#merlins bread
bettathanyou · 9 months
Cedric with an S/O whose love-language is food/cooking for him???
Enjoy ❣️🐟
Cedric The Sorcerer And S/O With Cooking Love Language!
Cedric and food have a... Complicated Relationship
I have a damn good hunch that man is autistic, so texture/sensory issues, lack of hunger cues, and just Not Wanting To Eat because he's doing something he thinks is too important is a prevalent issue
Of course, you couldn't just NOT do something about it. You loved to cook! You love most of all to cook FOR people
So you ask him about food during your long talks together. Cedric mentions a few basic things he likes, like turkey, stew, potatoes etc but he keeps it irritatingly vague
You try to ask Sofia and even the royal cooks about cedrics favorite meals
All you gleaned from Sofia was his love of sweets and the royal cooks were clueless
Back to square one!
So with your limited knowledge, you decide to start off by surprising him with breakfast. Using Sofias information, you make him really fluffy pancakes with a dusting of powdered sugar! (Think Japanese style)
To keep things suited to his liking, you put all extras on the side; maple syrup, cut up strawberries (you made them heart shaped) blueberries, melted chocolate, and whipped cream. With some orange juice to wash it all down!
Can't forget some edible flower garnish!
You walked to his door, knocking with your foot (your hands were too full lol)
Cedric thought it was someone else, and he was cranky at first about being disturbed so early in the morning. He opens his door with a scowl, brows knitted in the way you know meant annoyance
But when his eyes rest on you, carrying a huge platter of fresh food and drink, he had to do a double take
Just. Cedric with wide eyes, his jaw about to hit the floor, tripping over his words like. "Wh- what's all th-this for, then...?"
You just give him a big cheeky grin and reply, "For my favorite person <3"
Cedric ushered you into his tower, asking you what the occasion was for, and you could tell he was anxious and worried- so you give him a kiss on the cheek, and tell Cedric that you just wanted to do something nice, and make sure he was fed! You know how busy he can get, so you wanted the sorcerer to start his day with the most important meal of the day
Cedric doesn't know whether to thank you, kiss you, or cry
He kinda does all three 😭
After thanking you profusely, he insisted you share the food with him. He said that you made enough for TWO small armies and he won't be able to eat everything
You try to insist that it was made for *him*, but in the middle of your argument your stomach started growling
Cedric gives you a shit eating grin that screams "I win" and you just sit down with a huff and a (fake) pout
You both enjoy breakfast together, and Cedric literally doesn't shut up about how good everything is
He noticed the heart strawberries and you swear it was the softest smile you've ever seen
He finished his plate and it made your entire day
From that day on, you asked Cedric if you can make him a meal once or twice a week- just to get him accustomed to it
You grow to learn more about food he enjoys, from breakfast to lunch to dinner
Cedric really enjoys sweets for breakfast
A light lunch, because the last time you made something heavy the man slipped into a food coma for three hours
And dinner is your favorite time to cook for him, because you can show off your cooking skills and eat it with Cedric together and make it SUPER romantic
Most of all though, you just love making sure Cedric is fed and taking care of himself. The man is a workaholic to a fault, and you both know it! Which is why he always says thank you and make sure you know how much this means to him
Speaking of, Cedric would try to return the favor in little ways- giving you magic flowers that never wilt, a magic show after a meal, small little animal wind up toys he cobbles together in his spare time (can u guess what his love language is? Lol)
Since he is a picky eater, it's been trial and error to figure out what he likes and doesn't- lots of veggies are a no no, and you respect it and don't push the issue. But the veggies he does like, you use as much as you can! After a while, I could see Cedric trying to branch out a little bit and getting slightly more comfortable with food he previously disliked because you make it taste good (you want to believe he can taste the love)
You try to stick within his comfort zone for food, but sometimes you'll bring something for him to try to gauge where you can cook him new food
Regardless, Cedric adores the effort and care you put into making him food! He offers to even cook for you sometimes! (He conjures it lmao)
Which leads to him talking about food magic! It's quite interesting stuff
But no matter what, Cedric always feels smitten every time he has the pleasure of eating whatever you make for him
Seeing an empty plate from Cedric will always be the highest compliment to you :)
Alright, that's about all I got! I honestly want to expand on this more, maybe make some Cedric inspired recipes???? Would y'all be into that????
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ispaintingcalmly · 2 years
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King Arthur❤️
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achillesuwu · 1 year
Post-return arthur that is so bored that he tries to make some food but he falls miserably because 99% of merlin house work with magic.
Electricity? Gas? Plumbing? Merlin never heard of her. The only non-magical technology in his house is an "cat" (*cough*dragon) toy that his new baby dragon wanted. That's it.
Arthur that got locked outside because the house was cross with him.
Arthur that tried once (1) to go into merlin office and— (Arthur : *glare*we don't talk about it) hem, never went alone in it ever again (hegotbluehairandturnedintoafrog.simultaneously)
Merlin house being strange enough to keep arthur entertained (by frustration) but also familiar enough in its lack of technology to not overwhelmed Arthur
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brownsugabbt · 4 months
the bbc merlin fandom just doesnt have the big brainedness to realize that the fic potential of morgwen > merthur. like it’s so painful to sort through all of these fics that tag morgwen but they’re always in the background bruh. i want the pain of seeing someone you love slowly descend into madness and slowly becoming enemies. like am i the only one who gets it. hey is this thing on 🤨🎤
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clownattack · 9 months
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He sat on the bread bcs his usual leg spot was not there
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I put the leggy up and he instantly relocated
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kairenn-n · 4 months
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love how gaius sent him in errands without any directions. off you go! figure it out by yourself
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tiodolma · 1 year
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The only time they held hands and it was to pass over some flint
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And she had gloves while his hands were bare
Im just gonna stare at this all day😭
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Darkness to your Light
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arthursbubblebutt · 1 year
I feel like.... there's not enough bottom Arthur and it makes me ಥ_ಥ
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smallandangry24 · 2 years
I’m collecting all the aspec nerds….
And I have become astounded by the sheer number of ace Batman and Obi Wan fans??? Like YES, ME TOO, but geez le beans there’s a lot of us
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makkasbuns · 2 years
things arthur would take to immediately upon reincarnation into modern times:
jorts (I just know it)
selfie sticks
reversible shirts
cell phones (he can call merlin to yell at him from anywhere)
but NOT medieval times. he would hate it because no one gets mortally wounded
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
So. Knowing that (for the upper class) most clothes were tailored to fit specific measurements, and altered as needed, I still want to know where the holy fuck Gwen found a gown that fit Leon. Because unless it came up to his knees (it didn't) and wasn't laced/fastened at all (it'd have to be to, y'know, stay on) then that means it fit well enough as is. I want to meet this fucking 6'3" brick wall of a noblewoman with broad-ass shoulders and arms like BAM who owns a dress that can fit Sir Big Bird over here, and she better be played by Gwendoline Christie.
i am so glad you brought this to my attention because that's something i never really considered. sure, we could just say that bbc's production found a dress in his size and leave at that, but why would we when this beautiful, unintentional concept exists now?
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morgaussy · 2 years
i am ill equipped to handle the notifications on the fucking bread poll lmao i have like 4 to 6 friends on this hellsite and all i want is to see their cute lil notes in the tags when they rb my trash 🥹
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breadstickitinme · 2 months
in other news!! i recently got into the merlin fandom and im about to make it everyones problem <3
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ofglories · 9 months
It’s left where Emrys always finds things from Merlin – a bundle of wildflowers and some jarred honey freshly collected left behind on the table. He’s not one for grand gifts and the gifter daresay thinks that it’d be silly to give him something grand after hunting down that cloak of his. Though there was a cloak pin fashioned in the form of a dragon’s wing partially obscured by the flowers when Emrys went looking.
A simple gift, unexpected but not unwelcome.
Wildflowers of course gave away who the gifter was, their fresh scents pleasant in the cool depths of winter. The honey was special too, of course. Emrys had made no secret of his fondness for the treat, particularly when paired with bread fresh from the oven. That would be a treat to eat at slowly, to savor, until the ice and snows finally thawed.
It's only as he brushed his fingers over the flowers that he properly noticed the final gift.
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The soldier paused, lips parting in surprise before a tiny smile took its place. As practical as the cloak he wore now, and certainly fitting considering his family. With a fond sigh he carefully removed the cloak pin from the flowers, taking care to not dislodge any of the petals, and ran his finger over the metal. Eye-catching, but not ostentatious. Not anything like what Uther would insist on a king wearing.
And that was what made it all the better.
To have someone know his tastes in things was just as precious a treasure as the pin, the flowers, the honey, all of them together.
"That mage... Whatever am I to do with him, leaving me trinkets such as these..." Shaking his head, Emrys attached the pin to his cloak before taking the honey in hand. "Hm. I'll just have to invite him to have some bread with me, now won't I?"
How lucky that he'd just popped a loaf into the oven before retreating to his room for a moment!
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overlyspecific · 4 months
I NEED a merlin fic where Merlin gets exposed as a warlock while Uther is still king and has to flee (maybe with Arthur’s help) but he doesn’t want to go far (so he can protect Arthur) so he just lives in the woods outside of the castle and becomes a robin hood type character.
If this happened soon enough i think the knights that Merlin gets to serve Camelot would just be apart of his forest gang instead. they could fight bandits but also steal from obnoxious nobles that treat people badly. they could also break innocent magic users and druids out of the dungeons.
Arthur would become a kind of Maid Marian character where his dad tells him to track Merlin down but whenever he goes Merlin just stops him with his magic and flirts with him before letting him go when they are far enough away. (Arthur gets trapped often because he misses and wants to see Merlin but he will never admit it)
Morgana, Gwen and Gauis would also probably sneak information to Merlin often or just let him into the castle whenever something comes up. Merlin always visits Arthur when he sneaks in the castle so it goes something like this:
Merlin: *siting with his feet on Arthur’s desk, reading highly confidential court documents while eating Arthur’s dinner*
Arthur: *comes into his chambers to relax after a council meeting and sees Merlin* 😧 You can’t be in here! What are you doing? Stop reading those!
Merlin: I thought you’d be happy to see me ☹️
Arthur: Maybe I would be if the entire castle wasn’t looking for you and you weren’t eating my dinner, you clotpole
Merlin: You did miss me! 😊 Also thats my word.
Arthur: I still have to arrest you…
Merlin: Can I finish the bread first?
and then Merlin proceeds to get away by dramatically jumping out the window and disappearing with magic and Arthur pretends to be mad but is smiling to himself
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
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justaz · 4 months
au where merlin pulled sigan’s spirit from cedric’s body and tries to shove him back in the jewel but fails and now sigan’s soul is stuck in merlin’s body and he’s just a voice in merlin’s head urging him to kill everyone. everytime uther enters the room sigan goes “oh gods this bitch again” or “someone hasn’t killed him yet?” when theres an assassin going after arthur, sigan is just like “why are we fighting so hard to save this asshat? he dumped a bucket of water on us earlier” or when arthur says something borderline sweet and merlin is lowkey swooning, sigan is just gagging in his head. when merlin gets annoyed and is insulting arthur but cant think of something particularly scathing, sigan chimes in and the words just roll off his tongue. sigan teaches merlin more powerful magic/spells that aren’t in any of the books.
they’re the epitome of
gaius: what do you want to eat
sigan: the souls of the pendragons
merlin: soup?
sigan: NO
merlin: and bread
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