#*movie magic*
bitchcakegreen · 3 months
In e8, when Pen announces that she’s Lady Whistledown the lighting causes her dress to shift from green to blue.
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bloodashre · 3 months
Sorry to ruin the movie magic for some of you, but it's extremely unlikely that the shots of The Kiss are edited to be longer. Like, a million to one.
How do I know? I'm in school for filmmaking, so I'll share a bit with you.
1. The first reason is the most important. It is very difficult to edit a shot to be longer (and almost never done, especially by professionals) and not have it be obvious. It is painfully obvious, particularly to other filmmakers, when someone does actually do this. I can almost guarantee that if this had happened, other filmmakers in the industry most certainly would have called them out for it. I've personally watched the scene literally thousands of times (I'm not exaggerating) and in my semi-professional opinion (yes, I've already made my own films, though I haven't been paid for any of my work yet), it's not edited to be longer.
2. Nearly as important and launching off the above, it's much more likely - and more easily and actually often done - that it's edited to be shorter.
Additionally, there's no reason to think it would be edited to be longer when it comes to the story. It's unnecessary. The reason it looks so awkward to solve of you is because - newsflash - it IS awkward! It's meant to be awkward!
Aziraphale is caught off guard, during a moment of being about to break down, crying, in the midst of an argument. He was just rejected. He's potentially thought about this moment so many times. It is possible he thought The Metatron was threatening Crowley, which just happened only a few minutes ago! And lastly, there's literally thousands of years of feelings that haven't been spoken aloud - at least not properly, depending which theory you follow.
And there's even more depending which theories you subscribe to that support this even further.
And then, there's the fact that, at least for a moment, he kisses him back. He goes from being surprised, to resistance, to acceptance, to reciprocation, to rejection in a matter of less than 30 freaking seconds - while also portraying all the unspokenness, uncertainty, and fear of 6000 years, as well as a possible threat AND rejection of Crowley refusing to come with him ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
It's so awkward and complicated and terrible - and yet also wonderful - and Michael Sheen is honestly a fucking MASTER for the amount of emotions he's able to portray in such an insanely small amount of time. Please please PLEASE don't reduce his abilities and the beauty of the story to editing some bullshit that any filmmaker with any actual integrity would never do.
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showmey0urfangs · 1 year
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IWTV BTS photo dump (unit stills photography by Alfonso Bresciani)
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icarusredwings · 25 days
It's not my usual content, but trying to work out as a 6" 335 pound man has gotten easier for me because now I just pretend i'm the Wolverine trying to impress Wade (my wife)
I keep fantasizing about her walking in when im mid set all sweaty and going "Ooh big strong boy." And it's getting me through this horrid thing called exercise.
Ladies, fellas, people who all have a masc presenting spouce. Please walk in on your partner doing literally anything that they consider difficult and say "Oooh big strong boy" I promise you they will giggle.
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Another thing to remember boys and girls is that Hugh Jackman is a MOVIE star. Im not denying that, yes, he is strong, and yes, he is very big, but he only looks that big for MOVIES.
They physically rub oil on this man, and for the super vieny shots, he dehydrates himself. I am sorry, fellas, but there is no healthy way to look like his movies.
And you aren't supposed to!! He's a superhuman mutant with advanced powers, and his entire character was made around being muscly. You do not have to look like the screen to look good. Hell, im sure you already look hella good now!
Another thing to remember is that most huge guys either get paid to work out, use substances, or are not in good relationship with their bodies needs food wise. I always see these personal trainers and body builders shame people for not making it to the gym every day, but they get paid to be at the gym and paid to be fit.
I'd much rather you be happy and love your body then work yourself to death trying to look like movie or tv editing/lighting while using unhealthy techniques.
You are beautiful and amazing the way you are. You are loved, cared for, and HOT DAMN have you SEEN YOURSELF, LATELY!?? 😳
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movie-magic · 2 years
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Was there any reason why Quark never wore the headdress that other Ferengi wore on the back of their heads?
IRL Answer: The Westmores figured out a way to do Armin's make-up where they could blend the head prosthetic into his neck, so they didn't need to give him a headdress to hide the seem.
In world Answer? I think Quark is a little less of a traditionalist than he likes to admit, especially when it comes to fashion.
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cryptticrow · 3 months
Ratfish pt. 2 done the comedic timing on this is fucking incredible Sam Geer I owe you my life
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"Apart from anything else," he declared, "it wouldn't look right."
"But it's the real Ankh-Morpork, Uncle," said Soll. "It's got to look exactly right. How can it not look right?"
"Ankh-Morpork doesn't look all that genuine, you know," said Dibbler thoughtfully.
"Of course it's bloody genuine!" snapped Soll, the bonds of kinship stretching to the snapping point. "It's really there! It's really itself! You can't make it any more genuine! It's as genuine as it can get!"
Dibbler took his cigar out of his mouth.
"No, it isn't," he said. "You'll see."
Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures
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8ii8 · 2 years
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mothra - 1961
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dailybehbeh · 6 months
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outsiderace88 · 5 months
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These Predator looks are so badass.
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iwantmygun · 7 months
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I wish I could see it every fucking day.
This movie was made literally just for me. Genuinely for me to sit and cry alone in a theater.
When this thing gets released it will be all that plays on my TV until I cannot take it anymore
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missathlete31 · 4 months
This interview is fascinating and really cements how hard Glen has worked to make it. He has lost out on so many jobs and yet still stayed in Hollywood and worked harder.
Throughout his early-to-mid twenties, Powell, who is now 35, found himself auditioning for – and ultimately losing out on – parts that went on to turbocharge the careers of his peers. In his eyes, he screwed up his audition to play Captain America. He came extremely, agonizingly close to playing Han Solo in Solo (Disney went with Alden Ehrenreich). “I can joke about it now,” he says, “[but] I blew that final audition.” Each time, it felt like he had missed his big chance. It was starting to feel as if the universe – and Hollywood – was laughing at him. It’s a uniquely torturous thing, Powell says, blowing an audition. One that stands out was losing out on 2015’s The Longest Ride to Scott Eastwood. “I remember Marty Bowen, who was the producer, just looking at me like, ‘Yeah, this is not going well.’”
“He’s a really positive guy,” Richard Linklater, who directed Powell in Everybody Wants Some!! and Hit Man, tells me. “He doesn’t hold grudges, or feel like the world’s against him. He’s just like, ‘OK, that didn’t work out. But, next time!’” “I’ve got a bingo board of roles I want to play,” Powell says. It’s a literal grid that he keeps in his house in LA. The board is not tied down to specific roles so much as flavours of characters he’d like to play. If he was playing bingo, he’d be up and down the aisles quite a bit. “Twister was on there. Top Gun was on there.”
“I’ve always wanted to play a senator or a president,” Powell says, standing in front of an exact replica of the Resolute desk from the Oval Office, built for the 1990s Michael Douglas romance The American President that later featured in The West Wing. (“No one talks about The American President,” says Powell, disapprovingly.) Other archetypes on the board include Patrick Bateman in American Psycho and Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, an amalgam of which he feels he’ll hit in the A24 thriller Huntington, which is scheduled to shoot this summer. As we walk through the halls, Tom points out the Iron Throne toilet, inspired by Game of Thrones, which is exactly what it sounds like. Powell gets childishly excited by the piano from Casablanca. “Casablanca is on the board!”
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From the GQ Interview
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melanatedmedia2 · 2 months
The NeverEnding Story turns 40 this year! Join the magical adventure as it returns to theaters on July 21 and 22. Take advantage of the opportunity to relive this classic tale on the big screen.
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catwif3 · 4 months
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i suspected that the vibes of the older mad max movies would be different but as someone whose first one was fury road i could not have predicted How Different
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movie-magic · 2 years
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