#me and my friend were there and it would be like regular scheming and then paul dano would show up and the camera just zoomed in on him
haikyu-mp4 · 3 months
Congrats on the milestone I love your work😸.
Applying with Sakusa, I am organized and a problem solver
thank you very very much, love!! I'm happy to hire you<3
Human error
Sakusa is a regular and finally asks you out, for the now hiring! event
word count; 1087 – f!reader
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Every time you got to see Sakusa, the mysteriously handsome volleyball player was accompanied by one or more of his fellow jackals. Their training facilities just so happened to be around the corner from the cafe where you worked and you had recognised him from the posters one of the first times he stopped by.
Sakusa wasn’t sure he’d ever have a chance with you, but he told himself it was even less likely if his teammates were to get involved. No doubt, they would try to play Cupid and ruin his already slim chances as if the prospect of them knowing he had somewhat of a crush wasn’t already embarrassing enough. So he put some effort into little ‘schemes’ that would allow him to talk to you without them.
One time, he left his MSBY jacket on the counter after he picked up his coffee. As he and Hinata left the shop, he put on what he felt was quite the acting performance, telling Hinata “I left my jacket, you go ahead,” before turning around to do so.
He had walked right up to the counter and you perked up when you spotted him, pulling the jacket up from behind the bar in a neat bag. You always wore a mask at work, which he greatly appreciated, but you pulled it down for a second to smile at him after he took the bag from you with a brief ‘thank you’. “You’re lucky I know you jackals and your uniforms by now,” you teased. “Someone tried to tell me it was theirs after they saw you left it.”
“Lucky me,” he agreed, completely abandoning the whole script. Instead, he just bowed and walked away.
Let’s just say, most of his schemes didn’t work out. Human error, one might call it.
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Sakusa wouldn’t say he gave up, but he took some time trying to come up with a new plan to approach you. The next time he saw you, it was with the full squad of Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu alongside him. They were talking loudly, not even lowering their volume when they got inside, which made Sakusa look away from them in embarrassment.
But then you laughed. And it annoyed him so much because he loved that laugh, but he never got close to being the reason for it. There’s one guy in line in front of the four volleyball players, and Sakusa was trying to tune in to your conversation. By now, one or two of his friends had caught on to where his attention lay.
“Would you let me take you out sometime?”
What did that guy just ask you?
Sakusa loudly cleared his throat and didn’t even realise he was moving until he stood in front of you, eyebrows furrowed as he turned his attention to the apparent competition. “Are you done ordering? There’s a line back here.”
You glanced at Sakusa and huffed out another short laugh, then looked back at the guy who had asked you out. “Sorry, I’m not interested. Remind me, did you want whipped cream on that?”
After a deep breath and watching the rejected guy step away to wait for his coffee, Sakusa was happy to find your attention back on him but not as happy about the playful glint of your eyes, even though it suited you painfully well. “Hello there, Sakusa. The usual?”
After confirming with a shy nod, Sakusa looked over his shoulder hesitantly. Atsumu was covering his mouth with his hand to contain his commentary, Hinata gave him a thumbs up, and Bokuto looked happily at the menu boards hanging above them to decide what he wanted to try today.
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Sakusa could not believe his luck. Not only did he have to stay late at practice, meaning he couldn’t stop by your cafe before you closed as he planned, but his car also decided to give up on him and stay in the parking lot. He called the repair guy, who said he could be there in the morning, and Sakusa begrudgingly agreed before hanging up. Taking public transport home was not an option if he could avoid it.
Might as well start walking. He stared at his feet while walking to make sure he didn’t step on anything gross, but the slam of a door in front of him made his gaze sharply turn upwards. His feet stopped moving and he stared as you locked up the door.
Is this... destiny- no. Sakusa didn’t want to entertain such childish ideas, but at least it was an opportunity. He hesitated. Should he finally talk to you? None of the other volleyball players were there to snicker or make teasing comments and no other customers could rudely ask you out right in front of him.
You were closing up the shop and it had been a long day. Working at the cafe was amazing, but even you were susceptible to bad days. It didn’t help either that Sakusa hadn’t stopped by, so you did your hair all nice for nothing.
Speaking of the devil, you heard someone clear their throat behind you, making you startle and clutch your key like a weapon. When you saw those brown eyes, you calmed down slightly before tensing up again.
Your mind went back to earlier that day when Bokuto, Atsumu and Hinata had come into the cafe and the trio leaned their elbows on the counter.
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“Between us girls, what’s your type?” Atsumu had asked, followed by Hinata adding,
“We’re asking for a friend!”
“Who might be interested,” Atsumu continued after realising that Bokuto had gotten distracted and forgot his line.
“Someone might call him the silent dark type, do you like that?” Hinata added like Atsumu had told him earlier.
“A friend?” you asked, pulling up the top of your mask a little to hopefully hide your cheeks more. They looked at each other and smirked, not giving you a proper answer.
“Could I get a raspberry refresher?” Bokuto asked with his sweet smile, and you clicked your pen more times than necessary before finally getting back into what you were doing.
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Now, you looked at Sakusa and the blush seemed to be back. Your mask was hanging off one of your ears and you thought it might be too obvious if you put it back on now to hide it.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said.
Sakusa seemed to consider his words. “I was going to get something to eat. Would you join me?”
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
Aew reacts to you falling asleep in most random places or falling asleep on them
You can choose either one
Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader nick Wayne x fem
AEW STARS React to: You Falling Asleep in Random Places/On Them
Pairings: Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader, Nick Wayne x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 937
Supreme Speaks: hey yall, i'm keeping my promise. Hopefully this is the start of making up for lost time, sorry for being away. I miss writing tbh. But antiways, thanks for being patient. NOW BACK TO MY SCHEMES. Plz remember that you are loved and appriecated.
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Warnings: slightly proofread, failed comedy, GIFS AINT MINE AGAIN GIFS AINT MINE (rights are to the original creators)
Orange Cassidy (Random place):
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He’s not fazed
Homeboy is impressed that you can fall asleep anywhere
In fact, he joins you
He has seen you in every random place in the house
Bathroom, linen closet, the kitchen, and how you fell asleep on the steps of the porch??
He’ll never know
It’s a regular occurrence to play “Where’s Y/N?”
One time Trent and Kris came over and saw the two of you sleeping on the porch steps
He just left a sign beside y’all that said “come back later”
After your neighbor called the police for a wellness check
MJF (Random Place/On them):
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He thought you were joking when you said you can sleep anywhere
But was genuinely concerned about how you fell asleep in the laundry room
Makes fun of you on Twitter and uses your pictures to describe other people’s matches
If you fell asleep on him, he would melt
I think he would show off that his S/O is sleeping on him with a smirk
Would yell at someone for disturbing you and would blame the other person for you waking up
“No babe, it was Adam’s dumbass voice that woke you up, not me.”
Will bring you closer if you move in your sleep
But make no mistake, if his cat falls asleep on him, you’re sleeping on the floor
Hook (On them):
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I can see this man being stiff as a log when you fall asleep on him
Strokes your hair to keep you calm
Doesn’t eat chips for fear that they will awake you
He woke you up once…and that was enough for him
Only answer his friends if they’re asking yes or no questions (will only nod)
Drapes a blanket over you if you don’t have his hoodie on
Eventually, he will fall asleep with you
But he quickly moves to sleep next to you cause you a wild sleeper
One time you were boxing him in your sleep…and won…
Eddie Kingston (Random Place/On them):
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Mans would try out your random sleeping places before waking up and crawling back in the bed
“I don’t know how lil mama does it…that shit hurt.”
However, he made a ranking list and the best place is the dining room floor
Finds it funny yet very disciplining, might use it as a punishment for when he misses workout sessions
Will carry you to bed with him cause again….he aint doin that shit
When you fall asleep on him, he just becomes a big ole teddy bear
If he needs to argue or tell someone off, he’ll whisper yell
Will make sure that you are warm by wrapping his hoodie over you
Once you’re asleep, Eddie will never move you or himself
Ricky Starks (On them):
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I feel like as long as you don’t drool you’re fine
Or leave makeup on his shirt
If you do, you won’t hear anything about it until you wake up
“I love you babe, but next time, there will be a paper towel barrier.”
Tbh, depending on how tired he is, Ricky will fall asleep on top of you
I can see him just talking you to sleep per your request
Even after you fall asleep, Ricky still be talking cause why not
Like those above, he will scold people if they disturb you
Will put your phone on dnd
Kenny Omega (Random place/weird positions):
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At first, cause he couldn’t find you, he would be in distress
He would look in every single bedroom or cushion-based location
Would feel better once he finds you in the bathroom tub (cause he heard your snoring)
I think Kenny would catch on to your locations very quickly
But if you find a new one, he’ll add it to your location list
Knowing Kenny, he would make this into a bit on Being The Elite (BTE)
Like every time there is a fight or argument, you are seen sleeping in a weird position (like back twisting or somethin)
“Y/N sleeping so we have to fight in slo-mo”
Christian Cage (On them):
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He would feel so happy that you feel comfortable enough for you to fall asleep on him
Anytime you get sleepy, it doesn’t matter where you are, he will offer his shoulder or chest as a pillow
Places kisses on your forehead while your sleep
He moves a lot tho, not on purpose
But you quickly got use to it and would snuggle closer to him
Would use you sleeping as an excuse not to fight
“You better be lucky that Y/N is sleeping or I- wait, I don’t need to fight anyways. Luchasuarus, get him.”
Nick Wayne (Random place):
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I am 100 percent certain that this man is easily influenced
He will follow suit with your weird sleeping habits
If he sees you sleeping, he sleeping too so move over
Like Cassidy, he would actually like the random sleeping places
He would fall asleep anywhere
I feel like when’s he stressed, he would just sleep in a random place…even if he’s at work
Christian and Luchasuarus would be like where is Nick
And Nick would be asleep on a ladder
327 notes · View notes
1-helluva-hazbin · 5 months
Growing Pains
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Lucifer x Reader
Content warning: fluff, trust building, slow burn, building communication skills, self improvement, fast proofread (please excuse the errors)
Summary: Lucifer's attempt to bond with you, a newer resident of the hotel, spectacularly backfires. Unable to avoid Lucifer, with an impending sinister catalyst, necessitate a resolution forcing you to work through your avoidance tendencies.
Author Notes: This one shot is on the longer side. Let me know if you think I should have made it 2 chapters or if it works as it is. I also wanted to apologize for the day delay! Yesterday did not go as I had planned.
Word Count: 6183
Thank you for all the love and support you choose to give!
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Charlie and Vaggie were sitting and talking in the hotel lobby not too far off from you. Vaggie’s one arm, the one you could see, casually draped over the back of the couch. Her thumb stretched from its resting position, lightly caressing her partner as they talked. A minute affection Charlie didn’t seem to notice in her exuberant excitement. One you couldn’t help but focus on, completely ignoring the book you were looking over. You forced your attention back to the book momentarily before Charlie started laughing. The sound ripped your gaze from the pages back over to the loving couple. Charlie’s hand now on Vaggie’s arm. 
It made the skin on your arm prickle with goosebumps.
“My, my, my, weren’t you ever taught it’s rude to stare?” The accusation startled you from your fixation and you tilted your head to see Lucifer propped from beside you. One eyebrow skyrocketed nearly to his hairline while the over exaggerated smile on his lips seemed to pull painfully tight on his lips as he attempted to playfully exclaim, “It’s almost like you’re plotting something!”
His quip stung, intentionally or not. You had noticed since arriving his method of interacting with other sinners was usually to tease them about sinner-like things; violence, cannibalism, plotting against other people, their drug use. His favorite against you was that you were plotting a scheme, usually against Charlie. Everyone had been slightly wary of you upon your arrival. Charlie had sworn up and down that it would change. That since you always seemed so aloof and standoffish it was just unnerving for some people in the hotel. Including her dad who was trying, in his own way, to connect with all the sinners when he was around. He had a couple thousand years of prejudice to work through but, he was trying!
She had taken to coaching you at every interaction you had with her. Even Vaggie had jumped on board with her encouragement. If one of them said hello and asked how your day was, a simple ‘fine’ wouldn’t suffice. It didn’t encourage bonding! No, you had to elaborate. Tell them what you did that day. Did you learn anything new? What books are you reading? Share with them things about yourself! Ask how their day was. Reference something they previously told you. Have an actual conversation.
 As well intended as they were, it was exhausting. Having gone from almost solitary living for the last century or two -between working in a job where you were almost completely unbothered while living with a single roommate whom you could go days without speaking to- this was a complete 180 and utterly tiring. You didn’t uproot your life to make friends. You had come here to work on redeeming yourself. Get into heaven if it was possible. Which Charlie repeatedly told you included being friendlier, kind, thoughtful, and most importantly selfless. Even if you didn’t necessarily care about everything other people had to say, it was important to still allow them space to be themselves without judgment and make sure they felt heard. That is what would help get you into heaven!
You had noticed as time wore on, begrudgingly so, the tactics she had you practicing had been working. Several of the newer residents had loosened up around you and started conversing with you on a somewhat regular basis. During some of the group exercises where Charlie would tell people to pair up, they had come up to you and suggested you work together. It was just a skill you had let wither that you needed to redevelop. A plant you needed to relocate from shade to sun. 
Whatever analogy you needed to tell yourself you did to prevent yourself from giving up. You came here for redemption after all which meant something needed to change and maybe that was part of it. You wouldn’t have been cast to hell if you had gotten things right.
So as Lucifer loitered beside you, you tried to keep in mind you needed to be better and that this was his way of connecting like Charlie had said. Regardless of how it stung hearing it time and time again. This was just practice. More draining practice. “I’m not plotting anything sir.” you said, closing the book in your hands before setting it down to make sure he knew he had your attention. Now what though? 
You wracked your mind for what to say next. Charlie said to be honest with people. How do you explain to him why exactly you were staring? That you had started craving physical touch again since coming here. That after having gone years without  brushing against anything other than the books you worked with, that having Charlie clasp your hands when she was excited or Angel throwing an completely unwarranted arm over your shoulders when he wanted to use you as a prop for his dramatics, those simple actions had suddenly rekindled your human, well sinner, desire for contact. How pathetic would that make you look? How weak? Then to have been caught fixated on them, desperate to live vicariously momentarily.
“I was just…” you drawled. The idea of telling the truth set your face ablaze in embarrassment. You couldn’t bring yourself to say the truth. You looked over at the couple settling on your answer. “...admiring their relationship.” 
He openly laughed, playing along with his original story, “Mmmmhm. If you say so~~.”
A combination of frustration and disappointment washed over you. Completely incinerating any trace of the embarrassment you have felt over the real reason why you had been staring. Hearing him happily hum as he sauntered over to Charlie not believing an ounce of what you said regardless of your lack of ill will towards the princess. If he was only joking, why was it the same barb over and over? Why were you the one he continuously chose to make that specific joke with? It really didn’t feel like a joke anymore. 
You looked down at your book trying and failing to speedily process your emotions. You heaved yourself up turning to leave. Not wanting to exist in other people’s presence anymore. Too emotionally taxed.
Wrapped up in your own feelings and thoughts you missed Lucifer glancing back at you. You missed the jarred skip of his step as he caught sight of the haggard expression during your momentary unmasking. You missed the fact he stopped walking all together as you slipped from the room.
You quickly found shelter in the sanctity of your room. Recharging the rest of the evening cocooned in the fuzziest blankets you had, that you made sure always smelled of orange and cinnamon, buried in the book you had just gotten. As the evening slipped into night though, you slipped from your room and made your way down the hall needing a small break from the confines of your quarters before heading to sleep. Because despite your exhaustion, you enjoyed a little fresh air before bed.
Living on the second to top floor had its downsides; like being closer to Alastor’s studio or hiking up the seemingly endless number of stairs. You personally felt it had more perks though. One of the best upsides being a small balcony with a cafe styled table and chairs. Later in the evening when a good number of the residents had either retired to their room for the evening or were still out partying, there was a blissful window of time where there was little risk of running into some else. So you would make your way to the balcony and sit looking out over the city.
Disconnected but present.
You pulled one of the chairs next to the railing so the back of the seat was at a 90 degree angle to the railing. Plopping yourself down, you perched yourself in the seat with both feet up. One arm rested on the railing so as you leaned forward, your belly pressing into your legs, your chin and cheek resting on your arm rather than the cool metal. A few adjustments here and there quickly remedied any qualms your body had with the positioning and finally you were nestled in. The final signal of settling a small decompressing huff.
The usual sights and sounds greeted you. Your eyes scanning for any changes or immediate drama to observe from your box seat above the masses. Angel Dust and Husk walking away from the hotel caught your eye. Angel talking with his whole body as Husk just shook his head in amusement. Angel suddenly buckled over laughing before reaching out to place a hand on Husk’s shoulder to steady himself.
The skin on your shoulder prickled and you involuntarily shiver. You look away from them too little too late. The ache for contact instantaneously tearing at you from the inside. The arm wrapped around yourself tightened in a futile attempt to ease the ache, already knowing from experience it wouldn’t work. You buried your face in your arms contemplating just going back to your room to lose yourself in the book that had occupied your warring mind earlier.
A click sounded from behind you making your head shoot up to see a bashful appearing Lucifer holding the door open. He gave a lopsided grin, gingerly pointing to the second seat, “Do you… mind if I join you?” 
You blinked a couple of times, staring at him. Immediately wary of his presence. The lingering silence dragged on, making him shuffle anxiously before you gave permission with a curt nod. You directed your attention back out towards the city despite being hyper aware of him.
A quivering laugh slipped from his lips as he stepped out a little too close for your liking, admittedly the size of the balcony was intended to be intimate, and closed the door behind him as he sat down in the seat across from you. He immediately stretched out, slipping his legs through the railings, putting one elbow on the table between the two of you. “Not a bad view from up here. If you ignore most of the gun shots and ‘fuck you’s’ it can be pretty enjoyable.” He shot a sideways glance over to feel out your reaction at his attempted small talk.
“Yeah it is.”
 The city sounds echoed between the two of you. Distant conversations filling the void that the two beings right there were unable, or unwilling, to fill. He nervously laughed, his fingers drumming on the table. You looked over to him this time. Seeing his eyes flittering from object to object unable to choose 1 thing to look at.
Quickly, his drumming fingers started to grate against your already worn nerves and tired mind. Unable to bare whatever this was any further, you attempted to excuse yourself as you started to stand. “It’s late. I’m heading to-”
“No! Wait! Wait!” he sat up from his faux relaxed pose holding out both hands. “Just… hold on.” he breathed out yet another quivering laugh, the panic shining brightly in his eyes as you bore into him with yours. 
He took a deep breath. He looked away, mentally giving himself a small pep talk before he looked back. “I wanted to talk. About earlier.”
“I’m tired….” you admit as you stood there looking down at him. His nervous grin and hopeful eyes making your resolve to run buckle. “What about earlier?” you ask, easing back into your seat placing both hands of your clasped on the table.
“Thank you.” he said before beginning to explain. “When you were leaving the lobby,” he specified, making a circle motion with one of his hands, “you looked, well, upset.”
“I looked upset.” you repeated.
He slowly nodded. His next words said slowly and carefully, “I was… wondering if it was something I did? Or said?” he paused before further clarifying, “I wanted you to tell me why.”
You scoffed. Perhaps it was the unroofing of a metaphorical wound his joke had made. Perhaps because you were tired. It could have also been a combination or something completely unrelated. Regardless, you were unable to hold back the venomous sarcasm that slipped from you, “Well I can’t imagine why.” Lucifer’s eyes widened, the reaction only egging you on. “It’s like constantly being judged for something you didn’t and wouldn’t do isn’t upsetting.”
Lucifer stared blankly, “What?” 
“Oh you’re plotting against Charlie I see?” your voice lowered in a pathetic attempt to mimic the king. “How many times did you think you’d get away with making the same joke before I realized you clearly meant it? That you’re genuinely suspicious I’m out to hurt Charlie?”
“I didn’t-”
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not out to get her? I like Charlie! She’s kind! She’s thoughtful! Yeah she’s irritatingly persistent but, she needs to be.”
You had started to dig your nails into your own clasped hands in your flurry of emotions unable to reign them in. You took a breath, realizing you needed to step away from this conversation. You stood up just as Lucifer found his voice. “I never meant for it to be an accusation. It was meant to be a joke.” You felt your emotions spike again, your jaw clenching, as he continued, “I saw you staring at them an-”
“Because I’m TOUCH STARVED!” the words were out of your mouth before you could consider what you were saying, “I saw them giving one another affection and was just so envious! I just stared! I didn’t mean to, I-” You glanced up to him to  find a look of confusion, twisting with what you interpreted as disgust, on Lucifer’s face that made your train of thought grind to a halt to reevaluate why his expression was so. Your mind finally processing your admission. “I just…” A hand slowly lifted to lightly cover your mouth, your eyes widening.
“What now?” he asked, the confusion deepening in the expression of his face. A raised eyebrow. A lopsided frown. The slight tilt of his head.
Your face started burning, chest tightening. It instantly became hard to breathe. Panic. You were panicking at the vulnerability you had just bared. Anger melded with embarrassment in the midst of your anxiety. You bristled, launching into an unneeded defense. “You know what, I don’t need to fucking explain myself to you.” You turned, throwing the door to the balcony open, practically running back to your room. Anything he might have said behind you drowned out by your panicked thoughts.
A sleepless night followed. Unable to calm your mind, it ran in circles in your head; justification of your outburst, realizing you completely blew it all out of proportion, getting angry that you had allowed such a vulnerability to air so freely, fear of what Lucifer might do with the information or who he might tell, embarrassment at being so weak, anger at the conversation having happened, before feeling defensive again to repeating the looping train of thought. As the day’s light started to breach the veil of night, only then did you finally slip into unconsciousness utterly spent. 
The next few days were spent dodging Lucifer which was relatively easy since you were simultaneously also attempting to fix your wrecked sleep schedule.  When you were going to sessions though, you did your best to preemptively vacate any areas when you heard Lucifer approaching or avoided areas you knew he would be in. The change in behavior had mostly been easy to truthfully explain to Charlie as well when you boiled down the scenario into the simplest of terms. You had gotten upset about something and had ended up not sleeping well. While she of course wanted to know the whole situation to help you navigate it in any way she could, she was respectful, admittedly a little pouty, when you said it was something you weren’t ready to talk about. Not having to lie to her made you feel a little better since you missed quite a few of her group exercises. 
While many of the residents didn’t care or hadn’t found the change to be too out of place, when paired with your explanation, it didn’t slip the careful eye of Alastor. The first day it had seemed to catch his attention but, by the second day he had taken a keen interest in your antics. When you would try to slip out before Lucifer would come into a room, he would stop you to talk about your participation in the session. Once he told you Charlie wanted to speak with you and then took you into a room where Lucifer and Charlie were talking, only for him to have misheard Charlie’s request. While he framed his actions as innocent and well intended, you had never seen the grin on Alastor’s face as wide as it was. It was unnerving. 
By the fourth day, you weren’t just paranoid about running into Lucifer. Alastor’s newest hobby had seemed to become tormenting you and his questions and conversations had become probing. Feeling out cracks in your story. At one point he had even told you he was all ears for any issues you might have with other residents or guests. 
Having lived through his rise to power, you knew there was no good to come from exposing yourself to such a machiavellian individual. You wouldn’t put it past him to worm a deal out of anyone, even as lowly you. An expendable pawn was still a piece to play and he was one to look at the bigger picture. 
At that point, you garnered enough gumption to face Lucifer. You couldn’t risk getting caught under Alastor’s thumb and the idea of him knowing you were touch starved and how that could be held against you igniting a spike of anxiety. You knew Lucifer and Alastor were not on good terms but, the idea of word getting to Alastor was distressing. You loathed the idea of facing Lucifer but you needed to ensure your blunder remained under wraps. This was for self preservation at this point.
Towards the end of the day, you sequestered yourself to your room to prepare; plan key points you wanted to discuss, how you wanted to phrase things, etc. You knew you couldn't lose your head again, considering how the prior incend had led to the current circumstances. After an hour or so though, you felt ready. 
You made your way to the top floor, taking extra precautions to avoid running into Alastor potentially heading to his studio. Once certain Alastor was not loitering about or following you, you made your way down the hallway towards Lucifer's room. You focused on your breathing as you trekked the hall. Attempting to quell your anxiety and slow your racing heart, to no avail. By the time you reached his door, your pulse was thrumming in your ears and you were certain he would be able to hear it too.
You stood before his door paralyzed. Both hands clenched at your side. Unable to stop the tremble that plagued them. Your eyes locked onto the perfect white presetine door as if trying to bore holes through it. Your breathing uneven. All the words you had practiced having evaporated from your head as you made your way there.
This was a mistake.
You pivot. Hurriedly, retreating.
Halfway back towards the stairs your eyes register Alastor's studio door and the terror that drove you to the point resurface. You halted. Your hands flew to your head in a silent temper tantrum as your mind raced to determine what would be the lesser evil. A sense of urgency gnawing at you considering you were standing dead center in the hallway of a barren floor.
What was worse; not knowing if Lucifer might reveal what you had said, accidentally or intentionally, with everyone including Alastor potentially finding out or turning around and confronting Lucifer?
The first concern was all just a possibility though wasn't it? There was no guarantee that it would happen. Talking to Lucifer wouldn't guarantee that he wouldn't spill your secret either. You let out a soft, maniacal sounding laugh as you took a step forward only to stop again. A possibility that would weigh on you for weeks to months leading to you lurking around the hotel, as you had been, haunting the place. Harrowed by the uncertainty at every turn.
"FFFUuuuucccckkk..." you groaned softly. Your palms sliding down your forehead pressing into your eyes. You needed to confront Lucifer. The realization making your stomach churn. You couldn't continue dodging him and you couldn't outrun the fear. You turned resting your back against the wall, your hands on your knees as you bent over mentally recollecting yourself. You went through what you had gone over before in your room. Reminding yourself of the key points. 
You sighed and brought your palms to your eyes again. Slowly breathed out. Pulling your hands from your eyes, you launched off the wall propelling you back towards Lucifer's room. The momentum only lasting a few steps before freezing again. 
"Heeeey, as entertaining as this pantomiming is, and it's a great performance, I would appreciate getting access to my room sometime tonight."
Your face blanched as a shiver slipped down your spine. You slowly turned to see Lucifer standing behind you. Both hands perched on the apple of his cane and a practiced smile on his lips. One eyebrow raised, almost lost beneath the rim of his hat, as he watched you tentatively turn towards him.
Instantly you straightened yourself and stepped aside. "Good evening." your voice was dry and hoarse. 
"Yup. Good evening." he chirped back, unmoving. Your eyes were locked onto a spot on the floor, your mind utterly blank. As the seconds drew on, his smile tensed as he nervously waited for you to do...something? His fingers drummed on his cane. "Well... if the performance is over I'll be heading to my room. Have a good night!" He looked away awkwardly and started on his way.
A quick glance at his back got the gears in your brain working. What were you doing? He was right there. You were screwing it up. "Wait...wait! Lucifer…" It was soft, but loud enough for him to hear. He slowed and turned looking back. 
"I..." Your eyes meeting made you want to run. The idea of having this conversation replusing you. You pushed off the wall and walked over towards him, fighting the urge to flee. "Are you free? I-...I would like to apologize and talk. About the other day?" Your face felt flushed.
Lucifer shuffled and gently smiled which was unnerving. It was a smile you had only ever seen reserved for Charlie and Vaggie. "Don't you think it's rather late? It would be a little unproductive if we had a repeat of last time."
The comment struck a nerve considering it was earlier in the day than when he had approached you. It must have shown on your face as his smile dropped paired with your response. "That's fine. We can talk tomorrow."
"Unless, you're not tired?" he asked, putting his nervous smile back on and laughing anxiously, "We could have a cup of tea this time. Chamomile perhaps?"
You hesitated but, then nodded. "That would be nice."
He nodded, as he started towards his room onto the spin around. "Ah! You're comfortable talking in my room right? I wouldn't want to make an assumption! We could certainly talk on the balcony again if you prefer!" 
"Uh, somewhere private is preferred so your room is fine." You respond bluntly, his nervous energy deflating. He nodded once more, his grip on his cane as tight as a vice. 
The two of you made your way to his room; him leading with you trailing after. His room was surprisingly clean though you couldn't help but notice a small work area over to the left of the door with two piles of perhaps 50 or so rubber ducks. He had noticed your gaze and eagerly redirected you over towards the windows where he had a little cushioned bench seat perched below. As you settled into the seat, Lucifer got two tea cups ready with a snap of his fingers.
He carried them over to you with practiced care and gingerly handed one off to you before he sat down as well. You took the cup, admiring the beautiful and intricate abstract design on it, before lightly blowing on it and taking a sip. 
"Sooooo..." he drawled, having quickly taken a sip from his cup as well, "before you start, there is something I wanted to bring up if that's alright." Your eyes flick to his, his expression a mask utilizing his usual smile. You nod, making sure he saw before he proceeded,"I need you to explain to me what you meant by 'touch staved'."
You gawked at him. You hadn’t heard what you thought you just heard. “What?”
Lucifer blinked before looking a little frantic and blurting out, “I know what it means! Of course I know what it means. I’m the king of hell. I’m not so wildly out of touch that I don’t!” he laughed looking out the window before taking a sip of his tea, “I’ve also heard it can mean different things to different people. So I want to know what it means. To you! I want to know what it means to you.”
He finally looked back to you taking another sip of his tea, already halfway through his small porcelain cup. Meanwhile, you felt like you were short circuiting sitting across from him. Not only had you spent the last few days fretting and dodging the angel, worrying that he would tell people what you said, but now he was asking you to spell it out for him. Was he….messing with you? You studied him before he gave you a toothy grin coyly purred out, “So?”
It didn’t seem like he was messing with you. Something like this was more Angel Dust’s style of teasing. You mimic Lucifer by taking a sip of your tea for a slight delay. You carefully set the teacup down on the windowsill next to you and place your hands in your lap. “I need you to promise me you’ll never tell anyone.”
“And why would I do that?” He asked. He was messing with you now though you were in no mood for it.
You narrowed your eyes at him and stated as matter of factly as you could despite wanting to spit venom defensively, “I’m not untouchable like you. We’re in HELL. Anything and everything can be used against you by the wrong people. I can’t end up having someone use anything I say here against me.” 
His facade softened and his smile dropped into a frown. He brought the teacup up to his lips and muttered something into the chamomile. “No one is  untouchable…”
You heard him say something but, hadn't been able to make it out so you remained quiet.
“I promise to never tell another soul.” he finally sighed.
“On Charlie’s life?” you asked, knowing he could still share what was said as there was no magic binding him. You needed to know just how serious he was though and Charlie was usually a good indicator. His eyes flashed red and they narrowed at you. You held firm, keeping eye contact and straightening your spine.
“On my life. No reason to bring Charlie into this.” he leaned back, his eyes fading back to their normal golden hue.
You hesitated to accept but relented with a nod. Knowing you had to accept the compromise he offered but, you did feel satisfied that he wouldn’t share what was said. You started thinking about where to begin. As you contemplated, you felt your face heat in embarrassment. He watched, patiently biding his time as he lightly tapped the rim of his teacup with a claw topping it off with more tea.
“For me…” you looked him, locking eyes. The embarrassment clawing through you. The intensity making you panic. Your eyes darted away. Finding a spot on the floor to stare at again so you could think with even a fraction more clarity. “For me it means I… I …miss…touch.”
You glanced up to him, to see the sight raise of an eyebrow. Your mind started churning with worst case scenarios and suddenly your face burned hotter. You looked away again.
“Not sexual!” The words spit out, not wanting any uncomfortable undertones to the conversation. “It’s just… simple touch. Like hugging. Lightly having someone put their hand on my shoulder. Even just bumping into people. Any sort of skin contact makes me want more and afterwards that’s all I want. It takes days for that to calm down and since being here… that’s usually around the time something else happens. It’s a never ending cycle.”
He listened, his face remaining neutral as you spoke and he remained silent for a beat after you finished. You rubbed your arm. Between talking about the topic and your nerves, there was a compulsion to do something with your hands. He broke the silence, “The other day when we had our…falling out, you had been watching Charlie and Vaggie because you saw them touching one another? That is why you mentioned being envious?”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you took a breath in an attempt to calm yourself.
He smiled. His fingers rubbing the edge of his teacup as he gazed into it. He knew those feelings all too well. “That…makes sense.” You open your eyes to look at him, noticing the look on his face. He noticed your movement and looked up to you, giving a lopsided smile.
Lilith had been absent for 7 years.
Your eyes widened at the possibility and dared to pose the question, “You too?”
Lucifer stiffened a moment, took a breath and nodded. “Yes. Even I have those days.”
He took a sip of his tea and looked out the window. You picked yours back up and mimicked his action.
“I’m sorry…” you said after a few minutes of what you felt was relatively comfortable silence. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you the other day. It wasn’t fair. I was tired and already feeling…exposed? Hmm…sensitive is probably a better word…”
“Regardless, I knew I was tired. I should have asked to shelve the conversation once I realized it wasn’t something I couldn’t handle right then and there. I’m also sorry for not actually hearing you out once you started since I didn’t ask to stop. I’d like to try discussing it again if you’re willing.”
You spoke while looking out the window. Seeing him shift his attention to you from your peripherals you keep your eyes trained to elsewhere. After you finished, you turned slightly to look at him from the corner of your eye.
The conversation that followed supplied far better results than the last. He clarified how all of his barbs had been an attempt to be playful since he didn’t know you well but, understood how hearing it over and over had manifested as a passive aggressive accusation on your end. You apologized for having taken it that way and not properly addressed the issue before it started to fester as anger. The compromising being he wouldl stop trying to interact with you in that way with the caveat being if he slipped up or tried something new that you didn’t appreciate, you would address it before resentment could build.
At the end, the both of you  sat on the bench sipping the last of your tea looking out at the city. At some point, Lucifer had opened one of the windows. A light caress of warm wind slipped in scattering goosebumps up your arms despite it not being cold and you brought a hand up to rub them, hoping they rescinded quickly.
Lucifer’s eyes slid to the motion. “So how long has it been since you had, I guess, consistent contact with someone?” 
You blinked, thinking about it. “A couple decades.”
“Decades?” he gasped out. He realized just how loud he had been and he coughed with a smile to cover up his reaction. “I mean. Decades. That’s… awhile.”
“Yeah, well…” uncertain on if he was genuinely surprised at the length of time or found it underwhelming and was being sarcastic, you weren’t entirely sure what to make of his reaction. “Most sinners don’t bother with libraries. The hellborn who do, don’t want to interact with a sinner and avoided me, opting for one of the other hellborns working. So I got left alone most of the time.”
You shrugged your shoulders and turned your attention back out the window. Thinking about it now, it hadn’t bothered you then. You suppose you might have just been ignoring that downside though. It had always been easy to check yourself out emotionally and just get through what needed to be done. Not contemplating what you wanted or what could be. Only focused on what was.
“Has…” you start and then stop, wondering if you should ask. You glance over to him seeing he hadn’t redirected his attention to you. “How long has it been for you?”
“Consistently?” he asked as he pondered the question he had posed to you. “A decade? Maybe a little longer. Lilith and I…” his eyes roamed down to his ring. “We had more downs than ups well before she left but I still got some affection in between when we had a good stretch.
A sad tone had seeped into his voice. He gently rubbed the ring with his middle finger, a sense of melancholy filling the room. You watched. Never having had an extended relationship with someone before, you couldn't pretend to imagine the feelings that lingered. You took a breath and then scooted over on the bench seat pulling him from his thoughts. You extended an open hand to him. He stared. He hesitated before slowly reaching out, his decision wavering for a split second before he placed his hand in yours. 
You gently took hold of his hand and looked back out the window. He was far warmer than you had expected him to be. His skin soft. You sighed softly feeling far less unsettled by the sensation than you had thought, regardless of how intimate the action could be seen. It was mindless for you as your thumb began to lightly caress the back of his hand. Lucifer fidgeted next to you, though he didn’t retract his hand.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you sat there. The sounds of the city echoing off the walls of his room with hell’s consistent warm breeze enveloping the two of you in wave after wave. Each of you basking in the warmth of the other, no matter how little it was. It wasn’t until you noticed Lucifer starting to nod off that you smiled and squeezed his hand.
His eyes fluttered open to find you looking at him with a bemused smile. The softest you had looked at him to date. “You’re tired.” 
“I’m not.” he mumbled, a well timed yawn slipping from his lips. You raised a brow with his response being a ‘tsk’ noise.
You slowly, reluctantly, pull your hand from his before pushing yourself to a stand. A stretch had a few of your joints popping. “Would be an awful idea to fall asleep like that.” 
He stood next to you with a noncommittal hum. As you reached for your cup and saucer, a snap of his fingers dispensed of both his and yours. You nod at him before you look over towards the door and then back to him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. That kind of magic is thoughtless to me.” he said, misinterpreting your meaning.
“I meant for talking things over and spending your evening with me.” 
He burbled out a laugh. “Oh well don’t mention that either. Literally. Don’t mention this to anyone. I have a reputation to uphold. King of hell and all.” he grinned at you with his characteristic saccharine smile.
“An exchange of secrets then?” You asked, entertaining a little bit of his playfulness. 
“Ah, still worried about me spilling the beans?” he asked, walking you to the door. “An exchange then. I won’t share yours if you don’t share mine.”
“Deal.” The response was quick and sharp. He opened the door and you stepped through the threshold, pausing and turning around. “Thank you again. I… enjoyed this. Most of this anyway.”
“My pleasure.” his hand did several circle motions as he performed a mock half bow. 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. “Goodnight Lucifer.” you say beginning to head off before you add, “Let me know if you would like to do something like this again. A tea time or something. I’ll make sure to keep it drama free.”
He grinned leaning against his door frame. “I’d enjoy that.”
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empressdede · 4 months
Me, U & Jealousy - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
This story is written in both past and present. Italics is the past and regular font is written in the present.
Chapter Two
“Girl c’mon, just think about how fun it’ll be. You can’t seriously expect me to believe you don’t want to go to our first high school party!” Jada had been trying to convince Sorai for the whole day to accept Britney’s invitation to her party that was taking place the upcoming weekend.
It wasn’t that Sorai didn’t want to go, she just wasn’t dumb. If Sorai’s there then her four unwanted bodyguards would be as well. It wouldn’t be a good night if they went because she knew they would do everything in their power to keep her away from any action.
“Jada, if I go then the ‘big brothers’ gone try to go and I already know how that’s gonna end. Me in the corner sipping on juice, while they get to be the life of the party.” Sorai stressed rolling her eyes.
“Just tell your parents your sleeping over at my house. That way their parents won’t suspect anything. C’mon Rai, Cameron said he was going for you.” Jada continued, she was gonna pull all the stops to persuade her friend to come to this party.
Sorai rolled her eyes. “Fine. We’ll go. But you can’t tell nobody I’m going. I’m serious Jada, those boys are so irritating.”
“Who’s irritating?” Josh asked as he busted in her room. Sorai let out a sigh of feigned annoyance.
“You and yo crew. You won’t ever give me a break.”
Even though the boys were too over protective over her, she did love them as if they were her own brothers…. Well almost all of ‘em were like a brother to her anyways.
“We just looking out for you Rai, all these lil boys are the same. They only want one thing and they gone have to see me before they get try to get it.” Joshua stated with a shrug because he was serious. Nobody was going to take her innocence if he could help it.
“Aye man they gone have to see us Uce.” Jon echoed as he walked in with a couple boxes of pizza. His youngest brother following through.
“Did y’all really have to ‘watch’ Sorai while her parents are out for the night? She’s 16, you know?” Jada asked sarcastically but this was how it was every other week.
Sorai’s parents would go out for the night and have the Fatu brothers watch her to make sure she was safe. And at first, it was cool to have other people to hang out with seeing as Sorai was an only child. But as time progressed, Sorai wanted to be treated like a grown up.
“Sefa’s the same age as me and they still want him to play babysitter for me.” Sorai explained with an eye roll to her best friend.
“Awe, don’t be too upset Sorai. Everyone knows I’m way more mature than you. That’s why I have to watch over you.” Joseph replied back in a teasing manner
“Aye man, we ain’t come here to hear allat. Let’s just enjoy movie night and when your parents come back we’ll be on our way.” Jonathan cut our banter short.
That was the plan, it was always the plan. Movie night in my room, and all of us passing out due to the itis. But after Jada passed out the older brothers hopped up.
“Aye man, Joe just sent us an invite. I guess Kiara got a couple friends at her crib and her parents ain’t home.”
“What you just gone leave me here by myself?” Sorai asked with a raised eyebrow and Jon shrugged.
“Sefa can watch you till we get back.” Jon suggested
Sorai rolled her eyes as she watched the older brothers leave. Boys are so stupid. She thought you herself.
The room fell quiet, the only sound heard in the room were Jada’s soft snores and the TV playing the movie Friday the 13th. Jada had fell asleep on Sorai’s bed and Sorai and Joseph were still sitting on the air mattress on the floor while they watched the movie in silence.
“You know I heard of the scheme you and Jada were trying to come up with." Joseph had spoke into the quiet room.
Sorai felt herself freeze at the revelation. Damn, she really couldn’t do nothing with these boys around.
"What scheme?"
"The one where you lie to your parents about sleeping over at Jada’s house so that you can go make out with Cameron at Aaliyah’s house party."
Sorai let out a defeated sigh. She wasn’t going to continue to play dumb with him if he obviously knew what she planned to do.
“So what… you gonna snitch on me now?”
Joseph let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t say all that. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go to the party.”
Sorai rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that because of Cameron. He actually likes me ya know?”
“Sure. And Lemme guess, your smitten with him too huh?” He asked teasingly.
“I’m still going. You guys can’t keep everyone away from me. How can I ever expect to gain any kind of experience if you guys shun everyone interested in me away?”
“Experience? And just what kind of experience-“
“Not like that!” She had hissed at him. She didn’t understand why he was giving her such a hard time. It wasn’t like he didn’t have any experience. His on and off girlfriend made sure the whole world knew that.
“You’re the one going on about experience.” Joseph replied, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
“So Monica can tell the whole world you blowing her back out, but I can’t even experience what could be my first kiss with the guy that I really like? How is that fair Sefa?” Sorai asked, a small pout forming on her lips.
He rolled his eyes. “Okay Rai, I’ll let you go to this party on a couple conditions.”
“A couple conditions?” She repeated with confusion.
Joseph nodded his head at her. “1. I gotta talk to Cameron before the party. This is non negotiable and 2. I’ll come with you to the party. I’ll make sure my older brothers don’t come so that you can have fun with your friend. Deal?”
Sorai flashed a smile at him and nodded her head in agreement.
As annoying as Joseph and his older brothers were, Sorai really did appreciate them always looking out for her. And even though she never said it out loud, Sefa was her guy best friend. He’d look out for her on behalf of his brothers but sometimes he would help her indulge in whatever she wanted to do…. Sometimes.
“Can you at least promise to try to like him Sefa?”
“Sure.” He agreed with a a monotone.
“How come I gotta like Monica but you won’t even try with Cameron? I don’t even like the bitch.” Sorai stressed.
Joseph let out a sigh of annoyance. “I’m not even seeing her anymore. And plus, you don’t like Monica because she didn’t want us to be so close.”
“That’s not the point Sefa.”
“Alright, Alright. I’ll try to give him a chance.” He finally agreed but they both knew he only agreed for the sake of the conversation.
She just hoped Cameron didn’t scare easy. She also hoped that Sefa would take it easy on him because she really liked him and she just wanted to know what it was like to have a boyfriend.
The two friends let a comfortable silence fill the room as they paid attention to the movie playing on the screen.
When the twins had returned, they found everyone sleeping. Jada on Sorai’s bed softly snoring away and on the floor Sorai and Joseph on his designated air mattress fast asleep.
“So,” Kayla started as soon as we were out of earshot. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” She asked teasingly.
Sorai let out a small sigh. “Our parents are best friends. So even though I am an only child, those boys are the brothers I never wanted to have.” She briefly explains.
“Oh I didn’t know they played big brother to a sister.” Kayla replied fully intrigued, the amusement still apparent on her face.
Sorai shrugged and didn’t elaborate any further. She didn’t really want to talk about the people she haven’t seen in five years. Five fuckin years, and while it did hurt her feelings in the past, she’s completely over it now.
“Hey Kayla, what’s up?” A voice called out from down the hallway.
Both girls turned around to find one of the wrestlers, Cody Rhodes, walking towards their direction.
Sorai’s interest peaked. Finally, something to look forward too. She thought to herself as she let her eyes trail over the male figure that stood over six feet.
“Hey Cody. Nothing, just showing my new colleague around. It’s her first day.” Kayla stated with a smile.
She watched as Cody smiled back at her, Sorai’s eyebrow raised, oh?
“Whenever your free, come by my locker room. I got a couple of things I wanna go over with you.” He then turned to Sorai and flashed her a welcoming smile. “Welcome, I hope Kayla’s not giving you too much trouble.”
“No, not at all. She’s been an absolute treasure to be around.” Sorai complimented.
Cody let out a small chuckle, turning his gaze back to the women beside her. “That she is.” He agreed.
Interesting. Sorai thought to herself. “Yes, Well… it was a pleasure to meet you Cody. Hopefully we’ll be able to work with each other soon.”
“You too…uh?” He trailed off once he realized he never got her name.
“Sorai.” She answered
“Right. Well, welcome to the company Sorai. See you later Kayla.” Cody bid his goodbyes before walking down the hall.
Sorai smiled as she turned to face Kayla who was watching the man leave, nibbling on her bottom lip as she did.
“So,” she started, teasingly; Kayla turning to her, slightly red in the face. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” Sorai asked, flipping the question back on Kayla.
Kayla rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. “There’s no history. I think he’s cute but I think he’s only playing with me.”
“Playing?” Sorai repeated almost mockingly. The two girls continued their journey down the hall.
“Kayla, he stared at you the entire time, it was almost like I didn’t exist.”
Kayla shrugged again. It was clear she didn’t really want to talk about whatever was going on between them.
Sorai guessed it had to do with lack of confidence so she decided she would advise her on one thing.
“Well I’ll tell you what. If you want to know how he feels about you, mention something you like. An event or something and be sad that your going alone, If he tells you ‘that’s tough, you’ll find someone’ then he’s not interested. But if he suggests that he goes with you, then he definitely likes you.”
“He could be suggesting that just to be nice ya know?”
“No man, is that nice unless they like you. Trust me.”
Kayla raised her eyebrow at her in question, “And this has worked on you before?”
“Every single time.” Sorai assured
Kayla flashed her a thankful smile, nodding her head as she took the advice. Maybe working here won’t be so bad if I can already play matchmaker. Sorai though to herself.
The silence between the two was a comfortable one as Kayla led Sorai wherever they had to go next. Both girls lost in their thoughts for two completely different reasons.
It wasn’t until they stopped in front of a door who’s name read Roman Reigns, that Sorai realized where Kayla was taking her. She rolled her eyes.
“Can’t you take me to my new office instead?” Sorai asked, but it was too late. Kayla had already knocked on the door.
“I would love to, but 1. I have a feeling if I didn’t bring you, they would’ve hounded me down for it and 2. I have a new theory that I would love to test out.”
Jonathan opened the door and shouted a greeting towards Sorai.
“Bring her to my office when you guys are done. I got something I gotta do real quick, so I’m trusting you guy can keep her occupied until I’m done?”
Jon threw his arm around Sorai’s shoulder, bringing her into a side hug. “We haven’t seen our lil sis in a cool five years Kayla, if she not back in yo office by the time you get there, you can come find her here.”
Kayla nodded her head and shared a look with Sorai before walking down the hallway to look for a certain superstar.
And if Sorai was a hatin’ ass bitch she would’ve hated Kayla for leaving her with these boys like this. But, she wasn’t. She knew what it felt like to want someone so bad that they yearned to be close almost every single second. But damn did she owe her one.
Sorai let Jon pull her into the locker room to face the men who broke her heart from leaving, five years ago.
𝚂𝚘, 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛? 𝙸 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝 🙂🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @skyesthebomb @christinabae @leighla3 @whatdoeseverybodywant @harmshake
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call-me-strega · 1 year
How to Become a Step-Dad: Lore
Edited: 10/16/2023
While I am currently in between writing chapters I thought I’d release a little bit of the lore that will be incorporated in the story or that I think is canon but might not get mentioned since the story is mostly Jason’s perspective.
What’s up with Jason?
So in this au Jason went through basically all his canon backstory and stuff already so that’s established and done with. Some smaller points that may or may not come up are things like his possession of the all-blades, his time on Nanda Parbat, Talia essentially adopting him, or his experience being Catatonic. Speaking of which, I have decided his resurrection came from his righteous anger combining with the ectoplasm in Gotham’s atmosphere, and he is essentially a revenant for the purposes of this story (he’s about a fourth ghost? Or maybe 3/4ths? 3/5ths? Idk yet).
He does already have a reputation in the Infinite Realms as “The Avenger” and “Son/Knight of Gotham” due both to the existence of city spirit Lady Gotham and the ghosts of people who’ve died in Gotham. He actually has a rabid fan club who want him to kill the Joker( if he became a ghost he’d be tried and banished to the nightmare realm).
I am also going to use “the pits are corrupted ectoplasm” trope in the story. However, they’re gonna be corrupted less in the sense of being straight-up poison and more in the sense of eating a weird mushroom with weird side effects (rage, slightly sentient/vocal core, white trauma streak)
As for his relationship with the Bat Family, we’ve moved to a point where everyone’s more or less made up. For Jason and Bruce specifically, they are now more civil. Their relationship is less “ What you’re doing is wrong and you have to stop.” vs “ I’m just doing what you won’t” and now it’s more “ I don’t fully approve of your decisions, but as long as you’re not killing people and coming home for dinner, I don’t care enough to nag you about it” vs “ You’re my dad and I love you. Plus actively killing people is no longer super necessary so I will give in but I still enjoy pissing you off”.
In terms of sibling relationships, Jason has like the cool older brother vibe but he’s actually the semi-responsible one that feeds you when you come over and makes you do homework and sleep properly. He’s still down for shenanigans but is low-key a mom friend. (Dick is not the “responsible one” he is a certified chaos gremlin. Not to say he can’t be responsible, he’s just not the one enforcing these things. He cares more about your social, emotional, and/or, mental state and would help you skip school to steal a penguin or go to ComiCon or smth if you said it was a “mental health day”). I think he has semi-regular hangouts with his siblings on a weekly basis.
I like to think that he and Damien did have a bit of interaction when they were both with the League so they do have a close bond there. He’s definitely apologized to Tim a bunch of times and they’re pretty close now they like scheming together, especially on how to annoy Bruce. Overall he’s largely made up and re-integrated with the family. It’s going to be mentioned later in the story that they resurrected his civilian identity as Jason Todd, so he can publicly be seen with his family and also to do work with the family.
This brings me to my next point of lore: that as Jason gains more control of Crime Alley, he focuses his efforts more into charity work. He’s helping the people get their education, get better access to healthcare, get better job opportunities, running soup kitchens, etc., and doing more humanitarian-focused work. He has got a pretty firm grip on crime and drugs so he’s shifting his focus more towards helping the people now. Even just being part of his gang can be helpful because he works with the Goonion (Goon Union) and offers good insurance plans and stuff. That’s part of the reason they resurrect his civilian identity is so that he can start working with/taking over the Wayne foundation.
What’s up with Danny and Ellie?
Okay so first things first in the story Danny is going to be the ghost prince (not king yet for a long while) and he acts as a junior member on the Council of Ancients who rule with Clockwork acting as his main regent. Meaning that Council + Danny make decisions and Clockwork is Danny’s ghost dad and is formal regent but mostly just handles things with help from the council. Essentially, after at least a couple thousand years Danny will be considered “of age” or eligible and take over the Infinite Realms; and after several billion he’ll become the ancient of space/reality and essentially become a god or primordial being of sorts. Also being of age is different than being an adult ghost. To be an adult ghost you need to have been a ghost for at least 20 years after your lifetime, unless you’re an eternal kid ghost like Youngblood or BoxLunch. So ghosts like Technus, the Box Ghost, and Lunch Lady are all adult ghosts. Whereas ghosts like Johnny 13, Kitty and maybe Ember either aren’t yet adult ghosts or became adult ghosts recently. Ellie ranks as princess and second-in-line, she’ll go through a similar process and eventually join the Council, become a diplomat, and/or rule as regent if/when Danny leaves the Ghost Zone. I’m gonna say all other afterlife’s and stuff are connected to the Zone and their respective leaders make up Phantom’s Court. (So basically he’s king and they are like the nobles). They all govern their own territories and Phantom handles any rouges or conflicts. When Ellie gets older she’ll move between realms on diplomatic missions to lighten some of Danny’s work. I haven’t decided what this means for anyone who is currently mortal and/or liminal. I might just have them live, fulfilling lives and pass away and move on to different afterlives. Or I might have them take places within the Phantom’s court or as advisors. And on the topic: Jazz, the Fenton parents, Sam, and Tucker are all fairly liminal, Jazz and the Dr.s Fenton a bit more than the other two. Everyone in Amity has a little bit of liminality, but not enough to affect their life spans or anything. Also, Vlad is still currently his usual, creepy, Frootloopy-self. But after screwing him over in this fic eventually, I want to have him arrested by the ghost police and spend several thousand years in ghost prison before he gets let out. Then he works on improving his relationships and post-redemption he’s going to be like that annoying, overbearing Uncle who tries to be cool and annoys you but ya don’t hate him. Another thing I wanted to go over is their obsessions. I wanna say the halfas all have dual obsessions bc it fits nicely with the half-and-half concept. Danny is protection and space. Ellie is freedom and family. Vlad is power and love. If I include Dark Danny he’ll be power and destruction and a reformed version would have control and safety.
As for his rouge gallery? Danny is able to help them find healthier outlets for their obsessions so they've become less of an issue. Now they kind of just act like Danny's annoying friends and/or extended family. The ones who were straight-up evil though are on indefinite time out in ghost prison though (e.g. Spectra and Freakshow). The gang still comes to visit him and Ellie from time to time though and he regularly sees them when he goes back to the realms for prince duties and stuff.
What’s up with Amity?
So after he turns 18, Danny decides to tell his parents about being Phantom. He’s legally an adult now and has been working toward getting emancipated anyways so he might as well. They took it like how I imagine slightly homophobic parents would react to learning their child was lgbt (side note: the Fentons are pro-lgbt. When Danny told them he was bi Jack said “Me too son!”, happy to have something to bond over). He tells them about the portal and becoming Phantom. They believe him and they are devastated and guilty.
In the next few weeks, they get into a couple arguments over them wanting to “fix” his ghost half. He blows up and tells them that by doing that they’d end up killing him and that Phantom is a part of who he is and they’ll just have to accept that. That night Danny leaves and with help from Sam stays in an apartment with Jazz near her college. He takes a two-year gap to get a handle of Infinite Realms and GIW stuff, plus doing a few small jobs to save up some money. Within that time the GIW gets taken down and the Fentons reach out bc their love for their children is stronger than their dislike of ghosts. Their relationship is still strained but getting better.
Dani also gets de-aged during that time and Danny decides to take care of her (partly for healing purposes and partly cause he wants to). His friends help forge documentation for her and he fights with Vlad over custody but ultimately wins and makes him pay child support. He’s saved up enough money and with a little help from Sam and Vlad gets an apartment in Gotham. He got a scholarship and is doing mostly online classes at Gotham University. He’s currently working part-time (I have not decided as what but I’m leaning toward mechanic). Vlad paid to have him enroll Ellie in Gotham Academy so she wouldn’t have to go to public school and Danny allowed it since it’d get her a better education. Ellie is going to start first grade in about 3 months since they moved to Gotham in June. (Just for reference, Damian is currently 12 and in seventh grade since I've decided not to move him up.)
Everyone in Amity knows about the discord between the Fenton's before Danny leaves. They don't necessarily know about Phantom though. Everyone kind of assumes Danny came out, fought with his parents then left. When some of them find out about Ellie another rumor circulates she was the topic of the fight. Regardless, the Fenton drama is kinda an open secret and most people sympathize with Danny. Whenever he comes back to town to visit a lot of people are really nice to him and Ellie, which he thought was weird until he learned what people thought was going on. Now he just takes advantage of their misunderstandings.
What's up with the GIW?
The GIW manages to get a hold of Ellie after Danny leaves Amity. When Vlad and Danny +Team Phantom find out they team up to rescue her. Danny also recruits people that he's met during his time away. For this mission, he recruits Constantine and Captain Marvel/Shazam. When the Fentons find out they want in too, almost as an apology gesture. They no longer want to try and "fix" Danny and are okay with Ellie's existence. They view her like family and want to help out. A lot of their views are still prejudiced but they're getting better, however, that's not the only thing straining their relationship. This is a step in the right direction though.
So they go in and infiltrate first in order to get Ellie out. Then they destroy the facilities behind them as they leave. Constantine and Captain Marvel then go back to the JL to work on getting to Anti-Ecto Acts repealed, something that is still in progress during the beginning of this fic. That's why they are gonna lay low while they’re in Gotham. The GIW attempted to experiment on Ellie while they had her but the containment unit they used destabilized her ectoplasm. She retains all her memory but is mentally and physically de-aged. Frostbite assesses her and says she needs to get extra ecto and to be near another halfa aura to help develop and stabilize her own systems. That leads to Vlad and Danny fighting over custody before Danny inevitably beats Vlad into the ground and walks away with custody and child support.
I think a full reveal about identities will happen after Danny gets confirmation that his existence is no longer illegal. It'll probably be after Jason asks him out but before he accepts because he wants Jason to know what he's getting into. Jason will probably be shocked but accept it relatively quickly. I haven't decided yet if I want him to live a mortal life with them and then die (either to move on or become a full ghost) or if I want him to be basically immortal like them and give him a position in the court.
~~~~ Find chapter one here
Chapter 2 now here
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whumpshaped · 9 months
anon asked:
A villain that's being tortured by the hero, because the hero thinks they had something to do with the death of their teammate. But villain didn't have anything to do, it was all supervillains plan, but hero doesn't listen to them. Even if they beg, scream, or plead, the hero doesn't... doesn't behave like a hero. Where did all that mercy go?
tw death mention, murder mention, interrogation (sort of), torture, burns, revenge (directed at the wrong person)
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Villain screamed, tears streaming down their face from the utter agony Hero had put them through so far; and which they showed no signs of stopping. “I had nothing to do with it! Do you think I even know all your dumb fucking friends? Do you think I spend my day hunting them down? I barely care about you!”
Hero didn’t seem fazed. They didn’t even seem angry, really, and that was the scariest part. They seemed cold and detached, devoid of all the good parts of their public persona. All Villain was left with was everything else, the things Hero cleverly dressed up in flourish and respectable morals: brutal efficiency, a calculating mind, and the terrifying ability to pinpoint others’ weaknesses. 
They would’ve made a vicious villain, a fact Villain liked to taunt them with every now and then. Hero always came back with some ridiculous monologue about how all the wealth in the world was nothing compared to the worthy cause of helping others. Villain really, really wished they’d launch into a monologue like that right about now.
“Say, does fire hurt you at all?” Hero asked instead, unfeeling eyes boring into their soul. “I know it doesn’t kill you. Does it hurt?” 
“Hero, listen to me. I’m not the one you fucking want! You’re torturing the wrong guy! Do you not care about it at all? Are you just torturing me for the sake of it? Because if so, maybe we’re on the same fucking team!”
Hero didn’t answer. They grabbed a lighter from the table next to them and put it right under Villain’s chin, and they couldn’t do anything except crane their head to get as far away from it as possible. “I suppose it does, yeah? You wouldn’t be squirming so much if it didn’t.”
“Please!” they blurted out, their angry facade crumbling under the threat of third degree burns. “Please, I’m telling the truth! I had nothing to do with it! I don’t know who did it! I would tell you, I swear I would! Hell, I can help you hunt them down, just listen to me! You’re supposed to be the good guy! You’re supposed to be just!” Their voice was getting more and more desperate, and while they weren’t proud of it, they wouldn’t be proud of several burn scars on their face and neck either. At least the memory would fade away.
Hero flicked the little thing on, and the flame started licking at the sensitive skin of their throat. They could withstand the heat better than regular people, but they couldn’t take it forever — an inhuman scream was eventually ripped from their chest as it became too much, too painful, too hot. Hero didn’t seem to care. They continued dragging the lighter along their jawline, grabbing them by the hair to steady them when they started thrashing too much.
By the end of it, Villain was a sobbing mess, unable to even let their head hang. It hurt too much. It was ironic, the fact that they’d be forced to walk around with their head held high, because putting it down would be all too painful. 
“It wasn’t just when I lost my friend to your little scheme.” Hero tossed the lighter back onto the table. Some of their anger was seeping through their words, now, and Villain would’ve grovelled and apologised at the sound of it, had they been the one responsible for the murder.
When they saw Hero grab the can of gasoline, they decided it didn’t matter whether they were responsible. “It wasn’t! It was unfair, and I’m sorry! I– Do you want me to say it was me? What do you want? What do you want from me? Even if I was responsible, what would this change? I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do to help you, but I’ll– I’ll do anything! I’ll be a spy, I’ll be a fucking rat, I’ll help you catch whoever did it! I’ll stop with my little schemes! Please!”
None of their pleas were heard. Hero completely doused them, not caring whether the liquid would make the previous burns worse. Villain supposed it didn’t matter, not when they were about to do something so much worse. 
They coughed and sputtered and tried to get the disgusting taste out of their mouth at least, but they couldn’t get it off their face enough to open their eyes and see what was going on. In the end, they didn’t have to. They could hear it very clearly when Hero lit a match.
And the rest? The rest they could feel.
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astralm00ns · 8 months
WXS CYBER AU (my takes on it)
feel free to use these au ideas with credit! (if you decide to please tag me i’d love to see)
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SHIBUYA, TOKYO | CYBER UTOPIA - 20XX. shibuya, tokyo, for the most part, has remained one of the most bustling and important parts of society as a whole. it’s many products, businesses, and overall heavy advancement in technology have made it a staple in the world, especially those looking for business partners. it’s technology has absolutely exceeded many, turning it into a cyber utopia.
though, what hides is the corruption underneath all of this cool tech and beautiful cityscape. crime is a regular, mostly by rogues who want to fight against businesses, who have turned creativity and art into nothing but a huge money making scheme. the higher ups always consider rogues as criminals, as they would prefer siding with the people who would give them money.
rogues for the most part, spread around their creativity without the form of payment, without needing to think of it as a cash grab. also engaging in fights and crime for the sake of defending art over fame. rogues typically act late at night, since ordinary folks are typically distracted by the cityscape and flashy products being shoved right into their faces. while they fight, they do have good intentions. merely wanting to put a stop to cash and fame grabbing scenes, and return to art being a form of expression.
companies released these power hungry robots to combat rogues. selling them in mass, disguising them as “protectors.” it’s gotten to a point where these robots have taken over a huge portion of shibuya, and it’s starting to become a major problem to the cityscape.
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a vigilante who works alone in the shadows, though also once a well known figure in local parts. thanks to his past of showing off the inventions he made.
in his youth, his inventions were ADORED. absolutely loved by people, and that made him happy and all that. he wanted to keep making more such things since it’s something he really likes doing
though as he got older, he noticed people trying to buy his inventions off of him, saying how he’ll make it big and that he won’t ever need to worry about living his life the way he does anymore. and it gets consistent too. like, REALLY consistent these offers, when rui’s just really trying to enjoy making inventions for enjoyment and artistry. he doesn’t ever want to see his inventions as products that can be sold.
it starts infuriating rui since he thinks that these rich companies just want to get his inventions in their hands to make a quick buck, and it gets him really pissy and shit. so he stops showing off his works, keeping it private and only showcasing it to people he trusts. only works he does show off publicly are the ones he uses when it comes to combat, like his drones.
rui wants to find others like him. others who have seen through the minds of these other companies who are supposed to focus on art, not actually doing so and instead using it as a way to go viral and get money. he is a firm believer in using art to express, not to sell. he’s typically either working on inventions or out fighting, though alone most of the time. occasionally going out to combat with nene, a childhood friend of his. also since she’s really the only person he knows now that he still trusts a lot (prior to meeting emukasa)
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a well known rogue, at least around other rogues. he keeps himself undercover when not in public, but he goes full out flashy when engaging in combat. tenma tsukasa style and all that idk. he buys his tech, especially his combat ones, from other rogues, mostly to help them out. also to put it to good use. when it comes to being out in the city, he’s mostly hidden. watching over the cityscape overtop buildings and planning, or walking about scramble crossing. he really can’t deny that despite the amount of advertisements being shoved everywhere, all the lights do make up for a beautiful looking area.
tsukasa was often seen doing play battles as a kid, especially with little abandoned robots he had found laying around in parks or other public spots. taking them home to keep playing with them. his little friends that kept him entertained while his sister, saki, was in the hospital. he gave some of these robots to her so she could also have someone with her. tsukasa often prioritized going whenever his parents gave him the opportunity, doing anything with those little robots to make her happy. tsukasa then started going out more as he got older, starting to see rogues doing their thing. he believed it was one of the most amazing things he ever saw, and agreeing fully on their motives. he remembered saki talking to him once about them before, but never would’ve have believed he would see some in action. he wanted to do just that to make saki happy. once he was of age, he became a rogue himself. though forgetting his original motive, wanting to climb ranks, he moved up extremely quickly. now being one of the top rogues out there. both to his amazing ability handling tech and physical combat, his lack of identity in public too.
he met rui while taking down some robots. his ass was getting whooped by some robots, but rui found him, going in and dealing them off. tsukasa thanks rui for the saving and decides to ask him about his inventions, mostly since they caught his eye. something he’s never seen before. after rui explained to tsukasa that he made all of them all on his own, tsukasa was immediately taken back and impressed. he offered rui to join him, in which he was first denied. mostly since rui still had trust issues at that moment. eventually the pair kept running into each other, until finally rui gave in, seeing what this “oh so great tsukasa” truly had potential for. proving to be a great partner in combat.
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a not so active rogue, mostly spending her time in arcades. either for fun or for tournaments. though she does manage to get herself to go out whenever rui decides to ask her to. while she doesn’t go out as much as rui at all, she certainly knows her stuff. especially with robo-nene, a robot rui made specifically for her as a friend. also so that way she had someone to play games with. nene over time requested features for robo-nene, and now she often uses her as some sort of side kick when fighting other robots. thanks to robo-nene’s analyzing, it allows nene to act fast and prove to be a very strong opponent, whether it be human or AI she’s fighting.
she typically avoided being flashy and showy, mostly since she didn’t want to bring any attention towards her. mostly for safety reasons. she prefers keeping herself much more secluded, especially since it makes everything easier. it’s been like that since she was little, only exception being when she was with rui. often being shy and not really talking to people. she started fighting after rui introduced her to it, seeing it as a good way to bond with rui again after growing a little distant. often going on little side missions just to keep her busy, though she did eventually find enjoyment out of it. often thinking about it like playing a game. where the objective was to destroy as many robots as possible. she and rui complemented each other really well with each other’s fighting styles, the pair always working well the few times they fought together. though for the most part she fought alone with just robo-nene.
it was through combat where she tsukasa, seeing him do his thing. at first she felt second-hand embarrassment at how extra tsukasa was acting when talking about himself, at least before seeing him whoop ass. she couldn’t help but be impressed, then deciding to occasionally watch him fight. until eventually he noticed her, introducing himself and inviting her to join him. she decides to, occasionally fighting with tsukasa now as well. nene decides it’s best not to tell rui about him yet, just to be safe. besides, rui would eventually catch a guy like him anyways, considering how easy that man would be to spot. she met emu in an arcade tournament. watching her talk to one of the players about plans. then occasionally running into each other in rogue safe spaces. she came to grew an appreciation towards her after seeing her contributions towards rogues, despite not even being one at all.
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her family owns OTORECH, one of THE most largest businesses in shibuya. they sell out a whole bunch of devices in mass, ones that supposedly are supposed to make things easier for people. emu, being an otori, knows what goes on behind the scenes. she often overheard her brothers and father discussing their sales, and how they only keep trying to come up with more products to make even more. emu believes the money her family makes could go out to other people rather than blowing it on even more products, but her proposals never end up getting to her family. 
what emu does instead is give insight for rogues. she delivers information about OTORECH and other companies they have partnered with, mostly to allow them to plan ahead of time which areas they need to deal with in terms of savage robots. she never asks for anything in exchange, other than the ability to either watch or help fight said robots. rogues have come to respect her a lot, always looking forward to what she has to bring. in turn she also keeps the rogue’s plans as secrets, that way they won’t be caught. enjoying delaying some of her brother’s plans so rogues could do what they need to do much quicker. she’s very skilled in using weapons way larger than her size, carrying them with ease and also using them to beat down robots. always wanting to go on combat missions solely because of how much she enjoys them. she’s hoping that one day she can be the one running her father’s business, that way she can put a stop to all the unbelievably pricey items her dad and her brothers decided to put out.
tsukasa was the one that introduced emu to rui. nene had already known her for a bit from the few times she encountered her at the arcade or at some vacant places with robots, but it was her first time meeting rui. emu was quick to like rui’s presence, not really hearing much about lone vigilantes, let alone ones with all of their gadgets being self-made. also trying to see behind rui’s serious exterior. she and tsukasa both then decide to take rui out to fight. eventually nene joins as well, the four of them forming their own small coalition with one another. each using their own unique skill sets to take down robots much easier, for the sake of bringing back art in its purest form.
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watcherthrowaway · 5 months
also one real post about this and like, plenty of ink has been spilt on how disconnected watcher entertainment seems to be from its fans but i think the missing piece here is how disconnected watcher is from the rest of youtube. when the catastrophe hit i went to all my terminally online friends, the same way i did after the hbomberguy james somerton video, or after the ned fulmer fiasco, or the creepshowart scandal etc, or every time jenny nicholson dropped a new evermore video, including the ones behind the $2 patreon paywall we all gladly pay for, and for the first time...
no one knew who i was talking about.
these are not insulated people. these are people i can trust to have at least name recognition of almost any youtuber i mention. they know downtherabbithole and strangeaeons and cjthex and kappakaiju and miniminuteman773 and kazrowe and somemorenews etc etc etc
so when i put in the group chat, with no context, 'he wasnt even on cribs' or 'we have no cats kathleen' or 'only humble pagan commune schemes' or whatever, i usually do so with great trust that at least half the group will know what im on about.
this time, crickets.
i backpedaled a little and pulled up the 'ive connected them' meme and the fuzzy blue professor, and i got nothing at all. the only recognition i got was when someone belatedly realized that he had seen the goatman video when it dropped (although he had no idea that they had their own company now), and another person remembered that they had offered to collab with danny gonzalez, a youtuber with twice the subscribers
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because she had checked back to see if danny went ghost hunting again, and lost interest because he hadnt.
i also brought it up in my dedicated buzzfeed unsolved group chat but ummmmm i am the only one in that group still watching ever since the shift to watcher oops
the only splash they had made in my again, TERMINALLY ONLINE friend group that watches hours and hours of youtube a day was a buzzfeed video seven years ago, and when they had failed to collab with someone more famous than them. i found myself in the unusual position of having to explain the situation to a bunch of dirty internet gremlins, all of whom heard the whole story and said 'why would they do that'
not 'why would they do that to their fans' but 'why would they do that as youtubers'
even aside from the moneygrubbing, we watcher stans were confused about why they tried to offer us a service we didn't need or want, and i think it obscured the confusion on why they thought it was a good idea at all, when so many other models were available to them. why werent they using their patreon like other youtubers? why weren't they collaborating with other youtubers? why weren't they putting out regular, lower quality content like other youtubers? if they wanted higher quality content, why weren't they partnering with nebula, like lindsay ellis, or netflix, like bo burnham. why didn't they run their ideas past someone like the green brothers, who have jumpstarted scishow and many other similar projects successfully, and are famously good to work with/consult with? why would they try to pull a roosterteeth? don't they know what happened?
and i think the answer is no. i think they just don't know those things. and they didnt bother to check, because they think all those things are beneath them. because they think corporate content is the only worthwhile kind there is.
why else would they think they have to have an office building, keep dozens of people on staff, buy expensive cameras, and build a streaming platform? why do they only collaborate with actors and singers who have corporate entertainment approval? why are they reinventing the wheel on buzzfeed when thousands of youtubers build perfectly stable careers with a mic and a camera, and sometimes hire an editor?
i guess my takeaway from this is that, at least they didnt break my heart as a fan entirely because they fundamentally misunderstood me. they did it, at least in part, because they do not understand how youtube works, or what part they play in it.
they dont understand how people use youtube. it is not a cinematic event worthy of the big tv, it is line goes up playing in the background for the 400th time as i wash my face and put my laundry away.
that is why they spent months and months planning this without ever noticing it was a bad idea, while millions of youtube viewers knew instantly. thats why they didn't start with a more moderate solution, why they never used their patreon properly, why they cared so much about the production value, why they thought a youtube audience, any audience at all, would jump at the chance to leave youtube.
bc youtube as a creator sucks, and we all know that, but youtube as a viewer is extremely comfortable. all i ask of youtube is to be mildly interesting in the background while i do other stuff. it is filler. some of the filler is extremely good, yes, but there is no room or reason in my life to give more of my money and attention to my filler, let alone to get a bigger screen for it.
and honestly, this is why i and others stayed on with the ghoul boys even though their quality dropped. because it's filler. im not even looking at the screen you apparently spent 100k on. im flipping my eggs. im washing my hair. im waiting for the bus with my headphones in and my phone in my pocket. thank you for being my background music. in return i will sit through your ads and push your view counter up by one. i may even hit the like button by accident bc my phone is in my pocket.
this is not to say i dont enjoy my filler. i would absolutely die without it. but it is not and never will be exchanged for the instances when i make popcorn in The Big Bowl and turn on a Real Movie on the Big Screen (my old laptop that is 15 whole inches) with my phone turned over so nothing can distract me.
my filler can't be my movie, and vice versa. nor should it be. but watcher doesnt understand that, apparently. they think youtube is cruelly preventing them from being netflix, and they think we want netflix, and they don't understand that, even with that half-assed apology that they didn't explain their dream correctly and they are jsut so destitute they had to take extreme measures after they went to europe 6 too many times...
there is a fundamental misunderstanding about how people use youtube , both as creators and as consumers. they didn't just misunderstand their fanbase. they continue to misunderstand the entire ecosystem. idk guys. maybe you should have learned something from those youtubers that you apparently think you are too good for.
and as for me, welp. i've booted people from my filler line-up for less. and there are soooooooooooooo many other fish in the sea, and they are not asking me to pay them 27 corporation salaries from my own pocket. they are asking for me to bump their view counter up by one.
goodbye boys. i really hope you find a way to fulfill yourselves artistically or whatever. but you have burned this particular bridge, like. forever. and i don't think i'm the only one who feels that way.
and not because i dont support people getting a living wage, you guilt-tripping vultures, or because i dont believe in following dreams and wishing on stars and whatnot.
but because i prefer to consume content from people who know what they're doing, and i simply no longer trust that includes you.
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soelstress · 5 days
A Shot Of You
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x female!reader
Summary: Your new work uniform attracts unwanted attention from a stranger...
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI , nsfw , explicit sex/smut, p in v sex , unprotected sex , sex in an alley , some language , a little violence (not towards the reader)
A/N 1 - This is one of two submissions for @mercurial-chuckles Smutty September Fest. Thank you for doing this challenge, it's been fun playing around with the prompts.
A/N 2 - Prompts - Asked a friend to pick up to five prompts for me... of course I was given five so two stories it is 🙈 11) quickie where you don’t take any clothes off, just tug and pull and expose the essentials 15) jealous sex in the alleyway behind the bar 19) getting turned on by their partner’s new uniform for work and then roleplaying a bit
A/N 3 - the “Angel Shot” is a reference to a scheme in the UK known as Ask For Angela. Please check it out and remember to be safe out there lovelies!
A/N 4 - This is my first post on Tumblr. Please let me know if I've missed a warning, knowing me it's more than likely. Hope you all enjoy ☺️
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“Hey, what’s taking so long?”
You smothered a laugh at your boyfriend’s petulant whine. “Be patient, Lloyd!” When he grumbled you couldn’t help giggling. Patience was not a word to describe Lloyd Hansen… except when it came to you. Hired by the CIA as an independent agent, Lloyd was previously a loose cannon with physical tendencies and a short temper. His former handler had once said they preferred him effective instead of stable… which spoke volumes considering they knew how effective he could be. Since becoming involved with you, he had become less impulsive and aggressive. But something that never changed was the fact that Lloyd was fiercely protective… and very egotistical.
Shaking your head, you checked your appearance one last time before leaving the bathroom leaning on the doorframe of your adjoining bedroom to see Lloyd flopped on the bed. He was wearing a black shirt with white pants. His boots rested on the bedsheets, a habit of his that annoyed you. Clearing your throat, you stepped further into the room.
Lloyd heaved a great sigh before starting to sit up. “Seriously, I don’t get what’s so special about - “ his jaw dropped, blue eyes raking hungrily over the new work uniform you were required to wear. The black bodice pushed your breasts a little bit higher than normal, and the short skirt rode half way up your thighs so Lloyd knew you’d be flashing more than a smile if you bent too far forward. He wasn’t thrilled about the modifications to your uniform knowing others would be able to look at you. But the bar you worked at had regular patrons who knew to behave under promise of being barred. Plus the men on security were effective at stopping any unwanted advances. Not as effective as he was though…
Lloyd was so deep in his musings that he didn’t see you tilt your head, puzzled at the lack of reaction. “Lloyd?” When he focused on you again, you smiled shyly. “What do you think?”
Lazily, Lloyd slowly sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. He carelessly twirled his finger and you span carefully in an effort not to trip. “Well barkeep, what do you got for a man to quench his thirst around here?”
“What are you in the mood for?” You batted back coyly. 
A smirk graced his lips, eyes twinkling in mischief. You moved forward between his legs and he caught you by the hips. “Hmm… You look fucking delicious… maybe a shot of you?” 
You watched wide eyed as his hands ghosted under your skirt, one holding the material up and the other moving close to your clothed centre. “And how do you want that?” Gasping, you gripped his forearms for balance.
“Straight up”. Licking his lips, Lloyd slipped off the edge of the bed and onto his knees.
Groaning, your hands fisted in his dark hair and tugged gently. “Lloyd… you can’t… I gotta get to work”. Your own words sounded empty to you, you loved the feeling of his mouth on you. 
Wet heat suddenly washed over the thin lace of your underwear. Lloyd hummed in approval at your taste, the feeling causing you to grind against his mouth. His hands dragged the scrap of material down enough so he could easily access your core. Teasing, he blew gently and licked through your wet folds. A loud moan escaped your mouth at the feel of his moustache brushing over your clit. “Just a little taste, my sweet Moonshine”. Hearing your nickname you melted in his touch and surrendered yourself to the pleasure.
A few hours later and you were almost done with your shift. Though part of your brain was focused on making drinks, the majority was focused on what awaited you at home. Lloyd tried to convince you with two orgasms using his mouth and tongue to stay home with him so he could enjoy your new uniform in private. Honestly you’d had to bite your lip when he pouted. Lloyd could be stubborn and childish, and very used to getting his way. Instead, you’d offered to change into your ‘fuck-me’ heels once home and let them work their magic. Though he still grumped, he surrendered on the condition he’d drive you to work and pick you up. 
You noticed a few regulars remained, nursing their drinks and talking quietly. They were on their best behaviour with you after having been taught a lesson by Lloyd. Most of your regulars had either seen his possessiveness firsthand while an unfortunate few experienced it firsthand. When an unfamiliar customer sat in front of you at the bar, you smiled in greeting and placed a napkin on the counter. “Evening, what’ll it be?”
“A Bud, a shot of you and your phone number”. The man grinned smugly, obviously pleased with himself and his delivery. It took all of your restraint to not roll your eyes, you just grabbed a bottle and placed it on the bar before requesting payment. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Lloyd enter the bar. He winked at you and a big smile lit up your face, dimming slightly at a scoff from the new customer. He preened when your gaze returned to him. “Think you dropped something there gorgeous”. Glancing around in confusion, you cocked an eyebrow at him. “Your standards. Why don’t cha bend over and show me how low they go?”
God, did these lines actually work? Shaking your head, you signalled to another bartender that you were stepping away. You slipped out from behind the bar, only to find your personal space incredibly crowded by an entirely unwelcome presence. 
“If you want the best fuck of your life, come with me…” His dark gaze raked over your body, leaving your skin crawling.
“I already have plans for that”. Darting around him, you moved towards the staff room next to the rear exit and took a few moments to gather your thoughts. You didn’t have long left to work, but you’d definitely mention the pesky patron to security before leaving. As you inhaled to calm your racing heart, you failed to notice a set of footsteps that seemed to linger outside, followed by another set. Exhaling sharply, you stepped outside the staff room. Over the soft chatter of the patrons and the music from the overhead system, you could hear something else. You moved closer to the rear exit, ears straining. Cries of pain? Maybe another animal got caught in the vermin traps dotted around the property. 
You opened the door to the alley behind the bar and froze at the sight before you. Lloyd was standing with his back to you, the creepy customer pinned to the wall of the next building with one hand. Lloyd’s free hand held something silver. “Boring” Lloyd sighed, sounding almost disappointed. He slowly pressed the silver object into the man’s shoulder who cried out in pain. “One last time, Pumpkin. What were you doing near the staff room?” You gulped softly. Lloyd only use ‘cutesy’ nicknames on those that annoyed him. 
“Argh… looking f-for the…. Bathroom!” The last word was nearly squeaked in pain.
“Tsk. Even a blind man could see the neon sign for the can… which is near the entrance. That shit ain’t gonna fly”. Lloyd shook his head. “You were trying to score with the bartender”.
“That little slut inside? She was begging for it!” His words were cut off by his shout of pain. Silently, Lloyd pocketed his knife and now held the man’s family jewels in a vice grip. The menace made a noise that almost sounded like a high pitched squeak. Lloyd cocked his head before twisting his wrist. Cries of pain echoed in the night air, making your heart clench. Carefully you moved so you’d approach Lloyds side rather than his back. You were within an arms length and started to reach for his shoulder when a punishing grip caught your wrist. 
You looked up and Lloyds furious gaze captivated you, his blue eyes dark and burning with anger. A touch of apprehension sparked within you. The man before you with this look was not your crass and childish lover, this was the psychopathic weapon of destruction. You thought of Lloyds temper, having seen a few instances where he had lashed out at men who thought it ok to be bolder in their flirting or try to grab you as you served them. Lloyds self control then evaporated before an angry haze would envelope him, but he had never hurt you. 
“Lloyd? It’s me. Please look at me Lloyd”. There was no spark of recognition in his eyes, so deep in the depths of his haze he didn’t know who you were. Your mind raced, thinking of Lloyd’s reactions after dealing with other unwanted advances. “Hey… Hot Lips”. His brow furrowed slightly, just enough to indicate he heard you. “Come back to me. I need your kisses Hot Lips”. Any embarrassment you may have felt over your words vanished when his blue eyes began to soften, glacier becoming ocean. Whining, the goon slumped to the floor when released but you and Lloyd never stopped watching each other and still he held your wrist.
“What’s goin’ on out here?” Behind you came the voice of Tommy, head of security for the bar. There was a pause before footsteps slowly walked forward. “You ok sweet cheeks? Hansen oughta give the rest of us a chance to be the knights for a change, maybe get a kiss from a pretty gal”. Tommy was a shameless flirt with good intentions, only ever using his lines to make women laugh or feel good about themselves. He was also aware of the unwanted advances you’d received and Lloyd’s subsequent antics.
Swallowing, you stood still and kept your eyes on Lloyd. “Lloyd was just giving a lesson about understanding what the word ‘no’ means”.
“Seems the lesson sunk in. I’m sure I can give him a recap”. You felt Tommy stop a few feet away. “Maybe I can get you an Angel shot when you’re finished with your shift, sweet cheeks? I know I missed the chance before”. 
You knew Tommy was really asking if everything was under control with Lloyd by asking about the Angel shot while apologising that he had not been around the last time something had happened with another patron. Though you were more than grateful for Tommys offered assistance, Lloyd was no threat to you and him being arrested certainly wasn’t in your plans. “Not this time Tommy, I’m not in the mood tonight”.
“I appreciate your offer to help, Tommy”. Lloyds drawl had you sighing in relief. “But I’d never hurt my Moonshine. So why don’t you give Sunshine here the short version of what I said while we have a talk?” Lloyd’s grip never wavered as Tommy pulled the guy off the ground and led him away. 
“Why’d you stop me? He had it coming” Lloyd pouted.
“He wasn’t worth it - you getting in trouble or beating him to a pulp”.
“He was hassling you, Moonshine. And you’re worth any trouble”. Lloyd tugged on your wrist to bring you against him, the hand holding your wrist moving to your back while the other moved to brush your cheek. “I heard him say that shit about bending you over… and about giving you the best fuck of your life”. Lloyds drawl had changed to a quiet rasp… the same rasp he used when he wanted to fuck you senseless, show his possessive side. You knew that the violence displayed tonight was nothing compared to Lloyd’s prior tactics used during his CIA days but the severity had caught you off guard. But what surprised you more was the fact you were turned on. A part of you loved him coming to your defence, something chivalrous yet primal about it made you melt. Seeing his eyes burn with jealousy, hearing his commanding rasp… you were caught up in his haze.
 His hand slid down your back over the curve of your butt and squeezed. You gasped in surprise. “When he first said it, I wasn’t gonna let him see. I could’ve shot his dick off for saying that to you. But when I had him by the balls…” Lloyd chuckled darkly. “I wanted to show him who the best fuck of your life is. That nobody can do what I do”. Suddenly you found yourself pinned to the wall of the bar by six feet of pure male. “Lemme hear you say it”.
“You’re the best fuck of my life, Lloyd. Nobody can do what you can”. The brick was rough against your back but you ignored the feeling when consumed by Lloyd’s lips. You could taste the sweet candies he loved. It contrasted to the violence fuelling him. As he nipped at your neck, your hands reached into his hair and steered him back to your lips. He groaned and you sucked his tongue fiercely before biting his lip. 
Cursing, Lloyd pulled away and spun you to face the wall. “Put your hands on the wall and push away”. As you moved, you could hear the sound of his zipper opening and a sound of material moving before his body caged yours. One hand moved the soaked crotch of your underwear aside as the other guided his leaking tip to your entrance. With one swift thrust he filled you. His hand covered your mouth before you could cry out. “Much as I’d love to prove a point to that asshole, I don’t wanna have to teach a lesson to Tommy or any others tonight. Keep quiet for me now and you’ll be screaming later on”. He began to move at a rapid pace. From the feel of his pants against your ass, he’d only pushed them down far enough to free his cock. His impatience thrilled you, spurred you to meet his thrusts. He shifted his position slightly, his thick hard cock rubbing at that sweet spot deep inside you. “So hot and wet… nobody can fuck you like I can. Nobody knows you like me… and nobody ever will”. The snarl became a whimper as you clenched hard around him. 
“Fuck! Not gonna last much longer if you squeeze me like that, you’re gonna make me cum”. 
“Please Lloyd. Fuck me. Cum for me” you begged, voice muffled by his hand.
Lloyds thrusts quickened as he brought you back against him, your head against his shoulder. The band in your belly tightened, tingles beginning to race through your body. You whimpered as you felt his cock jerk, filling you with his hot seed. Lloyd bit your neck to quiet his own release. The last bite of pain triggered your orgasm. Your legs wobbled as the pleasure crashed over you but Lloyd held you tight, groaning as your core trembled around him. He moved his hand from your mouth to your chin and turned your face before kissing you and carefully pulling out.
Panting, you watched as he tucked himself back into his pants looking far too pleased with himself. Cocky little shit. You shook your head in bemusement. “Guess I didn’t need my fuck-me heels after all” you teased.
“You never need those fuck-me heels” he smirked. “But I’d like you to wear them as I give you the fuck of your life. All night. Every night”. He steps close to you, eyes soft with love. “For the rest of your life”.
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: natasha romanoff x android!reader
synopsis: natasha finds a way to to lure you out; and, a confrontation.
warnings: canon violence
word count: 3.8k
a/n: last part wooo!!! i’m so glad this idea is fully written out now after sitting in the dungeon for like 2 years.
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Natasha had known pain like any other feeling.
The Red Room ensured her a lifetime's worth of it. But rarely, though, has she ever felt the pain of betrayal. Perhaps the Sokovia Accords had given her a taste, but it was nothing compared to when she looked you in the eyes, knowing that you had just tried to kill her.
"I'm sorry for everything," you had said. So easy to just say sorry as if that would solve everything.
Was everything you and her had together all a lie? A part of the scheme created by whoever was sick enough to be behind all of it? You had been the perfect little spy, Natasha should have known.
She let her emotions compromise the Avengers.
"Well?" She turned around when she saw Steve walk into the common lounge. He was still in his suit, meaning he must have just returned from patrol.
"Still no sign of Y/N or VULCAN's location," he replied. "Tony's saying we attempt to catch another android. Only this time, we make sure we get whatever information we need out of it."
"That won't work", Nat shook her head. "Those things are airtight. Their programs won't allow it."
The Captain pursed his lips, watching his teammate and friend stare at the monitor displaying your information. "Nat." He spoke quietly.
She stayed silent. If only I had been more vigilante, she wanted to say.
"There was no way you could have known." Steve sighed, setting his shield down by the table. "She managed to fool everyone."
Natasha chewed at her lower lip, looking to the ceiling to stop the wetness from spilling out of her eyes.
"I let her fool me," she exhaled. "I won't let it slide."
"What's your play?" Steve asked.
"I racked my brain, trying to understand why. Why infiltrate us? Why get close to me?" Natasha turned to him. "And then I got it. They want to create an army, but not just any army; an army of androids. Think Ultron's army, but each of them possesses the same intelligence and mental capacity that humans do. That's what Y/N is, a perfect soldier."
"So how do we stop 'em? Can't be as easy as punching our way in like we did with Ultron," Tony appeared from the doorway with a mug in his hand. "I mean we don't even know where they are."
"There’s something that I haven’t told you, about my past,” Nat pursed her lips before she continued. “In the Red Room, they used a formula to control our minds. The other day, I checked my laptop for a file disguised as the real formula. Sure enough, it had been copied, no doubt by Y/N when I wasn’t looking.”
“So she doesn’t have the real formula?” Steve asked.
“Which means we still have some leverage.” Tony said grimly. “We need to hurry before we lose that too.”
Natasha inhaled warily and nodded. She wasn’t used to being on the losing side, and she would you just what it felt like to be backed in a corner.
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It was easy for you to adjust to your new position at VULCAN. With the data from the Red Room retrieved and in Caesar's possession, you became his favorite among his human and android soldiers. Instead of your regular civilian clothes, you were now dressed in dark and tight clothing fit for a spy. A real spy, that's what you were now.
As you approached his office, the guards by the door saluted and granted you entrance without a word. Caesar was looking out the window wall behind his desk, his back facing you.
"Sir." You lifted your chin. "Batch PF200 has just finished being assembled. They should be ready to be deployed in a few days."
"Good," Caesar said, unmoving. You took that as a sign to be dismissed, but as you turned to leave, he spoke up. "Wait."
You straightened up again. "Do you remember why I created VULCAN?"
"To create a better world, sir." You answered without hesitation. "To arm the world with intelligence void of human errors."
"Correct, and yet," he turned to face you, his eyes hard and dark. "All you've done ever since you were activated is FAIL!"
His sudden outburst made you jump out of your skin. Your breathing quickens as you watch him pull out a USB from his pocket, and toss it on the table. It was the one you handed him.
"It's a fake." He gritted his teeth.
"B-But, I thought—" You sank to your knees with a scream as a volt of electricity coursing through your body in an instant. Looking up, you saw Caesar with a remote in his hand, his knuckle turning white at how hard he was pressing it.
"Where is the real file?!" He shouted over you.
"I-I don't know, I thought that was the real file! I took it off of Natasha Romanoff's personal computer." You blurted out quickly.
"I ordered you to kill the Black Widow, and you fail, but this?! This was the whole reason I brought you online!" You flinched at his tone, as you doubled over on the floor. Caesar had never treated you like this before. It made you fear whatever punishment came next.
"I'm sorry, sir," you uttered meekly, your legs still spasming preventing you from getting back up.
He sighed, his shoulders sagging as he shook his head. "It seems there might still be some . . . shortcomings in your program. That would be my fault, I failed. You're a failure, 16."
You swallowed and pushed yourself up, your legs still wobbling but you stood, though your eyes were stained with tears. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." You wanted to sound firm, to make Caesar believe that he could trust you again. Without Caesar's trust, what did you have left?
"No, it won't." He said bitterly and leaned into you. "You are a weapon, 16, and you will be of use in that front. You will kill, and you will be good at it. As for your well-roundedness, well . . ."
Caesar walked over to the adjacent wall, and pressed a button next to it. The wall unblurred and revealed a lab below where engineers were working tirelessly on another android model. Its left arm and leg weren't yet connected to the rest of the body, parts of them laying at the side. The torso was bare, still revealing the metal underneath the skin that would be put on. But its face was what caught your attention; it was as if you were staring at another version of yourself, a disembodied jumble that was still blissfully asleep.
"I've been working to improve you, 16," Caesar said, looking down proudly at his creation. "The Winter Soldier program shocked and froze its Soldiers to keep them in line, but they’d never truly have control over them. I have the resources to start anew each time the current one becomes faulty.
This is model FD700-17, your successor. It will be faster, stronger, more intelligent, and most important of all, absolutely void of human errors. Perfection."
Your eyes burned, your extremities ached from the current, your heart broken in half. Why did you ever think that you weren’t expendable? You were a machine, and there was always going to be something else coming along to replace you. Maybe being with Natasha made you feel special, like you could live a life. None of that mattered anymore.
“I have a lead on the real formula, sent by the Black Widow herself.” Caesar came up behind you. “Tick tock, 16, or your next stop will be the scrap metal yard.”
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The address Natasha sent lead you to an abandoned warehouse by the piers. It was clever, no one ever has business here, and those that do usually wishes to keep their presence under the radar. You walked in cautiously, hand on the gun you had by your belt. You armed yourself generously; every pocket you had you had put something sharp in it, not that you planned on using it on Nat.
By the time you reached the third floor, you stilled your movements to listen to your surroundings, but all you heard was water dripping from rotten pipes and the sound of the city in the distance.
“If I had known it’d be this easy to smoke you out, I wouldn’t have bothered with all the patrolling we’ve been doing the past few weeks,” you heard a voice spoke behind you.
Turning around, you saw her standing where you came in, dressed in her combat suit, her hair braided and by her shoulders. Behind her, you could see the hilts of her machetes peaking out. She wore a teasing smile on her face like nothing happened.
“You expecting a fight?” You called out.
“Just being cautious.”
“Are we alone?” You asked.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” It was a big feat asking that after all the deception that you’ve done. Humans tended to not be rational after they’ve been lied to, thinking that transparency isn���t warranted on their end. You expected it from Natasha.
“Where’s the disk, Natasha?”
She pulled it out and held it up in between her fingers. “You mean this?”
What you didn’t expect was for her to toss it over to you, just like that. What you needed was in your hands. You looked at the formula in your hands; you’d had to give up your humanity for this.
“Everything you need is on there, or rather, your maker does,” she said.
“Why are you giving this to me?”
“Because I trust that you’ll do the right thing,” she spoke, her eyes soft and empathetic. “I know that if you really wanted to give it to your maker, you could have a long time ago. Something’s holding you back, that’s your humanity, Y/N.”
“That’s not my name.” You shook your head. “I-I don’t have a name.”
“You can still make the right decision,” she took a step closer. “Help us take Caesar down, help me.”
“And then what?” You scoffed humorlessly. “What place do I have in the world? I was made to kill, Natasha. I was made to sabotage and kill you until he decided that I wasn’t good enough. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not good enough.”
“I know you don’t think I know how you feel, but I do.” Natasha looked at you. “Okay? I do. I was made to be a weapon too, one my own handler could just discard if he felt like he didn’t need me anymore. You’d find that a lot of us have similar stories, but we can’t let them win, Y/N. We deserve a chance to live too.”
Her eyes were stained with tears. “You’ve made my life worth living.”
You were crying too, but your tears were synthetic. You had a chance once, but you didn’t go down that path, and now you were here.
Now you were here.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve been stalling.” You spoke quietly.
A loud explosion sounded outside the building, rattling the entire structure. The sound of helicopter blades swarming and landing cut through the night.
“We got incoming, Nat!” You heard Steve’s voice through her intercom.
“So much for being alone,” you utter coldly, and turned on your heels to escape.
There was a loud shriek, a sound of metal giving out. You looked back, and the floor was collapsing in front of you, a dark pit opening up ready to swallow Natasha with it. You didn’t think. You leapt towards the edge, and extended your hand hoping you’d be fast enough to catch her. When she looked up, her face was covered in dirt and grime, in her eyes a rare display of fear.
Whenever you decided to go against your program, your head becomes warm, your body becomes limp, and your judgment slows. It was so debilitating that you sometimes feel as if you had no control over your body at all, your mind screaming at you to obey, obey, obey. And yet you gathered your strength. Yet, you pulled her to safety.
Your superhuman strength and the momentum at which you hoisted her upwards threw her onto the other side of the floor, her body hitting the ground with a thump.
“He won’t let me go,” you knew either way you would die, but it would be by Caesar’s hand.
Without a word, she took your hand and jumped out the window as the rest of the building sunk into a pile of rubble.
The rest of the Avengers quickly assembled around her, but hesitated once they saw you.
“Hey, kid.” Tony floated above the others. “Your room at the Compound’s still vacant. Why don’t you come back with us?”
You laughed, and sat back, still reeling from the impact. You almost missed the searing pain that pierced your side of a bullet fired from distance.
“Y/N!” Natasha gasped.
Your eyes followed the bullet’s line of projection. There it stood, the image of what Caesar wanted you to be, what you could have been but never would be.
Its eyes were cold and hard, as it holstered the gun it used to shoot you.
“At last, the Avengers.” He reveled in the moment, but scowled when he turned to you. “I should have known you would betray me sooner or later.”
“We’ve done this dance before,” Tony shrugged. “We’ll do it again.”
“Eyes up, guys.” Steve said and charged. 17 was the exact replica of you, and therefore smaller in stature than him, yet it blocked his fist like it was nothing and sent him flying back with a single punch.
Caesar cackled beside it as his army of androids lined up behind him.
“Leave it to me.” You stood up, the bullet materializing out of your stomach. You palmed it and tossed it aside.
17 charged like a bull that saw red. Its punches were heavy and skillful, but familiar. You realized that Caesar had used the same combat program for 17 that he used for you. You matched each other stride for stride, like fighting a mirror.
“You disobeyed Caesar,” it voiced, eyes blazed. “You’ve become weak.”
You managed to block a right hook but didn’t see a knee coming up to thrust into your open wound. You sank to your knees with a cry of pain. You felt a hand grab you by your hair and drag you towards a piece of broken scaffolding that perked up from rubble. It attempted to press your neck into it, its strength overbearingly dominant over your injured body.
“But don’t worry,” 17 seethed. “I’ll take your place.”
You used the last of your strength, fueled by fury, to push back. A headbutt sent 17 stagger back, and you grabbed its head and reversed the position that you were in mere seconds before.
“There’s too many of them!” You heard Clint cry out in the distance.
“Keep going! Don’t quit!” Sam called back as he slammed his wings into one of the androids.
17 was stronger and pushed you back, then proceeded to pummel you hard. When it was done, you noticed half of the shell on your face—the one that gave you your human appearance—had fallen off.
“Traitor!” 17 yelled. “You’re ignorant of the good that Caesar could be doing to the world. You don’t understand his cause!”
“Is that what he’s been telling you?” You managed to utter, spitting out blood. “‘Cause he told me that I was his favorite. That’s what he does. Why do you think I’m number 16, you’re 17? Once he’s bored of you, he’ll toss you aside like you’re nothing.”
For the first time, you saw the corner of 17’s lips perk up. “So naive. This is why you’re no good. I would not let these petty emotions get the way of my service. I will die knowing I’ve serve my purpose.”
It’s got the upper hand, not having an open wound in a spot where it would hurt with every turn of the body. You were staggering when 17 charged towards you, hugging your stomach to slam you down on the ground with a thud. It clamped you down by straddling your midsection.
“So long, 16.” 17 said, pointing a gun at your forehead. You closed your eyes and waited for judgment.
“No!” A scream sounded from afar, then the sound of metal hitting 17 above you. It was Natasha. You opened your eyes, and redirected the gun away from you, just as it went off. In a split second, you had disarmed 17, and had it under your boots.
With a swift precision, you fired into its forehead, the left side of the chest where the synthetic heart would be.
“Too slow, junior.” You muttered, looking down at the corpse of your successor.
“16!” You heard a yell. Turning around you saw Caesar bleeding from his temple, keeping Natasha in a headlock, a gun pointed to her head.
“Let her go!” Tony held out a hand that would fire a rocket at him.
Caesar snickered. “You’ll never understand the magnitude of what I could have achieve with VULCAN, you never will.” He turned to you. “You’re too human for that.”
You sucked in a breath. “I refuse to be your machine.”
“Oh. Is that so?” He squeezed the barrel of the gun into Natasha’s temple, earning a squirm from her as she tried to free herself. “All because of her? She’s barely human. All the things she’s done, all the blood she’s spilled. I’d be almost tempted to take her back, pull her apart and put her back together to become a worthy soldier of mine.”
“It’s over, Caesar. You have nowhere else to run.” You staggered closer. “Let her go if you don’t want to be locked up in the Raft for the rest of your life”.
He took a step back, almost reaching the edge to plummet into the Hudson River. Steve blocked his right next to Clint, while Tony raised his arms feom the left flank. He was completely cornered.
“See, this is why you think you can be human, but you never will be.” Caesar growled, a wild grin on her face, blood caked on his white hair. “I’m your maker, I’ll always be one step ahead of you.”
He didn’t let you respond before aiming the gun at his own head. When he fell to the ground and his head hit the asphalt, he was dead.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and suddenly the pain of all the injuries you carried. You didn’t even have half of your face plate anymore, lost somewhere under scraps of the fight.
“Nat . . .” You shuddered, and walked over to her. You hesitated and stopped a few paces before her, but she threw herself at you, locking you in a tight embrace.
She let out a tearful laugh when she pulled back, examining your injuries.
You felt your breath getting more shallow as the second passed. Your oxygen compartments have been punctured, and you saw the warning in your vision: “Life functions critical, be advised to return to base for repair.”
You thought you might have lost your balance and collapsed, but Natasha caught you in time. You rested your head on her lap, your right eye had completely malfunctioned, and you could only see that Nat were crying from the peripheral of your left.
“Life functions critical, be advised to return to base for repair.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, but you did know if your voice was strong enough for her to hear.
“Shh, stop talking,” she refused to meet your eyes, scanning your battered body, and grasping your hand, “reserve your strength.”
“I wish we could have met under different circumstances,” you smiled, but you barely see anymore. “I wish I could have been . . . someone you deserved.”
“You were everything I wanted and more,” Natasha spoke, then rummaged through her pocket. “See this? See this, Y/N? That’s for you.”
She held the ring in front of you, but your eyes were glazed, and staring past her towards the night sky.
“Y/N?” She whispered, like a prayer, like it would somehow pull you back to her. “Tony! Please.”
The man came by your side, but somehow he knew that it was too late.
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When you were activated, you didn’t have a mission. The first emotion you thought you could register was surprise. Why don’t I have a purpose?
You were laying in a bed in a room, one that you thought you had been in before. Its design was modern, sleek, yet elegant with great feng shui. Where were you? You sat up carefully, feeling refreshed and relaxed, as if you had just woken up from a well-deserved sleep. Whatever happened before you slept, you had no recollection of.
The door clicked open, a woman with red hair and an older man with dark hair entered. She had a look of timidness when she came closer, and judging by the lack of confidence in her stance, you assumed she meant you no harm.
“Hey, kid. Glad to have you back.” The man said with a smile. You scanned your database, no memory of him whatsoever.
“You know me?” He nodded. You didn’t even know who you were.
You looked at your hands, your fingers. They curled and uncurled with exceptional speed and precision.
“Nanotechnology. Impressive” You concluded. “Are you my maker?”
The man laughed, and shook his head. “No. Just someone with a knack for electronics, and tried to fix you up.”
You turned to the woman who has been silent this entire exchange. There was a name. “You’re . . . Natasha.”
This came as a surprise to her. She gasped as her eyes began to fill with tears. “Yeah, that’s me,” she said. “How did you know that?”
You shrugged. “It’s the only thing in my database. Why is that?”
There was a lightness that washed over you the moment you said her name, like a bout of heavy rain washing away all the weight of the world, purging you then making room for a new beginning, a fresh start.
Memory was a funny thing like that. Her name must have been the only thing salvaged from your last iteration.
You had no mission, yet you were here. No purpose, yet you were here. Figured, you would make your own purpose in the world, and you knew just where to start.
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simplydannie · 8 months
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In this side of the story, Veneer has been growing sympathy towards Floyd… Afterall, the little Troll knew the siblings way before the fame; Veneer practically sees him as family.
Veneer knows something isnt right with his sister… little by little shes loosing her sanity and control of herself…. Thats when Veneer decides to let Floyd free… but at what cost?
Part 2 here
“Ugh! We’re still not good enough!” Velvet screamed. “We need MORE Troll!” The siblings had just finished rehearsing for the Rage Dome show. She looked at the diamond that contained Floyd.
“How long is it going to take for your brothers to come for you!” She screamed. Floyd stayed silent, staring her down. “Stupid Troll.” She flung the diamond to the floor, sending Floyd thrashing around inside.
Velvet stormed out…. He felt a hand gently pick him up. Floyd came eye to eye with Veneer. The young Rageoun looked at Floyd, sadness in his eyes. The Troll averted his eyes.
“…… I’m sorry……” Veneer said softly. Floyd still didn’t look at him. “This… this isn’t Velvet. You know it’s not. She’s not like this… I don’t know what’s going on.” Floyd could sense the hurt and regret in his voice.
“….. I do remember when she wasn’t like this…” Floyd said. He had met the siblings long before their little scheme to fame… back when they were just normal teenagers… it seemed like ages ago now. “You remind of my baby brother you know.” Floyd told Veneer. Veneer tilted his head questionably.
“Branch…. Bitty B…. He was like you, always looking up to his siblings, willing to do anything to spend time with us, be with us, be just like his brothers. To him, we were everything. Just like Velvet is to you… I see a lot of him in you.” Floyd said. Veneer gave him a soft smile….. he looked towards the door…. Then down to Floyd.
Floyd had been their friend before all this…he decided to tutor them, help them, he was there for them when the accident happened…. And this is how they repay him?
“…. I have to get you out of here…” Veneer said softly.
“What?” Floyd asked.
“I have to get you out of here!” Grabbing Floyd, he turned around to head out the door… but came to face with Velvet. Veneer stopped in his tracks, he held the diamond close to his chest.
“Want to run that by me again little bro?” Velvet said, arms crossed.
“I….I…. Uh…..” He was lost for words. He was never good enough when it came to standing up for himself.
“I KNOW you’re not thinking of setting that little Troll free right? You wouldn’t do me like that would you Veneer?” She said.
“Floyd. His name is Floyd Vels. Come on, you know him already.” Veneer stated.
“All I know that little Troll is our key to our success. Now if you’d just give him-“ She attempted to reach for the diamond… but instinctively, Veneer moved his hand away, avoiding her. Rage began to form in Velvets eyes. Was her little brother betraying her? She took a step towards him.
Veneer moved back until he tripped over something, Velvet now hovering above him, her shadow casted over him…. He looked at her with fear in his eyes.
“Give. It. Back.” She demanded. Veneer didn’t know what he was thinking… pretending to hand over the diamond, he used his hands instead to trip his sister. She went tumbling to the ground. This gave him a chance to get up, run, and get out.
“VENEER!” She screamed… she was in full rage now… but not regular rage, her eyes began to glow pink….she wasn’t in control anymore.
Veneer ran and ran, holding Floyd close to his heart.
“Where are you going to go?” Floyd asked him.
“Anywhere! We have to get out here. Now!” Veneer declared. He could hear the screams and yells of his sister as she approached closer and closer…. She was fast. Out of desperation, Veneer opened the closest door and went in. He shoved some sort of drawer in front, praying it would give him enough time from having Velvet enter.
He looked around the room he was in…. No windows, no doors… no way out.
“Crap, crap, crap, crap!” He muttered to himself. It was then he noticed a small air vent on the floor… it wasn’t big enough for him, but it was for Floyd.
“You won’t fit through there.” Floyd stated.
“I know.” Veneer opened the vent, then he opened the diamond. He attempted to shake Floyd out.
“What? No! Nuh, uh! We leave together.” The little Troll did his best to hang on inside the diamond, to keep himself from sliding out.
“VENEER!! I KNOW YOURE IN THERE! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW! YOU BETTER NOT LET THAT TROLL OUT!! VENEER!!!” Velvet screamed and banged on the door. The drawer he placed in front began moving away, allowing the door to open little by little.
“Come on Floyd!” Veneer said as he gently tried shaking the diamond.
“No! She’ll kill you!” Floyd exclaimed.
“No. She’s my sister… she wouldn’t…..right?” Veneer said as the banging by the door continued.
“But like you said, this person isn’t her. She isn’t right! Let’s find another way.” Floyd begged.
BANG. BANG. The door was starting to open more and more.
“Sorry little guy.” Veneer gave the diamond one violent shake. That was enough to cause Floyd to loose his grip and slip. He fell down the vent, desperately trying to reach for Veneer. He attempted to stretch his hair, but Veneer was quick to close the vent.
Before he did, Floyd was able to catch a glimpse of hands reaching for Veneers neck.
“Velvet, stop please!” Floyd heard him cry.
“VENEER!!” Floyd screamed as he fell down into the dark abyss of the vent.
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sadesluvr · 9 months
Hello, new here! I first found you through your William Afton fics and LOVED THEM!! Especially the one with ghost reader, that was a fun one (which kinda inspired me for this ask)
If it's alright, I would like to request a movie William Afton scenario, with again some crazy supernatural elements, where the reader is kind of a shape-shifter/metamorph. The best part is the animal form the reader and shift into is a rabbit!!
Whether platonic or romantic fluff (although I kinda want to see platonic the most), whichever you decide, I was thinking of a scenario where the reader was exploring the rural/forest areas outside of the city when they spot the abandoned pizzeria, get curiouse and go to investigate. But coincidentally, William is there doing some killings from recent intruders trashing the place. And before they can be caught they shift, so Will only finds a supposedly small abandoned domestic rabbit that found its way here. He's taking it home :). Reader is freaking out. And maybe after a little while, however you chose, Will discovers the rabbit being the reader and secret of being a shape shifter and surprised.
You can continue it however you wish.
A/N: Hey, I’m glad you like my work! Thanks for the ask and being patient - This is more of a drabble/list of headcanons bc it was easier for me to write :)
William isn’t really a pet kind of guy. Vanessa had a fish and a rabbit, but since she grew out of it he’s never felt the need for an animal companion
Still, he takes you home because something about you reminds him of his past- both good and bad
He puts you in a random box that’s filled with spare parts, hoping he doesn’t have to wash more blood from his hands since there’s a few blunt nails and hums on his way back
You, on the other hand, are worried. You won’t be able to get home, and you’ve seen what he’s capable of
You’re shy at first - you don’t eat, and rub away from pets
But he’s actually rather kind to you - he leaves out water and spare veggies. He doesn’t have a hutch at first but makes sure your shoebox is clean and padded with blankets
Eventually you start roaming around the house and opening up to him. He’s totally chill as you watch him make sandwiches for work and stuff, and he even starts talking to you. It’s actually kind of wholesome given the fact you met him murdering someone….
When he’s out, you shower and go back to doing your regular human stuff. Once, his neighbour almost caught you standing by a window you left open so that you could get back in (bunny form). Luckily she was senile so William brushed it off
Your luck runs out one day when he comes home unexpectedly. He sees feet under the door to the bathroom and is ready to kill - bursting into the room without care - only to find you, his pet.
He’s confused, thinking the intruder disappears, but sees your socks on the floor. He doesn’t believe it, even when you shift right in front of him:
“Don’t hurt me!” you say. “It’s crazy, but I can explain…”
You tell him everything about you - including why you were there at the pizzeria that night. He’s shocked, even considering the fact he’s created literal Frankenstein’s, but he softens
Is most impressed you didn’t rat him out to the cops
Both of your secrets are now safe with each other - William still looks after you (he prefers when you’re in bunny form) but there’s times where you’ve had a bit of breakfast together before he leaves
It’s nice, actually. You kind of keep him sane.
Getting a matching purple tie for you like his Springbonnie suit 
But he’s a psycho at heart so of course he’s thinking of how he could *inadvertently* use you in his schemes….
His best friend is a bunny. It doesn’t make sense but he doesn’t either
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bippot · 4 days
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Heaven Of A Ride
Story Summary -> With their feelings out in the open, the pair want nothing more than to indulge their new found connection. Yet, like usual, Rhett has some concerns that need to be assuaged before that can happen.
Tags -> Idiots in Love, Requited Love, Crushes, Teasing, Bull Riding, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Insecurity, Smut, Fluff, Showers, Alcohol, First Time
Would you prefer to read this on AO3? Click here!
Part 2 requested by @adriansboyfriend
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Previous Chapter -> Hell of a Ride
There was an unmistakable crackle in the air as Rhett and Y/N drove home. The stadium that the state championship had only been two cities across, but by the time the pair got to the edge of Wabang and finished their meal at Betsy's Diner, it was approaching midnight. Honestly, they were stuffed from all the food they scoffed down, and the quicker they got back to Y/N's apartment, the better. Sure, they'd just admitted their affections for each other, but it was getting late, and they'd had an eventful day, Rhett especially.
The walk from Rhett's pickup to Y/N's apartment door was sluggish and slow. They both walked in sync, perfectly matching each other. Neither dared to move any faster, afraid to ruin their synchronisation and make it all fall apart when they reached her doorstep.
"Do you want to stay here tonight? With me?" Y/N suggested once they were at her door, turning towards him and waiting for a response with bated breath.
"Yeah," Rhett smiled gently at her. "I want to stay. If that's alright with you?"
"Wouldn't offer it if it wasn't alright with me, sugar."
Rhett kissed her on the top of the head, smiling against her hair as she opened the door. He couldn't stop touching her. Even in the car, he was reaching across the gearstick to hold her hand or brush his fingers against her forearm whenever the opportunity presented itself, and she didn't seem to mind at all; in fact, she welcomed his touches. 
She welcomed them so much that the second they were inside her home, Y/N stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him passionately. He was taken aback initially, not expecting the sudden gesture from her, but responded instantly nonetheless. He pulled her closer to him with one arm wrapped tightly around her back while the other cupped the side of her face. Their lips moved against each other slowly and deliberately until Rhett eventually pulled away, chuckling to himself.
"What's so funny, sweet cheeks?" She asked, amusement sparkling in her eyes as she looked up at him with a soft smile. She rested her hands on his strong chest, feeling the steady thud of his heartbeat beneath her palm.
"Nothin'. You just..." he began and cleared his throat before taking in another deep breath and whispering, "This is weird."
With a gentle finger, he brushed some hair behind her ear. "It feels not real," he explained, gazing fondly into her eyes. "Like, I can't believe my eyes. You're so pretty, and you're lettin' me kiss you, and it's just..."
All of a sudden, Rhett got a whiff of himself; he reeked of bull, sweat, dirt, and alcohol. There was probably even a hint of smoke in there somewhere. It was insane to him that she'd want to be this close to him on a regular day, but on a day when he smelled like a boozy barn? That was seriously unfathomable.
"And I just stink too, don't I? I'm pretty sure someone spilled their beer on my shirt when I had to push through the crowd to find you," he said sheepishly.
Y/N unceremoniously sniffed his shirt, which surprised him, and it wasn't an assault of the senses. There was a smell there, sure, but in the overall grand scheme of things, it wasn't that bad.
"Sweetheart, you smell fine to me, but if you want a shower, you can go take one," she offered, knowing full well his worries wouldn't be assuaged with just words. "You left a pair of sweatpants last time you stayed, and I still have that blue hoodie I stole from you a few weeks ago. I'll go get them. Sound good?"
A relieved sigh fell from his lips. "Sounds great."
"I'll put your other clothes in the wash for you too, okay? Use shampoo, conditioner, body wash, whatever you want. There's a towel on the hanger in there; it's clean," she told him, kissing him on the forehead before disappearing into her bedroom to find the clothes.
It was so simple, he thought. Just like everything with her. She never failed to ease the tension that threatened to suffocate him from his own head. He would've been second-guessing himself anyway, but with the added bonus of a little funk, it would've rendered him incapable of thinking straight.
And it wasn't as if he'd never taken a shower at her place before. He'd spent a lot of his time here. This place was his reprieve from the Abbott household, after all. The amount of nights he'd slept on her couch was staggering, so was it any wonder that her apartment was as reassuring and welcoming to him as she herself was?
He stripped all his clothes off in the bathroom and placed his jeans and shirt neatly on the counter by the sink. The water ran hot, and he stepped under its spray, closing his eyes and relishing the heat as it poured down upon his body. As he washed all the grime away, he found himself lost in the memory of today.
This day had been seriously special. If he went back in time to speak to his past self from that very morning, Rhett knew he never would've believed it. After finishing his work early at the ranch - which was something he was still astounded that his father let him do - he won the bull riding state championship with a really high score. Just that was life-changing for a guy like him, but then he managed to reveal that he's been crushing on the girl of his dreams to her, and that was something he'd never ever fathomed to have the guts to do. Then, only to make things so much better, Y/N reciprocated his feelings over a huge FREE meal.
Interrupting his thoughts was a knock on the bathroom door. "Darlin', I'm just gonna put your clothes on the side, yeah? Promise I'm not lookin'," came Y/N's voice from the other side, and only once he let out an affirmational hum did she let herself in. One hand had his fresh close gripped between her fingers, and the other was covering her eyes. He chuckled at the sight.
"You can look if you want. I don't mind. I'd prefer it if you didn't trip over your own feet," he teased as he watched her wave her clothes hand around in the air to feel for the counter.
With a little smirk on her face, Y/N peeked through a gap in her fingers and caught sight of him standing naked underneath the hot stream of water. Her eyes lingered on his muscles, his powerful back and arms, his broad shoulders and chest, and then further down.
"Huh, the rumours were true; Rhett Abbott is packin'," Y/N commented, fully lowering her hand to get a good look at him.
"What rumours?"
She gave him an incredulous look, raising one eyebrow at his confusion. "Oh, come now. Don't play dumb with me."
"I have no idea what you're talkin' 'bout."
Y/N continued to scan the expanse of muscle that was on display for her to see, unable to tear her gaze away for too long. Not that she wanted to. When her gaze finally settled on those blue eyes, she immediately knew he wasn't trying to get her to stroke his ego. He truly didn't know.
"I heard from Bethany Simpson that you were, uh, gifted down there."
"Bethany Simpson has never seen my 'gift'."
"Well, someone must've given you a glowin' review to her."
He wanted to laugh; he really did, but his mouth suddenly went dry as his brain registered the implications of that sentence. He liked to give people the impression that he'd got around, but he hadn't. In reality, he had a handful of partners over the years, most of whom didn't last more than a month.
The idea that Bethany Simpson - who was a girl he'd spoken to maybe twice - knew about his disposition, was slightly unsettling, to say the least. Especially since her assessment could mean one of two things. Either she was lying in an attempt to mess with Y/N, or one of his previous partners had gossiped about him.
"Who'd you think told her?" he asked, trying hard to remain casual and nonchalant and was failing miserably. He hoped that his sudsy naked body was enough of a distraction from the fact that he was suddenly far more conscious of his junk and where - rather in who - it had been.
"Dunno. Think she had a crush on you, though. I'm guessin' she was tryin' to make me jealous or some shit."
"Were you? Jealous, I mean?"
"I was," she admitted without hesitation as she lowered the toilet lid and sat down to enjoy the show in front of her.
To her, she'd always been obvious about her affections for him. Everyone that knew them knew that Y/N L/N was head over heels for Rhett Abbott, and vice versa - even if the pair were oblivious to each other. Rhett has always been a handsome guy, so a countless amount of girls have crushes on him, and to get to Rhett, they had to interact with Y/N. Some of those girls, however, hadn't been too kind and lashed out at Y/N in an attempt to get her out of the picture.
They knew Y/N was 'the picture' to Rhett and would give up as soon as they realised there was no way to sway his affections. Even Maria knew that the two came as a pair, and when Y/N tried to step back a bit to let their relationship develop, Rhett became grumpier and was far less likely to notice whatever moves Maria was making on him.
In a weird way, it was nice to know Y/N had the same reaction he had whenever she was hit on. It was affirming. 
"You were jealous over little ol' me?" he teased, a smirk dancing across his face as he reached for a bottle of her shampoo, only to squint as he tried to read what was on the label.
"You need glasses, babe. How many times have I told you to go to the opticians?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"You didn't answer mine either." 
He chuckled, shaking his head while he poured the bottle into the palm of his hands and rubbed it against his scalp as he massaged some shampoo into his hair. Y/N watched a perfect cluster of shampoo bubbles slide from the nape of his neck down to his waist. His skin gleamed almost perfectly under the stream of water cascading down upon his body.
"Right, I'm gonna go put your clothes in the wash 'cause if I stay here any longer, I'm gonna jump your bones."
And just like that, she walked out of the room, leaving him wondering how she said stuff like that so easily. Sure, there were days that it made him crazy, but at the same time, it felt... natural? He couldn't believe how Y/N managed to keep everything under wraps, especially when it only took a sweet word from her to get Rhett blushing like a fool in seconds.
He shook his head with another smile playing along his lips as he slipped out of the shower - literally - and mumbled a shocked little, "Oh, shit," but managed to stay on his feet. After putting on his sweatpants and shirt, he exited the bathroom and was greeted with the sight of Y/N curled up on the sofa with her pyjamas on, watching television with a cup of tea in her hand and a blanket draped loosely across her body.
"Whatchu watchin'?"
"Jesus! Rhett!"
She jumped and spilled some of her tea on her lap, then scrambled to put it on the coffee table in front of her. Grumbling under her breath, she wiped at her wet thigh and shot him a pout, and he couldn't help but smile wider at her cute little outburst. Whatever low level distress she felt quickly faded away, because who was going to make a fuss over spilt milk - well, spilt tea?
"Watchin' one of those cop shows. Do you want a beer? I know I've got one in the fridge somewhere."
Rhett leaned against the wall by the entrance with his arms crossed on his chest as he watched her dig through the refrigerator and locate his beer, humming in the process, and he found himself smiling uncontrollably.
"Ah!" She shut the fridge with a bump of her hip, twisting off the bottle cap as she turned around and held it out to him. "Here ya go, sweetheart."
Stepping forward to grab it, Rhett winced a bit as he put pressure on his knee. He'd fallen on it when he was thrown from the bull earlier, and now his muscles were nice and relaxed; he could feel his joints screaming at him. And obviously Y/N noticed. She knew that wince all too well.
"You know the drill, mister. Couch, go sit."
He sighed and complied, though he didn't want to admit he loved it when she fussed over him like this. He loved it a lot, actually. There was something special about the gentle touch of her fingers and the tenderness of her voice whenever she reprimanded him about how dangerous bull riding is, and this time was no different.
She knelt on the hardwood floor next to his legs and rolled up his trousers up to his knee, then began attaching the kinesiology tape that she had to restock every time he got injured in an X shape just under his kneecap area. He groaned a little when she applied a little bit of necessary pressure but otherwise remained silent and downed his beer.
"Just this knee, or do I need to do the other one too?"
"Nah, I'll manage.”
"If I see you limpin' tomorrow, I'm gonna be pissed."
"I'm fine, angel."
In an instant, he watched as her entire being turned to mush. After years of getting flustered at every sweet name she'd called him, this was payback - pure and simple.
"Would you look at that," he cooed, placing his finger under her chin to lift her head up. "The nicknames make your brain all fuzzy, don't they? You've gone all soft for me."
His thumb brushed along her cheekbone gently, and Y/N felt like melting into a puddle on the floor in front of him. It was rare to ever see him act so sure of himself, and while she wasn't used to it, she found herself quite liking the change. When he smiled, his laugh lines appeared that much more, and she felt her heart completely give itself over to him.
"C'mere," he whispered. And with one swift movement, he tugged her off the floor and onto his lap, pulling her up so she was straddling his thighs and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"My body wash smells so much better on you. That's not fair," Y/N muttered playfully, her nose scrunching up in a way that he found oh so adorable.
Gently, he moved to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing underneath her eye in soft little swipes. "You're so pretty, angel. I should tell you that more often," he mused as he looked over every inch of her face, lingering over each curve and crevice, as if to memorise the image of her forever. "I am gonna to tell you more often, promise. I'm gonna tell you every day I can, because, hell, you are so beautiful."
Y/N let out a small, shy chuckle and was unable to stop herself from grinning like a loon. "If you keep speaking like that, Mr. Abbott, I may have to kiss you again," she warned, leaning forward to nuzzle her nose against his cheek.
"I dare you to. Double donkey."
"Double donkey?"
"Yeah. Thems the rules."
Her lips were soon on his in a kiss that spoke volumes, a declaration of love spoken without words, a statement that screamed it all. In that moment, it felt like a million fireworks went off inside of Rhett's mind, and he was practically exploding from the inside out with joy. Her fingers tightened, his hoodie crumpled between her fists, and he moaned against her mouth, deep and throaty. 
It was intoxicating, and after a few moments, his hand moved from her face to slide into her hair, keeping her close to him, until it felt like she was glued to his body. The palm on his other hand was far more greedy and went from casually resting on her outer thigh to drifting underneath her shirt and feeling up her spine until he got to the clasp of her bra. 
"Can I, angel? Is this okay?"
She let out an affirmative hum and, ping, he unhooked both hooks and had to let her have some space to take her top off, the bra coming off with it. There she was, completely shirtless and on display for him - and him alone - to see. His eyes roved over her body, drinking in the sight that he'd been blessed to see. His touch soon followed his eyeline, moving up slowly, until they were hovering over her breasts. 
Y/N could see his apprehension, and while it was nice that he was trying to be a gentleman, she guided his wrists forward so he'd actually feel her bare skin against his fingertips. That gentleman-ness completely dissolved the moment a moan came from her lips and she arched into his touch. That was it. All those years of yearning to touch those soft curves had finally come to fruition.
Rhett wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist and got to his feet with her still attached to him and had no trouble doing so. He lifted both of them with ease and without warning Y/N beforehand. She squealed before burying her face into the crook of his neck and hooked her legs tightly around his middle, clinging to him as he walked to her bedroom. 
He kicked the door shut behind him with his foot and placed their joined bodies down on the bed, his left leg propped up on the mattress so he didn't squish her.
"You just wanted to show off how strong you are," Y/N jested, giggling softly as his hands trailed down her stomach and lower still, where his fingers skimmed the fabric of her sleep shorts.
"You impressed?"
"I'd be more impressed if you started to strip. Can you go all Magic Mike for me, baby?"
"You're funny," he said in such a soft way. If anyone else had said it, it would've sounded sarcastic. Not Rhett, no. He was simply making an observation. It was a fact to him.
Though he didn't do any hip wiggles or dancy thrusting, Rhett stood to shed his clothes and began tossing them carelessly across the room, and just that was turning her on more than she thought possible. She'd seen guys undress before, and, yeah, those were handsome too, but this was different. It was because it was him. It was the same guy she'd known most of her life, but in a different light. It was just Rhett, and that was more than enough.
So, was it any wonder that Y/N was in such a hurry to tug her shorts and panties down since it had suddenly become far too warm in the room to think about wearing anything at all, and asked, "What do you like?"
Honestly, Rhett didn't know how to answer. "...You?"
Y/N huffed a laugh out of her nose at him before sitting up, offering her hands out for him to hold onto. Once he did that, she tugged him to stand between her legs. "I mean, what do you like in bed? What gets your blood pumpin', stud?"
"I like, umm, I like face-to-face so I can see if I'm doin' good and shit." He was blushing worse than she'd ever seen before, Y/N noted, but he still met her gaze steadily. His voice was low as he continued. "I really like givin', y'know, like givin' givin'."
That caused her to snort. She knew exactly what he meant. "Yeah? Why don't you show me how much you like it, sugar?"
Without thinking twice, Rhett lowered himself onto his knees, a grunt escaping his lips thanks to his ache, and spread Y/N's legs apart slightly with his hands, looking deep into her eyes until she was revealed to him. He couldn't help but stare. The words "This all for me?" came from his lips unbidden and without hesitation.
"All for you, honey," she murmured breathily, watching as he dipped his head down and brought his lips right next to her thighs. He ran his finger along the length of her inner thigh slowly before glancing up, meeting her gaze again.
"You 100% sure? I don't want you to regret this later."
"Rhett, I've never been more sure of somethin'."
He nodded his understanding, and with that she was taken over by a sense of blissful ecstasy as his lips pressed against her core. It was only a soft touch at first, nothing major or big. Just a gentle peck that was more of a gesture of affection than to provide her with anything sexual.
Those big, roughened hands of his moved up to her inner thighs, and pulled her hips further towards his face, giving him access to the rest of her wetness. His tongue licked and laved at every part of her thighs, working his way inwards. She let out a whimper as his lips travelled closer and closer to where she needed him most, her hands reaching up to run through his hair when he finally closed his lips around her clit.
His tongue flicked over the bundle of nerves at the very tip of her clit, teasing it and causing her to gasp, "Oh, fuck, Rhett!"
A confident zing went through him. He got her to react like that. He did. He was the reason why she was all needy, desperate, and wanting. So, he worked a forefinger into her as his magic against her clit, the pleasure making her cry out once more, this time louder than the last one though. 
It was definitely something special, that sound, and Rhett revelled in hearing it. He loved it with every fibre of his being, and he loved what she said next even more.
"Baby, need you. Need you inside me now," she pleaded. 
And he, even though he wanted to continue in this indulgence, gave in without question. He'd never been good at refusing her, and he wasn't about to start now. "Okay, angel. Just need to relax you a bit more. Don't want it to hurt," he muttered before easing another finger in, pressing kisses over the expanse of her stomach until she was ready.
Then he was asking, "Do you have any condoms?" and once Y/N pointed towards her bedside table, he was mumbling, "I'm totally clean, by the way. Not that I think you're... y'know. It's just this is all so new and overwhelmin', and havin' a little one would make it more -"
He blew air through his lips. 
His mouth just wanted to carry on going. It was probably the most he'd ever said. "I'd love to one day. I shouldn't be talkin' like this. It's so early, I know. I don't expect things to happen fast, but I want you to know that you're it for me, angel. You're everythin', alright?"
Y/N smiled fondly at the sincerity shining bright in his big blue eyes as he stared down at her. The intensity of his gaze sent chills down her spine, and she had a feeling that the same look would be there for a long time to come. It was the new normal.
Protected and ready to rock, Rhett waited for Y/N to indicate how she wanted this to go down. She'd been concerned with his preferences before, and now it was his turn to do the same.
"How'd you want me?"
"Lie down, my love." He did as she said and lay down beside her. "Turn to face me."
With that, he rolled towards her so that they were nose to nose. The entirety of their bodies were cushioned by the mattress, so the strenuous activity that was about to take place was less likely to aggravate his pains or take away too much of his already diminished energy.
The very tips of her fingers reached out to trail lightly along his jaw and down his chest. "You ready?" He nodded. "Let's take it nice and slow."
He gripped the meat of her thigh and manoeuvred it on top of his, while his other hand took his cock and lined it up with her entrance. He slid it in carefully and began to stroke her back up and down slowly, and once he was completely seated inside her, Y/N let loose another moan and her eyelids fluttered close as she relaxed into his touch. 
This must be what heaven felt like.
"Looks like we're a perfect fit," he chuckled. "You okay?"
"I'm gonna move now," he whispered softly, taking a deep breath as he pulled out just a little and rocked back in. The pace was languid, yet steady. And Y/N's body was relaxed, almost boneless as she allowed him control in this. 
"Good job, angel," he praised, and as soon as Y/N opened her eyes and saw how blissful he looked, she was forced to bring him into a kiss. 
Their tongues danced in sync, and she couldn't stop herself from moaning softly each time, and her arms reached out to wrap themselves tightly around his neck. Y/N shivered as he kissed her gently and tenderly, her toes curling as Rhett's fingers dug into her hip and squeezed her tighter.
It was a slow fire that burned so beautifully, like molten lava pouring onto some fresh grass and Y/N could barely contain herself as the heat built in intensity within her. 
"I'm gonna cum soon, handsome. You?"
"Been tryin' not to bust for the past minute."
And they did cum soon after that with Y/N whimpering his name as her entire body tightened, sending a swearing Rhett soaring over the edge moments later. They both panted quietly afterwards and shared a few more kisses before their heads collapsed down onto their pillows.
"You should go pee," he urged, his hand moving to rub her back in circles. 
Y/N hummed softly, nuzzling her face further into his shoulder as she breathed him in. "I don't wanna get up just yet."
"If you stay, you're gonna fall asleep. Come on."
"But you're so warm..." She whined, pulling away and frowning playfully. He couldn't help laughing at her childish expression, and leaned forward to kiss the tip of her nose. "I also don't want a UTI."
With a huff, Y/N climbed out of bed and immediately threw on Rhett's discarded hoodie as she went to do her business. While she was doing that, he discarded the condom and then immediately knocked out. His head hit the soft plush of her pillow, and he was asleep in seconds.
It was a very adorable sight, really, because she found herself smiling just a little bit at her man sleeping so peacefully. As quietly as she could, Y/N got back into bed and settled down for the night. After tucking herself under the covers, she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her in close. She rested her head against his chest, letting him envelop her in his warmth. 
She sighed deeply and enjoyed the moment, knowing full well that there were many more to come.
*Click here for my Bob Floyd masterlist (including Rhett Abbott and Miles Miller), or here for the entire masterlist*
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respectthepetty · 1 year
give me your craziest, messiest only friends theories. pls i need it for science
Oh, Anon, I GOT wild ass theories for days but understand that Jojo's Dirty Laundry rewired my brain and made me even crazier.
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It had this beautiful pastel color scheme that was in conflict with the show's theme of money laundering while also throwing the most unhinged characters at the audience each episode.
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It was amazing!
So coming off of his 2022's offerings of Mama Gogo, The Warp Effect, Never Let Me Go, AND Dirty Laundry, which all had some level of crazy messiness, I was ready for Only Friends to give me everything then throw more on top of it!
I wanted Boston to be killed (Theory 1)
I wanted Top to be framed for it (Theory 2)
I wanted Mew to have actually killed him (Theory 3)
I wanted Ray to help Mew cover it up (Theory 4)
I wanted Nick to know the truth and help them get rid of evidence (Theory 5)
I wanted Sand to know nothing (Theory 6)
Then, Jojo said "NOBODY DIES!"
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But I had other theories, so I pivoted because we still have the sex workers, right? Jojo always has sex workers.
I wanted Sand to be sex worker (Theory 7)
I wanted Top to be a sex worker (Theory 8)
I wanted Nick to be a sex worker (Theory 9)
But so far, none of the main characters are sex workers. They are just normal dudes doing normal dude stuff.
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Jojo has given me a strip club trying to compete with a rival strip club. He has given me a high school student taking over his family's million dollar company with his bodyguard boyfriend when both of them didn't attend school for at least a semester. He has given me a virgin traveling to the future where he is a gynecologist who can't climax. He has given me poly killers on the run! HE GAVE ME JUDO!
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Yet in Only Friends, he is giving me dudes being dudes.
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So I guess the craziest and messiest theory I can come up with now is about the kid:
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Theory 10 - The kindergartner?
Ya ready for my theory?
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The kid is someone's brother, and he is picking him up from school.
The end.
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I would love if one of these guys had a secret love child (Top, Sand, or Boeing). I would love if the boys got in trouble and were court-mandated to volunteer with kids (Ray). Hell, I would love if one of them had a little brother who he was trying to shield from the oppressive life his father has forced on him (Boston or Nick). I would love something wild! ANYTHING!
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But Jojo is giving us regular 20-somethings being messy, so it's probably Mew going to read to the kids because he is a good guy.
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I like it. I ain't mad at it.
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But no dead bodies floating in a pool. No sex workers in crop tops. No Judo having sex in the front seat while the two people hiding from gangsters in the backseat have to witness it because the client likes an audience.
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Basically, no Judo crazy.
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So my craziest messiest Only Friends theory is . . .
this show is normal.
but I'm keeping an eye out for the crazy, just in case.
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simplygyuu · 2 years
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Nouvelle Crown - 003 : 7 eleven?
tweets and written!!
synopsis : choi beomgyu, the second prince of the royal choi family doesnt have much of a life outside of his duties. even then hes not allowed to do much, his brother is the crown prince after all. but when he meets you, a regular commoner girl, through his brothers friend soobin he cant help but be intrigued. commoner life is so different from what he knows and you are the only person to treat him like the normal teenager he always longed to be. with you he gets to experience the normal, teenager life behind the backs of his overbearing family.
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The last way Beomgyu expected to be spending his night was walking down the dark streets, not one guard at his side and only being accompanied by Kai. Honestly he was pretty fucking freaked out simply by the fact that he snuck out. Never has he done anything rebellious, too worried about being perfect enough to finally get some praise from his family. Being anything but perfect had never even crossed his mind (even if he happened to make mistakes from time to time, which usually ended up in a breakdown).
Either way he couldn't help the curiosity coursing through him as well. He never went outside of the palace grounds if it wasn't for a public appearance and he definitely didn't go to this side of town. What was up with all the overgrown plants and flickering street lights? Why were the shops so run down looking and small? He didn't know this was simply the lower middle class, not even poverty. He was just that out of tune with his own nation since he's always been so sheltered.
"I promise nobodies gonna be outside at this time, especially not at a 7 Eleven." Kai reassured him, confidently leading the way. Kai had a lot more freedom than he did, Beomgyu often longed to live as a Huening instead of a Choi. "Speaking of 7 Eleven, how do you not know what that is?"
"You know how my father is, Kai. Hes so crazy about me leaving the palace and coming in contact with 'commoners' and all that. He doesn't even want me learning about anything in our nation outside of the rich people stuff. Im still surprised he even lets Soobin hyung and my brother be friends." Beomgyu mumbled, eyes big and curious as he took in the unfamiliar scenery. He had a mask on curtesy of Kai, just in case somebody saw them.
They lulled back into a comfortable silence before Kai pulled him into a building with the most atrocious green, red, and orange color scheme. A bell jingles above their heads as they walked in, catching Beomgyu off guard. Hes never even gone shopping before, so this was all new to him.
"Im gonna go look for some jellies, you should explore. Who knows when i'll be able to get you out here again." Kai gave Beomgyu a little shove towards a row of shelves before walking away. Thankfully, Kai was tall and easily spotted over most of the shelves which eased Beomgyus nerves.
Hesitantly Beomgyu glanced around, standing there awkwardly for a few beats of silence before finally walking down an isle. Immediately his attention was caught onto the shelves filled with snacks ranging from chips to things like pickles and other snack foods. It was the weirdest assortment of foods hes ever seen.
While walking he wasnt looking straight, eyes glued to scanning the isles before he found himself bumping into something. A high pitched yelp met his ears, causing him to whip his head around to see a girl falling. Without much of a thought he jumped forward to put one hand on her elbow and the other on her waist for a split second as he kept her from falling. As soon as she seemed to be balanced again he let go and took a step away, immediately bowing towards her.
Now when you said you wanted to restock on peanut butter you didnt think that would lead to you almost being bulldozed over by this tall guy with pretty eyes and nice clothes. You hadnt even noticed him in the isle until he full on ran into you.
"Im so, so very sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I apologize for my careless actions." The man spoke, his eyes on the floor as he avoided eye contact guiltily. The way he spoke was different thats for sure, weirdly formal for someone who looked so young.
"No, its okay dont worry about it." You reassured him, you could feel his guilt coming off him in waves and it made you feel a bit bad for him. "It was a honest mistake!"
"Ah, still.." He trailed off, fiddling with his shirt before perking up. "What are you buying? I can get it for you! That way I can make it up to you." He exclaimed, eyes crinkling into an eye smile which made you assume he must be smiling underneath his mask. You didn't want to make him buy you something but he seemed pretty adamant. This could also be a chance of friendship, maybe you could agree then ask for his number so you could treat him to coffee as 'pay back'.
"Alright, if you say so." You finally said after a while of silence, turning back towards the shelf where you carefully picked a jar of peanut butter. You could feel his eyes on your back but you didn't say anything.
"Cmon then, this is all I wanted." You piped up, beckoning him to follow you as you approached the cashier. Out of the corner of your eye you saw how he wouldn't stop looking around the store in awe, has he never been to a 7 Eleven or something? You huffed a bit at the thought, thats just impossible.
As you gave your peanut butter to the cashier and heard the girl recite back the price you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. Turning around you saw him holding out his card hesitantly.
"I uh.. dont really know how to do this.." He mumbled, scratching his neck. You couldnt help but smile a bit even if it was pretty weird. Then, you actually noticed his card. Your eyes widened as you noticed he was holding out a black card towards you, how rich was this kid?
You took the card, making a conscious effort to not see the numbers since you didnt want to have some rich people on your back before inserting the card and stepping away to let him input his pin. A few minutes later you both were stopped in front of the exit as he bounced a bit on the balls of his heels and kept looking back towards the isles.
"Wow! You have a black card?! What are you doing out here then?" You couldnt help but ask once away from the cashier, eyes wide. Sheepishly he looked back at you and fiddled with his sleeves.
"My friend brought me along with him but I dont really know where he went.." He replied, glancing towards the isles again before focusing back on you.
"Hmm.. Hes probably getting a drink in the back. Its hard to see back there from here anyways." You informed him kindly, noticing how fidgety he seemed. "Oh, thats right! Do you think I could get your number? You seem cool and I think we could be good friends! Plus, I'll need to repay you for buying this for me."
For a few seconds he just looked at you with wide eyes and you couldn't tell what was going on inside that head of his. You assumed he was going to say no with how long he stared but you were pleasantly surprised when he finally took the phone from your hands to input his number. Once he handed it back to you, the contact 'Gyu' was added to your phone.
"Thank you! Ill send you a text, yeah? See you around, Gyu!" You said happily, smiling as you waved goodbye and stepped out the door easily. He would be a nice addition to the friend group, you hummed.
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notes : HI FINALLY THEY MEET! sorry if the pov changes are a bit confusing but i hope ur enjoying this so far!
reblogs and replies are really really appreciated and keep me more motivated to keep this au going :)
taglist (open) : @mazeinthemoon @pokyloky @run2seob @bluebearybeom @wonioml @rikismiel @yumilovesloona @captivq
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unfortunatetheorist · 3 months
The Complete Works of Contradictory Logic in ASOUE: Volume I (Quote Debunk 10)
Part 7 - The Miserable Mill S1 E7
Quick Intro: Surprise! I'm back after what I know has been quite a long while - life's been keeping me busy! As Voltaire once said: "Life is thickly sown with thorns and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them."
Time to carry on where we left off...
And of course we're jumping straight in with Mr Poe-ntless:
01:49 - "We must act now! We must act without delay! We... (sniffs)... need... (sniffs again)... We need... (sniffs some chowder because why not?) Oh! Oh, my! Oh, my, this is excellent chowder. Mmm, mmm, good. Oh, God... [chugs the entire thing - again, why not?]"
How did we ever believe this guy cared about the Baudelaires?
05:06 - "Pink Floyd's "The Wall"... Although Mother wouldn't let me watch that one."
Not contradictory per se, but a beautifully subtle reference to the lyrics of the song 'Another Brick in The Wall, Pt 2.' particularly the chorus:
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone!
So I guess it's contradictory, in a way, to the underlying principles of V.F.D.
07:06 - "They have to do what I say, even my partner here." ~ Sir
Luckily Klaus responds quickly and correctly to this one.
10:06 - "...who joined you for years on a sequence of heists and schemes until the two of you were forced apart by circumstance, and also because you ran off in the middle of the night with a bunch of her valuables?" ~ Olaf. to Evander the Truck Driver
What a way to lose a lady. Something tells me only Olaf would do something like this!
The chocolate bar scene at 10:26 is funny, but not really the kind of contradiction we're looking for.
14:45 - "I'm just an old friend" *sniffs flowers and writhes in disgust* ~Olaf to Georgina
"Um, Dr Orwell's not here right now." ~ Dr Orwell (Georgina) to Olaf.
Sheer genius. Neatly covered with the hilarity of Olaf's facial expression after smelling the flowers.
15:06 - "So he isn't just knocking on Dr Orwell's door because he needs something - for himself?" ~ Georgina
Olaf: *chuckles*, *pulls angry face*, *chuckles*
It's brilliantly timed and brilliantly filmed. Also better/easier to understand when viewed.
15:27 - "...who shares one's brilliance, one's charm, one's dubious moral code in a world gone gloriously wrong." ~ Olaf
Olaf was just trying to find alphabetical words; 'brilliance' and 'charm' have quite different meaning and connotation to 'dubious'.
Also, a world gone 'gloriously wrong', eh, Olaf? I wonder how it got that way...
15:48 - This gem:
Georgina: "I took a solemn oath that my office would be closed to you forever even during regular business hours."
Also Georgina: "How big a fortune are we talking?"
22:22 - "I took a chance on treating you like grown-ups, don't make me regret it." ~ Sir to the Baudelaires
A classic phrase often said to children to enforce good behaviour now twisted to benefit Sir's bank balance. Respect, Handler! This kind of thing goes unnoticed very easily.
25:25 - "You, me, an evil scheme, a little death." ~ Olaf
"La petit mort" ~ Georgina
"You know I love it when you speak Spanish." ~ Olaf
Ok. First off, 'la petit mort' is, in fact, French not Spanish. Secondly, 'la petit mort' literally means 'the little death' but in French slang, it means something else entirely... [Hint: not child-friendly...]
26:10 - "It represents the eyes of God staring down and judging society as a moral wasteland." ~ Klaus
"Oh, that sounds like a fun book." ~ Phil
Not really sure how fun this is... but the same could be said about ASOUE to be fair. Each to his own, I suppose.
37:24 - "We've fought a host of unsavoury characters, including a most unfriendly refrigerator repair person. We've flown a plane into a hurricane. We've been to Peru and back to get home to our children. And today, finally, we'll all be together. What could be wrong?"
Gotta love the sarcasm when it's there.
There's also the piece related to the final scene about Sir mentioning the 'probable' (yeah right) conditions of the Baudelaires, which are actually his own... this isn't as contradictory as it perhaps could've been so not worth writing in full.
~ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph, Unfortunate Theorist/Snicketologist
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