears as he softly takes the baked item into his palms. 
You see a teammate call out to him. You want to talk to him more, having only spoken about two sentences, but to your dismay, the better part of you knew better than to keep him to yourself. He turns back to you, the same look on his face.
“I know I’ll love it y/n, don’t worry. I’ll tell you how it tastes later, yeah?”
You nod and watch as he jogs off, hurrying to grab his broomstick. The next week flew in quickly, and the flurry of wizarding homework drowned out all of your free time. As silly as it was, you didn’t have any time to bake now that exams are around the corner. 
Light leaks in from the castle window, pouring in to fill the room. Dust basks in the warm sunlight, the particles bothersome to your occasional sneezes. Why does the Hogwarts’ library have to be simultaneously the best and worst place to study? 
Hours tick by, and the fatigue is starting to kick in. You’ve been staring at your textbooks for hours. “Ah,” a voice chimes in. “There you are.”
Your droopy eyes immediately shoot open, and you look up to see Cedric. “Oh! Hey, Diggory.” A smile creeps on to your face, unable to hide the relief and joy you found in his presence. “What are you doing here? I thought you were studying with Cho this afternoon?”
He looks down at the ground while his robes silently swayed with his movements. He’s grown awfully quiet, so you thought there was something on the ground. You glance at where he is looking, but there’s nothing to be found. “Cedric?”
Your words snap him back to reality. Red starts to flood his cheeks, and his eyes widen at the sudden jolt. “Ah–– s...sorry!” He stutters. He sounds nervous, but the way he carries himself and moves so fluidly, it looks effortless. His fingers have a mind of their own as they kindly closed the heavy textbook and find a way to your hand. “Come with me, will you?”
And of course, how could you say no to that? 
He leads you somewhere quiet. It’s one of those outdoor hallways, but the scene is empty with nothing but stone and the sunset sky. Your heart beats a little faster when he stops. His figure stands tall, but it takes him a minute to look you in the eyes. Warily, he pulls out container. 
“I’m not the best at baking, I know,” he chuckles,” but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the things you’ve done for me.”
He holds out the package, and when you open it there is a miniature cake inside. Despite the concept of a mini cake being delicate, wonky handwriting is scrawled and piped on top. It’s barely legible, so you squint.
“It’s supposed to be honey cake, but uh... don’t be surprised if it doesn’t taste quite right.” He says. “I had a friend of mine teach me, but I doubt it’s as good as yours.”
You two stand there in awkward silence until finally, you understand the words on the cake. “i like you” is what it says. Suddenly not only did the butterflies come back, frogs were also caught in your throat. The boy you liked.... likes you back? 
“You... you like me?” The statement that leaves your mouth comes out as more of a question, the shock and confusion stunning your senses. 
He nods. “Do you... like the cake?”
“It’s absolutely stunning,” you breathe out. Of course you would like it, Cedric Diggory made it for you. 
He hands you a fork and motions you to sit on the stone ledge. You do so numbly, eager to taste. You take a bite and let fluffy texture fill your heart and soul. “Cedric, it’s delicious! I love everything about it.”
You glance at him, and maybe it’s just you, but his face is a breath away from yours. Warmth radiates between you two before he breaks the silence.
“..Can I kiss you?”
It was sweet like honey –– sweet like him.
A/N: oh boy that was a long one...... Definitely inspired by some honey cake I had lol
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troddensodden · 3 years
What would be your OC(s) ideal date night?
thank youuuu for the ask <3
-cedric, fallout 4-
so, for cedric's dates, think,,,, semi-formal? hes not necessarily an expensive dinner type guy for a simple date night, but he isnt a "netflix-and-chill" type either. a simple dinner and a movie (or play, perhaps) is always a safe bet for him, or on rare occasion a home-cooked meal.
however, proper date spots arent easy to find post-war. so anything that doesnt get interrupted by wasteland creatures is satisfactory, though he still tries to do his best for his partners. he will cook for them if possible, but most often their dates end up just being a hangout, talk about how life has been and what theyve been doing when they arent together.
-emil, fallout new vegas-
emil isnt much of a date person, to be frank. more often, they end up just hooking up with randoms. however, on the rare occasion they hit it off with someone or want to make a good impression, they can put together a decent picnic. find a nice place to sit down, and chat for a bit. (maybe make out if nobodys watching, but hey, who knows?)
for the most part though, having a great enough connection to actually go on dates is hard to do for them. its only ever happened once, and... it didnt last, to say the least.
-alastair, fo4-
to be truthful, alastair sucks at dating. aside from the occasional wisecrack, hes pretty stoic, so he doesnt have much game. however, once he did finally manage to get a partner by his side, he wanted to do the best for him that he could manage. so if you catch him cooking a recipe over and over, trying to perfect it... dont be surprised. because if hes anything, hes dedicated.
hes lost people before, because of how he acts. he doesnt want it to happen again. so he plans to do whatever he can.
but his boyfriend appreciates it. so in the end, its worth it anyway.
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midnight-in-town · 3 years
For all that I love BB, and the theories made around it, I'm gonna be honest, and say "resemblance" proofs are the ones I trust the least out of all of them, especially anime related. I love the art in BB, but I'll also say that when it comes to featural differences, I think Yana is a bit lacking. Like, I remember when the first ch with the Funtom5 was released, and I and some friends thought that Clayton, and Harcourt were Seb, and Ciel respectively. Even if I like a lot of the theories, and 1-
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Hey Anon! 
Yeah as a rule, I don’t really agree with neither anime-related nor art style-related theories for Kuroshitsuji. Unless the anime-related theories are written by @frederickabberline (because they know the manga perfectly thus know what anime fragments to consider) and the art style-related ones are about the UT = Cedric K. Ros- theory (since Yana said that Ed looks like Frances who looks like her dad). 
However, having absolutely 0 shred of skill in drawing and manga authors all having their own style, I will not call out Yana for drawing slightly similar characters, especially when it’s all very subjective in the first place. Like, I for one, don’t find Seb and Vincent to look particularly similar. 
Besides, Yana said in the past that there was 0 link between Seb and Vincent, which is why she said she wouldn’t need to explain the “resemblance” that some fans indeed seem to find between the two. :)
TL;DR You do you, Anon. There are a lot of theories going around in the Kuro fandom and you have every right not to consider some (or many) of them if the reasoning doesn’t seem believable to you!
 Have a good weekend! ^3^
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Yo Anon! And yep, I absolutely agree: all of UT’s actual schemes and sad behavior are indeed related to loving and then losing Claudia.
However, who knows for now, maybe he did manage to move on from losing Claudia over the years, specifically by watching Vincent and Frances have kids and then watching these kids grow up....... Until Vincent’s murder, that is. :/
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Losing Vincent, in the same manner as Claudia, probably hit UT’s in the soul (or what’s left of it, as a Shinigami) and, even if he had managed to move on from Claudia’s death before, it was probably impossible for him to cope with the fact that he unfairly lost two people he most likely loved. 
Add to this that he also possibly has an incredibly sad past (he became a shinigami because he gave up on his life and never used any name as a Shinigami...) and you have the perfect recipe for a character blinded by his sorrow. ://
Anyway, since I have spoken about this topic many times before, I’ll let you check my masterpost, UT’s tag, or Claudia’s tag if you’re interested in additional thoughts. :))
Thanks for passing by and have a nice weekend Anon! ^3^
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sophiexwrites · 4 years
HP Headcanons (1?)
I have a lot of random knowledge and nerdy facts from the Wizarding World memorised, but I’ve never actually shared headcanons... so, here! Some may be canon, but I’m not 100% sure.
Hermione had feelings for Harry at one point (whether she got past them or not is up to you, I’m not biased about HP ships).
I said I’m not biased about the ships... but Seamus and Dean? Definitely. Definitely a thing.
Luna was homeschooled before Hogwarts; she and her dad traveled a lot, but not abroad.
Since the Weasleys and Lovegoods love so close to eachother, Luna and her dad often visit them on random holidays (some of which only they celebrate) and give gifts. Strange ones, of course, but still!
(Molly keeps the gifts in the back of a cupboard. She doesn’t have the heart to throw them away has the heart to keep them.)
Narcissa doesn’t particularly like Bellatrix. Please, please: she doesn’t like her. Just puts up with her?
Okay so for the Lestrange sisters: Andromeda is good, Narcissa is grey, Bellatrix is bad. That’s a simple version of what I think.
Ginny! Is! Super! Popular! This may be canon, but I just love the idea.
No matter how popular she is, Luna is still one of Ginny’s closest friends! Luna doesn’t exactly express her gratitude, but she’s grateful.
Nicknames: Lu (Luna), Gin/ J (Ginny), G (George, goes with Ginny’s J) Andy (Andromeda), Bella/ Trixie/ Bell (Bellatrix), Narce/ Narcy/ Sissy/ Sissa (Narcissa). Idk...
Lee Jordan does professional commentary for non-professional Quidditch matches, and is a giant supporter of kids playing the game. Aside from that, he’s a stay-at-home dad to some adorable kids who have the best sense of humour but are also rightfully respectful.
I don’t count cursed child as anything but a glorified fanfiction or a gorgeous play (and there’s probably a better fic out there) so: Draco did not marry Astoria, and Scorpius & Albus definitely have a thing for eachother. Voldemort never had a child.
McGonagal has a painting just outside the headmaster’s office. She deserves one.
There needs to be one cool teacher who people like and who is fun, so... everyone likes Professor Sprout!
Professor Sprout has a secret hot-chocolate recipe that only she and her Hufflepuffs know. It’s rumoured that some of Madam Pomphrey’s pick-me-up potions are actually just Sprout’s hot chocolate, and it works perfectly each time.
Teddy has a giant network of family and found family to support him, so he’s such a bubbly, supportive and supported child. He becomes very popular in school, with his mother’s mischief and father’s brains. Although he’s not the brightest kid, he’s accepting and moral.
More Luna because I love her: she’s so creative and out of the box clever that each answer she gives to the common room door is a new one, that no-body else has ever given. The door itself respects her for it, although those inside may not :(
Luna has 7 middle names. I’m not sure what they are yet, please help come up with some, but they are very unusual.
Ron is bisexual. Krum. Cedric. Harry, maybe. Etcetera...
Cho was single for 5 years after Cedric’s death. It allowed her to do some growing, and now she no longer defines herself/is defined by her relationship status.
Harry can’t flirt to save his life. Nor can Ron, he’s too awkward and misses some key signs.
Hermione also can’t flirt. Well, it’s not that she can’t, it’s that she won’t.
Neville’s kids (or at least one of them) were sorted into Hufflepuff, becuase he raised them to value bravery, perseverance, hard work, and being noble all equally. One of them is really really good at herbology and Neville couldn’t be prouder of any of them.
Hermione took summer classes in the muggle world for the things she missed - maths, science, religion, geography, and she reads english subject texts in her spare time.
But Hermione is happily not up to date on muggle politics - no thank you, there’s enough drama in the wizarding world for a lifetime.
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swanqiu · 4 years
What does the perfect date look like for Cho? What does she look for in a relationship?
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when she’s younger, cho looks for someone she can have fun with and feel comfortable about opening up to and actually enjoy spending one-on-one time with. a lot of her earlier relationships follow after this formula, and while it’s not necessarily a bad formula by any means, it’s very much about the ~moment~ and who’s suitable for her in that moment. which is fine! there’s a lot of exploration and trials in dating, especially for a teen/young adult, and through her canon relationships— cedric, michael, harry, roger (kind of; it’s complicated)— she uhhh definitely dates guys who range in personalities. (physically, though, they are usually described, at some point, as being big/tall/good-looking/into sports, so i stand by my pseudo-headcanon of her ending up with a himbo king. for the most part, it is still a joke, so pls do not take it too seriously.)
she doesn’t start seriously considering long-term romantic relationships until a few years into her twenties. cho looks for someone who loves her, obviously, and seems committed to trying to work things out for the long run. a lot of the earlier wishlist things are also part of it (having fun, feeling comfortable enough to open up about her past and emotions, enjoying one-on-one time), but they’re not so much the main focus anymore. but anyway, to be fully honest, she doesn’t even know what she fully wants! she might have an idea of what she’d like— loyalty, stability, for a partner who does this or that for a living— but sometimes these expectations or desires change depending on the new people she meets! so yeah, definitely nothing set, and i like to think that it changes through life experiences and dating experiences and consulting her close friends and better listening to herself the older she gets. (in her verses where she’s divorced + has kids, she'll appreciate someone who’s good with her kids or at least willing to get to know them. she won’t force her kids to like her partner, but their feelings about the person could be a factor in whether or not the relationship works out. if a potential partner just doesn’t care for her kids, though, it’ll be a hard pass lol.)
(verses with malcolm, her ex-husband, are always a bit different. a lot of that storyline and the construction of that relationship took place before i’d really established cho as a muse, so there will always be special circumstances surrounding her relationship with malcolm.) 
as for dates, i actually don’t know if there would be a “perfect” date for cho. hmmm. cho likes to do things that incorporate what her partner likes, so i imagine dates would look different from partner to partner. dates would also look different depending on what stage of the relationship she and her partner are in (first few dates vs. long-term relationship), because there are Things™ that cho would do with an established s/o she wouldn’t do with someone she’s just getting to know.
but hmmm if we’re just throwing out some scenarios here—
a “we’re just getting to know each other” type of date might look like: something her partner wants to do + summer nighttime walk by the local waterfront as they take turns asking each other about, like, their favorite movies or ice cream flavors or subjects in school or whatever. twenty questions type of back-and-forth. gauge each other’s interests and let that snowball into possibly making plans for a follow-up date. idk maybe they make a dare/drinking game out of this! 
a “we have been dating for a while now and i think this could really be something serious” type of date might look like: something her partner wants to do + they head back to her place to cook dinner together (a family recipe that cho would never share with someone she is not close with!). cho probably sweetly asks if her partner could pose for photos because the sunlight streaming in through the window at that exact moment looks so nice and is hitting her partner at all the right angles. they end with a late night broom ride out to the countryside where they can see the stars! and the city in the distance! and i wouldn’t put it past them to stay there and fool around for the night so that they can catch the sunrise in the morning!
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asocier · 3 years
( five random connections; accepting! )
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Emile & Beatrice 
          beatrice being quiet and more soft-spoken would work really nicely with emile’s own demeanor since he also tends to be more introverted! i think he’d take an interest in her writing and would support her effort in trying to become an author. he’s rather directionless in life in his main verse despite having a stable job since he’s not really the happiest he could be, so maybe putting his attention in something new ( proofreading drafts ? ) would make things more interesting for him! it’s also be funny watching emile learn about the esports world because he’s such an old soul, he’s like a boomer sometimes but minus the crankiness alksjdlksa  
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Cedric & Tobias
          i don’t think cedric would have any problems handling tobias considering cedric is very close friends with nate from my blog, and nate also gives off bad boy, troublemaker energy. i’m not sure how cedric and tobias would cross paths necessarily, especially because they don’t have many shared interests it seems ( also, i feel like cedric’s “i’m better than you” attitude would piss tobias off akjdklsa ) but if they ever did have to spend a considerable amount of time with each other, cedric’s capable of keeping the chaos to a minimum, or at the very least, doing damage control if things get out of hand rip 
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Alison & Minato
          oooh a non-shield breaker muse! ngl i know nothing about the persona franchise, so i had to do a dive into the wiki for context ( i didn’t read the whole thing, but enough to understand his personality at leasts! ), and i feel like minato is the type of character that always piques alison’s interest, especially during her high school years. the silent type seems to draw out her curiosity, and in a high school setting, she’s quite reserved herself so her curiosity would probably manifest through her being attentive to minato whenever he was in the room or if she overheard conversations mentioning his name or involving him. if they finally ever had an encounter, she’s a big sweetheart even if she’s quiet herself, so there would be an effort to be friends. if he’s nice to her in return, she’ll come back for more interactions, so that’s a possibility for them to meet and form a relationship! in alison’s canon verse, it’s a little trickier to think of an idea, and if i understand correct, you portray minato during a very specific time of his life, but in any case, if his personality is still pretty consistent with what i read in the wiki, it’s possible for him and ali to get along!
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Aito & Mash
          another instance in which i had to read a wiki aljkdlkas but this pairing seems interesting since there’s like, an element of genetic engineering in mash’s story that, while unfortunate due to the short life span it causes, also aligns well with aito’s general interest in science-esque things like that ( even if the world mash comes from seems to have elements of magic in it as well, which, i guess is ironic when paired with science lmao ) but still, mash and aito could have a lot of intelligent conversations together that i think she might enjoy, and he could always teach her things too. aito as a whole is a very free spirited and fun character, so maybe he can make the time mash has left fun for her :’) 
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Leah & Gavin
          since leah already seems to be worming her way into the shield breaker’s gaming house, it’d be really easy for her to meet gavin lmao it’s likely that if jordan is busy, she’ll bounce from member to member until she finds someone doing something interesting, and considering how gavin loves to cook, she’d be really keen to watch him or even help since she’s not too bad of a cook herself if you give her a recipe! maybe he can give her some pointers on how to improve her cooking or give her easy recipes to try out whenever she’s not in the gaming house that she can make in her dorm!!
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omgselinabeckendorf · 5 years
@fuck-yeah-selfships By the way, thank you for helping me start this one out!
The night started out with a simple walk through the castle. Granted, it was late, and Muffin would have his head if she found him not in bed, but he couldn't sleep. Plus, there was something oddly serene about taking a nighttime stroll when everyone else was asleep.
As he passed by the hall of guest bedrooms, he heard a whimper coming from one of them, making him backtrack.
The sound came from Mia's room.
Oh, that can't be good. Only the door leading to the rest of the castle had been closed all the way, which was weird. Maybe one of the maids forgot to check that both doors were shut.
He was just going to go in and check on her, that's all. She'd given him explicit permission to do so, seeing as he's the one person who can efficiently calm her down from a nightmare, so it was fine. He wasn't crossing any boundaries. It was fine.
Widening the crack of her bedroom door to peek in, he found Mia thrashing around in bed, the blanket halfway off the bed and two pillows on the floor.
Yeah, that's not good.
Quickly making his way to her bedside, he gently grabbed her wrists so that she wouldn't hurt herself, or him, reminding himself that she gave him explicit permission to do something like this, and actually appreciated it.
"Muffin! Mia, wake up! Wake up, it's all right!" He whisper shouted, trying to wake her up but also not wanting to wake the entire castle along with her.
Mia's eyes snapped open and she started thrashing about again, like she didn't recognize where she was and that she was safe.
"Hey, hey, it's all right. It's okay, Muffin, it's just me." Cedric assured her, lowering her wrists and letting her brain process that she was in fact safe. (And that he was safe, but he didn't know that was such a big part of her nightmares.)
Sitting up, Mia panted, out of breath from her nightmare. Warm hands wrapped around her wrists. Warm gloved hands. Fingerless gloves, hiding warm and scarred hands from when potions went wrong. They also added to the aesthetic. 
Okay, you're okay, just remember what Blueberry told you.
When she first thought blueberry, she thought the fruit. Little blue fruits that were purple when mashed and tasted great in various recipes, not so great by themselves. They were too tangy for her.
The next thought was Blueberry, the person. Not an actual blueberry, just a nickname she gave him because he loved blueberries. She thought of two-toned hair due to a magic mishap that happened when he was like eight but would unfairly haunt him for the rest of his life. She thought of a long nose that made it a little awkward to hug, but she was long used to it by now. Of a smile, a toothy grin he gave her the most out of anyone else. It made her happy that she made him happy. And she thought of beautiful brown eyes that became a sunset in the right light. Gods, she loved those eyes.
Her blurry vision began to clear from the center out, and she found those eyes staring into hers, concern filling their depths.
She found herself getting embarrassed, and she couldn't tell why.
"There you are." He gave her a small smile, relieved that she seemed to come back to reality and not the horrible realm of her dreams.
A hand let go of her wrist, and she almost put his hand back on it when his fingers went into her hair, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, gently rubbing his thumb over her temple.
"Are you alright?"
A simple question that led her to feeling short of breath again, a burning in the back of her throat, and her eyes filling with tears. She couldn't stop them as they began to fall, shutting her eyes to try to block out the memories of her awful dream, or maybe to not see the look on his face as he watched her cry.
Quick as a flash, she felt warmth around her body, especially in her front and on her shoulders and lower back.
"Shh. It was just a dream, you're safe. You're okay." He murmured into her ear, holding her close to him as she cried into his robe that smelt of books and blueberries. An odd mixture of scents, but a comforting one.
So she cried into his robe, letting him hold her as he rubbed her back comfortingly, not seeming to mind that she was getting his robe all wet with her tears. "Stay with me. Please." She whimpered, both her hands clenched into fists and clutching at the fabric of his robe almost in a death grip. Her nightmare had severely unnerved her, and she wanted him to stay. To make sure he would be all right. To make sure nothing bad happened to him.
"I'll stay as long as you need me to, Muffin."
She always did like her nickname. It was cute, and reminded her somewhat of her baker roots. Her tears falling less harshly now, she sniffed, digging her head into his shoulder.
She barely noticed how they fell back onto the bed or how Cedric quickly took out his wand and fixed her bed. Heh. She did make a bit of a mess, didn't she? She would have to thank him later.
She refused to let him go until she fell asleep in his arms, and even then they had some kind of contact at all times, even if it took him a little longer to fall asleep. She needed to protect him. He was one of the few good and constant things in her life, and she would do whatever it took to keep him safe.
When she woke up, she was pleased to see that he was still with her, cuddled up beside her.
Yeah, she would really need to thank him later.
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24 (my favorite arc ever) and 25 (you were sorta already doing that but if you have more idea, i'm listenning) thanks ! :>
Hey there, sorry for the late response! See below the cut for both!
24. the Twelve Portals arc?
I mean, you can’t go wrong with the original recipe! Definitely in my top five, if not top three—I hesitate to rank it higher because I’ve just read it so many times that I think I miss some of the nuances these days.
I love the refined art of the first few issues—there’s just something about it that I can’t put my finger on. Also, the first four issues are something else, where the series could easily have become a supernatural thriller of sorts. I mean, best friend goes missing under mysterious circumstances and keeps popping up in increasingly sinister ways, monsters lurking among the human denizens and just on the other side of a thinning barrier, an antagonist known only by his name and symbol? You have the seeds of a chilling mystery right there, even before you power up your protagonists.
Granted, the tone does shift later on in the arc, when the original creators were no longer tied to the project, and while I’d be curious to know the full original plan for the series I wouldn’t want to give up the story I know and love. I do think the shift could have been a little bit smoother, though, because, uh, Elyon was doing some pretty shady stuff for the first six issues, and then it didn’t take much for Cornelia to win her over again (to be fair, she was quick to believe Cedric’s manipulations too, but you’d think it’d be harder to shake off his influence when it was clear how deep it went).  
Still, overall a well-crafted first outing and a memorable storyline.
25. how you would improve an arc that you feel is lacking? 
Hmm, well, since I’ve already done quite the handful of “Fix the Thing that Canon Broke” scenarios, going to try something a little different with this. How about something that didn’t happen and didn’t necessarily impact the narrative, but would have been fun to see nonetheless? Because my answer to that would be to keep Medina and McTiennan (and potentially a redeemed Sylla) around and in the know.
A little out-of-left-field, but hear me out here. Medina and McTiennan have been around since the later chapters of the first arc, and while the girls were often preoccupied with keeping their secrets from Interpol’s eyes, the two detectives were never really antagonists. Sure, there was mistrust on both sides over all the hidden secrets and unsolved mysteries, but there was never any hostility—not like with Sylla, who was actively investigating the girls for signs of paranormal circumstances. Medina and McTiennan were just trying to solve the case of a missing girl and her family, and figure out why her friends seemed to be hiding something.
With the way their interactions were presented, I feel like the Guardians and the detectives could have had an amicable bond, had there not been a need to conceal the truth about Elyon and magic and everything. Irma—having been able to interact with the two again since they were working with her dad—seemed to like Medina, who in turn has shown that she cares for these girls, even with all their suspicious behaviors. She’s hesitant to buy into the theory that the Guardians have powers, and is the one to comfort and protect Astral Will following her kidnapping, holding and watching over her even as the group is brought to Kandrakar for a brief explanation and mind-wipe.
So here’s where we’d diverge: let’s still have the Oracle wipe Riddle and the two Interpol bosses’ minds of all memories of the Guardians—shouldn’t be too difficult, they’ve never personally interacted with them and thus have a much smaller collection of memories involving them. This leaves Medina, McTiennan, and potentially Sylla (he could go either way in terms of keeping or losing his memories, the girls will never fully trust him even though he’s swapped sides), now considerably more clued-in to what exactly these five girls have to hide. Medina is rightfully furious—she has a background in psychology and a pretty good idea of what kind of impact Guardianship will have on the girls’ lives, both present and future, and how is that any better than what Riddle and co. intended to do to (Astral) Will? McTiennan backs her up, not saying a word but letting his larger, more intimidating physical appearance do all the talking.
This would be an excellent parallel to how we opened this arc, with Taranee’s own rebellion and questioning of the Oracle’s actions. And maybe the Council is unable (or unwilling) to make changes according to this, ahem, feedback, so the Oracle does what he can to alleviate the burden of Guardianship without bending the laws of Kandrakar or interfering too much with events.
The detectives retain their memories of W.i.t.c.h., on the grounds that they are to serve as a support system for the girls back on Earth. The girls have Yan Lin as their magical mentor (however infrequently they actually see her), so why can’t we give them another sounding board when Guardian duties start weighing down on the rest of their lives? Give me Maria Medina sitting down with each of the girls individually and letting them unload their troubles and promising them that even though she really has no insight into all of this magic stuff, she’s here for them when they need her. Give me Joel McTiennan—not so good with words or emotions but a jack of most other trades—doing what he can to help Will and Irma improve their less-than-stellar grades and teaching the girls magic-less self-defense. Hell, give me Raphael Sylla—still getting the stink-eye from these girls (and he’s pretty sure all of his electronics—even his electric razor—are spying on him now, thank you, Will)—keeping watch from afar and at the ready to fight against any outside attempt to investigate the Guardians.
Give me the Guardians bringing the detectives to Meridian, to give them true closure on Elyon’s case and reassurance that she’s truly safe and happy.
Just give me supportive, non-magical but magic-aware adult figures to help these girls work out the aspects of their lives that they can’t tell their families about and that Kandrakar can’t help on. Let them be a positive force in shaping the girls’ lives outside of Guardianship, so that they’re better adjusted than their predecessors and more prepared for the possibilities of life once the time comes to give up their magic.
(And I’m just saying, Medina probably gets a little teary when Irma asks if she can intern with/shadow her, the year Irma finally makes a decision and declares her Psychology major.)
Stopping this here because this is a purely self-indulgent what-if, but Medina and McTiennan finding out had such great potential that was quashed a page later, and I wanted to see what their relationship with the girls would be like if they kept their memories and oh no I’m attached.
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