#meatless march
sewgeekmama · 6 months
Considering a Plant Based Diet, Sort Of
I am currently watching a very interesting documentary on Netflix called The Game Changers about a quest for the optimal diet for human performance and health. I had no idea it was going to be about a plant-based diet, but it quickly took a turn into vegan town pretty quickly. I tried to be a vegetarian once in high school, after we read Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle.” It lasted about two days…
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cornsword · 2 years
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Dead Doves were Born to be Eaten
Here is chapter 2/2 of the continuation fic to Sleeping with Spiders, I hope you're happy you little nasties. We're back and gorier than ever It's fucked, real fucked. There is murder, smut, violence, if you are not comfortable with these themes, don't worry it's not going to hurt my feelings if you scroll on by, I'll still love you.
Chapter 2
Their ecological role is to be prey,” said some doctor during a nature documentary, you had only turned on for the background noise. “They are born to be eaten, and humans are just one of their predators. Hunting has not caused any decline in the various dove species.” Its true, the bird's populations remain resilient, mostly because of their prolific reproduction methods. They’re basically flying rabbits. Commonly, producing only a pair of eggs for each nest, a mating pair will produce up to five broods of young annually, nesting from March until November. Eggs take just 2 weeks of incubation to hatch.
So in short you don't feel as bad about hunting them as you once did. The guilt that once weighed down your shoulders like a ton of bricks every time you grabbed your rifle for a hunt, that made you suffer through countless, meatless dinner nights with only the vegetables you grew from your amateur garden and instant ramen you had picked up from your bimonthly trip to town, to fill your stomach, had all passed. You were able to rationalize it now. It was okay.
They were born to die and be eaten.
You inhale a breath of crisp air into your lungs, it smells overwhelmingly like the pine trees surrounding you in this moment. As you exhale you take the time to level your rifle and aim while you prepare to shoot.
Since moving up here, so much has changed in these past few months. A part of you was worried that the isolation would get to you, that years of living in the city in your comfy apartment, would have made you too soft for this life. But in truth you loved it. You found your cabin to be cozy and charming. The chirping of birds and the delicate rustle of the leaves caused by the mountain breeze turned out to be quite relaxing while you painted. As far as finding being lonesome went, well…
He did stop by quite often, so you wouldn't say that you were all alone.
You had met him some months ago, right before you had decided to move up here. Your first meeting was… unconventional to say the least. But he had expressed great interest in your artwork and you found his talents to be quite entertaining as well. You wouldn't call it love, in your opinion you were both just a little bit too twisted for such a sentiment, instead a mutual fascination was born the the night the two of you crossed paths. 
Still, who could say that it was merely fascination that led him to your cabin time and time again, only to end up buried between your thighs, bloodied knife in hand and a breathy moan that resembled your name rolling off his tongue. 
You were grateful for him. For he was the one who awakened the real you. There was an ugly truth within you that your parents had shamed into hiding. The part of you that had only ever been let out of her cage when you painted. The girl who loved gore and horror, the girl who created truly horrific and blood curdling pieces, the girl who's toes curled in ecstasy whenever he would plunge a kitchen knife into your abdomen and slowly cut off your air supply as he choked you with only one hand. 
Being with him was like living, breathing art. A verse by one of the greats,  Being touched by him felt like poetry;
I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
The man was an insatiable sadistic.
And you were a monster.
You entered the log cabin with ease as the door was left open by its former occupant. The strong scent of iron gave away the presence of blood within your home. 
 Without even giving him a glance you let out an amused laugh. "Bringing your work home with you?" You joked.
"Not my home. Your's ." He responds with a smile.
"Hitchhiker or hunter?" You ask, your voice calm and level. It was casual, the conversation had a certain ease to it, as if you were chatting about what you would cook for dinner as you unloaded the groceries. The thought was so sickeningly domestic. 
You dump the dead bird carcasses on your counter.
"Hitchhiker. Picked him up on way here."
He doesn't turn to look at you as he speaks. From the moment you met him, you found the man before you to be unequivocally beautiful. With his raven black hair that falls just above his shoulders in length and frames his pale face and short stature. He was probably just below five foot if you had to guess. But despite his stature he possessed an almost lethal aura about him and when his sharp grey eyes dart to meet yours, fear itself almost made you turn tail and run when you had first encountered him. Now, his back faces you as he hunches over the young man tied and gagged to one of your dining room chairs. 
You approach Feitan from behind, wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling him affectionately, "that's hot." You tell him, feeling up his chest from over the long robes he's clothed in.
He grunts. "Mmm..." You continue to nuzzle him while you whisper sweet nothings in his ear. 
With razor sharp precision and speed, your lover plunges the knife into the man, you sigh dreamily. The victim screams out in pain, the stab wound wasn't enough to kill him, it was just deep enough to keep the game going.
In a second chair, you hear a whimper and turn to be greeted with the sight of a young woman, she looks thrown about and frightened. The victim's girlfriend you suspect, sobs as Feitan continues with his torture.
"Stop, please stop!" She begs, "I'll do anything. I'll... I'll give you anything you want." Tears stream down her beet red face, leaving stains of mascara running down her cheeks. A pitiful sight indeed but, one you know the man you are draped over would enjoy quite a bit.
 You turn and smile at her, "hush. He likes it when you scream, I don't recommend it unless you want it to be your turn sooner."
Her pupils dilate in terror as she goes silent, heeding your warning. Leaving the two of you continue to torment the now unconscious man, severing a finger every so often to awaken him from his slumber.
"Let me grab a drink. I'll be right back." You tell him too casually as if the two of you were simply sitting on the couch together watching a movie. You rush to the kitchen and reach into the cupboard to grab something you were saving for a while. Clear liquid sloshes around in the bottle as you giddily rush back to the atrocities in the living room.
You throw your head back as you take a swig of alcohol. It burns your throat on the way down, setting your insides on fire, adding to the heat and excitement you are already feeling.
"Do you enjoy it?"
The question catches you off guard but you quickly recover, "I enjoy every moment I spend with you." You say honestly. You assume he's asking about the work he's brought home and not the small bit of drinking you had indulged in. Though, honestly you do enjoy both. Drinking has become a bit more of a habit for you as you moved out here all alone. And more so since Feitan has so graciously included you in his passion projects. The booze just loosens you up is all, not that you have any inhibitions about your actions but, it does help quiet that still small voice inside that constantly reminds you that you are a monster. Not that you would tell any of this to Feitan.
Feitan looks down at you, surprise finds a home upon his brow. A pair of sharp grey eyes regard you for a moment with such intensity before coming to rest in an amused expression. "You enjoy every moment you spend with me?" He says, his voice showing curiosity, "Then why do you spend so little time with me?" He seems to be in a teasing mood today. A good thing for you.
 You swat his arm and laugh, "because you are always away with your little troupe, doin crime or whatever." You go to take another swig but take a second to drink the moment in instead, strands of raven black hair fall into his face as he leans towards you, smirk peeking out just above his bandana. As your laughter dies down, you feel the slight tinge of pink stain your cheeks.
He reaches his hand out and grabs yours, pulling you close, "I am always away with my little troupe, if I was not, we would see more of each other."
"What do you mean?" The pink in your cheeks fade into a bright cherry red. Something wells up inside you as you ask this question. It's excitement. It's knowing that the next words out of his mouth could mean everything. Could change everything. Up until this moment, you knew the deal, it was just sex accompanied by the mutual enjoyment of the slaughter and gore. You were never going to ask for more but now that the thought was placed in your head, you couldn't help but mull it over. Even you want to feel a connection.
He looks like he's about to reply to your inquiry and you impatiently await his words, when suddenly like nails on a chalkboard, the victim's girlfriend interrupts with her sobbing, "please! Please let us go!" It seems as if she couldn't hold her tongue any longer.
Feitan turns to look at her, a faint smirk on his face. He reaches his hand out and gently squeezes her cheeks as she sobs, forcibly making her purse her lips. "If that is what you want, girly." He says, venom dripping off his sweet words.
You glare at the two as the interaction plays out. Why couldn't the woman just keep quiet? Did she just have to be such an attention whore and ruin your moment? Whatever happened to women supporting women? Annoyed, you pick up a severed finger that the man had lost and walk over to the woman. you frustratedly push past Feitan and stuff the appendage in her mouth and sneer. "There that will shut you up" you say.
She begins to sob as Feitan releases her face, but before she can cough up the foreign object in her mouth, you clap your hand over her mouth and begin to squeeze.
 She begins to choke on the finger.
You let out a delighted chuckle as her eyes start to bulge from their sockets. You make a mental note to try to remember every detail of her now nearly blue face as you think about what a lovely portrait her tear stained visage would make.
Feitan draws you out of your concentration as he wraps his arms around you and begins to feel you up his hand dipping up under your shirt, "you are always so creative" he coos. You feel his other hand wandering down into your pants, but before you can react he begins to squeeze your breasts.
"Ah, you have such nice ones. Pretty little slut" He comments, as he pinches a nipple in between his fingers
 "Horny asshole." You spat before engulfing him in a kiss. The two of you collide in a passionate ferver as you continue to explore each other's bodies, until you have just about felt each other up everywhere.
You moan in ecstasy as you see him grab for his knife. You shiver in anticipation as you await for what you consider the best part of the night.
Your arms tighten around his neck as you move to straddle him. Bucking your hips, you begin to ride him back and forth, the both of you moaning as he tightens his grip on the blade in his hand.
Your fingers tangle themselves into his hair as you try to anchor yourself to reality. Panting, you breathe out, "what was that about wanting to be with me more often?"
"Don't remember…saying that." He grunts out as his fingers dig into your ass cheeks, helping you along as you ride him. He tightens his grip and you swear that he must've drawn blood.
You furrow your brows in frustration. And through the utter ecstasy of being impaled upon the man below you, you stutter out your response, "C-come on. Early- oh fuck yes! Ah! Earlier you at least pretended like you like me " you manage to whine out the words. You feel him stall for a moment. As if your words gave him a reason for pause but, the cold steel finds it's home dangerously close to your jugular.
"I like you... a lot." You are like a deer in the headlights as your eyes widen. You study his face, his demeanor, the tiny subtle movements of his blade, any sign that he was feeding you horse shit. But whether you simply cannot read the man or the woman alone, lost in the woods, wants so desperately to find a connection to anything that she manages to delude herself, you are unable to sniff out the lie
"I like the way you scream." as his knife trails across your jawline. He smirks as the knife flows down your curves line running water. You squeeze your eyes shut and grin wickedly as you fall victim to the extacy of the moment. You scream out as his knife plunges into your stomach. Your back arches as you scream, crying out in pain as your blood pours out of you.
You hear him chuckle. "I think you like the way i cut you up."
"Yes! Yes!" You moan.
He laughs as the blood coats you like a warm blanket.
Your vision begins to blur as you breathe out the forbidden words between you two and whisper, "I love you…"
 You when you finally do awake on your cabin's couch, your wounds are bandaged and the two victims are slumped over in a corner, presumably dead. Feitan meanwhile, is no where to be found.
He must have unsurprisingly ran off. Your fault really. You spooked him, like a deer fleeing from a warning shot. Should have known better than to get too close. Sometimes you just forget yourself though, you start to think of him as a mirror to yourself. Another monster thirsty for blood but seeking something more. But he isn't you. 
You roll off the couch as your stomach growls and you clutch your bandages as you stumble towards the kitchenette. The dove you had shot, waiting patiently for you to turn it into a meal. You recall one time when you had tried to cook dove for Feitan once before. He had just sneered at you, snapping "Don't you ever fucking eat normal food?"
You smile at the memory when you finally make your way to the kitchen table and sit down to eat. And proceed with the day like any other.
The world doesn't stop when Feitan leaves on his trips. You wake up, eat, shower, do your chores around the cabin and garden, hunt, check your traps, and find time to paint. 
Speaking of chores, after you dump your dirty dish into the sink, you set out on cleaning up the mess from the day before. As you leave the cabin you toss your gun sling over your back, figuring you might be able to shoot a few doves down in your downtime. Grabbing a wheelbarrow and shovel you push it towards your front door and begin to load up. You make a point to do these sort of chores in the morning, or else the smell starts to become too bad. 
You wheel your load past your garden and closer to the tree line. You grab your shovel and begin to dig. Birdsong serenades you as sweat beads on your forehead as you work. It has been unusually hot this time of year, normally summer would have already began to make way for autumn by this time past years. Which reminds you, you should probably try to down a few bucks before the end of the season this year. You don't want to be all out of food halfway through winter. Some deer could do you some good.
When you finally decide that the hole is deep enough, you drop your shovel and stretch. Cracking your back as you do so and letting out a yawn. After this you might just take a nap, you deserve it after all.
Turning back to the wheel barrow, you're finally ready. You loop your arms up under the corpse's armpits and pull him from the wheel barrow. He's a bit heavy and you nearly tip over as you drag him towards the hole. You curse yourself for letting him leave you with this part of the job time and time again. He's just like a little kid, refusing to put away his toys after playing. At the edge of the small pit you have the body off the edge and hear it drop to the bottom with a final thud.
You stare at the body in the hole. A bit disappointed, if you had to admit. The scene was just so un-picturesque. Of course, with you having to practically push after dragging, his nearly bloated corpse into the pit, didn't leave much room for the most graceful landing. His face is obscured by the soil that it's buried in, his hind quarters curled awkwardly towards the sky. More humiliating for the dead man than it is eye-catching to you. 
Oh well, time to dump the girlfriend in the pit.
Learning from your past mistakes, you grab the handles of the wheelbarrow in hopes that it would be easier to chuck the second body down the hole this way. After pushing it to the very edge of the pit, you are ready to lift the back end up, until you hear a quiet whimper break through the quiet sounds of nature surrounding you.
You stop cold in your tracks. 
She's still alive.
A strangled sob escapes her and your blood runs cold. This is a first. It's not like Feitan to leave any bodies breathing before leaving your cabin. " Help m-" she chokes on her words along with the blood she coughs up. What are you supposed to do? You're in broad daylight out in open, merely yards away from your cabin's garden. And you've never done this alone. She looks so much more frail with the sun reflecting on her pale sunken skin. When her clouded eyes meet yours, you all but keel over yourself. "You have to help me please."
Unable to break eye contact, you shake your head. "I can't." The woman looks almost ethereal, velvet red blood spilling over her violet bruised lips framed by skin so ghostly, it's practically translucent. As soon as you spoke, her brows knit themselves in distress. Her once comatose limbs rise out of the wheelbarrow like the undead breaking free from the earth. You stumble backwards, away from her as climbs out, you hastily grab your rifle from your back. "My boyfriend he-" on doe like legs she stumbles about looking around frantically until her eyes land on the pit. She drops to her knees. "No…"
You take a tentative step towards her, rifle still raised, as if she truly were a deer that you didn't want to scare off. She's crying, staring into the abyss of her late lover's grave. "What do I- he's gone. He's gone. What do I do?" She's in hysterics when she turns to you.
"Did you love him?" You don't know where the question comes from but it spills out of you none the less. You are met with a gaze you are unable to define. "I guess you could say, love someone too, " you tell her as you step closer to her. 
"Please, please help me." She begs once more. "If you- you say love someone so you- please I don't want to die." Weeping and barely comprehensible. You know what she's asking. She wants you to help her escape. She most likely believes that Feitan will return and make sure she shares her boyfriend's final resting place. And of course, she would need your help, there's no way she would be able to make it out of the forest herself, especially injured and lacking in supplies. 
Some might argue that it would be an act of mercy to allow death to take her instead, like a wounded deer needing to be put out of it's misery, instead of dropping her off at the nearest township.
You are also aware that if she were to ever make it out of these woods, the cabin would be compromised. Even if you were to swear, or scare, her to secrecy, there is no way she would not go seeking medical help, they would start asking questions. The most pressing being the whereabouts of her boyfriend. And that could lead to the authorities looking for Feitan. What if all of this lead to him not coming back to the cabin because he no longer saw it as safe anymore.
The barrel of the gun comes to rest in the middle of her forehead.
Realization hits her like a ton of bricks. Her blood and tear stained face contorts as she she shifts violently from the bargaining phase to anger. "No! You can't do this! You- you monster!"
A soft smile lands on your lips, "I know. But even monsters want to feel a connection." 
A blast rings through the forest. Birds flee from their trees and take to the sky. A corpse falls gracefully into its grave. And you are left with the image of the ethereal woman sprawled across their lover, the picture finally completed, made multitudes better as you stare down the hole at the ghastly image. It will make a lovely painting, you note to grab your sketchbook before night fall so you can capture the sight later.
For now, you take the handles of the wheelbarrow and turn it around, heading towards your cabin's modest garden. You can hear the mourning dove's song above you, as the birds have begun to return to the area after the gunshot rang out. 
The guilt that briefly weighed down your shoulders like a ton of bricks when you were first faced with killing the girl had passed now.You were able to rationalize it now. It was okay.
Sometimes, like doves, people were born to die.
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missguomeiyun · 5 months
late lunch @ OEB (dining week)
Another late post from Edmonton Downtown Dining Week back in March.. >.< I went to OEB to get their dining week brunch special.
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I came with my SIL & my 2 nieces. We got 2 meals & shared between the 4 of us. The deep fried pierogies was what I personally wanted to try as it is not on their regular menu! I don't know if this was a trial item to test its popularity or . .. what.
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Their regular menu ^
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The interior still looks the same as before.
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I really like this organizer. It's very functional.
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I came here several times in the past after night shift with my coworkers. I don't particularly like night shifts but the breakfast after the last one was something I always looked forward to haha
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Okay, here's the deep fried pierogies. They're so mini & cute! & also very delicious. So crunchy on the outside & the inside was soft. Not much flavour on its own but I didn't mind too much. Came with sour cream & salsa.
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The Meatless to Say poutine with medium-poached egg. Egg was perfect, the bacon was great, potatoes were good . .. the sauce was good too but my nieces didn't like it T_T
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The other entree, also with deep fried pierogies. This was the Montreal smoked brisket benny. YUM~
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The banana cream pie French toast. I wasn't a fan. .. too much cream, the warm banana was gross...... I don't like warm fruits, in general. Banana, when heated, gets more mushy. The texture is sooo not appealing to me.
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Lastly, the French toast trifle. It was alright. In general, I lean more towards savoury brunch food so . .. yeah, it was mehh. This was better than the banana cream one though.
I'm currently catching up on Thomas & Uber Cup matches even though winners have already been announced & the competition is over. The matches are just sooooo long so I'm picking certain matches to watch. I really like Thomas & ber Cup bcos it's diff than the usual tournaments that happen year-round, where you basically see the same athletes against each other. Some of the matches from this event were very exciting to watch as highly ranked players were up against opponents who they've never played against (much lower ranked; not selected to play in major year-round tournaments). In theory, the 'better' one should win but seriously, they had a hard time against some of the lower ranked ppl; they've been taken to 3rd games & just. .. struggled a bit! Anyway, I am outtttt. TTYL~
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luvwich · 9 months
2023 in review
(for real this time)
the short version: i started writing fanfic this year. it's been lovely. i've written two longfics with some spinoffs, all collected into two series, plus a one-shot. i wrote 242,000 words.
91.9 Royal Blue is Valerie and River being angsty idiots
Hypercritical is Vania and Tiny Mike being angsty idiots
and Red-black is an ultra-short oneshot about Songbird; no idiots, just angst
this is also my first time even engaging in a fandom in this way, and i've been delighted to become acquainted with you tumblr folks. i'll echo the sentiment i see a lot: that even if all we've done is reblog each other a few times with blathering tags, i see you as a friend, and you have done me an enrichment.
much longer version under the cut:
before this year, my only experience writing any kind of fiction was roleplaying - ages and ages ago, but something of an illustrious career, looking back. it was actually not bad practice when it came to flowery description, dialogue, and characterization. it was horrible preparation on the matter of actually constructing a plot.
then i saw River Ward's arms and realized i needed to figure out how to do plot, and quick!
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so like many of us, i thought river was dreamy and his quests totally unsatisfying. i also saw someone shit-talking River somewhere complain that their corpo V would never want to hang out with river because he’s an unemployed cop living with his sister, blah blah blah classist tripe, don’t get me started, but it did get me started thinking about what it would look like for a bitchy corpo V and river to fall in love. Valerie sprang from that; Arpeggio sprang from Valerie.
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hi, Valerie.
so, i thought i just wanted to write a steamy river ward romance that was more satisfying than the meatless canon plot. it turns out i wanted to write an ode to everything wrong about myself, and to every shitty relationship i've had, and to death and loss. it happens. here's how it starts:
Thwap-bap! Synleather on synleather: two strong, clean hits to the punching bag. Thwapbapbap. A sandstorming morning, or afternoon — hard to keep track of time with the sun hidden and the world bathed in rust. Days like this you couldn’t even see the skyline out there; all you had was a twenty-foot radius, and within that you could imagine yourself just about anywhere. River had always kind of enjoyed the storms for that reason.
i pumped out the first eleven chapters in like a month (?!), posting as i went, from late march through april. i was shocked to get even one reader, and didn't get a lot more than that for a long while. then i fell off for a little while due to work. but then i received a single, innocent comment asking when the next chapter would be posted, and that was apparently enough to make another thirteen chapters fly out of me just in june and july.
around then i hit what i think of as the third and final "act" of Arpeggio, and the wind fell out of my sails again. i'd hit the 100k mark, had no idea if anyone was even reading it, and convinced myself the last ten chapters i'd posted were garbage and everyone had fallen off. i still loved my story & my characters, i was bursting with ideas, but felt the sudden pressure of needing to wrap everything up in a way that did justice to my vision and didn't waste anyone's time who'd bothered to read that far.
as with everything in my life, i had only the vaguest idea of how i was going to get to where i was going. i decided to batten down the hatches and actually try to plan how to get there, which slowed my pace some.
i also decided to start something new, with the express purpose of giving myself something light-hearted, sexy, and most importantly way the fuck shorter than Arpeggio to work on while i was finishing up the latter. i'd limit myself to ten chapters. i'd keep the plot tight and focused. there'd be a lot of fucking. yay! and a big part of the intent was to "prove to myself" that i could finish something. and so i started on:
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Arpeggio featured Tiny Mike as a fling, and it was played for awkwardness and absurdity, but i found him really fun to write. i had also just started a new playthrough with a new V (still a corpo — i'm really just a particular kind of bitch, truth be told), so i thought i'd throw her into some mischief.
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hi Vania.
if Valerie is the parts of me that suck and are chaotic, Vania is all the scared and cute parts.
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man, look at them!! *throws them both in the bug zapper*
i managed to finish Jaded in the space of about a month, from july-august. i thought it turned out wicked fun, and clicking "post" on that final chapter gave me a taste of satisfaction and accomplishment that was enough to see me through to the end of Arpeggio.
here's an excerpt from the first chapter.
Sundays always mean something. They mean something even to a dropout merc who hasn't seen the inside of a house of God in years. The last time Mike had been to church, the price of a can of ChroManticore was in the single-digit eurodollars. Even so, Sunday's no day to spend propped against a bathtub that's coated with a half inch of unidentified bio-pudding, no day to spend wheezing at death's doorstep, no day to be wondering where the smell of yourself ends and the smell of the squalid safehouse begins. Sundays are for family, beers, cleaning your guns. Not this shit.
then PL came out and i wrote a quick oneshot about Songbird.
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i could easily write more about Red-black than there are actual words in the thing, but i won't. it's a bittersweet 69 sesh with a cyborg. it's about betrayal and bodies. i'm pleased with it. i might expand on it one day, but to be frank, i don't think i can write extensively about Songbird in a way the character deserves without my life being in a way darker place than it is right now. so if you see me add a second chapter to this fic, maybe check in on me.
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i finished Arpeggio in october, seven months after i started posting it. 154,347 words. i like how it turned out. i've finally stopped going back to make tweaks (although just the other day i was re-reading a chapter and was like what the fuck is this word choice? what did i even mean here? and i changed it, so i guess that was a lie. Valerie is based on me, folks!).
i'm proud of it and everything else i've written, even in moments when all i can see is flaws upon re-reading. some people read it all the way through, which is wild to me! some of them even say they liked it! world's a crazy place.
here's an excerpt from toward the end.
Wind gathered over the churning Pacific to chap her lips and ruin her hair, snarling it like the waves which crashed the battered wood. Soft gusts billowed through her jacket, touched the base of her spine, and reminded her that everything was so very enormous, and that she was yet alive, and that a great spirit ruled this ocean and always had. This is lovely, Johnny said, resting an unreal hand on her shoulder. But we gotta get back to work, princess. “Yeah. Well, let’s go check out some shops, first.”
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in 2024 i probably won't write as many words, but i have a few things planned:
more Vania: Crescent & Redwood is an ongoing sequel to Jaded and a fix-it for one of the PL endings
weatherman says there's an 85% chance of more Tiny Mike porn appearing under Fixer-uppers (and obviously a 100% chance of it in Crescent)
more Valerie: i have some more Val and Riv plotted out — mostly casefics and slices of life — but i need to be in a real fucking mood to write her these days
a really quite raunchy romp with President Myers is almost done baking
i have a Solomon Reed ditty on the backburner
who the fuck knows
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anyway, even if all you've read of my writing was a snippet or two i've shared on tumblr, thanks so much for reading. seeya in '24.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"FISHBURGERS TO REPLACE HAMBURGERS ON TUESDAYS," Toronto Star. March 26, 1943. Page 2. ---- Salads, Macaroni Dishes Answer of Toronto Restaurants to Meatless Days --- BEGINS NEXT WEEK ---- "Meatless Tuesdays! We've been having them every day in the week for the last six months: One day we served 1,500 people and didn't have a pound of meat in the place and nobody complained. That's how the public will accept meatless Tuesday."
This was the comment today of V. T. Gregory, general manager of a chain of Toronto restaurants, during a survey to get the reaction of Toronto restaurants to the announcement that meatless Tuesdays will begin a week from tomorrow. The survey showed the small, hamburger-type of eating place will find it hardest to make satisfactory substitution for meat.
H. R. Hinnan, president and general manager of a downtown lunch chain, said: "During Lent we put on a Wednesday fish special… cod. We'll just keep on serving it only on Tuesdays. Then we've prepared a hot salad - yes, a hot salad. Then we're going to have three different kinds of macaroni dishes. We believe the public is going to enjoy meatless Tuesdays."
A stentorian voice which announced, "Joe's delicious hamburgers." when a King St. place was telephoned, became very feeble after the bad news was passed along. "I'll have to get the boss," the voice said.
The boss was almost philosophical. "If we can't get meat, we'll give 'em fish cakes. No, not fish cakes - fishburgers. That is," he added after a pause, "if we can get any fish."
Toni Ward, proprietress of a hamburger on Yonge St., is going to serve fish, hot and cold chicken sandwiches and salads. "We won't be able to even serve a western omelette-at least not with ham in it."
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sandonato40 · 2 years
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Welcome Spring 2023...This is the First Dish of Fava "Edamame ""Side Dish prepared at our Home March 2023..It is Cooked with very soft Pod shells,,Olive Oil,,,Garlic,,coriander,and chopped onion.."Edamame are cooked in many Scrumptious Dishes being Hot or Cold,,,with Meat or Meatless,,Side dishes or Main Festival Dinners,,Normally served with Apple Vinegar ,,and Plain Home made Yogurt.
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pricketgroup · 4 months
How to Make Meatless Lasagna for a Family of Five
Latest Products The Outside Man (A Matt Drake Novel)Used Never Read Hardcover – March 2, 2021 Amazon, LLC – Kentucky | Virtual Units 💥 Pricket Group, Corp. – OHIO | Virtual Shares💥 Amazon – OHIO | non-Profit % Ownership💥 Uber, Corp. – OHIO | % Ownership💥 Amazon, LLC – OHIO | Virtual Units 💥 Uber Eats, Corp. – OHIO | % Ownership💥 Uber, LLC – OHIO | % Ownership💥 Prime Video, Corp. – OHIO | %…
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columbus-oh-life · 2 years
Habitation Investigation LLC in Columbus, OH
In looking for dependable mold testing Columbus, Ohio service providers these days, you can research about Habitation Investigation LLC. The company has been in business since 2002. It is started by Jim and Laura Troth. Besides, the company has grown over the years. They have seven home inspectors now and are looking for others to add to their growing family. In addition, they believe in values like honesty and integrity. They stand behind their services, too. More importantly, they inspect for each of their clients as if they are family. Lastly, they have clients that keep in touch with them years down the road to ask for advice or a name of a contractor because they believe in building relationships and keeping them.
Columbus, OH
The educational system of the Columbus, OH location is fascinating. At present, many students study the city and its educational institutions. Columbus City Schools or CCS is the largest district in Ohio, with 55,000 pupils. Besides, CCS operates 142 elementary, middle and high schools, including a number of magnet schools that are referred to as alternative schools within the school system. In addition, Columbus is the home of two public colleges such as the Ohio State University, one of the largest college campuses in the United States, and Columbus State Community College. In 2009, Ohio State University was ranked No. 19 in the country by U.S. News & World Report on its list of best public universities.
Huntington Park in Columbus, OH
The popularity of Huntington Park in Columbus, OH is notable. After all, it is one of the famous tourist attractions in the city. Huntington Park is a baseball stadium located in Columbus, Ohio, United States. It primarily serves as the home of the Columbus Clippers of the International League, the Triple-A minor league affiliate of the Cleveland Guardians since 2009. Besides, groundbreaking for the ballpark took place on August 2, 2007. It includes construction being completed in April 2009. It was designed by 360 Architecture and developed by Nationwide Realty Investors. Lastly, the 10,100-seat stadium is part of a $70 million project.
Lenten fish fries around central Ohio
One of the interesting news reports this year in Columbus, OH is about Lenten fish fries around central Ohio. Based on the news, fish fries are back across central Ohio, as Catholic parishes refrain from eating meat on Fridays during the season of Lent. It started on February 24, 2023. Besides, area Catholic churches will be offering Lenten meals to adhere to the meatless Friday tradition of the 40-day observance signifying sacrifice. One of the places where you can get is the Our Lady of Victory Church at 1559 Roxbury Road, Columbus on Fridays through March 31, 2023 from 4:30 to 7:00 in the evening.
Link to Map
Driving Direction
Huntington Park
330 Huntington Park Ln, Columbus, OH 43215, United States
Head east on Brodbelt Ln toward Neil Ave
0.1 mi
Turn right onto Neil Ave
0.3 mi
Use any lane to turn left onto W Long St
0.6 mi
Turn right onto N 3rd St
0.2 mi
Turn left onto E Broad St
 Destination will be on the right
1.3 mi
Habitation Investigation Home Inspections
1015 E Broad St Ste 104, 
Columbus, OH 43205
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tommycthompson57 · 2 years
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Sisters & Brothers,
May Y’ll have a Blessed
Saint Joseph's Day Feast
The feast of St. Joseph
(Den Svatého Josefa) is celebrated annually on March 19th in honor of
St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and stepfather of Jesus.
This holiday takes place during Lent, a time of fasting, and the holiday is traditionally a meatless feast in Europe.
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curatorsday · 2 years
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Saturday, March 18, 2023 - National Sloppy Joe Day
I made Sloppy Joes with a bag of Green Giant rainbow slaw, half a bag of Quorn meatless grounds, and a can of bold Manwich (known as Warlock in this house). They’re super yummy and somewhat healthy.
Happy National Sloppy Joe Day!
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Commercial Real Estate Constructing Wall Calendar Design Template For 2023 Year Editable Single Page 12 Months Blank Week Starts On Sunday Full Yr Customized Poster Prepared For Print Open Sans Font Used Inventory Vector
Single sheets of double-sided printed paper are cut right down to trim dimension and collated into web page order, identical to wire-o binding. Saddle-stitched calendars, merely put, are folded and stapled together. Since saddle stitch binding is the most affordable, easiest, and most skilled possibility, we can move the savings on to you.
For our continuing education program, we’ve produced smaller magnet calendars that present the 12 months in a grid format, and also embody a listing of upcoming lessons with start dates. The main difference in spiral binding for custom calendars is that a plastic coil is threaded by way of the row of punched holes on the edge of the printed piece. Both wire-o and spiral binding options work great for any custom desk calendar given their portability and range of motion.
Each month is a model new time to announce your brand’s message in a creative way. In an age of smartphones and the internet, you would possibly think the days of paper calendars are numbered, however knowledge suggest otherwise. Not solely have they survived the digital revolution, but sales of some kinds of print calendars have increased. The custom logoed Gardens Spiral Wall Calendar 2023 won't solely assist folks keep real estate wall calendars observe of their schedules and appointments but in addition attract consideration to your brand. This 13-month calendar featuring stunning pictures of flowers and gardens makes a great selection of a giveaway for realtors, nurseries, hospitals, retirement houses, real estate, gardeners, and more. Captain Notepad focuses on customized printed advertising collateral.
Integrate your printed calendar together with your on-line presence by including social media handles and business websites to your imprint. The Prestige Line offers a larger format, exclusive imagery and heavier weighted paper for an opulent feel. With greater than 85 designs to choose from, we're positive you'll find a card to match your type. While you could real estate wall calendars just add your brand and name it a day, make your advertising dollar stretch a bit additional by including a brief handwritten observe in every card. Price includes a full color imprint on every web page and you can start the calendar on any month. Studies show custom printed calendars are nonetheless an excellent investment for advertising dollars.
On November 21, 2022, and cut the price target from $56 to $33. The Formula 1 STC Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2023 will be returning to Jeddah, home of the world’s fastest road circuit, on March 17 next yr for three days of scorching action. In addition to the on-track changes, the broader JCC advanced can also be persevering with to grow real estate wall calendars into a state-of-the- art house of sport, leisure, and entertainment. One of probably the most important modifications is the addition of ‘Rumble Lines’ at Turns three, 14, 19, 20 and 21, according to SMC. This year, give your usual Thanksgiving desk a plant-based twist because of Thistle's record of meatless mains, sides, and desserts.
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Ecological Footprint
Watching the video about our impact on the environment was very humbling. On some level, I'm aware of how I and other impact Earth, but seeing images of animal being affected made me feel disappointed in society. Animals don't have a choice in where they live because some can't survive in certain environments. They take what they need and don't hoard resources. So for humans to take more than they need and destroy their homes and ultimately kill these creatures should be unacceptable to anyone.
According to the Ecological Footprint Calculator, based on my responses, my Overshoot Day is March 12. This was surprising to me because I don't feel I do more than the average person. This date is also before Earth Overshoot Day, which is August 22. If everyone lived the way I do, we would need 5.1 Earths to sustain that lifestyle. This was also surprising to me, mainly because I didn't have a point of reference to go by when using the calculator. It definitely puts into perspective just how much of an impact one person can have on the environment.
Two areas I will try to work on is transportation and food consumption. I drive basically everywhere, and I understand that emits a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere. One thing I will try to do is carpool more, to reduce the impact travel has on the planet. Since I lost my car in the hurricane, I will look for cars that are fuel-efficient while still being affordable for me. At this time, an electric car isn't in my budget, but I can research MPG for cars that I'm interested in and make a good decision based on my driving habits.
As far as food goes, I already try to limit how much meat I consume because I have chronic high cholesterol. I understand that farming animals for food impacts the environment because of the methane they produce, as well as food waste and human waste. Moving forward, I will intentionally seek out meatless options that are made ethically and sustainably. I will also try to limit how often I consume something that uses plastic packaging, as plastic doesn't break down over time the way other materials do.
The parable of the hummingbird was so impactful to me. When it comes to being better stewards of the planet, we often look at big corporations that have a larger impact than we do, and some people use that to justify not being mindful of their choices when it comes to protecting the environment. But when the hummingbird said "I'm doing the best I can", it really struck a chord in me. Because all we can do is our best. And while we may feel our impact isn't significant, when every individual starts making choices to be better inhabitants of the planet, the impact can and will be felt. The planet and the animals can only do so much; we need to look at ourselves and ask, "what can I do to help the planet thrive?"
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pushbuttonkitchen · 5 years
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Smoky Baba Ganoush (Eggplant Dip) makes a delicious appetizer or hearty vegan sandwich filling. Serve with pita bread or chips, veggies or crackers for dipping or try a dense sprouted grain bread for sandwiches. Plus, it cooks in just minutes in your Instant Pot or electric pressure cooker.
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igotbabymuscles · 7 years
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I’m furthering my slow transition into a vegan diet (meaning I’m going to be conscious about the food, but not my clothes or anything my significant other buys like soap or other household items, so not the full lifestyle just yet).
I’m going to be eliminating as much meat as possible this month for myself and limiting my dairy to “hey if they get my coffee order wrong, or this bread contains milk” type of thing, and cheese in the first 2-3 weeks.
I know of two days this month that we’re going to be dining out and because I’m not sure where we’re going, I’m considering this month “mostly” meatless. I wrote a post about what I’m hoping to accomplish over here, check it out if you’d like!
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adhd-hippie · 3 years
Not a Keyboard Activist
Since the haters all seem to think all I do for the environment is talk about veganism on the internet here is a list of all the shit I've done and continue to do for the fucking planet.
1. Buy almost everything second hand including my furniture, computer, phone, and clothes.
2. When buying new purchase from sustainable brands and choose sustainable products despite the higher cost. (For example I do indeed wear plastic, I have a plastic shirt made from recycled soda bottles it cost $50).
3. Recycling despite my city not having recycling pick up (going so far as to take my paper to my parents and recycling the boxes for the school I work at).
4. (TMI WARNING) Skipping toilet paper for #1 and using rags instead.
5. No plastic wrap, none, nada, zilch.
6. Keeping my home at or below 68 degrees at all times.
7. Hang drying all my clothes.
8. Marching, protesting, donating,
9. TALKING a lot about practical steps anyone can take to minimize their environmental impact. Including meatless mondays, switching banks to one that doesn't invest in fossil fuels.
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