#mention of jack patillo
tiredeldritchhorror · 6 years
Hey hey hey!!!Have a long ass post
Gavin’s coma was caused by a car accident. He was relatively fine though concussed and fell into a coma when he passed out on the way to the hospital.
When he woke up to an empty space and only his patient gown on, he felt alone. So he thought of something more comfortable to wear, and so it was. He learned that he could create anything, objects, land, plants, and animals. No people though. He didn’t want to think about the people that probably have moved on, or maybe not, time was impossible to tell. ———————————————————
Ryan has always been able to cross into dreams. He found it illogical and tried to test it and failed on all accounts, though he did know he had a range where he had to be within 10 miles of the dreamer. He accepted that he could never be rid of it, so he stopped sleeping. Everyone should have the right to privacy and going into dreams was an invasion that he was uncomfortable with.
He got a job at a place where he was allowed to come in at anytime, which was great as he could take naps during the day and avoid getting stuck in someones dream. One day he was so exhausted he passed out close to 5 and thus was caught in a dream. This dream was different though. Other dreams are fuzzy and hard to remember or describe, however, this one was vivid at the start, he felt awake as he looked around.
He wandered into Gavin’s dream. He walked around and found the patient, and he was breath-taking. Ryan had never seen someone so beautiful, or a creeper. Thats when he realized why the world looked slightly familiar, and realized; fucking minecraft. Gavin seemed to notice his presence after the creeper he was tending to started to blink as a warning.
His sleep cycle was normal finally, well as normal as his forced insomnia allowed him. He still took naps and went to bed, and every time he would somehow end up in Gavin’s dream. Gavin’s world was amazing, they were detailed and filled with creatures. He met Gavin’s cats Smee and Columbo a few times. They were wary of every creature but they were tolerate of Ryan and they loved Gavin to death.
He never asked why Gavin was always dreaming and only thought about how beautiful this man was, sometimes he would just look at Gavin and smile, and Gavin smiled back with his beautiful green eyes and adorable long scarf.
Then Gavin asked the date and when Ryan answered Gavin seem so shocked and started tearing up. Why would he cry? Why would he ask for the date? Did Gavin ever wake from his dreams? Why didnt Ryan notice? He never heard Gavin talk about family or friends just his cats and what they could do or be in this world.
Gavin told him then and there after he asked. It was so easy and he never cared to ask, he was a terrible friend. Gavin talked about his crash and how he didnt know if his family or friends were still waiting for him or if they moved on, he assumed his family kept him alive out of fading hope that their son would wake up miraculously. He talked about his friends, his second father figure Geoff, his mother figure Jack. His boi Michael and Michael’s fiancée (or maybe wife now) Lindsey, His godsister Meg and how amazing she was, and of course his best friend Dan whom he did little slow motion videos with.
When Ryan woke up that time he struggled to find the Gavin, as he gave no indication to which hospital was at or the last names of his friends. So he started searching. He started his unhealthy habit of not sleeping to try and find them, find Gavin. When he passed out he tried to pry info from Gavin, who became distant every time his long winded descriptions of his friends ended.
And then he found him, Geoff Ramsey.
It was hard to find him, and even harder to convince a total stranger to met with him. When he started talking about Gavin though Geoff looked so tired and so sad. Its been almost a year since the accident and Geoff was losing hope rapidly, as was Gavin’s family. Ryan tried his best to ask about the hospital and the room number but it felt wrong to ask a grieving man to talk about his possibly dying son.
So he started asking around, he met Gavin’s friends but he tried to keep his distance. He wanted to meet them properly when Gavin woke up. He never told Gavin what he’s been doing.
Then Gavin started fading. At first it was not noticeable, he tried to grab Ryans hand and he phased through it. He freaked out when Gavin was almost translucent. What was happening, he had to look faster, he had to find Gavin.
Then Geoff asked Ryan if he wanted to go see Gavin off. His family was taking him off life support. Ryan freaked out but accepted, and when he saw Gavin in that hospital bed looking so frail and small and sad rather than his usual bubbly and flushed face he wanted to cry. His family was due to come tomorrow and do it, but non family (including Dan and Meg) wasn’t allowed.
That night Ryan tried to sleep and see Gavin and tell him but he couldnt seem to do it. He needed to save him. The next day came and Ryan was running out of ideas, he tried to go the hospital but they wouldnt let him in, saying that Gavin’s family asked for no non family member visitors. So Ryan did what he had to, he took some sleeping pills and prayed that the effects would take soon.
When he finally dozed off all he thought about was Gavin and how this man had changed his life and they never really met outside the dreams.
He hoped he wasnt too late.
The world was empty. No buildings, no wandering creepers. No Smee or Columbi to greet him cooly. All Ryan saw was Gavin sitting on the white floor, transparent that he was just a mirage.
Gavin gave a teary eyed smile to Ryan and shrugged, saying that he was preparing for this since he came here.
Ryan tried to talk but Gavin asked him to sit down for a bit, and he could do nothing to listen.
He leaned on Ryan’s shoulder after seated and started laughing. Or sobbing, Ryan couldn’t tell. All he knew was that he might be too late. So he started talking about what he was doing the last few months.
Telling Gavin that he’d met everyone, how Meg and Dan were suspicious because they knew Gavin so well and they never heard of him. How Geoff and Jack had welcomed him and even started calling him a Gent. How he’d met Michael and his fiancée, they were waiting for Gavin to wake up before they did it as Michael would have no one else as his best man. He’d even visited him at the hospital, and how he cried when Geoff told him that Gav was being taken off life support.
As Ryan finished he turned to Gavin and tried to wipe the tears streaming down the others face. He was crying as well as he said that he loved Gavin, and that he has been the reason Ryan grew to love his gift. He begged Gavin to wake up, and Gavin cried more, and told Ryan that he felt himself being pulled, that he Loved Ryan too.
Then Ryan woke up.
Ryan cried as he sat up from his bed, he sobbed openly and felt his heart begin to break when he heard buzzing, it was Geoff. How could he handle the news that he lost Gavin twice? He had to, because Gavin’s friends and family somehow became his as well. So he accepted and raised the phone to his ear.
‘He woke up’
End (i might make an epilogue if yall want)
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monarchisms · 4 years
dark achievement hunter fandom, show me the forbidden jack-centric content
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I forgot to post this to tumblr but remember when Jack did this in Juggling a Tank With Rockets? Well it gave me an idea
(Bonus: the "I done fucked up" face that inspired it)
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zilbea · 5 years
Everyone knows Ryan is a hitman. Everyone knows he killed. But finding out that Gavin, their meek hacker, had once been a hitman. That was hard. It was a blow to their trust. Worse finding out Ryan knew. That they were dating. Realising that when Ryan joined, Gav wasn’t scared of him, he was scared to be outed. They didn’t know about the Golden Boy who got into your bed then put a bullet between your eyes and robbed you blind for info or jewellery. He didn’t want them to. But they knew now...
I am so very sorry I have taken so long to answer this. I have been looking at this ask for a while trying to decide what direction to in with it. This might be off the chart from your initial ask, but consider this:
No one knew - no one except for Michael. They graduated UCPC (The Underground Conservatory for Professional Contractees) together, learned tricks of the trade together. For their first few years out of training, they took jobs together; split the pay. Team Nice Dynamite, they called themselves. Michael and Gavin shared everything while working as hitmen: food, housing, cash, even an old pitbull Michael had rescued from the Los Santos Backyard. Years pass, their confidence grows, and they begin taking on simple, more independent contracts. Reporting back to each other nightly, critiquing one another’s technique and bandaging each other’s wounds… But it’s hard work being a hitman. Time and time again, clients pay far less than promised, and keeping business under the LSPD’s omniscience is no small task. 
So when Michael and Gavin meet notorious criminals Geoff Ramsey and Jack Patillo at a bar, it’s so very hard to decline their proposition for a startup crew. Despite the appeal of the offer, Michael and Gavin proceed with caution. Several years ago, they had been contracted to kill the very two criminals standing before them with their hands extended. It became an unspoken promise, as Michael and Gavin accepted the older pair’s offer, that there could be no mention of their past life. Their old contract was, in fact, still active, and Team Nice Dynamite understood the monumental risk they were taking by forming a criminal crew with contracts. Two handshakes later, Michael and Gavin’s lives were reborn.
Michael and Gavin assume their new identities as public criminals with the small 4 person crew known as The Fakes, and they nearly forget about their past lives as hitmen. A year later, Ryan, a terrifying man with a not-so-terrifying name accepts Geoff’s offer into the crew, followed closely by a smaller man named Jeremy. For years the 6-person crew worked smoothly together, and Gavin grew very close to Ryan. The Vagabond was openly a retired hitman, had officially denounced his past to make room for a new life of glory. Gavin finds himself drawn to the man, and their relationship grows.
Despite his comfort with the crew, Gavin sometimes spends nights lying awake, guilt washing over him. The Fakes had become his family - Ryan had become his boyfriend - and yet, his past life remains the biggest burden of secrecy. It weighs on Gavin’s shoulders, threatening to topple him.
No one can know, Michael had said. An old life, Gavin had agreed.
One day, after a particularly dismal heist, Michael pulls Gavin aside. His brow is knitted, and he holds crumpled paper in his hand. Gavin takes the paper, smooths it, and nearly throws up. In trembling hands, Gavin reads the neat handwriting scrawled across Team Nice Dynamite’s old contract:
Ramsey. Patillo. Keep it clean.
Gavin tells Michael to burn it. Michael refuses.
The duo’s greatest fear comes true several weeks later. 
Gavin enters his penthouse bedroom jovially, steps staggering from a celebratory bar crawl with Michael and Jeremy. He ambles drunkenly around the room as he sheds clothing, completely missing the dark shape on his bed. The Vagabond rises from Gavin’s mattress, and Gavin fights back a yell of surprise.
Ryan stalks toward Gavin, strides aggressive and deliberate. In his hands is a torn piece of yellowing paper; his face is a mask of stone. In one motion, Ryan slams the brit against the wall, shoving the old contract into his chest. 
The room spins, and Gavin struggles to breathe as Ryan’s hand closes around his throat. Gavin isn’t too intoxicated to misunderstand the gravity of the situation, and he mumbles a string of defensive nonsensicals at The Vagabond. 
Ryan’s expression is cold. He says nothing, for his eyes burn hotter than any words. Furiously, he shoves Gavin to the ground, traitorous contract following, and stalks away - leaving Gavin to pick up the pieces of his newly shattered world.
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aevus-blogging · 4 years
The LS Police Commissioner walks into the interrogation room and drops a Manila folder on the table, inside the folder is a myriad of photos of the Fakes all dead in various ways; Trevor on a beach, a large shark bite taken out of his side, crimson blood staining the white sand; Jeremy with at least a dozen bullet holes in his chest; Gavin with his throat slit from a joke mugging gone horribly wrong; (1/?)
(Sorry the second part of this took a bit, my train of thought derailed on me) ...Michael surrounded by a pool of blood, a crashed Oppressor nearby in flames; and many, many more. "You and your crew have been shot, stabbed, poisoned, run over, fallen from planes and just in general *died* more times than anyone in this city can count, yet somehow you *Cockroaches won't. stay. down.*" The commissioner seethed (2/?) (Stuff between ** are emphasized since I can't really do that in an ask)
"But now, there's nowhere for you to run," he continued "and no way the rest of the Fakes can bust you out of here, so, Kingpin, *Geoff* you and I are going to sit down and have a nice long chat about *how* exactly you bastards have cheated death itself." (The fic can start before this prompt and explain how Geoff ended up in such a mess, and use the prompt in the story itself or after and Geoff tries to explain why/how the FAHCs are immortal) -😼
Quick Warning that the second paragraph has descriptions of death/dead bodies
The commissioner, a highly praised and decorated police officer, walked into the small interrogation room. He kept his head held high as he looked at the man before him. This was one of the most dangerous men in the city, one of the most elusive as well. Of course it had only been a matter of time before he was caught, people like him always got caught in the end. The man before him was shackled to the table, unable to leave. The Commissioner couldn’t help the smug grin that danced on his lips for the briefest of seconds as he looked at the criminal before him before returning to a sneer. He still had things to
The Commissioner tossed a manilla envelope onto the table as he sat down across from the fake, a few of the pictures inside spilling out. All were gruesome deaths of the other’s crewmates. Collins sprawled on a pristine beach, minus the red dyed sand surrounding him from the torn off leg. Rimmy Tim riddled with bullets lying on the cold hard concrete after a heist gone wrong. The Golden Boy slumped against a wall, throat torn out from a mugging gone wrong, blood coating his much too expensive clothes. Mogar surrounded by the twisted wreckage of an oppressor. Patillo shot clean through the head at the controls of a falling helicopter. The Sauce with a jagged piece of metal going straight through his chest, surrounded by the red that once was his blood. The Phoenix, a charred mess after getting too close to one of Mogar’s explosions. The Vagabond a crumpled mess on the roof of a car, parachute failed to deploy after jumping from some sort of air vehicle. And finally the Kingpin himself, slumped at a card table, mouth frothing after drinking some sort of poisonous liquid.
“These are only a sliver of the recorded deaths of your crew. Yet somehow each and every time one of you die you don’t. The next day you pop back up with some new brand of mischief. Time and time again this city has watched you all die, yet like the cockroaches you are you just don’t say down.” The man sneered angrily at the Fake in front of him who seemed no more interested in any of this then if he were reading the dictionary.
“But right now we have you locked up here, no chance for the rest of these cockroaches to get you out. So you’re going to tell me Ramsey how exactly you’ve cheated death so many times.” He growled out.
Geoff looked up from his finger nails to stare impassively at the man before him. Commissioner Hyerty, a man who had been obsessed with capturing the fakes at all costs. He was a father of two with an estranged marriage, his wife cheating on him with a member of the Vegas, the man possibly being the true father of the Commissioner’s youngest. Geoff was no more afraid of him than one was afraid of a moth. If Geoff was honest the Commissioner was more of an annoyance than anything else.
“Hm. Would you believe me if I said I sucked off Thanatos?” Geoff asked, tone casual as he watched the man’s face turn into a brilliant red shade.
“This isn’t a fucking game Ramsey! You will be going to prison! Your crew will fall and one way or another your death defying secret will be revealed.” He said, Geoff just outright laughed at that. His family wouldn’t fall apart as easily as this man thought.
“This is no laughing matter!”
“Oh but it really is. You think you’re the one with the power here, I’m only still here because I haven’t actually cared to try and escape.” Geoff said, tone cocky as he smirked at the Commissioner. This just infuriated the man even more.
“I’ve been alive longer than your family has been in America. You don’t scare me more than a kitten scares me. I’ll be here long after you die. You are nothing to me.” The Immortal said, leaning back in his seat. If this pitiful man thought Geoff would spill his secrets then he was dead wrong. Not that Geoff himself even knew how immortality works. The just died and then woke up back in a relatively safe spot in a brand new body.
“Listen here you piece of shit. Right now I’m-“ Hyerty’s speech was cut off by a knock at the door. He let out a string of curses as he turned to the door.
“Who the fuck is it.” He shouted, the door opening up to reveal a demure light skinned african american. She was staring at the floor, her short hair hanging to the side of her head.
“Commissioner Hyerty, you’re needed at the front desk.” The woman said, keeping her voice low.
“Tell them I’m busy.” The commissioner huffed out.
“They said to tell you it had to deal with the Vagabond’s whereabouts.” The woman said. The man lit up at that, immediately standing up, chair abruptly falling behind him
“You should have led off with that!” He snarled at her, turning back to Ramsey
“We aren’t done here. Though if we have your lapdog you might be more willing to speak.” The man said, hurriedly leaving, not paying attention as he left, practically running over the woman. Or that she stayed behind with Ramsey, arms now crossed.
“You owe me a fucking suped up Deluxo Ramsey.” The woman huffed, the meek demeanor gone.
“If you can manage to get me out of here Nova it’s all yours.” Geoff agreed, a wide grin stretched across his face as Novaheld up a key ring, pucked off the commissioner as he oh so rudely bumped into her.
“You dare doubt me Geoff? Maybe I should just leave you here.” She said, going to leave.
“Fionaaaaaa. You can’t leave your boss in here to rot.” Geoff whined out causing Fiona to huff.
“I mean you could spend a day or two in here.” She ribbed as she turned around, walking over to Geoff to free him.
“But then I’d be out of a Deluxo.” She said as she freed his wrists. Geoff rubbed his wrists as Fiona undid his leg shackles.
“What you said about Ry?” He asked.
“Well, the boys are getting ready to give the station a gift or two.” She drawled out with a smirk on her face. Geoff laughed at that as he stood up. Leave it to his family to bring the fight to the station.
“We’ll be going out the back. Should be less guarded as most focus will be on the front.” She said, giving him an ear piece. Immediately he slipped it on. He saw Fiona pull out two semi auto pistols from god knows where exactly, one finding its way to Geoff’s hand.
“Geoffrey! You’re alive!” Came the voice of one Gavin Free.
“Of course he’s alive idiot. We’re immortal.” Michael bit out and Geoff could just imagine Gavin’s pouting face.
“You know what I meant boi.” Gavin whined.
“Of course Gavin,” Geoff said with a huff of amusement, “status of that Gift Fiona mentioned?”
“Arrived and waiting for the signal.” Michael answered.
“Well then, why don’t we get this show on the road?” The moment the word’s left Geoff’s lips an explosion rocked the building. The chaos was instant, the people in the building flooding to either leave the building or rush to the sound of the explosion. The duo slipped out of the interrogation room to make their grand escape. With the room already being towards the back, they managed to get to the back door without much fuss. Of course there were men guarding the back exit, but they never stood a chance between the two fakes. From their it was a quick jaunt to where Jack was waiting in the getaway car.
“So about that Deluxo.” Fiona said as soon as they were speeding off to safety, causing Geoff to laugh.
“What color?” He asked her.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Geoff Ramsey, Gavin Free, Michael Jones Additional Tags: Jack Patillo (mentioned) - Freeform, Alfredo Diaz (Mentioned), Jeremy Dooley (Mentioned) - Freeform, hurt comfort?, Mild Depiction of Violence, Blood mentioned, Gun Mentioned, can be romantic platonic or familial, You Decide Series: Part 2 of Ohana means family Summary:
A deeper dive into the kidnapping scene of my work Rainy Day Memories. Can be read separately though.
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years
ramwood fahc early days plz
That one where Geoff goes to Los Santos on his own to start up his own crew, right?
Jack was supposed to go with him, but there’s some kind of delay on his end of things.
Dealing with loose ends to a job he was a key member of or he’s just sick and Geoff and everyone else insists he get better first. (“Jack, c’mon man. The last thing we need is you bringing the plague to Los Santos.”)
Geoff leaves it to Jack to put together a support team for them - after Jack’s back on his feet and functioning at 80% capacity at the very least, and don’t think Burnie and the others won’t keep an on you for me Patillo!!1!
So Geoff heads out first to get the lay of the land and all that.
Goes to see the Roosters’ contacts out there, get what information on the local gangs and crews. Current political climate when it comes to things legal and illegal, and goes back to the modest little penthouse to sift through everything he’s learned.
Ends up visiting seedy bars and the whatnot, charming grin as certain parties buy him drinks. (Guy with a face like his out at a place like that all alone? Of course someone’s going to see if he’s interested.)
Most of the time he finds a way to turn them down, sweet and charming and no hard feelings out of it for everyone.
Sometimes he says fuck it and has a very good time indeed because he’s only human and it’s kind of lonely out here. (Not that he’ll ever admit it. Well, unless someone like Jack asks, but still.)
One night he meets this guy, broad shoulder and this little smirk. Quirked eyebrow as glances at the drink that ~magically appeared at Geoff’s table and look okay, look.
Geoff is very much a weak man because this guy’s got some scruff going on and when he asks if Geoff’s new to town, that fucking voice.
Geoff goes home with him, kind of amused at the unbelievably Totally Normal Guy place he has, all these plants and shit. Some books scattered around. Typical bachelor stuff in this quaint little apartment and don’t think Geoff misses the way some strays come out of their hidey spaces when they see it’s the Totally Normal Guy.
(The little blush that hits the guys cheeks when he catches the dopey little grin on Geoff’s face when he greets the strays, all these dogs and a cat or two that look like they’ve had a rough time of it, right? Only they look like someone’s been feeding them, don’t shy away when the guy goes to pet them, and fucking seriously. Geoff would feel more guilty about this whole thing if he wasn’t so sure it’s just going to be a one-night stand kind of deal. No need to worry about dragging this guy into Geoff’s kind of trouble or catching feelings for him.)
So they have their one-night stand and Geoff feels guiltier than he should when he leaves the next morning – didn’t have it in him to sneak out in the middle of the night, no.Pressed a kiss to Totally Normal Guy Geoff’s shoulder when they woke up in the morning and told him he had fun and thanks for everything. But he’s got work and gets the hell out of there before he did something stupid like let Totally Normal Guy’s sleepy face and soft little smile make him want to stay when he absolutely shouldn’t.
Geoff’s old, okay. Got stupid with  it, wants something a little more serious than these one-night stands, but that’s not in the card for someone in his line of work. Dangerous as hell, never mind the ones like Burnie and Hullum, even fucking Gus who make it work for them. Geoff’s track record in that area is kind of shit, so it’s better this way.
He focuses on getting the crew up and running, and his contacts tell him he might want to look into this Vagabond guy.
Some guy making a name for himself these days. Professional and efficient, and smart as hell. Not just a weapon you aim at someone and hope for the best.
There are a few rumors that he’s not all there, kind of strange and whatnot but the stories he gets about that side of things are a mess okay. Conflicting accounts and the whatnot. The main threat Geoff gets out of it is that all the assholes the Vagabond went psycho on double-crossed him in some way, so. You know. (Jack’s not there in person to tell him no, and Geoff fails to mention his decision to look the Vagabond up to Jack when they talk on the phone, so yeah.)
It takes him a bit of work to track the guy down and when he does -
It’s Totally Normal Guy.
There’s this whole Thing the Vagabond set up first though. A meet somewhere, just the two of them and Jack is going to kill Geoff if he ever hears about it, so good thing he won’t.
There’s a whole Thing, but they get ambushed by some people who heard about Geoff being in town and wanted to bag them a Founder.
There’s a pew-pew shootout wherein Geoff and the Vagabond save each others’ lives more than once. All buddy-cop movie shit with witty one-liners and quips and laughter at inappropriate moments? Also, Geoff trying to think why the Vagabond’s voice sounds so familiar?
But you know.
Trying to stay alive and shelving that little mystery for later.
Pew-pew shootout and when it’s over the Vagabond takes Geoff to one of his safehouses because who knows if there are more assholes out there, and also flesh wounds that need tending. (Because plot reasons.)
The Vagabond’s the worst off, all these grazes and cuts and the whatnot, so Geoff grabs the first aide kit and comes out to see the Vagabond just standing there.
Clearly struggling with whether or not to take off his mask -
“Hey, look,” Geoff says, figures it’s the least he can do since the guy saved his life half a dozen times earlier and also, none of his business who the guy is if he doesn’t want Geoff to know. “If you want me to leave - “
There’s this pause, the Vagabond cocking his head as he regards Geoff.
(It makes Geoff wince because one of the assholes had a knife and there’s a trail of blood down the Vagabond’s neck from under the mask and he’s worried about the guy. )
And then the Vagabond sighs, shoulders slumping as he reaches up to take the mask off. All dramatic and shit and Geoff’s half expecting a crack of thunder and flash of lightning even thought it’s a clear night out.
“Uh, hey,” the Vagabond says, only it’s Totally Normal Guy looking back at Geoff.
Kind of sheepishly, fingers fiddling with the dumb mask and doing one hell of a job of not meeting Geoff’s eyes.
“Huh,” Geoff says, maybe possibly internally panicking because oh no, Totally Normal Guy is somehow a million times hotter after everything he did at the pew-pew shootout, and also oh no. “That’s. Okay.”
He was interested in hiring the Vagabond before the whole pew-pew shootout. But then seeing the guy in action ramped that up a whole hell of a lot. He’s everything that reputation he’s been building says he is – but knowing he’s also Totally Normal Guy is just.
It’s a lot.
Because Geoff’s idiot heart and feelings he’s certain he would have caught for Totally Normal Guy in any other situation, but also Vagabond???
The Vagabond winces at Geoff’s reaction, which sets that cut on his face back to bleeding and Geoff curses and he fumbles the first aide kit.
“Okay, okay. So first we’re going to get that fixed, they we’ll talk???”
Geoff would be an idiot not to hire the Vagabond, but apparently they have History and shit and Jack is going to kill him when he finds out.
But first the bleeding.
So he h patches the guy out, gets his real name out of him. (Wouldn’t have pegged the Vagabond as a “Ryan”, but what the fuck does he know?)
Tells Ryan he still wants to hire him if he’s interested. (Tries very hard not to stare at Ryan’s face because it’s an awfully nice one, even with the abuse it suffered earlier.)
“Just work?” Ryan asks, something to it that has Geoff looking hard at him for a long moment.
Trying to untangle all the nuances in those two words, things unsaid, that kind of thing.
Because look.
This life, there are some real pieces of shit in it, okay.
People who do truly despicable things, come up with these arrangements with their subordinates all the fucking time.
“That was the idea, yeah,” Geoff says slowly, hand curling into fists because he’s dealt with those sort of assholes before and it’s always ugly. Makes him fucking furious that Ryan might have reason to ask that question. “No hard feelings if you say no.”
Geoff knows he’d be on the losing side if he tried to strong-arm Ryan into working for him.
Ryan hums, lips twitching into this little smile as he relaxes.
Just like that. Fucking ‘okay’ and this dumb little smile and fucking fuck, what an asshole.
They pull those little jobs Geoff has lined up, members of B-Team arriving in Los Santos ahead of Jack to get things set up.
Always kind of awkward when they meet the Vagabond (Ryan’s got a Thing about his mask and they all respect it, but it’s a bit startling at first.)
Any lingering (sexual) tension between Geoff and Ryan doesn’t quite go away so much as it turns into this Thing neither of them openly address, because idiots.
They work well together and get along too fucking well and Geoff’s being a Good Boss, not taking advantage of shit and trying to forget that one-night stand thing because Professional!
Ryan is just.
Fuck, who knows what that idiot’s thinking?
Gets wary at the oddest times, watches Geoff like he thinks he might turn on him for whatever reason and gives him just enough rope to hang himself if he tries something. (He never does though, and those watchful moments lose that dangerous edge to them. Go all soft and thoughtful and Geoff is even more confused, but again, who the fuck knows what goes on in Ryan’s head.)
Lindsay is all ??? when he notices the shit going on between Geoff and Ryan, but she’s busy with background shit and can’t find the time to effectively interrogate Geoff yet. (Soon though. Soon.)
Eventually Jack comes to Los Santos and while he’s aware there’s some weird shit going on with Geoff and Ryan he needs to be caught up on shit.
Geoff is like, oh no, because Jack will figure everything out so fucking fast the moment he gets time to process everything, but until then!
They recruit Michael and Jeremy. Gavin shows up one day, cheeky grin on his face and this rambling explanation about being bored with the Roosters. (There’s no challenge to things anymore with the Roosters running their city the way they do, and anyways, Geoffrey, didn’t you miss me???)
Find Jeremy in some fighting ring somewhere and Michael and Gavin immediately take a liking to him like he’s a fuckin’ stray. (Also, he helped save Gavin’s life, so points for that.)
Run into the Twins and somehow get bamboozled into bringing them in the crew. (No, really. No one knows how the fuck that happened.) More people for B-Team like Matt and whoever else, and Alfredo mentioning this Fiona person he knows who might be able to help the crew out on a job. (Talented as hell, but she doesn’t work for just anyone. Gotta prove you’re worth it first.)
And on and on, and the whole time Geoff is Suffering because Ryan’s just.
Very much Ryan.
(Completely fails to notice that Ryan is having a similar problem with him.)
Eventually there’s a heist in which the two of them get paired together. Have to play happy husbands at some gala being held on a yacht in international waters just out of Los Santos where (miraculously) no one knows Geoff’s face.
(Combination of the most ridiculous masks he insists on for heists, Matt’s Hacker Magic, and Plot Reasons.)
Since no one knows the Vagabond’s face (outside the crew and a few select others, such as Meg) he’s got a few aliases out there for Reasons.
Identities in case things go to hell for him and he needs to hide out somewhere, a few from past jobs and the like. The one he uses when he’s going around Los Santos as your average civilian who needs to get things done like the grocery shopping or just to watch a movie in the theater.
Conveniently has one that gets Ryan and Geoff on that yacht for the party, only this time he gets to introduce his husband around. (Always off on a business trip or home sick and so on.)
Everyone’s a little taken aback with Geoff, because he’s not at all the kind of man they’d imagined Ryan’s high society alias would marry.
Oh, he cleans up nice, but Ryan insisted he didn’t need to bother hiding his tattoos and the whatnot.
And maybe he didn’t to Ryan, but Geoff knows okay.
He knows.
Knows what all those rich snobs think when they lay eyes on his tattoos, the way they turn their noses up and whatnot.
(Not that he gives a shit, but the hit the reputation of Ryan’s elite rich persona took is a substantial one.)
Ryan doesn’t seem to notice, at least at first.
But then Geoff goes off to grab them punch, and comes back just in time to hear the tail end of Ryan verbally eviscerating someone who clearly took offense to Geoff’s everything.
Cold and cutting and Geoff has absolutely just witnessed a murder as the asshole slinks off with their tail between their legs.
Ryan going all bashful and “Oh, uh. You weren’t supposed to hear that?”
Geoff staring at him for the longest moment before snorting and holding out the cu of punch, and offering Ryan his elbows. Steers them out of the packed room to the bow of the yacht and leans on the railing as he sips at his own drink. (This bubbly sort of warmth in his chest because Ryan had sounded so genuinely furious as he gutted that prick with his words in defense of Geoff. Sounded too damn sincere to be acting.)
And he’s not stupid okay, he’s really not.
Knows this whole Thing of acting like he hasn’t caught feelings for Ryan is going to fall apart on him someday. That Ryan will figure it out and either bolt for it because Geoff remembers that question of his okay, never wants to be like those assholes, or he’ll turn him down. (Which, is the preferable one of the two and completely understandable and the whatnot.)
But Geoff’s idiot everything when it comes to Ryan and this little speck of hope in him that maybe, maybe they could make this thing between them work? (He’s seen how good Ryan is when it comes to their line of work, if anyone’s “safe” for Geoff’s idiot heart, it’s him.)
Geoff thinks about all that as he sips his punch, sun setting over the horizon bathing them in gorgeous colors and this light breeze coming off the ocean. Ryan moving up next to him, slight tension to him that Geoff doesn’t call him on because he’s far from relaxed himself at the moment.
“Defending my honor huh?” Geoff asks, crooked little smile on his face as he looks at Ryan, who blushes harder. Throws back half his punch to try and hide it, and Geoff’s kind of idiot that has him laughing quietly. “Thanks.”
Ryan looks surprised at that, but then he smiles. This small, oddly tentative thing as he leans against the railing next to Geoff and watches the sun set.
“You’re welcome.”
Eventually they have to go back inside, play (mostly) nice until the others who have infiltrated the yacht as crew put the next stage of the heist in motion.
It won’t kick off until the next day, though, so they end up going back to their cabin suite – one bed, but they’re mature adults who can handle sharing it, okay.
(Neither of them mention the fact that they wake up tangled together the next morning, and Geoff absolutely does not feel guilty about how nice it was to wake up to Ryan like that again, hell no. For real.)
They go about things again until one of the others gives the signal and then it’s all heist shenanigans. (A  lot of screaming and yelling, some gunfire, an explosion or two. Chaos and pandemonium as they steal the shinies they were after and make their escape.)
Geoff and Ryan and up in a speedboat together headed for safety, laughing like idiots as B-Team holds off pursuit in their Buzzards.
Get to a safehouse where they lay low for a bit before going back to the penthouse to regroup/debrief/split the loot.
And look, okay.
Maybe they’re a little more aware of this Thing between them after everything – the whole happy husbands thing and then hiding out together in a cramped safehouse and so on.
Maybe it follows them back to the penthouse where everyone is just like. They’ve had enough of watching Geoff and Ryan pine over each other like morons?
Because they totally have been, and it stopped being kinda cute a long, long time ago, and is just kind of sad now.
So like.
Figure your shit out because it is killing them okay, killing them.
Geoff and Ryan staring at one another as the others go off to celebrate a successful heist after their intervention???
Hugely embarrassed and awkward and Geoff is super, super guilty, because -
“So, uh,” Ryan says, clears his throat cheeks this bright, bright red. All awkward and adorable and Geoff’s fuckin’ heart. “I think maybe there was a misunderstanding.”
Geoff all but falls over himself to apologize – for his behavior, what the others said, anything everything, and Ryan is like -
“Geoff, Geoff, shut the fuck up.”
Alarmed by how scared Geoff looks, because okay, look.
There are some shitty people out there, it’s true, but Geoff isn’t one of them and neither are any of his people. (Part of the reason Ryan stayed on way back when, gave the Fake AH Crew the chance he did.)
There’s some fumbling, because words are awkward things sometimes, but what Ryan has to say is that way back when, that question he had for Geoff?
He was trying to ask if maybe Geoff wanted to turn that one-night stand into something more...permanent.
Fucked that one up, though. But hey, mature adults and he could handle the feelings he’d already caught for Geoff if he just wanted them to be in a crew together. (And then he fucked that one up too, because the better he got to know Geoff, the stronger those feelings got.)
Geoff’s absolutely certain he’s got to be dreaming all of this, or hit his head and having some fucking soap opera coma life thing going on.
But no, no.
The look Ryan gives him for asking to pinch him to see if he’s awake is enough to convince him this is real and holy shit, what doe he do now???
“I mean, uh,” Ryan says, clear his throat again, all-over nervous. “We could get coffee?”
He winces as soon as the words are out of his mouth because what is this, some twenty-something television sitcom/terrible romcom?
Geoff stares at him for a long, long moment before he laughs at the utter ridiculousness of the two of them.
“Or,” he says, because it’s been a long fucking week without the whole emotional bullshit on top of it. “We could watch some shitty movie and order takeout and see what happens from there?”
Because they’re both sad old fucks okay.
Ryan gives him this look, hints of that smirk he gave Geoff way back when in that seedy little bar and says yes.
(The rest of the crew refuses to give them a moment of peace when they come back to find them both asleep on the ouch, some terrible movie playing and Geoff’s head on Ryan’s shoulder, because goddamn that’s old people shit.)
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ao3feed-grifsimmons · 7 years
Mystical Magical RPG: Grimm Attacks
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AglaQU
by FanficNinja
With the constant fear of Grimm attacks and rogue parties messing things up, everyone has to play their part. Geoff knows this, so he acts accordingly.
Unfortunately, the thoughts of what happened to his last party constantly hold him from achieving what he’s truly capeable of. Fortunately, his new party is more than eager to help him get through his inner turmoil... well, when they get around to it, that is.
There is a LOT of weird stuff going on in the meantime.
Words: 5459, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English
Fandoms: Achivement hunter - Fandom, Youtubers, Red vs. Blue, Voltron Legendary Defender, RWBY
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Geoff Ramsey, Jack Patillo, Phil Lester, Dan Howell, Jacksepticeye - Character, H20 Delirious - Character, Jaune Arc, Dexter Grif, Leonard Church, Lance mclain, Ruby Rose, Vanoss - Character, More Tags Coming - Character, mentioned characters - Character
Relationships: Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons, More Relationship Tags to be Added
Additional Tags: Crossover, Angst, Fluff, RPG Style, Weirdly Written, Fantasy World, Guilds, More Fandoms Incoming, Eventual Happy Ending, Confusing, WHAT WAS I THINKING WHEN I WROTE THIS, Might Get Serious Later On, Better Summary Coming
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2AglaQU
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kingsofchaos · 7 years
What If one of the fakes had a high school reunion or something like that and just took the crew and it somehow ended in a shoot out with the cops.
Let’s just be clear, it’s not a pride thing. Geoff has never cared what people said about him, not outside a professional sense anyway; he knew exactly who he was, what he was capable of, even before he’d taken an entire city to its knees. So it’s not that he felt the need to prove himself, it’s just that there’s something particular about high school trauma, isn’t there? Something that lingers, even when it shouldn’t, something that emerges from even the most upstanding adults when thrown back together for a reunion, the bullies and the bullied, all desperate to show what they’ve become.Geoff’s last high school was nothing like he’d ever been to before, a snobby upper-crust hellhole he was only in because his Ma’s third husband pulled some strings, and the other students were quick to point out just how much he didn’t belong. Between the tattoos and the smoking, the lazy looks and slow sneering drawl, it was always all too easy to label Geoff a loser, a drop out, trailer park trash everyone knew would be washing their cars one day. Never mind that he scored higher than most of his cohort even when skipping more or less every class, never mind that he is possibly the most well-read crime-lord in the country, back then he had an image and teenagers are relentless. Not that Geoff was all that phased even at the time, only a year or so away from the day he picked up his first gun and never looked back, but it’s the principal of the thing.So when an invite forwards through from an email so old he’d forgotten he’d even made it Geoff has to laugh. Then pause, consider, hatch an utterly ridiculous idea, and laugh some more. Because he might not care, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy ruining the night for all the pathetic stuck-up nobodies he went to school with; rubbing your success in everyone’s faces is what reunions are for, after all. The fact that it has a theme, that it is masquerade of all things, really just cements Geoff’s resolve to drag his crew halfway across the country into one of the strangest nights of their lives.Everyone knows the option to bring a guest to these events is, in reality, the offer to bring a romantic partner, singular, but it isn’t technically stated. There are no rules barring Geoff from RSVP-ing for 7, so that’s exactly what he does. Sure he receives a few increasingly less polite emails suggesting he’d been mistaken but he doesn’t even bother opening them, doesn’t try to clarify that he is bringing his friends, his family, not his entire harem. Let them talk; they’d do it anyway. Plus, it’s not like the Fake’s aren’t all entirely too pleased with the suggestion, cackling hyenas who spend the next few weeks laying it on thick, batting their eyes and blowing Geoff kisses, picking out increasingly absurd meet-cute stories to tell his scandalised classmates. Between creating new identities and playing dress up in masks and suits they couldn’t be happier.Masks or not they catch every eye in the room when they make their entrance and why wouldn’t they; Geoff and his unusual request must have been the talk of the rumour mill and identity hidden or not clearly this must be Geoff, it’s not like anyone else brought along 6 dates. As stage whispers hit a dull roar it’s obvious no one was prepared for what they were seeing, perhaps imagined instead stained tank tops and a string of strung-out baby mama’s, not expensively tailored suits and an attractively refined entourage. Paying the noise no heed Geoff swans into the room with Jack looking elegant on one arm, Gavin at his most Ken-doll glamorous tucked under the other, flanked on either side by Ryan, Michael, Jeremy and Ray, all dressed to impress.Shock and jealousy aren’t good looks on anyone, let alone rich brats turned elitist yuppies, so Geoff’s classmates behave just as poorly as he’d anticipated, years and newfound maturity doing nothing to stop the tittering laughter, the sneers and judgmental looks, fake pleasantry and condescending questions. But then, his crew didn’t exactly play nice with them either.Ray and Jeremy immediately beeline to the food table and bar, respectively, and each set themselves up and settle in for the night; loud, obnoxious and tactlessly talking about everyone around them. When asked about themselves or their relationship to Geoff they’re both frustratingly vague, Jeremy chattering away without saying much at all and Ray simply staring people down until they can’t bear the tension.Michael and Ryan set off together to explore the room but quickly separate to accommodate their vastly different methods of surveillance. Ryan skulks into the background, ducking numerous attempts to catch his interest in favour of fading into unlit corners and empty nooks, frightening the life out of anyone trying to slip away for some private time. Michael, on the other hand, seems determined to be the life of the party, cheerfully making conversation only to laugh in the face of every so-called achievement, ruffling feathers and causing major offence wherever he goes.Gavin slinks off like a man on a mission and doesn’t come back for over an hour, offering no explanation for the absence beyond a dangerously self-satisfied smirk. His work becomes obvious soon enough anyway, once the yelling starts; Geoff’s two main high-school tormentors, mentioned only in passing stories over the years, simultaneously having huge, public, relationship-ending blow ups with each of their significant others. What are the odds? Across the hall Gavin laughs, all tinkling glass and sparkling charm, smoothly working the room like Michael’s mirror opposite.Jack stays at Geoff’s side all night, hackles raised into something abnormally cold and unimpressed any time someone comes up to speak to them, protective instincts in full force no matter how often Geoff claims to be unaffected. He fills her in on all the worst gossip about those who approach, and as the night progresses and general unease begins to spread Jack mellows, sinking back into something sweet and mocking, somehow even more unsettling playing docile arm-candy than she was rabid guard dog.Throughout the night the Fake AH Crew remain a key topic of every casual conversation; they might have been regardless, even this far from Los Santos no one can get enough of their scandals, but with the huge heist pulled just last week there was no way to avoid it, everyone has their two cents, their praise and condemnation. It’s too funny, the whole crew killing themselves trying not to break character, to laugh or correct or manipulate the conversation but all their self-control is well rewarded in the end.Half the room removed their masks less than an hour into the night; too difficult to eat and talk and drink in, too vain to keep their hard earned looks covered, so it’s not at all strange when the Fake’s start to follow suit. Jeremy and Ray start it, the newest member and the one caught on camera the least often, casually dropping their masks mid-conversation. They each get a confused squint or two, a double glance, a few individuals trying to place them, remember how they’d met before, why they were so familiar.Next came Gavin and Michael, having goaded each other out onto the dance-floor they were playing as much as they were moving to the music, laughing and grappling and generally making a bit of a scene. They snatch off each other’s masks as they play and the looks double, because alone they’re each distinctive but together, together, people have seen those faces together, somewhere they’ve seen them and so often together..Last is Jack and Geoff, more graceful than their counterparts and moving with far more purpose they reveal their faces in the centre of the room and, like a party trick, they instantly catch the whole room’s attention. Out of context, in ones and twos where they don’t belong, the members of the FAHC could be mistaken but no one in the country would fail to recognise Ramsey and Patillo, the kingpin and his right hand, rulers of the most well-known gang in the US. And here they stand, casually mingling at a high school reunion.In the calm before the storm the crew gravitates back towards one another, can almost see the cogs turning around them, the lightbulbs flickering on in a slow ripple spreading out across the room, disbelief and the first hint of horror swirling together as people start unconsciously reaching for their phones. As Ryan slips back out and wanders over, the last still masked, always masked, the chatter seems to crescendo then crash into something still and almost silent as a room full of entitled trust-fund babies recognise their own terror.Finally uncovered and flanked by his family Geoff’s grin creeps across his face, slow and violent and more confirmation than anyone needed as he lets the oppressive tension sit for a long moment, arms spreading out to his sides like a magician revealing a clever trick before he breaks the silence; Surprise motherfuckers. Guns are pulled from jackets and from there it’s all running and screaming, no honour or courage, just a stampede for the exits to the sound of cackling laughter and the occasional aimless pot-shot. The Fake’s aren’t looking for lives, not worth the hassle really, and this job certainly has no monetary reward beyond the wallets Geoff’s filthy little thieves have no doubt absconded with, but the fear in the air is delightful and even the sound of incoming sirens can’t ruin the mood. If anything it only hypes them up further, all savage grins and ramping excitement as they make for doors, reloading their weapons and pumping themselves up for a whole new police force to terrorise, Geoff’s magnificent little miscreants.On the way out they pass a wall of yearbook photos, blown up large and captioned with names and all the old superlative awards. Ryan stumbles to a halt and snorts, snatching one off the wall and tucking it into his jacket to take back to the penthouse, though not before flashing the Lads a glance at that all too recognisable face, sending them into peals of screeching laughter as they pour out into the night. Geoffrey Fink; Least likely to succeed. 
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I need your headcanons!
So! Im composing part 2 of "Rules of the FAHC Penthouse as said by Jack Patillo" (first part here- http://huntress-of-the-forest.tumblr.com/post/149703633438/rules-of-the-fahc-penthouse-as-written-by-jack )and i need oh so many more rules for it! So, just reply to this post, or reblog it, or even just drop me a message and when i make the post i'll mention you next to your rule!!!
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ao3feed-jackeoff · 4 years
Mind the Gap
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fkC1Y8
by rebel_raven
It took a long time for Gavin to feel comfortable with the idea that he wouldn't have to look over his shoulder, that he could be happy with his husband and not have to worry about having that happiness ripped away. He found that reassurance with the Fakes and their steadfast acceptance of him and Ryan, even though they had yet to realize that they were married. It's not even like he and Ryan try to hide it, but, well, no one said that all of their family was smart in the ways of the heart - Jeremy and Matt did serve as witnesses to their court wedding. However, when a threat the couple thought had been long laid to rest reemerges, Gavin suddenly remembers what it's like to have to fight for what he loves.
Words: 14181, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Gavin Free, Ryan Haywood, Michael Jones, Lindsay Tuggey Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Jeremy Dooley, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Patillo, Matt Bragg, Sarah Weems, Fiona Nova, Kdin Jenzen, Meg Turney, Trevor Collins, Original Female Character, Steffie Hardy, Original Character, Background grunts
Relationships: Gavin Free/Ryan Haywood, Michael Jones/Lindsay Jones, Alfredo Diaz/Jeremy Dooley, Geoff Ramsey/Jack Patillo
Additional Tags: Role Swap, Fake AH Crew, Blood, mentions of torture, fluff and comfort, there's a lot of blood mentioned, Past grevious injury, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Threats of Violence, Aftermath of Torture, Role swapped crew, shennanigans, Tenderness, Found Family, Mentions of past consenting sexual acts, Mentions of Assassinations, Gavin is the Vagabond, Ryan is the Golden Boy, Jack is the King pin, Geoff is the Pilot, Michael is Rimmy Tim, Lindsay is a street racer, Matt and Fiona are a terrifying hacker team, Alfredo is just tired of everyone being dumb, Sarah Weems is an absolute badass, protective crew, Misunderstandings of the comedic kind, Ryan and Gavin are secretly married, Past Agent Ryan, Mentions of past fighting rings, Honey pot Ryan, Cuddling, RT Writing Community Springfairy, Gavin and Ryan are stupid in love, Mature warning for all the swearing and blood, Concussions, Description of wounds, Minor Character Death, Original Characters - Freeform, Explosions, Mentions of Violent Escapes, Worry, almost panic attacks, Jack is very good at calming people down, Threats of torture, No graphic wounds, Recovery, there is a happy ending i promise, RT Writing Community
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fkC1Y8
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The Matriarch’s Birth and Inspirations
Fair warning, this post will include late-chapter spoilers as to who The Matriarch is and will eventually become. However this post will have a lot of insight as to my writing style and might be fun to get in my head for a time. After all, I hope the journey itself will be well worth the read. In my youth, I had created a certain character in my head. I considered him a bit of a dream-guard, a powerful man that would guard me against nightmares. A sort of anti-monster that held all the tools to combat whatever dreams that might invade my mind after foolishly watching a horror movie. He evolved over time in his own right, as I took inspiration and ideas from various pieces of media. One of the biggest sources was Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness from various Elder Scrolls games, though he’d later draw some inspiration from Thanos. Over time, I would effectively create an entire world around him. I even made a wiki. Some of that will come into play in The Matriarch’s story but some of it will be tweaked and retconned. It’s an old wiki that has no mention of The Matriarch herself, being a newer creation in comparison. Also borrows too many elements from other games. Kyna Vance for example is essentially Nocturnal, again from The Elder Scrolls. Allein Dakur was my Draenei on WoW and sometimes Tiefling in different universes. These characters will continue to exist in their own right, in smaller roles but much of what made them exist in the first place will be changed as their core births are far too entwined in other people’s universes. Also it’d be stealing if I were to ever publish some of this. I originally wanted to create an entire series on Kyna herself, being one of my first “main” characters bourne from my inner femininity. She was everything I wanted to be but didn’t know at the time that she was essentially my inner trans before I know that being trans was even an option. I had a post regarding that but it appears it has since suffered from the recent “Adult content” purge, despite having no imagery. Either I can’t find it, or some algorithm thinks a trans person coming out in a blog post hidden behind a Read More break counts as adult content and thus must be purged FOR THE CHILDREN. Either way, it became clear to me over time that Kyna became a tad overpowered, even to my liking. She continues to be a relevant force in my lore but will be semi-retired as a background mentor type character to more women. I remember writing a short and incomplete story about a young woman in a universe not too unlike Repo! The Genetic Opera (where my main internet moniker comes from). Instead of prosthetic limbs and artificial organs, the world was run by implants based on a spine attachment because for whatever reason, the world’s emotions had drained. People needed these emotions and thus came together to invent colorful implants, and many people wore their spine attachments with pride as a sort of cultural pissing contest. “I have more emotions than you!”  It was one of the first stories that I made a character gay. My brother, in his pre-woke-ness (and indeed, this story was written long before I knew anything about LGBT subject matter) asked “Why does she have to be a lesbian?” I don’t recall my fullest answer but I do remember me trying to talk about trying to balance the books, as it were. There’s so many stories about straight white men and I just became bored with it all. Ultimately my answer was more like “Why not?”, to which my brother had no real answer. To that end, I don’t even really remember when I made the Matriarch. I believe  she was my real legitimate attempt to make someone her own person, however even she was not immune to direct inspiration. I vaguely based part of her origins on Thresh from League of Legends, and you’ll soon read about a suspiciously similar creature with a powerful Lantern that eventually spawns the Matriarch in her fullest form. However, I did not play LoL all that much and it was certainly not a platform for creative writing or roleplaying. It was likely she was created for a game but she was not born in Oblivion or Skyrim. She was unique in the sense that she was her own creation, while I cannot say that for many of my “original” characters. The Dream-Guard man I mentioned earlier was the true first but drew far too much inspiration from the likes of Sheogorath to the point where he essentially became “Sheogorath - But with more War!” Each and every single character on that wiki I linked above has a direct videogame equivalent, perhaps with the exception of Brian McGee, who was based off a guy I barely knew in school. Otherwise, point to a name on that wiki and I can tell you exactly what game or movie I ripped them out of. To that end, The Matriarch is fairly important to me.  It’s kind of funny, really. Most of my life I’ve always heard certain parts of advice. Jack Patillo of Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter fame told guests at one of their conventions to “always make stuff”. Famous authors (Stephen King, maybe?) have always given the advice of “never stop writing”. I’ve known all of this but it wasn’t until a meme, something about not worrying about what’s in the “middle part” and just start, and you’ll figure out the middle part as time goes on. I finally created this blog to at least... begin.
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vagrantblvrd · 7 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF, Ladyhawke (1985), Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter/Funhaus RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gavin Free/Michael Jones, Jeremy Dooley/Gavin Free/Michael Jones, geoff and jack if you squint Characters: Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Jeremy Dooley, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Patillo, Ryan Haywood, Matt Bragg Additional Tags: idk either, GTA AU, Female Jack Pattillo Summary:
There is a warrior that is sometimes a wolf, who travels with a nobleman who is sometimes a hawk. And that's just fine, Jeremy isn't about to question the intricacies of the Lord’s methods, but he'd seriously like to have a word about His sense of timing.
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ao3feed-mavin · 7 years
it's our time now if we want it to be
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2i9DOn8
by Meganna2525
In which Gavin sort of learns to cope, tells a story, and gets an unexpected surprise.
Words: 5722, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Pattillo, Michael Jones, Ryan Haywood, Jeremy Dooley, Dan Gruchy, mentioned Burnie Burns
Relationships: Gavin Free/Ryan Haywood, Gavin Free & Dan Gruchy, background Jack Patillo/Geoff Ramsey, Jeremy Dooley & Gavin Free & Ryan Haywood & Michael Jones & Jack Pattillo & Geoff Ramsey
Additional Tags: the freewood isn't really the focus, but I didn't want to write this and not include my favourite ship, so it's there, also featuring, Past Abuse, Past minor character death, Trauma, Angst, Panic Attacks, Mental Health Issues, there is a character in this with bipolar disorder which isn't shown in the best light, Adoption, Found Family, Unconventional Families, Platonic Relationships, and also, Romantic Relationship, probably incorrect usage of Italian, welsh - Freeform, ASL, Mute! Ryan, Neurodivergent! Gavin, Trans! Jack, Trans! Gavin, Trans! Ryan, probably more stuff I'm forgetting, if there's anything major that I have forgotten please let me know
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2i9DOn8
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ao3feed-mavin · 6 years
So... Animal Parts?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Gts5NO
by SolarQueen
Cross posted from my Tumblr ah-rt-solarqueen
Getting locked in the office by the military is not on anyone’s to do list that day, week, or even month. Burnie and Gus are the only ones that truly know why any of the Rooster Teeth employees (plus a few family members/lovers) are there but they don’t want to tell anyone trapped in the building for fear it’ll freak everyone out.
They try to keep business going as usual.
Ellie and Gavin are the first to get hit by whatever the military had been trying to hide people from.
Words: 2815, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Barbara Dunkelman, Ellie Main, Miles Luna, Jon Risinger, Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Lindsay JONES, Jeremy Dooley, Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Geof Ramsey, Ryan Haywood, Jack Patillo, Meg Turney
Relationships: Miles Luna/Ellie Main, Trevor Collins/Barbara Dunkelman, Gavin Free/Meg Turney, Lindsay Jones/Michael Jones
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hybrids, Hybrid AU, Cause I’m bringing that back, minor gore, Mentions of Blood, Swearing
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Gts5NO
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ao3feed-mavin · 4 years
Sleep Deprivation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32qp2jM
by TheMadQueenMogar
When Trevor Collins, boss of the infamous FAHC, gets kidnapped asking for the other crew members, the kidnappers try a new form of torture.
Words: 794, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Trevor Collins, Michael Jones, Jack Patillo, Jeremy Dooley
Relationships: Michael Jones/Trevor Collins
Additional Tags: FAHC, fake achievement hunter crew - Freeform, Mention of guns, Sleep Deprivation, Torture, Kidnapping, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32qp2jM
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