#mcu cast fanfic
editfandom · 1 year
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Matt Murdock - Daredevil, 2015
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Biggest Fans (E.O)
Fem!Writer!Reader x Elizabeth Olsen
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Summary: It was a casual lunch day out for you and Lizzie until the unexpected thing happens.
Warning: None. I'm just feeding you with fluff story. :D
A/n: Hello! It's me with another fluff fic! Thank you for your patience. I'm trying my best to write more and give you more contents. Also, this might be the last time I will post with the taglist. I'm planning on making a library side blog. I will update you once It's ready. Anyways, happy reading!
P.S: The italic prints means texting convo in this fic. The bold print means their thoughts.
Main Masterlist
“Hello. I really love your writing.” was how it all started. A friendly message you got but you never knew that it will lead to something unexplainable with such all good feelings you can’t describe. A message that led to other more messages between you and this girl. Before you know it, you talk to her 24/7 for almost a year. Flirtatious messages with various sweet pet names exchanges happen a lot between you two. Is it a friendship? It sure did start from that point. Is it more than that? You don’t know. All you know, you can’t hold back a smile every time you get a message from her through your writing blog apps. You always wait for her messages. The second you wake up, you will go to the apps to text her good morning and sometimes you would find that she beat you and left the morning text before you.
Liz, that’s her name. As much as you want to see her pictures or hear her voice through a phone call, you respect her request to wait until she feels comfortable to do so. You both agreed to not talk or ask anything personal just yet. Despite all that, both of you never run out of things to talk about which is what you love about her.
You hear your text notification from your phone and your heartbeat doubling in speed instantly. You knew who it was and as usual, you are smiling reading anything she texts you.
*Ding* Lizzie's phone informs her another message replies. She laughs a little and then smiles the whole time while she's typing her turn in the conversation.
Scarlet sees it from the corner of her eyes while she is checking out the restaurant's menu but she can't help herself to ask, "Is that from your writer girlfriend?” She teases Lizzie.
“Huh? What? No, she’s not my girlfriend.” The younger actress realizes Scar’s teasing question and denies it instantly. A blush shows up on her cheek obviously.
“Well, you both have been talking all this time. You have been all smiling every time you text with her. Wait, how long have you been talking with each other?”
“Well, you told me about this whole fanfiction writing blog stuff like around june last year i think?” The brunette answers.
“That’s almost a year! Wow and she still doesn’t know who you are? Or at least your voice? Does she know that you are from Los Angeles? She seems pretty patient about that."
"Uh yes. I gotta admit, she has been understanding about it very much. Sometimes I feel that it's unfair to her because I have heard her voice on the voice notes she left me. She sounds really cute. And, yes. She knows that I'm from here just like her." Lizzie expresses her thoughts and doesn't realize that another smile curves on her face.
"Aww. That's cute! You like her, don't you?" The blonde actress asks as she wiggles her eyebrows teasing her best friend once more.
Lizzie laughs and covers her face in embarrassment. "Who wouldn't like a nice sweet funny girl that you can talk to about everything 24/7?" 
“Haha! I knew you like her!”
“Uh maybe we should order some food now, the waitress has been asking us twice, Scar.” Lizzie looks at the menu to avoid eye contact and to not let the topic go further.
“It wasn’t my fault, you were the one who kept forgetting to see what you want because you are busy texting with your girlfriend.” Scarlet teased and soft crimson shades slowly show up on Lizzie’s face.
“Oh look, Liz! She just posted a new fic. Ouh, I wonder what it is about now.” A mix of excitement and curiosity floats around her as she playfully makes a little dance move with her shoulders.
“Oh, she posted it earlier than she planned, that's good. It’s a Wanda story. She told me the idea, it’s about—-” before Lizzie can finish her words, Scarlet interrupts her.
“Nope. nope. Nope.. No spoilers please. I’m gonna read it later.” Scarlet raises her index fingers as her stop sign.
Lizzie laughs at her antics. “Okay, okay. All I’m gonna say is, it’s a really good plot. You’ll like it.”
The girls order their food and spend some time catching up.
“Have you eaten lunch yet, sweetie?
“Not yet. I was too lazy to get out of my apartment but since you keep reminding me to eat something, I am getting lunch now. 😁"
"Are you going to cook something?"
"No. I'm just gonna go to this restaurant I love. I'll be right back, darling. I'll text you when I get there, love. 😘"
"Okay, talk soon. 😘"
Even just the short conversation makes you and Lizzie feel like you are on cloud nine, drunk with happiness.
Some fans sometimes come to them for pictures or autographs but both Marvel actresses were enjoying their lunch and their leisure time together until one message from you popped up. Lizzie's eyes widened, her stomach turned and her heart dropped after she read what you sent her.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Liz! You will not believe who I see right now! Elizabeth Olsen!! I see her at the restaurant I'm at now. She is so gorgeous. She's with Scarlet Johansson right now."
"Oh my god. Shit. Scar, she's here." Lizzie exclaimed in whispers, trying her best to keep calm and look around casually so it wouldn't look obvious.
"Huh? What happened? Who's here?" The Black Widow cast asks in surprise and confusion at the same time.
"Y/n. She's here!" She whispers.
"What? How did you know?" Scarlet pitched out another question as she kept her head straight looking at Lizzie.
"She sent me this." Lizzie lets Scarlet read your message.
Then another message popped up.
"I really want to come up to her and say hi."
"Gosh, now she's gonna come here and say hi." Panic starts to scream a little in Lizzie's tone and she shows her phone to Scar again.
"You don't know what she looks like, right?" Scarlet asks.
"No. I don't know that she is a huge fan of.. you know, me." Lizzie taps her fingers rapidly and nervously.
"Well, d'uh, Lizzie? She writes fics about you and Wanda." The blonde laughs a little and shakes her head.
"Oh yeah. Yeah. You are right. My brain just can't think—" Lizzie tries to respond but gets interrupted. "Straight?" Scar finishes her words in a teasing smirk.
Lizzie rolls her eyes and holds her smile knowing what Scarlet really meant. A fan comes and asks for a selfie with them.
As soon as the girl leaves, Lizzie asks Scarlet in a whisper, "Do you think it was her?"
"Well, I don't know, Liz. Oh text her and ask if she decides to come to Lizzie" Scarlet pitches the idea as she forms an air quote on Lizzie's name.
The now nervous younger Olsen sister follows the suggested idea and texts you.
"So, did you decide to go say hi to her?"
A few minutes passed and she hasn't got any reply from you. Then another fan politely interrupts the silence.
Lizzie doesn't realize that she stares at the girl a little longer while her mind wonders if it's you until Scarlet nudges her elbow and she continues talking friendly then takes another selfie with their favorite MCU casts.
The more fans come to them, the more it drives her mind all over the place and keeps guessing which one was you. Her curiosity makes her ask each fan their name, just in case it was you. Anticipation is killing her by now and she decided to text you again.
"Babe? Are you okay? How was it?"
Silence was still what she got. "Why hasn't she replied yet?" She asks herself with a little frustration as she keeps checking on her phone for your reply.
"Well, if she already came to you then what would you do?" Scarlet questioned the brunette.
“I don’t know.” Lizzie shows her thinking looks as she mindlessly bites her nails. Then her phone brings her back out of her daze. “Oh! That must be her.” She talks to herself as she undoubtedly checks her phone.
A Surprised facial expression appears as she sees your message with a picture of her that you took from afar earlier.
“Look how beautiful she is. I saw that she was very sweet to her fans. I think I'm not going to come up to her. I feel bad that she doesn't have her privacy to have her lunch, people keep coming to her. I’m just gonna finish my food and maybe go home after that.”
Lizzie tries to look as calm as she can as she wonders where you are sitting from the view of her picture you took then looks back to check the picture again and avert her eyes around. “Scar, don't look around, I don't want to look obvious that we are wondering which one is her but here, look what Y/n texted me.”
As soon as Scar saw the pictures and read the message, she almost couldn’t help herself to turn her head to where you possibly were but Lizzie stops her.
“Aw she’s so sweet and thoughtful.” The blonde comments. “So, if she’s not coming to see you, what are you going to do now Liz? She added.
“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking of asking her if she wants to meet up or at least have a video call. Should I try to come and have a spontaneous meet up with her here right now? She said she’s leaving soon.” Lizzie rants out her thoughts as she casually searches around that might give a clue which one is you.
A full minute of silence from Lizzie as Scar waits for the answer of her question. The brunette finally breaks her silence. “Uhm.. I don’t know. Uh, I… I’m gonna go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back, Scar.” but being friends with Lizzie since she joined Marvel makes Scarlet know her pretty well like the back of her own hand.
Scarlet gently grabs Lizzie’s arm to quickly stop her from getting up. “Wait, wait, wait Liz. I know you. You are not going to the bathroom, you are going to find her, aren’t you?” The blonde actress guessed in a teasing tone and smiled.
No words come out of her lips but a little smirk forms and that’s all Scarlet needs as an answer then she lets go her hand off Lizzie’s arm. “Well, good luck. Have fun on your first date with your girlfriend. Text me if you want me to wait or not.” Scarlet cheers her and wiggle her eyebrows.
With that, Lizzie walks away to find you.
Unfortunately, today is a pretty busy day at the restaurant. After a few steps away from her table towards the direction she guessed where you are at, most tables are occupied. Her eyes look for a woman she thinks looks like your age and any other clue that can help her.
At first she looks for a woman who is on her phone but she realizes it won’t help. Most people are on their phone these days. Then she remembers that you posted a story earlier, her mind instantly thinks that you have your laptop with you on your table right now while having your lunch. It helps her narrow down her obstacles to find you after she sees some women has their laptop with them.
She tries to be as casual as she can. Some pairs of eyes recognize her and some don’t or perhaps they are just trying not to stare at her. She then texts you again, a subtle question that won’t be too obvious that she wants to know if you are still there or not.
“How’s your food babe? Are you still having your lunch?”
A few minutes of silence, none of your replies come to her inbox. “Dang it! She probably turns her phone on vibrate mode again.” she thought to herself, knowing your habit.
Meanwhile, you are trying to prevent yourself from staring at your idol from far away so you are focused on writing your new romantic fic, you can’t keep Liz out of your mind. All those sweet touchy ideas and stories you wrote were inspired by her or your conversations with her. It even sometimes makes you smile. You miss her today but you know her plan for today, spending time with her best friend so you try to let her “girls day out” time.
As you get distracted by your own feelings of missing her, you can’t help yourself and you grab your phone to text her only to find out you missed her text.
You quickly reply.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t see your message. My phone was on vibrate. Yes, I’m still here, but I’m done with my lunch and just waiting for my check. I hope you are having a great time with your best friend. I can’t wait to chat with you again. I miss you.”
Just like that, your message definitely dropped a bomb of jumbled feelings on her. She reads it in awe, her heart feels light and she feels giddy when she reads that you miss her yet she is now alarmed that her time is running out and she needs to pick up her pace to find you. Like a cherry on top, the nervousness gradually grew over the other mixed up feelings.
She directs her eyes from one table to another table as she walks. She starts to feel more anxious that she would miss the chance to meet you, her mind rapidly thinks.
Her fingers start to get cold, her heart beats race but a final resort of thought jumps into her mind.
She takes a deep breath. “Fuck it.” She mumbles and she opens the apps on her phone then calls you and her eyes are ready to spot you whenever you pick up her calls. “Come on, y/n. Pick up the phone.” she mumbles once more with full of hope.
The waiter drops off your bill. While you are checking on it, you notice that your phone vibrates.
Your stomach does somersaults and your heart cheers with such thrill, you swear you could hear it. Despite all that, you are nervous. You stare at your phone screen for a good few seconds, questions bouncing around in your head as you tap your finger on the table nervously.
Why is she calling me? Is this an accidental call? Should I answer it? What if I got speechless?
Lizzie hears you answer the call on the other end of the line. Her eyes jump from one person to another and her heart skips a beat when she finally spots you. She knows it was you as soon as she sees you has the phone with your left hand.. “H–hello? Liz?” She can hear your highly strung voice and her feet lead her to your table slowly.
“H-hi y/n. Yes, it’s me Liz.” her timorous voice wrapped in excitement makes its way to be heard.
“Uh-it’s so nice to finally hear your voice. I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were gonna call. I wasn’t prepared.” you let out a nervous laugh.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you first I was gonna call. I got your text. I miss you too. So, I decided to call you. So are you leaving soon?” Lizzie can’t stop smiling while she talks to you.
“Uh yeah, pretty soon. I just got my bill. Are you still having lunch with your best friend? Where are you now?” you ask curiously. You start to calm down from your sudden nervousness.
“Aaw, you are leaving? I think it would be a great idea if you stay a little longer.” She ignores your question yet pitches out an idea that caught you in confusion.
Of course you asked “And why is that?” followed by a little laugh. All you can think is how cute she sounds. You always think that she is cute but to think that her voice melts your heart this easily? No, you never thought of that. Or perhaps you fell for her, so hard.
“Because I’m right here.” She answers enthusiastically. Lizzie tries to take her exhilaration down a notch to avoid attention from people surroundings.
“Wait, what? You–you are here? What did you—” you stop your words as soon as you feel a presence in front of you. From the corner of your eyes, you can see someone standing and you quickly look up to see who it is. “---mean?” you finally finished the word you were gonna say in a very low voice. You felt like you just got struck by lightning. Your eyes refuse to blink, your mouth is slightly open. You are stunned, or you can even say that you are frozen like an ice sculpture. You are shocked and confused why in the world the most beautiful woman, the woman you idolized so much, is standing right in front of you, smiling and her green eyes sparkling in happiness looking at you.
“Uh–I–uh-W-wait–Liz..hold on..Lizzie Olsen is standing right in front of me and you just told me that you are here. So..does it mean–” you stupidly still hold your phone against your ear and talk on the phone.
Lizzie lets out a cute laugh and thinks how cute you look. “Hello, I really love your writing." She intentionally said the same exact words with her first message to you through the phone.
Her intention to prove to you that the Liz who you have been talking to this whole time and her are the same person worked. You swiftly connect the dots and are convinced by the truth. “Oh…OH!!! Oh my god! Liz? Lizzie? I have been talking to you this whole time?” You yell in a whisper, trying to suppress your popping elations. Your skin slowly turns red.
She laughs a little louder at your reaction but she tries to calm you down as she leans to you a little and whisper “Y/n, shusshh. We wouldn’t want to attract more attention than we already have right now.” She puts her index finger on her smiling lips.
“Oh, yeah yeah. Sorry.” you take a deep breath and exhale them out. “Okay, okay. I’m good.. I–I’m good. Uh–” you ramble.
“Can I join you?” she asks softly.
“Yes, of course. Please have a seat.”
"So this is the blind date we have been talking about?" The iconic laugh of hers follows right after her teasing question.
"Well, it's more surprising, unplanned and spontaneous than I thought it would be but y-yes of course! This is it.. this the blind date." You awkwardly yet subtly try to fix your look in front of her.
Oh that smile, those green eyes and even her perfume have successfully turn your brain into a mush.
You are hypnotized by the ethereal views in front of you and you are lost in your thoughts. You still can’t believe you have been talking to her this whole time, romantically to each other. The one and only gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen has been telling you that she loves everything you write and everything about you.
Both of you have been the biggest fans to each other this whole time and nothing can beat that.
A/n: Welp, that's it for today. Let me know what you think and I hope you like it. Reblog and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @stonemags @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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cowboylikeyouu · 2 months
why does everybody hate mcu clint so much??? i’ve read his comics but i still love jeremy renner’s portrayal of him and stuff :(
like i can understand being disappointed in some ways about how the character was changed for the movies, but i can’t understood all the hate for him
for me, personally, it's not that mcu clint is a bad character per se, it's really just the fact that he doesn't feel like clint barton. give him any other name and he's a fine character, but compare him to comic clint and they're in NO WAY the same person.
on one hand you have that responsible, serious husband and well adjusted father of three, who cracks a joke here and there but takes everything pretty serious most of the time, who has his life under control, while everyone else on the team is a mess. he doesn't have that much of a personality, no weird habits or (dis)likes, he really fades in comparison to other team members like tony, who's lines are always on point and who gets a back story and everything.
on the other hand there's this 6'3" disaster of a human being, who lives for coffee, dogs, tv shows and nothing else, is obsessed with purple for no reason at all, grew up in a circus after he escaped his abusive dad, can't take anything seriously and cracks the funniest joke all the fucking time, even makes fun of captain america on a regular basis (at least in the early avengers comics), runs away from himself and responsibility, fucks up nearly all of his relationships because he really sucks at emotions, but then forms those really precious bonds with people like kate, and who's just kind of an asshole really, but simultaneously a fucking ray of sunshine. plus he's deaf and we always love some representation. oh, and mcu clint is like the straightest guy ever, and then there's comic clint who is just so easy to headcanon as this bisexual disaster, and we all know how much fandom loves a queer coded character.
so, the mcu basically took away every fun part of the awesome character that is clint barton and it SUCKS. i really don't hate movie clint as his own character, i just hate hate HATE the fact that he's supposed to be THE clint barton because he IS NOT, and he'll never be. i'm sorry, but jeremy renner just can't pull it off, i'll never understand how they saw bigger-than-steve, blond-mess, purple-loving, coffee-addict comic clint and where like: "oh yeah, let's cast 5' 9" jeremy renner and give his character a huge, healthy family, and no mental health problems, that's just perfect😍"
it's just so sad to be aware of the awesomeness of comic clint and then watch the movies because you're constantly thinking "oh what could've been..." if they did comic accurate movie clint, he'd definitely be a fan-favourite and we'd have tons of edits, and ships, and merchandise, but NO, most mcu fans just forget about him or don't find him special or entertaining (bc his mcu version really really isn't) and he gets left out of all the casual merchandise you can find in random shops (i literally have an album on my phone that's dedicated to photos i took of cheap avengers merchandise with the "o6" avengers sans clint lmao)
you're obviously allowed to love movie clint and jeremy's portrayal, that's great!!! i was an mcu fan way before i even knew just how different comic clint was, and i loved mcu clint so much back then! but after reading the comics and thousands of fanfiction, i'm just really really angry that there isn't a good live action on screen representation of my all time favourite fictional character, and i think many people feel the same :(
okay, i think i'm done lmao.
anyways, shout out to avengers assemble clint, my one true love <3 the mcu should take notes.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 12 days
Place of time
Male Reader x MCU Cast
Request - Can you write short story for black Male Reader being a actor apart of the MCU and his from Australia but some people don't know because he hides his accent and during a talk show on Jimmy Fallon it's revealed that Reader has the record for most swear words in movie history with like over 400
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You are cast in the movie Avengers, playing as Charles Chandler aka 3-D Man. But you had to change your accent to American, it was easy for you to do. You get along with the cast, and on time off they invite you to dinner parties or just hang out with them. You are on a talk show with the cast and Jimmy Fallon is the host.
“Y/N, you are actually from Australia? My wife told me but I told her that you are not from Australia” Jimmy said.
“Wait, you are actually from Australia but you have an American accent,” Robert said.
“I can change accents, from American, British, and Japanese. But yes, I’m actually from Australia. The character I play is American and they told me to change my accent” You said.
“Wow. I’m surprised you didn't tell us or change back to your original accent” Chris Evans said.
“How does it feel they didn't know, Y/N?” Jimmy asked.
“I didn't give them hints or say I’m actually from Australia just like Chris,” You said.
“Wow, Y/N I feel betrayed that you didn't me at all. You are not my Aussie brother” Chris Hemsworth dramatically said to you.
You and everyone started to laugh.
“This something else, they don't know. Y/N, you have made it in the book of Guinness Book of Records. You have sworn over four hundred words in all the movies you have been in. And that is passing Samuel L Jackson. How does it feel?” Jimmy asked.
You are in the front row in the middle and everyone pats your shoulders. They are happy for you and they are surprised at the same time. Now, you started to talk in your Australian accent.
“Wow, I didn't know I made it into the book. This is so cool” You smiled.
“We are so happy for you, Y/N. Wow, now you talk in your Aussie accent” Elizabeth smiled.
“I can't believe you have said bad words over two hundred times,” Chris Evans said.
“I didn't keep count, i just repeated what was in front of me” You giggled.
“We would have shown a small clip but all we would hear is the bleep sound,” Jimmy said.
Throughout the interview, you continued to talk in your Australian accent. After the show, you go out to eat with them. You took a selfie with them and you posted it on your Instagram account.
✫ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are still filming, your last scenes for the movie Avengers. You just found out online that you will be in a movie with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson.
“What are you watching?” Chris Hemsworth asked.
“Ryan posted a video of me and Samuel. Watch this video, is funny. And I got the role for a new movie” You said.
“Congratulations, mate,” Chris H said.
You and Chris started to laugh at the video.
Ryan posted a video and you shared it on your social media platforms. He wrote a caption; I wonder who would say the most bad words in the movie, Y/N or Samuel?? He also posted a clip of you and Samuel cursing in every scene of every movie. Many people started to comment and a lot liked the video. You couldn't help to keep laughing at what Ryan did, you and Chris kept watching the video.
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Made c.ai bots only 3 Natasha's so far and they're honestly just slightly differently
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springismss · 1 year
Saving Grace - b. barnes
pairing; winter soldier! bucky x gender neutral! reader
reblogs/feedback/likes are appreciated & encouraged. DO NOT repost/steal any of my works.
warnings; slight sweating, mention of a weapon/injury
word count; 1k+
summary; when you find yourself at the mercy of the infamous winter soldier, the only target that’s ever managed to outrun him, you still feel sorry for him. he’s an individual who has no free will of your own, you on the other hand, have free will. that’s what leads to you doing something you didn’t expect you would do.
links; Marvel Masterlist | Works Masterlist
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That's the only word you could describe everything you saw around you. Ruin, blazes, destruction. All of this because you were the latest mission of a long list of names for the male stood in front of you.
Your team stood scattered around, as he drew closer to you. An emotionless stare burning into you as you stood your ground not ready to give up just yet. The faint static in your earpiece was jumbled with a response from someone but you didn't care to listen.
Your body grew tired as you contemplated accepting your fate. You heard the stories for as long as you could remember. A male soldier who was the best at crossing off names. HYDRA's top weapon. The legendary Winter Soldier. You, like many, believed him to be a myth. A story made up to scare young kids into following the right path because they didn't want to end up the same way he did. Only he turned out not to be a myth, he was very much real.
"Hey, (y/n), come on! Get out of there!".
The sudden loudness made you jump slightly, your breath catching in your throat as you forgot how long you had it. The creaking of leather coming closer drew you out of your daze.
This was the day you were going to die. Sure, you had those thoughts many a time before but the people who tried to kill you in the past? This guy made them look like amateurs. At best, a child would do a better job than them.
Your eyes finally locked with the soldier's as you continued to stand your ground. Hands dropping to your sides as your weapon thudded on the concrete. You were tired. Tired of running. Tired of trying to convince yourself that this was all some crazy nightmare and you'd wake up soon.
"Fine, you win. I'm tired of this bullshit. I'm tired of running from you!".
Not once did the assassin react to your words. His gaze remained fixed on the target that had spent so long running from him. Once your name was crossed off, HYRDA would be pleased. You should have been one of the easiest for him to kill but somehow, you were the hardest one. Managing to escape his attempts to thwart you time again until he cornered you in some little city not too far from where he was told you resided. It would be over in a matter of seconds but those last few seconds to you would be the most painful you had ever felt in all of your existence.
Letting out a shaky breath you closed your eyes, enjoying the blackness before it became one of the last things your mind had seen. The assassin's kills were anything but painless, being able to rid the plant of your existence in seconds. You had your typical regrets of someone in your position. Of the life you never lived, of the life you'll never get to live. Maybe if you hadn't spent the past few months on the run, you would have lived your life to the fullest ready to accept this day. Now that it was here, you didn't want to leave.
"Just get it over with, Winter Soldier! I'm sure HYDRA will celebrate in some sick and twisted way when~".
Something caused you to look over the metal shoulder as your eyes tried to fixate on something happening. You couldn't quite make it out but yet, down in your gut, you didn't have the greatest feeling about it. Squinting you saw the faint glimmer of what your team called the best weapon in your grasp. From talking to the people who had managed to survive a shot from it, you found them to be in pain many months after. Some of the pain strong enough to make them want someone or something to finish the job off.
Piecing things together in your head, your eyes widened in horror as your legs began to move. A loud shot being fired was all you heard as you rushed forward, managing to push the assassin out of the way. The hot metal of the bullet fired piercing your shoulder as you landed with a grunt, your breathing rate increasing as you gripped the wound, hissing out at the contact. You don't know what made you move but something told you to save the soldier.
Judging by the look in his eyes, your reaction had taken him by just as much surprise as you.
Looking down, a small smile tugged at the corner of the sitting figure’s lips as they leaned over, placing a soft kiss upon the other's forehead. It had been a few years since that incident and they couldn't thank you enough for taking the first steps towards their freedom.
Sure, Bucky still had the arm given to him by HYDRA but he was planning on replacing it as soon as possible. The final piece of his horrible past as a ruthless killer. He didn't know why you had done what you had done but he was thankful. You may have been the only person to escape him for so long but maybe it was for that reason alone you had.
Cliché or not, you were his saving grace and he wasn't going to let you go anytime soon. Even if it killed him in the process.
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itwasrealtome · 3 months
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Scarlett Johansson x fem!OC fic | Masterlist
Summary : Unsure how to help Carter, Scarlett comes to Elle's rescue.
Content Warning : Isolation | allusion to drowning, anxiety |tears | a kiss | mention of abandonment | feeling lonely
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Chapter One
Chapter Three
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[Not my pic]
NOVEMBER 29, 2016
The numerous gifts Elle had bought didn’t quite work out as she’d hoped. Despite how much Carter seemed to love his new sweatshirt – a welcome replacement for the one with the holes in it, he remained as silent as a tomb. He would sometimes appear, like a ghost haunting their halls, headphones on, finally emerging from the nest he’d built himself in the spare bedroom. But the household felt even more oppressively silent than when the actress lived out her loneliest moments.
It had taken almost 24 hours before Carter agreed to eat something, 12 more before he finally looked into his sister’s eyes, and 72 hours for him to whisper a simple word. Elle was watching him drown with a heavy heart, finding herself grappling under the weight of her helplessness. She knew they had to talk. Only, she couldn’t even imagine herself reaching out to the young man, her words stuck in her throat as she desperately sought a way to communicate with him.
From the foot of the stairs, Elle experienced a truly different perspective. She’d lived here for several years but had never looked at her stairwell from this particular angle. From down there, she was almost dizzy. The distance between her and the floor — and therefore from Carter, seemed immense. The longer she stared, the more her heart swayed. She felt like she was on the upper deck of one of those huge ships. Skin still dotted with droplets of sweat and baby hairs sticking to the nape of her neck from her training session didn’t help with the floating sensation.
As she danced on her heels, leaning on the first step of the staircase, a set of words lost in the depths of her throat, a soft knock at the front door startled her. However wrong it may sound, she was grateful to anyone who might interrupt her contemplation. Another second and Elle was convinced she’d drown in the ocean swirl.
From the few colorful stained-glass windows on either side of the door, the brunette could make out a silhouette she would easily recognize even in complete darkness. The sun was drawing beautifully on their curves. In much the same way as Elle had done so many times before.
Stepping into the doorway, the actress spotted her own reflection in the wood-edged mirror by the staircase. The way the sun brought out the black ink on her arms, her brown locks pulled up into a messy bun, the very clothes she’d sweated in for hours still clinging to her slender body. Alarmed by her own scent, Elle buried her nose under her own armpit, relieved to detect the scent of the deodorant she had — perhaps abusively — applied to her skin that very morning.
The doorbell rang and Elle finally opened the wood-paneled door. Her tense, drawn features relaxed almost immediately into a smile. Now, she could breathe again.
— Hey, pretty girl, grinned Scarlett, book in hand. You left this back there.
The brunette clung desperately to her door, eyes locked on the familiar face in front of her. Light eyes, blond hair, full lips, and that sweet perfume that floated up to her.
Lord, how she missed that face.
— What?
— I never understood the point of taking a book to the gym but... I thought you might like to read the final pages tonight.
Scarlett arched an eyebrow at her friend. She had noticed how forgetful Elle had seemed today. It started with an oversight in the locker room, then a lack of concentration in training, and now the book. And God knows Elle never forgets her books anywhere.
— You were there? wondered the brunette, replaying her memories over and over again. I– I didn’t even see you. When did you land in LA?
— This morning. I texted you.
Elle seemed to realize, her mouth taking on the shape of an O as she rested her forehead against the door. She'd been so overwhelmed by Carter's arrival and the resumption of training that she'd forgotten everything else.
— You did. I’m so sorry, these last few days have been… tricky.
— Let me in? prompted Scarlett gently.
The owner nodded softly, a thin smile on her lips. Despite everything, she was happy to welcome the New Yorker into her home. Time tended to pass strangely slowly away from her. It was as if their last trip to the other side of the Earth had taken place years ago.
— Are you okay?
Elle's face broke into a smile. She patted the blonde gently on the shoulder before moving into the living room.
— I’m always okay, replied Elle without so much as a twitch in her voice. Can I get you anything? Water, tea... a soda?
Scarlett followed into the kitchen, leaning against the counter with an air of disbelief.
— Since when do you drink soda?
— I don’t. Carter does.
Elle dipped her hand in search of one of those cans. She’d bought them the day after the young man’s arrival and they hadn’t left the fridge since. The icy metal almost burned her fingers. The very way all her attempts were reduced to ashes.
— Soda, then?
The brunette got her head out of the cold just in time before Scarlett swung the door shut. The can between her trembling fingers was quickly placed on the kitchen counter as her friend lifted her chin with two of her manicured fingers.
— I’ve tried everything, Elle confessed without further ado. I bought all the stuff a kid his age eats, I also bought clothes from those skate brands and tried to introduce him to the dudes so they could hang out, but…
— Have you tried talking to him?
Elle shook her head so quickly that it made Scarlett giggle. She had unconsciously tried to solve the problem by buying her brother’s love and passing it on to others. While Carter probably needed attention and love, Elle had given him nothing but isolation and constant push-back.
— Honey, he doesn't need all those material things or for Seb to show him his pecs. He needs you – his sister.
Elle couldn’t help but sigh heavily. She had spent so many years apart from her own brother, now she felt like she was living with a stranger. She had left behind a little boy who loved Spiderman figurines, who loved to play tag with her, and who was very fond of her. But it was also the very same boy who had pushed her over the edge without even realizing it.
— He won’t talk to me.
Behind Elle's smile was a misty look. She could feel the tears burning her eyes, the way emotion stung her nose and tightened her throat. The weight on her shoulders seemed to grow heavier by the minute, getting a bonus every time Carter decided to ignore her a little more.
Sure, she’d abandoned him. But she had a good reason, right?
The lone tear on her cheek found refuge on Scarlett’s thumb. Once again, Elle found herself taken aback by her friend's gentleness. From the way Scarlett slid her hand up her neck, to the way she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear – to the way she tenderly kissed her lips.
Elle wanted to try and resist her but she instantly melted into the older woman. Her lips parted slightly to welcome the gentle gesture. Just for a fleeting instant, she forgot all about her brother on the upper floor.
As Scarlett broke the link between them, Elle couldn’t help but follow along, craving another taste of the simple act that so warmed her lower belly. She was met with nothing but emptiness and the warm breath of her beloved.
— Why don’t you try to relax while I have a chat with Carter?
— I’m perfectly relaxed, insisted Elle. Look, if even Seb couldn't get him to talk, I…
— Sebastian’s not a mom.
With that, the New Yorker slipped out of the kitchen, soda can in hand. Elle could hear her shoes on the stairs, her hand sliding against the railing, and her fingers knocking at the young man’s door. She hoped Scarlett was right. Sebastian wasn't a dad, she herself wasn't a mom - but Scarlett was. For such a short time, but she nevertheless was. It must have meant something.
It had to mean something.
Taglist : @micaluvssoccer @rain-mikaelson @starbucks-06 @taylucky13 @aqiia24 @natalia-quinzel @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mmmmokdok @electricboost @angeliqueh5331 @emskisworld @sami1642 @waltermis @imjai02 @enjoytheentireworld @marvelandotheruniversesloveradhd @jatrovyknedl @madamevirgo @canvasscoloredin @red1culous @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @butwhynothavesomwmore @lyak12 @hi-1-1 @anku1901 @ssaaggwwaa @g1u2y @iheartmilfies @unexpected-character @greyslover3004
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siennafrxst · 1 year
↳ a drunken night 𖤐𓈒࣪₊˚
(part 2)
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if you haven’t read chapter 1, click here.
word count: 0.4k words
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
As Y/N was drying her hair with a towel, she turns to the sudden disturbance coming from behind the door.
“Come in,” she announces loudly for the other person to be able to hear.
The door immediately swings open, revealing the person hiding behind it.
“Seb, hey,” Y/N greets, a hint of slight surpise in her tone.
It seemed as though he had just gotten out of bed and put on a quick attire, due to his messy brown curls and foggy features. Goddamnit, why did he have to look so cute like this?
“Hey,” he greets back, closing the door behind him.
Snapping herself out of her absurd thoughts before being managed to get caught for staring, she connects her eyes with his. The two share an intimate moment of staring, both seeming to be hesitating to say the same desired words.
Do you remember last night?
“Uhm, how’s your hangover? Are you feeling okay?” she quickly asks to fill in the awkward silence.
Sebastian sighs heavily in exhaust. “S’okay. I mean, better than it was when I initially woke up, at least.”
She nodded in agreement, offering a soft smile at the man.
Sebastian brings a hand behind his neck, slightly biting his lower lip before speaking up once more. “Uhm, about last night…”
Y/N gulps nervously as she heard those words. What if he still remembered..?
“Thank you for taking care of me, I’m sure that I was a load to deal with.”
She chuckles in an attempt to hide her sigh of relief. “Of course. I’m here for you, Seb.”
He returns a sheepish smile at his best friend as a sign of gratitude.
And then it was silent yet again. The words were at the tip of their tongue, begging to be released. But neither of them said another word. They simply stood in the regretful silence, so close yet so far from each other, both fearing that they would lose their friendship over some stupid crush.
Little did they know, it wasn’t so stupid after all.
“Well, I better go now. See you later, okay? I’ll make this up to you, I promise.”
Y/N nods slightly. “Yeah, sure. I’ll hold you to that promise.”
Sebastian lets out a soft chuckle before waving a good bye, seeming to hesitate momentarily before exiting the room and closing the door, leaving Y/N alone with her dreaded thoughts.
Was she too late?
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click here for the alternate, happier ending. :)
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Marvel Cast Masterlist
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☆ Guilty Pleasure~ -Coming soon!-
When your neighbor/bff trains celebrities for a living you get used to seeing famous faces, her face, however, was the last one you ever expected to meet.
One Shots:
☆ Off Camera Crush~
When the off screen chemistry is better than the on screen
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Coming soon!
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the-expired-lover · 8 months
fantastic four will begin filming soon and i still can't wrap my head around the fact that every peepaw writers will probably write about reed richard's abilities
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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Warnings: Loki’s scars, language, talk of abusive relationship (past)
chapter 2
The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a shower running. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Sarah asking how the night had gone. I held my phone to my chest for a second before responding that it had gone well.
The water stopped just as I got out of bed. I turned my head towards the bathroom just as Loki was walking out. He stopped when he noticed I was awake. Water dripped from his hair and down his nose before hitting the floor. Biting my lip, I went to grab the towel on the foot of my bed. Loki licked his lips as he watched me throw it at him.
“I’m sorry. I meant to be out before you woke.” He said softly as he caught the towel. I shrugged as I grabbed the hoodie from my desk and put it on.
“It’s alright. I hope you found everything alright?” Loki nodded as he grabbed the shirt he had intended to wear.
“Just fine actually. Thanks.” There was a small shimmer of green as he put on the shirt and he thanked whoever was listening that it wasn’t noticed. Looking down at the floor, Loki smirked to himself to see that he was no longer dripping on the floor. “After breakfast, I’ll get out of your hair. You’ve done much more than I could expect you to do for a complete stranger. And I could never thank you enough.” I waved my hand at him as I left my room and made my way to the kitchen.
“It’s quite alright. I actually have the day off and thought we could go get you some clothes of your own?” I looked at him hesitantly as I went about getting the cereal for breakfast. “Instead of wearing Pete’s clothes all the time.” Loki opened my refrigerator and grabbed the milk with furrowed brows.
“Who is Pete?” I mentally facepalmed. “I mean I don’t mind either way. As long as you are willing to put up with me for a while longer.” I looked over at Loki who smiled at me.
“Then shopping it is.” I took the milk from him and finished up the cereal. I handed him a bowl and spoon while I put the milk away. I gestured to the island where we could eat. “Pete is my ex. The guy whose clothes you have been wearing.” Loki nodded slowly before digging in. “The one who…” I waved my hand in the air.
“Yeah. The jealous asshole.” I smiled to myself. It was rare to find someone who remembered those kinds of details. As we were starting the dishes, Loki spoke again. “Tell me. What was his reaction to getting dumped?” I snorted as I rinsed my bowl.
“Stared at me for a bit. Accused me of sleeping with one of the celebrities I’ve worked with. That was because I have his cell number and we regularly talk. I wasn’t and I’m not by the way.” I pointed a spoon at my counter to emphasis the point I wasn’t making. “I slapped him for that. He tried to slap me then told me I wasn’t dumping him because he was dumping me. Walked out the door and never looked back. I changed the locks and blocked his number within the hour.” I shrugged as Loki looked at me in shock.
“He tried to slap you?” I shrugged it off. “(Y/N), this asshole tried to slap you?”
“Yeah. He missed. I think he broke his finger when it hit the wall. Had to put up new drywall when he connected with it.” Loki looked around the room, clearly looking for the damaged piece of wall. I pointed to a spot slightly lighter than the rest of the wall next to the doorframe. Lokis eyes racked over the spot. “I’m fine honestly. All that happened was my hand stung for a few days. He got a broken finger and a cut lip.” I shrugged again. Lokis eyes snapped back to mine as I smiled at him. A mischievous smirk grew on his face as I ushered him into the living room. “Sarah can tell you more about that. But for now I’m going to get changed and we’re going to get you some clothes of your own.” Loki obediently say on the couch while I went back into my room. Sighing, I picked up my phone and checked it for messages. Sarah had sent a message and when I opened it, I had no choice but to respond.
Sarah: what are you doing today?
(Y/N): Taking Loki clothes shopping. Y?
Sarah: did you tell him about Pete?
(Y/N): I had to. Mentioned it was his clothes Loki was wearing. Btw he might come round sometime to find out more about THAT story. (Y/N): btw u text like an old person
Sarah: 😝
Sarah: no worries. How much do you want him to know?
(Y/N): I’ll let u know when the time comes. G2g he’s probably bored by now ❤️
I set my phone down and finished getting dressed. I shoved my phone in my pocket, grabbed my wallet and left the room. Loki looked up from the magazine he had picked up off my coffee table.
“Ready to go?” He nodded. I smiled at him as I grabbed my keys and led the way to my car.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Newspaper articles 1
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book.
Copyright: My OCs are Coach Yonce, Emma, Ila, Tempus, and Itty Bitty. I own these characters. I do not condone any copying of this.
August 17, 2014
Early this morning around seven-thirty, police were called to the scene of a car crash involving the 64-year old actor Henry Goodman. It seemed that Mr. Goodman had finished recording in a new Marvel release whose trailer had only been released the day before. Police were not certain where Mr. Goodman was headed, as his car was pointed in the opposite direction of his house. However, his wife, Sue Parker, has said he already contacted her earlier that morning and said he was heading to Marvel Studios to get into contact with Anthony Russo about something unpleasant he had experienced in the recording studio. What sort of unpleasant, he did not tell Mrs. Goodman. Anthony Russo says that he was not contacted before hand and therefore, has no ideas what Mr. Goodman wanted to talk about. He said that he contacted the studio and was told that Mr. Goodman had not said a single complaint to them about anything. More details will be released as new information comes in.
September 8, 2014
FBI are now digging into the Goodman car crash to see if there was foul play. This decision comes after the first day of the Russo Trial reveals that Henry Goodman was aware of the atrocities being committed at the hidden Facility being used as a studio for the newest Marvel Movie; Avengers and the Mutant Children. The trailer, however, was more about HYDRA taking children and turning them into mutants with superpowers, however this is not what really went on in the facility- if Sebastian Stan is to be believed. FBI now suspect that Henry Goodman's car was either tampered with as he drove to the Marvel studios, or someone was waiting for him on that road- which is normally empty during that time of the day. Either way, FBI now suspect that Henry Goodman was killed by first degree murder, though the killer or killers remains unknown.
September 12, 2014
FBI are proclaiming that a killer waited in his or her car for actor Henry Goodman to drive that way. It seems that there is some gunpowder and bomb residue that was overlooked by police forces- a force which was paid off by an account under the name 'Tempus'. It seems safe to say that Mr. Goodman was fully aware of the crimes going on in Marvel studios and the murder of these children. Police Chief of a different county says it is a disappointment that the police allowed themselves to be bought out to cover up such an important murder where children are involved. It is also a disappointment that Mr. Goodman did not put the news out or tell someone else beforehand, as the children may have been found faster. 
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Dandelions (S.J)
Scarlett Johansson x Actress Female!Reader
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Summary: When love comes between friendships.
Warning: None, just a little angsty fic.
A/n: Hello! It feels good to be back here with my very first fic of Scarlet Johansson. It was inspired by this sweet song but for some reason i feel angst from it so i wrote this. I hope you like this fic! To angst lovers, i have more coming. :D Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
Her fingers rake through your hair, giving you soft touches on your head that takes you to cloud nine. You know you fell in love with her since the first time you both met at a charity event. Since then you both became inseparable. She has been so sweet and caring to you.
Having a picnic with her under the tree on a field of dandelions on a beautiful day feels definitely so nice and wakes up the butterflies in your stomach for real.
Her green soothing eyes locking gaze with you. The smile that was patched on her face is insanely beautiful. You feel okay when you see her smile. You look at her lips then back to her eyes. Your mind quickly plays all of the smiles and laughter when you two spend time together.
Your heart beats like crazy. She looks back deep into your eyes. You love the feelings of her body on you. You can feel her front lying on yours. One of her hands lay flat on your chest and prompt her head up. Her fingers run smoothly on your face and give a rush of soft electric waves all over your body. It's the best feeling and you can never get enough of it.
Gosh, you adore her so much. Her voice is like a melody to your ears. All the teasing sweet words she says and you love the little vibration from her body onto yours when she laughs at your jokes.
Her eyes drinking the view of you under her with awe. It gets so hard for you to breathe when she is looking at you. The sunlight for sure makes her beauty look even more flawless.
Her hair sparkles perfectly as if you see stars even though it's broad daylight.
"You look so beautiful." You told her as your right hand cups her left cheek.
"And you are so adorable." She replied, followed with a giggle as she held your right hand then kissed it softly.
"I love how I feel when I'm with you. You have made me happier since we met. I love how I am when you are with me. Promise me that you won't ever leave me." She adds and her eyes twinkles. You see her cheeks blush.
"I won't go anywhere. I promise." You smile and give her assurance she needs.
Your heart beats fast and slow at the same time as soon as you see her face get closer to you and her lips meet yours. You love the softness brushes your lips and how she doesn’t let go of the kiss for a few seconds. You can say it was a few seconds of a trip to heaven and back.
Every kiss you had with her felt so real, including this one until you heard a familiar voice interrupt everything. “Aaaand, CUT!” You feel her lips leave yours right after that. You internally complain, NO..NO, you secretly hate it.
“That was a wrap, everybody!” Pat, the director announced and everybody on set cheered and clapped at the same time.
Lizzie smiles at you and then quickly gets up, so do you. Trying hard to hide how you really feel. You smile back at her as Pat comes to the both of you.
“Lizzie, Y/n! That was awesome! I really love the chemistry both of you have! Every single kiss scene you two did really warmed my heart. Are you sure both of you are just friends?” Compliments flowed freely out of his lips followed by a joke and a teasing smirk.
All you and Lizzie did was laugh. You laughed nervously but you saw her laugh with no problem. Gosh, you wish you could hear her thoughts now to find out what her laugh means and that blush, why did she blush?
A few minutes of talk later, Pat finally left you both alone.
“Wow, today was easier than I thought. So, I’ll see you next week for lunch as we planned?” The brunette asks with an excited tone and a huge smile as her hand reaches your hair to clean some dandelions off your hair..
“Oh yeah, of course. You better not cancel on me.” You replied with your little joke. “Of course I won’t. By that time, I will already miss you, silly.” She responds. You see her smiling again but then you realize it wasn’t for you as she waves to the direction behind you.
You turn your head curiously only to find Robbie smiles at Lizzie while talking with some of the cast. Your stomach churns, your heart aches. You tried to hold back a disappointed sigh. Yes you are jealous. How could you not?
You have been secretly falling in love with her and have been there for her. Of course, by the time you decided to make a move, you also saw that Lizzie and Robbie started to see each other. You retreated yourself from your plan. All you could do now is to accept the fact that being her best friend is the only way to stay close with her and to love or care about her.
“Ohhh, Le boyfriend is here.” you tease Lizzie with a fake french accent and it makes her laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully. “Yes, y/n. Don’t be jealous, you know that I see you more than I see him, right? Plus you’ll see me again next week.” Lizzie replies with her own version of teasing. She hits your arm in a frisky way as she giggles. You and Lizzie love teasing each other casually.
”I know, I know. So how are things with you and Robbie?” You pitched the question to change the topic. “We are good. He’s just busy with his band and sometimes we argue a little but we handle it pretty well so far. It has its ups and downs.” Lizzie tells you her private life comfortably.
As she speaks, Lizzie notices a familiar face. “Oh Scarlett’s here, y/n.” she informed and her elbows nudged yours knowingly for sure that the blonde actress is here for you. Lizzie waves at her excitedly before she smiles at you and then proceeds to give you a kiss on your cheek and bids her farewell.
"I'll see you next week, okay? See you, y/n. Also, that was a good kiss scene." you feel Lizzie’s hand gently rubs up and down your upper arm followed by a teasing wink.
Your mind always wonders if Lizzie really meant all the teasing banter she does to you or it was just a pure joke to her. Sometimes you swear that she looks at you in the eyes differently as if she has feelings for you but you always think maybe you were wrong and never take any actions to it. You don’t want to ruin the friendship.
You are lost in your thoughts as you watch Lizzie do little small talks and laugh with Scarlett.
Scarlett’s voice greets you excitedly as soon as she gets in front of you. “Hey, y/n?” the older woman instantly gives the warmest hug possible. “Hi Scar.”
“How was the last filming today?” Scarlett asks while trying to keep herself together as she looks at your eyes then to your lips before her gaze gets back to your eyes again with her hands in her back pocket to contain how she really feels. She knows what scene you had to do with Lizzie today. The second you told her about it a few months ago, her heart kept wishing that it would be her who does the kissing scene with you, not Lizzie nor another actress in your other movie you play.
Her heart belongs to you. She has been secretly keeping her feelings to you all this time. You never tell Scarlett about your feelings with Lizzie but she sometimes notices how you look at the brunette whenever the three of you hang out.
Scarlett always looks at you the same way you look at Lizzie but you never notice it. She sees forever in your eyes while you are sure that Lizzie is the love of yours.
Little that you know Scarlet wishes for you all the time. When you are looking at her, she never feels so alive and free but to you, when Lizzie looks at you have never felt so happy.
“It was good and easy.” you answer and your cheeks blush as soon as you remember how the kiss felt to you. You smile awkwardly. Scarlet looks at you dearly with a little smile, thinking how happy she is everytime she sees you.
Scarlett has been venting out with you about her marriage for a while. You know in the back of your head every story she told you while she cried and you held the tissue box. He takes her for granted. You have been a very good listener and have been there for her even when she was going through her divorce until it was finalized a year ago. All the sweet things you do and care give her made Scarlett fall for you.
A lot of what if’s halt her steps to confess her feelings for you. Worry fills her heart that you will walk away from her if she does so. Her mind sometimes wonders if you will like an older divorced single mom, let alone being in a relationship with one.
“How’s the launching preparations for your new product? I’m so excited for you. Are you ready? Thank you for inviting me to have lunch with your business partner.” your hands do a little exciting clap expressing how thrilled you are.
Your words stop her bouncing thoughts in her mind. “Of course! Yes, I’m ready. Are you?” she tries to answer it as if she was not thinking nothing about you, followed with a smile.
“Yeah, let’s go.” As soon as you are about to leave, Scarlett stops you. “Wait, y/n. You forgot something."
You turn around and find her holding up to you a dandelion. "I forgot what, Scar?"
"We are in a dandelion field so at least you have to make a wish and blow it, silly. Here, one for you and one for me." Scarlett suggests with a playful smile.
"Oh, i don't know about that but okay, i'll do it." You smile with agreement and take the dandelion.
You close your eyes and make your wish, so did she.
Both of you blow the dandelions at the same time. You wish on every one that Lizzie will be yours someday and Scarlett wishes that you will be hers.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today folks! I hope u enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @imdoingsortagay @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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binzlovenicetingz · 1 year
Heyy, can I request a will poulter imagine since you do fanfics for 🧍🏾‍♀️. Ig a long distance scenerio that as lot of angst but end in either fluff,smut or angst I’m down for anything. I’m just thankful for a poc writer honestly 😭
Imagine you are in a relationship with Will but both of your work schedules are pushing you further apart. The distance begins to cause a strain on your relationship, leading to a fight that might end your relationship..or is it?
warning: 18+ only, language, smut, oral(f receiving), unprotected smut(wrap it before you tap it), you said you were down for anything lol, established relationship, slight angst, no beta reading cause I'm a thug, y/n is a black reader but woc/poc are welcomed🤎
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You and Will rarely fight.
Sure, you two have had disagreements but those never escalated further. There's no yelling or backhanded comments, if anything, you both learned very easily on in the relationship that you both hated going to bed angry and always made it a point to talk out your problems together and come to a peaceful resolution.
So why haven't you heard from him in over a week?
The last conversation ended in a heated fight over FaceTime. It was going on close to a year since you last saw each other in person - not like it wasn’t anything that you two weren’t used to but this time around, your schedules made it damn near impossible to even call, especially being in different time zone.
You didn't want to admit it but it was hard - and as you lay in your hotel room, you couldn't stop the ache that's been slowly building in your chest. You hated fighting with Will and especially hated it had you questioning you own relationship but it felt like you were the only one trying!
Will joining Marvel and becoming apart of the MCU was a big deal and you couldn’t of been any more prouder of him than you already were. He was working hard, you knew that, but you still couldn’t help but feel a little neglected and when there was finally a free week in your schedule, you made sure to tell him.
It was only a week and you missed your boyfriend like crazy, so you were going to make it work. That was until he broke the news to you, reshoots. You were hurt, crushed really, and from the other side of the screen, you could tell he was too. It wasn’t Will’s fault, you knew that but couldn’t hide the sadness anymore. You let it out, and in turn, he rightfully defended himself. Looking back on it now, it was a stupid fight but in that moment, you angrily ended the call and turned off your notifications for the night.
'A few days to cool off is needed' you thought to yourself on set but before you knew it, one day turned into three and soon enough you were in your hotel room getting ready. You had glanced down at your phone, thinking about shouting a text first but your pride wouldn't let you and with a new reason to be upset all over again, you left the room and got your Uber.
It was the wrap-up party for a mini-series you were working on with HBO or should you call it Max? You didn’t know and frankly tonight, you didn’t really care, the only thing on your mind was Will. You scan the room as cast and crew mingled about. You should be celebrating with them, enjoying completing a project you spent years writing and having a great team to back it up but right now, you just wanted to be alone.
Stepping out to the private balcony, you breathed in the summer night before taking in the view. The restaurant that production rented out allowed you a decent view of the skyline and enough height to see people walking below or coming to dine in and as you people watch for a split second, a familiar figure just down the street looking slightly lost.
"Will?" you squinted, getting a better look and seeing that it was in fact, Will, and you quickly called out to him before finally getting his attention.
"Surprise!" He shouted and you tried to stop the smile from growing on your face but you couldn't help it.
"What are doing here?"
"Surprising you!"
You didn't have much to say after that, all the anger and pent-up frustration all but faded and you wanted nothing more than to ditch this party and spend it with him.
So you did.
On the way back to your hotel, Will let it slip that you had to bride your assistant to give him the location and when you asked why he didn't just call you, Will sheepishly pulled out his cracked open, scratching the back of his head. "Kinda messed around and broke my phone on set the other. I had my manager book my flight and everything."
You could of swoon.
It was quiet as you enter your hotel room, Will shut the door behind him as he watches you carefully. He doesn't know why, but he felt nervous, maybe it was because this was the first time you'd been in the same room in close to a year.
"So, um I-"
"Listen, baby, I'm-"
You both rush to speak, smiling slightly as some of the tension leaves the room. Will stepping closer until he was sitting next to you and naturally, you lean into him, resting your head against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." You whisper softly, not wanting to break this bubble.
A sigh leaves his lips, "I should be the one apologizing, Y/n.
"Can we just agree that this fight was super dumb and forget it happen?" you glance up at him smiling softly at you as he pulls you closer.
"Forget about what?"
You chuckle, shaking your head slightly. "And thank you for coming all the way here too, it really means a lot."
Will places a gentle kiss against your forehead before pulling back slightly as he takes in your beautiful features. "I really was trying to surprise you."
A smile graces your lips, "and you did surprise me, really."
"Maybe I should get a reward for my brilliant plan."
"And what kind of reward were you looking for?"
"Hmm, a kiss should suffice."
You were giggling now, "I think I should be the one asking for a kiss."
Will quirks a brow, an amused smirk playing on his face as he shifts in his seat before easily pulling you onto his lap. "Really now?"
You innocently nodded your head before letting out a playful sigh, "Yeah, I was left all alone, broken-hearted and sad-" a surprised yelp leaves your lips as your easily picked up and tossed over Will's shoulder without even a second thought, yelping again when you feel his hand give your ass a quick slap before he places you on the bed, lips meeting in a kiss that quickly turned heated.
The dress and heels you wore were taken off with ease but you couldn't say the same for your panties which were practically torn from your body and Will's lips kissing down your body until he reaches your wet center.
The sounds that tumbled out of your pretty mouth had him groaning into your core, earning another whine and buck of your hips to meet his hungry mouth.
"Yes, p-please ahh, more!" you begged as your fingers tangled into his hair and tugged on his roots. You were already sensitive from being pent up for so long that you felt everything he was doing to your pussy; his flattened tongue rubbing over your throbbing bud before wrapping and sucking on your clit as his finger pumped into your sobbing core. You were breathless and started feeling way more exposed than you even realized getting lost in the feeling of his mouth and feeling the heat rushing from your ears down to the tip of your toes that it takes you a few seconds to realize that Will stopped his movements.
You quickly tug at the end of his shirt, "You got too many clothes on." Will chuckles, sitting up between your parted thighs and easily discarding his shirt as you take him all in.
"Better?" He asked but you quickly shook your head and he caught on quickly, getting out of his jeans and briefs, and you were finally blessed with seeing his harden length after so long you could cry. You were just reaching for it when his much larger hand stop yours, "Later, darling, I really need to be inside you right now."
You could see the neediness in his eyes, stroking his cock at just the thought of finally being inside you were breaking his cool, and honestly, you didn't want to wait anymore either. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as your legs spread for him. The tip of his cock brushes against your dripping folds and you can't help but moan, raising your hips to catch more friction. That's when he eases into you, both gasping at the stretch that had your walls already squeezing him in more.
"So tight," Will groans, his face buried in your neck that his breath tickles your skin, raising goosebumps. He eases into you some more and your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back as your nails dig into his back but he doesn't seem the least bit fazed from the marks you were giving him while you try to keep your wits end.
Will soon pulls back, his large hands traveling down your quivering body until he's pushing your thighs back unable your knees are touching your chest in a gasp but he doesn't stop his thrust. His eyes flickering lower to watch his cock sink deeper into your wet pussy, the slick sounds coming from your tight was starting to drive him mad.
"Fuck, I might just cum right now," he whines, his cock hitting your spot just right you were starting to see stars. "you're so good to me, baby. so pretty taking my cock, yes!"
He usually wasn't this vocal but you weren't complaining, responding back in whimper and moans since you feel your brain turning to mush when he slows his pace but thrust deeper.
Will drinks in your appearance. You look so beautiful with your face contorted with pleasure, your eyes half closed and your glossed lips parted with sweet-sounding moans, and the louder you got, the more tempting the thought of fucking you all night was in the stars. He closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you. It was hungry and messy with all tongue and teeth. The hand that wasn't on your tit moved to your clit, rubbing quick circles on your swollen nub.
You clamped around him even tighter feeling his hand and with the way you were moaning into his mouth, he knew you were going to cum and he wasn't far behind either. Your fingers tangled in his hair once you broke the heated kiss, forehead touching
"That's it, baby, cum for me. Cum all over my cock." He strokes deeper, leaving you panting more as you dig your nails into his shoulders, and from the low hiss leaving his lips, you're sure you broke skin this time but you didn't care, not when your eyes fluttered shut, body shooked underneath him as your orgasm ripped through you in waves after waves. "C-Cumming! I'm cumming!" His pace was unrelenting, giving your more deep thrust until he buried his cock deep inside you, flooding your tight walls with his cum.
It was quiet aside from you two catching your breath. He gently drops your legs as he steadies himself on one arm, he uses his other hand to caress your cheek, your eyes meet his gaze a soft smile grew on both your faces.
"I love you."
"I love you too, more than you'll ever know."
You and Will rarely fight but when you do, you two are always making up in the end.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Into the cold
MCU cast X Male Reader
Request - Hi hope your doing good, I wanted to ask for a MCU cast X Male Reader platonic please R and Tom Holland are in an interview and they watch a blooper with them having a staredown but forget their lines so they lean in a kiss (this was before Tom and Zendaya was dating) and R says that's his first kiss with a guy and within the top 10 gayest things his done and a few weeks later the NWH cast react to fanart and some fanfiction of R and Tom's characters dating and during the interview R is like "I kissed Tom before you Zendaya"
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You and the cast of No Way home are on The Tonight Show, and you and Tom have to talk about the movie. You took a selfie with Zendaya and Tom, everyone posted it online.
“Y/n, how does it feel to be in Spider-Man: No Way Home movie?” Jimmy asked.
“I feel excited and I can't wait for everyone to see the character I will play” You smiled.
“Is it true, you and Tom met before making the movie?” Jimmy asked.
“Yes, it's true. We both went for an audition for the same role in the movie Spies in Disguise. We are getting along, waiting for us to be called and we tried to copy each other’s accents. And I sent him a message teasing him that I got the role” Tom said.
“He is very rude and mean,” You said.
Everyone starts to laugh and you are smiling.
“They are always like this. Sometimes they can act like kids” Andrew said.
“Then Benedict would act like the dad and tell them to stop,” Zendaya said.
“Ever since that day, he makes fun of me for not getting the role I would try out for,” You said.
“Sometimes, Y/n would try on my spiderman mask and send me selfies,” Tom said.
Jimmy starts to laugh.
“I think we have pictures of that” Jimmy smiled.
You have the mask on and you try to eat a hot dog, in the next picture you pretend to brush your hair, and in the last picture you have the Dr strange cape on and Benedict is behind you glaring at you.
“He likes to get into it stuff after I tell him not to do it,” Benedict said.
“He does have cool stuff,” You said.
“Such a dork” Andrew laughed.
Now Jimmy is showing bloopers of the whole cast. Jimmy and the audience are laughing at the video.
“Apparently, this part everyone is talking about but we will show it,” Jimmy said.
In the video... Tom made you laugh and you forgot your lines and he forgot too. You and Tom have a stare-down, then you and Tom leaned and kissed each other on the lips.
“What just happened at that moment,” Jimny said.
“We had to do a scene. Y/n made me laugh, then for some reason, we just stared at each other, and we kissed” Tom said.
“That was one of the top ten gayest things, I've ever done,” You said.
The whole cast is staring at you right now.
“What other stuff have you done, Y/n?” Tobey asked.
“We all want to know,” Andrew said.
“Time for a commercial break, Jimmy!” You said.
Jimmy starts to laugh so hard, that his face is turning red.
The next day, many fans reacted to the video of you and Tom. You got more followers on Instagram then days later, you and Tom did a Q&A on Instagram.
✬ ✯ ✯ ✫
You and the cast are at comic con. You are on stage with them answering questions from fans. Some of the fans showed you and Tom fan art and fanfic of Peter Parker and your character.
“My character won't be dating anyone in the movie. I will appear in some scenes” You said.
“How does it feel that you kissed Y/n,” A fan asked Tom.
Before Tom answered and you answered.
“I kissed Tom before you Zendaya," You said.
Everyone starts to laugh and Zendaya playfully smacked your arm. Everyone did laugh
“That hurts,” You said and start to rub your arm.
You and Zendaya started to laugh.
“You play too much” Zendaya laughed.
You and the cast continued to answer more questions. Later, you take pictures with fans along with Tom. Many will tell you and Tom, how they like the characters together.
You are with the cast in London for the movie premiere. You pose with the cast and the paparazzi start to take the pictures. Now you start to answer questions
“Y/n, can you tell us anything about your character?” The host asked.
“I can't say anything, I don't want to get in trouble like how Tom spoiled the movie years ago,” You said.
“Wow, Y/n why do you have to bring that up” Tom laughed.
“Tom do you want to work with Y/n again? You two seem close” The host asked.
“Oh, I hope I can work with Y/n in a comedy movie now that will be interesting,” Tom said.
Later, Tom posted a picture of you sleeping in your chair on set. Tom wrote a caption and everyone started to like it...
Tomholland2013 - Y/n drools when he is sleeping 😴
Zendaya told you about it by text and you started to laugh.
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I write fanfics like the mcu cast is in avengers assemble and I think thats how the world should be
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