#me and drarry suffer together
amomorii · 7 months
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night terrors
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hello again! Thank you for your recommendations, I really liked several of them.
I wanted to tell you that I recently read Away Childish Things by Lettered and I loved it. This left me wondering, do you know of other drarrys who talk about the mistreatment Harry suffered under the Dursleys? I think it's very interesting to see the consequences of childhood abuse growing up and how someone (Draco in this case) can help heal that.
Hello friend! Happy to hear you’ve enjoyed the recs. Ahh yes, ACT is so uniquely cathartic - I still remember the awe I felt reading it for the first time, the emotional depth and character development are top notch. I can think of a few fics touching on Harry’s abusive childhood:
Timeshare by astolat (M, 14k)
“It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”
Conquering the Dark by noeon (E, 24k)
Harry's a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy's an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo's. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
The Elusive Mate by 0idontknow0 (E, 26k)
Harry had done it (a) to save lives and (b) because the idea of him being Malfoy’s mate was clearly ridiculous, but now he had to tell Malfoy.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by lettered (E, 41k)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life. Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.
A Piercing Comfort by talithan (T, 44k)
When Harry Potter hits the lowest point of his life so far, it is not his friends who keep him honest. With Draco Malfoy's patience and guidance, Harry learns to stand on his own. The thing is, after the fact—he's no longer sure he wants to.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always.
Harry Potter and the elusive day off by pleasebekidding (E, 71k)
Auror Potter needs a fucking break. He is wiped. He is exhausted. He probably didn't intend to put himself into a magical coma but these things happen. And who cares, really? He is comfortable in a house where he has hidden away all the shit he can't deal with.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (M, 146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions.
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glisten-inthedark · 9 months
Ok hear me out!
Post war Drarry fic in which they work at the ministry and Yada Yada
But! The Malfoys are going through a redemption arc because I said so and Lucius struggles to understand all things muggle (trademark). Now, he doesn't become an angel and he's still deeply prejudiced and still has a mean streak a mile long, but he's trying so give him a break. (He's the one asking, not me).
As they do so, Harry watches as his preconceived notions of the Malfoy family go down the drain especially as he learns they do love each other.
As Draco and Harry become friends (and oh boy does Harry wish they were more and no Ron, he's not obsessing again!) He sorta gets adopted first by Mrs. Malfoy who always gives him the best biscuits ever (don't ever tell Molly that), and makes him tea when he's under the weather.
And then suddenly and out of nowhere Mr. Malfoy and him are playing wizard chess while Harry tries to explain what a toaster was to no avail. It was fun watching Lucius get frustrated by it, though.
Suddenly, Harry is also the one receiving chocolates sent from the Malfoys once a week, and he's also the one they invite over for dinner every chance they get and watching Mrs. Malfoy go on and on about finding Draco a lovely witch to marry makes his skin boil.
But then once Draco comes out as gay, he was expecting for hail and hellfire but instead he got Lucius saying they could find a prestigious wizard for him to marry and somehow the idea of Draco with some other bloke was even worse the idea of him with a woman.
At first, Harry thought he didn't stand a chance because he wasn't the right gender, turns our Draco did like men, but not him and that was way worse.
But Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Weasley somehow also become quite close and Harry may or may not have heard a conversation between them once while under the invisibility cloak as he finds Narcissa also knows what is like to lose a child. According to what he heard, the Malfoys struggled to conceive and Narcissa suffered through multiple miscarriages and through a still birth. As these two form an unlikely alliance, they decide that Harry and Draco should be together because I too said so.
So now they are meddling while Harry is forever salty that Draco doesn't want him, somehow got adopted by two very distinct families, has to deal with an constant confused Lucius that never knows what in the world is a blender and why does he think the idea is so fascinating and with a Ron who's very frustrated with everyone
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sweet-s0rr0w · 1 year
For the top five ask game - Top Five... of your own fics, please
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Nor All That Glisters (Drarry, E, 111k) because it's the first thing I've ever written, and I loved writing it, and everything fandom came from this fic. It's still the fic I think I'm most associated with, and as well as the original amazing art by @fantalfart and @deancebra-art, it now contains art and calligraphy by @bluebutter-art and @squintclover, and the bound copy from @emmalovesdilemmas is the first thing I wrote that I've got to hold in my hands! Plus, I still think it's the coolest concept of all my fics!
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…
Dreaming Skies (Dron, E, 21k, co-written with Tacky) because it's the only fic of mine I've reread properly, and more than once, and I love it more - especially Ron - every time. Writing it (in 13 days!) with one of my all-time favourite authors, and writing it for @sitp-recs, was a dream.
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected...
(a story about dragons and baking, friendship and little kindnesses, putting down new roots and falling in love)
Silhouettes (Dronarry, E, 17k) because I was so proud of how this one came together. I love the triple POV, the challenge of it, and I love how it skirts the line of some tough difficult topics but stays pretty light. Also, it has one of my two favourite smut scenes I've ever written (other is in Waking Up Slow).
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway?
A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate.
Crash (Into Me) (Drarry, T, 14k) because writing this was hilarious (poor @graymatters trying to American-pick it), this was my first time properly writing Ron, and although it's one of the silliest things I've ever written, I think it's a really good concept (Drarry falling for each other during a 24-hour Quidditch match!)
Harry’s done plenty of ridiculous things for charity over the years, but Robards’ latest scheme really takes the biscuit. Or rather, the teacake.
Good job Malfoy’s there to suffer alongside him this time, eh?
Thameslink, the 07:29 from Luton (Drarry, G, 1k) because I think this is a very neat and fast paced little micro which came out well. I also remember chatting to you (Tacky) as I was writing this very quickly and last minute for @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm's birthday, and - it was just one of those fics that wanted to exist, iykwim.
He gets on at Harpenden, you think, although it might have been earlier.
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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2023.07 ~ Top 8 longest fics posted on AO3
1. In the Blood by BiscuitBrunch [E, 225k]
►Harry Potter thinks Draco Malfoy is a slimy git of a defense lawyer, who couldn't care less about doing the right thing. Draco Malfoy thinks Harry Potter is a filthy pig of an Auror, who couldn't care less about doing the right thing. They fight, fuck, fall in love, and fight some more. When they're on the brink of getting their shit together and starting a family, a blood curse surfaces that threatens the lives of Draco and their unborn child.
2. Bewildered by SparrowGrim [E, 147k]
►"Harry. My name is Harry Potter." James fell back against the floorboards, casting one last frantic glance at the boy who claimed to be his son, before shaking his head. "That isn't possible."
3. Harry Potter and the Power of Reverse Psychology by the_sentient_duck [T, 147k]
►[...] where Harry faces down that Machiavellian scoundrel Albus Dumbledore, learns he's the heir to more houses than he can shake a stick at, discovers he's been manipulated all his life, and starts taking control of his own destiny. Or so it would appear. But looks, especially when magic is involved, can be deceiving.
4. Little Lamb Gone to Slaughter by @charlottewritesall [T, 89k]
►Harry doesn’t think much about the Triwizard Tournament beyond being relieved that he won’t have anything to do with it at all. It seems like he might finally have a quiet, peaceful year. So, of course, his name ends up coming out of the Goblet of Fire despite the fact that he would never in a million years enter this death tournament willingly. [...]
5. Denial and its Side Effects by A_MX [T, 81k]
►Shortly after returning to Hogwarts to complete his education, Harry begins to suffer from nightmares. At the same time, he begins to form some sort of friendship with Draco Malfoy, the disgraced heir of the Malfoy family. His friends don't approve of this, but Harry insists that everyone deserves a second chance.
6. What He Stirs Up In Me by Casually_cultured23 [M, 78k]
►Draco Malfoy is a Gryffindor, Harry Potter is a Slytherin.
7. To Love You Well by Scarlette890 [E, 61k]
►In which Harry Potter has that impending sexuality crisis, completely fucks up his relationship with his son, and utterly ruins Draco Malfoy's peaceful life.
8. A Shift in Perspective by @beauregardstaxicab​ [T, 59k]
►The Ministry hosts a winter ball and Harry is invited, along with Malfoy and his friends. What he figures will be a doomed evening turns out to be enchanting instead, and Harry discovers sides to Malfoy that he wouldn't have thought possible. As other revelations are made, along with a few life lessons, it takes Harry's story on a different trajectory.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
Being Robin Gives Me Magic by CheatsatUNO [T, 15k]
Charity Work by corazon_san [T, 22k]
footage of a vampire (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!) [720p] by cyupids [T, 15k]
Hope is the thing with feathers by @kriskrakel [T, 21k]
In between, everything is still by MsRyanWrites3 [T, 20k]
Night Dragon, Dawn Bird by Xenjn [M, 19k]
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants [E, 13k]
Sometimes, What You're Searching For... Has Been There All Along by @orpheous87 [T, 14k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Do you happen to know any good Drarry fic with the "De-aging" trope? I've read Away Childish Things and was wondering if there are other similar stories out there
I was so sure I already had a list but apparently not? I'll add ACT as well for future reference, it's one of my all time favorites! I'm also including de-aging a few years, not to a child. Linking a relevant list of mine: Age Difference
Away Childish Things by lettered (153k)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
Malfoy Child by Vorabiza (94k)
A potions accident turns Draco into a four-year-old and Harry takes over his care for the next four months.
Pinky Promises Are Powerful Magic by megyal (12k)
Ickle Harry wants to stay with his newest hero.
Teddy Bear Troubles and Other Such Oddities by Kandakicksass (61k)
During potions tutoring with a certain blonde, Harry makes a big mistake. Now he's stuck with a four year old aging a year a week, and he's not sure the boy will make it back to eighteen without turning his world upside down in all sorts of ways.
You Send Me (Honest You Do) by firethesound (37k)
As far as potion accidents go in general, and deaging incidents go in particular, Draco knew this could have been so much worse. Harry only lost about ten years, and all his memories are still intact. But the sight of him looking as if he’s stepped straight out of Draco’s Hogwarts memories has dredged up a whole mess of complicated feelings Draco thought he’d buried years ago, and Draco really doesn’t know what to do with any of it.
'Twixt the Sun and Sward by November Snowflake (30k)
A potions mishap has Harry and Draco meeting on entirely new—or is it old?—ground.
Not Nineteen Forever by @sorrybutblog (5k)
A rogue charm hits on a mission and suddenly, Draco is nineteen again. Harry is still thirty-five and doing his best to look after his de-aged Auror partner (and forget about his long unrequited crush) until St. Mungo’s can brew the antidote. Only, Draco insists on wandering around Harry’s flat wearing nothing but Harry’s pants, flirting like his life depends on it and in the end, Harry’s only human after all.
Christmas with Draco by dracogotgame (9k)
Harry tries to give a two year old Draco the best Christmas ever.
Auld Acquaintance by @aibidil (2k)
All Draco wants for Christmas is for Harry to get home so they can charm their holiday cards and make four different lasagnas to meet their children's and grandchildren's varied food needs. What he does not want is for Harry to get home wearing red Christmas joggers and looking eighteen years old.
Chrysalis by Elfflame (55k)
After the war, the Ministry decides to reform the Death Eaters, and Draco Malfoy is one of the first chosen for the program.
Halloween Night by @dorthyanndrarry (3k)
Halloween only tends to remind Harry of his parents death, there's nothing happy or fun about it. Its a dark day for him. Draco decides to try and change that, to take Harry out and experiences something new. To make new memories. Together.
Growing Pains by SensiblyTainted (190k)
The summer after Sirius’ death: the abuse at the Dursley’s leaves him broken. Snape is asked to try and help, and discovers that the key to saving Harry may be Draco, who has returned after his own difficult summer.
A Change In Perspective by Roozette (121k)
Once there was a potions accident... Ha! Harry turns five, much to the distress of the I don't want to be a Death Eater brigade.
To the Moon by VCCV (35k)
Draco is turned into a child. Harry takes care of him.
Life From the Start by LunaParvulus (74k)
A botched up de-aging potion and Harry suffers from the results. Now, Draco is hands full of one adorable Harry. What if Draco came to like Harry in his baby-state? Can both pretend nothing happened when Harry is back to normal?
P.S. This trope used to be more popular, I got to link from ffnet again since forever ago!
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Title: Pain, Potions, & a Prick Known as Potter
Author: ChesterPoe (AO3), DeathsDaisy (Tumblr)
Rating: Teen
Word count: 11,378
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Disability Focus: Chronic pain & nerve damage
Summary: The repeated and sustained Crucios used on Draco during the war have caused him permanent nerve damage. He suffers from chronic pain, temporary occasional loss of sensation in parts of his body, poor circulation, trembling and shaky hands, etc.
Harry gets assigned as Draco's probation auror, they start off where they had left in school, but Draco has changed and so has he. They need to grow together these next few months to see what had been missing in their school years.
P.S. The way I talk about chronic pain in this is from personal experience. Not all of us experience the same thing. I assume those who suffer along with me know that, but for those who don’t/those without a chronic “issue”: please remember your experiences/ideas of what it’s “really” like are not universal. Be nice, thanks.
Please leave comments and kudos for the hard working creators of this fest, even if you just comment an emoji or a "good job" your feedback means a lot to our writers. Also share! Spread the disability pride month joy!
- Your Drarry Disability Fest 2023 mods: Ceylon (@quackquackcey), Kel (@slytherinthelibrary), Rowan (@basicallyahedgehog )
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
I’m trying to find the following fic:
It’s a Drarry but Ron and Draco are hit by some sort of “must have sex”/bonding spell. Ron and Hermione are together, so are Draco and Harry but no one knows about them, not even Ron and Hermione. It’s Harry’s POV, I’m pretty sure, and him and Hermione are both in the same location as Ron and Draco as they have to complete the ‘task’…for a while Harry suffers in silence and tries to be there for Hermione… I think it’s a one-shot. It’s not “Or.”- the rereading of that fic reminded me of this one. Any thoughts? Thanks so much!
We believe you are looking for time and too much don't belong together by toomuchplor (22k, E)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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longdaytogo · 2 years
Your art specifically got me back into Harry Potter, but ALSO (for the first time ever) into drarry. It’s so pretty
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it let's both suffer through drarry together 🤝
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oflights · 1 year
Hey! I just finished close behind and felt compelled to write an ask because WOW what a story. I was sad, angry, frustrated, as well as hopeful, sympathetic, and entirely heart-warmed. It's such an incredible world you built up, not only with that insanely intricate plot line, but with each character, each revelation, and each moment. I had to frequently take tiktok breaks just to remind myself there's a real world outside of the story 😂But yeah, I found myself seriously feeling for the characters, especially Harry. It constantly surprised (and honestly hurt!) me to see him so bashed in the comments. I think it goes without saying that your draco suffered an undeserving amount. But harry lived with his pain and guilt for years and isn't that just a different kind of terrible? Throughout the fic I felt like I was carrying that pain with him and all I wanted was for them to be okay in the end :( I'm super emotional right now, still feeling that empathy for harry and also celebrating that well earned ending, while wishing they both lived a long happy life together :') anyway, thanks for writing this! I wasn't expecting to cry on a Sunday night but that's just the way it goes as a drarry reader ig
hi!! ah thank you, this is so sweet! i'm so happy you enjoyed it, and i adore how much empathy you have for harry (because same!) sorry for making you cry but i'm grateful to hear this, thank you!!! 💕
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sitp-recs · 1 year
I just finished a great romcom and now Im wondering do you have Drarry recs that are romcom-y? It doesnt have to explicitly labeled as such but just a vibe...you know that after a serious of little hick ups and An Airport Run for True Love a pop banger playing in the background vibe :D
Hi anon! Oh that’s such an exciting ask, I’ve had lots of fun thinking about this one. I feel like I haven’t read enough romcom, would love to explore this genre further. I hope you enjoy these!
Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k) - Hockey AU
It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing.
Burning Down the House by @peachpety (M, 4k)
Harry is happy as editor-in-chief of The Quibbler. From planning to printing, design to deadlines, he enjoys being in the hot seat. And after vanquishing Voldemort, managing fires is an easy part of the job. Until his scorching crush on his impeccably dressed fashion editor flares out of control, and he's forced to face actual fires.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed and @lastontheboat (T, 10k)
Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping.
Love, Actually, is All Around by @punk-rock-yuppie (T, 10k)
It's Christmastime, and Harry has just started as the new Minister of Magic. It just so happens that Draco works in his office as well, a holdover from Kingsley's tenure. Naturally, love is in the air.
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken (T, 12k)
What are the Wizarding world's most elite law enforcers doing when they aren't catching criminals? It seems Auror Malfoy is often caught throwing food into Auror Potter's mouth when he's mid-yawn. This story isn't about Draco throwing food at Harry. What it does have is: Undercover! Heists! Draco pining for Harry! Harry being oblivious, but also can't help noticing how good Draco smells! Banters and jokes! That's about it.
Crash (Into Me) by @sweet-s0rr0w (T, 14k)
Harry’s done plenty of ridiculous things for charity over the years, but Robards’ latest scheme really takes the biscuit. Or rather, the teacake. Good job Malfoy’s there to suffer alongside him this time, eh?
Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (M, 15k)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (T, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
Jumeaux by VivacissimoVoce (M, 19k)
Draco and Blaise own and operate a luxury spa resort together, and the Ministry's Auror department has scheduled a full service three-day retreat. Guess who's on the guest list?
Little Red Courgette by @blamebrampton (T, 31k)
When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by eidheann, firethesound (E, 36k)
After transferring to the Apparition Department, Harry's life becomes one big dick joke. And all his friends are arseholes. So is Malfoy, but what else is new? AKA Harry Potter and the eighteen twenty dicks.
Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu (E, 75k)
Aurors Potter and Malfoy crack the case.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
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siriusly-sapphic · 2 years
any of 1, 2, 19, 20 (they’re v similar so please feel free to answer them together/ pick whichever you want to answer!!)
Femslash Shipping Questions!
Thank you for these!! and omg this got a little more personal than I was expecting lmao here you go
1/2: What was the first time you encountered canon/fanon femslash? How old were you? How did it make you feel?
Canon wise, I was a Pretty Little Liars girly. I was SO in love with Emily Fields and her girlfriends, and 10/11 year old me was smitten. Even then, it never occurred to me to seek out more content online? I was reading PLL fanfiction, but it was all ezria (Ezra Fitz/Aria Montgomery, a teacher/student thing that I thought was so romantic). I didn't actually see much fan content around wlw except some background ships in the drarry fanfic I read. I took a step into femslash fandom when I added past Narcissa/Lily to my lucissa fics at.. 14? but never really engaged much with other wlw content bc it made me feel Weird (even though I identified as bi at the time and was fine with that, the internalised homophobia was Strong) and I hated lesbian headcanons for a long time... not a good time. Then around 17 or so I found Extinction by @rubikanon which got me into cissamione overnight, and I think that is really what jumpstarted my love for femslash as a fandom section?? But even then, it's taken a while from then until the time I started really writing femslash fic regularly.
I'm about to turn 22 now, and I love femslash fandom with all my heart. But I'd say it's honestly really been the last? two years? That I've also let myself enjoy that wholeheartedly without feeling icky or ashamed around it. It's been a blast.
19: Thoughts about lesbian tragedy and bad endings?
Okay so I know that as a general trend, they're bad. I know the history of them, and I do very much oppose the idea that in order to tell an interesting lesbian story, the lesbians gotta die and be miserable. I wish we had more content where we lived and weren't hidden away while married to men, you know, absolutely. In terms of mass media, 100%.
That said.
I love it.
I love tragedy, I love tear-jerk stories where people die and can't be together, I love forbidden love, I love stories with infidelity. I love it regardless of if it's femslash or not. I think here though, my condition is that I love these stories, if they're about queer women being miserable, I want them told by queer women. Let us indulge in the stories of our own suffering when it's not a condition for our stories to exist in the first place.
Yes, mass media telling us our stories are worth telling only if we die, terrible and should not be a thing, I hate it. But god do I love a good tragedy.
20: Thoughts about (purely fictional!) lesbian unhealthy relationships?
All in favour of this, honestly. A lot of the femslash I personally write is actually quite wholesome compared to other ships I write? And I think part of it is that I'm legit kinda scared to indulge in darker content with femslash bc it feels like there's this Thing around femslash that it's supposed to be cute and wholesome to offset the mean evil dyke stereotypes around wlw. The darkest I get between women is a consensual age gap, whereas with ships like Sirius/Narcissa, I love exploring how genuinely fucked up a relationship can be. I'm more hesitant to do that with femslash, even though there's plenty of ships it could work for.
I like to read darker femslash, though, and I love the authors providing us with it. Maybe one day I'll actually be comfortable enough to let my sapphic characters be less than good and sad-at-worst.
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mrs-amber · 3 years
Harry agreed to have sex with Draco once a month in order to keep him alive, what he didn’t agree to was Draco popping up all over the place and disrupting his life in more ways than one.
Rated: E, Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Words: 20,585
Veela!Draco and Harry is his mate, kind of angsty the whole time.I got a bit uncomfortable with their arrangement, but I don’t think the author meant it in a bad way, and it could also be me feeling bad by the time I read and having a biased experience, I don’t know. Still, I’m recommending this, so that means I think it’s good, right?
There are lots of angst from Draco’s part and Harry being a dick for most of the fic, but they come around it, and the last parts are VERY GOOD.
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Welp! Today is my birthday, and I’m another year older. It’s crazy to think about how much time has flown by since I joined fandom well over a decade and a half ago and how that has shaped me as a person. But hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way. My past self wouldn’t have thought I would still be making things to this day. But inspiration and motivation needs to come from somewhere, and it’s thanks to all of you lovely fandom folks for being the reason why I still make art, and why I started writing again! If it wasn’t for fandom, I have no idea where I would be. Fandom holds a very special place in my heart because it’s a community where I can be myself and feel at home. The support I’ve received on my many crazy initiatives, and each friendship I’ve made over the years have all been truly special. As a thank you, I’m presenting a throwback rec list of 22 Drarry and rare pairs fics dating back between 2003-2017. Each and every one of these have impacted me in some way, have pulled me through some really difficult times and/or I still love to reread to this day. Maybe these are ones y’all love too, or have yet to read. I’ve added some tags where applicable just in case, since not all of these have extensive AO3 tags. Don’t forget to give these authors some love by leaving kudos and/or comments! [If you do want to see more detailed rec posts for these fics, send the word by commenting or sending a request in my inbox!] Without further ado, here ya go and enjoy!
🧁 >>> Waters of March by geoviki (T, 21.6k, 2003)- Canon-Divergence, AU, Post-War, Order of the Phoenix, St. Mungo’s, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, brief mentions of Torture/Violence, London, Coffee Shops, Banter, Getting Together, Alternating PoVs
Summary: Voldemort's final victim resides with the other spell-damaged wizards in St. Mungo's Hospital.  Harry suffers survivor's guilt and finds an unusual beta.
🧁 >>> Tip of the Icing by megyal | @megyalwrites (M, 32.6k, 2007)- EWE, Post-war, Pre-DH, Fluff, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Magical AU, various OCs, Baking, Kid!fic, Past Relationships, Mentions of Past Affairs, Jealousy, Banter
Summary: Harry's successful cake/pastry career brings an old nemesis as a new client.
🧁 >>> Small Blessings by oldenuf2nb (M, 37k, 2009)- EWE, Post-war, Adopted Children, Found Family, Dad!Harry, Model!Draco, Pureblood Culture, Expectations, Attempted Kidnapping, Getting Together, Snogging, Humping, Falling in Love, Parenting, various OCs, Alternating PoVs
Summary: After the war, Harry opens an orphanage with the help of a surprising friend. When he adopts an infant left on his doorstep, he has no idea what fate has in store for him.
🧁 >>> Taste of Magic by Romaine | @romaine2424 (M, 10.1k, originally written in 2009)- Auror!Harry, Unspeakable!Draco, Banter, Goblet of Fire, Magic Vanishing, brief mentions of deaths, Drinking, Sex, Muggle World, Bittersweet, Light Angst, Hopeful Ending
Summary: As the world's atmosphere changes, magic starts to disappear.  Only a "lucky" few will stay in the magical world until the earth begins to heal.
🧁 >>> Symbiosis by fireflavored (E, 20.2k, 2009)- Post-war, 8th Year, Quidditch, Humour, UST, Flirting, Arrangements, Bullying, Prejudices, Wanking, BJs, Rimming, Sex, Christmas, Getting Together, Happy Ending
Summary: sym·bi·o·sis (sĩm'bē-ō'sĩs) n. Biology A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member.
🧁 >>> The Charm Conundrum by dysonrules (M, 8.3k, originally written in 2010)- 8th Year, Awkward Flirting, Humour, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Courting, Misunderstandings, Crushes, Idiots in Love, Jealousy, Banter, Teasing, Sneaking Around at Night, Sex, Happy Ending
Summary: Harry misplaces an interesting "self-help" manual. Draco finds it and discovers some fascinating insights into Harry Potter.
🧁 >>> Sæglópur by femmequixotic | @femmequixotic (M, 34.3k, 2011)- EWE, First Person PoV, Break-up, Affairs, Fuckbuddies, UST, Idiots in Love, Banter, Holiday, Travel, Old Magic, Iceland, Lack of Communication, Feelings, Banter, Public Sex, Jealousy, Meddling Friends, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Back Together
Summary: After a difficult breakup, Draco finds himself dragged to the land of magic, law, and natural wonders where, of course, nothing goes as planned.
🧁 >>> Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day by faithwood (E ,37.4k, 2012)- 8th Year, Mystery, Enemies to Lovers, Injuries, Felix Felicis, Temporary Memory Loss, Cuddling, Guilt, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Handjobs, Rimming, Feelings, Curses, Misunderstandings, Deception, Memory Potions, Happy Ending
Summary: Even though he's unarmed, injured, lost in the Forbidden Forest, and facing a possible murder charge, Draco Malfoy gets lucky.
🧁 >>> Phoenix Rising by tuesdaymidnight (M, 25.6k, 2013)- Post-war, EWE, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Permanent Injury, Music, Trauma, Prophecy, Divination, Muggle world, Holidays, Friendships with Gryffindors, past break-up, Feelings, Idiots in Love, Getting Back Together, Song!Fic
Summary: Twelve years after the war, Draco is a successful organ tuner living in London, but he is still burdened by the effects of the war. Dark magic left him with a crippled body and, he sometimes worries, an empty heart. By chance he spots Harry in Muggle London, and the old feelings he once had for him rush back. When mutual friends express concern about Harry, it prompts Draco to seek him out. Draco is surprised but intrigued by Harry's interest in prophecy and seers, and he finds himself falling for Harry all over again. The only problem is figuring out if Harry could possibly return his feelings.
🧁 >>> Falling Stars, Catching Lightning by daftfear | @13pawns​ (E, 6.6k, 2015)- Post-war, Magical Tattoos, Symbolism, Flirting, Lust, Banter, UST, Sex
Summary: Draco’s talent and skill as a tattoo artist are without equal, but when Potter comes in asking for a custom piece that’ll take several sessions to complete, Draco finds his abilities and professionalism tested.
🧁 >>> Solder by Oakstone730 (E, 34.5k, 2015)- more tags on AO3
Summary: Seven years ago, Harry disappeared out of Draco and Scorpius's life without a trace after Harry's addictions destroyed his and Draco's marriage. Now, Harry’s back, and Draco wants to believe he’s changed. But Harry isn’t the only one haunted by the past.
🧁 >>> (The Piece) I was Missing All Along by lauren3210 (E, 34.5k, 2015)- Post-war, Flashbacks, Best Friends, Feelings, Idiots in Love, Pining, Heartbreak, Sex, UST, Infidelity against an OC, Engagement, Wedding, Confessions, Meddling Friends, Jealousy, Denial, Confrontations, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Draco and Harry have been flatmates and best friends for years, and Draco thinks life is just perfect that way. But when something comes along and threatens to take all that away, Draco has to decide what it is he really wants, and just how hard he's going to work to get it.
Rare Pairs
🎂 >>> WAGs to Riches by nqdonne (Perciver, E, 8.8k, originally written in 2007)- Non-Magical AU, Reunions, Rugby, Offices, Wooing, Flirting, Getting Together, First Dates, BJs, Sex, Crushes, Fantasies, Humour, Puns
Summary: How the boy Percy had idly daydreamed about in school had ended up one of the country's top rugby players was something Percy left up to bad karma.
🎂 >>> What Pride Doesn’t Know by igrockspock (Perciver, G, 3.7k, 2012)- Getting Together, Coming Out, Canon-Compliant, Misunderstandings, Anxiety, Family, Apologies
Summary: How Percy Weasley came to dance with Oliver Wood at Ginny's wedding is a long story, and he may have forgotten to tell his family a few parts of it -- like how he's gay, and in a relationship with a man.
🎂 >>> A Root So Deep by wook77 (Deamus, E, 13.8k, 2012)- DH Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Roommates, mentions of other relationships/hook-ups, Separation, Travelling, Pining , Snogging, BJs, Sex, Miscommunication, Apologies, Getting Together, Falling in Love
Summary: There is an Irish proverb that states, "when the root is deep, there is no need to fear the wind". Seamus is about to learn how deep the root of his friendship with Dean truly is.
🎂 >>> Willing to Be Proved Wrong (Or, How Percy Weasley Fought the Magic of Christmas and Lost) by Eleos (Perciver, M, 5k, 2014)- HBP, Christimas Eve, Leaky Cauldron, Snogging, Reunions, Awkward Flirting, Conversations, Hook-up, Hopeful Ending
Summary: Percy Weasley didn’t believe in fate. He didn't believe in luck, destiny, or serendipity, and he certainly didn't believe in the magic of Christmas. A surprise encounter with Oliver Wood may just change his mind.
🎂 >>> you had time by mixtapestar | @mixtapestar (Perciver, E, 13.2k, 2015)- Post-war, Future-Fic, Reunions, Flashbacks, Friends to Lovers, Roommates, Friendship, Getting Together, Crushes, Misunderstandings, Light Angst, Snogging, Handjobs, Happy Ending
Summary:  Oliver isn’t quite sure what convinces him to go back to the Hog’s Head on the 4th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. He had never gone to any of the official celebrations that happened over the past few years, but he knows that Aberforth isn’t one for ceremony. Here he can have a quiet drink to commemorate lives lost and to celebrate what was won without anyone making a big show of things.    What he isn’t expecting is to run into Percy Weasley at the pub.
🎂 >>> Grazed Knees by montparnasse | @montpahrnah​ (Linny, T, 5.5k, 2015)- EWE, Post-war, Hogwarts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Snogging, Anxiety, Nightmares, Reassurances, Growing Up, Hopeful Ending
Summary: The war is over, except that it isn't, and Ginny is done fighting, except that she's not.
🎂 >>> A Little Like This by bansheee (Deamus, M, 5.5k, 2016)- more tags on AO3
Summary: “I wish there was a way to practice first,” Dean commented. “Y’know, before the real thing.” “We could,” Seamus said. “We could practice together.” Dean balked, and Seamus held up his hands. “No, no, hear me out,” Seamus’ cheeks flooded with red and Dean felt like his were just as hot. “Ya don’t want a girl to think you’re a shit snog, because she’ll go tell all the other girls, and then you’ll never get another one.” “But I’m not—” Dean lowered his voice. “You’re my best mate. My best guy mate. I’m not gay.”
🎂 >>> keeping count (losing count) by oliverwvvd | @oliverwvvd (Flintwood, T, 1.2k, 2017)- Kissing, Getting Together, Anxiety, Post-War, Confessions, Falling in Love
Summary: Marcus uses numbers to manage anxiety. He keeps count of their kisses. One day, he slips, and he says the number out loud.
🎂 >>> tied and true by slyther_ing | @mxrcusflint (Flintwood, M, 14.9k, 2017)- AU, Soulmates, Soulbond, Red String of Fate, Pureblood Culture, Expectations, Hogwarts, Enemies to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Feelings, Anxiety, Fear, Quidditch, Hogwarts, Lack of Communication, Misunderstandings, Confessions, Hopeful Ending
Summary: There are two routes of action.    Three, if he were really desperate, but Marcus doesn’t think anyone in history has ever successfully dissolved a soulmate thread before without dire consequences and he’s not willing to die over Oliver fucking Wood.
🎂 >>> Terms and Conditions by maraudersaffair | @maraudersaffair (Luna/Pansy/Ginny, E, 7.7k, 2017)- more tags on AO3
Summary: Pansy can't get over super fit Ginny Weasley. Too bad Weasley is now with Loony sodding Lovegood.
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drarryficrecs · 2 years
Hello! May I ask if you can find some secret relationship Drarry fics? They’re my absolute favourite! Bonne jour / nuit!
Sorry this has taken me sooo long to get to! Secret relationship fics for you:
● A Hard Story by MickeySLee. Rated Explicit, word count 294k.
That fateful meeting in Madam Malkin’s didn’t happen quite the same as remembered. When circumstances fall into place just so, the effect is almost always noticeable. The planets align, a butterfly flaps its wings, and reality takes a turn. In a universe where Draco was different, and Harry was different, they are different together. Forces oppose them at every turn, threatening to rip them apart despite the secret that pulls them together. But as those fortunate enough learn, love conquers all.
● Men Who Love Dragons Too Much by fencer_x. Rated Explicit.
‘Kill Albus Dumbledore’ is less a challenging task and more a suicide mission, so when Draco Malfoy is presented with the option to either dispatch his Headmaster or suffer an excruciating and most ignominious death of his own, along with his parents, he reaches deep into his black little Slytherin heart and manages to scrape together enough courage to go with option C instead: Spend Sixth Year secretly studying Animagecraft in the hopes he’ll turn into something sufficiently imposing even the Dark Lord himself won’t be able to keep Draco under his thumb. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter.
● Twist Of Fate by Oakstone730. Rated M, word count 300k.
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
● Make An Honest Man Out Of Me by manixzen. Rated M, word count 14k.
Harry and Draco weren’t sure how it had got so out of hand. At first, it was just a hook-up, a random encounter after meeting at a pub. No reason to tell their friends and families about that. And when it turned into dating and got a bit more serious than that? Well, who could blame them for stalling on breaking the news?
Or the five times Harry and Draco failed to come clean to their friends and the one time they didn’t.
● Hiding With The Silk Shirts by attackonomelas. Rated M, word count 5k.
Five years in a secret relationship is enough. Draco and Harry come to the realization that they have to come out.
● Up In The Air by dicta_contrion, kazuya22. Rated M, word count 8k.
When he's out in the sun, eye to eye with the treeline, Harry can barely remember why this thing with Draco was ever a secret in the first place.
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thebooktopus · 3 years
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@piarelei is such a delight. I've recently gotten to beta for him and getting to be witness to how his mind works is so entertaining. baz is an incredible writer and I'm happy to get to be part of his process.
he's part of the team that has created a safe space for trans people within the Harry Potter fandom with the Magical Trans blog and discord server, which is also where the trans comfort fest was hosted in late 2021. such important and meaningful work. 💙💖🤍💖💙
random superlatives and recs:
long-suffering Draco gets a happy ending: seven for a secret (never) to be told // E // 18K // Drarry // an accidental bonding that they take years to figure out.
werewolf WIP: Almost // WIP // E // Drarry // I may be biased as the beta of this work, but damn is it good. such an incredible, sensory approach to werewolves drarry. this more than any other fic I've read lately has made me feel like I'm intruding on something really private when I'm reading it.
the imagery fells me: Chrysalis // E // 3K // Drarry // shibari is one of my weaknesses in fic, but the way that baz uses it as a tool in this fic is absolutely incredible. such an incredibly romantic bit of smut. he uses the phrase "the weight of his love" at one point and that just summed it up beautifully.
on the road, together but not: The Virtues of Hygeine and the Binary of Labor // E // 10K // Drarry // heartbreaking and beautiful with a happy ending. this line broke me: "Draco holds his heart with both hands and refuses to call it anything but fucking." also for the record, I know nothing of the witcher and did not feel like i missed anything, so he's telling the truth when he says no prior knowledge needed.
baz, always looking forward to the next time I get to flail over your work. i hope you're having a great day. 💚
for more info on mutuals march and/or to figure out why the hell I just wrote an ode to you, check out this post.
a huge thank you to @anaxandria-writes for her mutuals march posts over the weekend while I was away - go check them out if you haven't yet!
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