#medical remedies
kkrazy256 · 4 months
Fox: yeah these marks? I got hit with a freak lightning storm on a upper level patrol once. Haha, wack right?
Remedy, a medic who knows that lichtenberg figures usually disappear within 24 hours, looking at new patterns on Fox’s back every week: 🧍
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disease · 10 months
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theworkshopmann · 10 hours
The Home Remedy
Just like Mama used to make!
Type: Taunt
Class: Medic
Accepted in game: No
This taunt was made by Steam users Hxx, GT500>JZeeba ジェイシーバ and BE NICE 2 ME. Posted on September 23rd 2024, you can vote for this here!
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godblooded · 1 month
sometimes it’s just… ‘oh had so much fun on vacation!’ ‘went to a cool concert!’ ‘had a fun day out with my friends!’ cool??? don’t remember what the fuck that’s like since i’m constantly the one forced to be in charge of everything ever.
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quixoticanarchy · 2 months
realizing that at this point my mother is really just a conspiracy theorist / wellness pseudoscience theorist it's just that she DIYs her theories so she doesn't fall down internet rabbit holes or get sucked into shady subcultures or cults she just makes shit up on her own time for free and then subjects other people (me, mostly) to it. i did cut her slack for a while bc usually there's some grain of truth that she starts with and then builds a pearl of bullshit around it, and bc she's never actually meant to poison me, but now she believes she's made herself immune to covid and idk what do do with it all anymore. i don't think our reality is very shared. i think she's alone in hers
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gaeasun · 3 months
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Thought of this and it was too funny in my head to not get out so. Top left is my guy Twitch, top right is Remedy by @kkrazy256 , bottom left is Sponge by @mwolf0epsilon, and bottom right is Pharma also by @kkrazy256 but who else could I pick for this spot lol. Template is below so you can do ur own if you want!
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cluelessatthispoint · 2 years
What the Mercs are like when You're Sick
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Engineer: If it's not life-threatening, then he won't take you to see Medic. But, if it's a cold, and you don't feel well enough to get out of bed then; he will bring you everything you could ever need. You're too cold? well here's an extra blanket. Thirsty? Here's a cup of herbal tea and some ginger ale. Bored? well, looks like he can bring his work in here to keep you company. He knows all the home remedies, to get better quick. If getting sick is a problem, there's no need to worry. He's an engineer, and engineers solve problems.
Pyro: He immediately takes you to Medic, whether you like it or not. After the examination, Medic tells you what to do and what not to do. While explaining Pyro can be seen taking hastily scribbled notes as if his life depended on it. Of course, they are all pictures with either a little check mark at the top or an X. Pyro insists that you use his room until you recover, no ifs, ands, or buts. He will bring you some canned soup, literally. He will bring you a can of soup and a lighter to warm it up. When that doesn't go well He gets Heavy or Engineer to cook something for you.
Spy: This man knows what he's doing and is determined to get the job done. When he figures out that you are sick he confines you to your room and brings you everything that a sick person could need. Of course, he doesn't trust anybody else's cooking with you in such a "fragile state". He will either be the one cooking or he will go out to the nearest restaurant (that isn't in Tuefort due to the highly contaminated water) and bring back a healthy, nutritious, and easy-to-digest meal. If you want PDA you will have to wait till you are better, no way is he getting sick. He has a job to do.
Soldier: He acts like it's the end of the world. He treats your sickness like you're being attacked by tiny invisible germ enemy soldiers. So the first thing he does is drag your ass all the way to Merasmus. If he's not home then he'll bring you to Medic. Much like Pyro, Soldier doesn't fully understand much of what's going on. But he tries his best to make sure that you are comfortable. With no time at all you'll be right as rain while he's the one stuck in bed.
Scout: Oh you're sick? well, that's too bad. Looks like he'll get to play medic until you get better. He makes you his mother's homemade chicken soup. Sure, it turns out a little different than what his mother makes. But, he says that's just all the love that he added in. He wants to make sure that you'll feel better in no time. He'll bring in some comics, the t.v. from the rec room, and his Tom Jones record player.
Demo: He knows exactly what to do. He's taken care of his mother when she was sick, so he knows what to do when you're sick. Whenever he's sick you do your hardest to make him comfortable. Now since it's time to return the favor he'll do everything from bringing you some water to playing soft music for you. He understands that being sick is no fun, you can't go anywhere and you can't do anything until you're better. So, he goes to work every day then afterward; he hangs out with you and keeps you company. And just like that, your sick days fly by.
Heavy: This man is a genius. He helped to take care of his sisters so he knows what to do. He will make you some soup, give you plenty of blankets, a nice cup of herbal tea with some honey in it, and read you a book till you are ready to fall asleep. He makes really enforces strict bed rest. If you manage to get even a single foot out of bed he will know and he will gently usher you to put your foot back in bed and tell him what he needs to get you. He likes taking care of people. It reminds him of those cold snowy days in the mountains with his family. At this point, you are like family to him, when you finally are well he will bring you to medic just to make sure.
Sniper: He'll make sure that you're comfortable. But when it comes to comforting the person using words...well at least he tries his best. His well-meaning makes itself known through the small acts he does. He brings you soup, makes you tea, and brings a book or two. Eventually, you both just enjoy the comfort that silence brings. He doesn't say much, but that's just the way that he is. To prevent boredom he'll tell you about all the animals he's caught and the right way to prepare them.
Medic: He cant help but be excited. Of course he feels sorry that you are unwell, but that gives him a chance to practice his bedside manner. He will give you a check up and once he's diagnosed you he will send you to your room and get everything that you need to get better ready. He asks Heavy or Engineer to make some soup; a flavorful chicken broth. He will then take out all of his medical papers and start going through them with you. Under his breath you could hear him mumble occasionaly and once in a while you both locked eyes. He looked so happy to be spending time with you. Once you get better he will ask you about his bedside manner.
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dep-uty · 3 months
i love stealing meds from old people !! !
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ilovedirt · 11 months
Could I possibly get some personal stories about people who resisted accepting pharmaceutical medications for their mental health issues but ultimately decided to pursue them as a means for recovery? What caused your resistance? What caused you to change your mind? How did the process of transitioning to pharmaceuticals go for you (was it difficult, successful, did you have to go through multiple medications, do you still experience symptoms or side effects that may lead you to change your mind again, etc.)?
Asking for a friend and the friend is me
Big thank
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calamity-aims · 2 years
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commission for belovedest @kkrazy256 of their guy Remedy but - oh no - looks like he came back wrong! Whoops!
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galatoma · 1 year
I'm still thinking about what cucurucho said to jaiden about how the federation is going to get tubbo to fall in line. Like, are they just going to beat him down until he knows better or are they going to fix him the same way they "fixed" forever? Would they even go as far as to replace him like they replaced quackity?
Cucurucho clearly hates him enough that he's given Foolish the right to arrest him, but what does he think he can get away with in terms of forcing tubbo to learn his place?
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kkrazy256 · 4 months
"Working" for the wip guessing game!
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
“I could’ve let him do the surgery.” Even as Remedy says it out loud, Fox can see his lips twitch into a sneer at the very idea of it.  “Let him, let him experience,” the words start getting stuck as his voice turns breathy and lost.  “How fucking desperate and useless it felt.” His eyes are looking past the nonexistent birds and the nonexistent fountain water. A breeze whispers through, and Fox thinks he can smell death and antiseptics. The drips of water trickle away to muffled orders being shouted, blinding lights, ragged breathing, and metal tools clinking.  Fox blinks away the battlefield; Remedy has his head buried in his hands now, muttering the rest of his words in a flurry of half-wretched shudders. “I could’ve let him do the surgery. Made him do it. No stopping. You can't stop, you're not allowed to. Working nonstop on a lost cause until they die on your table firsthand. Just like how he made me—” 
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theellipelli · 6 months
Hey dude! Your art is amazing and I really love your writing style. You're one of few who draw Yanqing and I really love that bcs I need the crumbs lmaoo, you're super sweet and friendly as well and I'll be keeping up with your content a lot from now on!! Take your time with posting though, especially if you still have school. It's important to manage your priorities. Hope you're having a good year so far ! - NV
aaah wow this ask is so lovely. anon im kissing you gently on the forehead, thank you for all these lovely words. ive been complimented on many different things but i think this is the first time someone has called me sweet and friendly. it felt good in my little bones. delighted to have u here!
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fozzieosbourne · 7 hours
Darling’s face in the last gif is my new hyperfixation oh my goodness
((I need help))
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thunderwetter · 5 months
I'm sick and lost my voice and I feel like there's no greater punishment for me than that
Nothing more cruel than me whispering and someone going "WHAT?" just to mock me (because I'm the most talkative person in our household)
My brother knocks on my door and I can't even just say "Come in" I have to get up and open the door for him. This is humiliating.
I don't care about my throat hurting or me having sore muscles from coughing I just want my voice back ahhhhhh
Update: My left ear has decided to feel like a knife in my head. Amazing.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months
The declining respect for women healers may have been caused by the failure of remedies to prevent the plague, and by men moving out of 'cunning work' and folk medicine, for which payment was also falling, and into 'medical' work as apothecaries, physicians and different grades of surgeons.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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