#me when flower crowns sorry I see them running around and vibing in each other's presence in a big flower field outside the city-
zaacoy · 1 year
Your art gives me so much life, and your hot takes on canon (bc it is, no one can tell me otherwise) freenoodles is just,,,, perfection
They are in love your honor
!! :O Thank you!! :D
Good to know someone found my ramblings amusing and true-ish to canon, and thank youu!!
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closedafterdark · 4 years
BLΛƆKPIИK Chaeyoung x Male Reader
7929 words
categories: smut, oral, angst
note: special thanks to @sharpfeelings​ for all the help with this.
Read on AFF
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“Open up! We know you’re in there!”
Two women look at each other, nodding before the taller of the two kicks the door open.
Drawing their guns, they use the built-in flashlight and search the apartment.
“Bathroom’s clear.”
Bedroom’s clear too.”
Reconvening back in the living room, the two look around at the apartment. Despite it being empty, it was evident someone was living here.
“They’re gone. They probably knew we were coming.”
“Goddamn it! First lead we have in weeks and the prime suspect is already gone.”
“Jooyeon unnie. It’ll be alright.”
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Son Jooyeon looks to her side and sees Detective Lee Jinsook staring back and giving her a weak yet reassuring smile. Jinsook was sort of an anomaly. Not exactly green enough to be considered a rookie, yet not having been with the squad the necessary amount of time to be classified as a Senior Detective. Graduating from the academy at the minimum age required to do so, Jinsook was assigned to Starship Precinct as a bright, wide-eyed rookie. Having accumulated several years of experience under the guidance of you, Jiyeon and Jooyeon, Jinsook grew to be much more serious. Still maintaining her friendly demeanor when not on the field, she learned to approach situations cautiously and address all possible outcomes when making a decision.
“You’re right.” Jooyeon said, tapping Jinsook’s hand softly and responding with her own soft smile. “It’s just… this is my first assigned case for the Senior Detective promotion. Usually oppa or Jiyeon unnie would be the one leading everything. And with the Captain wanting to promote you and I... I just don’t want to fuck up.”
“Fucking up is a part of learning.” Jinsook began. Jooyeon’s eyes widened slightly, surprised at hearing how casually her partner cursed. “You guys taught me it’s okay to mess up so long as you use it to improve yourself.”
“Since when have you begun giving life advice? Usually it’s the other way around.” Jooyeon teased.
Jinsook pouted at her, giving her the cutest angry glare before heading for the door.
Jooyeon softly laughs as she also heads for the door.
“Oh, unnie.”
“Jiyeon unnie called the Captain today. She should be returning in a few days.” Jinsook said, turning back as she gave a genuine expression of worry to Jooyeon.
“You haven’t talked to her since the incident, right?”
Jooyeon shook her head, smiling slightly.
“She and I rarely talk to each other anymore.” Jooyeon began, her eyes beginning to glisten. “If anything, she’s closer with the Lieutenant nowadays. I can’t remember the last time Jiyeon unnie and I hungout, just the two of us.”
“Doesn’t help that you slept with her boyfriend, either.”
“H-Hey!” Jooyeon said, softly hitting Jinsook. “She and oppa are on a break.”
“I know you like oppa, unnie. But all three of your relationships will change if you and him get together. You know oppa will prioritize you and unnie’s friendship.”
“I know.” Jooyeon sighed. “It’s just… I really like him. And when we slept together, he made me feel so loved. I just want him.”
“Unnie…” Jinsook said, pulling Jooyeon in for a hug. The two embrace each other for several minutes, Jinsook rubbing the older woman’s bag as she comforts her. When the two let go, Jooyeon wipes away the tears built up. This causes them to laugh slightly and has relaxed her worries.
“Come on unnie, let’s go get some food. Nothing like a tall glass of beer and some spicy barbecue to calm our nerves. Plus, it’ll be fun listening to you talk about oppa while buzzed.” She said, heading for the door. Taking one last look around the empty apartment, Jooyeon is about to leave when something catches the corner of her eye. Kneeling down, she finds a thin piece of slightly durable paper. Black in color, only four words are printed on it in a pink color with a crown emblem.
“How you like that?” Jooyeon read aloud. Taking out her phone, she scrolled through her camera roll and found a photo of the first calling card left behind during the Gangnam Precinct escapes. Contrasting the one she just found, it was a pink background with black font and a square emblem.
“BlackPink in your area…” She said, scrunching her nose. “Just what are they up to?”
You wandered the empty Gangnam streets, surprised at the lack of foot traffic on a random Wednesday afternoon. Not even a full 12 hours have passed since your date and subsequent intimate moment with Son Jooyeon, a colleague you have grown close to ever since she joined the squad, confessing her feelings for you. Not to mention the fact that you and your girlfriend Kim Jiyeon were currently going through a break. Your thoughts are interrupted as you see a woman with long, blonde hair struggle to pick up various congratulatory flower pots. Quickly going to her, you pick up the pot from her arms and bring it inside the shop.
“Oh my, thank you so much!” the woman said, wiping the sweat on her forehead.
“It’s no problem.” you said. “Always happy to help someone in need.” When the two of you make eye contact, you realized she seemed familiar. Stealing a few more glances at her caused you to figure out she was the same woman who helped you choose flowers to bring to Jiyeon at the hospital. It seems she has recognized you as well.
“Oh…” you said to each other.
“Nice to see you again.” the woman said, giving you a smile. Her appearance has changed from the last time you saw her a few days ago. Her long brown hair was now a silky gold color. Her striking makeup was replaced with more natural tones, opting to equip herself with a thin eyeliner and rosy pink lips.
“It’s nice to see you again as well. Didn’t realize I walked all the way over here.” you said, carrying the last of the flower pots inside. As she followed you, she grabbed a spray bottle and tended to the various plants that lined the walls of the boutique. Her side profile caught your attention, as you took notice of her sharp eyes and cute pointed nose.
“So, what brings you by? Did your girlfriend like the flowers you picked out?” She said, returning to the back of the counter to sort through customer’s orders. When she didn’t hear you respond, she turned around and saw the sadness in your eyes. “What happened?”
“She liked the flowers you helped me pick out. But... decided we should take some time apart.” you said, remembering how you accused Jiyeon of being involved in Luda’s case.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry…” she said, sincerity heard in her voice.
“Don’t be, it’s alright. She’s a very emotional person so I understand. We’ve had fights before but I kinda messed things up this time so I’m willing to give her all the space she needs.”
“I’m sure everything will work out between you two.” she said, flashing you her trademark smile. She possessed an elegant vibe to her, a classness you could exactly pinpoint specifically. She spoke in a lower register, which was easily complemented by an exotic accent that made every word sound like honey to you.
“Thank you. I couldn’t help but notice your accent. I guess you aren’t from here?” you asked, wanting to smoothly change topics.
“Ah, yes. I’m actually from Australia. I was actually born in Auckland but moved to Melbourne when I was 7. My parents still live out there and my sister visits me here from time to time. But in my heart, I will always be a Kiwi.” she replied.
“I take it you didn’t move all the way over here just to run a flower shop.” you said.
The woman laughed. “No I didn’t, actually. I came here because I wanted to be a singer. I went to many auditions and went through the training process to debut, but it wasn’t my thing. The extreme dieting, the company pointing out every one of my “flaws”. And the hair dye. God, that stupid fucking hair dye. I had to bleach my hair so many times, my scalp is so dry and my hair is fried.” She picked up strands of her hair to show you how damaged it had become, losing its natural oils. Her hair was slightly frizzy and riddled with split ends.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” you said, unsure of what response would be appropriate.
She shook her head. “You know, despite all of that. I don’t regret any of it. The company I was signed to allowed me to meet some really great people. The final lineup for the group I was in contained myself and three other girls. And although we never got to debut, I’m happy. We went through a lot together, and while we now all live separately, it’s in the same apartment complex so we’re practically neighbors.”
“Sounds like all that trouble was worth it if you made such great friends.”
“It was. Although, sometimes I kinda wished we debuted you know? They were planning on having me be the main vocalist.”
“I’d love to hear you sing sometime.”
“Mmm, that depends.”
“On what?” you said, tilting your head in curiosity.
“I don’t sing for free.” she teased.
“I don’t seem to have any money on me at the moment…” you said, rummaging through your pockets and opening up your wallet.
“I’m just kidding.” she said, laughing. “I don’t need the money. Although, I could never say no to a nice meal.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, miss?” you said, raising your eyebrow slightly.
“What, me? I would never.” she replied, feigning innocence. You noticed her cheeks begin to blush slightly as she coughed cutely and turned away.
“I never said it was a bad thing.” you said, laughing slightly. “But I don’t even know your name. Would be rude of me to not know the name of the person I was going on a date with.”
“I-It’s Roseanne.” she said nervously. “Roseanne Park. But here in Korea, I go by Chaeyoung.”
“Roseanne… that’s a pretty name.” you said. “Any preference on what you like to be called?”
“My friends usually call me Rosie or Chaeng. And I formally go by the name Rosé. But you can call me whatever you like. Just as long as you call me later.” she said, handing you a black business card with pink colored font on it. You observed it, taking note of a rose with the petals designed in the shape of a crown.
“I didn’t expect you to be so smooth. Do you always flirt with customers like this?” you asked.
“No no, I’m not that kind of girl. Well... maybe only to the cute ones.” she said, winking playfully. “Just wanted to share a meal as a thank you for helping me out with those pots my friends sent me. And it seems like you could use someone to talk to.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” you said, waving the business card in the air as thanks before heading for the door.
“I’ll be off in a few hours. Call me then.”
You smiled at her and waved as you left. When you disappear from sight, Chaeyoung returned to tending the flowers inside the shop. She hears the bell chime as the door is opened once more.
“You’re back already? I didn’t expect you to-”
Turning around, Chaeyoung is met by a woman with dark hair slightly taller than her. She quickly bows her head in apology, the woman doing the same.
“I’m so sorry. I had a customer leave just now and thought you were them.”
“It’s alright.” the woman said, smiling.
“What brings you in today, ma’am?” Chaeyoung asked.
The woman fumbles around her pockets before taking something out and opening it up.
“Son Jooyeon, Starship Precinct Senior Detective. I was wondering if you’ve seen anything out of the ordinary recently.”
“No, nothing at all. We’ve been closed the past few days as I was recovering from a bad case of a cold.”
“There’s been a string of high profile robberies lately and we’ve been going to each business asking if they’ve seen any suspicious activity. I apologize for the intrusion.”
“Oh no, it’s perfectly fine. You’re just doing your job. I haven’t been here due to being sick. I even have these terrible tasting capsules I have to consume daily.” Chaeyoung said, holding up a bottle with a disgusted look on her face.
Just then, Jooyeon’s phone began to ring.
“Detective Son speaking. Really… Understood. I’ll be there shortly.”
Hanging up, Jooyeon returned her attention to Chaeyoung. “Sorry about that. Thank you again for your cooperation. Have a good day.”
“Wait, Detective!”
Jooyeon turned around. “If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get that flower?” Chaeyoung pointed to the one currently resting inside her hair.
“Ah, it was given to me by someone very special. Have a good day, ma’am.” Jooyeon said, bowing. As she left, Chaeyoung couldn’t help but think about how familiar that specific flower looked.
It didn’t take very long for several hours to pass. You indeed called Chaeyoung, slightly nervous that you would be viewed as desperate to accept her offer if you did so too early. She told you to give her an extra hour in order to freshen up and prepare for the date, texting you her address and the location of the restaurant you two would be eating at. You decided to take the time to have yourself presentable as well.
Arriving outside what you believed to be was her apartment complex, you were barely able to release a hi as Chaeyoung excitedly told you to start driving. Neither of you spoke during the car ride as she cycled through the various radio stations and recited the lyrics to the various songs she liked. Her sweet voice filled the vehicle with happiness as the two of you drove to the restaurant’s location.
Once you arrived, and earned compliments from Chaeyoung by placing your hand on the passenger side headrest while reversing the vehicle with your left hand, you arrived at the location of your date. The outside of the restaurant looked dated, paint chipping on the walls and windows that have been scratched up. Getting out of the vehicle, you quickly ran to the passenger’s side and opened the door for Chaeyoung.
“Such a gentleman.” she said, accepting your hand to help her out of the car.
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Park Chaeyoung wore a very elegant look - black skinny jeans that showed off her long legs and nicely sculpted thighs, a white button up shirt tucked in with a skinny black tie, a heather gray blazer that complimented her outfit nicely even though it was slightly big on her, and a white designer bag that she wore on her body. Her blonde hair that she cursed about was neatly combed, not a singular hair out of place. The black knee high boots she wore were so perfectly fitting, you weren’t sure where they ended and her jeans began. She wore minimal makeup, choosing only to equip herself with pink lipstick. The people who passed by began to silently whisper to each other about how beautiful she looked. Chaeyoung looked ready to have her photo taken on a fashion runway in any minute, not having dinner with a customer she asked out.
“Your finest bottle of red wine, please.” Chaeyoung said as she handed the menu to the waiter. Looking at you, you quickly told the waiter your order and followed suit.
“Isn’t this place a bit too fancy?” you asked, scanning the room.  All the employees wore black ties. You knew this was a fancy restaurant the moment you saw the waiters draping a towel on their arm as they tipped the wine bottle without letting the tip hit the rim of the glass. But what really tipped you off were the prices and the various plates of food arriving. The small portions of food inside such large plates.
“The steak here is amazing. And the lobster is caught fresh everyday.” Chaeyoung said. “Plus, it’s your treat.”
“I’m sorry, what?” you said, coughing after you drank water too quickly while listening to her talk. She looked at you confused.
“You’re the one who asked me out. Shouldn’t the person who does so pay?”
“But you’re the guy. Think about how people would react if I had to pay for the meal.”
“Wow, you really are something Park Chaeyoung. Times really should change. Women are able to pay fully for dates too.” you replied.
“So tell me about yourself.” Chaeyoung said as the food arrived. She cut into her steak delicately, the meat sliced with little pressure from the knife as your eyes are met with a perfectly medium rare center. Taking the piece in her fork, she uses it to wipe the sauce on her plate before putting it into her mouth. Despite the elegant environment, Chaeyoung stuffed her face. You smiled seeing her cute cheeks expand with food as she hums in satisfaction with each bite. And while you still weren’t sure if this was a date or not, you were happy to spend time with a beautiful woman who could eat well.
“What’s there to say… my life is pretty boring. Everyone thinks being a detective means I get to experience dead bodies or intense hostage situations on a daily basis. But really, it’s a lot of paperwork and sitting in front of a computer. I graduated from the academy a bit later than others. Being a beat cop for a year was very boring. During my very first field assignment, I forgot to carry a set of cuffs. I’ve had the same routine for the past four years up until three days ago. For the first time in forever, I have more time to myself than I know what to do with. So, I’m just taking things day by day.”
When you finally finished talking, you saw Chaeyoung staring at you. Her mouth was agape as the piece of steak on her fork was raised midair. You laughed at seeing her in shock. Snapping your fingers, her attention returned to you.
“Was I boring you?” you said, laughing.
“No! No, it’s just... that sounded so cool.” Chaeyoung said, choosing her words carefully. “I wish I had more structure in my life. It feels like I’m finally able to do what I want but don’t know where to begin.”
“Sometimes it’s nice to be free. Live in the moment and let things happen. Too much structure and routine is a hard habit to break.”
Chaeyoung smiles at you as she finishes her glass of wine and flags down the waitress to ask for another bottle. You sighed, your wallet was going to cry by the time the meal was over.
With both of your stomachs full - Chaeyoung’s more than yours, you sat inside your car and relaxed. You almost went into cardiac arrest once the waiter arrived with the final bill, but seeing her beautiful eye smile caused you to shake your head and smile as you gave them your card and signed the check.
At her insistence, the two of you drove to a bubble tea shop. You claimed to be full - an obvious excuse as you didn’t want your wallet to bleed any further. Chaeyoung hit your shoulder as she realized what you meant and told you she would pay. After waiting several minutes, Chaeyoung hears her name being called and picked up her order. Holding onto the tray, she hands you a bubble tea.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“Something sweet as a thank you for paying.” Chaeyoung said as she sipped her bubble tea cutely. You watched her cheeks huff as she closed her eyes in excitement.
While the two of you consume your drinks, you tell her about a story from your rookie days when you overslept and left your house so quickly, you forgot to put on pants. She laughed at every joke, even some that weren’t funny at all. You were thankful, enjoying her company as it provided you a distraction from your current struggles in the romance department.
Your conversation is cut short when the both of you feel droplets hitting you. Looking down, you see the cold sidewalk begin to be pelted with polka dot stains that gradually increase into pouring rain. The customers enjoying their drinks and the nighttime ambience quickly enter the shop, as you look to Chaeyoung and seemingly tell her to head to the car with your eyes. Neither of you carrying an umbrella, you do your best to shield her from the rain with your hands while the two of you run to the car.
The two of you set off aimlessly, the windshield wipers set on the maximum setting as you try your best to make out the road ahead of you. You look to your side and see Chaeyoung visibly nervous. She looks back at you when she feels your hand placed atop hers as you gently squeeze it and give her a warm smile.
“It’s pouring out there. I don’t think we’ll be able to get home. It’s not safe to drive right now.” you said.
“There’s a hotel a few miles from where we’re currently at.” Chaeyoung said, scrolling through her phone.
“You sure that’s okay?”
“It’s either that or we risk our lives in the blinding rain.”
“Fair enough. Just input the address in the navigation system.”
What should have been a 20 minute drive became 40 as the directions sent you off in a route that was longer than needed. Wanting to give up half an hour in, Chaeyoung provided moral support and cheered you on when you took a 5 minute breather. Luckily, there was one open vacancy available when you arrived.
The room was simple yet fairly spacious. One bed, a large desk with a built in television and writing area, a mini fridge fully stocked with overpriced snacks, and a balcony with what normally has a nice view of Seoul’s downtown area. Entering the bathroom, you noticed it fully stocked as well along with two pearly white bathrobes. Grabbing a towel, you freshen up by splashing cold water on your face. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you wondered how you got into this situation. 
You were thankful for a fun day with Chaeyoung, but expected to be relaxing in your own apartment by now, not in a hotel room very late at night. When you exited, you saw Chaeyoung trying to reach for the window curtain wand to give the room more privacy. You laughed softly seeing her struggle and chose to observe her. She tries with all of her might, standing on her tiptoes. Finally getting the wand she turns around and is greeted by you smiling at her. Feeling embarrassed, she turns around quickly before stumbling her footing. Seeing her about to fall, you managed to grab onto her before the two of you landed on the bed. The two of you locked eyes, both of you having neutral expressions. You can hear your heartbeat rapidly increasing as you feel Chaeyoung’s soft breath coming from her nose.
“I should go take a bath…” you said, trying to excuse yourself from the situation. Slowly getting up, you feel yourself pushed back onto the bed as Chaeyoung’s expression has changed. No longer was the shy, innocent woman staring at you. The look you saw in her eyes was one you knew all too well, a look that Jiyeon gave you at work whenever she felt stressed. Lust.
“Stay. I… I want you. Please.” Chaeyoung begged, her accent lacing each word with pure seduction. 
The seriousness of her tone left you far more aroused than you would like to admit. Chaeyoung leaned down and pressed her lips against yours. They had a unique softness to them, feeling like they could melt away from the heat your own were providing. Your breaths began to get heavy as your arms wrapped behind her back and pulled her closer to you. Chaeyoung nibbled on your lower lip, allowing further entry as she pushed her tongue inside your mouth. The two of you fought for control over the other as you helped her out of her coat. Chaeyoung rolled over so that you were on top of her as you both began unbuttoning each other’s shirts. She quickly loosened her tie and threw it into a far off corner of the room.
Both of your tongues and hands explored and searched each other. Your mouths locked together the entire time, with your hands wanting to explore her milky soft skin, slightly annoyed at her cute yet still present clothing being worn. Freeing each other of your shirts, you see Chaeyoung shyly brush as her lacy red bra is exposed to you. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but enough of a handful for you to play with.
Wanting to be back on the bottom, the two of you free each other of your pants until you are both left in your underwear. Chaeyoung’s cute bubble butt complimented her thighs, which were now locked onto your lap. You felt her rub her crotch back and forth against your cloth imprisoned shaft. Running your hands across her smooth thighs, you stop when it is in front of her underwear. You felt the heat radiating from her, Chaeyoung’s perfume hypnotizing you with its intoxicating smell. Grabbing onto her hips, you gently lower her back onto the bed. Your hands move back down, grasping the helm of her sheer laced panties and pull them down. You find, much to your delight, that she is already leaking as it dribbles out of her.
Pulling you back in for a kiss, you reciprocate her earlier action and bite her lower lip while simultaneously sucking on it. Chaeyoung moans as you leave a trail of kisses down her neck and chest, coating her skin and faintest amount of cleavage with your saliva. Your kisses continue as you make sure not to leave out her tummy. Chaeyoung’s moans rapidly increase in volume as you get closer to her thighs. Upon reaching the inner apex of them, you add strong licks and paint her inner creases with your tongue. You lick your lips in satisfaction upon being face to face with her inviting warmth.
You marvel at the sight of her long, milky legs as her soft thighs do little to prevent them from being closed. As her lips glisten from her juices, you watched Chaeyoung gently run her middle finger between her folds until it reaches the bottom. Dragging it slowly upward, she adds her index finger and traces the outline of her lips. She touches herself softly, her erotic moans complemented by her accent. You watched her eyes slowly close as the pleasure began to course through her body. Her breathing becomes hitched, but she manages to regain enough composure to open her eyes and smile seeing you enamoured by the show she is displaying for you. Her voice has become soft, but no less lacking in desire.
“Please… taste me.”
You returned to the previous position you were in when you removed her panties, swiftly removing your boxers and freeing your hard cock. Controlling yourself, you began by planting soft kisses on her thighs. You enjoyed the feeling of her soft, milky skin each time your lips made contact with them. You caressed her legs, taking note of how muscled yet tender her skin was at the same time. Chaeyoung’s body was slim, but her thighs were a sight to behold.
You continued leaving kisses, repeating the process on her other leg until you were finally back where you started - in between her legs. Believing you have given an adequate amount of time for foreplay and teasing, you dive right in. You stick your tongue out to taste the bottom of her slit. Chaeyoung gasps as she feels you make contact with her for the very first time. Her gasps quickly turn into long, satisfied moans as you press your tongue against her lips and give her deep, strong licks.
You wanted to savor every inch of Chaeyoung, a woman you’ve only met twice and were technically still on a date with at the moment. Her drawn out, erotic melody moans keep your attention focused on what is in front of you. Giving her slow licks, you savor the rapidly dampening flesh until you finally suck her clit.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good.”
Chaeyoung runs her fingers through your hair until it rests behind your head. Using both of her hands, you feel her nails digging into your scalp. It is painful, but is well worth it knowing you’re giving her body pleasure. The moans that escape her mouth each time you lick and suck her delicious folds motivates you to continue.
You hold onto her hips as your thumbs gently part her lips even more. The wet flesh feels so soft and inviting. You move your tongue in a wave motion as you give her rapid fast licks. You consumed the nectar leaking out of her, savoring its sweet taste. Getting accustomed to you eating her pussy, Chaeyoung was not prepared when you surprised her by biting her clit.
“Oh… fuck!” she shouted, closing her eyes as her voice was so intense that the pleasure coursed through her body. A bit surprised at how suddenly she came, you are quickly pushed between her legs. Chaeyoung feels the same way as she wraps her legs behind you and pushes your head deeper. Her taste and aroma felt intoxicating, the both of you experiencing a high that could not be replicated by any drug.
Eventually, her body stops violently shaking as her body tense up. She was unable to move her limbs from the pleasure. You were content with yourself, satisfied at your partner’s reaction to your oral skills. You consumed whatever you could, replacing her leaking juices with kisses all over her lower body as you waited for her to recover.
“Fuck… that was… fuck…”
She finally opened her eyes and saw you licking your lips, enjoying the taste of her juices on your tongue. You gave her pussy a deep, long kiss before mirroring your earlier actions and replacing your soft kisses on her tummy earlier. Reaching behind herself, Chaeyoung unhooks her bra and finally frees her chest.
Her eyes were a mix of slight satisfaction and another emotion you couldn’t quite tell. It looked like an unquenchable lust. But it carried a heaviness to it, an appearance of a woman who wanted to be loved.
You climbed back upwards until you were both at eye level, your arms supporting yourself on the bed. Chaeyoung gives you the same sweet smile from earlier at the bubble tea shop that warms your heart as you lower your face to hers and press your own lips against hers. The two of you shared a rather passionate kiss, her arms wrapping around your neck as you feel her legs spread open. She whines softly when you break the kiss, but it quickly becomes a moan as her soft skin is given copious amounts of kisses on her cheeks, neck and upper chest.
Bringing your hand to her right breast, you fondle it as your mouth takes in her left breast. Her nipple begins to harden as you tease it with your tongue. The breast you are fondling is given the same treatment as you gently rub it between your index finger and thumb, pinching it gently. Although they were small, her breasts were inviting. You truly wanted to savor Chaeyoung’s skin, as her long, drawn out sultry moans let you know she was enjoying it as much as you.
Your eyes were on Chaeyoung the entire time. Seeing her head tilt back as the steady stream of moans continued. She looked down and seemed to have read your mind.
“C-Can… Can you fuck me now? Please. Fuck me, please baby.”
As you line your bodies up, you are about to tease her when you feel Chaeyoung grab onto your thighs.
“I… want to be fucked from behind.” she said, her words mere needy whispers.
Giving yourself a few quick strokes, you roll Chaeyoung onto her stomach before pushing yourself forward into her wet pussy. Few feelings could outdo the sensation of entering a woman for the very first time. Despite the many times you’ve done so, it always gave you genuine excitement and satisfaction. Jiyeon and Jooyeon were tight in their own regard, but Chaeyoung made them feel like a hollowed out cave.
Chaeyoung’s body reacted to you being inside her by moving her hips and cute round butt against your cock. Both of you savored the feeling of your hard flesh inside her pussy.
“Oh fuck, baby… Fuck me… Please fuck me…”
Removing your cock from her body, you are delighted to see it glistening in her juices as it appears from between her soft buttcheeks. You withdraw yourself until only the tip of your cock is left inside her before thrusting back inside, your shaft spreading her lips and entering her warm, inviting flesh.
It doesn’t take very long for you to establish a rhythm with which to fuck Chaeyoung from behind with. Having sex with a woman on her hands and knees in front of you was your favorite position - next to a woman being on her knees with your cock in her mouth. And while you’ve had your fair share of women before Jiyeon that you considered to be tight, all of them would be put to shame by Chaeyoung. Unlike sex with Jooyeon, a coworker and close friend, sex with Chaeyoung was quite possibly on par with Jiyeon - an affirmation of a romantic relationship between two people who discovered feelings for each other. While it was still the physical action of sex, it was a way your bodies spoke to each other to confirm your feelings through pleasure.
You felt Chaeyoung’s hips wriggle with each thrust of your own inside her body. Her moans increase in volume while being what you believed, individual in the way you were pleasuring her. The wet, hot feeling of her pussy wrapped around your cock was incredible.
Having used her hips for support, you bring your hands to her ass, firmly squeezing her cheeks with both hands. You were delighted to see them create soft ripples with each collision of your crotch against hers. Chaeyoung gasps in surprise when she feels you give her ass a spank.
“Baby, fuck me… Fuck me harder.” She gasps. Chaeyoung no longer wanted to be fucked by you. She wanted pure pleasure.
You satisfied her desires, giving her hard, deep thrusts as your cock moved in and out of the tight grip of her pussy.
Holy fuck… Yes! Oh yes!” she screamed, throwing her head back as you increased the pace. “Fuck me just like that!”
Through your repeated thrusts, you seemed to have discovered a sweet spot that gives Chaeyoung the most amount of pleasure. It takes you a few tries, but soon your cock is repeatedly hitting that spot as you maintain the same speed and depth of your thrusts. You know it won’t be long until her orgasm arrives, having seen the same signs from Jooyeon and Jiyeon - the ever increasing volume of her moans, the way her fists grasp onto the sheets for support as the pleasure courses throughout her entire body, and of course the way her hot, tight pussy maintains a firm hold on your cock.
“Baby… I’m about to cum! I’m gonna cum so hard!”
“Do it, Chaeyoung. Cum on my cock. Surrender yourself to pleasure and cum for me!”
“Baby… I’m cumming! Oh, fuck!”
Chaeyoung’s body tightens up as the pressure explodes, her pussy clamps down hard on your cock. You wanted to keep thrusting into her hard, but her orgasm has made her pussy far too tight for you to continue. Her cute, small fists form a deadly grip on the bedsheets below as her face sinks down onto the soft cotton pillow. You see her arms give out as her upper body collapses onto the bed.
The sound Chaeyoung made is the same sound you hear when a woman orgasms, an erotic sound that will never be old to you.
Chaeyoung’s second orgasm of the night was even more intense than the first, and as such, takes her several minutes to recover from. You relished at the sight of her body still bent over in front of you, your cock still inside her tight pussy. The light from above gave you a good view of her toned back that was lined with sweat.
“Baby… holy fuck, that was amazing.” she said, panting heavily.
You smiled at her words, giving a gentle squeeze on both of her asscheeks as a response.
“I want you to keep fucking me, baby.”
Drawing your cock out of her body, you watch as Chaeyoung straddles your lap. Thinking she was going to turn around and face you, Chaeyoung shoots down that theory as she strokes your cock before lowering herself onto it. You are given an alluring view of her sweaty back as she starts riding you. Her round ass slams down against your crotch with each movement of her hips. She was slim, but contained a small amount of curves in the right locations as you slap her ass cheek with a flat palm.
Chaeyoung throws her head back and lets out erotic, satisfied moans with each slap on her ass.
“Does Chaeyoung love getting her ass slapped like this?” you asked, knowing full well what her response will be.
“Y-Yes, ah!” Chaeyoung moaned. “Is my p-pussy tight enough for you?”
“I think it could be tighter.” you teased.
“Make me cum again and it will.”
Chaeyoung fucks herself on your cock for a few more minutes before regretfully removing her body from yours. You whined softly at the feeling of no longer being inside her, but it is short-lived as Chaeyoung gets off the bed and gets on her knees. She extends her hands out for yours as you take them and stand in front of her.
Her eyes remained fixed on you, taking her position between your spread legs. You looked down and saw her beautiful face filled with lust.
She takes you inside her mouth, your cock drenched in her juices. She bobs her head quickly, working on your cock as her tongue paints your underside and her hands massage your balls and thighs. Her tongue swirls around the tip of your cock, satisfied at how sensitive your tip is to her touch.
Chaeyoung’s moans send vibrations of pleasure throughout your cock, as you savor the delicious tingles of her mouth around your shaft. Her ultimate goal was to give you the very same pleasure you gave her.
“Chaeyoung… I’m… I’m close.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to last much longer in my tight pussy. And while I’m sure you want nothing more than to cum inside me, I want you to watch me swallow your cum.” Chaeyoung said softly as she took your cock back inside her sweet, wet lips.
Her beautiful brown eyes met yours as her lips formed an airtight seal around your cock. Her slim fingers massaging your balls was too much for you to handle.
“I’m cumming…” you say as your orgasm finally arrives. You bobbed her head up and down as quickly as you can before pushing her head all the way down to your base. Your cock throbbed as it releases hot, thick semen into Chaeyoung’s warm and inviting mouth. She manages to push her head back from your hold, opening her mouth to allow you to see your cum shoot into her mouth, painting her tongue and back of her mouth a milky white color. Her eyes crinkle in satisfaction, seeing your face riddled with pleasure.
You were surprised you managed to keep your eyes open the entire time you came. This was the first time you ever saw yourself cumming inside a woman’s mouth. And it was safe to say, it certainly wouldn’t be the last. When you finally finished, you watched Chaeyoung wipe her lips to catch the remaining droplets of cum before closing her mouth and swallowing your load down her throat. She sticks her bright pink tongue out at you with a satisfied hum and laugh, letting you know she enjoyed your tasty treat.
You collapsed back onto the bed, completely exhausted. Chaeyoung climbed on the bed shortly after, licking your cock clean before making her way on top of you. Your foreheads rested against each other, before she cupped your cheeks and gave you a deep, passionate kiss. You opened your eyes and found yourselves staring at each other longingly.
“That was amazing…” you said, mirroring her earlier sentiments.
“You were too, baby. You made me feel like a lovesick girl.” she said, pushing back her damp blonde hair.
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“It doesn’t matter.” she said. “You really were amazing, though. I’ve never been fucked like that before. That was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”
You smiled as she began tracing a finger across your chest.
Chaeyoung gave you even more loving kisses as she feels your cock slowly start to harden underneath her.
“Bad boy…” she said, reaching behind her to grab a hold of your shaft. “Already so hard for me again.”
“What can I say, you know how to make a person want more.” you said, resting your hands on her ass before giving her a firm squeeze. Chaeyoung playfully hits your shoulder in response.
Just as she is spreading her legs and lowering her body back onto yours, your phone suddenly rings. You give each of her asscheeks a slap before gently removing her body off yours.
You grabbed your phone from the desk and quickly headed out to the balcony.
Chaeyoung sits up on the bed and wraps her body in the comforter. At the nightstand next to her, she hears her own phone begin to ring.
“Mudkip, it’s Hyunjung.”
“Hi, Lieutenant. You know I hate that nickname.” you sighed. “What’s up?”
“I’m not even supposed to be doing this since you’re still suspended, but I cashed in my redemption. Your request has been fulfilled.”
“Really? That’s great news. Thanks so much.”
“Are you sure this person can help us? From my brief conversation with them, they didn’t seem too happy when your name was mentioned.”
“They can… if anyone is going to be able to help us, it’s them.”
“Understood. Be safe, okay? Your suspension ends on Monday.”
“I know. Thank you, Lieutenant.”
“You’re welcome. But if you really want to thank me, bring me some bubble tea when you return. Hyunjung loves bubble tea.”
“Hyunjung really does love her bubble tea…” you replied. “Thanks again, I’ll see you Monday.”
“Chaeyoung… is your mission complete?”
“Yes, unnie. I made contact with him and got the digital imprint of his phone like you asked.”
“Good. So… how was he? How big was he? He better not be like that last guy you slept with.”
Chaeyoung sighed. “Yes Jennie unnie, he was big. I don’t know why you have to ask that every time I sleep with a guy.”
Seeing you enter from the balcony, Chaeyoung whispers quietly into the phone. “I’ll call you later.”
“Are you ready for round two?” she asked, ending the call as she turns around and cutely wags her butt at you.
“Chaeyoung…” you said. Noticing the seriousness in your voice, she turned around and faced you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something came up, I have to leave.”
“What, right now? But we were about to start round two, where we get in the shower and fuck me until I can’t stand.”
“I know, and I really want to. But it’s important. You understand, right?”
“I do…” she said, pouting. She smiled weakly as you planted a long, tender kiss on her lips.
“I’ll be back soon.”
As you quickly dress up and leave Chaeyoung by herself, you give her one final wave before exiting the room. Chaeyoung sighs as she stares at a black domino mask and pearl necklace.
“I really like him… but we can never be together. Especially when he finds out who I am.”
The meeting location the Lieutenant gave you was not too far from the hotel. Thankfully, the storm has passed as the smell of rain perfumed the nighttime air. You finally reached your destination 10 minutes later.
Entering it, you scan the cafe until you find the person you were looking for. Approaching them, you see them sipping on a piping hot cup of tea. You timidly sit across from them.
“Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice.” you said.
The person doesn’t respond, sipping their cup of tea instead.
“How have… you been?” you continued. You watched as they finally lowered their cup.
“You know she will kill me if she found out I agreed to meet you.”
“What can you tell me about the robbery that happened a few days ago?” you said, your tone becoming serious.
They looked at you intently, before sighing and taking out a case file from their bag.
“Four women. They hit hard and strike like thunder. They wore masks and left no traces of print or hair. They clearly know what they are doing. Stole a couple million in jewels and denominations.”
“What about the security system?”
“Disabled. Along with CCTV. One of them was believed to be disguised as a repairer. They work in pairs. Two act as bait while the other two sneak underground and execute the plan.”
“They’ve never been ID’d?”
The person shook their head. “Nothing in our database at all. Whoever they are, they’re a ghost in the system’s eyes.”
“But…” they said, causing your eyebrow to raise. “I have a hunch on who. Interpol sent these in this morning.”
They handed you another envelope containing four photos. The first three seemed unfamiliar causing you to pay no attention to them. That is - until you reached the last photo.
“Are these legitimate?”
“You know Interpol wouldn’t send us fakes. Why?”
“This person.” you said, holding up the photo.
“She has the second highest bounty. Interpol has a file on her in several other countries, namely Australia and New Zealand.” They noticed your expression changing. “Why?” they repeated.
“I was just with her…” you said. 
“How is she?” you said, changing your tone to let them know you were talking about someone else.  “I heard she’s Captain now.”
“I still don’t know why I’m here. Your Lieutenant told me you were still suspended. I could lose my job for talking to you about work off the clock.”
“You know she and I didn’t end on good terms and that affected a lot of my relationships with people. Especially ours, you and I were best friends.”
“Please…” you continued. “You know I wouldn’t ask you in this way if I had any other choice.”
“I need your help. I need your help, Kim Bora.”
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realcube · 4 years
class 1-A’s love languages headcanons 💕
tw// swearing, crying, she/her reader
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Yuuga Aoyama
his love language is words of affirmation
like tell him that he looks fabulous but he is also a talented hero 
and. he. will. die. 
of happiness ofc 🥰
and whenever you are feelin’ insecure he’ll do a pretend fashion show with you to boost you spirits (o゜▽゜)o☆
Mina Ashido
her love language is physical touch
but not in a *holds your hand 🥺* *kithes🥰* sorta way
but rather in a
“YOU’RE SO FKN CUTE, (Y/N)!!!” *aggressively pinches your cheeks*
and whenever she kisses/hugs you, it’s always a surprise attack form behind
she is also 159cm in height (almost 5″3)
so if you are shorter than her, she’ll sprint up to you and before you have time to react, she’ll engulf you in her arms
if you are around the same height as her, she’ll sneak up to you and try to jump onto your back, peppering you in neck kisses
and if you are taller than her, she’ll grab your hand and place a kiss on the back of it 
Tsuyu Asui
i think her love language is gift giving 
but not typically gifts from the store
it’s usually cute flowers or any sort of pretty flora that she finds on her walks 
and she’ll sometimes come to your room just before lights-out and hand you a shiny rock or a colourful flower like “hi, (y/n). i found this flower in the park a nd it reminded me of you. so here, i hope you like it.”
then you cry (❤´艸`❤) it’s too precious
also when she visits your dorm, she notices that you have a jar filled with all the flowers she’s every gave you and shE BRAIDS THEM INTO YOUR HAIR
and if you don’t have hair, she makes you a flower crown out of them
Tenya Iida
the king of gifts periodt ✋
to him, gift giving is kinda like a sport and if it was, he’d definitely be winning
he’ll be out getting groceries or sumn then he’ll pass the candy aisle and just *flashback to 3 months ago when y’all were studying together and you randomly said you were craving sour patch kids*
then he buys two packs of sour patch kids (❤ ω ❤)
so obviously excels during holidays like christmas, valentines day or your birthday 
and if you make it explicitly clear that you need something (ex. water, medication, cutlery, soap etc.) and you will go get it in x amount of day(s)
expect it to be in your hands within 1-9 hours 
“Iida, you didn’t have to rush out to get me Ibuprofen - I was going to go get some in a few days anyway.”
“Yes, but as a hero in training, you must agree that seeing your partner potentially suffer to due a preventable cause would be inhumane.”
Ochaco Uraraka
her love language is probably quality time
OR words of affirmation BUT ONLY ONLINE
like irl she loves going on lil’ picnic dates with you or dates to go watch the sunset or star-gazing..or literally anything where she gets to spend as much time in your presence as possible
you could literally take her on a date inside the sewers and she’d be like 🥰
in the moment (during the date) she just looks at you and wants to tell you how beautiful you are but she is way too nervous
but as soon you leave she texts you sumn like ‘OMG >< YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS 😍 AND I WANTED TO TELL YOU SO BAD BUT I COULDN’T 😩’ 
also, hypothetically, if she had a phone which supported social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat 
she would definitely be the sort of girl to post cute candid pics of you on any special occasion and i mean ANY
like she doesn’t want to just random post pics of you bc she thinks that’d be weird so she looks for any excuse she can
deadass she’d post a beach pic of you and her on her insta with a caption like, ‘happy pancake day to @y/n.l/n 🥰💖 on our first date we shared a stack of pancakes so this is a really special day for us 💓 i’m so blessed to have a stunning, smart, amazing gal like her by my side always 💕’
Mashirao Ojiro 
he’s a physical touch kinda guy
sometimes he’ll randomly drape his tail over your shoulder to pull you close
or he’ll pat your head with either his hand or tail when ever you do anything remotely impressive
“ooh, i’ve apparently taken 17k steps so far today, ojiro.” 
then he’d be like “that’s good” *pat pat* 
he also gets butterflies whenever you hug his arm or tail while he is talking to someone
Denki Kaminari 
bb is blushing profusely when you hand him a pikachu plushie , saying it reminded you of him
before that, he was probably a physical touch sorta guy but once he realised how awesome and special that simple action made him feel, he became a gift-giver 
however, 99.9% the gift is a plushie and the other 0.1% it’s a doll
(he literally bought a whole fkn barbie bc you owned a dress similar to the one the doll was wearing)
“it looks exactly like you!” 
“i don’t think so..” “it literally does!”
anyway, whether he is at the mall, in the town, in a gift shop or at the carnival, if he sees something that he knows you’d like or that reminds him of you, he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on it
flashback to that one time at the carnival, there was a stall that had a huge fkn Kuromi plushie up for grabs 
so he asked the lady running the stall if he could have it and she said it was all his, if he could get a ball into the basket 3 times in a row
and once he figured he couldn’t do it on his own, he got the bakusquad to help him out 
(bakugo was all like ‘i’m not helping you, dumbass’ but kirishima convinces him to give it a shot and as soon as he misses on the third shot, he is livid.)
anyway, after an hour of holding up the line, the lady just gave the plush to kaminari for ¥1000 
but it was all worth it after he saw how thrilled you were 🥺
he came round to your dorm one day and noticed every plushie he had ever given you, sitting on your bed 
you told him that they help you sleep and he just..died..
Eijirou Kirishima
his love language is words of affirmation imo but with a sprinkle of physical touch 
like whenever he sees you looking nice or sumn..he’ll just tell you
he has no shame and why should he? he’s just telling the truth
if you walk into the room looking ✨immaculate✨ he will tell you 
he’s just like ‘if nobody else is going to say it then I will.’
when your face lights up after he has just told you that you’re beautiful or that you’re one of the most likeable people he’s ever met; it makes his day every. single. time.
the sprinkle of physical touch is because he tells  you what he is thinking all the time
and he thinks you’re stunning even when you are lounging around the dorm complex in casual wear and no makeup
so he’s aware that he might’ve watered down his compliments a bit by saying them too often 
(even though he’s telling the truth every time)
so he likes to give you hugs and kisses to express his affection without  seeming like he’s buttering you up
Kouji Kouda
honestly, idek which category he falls under bc he does so many different things to show his love
like, he’ll use his quirk to get a butterfly to land on your head so you can take the perfect photo for instagram
he always holds your hand in crowded areas so y’all don’t lose each other
(he would end up crying in the corner of a Hot Topic or sumn if he couldn’t find you tbh)
he writes mini-love notes v. late at night and uses his quirk to get an insect or bird to carry it up to your room
religiously takes you out on dates to the park
or library/study dates (p≧w≦q)
Rikidou Satou
acts of service but mostly to do with baking
if his s/o doesn’t like sweet treats then..it just..can’t work
he’s very good at noticing when you are down and what he bakes depends on the severity of the situation
like, if you’re just a bit bummed because you got a bad mark on a test, he’ll bake cupcakes and leave a few outside your dorm
obvs accompanied by a cute lil note abt how proud you make him and how you’re the most diligent person he’s met so he knows that you’ll succeed if you just persevere
and as soon as you come to him with your improved mark, he’ll bake you a cake with ‘congratulations, (Y/N).’ written on it
Mezou Shouji
acts of service. but like..service service
he treats you like royalty-
he is the kind of bf to give you his jacket if you’re cold
he can and will use his quirk to form more arms just so he can hold your bags along with his own
if you enter is dorm and he doesn’t offer to take your jacket immediately then i’m sorry to inform you but that is not shouji..that is toga in disguise 
you’ll never have to open a door if you are walking next to him and don’t you dare even try to 
just an overall gentleman tbh 
sometimes you try to get him to stop being so kind bc you’re afraid ppl will think you treat him like a butler 
so he’ll be like “sure ..
i’ll hold just your gym bag rather than your gym bag and school bag.”
“don’t hold any bags, shouji..”
Kyouka Jirou
her love language is definitely quality time
there is nothing she loves more than vibing with you in her room - whether y’all are studying, cuddling, playing videos games or something else - while chill music plays in the background, either from a playlist or from her playing it herself on one of her instruments 
and sometimes when she’s feeling especially comfortable, she might hum a tune or sing some lyrics to match the mood
she asks you for suggestions for music to put on bc she loves introducing herself to new music
but when you’re concentrated,  she doesn’t want to disturb you so she just puts on a playlist she made prior 
she doesn’t create a new playlist each time you hang out but there is at least 10 new songs added to it every day 
the playlist is called ‘lazy days w/ (y/n) 💕’
anyway, she just loves hanging out with you bc you’re one of the very few people who don’t annoy tf out of her 
also - she’d never say it aloud but - she thinks you’ve got a very comforting presence and you make her feel so exhilarated whenever you laugh (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Hanta Sero
Sero loves spending as much time with you as possible - hence, he’s a quality time sorta person
but i also think he’s barely a quality time guy bc he expresses his affection in so many different ways
he’s like a mix of 4
( not gift-giving, whenever it comes time to get you gift for whatever occasion, he’s always stumped and ends up asking someone for help)
he preforms acts of service in a sense that if you are both cuddling on the couch and you are cold - even if he seriously can’t be assed to move - he’ll force himself to get up and bring you a blanket
he is really good at compliments bc he barely has a filter so if he sees you looking good, he’ll straight up tell you
plus, he loves seeing your reaction - especially when you get all flustered
and physical touch bc..cuddles :)
to him, there is just something reassuring about having you in his arms
Fumikage Tokoyami 
a quality time man mwah
he doesn’t play music on speakers when y’all hang out though, he just likes to sit with you and either mindlessly chatter or chill in comfortable silence 
he also doesn’t put in earbuds bc he thinks it’s rude 
(you assure him that you don’t mind if he puts his earbuds in but he is always like..no..)
he just loves your company bc he seriously can’t think of somebody he’d rather spend his time with 
also he is convinced that he does things 10 times better with you around
when he’s not with you though, he misses you- like- seriously
sometimes he’s just out with his friends or watching a movie with his family and he is just like ‘this’d be more fun if (Y/N) was here-’
and you said that you missed him too when y’all weren’t together 
so he did the reasonable thing and made you a playlist for you to listen to whenever you missed him ( •̀ ω •́ )
he sent you the link and your heart stopped bc it was literally called ‘i love you 🖤’ AND THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME HE’S EVER TOLD YOU THAT AAAAA
‘you’re so sweet, tokoyami 🥺 i love you tooooo’
and good thing that was over text bc otherwise you would’ve seen him blushing profusely (= ╯▽╰ = )
as for the contents of the playlist; it’s probably quite diverse
some alt pop, some indie, a bit of R&B, pop rock and a lot of Metal/Rock 
Shouto Todoroki
his love language is acts of service
most of them are school related though
he can easily tell if you’re struggling with the coursework and asks you if you want go on a lil study date at the library or in his dorm 
he also helps you with homework or explains the material to you if you don’t understand it
and he’s the best teacher since he’s extremely patient and well-spoken
if you’re feeling under the weather, he’ll head to your dorm to fetch your notebook so he can write the class notes for you 
and he’ll put in the effort to make them as similar to your other notes as he can
so he flicks through the pages and (for example) if you have a highlighting code, he’ll look for the legend and highlight the notes he took accordingly 
once school is over for the day, he goes to your dorm to drop off the notebook, putting it back in the respective part of your bag
and the next day when you open your notebook to check the notes, you notice that he wrote a little note for you;
‘get well soon 💛’ 
it was a simple, kind gesture but the small details like how he coloured in the heart with a glittery yellow highlighter he must’ve took from your bag had you blushing (^///^)
also, whenever you’ve scheduled a study date at his dorm, there is no way in hell you’ll walk into his room and there isn’t 2 bowls of fresh soba sitting on the desk
no way. impossible.
(or if you don’t like noodles, then two bowls of rice.) 
Tooru Hagakure
physical touch bb
she just likes you to know that she is there 
also she loves how soft your skin is ^^
she really likes surprise hugging you from behind and you’d think that she’d be very good at that considering that she is.. invisible.. but she’s really not
she has very unique and recognisable voice 
and whenever she creeps up behind you, she’s always snickering quite loudly 
but you like seeing her happy when she thinks she surprised you so you just think to yourself ‘get ready to pretend to be shocked’ 
so as soon as she wraps her arms around you and goes ‘boo!’, you jump and always say the same stupid line you wish you would   stop using but it just comes out naturally
“ope, didn’t see you there, tooru.”
but it makes her laugh every time so maybe it’s not such a bad habit
Katsuki Bakugo
he’s definitely a physical touch kinda guy but tries to be an acts of service man..y’know?
he doesn’t want you thinking that he likes hugging, cuddling, kisses or any of that none-sense bc..he is a big macho king explosion murder 
and he knows that if he gets to comfortable with showing affection through physical touch, it’d become a habit then he might do it in public and the last thing he wanted was a rumour coming out that ‘king explosion murder is actually a huge cuddle-bug dork!’
so he hides it the best he can and expresses his love by like letting you wear his hoodie and not cussing you out when you do something stupid
but the fact is, nothing makes him feel better than holding you in his arms - under a blanket or not -  with your face buried into his chest and your arm lazing draped over his shoulder
he usually does a good job at resisting his urge to randomly kiss you or take your hand in public
but there was that one time
luckily, it was on a date rather than on a school outing so it was only you who knows about it 
it was probably around 6 months after y’all first started dating and he took you on a date to the carnival
there was a gang of boys who looked around a few years older than y’all and they were chatting amongst themselves until they approached the line you and Bakugo were waiting in (to get onto a ride at the carnival) and the group of boys stood behind you in line
at first everything was alright; they were just chatting while you were raving on about the ride to bakugo but he kinda tuned you out after he heard one of the guys say something along the lines of
“she’s kinda hot- a bit young but so fit. i think she’s from the UA too.”
that comment was enough to make his blood boil but a separate comment from one of the other guys tipped him over the edge,
“yeah and look at the guy she’s with. he’s the feral guy that needed to be put in chains at the sports festival - how embarassing.” he snickered, which was genuinely one of the most annoying noises bakugo has ever heard
his voice was low, in a whisper so they probably didn’t expect bakugo to hear it over the background noise of the carnival along with the girl yapping in his ear
but he did
and when i tell you this man was livid 
in that moment he seriously considered just turning around and burning each and every one of those guys into a crisp
but the law-abiding citizen and hero inside him said no 
instead, he fiercely snaked his arms around your hips to pull you into his chest and looked over his shoulders to shoot literal daggers at the guys
he led you out of the line for the ride in silence and you followed him without question - having heard the things those guys said but choosing to pretend as if you didn’t 
“What was that about?” You finally asked as he brought you over to a bench, pulling you onto his lap
“Nothing.” He said, oddly calm as he stared into the void
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes, deciding not to pry as you obviously already knew what provoked him to do that. “I’m gonna go get some cotton candy then. Do you want some?”
“No.” He replied monotonously, allowing you to hop off his knee but immediately grabbing your hand, preventing you from going any farther than arms length from him.
“you needy cow.” you giggled, playfully kicking his shin, “I’m so hungry - let me go!” 
“No.” He replied in the same monotone voice. “I can’t be assed to move.”
You leaned back, pulling your whole weight backwards to try get Bakugo to release his grip on your hand and eventually he gave in and got up, sluggishly following you to go get cotton candy 
you gleefully popped some of the delectable fluff into your mouth before sneaking some into bakugo’s mouth too.
 “are you gonna let go of my hand any time soon?” you asked, wanting to hold the bag of cotton candy for yourself but instead having one hand interlocked with his and the other being used to rip small pieces off as Bakugo held the bag in his spare hand 
[(a/n): not the over-used jealousy trope 🙊]
Izuku Midoriya 
definitely a words of affirmation kinda guy
bc he knows what it’s like to have to go through life with barely anyone besides your mother telling you that your great and that you’re worthy. it’s depressing and traumatic and he wouldn’t wish that misery on his worst enemy 
so he’s like your personal hypeman :)
making sure that you always feel appreciated, confident and loved 
during the sports festival or anything similar, he’s always louder than the cheerleaders when it comes to your turn to shine
slightly embarrassing for him but when he sees you smile confidently back at him, every ounce of embarrassment melts away and he is just filled with joy
he gets really emotional sometimes as well 
but not like ‘you just faced an opponent and won bc one all your hard work and training - i am so proud of you’ sorta emotional
but like ‘omg you walked into his dorm wearing a new dress and you look really beautiful and you smiled at him so emotions wash over him and he just cries bc he realises how lucky he is to have you.’
he loves to receive words of admiration from you too though
one time you wrote him a birthday card and signed it off as ‘the future wife of the #1 pro-hero’
and as badly as you wanted to just sign it as ‘from the future pro-hero 😘’
you didn’t bc you knew how happy the other option would make him
Minoru Mineta
idk perversion ig?
wait no his love language is titties and/or ass
Momo Yaoyorozu
gift. giving. 
like you have no idea how much serotonin she gets when she sees you overjoyed at gift she gives you
bc in her mind she knows that it was her that made you that happy and no amount of trophies will ever compare to how accomplished she feels for being the reason behind your smile 
she’s a QUEEN 👑 UGH 😩💓
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 23
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1945
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MFF bisexual threesome, Vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, oral sex, electro stimulation, the use of wanda’s powers in a sexual way)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 24: The Photoshoot
The baby shower that had been strictly no gifts had ended up with a handful of gifts anyway.  They were mostly clothes - though Sam’s sister bought a breast pump that she had sworn by, while Loki and Angela had brought protective totems from Asgard.  There were a few plush or little wooden toys from people too.  Rhodey had bought all the kids, starting from Riley and Pietro, Cat in the Hat t-shirts.  Riley’s was labeled Thing One, Pietro’s Thing two, and then there were four tiny baby t-shirts labeled things three through six.  Phil got a little bundle of onesies that had funny little round cat-like blobs on them and the slogan ‘I love all my mommies and daddies’.
The party was fun but exhausting and Wanda, Natasha, and I all ended up going to bed early that night and sleeping right through.
Afterward, Wanda was very excited about doing a pregnancy photoshoot.  It wasn’t too hard to convince Natasha to in the end.  Partially because the pregnancy had been going so well for her and she wanted to commemorate the time she finally got past everything the Red Room had done to her.  But mostly it was just because she loved Wanda so much and she wanted her to have anything that made her happy.
We all headed out to the Avengers facility in upstate New York for the photos.  It was surrounded by forest and by the river so that we could give Wanda the full Earth mother vibe that she’d been cultivating.
We had three ideas in mind.  One was outside and two would be in the old house.  We started with the tamest version.  Wanda, Natasha, and I all put on long, flowing georgette gowns, our hair loose, with flower crowns.  Wanda wore magenta with matching roses, Natasha - black with black orchids, dotted with red poppies, and I wore a sky blue with delphinium and sea holly.
We were going with a family shoot to start with so everyone else wore white linen.  The kids both had baby’s breath threaded through their hair and were very excited to be out in the woods with the family and the dogs.  We did photos of them kissing tummies.  Of our whole group walking in a line through the woods with Wanda, Natasha, and I in the middle.  All of us lying in the grass everyone cuddles up to the three pregnant women.  Photos of hoards of hands on bellies.   All the standard pictures you see when you think of pregnancy photoshoot in the woods only there was a gaggle of us.
When the kids seemed to grow bored of the photoshoot we all headed back to the house so Wanda, Natasha, and I could change and they could play with the toys they hadn’t seen for the last month since we’d been back.
Wanda, Natasha, and I changed into lace gowns the same colors as the others.  These weren’t normal lace gowns though.  They were strapless, and while the empire cut bodice was solid the skirt was completely transparent and opened right down the middle exposing our bellies.  We paired the dresses with lace boyleg panties.  Wanda wore black, Natasha red, and I wore white.
We stayed inside for these photos and posed in sexier and more intimate poses with each other.  We would drape ourselves over couches and the bed.  We cuddle up to each other and put our hands on each other’s exposed bellies.  There were photos of us kissing and caressing each other.
Finally, we stripped down to our underwear for the last part of the shoot and hopped in a tub with milky white water together.  The photographer decorated the outside of the tub with flowers and candles and floated flowers around us in the tub, so the three of us were all floating, with our heads on the edge and our bellies poking out of the water towards the middle, our legs tangled together in the water.
By the time we were done, I was pretty tired and hungry.  We changed into sweats and ate with the others before the three of us went to take a nap.
I woke up to a shift of the bed beside me as the whole thing swayed.  I opened my eyes as whoever had climbed into bed with us wrapped his arms around me and turned to see Thor.  Natasha was already gone and Wanda had started to stir beside me.
“Good evening, my queen,” Thor said, kissing my neck.  “I was sent to wake you up.”
“You gonna do it by getting me all worked up?” I complained, backing my ass against him.
“You’re always waking us with kisses and soft touches,” Thor said.  “I was merely returning the favor.”
“You’re not an overly hormonal pregnant woman,” I huffed.
“No, that is true,” he chuckled.  “I am a man though.”
I started giggling and Wanda moved closer to us.  “What’s happening?”
“Dinner will be served shortly,” Thor explained.  “I was sent to come and wake the both of you.”
“By getting me all turned on,” I pouted.
“I can tell,” Wanda teased.  “Which isn’t helping me at all.”
“I am sure I can help both of you with your problem before the meal is served,” Thor said as his fingers traced over Wanda’s nipples.  “Who would like to go first?”
“Elise,” Wanda said, quickly.  “The two of you can bring me close before you touch me.”
“As you wish, my love,” Thor said, leaning over and kissing her deeply.
As the two of them kissed, Thor slipped his hand into my pants and began to slowly roll his hips against my back.  I could feel his erection starting to press into me as he rutted against me, but he took his time, teasing my clit and kissing the side of my neck.
Wanda leaned forward and kissed me, her lips parted as they brushed over mine, and I followed her lead, bringing my tongue out to meet hers.  I moaned softly into the kiss and ran my hand up into her hair.  She hummed and shifted closer, our bellies touching against each other.
She pulled back and lifted my shirt over my head.  As she did thor pushed my pants and panties down in one go.  He shucked off his own clothes and pulled me tighter against him, so his erection sat against my asscrack.  Each time he rolled his hips his shaft moved up and down the crevice.
His hand returned to my cunt as Wanda leaned down and pulled one of my nipples into her mouth.  I mewled and tugged on her hair as my arousal started to seep from within me.  Thor’s fingers worked my clit quickly and with practiced ease, sending shivers running through me and making my whole body vibrate in anticipation of more.  A small spark danced off his fingertips, sparking against my clit.  I gasped and came then and there with no warning, jerking between them as my cunt spasmed.
Thor chuckled.  It was a deep booming sound that made me feel warm right to my core.  “That was quick.”
“You cheated,” I teased playfully.
“I am sorry, let’s see if I can do this properly,” he laughed, and lined his cock up at my entrance.
“Don’t do anything to hurt the babies,” Wanda said, looking over my shoulder at Thor.
“My life,” Thor said.  “I am a fertility god, I know what I’m doing.”
I started giggling but it was cut off by a gasp as Thor thrust into me.  He didn’t allow any time for me to adjust, he just began to thrust into me from behind.  Wanda resumed sucking on one breast and then the other.  She was feeding off both mine and Thor’s pleasure, and as we began to moan with it, so did she.
She flicked her wrist and a small ball of pink light ran down my skin, between my legs, and began to vibrate against my already oversensitive clit.  I mewled and jerked back between them, my legs trembling.  One of my hands tightened in Wanda’s hair and I reached behind me and gripped Thor’s arm with the other, tethering myself to them both.
“Oh god,” I gasped, quivering between them.  “Won’t last.”
“Whenever you want, Elise,” Thor rumbled as he continued to snap his hips into me.
I tried to relax, but my muscles spasmed and clenched.  I dug my fingers into Thor’s arm and he wrapped his hand around my throat and tilted my head back to him, fiercely kissing me.
Things became hazy and I couldn’t focus on anything except the building pressure in my cunt and the tendrils of pleasure that spread out from my breasts.  Wanda increased the buzz from her energy projection and moaned loudly as my cunt suddenly seized up.  I cried out, breaking the kiss with Thor as I came hard, shuddering between them.
Thor slowed his pace, fucking me through my orgasm before slipping out of me and climbing over us both.  He positioned himself behind Wanda so he was spooning her the way he did me, and cradled her carefully.  I kissed my way down her body as helping Thor undress her as Thor rutted slowly against her.  When we’d removed her shirt, I latched on to one of her breasts and sucked on her nipple, drawing a sharp gasp from her.  Thor pushed her pants off and began to slide his cock up and down her soaked folds.
I kissed down lower, over her baby bump where the strings of light only I could see connected me to both her and the twins growing inside her, and down to her cunt.  Thor adjusted her hips back and eased his cock inside her.  She moaned softly and I lifted her leg and began to lap at the place where they joined and up over her clit.
“Oh!”  She gasped and her hands tightened in the sheets.
“Are you okay, my beloved?”  Thor asked.
“Oh yes, Thor,” she mewled.
He began to thrust and I sucked greedily on her clit.  The flavor of her arousal filled my mouth as I lapped up her fluids.  They were musky and sweet and heady in a way that almost made me drunk on her.  Each flick of my tongue made her moan more loudly and she seemed to have trouble controlling her limbs.  She gripped at the sheets pulling them free from the edge and she kicked out, her toes curling.
Her clit began to twitch under my tongue as her breathing became ragged and Thor’s hips started moving faster, stuttering as he came closer to his own release.  I sucked Wanda’s clit into my mouth and flicked my tongue quickly back and forth over it and with a loud cry, Wanda came, her powers flaring out and engulfing us like an embrace.
Thor groaned and jerked up into her, releasing.  I could feel the pulse of his cock at the base against my mouth as he filled her.  Their fluids mixed together and leaked from Wanda down Thor’s shaft.  I licked up the cocktail of their arousal greedily and climbed back up the bed as Thor slipped from Wanda.
“Now, now, my loves,” Thor scolded, sitting up.  “We have to join the others for dinner.  You can’t go back to sleep.”
“Just five more minutes,” I joked, cuddling up to Wanda, making her giggle.
Thor gave my butt a playful spank.  “Come along.  None of that.”
Wanda and I got up, laughing as Thor helped us get redressed and we headed down to join the rest of our family.
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yanderepuck · 4 years
The mansion in the 21st century
For the sake of our sanity we are going assume they are all still alive in the 21st century since we don't know when everyone was turned (just that Will was first)
We're also gonna pretend that Sebas is still around(I don't think he'd accept being a vampire???? But for the sake of this he's gonna be here)
Arthur is his full whore self and is with guys and gals. He put the bi in bitch
Leonardo is also bi(historically there's no record of him ever being with a woman)
Imagine the shit posts on social media
Arthur has an Instagram and he posts about everyone's life, even using their names, but no one takes it series
A few times a week Arthur does something called "where is Leonardo sleeping today?"
Vincent uses tiktok for art
Theo has been able to get in contact with more artists all over and be able to sell their art. It's made it a lot easier for him and even though it's a lot more work he enjoys it
Dazai is also a shit poster, only he asks weird things that keep you up at night
But Dazai also publishes short stories. Probs has a blog.
I could also see Dazai basically running an animal shelter in the back yard. He gives off Disney princess vibes. Only it's like ducks, a bunch of birds. A horse or two and some sheep.
Will has probably moved back into the mansion since everything he has done has been forgotten by society.
He finds it odd how kids in schools study is plays and have to analyze it. He's just like "everyone's gay and every other line is a dick joke???" But he still doesn't speak normal.
Leonardo and Vinc would both have a tik tok and Instagram to show off their work and their hella popular
Isaac wanted to keep a low profile, but since the internet isn't face to face with people, he's able to publish his findings without having to actually deal with society. He's just social awkward okay
Sebastian also has a blog. He calls everyone his roommates and he's like "you'll never guess what my roommate did today"
Arthur collects mugs.
During that Italian hand meme, everyone paid more attention to Leonardo to see how often he does it
He does it too often and he doesn’t realize it
At some point Dazai HAS yelled “DO IT FOR THE VINE”
He was probably yelling at Theo
Want to know whats really dangerous?
Shakespeare learning modern slang
No one in the mansion knows what he’s talking about in the first place.  Then suddenly he goes “For never was a story of more woe.  O bard Alexa, play us  Despacito”(I will not take credit for that.  I remember reading that phrase LONG ago)
Isaac says “Me” “Same” and “Mood” a lot
He sees garbage on the ground and goes “It’s me”
Dazai is into anime don’t @ me
Also. Napoleon is also bi as all hell
Drunk or not him and Sebas have made lip contact at least once
Imagine what Mozart could do with music now.
He still loves his piano.  Nothing is better than physically playing an instrument
He probs went viral for a hot minute when Arthur posted a video of him playing piano
Comte is even more of a tired mom.
You know how people make board for their friends?
He does that with everyone in the mansion
I honestly know nothing about Jean and Napoleon.  I’m sorry for their lack of content. Plz add things for them.
Imagine everyone playing Mario Kart
Not every week because they all have lives outside the mansion.  But at least once a month they have a game night
None of them are really TV people.  They’ll watch movies but that’s about it
They’d all watch documentaries on themselves, and point out everything that is wrong, and even be like “where the fuck did they get that from?”
Because I have watched documentaries on him.  Often a Da Vinci documentary will mention was arrest with sleeping with another guy.  The rest of the guys are waiting for him to call that  bullshit and he’s just sitting there eating popcorn.
Meanwhile Will is in the back like “Eyy! Me too!”
“Did that really happen?”
“What?  Me getting arrested?  Yeah”
“No, well yes, but did you sleep with another guy?”
“Was he worth it?”
“I don’t know which one their talking about”
Chaotic bisexuals everywhere
Arthur however has watched the BBC Sherlock series. 
Arthur and Dazai would probs watch the most tv out of all of them.
I say this cause Dazai would be into anime and Arthur got hooked on NCIS
Arthur write quite a bit of short stories that he’s gotten published
Will would love that goddamn Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet.  I hate that movie with a passion
Also, I can’t imagine how many jokes they’ve managed to come up with about Leonardo DiCaprio to Leonardo.
If Arthur and Mozart can stay up for days with coffee, imagine what an energy drink would do to them
All of them in modern fashion???? HOT DAMN
Will likes the Titanic 
I see Theo being the one that’s into MARVEL and DC movies
Imagine showing Vinc Bob Ross
Leonardo and Isaac are Tony Stark(Ironman) and Bruce Banner(Hulk)
Everyone in the mansion is into conspiracy theories .
Comte himself is a conspiracy theory 
One night Napoleon is like “Guys.  Look.  Aliens” and they all watch conspiracy theory videos.
It’s the one thing they can all agree on that they have in common
Vinc and Leonardo also enjoy pinterest  because of all the art/crafting/diy things they find.
Arthur 100% listens to ebooks
THE MANSION IS A POKEMON GO GYM.  But they aren’t all on the same team so battling can get serious some days
They all still have pets
Honestly.  At any point in time, not just modern.  They made fun of each others accents.
Lets be real.  Will would end up liking anime too
SNapchat filters on the guys??  The dog filter on Theo??? Flower crown on Vinc???  Face swapping everyone with everyone???
One of them is bound to have a candle obsession and I want to say its Comte.  Only he buys them and doesn’t burn them.  Sebas ends up slowly taking candles from the stash and burning them in a few rooms.
The music room smells like chocolate but Mozart can’t find the candle.
Leonardo's room is even more cluttered.  He has too many hobbies.
Vinc making his own paint???  I’d love.
Theo and Arthur cried a little when their favorite bar shut down.
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
Summary: You’re a witch that helps The Avengers a couple of times. Bucky Barnes finds some sort of happiness and healing in you, and the flowers you surround yourself with. He’s a boy in lalalove. 
 Words: 5,808 Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, James 'Rhodey' Rhodes, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson Additional tags: mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame never happened), witch!Reader, enhanced!Reader, she/her pronouns for Reader, other characters mentioned but not in scenes, recovering!Bucky, witchy vibes, evil werewolf clones, sassy Sam Wilson, LOTS of flower symbolism, Avengers compound, fluff Warnings: reference to having nightmares but nothing serious My masterlist.
Note: This was written for @the--sad--hatter and her Flowers For My Followers writing challenge. Kara, I love you, and I hope you love this. Also shout out to @vibraniumwitch for being my witchy inspiration always. Also, sorry for probably wrong geography stuff; I'm Australian and don't know shit about New York/Upstate New York loooool.
For any of The Avengers to be sceptical of witchcraft seemed, to be perfectly frank, really fucking stupid. Each of their lives had been wrapped up in magic and mystery, so to have them hold back smirks and send mocking glances across the table at each other was not exactly what you had expected.
To be fair, it wasn't all The Avengers making fun. At the head of the table, Steve Rogers watched with curiosity, although he was sure his expression read as neutral. Sam Wilson took the seat closest to you, asking the same question phrased multiple ways.
"So, a witch witch?" "Is it more Sabrina or Charmed?" "Really just making a potion, huh? Like a real life witch…"
He broke the tension, which would have been otherwise unbearable.
Tony Stark, Clint Wilson, and James 'Rhodey' Rhodes had been reduced to acting like teenagers at the mere suggestion of brewing a potion. You'd been hoping for a different audience. Specifically, Wanda Maximoff. She would have believed you. Alas, you had not been gifted your choice in company.
"Alright, Broom-hilda, show us what 'cha got," Tony said, growing impatient.
"Do we really have to drink that?" Clint added, peering into the bowl you'd been mixing things in. "Won't turn our skin purple? Grow an extra limb?"
Rolling your eyes, you held up a plant. "Magnolia, for perseverance. Or, add the petals to a salad for a bit of extra colour," you explained in your best infomercial voice.
Sam snorted, then began to poke around the rest of the ingredients. "What’re the orange ones for?"
"That's nasturtium. For conquest."
When you'd finished the mix, you let it cook over a small, portable heat pad. Modern witch, and all that. Hot off the stove, you poured the liquid into a collection of small, glass bottles.
"Let it cool, cork them, then drink it when you need it," you announced, matter-of-factly.
When Natasha Romanoff had exhausted all of her routes of gathering information, returning with only your name, everyone was close to admitting defeat. The battle was lost, surely, if a witch's potion was the only hope… But Steve wasn't in the business of giving up. He sent Sam to bring you to the compound.
Steve explained that they had located a source of power. Ancient, unstable, highly sought-after power. And even with all their superhuman strength and superhuman speed and superhuman everything, they couldn't get to it. Maybe, though, with what was best described as a performance-enhancing-witchy-substance, they had a fighting chance.
The room looked over the bottles.
"How do we know if it'll work?" Sam asked, picking one up and inspecting it.
"We don't," Tony answered. It was less an attack than a statement of unfortunate fact.
"You'll just have to trust me."
Sam nodded, and watched as you pulled a sprig of yarrow and put it into his bottle.
"Yarrow, for healing," you told him.
"Yeah, ah… Can I grab some of that too?" Rhodey asked. "Falc ain't the only brother without super healing."
"No. I'm not gonna be a magical drug dealer to-" but Sam cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
"Y/N, Y/N, you got it all wrong! I don't want that nasty nasturtium stuff. Nah, I'm thinking… truth serum?"
"Truth serum," you repeated deadpan.
"Yeah, nightshade," he says nodded and wriggling his eyebrows. He was doing his best 'good kid does extra credit' impression.
"You googling 'truth plant' isn't impressive," you said. That elicited a snort from Sam's companion.
Standing next to him, silent and appearing impatient, Bucky Barnes crossed his arms over his chest. But the snort had dragged him into the conversation.
"And what do you want?" you asked him.
"Love spell. Vampire tracker. Or just an easy bottle of truth serum too?"
Bucky blinked at you, then slowly shook his head. "I've had enough serums to last me a lifetime… I'm just here 'cause Steve said you'd kick his ass before you gave him any…magic or whatever," he answered, motioning to Sam.
"So Rogers got all the trio's brains, huh?"
Sam and Bucky frowned in unison.
"Look, we normally just use Nat for this kind of thing. But our guy ain't talking, and we need the information," Sam tried again. "She's out of town, and Wanda's taking a break from getting in people's heads."
Being called in to brew superhero steroids as a once off was one thing… Having the Falcon and the Winter Soldier show up on your doorstep at 11:00 pm was another. However, the men looked desperate.
Sighing, you looked at them. "Fine. Come in. I might be able to help." 
You lead the men through your living room, overlooked by a small kitchen. Their faces told you a lot. "You were expecting a magic cave? Portal to a hut in the middle of a forest?"
"Yeah, kinda," Sam replied, casually shrugging.
"Do you live in a nest?" you asked him.
Bucky chuckled.
"Alright, I get it. The witch thing isn't always literal."
But that's when you pulled a dark purple velvet curtain back, revealing a room you referred to as your office.
"Woah," Bucky whispered to himself.
"Now, see, this is what I'm talking 'bout!" Sam exclaimed, looking around the room in awe.
The small, windowless room was framed by floor to ceiling bookshelves on three of the walls. Stuck between books were trinkets and oddities. Against the fourth wall was a table covered in dried herbs, potted plants, and other things neither Sam nor Bucky could identify.
"Sit," you instructed, pointing to the round table in the centre of the room. There were scorch marks and deep gashed in the wood grain. Bucky traced them with his right hand.
As they pulled out chairs and sat, Sam pointed, "Is that a microwave?"
"For heating potions… and hot pockets," you explained. "So, how much can you tell me?"
"Officially - nothing. Unofficially - your magic juice helped save the world a month ago, so, whatever you need to know," Sam answered.
"Okay. And, none of those C.I.A. psychotropic L.S.D. drugs are real? No secret truth serums invented by Bruce Banner?" you asked, more out of interest than need-to-know.
"If they do, they ain't telling us," Sam said. 
He explained that they had a man in custody. The man knew a date and a location, but he wasn’t cracking in interrogation and time was running out.
"Sounds very spy T.V. dramatic," you mused.
"But it's real life," Bucky said.
"Yeah," you replied, looking at him and his serious expression. "Okay, so what's meant to happen? On the date or whatever?"
"You'll sleep better not knowing that," from Bucky, his expression remaining the same.
You trusted him to gauge what you should and should not know. Nodding, you turned around and began to look for the things you needed. The men watched, leaning over the table when you put things on it.
"I don't do magic on other people. It's a line we don't cross. So, no truth serum. What I can do is try to pull the information you need from somewhere else. Bring it here," you told him.
When you joined them at the table you smiled at their matching faces; furrowed brows and darkened eyes.
"You're sure he knows what you need to know?" you asked. They nodded. "Do you have anything of his?" Sam frowned, shook his head.
Bucky thought for a second, then pulled a knife out of somewhere. "Haven't cleaned this yet. Might still have some of his blood on it,"
"Disturbing, but okay," you said, taking the knife and putting it in the wooden bowl in front of you.
The room went silent as you picked white chrysanthemum petals off a fresh stem and dropped them into the bowl. Begonias followed, then basil. Truth. Knowledge. Success.
"One of you has to be the vessel,"
"The vessel?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. The information needs to go to someone. It can't be me,"
"I'll do it," Bucky offered.
For a second you hesitated, wondering how white magic would work through someone with so much darkness in their past. But that was just it - it was the past.
"You need to wear this," you said, handing him a crown made of blackthorn plant. "It's like, a filter. Brings in good luck, and lets the universe know you're working for good."
Bucky looked at the thing in his hands, slowly putting it on his head.
"Suits you, man," Sam said, smirking. Bucky just shot him a look.
They fell silent again, watching you carefully place a few more things in the bowl before filling it with a liquid poured from a glass jar that looked like it once held pasta sauce. Everything sat swimming but still until you placed a hand either side of the bowl, then it started to simmer. It bubbled and popped and seemed to quickly reduce down, evaporating faster than it scientifically should have. Soon, all that was left was about shot glass worth of black, thick syrupy liquid.
"Where's my knife?" Bucky asked.
"Gone," you replied as you poured the potion into a cup. You handed it to Bucky and he looked at you apprehensively. "Drink it and focus on what you want to know… Think about the guy. And, think about what happens if you don't find out what he knows. Think about it so hard that it hurts."
Bucky nodded slowly but shot the liquid quickly. At first, he just sat there, almost like he was stunned.
"How long-" Sam went to ask, but you shushed him.
Suddenly, Bucky pushed back from the table, standing up and sending his chair flying. Sam followed, holding his arms out like he expected Bucky to fall.
"It's okay," you told Sam. "He's okay."
Bucky's eyes were shut tight, and he held his head, fingers curling around his blackthorn crown. He began to breathe heavily, mouth open.
"Is he gonna spew?!" Sam shrieked in a high-pitched voice.
Taking the empty wooden bowl with you, you stood and moved to Bucky. He went still and mimicked your exact movements of slowly lowering yourself to the ground and kneeling. Sam didn't understand how Bucky knew what to do; you'd not uttered a command.
You placed the bowl between you and Bucky. He leaned over it, and began to cough and pull something from his mouth. It was impossibly long, coming from somewhere deep inside him. He pulled and pulled, letting it slop into the bowl. When it was all out, he spat, then seemingly woke up, falling on his butt and backing away from the bowl.
"What the fuck," he said between heavy breaths.
Sam and Bucky watched you look through the muck and gunk in the bowl, no hesitation to your movement.
"What is that?" Sam asked, truly disgusted. 
You looked over to Bucky, who was looking at the thing intently. He scrambled back over and took it from you. "I know…" he started, looking up at Sam. "I know… everything.”
 You had dropped cutlery three times, but when it was almost midnight and no company had come, you were getting restless. In your office, sat at the table, you shuffled a deck and laid out cards.
The Hanged Man. The Hermit. The Hierophant, reversed. The Lovers.
Then, 11.11 and a soft knock on the door.
Bucky Barnes looked sleep deprived but somehow hopeful.
"I thought I might see you tonight," you told him, opening the door and letting him through. "Were you right? About the date and place?"
"Yes," he said, coming to stand in your living room.
"Good. What do Earth's Mightiest Heroes need now then?"
Bucky looked around. "Do you have any pets?" he asked.
"No. Do you?"
"A cat. Alpine... Thought you'd have one… black cat or something." He wasn't teasing, like Sam had.
"Black cat? Thought you guys were the ones with a black cat?"
Bucky grinned. "Funny. You're funny,"
"Thanks… You're not here for them then,"
"No," he said, walking over to the window where plants were everywhere. "Do you use all of these? For your magic?"
"Most of them, yeah. Like, these ones…" You moved to stand next to him. "They give strength,"
"Snapdragons," Bucky identified.
"Yep. And… Vervain are protective in nature, especially from enchantment." You picked a sprig of the purple plant, threaded it through Bucky's hair, behind his ear.
"What about nightmares? What helps with those?" he asked earnestly.
The room was illuminated by candlelight. A soft orangy glow lit up half his fast, casting the other half into shadow. You turned to him and cupped his face in your hands.
"A tired soldier… Sing him to sleep… A tired soldier… The devil's to keep," you sung gently, running your thumbs along his cheeks. "Sit. I'll brew you tea,"
"Tea?" Bucky asked, a little hesitant to be out of your hands.
"Magic tea," you clarified, rolling your eyes.
Elderflower for compassion and sweet-brier petals for healing. A little poppy and chamomile, and other secrets kept in your family for generations. A dash of Indian jasmine to finish. It glimmered as you swirled it in the teacup.
Bucky was on the couch, sitting up too straight.
"Take your boots off. Lay down," you instructed. He went to protest, probably say you didn't need to put that much effort in. "Please," you said, stopping the protest. "Let me do this."
Bucky followed your commands and took the teacup when offered. He skulled it like a frat boy in a bar trying to impress his mates.
"Now close your eyes. Sleep," you said, taking the empty cup from him.
Kneeling next to the couch, you softly ran your fingers through Bucky's hair and waited until he fell asleep before you moved to your own bed.
He was gone when you woke up.
 "What? No broomstick?" called the unmistakable voice of Sam Wilson.
Standing at the open boot of your car, you looked up and watched him approach, Bucky trailing behind, hands shoved in his pockets.
"You stalking me now?" you asked, clocking the bunch of flowers in Sam's hands.
"Nope. Just waiting for you. Weren't home and we wanted to drop off a thank you, for the helping last week," he said, holding out the bouquet to you.
"So, the information was good?" you asked, pretending Bucky hadn't already confirmed it to you. His late night visit to you a few nights before was obviously not something he'd shared with his friends.
"It was good. You do good work,"
"Thanks," you said dubiously, but taking the flowers.
"We picked those out especially. This one is a gerball-"
"Gerbera," Bucky correct.
"Means 'you are the sunshine of my life' and this one is an orchid, for beauty," Sam rattled off.
"What about this one?" you asked, pointing to the yellow agrimony.
"Buck picked that one. What's it mean?" Sam asked, looking over to Bucky. Bucky was leaning against your car casually. He shrugged, pretended to not know agrimony was the gratitude plant.
"They're beautiful. You didn't have to," you told them, putting the flowers in one of the boxes in the boot of your car.
"You need a hand?" Sam asked, not waiting for a response. He swooped in and collected one of the heavy boxes. Bucky followed, picking up the other.
"Ah… sure…"
You let them carry your things inside, put them on the kitchen bench.
"More witch stuff? Eye of newt? That kind of thing?" Sam asked.
"If microwave popcorn and frozen lasagna is witchy, then ya got me," you laughed. "You're gonna be disappointed if you keep thinking like that, Sam,"
"You say that but I've seen behind the curtain. You're definitely witchy enough,"
"Yeah, yeah… So what do you want? You didn't just come to give me flowers," you asked, launching yourself backwards and up to sit on the bench.
You glanced over at Bucky, who was back over at the window and the plants. Sam clocked you looking, but filed that away.
"We've got an offer for you,"
"When you say 'we,' who exactly do you mean?"
"Us! The Avengers! Superheros!" Sam said, chest puffed out.
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. "Nope,"
"You haven't even heard-"
"No. I'm happy doing what I do," you told him.
"I told you," Bucky chimed in, stopping at a gloxinia, something about its prettiness resonating with him. "What's this one mean?"
"Love at first sight," you said, biting your lip to hide a smile.
"Whatever you do doesn't come with the perks we have," Sam persisted.
"Also doesn't come with anonymity I kinda like,"
"Alright. I tried. Can't promise we won't be back for more help though. Like I said, you do good work... So, this lasagna. Fresh?"
 "Well, if it isn't Broom-hilda," Tony said, arms open.
"I hope you're not expecting a hug," you replied, holding your own arms around yourself. Bucky snorted from next to you.
"Brumhilda?! A name derived from Brunnhilde, no doubt. I have a friend named-"
"Yeah, now's not the time for Asgardian tales," Tony interrupted a seemingly very excited Thor.
"Her name's Y/N," Bucky said to Thor.
Thor looked back and forth between Tony and you. "He thinks it's funny," you explained.
"It is. And I am," Tony argued.
You sighed, sat down in one of the conference room's chairs and began to slowly spin on it. "So, what am I doing here?"
When Sam and Bucky knocked on your door before the sun had a chance to rise and shine that morning, you knew it was going to be hard to say no to them. They both looked upset, and Sam was even free from his usual quips. As soon as you saw their faces, you began to nod. "Let me get dressed. I'll come," you whispered, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
Bucky pulled up a seat next to you, the rest of the room taking the cue and finding their spots around the large table. You recognised everyone, having met most of them. Clint and Rhodey nodded politely in your direction.
"Y/N," Steve greeted, sitting next to Bucky. "Good to see you. Heard these punks have been harassing ya?"
"Nothing she can't handle," Sam cut in, sitting on your other side.
"Truly sorry for them," Steve said, grinning.
You shrugged, looking at Bucky. "They're alright."
Tony cleared his throat. "Whole team isn't here yet, but they're coming… We're going to need all the help we can get."
 "There's too many of them!” 
"At least they're not evil flying robots!"
"Hey! I said I was sorry!"
"Cap, we've got to try somethin' else. Bullets ain't doin' shit."
"Wanda? Can you-"
"On it."
"Do you need me to go big? 'Cause I'll go big."
"Yes! Mr. Stark, can he go big?!"
From your hidden vantage point higher up the mountain, you watched the battle play out in front of you. Through the earpiece you listened to The Avengers et. al. try to work out what to do. It was true - they were severely outnumbered. The situation was going from bad to worse.
"Jesus!" you yelped as someone almost body-slammed themselves next to you.
"Sorry. Checkin' you're still here,"
"Where else would I be?"
Bucky shrugged, reloaded.
"What are they, Buck? I know a lot about a lot, but I've never seen anything like them."
You took another look through the M22 field binoculars you'd been issued. The monsters didn't look entirely… natural. Maybe, like many creatures of the world, they were made in a lab. They were men pulled apart, stitched back together with pieces of dog and wolf. Their claws ripped through protective gear and flesh like it was nothing, and they could communicate by wordless sound. It was almost howling, but more guttural and less fluid.
"They all look the same," you said.
Bucky nodded. "Yeah, noticed that too. Exactly the same,"
"Exactly? Up close? Even the human parts?"
He stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "Yep. Clones. What're you thinkin'?"
"Clones..? Um, I don't know… I just… If I can figure out what they are then I can figure out how to help."
Sam dropped down on the other side of you, his wings damaged. He ripped the pack off his back and began to try to repair them. "If I knew we were gonna be out here fightin' fucking werewolves I would've packed the silverware instead of the vibranium."
"Werewolves?" you asked, pulling a small silk pouch from your bag. "Here. Use this to stick them back together,"
"Stick it back together? Y/N. Can't just glue an EXO back together-"
"It's not glue, Sam. It's bumblebee orchid, oak leaf, protea, and a bunch of other things you don't wanna know about," you explained.
"You really questioning her magic? Use her glue,” Bucky ordered. 
Sam huffed but complied. And abracadabra, your witchy sticky goop held his wings together stronger than they were before.
Bucky and Sam stood up, reloaded and ready to rejoin the fight.
"Wait!" you called, suddenly having a thought. "What if they really are werewolves?"
"What?" Sam said.
"Weirder things have happened, right? Werewolves are real. So maybe…" Your voice trailed off as you tipped the entire contents of your bag onto the forest floor.
"Y/N, we don't have time-"
"Gimme a second. I know I have it here,"
"Have what?" Bucky asked, kneeling down and studying the contents of your bag too.
"Aconitum extract… in a bottle… Here!"
"Aconitum?" Sam asked confused and growing impatient.
"Monkshood. Um, wolfsbane. Bucky, are we too far up for you to get one?"
Bucky took your M22s and assessed. "No. Nah, I can get one,"
"Gimme a bullet."
Sam and Bucky watched you dip the bullet in aconitum while uttering any and every luck enchantment you could think of. Bucky loaded his M249 SAW, steadied himself and fired.
The monster went down.
All three of you held your breath and waited. Through the M22s you watched Steve approach the body, check it.
"It's… dead…" came through the comms.
 It had been two weeks since the army of hybrid werewolf clones, so two weeks since you'd last seen Bucky. It had taken days to kill them all. You had to be flown out to find more aconitum extract. From the lab at the compound you were able to work with Bruce Banner to find better ways of delivering the wolfsbane to the clones. Once you had it, it was all over for those motherfuckers.
When everyone else arrived back at the compound, they were exhausted, covered in the thick ash generated by the massive fires it took to burn all the bodies. Bucky was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open, but he mustered the energy to offer to drive you back home to New York City himself. You just sent him off to shower and bed, taking Tony's offer of a ride with one of his minions.
It had been two weeks, then a dream, a vivid and hazy dream. A white cat brought you orange blossoms, carrying a branch in his mouth. "Do you want me to plant this?" you asked the cat, and you knew he would say yes if it could speak. He watched you tend to the blossom, then he disappeared through an open window. You could feel the cool breeze against your skin, felt your hair move.
When you woke, it didn't surprise you to find Bucky sitting next to your bed, back to it and legs stretched out in front of him. The window was open, letting in an unseasonably warm morning zephyr.
"I just had a dream about you," you whispered, ruffling his hair.
Bucky looked up at you. He seemed sad. "Good dream or bad dream?"
"Good. Always good."
He nodded, trying for a small smile. "The fern… It meant I could come in, right?"
"Glad you got the message," you answered. Out on the sills of all your windows, you left ferns. They meant a lot of things - fascination, magic, enchantment, sincerity, and shelter - and you'd told Bucky they were his plant, back when he and Sam came to offer you a job with The Avengers. At the entry points to your home, they were an open invitation for him, a coded welcome mat.
"Didn't want to wake you," Bucky said.
"I'm awake now. What do you need?"
He thought for a moment. He needed a lot of things, many of which you could definitely provide. "Tea? Thought maybe you could mix some for me to take home. Maybe give to the others,"
"I can do one better than that. I can make everyone their own blend. It will be fun. Come on. I'll teach you how," you said, pulling the blankets away and getting out of bed.
Bucky stood, looking a little alarmed. "You don't have to-"
"I know, Buck. But I want to. Come on."
It took all day, but eventually you had packaged up individual tea blends for everyone. Bucky got a stash of his special sleepy tea, and he already looked more rested with it in his possession. You walked him to the door sometime just before 5:00 pm.
"Thank you," he said, quiet and reflective.
"Easy. You're always welcome here. Sam - not so much. But you - always," you told him, leaning against the frame of your front door.
"Might take you up on that,"
"Please do," you said nodding.
Bucky smiled, went to leave, but turned back like he was going to say something. You stood straight, patient. His brain was ticking, thinking something over. Deciding. Then, he moved. Quickly, he stepped back and pressed a fast but soft kiss to your lips. He was gone, literally nowhere to be seen, before you had time to say or do anything.
 The Hudson River sparkled under the sunset. Bucky watched the colours reflect the scene, like one of Steve's paintings. He was lost in a daydream when Sam nudged him.
"Where you at, man?" he asked.
Bucky looked over at Sam and Steve, who were both eyeing him off suspiciously. They'd carried a couple of couches to the roof. Stolen Clint's beer and set up shop for the night. Pizza was on its way.
"What?" Bucky asked.
"You were thinking about her again, huh?" Steve guessed.
Bucky looked back at the river, ignored his friends. They laughed, returned to their conversation.
Later, when Sam had retired to his room, not able to superhuman heat himself, Steve moved over to lounge next to Bucky. He rested his head on Bucky's shoulder and closed his eyes.
"You really like her, don't you?"
"I think I love her," Bucky replied.
Steve laughed at the speed of the response. "I think you might too. All those girls before, and you never really loved any of them... Guess you stuck around to meet her,"
"Seems that way,"
"You gonna do anything about it?" Steve asked.
"Yeah… It's gotta be good though," Bucky said, only then realising the depth of his feelings.
"Wouldn't wait too long, pal."
 Bucky took you up on your invitation, coming and going from your place frequently. Sometimes, you'd find fresh croissants left on your kitchen bench. Sometimes, you'd find him asleep on your couch. 
How much he needed from you varied, but how much he was willing to give seemed infinite. You had to proactively stop him from becoming some sort of amazing housekeeper slash meal provider.
After about a month, he settled enough to be able to just exist around you. He'd help you pick the right leaves for the teas you made people. He'd disappear into your bedroom when you had clients over, reading their cards while Bucky listened in like it was a television series. It was easy being around him, and you were ready to be patient for a lot longer, but fuck were you itching for more.
The kissing was sweet, but very often brief. Bucky caught your lips in the moments between your magic and his profound awe. You did what you could to encourage him, but knew the ball was well and truly in his court. So, when he ushered you outside one sunny morning, you didn't really have much expectation.
"I thought you'd never ask," you said, face lighting up when you saw Bucky's bike out the front of your place. New York City was buzzing around you, but as soon as you watched him get on and hand you a helmet, you'd never craved the open road more.
All the other times you'd been to The Avengers compound, you'd traveled by air. It was quick. The ride took longer but it was so much better. Having your arms wrapped around Bucky, the feeling of the bike rumbling under you, it was something new, which was all sorts of remarkable. Being magic sapped a lot of the wonder from the world, ironically. Bucky was bringing it back.
At the compound, Bucky took your hand and lead you around the side, not going in. "I've, ah, got something for you," he said.
"You sound nervous,"
"Yeah. If you could just cast up a little spell to get rid of that, it would be great," he said deadpan.
You laughed while looking around for clues to Bucky's surprise for you.
Rounding a corner, it came into view. A garden. A proper garden, complete with white picket fencing surrounding it. It was like something out of Practical Magic, and all your childhood dreams.
"What is this?"
"It's for you. A place you can grow whatever you need. Or want," Bucky said.
In a state of genuine shock, you let go of Bucky's hand and covered your mouth with yours. You had never seen anything more spectacular.
At the single entrance to the garden was an arch. Ivy and honeysuckle covered it completely, like they'd had a lot of time to grow. You pulled a flower from the arch, reaching up to find a full bloom. "Honeysuckle petals are edible," you said, reaching out to Bucky. He let you feed him the flower. "Sweet, like the perfume. They symbolism devotion, or being 'united in love.' Kinda like the ivy on it. Ivy symbolises attraction."
Bucky smiled wide, his eyes sparkling as he watched you walk further in. "We tried to make sections, you know, for the different plants. Like, this part here has sandy soil for the desert plants," he explained.
"Got a lot of help from the others,"
"I'll have to thank them," you said.
There were veggie patches and small fruit trees. Almost half the garden was designated to all the types of plants Bucky had seen you use in potions and teas. Dog rose, blackthorn, rosemary, euphorbia, snowdrop flowers, bells of Ireland, and welcoming wisteria. The raised beds were overflowing with plants, just about ready to bloom in an explosion of colour.
"This… This is incredible,"
"Figured your apartment doesn't really have the space. And you're welcome here anytime,"
"I’ll wanna be here all the time." The garden was what your magical ancestors could have only dreamed of. "I don’t even know what to look at first,"
"Well, maybe that," Bucky said, pointing to a birdbath, where butterflies were hovering over the water. The best part though, was a small sign sticking out the ground next to it that read For Sam.
You laughed. "Oh my god,"
"He was so grumpy about it,"
"Shouldn't have named himself after a bird then," you reasoned.
Bucky nodded, grinning. "And we put that bench opposite so you could sit and watch them."
Your eyes were beginning to tear up, overwhelmed with the sheer amount of love and effort surrounding you. "Buck… I just can't…"
"Oh! And, one more thing. This was Wanda's idea. Come on."
Bucky took your hand and lead you through the garden to the back to where a weeping mulberry tree stood in the corner. He pushed through the soft branches, revealing the manicured underside. A green, little cave under the canopy held secret another wooden bench. Bucky sat down, otherwise he'd have to bend. It was the perfect height for you though, but you sat next to him anyway.
From under the mulberry tree you could see the rest of the garden. All the plants swayed in the warm breeze, and the flowers popped bright and happy.
"How long have you been working on this? Some of those are grown well in,"
"You don't need to know any of that. Takes away the magic, don't it?"
"You mean, a magician doesn't reveal his secrets and all that?" you asked.
Bucky shrugged and nodded, leaning back into the bench a little more and putting an arm around you. Snuggling into his side, you breathed out and just soaked it all in. Your mind was caught between racing with ideas of all the things you could do with the garden and plants, and totally turning to blissful mush.
"I know ya never wanted to work with us, but I'm glad Nat found you. Glad I met you," Bucky said, his voice back to being a little bit shaky, nervous. "You've made my life better, you know? Not just with the, the nightmares, but just… everything. You make everything better…"
You knew he wasn't finished, so you stayed quiet while he gathered his thoughts. In the meantime, you threaded your fingers through his, rubbed your thumb along the back of his hand.
"I used to be so good at this," he said, huffing a little.
It made you giggle. "Used to be good at what?" you asked knowingly, sitting up and looking at him.
He rolled his eyes. "Y/N! I'm tryna' tell you I'm sweet on you and you're gonna give me shit,"
"Yeah, I am. I'm also gonna give you shit about the phrase 'sweet on you' too," you replied, laughing.
Bucky smiled, watching you laugh, just happy you were happy. When you stopped, he sat up and used both hands to fold the hair behind your ears. Holding your face in his hands, he tried to not grin like an idiot. He couldn’t hide the smirk.
"I love you. I'm in love with you," he said, voice finally dead certain.
"Yeah, the garden was a bit of a giveaway," you replied, quickly adding, "And that's good. 'Cause I'm in love with you too. Very completely."
Bucky made the kind of expression you'd pull at a basket of mewing kittens, or a puppy tumbling across fresh cut lawn. It was very, very kissable. So, you did want any self-respecting witch would do. You kissed Bucky Barnes like your life depended on it in the secret mulberry tree cave he had made just for you.
 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
My taglist (open): @bubbabarnes @browngirlmagic @lookalivefrosty @aynaraxas @vibraniumwitch @the--sad--hatter​ @fairislesheets​ @vibraniumdaisies​ @cristie24​ 
238 notes · View notes
xiaophobic · 3 years
WAIT JSKDCBHN I DIDN'T SIGN MY LAST ASK HSHSHSHSH I FORGOT IM SORRY,,, but you are right my love, the one that asked for domestic genshin teams was none other than i, sunflower anon ;) ngl that wouldn't have made much sense without context so i'm glad you were able to figure it out also yes i agree with beth slander, anemo cube go brr
For context my main team consists of albedo, venti, xingqiu, and keqing and I’ve grown too attached to every single one of them that I have zero clue on who to switch out when wishing for eula
Venti <- this bitch is my platonic soulmate and we’d most likely beg to share rooms
I get the feeling that albedo and xingqiu would share one, bigggg room that they evenly halved. Dont ask why it just felt right, and albedo is more often in some spare room that he turned into a lab so xingqiu can invite whoever and let them crash in his room
Keqings the only one with a single room and i dont think shes mad about that because her room is,,, so full of paperworks,,, neat and orderly yes but pAPERWORKS-
Alr ive assigned rooms now so onto whatever happens inside *stretches fingers*
I’d say we’re pretty even in terms of whos responsible and whos not, so unless albedo becomes in charge of watching klee there shall be no fire to be committed
Its funny how we have a god and a nonbeliever under one roof, so i think keqing would be skeptical around venti. But of course, ventis playful nature and fun demeanor would likely win her over, so now she treats him like family as well
Though that said, she’d also find herself scolding both me and venti on our uhhhhh tendencies to be lazy HSHSHSH she fr tells me to stop procrastinating in game every five seconds, so imagine if she was put with mr wine aunt barsibado?
Cute friendship between albedo and xingqiu because theyve made a book together and two educational boys,,, the amount of braincells in one room is ridiculous
Remember when I said keqing was happy she had a single room? Its because of her rex lapis dolls. Neither venti nor xingqiu ever let her live that down.
In terms of cooking, venti and i are never allowed for our own good. Venti isnt a bad cook but hes definitely a chaotic one and i physically cant make pancakes if my life depended on it. Albedo is on cooking duty most of the time but if hes busy, xingqiu will do it (though he will throw out the carrots) because keqings often too busy
Venti making everyone flower crowns mmmmmmmmmm and specific types of flowers for each person... aw
Whenever xingqiu reads a new history book, sometimes venti will just go “LIES. THATS NOT WHAT WENT DOWN. PUT THAT BOOK AWAY AND ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED-”
Albedo and Keqing both staying up really late because of work and venti having to sing them songs so theyll sleep i am SOFT
A recurring theme I find in this team is that we all look like responsible upkept high society people but behind the locked doors youll find keqing trying to get venti to get tf up, xingqiu and i raving about some fanfic, and albedo making something explode in his lab on accident
Bonus because ive run out of ideas:
(keqing THIS IS A CANON VOICELINE) Sleep well... me? Uh... I still have a handful of things on my to-do list, but I'll call it a night once they are done.
(xingqiu) lady keqing… please, it's too late in the evening. Mr Kreideprinz, the new concoction, if you would.
(venti, putting down a frying pan) oh… so we’re using the potion tonight?
Okay so the quality of whatever this is isnt guaranteed and its 100% crack barely any soft HELP HSHSH but im typing this in the middle of science class so pls forgive me. I wonder how you feel when you get a super long ask in your inbox…? I hope you still dont mind ( ´^`) have a nice day dearest!! I’ll sign off twice now so I wont forget next time KESHEJ -🌻 anon
your team definitely has “burnt out gifted kid” vibes ABSHAHSHA BUT IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE they’re just all doing their best to be their best (with the possible exception of venti, though i’d argue that around such composed characters he’d experience his own slight code switch)
i’ll give you one of my own personal headcanons and apply it to your team a bit since i feel like it fits!!
venti knows everyone he comes across, or at least can connect their face to someone he’s seen in the milleniums he’s lived — a relative or something. he’s the god of wind and freedom, so naturally he’s traveled to all nations in order to be free and see the world as he pleases.
given this, he knows everyone on your team. he can connect their faces to at least one of their distant relatives that he’s known before. that is, except for albedo, who was born of chalk. the first person in a while who he sees and knows nothing of, so he FREAKS THE FUCK OUT. he spends half of his time stressing over who he could possibly be the offspring of but ends up coming up short every time.
he falls under the impression that albedo just must be klee’s older brother who was just never mentioned, until klee confesses that they’re not related biologically. it remains the subject he loses his mind over at the bottom of each bottle.
anyway, i’m sorry this was so late and i’m happy you shared with me, this was rlly a pleasure to read <33 i hope you’re doing well, and please remember to take care of yourself, sweetpea ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
heyo can i request a romantic matchup with one of the creepypasta guys perhaps??
-im 20 years old with dark brown fluffy short hair that goes just a bit above my shoulders. im bisexual and i go by she/they pronouns. im 5'6. im a cancer sun, virgo moon, and sag rising. im also female!
-im an infj!
-i like making flower crowns for people, custom earrings, and rings! i rlly love nature and the woods so i enjoy walking along on a path or settling down by a relaxing river to have a nice lil picnic :)
-swimming is a big thing for me, i love just jumping into a lake and swimming around yk?
-i rlly love indie, rock, grunge and 50's to 90's music. i have a great love for 80's movies and the horror genre.
-i love superhero and action stuff like the avengers and x-men as well as stuff from DC.
-uhmm im an artist. i do trad but also digital art. if i paint i like to paint scenery. im also a singer and i write my own songs. i play the guitar and the ukulele!!
-i own two rats and two cats! yes they get along lmaodksjsj. im a witch whos into crystals, herbs, dieties and all. i do tarot and pendulum. i love drinking tea especially mint and chamomile teas.
-things i dislike: alcohol, someone yelling at me, aggressiveness, going on boats, too much heat, summer, thunderstorms, chicken, being alone in the extreme dark in a place like the woods, seeing or hearing stuff like people gagging or their nails being ripped off :// (i can somehow take gore tho-)
-things i like: tea, some coffees, sunflowers, motorcycles, cuddling, relaxing inside on my bed while its raining outside, the calming sound of rain, autumn, when its chilly out, seafood
-i actually rlly love reading and sometimes I like to write lil short stories or make up characters but not too deep into them. just fun little things yk?
-i kinda rlly like playing w ppls hair- like having them sit in my lap. or having them do it to me.
-omg chasing each other in an empty (empty as in like no other ppl) pretty field during a picnic date with our favorite music on?? YES PLS
-i don't rlly plan on having kids :/ i don't do well with them so. fur babies as in pets tho! ABSOLUTELY
-i kinda would be a big spoon but also a little spoon. i'd do either.
-if im being honest one of the downsides of me is that I get emotional quickly in an argument :// or like I get defensive or if someone yells at me I get sad and start crying. I don't seek out fights tho and I try to avoid them.
-despite how much I like to talk im an ambivert leaning towards introvert. I get panic-y quick in public w people I don't know and im rlly nervous but i try to be as friendly as possible and keep a convo going. around my friends and stuff tho im an absolute goof ball!
-i like staying home tbh its calming
-i don't like seeing messy things eiakssksk i like organization but im not controlish about it. I like to clean tbh its kinda fun.
-my love language is honestly quality time and touch. some words of affirmation is nice too tho,, sometimes I get scared someone will get bored of me and leave ://
-i love to buy or make ppl gifts! i like to see people happy. the look on ppls faces when they see that i bought them something they rlly love makes me warm and fuzzy :,))
-im not rlly a jealous person tbh. but if someone outright is happening like obvious flirting,, i WILL say something if my partner isn't taking care of it themself.
-honestly i love being a goof but when its time to be serious ill be serious
-i talk alot so i need someone who'll be willing to listen to me talk and be interested in what im saying EIOSLAKS ill also absolutely listen to anything they say :))
-i don't care abt body types or looks rlly and im not just saying that.
-i love to remind ppl that they're stunning and gorgeous and they deserve the world 😩🤌
-i like having deep convos about random things. like who found out that we should drink cow milk? why are wild animals just fine w out toothpaste but we absolutely need to brush our teeth??
-id love to cook or bake something with someone :))
-i can't rlly think of anything else to say abt myself so
Your matchup is... Hoodie/Brian Thomas!
In general:
Took me a hot minute or so but I ultimately decided on Brian because it's the vibe I'm getting. Let's elaborate on that.
What he likes about you:
I always start out with the physical stuff first and I'm just going to say that Brian really likes your hair! Thinks it is absolutely gorgeous and fun. Will compliment how fluffy it is. Likes that you're into nature, crafty, and your music choice! Thinks your art is super fun and will want to see it. Thinks your singing voice is absolutely beautiful. Coming back to this. Your pets are fun to him as well, and your likes just seem to really line up with him y'know?? Especially loving Autumn, rain, when it's chilly, all that kind of fun stuff.
General cute things:
ALright, I feel like swimming outings would be a thing between the two of you. Brian likes water. It's just the vibe I get. Make him flower crowns please lmfao. Brian is soft and actual sunshine when he wants to be. He will watch the sunrise and sunset with you!!! He loves to just strum his guitar in the early mornings, listening to the birds sing. I feel like music dates would be a thing between the two of you. Just sitting in a flower field, watching the world go by, singing and all that cute stuff. Brian is admittedly a bit of a home body as well, so like,,,,,, hey. Just the two of you curling up on the couch, taking naps? Yes. Brian will occasionally get you gifts of things that remind him of you. He also gives me the vibe that he would get you flowers just because he thinks you'll find them pretty. He will goof around with. ALSO, Brian loves to listen to you!! Please talk to him about whatever is on your mind and I guarantee he's going to love it!! You being such a sweet person makes his heart sing? Like, you just reaffirming all the things he needs to hear make him so happy. He will also play with your hair, and on other days, he will rest his head on your lap and you can play with his.
You two as a couple:
Y'know, I think the only thing that might be a bit of a talking point between the two of you is the not having kids thing. Brian strikes me as such a strong family man. However, I don't think he's incapable of bending, so if the two of you want to be fur parents, he'd be just fine with that. Other than that, one of Brian's love languages is touch to like, be prepared for hugs, kisses, all that wholesome stuff. He's definitely a bit of an insomniac so like, please spend time with him cuddling on the roof while the two of you talk about anything and everything. Brian will definitely cook and bake with you as well, seeing those are two things he loves to do. You won't ever have to worry about jealousy with Brian because he's a king of "I have a partner stop speaking to me :)" You can also spoon him, he'd find that comforting. Brian prioritizes communication, so if you start crying, or anything like that, he'll give you some space and then come back to it. He doesn't want to cause you any harm, but some things need to be spoken about. Brian will also be your rock if the two of you go out in public and you're not very happy or overwhelmed. I swear, he's always going to be there for you.
Closing thoughts/other things:
Hi love bug, sorry this is late. The matchups were giving me some wonky type of burn out, but it's here now. To answer your thing about why animals don't need toothpaste, it actually has a lot to do with their diet! They don't eat refined sugars or the high amount of acids we do, and they also tend to eat way more twigs, sticks, bark, bones and even grass that help keep their mouths free of debris. Tell me about your characters and stories! One of my favorite things to do outside of running this blog is OCs and world building. Again, apologies for this being late. Tumblr doesn't timestamp when things come in so I just kinda guess?? I imagine it's been here for a while, my bad, I've been working out of order now. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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(The final part)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Big thanks to @dreamy-slytherin for making a drawing for this fic❤️❤️❤️
 Earthlingoddity :
Do you need me to pick you up at the bus stop?
Sterkerdanijzer :
Sander, for a THOUSAND times since yesterday evening, I’m fine LOL! Really, don’t worry too much, please😌
Earthlingoddity :
You sure?
Sterkerdanijzer :
If you asks that again, the deal’s off
Earthlingoddity :
OK OK OK! I’ll shut up now. Careful on your way. Been preparing some croques for you
Sterkerdanijzer :
You’re the best!
Is he gonna back out now? Is something happen? Did he say something wrong just now?
Sander tries to calm his breath as he types.
Earthlingoddity :
Yes, Robbe?
Sterkerdanijzer :
Do you mind if I bring Peter Pan along again?🥺he’s gonna be good. Pinky promise!
Sander lets out a very relief breath. Why does Robbe always makes him feel on edge, though? He really have it bad.
Earthlingoddity :
Jesus, you scared me for a sec right there. Of course you can
Sterkerdanijzer :
You really are THE BEST, Mr Driesen. See you in 15 mins!!
It takes five minutes for Sander to finally comes back to reality when Robbe called him Mr Driesen. Okay, he’s been calling that many times by many people BUT it feels much different when Robbe did it. Somehow Sander can hear Robbe’s voice through his phone saying that, and... God, he doesn’t know what to think anymore. What a blessing that no human can hear each other’s thoughts; because sure as hell, Robbe will run away once he knows about Sander’s inner thought.
Yesterday, Sander insisted to pick Robbe at his flat because it’s a bit far but Robbe always declined—said that distance never really matters to him whatsoever. Maybe Sander was being overreacted but he already feels protective of this cute yet unpredictable guy, and definitely not the same feeling like he’s being protective of a friend. Yeah, maybe he should tone it down a bit. Robbe’s not a kid, he’s capable of taking care of himself.
Trying to distract himself, Sander is now standing in front of the kitchen counter, staring at the croque he just made few minutes before he sent the text to Robbe. For today, he needs to impress Robbe—from his dish to this safe haven. Sander woke up at five in the morning today after doing a morning yoga routine to calm himself from the nervousness and then tidying his half-messy flat.
“Croques, don’t let me down,” Sander pleads as he lifts the plate. “don’t let my crush down. Please!”
He almost drops the plate when he hears a knock on his door.
Okay this is it!
Sander is half-running to the door, taking a deep breath before he holds the knob and opens it. The first thing he sees is Peter Pan excited face; he’s too excited so he literally jumps into Sander’s arms and licks his face.
“Sorry,” Robbe laughs but his tone is definitely not sorry. “he’s being so impatient to meet you.”
“No...” Sander replies in between Peter Pan’s kisses. “problem... at all.”
“Is this the croque you were talking about earlier?”
“Yep!” Sander answers as he puts Peter Pan down, watching his tail shaking left and right and a minute later he’s already out of sight to explore the place.
“Looks good,” Robbe smiles at Sander and the world stops for a second—or at least it feels like for Sander. “can I eat them now? I’m starving.”
Sander clears his throat and force a laugh, “Sure, but I won’t be responsible if you suddenly get a stomachache.”
“I’ll take that risk for you.”
Sander raises his eyebrow. His feet unknowingly takes a step closer—close enough for his hand to graze Robbe’s, but he can’t do it. Yet. So instead, he says, “don’t say something like that.”
Sander thought Robbe will back out, but to his surprise and excitement, he smiles mischievously and says, “or what?”
Sander smirks, “Or I’ll feed you this croque by myself.”
“Please do.”
Excuse me?
What did he just say?
“Go on,” Robbe encourages Sander. “Feed me. I’m waiting.”
Oh, it’s on!
All the way or no way, Driesen.
Without saying another word, Sander grab a piece of his dish and feed it to Robbe who slowly opens his mouth and bites it.
Fucking hell and this infuriating sexual tension!
Sander knows he should look away but he can’t—even when Robbe closes his eyes to savor the food, Sander finds himself more captivated by him. These lips; how does they feel like? How does they taste like? Are they gonna be as soft as silk? As decadent as the most expensive chocolate?
But he must stop. He should stop his thoughts—this kind of thoughts, to be exact or there’ll be an unnecessary trouble.
“Is it good?”
“Divine,” Robbe says, smiling softly but later turns serious. “You okay? Your face look tense.”
Of course, I’m not okay, Robbe! He thought bitterly.
“Yes,” Sander answers in a clipped voice. “Would you like to do it now?”
Robbe is clearly confuse by Sander’s sudden dismissal but doesn’t say anything about it. To be completely honest, his feeling is a bit hurt.
Sander turns his back to see Robbe’s hurtful face and immediately feels bad, “sorry,” he breathes. “It’s just.. whenever I’m around you, my brain’s stop working.”
“Am I that bad?”
Sander almost laugh, “God, no. You’re far from that. You’re special, Robbe IJzermans.”
Hearing this, Robbe’s blushes hard and quick. This is the very first time he hears someone—not just someone—but Sander Driesen, the coolest guy on YouTube, actually said that he’s special. His heart’s beating really, really fast right now.
“Komaan.” Sander says as he takes Robbe’s hand to his room.
The first thing Robbe sees is a HUGE poster of David Bowie in front of Sander’s bed. It’s so huge that maybe it can be use as a blanket.
“Cool, huh?” Sander chuckles when he notices Robbe’s ‘awe’ expression.
“So cool.”
“You can stare at him all you want later,” Sander says as he sits on the floor and grabs his guitar. “Alle kom, Robbe! Sit beside me.”
Robbe do what he’s been told. Something like the ocean and summer breeze from Sander catches his nose and Robbe finds himself inhaling that scent deeply.
Perfect. Now his heart beats erratically again.
“You ready?” Sander asks, looking straight at Robbe’s eyes.
“I am.”
Sander can feel Robbe’s nervousness and knowing it’s because of his presence can do such thing to his crush, it makes him smile so wide. Before he can stop, his hand touches Robbe’s cheek, “you’ll be fine. Okay?”
Robbe nods. He takes the flower crown from his bag and wears it.
“Cutie,” Sander mumbles softly under his breath before he presses “enter” on his keyboard to start the video.
“Hey everyone, Sander’s here and I’m with someone really special today,” he looks at Robbe whose eyes are as big as a globe because he’s too shock. “Introduce yourself. Go on!”
Robbe blinks fast as he comes back to earth, “uh, yeah! It’s Robbe and I agreed to do a collab with Jack Frost beside me.”
“Jack Frost, huh?”
“Yes, you are.”
“Fair enough,” Sander grins. “What are we gonna do today?”
“Whatever you want.” Robbe answers innocently.
“I have a lot of things on my mind about it BUT we’re gonna do an impromptu song cover for now.”
“What are we gonna sing?” Then Robbe quickly adds. “Oh not Bowie or anything that we particularly love.”
“I’m listening.” Sander says seriously.
“What’s song that’s been on your playlist for awhile, you like but never really sing it out loud?”
Sander immediately replies, “Ben Howard’s song called Promise.”
The big smile Sander adores so much reappears, “I also happened to know that song! Shall we sing it now?”
Just when Robbe is about to sing, Peter Pan suddenly bursts in, quickly finds place on his lap and sleeps. They can’t help but laugh at this marvelous sight.
“Sorry, viewers. This is just my puppy, Peter Pan.”
“And he’s dead tired.” Sander adds, chuckling.
“Anyway, let’s continue. You sing first, Sander!”
The cheerful vibes between them gradually turns much calmer when Sander sings the first chorus.
“And meet me there, bundles of flowers, we wait through the hours of cold...”
Robbe continues.
“Winter shall howls at the wall, tearing down doors of time...”
Both are singing melodiously, much to their surprises because none of them really actually practice or anything. It’s purely ‘in the moment’ situation. Hundreds of comment keeps on coming, saying they look really cute together, etc etc etc. The views rapidly increases from two thousand something to eleven thousand within few minutes.
Robbe admires ardently how Sander plays the guitar in the most calming manner possible. No rush, no hesitation, no doubt—it feels like he was born to hold that instrument. These tattoos, especially the Bowie’s lightning one on Sander’s wrist is making him look even more ethereal. Bleached-blond hair with black clothes and tattoos; Sander Driesen is the perfect example of a sweetest sin that Robbe will gladly accepts.
On the other hand, Sander never truly realises how beautiful Robbe is, now that he’s finally be able to sees his face up close. Everything about him is perfect—too perfect for him. He wonders how it feels like to have their bodies wrap together, with or without clothes. How his fingers slowly but hungrily traces every inch of Robbe’s body.
“Who am I darling, to you? Who am I? Going to tell you stories of mine... who am I?” Sander sings, never breaking the eye contact from Robbe. “Who am I darling, for you? Who am I? Going to be a burden... who am I darling, to you? Who am I?” He continues when his crush is too stunned to say anything.
Fuck it! I don’t care anymore!
Sander puts his guitar aside, places one hand on Robbe’s cheek, and without thinking, without worrying about the fact that thousands of people are watching this live stream, Sander kisses him. He promises to himself that if Robbe gives him the slightest uncomfort, he’ll back down, just like that.
But the greedy monster inside him roars in victory when Robbe’s also leaning closer and deepening the kiss.
After several long moments, or maybe several moons later (okay this is too much but it does feel like it for Sander), both finally breaking the kiss to catch a breath.
Robbe breathes, “Wow, that was...”
“Never the same?”
“Totally unique?”
Sander laughs loud until his nose scrunches, “unbelievable. We just kissed and suddenly mimicked Lady Gaga’s wisdom words? Never been done before.”
Robbe laughs nervously. His lips are chapped, so does Sander’s.
“You do realise that we’re still going live, right?”
“Of course I do and I don’t care,” Sander abruptly turns to camera and says proudly. “mense, I just kissed my crush in front of you all, even the world, and I have no regrets. I’ve been dying to kiss him for months and now I finally got it. And that also concludes today’s video. See you very soon and thanks for watching!”
“I still can’t believe we actually did it.”
Sander gives him a peck, “oh but we just did.”
Robbe smiles shyly, “so, what are gonna do now?”
“Kissing, talking, kissing again, lots of kissing, talking,” Sander smirks. “What about you?”
“Just kiss me now, please.”
Sander kisses Robbe again and again then whispers, “You don’t need to say please, engel.”
Couple hours later
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
you were asking for prompts, so i thought, could you maybe write something about linny reuniting and confessing just after the battle? if you vibe with it? also, i love your writing and it’s absolutely brilliant
(Hello! Thank you for your lovely words and your prompt, I appreciate it. I actually wrote a Linny reunion, kind of, a while ago. It was more of a... during battle love confession, but still. It was just what the doctor and your prompt ordered! I do want to write something for you, since you were so lovely and gave me a prompt at all. So enjoy some Linny love!)
“Why do they call it the forbidden forest? It’s like putting a child in front of a marshmallow and telling them not to eat it. People literally cannot stop themselves,” Ginny noticed, stepping up on a branch dramatically.
“I’d have to agree,” Luna said in her lilting way. “If I’ve learned anything from spending time with Harry, it’s that forbidden things are often the most appealing. Or the most dangerous and therefore the best place with rules to disregard.”
Neville breathed out a laugh, glancing up and down at his sketchbook in concentration. “You’re right about that. If things are specifically against the rules, Harry has to do exactly that. It’s like an engrained need in him.”
“You mean like how everyone told him that dating a Slytherin would be a bad idea, so he ended up with his arch nemesis?” Ginny snickered. Harry and Draco had been besotted with each other since fourth year, though neither would admit it. It was like the entire school was holding its breath and placing on bets when they would get together. It took a war and Draco almost dying in his attempt to spy for the Order, but they seemed to get there eventually.
“Draco wasn’t his arch nemesis,” Luna argued. “They were just very overly dramatic and didn’t know how to cope with their feelings.”
“Sounds familiar,” came Ginny’s muttered reply. The war had ended after the battle of Hogwarts two weeks before, with Ginny confessing her feelings to Luna in the midst of fighting. They had shared a kiss, but now, anytime Ginny attempted to bring the encounter up, Luna would steer the conversation away. It didn’t make any sense.
“I think there’s more Moly up this way. I’m pretty sure someone mentioned white blossoms to the west.” Neville said, shifting his feet and setting off at a quick pace.
Ginny rolled her eyes, wondering how she had allowed Neville to talk her into coming on another plant gathering escapade. But, when he gave her that look of “You’re my best friend in the whole world and I want you to come look at fun plants with me” paired with the “I’ve invited Luna along as well”, she couldn’t seem to pass it up. 
Luna, herself, was weaving what appeared to be a crown from the long pieces of grass they passed. There were tufts of random plants and she was working on bending the blades without any of them breaking. It was endearing. It made Ginny smile.
She looked up to see if Neville had gotten far enough ahead that she could talk without worrying too much. He was. He often disregarded his companions and went at his own pace when plant hunting. Ginny stepped off a root she had been balancing on and jogged to catch up to Luna.
“So...” she began softly. Luna hummed in response. “I was just wondering when were ever going to talk about what happened.”
“What happened?” Luna asked, her eyes squinted in confusion as she shot Luna a look. 
Ginny groaned. “C’mon Loony. I know you know what I’m talking about.”
“I’m sorry, Ginerva, but I really don’t.’
“The kiss!” Ginny exploded. “The kiss that happened in the hallways during the battle? The kiss that happened after I confessed how I felt about you? You know, that thing?”
Luna looked at her a moment, as if contemplating something, before returning her gaze to her braided crown. “There’s not really much to say,” she murmured with a shrug of her shoulders. Ginny was shaking her head before she even got all of her sentence out.
“Don’t do that, Lun. C’mon. Please? I’ve tried to bring it up numerous times over the past two weeks, but you keep dodging the subject. I just want to talk about it. Talk about what it meant.”
Luna stopped then, turning her full body toward Ginny and gently placed the braided grass crown atop of her red hair that was glinting so brightly in the sunlight. “I’m sorry if I’ve frustrated you, Ginny. It wasn’t my intention.” With that, she turned and continued to follow Neville.
“Well then talk to me! I’ve been going mad trying to understand. We kissed. I told you I loved you and you told me the same. And then everything ended and it was like it had never happened at all.”
“I didn’t... I didn’t want to pressure you,” Luna said softly, staring up at the trees around her, avoiding looking at Ginny at all. 
“Pressure me? Luna, I made the first move! What do you mean, pressure me?”
“We were in a fight. People say things without thinking when their lives are about to end. I’ve seen it often. I was worried that perhaps you had been driven by adrenaline, not thinking clearly. I didn’t want to make you feel like you were tied to me, or anything.”
Ginny groaned louder, rolling her eyes to the heavens. “Neville, will you please explain to Luna that I’m in love with her and I want to be with her?” She called to the boy who was still studying the plants he was walking past.
“Oh no,” he said, his voice distracted. “This is between the two of you, it has nothing to do with me. Fix your own problems.”
The redhead grumbled some unkind words under her breath before turning to Luna and grabbing onto her wrist. “Luna,” she started, wanting the girl to look at her as she said this. “I know that there have been people in your life you used you, or who didn’t always care about what you had to say. I know that some of those people have even hurt you. I know that you’re afraid that nobody will ever love every piece of you, and so you tuck parts of it away in the hope that no one will ever ask. I know you, Luna Lovegood. I know who you are.” Ginny grinned. “I promise that me telling you I was in love with you wasn’t a joke, wasn’t a moment of clouded judgement or a rush of adrenaline. It was real. I really do feel that way about you. I am, actually, in love with you. So please, stop running away. I just need you to be brave, like you make me feel, and tell me the truth.”
Luna’s eyes were wide in surprise at the admission. She had never really felt wanted by someone before. Having Ginny standing here, wanting her to believe she loved her, made her feel like maybe she was allowed to want to be wanted. 
“I don’t really know how to do... this,” Luna admitted, her cheeks growing red.
Ginny shrugged. “Me either, but I bet we can figure it out together, like we always do.” 
Luna stared at Ginny and saw some kind of resolve. It was the same kind of look she got right before a match. It was the face she made when she was determined. And Luna felt a sliver of hope.
“Alright,” she finally said, smiling softly. 
The other girl blinked in surprise? “Wait, really?”
Luna nodded.
“Alright,” Ginny replied, feeling her heart pick up in speed.
“Finally,” Neville murmured, picking up a black stemmed flower. “Useless lesbians and their inability to just talk to each other. Absolutely ridiculous.” But, despite his grumbling, he was smiling wide.
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georgeluzwarmhugs · 4 years
speirs x male reader ??
ok my first same gender story:) im sorry if any of this is offensive or not what you imagined it would be because I don’t know too much about gay relationships but i will try my best for you anon💛
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Rocker Vibes
A/N: just imagine there was hard rock back then please, it makes the story make more sense ahhhhh (or that this is in present time)
Speirs was not too open about who he was when he realized his orientation. He was very self conscious about it, because he was the one of the toughest men of easy company. He thought it would diminish his reputation. He didn’t want to come out until he found the right man to be with. To tell you the truth, it was harder than his run through Foy. He had to pretend he was straight, which made him feel not good enough for anyone. At least, until he met you. You were a replacement in the war, so you were made fun of, but not as much as the other men. You stood up for them because you had friends in the originals. You knew Skip and Luz back home, so you were in with the older men right away. When Speirs first saw you, his eyes popped out of his head. He never knew what kind of man he wanted until he saw you. He knew in that moment he wanted to spend his life with you, which is quite a compliment because of the fact that you are all surrounded by men 24/7 for 2 and a half years.
Although gay was not open and supported in this era AT ALL, all the easy boys support your relationship🥺 
A/N: sorry for the kinda long intro hehe
Several years after the war...
You and Ron have been together for a year and 7 months. There had been ups and downs, rights and lefts, and anything you can imagine in a relationship with Speirs. He isn’t quite as romantic as you would have liked, but that makes every charming gesture even that more amazing. Any bouquet of flowers or giant teddy bear or any surprise date makes your heart melt and scream with joy. 
One normal night you and Ron were cuddling on the couch and he stood up to grab a snack from the kitchen. He wandered to the fridge and had the door open for a while. “Woah what’s this” he said with a huge smirk on his face. “What did you do now?” you questioned, knowing his crazy antics. “Look what I foundddddd...” He held up a blue envelope between his fingertips and spun it corner to corner. “Huh, I don’t remember buying blue envelopes and putting them in the fridge” you always have a sarcastic comment to combat his shenanigans. “Just open it silly” you rolled your eyes and got the letter opener from the fridge. You slid the metal blade across the thin paper and found two tickets to a rock concert for the following night. 
“You really would be willing to go to this concert with me?” Even with his rough exterior, Ron is more of jazz guy. “For my king, anything” “I love you so much” “I love you too” And with that, you went to bed with the hugest smile on your face, excited about the day to come. 
It took you sooooo long to get ready. You wanted to look absolutely perfect for this night. You had a feeling it was more than just a concert, you had a feeling it was something bigger than that. That’s why it was so hard for you to decide what to wear. You didn’t know whether to wear rock clothes like a band tee and jeans, or some silk jacket and fancy shirt. You decided to go with nice pants, but a band t-shirt and the bracelet he had made for you for your 6 month anniversary. 
You showed up a tad early to walk around the venue and grab some food and drinks before the show began. This had been your favorite band for forever and this was your first time seeing them live. Ron knew how much they meant to you, which is why he went out of his way to get these tickets, and it wasn’t as easy as you might think. The pre show started and you enjoyed it, but you were waiting for the real act to begin. 
They came out on stage and you screamed and screamed. You knew the lyrics to every song and very one of the most energetic people in the crown. You jumped around, you danced, you sang-screamed, and didn’t care what anyone thought of you. This is one of the many things Ron loves about you, is the fact that you don’t care what other people think and be yourself. It was halfway through the show, you were sweaty and tired from all the movement but could not make yourself stop having fun. In between one of the songs in the latter half of the show, Ron looked at you in such a loving way and stated “I love you Y/N, I really do.” “Sweetie I love you too, and thank you for buying me these tickets, it’s been my dream to see them forever and you made it come true”
The band had played the last song of the evening and was wrapping up the show. All of a sudden the lead singer says into the mic “Someone in the crowd has a pretty huge announcement to make” In that moment Speirs ran onto the stage. “Y/N, ever since I first saw you at training in Toccoa I knew I wanted to be with you. That feeling grew with every battle we served by each other’s side. I knew you were the one for me when I saw you eat an entire large pizza by yourself and smacked my hand away when I tried to grab a piece. I knew when we were at the zoo and you told me you just knew that one hippo was gay. You are my one and only, and Y/N, will you marry me?” He was on one knee and the whole crowd was staring at you. There were tears running from your eyes and the only word you could utter was “Yes!”
hopefully this lived up to your expectations:) It doesn’t totally scream male reader but I hope you enjoy it anyways anon (also I hope the hippo part isn’t offensive or belittling or something) please let me know if you liked it
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, play-by-play recap time!
“A shining civilization, until it fell...INTO THE SEA.” Something about that line/delivery makes me laugh
Kind of wish we had seen them solve to clues to Mervana
Why was this Huey’s quest? He doesn’t end up doing much. Did he chose this adventure?
“I like them.” “We know, Webby.”
Scrooge and Huey nerding out together is ADORABLE
Louie is already done
“Cool, now there’s two people who want to put us in constant danger.” Donald understands your pain. We need an episode focusing on Louie and Donald
I NEED to know why Della hates fish 
Why is Della piloting the sub if she hates the ocean? I feel like Donald would be more qualified
“HEY, KNOCK IT OFF!” That was SUCH a sibling moment
LP isn’t here because he needed a break after last week’s episode OR something went down when he was with Oceanika and he can’t be in the ocean for some reason
Louie knows how this shit goes down
So according to Louie’s chart; Huey has been sacrificed the less with 10, then Webby with 15, Louie at 23, and Dewey at 63 
“DEWEY’S ON TOP!” Sweetie, that’s not a good thing. How many of those times do you think LP saved him?
I bet Donald had/has a tally sheet too
“Life’s not some fairytale filled with happy endings and...” “MERMAIDS!” Webby is SUCH A MOOD this episode 
It’s so cute how in AWE all of them are...
Except for Della
One more Della moment in the theme
Poor Donald
Those things in Aletheia’s headband look like eyes and I can’t unsee it. Also, STARFIRE THE MERMAID!
BEAST BOY THE MERMAN! He pretty much looks like a duck/mermaid version of Greg. It’s great
“So, speaking as a mermaid, WHAT’S IT LIKE TO ACHIEVE MY DREAM?!” WEBBY IS ME
I know the “suffering builds character” line is a joke, but it rubs me the wrong way
How is Scrooge’s hat not floating away?
Della’s reaction to saying fish is how I feel about eating fish
“Look at this stuff, isn’t neat!” THAT’S MY GIRL! I bet The Little Mermaid is Webby’s favorite Disney movie
This was much less dangerous than the last time Webby played hacky sack
Scrooge 100% DONE when they say that he’ll have to give up his worldly possessions
 THERE’S THAT ONE MERMAID THAT LOOKS LIKE GOSALYN! I’m gonna pretend they are distantly related
Why is Honestus’ statue so BEEFY?
 Louie is ALREADY calling bullshit
“Wow, a laid-back society where everything is free. Sounds PERFECT for you!” “It’s too perfect.” I love when Louie and Webby are paired off. They have pretty much opposite views of the world
“IT’S. A. TRAP! And take it down a notch, Beakley!” “Sorry, I was trying to drown out your nonsense.” You’re harshing her vibes, bro
 “These hippies are harmless!”
Donald playing drums is adorable
“Operation Flower Power was...groovy.” FIRST THAT SUMMER IN PARAGUAY, NOW THIS! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS! Beakley probably has fucked as many people as Launchpad, possibly more
The face Louie makes after Beakley leaves is great. He knows Beakley fucks and does NOT want to think about that
I want to know all the warnings on the cave. My favorite of the ones I could see was NAAAAAHHHHHHH!
“Those MER-MURDERERS” Alliteration is fun, kids!
Digging the more proactive Louie, even if it is just to keep himself from dying
Donald is digging the vibe and Dewey is SO FOCUSED on playing the drums
FUCK YEAH, ARTS AND CRAFTS! Dewey was like “MY TIME HAS COME!” And Donald seemed pretty happy about arts and crafts too
Donald was TOTALLY checking out his own ass
Dewey is SO FOCUSED. Arts and crafts are SERIOUS BUSINESS
He looks SO PISSED when Scrooge takes the tail
Why do they have toxic markers? Hell, where did they even GET those markers?
“They’re ALL our markers” That face she makes is great
Dude, the harp fucking DRAGGED Honestus! We stan!
“It’s a beautiful castle made of coral and shells...” Webby, those are ruins
I knew that fish monster was Honestus. He had a crown and everything. Also they call him a sea serpent but nothing about him is serpent-like 
“This is a chase” Is that really any better than a trap?
“I’ve never been happier to see an adult!”
“Same thing we are-snoopin”
Webby ended up being spot on that the Mervanans had no idea what was really going on
“Something is going on here.” And Louie raises his arms in victory
I want more Beakley and Louie episodes. They are both cynical but deal with it in different ways, especially when it comes to Webby. Plus Louie has a unique position when he’s been the one that had secrets kept from him
“Her optimism is her strength!” “You can’t hide the truth from her forever!” “I kept her in a mansion for a decade, that worked out pretty well.” I don’t know why but this reminds me of how the Crystal Gems and Greg dealt with Steven
I love that Huey’s tail has the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook logo on it
Me and my sister agreed that Donald’s tail looks like an Easter egg
Dewey has flames on his tail because of course he does
“Man, these are hard to get around in. And off I go.” He just accepts that he’s falling
I’m with Louie, FUCK STAIRS
Della has that dumbass energy. We stan. Also, she and LP need to hang out. I feel like they’d somehow both lose in a game of Go Fish. Stupid, beautiful pilots :’)
“MOM LOOK AT MY SUPER COOL FINS!” “*gags* I have no family.”
Donald and Huey nodding after Aletheia calls Scrooge a judgemental boomer, beautiful
“I don’t want inner-truth, I want outer harp!” That’s a good line
“Scrooge, back to the arts and crafts section!” And then his face! Golden!
Louie clinging to Beakley’s arm is so cute
“But I only tell the truth, a thing the merpeople used to value.” I feel like that could apply to other (current) situations
Whenever Honestus speaks during the song I lol
Also, what hard work was going on above the sea? Was there like a war or something? I need more!
I think the Harp and Honestus were a thing at one point
If the merpeople become more monstrous the longer they stay in the water, why are the ones who have lived their ENTIRE LIVES in the ocean still humanoid? How long was he gone? How many generations have come and gone? Why didn’t he age? I NEED MORE INFORMATION
Poor Webby. The person she trusted the most has been lying to her for who knows how long! I think we know what Webby’s arc for the season will involve
Louie does NOT want to be in the middle of this
I want to PERSONALLY THANK the GENIUS that had David Tennant use hippie slang. You did the lord’s work
The face Scrooge makes when he thinks that they are gonna take his money is PRICELESS
I feel bad for the Mervanans. They were left to fend for themselves. They did pretty good for themselves all things considered but still
Della taking baby steps only to be pushed right back into her comfort zone, I felt that
She’s just like, nope
“Gotta get harp down. Gotta save family. Maybe sell the harp later.” The kid has his priorities straight
The way the Harp acts when Beakley picks her up is a mood and I ship it
“Is that what I sound like? Oh, boy.” I love the way Bobby says “oh, boy”
“We would never!” “Yeah, we’re vegan.” At least these merpeople actually flat out say they don’t eat fish, unlike other merpeople who act all high and mighty even though they probably eat fish too
I love the one dude who just kinda flaps out of the water
I think Donald is just always angry ala Bruce Banner
Donald is me when someone says the wrong thing to me on an already shitty day
He just slings Dewey over his shoulder and drags Huey. I feel like a family meeting about chili is in their future. Though the Harp didn’t say whether or not Dewey was lying so...
“Our king returned and tried to eat us.” In the words of Zuko; that’s rough, buddy
“We’re all monsters on the inside.” “WE ARE?! GET IT OUT OF ME!” Vero is having a very bad day
“Mervana isn’t a place. It’s, oh boy, it’s in your heart!”
Louie and Webby make each other better and that’s what’s great about their team ups
“We need your inner-truths to move from your hearts to YOUR FISTS!” WEBBY WILL FUCK YOU UP
Poor Harp. It’s not her fault that she only has one setting
I WANNA RIDE A MERMAID! No, not that way! ok maybe that way too
Webby’s eyes sparkle when the merpeople get to land
“TIME TO SEND THIS FISH BACK TO SCHOOL!” Della knows how to one-liner
Her Naruto run is great. I bet she’s been watching it with the kids
Della is gonna wash her leg SO HARD after that
I don’t think Honestus should have gotten off so easy. The dude’s a dick who only cares about himself. I know that wouldn’t mesh with the moral of the episode, but I still hate him
Della looks so fucking confused, like LP usually does. THEY ARE MEANT TO BE BESTIES
Dewey kept his tail. So cute!
“She’s kinda harshin’ my vibe.” I know, my dude, I know
“And it’s finally where it belongs.” “Telling shiftless hippies to get a job!” Scrooge is harshin’ my vibe. Stupid capitalist
The head kiss Beakley gives Webby GIVES ME LIFE! SO PURE
Well of course she’s fibbing! Beakley is/was a SPY! Her job was secret keeping!
I really enjoyed this episode. I, like Webby, ADORE mermaids so I wasn’t gonna complain there. I liked that the merpeople weren’t actually evil because that would have been predictable af. It really ties in with the legacy theme of this season. Just because the people who came before you were jerks doesn’t mean you have to be. I think I enjoyed the other episodes a bit more but that’s probably because they were a bit more focused on a single character and only introduced a few new characters. I give it an 8/10, not enough Launchpad and not NEARLY ENOUGH fish puns
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evalinkatrineberg · 4 years
Flower Crowns and Rhododendrons
A/N: This is the product of two awesome RPs with @itzelbm-oc and @safiya-schreave ! :D
My heart was racing, each breath a flame in my lungs as I propelled myself forward. The song blasting through my earbuds was just about to hit its climax as I made my way back to the palace. I couldn’t have more than 400 meters left to go at this point. I was so close. I just had to keep pushing.
I kept my head facing forward, my face loose and expressionless as I ran down the dirt path of the garden, careful to avoid the purple flowers that the bees seemed to favor. I had already had a bad experience brushing too close to the flowers once, and I was not trying to go for a repeat performance.
As I was side-eyeing the flowers, something else caught my eye. Just a little further up ahead, someone was lying on a bench. Odd. Normally I didn’t see anybody while I was out running. I was under the impression that most other people were asleep.
I slowed to a stop by the bench, the worst case scenario already flashing through my mind. If this person was seriously injured, or ill, we were in trouble. I barely knew CPR - I had learned the basics of it once in a health class in high school, but I hardly remembered that now. The only safety procedures I was really well versed in were in regards to what to do if you got a chemical in your eye, or what to do if something caught fire. I was no doctor.
I paused the music on my phone, peering over at the girl who was on the bench. “Hey, are you okay?”
The girl frowned and then sighed. “I was.”
I briefly contemplated just running off right then and there.
The girl continued, wincing briefly before going on. “I am. I didn’t mean to come off rude. You’re Evalin, right? I’m Itzel.” Ah yes, Itzel Bree Morales. As soon as she said the name, I recognized her. She extended her hand towards me, smiling and explaining, “I just tend to lay down on the benches and either look at the sky, or close my eyes to relax for a bit. And here I thought it wouldn’t look that bad.”
An odd way to pass time, in my opinion, but who was I to judge? I smiled back at her, extending my own hand and shaking hers. “It’s nice to meet you Itzel! Sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t passed out, or something,” I explained, wincing a bit at the way I had completely misread the situation at hand.
Itzel didn’t seem to notice, however. She simply chuckled, nodding. “Guess I’ll have to be careful then. I think I’ll make a sign the next time and place it besides me when I do this again.” Well, that was one solution. She waved her hand through the air. “Ah, don’t worry too much about it. I was just wondering something and it’s my fault too. I knew one of these days someone was going to wonder if I was alive.”
Her explanation left me with more questions than answers, but I stayed quiet, watching as she twisted, grabbing ahold of a basket behind the bench that appeared to be filled with flowers. Catching my quizzical expression, she explained, “Don’t worry! I didn’t cut these flowers. I’ve been collecting them since I got here. These are the little ones that others either pluck or just naturally fall off. I usually lay down to think and I may have been a bit tired.”
I made a snap decision to suspend judgement for the time being. Itzel seemed like a kind person, and I didn’t want any of my personal opinions to ruin that for me. “Oh, those are some really pretty flowers!” I leaned over the basket, taking a closer look. Most of the flowers appeared to be marigolds or roses. “And if you ever want to talk about what’s on your mind, I’m happy to listen. I know what it’s like to get lost in your own head.” I let out a sympathetic laugh at that.
Itzel smiled and laughed along. “Well aren’t you a sweet one! Oh, I can agree. I think our head can be one of the darkest places to be in.” She patted the spot on the bench to her right, smiling up at me. “Have a little rest. I think I would like your company for a bit. Plus, I am here as well if you need someone to listen to you.”
“Thank you.” I would have loved to spill all my jumbled emotions at her feet right then and there, but I decided against it, figuring that that would not be a method for forming a strong foundation for a friendship. She didn’t need to hear about how confused my date with Arin had left me just yet. Instead, I took a seat, focusing on the flowers as I wrapped my headphones up around my phone. I should have really invested in airpods by now, but the fear that they would fall out of my ears while I was running held me back from doing so. I placed my phone in my lap.
“They are!” Itzel exclaimed, following my gaze to the flowers. “I was actually wondering what to do with them. I think flower crowns would work.”
“These flowers would be lovely for flower crowns,” I agreed, looking up at her, my brows furrowed. “Do you know how to make flower crowns?”
“I think we are going to get along just fine,” she replied with a wink. Then, grinning, she continued, “I happen to be an expert at making flower crowns. I’ve been making them for maybe four years now? I can teach you how to make them if you like.”
“I would love that!” I looked at the flowers again, wondering for a moment what I had just agreed to. I readjusted my position on the bench, angling myself to face Itzel. “Where do we begin?”
“Alright!” She hummed thoughtfully for a moment. “Pick out the color schemes first, unless you want to do it randomly.” She began to pick out some pink and orange flowers then by their stems, explaining and demonstrating simultaneously. “We start off with a pair and do it like a braid. You can do these with wires and it is much easier.”
Well, I certainly didn’t just so happen to have some wire on me. I pursed my lips. “Okay.” I picked up some small yellow flowers then - marigolds, I was pretty sure - and began braiding them together, glancing over at what Itzel was doing every few seconds to make sure I was using the correct technique. “How did you learn how to do this?”
“There you go,” she commended, looking at the flower crown that was beginning to form in my hands. “Oh, well, I think I was about eighteen or nineteen years old when I first started doing it, and it was all thanks to one of our neighbors.” She sighed then, a smile flashing across her face. “I had to beg her to teach me.”
“Was she a close friend of yours?” I returned her smile. “My best friend grew up in the house next door to mine. We used to spend almost all of our time together.”
She chuckled and answered, “I guess she was my friend.” She paused then, looking at me intently. It was almost unsettling, like her gaze could see into the very depths of my soul. “Used to? Are you no longer friends, or…” She trailed off before finishing her question.
“Oh.” I laughed a little. “No, we’re still friends! It’s just, I’m here, and, well, she’s still back home.” I shrugged, looking down at the flower crown in my hands again. I had been talking to June almost daily since my date with Arin, offloading almost all of my mixed emotions about it on to her. I might as well pay her for therapy sessions at this point. She really was a saint.
Itzel laughed again, though it sounded more forced this time. “Ah, okay, I was worried there. I couldn’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to be your friend. You seem to be sweet.” She inclined her head to the left, giving me a stare once again. “I see. Well, long distance relationships, of any kind, are pretty hard to maintain. It’s up to both parties to maintain communication. And even if you don't contact each other every day, if you’re able to just talk to each other randomly and nothing changes, then that is a great friend.” She placed her hand on my shoulder, the warmth of her touch like an anchor grounding me in the moment. “It’s normal to miss home, miss the people you left behind. No matter if you are here and she’s there, if your friendship is strong enough, then the distance doesn't seem bad. Especially with the technology we have today.”
I blushed at the first part of her comment. “Oh, thank you! You’re also very sweet!” Then, moving on to the latter portion of her response, I replied, “We’ve called each other a few times. It’s good to hear her voice. What about you? Do you miss your family, or friends?”
“No problem,” she replied, shaking her head and laughing. “You really are too sweet! Thanks for thinking I’m sweet, but to be honest, it depends on a person’s aura or vibe.” She wrinkled her nose then, adding, “I don’t know what it is, but it can be a but burdensome. I’m just glad you’re naturally kind.” She paused for a moment, before moving on to the second part of my comment. “Me? Of course I miss them. I miss my family. My friends at times, but mostly my family. I’m just glad to be able to call them every day.”
“It’s so refreshing to hear their voices, isn’t it?” I reiterated. “I mean, it’s so nice to be here, but…” I trailed off, shaking my head before looking at Itzel, lowering my voice slightly as I continued, “things couldn’t be further from normal here.”
“Definitely,” she agreed with a nod. Raising an eyebrow, she clicked her tongue and leaned in closer. “Ah, I know what you mean. I knew it wasn’t going to be normal the moment I turned in my application. I get it. The palace is beautiful! The rooms are spacious. The food is beyond delicious. And the beds are heaven! But our situation really is an odd one.”
I nodded. I couldn’t agree more. “What do you think of him - the prince, I mean?” I prayed she wouldn’t ask me the same question, though I was willing to bet she’d already know the answer before it even left my mouth. I didn’t know what to think of Arin at this point. A part of me wanted to hate him - he was infuriatingly rude, arrogant, and entitled, and yet at the end of our date, his kinder side had come to the light, and the way he had looked at me as he has walked me to my room had left the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, even when I just thought about it. I never wanted to see him again, and yet I wanted to find an excuse to see him soon at the same time.
How is he doing this?
“The prince?” Itzel hummed for a moment, tapping her foot. “I really don’t know what to think about him. He’s a bit of a mystery, in my opinion. I never really paid attention to the royal family or politics in general, so I’m at a disadvantage.” She chuckled as my mind drifted back to my conversation with Reggie in the library a few days ago. “I guess he’s polite. He does seem to like Angeles. It is his home, after all.” She shrugged, finishing with, “I don’t know what else to think about him. How about you? What do you think of him?”
Oh, God, where to begin?
“He was nice enough, during the interview. It’s not like thirty minutes reveals a lot about a person, though.” I shrugged and smiled apologetically, content to leave it at that. “I was never much into politics, either. I’m actually a biology student.”
She nodded, her eyes lighting up a bit. “Exactly. Thirty minutes is not enough to get to know someone. A biology student? I love all things science. What are you ultimately striving for?”
Itzel had just made it on to my list of my favorite people here. “I’d like to go into something related to cellular bio - ideally cancer research, though I worked in my genetics professor’s lab last semester, and she thinks my future career lies in something related to genetics.” As long as I leave the Selection right now and don’t look back, or give her classified government information. I shrugged. “Either way, I’d definitely like to be on the research side of things.” I furrowed my eyebrows then. “Are you a science student too, then?”
Her smile widened to lengths I had previously thought to be impossible. “Wow, cancer research! I know a professor who did just that. Her stories about her research fascinated me.” Can you put in a good word for me, Itzel? “You do what you want to do! At one point, I was interested in genetics. Punnet squares was honestly one of my favorite things to do when I was learning basic bio in high school. I considered it but -” she shrugged “- my heart and mind was set on one thing all my life. It’s complicated” Her eyes met mine again, and she added, “I do see you becoming successful on your research.”
That was right. Itzel Morales had been born a Seven, but she was a Three, now that she had been Selected. It shouldn’t be complicated anymore. I frowned. “Well, what’s your heart set on doing, then?”
“Well,” she began, finishing up her flower crown, “I know that I won’t have any problems now. I know what I want, and I’m a step closer. Neurology is a career that I have dreamt of having since I was a kid - neurosurgery, to be honest. I love the brain. The brain is, in my opinion, one of the most important organs.”
I felt my eyes grow wide before my face exploded into a grin. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t talked to Itzel sooner. “That’s awesome! I’m sure you’d make a great neurosurgeon! You definitely seem to have a level of drive and compassion that would lead you to be successful!”
She laughed, replying, “Thanks! I really appreciate your words. It does seem like things are starting to look up for me.” She kept her eyes on her flower crown, grinning. “I think we will both become successful in the future.”
God, I hoped she was right.
She placed the flower crown she had been making on my head then. “You can have this.”
Recovering from my initial shock at the kind gesture, I smiled, and them placed my own flower crown on her head. “And you can have this one. Sorry it’s not as good as the one you made.” I withdrew my hands, holding my left elbow with my right hand. “I’m glad things are looking up for you. I think we’ll both be successful, too.”
Itzel waved her hand through the air. “Don’t apologize, Evalin! It really is great - especially if this is your first time!” She inclined her head again, sighing before saying, “I know we’ll both be successful.”
I smiled, and she reached over, embracing me in a side hug. “I’m available any time you need to talk,” she reiterated. “You can drop by my room, too.”
“Likewise,” I said, beginning to stand. “I should probably get back to my room, though, and shower. I’ll see you around soon, though!”
“I’ll probably have to head back to my own room soon as well.” She gestured to the garden, adding, “But being here calms me a bit. See you soon, Eva! I hope you don’t mind the nickname! I’ll hold you to it!” She pointed at me before giving me a quick wave.
I waved back once before turning around and jogging off. Wow, a new friend and a nickname, all in one morning.
After showering and dressing for the day, I decided to head back out to the gardens and take advantage of the nice weather. I half hoped Itzel would still be out there when I returned, but unfortunately, when I passed by the bench I had seen her on before, I found it empty. It was okay, though. There were other things I could do in the garden. Anything to distract myself from my thoughts would do at this point.
I slipped one strap of my backpack off of my shoulder, pulling out a small, leather notebook that I had brought with me from home, eyeing the flower in front of me. I had never seen it before, but its delicate petals were drawing my eye at the moment, for one reason or another. I grabbed a pencil as well and began to sketch.
It was then that I realized I was not alone.
Safiya was sitting on a bench behind me, to my left, typing on her phone. I had walked right by her without even noticing. How rude! I flushed, focusing all of my energy into not stammering as I said, “Oh, good afternoon, Princess Safiya!”
She looked up from her phone then, smiling politely as she replied, “Evalin. Nice to see you.”
“Likewise,” I responded with a smile. “How are you?”
At that, she locked her phone, setting it in her lap. I hoped I wasn’t interrupting anything important - that hadn’t been my intention, at all. It just felt disrespectful to walk by her without saying anything. “As well as can be,” she answered. “What about you?”
“I’m well, thank you! Thought I might come out to the gardens and sketch a bit,” I explained, holding up my worn leather notebook. “It’s been a while since I’ve done that.”
She inclined her head. “Are you a scenery artist then?”
I blushed, hoping she wasn’t expecting me to show off some of my masterpieces - I didn’t have any, not even anything close. “I’m not much an artist at all, if I’m being honest. I like drawing individual flowers sometimes. It’s something different to do, you know?” I shrugged a little. “What about you - what brings you out here today?”
Now I really hoped I hadn’t interrupted something important. Safiya however, just hummed at my explanation, then lifted up her phone, shaking it a bit. “Finished up a conversation.” She paused. Ah, I did interrupt her! Shoot! “Those ones are in perfect bloom right now, if you’re looking for a new subject,” she added, gesturing to a nearby bush.
“Ah, fun conversations, I see.” The words flowed out of my mouth, my mind incapable of stopping them. I gave her a smile, hoping I wasn’t making too much of a fool out of myself, before following the direction of her gesture towards the bush. “Oh, okay, thank you! Those are rhododendrons, right?”
“They are,” she answered, smiling as she raised an eyebrow. “You know your flowers, then?”
“A bit,” I answered truthfully. “I was really into flowers as a kid. When I got bored on snow days, I used to make lists of flowers I wanted to plant.” I laughed at the memory of me sitting at the family computer, browsing lists of plants that probably wouldn’t even grow in the Carolina climate. “That feels like so long ago, now, though. Honestly, the drawings in this notebook are more orgo molecules than flowers at this point.”
Ah, yes. I wouldn’t complain about Safiya’s brother in her presence, so I had naturally reverted to my other personality trait - science. Smooth, Evalin.
Luckily for me, she didn’t question it, chuckling as she responded, “That happens to me more often than I’ll admit. School has quite the hold.”
I nodded, realizing that she probably understood this side of me more than most of the other people in this palace. “It really does. I’m still getting emails from professors even now.” With a laugh, I continued, “It’ll be worth it in the end, though.” At least, I hoped so. I couldn’t help but wonder if she felt the same. I inclined my head, pausing for a moment before I decided to go for it. “You’re in medical school, right? What made you choose that, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“An exceedingly strong and nagging desire to help people,” she answered instantly with a small smile, before amending, “beyond my current position.”
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back. “That’s extremely admirable.” I paused briefly, wondering if it was acceptable for me to open up a little to her. It wasn’t as if science was going to jeopardize my standing in the Selection, was it? Would she see it as pandering, or trying to gain her favor, though? I hesitated, but then admitted, “I was aiming to go into the research side of medicine, to do what I could to make a difference for the better in some people’s lives.”
That must have caught her attention, because she raised an eyebrow and asked, “Any specific field?”
“Cancer research,” I answered, thinking back to my conversation with Itzel that morning. I wished she were here for this. “At the cellular level. That was always my goal. It affects so many people, everywhere.” I sighed. I sounded like such a naive idealist, didn’t I? “I mean, I’m not foolish enough to believe that I’d one day single-handedly cure cancer, but I’d like to contribute to the effort, even if only a little bit.”
“You may not single-handedly, but your efforts would be just as valued.” She lifted a shoulder, adding, “Don’t sell yourself too short yet. There’s plenty to offer the world.”
I beamed. Was this happening? “Thank you! Honestly, who knows? Being here has made me realize that there’s so much more to the world than I thought there was, and for that, I’m grateful.”
If I was sent home soon, I’d have that much to take with me, at least. I wondered briefly if Arin had told her how our date had gone. I hoped he hadn’t. Having to live with the memory was mortifying enough. The thought of the story spreading around the castle like wildfire was enough to make me want to curl up in my room and never leave.
Safiya nodded once. “A good a start as any. This life tends to put many things in perspective.” The corner of her mouth twitched, an almost sympathetic half smile flickering across her face.
I nodded along. “It sure does.”
“Are you enjoying your time so far?”
You mean besides the date with your brother?
I forced a smile onto my face, refusing to complain. “Yes. Everyone I’ve met has been nice - friendly, even, for the most part - and the palace itself has anything anyone could ask for. It’s just very different, sometimes. Like, I never thought my family was anything but well off, and yet sometimes I look around here, and am astounded by just the sheer amount of wealth in the palace alone.” Was that offensive? I frowned. “Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it definitely took some getting used to.”
“It can be a bad thing,” she acknowledged. “Wealth is disproportional and I won’t hesitate to confirm that. Though I can understand the adjustment.”
I blinked once, nodding. “Yeah, that’s definitely something I’ve noticed.” My frown deepened, and I added, “It’s not as if anyone can help what they’re born into, though.”
“No,” she agreed. “They can simply help what they do afterwards.”
I found myself nodding again as she stood up, straightening her blouse. “Exactly. Is that where some of your desire to help others stems from?” I bit my lip then, my next few words coming out in a bit of a rush. “You don’t have to answer that, if you don’t want to! Sorry!”
“It’s a valid question.” With a polite smile, she paused, considering it for a moment before answering, “Mostly, at least. Among other reasons.”
“That makes sense.” I flashed her a grin. “I think it says a lot, too, that you care that much about others. It’ll make you a good doctor, for sure.”
“Well, that’s very kind. And I’m sure with hard work, you’ll excel in your field as well.” She clasped her hands in front of her.
Reading her body language, I flashed her another smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hold you up, if you have places to be!”
“Oh, no, it’s alright!” She reassured me, her smile a little more sincere than it had been previously. “A couple meetings to attend with my mother is all. No rush! I hope the flowers serve you well.”
“Thank you.” I mirrored her smile. “I hope the meetings go well!”
She gave me a small wave, saying, “See you soon, I’m sure,” before turning and walking away.
See you soon? Did that mean that Arin wasn’t going to send me home? Even after our disaster of a date? The possibility left me almost dumbfounded. What kind of game was this? I stared at the flowers in front of me as questions exploded like fireworks in my mind, coloring the walls of my brain in hues of red, green, and blue. I knew one thing in that moment, and that was that the only way that this would likely never make sense. Why? It shouldn’t be this complicated. Love was an issue of pheromones, of chemical attraction. If Arin didn’t feel that - and it certainly seemed like he didn’t - he should send me home. Not that I wanted to be sent home, but it only made sense that he would do that. Yet, here I was, in the gardens of the palace, staring at the rhododendrons, one word echoing in my thoughts louder than the rest.
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The Storm That's Brewing
Summary: They meet Roman's friend and have a chat about powers
Warnings: none? Tell me if I should add any
Chapter 10- Plants Vs Princes
The weather was splendid, if Roman did say so himself despite the winter rapidly closing in, not like Alicante, nor California, would really suffer from the cold. Still, with the fall sun shining hot, and a warm breeze drifting through the air, it was nice.
The start of their walk began quietly. Roman wasn't sure whether or not Virgil was mad at him. Obviously, he had reason to- Roman had teleported them across the globe, and couldn't get them back. Surprisingly, he hadn't spent too long in any part of America, and had very few places he could thing of teleporting. In his new city, there really were few spots he knew that didn't have cameras, or were bustling with people. In the city he grew up in wasn't too far from his current address, with his roommates, but he'd never really ventured far off of their property; his father feared he'd do something dumb. Imagine was everything, after all. Roman considered trying to go to his childhood home, but thought better of it. They'd surely be caught by some camera, or neighbour. It was barely worth the risk, especially when he had other manors of returning home.
A minute of silence passed until Roman had had enough of his thoughts. Though, he had nothing to say to Virgil that he was sure wouldn't upset him further. Was he upset? Or was it anger? Was it worse to say nothing, or add salt to the injury? He had to do something, he decided. The last thing he wanted Virgil to find him was boring. Rude, annoying? Sure, he'd heard that all before. But boring was something Roman King refused to be.
Untrusting of his words, Roman began to hum. He was vaguely aware of what the song was that he hummed, as he'd never not recognise anything from Heathers. 'Fight For Me', though, held a special place in his heart. He found the song in his dreams, or paintings of people he admired, and he found it stuck in his brain for several weeks on end. The tune was one he knew well, and thought not of, until Virgil joined in.
Virgil's humming was nearly silent. It was timid. It was unsure. It was sweet, and Roman was hooked. He lowered the volume of his own humming a little, to hear Virgil better, without discouraging him. To Roman's amusement, Virgil took the chorus' parts, and ended the song.
"You like Heathers?" Roman asked after they'd finished the song, excitement clear in his voice.
"The film's better, but yeah I love both." Virgil said sheepishly.
"The film's better?"
Virgil looked Roman dead in the eye, almost as a challenge- about to drop metaphorical gauntlet for a duel. "Christian Slater's eyebrows."
Roman had to concede. He looked ahead, seeing their destination looming near. "Fair point. Christian Slater is a snack. But the musical soundtrack is so powerful!"
"Let me guess: you're a sucker for 'Our Love Is God'."
Roman feigned offence. It was, of course, true, but he didn't like how Virgil had pegged him so easily. "It's romantic!"
"If you ignore the two murders in the middle."
Roman spun dramatically in a circle. "Exactly!"
"Dude, that's kind of an important fact to just glaze over."
"Possibly." Roman agreed, he supposed murder was a pretty big thing to just gloss over. "Anyway, I bet your favourite song is 'Freeze Your Brain'. You give off some real JD vibes."
Virgil paused, staring right at him. "I look like a psychopathic serial killer?"
Roman didn't catch the sarcasm. He backtracked, "No, no, no! Well-" He looked Virgil up and down, "Yeah, no, not really. You just have a dark edginess about you-"
"Calm down Princey, I'm messing with you. I do like 'Freeze Your Brain', and you're not the first one to think I give off psycho vibes. I played JD in my highschool's production."
"You're a theatre kid?" Roman practically yelled. He <i>knew it.<i/> Well, he hadn't actually thought about it before, but now that he knew it made so much sense. "I knew you could sing!"
Virgil smiled shyly in response.
"Sing something with me- Disney, you must know Disney."
"Yes, I know Disney. No, I'm not singing." He started walking again, getting several feet in front of Roman before he thought to catch up. For someone so short, he surely walked quickly.
"Please," Roman begged, "From your favourite Disney film. What is it?"
"Black cauldron. No songs, it's perfect."
Roman pouted.
"Not happening Princey."
"Alright, alright." He pointed forward. "Anyway, our destination is right up that hill. The easiest pathway starts from the edge of town, unless you want to hike."
"Can't you just teleport us? Hiking sucks."
"But then we'd miss all the scenery. Besides, I want to see if my friend Bea is around." Plus, I need to save my energy, he thought.
"Fine." Virgil agreed.
Bea was, just as Roman had hoped, around. She sat at her flower stall, looking bored, with a pink flower crown she'd probably spent too much time making on top of her head. She hadn't changed too much since Roman last saw her, despite her hair having grown from a pixie cut to well past her shoulders. Nowadays, his visits to Spain were scarce.
She didn't spot Roman straight away, as she was absorbed in her phone, her face obscured by her hair. Roman took this opportunity to sneak up on her from behind. He snatched her phone out of her hand.
"Hey!" She protested, spinning round to face Roman. The moment she saw him, her angry expression dropped to one of surprise, and then joy. She pounced on Roman, engulfing him in a hug with such power that it almost knocked him to the ground. Despite being thin, she was almost Roman's height, and could really get some force into her hugs.
She pulled out of the hug, wearing an expression of anger again. "Where have you been? You haven't visited in months. No calls, no texts, and you haven't posted in Instagram in like two weeks which I guessed meant you were dead."
Roman passed her her phone. "My sincerest apologies, although you could've texted me," Bea did not like this answer. "I've been busy with work, and you know, moving house."
"You moved? Since when?"
"Since a month ago. I'm living in an apartment with two lovely roommates, and J-Delightful over there." He gestured towards where Virgil was standing a foot or two away. Virgil gave a small, awkward wave in response.
Bea rushed over to Virgil. "Ohmygosh you're so pretty! Sorry I didn't see you, and sorry Roman's so terrible at introductions. I'm Bea."
"Virgil." He smiled politely.
"Wait a sec, I have something perfect for you-" Bea swiftly moved behind her stall and retrieved two more flower crowns: one red and yellow, braided with flowers that Roma recognised to be red carnations, as well as some other smaller blooms, and a crown which consisted mainly of deep purple flowers with kite shaped petals, and some more, pinker flowers in between. As she passed him, she placed the red flower crown hastily on Roman's head, completely messing his hair up in the process. In a less aggressive manner, she kindly offered Virgil the other crown.
"Oh, no, it's alright-"
"Don't worry. I make loads. My friend has been cloning some of my plants for me so I have way more than I need."
"Okay, well, thank you." Virgil said, placing the flower grown lightly on his head. Roman never expected to see Virgil wearing something to colourful. Roman tried his best not to stare, failing horribly. He opened his phone camera to hide his face, and to fix his hair which Bea had rudely ruffled.
"Aw, you look so cute! Purple suits you." Bea said, impressively energetically. Roman knew from several late night adventures in their youth, that Bea had overwhelming stores of energy that never seemed to run dry. Coming from Roman this statement truly held some weight.
"You have a boyfriend." Roman reminded her, a little more defensively than usual.
Bea laughed, "Yeah, and you don't, what's your point?" She looked between Roman and Virgil excitedly. "Unless you two are...?"
"No!" Both boys said, a little too quickly. They stared at one another quickly, surprised. Virgil broke eye contact first, looking down at his feet. Roman noticed a blush creeping onto his cheeks, matching his flower crown.
Roman switched his camera round and discreetly took a picture of the blushing emo, for teasing purposes of course.
"Wow okay, didn't mean to offend anyone." Bea reassured, gently waving a white flower in peace.
"You could never." Roman denied just as Virgil whispered, "You didn't."
"Well, anyway," Bea changed the subject, "I'm running out of space to store all these plants so you're both taking two each home."
Roman had forgotten how bossy Bea could be, even when doing something nice.
Roman slid his sunglasses down onto his nose and peered at Bea over the top."You want us to carry four plants back?"
"I'm sure you'll manage, Maharajah"
Virgil wasn't sure he'd heard right. "Maharajah?"
"Oh, it's a really funny story. So I was hosting this Indian exchange student ages ago because my dad knows like three words in Hindi and thought he could speak to them, which was a disaster. Anyway, literally the second he saw Roman he just says 'Maharaja' so me and Roman are just really confused, obviously, but we don't think much of it. Maybe he has a friend that looks like Roman-"
"He'd be lucky." Roman remarked.
Bea ignored him. "-called Maharajah but then him and his friend keep snickering about if and saying it whenever Roman was being, well, Roman,"
Virgil piped in this time, "So, extra?"
Bea pointed at him. "Exactly! We asked him what it meant and he, in a thick Indian accent, was just like 'In English, I think you'd describe him as an extra bitch' which of course I would but it was hilarious and Roman was moping for the rest of the day."
"I was not moping! I don't mope." Roman protested.
"Hush, Roman. The grown ups are speaking. Go get some plants."
Virgil snickered.
"I'm older than both of you?"
Bea stared at Roman, unyielding, until he huffed and went behind the stall to look at all the plants.
"But yeah so we googled Maharajah and they used that name for their kings-"
"Which I am." Roman said, holding two small plants up to his eye level, as if they were evidence in a murder investigation.
"-or emperors or whatever but now they just use it for extra bitches like Roman."
"That's... Kind of perfect." Virgil said. "At the apartment, we just call him pool noodle, not to be confused with our snake who we call cute noodle."
Roman emerged from the stall with a pot of red flowers, which were just beginning to bloom. "I thought I was the cute noodle."
Virgil smiled apologetically, "Sorry, that's Raman."
"Raman?" Bea asked.
Virgil confirmed, "The cute noodle."
"Ahhhh, makes sense. But why do you guys have a snake? Like, they're cool but a kind of random pet."
"Virgil and his much kinder-" He shot a smug look at Virgil, "brother, Patton, saved it from some birds. It's only staying with us until the end of the week."
"You're just jealous it gets more attention than you, Princey."
Roman poked one of the flower's buds. "I most certainly am not."
"Hey, be gentle with that. It's just starting to bloom, loser. It's a poinsettia, and I knew you'd choose that one." She nudged Roman playfully. "What about you Virgil, which two do you want?"
Virgil looked over the options. The stall was full of different varieties of plants. What first caught Virgil's eye were a load of hanging plants, dropping down from the top of the stall. They looked cool, but Virgil had nowhere to keep them. The table had a huge variety of plants, none of which Virgil could name, though he liked their pretty colours and shapes.
"What's the easiest to keep alive? I suck at gardening."
"I usually have some succulents or cacti which are pretty much impossible to kill but they need repotting so... Okay, this one." She handed Virgil a plastic pot with a few small, vibrant purple flowers. "They're African violets, very easy to care for, but they don't like direct sunlight. What about the other plant?"
"Uh, I don't know, maybe something for my brother? I don't know."
"Aw, that's so sweet, what does he like?"
What would Patton like? A flower? A succulent? One of the leafy ones? "Uh... He likes colourful stuff?"
"Oh, me too. What about a polka dot plant?" She picked up a small bush plant with pink leaves spilling out of the side. "It's pretty easy to keep alive- indirect sunlight, water every few days and it should thrive."
Virgil moved his violets under one arm and took the polka dot plant from Bea, making sure to get a good grip on both. He'd be mortified if he dropped either fragile plant. "Thank you, he'll love it." He said, pouring as much gratitude as he could into the sentence. Roman's friend, who he'd known for a solid five minutes was giving him two free plants which seemed to be what she earned a living from, and seemed to genuinely care about his brother. Plus, she annoyed Roman- that was a bonus. If Virgil had any money he would've given it to Bea, but it was... Right, in another continent. That still hadn't sunk in.
Bea smiled and looked back to Roman. "What about you?"
"Me? What about me? Are we talking about me?" Roman asked. He'd tuned out of the conversation a few minutes ago to continue a daydream. He noticed Virgil trying to cover his mouth to stop laughing with a plant still in his hand, subsequently getting leaves in his mouth. Karma.
Bea merely shook her head, "No, dude, pick another plant."
He glanced at Virgil, who was struggling to spit out a leaf from the plant he'd selected for Patton. Roman considered for a moment, "I should probably get one for Logan."
"Your other roommate?" Bea asked. Roman nodded. "What does he like?"
"Uh..." Roman realised how little he knew about Logan. He could only recall one instance in which he'd spoken to Logan alone, and that was only a short conversation about coffee. He looked to Virgil for guidance, who dismissed him with a shrug. "He likes science and... Robots?"
Bea shook her head very slightly. "I don't happen to have any robot flowers today but this is pretty cool." She showed Virgil and Roman a pot full of stones. Roman waited a moment, wondering whether a bright pink plant would shoot through the rocks and sing the alphabet (or something more scientifically possible) but nothing happened.
"Where's the plant?" He asked.
Bea held the plant closer to them. "Here." She insisted.
Roman and Virgil shared a confused look.
"They're not rocks," Bea explained. "They're succulents. Kinda dull to look at but like, they're cool."
"No way." Virgil whispered, feeling the rock-plant. Roman followed suit, expecting a rough texture. It surprised him to feel that strange rubbery, plastic-like texture succulents all had.
"I don't remember it's actual name but me and Bella call it Rocky, obviously."
"I'm sure Logan will know its name, species, origin and at least two random facts about it." Roman said, no intentions of malice behind his words. He accepted the pot from Bea, tucking it under his spare arm.
Virgil let slip a laugh before he could compose himself back to that neutral, nearly annoyed looking expression he wore most of the time. Why he suppressed his smiles and laughter was a mystery to Roman- he looked so carefree when he laughed. It would have to be Roman's new quest: to cheer up the emo.
Bea squinted up at the sky. "The sun's about to set and I should probably get these plant children inside but it was really nice to meet you, Virgil."
"You too."
Roman was very conscious of the size of Bea's stall, and the little amount of daylight they had left. He offered, "Any help getting the flowers back to yours?"
"Nah, I'm good." Bea lifted the cloth that covered the stall, revealing wheels on the table legs. Roman laughed, what a Bea thing to do.
She kicked at one of the wheels, spinning it to face he same direction of the others. Bea grabbed one end of the stall and pulled it slightly. "Roman, you better text me later, and if either of you or your roommates have any questions about your plants or just want a chat, message me. Visit soon!" She pulled the cart away slowly.
Virgil and Roman yelled their goodbyes after her, then set off down the path up the hill.
As per Virgil's request, they sat under a tree, not too close to the water. Of course Virgil wanted to be in the shade, here was probably melting in that black jacket.
The scene in front of them was beautiful. The number of selfies Roman had taken in this spot was infinitesimal (meaning extremely large, not tiny, as Logan had mistaken a few days ago). They had a perfect view of the sea, and setting sun. And Virgil? He was a view of his own. Of course, he lacked any sense of style at all, clad in black from head to toe, although Roman quite admired that. The juxtaposition of the colourful sunset behind Virgil, with Virgil's black, silhouette like stature looked like an artwork Roman would have painted. Perhaps he would a little later.
"What?" Virgil asked. He placed his plant pots in the space between where they were sitting.
"Why are you staring, Prince Edward?" Virgil crossed his arms over his chest.
"Prince Edward?"
"Yeah." Virgil said slowly, "From Enchanted."
Roman gasped, offended. "Why of course I knew he was from Enchanted. I was just surprised that you of all people would compliment me."
"Compliment? He's stupid and sings too much." Virgil paused a second. "What do you mean 'me of all people?'"
"He's brave and does anything in the name of love! And he sings a perfectly reasonable amount. Plus, he's handsome. I find him rather relatable." Virgil waited for him to answer his question. "I said 'you of all people' because I don't think I've ever heard you compliment anyone."
Virgil hugged his arms to his chest. "Or maybe you've never done anything that I should compliment."
"What do you mean? I look like this-" he gestured around wildly. "-every day."
[this chapter is so long I'll post the rest in a sec]
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nyctolovian · 6 years
Summary:  Meet the parasite Vree
A/N: I was supposed to post this yesterday (i posted on ao3 yesterday) but um... welp, its like  that sometimes.
Also, I just did a refining of the plot annd uhhhhh it just grew by like.... 6 chapters???? im??? so??? screwed??? I've never written anything this long seriously before and uhh ((im srs when i say this is a huge ass feat for me please support my sed writing ass))
Special thanks to @lunasloveliess and @oorubixoo for beta reading this :D This chapter was pretty difficult to write.
The walls of the quarantine room were pristinely white, and the room smelled clean. It wasn’t hospital-clean, or Galran-jail-clean. It was just neat, like a new untouched bedroom. There was a large glass pane that let Lance see into the room next to his. Below it was a speaker and microphone, so Lance assumed this was going to be the mode of communication he was going to use if the team wanted to speak to him while he was still in quarantine.
He wondered if he could ask Allura to turn on the air-conditioning. But there was no communication button anywhere so he probably couldn’t activate the communicator on the wall from the inside. He rolled over onto his other side, and onto the side of the bed that had yet to accumulate his body heat. He had dumped the blanket onto the floor because it was making him heat up way too quickly. But not before inspecting it and counting the number of flowers, petals and Altean bee-sparrow-rabbit hybrids (Sparabbees!) printed on it.
What? Was Lance bored? Oh, no, not particularly. Why would you say so? (Yes, he was dying of boredom.)
He’d been in here for god-knew-how-long with nothing to do. Immediately after his body checks in the cryopod, he was sent here to wait for the results. That was fair. Lance wouldn’t want a possibly rogue paladin running about the castle either. He also knew that the others would talk about this issue separately before coming to find him, although they did not mention a word of this. But it was probably a given.
He sighed. This was the second time he was locked up in a windowless room with absolutely no stimuli. This time, he had a bed though. And possibly someone else with him. But it made no difference if that someone refused to talk.
“Hey, you,” Lance said aloud. “I know you’re there.”
No response.
“Helloooo?” He groaned. “Seriously, there’s no use hiding. You already revealed yourself! And I know you can hear me, alright?”
No response still.
Lance groaned and flopped onto his back. “Stop pretending you aren’t there! You either start talking or get out of my body right this instant.”
I’m sorry… But I can’t. Get out, I mean.
Lance startled. The voice was finally talking to him! He tried to regain his composure. “W-Why not?”
I-I’m not really sure. Sorry. I’ve tried to but I seem to be… stuck. I-I don’t know why. Leaving my host’s body was never an issue but I seem to be locked in by your tissues. I’m sorry, the voice replied.
“Wait,” Lance said. “So you’re a thing? With, like, a physical body and stuff?”
Yes, I have a body.
He let out a sigh. “That’s… less frightening than some spirit thingy existing in my head or something.” It sounded… less druid.
I’m not the work of a druid. I assure you.
Lance bounced upright. “Okay. Wait. So you can read minds?”
Well… yes, I can read my host’s mind.
Lance sighed and scratched his head. “Okay, how can I know that you’re telling the truth that you aren’t druid? For all I know, you could be lying to me. ‘Cause it seems like this mind reading thing is pretty one-sided.”
There was a moment of silence before the voice said, T-true. I don’t have concrete proof, but do you recall the dream you had? While you were in the so-called healing pod?
That strange dream. “You were the alien in the jar? Everything was from your perspective, right?”
Yes. And everything you saw and felt is genuine.
“Oh, then are you…”
Yep. A very specific feeling was transmitted to Lance. If the voice could clear their throat, they would at this point. The name is Vrizerain. But most call me Vree.
“Oh. Uh… I-I’m Lance.”
They chuckled. I’m aware. But nice to meet you. Properly.
Lance rubbed the back of his head. Vree seemed kind of polite and nice. Lance didn’t get any bad vibes from them and, for some reason, he felt inclined to believe in them.
Maybe it was the fact that even though he couldn’t read Vree’s mind like they got to read his, he could still feel a slight bit of his emotion seep into his words.
It really felt like Vree was just as confused and worried as Lance was about the situation. And their apologies felt sincere. Every word was spoken with care, like they were tiptoeing in a nursery during naptime.
Or maybe it was the fact that he had seen the dream through Vree’s eyes.
The momentary comfort of seeing their friend, Frivirion; the visceral fear of watching the druids enter, which could only spell danger; the genuine agony of… it all, expecting the same fate to eventually befall them. Lance realised that they weren’t meant to be shared. The memory was so personal — the emotions so raw, it made Lance feel like an intruder.
With those emotions echoing in his chest, Lance decided, “I’ll trust you. For now.”
Lance wasn’t as bored as he was before, having someone to talk to for most of the remaining duration of his quarantine, but the door of the room next door opening was still a huge relief for him. He leapt off his bed and rushed to the glass pane in excitement.
In came everyone, all looking tense. They closed the door behind them. Their mouths moved, but Lance couldn’t hear a word. They talked to each other for a while longer before Allura gave Coran a nod. Then, Coran fiddled with the control panel in front of the window pane on their side. The speaker crackled for a while before falling somewhat silent, save for the added ambient sounds from the other room, but otherwise, everyone remained quiet. Lance stared at the team, waiting for someone to speak.
It took a while before the silence was broken.
“Hey, Lance,” Keith said. “Can you hear me?” He was the most calm in this situation. Somehow.
“H-Hey. Yeah. You’re clear.”
“We’ve got some results,” Pidge said as she flipped through the pages of her folder. Her voice was rather soft, like she didn’t know how to speak to him now. Honestly, Lance couldn’t blame her. “We ran some checks and there’s this worm-like parasite in stuck in your spine.”
Parasite?! Vree whined loudly in Lance’s head.
“Your tissues seemed to have healed over it in an unusual way… Probably because of the healing pod.”
Oh… That… would explain why I’m stuck like this.
Lance asked, “Is there a way to take the… well, parasite out?”
Lance! Not you too!
“Surgery, maybe,” Hunk said. “But it’s going to be, like, really difficult considering how it’s practically attached to your spinal cord. Removing it might cause spinal damage. I mean, none of us here are medical experts, so unless we’ve got a doctor, we don’t really know what to do.”
Lance winced.
“We will try to find a surgeon who can remove the parasite,” Allura said. “But… we shouldn’t get our hopes too high.”
Parasite again. Stop calling me that.
Bending down to Pidge’s height, Coran flipped through the folder in her hand. Pidge visibly cringed at the page that Coran, who swiftly took out the piece of paper, had stopped at. “Here is the thing, Number 3,” Coran explained as he pressed the paper against the glass pane for Lance to look at, “the creature living in your spine now looks like this.”
Lance leaned into the glass and squinted at the picture.
It was a grotesque black-and-white photo of a creature lodged between what looked like the bones and nerves of his spine. It looked like some kind of half-worm, half-spider thing.
Coran lifted the page off the glass slightly to point at the image of the parasite. “The creature is lodged between the disk of your vertebrae and entangled with some of your spinal nerves. It’s rather tricky, you see?”
That’s a whole lot of mess I’ve gotten into.
“You can say that again,” Lance said in response to both Coran and Vree.
“We will be running one more test for you. But for that, we will require Princess Allura to enter your room,” Shiro said.
Everyone on the other side was tensed up again.
“We’ll be on guard,” Keith said, lifting his bayard up for Lance to see. “Just, um, don’t transform or attack Allura or something, and we’ll be fine, I think. She’s just coming in to check on your quintessence stuff. It shouldn’t hurt…” He glanced to Allura for affirmation, and when she nodded, he looked back at Lance. “Can you do that?”
I suppose that’s fine…? If that’s really it, Vree said. Can we trust them?
Lance smiled. They wouldn’t lie to him. “Okay, yeah. Allura can do her thing. No problem.”
Allura was let into the quarantine room. Everyone else was deathly still. “Hey, princess,” Lance said with a tiny wave. He chuckled nervously. “W-will this hurt by the way?”
“It should not,” Allura assured him. She raised her palms towards him and wrapped them around the crown of his head. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. Then, Lance and Allura began to glow a soft light.
Allura slowly opened her eyes and revealed her glowing purple irises. The light faded. “Your quintessence is still the same,” she said.
“So Lance is still Lance?” Hunk asked, his hands clenched in front of his chest.
“Yes. His soul has not been changed fundamentally.”
Everyone visibly relaxed with a sigh in unison.
“I could sense the quintessence of another creature in your back, as expected. And its quintessence is intricately entangled with yours. Like a bond of some sort,” she continued.
Like a telepathic one?
Allura yelped and leapt back.
“Princess!” Coran yelled.
Keith charged in, pushing Allura behind him, as Hunk and Pidge followed behind. Eyes determined, they brandished their bayards at Lance, who raised his arms in surrender.
Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Sorry.
“I’m half-convinced you’re doing these things on purpose,” Lance muttered bitterly.
“W-Wait,” Allura said, gently nudging Keith away. “Lance, have you established a telepathic bond with the parasite?”
For the last time, I’m not a parasite… Lance could almost sense a pout in Vree’s voice.
“Well, yeah. And Vree doesn’t really like you guys calling them a parasite,” Lance said.
I can talk through you, so anyone with direct skin contact with you can hear what I say.
“Skin contact lets him talk to others apparently,” Lance explained.
Tentatively, Allura placed a hand on Lance’s arm. “Like this?”
Yep! That’s right!
A frown creased Allura’s brow as she tried to process this new information. “H-How unusual,” she mumbled.
“Wait, Princess Allura, you can actually talk to the para— to the thing?” Shiro asked.
Allura nodded.
“That sounds kinda gross. Talking to some worm thing, I mean,” Pidge commented.
Before Vree could respond to that, Allura asked them, “Is speaking to multiple people possible?”
Um… Yeah, I think so.
Allura seized the closest person, Keith, and made him hold Lance by the hand. “Say something.”
Um, hello again.
Keith blinked several times, surprised. “H-hello? I guess?”
And, Lance, I’ve been meaning to ask this but what is this strange feeling in your chest whenever this—
“Vree! Alright! Okay! Um! Uhhh...” a red-faced Lance shouted to interrupt Vree. “Anyone else want to try out this whole new concept of speaking to aliens through direct contact?”
Eventually, after much talking and convincing, everyone was in direct contact with Lance, who was weirded out by the number of hands on his arms.
“You want to do a self-intro, Vree?” Lance asked.
I am Vrizerain from Regeunde. Most call me Vree.
“Wait. Did you say you are from Regeunde?” Coran exclaimed. “But we visited the planet right after we rescued Hunk and Lance, and there was… no one left there.”
The Regeunders… are extinct now. Or at least, they’re not on Regeunde anymore.
Coran sighed loudly.
My kind are the Immarin, and I assume you don’t know of us. The Regeunders never found out about us either. We attach ourselves to other species so we can blend in with the Regeunders.
“So what I, um, transformed into,” Lance said.
“But I thought Regeunders were small cats,” Keith said, turning to look at Coran.
Are they? Well, they’ve been gone for ten thousand years. We don’t really know what they look like anymore. I’m sorry.
“Evolution?” Hunk suggested. “A lot can change in ten thousand years. Especially if the Galra threaten the planet.”
Pidge nodded at the possibility. “Transformation is pretty useful if you are threatened. Essentially, Lance and this, um, Vree have a symbiotic relationship at the moment where the host, I assume, offers nutrients while the symbiont provides an alternative defense mechanism.”
That’s right. The amount of nutrients we can usually obtain outside of our host’s body is only enough for survival. We need a lot more if we aim to live longer and reproduce.
Lance paled. “Hold up—”
We clone outside of the host’s body, Lance.
“Okay, that’s a relief. You know, too many movies I’ve seen have these weird creatures being inside humans and bursting—”
“Lance,” Keith interrupted, “I beg you to stop. It’s kind of bad enough as it is right now.”
“Okie dokie. Yep. That’s probably a good idea.”
“How did you attach yourself to Lance?” Coran asked. “Surely not on Regeunde. They didn’t even get to reach that planet.”
“Long story short,” Lance replied, “Remember those cuts on my back? I landed on a pile of those, um, specimens, plus all the glass, and while I was like that, they kinda crawled in through the wound in my back.”
Pidge cringed. “Ugh, gross, gross, gross.”
“Well, it was only because of Vree that I could make it out of the ship. They helped me navigate through everything and stuff, apparently.”
“So what else can you do, uh, Vree?” Allura pressed.
I can read Lance’s mind. And I know that he’s currently thinking of this movie called Alien. Specifically the part where this man’s chest—
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Shiro said.
Sorry. That’s fair.
“You can read his mind,” Hunk said. “As in, everything he’s thinking?”
Um… Yeah. It’s to facilitate efficient communication between me and my host.
“That is…” Allura pursed her lips. “That is rather dangerous… isn’t it? For us. It would be terrible if our information were to be leaked out.”
“We need that surgery asap,” Hunk said. “I don’t trust that parasite.”
Lance felt Vree’s discomfort like a itch in his chest. Umm… Sorry but I- Well, I’m not a para—
“Look here,” Hunk yelled, glaring at Lance’s back. “As far as I’m concerned you’re invading my best friend’s body. You’re a parasite. And, now, you’re even invading his own private life! I don’t care what the purpose of your mind reading is, it’s personal. We all have things we want to keep personal.
“Hey, Hunk,” Lance said, shrugging as best as he could with all the hands on his arms. “It’s not that—”
Hunk’s eyes darted upwards. “Lance, we don’t know this Vree friend of yours. You shouldn’t be accepting this so quickly. For all we know, this Vree creature can be dangerous. Letting anyone into your brain and thoughts is never a good idea.” He huffed. “And I assume that puma thing I saw was you?”
Well, um, yes—
“And it wasn’t the lizard thing that killed the Galra either, was it? It was you, right?” Hunk continued. “That thing was dead after all. I bet you killed it too.”
You’re right agai—
“I knew it! I knew it, knew it, knew it! That thing has been bothering me from the beginning! Do you guys not understand the danger of this?!”
Pidge was the first to pick up on what Hunk meant. “Lance’s body was controlled without him knowing.”
A shudder ran through the rest of the team as Lance laughed nervously. “Hey, um…”
Vree tried to explain, I only have partial control over his body’s actions while in the transformed state. I can’t control a thing while he is, um, normal. And Lance was unconscious previously so I could control his body without a hitch.
“Yeah,” Lance agreed quickly. “And Keith probably saw today that I had control over my own actions as well! You know, it’s like one person is using the trackpad and one person is using the mouse on the same laptop at the same time.”
“Lance, you knew about this?!” Hunk breathed, outraged. “That thing used your body to… to kill all those Galra like that! Without you knowing a thing!”
“I-It can’t really be helped, right?” Lance smiled back in reassurance. “Besides, I was in mortal danger and stuff, so Vree actually saved me. Although I wished everything wasn’t done so brutall—”
Hunk cut him off. “Lance, this means there could be a next time when you are unconscious or sleeping or — I don’t know — and- and that thing can just use you to do whatever shady business it wants or even murder us! Do you understand that?”
I promise I won’t do that. I really don’t mean any harm, Vree pleaded. We, Immarins, as a species are generally—
Hunk groaned loudly and let go of Lance, refusing to hear another word from Vree. “As if we can just take your word for it. We’re not little kids. A pinky swear that you’ll do no harm isn’t going to convince us.”
Everyone was holding their breath. Their eyes were on Lance, as though pleading him to say something in response, because no one else knew what to say — even if they could muster the courage to speak up.
“Look, Hunk,” Lance’s voice was gentle. “Vree’s just trying their best.”
“I’m just trying to protect you, Lance,” Hunk replied, looking at Lance earnestly. “And this team. We can’t risk it.”
“I get it,” Lance replied, voice firm now. “We’re all worried, but Vree’s scared too. And it’ll be difficult from here on out if we’re all super defensive and stuff.”
“Lance, why do you trust it? What makes you think you can trust it?” Hunk shouted, punctuating his sentences with gestures. “Why aren’t you more wary?”
“H-hey,” Keith said, “Hunk.” He looked between the Red and Yellow Paladin, somewhat regretting speaking up. “I’m sure Lance has his reasons. Right?”
“Yeah.” Lance stood his ground. “I may not be able to read Vree’s mind, but I can feel their emotions. I know that they are genuinely concerned and sincere. And, right now, you are hurting them.”
“Those so-called emotions,” Hunk said, air-quoting, “can be some way to dupe you, Lance. Did you even learn anything after Nyma tricked you?”
Lance gasped softly.
“Do you want a repeat of that again? This time, it won’t just be your lion, Lance! You can’t trust this parasite!”
“But what else can I do but trust Vree?” Lance screamed. “Vree’s there and we can’t just get rid of them. Not unless I want to severely damage my spinal cord! You guys said it yourself! So all I can do is trust them and pray for the best. I’m scared too, okay? But what other choice do I have?”
Hunk’s eyes widened.
“Oh! Or you could just lock me in a cryopod for the rest of my life until we can take them out,” Lance said, sarcasm dripping from his words. “You know, that way I won’t have any thoughts for Vree to access, and there’s no way for them to do anything with my body. Would you like that instead?” His breath hitched as he realised what he had just said. “Oh. Oh no,” he breathed. “Oh god, Hunk. I-I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“No,” Hunk said, holding his hands up. “You’re not wrong.” He rubbed his eyes roughly with his palm and let out an exasperated groan. “I’m out. I’m out.”
“God. I’m sorry, Hunk,” Lance stuttered out in alarm. He pushed everyone aside and seized his best friend, who froze.
With bated breath, the world waited. Then, with gentle, warm hands, Hunk pried Lance’s fingers away from his arm. “Please just give me some space.” With that, he left, closing the door behind him lightly.
Everyone in the room stood still, not uttering a word. It was so unusual to see Hunk flare up like that, but it was even more unusual to see the two best friends yell at each other. It felt almost surreal to witness this. A bitter taste was left on everyone’s tongue.
But Lance had it worst. His chest was aching with guilt, and his head was hot with anger, both at everything, and at himself. His lungs were searing with the urge to yell, yet he felt that he had no right to raise his voice any further.
God. Why the hell did he have to yell and say things like that? Why did he have to be stuck with this wreck of a situation?
The first thing to break the heavy silence wasn’t even a noise.
I’m really sorry.
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