#me literally any time I hear noises in the middle of the night
ivysangel · 5 months
hello angel 💕
as much as i love confident, cocky jason in bed, i also think he doesn’t have a lot of experience (just go with me here). between dying young and his all consuming question for revenge, i don’t think he’s actually had that many sexual partners or relationships. simply where would he find the time? like he’s familiar with the mechanics, knows what feels good and how to make a partner feel good, but he doesn’t really have a frame of reference for his preferences.
but that’s the exciting part! he gets to discover what really turns him on and gets him off with you! he figures out that he likes pinning you down and immobilizing you with his body but that ropes are a no go. that fucking you through at least four of your own orgasms first has him cumming so hard there’s stars in his vision. that he doesn’t like pain unless it’s from your nails clawing up his back. everything’s up for grabs and you get to figure it all out with him.
sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
let out audible noises reading this...my entire body is tingling sunnie like you just CANNOT do this to me. i really don't even...how do i add to this??? what do i say other than i love you!!!!
this basically being the precursor to confident jason?? the first time you guys have sex, it's pretty vanilla, he makes you cum regardless, and it's still amazing and better than most guys with experience, but you can tell he's still a bit unsure of himself. he still hesitates to move too quickly, he's still scared to hurt you, and he still asks, "is this okay?" and "does this feel good?" but not in a sexy "i want to hear you" kinda way, in an "i'm worried i'm doing a bad job" kinda way.
like i said, the sex was never bad, but boy, does it get better when he discovers what he likes. you're play fighting when he finds out he likes it when you can't move under him. he's got you pinned between him and your living room carpet, trying to get out from his hold, and he's literally got a growing boner pressed into you through his pants. ropes are a no-go because not only does he have awful memories associated with them, but the prospect of not being able to touch you and you not being able to touch him pisses him off.
he finds out he likes it when you leave scratches on him one random night after you successfully sneak out of a wayne enterprises gala. expensive shoes and an even more expensive dress on the floor, but those pretty red nails you'd gotten on a whim stay attached to your fingers, leaving bright red lines up and down his back.
he likes it when you wear lingerie but thinks it's hotter when you wear cute matching pajama sets. he's fond of red, but green's his favorite color; you have to stay vigilant with birth control around christmas time. he'll never do public places but a bathroom or car here and there he won't say no to. he likes sex in the morning and in the shower. he likes it in the kitchen and on the couch but prefers the bed. he's not opposed to the floor, but he'll only do it there when he's desperate.
he gets turned on when you show interest in his hobbies and even more turned on when you talk about yours. he likes overstimulating you but not to the point where you're in pain, and he loves getting head but loves eating you out more.
his biggest turn-on is verbal consent; he wants to hear that you want him, and if you want him to do anything unconventional in any way, that's how you go about it. tell him in the middle of dinner how badly you need him, and he'll politely excuse you from the table, drive you guys a few miles away and then pull over and fuck you silly.
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purpleyoonn · 2 months
The Line Between Love and War 12
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“It is said that the night sky is made up of tiny wishes that humans were never able to fulfill. That the stars only became bright by the fulfillment of those wishes. In your eyes, the stars that shine never seemed real, your childhood wishes dark and dim as you grow. But now, now you understand the twinkle in their eyes as they look down at you.”
Summary: Your experiences told you that soulmates were something you would never have the pleasure of having; something not given to you because of who you are, despite the soulmark that resides on your inner left wrist. During your solo trip to Los Angeles, you find out that you are more than capable, that your soulmates had been waiting for you for a long time, and would not be letting you go anytime soon.
Genre: soulmate au, bts au, idol bts, polyamory relationship, eventual smut
Paring: Idol!BTS x autistic!mc
Status: Ongoing (randomly updated)
Warnings: mental illness, talk of disability, lots of angst, miscommunication, feelings of depression, feelings of isolation, polyamory bts, stalking, dangerous behavior, eventual smut, 
Chapter Warnings: the concert, overstimulation, shut downs, not much, lots of feelings,
Taglist: @azazel-nyx​​​  @yuzon3​​​ @hannahdinse8​​​ @quirkybtsarmy​​​ @mageprincess7​​​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​​ @suckerforv​​​ @chaoticthingpizza​​​ @drissteele​​​ @carolinexkpop​​​ @avadakadabra93​​​ @lachimolala22019​​​  @justaweird0​​​ @singukieee​​​  @welcometomyworld13​​​ @toughbook​​​ @kimana122​​​ @kpopmultistantrashsstuff​​​ @0funsite0​​ @joyless-living​​ @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered​ @elliott-calls​​ @psychosupernatural​​
Masterlist // Chapter 11 // Chapter 13
Previously on The Line Between Love and War:
“Alright then. We well let Sejin and Seungho know. For now, I would appreciate if I could have some pre-concert kisses from my littlest mate.” Namjoon reached his arms out, pouting his lip a little knowing it would cause you to laugh at him. 
You struggle to get yourself out of Hobi and Taehyung’s embrace, who noticeably tightened their grip once Namjoon opened his arms. 
“Heyyyy, not nice!” You whine, finally pulling yourself away and falling into Namjoon’s arms. 
“But we want pre-concert kisses too!” Taehyung whined back, making you laugh again, hiding your face in Namjoon’s neck.
You could already hear Army beginning to enter the arena, voices and screams echoing as the pre-concert videos started to play on the big screens. Taehyung was sitting with you, having finished getting ready first. He was in the middle of making sure you were okay being in the security gates in front of everyone else. He knew how loud noises made you feel. 
“Don’t worry Tae! I’ve got the headphones that Yoongi gave me.” You smiled wide at him, hoping that would reassure your stressed-looking mate. It didn’t reassure him at all though. He opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off by Seungho.
“Come on, Y/n. We need to get you to your seat before the boys start.” Seungho gives Taehyung an apologetic glance and nod before he starts to lead you out of the room. But before you can leave, you turn around and quickly give each of the boys a hug, not wanting to kiss them in case it ruins the make up the make-up artists spent so long on. 
“Good luck! I’m so excited!” You tell the last part to Seungho as you hold your hands up to your chest, your fists shaking in excitement. 
You went from traveling about a week early to experience Los Angeles by yourself because you couldn’t get any tickets to now having seven soulmates and being able to attend not just one, but all four of the PTD La concerts. Your entire life literally changed at the blink of any eye, or well, more like running into a wall. 
“This is your first concert, correct?” Seungho asked you, not remembering if you’ve attended anything before. 
“Yes!” You exclaimed back, your fists still shaking as you make it to the stairs that will get you to the ground floor and into the security gates in front of the stage. There was a good maybe ten feet between the security gates for the floor seats and the stage where the boys would be performing.
Hobi explained it to you that you would have a seat in the section right in front of the edge of the stage, and that it wouldn’t be close to the floor seats where Army is seated. 
They were worried to say the least. While they loved Army, and trusted them with you, they also knew there were some “fans” who were not happy that they found their last soulmate, and that it wasn’t any of them. They wanted you to be safe, which was why they wanted you up with their family in the box. Obviously, due to your fear of heights, they had to figure something else out, wanting you to experience their concert like an Army. 
Seungho escorts you to the seat set aside but you don’t sit down, to excited and pumped up. You stood watching the stage, taking everything in. It seemed way different than it did earlier before sound check. The entire atmosphere was different. You could feel the energy and excitement of every single Army coming in and finding their seats. Some even running down to the 100’s section. 
What caught your eye though was the people who had soundcheck coming back down to the floor section, all running towards you. You startled, Seungho moving directly in front of you once he caught the movement of the crowd. You held onto his arm before letting go just as quickly, not knowing if he was comfortable with your touch. 
Despite your aversion to touch, you felt safe with him; you just didn’t know if he also had an aversion to touch and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. 
However, a single, subtle nod from him let you know your actions were okay, holding onto his arm again as you try to peak over or around his broad shoulders to see the group of Armies still running your way. You didn’t know if it was because you were directly in front of the stage or what, but seeing a group of men and women running towards you scared the crap out of you.
Now you understand how celebrities feel when fans spot them out and about, without security with them. 
“Stay behind me please, Y/n.” Seungho told you, feeling you trying to peek around him. He had a feeling they were rushing for you, trying to get close to the barrier in front of you. He had been watching your social media, following the discussions and posts about you. You were well liked by a lot of people, and also not so liked by some. He didn’t know which it was coming for you tonight, and he didn’t like it. 
You could hear your name being called; pictures being taken of you. It was weird and seemed a bit unreal, just like earlier when you did the Instagram live. You could feel some other members of the boys’ security team moving to help Seungho.
“Seungho, I think they are just excited. I don’t think they’ll hurt me. I have you to help protect me. Plus, there is about five feet between my seat and the barrier.” You were not going to lie, you were freaking out. But you didn’t want Seungho or the boys to have to worry about you the entire time, and if Seungho continued to try and hide you from Army, you knew that would happen. 
He looked back at you, and seeing how serious you were, only moved a couple inches to the left, still in front of you but not necessarily hiding you. Taking a deep breath, and trying to hide your nervous stimming, you looked at Army. 
“Hi guys! Please enjoy the concert! The boys have worked super hard and are so excited to see you guys again.” You spoke loudly, not wanting to yell in Seungho’s ears as he still stood close. 
“Y/n! What song are you excited for?”
“Y/n! Have you completed the bond yet?”
“Who is your bias?”
You ignored the second question, and the others like it that were being yelled your way, instead, you tried to answer some of the questions, but didn’t want to make the night about yourself. This night was about the boys, not you. 
“Please guys, the concert is about to start!” You decided to move back to your seat and not stand in front of the barrier anymore. 
You were now actively stimming, your body trying to help you feel more comfortable with the attention and new experiences. Your fists were clenched in front of you, shaking fast back and forth. It was a stim you’ve been doing since you were a kid, something you did when you got really excited or happy. You tried not to, despite how much you needed to, because you always felt embarrassed when doing that particular stim. You had been made fun of before for doing it, so instead you rocked your body forwards and backwards slowly. 
It took a couple more minutes before you could hear the intro starting, music slowly becoming louder until the boys came on stage from below. It also took the same amount of time for you to become completely overwhelmed and overstimulated. Despite your headphones, the music was loud and seemed to be louder than the screams behind you. The lights were flashing and the movement of the boys on stage had you practically shutting down. The stares you could feel on your back didn’t help, either.
You tried hard not to though, even though you know you needed it. Your boys needed this more. This was the first concert for them since the pandemic started and the went into the army. You knew they were happy being back on stage after so long and didn’t want to ruin anything for them. You wanted them to see you happy and not having any issues. You didn’t want them to worry. 
You could feel the sting from your nails digging into your palm as you clenched your hands. Your voice gone as you tried to show some kind of emotion resembling happiness or awe on your face. You didn’t need Seungho trying to bring you back into the dressing room and alerting everyone that something was wrong. 
So, you spent the rest of the concert rocking back and forth and mouthing along to all the songs the boys sang. Your nails were practically stuck in your palm and you were stuck in your head. You could tell the cord connecting your mouth and brain wasn’t connected anymore and didn’t know when it would again.
You just wanted Jungkook to hold you and rub your back again but figured you probably wouldn’t get that tonight. They would probably be too pumped up with adrenal after the concert to do anything other than want to celebrate with army like normal. 
You could probably get away with cuddling up to Yoongi’s sweatshirt again as you laid in your shared bed. You didn’t want to bother them when they shared this excitement and happiness with army after so long. The last thing you wanted was to be a burden. 
Despite being completely overstimulated, you thought the concert was amazing. You don’t think you would go to one again, but you could see why so many people always praised your soulmates’ concerts and performance skills. 
You waited in the dressing room as the last notes of the last song play out throughout the stadium speakers. Seungho had thought it a safety issue to exit with the rest of army to try and make it backstage. So, he had taken you back during the second to last song. 
You still haven’t spoken a word, and Seungho could tell something was wrong. Your facial expression was vacant and it seemed as though your eyes were glazed over as you stared down at the small table in front of you. He was worried. 
You almost didn’t notice the arrival of your soulmates, mind gone to the stimulation you felt. 
“Hey baby! Did you have fun?” Jin came up and sat next to you on the loveseat, securing the spot next to you before anyone else. It was a couple of hours until his birthday and he was feeling the excitement of having his birthday with his finally complete soulbond group. 
But once he saw you, zoned out and not even registering their entrance, he had a feeling of what was going on. He was reminded of the closet incidence, your wide eyes glazed and unable to track what was going on. He moved in front of you, kneeling down so he could catch your eye. 
“Baby?” Jin tried, but you were gone. He now had the attention of the others, and Taehyung and Yoongi made it over first. 
“What should we do? Should we hold her like last time?” Taehyung asked, remembering how Jungkook held you in his arms and how the physical contact helped bring you back. 
“Here, let me try something.” Namjoon took control, switching places with Jin who now sat back next to you. Their movement didn’t phase you, your eyes still glazed over. 
Namjoon moved slowly, just in case you came back to, and moved so his palm was cupping your cheek. At his touch, your eyes became focused again and he could see how truly tired you were. 
“Hi baby girl. Are you okay?” He knew you weren’t but he still needed to know if something was physically wrong, and you seemed to know his intention as you shook your head no. At this response, they all knew you were nonverbal; Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung all watching from the back as their hyungs take over the situation. 
“How about we go back to the hotel, and have a relaxing night, hmm?” Namjoon asks but stops as you shake your head, grabbing tightly to his forearm. His face scrunched up in concern, wondering what was going on through your head. 
You swallow your spit, trying your hardest to push words through your lips, only for them to keep getting caught in the back of your throat. Finally, you manage to push through one word, hoping they understand what you mean. 
“Celebrate.” You word is raspy, as if you had a bad cold recently. 
They had just gotten back from the military only months ago, managed to plan two weekends worth of content and concerts for Army, and as only a fan could know, they usually celebrated the concert afterwards with a live. You didn’t want that taken away from Army, and you didn’t want the boys to break a tradition just because you got overstimulated. It didn’t seem fair in any way. 
You would be fine; you always were before. Yeah, it might take time, but you would be fine. 
Army needed the boys more than you right now. 
“What do you mean baby?” Jimin asked from behind Hobi, eyes narrowed in confusion as he watches your expression. 
You knew you couldn’t push out another word, so you grabbed Namjoon’s palm from your cheek and held it flat in front of you, using your pointer finger you traced the word Army on his palm, hoping he would get it. You even trace it in Hangul when he didn’t get it in English. 
“You want us to celebrate with Army?” Namjoon finally realizes what you were trying to say, nodding his head as it clicks. 
You nod your head in response but stop once you see the look on your soulmates faces. You could tell they didn’t understand why you were asking them that. Why you wanted them to celebrate with army even when you weren’t doing good. 
So, you pull out the big guns, something Jimin taught you when Jin kept telling you no more ice cream. Jimin said it would bring out an immediate ‘yes’ from the hyungs every time, so you tried it.
You pulled out the puppy dog eyes and the lip pout. 
An immediate round of groans sounded throughout the room, every single one of your soulmates looked away from you, trying not to be drawn in by your expression. 
To seal the deal, you brought your hands together, folded in a way that everyone usually added with pleading words, but you couldn’t speak right now, so you held your clenched hands up close to your face. 
Eventually, Jin was the one who folded. 
“Alright baby! But we have some conditions.” He raised an eyebrow at you as you turned to face him. 
“We’ll do the live as long as you are there with us, so we can see you and make sure you’re okay. You’re going to drink some water, and let one of us hold you until the live, because that helped you a lot last time.” You knew they were talking about the last time you got too overstimulated, so you agreed. 
Maybe selfishly, though, you agreed to the terms. You kind of just wanted to be cocooned in like a little safety nest as you watched the boys do their live, maybe covered in one of their shirts or sweaters again. They always made you feel safe and comfortable and were slowly becoming a part of your collection of safe clothing. 
“Okay, boys, lets grab our things so we can get back to the hotel. Namjoon, why don’t you grab out little soulmate and go get into the car, we’ll grab your things.” Jin clapped his hands together after moving the night along, wanting to get back to the hotel. 
It didn’t take but a couple seconds for Namjoon to pick you up, his hands moving under your thighs and holding you to him so you were chest to chest. 
“Come here baby. Let’s go.” You looked around for your backpack, only to see Seungho handing it off to Jungkook who had deemed your backpack his responsibility. You can’t fight him for carrying you this time, exhaustion finally hitting you as you tuck your head into the curve of your soulmate’s neck. 
It was a good thing too, as you didn’t realize some fans had figured out where the boys’ vans were and had been waiting outside for you all to leave, phones at the ready to take pictures and videos. This also meant that it would take longer to get back to the hotel, as some fans loved trying to follow the boys to figure out where you all were staying. 
One of Namjoon’s hands moved from your holding your thigh to covering your face, protecting you in what he considers a vulnerable moment. He walked faster, Sejin moving with him so he could open the door for you both before having a word with one of the drivers. 
Even as you get into the car, and Namjoon’s sits down, he still holds you on his lap, crossing his arms behind your back so you were practically glued to his chest. He moved his left hand lower, almost touching your butt as he moves his hand under your shirt, making contact with your back and begins rubbing his hand up and down your back. He knew this helped you last time and it was one of the only things he had to go on right now as far as helping you out of your shut down. 
You both wait patiently for your other soulmates, time passing slowly as you turn your head and watch fans take pictures of the van. You knew they couldn’t get pictures of you through the tinted windows, but you still felt a little vulnerable. You were unable to protect yourself in anyway, nonverbal and in the middle of a shutdown, and it was a little daunting. 
You turned your head back into Namjoon’s neck, your head resting against his chest as you watch the boys all begin to make their way quickly to the vans. Jungkook, Hobi, and Yoongi made their way into your van, while the others went into the first one. 
“Okay, so Sejin is going to separate our vans, each going a separate way to make it back to the hotel so we aren’t followed. We also have three deco vans waiting to draw confusion.” Yoongi’s voice was raspy and slow from the concert and his own emotions. 
He, along with the others were feeling a lot of emotions from finally being able to perform at a concert for Army, but also watching you shut down from the very same concert. It was a lot. 
“How is she?” Jungkook asks quietly. 
Out of all your soulmates, Jungkook seems to have taken on most of the responsibility for your care and well-being on himself. He finally has a soulmate younger than him, that can rely on him and that he can provide for. So, for him, he has put the responsibility on his own shoulders, something his soulmates have already talked to him about. 
“I’m okay.” 
You were. You had just been relishing in Namjoon’s touch and had felt the connection build again between your brain and mouth. You still weren’t used to being taken care of, to mean something to other people, and you knew it would take a while but you loved the way they worried about you, the way they cared for you. 
It was the same way you cared for them. 
It had taken you over an hour to make it back to the hotel. There had been several vehicles trying to follow you, the final car getting lost at a traffic light about fifteen minutes ago. To be safe, the driver kept driving around. 
Your van had been the last to make it back to the hotel, and when you go to the room, a small bundle of blankets and pillows, along with some of the boys’ sweaters had been made into a little nest for you by the far wall close to the kitchen. You were in perfect view of the boys as the couches and chairs had been rearranged so they could all be in view of the camera. 
When Namjoon let you down, a bundle of clothes had been shoved into your hand as Jimin led you to your shared room with Yoongi and Jin to change. Jimin walked into the bathroom while you changed into a pair of your comfy leggings and one of Taehyung’s shirts. 
After doing your skincare for you, wanting you to feel nice and clean while you waited for them to be finished, Jimin helped you back into the living room and into your small nest, bundling Jin and Jungkook’s sweater around you while you watched the boys set up snacks and drinks on the coffee table. 
“Okay, now, don’t move.” Jimin pointed his finger at you, his face scrunching playfully as he tries to make you smile. And it works, a small giggle making its way out of your mouth catching the attention of your soulmates. 
“Here,” he pulls your phone out of his back pocket, pulling up the live on it before handing it to you. “Keep an eye out for questions you think we should answer, okay baby?” He asks you, wanting you to still be involved in their tradition with Army. While he would rather you be seated with them on the couch, he knows it’s not what you need right now. 
 “I will, Minnie.” You nod and smile tiredly at his request. He smiles back, kissing you softly before pulling back entirely, Jungkook taking his place with a bottle of water for you. He stays quiet, kissing your forehead before moving to sit with Hobi and Joon on the couch. 
You watch them as the live starts, hundreds of questions showing up on the screen as thousands of viewers turn into millions. At first a lot of the questions are about you, why Namjoon was seen carrying you out of the venue and some were even asking why you stayed seated the entire concert. 
The boys said a simple response to questions about you. They agreed that they wanted to stop the rumors of any health issues or problems while they could, especially after Namjoon was seen carrying you out. 
“Y/n is doing okay and is resting here with us after a long and overstimulating day. She had a lot of new experiences and is in the middle of processing them.” Namjoon spoke in his leader voice, glancing at you for a few seconds as he speaks. 
The questions and comments continue, but this time mainly about the boys and the concerts and their upcoming plans. You even commented a few things, trying to remember what it felt like to be Army, commenting “I love you” and hoping they would see it. 
You did that the entire time, finding cute little comments and even yelling out “Yoongi Marry Me” every time you saw it which did not amuse your cute soulmate who only looked your way while the others laughed every time. You also drank your entire bottled water, knowing that was one of the promises you made to Jin. 
And in the end, once the live was finished, he was the first to go to you, picking you up out of your little nest and into his arms. You were feeling a lot better, no longer overstimulated due to your soulmates care. 
“How are you feeling, baby?” You could hear the concern in his voice. 
“I’m doing a lot better! You all always seem to know what to do.” You hug him tightly, kissing his jaw in a show of thanks. 
“Well, I bought tickets for an amusement park for tonight for us. Do you think you might be up for it?” Jin couldn’t even finish his question before you were squealing in his ear, jumping from his hold and rushing to your shared room. 
“I guess that is a yes.” He told Yoongi and Taehyung who were staring at Jin, seeing the entire thing before walking off to the room. 
Jimin and Jungkook were already in the room, helping you pick out a matching outfit with Jin, who was going in a pair of his overalls and a white shirt. He wanted you all to match, but you and Jimin were the only ones who currently had a pair of overalls to wear. 
You were excited, jumping in your seat as you waited for everyone else to get ready to go. You loved the rides and playing the games but you think your favorite was the food. You never really went to the fair often, which was as close to an amusement park as you had gotten, your mother thinking going to a big field full of people of all walks of life below her standing. 
But you loved it and couldn’t wait to experience it with your soulmates. 
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wannab-urs · 6 months
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Title: Harsher Than the Bark
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Javi makes you feel things you’ve never felt before, will never feel with anyone else, but he can’t – or won’t – love you. 
Tags: smoking, probably shit spanish, smut, angst, fingering, squirting, unprotected PiV, probably unrealistic amount of orgasms (like 4 idk it’s kinda vague, choking/breath play, Javi has dom vibes but it’s not like BDSM he’s just bossy, one “good girl,” begging, religious imagery because Javi makes you see god, biting, that one position from that one scene – you fucking know the one, excessive cursing because it’s me and I refuse to change, Javi is a cuddler, emotionally unavailable!Javi, references to past arguments/past hookups because this has been an ongoing thing and I love to start in the middle of a story. Based on 505 by Arctic Monkeys, (being annoying and posting at 5:05 am) No beta we die like Oberyn WC: 1.4k
A/N: I kind of wrote this in a fever dream, I literally don't even know if it's any good. It's sort of a planned three parter, but I'm not putting pressure on myself to finish it, so each part can stand completely alone. If I write all three, it'll be called In the A.M. as in In the Morning but also because they're all based on Arctic Monkeys songs. Hope you like it <3
Series Masterlist | Javier Peña Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi
The knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark
Javier Peña is probably the best fuck you’ve ever had in your life. Actually, scratch that. He’s definitely the best fuck you’ve ever had in your life. He makes you feel things you’ve never felt before. Coming three times in one night with him is the absolute bare minimum. He loves it when you scream for him. Does everything in his power to get you a noise complaint from your neighbors. 
And God is he gorgeous. Long and lean with strong arms, broad shoulders, a tiny waist, a perky ass. His nose looks like it was carved off a greek statue and placed on his face. He’s got these big sad brown eyes, full lips framed by a neatly trimmed mustache, and a jawline that could cut glass. You’re probably in love with him. 
You put out your cigarette when you hear the door open, lay back in the bed and stare at the ceiling. It’s five in the morning, but you never turn him away. No matter what time. 
“Shouldn’t leave the door unlocked, hermosa,” Javi’s deep drawl drifts across the room to you. 
“Knew you were coming. Didn’t wanna have to get up.” 
Javi drops his shirt on the floor and crawls up the bed, draping himself over you and pressing a kiss to your lips. “No es seguro, cariño. Anyone could walk in.” (It’s not safe, baby).
“Lo que sea, Javi.” (Whatever, Javi). You roll your eyes at him. “It’s locked now, no?” 
Javi drags his lips along your jaw, nips at your throat, drags a finger through your folds. “Wet already, baby? Were you thinking of me?” 
You were, but you kind of hate him for being right. “Fuck you, Jav–” his name drags out into a moan as he stuffs two thick fingers inside you. He pumps his fingers in and out a couple times before curling them up into the spongy spot inside you. You throw your head back in pleasure, back arching and hips thrusting so that you’re practically riding his fingers. 
He wraps the fingers of his free hand carefully around your throat. “Mírame.” (Look at me). You force your eyes open and he’s so close you could count the individual hairs in his mustache. You look into his eyes with so much adoration, so much love, he has to look away. He squeezes your throat tighter and you close your eyes again as your cunt tightens on his fingers. 
He rubs circles on your clit in time with the thrust of his fingers, feeling you wind tighter and tighter around him. His hand on your throat isn’t blocking air, but you still can’t catch your breath. When your body is so tense it feels like you’ll shatter into a million pieces, he releases the hand on your throat. You gasp in a big breath and fall apart in his hands. He works you through it with firm, slow strokes. 
Just as you feel yourself start to come down, he picks up the pace again. He places the hand that was on your throat on your pelvis, holding you down on the mattress and rubs his thumb in quick, hard circles on your clit. He pumps his fingers into you hard and fast. 
“Come for me, hermosa. Come all over my hand.” 
Your vision whites out and you let out a near agonized scream as you clench around his fingers and gush all over him. Javi pulls his fingers out of you and slips them into your mouth. You suck the taste of yourself off his fingers. 
“Good girl,” he growls in your ear. He stands up, leaving you panting on the bed, and strips his jeans off. He strokes himself as he gets back on the bed, hand still slick with your cum. He pulls your thighs over his and you wrap your legs around him. He drags his cock through your folds and watches you shudder. 
“You’re soaked… You want me to fuck you?” The bastard is teasing you. You whine his name. “Las palabras, cariño.” (Words, baby). 
“Need you, Javi. Please. I need you so bad,” you’re desperate, aching for him. He taps your clit with the head of his cock one more time before lining up with your entrance and pushing in. You let out an absolutely wrecked moan, voice breaking as he bottoms out. 
He leans forward, planting his hands on either side of your head and pulls out before plunging back down inside you. He has your hips tilted almost vertically, driving you down into the mattress with every thrust. You dig your nails into the meat of his shoulders and drag them down his back, making him groan into your neck. 
Fucking Javi is always a religious experience. You find salvation and damnation at once in his arms and you swear you see God himself when you come on his cock. 
Javi doesn’t slow down despite the way you clench around him. He often works out his frustrations in your body, tries to bury them and himself in you. 
He pulls out and flips you over by your hips, sheathing himself inside you the second you’re on your knees in front of him. He fists one hand in your hair and pulls your back to his chest, wrapping the other hand around your breast. 
You lay your head on his shoulder and let the pleasure wash over you, lose yourself in it completely. You only exist in this moment, the pleasure and pain melding to form something divine inside you. He bites down on your neck and you come on his cock again, and you think you scream. You aren’t quite sure. 
Javi groans as he slams into you one, two, three more times and collapses forward onto the bed, trapping you under him. He stays inside you for a few more moments, nuzzling your neck. His lips catch your ear lobe as he pulls himself out of you and falls to the bed beside you. He wraps his arms around you, curling his body around yours, and holds you close. 
You lie in silence for a long time, just listening to each other breathe. This has become routine. Javi has a bad day at work and takes it out on your body in this bed. He never talks about it, about why he needs such a frenzied release, but you can guess. 
Sometimes, though, he’ll talk about growing up in Laredo or about a nice dinner he had with Connie and Steve or about an op that went well. Sometimes he lets you see beneath his hardened exterior. 
The truth is that you’re definitely in love with him. But Javi won’t ever be with you, not in the way you want. Javi won’t commit to being with you because this, what you just did, is all he thinks he deserves and all he knows how to do. He loves making you feel good, takes pride in making you come over and over and over. He loves making you moan and whine and scream for him. He loves it when you tell him how good he feels, how perfect he is, how pretty his cock is. He just doesn’t love you.
He always curls up with you, snuggles you close, clings to you. But if you bring up wanting something more, something defined and committed, he fucking runs. He can give you himself physically, but he can’t let you near his heart because it is rotten and caving in and no good. And you? You are good. He can’t touch you with that. The dark and broken part of himself. He can’t infect your good with his bad.
You know this and yet… 
A tear slips from your lashes, trailing down your cheek and falling onto the arm tucked under your cheek. 
“Cariño, ¿por qué lloras? (Baby, why are you crying?) He sounds… fucking anguished. “¿Te lastimé?” (Did I hurt you?)
“It’s nothing, Jav.” 
Javi sits up, grabs your face in his hands and makes you look at him. “It’s something. Dime.” (Tell me). 
“If I tell you, you’ll just fucking leave again, Javi. I can’t do this right now. Just hold me, please? Be here when I wake up?” 
Javi searches your eyes for a moment. You aren’t sure what he sees there. Heartbreak? Resignation? Desperation? Whatever it is convinces him. 
“Sure, yeah. I can do that.” 
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poppyswriting · 7 months
Blitzø coming into your house out of nowhere as if it was normal.
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It’s been a while since you started working with I.M.P and you couldn’t say anything negative it was quite the gig and it wasn’t like the missions sometimes weren’t fun to do.
It was one of the large amount of jobs that you had that actually gave you something to think about instead of your shitty life. You had great friends too, Millie and Moxxie were great Loona, well you were getting into that. But Blitzø was definitely the one that was the closest to you.
And you meant it literally and metaphorically. Ever since you entered I.M.P you’ve been building a pretty good friendship between the two of you. And he sometimes even got off the hip of Moxxie and Millie to your hip which the couple noticed almost straight away. Of course Moxxie was happy about this and relieved while Millie just smiled talking about it being her boss was making more friends. You didn’t mind it, before this job you were a full time loner. You didn’t had much friends so you had your house all for yourself, everyday.
But that changed when one day you woke up at the middle of the night hearing some noise coming from your dinning room. Robbers you thought, as you reached for your nigh drawer and pulled off a knife you had there just for this type of cases. With smooth movements you approached the hallway as silent as you could. This wasn’t a situation that surprised you since your landlord and the guards at your apartment complex were total lazy asses, so it was just about time someone snuck up and tried to steal something.
Looking by the frame of your wall you looked to see the silhouette of an imp roaming through your fridge. You kinda felt bad, maybe the imp didn’t had any food and wasn’t in the position to buy any. But from all of the apartments it had to be yours, well you weren’t letting that little thing steal anything from you as you approached their back. And unconsciously holding your breath you raised you knife ready to stab them before they moved rather quickly taking your arm and pinning you against the wall.
You hissed at this as they let go as quickly as they noticed your face, turning around you expected a strange face but you were met to…. Your boss?
“Boss? What the fuck are ya’ doing here?” You lowered you knife while you saw how he avoided looking into your eyes and fidget with his fingers. “Wait, wait have you been entering house before?” You frowned, the thought of him going into your home before it didn’t bother you as much like a normal person would it just confused you why.
“Hey, look I don’t mind just.. Warn me the next time you come in here. You got me thinking you were a robber or some shit.” He chuckled while sighed and yawned, looking over tot he fridge to se wit was still open.
“Did you took anything?” he avoided eye contact again, making you frown. “Blitz..” you walked over to your fringe, strange, nothing seemed wrong. “You ran out of butter.” You heard him say and you checked, did he ate the fucking butter?
“How did you- never mind I don’t even want to know.” You sighed and closed the fridge door, you checked the clock in the wall and it said 2:36am. Good dear it was late, you grabbed Blitzø’s hand and walked him to your bedroom. “Why are you taking me here?”
“Hey, you wanted to crash in here I’m not going to judge you. My bed is not that big so careful you don’t fall.” You lifted the sheets and moved closer to the wall so he could lay in that spot, he seemed a little surprised by this since Moxxie and Millie always threw him out in the nicest way they could. So he smiled and lay there besides you, pulling the sheets over him and getting himself comfortable.
after some minutes you heard low snoring sounds, that meant he was sleeping. Good, tomorrow was Saturday so it wasn’t like you got to get up in the morning and wake him up too. But your thoughts cleared for a second when you felt his tail make its way up to you thigh to then curl up in your whole leg. You chuckled a little and smile at this, it was cute you couldn’t deny it. So you returned the favor by making your tail curl up in his, good now you two were even.
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a-case-of-attachment · 3 months
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Lucifer Morningstar / reader
Warnings: religious references, alcohol, stupid drunk decisions, hallucinations?, slight horror elements, questionable friends, no use of y/n, also don't sell your soul kids!
A/N: this is just a one shot, at least its supposed to be. I just liked the idea and it wouldn't leave me alone so here you go! Have my weird little story gremlin
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It’s a relatively normal night when you sell your soul to the devil. Or at least it had started out that way. Admittedly it had been an accident and a drunken one at that. You hadn’t really expected anything to come from your friends stupid dare but it seemed the old and tatted book she had found in the back of a junk store had been the real deal and you were the one now paying the price for her curiosity. Quite literally it would seem. 
On the last Friday of every month your normally quiet and relaxing apartment suddenly became the place to be, the small space crammed full of people and so noisy you could barely hear yourself think. Well, crammed might have been a slight exaggeration. There were six of you in total, somehow managing to fit on your small couch and armchair and not feeling like there wasn’t any room to move. Though there was only six of you they were loud though, their voices getting louder with every new bottle of wine that was opened and leaving you convinced this would be the one where Mrs Crouch from downstairs finally logged a noise complaint with the police like she was always threatening to do. You couldn’t really bring yourself to care too much about old Mrs Crouch from 3B though, four glasses in and having too much of a good time for it to be an issue. 
It was somewhere after the XXXL pizza had been demolished and the fourth bottle of wine had been opened that a game of truth and dare had been suddenly suggested. It had been meet with a mix of groans and cheers, you very much not wanting to take part after the last time it had been suggested. You had gotten so drunk that you could hardly remember what had happened that night and as a result had spent most of the next day hugging the toilet and feeling sorry for yourself. You were just tipsy enough that it hadn’t taken much to convince you to play the childish game and soon enough the empty wine bottle had been set on the middle of the table and spinning towards its first victim. 
It had all been standard stuff to start with, like run to the end of the hall and back naked, who did you actually make out with at your work’s Christmas party and down the pickle juice out of the jar. Childish and innocent enough that had all of you laughing and your neighbours shouting at you to “shut the hell up!” Well, it had been until it had gotten to your turn and then tings suddenly took a turn for the weird. 
You weren’t religious, hadn’t been since your dad had run off either his secretary when you were a teenager. You had been though, and your mother still was, often calling up on a Sunday afternoon to complain that you had gone yet another week without going to church and that you were opening yourself up to the devil’s influence, starting with “those so called friends of yours. Mark my words their satanists, the lot of them and your letting them corrupt your soul. If you don’t repent soon, you’re going to end up in hell. Is that what you want, eternal damnation and suffering?” It reminded you of your childhood, listening to your local preacher damning all of humanity at bible study and the church run groups you had been forced to attend. 
Your friends knew about you strict bible filled upbringing and it was often a point of their teasing so it shouldn’t have surprised you that when you picked dare they had managed to include it somehow though you would never have expected it to go the way it had. You had out right laughed when they had dared you to sell your soul to the devil, mockingly saying “oh please Mr Devil Sir, take my soul in exchange for another bottle of wine,” to a chorus of laughs from the rest of your friends and loud agreement as you clinked your mostly empty glasses together. It hadn’t stayed funny for long though, especially not when an old and tattered book had been pulled out from a long forgotten bag, the thing smelling musty and slightly like rotten eggs with an aura about it that had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up and goosebumps covering your arms. 
No, you weren’t religious, but you did find the whole thing weird as the ritual was explained to you, your friends seeming uncomfortably eggar and already having some of the odder things the ritual called for. It seemed to much like it had been planned, no one questioning it as animal bones and weird herbs you had never heard of were pulled out of the same bag as the book like it was normal to carry them around. It left you feeling nervous, like you were breaking some sort of taboo that never should have been spoken about let alone acted upon. It hadn’t bothered anyone else as much as it had you, but you supposed that was the whole point of them giving it to you as a dare. It was just a bit of fun for them, a chance to make fun you because you used to go to church every Sunday and were still a little reluctant to take the lords name in vain.
You had said no to start with, instead opting for the forfeit because having to take a shot of the weird sludgy grey concoction you had all had a hand in making seemed better than messing around with the occult. The problem was that you had always been a bit naive, your upbringing leaving you isolated and lacking the knowledge that others your age had from just every day life. You had always felt like you were at a disadvantage and as a result you were eager to fit in, not wanting to seem like a prude or killjoy. The alcohol didn’t help, lowering your inhibitions and it hadn’t taken much teasing and cajoling from your friends to change your mind, snatching up the book and demanding to know what you needed to do whilst trying to keep your hands from shaking. 
It had taken all of ten minutes to get everything set up, your poor wooden floor now supporting a pentagram with a weird array of symbols drawn in sharpie around it and every candle you owned now placed at every point of the pentagram. You had just a handful of seconds to worry about what your land lord would say if you couldn’t get the pen off the floor before your attention was drawn elsewhere, the clatter of someone rummaging through your kitchen cupboards to worrisome to ignore. 
When everything was in place, and everyone sat around the drawn circle the nerves had come back tenfold. It must have been obvious how reluctant you were as the mix of herbs and various animal bones were thrown into one of your pasta bowls, along with a couple of odd looking things that you had no clue what they actually were. No one seemed to notice though, your friends laughing and joking as they passed around another bottle of wine. You had declined a glass when offered, suddenly feeling sick. Your mother’s words chose that moment to come back to you, her sharp angry insistence that your friends were damning you to Hell apparently now a fact. She was going to be so angry if she ever found out you messed around with this stuff, even as a joke.
Only one of your friends had seemed to notice your sudden queasy state, sitting down next to you on the floor and reassuring you that it was “all a bit of fun, yeah? It’s not like any of this stuff is actually real. Trust me, the only thing that’s going to happen is a whole bunch of nothing.” That had gone some way to easing your worry. Not that you believe in that sort of stuff because let’s be real, angels? Demons? A fiery pit of damnation or an eternal paradise of peace and happiness? It was all just made-up nonsense to scare people into doing the ‘right thing’ whatever that was and it was way more likely you were just a jumbled mess of atoms and electrons that returned to the either when all was said and done. Right?
Slight religious panic aside it took all of five minutes before you were butchering your way through several verses of Latin, your hands trembling slightly as you tried to keep your voice from doing the same. The pin came next, a simple pricking of your finger and a few drops of blood squeezed out, falling into the bowl that had been placed in the middle of the circle. You can’t help but be slightly fascinated by it, swearing you can hear each drop splashing as it hit the strange assortment of things already in there. A ridiculous notion but you would aware it to be true, each little drop followed by a gentle sizzle like it was hit red hot coals instead of bone and dried herbs. 
Soon enough all that was left was for you to decide what it was you were going to ask for in exchange for your soul. It wasn’t real, you knew that, but you still hesitated, your pen hovering over the scrap bit of paper you were supposed to write it down on. Your friends had their own ideas, telling you to ask for a box or skittles or for the cutie from your local grocery store to ask you out on a date. They even suggested asking for money, enough that you would never have to worry about the cost of anything ever again. It was all frivolous things, nothing of any real value and even though it was just a game your couldn’t bring yourself to write down any of it, knowing a souls worth was more than a few material possessions. Instead, you had written something down that seemed impossible to you, something the devil would surely turn down if he was real. It was just as stupid and childish as the other’s suggestions but that hadn’t stopped you from writing down ‘to be happy’ before folding it up and setting the paper alight before anyone else could read it. 
The burning paper had set whatever else was inside the bowl aflame, a dense white smoke curling up from the pot and smelling a lot like those new age shops that burnt incense like it was going out of fashion. The room fell silent, everyone watching the pot and seemingly holding their breath as they waited for something to happen. The flames of the candles flickered, like a gentle breeze had blown across the room and then…nothing. Nothing happened. Nothing changed and whatever weird spell that had fallen over the room broke, a couple of people bursting out into laughter about how serious everyone had been, already getting up and going after another bottle of wine whilst they teased one another. Not you though, you stay where you were, back straight and eyes wide as your heart thundered away in your chest. 
Had it been nothing though? You could have sworn that as the candles had flickered you had felt a presence at your back, large and ominous as it pressed up against you. Like it intended to devour you whole. Something that had felt suspiciously like fingers had wrapped around your neck and wrists, long and burning hot like coals as their grip grew impossibly tight, your breath catching as your body stilled in fear. And then came the voice, carried on the strange breeze that had blown through your home and somehow sounding both light and musical yet somehow solemn as it had whispered “deal” into your ear, it’s hot breath causing shivers to run down your spine. It had only been a second, a fleeting moment but it left you shaken, the feeling like you had made a grave mistake washing over you. It wasn’t real, you knew it wasn’t. Heaven and Hell, angels and demons, they didn’t exist. It was just a mix of your upbringing and over active imagination playing tricks on you. It had all been in your head, no one else seemingly noticing anything. You were just being silly, that’s all it was. 
It didn’t take long after your little make believe ritual for the others to leave, all of them suddenly tired or having plans in the morning. You didn’t really care, for once glad that they were leaving earlier than planned so you could get yourself to bed and forget this night had ever existed. No one offered to help tidy up, but they never did, almost always just leaving everything where it was. Maybe if you were lucky a glass or two would make it into the kitchen but you didn’t hold out much hope. 
Once alone though that uneasy feeling started to creep up on you again and despite your best efforts you found yourself staring down at the pentagram like you expected a portal to open up and some demonic beast to pop up and drag you kicking and screaming down to Hell. The room seemed to get hotter, a weight settling around your neck and wrists, almost like you wearing a choker and bangles made of metal. The lights began to flicker, one after the other as the room filled with the crackle of electricity. Suddenly all the shadows seemed darker, more sinister, like they were crawling up the walls and spreading across the floor to get to you, their inky black tendrils looking far to much like claw tipped finger as they reach out for you. Your heart rate picked up, back pressed firmly against the door as your hand blindly searched for the handle. “Not real, not real, not real,” you chanted to yourself, eyes squeezing shut as your fingers brushed against the lock. 
The loud slam of a door had your eyes flying open, a startled panic filled cry falling from your lips as you stumbled backwards, the door handle digging painfully into your back. Your fear filled mind struggled to keep up with what you were seeing or in this case the lack of what you could see. The room beyond looked just like normal, no creeping shadows or ominous presences to be found, the lights on and filling the space with a warm and inviting glow. Of course there was nothing there. It wasn’t real, none of it was. You just needed to sleep off the worst of the hangover you were most likely going to have and move on with your life. Chalk all this up to Catholic guilt and be done e with it. 
Feeling embarrassed and stupid you pushed away from the door and started the arduous task of clearing away the mess that had been left strewn around your apartment, knowing that you wouldn’t have time to do it in the morning despite how badly you just wanted to forget it and collapse into bed. You avoided the satanic mess on your floor though, the heavy feeling around your neck and wrists getting worse the closer to it you got. That you wouldn’t leave till the next day when you would be better equipped mentally for trying to get the sharpie off the floor. If it would come off that is. If not, you would have no choice but to spend the last of your spare money on a rug to cover it up and hope your landlord didn’t want to look under it on your next inspection. 
Feeling drained you finally started on your normal nightly routine. Though you checked the windows and doors were locked twice tonight, your paranoia getting the best of you. You would normally leave your bedroom door open as well but tonight you closed it, not wanting to see the shadows that lurked beyond. Slipping under the covers had felt like sweet relief, whatever fear and worry you had been carrying around all evening vanishing as you snuggled down into your pillows. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, the late hour and alcohol you had consumed finally taking its toll on you. 
Somewhen in the early hours of the morning though the quiet and stillness of your home ended. The small bowl still in the middle of the pentagram began to smoke again, the candles that remained half melted at the points relighting all on their own. The red flames flickered and danced, casting long shadows that shifted and pulled together creating the silhouette of a man, with a cane and top hat. Silently the shadow moved through your apartment, your bedroom door silently opening with just a wave of its cane. You were so deeply asleep that you didn’t even stir as your bed dipped slightly under a new weight. You sighed softly as a clawed back hand gently brushed across your cheek, its sharp thumb nail dangerously close to your closed eye. The hand trailed down, nails not even pressing hard enough to leave behind so much as a red mark. They stilled at your neck, thumb brushing against the hollow of your neck. There came a glimmer of gold, a large decorative collar appearing around your neck, decorated with snakes and a large red apple at the front, a matching golden chain hanging from a loop at the front and leading straight into the shadows hand. 
From within the shadow came the same disembodied voice from before, soft and slightly forlorn as it whispered “happiness huh? I hope that’s possible, for both our sakes.” Unaware of what lurked over you, you slept on peacefully, blissfully ignorant of the fact that you had been wrong and now, because of a stupid drunken game you were bound for all eternity to the Devil himself, no longer the one in possession of your soul. 
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This one’s gonna be a first to see around here but the thought struck me and I saw someone say that if Zack survived, him, Aerith and Cloud would’ve been a triad and I one thousand percent agree.
So! Zack and Aerith would dote on Cloud so fucking heavily. Not in any, outstanding, buys him gifts and whatever he pleases sort of way but just in all the small gestures they do for him.
Cause Cloud is so effortlessly thoughtful despite being so painfully awkward sometimes. He hears Aerith has run out of tampons and he goes and gets her favourite brand even though her period is still weeks out.
Zack mentions his bike is making funny noises and he’s gotta wait for the next pay check to take it to a mechanic and he’ll just go and fix it himself without prompting.
Aerith complains one time about him and Zack hogging the blankets again and Cloud wraps her in her own blanket that same night, putting Zack in the middle so he can still cuddle both of them but will only fight Cloud for the blanket since they’re the two sharing.
It’s just all these little actions that he does because he’s so endlessly caring and he doesn’t even realise it sometimes and Zack and Aerith wanna return the favour however they can. But Cloud’s so quiet and is always content to just go along with them and whatever they want.
It’s embarrassingly hard to return such thoughtless actions when Cloud usually looks after himself whenever he needs or wants something. Always putting their priories ahead of his own and thinking it too bothersome to ask anything of them.
So they dote on him in other ways. Any way they can get away with and that won’t make Cloud clam up and isolate cause he thinks he’s being too much. Which is ridiculous cause he’s quite literally dating the human embodiment of a puppy and the sun, but they’re still working on that.
So Aerith gifts him flowers. Making crowns and placing them in his hair when it’s a day he can just sit back and relax. Or tucking them away in places he can find them easy when he’s moving around their shared spaces for jobs.
Zack goes out of his way to pick up food from Cloud’s favourite Junon place every so often, always lying and saying it was on the way back so Cloud doesn’t pout at him.
They both shower him in affection near constantly, brushing fingers through his hair and placing soft kisses on his cheeks and shoulders. Wrapping arms around his waist and leaning up against him or pulling him down, into their laps and simply holding him quietly.
Sometimes they manage a gift when he’s in one of his better moods. A new set of wrenches cause he somehow lost a few in the last set. A pair of riding goggles cause when he got tossed from his bike the last pair came off and broke. A new book or some graphite pencils for him to sketch the landscapes he sees when he’s out on deliveries that take him away from them.
It’s all in the little things they do for him. Cause they love him dearly and only wish for his happiness. Cloud had lived a tough life, they all had really, but Cloud always seemed to struggle with it the most. Still woke up panting and looking around frantically without actually seeing anything.
Still looked at them with so much longing and heartache that it broke their hearts to know they were technically the reasons it was there. Still sometimes hesitated before coming to them for affection. Like he was scared they’d turn him away or disappear the second he so much as breathed on them.
So they tried to dote on him as much as they could. Tried to return his effortless care and quiet affection in any way they could manage. Just for the hope that one day he wouldn’t be quite so scared anymore. That maybe he wouldn’t hesitate in letting them know when he needed them, and just so he knew they loved him. No matter how long any of it took.
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
sigma and ranpo w 19? congrats on 100 followers btw !! :D
ʚїɞ Separately! Sigma, Ranpo Edogawa x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ The event
ʚїɞ word count: 754 (Sigma - 429, Ranpo - 325)
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
ʚїɞ Thank you anon <3
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It’s a calming feeling for him. Sigma can't help but love the feeling and take in the feeling of your arms around his waist and your head on his back or the back of his neck.
And you know it. That's the reason behind your actions at the moment.
You could tell he was stressed. There has been problem after problem, paperwork after paperwork, and all the new guests that Sigma insists he has to remember stuff about like he does with the other customers.
You decided to help using small gestures. A cup of freshly brewed tea, baking his favorite cookies, some coffee midday, telling him it’s time to sleep, sometimes even dragging him out of the office once the hour gets too late and he thinks he should still stay.
Affection always worked well against the man, you are well aware of that fact, so you decided to use that against him to your advantage.
Sigma was sitting at his desk, the setting sun behind him gave him a serene orange light. You thought it fit him when you saw him in that scene.
You entered his office with the plate in your hands, the door making barely any kind of noise to indicate your arrival, but the bi-colored-haired man, like always, noticed you with no problem.
“Hi, [Name]. What brings you here?”
The smile that appeared upon noticing you, brought a smile to your face. You placed the plate on the edge of the desk.
“Nothing much, cotton. Just wanted to bring you some food.”
“Thank you, Angel”
The slight blush from saying the petname was visible on his cheeks. You love the fact that he still blushes, even if not much, simply because of a petname.
You walked behind him, and he was sure that you were going to look out the window like you tend to do, but he instead felt arms wrap around his waist. He had to get up from his chair as you -now realizing on purpose- left the plate too far to reach if he was to be sitting down.
As much as he wanted to tell you to let go, as he has work to do, he couldn’t. The feeling of the arms around his waist and the head against his back was, unfortunately for him, relaxing, causing him to lean back slightly, his shoulders letting loose.
A moment of silence passed.
“Please, don’t say even a word.”
He doesn’t need to hear that you were right when saying he’s really stressed. He knows you were.
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“Pretty please! With a cherry on top, sugar! With a cherry on top!”
“No is a no, Ranpo.”
“But why?”
“It’s the middle of the night!”
A sigh could be heard throughout the room, a tired one. Ranpo came back much later than usual, Fukuzawa wanted him for something, resulting in him coming back when you were already ready for bed, and to have your very much-deserved sleep.
To your tired self demise (courtesy of your mission that day), Ranpo decided it would be an amazing idea, to literally latch himself onto your back (you’re unsure of how you are capable of carrying him in your current state), before proceeding to keep asking to go to his favorite bakery for the next 10 minutes. The problem? It’s literally 1 in the morning, and said bakery was long closed. Even worse, it’s Sunday, therefore it’s gonna be closed today as well.
You spoke up after a minute of silence.
“Alright, how about this-” you could feel the manchild moving his head at you speaking up “-you will let me sleep.” a huff could be heard behind you. “And I will bake your favorite twice this week in exchange.” it was a good deal. You could say so upon feeling the weight being mostly gone from your back. Ranpo let his legs fall back down, standing behind you, his arms didn’t change much in terms of place, your waist.
A chin was placed on your right shoulder.
The cheeky grin could be damn heard, you sighed.
“Yes, I promise.”
You indeed ended up baking his favorite twice, one of the 2 times already in that day’s evening.
You knew he knew that this is how it’s gonna end up. You didn’t mind much tho. For sure not when the feeling of his arms around your waist while baking and slapping his hands away from the not yet ready food was a nice feeling.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated &lt;3
Do not copy or translate my works on/to any site
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Forget Me Not Pt. 2
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: I haven't seen any of the marvel movies in a while so this is my own made up version of the tower and all of that. I don't remember it haha.
Summary of Series: After an unexpected encounter with HYDRA, Bucky is left without memory of who you are.
Fic Summary: Bucky is finally released from the hospital and back at the tower. No matter what you do, you can't seem to avoid him.
*Not Proof Read*
It's been a week since Bucky got back. Steve's been with him the entire time. I just don't know what to do.
Did I make the right decision not telling him who I am? It's less complicated without a partner, right?
It's been hard to avoid him. Our rooms are literally down the hall from each other, and he's usually in the main rooms with Steve when he's not busy working out.
I've had to completely change my schedule, now going to the gym in the middle of the night just to avoid an accidental encounter.
It's not that I'm upset with him...I just don't know what to say. It's like we're starting all over again. How can I do that? I know everything about him already. His passions, the things he loves most in life. I know his deepest secrets and regrets, his hopes and dreams.
And he...well he knows nothing about me.
All those late nights spend talking while staring at the stars, completely gone from his memory. All the city dates we went on, completely in the past.
How am I supposed to just look at him and start over? I guess I did this to myself, insisting that no one tell him about us. I deserve the pain I'm getting from this. I chose this.
A knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts.
It's four in the morning, who in the hell is up?
I pull open the door and am immediately met with two pairs of eyes. Of course they'd be up at four in the morning, they're probably working out.
" Steve? " I question, trying not to let my gaze slide over to the waiting brown haired man.
" Y/N, I need to ask you a huge favor. " Steve's eyes are wide with panic.
" What is it? " I ask, shifting to my other foot. I tap the door handle nervously.
Steve begins to explain. " There was an attack in Manhattan yesterday, We need to head there as soon as possible. I figured since you're on temporary leave...maybe you could help Buck out? "
My heart begins to pound faster. " What? "
Steve lowers his voice so the man a few feet behind him can't hear. " He's still so confused about everything. He doesn't even know how to work the Elevator by himself. " Steve lets out a sigh. " I can't leave him by himself, not until we're sure HYDRA didn't reactivate him. " He explains. " Please, Y/N, I wouldn't be asking this unless I absolutely had no other choice.
I glance over at the other man. His attention was quickly turned to the huge window a few feet away.
" Steve, I don't know. " I begin.
" Please, Y/N. It'll just be for a day or two. Just until we get everything calmed down. People's lives are at stake, Y/N. " Steve's expression is filled with worry.
I let out a sigh. " Fine. Two days. "
I stare at the screen ahead, flipping through channels. News about the attack in Manhattan flood just about every channel, each with a different news caster telling the story.
" Can I try? "
I turn my head in the direction of the familiar voice. The voice I've heard for years. " What? " I ask in confusion.
Bucky's eyes glance down at the remote in my hand. " Can I try changing the channel? " His voice sounds...nervous. Unsure if I'll let him.
I nod. " Yeah, of course. " I hand the thin item over to him. " Just press that to change it. "
Bucky nods, a small hint of relief on his face. He flips through the channels.
We sit there in silence, nothing but the buzz of noise coming from the tv making a sound.
" Are you hungry? " I ask, finally acknowledging the ache in my stomach.
" Yeah, actually. " Bucky nods. " I just, uh, I don't know how to get to the kitchen. "
I let out a small smile. " It's alright, I'll help you. " I lead him towards the elevator. I explain the different buttons to him, letting him press the right one to take us to the kitchen.
Bucky looks at the elevator with intensity, trying to take in all the technicalities. When it dings to signal we're on the right floor, he takes his time leaving.
I lead him to the kitchen where we finally figure out what to eat, deciding on simple sandwiches.
Bucky pulls a knife from the drawer, pulling the plate closer so he can cut it.
I let out a small laugh.
He's very picky about his sandwiches.
Bucky's eyes turn to me, confused. " What? "
I shake my head. " Nothing. I just didn't know the sandwich thing stemmed back from when you were younger. "
" Sandwich thing? " He asks, still confused.
" Yeah. " I nod, taking a bite from my own sandwich. " You cut off the crust and slice it into triangles. "
Bucky lets out a small smile. " Uh, yeah. My mom used to cut it for me that way. I guess I never really stopped, huh? "
I don't respond, continuing to eat my sandwich.
" If we're friends, why do you always ignore me? " Bucky's voice breaks through the silence.
" Oh. " I didn't think he noticed. " I've just been busy I guess. "
Bucky nods, not quite believing me. " Yeah...okay. " He doesn't push it.
He asks another question a few minutes later. " Can you tell me about us? "
I freeze. " What? "
" About our friendship. "
I feel my body begin to untense. " Oh, yeah. What do you want to know? " I avoid his gaze.
Bucky turns to face me. " I'm not sure...How did we meet. I mean, you know how I eat my sandwiches, so I'm assuming we were close? " He takes a bite of his food.
I nod. " Yeah, I guess you could say that. " I set my plate in the dish washer. " Well, " I begin. " We met the day Steve found you. He brought you back here. I was the one who helped you get everything you needed to live here comfortable. I don't know, I guess we started hanging out? " And making out. " And yeah...that's really it. " Fucking lie. We spent months going out before we finally decided to make it official.
" Really? So you helped me. "
I nod again. " Yeah. I made sure you felt comfortable here. I mean, you came from such a bad environment...I don't think you knew what an actual bed felt like. You insisted on sleeping on floor no matter how many times I tried to get you to try the bed. It took months of convincing before you finally tried it. " I let out a laugh at the memory.
Bucky is silent.
" I'm sorry. "
My head turns towards him. " What? For what? " I ask.
" For not remembering you. I'm sure this is annoying, having to teach me everything again. You already did it once. It must be hard not having the same Bucky around. " He admits.
" Hey, It's not your fault. " I gently place a hand on his arm. " I don't mind, seriously. You're still the same you...just with less memories. "
Bucky doesn't respond.
I try to change the direction of the conversation, failing miserably. Tension sits heavily in the room.
" Why don't I go show you how to play on an X Box? "
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julieloves074 · 2 years
Take me home (Conrad Fisher x Y/n)
Summary: Con picks Y/n up in the middle of the night after ignoring her for weeks and takes her to the beach house.
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, drinking, drunk driving, arguing, cancer, death, sadness
Words: 8.9K
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(Not my GIF :) )
I wasn’t nervous when he called me, we had spoken since summer, for a few weeks before he completely shut me out, so I just wasn’t expecting it.
It was twelve in the morning when his name appeared on the screen.
“Connie 💓”
The pink heart signifying confusion, on the last night of summer we camped at the beach, just the two of us, he had an argument with his dad but didn’t want to leave Cousins on a bad note, none of us ever did. So he just took what he needed and set off. I wanted to follow him, but I was scared about what everyone was going to say.
So when Susannah said “Could you go to him Y/n?” I don’t want him to be alone,”. Her request was more than enough, I got suitably ready and headed to the beach. His tent was set up just in the perfect place, so that the wind would have trouble reaching it, and he was setting up a little fire.
That night we talked for hours and hours, we even kissed, but it wasn’t a quick peck, it wasn’t one of those steamy, heated make outs either, it was a perfect longing kiss, that stood for all it needed to between us. After that we just held each other and talked until we both fell asleep.
The next day we were all set to leave Cousins, we didn’t speak a word of anything that had happened the night before, still at least we weren’t ignoring each other, thankfully. Susannah gave me a bright smile and a ‘thank you’ hug when we returned. Though I think she knew that she helped me more than I’d helped her.
After that we didn’t speak for a month, I didn’t know how to start a conversation without bringing up what had happened and Con wasn’t reaching out either, so I thought maybe that was for the best until one day my phone rang at nine or ten-ish.
“Can we talk?” His voice was shaky and tired, I wanted to just nod, my mouth feeling dry like a desert but of course he wouldn’t have been able to know that.
“Yeah of course” I replied meekly, we didn’t about that night though, we talked about anything and everything just to keep the conversation going. It wasn’t hard, no matter how much we ever talked about we never ran out of things to say.
At first these calls started out a few times a week, but not after long we would be talking every night. My family knew there was something going on but I wouldn’t tell them who I was calling every night, they would go mental.
Then there came a time where he was always out or too tired to call, or literally have any other excuse, after a few days of his rejections I gave up trying to reach him. He didn’t reach out either until that night… at twelve in the morning.
I was reluctant to pick up at first, hovering my thumb over the green phone button. It was either the fourth or fifth ring when I had the guts to press the button. There was silence on the other side of the call, all I could hear was the noise of traffic- maybe it was an accidental call, for a second my heart sank.
“Hello?” I managed.
“Hi… Y/n I’m on my way to your house, I need to see you, I need to get away” I furrowed my brows, was this boy drunk?- no he wasn’t stupid enough to get behind the wheel drunk.
“What are you taking about Conrad?” I needed him to be clearer.
“I am half an hour away from your house, I need to see you, I’m keeping to that promise I made you” he said, I sat up all of a sudden I knew exactly what promise he meant, and I was angry at myself that I got so excited so quickly, it was like just after one call my heart had forgiven him. Well my head hadn’t.
“Con-“ I started but he knew what I was going to say.
“I know I’ve been a dick, I’m sorry. You can stay angry at me but can you just please. Please. Just get your stuff and meet my around the corner- ok?” I have never to this day heard his voice to have so much hurt and worry.
“Ok” I replied, simple and short. He said he’d drop me a message when he got here so I got out of bed and started to shove some clothes into my bag, with my brain still half asleep it was hard to think logically about what I needed.
I wrote my mom a note, she was going to be gone on her author tour a few more days, she would see it when she gets back, if I’m not back by that time. Steven was spending the holiday at school cramming in for some super important exam and Belly was away spending time with Taylor’s family in their mountain house.
Literally as I was checking all the doors and window were shut my phone in my pocket went off. I had changed into leggings and a hoodie, seemed more appropriate than Winnie the Pooh pyjamas.
When my hand was on the door handle I took a pause to really reconsider. What was I doing? Leaving in the middle of the night to meet the boy who has been ignoring me for weeks without telling my mother. I sounded like a fool even to myself, at least it was break in school, and I was going to turn 18 in a few months anyway so she couldn’t be too angry at me.
I hated that I could justify his actions so quickly, but my heart skipped a beat at the thought that he drove here for hours to see me, that he was waiting outside for me, no one else.
I locked the door after I had stepped out, it was much colder than I had originally anticipated, the cold December and January followed by an even colder February.
When I rounded the corner I could see him in the car, all the lights were off and he sat there looking down at his phone, I was swallowed down and took a deep breath.
He looked up as I approached and a shy smile found its way over his lips, my face couldn’t help but mirror. He stepped out of the car and took my bag placing it in the back without saying anything. When he shut the back door he turned back to face me, finally.
I bit into my lip and my heart broke into a frenzy, wasn’t this all I had ever wanted? So why was it so scary…
He opened his arms and for a second I wasn’t going to, but how could I not?
Slowly I stepped towards him, my arms wrapped around his middle, head against his chest, his heart was beating pretty fast too… or that could have been the rash beating of my own in my ears. Finally, after what felt like years his arms came to a close around me, he laid his chin on my head, then continued to lay it on my head. His finger ran gentle marathons around my back and shoulders.
He was so warm in contrast to the outdoor breeze, after a moment he pulled me even closer which I didn’t think was possible, his hold tight.
When I started to shiver he let me go.
“Right let’s get in, I brought you my blanket” he opened the passenger door, the heat from inside felt like heaven. I spilled in fast to avoid the heat escaping.
He got in as well and turned the engine on quickly so that the heating would start again.
“Ok let’s do this, let’s hit the road,” he said looking to me with a smile, more to reassure himself than me, it was so rare anyone got to see one of those anymore. I did like to pretend that when we called he was in his bed, staring at his ceiling smiling, that’s what I was doing.
The moon was shining particularly bright this night, as if was carving the way for us, I wanted to ask why he started ignoring. Whether I had said something? Or maybe he found some else? Not that we ever talked about those talks being anything more than platonic.
“How have you been?” he asked as if he didn’t crush my heart those couple weeks ago.
“I’ve been alright,” I didn’t know what else I could reply without everything I was feeling spilling out like sick after a particularly fun drinking night.
It was nice seeing him outside of his summer element, I had gone to visit Susannah and the boys a few times between summers, mostly because I wanted to get more involved in all the charity work she did. Being the amazing woman she is, she let me come to talks, ceremonies, fundraisers and even introduced me to some amazing people that could be the key to my future.
This was different though, it felt different, Conrad had a gray sweater on with black trousers, he was paler than usual, his hair was still the same though, messy like a little boy’s.
Cousins too looked different in the winter season, this is the first time I have come to this place outside of summer, there was never any need. I had always wanted to though, to see this place with snow or at least just the cold. But now that I was seeing it, all empty, it felt strange, and I couldn’t wait for summer again.
“What were you expecting? Lots of people wandering around in their winter coats?” he chuckled as he looked over at me, “This place is very seasonable, pretty much like abandoned during the winter,” he continued.
“Do you come here a lot during the colder times?” I couldn’t help but ask.
He shook his head before replying, “Not really, mom hates it, she says it ruins the spell of summer, I’d only come once, I planned on staying the week while fixing some problem that was going on in the house, but I’d managed to sort it out faster than expected and went home two days into the trip,” I nodded at his reply.
We stopped at the local 24/7 corner shop to get some groceries, we were walking on thin ice, dancing around the subject of the time of silence between us, and this trip. How long were we going to stay? Was anyone else going to be joining us? All the questions left unanswered. Conrad walked with confidence around the store picking out an array of foods, enough to last the two of us, Susannah had raised him well.
The house too was different, much colder for sure, the second we stepped in the silence was deafening, lots of stuff was stashed away for the time we didn’t spend here, all ready to be brought out in the summer when we arrive.
“If you go turn the heating on I’ll start the fire, if you could also start grabbing the groceries I’ll come and help put them away in a second,” he said settling right in, I wondered if this was what it would be like, living with Conrad if we were older, shopping together, co-existing, in a partnership. With him in mind even the mundane things like putting away the groceries seemed like a fulfilling and satisfying task.
Quickly enough the fire was started, and the house started to heat up, we made hot chocolates with whipped cream and marshmallows in the kitchen while organising everything. He had taken a sip before stashing away the box of cereal into a top cupboard. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
He turned around in a flash, “What are you giggling about?” he asked with a smirk, I covered my mouth with my hand, he had a thick white moustache of cream planted along the top of his lip.
“What?” he asked again reaching his hands to tickle my sides, he knew how badly ticklish I was.
“Don’t you dare,” I say with a real warning in my face.
“What are you laughing at then?” he didn’t lower his hands.
“You’ve got a moustache old man,” I stook my tongue out and began to run away, he chased after me in the kitchen, shouting how when he got to me I was done for.
“I’m only two years older than you!” he exclaimed. I was quickly getting out of breath, running through the front room, the hallway and back into the kitchen, I came to a stop in hopes of having a sip of my drink while it was still warm. Rooky mistake. That’s when he got me, I was standing backwards to him. His hands flew to my waist and he started to tickle me, I tried to get away from him.
One of his hands moved to my neck to continue tickling me and the other wrapped around my waist to stop me running away. I turned around to face him.
“That’s enough! Stop-“ I kept saying, I was laughing so much that I was physically in pain, “I take it back! I take it back! I’ll get it off for you I swear! Just stop ahh-“ he didn’t, not for another few minutes, we backed into a counter when he stopped.
I was out of breath, his grin was wide, like a proud child’s. I shook my head and lifted my hands to wipe the cream off his face, he lowered his head. His hands ended up on either side of the counter around me, caging me in. I wiped the cream into the hand towel next to me then turned back to look at him.
His stare was intense, neither of us said anything, I was scared to breath. Scared that this peace, this mutual understanding between us could shatter with a simple sound. I wish I had known what he was thinking there and then.
As if called upon my phone started to ring on the island, he quickly broke out of the spell, he ran his hand through his hair and stepped away from me. I walked towards the phone having a feeling I knew who was calling, mom would just think I was still at home, so I had to keep it together.
“I’ll- uh I’m going to put a few more pieces of wood in and extend the couch alright?”
I turned the phone around to see a friend’s number, it was only four in the morning, the ride to cousins was usually about three hours but the road was empty, so we got here faster, my mother wouldn’t even know it. I answered Ali, she was crying, her boyfriend had just walked out on her, she wanted me to come over, I ran my hand over the creases on my forehead. I explained that I was away, she ranted for about fifteen minutes before assuring me that she was going to be fine and call our other friend Robin. I bid her goodbyes and went in the front room.
The fire was harsher than before but at least it was warm, then Con came in through the front door with our bags. I went to sit on the sofa where he threw the blanket from the car alongside some others and a few pillows, I abandoned my hoodie.
“Was it your mom?” he asked leaving the bags in the hallway and coming into the front room, he sat down on the armchair and not next to me how I thought he would, I tried not to show my disappointment, instead focusing on that notion that it was not my mother who called.
“No it was my friend Ali, tough situation with her boyfriend, walked out on her. He’d been ignoring her for a few days, and she just wanted to talk it out but he didn’t have anything to say evidently,” I said, quickly apologising for rambling, Conrad probably didn’t want to hear this. He had been fiddling with his hand as I talked about it.
“He’s a dickhead, he probably doesn’t deserve her,” he said finally. The atmosphere had fallen a little I could sense it, maybe he saw himself in Ali’s boyfriend as he ignored me too, but yet here we both were.
“Aren’t you cold over there?” I tried to make my voice sound cheerful “There’s plenty of blankets over here if you want to join me?” I said lifting up some of the blankets, he looked at me and smiled with his eyes closed.
“Y/n,” he started and then closed his mouth with a sigh.
“Yes grumpy?” I asked.
“I don’t want to scare you,” he said, my head snapped to face him, my eyebrows furrowed, scare me?
“Conrad I’m not scared of you, where did you get that idea?” I didn’t know whether to chuckle at him or be concerned, I’d known him my whole life.
“Not of me, but of this,” he motioned between the two of us, “This thing that we’re doing? I don’t want to overwhelm you” he made it clearer. I wanted to argue him say that we weren’t doing anything, remind him that he’d been ignoring me these last few weeks, but I couldn’t. Something wouldn’t let me.
I lifted the blanket which I was cuddled under, the one from the car, it was his from home in Boston maybe he even took it to collage with him, it smelled like him, “Con, I’m almost eighteen and-“ I had to take a pause before I continued, “And if I didn’t want this to happen why would I be here right now?” my eyebrows lifted when I asked.
He didn’t answer, he just nodded and came to sit next to me, still a little apprehensive, “I don’t bite” I laughed and moved closer towards him laying my head on his shoulder. I was looking at the fire but I could feel his eyes on me, when I snuggled in he put his arm around me and sighed. We sat like that for a while, he kissed the top of my head and I looked up to him.
His eyes travelled between my eyes and my lips, and I found that mine were doing the same thing. He started running his fingers on my back, drawing an array of wonderous shapes and patterns.
“Are you sure you want this?” He whispered as his face got closer to mine. I swallowed down, his stare so intense that I was sure I could get lost in his eyes, the only thing I could do was nod and lean in. The kiss was gentle, as if his lips were barley on mine, the fire crackling in the background.
He pulled away just a little, to check I was ok, when he saw the smile playing on my lips his moved his hands to my cheeks and kissed me again, still gently. And again. I moved my hands to the back of his neck, my body shifting for both our comforts. His hands travelled to my shoulders, caressing them, the way his fingers ran along my arms was enough to make me shiver.
He was so gentle, it was all so amazing, too amazing to be true. “I want this to be perfect for you,” he whispered laying his forehead on mine, “Is this all okay? Tell me if you want me to stop,” he reassured me. And another smile spread over my face, like I couldn’t help it.
“You’re amazing Conrad,” I said and then kissed him, this time it was harder, hungrier. He was still gentle and respectful but there was a need behind it. My hands went to his hair and his to my neck, like he needed me to live, like keeping me close to him was the only way he could stay alive. The fire slowly dying out without the supply of new wood.
I’m not sure how long we spent entangled in each other but at some point we ended up lying down next to each other on the extended couch, there were eight bedrooms in this house and yet everyone was always most thankful for the convertible couch. We were comfortably close, taking up less than half the space. His arms were around him, my back to him, his breath tickled against the back of my neck, every few minutes he leaned forwards and kissed my neck, and a little down my back.
This was nice. Just us here at the summer house. I guess to me it didn’t really matter where were just that we were there together. Right now in this gentle state, everything felt so fragile but it also felt like nothing could ruin what was happening.
[email protected]<🌙>---.@~
His breathing was slow in the morning, my head was on his chest as I woke up, his arms still around me, legs tangled together under the blankets. I took a deep breath; I would have cried if this turned out to be a dream. For a few minutes while I laid there, at first admiring him, then looking around the house, I was scared it wasn’t really happening. That I was going to wake up any minute and find out this was all just a horrible dream.
“Good morning,” A groggy morning voice whispered next to me, he smiled when he looked at me, he sat up leaning on his one arm to I assume have a better view. He rubbed his eyes before leaning down and kissing me right on the lips, softly and sweetly.
“Morning,” I replied back when he pulled away a little, our noses still touching, he smiled and kissed me again, and again, and again.
“I was thinking scrambled eggs for breakfast?” he asked, I nodded, “Ok great, I’ll get on it,” he goes ready to sit up. It was an instinct, a natural movement. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me.
“Shall we say in 10?” I asked turning to snuggle into him, I listened to his heartbeat, in comparison to mine his was like calm waves after a stormy night, like a still pool, he was peace.
After he got up to make the said breakfast I started cleaning up the front room, I pushed the couch back together, we ate together at the table watching the cold waves and the fog outside the glass sliding doors. We talked and laughed. That day was spent playing cards, reading, watching some show on Netflix under blankets, not that I was paying attention much. We took this day to ourselves, to just be together. That night we cooked dinner together, we had some music and when the food was in the oven Con started dancing around.
“Will you do me the honour?” he ask bowing in front of me.
“Stupid idiot,” I said rolling my eyes at him, but inside my stomach was doing little flips.
“You know you want to,” he grabbed my hand and twirled me, the chorus of the song came on and we danced around the kitchen, the main lights were turned off, we only left on the fairy lights. Susannah taught us this dance, then she’d turn the song on at least once a day because she loved to see us dance. That night we slept on the couch again.
The next day we went out, drove to town, it was still great even though pretty much everything was closed, it was a rainy, windy day. Con held my hand as we strolled through the streets. There was a man with a really cute puppy walking by and he’d had asked if we wanted to pet her because I was staring at her, he told us her name was Lola, I couldn’t refuse. Instead of petting the dog with me Con pulled out his phone and captured a photo of me but refused to show me. The day was perfect, I could really see this being the rest of my life, we could even live here in Cousins.
It wasn’t until the next day that everything started to crumble. We woke up entangled in bed, he kissed me on the lips and went to make himself a coffee and me a tea. I cleaned up the couch and made my way to join him on the couch we moved into the kitchen. Around mid-day of the first proper day we pushed the kitchen table back and moved one of the couches from the second sitting room in there so that we could cuddle up while still enjoying the view.
He passed me my drink when I sat down in my pyjamas and messy hair.
“I love it like this,” I said, “Could you imagine this in the future?” The words slipped out, suddenly I was nervously awaiting his answer. After he didn’t say anything for a moment I brushed some hair behind my ear and turned to face him immediately regretting my question, “Sorry I didn’t mean to imply-” I started and thankfully my phone ringing cut my off because I was about to start rambling.
I took the phone out my pocket, the stress passed when I realised it wasn’t my mother, I wasn’t quite ready to confront her yet, it was Jeremiah. I furrowed my brows but got up quickly, answering.
“Hey what’s up?” I asked, not saying the name of the person in case Con wanted to take the phone off me.
“Have you been in contact with Con? He’s been kind of MIA recently these last couple of days, vaguely answering questions, constantly busy and Aubrey is getting worried,” When her name came out of his mouth I stopped, walking out of the kitchen, Conrad gave me questioning look but I just brushed him off.
“I thought those two broke up a little before last summer?” I asked sitting down on the stairs.
“Yeah they did, but when the news of mom having cancer again came out she reached out, she really liked our mom and then they started talking a bit more again. I don’t really know what’s going on between them but it’s my phone she’s blowing up when he’s not answering… Uh so yeah anyway, have you heard from him?”
“Uh, no, not recently, sorry,” I paused taking a deep breath, “Let me know when you get hold of him, I hope he’s okay,” I said, he agreed and ended the call. I took a minute to compose myself, take a deep breath before going back into the kitchen.
Con was still sat on the couch, he turned around as if I didn’t say what I had before the phone rang, was that why he couldn’t answer my question before? Because he had Aubrey waiting at home for him?
“Who was it?” he asked, arm on the header of the couch as he looked around at me. I tried to piece it all together, I was overreacting I was sure of it. I didn’t want to make this about me, Susannah was sick, she was the most important here, the happiness I have felt over these last few days was making me feel sick now. Aubrey was a safe space to him, they were together while his mom was well, I was the complete opposite, so was this house. He pretty much only ever saw me with him mom around. Only saw this house with his mom around.
I leaned one hand on the counter, the other ran across my forehead, “Why did you bring me here?” I asked, I tried hard to make my voice sound normal, it must have worked to some extent as he just look at me confused.
“What do you mean?” he laughed, “You said you always wanted to see Cousins in the winter,”
“Con you have been ignoring me for weeks, making up every excuse to not speak with me, and then we rock up here and you’re all loving and cuddly. None of your family know you’re here, why?”
“What are you talking about?” he asked more harshly this time, like I was picking at a particularly painful scab.
“It was Jere, wondering whether I had heard from you,” I could hear the pinch of sadness in my own voice.
He sighed, “If I had told him that I was coming here with you he’d only make a fuss about coming too, and I wanted this to be just us,” he confessed.
“Aubrey’s worried about you,” I said, this time I was emotionless.
“It’s not like that and you know it,” He stood up too.
“I’m not saying it is, even if it was there would be nothing wrong with it- it’s not like we said there was something going on. I know that she was in your life when your mom was healthy, Aubrey is like closure, I understand, she cares for Susannah too,” I explained.
“There has been nothing going on between us since we broke up before the summer, she just cares for my mom, they spent a lot of time with each other when we were together, Aubrey has been looking for closure with my mom not me,” he explained.
“Ok, I understand, I just wish you’d have talked to me about all of this instead of ignoring me,” I said and tried to put on my best smile.
“Ok I shouldn’t have ignored you when will you stop using that against me?”
“I’m not using it against you Con, but you seem to always have the best excuse for everything, I can’t do this,” I gestured to the air between us, “I can’t do this ‘in-the-middle’ ‘half hearted’ thing where you decide one minute we’re on and the next we’re not,”
“Why are you ruining this?” he sounded accusatory all of a sudden.
“I’m not trying to ruin anything, but when I asked about the future you couldn’t even say a word to me Conrad, be honest with me- what are we doing here?”
“You’re such a child,” he breathed rolling his eyes.
“Ow and you’re such an adult? I’m sorry that two years makes such a difference between us,”
“Don’t be a dickhead, do you know what talking about the future means? It means talking about a time where my mom won’t be here anymore,” I swear I saw the life drain from his face, his whole body when he said that sentence. I wanted to say ‘Don’t say that, that’s not true’ but I couldn’t get the words out my mouth, I knew the reality of it.
“It was a mistake coming here, bringing you here,” he said grabbing a jumper off of one of the kitchen chairs.
“Was being with me a mistake?” I asked, knowing that’s what he was insinuating , but I needed to hear him say it, to break my heart one last time so I could move on, block him out.
“Don’t put words in my mouth, I was never with you.” He said.
“So what were these last few days?” I let out a breathy laugh mixed with a sigh, I was getting really tired of this back and forth.
“Exactly what you wanted right?” his voice was raised a little.
“Was this not what you wanted?” Was all of this, all he had done all fake. For what? To dangle a carrot on a stick in front of me. He didn’t reply.
“Ok,” I said calmly.
“Ok? Is that all you have to say to me?” he asked, reaching for his keys.
“Conrad, if this isn’t what you want, something you never wanted I’m not going to fight for it because that’s not fair on either of us, I’m not some whining kid who throws a tantrum when they don’t get what they want, like you seem to think I am,”
“This was a mistake,” he repeated, looking right into my eyes, disgust filling his.
“Ok! You’ve already said, I heard you say it once, you don’t need to repeat it, make me feel even more shit about myself and these last few days,” I was feeling physically sick.
“It’s over, it was never anything but you seemed to have a different idea in your head, so I’ll say it once and for all. This is over, there was nothing here,” and that was it. He had rushed out the door, I didn’t know where he was going, in the moment I hoped it was as far away from me as possible, not because I didn’t want him with me, but because I was scared we were going to explode each other. And that was much, much worse.
Still the tears prickled in my eyes, I was glad he had left but the other part of me couldn’t believe he’d leave me here all by myself. I took a deep breath and waited by the front door, hoping that maybe, maybe he wouldn’t turn the car engine on and come back inside. That shattered when I heard the engine rev outside. Then I saw the lights from the back of his car pull out from the driveway. He was gone.
I turned around to the empty house, leaned myself against the door a tried taking deep breaths but they came out rash and uncontrolled. As tears started to flood my eyes I let myself slide down the door to the floor.
I reached for the phone in my pocket and dialled the only number I knew I always could. There was two rings before I heard the voice on the other side of the phone.
“Mom-“ I said in tears, in moments she sounded more alert and worried.
“Y/n honey, what’s going on? Breathe, talk to me,”
“Mom I’m in Cousins,” I paused after I said this, pushing my hand into my hair, I was waiting for her reaction, for her to explode, to scream at me. But that didn’t come.
“I know sweetie, with Conrad, now- are you hurt? Is Connie ok? I need you to tell me why you’re crying,” she sounded caring but assertive at the same time, she could never just be one or the other.
“How did you know?” I asked in a state of surprise and shock.
“Con and I do talk you know, he was always my special boy and I was always his Laur,” she started and it made a smile want to creep up onto my face but I couldn’t let it, “He had told me how you wanted to see Cousins in winter, how he wanted to take you, he asked for weeks and weeks in the build up to winter,” she said, I could hear the smile in her voice. He had asked my mother to take me here, he wanted to make sure I didn’t get in trouble, he had truly thought of everything to make this time perfect.
“Y/n- now can you please tell me why you’re crying?” this time she sounded serious, I swallowed down and took a deep breath while trying to dry some of the tears out of my eyes.
“He’s gone…” I said and before I could continue she was screaming fifty million different questions down the phone, “Mom! Can you just let me speak- please!” I exclaimed, she stopped, “We- we argued and he, he just got his keys and left, took the car and left,” she mumbled something under her breath but I didn’t press her on it.
Laurel offered to drive down but I couldn’t stop her press tour, her new book which she co-wrote with Castillo was fantastic and she deserved to celebrate it, I was a big girl now. She let me cry to her for a while until I calmed down, she had to leave for one of her talks and I had reassured her that I was going to be fine. At the end of the call she did make a comment about me leaving home without telling her, that if it happened again I’d be grounded for life, I laughed at her comment even though she was half serious.
I started cleaning up around the house, folding the blankets, setting the pillows neatly. I tided up the kitchen and did a round of washing, anything to distract me from my thoughts. I was quickly done, Conrad and I both being clean people we didn’t leave much of a mess. So I quickly found myself sitting on the couch watching some on TV, show after shoe for hours. I put on one of Con’s hoodies, watching those hours go by, I think it must have been half past eleven when I had dozed off to sleep.
I woke up at a little past one, checking my phone to see if he’d text or called. Nothing. Only my mother asking for an update. I left her on opened while I tried to call Con, three time but none of the times did he answer. I hoped he would read my messages instead:
Con, just come home.
I’m worried.
When I didn’t get a reply within a few minutes I text mom back and then put on another film. I tried so hard to stay awake, but it was impossible, the stress was eating me from inside out. I had to let my body sleep before it gave up on me.
A ring woke me up, I rubbed my eyes with the sleeves of Con’s hoodie expecting it to be my mother calling me after another one of her book parties, but it wasn’t her name on the screen. It was Conrad’s. I answered quickly.
“Y/n..?” he asked, his voice shaky.
“Con- Conrad where are you? What are you doing?” I asked, I wanted to scream at him for not answering my texts, or even just my calls, for not letting me know he was okay.
“I’m sorry, this wasn’t meant to be like this, this week it was meant to be perfect, just us. Just us at the beach house,” his words were slurred.
“Have you been drinking?” this woke me up real quick, I was perfectly awake now, getting on my feet walking around the front room, biting my nails before our exchanged.
“I may have had a little to drink,” he answered coyly.
“You’re drunk,” I confronted him.
“I had a little to drink, I’m sorry,” he said again, “I shouldn’t have left but I’m coming back now,” I stopped. Dead in my tracks.
“Tell me you are in a taxi or that someone else is driving that vehicle,” I hadn’t even clocked onto the notion that he was in a car.
“Y/n I can drive perfectly well, I’m fine,” He didn’t sound fine. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak it was as if my feet with glued to the floor. As if there was loud drums right next to my ears ringing. I had thought in my heart that this boy would never be stupid enough to drink and drive.
Tears started to fall down my face, “Stop the car, pull over Conrad,” I commanded, there was no more ‘Con’ or ‘Connie’ this time he’d fucked up.
“I can’t, I’m fine I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he tried to reassure me, my voice was raised when I spoke again, “Conrad I said pull the fucking car over- now, do you know what could happen to you-” then the worst, horrific images of what could happen to him pulled up in my head.
I was now crying, he was trying to make me calm down but I wasn’t having it, “Conrad you’re scaring me, please, please, please stop. Just stop. I’m scared. Please stop,” I felt like a child. Lost, searching for their parent at a carnival crawling with people. Helpless. Still I could hear the vehicle drive forwards.
“Conrad- if you love me, even a little you will stop that car,”
“Conrad stop the fucking car, if something happens to you I swear to god- I- I-“ I didn’t know what I’d do, I would blame it on myself. I was sitting on the floor now, arms wrapped around my knees.
“Ok- ok, I’m pulling over,” he said, it wasn’t long before I heard him switch off the car, my breathing slowed and suddenly the world was becoming quiet again.
“Where are you Conrad?” I asked. He told me exactly where he was, it really wasn’t far, a twenty, twenty-five minute walk. I wrapped up in some layers and told him not to move. It was dark outside but thankfully there were plenty of lampposts and I knew the way down this area like the back of my hand.
After a while I could see the car in front of me, there he was, sat in the front head on the wheel, thankfully my heart had slowed down. He was ok. I walked to over and opened his door, automatically the lights in the car had turned on.
He turned to look at me but couldn’t, focusing on the ground instead, “Y/n listen-” he started reaching out to grab my hand but I pulled away, “Don’t start- just don’t” I said, I could have been crying tears of happiness but the anger that overtook me was too real.
“What an earth were you thinking?” I tried to scream but my voice wasn’t louder than a whisper, my voice cracked halfway through.
“I’m sorry I left, I always fuck everything up, I never show up when I should,” he couldn’t look me in the eyes.
“Come on, get up I’m going to drive,” I reached from his arm trying to pull him out of the driver’s seat.
“Y/n… take me home,” he murmured as I wrapped my arms around him to drag him out, I backed away a little to look at his face, he still stared at the ground.
“Conrad I can’t drive to Boston right now, I’m exhausted, and still on an emotional high, and we can’t leave the house a mess,” I started listing all the excuses I could. Partly all the reasons were true, but on the other hand that would mean whatever happened here would be over, and there was this fear in my chest that we would be right back to ignoring each other.
“No- where are you going?” he asked.
I shook my head in confusion, “I’m going back to the beach house where else would I be going in the middle of the night?” I asked.
That’s when he looked at me, his eyes were clearer than ever, it was like his whole soul was bring ripped out of his body.
“That’s where I want to go,” he said. I paused. Did he intend to say that wherever I was going was home for him? Or did he simply mean the beach house was his home, that was true too.
“Yes, that’s where I’ll take you, but you have to get out of the driver’s seat Conrad,” I repeated.
“I don’t like it when you call me that, it makes me think you’re angry at me,” he whispered, I am angry at you dickhead! I said in my head.
“Ok, come on Connie, I’m cold, let me help you,” I said and finally he complied. He started to get up, this time willingly making it easier for me to help him. After getting him into the passenger seat I ran over to the driver’s seat and turned the engine on.
The drive home was silent, apart from the few ‘I’m sorry’ from Conrad, I didn’t reply, he probably couldn’t hear me behind his hazy state anyway.
I helped him out the car and onto the couch, he just sat there, head in his arms. I stood in the doorway messaging my mom, and Belly who mom must have called because I had about a million messages from her asking if I was ok, what was happening. I missed out the whole drunk driving part, just letting them know he was home safe.
After that I made my way to the couch, leaning my head and body against the back of the couch. Con started to lift off of the couch, for a second I thought he was going to throw up so I went to stand up too, he’d probably need to be guided to the bathroom but he laid his hands on my knees and kneeled in front of me.
“I’m sorry Y/n, don’t be angry at me, or do be angry at me I deserve it,” he sat down in front of me, resting his head on my knees. Lifting one hand to move one of mine into his hair, like muscle memory I started to brush through the tangles, easily brushing them out.
“I’m the kid, I’m the one who behaves childish, you just… you just remind me of her, your smile makes me think of her smile, and then I feel guilty for feeling happy when I’m with you while she’s in Boston in her bed dying,” he had tears in his eyes now too.
“I love her too Conrad, and I know this must be much, much worse for you because she’s your mom, but she’s like a mom to me too and I also love her more than I can express, no one will ever tell your that you’re not allowed to grieve what has been and what is going to happen. I am here for you, to get through this together, because it’s horrific and there isn’t a day where I don’t think about what more I could have done, screw that- there isn’t an hour where I don’t think about one of the times I decided to go and party instead of staying in a watching a movie with her, or baking treats or even just talking like she wanted. I am hurting too, and I really, really can’t deal with this back and forwards Con, and if I can’t do it, then how can you?” I was fully sobbing now.
“I’m sorry, I want to fix this, I need you,” he said.
“Conrad you can’t hurt me like this again do you understand? If this happens again I will walk out and not come back. You cannot ever get behind the wheel after drinking, if we lose her, and then I lose you I don’t know what I’d do, I couldn’t live, what about Jere. do you understand?” I repeated.
All the cards had been laid out on the table, we were both broken.
“I won’t, I’ll never hurt you again. I love you Y/n”
“Come here,” I whispered, I couldn’t say those three words to him, not like this, not in this moment, maybe I could one day but the future seemed hazier now than ever, all I wanted to do was get to tomorrow, or well later. He stood up and sat next to me on the sofa, we held each other and just cried, grieving what would never be, for Susannah.
I didn’t wake up until about half past eleven. Conrad wasn’t there when I opened my eyes but the car keys were still in the middle of the table. I heard his voice from the kitchen. I tip toed towards his voice.
“Hey mom,” his voice in a questioning manner.
“Yes sweetie?” It was Susannah, her voice loud and clear over the speaker, it was hard to image her laying sickly in her bed when she sounded perfectly normal, cheerful and self-assured.
“I think I really fucked up this time,” he whispered into the microphone, I knew I shouldn’t be listening in but I couldn’t help it.
“Connie, my dear boy, I may not make it to this day but I know, in the bottom of my heart that you will see Y/n walk down the isle in her beautiful white dress, you will have the best view because you will be the one stood there at the front. You’ll have tears in your eyes, which you’ll claim are allergies, but it will just be your heart fluttering. You will look at her and smile, you will be happy. You cannot, I repeat you cannot waste away your life in misery ok baby? Look at me I’m still here living every day as if were the best day of my life, I’ve done that my whole life and looking back at it, my life has been full of love, hope, excitement it has been fulfilling. If I have one wish for you, it’s that you look after her and be happy, she will look after you ok?” there was a silence, I rubbed the tears from my eyes.
“I promise mom, thank you, you always know the right thing to say,” she laughed on the other side of the phone.
“But I do want to live to the day you ask her to be your girlfriend, then you can come visit me,” she laughed, her laugh was one of the most beautiful I have ever heard.
“I love you mom,”
“I love you too Connie, please be happy,” she emphasised again.
I waited a few minutes before walking into the kitchen, he turned around from the Couch to face me, there was a smile planted on his face, “Hi” he said.
“Morning,” I smiled back.
“So here’s what I was thinking, tea and coffee obviously, then some breakfast and or well lunch and then we take a walk down to the pier? Play some arcade games and go out for dinner?” he was being so genuine.
“Yeah sounds good, I dibs on not washing up afterwards though,” I said walking over to the coffee machine to turn it on.
“I think we need to implement some rules here if this is going to work, the chef doesn’t clean, so when I cook you clean, if you cook I clean, deal?” He said making his way over.
I shook my head containing a smile, “You’ve got yourself a deal,”,
“Great,” he replied and gave me a quick peck, he went to pull away but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in, the kiss conveyed a million unsaid things, things that needed to be communicated but couldn’t be said.
He turned to make breakfast while I made us the drinks, while I was fetching the cups I suggested, “Hey maybe we should cut the trip a day or two short and I could come see Susannah?”
“Yeah that’d be great, she’d loved to see you,”
“Great,” I kissed him on the cheek and put the coffee on the counter next to him.
And so we did like he had suggested, we let yesterday’s past stay in the yesterday or well this morning. After we got back after dinner we sat outside, he set up a little fire and we toasted marshmallows, Susannah’s favourite. That’s when he me asked.
“I know it’s been a bumpy road, and there are many twists and turns yet to come but no matter what happens I want you to be next to me, I want to be next to you, so, will you be my girlfriend?”.
My heart fluttered, but I couldn’t help make a small joke, “I thought this was a mistake, sorry” I laughed as I said it, he pushed his lips together, trying to hold in his laugh, he closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair.
“Never letting that go huh?”
“Nope,” I laughed putting my marshmallow  in my mouth, he watched with a grin as I ate, when I finished I said yes. How could not have?
The next five days were stolen from heaven, we spent two more days at the beach house, the last morning mostly cleaning, together, then we travelled to Boston, his hand was either on my leg or holding my hand the entire journey. We hadn’t told Susannah we were coming, she cried when she saw us. The next three days we spent together, Con and I, Susannah and Jere. Laughing, playing games, talking.
When Susannah passed a little later into the year I went to stay in Boston with the boys for two weeks, coming back to finish off some of my exams, then I was moving in with the Fisher boys. It was hard at first, not living with my mom and siblings, being alive without Susannah here, knowing that nothing was going to get between our little family, ever. We were content, but one day we’d be happy again, I knew it at the bottom of my heart, just like Susannah did. For now all that mattered was that we were all together, that summer we spent together in Cousins. And all the summers after that too. It’s where a couple of years later we got engaged and then married. We were all happy, and now every time we thought of Susannah we didn’t cry, we smiled and thanked her for all she had done, she wanted us to be happy and we were doing our best to make it happen. It was true, we were all happy.
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vastill · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you can do something with smut like dom!Rebecca x sub!wife!reader, idk how to put it im sorry but u can do whatever u want with it thank u so so much🫶🏾
Heart-shaped eyes
Rebecca Welton/fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, NSFW, oral, pet names, slight dom/sub dynamics, swear words, face sitting, let me know if there are more
words: 1700+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!
A/N: thank you so much for the request! i hope it's good because tbh honest idk if i did the dom/sub dynamic, but here it is. hope you will enjoy and let me know what you think!!💚
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“Your eyes are literally heart-shaped when you look at her,” Keeley said to you with a smile.
You chuckled and rolled your eyes at her comment. “I can't help it, she's amazing,” you replied, taking a sip of your champagne.
Rebecca approached the two of you, standing behind you and embracing your waist with her hands.
“Hey, what are you two talking about?” She asked, looking at you and Keeley. You couldn't help but smile wider at the proximity.
“Just about how amazing you are,” you replied, leaning back to kiss her on the cheek.
“Oh, stop it!” She said, blushing slightly.
“Oh damn, you are so cute!” Keeley sighed. “Be lovey-dovey somewhere else!”
“Do I hear jealousy?”
“Fuck off,” Keeley said sticking out her middle finger. “I’m going to the boys because today I can’t bare all of this!” You both laughed at her gagging noises when she was walking away.
“Boss, I think me and the team are going to Mae’s later, you will join us?” Ted yelled from across the room.
“Don’t think so Ted, I’m tired, so we will just crash at our place,” Rebecca said quickly, squeezing your waist to get you to agree with her. Keeley only glanced at you two, not believing one word Rebecca said.
“Yeah, maybe another time Ted! After another win of course!” You said enthusiastically. “Now I need to take my gorgeous wife home for her well-deserved rest.”
“Of course, of course,” he said. “You guys have a good night!” With that, he headed off to join the rest of the team.
You turned back to Rebecca, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Ready to go home, my love?” you asked, smiling down at her.
“More than ready,” she replied, snuggling closer to you. “But I can promise you, we won’t be getting any rest tonight.” She whispered, lightly kissing your ear. Your breath hitched in your throat.
Oh, how you loved when Richmond won.
The two of you said your goodbyes to the rest of the team and speed walked to your car.
As you drove home, Rebecca's hand found its way onto your thigh, her thumb softly stroking your skin. You couldn't help but smile at the feeling of her touch. Her hand reached higher and higher with each stroke. In the corner of your eye, you saw her mischievous smile. She knew exactly what she was doing. When you stopped at a red light she leaned and placed small kisses on your neck and jaw, slightly sucking your skin.
“Darling, I’m driving,” you said while trying to focus on the light. Rebecca giggled, knowing she was distracting you. “I can't help it, baby,” she said, continuing to kiss your neck. “I’m just so hungry for you.” You felt a shiver run through your body at her words, knowing what was to come when you got home. The light turned green and you continued driving, anticipation building with each passing moment. You were sure you broke a couple of traffic regulations but who cares? You have a beautiful, horny wife in your car.
Once you arrived home, you barely made it through the front door before Rebecca was all over you. She pushed you against the closing door, kissing you fiercely as she tugged your blazer off. As the kiss deepened, you felt her tongue brush against your lips, asking for entrance. You eagerly granted it, losing yourself in the taste of her. Her hands were everywhere, roaming over your body as if trying to memorize every inch. You couldn't help but moan into her mouth, the sensation almost too much to handle.
Finally, she pulled away, leaving you gasping for air. “Bedroom,” she whispered, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway. You stumbled after her, barely able to keep up.
Without a word, she began to undress you, her fingers working quickly over the buttons of your shirt. You could feel her eyes on you as she stripped you down to your underwear, her gaze hungry. “Go lay on the bed,” she said with a kiss on your lips. You obliged right away. “Look at you, my good girl.” You couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “Look at me, baby.”
She stood in front of the bed slowly unbuttoning her blouse, her hips swaying to the music she put on. You watched with lust in your eyes as she revealed her lacy bra. Then she turned around and tugged down her skirt, revealing matching panties.
“You are so gorgeous, darling. My beautiful, beautiful wife.” You said looking directly into her eyes.
She slowly crawled to your spot on the bed, straddling your waist. You could feel the heat emanating from her body as she leaned down to kiss you deeply. Her fingers tangled in your hair as she ground her hips against you. Your hands went to grab her hips, but she was quick to smack them away.
“No touching, baby.” She smiled at you as you groaned in frustration, all you wanted to do was to touch her. With a smirk, she reached down and removed her bra, tossing it aside. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight of her bare breasts, pert and perfect. “You like what you see?” she asked, her voice husky with desire. You nodded, almost unable to form words. “Good,” she said, leaning down to kiss you again.
Rebecca continued to grind against you while she massaged her breast, the ache between your legs became almost unbearable. You wanted nothing more than to touch her, to feel her skin against yours, but you knew better than to disobey her.
Suddenly, she pulled away, “Okay, baby, lay down flat.” You did as she said. She pulled away from you and then moved to straddle your face. You instinctively grabbed her by her thighs, and again she smacked them away. “What did I tell you? Don’t you want to be a good girl for me? Or maybe you want those hands tied to the bed?”
“Mm sorry.” You barely could concentrate with her sex so close to your face.
“I’ll let you decide,” she said with a wicked grin. “Do you want to be good for me or do you want to be restrained?”
“I will be good!” You said quickly. “Just, please let me make you feel good!”
“That’s my good girl. Here you go.”
Rebecca lowered herself onto your mouth, her wetness coating your tongue. You began to lick around her lips. Her taste driving you wild. You slowly started to lick her clit before wrapping your lips around and sucking it. She moaned above you, her fingers tangling in your hair.
You started to move your tongue in circles around her clit, moaning against her. The vibrations from your voice only gave her more pleasure. One of her hands gripping your hair while the other holds the bed frame for stability. You felt as she pressed herself more into your face.
Your eyes moved to watch her, her face scrunched up from pleasure, her mouth opened moaning freely. Her breast bounced as she rode your tongue harder. You knew she must be getting close. Her moans get louder and louder. You started working your tongue faster to bring her to an orgasm.
“Fuck, baby, don’t stop! I’m going to-” She gasped as she grounded herself harder into your face. After a couple more strokes of your tongue, she came on your face, coating your chin and mouth in her cum. Her thighs shaking around your head. You never stopped licking her lips, not wanting to waste a single drop. Her hand let go of your hair as she came down from her orgasm. She lifted herself off of you and collapsed next to you.
Rebecca lay next to you, her breathing heavy. You could feel her warmth against your skin as you lay there, basking in the afterglow. “You were so good, baby,” she said, turning her head to kiss you.
When she spoke again, her voice was low and filled with promise. “Now, your turn.” You shivered at the thought of what was to come, anticipation coursing through your veins.
Rebecca wasted no time in getting started, kissing you deeply and running her hands over your body. Finally taking off your underwear. You felt her fingers brush against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
Her mouth soon followed her hands. Kissing every bit of your skin. Starting in your neck and going lower. You barely could take it, your body on fire from watching her come undone.
“Darling, please,” you whined when she lightly bit your nipple. Her hands wander across your stomach.
“What do you exactly need baby? You have to use your words.” She said, you could hear her smirk in her voice.
“Please, Becca, fuck me. Please!”
“Good girl. With pleasure.”
She spread your legs, giving herself easy access to your sex. Slowly she lowered herself between your legs, her hands gently massaging your thighs.
“So were for me. So so wet.”
She started to kiss and lick your inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your center. Your breathing became heavier as she teased you, her hot breath against your skin. Finally, she reached your clit, kissing it softly before gently flicking her tongue over it. You arched your back from stimulation letting out a loud moan. She continued to lick your clit, alternating between gentle flicks and sucking.
You could feel the pleasure building inside you as Rebecca worked her magic. Your moans getting louder and more urgent. You gripped the sheets as she brought you closer and closer to the edge.
You came with a scream of her name on your lips, it was like an explosion of pleasure, your whole body shaking with the force of it. You collapsed back onto the bed, panting and sated, as Rebecca crawled up to kiss you again.
She straddled your hips, the kiss deepening. You could taste yourself on her lips. Her tongue explored every inch of your mouth.
Rebecca broke the kiss when you both felt the need for oxygen. She leaned her forehead against yours.
“That was amazing. Thank you, baby.”
“You are amazing, darling.” You said stealing one more kiss from her.
You both lay there, holding each other. You traced your fingers lightly over her skin, marveling at the softness of it. Exhaustion took over your body as Rebecca snuggled closer to you.
“I love you, my beautiful, beautiful wife.” You whispered against her hair as you both drifted off to a peaceful slumber.
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obitohno · 2 years
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fushiguro toji x reader
synopsis ⤸
you know that loving toji is forbidden, but you just can’t help yourself.
themes ⤸
fem! reader, 18+, student-teacher relationship, age gap, angst, forbidden relationship, unrequited love, love confessions, make up sex, creampies, spooning, cowgirl, missionary, reader is twenty-three, toji is in his early forties, professor fushiguro
word count ⤸
7.1k (semi-edited)
a/n ⤸
i have to confess that i’m not the biggest fan of jjk, but i like the characters, n atm, i have major toji brain rot, it’s literally taking over my mind. i think that the forbidden love suits him, so this is the result of me not being able to stop thinking about ‘professor fushiguro’, hhh. this is my first jjk au, so i hope that you enjoy it :)
reblogs are appreciated ~
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it’s long past nightfall, and morally, you know that you’re not supposed to be sneaking around the university campus in the middle of the night, but alas, here you are, skirt riding up the length of your thighs as you hoist yourself up and over the iron-welded gate that is supposed to keep you locked out of the building that you’re currently aiming for. you land on the other side of the gate with a soft grunt, hands breaking your fall onto the tarmac, barely avoiding scraping your knees in the process. rushing your way over to the side door of the age-old building of the staff quarters is harder work as you have to duck behind the bike shed, and weave under a particularly leafy shrub-like tree, to avoid alerting the security camera that glares red from the upper wall.
once you reach the door, you make quick work of picking the lock with a hairpin, the corners of your mouth tugging into a small smile when you hear the tell-tale click that announces your success. the door swings shut behind you, and once you stand inside the main hallway, the thrill of potentially being caught makes your pulse race so harshly that you actually feel your neck throb with each beat. you swallow down the anxiety that belatedly rears it’s ugly head, and you quietly make the short journey to your destination. 
professor fushiguro’s quarters are, luckily for you, the only ones that are located on the ground floor. it not only makes your mission easier to achieve, but it also lessens the unlikely chance of other members of staff loitering nearby when their quarters are on the upper floors. the only downside is that the kitchens and lounging areas are also located on the ground floor, but you’ve made this trek countless of times, and so far, you’re yet to encounter anyone other than the very man that you’re here to visit. 
all too soon, your fist is raising to gently tap the wooden frame that you’re well accustomed to, once, twice, thrice, before your hand limply falls to your side. although quiet, the sound of your knock masks any noise that may come from inside, and you fail to hear the soft laughter coming from somewhere behind the door. when there’s no immediate answer, you frown, and your hand raises to repeat the action, only to freeze when the door is suddenly yanked open to reveal a familiar shot of dark hair and a pair of forest coloured eyes that stare down at you, rounded with bewilderment. 
he blocks the doorway, obnoxiously tall frame towering above you, and his expression is anything but welcoming. ‘what are you doin’ here?’ he hisses down at you, dark brows pinching together. 
‘uh, it’s wednesday?’ you remind him, taken aback by his odd behaviour. ‘we always—’
‘you didn’t get my text?’ he interrupts you, glancing over his shoulder. at this exact second, you hear something, or rather, someone, moving around in the apartment behind him, and your eyes widen upon realising that he’s not alone. his head whips back toward you, and he whispers furiously, ‘you can’t be here.’ he then tries to pull the door shut behind him, but it’s too late. 
‘toji? darling?’ 
it’s a woman’s voice, you recognise, stomach twisting with nausea when you catch the brief look of embarrassment that passes over toji’s features. understanding the situation, you back away from the doorway—away from him—and you thickly swallow the lump that has formed at the back of your throat. 
he has the audacity to whisper your name, but when his hand reaches for you, you flinch out of reach. ‘it’s not what it looks—’ 
you don’t stick around to listen to the rest of his lie. 
you’re already halfway down the hall when you hear him mumbling behind you, ‘—s’just a student askin’ ‘bout test papers.’ 
‘this late?’ the woman’s voice questions. 
‘she’s… dedicated,’ comes toji’s delayed reply, and you listen to his lady friend laughing as if the prospect of a student dedicated to their studies is somehow particularly amusing to her. her soft titter is cut short by the door slamming shut behind them. 
it isn’t until you’ve made your way out of the building and jumped back over the gate that it hits you properly. 
jujutsu academy is home to a student body of exactly fifteen thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven students, with majority of those students living in halls because the location is quite literally the middle of bloody nowhere as itadori yuuji had described it on the very first day that you’d met him. he’d helped you when you’d gotten lost in the library, and at first, you’d assumed that he was a fellow student, only to be taken by surprise when he’d revealed that he’s actually a member of the coaching staff in the sports department. it had turned out that the two of you are actually around the same age—give or take a few months here and there—and the two of you had bonded quickly. you told him that you were majoring in english literature, and that’s when he revealed, with a scowl plastered between his brows, that the head tutor of the english department is actually his best friend’s dad. yuuji’s depiction of professor fushiguro didn’t paint the man in a very good light, so when you attended your very first lecture, you’d been nervous about meeting the ugly old man with a constant stick up his ass. 
only, professor fushiguro was neither old or ugly, and he definitely didn’t walk around like he had a stick up his ass. in fact, you had been pleasantly surprised when you’d met a very fairly attractive man who had barely breached his forties, and the moment he’d smirked down at you, you instantly knew that you would be in for a world of trouble. 
because campus is a good three hour’s drive from the rest of civilisation, most of the staff also reside here during term time. and among them, there are one or two members that stay behind during the holidays when everyone has gone back home. and professor fushiguro is one of them, you’d discovered after quite literally bumping into him after exiting the library after a study session during the easter break. he’d seemed surprised to realise that you’d also chosen to stay on campus instead of returning home, and it had been evident that he was curious as to why, but he’d allowed you your privacy, as you had him. 
after that, he’d offered extra study lessons, but after just a few months, you realised that fuck, you liked him. at first, you’d passed it off as a simple crush on a man whom you clearly respected as your senior. but, that admiration had quickly burned into something more, and soon, he was all you thought about. one night, after consuming alcohol stolen from the kitchens in your classmate’s dorm, you had most definitely been drunk when you had eventually stumbled your way back to your own dorm. 
it is for this reason that when you’d passed by professor fushiguro in the hallway, you’d been filled with a false sense of confidence and had boldly pushed him against the wall and crushed your mouth to his. 
this confidence had faltered when he’d stood frozen for a few seconds too long. but when you’d moved your lips away from his, he’d chased after you, and had proceeded to kiss you until your knees were weak. 
that was two years ago. 
despite having recently celebrated your twenty-third birthday, you know that whilst he maintains the position of your tutor, your bond with toji isn’t one that can be shared in pubic, and so, the comfort of his quarters has become a private space that the two of you have made your haven, together, hidden from the eyes of everyone around you. and at some point during the last two years, your admiration for him has morphed into a love that is forbidden by both society and of the subject of your affections, himself. when you’d first started sleeping together, he’d made it perfectly clear that that was as far as things would ever go. you had both agreed to go exclusive, but there would be no relationship, and there would certainly be no feelings involved. you’ve clearly broken that promise, but as long as he never found out, then you thought that you’d be okay with any semblance of affection that he showed you. 
however, you’d failed to think of the possibility that he’d eventually find someone. someone that he doesn’t have to hide his relationship with—someone he genuinely loved. 
maybe it’s because you know that he is it for you, but the notion of him wanting someone else just hadn’t occurred to you. although he’d never voiced anything aloud, you had thought that you’d meant something to him. 
the realisation that you’ve been wrong this entire time makes you feel sick. you’re unable to stop the first tear that slides down the curve of your cheek, and it is quickly followed by many others. you choke on a sob that threatens to escape out of your mouth, and instead, you gnaw your teeth into your bottom lip and quicken your pace as the bottoms of your shoes scuff the ground with each footstep. the journey back to your dorm is a blur, mainly because of the tears that won’t stop pissing down your face, but you somehow manage to lock the door shut behind you, kick off your shoes and make your way to your bedroom, collapsing to the bed just as the first gut-wrenching wail heaves out from the pit of your stomach. you’re unsure of how much time passes as you lay there crying, but at some point, you must fall asleep because when your eyes open next, your throat is sore and there are dry track-marks that have crusted to the surface of your cheeks. a squint toward your bedside table shows that the digital clock now reads 03:51 and you exhale a long breath from your nostrils. 
your fingers blindly reach for your mobile phone and a quick glance at the screen shows that he had, in fact, messaged you, warning you that he had plans tonight. 
enraged—at him or yourself, you haven’t decided yet—you scoff, and without reading the new message that he sent just an hour or so ago, your thumb and index finger press to power off the device. it lands with a clunky thud when you drop it onto the bedside table. you roll over, eyelids closing, and with this, you attempt to sleep. 
three days later, and you’re yet to leave your dorm. you spend majority of these three days laying horizontal apart from when you have to use the bathroom. you’ve barely slept, you’ve not eaten either, and you’ve also missed several lectures, so you know that it’s only a matter of time before someone (yuuji) comes looking for you. it’s only with the guilt of potentially worrying the pinkette that you are convinced to finally venture from your dorm on the fourth day. 
you have an english lecture in less than an hour, but you figure that you should have enough time to find something to fill your empty stomach for the first time in ninety-six hours. you’re just about to enter the campus cafe when a loud, boisterous voice bellows your name and you turn just in time to see yuuji making a beeline for you just before his arms curl tight around your shoulders, squeezing. he collides with you so suddenly that it makes you dizzy, and aided by the fact that you’ve not eaten for days, you suffer a sickening bout of visual static. to your embarrassment—and yuuji’s horror—you sway, and your fingers clutch at his hoodie in an attempt to keep yourself upright. 
‘oh my god,’ yuuji exclaims, spluttering an apology as he guides you to sit on a nearby wall. he crouches before you, his hands enveloping yours, blurting several questions, one after the other, ‘where have you been? why didn’t you call me back? i’ve been calling you for days. are you sick? you look sick. can i do anything to—?’ 
‘food,’ you blurt, eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to ease the ache that’s settling deep into your temples. ‘please.’
‘i’ll be straight back,’ he promises, and with a little hesitation, he leaves your side. blowing a puff of air from between your lips, you don’t have to wait long for yuuji to return to your side. he sits next to you, shoving a cinnamon bun and a bottle of coke under your nose. ‘you need sugar,’ he explains when you raise an eyebrow at his choice. he (im)patiently waits for you to devour the cinnamon bun and half of the bottle of coke before he says, ‘no offence, but you look…’ he grimaces, evidently unsure of how to finish his sentence without offending you. 
you don’t have to look into a mirror to know that bags have formed under your eyes, your hair disheveled because you didn’t bother combing it before you left out this morning, and your clothes are crumpled because you’d picked out the first outfit you’d found in the pile dumped on the floor by the foot of your bed. 
you know that you look like shit.
‘sorry,’ you mumble. ‘i’ve not been sleeping well.’ 
or, at all. 
yuuji is frowning, ‘has something—?’ 
you’re not ready for this conversation. mostly because you honestly don’t know how to explain that you’ve been having an affair with your professor for the past two years, nor admit out loud that you’re in love with said professor, or accept that you’ve spent the last three days wallowing in your own misery because said professor sees you as nothing more than a body to warm his bed. 
your frown deepens, ‘i really don’t want to talk about it… please. i-i’ll be fine, i’m just… i’m tired.’ 
he relents, but you can see that he wishes to argue otherwise. the fact that he doesn’t fills you with gratitude that you show by leaning to bump the side of your head against his shoulder. he leans into your weight, sighing. the minutes tick by, and eventually, you decide it’s time to make your way over to your morning lecture, despite how much you wish to go back to your dorm and sleep. yuuji offers to accompany you to the lecture hall, and with each step, your stomach anxiously twists with nerves. luckily, when you arrive, there are already people inside, and so you wave your goodbyes to your pink haired friend and quietly enter the hall. 
heart in your mouth, you pointedly refuse to look toward the desk at the front of the hall, where, from the corner of your eye, you see him sitting there, busying himself with fiddling with the projector. with his back to the room, he doesn’t seem to notice you, and instead of taking your normal seat at the front, you hide yourself at the back of the hall, sinking low in your seat in a bid to make yourself look smaller. 
it seems to work, the task made easier when the hall starts to fill with more people as the clock ticks closer to nine am. through heavily lidded eyes, you’re mindlessly following the scribble of your biro dragging across your notebook, so immersed in your drawing that you flinch when a calloused hand slaps this morning’s lecture notes onto your desk. your pen stills, and as quickly as the hand appeared, it leaves again, already moving on to hand out the rest of the sheets to his other students. only when he’s finished his task and starting the lecture, do you dare to look up from the note that is scrawled in the corner of your handout. 
he looks as rough as you feel. 
there’s a faint shadow tracing the sharp edges of his jaw from where a stubble is beginning to grow, the strands of his hair even messier than usual, and his skin is pale when illuminated by the beam of the projector. he doesn’t seem to have slept much either, the skin under his eyes appearing darker than usual. you stare, your chest heavy with the hope that maybe he’s just as affected by your separation as you have been. but that hope is quickly smothered by the ugly feeling of doubt, and your eyes reluctantly drag from his face, dropping back to the familiar haphazard scrawl of his handwriting. 
see me after class. 
you do not see him after class. 
as soon as the bell tolls, you can’t hightail it out of there fast enough, merging with the crowd of your fellow classmates as you rush out of the room. but, because of your increasingly bad luck, you end up loitering at the back of the group as the lack of energy has you slowing your pace in an effort to not overexert yourself. they easily overtake you, some of them glancing at your unkempt state, and you’re left to wander down the hall by yourself. 
only, you don’t make it very far. 
just as you’re about to turn the corner, a warm, large hand wraps around your wrist and yanks. startled, your shriek is muffled by another hand slapping over your mouth, and then you’re dragged backwards, through an open door that leads to what looks like a storage cupboard. the door is kicked shut, and then you’re spun around, your back pressed against it by the hand on your shoulder. 
toji towers above you, arms caging you in with no room to escape. you have no choice but to peer up at that beautiful face of his, the corners of your mouth pulling downward when your eyes meet his. 
‘i called,’ he says, tone dry. 
you force what you hope to be a neutral expression, shrugging one shoulder. 
he doesn’t speak in favour of staring down at you, his jaw clenching. 
it hurts to look at him, you decide, and you tear your eyes from his face to glance at the unnecessary pile of brooms that are stacked in one corner of the very small room. he’s standing so close that you can feel his breath fanning across the side of your face, the sensation one that you’re familiar with. the corners of your eyes sting, and after a few moments of tense silence, your hand blindly searches for the door handle behind you. 
‘well, if that’s all—’
you pull on the handle, and the door inches open by a few centimetres, before his palm slaps down onto the wood, slamming it shut again. the noise makes you jump, eyes wide as your head turns to meet his glare. 
‘’s’that it, then?’ he hisses down at you, neck bending to lean closer. ‘you just gonna keep runnin’ from me?’ 
‘i’ve got class,’ you deadpan, head thumping back against the door. as if to prove your point, the next bell tolls, signalling the start of the next hour.  
‘don’t give a shit,’ he spits, eyes narrowed down at you. 
‘well i do,’ you retort, yanking on the handle so harshly that he has no choice but to step back when you elbow him out of your way. his hand grabs at your bicep, but the back of your hand slaps him away, irritation making your cheeks burn. ‘don’t touch me.’ 
he retracts his hand, but he’s staring down at you, hard. then, his façade crumbles, and you baulk when his expression falls, fingers shaking as he drags them through his messy hair. 
‘look,’ he says, voice thick with exhaustion as he looks down at you with as equally tired eyes. ‘just… come over? today?’ 
‘it’s not wednesday,’ you remind him. 
he frowns down at you, ‘i know.’ 
‘it’s monday,’ you reiterate, looking at him pointedly. 
‘i know,’ he stresses, uncharacteristically exasperated. ‘i’ll be free after six.’ 
he looks weary—an expression that you’re not accustomed to seeing on him—and you can already feel your body begin to deflate with defeat. your lips part, but your answer is cut off by the second warning bell. 
‘i have to go,’ you sigh, tiredly. you tug the door open and after checking that the coast is clear, you step out into the hall, glancing at him from over your shoulder. he simply stands there, watching, dark brows pinching to the middle of his forehead. 
that is the last you see of him before the door swings shut behind you. 
after changing your mind several times throughout the day, it is well past six pm when you arrive outside toji’s quarters. 
outside, the sun is beginning to set, casting an orange glow across the carpeted floor through the window in the hallway. you haven’t knocked on the door yet, despite having arrived some minutes ago, your eyelids heavy as you stare at the grain in the wood. 
you don’t know what you’re doing here. 
there’s a niggle of hope that can’t help but grow with each second that passes as you loiter by the door. you try to quash it down, because, really, what are the chances of this conversation going in the direction that you want it to? you have higher chances of him having called you over to formally end things for good. 
that thought makes your heart hurt. 
but, before you can hesitate any longer, there’s the clicking of the door unlocking before it swings open. 
as usual, he towers over you. 
there’s a tense moment where the both of you simply stare at one another, but the moment breaks when he shifts to the side, creating enough room for you to slip past him. inside, you’re greeted by the familiarity of his apartment, the heating turned up to the exact temperature that you like. you kick your shoes off and place them next to the shoe rack, stepping further inside as you listen to him lock the door behind you. he steps past you, leading the way toward the lounge, and you follow, only to loiter by the doorway, watching him drop his weight onto the settee. 
you’ve never seen him look so haggard before, and worry gnaws at you when a pair of forest green eyes blink to meet yours. 
‘you gonna stand there all night?’ he asks, already beckoning you over with a tap of his fingers on the seat next to him. you reluctantly make your way over, sitting with your back pressed to the opposite arm of the settee so that you can face him. 
he frowns at you, repeating, ‘so?’
‘what’d you ask me over for?’ 
his eyes flash with something you can’t decipher, and then he’s running a hand through his hair again, tugging the ends between his fingers. ‘look, i meant what i said the other night; it wasn’t what it looked like.’ when you don’t offer a response, he continues, ‘she’s a family friend, i’ve not seen her for a long time—for years.’ at this revelation, you start to feel a tad silly for your reaction, but there’s also a part of you that nags that he’s not telling you the whole truth. and as if he can read your thoughts, he adds, ‘we had… a thing… when we were young—very young—but that shit is long over. we’re friends, nothin’ more.’ 
you chew at the inside of your cheek as you mull his words over. eventually, you settle on scoffing, nose curling as you reply, ‘dunno what you’re telling me for. what you do is none of my business.’ 
at this, his spine straightens, and the look in his eyes hardens, ‘what’s that s’posed to mean?’ 
a large of you is hopeful that what he’s told you is the truth, but another part of you is still bitter about the situation. ‘it means that i don’t know why you told me to come over just to talk about this shit—’
‘’cause you’re pissed at me?’ he interrupts, looking more and more perplexed by your words. ‘i’ve been tryna call you for days, but you don’t pick up. you wouldn’t even look at me in class, ‘n’ then you tried to fuckin’ hide like i wouldn’t notice.’ he looks more upset than you’d anticipated. ‘i didn’t want to send you off like that, but—’
‘but what?’ it’s you who interrupts him this time, anger boiling at your blood. ‘but it’s okay because i’m just some dirty little secret of yours?’
‘is that what you’re pissed at?’ 
he looks even more weary than he had five minutes ago. 
‘look, it’s not easy for me either, alright? you think i want to keep sneakin’ ’round like some fuckin’ teenager? ‘m too old to be stressin’ over this shit. i don’t want—’
‘this shit?’ you snap, his words cutting deeper than you thought they would. ‘is that all i am? just some shit?’ 
‘what? you know that’s not what i meant—’ 
you scoff. ‘of course you didn’t.’ 
he snaps back at you, ‘will you just fuckin’ let me explain?’ 
‘really, it’s fine,’ despite your words, you feel the tell-tale prickle of tears burning the corners of your eyes. ‘it was just sex, anyway, right?’ 
he recoils, flinching as if you’ve just slapped him. 
it’s not a question. the word is said so quietly that you barely hear it, tone so flat that you think that you’ve actually offended him. 
‘is that…?’ he clears his throat, nostrils flaring as he inhales a deep breath. ‘is that what this is to you? just sex?’ 
he has the gall to look pained, and you almost fall for it. 
you stand from the settee, his eyes following your every movement. ‘that was what you told me, remember? those words literally came out of your mouth.’ 
he mimics you, standing up to his full height, eyes glowering down at you. ‘that was two years ago! of course it was just sex—i barely fuckin’ knew you!’ 
‘well, it’s not like anything’s changed!’ you raise your voice back at him, eyes wet. ‘it’s always me crawling to you. it’s always me sneaking around. it’s always me who is never enough!’ your voice breaks around a sob, your head lowering as you furiously wipe at your tears. 
‘don’t—’ he starts, voice suddenly hoarse. ‘don’t cry.’ he reaches for you, and despite yourself, you collapse against his chest, your cries muffled into the fabric of his shirt. his scent envelopes you, and the heat of him makes your head spin, and yet, you cling to him when his fingers bury into the tresses of your hair. his lips are at your temple when he murmurs, ‘everythin’s changed.’ 
you stiffen, but he holds tight when you try to pull yourself free. 
‘’s’been a long time since i was with someone. last time was when my boy was born, ‘n’ he’s ‘bout your age now.’ you hear him inhale sharply, nose pressed to your hair. his voice muffled, he continues, ‘then i saw you, an’ i thought you were real fuckin’ pretty. was pissed as hell when i found out you were one of my students.’ his arms tighten around you, ‘then, when you fuckin’ jumped me in the hallway, i thought my old ass was dreamin’.’ 
‘not old,’ you mumble into his chest, which, in response, vibrates with a low chuckle that echoes down your ear. 
‘older,’ he corrects, mirth lacing his tone. he then exhales, ‘it was just sex. ‘cause it was the only way i could think to keep you interested.’ you remain quiet, teeth biting into your bottom lip. ‘but d’ya really think i’d be lettin’ us risk everythin’ for this long if that’s all i really wanted? if you weren’t worth every second of it?’
you don’t know how to answer that. 
he sighs, his breath fanning across the top of your head. for a long moment, you remain enveloped in his arms, and then, in the tiniest voice you’ve ever heard him muster, he admits, ‘really fuckin’ love you, idiot.’ 
your heart is jackhammering away in the depth of your chest, and for a second, you dread that you’ve misheard him. but then you feel the thump, thump, thump of his own heart racing underneath your ear, and he’s yet to let you free from his embrace. your arms, previously pressed to his chest, move to slowly curl around his waist, holding him just as tightly as he’s got you. 
‘love you too.’ 
the words are whispered into the collar of his shirt, but he clearly hears you because his fingers are now guiding your chin to angle your face toward his. his nose bumps along yours, lips pressing to the corner of your mouth. you chase him, moulding your lips together, his tongue making quick work of caressing its way into your mouth. he groans, and then his kisses are fever-like, and he’s tasting every inch of your mouth as if he hasn’t done so a hundred times before. 
you’re kissing him just as eagerly, your hands snaking under his shirt just to feel his skin. he guides you backwards, edging you to the direction of the bedroom, and you allow him to do so with your tongue curling up the length of his. he pants into your mouth, hands leaving your body to fumble with the door handle. he kicks the door open, then shut again after you enter the room, and he pushes at your shoulders until you’re lying on the plush mattress of his bed. you peer up at him, watching as he crawls over you, his hair tickling your forehead when he leans to claim your mouth once again. 
in between kisses, you both slowly work your way through removing each other’s clothes and when naked, he finally presses in on top of you, pinning you beneath him. there’s a clear size difference between the two of you, and you like just how much bigger he is, your fingers tracing over the curves of his biceps as he shifts above you. the length of his cock drags between your folds, the blunt tip catching on your clit at just the right angle, and you whimper for him. he responds with a low rumble that makes his chest vibrate against where it is pressed to yours, his teeth gently scraping along where he’s mouthing at your pulse. your fingers tangle between the strands of his hair, and you welcome his hot breath fluttering across the surface of your neck, eyes closing and lips parting around the shape of another moan. 
he moves, hips bumping into yours, and your breath catches as his cock drags with a delicious friction that coaxes his name from between your lips. he repeats the action at the same time his teeth nip at your collarbone, tongue darting out to soothe the sharp pain that erupts, leaving a mark on your skin. you encourage the grinding by curling your legs up and around his waist, your ankles locking tight. the action pushes him closer, and your clit throbs along with your pulse each time it is abused by his bulbous tip which has swollen to a size that is more than impressive. initially, the width of him had been more than daunting, and it had taken a little getting used to the feeling of it stretching you wide, but by now, you’ve taken him more times than you can count, and your hole has learned to flutter at the promise of being filled soon. 
and fill you, he does. 
you’re not at all prepared for when he angles his hips and aims a tad lower, but he’s soon drilling into you, your cunt quickly moulding into the shape of him. your walls burn with the stretch, but each thrust punches a choked moan from the back of your throat, causing your fingertips to make their home in the sharp lines of his shoulders. you feel his nose nudging its way up to the shell of your ear, a smile curving the shape of his mouth when he moans, ‘feel so fuckin’ good f’me, pretty girl.’ 
the praise encourages the clenching of your walls, vice-like grip greedily forcing his cock further inside with each forward cant of his hips. he grunts with effort, pelvis snapping backward and forwards so quickly that you can hear the continuous creaking of the bed-frame as he has his way for you. his fingers buried in the tresses of your hair, he angles his mouth to yours once more, his tongue merging with yours in a messy battle that makes your clit throb, throb, throb for him.
‘fuckin’—fuck,’ he groans loudly, before he’s jerking his cock away from the safe cavern of your heat, a weak moan of protest escaping you before it dies on the tip of your tongue when his hands grab at you and easily lift you from the mattress. ‘’gainst the wall, pretty,’ he orders, guiding you until your palms are pressed flat to the wall, his stomach warm on your back as he traps you against the head of the bed.
once more, his cock is enveloped by your heat, and he quickly sets a pace that makes you dizzy with need. nuzzling into the curve of your neck, he sucks a fresh mark, and subconsciously, your walls flutter around him again. sweat is quickly forming on the surface of your skin, but it doesn’t stop you from snaking a hand between your legs, fingers quickly circling your forgotten clit. 
‘hng, fuck, baby, that’s it,’ he groans, pelvis clapping against yours. ‘touch yourself f’me—yes, just like that.’ he sucks in a hiss, the noise morphing into a growl, his balls slapping tight onto your folds as he roughly pistons into you. your gooey walls welcome the assault, your slick suctioning him back inside each time his length retreats from your pussy. 
‘h-a—ah!’ you cry out, toes curling when your first orgasm hits you so suddenly that even he chokes out a surprised chuckle, lips pressed to the back of your neck. you can’t help the slacking of your jaw as his name is loudly expelled from your mouth, your fingers reaching up to pull at his hair. the throbbing of your walls has him gripping your hips so tight that you’re certain to wake with bruises tomorrow, but he continues to fuck you through it, prolonging the tingling that pounds at your clit. arousal drips, creaming a white foam around the base of his cock, and soon, the wet sound of your connection can be heard loud and clear, which, in turn, encourages his cock to twitch inside you. it takes a short while for you to recover, and through every second of it, his girth continues to stretch you in the best possible way. 
‘t-toji,’ you gasp, his lips pressed to your temple. a particularly harsh thrust almost has you toppling over and you desperately cling to the headboard in order to steady your balance. ‘toji, i—’
‘love you.’ 
he beats you to it, the words gruffly echoed down the canal of your ear and settling deep in the centre of your chest, where it spreads warmth across the entirety of your body. you can’t help it—a tear slips from the corner of your eye, and he’s quick to kiss it away. 
‘should’ve—hng, shit, baby—should’ve… should’ve told you b’fore.’ 
yes, he should have, but you don’t voice this opinion aloud, as you’re now distracted by the fact that he’s now manhandling you into another position. 
his back pressed to the headboard, you’re now straddling his lap, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix when you accidentally slide down a little too far. you jerk up again, and he moans quietly, neck stretching slightly as the back of his head rests on the headboard. through heavily lidded eyes, he watches you bend and bow above him, the greens of his eyes now glittering emeralds at you. outside, the setting sun dances a golden glow across his face and down his neck and it warms the emeralds until they are molten. his full lips are parted, low groans of encouragement panted through them as he allows you to take what you need from him. there are minuscule lines that are gently etched into the corners of his eyes, probably caused by lack of sleep. your thumbs reach out to stroke over the curves of his cheeks, and your lips form a soft smile when he presses his face into the palms of your hands. your hips stilling in favour of focusing on your index finger that is currently tracing his bottom lip, his eyelids dropping further when he kisses the pad of your finger. you know that he’d only scrunch his nose in disagreement if you’d ever voice it aloud, but like this, he looks beautiful. you grin at him, leaning to brush your nose against his, your lips ghosting over the scar on the corner of his mouth. it’s rare for you to show your appreciation for the old wound, but it makes his breath hitch every time that you do, and you wait to hear the sound before your lips press to his. 
slowly, you roll your hips, and he responds by moaning into the cavern of your mouth. 
It isn’t long before your thighs begin to shake with exertion, and his hands clutch to your ass, helping you along as he guides you to slide your pussy up the length of his girth, before dropping you back down with a wet squelch that makes your ears burn. your slick coats him, pooling into the tangle of pubic hair that is nestled between his legs. your clit rubs at the texture of it, and with each roll of your pelvis, it brings you closer and closer to your second orgasm. 
all too soon, your thighs are shaking, and your nails scratch into the skin of his abdominal muscles, which tense beneath you. he huffs a laugh at you, but before you reach your peak, he pulls you from him, gravity dropping the heavy weight of his cock to thump onto his abdomen as you cry out from the loss. he shushes you with a short kiss, before shifting the two of you into the spooning position. 
for the second time tonight, his chest is pressed flush to your back, and his arms wrap tight around you, his long frame tucking in behind you, and his fingers stretch to tangle with yours. this time, he fucks into you slowly, and with his head lowered to yours, he kisses the back of your neck. the silence is tender, and he’s twitching more often now, and you suspect that he’s just as ready to fill you with his cum as you are to receive it. and just a few more thrusts drive you both to the completion that you seek. 
his whole body coils tight before it shudders, a long, drawn out sigh of your name whispered into your hair. the familiar gush of his seed claims your inner walls as his own, and your weak mewl of his own name as you come undone has him thrusting one last time before he stills. 
it takes a long time for your body to settle afterwards, your skin clammy and your eyelids drooping so low that you feel as if you’re going to fall asleep. 
fingers are brushed through your hair, a kiss warming the back of your ear, and then all of a sudden, a stream of thick, white liquid oozes all over your thigh as his cock unplugs itself from its home inside your cunt. 
you are already dozing when his weight shifts from the bed, only to return to press a damp flannel between your legs. the rough material catches on your stimulated clit, and you protest weakly, despite the fact that your eyes refuse to open. this routine isn’t one that you’re a stranger to, and so when he kisses the crook of your knee, you laugh tiredly, but lack the energy to tell him that it tickles. your brain is foggy, just teetering on the edge of sleep, when you mumble your affections very quietly. the three words still somehow reach his ears, even though your voice is muffled because your cheek is smushed into the pillow. a breath is kissed to the inside of your wrist, long, strong fingers making their home between yours. 
you don’t hear his response. 
when you wake later, it is after dark. 
there’s a familiar weight at your back, and you’re pleased to realise that at some point whilst you were asleep, he’s tugged the covers up and over you. for a while, you lay there, listening to the sound of him breathing, before you decide that it’s probably well after the time of which you should be making your way back to your dorm. however, when you make to sneak from the bed, the weight of his arm around your middle tightens. 
‘where you goin’?’ 
his voice is several octaves deeper than usual, tone groggily thickened with sleep.  
you feel just as tired as he sounds, but you know that you have to leave. this part is always the hardest, and it usually leaves you feeling a little sick each time. but today, it hurts just that bit more than usual, and you really don’t want to leave. it doesn’t help that he’s also not aiding the situation as he cages you underneath his arm. 
‘i have to go,’ you croak, your own voice heavily laced with exhaustion. ‘have class in the morning.’ 
‘i’ll sort it,’ he promises, nudging his head closer to yours. his fingers search for yours in the dark, trapping them between his own again. 
‘toji, i—’
your protest is interrupted when his chest heaves with a very dramatic sigh that puffs across the back of your head. ‘said i’ll sort it. promise.’ 
you hesitate. you’ve never been risky enough to stay the night, having always been gone long before the sun starts to rise. but he’s relaxed, unworried, and despite your worries, you trust him. as if sensing your apprehension, he tightens his embrace, enveloping your frame with the heat and scent of him. your eyes blink shut, and you’re so tired that you’re almost falling asleep again. he murmurs your name into the dark. 
‘stay,’ he breathes. 
and so, you do. 
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© obitohno. all rights reserved. do not repost my works.
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wolfawaycamp · 1 month
I am humbly requesting LauraMax fluff, maybe including an ever growing number of pets because they keep bringing home strays? Y'all know where to find me if you have any questions 😂
🐰 Someday, Max told himself, he’d learn to say no.
To say no to a pair of sad puppy dog eyes, whether they were Laura’s or those of an actual, literal puppy dog. And Laura didn’t do sad eyes often, that was the thing that really got him about it. It was always a sneak attack when Max’s headstrong, self-assured girlfriend pulled out the big, sad baby blues, batted her eyelashes at him, and actually said, “please?” It was unfair, really, because it worked every single time. It was just giving Max the illusion of choice when he inevitably gave in and let Laura have whatever it was that she wanted.
That was how, across multiple separate occasions, they’d ended up with their current menagerie. Max had known that cohabiting with a veterinary student would expose him to a number of critters, but he hadn’t expected it to turn out quite like this. Certainly, Max hadn’t expected to turn into some kind of creature himself the summer before Laura embarked on her graduate school studies, but with what they now jokingly called ‘Wolf Boy Summer’ squared away (they had to laugh, you see, to keep from crying), the creatures had at least been smaller and more manageable.
They’d moved to San Francisco with only a tiny cage with two tiny mice inside, for their tiny apartment. The mice, which Laura had liberated from a science lab she’d worked a few shifts at in undergrad, were champion puzzle-solvers and cheese-finders named Trillian and Cashew. Max didn’t even get consulted about these guys, given that Laura had lived in her own dorm at the time she’d acquired them, but she did let him name one, which is how Trillian ended up named after a character in The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Laura named Cashew Cashew because that was the flavor of nut milk she was testing that week. (Max thought Cashew was lucky the two mice hadn’t shown up during pea protein milk week.) Laura was “pretty sure” they were both female, until Cashew ended up pregnant and blessed them with baby mice Frankie, Benjy, Ford, Hazel(nut), Almond, Pecan, and Peanut. Max told her this bode poorly for her career in animal care, but Laura took it in stride, saying she’d have to spend more time studying sex differences in mice in the future. They got two larger enclosures and separated everyone out by sex, properly this time, and now Max has to turn the sound up on their white noise machine when he and Laura snuggle up in bed, or else he hears the Galaxy-Nut siblings running in their wheels all night long.
Then, Laura fell in love with a stray cat with a severely matted coat that had been hanging around their doorstep for days, and Max found his loyalty to his mouse family strained. Should they really bring a predator into their happy little home? But Laura was absolutely certain she could make it work, even in the limited space their apartment provided, and the cat really was pitiful-looking. So Max capitulated and the Kearney-Brinly household expanded to include ten mice and one cat.
The pathetic ginger cat, Westley, luckily, turned out to be utterly uninterested in the mice. He got his name because he showed up for the final time on movie night and meowed pitifully through the first half of The Princess Bride (both Laura and Max’s favorite) until they brought him inside. Laura took him the next day to check for a microchip and, finding none, she had the matted orange furball completely shaved. In the middle of winter. And sure, it was a relatively mild San Francisco winter, but Max still thought Wes looked cold.
“I’ve already ordered him a sweater,” Laura said, “but I know you’ve been working on your knitting, maybe you can make him another?”
Max had scoffed at first. Then he’d taken a second look at his pitifully nude cat and stayed up late researching cat sweater patterns. Now Wes has an entire wardrobe of knitwear and Max, Laura, and Wes have matching Christmas sweaters for their Christmas card photos. Max drew Emma for the Hacketteer gift exchange, but he traded with Abi for Dylan and now he’s working on another set for Dylan, Ryan, and Schrödinger. (He knows Ryan will be especially delighted.)
Then it was Max’s turn. He found a large bedraggled dog of indeterminate breed tied to a stop sign in an abandoned parking lot and the dog let him know immediately that Max was his chosen father, riding home with his head in Max’s lap the entire way. Westley liked Laura best anyway, why shouldn’t Max have his own cuddle buddy (you know, other than Laura)? Laura agreed it was only fair, and now Inigo stretches out between them on movie night and he has to get his fill of both scritches and popcorn before he’ll allow them to cuddle with one another.
“Hon,” Max told Laura, who was sitting at her desk with Westley perched on her shoulder like a pirate’s parrot, “you know I love all our kids, but we really cannot have any more animals in this apartment. We might actually get evicted.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more, honey,” Laura replied, and Max had thought that would be the end of their animal acquisition. He could admit that was pretty naive of him.
The next day, Laura had a list of rental houses for them to visit a little further from the city. Sure, she’d have a longer commute to her classes, and Max would to his job, but wouldn’t it be worth it for the ‘kids’ to have more space? Max couldn’t exactly argue with that, so they moved into a two-bed, two-bath with a small fenced yard.
And that was where Max was, cutting up a salad for dinner, when there was a knock at the door. Max answered to find Laura on their doorstep holding the saddest-looking beagle Max had ever seen, her own face mimicking its hangdog expression perfectly. They were both whimpering. “She was released from the surgical program at school and needed a home, I said we’d take her on a trial basis but baaaabe, just look at this faaaace.”
He sighed, but couldn’t help smiling a little, both at the wriggling dog and at his girlfriend. Her big pretend sad eyes, her genuinely huge heart.
Someday Max would learn to say no. But today was not that day.
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lis4ux · 4 months
this last chapter of together was amazing! literally had me on my toes i loved it. im sooo excited for the next chapter!!! need a sneak peek 🤭
Oh it was so heavy wasn't it?! So happy to hear you loved it! Was one of my favorites 🖤
Being honest, I am not done with the chapter yet and this may be amended when I edit it later. Who knows I may delete it all or completely rewrite it, but for now here's a small portion.
Hope you like it 😘
Two weeks after Kiara was attacked by Travis, she's trying to sleep in her bed. Key word: trying. Because unlike it was before Travis attacked, she doesn't sleep alone anymore. Both of her parents are laying in bed with her. Her dad on one side, her mom on the other.
She loves them, she really does, but they were being a little...clingy. Couldn't blame them, really. They almost lost her.
Kiara doesn't like thinking about that though. Doesn't like thinking about any of it actually. It wasn't like she was avoiding reminders of what happened, but the more she thought about it the more disgusted she felt.
Thinking about Travis' hands around her neck made her shudder. The reminder of him slamming her against the car made her wince. Remembering his voice yelling in her face made her want to scream back.
It wasn't just the memories themselves that bothered her, but any time one creeped up she had to push away the thoughts that filled her mind. That was what bothered her the most. The ones that told her she was weak, feeble, defenseless.
She didn't want to be any of those things, but, logically, being at least fifty pounds lighter than her assailant, it was expected that she was the prey in that situation. So she lays in bed and thinks about the things that could have happened differently. If she only—
A soft tap on her window has her thoughts interrupted and her lifting her head off her pillow, turning towards the sound, knowing exactly who it is.
She looks at both of her parents, sleeping soundly on either side of her. At least they are getting some sleep. She pulls herself up, unwrapping her mom's from around her waist. Both her parents are heavy sleepers, she's figured out. No way she's worried about them hearing JJ in her room ever again.
She crawls out of bed, tip toeing across the floor and grabbing her sweatshirt before descending the stairs. When she gets around the corner of her house, JJ has just stepped down from climbing her house, wiping at his pants. He grins, "Evening."
"You mean middle of the night," she returns his smile.
He steps towards her, hands coming to her face. She pulls him into her, kissing him and feeling his smile against her lips when they pull apart.
She doesn't actually ask him why he's here. Doesn't have to, she already knows.
"You okay?"
She shrugs a shoulder, looking up at her bedroom window. "Be a lot easier to get some sleep if they didn't insist on sleeping in my bed," she complains. "I think I have a bruise from my mom kicking me."
JJ chuckles. "Now we know where you get it from."
Her mouth drops open. "Takes that back," she demands.
"And if I don't?" he mock wonders, causing her to scrunch her face in faux anger.
She gets a causal look on her face. Kinda bratty too. "I'm just gonna go inside, sleep with my parents," she tells him. Before she can even fully turn from him he's grabbing her wrist, delaying her attempted departure. "Yes?" she asks, smugly.
"Not goin' anywhere," he informs, stepping into her space, purposefully not pulling on her. Grabbing her wrist was a risk as it is.
He's noticed she's been a little skittish since that night. Knew she was trying to fight through it, too. Pretended she didn't jump when she heard a loud noise or someone touched her unexpectedly. She'd daze off, getting a worried look on her face. When he'd nudge her she would just smile, like he brought her back from reliving the moment.
He understood it, too. He didn't like thinking about what happened either. Would rather pretend it didn't happen honestly.
Would rather not have recurring nightmares of her being strangled to death, him watching and unable to make a move to save her. Would rather not remember how he had to check her pulse, seriously wondering if he was holding her body instead of her.
Always brings a softball sized lump into his throat that he has to force down.
His gaze crosses her face and body. He always caught himself giving her a visual check. Slowly watching over time as the bruises on her neck faded from red to black and blue to yellow and brown. Her wrist was out of its splint, the mild sprain well on its way to recovery. Her bruised side was supposedly doing better as well, but he has to just take her word on that since he hasn't seen her shirtless in a minute.
His touch is far more gentle than he needs to be, afraid that he'll scare her. Kie doesn't flinch when his fingers hold her though. Never did, and he takes comfort in that. Like he was a safe place for her. It's why he's here after all.
Kie hums at him, a soft challenge, chin lilting upwards. "Got something better to do?"
He shrugs, head nodding back to where Shoupe's truck is parked. "Wanna go night surfing?"
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Show Me How It's Done
This could take place anywhere between Season 2-4! I wrote 4,000 words in two nights, I don't know what beast possessed me to write this.
Fandom: Lego Ninjago
Summary: Zane gets into a tickle fight for the first time.
Warning(s): Swearing
Disclaimer!! This is a SFW tickle fic!
Zane had never been in a tickle fight before.
He’s seen them plenty of times, especially ever since he joined the monastery. In fact, he couldn’t recall a time he’s ever seen so much tickling to this degree before he met his fellow ninja brethren. 
Despite this, Zane has never found himself on the receiving end of such affection. 
“Not gohonna HAHAPPEN Zaptrap!!”
“Oh, First Master. SHUT UP YOU GUYS!” 
He’s calculated that there is a high probability he will experience that tonight.
He has finished dinner by the time the sun has set well past the mountains. The next phase would be for Zane to exit the warm kitchen momentarily so he may gather everyone, usually in a one-by-one fashion. Someone could be found in the training room, or in their collective bedroom. Not too long ago, he had found Lloyd in the latter, peacefully reading his preferred comic book series. Wu, no doubt, would be mediating and waiting for Zane’s arrival. Nya, more often than not, could be found hunched over her latest work. 
Lucky for him, the last three were gathered in the living room. Unluckily for him, he caught them in the middle of a heated argument. In the literal sense of Kai, being the elemental master of fire, looking seconds away from smacking a bickering Cole and Jay with the nearest thing - being a pillow.
Predictably, Zane watched as Kai snatched his weapon and whacked his closest target. His victim, happening to be Jay, sputters on the floor in a protective ball.
“Yeah, get him Kai!” Cole cheered, eager to have someone on his side.
Then Kai turned to him, furious and equipped. “Hey, wait a second-!” Nevermind, Zane supposed, as Cole blocked blow after blow with light chuckles. 
“SHUT!” Cole didn’t prepare for the whack on his side, toppling him next to Jay.
“THE!” Jay shrieked at the next smack, or perhaps from the sudden weight of Cole.
“HELL!” The two yelped, shoving at each other or in an attempt to be ready for the next blow - Zane was unsure.
“UP!!” With a final whack, eliciting giddy giggles from the heap, Kai suddenly abandoned his weapon. Instead he dove into the pile, pulling even more shocked gasps and squeaky giggles.
It wasn’t difficult to see why, Zane let out a sigh of fondness, gazing at Kai’s devious fingers poking sporadically at any limb he could reach. It didn’t seem to matter if it was Jay’s rib or Cole’s tummy, they were squirming to get away from their friend’s wrath. 
“Ahahaha!! Kahahai!!” Cole swiped at the offending fingers, missing hilariously far in the process, before giving a quick pound to the floor. “Nohoho!”
Jay was no better, hugging his arms against his stomach did no good when Kai scribbled at his neck and ears. “Cuhut ihit out!! Pffftehehe!”
“Do you honestly,” He pointedly jabbed at their tickle spots, grinning sinisterly when they flinched in unison, “think I’m going to let you knuckleheads ruin my night? No! I’m trying to relax, dumdums.” 
“But you-!” He weasled a poke under Cole’s arm, prompting one of the highest squeaks he’s ever heard from the elemental master of earth.
“-and YOU!” Jay made a choking noise impressively akin to a pterodactyl, shoving Kai’s hand away from his sensitive sides.
“Are being so loud that all of Ninjago City can hear you!” In a proper show of his anger, Kai finished his dramatic scolding by going a step further. He stuck one hand on each of their tickle spots, right on Jay’s tummy and left nestled under Cole’s arm. The two waited with baited breath, quietly giggling with frightened eyes. 
Though Kai looked anything but frustrated, underneath his playful expression was something sappier. But at the moment, Kai looked downright evil with a massive grin over his face. 
With no warning, he started to squeeze.
The whole room erupted into chaos once more.
The hysteria seemed to increase upon realizing Kai wasn’t switching spots anymore. Zane noticed he was, however, switching his techniques. In growing interest, he saw Kai adjust accordingly to his laughing victims. Jay got some silly and adorable snorts to match the quick scribbles dancing over his tummy, while a weakening Cole hiccuped everytime Kai’s claw hand grazed his skin.
Ironically, Kai was being nearly as loud and prompting his friends to be continually disruptive. (However, Zane wouldn’t quite call it that.)
Zane was almost too distracted to notice Kai’s wandering gaze. Almost.
He let Kai redirect his attention, taking in with sudden warmth at the way his smirk softened around its edges. “Oh, hey Zane.” He said it with such casualness, as if Cole wasn’t trying to claw out his shoulder or Jay wasn’t trying to kick his legs. “What’s up?”
Zane let out a sigh, unable to hide his amusement. In complete honesty, he didn’t want to. Nor did he want to break up this moment, but the longer they stayed the colder the food got. “Sensei Wu, Lloyd, and Nya are awaiting our arrival for dinner.” 
He absentmindedly wondered if Kai could hear him over the laughter, but it seemed his voice reached him just fine. He got the point, and gave a final tickle for a few long seconds before backing away.
Jay practically flopped onto Cole, babbling something nonsensical while Cole fanned his flushed face. The two were a combined giggly mess, and Zane was very enamored by their loopy smiles. A quick glance at Kai proved he was in a similar state. 
He broke free of it after a few moments, “C’mon. Dinner’s ready.” He extended his hand, a peace offering.
Cole instantly smacked his hand away, clearly not so trusting after that experience. Jay was in the same boat, squinting his mirthful eyes. “Shuhut it.” Jay snapped, surprisingly sassy for someone who just got tickled. 
Zane figured he should step in, if they ever wanted to at least arrive for dinner. He walked past the threshold, ignoring a gaping Kai in favor of offering his two hands. 
Albeit shaky, Zane heaved his fellow ninja up with ease. He hovered nearby, as Jay was looking weak in the knees as he leaned against Cole, but no falling occurred. Mission successful, as far as Zane cared.
As they took a brisk walk down the hall, Zane was acutely aware of Kai taking the lead. He seemed eager to lead the way.
Cole and Jay seemed far too eager to follow him.
When they finally sat down, and ate mildly lukewarm food, Wu wasn’t too disgruntled. Nowadays, getting the ninja to actually sit down in one place was more of a blessing. There was minimal small talk, which came to a surprise for the whole table. 
Except for Zane. 
In-between bites, he secretly watched Kai do his best to hide his flinches. Jay and Cole sat on either side of him, far too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence, proceeding to be pests. 
Jay would lean over to grab a plate, just in time for Kai to inhale a bit too loudly into his rice. Cole stretched his arms to lay behind him, and Kai would scoot closer to the table to pointedly stare at a stain from long ago. They were coordinated, sharing minimal glances behind their resident hothead’s back, as if they were plotting something. 
Zane, like a good brother, said nothing. 
The end of dinner soon arrived, perhaps too soon for Kai’s liking, because he was the first to silently place his dirty dishes in the sink and scurry away. Cole and Jay, of course, were right behind him. All the while looking more devious by the second, causing Nya - ever so observant - to raise an eyebrow in their last seen direction.
It was Lloyd’s turn to do the washing, and usually Zane would assist. But at the moment, he believed he was currently Kai’s only witness and maybe even savior. So, he spared the younger an apologetic smile and his dirty plate, he moved from one room to another.
It didn’t take long for him to find the others. 
He soon heard the sound of laughter, and followed the trail back to their shared bedroom. The door was creaked open, and silently - as a ninja should - he snuck in, closing the door behind him. 
It truly was a sight to behold. 
Kai was pinned on his side, refusing to lay flat one way or the other as he tried to thrash his way out. But that didn’t work in his favor either, because Cole sat steady on his hip and kneaded carefully into his ribs. Jay focused on trying to find a good spot on his back, darting quickly to his shoulder blades that somehow managed to twitch away in time.
“Gehet. Off.” Kai gritted his teeth, face pink in determination to hide the growing laughter in his chest. 
Cole chuckled apathetically, while Jay hummed mockingly. “Nope!” He popped, expertly following whenever Kai moved - more like spazzed, now that Zane had a closer view. He certainly looked seconds away from breaking, a wobbly smile growing on his face.
A well timed squeeze from his hip, and a poke to his neck, was all it took for the walls Kai built to come crashing down. 
Ironic, once again, that Kai was just as loud as the other two had been moments early. 
“NAHAHAHA!! Stohohop ihit!” 
“HA!” Jay laughed, “Not a chance, dude!”
“You deserve it.” Cole sang under his breath, leaning in closer to Kai’s sensitive ears. Zane’s enhanced hearing picked up on his teasing, his voice bonderline sly. “Tickle, tickle, tiiickle…” 
Kai’s face was pink before, but now a bright red flush spread from his cheeks to the very tips of his ears. “SHUHUT UHUP!!” He screamed, voice crack and all.
Jay gave a disappointed tsk, tsk, tsk. “Do you hear him, Rocky?!” 
Cole hummed with an exaggerated frown. “He’s so rude, Blue Jay.”
“We’ll give him a peace of our minds!”
“That’ll teach him a lesson.”
“FUHUCK OHOFF!!” Kai interrupted, desperately grabbing at the ground to pull himself up. He had taken the plank position, leaving no chance for Cole to poke his belly button. (“Aw man.” Cole seemed bummed about that.) But he had not taken into account that Jay could still reach over and squeeze his hips too. (“Gottem.” Jay snickered.) Kai flopped back to the ground, back at square one with a new level of hysteria in his loud laugh.
He usually sounded hearty whenever he laughed, and now wasn’t an exception. It was only a little different, Zane documented. It sounded as though it came from his chest rather than his gut, reaching a higher pitch. He sounded youthful, which is a quality Zane was happy to attach to his laughter. 
 “Gehet AWAHAY frohom meheHEHE!!” 
In a moment of clarity, Kai’s rocketed his head up. Zane made eye contact with very hopeful eyes.
In a moment of déjà vu for Zane, he titled his head. Kai started to pull himself up again. “Yohou gohotta hehehelp mehe!!”
“No, he doesn’t.” Cole scoffed, prodding at his ribs to send him tumbling back down. Again. “He didn’t help us earlier!” 
“Zane would never convert to the dark side, especially not for you Kai!” Jay then took on a thoughtful tone, contrasting to his quick and skilled scribbles. “But,” He slowly dragged out, directing a very deviously curious expression his way. “I’m not opposed to some extra help.”
Cole shot him a glance, and a matching sinister grin. “Whaddya say, Frosty?” 
Zane, suddenly put in an interesting situation, decided this was as good a time as any to get some experience. Much better than getting jumped later in life, as these three tended to do more often than not. 
This didn’t mean he would play nice. He was being polite, civil even. But when he gets an opportunity, he isn't one to let it waste.
“I’m sorry to say I do not have much experience when it comes to tickling.” He easily admitted, choosing to pretend he didn’t see Cole and Jay’s share a wide-eyed devious glance to each other. He shuffled near, closing in on Kai as he sat on the floor. The poor guy was growling out every threat he could, far too giggly to have any real impact on the elemental master of ice. Zane turned to the current offenders. “Could you demonstrate?” 
Cole gave a show with cracking his knuckles. “Gladly.” 
Kai yelped, his threatening dissolving into a heap of giggles. “Nohohahaha!!” He scrunched his shoulders, as if that would stop the tickling on his back. 
“Now, y’see Zane,” Cole began, “There are many techniques and they work differently in different places.” Zane nodded his head, leaning in with interest as Cole started performing a kneading motion with his thumbs.
The reaction was instant, Kai started to wildly thrash. He screamed bloody murder, but laughing too hard for Zane to pick up any coherent words. He turned back to Cole, who had a monstrously wide grin that showed his canines.
Kai flared this way and that, but Cole followed easily. Never once easing up. “You don’t want to be too rough.” Zane saw him mouth the words, but it was a slight strain to hear over Kai’s shrieks. 
Jay, however, swiftly got bored after a few moments of staring. “Oh, oh, oh!” He cheered, clapping his hands together in glee. “I want to show him something!” 
Cole huffed, but traded his kneading for some light tracing - keeping Kai suspended in a light giggle fit. Zane watched with slightly wide eyes as Kai stopped all squirming, now melting into his arms to hide his face. 
Cole warmly chuckled at Zane’s reaction, or maybe at Kai’s whining. “He’s fine, Zane. Just a little embarrassed.” He bent down lower, his fingers inching too close to the back of Kai’s ribs. “That’s all it is, isn’t it, matchstick? You’re too ticklish, aren’t cha?” 
“Down here, Zane!” Beckoning to his name, Zane left Cole to tease a slowly melting Kai into a puddle in favor of joining Jay near his legs. The shorter was already wiggling his fingers, as if he couldn’t help himself. 
“Rough is fine and all, but quick and light is where it’s at!” Jay promptly snorted to himself. “Hey. That rhymed.” 
Zane smiled, allowing Jay to direct his hands above the back of Kai’s knees. The latter placed a hand on the calf, stopping a sudden jolt in surprise. “There are the classic spots, but sometimes the goldmine is right under your nose.” 
Before he could inquire what that meant, Jay began a slow descent. He gave a wink to his student, before beginning to slowly claw the back of Kai’s knees. 
The recipient gave a high-pitched yap, giggling at a much steadier pace. “JAHAY!!” Kai kicked his free leg, leaving Zane to dodge the flailing limb.
“This flusters him more than it tickles.” Jay casually mentioned, beginning to pick up the pace. His expression took on something more manic, but downright devious. “But you can do this-!” He dropped the jellyfish motion for something quicker, spidering and scribbling the back of his thighs too. 
Although funny to watch Kai kick his free leg back and forth in ticklish agony, making a delightful set of noises to match his chuckles, Zane was feeling semblances of sympathy. These two could be ruthless, this wasn’t the first time they’ve taken such devious routes.
But for Zane, who was drifting his gaze to Cole’s very exposed back, he was about to turn the tables. 
“Ah.” He hummed, moving away from a confused Jay. He positioned himself carefully above Cole, putting a finger to his lips when Kai’s eyes widened. It was high time for a game changer, he had never participated in their antics before.
Zane lifted his wiggling fingers. “So… like this?”
With no prior warning, he shoved his cold wigglers right under Cole’s arms and quickly skittered.
The reaction was very rewarding. 
Cole was unprepared for such a surprise attack. He let out a loud screech, slamming his arms down. But the damage was already done, Zane’s fingers were perfectly stuck and left to use every technique he was taught. It was like a fun little experiment! 
The pokes got hard flinches. The clawing got loud guffaws. The scribbles got giggles. (That did rhyme, Zane thought with amusement.) Only when he kneaded, making sure to really dig in with his thumbs, did Cole collapse - falling off of Kai in the process. 
Zane followed after him like a hawk, bending in half just to pinch the very top of his ribs. 
“ZAHANE!!” Cole howled with laughter, frantically shaking his head. His laughter took on a slightly higher pitch too, but Zane was sure that was mostly due to the shock factor. Knowing that could make it tickle more, Zane continued to switch techniques so no pattern could be found. It earned some of the loudest laughter he’s ever heard come out of Cole, thrashing around like his life depended on it. “WHAHAT THEHE HEHECK?!” 
“Rocky!” Jay cried in woe, only to yip in surprise as Kai began to freely move around. He attempted to pin him back down, grabbing onto his legs, but that did nothing but empower a very tickle hungry Kai, hell bent on revenge, from pouncing.
The look on his face was murderous, but hilarious combined with his red face and even crazier hair. “YOU’RE SOHO DEAD, WALKER!!” He growled.
Jay comically gulped. He didn’t need to be told twice before he tried to high-tail it out of the room, but did not get far before Kai tackled him back to the floor. It wasn’t long before Jay’s frantic laughter joined the mixing pot. 
“Thanks Zane!” Zane loosely heard behind him, perhaps a little too eager to tickle his friend to tears. It was exhilarating, he felt strangely powerful. 
“It was time for a change.” Is all he said, simple as that, and not that he was taking Cole’s happy expression in great stride. It wasn’t every day that Cole went down without a fight. As the element of earth, he always had an advantage of strength in their sparring matches. 
Zane, suddenly feeling a little mean, decided to give teasing a try. He leaned in, just as Cole did with Kai, and gave a big smile. “Does this tickle, Cole?” 
“WHAHADDYA THIHIHNK?” Cole sassed through his teeth, head tilted back in mirth as he tried to get a grip on Zane’s arms. He missed, of course, Zane took a steady position behind him.
Zane frowned, quite close to Cole’s neck in the process. “That did not sound very kind.” 
“WAHAIT!! ZAHANE NOHO!!” Cole shriveled back into a ball as the unfamiliar cold breath of air passed his neck, scrunching his shoulders to protect himself.
That met him with a hum of disapproval, “That was rude as well. How will I tickle your neck now?”
Cole actually squealed, rocking back and forth. “JUHUST DOHON’T!!” 
Zane turned his head, momentarily distracted by the call of a dragon. 
Only, it was not a dragon. Instead, he was met with the sight of Jay crying from laughter. He was utterly incoherent, making funny noises as Kai planted raspberry after raspberry into his tummy. Jay balled a fist full of Kai’s hair into his fingers, not quite tugging and not quite shoving either. He was paralyzed in ticklish agony as Kai tickled one of his worst spots. 
It was quite deserved, Zane thought. That trailed off, however, as he suddenly was met with a force trying to push him onto his back.
Cole, seeing the opportunity, decided to roll over. If he couldn’t grab Zane then he would find other means to take him down. Zane, slightly stunned, watched as Cole maneuvered himself onto his knees. He planted his whole body weight onto Zane, reversing their positions.
Oh dear.
“Oh dear,” Zane said just that. A sudden ball of nervousness began to tingle through his systems, staring directly up at a breathless Cole. His face still held an adorable red tint to it, but his grin was massive and shining with mischief. 
“Shohouldaha thought ahabout thahat one, buhuddy.” Cole giggled deviously. 
Zane opened his mouth to say something, anything possibly, but that proved to be a mistake. Cole chose that exact second to squeeze his sides, eliciting a gasp out of the master of ice. 
Zane went slack, stiff as a plank board, his hands trembling over Cole’s arms in confusion. He didn’t know whether to push or pull, and if it would even do anything to stop him. He’s never been in this position, and now that he’s here none of his theories compare to the real thing. 
Tickling felt… tingly. It reminded Zane of shivering, but it was constant. Strangely, even though Cole was tickling over his sides, the feeling spread to his ribs and stomach. Which tickled even more in the process.
Cole, taking Zane’s quiet stubbornness for a refusal to laugh, changed his tactics. He went for his ribs, his hips, his stomach - anywhere he could reach, he gave it a quick scribble and moved on. This left Zane in a constant state of squirming, occasionally moving into Cole’s tickles rather than away. 
"Oh, yeah! I don't think I've ever tickled YOU before..." Cole trailed off, over his giggle fit, and instead, humming curiously as though this was a normal conversation. Zane suddenly empathized with Kai’s earlier plight. It was flustering, and Cole knew this.
Cole looked his way, smiling impishly. "Where are you ticklish, buddy?"
Zane puckered his lips, unable to stop the shaky smile from growing further up and up his face. He didn’t know what to say, so he shook his head. Cole, seeing it as a challenge, amped up his intensity. 
“Then I guess I’ll have to find out!” He sighed, as though it were a chore. “Cute smile, though. Never seen something like it.”
Now, that is something Zane could respond to. “Thahank you.” There was a little giggle slipped in there, sounding foreign to Zane’s own ears. Cole looked more surprised, and very humored, that he’d responded at all. 
“Course, Frosty,” His smile morphed into a soft smirk. “You wanna giggle for me? Where’s your tickle spot, huh? Is it… here?” 
Cole pointedly spidered up and down Zane’s ribs, bidding a small squeak. 
“Or right here?” 
A squeeze to the hips made him slip out another tiny giggle. 
Cole then slowed down, causing Zane to tense up. He watched as Cole menacingly wiggled his fingers, not close enough to tickle but close enough to trigger phantom shivers. 
His grin was wicked. “Or maybe… it’s…”
He didn’t get to finish that sentence. 
“What are you guys doing?” 
Lloyd, for gracious timing once in his life, stood in the doorway. For how long, Zane didn’t know. Cole didn’t see this coming either, lifting his head up as his expression switched to something more sheepish. 
“Hey Lloyd,” Cole greeted, still very much laying on Zane.
“Sup,” Kai greeted next, still very much present in the room with a slightly delirious Jay next to him. Speaking of, Jay weakly waved his way. 
LLoyd held in a snort, entering the room with his toothbrush. “You guys are going to bed, right?” 
Correct, Zane now recalled. It was definitely time for bed. For no reason in particular, going to bed sounded very appealing. 
“Aw, man.” Cole pouted, wrapping his arms around Zane in a hug. Zane, not so trusting at the moment, tensed up again. 
“But I was just about to find Zane’s tickle spots.” 
Kai whipped his head around, eyes gleaming. “Really?!” He gasped. 
Zane squinted his eyes, pinning Kai under his gaze that dared him to even try. Especially after he rescued him. 
Kai shrunk back a little, coughing into his hand - only to yawn soon after. “Nevermind.” He waved off, getting off the ground. “We’ll do it in the morning.” 
“Pardon?” Zane croaked, as Kai helped Jay off the floor. He faintly registered Cole getting up too. 
“Yeah,” Jay followed suit out of the door, yawning the whole way. “We’ll get you later Zane. Time for bed.” 
The two joined Lloyd out to the bathroom, leaving him alone with Cole. Zane turned his head, finding a hand waiting for him. A peace offering. 
“C’mon,” Cole smiled, some goodhearted teasing still in there but mostly sincere. “Next time.” 
Zane thought about it, and no second longer did he wait to take his hand. 
“Alright.” He agreed, although he didn’t think he had much choice. “However, do not expect to ‘get off the hook’.” He warned, because he deserved as much.
Cole chuckled, escorting him out the door to join the others. “Wouldn’t expect anything less, popsicle.”
Zane deadpanned at the nickname, while Cole huffed out some more gigglish snickers. Zane couldn’t find himself to be angered, however. He could only find himself theorizing about his next attacks and tickle strategies. 
Yes, he thought to himself. There’s always tomorrow.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
sentimental over you
summary: sometimes your fiancé's insomnia has its perks. namely that he'll let you sleep while your daughter and him have a little one on one time. rating: g, it's literally a baby on big daddy's chest. like what was i gonna do to it. pairing: big daddy elvis x female reader word count: 867 warnings: fluff. talk about elvis's insomnia. babies being babies and not sleeping like adults with nine to fives. it's tame, i'm being silly with these warnings. though there is unsafe sleeping practices in that a baby in any bed that isn't a crib for the first chunk of their life is technically speaking a no-no in the us now. author's note: literally blame this on the at least two times i saw someone come into- god i think it was daisy's and tam's inboxes mentioning elvis and babies and being adorable. i just wanted to write fluff and this has been in my head since i read those things. also i did mention curly hair in relation to the baby so know this is meant to be both for poc and non-poc readers.
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Elvis would like to argue that both times he's had a child, first with Lisa, his Yisa and then with little Crystal, Lisa's lil Crys-Crys- he hadn't actually planned for them to come when they did. Lisa coming nine months to the day of his and Priscilla's wedding and yours- well yours right after you had just gotten engaged. You could have been married for when she was born but you had put your foot down, telling Elvis that under no uncertain terms were you going to be walking down the aisle with your belly as round as it was in a wedding dress.
You haven't gotten married yet and there's a nebulous promise from both of you to each other that once Crystal is sleeping through the night comfortably you'll get married. At the rate she was going, you and him would be an old married couple without the marriage part before she decided it was a cool thing to sleep. You've gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night and it used to be to feed her but nowadays it's just to have her look at you with eyes so blue you swear no part of your genes even entered the equation when it came to figuring out her eye color. Sometimes she's crying, other time she's just making noise but tonight- tonight you find yourself sleeping past your normal wake up time. Tonight you find that you sleep past the midnight hour, the witching hour for your daughter and into the early morning hours of 4AM. What wakes you up is the low murmur of your fiancé singing.
You blink slowly, your eyes trying to focus in the low light of the room. It takes you a minute or five to actually notice that it's not just him in the bed next to you, that there's a soft cooing noise being made on his chest. Crystal doesn't sleep with the both of you ever, unless she's sick and even then one of you is usually awake to make sure she's alright. Last you had checked when you put her to bed in her crib she was fine, there was no real reason for her to be making noises on Elvis's chest. Elvis is too engrossed in singing to your daughter to notice much of anything in relation to you waking up and hearing him sing a version of one of your favorite Ella Fitzgerald songs does bring you a bit of joy that you don't want to pop just yet by announcing your awake state. When he stops his hand moves to play with your daughter's hair, taking note of the curls starting to finally grow. The jury was still out on how tight they would be but you were hoping for a potential middle ground between your hair and Elvis's.
"Ya gonna go back t'sleep lil one? Gonna let Daddy put ya back in your crib all nice and comfy?" He whispers to her, almost trying to bargain with her like that was ever something that worked with babies. Crystal's answering whimper as he starts to shift in the bed to attempt to get up answers for him. "Gotcha, ain't gonna move from this spot I guess. Gonna have mama wake up t'you all curled up like a cat on me. How we gonna explain that t'her?"
You can't help the tiny giggle that escapes your lips at the last part before you see Elvis's head turn to look at you with Crystal's head following suit, blinking slowly. "Satnin. You supposed t'be sleepin'."
You hum, moving a little closer so that you can nuzzle noses with him and then with your daughter. "Was. Singing woke me up. She been up long?"
"Half 'n hour. She's gettin' drowsy. Gonna have her out like a light in no time." He says with all the confidence in the world. "Go back t'sleep. We'll be here in the mornin'."
You shake your head. "Sing us both to sleep? Maybe even yourself?"
Elvis looks at you and looks at your daughter- your daughter that both of you made together- and exhales. "Drive a hard bargain y'know that?" But he aquises nonetheless, moving his arm out so that you can scoot closer, and place your head near Crystal's on his chest and a soft kiss to her nose. Your arm drapes across his stomach, pulling him closer as you hear him start to sing again.
Crystal falls asleep first, a small yawn leaving her body before she burrows into Elvis's chest, turning it into a warm and comfy little pillow. You feel your eyes starting to droop soon after but then you hear a light snore coming from Elvis instead of singing. You glance up and a smile crosses your lips, he fell asleep mid-song. You follow soon after and the next time you wake up it's to the first rays of sunlight entering your room casting a light on your future husband and your daughter's face that makes your heart full to bursting.
Maybe a few more minutes of shuteye wouldn't hurt. After all, they'll be there in the morning- the later morning.
They were.
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shallyne · 2 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch. 2
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Chapter two of Feyre's diary! I hope you enjoy,! Things might pick up in the next chapter
Words: 1.4k
February 7th
Dear Diary,
I feel like death on two legs. These past fews were SO hectic.
I've got the job I applied for and they agreed fairly quick for me to work the night shifts, and now I know WHY! Who would have thought so many people went to a seedy diner at the outside of town in the middle of the night? It's weird and I also need to act like nothing is different because mom knows nothing! She doesn't suspect a single thing! I guess being ignored by her has its perks?
Anyway, I'm not going down that route. Point is, I'm trying to juggle work and school and somehow get sleep at some point of the day, which worked until today when I fell asleep in Mr. Suriel’s class. And guess who woke me up? Rhysand!! He was very sweet about it but I felt so embarrassed, I basically bolted away from him and almost walked into a door. Yeah, I can't look at him anytime soon.
Also, dad is acting very weird lately. He's always in his office and barely talks to any of us if he bothers to show up for dinner, even mom and Elain.
Okay, that's it I think.
February 15th
Dear Diary,
The moon is so pretty. It's like 11pm right now and I'm not at work, I got this Saturday off to work on Sunday which even gives me a little Sunday bonus! Amazing, isn't it?
Back to the moon, it's beautiful! I've never paid much attention to it but now that I did, I never want to look at anything else again. Sitting in the moonlight and writing in my diary? That's so aesthetically pleasing, Pinterest would eat this up!
I'm also not the only one still awake, I can hear dad’s TV, he's watching the news again, as every evening although he's working much later than usual, mom is super grumpy about this. I think they even argued yesterday, I heard weird noises coming from their room.
I also have good news! Rhysand and I have to make a project together for history!! ME and RHYSAND. It's going to be so fun, as long as I keep him far away from my house. He already asked if we wanted to start the project at his house or mine, of course I said his even though I'm super nervous! We're meeting tomorrow. Should I wear the blue sweater? Maybe I can steal some of Elain’s mascara. Or I could ask her. We'll see, I guess.
I also don't know if I should leave my notebook at home. It's full of scribbles of Rhys's eyes. That's very specific but I just can't get them right! How can a person have such unique eyes? If anyone comes close to having literal starry eyes, it's him. So, what would be more embarrassing, if mom found the notebook or Rhys??
I think I'll leave it here, hide it in my closet. If mom still finds it I can lie and say it's just practice! Hopefully she won't find the R+F scribbled in the back.
I'm getting sleepy now, big day tomorrow.
March 9th
Dear Diary,
Rhys and I got an A on our project! It was so easy working with him, it didn't even feel like working. He's not just the most beautiful guy I have ever seen, he's also so nice and incredibly smart! I think he also plays sports, what can't he do? Like, leave some talent for us!
I also got into an argument with Nesta if it's acceptable to use sus as a word. It's way too hard and time consuming to always fully spell suspiceus ous, same with saying it. Shortening it saves lots of time! She says it's stupid and to not use it in front of her friends because it's humiliating. To quote her, verbatim, “Stop trying to make sus happen, Feyre! It's not going to happen!” Rude. It's totally going to happen someday and I'm going to tell her “I told you so.” (She hates that)
Also, after weeks of acting sus, dad finally joined us at dinner and actually talked. Mostly to mom and the topic was the airplane that had just disappeared but nonetheless, he talked and his mood seemed better! He also doesn't look like a caveman anymore for the first time since he locked himself in the office, so that's good.
Mom also almost caught me eating chocolate, which would have been a total disaster. She's always making sure that we, mostly Elain and Nesta, aren't overweight. She's weighing them weekly! It's so insane. Sometimes I bring back some leftovers after my shift and sneak them to Elain and Nesta's room. They accept them and mom hasn't kicked me out of the house yet, so I assume they haven't told her. They also don't ask question when I bring the snacks, they just accept it. Good, that means they don't have to lie for me. Or I don't have to lie to them.
Okay, I guess that's it for the day.
PS: is it normal to constantly have a feeling of impending doom? Is it just PMS?
April 29th
Dear Diary,
Since Rhys and I did our project we've spent much more time together! He's so funny, he always makes me laugh. I think we've even become friends. We shared our lunch today, he got a half of my sandwich and I got a half of his! He even gave me his coke zero because he was shocked when I told him I never had any. It was amazing. (the coke, the company and the lunch)
Rhys told me he's super into astronomy, he's a nerd about it and it's so cute. I never saw him so animated about a topic! I mean, when he talks about himself. For some reason he also looks super interested when I talk about painting, he must be a good actor because I can't imagine him really being interested in art but I appreciate it anyway! No one ever really tried to listen to me about my hobbies.
I think I'm talking nonsense again, I don't know why that always happens. Sometimes my thoughts feel like a big heap of muddled words and everything is going on at once.
Oh, right, I almost forgot the most important thing! Rhys and I planned a sleepover during the summer holidays! I told him that I'd like to have a WiiU someday and he suggested a game night, because he has a WiiU, I'm so excited! I hope the time goes by fast, I can't wait. I need a break, my schedule is so tight these days, it's almost suffocating but I can't tell anyone.
It's going to be worth it, though. I'm saving my money, for what, I don't know yet. Maybe my driver's license? I have time to figure it out.
Mom is out for tea with her friends right now, so I'm using the time to listen to Taylor Swift without headphones!
May 31st
Dear Diary,
I could cut the tension here with a knife but either no one tells me what's up or they don't know. I tried to get some infos from our cook, Alis. She's always nice and she gets wind of all the gossip but she couldn't tell me what's going on.
Something isn't right and I need to know what it is, although something tells me I shouldn't. But can I just leave this mystery unsolved? Of course I can't!
It might be quiet right now, mom amd dad are in dad’s office upstairs, Elain and Nesta are in the garden and all the house staff seem to be huddled somewhere around the kitchen, whispering among themselves. Maybe I could eavesdrop? But there isn't really a way to hide without them seeing me. We definitely need more secret nooks in this house, I can't get information like this.
Nesta always says I'm nosy but that's such a negative way to look at it, I'm just curious. How is she not? How is Elain not? Is it wrong to be curious?
Especially if your parents are super jumpy for, like, the whole last week! It's super sus. Last night I knocked over the salt shaker and they flinched! Mom didn't even shout or reprimand me, she just glowered and went back to her dinner, it was sca–
Oh, hold on, the doorbell just rang, be back in a sec.
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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