#maze runner Bark
wckdrunners · 1 year
Why does nobody talk about how in the first maze runner book they canonically had a black Labrador called Bark. Why is that never used? Justice for Bark smh
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scorchedmazes · 3 months
I love bark so much, I wish he was in the movies!
Any bark and glader headcanons
i swear i’ve answered and talked ab smth similar?? i’ll link it if i ever find it but-
-frypan feeds him bacon, ham, etc.
-winston loves him and bark follows him around constantly
-minho will take him for runs around the glade (he also feeds him under the table)
-he follows newt around a lot esp after his accident
-alby acts like he’s annoyed by him but he secretly adores him
tysm for the ask 🥹🫶🏼
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star--anon · 6 months
Minho's ears turn red when he's embarrassed or flustered. Or just when too many people look at him.
He likes to flaunt this boyish, carefree, cocky personality, but his ears never lie.
Everyone collectively agreed not to tell him. Minho could never understand why sometimes, during an argument or a Meeting, the Gladers would smirk and giggle.
It was the longest kept secret throughout the Glade, only getting out when Alby told him to "shut up and stop acting like you're so confident when your ears are redder than the roses Zart grows" during a Keeper Meeting
For a brief time, Minho actually grew his hair out just to cover his ears. But it kept getting in his eyes when he ran, so he eventually cut it and went back to his usual style.
Newt calls his ears his tail - same way a dog tail wags when it's excited, his ears go bright red when more than 3 people look at him
It went on like that until one day, during a meeting, Newt (Alby was busy chasing down a cow with Winston and Newt was his stand-in) told Minho to, "Shut up, you shuck puppy."
They got in a bit of a fistfight, and Minho landed a solid punch to Newt's shoulder, but by that point it was too late.
Puppy became the only thing Gladers would call Minho for about two weeks (until Minho punched someone square in the face for it). It's still the only thing you can say to Minho where he won't have anything smart or snarky to quip back with. His ears just go red and he looks away.
(Newt teaches it to Thomas once they get to Safe Haven)
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mazerunnermusical · 1 year
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Inspired by this post and the cake poll
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moonyswritinq · 3 months
howdy! i recently stumbled upon your account and saw that your requests were open. i have a small request for a newt x m!reader one-shot. feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like you're up for it 👍
maybe one where the reader has longer hair, and is a runner, as the weather's gotten warmer it's starting to become more of a chore when it comes to maintaining it so he asks newt to help him cut it? it can be as silly or goofy as you want, platonic or romantic is up to you.
i hope you're having a great day and enjoying the fall weather
if the haircut fits — newt x male reader
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Thank you so much for the request, Bat. So sorry it took so long to finish, and I kind of ran away with this one, but I hope you enjoy!
SYNOPSIS ➢ As summer started to creep into the Glade, the sun’s rays had been hitting you much harder than usual; your hair, especially, have been more of a nuisance. Your solution? Get one of your closest friends to cut it for you. But losing the weight of your hair made you want to get rid of some weight off your chest, as well.
PAIRING ➢ newt x male reader
CONTENT WARNING ➢ friends to lovers, kissing, touching, banter, light insults sexual innuendoes, fluff, slight hurt/comfort, mentions of eating, mentions of drinking, slight violence (a slap), mentions of body, no use of y/n
WORD COUNT ➢ 7.3 k
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ I like to keep any image of the reader’s body out of my writing, but in this he’s implied to be well built, but not explicitly mentioned. The hair may also be more of a non-black standard, since I’m not sure exactly how black hair behaves in this situation, but I tried to keep it as vague as possible. I’m sure there are also a lot of inaccuracies in this concerning the Glade, such as the weather and the sun and the lake, but for the sake of this fic it works like I say it does — I am the author and therefore, God.
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The air had gotten warmer recently. You’d noticed it only a few days ago, when your breath hadn’t exhaled in a cloud of white smoke and your neck had started to sweat after a full day of running in the Maze. The weather didn’t exactly respond to how the seasons—that on some level your subconscious knew existed—worked, but it changed all the same. It had only gotten warmer, and quickly, too. With the sun bearing down on from overhead, the air was chokingly warm, your skin practically dripping with sweat and the ends of your hair clinging to your neck. It had grown long during the past few months and while it was a comfort in the colder weather, strands of it now hung uncomfortably in your eyes despite your best attempts to pull it back into a knot.
Minho walked just in front of you through the gates of the Maze and entered the green forestry of the Glade. The walls closed right behind you and in spite of the late hour of the day the sun still shone bright in the sky. He was just as eager to take cover from it under the cool shade of the Glade’s woods as to throw himself into the equally cool lake. You ran up beside him, patting him on the shoulder.
“This weather,” he grunted, wiping the palms of his hands on his trousers. They left tracks of sweat. “I swear it’s got something against us.”
“Yeah,” you agreed with a sigh. You peeled your drenched shirt from your skin, pulling it over your head in an attempt to ease some of the warmth. It didn’t made much of a difference.
Minho threw you a sideway glance as you walked across the green fields. “Eager to show your body off?”
You threw your head back in a bark, sidestepping so you would walk backwards to face him. Your hands spread as your head tilted with conviction.
“You’d want to show off your body too if it looked like this,” you said. Minho couldn’t help but smile at your comment, shaking his head in exasperation. You turned around to walk beside him normally again. 
As the two of you made your way to the lake, you passed the gardens and its track-hoes, Newt being one among them. Despite the fact that he was second in command, he liked the calming repetitiveness of caring for vegetables and flowers. He’d told you one late night when you’d found him sitting by himself, staring up at the night sky, and your curiosity had gotten the better of you. Now, his eyes met yours in an instant, as if he’d known exactly where you were. As if he’d been watching you for some while, and waiting for you to notice. Your stomach flipped at his unashamed staring, nervous under the gaze, as your mind drew a blank. Quickly, you rearranged your mouth into a smirk, to which he shook his head out of his stunned stupor and continued with his task, but you could tell his mind wasn’t present as his eyes kept jumping back and forth.
Minho saw your smug smile and hit you across the chest, hard enough to cause you to stumble. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Newt cover his mouth from something that looked like a chuckle and you glared back at Minho’s now-smug smile. He just tilted his head and kept walking to the cover of the trees.
“You can flirt with Newt later,” he said. “Let’s go wash off.”
“I wasn’t flirting with anyone! Let alone Newt.”
“Whatever, man.”
You grumbled something unintelligible, which he ignored, as you walked together to the lake on the other side of the Glade. It was a rather long walk, but the time in the trees’ shade cooled you down nicely. Reaching the lake, the water was darkening with the passing of the sun, seeming almost more ominous now than inviting. You found a few other Gladers there already, some of them laying by the bank with their shirts discarded and the rest of them submerged in the water. Minho wasted no time removing his shirt and running into the dark water. You discarded your earlier thoughts and quickly followed suit, pulling your hair from its knot and jumping into the lake with a splash that earned you an ugly glare from a Glader nearby. Minho shared the glare and slapped the water hard, sending it flying in your direction.
“Shankhead,” he muttered.
You only laughed and leant backwards, fully submerging your body under the dark water. Your muscles relaxed and let the water carry you out further in the lake, effectively cooling you down. This was exactly what you needed after a warm and exhausting day; your head under the water, your hair spread around you like the halo of some angel—if an angel could be trapped in a maze. The cold water felt like a blanket across your mind, quieting your thoughts down to a tenth of their usual volume. There were few things that could calm you like this.
The peace didn’t last long, though, as Minho’s hand suddenly closed over your arm and dragged you above surface.
“What?” you spit at him.
He cocked his head to the end of the lake and when you turned your head you saw Newt’s figure walking closer, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. You immediately tried to stand up, but forgot you were too far out, and instead of touching the sand you sunk deeper in the water with a splutter. Again, you broke the surface with a gasp and a flail of your arms, struggling to wipe your hair out of your eyes. Minho was unsurprisingly unhelpful, barking out his laugh at your unfortunate. You glared at him and swam to the bank where Newt stood waiting. It was only then that you noticed a lot of the other boys were gone or also on their way from the lake.
“Smooth,” Newt commented when you reached him.
“Shut up.”
He nodded his head to the woods behind him. “Dinnertime’s soon. Reckoned I’d go get you.”
“I am honoured your lordship would bother thinking of little ol’ me,” you smiled. He only rolled his eyes.
Your steps brought you up further, the water splashing around your knees. Newt’s arms were crossed over his chest as he leant on one foot, waiting for you to reach him. You noticed that he adamantly kept his eyes fixated on a spot just above your head, refusing to glance at any part of your body that was currently on display. A part of you sparked with amusement. Minho stepped out just behind you and went over to retrieve your clothes, throwing your shirt and boots at you.
“Thanks,” you bit at him, just barely avoiding one hitting your head.
He flashed you with a smug smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head, immediately causing wet spots to bloom wherever it touched his skin directly. “My pleasure,” he said and started walking back to the huts, through the now-dark forest.
The sun had settled quickly and long shadows now stretched before you as you turned to walk into the forest. Newt followed suit, staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Not going to put on your shirt?” he asked.
You turned your head to catch Newt’s gaze sweeping across your figure. It filled you with a strange satisfaction to see him checking you out. When he noticed that you’d caught him, he immediately looked away, his posture suddenly stiff. His cheeks were definitely redder than they had been before, although it was difficult to tell in the darkening light. Your lips tugged into something resembling a smile.
“Why? Does it bother you?”
Newt scoffed and met your gaze defiantly underneath his golden fringe. “No. I just don’t want your stupid arse to get sick.”
Your smile widened. “Oh, really? Do you happen to care for me, Newt?”
“I am not admitting that,” he said and rolled his eyes. His tone was suspiciously even, as if it took everything in him not to check you out again. “I’m only saying it’d be be more trouble than you’re worth to get you healthy again.”
His brown eyes met yours, obstructed with a few strands. You had the urge to reach out and pull them away, to see his eyes more clearly, but instead you sent him a simple smile and nudged him lightly with your elbow. “Okay, you have your priorities clear,” you said.
“Just go get ready, won’t you?” His glare was enough to send shivers down your spine and his hands started to turn your body in the direction of the huts, now already having reached the end of the woods. “See what I told you? You’re already getting cold!”
“Fine,” you drawled with your hands up in defence, looking at him over your shoulder. “I’ll see you at the bonfire.”
He lifted his hand in half a wave and swiftly turned away from you, walking to where the others had begun to gather by the fire. Sometimes you forgot he had hurt his leg—it had happened before you arrived in the Glade—but looking at him now his limp was evident in his step. You lingered a moment longer to watch his hair glow in the contrast from the fire, vaguely resembling the sun in an eclipse. You found the view almost poetic, entrancing you in its picturesque aestheticism. It reminded you of Icarus flying too close to the sun, you standing by, helpless to aid him in his downfall, inevitably and irrevocably fated to meet his doom. You weren’t sure where the thought or the name had come from, but ancient knowledge seemed to lord over you in a cloud of mystery.
“Go!” called Newt suddenly over his shoulder. He met your eye with a quirk of his brow and for a second his eyes seemed to draw you into the depths of his soul, but then you blinked and the feeling was gone.
“Going!” you jumped out of your daze to call back and quickly turned to make your way to the huts. How he had known you’d stayed put you didn’t know, but didn’t question further. You rushed to your cot to grab a change of clean clothes and a towel to dry off with, even though most of the water had already dried and cooled your skin with the night’s chill. Still, your hair hung heavy with water, wetting the new shirt you put on. You groaned as you tried to wipe it with the towel, but to no avail. The only downsides to having long hair was it took forever to dry. It would have to warm by the fire.
You changed into the warm pair of trousers and put on your boots. Still, your damp hair felt cold against your skin, which would have been nice if the temperature didn’t drop so suddenly as soon as the sun was gone. You hurried to the fire, the air enveloping you into its warm grasp, eyes already searching for the familiar blonde boy. A lot of the Gladers were milling about, eating the good food Frypan had cooked up or drinking some of the incredibly strong spirit you knew Newt fancied. Someone was laughing loudly nearby but you ignored it in favour of searching for the quiet spot you knew you would find him by. When your eyes settled on him, sitting on a log with a drink in his hand and a plate on his knee, your hand reflexively made its way to pull back your bangs from your eyes. Warmth settled in your stomach that was equally familiar.
“Don’t worry, you look good,” came Minho’s voice beside you. You shot him a glare and removed your fingers from your hair, still itching to pull it away. “Not that your ego needs the boost.”
“Not what I was concerned with,” you said. You swallowed. “But thanks.”
Minho grinned. Your lips lifted into an answering grin and Minho nudged you towards the fire. “Go get ‘em.”
You frowned at him, pretending not to understand what he meant, before shaking your head and walking towards where Newt was sitting. His gaze lifted as you approached and you felt your stomach flipping, not uncomfortably. 
“So, he can wear a shirt? Was starting to believe you weren’t capable of it,” said Newt, lowering his drink from his lips.
“Yeah,” you answered with a sheepish grin.
You sat down next to him on the log and reached over to nick a few pieces of his fruit. Newt immediately leant away, lifting the plate away from your reach.
“Woah--oi, hey! Don’t take my food! Get your bloody own from Frypan,” he grumbled, settling you with a glare. You recognised the glint in his eye though, the one that told you he wasn’t entirely serious. His eyes shone in the firelight, softening the longer you stayed quiet, and his lips even started to turn up. At the sight of it, yours did as well. He always knew how to bring out your mischievous side.
“Your food tastes much better.”
“It’s exactly the same.”
You shook your head. “No, by its mere proximity to you, the food is better.”
Newt rolled his eyes and placed his plate back on his knee, where your hand quickly snatched away the remainder of his fruit. He only sighed and took a long sip from his drink, pretending to ignore your staring at him. Finally, he lowered his glass and met your gaze with a sigh.
“What?” asked Newt, tone as flat as he could manage to make it in your presence.
Your lips tugged into a smile. “Nothing,” you said and glanced away.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Newt swiftly turn to you before you felt a nudge against your side, almost pushing you off balance. You cried out and reached towards him to stabilise yourself, sending him the harshest glare you could muster in spite of the laughter that was waiting in your throat. He met it with a glare of his own while ignoring your hands on his arm and shoulder, which suddenly felt too hot to the touch. Blood rushed to your cheeks.
“Nothing,” you repeated, avoiding his gaze. You were forced to let go of him with a clearing of your throat, conscious of your cold hands. You became too aware of your hair brushing your cheek, annoyingly tickling your skin. Before you could move, Newt’s hand had reached out to brush it away. Your breath hitched in your throat and you were unable to rip your eyes away from his.
“Sorry,” he said bashfully and withdrew it, curling it into an uncertain fist.
You smiled. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s getting too long,” you mumbled, your hands moving as if with a mind of their own to fiddle with the longer strands of your hair. 
“I could help you, you know?” spoke Newt, drawing your gaze to him. He seemed not to have noticed your flustered state or he chose to ignore it. You hoped it was the former.
You frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
His voice broke as he opened his mouth to speak, but he cleared his throat and nodded to your head.“I could help cut your hair.”
“Really?” you asked, surprise evident in your voice. You supposed cutting weeds while gardening got him familiar around shears. 
“I mean, yeah, sure,” said Newt. “Reckon I’d do a better job than anything you’d manage, anyway.”
Your head whipped to the side, mouth open in indignation. “That’s foul!”
His lips tugged into a grin and he lifted an eyebrow with the argument. “Am I wrong?” Your eyes swept over his own hair, which you assumed he’d cut himself, and pursed your lips in contemplation. It looked good. He looked good. Especially in that light, when the fire casted a golden aura that settled around his head like a halo. It effortlessly managed to draw your attention to every shift in his movement.
“No,” you finally grumbled, again tugging at a strand.
His hand reached out to tuck the stray strand of your hair away, and in doing so pushed away your own. The short moment of contact made your breath stutter and come out in a short burst. Newt met your gaze with a smile. It felt different than before, none of his usual amusement visible in his gaze. Instead, there now hung a heavy silence over the both of you, despite the loud chatter and laughter of those who had gathered by the fire. You were so close to him that you could count the lashes on his eyes. His gaze, which usually swirled with the pain and frustration that served as a reminder that Newt was capable of more than he let on, was now void of that. There was only curiosity and something softer that you couldn’t describe to be found. Newt must have felt your breath on his hand by now were it not for you holding it in anticipation. As if suddenly realising it, he blinked and leant away from you, his hand falling down at your side. Your breathing returned to normal as you tried to keep the warmth rushing to your cheeks at bay, trying in vain to ignore how close you two had just been. It was too dark for you to see if he was feeling the same way, or he was just too good at hiding it, but it didn’t keep you from scrutinising his face for any clues.
“Take a sick day tomorrow, meet me by the gardens,” he said after a few minutes of silently staring into the fire. His voice was level, as if he hadn’t been caressing your cheek only moments before.
You tried to match his nonchalance and arched an eyebrow. “Minho will murder me.”
Newt cocked his head. “Let that be on my head.”
“Fine,” you said and stood up with a groan, feeling the stretch of your muscles from the day’s run. Newt followed your movement, meeting your eye as you pointed an accusing finger at him. “On your head, be it.”
Newt nodded, sending a smirk your way. You stepped away from him and made your way to Frypan. As you grabbed a few sandwiches, Gally sneaked up by your side, swiping one of the sandwiches in your hand.
“Got tired of flirting, huh?” he chuckled.
You glared at him and bit into your sandwich. “Shut up.”
He smirked smugly. “It’s plain as day, Greeny.”
“You’re worse than Minho,” you grumbled. Your finger lifted to point in his direction. “And stop calling me that, I haven’t been Greeny for a year.”
His mocking laughter followed you as you walked away from the fire towards the huts, shaking your head. A few Gladers had followed your trail of thought, also deigning to go to bed early. You fell into your sleeping cot with your feet kicked up and a deep sigh escaping your lips. Your mind couldn’t keep from trailing back to the sight of Newt by the fire, his brown eyes shining along with his smug smirk. A groan fought through your throat as you rubbed your eyes in frustration.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Newt. On the contrary, you liked him a lot. He was kind and funny and witty and smart and always knew how to both make you laugh and trample on your nerves to get you furious with him. But you didn’t fancy him, no matter how much Minho and Gally liked to imply it. He just had a special way to worm his way into your thoughts and then burrow there. For days after an interaction, you would think of how he looked at you a certain way or how he would accidentally touch you while brushing past.
It drove you insane, how easily Newt could get inside your mind.
And how easily he could stir up the warmth inside your stomach and make it rush to your cheeks with only a simple gesture. You had found yourself trying to hide your cheeks when around him too often lately and you were sure he had noticed, but only given you the curtesy of not commenting on it.
“Fuck,” you groaned again and turned over in your cot, your hair prickling your skin with reminder of what tomorrow would bring.
It was difficult to distract your mind from Newt long enough to settle down. Eventually, you managed to fall into a restless sleep, filled with the muddled dreams of red sunlight bouncing off of bluish marble, almost creating the illusion of moving water. You saw the reflection of your form against the stone below you but before you had the chance to take it all in, a hand had clasped your own and another drawn you in by your waist. When you looked up, it was the face of none other than the person you had previously been trying to forget, although you could not fathom why at that moment. Newt. His warm smile calmed you down and you allowed him to lead you into the first steps of a waltz. How you had learnt it you didn’t question, but just followed his captivating eyes and trusted him to catch you if you fell. Those same eyes were gazing into yours, big and brown and with the same curiosity that had gazed on you earlier that day. Only now, you allowed yourself to get lost in the sight of them, to be entranced by their deep swirling darkness. Right when Newt had stretched his arm out and sent you into a light spin, and his hand was ready to welcome you back into his embrace, had his expression changed from one of bliss to one of chock and disgust. You halted, frowning at his actions, before following his line of sight and reaching a hand up to the top of your head. To your horror, all your hair had suddenly vanished. Panic rose through you, clawing blindly at your empty head, wanting to escape from this, from everything, from Newt’s hateful glance. You took a step and tried another but caught the only small imperfection in the marble that caused you to stumble, falling down, down, and down… waiting for the ground to hit you.
What came instead was a slap on your chin, harsh enough to force you awake.
“Ngh— fuck,” you croaked, blinking drowsily. Your vision cleared up as you squinted at your assailant, recognising the judging stare immediately. “Come on, man.”
The sun had barely come up again over the tall walls guarding the Glade when Minho had deigned to make you a visit. That time was usually when you would get ready for your run in the Maze. Apparently, Newt had not said anything to Minho which made you let out a deep groan. Minho was staring down at your messy form, his arms crossed over his chest with a harsh stare pinning you to your place. He cocked his head, raising an eyebrow.
“Anyone tell you you’re an ugly sleeper?” he asked, a sickly sweet smile on his lips.
“No, I’m adorable,” you stated, trying to sit up as best as you could. “I’m taking a day off. I’m sick.” You punctuated your words with the best fake cough you could muster.
Minho looked unconvinced. “No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am,” you countered. When he raised an eyebrow you sighed in defeat. “Okay, I’m not sick. But I’m still taking a day off. If you want to argue, take it up with Newt. He’s got senior on you. And we both know you won’t miss me today.”
Minho’s breath released in a sharp burst as he contemplated your words. Finally, he let his arms fall to his side. “Fine,” he said, but raised a finger to point at you. “But you better have a damn good reason as to why you’re staying here today.”
You shot him a smile. “A damn good reason.”
He rolled his eyes and turned to walk away. “I will miss you, by the way,” he called over his shoulder. Then, he added, with a smug smirk, “Sweetheart.”
It was then your turn to roll your eyes as a bark of laughter forced itself out your throat. You rubbed your face from sleep, trying to get rid of your sluggishness. As you were already awake, you figured you could just as well get up to meet Newt a little earlier. It wouldn’t be long until the rest of the Gladers woke up, anyway.
Minho and the rest of the Runners were already by the Maze’s walls. You could see their figures in the distance as the gates started to open with a loud rumble, one that you could feel shaking the earth beneath your feet. You shook your head and stretched your limbs, feeling them pop and crack individually. Minho liked to be up and early with his runs, but you were glad to get a day off to rest. You turned to your things, changing into a clean pair of clothes and put your hair up, mostly out of autonomy. Last time you would do that for a while, you figured.
Newt’s cot was among one of the empty ones, so you assumed he would have already gone to Frypan’s station to get breakfast. You made your way over there, spotting his slumped figure immediately. He jumped when you dropped down beside him, nicking an apple from his plate.
“Could you maybe get your own food for once?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow. You smiled through your amusement, slowly chewing on the fruit. You swallowed with an exaggerated motion, sending him a sickly sweet smile.
“No,” you said. He rolled his eyes while taking a mouthful of his scrambled eggs, ignoring your presence in the process.
“Remind me again why I needed to take the whole day?” you asked. “Hopefully, Minho won’t feel as murder-y when he gets back later as how he felt this morning.”
You saw the corner of his lip lift into what you imagined to be a smile. Smug bastard.
“My art takes time,” he eventually answered, turning to you. “I want it to look good.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I already look good.”
“And I want you to stay that way.” Newt shot a meaningful glance at the other Gladers, which had you wincing. Some of them could benefit from a more skilful haircut, you must admit.
“Besides,” he said, “it’s easier when the sun is at its highest. Less chance for me to fuck it up then.”
Newt smiled at you, but his words indicated an underlying threat, one that had you smiling back in amusement. He really loved pushing your buttons. It didn’t help that you actually were concerned about your hair being fucked up—not that you would consider yourself a vain person, but you knew how much someone’s looks could be diminished because of a bad haircut. And your thoughts ran to the dream you’d had; was it a nightmare or a premonition?
You scratched your neck, conscious of the hair touching your skin. “You know what? I’m actually not so certain about this.”
Newt sighed and pinned his gaze on you. “I see you swatting your hair away all the time,” he said, exasperation shining through annoyance. “It’s clearly annoying you.”
His words made something in you flip. “Are you saying that you notice me all the time, then?” you asked with a smug smile, unable to keep your amusement at bay for long.
He ignored your question. “I’m not going to fuck it up, mate.” When you sent him a sceptical glare he sighed again, and asked, “What are you so afraid of? Don’t you trust my skills?”
Your lips tugged in earnest for a moment, before again settling into their smug familiarity. “I guess I’m just scared you’ll find me less attractive if I cut my hair.” You blinked through your eyelashes, meeting Newt’s incredulous gaze. “I mean, what if the whole reason you like me is because of my handsome hair?”
“That’s ridiculous,” he scoffed, turning to look down at his plate.
“So you admit you do find me attractive?” you chuckled.
“Never said that.”
Your lips pressed into a line, wondering if you had crossed the line that time. It took a moment to decide before opening your mouth again. “Will you still help me?”
“Of course,” he smiled at you, winking playfully. The gesture made butterflies immediately appear in your stomach and you had to look away lest he see the smile gracing your lips. He stood up from his seat, leaving the rest of his breakfast untouched, and nudged your side. “C’mon, let’s get going.”
“Yes, now. Or would you rather we wait until I get tired and the light is bad for me to slip with my shears?”
He had a point, damn him. “Fine,” you admitted, following suit and going outside with him. The sun blinded the both of you, already high in the sky. It felt strange for it to be this bright out and not being in the maze running.
Newt started walking toward the garden so you followed point, close at his heel. He picked up a pair of dirty looking shears, turning to flash you a grin. You looked at them skeptically, which he must have noticed.
“Look, they’ll get the job done, alright?”
Your eyebrow cocked. “You sure? Looks like they haven’t worked since ten years ago.”
Newt laughed dryly and nudged past you, walking the way to the woods.
“Hey, where are you going?” you asked.
“The lake. Need to get your hair wet,” he called over his shoulder.
Hmm. Sounded reasonable. You ran to keep up with him and joined him by the lake you had been swimming in the day before. The water looked even more inviting now, with the sun glittering across its surface instead of the afternoon’s deep shadows. Newt, none too gently, shoved you in the direction of it, sitting himself down by the bank.
You flashed a smile to him. “That eager to see me shirtless again?”
He rolled his eyes and reached for the water to splash it up at you. You yelped and jumped out of reach, giving him a stare full of contempt. “Just dump your ‘ead in the water, you knob.”
“Since you asked so kindly.”
You lowered your body closer to the bank, only letting your head submerge under the water. It felt cold, but not uncomfortably so. You felt a tap against your shoulder, Newt, and sprang up into sitting position. Water dripped from your hair, drenching your shirt and face. When you turned to Newt, your smile was crooked.
“Great,” he said, moving to sit behind you, shears in his hands. “Now all you have to do is keep still. Think you can do that?”
“Anything for you, Newt.”
You sighed happily and leant back, letting the sun cast its warm rays over you. You didn’t notice the moment Newt hesitated after your words, before he started drawing his fingers through your hair. All you knew was that suddenly his touch was there and it felt heavenly. You knew he only did it to measure your hair to cut it, but every time his fingers brushed against your scalp shivers erupted across your spine. You almost had the mind to close your eyes and fall asleep right then and there, with Newt almost caressing you. You imagined those same fingers running down from your head, touching the skin over your neck, brushing past your abdomen and squeezing your thighs. Even the thought of it made your breath hitch and you kept still to keep him from noticing anything amiss. Slowly and carefully, he worked, cutting methodically. You cracked an eye open, trying to glance at him from the corner of it.
“How’s it going, Newt?” you asked.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled lightly, and said, “Don’t rush me.”
It was enough to make warmth travel to your cheeks and your abdomen, so you kept quiet after that and let him do his work in peace. His fingers danced closer to your skin then, trying to get to the nape of your neck and it took all your willpower not to shy away from him. Slowly, you relaxed into his hold again, numbed by the featherlight touches and breaths of air fanning over your skin when he sat too close.
And suddenly, it was all over. With one final brush of his hand, his fingers running through your hair thoroughly, he cleared his throat and moved away.
“All done,” said Newt, though it was almost a whisper.
You opened your eyes to the sight of him sitting on his folded knees and his fingers fidgeting with the shears, looking almost as if it took all his power to concentrate on his breathing. You smiled, raising an eyebrow, and ran your own hand through your hair. It felt lighter, and smooth, and you hadn’t realised how much of a relief it was to be gone with the length.
“How do I look?” you asked, meeting his eye.
“Better than before?”
Newt shrugged and stood up. “Good, like always.”
Your lips quirked into a mischievous smile. “You think I’m good looking?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he scoffed, but you could definitely see a redness spreading across his cheeks. He tried to turn away but you were quicker, bounding closer to him and shaking away the cutaway strands in the same movement. It was fun teasing him.
“You’re the one who said it!” you exclaimed.
“Oi, stop being difficult,” he settled his glare on you.
“I’m not.”
He shot you a look, one that told you he was trying to stay annoyed but secretly enjoying your antics. “You are,” he said while turning in the way to the rest of the Glade, shears hanging loosely from his grip.
You ripped your gaze from his long fingers, the image of them making your mind return to how you had wanted him to touch you earlier, and instead ran to keep up with his steps. You could sense the smile hiding in the corner of his lip, almost like a sixth sense, determined to bring it out. So, eyebrows lifted in a suggestive expression, you saddled closer to his side and said, “But you like a challenge, right—so why are you complaining?”
The gaze Newt responded with could only be described as filled with disbelief, and something else—something mischievous. “So now you’re a challenge, hm?” he asked, his eyebrows disappearing behind the ruffles of his hair.
You frowned and tilted your head at him. “Hey! Are you calling me easy?”
“Well, if the haircut fits…” he trailed off, leaving the rest of the sentence up to your active imagination.
“Now that’s just plain rude,” you muttered, lowering your gaze to the ground to avoid any missteps in the uncertain terrain of the Glade’s woods.
“I’m so very sorry, mate,” said Newt, without much conviction. You rolled your eyes at his sarcastic tone and noticed the flashing smile that was then all too visible on his face. “How can I make it up to you?”
“You can start by not calling me ‘mate’,” you retorted, not thinking through your words except to win this ‘argument’.
Newt glanced at you. “And what would you rather me call you?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, avoiding his gaze, while all too aware of what he was trying to get you to admit. But you were comfortable with the dance you and him were engaged in. It had been going on for so long that you had forgotten how to not do it with him. It was easier to keep dancing with him, to keep the illusion of a ballroom couple perfect rather than to quiet the orchestra and run from your Prince Charming. Newt seemed to sense where your thoughts had run to, as he tried to meet your gaze.
“You sure about that?” he asked sceptically.
“Er, yeah?”
Newt was way too good at reading you and would not believe any excuses you tried to make, however convincing they may be. You both despised and admired him for it. He stopped you in your tracks with a hand across your midriff; the feel of his fingers pressing against your skin, even through the shirt, made shivers travel down your spine. The hand quickly retreated as he tried searching your eyes.
“I—,” he started, voice unsteady. He cleared his throat to regain his composure as you waited for him, arms crossed, trying to keep up the charade any way you could. “I think you’d rather me call you ‘good looking’. Or ‘handsome’. Or ‘pretty’. Or what about ‘love’, hm?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, trying to ignore the warmth traveling up your neck to rush to your cheeks. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t,” he said, an eyebrow raised from the very obvious tremor in your voice.
“Are you teasing me, Newt?” you asked incredulously.
Newt flashed you a smug smile and shrugged, looking away bashfully. “Got to be my turn to do it sometime,” he said.
You were used to you teasing him and poking fun, but he always took it in stride and seldom flirted back—which was what this had somehow turned into. If you’d known you two would end up flirting because of him cutting your hair you never would have agreed to his help—or maybe you still would have. Either way, there was no escaping it now. Fuck it, you thought. A frustrated groan seethed through your pressed lips as you threw your hands up in exasperation.
“You know what? Fine,” you said, meeting Newt’s gaze defiantly. “Yes, I’d like to be called all of those things. And I would like to call you all of those things.” You paused to then search Newt’s gaze, but he just stared at you in stunned silence and made no attempt to answer, so you kept going, albeit slightly more hesitant. “I—I want to hold you, to touch you, embrace you in the way that simple friends shouldn’t do. I’d like to whisper into your ear at night how much you brighten my days and make this shucking life worth living. Most of all, I would like to call you mine.”
You paused again to inhale deeply, your breathing shallow after your rant. It had driven your emotions to the surface so well you might as well have been wearing your feelings on your sleeve, ready to hand out romantic professions for anyone bothering to glance your way.
You hadn’t noticed how warm your cheeks had suddenly gotten, and made to move away while muttering, “There—I’ve said it. Let’s just go.”
“Wait—no—” Newt shouted, throwing out his arm to grab your wrist.
He pulled you back into him, making you lose balance, and a moment later his lips had closed over yours. The surprised gasp that had escaped your lips was quieted by his kiss and you quickly melted into his embrace. Immediately, his fingers closed over your nape, taking hold of your now-short hair and drawing you even closer. You could feel him pressing himself closer in whatever way he could manage, one hand tugging at your hair and the other clawing at your waist. Each individual touch sent sparks of warmth and cold over your skin as your hands closed over his jaw and throat. Even your imagination couldn’t have predicted how he would feel, how his body would fit against yours and make you want to never breathe again if it meant you could stay with him, like this, forever.
Finally, you had to pull away to suck in a deep breath of air, Newt trailing after and barely letting you go. You couldn’t fight the chuckle that forced its way out nor the grin that spread over your lips. Neither could he, as you saw his blushing face break out in a beam and his eyes jumping all over your face. It made you painfully aware of yourself and you bowed your head to settle against the crook of his neck, bashful in spite of your close contact. His hands were still holding onto your waist and kept your body pressed against him.
“Don’t get shy now,” he chided, though his tone was light and his fingers were rubbing slow circles across your back.
Despite the warm sun that glared over the pair of you, his gesture made a shiver crawl up your spine and you pulled away to look at him with an arched eyebrow. “Really, you’re calling me shy?” He nodded to your question. “I’m shy when you’re here— Have you completely forgotten who’s always bold and teases and openly flirts with you?”
Newt scoffed, drawing his hands over the small of your back. “Well, maybe I stole your boldness when I kissed you.”
You almost couldn’t believe him. His cheeks were already flushed, but burned even brighter when your hand pressed against his neck to pull him in again, forcefully pressing your lips against his and claiming his tongue as yours. In doing so, you swallowed his surprised gasp with your kiss, but he didn’t manage to suppress the moan when you took his bottom lip between your teeth and bit lightly. It made you smile smugly, pulling away immediately to look upon his bright red face and dazed expression.
“Who’s shy now, hm?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest and stepping out of his hold.
Newt shot you an angry glance, but it was difficult to take him seriously when he was also blushing furiously. He decided to leave it at that and with not much dignity, pick up the shears he had dropped and started walking back towards the huts. Again, you had to run after him with laughter playing on your lips. You could tell he wasn’t really annoyed, but it was easy to slip back in the comfortable dance of your relationship.
You wouldn’t let him pretend like all of this had not happened, though. He looked at you in surprise when your hand sought out his own, fingers intertwining and closing over his. You smiled back, feeling a slight burning at the tip of your ears, but he leant in and placed a light kiss that made you wish for more again, which eased your nervousness.
“Guess we’re both a little shy, huh,” he remarked. You just shrugged, looking ahead to the opening of the forest, but the smile still apparent on your lips.
“And where the fuck have you two been?” cried Alby’s voice as soon as you stepped out of the trees.
Immediately, you felt as if you jumped out of your skin and let go of Newt’s hand, his cheeks burning as much as yours did. You scratched the back of your neck and glanced sheepishly at Newt, catching the mischievous glint in his eyes; neither of you could fight the smiles that broke out on both your faces.
“On your head be it, you said,” you smirked, slipping away from his indignant eyebrow raise.
You left Newt to deal with Alby alone with a playful wink, to which he only shook his head and hid his smile as he faced the approaching commander. You had half a mind to skip away with the happiness that were bubbling through you, but managed to contain yourself to walking away with a steady pace, though you couldn’t keep your thoughts from running back to the memory of Newt against you nor the smile that followed.
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END NOTE ➢ I do have an idea for a part two should anyone be interested in it. Hope you enjoyed this!
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi! I'm nervous this is my first requests and you have already so many Minhoxreader so if you don't want to don't do it! but I was wondering if you could do a scenario with a more calm, mother like reader rather than the usual spice and fighting one? (Although those are really good too!) where Minho has a big crush and the others like to tease bc reader is dense. I really like how you portray everyone so thank you so much in advance! Hope you have a great day 💕
I am honoured to be your first request- don't be nervous, I will try my best to give you what you want :))
With some recent attempts, I am realising that I clearly have a character type that I write lol, so these type of asks allow me to add some variety.
Also, I am assuming that this is fem!reader because you used the word "mother" instead of "parent", though if I'm wrong let me know and I will change this to be a gender neutral reader.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem!Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. More movie based.
You were the first Glader to arrive in the Maze, and the only girl. With the help of Alby and Newt, you run the Glade. You take your job seriously and are the mother-figure of the Maze. Though, your business has led to complete oblivion on your end, especially when it comes to the Keeper of the Runners- who is desperately trying to get your attention.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, mild thirsting/simping from Minho, teenagers attempting to flirt.
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You have the entire Glade under your thumb.
It wasn't by choice, more like circumstance above anything else, but you rose to the role.
The first month in the Glade was surreal. You didn't know anything; where you were, who you were, why you were there. It was just you and a dumb dog- you'd named the dog Buddy, but the future Gladers prefer to call him Bark.
Back then, the Glade was nothing more than an empty field. You left the safety on the first day, only to chicken out when you heard growling somewhere in the depths of the walls.
Fuck that.
You jumped out of your skin the first time the Doors closed. You thought at first you were trapped inside, but you quickly learnt that the Doors are your friends. They're keeping the Grievers out.
After a couple of days of laying in the grass and playing fetch, you ventured out again. And again. And again. You spent your nights building some, admittedly not very stable, structures after it rained one night, and the trees in the Deadhead didn't make for great shelter.
You'd figured out pretty quickly that this was a strange and elaborate punishment for one person. Maybe it was a dumb hope, but you woke up everyday, for thirty days, praying someone else would join you. Sure, you felt selfish, but you didn't want to live in fear in isolation anymore.
But you would, you could have- if you had to.
You learny in that long month, that you're a strong person- level headed, calm and smart.
But still when Alby popped up in the Glade, you were thrilled that you weren't on your own anymore, even if you were stuck with a panicked teenage boy.
Then Nick. Then Newt. Then Minho. Then Zart. Wiston. Gally. Jeff. Clint.
Boy, after boy came up and the dawning feeling that you were left in a sea of testosterone wasn't a problem you'd anticipated. Not only that- you were the captain of it. Of course, doing this on your own isn't an easy task, so, you enlisted Alby as your co-leader. And Newt as your second-in-command after you lost Nick.
The first year was rough. It took you forever to sort out roles and rules and how the place should be ran, but it took more trail and error than you wanted.
But eventually, with more boys and will power and all the time in the world, the Glade became a fully functioning mini-civilisation.
All because of you. And Alby, but mainly you.
He's a nice foil to you- sometimes aggressive, physically intimidating and willing to hurt people when necessary. He's not scared to enforce the consequences of breaking the rules.
By comparison, you come across as a more of a mother figure- nurturing and collected, helping Gladers with their problems and making sure things run smoothly.
You hand picked the Keepers yourself. Some more obvious than others, but your best decision by far was making Minho Keeper of the Runners.
He's perfect for the job. In the early days, you were in charge of the Maze- you had the most experience with it, after all. But Minho far exceeded your skills- fast, smart, observant and strong. He shows promise where the other Gladers lack it.
He's also the only Keeper you let pick his men. Anyone can garden or slaughter animals if they're up for it; you just dictate what they're best at. After all, you can do it all- you had to when you were on your own.
But Minho is better than you at Running. And you can see that, so why should you or Alby say otherwise?
Obviously, you get the final call. But you very rarely question his judgement. Even arguing and shutting down Alby when he does.
Maybe that's why Minho likes you. You hold him highly and with more respect than most. Obviously, it's not exactly unheard of for Gladers to have crushes on you. Minho is no different.
Well, except he kind of is.
Normally, the crushes die as fast as they start when they realise that you're busy and emotionally unavailable. But not Minho.
He's always been attracted to you- your stability and skills. You juxtapose his reckless actions and quick thinking with your deep consideration and calming atmosphere.
He'd watched boy after boy fail to impress you, when you're so naturally impressed by him that he doesn't even need to do anything. You respect him for what he does, and the feeling is mutual.
Though, you're a bit dense.
It's probably because you're always getting hit on, or maybe you're used to Minho's naturally flirty personality, but no matter how hard he tries to hint at something more, you remain oblivious.
In fact, you are the only person that has failed to notice that he's completely smitten with you.
"Earth to Minho," Newt clicks his fingers in front of his friends face, "anybody home?" Him, Minho, and Ben sit at one of the makeshift dining tables, all in a row.
Minho swats his hand away. "Shuck off, man."
"You could always just tell her, yanno, instead of staring at her like some kinda freak."
"Yeah," Ben chuckles, "and we need some entertainment- watching you get rejected could definitely provide that."
Newt leans around Minho to punch the boy in the arm. "Shut your bloody mouth, shank."
"What? She rejects everyone."
"Yeah, but she likes Minho."
"She does?" Minho sparks up, looking at Newt and raising an eyebrow.
"Well, not like-likes, I mean she might, but I just mean that she respects ya- you guys, yanno, get along, init."
Minho pulls his lips into a thin line. "Great, thanks, Newt- real eye-opening."
"Well, I'm just sayin'. If anyone has a shot with her, it's you, mate."
"What are you shanks talking about?" Minho just about jumps out of his skin when you approach. He didn't even see you leave his sight because he was too distracted by the conversation to even realise you'd snuck up behind them.
"Oh, uh, nothing," he tries to play it off.
"We were talking about you, actually," Minho shoots Ben a stern glare, only to get a wink in response.
"Oh, yeah?" Your tone is playfully and unassuming. "I'm nothing, am I?"
"No, that's not what-"
"Have you guys even eaten yet?" You blink at the empty table in front of them, immediately distracting yourself from whatever they were saying.
"Uh, no," Newt clears his throat, "we were waiting for the queue to die down a bit. But-"
"Well, I'll get you guys something to eat," you put your hands on Minho's shoulders, making him jump as Newt and Ben exchange a knowing look. "Can't have my best Runner going hungry now, can I?"
He looks up at you like you're the stars and the world combined. Like an old stray dog admiring it's owner whose given him everything and nothing could ever compare to what he's witnessing. You're so close and warm and your goal is always to support him. And the other Gladers of course, but he desperately wants to believe that it's him above all else.
And you haven't fucking noticed.
You walk away, making your way over to Frypan's Station and ignoring his complaints as you slip behind the counter, taking your time to make the dishes yourself.
"Dude," Newt scoffs. He's never been more entertained than watching Minho watch you. It's like seeing a whole other side to his friend. "You're shucked."
With Newt's, and Ben's (but mainly Newt's) advice, Minho had decided to pick up to hintsa and flirting. Except despite being naturally quick and witty, you make him nervous and stuttery.
And you're still oblivious.
"Hey, (Y/N), you look good today."
"Oh, thanks, Minho. Someone's in a good mood today."
But he keeps trying.
"Hey, do you wanna eat together later- feels like I barely see you."
"Oh, yeah, that'd be great; I'll get Alby to join us- we can discuss your progress on the Maze."
And again.
"New Greenie up today, you reckon you'll be able to take a break from baby sitting to have a drink with me?"
"Oh, yeah, maybe. If I'm not too busy. Oh! It might be a smart idea for you to tell the Greenies about the Maze- might help them understand a bit more- good idea!"
And again.
"Yo, Newt said you got some new clothes from the Box, haven't seen you in them yet- I bet you'll look great, as always."
"Pfft, shut up, man- they'll be the same as all the rags I normally wear."
And again.
"You know, I'm so happy to have you as a Leader. You're incredible at it; Alby should think himself lucky to have you helping him make choices."
"I'm only doing my job, the same as everyone here. You don't have to praise me for that."
And- well, you get the picture.
It's been months. Literally, months since he decided to up his game, and he's about to start ripping his hair out.
So, after returning from the Maze one night, he's had enough. He doesn't even bother going to the Map Room. He immediately asks where you are and marches over to your hut.
The knocking at your door startles you. You were simply changing your shirt after an incident helping the Slicers.
"Hey, (Y/N)? You in there?"
"Minho?" You pull your shirt over your head and grab the door in a hurry, opening it. "Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be-?"
"I need to talk to you," he blurts out, stunning you slightly.
"Right, okay. Yeah, of course, come in." You step aside and he he pulls his lips into a thin line, internally attempting to psyche himself up for what he's about to do.
He slips past you and you speak. "Do you want me to shut the door, so we can talk in private?"
"Uh, yeah, please."
"Okay," you nod, shutting it behind you and turning to face him. "What's going on?"
"I don't- shuck, okay, I just- I mean-"
Concern dances across your face, stepping towards him at his flustered state. "Is everything okay? You seem stressed; you know you can tell me anything, Minho. That's what I'm here for. Has something-?"
"I like you!" He snaps, throwing his hands up.
You blink, confused. "I, uh, like you, too? I mean, you're one of our best and you're very important here."
"No!" He groans, hands flying to his hair in frustration before he calms himself. "I don't mean... I mean I like-like you, like as in I think I might even be in love with you. A-and I've been trying for so long to hint at it, but you just- either you're ignoring it or you genuinely haven't noticed- but I have to know, okay? You can reject me and things can go back to normal, but I can't go on like this."
You stand in shock.
Okay, so, you may or may not have also developed a crush on him. Your higher affections towards him haven't been because you just thought he was great at his job, but because you do have stronger feelings towards him.
You're just busy and have created these rules for yourself to not date anyone. And since Minho has never flat out said it like most boys confessed to you- you have genuinely remained oblivious.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" Minho asks, pulling you out of your trance. "Shuck, you're not saying anything. Shit. I'm sorry, let's uh, let's just forget this ever happened and-"
You step forward, catching him off-guard as he turns to face you more. "You like me?" Your voice is soft and almost gleeful as his eyes flicker to your lips.
He sighs. "Of course, I do. How could I not?"
You hover in front of him, feeling nervous for the first time since you came up in the Box. Your noses brush for a second before you have the courage to move in.
Pushing your lips against his, he kisses back immediately, his hands coming to your waist, pushing in the years of feelings he's been tormented with.
After a few seconds, you break.
"Take it you like me, too, then?"
You smile at him, giving a small smile before kissing him again.
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Back again with more Minho whilst fighting through my illness. I've got a break off of work coming up so I should be able to write some more, so expect some more requests.
Hope you enjoyed :))
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
The Rat
Media - The Maze Runner Series Character - Newt Couple - Newt X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Dark + Sad Word Count - 3116
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I said goodnight the the boys and headed through the right arms camp, the sun slipping below the mountains, as I poked my head inside the tent. I couldn't hold back my smile, as I saw Y/n.
As I entered the room, I saw her lying on our bunk, all set for a good night's sleep. Her vibrantY/H/Chair was neatly tied up in a bun, and her face had a serene expression. She had changed into her nightwear and kicked off her trousers and boots, which were lying on the floor. She was wrapped up in a cosy blanket and had a soft pillow under her head. The room was dimly lit, and it felt peaceful and quiet.
Naaww she's so cute,
I kicked off my shoes, tossed my jacket and undid my trousers before climbing into the bed with her wrapping my arms around her waist and having a little bit of a fight to hug some blanket away from her.
"Hey! Honey!" I complained,
"I'm cold," She whines,
"I know, but if you let me in. I'll warm you up," I chuckled,
"Seems like a lie for more covers," she pouts,
"Humm you know all my plans, Y/n," I joked, "Come on, come here."
She turned to face me and nuzzled her cute little freckled nose into my chest so I held her as close as I could pressing a kiss to the rim of herY/H/Chair, "Hi honey,"
"Hi Newt,"
"You all ready for bed?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Okay, goodnight Y/n,"
"Goodnight Newt,"
We both shifted and got comfy for a while before we drifted away to sleep.
We both jolted a little as we woke up, the sounds of guns and shouting outside our tent, the sounds of bergs overhead. We both panicked and got dressed rushing out our went and finding everyone else.
"What the bloody hell is going on!" I yelled,
"Wicked!" Minho yelled,
I nodded and kept Y/n close to me as I grabbed a gun to defend myself, "Keep close okay?" I told her and she nodded holding me tightly,
We did our best but it wasn't long before we were captured, lined up like dogs ready to be taken or shot whichever they wanted to do to us, I held Y/n close holding her hand tight as we both trembled unsure of what our fate would be.
The berg landed and soon enough the door opened, revealing... THEM.
Janson and Ava stepped out into the dust and walked up and down our line to see who they had.
"Good, very good. Barely any losses," Janson smirked,
"How did you find us!" Thomas barked,
"We tracked you as far as the mountains until the magnetics screwed our system," Janson explained,
"and then we had some help..." Ava said as she stood in front of Y/n and I, "someone who always understood the greater good of our work,"
"What?" I froze up,
"what the hell are you talking about?" Y/n asked,
"Y/n.. you told them-" Teresa spoke up in shock,
"What no! I didn't! I would never work with THEM!" She complained,
"You- you rated us out... this whole time! we thought you were our friend!" Minho turned on her,
"I am! Minho you've known me for four years you know I wouldn't do this!" Y/n explained,
"A very good little rat kept us updated the whole way," Janson explained,
"NO! I didn't! I swear I didn't say anything to them!" she began to cry,
"Y/n! What the hell!" Frypan yelled,
"I didn't do it!" She whined, "You believe me don't you newt?" she held my hands her eyes pleading,
"Of course I do," I told her squeezing her hands,
"So you both ratted us out!" Thomas yelled,
"No!" She cried,
"Tommy, I swear to you I have not spoken a word to them," I told him,
"Then she ratted us out! on her own!" Minho yelled,
"I didn't I swear!" She cried,
"Don't go screaming accusations at her Minho," I warn,
"Why? you two got something to hide?" Fry asked,
"No! This is insane don't you trust me!"
"I trust you. It's her I don't trust," thomas explained,
"He has nothing to do with it." Janson explained, "Y/n was our only mole."
"Y/n..." I turned to her,
"I'm not I swear it!" she cried,
"You were their mole. All this time. we trusted you. and you were feeding them information to keep them on our tail." Teresa explained,
"It's true, she was our only mole. Said it would be best to get you all back home where you belong." Ava explained,
"newt! you know it's a lie! you're with me almost every day you know I don't talk to them!" She said,
"She spoke in secret usually early in the morning," Janson spoke up, "Updated us of your location. Made a deal. Your location, for a life where she could be safe. You and Newt wasn't it Y/n?"
"Y/n how could you!" Teresa began to cry into Thomas' chest, "She sold us out, just so she and Newt would be safe."
"Y/n... you-" I began,
"NO! I didn't I promise you knew I didn't! when would I, you're always with me,"
"Not always." I snapped moving away a moment, "Where have you been going... in the mornings?"
"Newt that has nothing to do with this..." she whispered,
"Then why not tell me? I love you, you know I do. but I wake up most days and you're not with me... so where are you going?"
"To talk to them!" Minho yelled,
"No! No! I- I've been..." She began,
"Talking to us. keeping us updated." Janson explained,
"No! I wasn't it's complicated-"
"I swear to you Newt I didn't say a word to them."
"It's her word against them, and they both say she did." Thomas explained, "And honestly I believe them 'cause how else would they know someone sold us out."
"It wasn't me I swear," She cried,
The emotions I felt were overwhelming. My heart ached with a deep pain that seemed to penetrate my very core. My soul was on fire, consumed by a mix of anger, disappointment, and betrayal. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that someone I trusted had done something so unforgivable.
She had betrayed us all. Despite her promises to keep us safe, she had sold out our friends in a moment of weakness. I couldn't understand how she could do something like this. We had all put our faith in her, and she had let us down in the worst way possible.
The worst part was that she was the girl I loved. The one I had trusted with my heart and soul. I wanted to believe that she was innocent, that there was some mistake, but deep down, I knew the truth. She had broken my trust, and it was going to take a long time to heal from this.
"I hope you are happy Y/n..." Teresa explained,
"I didn't you have to believe me!" she begged, "I... I keep leaving in the morning as I..."
"To let us all know," Ava nodded, "Our daughter has always appreciated the greater good."
"Daughter?" She gasped,
"Our daughter has always been close to us. Killed us to put you in the maze sweetie, but it had to be done. You knew it. we knew it. you've always been our good girl." Janson explained stroking her hair,
"No... No... I - I didn't know I was their daughter. I swear I didn't I am not a rat I promise!"
"And now we are going to take you all home," Ava explained,
"Over my dead body!" Minho yelled as he kicked Janson in the dick and the fighting began again,
"Get them on now!" Janson demanded as he forced Y/n towards the berg,
"Nooo! Please! I am not going with you!" She tried to argue, "Newt Please!" She cried,
I was in a state of confusion and disbelief as I watched everything unfold before my eyes. Y/n, my girlfriend, had been accused of betraying us to the wicked men who had attacked our camp. I didn't know how to help her, but I couldn't bear the thought of her betraying us. So, I stood with Thomas and the others as we faced off against the attackers. The fight was brutal, and unfortunately, we lost Minho, who was taken by wicked men. They also destroyed much of the camp and took Y/n with them.
Despite the accusations against Y/n, I still couldn't help but hear her screams and pleas echoing in my mind. I wanted to believe her when she said she didn't sell us out, but the question lingered in my mind - how else would they have found us? Why would they lie and say she did? It was then that I realized that it explained where she had been going every morning, but I still struggled to believe that my girlfriend would sell us all out, even if she had good intentions of giving us a safe life together. It was a difficult situation to come to terms with, and my mind was left in a state of turmoil, not sure what to believe.
I leaned against the table in the camp, as thomas threw things around the room in frustration, Teresa going to comfort him. Six months and yet another failed rescue attempt that only cost us more men. We lost Harriet to their clutches this time. We had lost so many in failed attempts, only thomas, Teresa, fry and I left now. With Jorge and Brenda of course too.
"Fuck!" He yelled, "How is this possible? they were right there waiting again! like they knew it was coming!"
"How the bloody hell do they always know..." I sighed, "I know you want Minho back but... it might be time to throw in the towel,"
"Newt's right we just keep losing the few we do have," Fry nodded,
"I know..." Thomas began,
"No we have to keep trying thomas, we have to," Teresa told him cuddling his arm,
There was silence for a moment,
"Yeah, it's like they already know..." Thomas began,
"How would they do that?" Fry spoke up,
"...Maybe... the rat never left," Teresa suggested,
"What..." I gasped,
"Newt." Thomas looked at me,
"They tracked us half away across the world, found us in the camp, and now they know our every attack before it happens!" He yelled at me, "Maybe a rat is feeding them,"
"me! You think I'm a mole! I'm your best friend!"
"Y/n was your girlfriend! and she sold us out! how do we know... all this time... you weren't on her side. made a deal with them, a better life for you and your girl, while the rest of us rot!"
"I would never!"
"Then how do they know!"
"I don't know!" I yelled back, "I'm going for a walk call me when you calm down." I told him,
before I took my coat and stormed out into the camp,
I climbed on top of the rocks and sat down, gazing over the camp and taking in the early morning light. It was the calm before the storm, and I wanted to enjoy it before everyone else woke up. However, my mind was racing with thoughts, and I couldn't shake them off.
I couldn't believe that he accused me of being a mole. After all that I had done for him, he still had doubts about my loyalty. I suppose I can't blame him, he thinks Y/n was and assumes we'd work together, which makes more sense than anything I can come up with. But I think The stress of the situation was getting to all of us, and it was starting to show. The tension was palpable, and I could feel it in the air.
Despite all the chaos, I couldn't help but think about Y/n. I missed her dearly - her hugs, her kisses, and her love. I still hear her screams in my mind, and I can't help but believe her. As time passes, my doubts grow stronger, and I need to see her again to ask her the truth. I know in my heart that she would never lie to me. But, the question remains, was she telling the truth?
It doesn't make sense to me that if Y/n was the mole, then how are they still finding out things now that she's gone? How do they know about our plans? It's all too confusing, and I can't help but feel like we're missing something crucial. The fate of our mission hangs in the balance, and we can't afford to make any mistakes.
As I was exploring my surroundings, I heard a strange fizzing noise that caught my attention. I was confused at first, but then I looked around and pushed on a nearby rock, which tumbled away to reveal something unexpected: an old black phone that was vibrating. I felt a sense of curiosity and decided to flip it open to see what was on it.
To my surprise, I saw a new message on the small, cracked screen that read: "Need New Info Call - What is the next move?" I couldn't resist the urge to find out more, so I started looking through the conversations and call logs on the phone.
As I scrolled through the contents, I couldn't believe my eyes. All of our information, including our plans and conversations, had been updated daily by someone who had been feeding it to Wicked. They were the mole, the rat, and had been working against us all along. They had been keeping track of everything, even updating it when plans changed. It was clear that they had been gathering information on us for a while.
I felt a mix of anger and betrayal as I processed this new discovery. This was a major setback for us, as we had been working hard to keep our plans a secret from Wicked. But now, it seemed that all of our efforts were in vain. We had to come up with a new plan, and fast, if we were going to stay one step ahead of the rat and protect ourselves from further harm.
But who's is this? I scrolled back further and further until I found it... the messages that confirmed it all.
Y/n... Y/n was never the rat.
But she was the scapegoat.
Teresa! was the rat!
Teresa has been planning with them since our escape... planning to get us all back, feeding them our whereabouts, and then when it came time for the pickup, she asked them to make it seem like Y/n was the rat so that thomas would still trust her enough to get the cure from his blood. She planned for us all to be taken that day!
And ever since has been feeding them our plans to pick us off one by one...
... Y/n didn't lie.
Y/n was innocent.
I turned on the woman I love.
I betrayed her.
I didn't believe her.
I left her to their mercy.
I began to cry thinking of the monster I had been to the woman I love when she had been innocent this whole time.
"Y/n.... I- I'm so sorry honey," I cried,
I headed down with the phone in hand as my evidence ready to confront thomas and tell him the truth. But I found him and Fry getting a car loaded,
"what's going on?"
"We are going to the last city. to get Minho and the others out before the boat leaves," Thomas explained, "I- I am sorry for snapping newt your right we need to stay together, there is no rat I'm just being crazy."
"No, thomas I -"
"Come on, we need you with us."
"Is... Teresa coming?"
"No, I told her to stay here in camp she wasn't happy but I thought it was best for her."
I nodded and was about to speak but Teresa came through so I did the phone as she kissed thomas.
I bit my tounge and simply went with them, making sure there was no way she could find out our plans, and I had her phone keeping it with me for the perfect moment.
I know the others didn't want to, but I wasn't leaving without Y/n, Thomas went for Minho so I broke away and went for Y/n, and I found her locked in a cell.
I forced open the door and saw her lying on the floor, herY/H/Chair messy and cut short, her skin bruised and bloody. She looked so broken they had tortured her, tormented her, all to keep her in these cells and keep her quiet. I felt so happy to see her but like crying for all I had done to her, maybe if I had stood up for her... poor thing wouldn't be here, she'd still be in my arms where she belongs, and I collapsed to my knees as I saw her stomach.
"Y/n... Honey. I'm so sorry..." I cried,
"Ne- Newt." she croaked,
"I know it wasn't you, I am so so sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry I let them take you, I'm so sorry I didn't stand up for you. Please can you ever forgive me?" I begged holding her sweet face,
"Of course I forgive you, it was all-"
"Teresa. I know. She framed you. I'm so sorry it took me so long to see it. What... what's this?" I let my hand slip to her stomach,
"I was leaving in the mornings... becuase of morning sickness... Newt... I"
"You're pregnant?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Ohh my god- I'm so so sorry honey, I'm so sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry you ended up here. but I am getting you out of her. You and our sweet little baby. I promise. I don't care about your daughter, you're the woman I love. And I will keep you safe and protect you I promise I love you so much."
"I love you too newt."
We shared a sweet kiss and I helped her to her feet even if she was in a lot of pain. We got to the bus under the building, loaded with every immune we could get out as well as everyone who had been taken.
"why is she here?" Thomas asked,
"I know you don't trust her. But I think you will. Once you read these." I handed over the phone still with them constantly asking for information, he looked it over and saw everything I had,
"Oh my god she- she - Y/n I- I'm so sorry I-"
"It's okay thomas. she's very convincing." she nodded,
"I am so sorry for what happened." He hugged her, "You are coming with us. I promise."
"Thank you, Tommy," I nodded, We got a seat and I kept Y/n in my arms kissing every one of her bruises and stroking her bump as we escaped. "I am so sorry for not trusting you honey,"
"It's okay, you came back for me. I forgive you Newt I promise. I still love you endlessly,"
"I love you too. You... and this little one,"
"Our little one."
"Yeah, our little one." I smiled,
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fairycosmos · 2 months
dylan o brien is my white boy of the century. the affect 2014 him had on me.... and even his current self. looking at him is like chugging crisp ice water at 3 am
it's literally so wild. no other man has impacted me like this honestly he used to (and still does) have me barking like a dog truly watching the maze runner. he was a salve on the 3rd degree burn that was my 14 yo soul and im not even being dramatic
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⋆★ word count : 594
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : After running into the maze,, M/N returns injured. Gally, usually tough and unyielding, shows a different side as he takes care of M/N during his recovery.
⋆★ extra : guess who’s back, back again. I LOVE THE MAZE RUNNER 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ AND WILL POULTER. also I suck so bad at titles… need help so bad
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The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the Glade. The walls of the Maze were slowly closing, and the usual tension among the Gladers heightened as they awaited the return of the runners. As always, Gally stood at the entrance, his sharp eyes scanning for any sign of movement. Tonight, though, his gaze lingered a little longer than usual, his thoughts consumed by one particular runner.
He’d been out there since dawn, and Gally’s concern grew with each passing minute. Finally, just before the walls sealed shut for the night, a figure stumbled towards the opening. Gally let out a sigh he didn’t know he had been holding when he saw it was M/N, but his relief was short-lived as he noticed the blood staining M/N's clothes and the grimace of pain on his face.
"Shuck, M/N," Gally muttered, rushing forward to support him. Making the shorter male put his arm around his shoulders to help him stand. "What happened out there?"
M/N tried to smile, but it came out as a wince. "Ran into some trouble. Guess I wasn’t fast enough this time."
Gally’s grip tightened around M/N's waist steadying him, his frustration at the Maze and worry for M/N bubbling up. "Let’s get you to the Med-jacks," he said, leading M/N towards the Homestead.
The walk felt like an eternity, M/N wincing every couple of steps due to his wound but they finally made it. Gally gently helped M/N onto a bed and barked orders at Jeff and Clint. He stayed close, watching as they cleaned and bandaged the wounds. Once they were done, they left the two alone, knowing better than to question Gally’s presence.
Gally sat beside M/N, his usual tough demeanor cracking. "You scared the life out of me, you know that?"
M/N chuckled weakly. "Didn’t know you cared so much, Gally."
Gally huffed, but the concern in his eyes betrayed him. "Yeah, well, you’re an idiot.“
M/N’s eyes softened, and he reached out to squeeze Gally’s hand. "Thanks for looking out for me."
Gally sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Just rest, alright? I’ll be here. I’ll make sure you’re alright."
Days passed, and Gally rarely left M/N’s side. He brought food, helped change bandages, and even told him about what he was working on around the glade. M/N’s strength slowly returned, and his wounds started to heal properly.
Under the soft glow of the lantern, M/N was picking at his nails brows furrowed huffing lightly. Gally watched him quietly before questioning him “What are you huffing and puffing about?” M/N looked up at him seemingly contemplating to himself, before his expression grew serious. "Why do you care so much, Gally You’re not usually like this."
Gally looked down itching the back of his head, his eyes not wanting to meet with M/N’s. Sighing he looked back up at M/N who had been waiting for him to answer “Maybe you’re different. Maybe... I’m different when I’m with you."
M/N’s heart sped up a little, beating louder than normally, and he felt a warmth spread through his cheeks that had nothing to do with the warmth of the night. "I like this side of you," he admitted softly.
Gally looked away, but not before M/N saw the small smile tugging at his lips. "Just don’t go getting yourself hurt again, okay? I don’t think I could handle it."
"I’ll try," M/N promised, reaching out to intertwine their fingers. "But if I do, I know you’ll be there."
Gally squeezed his hand gently. "Always."
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mazepunner · 2 years
my tmr headcannons
this is a work of disaster i am bringing over from my alarming twitter. my headcannons. all together. enjoy.
while minho runs the maze, he's thinking of everyone back in the glade, individually, and why he needs to keep going for them.
alby once got in a huge screaming match with gally over who should be second in command.
gally has a soft spot for newt and they've accidentally fallen into really deep conversations by the campfire.
when newt did his leg thing alby let him pick which job he wanted.
zart once started a food fight and alby threw him in the pit for wasting food.
ben once knocked a candle over and burned one of the huts down.
gally concussed himself on the job and actually shut up for a week.
chuck once called out for his mum in his sleep and everyone heard but nobody ever acknowledged it.
nobody ever told newt that they'd finished mapping the maze.
gally once got so mad he threw a hammer and alby put him in the pit for a week.
gally was the pit's most frequent visitor.
during an argument at a keeper's meeting, winston once told newt that "not everyone got to pick their jobs" and newt walked out.
winston immediately came out and apologised and there was a bit of crying, some confessions, and hug. from then, winston and newt really saw eachother eye-to-eye.
in ben's legendary hut fire of '85, gally threw his 'trade secret' drink on it and made it much much worse.
still on the topic of the hut fire, alby froze and didn't know what to do, while newt barked orders and managed to get it under control. people called him 'fire chief' for weeks.
jeff hated his job.
newt has insomnia and alby used to stay awake and keep him company as they walked around the glade.
minho used to just come and sit beside newt without saying anything and somehow that meant so much to both of them.
alby swore once and everyone threatened to throw him in the pit.
minho snores.
gally is janson's son or nephew i haven't decided.
when newt started working in the fields everyone came up and either hugged him or gave him a pat on the back and he teared up.
zart once fell on his head while trying to do a cartwheel and everyone thought he was dead until he got up and did another once, successfully, with the others all screaming at him to stop.
alby used to have this little spot in the deadheads where he'd go to have a breather and everyone knew just to leave him alone.
gally got sick once and lost his voice and minho took the opportunity to insult him until he got punched.
newt is gay.
newt had a crush on alby but never ever would have told him ever because he didn't think it was relevant to their situation and nothing would ever come of it.
newt found out he was allergic to sheep when wckd sent one up in the box and he had a sneezing fit every time he walked past it. 
he'd insist he was fine until his eyes swelled up and winston realised what was going on and yelled "kill the sheep!"
gally and newt once got so drunk at a bonfire that they waltzed together.
it ended abruptly when gally tripped and they both almost fell into the fire.
minho and alby caught them and alby yelled at everyone to go to bed.
zart can draw. really really well.
when chuck first arrived he didn't speak for two days.
newt once fell asleep on alby at the bonfire and everyone just let him
they had glade-wide games of hide and seek and it was chaos
ben once ate a bug and was worried he'd get superpowers
gally's excuse for quitting being a runner was that he got bored
if someone's having a rough time, frypan arranges their breakfast into a little picture before giving it to them
alby's scared of mice
newt's double jointed in a lot of ways and it freaks alby out but zart loves it
ben replaced newt as a runner.
chuck once sat in some mud and gally lent him a shirt to tie around his waist to cover it up until he could fix it
when ben replaced newt they both found it hard to talk to each other
and minho literally only talked to ben about running and had no patience for anything else... to begin with
zart kept trying to come up with his own catch phrase and was always cycling through them
frypan gave everyone a safety briefing before they started work in the kitchen, mentioned it to gally once and he started doing the same with the builders
winston always slept in and had to be woken up by alby or newt
gally built the homestead before he had a growth spurt, so all the doorways are too low for him
when thomas got stung, teresa and chuck stayed by his side the whole time
and during that time chuck told teresa that he wanted to see his parents again
newt once said alby's name in his sleep and minho heard and starting laughing so loudly that everyone woke up
ben once sneezed on alby and everyone screamed and ran
gally once tripped on a fence and fell into the pig pen
ben decided he was going to give frypan a night off and cook for everyone. the kitchen caught fire.
there were relationships in the glade but none of them were ever 'public'
on bonfire night frypan always walked around making sure everyone was hydrated and fed and not drinking too much of gally's drink
on bonfire night gally always walked around making sure everyone was drinking too much of gally's drink
clint could sing
jeff could too and sometimes you'd be able to walk past the homestead and hear them harmonising together
ben was by far the most susceptible to gally's drink. by far.
minho was actually a super anxious person but really good at hiding it
for a week the glade had a pet caterpillar
it went missing and zart tried to launch an investigation before alby told him they needed food more than they needed caterpillars
alby remains the prime suspect on zart's list to this day
minho and newt literally ran into each other in the maze once and newt went FLYING
minho was laughing too hard to help him up
alby once called a meeting to put an end to everyone calling each other "bro" because it was "annoying and stopping work from getting done"
minho had started the trend
gally once got so annoyed with everyone that he went and sat in the box
minho checked in on the runners because he didn't want anyone losing hope
for a long time alby was the one who could really make minho smile
when newt and minho met up at the end of their routes, minho would look at newt expectantly, newt would just shake his head and then minho would pat him on the back and they'd run back to the glade in silence
newt used to give chuck his leftovers
alby fell asleep in the homestead during the day once and everyone started placing bigger and bigger items on him until zart tried to balance a table on his head and he woke up
winston really admired alby and wished he could lead as well as him
whenever frypan was sad, he would talk to alby
-there was this running joke that alby shaved every morning because he didn't want anyone to know that he was an old man
newt was initially REALLY shy
approximately 40% of them sang in the showers
frypan made special meals for anyone who'd been in the med shack that day
if anyone left rubbish lying around newt would kick it at them
zart would follow him around picking it up
minho was quietly fascinated by zart
zart was loudly fascinated by everyone
friendship bracelets were a thing for a while, thanks to zart and clint
alby would throw his arm around whoever was nearby
clint's job stressed him out big time but he couldn't imagine doing anything else. it was just really frustrating not having the resources to really help when he needed to.
if newt was in a stroppy mood he'd sit down next to someone and pull his legs up and drape them across that person's lap
in response to that: zart would smile, minho would pay no attention, alby would worry, jeff would start checking his legs over (and newt would try to kick him), and gally would laugh
oh and chuck would hug his legs
chuck secretly wanted to be a medjack but it scared him
there was one person who would always talk to whoever was upset or crying and that person was jeff
when ben and minho ran past thomas and chuck that very first time, they got to the map room and immediately cracked up laughing at thomas' face
alby was actually the best friend in that he would ALWAYS laugh at people's jokes
zart wanted to celebrate when each glader had spent a year in the glade but alby firmly told him no because it wasn't something to celebrate
but zart got frypan to sneak each person an extra helping of bacon at the bonfire when their day came around
when ben got made a runner he just subconsciously started spending all his time with minho. he was just drawn to him, wherever he was. so they ended up spending every minute of every day together.
ben was always the guy who didn't get the joke but laughed anyway
frypan was super perceptive and could always pick up on someone feeling upset or off in any way
chuck subconsciously looked up to EVERYONE. he wanted to be brave like minho, funny like zart (he always laughed at zarts jokes), smart like alby, friendly like winston, caring like newt, loyal like ben, cheerful like frypan, the list goes on
and my point is he didn't see any of this consciously but he took on little pieces of them all every time he spoke to them. they all influenced him like older brothers and helped him to feel at home, one of them.
gally did little things to make everyone feel at home. that thing he said to thomas about being "safe with us" he said to everyone in one way or another. he reminded them that the glade was their "haven" from whatever was out there
i don't believe thomas had a crush on newt "from the moment he saw him" but i think newt mesmerised him a little and once he mentioned being a runner thomas decided he was definitely worth getting to know above anyone else
there was one day when everyone had a turn styling chucks hair around the campfire
winston yells at flies
one day, when newt was sad, minho came up behind him and just starting brushing his hair until it fluffed up
chuck always had clammy hands and was subconscious about it until gally told him it just meant he was working hard all the time
oh and the fluffy hair newt thing, alby was watching and smiling from nearby as newts smile slowly grew too
ben was even more optimistic than zart and that's saying something
and minho went through moments of being SUPER pessimistic like "the world is ending" type stuff and ben would always be like "no i don't think so"
newt was honestly a pretty good runner
^but not in a competitive way, like minho was. he just quietly went out and got the job done really well.
there was a dance move known only as "the zart" and no i won't describe it
when alby cried you KNEW it was serious
they had three banishments before ben's
when newt felt sad he tried to help out more with the animals because it felt good taking care of someone else
alby arrived with a blank book and he kept a journal of every day in the glade.
zart has four aloe vera plants growing up the back of the vegetable garden and he treats them with utmost importance
they grow sunflowers and eat the seeds
gally was the one who taught chuck how to carve the little chuck doll
gally would tell people if they had food on their face
zart has a bad back
the medjacks had a little "how to-" book which was all of the information they'd learned over the years
newt wrote a sassy note in that book when he was in a bad mood one day that basically said "how to piss off newt: leave him in here, alone and bored"
clint drew little doodles around the entries
minho and alby used to have thumb wars
the runners had meetings each week to discuss anything they'd found
clint was really good at opening jars
zart and frypan figured out how to make herbal tea and they always left peppermint tea out on the kitchen bench for when newt couldn't sleep
ben and gally were mates
frypan was by far the best hugger
they all SUCKED at communicating their feelings
except for clint who's an oversharer - lena
they once had a limbo contest and jeff was the winner by far
going way back to the subject of zart being able to draw, he would stay up late drawing by candlelight before bed. and because they didn't have mirrors he drew portraits for everyone so that they could know what they looked like.
and back to the subject of newt not sleeping, sometimes he would sit with zart. zart tried to teach him to draw but newt got frustrated and found it much more relaxing to just watch zart create his magic.
and when newt was in a good mood he'd sit there making requests for zart to draw and zart would always put his own little spin on whatever newt asked for and complicate it.
like one time newt asked him to draw a cat and zart drew a whole forest of animals and hid a cat in one of the trees.
newt, minho and zart had discussions about sexuality together. nothing hugely revelatory like coming out, but enough to feel comfortable with each other and know that they could if they felt the need.
zart and newt both knew the other wasn't straight. minho gave nothing away and just said "i'm down with that" to whatever they were discussing
somewhat related to pride, newt was easily distracted by rainbows
gally became a builder because he wanted a job that kept his hands busy and that he could really keep track of his progress and see his achievements
newt and minho kept each other company whenever they sensed they needed it
one time alby told them all to shut up and go to bed, got in his hammock, it broke and it was so unexpected that nobody knew what to say
then newt quietly went "are you okay?" and zart started laughing
gally got up and silently helped alby fix the hammock before going straight back to bed
minho could keep a secret. and he knew EVERYONE'S secrets because he paid attention.
when thomas arrived they genuinely all thought he'd be a slopper and nobody doubted it
anyone who slept with their shoes on got their laces tied together by minho
once newt went to hug alby and accidentally kissed him on the cheek out of instinct, panicked, and started power walking in the other direction
minho witnessed the whole thing and immediately started crying with laughter
alby had to go after newt and check he was okay without laughing too
newts one of those people who, when he gets angry or frustrated, he tears up. and it just makes him more frustrated to he tears up even more and he hates it because he thinks people won't take him seriously if they notice.
gally and newt both fidget a lot.
oh and so does thomas but like next level fidgeting. he has to be DOING something all of the time or he can't sit still.
alby loved all of the gladers so much so so so much
winston, clint and ben were all left handed
the trackhoes used to have the worst back problems after gardening all day every day, so clint became the resident masseuse
zart used to literally have daily massages
newt always got leaves stuck in his hair
zart always stuck leaves in newt's hair
newt's favourite food was bacon. like he LOVED it and everyone else was like okay mate calm down and newt was like BACON
there was one day that little bouquets of flowers started appearing around the place and everyone knew it was zart but he never admitted to it
when minho wanted someone to know he cared about them he'd give them a little pat on the back
minho used to love taking part in the bonfire nights but as time went on he found them more and more pointless
frypan is one of those people who can really REALLY hold it together for so long. nobody gets to know if he's feeling sad until he breaks down.
alby is surprisingly good at impressions and accents
zart has a love-hate relationship with the goat: it's cute, but it can also completely destroy all of his hard work in the span of an hour
the goat had been put in the pit numerous times before newt suggested that was a bit cruel and they should tie it up outside and release it under supervision instead
newt has the biggest "okay, fuck you" face out of anyone in the glade and it comes out extra strong when he's being mocked (inspired by visro's brain)
and when newt's "fuck you" face comes out, it usually earns him a little ruffling of his hair, courtesy of minho of course
and every time, newt will swat his hand away but every time, he'll also smile
anyway that's enough about newt because clint makes necklaces
gally's biggest priority is making sure the med hut is in good shape and asking the medjacks if they need anything built or replaced
ben is the kinda person to say 'ow' even when something doesn't hurt
gally looks up to everyone (even though he literally doesn't show that ever at all, just believe me)
minho was really REALLY pissed when gally quit being a runner and they had this huge fight that they both never really got over
anyway minho doesn't know what it feels like not to constantly work hard
zart once tried to make alby a wig out of hay. alby wore it once and then didn't stop sneezing for a week
clint takes every decision and outcome to heart and jeff has to talk him down each time
after newts accident jeff forced clint to take a break because clint was convinced he was making the wrong decisions for newt
gally has ocd
they have this whole book of theories for why they're in the maze
alby contributed the least to the book because he was convinced that it didn't matter why they were there
winston was super brainy
somebody made a "caution: wet floor" sign and threw it in the pond
the bonfires were frypan's idea
zart was a big hugger
gally built crutches for newt and sanded them down until they were perfect
at first, newt was convinced he didn't need them but after a stern word from jeff about how hard gally had worked on them, newt gave in
winston is super flexible
whenever anyone's feeling down they eventually end up with a pep talk from alby or newt
gally built board games for when they had to shelter from the rain or rest inside for any reason
zart plays snakes and ladders with anyone who's willing
alby makes a point of talking to every single person on bonfire nights
newt tries to do the same but gally's trade secret recipe often gets in the way of that
because im watching tdc and minho dropping to his knees inspired me: when minho found newt in the maze he skidded to a stop on his knees beside him
when ben got stung minho tried to talk to him for hours because the others all thought he'd be the best one to get info out of him
newt had this big chat to alby about feeling bad for whacking ben in the head when he probably didn't need to and gally poked his head in and reminded newt that ben was trying to kill thomas
and newt took gally's word for it that it was okay because gally had been hit in the head so many times they'd all lost count
okay that's it for now oh my god
that was two years' worth of headcannons
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When (M/n) opened his eyes, he guessed it was rather early still, the silence of the Glade buzzing in his ears, filled by the ambience sounds around, but there were no sounds that could be produced by humans.
He sat on the bed, slowly and carefully, and he was able to feel how his pain was almost fully gone, he just had to be careful with certain movements and probably not lift heavy stuff, but he felt fine and the bruises looked good as well. Maybe he could get some work done if he could make Gally give in.
And that was gonna be his objective, he only had one obstacle in his path, and it had the name of; Gally.
Hopefully, it won't be too hard.
But first, he had to use the bathroom.
He went back to his treehouse with a light jog, going up the ladder to change his clothes into something more light, the day was getting warm but hoped it wouldn't be too hot later in the afternoon, and he stepped down again, greeting Bark with a good morning hug.
"Oh, you're already up," he looked up, squinting his eyes due to the sunlight coming through the tree branches and leaves, and there was Gally, making his way to them. Bark backed away from (M/n) and went to greet the blond as well, who smiled and messed with his fur a bit.
"Yeah, that's unusual," they chuckled and soon began making their way back to the Homestead, "I feel pretty good today, actually..." He said acting nonchalantly, but Gally didn't miss it.
He looked at (M/n), who had his lips pursed and wasn't looking at him. Gally had a grin on his face, shaking his head and softly patting his shoulder, now (M/n) was looking at him.
"We'll see, dummy, we'll see," he huffed and pouted but didn't say anything, following Gally inside and waiting in line for their breakfast portion.
The blond looked at him, almost dumbfounded at the fact that (M/n) was queueing with him to eat, even Fry was pleasantly surprised, and with a smile, he served (M/n) a smaller portion of his breakfast and they made their way to their table. Only a few of their friends were already there, eating and simultaneously falling asleep.
(M/n) waited until Gally had eaten something before asking him if he could work, telling him that he was feeling good and felt like he could handle it. So when Gally was smiling and talking to the others as they began fully waking up, he took a deep breath.
"Gally-," his voice got cut off by the sound of thunder going on outside. A few guys jumped at the loud and sudden sound, and they glanced outside, seeing how the sunlight they had less than five minutes ago was disappearing behind dark clouds, the sky turning grey.
Everyone was silent, just waiting for the rain to start, and they didn't have to wait too long, because it began pouring.
"Well..." He turned to look at Gally as he spoke, picking up some more of his breakfast, "Now we gotta wait."
(M/n) remembered that Minho had once told him about the rainy days in the Glade, this was the first one he'd witnessed ever since he arrived, so he was kind of lost on what to do. Minho said that the Glade gets a little boring when it's raining, they have stuff to entertain themselves with while they wait, and enough shelter around to not be all of them packed inside the Homestead, but the majority had to wait until the rain passed to be able to work.
Runners can't go in the Maze or they have to come back as soon as it starts raining because the floor gets slippery. Builders can't work under the rain and have to watch over everything to make sure nothing starts to rot, and if it does, replace it immediately before it collapses. Slicers can still work if they want, but they complain about how staying in the Blood House for too long makes them nauseous.
The only ones that didn't mind the rainy days were the Track-hoes, the plants would get watered and they just had to check up on the sticks holding them up.
(M/n) was curious to see how everyone would keep themselves busy while they waited for the rain to leave.
So far, everyone had chosen to stay inside in the dining area, playing board games or joking around and talking. They had a lighter lunch since they weren't working or using their energy, and now, (M/n) had excused himself to go stay in the living room as well.
The sound of rain was relaxing, and there were only minor leaks in the Homestead. He watched Dmitri and Brandon, walking around the place and taking notes of where the leaks were while placing down buckets to hold the water in.
Even if looking out the window was nice and all, he was getting just a little bit bored.
"Doll?" (M/n)'s whole body tensed when he heard the distinctive pet name and voice of Lucas. Slowly, he turned to look up at him, shifting on his spot on the couch, and he watched how the greenie smiled at him, inching closer to take the available spot next to him, "How have you been? We haven't been talking recently-"
Another loud thunder echoed making the greenie jump, slightly startled and scared. He instinctively latched onto (M/n)'s arm, which he didn't like, and he was subtly trying to pull away from his hold, but Lucas just held onto him tighter.
"Sorry, I'm... Scared of thunder..." He mumbled, almost unsure of his words, and (M/n) frowned, trying not to look like a complete asshole that didn't give a damn. But that was the issue, he did not care about Lucas.
He just cared about having something to do or somewhere else to go where there wasn't an annoying greenie poking around his business.
And it seemed like his thoughts were heard.
"(M/n)..." Gally came back inside the Homestead, his clothes wet from the rain, he had taken off his boots by the front door to not get the floor covered in mud, and he had walked in calling for him, when his green eyes landed on Lucas, specifically staring at his grip around (M/n)'s arm.
He frowned and took a few steps forward, feeling just a little satisfied when he saw the greenie back away immediately.
"Come with me," he reached his hand out and waited for (M/n) to grab it, who took it in less than five seconds, thrilled at the thought of getting away from Lucas, and spending time with Gally.
They went up the stairs and into his room, closing the door behind them.
Without saying a word, Gally began undressing and (M/n) forced himself to turn around, slightly flustered at the thought of Gally feeling comfortable enough around him to simply start taking his clothes off.
As he tried to distract himself from the shuffling sound of clothes behind him, his eyes landed on Gally's desk. He saw a few journals, some more worn than others, crumbled paper and some drawings placed around in a messy manner, but something else caught his eye.
It was a wooden statue. A really small and cute one.
(M/n) smiled and chuckled as he took a step and gently grabbed it. He spun it around in his fingers, observing the chunky-looking wooden bear he was holding.
Gally heard his quiet laughing and turned around, fully changed into dry clothes and walked up behind (M/n), looking over his shoulder what he was laughing at. And that's when he saw that he was holding one of his most recent wood sculptures. It had been a while since he had done one, so he made something simple. A tiny bear. He was happy that (M/n) liked it.
"You can keep it, if you want," he spoke in a whisper, not wanting to ruin the chill ambience between them. (M/n) glanced up at him, and Gally felt his breath getting stuck in his throat for a few seconds, realizing how close to each other they were standing, again.
He was definitely thinking about it. He wanted to do it... But he couldn't.
"Really?" (M/n)'s voice snapped him out of his conflicted thoughts and he nodded, knowing his voice would waver if he spoke, "Thank you, Gally, it's so cute."
Gally nodded and watched how (M/n) put the tiny bear in the pocket of his hoodie. And he decided to say it, otherwise, who else would appreciate his sculptures and compliment his abilities if not (M/n)?
"Here, I have more, take a look," they approached Gally's bed, and the blond reached for another crate he kept under his bed. He had a few of those full of things that had some kind of sentimental value, and it helped him keep going, now he had an excuse to show them to someone else.
And the thought scared him as much as it excited him.
Unfortunately, the rain did not stop until really late in the evening, stopping a little while after the Maze Doors closed for another night. While everyone was bored out of their mind, but enjoying the day off they got, (M/n) and Gally were still locked up in his room.
(M/n) told him he would like to learn how to wood carve and Gally was eager to teach him, so far, he hadn't been able to do anything with much detail, but he was getting there. (M/n) was just enjoying spending time with Gally, away from the greenie, sometimes getting lost in the way he would excitedly explain him something, or how he would chuckle at his struggles before helping him.
He could never get tired of spending time with Gally, could he?
A knock on the door distracted them from their fun, and Gally stood up, walking to the door. Newt was standing there.
(M/n) noticed, of course he did. He saw the happy grin growing on Newt's lips when he came face to face with Gally, shifting slightly in place to support his weight on his right leg, his head tilting ever so slightly to the left.
"Fry told me to come get you because dinner is ready, Gally, and I wanted to talk to you about something..." Newt's eyes caught sight of (M/n) sitting on Gally's bed, fidgeting with a piece of wood in his hands.
And he saw it. He saw how Newt's expression soured, the smile fading to show a frown instead, and (M/n)'s body tensed. He thought he and Newt were okay after the whole incident the other day, what happened during the time they didn't talk?
"Talk about what, Newt?" Gally pressed, leaning against the door, but Newt simply shook his head and turned around.
"It's nothing, uh... Dinner's ready, guys," he muttered again, making a subtle motion with his hand to dismiss the matter, and turned around to leave.
(M/n) stood up from his bed and stood next to Gally. Both of them observed Newt's back as he left, carefully making his way down the stairs.
"Did I..." (M/n) frowned as he spoke, catching Gally's attention as they stepped outside of the room, "Did I do something to Newt?"
A quizzical expression came across his face, and he looked down at (M/n), noticing that he was confused as well as hurt, though he tried to hide it. Gally hummed and shook his head, "I don't think so. Why?"
(M/n) grimaced at his response, and began walking toward the stairs, "He looked at me and just... Got annoyed at me, I don't know what happened."
Gally blinked a few times, trailing behind (M/n), wondering to himself, what could've been bothering Newt? Could it be that he was tired of constantly hearing Gally babble about (M/n) when they were together?
He will have to ask him, and try to get him to tell him, but he doubted Newt would just openly talk about his feelings and what was bothering him.
When Gally woke up, the first thing he did was wait for Newt to wake up, maybe ask him what was going on, but his approach might've been just a little too aggressive and oppressive because the last thing he got wasn't the truth out of him.
"Just drop it, nothing's wrong, now stop being a twat," and he walked away just like that.
Gally let out a heavy sigh and made his way into the dining area, getting his breakfast and dragging his feet to the usual table where (M/n) was already sitting at, drinking from his coffee cup and eating a muffin. He looked at it a little confused, and sat down in front of him.
"Where you did get that?" He asked (M/n) right as he took a bite of it. The (h/c) haired male chewed enough to be able to swallow it without choking.
"Jim is learning how to bake, and I was there to taste test," he responded with a grin, before taking a sip of his coffee, humming in content at its taste.
Gally grabbed his utensil and started eating his breakfast, "And how's the taste?" He was expecting a verbal answer from (M/n), caught off guard by his action.
"Wanna try?" He lifted the muffin to his face, and Gally looked at it for a few seconds, debating whether he should or not, but he trusted (M/n) to not give him anything that tasted bad, so he shrugged and leaned closer, taking a bite off of it.
"Hm," he hummed as he felt the dough coming apart in his mouth, just the right amount of sweetness where it was nice but not overwhelming and had some flavour, "This is pretty good."
(M/n) chuckled and smiled, nodding, "I know, right? He has a talent for baking."
While breakfast went by pretty fast, (M/n) was debating asking Gally if he could finally go back to work, seeing as yesterday the rain prevented him from doing so.
They walked outside, stepping on the dirt that had stiffened up again after a couple of hours, only a few spots had mud and there were a couple of puddles around the whole Glade. He trailed behind Gally, holding his hands behind his back.
"So... Can I work today?" The blond glanced over his shoulder at him and huffed, shaking his head.
"No," (M/n)'s mouth opened in shock at his quick answer, he didn't even hesitate.
He quickly jogged until he was walking right next to him, "But I- I feel fine, Gally, please, can I-?"
"Knowing you, you'll be overworking yourself, and I can't let that happen, so again, no." And he just left him standing there.
(M/n) frowned, feeling just a little mad at Gally's concern, but he also couldn't blame him for assuming he'll overwork himself... Because he was a hundred percent right. He sighed and crossed his arms. He wasn't gonna give up that easily, he wouldn't stop bothering him until he agreed to let him work.
And (M/n) stayed true to his word.
While everyone around enjoyed how annoyed Gally was getting at him, he wasn't saying anything other than 'no' over and over again at (M/n)'s request. Something about seeing their Keeper in distress, caused by the newbie, made the majority of Builders smile or laugh, but they always made sure to look away, wipe the grin off their faces and continue working, or pretend like they were getting progress whenever Gally would glare at them.
They were aware of the punishment Gally could give to them and they did not want to mess with him. But they were having fun at his expense.
(M/n) knew he was being a cheeky bastard, asking over and over again 'can I work?' without giving Gally a break, but in the end, his hard work paid off.
"Okay! Fine, you win, you can work today, (M/n)," Gally said just a little exasperated at the (h/c) haired male, who let out a snicker and quiet yet victorious 'yes!'. Gally sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "'Bout to give me a headache."
(M/n) apologized quietly and began making his way to the group doing the heaviest work, but he was held back by the collar of his shirt, preventing him from doing so and making him whine.
"Light work, (M/n), don't a slinthead, come on," he looked back at Gally, who had a smirk on his face, pretty sure this was payback for almost driving him nuts with his constant bothering.
The work he was given was really the lightest. He had to bring ivy or rope over, sticks and even the toolbox. But other than that he had nothing to do, he was resting against a nearby tree and watching them do all the work he wanted to do.
He was getting bored out of his mind, so he decided to be nice and do something while everyone was busy working.
(M/n) began making his way to the Homestead and into the kitchen. He saw an empty crate by the door and he grabbed it, placing it on the counter before checking the cabinets and the fridges.
He carefully put six water bottles inside the crate, and a snack for each Builder. Dinner was still a few hours away and he figured they were thirsty and hungry, and he wanted to be helpful.
During his search for a snack or sweet everyone liked, he spotted the last sweet out of the bunch. He grabbed it and put it in his hoodie pocket instead of in the crate with the rest, he picked it up and made his way outside.
(M/n) walked toward the Builders, who looked at him from afar, and Alec was the first one to come up to him as he arrived.
"Where were you?" (M/n) smiled and looked at everyone, slightly swaying side to side and bringing attention to the crate in his hands.
"I went and got some water and snacks for you guys, figured you wanted some," everyone cheered and walked up to (M/n), thanking him and ruffling his hair, too happy about having a break to even feel bothered with having to share the bottles.
Alongside his hair being ruffled, he was hugged by the majority, while Mikah and Doug, leaned closer to kiss him, whether it'll be his head or cheek.
Gally stood a bit away, frowning about the affection (M/n) received from Mikah, unable to stop himself from feeling jealous. But the way (M/n) laughed the kiss off confused him, he acted as if getting kissed by the guy he liked was nothing... Unless he didn't like Mikah...?
But that didn't make sense, Gally was convinced it was the curly-haired blond (M/n) liked, he interacted with him differently from how he was with Minho, whom he simply acted as he did with everyone else he was friends with. So, of course, he was gonna be confused by how (M/n) shrugged it off and manoeuvred between everyone to make his way over to him.
The crate had found its way to the ground, placed on top of planks and (M/n) had grabbed a bottle. He stood in front of Gally and handed it to him.
"Unfortunately, they took all the snacks and sweets I brought," he mumbled glancing back at everyone else, Gally hummed and took a few gulps of his water, handing it to (M/n) who silently denied it, and kept watching how the rest enjoyed their food.
"Yeah, well, that's alright, I'll have to wait 'til dinner," he muttered, trying to ignore the subtle growling of his already empty stomach, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed (M/n) reaching for something inside the pocket of his hoodie.
Gally turned to look at him, a subtle frown on his brow, and he watched him, attentively.
(M/n) completely avoided eye contact and silently handed Gally the sweet he hid. No way in hell he could forget this was Gally's favourite sweet.
"It was the last one left and I know you like it, so I took it with me," this wasn't that big of a deal, and it didn't have to mean something, yet somehow Gally couldn't shake the feeling of knowing that (M/n) remembered something he said in passing, just mentioning things to the air.
And here (M/n) was, bringing him the last share of it.
He could've kissed him, and he did. Just a small kiss on his forehead, "Thank you," he mumbled as he lingered close to (M/n).
Gally turned around as soon as he backed away, too embarrassed to look at (M/n), who was thankful he did, otherwise, he would've seen his reaction.
He covered his face with his hands, feeling the heat on his cheeks against his palms as his body got covered in goosebumps.
However, even if he avoided Gally seeing him, there was a small group of Builders who did see them, they witnessed their interaction from start to finish. Alec, Xan, Kurt, Mikah and Doug were frozen in place, eyes opened wide as they followed Gally with their sight before going back to stare at (M/n). The situation was... Unusual, but not unwelcomed.
"Should we help them?" Doug looked at the rest, who were now staring at him, with frowns on their brow as they looked at him, "Or maybe... Not?"
The first one to break his serious demeanour was Mikah, who wrapped his arm around Doug's shoulders and brought him closer, "You didn't have to ask, Doug."
After managing to calm down, (M/n) looked around at everyone, and decided it had passed long enough, so he was gonna bring the crate back from where he took it. He greeted a few guys he came across with and hurried to make his way back to the Builders, but when he was already out of the Homestead, he made eye contact with Lucas. He was making his way over to the Homestead, or he, (M/n) wasn't sure and he didn't want to know.
But his opportunity to pretend like he hadn't seen him was gone when the greenie smiled at him, so he couldn't walk away as if nothing had happened because that would be rude.
He clenched his jaw for an instant and made his way to lean against one of the supports that held up the roof above the hammocks, and he waited, looking away awkwardly.
"Hey, doll," (M/n) released a quiet groan at his pet name, why does Lucas keep calling him like that? He didn't care and did not want to know either way, "We couldn't talk at all yesterday so I wanted to..."
Lucas continued to try and make small talk with him, not realizing, or more like not caring, that (M/n) wasn't responding or talking back. But (M/n) noticed how the greenie tried to get closer to him, which he didn't like, so he backed away from the support he was leaning on and took a few steps forward.
"Why don't we walk around the Glade?" It definitely wasn't a question, he needed to be in an open space where anyone could spot them easily.
Lucas was about to refute, say that he didn't want to, that he wanted to stay here and talk, but (M/n) already got a head start so he followed him.
He smiled and looked around at Glade, sighing at the gentle breeze moving their hair, "Oh, I see, you want everyone to know," that you're annoying? Absolutely, "Well, I'm sure Gally would not be happy once he finds out that we like each other, doll."
They what?
(M/n) immediately stopped walking and abruptly turned around, staring at Lucas with anger in his eyes and internally starting to freak out.
"We what, greenie?" Lucas chuckled and held (M/n)'s hands gently, acting as if it was the most obvious thing.
"I know you like me, you can't stop looking at me, doll," in what kind of world was this shank living in? It didn't make sense, "And I know you're scared of admitting it because Gally is so possessive and he can't take no for an answer, but you don't have to hide it anymore," (M/n) was frozen in place, shocked and disgusted.
This guy was delusional to an extreme he didn't even know was possible.
He assumed (M/n)'s feelings and read them as love ones? Instead of dislike? Nah, he had to say something to make Lucas understand how he felt about everything he just said and all of the things that had happened, "Greenie, I don't -"
"Just Lucas, doll, although... I wouldn't mind it if you call me yours," oh mother-, (M/n) had to swallow his spit quite harshly, otherwise he would've puked.
"Okay- no, listen, I... Greenie, I am a guy, and I feel like a guy, even though I... Look like a girl," Lucas' smile didn't falter, looking at him and slowly caressing his hand, "You're just confused, you don't like me, you're attracted to who you wished I was, alright? And I don't..." His hold was getting tighter, but he continued, he had to be clear with him or he'll never understand, "I don't see you that way either."
(M/n) wasn't expecting to hear Lucas laughing at his words, releasing his hand and reaching up to hold his face instead, staring into his (e/c) eyes with his sharp grey ones.
"No, doll, I'm not confused, you are, now is time to stop lying to me and to yourself," (M/n) felt his throat tight as his stomach churned, but Lucas was nowhere near done, "You can be the perfect wife if you live life the way you're supposed to, as a woman," it was safe to say he was speechless, his mind spinning, "You've been living with only guys for so long that you think you're one of them too."
(M/n) found it in himself to take a deep breath, an attempt at easing the rising anger inside him, who does he think he is, trying to tell him who he is and what he isn't?
Even though he really wanted to punch the greenie in the face, he remained relatively calm.
"No, Lucas, I am a man-" he had barely started arguing back when a deep frown appeared on Lucas' face, his hands lowering to hold his arms, just above his elbows, his hold rather tight and painful.
(M/n) held back a grunt of pain as his bones pressed against his ribs, and maintained their eye contact, despite the crazed look on Lucas' eyes, open wide as he glared at him.
"I could never like a weirdo, you hear me? I like the woman that I see in front of me, not a guy... I'm not gay, doll, that's disgusting," (M/n)'s teeth gritted, determined to punch some sense into him, just to get his point across.
But while he tried to behave and be civilized, he could hear how Lucas kept mumbling, mostly to himself but (M/n) could hear him due to their proximity.
"I won't forgive you if you keep pretending to be a guy just to fit in. You're wrong. Everyone that sees you as a guy is wrong. They're truly messed up for believing your nonsense, doll."
Well, that was all it took.
(M/n) lifted his arms as much as he could and pressed them against Lucas' chest, pushing him hard enough to make him trip and fall to the ground. He looked up at him with an angry look in his eyes, ready to yell at him for what he did, but (M/n) didn't give a damn about Lucas or his feelings.
"I am not interested in you like that, greenie, now shut the hell up!"
Thankfully, (M/n)'s outburst caught the attention of those nearby, including the Builders.
Gally was the first one to be next to him, instinctively holding (M/n)'s hand and standing in front of him, just guarding him slightly, "Back to work, greenie."
Lucas glared at both of them from the ground, but Gally took (M/n) away before he got to say anything to them.
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thedragonqueensblog · 2 years
Remember Our Memories Part One/The Originals and The Maze Runner Crossover
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You and your twin sister Hope are the daughters of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall You two are love by everyone and your family are really overprotective of the both of you
Since Hope and You are twins your parents would always dress Hope and you up with matching clothing You both still do it
"Mom and dad, can we go outside?" Hope asked
"Yes but stay closer to the house." Your mother tells the both of you
You walked over to hug your mom and your dad who quickly hugged you back "what was that love?" Your father asks with a smile
You smiled back "I don't know, I just wanted to hug you both." Your father kissed your cheek "I love you so much."
You smile again, " I love you too dad." You were about to walk off but your mother grabbed your arm kindly "honey I love you so much."
You smile once again "I love you too mom."
Hope and you walked down the stairs "mom and dad were being weird."
"Sister, what do you mean?" You asked
"I don't know but how they told you that they love you sounds like something is going to happen." Hope answers worry
"Don't worry nothing is going to happen because mom and dad won't let it happen." You tell her with a smile
Hope smiles back "your right I shouldn't worry nothing is going to happen." Hope notices that neither of you bought water for the painting "I'll be right back. I just noticed we forgot to bring some water for the painting."
Before Hope left she gave you a hug "you give dad and mom a hug not me." Hope tells you before running back to the house
"Hey little one." a unknown person smiles
"Hi." You smiled
"I have two big dolls that I want to give to."
"I want it"!! you excitedly got out of the bench
"You see my sister over there." He points to his fake sister that has two big dolls in her hands. You nodded "walk to her and she'll give you the two dolls."
you ran to her as she was smiling at you "Hey want these two dolls."
"Yes, one for me, and the other for my sister." Before you could take the dolls you were picked by the woman. She covered your mouth so you weren't scream you struggled trying to get out of her grip. "If I were you I would stop." she said as tears fall down from your cheeks
Hope walked down the stairs smiling as she had a plate of cookies in her hand "mom barked us cookies and i brought cupcakes since she wanted to join us." But you didn't respond making Hope worry she looked around to find you but no sign of you "Come on Y/n you know mom and dad don't like it when we're away from the house."
"Where's your sister?" Your mother asked noticing you were gone
"I don't know where she is. When I came back she was gone." Hope tells her
"What do you mean gone? Are you guys not playing hide and seek?" Your mother asked worry
Hope shakes her head and she watches as Hayley runs back to the house
"Hayley what's wrong?" Klaus worry noticing Hayley was about to have a breakdown
"Our daughter is gone, someone took Y/n." Hayley tells Klaus in tears
"This has to be a joke Y/n's not gone She's with Hope." Klaus tries to calm himself down
Hayley shakes her head "I'm being serious, someone took our daughter."
"What are we waiting for? Let's go find her." Klaus quickly run out of the door with Hayley following behind
"Hope stay with your aunts and uncles." Hayley tells her
"But mom, I want to go with you guys to find my sister." Hope tells her back
"I know love but we need you to be safe, don't worry we're going to bring Y/n safe."
Klaus and Hayley went to all the places in New Orleans to look for you but no sign of you so they decided to go home and to see if Freya could track you down
"Where's my sister?" Hope asked unhappy noticing you were not here
"I'm sorry Hope we try finding her but we couldn't." Klaus says as tears were falling down from his cheek "we looked everywhere but no sign of her."
"It's my fault I shouldn't have let Y/n and hope go outside by themselves." Hayley says
"Hayley it's not yours or Niklaus fault this wasn't supposed to happen but sadly there's a lot of evil people in this world." Rebekah tells Hayley
"It's their fault Rebekah." Esther says mad
"Mother, what are you saying?" Elijah asked
"They're the reason why Y/n's missing. If one of them would have been with them this wouldn't have happened." Esther tells them
"Mother, how could you say that?" Rebekah asked disgust
"Well Rebekah it's the truth, they don't know how to be parents." Esther crossed her arms
"don't compare us to Mikael and you." Klaus tells Esther
"We're not talking about Mikael and me, we're talking about how bad parents you two are." Esther barks
"Mother enough of this I know it's our fault but don't compare when you haven't been a good parent." Klaus barks back
You woke up in a dark room you got up from the bed and went to the door but it was locked and you heard some voices
"Janson, she's too young to go up there." Lucy says
Janson raised an eyebrow "really cause you didn't mind sending them out there at a young age.”
"I know but she's different."
"Different? What's different about her?"
"Everything she's a special one if she stays here and the more she does she'll become one of us."
Janson smirks "I like where you're going."
Lucy smirks "so she stays?"
Janson smirks again "you have my approval."
Lucy smiles "you won't regret it, I know she'll become the best creator ever in the future."
"Hopefully not because I don't want it to happen again. I wouldn't want to send her out just like we did to those two people." Janson says as he gets closer to Lucy ear "if that would to happen I'll make you pay."
Lucy cleared her throat "trust me I'll never make it happen."
Janson shrugs "hopefully not because you sure don't want to end up just like your old teammate Annie."
"I'm not dumb and softly like Annie that got all softly over the teenages that we have I don't get all softly I'm strong and hard I promise to make Y/n the best creator ever that everyone in here is going to be jealous of her."
"Let's see about that Lucy duck."
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
go on, claim my heart: chapter twenty-seven
see my masterpost for what came before this.
Scanlan Shorthalt has outdone himself. Making Lord Percival invisible was child's play, but the detail to which he's managed to disguise himself as one of the shambling undead of this godsforsaken town has impressed even his own high esteem. He catches glimpses of himself in various reflective surfaces around the castle—ornate mirrors, polished vases, a giant decorative shield of some kind—and preens, though it is strange to be looking out of eyes that are of a level with his reflection's chest.
He nearly loses track of the invisible Master of Development several times as a result of his self-congratulation, and so he redoubles his focus and shuffles along, listening intently for tiny footfalls as Lord Percival leads the way. There is a short hall from the kitchen to the formal dining room, which Lord Percival skirts around nimbly, and for a moment Scanlan can imagine it, the little noble boy sneaking around his castle, nicking food from the kitchens and avoiding the disapproving eyes of parents and tutors. It has been over a decade since Lord Percival last walked these halls, and yet he moves quickly—too quickly for Scanlan's short legs—and confidently, keeping them out of sight of guards and servants.
Up two flights of a grand staircase, and now they're tracking along a hall with an impossibly long runner down the middle, making following invisible footsteps infinitely harder. It's why Lord Percival has to yank Scanlan out of the way when a slightly stooped older man with short gray hair rounds the far corner to begin walking their way. Scanlan presses himself behind a shiny suit of armor, briefly admiring his arcane handiwork once more before listening to the man bark orders at a cowering servant.
"We must move with haste," the man croaks, walking with an alacrity that belies his apparent age. "After the display out on the lawn, they will be coming soon, that is certain."
"Yes, Professor," the servant squeaks, scrambling to keep up.
"Get the whelp somewhere secure. She is too easily found where she is."
"Yes, Professor. Should the young miss—"
The professor sighs, and Scanlan holds his breath as the pair passes by his hiding place. "Yes, yes, her too. Better she care for the thing than I. Go." With that order, the servant scuttles ahead, practically running up the stairs to a higher floor. This professor goes up as well, and Scanlan nearly yelps when a voice in his ear whispers, "That's Professor Anders. He's the one who let them in."
Scanlan doesn't need to ask for clarification. "So we follow the servant?"
"No, we know where he's going. Let's see where Anders takes us."
He questions the wisdom of this plan, but he's following here, so as Lord Percival takes off, Scanlan jolts to follow. They sneak up the stairs, keeping as far back as they dare from Anders as he leads them in the opposite direction from the one in which the servant disappeared. They walk the maze of grand halls until Anders stops at a set of giant wooden doors. Scanlan presses himself back against the wall, shrouded in shadow as best he can be, as Anders knocks on the door. He must hear some kind of bid for entry, because he opens the door and slips inside. Lord Percival grits out, "My parents' chambers?" before scurrying to the door. Scanlan takes a deep breath and follows.
Luckily, Anders did not close the door behind him, so there is enough of a gap for him to see a well-appointed chamber with a fire crackling in the hearth and, most unusually, a polished ebony casket near the center, closed and ominous. Draped over that casket is a woman, with dark auburn hair in a tight chignon and a voluminous blue-black gown. Her hands are balled into fists atop the wood. "I need answers, Anders."
The professor clears his throat. "Yes, well. My lady, it would seem that the contingent from Zephrah has dispatched with Duke Vedmire, in addition to..."
He trails off, and the woman that Scanlan can only assume is Lady Briarwood drops her forehead to the casket. "My poor love. To be waylaid at a time like this."
Scanlan remembers some of his research from back in Syngorn. He hadn't been paying the closest attention—he had never dedicated himself to his studies well—but there was something in there about a felled vampire returning to a resting place to recover, even after death. He guesses Lord Briarwood must be resting in that very casket.
"I am having the child brought to a more secure location," Anders explains, "to keep her hidden until the time is right—"
"The time is now, Anders." Lady Briarwood's voice is cold, and yet Scanlan can hear the edge of something tremulous underneath it—rage? Desperation? Fear?
Professor Anders begins to sputter. "I—but—the Ascension—it is not—"
"I know it is early. I don't care. We will proceed with our plans tonight."
"This will put significant strain on the ritual—"
In a flash, Lady Briarwood is on her feet, her face inches from the flinching professor's. "They are here, Anders. They are coming. If we do not proceed tonight, we very well might not have tomorrow. I don't care what strain this puts on the ritual. We're doing it tonight."
Anders ducks his head. "Yes, my lady."
"Bring the child down to the altar. Prepare the sacrifice. I will join you shortly."
One more bow, and Anders sweeps around to leave. Scanlan barely manages to leap out of the way past the door so that he is not caught as the professor storms off down the hall. He waits for the man to disappear before peering around the door once more. Lord Percival tugs at his arm, clearly indicating that they should leave, but Scanlan shakes him off and holds up a hand to encourage him to wait.
Lady Briarwood is seated on the floor beside the casket now, her skirts billowing around. She settles a hand atop the wood. "Rest now, Sylas. As much as I wished for you to be there when I conquered death once and for all, I will greet you in our new eternity when it is all over, when we are together forever."
The next bit she says so quietly, Scanlan has to lean into the room itself to hear her. "And when I'm done, we will make those Ashari interlopers pay for what they've done to you, and we will rid the world of the last of the de Rolos once and for all."
Cassandra could cry with relief. Finally, finally, the little bird has cried herself to sleep. It's horrible, of course, that this helpless babe has been in such acute distress for so long, but at least Cassandra has some quiet in which to hear herself think.
And all she can think about is the explosion of light and sound she'd witnessed just a short while before. She'd pressed her face to the window in this little nursery, but it faces the wrong side of the castle, so she can only guess as to what happened out there. She stokes a little fire in her chest, the tiniest ember of hope that whatever took place, it has brought her one step closer to the freedom she's been seeking since she was a small child.
She sits in a creaky old rocking chair, head in her hands, and keeps as still as she can so as to not make noise. She's starving, can't remember the last time she ate, but she's afraid to get up, afraid to do anything that would disturb the little bird. Her fears are realized, however, when the door to the nursery slams open, startling the baby into screaming wakefulness.
Cassandra lets out a choked sob as she looks up at the distressed face of a servant. "Lady Cassandra, I—"
"What have you done?" Cassandra groans, standing to tend to the baby. "She was asleep."
"Professor Anders has instructed I take you somewhere safe," he pants. "The castle is under siege."
Her stomach flips. "I'm not going anywhere."
The servant blinks in confusion. "But—Professor Anders—"
"I do not care what Professor Anders said!" Cassandra snaps. She scoops the little bird out of her bassinet. Her tiny face is red and scrunched. "Go fetch some goat's milk," she instructs. "I'll try feeding her again."
The servant dithers, clearly nervous. "I...but..."
He bows and disappears, and Cassandra goes to kick the door closed again. "Come now, little bird," she murmurs, bouncing the baby in her arms. "Please don't cry. I know you're scared. I'm scared, too."
The baby has not settled by the time the door flings open a second time. Cassandra, who had been pacing the room with her, spins to snap at the servant again, but the words die on her tongue when she sees Professor Anders glaring at her imperiously. "Come."
Cassandra stays rooted to the spot. "What?"
"I said come, you insolent child. We are taking the infant to the altar." He steps back to make room for her to exit the room.
She doesn't move. "I don't understand."
Professor Anders rolls his eyes. "It is not for you to understand. Now move."
Her legs tremble as she forces them forward, the baby howling desperately in her arms. She passes the professor, who scowls down at the little girl, and then he strikes off down the hall, leaving her to trip along after. They go all the way down to the ground floor, Professor Anders griping about the baby's incessant wailing as they walk. Her cries do echo around the hard walls of the castle, but there is little Cassandra can do to calm her when she herself feels like bawling.
When they reach the main hall of the the castle, Professor Anders stomps toward the massive front doors, and Cassandra hesitates, just a moment. She has an opportunity, with the professor clomping away from her quickly and decisively. It could cost her her life—will cost her her life, if she is caught—but it is her only chance to do the right thing by this tiny girl in her arms.
She runs.
As she takes off in the opposite direction, legs flying as fast as they can carry her, she can tell it takes a few moments for the professor to notice. His voice is already somewhat distant when she hears him holler, "GUARDS! QUICKLY, SEIZE LADY CASSANDRA!" She only runs faster, charging in toward the kitchen, where she knows there to be an exit out onto the lawns.
When Vax and Keyleth emerge from the pantry, red-eyed and exhausted, they are met with the tactfully averted eyes of Vex and Pike and the full-on gaping stare of Grog. Vax guides Keyleth back over to them, knowing full well that their argument had easily been overheard and finding he is too tired to care much about that fact.
His sister, gods bless her, gets straight to the heart of the matter. "So. While you were off being a fucking imbecile, did you manage to learn anything useful?"
Vax sighs and leans against a countertop as Keyleth slides up to sit on it. "I did, actually. Lesson the first: don't get charmed by a vampire." No one laughs, and, yes, well, nothing about this is funny. "Lesson the second: Vilya is not to be the only sacrifice in the Briarwoods' ritual."
Pike's face blooms in surprise. "There are others?"
He nods. "Five of them, beneath our very feet—or, rather, beneath the Sun Tree in the center of town. They're being kept in a cage in a room with an altar that I believe to be made of the residuum material Percy described."
Keyleth's arms are wrapped tightly around her middle. "Six people. What could they need six people for?"
Vax describes the five individuals he'd spoken with in the ritual chamber, and then relays the information that the Raven Queen had given him in their communion the night before. Pike whistles low. "Well, it makes sense."
Vax watches Keyleth's eyes flash. "What makes sense?"
Pike immediately curls in on herself apologetically. "That's not—I only meant to say that to sacrifice six people, at six different stages of life, each with magic in their blood, it sounds like the kind of ritual one would complete to achieve immortality, as the Raven Queen said."
"How do we know they all have magic in their blood?" Vex asks.
"Lady Allura would be able to explain the specifics better than I, but if the Raven Queen is right, if Vilya was chosen because of her magic, then it is a reasonable assumption that the others were chosen for the same reason."
"Vilya was chosen for her magic." The arms around Keyleth's stomach tighten. "For my magic."
Vax hears the silent confession: Keyleth believes it is her fault, that she is responsible for their daughter's abduction. There is silence in the kitchen, as none of them can find the words to explain how wrong she is, how of course she cannot bear the blame for this most horrific of sins. He sets his hand on her knee and squeezes.
Grog is the first to break the silence. "If they got magic, how come they're all locked up down there?"
Vex cocks her head to one side. "It's a fair question."
"We have methods of preventing mages from doing magic," Vax says, remembering his own interrogation of Gabe Finefirn. "It is safe to assume that they can do the same."
"So we free them!" Pike offers, excited. "Some extra spellcasters, ones who have just as much reason to hate the Briarwoods as we do, would surely be a boon to our side."
Vax begins to describe the layout of the operation beneath the castle, explaining how to get to these trapped spellcasters, but before he can get more than a few sentences in, the door to the kitchen bursts open, and with an instinctive speed, he jumps forward, placing himself between the door and others with his daggers in hand just as Grog swings his axe back in preparation and Vex nocks an arrow into her bow.
Everyone freezes. There, standing in the door, backlit by the sconces in the hall outside, is a teenage girl, dark hair streaked with white and eyes round as moons. And in her arms, shrieking and mewling in the most wonderful cacophony Vax can ever remember hearing, is his daughter.
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CHAPTER 1: The Greenie Named Thomas
SUMMARY - All the boys in the Maze thought that Alby, the Leader of the Gladers, was the first ever to come up in the box into the Glade. But what if they were wrong? What if there was another Glader who arrived before him, someone who had been there since day one, someone who suffered with her friends and struggled to find a way out of the dreadful Maze that has trapped them for three years? But none of them knew for sure and the only clues they had to this person's existence was bright coloured paint that splattered the walls of the Maze and bark of the forest trees. Perhaps there were a certain few Gladers that still made contact with her during their days in the Maze. And perhaps one of them visited her more than the others. But when a Greenie enters the Glade and everything starts to change, will this mystery Glader reveal herself to help escape the Maze for good, or will she continue to hide from them all and risk both her freedom, friendships and a possible relationship?
WARNINGS - trauma, physical violence, blood, i don’t think i got that far in this fic and i can’t remember what i wrote in it so let me know if i missed any warnings, i don’t think this fic was too bad tho in terms of tws, cringe af 
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Lydia's POV
It's been just over three years since I had arrived in the glade, it's been three years since I had watched my friends die and kill each other because of fear and panic, it's been three years since I thought I lost the person I cared about the most, it's been three years since I abandoned the Gladers to hide within the Maze to let my heart turn to stone and rid myself of almost all emotion, only relying on my physical and mental strength to survive the dangers of the maze. It's been three years since I was forgotten by most of my friends.
But there's plenty of time to retell my tragic tale of woe in detail later, for I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Lydia, and just like all the boys that I've been trapped with, I have no memory of the outside world or anything besides the last three years that I have spent inside the Glade. Although most of them don't even know I actually exist, all they know is that there's someone or something that roams around the forest past the Deadheads and in the Maze, painting the trees and stone walls with bright colours and pictures during the night. They think I'm like some kind of spirit or legend that lives in the Maze and I have to say, it's pretty funny to listen to some of the things the newer Gladers come up with about me when they gossip with each other.
But I do more than just sneak around during the night painting trees, I sit on the walls of the maze and high up in the trees, watching and waiting for anything suspicious or potentially dangerous to happen around the Glade or in the Maze, and if I do spot something I report it right away to the leader of the Gladers; Alby.
After I had entered the Glade he had come up in the box a month later and we had become very good friends. We had spent many years together in the Glade trying to figure out how to survive the Maze and its threatening features with the gradual help of the other boys that had each come into the Glade month after month. We had been through hell together and it had caused a bond to form over the two of us. We trusted each other with our lives, and when I decided to go into hiding within the Glade and Maze, he had been kind enough to respect my wishes but still remain in contact with me when things got troublesome.
But he wasn't the only Glader that knew who I was. Minho: the keeper of the Runners, he knew I was alive because of the maze. During the days and nights when the Runner's aren't in certain parts of the maze, I would seek through them with my many jars of different coloured paint and paint the walls, covering their surfaces in a large variety of colours that I had made, and designing patterns and images of our dead friends faces. I had painted millions of images that covered entire walls from top to bottom, with both dark and vibrant colours, which in a way was me making my mark in the maze so as not just the Runners and Gladers knew who I was but the people that created this place and the people to arrive after my time, that is of we didn't escape this place first.
Although painting the Maze walls during the night was not a simple or easy task, the Grievers made sure of that. The Grievers were annoying little buggers that liked to chase me for hours on end throughout the always changing Maze pathways, occasionally catching me and giving my arms and legs a few scratches before I fought them off and got away. I had learnt to avoid and fight them during my time of secrecy over the past two years I had spent in the Maze and in a way I'm grateful for that. It gave me the chance to learn how to properly defend and protect myself and it allows me to watch over the Runners without worrying greatly if I have to step in and help them, which most of the time I don't.
Alby usually makes me kill the banished or stung Gladers once the Maze doors close, just so they don't have to suffer a night with the Grieves and a painful death. But I don't usually help the Runners or other Gladers without order from Alby, I only ever willingly help Minho, whether it was directing him in a certain direction in the Maze even though he already knew exactly where to go, or discussing the changes in the maze even though he already knew every exact change, or just chatting with him in general. Unlike my bond with Alby, I had a somewhat less formal and more carefree friendship with Minho. When I'm with Alby I would be discussing urgent matters with him about the Maze and the Glade, but when I'm with Minho I'll be cracking jokes and messing around with him in the Maze. In a way I thought of Minho as my best friend and thought of Alby as a the brother I never had, that is if I ever even had a brother before I came into the Maze, and although it was risky to interact with the two of them because I didn't want to be exposed to the rest of the Glade, I enjoyed talking to them immensely. It could get really lonely hiding from everyone sometimes and when I took the opportunity to talk to them, even if it was only for e second, I instantly felt less lonely then I did before.
But talking to Alby or Minho wasn't as good as talking to Newt. No one could ever make me feel less lonely or happy than Newt could. In all honesty I think he's the love of my life and I couldn't be more thankful to have him here with me. He was one of the first few Gladers that entered the Maze after me, and when we met I was sure that there was an instant connection between the two of us and I knew for sure that I wouldn't be able to survive this place without him. So, I protected him with everything I had, he was my one priority at the time, and I had promised myself that I wasn't going to leave the Maze without him. When everyone started going rabid during the first year I had protected him and he had protected me, making sure each other were safe and able to survive that faze of our friends panic before we found peace with each other. But when that one morning came and I found Minho carrying Newt covered in blood through the Maze and Glade, I swear I felt my heart stop and my whole world come crashing down on me. That day I thought I had lost him, and I was ready to join him any second, but then he woke up and I found out what he had done.
That day was the day I broke. Newt had broken me, caused my last sliver of sanity to slither out of me and disappear forever. The boy I loved had driven me insane and caused me to hit my breaking point. And that was the day I had disappeared, the day I ran away into the depths of the Maze, the day I abandoned my remaining friends to destroy each other while I destroyed myself from the inside out.
I had forgiven Newt not long after I had left and the pain I had felt from his attempted suicide had turned to guilt for abandoning him at the time he needed me the most. So as a way of communicating with him and telling him that I was alive and well and that I still loved him while he was healing, I left him things to find, little things like tiny flowers and bits of tree bark that I had painted. When he had fully healed and was walking again I started painting the trees of the woods as a sign of my existence, because I knew he wouldn't go back in the Maze again to look for me, not after what he tried to do and the paint marks I left on the trees were easy enough for him to find anyway.
I only started actually talking to him again over half a year ago. He had walked into the forest and accidentally found Alby and I discussing a recent banishment of a stung Glader while he was looking for some kind of plant or fertilizer for the Track Hoes crops. At first he was angry at the both of us for hiding my presence from him, then he was angry at me for leaving which also caused me to get angry at him just because he was angry. But that anger had turned to sadness and relief over next few days and once he had accepted the position I had put myself in and we had slowly rebuilt our friendship over time. We both knew that our relationship and friendship would never be the same as it was before, but we were surprisingly okay with that, and to be honest I think we were both just happy to be together again.
But I still loved him, and I knew he didn't love me anymore for what I did, and I didn't blame him. But I wanted to love him so bad and it broke me even more with every passing day as the realisation grew and my emotions faded further away inside me. But I've learned to live with it, and I have accepted that this is how I am now, and that Newt doesn't want me anymore and that it's all my fault.
And now I'm here, living in solitude as the Glade stays peaceful and grows every day, having the Maze fully mapped and a new Greenie and supplies each month to help us survive they hell the creators have put us in'.
Today was Greenie Day, the day when the Box comes up to the surface to deliver its monthly load of supplies and another Glader. So far I was the only girl in the Glade and having to listen and watch all the retarded things those shanks do can get very tiresome, so every month when that Box comes up, I hope and pray to whatever god that was out there, that there's a girl sitting inside the metal meshed cage instead of a boy. But I'm never lucky enough, and today was just the same as any other day.
When I heard the alarm that signalled the Box's arrival, I was sitting high up on one of the Maze walls that fenced in the Glade, watching the Gladers go by their day doing their jobs, and thinking about Newt who very rarely ever left my thoughts. I sighed and slowly stood up, dusting off my pants and picking up my now empty water bottle that was sitting beside me on the wall. I put the bottle in my bag and turned towards the Maze taking a second to gaze out at the seemingly endless pattern of stone walls beneath me, I then began using those stone walls to climb my way down to the ground. Once my boot clad feet hit the stone ground I began walking throughout its walls, making my way to its exit that entered the Glade.
As I walked I watched as the sun's rays hit the stone walls, lighting up the vines of ivy and the occasional splatter of paint I had placed onto the thick stone. The sun's light seemed to make the plants and paint glow in an angelic way, adding to their beauty and contrasting to the parts of the Maze where the sun couldn't reach, making everything seem dim and dark, like a place where monsters would hide. I always thought the Maze had this kind of beauty to it, much unlike the other Gladers opinions. They all think it's some kind of death trap, a torture device designed to kill them slowly while the creators watch on in amusement, but I don't think that. Sure, it basically is a death trap with no way out that had terrifying monsters created to hunt and kill us all, but I never saw it as just that. To me the maze was a marvellous creation, a creation designed to test our strength and intelligence, a test to see just how far we will go to get out and although that may also seem cruel it is wondrous at the same time. The way the creators have made a maze that can move on its own, and the amount of intelligence, time and devotion that would have been needed to create such a thing seems completely impossible to me, so the fact that someone has actually done it impresses me greatly.
I turned right around a corner and found the entrance to the Glade, I slowed my pace and crept forward towards the end of the long passageway where the stone met grass. I stopped and stood once my feet hit the very edge of the stone just letting my feet miss the soft grass and dirt, turning my head towards the location of the box to see all the boys gathered around it, looking down at the most likely terrified Greenie inside. I watched as someone threw the Greenie out of the box and onto the ground at the feet of the Gladers, from this distance I could just make out a dark haired boy around the average size of the others thrashing around on the ground as the others torment and tease him. But then the Greenie shot up and started sprinting as fast as he could away from the Gladers and unknowingly towards the entrance of the Maze where I stood.
The Gladers started cheering him on watching him run from them in amusement not noticing my presence in his path, meanwhile I gripped the strap of my bag that hung on my shoulder and prepared to stop him and disappear into the Maze again before the others caught up.
But then he tripped.
The Greenie tripped over his own feet, just as he got halfway to the Maze entrance, and fell to the ground, rolling to a stop flat on his face as the other boys laughed heartily at him. A scowl pressed my lips as I listened to the boys laugh at the Greenie who was clearly scared out of his mind, and as I watch him slowly get to his feet and spin around in a slow circle looking at the massive walls that were trapping him in here with the rowdy boys, I suddenly caught his eye.
I stood there for a second, stunned slightly that he had spotted me so quickly, staring back at him with a scowl that hadn't left my lips since I first saw him. It was only when I heard the other boys irritating voices did I break the little staring contest we seemed to have been having, but when I looked towards the boys my hazel eyes instantly latched onto a pair of brown ones that I had seen too many times to count, already staring into mine. For a second the scowl on my face faltered and the corner of my lips turned upwards ever so slightly into the start of a smile. But I soon realised that the Greenie was starting to walk towards the maze entrance where I stood, and the group of joking boys were mindlessly following him.
So, with one last look at Newt, I sent him a wink and quickly turned around, dashing back into the Maze, away from the others to go find Minho.
✦⭑Time Skip⭑✦
Later that evening I had snuck back into the Glade before Minho and Ben got back and the doors closed without the Gladers knowing and watched from afar under a patch of ivy as the Greenie got tackled by Gally. Gally could be a very difficult person sometimes and to be perfectly honest I was not very fond of him at all, even when we first met in the Glade two or three years ago. Sure, he can be nice and a decent human being on the rare occasion where he's in a really good mood, but most of the time he's just cocky and rude, letting his ego take control of him and trying to show off as much as possible. He uses his slightly larger size and strength as an advantage to power over the other Gladers, he thinks he's better than most but really he's just as dumb as most of the other Gladers.
Sick of their petty arguing, I used the chance of their distraction to move further through the ivy and towards the crops and trees of the forest where I'll hide for the rest of the night. Minho had told me earlier when I was wandering the Maze that they were having their annual Greenie celebration and that he thought it would be fun for me to come and join them this time, but I said no obviously. Just like Newt, Minho didn't approve of my choice to hide in the Maze like Alby did. He thought that I was just being stupid and that I should rejoin the Gladers so as we could hang out freely and even though I've told him that I wasn't going to change my mind, I had actually debated coming back many times when I was alone in the Maze and forest. My mind was uncertain about my choice and sometimes I regretted doing it often but in the end I did what needed to be done, I did what was best for myself and everyone else, even if my decision hurt the people I had cared about.
But usually when they had these celebrations I would hide in a tree on the edge of the forest and watch them joke around and have fun, and occasionally meet up with Newt and Minho secretly in the forest somewhere away from the others. I did miss hanging out with everyone and even though watching them all from afar wasn't very fun, it still made me happy to see them happy.
When I finally reached the trees of the forest and made sure that no one was around to see me, I dashed out from the ivy and jumped up onto a tree trunk where is quickly scrambled up to the top branches. I looked out through the tree's branches and leaves to check that no one saw me and when the coast was clear I turned around on the branch and started jumping and swinging from each tree branch, going past the Deadheads and getting further and further into the forest until I reached where the trees of the forest met the Maze walls.
Over the many months that I have been living in the forest and Maze, I had quickly learned that I needed more shelter than just a tree and its leaves when it came to sleeping and resting. So, I had cautiously begun to "borrow" some of the Glader's supplies and had built a somewhat makeshift treehouse shelter thingy. I had placed and tied down a bunch of thick enough logs across two thick branches that were high up in a tree that grew in the very corner of the Glade's forest against the Maze walls, which acted as a floor. I had gathered some more logs and placed them above on two more branches with a small thin tarp that I had "borrowed" from the supplies from the Box one time, spreading it out across the top of the logs and letting it hang down the side, having positioned it at an angle where it would stop the sun and rain from hitting the longs underneath. I had bits of rope tying down the corners of the tarp to other branches so as it wouldn't fly away from the wind. I had also "borrowed" a hammock from the boys and had tied it up so as when I was laying in it I was under the logs and tarp and just above the logs tied down underneath. Over time I had made other things that added onto the main part of the tree, small things like holes in the trunk that I used as shelves and bags that hung from branches containing food, water, paint and other supplies I had gathered.
It didn't seem like much and it really wasn't compared to what the boys had built but to me it was a home, it was a place to sleep and rest, and that's really all I needed. Newt, Alby and Minho didn't know about this place though and I intend on keeping it that way because if they knew where I was staying then they would try and visit me all the time which would risk my exposure even more and they would also probably use it against me to convince me to try and get me to come back to the others, and I couldn't have that.
I swung my body forward and let go of the branch I was holding, propelling myself forward to land swiftly onto the secure logs in my tree. I huffed out a relieved and exhausted sigh, chucking my bag off my shoulders and hooking it onto a branch beside me, I unstrapped the leather vest from my chest that held my knives and stuffed it into my bag. I grabbed an apple from the small pile sitting in a hole in the trunk of the tree I had made a while back and dropped down into my hammock, taking a large bite of the tasty fruit as I got into a comfortable position. I let my leg hang off the edge of the hammock and my arm come up to rest behind my head, letting my eyes close as the light breeze hit my face, drying the thin layer of sweat that stuck to my skin, making it feel slightly clammy and heavy from the dirt covering it. I took slowly took more bites of my apple as I listened silently to the branches and leaves of the trees around me shake and crunch in the wind, with the occasional faint bird whistle or the buzz of a bugs.
The evening was peaceful and quiet, but it wouldn't last long. Soon the boys will have finished building their massive bonfire and whatever else they set up in preparation for their Greenie celebration and then all hell will break loose. So once the sun had set and I could start to faintly hear the loud voices of the Gladers laughing and talking far too loudly, I knew the party had finally started and it would only get louder and wilder as the night continued on.
I rolled out of my hammock to my feet and threw my finished apple core down to the ground where I heard it crunch against the fallen leaves and twigs beside as I jumped down to the ground seconds later. It had gotten dark quickly in the little time I had laid in my hammock resting and if it wasn't for the massive bonfire the boys had made I probably wouldn't be able to see a single thing in front of me, but even if there was no large bonfire I was used to travelling in the dark and I had walked through this forest that many times I could weave through the trees with my eyes closed and still know where I was going and where I was.
I walked as quietly as I could, making my steps light so as the leaves and sticks I stood on wouldn't crunch too loudly or draw too much attention to my location even though they probably wouldn't hear me because of how noisy they were being. When I got close enough to the edge of the forest where I could see the other boys clear enough I climbed up another tree and swiftly jumped onto the branches of the closer trees. I took one last swing and landed on a branch that belonged to the tree I usually sat in during these celebrations. It was a tree that grew on the very edge of the forest beside a hut that the builders had built; it had thick enough branches for me to sit on up very high so as I couldn't be seen by the boys if they looked in the general direction of the tree and when I sat on a particular branch there was a gap in the leaves that allowed me to have a clear view of the whole area where they set up the bonfire where most of the boys hang around to keep warm and see through the light it provides, it also allowed me to see the tables and logs where they sat chatting away and eating and drinking the foul drink Gally makes, and where Gally spent most of his time showing off. So, I sat down with my back against the trunk and watched in amusement as the boys goofed around and made fools of themselves while my hands mindlessly fiddling with a tiny knife that I always kept in my right boot.
Obviously I had missed the start of the party where the bonfire was lit so all the boys currently had half empty drinks in their hands and food stuffed in their mouths and from the looks of all their faces as they ate, Frypan had really made an effort with the food tonight. It looked so good and my stomach growled at the sight of it, hungry for the delicious food that I couldn't have unless I stole it. But it isn't my party and I didn't need any food, I was just happy to sit and watch the others enjoy it without me.
As my eyes lazily scanned the crowd of boys, having already spotted Minho who was sitting with the runners quietly eating his food, Alby who was standing at the edge of the pit with some other boys watching Gally who was in wrestling someone, Frypan who was having a great time laughing with some of the Slicers and his fellow Cooks, and a few others that were scattered throughout the area, when they finally landed on the person I had subconsciously been looking for; Newt. He was currently sitting on the grass a little ways away from the others, holding a stick with meat on it which Frypan called a kebab, and a jar of Gally's drink in his other hand, looking out at the Glade and Maze walls in front of him. But he wasn't alone of course, sitting next to him on his right was the new Greenie that came in the box today, and from the looks of it they were having a very serious conversation, which was most likely Newt explaining things about the Glade and the Maze to the confused Greenie.
But suddenly, Newt turned his head around and looked straight at me, his face showing signs of worry and warning and it made my heart beat slightly faster. Newt knew exactly where I was since I always sat here when they had these celebrations just like Alby and Minho did, and usually when he looked over to me we would both end up in the forest somewhere and ditching the others to hang out by ourselves, having our own little party together.
But this time it was different.
The Greenie turned his head and looked in the general direction that Newt was, trying to find what he was looking at and when he finally spotted me his eyes widened in surprise and recognition and I knew exactly what look meant and what had happened. The Greenie had asked Newt who I was, he knew I was real instead of a hallucination he had from the amount of adrenaline and fear he was feeling when he arrived in the Glade. This had happened on a few occasions with the new Greenies; they would spot me somewhere in the Glade or Maze at least once or twice, but then I would take more caution and control over the situation and use more effort to hide myself from them, and over time they would just think they had imagined me and forget I even existed.
But that look that Newt gave me was one of the only looks that made me irritated with him. That was a look at said, "You dumb ass. How are you so bad at hiding yourself? You better get your ass back in that forest before I kick it there myself so he doesn't see you anymore." I was tempted to just stay put and see what his reaction would be, but I didn't want to ruin the party for him. So just like every other time Newt told me to do something, I obeyed obediently with and without question.
Sighing frustratingly, angry that I have to leave the party, I swing my legs over the side of the branch that faced away from the Gladers and jumped down onto another lower branch and swung away from the group, but I wasn't going far. Tonight, I didn't feel like going back to my hammock and sleeping through the sound of everyone's happy cheers and voices from the other side of the forest. Tonight, I was going to stay and watch them from another tree, one that didn't have as good a view as my original one but was still good enough and to be honest I'm glad I stayed, especially since I got to see what happened next in .
After I left, Newt must have changed the conversation subject and taken the Greenie on a mini tour to introduce him to some of the other Gladers, which somehow led to the Greenie getting dragged into by Gally who wanting to show off and boost his ever growing ego more. I sat down quickly as a large crowd gathered around the edge of the Circle, all of them excited to see how tough the Greenie was, and to be honest, after seeing him run across the Glade when he arrived I was pretty curious to see what he's made of.
"Alright, the rules are simple Greenie," Gally said as they both started circling each other inside of the Circle ring, "I try to push you outa the Circle, and you try to last more than five seconds."
Everyone laughed at that last part and just as the Greenie nodded his head in understanding, Gally shouted "Ready?" and instantly charged at him, not giving him any time to register what was happening or reply.
Gally grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him backwards into three guys on the outside of the Circle who caught him and pushed him straight back in unsteadying his balance, letting Gally grab him again and push the Greenie behind him where he fell face first into the sand.
"Come on Greenie," Gally said with a wide smile plastered on his ugly face, doing a weird walk backwards as the others chattered and laughing at the wrestling match taking place in front of them, "We're not done yet."
The Greenie stood up and shook the sand of his shirt in one swift motion, staring at Gally with an angry and frustrated glint in his gaze, "Stop calling me Greenie."
All the boys oohed, "Stop calling you that?" Gally said acting innocent even though everyone knew he definitely wasn't, "Well what do you want to be called? Shank?"
All the boys burst out in a fit of laughter, all of them agreeing to the new name Gally suggested for the Greenie, "What do you think boys? Does he look like a Shank?" Gally asked the others standing around the Circle, earning another round of laughter to break out.
I scowled at their reactions to Gally's teasing and scoffed when the smile on his face widened even more when the others laughed at his "joke". The Greenie suddenly ran at Gally full speed, going in to tackle him but Gally was stronger than him and his reflexes were sharper too, so he managed to stand his ground against the Greenie easily, throwing the Greenie around and pushing him back to the ground at the inside of the Circle's edge.
"You know what?" Gally said as the Greenie got back to his feet, "I think I've settled on Shank."
The Greenie ran at Gally again, getting closer to him this time and grabbed him by the waist and trying desperately to push him backwards, but Gally was still too strong for him and started to push him backwards instead, causing the Greenie's feet to dragging in the sand as he tried to dig his heels in it to gain some kind of leverage against Gally but it didn't work well enough and he was getting ever so close to the edge of the Circle. But just as everyone including Gally thought that he was going to finally push the Greenie fully out of the Circle ring, the Greenie quickly repositioned his arms and pulled Gally towards him while he twisted out of his grip, falling forward behind Gally who fell down in the sand with his head mere inches from the Circle border.
Both shocked and surprised, Gally sat on the ground slowly processing what had happened and letting an anger at being beaten and humiliated in front of the rest of the Gladers by a Greenie settle inside him as everyone cheered and oohed in at what had happened. A smile broke out on my face at the sight of Gally getting thrown on the ground like that and the Greenie was smart to have thought to do that, but my smile was instantly wiped away in a second at what I should have expected to happen.
The Greenie stood up quickly, letting a triumphant smile spread across his face at his achievement, "Not bad for a Greenie huh?" Thomas asked but his victory was very short lived.
Gally, still laying on the ground, threw his legs out and swung them against the Greenie's legs, sending him flying backwards ass over head and back to the ground where he hit his head hard. I cringed slightly with the others standing around the Circle who had all watched how hard he hit his head and felt sympathy for him. Gally shouldn't have done that even if the others thought it was kinda cool, but the Greenie didn't seem to care about his head or what Gally had done to him in their mini fight. He instead started mumbling to himself, mumbling incoherent words that I couldn't hear from this distance over the noise of the others, but once he stood up and spoke louder a large smile made its way onto my lips.
"I remember my name!" He shouted happily to the group who stood in complete silence watching him, "I'm Thomas!"
"Thomas!" Alby suddenly shouted, breaking the silence and causing a wave of cheers and chants of his name to make its way through the group of boys as they all ran forward to congratulate him.
It was always so exciting for everyone when the Greenies remembered their names, especially on their first day. The fact that Thomas remembered his name during such an intense moment of the night just made the adrenaline and mood of the group lift dramatically and it was so intoxicating and contagious that I had to stop myself from jumping down and join them all in their joy and excitement. And the fact that all it took for him to remember it was a simple hit to the head from Gally was kinda funny too.
But sadly, all good things must come to an end.
The sound of an ear piercing scream was suddenly heard throughout the Glade from inside the Maze, instantly shutting everyone up and drawing their full attention to the walls of the Maze that lay across the other side of the Glade. My head instantly shot up towards it just like the others but unlike them I had a job to do and that screech was my alarm to get going and start my work.
I looked down at the crowd of boys and spotted Alby looking my way with a familiar serious expression on his face; he must have spotted me during Gally and Thomas's Circle match. When I looked into his eyes I knew he was telling me to go and check it out and then report back to him immediately. So, I nodded my head giving him the signal that I understood what he was telling me and that I would do it.
I turned around, jumping from the tree branch and set out to go and find out what had made a Griever scream like that, hoping that it wasn't anything too serious. But little did I know that a certain pair of familiar brown eyes and another pair of unfamiliar eyes had both looked my way as well, watching me jump away into the night and right into the face of danger.
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 10.11
Black Girl Day Off
Dia Nacional de la Mujer Boliviana (Bolivian Women’s Day; Bolivia)
Feast of Real Family Values
General Pulaski Memorial Day
healthcare Security & Safety Officer Appreciation Day
International Day of the Girl Child (UN)
International Day of the Referee
It’s My Party Day
Kimberly Day
Kraken Day
Mato Grosso do Sui Day (Brazil)
Moi Day (a.k.a. Huduma Day and Utamaduni Day; Kenya)
Mother Jones Day
Myths and Legends Day
National Bookkeeper's Day
National Coming Out Day
National Fossil Day
National Kim Day
National Kimberly Day
National She Survived Herself Day
National Spread Joy Day
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day
Revolution Day (Macedonia)
Sarandi Battle Holiday (Uruguay)
Saturday Night Live Day
Uprising Against Fascism Day (Macedonia)
Wine-Press Day (French Republic)
World Day Against Fracking
World Day of Roads
World Obesity Day
World Perimenopause Day
You Go, Girl Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Sausage Pizza Day
Southern Food Heritage Day
World Biryani Day
World Dulce de Leche Day (Argentina)
2nd Wednesday in October
Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Nurses Day [2nd Wednesday]
Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day [2nd Wednesday]
International Day For Natural Disaster Reduction (Hawaii) [2nd Wednesday]
International Top Spinning Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work & School Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Curves Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Fossil Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Pet Obesity Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Stop Bullying Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Sauerkraut Day (North Dakota) [2nd Wednesday]
Stem Cell Awareness Day [2nd Wednesday]
Stop America's Violence Everywhere (a.k.a. SAVE Today) [2nd Wednesday]
Walk & Roll to School Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Belia (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Sirland (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agilbert (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Sauli (Christian; Saint)
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus (Roman Catholic Church; Martyrs)
Æthelburh of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Bruno the Great (Christian; Saint)
Cainnech of Aghaboe (Christian; Saint)
Canicus of Ireland (a.k.a. Kenny; Christian; Saint)
Day of Wayland the Smith (Pagan)
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
George Ault (Artology)
Gomar (Christian; Saint)
Gratus of Oloron (Christian; Saint)
Gummarus (a.k.a. Gummar or Cromer; Christian; Saint)
James the Deacon (Church of England, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)
John XXIII, Pope (Roman Catholic Church)
Lommán of Trim (Christian; Saint)
Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta (Christian; Saint)
Meditrinalia (Old Roman festival in honor of the new vintage)
Navaratri Dusserha (a.k.a. Dasain, Dashain, Dasara; Hindu, Nepal)
Nectarius of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia (Christian; Saints)
No Falling Down Day (Pastafarian)
Old Michaelmas Day (Celtic)
Philip the Evangelist (Christian; Saint)
Play Nice Day Day (Pastafarian)
Ramos (Positivist; Saint)
Vinalia (Roman Wine Festival)
The Wig (Muppetism)
Zenaida and Philonella (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [1110] (6 of 9)
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [48 of 57]
The Addams Family (Animated Film; 2019)
The Backyardigans (Animated TV Series; 2004)
Bad Times at the El Royale (Film; 2018)
Bat Out of Hell, by Meatloaf (Album; 1977)
Body and Soul, recorded by Coleman Hawkins (Song; 1939)
Can’t Slow Down, by Lionel Richie (Album; 1983)
The Case of the Gilded Fly, by Edmund Crispin (Novel; 1944)
Charlie Chan in Shanghai (Film; 1935)
The Death Cure, by James Dashner (Novel; 2011) [Maze Runner #3]
Drop Dead Fred (Film; 1991)
First Man (Film; 2018)
From Russia with Love (UK Film; 1963) [James Bond #2]
52nd Street, by Billy Joel (Album; 1978)
Four Seasons of Love, by Donna Summer (Album; 1976)
The Goldfinch (Film; 2019)
Gotcha (Video Game; 1973)
Hook, Line and Stinker (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Island, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1962)
Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1957)
Killer Queen, by Queen (Song; 1973)
King Solomon's Ring, by Konrad Lorenz (Novel; 1949)
Knife of Dreams, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2005) [Wheel of Time #11]
Laura (Film; 1944)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (Film; 1996)
The Luzhin Defense, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1930)
MFKZ (Animated Film; 2018)
Mindwalk (Film; 1991)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Oklahoma (Film; 1955)
Orlando, by Virginia Woolf (Biography; 1928)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Remo Williams (Film; 1985)
Saturday Night Live (TV Series; 1975)
Snuff, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2011) [Discworld #39]
Streetlife Serenade, by Billy Joel (Album; 1974)
30 Rock (TV Series; 2006)
To Have and Have Not (Film; 1944)
Touch, by Sarah McLachlan (Album; 1988)
The Transporter (Film; 2002)
Tuck Everlasting (Film; 2002)
Where’s Charley?, by Frank Loesser (Broadway Musical; 1948)
Without You, by Harry Nilsson (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Bruno, Jakob (Austria)
Andronik, Emilijan, Filip, Gaudencije (Croatia)
Andrej (Czech Republic)
Probus (Denmark)
Aldo, Aldur, Eldur, Haldo, Haldur, Heldur (Estonia)
Ohto, Otso (Finland)
Firmin (France)
Alexander, Bruno, Georg, Manuela (Germany)
Brigitta (Hungary)
Firmino (Italy)
Maira, Monta, Silva, Tince (Latvia)
Daugvydė, Germanas, Rimdaugas, Zina, Zinaida (Lithuania)
Kennet, Kent, Kevin (Norway)
Aldona, Brunon, Burchard, Dobromiła, Emil, Emilian, Emiliusz, Germanik, Maria, Marian, Placydia (Poland)
Filip (Romania)
Valentína (Slovakia)
Begoña, Juan, Soledad (Spain)
Erling, Jarl (Sweden)
Zina, Zinaida (Ukraine)
Canice, Ken, Kendall, Kendra, Kennedy, Kenneth, Kenny, Kent, Kenton, Kim, Kimball, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kimberlyn, Kimi, Tate, Tatum (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 284 of 2024; 81 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 27 (Red-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 26 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 14 Shù; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 28 September 2023
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Descartes (11th Month) [Ramus]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 18 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 18 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 10.11
Black Girl Day Off
Dia Nacional de la Mujer Boliviana (Bolivian Women’s Day; Bolivia)
Feast of Real Family Values
General Pulaski Memorial Day
healthcare Security & Safety Officer Appreciation Day
International Day of the Girl Child (UN)
International Day of the Referee
It’s My Party Day
Kimberly Day
Kraken Day
Mato Grosso do Sui Day (Brazil)
Moi Day (a.k.a. Huduma Day and Utamaduni Day; Kenya)
Mother Jones Day
Myths and Legends Day
National Bookkeeper's Day
National Coming Out Day
National Fossil Day
National Kim Day
National Kimberly Day
National She Survived Herself Day
National Spread Joy Day
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day
Revolution Day (Macedonia)
Sarandi Battle Holiday (Uruguay)
Saturday Night Live Day
Uprising Against Fascism Day (Macedonia)
Wine-Press Day (French Republic)
World Day Against Fracking
World Day of Roads
World Obesity Day
World Perimenopause Day
You Go, Girl Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Sausage Pizza Day
Southern Food Heritage Day
World Biryani Day
World Dulce de Leche Day (Argentina)
2nd Wednesday in October
Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Nurses Day [2nd Wednesday]
Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day [2nd Wednesday]
International Day For Natural Disaster Reduction (Hawaii) [2nd Wednesday]
International Top Spinning Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work & School Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Curves Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Fossil Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Pet Obesity Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Stop Bullying Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Sauerkraut Day (North Dakota) [2nd Wednesday]
Stem Cell Awareness Day [2nd Wednesday]
Stop America's Violence Everywhere (a.k.a. SAVE Today) [2nd Wednesday]
Walk & Roll to School Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Belia (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Sirland (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agilbert (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Sauli (Christian; Saint)
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus (Roman Catholic Church; Martyrs)
Æthelburh of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Bruno the Great (Christian; Saint)
Cainnech of Aghaboe (Christian; Saint)
Canicus of Ireland (a.k.a. Kenny; Christian; Saint)
Day of Wayland the Smith (Pagan)
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
George Ault (Artology)
Gomar (Christian; Saint)
Gratus of Oloron (Christian; Saint)
Gummarus (a.k.a. Gummar or Cromer; Christian; Saint)
James the Deacon (Church of England, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)
John XXIII, Pope (Roman Catholic Church)
Lommán of Trim (Christian; Saint)
Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta (Christian; Saint)
Meditrinalia (Old Roman festival in honor of the new vintage)
Navaratri Dusserha (a.k.a. Dasain, Dashain, Dasara; Hindu, Nepal)
Nectarius of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia (Christian; Saints)
No Falling Down Day (Pastafarian)
Old Michaelmas Day (Celtic)
Philip the Evangelist (Christian; Saint)
Play Nice Day Day (Pastafarian)
Ramos (Positivist; Saint)
Vinalia (Roman Wine Festival)
The Wig (Muppetism)
Zenaida and Philonella (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [1110] (6 of 9)
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [48 of 57]
The Addams Family (Animated Film; 2019)
The Backyardigans (Animated TV Series; 2004)
Bad Times at the El Royale (Film; 2018)
Bat Out of Hell, by Meatloaf (Album; 1977)
Body and Soul, recorded by Coleman Hawkins (Song; 1939)
Can’t Slow Down, by Lionel Richie (Album; 1983)
The Case of the Gilded Fly, by Edmund Crispin (Novel; 1944)
Charlie Chan in Shanghai (Film; 1935)
The Death Cure, by James Dashner (Novel; 2011) [Maze Runner #3]
Drop Dead Fred (Film; 1991)
First Man (Film; 2018)
From Russia with Love (UK Film; 1963) [James Bond #2]
52nd Street, by Billy Joel (Album; 1978)
Four Seasons of Love, by Donna Summer (Album; 1976)
The Goldfinch (Film; 2019)
Gotcha (Video Game; 1973)
Hook, Line and Stinker (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Island, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1962)
Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1957)
Killer Queen, by Queen (Song; 1973)
King Solomon's Ring, by Konrad Lorenz (Novel; 1949)
Knife of Dreams, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2005) [Wheel of Time #11]
Laura (Film; 1944)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (Film; 1996)
The Luzhin Defense, by Vladimir Nabokov (Novel; 1930)
MFKZ (Animated Film; 2018)
Mindwalk (Film; 1991)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Oklahoma (Film; 1955)
Orlando, by Virginia Woolf (Biography; 1928)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Remo Williams (Film; 1985)
Saturday Night Live (TV Series; 1975)
Snuff, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2011) [Discworld #39]
Streetlife Serenade, by Billy Joel (Album; 1974)
30 Rock (TV Series; 2006)
To Have and Have Not (Film; 1944)
Touch, by Sarah McLachlan (Album; 1988)
The Transporter (Film; 2002)
Tuck Everlasting (Film; 2002)
Where’s Charley?, by Frank Loesser (Broadway Musical; 1948)
Without You, by Harry Nilsson (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Bruno, Jakob (Austria)
Andronik, Emilijan, Filip, Gaudencije (Croatia)
Andrej (Czech Republic)
Probus (Denmark)
Aldo, Aldur, Eldur, Haldo, Haldur, Heldur (Estonia)
Ohto, Otso (Finland)
Firmin (France)
Alexander, Bruno, Georg, Manuela (Germany)
Brigitta (Hungary)
Firmino (Italy)
Maira, Monta, Silva, Tince (Latvia)
Daugvydė, Germanas, Rimdaugas, Zina, Zinaida (Lithuania)
Kennet, Kent, Kevin (Norway)
Aldona, Brunon, Burchard, Dobromiła, Emil, Emilian, Emiliusz, Germanik, Maria, Marian, Placydia (Poland)
Filip (Romania)
Valentína (Slovakia)
Begoña, Juan, Soledad (Spain)
Erling, Jarl (Sweden)
Zina, Zinaida (Ukraine)
Canice, Ken, Kendall, Kendra, Kennedy, Kenneth, Kenny, Kent, Kenton, Kim, Kimball, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kimberlyn, Kimi, Tate, Tatum (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 284 of 2024; 81 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 27 (Red-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 26 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 14 Shù; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 28 September 2023
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Descartes (11th Month) [Ramus]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 18 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 18 of 30)
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