#me playing a cleric in something dnd?
sadmages · 1 year
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God's specialest little weirdo, World's most okayest cleric
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thanatoseyes · 2 months
I forgot we were planning new characters and I sent my DM a message.
It just reads, the devourer "nature's wrath"
No context, no explanation, just that.
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nightmarist · 5 months
cries. cracked out all my dnd editions for Information.
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lovebugism · 4 months
could I request maybe shy!reader trying to play dnd with eddie but she's suuuuuuper nervous and confused and internally panicking about him not liking her anymore if she can't get into it?? Or if you wanna change it up please do!! love you!!
love you! hope you like it! — you get insecure about not liking d&d when a girl joins hellfire (shy!fem!r, hurt/comfort ish, established relationship, 1.4k)
The Hellfire room is void of the boyish bodies that usually fill it. The abandoned classroom, turned freak sanctuary, is now littered with pieces the rogues, clerics, and bards left behind — in half-empty soda cans and crumbled-up bags of potato chips.
While Eddie packs up his binder, filled to the brim with miscellaneous papers, you wander around the long table with a trashcan in hand. The wild-haired boy squints when you chuck Dustin’s crushed Pepsi in the bin. “You don’t have to do that, you know?”
“It’s okay,” you shrug. “I don’t mind.”
Eddie huffs through his nose, feeling too exhausted now to argue. He slides his binder into his bag and watches you rake Gareth’s chip crumbs into the trashcan. The urge to stop you becomes unignorable then. 
“Okay, well, you know what? I mind—” the boy retorts, striding the very short distance to you and snatching the bin from your grip. He smiles a crooked grin and continues in a fantastical accent. “—‘Cause the Dungeon Master’s queen shouldn’t have to clean up after a bunch of lowborns, alright?”
You roll your eyes with a subdued giggle. “Someone’s gotta do it, Eds,” you insist as you reach for the plastic container he took. You exhale sharply when he hides it further behind him, pulling it further out of your way. “I wanna be of some use around here!”
Eddie’s face twists. “Don’t say that.”
You cower beneath his stare. “Well… It’s not like I actually play or anything. I just kinda… sit around… And watch you guys do everything…”
“Well, why would you play?” he laughs. “You don’t even like D&D.”
Something in the way he says it makes you ache. You’ve always felt distantly horrible about it — failing to take interest in something he holds so close to his heart. Hearing him reiterate that fact twists the knife lodged in your chest.
“That doesn’t bother you?” you wonder, impossibly shy. “That I don’t play?”
Eddie shrugs and sits the bin down again. “Why would that bother me?” he scoffs.
“I don’t know… ‘Cause you like it. And it’s your favorite thing to do in the whole world.”
“Well… Maybe not my favorite thing,” he croons with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Your nose scrunches in disdain. His laughter fills the empty room as his ringed hands spread warm along your sides. “I just feel bad,” you confess, gaze averted to the scuffed tile beneath your feet. “You know, that I can’t get into or whatever.”
Eddie meets your subtle pout with an unbothered grin. “There’s nothing to feel bad about. People like different things, babe. That’s life,” he assures you, squeezing softly at your sides. “I mean, it’s no different than me hating The Smiths, right? I still let you play their cassettes in the van, and you still sit in on all my campaigns— and that, sweetheart, is the meaning of true love…”
Unswayed, you jerk softly back when he leans down to kiss you. You frown up at him with your arms crossed between your bodies. “But Rory loves D&D. And she’s super pretty…”
Aurora Edwards was the newest edition to the Hellfire gang. She goes by Rory for short, though, ‘cause she’s cool like that and everything. Her dyed blonde hair is as wild as Eddie’s, cut into a makeshift mullet that sits sort of shaggy on her head — intentionally messy in a way only she can pull off. 
She likes cool music and cool clothes and cool hobbies — because everything she does seems to have some sort of subverted flair to it. She’s smart and she’s nerdy and she’s beautiful. None of which seem fair. You’ve been stirring with feelings of inadequacy since you met her. 
And Eddie doesn’t seem to get any of it. His brows furrow at your words, like none of them have any sort of meaning to him.
“She’s way more your type than I am,” you blurt.
A laugh sputters from his plush mouth. “You think my love for you is contingent on some stupid game?” he chuckles.
The way he says it makes you shrink. You feel sort of stupid about it now. “I don’t know…”
“Well, then, I have done a very shit job of being your boyfriend.”
Your chest stings. “No, you haven’t, Eddie—”
“Mm,” he hums, half playful, as he tilts his pretty head to his shoulder. “I have, though. ‘Cause if you think some other girl liking Dungeons and Dragons is gonna make me love you any less, then I have done something horribly, horribly wrong.”
You bite back a smile at his words, pursing your lips to the side of your mouth until the beam becomes impossible to ignore.
“‘Cause you’re kinda stuck with me, turns out,” the boy continues. “Unfortunately for you.”
“Unfortunately?” you echo with a scoff.
“Yeah. ‘Cause if some other schmuck comes around who likes listening to The Smiths and sitting in the sunshine, he’s gonna have to go through me.”
You breathe sharply through your nose in place of a laugh. “I don’t want another guy, Eds…” you confess, going shy all over again.
His nose scrunches as he plays coy. “Even if he doesn’t smoke?” he wonders in a sheepish murmur.
“Even if he doesn’t smoke.”
“Good,” he beams, pulling you into him by your belt loops. His breath fans over your jaw in a minty-nicotine concoction as he ducks his face closer to yours. “‘Cause I don’t want anyone else, either, alright? Even if they are almost as good as me at D&D… Actually, it’s kinda a turn-off, now that I’m thinking about it…”
“Is it?”
“Yeah… ‘Cause, like, I love teaching you about it and everything.”
“Even when I have no idea what you’re talking about?”
“Especially when you have no idea what I’m talking about,” he laughs, smiling so hard his cheeks speckle pink. “‘Cause you know how much I like it, so… You let me talk all the shit I want.”
“’S just because you’re so pretty when you talk about things you like,” you confess.
His face twists. “Am I?”
“Well, you’re pretty all the time, but…”
“You flatter me,” he huffs and pulls you closer. He smirks and goes quieter when he says, “And flattery goes a long way with me.”
“Does it?” you hum with a sunshine-coated giggle.
Eddie doesn’t answer you with words. He just presses his lips to your mouth and hopes you get the gist. His tongue swipes against yours, soft and sudden, as he guides you towards the table. You run into a rogue chair before he can get you on top of it. It screeches against the linoleum tile. 
With his face in your hands, you giggle against his mouth. His denim-clad knee slips between your thighs.
The door squeaks softly open then. Rory enters, swift and unthinking. You and Eddie pull apart — one looking much more horrified than the other — as the blonde girl stands frozen in the doorway. Drowning in her sweatshirt and baggy jeans, she points a lanky finger towards the table.
“Sorry,” she apologizes, voice gritty and deep. “I just left my girlfriend’s jacket here, and she doesn’t know I stole it, so… She’d definitely kill me if I forgot it.”
“That’s okay. Come in,” Eddie shrugs with a tightlipped smile, nodding his head in a silent invitation. When Rory plucks the coat from the back of her chair, he says, “Tell Jess I said hi, yeah?”
The girl scoffs as she heads back towards the door again, leaving just as quickly as she came. “She still hates you, you know that, right?” she laughs. ‘Cause Jess was a cheerleader — pretty and sometimes kind, but dreadfully conservative. Her uptight nature often clashed with Eddie’s much more chaotic one. 
“Well, tell her to get in line,” Eddie chuckles.
Before Rory leaves the room, she glances at the two of you over her shoulder. She winks with an eye smudged with black liner. “Have fun, you two,” she croons in a pretty voice before shutting the door behind her.
You stand, still and silent in place, wringing your anxious hands into a knot. Feeling like a total idiot, you refuse to meet Eddie’s gaze. You know he’s got a smug look on his face. You can hear the smirk in his voice when he says, “See? Not my type at all.”
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AITA for initiating pvp in my d&d game?
[tw: fictional cannibalism]
so, this is kind of about something that i ALMOST did but backed out of, but i regret not doing it because i think it couldve been good both strategically and for roleplay fodder, but the reason i backed out was because i was worried it would be an asshole move. there's been other similar stuff that i did actually commit to, so i'll talk about that too.
for context, I'm playing Curse of Strahd with an internet group who i dont really know very well outside of dnd. ive played with all the people in the group before, but just in oneshots. we dont really chat much outside the game.
my character is a dhampir barabarian who is chaotic evil because she. uh. well she eats people. she's the only evil PC in the party, and i've been very conscious of that fact because i dont want to be That Player that completely ruins everyone else's fun by being a rampaging murderhobo. (for those who dont know CoS is a horror campaign that has a lot of fucked up violent stuff in it, so this is not extremely out of place for the setting. one of the other party members is also undead, but hes good-aligned.)
some of the stuff that has actually happened has included my character sneaking away from the party to feed on a random villager (she was followed by another party member) and also trying to eat the corpse of a guy we let die in order to save ourselves. i dont think this was assholey of me because the "pvp" in those situations amounted to slapfights and ic arguing, which i think was good roleplay. i also recently attacked a party member during combat, because my character was raging (heightened emotional state) and he basically triggered her while they were fighting side by side so she lashed out at him. the attack was a bite (potential max damage of like 6) rather than with her weapon (potential max damage of 14) but it missed anyway.
which brings me to the thing i didnt do, but wish i did.
basically, we were fighting some vampire spawn and it wasnt looking good for us. our frontline fighters (myself included) were low on hp, our cleric was being menaced by Strahd himself, and our warlock was unconscious. iirc there were two spawn left to kill when i realized i could do something beneficial to myself with no MECHANICAL cost to the party, but i was worried (ooc) that doing this would have unexpected consequences or make the other players not want to play with me anymore.
our unconscious warlock had been stabilized with Spare the Dying, so he was unconscious but not making death saving throws. being a dhampir, my character has the ability to bite a humanoid and regain hp equal to the damage caused. i hadnt been able to use this ability on these enemies, because it doesnt work on undead. but our warlock is laid out all unconscious and looking like a snack... if i had bitten him, it would have automatically been a critical hit and done double damage, therefore also healing me more, and although it would have caused him to lose two death saving throws, he was technically stable at that point. idk. the dm might have ruled that taking new damage would have restarted death saving throws, but i dont know that for sure. it seemed like a very slim chance that doing this would have resulted in the character's death, but i didnt want to take the chance because i KNOW that would have for sure made me the asshole.
tell me, tumblr. did i do the right thing by choosing not to attack my fallen camrade even though it would have healed my character? would i have been the asshole for initiating that kind of pvp without asking the other player first?
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wrongdodo · 1 month
DoL School LI's and their Dungeons and Dragons Characters
Disclaimer: I never played DnD, but I did play Pathfinder, and maaaany years of World of Warcraft. This makes me FULLY QUALIFIED to make this post.
Robin the Orphan – Human Wizard Robin would go for something familiar and pretty traditional – human characters are adaptable and dependable. Especially if low on confidence, Robin would stick to what they know – nothing too outlandish. Mages are known for their ability to reshape reality, which is very appealing to Robin. What they lack in defence, they make up for in spellpower. Robin literally can’t imagine anything cooler than donning a robe and casting fireballs; pew pew pew.
Sydney the Faithful – Half-Elf Cleric Half-elf is just about as exotic as Pure Sydney would go right away, and only after getting the okay from Jordan. Nothing screams elf like a Tolkienesque strawberry blonde ponytail. Half-elves are often outcast for not quite fitting in with either the human or elf world, which Syd would find pretty relatable given their struggle. They’d be drawn to the cleric class for it’s obvious link to spirituality and divinity. Syd would be more than happy to be the group healer – but can deal plenty of damage themselves when pushed too far.
Sydney the Fallen – Teifling Bard Corrupt Sydney would absolutely roll a new character – something outlandish, dangerous and a little romantic. Teifling suits them perfectly - curled horns, sharp teeth a pointed tail… sounds pretty sinful if you ask me. Bards are known for their silver tongues, speechcraft and charm. It’s a versatile class – think jack-of-all-trades - and Corrupt Sydney would want to try everything they never had the chance to before. Spellcasting? Check. Melee weapons? Check. Musical instruments? Why the fuck not?
Kylar the Loner – Halfling Rogue A stab-you-in-the-ankles kinda character. Naturally stealthy, halflings survive by going under the radar - literally between the feet of the bigfolk. Rogue is an obvious choice– sneaky and cunning with a talent for thievery. Like Kylar, rogues are natural infiltrators who are light on their feet and can pick a lock like nobody’s business. Many rogues are also skilled potion makers – be it elixirs, poisons or… pepper spray. Oh, and Kylar’s already pretty experienced with knives - they'd probably bring it to the session along with their sketchbook.
Whitney the Bully – Orc Barbarian Let’s be real, they’d never agree to play – it sounds fucking stupid. But if you could convince them, it’d be with the promise that they could do whatever they wanted. The game’s completely open ended, after all. So, Whitney would want to have it all – lording it over the nerds by having the biggest, strongest character with the biggest, stupidest weapon. Orcs are ferocious in battle, with a tribal culture that doesn’t make much sense to outsiders. Barbarians have a natural toughness and a stubborn will. Whitney would punch the innkeeper. Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.
EDIT 1: @deadfish-dol drew some amazing art inspired by this! Looook! Rogue Kylar and Barbarian Whitney
Sydney the Cleric and Sydney the Teifling
Robin the Wizard EDIT 2: I wrote the fanfic!
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alcalystrasz · 2 months
Stranger Things 5 spoilers:
We're discussing theories.
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So we knew that the first episode was called "The Crawl" because The Duffers posted a tweet with the script title. However, for the other ones... that's crazy.
So remember there are 8 episodes in total, and we possibly only have 6 of their titles. Let's try to understand them together.
EP1 - So, for The Crawl I personally don't have theories for it. I just thought maybe it was going to be about escaping from someplace, or to get to a place.
EP2 - The Episode 2 is the most intriguing, "The Vanishing of ***** Wheeler." It reminds me a lot of the first episode of season 1: "The Vanishing of Will Byers" so it may have a sort of link. So we know it's a Wheeler, but who. If we count the starts there are 5 of them, maybe it's a random number or maybe they did this on purpose so we can know the number of letters in the name. So, Karen has five letters, Holly has five letters too, Nancy also and Mike and Ted are excluded. So only the women could vanish. Between these 3 characters, we know one has been recast: Holly. So maybe, Holly will be the one to disappear, because in a previous spoiler/leak it has been said that Holly was going to be a target of Vecna, so far we thought it was fake but it could turn out to be true actually. So if it's indeed Holly who disappears, and it could make sense because Will vanished when he was 11 and she's going to be around 8, I have a question, will she also get some sort of powers just like Will in the end when we find her?
And now that I think about it, maybe "The Crawl" is Holly's to try to escape from Vecna but she ends up in the Upside Down anyway?
I think Holly is the most possible Wheeler to vanish. And it has been said many times that Holly can be linked to Vecna in some ways. Lots of fans said that Karen could be Henry's sister and Holly is his nephew. Maybe? He would kidnap her to put pressure on Karen, because we know the parents and especially Karen will play a bigger role this season...
EP3 - "The Turbow Trap" is probably something against Vecna, I don't have anything, except maybe it could be made by Dustin because he's a genius at making stuff (He made Cerebro).
EP4 - "Sorcerer." I don't know why but I feel like it's either Vecna, because he's a sort of sorcerer, or maybe it's Will. Remember that in DnD, Will plays a sort of wizard/cleric. I don't know what could happen but... maybe it's also something else. It is probably in this episode that Holly comes back because they could all try to confront this Sorcerer, so Vecna.
EP5 - "Shock Jock" makes me think of "Trick or Treat, freak" an episode of season 2. The episode's name is kinda similar, I don't know how to explain that. But it's a goofy title to something dramatic like in the Halloween one. Jock could be Joyce. It's a shock to Joyce? Maybe something could happen to Will?
EP6 - This episode has probably the weirdest title of them all. "Escape from Camazotz." So... Camazotz is a Bat, more precisely a God who's form is a bat. He's a creature with the head of a bat and the body of a human, really weird to put this in the show. It's from the religion of the Maya, he's associated to night, death and sacrifice. But that's in real life. In DnD, Camazotz is the "Demon Lord of Bats and Fire." He literally likes hunting the mortals in the darkness. Just like Vecna. And in the Upside Down we saw there are in fact Bats, demobats, but is Vecna controlling them? He can't be both Vecna and Camazotz at the same time. Maybe Vecna is just a puppet of this unknown dimension?
The second edition of DnD was introduced in 1974, and Vecna was introduced in this edition. Which explains why they used this name for Henry. But Camazotz wasn't, it's probably in the 3rd or 4th edition.
Who are we gonna see? Camazotz, from the Maya or Camazotz from DnD?
I have some theories.
The first one is, somebody's going to sacrifice themselves to save everyone else. As I said in my previous theories, I had the idea of Robin and/or Jonathan that sacrifices themselves. In this context, I don't think Robin's sacrifice would happen for this sort of thing. However Jonathan's could be. It could be a big twist for Will because I have this idea where he's going to be either stuck, or he's going to stay in the Upside Down in some ways, along with Mike. So this could be one of their conversations later, it could ruin Will so Mike would be there to comfort him.
The second one is, someone's going to get killed by Camazotz, which explains the word "escape" in the title. Maybe Robin, Jonathan, Max (if she isn't already dead) or one parent like Karen or Ted.
The actor of Ted answered a question in an interview. Someone asked something about him not being mentioned by Vecna when he showed Nancy that her whole family is going to die, and the actor simply answered: "Oh. You noticed?" With a wink.
So maybe Ted knows about Karen's link to Vecna. Maybe it isn't their story isn't like what Nancy said to Jonathan in season 1. The whole "Perfect" family is probably a lie.
This could actually explain why Vecna showed what's gonna happen to the Wheeler family, to Nancy. Because she's the one who got this "Perfect family" idea. We never saw Mike talk about it to anyone. So.... this is all a little blurry...
But I think, in this episode, there has to be 1 death. Most likely Robin, because she was only introduced in season 3 and she's a recent character, compared to the other ones who were here since season 1.
I have this theory, what if the end of ST5 is the beginning of ST1. What I mean is that, we go back to the beginning like how it was before everything happened even though it actually happened. It's like, everything ended and now we're back to how it was. So it means, only the 4 boys, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce. Eleven wouldn't be, because she's one of the reasons it all started, and it would be such a good ending if she dies saving Hawkins. Barb doesn't count cause she'd dead. And every characters introduced later died so far: Billy, Max (half dead), Bob... Only Murray and Robin are left. Murray will def die that's for sure and Robin, for me, has to die too.
Now, I want to talk about BYLER.
Remember the episode 3 of season 3, with Will and Mike's fight under the rain? Guess who it was directed by:
Shawn Levy.
And who's going to direct episode 6 of ST5?
Shawn Levy.
He didn't only direct that, but he also directed the sauna episode. And what happens in the sauna episode?
Will: I can feel him....
Mike, looking at Will's lips: Max get away from the door...
So, if Shawn Levy direct the episode 6, we'll get byler. And was I thinking? Byler kiss episode 6, that was my theory. With 3 or 4 intimate moments between them before episode 6 and the kiss during this episode.
There is one director I didn't talk about, it's Frank Darabont. He's a director who made a lot of horror movies, and we know how Stanger Things can be disgusting sometimes. Right?
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So if Frank directs 3 episodes, they're going to be very scary or atleast be special in a disgusting way, maybe? But it's definitely going to be horror for these episodes.
I think he'll probably direct episode 7, that'd make sense, maybe 8 too.
Anyway, that was it. Tell me what you guys think about these two spoilers/leaks. I hope the directing one is true. And the titles are still possibly to change in the future, but the episode 2 really caught me off guard. I bet it's gonna be Holly.
And by the way, I hope they can bring back Sarah, Hopper's daughter. The fact that her and Holly look alike, isn't a coincidence for me. Maybe Sarah is more important than we think she is.
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Yesterday, I was talking with a couple of friends about the newest Dimension 20 episode and it was brought up how killer a party the bad kids are. Their levels of optimization and total mastery of the battlefield is a sight to behold. From there, it was mentioned how Bells Hells and the Bad Kids are at the same level (level 13). And naturally, we began to compare the two parties, and it became quickly apparent that one party felt leagues ahead of the other. And that got me thinking, what do the Bad Kids have that Bells Hells don't?
And this is nothing about the players themselves. All 13 players from both CR and D20 are masters of what they do. Their level of strategy and creativity is unparalleled. And you can't say that one group of people is specifically better than the other. So then where are these problems coming from? And then I realized the problems didn’t have anything to do with the players. Not with characters or even their choices
It’s their party composition that’s the real issue.
While on the surface, BHs looks like a very diverse party, everyone in it is very locked into specific roles. We have three melee fighters (who can really only act as melee fighters), two spell casters who mostly have damaging spells (mixed in with some support stuff) and a cleric (that is really locked into their role of healing and support). Fearne is really the only character with any real versatility but because of the current party setup, she kind of has to play support or healing, otherwise the party becomes very unbalanced.
Because so many characters are unable to deviate from their “roles,” everything becomes much harder.
Look at the bad kids in comparison, Adaine can quickly switch from pure damage dealing to support moves very quickly, Fig can switch between melee to spells to straight up healing, and Fabian, who is mostly melee, is still able to take on a support role because of his levels in bard. And while they do have some more rigid roles (Kristen, Gorgug, Riz), these characters still have options via spells.
The best DND parties are the ones where the individual roles are fluid and ever changing. And because BHs setup, that becomes a difficult feat to pull off.
And then I was thinking about why.
Why they would design the party this way if it was so clearly unsteady.
But the thing is, it wasn’t supposed to be.
Because there is one word that explains exactly why the party is what is. One word that simultaneously explains and fixes everything.
One word.
Having a bard in the party would go miles into helping BHs and make a lot of those issues outright disappear. Dorian ,as a Swords bard, can engage in direct melee, but can also provide additional support and be another source of healing within the party. Spells like Hypnotic Pattern, Warding Wind, and Shatter are all incredibly useful within combat, and having caster that can take a hit is always a good thing.
And again, do I think that Bells Hells doing something wrong by having the party they have? Absolutely not. Despite my earlier statements, I'm genuinely impressed by their accomplishments, strategy and overall creativity. I love them all. But having a Bard in the party wouldn't hurt.
TLDR; Dorian we need you.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3's tragic endings – Pt. 1
There was talks about Larian's devs and one (romance) ending that was so heartbreaking they hardly got through making it. Since then, lots of speculation about which character this was about has been going on.
I personally have two theories as to who it could be (and why) so let me get into it. I'm going to start with the most popular theory so far (from what I've seen): our favorite bitey boy.
He seems like the most popular choice for anticipated heartbreak (with the heart breaking being ours, of course). His carefully constructed mask of cruelty, arrogance, and delusions of grandeur would fit the narrative of betrayal and regret for more good-hearted Tavs for sure. Yet... I believe the path with him will ultimately depend on whether or not Tav can tear down this mask and address the underlying issues.
He's been alone for centuries, alone in the sense of being abandoned and abused, with no end to it in sight. As a result, he took refuge in his newfound condition (he's the only companion who wants to keep the tadpole and merely control it) and dove right into power and revenge fantasies (he wants to become more powerful than Cazador). It's a completely understandable defense mechanism. A low approval Tav will get nothing out of him, he's too guarded for that. But a medium or high approval Tav will learn more and more about his experiences, and, most importantly, plans. (Referencing EA only here)
Here's the thing though: No one willing to get that much power without second thought tells a stranger (or worse: friend) about their plans. I firmly believe that Astarion simply doesn't know better, coming out of centuries of torture so bad it made him forget his own natural eye color. I also believe he wants to be stopped and guided onto a better path – subconsciously of course. (Why bother asking how the world sees him? If power would be the true ultimate goal what should he care?)
So, what about that tragic ending? I think the betrayal and regret theories are spot on.
When researching a cure for vampire spawns in the DnD rules I found something interesting: True Resurrection, a spell that can be cast by druids or clerics, can bring back a vampire (spawn) that has been dead no longer than 200 years. Which is exactly the number of years Astarion references as being under Cazador's thumb. Coincidence? (Nah.)
I think ultimately the party will fight Cazador and Astarion will have the choice of either drinking from his former master, thus turning himself into a vampire, or killing Cazador and then letting an ally (Halsin? Shadowheart? Someone else?) resurrect him (as vampires are technically dead) with said spell, curing Astarion of his condition.
An Astarion who witnessed Tav being selfish, power-hungry, or cruel, might increase the chances of him turning his back on them. Why cure himself and accept his (former) victimhood if he could become the master (and abuser) instead? Why bother being good and complicated when Tav sets the example that only power and selfishness gets you to where you want to go? I can see this ending play out. And I can see this ending being really sad. Astarion becoming a vampire, maybe even attacking Tav in the process, or with Tav having to fight and kill him next – yeah, that's tragic alright. (But also please don't let anything happen to my snarky boy. I need him.)
Wait a minute. Why should Astarion be the only one who could betray someone?
So I'll do you one better: Tav does the betraying.
Thinking in ultimate roleplaying choices, a Tav that is selfish, cruel, and/or power-hungry (fueled by the abuse of their ilithid powers??), could absolutely give Astarion back to Cazador – in return for power, or favors, or even something lowely as gold (or shits and giggles). Picture this: Astarion, anticipating the long awaited revenge with his new friend and ally (or even lover!!!) Tav, walking straight into the trap Cazador and Tav laid out for him. The ending that would leave him right where he started – a prisoner to his abuser once more, betrayed by the first person he opened up to in centuries; the first person he let see him, maybe even beyond his mask.
And now that we're sufficiently sad, I'm going to take a break before writing the next option for the most tragic ending (tm) I can think of.
Let me know what you think!
Part 2 here
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Tell me, good sir: if/when you play DnD, what class(es) do you play?
Until recently, I always played spellcasters. Usually, it was a wizard who was useless until about level 6, because I liked playing the classes that actually took real work to master, and as a skinny, awkward, nerdy kid ... well, wizards were sort of my idealized self. I was smart and bookish, not big and strong. I really liked to imagine being a character who took all the stuff that made me a target for bullies on the playground, and used it to be powerful and valuable to the party.
Also, successfully playing a wizard or cleric in the 80s was HARD. If you're under 40, you probably haven't played the versions of D&D that kept magic users REAL weak and useless for the first several levels. (You started with the ability to *maybe* do 4 points of damage, two times in a session. And you could make magic light.) I loved doing things that were difficult, specifically because my friends would give up before I did. Being a magic user came from and satisfied the same part of me that played goal in hockey: anybody can be the person who scores, but only the people who work really hard at it can stop the shot consistently.
But a couple years ago, something changed in me, and I wanted pure escapism. After a lifetime spent crafting spells and carefully working out builds that gave me a chance to survive long enough to do real damage, I started playing real dumb, real strong, I-hit-the-dragon-with-my-axe barbarians.
Of course, when you roll like I do ... well.
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muffinmiri · 7 months
My personal Hatchetfield theories/head canons
Spoiler warning for all musicals and Nightmare Time 1&2
The LiB always wanted Grace in NPMD. They address her first with “We’ve been watching you Gracie”. Also I think the lighting in Dirty Girl means that they were watching or possibly even influencing Grace’s fantasy
I think Grace was easier for them to influence since she was already extremely religious. Something like it’s easier to switch the object of worship than making someone worship in the first place
There’s the theory about the timelines diverging at Hannah’s birth. (I like this theory). But what if the timelines actually started diverging with the Weylons and we’re simply not seeing all the wildly different timelines? Or maybe there’s timelines where the timelines diverge at different times? I really said the word timelines too much there and gave myself a timeline-induced headache but it’s still fun to think about
That moment in Show Me Your Hands in TGWDLM where Sam briefly takes off his sunglasses is actually Sam getting control from the alien for the shortest moment before the alien takes back over and puts the glasses back on
Paul, Bill, Ted and Charlotte do board game nights. There’s no indication for this really but I like the idea
Pete introduced Ted to dnd and he invited him to dm a game for them on game night once. Ted played a horny halfling bard, Charlotte played a half-elf cleric, Bill played a half-orc barbarian and Paul played a human fighter. Paul really disliked the rp elements but got really into the strategy of the fights.
Obviously all Jon’s characters are related. My specific idea for this is: Paul and Gary are cousins, Richie is Gary’s son (the reason they have different last names is that Gary and Richie’s mom aren’t married so he’s got his mom’s last name. They’re co-parenting happily though).
Richie and Ruth are siblings. I know if that was the case Ruth would have known about his death but I still like it as a head canon
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txttletale · 11 months
Sorry if this is asking for something too specific, but is there any high fantasy-themed, setting agnostic ttrpg system that I can, like, fit into the mold of a homebrew DnD campaign? I really don't want to drop this campaign that I've been running for years and have written tens of thousands of words for, but at this point the 5e system just isn't cutting it for me due to all the Problems Issues it has. Making fun encounters and areas to explore feels more and more impossible each day and it feels like I'm fighting against the current whenever I want to focus more on worldbuilding and character interaction or do something more abstract like sending PCs to the dream realm or whatever. Is there any less crunchy and combat-focused alternative thatd still let my players be clerics, barbarians, bards, etc or some equivalent?
i don't really believe in 'setting agnostic'. i think every RPG has to include some kind of implication about the setting in the basic functionalities of what verbs the characters can do. like, by including combat in an RPG, it's no longer 'setting agnostic', because some pretty big implications have been made about what kind of world these characers are going to exist in. but i digress! i know what you mean lol -- you want a high fantasy game that can be molded to the world you've already created.
fellowship is a pretty simple, classic high fantasy -- as you can imagine from the name, it draws heavily from lord of the rings. it doesn't have 'classes', though -- the playbooks are all themed around more general story rolls or fantasy peoples -- so if maintaining that is important to you it might not be for you.
venture is a game i haven't personally played or read but i've seen toted around as a pretty good rules-light game for this kind of setting and atmosphere. it's Belonging Outside Belonging, which means it's diceless and more narrative, with the mechanics hinging around a token economy (take tokens on narrative downbeats, spend them to do cool things). it does have classes.
quest is also a super-simplified take on the d&d formula which keeps d20s and class advancement while ditching more or less everything else. it's also free (at least, the digital edition), so if you're on a limited budget and don't want to put on your big skull and crossbones hat it's a pretty good pick.
whatever you end up playing, i hope you and your friends have fun :)
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rowanthesorcerer · 2 months
Long time no post. here’s Last Legacy and the Arcana as DnD classes
almost all my knowledge of DnD is from Baldurs gate 3 and playing a couple of short campaigns, these are just ideas so shush
Asra- Wizard. they study magic and learn from books, just like a DnD wizard. subclass would be something along the lines of divination.
Julian- Rogue. he sticks to the shadows. i’d give him medicinal proficiency as part of his build though. subclass i’m not sure
Nadia- to me, she gives cleric vibes to a degree. Noble background of course. subclass of knowledge or life
Portia- Sorcerer. she gets her magic without studying for it. wild magic subclass
Lucio- fighter but with levels in warlock cos of the whole devil business
Muriel- either Ranger or Druid. i shouldn’t even have to list reasons but i will, he’s all nature magic and stuff
Sage- Without a doubt he’s Barbarian. all rage for his fights.
Felix- Wizard, necromancer specifically cos duh. he studied for his magic. he could also have levels in warlock, pact of the ancient because of his deal with that god thingy
Anisa- i’d say fighter for her, but she could also easily be a paladin, giving her access to spells. maybe levels in both
Rime- before his death he’d be a cleric for sure. afterwards? i’m not so sure. Sorcerer, wizard, warlock. i dunno. he’s a wild card i think
yeah that’s all for now
i can do more if y’all want more. just lemme know.
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roxykisser · 1 year
through altercations known only to me rereading my lalonde wizard post has made me think about what class each of the kids would play in dungeons and dragons, so i’m subjecting my 2 followers to it.
john: fighter. i’m sorry but i can’t see him picking anything else besides maybe like… ranger. he mostly sticks to the default subclass but jade probably made him try rune knight at least once for a one-shot. he found it too complicated but relented to branch out into more subclasses afterwards.
dave: i’m torn between rogue and hexblade warlock. mayhaps some sort of cursed multiclass of both. he seems like the type to look up game guides to get the most broken character build possible and make up a backstory on the fly but he ends up actually quite attached to his pcs.
rose: probably a warlock. my first instinct was wizard, but i think she’d enjoy the flavour of warlock more, considering her gothic tendencies. she started out with the great old one patron but then discovered homebrew and became unstoppable. that one player who sends 10 pages of backstory, but it’s actually enjoyable to read
jade: the dungeon master. she’s the one who can most reliably engage all the players in the game without overcomplicating the plot and probably excels in juggling everyone’s game preferences. though when she does get to play she probably has no set character type and just makes a character depending on what strikes her fancy that day
jane: my first instinct was a city ranger build, since that’s probably the closest you get to a detective in dnd, but hear me out.. paladin. the strict code of oath. the angsty backstories. the heroic persona. jane spent a lot of time pre-game playing damsel in distress. i think she’d enjoy playing the knight for once. she probably tries it just to try it at first but ends up liking the mechanics so much she just sticks to it
dirk: right. we have a few options here. the first one is specifically cavalier fighter, because they get a mount. obvious choice. but for some reason he also strikes me as someone who would play sorcerer. it has some of the most fiddly mechanics in the game and it’s one of the closest classes we get to not-newbie-friendly in dnd. he’d like the challenge. then he looks at the set up of the rest of the party, sees they have no healer, and begrudgingly picks cleric/druid
roxy: is there really a question here? she would play wizard. she might branch out into warlock for a one-shot or something when she sees rose play it but she would probably prefer the versatility and sheer volume of wizard spells. i swear opening the wizard spell list is like spinning a wheel of fortune every damn time. also it means she gets to have a familiar and obviously she would make mutini (i mean, excuse me, moutani)
jake: i’m imagining his character creation went a little something like this: “So which class will let me do some pistol action?” “well, technically any of them, if you have the right proficiency!” “Okay but are there any that are like, really good at it?” “i mean… there are gunslingers and technically artificers…” “Great! i’ll play that then” before jade can explain gunslingers are actually sort of really complicated to play, especially for newbies. eventually he switches to bard
bonus: terezi plays barbarian. you can’t convince me otherwise.
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ozzgin · 13 days
what races, classes, and subclasses in dnd would the yakuza boys like to play? (or the yokai harem 💕)
I'm going to use BG3 as a reference, because I never had the friends to play/get to know D&D. :') So there may be some slight inaccuracies to the original lore.
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Daitou would be intrigued by a race like Dragonborn or Githyanki. They look different and intimidating, which resonates well with him. He'd probably pick a class like a Paladin or Warlock, because again, he can relate to the concept. "Heh, that's a little like me and Boss, ain't it?" he'll conclude after you explain what everything means. Bonus: he'd probably relate a lot to Durge.
Kazuya would go for a Tiefling or Elf. Either a Bard, or some ridiculously strong combo like Gloom Stalker Assassin. He likes being a charismatic character, but also thrives for power. "What do I pick so I'm the strongest of the team?"
Kiritsubo might go for a Dragonborn because he's a dragon spirit himself; he doesn't really understand all these fancy names, so he just picks whatever feels familiar. Using the same logic, he'd choose either Fighter or Barbarian. "I just have to swing a sword around, r-right?"
Murasaki would be intrigued by the Githyanki or (female) Drow. The discipline, the reputation, the arrogance, they certainly feel like home. As for class...he'd probably research some multiclass combination in order to be an efficient jack of all trades. Maybe something involving Sorcerer, for the long range and spell variety.
Suma is a simple man. He wants to use his fists. Give him a Half-Orc Barbarian or Monk and he'll be happy.
Yuugiri would probably choose an Elf because they look nice. Then go for some Bard/Rogue combination, so he can steal, backstab, and manipulate people. "What? I can roll to convince the enemy to just...kill themselves? This will be my signature move."
Sakaki immediately chooses Deep Gnome. They're frequently enslaved and mistreated (at least in BG3), and he finds the misery poetic. For the same reason he'd go for something like Cleric, Trickery Domain. "I have been killed again. Revive me if you must: but I shall savor death's sweet embrace." Bonus: Probably a Shar simp.
Sekiya is amused by the idea of being a human. Becomes terribly flustered and embarrassed when you tell him it's considered a boring choice. Went for Warlock because it was recommended as a balanced choice for beginners. Has been killed several times because he jumps in to protect his spider familiar. "You know what I can't summon again? The trust I could've lost if I let my companion die."
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life-winners-liveblog · 3 months
dice!!! ooh im giving everyone themed dice!
grian im giving you yellow one with gold patterns
scott you get cyan ones with gold numbering
pearl yours are red and purple with silver numbering
marytn urs are sea green with streaks of pufferfish yellow
scar yours are dark purple with light green streaks!!
and cleo yours are pink gold and green tie dye!!
oh im so exicyed i love dnd!!
Grian: These are perfect!
Grian: So Scott, an elven cleric huh?
Scott: It's my first time playing this game, so I wanted to stick with familiarity.
Grian: Oh yeah makes sense don't worry It's my first time doing something like this too.
Pearl: I chose Druid, of course, how could I not? And I'm accompanied by Tommy the Racoon.
Grian: You added Tommy? Will you be playing for him?
Pearl: Oh no, Olive will, she wanted to partecipate.
Grian: I'll allow it.
Martyn: Fighter.
Grian: Basic.
Martyn: We got a cleric and a druid we need a fighter as well to balance it out.
Grian: That's...true.
Scar: I'll be the best Fae ranger ever!
Grian: Fae? Ranger? Yeah, I can see it.
Cleo: So what do you think?
Grian: A Goliath? I can see it...but why make them a Warlock of a madness deity? It's just an interesting combo. Are you sure?
Cleo: Yep.
Grian: Then It's fine by me.
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