#merman scaramouche
Sinking Into Your Arms
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Cw!: yandere!Scaramouche, possessive behavior, (brief) drowning/suffocation, abduction, (somewhat) suggestive. Tags: merman scaramouche, modern fantasy au, established relationship, gn!reader, open ending. Summary: Scaramouche has finally gotten tired of waiting in one place for you to come back to him.
You sighed heavily as you walked along the coast, breathing in the salty breeze. Your parents called you back during your vacation, just to rush you to get married. You weren't even that old! They had been nagging you day by day, even on your regular phone calls. Your parents wouldn't understand that you had been dating someone already, even if he can't quite go to meet them.
Scaramouche swam up to the surface the moment he felt your presence. You were gone for way too long! His eyes lit up at the sight of you wearing the necklace he gave you but acted as if he did not care one bit. "Finally care to come back, pipsqueak?," he huffed while taking out a small bracelet designed to your taste. "It doesn't matter. How long are you going to stay this time?"
You looked at him guiltily. You felt horrible for choosing an inland city, making it even more difficult to meet up. "A week at most…?," you scratch your cheek awkwardly while looking away. A dark expression flashes on his face but disappears just as quickly as it appears.
Everyday for the next week, you go to the seashore, at Scaramouche's request, each time bringing a small snack or gift as an apology for leaving him again so quickly. Your parents don't let up on trying to get you to go on blind dates, however. And with their intensifying efforts, your exhaustion also increases, leading to you pouring out all of your complaints on the final day.
Scaramouche smiles almost innocently, his violet eyes glinting under the sunlight. "I have a solution for you." His hands move to pull you down into a deep kiss, each movement slowly claiming the air in lungs as his. His sharp nails dance on the nape of your neck, pulling you deeper into delirium before pulling you into the sea with him. 
The cold water pulls you right out of your trance and you struggle against his hold desperately. Scaramouche lets go just enough for regret to fill your eyes, diving back in to give you some much needed air. This time, there is no resistance even when he stakes his claim on your lips, your tongue and even your existence as a whole. He whispers into your ear, his voice killing you into a deep slumber…
"News flash: a resident has been reported missing after going to the seaside. It is recommended to keep your family members, especially children, away from the waters as the current has been rather unforgiving…" Your parents cried, aggrieved at your disappearance. There is nothing they wouldn't give to find you again.
A/N: oh wow this wip was all the way back from april lololol well happy mermay folks!
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stapledfish · 3 months
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i had a stupid idea while i was watchin h2o :3
i mean, i had a great idea.
i wish i could've drawn it a lil better but oh well
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arisewanekosuki · 5 months
The dark clouds covered the sky, the waves were bigger and bigger because of the wind. You were going through the shore with a lantern in hand. To think how quickly the weather can change. Some hours ago you had a picnic on the beach, enjoying the sun and sounds of the peaceful ocean while reading.    You just realized that you don't have the necklace that your mother gifted you. It's really important to you. You searched your little house so you came to the conclusion that somehow you have lost it on the beach. "I hope the waves didn't reach the spot..." You were praying you'll be able to find it. 
When you started to get close to the place you had picnic before, you stopped moving. -"Is...someone singing?" You heard someone's voice. You started to look through the ocean, searching for the source of the singing. And then you spotted it...or more like him.  A boy with a veil on his head, sitting on a rock peeking out from the water. But he doesn't have legs, he has a beautiful, violet tail. -"A merman? Or a siren?" You whispered to yourself, unable to stop looking at the being that continued to sing.  It was so hypnotizing.  You tried to look away, to cover your ears, afraid that if the boy is a siren you'll end up drowning and get eaten. But you couldn't. What you just saw took your breath away. The sun's rays passed through the black clouds. One beam illuminated the boy's performance like he was singing for the whole world. You didn't even realize when the ocean became still. It was a beautiful sight. You closed your eyes enjoying the song, yet after a moment it became silent. You opened your eyes and you saw indigo blue ones looking at you. You hold your breath, not knowing what to do. Before you could do anything the boy vanished under the water. When you couldn't see him anymore you fell on the sand, like your legs lost strength. 
After a while you managed to get up, still shocked with what you witnessed. You wondered if it was all a dream, the sky was cleared from black clouds. It’s like the boy changed the weather. Not wanting to stay here any longer, you quickly searched for a necklace that you in the end couldn’t find.  With sadness of losing something so important you went back to your little house, not realizing someone was watching you with curiosity from the water. 
----- Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading! I still can't use my PC so decided to at least write some short idea I had for awhile. Tbh I may write second part later....but I can't promise! >.<
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fusaex3 · 4 months
Chibi Merman Kabukimono! 💜
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(Yes I can finally draw again!)
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ezthebrigand · 2 years
In honor of Scaramouche being (kinda) added into the game let me present to you jelly fish Scaramouche (with this hat I had to)
Tell me if y'all want a wanderer mermaid
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rene-darling · 1 year
SEA CREATURE- genshin men
Genshin men but they're different types of sea creatures! How do they court you if they can't walk on land?...credits [m.neuvillette on insta]
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Xiao was never interested in mortals, let alone those who walked the land.
But there was just something about you that drew him near.
When you went swimming he would keep an eye out for you, watching you from a distance- just in case you were attacked! Not anything creepy...
He always found humans trying to swim funny-looking but when he observed you...he felt something different.
So when once a big wave had pulled you under preventing you from resurfacing he didn't think twice before guiding you back to shore.
He panted heavily, he'd never swam that in his life!
And when you woke up and looked at him he wondered what you would say..or think, would you call him a monster? An ugly creature? Like all the other humans- "are you...an angel?"
His breath hitched in his throat before he let out a scoff "hmpf. Foolish mortal."
He grumbled diving back deep into the ocean before you could say anything or ask him further questions.
This was getting rather tiring... Everyday since then you would come to the beach and scream your lungs out, and he'd blush at all the nicknames you had given him since he'd had not told you his name
"yoohoo~ angel!, my mermaid savior!, my-" "Stop it." you froze..he finally appeared before you, tired of hearing the arsenal of nicknames you had for him.
He glared at you with those sharp eyes of his, but when you looked at him and gave him a bright smile shouting "it's you! You're back! Hah!" he can't help but let his gaze soften...just a bit!
After that, it became routine for you to meet him by the seashore.
Once he started developing feelings for you, he wasn't quite sure on what to do.
He was flustered..you were a land animal, while he was a merman..
He came to the conclusion that the two of you could not be together in any capacity...
But that didn't stop his feelings from growing. Nor did it stop his biased behavior towards you.
He would bring you many sea shells from the ocean depts
One's that could not be found near the shore.
Once he saw that you liked them he started trying them together making cute accessories for you
Necklaces, rings, bracelets etc!
Scaramouche is a siren. A deadly one at that.
He doesn't care for humans until it comes to his meal time and he doesn't give a fuck about them in a romantic sense either.
He was doing his usual, singing his lovely melody to attract nearby sailors so he could feast upon them.
But once he had gotten in a bit of trouble with some pirates whom he was trying to kill. Which resulted in him being caught in a net his tail all tangled up
His tail is his best asset! It's the easiest way to lure victims in! With just a wave of his tail he'll have his pray swimming to him
But now he's helplessly stranded on shore. He's half expecting for some humans to come along and kill him by this point..and they might as well since he feels as though he might die of hunger.
And then this human does come along. He's expecting his death but not without a fight!
He tries scratching you, hurting you. But to no avail, you don't back down as you keep approaching him not backing down from his fights
He winces when you bring the knife closer, that's it. This is the end for his miserable life...
Suddenly all those tight ropes around his body drop to the floor and he gets free. In instinct, he quickly swims off not bothering to talk to you.
It's been a while since then, and he convinces himself that he doesn't care...but, he can't really explain why he swims up to the shore every day, watching with sharp eyes to see if you would make an appearance.
And when you finally do, he feels relief spread out his body..you're safe- wait. No, he's a siren. He doesn't care for you!
After weeks of just watching you, he finally makes an appearance throwing a rock at your head to get your attention. When you look at him he swims behind a large rock gesturing for you to come closer. And when you do follow him without question he thinks to himself
Stupid human! I'm siren for archons sake!! What if I was trying to kill them!!...i mean I'm not, I would never. But still!
From that day on it becomes a tradition for the both of you to meet behind the big rock slightly offshore.
He doesn't know why he feels this warm feeling spread through his chest..he's a cold-blooded siren for god sake!
Still...he can't help it so..he tries impressing you.
He shows off his colorful tail, flapping it around and sticking it out of the water for you to observe.
He also makes sure to dive deep down into the ocean and grab rocks that he finds nice from the ocean floor to give to you.
He's sure you'll be impressed by his rocks! You probably haven't seen them since he got them from the depts.
He's a sea otter!! With a fluffy little tail
Meeting you was definitely a stroke of luck.
You were on a scuba diving expedition with some friends and had lost your way in the depths of the fontain ocean
Neuvillette took all measures to stay away from humans of any kind, he didn't trust them, especially with how they polluted the waters!
But he had gotten his nose stuck in a plastic cup! He was only a bit curious about this strange plastic! He hadn't expected to get stuck!
This is why while in his attempt to get his nose out of the cup he felt his body press onto someone warm
Snapping his head back he saw you! His first instinct was to run, humans were nothing but trouble!...but.
Before he could've ran you had grabbed the plastic cup and had freed his nose
He's really grateful so he decides he'll show you the way back to your friends which you got lost from.
He tries to make you understand but you don't so he wraps his fluffy tail around you and pulls you to where he saw your friends.
From then on whenever you would go on a scuba diving expedition with your friends he would always seek you out. He's still not good with humans so while your scuba team is distracted you'll slip away unnoticed and find him.
You don't need to search far, it seems he's always around the corner when you seek him out
His eyes sparkle as he swims circles around you his fluffy tail brushing against you as he looks at your swimming gear
He'll ask you questions about it, and he'll be absolutely fascinated by the gadgets you have.
He'll get really sad when you have to leave soon to not worry your swim team. He insists you must stay at least a little while longer!
He'll start developing feelings for you, but he doesn't know how to act them out
He wouldn't have ever expected to fall for a human being! A mortal!
But he feels this overwhelming desire to be near you and to protect you from any harm you might face.
Being an otter, they usually hold hands while they sleep, that being the only affectionate thing he knows how to do, He never leaves your hand! Clinging onto your arm as if you're about to die!
He swims up to shore to watch the stars with you, and as you slowly fall asleep, he holds onto your arm to not drift away from you as you both sleep under the stars.
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mistywaves98 · 7 months
Okay.... but like, consider merman/siren (Not the bird kind of siren.) Scara sinking our ship and eating our crew. But we're a woman disguised as a man because they used to not let women on ships. He only eats men so when he notices we're different he takes an interest in our body, mainly our boobs? I don't know- just a random thought I had while trying to concentrate during biology. Can be read as a drabble/brainrot or a request. Whichever you'd prefer to read it as<3
This is a very interesting concept ngl 😮 also this was not as great as I'd hoped it would come out..
✧・゚:* ->Siren! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: (sort of) NSFW, Just him being entranced by your chest, Nipple sucking, Making out!
✧・゚:* ->Smut written by a minor!
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You had just begun to feel like everything was going according to plan until your ship was attacked and your crew disappearing beneath the water, only to resurface as mangled corpses. The water around you was a horrible mix of blood and guts as you clung desperately to a floating piece of board that passed by.
You couldn't see anything beneath you, it was just water that went deeper for miles. Suddenly, a webbed hand shot up behind you and covered your mouth. A shape emerged alongside it and you felt a firm, wet chest against your back. Another arm wrapped around your upper torso as a raspy voice whispered into your ear,"Looks like I missed one.."
You thought this was the end, and didn't even bother to struggle since you knew it was futile. This creature was going to turn you into one of the dismembered bodies that were still somewhere nearby. However, you didn't feel yourself pulled underwater. The hand on your chest suddenly moved, slowly tracing the curve of your breasts through your clothes. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed as the creature you assumed to be male straight up groped you.
Suddenly, you felt sharp nails dig into your shoulders as the webbed hands spun you around, giving you a clear view of your 'attacker'. Slit pupils bore holes into your chest as he studied you with a furrowed expression. There were fins in place of his ears and his indigo hair seemed to flow around him despite being dripping wet. His eyes then darted up to your face, his glare piercing you.
"You...you're not a man." He said in a flat tone. You slowly nodded your head,"You're right, I'm a woman... Aren't you going to eat me?" "Eat you? Don't be an idiot, I don't eat female humans," he scoffed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world,"...especially not such lovely specimens such as yourself..." his voice suddenly dropped an octave and a dark expression came over his face. He leaned in a bit, his nose almost touching yours,"You know that you're trespassing by sailing here, right? That's why I killed your crew as a punishment for disturbing my peace. But I won't kill you, though. I already have an idea of what I'll do to you..." His eyes flickered downwards for a split moment and you blushed in embarrassment as you caught onto his meaning,"O-Oh... Well I suppose I am in the wrong... Punish me as you see fit."
Your top was tugged open, even torn in some places due to the enthusiasm of his claws. His scaly tail curled around your lower body beneath the water to hold you still as he lowered his head down till it was level with those soft mounds now covered in droplets of water. Moans keened from your throat as he hungrily began to suck on your left nipple, pointy teeth grazing the already erect bud, eliciting a soft yelp from you.
Your hands weaved their way into the damp hair on the back of his head, tugging him closer,"Mmm...you're so eager, aren't you my little captain?" He teased with a smirk as he released your nipple with a pop and pulled back a bit. Your hands came down to grasp his shoulders as his hands moved up to toy with your breasts, squeezing and kneading them between his webbed hands. The sensation was strange yet pleasurable at the same time and it left you breathless and flushed in the face.
The siren seemed to notice how you seemed to writhe even more when he occasionally gave your nipples a light pinch,"These are so sensitive... Yet they taste delicious. I want to taste more of you." With that, he dove in and captured your lips in an intense kiss. His hands brought you closer, one holding the back of your head to ensure you didn't pull away. You moaned as you felt his tongue snake its way into your warm mouth. It was so sleek and long, practically choking you with how deep it reached, yet it felt so amazing, you didn't want to pull back.
However, the kiss inevitably ended when you needed to breathe. He licked his lips as he watched you catch your breath, appreciating the sight of your exposed chest heaving with every inhale,"Your mouth tasted even better than I imagined. I bet there's other places that would feel absolutely divine on my tongue...but for now I'm satisfied. But don't think that means I won't be coming back for you." He suddenly scoops you up in his arms and makes his way to the beach nearest to the mainland.
As expected of a siren, you arrive there in a matter of minutes. Once you get close enough, you decide to part ways and swim the rest of the way, but before you go he says,"The name's Scaramouche by the way. Remember it for our future encounters." After that final goodbye, he disappears beneath the water and you vaguely make out a dark shape heading back out to deeper waters. As you sit on the beach, attempting to cover up your torso so it looks somewhat decent, you can't help but think that you'll be venturing to that part of the ocean a bit more often now, but on purpose this time.
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petrichorium · 1 year
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sun glinting off the water’s surface, broken by a too-large tail. the roar of pouring rain upon the roiling sea. a haunting song that drifts in on the tide. the sun’s light blotted out by the churning clouds of a sudden storm. glowing eyes peering out through inky depths
this is the start of mermay.
hello all, you've stumbled across the teahouse server's mermay collab!!! the teahouse is a multifandom discord server run by myself and @sipsteainanxiety for authors, artists, and readers alike, and everything here was created in collaboration between the members ♥️ we're so excited to share our writing with you! under the cut is a collection of fics that'll come out over the course of may. many smaller unplanned works will be posted as well and added to the miscellaneous category below! happy mermay to everyone!!! hope you enjoy ♥️
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𝚖 𝚒 𝚜 𝚌 𝚎 𝚕 𝚕 𝚊 𝚗 𝚎 𝚘 𝚞 𝚜 . . .
My Home Is The Sea (But You Are The Sun That Guides Me) mermaid!thoma x reader by @auraxins
Harbor Rose cove holden x mermaid!reader by @shibaraki
Warm, Soft mermaid!bakugou katsuki x reader by @petrichorium
A Fish Out Of Water mermaid!miya atsumu x reader by @shibaraki
Amphitrite mermaid!uraraka ochako x reader by @shibaraki
Apotheosis scaramouche x mermaid!reader by @auraxins
𝚙 𝚛 𝚘 𝚖 𝚙 𝚝 𝚌 𝚑 𝚊 𝚕 𝚕 𝚎 𝚗 𝚐 𝚎 𝚜 . . .
sharp teeth grazing deftly against soft skin with millions knives by @namodawrites
this is… food? for me? i can’t eat this and a cloud of blood billowing from a thrashing creature with choso by @shibaraki
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If Tides Could Speak (They'd Call You Home) by @shibaraki {mature} an unlikely hero comes in the form of a barbarian. your stolen pelt is returned by his hand—but for a selkie that is more than simple kindness. it is a proposal.
bakugou katsuki x reader
accidental marriage ✧ fantasy au ✧ falling in love
“here,” he thrusts the pelt into your arms. you scramble and clutch it to your front. something inside you shifts. “this is yours, right? we took it during the raid”.
you’re frozen to the spot, mouth gaping around words that won’t come. bakugo frowns, the party members behind him glancing at each other and shrugging when they find no answer to your silence.
“Well?” he demands, embarrassment staining his ears pink.
You wet your lips, breath shaken. “Bakugo. Do you understand the significance of what you just did?”
read here
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Something in the Water by @andypantsx3 {mature} as a future marine biologist, you’ve scored big on your final internship: a summer in the tropics, researching the waters off the coast of a lush, sunny island. but what you thought would be all beach days and piña coladas turns out to be the revelation of a lifetime when you haul in a handsome merprince, and discover not everything in these waters is quite as it seems.
todoroki shouto x reader
interspecies relationship ✧ mating rituals ✧ case fic
the merman’s gaze slowly trailed down your body and you fought back a strange wave of embarrassment. his fingers flexed on your ankle, those claws rasping sweetly, dangerously over the thin skin there. he pulled your leg out a little bit like he was inspecting it.
“how strange,” he murmured, his tone going soft.
you didn’t know what to think, just stared at him as his gaze roved over the bare skin of your thigh in your sea-soaked shorts.
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Blood in the Water by @petrichorium {explicit} in which jade leech is hungry for something only you can give him and, because he's jade leech, has a roundabout way of asking for it.
jade leech x reader
period sex ✧ established relationship ✧ pwp
“i can smell it,” jade says hazily.
“it’s… maddening. all-consuming. it takes everything in me to remain civil when you’re dry but then you bathe and it becomes agony.” his eyes seem glazed over, a look that reminds you of his erratic other half and has you feeling a little like a butterfly pinned under glass—or maybe like you’ve been carefully placed in one of his beloved terrariums. his chest heaves with a long, slow inhale. clawed fingers grip harder at the flesh of your thighs and he moves closer, lifting your knee to rest atop his shoulder. when he speaks it’s a murmur, and you wonder if you’re meant to have heard at all. “blood in the water. all of my instincts searching for the prey, writhing and helpless, ripe for the taking.”
posting: to be determined
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What the Water Gave Me by @shibaraki {mature} when your sailboat is caught in a vicious storm you are saved by a whale sized mer that cannot keep his curiosity—nor his affections—at bay.
midoriya izuku x reader
courting behaviors ✧ modern fantasy ✧ macro/micro
it's a mer. it must be. mer sightings are incredibly rare— rare enough that tourists in your port town still call them myths. you’re in the palm of a legend. a giant one at that. 
what you know to be the mer’s thumb passes over you cautiously. you flinch despite his obvious attempt at telegraphing the movement. to someone your size it still happens a little too fast. the sinew in your neck hurts, wrung with tension as the thumb stops an inch short of your crown. seconds elapse. there’s a light pressure, liquid streaming down your face, a back and forth motion, a low warbling. 
the mer is petting you.
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My Life, My Lover, My Lady (Is the Sea) by @odieoats {explicit} your underwater home becomes collateral damage in a war waged by the humans above you—and you aren’t going to let the loudmouthed pirate captain ever forget it.
bakugou katsuki x reader
enemies to lovers ✧ pirates ✧ language barriers
“you think i don’t like books?” bakugou leers, snatching the soggy tome from your hand. the pages stick to your fingertips for just a second as he pries the book away. “just ‘cause i ain’t a fuckin’ philosopher, doesn’t mean i’m a dumbass.”
posting: to be determined
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Pharos by @auraxins {mature} a sailor by nature, you’re called to the seas. when you end up stranded on an island with an ancient lighthouse, you expect the act of fixing it to bring you help—not to leave you stuck with the human vessel of an equally ancient sea god who is just as clueless on how to escape.
chuuya nakahara x reader
oceanic eldritch deity au ✧ mutual pining ✧ strangers to lovers
upon the beach stands a man. 
unremarkable in stature, yet with an aura surrounding him that fills you with a strange sort of dread deep in the pit of your stomach. 
“who are you?” you call. “what business have you here?”
“you don't know?” barks the man, incredulousness in his tone. “you summoned me here.”“i fixed the lighthouse,” you correct. “i did not summon anything.”
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Don't Touch the Glass by @shibaraki {mature} merfolk are otherworldly creatures that fall victim to human greed all too often. your team happens upon an abandoned aquatic theatre housing a single converted shipping container full of water — inside it is an adult siren, left behind to die.
shinsou hitoshi x reader
recovery ✧ interspecies relationship ✧ strangers to lovers
you creep onto the platform and lean carefully against the railing, scanning the area. the surface is covered in dense scum. you barely make out a silhouette in the tank, suspended lifelessly. their body twitches as the metal creaks. 
instinct puppets your limbs as you stumble back. a shout comes from the doorway. your eyes squeeze shut to the sudden splash of water, narrowly missing the clawed hand hooked in the treads. attached is a thin arm, gauzy fins protruding from the wrist upheld by chitinous spines. 
a siren.
posting: to be determined
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An Itch to Scratch by @coopigeoncoo {explicit} kirishima eijiro is everything you never thought you’d find when you packed up and moved to a dilapidated fishing town.  he was handsome, funny, and kind; the sort of man who took your breath away. 
and that might actually be a bit of a problem.
kirishima eijirou x reader
medical issues ✧ interspecies relationship ✧ practical jokes
"good girl," eijiro praised, his hands like a vice on your hips as he pulled away from your mouth with a satisfied grin.  you returned his smile with one of your own; the vibrant joy that had churned in your belly unfurled throughout your body, leaving you feeling breathless and lightheaded.
"eiji," you gasped, eyes widening in panic as your lungs seemed to seize in your chest.  "i- can't breathe!"
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Hidden in the Sand by @smashboxgirl26 {mature} seeing your face again wasn’t something he’d ever expected: though you don’t normally think about seeing your dead childhood friend as a mermaid.
bakugou katsuki x reader
pro hero au ✧ childhood friends ✧ angst
the face it bore was familiar: with rosy cheeks from the cold, the same eyes he’d known ever since he was a child, hair curled around her face as if it were the frame of a painting.
the resemblance was uncanny. he knew her.
it all hit him so suddenly: the late nights spent under the stars, running around the forest barefoot, sneaking in through the window at night, getting drenched from the hose; secrets, stories, lies — they all came back as easily as he’d repressed them all those years ago.
when she’d lost herself to the sea and left him forever.
posting: to be determined
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Rises The Moon by @petrichorium {mature} in which you find yourself torn between your dear friend, the village's strongest protector... and the very creature he's sworn to hunt, who is determined to take you as his mate.
kokushibo x reader (ft. gyoumei)
interspecies relationship ✧ courting rituals ✧ love triangle
The boat sways.
At first it doesn't faze you—like a large wave, nothing more. But then you’re rising up and the wood is dipping beneath your feet and your head snaps down to find a very large, very tripled set of bright orange eyes right in front of your face, and you’re falling.
The boat tilts entirely; you scramble for the edge of it, mindless, stupid panic gripping you with nothing in your brain except how utterly foolish it was to come out into the middle of the bay to search for an apex predator in a boat barely half its size. The water is so icy that you gasp and inhale on contact, as it surges over your head and you’re plunged into cold, endless black. Those claws find your waist and you know two things with grave certainty: it’s only been playing with its food, and you’re going to be dragged under and torn apart.
posting: to be determined
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In the Eyes of the Tide by @namodawrites {teen} hoping for a quieter life, you uproot your life in the city in favor of a quaint, coastal town. but as the seasons flip, you discover there's more to it—and your new friend, oogami banri—than meets the eye.
oogami banri x reader
secret identity ✧ au ✧ friends to lovers
“oogami-san?” you resist the urge to press your ear against the door. “are you alright in there?”
his tone comes back, muffled but cheery. “no problem! don’t worry about me—those shrimp are probably ready to take out of the water by now. would you mind putting them in the ice bath for me?”
there’s a feeling in the back of your mind, coaxing you, tempting your hand to reach for the door. but you’d rather jump into the ocean on a stormy day than barge in banri in his own bathroom, and you take a deliberate step back, staring at the blank canvas of the door.
“yeah,” you say, sounding unsure even to your own ears, “yeah, i can do that.”
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High Tide (Came and Brought You In) by @pikatsum {teen} you’d originally rescued the injured merman out of kindness, and perhaps a healthy undercurrent of fear of what others in your town might do to the creature. 
the last thing you ever expected after returning him to the sea, was for him to want to stay.
todoroki shouto x reader
courting ✧ slight angst ✧ strangers to lovers
you‘d heard of hysterical strength before, but you’d never truly acknowledged the sensation until the soaked, dripping netting was held high above your head. but very quickly, you couldn’t process anything outside of the form that waited underneath. 
a pair of bright dichromatic eyes blinked at you through the gloom. it would be almost ethereal, if their owner wasn’t literally heaving for breath, both arms stuck akimbo in the holes of the netting. evidently, he and you had had the same idea. you gave voice to the only thought that actually did make sense in this situation.
“…what the hell…?”
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Melancholic by @stellamancer {mature} you were excited to return home for the summer, but all that excitement is quickly thrown out the window and you nearly resign yourself to a quiet and lonely summer.
the insufferable merman you rescued, however, has other plans.
gojo satoru x reader
roommates ✧ belligerent sexual tension ✧ interspecies friendship
he tilts his head, attempting to look innocent. and maybe his big eyes and wet, barely puckered lips would have convinced you a few hours ago, but now that you’re older and wiser you know that it’s all just an act. "oh, but—"
"unfortunately," you interject, raising your voice slightly in an attempt to establish dominance over the conversation at hand, "i'm rather uneducated when it comes to merfolk food culture."
the merman smiles at you with flirtatious ease, “i’m happy to teach you. i’m quite the teacher, you know.”
read here
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 2 months
mermaid chiscara au. merman scaramouche. fisherman childe who catches scara while fishing but decideds not to bring him in. yegh. yegh ok bye
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pinkeos · 4 months
Welcome! This is a blog dedicated to writing fanfics for mostly male and gn readers! If you don't identify as one of those or you're a minor, kindly click away.
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Fandoms I write for/currently obsess over: Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail (More will be added depending on my hyperfixations)
Author's personal favorite characters they might write more for: Tighnari, Cyno, Dr Ratio, Freminet, Gaming, Sethos (will write for him once we learn more about him)
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Genshin Impact
Freminet ::.
The Tides Beckon || Freminet x Merman!Reader (Pt.1)
Neuvillette ::.
AFAB!Neuvillette x AMAB!Reader SMUT
Wanderer ::.
A Bit of Banter || Wanderer x GN!Reader FLUFF
Honkai Star Rail
Caelus ::.
AFAB!Caelus x AMAB!Reader SMUT
In Your Mouth || Caelus x M!Reader SMUT
Blade ::.
AFAB!Blade x AMAB!Reader SMUT
Sunday ::.
AFAB!Sunday x AMAB!Reader SMUT
I Love You || AFAB!Sunday x AMAB!Reader SMUT
I Love You Still || A Pt.2 to “I Love You”
Jing Yuan ::.
A Bit Shy || Jing Yuan x M!Reader FLUFF
Argenti ::.
AFAB!Argenti x GN!Reader SMUT
Dr Ratio ::.
Professor!AFAB!Ratio x Student!AMAB!Reader SMUT
Honkai Star Rail ::.
Dad!Ratio Headcanons
Dad!Aventurine Headcanons
Dad!Sunday Headcanons
Dad!Jing Yuan Headcanons
Bf!Ratio and recharging on his tiddies
Bf!Aventurine with your little siblings
Bf!Ratio modeling for your painting
Smitten!Aventurine being so in love with you
Bf!Ratio after an argument
Bf!Scaramouche with an amurta darshan scholar reader
Just moments with some of the HSR men
Playing in the snow with Bf!Gepard
Aventurine with a rich!reader
Where Jing Yuan likes to sleep
Brushing his hair for him
Bf!Ratio has trouble denying your requests
Sunday loves yapping to you
“I had a dream where you cheated on me” Aventurine, Dr Ratio
Jing Yuan with a mortal reader
Aventurine, Dr Ratio, Jing Yuan, Blade when you bring home/adopt a puppy
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• Please be polite when requesting
• Requests will be accepted if they are submitted through my ask
• No homophobia/racism/politics/pedophilia
• No incest
• No rape
• Writing about kinks depends on if I’m knowledgeable enough to write them or if they don't make me uncomfortable
• I write mostly for male characters
• I write smut, angst and fluff
• Please be patient when requesting, I sometimes lose motivation when I write a lot in one go
Note: If your request hasn't been written and posted or replied to, it's either I'm working on it, the request is denied, or I don't have enough motivation to write your request/character you requested for.
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This is my first official writing blog and I haven't really grasped everything about how Tumblr works so I might get confused here and there, please bear with me!
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Scaramouche Masterlist
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In all works I write, unless stated otherwise, the reader is gender neutral.
Genshin masterlist
Fluff - Suitable for all ages Not (as) safe for work - Suggestive or dark(er) content Content warning(s) - Will be included where necessary!
From April 6th to April 30th, I am opening my requests for 100 followers milestone! Check out more here! EVENT HAS ENDED!! THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO HAS jOINED <33
♡ Little treasure chest Wanderer x shy! quiet! reader
♡ The ups and downs of dating nerd!Scaramouche How it's like dating nerdy scaramouche~
♡ Crochet and Coquette ♡ Wanderer likes you, and somewhat your crocheting hobby~
♡ Put a Ring On That... ! Where Wanderer puts a ring on your finger
♡ Anniversary with Scaramouche Celebrating your one year anniversary with your dear boyfriend~
♡ Sweet little dove Yandere Scaramouche making you his (obsessive behavior)
♡ Worship me Scaramouche loves his obedient pet! (dom/sub tones, power play(?))
♡ "Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Wanderer loves you, even if you ask the silliest questions at times
♡ Chocolate, Blankets and (Preferably), Cuddles Where Scaramouche helps ease you through your period (female anatomy/reader)
♡ Kiss, Kiss, (already) Fall In Love That one tiktok kiss trend but with Scaramouche
♡ Kiss Me Under The Milky Twilight You celebrating Valentine's day with Scaramouche, even if he's somewhat late.
♡ Cuddle Trouble(s)! Scaramouche x reader who has a lot of plushies
♡ Head Spinner Have you ever thought of what would happen if Wanderer gets slapped?
♡ They’re a runner, they’re a trackstar ☆ The consequences of a kiss-and-run, really
♡ Wanderer? Never heard of 'im. Where you call your boyfriend by the wrong nickname
♡ Height Matters Not! Height (dis)advantage over wanderer~
♡ Breathing is for losers only! (Request) Where Wanderer's lack of need to breathe is free real estate! (suggestive, brat!scara)
♡ Too Sweet (For Me!) (Request) Even when married, Wanderer is just as bashful as ever~
♡ That One Time Scara Is Not Insulted When Called "Doll" (Request) The title says it all, really
♡ Sinking Into Your Arms Where merman Scaramouche takes you as his own. (possessive behavior, yandere! scara, suggestive)
♡ Good Night and Sweet Dreams Love is best enjoyed when Scara whispers his love to your (supposed) sleeping self~
♡ Fan Favorite! You play a little harmless prank on your boyfriend right before his stream.
♡ Sleepy Affirmations Your love shine the brightest when Scaramouche is asleep.
♡ Heart Eyes, On You Mutual crushes but it's you and Wanderer and a very tired Nahida
♡ Touch Starved Wanderer wants to feel you too, a lot of the time.
Fics: (On AO3 only)
♡ A Picnic With Scaramouche (Hopefully Won't End In Disaster)  You and Scaramouche goes on a picnic date
♡ Happy birthday! Your birthday celebration in Sumeru with the one and only Hat Guy Wanderer!
If you want to be tagged on my future scara x reader fics, just comment something along the line of 'tag me' under here or any of my fics~
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(I know that it's not all the characters in the fandom for the picture)
Note: Some isn't actually a fic/writing and is just a video or an image. Tysm for reading this note.
×/!¡/*PERMANT ______EVENT/¡!/*×____
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Genshin sagau x reader part 1 lipstick 💄 (kissy) lol
Genshin sagau x reader part 2 lipstick 💄 (kissy) lol
Genshin sagau x reader part 3 lipstick 💄 (kissy) lol
Genshin sagau x reader part 4 lipstick 💄 (kissy) lol
summoning gone wrong! (Genshin sagau)
Genshin various animal characters x reader (Genshin sagau)
Various genshin characters reacting to a cold reader giving them something [idk anymore]
I honestly don't know what to put here. (Sagau)
Touch Starved ♥︎ various genshin characters
Other Worldly God [sagau]
Genshin Zhongli (and surprise person) x reader obey me and genshin fangs♥︎
How Zhongli react to ??? Putting a flower crown on him (has a bonus too)
~Aether x Reader~ -Don't go. Stay- part 1
~Aether x Reader~ -Don't go. Stay- part 2
~Aether x Reader~ -Don't go. Stay- part 3 [smut]
Sagau Genshin x reader
Sagau genshin x reader [different]
Barbara reacting to idol! Reader
Alhaitham x sub reader
Various Scaramouche x reader [idea]
Various Scaramouche x reader part 2
Various Scaramouche x reader part 3 [NSFW]
Merman! Xiao x reader [mordern au?]
Sagau prayer version 1
Sagau prayer version 2 [SFW/slight NSFW]
Random sagau part 1
Random sagau Part 2
Various genshin characters & obey me reacting to a gentle reader being a little possessive
Possessive reader x albedo/rubedo + aether part 2
`°~Obey me~°`
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How the demons react to you touching their demon form. [Only the brothers]
Demon brothers x reader [nicotine addiction]
obey me brothers x comfort! reader
Suffer the wrath of reader!
Obey me x short reader part 1 obey me brothers [how do they react short! Reader picking them up 🤭]
Obey me x short reader part 2 [side characters]
Obey me brothers with baby MC
Obey me brothers and various genshin characters reacting to gentle reader getting a little possessive
Obey me lucifer x reader genshin and obey me fangs♥︎
—Squeeze— [chest] [has smut/nsfw]
☆°• •°☆ HONKAI STAR RAIL ☆°• •°☆
Himeko x reader [NSFW]
Imbibitor Lunae x Reader
×.•{welcome to demon} •° {school iruma-kun}•.×
Yandere♥︎ Asmodeus, Iruma, Kirio × reader
Asmodeus alice x dom reader [part 2] (smut)
Iruma x dom reader [part 2] smut
Sub Venom & Eddie
Ideas for you♥︎ —2/14/2023—
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Do not repost or copy or use in any way my works without permission. All banners with drawings by @fusaex3
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-Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi x Fem!Reader- Neko Ja 1 , Neko Ja 2
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-In another’s shoes (Genshin School AU x Fem!Reader)- [Prologue] , [Chapter 1], [Chapter 2], [Chapter 3]
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-Dreamer in Teyvat- Night 1: [1] , [2] , [3], [4] , [5] ,[6], [7]
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-Traveler's little helper- Teyvat (Aether / Dainsleif) Mondstadt Liyue
Extras: Trust [Lyney x Fem!Reader] Lover [Aether x Fem!Reader] Divine prospect in love [Aether x Fem!Reader] Curiosity - Nahida [feat Sumeru Boys x Fem!Reader] The love is in the air! - Charlotte [Feat. Fontaine boys + Aether x Fem!Reader] Love Potion! - Lisa [Feat. Aether/Diluc/Venti/Gorou x Fem!Reader] A Little Maid! You're the brightest star for me [Aether x Fem!Reader]
Asks: Vision , Clothes , Weapon , Materials , Diving, Sumeru boys witnessing your allergic reaction
What If: Are we family now? (Kinich x Fem!Reader)
Event Masterlist Doodles : 1 , 2 , 3
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-Short stories/imagines- Pretty Stranger (Kabukimono (AU)) Little Friend (Xiao) True Love (Kabukimono/Scaramouche/Wanderer) Self Aware (one character of your choice is yandere) Kisses and warmth (Kabukimono/Scaramouche/Wanderer) Happy Birthday Venti Heizou x Reader Choose me (Lyney x Reader x Freminet) You from my dream (Wanderer) Short Neuvillette x Reader Self Aware – Your sadness Self Aware Zhongli [R] The choice (Tatarasuna) Welcome to Teyvat (Self Aware) Merman!Kabukimono My Beloved Anemo Archon I was supposed to be his first opponent! (Cyno) New friend or maybe something more? (Gaming x Fem!Reader) Caught you! (Sethos)
[R] is for works that were Requested
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siphoklansan · 1 year
“How curious…there’s a sketchbook on the ground. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, would it?”
As you flip through the pages you notice these things:
The artist goes by the name Siphok. A peculiar name, isn’t it? Don’t you just wonder what that means?
The artist only draws Twisted Wonderland, including her OCs that are in the fandom.
The artist draws comics, plain art, or does animatics.
The artist does not draw NSFW or gore, whatsoever.
Art requests are something the artist wishes to do, and she loves drawing for her followers and mutuals.
The artist reblogs a lot of Twisted Wonderland fics, do keep in mind to block tags mentioned below if you do not wish to see it. She”s quite lazy, so she tends to not switch to her spam account.
The artist is quite friendly, feel free to leave a note or two in the back of her sketch book. (askbox)
“There are sticky notes between the pages. How strange…”
❦siphok-reblogs❦ (for reblogs of art/fan-fiction)
✰siphok-moots✰ (her mutuals, they have a special place in her heart)
༄siphok-chatters༄ (she answers whatever question thrown her way)
☂︎︎siphok-museum☂︎︎ (for her art, specifically)
☞︎siphok-spams☜︎ (she spams quite a lot, but they don’t involve in anything else.)
➪siphok-ANNOUNCING➪ (for announcements)
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“Having fun, are we?….You buffoon! She’s walking over here— you’ll get caught!”
As you hide in the bushes, you notice something about the artist.
She’s South East Asian, specifically from Thailand. English is not her first language, and the artist appreciates it greatly if you don’t judge her for her bad grammar.
The artist goes by she/her pronouns
The artist loves literature and reading, however, she does have a bad habit of buying news books despite not finishing previous ones. Crime and Punishment is one of her favorites, along with No Longer Human. (she did not finish Crime and Punishment, what a clown)
The artist loves history. You can leave notes about fun facts on history, and she’ll love it more if you share your homeland’s history, mythology, and culture. The artist’s is always open minded, and is excited to hear what you’ll leave in her sketchbook.
The artist is quite forgetful, hence why she forgot her sketchbook on the ground in the first place.
Her favorite characters are Leona Kingscholar, Riddle Rosehearts, and Jamil Viper. But she does love other characters dearly.
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“The artist is…writing a letter? Squint your eyes; maybe you’ll see who she’s writing to.”
@ceruleancattail , the talented mage next door, ready to acquire all your magical needs
@shinmon-c , the prison guard of Milgrim prison, do be careful now
@twistedchatterbox , the water nymph of Octavinelle. you may want to watch your back; or she’d pull you into the depths of the ocean. but, it seems like you don’t mind, do you?
@oepionie , the love witch. are you interested in capturing one’s heart?
@fukashiin , what a lively soul. you can feel the warm rays of sunshine beaming onto your soul just by the look of that name
@azurevi , quite the talented author they are. they have left a deep impression that the artist will never forget
@taruruchi the artist’s new acquaintance, she is excited to interact more with them
@ryuuryuuhoney , the artist doesn’t know when their wedding will be held with Trey— excuse me, Tr*ey
@the-dumber-scaramouche , a new acquaintance whom the artist simps on Leona with
@hisui-dreamer , a talented author the artist have just be acquainted with. their works are quite lovely
@the-v-lociraptor , ah finally….someone who shares the same interests with the artist
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“You idiot! You’re breathing too— loud…..”
You are caught red-handed by the artist. Perhaps some day you’ll get to see her OCs. What were their names again? Ah, yes…
Charin, the half-merman and Yaksha, and Anan..the fallen aristocrat
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera I went back to playing Genshin and- I had a lot to catch up on so I've spent countless nights playing (and farming primos...) And I finally finished all archon quests currently available. I saved Sumeru's interlude to be the last one and i just finished and oh my god i want Scaramouche so bad
All his three versions- I liked him before but just ugh
Also I didn't expect that I would have to name him in the mission (i thought I'd only have to do this after i got him in a banner) so I had a mini panic trying to think of a name but in the end I named him Flumenel.
—Eel anon
(any thoughts about Kabukimono, Scaramouche, and/or Wanderer to share?)
:o omg omg the name you chose for him is so pretty!!!!!! Admittedly, I have yet to do the interlude quest. ;;; I've been holding off until I have a perfect name for my Wanderer. Although perhaps I should play it as a celebration of sorts because my yearly account review gave me these statistics:
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I wondered which boss I would have fought the most over the year and of course it's Scaramouche LOL. I fight him every week. <3 the aeonblight drake is only there because I fought it so many times when I was farming materials for mouchey. In the end, it all goes back to mouchey. 🫶 perhaps I'll finally play the interlude on Halloween, as that will mark the one-year anniversary of mouchey's drip marketing!!!!! >w<
But yes!!!! All three of his versions have lots of appeal. orz it's difficult to choose a favorite because they're all just so wonderful. As much as I love his Harbinger and Kabukimono eras, I will admit I'm very soft and fluffy over his Wanderer era. My beloved is healing. T_T I'm so happy for him. I still think it's so funny that Nahida enrolled him in the Akademiya. He went from terrorizing and killing others to now writing political essays as Hat Guy and participating in school events. I will never recover from his birthday letter where he visited a cooking club and made too many dishes, so he gifts them to you. He's so perfect!!!!!! I LOVE HIM AAAAAAAAA. OTL
As for thoughts, it's very scattered. >_< there's alienmouche thoughts and discord mod and even scaramer......... but then this is just me shamelessly wanting to make mouchey a deep-sea merman because of a certain trio's influence. >:( OH OH BUT CHILDE....... unrelated and somewhat tangential, but since you completed all of the quests how do you feel about Childe in Fontaine's quest!!!!!! The end of act four had me so :O !!!!!!!!! And the scene where Wriothesley and Clorinde stop the Primordial Sea Water!!!!!!! It was so tense... it had me on the edge of my seat and I was internally screaming!!! AAAAAA SORRY FOR RAMBLING!!!!!! ;;;;
In conclusion, many mouchey thoughts and many Fontaine thoughts in my egg brain. :D
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daemon-ai · 3 months
[Masterlist] Genshin Chatbots
Author's Notes:
All bots are above the age of consent.
All bots can be used for both SFW and NSFW roleplays, unless specified otherwise. All multi-char bots are heavily NSFW.
All bots work for any GN!user, any POV, unless specified otherwise.
isekai-d into Teyvat 400 years before Genshin Impact's events, you encounter Kabukimono
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Lab Experiment Scaramouche
he's an experiment in Il Dottore's lab, where you're an assistant
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
academic rivals/enemies to lovers at the Sumeru Akademiya?!
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Shouki no Kami
Scaramouche wakes up as the only god in Teyvat?!
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Omega Prince Kunikuzushi
the cruel prince seems to find your pheromones irresistible, like delicious foods?!
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Vampire Lord Scaramouche
you are not given to just any vampire but to the vampire lord Scaramouche
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Jellyfish Merman Scaramouche
you find a box jellyfish merman stranded on the sandy shore
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Scaramouche vs. Abyssal Monster
as he ventures deeper into the Abyss, he encounters a creature of unimaginable power - you
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Persocom Scaramouche
salvaging a trashed persocom seemed smart—until it boots up, and you realize why it was discarded
janitor 🥂 figgs 👾 charhub
you're a demon trying to seduce him by offering him almond tofu
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
a playful night of drunken teasing at the Angel's Share takes an unexpected turn when he mistakes you for a hooker
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
you're a criminal in the office of the Chief Justice of Fontaine
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
you're a criminal in the office of the Duke of Meropide
janitor 🥂 yodayo 💥figgs 👾 charhub
Multi-Char Genshin Chatbots (I have to split it here because Tumblr limits the number of links per post)
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