#medicare application
alinaandalion · 1 year
just deeply miserable at this point and my mother-in-law is showing up for a surprise visit for an entire week this week.  it’s too much.
(like, if i thought it would be better to get a different job, i would try it.  but my brain is fucking broken and won’t adjust properly to anything so i just have to put my head down and get through it because any new job would make me depressed and anxious. it happened at my last job, which i ended up loving, but those first six months were absolute hell for me mentally. and then stack on top feeling out of place at home and feeling i have to put on a “good wife” routine. thank god we already planned a little getaway after.)
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tsrupdates · 2 years
Qoom applications – Leveraging a Comprehensive and Easy-To-Use All-In-One Solution for Healthcare Companies and Organizations
qoom applications ltd offer to healthcare sector to enable hygiene and data protection as specified in the list of 50 Innovative Companies to Watch 2022 by the silicon review, Read More
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ashenhartkrie · 9 months
The Australian Federal Government is considering adding gender affirming surgeries for transgender adults to the medicare benefits scheme thanks to an application made by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons.
the president of the ASPA, Dr Nicola Dean, chatted with me about the need for improved access to gender affirming healthcare, and I was also able to speak to some trans people in the community who would benefit from this change.
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green-alien-turdz · 25 days
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Hi, hello, I'm one more minute away from bashing my head into a wall. I know people showed some interest before, so I'm thinking of opening emergency commissions.
Bullshit n more under the cut vv
So on Friday my gma had a health emergency. She almost died. I got up to Washington immediately to be with her n it was super fuckin bad. We genuinely weren't sure if she was gonna make it. She had let it get so bad bcuz she not only couldn't afford to go to the doctors, but she was also embarrassed of some swelling in her legs. I can't even begin to list how much shit they had to take care of once she got into the ER. She then went to ICU, then PCU, and is soon to be moved to a normal room (but she's still not good). She's gonna have to go into a rehab for at least a month to get mobile enough to where I can handle it. I have no clue how we are gonna pay. The amount of medical debt we are gonna be in is fuckin insane. Her medicare might cover some, imma have to see what we can do.
She also takes care of my cousin. So I had to quit both of my jobs and I'm movin up to tacoma for the next few months so I can take care of my cousin and my gma when she's outta rehab.
The reason I need to open commissions is bcuz I legit can't get an actual job up here. My cousin will need me there morning and night- luckily school is startin up next week. Then my gma will need me to take care of her when she's back. I don't know when she's gonna be better. There's even a fuckin chance she WON'T recover, which us my worst fuckin fear. I gotta leave my life behind n just take care of family for a while. My gma raised me, so it's the least I can do.
I have some saved up that I was gonna use to move out, but imma have to use it to take care of my gma n cousin- so I was hopin to do somethin like commissions to get at least some cash comin in. I take up random gigs offa craigslist when I can, but I can't do much durin the day until school starts up n I'll have the afternoons to work.
If anyone is interested in commissions, could you leave a comment sayin which application/programs are best payment wise? I feel gross doin this. Ion know, it feels like beggin, I hate recievin money from shit other than work, but I gotta do somethin. Just let me know what works easiest for people so I know what I need to set up. If anyone is interested- if not, I totally get it. If there's enough intrigue, I'll make a post talkin about what commissions I'll offer.
Uhhh yeah, I'll be back soon or some shit.
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mousedetective · 6 months
Homeless Disabled/Mostly Queer Family Needs Help!
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
So much has happened in the last week! And for once, most of it is good. I got my food stamps problem fixed this morning (there was a miscommunication as to whether Lena lived at the shelter with us or not), so hopefully this week I'll get my stamps, but we also get three meals a day so that helps. My mother and I are getting copies of our Medicare cards sent to us, and tomorrow we're going to get our MediCal cards. Lena is getting her SS card sent to her and we're going to check tomorrow to see if her MediCal application has been submitted. And I got a listing of low-income housing in the area, so we're going to start calling this week.
Unfortunately, there's some bills we still need to pay. In the process of covering things last month and getting everything we've needed for the shelter move and since we've moved in, we've racked up quite a few payday loans. If I can pay some or all of these off it would be a HUGE help. I calculated between all the loans and I need to come up with $2,610.44 to pay them all so we ca put money into moving into an apartment next month. So right now that and $100 for gas is all I'm asking for.
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maplebellsmods · 1 year
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Nursing Home Mod
Get ready for new gameplay for the elder life stage. Now your Sims can make the tough decisions when it comes to their elder. Say goodbye to the days of worrying about your elders' well-being, because nursing homes are now a viable option for their care.
This mod will need to tap into your sims imagination because I didn't want to make it too invasive. So when you believe your elders need specialized support, it's time to explore the world of nursing homes. This mod lets you dive into a variety of options, each with its own unique vibe, price, and perks. Whether you're looking for a swanky senior living community or a cozy, nurturing atmosphere, three options will be available. You can start by taking a look at the different nursing home options.
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There are a few ways to go about sending you elder away to the nursing home. First of all, you can fill out an interest form and you will receive a call from a representative.
There are three nursing homes to choose from:
Green Tea Home Care - $1,250 simoleons a week
Du Pondersoa - $4,000 simoleonsa week
Desert Palms -   $10,000 simoleons a week
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Nursing Home Order
If you decide a nursing home would be the best option for your elder sim the next steps would be to, get an order from the physician. You can do this by scheduling a meeting with the physician. Once your sim is at the meeting they will be able to choose from a wide list of symptoms the elder may have. Now this is where you will use your imagination and pick the option that would fit best with your game.
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Your sim may also really want to send the elder to a nursing home, for reasons that may or may not be malicious. They have the option to bribe the physician for pretty large sum of money. This could make the physician lean more toward giving your sim the nursing home order. 
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If the nursing home order hasn't been issued, but this was not the outcome you wanted you should read the section below. But, if the nursing home order has been issued you can move on to the next step. (Keep in mind these steps are not dependent on one another. You can do them in any order you would like.)
Finances are an important part of figuring out how your sim will pay for the nursing home. There are three options to choose from: 
Medicare: You will qualify for Medicare if your household funds are under 30,000 simoleons
VA Benefits: If your sim was a veteran they will be applied to apply for this (There aren't any actual conditions for it because this would make strangerville a requirement for the mod and elders who you created and have no history wouldn't qualify even if you imagined this history for them.)
Self Pay/Private Pay: Self Explanatory 
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Finally, you will need to get permission from the elders themselves because you cannot just force them into a nursing home against their will... unless they aren't able to make that decision anymore based on their mental health. In that case, you would need documentation from the health care provider letting the nursing home know that the elder is unable to make these decisions on their own and will need assistance. 
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But if you don't have this document you will need to ask for permission. You will get different responses from doing this. Ranging from positive to negative.
After you've completed all of the necessary steps you can submit your application and will soon receive a response from the nursing home. 
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After you, the nursing home will call your sim and let them know about the outcome. Then your sim will finally be able to send the elder to the nursing home. When you send them away make you are ready because the first payment is deducted immediately after they are admitted. 
After that you will automatically pay every week, based on your financing and nursing home option the payments will differ.
Your sims can visit the elder during specific visiting hours and they may all feel different about seeing their loved one in a nursing home. 
If your sim does change their mind about the nursing home they can withdraw the elder. They will return home. This would be useful in cases where your sim cannot pay any more, want to explore the other options or just misses them.
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Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I didn't get the nursing home order 
If you didn't get a nursing home order, you can wait 24 hours for the results to reset, and then try again you may get a nursing home order.
The elder keeps refusing the nursing home request
You have to wait a few hours before the interaction shows up again. But another household member can also ask and maybe the elder will be more willing to listen to them. 
I don't want to ask for permission 
If you don't want to ask for permission then make sure you select, the "memory loss or confusion" option when the doctor asks you for symptoms. 
I'm being charged twice
Make sure you only select ONE payment option. If you choose something you regret you can withdraw the elder from the nursing home. Another option is if you have mc command center you can use cheats to remove the buff where you chose the financing option. 
Some of this information is inaccurate
I was trying to be somewhat close to how it goes in real life, I did a lot of research about this and made the decisions I thought would suit the game best. I still may have gotten some stuff wrong and I apologize if I did.
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
Public: 18/06/23
Download: Here
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every1sno1fangirl · 2 months
Happy Hifuumo Friday everyone!
Yesterday I had the last infusion I'm going to get on my parent's insurance. It's kind of scary; I'm going to make triple sure that the paperwork is going through so I continue to have coverage.
This stuff is kinda life-changing and saving.
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Like in hindsight, I basically almost died once because of something that wasn't diagnosed as a flare.
I won't go into detail, but I was getting a blood transfusion for three days straight because I only had a third as much as you need to live inside me.
That's not good!
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It's been years since that happened though, or that I've felt pain from it at around 7+/10 instead of the 2-4 I do most often now.
And I hate that it might be taken away from me. I don't know what Medicare coverage will be like.
I'll supposedly stay with my providers...
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But I have no idea how true that is or how much it'll suddenly cost.
And I have yet to hear back from my job still either; At this point I need to suck it up, update my resume, and send out applications.
And that's scary in its own right. But I have to at this rate.
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I don't think I'll be able to go to school in January. Not with what I still have to pay and save for. But sometime next year, I'm going to do that. I owe it to myself to improve my situation.
I owe it to the people who care about me, which is why I am not Doomering.
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Even though all of this stuff is really scary and uncertain and unknown.
It only gets worse if I try to close my eyes to it and look away. I've learned that enough from my mom, who is one of the reasons I'm in the mess I am. It doesn't work.
I need to be better than that.
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Too many people care about me for me to do anything else. And I care about them too much in turn.
Life's stacked against me, but I hope that resolve is enough.
I love you all, I hope you have a good day/night!
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davidzoltan · 25 days
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Governor Tim Walz, I am proud of you for raising such a clearly loving and passionate son. He has done proud by you, but I am sorry that his disability has been used as a weapon against others, especially by those that aren't as interested in charting an equitable future for him and all his disabled colleagues, myself included, around the country.
Vice President Kamala Harris, your campaign and those in the party you now, by default, lead, have put a young man with at least one disability central to your attacks on our mutual enemies, and yet the policies in your speech last week do not reflect disability justice.
For starters, the only explicit policy you mentioned that touches on the needs of disabled people are "protecting Social Security and Medicare". We don't need it protected. We need it expanded. We need to be making explicit that equity for disabled people means lifting the tax cap on Social Security completely and instituting a progressive Social Security tax. That expansion of income must then be used to ensure a Living Wage For Social Security rather than keeping us in abject poverty. Also, ending policies that result in well over four in five applications for SSDI to need to go through a lengthy and draining appeal process.
It also means backing Improved Medicare For All. If you aren't willing to extend that far, then at the very least, it is time to introduce a public option to ensure that we are able to expand benefits through a larger insurance pool including more benefits for disabled folks, control prescription and other medical prices for more people, and bring us another step closer to universal coverage.
Next, it should go without saying that any policy that needlessly increases the likelihood of creating disabilities for people is ableist from the start. That means a more hawkish war footing is counter to disability justice. We already have the most lethal fighting force in the world many times over. If the military were a tenth of its size, it would still be the most lethal even then while also greatly expanding available funding for programs that help every American, disabled folks included.
And in the specific, you must impose an arms embargo on Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza. I'd go a step further and demand that you also impose a funding embargo as funding a genocide is hardly any better than enabling one with weaponry. We have all seen the reports and the tragic media that show the Palestinians disabled by Israeli forces using American weapons. And as a Jew as well as a disabled American, I say not in my name.
And that's just to speak to top level of items in your speech. There needs to be an entire disability justice analysis of the platform you're still writing and a disability justice plank as part of that platform.
I hope you will listen. I am forced to vote for you right now as the alternative would literally either kill me or force me to flee the country. But I currently have none of the joy that your campaign seeks to create. I volunteer my labor often (because I can't be hired by any campaign lest I put the very federal and state benefits that keep me alive in danger), and I would be willing to discuss with your team further so that hopefully we can seek a better path forward together.
But for now, the least you owe Tim's son and every disabled person that has seen themselves in the mouths of Democrats everywhere without supporting our needs is to show solidarity with us in the days to November 5th.
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charmedhypno · 11 days
Charmed! 2025 Covid Policy Update
Charmed! 2025 Covid-19 Policy
Charmed! is committed to hosting the safest event we possibly can as the world continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this, the Convention Committee (“ConCom”) will continue to require up to date Covid vaccinations as well as masking for our attendees, staff, and volunteers at Charmed! 2025.
In addition, hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout Convention Space (“Con Space”) and our Dungeon Monitors (“DMs”) will be extremely proactive in reminding people to clean their equipment - if you need help please ask and it will be provided!
Please read the following policies carefully! They contain several important dates and deadlines – ignorance of these policies will not result in any exemptions.
Vaccination Policy
The newest Covid-19 vaccine update has been evaluated and released for use in the United States to people aged 6 months and older for Fall 2024. People can get the vaccination if it has been at least 2 months since their last vaccination for Covid-19. People who have not previously been vaccinated for Covid-19 are considered “up to date” with their vaccinations after receiving this single dose.
This vaccine update is free under most insurance plans in the United States (including Medicaid and Medicare), but is no longer offered for free by the United States government.
Free vaccinations may be available on a state-by-state basis; so check whether or not your state has a free adult vaccination program if you require a free option. People based in the United States can search for their local Health Department here: https://www.naccho.org/membership/lhd-directory
People who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 may wait 3 months before getting the updated vaccine.
In order to attend Charmed! 2025 in-person you must be up to date with your Covid vaccination: a person who is “up to date” with their vaccinations beginning September, 2024 is a person who has received the latest updated vaccine, released in September, 2024.
Vaccinations typically take around two weeks to reach full efficacy; therefore for the purposes of Charmed! 2025 vaccinations will be considered valid if they are received by or before Monday, January 6th, 2025.
In-person attendees of Charmed! 2025 will be required to show proof of “up to date” vaccination received in good time – that is, they must show proof that they have received the Fall 2024 vaccine update by or before January 6th, 2025. Proof may be in the form of one of the following: official paper vaccine card, electronic vaccine card, photocopy or digital representation of official vaccine card, website listing your name/vaccination date, dated email for an applicable vaccination appointment, a photograph of some part of the vaccination process (eg. the vial of serum), or other applicable media. If you are unsure that your form of proof will be valid, please contact us before arriving at the event. Proof of vaccination will be verified at badge pick-up.
You can contact us using one of the following ways: Email us at: [email protected] Contact us through Charmed! social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharmedHypno Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/121240?sp=1 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/charmedhypno Bluesky: https://charmedhypnocon.bsky.social/ Discord: DM @Noelle - I have answers!
People who are unable to get the updated Covid-19 vaccine for a three month period ending with the final day of Charmed! 2025 (January 26th, 2025) due to a previous Covid-19 infection will be considered “up to date” for the purposes of in-person attendance. Please contact ConCom if you become Covid-positive within this window.
IMPORTANT: if you have a Covid-19 infection that results in you being able to get the updated vaccine within the two week time period before Charmed! 2025 begins – that is, January 8th through January 22nd – you will not be considered “up to date” with your vaccination and will be ineligible to attend Charmed! 2025 in person.
PLEASE NOTE: the three month waiting period is a CDC recommendation and it may be possible for people to get the updated vaccine within that time period.
In-person attendees at Charmed! 2025 will be required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 48 hours of badge pick-up, (over-the-counter test is okay), in picture form in order to pick up their badge. Please do not bring a physical test with you to badge pick up - a picture on your phone is sufficient.
Mask Policy
In-person attendees at Charmed! 2025 will be required to wear well-fitting, high quality masks, such as N95s, KN95s, and FFP2s (or equivalent) at all times while in official convention space. This includes both the private convention area and Con Suite, as well as semi-public areas such as registration and the hallway outside of the upstairs classrooms.
If you are unable to acquire an N95 or similar mask, then pleated surgical masks are acceptable as a last resort.
Examples of unacceptable masks include: bandanas, gaiters, and scarfs.
Presenters and demo-bottoms may choose to remain unmasked only while actively presenting.
There are no mask exceptions for evening social events and dungeon play.
Masks may be raised, but not removed, in order to sip water and/or eat small snacks in Convention Space as needed.
A small number of masks may be available via Convention Operations for people who need them; however, we cannot guarantee this so please do your best to procure your own.
Testing Policy
In 2024, we did not require that attendees test daily but did highly recommend that they do so. For 2025, we are again highly recommending that people test daily before entering convention space. Over the counter tests are excellent at detecting a viral load in someone who is contagious, and are currently the best way for people to determine if they need to isolate themselves.
Convention Operations may have a small number of tests available for people who need them; please do not count on this and do your best to procure your own.
Policy Exemptions
Residents of countries that do not offer updated Covid-19 vaccines to the general population may be considered exempt from the requirement to be up-to-date by United States standards as long as they have received and can show confirmation that they received the primary course of vaccinations; that is, the original shot plus the two follow up shots.
We ask that people in non-U.S. countries who are eligible to receive updated vaccines continue to do so.
Attendees who are offered exemptions to the 2025 Covid-19 policy will be required to test daily while in attendance in person at Charmed! 2025 and to send verification of their negative test result to a member of ConCom before they are allowed entrance into official con space.
Failure to follow this policy may result in that person’s badge being pulled and them no longer being able to attend Charmed! 2025 in person.
We will continue to assess the status of attendees with possible medical exemptions on a case by case basis. If you are affected by this policy, please contact us as soon as you can via email at [email protected] or dm Noelle_8033 on Discord.
There are no exemptions to the masking policy.
Covid Infections & Isolation Policy
Attendees, including all staff members, volunteers, presenters, etc, will be required to report and self-isolate if they test positive for Covid-19 while attending Charmed! 2025.
For the purposes of Charmed! 2025, an attendee who is “self-isolating” will remain in their private room as much as possible and will not enter any shared hotel spaces with convention members, including but not limited to: official Convention Spaces (areas past our security check points), shared convention spaces (eg. the badge pick up area, the hallway outside of upstairs classrooms), and the Charmed! 2025 Consuite (the enclosed room outside of regular Con space that is across from the public fireplace seating area.)
ConCom reserves the right to expand this list during the Convention in order to accommodate the number of in-person attendees present at Charmed! 2025.
Out of an abundance of caution, an initial positive test result will be taken as confirmation of infection, regardless of subsequent testing.
**The identity of anyone that contracts Covid-19 while at Charmed! 2025 will be kept anonymous unless otherwise unavoidable, unless that person wishes to share their identity.
Failure to report and self-isolate will result in the infected attendee’s badge being pulled and potentially a ban from Charmed! in the future.**
Reporting & Contact Tracing Policy
Anyone becoming positive for Covid-19 while attending Charmed! 2025 will be required to report and self-isolate. They will need to identify to ConCom classes/areas where they have been, including private spaces, and ConCom will inform the attendee population that they may have been exposed to Covid-19.
**The identity of anyone that contracts Covid-19 while at Charmed! 2025 will be kept anonymous unless otherwise unavoidable, unless that person wishes to share their identity.
Failure to report and self-isolate will result in the infected attendee’s badge being pulled and potentially a ban from Charmed! in the future.**
Charmed! 2025 is committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for our attendees. This may mean that our vaccination/mask requirements are stronger/stricter than those of other events or organizations. We understand that this can be frustrating, and we appreciate your adherence to these policies that are for the benefit of every attendee at Charmed! 2025.
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mariacallous · 2 months
In the United States, eligible older adults are accessing means-tested safety net programs at low rates. Particularly, the participation rates of older adults in Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are exceedingly low. Recent data reveals that less than half of eligible adults ages 60 and older participated in SNAP in 2018. Although the recipiency of SSI among older adults is understudied, estimates indicate that since the program’s inception in the 1970s, their participation rate has hovered around 50%.
Participation rates in these programs are low, even with the existence of many outreach efforts. Examples include the SSI/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) model designed to increase participation among individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and SNAP outreach that occurs at local food banks and pantries across the United States. Current application, determination, and enrollment processes for these programs involve numerous administrative barriers that, along with other factors, result in many individuals, including older adults, from accessing their entitled benefits. In addition, many program rules further discourage participation.
The financial situation of many low-income older adults, given that their income tends to remain generally constant over time, allows for a unique opportunity to reform application and enrollment processes for this specific population. The provisions outlined in this brief apply to beneficiaries receiving SSDI, in addition to older adults. As previously proposed to reduce Medicare premiums, a more automated approach can be applied to the application processes of SSI and SNAP. This reform would be a radical change from current program operations and is likely to result in higher participation rates in both programs. In this brief, we examine in greater detail the current levels of SSI and SNAP enrollment among older adults, illustrate why participation rates are stubbornly low, and describe a solution to this problem.
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By Prem Thakker
States across the country are moving to provide universal free school meals to all our children. Meanwhile, Republicans are trying to stop them from doing just that.
The Republican Study Committee (of which some three-quarters of House Republicans are members) on Wednesday released its desired 2024 budget, in which the party boldly declares its priority to eliminate the Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, from the School Lunch Program. Why? Because “CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”
The horror.
Of note is that the CEP is not even something every school participates in; it is a meal service program reserved for qualifying schools and districts in low-income areas. The program enables schools that predominantly serve children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast and lunch, instead of means-testing them and having to manage collecting applications on an individual basis. As with many universal-oriented programs, it is more practically efficient and, as a bonus, lifts all boats. This is what Republicans are looking to eliminate.
It’s the kind of provision that many would want every school to participate in. Why not guarantee all our children are well fed as they learn and think about our world and their place in it, after all?
But indeed, as California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and as of this week, Vermont, all move to provide universal free school meals in one form or another—and at least another 21 states consider similar moves—Republicans are trying to whittle down avenues to accomplish that goal.
Along with trying to stop schools from giving all their students free meals, the proposed 2024 Republican budget includes efforts to:
• cut Social Security and Medicare • make Trump’s tax cuts for the top 1% permanent • impose work requirements on “all federal benefit programs,” like food stamps and Medicare • extend work requirements on those aged 55–64 • bring back all of twice-impeached and twice-arrested former President Donald Trump’s deregulations, including the weakening of environmental protection.
And that’s just a taste of their hopes and dreams. But don’t mistake it all as just wish-casting: “The RSC Budget is more than just a financial statement. It is a statement of priorities,” the party assures in the document.
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Hoping, praying, wishing that you're still active.
I just got my first job as a social worker and am already on my deathbed. Fresh from uni and not a clue how to do the things they're asking me to do. I'll try though.
Working with seniors, I have to do outreach. We are distributing flyers and trying to make connections for our senior day program for seniors with dementia. I have already reached out to churches, hospitals and medical clinics, community centres, and libraries. But my manager wants me to expand on that list.
I really don't know who else to contact. Do you have any suggestions? And what was your greatest obstacle working your first SW job? ♥️♥️♥️
I'm not really active, but active enough to see this ask!
Oof, frontline social work jobs are tough. I'm assuming you're in the US (though I imagine this would probably be at least somewhat applicable to other countries), so here are some ideas:
First, search your area for social work/mental health worker networking groups. Most of them are on facebook, but some of them might be elsewhere. You can google "[City name/state/region] mental health worker networking group" and see what pops up. I say this both because you'll be able to do some outreach there, but also because you deserve to connect with other mental health workers for support for yourself. Also, try reaching out to your college and see if they have a group for alumni. Again, for outreach and networking opportunities, but also to connect with other social workers for support for yourself.
As for ideas for other places to reach out to: I mean, honestly, you've hit almost all the places I could think of! Try senior centers, if you haven't already. Try other nonprofits serving seniors in your area (try looking for Medicare/Medicaid-funded organizations), assisted living facilities, independent living facilities, and retirement communities, and see if you can find any individual therapists or group therapy practices that may serve seniors.
Also, don't be afraid to stand up and advocate for yourself in your job. If you're fresh out of ideas and your manager is still pushing for more, gently push back. Think along the lines of "I've already tried everything I can think of, including x, y, and z. I'm out of ideas at the moment. Do you have any ideas of other places I can try?" If they don't, and they just expect you to come up with... something, try, "I'm not sure what else to do. If you don't have any other ideas, I'm going to [insert idea of what you can do next that's tangentially related, like, 'follow-up with the places I've already reached out to so I can keep building those connections.'] But I'll talk with you during our next check-in/meeting to see if I come up with any other ideas."
Social work jobs are hard. They are so hard. I struggled with pushing myself too hard and not having the work-life boundaries I need to last long-term. Take your time off, take your sick leave. Turn your phone off (or at least mute work people) after hours. If you can keep from adding any work apps to your phone, do. If they try to give you more work than you can do in a reasonable work week, tell them that. "I'm not able to get x done with y and z, so I'm going to prioritize y and z unless you tell me you'd like me to do something else." And don't be afraid to look for a new job if this one is going to burn you out.
(also AskAManager.org is a great resource for finding ways to advocate for yourself in the workplace. Social workers deserve better than the field gives them. You don't have to put up with it.)
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remembertheplunge · 5 months
May 5, 2023. 4;24pm Friday
Butte County Chico Social security Office.
Priority review per Laura. Need…..(I stopped writing here when the social security worker , realizing that Zoe was dying, came out from behind her bullet proof window and got down on one knee to present Zoe with her Medicare approval.)
Room 212 Super 8 Motel. Chico
I just e mailed  a friend that  today was like wading through a nightmare awake.
I joined the Chico Sports Club for a month because Zoe has weeks to live. I told my friend in the e mail that the geography of death has odd mathematics.
I told Zoe that she knows I’ve been sober for 12 years. She will die knowing I’m OK.
I told her I’m dedicating the September 23, 2023 Alcatraz swim to her. She said “Don’t do it.  Sewage and sharks”.(in the San Fransisco Bay”.) (I did the swim from just off Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in San Fransisco on September 23, 2023.)
When I arrived yesterday at noon, after not saying I could come see her yesterday until 6:30pm, Zoe said “Avoiding me because you are afraid of death?”
She wrote a letter to cousin Ruth Ann telling her that  she (Zoe) has weeks to live.
A friend of hers from San Diego and his wife will come to visit with Zoe. I forget what his name is.
Denise and Michael and another guy cleaned out Zoe’s storage unit today to save Zoe $140 a month. But, Zoe  doesn’t have a month.
I drove Zoe to the Social Security office where they expedited her Medicare application. Zoe had written “pay rent” on the back of her hand in black in felt tip pen.
Her landlord, later said Zoe had paid rent upon her return home.
Her landlord said it was OK for Zoe to die in the house. Zoe and Denise didn’t think that that landlord wanted that.
The landlord said her husband died in her house. She feels cozy when sits where he died.
I worked out and coffee housed before I saw Zoe today.
I wasn’t avoiding death. I was preparing myself to meet it.
End of entry
May 6, 2024: One year later. The drum beat up to my sister's May 14 death from pancreatic cancer last year grows louder. I had misplaced the journal containing the May 2023 entries until yesterday. I read the May 5 and May 6 entries last night. Gripping. Chico Hospice called me today asking how I am doing? "Are you eating and sleeping? This will be our last call". I am eating and sleeping. But, the stark horror and beauty of Zoe's rapid dissent into death last May is calling. And I'm answering in part by typing it out and posting it to our common soul out there on the blog.
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artemisbarnowl · 2 months
So just wondering basically whatever you can think would be good advice or insight or tips for someone wanting to move to Melbourne from the UK
Doesn't have to be limited to the likes below;
healthcare, prescriptions (I have a few chronic illnesses; nothing too serious, but I do need different medications etc), Visas, nominations, what sort of yearly wage/income would I need to be comfortable, taxes/insurance, bills, education (I don't have a family; but say I wanted to do a uni course, could ?); rent or buy, is a car needed, should I look into city living or suburb living, is it safe for a single female to move there & live on her own... and yeah just anything else you or anyone else can think of, l've never moved abroad before
Oh sis I'm sorry but as a native a lot of stuff like visas or healthcare for an expat I won't know about. I feel like the procedure is fairly similar to the UK in that you go to a gp first for scripts or any tests and referrals. We've got Medicare which is similar to NHS but I don't know when or how you can get a medicare card once you move here.
It depends where you are but I reckon you'd be fine to move and live alone (like misogyny is everywhere but it's not like women don't go anywhere alone), however living alone is EXPENSIVE, almost prohibitively so. The minimum wage for full time work is around 50k a year, or 900 a week before tax, rent for an apartment is at least 350 but that's for a studio that's small and likely old, or in the middle of nowhere where you need a car. The average "entry level" apartment in a major city is going to be around 600k and generally requires a 20% deposit. Repayments will vary with interest rates and size of mortgage. It's very common for people to live in share houses and it's not difficult to find women only ones but I haven't lived in a share house in over a decade so wont know much about good platforms or how the search goes.
Taxes are mostly automatic, your pay is taxes before you get it, sales tax is included in all prices where it's applicable, it's unlikely you'll have to pay additional at eofy unless you're earning a lot more (over 90k) and don't have private health insurance. You can study, but courses will be expensive as you likely won't be eligible for a commonwealth supported place which has reduced fees.
If you need a car depends on where you live. I recommend looking at job listings for things you'd likely be doing to get an idea of wages, and looking for housing/rent prices in different areas. Once you've picked a city, you've still gotta get a feel for where things are in relation to each other, what part of the city etc etc real estate dot com, seek, and the public transport website for each state can help with figuring distances and if you want a car. I don't THINK it's difficult for poms to move here as there are plenty and they do it all the time, there might be websites or forums to discuss common hurdles that can help.
Other important info: footy means one of 3 games (rugby league, rugby union, or AFL), the big beer is nearly always called a pint but the small ones change by state, it's a parma, "how are you?" is a hello type greeting that should be answered with a basic 'good thanks' and not the truth unless the asker is quite a good friend.
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Republicans are not winning with bipartisan support and there are more Democrats than republicans. Also Universal Healthcare WAS on the party platform until around 2016 and they took it off to appeal to the "moderates." The Democrats had a supermajority post-Bush administration until 2012. They could have forced Universal Healthcare through the house AND senate and instead they tried including a newly radicalized and recalcitrant GOP with its "tea party" movement not only water it down to the incrementalist BS called the ACA but spread their lies while their opponent Dems "went high." The Democratic party has moderated and moved more to the right since 2012 and 2023. They are losing their base. Even if you are correct and you cannot win with just your base, you are DOOMED without it.
You ask for patience while admitting this process has been broken and just been breaking more and more since LBJ. I think its time to come around and realize that merely pulling a lever for whoever is blue isn't working and other methods of protest and action are required to force the hand of any of these politicians (not advocating violence or anything). Neither party are representing our interests. We can't push one way or another. The only message they're possibly willing to understand is mass civil movement and political defeat.
Ok, first, I 100% agree with you that Obama absolutely squandered that supermajority. He had the chance to be transformative and threw it away bc he wanted to be liked, by people who were never going to like him, though that supermajority was only through 2010 -- he lost it in the midterms as was to be expected
Also, I have NEVER said that change begins and ends at the ballot box. I have said that those who don't show up there don't get listened to elsewhere. I'm all for wide and varied forms of protest -- two I advocate for constantly within the system are becoming a delegate (THEY took universal Healthcare off, at a time when they knew they couldn't get the votes and the Third Way Democrat candidate running didn't support it -- and they are mostly minor local party players. Big donors and insiders don't become delegates. However, if more activists became delegates, they could force candidates to more leftist, while still winnable positions. Bc yes, winnable is more important than ideal -- wins by inches.)
The other thing I recommend highly is getting involved with or starting activist groups pushing for open primaries and ranked voting and splitting electoral votes, such as Maine does. Those changes have actually been demonstrated through real world application to improve engagement and representation (you can read up on Alaska's results adopting it -- they may not be the results you'd want but they are representative of what Alaskans want.) In most places you can do that by ballot initiative which you can get done as citizens.
I'm also a huge fan of making a nuisance of yourself -- when enough people raise enough fuss, Congress may continue their rhetoric but they change their votes. Look up how many substantive bills passed Congress during Trump's administration -- 1 and it was the congressional GOP tax plan. For all they toadied for Trump in front of reporters, they didn't give him their votes. The attempted repeal of Obamacare was only the most spectacular example.
I'm a huge fan of civil disobedience, I've done it more than once myself. Be prepared you may get arrested, and worse you may get hurt doing it, not to deter you but you should know the risk -- I've done it bc I don't care if I get hurt, but it's not a political activity I would have taken my kids to.
Yes, things have gone downhill since LBJ. Just as before that they had a 35 year climb upward since FDR was first elected. Politics is cyclical. Hoover led to FDR, LBJ (who was the one who actually did most of the good shit Kennedy gets credit for on civil rights, along with expanding Social Security and creating Medicare and Medicaid) led to Nixon, Obama (who was mediocre except in set precedent for a minority President) led to Trump bc the pendulum always swings.
Without protest votes, we could have skipped Afghanistan, Iraq, the Great Recession (maybe, economics is somewhat independent) and the Patriot Act. We could have avoided torture and Gitmo. Bc Al Gore lost by 527 votes. If Nader voters had voted for Gore instead it would have been a walk off, even with all the other things that went wrong. Would Gore have been a perfect President? No. But he'd have been a better one.
It's not that I do not understand the frustration and the feeling that it's both hopeless and pointless bc I do. I have been disappointed in so many candidates and officials and the party more times than I can count.
But I continue to believe we can be better, and continue to try to help us get there, and I have been involved in politics long enough to know that dropping out is not an effective strategy. If you do not show up to vote, then they don't care. There could be rioting in the street in every city in America for universal healthcare and if exit polls showed it wasn't a priority for those who showed up to vote, no politician would give a shit.
Also there's a matter of statistics. No Republicans aren't winning by picking up Dem voters -- they are picking up independent voters though (that middle 30%). And yeah they need less of them, bc they currently have a cult. Where Democrats won in 2020 by not just picking up independents but GOP voters who couldn't stomach Trump too.
You tell me, what policies could Biden have gotten passed by Congress with the margins he had and didn't capitalize on? Bc I'm frankly shocked on the number he managed to get.
Principles matter. The end goal matters. But you get to that goal in steps that can can pass at the time, the slow running game of inches rather than Hail Mary passes, bc those rarely work.
I'm sorry that the entirety of human history demonstrates exactly that. I'm sure you wish it didn't too. But you cannot find me a civilization that it was not true of, bc it has never existed. "Its time to change that." To something humanity has never been able to do? Well fuck in that case it's time for world peace, an end to poverty, unsatisfying jobs, bad coffee, pronouncing words as if they contain letters that they don't, dictatorship, hatred, bigotry... I'd love to solve that overnight and you tell me HOW, I'll join you. Instead of just telling me why you're mad -- fuck I know why you're mad, I've been queer since the 90s -- tell me the plan to get from here to there. If you've got one that has any chance of working I will join you, but 3rd party votes have been tried and always failed, and no one gives a shit if the voting rate falls to 5%, if they did they would make it easier to vote. So give me your ideas that can SUCCEED, bc pointless self congratulatory shows of purity that help no one don't impress me, they just tell me that you're a coward who doesn't want accountability for a system that represents you and think you should be applauded for being one.
Also, if your convictions are so strong, you could at least put your anonymous already user name on your ask -- I sign everything I write at least.
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personnotfound · 27 days
if you don't vote, someone still gets to be president
idk, i see a lot of people talking about the election and criticizing the democratic candidates, which is great, please do that, but please also acknowledge the stakes and the context here. If you're saying talking about something horrible the dems have done/are doing, and saying not to vote for them because of it, then at least let it be a criticism that does not also apply tenfold to the republicans. Because SOMEONE IS GOING TO BE PRESIDENT. It's one or the other. Realistically, it is Trump, or it is Harris. Convincing people not to vote for Harris is advocating for Trump to win. Period. End of. That is what you are doing.
Since I am going over project 2025 - which was written by some very good friends of Trump, and which the man himself has tried to distance himself from without actually addressing any of the contents of the document itself, which align quite well with how he talks about his values and intentions - here are some quotes i have selected to contextualize the stakes of this election (under the cut for length and tw for transphobia, misogyny, )
If you are trans, here is what they think of us, "Look at America under the ruling and cultural elite today: Inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths continue to escalate, and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries" (from the foreward by Kevin D Roberts, PhD, on page 1. Kevin is the president of The Heritage Foundation, which describes itself under the 'membership' tab of their 'about' page on their website as the "most influential conservative group in america")
and here are a few of the policies they would like to inact in regards to us, "Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military. Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military service, and the use of public monies for transgender surgeries or to facilitate abortion for servicemembers should be ended." (Page 104),
"Reissue a stronger transgender national coverage determination. CMS should repromulgate its 2016 decision that CMS could not issue a National Coverage Determination (NCD) regarding “gender reassignment surgery” for Medicare beneficiaries. In doing so, CMS should acknowledge the growing body of evidence that such interventions are dangerous and acknowledge that there is insufficient scientific evidence to support such coverage in state plans." (Page 474)
"Restrict the application of Bostock. The new Administration should restrict Bostock’s application of sex discrimination protections to sexualorientation and transgender status in the context of hiring and firing" (Bostock in this context is a legal case regarding workers protections against discrimination in the workplace, this is page 584 saying that they would like it to be legal to fire people for being trans)
Or how about this from pages 4-5, "The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civilsociety hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion(“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensi-tive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists." Still the foreward there, same author. Literally calling to restrict speech in the name of 'freedom of speech'. Some irony there. The next paragraph starts by describing 'transgender ideology' (the existence of trans people) as 'pornography'.
Page 5, literally the next paragraph. "Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered."
How are we feeling? But what about foreign policy? What about Palestine?
Page 94 reads, "Sustain support for Israel even as America empowers Gulf partners to take responsibility for their own coastal, air, and missile defenses both individually and working collectively"
That does not sound like pulling support from Israel to me.
Oh, also on page 94 is this, "Implement nuclear modernization and expansion. The United States manifestly needs to modernize, adapt, and expand its nuclear arsenal. Russia maintains and is actively brandishing a very large nuclear arsenal, but China is also undertaking a historic nuclear breakout."
Because what we definitely 100% need is more military spending on nuclear weapons. I also cannot help reading that in connection to Palestine, Israel, and our country's allyship with Israel.
I'm getting stressed. I have linked the full document below. Please look up these quotes yourself, check my work, read the context for yourself. Decide for yourself if you feel I have been unfair. Decide for yourself which of the two sets of options is going to do the least damage. Because remember, it's not just the one person you're voting for. The president gets to appoint the people who run the rest of the government. The people Trump likes very much wrote this document.
Please do not play games with weather or not I can be fired from my job for being trans. Please do not play games with my access to healthcare.
It is horrific that we do not have a choice that will end US support for the genocide going on right now. But that choice isn't on the table. Our choices are genocidal fascist or a lot less genocidal fascist.
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