#mc: You know DAMN WELL that's not what I [immediately falls asleep]
How do you think the forest god bois (Im sorry i just love them) would react to their darling wife being stolen from them?
Please don't apologise. I love them too
Sans: This particular Forest God's rage is cold. It's damp, dark... it's eyes in the woods, it's the dooming feeling of being lost with no hope, a mould that rots you from the inside out. Kidnapping your potential partner may be commonplace among the Fae, but man... stealing a Forest God's wife is one step away from just outright cursing your own name forever. No punishment is too gratuitous.
The only hope for her kidnapper(s) is that she's back in Sans' arms quickly, and she intercedes on their behalf. If her return is fast he may have enough presence of mind to make the death quick. If not... well. If he thinks her seeing might make her too upset, he isn't above tucking her into a comfortable dream.
Once he's done, he's going to need a few days of cuddling. It's best she doesn't ask what happened to them. Their voices will echo through the darkest parts of the woods for many, many more centuries to come.
Red: Red wants to be human. He always tries so hard to be more human, surrounding himself with objects and trinkets of that world, learning their languages and lives and tempers. He craves humanity- that possible version of him, that could have people by his side forever, and by God standards he's very attuned to them. But someone taking his wife- it definitely brings out the Old Fae within him. The darkness, the possessiveness, the lack of empathy. And the wrath.
Some small part of him wants to be merciful, to prove to himself (and to her) that he can act like her kin.
... At the end of the day, however, he's not a human. Nothing will change that. A hoard of birds and bugs make short work of a face; and even when he sees the terror in her expression at what happened to her kidnappers, he can barely find the energy to even pretend to care for their deaths.
Skull: He was starting to be nicer to humans, you know. He'd let so many people through his bog untouched. His beloved's presence in his life was dampening the age-old flames of hatred... perhaps humans aren't all bad. She's so wonderful, after all, maybe the ones who hurt him long ago are gone now, and things are better. Maybe he can start to figure out how to let that hatred rest. Maybe he can start to figure out how he can rest.
... Then she gets stolen. And it all comes back. First his forest, now the only one who ever broke through his loneliness, all humans do is take the things he loves most. Her kindness, her love, she's the exception- an exception to a rule he despises.
He lives in... difficult terrain. Without his blessing, it's impossible for any would-be kidnappers to get very far away. Skull doesn't need to strain himself to catch up. While he's chasing, he has a lot of time to ponder what he's going to do to them.
There are many terrifying, painful, prolonged ways to die in a bog, after all.
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xuterboo · 2 months
Kings of Hell and your illness. Their concern is for you. Part 2 ☕💊🛌
Part 1
By some lucky chance, he still ended up in his kingdom.
You met him at the threshold of the castle and immediately sneezed. Beelzebub suspected something was wrong. You had a blush on your cheeks and walked a little sluggishly. Without saying another word, he comes over and kisses you straight on the forehead
Yes, just as he thought. Heat. Grabbing you by the shoulder, with a cheerful smile, Belzebub drags you into the castle. But he leads you not to the bedroom, but to the kitchen. .
There he sits you down at the table, and starting to cook something simple but very tasty, the King of Gluttony says that there is no better medicine in the world than food. It gives strength to the body, especially the human body. It is so? Therefore, before you rest, you need to eat nutritiously and healthy!
The food was prepared quickly. Despite the strange Hellish dishes, or at least their strange appearance for you personally, the soup turned out to be deliciously delicious. Having eaten, you began to feel lighter, and Beelzebub dragged you to the bedroom.
Placed in a random room, Beelzebub will cuddle with you while you fall asleep and actually sleep. Inhaling your scent, holding your jelly-like body in his palms, Beelzebub wants there to be more moments like this
Part of the dialogue:
Bael: Damn... Why did you promise to come today, but now you don’t answer?? Have you put your phone on silent again? I hope he didn't forget about his promise...
«He angrily walks past the open door and suddenly stops, noticing a familiar bright spot out of the corner of his eye. Walking into the room, Bael's eyebrows rise. He sees Belzebub and MC sleeping peacefully on the bed. Sighing heavily, he smiles, closing the door»
Bael: Well... I'm glad he's here
Bonus: (I can't help but add this)
«Belzebub feeds you his own soup. Straight from the spoon, like a baby. MC expresses slight dissatisfaction because of this»
Beelzebub: Okay then. Take a spoon for mom, for dad...-
Beelzebub: A. Fuck
MC: Yeah, this is very fucking funny..
It’s strange that you got sick, because in the Lost Paradise they provided you with proper preventive care and tempered you, among other things. But nothing can be done.
Seeing your condition, Licifer (who is probably well versed in medicine(?) seems like he should), I immediately understood the cause of my illness and sent you to rest. Buer and Marbas take care of your health. Lucifer silently watches this on the sidelines. He trusts his loved ones, so he doesn’t worry about you.
You would listen to his stories from the past, or terrible tales of hell that would hardly be read to human children. You listen to his gentle voice. He is so wonderful that he lulls you to sleep. Lucifer, although he does not know how to properly show his emotions, but he shows it well in caring. If he didn't care, he wouldn't do all this. I wouldn’t call you affectionately “Kid”, I wouldn’t stroke your head when you were about to fall asleep, smiling slightly. Looking at your closed eyes, Lucifer is glad that you are recovering quickly.
Part of the dialogue:
«Lucifer strokes MC's head, smiling slightly. This smile is noticeable, but makes you feel inspired. Buer, standing nearby, smiles, feeling happy for his king»
Lucifer: Well... You'll hear a better story
Suddenly the door opens and Gamigin bursts into the room, holding tangerines in his hands»
Gamigin: MC, are you sick??
Buer: Shhhh!!!
Gamigin: Oh, oh.. sorry..
He didn't even know that you were sick until he found out from Gusion, who accidentally turned the phrase "I have to go to MC and ask how he/she is feeling". After that, Belphegor was silent for a minute, and then, half asleep, he asked, “What about MC?”
Upon learning that you are not feeling well, Belphegor will order you to be brought to his room immediately. It was unexpected. But as you sat on his bed, Belphegor sluggishly opened his eyes. Looking at you, he blinked a couple of times, and then called you over. Suddenly he pulls you into his arms. He sits half-sitting, and you lie on his friend. Your body is burning due to the temperature, which is why his body seems so cool.
You involuntarily reach out to him and soon you fall asleep in his arms. You and him will only be there for important matters. For you, these are medicines and food and water, but for Belphegor, important political matters. The remaining time you spend almost in one position. Long rest helped you recover.
Part of the dialogue (situation):
«MC lies in an embrace with Belphegor.Harumon sat comfortably somewhere next to them. He purred quietly, creating an even warmer atmosphere. They are both drooling over their 200th dream. Beleth cannot resist taking a photo of this beautiful scene. He sends the photo to the nobility. Someone was touched, but someone (Gusion) didn’t even answer because he was working»
That's all! I went to bed because after this ton of water my brain became like jelly.
It's my opinion. Thanks for reading!
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devildomwriter · 10 months
Satan & Cats Vol 1-4
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Satan: “…The cleanup is going to be a nightmare.”
The floor is now littered with books which all seem to be about cats
Satan: *blushing* “Hey, why are you looking at me like that?”
MC: “Have you been cheating on me? …With cats?”
Satan: “If looking at pictures of cats in books counts as cheating on you, then…I guess? Heheh, are you actually jealous of the cats?”
MC: “Do you like cats that much?”
Satan: “Well, I wouldn’t collect books about something unless I like it, obviously.”
Satan: “Come on, it’s okay. Come here. If you get all angry like that, you’ll end up opening up that wound and making it worse, you know?”
Cat: *growl*…
Asmodeus: “Is that Satan with…a cat?”
MC: “What’s going on, Satan?”
Satan: “…! …Nothing. I just happened to spot a cat over here, that’s all.”
MC: “What’re you doing here?”
Satan: “What, is there some problem with me being here? I just happened to spot a cat over here, that’s all.”
Satan: “Go ahead, see if you can seduce me.”
MC: “Meow?”
Satan: *blushing* “…! …You pass.”
Satan: “That’s not MC. That’s a cat. It’s a newborn kitten that can’t find its mother, I’m sure of it. And it’s crying out, desperate for help…”
Satan: “No, I didn’t imagine it. I definitely heard something. It was the sound of a cat meowing.”
Satan: “I mean, think about it! If a tiny kitten who’s just opened it’s eyes started meowing at you in a weak, fragile voice, hungry and trembling with fear… Would you be able to resist the urge to scoop it up in your arms? Hm?”
Lucifer: “The rule here is “Do not touch.””
Satan: “I take responsibility for my actions. And I regret nothing I did…nothing.”
35-16 Hard
Lucifer: “Satan, when it comes to anything having to do with cats, you’re incapable of thinking rationally. That’s a problem, and it needs to change.
Satan: “…I regret nothing. I just like to help cats in need. That’s all.”
Lucifer: “You may not have regrets, but you still need to consider the consequences of your actions. First of all, anytime you happen upon a cat, you immediately decide to bring it home with you, which…”
Satan: “Oh, right. I heard you’ve got this place in your world known as “Cat Island.” …In Japan, I think. Have you hear of it? Because I’d really like to go check it out sometime. With you, naturally.”
MC: “Cat documentaries.”
Satan: *blushing* “Wait, what? You have documentaries about cats in the human world…? Oh, I want to see these documentaries. No, I have to see them. Actually, let’s watch them right now.”
42-16 Hard
Satan: “I don’t believe it…”
Asmodeus: “Satan, do you recognize this thing?”
Satan: “I do. I’ve seen one of these on DevilTube. There was a cat riding on it.”
MC: *Put on the cat ears*
Lucifer: “The cat ears? How exactly are those supposed to help…”
Satan: *gasp*…!
Satan takes 222 damage.
Beelzebub: “The cat ears actually worked…”
Lucifer: “…Huh?”
Solomon: “Still, they barely did any damage at all. The Demon Lord Satan has 870,000 HP total.”
Lucifer: “Damn…! Someone get us a real cat, and fast!”
Satan: “I was planning to spend the day thinking up new cat video hashtags to search on Devilgram…”
Satan: “I also want to get home soon…so I can watch more cat videos… I can’t wait to watch my cat videos…”
Satan: “I’d like to head back soon, too. I want to watch cat videos on Devilgram. …So bad it’s killing me.”
Lucifer: “Uh oh, the TV screen… It’s showing video footage of cats now! Be strong, Satan! Don’t give in to them!”
Satan: “…!”
Leviathan: “Oh no, we’re really in trouble now! It’s a group of sleepy kittens…and they’re starting to doze off!” *gasp* “…look! They’re all nestled up against each other and are falling asleep…!”
Satan: “They’re… They’re so cute…”
Asmodeus: “What are you looking at, Satan? …What am I saying? As if I even need to ask. You’re watching cat videos, aren’t you?”
Satan: “I’ve never thought of searching the hashtag “FrolickingWithADuck” before. Wow, have I been missing out… And don’t you just love this one too, Asmo? “FriendsWithAHamster.””
Satan: “What I wouldn’t give to be able to watch a nice, soothing cat video right now…”
Satan: “And a Pretty Kitty special to go with that.”
Simeon: “…Wait. What did you just say? They want a Pretty Kitty Special…?”
Satan: “Yeah. It’s a new menu item I came up with. They’re pancakes in the shape of a cat’s paw. They’re soft, fluffy, and flavored with maple syrup. These are guaranteed to become the café’s signature dish.”
Simeon: “Ahaha… They really are cute…”
Mammon: “Man, he’s sure is crazy about cats.”
Luke: “Aha… Looks like we found Satan. Hmm, he’s staring at his tablet with a really serious look on his face. I wonder what he’s doing… Trying to understand the current economic conditions in the human world? Or studying a foreign language, maybe? Wow, he really is committed to the pursuit of knowledge…”
Mammon: “Nope, wrong. That’s the face he makes when he’s watchin’ cat videos.”
Luke: “Watching cat videos…?”
Satan: “As you can see, I’m busy.”
Mammon: “Busy?! You’re just sittin’ here watching cat videos!”
Luke: “…! Right! Right, exactly. Simeon’s totally obsessed with the cat cafes they have here in the human world! He’s now seriously considering turning the Angel’s Halo into a cat café as well…!”
Mammon: “For real?”
Luke: “Shhh! Quiet, Mammon! Which is why we’ve come to you. As a cat lover, we were really hoping you could advise Simeon… And you know…to do that, you’d need to understand how the business is run, right? And what better way than by working there part-time?!”
Satan: “Why didn’t you say that to begin with? In that case, I’m glad to help.”
MC: “You know, every day cats show up at the café…”
Satan: “Cats…?”
Luke: “…! Right! Right, exactly. Really, really cute cats…kittens, in fact!”
Satan: “Did you say kittens?”
Luke: “Mmhm. Three of them…actually, wait. Maybe it was five?”
Satan: “Five kittens…”
Luke: “They always show up as soon as they get hungry, and we feed them! Wow, they’re just adorable! They like to hang out in front of the café and play. When they wrestle, it’s like little balls of fur rolling around!”
Satan: “Let’s go. Now.”
Luke: “…Huh?”
Satan: “You said you needed someone to work at the café, right? I want to let Simeon know I’m interested before he gives someone else the job.”
Satan: “Looking forward to working with you.”
Simeon: “Likewise! I have to say, you’re a lifesaver. I feel much better knowing you’ll be here.”
Satan: “Okay, so…let’s talk cats.”
Simeon: “…Excuse me? Cats?”
???: *meooow*
Satan: “Just a second, all right? I’m on the phone. Calm down.”
???: *meooooow*
???: *mrooowr*
Satan: “Ow! …Hey, don’t climb onto my shoulder. Quit digging into me with your claws!”
???: *rrraaaar*
???: *hiss*
Satan: “Whoa, hey! Da Vinci…Michelangelo! No fighting!”
Satan: “You see, I was in the middle of testing out a new flavor to add to our drinks…That’s when the cats started going crazy…and long story short, I ended up wearing the flavoring instead of tasting it.”
Simeon: “You know, that wouldn’t have happened it you hadn’t let them into the café to begin with…”
Satan: “Well, can you blame me? They’re such an improvement. I mean, what’s a café without cats?”
Simeon: “Right. That’s my first point of confusion, actually. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Simeon: “Anyway, don’t blame me when Barbatos makes you pay for this later. He looked QUITE angry about being forced into filling in for you at the café.”
Satan: “I mean, he should be happy, right? He’s surrounded by cats, after all. Sounds great to me.”
Satan: “I do like cats, sure. But you know I don’t have a pet cat, right?”
Leviathan: “Well, apparently he was in charge of yesterday’s cleanup, which was a total nightmare. Something about there being cats everywhere? I don’t really know what the deal was.”
Lucifer: “So this was another one of Satan’s messes, then…”
Satan: “They’re gone! I don’t see them anywhere! Where’d they go?! My little Monet! Da Vinci! Munch! Rembrandt! Vermeer…!”
Barbatos: “Ah, looking for that group of cats with the fancy names? I returned them to the various witches and sorcerers that owned them. They’re back home now.”
Satan: “Wh…what…?!”
Solomon: “Satan, get ahold of yourself. This is no time to be standing there in a stupor because the cats are gone.”
Satan: “…Yeah…yeah, I know.”
52-16 Hard
Satan: “But I’m waiting on a little friend of mine, a cat, who’s going to show up outside on the terrace soon. They’re looking forward to some tasty kitty treats courtesy of Satan.”
52-16 Hard
Satan: “…MC. If a white cat shows up on the terrace outside, do you think you could feed them a few treats in my place?”
…a movie about three adorable cats who set off on a journey together starts playing…
Satan: *blushing* “Wh…! …It’s a black and white bicolor, a tortoiseshell, and a tabby… and they’re relaxing in the sun, all curled up against each other. That’s so…so cute!”
Satan: “Those cats are so cute…”
Lucifer: “My hobby is music, whereas you prefer reading, don’t you? And you love cats, but if I had to pick one or the other, I’d go with dogs.”
58-16 Hard
Lucifer: “…I just got a call from Barbatos. From what he says, Diavolo suddenly transformed into a cat just now.”
Leviathan: “C…come again…?!”
Belphegor: “You say Lord Diavolo…turned into a cat…?”
Leviathan: “Ooh…not that… That’s treading on the most sacred of sacred ground…”
Satan: “Okay, what type of cat did he turn into exactly? I’m curious to know the breed and color of its fur. Are there pictures?”
Satan: “I was trying to say it can ALSO be used as a vehicle for cats, even though it was designed to be a vacuum cleaner.”
Leviathan: “Oh no…uh-uh! That’s a lie, and you know it. You were totally convinced it was a thing cats ride on!”
Satan: “Crowe, play the theme song to “Another Purrrfect Day for Kitties in the Devildom.” At max volume, please.”
Satan: “…There are several cats who come by the manor for food each day. Make sure to take care of them for me. If you’re on the job, I feel like I can rest easy knowing they’ll be okay. But keep in touch. Let me know how the cats are doing every day. Got it? Every day.”
Satan: “…Anytime you want to give me a ring, do it. It doesn’t have to be about cats.”
Satan: “You told me to come, so here I am. But I don’t see any cat—“
Mammon: “MEOW!”
Satan: “…?!”
Mammon: “Meoooow!”
Satan: “What the…? What’s going on?”
Satan: “…He looks like Mammon, but he sounds like a cat…”
Mammon: “Meow meow meow!”
Satan: “…Come here, you. Who’s a good kitty, hm?”
Mammon: *hiss*!
Satan: “Aww, there’s no need to be frightened. Come here, it’s okay.”
Mammon: *HISSSSSS!*
Belphegor: “…I guess Satan just loves all cats no matter what?”
Belphegor: “Satan said he’s going to hang out with Mammon for a while. Apparently he enjoys watching cat-Mammon play with cat toys.”
Satan: “Because the truth is that I don’t want to be stuck here with cat-Mammon, either.”
Mammon: “Meow?!”
Satan: *blushing* “But every time he starts meowing at me, I feel this urge to keep playing with him. I can’t help myself.”
Mammon: “Meow meow meow meow meoow!”
Satan: “…!”
Mammon: *purr* “mrrooow.”
Satan: *blushing* “Gr…so cute. I know it’s Mammon, but he’s just too cute…!”
MC: “Cats, books, number four.”
Luke: “Cats, books, number four? That has to be Satan!”
Lucifer: “By the way, Satan…you forgot your “cat cookies” back at the house. You know, those cat treats you normally carry around with you everywhere. I grabbed them and brought them with me. Here.”
Satan: “Oh, thanks.”
The sorcerer MC commands you…Come forth, feline… Satan: “What the…?!”
Cat: “Meooow!”
Satan: *gasp* “You’re… YOU’RE SO CUTE! Come here, kitty! How’d you like some cat treats?”
MC: “A cat!”
Leviathan: “Can you summon a cat here, MC?”
MC: “The sorcerer MC commands you! Come forth, feline…
Cat: “Meooow.”
Satan: “…! What’s going on? Where’d you come from, little guy?”
Luke: “Satan, are you planning on drinking that milk off of a plate? Wouldn’t you prefer a cup?”
Satan: “Oh, um. Yeah, I find it’s easier this way.”
Luke: “Aha… …What do you think, MC?”
MC: “I’m thinking that’s for a cat.”
Luke: “Yep, my thoughts exactly.”
MC: “He’s taking that to a cat, isn’t he…”
Luke: “So you were thinking the same thing I was, huh?”
MC: “That has to be for a cat!”
Luke: “You wouldn’t think that Satan would be so easy to read, but sometimes he is…”
Satan: “Wh…what? Why are you two looking at me like that?”
Satan: “On the way home from school, a kitten came up and started rubbing up against me! So I took it home! And I’m secretly keeping it in my room!”
Asmodeus: “MC showed us the pictures of you as a puppy. You were just adorable!”
Mammon: “Wh…! MC! I told ya to keep that a secret!”
Asmodeus: “That was the result of a failed potions experiment on your part, right?”
Beelzebub: “Mammon looked pretty cute in that picture.”
Satan: “Yeah. So much so that I started thinking a dog might actually make a good pet. You know what a cat demon I am. I thought I was going insane.”
Leviathan: “A cat bookmark? Aww, Satan, isn’t that cute…” *nudge* Satan: “MC and I bought a matching pair of them when I went up to the human world that one time.”
Satan: “That was a really nice gift shop, they had all sorts of cat-themed stuff. We should go there again the next time we get a chance, MC.”
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freshlyrage · 5 months
Running Like Water
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Chapter 24
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 5.7k
IMPORTANT a/n: I've got no explanation this time, school and work just have been beating my ass. But this is the last chapter of the second part of this series. There's going to be a... different stylistic change next chapter. Things are um... not going to be as peaches and cream. Don't start the Mari witch hunt... i'm sorry in advance....
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You cried after sex for the first time with Javi tonight. He fucked you roughly into his mattress, bit your shoulder and kissed you. He looked at the clock and stood up from the bed after finishing on your sheets. Watching him begin to leave made you heave. You start to sob with you face pressed into the pillow. He damn near tripped over his shoes rushing back to the bed. 
You couldn’t explain it to him, he was panicked. 
What did I do?
Did it hurt?
Andrea, please talk to me. 
Hey, hey—I’m not leaving, I was getting you a towel—
Baby, please you’re scaring me. 
He presses his thumb across your cheek collecting your tears. His eyes are wild, blown out and concerned. 
Your first question scares him. You didn’t mean to, it was only a segway. 
“Do we have too much sex?” You pant, warm tears still falling. Javi swallows hard, you could nearly feel his heart beat at the pad of his thumb while strokes your face. 
It’s Friday night. 
The week had been good. Great even. After your little lake day you and Javier decided to no longer be apart. You biked home that night and snuck him into your room. He ate you out, the sun had you beat and you fell asleep immediately after. He is learning how to sneak out quietly. That was wednesday. 
On Thursday, you decided to go to the public library. You had some lessons for the second session of summer school to get done and you wanted him around. 
He was very good. Silent and reading while you chewed your pen cap. You caught him doing more staring than reading but you couldn’t mind. You’d just smile and go back to your work. 
When you were done the two of you strolled the aisles of Laredo Public Library, picking books for each other. You spot Neruda in the poetry section and you silently squeal. Getting up on your tiptoes to reach when you’re lifted off your feet. Javier lifts you to the top row and you let out a cackle deserving of a shhh from the ancient librarian. 
He behaved well, until you were driving home and he took you from behind in the back seat of his truck. 
He kisses you sweetly, tells you he loves you and drives you home.
He finds himself in your bed once more, this friday night. You know he should leave soon, tomorrow morning is the wedding. You hadn’t anticipated breaking down in this way. You need all of the rest you can get, god knows Melissa will be raising hell at 9 am. It was only ten when you asked Javier the question. 
“Uh— No—yes? Please tell me why you’re still crying.” 
You sigh, “I’m… sorry.”
“Why? Should we turn it down? Am I being too much-“
You scrunch your face and turn your head into his hand. Maybe it wasn’t the best way to start this conversation, crying and asking him if their sex is too much. Strangely you felt too scared to tell him. “God no! I was just…” You choke on your own words. “Nevermind.” 
“Nope—nope, none of that querida.” Javier pushes your hair back out of your face, you close your eyes surrounded by his warmth. You could die here you fear. You can’t believe you’re here—there, in his arms like it’s nothing. 
You think of Xavier. Xavier made you cry. 
“This is my first sexual relationship where I’m like not sighing and bracing myself before you touch me. It was like that with Xavier, I’d disassociate while we had sex. It was okay at the beginning because I suppose I somehow liked him, but then he just got fucking mean.” You picture him, what he looked like in high school. The dirty blonde, blue eyed jaw clenched soccer player. You wouldn’t guess he was hispanic in a million years, he seemed to be so distant from his culture, you tried to understand but you just didn’t get how—it bothered you, his ignorance. You somehow looked past it all, he kissed you sweetly before class. You hadn’t been kissed sober since Javier by that point. You were easily molded. “I don’t know why I’m talking about this, I'm sorry.” You rub your eyes, you know Javier could be a jealous lover. You didn’t want to bicker over details of your previous relationships. 
“Andrea, just talk to me. Tell me about him. I’ve told you plenty about her.” 
Lorraine, you’ll face her tomorrow. You fear you might chew her head off, or maybe she’ll claw your eyes out. No mimosas tomorrow, or else it’ll get messy. 
You suddenly feel a wave of tears threatening behind your eyes, burning. Somehow you begin to ramble while he watches, stroking and caressing your face.
“He asked me out at a beach in Corpus Christi,  it was my idea of romance back then. I suppose I just wanted to be liked by someone. We dated for almost two years, you know? I sort of enjoyed our time together. When we were just sitting around watching tv, making fun of episodes of Dynasty. Then he’d touch me and I would dread it every time. Like my whole body would just leave, and somehow I’d end up on my back. I don’t think I ever felt violated or anything like that, he was just cold during sex and selfish. One time he got rough out of nowhere, and I got really excited, like yes, you’re trying something new. Those times when he’d be rough, it didn’t feel like him so I would enjoy myself. I finished, once. And I was so sensitive after, I wanted to cuddle and kiss him, thank him. But I remember he just bit my shoulder and got up to leave. Without cleaning me, I was seventeen. I started to cry, I would cry every time he left afterward” You were sobbing. You remember it all, you remember the feeling of being fucked and left, and the gaping hole it left in your heart. “I wasn’t even crying because I didn’t want him to leave, I didn’t want anyone to leave me. And they had, I thought I moved on from that. You’ve rushed out of my room plenty of times.” You hiccup, “I just got really sad today, I’m sorry I ruined our sex.” 
Javier looks down at you, your head leaning against his knee. The light in your bedroom casting him an orange glow, his brow quivered and he shook his head, stroking your hair once more. 
“I love you.”
It hurts to hear, “I know. I love you t-“
“No- I love you and I can’t bear to watch you like this. You can never ruin anything, please never apologize to me for something so silly. Please Andrea.” He slides down to lay with you again. You begin to cry harder. 
“I need to get help. I have severe abandonment issues.” 
You’ve known it deep inside, you’ve been too afraid to say it. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings, you wanted Javier to be enough to fix you. But even though he soothes the pain so well, there’s too many layers to ignore just because he’s here right now. 
It’s silent for a beat. He just breathes and nods, you fill his chin at the top of your head. 
“I do too.”
“You don’t have to say it to make me feel better.” 
He’s perfect, how could he ever need help-“I’m turning into my mother, the past few years have been self destructive decisions. I’m aware of it so much that it makes me ill. I threw up on Tuesday because I saw my departure date circled on my calendar.”
Now you’re silent.
“Yeah we need help.”
“God bless our therapists.”
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Genie had other friends. Three other girls crowded your kitchen island downing fruity cold drinks clad in flowy yellow gowns. You decline the lounging and giggling, you rather keep Genie company. She requested no bridesmaids during hair and makeup—just come up when I’m in my gown—you figured you were an exception. And you were because she beamed the second you walked into the room. 
She was alone in a white slip, her face painted so beautifully and her brown locks pulled into a  decorated bun. You prepped your room for powdering and pampering, cleaning at the crack of dawn after your night with Javier. Genie sat on a lush chair by the window facing the backyard. You could hear the bustle of workers putting their final touches. 
“You look so pretty my love.” Genie grins. 
Your eyes widen at her compliment, she beat you to it. You suppose you were lucky that she wasn’t one of those bridezillas that wanted her bridesmaids to suffer in puffy dresses, to ensure the idea of always the bridesmaid and never the bride or what not. 
Instead she allowed the four of you to pick dresses as long as they were A. Pale Yellow, and B. Bohemian. You weren’t afraid to admit that your little childhood friend group seemed to be stuck in 1975 fashion, your icons were Stevie Nicks not Madonna! 
“Me, look at you. I-“ Tears well in your eyes and she isn’t even in her gown yet. It was rare, a thing like this. To not have to adjust to a new love in your brother's life. You felt if they ever broke up you would make Frankie’s life a living hell because there was absolutely no way you were staying away from Genevieve. The only person who rubbed your back when you cried during those six years, the first person at your bedside when it ended with Xavier and now there she is, about to marry your brother giving you a niece—giving you an older sister. “I’m just so happy it’s you—that you’re my family.” 
Your voice cracks and your period is definitely approaching. She frowns with a wiggling chin as she stands to pull you in. “Te quiero, de verdad, Andrea. Soy una mujer afortunada.” She whispers and she smells like she did in high school, an amber warm scent that comforted you but a smell so familiar you can—-
“Are you wearing the perfume you would spray Javier’s basement with after we smoked?” You laugh through tears.
The two of you sat for a bit, rambling on about everything but the ceremony in four hours. She rubbed her stomach frequently, stretching her legs out on your bed like a cat getting prepared to nap. You knew her other bridesmaids slightly. Two of them were her employees at her first salon, Harrietta and Wilma. The third was her cousin who flew in from California, Olivia. Still, she chose you to be her maid of honor. 
“Are you prepared?” You ask finally, she looks at you and pauses her belly rubs. Genie giggles and blows a raspberry, with a head shake. 
“Thinking about it makes me so nervous and it upsets her…” She taps her belly. 
You nod again, sipping your water before glancing down at the yard through your window. It was slightly less hectic, you spotted your mother straightening a seat. She was clad in a float blue gown. You can’t help but wonder if she would put this much effort into your wedding one day. The thought makes your lips quirk in a frown. “Have you practiced your vows?”
“Let’s talk about something else, I do not want to sweat my blowout.” She was nervous, pale as a ghost, you suppose in your gaze out the window you hadn’t noticed just how anxious this topic was making her. Your eyes widen and you place your cup down. Unsure what to even talk about. 
“Right uhm—“
“Is Javier treating you well?” She cuts, reaching over to your bedside table and getting ahold of the church fans your mother placed on each seat. It was eighty five degrees out. Your cheeks go crimson, will you ever get used to someone knowing? 
“Yeah… I don’t know… he always has, somehow he’s better in a relationship.” 
“Be honest, have you guys had sex here?” She points at the bed she’s lying in. Your eyes double in size and you cover your face. But this is how it was with the two of you, she’d press about your sex life, you’d tell her, you’d giggle like schoolgirls then she’ll attempt to tell you about hers and you nearly vomit because of the circumstances in which her sex life occurs. 
“Yes! Often too… You know I struggled with sex before Javi.”
She frowns, she heard all about it during your monthly sister in law sleepovers when you were still in high school. Genie tried so hard to encourage you to demand what you needed out of Xavier. “Yeah… I know.” She rubs the sheets beside her and you wince. 
“Ew don’t do that!”
“Sorry!” She retracts her hands and folds them in her lap with a chuckle. “Not for nothing but If you would have told me earlier I could have rescinded the invite to Lorraine.” 
It was your turn to be avoidant. 
“I don’t want to talk about that.”
It’s silent again and all you could do is sip your water and worry about seeing Lorraine face to face after so many years.  
“Has he told you he loves you?” Genevieve asks, lying on her side now, propped up with her chin in her palm. Your lips quirk in a smile and you stare at the bottom of your gown. 
“He has.” You sigh when you think of what this must look like to outsiders. Andrea goes back to Javier after everything, “I think he means it.” You wonder why it scares you to be loved so much. You think being loved might sever you in two, it’s starting, you aren’t sure what to do now. 
She stands at that, and wraps her arms around your shoulders while you sit. “I know he does, he has forever. We’ve seen it, it pisses your brother off, sure, but it can’t be denied. Hopefully in a few years I’ll be talking you down while you’re laid in a wedding dress. He’ll be nervous next door.” She kisses the top of your head. You tremble at the thought. You can’t think about that now. 
“One wedding at a time, let’s get you in your dress.” You jump to your feet and walk toward the white dress hung up on your dresser door. Unzipping the white plastic. Genie stands too. 
“Right! Right. But I'll be your maid of honor, right?”
Your brows furrow and you snap your head over your shoulder. 
“Bitch please.”
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You loved Javier in a suit. Luckily for you his career allowed him to be formal a lot of the time he snuck into your room at night, but this suit was reminiscent of prom and you grin. 
“Hi.” You smile up at him, surveying your surroundings. It was nearly your cue to walk out together, behind you were the three other bridesmaids and your brothers three other groomsmen. Friends he met at work that you never bothered getting to know. They were standing side to side with the girls. Javier clenches his jaw and looks at the chattering groups behind the two of you. He looks annoyed by the presence of the groomsmen. You shake your head, it was so like Javier. “Have you even tried… to befriend your wedding companions?” 
Javi furrows his brows and looks back at you then softens immediately. He grunts, “Nope, red head over there joked about asking you out tonight. Who the fuck are these guys?” He cranes his head to level with you. You loved when he did that, feeling guarded and protected by his presence even when it wasn’t necessary. 
You flatten the lapels of his crisp suit with a little tight lipped smile. “Friends Frankie had to make when you were gone because it came out that you were actually his only friend.” 
“Think I got a chance with Charles?” You joke, tugging on his suit jacket once more. Javier’s face drops and his mustache twitches into a firm frown. His big puppy dog eyes make you never want to tease him ever again. 
“Maybe, Wilma offered to cut my hair for free when I was serving Frankie some scotch earlier-“
“Okay enough of this game.” You snap, your face turning hot. He puts on that stupid smug smile and nods a truce. The two of you face forward shoulder to shoulder, the music begins and you know you must count to twenty before the doors open. 
Javier offers you an arm. You slap his behind before intertwining. 
“You’re gross.”
“You love me gross.” You giggle, squeezing his bicep. The doors open and you walk out to your backyard. The entirety of Laredo were at their feet smiling at the two of you. Javier leans in your ear and whispers, “Hmm yeah, you look beautiful in yellow but I rather see you in white.” 
And the two of you walk down the aisle and you hope it isn’t your last time. 
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Genie loved drama. Well, no. Genie loved being the drama. You silently cried the entire time they exchanged their vows. Why Genie decided to have her wedding three days before your cycle begins is beyond you. The vows were very much Genie, with some censoring. She promised your mother that she won’t be vulgar, she already went against Melissa’s wishes when she said she rather have the ceremony and reception at home instead of the ceremony at church. 
The entire backyard erupted in cheers when she made a comment about being so grateful to be starting a family with Frankie. Somehow you forgot that only your small circle knew. Genies ninety-one year old grandmother jumped to her feet in happiness. 
It was surely safe to say that your brother's wedding reception ranked high on the happiest you’ve ever felt. When the officiant granted them their first kiss as a married couple Genie of course pinched his behind causing your mother to gasp and everyone in their seats to giggle. Most importantly your brother smiled brightly against his wife’s lips. 
The cocktail party was in your front yard, half an hour while they set up the backyard once more to fit all guests. It was the duty of the direct family of the groom and bride to scurry around and set up. So you and Javier did just that. Folding white chairs and loading them in the van. Centering flowers on tables. Picking up fallen name cards. 
 Once the sun began to set, the guests walked through the pathway leading to your backyard and found their places. And the live mariachi arrived. You let out a huff when you were finally able to sit down, Javier groaned at the bend of his knees. 
“I’m going to need sixteen hours of sleep after this.” He says, picking up his beer and sipping. The scene was oddly similar to Liandras quince. You laugh, taking your own beer and following suit. You glance over to the Bride and Grooms table, decorated more elegantly and intentionally. They were beaming, swaying back and forth while talking to each other. The kids of town dancing and running around, kicking balloons in the air and not letting it drop. “We should get a hotel tonight.” He whispers against your shoulder. You side eye him and smirk, pinching his thigh. 
“Yeah, we should.” Your eyes scan the crowd once more, landing on a table in the far right corner of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Smithfield, clad in light blue. And right next to them, sitting in silence, Lorraine. Your eyes widen at the sight of her for the first time in nearly seven years. Her hair a darker shade of blonde, pin straight. Her eyes land on you. Although you feel your heart drop you still offer a small smile. 
She rejects the gesture, eyes darted between you and Javier, and peels her eyes alway with a straight face. 
You frown and look at Javier. “I just saw Lorraine.” He frowns just the same, placing his hand on yours while it rested on the table. The touch burned straight through you. Removing your hand and placing it back into your lap. You couldn’t dare to look at him while you just retracted at his touch. But you could feel his body tensing beside you. You want to apologize for your reaction but you just can’t. You tried to avoid the idea of Lorraine coming back home, but now it’s here and the guilt is climbing up your throat and making your cheeks burn. And now you’ve made Javier upset. He takes another sip of his drink.
 The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes while you panic. She knows. It took her one glance to read you, read your body language. You feel sick, and you know that technically you didn’t do anything wrong but you were once her friend. Yet on the same coin  you also know that she mistreated him.
So why does this feel so bad? 
“I have to go to the bathroom.” You blurt, standing from your chair. Javier places his beer down loud enough for you to hear, he’s upset with you. He is. Your heart contracts in your chest.
He stands alongside you, “Well I do too.” He says in a tone so deep you know you’re going to get your ass handed to you. You want to pinch yourself because his anger makes your  cunt clench around nothing. You figure that you want to be chased by him. Captured, maybe he’ll fuck you in the bathroom and it’ll teach you a lesson. 
Still, there’s guilt in that thought. You won’t allow it, not when you’re feeling this way. “Javier we aren’t doing this-“
“Don’t make a scene.” He demands once more and you’re already walking towards the house, and he’s following you. The party was too busy to notice the interaction. You swing the screen door open without holding it for him, it nearly swings back in his face but he slams it wide open. 
You look over your shoulder at him as he trails behind you with a furrow in his brow. A jaw clenched. “I really do have to pee.” You say, the house empty besides the caterers, you had figured people would be trickling in and out considering your home bathroom was the only one for this event. A slight oversight on your mother’s behalf. 
“I don’t give a shit.” He grumbles and the two of you stumble into the bathroom. 
You sigh and glance at him while he stands with arms crossed at the door. Studying your every move. You lift the bottom of your dress and tuck it under your chin while you attempt to pull your panties down to pee. Javier shakes his head and strides towards you, holding your dress up from the back. You shut your eyes, “This is embarrassing and gross I can do this myself.”
He keeps a straight face, “I can’t even help you now? Now I'm embarrassing you?” 
You shoot him an annoyed glance, “Peeing is private.”
He grunts, you know slightly that you’re being ridiculous. You know he’d quite literally do anything to help you even if it’s as small as holding up your expensive dress while you peed. You shake your head and do your business quickly, wiping yourself with cheeks hot. “Why are you upset with me?” He asks while you pull your panties back on. 
He drops your dress as you stand a foot away from the toilet, he gets on one knee fixing the lining of your bridesmaid dress. God damn it, this boy was a dream. He stands once again with a grunt. Viejo, you want to say. You move past him without a response and stand in front of the mirror, beginning to wash your hands. “Andrea.”
“I wasn’t ready to see Lorraine and she—she knows.” You look at him through the mirror. His hands are crossed, the suit tightening around his arms. You wish you didn’t feel so gross, you’d turn around and drop to your knees, that’s just the sort of mood you’ve been in. 
He doesn’t seem to phased. “Knows…? She knows what?” Still, grumpy, angry. Still sultry and hot. He’s burning into your eyes through the mirror.  
You take a few moments to think, stare at him through glass–make sure he understands how you’re feeling. 
“She knows we’re fucking.” You grip the edge of the sink, he’s so tall behind you. 
He nods, stepping up closer behind you. Hips pinning you against the sink. “Is that what we’re doing? We’re fucking?” He dips his head into your shoulder, your breath gets caught in your throat. Yes, yes, yes. His hands come to your waist and ride up, up, to your breasts. Both palms cover yours completely and then some. He grinds against your ass. 
“Y-yes Javi.” You whimper, you don’t understand how he can turn you on so quickly. He kisses your neck and you watch. He’s craned over you while your neck is tilted, like he’s ready to devour you whole, sink his teeth into you and suck. You watch his hands through the mirror, pull your top down and expose your dark nipples to the fluorescent light of your downstairs bathroom. He pinches your nipples and you moan. 
And in an instant he bends you over the sink, your breasts pressed upon the cold surface. And he grinds into you clothed, “You’re my girlfriend, you understand?” The air is cut out of your throat. He drives again, “We aren’t fucking, okay? We’re together, I’m yours. Tell me you’re mine.” 
You bite your lip, your hair falling over your face. “I’m yours Javi.” You arch your back like a kitten, hoping he’ll pull up your dress and fuck you raw and fast. But he doesn’t, he leans over and stands you up straight, pulling your dress back up. 
“Good, I'm glad we have that all cleared up.”
You’re left panting and wanting a kiss. Wanting to apologize for being so—You shut your brain off and turn to kiss him. Lips pressed to his but his hands don’t move to hold you. 
Your brows furrow and you part, feeling wrong inside. 
“What’s wrong?” Your brows crease, in heels there’s still space to look up at him. 
He turns away from you for a moment, you hope to god what you’re feeling in your chest isn’t the way he felt when you dropped his hand. “I don’t feel good when you talk about us like that. Like we just fuck.”
Oh, your eyes drop to your heels as they stand perfectly in front of his oxfords. You aren’t sure how to apologize about your own insecurity climbing at your throat. But he doesn’t ask you to, instead he places a hand on your cheek, “You know that I love you right?”
The bathroom door swings open and you jump from his touch once more. His hand dropping to his side and your bodies reacting to the intruder. Eyes wide at the sight. 
Lorraine Smithfield. Again, but up close with another red  straight face, in a green dress. Your eyes flick down to her stomach, a small bump protruding and filling the dress. You feel your mouth go dry and you can’t help but look up at Javier. Your stomach is twisting into something sick. Your own face getting beat red at his own brows softening at the sight of his ex-girlfriend carrying a child. 
She just shook her head and turned on the faucet as if you two weren’t caught red handed. Your cheek stings from where he once touched you. “If you want to sneak around at a wedding you should at least lock the door.” She chuckles bitterly, pressing soap into her palms. “Frankie knows you’re feeling up his baby sister Javi?” 
She smirks and looks at the two of you once more. Javier’s nostrils flare, you could feel him counting to ten in his head. 
She’s pregnant. 
Lorraine is pregnant. 
“I’m an adult, don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” You snap, and Lorraine stands up straight, blocking the doorway with crossed arms. She looks between the two of you and chooses to ignore you once more. Like her business was only to zero in on Javier. 
“You talked a lot about Andrea being nothing to you all those years in Houston. Interesting how you switched on me.” Your chin quivers but you keep your face straight, you weren’t going to break in front of Lorraine, of all fucking people. You can’t help but look at her belly bump once more and furrow your brows. What is happening?
“I don’t really feel like talking to you, not when you’re angry. So we’re going to go.” He grabs your hand and you feel the sick instinct to retract again but you let him anyway. 
She hesitates to move before saying one last thing, and this time she looks you in the eye, placing a hand on the swell of her stomach. 
“He keeps you burning for him. Remember where he’ll be in a few months, none of this will matter again. I suggest you get over it Andrea.” 
Your eyes shoot open for a moment while Javier drags you out of the bathroom. You chest constricting and you drop his hand finally. Feeling the same panic you felt last night when you sobbed against your bedsheets. Walking ahead of him with dual intention, being upset and not wanting to look suspicious to the party you’re about to approach. 
“Andrea—“ He grabs your upper arm right before you exit your house. 
“Please, let’s just—talk later or tomorrow.” Your words are hurried and snappy, the apples of your cheeks hot and crimson. You knew you weren’t ready for all of this, you fucking knew it. Javier wasn’t having any of it, he shakes his head. 
“No.” His mustache twitches in a disapproving frown. You scoff with a taste of copper on your tongue making your face screw. 
“No— I’m saying no to you.”
He cuts you off, “We need talk about this now because I know you-“
“If you loved you’d listen to me when I say no. Let me go.”
Let me go. 
He doesn’t bother you the rest of the night, he doesn’t invite you to dance which you didn’t expect considering the optics of it all but sitting in silence side by side made you feel green. And you couldn’t help but think of what it means for Lorraine to be pregnant. You’d hope she wasn’t in a relationship, that poor man should know how bitter she still is. 
You feel bad for her a bit, whoever the father is wasn’t in the picture which was a mortal sin in her family. Preacher's daughter pregnant and unmarried, heavens. 
You can’t help but feel uneasy. You try to smile and enjoy the wedding but Javier’s eyes burn, he’s waiting for you to say something—anything. You pulled the love card, low blow. So you know he has no choice but to give you space to think. It wasn’t like you were jealous but you saw every muscle in his face drop at the sight of her mothering figure. You suppose you’d have a reaction if Xavier came to you with a pregnant girlfriend. 
For a fleeting moment you wonder if his face was something toeing the line of concern-worry. Concern, you understand, is close to love. You were brutally shaken out of the bubble the two of you created in the past week. 
The sun set and you found yourself avoiding the table that the two of you housed. Javier really only shook the hands of those who approached him and asked him in spanish borderline insulting questions about his career. Your mother fortunately was a woman to be feared so once she announced the night was coming to a close the crowd flooded the front lawn, watching Genie climb into Frankie’s Ford Escort with a giggle and struggle to fit the train in the car. Just married chalked on the windows and streamers and cans tied on the bumper. They drove off with beeping horns and cheers. Javier brings his fingers to lips and whistles a splitting one. The married couple had reservations at the nicest hotel an hour out of town. Their tickets to Puerto Rico awaiting them for the next week.
You walk past Javier and head straight to the backyard to close up some chairs , the only person focused on cleaning just yet. Your mother was still doing her part in crowd control at the yard. 
The moon was bright that night, and your feet were killing you. You just wanted to be in bed. Be in bed with him. You know he followed you, you focused on your attempt of cleaning (avoiding him)--in your peripheral you saw him folding chairs a few feet from you. You sigh to yourself, not wanting to talk now but you feel him.You can feel that his anger became sadness. And you can't stand to see him sad. 
He still talks first.
“I got a hotel out of town tonight.” 
You pause standing up straight, looking at him while he corners the table he was dissembling. 
“I’m–I’m going to stay here tonight I think.” 
Javier’s entire face drops, gone ashen under the moonlight. He looks at the grass below him like he’s trying to decipher if all of this is real or not. He nods, “Alright. I’ll see you then?”
You nod, crossing your arms like you're holding your body from its instinct to jump into his arms. You needed to think. “Yeah, goodnight.”
The air is thick between the two of you and he frowns. Placing his hand on your elbow, leaning down to press a warm kiss against your lips, you can’t help but lean back into it. “Goodnight,” He kisses the corner of your lips, “I love you.”
You aren't sure why you freeze but Javier walks right past you before your brain could catch up with your heart. 
You cry holding your stomach, alone in the aftermath of the simplest presentation of love. 
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fancy friends that you can count on
Ominis Gaunt x GN!Hufflepuff!Reader (MC = Eliza Fig, previous fifth-year transfer student, current seventh-year Gryffindor) part four of the fancy series - [ToC]
Summary: Ominis worries when his friend doesn’t return from their fight and enlists a gathering of friends to help him find them. Reconnaissance is just an added perk. (Switching POV, though the majority of this part is actually in Ominis’s POV)
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“Merlin, Marcus, keep your damned voice down. Yer’ gonna scare all the lil’ beasties ‘round here!”
“Sorry, boss.” This was whispered, and a sigh was heard afterwards.
“Alright, what is it you want Marcus? Did someone steal your sweet roll again?”
“No, boss, nothing like that! Was just wonderin’ what you planned for that hogwash student?”
It was a fair question, you wondered what was going to happen yourself. You remained motionless on the ground, keeping your eyes closed and trying to appear still asleep. A sigh was heard once again from the boss- who really seemed fed up with his entire poaching party, honestly- before he finally answered.
“I don’t have anything planned for the student, and it’s Hogwarts, Marcus.” You could feel the cool press of metal underneath your prone form and felt the ground shake as someone agitated what must be the cage surrounding you. You remain quiet, still pretending to be asleep. “Go fetch Ed for me.”
“Got it, boss!”
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Ominis was getting worried. He had waited for you at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, wanting to apologize for his outburst. But as a clock nearby rang out the tone for curfew, he realised that you hadn’t been by at all. Where were you?
Poppy rounds the corner, running and trying to hold her shoulderbag down. Something was jiggling around on the inside and she struggled to keep the top closed. She ends up skidding to a stop in front of where Ominis sat, then hesitantly walks closer to him instead of continuing her path through to her common room.
“Ominis? What are you doing here?” She pushes her bag back down as it jumps around, trying to pretend like nothing was happening.
“Waiting for Y/N, have you seen them?” Poppy hums, glancing toward the common room, then back at Ominis.
“Well, the last time I had seen them, they were walking down the path outside. I think they wanted to visit their fwooper friend?” Ominis furrows his brow, letting his head fall to look down toward the ground. That was odd- they had promised not to go back out there without him. They knew how terrified he was of something happening, the forbidden forest was dangerous. “Either way, I must’ve missed them coming back inside. You want me to go fetch them?” She nods her head toward the common room entrance, and Ominis raises his unseeing gaze to face Poppy once more.
“If you could tell them I want to talk, I would appreciate it.”
“Of course, Ominis.” She places a hand on his arm for a brief moment before wrestling her bag back down, knocking on a barrel nearby and disappearing into the Hufflepuff common room. Ominis didn’t know how much time had gone by, but every second seemed to stretch longer and longer. Were they officially avoiding him now? Did they just refuse to come out of their common room to talk to him?
When the barrel finally opened once more, Ominis stood and straightened himself immediately, patting down his robes to look a bit more presentable. It wasn’t Poppy he was expecting to see bound out of the common room, though. As his charm pulsed, he was able to see the expression more clearly on her face, and he immediately took a step toward her. “Y/N? Where are they?”
“They’re not in there, Ominis,” Her voice was quiet, and she chewed her lip. “I searched every inch, even asked their roommates. No one has seen them since this afternoon.”
Ominis felt frozen in place, his mind whirring quickly with questions and answers. Where could they have gone? Would they have done all this to avoid him? No, of course not. They could get mad, but they would never purposefully make people worry for them. If Poppy didn’t know where they were, it was likely no one did. It was curfew and night outside, and they hadn’t been seen anywhere-
“Where- I mean, what-” Ominis shook his head, panic beginning to settle in. “This isn’t like them, is it? They don’t just disappear without telling anyone?”
“This is absolutely not like them,” Poppy agreed, nodding and glancing toward the end of the hall as if waiting for them to appear. “They hate breaking curfew. They always said Black hates muggleborns enough, they didn’t want to give him an excuse to expel them. Hogwarts is all they have.” She laughed, shaking her head again, “They even refused to go to the kitchen after curfew, and that’s just right down the hall!”
“You,” Ominis took another step closer to Poppy, his red charm pulsing quickly on his wand, “You mentioned you had seen them earlier? No one else seen them since then? So you were the last person?”
“They were walking down the path toward the forest, I thought they just wanted to go brush their fwooper friend.”
Ominis chewed his lip, shaking his head. If something had happened to you out there, that meant you were in trouble. And he really didn’t want to think about you being in trouble. “What about- what if you didn’t see them come back, but they did? Where would they go?”
“Ominis, I really don’t think-”
“Where would they go Poppy?” She just sighed in response, slumping her shoulders.
“I don’t know. The library? Maybe go hang out with some friends?”
“Okay, okay, we can work with that. You check the library, I’ll run up to the Gryffindor tower and see if Natty or- or Garreth knows where they are.” His voice falls toward the end of his sentence, shaking his head. Of course, that’s where you went. He chased you away with his inappropriate attitude with your potions project and chased you right into Garreth’s arms.
“Okay,” Poppy mumbled, shaking her head. “But I really think we need to go get Professor Garlick. If they got hurt somewhere out near the forest-”
“If they’re not in the library or Gryffindor tower, then we’re going to the forest. If we can’t find them there, then we can talk to the Professor. But I’m not going to sit and wait around all night for them to show up, which I know is what the Professor will tell us to do. If they’re in danger, we need to go help them.”
“Okay, Ominis. I’m with you. Ask Natty or Garreth if they want to come along, too. We’ll need the help. Oh! And Sebastian!” Ominis chuckled, shaking his head.
“The Slytherin common room is in the opposite direction of the tower-”
“Don’t worry then, I’ll fetch Sebastian. I’ll do that first, I remember him bragging about sneaking into the library after hours anyway. He can help me look through and make sure they’re not there.”
“Okay, fine,” Ominis acquiesced, shaking his head with a small smile. “Fetch my friend from the dungeons and search the library. But be quick about it! If they really are in danger, we’ll need to head out immediately.”
Ominis travelled as quickly as he could toward the Gryffindor tower but was held up halfway through when Peeves materialized through a nearby wall and started singing loudly about how Hogwarts nights were no fun anymore. He ended his made-up song with the promise of a fire burning the school down before he finally floated through a nearby window, sinking through the open air lower toward the ground. Ominis breathed out a sigh of relief before continuing on his way, afraid of how much time he had wasted trying not to get caught.
The fat lady in the painting seemed irritated with him, as he knocked and knocked on the middle of her canvas. “Watch the dress you, hooligan!”
“I can’t see your damned dress!” He finally called out, glaring forward toward the painting he knew was there, though one downfall of his seeing charm meant that he could see her frame and the magic emanating from the canvas, but he couldn’t see what was actually decorating the portrait. He had heard about her enough times, though. She fell quiet from his admission, and he finally moved his hand to the side and started knocking frantically on the frame of the portrait.
“Who is it you’re here to see?”
“Natsai Onai. Or Garreth Weasley. Either one, I just need to speak with them.”
“A Slytherin? After the hours of curfew?”
“Please, it’s very important. Someone could be in danger.”
“Danger you say?” The lady seemed to hum, then fall quiet. He huffed out a breath, keeping himself from stomping his foot like a petulant child. He waited for some other form of an answer, but when he heard nothing he finally gave in.
“Are you going to help me or not? Or do I need to keep knocking incessantly on the frame for someone to come out?” Again, with no response, Ominis was beginning to think the lady was ignoring him now. Just as he was raising a fist to knock again, he heard a click and someone came rushing out of the entrance.
“Ominis?” Natty appeared, quickly closing the portrait behind her. “The fat lady came and found me in my bedroom. She said this was urgent? Are you alright?” The girl seemed hesitant in asking but sounded worried. It made sense, in his opinion. Ominis and Natty never really spoke before until now.
“Have you seen Y/N?”
“What? Wouldn’t you know better than me?”
“Which should probably give you the knowledge of my urgency, then.”
“Oh,” Natty gasped, her shoulders slumping and her arms beginning to cross. “Well, if I’m honest, the last time I had seen them today was at breakfast.” Ominis huffed, crossing his arms as well. “Do you know the last place they were seen?”
“Yes, they were-” Ominis was interrupted as the portrait swung open once more. Ominis raised his wand higher, urging it to pulse once more before finally registering the magical signature as Garreth.
“Hey? The fat lady said that someone out here needed help?”
“Yes,” Natty confirmed, nodding her head, “Ominis is worried about Y/N. Have you seen them?”
“Oh? Yeah. I mean, the last time I saw them was in the transfiguration courtyard.” He looked between Natty and Ominis before taking a few steps forward. “Actually, they kept going on and on about how they needed to meet Ominis, here, in the potions classroom, something about a project. Did they not show up?”
“No, they did show up,” Ominis mumbled, shaking his head. “We had a fight and they said they needed some time alone. Poppy said-” Ominis was cut off once more by the portrait opening again, and he held back an annoyed sigh. Who was it now?
“Eliza Fig?” Natty asked, and Ominis raised his wand higher.
“What?” Ominis asked, his eyebrows drawing together.
“Is everything alright out here?” Eliza spoke and Ominis finally heard her gentle, yet higher-toned voice. He hadn’t heard much from her since the fifth year when she almost had Sebastian convinced to continue his dark arts forays. Ominis wasn’t exactly thrilled to run into her. “The portrait lady came by my room asking about me. She mentioned some sort of student in danger?”
“Oh, perfect,” Natty began, smiling brightly and taking hold of Eliza’s arm. “Just the person we need!”
“Why would we need her?” Ominis asked petulantly, already miffed that Garreth had to be around. Now her?
“Eliza goes on errands for everyone around Hogwarts! She’s the bravest witch I’ve ever come across, even if she only received her magical ability when she was fifteen! If anything, that probably makes her even better than the rest of us, having caught up so quickly!”
“Ominis, you were about to say something about Poppy?” Garreth interrupted kindly, and Ominis felt a jolt of something akin to thankfulness but pushed that way down.
“Right, well Poppy-”
“Wait, is Poppy the one in danger?” Eliza asked quickly, taking a step forward and studying Ominis. “Aren’t you Sebastian’s friend?”
“I’m more than just Sebastian’s friend!” Ominis snapped, glaring at the transfer student. “And no, Poppy is not in danger. But she is the last person who saw where Y/N Y/L/N went, and they haven’t been seen anywhere since. Poppy said she saw them walk down the path toward the forbidden forest- we believe that Y/N went to go see their little fwooper friend. Which is ridiculous because they told me they’d stop going out there alone, everyone knows that the poachers have been getting braver here lately!”
Eliza laughed, a pretty sound that had Ominis gritting his teeth together. “Ah, yes, well. I had to study for our NEWTs. Can’t always be out there chasing them back, you know?” She turned toward Natty as if sharing some inside joke, and Ominis huffed loudly.
“I really don’t care to hear you bragging about your adventures right now, Eliza. My friend could be in trouble.” He didn’t exactly see her face fall, but in the next second her voice was deeper, apologetic.
“No, you’re right. We should go look.”
“We?” Ominis would never admit how his voice squeaked, clearing his throat afterwards. “They’re my friend-”
“They’re our friend,” Garreth added in, and Ominis immediately took away whatever small shred of positive emotions he had felt for the guy. “There’s no way you’re going to come up here and pull the three of us from our common room and not include us in the search.”
“I was only trying to pull the two of you, actually,” Ominis added sulkily, taking a step back. “Do what you must, I guess. But I need to go meet Poppy and Sebastian outside the library. They were checking there just in case Y/N actually came back but didn’t go to their common room.” Ominis turned finally, using his wand to guide his way as he took long strides to get downstairs quicker. The pulsing of his wand indicated that all three of them began to follow Ominis, Eliza and Natty holding hands all the while. After some time Garreth sidled up next to Ominis, irritatingly matching his strides.
“So, what did you two fight about?” Ominis turned his head briefly toward Garreth, though instantly regretted it. Now he would have to answer, and he really didn’t want to talk about this with him of all people.
“Seems like something,” Garreth argued, though thankfully lowered his voice. Ominis heard the girls murmuring behind him so he assumed they weren’t paying attention to his current conversation. “Y/N seemed pretty adamant to meet up with you earlier.”
“They sure took their time chatting with you, then, for how ‘adamant’ they were to get to me.” Ominis hadn’t meant for the sentence to come out so childishly, but he couldn’t hold himself back. He finally met the person he’s been wanting for years, and of course, Garreth comes along and steals them away immediately. Garreth was quiet for an abnormally long time before he finally replied.
“I’m not even going to play this game.” Ominis furrowed his brow, turning his head toward his direction once more. “I could go on about how they only ever talked about you, or how they really didn’t seem interested in a word I said, but I doubt you would believe a word of it. So I’ll just tell you exactly what’s happened, and you can draw your own conclusions.” They turned a corner, and while Ominis had no clue where Garreth was going with this, he didn’t interrupt.
“I caught hold of Y/N when I saw them sprinting past in the transfiguration courtyard. I grabbed their wrist to stop them, likely the only way I could’ve stopped them. I wanted to know their opinion on different potions ingredients since they seem to get a pretty good grades in the class. I specifically wanted to know which ones were volatile, and which would cause the biggest explosions. I’m working on this project, actually. I got the idea from this Chinese traveller I met outside of Hogsmeade, actually, they mentioned-” He huffed, shaking his head and causing his red curls to bounce around, “No, scratch that, you don’t care about that. Anyway- so I was asking them and they seemed pretty amused by my questions, but obliged and told me what I needed to know. But during the entire conversation, they kept trying to pull away and mentioned you. Over and over, Ominis, they kept saying you were waiting for them in the potions classroom and they didn’t want to keep you waiting. It was my fault, not theirs.
“Then, my aunt walked by. She caught me holding onto Y/N’s wrist and discerned the wrong impression. Probably thought we were holding hands or something, and started this long tirade about how we were only just students and how NEWTs are coming up and we should be focusing on our test scores and-” He huffed out a breath, and Ominis could tell from his pulsing charm that Garreth was walking sideways, likely looking directly into Ominis’s face. “I kept telling my aunt she had the wrong idea, and Y/N kept mentioning you and the project that they were late for. So, if you’re upset because you heard some sort of rumour, then I can tell you personally it’s all false. What my aunt had seen, she just misunderstood. I was kinda grateful for it at the time, honestly, ‘cause if she knew the real reason I was talking to Y/N then I would’ve gotten a lot more than just a few stern words.”
Ominis let this sink in, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. When he didn’t answer quickly enough for Garreth, the ginger kept on babbling, saying even more ridiculous notions. “Anyway, the idea of Y/N being at all interested in me is laughable, if anything. Everyone in our grade- Godric, even everyone in Hogwarts knows that they have had the biggest crush on you since we were all kids.” Garreth laughed out loud as Ominis’ chest clenched, turning a horrified expression toward him. “The way they always stared at you, it was as if you personally hung the moon. I think we were all surprised when you two finally started talking. I know I was.” Garreth’s laugh was grating on Ominis’ nerves, and he huffed out a sigh, shaking his head.
“You had me going for a minute there. Almost thought you were telling the truth.”
“I am though?” Garreth sounded confused, and Ominis just shook his head as they went down even more stairs. “I didn’t lie about a single thing.”
“Catching Y/N by the wrist, sure. But saying they’ve liked me since we were kids- that’s ridiculous. They didn’t even know I existed.” Garreth laughed loudly, stopping in the middle of the hall. For some reason, Ominis stopped as well, waiting on the boy.
“Ominis, let me help you out here. You may be blind, but I’m certainly not. I think I know what I’ve seen. It’s every class Ominis. Every class, every year, every day. Y/N only ever stared at you.”
“What’s going on?” Natty asked politely, arm in arm with Eliza. It was silent for a moment as Ominis tried to process this information. Surely if his crush had been staring at him for so long- no, they couldn’t have. Sebastian would’ve mentioned it at some point? “Are we talking about Y/N still? Garreth, I thought it was just an unspoken rule that we didn’t tell Ominis how Y/N stared at him constantly?”
“You too?” He asked, shifting uncomfortably.
“Everyone noticed it Ominis, really. You would have to be literally blind to not notice it.”
“Natty,” Garreth admonished, reaching out to hit her elbow. The girl retaliated a lot harder than Garreth had originally hit, causing the boy to hiss in pain and rub his shoulder.
“No, if we’re saying this then he’s going to believe it. Ominis, Y/N never stopped staring at you. You can ask literally any person. There’s no reason for you to disbelieve us just because we’re Gryffindors.”
“It’s not because of your house colours that I find this hard to believe, Natsai.” Ominis shook his head, turning and continuing his way down the hall. There was no way he was going to continue this conversation with them. Not when you could be out there somewhere, hurt or in danger. He could hear the mumbling of the three Gryffindors behind him as he walked but kept his attention forward.
By the time they all made it to the library, Poppy and Sebastian were just climbing the stairs out of the room. Poppy ran over to Ominis, taking his sleeve and pulling on him. Sebastian was slower, obviously eyeing the trio that Ominis had arrived with.
“We couldn’t find them in the library at all, and Sebastian said he hasn’t been around Y/N all day. Ominis I’m getting really worried.”
“Interesting company you keep nowadays, Ominis.” Sebastian’s tone was careful, and Ominis sighed, reaching over to place a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Don’t mind them. They refused to leave once they found out Y/N was missing. They want to help look for them, and honestly, if we’re to search the forbidden forest then maybe we’ll need the help.” Ominis could feel Sebastian lean in close, his voice a breath against his ear.
“And you asked for Eliza’s help?”
“The merlin-forsaken Gryffindor portrait went through and asked after Natty and Garreth for me. But she heard the word ‘danger’ and felt the hero of our fifth year needed to hear of the news too.”
“Eliza!” Poppy was surprised to see her, leaving Ominis’s side and rushing over to hug her. Eliza returned the hug immediately, and Ominis could no longer feel the urge to be surprised. Was this reckless Gryffindor friends with every person in their immediate friend group? “Oh, this is just great! If poachers really did get them, you can help rescue them!”
“Why does everyone keep insisting on involving Eliza?” Ominis finally called out angrily, turning to face the rest of their group. He could sense Poppy's startle from his tone, immediately falling back a few steps.
“Because she’s the best of us, Ominis?” Garreth answered as if this was a question, taking a step toward the centre of their makeshift circle. “Why do you have such a problem with her?”
Silence fell around the group, but Ominis refused to answer. He had told Sebastian that he forgave him for his fruitless search into the dark arts, so long as the boy never did it again. Having been forced to cast an unforgivable curse was one thing, after willingly pestering Ominis about the scriptorium for an entire semester. However, Eliza kept pushing, urging Sebastian with pleas for knowledge and tempting him with a cure for his sister. Ominis had thankfully been able to talk him out of the whole venture before he wandered too far. Sebastian ended up dropping Eliza as a friend afterwards, so neither boy knew just how far Eliza had ended up venturing into dark magic. She had mentioned wanting to learn the other unforgivables.
When no answer was forthcoming- half of the group knowing what had happened yet refusing to speak- Poppy finally stepped forward between Ominis and Eliza and spoke up. “Regardless, Y/N is still missing. I think anyone willing to help will be beneficial. Don’t you, Ominis?”
“Of course,” He answers roughly, clearing his throat and turning his body to face Sebastian more. “So let’s get moving. Lead us to their meet-up spot.” Poppy nodded, stepping forward to lead the way. Ominis and Sebastian were behind her, the rest of the group following behind. He could hear Garreth mumbling a question to one of the others behind him.
“What does he mean, ‘meet-up spot’?”
“Y/N has a little fwooper friend, I heard them mention. I think the ‘meet-up spot’ is where they go near the forbidden forest to find their fwooper.” Natty answers, trying to keep her voice down as they roam the halls.
“‘Little fwooper friend’? That’s a mouthful, does the little bugger have a name?”
“Not that I know of.”
“They befriended a fwooper?” Eliza asks, and Ominis could hear the intrigue in her voice. “How unconventional. I wonder if they’d let me meet it. I’ve been so curious about their songs.”
“The ones known to drive people mad?” Garreth’s voice is incredulous, and Ominis has to hold back a sneer from the entire conversation. “Why would you be curious about that?”
“Well if they’re known to drive people mad, they must sound unique, no?”
“Regardless,” Sebastian calls out loudly, and Ominis detects Poppy jump from the loud noise. His friend turns to the three Gryffindors behind him, “I think we have more important things to worry about.”
The group, admonished, finally fall silent. Six students of Hogwarts walk out of the castle’s safe doors, making their way through the darkness to the one place they were forbidden from going. Ominis knew even if the rest of them had refused, he’d be making his way this way anyway. Anything, anything at all, to find you.
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Hey! Could you do a small Mack scenario please?
He's drunk after spending the night drinking and calling the mc to hear the electronic voice but the mc ends up answering. ( It looks angsty but in my head it's cute to think he's all silly wanting to hear the mc's voice and getting even happier when they answer.)
I'll give it my best shot since I don't really do angst. But I do agree that this prompt can be cute. 💕
This scene would take place in book 1.
Mack stumbles against the last few stairs that lead to his apartment floor.
Come on! You can do it!
He puts a foot in front of the other and soon finds himself in front of room 32.
That's my room, right?
No response since he is talking to himself. Pulling out his phone, he tries to use it to unlock the door before grunting.
That's your phone stupid! Use your keys!
It takes a couple of minutes for his drunken hands to finally use the keys and unlock the door. Inside, he stumbles again against some empty beer bottles that he had left on the floor.
Fortunately for him, there's barely any distance between the main door and his bed, which is where he let himself fall all the while fighting to get his clothes off.
Off! Off! Off!
Mack grunts again taking off his clothes only to keep his boxers on.
The sensation of being naked always had a satisfying feeling on Mack. He seems to always feel hot because he is a literal human torch and being naked, kind of lets his body cool down a little.
The fact that the shitty boiler in his room is also broken, doesn't help him at all.
Mack grunts again and pats the bed to find his phone. He only had what? 15 beers? Why does he feel so drunk?
The sound of a number being dialed confirms to him that he has found his phone and he quickly grabs it and ends whatever call he was making.
Fuck! Is the room turning? Are the walls moving?
The thought of MC immediately comes to his mind, and he smiles.
Just for shit a giggles, he should leave MC a message asking for help.
After all, MC said they would help whenever Mack feels like his powers are getting out of control. And space distortion and reality-bending are the clues to recognize if his powers are indeed getting out of control.
Fuck with it! I'm calling MC!
Mack dials MC's number only to realize that it's already past 2 am and that MC is probably asleep at this time.
Whatever, I'll leave a message.
At the fourth ring, the sweet voice of MC resonates at the other end of the line. "Hello!"
"Hey! This is... Mack. Leaving you a message... call me when you get this... I'm fine! I'm... just... call me when you get this?"
MC: "What? What do you mean call you when I get this? This is not a voicemail, Mack. this is me! I'm already on the phone with you."
Mack: "Oh shit! Hello? You mean... this is not a voicemail?"
MC: "Umm... no! We are talking. Are you alright?"
Mack: "Ah, shit!"
MC: "Wait! Are you... drunk?"
Mack: "No! Are you?"
MC: "What?"
Mack: "Fine! I had 3 beers."
MC: "Just 3?"
Mack: "Okay... maybe it was... 8."
MC: "8?"
Mack: "Oh, fuck it! Okay, it was 15... maybe 13 or 15. I don't remember."
MC: "15? Are you serious? Mack? You're literally a ticking time bomb. If you lose control of your powers, things can go bad!"
Mack: "Yes, Mom/Dad. So you've said... so many times."
MC: "You're not taking this seriously, are you?"
Mack: "You know damn well that Warden crap doesn't really phase me."
MC: "Well... then why did you call?"
Long sigh while looking at the ceiling of his small bedroom.
Mack: "I don't know... you told me to call whenever I felt like I was losing control."
MC: "Are you?"
Mack: "Am I what?"
MC: "Losing control."
Long sigh again.
Mack: "No... but..."
But there is something inside my boxers right now that is completely out of control and could use your hands or mouth around it.
MC: "But..."
Long sigh again.
Mack: "But nothing. I... I should... I should let you go. It's getting late."
MC: "You didn't know that when you called me?"
Mack: "Didn't know what?"
MC: sighs. "That it was late!"
Mack: chuckles. "I knew... but I thought that I was going to leave you a message."
MC: "Okay, then leave a message."
Mack: "What do you mean?"
MC: "Pretend that you're talking to my voicemail and... leave a message."
Mack: "Why? I'm already talking to you."
MC: "Just... do it."
Another long sigh as Mack slide a hand inside his boxers and start playing with himself.
Mmmmm... fuck!
Mack: "Okay... I'm leaving a message."
Sigh again as the blunt head of his erection urgently presses against his palm.
Mack: "I... Hey, MC... It's Mack. I was out late tonight... this morning... and... I had a couple of beers... but I made it home... and no portals were opened... and no space distortion happened. Are you proud of me? Anyway.... Mmmmm... fuck! I... I wish you were here right now.... my room it's... it's quite small, and there's a shitty boiler that would make you sweat."
Pause... as his hand picks up speed inside his boxers.
Mack: "Anyway... I was just calling to... Mmmm... to let you know that I... Ohhhh... fuck! I.... would love to have you here... with me.... I bet it wouldn't be the shitty boiler making you sweat... I bet your hands or mouth would feel amazing... Mmmm.... Ohhh fuck!"
His hand going faster!!!!
Mack: "I... ohhhhh.... I..... ohhh shit! ohhh shit! Mmmm.. ohhh shit!"
His hand stops... heavy breathing."
Mack: "Anyway... I was just calling to say... I miss you. I... I have to go clean up, now. Bye."
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cutetehe · 2 years
Royals react to male mc accidentally wearing a boob window shirt
This is what a boob window shirt looks like:
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The story is gonna be a lil different(also read the story yall don’t understand how hard I think to come up with these)
Mc was staying the night at Diavolo castle because Diavolo asked if you wanted to have a sleepover with him. Barbatos looked like he also wanted you to stay the night so how could you say no!
Anyways after a long night of drinking with barbatos and Diavolo, Barbatos reminds Diavolo about the present
“Diavolo, might wanna give mc the present before he falls asleep” Barbatos reminds Diavolo
“Oh right! Barbatos could you be so kind to get it?” Diavolo asks and Barbatos nods and leaves the room
“So what’s the present?” Mc asks while drinking the demonus
“It’s a secret!” Barbatos comes in and hands you the shirt, folded.
“Oh a shirt- I think” Mc didn’t think anything of it
“Can you try it on? I wanna see if I got the right size for you” Diavolo asks
“oh sure, lemme go change” Mc stumbled to his room. Thanks to the demonus and him staying up way past than he usually he does he’s living off of one brain cell
“how do I put on this death trap” Mc mumbles while struggling to put on the shirt
After ten minutes Mc figured out how to put on the shirt. Honestly he should’ve suspected or at least thought on why the shirt took TEN MINUTES to put on but then again- he’s living on one brain cell
Mc walks out to the place where barbatos and Diavolo were and walks in, and immediately after walking in Diavolo and Barbatos look…flustered? Damn this shirt must be real good-
“Y..*ahem* your uh- shirt is a little…. Revealing” Barbatos says while looking flushed meanwhile Diavolo was frozen
“oh” mc says deadpanned
“Wait a minute… IS THAT WHAT I BOUGHT??” Diavolo thought in his head
He was in the middle of drinking his demonus and then you came out he puts the demonus down, he just thinks he’s drunk till he sees barbatos reaction
Didn’t know if he should cover his eyes or get you something to cover yourself with-
He’s not sure if he’s allowed to look- you don’t look bothered but he’s still not gonna look
sorta he’s gonna get a glimpse to make sure he isn’t drunk
After barbatos pointed out your shirt Mc seems chill so he assumes you aren’t embarrassed
..or just drunk and drowsy so he still on edge about looking
he doesn’t know why he’s acting so flustered- after all he sorta wears the same thing in his demon form
After thinking that he questions if this is how people who never saw his demon form react to his demon form
after he is unfrozen he’s apologetic
“IM SO SORRY I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE LIKE THAT” Diavolo apologizes over and over
“It’s okay! I sorta like and you seemed to too” Mc smiles knowing damn well he doesn’t even remember his reaction
Diavolo is so flustered but still takes mc to bed cause he seems tired
Gave you some of his clothes and sent you to the guest room
“we aren’t going to talk about tonight, are we?” Diavolo hoped Barbatos would agree
“no we are- how did you accidentally give someone a WINDOW SHIRT??” Barbatos asks
“Can I still keep the shirt?” Mc says stumbling into the room
“Mc go to bed- you can choose after you are sober” Barbatos takes mc to bed
After Barbatos comes back Diavolo knew he was going to get a longgg scolding
The next day comes and Mc is WEARING THE SHIRT AGAIN
“Hey Diavolo!” Mc waved towards Diavolo
“…hi” Diavolo looks away, still not knowing if he’s allowed to look
Mc tries to compose his laughter the best he can
“You don’t have to be so modest, you can look if you want” Mc snickers
Diavolo is more at ease now that he can look
Once in awhile he’ll get flustered but that’s just him blushing but everything else is normal
he’s trying to seem calm
but he didn’t expect you to walk out with your…chest out
Looked around for anything to cover you up with
He just takes off his jacket and puts it on you
“Y..*ahem* your uh- shirt is a little…. Revealing” Barbatos mumbled
“Oh” Mc looked a little flushed but that’s probably cause of the demonus
“thanks barbatos” Mc mumbles
Mc didn’t look like he was in a rush to change though
“uh mc, are you okay?” Barbatos asks
“Yeah just tired” Mc yawned
“that’s probably why he isn’t embarrassed” Barbatos thought before taking you to bed
“Please get some sleep” Barbatos says while getting some clothes for you
Mc talks about the human world while barbatos tries to find clothes for you
After Barbatos got you some clothes you STARTED CHANGING IN FRONT OF HIM
“Mc- wait till I get out the room” Barbatos quickly spins around to give to privacy
“I trust you” Mc says while putting on a shirt
Barbatos smiled when you said that
“Hey are you smiling?” Mc asks standing closer to Barbatos
Barbatos was questioning on lying to you or not but he knew you would’t remember when you wake up so…
“Yeah, I love you” Barbatos leaves the room
Mc is now left in a room by himself and HAD BARBATOS TELL HIM HE LOVED HIM
Tried to stay up to make sure he would remember Barbatos but then succumbed to your tiredness
Barbatos wakes you up
“I got you breakfast” Barbatos had his usual facial expression
“Thank you! By the way-” Mc was a little embarrassed
“I love you too” Mc smiles while eating some of Barbatos food
Barbatos is trying to keep his casual face on but he’s dying inside
“Go for it Barbatos!!” Diavolo whispers to Barbatos from outside the room
“What are you doing in here-“ Barbatos already knew why, it was to cheer him on because Diavolo heard Barbatos and Mc conversation
“Oh hi Diavolo!” Mc smiles
Barbatos decides to bail and leaves the room
Ngl I could move done better but I didn’t post anything today so I felt like I should’ve posted SOMETHING,
please give me request if you want me to write anything!
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cryptiles · 2 years
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- details ; brothers x gn! reader ; head-cannon based ; 〘🐙〙 obey me m.list ; they/them/you/yours
- summary; random things that'll happen with the brothers during class
- requests are open as of 20/8
- a/n ; writing shit because insomnia is kicking in , those whose match-ups aren't done yet hope you'll be patient there's quite a few to get done.
• lucifer is definitely the role model good student.
• he would probably be the one who wakes you up with a small knock on your desk if you fall asleep.
• but sometimes he would let you sleep, if the day was colder than normal he would bring his coat just for you to wear it. [ he makes sure you wear it ]
• probably would tutor you even during classes you know those times where the teacher would give you work to do and everyone would be silent.
• yeah during those times he'll glance over at you to check if you need any help. [ totally not because of how cute you look when you're concentrated or when you make a face to a question you don't understand. ]
• he wouldn't stare at you during class but will constantly check on you.
• if you pass notes to him lucifer wouldn't respond with full sentences, maybe just a short response and a reminder to focus on lessons.
• the kid that does extra work after doing the assignment.
• and he's obviously part of every type of committee.
• the teachers the students LOVE him so much any request from him its done immediately.
• he was well aware of this bias , but wouldn't usually make use of it however he would use it just this once by asking the teacher to place his seating next to you.
• to make sure you do your work not because he wants to be close to you or anything !
• he sits formally of course idk how else to describe it , he also usually has his arms crossed.
• everyone wants to pair with the hot daddy for any type of pair / group work but he only has eyes for you and no one dares to ask you to pair with them anyways with the first born glaring them down.
• if you both have separate classes he'll pick you up after your class and spend time with you during breaks , walking to you your next class too.
• helps you carry your books , open doors , push in your seat, refill your quill and pen inks and gives you hand written notes for your class.
• he keeps track of your schedule , i head-cannon that some days he gets to walk around the school and deal with some errands because he's the right hand man of the prince himself and all.
• so during those days he gets to skip his classes , he'll walk directly to the classroom you're at to check on you , then he'll go and check on his brothers next.
" full marks again , at this point its not surprising. “
"well mc , maybe if you stopped hanging out with mammon and studied you'd score higher. “
" that's kinda hot you know. "
" what is ? “
" you being so effortlessly smart , like damn what can you not do ? “
• he's blusinnn
• the class clown.
• everyone but the teachers love him so much like he's so funny.
• he would be those that randomly makes a remark and the whole class would go from dead silent to shitting themselves with laughter.
• this man gets 0 homework done, but i head-cannon that he's really good at math because you know counting money and shit so he probably picked math up along the way.
• if you're good / bad at math or get like 0.1 marks lower than him he would go all like " out of my kindness the great mammon would ya out !"
• if you reject him he's going to go all pouty throughout the lesson and feeling like shit.[ please don't reject him he promises he'll be of use ! ]
• but if you're really upset or salty about him beating you without studying , next test he'll purposefully fail just to make you happy.
• if you're not the studious type , well the teacher is going to have a hard time with both of you.
• your classmates LOVE you both , y’all are the humble funny popular students that everyone wants to be friends with.
• your classmates find it so painful that mammon just can't confess for the life of him.
• they've hyped him up, gave him advice , even set him up with you by asking the teacher to place his seat right next to you !
• but this man just can't look you in the eye and pour his feelings out.
• you both pass a shit ton of notes to the point where mammon bought a notebook just to doodle and write some stuff and pass the book to you.
• if you both have different classes , he'd be so whiny about it and beg lucifer to transfer him to your class. [ although the whole reason why you're apart is because when you both are together its fucking world war 3. ]
• definitely shamelessly stares at you during class without knowing , if you point it out he goes red and starts stuttering.
• probably sits with a man spread , one leg up , arm resting across your back rest or his own.
classmate #1; "mc! look someone gave your favourite flowers, i wonder who its from ~ “
" they're so pretty but really who would randomly give flowers to me? i haven't even done anything. “
" oi human! who gave you those ? "
" i don't know. “
' w-well you don't have any idea w-who gave these?! "
"nope , if i do find them it's an immediate date on the spot. "
[ you know its mammon , he low key gets salty that you don't know its him but imagining both of you on a date and kissing him ? bros malfunctioning. ]
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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kookieswan · 3 years
Shades of Us II – Caramel
Poly!Namgi x Reader (f)
Word Count: 2.6k
Genre: College!AU, Fluff, Humor (semi-crack), Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Frenemies to Lovers, Namjoon is still cheeky, Yoongi’s still a little shit, MC is stressed but amused.
Notes: The second part of SoU! The main three getting to know each other a bit, and making a deal hehe 👀
Part of the Shades of Us Series!
Walking into the dark room, you slow climb up the stairs to one of the far up rows of the room. Art history isn’t your favorite subject in the world, but the content is always interesting. You’re glad you picked Japanese art history specifically, there’s a nice cohesiveness to a lot of the work and learning about Shunga has been a hell of a time.
There’s a small murmur throughout the room, but you notice that it’s a bit emptier than usual. Not the most unusual thing, its pretty easy to skip out on a huge lecture hall class and not get marked as absent. You’re kind of regretting not staying home at this point, a bed is so much more comfy than these damn chairs. You’ve already got enough on your plate anyway, a little extra time to yourself would have been really nice. Just as you’re starting to pull out all of your materials for notes, there’s a rustle to your right before a deep voice addresses you lowly.
“We meet again.” Someone plops down next to you almost violently and immediately you recognize it a Yoongi, one of the cute guys from Persona. He looks flustered, hair sticking up in a few places from under his beanie and his cheeks are reddened slightly. Your guess is that he woke up late and had to basically run to class to make it in time. Been there, done that.
“Oh! I didn’t even realize that we had this class together. Your art history selective for your minor?” The man nods his head absentmindedly as he leans down to grip at his backpack, unzipping it quickly. He pulls out his laptop and sits it on the small slab in front of him, then leans back and lets out a long breath.
“Yeah, it’s the only one that caught my attention. Also, I usually sit in the back, and I think you’re a good few rows in front of me most of the time, so…” Your lips twitch a little at the realization that he’s been paying attention to you since the last time you spoke. Not that you mind having the attention of such a cute man.
“You’ve noticed me before during class?” Turning your body toward him completely, you look at him expectantly for an answer. His mouth falls open, eyes looking away from yours as he attempts to stutter out a reply.
“Uh… no. Don’t know what you’re talking about.” You giggle a bit as he tries to deflect but choose not to push it at all. It’s sad that Namjoon isn’t also in the class, you’re a billion percent sure it would be entertaining as hell if that were the case. Settling in your seat, you sit quietly next to him for a few minutes as he clicks away at his laptop. Just as you are about to fall asleep, a small groan signals you to look back at Yoongi, his face twisted in a mix of disappointment and resentment.
“Well, class is apparently canceled. The dick face of a professor sent out the email like ten minutes ago. Thanks man.” Well, if that isn’t annoying as shit, you don’t know what is. Just as Yoongi says the words, a number of students call out to the rest that class is in fact, canceled. It would have been nice to know at least a few hours ago, you could have slept in…
“You wanna go get some coffee or something? We’re already both up and out, only if you don’t have something else to do though.” He’s so blasé about the way he says it, but he keeps cutting his eyes back to you as you pack the rest of your stuff up. Pretending to think about it, you sling your back around your shoulders and cock your head to the side. Yoongi blinks at you, looking unimpressed with your hesitation, but you can already tell that teasing the man is going to be a good bit of fun.
“I suppose I could use some caffeine. Where to?” Yoongi finishes pulling all of his stuff together, straightening up a bit before putting all of his attention back at you. You try not to stare too long as his tongue comes out to swipe against his bottom lip as he lets out a little hum and turns to start walking down towards the door. You follow his lead, not only wanting coffee but also to know more about the adorable cat-like man.
“Persona. I get a nice discount since I work there, and I can yell at my co-worker if he makes it wrong, which he usually does. A win-win in my book.”
“How many times have I told you that I like black coffee Taehyung. Just black, no sugar, no cream, no fucking caramel syrup. Just black.” You try to hold back laughter as Yoongi chews out the pretty man behind the counter. He’s got a head full of dark curls, a boxy grin on his face as he completely deflects Yoongi’s snide tone. Standing up from the table you had picked earlier, you walk up beside Yoongi and give the barista a cute smile. He’s got on the uniform for the shop, witch mostly just consists of a light beige apron with a name tag reading “Tae” on it.
“However, you can put lots and lots of caramel in mine! The sweeter, the better! Yoongi would know.” Yoongi turns his head, giving you the most disgusted look he can muster as he snatches his coffee off of the counter. He takes a sip of what you’re guessing is the most bitter tasting shit on planet earth and sighs in content. You’re not going to tell him that you saw Taehyung drop a bit of syrup in there.
“Oh, come on Yoongi! Listen to the pretty lady, a little caramel isn’t going to rot your teeth out. If anything, maybe it’ll sweeten your cold, dead heart.” You hold up your frappe to Yoongi, nudging him in the shoulder a few times with it. Surprisingly, he takes the drink, slipping the straw between his lips and sipping a little. There’s a slight pause before he grimaces and shoves it back into your hands, looking nearly scared of the poor innocent drink. His taste buds just aren’t as refined as yours it seems.
“Tch, whatever. How’s Hoseok? I haven’t seen him on campus much this week.” The dark-haired man turns his eyes back to the perky barista, curiosity running though them, and maybe a bit of worry? Taehyung frowns a bit as he starts to wipe down the counter, a tiny sigh leaving him before he perks back up.  
“He’s been feeling a bit under the weather, I’ve got him home in our bed all cuddled up. He should be up in no time though!” Yoongi nods a bit before pulling some cash out of his pocket and handing it to Taehyung, the faintest of smiles on his face. He tosses his head to the side, signaling for you to go sit down at the table, so you start to make your way back.
“Alright, and yes, the tips for you. Tell Hobi I say hey and that I hope he feels better soon, yeah?” Yoongi saunters back over to the table, taking the chair opposite of you so you can both see each other properly. Upon closer inspection of the man, he looks a bit tired, light bags under his eyes as his gaze falls back onto you.
“Finally, we can have some peace and quiet. Don’t get me wrong, Tae’s cool, but he’s so loud sometimes…” Yoongi trails off as you nod along, running his finger over the top of his coffee lid. He goes to take another sip as a loud voice booms from your left, probably loud enough to piss off some of the people in the book section of the store who are trying to read.
“Well, if it isn’t two of my favorite people!” Yoongi, the poor man, almost chokes to death on his coffee, hitting his chest repeatedly to try and stop choking. You reach across and past his hand as you glance up at Namjoon, a concerned look on his face. He moves over to Yoongi, alternating between rubbing his back and patting it to try and help.
“Die.” A snort comes out of you before you can stop it as Namjoon glances back at you and smiles. His dimples are deep, and you can tell right away he gets more than a kick out of teasing the shit out of Yoongi still.
“You are just the cutest in the world Yoongi. An absolute delight, but no can do. And hello to you Miss Art Major!” Waving at Namjoon, you beckon him to sit down next to you and he does just that. Yoongi pushes his chair away from Namjoon and closer to you, trying to get as far away from the broad man as he possible can.
“What brings you both here? I know Yoongi doesn’t work today, so…” There’s a slight mutter of ‘stalker’ from Yoongi, but you don’t miss the small quirk of his lips before he shifts around a bit.
“We have the same class set for right now actually, but it got canceled. Yoongi invited me to get coffee with him!” Nearly cooing out the last part, you turn to Yoongi and give him a kind smile. If your eyes aren’t deceiving you, he turns the slightest shade of pink as he glances away, mumbling about how it isn’t a big deal.
“Well, that’s super sweet of you Yoon! You never invite me out for coffee though! Don’t you love me?” They start bickering like children, but it gives you time to kind of daze out, leading your thoughts to go a million miles a minute. You have so much homework, and there’s also the living situation. You still can’t believe that your roommates are both going to be leaving in like a month… Maybe you shouldn’t have been looking for other living arrangements sooner, but you’ve just been so damn busy lately.
“Something on your mind? You look kind of far away.” Blinking a bit, you realize that you completely zoned out of the conversation and both men are staring at you. Trying not to grimace, you shake your head and sit back up straight in the chair, taking a quick sip of your drink.
“Ah, well I have two roommates and both of them are moving out at the end of the semester because they’re graduating. I’m probably going to have to find somewhere else to live at this point because it’s like no one’s looking for housing. I’m really desperate honestly, I’d probably let a serial killer live with me if he kept to himself.” Namjoon furrows his eyebrows, looking like he’s trying to figure out a solution already. You haven’t known the man long, but he seems like he really enjoys being kind and helping people out.
“I could move in, though I hope the fact that I’m not a serial killer doesn’t ruin my chances.” That, however, isn’t what you were expecting. You gape at him for a second before schooling your expression. Living with Namjoon, huh…? Yoongi wears a similar look of surprise, eyes widened comically as he gawks at the purple haired man.
“What? I don’t really need to move but I’m living on a campus dorm right now and it’s not the best. I wouldn’t mind such lovely company either! We haven’t known each other long but I promise I’m tidy and I have cute little plants!” The reasoning is good enough for you, the dorms can be an absolute nightmare. You lived in one with a roommate freshman year, and although she was super nice, sharing a bathroom and living in a tiny, cramped space isn’t your idea of happiness. Plus, cute plants are always a reason to say yes to big burly men.
“I, uh, I could also move in! Yeah…” Namjoon snaps his eyes over to Yoongi, wide and curious as he stares at him. Continuing to sip on your drink, you raise a brow and slowly sit back in your seat, ready to hear the other man’s reasoning. Honestly, he could tell you that he wants to live with you to sniff Namjoon’s socks and you’d probably let him... Probably.
“You want to move in with me… and Namjoon…?” The idea seems simultaneously like the best and worst thing you’ve ever heard. Living with one or the other would likely be peaceful… Yoongi seems like he keeps to himself and Namjoon’s an absolute sweetheart, but they really like to wind each other up.
“Sure, I have a roommate right now and he’s alright, but we live on a really busy street and its always noisy. I could do with some change. Plus, I can’t let you deal with doofus alone, now can i?” Drumming your fingers against the table, you shrug your shoulders and glance outside. It’s starting to look dreary out, clouds turning into a dark gray color. Deciding to just go with it, you turn back to both of the men and grin.
“I live pretty close to campus! It’s a three bedroom so we would all have our own space. A full bath, a dishwasher, garbage is included even…” You don’t know why you’re trying to convince them when they’ve already said yes. So excitedly too. They nod a long to what your saying, glancing back and forth between each other and you.
“So, you’re both cool with living with me and each other then? Because if you’re serious about this I won’t look for anyone else to move in or try to find a different place to live. It’ll honestly take a lot of stress off my shoulder too.” Namjoon takes a quick sip of his tea before confirming, making a lot of the stress that you’ve felt for the last few weeks melt away.
“I think we are. Now I can see what a cute little grumpy-pants Yoongi is in the morning. He probably looks like a cute little kitty.” Yoongi reaches across the table and bats at Namjoon’s arm lightly, looking like he’s ready to hiss at him. You don’t say anything, but he really isn’t helping his case at all in the cat department.
“I think the better question is, are you alright with two men staying with you? I mean I’m pretty chill but Namjoon’s super big and clumsy. He might trip and crush you or something.” Not that you’d mind that… He does look rather broad. Clearing your throat a bit, you confirm that yeah, you’re totally cool with two super-hot men living with you.
“Sure! It’s not like you two are creepers or anything… I do have to get going here soon though, I have a fuck ton of homework to work on. Can I get both of your numbers? We can talk more details later, or maybe just set up another time to meet?” Both men nod their heads, and you shove your phone at them. Yoongi goes first, quickly typing in his contact info, before Namjoon grabs for the phone and giggles the whole time he’s typing. When you get it back, you smile at the little ‘Joon 🌳’ and ‘Kitty ✨’ that you see there.
“Well then, it’s been good doing business with you two, but I’ve really got to go. I’ll text you both later, yeah?” Both men nod, Namjoon looking lively while Yoongi looks sleepy. You tell him in passing that he should go take a nap, and he looks slightly surprised but please. Waving, you turn and start your trek back home.
“This… is going to be interesting…”
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the-kingshound · 3 years
Ros reaction to an MC that over works themself. Like to the point that their legs have probably given up on them a few times with how much they're moving. When asked they just say. 'Well I have to be some form of useful. Can't just do nothing".
This is a canon trait of MC, by the way, because this is exactly where their train of thoughts will bring them.
"Oh you absolutely can, my dear," they immediately answer, their voice soft as always but also quite direct. They gesture for you to sit down at their side.
"What makes you think you have to be useful?" they ask sincerely, resting their cheek on the palm of their hand, propped up by their elbow on the table. Even though Arthur's posture is relaxed, there is a sad kind of curiosity in his eyes.
Did he make you think in any way that you'd have to give something back to anyone? Maybe it's his spouse's upbringing, they were never allowed to rest, to just exist without any kind of expectation. Arthur asks himself if he did enough to subvert this.
Later, after you told him why you do need something to do, Arthur will assure you gently that you can do absolutely nothing and no one will think of you any less.
Their thoughts are all over the place, for a moment they just look at you, their gaze frozen. Did you just - did you just...
"Ah, MC..." they answer, their smile strained "that's not how it works."
Their throat feels tight, their thoughts frantic and heavy with guilt and panic. Did they cause you to feel that way? That you have to work until your muscles give out - to be useful at all times? That is so unhealthy, and that is why Evaine takes the time to distract Gwyar when things get too much, to nudge Yniol to bed and to coax their King to rest. Evaine will be damned if they won't do the same for you.
Bottling everything up for now, they extend a hand towards you. Their smile is blinding, all teeth and sparkling eyes even if there's something darker underneath "I'll make you see how useless we can be, you'll note that Arthur will keep us both even if we stay in bed all day. Let's do nothing together, shall we?"
"No," Yniol simply states, their face dangerously blank "that's not true."
They think about the times when they've had to see your legs tremble and give out, your arms slow and your movements measured to avoid the strain on sore muscles. That is not right.
"You can do nothing. You have to sometimes."
And they think about the horrible, endless days they spent unable to move, to even think after their body and mind just gave up on them. They understand the miserable realization of being unable to work and the dread of being discarded as a knight that followed.
"No one will expect you to be useful all the time, here," Yniol assures you.
Morien looks at you dead in the eyes for a long moment.
"That is the saddest fucking thing I have ever heard."
"And," they say, coming to stand in front of you with slow steps aided by their cane "very untrue."
They give you a pointed look, assessing your state as they talk "what do you think I'm doing when I've had enough of bandages and blood and I decide the tavern is a better alternative? Granted, drinking my problems away is not always my proudest solution, but you just need it sometimes. I know you do and you're very much allowed to take breaks. Hell, even if you suddenly became useless no one would bat an eye."
It's their way of saying that your value isn't measured by how much you do, that you don't have to hold in pained moans as you move to get to bed, that doing nothing here is allowed. Then comes their confession.
"If Arthur had decided to keep in the castle only useful people I would not be here now so don't overthink it."
Gwyar's face falls.
"That's... is that why you've been doing all this work?"
What they don't say is that they do the exact same, they work until there is nothing else to think about, until their muscles are cramped and they fall asleep the moment they lay down. They do it to keep away the guilt of past mistakes but they can easily track your thoughts - if you're useful you won't give anyone a reason to reject you and you won't be alone again - and it breaks their heart.
"You don't have to be productive all the time" they whisper, maybe also to remind themselves the same thing "people will care about you all the same."
There is a weak smile on their lips when they talk again "do you remember what you told me when... when I didn't even manage to fold that one sheet and I was being useless for days?"
"It's ok, love," you recite.
"It's ok, love," Gwyar echoes back, their eyes full of care "let's take a break."
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Original title: 冷たい雨 & エピローグ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 9 Mukami Yuma
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: I have very conflicting feelings about this CD. I really liked the build up and Tatsuhisa delivered the emotional lines flawlessly, it sent actual shivers up my spine. However, you guys should know by now that I’m not a huge fan of the ‘love cures everything’ endings where the MC is magically healed. :p At least they made it fit with Yuma as a character so I’ll give it a pass this once. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 5: The Cold Rain
*Rustle rustle*
[00:05] “Phew…It’s gotten totally dark. Oh well, I put out the tarps, so it can start pourin’ whenever it wants.”
Thunder roars in the distance.
…Heh. I want to be able to provide her with delicious and nutritious veggies after all. …Ahー The sky’s not lookin’ good. I better hurry back soon.”
Yuma runs towards the house.
He enters the bedroom.
[01:07] “...Hm? The fuck’s this?”
“It’s her handwritin’... …!! She went out shoppin’ by herself!? You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…!? That idiot! She feels a bit better and immediately pulls this kinda reckless shit! …!!”
Yuma turns around and bolts out of the room. 
[01:44] “Haah, haah, haah…Where…!? …Where is she…!?”
He spots you in the distance and walks over.
“Oi! Wake up, Sow…!! Wake up, I say!! I won’t forgive ya if ya don’t!”
You slowly wake up.
[02:14] “...Haah, haah…You fool! Leavin’ the house without tellin’ me, then collapsin’ on me like this…Cut it out already!”
You explain.
“Who gives a damn ‘bout some groceries!? What are ya doin’, for real!? What is it ya needed so badly? …Haah? Inside this bag?”
*Rustle rustle*
[02:39] “...Oi. This…Don’t tell me…Ya wanted to knit me a pair of gloves…?”
You nod.
“...Tsk, you really are an utter fool…For someone like me…For the hands of some filthy Vampire…Ugh…”
[03:27] “...Haah. Are you awake?”
You look around.
“We’re in my room. It’s just the two of us here.”
You apologize for doing something reckless in your condition.
“Haah…You knew?”
You admit to knowing about your heart.
[04:06] “...Right. I guess you’d figure it out at some point. ーー You’re not suffering from a cold. Yer heart has gone to shit…I can’t tell ya how exactly it happened, but it can’t be cured. That’s what I was told.
[04:48] …I’m sorry for keeping quiet about it this whole time. …But I just didn’t want to. If ya weren’t aware, I wanted ya to remain ignorant till the very end. All I wanted…Was for ya to be there by my side, smiling brightly. I didn’t want to cause ya any pain.”
He takes a deep breath.
[05:35] “...My bad. It was selfish on my part.”
You wince in pain.
“...!? …Eh?”
You slowly close your eyes. 
“...Oi, Sow. Don’t sleep…Don’t fall asleep, oi!!”
[05:59] “W-Wait…Don’t go…! You can’t die…!! (1) Come back…! You always prioritize my wishes, don’t ya!? I’m tellin’ ya to come back, so get yer ass over here! …Hey, weren’t ya gonna knit me a pair of gloves? …You said so! I won’t call ya annoyin’ ever again so please, knit them for me! I promise I’ll wear them every night! …Please…I’m beggin’ ya…! …Kuh…Uu…” 
*Tweet tweet*
[07:05] ( I lost track of how many hours had passed. It might have been a couple of days by now. …I had lost all sense of time. No matter how many times I shook her body, or called out her name, she would not open her eyes. …My repeated attempts at pressing our lips together to breathe life into her were futile. Right now…Her hands are even colder than mine, even though I’m a Vampire. )
[07:54] “...She has gone away to a distant place, hasn’t she…? Am I supposed to live on forever…here in this world without her? …Haah…No thank you. I no longer want to be alive. 
[08:38] …Haha…Hahaha…Ahー …To think I once begged that man because I was so desperate to stay alive. It no longer matters whether I’m alive or dead. 
[09:05] …Huh? Hold up. …! They’re both basically the same darn thing. Hahaha…Hahaha! Ah…I get it. I figured it out. I know what I have to do.”
The wind blows harshly in the background.
[09:54] “Well then…How am I gonna do this? A Vampire Hunter would be the quickest and easiest way. It’d only take one shot with one of their silver bullets. Hold upー There’s the option of goin’ back to bein’ human as well. I’m sure that man would be capable of…
[10:20] ーー Hey, Sow. Ya didn’t care that I was a Vampire, and loved me regardless. In that case, you’d accept me either way, right? As a human…or a Vampire…What truly matters is that we’re together.”
Yuma looks up at the sky.
“Take a look. The sun has appeared in the sky. Right now, we’re the very first people on this earth to witness the sunrise.”
[11:25] “...!! …Oi…Did ya…move just now?”
You open your eyes.
“...Haah…I can’t believe it…Is this a miracle?”
You note that the sunlight is blinding. 
[11:53] “…Haha…Hahaha…Really? You’ve just come back to life and the first thing ya do is complain ‘bout how bright the sun is? Pfft…Couldn’t ya have at least said my name or somethin’? God…Hahaha…Ya never fail to make me laugh.”
[12:24] ( The sun is a blessing. It helps all living things on earth grow. Both humans, and plants ーー All the same. I laughed as tears rolled down my cheeks. While deep inside my heart, I repeatedly expressed my gratitude towards the morning sun. )
Track 6: Epilogue
The scene starts outside in the forest.
[00:34] “...Haah. I guess this should do?”
He walks over to you.
“Ah-aaah…I’m finally done.”
Yuma plops down as you pour him a drink.
“Ah, thanks. Very considerate of ya. …Well, I managed to repair pretty much everythin’ I destroyed.”
You offer your help. 
[01:11] “Aah…? I gotta fix my own shit, don’t ya think? Ya can just sit here and watch. No need to help out. …The trees in this forest are no different from the vegetables I grow in my garden. They’re all plants. It’d be hella unfair if I were to carefully raise one, while beatin’ the other to pulp. I dealt a lot of damage by snapping their branches or tearing off the bark. …Even if I can’t turn back time, I gotta at least make an effort to patch them up.”
You note that he is nice.
[01:58] “Haha…I’m not nice. I’m just atonin’ for my crimes. Ya really are a simpleton, aren’t ya?”
You chuckle and point out that he’s just being dishonest with him. 
“Ahー Shut up already. God! Chew on this instead!”
“Haha…What’s with that face? Is the sugar cube that good?”
You nod.
[02:27] “Haha! ‘Course! It’s my Sugar-chan, remember?”
You explain that it gives you an energy boost. 
“...Then get a good taste of it so it’ll give ya even more energy. Ya have to get better soon, so I can toy ‘round with ya~ Or else it gets borin’ for me.”
You chuckle. 
[02:55] “Haha…Ya really are so carefree, aren’t ya? Why would ya laugh at that? …Hey, Sow.”
You look at him.
“Ya know…What would ya do…If ya knew that I had a negative effect on yer health?”
You burst out laughing. 
[03:24] “Oi! Why are ya laughin’...!? I’m askin’ a serious question over heーー”
You say that you thought he was joking.
“...No. I mean, for a joke that’d be…”
You tilt your head to the side.
“...Ahー Right. There’s no way ya could ever catch a cold from me. It was a joke to make ya laugh. God, you’re so…”
Yuma embraces you.
[03:58] “I’ll take yer illness instead.”
“Hey…Transfer it to me…”
“Just give all of it to me…”
He continues kissing you.
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) The verb いく or ‘iku’ can have different meanings depending on which kanji/character you write it with. The most basic meaning would be ‘to go’, but it can imply ‘to die/pass away’ as well.
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rinnepegger · 3 years
Obey Me! Brothers with an MC who's crying because there's school the next day
Notes; I originally shelved this because i wasnt sure if it was good enough but I'm going to post it anyway ^^. I only wrote for Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan and Satan, I might get to the other three brothers soon!! Also sorry I wasn't too active because I was really caught up with exams 😓😓. I hope you enjoy this!
Fandom; Obey Me! Shall we date?
Characters; Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan
Content (warning); comfort, nothing too serious
-shocked to see you in such a state which was very unusual for you
-you were used to bottling up your emotions but this time you just couldn’t take it anymore.
-you broke and started crying in your bedroom due to the overwhelming amount of stress, expectations from others. Sometimes you even feel like an object the way Lucifer uses you to please diavolo.
-he was walking past your room and heard your silent sobs, which you thought you had concealed very well.
-sometimes you're so used to seeing the demons in their human form you just forget that they have superhuman abilities.
-stopped in his tracks and immediately opened the door slightly and saw you lying on your bed, back faced to the door.
-you heard him walk in but chose to ignore it and tried playing it off by pretending you were watching a movie.
- “MC, what happened?”
- “Oh nothing. I just finished watching a really sad movie…”
-you showed him your DDD screen which showed a frame from *your favourite sad movie/show*
-obviously he knew something was wrong and didn’t want to push you further to tell you the truth.
-sat down on your bed and brushed his fingers through your hair which made you fall asleep almost instantly.
-goes to Diavolo the next morning and asks for reports on the workload in school and makes the appropriate adjustments for you
-it takes him a little while to actually understand what you’re crying about since he isn’t super sharp, until it finally hits him.
-he knows exactly how you feel because he’s been in your situation before
-goes straight up to Diavolo’s castle and just starts banging on his door.
-”Oi! I know ‘yer in there...open this damn door!”
-will actually riot for you because he loves you so much and just wants the best for you
-threatens to get physical in order for things to go his way, even if it means having Lucifer being called on him.
-as expected, Lucifer obviously got called down so he picked Mammon up, threw him over his shoulder, apologised for the trouble and left.
-Diavolo was impressed and admired Mammon’s fighting spirit so he adjusted your workload.
-Mammon got hung upside down when he reached the House of Lamentation, but hey. At least he got the job done!
-he was going to your room to tell you all about his game from Akuzon that finally arrived, until he felt that something was wrong.
-when he opened your room door, he found the unstable rising and falling of your chest and you lay in bed.
-comes over to you and puts a hand on your arm and asks you what’s wrong
-once you tell him that you’re having a breakdown because there's school tomorrow, he tries to tell you that it’s going to be alright since you have him and the other brothers.
-however he probably gets too influenced by your breakdown that he himself starts crying as well.
-he tried his best but you can’t tell me that this poor boy doesn’t dread school as much as you do :(
-the both of you end up skipping school the next day while trying to hide from the Lucifer that is tailing the both of you.
-you two end up finishing the game he just bought the day before while the rest were suffering in school >:)
-the two of you were doing homework in the library until you suddenly broke down and started crying.
-since you were a master at crying silently, he didn’t notice until he saw a tear drop onto your book
-”Hey MC what’s wrong?”
-he asked, worry and concern painting his face
-”Nothing. It’s just there’s school tomorrow and i fucking hate school. My grades are declining and the workload is just too much…”
-doesn't bring the issue up to Diavolo or Lucifer but does all he can in his power to help you with your studies.
-regular dates to the library and his bedroom to study.
- the two of you occasionally get distracted but he pulls you back to reality
- overall his tutoring really helped you a lot and he might even reward you 🤤😍
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Hi! I love your posts ♡. Of you're taking suggestions, how about an mc with narcolepsy? How would the brothers react and how would they accommodate them?
Thank you so much!!! Of course I can do that for you!
SFW GN reader!
MC with Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy: a condition characterized by an extreme tendency to fall asleep whenever in relaxing surroundings.
He saw on your document that you had Narcolepsy but he honestly did not think much of it.
What’s the harm, the human is just a bit more tired then the average human?
Couldn’t possibly cause any trouble right?
How can a human sleep so much just like Belphegor??!???
The amount of times he’s saved you from getting eaten by a demon when you were sound asleep is ridiculous.
He’s caught you sleeping on the floor, the staircase, the entrance of the damn house!
Scolds you so much for sleeping everywhere BUT your bed.
The only pro he has of this is that he doesn’t have to worry about you doing something bad with the brothers because you’re sound asleep.
Yet it’s funny how everytime you sleep in one place you always end up in your bed tucked in.
Lucifer always picks you up and takes you to your room to nap.
“Hmph, there you go sleeping in the most obscure places. You always find ways to surprise me.”
He’ll pick you up and take you to your bed with a soft smile on his face.
Since he was assigned to be your “babysitter” he’s noticed this the most.
You’re always sleeping >:( Cmoonnn MC wake up and do some crimes with him!
It really threw him off how a human can sleep just as long and Belphegor can.
Yet he still stays by you wherever you sleep so no demons come crawling to you.
He has so many pictures of you on his phone sleeping in the weirdest places.
Will he ever tell you? No.
Whenever you’re up he takes you literally everywhere before you just sleep peacefully again.
Anytime the two of you are in RAD and you slept during a class he will throw you over his shoulder and take you home.
But once he got the opportunity to go to the casino after school amd took it... he accidentally left you at RAD...
Yeaaaahh... you woke up kidnapped by some demons.
Lucifer came for you immediately so yay I guess✨
Yeah he got hung by the ceiling for days and a really bad guilt trip.
Never forgot to go get the human again.
“Oi this damn human. You can’t just be sleeping in random places ya know?”
All he did was sleep foot outside his room for days and immediately tripped on you sleeping right outside his door.
You now made him look at the ground everytime he leaves his room.
He once saw you sleeping in the bathtub. He screamed so loud he woke you up.
He definitely keeps track of all your favorite nap spots so he doesn’t accidentally trip on you.
When he invites you over for Anime he saw you asleep but understood kind of
Once you two are closer and he allows you to be in his room more he has a lot of spaces that are your new friend.
It usually takes awhile for him to notice because he’s watching anime or playing his games
But when he does finally notice you he just puts a blanket on you cause he knows his room is cold due to Henry.
“Tch what a normie. Always sleeping. At least sleep with a blanket on you.”
The only one who knew without anyone actually telling him.
He’s never seen a person who has Narcolepsy so you know he’s studying everything about your sleeping habits.
He has every place of where you sleep marked down and how many times you’ve slept there.
At the end of the year he’ll know your favorite spots more then you do.
Once the two of you are close, everytime you’re sleeping in a somewhat of an uncomfortable position he’ll move you a bit so you don’t wake up sore.
He also tends to just put a blanket on you.
If you’re sleeping in class and it finished he’ll lightly tap your shoulder telling you it’s time to wake up to leave.
Pretty nice wake up✨
Well at least he’s sure you’re getting your beauty sleep.
He’s always sees you sleeping and it confuses him so he asks you why you sleep so much.
Also the only brother who ask why you sleep so much up front.
When you tell him you have Narcolepsy everything just clicks.
He now understands why you sleep so damn much.
“You’re so adorable sleeping MC! You should really sleep in my room sometime I’d love you pamper you~”
By pamper he means doing a face mask while you’re asleep and just telling you some tea while you’re asleep.
If he ever sees you sleeping on the ground he’ll pick you up and put you on the couch because your skin.
Demons are much much stronger then humans are so it’s very easy to carry you.
“MCCCC you can’t be sleeping on the floor! Your skin will get terrible!”
He immediately knew how to adapt to your Narcolepsy.
Belphegor was just the same like you always sleeping so he knew what to do.
He’s always come to your classes after class and pick you up and take you home.
He always sees you sleeping in random places and it reminds him of Belphegor so much.
He’ll of course always put you in your room or on the couch with a blanket.
Beelzebub will watch over you as you sleep if you’re in class or something just to make sure no demons get to you.
While he eats of course.
“Hm? Oh MC. You’re on the ground. He’d let me take you to your room.”
Look he gets it he’s just sleeps wherever too but please.
Get out of his sleeping space.
Yeaaahhh he doesn’t like that you just took his sleeping spots
He’s a brat.
You two do not get along at all so good luck!
Hey but more into your friendship he slowly just doesn’t give a damn.
He sleeps with you now he IS NOW your new cuddle buddy.
If he sees you sleeping in a random place he just. Lays nexts to you and sleeps with you.
He’s not doing the extra mile did you when he can just join you sleeping right then and there.
Sorry MC but hey at least you got a new cuddle buddy so yay...?
Masterlist Rules
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peonyblossom · 2 years
Just the Truth
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Book: Open Heart (post-series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sadie Oakley)
Other Characters: Kyra Santana
Words: 713
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Summary: After a night a drinking too much at an event, Ethan leaves Sadie an encouraging note.
A/N: Based on this ask.
AO3 link here
Taglist: @rookiemartin @crazy-loca-blog
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Neither Sadie nor Ethan particularly enjoyed fancy networking events. Whether it be a gala, fundraiser, promotional event, whatever, they would both rather stay home. Unfortunately, as the head of Edenbrook’s diagnostics team, Ethan’s presence was often required, or at least strongly encouraged and Sadie would be damned if she was going to let him go by himself. So, the couple was currently at some event like this - Sadie had forgotten exactly what it was for a few drinks ago. 
“Ethan, I wanna go home.” Sadie pouted, as she followed Ethan around the edges of the dance floor.
“I know, sweetheart, I promise we’ll leave soon. There’s just a couple more people I need to talk to.”
Sadie sighed and said, “Okay, I guess I’ll just wait at the bar.”
Ethan stopped walking and turned to Sadie. “No, you’ve had enough to drink.” He quickly looked around the room, spotting Kyra not far away. He grabbed Sadie’s hand and led her over to Kyra.
“Kyra, I have a few more people I need to talk to before we leave, would you mind watching Sadie?” Ethan asked.
“She needs a babysitter?” Kyra quirked her eyebrow.
“Considering how much she’s had to drink tonight, yes, she needs a babysitter.”
Kyra sighed dramatically and responded, “Anything for a friend. Go schmooze people.”
“Kyra, you’re really pretty.” Sadie admired her friend's look.
“Thank you, Sadie.”
“But how is your hair so long? I thought you lost it all when you got chemo?” Sadie reached out to feel Kyra’s long hair.
“It’s a wig, sweetie.”
About twenty minutes later, Ethan found Kyra and Sadie sitting at one of the vacant tables. Sadie was leaning against Kyra’s shoulder, gushing about how amazing of a friend she was. 
“You ready to go home?” He asked.
“Yes, please!” Sadie stood up from her chair a little too quickly, causing her to almost lose her balance. Ethan quickly came to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. 
“Thank you, Kyra, I really owe you.”
“I accept my ‘thank yous’ in cash.” Kyra smiled, causing Ethan to roll his eyes and Sadie to laugh. 
Sadie and Ethan made their way out of the event and to their car, where Sadie got in the passenger’s seat and immediately took off her shoes and leaned her head against the window. 
“Thank you for coming with me tonight, love,” Ethan said as they drove home. 
Sadie smiled. “Even though these events suck, I like doing stuff with you.”
Once they made it back to the apartment, they went into the bedroom to get ready for bed. Sadie laid down on the bed before even taking her dress off and watched as Ethan started to undress himself.
“You’re, like, really hot,” Sadie observed as Ethan unbuttoned his shirt.
Ethan chuckled and responded, “And you, my love, are beautiful.” He leaned over to kiss her. “Now, come on, let’s get ready for bed.” He held out a hand to help Sadie up off the bed, which she gratefully took.
“I am not gonna look beautiful tomorrow morning when I am super hungover.” She held her hair up as Ethan unzipped her dress. 
“Oh? I disagree.”
Sadie turned around to face Ethan, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Ethan kissed Sadie before removing her arms from around his neck so they could finish changing.
Once they were finally in bed, Sadie laid on her stomach against Ethan’s chest, quickly falling asleep. Ethan watched her sleep peacefully, the slow, rhythmic sound of her breath, lulling him to sleep as well.
When Sadie woke up the next morning, the bed was empty and the sunlight was way too bright. Why would he leave the blinds open? Sadie thought as she slowly sat up. She blinked a few times before turning to the bedside table to grab her phone and check the time, however, she noticed a bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase on the table. There was a note sticking out of the top, so she grabbed it. It read, “You’re always beautiful” with a little heart drawing in the corner. Sadie smiled to herself and grabbed her phone. 
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Sadie sighed happily and said to herself, “I’m gonna marry that man someday.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Can you do a hc of the brothers having to get their annual check ups and they find out they need to get shots but like they all are terrified of them so MC has to comfort them/force them to go? Idk I find it cute and hilarious 😚
I'm not going to lie, when I first read this I thought it was "anal check up" I didn't realize I was wrong until my friend pointed it out. Let me tell you - I was LAUGHING MY ASS OFF FOR MINUTES!!!
I'm sorry anon I did you dirty 😭😂
I use to be afraid of needles, I don't like them but now I can look at them when I get injections. So the surprise I got imagining such powerful demons afraid of a needle? It was brilliant
Pretends he's not
Him? Afraid of a needle? Don't be ridiculous!
But when the time comes he started making sure his meetings and schedule get busy so he doesn't have to go
"I'm very busy, (Y/N), I'll do the shot another time, it is just fortunate timing."
"Don't you mean unfortunate?"
"Ah yes- right, very unfortunate."
Damn prideful man!
In the end you have to use your pact against him and take him to the hospital
The lesser demons working there found the site of snarling Lucifer trying to force himself to stop walking hilarious
When it was all done he pretended as if it all went to plan
"There, that wasn't so hard, you really mustn't stress over these things - let's go back home."
Very vocal about his fear
Well that is until he gets embarassed and tries to switch it up and act like he was faking
"I'm just messing with ya, the great Mammon isn't afraid of no needle that's super pointy and scary with the blank walls looking back at you- it's nothing for someone like me!"
Tease me about not being a big strong demon and he is ready to get that shot
He will do it right there and then
His impulsiveness and embarassment only lasts so long though so do this on the day of the appointment - perhaps just outside the door
As soon it was done he all that adrenaline and confidence is hyped up again
"Ha! Did you see that?! I did it without even shutting my eyes, let's go to that food kart I saw on the way here."
"I'm guessing I'm buying."
"how lovely of you to do so! Knew I could count on ya!"
He was extra affectionate with you afterwards, Saying it's because you paid
But really he just wanted to feel comfort after the appointment
You'll have to drag him out
It was already a tough time to get him out of his room but now to do something he hates?!
He's get huffy and tell you you're not his favourite anymore
He doesn't really mean it
If you pretend to be upset he says that he will immediately scramble to tell you he was lying
"I don't need it! I'm a centuries old war criminal, I don't need to go to hospital's!"
"I heard they give you stickers if you're a good patient."
"I can be a good patient.."
Man is a sucker for stickers
They can be put into anything! It just makes sense to like them!
Like Lucifer, you will have to control him with the pact
Stickers tempted only for so long before his fear got him
But once it was done he admired the sticker on his jacket
"Whoa!! I feel like I just leveled up!! Good boy, I am!"
Make sure to praise him and buy him snacks
He's going to be gloating to his discord friends about how tough he is
He acted like it was nothing
"don't worry, I have it all scheduled out, I'm perfectly fine unlike my brother's."
You had to drag him to the hospital to get his injection though
He tried to claim book club was more important and he promised he'd go
You weren't having any of it
But as soon as the needle came into view his head turned into green fire and he screeched
You ended up asking the nurse for anything cat themed and they brought a cat plushie
He squeezed it like his life depended on it and closed his eyes
Once it was done he was blushing, embarassed by his behaviour
He apologized to the staff
But he sadly couldn't keep the plush
"that was alot easier than I thought it would be, shame the plush wasn't free - it was remarkably squishy."
"Belphie knows everything about plushies and pillows, you should ask him where you can get one."
"I think you should do it, I'd rather not have him know it was me and...you won't tell them I screamed will you?"
You zipped your lips and threw the imaginary key
He was thankful you didn't snitch
Complains that needles ruin his skin
Very vocal about his hate and won't even hide it
"But (Y/N)!!! Why would you want me to do something that could damage my perfect skin???!!"
Lukcily, you won't have to drag him
Being dragged into a hospital will ruin his reputation
And having a bad reputation will make him stressed! And stress makes him break out!
He cries and whines about it but as soon as you're in public
Lips are sealed and he's strutting the path like he isn't afraid of what's going to happen
when it actually happens he is able to handle it well
Of course the staff absolutely love him and give him stickers, lolipops and even ask for a photo with him
"I never want to do that again, it was awful."
"you did amazing though, you acted like a real super star, asmo."
"I guess I can keep doing it if you're with me."
Will be very upfront to you about it
He'll tell you and the doctor no to the injection
"I won't do it, I keep myself perfectly healthy."
Don't bring up the fact he started exercising more and eating more of his greens
You couldn't help but laugh, he reminded you on an elephant
A big creature afraid of something small
Will go himself if you coax him with hugs and food
But he wants you there for emotional support
He's holding your hand through the entire thing
You were able to get the doctor to give him a pockets worth of lolipops afterwards
"thanks for holding my hand....I hate getting shots done."
"no problem, big guy! You were perfect."
"You need to do this with me every year. Or else I won't do it."
You agreed, patting his arm
Let's you pick your favourite Flavour from his pocket as a thank you
Refused to go
Made sure to have a nice deep sleep when it was the day of the appointment
Being dragged down the stairs didn't wake him up but you laughing and saying mammon fell over did
"You tricked me!!! How could you, I thought we had a connection-! A knowing!"
He's tried swiping the doctors hand when they tried
Refusing to get it done
Had to be careful he doesn't just fall asleep to avoid it
He can he extremely childish so just bribe him
When it's done, he's hugging you grumpy and tired
"I better be getting a reward for this, I stayed perfectly still."
"I'm pretty sure you were half asleep."
"I still deserve a reward."
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yubiina · 3 years
Duskwood- A one shot on how MC is angry with Jake for not giving her enough time, and Jake trying to make up to her.
Thanks in advance.
And, Lights Out was amazing x)
Thnx sm for the support on lights out I'm glad ppl liked it!.
It had been 3 days, 3 full days that Jake had refused to leave his room, only popping here and there to use the restroom and get a snack, you'd think mabye he'd say hi to you here and there, hell, spare a glance at you?
But he didn't even speak to you when you two met in the kitchen unless you spoke to him. And whenever you did he'd just end the conversation quickly and retreat to his room
"sorry Y/N I'm busy"
"Mabye later"
" I'll be back" yeah, he never comes back.
Sometimes you'd peak from the living room and wait for him to come out, making your presence known whenever he opened the door but he'd walk right past you saying he's busy, grabbing whatever he needed and going back in again.
You thought if you cooked he'd have no other choice but to sit down and eat with you, but he'd thank you and take it to his room.
This was like living alone again, it was driving you insane, you always looked forward to being greeted by Jake when you came back from a long day of work, when he'd ask you about how everything went and let you rant about whatever pissed you off that day.
And when he'd pick you up and bring you to bed when you'd accidentally fall asleep on the couch. It was these small things that made your day.
It hurt more than you'd like to led on, that hurt turned into bottled up anger
But you let everything slide because you didn't want to bother him, forcing him out of work would make you feel selfish and inconsiderate, you thought what we he's working on must be pretty important if he's ignoring you.
But just because you understood doesn't mean you're just going to sit back and let him live like this. You're sure he's probably exhausted too from staring at the computer and working day night.
Your layed unmoving on the couch, scrolling through your phone when you saw it.
" I wanted to prank my boyfriend with the recent voice message that's been going around" the feminine voice cheered form your screen, giggling.
There was a popular tiktok trend going around where girlfriends would prank their boyfriends with another male's voice on the phone, making it look like another man called them to see their reaction.
As you were about the scroll past it that's when it clicked, your eyes now darted and fixed on the ceiling while your brain started to rush with ideas and it clicked. With a satisfied smile you look at the door from across the living room, the door that leads to Jake's bedroom.
He'd pay for ignoring you and he'd pay well.
" what on earth is it Y/N" he said with a yawn, you'd call him multiple times from across the room and he'd always shout back that he was busy or say he'd be "there in a min"
You eye twitched, he has the audacity to sound annoyed now?
After you shouted enough times, saying it's important, you heard him groan and open the door making his way to the kitchen and stared at your form.
You stayed focused on the pot in front of you , stirring with a wooden spoon, not sparing a glance at him. While stirring you looked at your phone, like whatever you were doing was more important than acknowledging his presence
"well?" He asked annoyed.
With a suprised face you glanced at him, like you forgot he was there.
" I need you to taste test this, it's a new recipe" you said in a monotone voice.
Jake huffed " are you serious Y/N, you called for that?"
" just try it Jake" you said handing him the spoon.
As he brought the spoon to his mouth and placed it back on the pot, that's when he heard it.
" yo what's good shawty, your man still around?" He immediately turned his head to you, who know had his back on him and pressed your phone to your ear
"no I'll be ther-" before you could finish you were interrupted by the man behind you.
" the fuck" he stepped in front of you, eyes glaring at your phone, one hand near it to take it. You stopped the recording and at stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
"yeah?" You slithered away from him, making your way to your closet looking for clothes. Jake followed right behind you.
" what the fuck was that Y/N" his voice was higher pitched than it usually was, that's how you knew he was mad.
He grew even more panicked as you started picking clothes.
" what the problem now?" you bit back not bothering to even look back as you continued to sort out your clothes.
" what do you mean, another man just called you-" he began only to be interrupted by you who had fully turned to him, giving him your undivided attention
" what the hell are so mad for? You're the one who's been ignoring me for 3 days" he fell silent.
" and you act so unbothered by it too like I wasn't anything to begin with" his eyebrows furrowed as he titled his head at your remark
" oh please don't act like you don't know. You want me to just sit back and be ok with you living in your room for 3 days and completely ignoring me when I need you?" You continued, now it was your time to raise your voice.
" cuz I'm not. Damn it Jake I don't wanna be a bitch but I'm sick of you avoiding me like I'm the fucking plague" you let your words hang in the air, now heavy with tension after outburst"
" I've had enough with-" Jake's hands slowly lifted cradling your right cheek, you noticed his expression, he got the message, that's enough Y/N.
You held his hands as he pulled you in, kissing you and softly back you in the closet. Wrapping your legs around his torso he lifted you as you hugged his neck and he brought you to the couch.
It was all silent after that. He didn't talk back, he didn't mention it, he just brought you to the couch, placed you under him and looked down at you, occasionally giving you pecks and caressing your hand with his fingers.
" I'm sorry, you know I don't-" he huffed throwing his head back in frustration and closed his eyes.
" you know I don't do it on purpose". You latched onto him, your face placed below his neck.
"I'm not asking you to completely put your work away when I want to. I just don't want you to forget about me" you said in a small voice.
" that's not happening baby" he kissed the top of your head and put one arm on your waist, the other playing with your hair.
You just hummed in approval. The both of you enjoying each- other's affection in silence. Comfortable silence that would soon break
" was that Phil?"
" god jake-"
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